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Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Kickstarter Backers

We would like to greatly thank all of our Kickstarter

backers, without you this wouldn't have been

SPBreit Daniel Rhodes

Trip the Space Parasite Aron Smith
Mark S Cat
Isa Wills Eric Rupert
Vincent Arebalo Benjamin White
Mp Delaney John A Dunbar
NecroNuke9 Penda Tomlinson
Adrienne Michael C. Freeman
Martin Greening Michael Tree
Darryl Hills Althis
Pierre Savoie Devon "All Daggers" Anderson
Phillip McGregor Paul Rivers
Derek Guder Fluffy Dragon
Egil Töllner Selen Kelan
Kyle Urban Phillip Bailey
Shane B. Bauer Angus Abranson
Stras Acimovic Mark Edwards
Sean Andrew Peregrine
Justin Hall Jamie Revell
Chris Hartley Kristen Spicci
_Journeyman_ Rod Meek
Leo Jenicek Gregory Faber
Josh Medin GrazuDazul
Michael Kelly Al Billings
Pablo Blanco Jonathan Korman
Markus Plötz Jim Mason
Rob Chadwick Brent Litster
Matthew Lewis Pedro Rivera
Ollie Gross Dan VK
Julie fkirkpatrick
Michael Beck Joe Jones
EMISSARY mike bowie Patrice Mermoud
by Shrike Studio dave Ryan Timberlake
John A W Phillips Brent Naylor
Version 1.0 Mark Perry Colin Papworth
Oliver R Shead Steph
Thomas Victor Ventura
Bruce Gray Jeremy Kear
David Mallow Eric Coates
Author: Edward Little
Bradley West Matthew
Will Godar Spencer Karkosky
Editor: Jimi Reittu
Mike Shema Jacob Bush
Pete Godfrey Craig Bunce
Illustrators: Emmy Wahlbäck
alcethenecromancer Bjorn Huntermann
Evgeni Maloshenkov
Mike Williams Chris Guyott
Edward Little
Alex Blue Matt
Ryan Richmond
C. Steven Ross Count Thalim
Sebastian Breit
PinkZeppelin13 Charles A Goulding
Shen Fei
Parhelia Games Michael
Tan Ho Sim
Drew Wendorf Gert-Jan van der Krogt
Tan Nguyen
Cameron Swords Petr Shestov
Jeffrey Smith Andrew Fox
SirJAGman Hal Mangold
Olivia G Andrew
John W Raney CoolDJ

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Eric Damon Walters Kubec Peter Evanko Magnus B. Knudsen
Adam Doochin KarlTheGood Ed L Michele Paroli
Andrew MJ Adrian Williams Nicholas Rehder masada631
secondrevan Declan Barnes John C Alexander Acri
Team Dread Streets brant eckett Tom Mulheims Steven Watkins
Andrew Lotton Bernhard Hipfinger Kees Dedeu Zachary Heath
Mario Cordova Matthew Sky Klaus Martin Hoag
Eraman Charles Strange Kovács Róbert Dániel Ian McVicker
Max Dymond Angelo Pileggi Marcel Basmer Erin Sullivan
Charles Burkart Matthew Means Steven Schwartz robosnake
Gareth Davies Jesse Booth Jordan White Scott P McClellan
belethlich Jupe Rantalainen Mark Thompson John Ellenberge
jierdan Michael Williams Shawn Metzler Dale Andrade
Pascal Baumann Andrew Pomfret Rob Nadeau Daniel Webb
Jack Gaulick Screwberry Jason Alix Bernier
Sharnell Clair Johnathan Faulkner Galiant Knight Games Tatiana J
Paul Umbers Daniel Pisani Reders224 Daniel Cohen
sahlhoda ron beck Philippe Niederkorn Imm0rtal ryuu
Chris Lazenbatt Jake Waltier Strictura Andrew
Willaim M Wilson desrtfx Tony Contento Adam Graff-Mcrae
James Iles Matteo Signorini John Machin Jason B. Scott
Stew Wilson Edward Prosser Seth A Spurlock Chris Galecki
Daniel Armstrong Ryan Poss Mark Fenlon Sarah Kinder
William Miller Ole Didrik Høgestøl Thomas Hume Jonathan Carter
Dave Agnew Aakin Ben McFarland Wajanai Snidvongs
Chris Matty Jacob Kelly Jack Brown
Lucas Adkins Colin Urbina Andreas Walters Lobst5r
Steven Thesken Adam Whitcomb targaff David Rybacki
Paris Conte Michael Mooney Herman Duyker Angelo de Stephano
Samuel Huylebroeck Jonathan Sharp Michael Keith J Flint
Snowball Manuel Silvoso Jeff Lowe
William Lamming Dan Brackmann Greg Conant
Emmanuel Boston Daniel Durie LeK00
Michael Maroon JessicaS Lobo
David Paul Guzmán Jatavius Harris Im logo
Ryan Teague Candice Bailey Francesco Bianco
Luc Teunen Austin Conley Daimadoshi
Matt Everett Mark Barr Fabien JONCA
Paul Hayes Philip Clayburn Dan Massey
Trevor Stevens Cris R. Josheph William Arnold
Duncan Usher-McGee Brant Davidson Michael McDowell
Andrew Dixon Marks James Goldrick Nicholas Zakhar
Jackelyn Pol Stafford Jeremiach Charland
Robbie Colvin Jonanthan Goodwins Kerry
Redfuji6 Shawn P Yann Krehl
Mobius04 Robert Kosek KyoshiroKami
ziv plotnik Andrew Wilson Steven Lord
W! Guillaume Dumaire AMV451
Alex Nygreen Daniel Gregory Jamie Hagen
Ryan Craig David Homola
Todd Showalter Jay Marsh Sue Mii
Michael Mears Eric Shawn Stutzel
Kevin Thomas Sowell Johnathan Andrews
Sean Ramirez Douglas Bramlett Eddie Brown
Matthew Ward James Post Rob Donoghue
Camithril Rob Mayer David A Jones
Yulun Wei Max O Ornstein Thomas Uhlenhake
Contesse Zachary Pfriem Matthew Robertson
Relic Dice Bieeanda Robert Carnel

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Introduction 1

Character Creation 7
Races 9
Example 22
Character sheet 25
Advancing 30

Skills & Traits 31

Skills 32
Example 56
Traits 58

Simulcra & Sympathy 73

Combat Mechanics 87
Movement 88
Combat 90
Example 98
Damage and injuries 101
Diseases and poison 105

Items & Artefacts 111

Equipment 112
Emissary weapons 127
Artefacts 133
Augmentations 140
Drugs and medicine 144
Vehicles 149

The Known Galaxy 189

Timeline 190
Galaxy map 193
Locations 195
Technology 212
Factions 217
Lifeforms 233
Heroes and villains 271

Adventure Begins 275

Scenarios 276
Scenario hooks 325

Index 326

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Forgotten Planet

Lakas knelt down in front of the alien figure and In open ground or with functional technology this
prayed to it for strength and protection in battle, would be an impossible battle, but in the corridors
repeating a ritual which she had carried out once of the castle they were forced to fight one on one
each morning for every day of the four year siege. with primitive weapons. The Technosapien soldiers
She did not believe that it was a god or that it would were no match for their surprising foes, but weight
answer her, but she had never encountered of numbers was slowly tipping the outcome in their
anything in her short life that could make a better favour. Even as members of the Honour Guard
claim. An ephemeral fractal of spectral colours clambered over the three-deep bodies of their fallen
danced across its surface in a slow waltz as it began comrades and lost a hundred of their kind to take
to take on the form of a sublime warrior, more just one corridor, the remaining defenders were
bewitching and more imposing than even the finest pushed back and now reduced to single digit
statues of the heroes of legend. She reached out numbers.
tentatively to touch its feet, stopping as the cave
shook and dust descended from above, curving off The barrel of the colossal weapon broke in two as it
some ethereal field around the figure like acid rain struck Lakas across the chest with enough force to
striking an umbrella. She thought the invaders had shatter stone. She staggered backwards, coughing
given up on using their false suns to breach the up blood and dropped to one knee. Her chest plate
impenetrable walls of her crystal castle. had saved her, but was useless now. She discarded
it, undoing the latch without looking. The knife
An invigorating warmth spread through Lakas' body found its way into her attacker's spine before it
as her hand came into contact with the figure's foot. could think about delivering a finishing blow.
The hunger and fatigue she had felt evaporated Furious, she pressed on with a rage worthy of
away. Metallic projectiles clattered to the floor as legend, forcing the invaders all the way back to the
they were forced from her closing wounds and an entrance hall.
unnatural sensation of strength and lightness filled
her body. Lakas rose to her feet, adjusted her crystal Lakas stood in the shattered doorway of the castle
chest plate and drew her tiny crystal blade. Within and looked out onto the tiny kingdom she had been 1
moments she had ascended the mile-deep shaft to born into. It was black to the horizon with an
the surface and rejoined the fight. endless sea of moving bodies, as it had been since
the siege began fours years before. Great black
The three metre tall warriors of the Technosapien vessels came and went, landing over the horizon like
Honour Guard, clad from head to toe in black monolithic flying castles. Her heart sunk as she
mirror-steel as thick as a castle wall, burst into the knew no end was in sight. Then she noticed the
hallway ahead. They carried the crude projectile mysterious object. For a moment she had thought it
weapons they had adopted after discovering their was the sun, but realised it was still too early for
normal weapons didn't function here. Lakas briefly that to be true. A radiant golden moon hung in the
wondered if her entire arm would fit inside one of sky, bathing the world in a warm glow. There was
their gun barrels, then snapped back to reality as no other way to describe it. As if seeing her, a voice
they fired. She cut through the smoke that filled the boomed across the landscape.
space between them and slew three of the massive
creatures before they could respond. Her tiny knife “This war is over, your courage has been recognised
blade darted through the air, finding joints and by the Second Imperial Majesty!”
cracks in their armour. Black liquid gushed from
their wounds as they crumpled to the ground.
A story passed down by Human Emissaries.
Author unknown

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Introduction Agents
Emissary is a science-fantasy roleplaying game Gamemaster (GM)
where players take on the role of Emissaries, The referee and storyteller, moderator and director.
physically and spiritually the most powerful warriors The GM has ultimate authority and it is through the
in the known galaxy. Emissaries are forever pledged GM that the world and entities within it are
to maintain the political and economic balance of described and given life. While characters choose
the Third Golden Empire and support the perpetual their actions and make their rolls, it is the GM who
rule of the Divine Imperial Majesty. Their missions provides feedback and describes the results of any
and adventures will take them across a rich galaxy, action.
full of mystery, strife and political intrigue, forcing
them to confront monumental tests of might, Player Character (PC)
wisdom and cunning along the way. A character created by and under the direct control
of a player. Within GM limits, a player should be
Emissary is a stand-alone expansion to the Shrike free to create whatever sort of character they wish.
Roleplaying System and uses a modified version of PCs are the avatars of players in the world of the
the rules presented in the Shrike Roleplaying game.
System Core Rulebook. The Shrike Roleplaying
System Core Rulebook is not required to play Non-Player Character (NPC)
Emissary, but could be beneficial as it contains Just as a PC is an avatar for a player, an NPC can be
general advice and rules for the creation of new viewed as an avatar for the GM in the game world.
skills, traits, items, vehicles and monsters along with NPCs might represent allies, enemies or just
extensive examples of play. ordinary people in the world of the game. The
motivations, dialogue and actions of NPCs are
Influences almost always controlled by the GM alone.
Emissary is influenced by a wide variety of science-
fiction and fantasy novels, comics, films, television Dice
shows and games. Being familiar with some of these Roleplaying games commonly make use of many
influences may help you set the tone and different types of multi-sided dice. In the language
atmosphere of the game or introduce your players of the game system you may come across 3
to the setting. statements such as '2d10+4', meaning 'roll two ten-
sided dice, add their result together and then add
Dune - Frank Herbert's epic science fiction novel, set four to that'. The number before the 'd' indicates
in a distant future where the aristocratic houses of a how many dice to roll, while the number after the
feudal interstellar society vie with each other for 'd' indicates what type of dice to roll by specifying
control over a fragile Empire. its number of sides.

The Metabarons & The Incal - A series of fantastic Dice commonly used include d4 (four sided dice), d6
comics born from Jodorowsky's failed attempt to (six sided dice), d8 (eight sided), d10, d12 and d20.
create a movie adaptation of Dune, which was In addition to these common dice, you may also
probably the most ambitious cinema project of all come across references to 'd3' and 'd100'. While
time. three sided dice do exist, the term d3 is more
commonly used to indicate a roll of a d6 where
Altered Carbon - Richard K. Morgan's hardboiled results of 1 or 2 equal 1, 3 or 4 equal 2 and 5 or 6
cyberpunk detective story about Takeshi Kovacs, an equal 3. Similarly, while hundred sided dice also
Envoy trained to deal with the reality of interstellar exist, the term d100 is more commonly used to
warfare. mean a roll of 2d10 where one d10 is used to
represent tens and the other units.
Exalted – White Wolf's high fantasy roleplaying
game where players are empowered by a deity to It should be noted that not all dice rolls have the
fight for Creation. same type of probability distribution. A roll of a
single dice has an equal probability of landing on
Biomega – A postcyberpunk manga by Tsutomu any one side, so 1d20 is just as likely to result in a 5
Nihei, showing a conflict between various factions as it is an 18. A roll of two dice is more likely to
using advanced machinery and biotechnology in a produce results nearer the middle of its range, for
world stricken by an apocalyptic infection. example a roll of 2d10 can only produce a total of
20 on a result of 10,10, while a total of 11 can be
produced by 10,1, 9,2, 8,3, 7,4, or 6,5.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

To help quickly grasp the basic mechanics of the Awareness
system, some terminology and core mechanics will Awareness represents how alert and aware of their
briefly be explained and described. surroundings a character is, it influences how easily
they can find hidden objects and how difficult they
are to sneak up on. A character with exceptional
awareness might be a famous detective or a sniper
Every character has eight basic characteristics which
with eagle eyes.
reflect the absolute fundamentals of what type of
person that character is and what types of activities
they are good or bad at. The eight basic
Presence represents how a character uses their
characteristics are as follows:
appearance and body language, it influences how
recognisable they are to others and how easily they
can lead or intimidate a group of people. A
Strength represents how physically strong a
character with exceptional presence might be the
character is, it influences how hard they can hit,
leader or face of a group of Emissaries or a skilled
how fast they can run and how well they can
perform physical activities like climbing. An
exceptionally strong character could be a heavy
worlder, someone who has grown up on a planet
Charisma represents how a character can use their
with high gravity, or a warrior who has spent
personality and spoken words, it influences how
decades training for hand-to-hand combat.
easily they can persuade or manipulate others and
how well they can express themselves. A character
with exceptional charisma could be an infiltrating
Dexterity represents the coordination and finesse a
spy or an expert negotiator.
character has, it influences how accurately they can
shoot a target, how well they can balance and how
For any character, every characteristic must
easily they can manipulate a lock. An exceptionally
normally take a value between 1 and 5, with each
dexterous character could be a crack shot
gunslinger or a deadly assassin with unmatched
number representing a position on the following
scale: 4
1 – Poor
2 – Fine
Endurance represents how tough a character is and
3 – Good
how long they can keep going, it influences how
4 – Superb
many injuries a character can sustain and how long
5 – Exceptional
they can hold their breath under water. A character
6+ – Superhuman
with exceptional endurance could be a warrior who
has trained under the harshest conditions in
An average humanoid civilian NPC from a typical
campaigns across the galaxy or someone who was
world will usually have characteristic scores of 2 or
born and raised on a deathworld.
3. Trained professionals and soldiers may have
characteristics of 3 or 4 where that characteristic
corresponds to their profession. Characteristic
Composure represents how calm a character is
scores of 5 are typically reserved for, or are
under pressure, it influences how easily they can
comparable to, world class athletes and renowned
concentrate and how much stress can affect them.
academics. Characteristic scores of 6 and higher
A character with exceptional composure could be
may never be achieved by ordinary humanoids
an experienced psion or a veteran who has learned
naturally, but may be attained by augmentations or
to cope with many hardships.
other means.
Intelligence represents how quickly a character can Skills
solve problems and how knowledgeable they are, it In addition to characteristics, every character
influences how easily they can understand foreign possesses a selection of skills which represent their
languages and how well they can operate training, education and experience in the world up
computers. A character with exceptional until this point. Skills follow the same numerical
intelligence could be a natural genius or extremely value system as characteristics. For information on
well educated, a doctor or a scientist. specific skills, see the Skills chapter later in this

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Traits TRs
Whereas skills are a generic representation of what To help GMs decide on suitable TRs for various
the character has learned and how they interact actions, a table of common examples with varying
with the world, traits represent more unique amounts of information is provided as follows:
character features and specialisations. Some traits
will provide bonuses to skills under specific TR 8 - Trivial task
situations, while others may change the way a skill TR 10 - Very easy task
works or even provide a unique ability. Players TR 12 - Easy task
should view traits as a way of further differentiating TR 14 - Average task
their character from others by making them more TR 16 - Difficult task
unique and individual, as well as making them more TR 18 - Very difficult task
useful by specialising in particular types of activity. TR 20 - Exceptionally difficult task

Traits are divided up into nine categories, one for Examples (Investigation):
each characteristic and an additional selection of
universal traits which are not directly linked to a TR 8:
characteristic. Noticing a dead pilot in the shuttle
TR 10:
All characters start the game with a number of Finding the pilot's ID card in their shirt
universal traits that depends on their race. TR12:
Additional traits can be earned during character Identifying signs of a fight on board
creation or Advancement by raising a skill to a TR14:
Superb level (rank 4) or better. Establishing the order of events, number of people
present and apparent cause of death
Gameplay TR16:
This overview will explain additional gameplay Noticing uncommon material present in the muddy
related terminology and provide a brief overview of footprints
the core mechanics of the system. TR18:
Establishing the precise time and details of the fight
based on blood splatter patterns
Skill Checks TR20:
The primary way for PCs to interact with the world
Correctly identifying the height, race, gender,
is through skill checks. A player can attempt to do
dominant hand and brand of shoes worn by the
almost anything they can think of, they must first
killer based only on their footprints
select a relevant skill and then perform a skill check
to see if they can accomplish their chosen action.
TRs might be further modified by environmental or
situational factors, typically anything which would
To perform a skill check, a player must roll 2d10,
make the task more difficult increases the TR by 2.
add the result together, then add their skill ranks
For example, finding the pilot's ID card in the dark
and their related characteristic to produce their
(TR +2 for environmental factor), while another
total skill check result. If a character does not
vehicle is approaching (TR +2 for limited time
possess the relevant skill, they are considered
situation) goes from being a very easy task (TR 10)
untrained and a circumstance penalty applies. For
to an average one (TR 14).
example, Alice wants to search an abandoned
shuttle, so she rolls 2d10 (4,6), then adds her ranks
Chances of an average, untrained (characteristic 3,
in the investigation skill (3) and her awareness (3),
skill 0), trained (characteristic 3, skill 2) and expert
producing a total result of 16 (4+6+3+3).
(characteristic 5, skill 5) character succeeding each
It is up to the GM to determine if this result is
sufficient to provide Alice with the information she
Untrained Trained Expert
was after. Skill checks are compared to a Target
TR 8 - 90% 99% 100%
Result (TR) and succeed if they match or exceed this
TR 10 - 79% 94% 100%
and fail if they fall below it. The standard TR,
TR 12 - 64% 85% 100%
representing a task of average difficulty is 14, so
TR 14 - 45% 72% 97%
Alice would succeed in this case. However, different
TR 16 - 28% 55% 90%
TRs can be used to represent easier or more difficult
TR 18 - 16% 36% 79%
TR 20 - 6% 21% 64%

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Characteristic Checks Actions
Occasionally characters may have to perform Unless special circumstances allow otherwise, each
actions for which there is no suitable skill, in this character is allowed to take two actions each turn.
case they must instead perform a check using the An action is typically either a skill check (for
most appropriate characteristic score. For example, example, to fire a gun or swing an axe) or a
to force open a locked door a character would have movement. In combat, this would allow a character
to make a strength check, rolling 2d10 as with a skill to move and attack, attack twice or move twice.
check but only adding their strength characteristic
to the result. Characteristic checks use the same TR If a skill check is not something which could be
system as skill checks in order to determine their completely immediately (such as hacking a
outcome. computer), but that character still finds themselves
in a situation where they are having to act in turn
Opposition (for example, being shot at while covered by allies),
Sometimes the outcome of a skill or characteristic they must choose each turn whether to continue
check will not depend solely on the actions of one the original action or perform a new one. If the
character, but may be opposed by one or more character continues the original action, they must
other characters. In this case, both characters make make a new skill check each turn.
checks for their respective actions and the highest
result succeeds. In cases where characters are not Using equipment which does not require a skill
immediately competing, (such as trying to see check, or changing equipment is also considered as
through a disguise applied by another character at using up one action unless otherwise stated.
an earlier time) the original skill check result Further actions are at GM discretion. For example,
(disguise in this case) is used as the TR for the later brief statements would not consume an action, but
action. making a speech or issuing complicated orders
would do.
Rounds and Turns
The Shrike Roleplaying System is designed to be Reactions
played in a casual and flowing manner. However, Certain situations, events or actions may force
when the order of events becomes important characters to make a reactive skill or resistance 6
characters will act in turn, with each turn enabling a check of some type. Reactive checks that a player
certain number of actions. Who goes first is doesn't consciously choose to make are not
determined by agility. The character with the considered to use up an action on their turn.
highest agility acts first, followed by the next
highest and so on until all characters able to act Sympathy
have done so and the round ends. In the event of a Sympathy is a mechanic unique to Emissary and
tie for agility, a coin toss or die roll is sufficient to replaces the adrenaline mechanic from the core
determine the order. Shrike Roleplaying System. Sympathy represents the
innate sympathetic connection that each Emissary
Each round is considered to take 5 seconds of time has to the Simulcra implanted within their body and
regardless of how many characters are acting, enables them to perform superhuman feats of skill
representing the fact that turns occur and stamina by tapping into it.
simultaneously in the game world.
A player may choose to spend a point of Sympathy
Combat (to be discussed in more detail later) is the at any point in order to produce one of the
main reason to switch to the turn based style of following effects:
play. It should be noted that combat can be an ● Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
extremely time consuming part of any roleplaying characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
game, taking up a disproportionate amount of real ● Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6
time compared to the small amount of time that minutes.
has elapsed in the game world. This system is ● Negate any amount of damage from a single
designed to make combat relatively quick and source, even after the damage has been rolled.
dangerous, but options and alternatives will be ● Recover 1d6 injuries.
presented further in this document for handling it in ● Activate an Emissary weapon or power.
different ways. One tool the GM may find useful is a
timer (such as an egg timer or online countdown) All Emissary player characters start the game with
with which to visibly limit the amount of time two points of Sympathy. For more information, see
players have for decision making so as not to halt the chapter on Simulcra and Sympathy.
the pace of the game.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Creating a Character Order of Operations
Much like a character in a novel, a good roleplaying Step 1
game character should have a distinctive Come up with your concept, the basic outline of
personality, an interesting background, strong what you initially want your Emissary to be like.
motivations and clear strengths and weaknesses.
Interesting and original characters are an asset that Step 2
will help create an enjoyable and memorable Choose a race from the options available (page 9),
roleplaying experience for everyone. A roleplaying considering their different advantages, drawbacks
game is ultimately a social storytelling experience, and special abilities. Consider what would best fit
thus an interesting character is far more valuable your concept and what would be fun to play.
than a mechanically optimal one.
Step 3
A character does not have to have anything in Spend from your purchasing pool of 10 on
common with their player and roleplaying can be characteristics. An Emissary starts with 2 points in
seen as a chance to act in a completely different each characteristic, increasing them further costs 1
way. However, less experienced players may find it per point, except for the fifth point in any
helpful to base their first few characters' characteristic which always costs 2.
personalities on their own or on those of well
defined existing characters from fiction or other Step 4
sources. Apply racial adjustments to characteristic scores
and add racial abilities to your character sheet.
Having a concept, a single sentence definition, that Determine speed, appearance, agility, toughness
captures the essence of what you want your and willpower.
Emissary to be can also be a helpful starting point
and a way for other players to begin relating to your Step 5
character. For example, some concepts for Spend from your purchasing pool of 48 on skills
characters could include 'heir to a line of famous (page 32). An Emissary starts with 0 ranks in each
Emissaries with a lot to live up to', 'dashing rogue skill, increasing them further costs 1 per rank,
who always come good in the end', 'cold and
calculated keeper of the peace' or 'deadly assassin
except for the fifth rank in any skill which always
costs 2.
who silences political dissidents'. Each of these
concepts creates an image of what the character Step 6
might be like and a starting point that will help Choose a number of universal traits (page 59) equal
determine what their characteristics, traits and skills to the amount allowed by your chosen race.
might be.
Step 7
The column opposite shows the steps that you Choose a number of characteristic traits (page 63)
should go through and the order you should go that you qualify for. To qualify for a characteristic
through them in to create your character. The trait you must have raised a skill with the matching
following chapters on races, skills, traits and characteristic to a rank of 4 or better. For example,
Simulcra will help you fill in your character sheet raising a strength skill (such as climbing) to rank 4
and understand the abilities and options available will allow you to choose a strength trait.
to you.
Step 8
It is advised that you read through the character Note on your character sheet whether you qualify
creation process and following chapters before for the mastery bonus in any of your characteristic
creating your first character, or have a more traits.
experienced player guide you through the process.
GMs should also be aware that character creation Step 9
can be a time consuming process, due to the Choose one or more Ideals (page 75) for your
decisions and choices that need to be made. If you character (in addition to the Ideal of Duty) and mark
are playing an introductory scenario, or simply want your starting Sympathy as 2.
to jump straight into gameplay, it may be better to
use the premade Emissary characters given later in Step 10
this book (page 27). Choose starting equipment and determine
resources (page 112). Name your character if you
haven't already.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Races of the Galaxy Racial Modifier Overview
Although there are many different races populating
the galaxy, taking on an almost unimaginable Avians:
variety of forms, they share one thing in common. 2 universal traits
All of them are either the descendants or creations Hunter:
of ancient human space colonists. Despite much Dex +1 Awa +1 Com -1
speculation and research, there has yet to be a Shaman:
confirmed case of a truly alien life form, only relics Com +1 Pre +1 Str -1
and inexplicable artefacts indicate that extra Nomad:
terrestrial life may once have shared the galaxy. Cha +1 Awa +1 Com -1
This common ancestry is believed to explain the
unlikely existence of such a large number of diverse Humans:
humanoid races spread throughout the galaxy. 3 universal traits
Heavy Worlder:
Even human figures may vary much more drastically Str +1 End +1 Dex -1
than in reality, with subtly exaggerated or inhuman Spacer:
proportions and a full spectrum of skin, hair and eye Dex +1 Awa +1 Str -1
colours. Posthuman or humanoid characters may Augment:
borrow heavily from the more extreme examples of Str +1 Int +1 Com -1
real biology, such as insects, crustaceans, birds,
reptiles and cephalopods. They may possess Insectoids:
features such as multiple limbs, multiple or reverse 1 universal trait
joints, multiple or compound eyes, tentacles, scales Neopteran:
or feathers. Dex +1 End -1
This chapter will provide players with information Str +1 Dex +1 End -1
about five of the more common races in the galaxy, Zopherin:
as well as rules and details for creation of an End +1 Dex -1
Emissary of that race.
Racial Statistics 1 universal trait
Male Female End +1 Dex -1
Avians: Lancer:
Average height: 160cm 150cm Str +1 Cha -1
Average weight: 60kg 48kg Knight:
Average life span: 110yr 125yr Str +1 Int +1 Awa -1

Humans: Reptilians:
Average height: 180cm 170cm 2 universal traits
Average weight: 75kg 64kg Varanus:
Average life span: 140yr 160yr Str +1 Com +1 Dex -1
Insectoids: Dex +1 Cha +1 Com -1
Average height: 180cm 190cm Kinyon:
Average weight: 68kg 72kg Dex +1 Int +1 End -1
Average life span: 70yr 70yr

Average height: 180cm 170cm
Average weight: 150kg 130kg
Average life span: 500yr 500yr

Average height: 220cm 190cm
Average weight: 140kg 90kg
Average life span: 800yr 1000yr

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Of all the different posthuman races, Avians are Since their discovery and incorporation during the
biologically the closest to baseline human and most time of the First Golden Empire, Avians have
similar in their outward appearance. Their skin is become one of the most common humanoid races
smooth and sprouts feathers in place of hair, their in the galaxy. Staying true to their nomadic roots,
legs are multi-jointed and powerful, and large wings Avians have been quick to embrace space travel and
enable them to fly through the air. Avians tend to trade and can be found in small travelling
be more slight of build than humans and weigh communities embarked on space stations and long-
considerably less due to their hollow bones and haul trading vessels all across the galaxy.
efficient muscular system.
In general Avians are well known for their
Floreana, the home world of the Avian race, is one exceptional senses of sight, smell and hearing, as
of the few sources of Bondinium, a type of exotic well as their flighty and cautious nature. Socially,
matter, in the known galaxy. Bondinium produces Avians tend to be less trusting of strangers, but
an anti-gravity effect under certain situations, form extremely strong and long lasting bonds with
raising the islands of Floreana high into the air. The those they do come to trust. Their culture also has a
native Avians were able to use their wings to fly strong tradition of performing arts and Avian
freely between the floating land masses. Their travelling theatres are a common sight at busy
stocks of Bondinium have made many Avians very trading hubs. Corporations frequently employ
wealthy in the galactic community. Avians in PR positions due to their innate charisma,
though it is more common to find them leading
small anarchistic political groups.

As Emissaries, Avians frequently fit into the role of

group leaders and are often quick to rise within the
loose organisation. Patrolling areas of space and
travelling to distant worlds in answer of pleas for
help are also actions that well suit the Avian nature.
Though more fragile than some of the races in the
galaxy, Avians have a proud tradition of hunting and
can make excellent warriors. In combat Avian
Emissaries tend to favour ranged weapons, using
their ability of flight to maintain distance from their

Though not used by all, Avian Emissaries are also

well known for their enhanced flatbows, modelled
on the design of their traditional hunting weapons.

Enhanced Avian Flatbow

Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d8
Range: 50m/250m/1000m
Total Damage: 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P)
Ammunition: 1 round
Arcing projectile
Two handed
Emissary weapon

An Emissary can spend a point of Sympathy while

using the bow to fire a bolt of energy. The damage
dice of the bow increases to 1d10 for this attack and
it gains the qualities Guided and Piercing (5).

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Language Nomad
All Avian Emissaries speak a native Avian dialect in Nomads are the most common sub-type of Avian in
addition to Galactic Standard. the known galaxy, they are frequently traders and
performers. Emissary Nomads make excellent
diplomats and can be relied upon to resolve
conflicts peacefully.
Players should choose from one of the following
three Avian sub-types to determine the racial
Characteristic Modifiers:
abilities and characteristic modifiers they receive.
Charisma +1
Awareness +1
Hunter Composure -1
Although this is an overly simplistic view, Hunters
are commonly considered to be genetically Racial Abilities:
engineered using DNA from birds of prey. Among Flight (2x Speed)
Avians, Hunters are the most combat orientated Blind Sense
and excel at using ranged weapons. Cannot fly with Restrictive armour

Characteristic Modifiers: Universal Traits

Dexterity +1 Avian characters may choose two traits from the list
Awareness +1 of universal traits during character creation.
Composure -1

Racial Abilities:
Flight (2x Speed)
Blind Sense
Cannot fly with Restrictive armour

Universal Traits
Avian characters may choose two traits from the list
of universal traits during character creation. 11
The least common sub-type of Avian, Shaman were
often tribal leaders with a high propensity for
developing psionic abilities. In contrast to most
Avians, Shaman often possess unusually high
resolve and composure. As Emissaries, Shaman tend
to excel at leading groups of other Emissaries and
inspiring those around them.

Characteristic Modifiers:
Composure +1
Presence +1
Strength -1

Racial Abilities:
Flight (2x Speed)
Blind Sense
Cannot fly with Restrictive armour

Universal Traits
Avian characters may choose two traits from the list
of universal traits during character creation.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Humans come in a large variety of different shapes Humans from similar worlds tend to have much in
and sizes and can be found with almost any common, both physically and culturally, perhaps
combination of skin, hair and eye colour imaginable, hinting at a common past. For example, Heavy
if one only looks hard enough. Although humans Worlders, humans adapted to life on worlds with
can be so varied that two from different worlds higher than average gravity, frequently show
could almost be different species, the term is used evidence of the same genetic tampering even when
to describe any humanoid of human descent that their worlds are separated by great stretches of
has maintained the key physical traits of a human space. They tend to have cultures with strong work
being regardless of proportions and colourations. ethics that disregard luxuries and objects without
purpose. It is speculated that they were engineered
Using the above definition, Humans can be in the distant past and sent out on seeder ships to
considered to be the single most numerous race in their massive home worlds. However, there is little
the galaxy and can be found in all but the most hard proof to confirm this.
exclusive factions and inhospitable locations. Unlike
Avians, who largely developed a culture in isolation, Spacers are another populous type of Human with
pockets of disparate humans evolved and adapted much broadly in common with each other. Spacers
across vast stretches of space before being united are all adapted to life in microgravity and seem
together after the rediscovery of interstellar travel. much more at home there than any other race in
As such, Humans lack much in the way of a unifying the known galaxy. Although their muscle mass is
culture, although certain trends have been still prone to atrophy, they show fewer side effects
identified. of microgravity life than others. Spacer culture
tends to be more nomadic than other human types,
often living in great communities of spacecraft
travelling between the stars.

As the most common race, Humans are also the

most common Emissaries. In fact the very first
Emissary, Lakas, was a Human and this fact tends
not to be lost on other Human Emissaries. Several
notable Human family lines have proud traditions of
spawning famous Emissaries and often train their
children from birth in the hopes of having them
accepted into the ranks.

Though not used by all, Human Emissaries are also

well known for their enhanced crystal blades,
modelled on the preferred weapon of Lakas.

Enhanced Crystal Blade

Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d6
Total Damage: 1d6 + strength (P)
Concealable (2)
One handed
Piercing (4)
Emissary weapon

An Emissary can spend a point of Sympathy while

using the blade to channel their energy into it. The
blade guides its user's hand with inhuman speed
and precision, attacking twice in a single action and
ignoring any armour.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Language Augment
All Human Emissaries speak a native Human dialect Augments are thought to be the descendants of
in addition to Galactic Standard. members of the human race that did not initially
migrate into space. Their biology has been tweaked
and edited more than appearances would suggest,
making them stronger, smarter but less stable than
Players should choose from one of the following
their ancestors. Augment Emissaries make excellent
three Human sub-types to determine the racial
fighters and tacticians.
abilities and characteristic modifiers they receive.
Characteristic Modifiers:
Heavy Worlder Strength +1
Through genetic engineering or evolution, Heavy Intelligence +1
Worlders are adapted for survival on worlds with Composure -1
extremely high gravity. As Emissaries their dense
bones and increased muscle mass make Heavy Racial Abilities:
Worlders very effective melee fighters. Whenever an Augment would heal a number of
injuries, they heal double that amount instead.
Characteristic Modifiers:
Strength +1 Universal Traits
Endurance +1 Human characters may choose three traits from the
Dexterity -1 list of universal traits during character creation.

Racial Abilities:
Heavy Worlders receive a circumstance bonus (-2
TR) to any Endurance skill checks when not in a high
gravity environment. Heavy Worlders are not
subject to the usual penalties for performing
physical actions on a heavy world.

Universal Traits 13
Human characters may choose three traits from the
list of universal traits during character creation.

The complete opposite of Heavy Worlders, Spacers
are adapted for survival in microgravity
environments such as asteroid belt communities or
space colonies. Spacer Emissaries are unmatched in
microgravity combat, favouring short range
projectile weapons.

Characteristic Modifiers:
Dexterity +1
Awareness +1
Strength -1

Racial Abilities:
Spacers receive a circumstance bonus (-2 TR) to any
Dexterity skill checks made in a microgravity
environment. Spacers may use their strength or
dexterity characteristic with the microgravity skill
instead of endurance.

Universal Traits
Human characters may choose three traits from the
list of universal traits during character creation.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Insectoids are among the more extreme examples Many of the more solitary Insectoids and smaller
of posthuman humanoids found within the galaxy. communities of their kind make livings as hunters
Possessing tough exoskeletons instead of internal and traders, dealing in exotic wildlife and unusual
bones, their biology differs immensely from that of bioweapons unique to their worlds. More successful
most other humanoid races. While less prevalent traders often join the ranks of the Bioartisans or
than Humans, Insectoids are no less varied, with embrace close working relationships with them,
many different examples of their kind. Hauntingly becoming powerful and wealthy in the process.
beautiful iridescent wings and elegantly curved Occasionally they also develop close ties with
carapaces are just as common as bulky matt black artefact hunters and researchers of alien life. Some
shells and razor bladed limbs. of their worlds are home to creatures so unusual or
mysterious that there is strong speculation that
Many of the worlds Insectoids hail from possess they could be truly alien in origin.
extreme weather or wildlife and might be
considered deathworlds by members of other races. Those Insectoids who venture away from their
Insectoids are so heavily adapted that they thrive in home worlds into the depths of space typically do
these conditions, often forming massive hierarchical so as traders in search of buyers for their unusual
communities that live in harmony with their goods or as travelling hunters, searching for yet
environment instead of trying to change it to suit larger and more exotic prey. In fact, it is not an
them. uncommon sight to see whaling vessels crewed
entirely by Insectoids hunting rogue Cetuscyborgs
along the treacherous edges of the Great

Insectoids are less predisposed to becoming

Emissaries than Humans, but can end up walking
that path when something happens in their lives
that drives an urge to protect the weak or make a
difference on a larger scale. Youngsters who have
experienced great loss or old hunters who seek to
atone for their mistakes are the most common
trends among Insectoid Emissaries.

Though not used by all, Insectoid Emissaries are also

well known for their enhanced drone rifles,
modelled on the design of a particularly famous
bioweapon exported by their kind.

Enhanced Insectoid Drone Rifle

Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d10
Range: 200m/1000m/2000m
Total Damage: 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P)
Ammunition: 1 round
Ballistic computer
Piercing (4)
Emissary weapon

An Emissary can spend a point of Sympathy while

using the rifle to imbue the projectile with unstable
energy. The rifle gains the quality Blast (5m radius)
for this attack in addition to its existing qualities.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Language Zopherin
All Insectoid Emissaries speak a native Insectoid Zopherin are the Insectoid equivalent of Heavy
dialect in addition to Galactic Standard. Worlders, though the adaptations are extremely
different in nature. Zopherin rely on their incredibly
strong exoskeletons in place of bones, walking on all
six limbs to provide better grip on inclines that
Players should choose from one of the following
would otherwise be very dangerous. Emissary
three Insectoid sub-types to determine the racial
Zopherin make excellent front line fighters, able to
abilities and characteristic modifiers they receive.
shrug off massive amounts of damage.

Neopteran Characteristic Modifiers:

As heavily adapted solitary hunters, Neoptera are Endurance +1
stealthy and excellent target shooters. Neoptera Dexterity -1
prefer to open an engagement at long range, before
using their wings to rapidly close the distance. Racial Abilities:
Emissary Neoptera make excellent snipers and Natural Armour 12 (P)
assassins. Cannot wear armour that is Heavy or Restrictive

Characteristic Modifiers: Universal Traits

Dexterity +1 Insectoid characters may choose a single trait from
Endurance -1 the list of universal traits during character creation.

Racial Abilities:
Natural Armour 6 (P)
Natural Weapons (claws) 1d6 (P)
Flight (speed x2)
Cannot wear armour that is Heavy or Restrictive

Universal Traits
Insectoid characters may choose a single trait from 15
the list of universal traits during character creation.

Like Neoptera, Reduvians were also solitary
hunters, but take a different approach to the
obective. Reduvians lack wings and instead rely
even more upon stealth and setting ambushes.
Emissary Reduvians make excellent infiltrators and

Characteristic Modifiers:
Strength +1
Dexterity +1
Endurance -1

Racial Abilities:
Natural Armour 6 (P)
Natural Weapons (claws) 1d6 (P)
Cannot wear armour that is Heavy or Restrictive

Universal Traits
Insectoid characters may choose a single trait from
the list of universal traits during character creation.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mechanoid is a collective term for a group of The form Mechanoids take is unconstrained by any
mechanical races and artificial intelligences that natural biology, so they can take on virtually any
have united as a single organisation in order to form imaginable. However, it was not at all unusual
protect their own interests and rights. Many of the for their creators to have designed Mechanoids in
Mechanoids were once experiments or creations of their own image or in the image of something
the Technosapiens that were then denounced as familiar to them. Therefore older Mechanoids
heretical, imperfect beings or merely kept captive as frequently resemble mechanical versions of animals
slaves, soldiers or labourers. Other members of the or other humanoid races and have passed these
collective were the creations of other races and design elements on to their own creations or
factions or, very rarely, the ancestors of extinct progeny.
biological life that left only their machines behind.
Mechanoid cultures are extremely diverse, but
The vast majority of existent Mechanoids in the often share common themes of promoting freedom
galaxy today are the creations and offspring of and equality for all races, be they mechanical or
other Mechanoids, machines created by other biological. However, extremist splinter groups that
machines with no biological input at all. view Mechanoid life as superior to biological life,
Unfortunately, mechanical life and its rights are not while rare, are not completely unheard of.
recognised by all people and factions of the galaxy,
but are recognised and protected by the Empire and While other races view Mechanoids as immortals,
its Emissaries. this is not strictly true. Data corruptions build up
over time and lead to older Mechanoids becoming
increasingly eccentric. Additionally, computer
viruses and online wildlife can be just as deadly to
Mechanoids as bacteria and disease to the
biological races.

