Review of Literature: Chapter-II

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Review of Literature
Review of literature is the effective evaluation of selected literature on a research topic. It is
an essential part of the research process. It provides a background to the study being

Review of literature describes, compares, contrasts and evaluates the major theories,
arguments, themes, methodologies, and approaches in the scholarly literature on a research
subject. It also connects compares and contrasts these arguments, themes and methodologies
etc., with the concerns of a proposed piece of research. The literature review is not an
annotated bibliography or a summary of the sources listed one by one or just a descriptive
summary of the historical background to the research subject.

In a literature review, the central focus is on examining and evaluating what has been said
before, on the research subject, and establishing the relevance of this information to the
present research. It enables the researcher to identify what has not been said in the literature
on a subject (this is called a gap in the literature). It also permits the researcher to discuss
the methodologies that have been used in the literature and how these relate to the chosen

The review of literature for the present study is divided in three sections:

The first strand of the literature examines the attributes affecting consumer
evaluation of retail store formats.

The second strand of the literature examines the growth of organized retail formats
domestically and globally.

The third strand examines the association between consumer demographics and their
preference for retail format.


2.1 Attributes affecting consumer evaluation of retail store formats

Attributes affecting consumer evaluation of retail store formats has been a subject of wide
research and has been studied from various perspectives. Some of the related studies are:

Verma and Madan (2011) in a study conducted in Indian context highlighted that retailers
are offering newer service dimensions to create unique shopping experiences for the
customers. However, whether consumers are able to perceive newer service dimensions and
getting affected for store patronage in new store formats or not, remains to be found out.
They emphasized the fact that Indian retail environment is going through a sea change due to
the introduction of new formats and opening up of retail industry, it becomes important to
understand the store image perceptions of consumers here. The study attempted to find out
the key factors that are perceived as important to Indian consumer in evaluation of a retail

Jayawardhena (2011) in a study conducted in Central India, tested a conceptual model of

the effects of customer and service orientation (SO) behaviours of individual retail employees
on individual customers perceptions of service encounter quality (SEQ), service quality
(SQ), value, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions (BI).The sample was customers of a
supermarket in central India, and they completed questionnaires following mall intercept. To
test the hypotheses, structural equation modelling was employed. They found that service and
customer orientation (CO) behaviours are positively related to SEQ and SQ; SEQ is
positively related to SQ and customer satisfaction; SQ is positively related to value
perceptions and customer satisfaction; and customer satisfaction is positively related to retail
customers BI. However the study found that value is not related to customer satisfaction.

Ghosh, Tripathi and Kumar (2010) in their study conducted in Indian context, attempted to
address issues related to store attributes and their relevance in the store format selection.
Eleven variables (store attributes) had been identified based on theory and judgment. Factor
analysis had yielded three factors: Convenience and Merchandise Mix, Store Atmospherics,
and Services. The factors identified and recommendations made would be of use to retailers
in designing their outlets with store attributes that would meet the expectations of shoppers
and thus motivate them towards store patronage decisions.

Ali, Kapoor and Janakiraman (2010) in a study conducted on households of Gomtinagar

area of Lucknow city analyzed a marketing strategy for a modern Food and Grocery market
based on consumer preferences and behaviour. The researchers personally surveyed a total of
101 households having sufficient purchasing power using structured questionnaire. The
results indicated that preferences of the consumers were their priority for cleanliness and
freshness of food products followed by price, quality, variety, packaging, and availability of
non-seasonal fruits and vegetables. It was found that the consumers' preferences of
marketplace largely depend on the convenience in purchasing at the marketplace along with
the availability of additional services, attraction for children, basic amenities, and
affordability. Results also suggested that most of the Food and Grocery items are purchased
in loose form from the nearby outlets, whereas fruits and vegetables are mostly purchased
daily or twice a week due to their perishable nature. However, grocery items are less
frequently purchased.

Hemalatha, Ravichandran and Lakshmi (2010) found that there is a dearth of tested
instruments which could measure customer-perceived service quality of a retail store in the
Indian context. In order to understand the driving factors of a typical Indian retail customer,
the key objective of their study was to empirically test the service quality dimensions. The
study also carried out the gap analysis and identified the areas for improvements in retail
service quality.

Chakraborty (2010) in a study conducted in Hyderabad, India identified the driving

shopping motives of Indian consumer for Discount store formats. Factor analysis extracted
three shopping motives, two of which related to hedonic shopping motive and one to
utilitarian. The factors were named as diversion, socialization and utilitarian. Other three
dimensions of the study were store attributes, shopping outcomes, and shopping perceived
cost. Under each dimension, factors related to Discount store were identified. The identified
factors could be the key for discount stores for understanding their shoppers.

