Venetian Viols of The 16th-Century w1980 - Edmum PDF

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V enetian Viols of the

into the origins of the viol has become increasingly
concerned with discovering how the earlier instruments sounded
and were constructed. To do this we must look at surviving examples
with eyes unclouded by the later traditions of violin-making. lan
Harwood published an article, 'An Introduction to Renaissance Viols'
in Early Music (Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1974). The following year I
was enabled by the Galpin Society Research Award to spend a fortnight in Vienna examining the very fine series of early Italian viols in
the Kunsthistorisches Museum. With the friendly co-operation of Dr
Wegercr, the Curator, I was able to examine them in detail. The
present article will concentrate on descriptions of seven four-cornered
Venetian viols including ftve from Vienna. Table I has already
appeared in Early Music (Vol. 6, No. 4, October 1978, pp. 519--25)
and lists the known instruments of this type which are accessible in
collections. Table 2 gives detailed measurements and comments on
the instruments which have been examined.






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Surviving 16th-century Venetian Viols

Cat. No.




Francesco Linarol
Hainrich Ebert
Antonio Ciciliano


Vienna C7I
Brussels MI402
Bologna 1761
Vienna C75
Brussels MI424
Vienna C76
Vietma C77
Brussels M1425
Brussels M1426
Witten collection, date on label 1582
Vietma C78, date on label 1585

Large Bass
Batista Ciciliano
son of Antonio Bass
Ventura Linarol
son of Francisco Viol one








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LINAROL, Francesco
The earliest instrument is a tenor catalogued by Schlosser 1 as C7I.
The label reads Franciscus Iinarolus Bergomensis Venetiis faciebat. Schlosser
suggests a date of 1540. Witten 2 infers that Francesco Linarol was born
between 1511 and 1515, and had probably died by 1577 when his son
Ventura started signing instruments. Venctian documents give
Ventura's age as over sixty in 1601 and two instruments by him are
signed 'son of Francesco' and dated 1581 and 1585. Unfortunately a
printt'r's error in Schlosser's catalogue has confused several later
scholars. The captions and numbers for the illustrations of C71 and
C72 have been interchanged. Schlosser's description identifies C72 as
having a pierced 'durchbrochene' scroll. This clearly refers to the
guitar-shaped instrument on the right of his Plate XVI. The Linarol
label quoted above is firmly fixed in the instrument with four corners,
illustrated on the right of Schlosser's Plate XVII.
The Linarol tenor (Fig. 1) is the earliest survivor of a series of
similar viols made by a group of Venetian makers. I assume that they
were a common type of instrument which was developed early in the
16th century and which by the middle of the century was being made
in some quantity. The Linarol has several features in common with this
series of Venetian viols. The instrument has four corners, an arched
front, a flat back, bent just above the upper corners, and a well-arched
fingerboard set at a rather low angle. The scroll has flat sides decorated
with spiral grooves, and three flutes running round the front and down
the back of the scroll. The neck is thick and parabolic in section. It is
joined to the body by a butt joint reinforced with one or more large
nails. The neck joint slopes; it is not perpendicular to the plane of the
front. As a result, where the back starts to swell out below the neck
joint it is noticeably wider than the front. This makes the top ribs
slope inwards as they rise towards the front. Around the top ribs, the
back of the Linarol tenor is up to 5 cm. wider than the front.
At first glance, the construction seems conventional but it is noticeable that the ribs in the lower bout are arched upwards so as to be 1.5
cm. deeper at the tail-block than at the corners. This means that the
front plate is arched transversely where it joins the lower rib. Examination of the inside, using a dental mirror, showed that the front plate is
not carved at all but is made from a flat plate of wood, as for a guitar
or lute, and then bent to shape. The arching is supported by light
transverse bars, one above and one below the corners. A thin bass-bar
runs between the two transverse bars. These transverse bars are about
1.5 cm. deep and 0.5 cm. thick. The edges of all the bars are chamfered
to a sharp edge. Small blocks are glued to the ribs, supporting the ends

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FIG. I. Tenor lliol by Francesco Linarol, C71 Vienna.

