Sample Contracts
Sample Contracts
Sample Contracts
I, __________________________________________ hereby enter into the following contract for mating of the
two dogs: (stud dog) ______________________________________ to (bitch) ____________________________,
at bitch's next heat, approximate date of _____________________________________________ at kennel of
stud owner, bitch's next heat, approximate date of _____________________________________________ at
kennel of stud owner, unless otherwise indicated.
b) 1. Stud fee is to be payable in puppies as follows: Stud owner will make choice of litter no later than when
the puppies are four months of age. Failure to do so limits stud owner's choice to puppies available after that
2. One puppy constitutes a litter and if there is only one puppy, regardless of sex, this puppy shall
constitute choice of litter.
3. If all puppies are born dead, or none survive to the age of eight (8) weeks, stud owner has the right of
choice of litter. This will occur from a mating of the stud dog and bitch as her next heat only. If same condition
occurs at second whelping, obligations of both parties are terminated. No cash compensation is due bitch owner
nor will there be any refund either in whole or in part. These rights (choice of puppy), are not affected by change
of ownership of bitch.
A guarantee of actual mating only is made, and not of pregnancy or of puppies living or dead.
If bitch fails to be in whelp (pregnancy), the bitch owner must give notice not later than fifty (50) days after
mating. A return service will be given to the same bitch without charge at the next heat (and only this heat).
Unless such notice is given, the right to a return service is forfeited. No return service after second non-
pregnancy mating.
There are no other terms of this contract unless filled in space below and initialed by both parties.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Bitch Owner Stud Owner
Guarantee of Mating:
I, owner of stud dog in the foregoing contract, hereby certify and guarantee that said stud was mated properly
to bitch named in this contract, on ______________________________________________________________.
Signed: ___________________________________________________ Date _____________________
Stud Owner
[insert wording for any other type of agreement, such as first pick pup, second pick pup, whatever]
The following terms and conditions are understood and agreed to by both parties:
(1) Prior to breeding, the owner of the bitch must provide a completed JRTCA veterinarian form or JRTCA
Registration Certificate, a copy of the bitch's pedigree, a record of current vaccinations, proof of
worming within six months of the breeding date, and a negative Brucellosis test.
(2) Payment of the stud fee is due at the time of the first service unless otherwise specified in the initial
arrangement for breeding.
(3) If there is a tie, or the breeding is otherwise consummated, there will be no refund of the stud fee in
whole or in part.
(4) If the bitch fails to whelp, the owner of the bitch must notify the stud dog owner of this fact within 10
days of the whelping due date. A return service will be given by the same stud dog at the next heat
unless otherwise agreed upon by the stud owner. Lack of notification as indicated above will forfeit
any return service.
(5) If the stud dog should die or otherwise become incapacitated for breeding purposes before the return
service is given, the stud fee will be refunded in full.
(6) If the bitch changes ownership, any return service will be at the option of the stud dog owner. In
certain cases, a substitute bitch may be accepted for the return service, but this will also be at the
option of the stud dog owner.
(7) If the bitch dies or aborts before whelping, the stud dog owner must be notified immediately if there
is to be consideration given for a return service. Granting of a return service will be dependent on the
cause of death; i.e., negligent or unavoidable cause.
(8) Live birth of two or more puppies living up to three weeks of age will be considered a litter.
(9) It is understood that the stud dog owner shall maintain reasonable care of the bitch while at the stud
dog owner's facility or under the care of the stud dog owner or agent. The stud dog owner or agent
shall not be held responsible for any loss, injury or death of the bitch while under their supervision or
while in transit by a private or commercial carrier.
(10) Any bitch that cannot be bred due to viciousness, fear, or any other extreme behavior problem will
be immediately returned to the owner of said bitch and no payment will be due.
