3: Musical instruments
In Western music, the orchestra is the oldest and more complex
ensemble. The instruments of the orchestra are divided into 4
a) String section ( They can be
divided according to the technique to make the strings vibrate:
1. Bowed string instruments are played by a bow rubbing
the strings (violin, viola, cello and double bass)
2. Plucked string instruments are played by plucking the
strings with a plectrum or with the fingers (guitar, harp)
3. Struck string instruments have their strings struck with a
hammer (piano)
b) Woodwind section ( Depending
on the mouthpiece they can be divided in:
1. Reedless or edge instruments: The air vibrates when it is
directed against the edge of a hole. All the holes are
covered by keys, or by your fingers (flute, recorder)
2. Single reed instruments: The air vibrates because of the
vibration of a reed against the mouthpiece (clarinet,
3. Double reed instruments: The vibration of two reeds
makes the air vibrate (oboe, bassoon)
c) Brass section ( All these
instruments are made of brass (cornet, trumpet, French horn,
trombone, tuba). They have a metallic cup-shaped
mouthpiece; lips vibrate against it. They also have in common
the bell at the other end, with a similar shape. These are ways
to get the different pitches, as a combination of:
1. The tension of the lips (the tenser, the higher)
2. Making the column of air shorter or longer:
i. Slides: a tube slides inside the other (trombone)
ii. Valves: they connect different sections of the tube
Brass instruments are very loud. Mutes are used to make
them softer. They are like covers for the bell, made of metal or
d) Percussion section ( You have to
strike, shake, rub or clash it. They can be classified by their
tuned or untuned quality:
1. Pitched percussion instruments: They produce different
pitches, so you can play tuned melodies (glockenspiel,
xylophone or marimba, vibraphone, celesta, tubular bells,
timpani or kettledrums)
2. Unpitched percussion instruments: They can’t play tuned
melodies (woodblock, claves, maracas, güiro, castanets,
gong, triangle, cymbals, sleigh bells, cowbell, agogo,
snare drum, bass drum, bongos)
There are many other instruments which do not fit inside the
traditional classification because they are not common in the
orchestra. The universal classification considers the element that
produces the vibration:
- Idiophones: The body of the instrument itself (claves, bells,
rattles, cymbals, xylophones, washboard, glass-harmónica, …)
- Membranophones: A membrane or skin (any kind of drums,
kazoo, zambomba, …)
- Chordophones: One or more strings (violin, guitar, piano, hurdy-
gurdy, lute, …)
- Aerophones: An air column (trumpet, clarinet, organ, bagpipes,
harmonica, accordion, …)
- Electrophones: The sound is produced by an electric current
(electric organ, synthesizer, theremin, …)
· Orchestra layout:
· Traditional classification: