Developing HRD Strategic Plan
Developing HRD Strategic Plan
Developing HRD Strategic Plan
Developing HRD Strategic Plan as the basis of the yearly work program
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What are the HRD aspects that need to be included in developing Company Strategic Plan
Setiap tahun perusahaan membuat Business Strategic Plan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh President Director. Dia memerlukan masukan dari semua Executives-nya, termasuk juga dari HRD Manager. Setiap HRD Manager perlu mengerti bagaimana membuat membuat Business Strategic Plan bagi HRD Dept. sebagai masukan kepada PD/CEO. Training ini memberikan arahan kepada para praktisi MSDM dalam mempersiapkan work progam tahunan yang selalu dilakukan oleh para Manager.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Annual Business Plan, to be submitted to the Board of Commissioner. Containing the 7 Ms (Man, Money, Material, Machine, Method, Market & Measurement). Compiled by CEO / President Director for submission to the Board of Commissioners. Based on the proceeding year, presented by all departments in the organization. The strategic plan will contain at least : Vision & Mission Goal and objectives (target) Strategies HRD Manager will have to take initiatives in producing 4 the business plan.
To attract, motivate and retain the quality of employees needed. To ensure that working environment is conducive to the dynamic of the organization. To ensure the organisation is staffed with the knowledge skills and value required to achieve the companys mission.
Strategies in Employment
Develop and maintain succession plan in line with career path and dynamic of the organization. Establish and maintain effective recruitment and termination policies. Introduce a fully comprehensive company policy and procedure manual.