Sound Quality CH 21.4 8th

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Chapter 21 Section 4

 Explain why different instruments have

different sound qualities

 Describe how each family of musical

instruments produces sound

 Explain how noise is different from music

 Consider a note played on a piano and on a
violin…do they sound the same??

 Same frequency

 A single note actually comes from several

different pitches
◦ Fundamental
◦ Overtones
 The result of several pitches mixing
together through interference

 Each instrument has a unique sound quality
 Due to structural differences

 All instruments produce sound by vibrating

– variation comes from the way they vibrate

 3 main families of instruments:

◦ String
◦ Wind
◦ Percussion
 Violins, banjos, guitars, cello

 Plucked or bowed

 Differing thickness, pitch of strings,

vibration from the bow, bridge, body of the
instrument, use of amplifiers
 A vibration is created at one end of the air
column (standing waves in the air column)

 Pitch is changed by changing the length of

the air column

 2 groups:
◦ Woodwinds (saxophones, oboes, recorders)
◦ Brass (French horns, trombones, tubas)
 Make a sound when they are struck

 Drums, bells, cymbals

 Different sizes, different pitches

 Skins on drums vibrate when struck with

 Noise: any sound that is a random mix of
frequencies (or pitches)

 An oscilloscope shows the difference

between a musical sound and a noise

 Noise (no regular pattern)

 Music (regular pattern)

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