HR Report

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HR Report

Khan Sarfaraz Ali∗

Human resource report is concerned with statistics on employment, turnover, absenteeism,

lateness; training etc. It is a basic part of the duties and functions of the HR department. Such
information and advice (as contained in reports) are needed in evaluation and decision making
with respect to efficient manpower allocation, utilization and conservation. Reports are needed to
evaluate the effectiveness of the HR department, its staff and budget. Reports are useful and
necessary in setting yardsticks of manpower operations.

Who should get Reports?

Human resource report is prepared for the greater interest of the organization. In this respect top
management of the organization, departmental managers and the employees themselves should
get report on time. The HR department should also make reports for its internal use.

What should be reported?

Human resource report may be made concerning employee selection, training, performance
appraisal, wage and salary administration, collective bargaining and other functions related to
HR functions and organizational needs.

Associate management Counselor, Bangladesh Institute of management (BIM)
01817528067 /

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