50 Variants of Chess

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The document discusses 50 variants of chess and their rules.

The chief aim of the book is to stimulate the enjoyment of chess by introducing readers to new variants.

In Lambeth Conference chess, bishops can move diagonally or bounce off the edge of the board at a 90 degree angle.


50 variants on the game of chess

Adrey Calj

Chess Variants Contents

One by one.


Stimulate your brain and enjoy each variant.


The basis of everything. For all those who want to learn the
rules or check something.


1. Alice Chess
Chess on two boards. The men are moved from one board
to the other.


2. Amazon Chess
The queen gets an extra possibility. She can also jump like
a knight.


3. Arnhem Chess
Chess on a board of 6 by 7 with a bridge.


4. Atomic Chess
If a man is captured, the men on the adjoining squares
also disappear.


5. Avalanche Chess
First you move one of your own men, then one of your
opponents pawns.


6. Backward Pawns
The pawns may also move and capture backwards.


7. Balanced Swap
A move consists of a normal move as well as a swap.


8. Berolina Chess
The pawns move diagonally and capture vertically.


9. Canadian Chess
Captured men return to the board.


10. Checker-Capture Chess

Capturing is done according to checkers rules.


Chess Variants Contents

11. Checkless Chess

Giving check is prohibited.


12. Courier Chess

Chess on a board of 12 by 8 with three extra pieces.


13. Cylinder Chess

The edges of the board are connected with each other,
creating a cylinder.


14. Diana
Chess on a 6 by 6 board.


15. Dice Chess

A die roll determines with which man a move is made.


16. Extinction Chess

Try to capture all your opponents men of the same type.


17. Fischer Random Chess

The pieces on the first rank are placed in a random order.


18. Forwards Chess

The men cannot move backwards.


19. Free Placement Chess

First place your men on advantageous squares and then
play chess.


20. Hostage Chess

You can bring captured men back into the game by
offering something in return.


21. ILANZ Chess

Chess on a small board.


22. Imitator Chess

A coin slides along with the moves, making it much more
difficult to move.


23. Inequality Chess

A man can only capture another man on a square of the
same colour.


24. Janus Chess

Chess on an adapted board of 8 by 10, with Janus as an
extra piece.


25. Kamikaze Chess

Capturing men also disappear from the board.


Chess Variants Contents

26. Knight Relay Chess

The knights confer a special power to other pieces: the
ability to also jump as a knight.


27. Lambeth Conference

The edges of the board turn the bishops into billiard balls.


28. Legans Chess

Turn the board 45 degrees and play chess from the point
of the board.


29. Los Alamos Chess

Chess on a board of 6 by 6 squares.


30. Losing Chess

Get rid of all your men as quickly as possible.


31. Magnetic Chess

Chessmen of the same colour repel each other. Men of
different colours attract each other.


32. Marseillais Chess

Both players make two moves on each turn. White starts
with one move.


33. Nuclear Knights

If you capture a man with a knight, you may capture
another man with the same knight.


34. Patrol Chess

You can only capture with a man if it is protected.


35. Pawn Zwang Chess

A knight move must always be followed by a pawn move.


36. Progressive Chess

The number of moves increases on each turn, from one to


37. Querquisite
The way a man moves is determined by the file on which
it stands.


38. Racing Kings

Bring the king to the other side as quickly as possible.


39. Rifle Chess

Shoot your opponents men off the board. The shooter
remains on the board.


Chess Variants Contents

40. Rotation Chess (1)

After every 10 moves, the players turn the board around
and then play on with the position of the opponent.


41. Shade Chess

Undefended men may be removed from the board.


42. Shrink Chess

The board gets smaller and smaller.


43. Stratego Chess

The chess pieces get ranks. The king is the flag.


44. Swamp Chess

In the middle of the board there is a swamp of 2 by 2
squares. Chessmen can disappear into this swamp.


45. Tandem Chess (1)

Chess with four players. You pass the men you have
captured on to your teammate.


46. Task Chess

Both players draw a card with a task. The player who gives
checkmate or fulfils his task, wins.


47. Three-Handed Chess

Different ways to play chess with three players.


