Diverse Learning in The Classroom Sheet To Hand in

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Diverse Learning in the Classroom

Julie Sanden, Brady Hornung, Hana Rogstad, Emma Parent

There are many different kinds of diversity that exist in the 21 st century
classroom. Today we are focusing on diverse learning relative to learning
capabilities and styles.
Topic #1: Diversity in the 21st century Classroom
When it comes to diversity in the 21st century classroom it can be argued
that in a classroom filled with so many types of learners and learning capabilities
the teacher must focus on including all the students, despite the differences that
separate them. Therefore, certain principles could be applied in the classroom to
make all the diverse learners feel accepted.
Principles of Inclusive Education:
1. Anticipate value, and support diversity and learning differences
2. High expectations for all learners
3. Understand learners strengths and needs
4. Reduce barriers with learning environments
5. Capacity building
6. Shared responsibility
Topic #2: What would that look like in a school- Indicators of Inclusive Schools
With diversity, the end goal is inclusion. So now that weve seen how a
teacher may shape their classroom in order for all students to feel accepted, how
does the school as a whole become inclusive to all learning types and abilities?
Students with diverse learning needs are included in the daily classroom and
school environment.
Dimensions and Indicators of Inclusive Schools
1. Establishing Inclusive Values
2. Creating Inclusive Environments
3. Providing Supports for Success
4. Organized Learning and Instruction
5. Engaging with Parents and the Community
Topic #3: Challenges of diversity
With the many diverse learners that we have in the classrooms of today,
this can lead to challenges that both the teacher and the student may come
One way that educators can begin to build a foundation for success in school
and life is through social-emotional learning. These skills are essential for
working with others, achieving goals, and reducing bullying and risk behaviors.
Overall, these skills help both the students and teachers realize how diverse their
student population can be. It expands the schools awareness of the challenges
that can arise with diversity, but if students and teachers can achieve these skill

sets it will help the diverse learners feel included in the classroom achieving the
end goal of inclusivity in the 21st century classroom.
1. Self-awareness
2. Self-management
3. Social awareness
4. Relationship skills
5. Responsible decision making
Topic #4: Teaching Strategies in a diverse 21st century classroom
Now that we know how prevalent diversity is in our classroom and the
struggles that can come with it, is it our job as teachers to come up with
strategies that allow our students to learn successfully no matter their differences
in capabilities or learning styles.
Alberta Education states that diverse learners need a flexible and
supportive environment that contains: universal supports, targeted strategies or
interventions, and individualized supports.
With these concepts in mind, we can come up with a few teaching strategies
that will ensure that the diverse learners learn successful. These strategies are
by no means concrete and they can be altered for whatever situation you may
find yourself in:
1. Think-pair-share
2. Tell-Help-Check
3. Do-check-teach
4. Thumbs up when you know
5. Peer-assisted Learning.
Weve seen what diversity may look like in a 21 st century classroom and if
we can incorporate all the learning capabilities and styles of our students that this
can lead to inclusivity. These ideas can help us realize how current this issue is
and help us realize that the idea of diversity and diverse learning will only
continue to grow as we are no longer expected to teach a normal student, rather
we are learning how to teach atypical students more successfully. Furthermore,
weve seen that while diversity in schools is now more readily accepted than
ever, it does come with its challenges, both from a teachers perspective as well
as the students. With the variety of strategies at our disposal, we as future
teachers can begin to formulate how we will create a successful and flexible
environment for our diverse learners.

Works Cited:
Andreja, I. S. (2010). Educational technology for the inclusive
classroom. TOJET : The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(3)
Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1288355713?
Archer, A., & Gleason, M. (2002). Skills for school success: Teacher guides and
student workbooks, grades 3-6. North Billerica, MA: Curriculum Associates
Copyright. (2016). Social-Emotional Learning. Retrieved June 6, 2016. Retrieved
from Alberta Education, https://education.alberta.ca/social-emotional-learning/
Drake, D. D. (1993). Student diversity: Implications for classroom teachers. The
Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 66(5),
264266. doi:10.1080/00098655.1993.9955988
Inclusion. (n.d.). Retrieved June 06, 2016, from
Lopez, O. S. (2007). Classroom diversification: A strategic view of educational
productivity. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 2880.
Loreman, T., Deppeler, J., & Harvey, D. (2005). Inclusive education: A practical
guide to supporting diversity in the classroom. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

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