Dimensions of Curriculum Development

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Dimensions of curriculum development


College of Education College of Education College of Educatiion

Although no one, and no teacher, can predict the future with any certainty,
people in leadership capacities such as teachers are required to make guesses
about the probable future and plan appropriately. Teachers therefore need to
plan their curriculum according to the more likely future their students face
while at the same time acknowledging that the students have a future. The
competent leader cannot plan according to past successes, as if doing so will
force the past to remain with him. The most competent leader and manager,
in fact, is not even satisfied with thoughts of the future, but is never satisfied,
always sure that whatever is being done can be improved.

MEANING OF CURRICULUM As per the modern thinking,education is a tripolar

process,in which on the one end is the teacher ,on the second is the student and on the
third is the curriculum .In fact ,the curriculum is that mean which forms the basis of
the educational process.If education is accepted as the teaching-learning process,then
both teaching and learning take place through the curriculum.In this context,it can be
said that education is related to our life.

The term ‘curriculum ’has been derived from a Latin word ‘currere’ which means race
course .Thus ,the term ‘curriculum’ has the sense of competition and achievement of
goal inherent in it. .
Curriculum is total environment. The most comprehensive concept of curriculum is given by
those who conceive it to include the total environment of the school. In the words of H.L.
Caswell, "The curriculum is all that goes on in the lives of the children, their parents and their
teachers. The curriculum is made up of every thing that surrounds the learner in all his
working hours." In fact, the curriculum has been described as "the environment in motion." In
modern times, the term is interpreted in this more liberal sense because there is no
questioning the fact that the child's education is influenced, by not only books but the
playground, library, laboratory, reading room, extra-curricular programmes, the educational
environment, and a host of other factors. In the school, both the educator and the educand are
part of the curriculum because they are part of the environment, while in the family the child
is expected to progress and achieve the goals of education

Organised form of subject-matter,. Curriculum is the organized form of subject-

matter, specially prepared to experiences and activities which provide the student with the
knowledge and the skill he will require in facing the various situations i of real life.
Obviously, the term 'curriculum' cannot be restricted to ; list of books, because it must
include other activities which provide [the student with the knowledge and the skill he will
require in facing [the various situations of life, meet the requirement of children. Hence,
Snow curriculum includes those environment of the schools and numerous other elements not
taught by books. In the words of Bent and Kronenburg , "Curriculum, in its broadest sense,
includes the complete school environment, involving all the courses, activities, reading and
associations furnished to the pupils in the school."
3. Curriculum is comprehensive experience. In the words of Munroe, "Curriculum
embodies all the experiences which are utilized by the school to attain the aims of education."
Thus, the various subjects included for study in a curriculum are not intended merely for
study or rote learning but to convey experiences- of various kinds .Curriculum does not mean
only the academic subject traditionally taught it the school, but it includes the totality of
experiences that a pupil receives through the manifold activities that go on in the school in
the classroom, library laboratory, workshop, playground and in the numerous informal
contacts between teachers and pupils.
The curriculum includes all the learner's experiences in or outside school which has been
devised to help him develop mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and
morally." it is obvious, then that, the aim of curriculum is to provide experience to the educand
so that he may achieve complete development. By calling the curriculum an experience, the fact
is made explicit that it includes not merely books, but all those activities and relationship
which are indulged in by the educand, both inside and outside the school
.Curriculum is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Curriculum Is a means or tool.
It is apparent from the foregoing definitions that because it is created - in order to achieve the
aims of education. That is why, one finds that different educationists have suggested different
kinds of curricula to conform to the aims and objectives ascribed to education; Explaining the
concept of curriculum as a tool of education, Cunningham writes, "The curriculum is the tool
in the hands of the artist (the teacher) to mould his material (the pupil) according to his ideal