(11) In addition to the stud fee, it is understood that the owner of the bitch will assume all costs incurred
by the stud dog owner for any medical treatment by a veterinarian required for the bitch while under
the supervision of the stud dog owner or their agent. It is agreed that the stud dog owner or agent shall
determine the need for any emergency care for the bitch while under their supervision.
(12) The period of residence in the stud dog owner's facility shall not exceed seven days unless otherwise
agreed upon. Additional days will be subject to a $5.00 per day boarding fee.
(13) It is the bitch owner's responsibility to advise of any kennel habits the bitch may have that could
possibly present a problem in giving adequate and safe care while in the stud dog owner's facility,
and also to furnish any instructions and medication for any special care required.
(14) It is the bitch owner's responsibility to be sure that the bitch is brought to the stud dog at the proper
time for breeding.
(Both stud dog and bitch owners sign and date here]
Stud Service Agreement
The owner of the Jack Russell Terrier Dog named, _____________________________, JRTCA Reg. #______
, agrees to breed said Stud Dog to the Jack Russell Terrier bitch named
_______________________________, JRTCA Reg. # ________________, owned by:
Conditions of Service
(1) A stud fee of $___________ is due and payable at the time of breeding; a three-generation pedigree of
the stud dog will be provided at this time.
(2) A negative brucellosis test on the bitch must be submitted at the time of the breeding; no breeding will
take place unless this has been provided.
(3) A signed Stud Certificate for each puppy in the litter will be delivered upon notification of the birth of a
litter (a litter, for purposes of this agreement, constitutes at least one live puppy).
(4) If the above mentioned bitch fails to whelp, the owner of the bitch must give notice no later than ten (10)
days after the due date. A return service will be given to the same bitch without charge at the next heat
cycle. If owner of bitch fails to notify owner of stud dog regarding failure to whelp within the above
mentioned time limit, return service is forfeited.
(5) A board fee of $______ per day will be charged for every day that the bitch remains in the care of the
stud owner.
(6) The owner of the stud has no responsibility for any and all veterinarian fees that may incurred as a result
of this breeding.
(7) In lieu of a stud fee, the owner of the stud dog agrees to accept:
________________________________________ ______________________________________
Date Date
________________________________________ _______________________________________
(This contract must be signed in duplicate by both parties, each party having a copy of this Contract.)
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________,
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________,
_______________________, 20____, at the Kennel of stud owner, unless otherwise indicated herein, to
(Both parties must strike and initial the terms which do not apply to this mating.)
1. Prior to breeding, the owner of the bitch must provide a completed JRTCA veterinarian form or JRTCA
Registration Certificate, a copy of the bitch's pedigree, a record of current vaccinations, proof of
worming within six months of the breeding date, and a negative Brucellosis test.
One or more puppies constitutes a litter. If there is only one puppy, regardless of sex, this puppy shall
constitute a choice of litter, unless otherwise and agreed to herein.
At the time of stud owner's possession of the choice puppy, bitch owner shall deliver to stud owner a
certificate from a veterinarian stating that the puppy has been examined, has been found to have no
known congenital defects, is in good health and has had its first series of vaccinations. Stud owner
shall not be obligated to take possession of the choice puppy until such time as this certificate is
delivered, and this condition shall have no effect on stud owner's choice as stated above. Stud owner
shall have 72 hours from the time of possession of the choice puppy to have said puppy examined by
his/her own veterinarian. If puppy is found, at that examination, to have a congenital defect, Stud
Owner shall have the right to return said puppy to bitch owner and choose a puppy from those
available in the litter. If stud owner does not have the puppy examined and notify bitch owner within
the 72 hour period, stud owner shall forfeit his/her right to the return of said puppy and shall have no
other rights as to choice of another puppy. The parties hereto shall have no right to make any claim
against the other for expenses incurred in the examination of said choice puppy.
