Benefits of Dua e Saifi COMPLETE

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Benefits of Dua e Saifi

Dua e Saifi reported by Hazrat Sydena Gouse Azam (RA). This dua have 70,000
thousend angels and 70,000 moukillat means security and 70,000 jinnat. This dua will
becomes arrow when you reads at mazzaar of aulia or shaheed rehmatullah then it will
be effected very quickly .
One day Sydena Gouse Azam (RA) was doing wazu and one eagle was keeps bits on
cloths so Sydena Gouse Azam (RA) see the eagle with jallali eyes and said your head
cutt off so eagle head cuts off then Sydena Gouse Azam had tears comes in his
noorani eyes . one of murid told ,, why you tears out Murshid Azam this eagle was
mistakes and got the punishment so Sydena Gouse Azam (RA) reply ,, i reads so much
Dua e Saifi and now my toungue becomes Saif Allah ( sword of Allah Taala) but i am
crying for in future sokme of peoples who will insult my names and not respect me then
there heads of imaan will cuts like this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,allah humma aafena a insulting of
Aulia Karam and the present some of peoples who dosent knows abt the way of
tassauff they are blind and there talks about Aulia is so rubish so please respect the
Aulia bcz till to Day of Judgement who will be Wali, Who loves Sydena Gaouse Azam
(RA) and if Sydena Gouse Azam (RA) puts his noorani feet on our shoulder then he will
be the Wali.

Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahum'a ant'Allahu-l- Maliqu'l Haq'qul

lazee Laa Illaha Illa Anta.. Ant'a Rabbi wa ana abduqa aamil'tu su'aw'wa zalamtu
nafsi wa'taraftu bizambi , faghfirli zunubi jami'an kul'laha fa'in'nahu la yaghfiru'z'zunuba
illa anta, Ya Allahu,
Translation: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah
You are Allah(Lord) the clear King of truth, There is no God except You You are my Lord
and i am Your servant . i did bad and i offended myself and i admit my sins,forgive my
sins all sins, because there is no one who can forgive sins except You . o Allah

Transliteration: Ya Rahmanu , Ya Rahemu, Ya Rabbu, Ya Ghafuru, Ya Shakuru, Ya

Haleemu, Ya Kareemu, Ya Hakeemu, Allahum'a in'ni ahmaduqa wa anta lil hamdi ahlun
ala ma khas'sastani bihi mim'mawahibi'raghaibi wa aosalta ilaiya min faza'ili's sana'e'ei
wa ao'laitani bihi min ihsaniqa wa bav'watani bihi mim'mazan'nati's sidqi wa anal'tani
bihi mim'minaniqa 'l wasilati ilai'ya wa ahsanta ilai'ya min indi fa'il bali'yati
Translation: O Beneficent ,O The Most Merciful ,O Lord ,O The Forgiver and hider of
faults, O the Re-warder of thankfulness O the forbearing,O The Generous ,O The
Perfectly wise .O Allah i praise You and You are The One who deserve praise And You
have made me special by assigning gifts from Your blessings and You have delivered
towards me blessings of Omnipotence's and with it You have given me from Your
Beneficence and You have prepared me with assurance of truth and You have granted
me with Your Beneficence's which are being delivering towards me ,And You have
gratified me by obviating adversities

Transliteration: an'ni wat'taufiqi li wal'ijabati li'dua'i he'na uonadiqa da'iyan'wa unajiqa

ragheeban'wa adouqa za'rian'muzarian'm musafian'wa hi'na arjuqa raji'an fa'ajiduqa fil'
mawatina kul'liha li ja'ran ha'ziran hafizan ha'fiyan ba'ran'raoufan'wa fil umuri kul'liha li
nasiran'wa naziran wa lil'khata ya waz'zunubi ghafiran'wa lil'ouubi sa'tiran , lam aadam
an'ni aonuqa wa bir'ruqa wa khairuqa li wa ihsanuqa an'ni tar'fata
Translation: from me and You gave me success , and You gave acceptance to my
supplications whenever i call upon You as supplicator and whisper to You with
mindedness and supplicate to You as Humble ,pure hearted and i expect from You ,
and i find You at all places , and for me
rotector,Present,Compassionate,Beneficent,Merciful and The Best Helper for me in all
matters, and forgiver of sins and faults and Cover-er of faults and Your help is not far
from me , and Your gratification even for the blink of eye