(objective) in his studio (the school)." Here the educator is compared to an artist and the
curriculum as one of the instruments of tools used by him to develop the educand according
to, and in conformity with the aims of education. It is evident that the curriculum will change
with every change -in the aims of education.
. .
., "The curriculum may be defined as the totality of subject 'matter, activities,
and experience which constitute a pupil's school life." Curriculum includes all activities
Elaborating the same concept further, H.H. Horne says, "The curriculum is t ha t which the
pupil is (aught. It involves more than the acts of learning and quiet study, it involves
occupations, production, achievements, exercise, activity. "Pragmatists, too, have included the
entire range of the educand's activities in the curriculum because according to them, the
child learns by doing. In the light of the various definitions of curriculum given it is possible
to arrive at a definition of the term which includes all the points mentioned in these
definitions. Briefly, then, curriculum is the means of achieving the goals of education . It
includes all those . experience activities and environments which the educand receives
during his educational career. Such a definition of curriculum comprehends the edueand's
entire life, a contention born out by all modern educationists who believe that .the child
learns not only inside the school, but also outside it, on the playground, at home, in society,
in fact, every where. That is why, there is nowadays so much insistence on the participation
of the parents in the child's education and on not restricting the environment of the
curriculum to the school environment but taking it means every possible kind of
environment encountered by the child. Besides, it includes all those activities which the child
does, irrespective of the time and place of these activities. It also includes the entire range of
experiences that the child has in the school, at home, in the world at large. Considering from
his liberal standpoint, one finds that is preparing the curriculum one has much wider
background than would otherwise be possible.
Clarifying the purpose of curriculum, it has been pointed out in the report of the
Secondary Education Commission( 1952-53 India) that, "The starting point for curricular
reconstruction must, therefore, be the device to bridge the gulf between the school subjects
and to enrich the varied activities that make up the warp and woof of life." Hence, the
curricular should be so designed that it strains the educand to face the situations of real life, a
curriculum can be said to have the following major purposes
Synthesis of subjects and life. The aim of the curriculum is to arrange and provide those
subjects For an edueand's study which will enable the educand to destroy any gulf between
school life and life outside the school. The opinion of the Secondary Education
Commission has already been quoted.
.Harmony between individual and activity. In a democracy, such social qualities as social
skills, cooperation, the desire to be of service, sympathy, etc., are very significant because
without them, no society can continue to exist. On the other hand, development of the
individual's own character and personality arc also very important. Hence, the curriculum
must create an environment and provide those books which enable the individual to achieve
his own development at the same time as he learns these social qualities.
. Development of democratic values. In all democratic countries, the curriculum
of education must aim to develop the democratic values of equality, liberty and fraternity, so
that the educands may. develop into fine democratic citizens. But the development should not
only aim at national benefit. The curriculum must also aim to introducing a spirit of
internationalism in the cducand.
. Satisfaction of the educand's need. In defining curriculum, many
educationists have insisted that it must be designed to satisfy the needs and requirements of
the educand. It is seen that one finds a great variety of interests, skills, abilities, attitudes,
aptitudes,' etc., among educands. A curriculum, should be so designed as satisfy the general
and specific requirements of the educands.
. Realization of values. One aim of education is development of character, -and
what is required for this is to create in the educand a faith in the various desirable values.
Hence, one of the objectives of education is to create in the educand a definite realization of
the prevailing system of values.
. Development of knowledge .and Addition to knowledge In its most common
connotation, the term curriculum is taken to mean development of knowledge or acquisition
of facts and very frequently, this is the aspect kept in mind while designing a curriculum. But
it must be remembered that it is not the only objective, although it is the most fundamental
objective of a curriculum.
. In the contemporary educational patterns that curriculum is believed to the suitable which can
create a harmony between the various branches of knowledge so that the educand's attitude
should be comprehensive and complete, not one sided.

