Emissary Release v1 (19325098) PDF
Emissary Release v1 (19325098) PDF
Emissary Release v1 (19325098) PDF
Character Creation 7
Races 9
Example 22
Character sheet 25
Advancing 30
Combat Mechanics 87
Movement 88
Combat 90
Example 98
Damage and injuries 101
Diseases and poison 105
Index 326
Lakas knelt down in front of the alien figure and In open ground or with functional technology this
prayed to it for strength and protection in battle, would be an impossible battle, but in the corridors
repeating a ritual which she had carried out once of the castle they were forced to fight one on one
each morning for every day of the four year siege. with primitive weapons. The Technosapien soldiers
She did not believe that it was a god or that it would were no match for their surprising foes, but weight
answer her, but she had never encountered of numbers was slowly tipping the outcome in their
anything in her short life that could make a better favour. Even as members of the Honour Guard
claim. An ephemeral fractal of spectral colours clambered over the three-deep bodies of their fallen
danced across its surface in a slow waltz as it began comrades and lost a hundred of their kind to take
to take on the form of a sublime warrior, more just one corridor, the remaining defenders were
bewitching and more imposing than even the finest pushed back and now reduced to single digit
statues of the heroes of legend. She reached out numbers.
tentatively to touch its feet, stopping as the cave
shook and dust descended from above, curving off The barrel of the colossal weapon broke in two as it
some ethereal field around the figure like acid rain struck Lakas across the chest with enough force to
striking an umbrella. She thought the invaders had shatter stone. She staggered backwards, coughing
given up on using their false suns to breach the up blood and dropped to one knee. Her chest plate
impenetrable walls of her crystal castle. had saved her, but was useless now. She discarded
it, undoing the latch without looking. The knife
An invigorating warmth spread through Lakas' body found its way into her attacker's spine before it
as her hand came into contact with the figure's foot. could think about delivering a finishing blow.
The hunger and fatigue she had felt evaporated Furious, she pressed on with a rage worthy of
away. Metallic projectiles clattered to the floor as legend, forcing the invaders all the way back to the
they were forced from her closing wounds and an entrance hall.
unnatural sensation of strength and lightness filled
her body. Lakas rose to her feet, adjusted her crystal Lakas stood in the shattered doorway of the castle
chest plate and drew her tiny crystal blade. Within and looked out onto the tiny kingdom she had been 1
moments she had ascended the mile-deep shaft to born into. It was black to the horizon with an
the surface and rejoined the fight. endless sea of moving bodies, as it had been since
the siege began fours years before. Great black
The three metre tall warriors of the Technosapien vessels came and went, landing over the horizon like
Honour Guard, clad from head to toe in black monolithic flying castles. Her heart sunk as she
mirror-steel as thick as a castle wall, burst into the knew no end was in sight. Then she noticed the
hallway ahead. They carried the crude projectile mysterious object. For a moment she had thought it
weapons they had adopted after discovering their was the sun, but realised it was still too early for
normal weapons didn't function here. Lakas briefly that to be true. A radiant golden moon hung in the
wondered if her entire arm would fit inside one of sky, bathing the world in a warm glow. There was
their gun barrels, then snapped back to reality as no other way to describe it. As if seeing her, a voice
they fired. She cut through the smoke that filled the boomed across the landscape.
space between them and slew three of the massive
creatures before they could respond. Her tiny knife “This war is over, your courage has been recognised
blade darted through the air, finding joints and by the Second Imperial Majesty!”
cracks in their armour. Black liquid gushed from
their wounds as they crumpled to the ground.
A story passed down by Human Emissaries.
Author unknown
The Metabarons & The Incal - A series of fantastic Dice commonly used include d4 (four sided dice), d6
comics born from Jodorowsky's failed attempt to (six sided dice), d8 (eight sided), d10, d12 and d20.
create a movie adaptation of Dune, which was In addition to these common dice, you may also
probably the most ambitious cinema project of all come across references to 'd3' and 'd100'. While
time. three sided dice do exist, the term d3 is more
commonly used to indicate a roll of a d6 where
Altered Carbon - Richard K. Morgan's hardboiled results of 1 or 2 equal 1, 3 or 4 equal 2 and 5 or 6
cyberpunk detective story about Takeshi Kovacs, an equal 3. Similarly, while hundred sided dice also
Envoy trained to deal with the reality of interstellar exist, the term d100 is more commonly used to
warfare. mean a roll of 2d10 where one d10 is used to
represent tens and the other units.
Exalted – White Wolf's high fantasy roleplaying
game where players are empowered by a deity to It should be noted that not all dice rolls have the
fight for Creation. same type of probability distribution. A roll of a
single dice has an equal probability of landing on
Biomega – A postcyberpunk manga by Tsutomu any one side, so 1d20 is just as likely to result in a 5
Nihei, showing a conflict between various factions as it is an 18. A roll of two dice is more likely to
using advanced machinery and biotechnology in a produce results nearer the middle of its range, for
world stricken by an apocalyptic infection. example a roll of 2d10 can only produce a total of
20 on a result of 10,10, while a total of 11 can be
produced by 10,1, 9,2, 8,3, 7,4, or 6,5.
Traits are divided up into nine categories, one for Examples (Investigation):
each characteristic and an additional selection of
universal traits which are not directly linked to a TR 8:
characteristic. Noticing a dead pilot in the shuttle
TR 10:
All characters start the game with a number of Finding the pilot's ID card in their shirt
universal traits that depends on their race. TR12:
Additional traits can be earned during character Identifying signs of a fight on board
creation or Advancement by raising a skill to a TR14:
Superb level (rank 4) or better. Establishing the order of events, number of people
present and apparent cause of death
Gameplay TR16:
This overview will explain additional gameplay Noticing uncommon material present in the muddy
related terminology and provide a brief overview of footprints
the core mechanics of the system. TR18:
Establishing the precise time and details of the fight
based on blood splatter patterns
Skill Checks TR20:
The primary way for PCs to interact with the world
Correctly identifying the height, race, gender,
is through skill checks. A player can attempt to do
dominant hand and brand of shoes worn by the
almost anything they can think of, they must first
killer based only on their footprints
select a relevant skill and then perform a skill check
to see if they can accomplish their chosen action.
TRs might be further modified by environmental or
situational factors, typically anything which would
To perform a skill check, a player must roll 2d10,
make the task more difficult increases the TR by 2.
add the result together, then add their skill ranks
For example, finding the pilot's ID card in the dark
and their related characteristic to produce their
(TR +2 for environmental factor), while another
total skill check result. If a character does not
vehicle is approaching (TR +2 for limited time
possess the relevant skill, they are considered
situation) goes from being a very easy task (TR 10)
untrained and a circumstance penalty applies. For
to an average one (TR 14).
example, Alice wants to search an abandoned
shuttle, so she rolls 2d10 (4,6), then adds her ranks
Chances of an average, untrained (characteristic 3,
in the investigation skill (3) and her awareness (3),
skill 0), trained (characteristic 3, skill 2) and expert
producing a total result of 16 (4+6+3+3).
(characteristic 5, skill 5) character succeeding each
It is up to the GM to determine if this result is
sufficient to provide Alice with the information she
Untrained Trained Expert
was after. Skill checks are compared to a Target
TR 8 - 90% 99% 100%
Result (TR) and succeed if they match or exceed this
TR 10 - 79% 94% 100%
and fail if they fall below it. The standard TR,
TR 12 - 64% 85% 100%
representing a task of average difficulty is 14, so
TR 14 - 45% 72% 97%
Alice would succeed in this case. However, different
TR 16 - 28% 55% 90%
TRs can be used to represent easier or more difficult
TR 18 - 16% 36% 79%
TR 20 - 6% 21% 64%
Humans: Reptilians:
Average height: 180cm 170cm 2 universal traits
Average weight: 75kg 64kg Varanus:
Average life span: 140yr 160yr Str +1 Com +1 Dex -1
Insectoids: Dex +1 Cha +1 Com -1
Average height: 180cm 190cm Kinyon:
Average weight: 68kg 72kg Dex +1 Int +1 End -1
Average life span: 70yr 70yr
Average height: 180cm 170cm
Average weight: 150kg 130kg
Average life span: 500yr 500yr
Average height: 220cm 190cm
Average weight: 140kg 90kg
Average life span: 800yr 1000yr
Racial Abilities:
Flight (2x Speed)
Blind Sense
Cannot fly with Restrictive armour
Universal Traits
Avian characters may choose two traits from the list
of universal traits during character creation. 11
The least common sub-type of Avian, Shaman were
often tribal leaders with a high propensity for
developing psionic abilities. In contrast to most
Avians, Shaman often possess unusually high
resolve and composure. As Emissaries, Shaman tend
to excel at leading groups of other Emissaries and
inspiring those around them.
Characteristic Modifiers:
Composure +1
Presence +1
Strength -1
Racial Abilities:
Flight (2x Speed)
Blind Sense
Cannot fly with Restrictive armour
Universal Traits
Avian characters may choose two traits from the list
of universal traits during character creation.
Racial Abilities:
Heavy Worlders receive a circumstance bonus (-2
TR) to any Endurance skill checks when not in a high
gravity environment. Heavy Worlders are not
subject to the usual penalties for performing
physical actions on a heavy world.
Universal Traits 13
Human characters may choose three traits from the
list of universal traits during character creation.
The complete opposite of Heavy Worlders, Spacers
are adapted for survival in microgravity
environments such as asteroid belt communities or
space colonies. Spacer Emissaries are unmatched in
microgravity combat, favouring short range
projectile weapons.
Characteristic Modifiers:
Dexterity +1
Awareness +1
Strength -1
Racial Abilities:
Spacers receive a circumstance bonus (-2 TR) to any
Dexterity skill checks made in a microgravity
environment. Spacers may use their strength or
dexterity characteristic with the microgravity skill
instead of endurance.
Universal Traits
Human characters may choose three traits from the
list of universal traits during character creation.
Racial Abilities:
Natural Armour 6 (P)
Natural Weapons (claws) 1d6 (P)
Flight (speed x2)
Cannot wear armour that is Heavy or Restrictive
Universal Traits
Insectoid characters may choose a single trait from 15
the list of universal traits during character creation.
Like Neoptera, Reduvians were also solitary
hunters, but take a different approach to the
obective. Reduvians lack wings and instead rely
even more upon stealth and setting ambushes.
Emissary Reduvians make excellent infiltrators and
Characteristic Modifiers:
Strength +1
Dexterity +1
Endurance -1
Racial Abilities:
Natural Armour 6 (P)
Natural Weapons (claws) 1d6 (P)
Cannot wear armour that is Heavy or Restrictive
Universal Traits
Insectoid characters may choose a single trait from
the list of universal traits during character creation.
Racial Abilities:
Natural Armour 9 (P)
Space Flight (at base speed)
Cannot wear armour that is Heavy or Restrictive
Artificial Being
Universal Traits
Mechanoid characters may choose a single trait
from the list of universal traits during character
The complete opposite of Paladins, Lancers are
inherently weapons designed to kill. They discard
armour and durability for speed and lethality.
Emissary Lancers can be brutal and swift dealers of
Characteristic Modifiers:
Strength +1
Charisma -1
Racial Abilities:
Natural Weapons (blades) 1d6 (P)
Space Flight (speed x2)
Artificial Being
Universal Traits
Mechanoid characters may choose a single trait
from the list of universal traits during character
Racial Abilities:
Natural armour 6 (T)
Natural Weapons (teeth) 1d6 (P)
Natural Weapons (tail) 1d8 (T)
Universal Traits 19
Reptillian characters may choose two traits from
the list of universal traits during character creation.
Gekkonin are similar in appearance to their larger
Varanus cousins, but more cunning and agile. They
also share the same sense of honour and duty, but
are more open to stretching the definition. As
Emissaries, Gekkonin make superb assassins and
gun fighters.
Characteristic Modifiers:
Dexterity +1
Charisma +1
Composure -1
Racial Abilities:
Natural armour 6 (T)
Natural Weapons (teeth) 1d6 (P)
Natural Weapons (tail) 1d6 (T)
Gekkonin receive a circumstance bonus to climbing
skill checks
Universal Traits
Reptillian characters may choose two traits from
the list of universal traits during character creation.
Dexterity skills
(2d10 + skill + characteristic)
Following race and characteristics, skills are the next
part of the character that need to be determined.
Skills are representative of education, training and
Weapons (ranged)
experience and are the primary method of
interacting with the game world. Each skill also has
an associated characteristic.
Endurance skills
For any character, every skill must take an initial
value between 0 and 5, with each number
representing a position on the following scale:
0 – Untrained
Composure skills
1 – Poor
2 – Fine
Long term memory
3 – Good
4 – Superb
5 – Exceptional
Intelligence skills
It is possible for skills to take values outside of this
range due to positive or negative modifiers. There is
also an additional circumstance penalty imposed on
all checks using an untrained skill.
Starting characters begin with all skills at an
Working memory
untrained level (rank 0), but can buy ranks in any
skill at a cost of one rank per point, with the
exception of the fifth rank which has a cost of two.
Awareness skills
The skill pool is the total amount that can be spent
by starting characters on their skills and has a size of
48. Additionally, a skill cannot be raised more than
Sense motive
one rank higher than its associated characteristic
(e.g. a strength of 3 or better is required to raise a
strength skill to rank 4).
