Unit 17 Outline and Guidance
Unit 17 Outline and Guidance
Unit 17 Outline and Guidance
This is what the BTEC Specification requires you to do for Unit 17 - Media Production
1 Be able to prepare a proposal for a media product
Prepare: generate suitable idea; write proposal document
Proposal document: appropriate format for sector or sub-sector; product – medium,
working title, genre, content, style or approach, audience, length
Legal and ethical considerations: legal restrictions eg privacy, libel law,
defamation, race
discrimination law, data protection, freedom of information, copyright; codes of practice eg
BBC guidelines, press codes of conduct, advertising standards
Key messages
Develop and produce a Video program for use in attracting Police
officers to the Walnut View Police Department.
We will profile rookies who have been in the department for under
two years, seasoned officers with 7-10 years on the force and
special operations officers. TheWith
police chieftowill
acknowledgement address the
officers, and select the best
for use in the DVD.
Note that timing may change due to availability of people and locations.
By showing the real-life experiences of new and seasoned veterans, the viewer will
get an honest picture of the work involved. The result, officers who will stay with the
department for an extended period of time.
period of time.
al Budget $14,800.00
Evaluation questions:
1. How does your finished product compare with your original proposal? Is it
appropriate to your target audience? How do technical qualities compare?
Is the style and content what you expected?
2. How well did your pre-production work (research, planning, technical skill)
prepare you to make this production?
3. What practical issues did you face (time management, teamwork, creative
ability of the team)?
4. What differences did post-production work make to your piece? How well
did the team function in the post-production stage?