SR-1054 Serie 40 Applications 2010-10

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Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Sales Resource Manual
SR-1054 McCanna Applications - 10/12/2010

Valve Applications
Sales Resource - Table of Contents
Topic Page(s)
Steam Service...........................................................3-4
Vacuum Service.........................................................5
HVAC Systems...........................................................6
Caustic Service..........................................................7
Sour Gas Service.......................................................8-10
Chlorine Service........................................................11
Oxygen Service.........................................................12-13
Recommended Materials for Seawater & Brine........14-15

All statements, technical information, and recommendations in this bulletin are for
general use only. Consult Bray representatives or factory for the specific requirements
and material selection for your intended application. The right to change or modify
product design or product without prior notice is reserved.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Steam Service
I. Introduction
Steam may be defined simply as the vapor or gaseous state of
water. Water in an open vessel will boil at 212F (100C). at
standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psia (1.01 Bar) or 29.92
inches (760 mm) of mercury. No matter how vigorously it
is heated, the boiling water will not get any hotter than 212F
(100C). The extra heat is used to change water to steam and this
steam will also be at 212F (100C).

Pressure psig(Bar)

If the top of the vessel is sealed, as in a boiler, the water will

begin to boil at 212F (100C) and the steam vapor will fill the


space above the water. Now the temperature of the boiling water
will increase as heat is added, and the pressure in the vessel will
also increase. The saturated steam just above the liquid will
again remain at the temperature of the water just below. The chart
shows the combinations of pressure and temperature that result in
saturated steam. Any combination to the left or above the curve
will be a water service. Saturated steam will fall on the curve.
Anything below or to the right will be superheated steam.

Maximum saturated steam

pressure recommended for
Bray/McCannalok in on-off service


Saturated Steam Line


Superheated Steam

Maximum saturated steam

pressure recommended for
Bray/McCannalok in modulating service











Temperature F(C)
II. Saturated Steam
Most steam services are called saturated steam. However,
droplets of water will form as heat is lost or used in the system.
Traps are used to collect this water phase, but some water droplets
will always be carried along in the stream. These droplets or
actual slugs of water impinge on valve surfaces at high velocity.
Seating surfaces are subject to this abrasive attack at all times.
The greatest destructive effect occurs at the moment of opening
and closure. At this point all of these droplets are forced through
the tiny opening between mating closure surfaces. The cam action
of the Bray/McCannalok disc moves it quickly out of contact and
away from the seat so that this very critical just open position is
brief compared to other types of valves.

Steam : 3

III. Lower Quality Steam

Steam containing considerable amounts of liquid water may
be graded according to the amount of liquid water in the steam.
A steam carrying 10% water would be 90% quality; steam
containing 30% water would be 70% quality, etc. This steam
may be extremely destructive to valves and piping, especially
on the downstream side of the valve. At this point the release of
pressure allows the water droplets to flash to steam, either within
the valve or just downstream from the valve. This effect may also
be evident at elbows, tees or other fittings that may introduce
pressure variations.

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

IV. Flashing Hot Water
Pressurized hot water may produce many of the same effects
seen in lines handling wet or low quality steam. Consider a
system handling water at 60 psig (4.1 Bar) with a temperature of
300F (149C). The steam chart assures that this is water. Note,
however, that a pressure drop of about 10 psi (0.7 Bar) will allow
the water to flash to steam. This is a steam application even though
the apparent service is water at fairly low pressure.

VII. Bray/McCannalok Butterfly Valves

The suitability of any valve for any particular steam application
must be evaluated in light of all known service conditions. The
standard Bray/Mcannalok valve will handle many industrial and
commercial steam services. The valve may be recommended
for on-off service up to 150 psig (10.3 Bar) saturated steam.
Modulating service should be limited to a 5:1 flow rate and up
to 50 psig (3.4 Bar) only.

