Intel Education Theft Deterrent Client Windows

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Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client

User Manual
December 2014

Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

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Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Document Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Terminology ............................................................................................................................... 5
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 5
Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Reference Document ................................................................................................................. 5


What is Theft Deterrent client ........................................................................................................ 6

2.1 Theft Deterrent client Requirements ......................................................................................... 6
2.2 First Time Setup and Activation ................................................................................................. 6
2.3 How Theft Deterrent client Works ............................................................................................. 6


Functions of Theft Deterrent client ................................................................................................ 8

3.1 View and Verify Theft Deterrent client Status ........................................................................... 8
3.2 Configure Connection Settings ................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Change Display Language ........................................................................................................... 9
Change Language on Intel Education Tablet ............................................................... 10
Change Language on Intel classmate PC ..................................................................... 11
3.4 Log in Theft Deterrent server to Generate Unlock Code ......................................................... 11
Set up Student Account ................................................................................................. 11
Generate Unlock Code by Student ................................................................................ 12


Unlock a Device ............................................................................................................................ 13

4.1 How to Unlock Intel Education Tablet.................................................................................... 13
Unlock with Unlock Code............................................................................................... 14
Unlock through Network ............................................................................................... 14
Unlock with Removable Devices.................................................................................... 14
4.2 How to Unlock Intel classmate PC .......................................................................................... 14
Unlock with Unlock Code............................................................................................... 15
Unlock with USB ............................................................................................................ 15
4.3 Additional Steps ....................................................................................................................... 15


Troubleshooting Tips .................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 Theft Deterrent client Status.................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Error Message .......................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Error Code ................................................................................................................................ 17
5.4 Resolve Unlocking Errors.......................................................................................................... 18
5.5 Resolve Unlock Code Problems ................................................................................................ 18


FAQ ............................................................................................................................................... 19


Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

List of Figures
Figure 1 - Reboot Dialog ........................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2 - Theft Deterrent client ............................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 - Connection Settings .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4 - Change Display Language (Intel Education Tablet) .............................................................. 10
Figure 5 - Change Display Language (Intel classmate PC)..................................................................... 11
Figure 6 - Intel Education Tablet Lock Screen....................................................................................... 13
Figure 7 - Unlock through Network ........................................................................................................ 14
Figure 8 - Intel classmate PC Lock Screen ............................................................................................. 15


Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

1. Introduction

Document Purpose and Scope

This document introduces the background and functions of the Intel Education Theft
Deterrent client version 4.x. The intended audiences of this document are the administrator
and support personnel of the Theft Deterrent system.
This document also provides instructions on how to unlock devices. However, the detailed
unlocking procedure varies from institution to institution and therefore it is beyond the
scope of this document.





The server

Intel Education Theft Deterrent server

The client

Intel Education Theft Deterrent client



Note: The term device is used to refer to Intel Education Tablet and Intel classmate PC.


Hardware ID

A 12-character string that is unique for each device.

Boot Tick

A hexadecimal number that increases by 1 after the client applies

a package from the server successfully.

Expiration Date

The date from which the device will be locked.

Remaining Cycles

The number of times that a device can reboot or restore from

sleep or hibernate before it is locked.
This is not applicable to Intel Education Tablet.

Provision Number (S/N)

A 20-digit hexadecimal number generated from the Public Key of

the server.

Unlock Code

A 10-digit number generated by the server for unlocking a device.

Offline Package

A file named tcopp.bin for unlocking a device or updating the

confidential information on a device.


Reference Document



Intel Education Theft Deterrent server User Manual


Intel Education Theft Deterrent Deployment Guide



Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

2. What is Theft Deterrent client

Intel Education Theft Deterrent client (client) is the client component of the Intel
Education Theft Deterrent system, which is designed to deter theft of Intel Education
Tablet and Intel classmate PC.


