Unit I PDF
Unit I PDF
Unit I PDF
Department of CIVIL
1. 1
Paavai Institutions
Department of CIVIL
1. 1 Introduction
1.1.1 Tacheometry
1.1.2 Uses Of Tachometry
1.1.3 Instrument
1.2 Systems Of Tachometric Measurement
1.2.1 Stadia Systems
1.2.2 Non - Stadia Systems
1.3 Principle Of Stadia Method
1.4 Determination Of Tacheometric Constants
1.5 Anallactic Lens
1.6 Inclined Stadia Measurements
1.6.1 Worked Example Problems
1.7 Uses Of Stadia Method
1.8 Errors In Stadia Measurement
1.9 Tangential Method
1.9.1 When Both Vertical Angles Are Angles Of Elevation One of the Vertical Angles Is Elevation Angle and The Other Is Depression
1.9.2 Worked Example Problems
1.10 Sub tense Bar Method
1.10.1 Instrument
1.10.2 Method
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It is a method of surveying in which horizontal distances and (relative) vertical elevations are
determined from subtended intervals and vertical angles observed with an instrument.
Stadia Systems
In there system's, staff intercepts at a pair of stadia hairs present at diaphragm, are considered.
The stadia system consists of two methods:
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Tacheometric systems - Tangential, stadia and subtense methods - Stadia systems - Horizontal
and inclined sights - Vertical and normal staffing - Fixed and movable hairs - Stadia constants Anallactic lens - Subtense bar.
Objective of Lesson 1
The objective of Lesson 1 is to Introduce Tacheometry and to discuss about the stadia method of
tacheometric surveying, explain non-stadia systems of tacheometric surveying.
1. 1
It is a method of surveying in which horizontal distances and (relative) vertical elevations are
determined from subtended intervals and vertical angles observed with an instrument.
Uses of Tacheometry
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Systems of Tachometric Measurement
Depending on the type of instrument and methods/types of observations, tacheometric
measurement systems can be divided into two basic types:
(i) Stadia systems and
This method of surveying is primarily based on principles of trigonometry and thus telescopes
without stadia diaphragm are used. This system comprises of two methods:
Tangential Method
In this method, readings at two different points on a staff are taken against the horizontal cross
hair and corresponding vertical angles are noted.
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In this method, a bar of fixed length, called a subtense bar is placed in horizontal position. The
angle subtended by two target points, corresponding to a fixed distance on the subtense bar, at
the instrument station is measured. The horizontal distance between the subtense bar and the
instrument is computed from the known distance between the targets and the measured
horizontal angle.
It is the most prevalent method for tacheometric surveying. In this method, the telescope of the
theodolite is equipped with two additional cross hairs, one above and the other below the main
horizontal hair at equal distance. These additional cross hairs are known as stadia hairs. This is
also known as tacheometer.
A tacheometer is temporarily adjusted on the station P with horizontal line of sight. Let a and b
be the lower and the upper stadia hairs of the instrument and their actual vertical separation be
designated as i. Let f be the focal length of the objective lens of the tacheometer and c be
horizontal distance between the optical centre of the objective lens and the vertical axis of the
instrument. Let the objective lens is focused to a staff held vertically at Q, say at horizontal
distance D from the instrument station.
By the laws of optics, the images of readings at A and B of the staff will appear along the stadia
hairs at a and b respectively. Let the staff interval i.e., the difference between the readings at A
and B be designated by s. Similar triangle between the object and image will form with vertex at
the focus of the objective lens (F). Let the horizontal distance of the staff from F be d. Then,
from the similar Ds ABF and a' b' F,
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as a' b' = ab = i. The ratio (f / i) is a constant for a particular instrument and is known as stadia
interval factor, also instrument constant. It is denoted by K and thus
d = K.s --------------------- Equation (1.1)
The horizontal distance (D) between the center of the instrument and the station point (Q) at
which the staff is held is d + f + c. If C is substituted for (f + c), then the horizontal distance D
from the center of the instrument to the staff is given by the equation
D = Ks + C ---------------------- Equation (1.2)
The distance C is called the stadia constant. Equation (1.2) is known as the stadia equation for a
line of sight perpendicular to the staff intercept.
The stadia interval factor (K) and the stadia constant (C) are known as tacheometric constants.
