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FEM Question Bank

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NOTE: This Question Bank is based on 2008 Regulation
1. The following differential equation is available for a physical phenomenon.

 50  0, 0  x  10 www.aerostudyhub.com

Trial function is y  a1x(10  x)

Boundary conditions are, y (0) = 0 y (10) = 0

Find the value of the parameter a, by the following methods.

(i) collocation (ii) sub-domain (iii) least squares

(iv) Galerkin

2. Discuss the following methods to solve the given differential equation:

EI 2 M ( x)  0 with the boundary condition y(0) = 0 and y(H) = 0

(i) Variant method (ii) Collection method.

3. A cantilever beam of length L is loaded with a point load at the free end. Find
the maximum deflection and maximum bending moment using Rayleigh-Ritz
method using the function Y  A{1  cos(x / 2 L)}. Given: EI is constant.

4. Determine the expression for deflection and bending moment in a simply

supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire span. Find the
deflection and moment at mid span and compare with exact solution using
Rayleigh-Ritz method.

Use y = a1 sin ( x/1) + a2 sin (3 x /1)

5. Compute the value of central deflection in the figure below by
(a sin x)
assuming Y  . The beam is uniform throughout and carries a central point
load P.

6. If a displacement field is described by www.aerostudyhub.com

u  ( x 2  2 y 2  6 xy)10 4

v  (3x  6 y  y 2 )10 4 ,

Determine x, y, xy at the point x = 1, y = 0.

7. Explain the Gaussian elimination method for the solving of simultaneous linear
algebraic equations with an example.

8. For the spring system shown in figure, calculate the global stiffness matrix,
displacements of nodes 2 and 3, the reaction forces at node 1 and 4. Also calculate
the forces in the spring 2. Assume, k1 = k3 = 100 N/m, k2 = 200 N/m, u1 = u4= 0 and
P=500 N.

9. Consider the differential equation (d 2 y / dx2 )  400x 2  0 for 0  x  1 subject to

boundary conditions y (0)  0; y (1)  0 . The functional corresponding to this problem,
to be extremized is given by
I   {0.5(dy / dx) 2  400x 2 y}
Find the solution of the problem using Rayleigh-Ritz method by considering a two-
term solution as y( x)  c1 x(1  x)  c2 x 2 (1  x).

10. Derive the equation of equilibrium in case of a three dimensional stress system.

11. What is constitutive relationship? Express the constitutive relations for a linear
elastic isotropic material including initial stress and strain.

12. A physical phenomenon is governed by the differential equation

(d 2 w / dx2 )  10x 2  5 for 0  x  1. The boundary conditions are given
by w(0)  w(1)  0 . By taking two-term trial solution as w( x)  C1 f1 ( x)  C2 f 2 ( x) with,
f1 ( x)  x( x  1) and f 2 ( x)  x 2 ( x  1), find the solution of the problem using the

Galerkin method.

13. Analyze a simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load
throughout using Rayliegh Ritz method. Adopt one parameter trigonometric
function. Evaluate the maximum deflection and bending moment and compare
with exact solution

14. Solve the following system of equations using Gauss elimination method.
x1  3 x 2  2 x 3  13
 2 x1  x 2  x 3  3
 5 x1  x 2  3 x 3  6

15. Solve the following system of equations using Gauss elimination method.

28r1+6r2 =1

6r1+ 24r2+6r3 =0

6r2+28r3+8r4 =-1
8r3+16r4 =10

16. The stepped bar shown in fig is subjected to an increase in temperature,

T=80o C. Determine the displacements, element stresses and support reactions.

17. Consider a two-bar supported by a spring shown in figure. Both bars have E =
210 GPa and A=5.0 x10-4 m2. Bar one has a length of 5m and bar two has a length
of 10 m. The spring stiffness is k= 2 kN/m. Determine the horizontal and vertical
displacements at the joint 1 and stresses in each bar.


18. The simply supported beam shown in figure is subjected to a uniform

transverse load, as shown. Using two equal-length elements and work-equivalent
nodal loads obtain a finite element solution for the deflection at mid-span and
compare it to the solution given by elementary beam theory.

19. Each of the five bars of the pin jointed truss shown in figure below has a cross

sectional area 20 sq. cm. and E = 200 GPa.

100 KN

50 KN


1m www.aerostudyhub.com

 Form the equation F = KU where K is the assembled stiffness matrix of the


 Find the forces in all the five members.

 20. Determine the joint displacements, the joint reactions, element forces and
element stresses of the given truss elements.


Figure Truss with applied load

Table 1: Element property Date

Elements A E L Global  Degree

cm2 N/m2 m Node

1 32.2 6.9e 10 2.54 2 to 3 90

2 38.7 20.7e10 2.54 2 to 1 0

3 25.8 20.7e10 3.59 1 to 3 135

21. Derive the shape function for a 2 noded beam element and a 3 noded bar

22. Why are higher order elements needed? Determine the shape functions of an
eight noded rectangular element.

23. Derive the shape functions for a 2D beam element

24. Derive the shape functions for a 2D truss element.


25. Derive the interpolation function for the one dimensional linear element with a
length “L” and two nodes, one at each end, designated as “i” and ” j”. Assume the
origin of the coordinate system is to the left of node “i”.


