ISRO ECE Solved Question Paper
ISRO ECE Solved Question Paper
ISRO ECE Solved Question Paper
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17) If the probability of getting a job for A is 1/3 and the probability of getting a job for B is 1/4 then
the probability of getting a job for A or B will be____?
18)One transfer fn As4 + Bs3 + Cs2 +D=0 (I don't remember the values of A,B,C,D ) is given, Asked
to find out whether the system is____
(A) Stable (B) Unstable (C) Marginally Stable
19) For implementing D flip flop using RS flip flop, the extra component needed is____
(A) AND gate (B) OR gate (C) NOT gate (D) NOR gate
20)The output of an 8 bit DAC is 1Volt when the input is 00110010, then the full scale output of the
same DAC will be____
ans: 5.1 V (Hint: 1/50*255)
21)Fastest ADC is___
(A) SAR (B) sigma- delta (C) flash (D)...
22)The operating point of Class-B amplifier will be at_____
(A) exactly at cut-off region (B) inside saturation region (C) inside cut-off region (D) middle of active
23)For an N bit ADC , the number of comparators needed___
(A) N (B) 2N (C) 2N -1 (D) 2N-1
24)De-emphasis circuit is used for_______
ans: Attenuating high frequency components
25)The laplace transform of e-2t _____
Ans: 1/(s+2)
26)The magnitude of 1+cos x+j sin x____
Ans: 2 cos (x/2)
27) A circuit is given in which the capacitor (1uF) is initially charged to 12V , At t = 0, one switch is
closed so that another capacitor of capacity 1.5uF comes in parallel with the first capacitor, then in
steady state what will be the voltage across them? ( Visualize the circuit , as I can not draw the
circuit since the editor is not supporting it)
28)Alpha of a transistor=0.99, Ico=1uA, Ie=1 mA, Ic=?
29)If the input given to an inductor is delta(t) (ie: =1 when t=0 and ,=0 otherwise) then the current will
(A) infinity (B) -infinity (C) 1 (D) 0
30) For implementing Band pass filter using High pass filter (Cutt off freq=Fh) and Low pass filter
(cutt off freq= Fl)_____