A320 Oral

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1. A320/321 minimum on max turbulence?

 Below FL 200: 250kts; At or Above FL 200: 275kts or M 0.76

2. How long to avoid the wake turbulence on RW?

 From Heavy to medium 3min; Same type of A/C 2min

3. Minimum oil quantity

 9.5qts + 0.5 qts per hour of flight

4. Battery uses which source to charge

 External power on ground for 20min.

5. Cycling to start the engine? How long?

 4 cycles per 2min

6. Brake modes?
 Normal braking, Alternate Braking w/ Anti-skid ON, Alternate Braking w/ Anti-skid OFF,
Parking Breaks

7. Max cabin pressure altitude?

 14,000ft

8. EGT Lim; APU EGT limit?

 EGT Limits: Starting 725, Max Cont. 915, T/O or G/A Normal: 950, T/O or G/A OEO:950
 APU EGT:742

9. Brake fan (Before taking – off, after landing)

 Before t/o: 300 w/o break fans, 150 with break fans
 After landing: if temp exceeds 500 turn on break fans, delay brake fans 5min after

10. Noise abatement

11. One engine inoperative

12. Take off briefing (abnormal)

 For any failure before V1, Capt will call “stop or go” and I will revert to PM duties
In case of failure after V1, continue t/o. no action shall be done before 400ft.
Reaching 400ft AGL, ECAM actions
Reaching EO acceleration altitude: If the engine is secured, level off, accelerate and
clean-up. Otherwise, continue climb until the engine is secured but not above
maximum EO acceleration altitude
At green dot, open climb, MCT, resume ECAM, after t/o climb checklist
Engine out routing: EO SID, SID, radar vector, immediate return.
Monitor my flying, advise me if there are any deviations from the standard
Unless you have anything to add…

13. Icing condition

- OAT and TAT is less than 10C with visible moisture.

14. MEL, CDL

- MEL (Minimum Equipment List) – Prepared by the Operator / Company. Limitations of
the a/c operation in case the system is inoperative or malfunctioned.
- CDL (Configuration Deviation List) – Deals with structural parts on an a/c whether it has
been missing or fallen off.

15. NOTAM (decode)

16. Weather (avoid thunderstorm, Decode, metar, taf)
17. Performance (V1/VR/V2. VMU, VMCG, VMCA)
 VMCG (Velocity of Minimum Control on Ground) – minimum speed at which the a/c
remain controllable on ground in an event of an engine failure. (lateral excursion of
 V1 (Decision Speed) – Commit to fly, Go or no- go decision. Minimum speed at which
the pilot can continue t/o after an engine failure.
 VMU (Velocity of Minimum Unstick) – minimum speed at which you can lift the
nosewheel off the ground but still unable to t/o.
 VR (Rotation Speed) – speed which makes lift-off possible
 VMCA (Velocity of Minimum Control in the Air) – Minimum speed in the air that
directional control can be maintained with one engine inoperative.
 V2 (T/O safety Speed) – Speed at which the a/c may safely climb with one engine

18. RVSM
- Reduce Vertical Separation Minima.
FL 290 to FL 410
Required Equipments: 2PFDs (alt function) , 2ADRs, 1XPDR, 1AP, 1FCU, 1FWC (Alert

19. APU EGT limit, start limit (Eng, battery)

- APU ECG – 742
- APU Start below 25,000 – 900
- APU Start at or above 25,000 – 982

20. Engine EGT limit, MCT time limit

- Start - 725
Cont- 915
TOGA/GA (Norm) – 950 for 5min
TOGA/GA (OEI) – 950 for 10min

21. Hydraulic: how many systems, yellow electric pump

- 3 Main Independent Fully Automatic HYD systems.
- Yellow Electric pump is pressurized by ENG2 w/ a normal pressure of 3000PSI.

22. How many electric source?

 4 in flight, 5 on ground:
1. Engines 1 & 2
2. External Power
3. APU
4. RAT
5. Battery (On ground)

23. Memory item

 10:
1. Emer Descent
2. Unreliable a/s
3. Stall Recovery
4. Stall at lift-off
5. EGPWS Warning
6. EGPWS Cautions
8. Loss of Breaking
9. Windshear
10. Windshear Ahead
- Extended Operations
Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standard
Enhanced Twin Engine Operational Procedure

25. Different between wind shear and wind shear ahead (Action)?
 Windshear: Actual windshear condition
Windshear Ahead: Predictive windsear. A situation that can be avoided.