Seock and Lin (2010) examined the cultural influences on young consumers loyalty
tendency and evaluations of the relative importance of apparel retail store attributes in
Taiwan and the USA. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect the data. Factor

analysis was employed to identify dimensions of apparel retail store image attributes.
Multivariate analysis of variance and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to
examine the hypotheses. Results of the study showed that American consumers have
significantly greater collectivistic characteristics than Taiwanese. The study also found that
country of residence is a significant and stronger indicator in predicting loyalty tendency than
individualism and collectivism dimensions. The results of the study showed that evaluation of
the relative importance of retail store attributes is influenced by culture. Among the five
apparel retail store attribute dimensions identified in the study, Taiwanese and US
respondents evaluation of the importance of convenience, product and information
communication factors of retail store image attributes differed significantly.

Paswan, Pineda and Ramirez (2010) in a study conducted in Mexico investigated whether
influx of large stores is inevitable, by focusing on consumers' motivation for selecting a retail
store, and the association between these motivation dimensions and the shopping patronage.
The results indicated that consumer's preference for small stores is positively motivated by
functional benefits and familiarity with small stores; and negatively associated with the
functional benefits offered by large stores. These motivational dimensions were also found to
be positively associated with the share of wallet spent at small stores. It was found that
gender exhibited mixed effect on preference for small stores and the share of wallet. The
study revealed that women feel that large stores provide better functional benefits and support
for the local economy.

Huddleston, Whipple, Mattick, and Lee (2009) in their study conducted on US households,
compared and contrasted customer perceptions related to satisfaction with conventional
grocery stores as compared to specialty grocery stores. Their study examined store attributes
of product assortment, price, quality and service in order to determine which attributes had
the greatest impact on store satisfaction for each store format. The results showed that
perception of satisfaction were higher among specialty grocery store customers compared to
conventional grocery store customers. For both store formats, the study found that store price,
product assortment, service and quality positively influenced satisfaction. Stepwise
regression indicated that each store attribute contributed differently to store satisfaction for
conventional and specialty store formats.


Mittal (2009) compared the consumer evaluation of store attributes for grocery and apparel
retail segment. The author emphasized that the retail format which represents the right mix of
various store dimensions, will eventually depend upon the interplay between various store
attributes. This study used a research instrument developed by the author in an earlier study
for the comparative analysis. A very significant pointer from this research was that while
there is some commonality of attributes between retail sectors, the precise importance and
mix is, arguably, determined more by the motivation of the customer behind each specific
shopping excursion. The grocery and apparel store attributes dimensions that had emerged
from this study proved that the factors were different in terms of their composition and

Martnez-Ruiz, Jimnez-Zarco, Barba-Snchez, and Izquierdo-Yusta (2009) in a study

on Spanish consumers, identified the factors whose perception had the greatest influence on
customer satisfaction. The authors analyzed a database of 422 Spanish consumers who
purchased from different types of self service grocery stores in a representative Spanish city.
The findings revealed that among consumers who exhibited a low propensity to buy store
brands, perceptions of the quality image, as well as perceptions of service and convenience,
had positive and significant influences on the maximum level of customer satisfaction.
However, for those consumers who were not prone to buying store brands, only the
perception of services and convenience influenced their maximum level of satisfaction. This
research found the features which could help retailers focus their strategies on appropriate
consumer targets and thus attain a sustainable competitive advantage through their

Theodoridis, and Chatzipanagiotou (2009) studied the functional relationship between

store image attributes and customer satisfaction in the market environment of Greece and
investigated the stability of the structural relationships between store image attributes and
customer satisfaction across different customer groups. They identified four specific types of
buyers, namely, the Typical, the Unstable, the Social, and the Occasional. While four of the
six considered store attributes appeared to be significant determinants of customer
satisfaction, when examined for the degree of invariance between the four groups only
pricing and products-related attributes were found to be equally significant in all four groups.


Kamath (2009) in a study conducted in context of Mangalore city of India, found that
consumer satisfaction and loyalty being closely related, the marketing strategies of retailers
must focus on customer retention. The authors emphasized that working out strategies in this
direction required a thorough understanding of the preferences of the consumers on the
attributes that are considered of much significance. They attempted to analyze the consumers
preferences of the specific attributes of retail store in Mangalore city. Factor analysis had
been used in identifying the main factors. These factors included shopping experience and
ease, entertainment and gaming facilities, promotion, discounts and low prices, add-on
facilities and services, variety of products, and other factors for shopping convenience.

