Conduct of PCN Examinations: NDTS India (P) Limited

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NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Conduct of PCN Examination

Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 02

Page No.

1 of 2

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Conduct of PCN Examinations

Candidates who are attending the examination will have to first sign the examination
attendance sheet and candidate coming late time will be recorded in the exam sheet.
All times during examination (written & practical assessment), examiner / Invigilator
(Qualified and Authorised) will closely supervise that no candidate is permitted an unfair
advantage or to collude with other candidates.
An invigilator need not be an examiner, but must:
a) be appropriately qualified if invigilating practical examinations.
b) be required to ensure that appropriate examination conditions are maintained at all
c) ensure that any infringement of examination conditions by any candidate is recorded.
d) To report any infringement without delay to the Chief Examiner or PCN Co-ordinator.
e) declare (to the NDTS Co-ordinator or Chief Examiner) an interest in any candidate
prior to commencement of an examination.
Candidate sign on non-disclosure agreement so as not to release any confidential
examination materials or participate in fraudulent test-taking practices.
In case of an interrupted or curtailed PCN Examination the NDTS coordinator will inform
BINDT in writing of the interruption or curtailment.
In the event that a PCN examination is suspended or interrupted the candidate shall be
permitted to return to complete the examination without further charge at the same NDTS
within thirty days.
Any completed examination parts may be held over pending re-commencement, but shall
not be marked until such time as all examination parts are completed.
Any part completed examination papers shall be retained with the candidates file as an
examination record and for any part not completed, the candidate shall be given an entirely
different paper upon re-commencement.
In the event of a subsequent re-examination, the earliest date allowable for the reexamination shall be calculated from the date of examination re-commencement.
All staff involved with examinations shall ensure that no examination material is removed by
any candidate.
The use of programmable calculators is prohibited in PCN examinations, as unless the
equipment concerned is inspected by NDTS staff before use in an examination.
Candidate should be informed prior to the examination dates, time, code and standard,
examination equipments and materials, breaks during examination and consequences of
An extension of up to 25% is authorised in the time allowed in PCN written examinations for
NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Conduct of PCN Examination
Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 02

Page No.

2 of 2

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

candidates suffering from conditions such as dyslexia, or whose first language is not that in
which the examination is presented. Arrangements should also be made for an examiner to
be present in order to supplement the written examination with oral questions if necessary to
establish that the candidate has a firm grasp of the topic being examined.
Candidates shall be prohibited from using red ink or correction fluid when completing PCN
examination papers.
Consequently mobile phones and any other electronic communications devices shall be
barred from written and practical examination facilities when PCN examinations are being
Candidates will be allowed to use NDTS provided PC or lap-top computer in the NDT
instruction and NDT procedure writing section of the PCN examination. On no account will
the use of a candidates own computer be permitted during a PCN examination.

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Control of NDT Equipment

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 03

Page No.

1 of 1

Issue No. 01

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Revision No. 00

Control of NDT Equipment

NDTS will maintain all test ( NDT) equipments used in PCN examinations for details of equipment
type, identification, location, frequency of checks, method of check, allocation of responsibility.
Equipment used for PCN Examination / Training shall hold sufficient relevant test and/or inspection
equipment to enable the conduct of PCN examinations for a stated number of candidates at any one
practical examination sitting.
A List of equipment will be maintained and checked once in 6 months.
All the equipments as far as practicable, maintain in a serviceable condition and provide for its
maintenance and overhaul as necessary.
If any changes in equipment holdings or a significant reduction in equipment holdings is planned, this
may result in a change in the scope of NDTS authorisation and must be notified to BINDT beforehand.
NDT Equipments should be kept in lock and key and it should be allowed only after the permission of
authorised personnel / PCN Co-ordinator.

NDTS India (P) Limited

Control of Training of Examinations Specimens
NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 05

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Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Control of Training of Examinations Specimens

The minimum number of practical specimens/ Examination specimens shall meet the relevant
specification (where one exists) before use in PCN examinations.
Where a specification does not yet exist for a particular category of examination specimens,
the NDTS shall provide for BINDT approval a list of specimens proposed for use, including a
description of each.
Approved specimens for PCN examinations, examination specimens shall be used for no purpose
other than PCN examinations.
A list of PCN examination specimens and their disposition shall be submitted to BINDT
during initial authorisation.
Each practical specimen shall be uniquely identified by an appropriate permanent marking to
ensure that it is completely traceable.
NDTS will maintain a procedure for the procurement, production, maintenance, rotation, disposal and
introduction of new examination specimens.
There shall be a documented procedure for the production of master reports of flaws in each
All examination specimens, in order to gain BINDT approval, must be evaluated independently by two
personnel holding relevant certification. Records of such evaluations will be maintained for a minimum
of ten years beyond the date when the specimen ceases to be used for PCN examinations.
NDTS shall have in place a procedure whereby examination specimen master reports are
reviewed by an examiner, within the regular time period specified by BINDT.

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Examination Invigilation
NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 07

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1 of 1

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Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Examination Invigilation
The invigilator must ask all the candidate to enter the time & sign the examination attendance sheet
prior to the commencement of exam.
Examination invigilators must ascertain that the examination conditions are to the satisfaction of all
candidates prior to the commencement of PCN examinations. Like acceptable levels of comfort,
lighting, temperature etc. also There must be a gap of not less than 1.5 metres between candidates.
In the event that, following commencement of an examination, conditions deteriorate to a level below
that required by BINDT, the examination must be terminated or suspended until such time as the
conditions are restored.
The invigilator must ensure that where the premises are shared between training and examination,
there shall be no joint usage of the facilities, i.e. examinations shall not take place whilst the facilities
are being used for training or vice versa.
Invigilator must have received appropriate training in the points to be observed and recorded during
practical examinations.
The invigilator must be present at all time of the examination and should supervise all the candidates
closely and should report to NDTS PCN Co-Ordinator / Examination Co-Ordinator any mal-practices
in the examination hall.