. Creation of a useful environment. Another objective of curriculum is to create an

environment suitable to the educand. Primarily the environment must assist the educand in
achieving the maximum possible development of his facilities, abilities and capabilities.
Different educationists have expressed their own views about the fundamental
principles of curriculum construction, the difference being created by their different
philosophies of education. Briefly, the main principles of curriculum construction are the
. Principle of utility. T.P. Nunn, the educationist, believes that the principles of
utility is the most important principle underlying the formation of a curriculum. He writes,
"While the plain man generally likes his children to pick up some scraps of useless learning
for purely decorative purpose, he requires, on the whole, that they shall be taught what will
be useful to them in later life, and he is inclined to give 'useful' a raher strict interpretation."
As a general rule, parents are in favour of including all those subjects in the curriculum
which are likely to prose useful for their child in his life, and by means of which he can be
fade a responsible member of society.
.Principle of Training in the proper patterns of conduct. According to Crow and
frow, the main principle underlying the construction of a curriculum is that, through
education the educand should be able to adopt the patterns of behaviour proper to different
circumstances. Man is a social animal who has to constantly adapt himself to the social
environment. Therefore, education must aim at developing all these qualities in the educand
which will facilitate this adaptation to the social milieu. The child is by nature self-centred,
but education must tech him to attend the needs and requirements of others besides himself.
One criterion of an educated individual is that he should be able to adapt himself to different
situations with which he is comforted. In his context, the term conduct must be understood in
its widest sense. Only then can this principle of curriculum construction be properly
understood. "All our activities in social, economic, family and cultural environment
constitute behaviour or conduct, and it is the function of education of teach us how he
behaves in different situation."
. Principle of Synthesis of play and work. Of the various modern techniques of eduction,
some try to educate through work and others through play. But a great majority of
educationists agree that the curriculum should aim at achieving a balance between play and
work. In other words, the work given to the educand should be performed in such a manner
that the child may believe it to be play. There is a difference between work and play. That is
why, parents want to engage the child in work instead of allowing him to play all the time, but
the child is naturally inclined to spend his time in playing. Keeping this in view, T.P. Nunn
has written, "The school should be thought* of not as a knowledge-monger's shop, but a place
where the young a-e disciplined in certain forms of activity. All subjects should be laugh; in
the 'play way' care being taken that the 'way' leads continuously from the irresponsible frolic
of childhood to the disciplined labours of manhood."
.Principle of Synthesis of all activities of life. In framing a curriculum, attention
should be paid to the inclusion, in it, of all1 the various activities of life, such as contemplation,
learning, acquisition of various kinds of skill, etc. In the individual and social sphere of life,
every individual has to perform a great variety of activities, and this success in life is
determined by the success of all these activities. 'Hence, the curriculum should not neglect any
form of activity related to any aspect of life. A curriculum constructed on this basis will be both
comprehensive and closely related to life. In other words, it should include all the activities
that educand is likely to require in later life.
. Principle of individual differences. Modern educational psychology has brought to
light, and stressed the significance of individual differences that exist between one individual
and another. It has been discovered that people differ in respect of theft mental processes,
interests, aptitudes, attitudes, abilities, skills, etc., and these differences are innate. All modern
education is paid centric that is, it is centred around the 'child. Psychologists insist that the
curriculum should be so designed as to provide an opportunity for complete and
comprehensive development to widely differing individuals. One of the basic qualities of such a
curriculum is flexibility; for it must be flexible, in order to accommodate, educands of low,
verage or high intelligence and ability, and to provide each one a chance to develop all his the
greatest possible extent.
. Principle of Constant development. Another basis for curriculum construction is the
principle o a dynamic curriculum, based on the realization that no curriculum can prove adequate
for all times and in all Places. For this reason, the should be flexible and changeable. This is all
the more true in the modern context when new discoveries in the various branches of science are
taking place everyday. Hance, it becomes necessary to reshape the curriculum fairly, frequently in
order to incorporate the latest development.
.Principle of Creative training. Another important principle of curriculum construction is
that of creative training. Raymont has correctly stated that a curricuhm appropriate for the
needs of today and the future must definitely have a positive bias towards creative subjects.
And, one of the aim of education is to develop the creative faculty of the educand. All that is
finest in human culture is the creation of man's creative abilities. Children differ from other
in respect of this ability. Hence, in franking a curriculum, attention must be paid to the fact
that it should encourage each educand to develop his creative ability as far as is possible.
. Principle of Variety. Variety is another important principle of curriculum
construction. The innate complexity make it necessary that the .curriculum should be valid,
because no one kind of curriculum can develop all to facilities of an individual. Hence, at
every level the curriculum rust have variety, it will, on the one hand, provide an opportunity
development of the different faculties of the educand, while on the other, it will retain his
interest in education.
. Principle of Education for leisure . One of the objective ascribed to
education is training fr leisure, because it is believed that education is not merely for
employment or work. Hence, it is desirable that the curriculum should also include a training
in those activities which will make the individual's leisure more pleasurable. A great variety
of social, artic and sporting activities can be included in this kind of training., Brides,
educands should be encouraged to foster some of the other Bsides, so that they can put their
leisure to constructive and pleasant use.
Principle of Related to community life. Curriculum can also be based on the principle that
school and community life must be intimately related to each there. One cannot forget that
the school is only a miniature form of immunity. Hence, the school curriculum should
include all those activate which are performed by members of larger community outside the'
boundaries of the school. This will help in evolving social qualities e>the individual, in
developing the social aspect of his personal band finally, in helping his final adaptation to
the social environs & into which he must ultimately go.
Principle of Evolution of democratic values . The construction of a curriculum in a
democratic society is conditioned by the need to develop omocratic qualities in the
individual. The curriculum should be, so dogged that it develops a democratic feeling and
creates a positive £h in democratic values. The progrmmes devise in the college qualities the
educand so that he may be able to participate usefully and successfully in democratic life. In
all the democratic societies of the wool this is the chief consideration in shaping the curricula
for primary, secondary and higher education.
It is evident from the foregoing account of the various liaises of curriculum
construction that this should be duly conditioned by careful thinking on all aspects individual
and social life variety, play and work, earning of livelihood, leisure, etc.
Curriculum development means a continuous or: never ending process. Its outcome is
known through students' achievement of learning. Its assessment is made on the basis of
change of behavior of the learners
In curriculum development, the main focus of the curriculum is to develop the students. the
curriculum is designed to realize the objective in terms of change of their behaviour.

It is cycle process. Which includes. 1. Teaching objectives, 2. Methods of teaching, 3.