Bhardwaj (2009) measured the links between attribute perceptions and consumer
satisfaction, and between consumer satisfaction and sales performance, in the food retail
sector of India. The study relied upon an extensive data set of consumer satisfaction and sales
information from approximately 180 consumers. Hypothesis constructed addressed the
inherent nonlinearities and asymmetries in these links. The author also provided an example
of how firms could use the estimated linkages to develop satisfaction policies that are
predicted to increase store revenues. First, the author examined nonlinearities and
asymmetries in the satisfaction-sales performance links based on an empirical study. Second,
the study advanced the measurement of behavioural links between consumer satisfaction and
performance in the food retail sector with firm-specific data. Third, the study showed how
firms can employ such results to develop appropriate consumer satisfaction policies. In the
case of the cooperating retail company in this study, the results suggested that managers
should focus on consumer service, quality and value to affect overall consumer satisfaction
and its ultimate impact on sales.

Chaubey (2009) in his study conducted in Garhwal Region of Uttrakhand state of India,
identified the consumer perception and their behaviour toward store image, store patronage
and store loyalty. The findings of research indicated that originality of the product is given
highest preference by the respondents and they believe that retail showroom offers original
product. It was followed by the availability of the product in large variety. The relationship
and services offered by the retailer had emerged as another important issue which was given
due consideration and scored better in consumers preference list. The importance of


recognition of consumers value system and the discount offered by the retailer were found to
be other important factors which respondent had considered in selecting the retail showroom.

Goyal and Aggarwal (2009) examined the relative importance of the various products
purchased at organized retail outlets and the choice of format the consumer had, when
purchasing a product. The results showed that not all items are equally important for retail
outlets and various products need specific retail formats.

Choudhary and Sharma (2009) conducted a study in Chandigarh Tricity (Chandigarh and
its satellite cities of Mohali and Panchkula), keeping in view the dynamically growing
organized retail in the region. The data of 200 retailers for the study covered time frame from
the year 2007 to 2008. After an extensive literature review it was pertinent that size of retail
stores and their location played a significant role in measuring the operational efficiency of
retail stores. An empirical analysis was conducted using chi-square test of independence to
understand the role and contribution of type of retail formats on operational efficiency and to
examine the impact of location on the same. It was concluded from the data analysis that
there was significant influence of format of retail stores and location on the operational
efficiency. However, the degree of association was found to be low.

Reuttere and Teller (2009) in a study conducted in Central Europe, identified store format
attributes that impact the store format choice when consumers conduct ll-in or major trips to
buy groceries. Their study found that consumers patronise multiple (store based) formats
depending on the shopping situation operationalized by the type of shopping trip. The study
adopted the conceptual framework of random utility theory via application of a multinomial
logit modelling framework. The analysis was based on a survey of 408 consumers
representing households. The results revealed a considerable moderating effect of the
shopping situation on the relationship between perceived store format attributes and store
format choice. It was found that consumers utilities are signicantly higher for Discount
stores and Hypermarkets when conducting major trips. To the contrary, it found that
Supermarkets are preferred for ll-in trips in the focussed retail market.
Alhemoud (2008) studied the product selection processes of Kuwaiti nationals based on their
shopping habits in the Co-operative Supermarkets (Government owned grocery stores). This

study attempted to explore the determinant attributes that influence the patronage decisions of
Supermarket consumers in Kuwait. Based on a descriptive analysis of data collected via an
accidental sampling procedure, fourteen store attributes were identified. These attributes were
factor analyzed, generating four image dimensions intuitively labelled as merchandise,
personnel, accessibility, and promotion. A stepwise regression showed that merchandise
image was the most salient in determining the frequency of Supermarket shopping. The
results of study also showed that none of the demographic characteristics of consumers have
an impact on the perceived importance of the promotion image. Most of the differences
among the categories of the consumers' demographic characteristics were found in the
accessibility image, providing possible explanation for why the rank of the importance of
accessibility elements varies considerably from one study to another.

Kaul (2007) in a study conducted in the city of Banglore, examined the applicability of Retail
Service Quality Scale (RSQS) developed in the US in India. RSQS has five dimensions and
six sub-dimensions and has been found appropriate in a variety of settings across different
countries such as South Africa and Singapore and across a variety of store types such as
Supermarkets, Department stores, and Hyper stores. The five dimensions Physical
Aspects, Reliability, Personal Interaction, Problem Solving, and Policy are believed to
capture distinct though correlated aspects of retail service. Each of the first three dimensions
has two sub-dimensions. These six sub-dimensions, also called the first-order factors, are
labelled as Appearance, Convenience, Promises, Doing it-Right, Inspiring Confidence, and
Courteousness/Helpfulness. Data using a survey questionnaire from 144 adult shoppers at
large format apparel stores indicated that the RSQS dimensions and sub-dimensions were not
clearly identifiable. The study found that the dimension of Physical Appearance is the only
one that is relatively clear. All other dimensions were found to be ill-defined. The dimension
of Problem-Solving was found to be hazy and all the remaining dimensions of RSQS
comprised one factor. The study concluded that RSQS has limited diagnostic application and
is inappropriate for application in Indian retail. Pre-test interviews of shoppers indicated that
several service aspects mentioned by shoppers during interviews are not included in RSQS.

