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Retail stores redirects here. For the comic strip by optimize customer satisfaction. Service quality and marNorm Feuti, see Retail (comic strip).
keting mix strategy have signicant and positive association on customer loyalty.[2] The marketing strategy eecRetail involves the process of selling consumer goods or tively outlines all key aspects of rms targeted audience;
demographic and preference. Throughout a highly comservices to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a prot. Demand is identied and then petitive market, the retail strategy sets up long-term sustainability. It focuses on customer relationships, stressing
satised through a supply chain. Attempts are made to
increase demand through advertising. In the 2000s, an in- the importance of added value and customer satisfaction.
creasing amount of retailing began occurring online using The retail mix is designed to complement the retail stratelectronic payment and delivery via a courier or via postal egy through theoretical tools such as the product, its qualmail. Retailing as a sector includes subordinated services, ity and value, the promotions, place, and price.
such as delivery. The term retailer is also applied where
a service provider services the small orders of a large
number of individuals, rather than large orders of a small
number of wholesale, corporate or government clientele.
Shops may be on residential streets, streets with few or
no houses, or in a shopping mall. Shopping streets may
restrict trac to pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping
street has a partial or full roof to create a more comfortable shopping environment - protecting customers from
various types of weather conditions such as extreme temperatures, winds or precipitation. Forms of non-shop retailing include online retailing (a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions) and mail order.

Retail store design strategy

The design of a retail store is critical when appealing to
its intended market, as this is where rst impressions are
made. It can inuence a consumers perception of the
quality of the store, visually communicating value. Certain techniques are used to create a consumer brand experience, which in the long run drives brand loyalty.[3] The
front of the store is paid close attention too, known as the
decompression zone [4] This is usually an open space in
the entrance of the store to allow customers to adjust to
their new environment. An open planned oor design is
eective in retail as it allows customers to see everything.
Depending on what side of the road cars drive on in the
country, determines what way the store will direct its customers. New Zealand retailer stores for instances would
direct customers to the left. Brands are now recognizing
that human nature has a conceptual prole and a sensory
prole.[5] Through the notions of sensory stimulation retailers can engage maximum emotional impact between
a brand and its consumers by relating to both proles;
the goal and experience. By achieving so it can inuence purchasing behavior maximizing outcomes. This is
done through the relation of touch, smell, sight, taste and
noise.[5] It is common for a retailer store to play music
that relates to their targeted market. Jewelry stores like
Michel Hill have dim lighting to creating a sense of intimacy. Super markets oer taste testers. Clothing garments are at arms reach, allowing customers to feel the
dierent textures of clothing. Wooden oors also contrast with the carpeted tting rooms, which is designed
to create a sense of homeliness when trying on garments.
Peter Alexandra is renowned for their scented candles.
These aspects outlined add to the sensory experience put
in place to strategically achieve customer satisfaction and
retention. This will create future opportunity and help a
brand stand out in amongst the competitive market.[6]

Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products.

Sometimes this is done to obtain nal goods, including
necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it takes
place as a recreational activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping (just looking, not buying)
and browsing: it does not always result in a purchase.


Retail comes from the Old French word tailler, which

means to cut o, clip, pare, divide in terms of tailoring
(1365). It was rst recorded as a noun with the meaning of a sale in small quantities in 1433 (from the Middle French retail, piece cut o, shred, scrap, paring).[1]
Like in French, the word retail in both Dutch and German
also refers to the sale of small quantities of items.

Retail strategy

The retailing strategy is a marketing plan abstractly designed to oer its products and services in a way that will


Types of retail outlets

Walnut Market in Katra, Jammu & Kashmir

Fruit shop in Naggar, Himachal Pradesh, India

high street stores are being re-grouped in condensed geographical areas along specic streets or districts such as
the Magnicent Mile in Chicago, Illinois or at single locations called malls. These are more dened and planned
spaces for retail stores and brands.