48. Triplets
On every turn a pawn, a piece and the king are moved.


49. Ultima
Each man moves and captures in a special way. One rook
moves on its head.


50. Zebra Crossing Chess

Move to a square of a different colour than where you
came from.


A list of tasks for Task Chess.




Chess Variants Preface

Stimulate your brain and enjoy each variant.
When you hear the term chess variants, you may think we are talking
about opening variations. In this book we present something entirely
different. Perhaps a better term would be Fairy Chess, but that sounds
a little dreamy. By the way, there was a Dutch Fairy Chess
Championship held a few years ago. In 2013 this was followed by the
Dutch Freestyle Chess Championship.
In this book, with chess variants we mean variations on the normal
chess game. The pieces may be different, as in Amazon Chess. The
way the men move may be different, as in Ultima. Or the board may
have a different shape, as in the various forms of Three-Handed
Chess. And sometimes it is a combination of all three, as in Arnhem
Most of the chess variants in this book you can play immediately,
without having to change the shape of the board. Sometimes you
need an extra attribute, like a coin in Imitator Chess, or a swamp (a
piece of paper of 2 by 2 squares size) in Swamp Chess.
My first aim with this book is to create a reference work for players
who like to play a variant from time to time, but do not know the
various rules. The book may also serve as a manual for chess clubs
who want to organize a tournament featuring, for instance, five
rounds with different variants.
A secondary aim is that a reader can wrack his brains on a variant like
Legans Chess, setting aside his normal chess thinking and entering a
completely new world.
A third aim is to offer help to chess trainers who want to make youth
players think about the way the pieces move by showing them, for
example, a variant like Lambeth Conference.

Chess Variants Preface

But my chief aim is to stimulate the enjoyment of chess. If a chess

player looks at a chess variant once in a while and plays it, he will also
realize how much fun orthodox chess is!

I would like to thank the people who have helped me with the
realization of this book:
Arjen Schuurman Hess, for his inspiration and the big stick.
Cissy Calj-Ong, my wife, source of inspiration, motivator and critical
Fong Li Calj and Ming Dao Calj, my children, for trying out and
discussing many variants.
Hugo Nieuwenhuis, an inspiration and a good friend.
Eduardo Comoglio, Argentinian artist, who turned my rough sketches
into beautiful drawings.
Aart Rietveld, Julius Grainger and Richard Brookes for their
corrections and suggestions.
The inventors of chess variants, such as Hans Bodlaender and Joo
Pedro Neto, and all others who have cooperated.
And all the chess players who have shared their experiences with me.

Voorburg, May 2013,

Adrey Calj

Chess Variants Introduction

How is this book organized?
First you will find a description of the orthodox chess game; for those
who do not yet know the rules, or who want to check something.
With this knowledge as the basis, you will then find the variants
arranged in alphabetical order.
With each variant, the starting position, movements, captures and
other characteristics are described.
A number of variants feature some explanatory remarks by the
inventors, chess players or trainers.
If you want to share your experiences with chess variants or comment
on the book, you can visit the books website at:


Chess Variants Lambeth Conference

Lambeth Conference
The edges of the board turn the bishops into billiard
Lambeth Conference refers to a decennial convocation of Anglican
bishops. In this variant, the bishops act like billiard balls when they
reach the edges of the board. There is also a variant called Billiards
Chess, where all the pieces bounce back from the edges, and a variant
where only the queens and bishops bounce back; this is called Dutch
Billiards Chess or Pocket Chess.

Starting position
The same as in orthodox chess.

Aim of the game

The same as in orthodox chess.

Chess Variants Lambeth Conference

If the bishops reach a rank or file at the edge of the board, they may
move on at a 90-degree angle. This applies to the sides as well as the
top and the bottom of the board. Thus, the bishop can go from f3 to
g6. Of course, this is not possible if one of your own or your
opponents men is standing in the way.
In this variant, all the other men behave normally and cannot rebound
from the edges.

Movement of the Lambeth

Conference bishop.

Also here the bishops can use the board edges.

Fragment of a game of Lambeth Conference

1. e4
2. f3
3. d4
4. xd4
5. xd4
6. xg7


Move 6. xg7

The bishop bounces back via h6. Black is in

trouble: xg7, xg7, and Black will lose a rook.

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