Mishra (2007) highlighted that the rapid growth of retailing in recent years has necessitated
the upcoming many new firms to benchmark. Retail firms are concerned about the available
resources and their optimum utilization with respect to consumers need and preference. The

study compared the performance of some selected retail stores using benchmarking in
retailing. The study had used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess the relative
efficiency of the retail stores. The results of data analysis showed that only sales cannot
increase the efficiency of a retail store

Lather and Kaur (2006) in their study on Malls in India analysed the influence of selected
attributes on store patronage for doing shopping. The authors highlighted that shopper
decision on retail format depends upon store characteristics. Keeping these facts, the
researchers had studied the nine characteristics of Malls to elaborate the enthralling shopping
experiences. The study provided academics, Mall developers and retailers a richer
understanding of various components that contribute to malls experiences.

In a study exploring the key factors influencing customer preferences as applied to the
concept of Amul Preferred Outlets (which are franchisee run food retail outlets) Rao and
Kapoor (2006) identified 14 variables to study the store choice criteria. These 14 factors
were subject to data reduction through factor analysis that identified three factors namely:
Convenience, Snacks Joint, and Value added services.

Sinha, Mathew and Kansal (2005) found that format choice is a cognitive process.
According to them, like any other purchasing decision, format choice is also information
processing behaviour. They emphasized that a store is chosen based on the confidence that
the customer has about the nature and quality of product and service the consumer will
receive. In Indian scenario, formats had been found to be influencing the choice of store as
well as orientation of the shoppers. Their study analyzed the various factors influencing
decision making process of customers in choosing a store format. A full-profile procedure
was used for the Conjoint Analysis in this study. The study also helped identifying the
important factor set which affects consumer format choice decisions.

Grace and Cass (2004) explored the extent to which patronage intentions of retail stores are
affected by perceived value for money, customer satisfaction and consumption feelings. In
addition, they examined the effect of store service provision as an antecedent to such
consumer evaluations of retail stores. These relationships were modelled overall and then
examined in the context of both Department stores (defined as mass-merchandisers, which

highlight quality image and high customer service) and Discount stores (defined as massmerchandisers with an emphasis on self-service and low prices). While all paths (except one)
were found to be significant in the overall model, differences were found when comparing
the Department and Discount store models. The study found that perceived value for money
played a much more significant role in the Discount store model, whereas consumption
feelings were found to be more central to the Department store model.

In a study to determine predictors of store choice in the Indian market, Sinha and Banerjee
(2004) found the following factors determining store choice: proximity, merchandise,
ambience, service, and patronized store. They found that for grocery stores the most
important factors are: proximity, visiting the store for many years, and relationship with

Gmez, McLaughlin and Wittink (2004) in a study on US food retail sector, measured the
links between store attribute perceptions and customer satisfaction, and between customer
satisfaction and sales performance. The authors constructed a statistical model to address
nonlinearities and asymmetries in the satisfaction-sales performance links, and illustrated
how retailers can affect store revenues by managing customer satisfaction. Contributions of
the study included the analysis of behavioral consequences of customer satisfaction in the
food retail sector, the accommodation of complexities in the satisfaction-sales performance
links based on an empirical model of first differences, and a discussion of how managers
could employ the results for customer satisfaction policies.

Grewal, Baker, Levy, and Voss (2003) emphasized that many factors, both obvious and
subtle, inuence customers store patronage intentions. They experimentally manipulated the
number of visible store employees, number of customers, and music using video technology
and tested the relative importance of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on
patronage intentions. These constructs were found to be critical antecedents of store
patronage intentions in the context of the service-intensive retail store at which the model was
tested. They also found support for the direct effects of gender on wait expectations and store
atmosphere evaluations.


Voss and Parasuraman (2003) found that the purchase preference is primarily determined
by price rather than quality during pre-purchase evaluation. Their study found that given
explicit quality information, price had no effect on pre-purchase or post-consumption quality
perceptions. Instead, post consumption quality evaluations had a favorable impact on price

Solgaard and Hansen (2003) identified several store attributes that were considered
important for the consumer's evaluation of stores. These attributes included merchandise,
assortment, merchandise quality, personnel, store layout, accessibility, cleanliness and

Veerapong and Pitsuwan (2002) examined the attitude and consumer behaviour toward
Supermarkets in Bangkok Metropolitan Areas by surveying 625 respondents, randomly
chosen from within 50 areas in Bangkok using a self-administered questionnaire. The
fundamental outcomes demonstrated that management strategies for Supermarket-retailing
store businesses should be different depending on the type of Supermarkets. The study found
that in case of Supermarkets in discount store format, customers typically prefer the stores
that offer reasonable product price and sales promotion. In addition, store atmosphere was
found to be the least significant factor in accounting for the preferences for consumers of
Supermarkets in discount stores and in department stores.