Examination and 4. Feedback.
1. Teaching Objectives. In view of subject content be taught, three types of teaching
objectives are identified as cognitive affective and psychomotor. These objectives are
written in behavioral terms. All learning experiences are organized to achieve these
2. Method of Teaching. Teaching strategies are the most important 'aspects of
providing learning experiences. The content is the means to select the method of teaching
and level of the pupils. ;
3. Process of Evaluation. The evaluation of change of behavior is made to ascertain
about the realization of the teacher learning objectives. The level of pupils performance
indicates the effectiveness of method of teaching and learning experiences
4. c The interpretation of performance provides the teacher to improve and modify
the form of the curriculum. The curriculum is developed and teaching objectives are also
revised. The methodology of teaching is changed in view of the objectives to be achieved.
Bases of Development of Curriculum
The development of curriculum is the commitment for realizing desired objectives of
education. The objectives arc based on various considerations and factors. The same
considerations are equally important in planning or deciding the basic structure of
curriculum. The following are the bases of transaction of curriculum:
1. Social philosophy of the society.
2. National needs or State needs.
3. Nature of course of study.
4. Type of examination system.
5. Form of the government.
6. Theory and assumptions of human organization.
7. Growth and development stage of students.
8. Recommendations of national commissions and committee of education.
The above basis of curriculum management and educational objectives are theoretical
and practical. The last basis is more practical in transaction of curriculum.

Objectives of Curriculum Development

-Curriculum should provide the means for the all round develop of a child. Teaching
should be organized with the help of curriculum

. Curriculum must involve the human experiences, culture and, civilization which are to be
transferred to new generation.

. Curriculum should be the means to develop the moral character, dicipline honesty,
cooperation, friendship, tolerance and sympathy with others.
. Curriculum should help in developing the ability of thinking, wisdom casoning, judgement
and other mental abilities.

. It should consider the stages of growth and development of child for development attitude,
interest, values and creative ability.

. It should provide the awareness and understanding of physical and social environment and
its components.

. It should develop the right type of feeling and beliefs towards religions, new values and
. It should help to develop democratic feeling ad democratic way of life among students.

. It should integrate the knowledge of various teaching subjects in view of their future life.

. It should determine the mode of interaction between teacher and students in school: The
mode of teaching is decidedly the nature of curriculum

Components of Curriculum Development

There at three components of educational process i.e. teacher, students and curriculum. It
'has three types of objectives, cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Educational process
involves three major activities teaching, training and instruction
According to B.S. Bloom, it is a tripolar process (1) Educational process, (2) Learning
experiences and (3) Change of behavior. It is also a triangular process, shown in the
following diagram.

The teaching process is done through interaction between teacher and students\. The
curriculum is the basis for the interaction between teacher,and taught.
Basic Elements of Curriculum Development
The educational process includes teaching, training and instructional activities.
Teaching activities are performed by a Teacher. They are planned or designed by the teacher
according to four components-(l) Teaching-learning objectives (2) Teaching content or
subject-matter (3) Teaching method and (4) Evaluation learning outcomes.

In the curriculum development, the level of students, needs of the society and nation,
the nature of content and means of voicing learning experiences are considered as important
factors, "use are essential in identifying the objectives of teaching-learning. Several types of
teaching objectives are attained by the same content.. Teaching is organized from memory to
refelctive level on the same content of subject-matter.
The specific or behavioral objective are realized by organizing specific teaching task and
activities. Thus curriculum development involves from basic elements.
(1) Objectives
(2) Content
(3) Method or strategies of teaching, and
(4) Evaluation. These elements are interdependent.
.The Objective. The subjects content structure, levels of students, and type of examination
components are considered in the identification of objectives of teaching and learning. These
objectives are specific. These are vritten in behavioural terms so as to develop learning
structures aid conditions.
. Content or Subject-matter. The content of any subject is usually broal. It is
analysed into sub-content and into elements. These elements anarragncd in a logical
sequence. The behavioural objectives are written with the help of these elements of the
content. It is also known as Igic of teaching.
. Strategy of teaching. Specific objectives of teaching are attained with the elp of
appropriate teaching strategy. The behavioral objectives rovide the awareness and insight
about the specific learning conditions the strategy is employed for providing learning
experiences and bringig desirable behavioral change.
. Evaluation. The level of student's attainment is evaluated by employ the criteria referenced
test. It shows the effectiveness of strategy of teaching and other components. The
interpretation of evaluation provide he feedback to the curriculum and its components. These
are improved and modified to attain the objectives of teaching and learning It is the
empirical basis for the curriculum development.
. The difference between curriculum transaction and curriculum development has been
summarized in the following table:
Transaction V/s Development of Curriculum
Curriculum Transaction Curriculum Development
It is a broad concept and area of It is a specific and narrow concept of
1. 1.
curriculum. curriculum.
Management of curriculum is done at Curriculum development is a cyclic
initial stage of introduction of new process use for improving and
2. 2.
courses at school stages and higher modifying the courses at particular
levels. state of level.
Management of curriculum
employs the following steps: It is a cyclic process using
(i) Planning, the following four steps:
(ii) Organizing, (i) 'Objectives,
3. (iii) Administering, 3. (ii) Instructional. methods,
(iv) Guiding and, (iii) Evaluation method,
(v) Controlling. (iv) Feedback.