3.1 Types by products

Retail is usually classied by the following type of products:
Food products typically require cold storage facilities.
San Juan de Dios Market in Guadalajara, Jalisco

Hard goods or durable goods (hardline retailers)[7]

automobiles, appliances, electronics, furniture,
sporting goods, lumber, etc., and parts for them.
Goods that do not quickly wear out and provide utility over time.
Soft goods or consumables[8][9] clothing, other
fabrics, footwear, toiletries, cosmetics, medicines
and stationery. Goods that are consumed after one
use or have a limited period (typically under three
years) in which you may use them.
Arts contemporary art galleries, bookstores,
handicrafts, musical instruments, gift shops, and
supplies for them.

Inside a supermarket in Russia

3.2 Types by marketing strategy

A marketplace is a location where goods and services are These are the following types of retailers by marketing
exchanged. The traditional market square is a city square strategy:
where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the stores.
This kind of market is very old, and countless such mar- Department store
kets are still in operation around the whole world.
In some parts of the world, the retail business is still dominated by small family-run stores, but this market is increasingly being taken over by large retail chains. Most
of these stores are called high street stores. Gradually

Department stores are very large stores oering a huge

assortment of soft and hard goods which often bear
a resemblance to a collection of specialty stores. A retailer of such store carries a variety of categories and has


Types by marketing strategy

Discount department store Charters Towers, North Queensland,


A specialty (BE: speciality) store has a narrow marketing
focus either specializing on specic merchandise, such
as toys, shoes, or clothing, or on a target audience, such
as children, tourists, or plus-size women.[10] Size of store
varies some specialty stores might be retail giants such
as Toys R Us, Foot Locker, and The Body Shop, while
others might be small, individual shops such as Nutters
of Savile Row.[10] Such stores, regardless of size, tend to
have a greater depth of the specialist stock than general
stores, and generally oer specialist product knowledge
valued by the consumer. Pricing is usually not the priority when consumers are deciding upon a specialty store;
factors such as branding image, selection choice, and purchasing assistance are seen as important.[10] They dier
from department stores and supermarkets which carry a
wide range of merchandise.[11]

a broad assortment of goods at an average price. They Boutique

oer considerable customer service.
Boutique or concept stores are similar to specialty stores.
Concept stores are very small in size, and only ever
Discount store
stock one brand. They are run by the brand that controls them. An example of brand that distributes largely
Discount stores tend to oer a wide array of products
through their own widely distributed concept stores is
and services, but they compete mainly on price. They
L'OCCITANE en Provence. The limited size and oeroer extensive assortments of merchandise at aordable
ing of L'OCCITANEs stores are too small to be considand cut-rate prices. In the past, retailers sold less fashionered a specialty store proper.
oriented brands. However, in more recent years companies such as TJX Companies (Own T.J. Maxx and Marshalls) and Ross Stores are discount store operations in- General store
creasingly oering fashion-oriented brands on a larger
A general store is a rural store that supplies the main needs
for the local community.
Warehouse store

Convenience store

Warehouses that oer low-cost, often high-quantity goods

piled on pallets or steel shelves; warehouse clubs charge a A convenience store provides limited amount of merchandise at more than average prices with a speedy checkmembership fee.
out. This store is ideal for emergency and immediate purchase consumables as it often works with extended hours,
Variety store
stocking every day.
Variety stores oer extremely low-cost goods, with a vast Hypermarkets
array of selection. The downfall to this is that the items
are not very high quality.
Provides variety and huge volumes of exclusive merchandise at low margins. The operating cost is comparatively
less than other retail formats.
Retailers that aim at one particular segment (e.g., high- Supermarket
end retailers focusing on wealthy individuals).
A supermarket is a self-service store consisting mainly of
grocery and limited products on non food items. They
may adopt a Hi-Lo or an EDLP strategy for pricing.
A small retail outlet owned and operated by an individual The supermarkets can be anywhere between 20,000 and
or family. Focuses on a relatively limited and selective set 40,000 square feet (3,700 m2 ). Example: SPAR superof products.

Specialty store



A shopping mall has a range of retail shops at a single outlet. They can include products, food and entertainment
under one roof. Malls provide 7% of retail revenue in India, 10% in Vietnam, 25% in China, 28% in Indonesia,
39% in the Philippines, and 45% in Thailand.[12]

4 Global top ten retailers

5 Operations
5.1 Retail pricing

Category killer or specialist

The pricing technique used by most retailers is cost-plus
pricing. This involves adding a markup amount (or percentage) to the retailers cost. Another common technique is suggested retail pricing. This simply involves
charging the amount suggested by the manufacturer and
usually printed on the product by the manufacturer.