Baker, Grewal and Parasuraman (2002) proposed a comprehensive store choice model that
included (1) three types of store environment cues (social, design, and ambient) as exogenous
constructs, (2) various store choice criteria (including shopping experience costs that had not
been included in store choice models) as mediating constructs, and (3) store patronage
intentions as the endogenous construct. They empirically examined the extent to which
environmental cues influence consumers assessments of a store on various store choice
criteria and how those assessments, in turn, influence patronage intentions.

Sinha, Banerjee and Uniyal (2002) found that shoppers choose the store based on many
aspects that could be classified as primary and image based. It was also found that the
importance of each of these aspects changes with the kind of store the shopper wants to visit.
They attempted to understand this behaviour of the shopper. The study explored the shoppers

for the primary reasons for choosing a store. Then, using a factor analysis, the several image
dimensions were classified. Further, using multinomial logit regression, the store choice
pattern was studied across different types of store.

Orhan, Oumlil and Tuncalp (1999) found that retailing business is greatly affected by the
patronage behavioral orientations of shoppers. The authors emphasized that, understanding
these orientations could assist retailers in developing appropriate marketing strategies toward
meeting the needs and wants of consumers. Another important factor affecting consumer
behavioral orientations was found to be the store image, an image shaped by store attributes.
They examined the linkage between consumer values and the importance of some salient
store attributes.

According to Mittal, Ross and Baldasare (1998), the relationship between the attribute-level
performance, overall satisfaction and repurchase intentions is of critical importance to
managers and generally had been conceptualized as linear and symmetric. The authors
investigated the asymmetric and nonlinear nature of the relationships among these constructs.

Dabholkar, Dayle and Joseph (1996) used a hierarchical factor structure to capture
dimensions important to retail customers based on the retail and service quality literatures as
well as three separate qualitative studies. Confirmatory factor analysis based on the partial
disaggregation technique and cross-validation using a second sample supported the validity
of the scale as a measure of retail service quality.

Burton, Lichtenstein, Biswas, and Fraccastoro (1994) examined whether information in

an advertisement promoting a price discount is capable of affecting attributions made about
the price reduction and whether these attributions, in turn, affect consumer perceptions and
evaluations of the sale. The findings of the study showed that price image of the retail
advertiser had a strong effect on attributions pertaining to the merchant and a marginal effect
on product attributions. The attribution variables, in turn, explained significant amounts of
variance in criterion variables measuring consumer perceptions of value, attitude toward the
advertisement, and shopping intentions, beyond the variance explained by the store and
discount claim variables manipulated in the study. The results of the study suggested the


importance of the role of attributions made by consumers when exposed to advertisements

promoting discounts.

Bitner (1992) presented a typology of service organizations and a conceptual framework was
advanced for exploring the impact of physical surroundings on the behaviours of both
customers and employees. The ability of the physical surroundings to facilitate achievement
of organizational as well as marketing goals was explored. The author highlighted key
managerial and research implications by examining the multiple strategic roles that physical
surroundings could exert in service organizations

Grewal and Sharma (1991) found that sales force behaviour could have a significant effect
on customer satisfaction. They presented a conceptual framework examining the impact of
the sales force policy on customer satisfaction. Within the context of the framework, it was
suggested that salespeople and sales managers could increase customer satisfaction through
adaptive selling behaviour and by developing customer feedback systems. They emphasized
that the determination and improvement of customer satisfaction should be essential goals of
sales force management.

Hildebrandt (1988) concluded that the major success factor in the retail industry is store
image and measurement model of store image that conceptualizes the perception of store
image attribute such as price level is used to forecast marketing performance as a business
success measure.

Arnold et al. (1983) used consumer cross-shopping data to study food store choice in
developed countries. They found that the following were important food store choice
determinants: Location; Price; Assortment; Fast Check-Out; Friendly and Courteous Service;
Weekly Specials; and Pleasant Shopping Environment

Bearden (1977) distinguished seven attributes as potentially significant for store patronage:
price, quality of merchandise, assortment, atmosphere, location, parking facilities and
friendly staff.


Doyle and Fenwick (1975) found that price, product variety, one-stop shopping, quality,
location of the store, advertisement, general appearance of the store and convenience are
some of major attributes looked upon by the consumers while evaluating a grocery store.

According to Lindquist (1975), the retail outlet image is the image or personality resulting
from a mix of functional and psychological attributes of the outlet as perceived by the
consumer. Functional attributes included merchandise selection, price ranges, credit policies,
store layout and other factors that could be measured to some degree and used to compare
one outlet objectively with its competitors. The author emphasized that psychological
attributes are a little more difficult to identify and compare across outlets. They included such
subjective considerations as a sense of belonging, a feeling of warmth, or friendliness, or a
feeling of excitement. The study concluded that consumers form an outlet image based
simultaneously on functional and psychological attributes.