V. Superheat
If ordinary saturated steam is heated to temperatures above the
saturation point in a secondary operation, the steam is said to be
superheated. Consulting the chart again, assume 50 psig (3.4 Bar)
steam at 325F (163C). Note that 50 psig (3.4 Bar) steam would
be saturated at about 300F (149C). In this case the steam has
25F (14C) of superheat. The valve would simply be handling
a hot gas as long as superheat is maintained. Some superheat is
desirable and valve service life will be improved, but only if this
superheat is maintained at the valve. This ideal rarely exists in
VI. Throttling Services
The very nature of throttling service dictates conditions
unfavorable to extended valve life. First, effective modulation
requires that the modulating valve absorb a fairly high percentage
of the available absolute pressure. A 30% drop will provide
good control. At higher pressures this 30% figure results in high
pressure drop through a valve that is intentionally operated in a
partially open position. If the service requires a wide range of
flow rates, the valve must have sufficient flow capacity (Cv) to
handle the maximum and minimum flow rates required. Steam
throttling range should be limited to a 5:1 flow rate when using
standard butterfly valves. Pressure-temperature combinations
allowed should fall well within the RTFE seat limits shown in
Bray/McCannalok Technical Manual No. 1023.

Steam : 4

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Vacuum Service
I. Vacuum Service Ranges:
Atmospheric Pressure:

760 mm Hg (absolute)
or 0 inches Hg (vacuum)
or 14.7 psi (absolute) (1.01 Bar)

Low Vacuum:

760 mm Hg (absolute) to 25 mm Hg (absolute)

or 28.95 inches Hg (vacuum)
or .484 psi (absolute) (0.033)

Medium Vacuum:

25 mm Hg (absolute) to 10-3 mm Hg
or 1 x 10-3 Torr
or 1 micron

High Vacuum:

10-3 mm Hg (absolute) to 1 x 10-6 mm Hg

or 1 x 10-6 Torr
or 1 x 10-3 micron

Very High Vacuum:

1 x 10-6 mm Hg (absolute) to 1 x 10-9 mm Hg


Specially prepared valves are recommended for vacuum service

down to 1 x 10-3 mm Hg or 1 micron absolute pressure. Under
favorable conditions these valves serve well in the high vacuum
range, down to 1 x 10-6 mm Hg absolute pressure. The retainer end
of the valve should be placed on the high vacuum side of the line.
After selection, the parts are degreased and protected from further
contamination until assembled in a clean area. No lubricants are
allowed on wetted parts. Seat, stem seals, and metal surfaces
are checked with the valve pressurized in each direction in turn.
No leakage is allowed.
III. Ordering
Specify preparation for vacuum service. Common construction
would be Carbon Steel body, RTFE seats and 316 Stainless Steel
trim. Other metals may be used where chemical factors may
require more special materials. Specify vacuum level and/or
other conditions that may aid in preparation and proper material

or 1 x 10-9 Torr
or 1 x 10-6 micron

II. Design Features

The inherent design features of the Bray/McCannalok valve
make it ideally suited to vacuum service.
Seating - The cam action of the offset stem drives the disc
tightly into the seat, compressing a completely encapsulated
Stem Seals - Multiple stem seals provide tight seal under vacuum
Completely Unlined - No plastic or elastomeric liners are used.
Potential outgassing or ballooning of such liners is eliminated.
Single Seat - There is virtually no internal cavity space. Rapid
pump down and blank off are assured with the valve in the open
or closed position. Standard off-the-shelf Bray/McCannalok
valves with RTFE seats are recommended for vacuum service
down to .02 mm Hg absolute pressure, or 20 microns. This
pressure level covers many industrial vacuum services without
special preparation.

Vacuum : 5

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

HVAC Systems
I. Introduction
The regulation of flow of large volumes of hot, condensed, chilled
and fire water in the heating, ventilating and air conditioning
systems of large buildings represents a significant application
potential for Bray/McCannalok high performance butterfly valves.
The valves have been very successfully employed in HVAC
systems of buildings where large pipe line sizes and line pressures
up to 450 psig (31 Bar) are encountered, usually in buildings over
25 stories in height and exceeding one-half million square feet
of floor space. In these applications the valve offers the end user
very significant savings in space, weight, and installation costs.

III. Material Recommendations

Carbon Steel valves with RTFE seats are recommended for
HVAC water service. Specify Carbon Steel trim for On/Off
service, and 316 Stainless Steel trim for throttling applications.