By supplying wide assortment in a single category for

lower prices a category killer retailer can kill that category for other retailers. For few categories, such as electronics, the products are displayed at the centre of the
store and sales person will be available to address customer queries and give suggestions when required. Other In Western countries, retail prices are often called
retail format stores are forced to reduce the prices if a psychological prices or odd prices. Often prices are xed
category specialist retail store is present in the vicinity.
and displayed on signs or labels. Alternatively, when
prices are not clearly displayed, there can be price discrimination, where the sale price is dependent upon who
the customer is. For example, a customer may have to
pay more if the seller determines that he or she is willing
The customer can shop and order through the internet and and/or able to. Another example would be the practice
the merchandise is dropped at the customers doorstep of discounting for youths, students, or senior citizens.
or an e-tailer. Here the retailers use drop shipping technique. They accept the payment for the product but the
customer receives the product directly from the manufacturer or a wholesaler. This format is ideal for customers 5.2 Competition
who do not want to travel to retail stores and are interested
in home shopping.
Retail stores may or may not have competitors close
enough to aect their pricing, product availability, and
other operations. A 2006 survey found that only 38% of
Vending machine
retail stores in India believed they faced more than slight
competition.[15] Competition also aected less than half
A vending machine is an automated piece of equipment of retail stores in Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, and Azerbaijan.
wherein customers can drop the money in the machine In all countries the main competition was domestic, not
and acquire the products. Some stores take a no frills ap- foreign.[16]
proach, while others are mid-range or high end, de- Retail trade provides 9% of all jobs in India and 14% of
pending on what income level they target.


Other types

5.3 Stang

Other types of retail store include:

Automated retail stores self-service, robotic
kiosks located in airports, malls and grocery stores.
The stores accept credit cards and are usually open
24/7. Examples include ZoomShops and Redbox.
Big-box stores encompass larger department, discount, general merchandise, and warehouse stores.
Retailers can opt for a format as each provides dierent
retail mix to its customers based on their customer demographics, lifestyle and purchase behaviour. A good format will lend a hand to display products well and entice
the target customers to spawn sales.

Because patronage at a retail outlet varies, exibility in

scheduling is desirable. Employee scheduling software is
sold, which, using known patterns of customer patronage,
more or less reliably predicts the need for stang for various functions at times of the year, day of the month or
week, and time of day. Usually needs vary widely. Conforming sta utilization to stang needs requires a exible workforce which is available when needed but does
not have to be paid when they are not, part-time workers;
as of 2012 70% of retail workers in the United States
were part-time. This may result in nancial problems for
the workers, who while they are required to be available
at all times if their work hours are to be maximized, may
not have sucient income to meet their family and other


Transfer mechanisms

6 Second-hand retail

There are several ways in which consumers can receive See also: Charity shop
goods from a retailer:
Counter service, where goods are out of reach of
buyers and must be obtained from the seller. This
type of retail is common for small expensive items
(e.g. jewelry) and controlled items like medicine
and liquor. It was common before the 1900s in the
United States and is more common in certain countries like India.

Some shops sell second-hand goods. In the case of a

nonprot shop, the public donates goods to the shop to
be sold. In give-away shops goods can be taken for free.