Martineau (1958) stated that the stores personality draws shoppers to one store rather the
other. He emphasized that not only should retailers be concerned with value and quality of
merchandise, but also with a wide range of other factors. He categorized store attributes into
two main categories: functional and psychological. The functional category included
attributes such as location, assortment of products and store layout. The psychological
category represented the feelings generated by the functional elements of the store. The
results showed that the former category had gained more attention in the subsequent research
into store choice than the latter.

2.2 Growth of organised retail formats domestically and globally

Some of the related research work includes:

Shenoy, Nayak and Kumar (2011) attempted to understand the competition prevalent
amongst the Indian retailers and proposed a model for choice of retail format. The results
showed that Hypermarkets would prove to be lucrative in the years to come.

KPMG India (2009) identified the changing contours of retail industry in India and
highlighted the drivers which will likely to have impact across retail categories. The report

featured several significant developments for the Indian retail industry, including the entry of
many global players, growing acceptance of the modern formats, the success of many
speciality retail formats, and the growing competition in the regional markets beyond the
metros and Tier I cities.

According to report on Grocery Retailing in Asia Pacific by KPMG (2009), the outlook of
retail industry in Asia had never been more promising. According to this report worlds
largest retailers are jostling not only to gain but to preserve market share in the competitive
landscape. This is especially true in the grocery sector, where maintaining differentiation is a
constant challenge. The report found that there are significant opportunities for the retailers,
and whether this growth is achieved organically, or by acquisition, joint venture or strategic
alliance, thorough commercial and market analysis will be critical to help ensure that the
strategy fits the business objectives and customer needs.

Minten, Reardon and Sutradhar (2009) in a detailed case study of Delhi, emphasized that
modern retail is shown to emerge quickly, offering more labelled and branded food products
and more choice than traditional markets. The authors highlighted that modern retail is at its
mere incipience in India selling basic foods mostly at the same or lower prices than
traditional retail and might thus become an important contributor to improved urban food

Sengupta (2008) captured the history of the evolution of modern Food and Grocery retail in
India. He focused on the time period from 1971 to 2001. The research was primarily
exploratory in nature. Primary research included depth interviews, focus groups and survey
through questionnaire with organized retailers, unorganized retailers, consumers, fast-moving
consumer goods manufacturers, channel members, and opinion-leaders. The study found that
emergence of modern retail in India is not just a result of increasing consumer buying power
but manufacturers and unorganized retailers also have an important role to play in this
process at the macro-level. The study emphasized that at the micro-level, the trigger for
growth of organized retail come from diverse angles like entrepreneurial desire to provide
better service to consumers, social desire to provide relief to the masses in the form of lower
prices, desire to capitalize on emerging business opportunities provided by the changing
business environment etc.

Srivastava (2008) looked at the changing scene in the retail sector in view of many MNCs
and large industries entering into this segment. Data were drawn from industry sources which
included national and international published sources from 1993-2006. They found that malls
are more developed in the North and West part of India. Another finding of the study was that
food, groceries and apparel purchases by customers contributed to 52 percent. Further, study
revealed that on average 75 percent of customers spend about 1-3 hours in the mall. The
study also revealed that malls with multiplexes such as cinema theatres, food courts, and play
places for children are becoming the centre for family outings. It was found that small
retailers have improved their service to cater to Indian consumers and credit limits and home
service are helping them to hold on to their customers.

According to report by Cygnus India (2008), the retail sector in India is witnessing a huge
revamping exercise as traditional markets make way for new formats such as Department
stores, Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, and Specialty stores. The report stated that the retail
sector in India is at an inflexion point where the growth of organized retailing and growth in
the consumption by the Indian population is going to take a steep trajectory.

Reynolds, Howard, Cuthbertson, and Hristov (2007) stated that a retail format is a
physical embodiment of a retail business model: the framework that relates the firms
activities to its business context and strategy. Such business model would entail the retailers
key resource and process mix aligned with its segmentation, targeting and positioning
strategies. Therefore retail formats need constant nurturing and maintenance. They stated that
considering the multiplicity of consumers needs, desires and preferences, which typify the
contemporary retail environment, numerous new forms of retailing are emerging. Many
contemporary retailers have developed their retail formats to deliver enhanced opportunities
to add-value to the shopping experience beyond the mere acquisition of sought goods. They
concluded that winning retail formats emerge from an opportunistic and incremental process
based more on intuition than rational analysis.

