A2 Media - L2 G324 Production
A2 Media - L2 G324 Production
A2 Media - L2 G324 Production
To establish the codes and conventions for your chosen brief through viewing and analysis of specific texts which mirror, genre, audience and media form. To explore the technical possibilities inherent in the TV studio and editing suite
Rebecca & Lauren Jessica Josh & Valeriya Yasmin Habiba Hodo Rana
- Music video - Music Video - Short Film - Teaser Trailer - Teaser Trailer/Short Film? - Short Film? - Short Film?
the brief you are working on Identify 3 technical codes and 3 conventions you would expect to see/hear in your product Expand on this by discussing how your product will develop or challenge these codes and conventions 5mins
Identifying Objectives
In what ways will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? How will you ensure that the combination of your main product and ancillary texts are effective? What kind of audience feedback will you seek for your product and what things might you learn from this?
How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Presentation of your project A title (for short films and trailers, the song title for Music Videos) 350 synopsis/treatment of the main product A breakdown of estimated running time, equipment, production costs, locations, artists, design etc. (use excel or similar) How does the product conform to/develop/challenge the conventions of your chosen genre/medium? Storyboard (draft 1) ALL THE ABOVE MUST BE AVAILABLE ONLINE
Research and Development Synopsis, breakdown of production, storyboard, how product challenges conventions Present ideas in detail Refine storyboard create animatic Diary of production Audience research on ancillary products and animatic . Production risk assessment diary continues All production details refined. Groups present. Casting, production preparation last minutes panics Diary of main production shoot each days reflection recorded on video
Video / skills Test shooting. Developing confidence in camera and lighting skills identifying needs Test shooting specific tests for each group locations/studio etc. Evaluation Audience interviews refine video skills, understand genre and medium Evaluation and audience feedback filmed using green screen Mock shoot testing each shot and methodology for shoot Filming main production
Ancillary Create first draft of ancillary 1using current technological skills Create first draft of ancillary 2 using current technological skills Complete ancillary 1
24th September
1st October
8th October
Complete ancillary 2
15th October
Review of tasks and plan for final versions using advance technology -
22nd October
In pairs
on what you have to achieve and how you are going to achieve this in the timescale.