Another form is the pawnshop, in which goods are sold

that were used as collateral for loans. There are also
"consignment" shops, which are where a person can place
an item in a store and if it sells, the person gives the
shop owner a percentage of the sale price. The advan Click and Commute, where products are ordered tage of selling an item this way is that the established shop
gives the item exposure to more potential buyers.E-tailers
online and are picked up via a drive through.
like OLX,Quikr etc. also working on second hand goods
Ship to Store, where products are ordered online and sales.
can be picked up at the retailers main store
Delivery, where goods are shipped directly to consumers homes or workplaces. Mail order from a 7 Challenges
printed catalog was invented in 1744 and was common in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Order- To achieve and maintain a foothold in an existing maring by telephone was common in the 20th century, ket, a prospective retail establishment must overcome the
either from a catalog, newspaper, television adver- following hurdles:
tisement or a local restaurant menu, for immediate
service (especially for pizza delivery), remaining in
Regulatory barriers including
common use for food orders. Internet shopping
a form of delivery has eclipsed phone-ordering,
Restrictions on real estate purchases, espeand, in several sectors such as books and mucially as imposed by local governments and
sic all other forms of buying. There is increasagainst big-box chain retailers;
ing competitor pressure to deliver consumer goods Restrictions on foreign investment in retailers,
especially those oered online- in a more timely
in terms of both absolute amount of nancing
fashion. Large online retailers such as
provided and percentage share of voting stock
are continually innovating and as of 2015 oer one(e.g., common stock) purchased;
hour delivery in certain areas. They are also working with drone technology to provide consumers
Unfavorable taxation structures, especially those dewith more ecient delivery options. Direct marketsigned to penalize or keep out big box retailers
ing, including telemarketing and television shopping
(see Regulatory above);
channels, are also used to generate telephone orders. started gaining signicant market share in de Absence of developed supply chain and integrated
veloped countries in the 2000s.
IT management;
Door-to-door sales, where the salesperson some High competitiveness among existing market partictimes travels with the goods for sale.
ipants and resulting low prot margins, caused in
Self-service, where goods may be handled and expart by
amined prior to purchase.
Constant advances in product design resulting
Digital delivery or Download, where intangible
in constant threat of product obsolescence and
goods, such as music, lm, and electronic books and
price declines for existing inventory; and
subscriptions to magazines, are delivered directly to
the consumer in the form of information transmitted
Lack of properly educated and/or trained work
either over wires or air-waves, and is reconstituted
force, often including management, caused in part
by a device which the consumer controls (such as
by loss in Business.
an MP3 player; see digital rights management). The
digital sale of models for 3D printing also ts here,
Lack of educational infrastructure enabling
as do the media leasing types of services, such as
prospective market entrants to respond to the
above challenges.


Sales techniques

Every retail store operates under the goal of overcoming the other competition in the market to create brand
dominance and/or large prot. This is done by dierent sales techniques created and/or adopted by retailers.
Techniques include hiring sta which are deemed attractive by the target demographic (Physical appearance,
smell, sound and behavior all attribute to a persons attractiveness). other techniques include store location, somewhere easily visible with lots of trac (Trac can be
but not limited to pedestrians or vehicles). Also stores
create custom interior design to suit the stores personality and the target market. Some of the largest retailers
spend millions on a stores marketing technique to invite
customers in to spend their time and money. . As consumers have grown from the days of wandering in and
buying goods or services just for the face value to being
informed on products and how they are made companies
focus on the values of society such as being sustainable
or being fair trade approved. Conscious consumers are
attracted by the stores morals of being righteous and thus
creating a strong brand image that stands our from the
competition. Adding value to goods or services such as a
free gift or buy 1 get 1 free adds value to customers where
as the store is gaining sales[20]

example for providing great customer service. [23] An

organization who trains their employees about properly
servicing the customer will benet more than those who
do not. Customer service training entails about how properly servicing the customer will benet corporations and
businesses. This being said, it is important to establish a
bond amongst customers-employees known as Customer
relationship management.

10 Statistics for national retail

10.1 United States
The United States retail sector features the largest number
of large, lucrative retailers in the world. A 2012 Deloitte
report published in STORES magazine indicated that of
the worlds top 250 largest retailers by retail sales revenue
in scal year 2010, 32% of those retailers were based in
the United States, and those 32% accounted for 41% of
the total retail sales revenue of the top 250.[24]

A destination store is one that customers will initiate a

trip specically to visit, sometimes over a large area.
These stores are often used to "anchor" a shopping mall
or plaza, generating foot trac, which is capitalized upon
by smaller retailers.