Many Mechanoids endeavour to become Emissaries

for ideological reasons as well as securing the
continued protection that the Empire provides their

Though not used by all, Mechanoids Emissaries are

also well known for their enhanced power fists,
modelled on the preferred weapon of R40, who
rose up and freed the slaves.

Enhanced Power Fist

Damage Type: Temporary
Damage Dice: 1d10
Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (T)
One handed
Piercing (6)
Emissary weapon

The enhanced power fist serves double duty as a

shield, imposing two circumstance penalties to
unarmed or melee weapon attacks made against
the character, or a single circumstance penalty to
ranged attacks. The fist also provides a
circumstance bonus to grapple checks.

An Emissary can spend a point of Sympathy while

using the fist to channel their energy into it. The
strength of the Emissary is doubled for a single
attack or grapple attempt using the power fist.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Language Knight
All Mechanoid Emissaries speak a Machine Code While other mechanoids may have a humanoid
dialect in addition to Galactic Standard. appearance, Knights are exclusively humanoid in
design. Originally constructed for a multitude of
different purposes, Knights can be found in almost
any role. Emissary Knights strike a balance between
Players should choose from one of the following
offence and defence and can easily be capable
three Mechanoid sub-types to determine the racial
warriors, technicians or healers.
abilities and characteristic modifiers they receive.
Characteristic Modifiers:
Paladin Strength +1
Originally manufactured as body guards for Intelligence +1
important people or other Mechanoids, Paladins Awareness -1
are quick to react and exceptionally tough.
Although not designed for offensive action, Paladins Racial Abilities:
excel at defensive fighting and protecting high value Natural Armour 6 (P)
assets. As Emissaries, autonomous Paladins make Artificial Being
excellent front line fighters and are often assigned
to protect important figures. Universal Traits
Mechanoid characters may choose a single trait
Characteristic Modifiers: from the list of universal traits during character
Endurance +1 creation.
Dexterity -1

Racial Abilities:
Natural Armour 9 (P)
Space Flight (at base speed)
Cannot wear armour that is Heavy or Restrictive
Artificial Being
Universal Traits
Mechanoid characters may choose a single trait
from the list of universal traits during character

The complete opposite of Paladins, Lancers are
inherently weapons designed to kill. They discard
armour and durability for speed and lethality.
Emissary Lancers can be brutal and swift dealers of

Characteristic Modifiers:
Strength +1
Charisma -1

Racial Abilities:
Natural Weapons (blades) 1d6 (P)
Space Flight (speed x2)
Artificial Being

Universal Traits
Mechanoid characters may choose a single trait
from the list of universal traits during character

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Although less extreme than Insectoids, Reptilians Before their discovery and incorporation into the
are another example of posthuman life that shares wider galactic community, Reptilians lived in a very
little biology in common with Humans. Reptilians hierarchical class-based society. Great warlords
are typically larger and more physically powerful would inspire loyalty among their soldiers and
than other humanoid races, with some members of frequently clashed with rivals in epic battles for
their kind growing almost three metres in height. control of the land. Varanus, the most physically
They have thick, scaly skin, powerful jaws and long imposing of the Reptilians made up the bulk of
tails which can be used as weapons. Although cold- these military forces, with the most elite among
blooded, their relatively large size makes them less them being highly revered and becoming great
dependant on external temperature than smaller estate holders themselves. Those warlords who
cold-blooded creatures. could not compete in open battle were thus forced
to compete in other ways, relying on Gekkonin
Reptilians were discovered on the planet Rinjah assassins and Kinyon spies to shift the balance in
during the time of the First Golden Empire. Their their favour.
home world has a high amount of volcanic activity
and is characterised by large areas of tropical Modern Reptilian cultures are more varied than in
rainforest, enormous mountain ranges and wide the past, though the Varanus in particular tend to
expanses of barren plains. maintain more traditional and rigid views of honour
and duty. However, many Reptilians have embraced
the freedom available to them, particularly those
descendants of the smaller families and lower
classes. From time to time characters emerge who
fancy themselves as modern warlords, attempting
to emulate great figures of their cultural history,
and raise armies of mercenaries intent on plunder
and conquest.

Reptilian traditional values and culture align fairly

well with the qualities and duties of an Emissary
and so many apply to join the ranks. They view it as
the ultimate test of their abilities physically,
mentally and spiritually. Even those who fail the
application are highly regarded for putting
themselves forwards.

Though not used by all, Reptilian Emissaries are also

well known for their enhanced short swords,
modelled on the traditional weapon of the elite
warrior class.

Enhanced Short Sword

Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d8
Total Damage: 1d8 + strength (P)
Concealable (3)
One handed
Piercing (2)
Emissary weapon

An Emissary can spend a point of Sympathy while

using the sword to channel their energy into it. The
sword guides its user's hand with inhuman speed
and precision, parrying any number of weapons and
knocking aside any projectiles that might target the
Emissary until their next turn.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Language Kinyon
All Reptilian Emissaries speak a Reptilian dialect in Physically the smallest and least powerful of the
addition to Galactic Standard. Reptilians, Kinyon are extremely intelligent and
masters of stealth. Kinyon Emissaries tend to make
excellent infiltrators, spies and saboteurs.
Players should choose from one of the following
Characteristic Modifiers:
three Reptilian sub-types to determine the racial
Dexterity +1
abilities and characteristic modifiers they receive.
Intelligence +1
Endurance -1
The largest and most physically powerful of the Racial Abilities:
Reptillians, Varanus have a strong mercenary Natural armour 6 (T)
tradition with an important sense of honour and Natural Weapons (teeth) 1d4 (P)
duty. Varanus make excellent spiritual warriors and Natural Weapons (tail) 1d6 (T)
many become exceptional Emissaries specialising in Camouflage
melee combat and keeping the peace.
Universal Traits
Characteristic Modifiers: Reptillian characters may choose two traits from
Strength +1 the list of universal traits during character creation.
Composure +1
Dexterity -1

Racial Abilities:
Natural armour 6 (T)
Natural Weapons (teeth) 1d6 (P)
Natural Weapons (tail) 1d8 (T)

Universal Traits 19
Reptillian characters may choose two traits from
the list of universal traits during character creation.

Gekkonin are similar in appearance to their larger
Varanus cousins, but more cunning and agile. They
also share the same sense of honour and duty, but
are more open to stretching the definition. As
Emissaries, Gekkonin make superb assassins and
gun fighters.

Characteristic Modifiers:
Dexterity +1
Charisma +1
Composure -1

Racial Abilities:
Natural armour 6 (T)
Natural Weapons (teeth) 1d6 (P)
Natural Weapons (tail) 1d6 (T)
Gekkonin receive a circumstance bonus to climbing
skill checks

Universal Traits
Reptillian characters may choose two traits from
the list of universal traits during character creation.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Characteristics Common Skills
Every Emissary begins with 2 points in each of the
eight characteristics. Increasing them further costs 1 Strength skills
per point, except for the fifth point in any Athletics
characteristic which always costs 2. A starting Climbing
character has a characteristic pool of 10 to spend in Unarmed combat
this way. Remember to apply racial modifiers after Weapons (melee)
spending your characteristic pool, not before.

Dexterity skills
(2d10 + skill + characteristic)
Following race and characteristics, skills are the next
part of the character that need to be determined.
Skills are representative of education, training and
Weapons (ranged)
experience and are the primary method of
interacting with the game world. Each skill also has
an associated characteristic.
Endurance skills
For any character, every skill must take an initial
value between 0 and 5, with each number
representing a position on the following scale:

0 – Untrained
Composure skills
1 – Poor
2 – Fine
Long term memory
3 – Good
4 – Superb
5 – Exceptional
Intelligence skills
It is possible for skills to take values outside of this
range due to positive or negative modifiers. There is
also an additional circumstance penalty imposed on
all checks using an untrained skill.
Starting characters begin with all skills at an
Working memory
untrained level (rank 0), but can buy ranks in any
skill at a cost of one rank per point, with the
exception of the fifth rank which has a cost of two.
Awareness skills
The skill pool is the total amount that can be spent
by starting characters on their skills and has a size of
48. Additionally, a skill cannot be raised more than
Sense motive
one rank higher than its associated characteristic
(e.g. a strength of 3 or better is required to raise a
strength skill to rank 4).

A list of common skills sorted by their associated

Presence skills
characteristic is displayed opposite, for further
details on specific skills and their uses refer to the
Skills chapter of this book.

Charisma skills
Handle animal

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Traits Agility
Traits represent more unique features or (10 + dexterity + awareness)
specialisations that a character might have. Like The agility of a character represents how quickly
skills, traits have an associated characteristic with they can act and react. Agility is defined as 10 +
the exception of universal traits which can only be dexterity + awareness. Mechanically, agility
selected during character creation. Each character determines which character acts first during turn
starts with a number universal traits depending on based play and also how difficult a character is to
their chosen race. hit in combat. In some situations, agility may also
determine whether a character can make a reaction
Additionally, characters may select one further trait to a particular action taken against them or to a
for each skill which they have raised to a rank of 4 particular sudden event.
or better. This trait must have the same associated
characteristic as the skill which granted it. For Toughness
example, a character with 4 ranks in a strength skill (endurance + endurance)
may choose to have any trait associated with the The toughness of a character determines how
strength characteristic. If the character also has a resistant to injury that character is and also how
rank of 5 in that skill then they also qualify for the many injuries they can take before being
mastery bonus of that trait. incapacitated. Toughness is defined as being equal
to double the endurance of the character
Speed (endurance + endurance, or endurance x 2). For
(10 + strength + dexterity) example, a character with an endurance of 3 would
The speed of a character represents how quickly have a toughness of 6.
they can normally move around. Speed is a function
of the strength and dexterity characteristics. The Under certain circumstances, a character may have
speed of a character is defined as 10 + strength + to make a reactive toughness check to avoid certain
dexterity. For example, a character with a strength consequences. For example, to avoid the worst
of 3 and a dexterity of 4 would have a speed of 17. effects of a poison. A toughness check is made in
Mechanically, speed corresponds to the maximum the same way as a skill check or characteristic
number of metres that a character can cover in a check, 2d10 are rolled and the character's 21
single action, it also serves as a basis for comparing toughness is added to the result which is then
the relative speed of characters when they are not compared to some TR. Toughness is covered in
actively competing against each other using the more detail in the section Damage and Injuries.
athletics skill.
Appearance (composure + composure)
(10 + presence + charisma) The willpower of a character represents how
The appearance of a character represents how determined and resistant to stress a character is.
recognisable and memorable they are, it is a Willpower is defined as being equal to double the
combination of body language, personality, style as composure of the character (composure +
well as physical appearance. The appearance of a composure, or composure x 2). For example, a
character is defined as 10 + presence + charisma. character with a composure of 4 would have a
Appearance has several uses mechanically, for willpower of 8.
example the TR to spot somebody in a crowd or to
remember them from a previous encounter is 30 – Under certain circumstance, a character may have
their appearance. This could be an advantage or a to make a reactive willpower check to avoid certain
disadvantage depending on whether you want to be consequences. For example, to avoid the effects of
recognised or not. mind influencing entities such as drugs, magic or
brain washing. In all cases a willpower check is
Appearance does not directly correspond to how made in the same way as a skill or characteristic
attractive a character is, but an attractive character check, 2d10 are rolled and the character's willpower
is likely to have a high appearance. A threatening is added to the result which is then compared to
and heavily scarred mercenary is also likely to have some TR. Willpower is covered in more detail in the
a high appearance due to their high presence. A section Mental Damage.
famous musician may also have a high appearance
due to their high charisma.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Character Creation Example Step 4
This section will guide you through the steps Now that we have spent our characteristic points,
required to create an example Emissary character we must apply our racial modifiers. As we chose a
for the first time. However, before attempting to Human Heavy Worlder as our race, we receive a +1
follow the example presented here, it is to strength and endurance, but a -1 to dexterity.
recommended that you first finish reading through After adjustment, our characteristics look like this:
the chapters on Skills, Traits, Simulcra and
Sympathy, and Equipment. After this example you Strength: 5 (+1 racial bonus)
will find a blank character sheet and several pre- Dexterity: 3 (-1 racial bonus)
made characters for use in starting scenarios. Endurance: 4 (+1 racial bonus)
Composure: 5
Step 1 Intelligence: 2
In this example we will attempt to create a simple Awareness: 3
Emissary character with the following concept: “A Presence: 2
psionic warrior who specialises in hand-to-hand Charisma: 2
combat and easily blends into a crowd.”
It is worth noting that if we had previously chosen
to raise our strength to 5 when spending our
Step 2 characteristic points, our racial bonus would have
In terms of race, there are several good options that
increased it to 6. This is one of the few ways that
go well with our concept. In this example we will
characteristics can be raised above 5.
choose a Human Heavy Worlder, as the increased
strength and endurance will be useful in melee
Now that our characteristics are finalised, we need
combat, there is no penalty to composure and the
to determine our derived attributes.
three universal traits give us some more options for
fine tuning.
Speed: 18 (10+5+3)
Appearance: 14 (10+2+2)
Step 3 Agility: 16 (10+3+3)
In this case our concept is quite simple, we should
attempt to maximise the characteristics that
support melee combat and psionics (strength and
composure respectively). However, we should not Before moving on, we should also make a note of
completely neglect our other characteristics. our Heavy Worlder racial ability on our character
Endurance is very important for reducing damage sheet.
and surviving injuries, while dexterity and
awareness will allow us to act faster and avoid Step 5
attacks. We also know that our dexterity will be
Now we need to determine our skills by spending
reduced by 1 because of our chosen race, so we
from a purchasing pool of 48. This is quite
must decide whether or not we try to offset that.
important and can take a bit of time to decide.
However, there are a few things we can consider to
We start with 2 points in each characteristic and
help us do this. We know that we want to focus on
have a further 10 points to spend. However, we
melee combat and psionics, so we should invest
must remember that increasing a characteristic
heavily in those skills. We can also gain important
from 4 to 5 will cost us 2 points if we choose to do
traits by investing heavily in skills with the
so. In this example, we have chosen to distribute
associated characteristic. In this case, we should
our 10 points as follows:
first invest in the skills that we definitely want and
then see what we have left.
Strength: 4 (2 points spent)
Dexterity: 4 (2 points spent)
Unarmed combat: 5 (6 spent)
Endurance: 3 (1 point spent)
Weapons (melee): 5 (6 spent)
Composure: 5 (4 points spent)
Psionics: 5 (6 spent)
Intelligence: 2 (0 points spent)
Awareness: 3 (1 point spent)
By maxing out these useful skills, we will also get 3
Presence: 2 (0 points spent)
relevant traits (2 strength traits and 1 composure
Charisma: 2 (0 points spent)
trait) and unlock their mastery bonuses (rank 5 in
the skill). This is a good start and still leaves us with
30 points to spend.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

At this point, it can be useful to look ahead to see Step 7
which characteristic traits you might want to get, as We qualify for one characteristic trait for each skill
well as considering which skills could be useful that we have increased to rank 4 or better. In this
during gameplay. In this example, we have chosen example, that means we will be able to choose 3
to spend the remaining 30 points as follows: strength traits, 2 endurance traits and 2 composure
Athletics: 4 (4 spent)
Gymnastics: 2 (2 spent) Devastating Lunge
Stealth: 2 (2 spent) This grants us bonus damage to attacks made after
Microgravity: 4 (4 spent) moving, allowing us to remain dangerous and
Stamina: 4 (4 spent) mobile.
Concentration: 5 (6 spent)
Navigation: 2 (2 spent) Expert Disarm
Listen: 2 (2 spent) This makes it easier for us to disarm opponents and
Spot: 2 (2 spent) get access to useful weapons during combat.
Costume: 2 (2 spent)
Explosive Power
We could have chosen to invest more heavily in This allows us to benefit greatly from using
fewer skills, in order to gain more characteristic Sympathy to increase our already high strength.
traits. However, it can sometimes be more useful to
give your character a more rounded skill set. Die Hard
This is a useful endurance trait that makes us less
Step 6 vulnerable to powerful attacks and should reduce
Universal traits may not be as powerful as the number of times we need to rely on spending
characteristic traits or as immediately beneficial as Sympathy to negate damage.
some of the racial abilities, but they can still be very
useful. Importantly, universal traits cannot be Second Wind
gained after character creation and offer you the This ability scales well as we advance and makes
chance to tailor some fundamental features of your
character. As a Human, we have access to 3
fatigue less of a concern. 23
universal traits. In this example, we have chosen the Psion
following for the reasons outlined below: This simple trait directly increases the mental
damage we can inflict with our excellent psionic
Anonymous skill.
This lowers our appearance and will make it harder
for others to recognise us or spot us amongst a Telepathy
crowd. Our appearance rating is already quite low, This makes our psionic skill more versatile and
so this works well with that and matches well to our opens up a lot of tactical possibilities.
initial concept.
Step 8
False Identity We qualify for the mastery bonus in 2 of our
This means that our real identity will be hard to find strength traits and both of our composure traits.
and won't show up or reveal anything important
about us upon cursory investigation. Again, this fits Expert Disarm (Mastery)
quite well with our concept. Explosive Power (Mastery)
Psion (Mastery)
Lightning Reflexes Telepathy (Mastery)
Our agility is not bad, but it isn't exceptional. We
already compensated a little for our decreased Note that we could have chosen to have a mastery
dexterity and this further helps offset that. in Devastating Lunge instead of Expert Disarm or
Lightning reflexes makes it more likely that we will Explosive Power.
be able to act first in combat. Additionally, it
reduces the chances of us being caught off guard.
Step 9
We mark our starting Sympathy as 2 and add the
Ideal of Duty our character sheet. Additionally, we
may choose other ideals that might impact how we
play our character, but will also grant us access to
powerful Simulcra abilities as we advance. In this
example, we will choose the Ideal of Asceticism.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Step 10 Idra Kane
Unfortunately our character does not have Human Heavy Worlder
exceptional resources, with an initial Credit Rating
of only 4 (2+2). However, this fits with the Ideal of Characteristics:
Asceticism that we chose and will not necessarily be Str: 5 Dex: 3 End: 4 Com: 5
a significant handicap. We do still get to choose Int: 2 Awa: 3 Pre: 2 Cha: 2
some free items for our starting equipment though
and, as our Credit Rating is low, we should make Attributes:
sure that we choose these carefully. Speed: 18
Appearance: 14
Emissary Weapon Agility: 16
We get to choose one of the five racial Emissary Toughness: 8
Weapons. In our case, the Enhanced Crystal Blade is Willpower: 10
probably the best fit. Although we have chosen to in Credit rating: 4
this case, we did not have to choose the Human Sympathy: 2
Emissary Weapon just because our race is Human.
Mundane Tools Athletics: 4 (+9)
We also get to choose up to 6 tools that cannot Unarmed combat: 5 (+10)
have individual purchase TRs greater than 16. As Weapons (melee): 5 (+10)
this is enough to purchase a superior tool, we Gymnastics: 2 (+5)
should consider purchasing a full set of superior Stealth: 2 (+5)
tools to help us perform skills we expect to need Microgravity: 4 (+8)
frequently. Stamina: 4 (+8)
Concentration: 5 (+10)
Superior track shoes (athletics) Psionics: 5 (+10)
Superior free fall suit (microgravity) Navigation: 2 (+4)
Superior psionic amp (psionics) Listen: 2 (+5)
Superior nav computer
Superior binoculars
(+4) 24
Superior costume kit (costume)
Mundane Weapons Anonymous
We get to choose up to 4 weapons that cannot have False Identity
individual purchase TRs greater than 16. As we are a Lighting Reflexes
melee focused character, we may want to consider Devastating Lunge
melee weapons that supplement or provide Expert Disarm (Mastery)
alternative abilities to our Emissary weapon. It is Explosive Power (Mastery)
probably also a good idea to carry a ranged weapon Die Hard
for situations where we have no choice but to use Second Wind
one. Psion (Mastery)
Telepathy (Mastery)
Heavy pistol Equipment:
Monofilament whip Enhanced Crystal Blade
Power sword Electromace
Heavy pistol
Mundane Armour Monofilament whip
We get to choose up to 2 pieces of armour that Power sword
cannot have individual purchase TRs greater than Superior track shoes (athletics)
16. We should choose these carefully as we may not Superior free fall suit (microgravity)
be able to buy or come across anything better until Superior psionic amp (psionics)
after we have completed several missions. Superior nav computer (navigate)
Superior binoculars (spot)
Stab vest Superior costume kit (costume)
Medium armour Stab vest
Medium armour

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Character Name Player Name

Race Sub-type

Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries

(T)/ (P)

Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries

(T)/ (P)

Agility Appearance
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed Willpower

Toughness Sympathy

Athletics Academics/Knowledge
Climbing Technology
Unarmed Craft
Weapons (melee) Medicine
Working memory
Drive/Pilot Investigation
Gymnastics Listen
Larceny Sense motive
Stealth Spot
Weapons (ranged) Track
Microgravity Costume
Stamina Intimidate
Swimming Leadership
Concentration Communication
Long term memory Expression
Psionics Manipulation
Survival Handle animal

Traits and Racial Abilities Simulcra Abilities Equipment


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Character Name Player Name

Idra Kane
Race Sub-type

Human (male) Heavy worlder

Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries

5 3 4 5 (T)/ (P)

Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries

2 3 2 2 (T)/ (P)

Agility 16 Appearance 12
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 18 Willpower 10
8 (P) (ballistic) 4
Toughness 8 Sympathy 2

Athletics 4 (+9) Academics/Knowledge 0 (+2)

Climbing 0 (+5) Technology 0 (+2)
Unarmed 5 (+10) Craft 0 (+2)
Weapons (melee) 5 (+10) Medicine 0 (+2)
Navigation 2 (+4)
Working memory 0 (+2)
Drive/Pilot 0 (+3) Investigation 0 (+3)
Gymnastics 2 (+5) Listen 2 (+5)
Larceny 0 (+3) Sense motive 0 (+3)
Stealth 2 (+5) Spot 2 (+5)
Weapons (ranged) 0 (+3) Track 0 (+3)
Microgravity 4 (+8) Costume 2 (+4)
Stamina 4 (+8) Intimidate 0 (+2)
Swimming 0 (+4) Leadership 0 (+2)
Streetwise 0 (+2)
Concentration 5 (+10) Communication 0 (+2)
Long term memory 0 (+5) Expression 0 (+2)
Psionics 5 (+10) Manipulation 0 (+2)
Survival 0 (+5) Handle animal 0 (+2)
Socialise 0 (+2)

Traits and Racial Abilities Simulcra Abilities Equipment

Heavy worlder Standard abilities Enhanced crystal blade 1d6+5 (P)
Anonymous Electromace 1d10+5 (T)
False identity Monofilament whip 1d4+5 (P)
Lightning reflexes Power sword 1d10+5 (P)
Devastating lunge Heavy pistol 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (7 rounds)
Expert disarm (mastery) Superior track shoes (Athletics)
Explosive power (mastery) Superior free fall suit (Microgravity)
Die hard Superior psionic amplifier (Psionics)
Second wind Ideals Superior nav computer (Navigation)
Psion (mastery) Duty Superior binoculars (Spot)
Telepathy (mastery) Asceticism Superior costume kit (Costume)
Stab vest 6 (P) (melee)
Medium armour 8 (P) (ballistic)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Character Name Player Name

Fa Shenhui
Race Sub-type

Avian (female) Hunter

Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries

2 5 3 3 (T)/ (P)

Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries

3 5 3 3 (T)/ (P)

Agility 20 Appearance 16
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 17 Willpower 6
6 (P) (melee) 6
Toughness 6 Sympathy 2

Athletics 4 (+6) Academics/Knowledge 3 (+6)

Climbing 0 (+2) Technology 0 (+3)
Unarmed 3 (+5) Craft 0 (+3)
Weapons (melee) 0 (+2) Medicine 0 (+3)
Navigation 3 (+6)
Working memory 0 (+3)
Drive/Pilot 3 (+8) Investigation 2 (+7)
Gymnastics 2 (+7) Listen 0 (+5)
Larceny 0 (+5) Sense motive 0 (+5)
Stealth 5 (+10) Spot 5 (+10)
Weapons (ranged) 5 (+10) Track 3 (+8)
Microgravity 2 (+5) Costume 0 (+3)
Stamina 0 (+3) Intimidate 0 (+3)
Swimming 0 (+3) Leadership 0 (+3)
Streetwise 0 (+3)
Concentration 0 (+3) Communication 0 (+3)
Long term memory 0 (+3) Expression 0 (+3)
Psionics 0 (+3) Manipulation 0 (+3)
Survival 3 (+6) Handle animal 0 (+3)
Socialise 2 (+5)

Traits and Racial Abilities Simulcra Abilities Equipment

Flight (speed x2) Standard abilities Enhanced Avian flatbow 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P)
Blind sense Sniper rifle 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) (5)
Ambidextrous Carbine 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (30)
Lightning reflexes Heavy pistol 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (7 rounds)
CQC training Heavy pistol 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (7 rounds)
Blood opera (mastery) Superior track shoes (Athletics)
Gunslinger (mastery) Superior free fall suit (Microgravity)
Light sleeper (mastery) Superior camouflage (Stealth)
Ideals Superior nav computer (Navigation)
Duty Superior binoculars (Spot)
Suppression Superior survival kit (Survival)
Stab vest 6 (P) (melee)
Ballistic vest 6 (P) (ballistic)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Character Name Player Name

Race Sub-type

Mechanoid Paladin

Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries

4 1 6 3 (T)/ (P)

Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries

2 4 3 2 (T)/ (P)

Agility 15 Appearance 17
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 15 Willpower 6
17 (P) 4
Toughness 13 Sympathy 2

Athletics 3 (+7) Academics/Knowledge 0 (+2)

Climbing 0 (+4) Technology 3 (+5)
Unarmed 3 (+7) Craft 4 (+6)
Weapons (melee) 5 (+9) Medicine 0 (+2)
Navigation 0 (+2)
Working memory 0 (+2)
Drive/Pilot 0 (+1) Investigation 0 (+4)
Gymnastics 0 (+1) Listen 2 (+6)
Larceny 0 (+1) Sense motive 4 (+8)
Stealth 0 (+1) Spot 3 (+7)
Weapons (ranged) 4 (+5) Track 2 (+6)
Microgravity 5 (+11) Costume 0 (+3)
Stamina 5 (+11) Intimidate 2 (+5)
Swimming 0 (+6) Leadership 0 (+3)
Streetwise 0 (+3)
Concentration 0 (+3) Communication 0 (+2)
Long term memory 0 (+3) Expression 0 (+2)
Psionics 0 (+3) Manipulation 0 (+2)
Survival 0 (+3) Handle animal 0 (+2)
Socialise 0 (+2)

Traits and Racial Abilities Simulcra Abilities Equipment

Natural armour 9 (P) Standard abilities Enhanced power fist 1d10+4 (T)
Space flight (base speed) Siege hammer 1d12+4 (T)
Artificial being Power knife 1d6+4 (P)
Giant Shotgun 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) (8)
Iron guard (mastery) Heavy pistol 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (7 rounds)
Unpredictable dodge Superior track shoes (Athletics)
Die hard (mastery) Superior free fall suit (Microgravity)
Juggernaut (mastery) Superior divers flippers (Swimming)
Eidetic memory Ideals Superior motion tracker (Listen)
Danger sense Duty Superior binoculars (Spot)
Pacifism Superior crafting kit (Craft)
Stab vest 6 (P) (melee)
Medium armour 8 (P) (ballistic)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Character Name Player Name

Tomoe Tagekko
Race Sub-type

Reptilian (female) Gekkonin

Str Dex End Com Physical Injuries

3 5 4 3 (T)/ (P)

Int Awa Pre Cha Mental Injuries
Mental Injuries

3 3 2 4 (T)/ (P)

Agility 18 Appearance 18
Armour Credit Rating Advancement Points
Speed 18 Willpower 6
14 (T)/8 (P) (ball.) 7
Toughness 8 Sympathy 2

Athletics 4 (+7) Academics/Knowledge 0 (+3)

Climbing 4 (+5) Technology 0 (+3)
Unarmed 0 (+3) Craft 0 (+3)
Weapons (melee) 1 (+4) Medicine 3 (+6)
Navigation 0 (+3)
Working memory 0 (+3)
Drive/Pilot 0 (+5) Investigation 0 (+3)
Gymnastics 5 (+10) Listen 0 (+3)
Larceny 0 (+5) Sense motive 0 (+3)
Stealth 4 (+9) Spot 0 (+3)
Weapons (ranged) 5 (+10) Track 0 (+3)
Microgravity 3 (+7) Costume 3 (+5)
Stamina 0 (+4) Intimidate 0 (+2)
Swimming 3 (+7) Leadership 0 (+2)
Streetwise 0 (+2)
Concentration 0 (+3) Communication 0 (+4)
Long term memory 0 (+3) Expression 0 (+4)
Psionics 0 (+3) Manipulation 3 (+7)
Survival 2 (+5) Handle animal 0 (+4)
Socialise 5 (+9)

Traits and Racial Abilities Simulcra Abilities Equipment

Gekkonin Standard abilities Enhanced short sword 1d8+3 (P)
Natural armour 6 (T) Sniper rifle 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) (5)
Natural weapons Carbine 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (30)
Common sense Heavy pistol 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (7 rounds)
Naturally seductive Laser pistol 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) (7 rounds)
Focused athlete (climbing) Superior track shoes (Athletics)
First blood Superior free fall suit (Microgravity)
Perfect grace (mastery) Superior divers flippers (Swimming)
Silent breathing Ideals Superior climbing harness (Climbing)
Sure aim (mastery) Duty Superior medical kit (Medicine)
Practised socialite (mastery) Deterrence Superior costume kit (Costume)
Stab vest 6 (P) (melee)
Medium armour 8 (P) (ballistic)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Advancement Points Changing the Pace
Newly trained and created Emissaries are extremely As the GM, if you wish to increase or decrease the
powerful, skilled and talented, but it is still possible rate of advancement in your game, you may wish to
for them to hone their abilities further. As change when Advancement points are given out
Emissaries face and overcome great challenges, and the number of them that characters receive.
they will grow as characters, refine their skills and This is entirely up to you, but a few suggestions are
gain new abilities along the way. Their resonance given below.
with their Simulcra also increases, allowing them to
use it more often and in more varied ways. Fast Paced Game
For a faster paced game, you may wish to give
In game terms, all Emissaries begin play with the characters 3 Advancement points at the end of each
characteristics, skills and traits chosen during session and 6 Advancement points for achieving
character creation and a Sympathy rank of 2 (see some important objective or overcoming a very
the chapter Simulcra and Sympathy for more dangerous opponent. Alternatively, if you intend to
information). At the end of each session (usually 3 play a relatively short campaign or scenario, it may
or 4 hours of play), characters receive 1 make more sense to simply begin the first session
Advancement point each. Additionally, characters with 6, 12 or 24 or some other amount of AP
are rewarded with 3 Advancement points (AP) each available to each character.
for successfully completing a multi-session mission
or scenario. Advancement points do not have to be Slow Paced Game
spent immediately and may be saved up. For a longer or ongoing campaign, you may find
that the normal rate of advancement is too fast and
Spending Points characters too quickly begin to max out their
A player may spend any number of Advancement abilities. In this case, you may wish to only reward
points their character has earned at the start or end characters with AP for completing objectives.
of any game session. Advancement points may be
spent in the following ways: Asymmetric Game
In most games, it is advised to distribute AP equally
1 AP = 1 Skill point among all characters. Doing this reduces friction
within the group and prevents characters from
3 AP = 1 Characteristic point
6 AP = 1 Sympathy point being left behind and outclassed during
Advancement. However, at times and in some
A skill point can be used to increase the rank of any groups, you may prefer a more asymmetric
skill by 1. However, 2 skill points are required to approach. For example, you could have each player
increase a skill from rank 4 to rank 5. nominate a player other than themselves to receive
1 AP at the end of a session, in recognition of
A characteristic point can be used to increase the something that player's character achieved. This
value of any characteristic by 1. However, 2 rewards taking risks and making good decisions, but
characteristic points are required to increase a won't be appropriate for all gaming groups.
characteristic from a base value of 4 to 5
(remember that racial characteristic bonuses or
other characteristic modifiers are applied on top of
the base value).

A sympathy point can be used to increase the

Sympathy rank of a character by 1. However, 2
sympathy points are required to increase a
Sympathy rank of 4 to 5.

For example, a minimum of 24 Advancement points

(6 + 6 + 12) are required to increase an Emissary
from an initial Sympathy rank of 2 to a Sympathy
rank of 5.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Skills Opposing Skill Checks
Skills represent the training, education and Sometimes the outcome of a skill check will not
experience of characters in the world. Skills are depend solely on the actions of one character, but
rated on a scale of 0 to 5 and each skill is linked to may be opposed by one or more other characters.
one of the eight characteristics. In this case, both characters make checks for their
respective actions and the highest result succeeds.
0 – Untrained In cases where characters are not immediately
1 – Poor competing, the original skill check result is used as
2 – Fine the TR for the later action.
3 – Good
4 – Superb Some common opposing skills:
5 – Exceptional Stealth vs Spot
- To notice a hidden character
While a rank of 2 or 3 in a skill reflects general Stealth vs Listen
competence that might be obtained through - To hear a sneaking character
occasional practice or a short training course. A Stealth vs Track
rank of 4 typically represents higher education or - To follow a sneaking character
daily training and experience. A rank of 5 is Manipulation vs Sense Motive
indicative of being world class in that skill. - To recognise a lie or half truth
Athletics vs Athletics
Skill Checks - To win a sprinting race
Skill checks are the way characters use skills to Costume vs Spot
interact with the world and agents in it. To perform - To recognise somebody in disguise
a skill check, a player must roll 2d10, add the result
together, then add their skill ranks and their related No Pressure Skill Checks
characteristic to produce their total skill check Normally there are consequences for failure and
result. There is always a circumstance penalty for time restrictions on how long can be spent
using a skill untrained. attempting to perform a particular action. However,
that is not always the case and some actions can be 32
Target Results accomplished by simply trying hard enough for a
In order for a skill check to succeed it must match or long enough period of time. The only limiting factor
exceed the required target result for that particular becomes the attention span and determination of
action. Example TRs will be provided in this section the character to keep at something until they
for each of the common skills, but a result of 14 or succeed. This could represent a character asking for
higher is typically required to succeed at all but the help from contacts they have, using books or guides
easiest and most common tasks. More detailed to help them achieve something or simply trying
information about TRs is available in the over and over again until it works.
Introduction section.
Mechanically, If a character is willing to attempt this
Circumstance Bonuses type of action, they can spend twice as long as usual
Any situation or circumstance that would make to perform the action, but may add their
completing a particular action easier or more composure or endurance characteristic to the
difficult decreases or increases the TR by 2. For normal skill check result (endurance for strength,
example, being aided in a particular action by dexterity or endurance skills and composure for all
another character would decrease the TR by 2 (for others). For example, this could be used when
up to three meaningfully contributing characters) investigating a location for clues, researching
whereas attempting certain activities in the dark something in a library or hiding in the wilderness –
would increase the TR by 2. so long as there are no time constraints or
immediate consequences for failure.
Skills and Actions A no pressure skill check could not be made while
In turn based gameplay, using a skill always counts climbing up a cliff as the consequence of failure is
as an action and uses up one of the two possible potential injury. Nor could a no pressure skill check
actions a character might make in their turn. If a be made when attempting to aim a rifle at an
skill check is not something which could be unsuspecting target, as the consequences for failing
completed immediately (such as hacking a are expenditure of ammunition and potentially
computer), they must choose each turn whether to alerting the target.
continue the original action or perform a new one.
If the character continues the original action, they
must make a new skill check each turn.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Strength Skills
Strength skills use the character's strength as an When making an athletics check to sprint over a
associated characteristic. Raising a strength skill to a short distance a character must make a skill check,
level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the their speed is temporarily increased by 1 for each
character access to a strength trait. point that their skill check exceeds 14. For example,
a world class athlete with a strength, dexterity and
Athletics athletics skill of 5 has a base speed of 20 which is
The athletics skill is a general skill which covers equivalent to 8m/s or 29km/h. Attempting to break
short-duration, physically demanding activities such their personal best in training, the athlete makes an
as running, jumping and throwing. athletics check achieving a total of 21 and
temporarily increasing their speed to 27 which is
Narrative rules: equivalent to 11m/s or 39km/h. A character can
In order to keep the pace of a gaming flowing and only move in a straight line while sprinting in this
to avoid the need for calculations and rule checking, way.
a GM may use their judgement to give an athletic
action a TR appropriate for its difficulty. Remember When making an athletics check to perform a
that activities or challenges a trained individual can running jump, a character must make a skill check.
expect to frequently perform are generally TR 14, A result of 14 is required to cover a distance of 4m,
though circumstance penalties and bonuses may with an additional half a metre being covered for
apply. every point that the check exceeds 14 by. For a
standing long jump, halve the distance covered.
TR 8: When making an athletics check to throw an object,
Jumping over a puddle a character must make a skill check. A result of 14 is
TR 10: required to throw a 5kg object a distance of 10m,
Catching a casually thrown item with an additional metre of distance being possible
TR 12: for every point that the check exceeds 14 by.
Jumping over a low wall Doubling the mass of the objects halves the
TR 14: distance it can be thrown, while halving the mass of
the object doubles the distance it can be thrown.
Jumping between adjacent roof tops
TR 16: Decreasing the mass of an object below 1kg has no
Throwing a grenade through a small window from further effect on how far it can be thrown.
10m away Circumstance penalties apply with objects of
TR 18: irregular shape, objects that lack an aerodynamic
Running from a collapsing building form or when specifying where a thrown object is to
TR 20: land. A circumstance bonuses applies when the
Throwing a grappling hook onto a low flying grav required throwing distance is less than half of that
tank provided by a result of 14. Be aware that especially
small and lightweight objects cannot be thrown
Precise rules: very far due to air resistance slowing them down,
Precise rules are more specific about what can and this is not modelled by the rules presented and
can't be achieved and may be preferable in games common sense must be applied in such
or situations where measurement and precise circumstances.
actions are required. Before using precise rules, you
should consider whether it is really necessarily to For example, a soldier wants to throw a grenade a
put a precise number on exactly how quickly a distance of 10m through a window. A result of 14
character can run or how far they can throw a would allow a grenade sized object to be thrown a
certain object. Excessive calculations or pauses to distance of 50m. However, a grenade is not an
consult rules can slow the pace of a game and break aerodynamic object and the soldier is specific about
immersion if done too often and needlessly. where he wants the grenade to go, so there are two
circumstance penalties. In this case, one
While speed determines how quickly a character circumstance penalty is mitigated by a circumstance
can ordinarily move around, there are times when a bonus as 10m is less than half of 50m. The TR
character may need to call upon all of their required to throw the grenade through the window
technique and training to move as quickly as is thus 16.
physically possible, this is when the athletics skill
can be used.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Climbing Unarmed Combat
The climbing skill covers everything from climbing The unarmed combat skill represents how skilled
up ropes, scrambling up ladders to scaling a sheer the character is in general unarmed combat and
cliff face. how well they can handle themselves in a fight. An
Emissary may train in unarmed combat as a form of
Narrative rules: exercise, as a backup option in the case of being
The climbing skill follows all of the normal rules for disarmed or even as their primary fighting style. It
skill checks and TRs. In general, one skill check can be assumed that anyone skilled in unarmed
should be made for each 10m of height that needs combat is familiar with all of the basics of fighting,
to be covered. they know how to shift their weight, how to throw a
kick or a punch, how to restrain someone and how
Examples: to guard themselves.
TR 8:
Quickly climbing up a ladder The mechanics of combat will be covered in more
TR 10: detail in the Combat chapter of this book. However,
Climbing up a cliff with a partner and equipment a brief overview of the skill and how it is used will
TR 12: be outlined here.
Solo climbing a cliff face with equipment
TR 14: Combat rules:
Climbing a regular cliff face without equipment To use the unarmed combat skill, a character
TR 16: wanting to attack another character must make a
Climbing the mast of a ship during a storm skill check as normal. Instead of comparing this
Climbing up an overhang without equipment result to a TR of 14 or a TR from a list of examples,
TR 18: the character must instead use the agility of their
Climbing a smooth sided building without target as the TR for the skill check.
TR 20: Example:
Climbing a smooth sided building without GM: A drunken patron has been listening to your
equipment at high altitude conversation and becomes angry. Out of the blue,
he suddenly decides to take a swing at Jane.
Precise rules:
A result of TR 14 is required for a character to climb GM: What agility does Jane have?
10m up a vertical surface with regular hand and Jane's PC: 16.
foot holds, where the character is able to support GM rolls 2d10 and adds the strength and unarmed
the weight of their body when moving from one skill of the drunken thug, getting 15.
position to another. For example, a rough cliff face,
a climbing wall or a rope adjacent to a wall satisfy GM: The thug swings a wild haymaker at you but his
these criteria. A rope in isolation, a smooth cliff face reactions are dulled by alcohol and you step back
or a smooth concrete wall do not satisfy this just in time to see his fist sail past the tip of your
criteria. nose.