Charisma skills
Handle animal
Race Sub-type
Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries
(T)/ (P)
Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries
(T)/ (P)
Agility Appearance
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed Willpower
Toughness Sympathy
Athletics Academics/Knowledge
Climbing Technology
Unarmed Craft
Weapons (melee) Medicine
Working memory
Drive/Pilot Investigation
Gymnastics Listen
Larceny Sense motive
Stealth Spot
Weapons (ranged) Track
Microgravity Costume
Stamina Intimidate
Swimming Leadership
Concentration Communication
Long term memory Expression
Psionics Manipulation
Survival Handle animal
Idra Kane
Race Sub-type
Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries
5 3 4 5 (T)/ (P)
Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries
2 3 2 2 (T)/ (P)
Agility 16 Appearance 12
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 18 Willpower 10
8 (P) (ballistic) 4
Toughness 8 Sympathy 2
Fa Shenhui
Race Sub-type
Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries
2 5 3 3 (T)/ (P)
Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries
3 5 3 3 (T)/ (P)
Agility 20 Appearance 16
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 17 Willpower 6
6 (P) (melee) 6
Toughness 6 Sympathy 2
Race Sub-type
Mechanoid Paladin
Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries
4 1 6 3 (T)/ (P)
Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries
2 4 3 2 (T)/ (P)
Agility 15 Appearance 17
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 15 Willpower 6
17 (P) 4
Toughness 13 Sympathy 2
Tomoe Tagekko
Race Sub-type
Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries
3 5 4 3 (T)/ (P)
Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries
3 3 2 4 (T)/ (P)
Agility 18 Appearance 18
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 18 Willpower 6
14 (T)/8 (P) (ball.) 7
Toughness 8 Sympathy 2
For climbing less typical surfaces or climbing in less GM: Your agility is higher, how do you respond?
typical situations, start from the TR14 scenario and Jane's PC: He's pretty close to me, so I'm going to
apply a circumstance penalty or bonus for every try to knee him in the ribs.
way that the situation differs significantly. GM: Ok, make an unarmed combat check.
Jane's PC rolls 2d10, adds strength and unarmed
Example circumstance modifiers: skill, getting a total of 17.
Character is climbing with a partner -2 Jane's PC: I got 17.
Surface is sloped but not vertical -2 GM compares result to the thug's agility of 14, the
Character has climbing equipment -2 attack succeeds as 17 far exceeds 14.
Surface has large platforms -2
Surface is designed to be climbed -2 GM: The thug's wild swing leaves him completely
Surface has a known route to the top -2 exposed allowing you to expertly step into the
Surface has an overhang +2 opening and deliver a solid knee strike to his torso.
Conditions are windy +2
Conditions are dark +2 GM: Make a damage roll to see how badly you
Surface is smooth +2 injure him.
Altitude is very high +2
Surface must be climbed quickly +2
Precise rules:
freely in combat. Ordinarily a character would be
subject to a free attack or equivalent action when 36
A TR 14 gymnastics check is required to balance attempting to move past or while within reach of an
whilst walking along a raised (up to 4m above opponent. A character may choose exactly how
ground level) path as narrow as the character's foot. they move after they have made a successful skill
Other situations which require balancing should use check.
this and modify as necessary.
Normal circumstance modifiers apply as usual,
Example circumstance modifiers: remembering that a +2 circumstance modifier for
Character is at ground level -2 being in combat always applies to the base TR 14,
Can stand with feet side by side -2 effectively increasing the base TR to 16.
No immediate danger for failure -2
Character has a balance aide -2 Example:
Character has travelled path before -2 Jane's PC: I want to move out of reach of the thug.
Character is very high (4m+) +2 GM: Ok, make a gymnastics check.
Surface is slippery +2 Jane's PC rolls 2d10, adds dexterity and gymnastics
Conditions are windy or dark +2 skill, getting a total of 18.
Action is time critical +2 Jane's PC: I got 18, how much would I need to leap
Moving at full speed +2 away from him and land on the bar table? I want to
Character is in combat or under attack +2 take the high ground.
Changing height above ground +2 GM: 18 is enough to do that, 16 to get away and
Failure has high chance of serious injury +2 move freely but +2 to jump up onto the bar table.
Character is unable to see +2 Jane's PC: Right, then I'll flip up onto the table.
GM: Ok, sure.
A character does not typically fall immediately from
failing a check, instead they become unsteady and GM: Jane expertly dodges away from the thug
are unable to move or complete their action (which before he can respond, leaping acrobatically into
could still cause them to fall depending on the the air and landing with a sure footing on bar table.
action attempted). If the skill check is less than half
the TR the character will always fall or suffer some
appropriate consequence.
A craft check made without the aid of a design is Example circumstance modifiers:
always considered to have a +2 circumstance Character succeeded same check earlier -2
penalty. Additionally, a functional object produced Character has a trained assistant -2
without the aid of a pattern or design has a chance Medical facilities are available -2
of failing when used equal to 50% minus 10% for Treating an additional injury +2
each point that the skill check result exceeds the TR Halve patient recovery time +2
by. For example, a revolver made without a pattern No specialist equipment available +2
would require a TR 18 craft check to make, but a In combat or under pressure +2
craft result of 20 would produce a functional
revolver with a 30% chance of failing when used.
Precise rules:
Critical Failure
Any automatic failure on a skill check (double odd
The socialise skill is subject to circumstance bonuses
numbers) that would have failed anyway (the check
and penalties as normal.
total is below the required TR) becomes a critical
failure instead. A critical failure should always
Example circumstance modifiers:
Character has a trained assistant -2 hinder the player in a dramatic way, losing their 55
footing, crashing their car or having an experiment
Character is familiar with social group -2
explode in their face. A critical failure with a combat
Character shares interests with group -2
skill means the character has fumbled or severely
Character knows a lot about group -2
misjudged their action. A character's firearm may
Group is not very exclusive -2
jam or explode, they might lose grip of their knife or
Only basic information required -2
they might unbalance and trip after a wild swing of
Character is very unfamiliar with group +2
their fist. However, a critical failure should not be
Character has opposite values to group +2
an automatic death sentence unless it happens at
Character knows nothing about group +2
the very worst time imaginable.
Character tries to seem important +2
Group is a secret society +2
Specific information required +2 Mistakes of Youth
Secret information required +2
Locals refuse to talk to strangers +2 Heiyd, also known as The Whispering Death, is one
Failure is dangerous +2 of the more infamous extremists among the
Witches of Cetebos, shunned even by her own kind.
While a socialise check is not usually made as an Her victims are estimated to number in the millions
opposed roll, high ranking NPCs with detailed and those that survive her machinations suffer a life
knowledge of their own group may use sense truly worse than death. However, it didn't have to
motive to oppose a socialise check made by a be that way and almost wasn't. In her youth Heiyd
character trying to pass as a member. When used in was once cornered by an Emissary, the virtuous Brin
this way, the original socialise result of the player is of Calador, who outmatched her, outfought her and
used as the TR for the opposing sense motive check. brought her to her knees. As Brin went to deliver the
Even if the NPC is unsuccessful, their suspicions may killing blow with his colossal siege hammer, his
be sufficiently raised to check name lists or make hands slipped on the blood coating the shaft of the
phone calls about the new member. In any event, massive weapon. Heiyd escaped with her life that
socialise checks alone will not allow a player to day, leaving Brin with a scar and a hollow victory.
infiltrate a secret society for a prolonged period of The events that were to follow weighed heavily
time. upon his heart and many fear the worst of his recent
Universal Traits
Universal traits may only be gained during character Dexterity Traits
creation. Universal traits typically represent Blood opera Close combat expert
inherent physical or neurological features of a Gunslinger Marksman
character. Perfect grace Silent breathing
Sure aim Stunt driver/pilot
Characteristic Traits Unpredictable dodge
Characteristic traits are tied to a specific
characteristic (in the same way that skills are). A
character may gain a characteristic trait whenever Endurance Traits
they raise a skill to a rank of 4 or better. In Emissary, Commando Die hard
characteristic traits also possess a mastery bonus, Juggernaut Second wind
unlocked by raising a skill with the associated Static apnea Strong stomach
characteristic to rank 5.
Composure Traits
Hard boiled Meditative
Memory training Psion
Resolute Seen it all
Survivor Telepathy 58
Under pressure
Universal Traits
Intelligence Traits
Adaptable Psyche
Abstract knowledge Diagnose zebra
Eidetic memory Field surgeon
Hacker Mechanical savant
Pathfinder Polymath
Common sense
Awareness Traits
Death wish
Cold reading Danger sense
Eagle eyes Eternal detective
Light sleeper Low light vision
False identity
Fast recovery
Presence Traits
Cold dead eyes Disturbing voice
Heightened empathy
Dynamic entry Master of disguise
Power dresser
Lightning reflexes
Charisma Traits
Naturally seductive
Animal Tamer Hypnotic suggestion
Practised socialite Talented architect
Striking looks
Talented artist Talented dancer
Talented photographer Talented singer
A character with sociopathy has little empathy or 62
remorse, instead they act in a way completely
uninhibited by morals.
Mechanical effects:
A character with the sociopathy trait is immune to
any stress they would otherwise suffer as a result of
their own actions, such as excessive cruelty or
violence against others. However, their lack of
empathy imposes a permanent circumstance
penalty to sense motive and expression checks.
Striking Looks
A character with striking looks has a unique
appearance that makes them instantly stand out
from a crowd and draw attention. The character
could be either stunningly beautiful or horrifyingly
Mechanical effects:
The character's appearance rating counts as being 2
higher than it otherwise would be. Additionally, the
character must choose either intimidation or
expression, they gain a permanent circumstance
bonus to checks with that skill. The striking looks
trait cannot be combined with any trait that
decreases the character's appearance rating.
Mastery Bonus:
Whenever an Emissary spends Sympathy to negate
an amount of damage that would have killed them
they also heal 1d6 injuries.
Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
increase their endurance, it increases by 3 instead
of 2.
Mastery Bonus:
Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
increase their endurance, it increases by 4 instead
of 3.
Second Wind
The Emissary can add their current Sympathy to any
stamina check. This ability is passive and does not
consume Sympathy.
Mastery Bonus:
So long as an Emissary has at least 1 Sympathy they
may automatically pass any stamina checks.
Mastery Bonus:
Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
increase their composure, it increases by 4 instead
of 3.
Eagle Eyes
The character can ignore up to two different
circumstance penalties to a spot check, so long as
the character is attempting to spot a hidden person
or object.
Mastery Bonus:
The character feels uneasy and on edge whenever
an invisible person or object is within their field of
Eternal Detective
The character automatically investigates any
location they spend more than a few minutes in and
senses the motive of any character they talk to.
These automatic skill checks are treated as though
the character had made an investigate or sense
motive check with a result of 12. The character may
still choose to use these skills as normal in order to
get a higher result.
Mastery Bonus:
The automatic skill checks are treated as though the
character had made an investigate or sense motive
check with a result of 16.
Disturbing Voice
The character receives a circumstance bonus to
intimidate checks whenever they are talking to their
Mastery Bonus:
The character is well known for their terrifying
presence. Opponents with willpower of 6 or lower
must pass a willpower check (TR equal to the
character's appearance rating) or flee from them in
Dynamic Entry
For better or worse the character's appearance
briefly attracts the attention of everyone around
them. For the few moments that it lasts, other
characters briefly count as distracted for the
purposes of skill checks made by or against them,
although the character is not personally able to take
advantage of this as all attention is on them.
Mastery Bonus:
The character may choose to temporarily increase
their appearance by 2 when being introduced to
another person for the first time. If they do so, they
gain a circumstance bonus to leadership and any
charisma checks made against that person.
Master of Disguise
The character may ignore up to two different
circumstance penalties to a costume check, so long
as it is being used to create a disguise.
Mastery Bonus:
The character may ignore all circumstance penalties
to costume checks used to create disguises.
Additionally, the character may assume a disguise
as a standard action, so long as nobody is watching
Artificial Being
The creature is a machine or construct, not a living Healing Factor
biological being. It doesn't need to eat, breathe or The creature recovers from injuries at an
sleep, it can't become tired or fatigued and it is abnormally fast rate, healing one temporary injury
immune to disease, venom and poison. However, it each turn and recovering from persistent injuries at
does not recover from injuries naturally. the same rate a normal character recovers from
temporary ones.
Blind Sense
The creature has senses that allow it to detect Hive Mind
objects even in total darkness. It ignores any The creature shares a common pool of knowledge
and skills with other members of its kind that are
circumstance penalties to skill checks caused by
darkness. linked to the same hive mind. 71
Burrowing Infection
The creature can dig exceptionally well, allowing it Anyone injured by the creature must pass a
to move freely through the ground at one quarter toughness or willpower check or start to be
of its speed. transformed, possibly becoming a duplicate of the
original creature.
The creature is naturally camouflaged for its Incorporeal
environment, gaining a circumstance bonus to all The creature is not wholly in this reality or is made
stealth checks. up of some material that does not interact with
normal matter. The creature can only be touched by
Doppelganger or damaged by psionic abilities and certain items or
The creature uses psionic abilities to copy any skills materials.
or abilities used against it at an equivalent rank to
the original user. Invisibility
The creature can't be seen by the naked eye or can
Exotic Armour only be seen when moving. Some special means is
The creature possesses some kind of exotic natural required to see it properly, such as infrared goggles
armour that is highly resistant to conventional or radar.
attacks. Only Emissary weapons or certain exotic
weapons can pierce this armour. Microgravity Adaptation
The creature can freely move around in
microgravity environments and receives a
circumstance bonus to skill checks made in
The Ideal of Suppression revolves around finding,
Emissaries who follow the Ideal of Enforcement
recovering and destroying knowledge or artefacts of
believe strongly in upholding the rule of law and
alien origin that pose a danger to the Empire.
carrying out punishments upon those who would
break the law or harm others.
Satisfying the Ideal:
An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
Satisfying the Ideal:
of Suppression whenever they discover alien
An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
knowledge or an artefact and take action to destroy
of Enforcement whenever they carry out an
it or prevent it falling into the hands of others.
appropriate punishment on a known criminal or
someone who has unjustly wronged another.
