Conduct of PCN Examinations: NDTS India (P) Limited
Conduct of PCN Examinations: NDTS India (P) Limited
Conduct of PCN Examinations: NDTS India (P) Limited
Revision No. 00
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: 01/09/2015
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: 01/09/2015
candidates suffering from conditions such as dyslexia, or whose first language is not that in
which the examination is presented. Arrangements should also be made for an examiner to
be present in order to supplement the written examination with oral questions if necessary to
establish that the candidate has a firm grasp of the topic being examined.
Candidates shall be prohibited from using red ink or correction fluid when completing PCN
examination papers.
Consequently mobile phones and any other electronic communications devices shall be
barred from written and practical examination facilities when PCN examinations are being
Candidates will be allowed to use NDTS provided PC or lap-top computer in the NDT
instruction and NDT procedure writing section of the PCN examination. On no account will
the use of a candidates own computer be permitted during a PCN examination.
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Examination Invigilation
The invigilator must ask all the candidate to enter the time & sign the examination attendance sheet
prior to the commencement of exam.
Examination invigilators must ascertain that the examination conditions are to the satisfaction of all
candidates prior to the commencement of PCN examinations. Like acceptable levels of comfort,
lighting, temperature etc. also There must be a gap of not less than 1.5 metres between candidates.
In the event that, following commencement of an examination, conditions deteriorate to a level below
that required by BINDT, the examination must be terminated or suspended until such time as the
conditions are restored.
The invigilator must ensure that where the premises are shared between training and examination,
there shall be no joint usage of the facilities, i.e. examinations shall not take place whilst the facilities
are being used for training or vice versa.
Invigilator must have received appropriate training in the points to be observed and recorded during
practical examinations.
The invigilator must be present at all time of the examination and should supervise all the candidates
closely and should report to NDTS PCN Co-Ordinator / Examination Co-Ordinator any mal-practices
in the examination hall.
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Where the NDTS offers PCN examination at one or more remote examination centres on a permanent
or frequent basis, there shall be a documented procedure for the same and the site is subjected to
audit by the BINDT for approval .
NDTS shall permit only those personnel named in the BINDT approved quality management system
and on the NDTS authorisation as examiners or invigilators to supervise the conduct of PCN
Examination staff should be familiar with all requirements, rules and regulations relevant to their tasks,
and the NDTS quality management system shall define how they are trained in those tasks and the
system for recording such training.
NDTS quality management system shall detail the measures, such as delegation of responsibilities for
management and administration, or refraining from conducting PCN examinations in the absence of
key staff.
NDTS shall appoint a Level 3 certificated and technically competent individual acceptable to BINDT
who shall be responsible for the provision of all facilities for examination, and for the preparation,
conduct and standards of examination and who shall be designated Chief Examiner on the NDTS
certificate of authorisation.
NDTS shall make all necessary arrangements for proper conduct of examination facilities like proper
lightning, gap between candidates, ventilation and should ensure security of exam papers, materials,
test equipments etc
Arrangement should also be made for an examiner to supplement the written examination with oral
questions if necessary to established that the candidate has firm grasp the topic.
Examiner should check that all the applications for examinations are been dully filled by the
candidates and no information column is left blank along with the examination fees.
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Continual improvement and its effectiveness of the NDTS system through the use of the quality
policy, quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and
management review.
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Student Induction:
Candidate have to fill application form with their personnel details and experience.
Candidate have to submit required documents such as Passport sizephoto-2 nos, Experience
certificate, education certificate. Need for joining course.
On the first day of the class candidate will be briefed about the course, practical trainings, breaks,
rules and regulation, standard & codes, about tutors, facilities, examination rules & regulations.
Candidate have to introduce themselves.