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Examination Preparation

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 08

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Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Issue Date

Where the NDTS offers PCN examination at one or more remote examination centres on a permanent
or frequent basis, there shall be a documented procedure for the same and the site is subjected to
audit by the BINDT for approval .
NDTS shall permit only those personnel named in the BINDT approved quality management system
and on the NDTS authorisation as examiners or invigilators to supervise the conduct of PCN
Examination staff should be familiar with all requirements, rules and regulations relevant to their tasks,
and the NDTS quality management system shall define how they are trained in those tasks and the
system for recording such training.
NDTS quality management system shall detail the measures, such as delegation of responsibilities for
management and administration, or refraining from conducting PCN examinations in the absence of
key staff.
NDTS shall appoint a Level 3 certificated and technically competent individual acceptable to BINDT
who shall be responsible for the provision of all facilities for examination, and for the preparation,
conduct and standards of examination and who shall be designated Chief Examiner on the NDTS
certificate of authorisation.
NDTS shall make all necessary arrangements for proper conduct of examination facilities like proper
lightning, gap between candidates, ventilation and should ensure security of exam papers, materials,
test equipments etc
Arrangement should also be made for an examiner to supplement the written examination with oral
questions if necessary to established that the candidate has firm grasp the topic.
Examiner should check that all the applications for examinations are been dully filled by the
candidates and no information column is left blank along with the examination fees.

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

: 01/09/2015

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 09

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1 of 1

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Locally Constructed Exam Papers for use in PCN Examination

Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Locally Constructed Exam Papers for use in PCN Examination:

Where examination papers are constructed by the NDTS it has to ensure that such examination
papers adequately reflect the PCN published examination syllabus and are subject to periodic review
and revalidation.
Once approved for PCN examinations, examination material shall be used for no purpose other than
PCN examinations.
All examination specimens must be evaluated independently by two personnel holding relevant
certification to get approval from BINDT.
NDTS compiled examination question papers should be in the English language and should ensure its
security, and grammatical and technical accuracy, PCN examination papers may be translated into
other languages, but only with the specific consent and written authorisation in each case of BINDT.

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Measurement (analysis) and improvement
Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 10

Page No.

1 of 1

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Measurement (analysis) and Improvement

NDTS should collect and analyse appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of
the NDTS systems and to evaluate where continual improvement & its effectiveness
Data generation should be done and analysed.
Generation of Data from
a) customer satisfaction, b) conformity to services requirements, c) training process, d) examination
process, e) Results, f) suppliers, g) Internal Audit

Continual improvement and its effectiveness of the NDTS system through the use of the quality
policy, quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and
management review.

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 11

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1 of 1

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Review and Comment on centrally issued PCN Exam Papers

Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Review and Comment on centrally issued PCN Exam Papers

NDTS shall maintain a system by which candidate's replies to examination questions are periodically
reviewed in order to detect those questions which consistently elicit incorrect answers from
candidates. This procedure will require BINDT to be notified of any such examination questions so
that they can review and re-validate such questions / papers.

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Student Assessment and Counselling
Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 12

Page No.

1 of 1

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Student Assessment and Counselling

Marking schedules for all possible solutions are to be produced for all narrative answer questions and
are to include key points and marks for answers. These shall be prepared by an authorised Examiner
with appropriate certification, and shall be approved and signed by the Chief Examiner.
The conduct of practical examinations is to be defined by written procedures which shall include
assessment and marking schedules for all possible solutions, observation of the candidate for
compliance with safety notes and notices, and selection and correct usage of test equipment Practical
examination marking schedules shall be prepared by an authorised Examiner with appropriate
certification, and signed by the Chief Examiner.
NDTS will grade PCN NDT practical examinations according to the provisions of BINDT CP22.
All examination marking is to be carried out using red ink.
Examination results notices shall be despatched to the BINDT Certification Records Office, and the
candidate not later than 28 days (though it is desirable that this period shall be less than 7 days) from
the date of the examination and, in the case of failure in the examination, should include an indication
of the reason for failure which is useful to the candidate in preparing for re-examination. NDTS may
provide a copy of examination results to the organisation paying the examination fees, but must
ensure that data is safeguarded as required by national regulations on data protection.
BINDT reserves the right to require further evidence of competence before issuing a PCN certificate.
In case any student require counselling or trainer feels that a particular candidate need to see a
counsellor necessary arrangements can be made for the same.

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

NDTS India (P) Limited

Work Instruction for Student Induction
Issue No. 01

Revision No. 00

Work Instruction No. :

QWI 13

Page No.

1 of 1

Issue Date

: 01/09/2015

Student Induction:
Candidate have to fill application form with their personnel details and experience.
Candidate have to submit required documents such as Passport sizephoto-2 nos, Experience
certificate, education certificate. Need for joining course.
On the first day of the class candidate will be briefed about the course, practical trainings, breaks,
rules and regulation, standard & codes, about tutors, facilities, examination rules & regulations.
Candidate have to introduce themselves.

NDTS India (P) Limited, Navi Mumbai

Tel.:91-22-27703913, 27703923, Fax: 91-22-2770 3903. E-Mail-

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