Theft Deterrent client Requirements

The client is a pre-installed component on the device. The only requirement is to make sure
that the client has a network connection to the Theft Deterrent server (server).
For information about the system requirements of the device, see the Intel Education Theft
Deterrent Deployment Guide.


First Time Setup and Activation

In general, the client is pre-activated in factory by default. You can skip this section if your
client is already activated.
To ensure that your client is activated, you can check the client icon to make sure that the
client is not in Inactive


If your client has not been activated, follow these steps to activate your client with the
1. Ensure that the client is connected with the server. An activation request will be sent to
the server automatically.
2. After the server approves your activation request, a reboot dialog will pop up on your
device. The dialog contains a countdown timer that starts from 60 seconds and the
system will automatically reboot after 60 seconds.
Figure 1 - Reboot Dialog

Intel Education Tablet

Intel classmate PC

During the activation process, the server sets the Expiration Date and the Remaining Cycles
for the client to enable the Theft Deterrent mechanism. Once the client is activated, it can
operate automatically without user interaction. It can be verified by the status icon


How Theft Deterrent client Works

After a client is activated, the server sets the Expiration Date and the Remaining Cycles for
the client. By default, the Expiration Date is 90 days from the current date and the


Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Remaining Cycles is 300. The server admin can configure the default values according to
his/her needs.
When either of the following cases occurs, the device is locked after it reboots or restores
from sleep or hibernate:

The Expiration Date has passed.

The Remaining Cycles decreases to 0.

When either of the values is about to expire, the server resets them to the default values
automatically. Therefore, you must ensure the device is connected with the server to avoid
device lock.
Note: The Remaining Cycles is not applicable to Intel Education Tablet.
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Theft Deterrent client User Manual

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3. Functions of Theft Deterrent client

In general, once the client is set up correctly as shown in First Time Setup and Activation,
minimal manual changes are needed.


View and Verify Theft Deterrent client Status

To view or verify the status and settings of the client, click the Theft Deterrent client
application icon

on the desktop to open the client.

Figure 2 - Theft Deterrent client

Intel Education Tablet

Intel classmate PC

On the Device Information page, check the status icon in the client status table. If you see
an error message, see the error message table.
The following information is displayed on the Device Information page:
Device Status
Device Status

The status of the client.

Boot Tick

A hexadecimal number that increases by 1 after the client applies a

package from the server successfully.

Expiration Date

The date from which the device will be locked.


The number of times that you can reboot the device or restore the device
from sleep or hibernate until it is locked. This is not applicable to Intel
Education Tablet.

System Information
Hardware ID

A 12-character string that is unique for each device.

Device Name

The computer name of the device.

Group Name

The name of the school or region that this device belongs to in the server.

Note: On Android, the client icon is displayed in the system notification area when the client
is About to Expire, is downloading upgrade package, or has failed to upgrade. You can tap

Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

the tray icon to view detailed notifications and tap the notifications to perform the required


Configure Connection Settings

In general, the connection settings in the client are pre-configured in factory by default. You
can skip this section if the settings are pre-configured.
Otherwise, you can configure the connection settings manually to ensure that the client is
communicating with the server. Follow these steps:


Select the Settings tab, click the Edit button.

If you see a popup window, input the client password and then click OK. Please contact
the designated support personnel if you do not have the password.
Input the IP address or the URL of the server in the Server Address/URL field and then
click Save.
If you need to configure proxy to access the server, click the Set up Proxy link and select
a setting option of your choice:
a. If the proxy server address has been configured in the operating system, select Use
system proxy settings. Otherwise, select Manual proxy configuration and input
the server address and port number.
b. Input the username and password of the proxy server if proxy authentication is
required and then click OK.
Click the Test button to test the connection.
a. If you see the message Connection is successful!, the client will connect with the
server after a while. No further action is required.
b. If you see the message Connection failed or Connection failed because of invalid
proxy, check the server address and proxy settings and make sure that you are
connected to the correct network. Then test the connection again.
Figure 3 - Connection Settings