Transliteration: ain'in 'munzu anzal'tani dar'al ikhtiyari wal fiqri wa'aitibari wa'li tanzura
i'laiya fi'maa ouqad'dimu ii'laiqa lidar'il qarari fa'ana attequ'qa ya Maula'ya min jami'el
maz'aar'ri wal mazaal'li wal masaibi wal ma'aaibi wal'lawazibi wal'lawazimi wan'nawaibi
wash'shadaidi wal hum'mumi'l lati qad sawaratni fihal ghamumu bi ma'aarizi asnafil
bala'i wa zurubi juhdil'qaza'i wa shama'tatil aada'i la azkuru minqa il'la'l jamila wa lam
ara minqa
Translation: Whereas You have put me in the house of choice and consideration and
thought so that You can see ,what i will send forth for the Eternal home and the place of
stay. o My Lord i am Your liberated slave from all harms , straying deeds , all problems
and all short comings,all blames and accidents and afflictions and from sorrows and that
griefs which are prevalent upon me in this world due to different afflictions and due to
occurent prevalent destiny and due to devilment of enemies . i do not remember You but
as Good and do not see from You

Transliteration: il'al't tafzila khairuqa li shamilun'wa sun'ouqa li kamilun'wa lutfuqa li

kafilun'wa fazluqa aalaiya mutwatirun'wa ni'amuqa indi mut'tasilatunw'wa ayadiqa
ladai'ya mutakasiratun'lam tukhfiz jawari wa sadaqta rijaa'e wa sa'habta asfari wa
akramta ahzare wa ashfaita amrazi wa aa'faita aa'zaa'e wa ahsanta munqalabi wa
maswaya wa lam tushmit biii aa'daa'i wa rama'i'ta ma'r'ramani bi'suu'in'wa kaf'faitani
Translation: but Your preeminence ,Your goodness is included for me and Your
compassion on me is complete and Your kindness on me is adoptive and Your
blessedness on me is continuous and Your Benediction on me is Everlasting and
Your Beneficence's on me are too much . you have not lessened my refuge and You
made true my hope and You remain my companion in my journeys and You respected
me in my standings and You cured my sicknesses and You protected my organs and
You gratified me in my going and returning and You have defended me against my
enemies and You returned away from me the harms of those who want to harm me with
evil and You

Transliteration: man aadani fahamdi laqa wasibun'wasilun'wa sanaa'e alaiqa

mutawatirun daa'imum min'ad dahri ila'd dahri bi alwani't tasbeehi wa anwae't taqdesi
laqa khalisan'li zikriqa wa marziyan'laqa binasi'e't tauhidi wat'tamhidi wa ikhlasi't tafridi
wa imhazi'l qurbi wa't tamjidi bi'tauli't ta'ab'budi wat'taa'didi lam tuanu fi qudratiqa wa
lam tusharaqa fiii iilahi'yatiqa walam tulam laqa maa'iyyatun'wa la
Translation: are sufficient for me from the evil of the jealous ones. therefore my praise
for You is Everlasting and continuous, and ever living from one era to other era ,with all
type of praises and purification's sincerely for Your remembrance for gaining Your will
and with the true praise and glory and the sincere closeness and close relationship
and oneness and sticking to glory with long worship and counting, You do not need
anyone in Your Omnipotence and nor there is a share of anyone in Divinity , and no one
could know Your knowledge and essence

Transliteration: mahi'yaatun fatakuna lil ashyaaai'l mukhtalifati mujanisan'wa lam

tu'aayan iz hubisati'l ashyaa'ou ala'l aazaa'imi'l mukhtalifati wa la kharaqati'l aohamu
hujubal ghuyubi iilaiqa faataqida minqa mahdudan fi azmatiqa la yablughuqa bu'da'l
himami wala yanaluqa gausau'lfilani wala yan'tahiii iilaiqa nazar'un nazirina fi majdi
jabroutiqa irta'fa'at an sifati'l makhluqina sifatu zatiqa wa qudratiqa wa ala an
Translation: ( Allah's refuge) that You are similar to different things and no one saw that
things show discrepancy with Your plan and no one's illusion and sagacity can see
Yours veils of unseen, therefore i am able to believe a limited portion of Your greatness ,
so far courage's cannot understand Your Highness , nor deep sagacity could find You.
vision of seeing ones could not be able to reach Your Complacence of Seniority ,
attributes of Your nature and Persona are superior to the attributes of creature and from

Transliteration: zikri'z zakirina kibri'yaaa'ou azmatiqa fala yantaqisu m'aa aarad'ta

an'yazdada wala yazdadu m'aa aarad'ta an'yantaqisa wala zid'dun shahidaqa hi'na
fa'tarta'l khalqa wala nid'dun hazaraqa hi'na ba'rata'n nufusa kal'latil alsunu an tafsiri
sifatiqa wanhasarati'l ouqulu an kunhi ma'rifatiqa wa kaifa usafu an kunhi sifatiqa ya
Rabbi wa ant'Allahu'lmaliqu'l jab'baru 'l qudusu'l lazee lam tazal wa la tazalu aazaliyan
Translation: the remembrance of remembering ones , Your greatness and Supremeness
is High, therefore whatever thing You want to increase then no one can lessen it , and
no one can increase the thing whom You want to lessen. when You were going to create
the creature then no opponent force come forth You. and when You were creating the
beings first time then no one stand against You , the tongues are not able to narrate
Your attributes , wisdom's are surprised in apprehending Your Anagoge. O Lord how
could the reality of Your attributes be understood? , O Allah You are the Absolute Ruler,
The Compeller, The Pure one,. Your kingdom will never face downfall ,

