Student School Policies
Student School Policies
Student School Policies
1. A student is considered tardy if s/he enters the classroom without a valid pass
within the first five minutes (10 minutes for first hour) after class has begun. An
unexcused absence is recorded after this period of time.
2. A student coming into the building after the beginning of first hour must sign in
at the Main Office. Signing into the office does not excuse the tardy and a parent
phone call, note or sign-in is still required.
3. Multiple tardies per class result in the following school disciplinary actions:
0-3 Tardies Teacher Warning/Teacher Assigned Consequence
4-6 Tardies 1 Hour Detention, Administrative Meeting, Parent Contact
7-9 Tardies Career and Employability Skills Training after school
10+ Tardies In School Suspension
Electronic devices may be used before and after school, during passing time, and
during a students lunch period. Electronic devices may be used during
instructional/class time at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
Any cell phone causing a disruption during instructional/class time will be
confiscated and sent to the main office. Disruption can include phone ringing,
beeping, vibrating, texting, etc. Electronic devices brought to school can be subject
to a reasonable search.
Cameras/video, including cell phone cameras/video, shall not be used without
specific prior consent from a building administrator. At no time may cameras/video
be used in locker rooms and bathrooms. Laser pens and pointers are absolutely
forbidden at all times.
Students violating this policy will have the items confiscated and may face
progressive discipline. Discipline will be as follows:
1st offense Pick up at the end of the next school day or parent pick up; one
after-school detention
2nd offense Pick up at the end of the next school day or parent pick up; two
after-school detention