Design Project
Design Project
Design Project
This project is deliberately made quite open-ended. It consists of the following three parts.
1. Choose a domain with which you are familiar - other than one of the domains used for
examples in the book (university) or lectures (a library). (See discussion on Choosing an
Appropriate Domain below.) Identify a set of requirements for a system that is appropriate
for this domain. (If you wish, you may choose an appropriate subset of a larger domain.)
2. Develop an E-R diagram for a database that models this domain (or the chosen subset).
3. Turn your E-R diagram into a normalized relational database design for the (subset of the)
domain - i.e. a set of tables, each with appropriate attributes, a primary key, and appropriate
foreign keys. The database should be based on the E-R diagram, but one-to-one and one-tomany relationships may be implemented by appropriate attributes in the one entity, rather
than as separate tables. Your relational database must be 4NF. Then implement your design
as follows.
a. Create a file of SQL create statements. This should include not only creation of tables, but also
(as appropriate) creation of named constraints, triggers, and/or views.
b. Create your database under your username as a schema in the design database on the server (i.e.
you wont actually create the database itself, just the tables, etc. within a schema in it.) If you
are using a copy of db2 on your own computer, you will need to issue the following command
(just once) to specify that the database design is found on the server, not your own machine.
catalog database design at node csserver
c. Populate your database with sample data to allow testing of the schema and the various
transactions. Each table should have a minimum of five rows
d. Create SQL select/insert/update/delete statements that correspond to your initial requirements.
e. Thoroughly test your queries and your constraints using your sample data. Among other things,
this means ensuring that your constraints correctly catch various kinds of invalid
insert/update/delete operations, while allowing legitimate ones. Be sure to test using both
good and bad data. Note that the comprehensiveness of your test data will be a factor in the
grading of this part of the project.
Turn in:
Your project will be turned in in three parts. You may wish to modify your approach/design for
subsequent parts based on feedback from each part. (You do not need to redo the prior part
unless you totally change the project.) The project grade will be assigned when the final part is
turned in, but will consider earlier parts as well, though the most significant factor in the grading
will be Part III.
On the due date for each of the parts, you will present your work orally to your classmates. For
the first part, we will also spend some time as a class discussing the next part of the project - e.g.
what might be appropriate entities and relationships for modeling this domain. (We may also
have brief class discussion on the second part, though not as extensively as on the first part.)
To facilitate oral presentation and discussion, you will need to prepare appropriate material for
projection or handouts.
Specific Requirements for the Various Parts
Part I - Requirements
A description of the problem domain (written using terminology that a user of the system
would use, not technical database terminology.
A statement of requirements. This should take the form of an overall use case diagram, with
explanation in requirements language as needed. (See example systems from CPS122).
Part II - E-R Diagram
An ER diagram for your database, including attributes for entities and relationships.
Part III - Relational Database Design, Implementation, and Sample Data
A list of the functional and multivalued dependencies for your scheme.
A schema diagram for your database, with primary and foreign keys specified appropriately.
A printout of a file containing your SQL create statements that create the database.
The SQL statements corresponding to each of your requirements. (If your requirements call
for more than a dozen or so statements, you can do a subset). Your SQL statements should
require a variety of SQL capabilities, such as various kinds of join, aggregate functions, etc.
(This presupposes a good initial domain choice.)
Documentation of testing
You must exercise each of your SQL statements. Your testing should be related to your
original requirements - that is, you should include tests that address each of the original
requirements (or a subset if there are many).
You must also exercise each of your triggers.
You must also exercise each of your constraints, being sure it correctly catches errors
while allowing legitimate data. (Note: you do not need to test not null constraints.)
You must turn in printouts of the results of these tests indicating that the SQL statements
for your requirements worked correctly and that your constraints correctly allowed good
data and caught bad data. Your printouts must include comments (handwritten or
entered as SQL comments in a test file) that indicate what each test is testing - i.e. a
specific requirement (if "good" data) or a specific problem you were catching (if
testing a constraint on "bad" data).
An Example:
(Note: this example is much simpler than what you would do for the actual project - its only
meant to illustrate what the various pieces of the project need to include.)