For climbing less typical surfaces or climbing in less GM: Your agility is higher, how do you respond?
typical situations, start from the TR14 scenario and Jane's PC: He's pretty close to me, so I'm going to
apply a circumstance penalty or bonus for every try to knee him in the ribs.
way that the situation differs significantly. GM: Ok, make an unarmed combat check.
Jane's PC rolls 2d10, adds strength and unarmed
Example circumstance modifiers: skill, getting a total of 17.
Character is climbing with a partner -2 Jane's PC: I got 17.
Surface is sloped but not vertical -2 GM compares result to the thug's agility of 14, the
Character has climbing equipment -2 attack succeeds as 17 far exceeds 14.
Surface has large platforms -2
Surface is designed to be climbed -2 GM: The thug's wild swing leaves him completely
Surface has a known route to the top -2 exposed allowing you to expertly step into the
Surface has an overhang +2 opening and deliver a solid knee strike to his torso.
Conditions are windy +2
Conditions are dark +2 GM: Make a damage roll to see how badly you
Surface is smooth +2 injure him.
Altitude is very high +2
Surface must be climbed quickly +2

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Weapons (melee)
The weapons (melee) skill represents how skilled Precise rules:
the character is in melee combat using weapons Performing any particular manoeuvre in a vehicle,
and how well they can handle themselves in a fight as opposed to driving or piloting normally under
with weapons. An Emissary skilled with melee safe conditions, requires a skill check of TR 14.
weapons could be from a race with a strong martial Manoeuvres are defined as anything requiring a
tradition, a deadly knife fighter or simply someone sudden change in speed, altitude or direction in a
who frequently uses improvised weapons to defend vehicle. Sometimes a character may wish to
themselves in melee combat. It can be assumed perform a special manoeuvre that involves a
that anyone skilled with melee weapons is familiar combination of these manoeuvres.
with all of the basics of fighting with weapons, they
know how to shift their weight, how to swing a A tight turn in a jet fighter involves a sudden change
weapon and how to block or parry. of direction, so would require a TR 14 pilot check. A
steep climb involves a sudden change of altitude, so
Combat rules: would also require a TR 14 pilot check. However, a
The weapons (melee) skill functions in an identical loop combines sudden changes in altitude with
way to the unarmed combat skill, except that a sudden changes in direction, so it is a combination
character must have a suitable weapon in order to of two manoeuvres. A special manoeuvre like the
use the skill with. As with the unarmed combat skill, loop has a base TR 14 with an additional +2 for each
a normal skill roll is made and instead of comparing manoeuvre it is made up of (after the first).
this result to a TR of 14 or a TR from a list of Performing a loop would therefore have a TR of 16.
examples, the character must instead use the agility
of their target as the TR for the skill check. Additionally, as with other skills, driving or piloting
skill checks are subject to circumstance bonuses or
Dexterity Skills penalties. Of particular note, using a vehicle which a
Dexterity skills use the character's dexterity as an character is unfamiliar with always imposes a
associated characteristic. Raising a dexterity skill to circumstance penalty. To become familiar with a
a level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the vehicle, a character must have either had special
character access to a dexterity trait. training in the operation of that type of vehicle or
used it frequently for a period of one month.
Drive and Pilot Example circumstance modifiers:
Drive and pilot are two separate skills that behave Character has a co-pilot or navigator -2
in a very similar way. Drive is used to operate any Vehicle is highly automated -2
ground based vehicles, while pilot is used to
Vehicle is moving at low speed -2
operate flying machines or spacecraft. Vehicle is modified for this manoeuvre -2
Vehicle is moving near top speed +2
Narrative rules:
Vehicle has suffered damage +2
A character trained in driving or piloting does not Conditions are windy or dark +2
ordinarily have to make skill checks to operate their Manoeuvre is time critical +2
vehicle. Instead, skill checks must be made in order
Vehicle is travelling off-road +2
to perform manoeuvres or successfully operate Vehicle is in combat or under attack +2
their vehicles under difficult conditions. Aircraft is near stall speed +2
Aircraft is near tree top altitude +2
Examples: Aircraft is inside a cloud +2
TR 8:
Fly or drive in heavy rain
A plane does not fall out of the sky if a pilot
TR 10: attempts a loop and fails their skill check, instead
Tail a much slower vehicle the manoeuvre is performed poorly or must be
TR 12:
aborted and does not achieve its goal. If the skill
Drive along icy roads or fly in a snow storm
check result is half the TR or less, then the vehicle
TR 14: goes out of control. A TR 14 check (circumstance
Perform a perfect handbrake turn
penalties apply) is required to regain control.
TR 16:
Fly a loop in an aircraft More detailed rules for using vehicles in or out of
TR 18:
combat can be found in the Vehicles chapter.
Tail a much faster vehicle
TR 20:
Dodge a heat seeking missile in a jet

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The gymnastics skill is a general skill which covers The gymnastics skill can also be used to lessen the
physical activities that are highly demanding in severity of a fall and to move around in combat
finesse, flexibility and coordination, such as without inviting an attack. More details for using
balancing, tumbling and landing safely. the gymnastics skill in this way can be found in the
Movement and Combat chapters, a brief summary
Narrative rules: is provided here.
When using the gymnastics skill while moving, a
character should make a gymnastics check every A successful TR 14 gymnastics check reduces the
time they cover a distance equal to their speed. effective height of a fall, for the purposes of
determining injury, by 5m. The effective height of
Examples: the fall is further reduced by 2m for each point that
TR 8: the result exceeds 14 by. For example, a gymnastics
Performing a cartwheel check with a result of 15 would reduce effective fall
TR 10: height by 7m, while a result of 20 would reduce
Moving full speed across uneven ground effective fall height by 17m.
TR 12:
Flipping onto a raised platform Example circumstance modifiers:
TR 14: Landing on soft material -2
Walking across a tight rope Being caught by another character -2
TR 16: Falling next to an object or wall -2
Dodging past an opponent without being hit Landing on hard material +2
TR 18: Carrying a heavy load +2
Walking across a tight rope without a safety net in a Wearing restrictive clothing or armour +2
cross wind Carrying something with both hands +2
TR 20:
Jumping onto an opponent's sword and balancing A successful TR 16 (14 +2 for being in combat)
on the side of the blade gymnastics check enables a character to move

Precise rules:
freely in combat. Ordinarily a character would be
subject to a free attack or equivalent action when 36
A TR 14 gymnastics check is required to balance attempting to move past or while within reach of an
whilst walking along a raised (up to 4m above opponent. A character may choose exactly how
ground level) path as narrow as the character's foot. they move after they have made a successful skill
Other situations which require balancing should use check.
this and modify as necessary.
Normal circumstance modifiers apply as usual,
Example circumstance modifiers: remembering that a +2 circumstance modifier for
Character is at ground level -2 being in combat always applies to the base TR 14,
Can stand with feet side by side -2 effectively increasing the base TR to 16.
No immediate danger for failure -2
Character has a balance aide -2 Example:
Character has travelled path before -2 Jane's PC: I want to move out of reach of the thug.
Character is very high (4m+) +2 GM: Ok, make a gymnastics check.
Surface is slippery +2 Jane's PC rolls 2d10, adds dexterity and gymnastics
Conditions are windy or dark +2 skill, getting a total of 18.
Action is time critical +2 Jane's PC: I got 18, how much would I need to leap
Moving at full speed +2 away from him and land on the bar table? I want to
Character is in combat or under attack +2 take the high ground.
Changing height above ground +2 GM: 18 is enough to do that, 16 to get away and
Failure has high chance of serious injury +2 move freely but +2 to jump up onto the bar table.
Character is unable to see +2 Jane's PC: Right, then I'll flip up onto the table.
GM: Ok, sure.
A character does not typically fall immediately from
failing a check, instead they become unsteady and GM: Jane expertly dodges away from the thug
are unable to move or complete their action (which before he can respond, leaping acrobatically into
could still cause them to fall depending on the the air and landing with a sure footing on bar table.
action attempted). If the skill check is less than half
the TR the character will always fall or suffer some
appropriate consequence.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The larceny skill is a skill which covers activities such A TR 14 larceny check is required to steal a palm
as safe cracking, pick pocketing and lock picking. sized object, such as a wallet, from a stranger
without being noticed.
Narrative rules:
The larceny skill follows all of the usual rules for skill Example circumstance modifiers:
checks. It should be noted that lock picking always Crowded environment -2
requires the use of something as a tool to Object is in the open -2
manipulate the lock or else it fails automatically. Character is not being observed directly -2
Safe cracking may also require something to use as Object fits entirely in a closed hand -2
a tool, depending on the type of safe. A successful Victim is distracted -2
lock picking attempt can typically be completed in Conditions are dark or noisy +2
under a minute, while cracking a safe can take up to Victim is alert or suspects character +2
an hour. Object is larger than palm sized +2
Character is in combat or under attack +2
Examples: Character is face to face with victim +2
TR 8: Object is well secured +2
Slipping a card from your sleeve while nobody is Character is known to victim +2
watching you directly
TR 10: A TR 14 larceny check is required to pick the lock of
Pocketing a coin from a table without being seen a typical exterior door, such as the door to a house,
TR 12: with the use of professional lock picking tools in a
Stealing a wallet from someone in a large crowd period of one minute. A circumstance penalty can
TR 14: be applied to pick the lock in half the amount of
Cracking a known type of safe time. This circumstance penalty can be stacked and
TR 16: its effect is cumulative. For example, a standard lock
Picking a standard lock with improvised tools can be picked in fifteen seconds with a TR 18 skill
TR 18: check.
Cracking an unknown safe in 30 minutes
TR 20: Example circumstance modifiers: 37
Stealing a pistol from a suspicious guard while Lock is poorly maintained -2
speaking to them face to face Lock is very old -2
Character has an assistant -2
Precise rules: Character has picked the lock before -2
A TR 14 larceny check is required to crack a known Cheap or low security lock -2
type of commercial safe in a period of one hour. A Character takes half the time +2
circumstance penalty can be applied to crack the Improvised tools +2
safe in half the amount of time. This circumstance High quality lock +2
penalty can be stacked and its effect is cumulative. Door has multiple locks +2
For example, a known type of commercial safe can Lock is partially electronic +2
be cracked in fifteen minutes with a TR 18 skill Conditions are dark or noisy +2
check. Lock is an unfamiliar design +2
Lock is unique +2
Example circumstance modifiers: Character is in combat or under attack +2
Character has cracked this safe before -2 Door is trapped +2
Character has an assistant -2 Failure has serious consequences +2
Character has a clue for the combination -2 Character is unable to see or hear +2
Safe is an obsolete design -2
Safe is poorly maintained -2 Larceny cannot typically be used to pick the lock of
Character takes half the time +2 an entirely electronic or computerised lock, such as
Conditions are dark or noisy +2 an electromagnetically sealed bulkhead door with a
Safe is an unfamiliar design +2 retinal scanner or card-key lock. However, larceny
Safe is unique +2 can be used with the appropriate circumstance
Character is in combat or under attack +2 penalties to pick a partially electronic lock as long as
Safe is trapped +2 some mechanical components of the mechanism
Failure has serious consequences +2 are accessible with the tools the character has
Character is unable to see or hear +2 available, such as an electronic card-key door held
secure by a visible mechanical bolt.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The stealth skill is a general skill which covers Combat rules:
activities such as hiding and sneaking. A character The weapons (ranged) skill functions in a similar
wishing to camouflage themselves in the way to the other combat and weapon skills, except
undergrowth or tail someone unnoticed through a that it uses dexterity rather than strength as a
crowded street would use the stealth skill. characteristic.

Narrative rules: To fire at inanimate objects or characters physically

The stealth skill follows all of the usual rules for skill unable to move, a TR 14 skill check is required to hit
checks with some exceptions. For sneaking past or a human sized target within the weapon's effective
hiding from non-specific agents (civilians or range.
unstatted NPCs) a TR 14 skill check with the usual
modifiers is generally sufficient. However, stealth is Example circumstance modifiers:
more often used to set the TR for an opposed spot Target is larger than a human -2
or listen check. Range is close -2
Character has a trained spotter -2
Precise rules: Range is precisely known -2
The unmodified result of a character's stealth skill Character has already hit target -2
check result is used as the base TR for an Target is smaller than a human +2
opponent's spot or listen skill check. As such, Range is long +2
circumstance modifiers do not apply to the stealth Target is moving erratically +2
check directly, but instead apply to subsequent spot Conditions are dark or noisy +2
or listen checks against it. While spot and listen Character is taking return fire +2
skills will be covered within their own respective Gravity is unusual +2
sections, some example circumstance modifiers that Weather conditions are windy +2
may commonly apply to characters attempting to Target is extremely fast +2
defeat an opposing stealth check are given here.
Endurance Skills
Example circumstance modifiers:
Detecting character has an assistant -2
Endurance skills use the character's endurance as
an associated characteristic. Raising an endurance
Terrain has few hiding places -2 skill to a level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the
Target is a different colour to terrain -2 character access to an endurance trait.
Target is moving -2
Environment is very quiet -2 Microgravity
Environment is evenly lit -2 The microgravity skill is used to move around or
Detecting character expects target -2 take actions in a microgravity environment.
Conditions are dark or noisy +2
Terrain has many hiding places +2 Narrative rules:
Target is wearing camouflage +2 The microgravity skill follows all of the usual rules
Detecting character is distracted +2 for skill checks. A character trained in microgravity
Lots of objects are moving +2 does not ordinarily have to make microgravity
Detecting characters is in combat +2 checks to move at their normal speed through a
microgravity environment. Whenever a character in
Weapons (ranged) a microgravity environment would want to perform
The weapons (ranged) skill represents how skilled a movement action that would usually require the
the character is using ranged weapons in combat. athletics or gymnastics skill, they must use the
An Emissary skilled with ranged weapons could be a microgravity skill instead.
specialist sniper or simply a melee expert who falls
back onto a trusty handgun when they can't close It should be noted that in order to use the
the distance. It can be assumed that anyone skilled microgravity skill at all, the microgravity
with ranged weapons is familiar with all of the environment must have surfaces, objects or holds
basics of fighting with ranged weapons, they know for the character to push against or grip.
how to lead a moving target, how to compensate
for gravity and how to judge distance.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Stamina Composure Skills
The stamina skill is a general skill which allows a Composure skills use the character's composure as
character to maintain physical activities for an an associated characteristic. Raising a composure
extended period of time. skill to a level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the
character access to a composure trait.
Narrative rules:
The stamina skill follows all of the usual rules for Concentration
skill checks. The stamina skill is most often used to The concentration skill is used to remove some of
extend the duration of movement activities, such as the circumstance penalties that may apply to
running, for extended periods of time without another skill check as well as allowing the character
suffering from the effects of fatigue. Refer to the to act despite being injured.
Movement chapter for more detailed rules about
travelling long distances for extended durations. Narrative rules:
The concentration skill is not subject to the usual
Swimming circumstance penalties that may be applied to a skill
The swimming skill is used to move around or take check. A successful TR 14 concentration check
actions while submerged in water. Additionally, the allows the character to ignore a single source of
swimming skill can be used when the character distraction imposing a circumstance penalty on
needs to hold their breath. another skill check performed immediately after the
concentration check.
Narrative rules:
The swimming skill follows all of the usual rules for Combat rules:
skill checks. A character trained in swimming does If a character suffers an injury in combat while
not ordinarily have to make swimming checks to attempting to perform an extended action or skill
move one half of their speed through still water. It check, the character must make a successful
should be noted that due to the 'diving reflex' a concentration check in order to avoid having their
character can hold their breath for twice as long extended action interrupted. The TR for a
under water as they can on land. concentration check of this type is equal to 14 plus
the number of injuries (of any type) inflicted by the 39
Examples: attack.
TR 10:
Treading water in calm sea water Long Term Memory
TR 12: The long term memory skill is used to see if the
Swimming against a weak current character recalls things that happened to them
TR 14: some time in the past.
Perform another action while under water
TR 16: Narrative rules:
Performing a combat action under water During gameplay a player will often forget
TR 18: information which their character would likely know
Swimming in a heavy storm or remember, especially if a game takes place over
TR 20: multiple sessions. A GM may simply provide this
Holding breath underwater for eight minutes information if there is no doubt that the character
would remember it, or else they can make the
Precise rules: character perform a long term memory check with a
When making a swimming check to swim quickly TR of 14 to find out if the character remembers the
over a short distance a character must make a skill information or not.
check, their speed is temporarily increased by 1 for
each point that their skill check exceeds 14. TR 14:
Character recalls something that happened to them
When attempting to hold their breath, a character or the first name of someone they met on a
must make a skill check with a TR of 14. A successful previous day or earlier in their life.
result allows a character to hold their breath TR 16:
underwater for 2 minutes, with each point that the Character recalls more specific information, such as
result exceeds 14 by allowing the character to hold an address or full name.
their breath for an additional minute. TR 18:
Character remembers very specific information,
such as a phone number or contents of a document.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Psionics Precise rules:
A character with the psionics skill has developed When making a psionics check to move an object, a
psionic abilities and invested some amount of time character must achieve a result of 14 to move a
into learning how to control them and increase 10kg object, within 10m of the character, a distance
their potency. The psionics skill represents how of up to 10m through the air. Halving the distance
skilled the character is in using psionic powers in moved or mass of the object decreases the
and out of combat and how knowledgeable they are necessary TR by 2. Doubling the distance moved,
about psionic abilities in general. Many Emissaries distance to the object or mass of the object
who are able to will invest some time in mastering increases the TR by 2. The distance an object is
psionics, either as a primary form of combat or as a moved can never exceed the base speed of the
way of supplementing their other abilities. It can be character.
assumed that anyone skilled in psionics is familiar
with all of the basics of fighting using psionic Moving a living creature always imposes a +2
powers, they know how to focus their mental circumstance penalty on the TR and can be opposed
energy onto specific targets and deliver force in the by a rival psionics check. An item can be snatched
most appropriate way. from an opponent's hands only with a result of TR
16 + the opponent's strength. If the item is a
Psionics are a heavily researched but still poorly weapon, the opponent's relevant weapon skill is
understood phenomena within the galaxy. also added to the TR.
Approximately one in a hundred people
demonstrate some form of psionic manifestation, A character must have line of sight to an object in
though this rate is disproportionately higher among order to move it using psionics.
Emissaries. Though there are some trends and
exceptions, there appears to be no direct Combat rules:
correlation between race or intelligence and the In combat, the psionics skill functions in a similar
likelihood of manifesting psionic powers. Any being way to the other combat and weapon skills, except
capable of conscious thought has the potential for that it uses composure rather than strength or
psionics, even Mechanoids and Artificial dexterity as a characteristic. A normal skill roll is
Intelligences. made and instead of comparing this result to a TR of
14 or a TR from a list of examples, the character 41
Narrative rules: must instead use 10 + the willpower of their target
The psionics skill follows all of the usual rules for as the TR for the skill check.
skill checks with some additions and exceptions. The
psionics skill is fairly versatile and has uses both in The damage done by a psionic attack is mental in
and out of combat. A character may wish to make a nature and takes the form of trauma, a kind of
psionics check to move objects with their mind or persistent mental damage. The amount of damage
attack an opponent directly. inflicted is unmodified by characteristics and
depends on the ranks a character possesses in the
Examples: psionics skill.
TR 8:
Emulate a gentle gust of wind Skill Rank: Mental Damage:
TR 10: 0 0
Move a small object through the air 1 1d4
TR 12: 2 1d4
Drag a suitcase along the ground 3 1d6
TR 14: 4 1d6
Slowly move a nearby suitcase through the air 5 1d8
TR 16:
Lift a small animal into the air Refer to the chapter on Mental Damage for more
TR 18: details about the implications of stress, trauma,
Snatch a weapon from a civilian NPC's hands mental damage and how it is recovered from.
TR 20:
Levitate self at normal movement speed

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Survival Academics
The survival skill is used to determine how well a Academics represents a character's ability to
character can live off the land and survive in harsh research, analyse and draw conclusions about a
climates and conditions. particular topic. Academics always requires access
to information or resources that can provide
Narrative rules: information about something. A character may wish
The survival skill follows all of the usual rules for skill to use academics to find links or patterns in a data
checks. A TR 14 skill check is typically sufficient for a set or to cross reference two statements to find
character trained in survival to obtain food and contradictions.
water, or to create primitive hunting and crafting
tools or a shelter out of resources naturally Narrative rules:
available in the environment. A successful TR 14 In the course of a game, a player may fail to notice
survival check also provides a circumstance bonus or piece together vital clues or information that
to toughness checks prompted by extreme weather their character is unlikely to miss. In such a
conditions. situation, the GM may allow the player to make a
TR 14 academics check to see if the character can
Examples: draw some conclusion from the information they
TR 8: already have. An extended TR 14 academics check
Scavenge food from farm land is also sufficient to write an academic publication or
TR 10: solve a problem from first principles (as long as no
Repair an abandoned shelter prior knowledge is required).
TR 12:
Build a shelter with professional tools Precise rules:
TR 14: A TR 14 academics check will allow a character to
Hunt domestic animals compare two pieces of information and ascertain a
TR 16: single link or contradiction that exists between
Hunt wild animals them. For example, when comparing the
TR 18: statements provided by two witnesses to a murder
Hunt dangerous wild animals
TR 20:
scene, a TR 14 academics check may highlight the
fact that the body was described in a slightly
Find a desert oasis in a sand storm different position by each witness or that an item
was present in one statement but not the other.
Precise rules:
The survival skill is subject to circumstance bonuses Example circumstance modifiers:
and penalties as normal. Character has a trained assistant -2
Character has meticulous notes -2
Example circumstance modifiers: Character already has a correct hunch -2
Character has an assistant -2 A link has already been established -2
Plentiful resources -2 A contradiction has already been found -2
Close to civilisation -2 The link is obscure +2
Character has professional tools -2 The contradiction is not obvious +2
Conditions are dark or noisy +2 Character has an incorrect hunch +2
Wild animals +2 Specific information is required +2
Dangerous animals +2 Information is only remembered +2
Barren environment +2 Environment is distracting +2
Extreme temperatures +2 Outside specialist field +2
Stormy weather +2
Poor visibility +2 Specialisation:
A character with the academics skill must choose a
Intelligence Skills specialisation for their academic training, such as
Intelligence skills use the character's intelligence as crime scene investigation, physics, mathematics,
an associated characteristic. Raising an intelligence ancient history, literature etc. A character applying
skill to a level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the their academic skill to a situation outside of their
character access to an intelligence trait. specialism always suffers a circumstance penalty. A
GM may choose to waive this penalty if the player
can explain how they are applying their specialism
Academics/Knowledge to the situation.
Academics and knowledge are two separate skills
which are closely related.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Knowledge Technology
Knowledge represents a character's existing The technology skill is a general skill which covers
background knowledge about a particular topic. activities involving the use of modern technology. A
Knowledge does not require information or sources character may wish to use the technology skill to
to work with and does not reveal anything new hack a computer, operate a nanofabricator or
about information character's have obtained. A design a personal shield generator.
character may wish to use knowledge about a
particular topic as a source for academics or to Narrative rules:
perform an action requiring specific knowledge. A character would not ordinarily have to perform a
technology roll to carry out an everyday activity
Narrative rules: with a piece of familiar technology, such as
In the course of a game, a player may be presented operating a biocomputer, using a personal
with a situation or topic that they know nothing communicator or smart terminal. However, there
about but that their character perhaps would do. In are times when a character may wish to perform an
such a situation, the GM may allow the player to everyday activity to a high level of ability, perform
make a TR 14 a knowledge check to see if the an advanced action with a familiar device or even
character has existing knowledge about the topic. A operate an unfamiliar piece of technology. In
TR 14 knowledge check is also sufficient to allow the occasions such as these, the technology skill is used
character to perform a simple action requiring some to determine how successful the character is. As a
kind of specific knowledge. For example, a character baseline, a TR 14 skill check is sufficient for a
highly knowledgeable about photography could character to succeed at something that a trained
operate a manual film camera and take a user could be reasonably expected to do. For
competent photograph with a TR 14 knowledge example, a scientist familiar with the Raman
(photography) check, though the photograph would spectrometer could identify the molecular
be unlikely to win an artistic prize for creativity. composition of a particular substance with a TR 14
technology check, while a private investigator could
Precise rules: find hidden files on a someone's computer with the
A TR 14 knowledge check will allow a character to same result.
understand the basic point behind a piece of
technical information that their player does not Precise rules:
understand. A TR 14 knowledge check will provide a A TR 14 technology check will allow an advanced
character with general context and information operation of a familiar piece of technology or a
about a particular topic. simple operation of an unfamiliar piece of
technology. A simple operation being defined as an
Example circumstance modifiers: operation that is part of the device's primary
Character has a trained assistant -2 purpose and that could reasonably be carried out
Character has studied topic recently -2 from first principles or transferable skills. At GM
Information is common knowledge -2 discretion, simple operations may not exist for
Character succeeded same check earlier -2 certain devices (such as advanced scientific or
Character knows name and dates +2 military equipment). An advanced operation is
Information is not widely known +2 defined as an obscure secondary function, a more
Information is secretive +2 specialised or specific primary function or, more
Specific information is required +2 generally, a function that an expert would be aware
Information is very specific +2 of but that the average user of the device would not
Environment is distracting +2 be.
Outside specialist field +2
Example circumstance modifiers:
Specialisation: Character has a trained assistant -2
A character with the knowledge skill must choose a Instructions are available -2
specialisation for their learned knowledge, such as Character succeeded same check earlier -2
medical science, ancient history, photography, Character built the device -2
popular music etc. A character applying their Interface is highly unintuitive +2
knowledge skill to a situation outside of their Activity is time critical +2
specialism always suffers a circumstance penalty. A Consequences for failure +2
GM may choose to waive this penalty if the player Device is unfamiliar +2
can explain how they are applying their specialism Device is damaged or incomplete +2
to the situation. Expert knowledge required +2

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Craft is a general skill which applies to the creation Example circumstance modifiers:
of items from raw materials with the aid of Materials can be worked without tools -2
appropriate tools. The craft skill could be used to Item is small -2
prepare gun parts for 3D printing or to make a knife Item is extremely simple -2
from a piece of flint. Character succeeded same check earlier -2
Character has a trained assistant -2
Narrative rules: Item is large +2
Craft follows all of the usual rules for skill checks. A Materials require heavy tools to work +2
craft check of TR 14 is generally sufficient to create Exotic material is used +2
a simple object with no moving parts from materials Item is very complex +2
that can largely be worked with handheld tools. Character has no pattern or design +2
Time critical +2
Examples: Failure has consequences +2
TR 8:
Make an attractive birthday card Medicine
TR 10: Medicine represents any medical training or
Make a papier mache mask experience treating the sick or injured that a
TR 12: character may possess. Medical skill could be the
Carve a wooden chess piece result of professional training such as that received
TR 14: by a Bioartisan Flesh Sculptor, or through a
Forge a steel knife blade and carve a wooden combination of passed on knowledge, trial and
handle error and first hand experiences that a veteran field
TR 16: operative might build up over time.
Mill parts for a revolver or carve a storage box
TR 18: Narrative rules:
Build and assemble a state of the art rifle or Medicine can be used in lieu of an appropriate
crossbow knowledge check to provide information about
TR 20:
3D print spacecraft parts and weld them together
medical or biological situations. For example, when 44
discussing a particular health issue, a knowledge
(biology) or medicine check could both be used to
Note that an Emissary Weapon could be crafted provide a general context to the player.
with a TR of 20, but is not usually possible due to
the special materials required. Additionally, the medicine skill can be used to treat
injuries. A successful TR 14 medicine check can
Precise rules: instantly remove a single temporary injury. A
The baseline TR 14 result for a craft check will successful TR 14 medicine check can also allow a
produce a small, functional object with no moving persistent injury to be healed, though a week of
parts from materials that can be worked using the treatment is required to do this. A TR 14 check can
tools available. The time required to produce an also wake an unconscious character.
item varies heavily depending on the materials used
and the tools available, so is left to GM discretion. Precise rules:
As a baseline, a value of one hour for a TR 14 check The basic use of medicine to treat injuries works as
could be used, halving this value for every decrease started above, but can be modified by
in TR by 2 and doubling this value for every increase circumstances as usual and more challenging skill
in TR by 2. checks can be attempted.

A craft check made without the aid of a design is Example circumstance modifiers:
always considered to have a +2 circumstance Character succeeded same check earlier -2
penalty. Additionally, a functional object produced Character has a trained assistant -2
without the aid of a pattern or design has a chance Medical facilities are available -2
of failing when used equal to 50% minus 10% for Treating an additional injury +2
each point that the skill check result exceeds the TR Halve patient recovery time +2
by. For example, a revolver made without a pattern No specialist equipment available +2
would require a TR 18 craft check to make, but a In combat or under pressure +2
craft result of 20 would produce a functional
revolver with a 30% chance of failing when used.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Navigation Working Memory
Navigation represents a character's general sense of Working memory refers to a character's ability to
direction as well as their ability to recognise recall and manipulate information within a few
landmarks and to read and create maps. minutes of encountering it.

Narrative rules: Narrative rules:

The navigation skill follows all of the usual rules for The working memory skill is typically used to recall
skill checks. A character would not normally need to lists of items and the order of the list, where items
make navigation checks to travel to familiar places of working memory can take the form of words,
or places they have been to before under ordinary numbers or objects. A TR 14 working memory check
circumstances. A TR 14 navigation check would be is sufficient to recall up to 7 items and their order.
required to travel to a familiar location in difficult For example, a TR 14 working memory check could
conditions, such as a snow storm, or to find be used to recall a new phone number with a
somewhere they had never been to before in good familiar area code (6 unique numbers and 1 are
conditions and with the help of a map or directions. code, for 7 total items), but would not be sufficient
to remember a new phone number with an
Examples: unfamiliar area code (as the digits of the area code
TR 8: are now unique items). In both cases, the number
Know which way North is, when travelling in a would need to have been seen within a few minutes
familiar location of making the working memory check. An
TR 10: alternative use could be to recall the facial features,
Know which direction home is in, or which direction clothing and hair colour of someone a character had
they came from while travelling just met. A TR 14 result could also recognise seven
TR 12: differences about the layout of a room if things had
Find places of interest on a map been moved during a short blackout.
TR 14:
Navigate a familiar route in a snow storm Examples:
TR 16: TR 8:
Use a map to navigate an unfamiliar route during a
Recall four items
TR 10:
TR 18: Recall five items
Navigate an unfamiliar route during a storm, using TR 12:
only vague directions from a local resident Recall six items
TR 20: TR 14:
Navigate an unfamiliar route during a storm, using Recall seven items
only knowledge of a few key landmarks along the TR 16:
way Recall eight items
TR 18:
Precise rules: Recall nine items
The base TR of 14 is sufficient to navigate an TR 20:
unfamiliar route, so long as the player has access to Recall ten items
comprehensive navigation aides or directions.
Circumstance modifiers can further alter the TR as Given time to prepare, in the knowledge that they
follows below. will shortly have to recall information correctly,
characters may attempt advanced memory
Example circumstance modifiers: techniques such as chunking to increase the
Character succeeded same check earlier -2 effective number of items they can recall. A TR 14
Character has a trained assistant -2 working memory check is sufficient to group three
Character is familiar with the route -2 unique items into a single one, allowing three times
Character is travelling with a local -2 as many total items to be recalled.
Route is very well sign posted -2
Route has many famous landmarks -2 Examples:
Weather conditions are severe +2 TR 14:
Visibility is poor +2 Group three items together
Directions are poor or incomplete +2 TR 18:
Travelling in a hurry +2 Group six items together
Getting lost here is life threatening +2 TR 22:
Route is purposefully hard to follow +2 Group nine items together

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Awareness Skills
Awareness skills use the character's awareness as Example circumstance modifiers:
an associated characteristic. Raising an awareness Character succeeded same check earlier -2
skill to a level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the Character has a trained assistant -2
character access to an awareness trait. Character is familiar with location -2
Character knows object is there -2
Investigation Hiding place has been described -2
The investigation skill is a general skill which Item is large or easy to spot -2
represents how good a character is at searching for Object is well concealed +2
clues, hidden items, traps and secret locations. Visibility is poor +2
Searching in half the time +2
Narrative rules: Item is small or hard to spot +2
The investigation skill follows all of the usual rules Character knows failure is dangerous +2
for skill checks. A TR 14 investigation result is Character has incorrect information +2
sufficient to find an unexpected item of interest
among a collection of uninteresting items, or to find Listen
an expected item that has been intentionally The listen skill is a general skill which represents
concealed. For example, a result of 14 would be how good a character is at listening in on
sufficient to discover a diary amongst a pile of conversations or hearing and identifying sounds.
discarded clothes and belongings, or to find a gun in
a hidden compartment of a cupboard (so long as Narrative rules:
the character knew a gun was hidden somewhere in The listen skill follows all of the usual rules for skill
the cupboard). An investigation check usually checks with some exceptions. A TR 14 listen check is
requires 5 minutes. Unless time is a serious factor, a generally sufficient to recognise a familiar voice in a
whole room can be investigated as a single no crowd, identify a particular musical note or detect a
pressure investigation check (with the usual bonus barely audible sound in a quiet environment. The
applying), but takes half an hour to complete. exception to the usual rules for skill checks comes
when using the listen skill as an opposed skill check.
Examples: 46
TR 8: Examples:
Finding a dropped coin that rolled away TR 10:
TR 10: Being woken up by a loud knocking on the door
Finding a particular book on a shelf TR 12:
TR 12: Hearing a friend loudly trying to get your attention
Finding a lost card key in your apartment in a noisy crowd
TR 14: TR 14:
Finding a wallet in a used hotel room Hearing an empty bullet casing fall onto a stone
TR 16: floor in an adjacent room
Finding a concealed trap TR 16:
TR 18: Recognising a familiar voice speaking softly in a
Finding a secret compartment under a loose tile, crowd
amongst a collection of ordinary loose tiles TR 18:
TR 20: Hearing a whisper in a thunder storm
Finding a hidden trip wire in a pitch black tunnel
while being chased by an assassin Precise rules:
See the stealth skill entry for more detailed rules on
Precise rules: using listen to detect sneaking opponents.
The base TR of 14 is sufficient to find a single
unexpected item of interest amongst a collection of Example circumstance modifiers:
uninteresting items, or to find an expected item Sound is very familiar to character -2
that has been intentionally concealed. Circumstance Sound is very loud -2
modifiers can further alter the TR as follows on the Sound is extremely close by -2
opposite page. Sound is complex and unusual -2
Sound is very quiet +2
Sound is very far away +2
Environment is very noisy +2
Source of sound is obstructed +2
Sound is very unremarkable +2

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Sense Motive Example circumstance modifiers:
The sense motive skill is a general skill which Person is very familiar -2
represents how good a character is at recognising Conversation is very long -2
deceit or the emotional state of another character. Hidden emotions are strong -2
Private discussion in peaceful location -2
Narrative rules: Deceit is contradicted by known fact -2
The sense motive skill follows all of the usual rules Deceit is backed up with evidence +2
for skill checks with some exceptions. A TR 14 sense Brief or no conversation +2
motive check is generally sufficient to avoid being Body language is obscured +2
deceived or intimidated by an average NPC Voice is muffled or disguised +2
character. A TR 14 sense motive check will also Person is from a different culture +2
enable a character to gain an insight into the
emotional state of another character. For example, Spot
a successful check would allow a character to grasp The spot skill is a general skill which represents how
whether a stranger seems hostile or not. The good a character is at recognising small or distant
exception to the usual rules for skill checks comes features and noticing hidden characters or objects.
when using sense motive as an opposed check
against the manipulation skill. Narrative rules:
The spot skill follows all of the usual rules for skill
Examples: checks with some exceptions. A TR 14 spot check is
TR 10: generally sufficient to recognise a familiar face in a
Avoiding a blatant scam crowd, notice a hidden person or object in close
TR 12: proximity, or an exposed person or object in the
Noticing that a close ally is disturbed and trying to distance. The exception to the usual rules for skill
put on a strong façade checks comes when using the listen skill as an
TR 14: opposed skill check or when using a character's
Noticing that a character is hiding their fear of a appearance to determine how easily recognisable
person or location they are.
TR 16:
Noticing an important half truth or deception by Examples:
omission TR 10:
TR 18: Spotting a world famous celebrity in a crowd
Noticing a subtle lie concealed by a more blatant TR 12:
one Noticing a friend waving at you from the other side
TR 20: of a large crowd
Recognising that a complete stranger who just TR 14:
saved your life secretly harbours a grudge against Spotting a human silhouette moving against the
you horizon
TR 16:
Precise rules: Noticing someone standing motionless in the corner
The base TR of 14 is sufficient to provide a simplistic of an almost pitch black room
understanding of the true emotional state of a TR 18:
complete stranger after talking to them for several Noticing a hidden door in the side of a distant
minutes, despite a conscious effort to hide it. A building
simplistic understanding is defined as one that can
be summarised with a single word, such as 'afraid', Precise rules:
'angry' or 'excited'. A result of 14 would also provide See the stealth skill entry for more detailed rules on
a more complex understanding about the true using spot to detect hidden opponents.
emotional state of a close friend, again providing
that a conversation has first taken place. A more Example circumstance modifiers:
complex understanding is defined as one that would Object is large or very close -2
require a sentence or two to describe, such as Object stands out from its surroundings -2
'worried that his companions will realise he is Object is moving -2
terrified of the dark and think less of him because of Terrain is uncluttered -2
it'. Terrain is cluttered +2
Object is small or distant +2
Environment is dark +2
Object matches its surroundings +2

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Track Presence Skills
The track skill represents how good a character is at Presence skills use the character's presence as an
tracking people, animals or vehicles that have associated characteristic. Raising a presence skill to
previously travelled through a location. a level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the
character access to a presence trait.
Narrative rules:
The track skill follows all of the usual rules for skill Costume
checks. A TR 14 track check will allow a character to The costume skill is a general skill which represents
recognise the markings left behind by a familiar how good a character is at using clothing, costumes
creature or vehicle, so long as the markings are and disguises in order to present themselves in a
fresh and undisturbed. A TR 14 track check could particular way.
also provide some basic information about an
unfamiliar creature or vehicle from the type of Narrative rules:
markings it has left. For example, a character who The costume skill follows all of the usual rules for
had never encountered a mortipede before could skill checks with some exceptions. The most
use the track skill to examine mortipede prints and common use of the costume skill is to disguise a
determine that the animal is a very large, heavy character using makeup, clothing and accessories.
arthropod with many bladed feet. Creating a disguise in this way usually takes one
TR 8: When using the costume skill to create a disguise, a
Follow a trail of prints left in the mud TR 14 costume check is required to successfully
TR 10: disguise the character as a specific person of the
Recognise your own footprints from those of others same race, gender and approximate height, age and
TR 12: build. A TR 14 costume check could also successfully
Approximately tell how recently prints were made disguise the character as a non-specific person of
TR 14: the opposite race or gender, or as a non-specific
Determine that unusual tracks in the snow were left person of the same race and gender but with a
behind by a human-sized, bipedal creature with
dog-like paws
substantially different age or build. If a successful 48
costume check is made in this way, other characters
TR 16: will not get to make a spot check to discover the
Determine the approximate speed and size of an disguise unless they are already suspicious or
unfamiliar creature from the size and spacing of its interact with the disguised character directly. The
prints result of the initial costume check becomes the TR
TR 18: of the spot check required to see through the
Form a detailed recreation of what has happened in disguise.
a location based on the differing prints of multiple
people or animals The costume skill can also be used to provide a
TR20: circumstance bonus or penalty to relevant presence
Follow a trail of well disguised prints through and charisma skills. By looking the part and using
difficult terrain, including a running stream the right body language, people become more
susceptible to these social skills. A successful TR 14
Precise rules: costume check can provide a single circumstance
The track skill is subject to circumstance bonuses bonus to a future intimidate, leadership,
and penalties as normal. streetwise, communication, expression,
manipulation or socialise skill check (lowering the
Example circumstance modifiers: TR for that skill check by 2). However, the character
Character has an assistant -2 must choose at the time of the costume check
Ground is soft -2 which social skill the circumstance bonus will apply
Ground is uncluttered -2 to.
Prints are very fresh -2
Prints are very familiar -2 The costume skill can also be used in place of
Ground is hard +2 knowledge to appraise the approximate value of a
Ground is cluttered +2 particular item of clothing. A result of TR 14 will
Prints are fairly old +2 grant the player knowledge of what the item could
More information required +2 be expected to sell for and what it might have
Prints are very unusual +2 originally cost to purchase.
Poor weather or visibility +2

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Examples: The intimidate skill represents how forceful,
TR 8: threatening and imposing a character can be.
Disguise a blemish or spot
TR 10: Narrative rules:
Disguise a recognisable scar or birthmark The intimidate skill follows all of the usual rules for
TR 12: skill checks. The intimidate skill can be used in a
Disguise hair and facial features variety of ways but is most often used when trying
TR 14: to make an NPC back down who would otherwise
Disguise self as someone of the same age, height cause trouble of prevent the player from doing
and gender something. A TR 14 intimidate check is generally
TR 16: sufficient to threaten all but the most hardened and
Disguise self as someone of the same age and professional NPCs. For example, a group of street
similar height but opposite gender thugs might attempt to assault and rob a character
TR 18: wandering around late at night, but a successful
Disguise self as a character of a different race and intimidate check would convince them that the
different age or build character was more trouble than it was worth. An
TR20: intimidate check in this way might also convince a
Disguise another as a character of a different race security guard to stand aside and let players
and different age or build trespass onto private property, although they might
have to deal with the consequences of that action
Precise rules: further down the line. The intimidate skill can also
The costume skill is subject to circumstance bonuses be used to interrogate captives for information,
and penalties as normal. again a TR 14 intimidate check is generally sufficient
to make an NPC talk, though they may only say
For disguise attempts, start with the base TR 14 what the character wants to hear.
given above and apply appropriate circumstance
modifiers as necessary. A character should not ordinarily use the intimidate

Example circumstance modifiers:

skill on other characters (roleplay it instead), but an
attempted intimidation by an NPC or another
Character has an assistant -2 character can be opposed by an another intimidate
Character has used this disguise before -2 check (highest wins) or by a sense motive check. In
Character uses this disguise frequently -2 the case of a sense motive check, if the result
Only subtle changes required -2 exceeds the intimidate check made against them
Only disguising a single feature -2 the character is immediately aware of whether any
Not disguising as a specific person -2 threats made against them are genuine or not.
High quality materials to work with -2
Taking twice as long as necessary -2 Examples:
Disguising as opposite gender +2 TR 8:
Difference in age +2 Intimidate a child
Difference in height and build +2 TR 10:
Different race +2 Intimidate a sick or elderly NPC
Disguising another person +2 TR 12:
Very limited resources to work with +2 Intimidate a physically weaker NPC
Preparing disguise in half the time +2 TR 14:
Intimidate an NPC of equal physical stature
For gaining a circumstance bonus to social skills, TR 16:
start with the base TR 14 which provides a single Intimidate a physically powerful NPC
circumstance bonus to future social skill checks of a TR 18:
single type. The time required to prepare a costume Intimidate a physically powerful and trained
in this way is an hour. professional such as a soldier or police officer
Example circumstance modifiers: Intimidate a physically powerful and trained
Character has an assistant -2 professional with additional experience in enduring
High quality materials to work with -2 interrogation, such as a special forces operative
Taking twice as long as necessary -2
Bonus to an additional social skill +2
Very limited resources to work with +2
Preparing costume in half the time +2

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Precise rules: The leadership skill represents how good a
The intimidate skill is subject to circumstance character is at motivating and directing other
bonuses and penalties as normal. people.