II. Applications
ASME Class 150 (285 psig [20 Bar] maximum rating - Carbon
Steel) and ASME Class 300 (740 psig [51 Bar] maximum rating
- Carbon Steel) Bray/McCannalok butterfly valves find primary
use as main stop valves, block valves or as throttling valves for
damping or balancing water flow. They may also be used to
control pump suction or discharge or as block or bypass valves in
conjunction with system strainers.
Service conditions for chilled water will generally be 40-45F
(4.5-7C) at pressures up to 60 psig (4.1 Bar). Conditions for
hot water systems can run as high as 450 psig (31 Bar), but
temperatures will usually not exceed 350F (177C).
Consult Bray/McCannalok Technical Manual 1023 for specific
pressure/temperature ratings and limitations.

HVAC : 6

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Caustic Service
I. Introduction
Caustic services may include a wide variety of operating
conditions and concentrations of alkaline compounds. In general,
the common caustics would be the hydroxides of sodium,
potassium and calcium. Ammonia solutions and the alkaline
carbonates may be placed in the same general category.
Under most conditions of handling, the caustics are not highly
corrosive to ordinary carbon steel and are not aggressive to RTFE
seating materials. For such service an all carbon steel valve could
be specified with RTFE seats.
Higher concentrations of sodium and potassium hydroxide
require higher temperatures to prevent solidification of the line
fluid. These higher concentrations and temperatures are some
what more corrosive to Carbon Steel, though some users may
accept these higher corrosion rates in preference to the cost of
more resistant materials such as Stainless Steel or Nickel.
Calcium hydroxide is usually handled as a slurry, so erosion
becomes a more important factor than corrosion. RTFE seats
would be recommended for these applications.

II. Design Features

The general design features of the Bray/McCannalok valve are
as desirable in caustic as they would be in any other service.
1. Bubble tight seating to full ASME Limits in Class 150,
300 or 600. The RTFE seat with encapsulated O-ring is
protected from dynamic fluid flow by the seat retainer.
2. The cam action of the eccentric disc drives it firmly into the
seat at closure, but removes it from contact with the seat in
the first few degrees of rotation.
3. Multiple stem seals provide long, trouble-free service.
4. Composite stem bearings of 316 Stainless Steel with TFE/
glass fabric liners assure very firm stem support under all
line conditions.
No special preparation is required for caustic services. However,
caustic service may include a wide variety of service conditions.
The valve materials must be selected for sufficient corrosion resistance or to meet purity requirements.

High purity caustic that must not be contaminated by iron presents

a unique problem. Even though the corrosion rate of Carbon or
Stainless Steel may be quite acceptable, the iron contamination in
the caustic cannot be tolerated. Nickel must be used for all wetted
metal parts of valves handling high purity caustic.

Caustic : 7

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Sour Gas Service

Ref: NACE Standard MR0175
I. Introduction
Stress corrosion is a general term for corrosion accelerated by
localized tensile stresses. In metals, stresses can be produced
as internal stresses by cold working, welding, unequal cooling,
unequal heating and internal structural changes. External stresses
normally are produced by loads or operating stresses (line pressure
piping strain.)
In contact with corrosive media, the resultant surface tension in
the exposed metal will result in small cracks which widen and
deepen as the stress concentrates at their base. As more metal is
exposed to corrosive media and as stress and corrosion interact,
failure occurs. This insidious type of destruction has been observed
in almost all metals and alloys, in chemical environments specific
to the metal involved. Time required for failure may vary from
a matter of minutes to years and may occur in one unit, but be
absent in other identical units in the same service.
Stress corrosion of metals in contact with hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) is a well-known and specific form of this phenomena. It is
particularly acute in petroleum production and pipeline services
where loss of equipment function or a compromise of pressure
boundary integrity is intolerable.

