st3 Geography Bushfire Mitigation Final
st3 Geography Bushfire Mitigation Final
st3 Geography Bushfire Mitigation Final
Content focus
examine ways people influence the characteristics of places, including the management of
explore the impact bushfires have on Australian people, places and environments and propose
ways people can reduce the impact of bushfires in the future.
A student:
explains interactions and connections between people, places and environments GE3-2
compares and contrasts influences on the management of places and environments GE3-3
acquires, processes and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for
inquiry GE3-4
The geographical inquiry process will investigate a contemporary Australian bushfire event. Through
investigation of the case study, students will examine the location and extent of the bushfire, the impact
on vegetation, animals and people and the role of government agencies in bushfire management.
Shaped as a second inquiry, students will create a bushfire survival plan for an imaginary visit to a
bushfire-prone area.
Note: Be sensitive to the possibility that students, their family or friends, may have experienced bushfire
events, some with tragic consequences.
Many of the activities require students to demonstrate their learning. These activities can be used to
assess student progress at various stages throughout the inquiry process.
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Bushfire hazard
investigate the impact of
ONE contemporary bushfire
hazard in Australia, for
example: (ACHGK030)
identification of the
location and extent of
the disaster
description of the impact
of the disaster on natural
vegetation and the
damage caused to
examination of how
people can prevent and
minimise the effects of a
What are the natural features of the place that made it fire prone?
(e.g. vegetation, slope, aspect, weather)
What are the human features of the place that contributed to the
disaster? (e.g. settlement patterns, roads and services)
Did the local Aboriginal people use fire to manage the landscape
and for hunting?
What actions did people who live and work in the area take?
description of who
organises and manages
places eg local and state
identification of ways
people influence places
and contribute to
sustainability eg roads
and services, fire
management strategies
examination of how
HSIE K-6: Geography
Learning and Teaching Directorate
Use Google maps to locate the place. Locate a fire map of the
area to examine the extend and spread of the bushfire, e.g
search Winmalee fire map.
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people, including
Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Peoples,
have influenced each
countrys environmental
characteristics eg land
clearing, use of fire
geographical features.
Access climate maps and weather statistics for the place and
date of the disaster from the BOM Climate Summaries Archive.
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Students imagine they are planning a holiday or visit to a bushfireprone area during the January school holidays. They develop a
bushfire survival plan for their family.
Note: Do be sensitive to the possibility that students, their family or
friends may have experienced bush fire events, some with tragic
Acquiring geographical information
Set the scene by using a range of texts, such as The GeoSIX and
the Bushfire and/or Fire by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley.
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NSW Rural Fire Service, Bushfire Survival Plan
BOM, What to do in a bushfire (link to each state and territory)
Fire by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley
GeogSpace The GeoSIX and the Bushfire
Learning connections:
Science and Technology K6 Syllabus: Built environments (design a
low fire risk dwelling); Earth and Space (bush fire warning systems)
Literacy texts such as Fire by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley,
My Country by Dorothea Mackellar.
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Geographical concepts
Geographical tools
Acquiring geographical
develop geographical
questions to investigate and
plan an inquiry
(ACHGS033, ACHGS040)
collect and record relevant
geographical data and
information, using ethical
protocols, from primary data
and secondary information
sources, for example, by
observing, by interviewing,
conducting surveys, or
using maps, visual
representations, statistical
sources and reports, the
media or the internet
(ACHGS034, ACHGS041)
Processing geographical
observing, measuring,
collecting and recording
data, conducting surveys
and interviews
multiple graphs on a
geographical theme
Spatial technologies
Visual representations
photographs, aerial photographs,
illustrations, flow diagrams,
annotated diagrams, multimedia,
web tools.
Communicating geographical
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in a range of
communication forms as
appropriate (ACHGS038,
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