26. Which Hydraulic system use electric to operate

 Blue and Yellow HYD

27. Which Hydraulic system use electric pump

 Blue and Yellow HYD

28. Limitations of flaps/slats

- F1: Slats 18, Flaps 0, VFE 230
1+F: Slats 18, Flaps 10, VFE 215
F2: Slats 22, Flaps 15, VFE 200
F3: Slats 22, Flaps 20, VFE 185
FFULL: Slats 27, Flaps 35, VFE 177

29. Limitation of landing gear

- Max Tire Speed: 195
1 Tire: 7
2 Tires: 3

30. RAT (What is RAT and purpose of it and limitation)

- Deploys automatically if AC bus 1 & 2 is inoperative. It can be deployed manually at
the overhead panel and stowed manually on ground. Normal pressure: 2,500PSI
- Minimum RAT speed: 140kts

31. Maximum altitude for using flap

 20,000

32. Difference between green and yellow system

- Green HYD is pressurized by ENG1 while Yellow is pressurized by ENG2

33. Golden rules

- Fly, navigate, communicate in this order and with appropriate task sharing
- Use proper automation at all times
- Understand FMA at all times
- Take over when anything goes unexpected.

34. Service Ceiling? Can we go higher?

- 39,800ft, Yes. Service ceiling is to prevent structural damage and safety limit.

35. Weight limitation

- Max Taxi: 77 400
- MTOW: 77 000
- MLW: 66 000
- MZFW: 62 500
- Min Wt: 37 230

36. Normal hydraulic operating pressure

- 3 000PSI +/- 200PSIs
37. Approach Procedure

38. T/O Briefing

39. Control Change with Airbus (FMA, FCU, ND, EFIS)
40. Standard Call-outs
 1. Emer Descent – “Emergency Descent”
 2. Unreliable a/s – “Unreliable Speed”
 3. Stall Recovery – “ Stall, I have controls”
 4. Stall at lift-off- “Stall, TOGA 15”
 5. EGPWS Warning – “Pull up, TOGA”
 6. EGPWS Cautions
 7. TCAS – “TCAS, I have controls”
 8. Loss of Braking – “Loss of Braking”
 9. Windshear – “Windshear, TOGA”
 10. Windshear Ahead – Windshear, TOGA”

41. Mayday vs PanPan

 Emergency calls: Mayday needs immediate assistance while PanPan does not require
immediate assistance.

42. Windshear MI All Situation (Ex. On the RWY, after TO)

- Windshear and Windshear Ahead procedures

43. After Eng strt flow

- Small J (PM), 4 (PF)

44. Alt Cruise Sequence

45. Above g/s how can you capture
- Cleared for APP, Arm APP, Command Flaps (F2,3,FULL)
*At least Config 2. LDG down
- Crank ALT knob to the right (select higher ALT)
- Intercept LOC
- V/S 1,500 to 2,000
- Intercept G/S

46. Given speed – Follow chart CAT for DA

47. FLOWs
48. App briefing
49. After call sign for wake turbulence
 Light, Medium, Heavy, Super

50. Pilot Incapacitation

- Take Over, Side-stick priority (40s)
- Fly, Navigate, Communicate
- Emergency Call ATC: “Mayday3x, Single pilot operation, pilot incapacitation.”
- Request: “Req to hold over….”
- Once established: “Attention, Purser to cockpit please”
- Tighten shoulder harness and secure, recline the seat upright, push the seat back.
- Ask for doctor or company rated qualified pilot/s
- Prepare for the approach
- Teach or ask the purser to guide you with the checklist
- Land ASAP
- Request for medical assistance

51. Land ASAP Amber or Red?

- Amber: Assess the situation then land to the nearest suitable aerodrome
- Red: Land to the nearest suitable aerodrome.

52. Why do we switch off FD during TCAS?

- To avoid possible confusion between FD bar orders and TCAS aural and VSI orders.
- To ensure A/THR speed mode.

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