Violating the Ideal:
The Ideal of Suppression is violated whenever an
Violating the Ideal:
Emissary would use alien knowledge or an artefact
The Ideal of Enforcement is violated whenever an
for personal gain, or reveal or share it with others.
Emissary would knowingly break the law themselves
or let a criminal go unpunished despite having the
Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
Improved Improved
redirection backlash
Redirect an attack from a Any number of opponents
single opponent to another suffer damage equal to the
target this turn. Improved negate damage they dealt this turn.
Negate any damage dealt by
any number of opponents this
Redirection Backlash
Redirect an attack from a An opponent suffers damage
single opponent to another equal to the damage they dealt
target (other than themselves) this turn.
this turn.
Negate any damage dealt by a
single opponent this turn.
Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
Enforce Reality
Choose the result of any
number of 2d10 skill or
characteristic checks made by
any characters this turn.
Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
Interrogate the
Compel Truth Thought Police
Redirection Perfect Redirection
Movement in Combat
Movement in combat follows most of the same
rules as movement outside of combat, except that it
may occasionally provide bonuses, penalties or
provoke reactions from opponents. In combat a 89
character may use an action to move a distance in
metres up to a maximum value that equals their
1 2
speed. A character that uses an action to move a
distance less than their maximum amount is still
counted as using their entire action. A character
that is running imposes a single circumstance 1
penalty on ranged attacks to hit them.
At times a character may wish to move while
maintaining a crouched position in order to stay
behind cover or present a smaller target to an
opponent. A character moving in such a way is 1 2
limited to moving at one half of their usual speed.
However, a character that spends both actions
moving in this way is not counted as running. A
crouched character imposes a single circumstance
penalty on ranged attacks to hit them.
Crawling 1m square
A character may also wish to move along the
ground while maintaining a prone position. A
character crawling in this way is limited to moving 1 Moving character
at one quarter of their usual speed. A prone or
crawling character imposes two circumstance
penalties on ranged attacks to hit them. A character
2 Opponent character
may drop prone without using an action, but Move doesn't provoke attack
standing again requires an action.
Move does provoke attack
In general, it is recommended that narrative combat In general, it is not recommended that positional
is used as the preferred way of resolving combat. combat is used unless necessary or agreed upon by
The narrative approach is generally faster and helps the players as it can slow down gameplay and
to maintain the pace and atmosphere of the game. detach players from the atmosphere of the story. If
positional combat is used, the GM should take care
Example: to describe actions and locations as normal, in order
to maintain atmosphere.
GM: The guard doesn't believe your story about
being a nuclear safety inspector and reaches for his From a practical point of view, wipe-clean game
handgun boards that can be drawn on with whiteboard
markers are useful for positional combat. However,
GM: The guard has an agility of 17, so Simon can go squared paper or graph paper are both more
first but the guard will act before Kelly can. cheaply available and can work just as well. Tokens
can take the form of 28mm scale miniatures, coins,
dice or even marked squares of paper or cardboard.
However, take care when using paper tokens as
they are easily knocked out of position by accident.
Prepared Actions
1 Tom Prepared actions are the only time when a
character may act outside of their usual turn order.
2 Guard A character making a prepared action must forfeit
both of their usual actions, in order to make a single
action at a later time when a particular condition is
3 Kelly
met. The action and the condition triggering it must
be stated in advance. For example, a character
could make a prepared action to trigger a remote
detonator when a door is opened or they could
The example above shows what the previously
shoot a rifle at anyone crossing between two
described situation might look like when
particular pieces of cover. If the condition is met at
represented in positional combat.
any point during the rest of the round before their
next turn, then the character may perform their
Tom starts within one metre of the guard, putting
action immediately. If the condition is not met, then
him in melee range (represented by the darker
the character has essentially wasted their turn and
squares around the guard) and causing his
must wait until their next one before choosing to
movement to provoke an attack from the guard.
maintain the prepared action or doing something
Numbers have been added to the characters to
else. A prepared action is the only situation where a
represent the order they may act in (this can be a
ranged attack can be provoked.
useful thing to do with tokens when many NPCs are
If less than half of the target is obscured by cover, Damage type: Temporary or persistent
then no circumstance penalty applies and the target Damage dice: X
is no more difficult to hit than usual. If half of the Total damage: X + strength (T or P)
target is covered, then a single circumstance
penalty applies, increasing the TR by +2. Additional Where Y is either temporary or persistent
circumstance penalties apply if more of the target is depending on the weapon being used and X is the
obscured by cover. damage dice of the weapon, both given in the item 92
description. An example for a large combat knife is
Fraction obscured: Circumstance penalty: given below:
1/2 +2
(waist high wall) Damage type: Persistent
3/4 +4 Damage dice: 1d6
(chest high wall) Total damage: 1d6 + strength (P)
9/8 +6
(only head visible) Ranged Weapon Attacks
15/16 +8 A ranged weapon attack is made using the ranged
(top half of head visible) weapon skill. The type and amount of damage
31/32 +10 inflicted by a ranged weapon depends on the
(behind a wall with a single brick missing) weapon. Unlike unarmed and melee attacks, no
characteristic is added to the damage inflicted by
Cover does not provide any circumstance penalties ranged weapons. However, the number damage
to psionic attacks. dice rolled depends on the range the weapon is
used at and the type of attack being made.
Concealment does not provide any circumstance Damage type: Temporary or persistent
penalty to attack checks. However, in order to Damage dice: X
declare an attack against a target, the target must Range: S/M/L
be clearly visible. In the case of a target concealed Total damage: 3X/2X/X (T or P)
by darkness, smoke or other means, a spot check
must be successfully made before the target can be All ranged weapons will have three ranges stated,
attacked directly. Once the spot check has been short, medium and long. When used within short
passed, it does not need to be repeated unless the range, a ranged weapon will deal three damage dice
character loses sight of the target for some reason worth of total damage, two damage dice within
or the visibility dramatically worsens. medium range and a single damage dice within long
10. The character attempts to flee and hide 10. Substance abuse
11. The character suffers from a screaming fit 11. Severe depression and nihilism
13. The character suffers from an intense phobia 13. Random bouts of amnesia 103
14. Character becomes violently aggressive 14. Dissociative identity disorder
16. Character gains alien limb syndrome 16. Persistent psychosomatic blindness
18. Roll again on Severe Psychosis table 18. Persistent delusions and hallucinations
19. Roll again on Severe Psychosis table 19. Persistent severe paranoia
20. Roll again on Severe Psychosis table 20. Persistent dissociative identity disorder
Deciding the fate of an ally 2d6 Seeing a godlike alien entity 2d8
In a dream
Seeing a close ally die 2d8
Seeing a godlike alien entity 2d10
Being severely tortured 2d10
There is no point in rolling to inflict temporary There is no point in rolling to inflict persistent
mental damage if a character's willpower exceeds mental damage if a character's willpower exceeds
the maximum amount of damage that could be the maximum amount of damage that could be
inflicted. inflicted. Instead the character simply receives an
automatic temporary mental injury.
Mental damage inflicted by seeing something
specific is only dealt the first time it is seen by that
Deadly Neurotoxin Deathmist Poison
Deadly neurotoxin is a catch-all term for a collection Deathmist poison is famously present in a number
of potentially fatal poisons and chemical weapons of plant species found on various deathworlds
that target nervous tissue. Deadly neurotoxins can across the galaxy. Its prevalence in multiple species
occur naturally in certain species of venomous and locations, separated by great voids of space, is
plants or animals or synthetically in weaponised poorly understood but commonly thought to be the
form as an aerosol. Though antitoxins do not result of some ancient genetic engineering program.
guarantee survival, most medical facilities have a However, it is unclear why anyone would
wide range available which dramatically increase a intentionally introduce and spread such a fast acting
victim's chance of survival. However, deadly and potentially dangerous poison.
neurotoxin is fast acting and rapidly debilitating, so
a prompt medical response is vital. Symptoms include sudden paralysis accompanied
by overwhelming pain and a sudden lapse into
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weakness, coma, followed shortly by death. In some cases
numbness, behavioural problems, memory loss and victims may appear to be recovering, only to
loss of cognitive ability. Natural recovery is difficult, collapse moments later and die within minutes.
even in healthy adults, and death will eventually
result after a rapid decline in mental state. As with Exposure
other poisons, those who are already sick or Deathmist poison is not contagious and cannot be
weakened are especially susceptible and are spread by infected individuals. Contact with a
unlikely to survive without being treated within an poisonous plant will prompt an initial toughness
hour or two of symptoms appearing. check.
Exposure Paralysis
Deadly neurotoxin is not contagious and cannot be Anyone afflicted by the effects of Deathmist poison
spread by infected individuals. Being injected with becomes paralysed for 3d10 minutes, immediately
the toxin or breathing it in, in aerosol form will collapsing and becoming unable to move or speak
prompt an initial toughness check. or make any physical actions. Psionic actions remain
possible, but skill checks suffer a circumstance
penalty due to the intense pain.
Engineered Virus Gristle Urchin Venom
An engineered virus is a bioweapon designed for Gristle Urchins are strange and highly venomous
assassination of specific targets. It can be tailored to creatures that are native to extremely cold worlds.
produce a number of different effects and the Their venom is fast acting and delivered in large
incubation period can be fine tuned to quite a quantities through their spear-sized hypodermic
precise degree. In victims who do not match the limbs. Due to its lethality, speed of action and
genetic profile of the desired target, symptoms relative availability, it has become popular as a
commonly manifest as a cold or mild flu and coating on bladed weapons in some communities.
recovery time is typically a few days. Even frangible bullets with a core of Urchin venom
are available in more unscrupulous markets.
Potential effects Fortunately an anti-venom is available and long
- Tiredness term complications are minimal.
- Automatic persistent mental damage
- Paralysis Symptoms typically present as intense pain and
- Characteristic loss swelling around the initial site, followed quickly by
- None discolouration, loss of feeling and a weakening
pulse. Victims typically become distressed and
Toughness checks erratic and may lapse into a coma before death. For
The toughness checks for an engineered virus have those that recover naturally, the recovery process is
two values, the first value applies to the intended usually sudden and leaves no lasting damage.
target, while the second applies to anyone else.
Contagiousness Those exposed to Gristle Urchin venom are not
An engineered virus is highly contagious and contagious. An initial toughness check is only
airborne over short distances. It may be contracted prompted if the venom is consumed, injected or
through physical contact with an infected individual gets into an open wound.
or their bodily fluids, or by proximity to a coughing
or sneezing individual. Anyone who comes into
contact with the disease in this way must pass the
initial toughness check to avoid becoming infected.
Machine Plague Ossification Virus
The machine plague is thought to be caused by a Ossification virus is one of the most horrible
kind of synthetic nanomachine parasite that first afflictions that a humanoid can experience. The
evolved on a Technosapien Hive World and spread virus turns the body's own repair mechanisms
throughout the galaxy by hiding within low quality against itself, causing soft tissue to be progressively
cybernetic augments. A victim can become infected replaced with bone. Muscles and tendons are
with the disease when they are augmented with affected first, initially causing pain, weakness and
cybernetic parts that carry the parasites. limited motion, but eventually preventing
movement altogether. Surgery to remove the
The initial symptoms are usually mistaken for a excess bone growth is completely ineffective while
faulty augmentation or the body rejecting the victim is infected with the virus, as any bone
cybernetic implants. The fitted augmentation ceases removed in this way is simply replaced with more
to work and painful inflammation develops in the bone. Eventually other soft tissues, including
area where it joins the rest of the body. However, internal organs and the brain start to be replaced by
the nanomachines quickly infiltrate the victim's bone, though death inevitably occurs before this
blood stream and begin rapidly replacing limbs and process can be completed. The only delaying
organs with cybernetic augments. The victim's body measure shown to have some limited success is the
can rarely cope with this, usually resulting in death. complete replacement of effected body parts with
cybernetic parts.
Cybernetic growths
The victim develops cybernetic growths over and Ossification
within their body. Whenever the victim fails a Whenever a victim fails a subsequent toughness
subsequent toughness check, they gain a random check, their strength and dexterity characteristics
cybernetic augment. If the victim recovers from the are reduced by 1. If a victim's strength and dexterity
plague, they retain any augments they received in characteristics are both reduced to 0 in this way,
this way, though they are disabled (as if by EMP like then they are killed the next time they would fail a
effect) until they can be repaired. subsequent toughness check.
Quiet Red Death
Quiet is an artificial venom developed by the The Red Death is a psionic plague spread
Witches of Cetebos for use in combat and rituals. unintentionally by the birth of the Third Imperial
The venom is rarely lethal, but is extremely fast Majesty. The plague takes over living organisms and
acting and usually renders the victim completely uses their bodies to produce new biological matter,
helpless. There is some speculation that the venom forming an immense red mass of psionic neural
was developed to aid combat with Emissaries, tissue that joins together in a great network. The
forcing them to burn through their reserves of Red Death has been described as a psionic cancer
Sympathy to avoid falling victim to the paralysis and is responsible for the entity known as the
effect of the venom. Nuulam Blood Forest, a continent-sized mass with
the heavily augmented body of the Third Imperial
Exposure Majesty at its centre.
Quiet is not contagious and cannot be spread by
inflicted individuals. An initial toughness check is Symptoms include sharp pains, sudden dizziness
only prompted if the venom is consumed, injected and profuse bleeding from the pores. As the
or gets into an open wound. bleeding worsens, lesions in the skin begin to open
and great red masses of flesh emerge.
Anyone afflicted by Quiet becomes paralysed for Contagiousness
3d10 minutes, freezing rigidly in place and The Red Death is contagious, but not in the
becoming incapable of speaking. Psionic actions traditional sense. Proximity with the red neural
remain possible. tissue prompts an initial willpower check (replacing
the usual toughness check) with a TR of 16.
