Happy Birthday Your Majesty!: Date

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Date: Week 1017th June 2016

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

We really enjoyed our special Garden Party
lunch last Friday, to mark the Queens 90th
Birthday celebrations. Lisa, Lottie, Holy,
Amy, Tom
and Derren
did a fantastic job
of trimming
up the hall
in red,
white a
even the
Lady herself made a
special appearance!

Y2 Assembly
In Assembly on Wednesday Y2 shared their
learning from this term so far. They were
quite nervous to stand in front of the whole
school but did a great job teaching us all
about London and even performing as the
Queens guards. Well done Y2!

Community Cafe
A new Community Caf is starting at Worsbrough Common Community Centre every
Thursday from 9.30-11.30, starting next
Thursday. Pop down for a cuppa and support
your local community centre!

Coming Up This Half Term

21st JuneAttendance Winners Trip

22nd JuneSports Day

24th JuneReports to Parents
29th JuneSummer Fair
30th JuneY6 Leavers Party 5pm-7pm
1st JulyLeavers assembly 10.00am
4th JulyShuffle Up Fortnight starts
4th JulyParents Evening Drop In
6th JulyStay & Play & Information Event
for new EYFS parents

15th JulyBreak up for Summer

Class of 2016

EYFS Parent Event

Our Teaching School team enjoyed a special celebration

event on Thursday, marking the end of this years
Teaching Training Programme. All of our primary and
secondary trainees turned
up to received their certificates and celebrate completing their training. Miss
Maude and Miss Voyce were
amongst the trainees celebrating and were thrilled
that they are staying with us
next year .

INSET Days for 2016/17

School will be closed for INSET on:
5th & 6th September 2016,
31st October 2016, Monday
27th February 2017 and Friday 7th July 2017.

Y5 Buzzzzy
Peter from Wentworth Castle visits
F1 and Y5 as part
of the Get Barnsley Buzzing project
aimed at raising
awareness of Bees
and how they contribute to our eco
system. They were
joined by members
of our Eco Council.

Junior Wardens Prize

Well done to Nicole Ravenscroft, who received a special prize at the Junior Wardens presentation last week
for her fab essay writing
skills! & well done to Miss
Wogan who spotted the misprint in last weeks newsletter!

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