Before using a tacheometer for surveying work, it is reqired to determine these constants. These
can be computed from field observation by adopting following procedure.
Step 1 : Set up the tacheometer at any station say P on a flat ground.
Step 2 : Select another point say Q about 200 m away. Measure the distance between P and Q
accurately with a precise tape. Then, drive pegs at a uniform interval, say 50 m, along PQ. Mark
the peg points as 1, 2, 3 and last peg -4 at station Q.
Step 3 : Keep the staff on the peg-1, and obtain the staff intercept say s1 .
Step 4 : Likewise, obtain the staff intercepts say s2, when the staff is kept at the peg-2,
Step 5 : Form the simultaneous equations, using Equation (1.2)
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D1 = K. s 1 + C --------------(i)
and D 2 = K. s 2+ C -------------(ii)
Solving Equations (i) and (ii), determine the values of K and C say K1 and C1 .
Step 6 : Form another set of observations to the pegs 3 & 4, Simultaneous equations can be
obtained from the staff intercepts s3 and s4 at the peg-3 and point Q respectively. Solving those
equations, determine the values of K and C again say K2 and C2.
Step 7 : The average of the values obtained in steps (5) and (6), provide the tacheometric
constants K and C of the instrument.
Anallactic Lens
It is a special convex lens, fitted in between the object glass and eyepiece, at a fixed distance
from the object glass, inside the telescope of a tacheometer. The function of the anallactic lens is
to reduce the stadia constant to zero. Thus, when tacheometer is fitted with anallactic lens, the
distance measured between instrument station and staff position (for line of sight perpendicular
to the staff intercept) becomes directly proportional to the staff intercept. Anallactic lens is
provided in external focusing type telescopes only.
It is usual that the line of sight of the tacheometer is inclined to the horizontal. Thus, it is
frequently required to reduce the inclined observations into horizontal distance and difference in
Let us consider a tacheometer (having constants K and C) is temporarily adjusted on a station,
say P. The instrument is sighted to a staff held vertically, say at Q. Thus, it is required to find the
horizontal distance PP1 (= H) and the difference in elevation P1Q. Let A, R and B be the staff
points whose images are formed respectively at the upper, middle and lower cross hairs of the
tacheometer. The line of sight, corresponding to the middle cross hair, is inclined at an angle of
elevation q and thus, the staff with a line perpendicular to the line of sight. Therefore A'B' = AB
cos q = s cos q where s is the staff intercept AB. The distance D (= OR) is C + K. scos q (from
Equation 1.2). But the distance OO1 is the horizontal distance H, which equals OR cos q.
Therefore the horizontal distance H is given by the equation.
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Ex 1-1 In order to carry out tacheometric surveying, following observations were taken through
a tacheometer set up at station P at a height 1.235m.
distance from
Angle of
Reading (m) Elevation
3.465, 2.275,
5 24' 40"
Compute the horizontal distance of S from P and reduced level of station at S if R.L. of station P
is 262.575m
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ompute the horizontal distance of S from P and reduced level of station at S if R.L. of station P is
Figure Ex 1-1
Solution :
Since the staff station P and Q are at known distances and observations are taken at horizontal
line of sight, from equation - 1.2
i.e. from D = K.s + C, we get
100 = K. 1.01 + C --------------- Equation 1
200 = K. 2.03 + C --------------- Equation 2
where K and C are the stadia interval factor and stadia constant of the instrument.
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observed, as each point is sighted; these three observations define the location of the
point sighted.
Most of the errors associated with stadia measurement are those that occur during observations
for horizontal angles (Lesson 22) and differences in elevation (Lesson 16). Specific sources of
errors in horizontal and vertical distances computed from observed stadia intervals are as
1. Error in Stadia Interval factor
This produces a systematic error in distances proportional to the amount of error in the stadia
interval factor.
2. Error in staff graduations
If the spaces on the rod are uniformly too long or too short, a systematic error proportional to
the stadia interval is produced in each distance.
3. Incorrect stadia Interval
The stadia interval varies randomly owing to the inability of the instrument operator to observe
the stadia interval exactly. In a series of connected observations (as a traverse) the error may be
expected to vary as the square root of the number of sights. This is the principal error affecting
the precision of distances. It can be kept to a minimum by proper focusing to eliminate parallax,
by taking observations at favorable times, and by care in observing.