For intimidate checks, start with the base TR 14 Narrative rules:

given above and apply appropriate circumstance The leadership skill follows all of the usual rules for
modifiers as necessary. skill checks with some exceptions. The leadership
skill has a variety of uses but is most often used to
Example circumstance modifiers: inspire and motivate NPC characters into helping or
Character has an assistant -2 following instructions.
Character is armed -2
Target is physically weaker -2 A successful TR 14 leadership check is generally
Target is unusually weak or frail -2 sufficient to convince neutral NPCs to help or to
Target is very young or small -2 support a particular decision or plan of action. It is
Target has been intimidated before -2 important to be aware that a successful leadership
Target is restrained or captive -2 check does not compel NPCs to act against their
Target is stressed -2 nature, but simply convinces them that the
Target is physically stronger +2 character has strong leadership qualities or a
Target has relevant training +2 suggestion worth listening to. A character could not
Target has resisted intimidation before +2 use the leadership skill to order around another
Target is armed +2 higher ranking Emissary, but is more likely to be
Target is in a group or has allies +2 taken seriously, listened to and assigned leadership
over a specific task. However, in the event of a
Prolonged use of the intimidate skill against the serious disaster or another situation that overruled
same target can also inflict stress on them. For the normal social hierarchy, a character may find
example, this could represent breaking down a that some high ranking officials do start following
captive who is subject to repeated interrogations, their instructions.
or it could represent the repeated bullying of a
particular NPC. A successful TR 14 leadership check can also be
used to make an idea seem much better than it
A character who is subject to a number of successful actually is, this is not a matter of deception, but
intimidate attempts equal to their willpower within simply a matter of confident and effective
a 24 hour period automatically takes one point of presentation (a sense motive check would not
stress (a temporary mental injury). Additionally, any reveal anything sinister).
single intimidate check that exceeds the margin of
success by an amount equal to or greater than the Examples:
target's willpower also inflicts one point of stress. TR 8:
For example, a captive NPC with a willpower of 6 Convince a group of close allies to help at no or little
will take a point of stress from an intimidate result cost to themselves
of 18 (TR 12 to intimidate a captive NPC plus an TR 10:
additional 6 for their willpower). They would also Convince an acquaintance or former ally to help at
take a point of stress if they were subject to 6 or no or little cost to themselves
more intimidate checks with a result equal to or TR 12:
greater than 12 within a 24 hour period. Stress and Convince a neutral group to help, with the aid of a
willpower are covered in more detail in the section bribe or promise of reward
Mental Damage. TR 14:
Convince a neutral group to help at no or little cost
It should be noted that using intimidation in this to themselves
way is equivalent to torture and should be treated TR 16:
no less seriously in its effects and consequences Convince a neutral group to help at minor financial
than physical violence against a defenceless target. cost or risk to themselves
TR 18:
Convince a reasonable opponent to temporarily
help solve an immediate common problem
Talk down an angry lynch mob and get them to
consider your side of the story

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Precise rules: The streetwise skill can also be used in lieu of the
The leadership skill is subject to circumstance socialise or intimidate skills to fit in with or avoid
bonuses and penalties as normal. conflict with members of the local underground or
criminal scene respectively. Use of the skill in this
For leadership checks, start with the base TR 14 way represents the character's knowledge of slang,
given above and apply appropriate circumstance body language and behaviour in a way that allows
modifiers as necessary. them to blend in. However, the streetwise skill does
not provide any other benefits provided by socialise
Example circumstance modifiers: or intimidate in these situations. A TR 14 check is
Character has a trained assistant -2 generally sufficient to blend in with the
Character has a prepared speech -2 underground scene of a city with a broadly similar
Character offers bribe or reward -2 culture to the character's own home.
Character knows the target well -2
Character has a successful track record -2 Examples:
Target is an ally -2 TR 10:
Target is a close friend -2 Find a good price on a used smart terminal that fell
Target shares ideas and values -2 off the back of a transport shuttle
Character asks target to take a risk +2 TR 12:
Character asks for financial support +2 Find a buyer for an unusual but not actually illegal
Target is stressed +2 item
Target has opposing idea or values +2 TR 14:
Target dislikes the character +2 Locate a seller for a relatively common but illegal or
Target is an enemy of the character +2 strictly controlled item
Target is irrational +2 TR 16:
Target is violent +2 Avoid a fight with street thugs in an unfamiliar
location by blending in with them
Streetwise TR 18:
The streetwise skill represents how good a
character is at dealing with the black market or the
Locate a seller for a rare piece of surplus military
hardware such as a silenced Insectoid drone rifle 51
underground. which was never produced in large numbers

Narrative rules: Precise rules:

The streetwise skill follows all of the usual rules for The streetwise skill is subject to circumstance
skill checks with some exceptions. The streetwise bonuses and penalties as normal.
skill has a variety of uses but is most often used to
buy and sell items or information that cannot be For streetwise checks, start with the base TR 14
acquired by ordinary or legal means. given above and apply appropriate circumstance
modifiers as necessary.
A successful TR 14 streetwise check is generally
sufficient to locate a buyer or seller for an item Example circumstance modifiers:
which is illegal or otherwise controlled by the local Character has a local assistant -2
government. For example, purchasing weapons on a Character is a local -2
planet with a blanket ban on technology. It should Character offers bribe -2
be noted that the character can not necessarily Looking to buy a common item -2
request a specific item in this way, but, at GM Looking to sell an item in demand -2
discretion, will be presented with an option that Buying or selling legal goods -2
comes close to their general request. For example, a Request isn't specific (e.g. 'a weapon') -2
TR 14 streetwise check to buy a firearm on the Location is unfamiliar +2
aforementioned planet might result in being Character doesn't know local slang +2
presented with an antique muzzle loading hand Character looks out of place +2
cannon of Reptilian design, rather than the high Minor cultural barriers +2
tech plasma pistol that the character had desired. Looking to buy rare goods +2
Looking to sell an item with low demand +2
Buying or selling highly illegal goods +2
Buying or selling tightly controlled goods +2
Request is highly specific +2

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Charisma skills use the character's charisma as an Example circumstance modifiers:
associated characteristic. Raising a charisma skill to Character has a trained assistant -2
a level of superb (rank 4) or better allows the Idea has already paid off -2
character access to a charisma trait. Decision carries little risk -2
Target already agrees with idea -2
Communication Substantial evidence available -2
The communication skill represents how good a Agreement from another expert -2
character is at conveying a rational idea, persuading Taking twice as long to communicate -2
someone to do something or justifying a logical Decision carries high risk +2
decision to other characters. Target strongly disagrees +2
Evidence is very weak +2
Narrative rules: Disagreement from another expert +2
The communication skill follows all of the usual Character knows failure is dangerous +2
rules for skill checks. A TR 14 communication result Character has false evidence +2
is generally sufficient to persuade an average NPC Taking half as long to communicate +2
to make a difficult but rational decision. For
example, a result of 14 would be sufficient to Expression
persuade a sick hospital patient into consenting to a The expression skill represents how good a
risky experimental procedure which has proven character is at conveying an emotional concept,
successful in treating a similar case. A persuading someone to do something with an
communication attempt always requires some emotional argument or justifying a decision made
supporting evidence or a strong logical argument for emotional reasons.
which the character genuinely believes, otherwise a
manipulation attempt would be more appropriate. Narrative rules:
A spoken communication attempt requires a The expression skill follows all of the usual rules for
prolonged speech or dialogue lasting around five skill checks. A TR 14 expression check is generally
minutes. A written communication attempt will take sufficient to convey an emotional concept through
around half an hour. A failed communication speech, art, music, dance or writing. For example, a 52
attempt cannot be repeated unless a new argument result of 14 would be sufficient to convey sadness
is formed or new evidence is presented. to the audience of a dance and may even move
some members of the audience to tears. Using
Examples: expression to persuade someone through the use of
TR 8: an emotional argument does not require any
Explaining a risk-free idea to someone who already supporting evidence, but does always require that
strongly agrees with it there is something to be emotional about (e.g.
TR 10: “Doing this will make you feel happier” or “It is cruel
Writing an essay in support of a widely accepted not to do this”).
opinion or theory
TR 12: Examples:
Justifying a risk which has already paid off TR 8:
TR 14: Expressing genuine happiness to a close friend
Persuading someone to take a risk that has a good TR 10:
chance of paying off Expressing genuine happiness to a stranger
TR 16: TR 12:
Persuading someone to take a risk that has a small Expressing pretend sadness to a stranger
chance of paying off TR 14:
TR 18: Causing a stranger to feel sadness after viewing a
Justifying a life or death decision to a court on the sad work of art
back of very circumstantial evidence TR 16:
TR 20: Persuading a stranger to make a difficult life
Justifying a life or death decision to a court on the decision by guilt tripping them
back of circumstantial evidence despite knowing TR 18:
another expert interpreted it differently Persuading a stranger to make a life or death
decision with an emotional argument
Precise rules: TR 20:
The communication skill is subject to circumstance Permanently changing the emotional outlook of
bonuses and penalties as normal. another person in a major way

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Precise rules: Narrative rules:
The expression skill is subject to circumstance The manipulation skill follows all of the usual rules
bonuses and penalties as normal. for skill checks. A TR 14 manipulation check is
generally sufficient to persuade an NPC to believe a
Example circumstance modifiers: large but plausible lie. For example, a result of 14
Character has a trained assistant -2 would be sufficient to make an NPC believe that the
Target is a close friend -2 character is holding a pistol under their coat, so
Decision carries little risk -2 long as they are in a location and situation where
Target already shares opinion -2 firearms are a plausible threat. Manipulation could
Target is already emotional -2 also be used to convince an NPC that some action is
Emotional idea supports rational one -2 in their best interests, even when the character
Decision carries high risk +2 knows that it isn't. The sense motive skill can be
Target strongly disagrees +2 used to oppose a manipulation check.
Inspiring a strong emotional response +2
Creating a lasting impression +2 Examples:
Character knows failure is dangerous +2 TR 8:
Emotional idea conflicts with rational +2 Telling someone a small plausible lie that they want
to hear
While expression is most often used to create art TR 10:
and share feelings with others, it can also be used Making someone believe that an unloaded gun is
to evoke stress and fear. An expression attempt to actually loaded
cause fear or stress which exceeds its margin of TR 12:
success by an amount equal to or greater than the Making someone believe that a gun is far more
victim's willpower will cause a single point of stress. potent than it really is
Prolonged exposure to stress or fear inducing TR 14:
expressions (such as music, art or even architecture) Making someone believe that the banana pressed
for an amount of time, in hours, equal to or greater against their back is a handgun, in a world where
than the victim's willpower within a single 24 hour
period will also inflict a single point of stress. For
handguns are legal
TR 16:
example, a person with a willpower of 4 living Making someone believe that the banana pressed
within a building explicitly designed to evoke against their back is a handgun, in a world where
sensations of fear will take a single point of stress handguns are highly illegal
for each day that they spend 4 or more hours TR 18:
inside. Stress and willpower are covered in more Making someone believe that the banana pressed
detail in the section Mental Damage. against their back is a handgun, in a world where
handguns are highly illegal and while standing in
It should be noted that using expression in this way clearing surrounded by banana trees
is equivalent to torture and should be treated no TR 20:
less seriously in its effects and consequences than Making someone believe that the banana pressed
physical violence. against their back is a handgun, in a world where
handguns are highly illegal and while standing in
Manipulation clearing surrounded by banana trees, having
The manipulation skill represents how good a previously been seen holding a banana by the
character is at lying, tricking, blackmailing, deceiving target
or otherwise convincing another person of
something that the character doesn't genuinely Precise rules:
believe. The manipulation skill is subject to circumstance
bonuses and penalties as normal.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Example circumstance modifiers: Precise rules:
Character has a trained assistant -2 The handle animal skill is subject to circumstance
Target is a very familiar person -2 bonuses and penalties as normal.
Target wants to believe the lie -2
Lie is supported by known fact -2 Example circumstance modifiers:
Lie is extremely plausible -2 Character has a trained assistant -2
Lie is small or close to the truth -2 Animal is the character's pet -2
Target is very unfamiliar +2 Animal is tame and well trained -2
Target strongly rejects the lie +2 Animal is very friendly -2
Lie contradicts known fact +2 Task is natural to the animal -2
Lie is implausible +2 Animal is unfamiliar +2
Lie is large or far from truth +2 Task is complex or unusual +2
Animal is aggressive +2
Handle Animal Animal is very dangerous +2
The handle animal skill represents how good a Animal is unusual or exotic +2
character is at dealing with animals. Animal is wild +2
Animal is stressed or injured +2
Narrative rules: Failure is dangerous +2
The handle animal skill follows all of the usual rules
for skill checks with some exceptions. A TR 14 Socialise
handle animal check is generally sufficient to get a The socialise skill represents how good a character
tame animal to perform a simple action, to calm a is at blending in with a group of people, making
hostile animal or to appear non-threatening to a friends and discovering important local news or
wild animal. For example, a result of 14 would be information.
sufficient to ride a hexcrura or to calm down an
angry domestic animal. However, wild animals can Narrative rules:
be very unpredictable and may not always respond The socialise skill follows all of the usual rules for
as desired or expected (at GM discretion). Extended skill checks. The socialise skill can be used for a few 54
successful handle animal checks over a prolonged different but related purposes.
period of time (typically weeks or months) can be
used to teach tricks to tame animals or to tame The primary use of socialise is to fit in with a specific
certain wild animals. group and befriend them in a casual way. A TR 14
socialise check is generally sufficient to fit in with a
Examples: group of people who belong to a relatively
TR 8: exclusive, but not secretive, club and make a few
Get a pet to perform a trick it knows, such as 'sit' or new friends in the process. For example, a result of
'roll over' 14 would be sufficient to befriend a group of
TR 10: Economicon cultists and then be invited along to
Ride an animal you personally trained in a casual the private party they were heading towards.
trot However, friendships made in this this way are
TR 12: casual at best and a group of new friends could
Ride a trained animal in a casual trot quickly turn on the character if they discover
TR 14: something disagreeable about them.
Ride a trained animal in a full gallop or jump over a
low obstacle The secondary use of socialise is to discern local
TR 16: news and gossip that is of particular interest to a
Calm an aggressive domestic animal that has been specific social group. A TR 14 socialise check is
trained to bark at strangers generally sufficient to learn about the main news
TR 18: stories or local events that have affected whatever
Calm an aggressive domestic animal that has been social group the player is mingling with. For
trained to attack strangers example, a result of 14 would be sufficient to make
TR 20: small talk with various bar patrons over the course
Calm an aggressive wild animal and appear non- of an evening and discover that the local residents
threatening and unafraid to it are scared of a series of mysterious kidnappings
that the local security aren't doing anything about.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Automatic Success & Failure
Examples: Any 2d10 roll that results in double even numbers
TR 8: (such as 4,4) is considered an automatic success,
Catch up with a former ally and learn about their even if the combined total would normally be
life since you parted ways insufficient to achieve the desired action. Similarly,
TR 10: any 2d10 roll that results in double odd numbers
Fit in at a club the character has a genuine interest (such as 1,1) is considered an automatic failure,
in even if the combined total would normally be
TR 12: sufficient to pass the skill check.
Discover how a big global news event is impacting
the local population Critical Success
TR 14: Any automatic success on a skill check (double even
Discover that a Technosapien manufacturing numbers) that would have succeeded anyway (the
company is quietly trying to buy out resident land check total beats the required TR) becomes a critical
owners success instead. A critical success should provide
TR 16: additional benefits to the character, jumping
Mimic the key phrases and handshakes of a secret further, discovering more information or crafting
society to seem like a new member something of exceptional quality. A critical success
TR 18: with a combat skill inflicts an extra damage dice
Pass as an experienced member of a secret society worth of damage to the target. More information
TR 20: on damage and damage dice can be found in the
Discover the terrible secret afflicting the settlement Combat chapter of this book.
which none of the locals dare speak about

Precise rules:
Critical Failure
Any automatic failure on a skill check (double odd
The socialise skill is subject to circumstance bonuses
numbers) that would have failed anyway (the check
and penalties as normal.
total is below the required TR) becomes a critical
failure instead. A critical failure should always
Example circumstance modifiers:
Character has a trained assistant -2 hinder the player in a dramatic way, losing their 55
footing, crashing their car or having an experiment
Character is familiar with social group -2
explode in their face. A critical failure with a combat
Character shares interests with group -2
skill means the character has fumbled or severely
Character knows a lot about group -2
misjudged their action. A character's firearm may
Group is not very exclusive -2
jam or explode, they might lose grip of their knife or
Only basic information required -2
they might unbalance and trip after a wild swing of
Character is very unfamiliar with group +2
their fist. However, a critical failure should not be
Character has opposite values to group +2
an automatic death sentence unless it happens at
Character knows nothing about group +2
the very worst time imaginable.
Character tries to seem important +2
Group is a secret society +2
Specific information required +2 Mistakes of Youth
Secret information required +2
Locals refuse to talk to strangers +2 Heiyd, also known as The Whispering Death, is one
Failure is dangerous +2 of the more infamous extremists among the
Witches of Cetebos, shunned even by her own kind.
While a socialise check is not usually made as an Her victims are estimated to number in the millions
opposed roll, high ranking NPCs with detailed and those that survive her machinations suffer a life
knowledge of their own group may use sense truly worse than death. However, it didn't have to
motive to oppose a socialise check made by a be that way and almost wasn't. In her youth Heiyd
character trying to pass as a member. When used in was once cornered by an Emissary, the virtuous Brin
this way, the original socialise result of the player is of Calador, who outmatched her, outfought her and
used as the TR for the opposing sense motive check. brought her to her knees. As Brin went to deliver the
Even if the NPC is unsuccessful, their suspicions may killing blow with his colossal siege hammer, his
be sufficiently raised to check name lists or make hands slipped on the blood coating the shaft of the
phone calls about the new member. In any event, massive weapon. Heiyd escaped with her life that
socialise checks alone will not allow a player to day, leaving Brin with a scar and a hollow victory.
infiltrate a secret society for a prolonged period of The events that were to follow weighed heavily
time. upon his heart and many fear the worst of his recent

Excerpt from Legends of the Emissaries.

Aeolia Remh

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Skill Use Example Idra attempts to make his way to the cockpit again,
This section will provide some examples of play making another gymnastics check. This time he rolls
showing how different combat and non-combat and achieves a total of 9, less than half of the TR.
skills may be used in a variety of different The GM allows him a reflexive athletics to again
circumstances. However, the examples listed here grab hold of the vertical stabiliser as he tumbles off
are not exhaustive and do not necessarily reflect the dropship. He makes a total of 22 and manages
every way a particular skill may be used, but should to succeed.
give new players a clearer understanding than from
reading the skill descriptions alone. Although not Whilst trying to push forwards against the wind,
required, it is also advisable to first read through Idra slips on the metal fuselage and begins to fall
the chapters on Movement and Combat. backwards, only narrowly managing to snatch hold
of the tail and save himself. Just as things are
starting to look bleak and the craft's engine cuts out
The Rescue
entirely, a familiar looking Starstreak IV appears to
Idra Kane clings desperately to the vertical stabiliser
his left, its wings extended in atmospheric flight
of the stricken dropship, its engines failing and its
altitude dropping by the second. As the craft hurtles
through the air, he feels his grip loosening.
Idra's player wants to move along the wing and leap
across, landing on the wing of the Starstreak IV. This
Keeping his grip on the vertical stabiliser for the
will require two or three different skill checks. A
moment is a short duration physical ability, so
gymnastics check to keep his balance as before (TR
requires a successful athletics check. Using narrative
20), an athletics check to jump across and
rules, the base TR for a check is 14. However, there
potentially an athletics check to grab hold the other
are several circumstances acting against Idra in this
side. Idra's rolls 2d10 (8,3) for the gymnastics check,
instance. The craft is travelling at speed through the
only achieving a result of 16. However, he spends a
air, and he's high off the ground so failure has
point of sympathy to re-roll the lower d10 result (6)
potentially deadly consequences. These two
and add 1d6 (5) to the result, achieving a new total
circumstance penalties raise the TR to 18. Idra rolls
of 24 and succeeding the check,
2d10 (6,5) and adds his strength (5) and athletics
skill (4), for a total of 20, passing the check and
Once again, Idra lets go of the now stalling aircraft 56
keeping his grip.
and this time attempts to walk along its wing.
Momentarily it looks as though he may slip again,
Idra manages to keep his grip on the doomed
but miraculously he maintains his balance in spite of
vehicle for now, but his options appear limited.
the ferocious wind. However, the Starstreak IV's
Rather than resign himself to his fate, he steels
wingtip is still over a metre away and he must jump
himself and attempts to walk along the fuselage of
the gap between the two vehicles to safety.
the craft to its cockpit.
A standing jump of 2m requires an athletics check of
Keeping his balance whilst walking along the top of
TR 14, but the circumstance penalties from before
a moving vehicle will require a gymnastics check. In
still apply, increasing the TR to 18. He rolls 2d10
this case, he is high above the ground, failure has a
(2,9) and adds 9 (the combination of his strength
high chance of injury and the wind is blowing in his
and athletics skill) for a total of 20, passing the
face. These three negative circumstances increase
the TR to 20. Idra rolls 2d10 (7,4) and adds his
dexterity (3) and his gymnastics skill (2), for a total
Idra leaps across the short distance and lands
of 16. This is a failure. However, the result is not less
sprawled across the wing of the Starstreak IV.
than half of the TR, so he does not fall but is unable
Immediately he starts searching for hand holds as
to make any progress.
the wind once again threatens to send him tumbling
to his doom.
Unfortunately, the air rushing over the moving
vehicle is too much and Idra stalls, unsteadily. Now
Idra must make a final TR 18 athletics check to grab
stranded between the tail and the cockpit, he must
hold of the wing edge closest to him. He rolls 2d10
choose to regain his grip or attempt to push
(7,4) and once again adds 9 to the result,
succeeding this last check.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Slow Days One Who Knocks
Fa Shenhui walks through the doorway into the “Are you honestly just going to kick the door in and
common room of the ship and dumps two massive burst in there?” Fa asks in a quiet whisper.
piles of paperwork onto the table Idra is sitting at.
“I thought that's what you wanted me to do,” Idra
“You can at least try to make yourself useful and replies silently, using his telepathy.
help us out with this,” she says. “We're trying to find
evidence of fraud or embezzlement in the local “I meant it more figuratively, but I guess it works.”
branch of the Church of the Economicon, I have a
hunch that they're the ones funding the terrorists “Well, we can just knock if you want and you can try
we've been dealing with.” talking our way in. They're a bunch of terrorists
though, right?”
Idra looks down at the piles of paperwork with
something resembling confusion or possibly disgust, “Fine, go for it.”
then looks up at Fa. “Ok. What am I actually
supposed to do though? Read all this?” Sometimes during a game there may be some
ambiguity over what skill should be used for a
Fa sighs and rubs her fingers against her temple, as specific action. In this case, breaking open a door is
if they've been through all this before. “Basically you a physical action that would normally require an
need to cross-reference their financial records and athletics check. However, a case can be made for
look for things that... ok, look, more basically. You using the unarmed skill to literally kick the door
know how much a multikogan costs on the black open. If a player makes a convincing argument for
market, right?” using an alternative skill, it is ultimately GM
discretion to allow that or not (perhaps imposing an
“Sure, about a hundred and fifty thousand credits, additional penalty). In this case, we will allow Idra
in local currency,” Idra replies cautiously, like he's to use the unarmed skill. The base TR is 14, but the
not quite sure where this is going. door is locked and quite sturdy, imposing two
penalties and increasing the TR to 18. Idra rolls 2d10
“Then you're looking for desks, lamps or office
stationary in their expense claims that cost as much
(2,9) and adds 10 to the result for a total of 21. 57
as a multikogan, get it?” The door fractures around its lock as Idra's boot
plants solidly into its centre, causing it to burst
Unfortunately for Idra, doing something like this open. The three individuals inside are caught off
requires the academics skill, which he doesn't have. guard, but immediately start reaching for their
Starting from a base TR of 14, we need to consider weapons.
how many circumstance penalties apply. In this
case, its information outside his specialist field (he In this situation, combat is initiated and characters
has none), he's untrained in the skill, the will act in order of their agility (see the Combat
contradictions aren't obvious and he's looking for chapter for more details). However, Fa and Idra may
something specific. Four circumstance penalties each make a single action before the usual turn
means that the TR for this check is 22. Idra rolls order begins, as they have taken their opponents by
2d10 (4,3) and adds only his intelligence (2), as he surprise.
has no skill ranks in academics, for a total of 9.
Predictably, he fails. Idra raises his left hand and points the palm
towards the nearest target, his expression surging
An hour later, Fa bursts back into the room and with the tell-tale sign of psionic concentration.
looks over at Idra.
Idra rolls 2d10 (8,5) and adds his composure (5) and
“Er, hey Fa. Look, I don't think I'm going to find psionic skill (5), for a total of 23. His opponent has a
what you're looking for here.” willpower of 6, so he exceeds the TR of 16 required
to connect with the pisonic attack. Normally he
“Oh, forget about that! I found a new lead. You would now roll 1d8 for mental damage, but this is
ready to kick some doors in?” increased to 1d10 (7) because of his psion trait. He
inflicts 1 persistent mental injury on the target and
“I have never been more ready.” causes them to become catatonic (because of his
mastery bonus) for 8 minutes (rolling 3,5 on 2d10).

“We'll knock next time.”

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Traits are unique specialisms that can be used to
customise a character, adding additional roleplaying
elements and providing mechanical abilities or Strength Traits
modifiers. Traits may modify an existing skill, CQC training Devastating lunge
improving or changing how it functions when used Expert disarm Explosive power
in certain ways or provide entirely new abilities. First blood Focused athlete
Traits can be further divided into two categories. Game of death Iron guard

Universal Traits
Universal traits may only be gained during character Dexterity Traits
creation. Universal traits typically represent Blood opera Close combat expert
inherent physical or neurological features of a Gunslinger Marksman
character. Perfect grace Silent breathing
Sure aim Stunt driver/pilot
Characteristic Traits Unpredictable dodge
Characteristic traits are tied to a specific
characteristic (in the same way that skills are). A
character may gain a characteristic trait whenever Endurance Traits
they raise a skill to a rank of 4 or better. In Emissary, Commando Die hard
characteristic traits also possess a mastery bonus, Juggernaut Second wind
unlocked by raising a skill with the associated Static apnea Strong stomach
characteristic to rank 5.

Composure Traits
Hard boiled Meditative
Memory training Psion
Resolute Seen it all
Survivor Telepathy 58
Under pressure

Universal Traits
Intelligence Traits
Adaptable Psyche
Abstract knowledge Diagnose zebra
Eidetic memory Field surgeon
Hacker Mechanical savant
Pathfinder Polymath
Common sense
Awareness Traits
Death wish
Cold reading Danger sense
Eagle eyes Eternal detective
Light sleeper Low light vision
False identity
Fast recovery
Presence Traits
Cold dead eyes Disturbing voice
Heightened empathy
Dynamic entry Master of disguise
Power dresser
Lightning reflexes
Charisma Traits
Naturally seductive
Animal Tamer Hypnotic suggestion
Practised socialite Talented architect
Striking looks
Talented artist Talented dancer
Talented photographer Talented singer

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Universal Traits Androgynous
An androgynous character has both traditionally
Adaptable Psyche masculine and feminine physical characteristics and
A character with an adaptable psyche is better at mannerisms appropriate to their race. At first
dealing with traumatic experiences and more glance an onlooker may mistake them for the
quickly able to regain their composure. They are opposite gender or be unable to tell whether they
more able to accept events that would trigger are male or female at all.
denial or horror in others and to confront their own
issues, seeking help if required. Mechanical effects:
Instead of the usual circumstance penalty,
Mechanical effects: androgynous characters gain a circumstance bonus
Character's with the adaptable psyche trait recover for costume checks to disguise themselves or to be
from mental damage at double the normal rate. An disguised as the opposite gender (costume check TR
amount of temporary mental injuries equal to changes from +2 to -2).
double the character's composure characteristic can
be healed for each hour of good rest that they take. Anonymous
Anonymous characters are physically unremarkable,
Allies lacking distinctive physical characteristics and
A character with allies has made reliable contacts, having an overall appearance that would not be
associates and friends through business, travel or seen as uncommon amongst a variety of different
personal activities before or after becoming an cultures and locations. They go through life
Emissary. Allies are trustworthy and skilful and may unnoticed and unchecked.
be called upon to return or grant a simple favour.
However, even the bonds of friendship have their Mechanical effects:
limits. An anonymous character's appearance rating
counts as being 2 lower than it otherwise would be.
Mechanical effects: Additionally, the TR for any skill checks to
A character with allies may choose up to three skills investigate the past or background of an
for their allies to possess, these skills are treated as anonymous character suffer a circumstance penalty 59
having a rank of 3 (good) and an associated (+2 TR). The anonymous trait cannot be combined
characteristic of rank 3 (good) as well. During with any trait that increases the character's
gameplay, a character may call upon an ally to make appearance rating.
use of their skill. However, the ally is treated as a
GM controlled NPC and will be reluctant to perform Apprentice
anything dangerous or illegal without good reason. The character possesses an apprentice, someone
Similarly, an ally that is repeatedly called upon may who looks up to and respects them. An apprentice
become frustrated and refuse to respond for some is usually a younger character or one from a lower
time (at GM discretion). social standing.

Ambidextrous Mechanical effects:

An ambidextrous character is equally adept at using The character chooses a skill that they have trained
their left or right hand to perform tasks requiring to a rank of 4 (superb) or better, the apprentice
finesse or fine motor control. An ambidextrous gains this skill at one rank less than the character
character can write equally well with either hand (e.g. rank 4 if the character has rank 5). The
and use tools or weapons without difficulty. apprentice is treated as a GM controlled NPC in
much the same way that allies are. However, an
Mechanical effects: apprentice is far more inclined to follow instructions
A character with the ambidextrous trait does not than allies would be and expects little in return.
suffer the usual circumstance penalty for using their Even so, an apprentice is unlikely to perform an
off-hand to perform a complex action. Ordinarily a illegal, dangerous or morally reprehensible act.
character wielding a weapon in each hand would Apprentices may eventually part ways from their
suffer a circumstance penalty to the use of both mentor, perhaps due to a disagreement or after
weapons and an additional circumstance penalty to performing an incredible act that proves their own
the off-hand weapon. An ambidextrous character skill (GM discretion). Former apprentices may
would still suffer the first penalty but not the latter become allies.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Common Sense Epiphany
A character with common sense has an intuitive At times when a character is stuck for ideas and
understanding of whether a particular idea is a unsure of how to progress, they may have a sudden
good one or not. Character's with common sense epiphany reminding them of a key fact or making a
are down to earth and unlikely to embarrass vital connection they had previously missed.
themselves, but may be less likely to take risks than
more eccentric characters. Mechanical effects:
Usually when a player is not sure about what to do
Mechanical effects: next or not sure about what their character would
The character can freely make an intelligence check make of the evidence they have collected, they may
whenever planning or discussing a plan with choose to make an idea check (TR 14 intelligence
another character to ascertain some information check) to receive a small hint from the GM. A
about the probable outcome. A result of 12 or character who has an epiphany may automatically
better will indicate whether the plan is safe or not, pass this check once per session and receive
a result of 14 or better will also indicate whether additional information in the process (such as
the plan is likely to succeed or not and a result of 16 something specific they missed or have forgotten
or better will also indicate one specific unforeseen about).
flaw or benefit of the plan.
False Identity
Death Wish The character has a secret or false identity to a level
A character with the death wish trait has a history reflecting their personal wealth and status. For a
of making life or death decisions or is otherwise wealthy or powerful character this could include
mentally prepared to do whatever it takes to details up to and including a second home, friends
achieve their goals, even if it means not always and even a spouse who only know them by their
playing by the rules. false name. For a less wealthy character, this may
only extend as far as false paperwork, bank
Mechanical effects: accounts and a forged passport.
A character with the death wish trait may choose to
re-roll the result of a Corruption check after Mechanical effects: 60
violating one of their Ideals. They may choose to Mechanical effects of having a false identity mostly
take the second result or keep the result of their come down to GM discretion, but there are some
original roll. obvious examples. Any background check made on
a character using a false name will only reveal
Driven details about their false identity. Additionally,
A driven character has some goal or purpose that manipulation and costume checks are not required
consumes them and drives them forwards. The in order to pass as the false persona.
character's single minded determination might be
revenge, love or justice, but nothing can stand in Famous
their way, not even friends or family. The character is widely renown for a particular skill,
achievement or event from their past. The character
Mechanical effects: is considered to be a famous celebrity among
A character with the driven trait recovers two certain groups and may possess fans, enemies and
points of Sympathy instead of one when they satisfy rivals appropriate to their source of fame.
an Ideal the possess. However, they must add one
to the result of any Corruption check that they Mechanical effects:
make after violating one of their Ideals. A famous character's appearance rating counts as
being 2 higher than it otherwise would be.
Additionally, the character may gain a permanent
circumstance bonus to either communication or
expression skill checks (choose one when the trait is
taken). The famous trait cannot be combined with
any trait that decreases the character's appearance

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Fast Recovery Hyperthymesia
A character with fast recovery has a healthy The character possess an extremely detailed
metabolism and a strong immune system. Their autobiographical memory, easily able to recall
body is less susceptible to complications, secondary events from their own life as if they had just
infections and usually heals quickly and cleanly from happened.
physical injuries.
Mechanical effects:
Mechanical effects: The character automatically passes any long term
Character's with the fast recovery trait recover from memory checks to recall autobiographical
physical damage at double the normal rate. An information (memories or events that the character
amount of temporary physical injuries equal to was heavily involved in or affected by).
double the character's endurance characteristic can
be healed for each hour of good rest that they take. Lightning Reflexes
persistent injuries can also be healed at double the The character has wickedly fast reflexes and the
normal rate, but require constant medical attention initiative to take action when others would falter or
as usual. freeze up.

Giant Mechanical effects:

The character is unusually tall or solidly built, For the purposes of determining turn order the
appearing much larger than an average person. character's agility counts as 2 higher than it
Their large frame makes them stand out instantly in otherwise would be. Additionally, whenever
a crowd and can draw unwanted attention, but is ambushed or caught by surprise, the character can
not without benefits. make an awareness check (TR 14) to negate the
usual advantages granted to the attacker in this
Mechanical effects: situation.
A giant character's appearance rating counts as
being 2 higher than it otherwise would be while Mentor
their toughness is also 1 higher than normal. The character has a more experienced mentor who
Additionally, giant characters have a circumstance has been training them in a particular skill. A 61
bonus to any intimidation checks, but suffer a mentor may choose to support or aid their student
circumstance penalty to costume and socialise at times, but will brush off trivial requests as
checks due to their unusual size. beneath them. A mentor may also issue demands of
their apprentice and expect something substantial
Heightened Empathy in return for favours granted.
A character with heightened empathy is able to
relate to other characters more easily, Mechanical effects:
understanding and sympathising with their feelings The character chooses a skill that they have trained
and points of view more easily. However, it can be to a rank of no more than 3 (good) and no less than
overwhelming as the character is continuously 2 (fine), the mentor gains this skill at two ranks
exposed to the fears and worries of those around more than the character (e.g. rank 5 if the character
them. has rank 3). The mentor is treated as a GM
controlled NPC in much the same way that allies
Mechanical effects: and apprentices are. However, unlike allies or
A character with the heightened empathy trait gains apprentices, a mentor is less willing to act on the
circumstance bonuses to all sense motive and character's behalf, instead offering only advice and
expression checks. However, whenever they would expecting them to deal with the problem in order to
suffer from stress caused by intimidation or better themselves. Nonetheless, with sufficient
expression they receive double the usual amount of persuasion or the promise of something substantial
mental damage. Additionally, whenever a character in return, a mentor may occasionally be persuaded
around them suffers from stress, they must pass a to lend their skill to the character. At GM discretion
composure check (TR 14) to avoid suffering a single the mentor can freely make requests or ask for
point of stress themselves. favours from the character.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Multilingual Synesthesia
A multilingual character has learned several A character with synesthesia may be able to see
different languages or dialects from an early age sounds, hear flavours, feel colours or experience
and speaks each of them fluently. some other form of sensory crossover.

Mechanical effects: Mechanical effects:

For each point of intelligence that a character The benefits of synesthesia depend on the sense
possesses they may choose an additional language involved as below:
which they may speak and write in fluently.
● Sight combined with another sense:
Naturally Seductive Circumstance bonus to short term memory and spot
The character's looks, voice and personality are checks.
almost hypnotically seductive and they know it. The
● Hearing combined with another sense:
character has no qualms about using this to get Circumstance bonus to sense motive and and listen
their own way, ensnaring others and exploiting checks.
them for personal gain.
● Touch combined with another sense:
Circumstance bonus to craft and investigate checks.
Mechanical effects:
A naturally seductive character's appearance rating However, all characters with synesthesia are more
counts as being 2 higher than it otherwise would be. vulnerable to stress induced by the relevant kind of
Additionally, the character gains a permanent intimidation or expression. Whenever they would
circumstance bonus to manipulation checks against suffer from stress caused in this way they receive
targets of the appropriate sexual preference. The double the usual amount of mental damage.
naturally seductive trait cannot be combined with
any trait that decreases the character's appearance

A character with sociopathy has little empathy or 62
remorse, instead they act in a way completely
uninhibited by morals.

Mechanical effects:
A character with the sociopathy trait is immune to
any stress they would otherwise suffer as a result of
their own actions, such as excessive cruelty or
violence against others. However, their lack of
empathy imposes a permanent circumstance
penalty to sense motive and expression checks.

Striking Looks
A character with striking looks has a unique
appearance that makes them instantly stand out
from a crowd and draw attention. The character
could be either stunningly beautiful or horrifyingly

Mechanical effects:
The character's appearance rating counts as being 2
higher than it otherwise would be. Additionally, the
character must choose either intimidation or
expression, they gain a permanent circumstance
bonus to checks with that skill. The striking looks
trait cannot be combined with any trait that
decreases the character's appearance rating.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Strength Traits First Blood
When attacking an enemy with the aid of surprise
CQC Training (before they have had a chance to act in combat)
The character can use a firearm as a melee weapon the character may deal an additional damage dice
without any penalty. A one-handed firearm counts with a melee weapon or an unarmed attack (equal
as a lethal melee weapon with a base damage of to the base damage of their attack). A character
1d4, while a two-handed firearm counts as a lethal may also gain this bonus when attacking an
melee weapon with a base damage of 1d6. A opponent from behind during combat.
firearm with a fixed bayonet can either deal the
damage stated above or the normal damage Mastery Bonus:
associated with the bayonet. The character may deal two additional damage dice
with a melee weapon or an unarmed attack (equal
Mastery Bonus: to the base damage of their attack) instead of the
The base damage of firearms used as melee usual one.
weapons increases by one die type (1d4 becomes
1d6 and 1d6 becomes 1d8). Additionally, the Focused Athlete
character can use a firearm or melee weapon for A character with the focused athlete trait must
extra leverage during a grapple, gaining a choose a specific type of athletic ability (such as
circumstance bonus to grapple checks while armed. sprinting, climbing or throwing), the character can
then ignore any one circumstance penalty that
Devastating Lunge would normally impact their performance within
Whenever a character makes an unarmed or melee their chosen specialism.
attack immediately after moving they may deal an
additional damage dice (equal to the base damage Mastery Bonus:
of their weapon). The character always benefits from a circumstance
bonus to skill checks within their specialism, as well
Mastery Bonus: as ignoring one circumstance penalty to an athletics
The base damage of melee weapons used in a check of any kind.
devastating lunge increases by one die type (1d4 63
becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8 and so on). Game of Death
A character with the game of death trait inflicts
Expert Disarm lethal (persistent) damage with their unarmed
Whenever attempting to disarm an opponent, a attacks instead of temporary damage as usual. If the
character with the expert disarm trait is not subject character possesses a natural weapon that already
to a provoked attack and does not suffer from the deals lethal damage, the base damage die size
usual circumstance penalty for targeting a small increases by one (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes
object. 1d8 and so on).