Transaction of curriculum is a much

more difficult task because it involves It is used for spcific course for specific
4. planning and preparing the course of stage. Relatively it is an easy
discipline at school and university andiimple task.

Curriculum management is one by

boards of study and boards of
Curriculum development is done by
education. In some discipline councils
5. board of studies. The new courses and
plan and control. At university level content are also included it revised
there are Boards of studies for curriculum. On that basis of try out the
different subjects. new courses.

It is a continuous process based on

6. It is based on theoretical aspect.
practical spect of curriculum.
Curriculum models are just as instructional designs. They bring competency in
educational process and teaching-learning. They are he best ways to proceed in formulating
theories of teaching taming, instruction should begin with what is known about leaning and
instruction. Teaching models are the basis of teaching theories. The curriculum models are
very useful for teachers for planning and agenizing educational process. They can use
models in the traction of curriculum preparing an outline for guiding students' activity and
developing instructional procedure for realizing objectives. Curriculum models are very
close to models of teaching.
Hilda Taba developed Inductive Teaching Model which backbone to social studies
(i) Focus. Its main focus is to develop the mental abilities and lay emphasis upon concept
formation. It involves cognitive tasks in concept formation.
(ii) Syntax. The teaching is organized in nine phases. The first three phases are concerned
with the concept formation involving enumeration, grouping and labeling categories. The
second three phases are related to the interpretation of data by identifying relationship,
explaining relationship and drawing inferences. The last three .phases arc concerned with an
application of principles by hypothesizing, explaining and verifying the hypothesis.
(iii) Social System. In the all nine phases, the classroom climate is conducive to learning and
cooperative. A good deal of freedom should be given for pupil-activities. The teacher is
usually the controller and initiator of information. Teaching activities arc arranged in a
logical sequence in advance.
(iv) Support System. The teacher should help the students in dealing with the more
complex data and information. He should encourage them in processing the data,
basically designed to develop thinking capacity. A particular mental and cognitive task
requires • specific strategy to improve thinking.
(v) Classroom Application. Taba designed his model to create inductive thinking among
learners. It helps to organize social studies curriculum so that cognitive process may be
facilitated. The learning experiences are the basis of information to arrange the content in an
effective sequence. The first three phases arc useful in dealing with elementary classes,
while the last three phases are useful for higher classes especially for science and language
(vi) Evaluation. Hilda Taba has developed teaching model as well as curriculum model. His
curriculum model is based on the evaluation concept. That In designing the outline of
the curriculum, evaluation plays significant role.

Hilda Taba has given four steps of curriculum construction :

1. Identification of objectives.
2. Evidence for teaching-learning operation.
3. Evidences of factors affecting learning.
4. Evidences of pupil behavior pertaining objectives


Step1. The curriculum is a evaluated in the light of educational objectives identified for
preparing learning experiences. These objectives include-cognitive, affective, phychomolor
creativity and perceptions, The evidences are collected for the identification of the

Comprehensive Evaluation Curriculum Models [Hilda Taba]

Step 2. Appropriate teaching method, teaching technique and audio-visual aids are used for
generating appropriate learning situations, so that desirable objectives can be achieved.
Evidences are collected for the learning experiences.
Step 3. The evidences are collected for teaching-learning operations such as motivation
reinforcement which help in learning of the student. This influences the learning exercise.
Audio-visual aids makes learning experiences interesting. The students do not memorize the
Step 4. The utility of the curriculum is evaluated on the basis of changes of behavior .'These
are evidences for realizing the education objectives. The examination system is objectives-
centred. It is both qualitative and quantitative. An attempt is made to assess the total change
of behavior.
Stages of Curriculum Development

Stage 1. Deciding the kinds of evaluation data needed.

Stage 2. Selecting or constructing the needed instruments and procedure.

Stage 3. Analysing and interpreting the data to develop the hypothesis regarding needed

Stage 4. Converting hypothesis into action.

Hilda Taba curriculum model is based on the evaluation approach •of B.S.Bloom designed
for examination reform. E.vidences collected in different stages are used to diagnose the
weaknesses of T curriculum . These evidences are further used for formulating hypothesis.
The structure of the curriculum is mollified on the basis ol verification of the hypothesis.
Thus, an empirical approach is used for the curriculum development. The hypothesis
indicate the type of modification needed in curriculum development.
The above steps and stages are used in sequences. This model of curriculum is highly
empirical. The modification is done on the basis of evidences.
Management refers to conscious preference from variety of alternative plus proposals
and further the more that such choices involve purpose full commitment to recognize and
derive objectives. Management employs strategies to achieve the objectives.
It indicates the various activities performed under the development of curriculum:
1. Planning a Curriculum.
2.Formulating Educational Objectives.
3. Organizing the Tasks.
4. Employing Strategies and Techniques.
5. Selecting and Appointing Workers.
6. Executing and Coordinating among workers.
7. Evaluating and Controlling the Tasks.
8. Encouraging and Providing Feedback.