This drawing shows the arrangement of barring on the front and back, and the
front bent from a fiat plate of wo(ld. In between the two 11iews are sections,
taken perpendicular to the length of the instrument, showing the two wrJJed
transverse bars and the cross section of the .fin,{!erboard.


of the transverse bars. They provide extra support for the bars which
were probably glued in place between the ribs before the front was
bent and fitted.
The back is jointed down the middle with traces of parchment
reinforcement. The original parchment back linings are cut, and traces
of fresh glue at the neck-block suggest that a restorer took this route
and wisely refrained from disturbing the bent top. There are two bars
on the back but their edges are not chamfered so it may be that they
are later additions; however they are in the same positions as bars on
the back of the Ebert viol. There is no sign of any plate to support a
sound post.
The neck is butted to the neck-block, with one large and three small
nails reinforcing the joint as mentioned above. The back does not
continue over the neck joint. There is no sign of any alteration to the
neck, which preserves its original flat angle. The base of the nut is
2 cm. above the line of the front. As a result the angle made by the
strings over the bridge is very small and the force exerted by the
bridge perpendicular to the front is only about 0.2 times the total
string tension. By contrast the thrust of the bridge feet on the top of a
baroque viol would be as much as 0.4 to 0.5 times the string tension.
The string-length is about 54 cm. This would allow gut strings to be
tuned G-g'.
The fingerboard is carved from a thick wedge of maple similar to
the neck and body of the instrument. At the end it is 6.5 cm. wide and
arched I. I cm. The sides of the fingerboa rd are flat and 1.5 cm. deep
below the arching- at the end. To lighten the balance this very thick
fingerboard is hollowed underneath right up to the nut.
The tailpiece matches the rest of the instrument in colour and
varnish. It retains the original metal hook which is used instead of an
end-post or tail-gut to attach the tailpiece to the body. The hook fits
into a screw-eye which passes through a hole in the front plate into
the tail-block as shown in Fig. 2. The screw-eye of C71 is recent. The
hook is shaped somewhat like a miniature picture-rail hook (see Fig. 3).
It is recessed into a tapered mortise in the back of the tailpiece with the
broad end of the hook driven into the wood of the tailpiece. The
stages in making a replica of this type of hook are shown in Fig. 4 An
almost exact copy can be forged with minimum skill. A tailpiece with
such a hook can support at least 6o Kg., or more than double the
likely string tension.

Cross section through the tailpiece and tail block of a bass JJiol, shorving
hook and eye tailpiece fixing. Antonio Ciciliano, C77 Vienna. . . .
The hook fits snugly in a tapered 111ortise. The turned up portron rs drrJJell
into the wood of the tailpiece.

FIG. 2.

Francesco Linarol
C71 Vi e nna


Antonio Ciciliano
C77 Vienna

3 Tailpiece hooks drawn full size.





4 Stages in jorging a hook.

(a) broad flat jorged on end of 8 mm. mild steel rod.

(b) tapered section forged on rod.
(c) cleaned up with file mtd flat bent doum.
(d) hook bent on steel former.
spikes cut to drive i11to tailpiece.

(e) mortise in tailpiece ready for hook.

The next instrument, also tenor-sized, belongs to the Brussels
Conservatoire, catalogue No. M1402. The printed label reads
HAINRICH EBERT. Witten states that Ebert is mentioned in Venetian
documents of the I 56os. This tenor has many features in common with
the Francesco Linarol C71, especially the high nut, and the two are
probably contemporary. Charles Beare has poi_nted out t~at the front
plate, which is carved with a small central bar mteg_ral wtth the wood
of the plate, is probably later than the rest of the mstrument. It was
possible to re-examine the interior with the instru~ent open, after
seeing the front barring on C71. On each of the nbs close to the