Transliteration: abadi'yan sarmadi'yann daimann fi hujubil ghuyubi wahdaqa laa shariqa

laqa laisa fihaaa ahadun ghairuqa walam yakun'lahaa illahun siwaqa harat fi bihari
malaqutiqa aamiqatu mazahibi't tafkiri wa tawaza'aati'l muluqu lihaibatiqa wa anatil
wujuhu bi zillati'l istikanati li izzatiqa wanqada kullu shai'in'li azmatiqa was'taslama kullu
shai'in'li qudratiqa wa khaza'at laqa'r riqabu wa kal'la douna zaliqa tahbir'ul lughati
Translation:in Your veils of unseen You are Ever-living Eternal , The Only One having
no partner , and there is no Deity except You,nor there will be any Deity except You. In
oceans of Your invisible world of Angels, manoeuvres of deep thinking are astonished,
the heads of Kings are down due to Your fear, the faces are downhearted in front of
Your fright and Dominence, and everything is amneable to Your Highness and respect
and everything is obedient to Your Omnipotence and Finesse. and all heads are bend
infront of You, scholars decisive

Transliteration: wa zal'la hunaliqa't tadbeeru fi tasarifi's siffati fa man tafak'kara fi zaliqa

raja'aa tarfuhuu ilaihe haseeran'wa aqluhu mabhootan'wa tafak'kuruhu mutahai'yiran
aseeran. Allahum'aa laqa'l hamdan kaseeran daa'imam'mutawaliyanmutawatiram'mutaqa ribbam'mut'tasiam mustausiqanya'dumu wala yabidu ghaira
mafqoodin fil malakoti wala matmosin fil'ma'alimi wala muntaqisin fil irfani. Allahum'aa fa
laqa'l hamdu ala makarimiqa'l lati la
Translation: is nothing against You and contrivances are lost in appropriation of Your
attributes, and who has pondered about it , his eye, wisdom and thought turn back to
him tired , worried and astonished. O Allah all the praise is for You and copious and
countless glorification , everlasting, endless, which will never lost in the invisible world of
angels and which will never exterminate in the visible world of human.and which will not
defected in word of anagoge. O Allah all the praise is for You for all that favours which
are not counted by us

Transliteration: tuhsa fil'laili izzaa adbara was'subhi izzaa asfara wa fil bar'ri wal bihari
wal ghuduv'vi wal asali wal ishi'yi wal ibkari waz'zahirati wal ashari wa fi kulli juzim min
ajza'il laili wan'nahari , Allahum'aa bitaufiqiqa qad ahzartani'n najata wa ja'altani minqa fi
walayati'l ismati fa lam abrah minqa fi subughi na'maaiqa wa tatabu'i aalaa'iqa
mahroosan'laqa fir'rad'di wal imtina'i wa mahfozan'laqa fil man'aati wad'difa'e an'ni
Translation: nor in the night when it returns nor in the day when it shines with its colours
and sceneries , and which we possess , and on land and in water and morn and eve
and while sleeping and awaking, in the last part of night and midday, and in every
portion of day and night(we are receivinng) . O Allah it is all due to Your will and ability ,
that You gave me releif and You have protected me in the governorate of Your infallibility
and purity. and Your blessing are always befalling upon me, and i remain secure from
every annulment and preventiveness in Your contonuous blessings , You have not
given me affliction and pain more than my strength

Transliteration: wa lam tukal'lifni fauqa taqati wa lam tarza an'ni illa bita'aati fa'innaqa
ant'allahu'l lazee laa illaha illa anta lam ta'ghib wa la taghibu anqa ghaa'ibatun'w wala
takhfa alaiqa khafiyatun'wa lan tazil'la anqa fi zulmil khafi'yati zaa'l latun in'namaa
amruqa izaa arat'ta shai'an an taqula lahu kun fa yakunu. Allahum'aa in'nii ahmaduqa fa
laqa'l hamdu misla ma hamidt'ta bihi nafsaqa wa az'aafa ma hamidaqa bihi'l
Translation: You are pleased with me in my every obedience , therefore O Allah You
are the Real Divinity and there is none worthy of worship except You , You never
become hidden and nothing is unknown from You and nor in invisible darknesses
anything is being going far or losting from You, therfore whenever You want to do a
thing ,it is done. O Allah i praise You as You praised Yourself and many more praises
than the praises by laudators