Administrative model is related to management technology. Its broad outline is developed

under 'Instruction design.' The basis of 'management' involves the following five activities
1. Planning,
2. Organization,
3. Administration or Execution,
4. Guiding,
5. Controlling of Feedback.
Education is a system which has various sub-systems. It is assumed that no system is
perfect. Every system or sub-system needs improvement or development. The term
'curriculum development' refers to the improvement "in the curriculum.
I.K. Davies has designed and introduced "Managing Teaching Learning Approach' which
involves four steps in educational process:
1. Planning of Teaching,
2. Organizing Teaching,
3. Leading of Teaching, and
4. Controlling Teaching.
The last step known as 'controlling teaching', means evaluation of objectives which provide
the feedback for improving these steps. The planning includes managing curriculum and
implementing curriculum. The basic model of curriculum depends on the objectives of
System Analysis .is closely related to both training psychology and cybernetic. It has
emerged during second world war. It has greatly influenced management decision making in
business, industry, government and military. Known by several terms, System Analysis had
gained considerable standardization.
Meaning of System Analysis
The word system has been derived from the field to engineering. A system is the sum
total of agents working independently and dependently together to achieve the required
goals. The term 'system' conveys the meaning of analysis and development. The term
'system analysis' emerged from the scientific management concept. In general, it involves
utilization of scientific mathematical techniques applied to organizational operation as a part
of management decision making activities. It assumes that no comprehensive system
development can take place without prior system analysis. Il enables the administrators to
use more scientific and quantitative methods for analysing management problems.
System technology brings to educational management a scientific-quantitative
approach for solving complex educational administrative problems.
Procedure of System Analysis
The following steps must be utilized for conducting system analysis study:
1. First Step: Formulation of objectives. To formulate the specific objectives to be achieved
it is totally inadequate. To state objectives in general terms an objective may be written in
behavioural terms of fiscal functions.
2. Second Step : Review of System operation, [t includes a comprehensive review of ihe
system operation. System analysis is problem-oriented. It is necessary to understand the
system operation. The administrators do not always understand the main problem.
Comprehensive review of the whole system is necessary to isolate the main problem to the
3. Third Step: Collection of data. It involves the statistical techniques and procedure. In
many situations, the aspects of system analysis are the application of classical statistical
4. Fourth Step: Analysis of data. II is done lo make it meaningful. It is employed to
experimental paradigms to study the effect of independent variable. An objective analysis is
made for determining the influence of variables. The investigator is concerned with
interaction of many variables. This primary concern is to obtain correlation not to establish
cause and effect.
5. Fifth Step: Isolation of the problem. In order to isolate specific problem of the system, it is
necessary to follow earlier steps. The collection and analysis of data helps in identifying and
defining the problem.
6. Sixth Step: Specify operations in the problem. It is much more comprehensive than the
original review of the total operations. It helps to understand the relationship of all facts of
the problem to the total operation system.
7. Seventh Step : Block Diagram. In the final step in the analytical stage of the system
analysis, a block diagram is prepared for all functions of the sub-system that make up
problem area. It denotes logical structure of the sub-system operations and similar to the
block diagram.
After the system analysis, the investigator attempts to design and tentative solution of
the problem. A new solution of the problem is subjected to testing. A tentative solution and
retesting the tentative solution continues until an analyst reaches to an optimal solution.
Once optimal solution is obtained, the analyst departs that loop.
The formal evaluation of the new solution is made for checking out its workability. It
involves implementation of tentative solution in some .aspect of the system. The analyst
proceeds through the same steps of loop as mentioned earlier. It is advisable to evaluate all
new system solutions in small scale of the required operations.
System Operations
The new design has been implemented within the system for formal evaluation and
acceptance for the solution of the problem. It involves two aspects:
1. Implementation of new system operation.
2. Maintenance of the system where a new system is designed.
Criteria for Evaluating
System Analysis Project
Performance, cost, utility and time are included in any evaluation system. The total
system should operate in an optimal fashion. These criteria are as follows:
1. Performance. The effectiveness of a system evaluated on the basis of performance. The
design of the problem solution ascertains how far the new system effective in achieving the
objectives. The performance criterion is the concept of validity of the new system. The
system is valid if it does what is it supposed to do. Thus, much of the evaluation of the
performance is quantitative.
2. Cost. Analysis of system is influenced by cost function. The amount of resources is put
into the system function in terms of money, staff and facilities. Comparisons are made
regarding the investment resources in the new and old system of education. This is a
valuable criterion for evaluation system analysis projects.
3. Utility. The ultimate criterion for evaluating system project is utility of the system. The
return on investment represents the utility of a given function. Many educational functions
require an assignment of a numerical utility.
4. Time. Time factor as an evaluative criterion is closely associated with effectiveness. It is
particularly relevant criterion in evaluating system projects. There is high correlation
between time and cost. Much of the contribution of modern electronic data processing
involves time.
Application of System Analysis in Education
The purpose of the system analysis is to get the "Best environment in the best place,
for the best people, at the best time and in 'the best price"
"The system approach in instruction is an integrated, programmed complex of
instructional media, hardware and personal whose components are structured as single unit
with a schedule of time and sequential phasing."
"The system analysis greatly influences the educational administration and
organisation. It provides scientific and quantitative basis for studying the problems of
educational system. The educational implication of system analysis have been found in the
following areas of education :
1. Approach. It brings to educational management a scientific-quantitative approach for
solving complex education administrative problems.