This standard, approved by the National Association of
Corrosion Engineers, covers the material requirements for metals
found to be resistant to sulfide stress cracking (SSC) for valves
for petroleum production and pipeline service. The material
requirements of NACE MR0175 (2002) can and have been met
by Bray/McCannalok butterfly valves.
This standard essentially recognizes the fact that the most common
and effective method of combating metal stress corrosion is by
heat treating to relieve internal or residual stresses. In addition
to the specification of heat treatment or annealing, the standard
also lists the ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys that are
acceptable in SSC environments and that may be employed as
valve materials of construction.

II. Sour Services

In general, the terms sour service or sour gas service as
currently employed by the petroleum-petrochemical industries
will refer to fluid or gaseous streams containing hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) at partial pressures greater than .001 atmospheres,
and SSC will refer to sulfide stress cracking of the type
previously described. Materials of construction of equipment
applied to services of this type are normally subject to stringent
specifications that limit the selection of metallic materials to
those that have been found resistant to SSC. As a minimum,
NACE Standard MR0175 (2002) will normally be invoked, and
certification of valve materials to this standard will be required.

Sour Gas : 8

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

As applied to Bray/McCannalok butterfly valves, the essentials of this standard are as follows:
1. Critical Valve Components: Defined as any part of the valve
which upon failure would prevent the valve from being
restored to operating condition or that would compromise the
integrity of the pressure containment system. Table 1 lists
the component parts of Bray/McCannalok butterfly valves
that we consider critical and the materials employed when
NACE MR0175 is specified.
2. Hardness: When NACE MR0175 is specified, the maximum
hardness of Carbon and Stainless Steel components listed in
Table 1 (except 17-4PH) will be HRC 22 (Brinell Hardness
Number 235). 17-4PH Stainless Steel will be in the range of
HRC 29-33.
3. Free-Machining Steels: Rephosphorized, resulfurized and/
or lead free machining steels are not acceptable for use in
critical parts and are not used for these components in Bray/
McCannalok butterfly valves intended for these services.
4. Plating: The use of plating (i.e., nickel, chromium, cadmium,
electroless nickel, etc.) over non-approved base materials to
attempt to prevent SSC is not acceptable. Plating applied to

materials that are satisfactory for use in sour environments,

however, is allowable subject to agreement between the
producer and user.
5. Certification: Bray/McCannalok valve shipments will
be accompanied by written certification that the material
requirements of NACE MR0175 have been met.
III. Ordering
Bray/McCannalok Valves for sour gas service are available in
wafer or single flange configuration in ASME Classes 150, 300
and 600 and in the materials of construction and combinations
indicated in Table 2 (Pg. 10). Certain valve sizes in ASME Classes
300 and 600 require derating due to the use of NACE approved
materials. Consult your local Bray representative for details.


The customer must specify the

operating temperature and pressure ranges.

Table 1



Stainless Steel

ASTM A351 Gr. CF8M

Carbon Steel

(C1)*ASTM A516 Gr. 70 (to -50F [-46C])

Carbon Steel

(CS)*AISI 1023-1029 (to -20F [-29C])


Stainless Steel

ASTM A351 Gr. CF8M*


17-4PH Stainless Steel

ASTM***, ASTM A564 Gr. 630

Taper Pin

316 Stainless Steel

ASTM 276 Type 316, Cond. A Cold Finish

Seat Retainer

Stainless Steel

ASTM A351 Gr. CF8M

Carbon Steel

(C1)* ASTM A516 Gr. 70 (to -50F [-46C])

Carbon Steel

(CS)* AISI 1023-1029 (to -20F [-29C])

Gland Retainer

Stainless Steel

ASTM A351 Gr. CF8M

Carbon Steel

(CS) AISI 1012-1019

Gland Ring

316 Stainless Steel

ASTM 276

Disc Spacer

316 Stainless Steel

ASTM 276

Gland Retainer Bolting

Studs: 316 Stainless Steel


Nuts: 316 Stainless Steel

ASTM A194 Gr. 8M

316 Stainless Steel

with TFE & Glass Fabric Liner

Bearing Assembly

*Manganese Phosphate treated for temporary surface rust protection

**Hard chrome plated
***Double aged at 1150F (621 C)

Sour Gas : 9

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Metals Acceptable for SSC Environments

Table 2






A216 Gr. WCC,

A106 Gr. A&B
A181 Gr. I&II
A182 Gr. F1
A225 Gr. B
A285 Gr. B&C
A333 Gr. 1
A352 Gr.
A541 Gr. C11&C14
A350 Gr. LF1&LF2

API 6A Type 1&4

















A217 Gr.
A537 Gr.
A182 Gr.