4. Error in verticality of staff
This condition produces a perceptible error in measurement of large vertical angles than for
small angles. It also produces an appreciable error in the observed stadia interval and hence in
computed distances. It can be eliminated by using a staff level.
5. Error due to refraction
This causes random error in staff reading.
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Tangential Method
The tangential method of tacheometry is being used when stadia hairs are not present in the
diaphragm of the instrument or when the staff is too far to read.
In this method, the staff sighted is fitted with two big targets (or vanes) spaced at a fixed
vertical distances. Vertical angles corresponding to the vanes, say q1 and q2 are measured. The
horizontal distance, say D and vertical intercept, say V are computed from the values s (predefined / known) q1 and q2 . This method is less accurate than the stadia method.
Depending on the nature of vertical angles i.e, elevation or depression, three cases of
tangential methods are there.
V = D tan q1
and V+s = D tan q2
Thus, s = D ( tan q2 - tan q1 )
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V = D tan q1
and V-s = D tan q2
Thus, s = D ( tan q1 - tan q2 )
When one of the Vertical Angles is Elevation Angle and the other is Depression
V = D tan q1
and s - V = D tan q2
Thus, s = D ( tan q2 + tan q1 )
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where, h is the height of the instrument, r is the staff reading corresponding to lower vane.
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1.10.1 Instrument
Subtense bar is a graduated bar of fixed length mounted horizontally on a tripod stan. The bar
is centrally supported on a leveling head and is fitted with a sighting device at the centre. At its
ends, there are targets and these are at fixed distance apart. The bar can rotate about the vertical
axis in a horizontal plane. It can be fixed at any position using a clamping and its tangent
screw. It is used to measure horizontal distance and difference in elevation indirectly where the
terrain is rough and requirement of accuracy is not high.
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1.10.2 Method
Fig 2.5 shows a schematic diagram of a subtense bar having centre at C fitted with targets at
A and B. Let the separation between targets be s. A theodolite is set up at O. The bar is kept
perpendicular to the line of sight OC by means of a sighting device at the centre of the bar.
The horizontal angle between the two targets at the ends of the bar is measured, let it be q.
The horizontal distance
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If the vertical angle of the centre of the subtence bar is b, then the difference in elevation (V)
between the centre of the bar and the centre of the telescope is
V = D tan b ---------------- Equation (2.11) Effect of Angular Error
The effect of an error in the measurement of the angle q on the computed length D is as
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where dD is the error in the distance D; dq is the error in the angle q. The angle q is in
It may be noted that the nature of error in computation of distance is opposite to the nature of
error in measurement of horizontal angle ie., a positive error in dq produces a negative error
in D and vice versa.
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Ex 1.3 The horizontal angle observed at a theodolite station by a subtense bar with vanes 2.0 m
apart, is 0 30'. Find the horizontal distance between the theodolite station and subtense bar.If
the bar is 1 out from the normal direction to the line of sight, determine the error in the
measurement of horizontal distance.
Figure Ex 1.3
Solution :
Referring from, given s = 2.0 m; q = 30', Then from
The horizontal distance between the subtense bar and the theodolite,
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Exercise 1
Ex.1-1 What is tacheometry? Enumerate its uses.
Ex.1-2 Describe the conditions under which tacheometric surveying is advantageous.
Ex.1-3 What is an anallactic lens? State its significance in tachometric surveying.
Ex.1-4 A tacheometer is placed at a station A and readings on a staff held vertical upon a B.M.
of RL =100.0 meter and at station B are 0.640, 2.200, 3.760 and 0.010, 2.120, 4.230 m
respectively. The angle of depression of the telescope in the first case is 6 19' and in the second
case is 7 42'. Find the horizontal distance from A to B and the RL of station B, if the
instrument has constants 100 and 0.5.
Ex.1-5 To determine the distance between two points P and Q and elevation of Q, following
observation were made:
Height of tacheometer at P = 1.280 m
Vertical angle at P = + 4 25' 20 "
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Ex.1.6 What is tangential system of tacheometry? What are its advantages and disadvantages
over the stadia method?