corners are marks of a block which has been removed, in exactly the
position where it would have supported an original transverse bar.
The lower rib and the waist arc arched up and it seems almost certain
that the original front plate was bent and barred transversely as in
the Linarol. However there is an important difference between the
two. The ribs of the Ebert are only slightly arched. It is unlikely that
the restorer who replaced the top around I6oo would have cut the
arching down from 1.5 cm. to its present I.I cm. If he had cut the
ribs down he would have made the front edge lie in a plane to simplify
fitting a new top. Two explanations occur to me. If the original top
had been made from a very slightly arched flat plate we would have
had an instrument very close in its construction to a lute or guitar. It
may be that the flat arching led to the failure of the top; this could
explain why it had to be replaced. The second hypothesis is that the
original top was both carved to give more arching and transversely
barred. The Ebert has a purfled decoration on the fingerboard whilst
the Linarol is not purfled at all. It is a wild speculation, but possibly
carved fronts were used on more decorated instruments whilst flat
fronts served for the 'student' model.
In its other characteristics the Ebert is very similar to the Linarol.
The shoulders slope forward. The scroll is of the same design but
embellished with a delightful little flower at the centre. The fingerboard is purfled with a simple geometrical knot. Lines of purfling
run along the edges of the fingerboard. If tllis purfling were originally
parallel with the edges then the fingerboard must have been around
6 cm. longer. There i~ a neat splice just below the peg box where the
neck has been shortened by about this amount. Originally, then, the
string length would have been 54-56 cm., allowing gut strings to be
tuned G-g'.
The front plate has a hole for a screw-eye, and this hole continues
in the tail-block. There is no trace of any end-pin or tail-post. Unfortunately the original screw eye is missing and the tailpiece is a 19thcentury replacement. That restorer has fitted his own design of hook
nailed in place with carpet tacks. The back has two transverse bars
above and below the corners at the same positions as the marks for the
presumed front bars. The back bars appear to be original and have the
same sharply chamfered edge as the front bars on the Linarol. In its
original state the Ebert tenor would have appeared very elongated to
our eyes, for the body is only 42 cm. long or about 8o per cent of the
string-length. This suggests that the maker wanted the body of the
instrument to work best on the higher notes.


The next two instruments are by Antonio Ciciliano. Witten states
that Antonio Ciciliano is recorded in Venetian documents in I 566,
1569 and 1581. Vienna has three viols by this maker. Unfortunately
I was only able to examine two, the tenor, Schlosser C75, and the
large bass, C77. The tenor differs from the other instruments in having
the ribs turned slightly outwards at the corners (Fig. 6a). Apart from
this it conforms closely to the general Venetian pattern. The ribs are
shallower than on the Linarol tenor and have the same depth all round.
The top is carved from a single piece of quartered pine oriented with
the coarser rings from the heart of the tree on the bass side. These
makers preferred dose-grown timber for the front. Here there are
14 rings to the centimetre in the treble, 8 in the middle, and 3.6 in the
The back has a single very small bar across the fold. There is no
plate, and the soundpost which is fitted at present has caused serious
distortion to the back. There is a bass-bar but this, like the sound post,
is probably a recent addition.
The neck-block has nail holes but no nails. Traces of glue and filler
suggest that the neck has been removed but it has probably been
refitted at the original angle. The base of the nut is level with the top
of the ribs. The fingerboard is well arched with deep sides and is
carved away underneath, almost to the nut, for lightness. The geometric design on the fingerboard is similar to the Ebert but a later
hand has gnawed away the deep sides of the fingerboard to make it
appear lighter where it projects over the front.
The tailpiece is later than the rest of the instrument and is now
attached with an end-pin and tail-gut. Under the tailpiece, the hole
in the front plate for the original screw-eye is clearly visible. Looking
inside, a split in the tail-block shows why this change was made.
The large bass by Antonio Ciciliano, C77, is made from splendid
burr maple. The figure is so pronounced that in parts of the ribs a
torch can be seen to shine through, between the burrs. Wood so
delicate could not span the back unsupported, so Ciciliano has laminated the back with an inner lining of hardwood, probably pear or
walnut. The back averages 0.40 cm. thick of which the i1mer linin g
contributes o.25 cm. The V-cut on the inside at the fold goes right
through the lining and part-way through the outer burr. The back was
probably laminated first and then cut and folded like a solid one.
The rib around the lower bout is arched about 1.5 cm., similarly to
the Linarol tenor; however the top is carved. On looking inside, it is