Part I
Suppose you chose a subset of the domain of university organization, as used for examples in the book.
(As noted above, you cant actually choose this domain.) Section 1.6.2 on pages 16-17 of the Database
System Concepts book describes this system; you would also need to spell out the requirements, perhaps
by using a use case diagram like the one below. (Many possible cases are omitted, including those
involved in managing departments, buildings, and classroom space, as well as managing the college
catalog and historical information; this diagram is for illustration purposes only.) Since the nature of
each requirement is clear from the use case name, no further specification is needed. Something that
looks like section 1.6.2 in the book plus the use case diagram below is what you would turn in for Part I
of the project.
Add student
Delete student
Add Section
Delete Section
Enroll student
Drop student
Assign grade
Add faculty
Delete faculty
Set faculty
Part II
Your design might be based on an E-R diagram like figure 7.15 on page 282 of the Database
System Concepts book. Something that looks like figure 7.15 in the book is what you would turn
in for Part II of the project.
Part III
The following FD's and MVD's hold on the E-R diagram. (The names of ID attributes have been
changed to explicitly indicate the table to which they belong)
b. A database schema based on these dependencies might look like figure 2.8 on page 47 of the
Database System Concepts book. No tables are needed corresponding to the relationships
course_dept, inst_dept, stud_dept, sec_class, sec_time_slot in the E-R diagram - these
relationships are folded into the course, instructor, student and section tables because each
relationship is one-to-many with total participation required. There is no table corresponding to
sec_course because section is a weak entity dependent on course, so its primary key is needed
in the table for section.
c. This database could be created with SQL statements like those in Figure 4.8 on page 132 of the
Database System Concepts book (though more are needed to create the complete schema).
Notice how appropriate primary
Triggers might be used as shown in Figures 5.8 (page 182) and 5.9 (page 183).
DB2 automatically creates indexes for each primary key (but on some systems it might be
necessary to explicitly do so.) However, it might be desirable to create an index on name for student
if we expect to frequently have to do name lookups.
A view could be created to allow each student to look at his/her course enrollments.
This example does not include SQL for all requirements - but just to illustrate the point:
- For the requirement "Add student":
insert into student values(student_id, name, dept_name, 0)
e. This example does not include test data for all requirements and constraint - but just to illustrate
the point, the following would test the primary key and foreign key constraints on student
(assuming that the CS department was already created).
insert into student (student_id, name, dept_name, tot_cred)
values (12345, 'Anthony Aardvark', 'CS', 0);
insert into student (student_id, name, dept_name, tot_cred)
values (12345, 'Zelda Zebra', 'CS', 0); (fails PK)
insert into student (student_id, name, dept_name, tot_cred)
values (98765, 'No such', 'ZZ', 0);
(fails FK)
Documentation for this test would consist of a screen shot or "cut-and-paste" command line
output showing DB2 accepting the first insert and giving an error message for each of the two
invalid inserts, with suitable comments.
The trigger shown in figure 5.9 could be tested by the following SQL statement (assuming the
appropriate student and section already exist):
update takes
set grade = 'A'
where student_id = 12345 and course_id = 'CPS352' and sec_id = 'GS'
and semester = 'SP' and year = '2010';
this would result in an increase of 4 in the tot_cred attribute for student 12345. Documentation
for this test would consist of a screen shot showing two select statements, with the update
statement between them.
Something that looks like all of the above is what you would turn in for Part III of the project.
Choosing an Appropriate Domain
The domain (or subset of a domain) that you choose for your project should have the following
1. Size. An appropriately sized domain will result in a database having about a dozen tables
(more or less).
2. The entities comprising your domain should be interrelated.
3. Your schema should include some attributes that make it possible to include some
transactions that involve aggregate functions. (For example, the schema developed above
would allow for queries to calculate the enrollment in each section, or the average enrollment
in courses for a given department, or the total courses being taught by each instructor, etc.),
and should also make interesting constraints and triggers possible.
Important: look over the requirements for Part III when choosing a domain, to ensure it
will allow you to do a good job on the final part!