If all puppies are born dead, or none survive to the age when stud owner is to make a choice as above,
stud owner has the right to choose a puppy through mating at the next heat to the same stud, but a
repeat service is at stud owner's option. If repeat service is performed, stud owner shall not request
compensation for same. If the same condition occurs at second whelping, the obligations of both
parties shall be terminated, and this Contract is null and void. The rights of stud owner as to choice of
puppies at the next mating shall not be affected by change of ownership of said bitch and this Contract
shall remain in full force and effect.
4. Stud owner guarantees only a mating (and "tie"), and makes no guarantees as to the pregnancy of said
bitch or of puppies living or dead, unless otherwise stated and agreed to herein.
5. If bitch fails to be in whelp the owner of said bitch must notify stud owner of same no later than
_____days from the date of the first mating. A return service shall be given to the same stud without
charge at the next heat, and only at the next heat. Unless such notice is given, the right to a return
service is forfeited and this Contract shall be null and void. If bitch changes ownership, right of return
service is at the option of stud owner. Further if the bitch fails to be in whelp after the second mating,
stud owner shall retain the full amount of the stud fee herein and shall have no further obligation for
a third return service, and this Contract shall become null and void.
6. If stud dies, is sold, or otherwise not available for a mating, prior to delivery of the bitch for mating, stud
owner shall notify bitch owner of same and this Contract shall be null and void with all monies paid
to stud owner being returned to bitch owner.
If, after delivery of the bitch to stud owner's kennel for mating, stud is not available for, or incapable
of, mating of said bitch, stud owner shall notify bitch owner of same and the parties hereto agree to one
of the following terms:
a. Stud owner shall have the right to mate bitch with one of his/her other studs and shall notify bitch
owner of his choice prior to the mating; or
b. Bitch shall be returned to owner, together with the amount of the stud fee paid herein, less the sum
of $_________ which shall be retained by stud owner to cover the cost of care and board of bitch
while at stud owner's kennel.
7. Stud owner shall have the right to inspection of the bitch for the purpose of confirming pregnancy no
later than 50 days from the date of the first mating of bitch.
8. Stud owner shall deliver to bitch owner a copy of stud's pedigree and a JRTCA Stud Certificate only
upon receipt of either, i) payment in full of the stud fee stated herein, or ii) possession of a puppy from
the litter as stated herein (including health certificate), together with a copy of the pedigree of said
9. If bitch remains at stud owner's kennel for more than _____ days after delivery to said kennel, bitch
owner agrees to pay the sum of $_______ per day for each and every day, after said date, that bitch
remains to cover the cost of food and board for said bitch during her stay.
All costs for transportation of bitch to and from stud owner's kennel shall be the responsibility of bitch
owner and shall be paid in advance by bitch owner responsible for transportation arrangements or any
costs incurred in the transportation of said bitch.
10. Stud owner makes no representations as to the quality of quantity of the litter produced from this
mating, and bitch owner agrees to make no claims against stud owner for same.
By signing below, the undersigned agreed to the terms and conditions of this Contract on the
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
I, owner of the stud dog, hereby state and declare that in accordance with the terms of a Stud Service
Stud Owner
I hereby state that as owner of stud dog, I have received from owner of bitch the following cash
payment: $ ________________________ in full payment of the terms of a Stud Service Contract dated
Stud Owner
-- Certificate of Sale --
Terrier will be held only if a deposit has been received, and is still for sale until such time as said deposit is
received by Seller. Full payment must be made before terrier leaves Seller's possession.
The terrier may not be sold or given away by Buyer without the prior written consent of Seller, who shall
have a right of first refusal.
The above terms and conditions are agreed to this __________ day of _________________, 20____.
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Buyer Seller
Sales Contract
On _______ day of ____________, 20 ___, the sum of $________ has been received from:
hereinafter referred to as the Buyer. This sum has been received as consideration for the purchase of the
Jack Russell Terrier described as:
Conditions of Sale
(1) Both buyer and seller acknowledge that no representations, verbal or implied, have been made with
regard to said Jack Russell Terrier's future abilities.