Transliteration: wa maj'jadaqa bihi' mumaj'jidouna wa wah'hadaqa bihi'l muwah'hidouna

wa kab'baraqa bihi'l mukab'birouna wa hal'lalaqa bihi'l muhal'lilouna wa azamaqa bihi'l
muaz'zimouna wa sab'bahaqa bihi'l musab'bihouna wa qad'dasaqa bihi'l muqad'disouna
ha'ta yakuna hamdi laqa min'ni wahdi fi kul'li tarfati ain'nin aao aqa'la min zaliqa misla
hamdi jami'il hamdina wa tauhidi asnafi'l muwah'hidina wal mukh'lisina wa taqdisi
Translation: or Your Glorification by gloorified people or the tawheed people call You the
One or Your magnification by magnificent people , or Your gradualism by gradual
people , or Your supremeness or Your remembrance or Your piousness by pious ones
so that my praise become unparalell in every instant of eye or become less than the
praise by all thank givers and oneness describers and sincere ones, and anagogics ,

Transliteration: ajnasi'l aarifina wa sa'naa'i jami'il muhal'lilina wal'musal'lilina wal

musab'bihina wa mislu ma'a anta bihi Rab'bun aalimun aarifun'wa huwa mahmodun'wa

mahbobun'wa mahjo'bun'm min jami'i khalqi'qa kul'lihim 'minal hayawanati wal jamadati
wal baraya wal anami wa ar'ghib ilaiqa fi barqati ma'a antaqtani bihi min hamdiqa
fama'a aisara ma kal'laftani bihi min haq'qiqa wa aazama ma wa'adtani bihi ala shukriqa
ibtada'tani bin'niami fazlan'w wa taulan
Translation: and Divinity describers , an all Your gradualism and peace and
remembrance describers and You are their Lord and You are all knowing of their
conditions and are Lovable, Worthy of Reverence and Hidden from all creatures of
every kind , animals and humans and jinns and plants. O Allah i turn my attention
towards You on the expense of the blessingthat You have made decisive and vocalist
on Your praise and how small and easy is the thing by which You have afflicted me and
how big is the thing You have promised me, of Your thankfulness, my begining by You is
with Your blessings from Your blessedness and vastness

Transliteration: wa amar'tani bish'shukri haq'qan'wa adlan'wa wa'ad'tani alaihi

az'aafan'm muza'aa'fatan'wa mazeedan-wa aataitani bihi mir'rizqiqa wa'sian kaseeran
wa kabeeran wa iitibaran wa ikhtiyaran wa rizaan wa sa'altani minhu shukran'yaseeran
sagheeran iz naj'jaitani wa aafai'tani bihi min juhdil balaa'i wa su'il qaza'i wa lam
tusal'limni bi'suu'i qazaa'iqa wa bala'iqa wa ja'alta malbasi'l aafiyati wa tawa'laitani
bil'bastati wa aolaitani'l bastata
Translation: and You have ordered me to be thankfulby truth and justice and You have
promised me double reward and blessing upon thank, and You have gave me from Your
sustenance which is vast and numerous and is great with respect to trust and power
and Your pleasure and on expense of it You required from me praise and thanks which
is easy and small and You releived me and saved me from affliction and bad destiny
and You have not assigned me to afflictions and bad destiny and You gave me clothes
of protection and You gave me ampleness and You have benefied

Transliteration:war'rakhaa'e wa akramtani bil'aalaa'i wan'naamaa'i wa sha'rata li min'ad

dini ai'sara 'l qauli wal'fi'ili wal'aamali was'sawaghta lii ai'sara'l qasdi wa dha'afta lii
ashrafa'l fazli wal mazidi ma'a ma wa'at'tani min'al mahaj'jati'sh sharifati wa
bash'shartani bihi min'ad darajati'r rafi'ati was'tafaitani bi nabiyiqa aazami'sh shani wa
ja'altahu aaza'man nabiyiyna dawatan wa arafa'aahum darajatan wa afdhalahum lana
Translation: vastness for me and You have bestowed upon me Your blessing and You
have made for me which is easy in saying and doing and You have made ample easy
inention for me and You have made double for me the blessedness of nobility and
excess of the blessing which You have promised me and You have given me the good
news of high grade and You have made me chosen one through Your prophet , who is
owner of great honour and prestige , and You have made this Prophet great from all
Prophets with respect to preaching and due to very high grades and due to blessed
intercession ,

Transliteration: wa aqrabahum'manzilatan wa aaodhahum huj'jatan Muhammadan

sallallahu wassalama wa ala jami'il ambiyaa'i wal mursalina. Allahum'aa'gh firli ma
yasa'ouhu illa maghfiratuqa wa la yamhaquhuu illa afwuqa wa la yukafi'ruhuu illa
tajawuzuqa wa fadluqa wa hab li fi yaumi haza wa lailati hazihi wa shahri haza wa
sanati hazihi yaqeenan sadiqan'yuhav'vinu bihi aalai'ya masaaiba'd duniya wal aakhirati
wa ahzanahuma
Translation: and very close to Allah and one having clear arguement,Muhammad and
peace and blessings of Allah upon him and all prophets and messengers. O Allah
forgive me, my that fault which is only forgiven by You and which cannot be removed
but only with Your forgiveness and mercy, and which cannot be expiated except by Your
Blessedness and forgiveness and bestow upon me today and tonight and in this present
month and in this present year ,true belief which can ease my afflictions of this world
and the world hereafter ,and grief of hereafter

