Severino Macavinta Jr. vs. People, L-36052

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G.R. No.

L-36052 December 29, 1973



Whether or not the urgent motion for leave by petitioner to be heard on oral argument
in support of a second motion for reconsideration previously denied for being filed late
merits approval.

Severino Macavinta, Jr. (petitioner) files a three-page urgent motion to be heard on oral
argument in support of the plea for a reconsideration of the Court’s denial of his petition
to review a decision of the Court of Appeals convicting him of the crime of estafa, which
the Court is found “hardly impressed with the quality of persuasiveness” as no
argument buttressed either by statutory provisions or judicial decisions is found therein.

Such a motion by the petitioner is in support of a second motion for reconsideration

which was previously denied by the Court for being filed late. As such a motion did
impute negligence to his counsel of record, Attorney Sergio L. Guadiz, he was asked to
comment. Instead of explaining the tardy submission, there was the rather lame
assertion that it simply was not so.

Had he consulted his records, however, he would have been reminded that the denial of
the petition for lack of merit was received by him on February 21, 1973. He was given
an extension, first of fifteen days and thereafter of one more day. He therefore had until
March 24, 1973 to file his first motion for reconsideration. That he did. On April 24,
1973, he received the resolution of this Court denying the first motion for
reconsideration. He still had one day to file a second motion for reconsideration.
Instead, the motion for leave to file a second motion for reconsideration came on May 4,

Under the circumstances, the Court feels that a brief recital of pertinent matters, rather
than simply a minute resolution of denial, is called for.

WHEREFORE, the urgent motion for leave by petitioner to be heard on oral argument is
denied. Such a plea primarily premised on what the petitioner termed "the interest of
justice and expediency" lacks support in law and therefore does not merit approval.
Attorney Sergio L. Guadiz is likewise admonished to take greater pains in the discharge
of his obligations to a client, more specifically as to being cognizant of the periods for
filing pleadings.

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