Standing: Seating Chart As of July 2010
Standing: Seating Chart As of July 2010
Standing: Seating Chart As of July 2010
1 NBC AP CBS -WHPC insiders
insiders tell ABC Reuters CNN
Chuck Todd Jennifer Lovin Chip Reid me this will soon be Jake Tapper Caren Bohan Ed Henry
Savannah Guthrie Erica Werner Sunlen Miller Suzanne Malveaux
FOX’s seat-
Audio--Video NNews
Peter Maer Julianna Goldman Wendell Goler Anne Kornblut Peter Baker
Hans Nichols
3 AFP USA Today McClatchy Tribune Wash Times NPR ABC Radio
Laurent Lozano
Lozano Richard Wolf Steven Thomma Christi Parsons Kara Rowland Don Gonyea Ann Compton
Steve Collinson David Jackson Mike Memoli Ari Shapiro
Jim McTague, Barron’s
Raghubir Goyal, India Globe
Daniel Stone Michael Scherer US-
US-Kenneth Walsh Jackie Kucinich Charles Hurt Mike Majchrowitz Lynn Sweet
Jay Newton Small CD-
CD- George Condon Geoff Earle
Les Kinsolving, World Net Daily
Michelle Jamrisko, Kyodo News
7 TRNS Dallas Morning Boston Globe Christian B’cast Baltimore Sun/ BNA Wash Examiner
News Network BBC
Ellen Ratner Todd Gillman Susan Milligan David Brody Paul West Cheryl Bolen Julie Mason
Victoria Jones
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