Subsequent willpower checks have a TR of 18.
Stonestar Venom Thornweed Poison
Stonestar venom is injected through the spines of a Variations of thornweed poison are found in
Predatory Stonestar. Potent and relatively fast numerous plant species across the galaxy, sharing a
acting, Stonestar venom can be extremely deadly similar distribution to deathmist poison. It is
without immediate medical aid. As with other hypothesised that the two poison types may be
venomous creatures, the venom is quite highly related or share a common origin, though their
sought after for use in the medical industry and also chemical composition is quite different.
as a coating for bladed weapons.
Symptoms initially include a painful rash, red sores
Symptoms generally include shivering and muscle and lethargy, progressing into blindness, organ
fatigue, a high fever and internal haemorrhaging. If failure and eventual death after a few hours.
the victim doesn't recover, they rapidly fall into a Although relatively slow acting and quite treatable,
coma and die. Fortunately, a successful anti-venom the mild initial symptoms often result in victims
has been developed and is widely available in all ignoring it until their condition deteriorates.
regions inhabited by Stonestars.
Exposure Thornweed poison is not contagious and cannot be
Those exposed to Predatory Stonestar venom are spread by infected individuals. Contact with a
not contagious. An initial toughness check is only poisonous plant will prompt an initial toughness
prompted if the venom is consumed, injected or check.
gets into an open wound.
When the poison progresses, it causes severe
damage to the optic nerve tissue resulting in
temporary blindness (lasting until the victim
recovers). If a character fails three consecutive
toughness checks, the blindness becomes
permanent. Such permanent blindness can only be
treated with invasive surgery or augmented eye
Transport Ship
However you choose to do it, the last essential is
coordination, every shot should be intended to kill
Each group of new Emissaries may begin play with a and they need to land within moments of each
single free Emissary transport (see the Vehicles other. You don't want to gamble on the skills of a
chapter for more information). shooter who claims he can hit a moving Emissary
and you wouldn't want to pay his wages if he was
Additional Purchases telling the truth. With proper coordination you only
Characters may be able to purchase additional need people that can hit a man-sized target at a
equipment before going on their first mission, hundred yards, people like that are easy to find,
depending on the circumstances. However, every don't cost the world and don't draw unwanted
possible item will not necessarily be available in attention.
every location or market. It is ultimately up to the
GM to decide what is and isn't available for Excerpt from a rare interview with infamous
purchase. Significant research and a meeting with a mercenary, Koligan Das
specialist NPC may be required to track down
certain specialist pieces of equipment. Customised
or commissioned items might also have a lengthy
waiting time associated with them.
Example: This check only needs to be made the first time the
A length of rope will reduce the circumstance device is used, or if the device has gone unused for
penalty for attempting to climb a surface with poor a period of several months.
or no handholds.
Speciality Items
Superior Tools Some items have properties or functions beyond a
Unless noted otherwise in the relevant skill entry, simple tool and provide more benefits than a simple
superior tools provide a single circumstance bonus circumstance bonus. These items could possess
to all checks with the relevant skill. qualities or grant traits to the user that they would
not normally have access to.
A set of pitons, ropes, a harness, climbing shoes and Example:
belay gloves will provide a circumstance bonus to all A diver propulsion vehicle or sea scooter is an item
climbing checks. that is really too small to be classed as a vehicle in
its own right, but clearly offers more benefit than a 114
simple circumstance bonus to swimming skill
Quality of Tools
checks. In this case, the device could grant the
In general you should use your judgement when
swimmer trait to its user, a trait normally only
deciding whether a tool is of basic or superior
possessed by animals. Similarly, a jet pack could
quality, with the GM having final say. There are too
grant the flight trait.
many items that could be considered tools to list all
of them for every skill.
In general, items of this type can also be handled in
a narrative way unless the limits of their
As a rule of thumb, if a tool would only help in a
performance are absolutely vital to the game. For
specific situation or is for a very specific purpose, it
example, diving equipment allows a character to
is a basic tool. If a tool or set of tools is useful in a
move around underwater without needing to
variety of situations or you cannot think of any
surface for air. In most scenarios it is not necessary
practical additions or alternatives that would be
to know how fast it allows a character to swim or
considerably more useful, then it is a superior tool.
how long it allows them to stay underwater for. If
this information suddenly becomes vital, it should
be agreed among the players with the GM having
Fixed focal length binoculars allow a character to
the final say.
see something far away, but offer no benefits at
night or at shorter distances. They are a basic tool
that removes a circumstance penalty caused by
distance on a spot check. Similarly, a night vision
sight offers no benefits in daylight. It is also a basic
tool that removes a circumstance penalty caused by
darkness on a spot check. However, a set of goggles
with variable zoom, range finder and optical,
thermal and infrared vision modes would be a
superior tool.
The weapon requires an internal power source to
The weapon fires a spread of projectiles, giving an
function. The weapon is disabled by EMP-like
additional circumstance bonus to shots at close
range and an additional circumstance penalty to
shots at long range.
The weapon ignores any circumstance penalties
caused by range and one circumstance penalty
The weapon requires a bipod, tripod or fixed mount
caused by the target's movement.
of some kind to operate without penalty.
Two Handed
If a flammable target is hit by the weapon, roll
The weapon requires a two handed grip to operate
1d10; the target catches fire if the result is 6 or
without penalty.
higher. Character's on fire must pass a willpower
check (TR 14) to remain calm enough to extinguish
the flames. Extinguishing the flames takes one turn. Unreliable
Character's that do not extinguish the flames suffer The weapon is mechanically unreliable. Any
an automatic persistent injury each turn. automatic failure with the weapon is always a
critical failure.
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Custom Weapons Size
In addition to the weapons listed in this chapter, After choosing the base type, the next thing to
players or GMs may wish to create custom weapons decide is the weapon size.
with different or unique attributes. This section will
briefly outline a set of guidelines to help do this in a Size Purchase TR modifier
balanced way and determined suitable purchase One handed +2
TRs. However, GMs should be aware that certain Two handed +0
combinations of weapon qualities and stats could Tripod -1
potentially be overpowered, so some care should
be taken before introducing such items to the This may seem counter-intuitive, but miniaturising
game. complex mechanical or electronic parts and
managing their heat is expensive. For game balance
Base Type reasons, a smaller weapon is also advantageous.
The first thing to decide on is the base type of the
weapon. Each type has a few associated qualities, Stats
characteristics and a base cost. Base stats can be adjusted, using the following
Chemical weapons are mechanically simple and Stat adjustment Purchase TR modifier
require ammunition to function. They are capable +1 Damage die size +2
of using special ammunition to augment their Max range multiplier (X) +1
firepower. Double ammunition capacity +2
Halve ammunition capacity -2
Base damage die: 1d6
Base max range: 60m Qualities
Base ammunition: 15 rounds Weapon qualities can be added, using the following
Inherent qualities: Chemical modifiers.
Detachable magazine
Base purchase TR: 10 Quality Purchase TR modifier 122
Arcing projectile +1
Energy Automatic +1
Energy weapons are more advanced than chemical Blast (X) +X
weapons and do not require ammunition to Concealable (X) +X
function. They are not capable of using special Detachable magazine +1
ammunition, but do not need to reload. Guided +2
Incendiary +2
Base damage die: 1d4 Internal magazine -1
Base max range: 100m Low velocity -1
Base ammunition: N/A Piercing (X) +X
Inherent qualities: Energy Single shot -4
Base purchase TR: 10 Slow reload -2
Spread +0
Hybrid Unreliable -2
Hybrid weapons have advantages and
disadvantages of chemical and energy weapons.
Range and Damage
They require ammunition and are capable of using
A weapon deals 3 damage at close range, 2 at
special ammunition.
medium range and 1 at long range. Medium range is
defined as being within half of the maximum range.
Base damage die: 1d4
Close range is defined as being within one tenth of
Base max range: 100m
the maximum range.
Base ammunition: 10
Inherent qualities: Energy
Piercing (2) Closing Points
Base purchase TR: 12 Keep in mind that these are merely a guideline and
should not be used in order circumvent the usual
cost of a weapon by constructing a cheaper, but
similar, combination. The final purchase price, and
whether a weapon is available at all, is at GM
Basic Armour
Basic armour types do not use exotic materials in their construction or offer any advanced technological features.
However, they work in all environments, are cheap to purchase, easy to make and offer decent protection from
melee or ranged weapons.
Powered Armour
Powered armour uses advanced technology or power assisted motors in its design. Powered armour typically
offers increased performance and fewer drawbacks than basic armour types, but is more expensive and vulnerable
to being disabled.
Powered (x/y/z)
The armour augments the physical abilities of the
wearer by some mechanism. The armour increases
the wearer's strength by x, dexterity by y and
endurance by z. Powered armour loses these
bonuses and becomes tiring, heavy and restrictive if
disabled by some EMP-like effect or other means.
The armour is awkward and prevents a full range of 124
movement. The armour imposes a circumstance
penalty on dexterity checks and skills and reduces
the wearer's speed and agility by 2.
Sealed (x)
The armour is sealed and has oxygen tanks, allowing
the wearer to breath for x hours.
The armour projects a defensive screen around the
wearer, reducing incoming ranged weapon damage
by an amount equal to the shield's rating. Shields
offer no protection against melee attacks.
Thermoptic Camouflage
The armour possesses advanced active camouflage
in the optical and infrared spectrum. The wearer
permanently counts as hidden, even while moving,
as if they had made a TR 20 stealth check.
The armour is cumbersome and poorly ventilated.
The armour imposes a circumstance penalty on
endurance checks and skills.
Divine Fury is a razor sharp longsword said to have The original Knife of Lakas is an unexceptional
been blessed by the Divine Imperial Majesty itself. weapon, but one that holds great historical
Though nobody has been able to prove this for meaning among Emissaries. Not originally created
certain, there is little doubt that the blade is a as one, the knife became the very first Emissary
tremendously powerful weapon. weapon when Lakas channelled the raw power of
the Universal Emissary through her body and into
Golden Judgement its blade. Countless duplicates of varying quality and
Craft TR: 24 similarity to the original have been made over the
Simulcrum: 400 grams years.
Damage Type: Temporary
Damage Dice: 1d10 Life Stealer 128
Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (T) Craft TR: 26
Ammunition: 3 charges Simulcrum: 600 grams
Qualities: Damage Type: Persistent
Concussive burst Damage Dice: 1d8
Two handed Total Damage: 1d8 + strength (P)
Emissary weapon Qualities:
One handed
By spending a point of Sympathy, the user can Piercing (2)
cause great bolts of electricity to leap from the Emissary weapon
mace, shorting out all electrical equipment in a
large area. An EMP-like burst is given off by the As long as Life Stealer has killed an opponent within
Golden Judgement, disabling all energy weapons, the last 24 hours, the Emissary wielding it does not
powered armours, machines or technological need to eat, drink or sleep. The wielder also
devices within a 50m radius. recovers a single point of Sympathy for every
hundred opponents that Life Stealer slays. By
The Golden Judgement is an electromace in the spending a point of Sympathy to activate Life
form of an eagle with outstretched wings. Famously Stealer, the user heals a number of injuries equal to
used by Zorin The Purifier in the purge of the the injuries inflicted in a single attack by the blade.
heretical Agra Hive World. It is said that Zorin left
not a single survivor behind after his three year Life Stealer is a blood red sword with an unusual
sweep of the maze-like artificial planet. Imitations prickly grip that makes it uncomfortable to hold and
and duplicates of the Golden Judgement became a strangely fluted blade. The original weapon was
popular among other Emissaries for a short while wielded by Isaias Toten who created it especially in
afterwards. preparation for his last stand against the forces of
the Great Corrupter on the fields of Camlan. Isaias
used Life Stealer to fight for thirty consecutive days
without rest, until he was finally killed in single
combat by his nemesis.
The Ravenous Whip is an apparently mundane whip The Scavenging Death is an ornate armoured
made from the hide of an unidentifiable animal. gauntlet in the shape of a scarab beetle. The design
Though not especially useful in single combat, the incorporates multiple intricate and interlocking
surprise factor of its power can be devastating in components that occasionally move by themselves
certain situations. Weapons of this pattern have and produce a quiet chattering sound. The weapon
become popular among Emissaries who only wish to is especially popular amongst Mechanoid Emissaries
kill as a last resort. from the desert world of Aksis, having been used by
a number of them over the years.
Screaming Corruption
Craft TR: 32 Singing Blade 130
Simulcrum: 1200 grams Craft TR: 28
Damage Type: Persistent Simulcrum: 800 grams
Persistent mental Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d10 Damage Dice: 1d10
Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (P) Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (P)
1d10 + composure (P) Qualities:
Qualities: Piercing (4)
Piercing (4) Two handed
Two handed Emissary weapon
Emissary weapon
The Singing Blade grants its user a circumstance
The Screaming Corruption deals its damage as bonus to all skill checks made so long as it is being
physical and mental damage simultaneously and held and can be activated by spending a point of
can only be activated by spending a point of Sympathy. When activated the blade sings a song of
Apathy. When activated the blade emits a prophecy that alters fate over a wide area for a
nightmarish psionic scream, hitting automatically single turn, providing two circumstance bonuses to
and dealing normal weapon damage to all living all skill checks made by the wielder and their allies
things within 10km of the user. and imposing two circumstance penalties on any
number of opponents.