apparent that the top was bent to increase its arching after it had been
carved from a block of which the side adjacent to the ribs was initially
plane. A triangular ::trea (about 20 by 20 cm.) under the tailpiece shows
considerable scorching which indicates that heat was used to set the
extra arching in the lower part of the front plate. Tlus seems to be a
construction teclmique midway between the bent front of the Linarol
and a fully carved top. The effect is to give an increased arching whilst
at the same time economising on labour and more particularly on
material. The technique is not so frightening as one might suppose. A
large heated iron is required with a double curvature which suits the
front. The front plate is heated and drawn into the required curve in
much the same way as one bends ribs.
Even in the 16th century first-rate wood was scarce. The front of
C77 is made from very close-grained pine. At the centre joint there are
18 growth rings in one cm. At present there is a bass-bar but this does
not appear to be original. It is quite possible that the instrument was
built originally without a bass-bar. The top plate thickness is unsymmetrical with a thickening on the bass side. Viols based on this instrument work well without a bass-bar. A label on the back indicates that
Alfred Colletti carried out repairs in 1912. The present corner-blocks,
bass-'bar, a bar on the back below the fold and a very thick soundpost
plate probably all date from Colletti's restoration.
C77 has its original tailpiece and hook which is very similar to that
on the Linarol tenor, but here the original screw-eye is present. The
screw-eye is made from wrought iron or steel with a neatly rounded
eye just large enough to receive the hook. The tapered thread has been
cut with a small round file. (Like the hook, this is not a difficult piece
to work from a short length of 6 nun. steel bar: the eye is formed and
pierced with a punch; the shank is worked to a taper, after which it is
cleaned up with a ftle and given a thread (see Fig. 5). Alternatively,
an eye can be forged on the parallel shank of a No. 14 wood-screw
from which the head has been removed. I prefer to cut a tapered
thread, which holds better in the end grain of the tail block.)
The neck and fingerboard are certainly original. The glue at the
neck joint has weakened but the two large nails originally fixing the
neck to the neck-block are still holding securely. The nut is level with
the line of the top of the ribs. The string-length is about 82 cm. Since
the original strings would have been gut, the tuning must have been
lower than D-d'. Tuning in C-c' is possible, as mentioned in Ganassi.
However, at this string-length the frets are separated by about 4 cm.,
which is about the limit to allow an average hand to use one finger on
each fret. It may therefore be justified to tune a viol of this size down,

( et)









5 Forging a screw eye from mild steel rod.

(a) 8 mm. rod forged fiat at 011e end.

(b) small hole drilled or punched.
(c) hole erdarged with tapered drift.
(d) tapered shank forged.
(e) eye and shank cleaned up with file.
(.f) thread cut with 3 mm. round file .


slightly below the breaking pitch for the top string. Ganassi reminds
us to fit thicker strings if this is done. Instruments based on C77 work
well tuned to modern A-a'. This allows a consort to be made up with
the bass in A, the middle voices in D and the top voice in G, i.e. a
fourth apart. Alternatively, if the high instrument has a string length
of 48 cm. it can be tuned a-a", an octave above the bass. Tunings like
this may explain the rarity of treble viols from the 16th century.
A brief comment on C76 by Antonio Ciciliano can be made based
on photographs although I have not been able to examine it at first
hand. The wood and general style appear very similar to C77 except

FIG. 6. Viols by the Cicilianos

(a) Tenor by Anto11io, Viem1a C75. (b) Large Bass by Antonio, Viemw C77.
(c) Small Bass by his son Batista, Brussels M1426.


that the body is smaller in proportion to the string-length of about

72cm. Seen end-on from the tail there is no arching in the lower rib.
The front is carved but the joint between the front and the ribs lies in
a flat plane. As the two instruments appear to be a closely related pair,
it would seem likely that the use of bending for the front of C77 was
dictated by the size of the instrument and the availability of a very fine
wedge for the front, which was slightly too thin for carving alone to
give sufficient arching.