Intel Education Tablet


Intel classmate PC

Change Display Language

You can configure the client to display one of the following languages:
English (United States)

On Intel Education Tablet

On Intel classmate PC


Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Espaol (Latinoamrica)

Portugus (Brasil)


Franais (France)


Change Language on Intel Education Tablet

On Intel Education Tablet, the client displays the Android system language. To change the
display language of the client, follow these steps:
1. Open Settings in Android desktop.
2. Select Language & input from the left menu and then click Language.
3. Select the language of your choice and the display language of the client is changed
Figure 4 - Change Display Language (Intel Education Tablet)

Note: Only the following languages are supported in the current client version. If you select a
system language other than these, the client is displayed in English.

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Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Change Language on Intel classmate PC

To change the display language of the client on Intel classmate PC, select the language of
your choice and then click Apply on the Settings page.
Figure 5 - Change Display Language (Intel classmate PC)


Log in Theft Deterrent server to Generate Unlock Code

You can set up your student account on the server. In case when your device is locked, you
can generate the unlock code by yourself.


Set up Student Account

To set up your student account, follow these steps:

1. Open the server webpage for student.

Windows: Right-click the client tray icon and click Log in Theft Deterrent server
from the tray menu.

Debian: Click the client tray icon and click Log in Theft Deterrent server from the
tray menu.

Android: Open the client and click the

select Log in server.

icon on the upper-right corner and then

2. On the server webpage for student, set up your account by inputting your name,
password and email.
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Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Note: The password must be 6 to 12 characters in length.


Generate Unlock Code by Student

In case when your device is locked, you can borrow a device to generate the unlock code for
your device. Follow these steps:

Open the server webpage for student.

Log in with the Hardware ID displayed on the lock screen and your account password.
On the home page, click Generate Unlock Code.
Input the Boot Tick displayed on the lock screen and then click Generate to generate the
unlock code.

Note: By default, you can only generate unlock code for 3 times within 30 days. The server
admin can configure this default value according to his/her needs.
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Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

4. Unlock a Device
A device can be locked or unlocked based on a set of policy defined by the server admin. The
most common reasons a device is locked are as follows:

The device is locked automatically when the Expiration Date passes the current date
or the Remaining Cycles decreases to 0.
The device is locked manually by the server admin when, for example, this device is
reported stolen.

This section introduces the steps to unlock devices. The unlocking procedures for Intel
Education Tablet and Intel classmate PC are different.

How to Unlock Intel Education Tablet

How to Unlock Intel classmate PC

Note: If unlocking failed, the device might reboot automatically after the unlocking process
but returns to the lock screen. For more information, see Resolve Unlocking Errors.


How to Unlock Intel Education Tablet

If you see a lock screen as shown in Figure 6, unlock the device with one of the following

Unlock with Unlock Code

Unlock through Network
Unlock with Removable Devices

Note: You must unlock the device with removable devices if the server is not available.
For security reasons, the system shuts down automatically 20 minutes after the lock screen
is displayed. Hardware buttons such as the power and volume buttons are not supported
when the device displays the lock screen.
Figure 6 - Intel Education Tablet Lock Screen

To change the display language, click the

then select a language of your choice.

button at the bottom-left side of the page and

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Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Unlock with Unlock Code

To unlock the device with the unlock code, follow these steps:

Provide the designated support personnel the Hardware ID and the Boot Tick shown on
the lock screen to request an unlock code.
On the lock screen, click Unlock with Unlock Code.
Input the unlock code and then click Unlock to unlock the device.


Unlock through Network

To unlock the device through the network, ensure that the required network is available and
follow these steps:
1. Click Unlock through Network.
2. Input the server address, leave the default network type and then select your network.
Input the password of the network if required.
Figure 7 - Unlock through Network

3. If you need to set up the proxy server, click the Set up proxy server link.
4. The
icon is shown next to the Available networks field when the network
connection between the device and the server is established. Click the Unlock button to
unlock the device.


