Airbus Sim Tips

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1) Study the visual circuits, you will be practicing a lot of these and you should be able to

spit the procedures out.

2) Anytime performing VOR/NDB approaches use Flaps 1 when overhead, Flaps 2 when
inbound, gear down, 1 and half mile to FAF flaps 3 and half a mile to FAF flaps full & .3
miles start descent.

3) SE OPS During Climb

a. Thrust MCT
c. Revise ALT
d. Speed VFTO (Managed speed)

4) SE During Cruise
c. ALT set 20,000 (just to initiate descent)
d. HDG 090 degrees offset (If in RVSM airspace, leave the airway by 10/25 nm)
e. Speed Green Dot
f. ECAM Actions
g. Reset ALT lower than what it shows in FMGS

5) SE OPS During Descent

a. If FMA reads ( THR IDLE | OP DES | ) THR MCT
b. ECAM actions

6) Engine Failure on Take off after V1 or if call is GO

b. Vr, +climb gear up
c. Take off heading, in trim conditions auto pilot on
d. 400 Primary ECAM actions
e. Inform ATC, request RW heading, and lower altitude
f. When on Bleed page, ask PNF to turn the APU on.
g. Status Page : NO OEBS, NO COMPUTER RESETS, NO ENGINE RELIGHT (if engine flame
out this is when you will apply paper checklist for ENGINE RELIGHT) After TO Check list
and than read STATUS
h. Ask ATC that you request Radar vectors, confirm if same runway and same wx.
i. Ask PNF to prepare the FMGS for arrival, once complete, either you brief or ask him to
do the briefing as well and than approach checklist.
j. At an appropriate time inform CC and Dispatch that you are returning back. Tell CC due
to Technical problems and dispatch for the abnormalities. Make a PA for guests as well.
k. Once Approach checklist is complete inform ATC that you are ready for the approach.

7) For NPA make FPA corrections in .5 degrees, ie 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0

8) Startup problems, tell GND and engineer as soon as possible after engine shutdown.
Take new clearance for subsequent engine starts.

9) Anytime G/S is inop ask ATC if it is the TX problem (RX failure may occur).

10) All LOC intercept must be on HDG mode.

11) Read Overweight Landing Procedures and Gravity Gear Extension, you will be using it
a lot of time.

12) Read ILS from above.

13) Anytime problem with APU and starting with External Pneumatic ask dispatch if the
destination station has a serviceable external GPU and pneumatic available.

14) For NDB approaches on MCDU RAD NAV page, tune a non tuneable ILS frequency and
set the correct course, use this course as a guidance for FPA.

15) Read Emergency EVAC

a. Must turn the Dome light to Bright
b. A/C excursion must evacuate
16) Must consult QRH 2.32 for delta V ref and confirm with ECAM

17) Abandoning Approach

a. If a fault occurs after established on finals or whenever the checklist cannot be
completed by 1000 AGL abandon approach, inform ATC that you are abandoning
b. Select HDG, and initiate climb and request RV or further instructions.
c. Any abnormalities below 500 AGL continue and land.

18) HYD failure- two types:

a. Recoverable Failure
i. Low Pressure
ii. Pump Overheat
iii. Reservoir Overheat
b. Unrecoverable Failure
i. Low fluid level

19) Anytime Recoverable failure, try to recover it once committed to land that is below
1000 AGL, recover the system and than turn the pump off.

20) Anytime you have slat and/or flaps fault always leave the facility with some slats/flaps
out. Always fly in select speed VFE NEXT- 5 until configured for landing. So in case of flaps
locked use config 1 in case of slats jammed use config 2 before leaving the facility for

21) In case of SLAT & FLAPS locked at 0, leave the facility with config 1, select speed
VREF + 60 and insert VREF+50 in FMGS, at 300 AGL speed MANAGED.

22) If Landing Gear is stuck in down position, the flight cannot be continued to DEST,
return back for landing.

23) Whenever you have ADR and IR fault, read which one to apply first ADR or IR?

