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Understanding Balcony Drainage

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by Bruce A.


Balcony Drainage
Why does water drain the wrong way when it rains?

he contractor was frustrated as he prepared to

place the eighth story of a cast-in-place reinforced
concrete frame. The multifamily residential structure
included balconies on all four sides. After formwork for
the first floor frame had been stripped, the architect
and general contractor noticed that rainwater on the
balconies drained toward the living area. The architects
drawings required a surface that sloped away from the
living area, so the contractor was told that his formwork
must have been set wrong, thus causing the water to
run the wrong way. Workers ground and patched the
first floor balconies to correct the situation, and the
contractor was determined to make sure the formwork
was set right for the second floor. However, the same
thing happened again.
The contractor determinedly tried to get the forms set
in the right place during subsequent placements and
monitored elevations while concrete was being placed.
But after the forms were removed, rainwater still ran in
the wrong direction on the balconies. After trying to
solve the problem on each of the first seven floors, but
still having to grind and patch, the contractor asked a
consultant to review the formwork procedures to make
The opinions expressed in this point of view article are
not necessarily those of the American Concrete Institute.
Reader comment is invited.



/ Concrete international

sure this problem wouldnt occur on any future projects.

The consultants response was brief: Form setting
methods cant compensate for the deflection of the
structure, which is the cause of the problem; therefore
the water will always drain toward the living area. To
understand why this is true, we need to examine what
happens during and after design and construction.


Architects typically determine drainage requirements
for balconies. Obviously, they want water to drain away
from the living area. The minimum recommended
balcony width is 5 ft (1.5 m) and most residential balconies
are 5 to 7 ft wide (1.5 to 2 m). A 1/2 to 1 in. (13 to 25 mm)
stepdown in the balcony deck at the door is typically
specified, with the deck sloping away from the door.
The architects choice for the depth of the stepdown
and the engineers recommendation for minimum slab
thickness at the slab perimeter typically determine the
slope of the deck. For the 8-in.-thick (200 mm) slab
shown in Fig. 1(b), the engineer set a 7 in. (175 mm)
minimum slab thickness at the building edge. With a
1/2 in. (13 mm) stepdown at the door, the vertical fall
over 7 ft (2 m) of balcony could not exceed 1/2 in.
Based on a 7-ft-wide balcony, a 1/2 in. stepdown, and
the engineers requirement for 7 in. minimum slab
thickness, the drainage slope cant exceed about
1/16 in./ft (5 mm/m).


ACI 302-96, Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab

Construction, states that positive drainage requires a
slope of 1/4 in. per ft (20 mm/m) for an exterior slab; for
an interior floor slab, 1/16 in. per ft (5 mm/m) minimum
is adequate for drainage, but 1/8 in. per ft (10 mm/m) is
preferred. Because of the engineers requirements for
minimum slab thickness and the architects choice of
balcony width, balcony drainage slopes are almost
always too mild to drain properly. With the added
possible negative effects of construction tolerances for
form setting and concrete finishing, its highly likely that
water will drain toward the living area even if the slab
doesnt deflect. When the slab does deflect, drainage
toward the living area is almost certain.



Figure 1 and 2 show typical details for a balcony set
inside the perimeter columns and a cantilever balcony,
respectively. The behaviors of both are similar. The
architect draws the balcony as shown in plan view in
Fig. 1(a) and 2(a). The section views through the balcony
in Fig. 1(b) and 2(b) show the stepdown, the balcony
slope, and the slab thickness at the door and at the
balcony perimeter. These figures show the water draining
away from the living area but dont take into account
the deflected shape of the slab after form removal.
Figure 1(c) and 2(c) show why, when the structure
deflects, water drains into the living area. Unless this
structural behavior of the slab is considered, as explained
below, the water is unlikely to drain in the direction the
architect planned.


Interior balcony
For the interior balcony, slab deflection inside the
building rotates the slab about the exterior edge of the
balcony, causing a slope change and drainage in the
wrong direction. If the immediate dead load deflection
at the middle of the slab was about 1/2 in. (13 mm),
the edge rotation of the slab would make the initially
sloping balcony surface about level. If the dead-load
deflection exceeded 1/2 in., the balcony slab edge
rotation would create a slope on which water drained
the wrong wayback toward the living area. With
long-term dead-load deflection added to any live-load
deflection, the wrong-way drainage becomes worse.
Most multistory residential structures are built using
flat plate or flat slab construction. For this type of
construction, the slab edge rotation will almost
always cause the balcony surface to slope in the
wrong direction.

Fig. 1: The surfaces of reinforced concrete balconies set inside

perimeter columns (a) are designed to slope such that rainwater
drains away from the living area (b). But after the slab deflects,
rainwater often drains toward the living area (c)
Concrete international

/ JANUARY 2004



Cantilever balcony
The cantilever balcony is more difficult to assess
because its final slope depends on the rotation of the
interior slab relative to the deflection of the balcony
slab. Dead and live loads on a typical balcony dont
cause a downward deflection of the balcony slab large
enough to offset the upward rotation of the slab at the
perimeter of the balcony due to the interior slab deflecting.
A wrong-way slope is even more likely if the designer
reduces the cantilever slab thickness (thus reducing the
slabs dead load and stiffness).