The Screaming Corruption is a large straight sword
with a long narrow blade and a plain design. The Singing Blade is a brilliant white longsword
Although its balance is good, its weight seems to wielded by the legendary Emissary Piera The White.
shift in the hand and it constantly emits a whisper In battle the sword emits a constant pleasant
like the distant echo of a dying scream. The weapon melody that modulates when swung. The
was recovered from the site of a famous battlefield, whereabouts of this great historical relic are
found embedded in the body of a legendary currently unknown, as it was unfortunately lost in
Emissary. Some archive records appear to be the events surrounding the tragedy of Piera's fall.
Defence rating: 18
Defence type: Exotic (see unusual traits)
When Genesis Dust is exposed to an electric
current, roll 1d10 and refer to the table below to 134
Qualities: Powered (2/2/0) see how it behaves.
Sealed (12)
The major drawback of the Eynides Nanoskin only 1 Genesis Dust goes out of control and
became apparent after The Reaper's defeat. It had begins consuming all matter that comes
become permanently bonded to his flesh and his into contact with it, expanding outwards at
corpse was unidentifiable by the time it had been a rate of 100m per minute (8 metres per
surgically removed from his body. round).
2-9 Genesis Dust produces an identical copy of
Up to 6 hours of use: a single object in contact with it.
The Nanoskin is difficult to remove, but can be The object cannot mass more than the
peeled off by the wearer. Any clothing worn under Genesis Dust.
the armour may be torn as it is removed and any 10 The Genesis Dust produces a random alien
exposed skin is left feeling tender. artefact and is entirely consumed in the
6-12 hours of use:
The Nanoskin is exceptionally difficult to remove,
usually requiring assistance. Any clothing worn Artefacts created at random should be determined
under it has either dissolved or become by the GM, possibly from a short list to avoid any
permanently bonded to it. Skin is torn or punctured, unwanted items from appearing. Alternatively, an
leaving minor flesh wounds. The wearer suffers 1d4 appropriate or relevant item could be selected or
automatic temporary injuries. this could be used as a hook or prompt for a greater
12+ hours of use:
The Nanoskin is impossible to remove without
surgery. Removing it in this way inflicts 2d4
automatic persistent injuries on the wearer.
Weapons (roll 1d4): The Servitor is reported to slowly change its form
1 - Provides a circumstance bonus to attack rolls. when in the vicinity of another living thing,
2 - Adds an extra charge or round of ammunition. becoming an exact silhouette of a random person
3 - Gives the weapon Piercing (2). within 500m of it over a period of several days. The
4 - Increases the base damage die size by one. character becomes compelled to find the Servitor
on the first such day and stand in its presence,
Armour (roll 1d4): forcing them to pass a TR 16 willpower check every
1 - Removes a drawback (such as Tiring). hour to perform any other action. On the second
2 - Increases defence rating by 2 (same type). day, if the character is still within 500m, the TR of
3 - Gives the armour Powered (1/1/1). the willpower check increases to 18. On the third
4 - Gives the armour Shields (6). day, the Servitor completes its transformation and
the TR increases to 20. If the character is still within
Vehicle (roll 1d4): 500m of the Servitor on the fourth day, they must
1 – Vehicle gains 1 power. pass a TR 20 willpower check to resist climbing into
2 – Vehicle gains 1 mobility. the Servitor and disappearing forever.
3 – Vehicle gains 1 durability.
4 – Vehicle gains Artificial Intelligence. After a person has climbed into the Verus Servitor,
it reverts to its spherical form and becomes inert for
a week.
Subdermal Armour
Purchase TR: 18
The character gains natural armour 9 (P).
The character loses 1 point of dexterity.
The neurochemistry of the the brain is altered, Grafting on extra limbs and wiring up the nervous
allowing the subject to briefly react at incredible system to make them functional has proven
speed. However, the strain placed on the body possible with the miracles of modern
causes them to tire quickly. biotechnology. However, such traumatic and
invasive surgery has negatively impacted the
Boosted Muscles
Purchase TR: 20
subject's constitution.
Benefits: Gills
The character gains 1 bonus point of strength. Purchase TR: 18
Drawbacks: Benefits:
The character must consume twice as much food as The character gains the benefits of the gills trait.
normal and quickly becomes irritable when hungry. Drawbacks:
The character gains the drawbacks of the gills trait.
The subject's muscles are altered for increased
performance and efficiency, allowing them to The subject's respiratory system has been modified
generate more force and use the body's energy at a to allow them to absorb dissolved oxygen from
faster rate. water. However, they now require special breathing
apparatus to survive out of water.
Corrosive Blood
Purchase TR: 18 Neural Boost
Benefits: Purchase TR: 22
Whenever injured, all adjacent characters suffer Benefits:
1d6 (P) damage. The character gains 1 bonus point of intelligence
Drawbacks: Drawbacks:
Acid does not distinguish friend from foe. Hospital The character is prone to mood swings and the
bills also tend to be greatly increased, due to the sensation that they aren't quite who they used to
property damage and surgical precautions required. be.
Replacing the subject's blood with an artificial The brain is surgically altered and improved, new
substitute that became corrosive on contact with growth is stimulated and less efficient parts are
the air seemed like a useful defensive measure at replaced. Of course, every care is taken to avoid the
the time. loss of memories or permanent changes to the
subject's personality.
The last digits of the subject's fingers have been The subject's flesh and skin are removed and
replaced with wicked scalpel-like blades capable of replaced with grafts of modified tissue that can
flaying skin and cutting through bone. change shape and colour, allowing it to take on the
appearance of clothing or camouflage the subject 143
Regenerative Tissue by taking on the colour and texture of their
Purchase TR: 22 background.
The character gains the benefits of the healing Wings
factor trait. Purchase TR: 22
Drawbacks: Benefits:
The character must consume at least a kilogram of The character gains the benefits of the flight trait.
raw meat each day for the ability to work. The Drawbacks:
ability continues to function for 12 hours after the The character suffers a circumstance penalty to all
character's last such meal. dexterity skills.
The subject's genetics have been heavily tampered The subject has had a pair of massive bat-like wings
with, causing their tissue to regenerate at the grafted to their back, displacing their existing
cellular level at an alarming rate. However, a large shoulder blades and causing them to hunch slightly
amount of unprocessed biomass is required. forwards.
Amp Cyber Gel
Like Accela, Amp was originally developed as a Cyber Gel is a cocktail of carefully tailored immune
combat drug but failed to see widespread use for suppressants and nanomachines, designed to
similar reasons. However, Amp gained popularity in minimise the likelihood of cybernetic augments
the civilian market and was widely produced under being rejected by the body. Although it was
several different names by a number of developed in the past when augmentation
pharmaceutical companies. The boost in physical technology was less sophisticated, it still sees
strength is not without consequences though, widespread use in the galaxy today. Cyber Gel is
causing great physical strain on the body, leading to manufactured in industrial quantities on most
bruising, soreness and throbbing muscle pain. Technosapien Hive Worlds, with many of their kind
being dependent on its regular use.
Characters suffering from withdrawal tend to feel
sapped of strength and easily become dependent Characters suffering from withdrawal lose the use
on the drug to overcome a sensation of of any cybernetic augments they have (as if they
helplessness. Amp addiction is a fairly serious were disabled by EMP-like effect), as their body has
problem, being very common amongst heavy users. become reliant on Cyber Gel to interface them
Amp is legal in many places and still in production, Rarity
so relatively easy to find and not prohibitively Cyber Gel is fairly expensive to manufacture
expensive. However, its use is banned in most lines compared to most other common drugs or medical
of work and it is considered a restricted substance products, but is easily available in large quantities.
in more civilised areas of the galaxy. Even in such Despite not being illegal, its usage is heavily
places, it is not usually too difficult to secure access frowned upon as addiction is almost impossible to
to Amp through black market channels if desired. avoid.
Cycalm Endur
Cycalm was originally developed as a medical Endur was developed as a treatment to help
treatment, but became infamous after being augmentation patients recover from surgery and
abused by psions who discovered that it boosted better adapt to their cybernetics. Improvements in
their powers. Military applications were augmentation surgery have rendered this use
investigated, but the loss in situational awareness unnecessary, though Endur is still popular due to its
and alertness were deemed as too severe. performance enhancing properties.
Characters suffering from withdrawal tend to feel Characters suffering from withdrawal feel fatigued,
restless and paranoid, relying on the drug in order but restless, quickly become highly irritable. The
to sleep or feel at ease. Cycalm addiction is quite side effects of Endur dependency have always been
common in some parts of the galaxy, though the well known, but were often less severe than
drug is less common than it once was. complications that could arise from early
augmentation surgery.
Cycalm was manufactured in large quantities while Rarity
it was still a common medicine that could be freely Though no longer used for its original purpose,
purchased. These days a referral or prescription is Endur is still manufactured and can be easily found.
required and most centres no longer recommend it However, use of Endur is illegal while driving or
as a treatment. Despite this, it is still very easily operating heavy machinery and is considered
found by determined individuals. grounds for dismissal in most lines of employment.
Expand Methuselah
Developed by the now defunct Cerebro Industries, Methuselah is an anti-ageing drug developed by the
Expand was marketed as a performance enhancing Witches of Cetebos. Though competing products
drug that could turn anyone into a genius. Following exist, its effectiveness is unmatched and its side
its release, a brief craze for the new drug effects and addictiveness are considered to be quite
developed, with prices rocketing and supply failing minimal. Methuselah is also endorsed by a number
to meet the demand. Unfortunately, it turned out of high profile individuals, such as Isa Castilla and
that Cerebro had not been entirely forthcoming many prominent holovid celebrities. This has lead to
with the side effects. A user's mental faculties were Methuselah becoming the dominant anti-ageing
indeed greatly increased, albeit temporarily, but drug on the market and a very profitable product.
they lost all sense of empathy and became
unhindered by any morals they previously Characters suffering from withdrawal suffer from
possessed. weakness and psychosomatic lack of stamina. It has
also been observed that those suffering from
Individuals suffering from withdrawal became withdrawal age at an accelerated rate. However, as
psychotic, developing a number of serious Methuselah is only minimally addictive, these
emotional or neurological conditions. problems have not caused widespread concern.
Rarity Rarity
Expand is illegal and no longer manufactured, with Methuselah is a legal drug and available easily in
most stocks having been destroyed following its much of the galaxy. Though priced somewhat
ban. However, it is not impossible to come across, highly, its cost has consistently come down and its
especially in fringe worlds where those who availability has increased in recent years making it
received their supplies may have been less inclined attainable to most who wish to benefit from its use.
to destroy them. There are also rumours of There are some rumours that it loses effectiveness
warlords and crime bosses attempting to restart over time, though this has not been confirmed by
production from reverse-engineered stock. any available study.
Reagent Vita
Reagent represents the Witches of Cetebos' Vita is a medical nanomachine gel that triggers the
ultimate victory over death itself. The miraculous rapid healing of any wounds or injuries it is directly
drug is capable of restoring life to the recently applied to, causing them to visibly close up before
deceased, so long as the body is still intact and no the user's eyes. Even broken bones and internal
more than a few days have elapsed. In cases of organs can be mended, though some care must be
violent death, the body must first be repaired taken to set bones so they don't heal improperly.
before Reagent has any hope of success. Even when Side effects are considered minimal, though
seemingly successful, it is possible that the organs addiction is possible and withdrawal symptoms can
simply start shutting down and the body returns to be problematic, but are rarely cause for serious
death once the drug has worn off. The exact nature concern.
of Reagent remains a mystery as the Witches guard
their secrets well and the substance defies Medicine Skill
traditional methods of analysis. If used in combination with an appropriate
medicine check to help an injured character (as
Reagent is even effective on Emissaries, though it described by the entry for the medicine skill), Vita is
appears to weaken or stress the bond between capable of healing an additional temporary injury
them and their Simulcra. and persistent injury (effectively healing 1d4+1 (T)
and 2 (P) injuries).
Reagent is the rarest and most expensive medical Rarity
drug in the galaxy. Perhaps due to the difficulty of Vita is commonly available for civilian purchase,
manufacturing it, or the materials it requires, it is though is more frequently used by hospitals and
produced only in extreme small quantities by the medical centres than individuals. Armed forces and
Witches of Cetebos. Rather than be sold for profit, industrial facilities prone to serious accidents also
Reagent is more often used as a bargaining tool or commonly possess stockpiles of Vita.
as leverage, such as when an important political
figure loses their only child to an incurable illness.
The first value represents the armour provided to 1 ordinary damage = 1 Light Vehicle (VL) damage
attacks against the front of the vehicle. The second 10 VL damage = 1 Medium Vehicle (VM) damage
value the side and the third value the rear. Most 10 VM damage = 1 Heavy Vehicle (VH) damage
armoured vehicles are more vulnerable to the sides
and rear. The defence rating of the armour is added However, larger weapons are unwieldy and suffer
to the vehicle's toughness for the purposes of circumstance penalties when attempting to hit
determining how much damage is dealt to it. The smaller targets. Light vehicle weapons do not suffer
defence type indicates what kind of damage the any additional penalties. Medium vehicle weapons
armour protects against. If the defence type is suffer two circumstance penalties when attempting
temporary, then the armour only reduces to hit targets smaller than medium vehicle scale.
temporary damage and has no effect on persistent Large vehicle weapons suffer four circumstance
damage. If the defence type is persistent, then the penalties when attempting to hit targets smaller
armour reduces both temporary and persistent than heavy vehicle scale.
damage. An example for the type of armour
possessed by a tank is given below: Vehicle Modules 149
Some larger vehicles have modules which may be
Defence rating: 8/4/3 (P) (VM) targeted separately from the main body of the
Defence type: Persistent vehicle. These modules are treated as smaller
Vehicle scale: Medium vehicles and destroying them may reduce the
combat effectiveness of the whole vehicle. All
If an amount of persistent damage dealt to a vehicle modules belonging to a vehicle are considered
is less than the rating of the armour protecting it destroyed if the main body of the vehicle is
then the vehicle does not suffer the usual automatic destroyed. However, modules remain operational if
temporary defect. a vehicle is disabled.