Ex.1.7 In tangential method of surveying, two vanes were fixed at an interval of 1m on a 3m
staff with the upper vane at 2.0m. The staff was held vertical at station A and the vertical
angles measured for the two vanes were 6 30' 20 " and 4 15' 40 " respectively. Calculate the
R.L. and the horizontal distance of A, if the R.L. of a B.M. was 256.275m. Assume any other
data, if required.
Ex.1.8 The horizontal angle subtended at a theodolite station by a subtense bar with targets 2
m apart, is 15'40". Compute
The horizontal distance between the subtense bar and the theodolite.
The error in the horizontal distance if there is an error of +20" in the measurement of
horizontal angle, and
The error in the horizontal distance if the bar is 30' out from being normal to the line
joining the instrument and the subtense bar.
For Exercise 1
625.434 m; 91.432m
286.993 m
258.400 m; 25.3 m
438.860 m; 9.3374 m; 5 m
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Average near
readings, meter
Average distant,
readings, meter
R.L of P = 101.345 m
Distance, PQ = 1645 Km
Determine the elevation of Q and the error due to refraction when the collimation error is 0.003m
downward per 100m.
Ex.15-2 In order to reduce the error in measurement of vertical angle a set of measurements are
taken and find the average angle as 9 02' 05? form a height of instrument as 1.565m to a target
height 2.165m. If the elevation of the instrument station is 189.250m above mean sea level, find
the elevation of staff station. Assume any data, if required.
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For Exercise 15
Ex.15-1 99.810 m; 0.063 m
Ex. 15-2 204.134 m (Hints : Assume, tacheometric observation fitted with anallactic lens and
having fixed target of height 1 m)
Objective of Lesson 28
The objective of Lesson 28 is to explain the different steps involved in traverse surveying.
Open Traverse
An open traverse originates from a point whose position may be known or unknown but
terminates to a point whose position is not known. In this type of traverse, computational check
is not possible to detect error or blunder in distances or directions. To minimize error, repeated
observations for measurements need to be taken. In Fig 1.3 consider a traverse ABCDE that
originates from the point A which may be unknown or may be defined with reference to known
point P lying on the line PQ of known azimuth, but it terminates to an unknown point E. Thus,
traverse ABCDE is an open traverse. An open traverse is generally used for exploratory purpose
such as mine surveying. It should generally not be used in civil engineering works unless
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Traverse Surveying
Surveying for establishment of control points of a traverse consists of different steps of
operation. These are
During reconnaissance, extensive inspection and examination of the entire area to be
surveyed is carried out in order to identify suitable location for traverse stations; to ensure
inter visibility among traverse stations; to decide the method of traversing and type of
instruments suitable to field condition; to collect miscellaneous information related to
traverse surveying such as: (i) Transport facilities; (ii) Availability of food and water for the
survey party; (iii) Camping ground or stay arrangements; (iv) Availability of labour etc
Selection of the station sites
During selection of sites for traverse stations, following considerations are required to be
taken into account:
1. Location should be such that the basic principle of surveying, i.e., working from the
whole to the part gets implemented.
2. Number of stations should be as minimum as possible but the possible figures
joining the stations should be well conditioned.
3. Length of the traverse lines better be as long as possible to reduce the effect of
centering error.
4. The intervisibility among stations and at least between adjoining stations is required.
5. Stations may be positioned on firm and level ground.
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Marking of Stations
After finalizing the sites for locations of traverse stations, their positions are marked on the
ground. The station mark should be of permanent nature, so that same stations can be used in
future also, if required. For that necessary monument is constructed.
Field Measurements
The field measurements in traverse surveying consist of measurement of length and direction
of traverse sides and thus involve
Linear Measurements
Angular Mweasurements
Linear Measurements
The length of traverse sides are measured by direct method using tape or EDM (Module 3)
and by indirect method using tacheometer (Module 7). However, the choice of the method
depends on the method of traversing employed. The checking of the linear measurements
consists in taping each traverse line a second time, preferably in the reverse direction on
different dates and by different parties.