Type 2&3



A494(Hastelloy C)
B164(Monel Alloy 400)
(Monel Alloy 400)
B166 (Inconel 600)

Alloy K

NOTE: Materials listed in these tables shall only be used under the conditions
outlined in the text of NACE standard MR0175 (2002) and applicable Bray/
McCannalok specifications.








A351 Gr.
A351 Gr.

Sour Gas : 10


All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Chlorine Service
I. Introduction
Basic Bray/McCannalok valves have design features which are
ideally suited to the requirements of chlorine service.
II. Sealing and Seat Construction
The thermal expansion characteristics of liquid chlorine have
traditionally called for special seat construction in order to vent
the valve cavity. Valves with internal cavities, such as ball valves,
depend on a highly controlled flexure of upstream seating surfaces
in order to prevent dangerous buildup of pressure in the valve
cavity. Another more positive method to prevent pressure buildup
simply bypasses the upstream seat to create a valve that will seal
in only one direction. Either method depends on creation of a
controlled leak in a known direction with tight closure maintained
in the other direction.

IV. Preparation
All work is performed in accordance with Bray procedures. Special
preparation involves careful selection of individual parts free of
all surface defects in sealing surfaces. Any burrs are removed to
avoid possible reaction with chlorine. Valves are assembled in a
clean area. A very minimum of fluorocarbon lubricant is used or a
completely dry assembly may be specified. Shell and seat tests are
performed with clean, dry, oil-free air or nitrogen. After testing, the
valves are again placed in sealed plastic bags to maintain cleanliness
in shipment and storage.
V. Ordering Information
To order, select body and trim materials for the type of chlorine
service with RTFE seats.

The Bray/McCannalok seat assures safe bubble tight closure in

both directions because there is only one shut-off point. There
is no cavity for pressure buildup. Belleville springs and heavy
section stem seals provide constant compression for positive seal
tightness around the stem. Long maintenance-free operation is
III. Materials
Materials of construction for dry chlorine would usually call
for a Carbon Steel body, RTFE seats and Monel trim (stem, disc,
taper pins.) Addition of varying amounts of moisture may be
accommodated by a stepwise change to more resistant materials.
Starting with a maximum of .015% Alloy 20, Monel or Nickel and
Hastelloy C in that order. Hastelloy C will handle 0.2 moisture
with little effect and has reasonably good resistance at higher
percentages or in chlorine solutions.
Titanium is unique in that it may not be used in dry chlorine, but
is very resistant to wet chlorine and solutions of chlorine, chlorine
dioxide or hypochlorites. At least 0.2% moisture should be present
at ambient temperatures to prevent possible explosive reaction. At
higher temperatures even more moisture must be present, up to
1.5% at 300F (149 C).