Generally, the engineer doesnt review the architects
plan for drainage slopes. Drainage slopes are chosen
by the architect who may not be aware of the possible
deflection effects on drainage. Communication between the
architect and structural engineer needs to improve if
effective drainage is to be part of the finished structure.
But quantifying drainage effects isnt easy because
estimating deflections of reinforced concrete structures
isnt an exact science.


Accuracy concerns
When estimating deflections, and the resulting rotations
at a slab perimeter, the accuracy of the deflection calculation
must be considered. ACI 435.4R-89, Variability of Deflections
of Simply Supported Reinforced Concrete Beams,
indicates that for a simply supported beam under laboratory
conditions, there is approximately a 90 percent probability
that actual deflections of a particular beam will range
between 80 percent and 130 percent of the calculated
value. The variability of deflections in the field can be
even greater.


Variability in measured slab deflections

Jokinen and Scanlon1 measured 40 nominally identical
two-way slab panels in a 28-story office tower. The measured
1-year deflections varied from about the mean minus
50% to the mean plus 70%. Sbarounis2 measured 1-year
deflections on 175 bays of a multistory building. The range
in measured deflections varied from the mean minus 60%
to the mean plus 60%. Based on this range of deflections,
even if the calculated deflection is considered when setting
the architects drainage slope, some balconies will probably
require repairs to correct drainage.

Post-tensioned slabs
Its hard to generalize how post-tensioning will affect
structural deflections and subsequent balcony performance.



/ Concrete international

Fig. 2: The surfaces of cantilevered balconies (a) are designed to

slope such that rainwater drains away from the living area (b).
But even though the balcony slab deflects downward, rotation
caused by deflection of the interior portion of the slab can
sometimes cause rainwater to drain toward the living area (c)

The structure can be post-tensioned in one or two

directions. The amount of live load included in the
design load for post-tensioning affects the structures
initial and final deflection. When the live load hasnt
been applied, the slab may have an initial upward
camber that assists the drainage. After the live load is
applied, however, the slab may still be cambered
upward, be flat, or sag. Thus, the behavior of posttensioned slabs and their effect on balcony drainage
must be discussed with the structural engineer before
deciding whether drainage conditions are acceptable
or a repair is needed.

Effect of ACI 318 deflection requirements

ACI 318-02, Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete, specifies limits on calculated
deflections due to live loads and incremental loads after
installation of nonstructural elements. No total-deflection
limit is specified. Public safety is the primary factor
considered when ACI 318 provisions are adopted. As
indicated in ACI 435R-95, Control of Deflection in
Concrete Structures, serviceability provisions are of
a general nature intended to provide adequate serviceability for the majority of design situations. Individual
cases may require more stringent requirements than the
limited treatment given in ACI 318. Drainage has never
been considered as a serviceability provision of ACI 318,
so meeting ACI 318 deflection requirements doesnt
guarantee that structural behavior wont adversely affect
balcony drainage.


In the example given, the contractor should have
checked the structure before repairing all eight floors. He
could have held a 4 ft (1.2 m) level at the edge against the
bottom of the slab, measured the gap between the level
and the concrete, and divided by 4 ft to get the actual slab
rotation. For instance, if the gap is about 1/4 in. (6 mm), the
slab edge rotation is about 1/16 in./ft (5 mm/m). This check
will indicate if the slab rotation is great enough to cancel
the effect of the architects designed drainage slope.
A rod and level can be used to measure deflections
in the middle of the slab. Given these measurements,
the structural engineer can decide if actual deflections
are in reasonable agreement with calculated deflections
and also determine the resulting rotation at the perimeter
of the balcony.
Once the field deflections and rotations are obtained, a
meeting between the architect, engineer, and contractor
can be called to consider appropriate corrective action.


Corrective action can typically take two forms:
Grinding the top balcony slab to produce a desired
slope; or
Adding a curb at the door and using patching material
to create a surface that slopes away from the living area.
The grinding option often requires enough concrete
removal at the slab edge to create concrete cover
problems. In some cases the top bars may be exposed.
The possibility of reinforcing bar corrosion typically
limits the amount of concrete removal thats
considered appropriate.
Some architects will approve placement of a built-up
curb at the door and application of patching material that
slopes to the slab edge. This can be a successful solution
if the architect can accommodate the curb height.
Repairs made too soon may not produce a permanent
fix for drainage problems. As the long-term dead load
deflection increases, or live loads are added, the
repaired balconies might continue to rotate and again
cause rainwater to drain toward the living area.
Check with the engineer for advice on repair options
and timing.

1. Jokinen, E. P., and Scanlon, A., Field Measured Two-Way Slab
Deflections, Proceedings, 1985 Annual Conference, CSCE, Saskatoon,
Canada, May 1985.
2. Sbarounis, J. A., Multistory Flat Plate Buildings: Measured and
Computed One-Year Deflections, Concrete International, V. 6, No. 8,
Aug. 1984, pp. 31-35.
Selected for reader interest by the editors.

Bruce A. Suprenant, FACI, is Executive Vice

President, Structural Services, Inc.,
Boulder, CO. He has also served as a
structural engineer for Sverdrup &
Parcel, an analytical structural engineer
for the Portland Cement Association, and
taught materials, construction, and
structural engineering courses at several
universities. He is a member of several
ACI Committees, including 117, Tolerances;
301, Specifications for Concrete; and 302, Construction of
Concrete Floors.
Concrete international

/ JANUARY 2004


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