Transliteration: wa yushav'viquni ilaiqa wa yuragh'ghibuni fima indaqal maghfirata wa

bal'lighni'l karamata min indiqa wa aaozighni shukra maa an'amta bihi aalai'ya war'zuqni
wan'surni aala'l aadaa'e fa innaqa ant'allah-ul lazee laa illaha illa anta'l wahidu'l aahadu'l
mubdi ur ra'fii ul badi os samiou 'l aaleemu'l lazee laisa liamriqa mudfiun wa la an
qadhaa'iqa mumtaniun wa ash'hadu innaqa anta rabbi wa rabbu kulli shai'in fatiru's
Translation: and that beleif which make me Your infatuated and lover and make me
persuaded towards that which is in Your treasures, and give me forgiveness and miracle
and give me ability to be thankful for Your blessings and give me sustenance and give
me success against my enemies because You are The Allah, having no partner and You
are The One ,The Originator, The Exalted one, The Creator, The all listening, The all
Knowing and there is no one who resist Your Decree nor anyone who repel Your
predestination and i testify that You are my Lord and Lord of everything and Creator of

Transliteration: wal ardhi aalimul ghaibi wash'shahadati'l aali'u'l kabeerul

mutaaali. Allahum'a innii asaaluqa's sabata fi'l amri wal aazimata ala'r rushdi
wash'shukra ala niaamaqa wa husni ibadatiqa wa asaaluqa min kulli khairin talamu wa
laa aalamu wa aaoudhubiqa min kulli shar'rin'm ma ta'lamu wa astaghfiruqa lima
ta'lamu innaqa anata al'lamu'l ghu'yubi. Wa aaoudhubiqa min jori kul'li jaa'irin wa bagh'yi
kul'li bagh'in'wa hasadi kul'li
Translation: and earths, and Knower of unknown and testification that You are The
Highest the Greatest, The Supreme One , O Allah i ask You for steadfastness ,gidance
and thankfulness on Your blessings and i am appealing You of best prayer and begger
of all types of goodness from You which You know and i do not know , and i seek refuge
from every that evil which You know which you know and seeker of forgiveness from
You ,from every that sin which You know, Certainly You are The Knower of unseen and
i seek Your refuge from tyranny of every tyrannt and lawlessness of every defiant and
rebel and from jealousy of every

Transliteration: hasidin wa makri kul'li makirin wa ghadri kul'li ghadirin wa kaidi kul'li
kaa'idin wa zulmi kul'li zalimin wa kizbi kul'li kazibin wa sihri kul'li sahirin wa shamatati
kul'li shamitin wa kash'hi kul'li kashi'him biqa aasulu alal aadaa'e wa iyyaka arju
walayatal aahib'baa'e wal oliyaa'e wal qura'na'e wal qurabaa'e falaqa'l hamdu ala ma
laa as'tatiou ihsa'aa'hu wa la ta'didahu min awaa'idi fazliqa wa awarifi rizqiqa wa alwani
Translation: envious and from fraud of every fradulent and from fallacy of every
fallacious and from hypocrisy of every hypocrite and from cruelity of every cruel and
from lie of every lier and from magic of every magician and from the delight of the
delighted one on my loss, and from maliciousness of malicious , with Your help i behest
my enemies and on Your expense i expect love of my friends , companions and
closeones, therefore for You is all praise , on the blessings, i am not able to enumerate
or count your blessedness on every step, and Your colourful blessings which You have

Transliteration: ao'laitani bihi min arfadiqa fa'innaqa ant'allahul lazee laa illaha illa anta'l
fashi fil khalqi hamduqa albasitu bil joudi yadaqa la tuza'd'du fi hukmiqa wa la tuna'za'ou
fi sultaniqa tamliqu min'al anami ma tash'aa'ou wa la yamlikouna minqa illa ma turidu.
Allahum'a ant'allahul muhsinu'l mun'imu'l mufdhilu'l qadirul qahirul muqtadirul qaa'imul
quddusul muqaddisu fi nooril qudsi tarad'dai'ta
Translation: bestowed upon me , therefore certainly You are Allah there is no Deity
except You , You are eminent in creature , Your alleulia is that,hand of your bounty is
untied, no one can cast back Your Decreeand no one is there to hassle with You in Your
Kingdom, You are the Owner of people and their appurtenence, anywise You will, but
they cannot be Owner of anything from You for as much You will , O Allah You are Allah
, Doer of beautiful things ,The Generous, The Beneficent , The all Powerfull, The
Creator of all power, The Everliving, The Pure one, sacred and Holy One in His Holy