For the last two instruments we move on to the next generation of
makers. Brussels owns two very similar instruments by Batista
Ciciliano, catalogue nos. Mr425 and Mr426. The present description
will refer to Mr426. This is a small bass signed 'Batista son of Ant0
Ciciliano in va' and continues the characteristic Venetian features. The
shoulders slope forward and the scroll is similar to the others but omits
the flower at the boss and truncates the fluting on the back. Batista also
uses a chubbier outline and C-holes, instead of the un-nicked f-holes
used by his father.
It was possible to see the interior of tllis instrument whilst it was
open. Except for the possible addition of tllin lining strips, the interior
does not appear to have been touched by restorers. There is a small
rectangular tail block. The back centre joint is reinforced with parchment. There are no bars or plate on the back and there is no trace of
them ever having been present. No corner-blocks are used. The corner
joints are mitred and lined with parchment. The neck is joined to the
neck-block with a nail. The fingerboard is similar to that of the other
viols but the inlay consists only of three longitudinal strips.
The front plate is made from two pieces of pine, jointed down the
centre line and very evenly thicknessed. No bass-bar has ever been
present, nor is there any longitudinal thickening of the front. Although
there are pressure marks on the front where a soundpost has been fitted
at some time, it seems unlikely that this was originally intended since
there has never been any reinforcing plate on the back.
Again the front has a hole for a hook-and-eye tailpiece-fixing which
continues down into the tail-block. The tailpiece is recent, made by
the same hand as that now on the Ebert, but the screw-eye is original
(see Fig. 7). A neat round eyelet is forged on the end of a short tapered
rod on which a shallow thread is cut with a round file. It is so exactly
similar to the one on C77 that I am convinced that these two screweyes, now in Brussels and Vienna, came from the same source. Batista

was probably using the same box of fittings as his father and reordering from the same supplier when stocks ran low.

Antonio C ici liano

C77 Vienna
Batista Ciciliano

M1426 Brussels

7 )crew eyes dratvlt full siz e.

UNAROL, Ventura
Finally we come to the violone, now in Vienna, by Ventura Linarol,
Schlosscr C78. He signs his instruments as 'son of Francesco' and dates
the viol one r 58 5. The craftsmanship is superb and the instrument seems
hardly to have been used since it left the maker's hands. In most
particulars it appears very close to the rest of this 1nlily of instruments.
Variations are firstly the shoulders, where the ribs are perpendicular
to the front plate, so that the back and front have the same width.
Secondly, the tailpiece is flat and fixed with gut or wire to a button
fitted into the tail-block through the middle of the lower rib. The
instrument is large, with a string length of ro8 cm. which is similar to
a modern double bass. It was built to be played resting on the floor
as there is a rubbing strip fixed over the joint between the lower rib
and the back to take this wear.
The fingerboard and tailpiece are veneered in ebony, with triple
purfling around the edges. The front, back and scroll are also purflcd.
The neck and fingerboard are set at the usual angle, with the nut level
with the top of the ribs. Four large square nails go through the block
into the heel of the neck. inside, the instrument is very clean and seems






8. Violone by Ventura Linarol, son of Francesco, Vienna C78.

hardly to have been altered. There are very small corner-blocks and
separate lining blocks are spaced at intervals around the joint between
back and ribs. A shallow bar is glued to both parts of the back across
the fold. Short lining blocks, about 35 cm. wide by 1 cm. deep span
the centre back joint at even intervals. There is a bar across the back on
which the soundpost now stands. The bar may have been added: it is
cut away at its ends to avoid the corner-blocks and two of the short
lining blocks at the waist. There is an irregularity in the even progression of blocks spanning the centre join where it is crossed by the bar.
The blocks immediately above and below the soundpost bar are quite
close. If the bar, which is about 4 cm. wide, were not present, there
would just be room for one more block in the regular sequence down
the centre join. Smears of glue occur around the bar but nowhere else
in the interior. For these reasons I suspect that the soundpost bar may
have been added later, which could imply in turn that the soundpost
too is later.
The front is joined to the ribs with no linings. At present there is
quite a large bass-bar, but this too looks to be a later addition. If these
conjectures are correct then the original internal construction would
have been similar to M1426 by Batista Ciciliano.

