Volkswagen New Beetle Repair Manual: 1998-2010 - Complete Index
Volkswagen New Beetle Repair Manual: 1998-2010 - Complete Index
Volkswagen New Beetle Repair Manual: 1998-2010 - Complete Index
I Lights, accessories–exterior M
back-up lights 94-19
Ignition System–Gasoline center brake light 94-20 Maintenance
camshaft position sensor 28-14 fog light bulb, replacing 94-11 body and interior 03-49
disabling ignition system 28-2 front lights 94-2 airbag inspection 03-50
ignition coil with power output stage, front turn signal bulb, replacing 94-13 clock and outside temperature,
testing headlights setting 03-51
1.8L engine 28-5 aim, adjusting 94-7 dust and pollen filter 03-53
2.0L engine 28-6 bulb, replacing (halogen) 94-7 keys and remote controls, replacing
2.5L engine 28-7 bulb, replacing (Xenon) 94-8 batteries 03-54
ignition system assembly, removing and installing radio anti-theft coding 03-56
components 28-8 94-4 engine compartment 03-13
quick check 28-4 license plate light 94-21 air filter 03-41
troubleshooting 28-3 rear lights 94-16 battery service 03-30
rear side marker lights 94-22 coolant 03-22
Immobilizer 96-6
side-mounted turn signals 94-15 engine oil 03-16
Instrument cluster 90-2 taillight 94-16 fluid leaks 03-28
bulbs, replacing 94-18 ribbed V-belt 03-32
removing and installing 94-17 sound absorber panels 03-13
instrument cluster, removing and
Lights, accessories–interior spark plugs 03-37
installing 90-2
timing belt, checking 03-36
malfunction recognition and display glove compartment light 96-5
how to use this manual 03-2
90-2 instrument panel
dimmer switch 96-2 identification plates and labels
multi-pin connector terminal
engine identification 03-6
assignment 90-4 switches–center 96-4
transmission identification 03-7
interior light 96-4
Intercooler 21-16 interior lights and switches 96-1 vehicle identification number
(VIN) 03-5
Interior lights 96-1 interior lock switch–passenger side
lifting vehicle 03-11
light switch 96-2 maintenance schedules 03-61
road test 03-60
luggage compartment light 96-5
J make-up mirror light 96-5
towing 03-8
mirror adjustment switch 96-3 under car maintenance 03-42
Jacking 03-11 brake inspection 03-43
remote fuel tank/rear lid unlock switch
exhaust 03-48
suspension 03-44
tire service 03-42
transmission 03-44
Keyless remote control Manual transmission
57-28 gear selector cables, assembly 34a-3
changing batteries 03-54 gear selector knob 34a-6
gear selector lever 34a-8
Knock sensor
removing and installing 34-18
See Fuel injection–gasoline, fuel
injection system components Master cylinder
brake 47-14
clutch 30-6
L Mirrors
exterior 66-1
License plate light 94-21 interior, rear view 70-8
See Hood and lids
Lifting vehicle 03-11
Oil, changing 03-18
Oil filter
1.8L, 2.0L engine 03-19
1.9L engine 03-20
2.5L engine 03-21
S Thermostat
WARNING— See Cooling system
• Your common sense, good judgement, Seatbelts, airbags
Timing belt
and general alertness are crucial to airbags 69-13
1.8L engine 15a-18
safe and successful service work. control module 69-16
1.9L engine
Before attempting any work on your passenger front airbag 69-23
ALH 15b-23
Volkswagen, read 00 Warnings and sensors (impact) 69-22
BEW 15b-29
Cautions and the copyright page at side airbag units 69-20
2.0L engine 15c-14
the front of the manual. Review these spiral spring/slip ring 69-19
warnings and cautions each time you unit in steering wheel 69-17 Timing chain
prepare to work on your Volkswagen. seatbelts, front 2.5L engine 15d-10
Please also read any warnings and convertible 69-8
cautions that accompany the sedan 69-7
service 03-42
procedures in the manual. seatbelts, inspecting 69-4
See Wheels–Tires, Wheel Alignment
seatbelts, rear
convertible 69-10 Transmission
sedan 69-9 automatic 37-1
side airbag units 69-20 DSG transmission 34b-1
P special precautions 69-2, 69-14 manual 34a-1
Taillight 94-7
• Heating and air conditioning repair, including A/C com- Transmissions (remove, install, external service)
ponent replacement Manual 5-speed 02J
Manual 5- and 6-speed 02M
Bentley repair manuals provide the highest level of clarity and Manual 5-speed 0A4
comprehensiveness for service and repair procedures. If you’re Automatic 4-speed 01M
looking an indispensable source concerning operation, mainte- Automatic 6-speed 09G
DSG 6-speed 02E
nance and repair, look no further than Bentley.