Text Mining and Natural Language Processing - Introduction For The Special Issue
Text Mining and Natural Language Processing - Introduction For The Special Issue
Text Mining and Natural Language Processing - Introduction For The Special Issue
This paper provides an introduction to this special issue of
SIGKDD Explorations devoted to Natural Language Processing
and Text Mining.
Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, Text Analysis.
There is a wide range of technologies and focus areas in Human
Language Technology (HLT). These include areas such as
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Speech Recognition,
Machine Translation, Text Generation and Text Mining. In this
issue, we will focus on two of these areas: NLP and Text Mining.
NLP has been around for a number of decades. It has developed
various techniques that are typically linguistically inspired, i.e.
text is typically syntactically parsed using information from a
formal grammar and a lexicon, the resulting information is then
interpreted semantically and used to extract information about
what was said. NLP may be deep (parsing every part of every
sentence and attempting to account semantically for every part) or
shallow (parsing only certain passages or phrases within sentences
or producing only limited semantic analysis), and may even use
statistical means to disambiguate word senses or multiple parses
of the same sentence. It tends to focus on one document or piece
of text at a time and be rather computationally expensive. It
includes techniques like word stemming (removing suffixes) or a
related technique, lemmatization (replacing an inflected word
with its base form), multiword phrase grouping, synonym
normalization, part-of-speech (POS) tagging (elaborations on
noun, verb, preposition etc.), word-sense disambiguation,
anaphora resolution (who does he or the CEO refer to), and
role determination (e.g. subject and object).
Text Mining is more recent, and uses techniques primarily
developed in the fields of information retrieval, statistics, and
machine learning. Its aim typically is not to understand all or
even a large part of what a given speaker/writer has said, but
rather to extract patterns across a large number of documents.
The simplest form of Text Mining could be considered
information retrieval, also called text retrieval or document
retrieval, what typical search engines do. However, more
properly Text Mining consists of areas such as automatic text
classification according to some fixed set of categories, text
clustering, automatic summarization, extraction of topics from
texts or groups of text and the analysis of topic trends in text
streams. While information retrieval and other forms of text
SIGKDD Explorations.
The following group of articles explores information extraction,
mostly named entity extraction, largely using machine learning
techniques rather than hand-built rules, with a varying amount of
linguistic information being used.
Mooney and Bunescu do a wonderful job summarizing various
contributions machine learning has made in advancing the
information extraction task. They examine a number of
information extraction algorithms, both as methods for extracting
useful knowledge in and of themselves and as precursors to (or
integrated parts of) various data mining algorithms. Although
they look at a great variety of algorithms and applications, the
most linguistic knowledge any of them use is POS tagging.
Gliozzo et al. provide a discussion on how to use Instance
Filtering to reduce the size of the training set for supervised
classification-based learning systems for entity recognition. Their
work shows that not only can this improve the computation time
for both training and classification, but, by reducing the skewness
in the data, accuracy can improve as well. They also use POS,
but no other linguistic concepts.
Fu et al. explore the usefulness of two extensions to current
Hidden Markov Models for entity extraction in Chinese:
including using the preceding literals as well as tags to predict
entities (lexicalization) and grouping characters into known words
as input to entity extraction. Grouping characters into words is a
long standing problem in any text analysis task in Chinese (as
well as in Japanese and Korean) and could be considered an NLP
technique akin to phrasal grouping in languages like English.
However, their experiments show that, while lexicalization helps
with entity extraction in Chinese, incorporating known word
information does not.
While the focus of Li et al. is on a new distributed form of
association rule mining, they use the results of their entity
extraction algorithm which is discussed briefly. It is another
example of a machine learning algorithm for finding entities in
text and, like some of those above, uses POS tagging and no other
There are four papers that concern themselves essentially with
text classification. The first two use no NLP techniques at all
beyond word stemming or lemmatization.
Liu et al. discuss the effects of taking advantage of hierachical
structure for text classification using Support Vector Machines
(SVMs) based on a large scale taxonomy, like the Yahoo!
Directory. They conclude that, while the hierarchical approach
results in enormous speed-up of training and classification, the
poor quality of the classification due to the skewed distribution of
the Yahoo! Directory and other large taxonomies is not improved
at all. This is consistent with our experience in running large
scale classification applications in Boeing (with from 500 classes
to 60,000 classes).
Peng et al. show that incorporating temporal information into text
classification, either via a modified Nave Bayes algorithm or a
Hidden Markov Model, can improve the classification of
computer system log files.
The next two papers exploit considerably more NLP techniques,
including parsing, in the service of text classification.
Mullen et al. present some preliminary results of using machine
learning (specifically text classification) to identify rhetorical
zones in a scientific article (e.g. whether the specific stretch of
text is relating background or discussing methods or results). The
purpose of rhetorical zone identification is to help with the
interpretation of the results of information extraction, although
that is not the focus of the paper. They explore Nave Bayes and
SVMs to perform the text classification, but, in addition to
lemmatized words and word bi-grams, they also use grammatical
roles derived from an NLP parser.
Popowich provides an overview of a system that uses a
combination of NLP techniques and text mining to score
insurance claims on several categories. He uses a statistical POS
tagger, a partial parser, abbreviation and acronym expansion,
named entity extraction, the lexical resources of WordNet, and
role determination to perform an initial analysis of text, with a
taxonomy of concepts and hand-built rules to extract the concepts
from the text, and finally a weighted mapping of the concepts into
the insurance categories of interest. Note that the extraction of
concepts is much like information extraction and it is in the
service of text classification. He reports high recall and precision
for the system, but is unable to compare it to a more traditional
text classifier that did not make use of as much NLP technology.
SIGKDD Explorations.
This collection of papers shows a rather wide range of
applications using various text mining and NLP techniques. What
the field needs now is a sober scientific assessment of what
linguistic concepts and NLP techniques are beneficial for what
text mining applications.
This would involve a clear
classification of the various linguistic concepts that might be of
use (e.g. part-of-speech, grammatical role, phrasal parsing) and
the various technologies for getting at these concepts (e.g. full
parsing vs. shallow parsing vs. heuristics to get at role
information), as well as a classification of text mining
applications and of properties of text and corpora (collections of
text data). It would further involve innovative experimental
designs and new approaches to evaluation. Finally, it would
require some hard work comparing various techniques on a wide
range of application types and corpora.
With the growing needs in Bioinformatics and in web mining,
further research in these areas should definitely benefit a lot of
applications. We hope our collection in this issue can serve as a
catalyst to motivate more research work in this area.
The authors wish to thank our colleagues in Boeing Phantom
Works, Mathematics and Computing Technology for providing
reviews and comments for the paper submissions: William Ferng,
Dragos Margineantu, Winson Taam, Rod Tjoelker, Changzhou
Wang, and Jason Wu. They represent a wide range of expertise,
including machine learning, data mining, statistics, database and
mathematics, as a complement to the authors background in Text
Mining and NLP.