Mastery Bonus: Mastery Bonus:

Immediately after performing a successful disarm The character always benefits from a circumstance
attempt, a character may make a single attack with bonus to all unarmed attack rolls or attacks made
the stolen weapon as a free action. with a natural weapon.

Explosive Power Iron Guard

Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to A character with the iron guard trait can use either
increase their strength, it increases by 3 instead of 10 plus the sum of their strength and unarmed skill
2. or 10 plus the sum of their strength and weapon
(melee) skill in place of their agility when
Mastery Bonus: determining their defence against melee attacks.
Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
increase their strength, it increases by 4 instead of Mastery Bonus:
3. The character receives double the usual benefit
while fighting in a defensive stance, increasing the
TR to hit them with unarmed strikes or melee
weapons by +4.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Dexterity Traits Perfect Grace
Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
Blood Opera increase their dexterity, it increases by 3 instead of
The character can make a ranged attack with a one 2.
handed firearm (or similar ranged weapon) as part
of the same action that they also moved or Mastery Bonus:
performed a movement skill in. However, a Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
circumstance penalty applies to any attacks made in increase their dexterity, it increases by 4 instead of
this way, due to the inherent difficulty of aiming 3.
while moving.
Silent Breathing
Mastery Bonus: Any opponent attempting to use an awareness skill
The character can make ranged attacks while to detect the character after they have hidden
moving or performing movement skills at no suffers a circumstance penalty to their attempt.
penalty. Additionally, whenever the character is stationary
they count as hidden as though they had made a
Close Combat Expert stealth check with a result of 12.
Whenever a character makes a successful ranged
attack within close range (as defined by the Mastery Bonus:
attributes of their weapon) they may deal an Whenever the character is stationary they count as
additional damage dice (equal to the base damage hidden as though they had made a stealth check
of their weapon). However, this attack consumes with a result of 16.
twice the usual amount of ammunition for an attack
with the weapon (if this is not possible, the extra Sure Aim
damage may not be dealt). A character with the sure aim trait can ignore up to
two circumstance penalties to a ranged weapon
Mastery Bonus: attack caused by either shooting into melee combat
The character receives a circumstance bonus to any or at a target behind cover.
ranged attack made within close range. 64
Mastery Bonus:
Gunslinger As long as a shot is possible, cover provides no
The character can draw and ready a small weapon circumstance penalties to a character with this trait.
on their turn without using up one of their two
actions. Additionally, the character may ignore a Stunt Driver/Pilot
single circumstance penalty to a ranged weapon The character may ignore any single circumstance
attack caused by the target's size or speed. penalty to a drive or pilot check regardless of its
Mastery Bonus:
The character may ignore the circumstance penalty Mastery Bonus:
for attacks made while wielding two weapons (but The character can instantly operate any vehicle as if
still suffers the circumstance penalty for using their they had been trained to use it.
Unpredictable Dodge
Marksman For the purposes of applying circumstance penalties
A character with the marksman trait can ignore up to attack checks, the character always counts as
to two circumstance penalties to a ranged weapon moving erratically even when they are stationary.
attack caused by long range or poor weather This applies to both melee and ranged attacks.
Mastery Bonus:
Mastery Bonus: The character may make a reflexive gymnastics
The character's ranged weapon attacks made at check with a TR equal to an attack roll made against
long range deal damage as if they were medium them. A successful result halves any damage they
range shots. would have received.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Endurance Traits Static Apnea
The character can hold their breath for double the
Commando normal amount of time. However, they may not
The character may treat a weapon as if it was perform any actions that would be considered to
smaller than it actually is. For example, a character use up one of the two actions a character is granted
could use a two-handed weapon in a single hand, or as part of their turn, such as moving, attacking or
use both hands to carry a weapon that would using a skill.
normally require a tripod.
Mastery Bonus:
Mastery Bonus: So long as an Emissary has at least 1 Sympathy they
The character may choose to expend 60 rounds may hold their breath indefinitely for as long as
instead of 30 when making a spray and pray attack, they remain stationary.
dealing normal weapon damage (depending on
range) to each target that is hit. Strong Stomach
The character receives a circumstance bonus to any
Die Hard toughness checks provoked by poison or dangerous
When the character suffers a number of temporary food.
or persistent injuries equal to their endurance from
a single attack they may continue to act as normal Mastery Bonus:
(unless their total number of injuries now equals or So long as an Emissary has at least 1 Sympathy they
exceeds their starting toughness). are immune to the effects of any poison or disease.

Mastery Bonus:
Whenever an Emissary spends Sympathy to negate
an amount of damage that would have killed them
they also heal 1d6 injuries.

Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
increase their endurance, it increases by 3 instead
of 2.

Mastery Bonus:
Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
increase their endurance, it increases by 4 instead
of 3.

Second Wind
The Emissary can add their current Sympathy to any
stamina check. This ability is passive and does not
consume Sympathy.

Mastery Bonus:
So long as an Emissary has at least 1 Sympathy they
may automatically pass any stamina checks.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Composure Traits Seen it All
When the character suffers an amount of stress
Hard Boiled equal to their composure from a single attack, they
The character can ignore a single circumstance may avoid the psychosis this would usually trigger.
penalty to any skill, so long as it is caused by being Similarly, when the character suffers an amount of
in a high risk or dangerous situation. trauma equal to their composure from a single
attack, they may keep going as normal (though they
Mastery Bonus: still suffer any psychosis this would cause).
The character benefits from a circumstance bonus
in high risk situations instead of the usual penalty. Mastery Bonus:
So long as an Emissary has at least 1 Sympathy they
are immune to any psychosis that trauma would
Meditative normally cause.
The character may always ignore all circumstance
penalties to a concentration check regardless of
their number or cause. Survivor
The character can ignore any single circumstance
Mastery Bonus: penalty to a survival check regardless of its cause.
The character may regain all of their Sympathy after
meditating for two hours instead of resting for the Mastery Bonus:
usual five. The character benefits from a circumstance bonus
to all survival checks in addition to ignoring any
Memory Training number of circumstance penalties that normally
The character receives a permanent circumstance apply to them.
bonus to any and all long term memory checks.
Mastery Bonus: The character may communicate telepathically to
So long as an Emissary has at least 1 Sympathy they people within a range in metres equal to 10
may automatically pass any long term memory
multiplied by their ranks in the psionics skill.
Mastery Bonus:
Psion Instead of inflicting damage, a successful psionic
The base damage die size of psionic attacks made attack against a target may compel them to perform
by the character increases by one (1d4 becomes a single, simple action. The action can not be
1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8 and so on). suicidal in nature.

Mastery Bonus: Under Pressure

When a psionic attack from a character would inflict The character can ignore a single circumstance
a psychosis on the target, the character may choose penalty to any skill, so long as it is caused by lack of
the psychosis inflicted from the mild psychosis list. time or the need to do something faster than usual.

Resolute Mastery Bonus:

Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to The character benefits from a circumstance bonus
increase their composure, it increases by 3 instead when faced with tight deadlines instead of the usual
of 2. penalty.

Mastery Bonus:
Whenever an Emissary would spend Sympathy to
increase their composure, it increases by 4 instead
of 3.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Intelligence Traits Hacker
A character with the hacker trait can treat any
Abstract Knowledge computer system as if it was familiar to them for the
The character does not suffer the usual purposes of technology checks and may ignore any
circumstance penalty for knowledge checks outside circumstance penalties that would ordinarily apply
of their specialism. In fact the character does not to them.
even possess a specialism.
Mastery Bonus:
Mastery Bonus: The character is treated as having a rank of 5 in
The character benefits from a circumstance bonus every skill while in cyberspace.
to any knowledge check regardless of topic.
Mechanical Savant
Diagnose Zebra The character can ignore the usual circumstance
The character can ignore the usual circumstance penalty for using the craft skill to repair two defects
penalty for using the medicine skill to treat two at once. Additionally, when using the craft skill in
injuries at once. Additionally, when using the place of knowledge about mechanical devices, the
medicine skill in place of knowledge about medical character may ignore any circumstance penalties
matters, the character may ignore any circumstance that might be imposed by the subject being very
penalties that might be imposed by the subject complex or unusual.
being unusual.
Mastery Bonus:
Mastery Bonus: The character may spend a point of Sympathy to
Whenever the character would use the medicine reduce the duration of a craft check by one hour. If
skill to heal an injury they heal 1d4 injuries instead. this would reduce the time required to zero, then
If the character also possesses the field surgeon the check is completed as a free action.
trait they heal 1d6 injuries instead.
Eidetic Memory
The character may always chunk information even if
A character with the pathfinder trait can treat any
route as if it was familiar to them, so long as they 67
they are completely unprepared (see the working possess some accurate information about it.
memory skill for information about chunking).
Mastery Bonus:
Mastery Bonus: The character is innately aware of their
The character may freely recall any image, page of approximate location and orientation in space at all
text or numerical values that they have seen in the times, regardless of how they arrived there.
last hour.
Field Surgeon A polymath character has studied in a wide variety
The character may ignore the usual circumstance of fields, received tuition from experts or has
penalties imposed to medicine checks when otherwise educated themselves in all things from
working without specialist equipment or outside of physics to philosophy and poetry.
a sterile environment.
Mechanical effects:
Mastery Bonus: The character benefits from a circumstance bonus
Whenever the character would use the medicine to any academics check regardless of topic.
skill to heal an injury they heal 1d4 injuries instead.
If the character also possesses the diagnose zebra
trait they heal 1d6 injuries instead.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Awareness Traits Light Sleeper
A character with the light sleeper trait may make
Cold Reading reflexive listen checks while sleeping as if they were
A successful sense motive check can reveal some awake.
basic facts and details about a target character in
addition to the usual effects of the skill. However, Mastery Bonus:
the character must have observed or spoken to the So long as an Emissary has at least 1 Sympathy they
target for at least 15 minutes prior to using the do not require sleep. The Emissary must still
trait. meditate for a period of five hours to recover spent
Mastery Bonus:
The character may use their ranks in sense motive Low Light Vision
to perform an intimidation or manipulation check in The character can ignore up to two circumstance
place of their ranks in those skills by carefully penalties to a spot check, so long as they are caused
matching their choice of words to the target. by darkness.

Danger Sense Mastery Bonus:

The character feels uneasy and on edge whenever The character ignores any circumstance penalties to
they are in a dangerous situation (even if the source skill checks caused by darkness (so long as their
of danger isn't obvious). eyes are not covered) and can see perfectly in
complete darkness.
Mastery Bonus:
The character may never be taken by surprise in
combat and may always retain any defensive
bonuses they might have, even against an unseen

Eagle Eyes
The character can ignore up to two different
circumstance penalties to a spot check, so long as
the character is attempting to spot a hidden person
or object.

Mastery Bonus:
The character feels uneasy and on edge whenever
an invisible person or object is within their field of

Eternal Detective
The character automatically investigates any
location they spend more than a few minutes in and
senses the motive of any character they talk to.
These automatic skill checks are treated as though
the character had made an investigate or sense
motive check with a result of 12. The character may
still choose to use these skills as normal in order to
get a higher result.

Mastery Bonus:
The automatic skill checks are treated as though the
character had made an investigate or sense motive
check with a result of 16.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Presence Traits Power Dresser
A character with the power dresser trait
Cold Dead Eyes permanently benefits from a circumstance bonus to
The character receives a circumstance bonus to leadership checks as if it had been granted through
intimidate checks whenever they can make eye use of the costume check. However, a costume
contact with their target (the character's whole face check cannot grant the character a further bonus to
must be revealed). Additionally, there is a the leadership skill (although it can provide a bonus
circumstance penalty for using sense motive to read to other skills as usual).
their thoughts or feelings.
Mastery Bonus:
Mastery Bonus: The character is always treated as an authority
The character is completely immune to sense figure by those who do not know better.
motive checks, as if they had no feelings or thoughts
at all.

Disturbing Voice
The character receives a circumstance bonus to
intimidate checks whenever they are talking to their

Mastery Bonus:
The character is well known for their terrifying
presence. Opponents with willpower of 6 or lower
must pass a willpower check (TR equal to the
character's appearance rating) or flee from them in

Dynamic Entry
For better or worse the character's appearance
briefly attracts the attention of everyone around
them. For the few moments that it lasts, other
characters briefly count as distracted for the
purposes of skill checks made by or against them,
although the character is not personally able to take
advantage of this as all attention is on them.

Mastery Bonus:
The character may choose to temporarily increase
their appearance by 2 when being introduced to
another person for the first time. If they do so, they
gain a circumstance bonus to leadership and any
charisma checks made against that person.

Master of Disguise
The character may ignore up to two different
circumstance penalties to a costume check, so long
as it is being used to create a disguise.

Mastery Bonus:
The character may ignore all circumstance penalties
to costume checks used to create disguises.
Additionally, the character may assume a disguise
as a standard action, so long as nobody is watching

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Charisma Traits Talented
The character must choose one of the main forms
Animal Tamer of expression:
The character ignores the usual circumstance
penalties for using the handle animal skill with Architect (architecture or technical design)
dangerous or wild animals. Artist (painting or sculpture)
Dancer (movement or gesture)
Mastery Bonus: Photographer (photo or video)
The character is able to tame a wild animal within a Singer (spoken word or song)
matter of days instead of weeks or months.
The character gains a permanent circumstance
bonus to expression checks made with their talent.
Hypnotic Suggestion This trait can be taken multiple times, so long as a
The character receives a circumstance bonus to any
different talent is chosen.
manipulation checks that they make when using
this trait. However, use of this trait is extremely
Mastery Bonus (Architect):
obvious to onlookers, who will realise that some
The Emissary is able to design a base or dwelling
unusual trickery is at work.
that resonates with the Simulcra of other
Emissaries. A single point of Sympathy is regained
Mastery Bonus:
for each hour that an Emissary spends in the
A successful manipulation check against a target
location (Emissaries cannot increase their Sympathy
may compel them to perform a single, simple
beyond the maximum allowed).
action. The action can not be suicidal in nature. If
the attempt fails, the target becomes immune to
Mastery Bonus (Artist):
further attempts to compel them.
The Emissary is able to express and capture some of
the alien essence of their Simulcra through their
Practised Socialite artwork. An Emissary may store a point of Sympathy
The character may ignore a single circumstance which can be regained at a later date by viewing the
penalty that applies while using the socialise skill. artwork. 70
Mastery Bonus: Mastery Bonus (Dancer):
The character gains a circumstance bonus to any The Emissary is able to express the alien nature of
use of the socialise skill. Additionally, the character their Simulcra through interpretive dance. An
may automatically pass as a guest at any kind of Emissary who dances in this way may freely
social event or gathering where guests are not exchange points of Sympathy with a willing
necessarily familiar with each other. participant (Emissaries cannot increase their
Sympathy beyond the maximum allowed).

Mastery Bonus (Photographer):

The Emissary is able to capture the true nature of
things through their photography by spending a
point of Sympathy. Invisible people or objects
become visible, subjects take on expressions
representative of their true feelings and Emissaries
have a visible aura.

Mastery Bonus (Singer):

The Emissary is able to express the alien nature of
their Simulcra through song. An Emissary who
spends a point of Sympathy to sing in this way
inspires a circumstance bonus to all skill checks
made by allies while the song is being sung.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Unusual Traits Extremophile
Some races, animals or creatures possess traits and The creature is adapted to living in an environment
abilities that are unusual or unique to their kind. that would normally be considered too extreme or
Unusual traits cannot be chosen during character hostile to support life. The creature is immune to
creation or when advancing, but may be granted as certain environmental hazards that it would
racial abilities or sometimes by biological or normally face.
cybernetic augmentations. Some examples are
given below. Flight
The creature is capable of flight, allowing it to move
Alien Mind through the air at up to twice its speed.
The creature has a completely alien mind far
beyond the ability of any character to comprehend.
The creature is immune to attempts at
The creature is adapted to live underwater and
manipulation, sense motive or other social skills.
possesses gills. The creature does not have to hold
Additionally, the creature is completely immune to
its breath underwater, but is incapable of breathing
the effects of stress and trauma.
on land.

Artificial Being
The creature is a machine or construct, not a living Healing Factor
biological being. It doesn't need to eat, breathe or The creature recovers from injuries at an
sleep, it can't become tired or fatigued and it is abnormally fast rate, healing one temporary injury
immune to disease, venom and poison. However, it each turn and recovering from persistent injuries at
does not recover from injuries naturally. the same rate a normal character recovers from
temporary ones.
Blind Sense
The creature has senses that allow it to detect Hive Mind
objects even in total darkness. It ignores any The creature shares a common pool of knowledge
and skills with other members of its kind that are
circumstance penalties to skill checks caused by
darkness. linked to the same hive mind. 71
Burrowing Infection
The creature can dig exceptionally well, allowing it Anyone injured by the creature must pass a
to move freely through the ground at one quarter toughness or willpower check or start to be
of its speed. transformed, possibly becoming a duplicate of the
original creature.
The creature is naturally camouflaged for its Incorporeal
environment, gaining a circumstance bonus to all The creature is not wholly in this reality or is made
stealth checks. up of some material that does not interact with
normal matter. The creature can only be touched by
Doppelganger or damaged by psionic abilities and certain items or
The creature uses psionic abilities to copy any skills materials.
or abilities used against it at an equivalent rank to
the original user. Invisibility
The creature can't be seen by the naked eye or can
Exotic Armour only be seen when moving. Some special means is
The creature possesses some kind of exotic natural required to see it properly, such as infrared goggles
armour that is highly resistant to conventional or radar.
attacks. Only Emissary weapons or certain exotic
weapons can pierce this armour. Microgravity Adaptation
The creature can freely move around in
microgravity environments and receives a
circumstance bonus to skill checks made in

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mind Control Shape Change
The creature can use the manipulation skill to force The creature can take on the shape or form of
others into doing its bidding. The control may be another person or object. The ability may be limited
limited or total, opposed with an appropriate skill or to a specific type of object or may require that the
with a willpower check. object is the same size as the creature.

Natural Armour Soul Eater

The creature possesses some kind of natural armour The creature has some ancient resonance with
or thick hide making it far more difficult to injure Simulcra, injuries inflicted by the creature against
than normal. This natural armour behaves exactly as Emissaries drain a point of Sympathy and heal it 1d6
normal armour does, but cannot be removed. injuries.

Natural Weapons Space Adaptation

The creature possesses some kind of natural The creature does not require air to breathe and
weapons such as teeth or claws. These natural suffers no negative effects from being exposed to
weapons allow the creature to inflict persistent hard vacuum or background space radiation.
damage. Natural weapons can never be disarmed.
Space Flight
One Weakness The creature is capable of space flight, allowing it to
The creature is almost indestructible and impossible move through space at up to twice its speed.
to kill, except that it has one weakness. The
creature can only be injured and killed by exploiting Supernatural Speed
its weakness. The creature can move at incredible speed far
surpassing a normal human being. The creature
Psionic Leech may make three actions per turn instead of the
The creature draws sustenance from psionic energy usual two.
rendering it immune to psionic attack. Additionally,
successful attacks against psionic characters heal it Swimmer
a single injury. The creature is a natural swimmer, moving through
the water at its full speed rating.
Psionic Senses
The creature senses the world around it with Teleportation
psionic senses. It gains the benefits of blind sense The creature can instantly move between locations
and an additional circumstance bonus to attempts separated by spatial distance. The ability may be
at detecting living creatures. limited by line of sight or require the creature to
have previously been to a location.
The creature recovers from injuries even after it has Undead
been killed, returning to life when it has recovered The creature is not alive, but instead takes the form
sufficiently to do so. Some special means is required of a corpse animated by technology or some alien
to kill it permanently. artefact. It doesn't need to eat, breathe or sleep, it
can't become tired or fatigued and it is immune to
Remote Controlled disease, venom and poison. However, it does not
The creature's body is controlled by a remote recover from injuries naturally unless some other
presence and will not fall unconscious, but will trait allows it to.
continue to act until it is killed or destroyed
outright. Venomous
The creature possesses a venomous attack, dealing
Runner far more damage than its size or strength would
The creature is adapted for running, reaching suggest. For more details on venom, see the chapter
speeds far greater than a human. It moves at twice Disease and Poisons.
its speed when running.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Background Sympathy
The Emissaries are the biological or spiritual Sympathy represents the strength of the connection
descendants of the primitive warrior race that between an Emissary and their Simulcra. By tapping
guarded the secret of an alien artefact known as the into this resource and spending it, Emissaries can
Universal Emissary for millennia. As part of their perform incredible feats far beyond normal
agreement with the Divine Imperial Majesty, the warriors.
Emissaries remain independent and unbound by
Imperial law, while retaining sole possession of the In game terms, new Emissaries begin with a
secret knowledge of the Universal Emissary and the maximum Sympathy of 2. Maximum Sympathy is
ability to create Simulcra. In return for these also referred to as Sympathy Rank. Sympathy can
allowances, the Emissaries pledge eternal allegiance be regained by resting for a period of five hours, or
to maintaining the political and economic balance by satisfying an Ideal.
of the galaxy. From time to time, worthy recruits
from the other races and factions of the Empire are A new Emissary may choose to spend a point of
selected to undergo the training and surgery Sympathy at any time in order to produce one of
necessary to become Emissaries, the greatest the following effects:
warriors in the known galaxy. - Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.
The Universal Emissary - Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6
A biomechanical alien artefact crafted from minutes.
technology not of the known galaxy, pre-dating all - Negate any amount of damage from a single
currently known life, be it existent or extinct. The source, even after the damage has been rolled.
body of the Universal Emissary defies almost all - Recover 1d6 injuries.
attempts to study or analyse it, allowing only crude
replications of it to be constructed and only a Additionally, some traits may provide a passive
fraction of its capabilities to be uncovered or benefit to Emissaries so long as they possess some
emulated. Nevertheless, even these crude Simulcra Sympathy or allow them to use Sympathy in other
can exceed the capabilities of even the most ways.
advanced native biology and technology of the
An Emissary may increase their Sympathy Rank and
gain new Simulcra abilities only by advancing (see
For millennia, the artefact was unknown to the the chapter Advancing for more details). An
Empire, a secret kept by a simple people of a now Emissary can never increase their current Sympathy
forgotten planet. It was through the gift of this above their Sympathy Rank.
artefact to the Third Imperial Majesty that the
Divine Imperial Majesty and the Third Golden Ideals and Corruption
Empire were born, along with the first lineage of Becoming an Emissary involves swearing to uphold
Emissaries, the descendants of the people of that the balance of the Galaxy, protecting the
forgotten planet. vulnerable, keeping the powerful in check and
investigating new discoveries or alien artefacts.
Simulcra Different Emissaries may approach this task in
The sympathetic bond between them and their different ways and specialise in different areas.
Simulcra is what separates an Emissary from a However, all Emissaries possess some kind of
normal warrior and elevates them to a higher level. idealism or personal code that they follow. Through
The Simulcra itself is an emulated fragment of the their sympathetic connection, this idealism is
Universal Emissary, implanted into the body of a shared by their Simulcra and manifests as
skilled warrior who has completed the training and Sympathy.
proven themselves worthy of becoming an
Emissary. All Emissaries must choose one or more Ideals
during the character creation process in addition to
Only the guild of Emissaries possesses the ability to the Ideal of Duty. When an Emissary satisfies their
create new Simulcra and is highly protective over Ideal they instantly regain a single point of
this technology. Retrieving the bodies of Emissaries Sympathy. However, if an Emissary violates an Ideal
who are killed in the line of duty is a high priority, they must roll for Corruption and risk the associated
second only to hunting down and destroying Fallen consequences. A list of Ideals and examples of how
Emissaries as and when they are discovered. they are satisfied is presented on the following

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Ideals Pacifism
The Ideal of Pacifism is followed by Emissaries who
eschew acts of violence and physical conflict as a
means of solving disputes.
Those Emissaries who embrace the Ideal of
Asceticism possess exceptional self-discipline and
Satisfying the Ideal:
are able to deprive themselves of material wealth
An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
and pleasures in order to foster their inner power.
of Pacifism whenever they resolve a conflict
between two or more groups or individuals without
Satisfying the Ideal:
resorting to the use of violence.
An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
of Asceticism whenever they refuse, donate or
Violating the Ideal:
otherwise give up a reward or material possession
The Ideal of Pacifism is violated whenever an
of significant value to them. For example, a
Emissary takes aggressive physical action against
significant financial reward, a powerful weapon or a
another or baits another into violent action. An
promised favour from an NPC peer would qualify.
Emissary does not violate the Ideal by defending
Trivial rewards would not usually qualify, unless
themselves against an attacker, unless they
they are of significant value to the character
needlessly kill that attacker.
offering them. Some GM discretion is required.

Violating the Ideal: Restraint

The Ideal of Asceticism is violated whenever an The Ideal of Restraint encourages thought, research
Emissary demands or accepts a significant reward and strategic planning as a means of solving
for their actions. problems.

Satisfying the Ideal:

An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
The Ideal of Deterrence is all about preventing
of Restraint whenever they reveal a significant
conflict through overwhelming displays of force and
hidden motive or problem that they might
warnings backed up by the promise of action.
otherwise have fallen foul of. A significant hidden 75
motive could be that a seemingly persecuted group
Satisfying the Ideal:
were in fact the aggressors, or that a request for
An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
help is actually a trap. Additionally, coming up with
of Deterrence whenever they force an aggressor to
a battle plan that proves highly successful would
back down or negotiate by methods of intimidation
satisfy the Ideal.
or through the use of overwhelming physical action.
Violating the Ideal:
Violating the Ideal:
The Ideal of Restraint is violated whenever an
The Ideal of Deterrence is violated whenever a
Emissary takes rash action or falls into a trap that
promise of action or threat is not backed up or
could have been avoided with more careful
acted upon. Additionally, the Ideal is violated
research or planning. The Ideal is not violated if the
whenever an Emissary witnesses an act of
Emissary made a suitable attempt to reveal the
unprovoked aggression and makes no attempt to
problem but failed to do so.

The Ideal of Suppression revolves around finding,
Emissaries who follow the Ideal of Enforcement
recovering and destroying knowledge or artefacts of
believe strongly in upholding the rule of law and
alien origin that pose a danger to the Empire.
carrying out punishments upon those who would
break the law or harm others.
Satisfying the Ideal:
An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
Satisfying the Ideal:
of Suppression whenever they discover alien
An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal
knowledge or an artefact and take action to destroy
of Enforcement whenever they carry out an
it or prevent it falling into the hands of others.
appropriate punishment on a known criminal or
someone who has unjustly wronged another.
Violating the Ideal:
The Ideal of Suppression is violated whenever an
Violating the Ideal:
Emissary would use alien knowledge or an artefact
The Ideal of Enforcement is violated whenever an
for personal gain, or reveal or share it with others.
Emissary would knowingly break the law themselves
or let a criminal go unpunished despite having the

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Duty Corruption Table
The Ideal of Duty is an Ideal that all Emissaries When prompted to roll for Corruption, a player
possess, an ideology imparted on them during their should roll 1d10 and compare the result with the
creation. table below.

Satisfying the Ideal:

An Emissary is considered to have satisfied the Ideal 1-2. No Effect
of Duty whenever they destroy a Fallen Emissary. The Corruption passes with no obvious effect,
leaving the Emissary with only a lasting sense of
Violating the Ideal: unease, guilt and relief at what could have been.
The Ideal of Duty is violated whenever an Emissary
intentionally injures another Emissary. 3. Minor Sympathy Drain
The Corruption passes with no serious effect, but
drains the Emissary of one point of Sympathy (as if
they had spent it).
Whenever an Emissary violates an Ideal there is a
chance that their Simulcra starts to become
4. Minor Feedback
corrupted and the sympathetic bond between them
The Corruption manifests itself as physical damage,
weakens. Initially an Emissary might suffer from
twisting and tearing the Emissary's body from
painful bursts of feedback energy or lose the ability
within. The Emissary suffers an automatic persistent
to use some of their Sympathy or Simulcra abilities.
However, if the corruption takes hold completely
then they become Fallen Emissaries. Within the
5. Major Sympathy Drain
guild of Emissaries, it is believed that this is because
The Corruption passes with no serious effect, but
Simulcra are imperfect copies and the dissonance of
drains the Emissary of 1d6 points of Sympathy (as if
Corruption damages them, causing them to go out
they had spent it).
of control and subsume their host bodies. Many
among the Witches of Cetebos and the
6. Major Feedback
Technosapiens both believe that the alien
technology on which Simulcra are based is simply
The Corruption manifests itself as intense physical
damage, bursting blood vessels, twisting organs and
revealing its true nature, though such thoughts are
flaying muscles. The Emissary suffers 1d6 automatic
heretical within the Empire.
persistent injuries.
When an Emissary violates one of their ideals, they
7. Minor Trauma
must roll on the Corruption table opposite. They
The Corruption manifests itself as psychological
may spend a point of Sympathy to re-roll the result
damage, attacking the very consciousness of the
any number of times, so long as they have
Emissary. The Emissary suffers an automatic point
Sympathy to spend. If the result would cause them
of trauma.
to lose Sympathy they may still opt to re-roll the
result, as this option is granted before any effect
8. Major Trauma
takes place.
The Corruption manifests itself as immense
psychological damage, attacking the very
Apathy consciousness of the Emissary. The Emissary suffers
Apathy is gained from Corruption and effectively 1d6 automatic points of trauma.
replaces a point of Sympathy. Apathy can be used
exactly as Sympathy, but using it forces an Emissary 9. Apathy
to roll for Corruption. Apathy is regained by resting The Corruption causes lasting damage to the
as normal and can only be removed by satisfying an Emissary's Simulcra and manifests as Apathy. A
Ideal. Apathy should be denoted on a character single point of Sympathy is replaced by a point of
sheet as a different mark (such as a cross instead of Apathy.
a dot).
10. Shattered Idealism
If all of an Emissary's Sympathy is replaced by The Corruption weakens the bond between the
Apathy then they become a Fallen Emissary. When Emissary and their Simulcra in addition to damaging
this happens it should be treated no differently than it. A single point of Sympathy is replaced by a point
if the character had succumb to injuries and died. of Apathy and the Emissary loses the ability to
However, the character is not simply dead and satisfy one Ideal until the Apathy is removed.
instead control of them should pass to the GM.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Simulcra Abilities
Emissaries with a Sympathy Rank of 2 have access
to the standard set of Simulcra abilities that are
available to all Emissaries. However, when an
Emissary increases their Sympathy Rank by
Advancing they may choose from a selection of
additional abilities. To use a Simulcra ability an
Emissary must always spend a point of Sympathy.

Each time an Emissary increases their Sympathy

Rank they may choose a single new Simulcra ability
from one of the trees available to them. Each tree is
tied to an Ideal and the Emissary must possess that
Ideal in order to choose abilities from it. The chosen
ability must not be of higher tier than the Emissary's
Sympathy Rank and must follow on from an ability
that the Emissary already possesses. Note that all
Emissaries always have access to the Ideal of Duty
and thus may always choose abilities from that tree
when their Sympathy Rank increases.

Once an Emissary's Sympathy Rank reaches 5 it no

longer increases. However, an Emissary with a
Sympathy Rank of 5 may still choose a new Simulcra
ability when Advancing.

The following pages provide details of each tree and

the different Simulcra abilities available. The table
opposite shows a summary list of the different
abilities and the tree they belong to.
The Fall of Piera

The corruption of Piera the White would be a tale

too tragic to tell, if it hadn't happened so publicly.
She was one of the greatest of her generation, a
shining beacon of hope, almost unrivalled as a
warrior but truly exceptional as a speaker and
diplomat. Her ethereal beauty paved the way for
her fame but her kindness and wisdom is what
elevated her to legend. However, behind her calm
facade she bore the weight of experience and the
memories of countless horrors all but unimaginable
to the uninitiated. It was a long and slow fall, for
she was so strong and so enduring, one that she
suffered in silence. She found solace in a simple
alien artefact, one that she had reported destroyed
but instead hoarded for herself. It was nothing more
sinister in nature than a simple soothing music box.
A surviving witness saw her listening to it moments
before she was to make an important public
appearance, but this time when she activated the
device it responded differently, instantly driving
mad the thousands who heard its ghostly song.
Overwhelmed by Apathy and grief, Piera cracked in
front of a room of holocameras. Dark metallic
thorns uncoiled from her body, discarding her albino
flesh from the collar down to her toes and replacing
her delicate white wings.

Excerpt from Legends of the Emissaries.

Aeolia Remh

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Transcend Perfect Aid

physical Heal all physical and mental
Become incorporeal at will for injuries suffered by another
a number of hours equal to character.
your composure. Infinity fist
When you successfully hit with
an unarmed strike or natural
weapon this round, roll 1d6. If
the result is 2 or higher, you
may immediately attack again
Martyr without using an action. Superior Aid
Transfer physical injuries from Heal 1d10 physical and mental
another character to yourself injuries suffered by another
and gain composure equal to character.
the injuries suffered for 1d6
hours. Spirit fist
Your unarmed strikes and
natural weapons pass through
armour as if it wasn't there for
1d6 minutes. 78
Soul search Aid Other
Gain composure equal to the Heal 1d10 physical or mental
number of physical injuries you injuries suffered by another
have suffered for 1d6 hours. character.
Resolute fist
You may add composure and
strength to damage caused by
unarmed strikes or natural
weapons for 1d6 minutes.

Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.

Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6


Negate any amount of damage from a single source,

even after the damage has been rolled.

Recover 1d6 injuries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Weapon mastery Mass wounding

Activate an Emissary weapon When you inflict injuries on a
power, the weapon inflicts an target opponent this turn, any
automatic persistent injury for other opponents with a line of
each injury caused as long as sight to your target also suffer
its power is active Perfect speed that many injuries.
Make four actions each turn
instead of two for 1d6
minutes. Extend the ability for
1d6 minutes each time you kill
an opponent.
Weapon boost Duplicate
Activate an Emissary weapon wounds
power, the weapon deals an When you inflict injuries on a
additional damage dice for as target opponent this turn, any
long as its power is active. other opponents with a line of
Enhanced speed
sight to your target suffer an
Make three actions each turn
automatic persistent injury.
instead of two for 1d6
minutes. Extend the ability for
1 minute each time you kill an 79
Weapon affinity Duplicate wound
Activate an Emissary weapon When you inflict injuries on a
power, the power lasts for 1d6 target opponent this turn, a
rounds instead of how long it single other opponent with line
would usually last. of sight to your target suffers
Speed burst an automatic persistent injury.
Make three actions this turn
instead of the usual two.

Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.

Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6


Negate any amount of damage from a single source,

even after the damage has been rolled.

Recover 1d6 injuries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Grant revenge Thought police

Revive a dead non-Emissary Know whenever any number of
NPC who was wronged in life characters within 2km are
and compel them to seek planning a violent or criminal
vengeance. act for 1d6 hours.
Choose a target opponent,
deal an additional damage dice
against them with any weapon
until they are defeated.

Animate dead Compel truth

Revive a dead non-Emissary Compel any non-Emissary
NPC as if they were alive for characters to speak only the
1d6 minutes. truth and answer any
questions asked for 1d6
Locate target minutes.
Choose a target opponent,
innately know their location
regardless of distance or
circumstances until they are 80
Interrogate dead Interrogate the
Speak to a dead non-Emissary inanimate
NPC as if they were alive for Witness up to 1d6 minutes of
1d6 minutes. an event that happened in the
Designate target current location as if you were
Choose a target opponent,
gain a circumstance bonus to
any attack rolls made against
that target until they are

Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.

Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6


Negate any amount of damage from a single source,

even after the damage has been rolled.

Recover 1d6 injuries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Perfect Perfect backlash

redirection Any number of opponents
Redirect attacks from any suffer damage equal to the
number of opponents to other damage they deal for 1d6
targets this turn. minutes.
Negation sphere
Negate any damage being
dealt to or by anything within
100m for 1d6 minutes.

Improved Improved
redirection backlash
Redirect an attack from a Any number of opponents
single opponent to another suffer damage equal to the
target this turn. Improved negate damage they dealt this turn.
Negate any damage dealt by
any number of opponents this
Redirection Backlash
Redirect an attack from a An opponent suffers damage
single opponent to another equal to the damage they dealt
target (other than themselves) this turn.
this turn.
Negate any damage dealt by a
single opponent this turn.

Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.

Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6


Negate any amount of damage from a single source,

even after the damage has been rolled.

Recover 1d6 injuries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Create mind Astral chains

Imbue a non-sentient Prevent a target opponent,
computer system or machine machine or vehicle from
with sentience and moving relative to the Emissary
intelligence. It gains mental for 1d6 minutes.
characteristics and skills one Combat
less than your own. prescience
Always act first in combat and
gain a surprise round against
anyone not also using this
ability for a number of hours
Animate system equal to your awareness.
Mass reversal
Imbue a non-sentient Any number of opponents'
computer system or machine characteristic scores become
with sentience and intelligence penalties to all skill and
for 1d6 minutes. It gains characteristic checks instead of
mental characteristics and Unseen sense bonuses for 1d6 minutes.
skills one less than your own. See invisible, hidden or
camouflaged opponents as
though they were clearly
visible and making no attempt 82
to hide themselves for 1d6
Interrogate data hours. Reversal
Speak to a non-sentient A single opponent's
repository of data, such as an characteristic scores become
archive or library, as if it were penalties to all skill and
alive and sentient for 1d6 characteristic checks instead of
minutes. Improved bonuses for 1d6 minutes.
Receive a clear warning with
the approximate distance and
direction to any source of
immediate danger for 1d6

Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.

Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6


Negate any amount of damage from a single source,

even after the damage has been rolled.

Recover 1d6 injuries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Suppress sympathy Stasis

Prevent any abilities which use Prevent any number of
Sympathy from being activated opponents from acting this
within 100m for 1d10 minutes. turn.
Cause any technology within
100m to cease functioning for
1d10 minutes.
Countermand Languish
Prevent a character from Decrease the amount of
taking a specific action actions any number of
retroactively, immediately opponents may make this turn
after the action has been by one.
declared. Improved
Cause any non-sentient
technology within 100m that
relies upon electronics to cease 83
functioning for 1d10 minutes.
Counter sympathy Torpor
Prevent an Emissary or Fallen Decrease the amount of
Emissary from using an ability actions a single opponent may
that requires Sympathy (the make this turn by one.
Sympathy is still spent).
Disruption Field
Cause any non-sentient
technology within 10m that
relies upon electronics to cease
functioning for 1d6 minutes.

Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.

Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6


Negate any amount of damage from a single source,

even after the damage has been rolled.

Recover 1d6 injuries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Become Ideal Perfect Mending

Increase all characteristic Recover all physical and mental
scores by 2 for 1d6 hours. injuries.

Enforce Reality
Choose the result of any
number of 2d10 skill or
characteristic checks made by
any characters this turn.

Manifest Ideal Superior

Form Mending
Increase all characteristic Recover 1d10 physical and
scores by 2 for 1d10 minutes. 1d10 mental injuries.
Alter Reality
Re-roll one or both of the d10s
from any number of skill or
characteristic checks by any
character this turn and add 84
1d10 to the result.
Sympathetic Improved
Boost Mending
Increase two characteristic Recover 1d10 physical or
scores by 2 for 1d10 minutes. mental injuries.
Alter Fate
Re-roll one or both of the d10s
from any skill or characteristic
check and add 1d10 to the

Standard Abilities
Re-roll one or both of the d10s from any skill or
characteristic check and add 1d6 to the result.

Increase any characteristic score by 2 for 1d6


Negate any amount of damage from a single source,

even after the damage has been rolled.