(2) Seller warrants, to the best of his/her ability, that said Jack Russell Terrier is sound and free from disease.
The buyer has the option to take puppy within 72 hours of purchase, at their own expense, to a
veterinarian of their choice. If puppy is found not to be in good health, the buyer will return the terrier
to the seller immediately, and the seller will either (1) replace the terrier; (2) refund the purchase price;
or, (3) return it in good health within thirty (30) days. The adverse health report must be in writing and
signed by a licensed veterinarian.
(3) Puppy is guaranteed until one year of age against genetic/congenital defects which would cause death
or the need to be humanely destroyed. In such an unlikely case, a written veterinarian report, with
autopsy if necessary, must be submitted in writing and signed by a licensed veterinarian. The puppy will
be replaced or the purchase price will be returned at the seller's sole discretion.
(4) Puppy is guaranteed to qualify for registration in the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA).
(5) If buyer is unable to keep said terrier for any reason, they will contact the breeder to assist with
placement in another home. Under no circumstances will buyer ever place this Jack Russell Terrier in
an animal shelter, pound, or pet store of any type.
(6) The buyer further agrees to register this terrier with the JRTCA at one year of age, and to have no
association with any conflicting JRT organization or kennel club (relating to Jack Russell Terriers).
Refund Policy
(1) If terrier does not qualify for registration with the JRTCA, the seller agrees to:
(a) Replace the terrier with another puppy upon return of the original terrier; or
(b) Upon receipt of spay/neuter certificate for said terrier, refund one-half of purchase price.
(2) If the buyer spay/neuters said terrier voluntarily, the seller will refund $_____________.
This agreement represents the entire agreement between the buyer and seller. No other agreements or
promises, verbal or implied, are included unless specifically sated in this written agreement.
Buyer Seller
Date Date
This sales contract is made this ________ day of _________________________________ 20____ between
___________________________________________________________________, hereinafter termed THE
SELLER, and _____________________________________________________________________________,
address ___________________________________________________________________, hereinafter
termed the BUYER.
THE SELLER AGREES to sell, for the purchase price of $_____________, and has this day delivered to the
BUYER, a Jack Russell Terrier, hereinafter termed terrier, male/female whelped on ____________, sired by
_________________________________________________, out of ___________________________,
described as ______________________________________, and certifies that said TERRIER is of sound body
and good health, free from communicable diseases to the best of seller's knowledge, and current in
vaccinations and wormings.
THE SELLER guarantees that the TERRIER is registerable with the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America, Inc.
If the TERRIER is not registerable at one year of age, THE SELLER agrees to replace the dog if returned, or
to refund one-half of the purchase price when proof of sterilization is received. The BUYER must notify the
SELLER in writing of the unregisterable condition, and include a JRTCA veterinarian certificate dated and
signed by a license veterinarian within 30 days after the TERRIER turns one year of age. If the SELLER does
not receive notification within this period of time, this guarantee becomes null and void.
THE BUYER AGREES to offer the TERRIER to the SELLER for no more than the purchase price above if he
cannot keep the dog within one year of age. After one year of age, THE BUYER AGREES to notify the SELLER
if he cannot keep the dog for any reason during its lifetime, and a mutually agreeable plan will be worked
out to place the terrier in another home.
THE BUYER AGREES that they will never place this dog, or any of its offspring should it be used for breeding,
in any pet store or other public-sales situation, and that they will not participate with this animal in any kennel
club or conflicting organization registry.
THE SELLER AGREES to provide a $50.00 spay/neuter refund upon the receipt of proof of sterilization by the
buyer, unless the puppy has been replaced or a refund has been given for unregisterability.
WITNESS our hands the day and year first written above.
