Tor Lowry Kicking Notes

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(20 +10) 2= 25 (60+ 16) 2= 38 Morerunning english dr eubtract or 2 ‘nen checking the object ball. eee Ting, cheek against where the ‘cue-ball wiht heal NOT pala tele {tho actual pumberdiamond, {he cueball is trom ‘the all- UNLESS Just s2ing zr0 (pocket ° 1 420 «30 «40 60600 % ~70 «60 80 4000 100" 5) /2+52.5 (505) 20275, ‘Must shot slow speed, give balltime to widen to pet. Kicking trom end ‘0B location by 2! ‘o Kicking trom ondraitaivite (08 lection by 2! © 619 «20 «30 40608] ‘etna tomato penta cone mmr 2H le 2) (20-10) /2=10 (40-5) /2= 175, ‘Kicking past the pocket, No modification totarget ‘numbers bein but you umberhere, just, ‘suntractadivideby 2. ‘subtract & divide by 2 a0 60a) ao eo (Sao coo eo easing pst ne rpc naa att ‘ching pst eps tone ron thet seo ble une (70-12)2628, asso ss 60s 70758 “he numbering by 1's when ry cn araide of be hos ssthecueba gts true even onend ai st further vay ee ‘se 100120)40 from od ‘very 2 amends a7 10/2 Suna ho ‘9 Mathotanessneethe sume nama CONTI ett on et ii aca G0 as ea an 90 ae a0) ekegpantn roca tears pyran ee: uae a ett be

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