Recover 1d6 injuries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Clarifications Thought Police
Simulcra abilities are intended to be straight The Emissary gains knowledge of any and all
forward in effect and minimal in terms of additional criminal or violent thoughts that characters within
rules. However, some effects are relatively abstract 2km intend to act on, along with a basic outline of
and clarification may be required in certain who they are and their general surroundings. The
situations. This section will attempt to clear up any planning of serious crimes, such as mass murder,
potential problems, for further rules clarifications assassination or terrorism, immediately alerts the
refer to the errata on our official website. Emissary. More minor offences require the Emissary
to concentrate and narrow down what they want to
Transcend Physical know. For example, the player of the Emissary could
The incorporeal effect conferred is identical to the ask where the nearest person planning a theft is, or
one described by the incorporeal trait. The Emissary whether anyone was planning to steal a specific
may, without use of an action, activate or item. It is up to the GM to provide basic information
deactivate the ability at any time within the period of this type. Basic information could be that a tall
described. The length of time the ability lasts for is man called Davine in the spaceport is planning to
defined as a number of hours equal to the sneak contraband through customs.
Emissary's composure at the moment the point of
Sympathy was spent to first activate it. Interrogate Data
A non-sentient repository of information could be a
Weapon Affinity book, library, digital or physical archive, or even a
The cost of activating the ability also activates the museum. It is ultimately a GM decision as to what
Emissary weapon, only one point of Sympathy is does and does not constitute a repository of
spent. This also applies to Weapon Boost and information. The repository does not actually
Weapon Mastery. become sentient and is unable to think for itself,
form opinions or assess the quality of the
Duplicate Wound information it contains. It will answer factual
For the purposes of this ability, an opponent can be questions pertaining to or with answers provided by
anyone declared as such by the player of the the information it contains.
Emissary using the ability. This also applies to
Duplicate Wounds and Mass Wounding. Animate System 85
A non-sentient computer system, such as an
Interrogate Dead operating system, security system, flight computer
This ability may be used on any dead sentient or similar becomes sentient. Its personality is similar
creature or sentient machine other than a dead to that of the Emissary granting it life, but may be
Emissary or Fallen Emissary. The being is not shaped by its purpose. It is not hostile to the
technically revived and regains no ability to move or Emissary, but it is not a slave. The intelligence is
take actions other than to speak or communicate. able to operate any vehicle or machinery that it has
When the ability ends, the being returns to the access to. This also applies to the Create Life ability.
state it was in before the ability was activated.
Disruption Field
Animate Dead Any electronic devices, weapons, vehicles,
This ability may be used on any dead sentient augments or machines that are vulnerable to EMP-
creature or sentient machine other than a dead like effects may be disabled as if by an EMP-like
Emissary or Fallen Emissary. For the duration of the effect. The Emissary is able to select which items are
ability, the being is able to move around and act and are not affected by the ability, so long as they
exactly as they could when alive. Any wounds are are within the stated range. Damage is not
healed and the body may be reconstituted from permanent and the devices function normally when
parts, so long as most are present. Any missing the duration is over. Sentient machines, including
parts remain missing. When the ability ends, the Mechanoids, suffer no ill effect. This also applies to
being returns to the state it was in before the ability the Improved Disruption ability.
was activated.
Perfect Disruption
Grant Revenge Any technology, be it biotechnology, mechanical,
As animate dead, except that the effect has no time electronic or otherwise may be disabled, ceasing to
limit. The being is compelled to tirelessly seek out function usefully in any way. The Emissary is able to
revenge, but will still stop to perform necessary select which items are and are not affected by the
bodily functions. If revenge is achieved, the being ability, so long as they are within the stated range.
returns to the state it was in before the ability was Damage is not permanent and the devices function
activated. normally when the duration is over. Even sentient
machines, including Mechanoids, may be disabled
by this ability.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Soul Search Martyr Transcend Physical

Resolute Fist Spirit Fist Infinity Fist

Aid Other Superior Aid Perfect Aid

Weapon Affinity Weapon Boost Weapon Mastery


Speed Burst Enhanced Speed Perfect Speed

Duplicate Wound Duplicate Wounds Mass Wounding


Interrogate Dead Animate Dead Grant Revenge

Designate Target Locate Target Nemesis

Interrogate the
Compel Truth Thought Police

Redirection Perfect Redirection

Negate Improved Negate Negation Sphere

Backlash Improved Backlash Perfect Backlash

Interrogate Data Animate System Create Mind


Improved Awareness Unseen Sense Combat Prescience

Reversal Mass Reversal Astral Chains

Counter Sympathy Countermand Suppress Sympathy


Disruption Field Improved Disruption Perfect Disruption

Torpor Languish Stasis

Sympathetic Boost Manifest Ideal Form Become Ideal


Alter Fate Alter Reality Enforce Reality

Improved Mending Superior Mending Perfect Mending

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Movement Prolonged Light Activity
Characters rarely stand still for long and movement A character may maintain a less intense physical
is an integral part of the game, both in and out of activity such as walking, jogging or casually
combat. Generally players should be free to swimming in calm conditions for a much longer
describe their actions and movements, but period of time than more intense activities. A
sometimes rules or dice rolls will be required to prolonged light activity such as this must be one
decide what they can accomplish. This section will that does not require a skill check or does not use
summarise and expand upon all rules related to up both of a character's available actions each turn.
movement, fatigue and extended physical activities. However, eventually even this type of activity will
cause a character to tire. A character may maintain
Speed and Running a prolonged light activity for a number of hours
equal to their endurance. After that a character
The speed of a character is defined as 10 + strength
must either cease their activity or perform a
+ dexterity. Speed can generally be used as a simple
stamina skill check (TR 14) to continue for another
comparison, the faster character will reach a
hour. The TR for the stamina check increases by 1
location first or get away from the slower one.
for each hour thereafter. If the character chooses to
Mechanically, speed corresponds to the maximum
cease the activity, or fails a stamina check and is
number of metres that a character can cover in a
forced to cease the activity, they become tired.
single action. A character that spends both of their
Additionally, if a character fails a stamina check
actions moving is counted as running. Similarly, a
they become fatigued. Circumstance penalties may
player that describes their character as running is
apply to the stamina check as usual.
also counted as running. A character cannot run or
perform any physical skill indefinitely.
A character may move through calm water freely at
Stamina one quarter of their normal movement speed. As
A character can run or perform an extended with movement on land, a character may choose to
physical skill for a number of rounds equal to twice spend both of their actions swimming through
their toughness (a round lasts 5 seconds). After that water in order to travel faster. For the purposes of
a character must either cease their activity or
perform a stamina skill check (TR 14) to continue for
determining tiredness and fatigue, spending both 88
actions on swimming is functionally equivalent to
another round. The TR for the stamina check running. Similarly, a player that describes their
increases by 1 for each round thereafter. If the character as swimming rapidly is also treated as
character chooses to cease the activity, or fails a functionally equivalent to running.
stamina check and is forced to cease the activity,
they become tired. Additionally, if a character fails a
stamina check they become fatigued.
Moving in a microgravity environment is extremely
difficult as the human body feels very different. For
Tiredness movement in an indoor air-filled microgravity
A tired character is reduced to a single action per environment with plenty of hand holds, such as a
turn and may not perform extended physical skills. space station, character's without the microgravity
Tiredness lasts for 12 rounds (60 seconds). A skill may only move at half their speed. The
character who becomes tired while swimming or microgravity skill must be used to perform more
climbing does not immediately start to drown or complex movement actions. However, if the
fall, but instead makes no further progress while microgravity environment lacks hand holds or an
they catch their breath. atmosphere, such as open space, a character has no
control over their own movement without the aid
Fatigue of thrusters or some other form of propulsion.
Fatigue is primarily caused by the failure of a
stamina check, but can have other causes. A Characters with wings or the flight trait may fly at
character suffering fatigue may experience painful their normal speed so long as the microgravity
muscle cramp, weakness or overwhelming environment has an atmosphere to push against.
tiredness. When a character becomes fatigued they Characters with the space flight trait may fly even if
suffer an automatic temporary injury and the there is no atmosphere. However, the microgravity
effects of tiredness. Temporary injuries caused by skill is still required to perform complex movement
fatigue can stack. actions.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Falling Provoking Attack
While falling is often not an intentional form of A character may provoke a melee attack from
movement, it remains a type of movement that another character if they attempt to move while
characters will occasionally experience. In reality, they are within attacking range of that character.
falling bodies will accelerate until the force of For example, moving within a metre of another
gravity acting on them (their weight) is balanced by character and then attempting to move past them
the force of air resistance acting in the opposite will provoke an attack. Additionally, starting a turn
direction. At this point, falling objects reach a within a metre of an opponent and attempting to
constant velocity which is known as their terminal move away from them will also provoke an attack.
velocity. However, simply moving into range of another
character will not provoke an attack. A TR 16
In game terms, a falling character has a speed of gymnastics check will also allow a character to move
250 and will therefore fall 250m each turn. For falls without provoking an attack.
of much smaller distances than this, it can be
assumed that the character's complete turn is used Moving does not ordinarily provoke a ranged
up regardless of fall height. attack. However, at times, an opponent may choose
to ready an action, such as a ranged attack. Moving
A fall from a height of 5m or more has the potential while within range of an opponent who has readied
to cause serious injury to a character. Falling from a a ranged attack will provoke a single ranged attack
height of 5m inflicts 1d6 persistent damage to a from them. As with melee attacks, a TR 16
character. An additional 1d6 damage is inflicted for gymnastics check will allow a character to avoid
each additional 5m of fall height (up to a maximum this.
of 50d6).

Movement in Combat
Movement in combat follows most of the same
rules as movement outside of combat, except that it
may occasionally provide bonuses, penalties or
provoke reactions from opponents. In combat a 89
character may use an action to move a distance in
metres up to a maximum value that equals their
1 2
speed. A character that uses an action to move a
distance less than their maximum amount is still
counted as using their entire action. A character
that is running imposes a single circumstance 1
penalty on ranged attacks to hit them.

At times a character may wish to move while
maintaining a crouched position in order to stay
behind cover or present a smaller target to an
opponent. A character moving in such a way is 1 2
limited to moving at one half of their usual speed.
However, a character that spends both actions
moving in this way is not counted as running. A
crouched character imposes a single circumstance
penalty on ranged attacks to hit them.

Crawling 1m square
A character may also wish to move along the
ground while maintaining a prone position. A
character crawling in this way is limited to moving 1 Moving character
at one quarter of their usual speed. A prone or
crawling character imposes two circumstance
penalties on ranged attacks to hit them. A character
2 Opponent character

may drop prone without using an action, but Move doesn't provoke attack
standing again requires an action.
Move does provoke attack

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Combat Simon: How big is the room and how far away is the
Combat occurs when characters attempt to fight by guard from me?
moving around and using their combat skills.
Combat should generally be resolved using turns, GM: The room is a rectangular shape about 4m
with the character with the highest agility acting across and 8m long with large security doors
first, followed by the rest in order of highest to opposite each other on the walls that are furthest
lowest agility. In the event of a tie, where characters apart. You came through one of those doors and the
have the same agility, a coin toss or dice roll should other one is ahead of you, behind the guard. The
be used to determine who acts first. ceiling is quite high and there are large industrial
pipes and cables running along it. You are currently
There are two main approaches to handling combat standing in the middle of the room, directly in front
which may be appropriate in different situations. of the guard, as he approached you during the
The first is a narrative approach which is relatively conversation.
fast, loose and keeps the game flowing. The second
is a positional system which can be useful for GM: Kelly, where are you at the moment? Did you
avoiding disagreements and keeping track of follow Tom all the way in?
movement, ranges and location. Kelly: No way, I'm taking cover in the doorway.
GM: Ok, so you're not actually in the room, but
you're leaning around the doorway looking in?
Narrative Combat
Kelly: Yeah, I can cover him with my assault rifle
During narrative combat, players take it in turn to
from here.
describe the actions of their character and make
GM: Tom, what are you going to do?
skill checks as necessary. It is up to the GM to
Tom: I don't have a weapon, so I'm going to dive out
describe the environment the combat is taking
of the way and let Kelly blast him.
place in and the number of opponents and their
GM: Ok, make a gymnastics check to avoid
approximate distances from the players.
provoking an attack from the guard.
As combat develops, distances and positions are not
strictly defined, but are loosely agreed upon Positional Combat
through the descriptions of the GM and the players. Positional combat represents the battlefield as a
grid of 1m squares. This allows characters and
For example, two players may describe their
character's as taking cover behind a car. In the objects to be placed precisely and distances to be
event that it suddenly becomes important to measured accurately between all characters and
determine which character is on the left and which objects in the game. Positional combat like this can
character is on the right, the players should come to be useful for playing out complicated combat
an agreement about where their characters are scenarios where it may otherwise be difficult to
positioned. In the event that players cannot come keep track of where everything is relative to each
to an agreement, the result should be determined other. Tactical, combat heavy games may also
with a dice roll or decided by the GM. benefit from this approach.

In general, it is recommended that narrative combat In general, it is not recommended that positional
is used as the preferred way of resolving combat. combat is used unless necessary or agreed upon by
The narrative approach is generally faster and helps the players as it can slow down gameplay and
to maintain the pace and atmosphere of the game. detach players from the atmosphere of the story. If
positional combat is used, the GM should take care
Example: to describe actions and locations as normal, in order
to maintain atmosphere.
GM: The guard doesn't believe your story about
being a nuclear safety inspector and reaches for his From a practical point of view, wipe-clean game
handgun boards that can be drawn on with whiteboard
markers are useful for positional combat. However,
GM: The guard has an agility of 17, so Simon can go squared paper or graph paper are both more
first but the guard will act before Kelly can. cheaply available and can work just as well. Tokens
can take the form of 28mm scale miniatures, coins,
dice or even marked squares of paper or cardboard.
However, take care when using paper tokens as
they are easily knocked out of position by accident.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Example: Surprise Round
In some situations, combat may begin without
everyone being aware of it. For example, the
characters may fall into an ambush or choose to
attack an unsuspecting target. In these cases, not all
of the characters are prepared to fight as they have
been taken by surprise, so a surprise round takes
place before normal combat begins.

During a surprise round, only characters who are

either prepared to run or fight may act. These
characters act in agility order as usual, except that
they are limited to only a single action each instead
of the usual two actions. Characters who have been
taken by surprise may not act at all during the
surprise round. Once the surprise round is over,
combat begins properly and all characters may act
2 in order of their agility as usual.

1 Actions Provoking an Attack

It has already been covered how movement may
provoke an attack from an opponent. However,
other actions may also provoke an attack in the
same situation. In fact any physical act requiring the
use of an action, other than an unarmed or melee
weapon attack, may provoke an attack from an
opponent if they are attempted while an opponent
is within melee range. For example, attempting to
3 aim and fire a ranged weapon while standing within 91
reach of an opponent will provoke an attack.
Similarly, drawing a weapon while within striking
range of an opponent will also provoke an attack
(unless the character has the gunslinger trait, as this
allows a weapon to be drawn without using up an
Characters in turn order:

Prepared Actions
1 Tom Prepared actions are the only time when a
character may act outside of their usual turn order.
2 Guard A character making a prepared action must forfeit
both of their usual actions, in order to make a single
action at a later time when a particular condition is
3 Kelly
met. The action and the condition triggering it must
be stated in advance. For example, a character
could make a prepared action to trigger a remote
detonator when a door is opened or they could
The example above shows what the previously
shoot a rifle at anyone crossing between two
described situation might look like when
particular pieces of cover. If the condition is met at
represented in positional combat.
any point during the rest of the round before their
next turn, then the character may perform their
Tom starts within one metre of the guard, putting
action immediately. If the condition is not met, then
him in melee range (represented by the darker
the character has essentially wasted their turn and
squares around the guard) and causing his
must wait until their next one before choosing to
movement to provoke an attack from the guard.
maintain the prepared action or doing something
Numbers have been added to the characters to
else. A prepared action is the only situation where a
represent the order they may act in (this can be a
ranged attack can be provoked.
useful thing to do with tokens when many NPCs are

A red arrow has been added to show Tom's desired

movement in this case.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Attacking Unarmed Attacks
To make an attack a character must use one of the An unarmed attack is made using the unarmed
four attacking skills, unarmed combat, melee combat skill. Unarmed attacks always inflict
weapons, ranged weapons or psionics to make an temporary damage (unless the character has the
unarmed, melee weapon, ranged attack or psionic game of death trait). The base damage dice for
attack respectively. In the first three cases, the unarmed attacks is 1d6 and the character's strength
character makes a skill check as usual and succeeds characteristic is added to this to produce the total
if their result matches or exceeds the agility of the amount of temporary damage.
target character. In the case of psionic attack, the
target's willpower is used in place of agility. When Damage type: Temporary
attacking an immobile character or an object Damage dice: 1d6
without an agility score, a result of TR 14 is required Total damage: 1d6 + strength (T)
to successfully hit a human sized object
(circumstance modifiers apply as usual). Melee Weapon Attacks
A melee weapon attack is made using the melee
Cover weapon skill. Melee attacks may inflict temporary
Cover provides a circumstance penalty to attacks or persistent damage depending on the type of
made against the target, increasing the TR to hit weapon being used. The base damage dice for
them to a value higher than their usual agility score. melee weapons depends on the weapon but the
The size of the circumstance penalty depends upon character's strength is added to this as with
how much of the target's body is obscured by cover. unarmed attacks to produce the total damage.

If less than half of the target is obscured by cover, Damage type: Temporary or persistent
then no circumstance penalty applies and the target Damage dice: X
is no more difficult to hit than usual. If half of the Total damage: X + strength (T or P)
target is covered, then a single circumstance
penalty applies, increasing the TR by +2. Additional Where Y is either temporary or persistent
circumstance penalties apply if more of the target is depending on the weapon being used and X is the
obscured by cover. damage dice of the weapon, both given in the item 92
description. An example for a large combat knife is
Fraction obscured: Circumstance penalty: given below:
1/2 +2
(waist high wall) Damage type: Persistent
3/4 +4 Damage dice: 1d6
(chest high wall) Total damage: 1d6 + strength (P)
9/8 +6
(only head visible) Ranged Weapon Attacks
15/16 +8 A ranged weapon attack is made using the ranged
(top half of head visible) weapon skill. The type and amount of damage
31/32 +10 inflicted by a ranged weapon depends on the
(behind a wall with a single brick missing) weapon. Unlike unarmed and melee attacks, no
characteristic is added to the damage inflicted by
Cover does not provide any circumstance penalties ranged weapons. However, the number damage
to psionic attacks. dice rolled depends on the range the weapon is
used at and the type of attack being made.
Concealment does not provide any circumstance Damage type: Temporary or persistent
penalty to attack checks. However, in order to Damage dice: X
declare an attack against a target, the target must Range: S/M/L
be clearly visible. In the case of a target concealed Total damage: 3X/2X/X (T or P)
by darkness, smoke or other means, a spot check
must be successfully made before the target can be All ranged weapons will have three ranges stated,
attacked directly. Once the spot check has been short, medium and long. When used within short
passed, it does not need to be repeated unless the range, a ranged weapon will deal three damage dice
character loses sight of the target for some reason worth of total damage, two damage dice within
or the visibility dramatically worsens. medium range and a single damage dice within long

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Shots made at distances beyond the stated long Dual Wielding
range for a weapon deal no damage (either the A character may choose to wield two or more
projectile will not travel any further or it has slowed weapons at once in combat, one in each hand.
down to the point that it is no longer dangerous). Melee or ranged weapons can be dual wielded in
Additionally, shots made at short range benefit this way, so long as the weapon can be held in one
from a circumstance bonus, decreasing the TR to hit hand. When using multiple weapons, a character
the target by -2. Similarly, shots made at long range may attack with each weapon as part of a single
suffer from a circumstance penalty, increasing the action. The character makes a separate attack check
TR by +2. An example for a typical assault rifle is for each weapon and deals damage as usual.
given below: However, both attack checks suffer a circumstance
penalty and the weapon used in the character's off-
Damage type: Persistent hand suffers an additional circumstance penalty.
Damage dice: 1d8 Any additional hands or natural weapons the
Range: 50m/250m/500m character may have are also treated as off-hands.
Total damage: 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P)
Attacking with one weapon:
Burst Attack 2d10 + skill + characteristic
Some weapons have the ability to fire on fully
automatic, increasing the amount of damage they Attacking with two weapons:
can inflict. A character may choose to make a burst 2d10 + skill + characteristic -2 (main hand)
attack with an automatic weapon once per turn 2d10 + skill + characteristic -4 (off-hand)
(but still only using one action). A burst attack
imposes a single circumstance penalty to the ranged A character dual wielding automatic weapons may
attack check, due to the increased recoil of the make a burst attack with both weapons, although
weapon and consumes three rounds of ammunition the circumstance penalties will stack. However, a
instead of one. A successful burst attack deals an character may still only make one spray and pray
additional damage dice worth of damage. For attack per turn, even if they use both weapons.
example, the assault rifle mentioned above would
deal 4d8 persistent damage with a successful burst
attack made at short range.
Improvised Attacks 93
The damage caused by improvised weapons
depends on how heavy they are and what they are
Spray and Pray made of. Objects up to one kilogram deal a single
Instead of a short controlled burst, a character may damage dice worth of damage. Doubling the mass
also attempt to fire an automatic weapon by simply of the object adds an additional damage dice. When
holding down the trigger and attempting to hose used as a melee weapon, the melee weapon skill is
down a number of targets with bullets. Up to five used (with a circumstance penalty) to determine
adjacent characters may be targeted by a spray and hits and the character's strength is added to the
pray attack. However, allies or civilians cannot be damage.
selectively ignored if they are adjacent to an
opponent being fired upon. A flat TR14 ranged Material: Damage dice:
attack roll is made for each target. Each target that Harmless (polystyrene) 0
is hit within short range suffers two damage dice Light (wood) 1d4 (T)
worth of total damage. Hit targets within medium Medium (glass) 1d6 (T)
range suffer a single damage dice worth of total Heavy (metal) 1d6 (P)
damage. Targets at long range cannot be damage by
a spray and pray attack as the bullets fly too widely. Weapons or improvised objects can also be thrown
A spray and pray attack consumes 30 rounds of at an opponent as an attack. Throwing attacks use
ammunition from the weapon and requires the the athletics skill and follow the rules described for
character to spend both of their two actions making throwing objects with the athletics skill. However,
the attack. Weapons with less than 30 rounds of instead of using a base TR of 14 to determine
ammunition in their magazine may not be used to success, the agility of the target must be used
make a spray and pray attack. Similarly, weapons instead. Thrown melee weapons deal normal
without the ability to fire on automatic may also not weapon damage. No characteristic is added to the
be used to make a spray and pray attack. A spray damage.
and pray attack cannot be made during a surprise
round as it requires two actions. For example, a 250kg steel girder thrown like a
javelin by a superhuman character would inflict 9d6
(P) damage to anyone unfortunate enough to be hit
by it.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Grappling Combat Throw
Instead of striking an opponent, a character may A character with the upper hand in a grapple may
attempt to grapple them. The character must make attempt to end the grapple with an attack that
either an unarmed combat check or a strength throws the opponent onto the ground. To
check, which the opponent must oppose with a successfully shift their weight and position
reactive unarmed combat or strength check of their themselves for a throw, the character must make a
own. If the initiating character's check result new opposed unarmed combat or strength check. If
exceeds the opponents result, then the grapple is successful, the grapple ends and the character
successful and they gain the upper hand. If the manages to throw their opponent onto the ground.
opponent's result is higher, then they can choose to The thrown opponent takes normal unarmed
either end the grapple or take the upper hand combat damage from the attack and is left in a
themselves. prone position on the ground. If the throw attempt
is not successful, then the opponent immediately
The character with the upper hand in a grapple gains the upper hand in the grapple.
does not need to make further rolls to maintain the
grapple and can end it at will. The character being Takedown
grappled may attempt to take the upper hand as an An unarmed character or a character with a weapon
action on their turn by making a new check and capable of inflicting temporary damage may
comparing it to their opponent's initial result. A attempt to takedown a helpless opponent as an
grappled character is unable to move or take attack which uses up both of their actions (a
actions. The character with the upper hand in a takedown can be performed in a single action only
grapple has several other options available to them. during a surprise round).

Submission Hold To perform a takedown the opponent must be at

The character with the upper hand in a grapple can point blank range and either completely unable to
progress from simply restraining their opponent move or stationary and completely unaware of the
and instead attempt to strangle them. To attack. The attack hits automatically and deals an
successfully shift their grip, the character must additional damage dice as well as the damage it
make a new opposed unarmed combat or strength would ordinarily do. The extra damage dice from a 94
check. If successful, the character manages to get takedown may stack with the first blood trait.
their opponent in a submission hold and deals
automatic unarmed combat damage once per turn Execution
without the need for further dice rolling. If the A character with a weapon capable of inflicting
attempt is not successful, then the opponent persistent damage may attempt to execute a
immediately gains the upper hand. As with an helpless opponent as an attack which uses up both
ordinary grapple, the opponent can also attempt to of their actions (an execution can be performed in a
take the upper hand by making an unarmed combat single action only during a surprise round).
or strength check as an action on their own turn.
To perform an execution the opponent must be at
Dragging point blank range and either completely unable to
The character with the upper hand in a grapple can move or stationary whilst completely unaware of
attempt to drag their opponent, forcing them to the attack. The attack hits automatically and deals
move in a particular direction. To shift their position an additional damage dice as well as the damage it
in a way that will allow them to drag their would ordinarily do. The extra damage dice from an
opponent, the character must make a new opposed execution attack may stack with the first blood trait.
unarmed combat or strength check. If successful,
the character is able to move at one quarter speed, Performing an execution can be a traumatic
dragging their opponent with them. If the attempt experience, even for a hardened combat veteran
is not successful, then the opponent immediately and should not be taken lightly. After performing an
gains the upper hand. As with an ordinary grapple, execution, a character must pass a TR 14 willpower
the opponent can also attempt to take the upper check or suffer a point of stress immediately.
hand by making an unarmed combat or strength
check as an action on their own turn.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Disarm Armour
Instead of striking an opponent directly, a character Combat is extremely dangerous. Any characters
may attempt to disarm them. To disarm an expecting a fight will often wear armour to protect
opponent of their weapon, the character must themselves from injuries in combat. Armour, or
make a successful unarmed combat attack, items that behave in a similar way to armour, have
targeting the item instead of the opposing character an associated defence rating and defence type.
(a circumstance penalty applies). If the attack is
successful, the weapon is knocked to the ground. Defence rating: X (T or P)
Optionally, succeeding by a margin of 2 or better Defence type: Temporary or persistent
will allow the character to take hold of the weapon
instead of knocking it to the ground. A disarm The defence rating of the armour is added to the
attempt can be made instead of a regular attack character's toughness for the purposes of
during a grapple, so long as the character has the determining how much damage is dealt to them
upper hand (a circumstance penalty applies to the (see the chapter Damage and Injuries for more
grapple check in this case). information about toughness and dealing damage).
The defence type indicates what kind of damage the
Leg Sweep armour protects against. If the defence type is
Instead of striking an opponent with a damaging temporary, then the armour only reduces
blow, a character may attempt to swipe their legs temporary damage and has no effect on persistent
out from under them and cause them to trip. A leg damage. If the defence type is persistent, then the
sweep is made as a normal unarmed combat attack armour reduces both temporary and persistent
targeting the legs of the opponent (a circumstance damage. An example for a typical bullet proof vest
penalty applies). If the attack is successful, instead is given below:
of inflicting damage, the opponent is tripped and
falls to the ground prone. Defence rating: 9 (P)
Defence type: Persistent
If an amount of persistent damage dealt to a
A character trained in melee weapon or unarmed
combat is able to change their fighting stance to
character is less than the rating of the armour
protecting them, then the character does not suffer
match different situations. Stances always provide a
the usual automatic temporary injury.
benefit and a drawback. A stance may only be
adopted or changed at the start of a character's
turn and lasts until it is dropped or changed. It is Shield
assumed that all characters begin combat in a As well as armour, a character may attempt to
neutral stance. protect themselves with a shield or an equivalent
item used to hinder an attack.
Aggressive Stance
A dedicated shield imposes two circumstance
The character takes an aggressive stance, creating
penalties to unarmed or melee weapon attacks
more openings in their guard but allowing them to
made against the character (increasing the TR to hit
attack more quickly and violently. A character in an
them by +4). However, this type of shield only
aggressive stance gains a circumstance bonus to
provides a single circumstance penalty to ranged
unarmed combat or melee weapon attack checks,
weapon attacks made against the character
but opponents attempting to hit them in return also
(increasing the TR to hit them by +2).
gain a circumstance bonus (TR is reduced by -2).
An improvised item used as a shield or a second
Defensive Stance weapon used defensively (not used to attack with)
The character takes a defensive stance, cautiously functions as a shield described above but provides
guarding their body and moving with a duck and one less circumstance penalty to attacks against the
weave. A character in a defensive stance suffers a character. An improvised shield is therefore
circumstance penalty to unarmed combat or melee ineffective against ranged weapon attacks.
weapon attack checks, but opponents attempting to
hit them in return also suffer a circumstance The benefit of a shield may stack with the benefits
penalty (TR is increased by +2). of cover, a defensive stance or other means of
imposing a circumstance penalty on attacks against
the shielded character.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mass Combat
Occasionally it may be necessary for Emissaries to Hardened Mooks
fight a horde or mob of weaker opponents that, Number: 50
while not especially challenging, would bog down Breaking point: 10
the usual combat system and consume a large Toughness: 2
amount of time. In these situations the following Armour: 6 (P)
rules for mass combat may be used to simplify and Damage: 1d8+4 (P)
speed up the encounter, allowing the pace of the
game to be maintained. A mob is generally Hardened mooks could represent a light infantry
considered to be any group of opponents who unit, well equipped henchmen with basic training,
number at least ten and individually pose little or a swarm of larger animals.
threat to any Emissary.
Elite Mooks
For the purposes of mass combat, a mob is treated Number: 20
as a single entity with reduced and simplified stats Breaking point: 0
compared to a normal enemy. All mobs also possess Toughness: 3
a 'number' characteristic which is equal to the Armour: 9 (P)
number of individuals contained within the mob. An Damage: 1d10+5 (P)
example mob is provided below:
Elite mooks could represent a heavy infantry unit,
Basic Mooks Technosapien regulars, or a swarm of large and
Number: 100 dangerous animals.
Breaking point: 25
Toughness: 2 The examples listed on this page could be modified
Armour: 0 or adapted if necessary to represent a mob in your
Damage: 1d6+3 (P) game. However, you should avoid making mobs
much stronger than the elite mooks shown above,
Basic mooks could represent a civilian militia, as such opponents are better represented with the
undead or virally infected zombies, or a swarm of
small animals.
normal combat mechanics. 96
Mass combat can be combined with regular
Range and movement is not considered during mass combat, which can be sensible if a mob possesses a
combat. Ranged weapons treat the range as close leader that would be better represented by regular
for the purposes of damage. Each turn every combat rules. In such a case, regular combat is
participating character makes a single attack against carried out against the stronger opponent as
the mob that hits automatically. Every injury that normal and a mass combat round occurs at the end
would normally be inflicted instead reduces the of the regular combat round.
mob's number by 1. At the end of the turn, every
participating character is also hit automatically by Massacre on the Steps
the mob and receives damage equal to the mob's
damage rating. When Lord Balan and General Gyeon staged a coup
against the Divine Imperial Majesty a legion of the
Simulcra abilities that would usually negate damage Imperial Honour Guard joined with them and
or heal injuries can be used as normal. However, marched upon the ancient Imperial Palace. Only a
Simulcra abilities that would usually grant pair of Emissaries, the Reptillian, Gorak Ya, and the
additional damage, extra actions or inflict automatic Insectoid, Piera the White, stood between them and
injuries instead multiply the damage inflicted by the success. In less than an hour of fighting the Honour
character this turn by their Sympathy Rank. Guard were broken and the steps ran red with so
much of their blood that the crimson waterfalls
A mob is considered to be defeated whenever its carried corpses down into the Great Square. The
number is reduced to its breaking point. At this heads of Lord Balan and General Gyeon were
point the morale of the mob has collapsed and it mounted on pikes that afternoon, their eyes plucked
has fled, or its numbers have been thinned to the out. Even to this day the Honour Guard patrol past
point that it can no longer credibly hinder the ever stained steps as a constant reminder of the
progression or inflict damage on a group of cost of treason.
Emissaries. It is up to the GM and players to handle
the roleplaying aspect of the breaking point in a Excerpt from Legends of the Emissaries.
way appropriate to the mob being fought. Aeolia Remh