2. Problems. It enables educational administrator to identify the actual problem and abstains
a verified solution of the problem.
3. Training. The training programmes, can also be improved with the help of system
analysis. The new concept of management may be implemented in training programmes.
4. Sub-systems. The sub-systems of education is analysed to understand the actual problem
and tentative solutions can be verified or tested on a segment of the system.
5. Change'. Any change in the educational system can be brought objectively, empirically
and economically with great utility with the help of System Analysis.
1. Formative. Formative assessment made in a situation when the curriculum is
answerable to the public. Assessment in such a situation must ensure objectivity, credibility
and relevance. To ensure these, it-will follow the get standardized norms/ procedures of lest
construction, administration and interpretation. Informal assessment is applicable to
situations where an individual or a voluntary body is a curriculum to obtain some
information to fulfil some personal requirements. The informal assessment also needs to be
objective and reliable, but the evaluator is not bound to satisfy about these qualities of his
assessment. Hence, the process of assessment need not follow the set procedures of
Stimulative Assessment. Formative assessment is concerned with identifying learner
weaknesses in attainment in order to help the learner and the teacher overcome/remedy.
Summative assessment aims at certifying and grading the attainment of the learner at the end
of a given course.
(i) Tests for formative assessment are given at regular and frequent intervals during a course,
while the tests for summative assessment are given at the end of a course or at the end of a
fairly long period, say a term or a semester or a year. In a course that extends over six
months, a test at the end of say, every fortnight will be a fomative test, while the test at the
end of the six months will be summative.
(ii) The level of generalisation sought by the items of a summative test will be must higher
compared to that sought by the items of a formative test. For instance, if the items of a
formative test check the ability to apply a given rule or principle to a given unfamiliar
situation, the items in a summative test may check the ability to apply one or more to the
appropriate rules/principles from among the many given in a variety of situations.
(iii) The functions of formative and summative assessments are different in the context of
EOEP. Formative assessment includes tests and other forms of measurement intended to
give a measure or of success of the parts of a curriculum even when the curriculum is. in the
process of development. Summative evaluation includes such forms of measurement that
would give a measure of success of the course as a whole.
3. Developmental Assessment. Besides formative assessment and summative assessement in
education, yet another term is in use. It is 'development assessment". Used in the context of
curriculum development, it refers to the evaluation of the preliminary versions of curriculum
with representative sample of learners. It is generally treated as a part of the curriculum
development schedule. Formative assessment in this context refers to the evaluation of a
course made with larger group of learners. The purpose of such assessment is not to help the
process of curriculum development but to help the activities of maintenance and revision of
curriculum already developed.
The review about literature related to curriculum indicates that there are four major
criteria for assessing the workability of the curriculum.
1. Subject-Content. Various subjects are included in the curriculum, such as-Hindi, English,
Sanskrit, History, Geography, Social Science, Physical Sciences, Bio-science, Home
science, Maths,
Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Physical education, Art, and Drawing etc. The structure
of content of these subjects is determined for the curriculum development.
2. Experiences. The curriculum provides the following type of experiences to the students,
social, historical, geographical (time and place sense), physical, political, civics senses,
religious, spiritual and reactive experiences, expression of ideas facts and events.
3. Skills. Curriculum provides the situations for developing skills or psychomotor actives-
languages reading, writing, speaking, observations, perception, use of different type,
instrument in the workshops and field works, communications skills, craft work, and verbal
and non-verbal communication skills. It is related to psychomotor objectives.
4. Attitude and Values. Curriculum provides the experiences for developing affective
domain of the learners. The feeling, beliefs, attitudes and values are developed. It develops
self-confidence, honesty, sensitivity sincerity, morality, objectivity, character and
Related to cognitive, affective and pshcyomotor domains, the factors are given due
weightage in good curriculum.
Interpretation of Evaluation Results
Evaluation results are interpreted in various ways from different said prints and for different
purposes such as guidance, performance .etc.
Critical Appraisal of Existing Syllabus
The concept of curriculum is very wide and extensive. It includes all those
experiences which a student gets in the aegis of the school. It includes all educational and
co-curricular activities inside and outside the classroom. The curriculum can be understood
in the form of activity and experience.
The term 'syllabus' is often used in the sense of the term 'curriculum'. In fact, the
matter for an intellectual subject is called content. When this content is organised in view of
teaching in the classroom, this is called syllabus.
Thus, the syllabus presents the definite know ledge regarding the amount of
knowledge to be given to students during the course of teaching of different subjects; while
the curriculum demolish which educational activities, the teacher would complete the needs
of the syllabus. In other words, the syllabus determines the content to teaching, while the
curriculum determines the methods of teaching for imparting it.
Teaching can be made more effective if a science teacher is fully satisfied with the
curriculum which he has to teach. Also, he should know its utility. It can be possible only
when he studies the prevalent syllabus critically. It should be fully clear to him that each
subject has certain specific aims which students have to achieve. A teacher should examine
these aims and how they can be achieved on the basis of the present syllabus.
From this view, the prevalent syllabus can be placed under the following bases for its
critical study :
1. Syllabus in Relation to Objectives : The syllabus is a means to attain the
objectives. If aims and means are not in consonance, then the desirable outcomes would only
be a pipedream. The utility of the syllabus depends on the fact whether the topics included in
it are helpful in the realization of the concerned teaching objectives. In this context, it would
be necessary to evaluate the syllabus. The following table can be used
Sl. No. Topic Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
Domain Domain Domain
1. Theoretical 2
topics 3
2 Practical 1
topics 2