Chlorine : 11

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Oxygen Service
I. Introduction
All organic and most inorganic materials will react with oxygen
at some particular pressure and temperature condition. The
reaction may be as mild as simple oxidation or as violent as fire
and even explosion. The reaction may become dangerous at very
high oxygen pressures.
The temperatures encountered in ordinary oxygen service are
generally well below the ignition temperatures of the common
materials of valve construction. The danger of combustion exists
in materials being ignited by localized higher temperatures or
hot spots from other sources. A few such conditions include:
1. Rapid opening of valve which may cause high temperature
through adiabatic compression of the low pressure gas at the
valve outlet.
2. Combustible contaminants carried in the gas stream at higher
velocity which may ignite on contact and trigger further
ignition of higher burning materials.
3. Heat generated by friction between two metal valve surfaces
may cause a hot spot igniting one of the materials.
Any external leakage may produce serious fire hazards by
exposure of dust, grease or other organics to locally concentrated
oxygen. From the above, it is evident that care must be taken in
the selection of valve materials, in the preparation and assembly
of the valve and particularly in the application of the valve.
II. Materials
Metals - The selection of metals should be based on their
resistance to ignition, their susceptibility to oxidation and their
non-sparking characteristics. Resistance to galling and frictional
heating is also important where parts may rub together under high
pressure. The more common metals in general order of decreasing
resistance to ignition are Copper and Copper alloys, Nickel and
Nickel-Copper alloys, Stainless Steel (316), and Carbon Steel.
Although Carbon Steel is quite frequently used, it should be
kept in mind that it is susceptible to oxidation particularly in the
presence of moisture, it is not a nonsparking material and it is low
on the list of resistance to ignition.
The Bronzes and other Copper alloys, as well as austenitic
Stainless Steel, are by far the more preferable materials. When
Carbon Steel bodies are used, the recommended trim would be
Stainless, Monel, Nickel or Bronze.
Non-Metals - The commonly recommended seat material used
for oxygen service is RTFE. Oxygen compatible lubricants are
generally restricted to the fluorocarbon type. Ordinary petroleum

Oxygen : 12

base lubricants are not satisfactory and are particularly hazardous

because of their high heat of combustion and high rate of reaction.
III. Special Features
Where high pressure oxygen is involved, the high velocity created
at the moment of closure tends to erode the seat. The pressure
sealed seat and eccentric disc design of the Bray/McCannalok
valve affords excellent protection for the seat with complete
freedom from metal contact. Bubble tight seating is assured. The
multiple stem seals assure long leak free service.
Another very important feature which should be incorporated in
all valves handling oxygen is a means for safe discharge of possible
electrostatic potential. In all Bray/McCannalok valves a grounding
washer is used on the stem. The internal diameter of the washer
bears on the stem while the outside diameter contacts the stuffing
box to form a metallic junction between the stem and the body,
thereby providing a path of electrostatic potential leak-off.
IV. Preparation and Assembly
Probably the most important single item is the cleanliness of the
valve and the system. Any ignition in oxygen service can occur
not only from sparking or localized hot spots from the metal
contact, but from oxygen contact with hydrocarbon oils and
greases, particles of metal or other sources of fine combustible
material. It is necessary, therefore, to thoroughly clean all
components of valves to be used in oxygen service. Internal body
surfaces are vapor blasted or hand ground or wire brushed where
necessary to obtain a smooth, particle free surface. Sharp edges
and burrs are removed from all metal parts which come in contact
with oxygen. The parts are then vapor degreased or hot detergent
washed followed by hot trisodium phosphate solution, rinsed in
clean water and dried with oil free air.
Soft parts are washed in a detergent solution, thoroughly rinsed
and then dried. The work area and all tools for assembly are kept
There are two levels of inspection and assembly depending on
the end use or customer requirements:
1. Commercial Oxygen where equipment must be free of grease,
dirt and oil to prevent combustion (i.e. steel production, metal
cutting and welding, etc.)
2. Critical Oxygen Where ultra-cleanliness of the oxygen itself
must be maintained (i.e. breathing oxygen, fuel cell oxygen
or when customer specifies this level of cleanliness for other

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

For commercial oxygen service the parts are visually inspected
under a bright light and must be free of any loose particles or visual
evidence of oils, grease, etc. Cleanliness is confirmed by wiping
with a clean white filter paper. Assembly is done in a clean area
of the shop and leak tests performed with clean dry air. Finished
valves are tagged and heat sealed in polyethylene bags.
For critical oxygen service the parts are sent to a clean room where
tools and fixtures have also been thoroughly cleaned in detergent.
Authorized personnel in lint free clothing and gloves inspect the
parts under ultra-violet light for contamination. After assembly
and testing with clean dry air, the valves are further tested for
external leakage using a Halogen leak detector. Finished valves
are specially tagged and certified and heat sealed in polyethylene
bags with VPI (Vapor Phase Inhibitor) paper.