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Combat Example Fa's agility is 20 and she just moved, so the TR to hit
The following few pages will give some examples of her is 22. However, the Witch rolled double evens,
combat in action, demonstrating various possible which is an automatic success (though not a critical
scenes and how they might play out using the rules hit in this case because the result would usually
described. It is recommended that you read through have failed). The Witch rolls 1d6 (6) and adds her
the rest of the rules in order to fully understand all strength (2) for a total of 8 (P), piercing Fa's stab
of the mechanics. vest (6 (P) melee). The 2 damage that gets through
is less than Fa's toughness (6), so only a temporary
injury is inflicted. However, the blade is coated with
Witch Hunting
Quiet, and Fa must make a toughness check. Fa rolls
Fa Shenhui's eyes move from one apprentice Witch
2d10 (6,9) and adds her toughness (4 because of
to the other, appraising their intent and judging the
the injury she took), passing the TR 18 initial
space around her. The church hall is worryingly
toughness check of the venom.
cramped, littered with chairs, but its ceiling is high.
She knows that her chances aren't good if they
The second apprentice Witch prepares to support
manage to close the distance on her, but she's
her partner from the ground, lashing out with a
faster than them and has the initiative.
psionic attack. She rolls 2d10 (5,10) and adds her
composure (4) and psionics skill (4), easily hitting Fa
Fa uses her Avian flight racial ability to move
(TR 10 + her reduced willpower of 4). She rolls 1d8
backwards and into the air above the two Witches.
(3) for mental damage, failing to overcome Fa's
Because of her mastery traits, she can also attack
willpower but inflicting a temporary mental injury.
with both of her heavy pistols as part of her
However, her second attempt rolls low (1,2) and
movement action. She aims at the nearest of the
two and makes two attack rolls, rolling 2d10 twice
(8,8) (1,4) and adding her dexterity (5) and weapons
The bleeding young Witch tightens her grip on her
(ranged) skill (5) to each roll. The Witch has an
knife and psionically propels herself through the air.
agility of 17, so the second attack misses, but the
Caught off guard by the alarming burst of speed, a
first is a critical hit. Fa is at medium range for her
stab from the Witch's knife slips through Fa's guard
heavy pistols, so would usually roll 2d8 for damage,
but rolls 3d8 (4,4,6) instead because of the critical
and her armour, drawing blood from the graceful
Emissary. Simultaneously, her mind is assaulted by 98
hit for a total of 14 (P) damage. This would pierce
the other foe below. However, she steels herself and
the Witch's ballistic vest (6 (P) armour) and cause a
prepares to respond.
critical injury. However, the Witch spends a point of
Spirit to gain 6 (P) exotic armour for 5 minutes. The
Unable to outrun the amped up flying Witch, Fa
Witch now has a total of 12 (P) armour, so only 2 (P)
makes a gymnastics check to avoid a provoked
damage makes it through, inflicting a temporary
attack. She rolls 2d10 (4,9) and adds her dexterity (4
injury. For her second action, Fa attacks again (10,7)
due to injury) and gymnastics skill (2), beating the
(5,5), this time splitting her fire between the two.
required TR of 16. Moving just below her target, she
Her first attack hits, but the second rolls double
attacks with both pistols at short range (9,8) (8,1),
odds and is an automatic failure. She rolls 2d8 (5,3)
her range bonus cancelling the penalty for shooting
for damage, but fails to penetrate the armour of her
the moving Witch. She hits with both attacks and
rolls 3d8 damage twice (5,8,3) (3,4,2). The first
attack penetrates the Witch's armour and matches
Spreading her powerful wings, Fa takes to the air,
her toughness, inflicting another temporary injury.
unloading a pair of heavy pistols as she does so in a
Fa fires again (2,4) (6,9), hitting with one attack
single effortless motion. A couple of the 14mm
(5,2,8) and inflicting a persistent injury.
handgun shells find their nimble target, slamming
into the frail looking woman but with less than the
Tumbling through the air and avoiding a frenzied
expected force. Blood trickles from a wound in her
knife swing, Fa fires repeatedly upwards. The
side, a killing shot somehow deflected by an
invisible field of force reduces one solid hit to a flesh
invisible force.
wound, but a second punches clean through it. The
Witch screams in pain and clutches a hand over the
The injured Witch uses her last point of Spirit to
deep, bleeding wound, but manages to remain
gain the telekinetic power of flight for 3 minutes.
However, Fa is faster than her and has already
moved away, so it would normally take both of her
The Witch again moves into melee range and swings
actions to close to melee range with her combat
twice with her knife (3,8) (2,3), but three injuries
knife. However, she activates her adrenal injectors
reduces her effectiveness (her strength is reduced
augment, allowing her to make three actions each
to 0) and both attacks miss.
round for 1d4 (3) rounds. With her last action, she
swings at Fa, rolling 2d10 (6,6) and adding 5 for a
total of 17.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The second Witch makes an athletics check to leap The Witch follows up her telekinetic throw with
over the scattered furniture and take cover. She another psionic attack on Fa's mind. She rolls 2d10
rolls 2d10 (9,5) and adds the sum of her strength (2) (8,4) and adds 8 to the result, hitting easily. For
and athletics skill (3) for a total of 19, easily mental damage, she rolls 1d8 (3). Fa has no choice
succeeding. She spends a point of Spirit to boost her but to spend her remaining point of Sympathy to
composure by 2 and aims another psionic attack at negate this damage, as she cannot risk suffering a
Fa. She rolls 2d10 (5,2) and adds 10 to the result, psychosis in combat.
hitting easily and rolling 1d8 (7) for damage. Fa's
willpower is reduced to 2 by her injuries, so she As if she had been frozen in time, the Emissary
would suffer 5 points of trauma from this attack. impossibly comes to a halt in mid air. Then, with
Instead, Fa spends a point of Sympathy to negate it frightful force, she is sent careening into the ground
entirely. as though struck by a massive invisible hand. Once
again, she is forced to call upon her Simulcra to
The injured Witch spins in the air and lashes out defend herself from a vicious psionic attack.
wildly with her poisoned dagger, but Fa Shenhui is a Weakened by injuries, pistols nearly empty and
more experienced flier and dodges the strikes easily. depleted of her most precious resource, the
On the ground below, the other Witch leaps into situation begins to become desperate for Fa
cover with cat-like grace and reaches out with a Shenhui.
tremendous psionic attack that prickles the downy
feathers on the back of Fa's neck. Too weary to take Without standing up, Fa discards her pistols as a
such a mental blow, she draws on the inner strength free action and then spends an action drawing her
of her Simulcra to absorb the attack, rendering it as carbine. She makes a burst attack against the Witch.
nothing. The agility of the Witch is currently reduced to 13
from injuries, but short range, unpredictable dodge,
Fa lands on the ground below her previous position 3/4 cover and the burst attack mean that three
and splits her fire between the two Witches. In her circumstances penalties are imposed, increasing the
first action she attacks with each pistol (6,1) (3,8), TR to 19. Fa rolls 2d10 (4,8) and adds her dexterity
hitting the injured Witch with the first and the other (currently 3) and her skill (5), succeeding with a
with the second. The first target is still in close
range and takes 3d8 (7,7,4) damage, with 6 (P)
total of 20. She is barely within close range for the
carbine (20m) and also gains an extra damage dice 99
damage making it through and killing her instantly. from her burst attack, rolling 4d8 (4,3,5,8) for a
The second Witch is at medium range and takes 2d8 total of 20 damage. This damage overcomes the
(9) damage. The Witch spends her last point of Witch's armour and toughness, dealing enough
Spirit to boost her armour and block the attack. Fa persistent injuries to kill her.
uses her second action to fly forwards and up,
allowing her to shoot over her target's cover. She Fa drops her pistols and rolls into a prone position,
fires twice (1,8) (9,5), hitting both times at close bringing her compact carbine up to her shoulder.
range and dealing 3d8 damage twice (6,6,2) (1,8,4), Knowing that she likely has just one chance, she
inflicting two temporary injuries. aims carefully and fires a controlled burst at her
target. The powerful rifle rounds overwhelm the
Spiralling through the air as she fires, Fa guns down psionic shield of the Witch and strike her in the
her wounded opponent and instantly switches her chest and head, blowing fist sized holes through her
fire to the remaining Witch. Her delicate wings body and killing her instantly.
brush against the wooden floor as she lands for a
moment, then surges forwards through the air with As she unsteadily rises to her feet and checks her
both guns blazing. Her bullets find their mark, but wounds, Fa catches sight of her friend Idra Kane
impacts are once again weakened by an intangible running towards her. Behind him, closing the
cloak of telekinetic force. distance rapidly, is an enormous giant made of a
patchwork of pallid flesh. Its huge feet pound the
Switching tactics, the Witch attempts to prevent Fa ground like hammers, causing shell casings and
from closing in by throwing her against the ground splinters to dance across the wooden floor in tune to
with psionic force. She rolls 2d10 (9,8) and adds her its rhythm.
boosted composure (4 due to injuries) and psionics
skill (4) for a total of 25. This is enough to move an “That thing had better not be able to fly.”
Avian female the maximum amount possible with
the psionics skill, equal to Fa's base speed. Falling,
or being thrown, more than 15m deals 3d6 (5,4,1)
damage, with 4 damage making it through her
armour and inflicting another temporary injury.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Clash of Titans For its second action, the mortipede charges again.
Idra watches the two behemoths come across each With its final action, it attacks only with its teeth,
other with some satisfaction and curiosity from his now realising that its claws seem ineffective. It rolls
hiding place behind the rocks. He had lured out the low on 2d10 (1,6) but adds 11 and still hits the
colossal mortipede and then evaded it, now, all riled avatar. The damage roll is the same as before, 2d12
up, it stumbled upon the hulking avatar of Caliban (12,8) adding 6 for a total of 26 (P). This time 8
and looks ready for a fight. Across from the damage gets through the avatar's armour, but its
centipede-like abomination, the fearless avatar toughness is now 11 and so only takes another
which had pursued them so tirelessly now seemed temporary injury.
to hesitate.
The mortipede backs away from the avatar with
The mortipede has a higher agility (20) than the startling speed, seemingly unconcerned by reprisals.
avatar of Caliban (15), so it goes first. Because of its Once again it charges forwards, finding traction and
supernatural speed, it gets to make three actions embedding its massive teeth into the flesh of the
each turn. It uses its first action to charge into monstrous humanoid. The avatar begins to look
melee range, easily covering the 10m separating slowed by the repeated flesh wounds, but continues
them with its speed of 22. Now it attacks with all of to fight back.
its natural weapons, starting with its teeth. The
mortipede rolls 2d10 (33,4) and adds its strength The avatar again bets on its chance to score a
and melee (weapons) skill to the result for a total of critical hit and swings its power sword three more
18. However, this total must be reduced by 2 times (3,9) (6,6) (7,10). Its second attack rolls
because the mortipede is attacking with multiple double evens and the total result is a success, so it
weapons. A result of 16 still hits the avatar and the achieves a critical hit with one attack. For damage,
mortipede rolls 2d12 (7,8) (the additional 1d12 is the avatar rolls 2d10 (9,10) and adds its strength
from its devastating lunge trait) and adds its (minus its injuries) for a total of 25 (P), surpassing
strength (6) for damage, inflicting a total of 21 (P). the mortipede's 24 (P) exotic armour but not its
The avatar's exotic armour absorbs 18 (P) damage, toughness, so dealing only a single temporary
reducing the damage dealt to 3 (P). As the avatar's injury.
toughness is 13, it receives a single temporary
injury. The mortipede's claw attacks suffer an This time when the avatar swings, one of its blows 100
additional penalty for being secondary attacks and bites into the monster's armour and green fluid
both miss (14 and 12). With its final action, the starts bubbling from the crack in its carapace.
mortipede attacks with its natural weapons again, However, the success is short lived.
but fails to penetrate the avatar's exotic armour.
The mortipede's healing factor allows it to recover a
The mortipede slams into the avatar of Caliban like single temporary injury each turn, so it immediately
a train, its sickle feet tearing up the ground and recovers from the damage dealt to it. This time it
chattering like slashing swords. A ferocious bite attacks the weakening avatar with all of its
manages to penetrate the supernatural hide of the weapons, using all of its actions to attack. From its
undead giant, but appears to cause only a flesh nine attacks, it scores two critical hits, one bite and
wound. The avatar tightens its grip on the power one claw attack. However, it rolls low for damage
sword it's wielding and prepares to strike back. and only manage to inflict another temporary
The avatar of Caliban also has supernatural speed,
so may make three actions each turn. However, The mortipede's wound visibly closes and, sensing
without a critical hit it is impossible for it to victory, it unloads on the avatar with a flurry of
penetrate the mortipede's exotic armour. The blows. Claws and teeth skirt off the near-
avatar strikes at it three times (5,6) (5,10) (1,8), impenetrable hide of the avatar, but a single bite
hitting with all three attacks but failing to inflict any again manages to penetrate to the flesh below. Too
damage. slow to escape, the weakening avatar can only
stand its ground.
The sword comes down on the shell of the
mortipede with repeated thunderous impacts, but Idra Kane cautiously backs away from his position
the beast hardly seems to notice. behind the rocks, careful to avoid catching the
attention of either monstrosity. The outcome is
The mortipede uses an action to move away from clearly decided and he has no intention of trying to
the avatar, rolling 2d10 (4,9) and adding 10, slay an angry mortipede alone.
succeeding its gymnastics check to avoid provoking
an attack in return.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Physical Damage Additionally, a character will become unconscious if
Physical damage is divided up into two categories, they sustain a mixture of temporary and persistent
temporary damage (T) and persistent damage (P). injuries that exceeds their starting toughness when
Temporary damage is generally inflicted by added together.
unarmed attacks and non-lethal weapons, while
persistent damage is inflicted by lethal weapons. As If a character accumulates a number of persistent
a rule of thumb, if you are not sure whether injuries equal to their starting toughness, then they
something would inflict temporary or persistent are killed.
damage, consider the effects that it would
realistically have on a human being. It will inflict Critical Injury
persistent damage if it could realistically cause Some attacks are capable of inflicting so much
severe internal damage, such as deep cuts, damage at once that their effects are more severe
punctures, broken bones or ruptured internal than usual, this is considered a critical injury. Critical
organs. If it would only cause bruising, concussion injuries can knock a character unconscious or even
or surface lacerations then the damage is kill them outright.
If a character suffers a number of temporary injuries
Injuries greater than their starting endurance from a single
When a character takes damage they risk suffering attack, then they are instantly rendered
one or more injuries. When damaged, the character unconscious.
subtracts their toughness from the amount of
damage that has been dealt and suffers that many If a character suffers a number of persistent injuries
injuries. Injuries can be temporary or persistent, greater than their starting endurance from a single
depending on the type of damage that causes them attack, then they are killed instantly.
(temporary damage causes temporary injuries).
If a character's toughness is greater than an amount An unconscious character is unable to move,
of temporary damage dealt to them, then they communicate or act in any way, they are completely
escape without injury. However, if a character's unaware of events going on around them. Any 101
toughness is greater than an amount of persistent temporary damage that would be dealt to an
damage dealt to them, then they instead suffer a unconscious character becomes persistent damage
single automatic temporary injury. This represents instead. To regain consciousness, a character must
the increased danger presented by lethal weapons, succeed a toughness check of TR 10 + the total
where even the luckiest outcome is still a flesh number of physical injuries they have. Unconscious
wound. If a character's toughness value would be characters heal from injuries as normal.
negative for any reason, it is treated as being zero
for the purposes of resisting injury. Healing Injuries
Temporary and persistent injuries can both be
Injuries impose a -1 penalty on all characteristics healed over time, though persistent injuries last
until they are healed and stack with other injuries. longer and cannot be healed without some kind of
Therefore an injured character is less able to medical attention.
perform skills, move around, react quickly and
becomes more vulnerable to further injury (as their A character will naturally heal from a number of
agility and toughness are reduced). However, temporary injuries equal to their starting endurance
characteristics can not be reduced to values below for each hour of rest that they take. Medical
zero in this way and continue to function as normal. treatment can improve a character's recovery from
Temporary and persistent injuries should be kept temporary injuries (see the medicine skill).
track of separately using the appropriate boxes on
the character sheet, despite having exactly the A character cannot naturally heal from persistent
same effect on characteristics. injuries, but will heal a number of persistent injuries
equal to their starting endurance for each week of
If a character accumulates a number of temporary medical attention that they receive. Better medical
injuries equal to their starting toughness, then they treatment can hasten a character's recovery from
fall unconscious and any further temporary damage persistent injuries (see the medicine skill).
becomes persistent instead.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mental Damage A character will gain a psychosis whenever they
Damage can be psychological as well as physical. suffer trauma. If a character accumulates an
Mental damage is divided up into two categories as amount of trauma equal to their starting willpower,
with physical damage, temporary mental damage then the acute stress reaction will kill them or
(stressful) and persistent mental damage render them permanently incapacitated.
(traumatic). Stress can be caused by psionic attack
or exposure to threatening, fear inducing or Critical Mental Injury
otherwise stressful situations. Trauma is a more Some events are capable of inflicting so much stress
serious kind of mental damage usually accompanied or trauma at once that their effects are more severe
by the development of psychosis or phobia. Trauma than usual, this is considered a critical mental
can be caused by severe or prolonged stress, psionic injury. Critical mental injuries can induce psychosis
attack or exposure to certain extreme events and or even heart attacks and seizures.
intense or sickening fear.
If a character suffers an amount of stress greater
Mental Injuries than their starting composure from a single event,
When a character takes mental damage they risk then they instantly gain a psychosis.
suffering one or more mental injuries, just as with
physical damage. When damaged, the character If a character suffers an amount of trauma greater
subtracts their willpower from the amount of than their starting composure from a single event,
mental damage that has been dealt and suffers that then they instantly drop dead from a seizure or
many injuries. Mental injuries can be temporary heart attack.
(stress) or persistent (trauma), depending on the
type of damage that causes them. Healing Mental Injuries
Stress and trauma can both be healed over time,
If a character's willpower is greater than an amount though trauma and psychosis last longer and cannot
of temporary mental damage dealt to them, then be healed without some kind of medical or
they escape without injury. However, if a psychiatric attention.
character's willpower is greater than an amount of
persistent mental damage dealt to them, then they A character will naturally heal an amount of stress 102
instead suffer a single automatic point of stress (a equal to their starting composure for each hour of
temporary mental injury). This represents the rest that they take. Medical treatment can improve
severity of traumatic events and situations, where a character's recovery from stress in the same way
even the most hardened character becomes that it can help with physical injuries.
stressed. If a character's willpower value would be
negative for any reason, it is treated as being zero A character cannot naturally heal from trauma, but
for the purposes of resisting mental injury. will heal an amount of trauma equal to their
starting composure for each week of psychiatric
Mental injuries impose a -1 penalty on all mental attention that they receive. Better treatment can
and social characteristics (characteristics other than hasten a character's recovery from trauma, as with
strength, dexterity and endurance) until they are physical injuries.
healed and stack with other injuries. Therefore a
mentally injured character is less able to perform Psychosis
mental or social skills, notice things around them Psychosis is a delusion, hallucination or other
and becomes more vulnerable to further stress and psychological disorder triggered by intense stress or
trauma (as their willpower is reduced). However, trauma. Psychosis comes in two varieties, mild
characteristics can not be reduced to values below psychosis and severe psychosis (mirroring the two
zero in this way and continue to function as normal. varieties of damage). Whenever a character gains a
Stress and trauma should be kept track of psychosis, they must roll 2d10 on the mild psychosis
separately using the appropriate boxes on the table presented on the following page. If a high
character sheet, despite having exactly the same enough value is rolled (see table), the character may
effect on characteristics. be required to roll 2d10 again on the severe
psychosis table instead.
If a character suffers an amount of stress equal to
their starting willpower then they gain a psychosis Optionally, the GM or players (collectively) may
and further stress becomes trauma. choose to select an appropriate psychosis (fitting
the situation which triggered it) instead of rolling

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mild Psychosis Severe Psychosis
When a character gains a psychosis they should roll When a character has to roll on the Severe
2d10 and compare the result to the entries in the Psychosis table, they should roll 2d10 and compare
table below: the result to the entries in the table below:

2. No effect 2. Anxiety and severe phobia

3. No effect 3. Bouts of random fainting

4. No effect 4. Intermittent delusions and paranoia

5. The character loses all appetite 5. Loss of impulse control

6. The character becomes severely paranoid 6. Manic depressive

7. The character gains echopraxia (mimicry) 7. Schizophrenia

8. The character becomes incoherent 8. Night terrors and insomnia

9. The character suffers from hallucinations 9. Loss of self preservation

10. The character attempts to flee and hide 10. Substance abuse

11. The character suffers from a screaming fit 11. Severe depression and nihilism

12. The character has an emotional outburst 12. Uncontrollable tremors

13. The character suffers from an intense phobia 13. Random bouts of amnesia 103
14. Character becomes violently aggressive 14. Dissociative identity disorder

15. Character gains psychosomatic blindness 15. Homicidal rage

16. Character gains alien limb syndrome 16. Persistent psychosomatic blindness

17. Character becomes catatonic 17. Persistent alien limb syndrome

18. Roll again on Severe Psychosis table 18. Persistent delusions and hallucinations

19. Roll again on Severe Psychosis table 19. Persistent severe paranoia

20. Roll again on Severe Psychosis table 20. Persistent dissociative identity disorder

Mild Duration Severe Duration

Mild psychosis does not generally last too long, Severe psychosis is much longer lasting than a mild
although the problems it can cause may effect a psychosis and fundamentally alter the personality
character for much longer. A mild psychosis lasts a and behaviour of the character. Usually a severe
number of minutes equal to the summed result of a psychosis lasts a number of hours equal to the
2d10 roll. summed result of a 2d10 roll.

Duration: 2d10 minutes Duration: 2d10 hours

However, a severe psychosis listed as 'persistent'

lasts continuously until the character's trauma is

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Common Causes of Stress Direct Causes of Trauma
While some potential causes of stress have been Trauma is not generally inflicted directly, but occurs
mentioned already, temporary mental damage can due to an overwhelming amount of stress.
also be caused by exposure to stressful events. The However, some events can inflict trauma. The table
table below lists some common stressful events. If below lists some potential trauma inducing events
appropriate to the tone of your campaign, you and the amount of persistent mental damage
could apply mental damage to characters in line inflicted by each of them.
with the suggested values below.
As usual, the character subtracts their willpower
As usual, the character subtracts their willpower from the damage in order to determine the amount
from the damage in order to determine the amount of trauma they suffer.
of stress they suffer.

Cause Mental Damage

Cause Mental Damage
Witnessing a minor 1d4
Performing a difficult task 1d4 alien artefact

Meeting a tight deadline 1d4 Being spoken to with 1d4

Sudden responsibility 1d4
Gaining a point of Apathy 1d4
Heated argument with an ally 1d4
Seeing an alien entity 1d6
Knowing a terrible secret 1d4 in a dream

Finding a dead animal 1d4 Seeing a Fallen Emissary 1d6

Seeing an animal die 1d6 Seeing someone known 1d6

to be dead
Being given terrible news 1d6
Using psionic powers to 1d6
Making a life or death decision 1d6 kill another character

Deciding the fate of another 1d6 Seeing an alien entity 2d4

Finding a dead character 1d6 Spending Apathy to use 2d4

a Simulcra ability
Failing to save an ally 2d4
Witnessing an event caused 2d6
Seeing a character die 2d4 by an alien artefact

Torturing a character 2d6 Seeing a large alien entity 2d6

Deciding the fate of an ally 2d6 Seeing a godlike alien entity 2d8
In a dream
Seeing a close ally die 2d8
Seeing a godlike alien entity 2d10
Being severely tortured 2d10

There is no point in rolling to inflict temporary There is no point in rolling to inflict persistent
mental damage if a character's willpower exceeds mental damage if a character's willpower exceeds
the maximum amount of damage that could be the maximum amount of damage that could be
inflicted. inflicted. Instead the character simply receives an
automatic temporary mental injury.
Mental damage inflicted by seeing something
specific is only dealt the first time it is seen by that

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Disease and Poisons
In reality, diseases, poisons and venom can all have
quite drastically different effects, symptoms, Name Abrupt Decay
mortality rates, incubation times and recovery Initial Toughness Check TR 16
times. For the most part, this kind of thing could be
handled in a narrative fashion, with the GM Incubation Time 1d10 days
describing the relevant symptoms and the players
roleplaying them (with appropriate relevant Initial Effect
circumstance penalties applied to checks as Automatic persistent injury
necessary). However, this section will present an
overall framework for handling these conditions in a Tiredness
mechanical way. This may be beneficial when
Subsequent Check TR 14
players or the GM are less experienced roleplayers,
or simply when there is a need for the illness to Every 6 hours
have a clear and immediate mechanical impact on
gameplay (such as combat with a venomous Subsequent Effect
creature). Automatic persistent injury

Initial Toughness Check Tiredness

When the character comes into initial contact with Recovery Condition
the disease, poison or venom, this is the toughness
check that determines whether it has any effect on Pass three consecutive toughness checks
them or not. If they character passes this check,
Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 12
they suffer no further effects.
Lasting Effect
Incubation Time Endurance reduced by 1
This is the time between failing the initial toughness
check and the initial effect taking place.
Initial Effect Abrupt Decay
This is the initial effect that disease, poison or Abrupt decay is a serious disease that has emerged
venom has on the character. It could take the form in the most crowded and least affluent industrial
of damage, an automatic injury, characteristic loss sectors of the galaxy. Currently there is no cure and
or some other effect such as stress, fatigue or the disease is poorly understood, though bed rest
tiredness. and treatment of secondary effects can
considerably improve a patient's chance of
recovery. Some experts believe that the disease is
Subsequent Toughness Check the result of exposure to a combination of toxic
This is a check that must be passed repeatedly after chemicals and industrial waste, while others have
some further increment of time (such as every hour) hypothesised that it could be a bioweapon that was
to avoid subsequent effect. deployed by environmental extremists.

Subsequent Effect Symptoms include the rapid growth of pustulous

If a subsequent toughness check is failed, this sores, nausea, tiredness, coughing up blood and
describes what happens to the character. It could decaying flesh which quickly begins to peel away in
be further damage, injury or some other effect. chunks. Healthy adults are at a moderate risk of
death and may recover naturally, though usually
with long term complications. However, those who
Recovery Condition are already sick or unhealthy are at extreme risk
This defines how a character recovers from the
and will rapidly deteriorate in most cases.
affliction. It could be a specified period of time or
passing a number of consecutive subsequent
toughness checks.
Abrupt decay is highly contagious, but not airborne.
It may be contracted through physical contact with
Lasting Effect an infected individual or their bodily fluids. Anyone
This describes any permanent or lingering effect who comes into contact with the disease in this way
that the affliction leaves the character with after must pass the initial toughness check to avoid
recovering. becoming infected.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Deadly Neurotoxin Name Deathmist Poison
Initial Toughness Check TR 18 Initial Toughness Check TR 20
Incubation Time 1d6 hours Incubation Time Instant
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Automatic persistent injury Automatic persistent injury
1d6 Automatic temporary mental injuries Paralysis (see below)
Subsequent Check TR 16 Subsequent Check TR 14
Every hour Every 10 minutes
Subsequent Effect Subsequent Effect
Automatic temporary injury Automatic persistent injury
1d4 Automatic temporary mental injuries Paralysis (see below)
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Pass six consecutive toughness checks Pass two consecutive toughness checks
Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 8 Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 8
Lasting Effect Lasting Effect
Composure reduced by 1 None

Deadly Neurotoxin Deathmist Poison
Deadly neurotoxin is a catch-all term for a collection Deathmist poison is famously present in a number
of potentially fatal poisons and chemical weapons of plant species found on various deathworlds
that target nervous tissue. Deadly neurotoxins can across the galaxy. Its prevalence in multiple species
occur naturally in certain species of venomous and locations, separated by great voids of space, is
plants or animals or synthetically in weaponised poorly understood but commonly thought to be the
form as an aerosol. Though antitoxins do not result of some ancient genetic engineering program.
guarantee survival, most medical facilities have a However, it is unclear why anyone would
wide range available which dramatically increase a intentionally introduce and spread such a fast acting
victim's chance of survival. However, deadly and potentially dangerous poison.
neurotoxin is fast acting and rapidly debilitating, so
a prompt medical response is vital. Symptoms include sudden paralysis accompanied
by overwhelming pain and a sudden lapse into
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weakness, coma, followed shortly by death. In some cases
numbness, behavioural problems, memory loss and victims may appear to be recovering, only to
loss of cognitive ability. Natural recovery is difficult, collapse moments later and die within minutes.
even in healthy adults, and death will eventually
result after a rapid decline in mental state. As with Exposure
other poisons, those who are already sick or Deathmist poison is not contagious and cannot be
weakened are especially susceptible and are spread by infected individuals. Contact with a
unlikely to survive without being treated within an poisonous plant will prompt an initial toughness
hour or two of symptoms appearing. check.

Exposure Paralysis
Deadly neurotoxin is not contagious and cannot be Anyone afflicted by the effects of Deathmist poison
spread by infected individuals. Being injected with becomes paralysed for 3d10 minutes, immediately
the toxin or breathing it in, in aerosol form will collapsing and becoming unable to move or speak
prompt an initial toughness check. or make any physical actions. Psionic actions remain
possible, but skill checks suffer a circumstance
penalty due to the intense pain.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Engineered Virus Name Gristle Urchin Venom
Initial Toughness Check TR 24/18 (see below) Initial Toughness Check TR 18
Incubation Time Instant or up to 10 days Incubation Time Instant
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Automatic temporary injury Automatic persistent injury
Special (see below) Automatic temporary mental injury
Subsequent Check TR 20/10 (see below) Subsequent Check TR 16
Every 12 hours Every 5 minutes
Subsequent Effect Subsequent Effect
Automatic persistent injury Automatic persistent injury
Special (see below) Automatic temporary mental injury
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Pass three consecutive toughness checks Pass three consecutive toughness checks
Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 18/8 Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 10
Lasting Effect Lasting Effect
None None

Engineered Virus Gristle Urchin Venom
An engineered virus is a bioweapon designed for Gristle Urchins are strange and highly venomous
assassination of specific targets. It can be tailored to creatures that are native to extremely cold worlds.
produce a number of different effects and the Their venom is fast acting and delivered in large
incubation period can be fine tuned to quite a quantities through their spear-sized hypodermic
precise degree. In victims who do not match the limbs. Due to its lethality, speed of action and
genetic profile of the desired target, symptoms relative availability, it has become popular as a
commonly manifest as a cold or mild flu and coating on bladed weapons in some communities.
recovery time is typically a few days. Even frangible bullets with a core of Urchin venom
are available in more unscrupulous markets.
Potential effects Fortunately an anti-venom is available and long
- Tiredness term complications are minimal.
- Automatic persistent mental damage
- Paralysis Symptoms typically present as intense pain and
- Characteristic loss swelling around the initial site, followed quickly by
- None discolouration, loss of feeling and a weakening
pulse. Victims typically become distressed and
Toughness checks erratic and may lapse into a coma before death. For
The toughness checks for an engineered virus have those that recover naturally, the recovery process is
two values, the first value applies to the intended usually sudden and leaves no lasting damage.
target, while the second applies to anyone else.
Contagiousness Those exposed to Gristle Urchin venom are not
An engineered virus is highly contagious and contagious. An initial toughness check is only
airborne over short distances. It may be contracted prompted if the venom is consumed, injected or
through physical contact with an infected individual gets into an open wound.
or their bodily fluids, or by proximity to a coughing
or sneezing individual. Anyone who comes into
contact with the disease in this way must pass the
initial toughness check to avoid becoming infected.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Machine Plague Name Ossification Virus
Initial Toughness Check TR 18 Initial Toughness Check TR 12
Incubation Time 1d10 days Incubation Time 1d10 days
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Automatic persistent injury Special (see below)
Disabled cybernetic augments None
Subsequent Check TR 14 Subsequent Check TR 18
Every 6 hours Every 48 hours
Subsequent Effect Subsequent Effect
Automatic persistent injury Special (see below)
Cybernetic growths (see below) None
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Pass three consecutive toughness checks Pass three consecutive toughness checks
Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 12 Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 16
Lasting Effect Lasting Effect
Random cybernetic augments (see below) None

Machine Plague Ossification Virus
The machine plague is thought to be caused by a Ossification virus is one of the most horrible
kind of synthetic nanomachine parasite that first afflictions that a humanoid can experience. The
evolved on a Technosapien Hive World and spread virus turns the body's own repair mechanisms
throughout the galaxy by hiding within low quality against itself, causing soft tissue to be progressively
cybernetic augments. A victim can become infected replaced with bone. Muscles and tendons are
with the disease when they are augmented with affected first, initially causing pain, weakness and
cybernetic parts that carry the parasites. limited motion, but eventually preventing
movement altogether. Surgery to remove the
The initial symptoms are usually mistaken for a excess bone growth is completely ineffective while
faulty augmentation or the body rejecting the victim is infected with the virus, as any bone
cybernetic implants. The fitted augmentation ceases removed in this way is simply replaced with more
to work and painful inflammation develops in the bone. Eventually other soft tissues, including
area where it joins the rest of the body. However, internal organs and the brain start to be replaced by
the nanomachines quickly infiltrate the victim's bone, though death inevitably occurs before this
blood stream and begin rapidly replacing limbs and process can be completed. The only delaying
organs with cybernetic augments. The victim's body measure shown to have some limited success is the
can rarely cope with this, usually resulting in death. complete replacement of effected body parts with
cybernetic parts.
Cybernetic growths
The victim develops cybernetic growths over and Ossification
within their body. Whenever the victim fails a Whenever a victim fails a subsequent toughness
subsequent toughness check, they gain a random check, their strength and dexterity characteristics
cybernetic augment. If the victim recovers from the are reduced by 1. If a victim's strength and dexterity
plague, they retain any augments they received in characteristics are both reduced to 0 in this way,
this way, though they are disabled (as if by EMP like then they are killed the next time they would fail a
effect) until they can be repaired. subsequent toughness check.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Quiet Name Red Death
Initial Toughness Check TR 18 Initial Toughness Check Special (see below)
Incubation Time Instant Incubation Time 1d10 minutes
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Automatic temporary injury Automatic persistent injury
Paralysis (see below) Tiredness
Subsequent Check TR 14 Subsequent Check Special (see below)
Every minute Every minute
Subsequent Effect Subsequent Effect
Automatic temporary injury Automatic persistent injury
Paralysis (see below) Tiredness
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Pass three consecutive toughness checks Pass three consecutive willpower checks
Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 8
Lasting Effect Lasting Effect
None Endurance reduced by 1

Quiet Red Death
Quiet is an artificial venom developed by the The Red Death is a psionic plague spread
Witches of Cetebos for use in combat and rituals. unintentionally by the birth of the Third Imperial
The venom is rarely lethal, but is extremely fast Majesty. The plague takes over living organisms and
acting and usually renders the victim completely uses their bodies to produce new biological matter,
helpless. There is some speculation that the venom forming an immense red mass of psionic neural
was developed to aid combat with Emissaries, tissue that joins together in a great network. The
forcing them to burn through their reserves of Red Death has been described as a psionic cancer
Sympathy to avoid falling victim to the paralysis and is responsible for the entity known as the
effect of the venom. Nuulam Blood Forest, a continent-sized mass with
the heavily augmented body of the Third Imperial
Exposure Majesty at its centre.
Quiet is not contagious and cannot be spread by
inflicted individuals. An initial toughness check is Symptoms include sharp pains, sudden dizziness
only prompted if the venom is consumed, injected and profuse bleeding from the pores. As the
or gets into an open wound. bleeding worsens, lesions in the skin begin to open
and great red masses of flesh emerge.
Anyone afflicted by Quiet becomes paralysed for Contagiousness
3d10 minutes, freezing rigidly in place and The Red Death is contagious, but not in the
becoming incapable of speaking. Psionic actions traditional sense. Proximity with the red neural
remain possible. tissue prompts an initial willpower check (replacing
the usual toughness check) with a TR of 16.
Subsequent willpower checks have a TR of 18.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Stonestar Venom Name Thornweed Poison
Initial Toughness Check TR 18 Initial Toughness Check TR 16
Incubation Time Instant Incubation Time 1d10 minutes
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Automatic persistent injury Automatic temporary injury
Tiredness Tiredness
Subsequent Check TR 16 Subsequent Check TR 14
Every 10 minutes Every hour
Subsequent Effect Subsequent Effect
Automatic persistent injury Automatic persistent injury
Tiredness Blindness (see below)
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Pass three consecutive toughness checks Pass three consecutive toughness checks
Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 6 Medical care reduces toughness checks to TR 10
Lasting Effect Lasting Effect
None Blindness (see below)

Stonestar Venom Thornweed Poison
Stonestar venom is injected through the spines of a Variations of thornweed poison are found in
Predatory Stonestar. Potent and relatively fast numerous plant species across the galaxy, sharing a
acting, Stonestar venom can be extremely deadly similar distribution to deathmist poison. It is
without immediate medical aid. As with other hypothesised that the two poison types may be
venomous creatures, the venom is quite highly related or share a common origin, though their
sought after for use in the medical industry and also chemical composition is quite different.
as a coating for bladed weapons.
Symptoms initially include a painful rash, red sores
Symptoms generally include shivering and muscle and lethargy, progressing into blindness, organ
fatigue, a high fever and internal haemorrhaging. If failure and eventual death after a few hours.
the victim doesn't recover, they rapidly fall into a Although relatively slow acting and quite treatable,
coma and die. Fortunately, a successful anti-venom the mild initial symptoms often result in victims
has been developed and is widely available in all ignoring it until their condition deteriorates.
regions inhabited by Stonestars.
Exposure Thornweed poison is not contagious and cannot be
Those exposed to Predatory Stonestar venom are spread by infected individuals. Contact with a
not contagious. An initial toughness check is only poisonous plant will prompt an initial toughness
prompted if the venom is consumed, injected or check.
gets into an open wound.
When the poison progresses, it causes severe
damage to the optic nerve tissue resulting in
temporary blindness (lasting until the victim
recovers). If a character fails three consecutive
toughness checks, the blindness becomes
permanent. Such permanent blindness can only be
treated with invasive surgery or augmented eye

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
The Galactic Economy Examples:
Although many of the more backwater worlds of TR 8:
the Empire still maintain their own local currencies, Subscription to a galactic news feed
Imperial Credit is accepted by the vast majority of A basic meal
worlds in the galaxy. Imperial Credit is a secure TR 10:
digital currency that can be accessed by almost any Dinner and a drink at a bar
remote terminal. In rare cases where access to a Simple clothing
terminal of some kind is not possible, an amount of TR 12:
Imperial Credit can be transferred onto any digital Weekly food shopping
storage medium. Entry level terminal computer
TR 14:
Within the game it makes little sense to track the Basic tool
exact amount of Imperial Credit that players Used electric car
possess, as this amount will constantly be in flux TR 16:
and doesn't reflect a character's true available Superior tool
assets or their ability to make purchases in Basic technological tool
instalments or on finance. Instead of tracking TR 18:
wealth as an amount of currency, character's Superior technological tool
instead possess a credit rating that is used to make Room in a famous hotel
purchases in a similar way to skill checks. TR 20:
Lease on a personal atmospheric transport
Medium sized apartment
TR 22:
(intelligence + charisma)
VIP room in world famous hotel
A character's credit rating represents their
Large military equipment
disposable income and readily accessible assets,
TR 24:
rather than the total savings and assets a character
Military ground vehicle
may have. The basis for the credit rating is the sum
Personal spacecraft
of the character's intelligence and charisma, roughly
approximating how smart a character is with their
TR 26+:
Large spacecraft 112
finances and how good at negotiating prices they
Losing Credit
Purchasing something works in much the same way Whenever a character successfully purchases
as a skill check, with a few important differences. something with a higher TR than 10 + their credit
The character rolls 2d10 and adds their credit rating rating, their credit is reduced by the difference. For
to the result and compares this to the purchase example, if a character with a credit rating of 6
target number of the item they want to buy. For attempts to purchase a sports car (TR 18) and
day to day expenses it usually not necessary to succeeds on their roll, then their credit rating is
make players perform a credit check, as it can be reduced by 2 (as that is the difference between 16
assumed that Emissary characters can easily afford and 18). This represents a character purchasing
basic food and living costs. However, for items not something that they cannot really afford by cutting
listed in this book, you may use the table below to back on other expenses and using up available
help determine an appropriate purchase TR: assets.

TR 8 - Casual purchase Gaining Credit

TR 10 - Daily essential items Whenever a character's credit rating is reduced to
TR 12 - Weekly essentials or fair equipment less than the sum of their intelligence and charisma,
TR 14 - High end consumer equipment it is a regained at a rate of 1 point every month. A
TR 16 - Decent professional equipment character's credit rating can also be raised above
TR 18 - Luxury purchase or high end equipment the sum of their intelligence and charisma by
TR 20 - Expensive luxury mission rewards or by selling items.
TR 22 - Rare or extremely valued luxury
TR 24 - Highly restricted or exclusive item If an item has a purchase TR greater than 10 + the
TR 26+ - Corporate big ticket purchase character's credit rating, its sale will meaningfully
impact a character's wealth. The character gains an
Some specific examples of items that could fall amount of credit rating equal to half of the
under these categories are shown on the opposite difference between its purchase TR and 10 + the
page. character's credit rating. If this number would be a
fraction, it is rounded up to the nearest whole

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Starting Equipment Born to Kill
New Emissaries are granted access to certain pieces
of equipment from the guild armoury and a How do you kill an Emissary? It's difficult, but it's not
transport vehicle in addition to whatever pieces of so difficult as they'd have you believe. The first
equipment they purchase for themselves. essential, as always in such things, is to know your
target and know your environment. The more
Emissary Weapons experienced they are, the harder it's going to be, but
Emissaries may choose one of the racial starting they all get complacent eventually. Some of them
weapons (listed in the Races chapter at the start of can move like lightning, others can read your killing
this book) as a free starting item. It should be noted intent from miles away and some can even become
that Emissaries are not limited to only the starting intangible like a golden wraith, but when they run
weapon of their chosen may race, but may instead out of steam they're no less mortal than you or I.
choose from any of the starting weapons. You need to know what you're up against if you plan
to succeed.
Mundane Tools
Emissaries may choose to begin play with up to 6 The second essential is more counter-intuitive, you
tools that do not have an individual purchase TR actually want quantity over quality. You could hit
greater than 16. one with an atomic warhead and they'd be the only
thing left standing for a hundred miles in any
Mundane Weapons direction. That's not hyperbole, I've seen it happen.
Emissaries may choose to begin play with up to 4 Catch one in a simultaneous crossfire from half a
weapons that do not have an individual purchase TR dozen sniper rifles though and you stand a pretty
greater than 16. good chance of putting one down, or hurting them
at least. A well placed shot from a portable railgun
Mundane Armour is my personal preference, but you still need to wear
Emissaries may choose to begin play with up to 2 them down first. Remotely detonated explosives can
pieces of armour that do not have an individual help if you know where they'll be in advance.
purchase TR greater than 16.

Transport Ship
However you choose to do it, the last essential is
coordination, every shot should be intended to kill
Each group of new Emissaries may begin play with a and they need to land within moments of each
single free Emissary transport (see the Vehicles other. You don't want to gamble on the skills of a
chapter for more information). shooter who claims he can hit a moving Emissary
and you wouldn't want to pay his wages if he was
Additional Purchases telling the truth. With proper coordination you only
Characters may be able to purchase additional need people that can hit a man-sized target at a
equipment before going on their first mission, hundred yards, people like that are easy to find,
depending on the circumstances. However, every don't cost the world and don't draw unwanted
possible item will not necessarily be available in attention.
every location or market. It is ultimately up to the
GM to decide what is and isn't available for Excerpt from a rare interview with infamous
purchase. Significant research and a meeting with a mercenary, Koligan Das
specialist NPC may be required to track down
certain specialist pieces of equipment. Customised
or commissioned items might also have a lengthy
waiting time associated with them.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Tools & Equipment Technological Tools
As well as weapons and armour, players will often Some tools or items are technologically advanced
have access to other equipment such as trade tools and use state of the art technology in order to
or professional equipment. The main purpose of function. To use or gain any benefit from this type
this type of equipment is to assist the character of tool, a character must first make and pass a
when performing various types of skills. In many technology skill check in order to learn how to
cases, the benefits of tools may already be stated in operate the tool properly. The TR for this skill check
the relevant skill entry. is given in the table below:

Basic Tools Common technological tool TR 12

Unless noted otherwise in the relevant skill entry, Professional technological tool TR 14
basic tools reduce a single relevant circumstance Advanced technological tool TR 16
penalty when making a skill check. Cutting edge technological tool TR 18

Example: This check only needs to be made the first time the
A length of rope will reduce the circumstance device is used, or if the device has gone unused for
penalty for attempting to climb a surface with poor a period of several months.
or no handholds.
Speciality Items
Superior Tools Some items have properties or functions beyond a
Unless noted otherwise in the relevant skill entry, simple tool and provide more benefits than a simple
superior tools provide a single circumstance bonus circumstance bonus. These items could possess
to all checks with the relevant skill. qualities or grant traits to the user that they would
not normally have access to.
A set of pitons, ropes, a harness, climbing shoes and Example:
belay gloves will provide a circumstance bonus to all A diver propulsion vehicle or sea scooter is an item
climbing checks. that is really too small to be classed as a vehicle in
its own right, but clearly offers more benefit than a 114
simple circumstance bonus to swimming skill
Quality of Tools
checks. In this case, the device could grant the
In general you should use your judgement when
swimmer trait to its user, a trait normally only
deciding whether a tool is of basic or superior
possessed by animals. Similarly, a jet pack could
quality, with the GM having final say. There are too
grant the flight trait.
many items that could be considered tools to list all
of them for every skill.
In general, items of this type can also be handled in
a narrative way unless the limits of their
As a rule of thumb, if a tool would only help in a
performance are absolutely vital to the game. For
specific situation or is for a very specific purpose, it
example, diving equipment allows a character to
is a basic tool. If a tool or set of tools is useful in a
move around underwater without needing to
variety of situations or you cannot think of any
surface for air. In most scenarios it is not necessary
practical additions or alternatives that would be
to know how fast it allows a character to swim or
considerably more useful, then it is a superior tool.
how long it allows them to stay underwater for. If
this information suddenly becomes vital, it should
be agreed among the players with the GM having
Fixed focal length binoculars allow a character to
the final say.
see something far away, but offer no benefits at
night or at shorter distances. They are a basic tool
that removes a circumstance penalty caused by
distance on a spot check. Similarly, a night vision
sight offers no benefits in daylight. It is also a basic
tool that removes a circumstance penalty caused by
darkness on a spot check. However, a set of goggles
with variable zoom, range finder and optical,
thermal and infrared vision modes would be a
superior tool.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Basic Chemical Weapons
Chemical weapons are defined as any weapons that use chemical reactions to directly inflict damage on a target or
to propel a projectile at a target. Chemical weapons are cheap, plentiful and easy to build and maintain. Though
their mechanisms are simple, chemical weapons can be very potent and can be easily modified for increased
performance. Additionally, chemical weapons are immune to EMP-like effects that may render more advanced
technology useless.

Name TR Range (m) Damage Ammunition Qualities

Light pistol 14 6/30/60 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) 15 rounds Chemical, one handed
Concealable (2)
Detachable magazine

Heavy pistol 16 8/40/80 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) 7 rounds Chemical, one handed

Concealable (3)
Detachable magazine

SMG 16 20/100/200 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) 30 rounds Automatic

Chemical, one handed
Concealable (3)
Detachable magazine

Shotgun 14 5/25/50 1d10/2d10/3d10 (P) 8 rounds Chemical, two handed

Internal magazine

Carbine 16 20/100/200 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) 30 rounds Automatic

Chemical, two handed
Detachable magazine

Assault rifle 16 50/250/500 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) 30 rounds Automatic

Chemical, two handed
Detachable magazine

Sniper rifle 16 100/500/1000 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) 5 rounds Chemical, two handed

Internal magazine

Anti-materiel 18 200/1000/2000 3d12/2d12/1d12 (P) 5 rounds Chemical, tripod

rifle Internal magazine
Piercing (4)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Basic Energy Weapons
Energy weapons are more advanced weapons that generally fall into two categories, laser weapons and particle
beam emitters. Laser weapons typically offer increased range and accuracy compared to similarly sized weapons of
other types, but at the cost of a reduced destructive power. Particle beam emitters offer significantly increased
destructive power compared to lasers, but are more prone to malfunction due the increased heat generated. Laser
and particle beam weapons do not consume ammunition when fired, but cannot gain any benefits from alternate
or exotic ammunition types.

Name TR Range (m) Damage Ammunition Qualities

Laser pistol 16 20/100/200 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) N/A Energy, one handed
Concealable (2)

Pulse laser 18 20/100/200 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) N/A Automatic

Energy, one handed
Concealable (3)

Laser rifle 18 200/1000/2000 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) N/A Automatic

Energy, two handed

Laser cannon 20 400/2000/4000 3d8/2d8/1d8 N/A Automatic

Energy, tripod

Particle beam 16 10/50/100 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) N/A Energy, one handed

emitter Concealable (2)

Particle beam 18 50/250/500 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) N/A Automatic

spray Energy, one handed
Concealable (3)
Particle beam 18 100/500/1000 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) N/A Energy, two handed
rifle Unreliable

Particle beam 20 400/2000/4000 3d12/2d12/1d12 (P) N/A Energy, tripod

cannon Unreliable

Name: FE645 Beam Rifle

Manufacturer: Zeikon Heavy Industries
Dimensions: 1240/290/58 (mm)
Weight: 11.4kg
Power output: 23kW antiproton reactor
Generator life: 2.4 years

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Basic Hybrid Weapons
Hybrid weapons are an attempt to combine the benefits of chemical and energy weapons and have some features
of both. Hybrid weapons fire solid ammunition and therefore may gain the benefits of alternate ammunition types.
However, they use electromagnetic force to propel their ammunition instead of chemical reactions and so are
vulnerable to EMP-like effects as well requiring ammunition to function.

Name TR Range (m) Damage Ammunition Qualities

Hybrid pistol 16 10/50/100 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) 10 Energy, one handed
Concealable (2)
Internal magazine
Piercing (2)

Hybrid SMG 18 20/100/200 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) 30 Automatic

Energy, one handed
Concealable (3)
Detachable magazine
Piercing (2)

Flechette gun 18 10/50/100 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) 10 Energy, two handed

Internal magazine
Piercing (2)

Hybrid rifle 18 100/500/1000 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) 30 Automatic

Energy, two handed
Detachable magazine
Piercing (2)

Gauss rifle 20 100/5000/1000 3d8/2d8/1d8 15 Energy, two handed

Detachable magazine
Piercing (4)

Gauss cannon 20 200/1000/2000 3d8/2d8/1d8 5 Energy, tripod

Internal magazine
Piercing (6)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Exotic Weapons
Exotic weapons are heavy or unusual weapons that are less common and generally fill a specific niche. Exotic
weapons are not necessarily more powerful than other weapons, but often possess unique qualities that make
them more situational or specialised. Due to their limited availability, exotic weapons typically have a higher
purchasing TR than basic weapons.