Transliteration: bil izzi wal oulaa'e.Wa ta'az'zarta bil azmati wal kibri'yaa'e wa
tagh'ghash'shaita bin'noori wad'dhiyaa'e wa tajal'lalta bil mahabati wal bahaa'e.
Allahum'a laqal man'nu'l qadeemu wal fazlul aazemu wal izzu'sh shamikhu wal mulqu'l
bazikhu wal joudul wai'ou wal qudratul kamilatu wal hikmatul balighatu falaqal hamdu
ala ma ja'altani min ummati muhammadin sallallahu aalaihi wasallama wa huwa afzalu
mim banii aadama'l lazina
Translation: having veil of acclivity and honour and Greatness and You are covered with
Your Light, and You are on Your Throne with Your Grandiose and Light, O Allah You are
Aboriginal in Gratification, and of Great Blessedness , and of Great Honour and Owner
of prespicuous Kingdom,and of vast Bounty and of complete Omnipotence, and of
mature Finesse, therefore praise is for You, You have included me in the Ummah of
Muhammad peace be upon him, he is superior to all the sons of Adam,to whom You

Transliteration: kar'ramtahum wa hamal'tahum fil bar'ri wal bahri wa razaqtahum'minat

taiyibati wa faz'zaltahum ala kaseerin'm mimman khalaqtahum tafzi'yan wa khalaqtani
sami'an'm baseeran sahe'han sa'wiyan saliman'm mu'aafan'w walam tashghulni
binuqsanin fi badani wa la biaafatin fi jawarihi wa lam tam'naa'ni karamataqa iyya'ya wa
husna saniaatiqa indi wa fazla manayihiqa ladaiya wa na'maaiqa aalaiya ant'allahul
lazee ao saa'ta
Translation: blessed with honour and lift them on land and in water and gave them pure
Sustenance and give them blessedness upon Your numerous Creature and You made
me listening ,seeing ,having intact body and gave me protection and You have not
indulged me in any loss of my body, and nor in any calamity of organs and nor You have
stopped Your miracle upon me and good performance about me, and Your blessedness
and blessings towards me , You are The One who have made Sustenance

Transliteration: aalaiya fid duniya wal aakhirati rizqan'w wasian'w wafiyan'w

wafaz'zaltani ala kaseerin'm min khalqiqa tafzilan faja'alta li sam'an'yasma'ou aayatiqa
wa aqlan'yafhamu imanaqa wa basaran'yara qudrataqa wa fuwa'dan'yarifu azmataqa
wa lisanan'yantiqu kalamaqa wa qalban'yataqidu imanaqa wa tauhidaqa fa inni bi
fazliqa alaiya hamidun'w wa bitaufiqiqa iyyaka zakirun'wa laqa nafsi shakiratun'wa
bihaq'qa shahidatun fa innaqa hai'yun qabla kul'li hai'yin'wa hai'yum ba'da kul'li
hai'yin'wa hai'yum
Translation: vast for me, gave blessedness in this world and in the hereafter upon Your
numerous creature ,therefore You have given me ears, by them i listen your ayahs, and
You gave me such sagacity by which i can understand faith and You have given me
eyes by them i observe Your Omnipotence and have given me such heart by which i
recognize Your Greatness and You have given me such tongue which is vocalist of Your
conversance ans such heart by which i know the reality of faith and Oneness,therefore
due to Your blessedness i praise You and by Your will and ability I am Your remembring
one and my self and soul is Your thankfull and is observer of Your truth ,therefore You
are alive before every alive thing and You will be alive

Transliteration: ba'da kul'li mai'yitin 'wa hai'yun'lam tari'sil hayata min kulli haiyin'wa lam
taq'ta khairaqa an'ni fi kul'li waqtin'wa lam taq'ta rajaa'e qat'tu wa lam tunzil bi aaqubati'n
niqami wa lam tam'na an'ni da'qa'iqal esami wa lam tughai'yir aalaiya wa
saa'eqa'nniaami falaou lam azkur min ihsaniqa aalaiya illa afwuqa an'ni wat'taufiqa li
wal istijabata li du'aa'e he'na ra'faa'tu sau'ti bi tauhidiqa yaa Allahi wa tahmidiqa
Translation: after every alive thing ,while all living ones will die , and You are such alive
that You do not get life as patrimony from any living, and Your Benevolence is not
stopped from me anytime, and my hopes are in You always, the punishment of
misfortune never befall upon me and abstrucenesses of continence never close on me
and Your promises of Your blessings never become adersable,therefore if i don't
remember Your Gratification on me but Your forgiveness for me and Your will and ability
for me and acceptance of my supplications while O Allah i make my voice aloud with
Your Oneness and Your glorification