By the second half of the 16th century three makers were producing
viols with individual differences but a close f.'unily resemblance. Two
of these makers passed the trade on to their sons, who were active in
the last two decades of the century and still making very similar
instruments. I believe that the general style was established early in the
century and that closely similar instruments were being built in substantial numbers throughout the century.
At first these viols may generally have had fronts made from a flat
piece of wood bent over transverse curved bars. This would fit in with
the theory that the viol developed from the guitar (vihuela). Later,
carved fronts were preferred but the earlier tradition allowed makers
to continue combining carving with transverse bending, particularly
on large instruments where a substantial economy in materials could
thus be made. Internally the back of the instruments was either unbarred or had one or two bars set on edge above and below the
corners. All the bars which I have seen that were defmitely contemporary have chamfered top edges which could not have supported a
soundpost. Instruments survive with no soundpost plate but none
survives with an original plate. This, combined with Ganassi's advice

on moving the bridge to adjust the pitch of a viol, suggests that he

did not expect a soundpost to be used.
On viols with a bent front, the fingerboard lay nearly parallel to the
line of the front, with the nut raised above the line of the front . Later,
with a carved top, the neck was moved slightly backwards, taking the
nut level with the top of the ribs. Always the fingerboard was substantially curved and very thick, with deep edges. The balance was
improved by hollowing underneath the fingerboard.
The tailpiece was rounded similarly to the fingerboard. This implies
a bridge that -vvas comfortably curved to allow easy access to each
string. The tailpiece was fixed to the body by a hook-and-eye arrangement. Traces of a hole in the appropriate place can be seen in several
other early viols, including some of the guitar-shaped ones in Vienna.
Since the news of a hook-and-eye has prompted restorers (and may
prompt modern makers) to devise their own versions, detailed drawings are included of the original Italian design. This works perfectly
well and, as we have seen, is very easy to copy.
Viols with transversely-barred bent fronts had a very thin longitudinal bar on the bass side. At least one carved front survives which
never had any form of bass-bar. Several other early viols have fronts
with an integral bass-bar left on the inside when the rest of the plate
was carved. The violin tradition among later repairers will often have
led to a bar being fitted, although there is a violin made by Ventura
Linarol in 1581 (Schlosser C96) which has never had a bass-bar. The
tool-marks on the inside of this violin's front plate arc so deep that
it would be impossible to fit a bar. My conslusion is that the Venctian
viols usually had no bar.
Fronts may have been carved from a wedge with a plane under
surface. The maker was then free to increase the arching, if necessary,
by deepening the lower rib at the tail-block and bending the front to
fit. Alternatively, the two halves of the wedge may have been jointed
at an angle as can be seen in the two early basses in the Hill collection
(Boyden 2 and 3) . This trick was especially useful on large instruments,
where it could make significant savings of wood.

Dou111bearing: the ratio betliJeen bridge pressure a11d stri11g te11sio11. When a viol is
built the maker must decide on the geometry of neck, strings and bridge. In
Table II the Downbearing Ratio is given. This ratio summarises the result of
the makers choice of geometry. I would suggest that the ratio should be included whenever the dimensions of a viol are specified, since it distinguishes
between instruments which require a very rigid front and those where the
lower thrust on the front allows less rigidity. String tension can be measured
by removing a string from its peg and tying it to a spring balance. The spring
balance will read the tension directly when it is pulled so as to bring the string
up to pitch. The tension in each string should be approximately the same if
they are to feel even under the bow. On each side of the bridge the string
tension will be equal and directed downwards pressing the bridge onto the
The Downbearing Ratio is measured as follows. Viewing the viol from the
side, construct an isosceles triangle with one equal side the continuation of the
line frotn nut to bridge, whilst the other equal side is the line of the strings
front bridge to tail-fixing. The ratio of the short base of this triangle to one of
the equal sides will be the same as the ratio between the string tension and the
downbearing on the bridge. This ratio is the Downbearing Ratio.
The early viols described in Table II start with the ratio as low as 0.18 with
a flat bent front; and rising to 0.36 for the 1585 violone. If one moves forward
to the !720 Nicholas Bertrand in Paris, the ratio has increased to 0.46. It is also
interesting to look at some modem designs with very high bridges and the
necks raked back. It would seem that these instruments are designed and
intended to function in a totally different way from the early viols.

1 Julius von Schlosser, 'Die Sammlung A!tennusikinstrumente, Vol. III'.
Vienna 1920.
2 Laurence C. Witten II, 'Appollo Orpheus and David'. Jot~rnal of the
A111ericm1 Musical l11Stnune11ts Society, Vol. I, '75, pp. 5-55


_ =force 011 bridge


total string tension



9. Side vierv of viol.


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