VI. Warning
The careful selection of materials, the special deburring, the
care taken in cleaning, assembly, testing and packaging valves
for use in oxygen is of little consequence if the system in which
the valves are to be used is not oxygen clean. Foreign matter
such as weld slag, weld rod particles, dirt or oils if carried into the
valve may be locally heated through contact or trapping between
moving parts. The hot-spot created may at high oxygen pressures
be enough to start a rapid sublimation of the RTFE seats and may
even attack some metals like Carbon Steel.

V. Ordering Information
All models of Bray/McCannalok valves with RTFE seats may
be used for oxygen service. Carbon Steel is not recommended for
elevated temperatures or for critical services as defined above.
When ordering, specify commercially clean gaseous oxygen
service or critical gaseous oxygen service as required. Valves
will be prepared in accordance with Bray procedures for these
For low temperature oxygen services, commercial or critical
qualities, please consult your local Bray representative.

Oxygen : 13

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

Bray/McCannalok Valve Applications

Seawater & Brine (High Chloride) Applications Recommended Materials

The materials recommended herein are based upon critical
design criteria inherent in Brays High Performance butterfly
valve design of the seat, disc and stem. If any High Performance
butterfly valve design does not meet the minimum design
requirements stated below, then not only are these recommended
materials not applicable but the High Performance valve design
is not recommended for Seawater, Brine and other High Chloride

2. For Chlorides (ppm) less than 30,000 ASTM A995 Grade

5A Super Duplex Stainless Steel is preferred with an ASTM
A479 Type 316N Stem.
3. For Chlorides (ppm) less than 40,000 ASTM A351
CK3MCuN (254SMO) is preferred with an ASTM A479
Type 316N Stem.
4. For Chlorides (ppm) less than 55,000 once again ASTM
A351 CK3MCuN is preferred, but with an ASTM A479 AL6XN Stem.

Recommended Materials Selection for Bray/McCannalok

High Performance Butterfly Valves
A. The following Materials Selection Table identifies the disc,
body, stem and taper pin materials which should be selected
based upon the Chlorides (ppm). Generally, seawater has a
Chloride ppm of approximately 17,000 while brine is generally considered to be equal to or greater than a Chloride (ppm)
of 20,000. Specific comments are as follows:

5. For Chlorides (ppm) less than 100,000 ASTM A494 CW2M

Hastelloy is preferred with an ASTM C276 Stem.
Where stem material ASTM A479 Type 316 N is selected it is
to achieve the corrosion resistance of 316 Stainless Steel and the
greater physical properties of 316 N Stainless Steel to maintain
the relevant ASME rating.

1. For Chlorides (ppm) less than 20,000 ASTM A995 Grade

4A Duplex Stainless Steel is preferred with an ASTM A479
Type 316N Stem.

Chloride (ppm)



ASTM A995 Gr.4A

ASTM A995 Gr.5A



ASTM A995 Gr.4A

ASTM A995 Gr.5A

ASTM A479 Type 316N

ASTM A479 Type 316N
ASTM A479 Type 316N
ASTM A479 Type AL-6XN
ASTM C276 UNS N10276

Taper Pins & Disc Spacers

ASTM A479 Type 316N

ASTM A479 Type 316N
ASTM A479 Type 316N
ASTM A479 Type AL-6XN
ASTM C276 UNS N10276

*Other materials are available upon request.

Equivalent-Material References and Specifications


Reference ASTM #
ASTM A 126 Class B


Cast Iron

Tensile Strength
Min (psi)


Ductile Iron




Reference DIN #

Generic Name

Yield Strength
Min (psi)


A536 Gr. 65-45-12


A494/A 494M Gr. CW2M



Hastelloy C276, or C4C




A479/A Type 316


X5CrNiMo 17 13 3

316 Stainless Steel




A479 Type 316N



Stainless Steel




B 148 Grade 958


Nickel Al. Bronze




A995/A 995M Gr. 4A



Duplex 4A











A995/A 995M Gr. 5A





Super Duplex 5A
Austenitic Stainless


A479 Type AL-6XN

X1 NiLrM.CuN




Seawater/Brine : 14

All information herein is proprietary and confidential and may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.
The technical data herein is for general information only. Product suitability should be based solely upon customers detailed knowledge and experience with their application.

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