Transliteration: wa-tasbeehika wa-mjeediqa wa taa'zeemeqa wa takbiriqa wa tah'leeliqa

wa illa fi taqdeeriqa khalqi he'na saw'wartani fa ahsanta surati wa illa fi qismatil arzaqi
he'na qad'dartaha li lakana fi zaliqa ma yashghulu shukri an juhdi fa kaifa izza fak'kartu
fin'niaamil izaamil latii aataqal'labu fiha wa laa ablughu shukra shai'im minha falaqal
hamdu ala makaramiqal latee la tuhsa adada ma hifazahu ilmuqa
Translation: and Dhikr and Greatness and Highness and Gradualism , You have made
my destiny and You made me and when You want to made my visge You give me a
good appearance and at the time of sustenanace You destined Sustenance for me so
my thankfullness does not outlay me from this struggle ,therefore how i thought about
Your great blessings and i cannot fonish thanking You for any of them. Therefore all
praise is for You on all the salvations which cannot be approximated and in such
proportion Your knowledge can secure,

Transliteration: wa adada ma wasiat'hu rahmatuqa wa adada maa ahatat bihi

qudratuqa wa adh'aafa ma tastaujibuhu min jami'e khalqiqa....Allahum'a fatam'mim
ihsanaqa ilaiya fima baqiya min umri kamaa ahsanta ilaiya fima madha minhu
.....Allahum'aa inni asaaluqa wa aatawas'salu ilaiqa bitauhidiqa wa tamjidiqa wa
tahmidiqa wa tahliliqa wa takberiqa wa kibriyaa'iqa wa kamaliqa wa taa'zeemiqa wa
taqdeesiqa wa nooriqa wa joudoqa
Translation: and in such proportion your mercy is vast, and in such proportion Your
Omnipotence can enclose ,and more than such proportion that You are more deserving
and liable for this than Your creature... O Allah complete Your gratification Upon me for
rest of my life as You have bestowed Your gratification upon me in my past life. O Allah i
asl You and i find mediator towards You through Your oneness and Your gratification
and Your thankfullness and Your gradualism and Your magnification and Your Greatness
and Your Masterliness and Your Supremeness , Your Holiness,Your Light, Your

Transliteration: wa raafatiqa wa rahmatiqa wa aoluv'viqa wa waqariqa wa ilmiqa wa

liqaa'iqa wa man'niqa wa baha'iqa wa jamaliqa wa jalaliqa wa sultaniqa wa azmatiqa wa
quw'watiqa wa qudratiqa wa ihsanaqa wam'tinaniqa wa afwiqa wa nabiyiqa
muhammadin sallallahu aalaihi wasalama wa saa'iri ikhwanihi mi'nal ambiyaa'e wal
mursalina aalaihimus salamu wa bi'itratihi't taiyibinat tahirina an'la tahrimani rifdaqa wa
fazlaqa wa jamalaqa wa jalalaqa wa fawaa'ida kiramatiqa fa'innahu
Translation: Your leniency,Your Mercy,Your Highness,Your honour, Your Knowledge ,
Your gratification, Your radiant,Your beauty,Your sublimity,Your dominance ,Your
power,Your Omnipotence,Your Beneficence,Your Importation ,Your act of grace and on
the expense of Your Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him from You, and all his
brothers i-e Prophets and Messengers and their pious and pure Children, i ask You that
You do not bereft me from Your mercies ,Your Beneficences ,sublimity and Your
miracles because

Transliteration: la yaa'tariqa likasrati ma qad nasharta bihi mi'nal aataya aawaa'iqil

bukhli fatukdi wa la tanqusu judaqat taqseeru fi shukri nimaatiqa wa la yanfadu
khazaa'inaqa mawahibuqal mut'tasiaata wa la tu'as'siru fi judiqal azeemi.....Minahuqal
fa'iqatul jamilatul jalilatu wa la ta'khafu dhai'ma imlaqin fatukdiya wa la yalhaquqa
khaufu udmin fayanqusu min judiqa faidhu fadhliqa. Ya Rabba jibraa'eela
Translation: there is no chance that due to excess of Forgiveness there will be hider of
costiveness and You will be greived at it, and demerit in thankfullness of Your Blessings
does not lessen Your Forgiveness and nor Your Vast Forgiveness can lessen Your
treasures, and nor Your great bounty is affected by handsome or grand abstinence and
nor You have fear of hunger that You are afflicted by it, and nor You have fear of
annihilation or destitution which can harm Your bounty, O Lord of Jibrael

Transliteration: ya Rabba mikaa'eela ya Rabba israfeela ya Rabba izraa'eela ya Rabba

