Final Assignment
Final Assignment
Final Assignment
In A1, you were given a scenario to carry out the database design process for VAPAs commercial airline
services. You would begin the design process by analyzing the scenario and establishing the data
requirements including specifying the functional requirements. The latter is to understand the user-defined
operations that would be applied to the database such as the updates and retrievals of the flight data in the
Following the collation of the requirements, you would carry out the conceptual design to create a conceptual
schema for the database. You would create your ERD to represent the conceptual design. Then we have two
final design phases to allow the process of moving from an abstract data model to the implementation of the
After the conceptual design, we have the logical-design phase to map the high-level conceptual schema onto
the implementation data model of the database system that is to be used. The last step is the physical design
phase, during which the internal storage structures, file organizations, access paths and physical design
parameters for the database files are specified.
In the logical design, the implementation data model is typically the relational (SQL) model, and this step
basically consists of mapping the conceptual schema defined using the entity-relationship model into a
relation schema. In our case, we will carry out this next step of database design of the actual implementation
of the database using MySql.
You will need to use the ERD solution for A1 available on Moodle under the A1 solution link as the
basis for your database implementation, while following any other specifications given in Assignment 2
to build on A1. Hence, constraints/requirements given in the scenario in A1 will need to be observed in your
database implementation and when populating it, such as in relation to data formats, calculations etc.
Your implementation must capture all the requirements of the solution ERD and assuming that it will
eventually be deployed into production, you may need to consider additional factors while mapping the ERD
to your database implementation.
You will work with MySql and write a variety of queries in relation to the Data Definition Language (DDL) and
the Data Manipulation Language (DML) in this assignment. You can use your student MySql database to test
your work.
a. When you run your script, all the tables should be created with their constraints as given in the
b. For the date fields, do not include the time with the date. All times in a day in the database need to
be stored in the 24-hour format: 'HH:MM:SS' using the Time data type. Here, HH represents the
hours, MM the minutes and SS the seconds. For instance, '22:30:05' would mean 10:30PM with 5
seconds elapsed.
c. Add comments to indicate which SQL statements correspond to which tables using --.
d. Attribute/entity names should be similar if not exactly the same as in the ERD. You can also add
any additional useful attributes to the given tables and would not necessarily need to remove any
existing ones. Consider any such changes that you introduce carefully.
e. You may add any additional entities that you feel are necessary in the database in accordance
with the scenario in A1. However, you should not remove the required relationships and entities
from the given ERD in your solution. Consider any such changes that you introduce carefully.
f. The basic structure in the given ERD must be captured in your implementation in Part A. Any
significant changes, such as additions of extra attributes or entities, or any others in (d)
and (e) above, must be clearly and very briefly explained with comments in the script where the
relevant SQL statement is.
g. Avoid commands to ignore any particular constraint checks when creating your tables.
h. You need the SQL statements to create the tables here. You should be able to create your
constraints within the statements to create the tables as well. Any other types of statements may
not be needed.
i. Test out your script in the MySQL shell. When it runs, it is expected to create all the tables with all
their required constraints without any errors. Avoid syntax errors.
2. Create another text file in Notepad called SXXXXXXXX_A2_InsertData.sql. The Xs represent your
student ID. In this file, you will write all your SQL statements to populate the tables created in the first
step with data. This script will only be executed after the first script above. Note the following:
a. The data to be inserted in each table is entirely up to you, but should be realistic and pertinent to
the scenario. You could use your data from A1. Add only 10 records per table and follow any
constraints given in the scenario in A1. Again, do not use the sample data on page 2 of the A1
b. Also add comments/remarks to indicate which statements correspond to which tables using --.
c. Avoid any code that ignores any particular constraint checks when inserting data.
d. Test out your script to see if it works without errors (syntax or other).
Part B Queries
Follow the instructions given below and create a text file called SXXXXXXXX_A2_Queries.txt. Write in this
file, all the queries below based strictly on the given ERD.
a. Add comments to indicate the query you are writing, eg. Query 1, Query 2, etc. If the query is
ambiguous, you may not get any credit for that query.
b. Make sure your queries have no syntax errors. Avoid any gratuitous elements in your queries where
possible.Test them out.
c. Each query is to generate results based on the requirements given below:
i. Query 1: Write a query to display all the details of each booking class without listing each attribute
in the query. The results should be sorted in descending order of the flight cost factor.
ii. Query 2: Write a query to display each passengers full name (eg. Tom Hanks) aliased as Name,
phone number (using the format example: 1-800-4079814, where 1 is the country code, 800 is the
area code and the rest of the digits make up the rest of the phone number), including the email of
all passengers who have actually purchased less than 10 tickets at VAPA. Indicate the total
number of tickets purchased as well, aliased as Total_Tickets, and sort the results in ascending
order of it. Alias the phone number as Phone. Passengers who have not purchased any tickets at
all are not required in the result.
iii. Query 3: List the total number of flights associated with the booking class that is the Business
Class. Alias this as TotalBusinessFlights.
iv. Query 4: List all the aircrafts that are not allowed to land at the airport with the code, LAX. Just list
the aircraft serial number, model number and number of seats. Note that each airport allows at
least one aircraft type to land in it and that the database would already have records to reflect this.
Sort the results with an explicit ascending order clause on the number of seats.
v. Query 5: List the full name (eg. Tom H. Henry) aliased as Name and country of all the pilots that
have flown the aircrafts made by the following manufacturing companies: Bach Aircraft, Malmo
and TBM. Sort the results in the ascending order of the full names of the pilots.
vi. Query 6: For each flight, list its flight number, departing airport (eg. London Heathrow Airport) and
the airports country (eg. UK). List also the flights departure date in the format: 02/04/2010, which
represents 2nd April, 2010. Order the results in descending order of the departing airports country
For this query, assume that the attribute Ap_code in the flight entity represents only the departing
airport code for a flight.
vii. Query 7: List the total number of aircrafts each passenger has travelled in. List the passengers title,
full name and country as well. The total number of aircrafts and full name should be aliased as
TotalAircrafts and Name, respectively. Sort the results in ascending order of the passengers full
viii. Query 8: Write a query to display for each booking, the booking ID, the corresponding flight number,
the corresponding passengers full name aliased as Name, the corresponding flights departure
date and time combined using the format example: Jan 4, 2016 - 8.30 AM. Also include the flights
combined arrival date and arrival time in the same format as the departure details.
For these combined time details, if either the date or time is null, show a null value for the
combined result. Alias the combined time details as DepartureTime and ArrivalTime for the
departure and arrival time details, respectively.
Finally, include the flight duration (aliased as Duration) in the format: 1 day(s), 3 hr(s) and 7 min(s).
For this query, assume that some flights may be longer in duration due to stoppages/transits etc.
Hence, the duration tracking by days is included as well. The duration is simply the difference
between the ArrivalTime and DepartureTime described earlier, and each day will be considered to
be 24 hours. The duration should be nullified if any of the values being combined in the duration
are null.
All results are to be sorted in the ascending order of the passengers full name.
You will need to see the MySql reference for the various date/time functions to use.
ix. Query 9: Write a query to update the pilot salary to double its current figure for all pilots whose
current salary is less than or the same as $25,000. The same update should also happen to all
pilots that are based in the state of Arizona with a zip code of 85003 in USA (use this abbreviation
and not its full form in the query). Only one query is required for this question.
x. Query 10: Write a query to remove all bookings that have not yet been paid for.