Unlock with Removable Devices

To unlock the device with a removable device such as a USB drive or a SD card, make sure
the device to be unlocked has the corresponding physical interface and follow these steps:
1. Provide the designated support personnel the Hardware ID, Boot Tick, and the Provision
Number shown on the lock screen to request an offline package.
2. Copy the offline package to a removable device.
3. Insert the removable device to the locked device and then click Unlock with Removable
Devices to unlock the device.
Note: Do not rename the offline package.


How to Unlock Intel classmate PC

If you see a lock screen as shown in Figure 8, unlock the device with one of the following

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Unlock with Unlock Code

Unlock with USB

Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Note: You must unlock the device with USB if the server is not available.
Figure 8 - Intel classmate PC Lock Screen


Unlock with Unlock Code

To unlock the device with the unlock code, follow these steps:

Provide the designated support personnel the Hardware ID and the Boot Tick shown on
the lock screen to request an unlock code.
On the lock screen, type Y.
Input the unlock code and then press ENTER to unlock the device.


Unlock with USB

To unlock the device with a USB drive, follow these steps:

1. Provide the designated support personnel the Hardware ID and the Provision Number
(S/N) shown on the lock screen to request an offline package.
2. Copy the offline package to a USB drive.
3. Insert the USB drive to the device and then press CTRL+INSERT to unlock the device.
Note: Do not rename the offline package.


Additional Steps

Right after a device is unlocked, the client is set with a Remaining Cycles or Expiration Date
that would expire soon:

Intel Education Tablet: expires after 10 Remaining Cycles.

Intel classmate PC: expires after 10 days.

Therefore, you must connect the device with the server to renew the values of the
Remaining Cycles and the Expiration Date to avoid device lock again.
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Theft Deterrent client User Manual

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5. Troubleshooting Tips

Theft Deterrent client Status

Device Status




The client is working correctly.

No action is required.


The client is working correctly. No action is required.

Its Expiration Date and
Remaining Cycles are set to a
value that will never expire.

About to Expire

The device will be locked in a Make sure that the client

few days or after a few boots, is connected with the
sleep, or hibernation.
server so that the
Expiration Date and
Remaining Cycles will be
renewed automatically.

Downloading upgrade

The client is downloading an Make sure that the client

upgrade package.
is connected with the
server and do not restart
the system.

Upgrading Theft
Deterrent client

The client


The client has error.

Check error messages

and error codes.


The client has not been

activated and thus is not
protected by the Theft
Deterrent mechanism.

Connect the client with

the server and then
contact the server admin
to activate the client.





in In Windows, no action is
required. In Android,
confirm to install the
upgrade package.

Error Message

If an error message is displayed on the client, follow these solutions:



Cannot connect with the server

Connect the client with the server.

Waiting for server approval...

Wait for the server to approve the client and reboot the
device when you see the popup dialog requesting system

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Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Rejected by the server

Make sure that the client is connected with the correct


Connected with the wrong server

Make sure that the client is connected with the correct


The server is busy. Please wait...

Wait a while and check the status again.

The server is under maintenance

Wait a while and check the status again.

Boot Tick inconsistent

Contact the designated support personnel to reset the

Boot Tick value.

Certificate download limit


Contact the designated support personnel to reset the

download limit.

Server error

Make sure that the network connection between the

server and the client is successfully. Wait a while and
check the status again.
The server has error.

Device error

Check the device error codes.

No Secure Storage

Theft Deterrent is not supported in this device.

Download/ Upgrade Failed


Error Code

If you see an error code on the client or on the Intel Education Tablet lock screen, check the
error codes in the following table:
client Error Code

Screen Description
Error Code



The TPM device cannot be found.



The TPM is disabled.



The TPM is deactivated.















Error occurred during TPM initialization in the

manufactory line. The possible reasons include the
1. The TPM does not have an Endorsement Key
2. The TPM NV partition or NV index creation
3. The TPM status is incorrect.
Internal error accessing the TPM.