Muhammadin'r rasulillahe sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wasalama madadi , Allahum'ar
zukni qalban khashian khafizan dharian haziran'w wa badanan sabiran'w wa yaqeenan
sadiqan'w wa lisanan zakiran'wa hamidan'wa ai'nam bakiyatan 'wa rizqan
halalan'wasian wa ilman'n nafian'wa waladan salihan'wa sin'nan taweelan'wamraaatam
mu'minatan salihatan'wa taubatam maqbolatan'wa la tu'min'ni makraqa
Translation: O Lord of Mikaeel,O Lord of Israfeel, O Lord of Izraeel, O Lord of
Muhammad peace be upon him,help me ,O Allah bless me with a heart which is
fearful,humble and obedient and bless me with Your obedient and tolerant body and
true beleif and tongue vocaling You and praising You, and an eye crying with Your fear
and love, and substenance vast and legitimate,and benefiting knowledge and pious
children and long life and bless me with a beleiving and pious wife and accept my
repentance and do not immunize and infatuate with Your pretence

Transliteration: wa la tunsini zikraqa wa la takshif an'ni sitraqa wa la tuq'qa nitni

mir'rehmatiqa wa la tuba'idni min kanafiqa wa jawariqa wa aa'izni min sa'khatiqa wa
ghazabiqa wa la tu'yisni mir'rahmatiqa wa rauhiqa wa kun'li aanisan'min kulli
rau'aatin'wa wahshatin'wa jalisan fi kulli wahdatin'wa ghurbatin waa'simni min kulli
halakatin'wa na'jin'ni min kulli bali'yatin'wa aafatin'wa aahatin'wa ihanatin 'wa zillatin'wa
illatin'wa qillatin'wa
Translation: and nor make me forget Your remembrance and not uncover me and not
dissappoint me from Your mercy and not aloof me from Your refuge and closeness and
give me refuge from Your anger and reluctancy and do not dissappoint me from Your
mercy and be my loyal helper in every fear and terror ,in every loneliness You be my
companion , and keep me safe from every virulence and give me releif from every
problem, calamity, hardship and disgrace ,humilation and shotage

Transliteration: maradhin'wa faqrin'wa faqatin'wa riyaa'in'wa waba'in'wa bala'in'wa

zalzalatin'wa mihnatin'wa shidatin fid'daraini wa innaqa la tukhliful miiyad. Allahum'ar
faa'ni wa la tadhaa'ni wad'faa an'ni wa la tad'faa'ni wa aatini wa la tahrimni wa ikrimni
wa la tuhini wa zidni wa la tanqusni war'hamni wa la tuaz'zibni wan'surni wa la takh'zulni
was'turni wa la tafdah'ni wa aasirni wa la tu'sir aa'laiya amrid'duniya
Translation: and sickness and hunger and thirst and deceit and affliction and anger and
hardship and extremeness in both worlds and You fulfill Your promise O Allah make me
high and don't make me fall and obviate afflictions from me and don't take me far from
Yourself and bless me,do not bereft me,and honour me and do not humilate me ,bestow
Your blessings upon me in excess and do not lessen them and have mercy on me and
do not give me punishment and give me victory and do not give me dispersal and
protect me in Your delitescence and do not humilate me and give me importance,and do
not give importance to anyone on me nor in this world

Transliteration: wal aakhirati. Allahum'aa far'rij ham'mi wak'shif gham'mi wa ahliq

aaduw'wi war'zuqni khai'rad dunya wal aakhirati birehmatiqa yaa arhamar raheemuna.
Allahum'a ma qad'darta li min amrin'wa sharaa'ta fihi bitaufiqiqa wa tai'siriqa
fa'tam'mimhu li bi ahsanil wujuhi kul'liha wa aslahiha wa aswabiha fa innaqa ala ma
ta'shaa'ou qadeerun. Wa bil ijabati jadeerun. Ya man qama'tis samawatu wal ardhuna bi
Translation: and nor in the hereafter. O Allah aloof my vagry and destroy my griefs and
destroy my enemies and give me all the goodnessof this world and hereafter with Your
mercy and blessedness, O The Most Merciful of all the merciful ones. O Allah what You
have decided for me with Your will and blessedness i have started this task, help me in
ending this in a good manner because You are Omnipotent on all things . O the One by
Whom order skies and earths exist.

Transliteration: ya man'yumsiqu's samaa'aa an taqa'aa alal ardhi illa biiznihi ya man

amruhuu izaa arada shai'an an'yaqula lahu kun fayakunu. Fasubhanal'lazee biyadihi
malakutu kul'li shai'in'wa ilahi turja'oun.Wa sallallahu ta'ala ala khairi khalqihi saiyidna
muhammadin wa aalihi wa ashabihi ajmaa'eena. At'taiyibena't tahireena wasalama
tasleeman kaseeran kaseeran ya arhama'r raheemena wa ya khaira'n nasirena wal
hamdu lillahi rab'bil aalamina.
Translation: O The One who has prevented the skies to fall on earth but with Your Will, o
The One when You will to do a thing You say be and it is. Therefore He is The One in
Whom hand is the key of the unseen world of angels and to You we will return and
blessings of Allah upon our Master Muhammad and his family and his companions who
are pure , and senp copious peace on them all . O The Most Merciful of all the merciful
ones, and the most Helping one and all the praise is for The Lord of The Worl

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