Fea Question Bank - ME 6603
Fea Question Bank - ME 6603
Fea Question Bank - ME 6603
1. A two noded truss element is shown in Figure. The nodal displacements are u 1 = 5 mm and
u2 = 8 mm. Calculate the displacement at x = 1 3
4 2
2. For the two bar truss shown in Figure, determine the displacements of node 1 and the stress
in element 1-3.
3. Derive the shape functions for one dimensional linear element using direct method.
4. The loading and other parameters for a two bar truss element is shown in Fig. Determine
(i) The element stiffness matrix for each element
(ii) Global stiffness matrix
(iii) Nodal displacements
(iv) Reaction forces
(v) the stress induced in the elements. Assume E=200 GPa.
5. Determine the shape function and element matrices for quadratic bar element.
6. Derive the shape functions for a 2D beam element.
7. Derive the stiffness matrix for 2D truss element.
8. Write the mathematical formulation for a steady state heat transfer conduction problem and
derive the stiffness and force matrices for the same.
9. A tapered bar of aluminium is having a length of 500 cm. The area of cross section at the
fixed end is 80 cm2 and the free end is 20 cm 2 with the variation of the sectional area as
linear. The bar is subjected to an axial load of 10 kN at 240 mm from the fixed end.
Calculate the maximum displacement and stress developed in the bar.
10. A fixed beam AB of 5 m span carries a point load of 20 kN at a distance of 2m from A.
Determine the slope and deflection under the load. Assume EI = 10 103kN- m2. (16)
11. For the spring system shown in Figure 1, calculate the global stiffness matrix,
displacements of nodes 2 and 3, the reaction forces at node 1 and 4. Also calculate the
forces in the spring 2. Assume, k1= k3 = 100 N/m, k2 = 200 N/m, u1=u4=0 and P = 500 N.
12. Derive an equation to find the displacement at node 2 of fixed-fixed beam subjected to
axial load P at node 2 using Rayleigh-Ritz method.
15. Determine the maximum deflection and slope in the beam, loaded as shown in Figure.
Determine also the reactions at the supports. E = 200 GPa, I=20 10-6 m4, q = 5 kN/m
and L= 1m.
1. An alloy bar 1m long and 200 mm 2 in cross section is fixed at one end is subjected to a
compressive load of 20 kN. If the modulus of elasticity for the alloy is 100GPa, find the
decrease in the length of the bar. Also determine the stress developed and the decrease in
length at 0.25m, 0.5m and 0.75m. Solve by collocation method.
2. An alloy bar 1m long and 200 mm 2 in cross section is fixed at one end is subjected to a
compressive load of 20 kN. If the modulus of elasticity for the alloy is 100GPa, find the
decrease in the length of the bar. Also determine the stress developed and the decrease in
length at 0.25m, 0.5m and 0.75m. Solve by Ritz method.
3. Discuss the following methods to solve the given differential equation:
d2 y
M ( x )=0
with the boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and y(H) = 0
dx 2
(i) Variational method (ii) Collocation method.
d2 y
+500 x 2 = 0;
dx 2
The boundary condition are y(0) = 0, y(5)=0. Find the approximate solution using any
classical technique. Start with minimal possible approximate solution.
5. Determine using any Weighted Residual technique the temperature distribution along a
circular fin of length 6 cm and radius 1 cm. The fin is attached to a boiler whose wall
temperature is 140C and the free end is insulated. Assume convection coefficient h=10
1. Derive the Constitutive matrix for axis symmetric analysis. (10)
2. Explain with an example of each of the following
(1) Sub Parametric Element (2) Iso Parametric Element
(3) Super Parametric Element
3. Define bandwidth in finite element analysis and its significance in the solution of global
system matrices.
4. For the plane strain elements shown in figure, the nodal displacements are given as u 1 =
0.005 mm, v1 = 0.002 mm, u2 = 0.0, v2 = 0.0, u3 = 0.005 mm, v3 = 0.30 mm. Determine the
element stresses and the principle angle. Take E = 70 Gpa and Poissons ration = 0.3 and use
unit thickness for plane strain. All coordinates are in mm.
5. Establish the traction force vector and estimate the nodal forces corresponding to a uniform
radial pressure of 7 bar acting on an axissymmetric element as shown in figure. Take E = 200
GPa and Poissons ratio = 0.25
stiffness matrix and the thermal load
vector for the
plane stress element shown in figure. The element experiences 20C increases in temperature.
Take E = 15e6 N/cm2, =0.25, t =0.5 cm and = 6e-6/C.
7. For the plane strain element shown in the Figure, the nodal displacements are given as u 1=
0.005 mm, u2 = 0.002 mm, u3 = 0.0 mm, u4=0.0 mm, u5=0.004 mm, u6 = 0.0 mm. Determine
the element stress. Take E = 200 Gpa and =0.3. Use unit thickness for plane strain.
1. Derive the element characteristics of a four node quadrilateral element
2. Define the following terms with suitable examples:
(i) Plane stress, Plane strain (ii) Node, Element and Shape functions
(iii) Iso-parametric element