The vehicle possesses tracks that allow it move over
difficult and soft terrain with ease. Up to two
circumstance penalties are removed from
drive/pilot checks caused by difficult, muddy or
snowy terrain.
Traits Traits
Navigational aids Navigational aids
Open top (2)
Weapons Weapons
None None
Could be modified for light weapons Could be modified for light weapons
Electric cars are common on most civilised Grav bikes are one of the cheapest ways to acquire
terrestrial worlds. Though they come in different a fast vehicle capable of flight, making them very
shapes and sizes, the basic performance doesn't popular amongst younger drivers or those with a
tend to vary too much from one model to the next. need for such mobility. However, compared to
Within the central region of the Third Golden other vehicles, grav bikes are quite fragile and
Empire, Myd-Cadilon has cornered the high end almost completely expose their riders. Honarah
market with a range of distinctive, geometric Aerospace is especially well regarded for their grav
designs, famous for the highly reflective coatings bike designs, having applied much of their
used in their finish. experience and expertise from the design and
construction of larger civilian and military aerospace
Electric cars are highly reliable vehicles, capable of craft.
transporting passengers in supreme comfort over
great stretches of terrain. Although not specifically Grav bikes are a popular light vehicle amongst
designed for off-road use, all modern vehicles come Emissaries, being easy to transport and allowing fast
with such features as self-sealing tyres and travel and access to higher vantage points without
adjustable electromagnetic suspension as standard. drawing the attention that a larger vehicle would
Militias and criminal groups have modified electric bring. Grav bikes were also popular in the role of
cars to mount a variety of light weapons with mixed military reconnaissance, though have been largely
results, though such vehicles lack the protection replaced by autonomous machines in modern
and durability of dedicated military vehicles. service.
Traits Traits
Navigational aids Navigational aids
Flight Fast
Hover Flight
Weapons Weapons
None None
Could be modified for light weapons Could be modified for light weapons
Grav cars are less common and somewhat more Grav speeders and essentially grav cars that have
expensive than their land-bound counterparts, been extensively modified, or specifically designed,
though they remain popular in most urban for competitive racing. Grav speeders are capable of
environments. In the megacities of the inner extremely high speeds on the ground and in the air,
empire, where space is a premium and buildings rivalling even some dedicated aircraft. Many
often rise to cloud level, such vehicles are almost a manufacturers produce limited runs of exotic grav
necessity. Myd-Cadilon and Honarah Aerospace speeders for a variety of racing events hosted
both compete for market share in this sector, with around the galaxy. As with other grav vehicles,
Honarah dominating the consumer market and Honarah Aerospace are the biggest players in the
Myd-Cadilon maintaining an edge in the luxury industry.
Grav speeders offer all of the benefits of the best
Grav cars are versatile commercial vehicles with grav cars, only with decreased passenger capacity
balanced performance characteristics and a useful and vastly improved straight line performance.
range of features, allowing travel over land and Speeders are less commonly modified for combat
through the air at moderate speed. As with electric purposes, mostly due to their increased cost and
cars, grav cars have been modified to fulfil combat more conspicuous styling. However, some gangs
roles in some circumstances. Although incredibly and criminal organisations have found a use for
vulnerable to return fire from genuine combat them as getaway vehicles or a cheaper alternative
vehicles, particularly aircraft, the ability to fill the to dedicated atmospheric fighters.
role of a light gunship can be priceless against ill-
prepared opponents.
Traits Traits
All terrain All terrain
Defensive grenades (2) Motile
Motile Navigational aids
Navigational aids
Night sights
Weapons Weapons
1x Autocannon (forwards) None
Could be modified for light weapons
Light infantry mechs have largely been supplanted Loader mechs are demilitarised infantry mechs with
by armoured exosuits in the heavy infantry role, but armour and weapons stripped away and a modified
still offer some clear advantages of their own. control system more suitable for commercial
Kerber Land Systems has cemented itself as the operations. Many companies offer loader mechs
industry leader in ground combat vehicle design based on obsolete infantry mech designs or even
and its modernised Gepard infantry mech is a best conversion services. However, such solutions may
seller around the galaxy. Combining exceptional have unexpectedly short operational lives or high
affordability with extreme mobility and competitive maintenance costs due to the increased wear and
frontal armour, the Gepard dominates the four- tear caused by military use of the original chassis.
metre class. By contrast, the TCD Takaashigani is a new build
with reinforced joints suitable for continuous low
Infantry mechs are often too large and unwieldy to intensity operation and extreme heavy lifting.
be used effectively indoors or aboard spacecraft,
while offering no significant advantage over Loader mechs could be pressed into combat
exosuits in terms of protection or firepower. operations in an act of desperation, but are
However, their exceptional speed and mobility over effectively unarmoured and lack the control
difficult terrain makes them ideal in mountainous or systems suitable for effective weapon use.
forest environments, where the deployment of However, they are still relatively powerful machines
larger vehicles is more restricted. capable of moving at high speed and could crush or
trample unprotected humanoids in their way.
Traits Traits
Micro thopters are a popular class of light vehicle Until the market resurgence caused by the
primarily intended for high speed travel over long introduction of Kerber Land System's Gepard 1,
distances by land and air. Using advanced adoption of combat mechs in the four-metre class
biotechnology, they are resistant to was mostly limited to special forces groups. Zeikon
electromagnetic interference and capable of Heavy Industries' IXUS Stealth Mech, despite its
refuelling from a wide variety of different fuels. futuristic appearance, is in fact not a new build, but
Odonata Biotechnology is a joint venture between an extensively upgraded IXU Centurion fitted with a
several Insectoid and Bioartisan companies that state of the art thermoptic camouflage package,
specialises in thopter-style aircraft of various sizes, conformal fuel tanks and an all new laser cannon.
their M15 Super Nymph is currently the most
successful single-seater micro thopter on the As special forces often operate in difficult
market. environments without organic vehicle support, or
deep behind enemy lines, the exceptional mobility
Micro thopters are relatively expensive and offer of infantry mechs was highly prized. Additionally,
little in the way of pilot comfort or protection. Their their larger size allowed them to be fitted with
delicate wings and articulated legs are easily specialist equipment more easily than exosuits,
damaged by weapons fire, but are deceptively often sporting advanced camouflage systems or
reliable in normal operation. Emissaries may find ECM. Emissaries facing similar situations may also
such thopters to be incredibly useful when a find such mechs useful at times.
combination of speed and stealth is required, or
when other vehicles are rendered inoperable by
EMP-like effects.
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
1x Heavy MG (forwards) 1x Autocannon (turret)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
1x Light laser (forwards) 1x Medium laser (turret)
Could be modified for light or medium weapons
Traits Traits
Tremendous speed (2)
Weapons Weapons
1x Autocannon (forwards) None
2x Guided missiles (forwards)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
2x Autocannon (forward) None
4x Rocket pod (forward)
Special rules
If the engine is disabled whilst the aircraft is in
flight, it will immediately begin to crash and must
make an emergency landing (TR 18) or be destroyed
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
None None
Special rules
If the engine is disabled whilst the aircraft is in
flight, it will immediately begin to crash and must
make an emergency landing (TR 18) or be destroyed
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
None None
Could be modified for light or medium weapons
Special rules
If the jets are disabled whilst the aircraft is in
atmospheric flight, it will immediately begin to
crash and must make an emergency landing (TR 18)
or be destroyed instantly.
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
1x Light laser (forwards) 1x Heavy laser (turret)
1x Light laser (turret)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
None 1x Particle beam (turret)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
1x Compact railgun (forwards) None
Traits Traits
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
1x Heavy MG (forwards) 1x Battle cannon (turret)
1x Light MG (turret)
Traits Traits
Biological Turret
Space flight
Weapons Weapons
4x Naval lasers (forwards) 1x Naval railgun (turret)
8x Tactical missiles (forwards)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
4x Naval lasers (left) None
4x Naval lasers (right)
25x Tactical missiles (forwards)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
2x Naval lasers (turret) None
4x Tactical missiles (left)
4x Tactical missiles (right)
16x Guided missiles (forwards)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
2x Naval lasers (turret) None
2x Tactical missiles (left)
2x Tactical missiles (right)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)
Traits Traits
Biological Radar
ECM Stabilised
Jump computer Turret
Space flight
Weapons Weapons
6x Heavy lasers (forwards) 1x Naval particle beam (turret)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
Could be modified for medium weapons 2x Heavy laser (turret)
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
1x Orion cannon (forwards) 1x Siege cannon (turret)
4x Heavy lasers (left) 1x Light laser (turret)
4x Heavy lasers (right)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)
Traits Traits
Hangar Weapons
20x Orbital interceptors None
5x Technosapien bombers
Traits Traits
Weapons Weapons
1x Naval railgun (forwards) None
2x Tactical missiles (forwards)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)
2x Heavy lasers (turret)
Special rules
If the bridge is disabled, the ship may only perform
a single action each turn and suffers a circumstance
penalty to any attack or manoeuvre rolls.
2x Light lasers (turret)
Defensive Package
Purchase TR: 26
Durability +1
Shields (4/4/4) (VM)
Mobility -1
Light lasers removed
Stealth Package
Purchase TR: 22
Thermoptic camouflage
Decoys removed
ECM removed
The Guild
The guild of Emissaries is a loose organisation with
no apparent centralisation and no clear hierarchical
structure, there are no ranks, titles or permanent
positions. However, requests and suggestions made
by older and more experienced Emissaries are
generally expected to be followed when possible.
Newly trained Emissaries are grouped up with
others from their own generation, equipped from a
communal armoury and put into contact with one
or more experienced Emissaries, from whom they
might seek advice or guidance when necessary.
Profit or Prophet?
After the mysterious death of Archanlyst Jaidyn,
first prophet of the Economicon, the church fell into
chaos, with many vying for control. Among them
were true believes in positions of power and those
who merely wished to profit from the organisation's
success. From this chaos, Jaidyn's latest wife, Isa
Castilla, eventually emerged victorious.
Fallen Abilities
Force an opponent to re-roll one or both of the
d10s from any skill or characteristic check and
subtract 1d6 to the result.
The psionic powers of the Witches of Cetebos far
exceed those of any ordinary psion, they are both
greater in magnitude and capable of more varied
effects. By channeling their Spirit and spending it, in
a similar way to Sympathy for an Emissary, they are
capable of great psionic feats. Like Sympathy, a
Witch's Spirit can be recovered by resting for a
period of five hours. The amount of Spirit an
individual Witch has access to can range from 1 to 5
and will be stated in their stat block.
Psionic Abilities
Gain the psionic senses traits for 1d6 minutes.
These massive creatures resemble an enormous Assassin Mimics are alarmingly similar in
armoured hand and are capable of marching at appearance to Insectoids, but possess only a
surprising speed across the ground by walking on cunning instinctual intelligence. An adult will
the tips of their five segmented arms. An Armoured typically grow to a full height of around two metres
Starfish can live to be thousands of years old and and mass between 50 and 60kg. Although fully
grows continuously throughout its life time, though capable of flight and incredible bursts of speed,
its growth rate does slow as it becomes larger. Assassin Mimics are rarely seen to use their wings
Adults have been known to grow to almost three and are known for their slow and extremely
metres across and mass as much as 200kg, with methodical movements. It is thought that the wings
reports of even larger individuals being fairly may play a role in mating displays and in larger
common but unconfirmed. migratory movements.
Armoured Starfish are omnivorous and tend not to Assassin Mimics are aggressive predators, but
be aggressive or predatory, generally conserving always prefer to stalk and hunt their prey carefully.
their energy and feasting on plant life and Masters of stealth and mimicry, they stalk and
carcasses. However, if provoked or starved, observe their prey for days at a time, learning their
Armoured Starfish may become aggressive and routines, body language and calls. If disturbed,
attack by thrashing and grappling with their noticed or encountered by chance, the Mimic will
powerful arms. Their thick segmented shell and attempt to flee rapidly if possible. Assassin Mimics
incredible ability to heal from almost any injury are capable of producing a wide spectrum of
makes Armoured Starfish extremely difficult to kill sounds, mindlessly copying even intelligent speech
and so they have few natural predators. The bizarre down to the unique inflections of a specific
healing factor is thought to be part of the individual. Once a target has been lured out on its
mechanism that enables them to survive doses of own, the Mimic will strike with lightning fast
radiation that would be fatal to most humanoids. reflexes.
Despite its size and bulk, the Avatar is capable of Bodyguards are typically used to protect Bioartisan
immense speed and attacks furiously in hand-to- officials from potentially dangerous customers or
hand combat. Protected by its exotic hide, the business partners, but have at times been used for
Avatar of Caliban fears no injury or mundane corporation espionage or assassination. Bodyguards
weapon and is virtually oblivious to any threats or will always obey their masters and take action to
intimidation. It is not unusual for the Avatar to protect them from harm. In combat Bodyguards are
consume the bodies of those it has killed in battle. overwhelmingly fast and powerful and move with
measured efficiency.
Brain Moths are massive delicate creatures that Brain Moth Infesters are the final stage in the Brain
resemble a terrestrial moth or butterfly, except that Moth life cycle, with the body growing bloated and
they possess six brightly coloured wings and are the wings being shed. The body of the Brain Moth
capable of surviving in total vacuum. The wing span Infester has the appearance of a 4kg maggot with
of a Brain Moth can exceed 6m from tip to tip, psychedelic patterns of colour across its skin that
although their body mass rarely exceeds 2kg. Brain pulse and change as it moves. Unlike its younger
Moths are known to be extremely intelligent, winged stage, the Infester is incapable of surviving
though possess no language and seem oblivious to in space.
any attempts of communication. It is believed that
Brain Moths are the result of a rogue biotechnology Brain Moth Infesters use a combination of stealth
experiment. and mind control to claim their victims and are
almost universally feared by humanoid races.