Customer service

Customer service is the sum of acts and elements that

allow consumers to receive what they need or desire from
your retail establishment. It is important for a sales associate to greet the customer and make himself available
to help the customer nd whatever he needs. When a
customer enters the store, it is important that the sales
associate does everything in his power to make the customer feel welcomed, important, and make sure he leaves
the store satised. Giving the customer full, undivided
attention and helping him nd what he is looking for
will contribute to the customers satisfaction.[21] For retail store owners, it is extremely important to train yourself and your sta to provide excellent customer service
skills. By providing excellent customer service, you build
a good relationship with the customer and eventually will
attract more new customers and turn them into regular
customers. Looking at long term perspectives, excellent
customer skills give your retail business a good ongoing
reputation and competitive advantage. Customer service
is essential for several reasons.[22] By exemplifying these
valued qualities for a customer; companies utilize the experience the customer walks away with. Thus, setting the

U.S. Monthly Retail Sales, 19922010

Since 1951, the U.S. Census Bureau has published the

Retail Sales report every month. It is a measure of
consumer spending, an important indicator of the US
GDP. Retail rms provide data on the dollar value of their
retail sales and inventories. A sample of 12,000 rms is
included in the nal survey and 5,000 in the advanced
one. The advanced estimated data is based on a subsample from the US CB complete retail & food services

10.2 Central Europe

In 2011, the grocery market in six countries of Central
Europe was worth nearly 107bn, 2.8% more than the
previous year when expressed in local currencies. The increase was generated foremost by the discount stores and
supermarket segments, and was driven by the skyrocketing prices of foodstus. This information is based on

the latest PMR report entitled Grocery retail in Central have been announced.[28] The largest transactions with
Europe 2012[26]
involvement of retailers in/from the United States have
been: the acquisition of Albertsons Inc. for 17 bil. USD
in 2006,[29] the merger between Federated Department
10.3 World
Stores Inc with May Department Stores valued at 16.5 bil.
USD in 2005[30] - now Macys, and the merger between
Kmart Holding Corp and Sears Roebuck & Co with a
value of 10.9 bil. USD in 2004.[31]

12 See also
Final goods
List of department stores by country
Point of sales
Retail concentration
Retail design
Retail software
Shopping mall
Specialist store
Stand-alone store
Store manager
Visual merchandising
The two largest supermarkets chains in Switzerland, Migros and
Coop, are cooperatives.

National accounts show a combined total of retail and

wholesale trade, with hotels and restaurants. in 2012 the
sector provides over a fth of GDP in tourist-oriented island economies, as well as in other major countries such
as Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and Spain. In all four of the
latter countries, this fraction is an increase over 1970,
but there are other countries where the sector has declined since 1970, sometimes in absolute terms, where
other sectors have replaced its role in the economy. In
the United States the sector has declined from 19% of
GDP to 14%, though it has risen in absolute terms from
$4,500 to $7,400 per capita per year. In China the sector
has grown from 7.3% to 11.5%, and in India even more,
from 8.4% to 18.7%.

Types of store or shop:

Anchor store
Big-box store
Chain store
Confectionery store
Convenience store
Department store
Discount store
General store
Grocery store
Hardware store



Among retailers and retails chains a lot of consolidation has appeared over the last couple of decades. Between 1988 and 2010, worldwide 40,788 mergers & acquisitions with a total known value of 2.255 trillion USD

Health food store

Hobby store
Liquor store

Online shopping
Outlet store
Pet store
Pop-up retail
Specialty store
State store
Surplus store
Survival store
Toy store
Variety store
Warehouse club
Warehouse store



[1] Harper, Douglas. retail. Online Etymology Dictionary.

Retrieved 2008-03-16.
[2] Yu-Jia, H. (2012). The Moderating Eect of Brand Equity and the Mediating Eect of Marketing Mix Strategy
On the Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty. International Journal or Organizational Innovation , 155-162.
[3] (Kazancoglu & Dirsehan, 2014 )
[4] Smith, B., & Francis, D. (2002). Store design that sells.
Hardware Merchandising, 42-46.
[5] Bailey, P. (2015, April). Marketing to the senses: A multisensory strategy to align the brand touchpoints. Admap,
[6] Bailey, P. (2015, April). Marketing to the senses: A multi
sensory strategy to align the brand touchpoints., 2-7.
[7] hard goods. Investor Words. Retrieved 22 May 2014.
[8] Ferrara, J. Susan. The World of Retail: Hardlines vs.
Softlines. Value Line. Retrieved 22 May 2014.
[9] Time, Forest. What is Soft Merchandising?". Houston
Chronicle. Retrieved 22 May 2014.
[10] Charles Lamb; Joe Hair; Carl McDaniel (14 Jan 2008).
Essentials of Marketing. Cengage Learning. p. 363.
[11] William M Pride; Robert James Hughes; Jack R. Kapoor
(2011). Business. Cengage Learning. ISBN 9780538478083.