The following error codes describe the detailed reasons of unlocking failure during Unlock
through Network:

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Intel Education

Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

Unlock Screen Description

Error Code

Server has error.


Cannot connect with the server.


The server address is invalid because it is shorter than 4 characters.


Cannot connect with the server because the proxy username or password is


Server is busy. Please try again later.


Server is under maintenance. Please try again later.


Cannot unlock this device because it is not managed by the server yet.


Cannot unlock this device because it is still waiting for the servers approval.


Cannot unlock this device because it has been rejected by the server.


Connected to the wrong server. (The Root Public Key in the server is not the
same as that in the device)


Connected to the wrong server. (The server Public Key is not the same as
that in the device)


Failed to unlock the device because the Boot Tick in the client is inconsistent
with that in the server.


Failed to unlock the device because the certificate download limit exceeded
the threshold in the server.


Resolve Unlocking Errors

If your device reboots and returns to the lock screen after you unlock the device with an
unlock code, make sure that you input the correct unlock code. If the problem remains,
see Resolve Unlock Code Problems.
If your device reboots and returns to the lock screen after you unlock the device with a
removable device, make sure that you use the correct offline package.
If you failed to unlock the device through the network, make sure that the device is
connected with the server correctly. If you see an error code on the lock screen of Intel
Education Tablet, check the error codes for unlocking through network.


Resolve Unlock Code Problems

If you cannot unlock the device with the unlock code, this might be because the confidential
information in the server is not the same as that in the client. Therefore, it is recommended
that you update the confidential information with a removable device by following the
unlock steps for your Intel Education Tablet or Intel classmate PC.
The device is still locked after you update the confidential information. You can now unlock
the device with an unlock code.
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6. FAQ
1. What is the removable device format supported for unlocking?
AnswerThe FAT file system.
2. What is the network protocol supported for device unlocking through network?
Answer: The wireless encryption standards supported are as follows:

WEP (Hex Security Key only)

3. Why doesnt the Theft Deterrent client start up?

Answer: The client should be loaded automatically at system start-up. If your client is not
running properly, reboot the device to start the client automatically.
Also, if the client runs on Windows, you can check the following services from the Start
menu -> Computer Management -> Services and Applications.

Theft Deterrent agent service

Theft Deterrent guardian service

If either of the services is stopped, start it manually. If the problem remains, it is

recommended that you re-install the client and guardian.
4. Can I uninstall the Theft Deterrent client? If so, what will happen after uninstall?
Answer: As a management program, the Theft Deterrent client should be kept running at all
times. However, you can still uninstall the client but a protection application named Theft
Deterrent guardian must be uninstalled before uninstalling the client.
To uninstall the guardian and the client, follow these steps:

Windows: use Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel. The client protection
password might be required.
Android: use Manage applications in Settings.

5. Will the About to Expire status affect the device functions?

Answer: No. The About to Expire status only informs the user to ensure that the client is
connected with the server so that the server can update this status automatically.
6. Can the useable time be extended by modifying the devices system time/date?
Answer: For Intel Education Tablet, changing the system time will not affect the useable
time of the device.

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Theft Deterrent client User Manual

Revision 1

For Intel classmate PC, changing the system time can extend the usable time of the device.
However, this will not impact the Remaining Cycles and the device will eventually be locked
after the Remaining Cycles decreases to 0.
7. Why cant the Theft Deterrent client connect with the server?
Answer: If you cannot establish a connection between the client and the server, make sure
that the following settings are configured:

The network settings are properly set up.

The antivirus software and the firewall on your device allow the following ports:
5000, 7911, 8911, 9911.

8. Why cant I enter the login page when I open the server webpage for student?
Answer: The login page is displayed only after the device owner completes the student
account settings. Therefore, to generate an unlock code with a device borrowed from your
classmate, ask your classmate to complete his or her account settings and then you can log
in the server with your own Hardware ID and password.

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