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Don't you dare knock that off the shelf! Yes, you. I
will end you if you break that. No!
A Fallen Emissary is no less deadly in battle than an Few opponents have the potential to be more
Emissary of equivalent experience. terrifying or more dangerous.
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Gas Cow Giant Oceanic Leech
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
4 2 8 2 6 4 5 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2
Agility 14 Appearance 14 Agility 18 Appearance 14
Speed 16 Willpower 4 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 16 Toughness 10
Jovian Sharks are aggressive and will frequently Jovian Squid are solitary and very risk averse, they
attack and bite anything they comes across. Their prefer to dwell in the deeper layers of the gas giant
behaviour in combat is quite basic, simply charging atmosphere, safe from Sharks and larger Squid.
and attacking their target repeatedly, only relenting Their tentacles are sensitive to the atmospheric
when it is dead or after a number of bites fail to currents caused by the movement of large Gas Cow
reveal any edible flesh. Jovian Sharks do not herds in the upper layers. Large atmospheric craft
respond well to intimidation or attempts to may also provoke a Squid to attack, having been
dissuade them with violence, such actions only mistaken for their prey.
make them more aggressive.
Mechanoid Labourers are former slaves who have Montgolfier Bubble Fish are a posthuman race
been freed from oppression and allowed to become adapted to life within the atmospheres of Jovian
fully fledged citizens of the Empire. While some worlds. Resembling something like a giant bloated
Mechanoids have chosen to adapt and redesign head, the few humanoid features retained hold only
their physical appearances, Labourers frequently a passing similarity to their original forms. With all
retain their former designs, often sporting limbs of their limbs atrophied away or reduced to a
that end in a variety of industrial tools. Embracing vestigial nature, Bubble Fish rely on their prehensile
their inherent talents and abilities, along with their tongues to interact with the world around them.
freedom, many Labourers have become skilled What were once ears now function as massive fins
engineers or artisans. Though less common today, on the side of their bodies, capable of moving to
due in large part to their widespread acceptance, propel them through the thick atmosphere. Despite
for a while it was common for freed Mechanoids to their huge skulls, their brains are relatively small, as
band together, forming their own self-sufficient most of the space inside is taken up by floatation
communities. Skilled Labourers were vital for such sacks used to control their buoyancy.
communities to exist, being able to run
maintenance clinics and build the infrastructure of Montgolfier Bubble Fish are short tempered and
civilisation. impatient, which frequently leads to heated
arguments and escalated violence. Prior to trading
Labourers are not skilled in combat and most have with other races for superior technology and
made little attempt to learn these skills since physical resources, Bubble Fish were largely
obtaining their freedom. However, a Mechanoid incapable of causing physical damage to one
Labourer is still a physically powerful being and has another. However, since the proliferation of
tools which could be lethal to more fleshy species. firearms on Jovian worlds, many Bubble Fish have
become quite paranoid and shut themselves away,
using hired mercenaries to deal with strangers.
Thermal Maggots are the larval stage of Watchers. Timeless Builders are a strange race of machine life,
Resembling large burrowing worms, their bodies are descended from the creations of a now dead
white and segmented with a thick outer skin. They transhuman race. Their forms and designs vary
favour warm environments and are capable of greatly, from a few millimetres in length to
tolerating heat far in excess of most other living exceeding that of the largest warships. The most
creatures. In their natural environments, Thermal commonly encountered smaller Builders are
Maggots are often found in the ground around approximately the size of an adult human and
geothermal vents, magma pockets or other hot somewhat resemble a combination of lobster and
spots. However, they are also attracted to power octopus in appearance.
stations and the warm engine bays of unattended
starships, occasionally with disastrous results. Timeless Builders are not typically aggressive and
have never been known to cause injuries to
Thermal Maggots are not especially dangerous or members of the other races of the galaxy, though
effective combatants, but can be a threat to they do frequently fight with each other for reasons
humanoids simply due to their large size and sharp that are not well understood. It is known that faults
teeth. However, they are often found in relatively and software corruptions do occur among their
large numbers and, while a single Maggot might not kind, so the possibility of a dangerous rogue can't
be a danger, a swarm of them can quickly be completely discounted. However, such rogues
overwhelm much stronger opponents. are not tolerated by other Builders and scholars
have observed specialised Builders, known as
Reapers, hunting potentially dangerous anomalies
Watchers are the adult stage of Thermal Maggots Watcher Queens are a rare form of adult Watcher,
and are considerably more dangerous, capable of emerging from approximately only one in a hundred
flight and projecting deadly beams of coherent light Thermal Maggots. They share the appearance of
from their heads. Approximately the size of an adult other Adult Watchers, although grow to almost four
human, they resemble massive four-legged flies times the size and are the only Watchers capable of
with heads that are studded with a seemingly reproducing. A single Queen is able to lay fifty
random arrangement of eyes around the central Maggot eggs in a single batch and may lay several
lens. Although incapable of space flight, they can such batches over a period of three standard
even survive in the vacuum of space. months before its short life ends.
Traits 273
Death wish
Expert disarm
Blood opera (mastery)
Gunslinger (mastery)
Die hard
Resolute (mastery)
Psion (mastery)
Danger sense
Eagle eyes
Cybernetic arm
Joint motors
Laminated skeleton
Multispectral vision
Traits 274
Adaptable Psyche
Memory training
Seen it All
Abstract Knowledge
Eidetic Memory
Cold Reading
He pauses and for a moment you notice the flicker The players may not yet leave the station, but are
of a mischievous smile cross his face. To any others
it would have been barely visible, ignored as nothing
otherwise free to explore it. As well as the central
training room, the stations possesses four smaller 276
more than a twitch, but you know this man too well. training rooms, accessible from a circular corridors
around the central area, an archive, armoury, dining
“But not yet. Indulge an old man one last time and hall, hangar and residential block with rooms for up
show me the fruits of your training. With nothing to thirty people, most of which are currently
more than your chosen weapon and your combat unoccupied. There are also maintenance hatches
skills, defeat these foul creatures!” leading to the reactor and communications array,
though these are currently locked and presumably
Maximillion waves his hand and from the walls require some kind of maintenance pass.
burst forth a group of aggressive synthoids, one for
each player and each holding an arming sword in This is a good opportunity to let players explore,
hand. The arena is a circular area, some 30m in chat with each other and make some basic skill
radius and with a ceiling 15m high. From the floor, checks in a safe environment. After some time has
pillars and low walls emerge at random, providing passed, the station lights will shut off and an
scattered cover and obstacles. intercom voice will announce “Station now
simulating one standard night cycle”. This can be
This is a good opportunity as a GM to teach players used to accelerate the pace of the game if too much
the fundamentals of combat and skill use. The time is being wasted.
character with the highest agility acts first, followed
by the rest in order. If there is a tie, tied players
each roll a die and the player with the highest result
goes first. A character may make two actions during
a turn, such as moving, attacking or using a skill.
Refer to the relevant chapters for more details.
Dining hall
you. My old friend and former student, the Emissary
Alaric Barca, has been found dead on his personal 278
A relatively spacious area that once sat almost thirty transport. I ask of you to help me investigate this
hopefuls, the empty tables are a reminder of those matter and, if necessary, take action in the name of
who didn't make it this far. Memories of raucous justice. Details are sparse at the moment, but I will
celebrations and sad farewells fill this place. An try to answer what questions you might have.”
Emissary should embrace such feelings without
being influenced by them. More importantly, there Alaric's transport appears to have been set to
are also delicious snacks and cans of Psychoschlock autopilot and was on a course that would have
beer in the stores. A TR 14 investigate check reveals eventually seen it arrive at this very station.
an expensive looking bottle of Caladorian Ale that However, it was challenged on the way, not far
Maximillion had stashed away. from here, by an Imperial vessel carrying out
routine cargo inspections. When the transport
Hangar didn't respond, they boarded it and made the
The hangar is a cavernous area situated behind a startling discovery. Apparently things have been left
double airlock, a combination of blast door and as they were found and the transport has been
force field prevent air from escaping out into the impounded at a local base, where personnel were
void of space. A modified Starstreak IV, belonging to instructed to await further orders. The guild of
the characters, sits in the centre of the hangar, Emissaries was contacted, being deemed most
currently being serviced by a host of simple robotic qualified to investigate the matter, and the
engineers. Players may board and appraise their information was passed on to Maximillion, who was
vehicle, although it is currently in the process of the closest available Emissary at the time.
being prepared for flight operations and cannot yet
be flown. Maximillion suggests that they embark on the
Starstreak and leave for the Imperial base as soon
as everyone is ready to depart. If they do so, the
journey is short and uneventful, just a few hours of
transit to arrive at the base.
TR 12: TR 12:
A rolled up star chart is found on the floor. It is An Emissary weapon, an enhanced crystal blade, is
partially stained with blood and appears to have concealed in a shoulder holster between the body
been stepped on, but some annotations can be armour and the coat. A pair of empty hybrid pistols
made out. Etros Shell World is circled on the map are tucked into belt holsters on either side of the
and appears to be the destination of a journey that body.
began at Aldor Station. There are navigation
coordinates for a location in the Etros system. TR 14:
As above. The belt also has pouches that seem like
TR 14: they would be a perfect fit for hybrid pistol
As above. The storage lockers contain some magazines, but all of the pouches are empty.
personal belongings including games, data terminals
and navigation charts. Some of the items are An appropriate knowledge (such as medicine) or
labelled and you come across the names Alaric, medicine check on the body reveals the following:
Anra and Ezra.
TR 12:
TR 16: The body has multiple, relatively deep wounds
As above. The diary of an Emissary called Anra is caused by a short slashing weapon. There are also
stashed behind a panel at the bottom of one of the multiple, long scars over parts of the body.
storage lockers. Recent entries talk about
investigating a series of unusual events that TR 14:
occurred at a research facility on Etros Shell World. As above. The spacing of the wounds suggests that
Details are fairly sparse, but it talks about workers they might have been caused by raking claws,
going missing and reports of an unusual cult. These although the cuts are very clean, of the sort
latest entries are only a few days old. produced by a very sharp knife. The scars are very
recent and are of the sort that might be left behind
after the other wounds had healed.
“The longer you delay, the less I can guarantee your Powers:
safety. You have stirred dark memories in my mind. Fallen Abilities
Truths I had wished forgotten. I do not know how Wild Form
long I can control myself.” Thorny Growths
Ostavo will as much as admit to being a Fallen Caegla is a powerful Fallen Emissary, though her 297
Emissary and will not deny it if confronted, but he personality has been reduced to that of a wild
will not use the terms explicitly, especially in animal. There is no sense of planning or thought to
connection to the absent Caegla. Even in his present her actions, only aggression and simple instinctive
state, he is aware that explicitly identifying her as a responses. She will attack savagely and quickly use
Fallen Emissary will mean that the ideal of Duty is one of her two unspent points of Apathy to activate
not truly satisfied while she is alive. one of her powers. After suffering 4 or more
injuries, Caegla's central mass will begin to unfurl,
If the characters decide to kill Ostavo and Mike, revealing an axe. This is the Axe of the Fallen
they will put up no resistance. However, if the (1d10+6 (P)) and will replace one of Caegla's natural
characters remain by the bonfire for too long weapons for the rest of the fight. Caegla will drop
debating their next actions, or remain there after the axe and attempt to flee once she has suffered 8
taking their actions, eventually Caegla will arrive at injuries.
the bonfire.
TR 14:
The upper floor of the facility consists of nothing
more than a computer room. A breeze of exterior
air leads to cracks and fractures in the structure.
Although intact, explosives used against the exterior
must have still breached the wall. Fragmentation
seems to have destroyed all of the exposed
If characters wish to research Harea or any of the There are some rumours in the media of Augustus
major players any further, they may make Kelly being in a scandalous relationship with an
appropriate knowledge or academics checks, or Electrotomb Ghost. Though the evidence amounts
socialise with any contacts they might have made. to one poorly taken image, it has sparked discussion
in some circles.
TR 12:
Harea is a desert planet rich in valuable fuel
resources that are ordinarily more difficult to
extract. The discovery of Harea caused a rush
among industrial corporations to establish a
presence there. Unfortunately, the plague of
hooded worms prevented profitable exploitation of
Harea and most corporations pulled out, with many
losing a lot of resources in the process.
“You're looking at several generations worth of “I can take you there if you want, but honestly I'd
miners when you meet the refinery locals. All most rather not go. We salvaged anything of value years
of them want to do is keep their jobs, their families ago. It's just the corpse of a refinery now. It
and their homes. This place might seem awful to happened when I was a baby. The mining pit
you, but that's what it is to them. They feel like TCD managed to disturb a nearby worm nest and the
has sold them off, like unwanted assets, and they're idiots lead them right back to the refinery when
quite rightly scared. And angry. Scared and angry. I they ran. I'm told there were thousands of the
can introduce you to some people who can speak things crawling over it. The main chimney literally
for them later, if you want. I imagine you have other bent under the weight of them coiling around it.
business first though.” They found me shut inside a toolbox on this very
gravsled about half a mile from where it happened.
If the players ask about Aradia's opinion: No sign of my parents.”