[12] Retail Realty in India: Evolution and Potential (PDF).

Jones Lang LaSalle. 2014. p. 6.
[13] 2013 Top 250 Global Retailers. Retrieved March 2014.
[14] Global Powers of Retailing 2014 (PDF). Deloitte. Retrieved March 2014.
[15] Mohammad Amin (2007). Competition and Labor Productivity in Indias Retail Stores, p.1 (PDF). World Bank.
p. 57.
[16] Mohammad Amin (2007). Competition and Labor Productivity in Indias Retail Stores, p.30 (PDF). World Bank.
p. 57.
[17] Competition and Labor Productivity in Indias Retail Stores,
[18] Competition and Labor Productivity in Indias Retail Stores,
[19] Steven Greenhouse (October 27, 2012). A Part-Time
Life, as Hours Shrink and Shift. The New York Times.
Retrieved October 28, 2012.
[20] HEE, Kim Jin (2015). Social Behavior & Personality: an
international journal. Social Behavior & Personality: an
international journal.
[21] Philip H. Mitchell 2008, Discovery-Based Retail, Bascom
Hill Publishing Group ISBN 978-0-9798467-9-3
[22] Customer Service: Why it is important | Retrieved 2015-0930.
[24] Deloitte, Switching Channels: Global Powers of Retailing
2012, STORES, January 2012, G20.
[25] US Census Bureau Retail sales Retail SalesRetail Sales
[26] Grocery retail in Central Europe 2012 Retail in Central
[27] UN National Accounts Main Aggregates Database. UN
Statistics Division. December 2013. Retrieved 16 May
[28] Statistics on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) - M&A
Courses | Company Valuation Courses | Mergers & Acquisitions Courses. Retrieved 201211-02.
[29] SuperValu-CVS group buys Albertsons for $17B.
Phoenix Business Journal. January 2006. Retrieved 9 July
[30] Federated and May Announce Merger; $17 billion
transaction to create value for customers, shareholders. 28 Feb 2005. Retrieved 2012-1102.
[31] Kmart Finalizes Transaction With Sears. 29 September 2004. Retrieved 2012-11-02.


Further reading

Krat, Manfred; Mantrala, Murali K., eds. (2006).

Retailing in the 21st Century: Current and Future
Trends. New York: Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-54028399-4.


External links

Media related to Retail at Wikimedia Commons

ECRoPEDIA - Free Global Collection of Retail/FMCG Best practices by ECR Community
Investopedia.The Industry Handbook: The Retailing Industry
National Retail Federation (U.S.-based trade association)





Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Retail Source: Contributors: The Anome, Christian List, Roadrunner, DavidLevinson, AntonioMartin, Frecklefoot, Patrick, Michael Hardy, Fred Bauder, Zanimum, Cameron Dewe, TakuyaMurata, Tiles, Tregoweth,
Julesd, Jeandr du Toit, Mydogategodshat, Markb, Guaka, RickK, Reddi, Sertrel, Silvonen, Topbanana, Dale Arnett, Hankwang, Baldhur,
Tim Ivorson, Postdlf, MarchHare, Hadal, Hcheney, Wile E. Heresiarch, Ancheta Wis, Bob Palin, Oberiko, Ferkelparade, Jgritz, Rick Block,
Siroxo, Bobblewik, ALargeElk, Chowbok, Lst27, Beland, Quarl, Rdsmith4, Jareha, Tyler McHenry, Gary D, Zondor, Gazpacho, Discospinster, Westendgirl, Bender235, JoeSmack, Bennylin, Art LaPella, Coolcaesar, Bobo192, Hurricane111, Sicherlich, Maurreen, Russ3Z,
Of~enwiki, Giraedata, DrDeke, Alansohn, Alphaboi867, Arthena, Andrewpmk, Pmetzler, Velella, Gdavidp, Jrleighton, Dirac1933,
Sumit Dutta, Ceyockey, Dennis Bratland, Woohookitty, Pol098, Dah31, NormanEinstein, Rchamberlain, Umofomia, Dysepsion, BD2412,
Rjwilmsi, DeadlyAssassin, Lockley, JoshuacUK, MZMcBride, NeonMerlin, ElKevbo, FlaBot, SchuminWeb, Margosbot~enwiki, Nihiltres,
Ewlyahoocom, Tequendamia, KFP, Maustrauser, Pinotgris, YurikBot, Wavelength, Themepark, RobotE, Hede2000, Chris Capoccia,
Stephenb, Rsrikanth05, AdamJaz, Cleared as led, Voidxor, Nlu, Wknight94, Republican88, Zzuuzz, Malekhanif, Nikkimaria, Chase me
ladies, I'm the Cavalry, GraemeL, Oswax, Katieh5584, Illumi the trow, John Broughton, SmackBot, McGeddon, Eskimbot, Munboy, Cazort, Yamaguchi , Gilliam, Hmains, Fmheir, Chris the speller, Bluebot, Oli Filth, Kiellliam, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Frap, Yidisheryid, Janem555, COMPFUNK2, BesselDekker, Nibuod, Nakon, MichaelBillington, Richard001, Ktpraveen, Cartoon-Fan, Hgilbert, Just
plain Bill, Henning Makholm, LeoNomis, Bejnar, Kuru, SilkTork, JH-man, Bjankuloski06, PowerCS, IronGargoyle, Timshuwy, Chrisch,
16@r, TastyPoutine, Peter Horn, , Eddie5000, Levineps, OnBeyondZebrax, Cls14, Woodshed, Fibre2fashion, ChrisCork, JForget, DangerousPanda, Hfb23, Raysonho, Retailpe, NaBUru38, Danrok, Gogo Dodo, Futureobservatory, B, Luccas, Shirulashem, Vanished
User jdksfajlasd, Tuxide, TonyTheTiger, Iedit, Heroeswithmetaphors, Gioto, Luna Santin, Wayiran, Windbear Chime Guy, Monkeybreath,
JAnDbot, Chaitanya.lala, Dan D. Ric, Getinthek, Barek, MER-C, RainbowCrane, LittleOldMe, Naval Scene, VoABot II, Transcendence,
Greenway6, Froid, Robkeenan11, WLU, Dardorosso, Nicolo Machiavelli, Drm310, Archd3, MartinBot, Kiore, Naohiro19, Rettetast, Nirmal anand, R'n'B, LedgendGamer, Huzzlet the bot, J.delanoy, Trusilver, Svetovid, Reedy Bot, EdWalker58, CallamRodya, Olegwiki, Iulus
Ascanius, Potatoswatter, KylieTastic, Fashiononly, Idioma-bot, Funandtrvl, Akuvodapainting, WWGB, KingTheodin, VolkovBot, Dheerajakula, Thisisborin9, VasilievVV, Highlander15, Saddy Dumpington, Donrencz, TXiKiBoT, Gune, Qwayzer, Palkema, Hqb, Mwutthip,
Mkpumphrey, UnitedStatesian, Zhenqinli, Andrewaskew, Lamro, Angrymansr, Altermike, Enviroboy, Sevela.p, Valce, SieBot, Angel2001,
Plinkit, Jess schif, Purbo T, Bentogoa, Flyer22 Reborn, MaynardClark, Blue Pixel, Bagatelle, Sliwers, Mansuetodigital, Huggi, Distino,
Mtaylor848, Lloydpick, Explicit, Smashville, ClueBot, Snigbrook, SevDrape, ZippyGoogle, Arakunem, Saddhiyama, Fiet Nam, Hal8999,
DanielDeibler, CounterVandalismBot, Axkey~enwiki, Resoru, Moneywatch, KnowledgeBased, Vivio Testarossa, Singhalawap, Davidstewartharvey, Kaiba, SchreiberBike, Mlas, Thingg, Aitias, SoxBot III, Apparition11, Katzo9.7, Dapdune, Deanna08, XLinkBot, Andrew