Gaiha and Thapa (2007) in their discussion paper produced by the Asia and the Pacific
Division (IFAD) confirmed through an econometric analysis that Supermarkets are likely to
grow rapidly in several countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. The study prospected that

as diets and lifestyles change and incomes grow the demand for Supermarket services will
increase. In parallel, capital flows and dramatic changes in food supply chains will boost the
growth of Supermarkets. The study proposed that while there is considerable evidence that
this would translate into lower food prices for consumers not only in major cities, but also in
small towns in rural areas, as well as significant spill over effects by freeing up resources
(and total factor productivity growth) and technological advancement, some concerns remain
about the exclusion of

smallholders. The study found that either the quality or other

requirements (e.g. traceability) are much stringent for smallholders, or smallholders simply
lack access to modern inputs and credit.

KPMG (2005) along with FICCI conducted a survey of CEOs of twenty leading retail
organizations in India to gain a better insight into the retail sector. The report highlighted that
the last few years have witnessed an explosion of organized retail formats like Supermarkets
and Hypermarkets in an otherwise fragmented Indian retail market. The study highlighted
that in order to tap this growth opportunity, Indian retail organizations need to be prepared for
a quick scale up across dimensions of people, processes, and technology in addition to
identifying the right formats and value proposition for the Indian consumer. The findings of
retail survey indicated that Specialty and Supermarket format have the most potential for
growth in India followed by Hypermarkets.

KPMG (2005) reported the results of survey conducted with various companies involved in
retail in India. The report revealed that many of the companies surveyed believe that the
potential size of this market is underestimated. They considered that there are considerable
opportunities for organized retailers in the kind of rural territories that many companies had
failed to address. According to the report, a critical issue was how fast and how far the
consuming class will grow. This depend both on the growth of personal disposable income
and the extent to which organized retailers succeed in reaching lower down the income scale
to reach potential consumers towards the bottom of the consumer pyramid. Companies
expected retail growth in the coming five years to be stronger than GDP growth, driven by
changing lifestyles and by strong income growth, which in turn will be supported by
favourable demographic patterns. The structure of retailing will also develop rapidly.
According to the report, Supermarkets have been taking an increasing share of general food
and grocery trade over the last two decades.

Sinha and Kar (2004) highlighted that the Indian retail sector is going through a
transformation and this emerging market is witnessing a significant change in its growth and
investment pattern. Both existing and new players are experimenting with new retail formats.
The study revealed that currently two popular formats Hypermarkets and Supermarkets are
growing very fast. They emphasized that consumer dynamics in India is changing and the
retailers need to take note of this and formulate their strategies and tactics to deliver value to
the consumer. They investigated modern retail developments and growth of modern formats
in the country. They also discussed the challenges and opportunities available to the retailers
to succeed in the country.

Mulky and Nargundkar (2003) found that stores in modern formats have emerged in the
metropolitan cities but the bulk of the retail sales happen through traditional retail formats.
The authors analyzed the developments in retailing in India. They carried out a literature
survey of retailing in India and in some newly industrialized countries.

Davidson, Bates and Bass (1976) stated that global developments and lifestyle changes
continue to affect the retail sector and force retailers to adapt their business models and
strategies to these changes. By adapting to changes in the retail environment retailers would
try to apply new perspectives to established ways of doing business. They proposed that these
evolutionary pressures are nothing new, with each retail format being described as having a
life-cycle through which they grow in appropriateness and importance before eventually
being overtaken by the changing retail environment to become obsolete.

Goldman (1974) outlined that in developing countries, the dominant form of retailing for
grocery and household items has traditionally been the small neighbourhood food store. He
highlighted that large Supermarkets and other modern formats of retailing as seen in the
world today have their roots in 1916, when Clarence Saunders opened the first self-service
store in Tennessee, Memphis called the Piggly Wiggly store. In little over a century
retailing has taken many formats. This is especially true for the food retailing business.
Formats such as Convenience stores, Department stores, Hypermarkets, Supermarkets,


Specialty stores, Wholesale clubs, Discount stores, etc. have sprung up in the last half of the
20th century to make use of the growing demand for one-stop shopping solutions.

2.3 Consumer demographics and preference of retail store format

A narrower segment of the consumer preference of retail store format research has been
devoted to studying individual difference variables, such as demographic, socio-economic, or
psychological variables, as the key predictors of store format choice. Some of the related
studies by Bellenger, Robertson, and Hirschman 1976; Douglas, 1976; Winn and Childers,
1976, found a weak association between consumer demographics and their preference for
retail format. Other related studies are:

Prasad and Aryasri (2011) made a detailed study on the effect of shoppers demographic,
geographic, and psychographic dimensions in terms of format choice behavior in the fast
growing Indian Food and Grocery retailing. They adopted descriptive research design by
applying mall intercept survey method using structured questionnaire for data collection.
Both descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistical tools like factor
analysis and multivariate analysis was used to analyze the data collected from 1,040 food and
grocery retail customers from upgraded neighbourhood kirana stores, Convenience stores,
Supermarkets, and Hypermarkets in conjoint cities of Secunderabad and Hyderabad in
Andhra Pradesh in India. The study found that shoppers age, gender, occupation, education,
monthly household income, family size, and distance travelled to store have significant
association with retail format choice decisions. The choice decisions were also varied among
shoppers demographic attributes.