2. Selection of Organization of Syllabus : The selection of syllabus is the second

most important test on the basis of which critical analysis should be conducted. The details
of syllabus organisation has been given in the preceding chapters, which can be used in the
following table beneficially:

Sl.No. Approaches of Topic (1) Topic (2) Topic (3) Topic (4) Topic (5)
1. Logical
2. approach
3. approach
4. Interest and need
5. approach

3. Comprehensiveness of Syllabus : The selection of the syllabus should be as per

the level of students. So, the subject matter included in the topics should be neither floating
nor deep.
Comprehensiveness is a qualitative concept. So, it will have to be evaluated in a
relative manner. For it, a rating scale will have to be used. If common analysis has to be
conducted, then the three-point rating scale should be used, and if more intensive study has
to be carried out, then five-point rating scale should be desirable.
Sl.N. Five-point Rating Theoretical Practical
Scale Topics Topics
1. Most comprehensive
2 Very comprehensive
3. Comprehensive
4. Less comprehensive
5. Not comprehensive
Data in the above table can be given numerical value in order to calculate
comprehensiveness of the syllabus, (for it, all tallies of most comprehensive should be
multiplied by 5, very comprehensive by 4, comprehensive by 3, less comprehensive by 2 and
not comprehensive by 1, and thus calculate relative comprehensiveness.
4. Theoretical, Practical or Both : Both theoretical and practical aspects of science are
equally important. If the syllabus is only theoretical, it would make the syllabus bookish and
abstract. Due to this, the content in different topics would have to be analysed to see how
much theoretical aspect it contains and what practical possibilities exist in it. This can be
analysed objectively as follows :

SI.N. Topic Theoretical Content Practical Content (%) Total

(%) Percentage
2 —
3. —
4. —
5. —

5. Examination-centred : For both students and teachers, the importance of a topic

is determined on the basis of its importance in the examinations. The amount of emphasis of
a topic varies with the value of the topic from examination viewpoint for both teachers and
students. It has influenced to such extent that the number of marks allotted for each topic are
given in the syllabus itself. The analysis of examination effect can be done by the following
table :
SI.N. Topic Number of Questions in Score
Question Paper
1. —
2. —
3. —
4. —
5. —

6. Child-centered : The syllabus should not only be meant for common students, but
it should have due provisions for talented and backward students also. The syllabus should
be analyzed from this viewpoint also.
The focal point of the syllabus should be the student. The syllabus should be selected
keeping in view the age, previous knowledge, interest, aptitude, needs etc. of students. It
should be found out the importance given to these factors in the syllabus. It would only the
be possible to evaluate its utility for students.
7. Correlation : Because a student attains knowledge as a whole unit, so the
importance of science being related with other subjects, its influence or. other subjects and
influence of other subjects on it cannot be ignored. Therefore, it should be known whether
the form of syllabus is partial or not, which can be done on the basis of the following table :
Sl.N. Topic Subjects of Subjects of Subjects of
Unilateral Collateral Multilateral
Correlation Correlation Correlation
1. —
2 —
3. —
4. —
5. —

8. For Future Education : The syllabuses for the secondary level and higher
education should be inter-connected, so that continuity of knowledge can be maintained. The
syllabus should be analysed on this basis by which it can be ascertained which topics can
form the basis for future higher education, so that the capability of the syllabus in view of its .
can be evaluated


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