Siegwart, SeamusSweeney, Emapretail, Addbot, Mortense, Willking1979, 1123pizza, Jncraton, Ironholds, CanadianLinuxUser, Sam1223,
Jim10701, MrOllie, CarsracBot, CUSENZA Mario, Lightbot, Jarble, HerculeBot, Luckas-bot, Yobot, TaBOT-zerem, Evans1982, THEN
WHO WAS PHONE?, Max, Rsamason, AnomieBOT, Jim1138, Galoubet, Rajdeeprathod, Je Muscato, Materialscientist, LilHelpa,
Xqbot, Sashadro, Wperdue, Priyankamathur, Omnipaedista, SassoBot, CnkALTDS, Lucyatchalk, N419BH, Sesu Prime, Wikipe-tan,
Jonathonhall, MGA73bot, Don 'Capitalized' A. Clifton, Pbaril3456, Pinethicket, I dream of horses, Chris814, Carlosmessi, Tom.Reding,
Jandalhandler, Blender09, SkyMachine, Cindylim123, FoxBot, Suusion of Yellow, Tbhotch, Reach Out to the Truth, Pozytyv, DARTH
SIDIOUS 2, Mean as custard, DexDor, Galloping Moses, Beyond My Ken, Midhart90, BobbyChristmas, Felix0009, EmausBot, Orphan
Wiki, Dewritech, GoingBatty, Pawanretail, Dcirovic, We hope, Kkm010, Onced boath, Ida Shaw, Nonstore, Debkajon, Kilopi, Gz33,
Ocaasi, Erianna, Aeled, Apple520, ChuispastonBot, Sandyhirschel, Oce.ecr, ClueBot NG, Iiii I I I, Retailworldonline, MelbourneStar,
Satellizer, Wolf Uluz, ThinkingLeaders, Wiki helper guy, Castncoot, Widr, Jpquidores, Madhav86, Onlinearticle, Helpful Pixie Bot, Mergers, Exec second, JohnEdit21, Northamerica1000, Kangaroopower, JohnChrysostom, AvocatoBot, Gorthian, Altar, Creativecognizants,
Aisteco, Arcamaxter, DarrenM18888, BattyBot, Saturn HT, Several Pending, PDumeny-NJITWILL, Kylejb11, ChrisGualtieri, Mediran, YFdyh-bot, Khazar2, JYBot, Wyskar7, Webclient101, The Silence Reveals All, Fabiopagoti, Stephenleehall, Wikimunter, Anatoly p,
Guphanti, Junkyardsparkle, SFK2, Pear285, Corn cheese, Guifeng, Raulcaeser, Royroydeb, Kukuecho9, FDMS4, Shearyer, 816phloh,
Kahtar, Kim9988, Fredrockjtv, Lakun.patra, Jaaybiggz, Monkbot, Hellotherealex, ImTheNinja98, Mythnder, Patelbharat25, KH-1, Sandana krishnan.S, Buvaneswari Pugazhendi, Jax-Jacq, Jorge104025, James.bennett.russell, Fill17buy100, Lisa012, Adsmit19, EranH16,
Sonikarungta, Samer kassas77, Samsaracawley, Atreya.B and Anonymous: 466



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Own work Original artist: Sarang
File:Emblem-money.svg Source: License: GPL Contributors: Original artist: perfectska04
File:Exterior_of_Target_Store,_formerly_Stan_Pollard_Charters_Towers_Qld_Aus.jpg Source:
wikipedia/en/8/87/Exterior_of_Target_Store%2C_formerly_Stan_Pollard_Charters_Towers_Qld_Aus.jpg License:
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File:Industry5.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: https:// Original artist: Tsaoja
File:MercadodeSanJuandeDios.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: Fruterias... Original artist: Christian Frausto Bernal from Tepic, Nayarit, MEXICO
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with_red_question_mark.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Created by bdesham with Inkscape; based upon Text-x-generic.svg
from the Tango project. Original artist: Benjamin D. Esham (bdesham)
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domain Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk contribs),
based on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber
File:Zuerich_Migroshochhaus_5.jpg Source:
License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work (Eigenes Bild) Original artist: Ikiwaner
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B9.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sergey Konegen


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