24) For all SE approaches check the following:

a. If APU available bleed on
b. Autobrakes LO or MED
c. GW whether overweight landing checklist is required or not
d. Rudder trim zero between 100 to 50.

25) Read Dual FCU fault.

26) Read Dual FAC fault.

27) Read Dual HYD failure.

28) Read Landing Gear faults.

29) Read flaps/slats faults.

30) Read Engine Tail Pipe Fire checklist.

31) Read REV UNLOCK in Flight checklist

32) Anytime PFD failure on takeoff, continue takeoff with ISIS, turn the other A/P On and
than ECAM actions.

33) Anytime there is A/P failure immediately engage the other one.

34) BSCU reset cannot be done more than twice.

35) Autobrake fault, do not reset in the air.

36) Read on which computers cannot be reset in air.

37) Shock Absorber Fault

a. AC remains in GND mode
b. Use MAN Pitch Trim
c. Deselect MAX brake.
d. Speed Select 250 kts.
e. FDs ON, Bird ON (to come out of SRS mode)
f. Clean on schedule
g. Ignore the # symbol on PFD and fly the bird.
h. If reset is successful or if ECAM calls for Gear Retraction slow to 220 kts.

38) Engine Flame out on RW, low speed RTO

a. Do not stop on the RW and apply parking brakes

b. Do not make a PA until clear of RW
c. Advice ATC of the same, the idea is not to block the RW

39) Under following conditions ECAM actions can be started below 400 AGL
a. Reverser unlocked
b. Exceedenses (Engine Parameters)
c. Damage (Both N1 & N2 will have amber crosses)
d. Stall (Engine Stall)
e. Oil pressure (Genuine low oil pressure)

40) Emergency Descent

41) HYD Failure G+B & G+Y

a. Go through FCOM and know how to read the summary
b. Landing distances (Before preparing the approach, to be sure adequate RW length)
c. FCOM 1 action on switches (HYD PUMP FAULT, PTU AUTO,, etc )
d. No Slats/Flaps selection during turn.
e. Fly the attitude, may have to disregard the FDs and do not exceed 25 degrees bank.
f. Base to final, wider circuit and request longer approach.
g. Ask for shallower intercept angle.

42) SMOKE REMOVAL Procedure

43) BOMB ON BOARD Read QRH, specific kind of bomb Time, Pressure. Apply the
procedure accordingly.

44) Anytime you have partial gear, HYD failure or Manual Gear extension do not vacate
the runway and ask for tow truck.

45) During SIM skill test, no visual approaches unless CAVOK.

46) DUAL MCDU Failure

47) CREW Incapacitation

a. TWO positive calls and no response consider incapacitation.
b. Press the Take over button for 40 Secs (while pressing the button, AP cannot be
c. AP ON and then gear up
d. Call the IFM to flight Deck.
e. Carry out the procedures

48) Beta target is available when

b. Flaps/Slats are out
c. One EPR>1.25
d. Difference between the two is > .25

49) For all NPA make sure to check time for procedure turns and Inbound in case of DME

50) TCAS Procedures

51) Self sustaining RPM is >43% N2, starter valve closed and N2 increases on its own

52) Must dry crank for 30 secs anytime a start is abandoned & fuel is introduced to the
engine (start the other engine first, this will give time for N1 spool down and 30 sec dry
crank will take care of getting read of fuel)

53) For Dual FAC fault, all speeds have to be calculated from QRH and double checked
with FMGS

54) For SLATS/FLAPS fault the VFE is controlled by flap lever position whereas Vls is
controlled by actual flap position.

55) Anytime you have runaway engine (short final thrust idle but thrust doesnt reduce),
shutdown the engine (ask PNF).

56) Know where to look for advisory conditions (QRH) and what it means.

57) If PACK ONE/TWO fault before takeoff and after takeoff you develop ENGINE BLEED
TWO/ONE fault, use CROSS BLEED OPEN To supply opposite pack from opposite engine.

58) In case of LOC Failure on ILS 1 and GS failure on ILS 2, keep the ROSE ILS and you will
get loc info from PFD/ND and GS from ND/PFD.

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