“I was born and raised here, but I don't want to Refinery One
spend the rest of my life in this place. I'm an orphan, Refinery One is like a cross between a factory and a
brought up by the miners until I could look after city. The central refinery complex is buried under
myself. My parents were killed in a worm attack at concentric rings of shanty houses, suspended
the ruined refinery, well, it wasn't ruined then. I walkways and family businesses. Massive
don't want to see the miners hurt or lose their jobs, ventilation ducts snake around and between
but I'd do anything to fly away from here. Legally, I buildings. Moisture condensers, connected to the
don't know who has the better claim. I just can't main chimney by steel cables, stretch out across the
help but think that something bad is going to sky, providing both water and shade to those below.
happen if things aren't resolved soon.” Not one of the buildings is less than ten metres
above ground. Trees and vegetation, clearly not
If the players ask about how they can get around native to Harea, bizarrely sprout from roof-top
the canyon: gardens.
“Well, if you're desperate, you can always walk or “Welcome to Refinery One. The height of culture 310
use a buggy. I wouldn't recommend either though, and civilization on Harea. Don't listen to what the
for obvious reasons right? I have a gravsled that we people over at Refinery Two say. This one is the
can use though. If you really need to go off by good one.”
yourselves, then I can lend it to you, but I'd really
appreciate it back in one piece. It's hard to move Players can easily find anything they would find in a
heavy parts around without it.” primitive city at Refinery One. There are shops and
businesses of all kinds, though somewhat lacking in
If any of the Emissaries can fly, Aradia will quickly most advanced technologies. The local food is
become besotted with them, asking them questions somewhat pricey and consists largely of fried desert
about what it's like, how high and fast they can go bugs and vegetables that have clearly been selected
and how much they can lift. She will drop hints for yield rather than taste.
about wanting a lift, but is too embarrassed to
actually ask directly. “If you don't mind slumming it with the natives,
there's a good restaurant and bar around here
Ruined Refinery where one of my friends works. Of course, if you
The journey to Refinery One will take the players want something a bit classier, there's a place for the
past the Ruined Refinery. Crooked chimneys and VIPs that serves food imported from off world. It's
rusted pipes jut out of the hot sand, forming a too expensive for locals, but I imagine that wouldn't
labyrinth of twisted metal. Aradia will glance at it be a problem for you.”
sadly, but won't say anything. If the players were to
inspect it more closely, they'd find it nothing more If the players elect to go to the VIP restaurant,
than a rusted and gutted hulk, home to the Aradia will look slightly disappointed at them. She
occasional pack of hooded worms. Everything of politely refuses if they offer to buy her some.
value has long since been stripped away or worn
down by worms and sandstorms. “No thanks, I wouldn't want to develop a taste for
She looks pleased if they tell her that it isn't. As the players approach, the Technosapien troops
and sentries will train their guns cautiously towards
“What do you want me to do tomorrow? I need to them, but continue to hold their fire. Up close, it is
take the gravsled with me to get back down, but I possible to see that the Guards have painted their
can come and pick you up in the morning if you armoured carapaces in desert camouflage and wear
want. I imagine you probably want to start flexible dust covers over their joints and mechanical
arranging some meetings.” parts. Once they get within a hundred metres of the
ship, a large Guard with step forwards and address
A TR 16 communication, expression or manipulation the players.
check will allow a player to persuade Aradia to stay
in the VIP rooms overnight, leaving the gravsled
outside. A TR 20 check could persuade her to leave
“Identify yourselves.”
them the gravsled and have a friend pick her up. The Guard is reluctant to allow the players an
audience with anyone important, but can be
Alternatively, if the players don't want to stay at the persuaded to pass a request on to his commanding
hotel, Aradia can find a local community centre that officers with a successful TR 14 manipulation or
will put them up for the night. Refinery One doesn't communication check. An expression check can also
get many visitors, but there are a few places where succeed, but has a TR of 18, due to the Guard's
people can stay. disregard of an emotional plea.
“I negotiated a deal with TCD for the rights to begin “Emissaries are you? Yeah right. Why don't you just
a mining operation here and I intend to see that turn back around and leave before we make you.”
through. It is too late for them to change their
minds and back out after things had already been The mercenary is looking for a fight and won't stand 313
agreed.” down easily, but a TR 18 intimidate or streetwise
check will get him to back down. Failing that, a fight
“We have expended time, effort and resources in could break out.
preparing ourselves for this. We have prefabricated
mining equipment and drones aboard. We have “If you're Emissaries, then prove it. One of you fight
drawn up plans for automated refineries. We me.”
already have partnerships negotiated for selling fuel
within the Central Empire.” The mercenary throws down his gun and pulls a
large power knife out of a scabbard around his
“I will not simply leave with nothing to show for it. If waist.
nothing else, my pride simply wouldn't allow it.”
Mercenary Ringleader
If asked about the local miners: Agility 18
Speed 17
“It is regrettable that TCD did not inform them of Toughness 8
their intention to shut down the mining operation Willpower 6
here. We could potentially take some people on as Armour 8 (P) (Medium armour)
permanent advisers and would, of course, be willing Weapons (melee) 4 (+7)
to establish a transitional period. However, our long Damage 1d6+3 (P) (Power knife)
term intention is to automate and expand.” Allies
CQC Training
“We have no intention of causing any harm to Close Combat Expert
anyone, but understand that we will defend our Expert Disarm
assets if necessary. Speaking frankly, I would
appreciate it if you could explain this to the local
people. If they remain civil, there is no need for any
“Of course we intend to keep the miners employed. “Whoa. That's weird, there aren't any birds on
We wouldn't consider anything else. I don't know Harea.”
the first thing about mining, so I'm counting on their
experience. We will make sure they live comfortably Journey back to Refinery One
and that their money ends up where it won't hurt Aradia is silent for the first half of the journey back,
anyone – lining my pockets. I'm joking of course, but but seems restless. Eventually she decides to speak
they know that we're the better option. We've her mind. She starts by asking about the meetings.
already been talking with the local unions, you see.”
“What did you think of them?” 317
If asked about why they want the mining contract:
She listens to their responses thoughtfully and
“We can't have people dangerously profiting off of responds if the players ask her opinion.
all of these untapped resources. We plan to mine it
for ourselves and make sure that the local economy “I don't know how the miners would cope with the
is undamaged.” Technosapiens taking over the mining operation, it
would be a big change and probably the end of the
If asked about the declining profitability of the world they know. I didn't think that Coren seemed
mining operation: like a bad person though. A bit scary maybe, but I
didn't feel like she was hiding anything. The Baron
“Nonsense, all propaganda. This place is wealth of didn't seem very trustworthy.”
valuable natural resources, its just been
mismanaged.” After a while, Aradia starts again.
If asked about the Technosapiens: “I wanted to see what you were like before I
mentioned anything, but I think I know what the
“Have you met that thing? Monstrous creature. It Baron is really here for. There's something in the
thinks its people just because it can wear dresses canyon. Not just fuel. If he secured the mining
and fake facial expressions. You honestly think it rights, then he'd also have ownership of it. I just
cares at all about the miners? If it doesn't have don't understand how he can know about it.”
them deported and dumped on some local planet or
station, it'll just leave them to starve.” If the players ask about what's in the canyon:
“You need to explain to that Coren that it's over, “It's easier if I just show you tomorrow.”
they lost. When the contract comes through, we're
going to take what belongs to us and the locals are A persistent argument or a relevant TR 14
going to help us do it. They want us here. Nobody communication, expression, manipulation or
else is going to look out for them. Persuade Coren to intimidate check can persuade Aradia to open up a
give up and leave, otherwise we'll fight for it.” bit more.
Travel by Ship
If the players choose to travel immediately and use
their own ship, then they will have to make a short
journey back to the PDF base to retrieve it first. If
they prevented the miners from becoming hostile
towards the Technosapiens, then they will find the
base largely unoccupied and nothing eventful will
Antimatter beam
Range (km) 100/500/1000
Damage 3d20/2d20/1d20 (P) (VH)
Ammunition 1
Blast (1km radius)
Slow reload
Destroying a leg of The Sleeper reduces the If Aradia survives, she will ask the Emissaries to give
toughness, agility and speed of the body by 1, these her a ride to the nearest space station hub, so she
penalties stack as additional legs are destroyed. The can finally achieve her dream of leaving Harea. If
Sleeper will continue to move if all of its legs are the players refuse, she will instead go to work for
destroyed, gaining the hover trait. Ambassador Coren.
If Aradia survives, she will give up her dream of More esoteric Emissary powers, such as Animate
travelling into space, deciding instead of remain on Dead or Thought Police may also allow players to
Harea to help the survivors. access information that would otherwise be very
hard to find. In such cases, you should use best
Catching Ker Cudail judgement and don't be afraid of allowing things to
In all scenarios, if The Sleeper is destroyed, Ker stray from the path you had in mind. If things seem
Cudail will attempt to assassinate the Baron and his to be going too off track, you could use Aradia or
nephew, then escape by stealing his personal the sudden appearance of Cudail to push things in
transport in the confusion. If one or more of the another direction. Remember that failing the
players are present at the Economicon camp while mission is an entirely possible outcome, one that
this happens, they may attempt to prevent the could lead to an interesting follow up, dealing with
assassination attempt and stop Cudail from the ramifications of collapsing peace between the
escaping. If the players are able to capture Cudail Central Empire and Technosapien faction.
without killing her, she will reveal that she had a
personal grudge against the Baron.
Blood and Thunder Players must brave the death world to track down
A rogue Cetuscyborg of colossal size has been Heiyd, destroy her manufacturing facilities and
terrorising stations and shipping along the edge of uncover the end game of her plans. If a cure exists,
the Great Maelstrom. Unpredictable and savage, she may be the only one who can provide it.
attempts to intercept it have been fraught with
disaster. A lone Insectoid whaler, Captain Maviakos, From the Beyond
prepares to launch his vessel into the depths of the A Ghost Ambassador comes to tell of a divide within
Maelstrom to track down and destroy the beast, the Electrotomb that could result in a war between
seeking Emissaries and other exotic talents to join the dead. Ancient memories stirring from the
his crew. depths, a voice that something is coming and sides
need to be chosen. His message is vague, but he is
Players must descend into one of the most certain that a Ghost civil war has great ramifications
dangerous and unpredictable locations in the galaxy for the galaxy in the time to come.
to face down one of its most powerful monsters. As
the insanity increases, who knows what dark secrets Players must travel to the Electrotomb and use a
will be revealed. risky technology to enter a death-like state.
Entering its bizarre digital world, they must expose
The Indira Report the seeds of an ancient evil and resolve the conflict.
A seemingly alien space station has been discovered However, the longer they remain, the harder it
just beneath the surface of the Indira star. Though
completely intact, it remains inaccessible due to the
becomes to return.
extreme temperatures. Timeless Builders from the A Monster's Machinations
surrounding systems flock to its location, drawn in A Renfta Tur interstellar cargo hauler of
by some undetectable signal. Only a prototype considerable size goes out of control while in low
vessel with a mirror-steel hull can reach the station orbit over a major Bioartisan facility on Carson. The
before melting, but the acceleration required would incident results in thousands of deaths, but also
kill any normal pilots. Famed researcher, Joan Sol, exposes the horrifying illegal activities that had
reaches out to the guild of Emissaries for help. been taking place there in the name of the Uaerom
family. Emissaries are brought in to stop the fleeing
Players must travel to the interior of a star to Uaerom before they can evade capture.
unravel the mystery of the strange station. Using up
Sympathy merely to survive the journey and Players face a dangerous and resourceful enemy
needing some in reserve for the return trip, they who has been backed into a corner by
must overcome the challenges they find without unpredictable circumstances. They may also
relying on their powers. discover that there is more to Solanin Cain, the local
Renfta Tur manager, than they might have
Escape from Atraxis imagined.
The daughter of a wealthy Imperial politician is
kidnapped by pirates operating from a base on the
hellish world of Atraxis, after their ship was disabled
and boarded. The pirates have turned an
abandoned colony dome into a veritable fortress
that only Emissaries have any hope of penetrating.
To make matters worse, they will execute the girl in
24 hours if their demands are not met.
Handle animal 54 Opposing skill checks 32
Healing injuries 101 Opposition 6
Healing mental injuries 102
Heavy vehicle weapons 153 P
Heavy vehicles 175-185 Pacifism 81
Heavy worlds 196 Physical damage 101
Heroes and villains
Hive worlds
Positional combat
Powers overview
86 327
Humans 12 Prepared actions 91
Presence skills 48
I Presence traits 69
Ideals 75 Provoking an attack 89
Improvised attacks 93 Psionics 41
Injuries 101 Psychosis 103
Insectoids 14
Intelligence traits 67 R
Intellignce skills 42 Races 9
Intimidate 49 Reactions 6
Investigation 46 Reptillians 18
Restraint 82
J Rounds and turns 6
Jovians 199 Ruins Without Duty 289
Ruins Without Duty map 287-288
Knowledge 43 S
Scenarios 275
L Sense motive 47
Larceny 37 Simulcra 74
Leadership 50 Skill checks 5, 32
Lifeforms 233-270 Skills 20, 32
Light vehicle weapons 152 Socialise 54
Light vehicles 157-161 Special ammunition 119
Listen 46 Speed 88
Long term memory 39 Spot 47
Losing credit 112 Spray and pray 93
TRs 5, 32
Targeting vehicle crew 186
Technology 43
Technosapiens 227
Timeless builders 229
Timeline 190-191
Tiredness 88
Tools 114
Track 48
21, 58
104 328
Unarmed 34, 92
Unconsciousness 101
Universal traits 59-62
Unusual traits 71-72
Vehicle armour 149
Vehicle crew 186
Vehicle modules 149
Vehicle scale 150
Vehicle traits 154-156
Vehicle weapons 149
Weapon qualities 121
Weapons (melee) 35, 92
Weapons (ranged) 38, 92
Weather 195
Wings Over Harea 305
Wings Over Harea map 303-304
Witches of Cetebos 230
Working memory 45
World Tree 210
Wormholes 216