Figure shows the one-dimensional linear element

26. Generate the stiffness matrix of a 2 noded pristmatic bar with one degree of
freedom at each node.
27. Derive the consistent load vector for a fixed beam subjected to uniformly
distributed load throughout. Use the shape functions corresponding to two degree
freedom at each of the two nodes of the element. Axial deformations can be

28. The temperature at the four corners of a four – noded rectangle are T1, T2 T3
and T4. Determine the consistent load vector for a 2-D analysis, aimed to
determine the thermal stresses.

29. Find the temperature at a point P(1,1.5) inside the triangular element shown
with the nodal temperatures given as T1 = 400C, TJ = 340C, and TK = 460C. Also
determine the location of the 420C contour line for the triangular element shown in
figure below.
K (1,3)


I(0,0) J(2,0)

30. Find the expression for nodal vector in a CST element shown in figure
subjected to pressures Px1 on side 1.

1 Px1


31. Determine the shape functions for a constant strain triangular (CST) element in
terms of natural coordinate system.
32. Calculate the element stiffness matrix and thermal force vector for the plane
stress element shown in figure below. The element experiences a rise of 100C.

y (1,3)
t = 5 mm
4 2
E= 1 5 x 1 0 N/m m
 = 0 .2 5
 =
6 x 10

(0,0) (2,0)

33. For the constant strain triangular element shown in figure below, assemble the
strain – displacement matrix. Take t = 20 mm and E = 2 x 105 N/mm2.


34. Analyze the truss in figure and evaluate the stress resultants in member (2).
Assume area of cross section of all the members is same. E = 2 * 105 N / mm2

All dimensions are in meters

35. The nodal coordinates of the triangular element are shown in figure. At the
interior point ‘P’ the x coordinate is 3.3 and N1= 0.3. Determine the N2, N3 and y
coordinate of ‘P’

36. Explain the terms plane stress and plane strain problems. Give the constitutive
laws for these cases.

37. Derive the equations of equilibrium in the case of a three dimensional system.

38. Derive the expression for constitutive stress-strain relationship and also reduce
it to the problem of plane stress and plane strain.

39. Derive the constant-strain triangular element’s stiffness matrix and equations

40. Derive the linear – strain triangular element’s stiffness matrix and equations.

41. Determine the element stiffness matrix and the thermal load vector for the
plane stress element shown in figure. The element experiences 20oC increase in
temperature. Take E = 15e6 N/cm2,  = 0.25, t = 0.5 cm and a = 6e - 6/o C.

Figure shows Triangular elastic Element

42 .For the plane strain element shown in the figure, the nodal displacements are
given as : u1= 0.005 mm, u2 = 0.002 mm, u3=0.0mm, u4 = 0.0 mm, u5 = 0.004
mm, u6 = 0.0 mm. Determine the element stresses. Take E = 200 Gpa and  = 0.3.
Use unit thickness for plane strain. www.aerostudyhub.com
Figure shows Triangular Element

43. For the CST element given below figure assemble strain displacement matrix.
Take t = 20 mm, E = 2 x106 N/mm2.
(200, 400)

(100, 100) (400, 100)

44. Derive the expression for the element stiffness matrix for an axisymmetric shell

45. The (x,y) co-ordinates of nodes i,j and k of an axisymmetric triangular element
are given by (3,4), (6,5) and (5,8) cm respectively. The element displacement (in
cm) vector is given as q = [0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.004, -0.003, 0.007]T.
Determine the element strains.

46. Derive element stiffness matrix for a linear isoparametric quadrilateral element.
47. Distinguish between subparametric and superparametric elements.

48. The Cartesian (global) coordinates of the corner nodes of a quadrilateral

element are given by (0,-1), (-2, 3), (2, 4) and (5, 3). Find the coordinate
transformation between the global and local (natural) coordinates. Using this,
determine the Cartesian coordinates of the point defined by (r,s) = (0.5, 0.5) in the
global coordinate system.


49. The Cartesian (global) coordinates of the corner nodes of an isoparametric

quadrilateral element are given by (1,0), (2,0), (2.5,1.5) and(1.5,1). Find its
Jacobian matrix. www.aerostudyhub.com
50. Write short notes on

Uniqueness of mapping of isoparametric elements.

(i) Jacobian matrix.

(ii) Gaussian Quadrature integration technique.

51. Integrate f ( x)  10  (20x)  (3x 2 / 10)  (4 x 3 / 100)  (5 x 4 / 1000)  (6 x 5 / 10000)

between 8 and 12. Use Gaussian quadrature rule.

52. Evaluate the integral I   (2  x  x 2 ) dx and compare with exact results

53. Use Gauss quadrature rule (n=2) to numerically integrate

b a

  xydxdy
0 0

55. Using natural coordinates derive the shape function for a linear quadrilateral

56. Establish the strain – displacement matrix for the linear quadrilateral element
as shown in figure below at Gauss point r = 0.57735 and s = -57735.
57. Use
4,5Gaussian quadrature to obtain an exact v
[AU, April / May – 2010]


1 1
I    (r 3  1)(s  1) 2 drds.
1 1

58. Compute element matrices and vectors for the elements shown in figure when
the edge kj experiences convection heat loss.

59. Write the mathermatical formulation for a steady state heat transfer conduction
problem and derive the stiffness and force matrices for the same

60. The temperature at the four corners of a four – noded rectangle are T1, T2 T3
and T4. Determine the consistent load vector for a 2-D analysis, aimed to
determine the thermal stresses. www.aerostudyhub.com

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