Changes Es1
Changes Es1
Changes Es1
Changes in our lives is a HSIE unit of work about history that develops early stage 1
students understanding of change over time and personal heritage.
HSIE Syllabus references:
Aboriginal Dreaming
Share Aboriginal Dreaming stories appropriate for Early Stage 1
including How the birds got their colours, by Mary Albert, Dunbi
the owl, by Pamela Lofts, The echidna and the shade tree, by
Mona Green and How the kangaroo got their tales, by George
Lirrmiyarr Mung Mung.
View the video How the kangaroo got her pouch - Aboriginal
Dreaming story.
A useful resource for Dreaming stories written for young students is
the Ashton Scholastic series edited by Pamela Lofts and written by
various Aboriginal storytellers. These books form part of an
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resource pack for teachers.
Seach various online video sites for Aboriginal Dreaming. Select
stories, told by Aboriginal story custodians, that are suitable for use
with Early Stage 1 students.
Read the stories, listen to and view the stories, anticipating what
will happen next.
Explain the significance of these stories to the heritage and
culture of the Aboriginal people to which they belong. Refer to the
explanation included in the Teachers handbook in the Big mob
books for little fullas (BOS) alternatively refer to Why the stories
are told by Aunty Beryl and Why the stories are told.
Inform students that we have relationships with people we know. We
have connections with them. We are connected to lots of people in
different ways.
Record connections under three categories:
- family (mother, father, brother, aunty, step family, foster mum)
- friends (same age, same sport, same interests/hobbies/likes,
same school)
- people who help me (teacher, doctor, shop keeper, mail
deliverer, neighbour, coach, police officer).
Complete a worksheet or activity categorising one family member,
one friend and one non related person. Identify each person who
Evidence of achievement
Describes events or retells
stories that demonstrate their
own heritage and the heritage of
reflects on the changes
described in Aboriginal
Dreaming stories
expresses some
understanding of the
significance of Dreaming
Describes events or retells
stories that demonstrate their
own heritage and the heritage of
describes changes in their life
and in their family
reflects on the people who
are important in their lives,
now and in the past
Identifies ways in which their
own needs and the needs of
others are met, individually and
identifies people who meet
their needs
categorises and explains
how identified people care
for them.
Evidence of achievement
Family heritage
Use a literary text that shows childrens lives in another time.
Identify the changes between the text and students own lives.
- clothing
- environment, style/height of buildings, gardens, parks
- modes of transport
- food
- games being played
- family members.
Discuss the similarities and differences. Compile a word bank
from the discussion.
Students complete a worksheet with drawings labelled from the
word bank, showing Then and Now.
Evidence of achievement
Describes events or retells
stories that demonstrate their
own heritage and the heritage of
listens to and talks about
stories about families
identifies different cultural
heritage in families
describes different families
and family members
identifies important people in
their lives and in the lives of
talks about then and now.
Describes events or retells
stories that demonstrate their
own heritage and the heritage of
identifies changes to people
and places over time
describes changes over time
to people and places
decides if changes are
positive, negative or
decides if the changes are
slow or quick.
Evidence of achievement
Me and my family
Describes events or retells
stories that demonstrate their
own heritage and the heritage of
engages with stories about
other eras
reflects on the lives of older
people and the changes in
peoples lives
talks about a family artefact
sequences some images into
chronological order
communicates information
about change.