______________________________________________ SELLER
______________________________________________ BUYER
Spay/Neuter Sales Agreement
in consideration for the purchase of the Jack Russell Terrier described below:
Conditions of Sale
(1) The buyer agrees to neuter/spay the above described terrier on or before
____________________________ [date].
(2) The buyer agrees to be responsible for any and all associated veterinary costs, and to provide the
seller with a certificate of spay/neuter signed by a licensed veterinarian.
(3) If the buyer fails, for any reason, to spay/neuter the above terrier on or before the date listed above,
the buyer agrees to pay any and all fees, including but not limited to legal fees, court costs,
depositons, telephone, veterinary examinations, etc. incurred by the seller and its agents to enforce
this contract.
(4) Transfer of ownership or housing of this terrier does not limit or in any way change the responsibility
of the above named buyer to spay/neuter the animal as per this agreement.
(5) It is understood that no pedigree will be provided on this animal until the spay/neuter agreement has
been completed.
(6) If buyer cannot keep this terrier for any reason, full ownership will revert back to seller.
On ___________________, 20___, the sum of $_____________ has been received from the buyer [insert
name, address & phone number]:
for co-ownership of the following described Jack Russell Terrier [name, description, reg. #]:
The following terms and conditions are hereby agreed to:
1. The bitch will be co-owned by the buyer and _____________________ Kennel until all of the terms of this
contract are fulfilled; the bitch will be registered with the JRTCA in both names, with a copy of this
2. The bitch will reside with the buyer; however, if buyer elects not to keep said bitch for whatever reason,
full ownership shall revert back to _____________________ Kennel.
3. The bitch will be bred during her second heat from this date, or at a time mutually agreeable to the buyer
and ______________________________ Kennel, to a stud dog determined by, and owned by,
_________________________ Kennel. There will be no stud fee expense to the buyer.
4. ________________________ Kennel will receive two pups of their choice from said breeding; if for any
reason there are not two live pups free of congenital/genetic defects. If the seller is unable to take two
pups from the first breeding, the breeding will be repeated and the same conditions will apply until two
pups have been received by ____________________________________ Kennel. Any remaining pups
in the litter(s) will be owned by the buyer. Any abnormal vet expenses incurred from the whelping (i.e. C-
section) will be split proportionately by the number of pups between the buyer and
_____________________________ Kennel.
5. All litters produced under this co-ownership agreement will be considered bred by
_______________________________ Kennel, and will be registered with the JRTCA using the seller's
registered kennel prefix. Pedigree and stud certificate papers will be provided accordingly to the buyer
for all pups in the litter.
6. At the time the above outlined commitment has been fulfilled, full ownership will be transferred to the
buyer, with no further commitments due ___________________ Kennel.
7. The full value of this bitch is considered to be $_________________; the buyer is responsible for the safety
and health of the bitch, and are at risk for the additional value in the event that the bitch is lost due to
negligence in health care or otherwise during the period of co-ownership.
Attending Veterinarian:
Tail docking/dew claw removal on: _______________________ Health examination on: __________________
Type/Date 1) _______________________________________
2) _______________________________________
3) _______________________________________
4) _______________________________________
Type/Date 1) _______________________________________
2) _______________________________________
3) _______________________________________
4) _______________________________________
5) _______________________________________
6) _______________________________________
1) The puppy must be checked by a veterinarian of your choice within five working days. Should he find
the pup ill, or not as represented, a full refund of the purchase price will be given upon the return of the
2) In the event the terrier does not pass registration at one year of age due to the following reasons....
Heart murmur, undescended testicles, hernia, severely incorrect bite, Legg-Perthes disease, abnormal
vision, abnormal hearing, generalized demodectic mange . . . .
A) Upon the return of the terrier, you have a choice of a new puppy or a full refund of the
purchase price.
B) If you keep the terrier, half the purchase price will be refunded upon receipt of proof that the
terrier has been altered (spayed/neutered).
PLEASE NOTE: If, for any reason, at any time, you decide you cannot keep your terrier, you may return it
to me. I will have it altered (at my expense) and place it in a suitable home.