Mortime and Clarke (2010) in a study conducted on Australian consumers identified the
differences between male and female shoppers rating related to the importance of store
characteristics within a Supermarket retail environment. Survey was used to gather data from
two hundred and eighty male and female grocery shoppers, across four major Supermarkets.
A simple-random-sample, collection methodology was employed to collect data. The study
revealed significant statistical differences between male and female grocery shoppers on all
ten store characteristics constructs. Significant gender differences were featured on twenty-


eight of thirty scale items tested. The study also revealed that female grocery shoppers
considered Supermarket store characteristics more important than male shoppers.

Tripathi and Sinha (2008) in Indian context, argued for incorporating both the shopper
attributes and the store formats in store choice. They found that shopper attributes can be
captured through the demographic variables, as they can be objectively measured, and they
also captured a considerable amount of attitudinal and behavioural variables. The study
attempted to link store choice, format choice and consumer demographic variables, through a
hierarchical logistic choice model in which the consumers first choose a store format and then
a particular store within that format. They developed a nested logit model and the variables
predicting the choice probabilities were identified.

Carpenter and Moore (2006) in a study conducted in US marketplace, provided a general

understanding of relationship of grocery consumers' demographics with their retail format
choice. A random sample of US grocery consumers (N=454) was surveyed using a selfadministered questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques (regression,
ANOVA) were used to evaluate the data. The finding identified demographic variables
specific to formats (Specialty Grocers, Traditional Supermarkets, Supercenters, Warehouse
Clubs, and Internet Grocers) and examined store attributes (e.g. price competitiveness,
product selection, and atmosphere) as drivers of format choice.
Bhatnagar and Ratchford (2004) developed a general model of retail format choice for
non-durable goods. They proposed that using one common model, it is possible to isolate the
states under which patronizing Supermarkets, Convenience stores, and Food Warehouses
would be optimal. The optimality of the different formats was found to depend on
membership fees, travel costs, consumption rates, perishability of products, inventory holding
costs of consumers, and cost structures of retailers. They developed several hypotheses
regarding format choice by consumers. They tested the hypotheses on self-reports of
shopping behaviour in hypothetical situations.

Leszczyc, Sinha and Timmermans, (2000) formulated and tested a model of store choice
dynamics to measure the effects of consumer demographics on consumer grocery store
choice and switching behavior. A dynamic hazard model was estimated to obtain an

understanding of the components inuencing consumer purchase timing, store choice, and the
competitive dynamics of retail competition. The hazard model was combined with an internal
market structure analysis using a generalized factor analytic structure.

Bawa and Ghosh (1999) found that the shopping trip to the grocery store is one of the most
basic elements of consumer behaviour. The authors provided an understanding of the factors
that account for variations in shopping behaviour across households. They presented a model
of shopping behaviour that assumes that households seek to minimize the travel cost
associated with shopping and the cost of holding goods in inventory. A number of
propositions derived from the model were tested using data on shopping trips made by
households over a one-year period. The results supported the model and indicated that the
relationship between household characteristics and shopping behaviour can be fairly
complex: for some households shopping might have a recreational aspect while for others it
might compete directly with wage-earning activity.

Dholakia (1999) examined the impact of changing social pressures on going shopping among
married households. Key constructs were sex and shopping context which determine
shopping responsibility among household members. Based on a large scale survey that
included statistically viable numbers of male as well as female respondents, the study found a
great deal of consensus regarding shopping responsibility among the sampled households.
The study concluded that although men are playing a significant role in shopping activities,
particularly shopping for household groceries, shopping remains a gendered activity but it is
not a pleasure less activity. The study concluded that the Supermarket is likely to be the retail
setting where the changing roles will make the greatest impact.

Zeithaml (1985) conducted a field study in US to examine the effects of five demographic
variables (gender, female working status, age, income, marital status) on Supermarket
shopping variables (e.g. shopping time, number of Supermarkets visited weekly, amount of
money spent). The study detected major shifts in demographic characteristics of US grocery
consumers and the author predicted that the traditional mass market for grocery products in
the US would break into various market fragments as new retail formats emerged. In
particular, the study emphasized that change in the family unit (e.g. increases in the number


of working females, male shoppers, and single, divorced, or widowed households) will drive
changes in grocery patronage in the USA.

Crask and Reynolds (1978) dealt with frequent and non-frequent shoppers to the
Department stores, and found frequent patrons tended to be younger, more educated, and had
higher incomes.



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