Angular Measurements
The direction of traverse sides are measured by deflection angles, interior angles, azimuth etc
(Module 6). Immediately after completion of a set of observation, an arithmetical check on
the angular error of closure is required to be performed in the field itself to detect any
blunder or excessively large error in angular measurement. For this, higher accuracy azimuth
of one line or two lines, depending on the method adopted, are required to be known or
determined before starting of the traverse surveying. The method of traversing depends on
the type of parameter used to define the direction of sides; such as
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The details of computation leading to determination of coordinates of stations is discussed in
To check the angular closure, azimuths are calculated from previously known azimuth of a
line. The unknown azimuth of a line is computed by adding the right deflection angle and
subtracting the left deflection angle with the forward azimuth of the previous line. Thus,
W.C.B. of a traverse line = Forward W.C.B. of the preceding line deflection angle.
360 needs to be subtracted from computed W.C.B., if it is more than 360 and to be added, if
the computed value is negative. Fig. 28.3 Illustrates the computations of azimuth using
deflection angles to the left and right.
The error of closure in a traverse observation can be determined by two ways. These are either
based on the computed azimuth or on the observed deflection angles.
In the azimuth adjustment method, the computed azimuth of the closing line is compared with
its previously observed value. If both the values agrees each other, there is no error of closure
otherwise it exist. To remove the error, a correction equal in magnitude but opposite in nature
to the error of closure is to be distributed among the observed deflection angles.
In the deflection angle adjustment method, the algebraic sum of the deflection angles is being
computed taking the right deflection angles as positive and left deflection angles as negative.
The general relation to compute the error of closure by this method is as follows:
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Ex28-1: Determine the azimuth of the sides of the open looped close traverse (Figure 28.4) by
azimuth correction method.
Solution :
Fig. 28.4 shows a deflection-angled closed traverse. It originates at point A lying on the line
PQ having azimuth of 47 53' 20" (determined from a previous survey). The traverse closes on
point F lying on a line XY whose azimuth is 319 55' 20" (also determined from a previous
survey). The deflection angle observed at different stations are shown in columm (2) of Table
28.1 of a azimuths of the sides of traverse (computed using Eq 28-1) are as shown in column
(3) of table 28.1. It is found that the calculated azimuth of XY (319 52' 20") fails to agree
with its previously observed value (319 55' 20"). Thus, there is an error of angular closure by 3' 00" for the traverse and thus needs a corrction of + 3' 00". Since six deflection angles are
measured, the correction to each angle is 30". The azimuth of AB receives a 30" correction
[column (4) of Table 28.1 since this azimuth has been obtained by considering only one
measured angle; azimuth of BC receives a 1' 00" correction, since this azimuth has been
obtained by considering two measured angles and so on. The correction to the last azimuth is 6
x 30" = 3' 00", since this azimuth has been obtained by using all six measured deflection
angles. Finally, the adjusted value of azimuth has been found (column 5) by making correction
(columm 4) to computed value (columm 3).
Table 28.1 Calculation of Adjusted of Azimuths of a Closed Traverse from Deflection Angles
Fig 28.4
At (a)
R (+)
67 48' 40"
R (+)
40 15' 20"
R (+)
47 53' 20"
a priori
47 53' 20"
+0' 30"
50 25' 20"
+1' 00"
50 26' 20"
90 40' 40"
+1' 30"
90 42' 10"
+2' 00"
Azimuth (5)
11446' 00"
70 21' 40"
Azimuth from
observed angles
13158' 00"
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73 28' 40"
+2' 30"
73 31' 10"
- 40 07' 40"
319 52' 20"
+3' 00"
+3' 00"
- 40 04' 40"
319 55' 20"
11336 20"
a priori
Angular error of closure =
(ii) A tacheometer was set up at station A and the following readings were obtained
on a vertically held staff.
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Hair reading
Staff station
Vertical angle
-2 18
And 3.875
+8 36
And 3.380
Calculate the horizontal distance from A to B and the R.L. of B, if the constants of the
instrument were 100 and 0.4.
3. (i) Explain how a subtense bar is used with a theodolite to determine the horizontal
distance between two points.
(ii) A theodolite has a tacheometric multiplying constant of 100 and an additive constant of
zero. The centre reading on a vertical staff held at point B was 2.292 m when sighted
from A. If the vertical angle was +25 and the horizontal distance AB 190.326 m,
calculate the other staff readings and show that the two intercept intervals are not
equal. Using these values, calculate the level of B if A is 37.950 m angle of depression
and the height of the instrument is 1.35 m.
4. (i) Explain the different between tangential and stadia tacheometry.
(ii) How will you determine the stadia constants?
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