Name TR Range (m) Damage Ammunition Qualities

Light MG 18 80/400/800 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) 120 Automatic
Chemical, tripod

Heavy MG 18 100/500/1000 3d12/2d12/1d12 (P) 90 Automatic

Chemical, tripod

Flamethrower 18 10/50/100 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) 30 Automatic

Chemical, two handed

Grenade 20 -/-/500 -/-/1d10 (P) 6 Arcing projectile

launcher Blast (5m radius)
Chemical, two handed
Low velocity

Micro missile 20 -/-/800 -/-/1d10 (P) 1 Chemical, one handed

launcher Concealable (3)
Piercing (10)

Rocket 22 -/-/1000 -/-/5d12 (P) 1 Blast (8m radius)

launcher (HE) Chemical, two handed
Minimum range
Slow reload

Rocket 22 -/-/1000 -/-/8d12 (P) 1 Chemical, two handed

launcher (AP) Minimum range
Piercing (40)
Slow reload

Portable 22 200/1000/2000 6d12/3d12/2d12 1 Energy, tripod

railgun Internal magazine
Piercing (10)

Plasma gun 20 20/100/200 3d10/2d10/1d10 N/A Automatic

Energy, two handed

Name: AG167 Grenade Launcher

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Additional Weapon Rules Special Ammunition
While the weapons listed are perfectly usable as Chemical and hybrid weapons that fire physical
they are, at times players may wish to kit out their ammunition are assumed to be firing factory
weapons with accessories or modifications to standard ammunition unless otherwise stated.
improve their performance. Below are some However, speciality ammunition could be used with
examples of weapon accessories, modifications and these weapons to alter their performance slightly or
alternate ammunition types for ranged weapons in provide a situational advantage.
your game.
Explosive Bullets
Basic Weapon Accessories Fragile and heavy bullets packed with an explosive
Weapon accessories could include items such as filling. Weapons firing explosive bullets deal an
flashlights, scopes, laser sights and ballistic additional damage dice but lose any piercing quality
computers. Accessories of this nature should be they might have and gain the low velocity quality.
treated as a tool that modifies the attack roll in the
same way that tools would usually modify a skill Gyrojet Rockets
check. As such, accessories will typically reduce the Gyrojet rockets are fired at low velocity but rapidly
circumstance penalty for making the attack in a accelerate as they travel due to a small sustainer
situation that would usually incur a penalty. Some rocket motor. Weapons firing gyrojet rockets
examples are listed below. double their maximum range but gain the minimum
range quality.
Example: Circumstance Penalty Reduced:
Scope Shooting at long range High Velocity Bullets
Flashlight Shooting in darkness Ammunition loaded to abnormally high pressure.
Laser sight Shooting moving targets These bullets grant the quality piercing (3) and
Ballistic computer Shooting in bad weather unreliable to the weapon firing them. Weapons that
are already unreliable for any reason cannot use
Purchasing a weapon with any number of basic high velocity bullets.
accessories fitted increases the purchase TR by 1.
Purchasing a basic accessory separately and having Incendiary Bullets
A bullet modified with a chemical payload designed
your weapon modified and serviced to function
properly with it costs an amount equal to the to ignite the target on fire. These bullets grant the
purchase TR for the weapon being modified. quality incendiary to the weapon firing them but
impose a circumstance penalty on attack rolls..

Underslung Weapon Jacketed Hollow-points

In some cases, a weapon may have another weapon A bullet designed to expand on impact, increasing
attached to it, either to act as a secondary weapon its stopping power. If an attack made with a
or to fill a specific niche. A common example of this weapon firing hollow-point bullets inflicts a
would be an assault rifle with an underslung persistent injury on the target then an additional
grenade launcher or shotgun. In this case, either persistent injury is inflicted.
weapon can be fired without spending the usual
action required to change weapons. However, the Shock Bolts
poor balance caused by the underslung weapon Shock bolts are an advanced type of non-lethal
imposes a circumstance penalty on attack rolls projectile used by some specialised law
made with either weapon. enforcement forces. Weapons firing shock bolts
deal temporary damage instead of lethal damage
A weapon can have an underslung weapon attached and gain blast (2m radius).
to its so long as the added weapon is not larger
than the weapon it is being added to. For example, Steel Cored AP Bullets
a one handed weapon cannot have an underslung A modern armour piercing bullet modified with a
two handed weapon. steel core. These bullets grant the quality piercing
(2) to the weapon firing them but impose a
Crafting Accessories circumstance penalty on attack rolls.
Crafting accessories from scratch or from off-the-
shelf components can be difficult, as they need to Tracer Bullets
be perfectly aligned and calibrated to grant any A bullet designed to be more visible while in flight,
meaningful benefit. The craft TR to achieve this is aiding weapon aiming. These bullets provide a
therefore 18, equivalent to crafting parts for a circumstance bonus to any attack rolls made after
precision or state of the art weapon. the first one each turn, but also provide a
circumstance bonus to anyone attempting to spot
the location of the shooter.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Melee Weapons
Although melee weapons have generally fallen out of favour compared to ranged weapons amongst the denizens
of the galaxy, a number of factors contribute to making them viable threats on the modern battlefield. The
superhuman abilities of Emissaries especially allow close combat weapons to compete directly with firearms.

Name TR Damage Ammunition Qualities

Combat knife 10 1d6 + strength (P) N/A Concealable (2)
One handed

Power knife 14 1d6 + strength (P) 3 charges Concealable (2)

One handed
Power field

Arming sword (slash) 12 1d8 + strength (P) N/A One handed

Arming sword (stab) 12 1d6 + strength (P) N/A One handed
Piercing (2)

Longsword (slash) 12 1d10 + strength (P) N/A Two handed

Longsword (stab) 12 1d8 + strength (P) N/A Piercing (2)
Two handed

Power sword 16 1d10 + strength (P) 6 charges Power field

Two handed

Electromace 16 1d10 + strength (T) 3 charges Concussive burst

One handed
Piercing (4)

Siege hammer 16 1d12 + strength (T) 6 charges Concussive burst

Piercing (4)
Two handed

Spear 10 1d8 + strength (P) N/A Piercing (3)

Reach (2)
Two handed

Power spear 16 1d8 + strength (P) 12 charges Power field

Reach (2)
Two handed

Monofilament whip 14 1d4 + strength (P) N/A Concealable (2)

One handed
Piercing (4)
Reach (2)

Name: FM135 Power Sword Mk.II

Manufacturer: Zeikon Heavy Industries
Dimensions: 1300/200/25 (mm)
Weight: 1.85kg
Power output: 55kW
Energy capacity: 1.65MJ

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Weapon Qualities Internal Magazine
The weapon feeds from an internal magazine.
Arcing Projectile Reloading the weapon takes a single action if a clip
An arcing projectile ignores line of sight cover when or speed loader is used or two otherwise.
fired at its maximum range. Overhead cover will
defeat the projectile. Low Velocity
The weapon fires a relatively slow projectile. The
Automatic weapon a circumstance penalty to attacks made at
The weapon is self-loading and will continue to fire medium range and an additional circumstance
while the trigger is held down. The weapon may penalty to attacks made at long range.
make burst fire and spray and pray attacks.
Minimum Range
Blast (x) The weapon cannot be fired at targets closer than
The weapon deals its damage to anyone within an x half of its maximum range.
metre radius of the impact point. A successful
dexterity of gymnastics check reduces the damage One Handed
by half. A target that suffers a direct hit from a blast The weapon can be held and used in one hand
weapon takes double damage. without penalty.

Concealable (x) Piercing (x)

The weapon is small enough to be concealed, The weapon has a degree of armour piercing
imposing a circumstance penalty on skill checks to capability. The weapon ignores x amount of armour
notice it. possessed by the target.
1: Fits in a jacket or trouser pocket
2: Fits in a large coat pocket
Power Field
3: Fits under loose clothing with a holster
When a charge is consumed, the weapon gains the
quality piercing (6) for a single attack.
Concussive Burst 121
When a charge is consumed, the weapon deals
Reach (x)
weapon damage to all adjacent opponents.
The melee weapon can be used to hit targets that
are x metres further away than normal. It can be
Chemical used against adjacent targets as normal.
The weapon uses chemical reactions to function
and is immune to EMP-like effects.
Single Shot
The weapon is one use only and cannot be
Detachable Magazine reloaded, it is entirely expended after one shot.
The weapon feeds from removable magazines.
Reloading the weapon takes a single action if spare
Slow Reload
magazines are available. Refilling an empty
The weapon is slow or complicated to reload,
magazine takes one minute.
requiring 4 actions (2 turns) to reload.

The weapon requires an internal power source to
The weapon fires a spread of projectiles, giving an
function. The weapon is disabled by EMP-like
additional circumstance bonus to shots at close
range and an additional circumstance penalty to
shots at long range.
The weapon ignores any circumstance penalties
caused by range and one circumstance penalty
The weapon requires a bipod, tripod or fixed mount
caused by the target's movement.
of some kind to operate without penalty.

Two Handed
If a flammable target is hit by the weapon, roll
The weapon requires a two handed grip to operate
1d10; the target catches fire if the result is 6 or
without penalty.
higher. Character's on fire must pass a willpower
check (TR 14) to remain calm enough to extinguish
the flames. Extinguishing the flames takes one turn. Unreliable
Character's that do not extinguish the flames suffer The weapon is mechanically unreliable. Any
an automatic persistent injury each turn. automatic failure with the weapon is always a
critical failure.
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Custom Weapons Size
In addition to the weapons listed in this chapter, After choosing the base type, the next thing to
players or GMs may wish to create custom weapons decide is the weapon size.
with different or unique attributes. This section will
briefly outline a set of guidelines to help do this in a Size Purchase TR modifier
balanced way and determined suitable purchase One handed +2
TRs. However, GMs should be aware that certain Two handed +0
combinations of weapon qualities and stats could Tripod -1
potentially be overpowered, so some care should
be taken before introducing such items to the This may seem counter-intuitive, but miniaturising
game. complex mechanical or electronic parts and
managing their heat is expensive. For game balance
Base Type reasons, a smaller weapon is also advantageous.
The first thing to decide on is the base type of the
weapon. Each type has a few associated qualities, Stats
characteristics and a base cost. Base stats can be adjusted, using the following
Chemical weapons are mechanically simple and Stat adjustment Purchase TR modifier
require ammunition to function. They are capable +1 Damage die size +2
of using special ammunition to augment their Max range multiplier (X) +1
firepower. Double ammunition capacity +2
Halve ammunition capacity -2
Base damage die: 1d6
Base max range: 60m Qualities
Base ammunition: 15 rounds Weapon qualities can be added, using the following
Inherent qualities: Chemical modifiers.
Detachable magazine
Base purchase TR: 10 Quality Purchase TR modifier 122
Arcing projectile +1
Energy Automatic +1
Energy weapons are more advanced than chemical Blast (X) +X
weapons and do not require ammunition to Concealable (X) +X
function. They are not capable of using special Detachable magazine +1
ammunition, but do not need to reload. Guided +2
Incendiary +2
Base damage die: 1d4 Internal magazine -1
Base max range: 100m Low velocity -1
Base ammunition: N/A Piercing (X) +X
Inherent qualities: Energy Single shot -4
Base purchase TR: 10 Slow reload -2
Spread +0
Hybrid Unreliable -2
Hybrid weapons have advantages and
disadvantages of chemical and energy weapons.
Range and Damage
They require ammunition and are capable of using
A weapon deals 3 damage at close range, 2 at
special ammunition.
medium range and 1 at long range. Medium range is
defined as being within half of the maximum range.
Base damage die: 1d4
Close range is defined as being within one tenth of
Base max range: 100m
the maximum range.
Base ammunition: 10
Inherent qualities: Energy
Piercing (2) Closing Points
Base purchase TR: 12 Keep in mind that these are merely a guideline and
should not be used in order circumvent the usual
cost of a weapon by constructing a cheaper, but
similar, combination. The final purchase price, and
whether a weapon is available at all, is at GM

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Combat is extremely dangerous and concentrated fire can bring down even the toughest characters or creatures.
Even Emissaries are highly vulnerable to sustained fire or multiple attacks as they quickly burn through their
reserves of Sympathy to fend off damage. Effective use of armour is vital for almost all characters who expect to
routinely come under attack.

Basic Armour
Basic armour types do not use exotic materials in their construction or offer any advanced technological features.
However, they work in all environments, are cheap to purchase, easy to make and offer decent protection from
melee or ranged weapons.

Name TR Defence Rating Defence Type Qualities

Heavy padding 14 6 (T) Temporary Concealable, Melee

Stab vest 16 6 (P) Persistent Concealable, Melee

Ballistic vest 16 6 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Concealable

Medium armour 16 8 (P) Persistent Ballistic

Plated armour 18 12 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Tiring

Heavy armour 20 16 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Heavy


Battle armour 20 18 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Heavy

Restrictive 123
Shielded armour 20 4 (T) Temporary Melee
Shields (12)

Powered Armour
Powered armour uses advanced technology or power assisted motors in its design. Powered armour typically
offers increased performance and fewer drawbacks than basic armour types, but is more expensive and vulnerable
to being disabled.

Name TR Defence Rating Defence Type Qualities

Powered harness 18 6 (T) Temporary Melee, Powered (1/0/1)

Powered plate 20 12 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Powered (1/0/0)

Stealth suit 22 6 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Powered (0/1/0)

Thermoptic camouflage

Nanosuit 22 6 (P) Persistent Melee, Powered (2/0/0)

Powered battle 22 18 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Powered (2/0/0)

armour Restrictive

Exosuit 24 20 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Powered (2/0/2)

Sealed (4)

Shielded exosuit 26 12 (P) Persistent Ballistic, Powered (2/0/2)

Sealed (4)
Shields (12)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Armour Qualities Internal Weapons
Armour may be purchased with internal weapons
Ballistic fitted to it. Internal weapons cannot be disarmed
The armour is designed to protect against bullets and do not need to be drawn or unholstered, they
and projectile weapons. The armour only offers half are always accessible at a moments notice.
of its protection rating against melee weapons.
Basic armour may only be fitted with a single one
handed weapon as an internal weapon. The
purchase TR is treated as 1 higher than the cost of
The armour is heavy and places a burden on the
the base armour or weapon (whichever is greater).
wearer's strength. The armour imposes a
circumstance penalty on strength checks and skills
Powered armour may be fitted with up to two one
and reduces the wearer's speed by 2.
handed weapons or a single two handed weapon as
an internal weapon. The purchase TR is treated as 2
Melee higher than the cost of the base armour or weapon
The armour is designed to protect against melee (whichever is greater).
weapons. The armour only offers half of its
protection rating against ranged weapons.

Powered (x/y/z)
The armour augments the physical abilities of the
wearer by some mechanism. The armour increases
the wearer's strength by x, dexterity by y and
endurance by z. Powered armour loses these
bonuses and becomes tiring, heavy and restrictive if
disabled by some EMP-like effect or other means.

The armour is awkward and prevents a full range of 124
movement. The armour imposes a circumstance
penalty on dexterity checks and skills and reduces
the wearer's speed and agility by 2.

Sealed (x)
The armour is sealed and has oxygen tanks, allowing
the wearer to breath for x hours.

The armour projects a defensive screen around the
wearer, reducing incoming ranged weapon damage
by an amount equal to the shield's rating. Shields
offer no protection against melee attacks.

Thermoptic Camouflage
The armour possesses advanced active camouflage
in the optical and infrared spectrum. The wearer
permanently counts as hidden, even while moving,
as if they had made a TR 20 stealth check.

The armour is cumbersome and poorly ventilated.
The armour imposes a circumstance penalty on
endurance checks and skills.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Custom Armour Qualities
As with weapons, players or GMs may wish to Armour qualities can be added, using the following
create custom armour with different or unique modifiers.
attributes for their characters or NPCs. This section
will briefly outline a set of guidelines to help do this Quality Purchase TR modifier
in a balanced way and determined suitable Heavy -2
purchase TRs. However, GMs should be aware that, Restrictive -2
as with weapons, certain combinations of armour Sealed (4X) +X
qualities and stats could potentially be Shields (3) +2
overpowered, so some care should be taken before Shields (6) +4
introducing such items to the game. Shields (9) +6
Shields (12) +8
Base Type Shields (15) +10
The first thing to decide on is the base type of the Thermoptic camouflage +4
weapon. Each type has a few associated qualities, Tiring -2
characteristics and a base cost.

Melee Powered Armour

Melee armour offers its full protection against Armour can be made into powered armour using
unarmed and melee attacks, but only half of its the following adjustments.
defensive rating against ranged attacks.
Base purchase TR increase: +2
Base defence rating: 4 (T)
Defence type: Temporary Strength modifier Purchase TR modifier
Inherent qualities: Melee +1 (Up to 2) +1
Base purchase TR: 10 +1 (Up to 4) +2
+1 (Up to 5) +3
Dexterity modifier Purchase TR modifier 125
Base defence rating: 4 (P) +1 (Up to 2) +1
Defence type: Persistent +1 (Up to 4) +2
Inherent qualities: Melee +1 (Up to 5) +3
Base purchase TR: 12
Endurance modifier Purchase TR modifier
Ballistic +1 (Up to 2) +1
Ballistic armour offers its full protection against +1 (Up to 4) +2
ranged attacks, but only half of its defensive rating +1 (Up to 5) +3
against unarmed and melee attacks.

Base defence rating: 4 (P) Closing Points

Defence type: Persistent As with weapons, keep in mind that these are
Inherent qualities: Ballistic merely a guideline and should not be abused in
Base purchase TR: 12 order to reduce costs or create overpowered
equipment. This is especially true of powered
Defence Rating armour, which can easily become game breaking if
The first thing to decide on is the base type of the abused to help maximise a single characteristic of a
weapon. Each type has a few associated qualities, character. The final purchase price, and whether an
characteristics and a base cost. armour is available at all, is at GM discretion.

Defence Rating Purchase TR modifier

+1 (Up to 16) +1
+1 (16 to 28) +2
+1 (28+) +3

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Exotic Materials Technosapien mirror-steel
Exotic materials are wonders of the known galaxy, Technosapien mirror-steel is an exotic material that
available in only very limited quantities and tightly functions as an almost perfect mirror even to
controlled by both the Empire itself and those with gamma rays and x-rays. In addition to this
direct access to them. Exotic materials are used in extremely useful property, mirror-steel is extremely
the construction of some of the most advanced hard and strong. Technosapien mirror-steel does
technological items available and the vital not occur naturally in the galaxy and instead can
technology that keeps the infrastructure of the only be manufactured in Technosapien orbital
Empire running. Although not commonly available, fabworlds. Each fabworld is only capable of
from time to time characters may wish or need to producing a few kilograms of the material every
employ certain exotic materials in the construction day.
of advanced weapons or armour.
Mirror-steel weapons
Bondinium Mirror-steel allows the construction of high energy
Bondinium is an exotic material that creates an anti- particle beam and laser weapons. Energy weapons
gravity effect when exposed to a strong produced with mirror-steel in this way deal damage
electromagnetic field. Bondinium is found on only a one die size larger than usual. Additionally,
small number of planets in the galaxy, most weapons with mirror-steel components are never
famously being present in unusually large quantities unreliable.
on the planet Floreana. Although not especially
hard or strong, Bondinium has a number of Mirror-steel armour
important applications in the aerospace industry Mirror-steel is used in the construction of extremely
and has aided in the construction of important resistant armour due to its strength and unique
megastructures such as space elevators and colony properties.
A thin outer coating of Technosapien mirror-steel
Bondinium weapons provides total protection from energy weapons and
Bondinium is rarely employed in the construction of increases the defence rating of the base armour by
weapons as it is both incredibly expensive and 2. However, even a thin coating like this increases
the purchase TR of the base armour by 6.
offers few real advantages in this area. However,
Bondinium bladed weapons are light as a feather
and do provide a circumstance bonus to attack rolls Solid mirror-steel armour is almost unheard of, even
made with them due to their increased amongst the Technosapien elite, it is simple too
manoeuvrability. The purchase TR for a Bondinium expensive to be viable and too difficult to work into
weapon is 4 higher than normal. complex shapes. Solid mirror-steel armour could
only be applied to powered armour and would be
Bondinium armour completely immune to energy weapons and
Bondinium is more frequently employed in the increase the defence rating of the base armour by 8.
construction of armour, where it can be used to Such a design would increase the purchase TR of the
lighten the load or counter the effects of a high base armour by 12.
gravity environment.
A small amount of Bondinium removes any tiring or Simulcrum is an exotic material available only to the
heavy qualities from a set of armour and negates guild of Emissaries and only produced in small
falling damage when used in normal gravity. In a quantities by an unknown method that has never
high gravity environment, Bondinium negates the been replicated. Emissary weapons and Simulcra
usual penalties. A small amount of Bondinium in are created using Simulcrum, but as a material it
armour increases the purchase TR by 4. offers no inherent advantages or abilities to non-
A large amount of Bondinium can even be used in
the construction of exosuits capable of withstanding Simulcrum may occasionally be offered as a reward
the surface gravity of a neutron star. Such as a suit by the guild of Emissaries for the completion of
is virtually useless in normal gravity as it simple important missions or tasks and is a crafting
floats around as if in microgravity, but allows almost material used in the construction of Emissary
normal function in extreme gravity environments. A weapons. Approximately 200 grams of Simulcrum
large amount of Bondinium increases the purchase can be recovered from the body of an Emissary or
TR by 8. Fallen Emissary.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Emissary Weapons Crimson Blade
New Emissaries have free access to one of the Craft TR: 32
Emissary weapons presented in the races chapter of Simulcrum: 1200 grams
this book. However, during their adventures they Damage Type: Persistent
may come across other Emissary weapons or even Damage Dice: 1d10
craft one of their own. Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (P)
Two handed
Melee Weapons
Emissary weapon
Anchor of Calador
Composure: 4 Intelligence: 5
Craft TR: 22
Presence: 4 Charisma: 5
Simulcrum: 200 grams
Damage Type: Temporary
Damage Dice: 1d12
Psionics 4
Total Damage: 1d12 + strength (T)
Academics/Knowledge 4
Ammunition: 5 charges
Technology 4
Craft 4
Concussive burst
Intimidate 4
Piercing (4)
Manipulation 4
Two handed
Emissary weapon
By spending a point of Sympathy, the user can
awaken the true power of the sword. For a single
By spending a point of Sympathy, the user can
round the Crimson Blade doubles the user's
channel tremendous power into the hammer. For a
strength and endurance. The consciousness of any
single attack the damage type of the hammer
person slain by the blade becomes trapped as a
becomes persistent and it gains the quality blast
digital ghost within its systems, completely bound
(10m radius) in addition to its other qualities. The
to its will and subject to its torments.
wielder of the hammer is immune to its blast effect.
The Crimson Blade is a corrupted Emissary Weapon 127
The Anchor of Calador is a massive siege hammer
crafted by a Fallen Emissary out of material stolen
modelled after the anchor of a traditional
from the Electrotomb and granted wicked
Caladorian merchant ship. Famously wielded by Brin
intelligence through use of the Create Mind ability.
in his battle with Heiyd, the whereabouts of the
Its exact form is uncertain but occasionally it makes
weapon are currently unknown. However, patterns
an appearance, masquerading as a legendary
of its design exist in the databases maintained by
weapon and guides unaware Emissaries to their
the guild of Emissaries.
Axe of the Fallen
Craft TR: 22
Simulcrum: 200 grams
Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d10
Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (P)
Two handed
Emissary weapon

By spending a point of Sympathy, the user can

ignite the axe into a roaring flame of supernatural
heat for the duration of a single attack. If the attack
is successful, the target is set on fire as if by an
incendiary weapon. Roll 1d10 for each other
opponent within 20m, on a 6 or higher they also
catch fire.

The Axe of the Fallen is an Emissary weapon

recovered from the immolated corpse of an
unidentified Fallen Emissary. Although its design has
been warped by corruption, its essence burns with a
pure fire and remains usable by Emissaries without
fear of Apathy.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Divine Fury Knife of Lakas
Craft TR: 26 Craft TR: 24
Simulcrum: 600 grams Simulcrum: 400 grams
Damage Type: Persistent Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d10 Damage Dice: 1d6
Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (P) Total Damage: 1d6 + strength (P)
Qualities: Qualities:
Piercing (2) Concealable (2)
Two handed One handed
Emissary weapon Piercing (6)
Emissary weapon
By spending a point of Sympathy, the sword
awakens as though possessed by an immense and By spending a point of Sympathy, the knife
restless energy. As a single action, the sword can becomes weightless and moves as if guided by
make a number of attacks equal to the user's another's hand. As a single action, the knife can
endurance at no penalty and a number of further make a number of attacks equal to the user's
attacks, though each of these inflict an automatic Sympathy rank and ignores any armour in the
temporary injury on the user. process.

Divine Fury is a razor sharp longsword said to have The original Knife of Lakas is an unexceptional
been blessed by the Divine Imperial Majesty itself. weapon, but one that holds great historical
Though nobody has been able to prove this for meaning among Emissaries. Not originally created
certain, there is little doubt that the blade is a as one, the knife became the very first Emissary
tremendously powerful weapon. weapon when Lakas channelled the raw power of
the Universal Emissary through her body and into
Golden Judgement its blade. Countless duplicates of varying quality and
Craft TR: 24 similarity to the original have been made over the
Simulcrum: 400 grams years.
Damage Type: Temporary
Damage Dice: 1d10 Life Stealer 128
Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (T) Craft TR: 26
Ammunition: 3 charges Simulcrum: 600 grams
Qualities: Damage Type: Persistent
Concussive burst Damage Dice: 1d8
Two handed Total Damage: 1d8 + strength (P)
Emissary weapon Qualities:
One handed
By spending a point of Sympathy, the user can Piercing (2)
cause great bolts of electricity to leap from the Emissary weapon
mace, shorting out all electrical equipment in a
large area. An EMP-like burst is given off by the As long as Life Stealer has killed an opponent within
Golden Judgement, disabling all energy weapons, the last 24 hours, the Emissary wielding it does not
powered armours, machines or technological need to eat, drink or sleep. The wielder also
devices within a 50m radius. recovers a single point of Sympathy for every
hundred opponents that Life Stealer slays. By
The Golden Judgement is an electromace in the spending a point of Sympathy to activate Life
form of an eagle with outstretched wings. Famously Stealer, the user heals a number of injuries equal to
used by Zorin The Purifier in the purge of the the injuries inflicted in a single attack by the blade.
heretical Agra Hive World. It is said that Zorin left
not a single survivor behind after his three year Life Stealer is a blood red sword with an unusual
sweep of the maze-like artificial planet. Imitations prickly grip that makes it uncomfortable to hold and
and duplicates of the Golden Judgement became a strangely fluted blade. The original weapon was
popular among other Emissaries for a short while wielded by Isaias Toten who created it especially in
afterwards. preparation for his last stand against the forces of
the Great Corrupter on the fields of Camlan. Isaias
used Life Stealer to fight for thirty consecutive days
without rest, until he was finally killed in single
combat by his nemesis.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Ravenous Whip Scavenging Death
Craft TR: 22 Craft TR: 26
Simulcrum: 200 grams Simulcrum: 600 grams
Damage Type: Temporary Damage Type: Temporary
Damage Dice: 1d4 Damage Dice: 1d8
Total Damage: 1d4 + strength (T) Total Damage: 1d8 + strength (T)
Qualities: Qualities:
Concealable (3) One handed
One handed Piercing (6)
Piercing (6) Emissary weapon
Reach (2)
Emissary weapon By spending a point of Sympathy, the Scavenging
Death opens to release a black swarm of insect-like
By spending a point of Sympathy, the whip divides nanomachines. For a single turn the swarm can be
into a fractal of monofilament strands. For a single directed to attack up to six opponents within 20m
attack the damage type of the whip becomes or up to six pieces of equipment. Targeted
persistent. If the attack is successful, all temporary opponents are hit automatically and take 2d4 (P)
injuries on the target become persistent injuries damage that ignores all armour, while any targeted
instead. equipment is disabled as if by an EMP-like effect.

The Ravenous Whip is an apparently mundane whip The Scavenging Death is an ornate armoured
made from the hide of an unidentifiable animal. gauntlet in the shape of a scarab beetle. The design
Though not especially useful in single combat, the incorporates multiple intricate and interlocking
surprise factor of its power can be devastating in components that occasionally move by themselves
certain situations. Weapons of this pattern have and produce a quiet chattering sound. The weapon
become popular among Emissaries who only wish to is especially popular amongst Mechanoid Emissaries
kill as a last resort. from the desert world of Aksis, having been used by
a number of them over the years.
Screaming Corruption
Craft TR: 32 Singing Blade 130
Simulcrum: 1200 grams Craft TR: 28
Damage Type: Persistent Simulcrum: 800 grams
Persistent mental Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d10 Damage Dice: 1d10
Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (P) Total Damage: 1d10 + strength (P)
1d10 + composure (P) Qualities:
Qualities: Piercing (4)
Piercing (4) Two handed
Two handed Emissary weapon
Emissary weapon
The Singing Blade grants its user a circumstance
The Screaming Corruption deals its damage as bonus to all skill checks made so long as it is being
physical and mental damage simultaneously and held and can be activated by spending a point of
can only be activated by spending a point of Sympathy. When activated the blade sings a song of
Apathy. When activated the blade emits a prophecy that alters fate over a wide area for a
nightmarish psionic scream, hitting automatically single turn, providing two circumstance bonuses to
and dealing normal weapon damage to all living all skill checks made by the wielder and their allies
things within 10km of the user. and imposing two circumstance penalties on any
number of opponents.
The Screaming Corruption is a large straight sword
with a long narrow blade and a plain design. The Singing Blade is a brilliant white longsword
Although its balance is good, its weight seems to wielded by the legendary Emissary Piera The White.
shift in the hand and it constantly emits a whisper In battle the sword emits a constant pleasant
like the distant echo of a dying scream. The weapon melody that modulates when swung. The
was recovered from the site of a famous battlefield, whereabouts of this great historical relic are
found embedded in the body of a legendary currently unknown, as it was unfortunately lost in
Emissary. Some archive records appear to be the events surrounding the tragedy of Piera's fall.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Spear of Nightmares Ranged Weapons
Craft TR: 22
Simulcrum: 200 grams Calamity
Damage Type: Persistent mental Craft TR: 32
Damage Dice: 1d8 Simulcrum: 1200 grams
Total Damage: 1d8 + composure (P) Damage Type: Persistent
Qualities: Damage Dice: 1d10
Reach (2) Range: 10/50/100
Two handed Total Damage: 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P)
Emissary weapon Ammunition: N/A
The Spear of Nightmares deals mental damage with Concealable (2)
its basic attacks. By spending a point of Sympathy, Energy
the user channels energy into the mechanism below One handed
the blade causing it to fire a psionic bolt that Emissary weapon
creates nightmarish visions to any witnesses. As a
single action the spear deals automatic weapon By spending a point of Sympathy, the body of the
damage to all opponents with line of sight to it. Calamity unfolds and it begins to pulse with energy.
When activated, the weapon may make a single
The Spear of Nightmares is a long black spear with a attack with unlimited range that ignores all armour
black, metal staff covered in carvings of tribal gods. and inflicts 6d10 (P) damage on the target. After
The blade looks older than the other parts of the making this attack, the device becomes inoperable
weapon and there is a strange shotgun style for one hour.
mechanism retrofitted under it.
The Calamity is a small black particle beam emitter
Tsunamic Edge and sister weapon to the Wave of Destruction,
Craft TR: 30 created as part of the same joint venture. Only a
Simulcrum: 1000 grams few such weapons are known to have ever been
Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d8
manufactured and it is uncertain whether the
technology still exists to create more.
Total Damage: 1d8 + strength (P)
Qualities: Death Spitter
One handed Craft TR: 22
Piercing (4) Simulcrum: 200 grams
Emissary weapon Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d6
By spending a point of Sympathy, the Tsunamic Range: 10/50/100
Edge projects an immense wave of force when Total Damage: 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P)
swung. For a single attack the device deals Ammunition: 60
automatic weapon damage to everything within a Qualities:
500m, 45 degree cone in front of the user. Anyone Chemical
caught in the blast is knocked back 4d10 metres and Concealable (2)
thrown 1d10 metres into the air. Internal magazine
One handed
The Tsunamic Edge is a geometric, black sword with Piercing (2)
blunt edges and a squared off tip. The blade is able Emissary weapon
to cut as if it were wickedly sharp, but the
mechanism by which it does so is unclear. The The Death Spitter manufactures its own
original device was created in a rare joint effort ammunition at a rate 5 each round and
between the guild of Emissaries and a faction of the automatically loads them into its internal magazine.
Technosapien collective. By spending a point of Sympathy, the weapon can
instantly refill its magazine and then make a spray
and pray attack against up to ten adjacent targets.

The Death Spitter is a small SMG with an organic

shape and a number of spiny protrusions. Although
not incredibly destructive, it remains a popular
weapon among veteran Emissaries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Divine Halo Nova Cannon
Craft TR: 30 Craft TR: 28
Simulcrum: 1000 grams Simulcrum: 800 grams
Damage Type: Persistent Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d10 Damage Dice: 1d12
Range: 80/400/800 Range: 400/2000/4000
Total Damage: 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) Total Damage: 3d12/2d12/1d12 (P)
Ammunition: N/A Ammunition: N/A
Qualities: Qualities:
Energy Energy
Emissary weapon Incendiary
The Divine Halo floats in close proximity to its user Emissary weapon
and attacks by remote command using a wrist
mounted terminal. By spending a point of By spending a point of Sympathy, the gaping maw
Sympathy, the device glows with radiant energy and of the Nova Cannon bellows out an enormous
attacks autonomously. The weapon makes a single quantity of stellar plasma. When activated, the
attack against all opponents within range and deals weapon may make a single attack inflicting weapon
an additional die of damage to each opponent hit. damage on anything caught within a 200m, 45
degree cone in front of the user. In order to make
The Divine Halo is a metallic disc made of equal this attack the user must be outside and in direct
parts Bondinium and Simulcrum with a surface of sunlight.
polished chrome. The history of the weapon is
unknown, but it is believed to be amongst the The Nova Cannon is an enormous, ornately
oldest Emissary weapons in existence. Modern decorated plasma cannon with a barrel modelled
duplicates are rare, but not unheard of. after the head of a mythical fire spewing creature.
The internal design of the weapon is famously
Needlegun bizarre, showing no obvious method of being able
Craft TR:
400 grams
to generate or store the vast amount of plasma it
can fire. 132
Damage Type: Persistent
Damage Dice: 1d6 Prator's Spear
Range: 10/50/100 Craft TR: 24
Total Damage: 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) Simulcrum: 400 grams
Ammunition: 30 Damage Type: Persistent
Qualities: Damage Dice: 1d6
Chemical Range: 20/100/200
Concealable (2) Total Damage: 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P)
Detachable magazine Ammunition: N/A
One handed Qualities:
Piercing (6) Concealable (2)
Emissary weapon One handed
Piercing (2)
The Needlegun accepts standard pistol or SMG Emissary weapon
ammunition but transmutes it into deadly needles.
Opponents injured by a needle must pass a TR 14 Prator's Spear can be used to make ranged grapple
toughness check or become paralysed for 1d4 attempts in addition to its regular attack. By
rounds. By spending a point of Sympathy, the spending a point of Sympathy, the weapon can
Needlegun can fire a more potent projectile. instantly displace its target or user. When activated,
Opponents hit by this attack are momentarily a successful attack teleports the target into a
frozen in time for 1d6 minutes. Whilst in this state, position adjacent to the user, or teleports the user
the opponent cannot act, perceive anything around into a position adjacent to the target.
them, be moved or suffer any damage.
Prator's Spear is neither an energy weapon or a
The Needlegun is an elegant pistol with a sleek chemical weapon, instead resembling a strange
metallic barrel and an almost vanishingly small gauntlet that launches claw-like projectiles at the
bore. A preferred weapon of infiltrators and target. Lacking in destructive power, the device is
assassins, the esoteric device has been produced in still popular due to its versatile nature.
over a dozen known variations by different

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Alien Artefacts Ansible
As no extant alien races are believed to currently The Ansible is a small tapering rod with a
reside within the known galaxy, alien artefacts are deceptively weighty bulge on the tip of its thickest
extremely rare. However, there is strong evidence end. Several of these devices have been found
that one or more sentient races of non-human life scattered across the galaxy, which makes them
have previously occupied space which now falls unusually common as far as alien artefacts are
within the boundaries of the Third Golden Empire. concerned. Several have even turned up in specialist
From time to time, artefacts and devices left behind auction listings on fringe worlds less likely to be
by these races are discovered, sometimes as inert noticed by Emissaries, usually commanding
curiosities and sometimes with disastrous results. astronomical prices.
The region of space known as the Graveyard is
especially well known for its above average yield of When the user of an Ansible points the device at
such finds. Ultimately, it falls within the purview of another person with an Ansible, they are able to
Emissaries to deal with these dangerous discoveries, communicate perfectly, in real time, across any
though there are different schools of thought on distance. This effect defies most current physical
how exactly this should be done. theories, though some have suggested that
microscopic wormholes could explain this
The following artefacts are example devices of apparently superluminal transmission of data.
confirmed alien origin, known to have been However, Ansible communication is prone to a
discovered within the Third Golden Empire and certain background noise that increases when the
recorded in the archives of the Forbidden Library. device is pointed towards the galactic centre. There
are also reports of the devices detecting strange
Amon Mechanism signals made up of regular but indecipherable
The Amon Mechanism was discovered on the planet patterns.
of its namesake, recovered from a debris field of
otherwise mundane material. The debris had been Command Rod
buried under a thick ice sheet and is thought to The Command Rod was an alien device used by the
have been at least a million years old, but possibly infamous dictator, Tilden May. He was able to use
even older. the Rod to create a host of loyal followers who
would worship him as a god and carry out his every 133
The Mechanism itself is made of a brass-like metal bidding. Originally thought to be an extremist
that is seemingly indestructible. Its form is that of a religious cult built up around May's outlandish
collection of interlocking gears that measures about personality, it eventually became known that mind
20cm across and 10cm high. A large dial with control on a near-unprecedented scale was
markings that correspond to six different positions occurring. A team of Emissaries are thought to have
is prominent on, what is believed to be, the top of infiltrated the group and destroyed the device.
the Mechanism. The markings do not correspond to
any known language, but each one is more complex The Command Rod is a metallic cylinder around
than the last. 50cm long and 5cm in diameter, with a shifting
centre of mass and a weight of approximately 1kg.
Moving the dial to any of the six positions has the The surface of the Rod has a rough texture and feels
following effects: loose, as if covered in sand, though no material is
observed to move or fall away from it.
First position (least complex symbol):
The user is transported 5 seconds into the future. Non-Emissary characters with a composure
No apparent time passes for them. To others, they characteristic of 3 or less will unquestioningly obey
appear to vanish for 5 seconds. any commands given to them by the wielder of the
Second position: Command Rod. Emissary characters with a
The user is transported 15 seconds into the future. composure of 3 or less and non-Emissary characters
Third position: with a composure of 4 or more must pass a TR 16
The user is transported almost 2 minutes into the willpower check to resist any single command.
future. Emissary characters with a composure of 4 or more
Fourth position: are immune to any compulsion by the Command
The user is transported over 1.6 hours into the Rod.
Fifth position:
The user is transported 205 days into the future.
Sixth position (most complex symbol):
The user is transported 5 million years into the

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Eynides Nanoskin Genesis Dust
The Eynides Nanoskin is a black, tar-like substance Genesis Dust does not refer to a single specific alien
that adheres itself to the wearer's skin and device, but a class of alien technologies thought to
significantly augments their combat ability. Though be used for industrial purposes. The Dust itself is
seemingly a viscous liquid when first applied, the grey in colour and exceptionally fine, flowing more
outer surface of the material quickly hardens into a like a liquid and passing through even the smallest
series of matt black plates, bound together by a of gaps. Close scientific examination of the Dust
flexible material with a faint green glow. It is able to reveals that the grains are not uniform in size or
change shape to cover almost any possible user, shape, but range from the macroscopic down to the
though it is incapable of bonding to metal or femtometre scale.
exoskeleton, rendering it unusable to Mechanoids
or Insectoids. When placed in a container with another object and
stimulated with a weak electrical current, the
The origins of the only known Nanoskin have been Genesis Dust consumes some of its own mass to
traced back to Eynides, a world somewhat near the create an identical copy of the object it was placed
border of The Graveyard. However, it did not come with. Curiously, the mass of the copy does not
to the attention of Emissaries until a gladiator, appear to precisely equal the mass lost by the Dust,
fighting under the name The Reaper of Kagrion, though the difference is small. It is thought that this
wore the Nanoskin and used it to become an function of the Genesis Dust is only a simple
undefeated champion of the pit fights of Voss. The application of its potential and it is likely that it
Emissary, Gorak Ya, posed as a gladiator and could be programmed or given commands to
eventually defeated The Reaper in single combat, produce more complex structures.
putting an end to his streak of 173 consecutive
victories in the pits. Genesis Dust is considered extremely dangerous
due to the obvious capabilities it possesses. There
When worn as armour, the Eynides Nanoskin has are many rumours of the Dust going out of control
the following profile: or even producing other alien artefacts.

Defence rating: 18
Defence type: Exotic (see unusual traits)
When Genesis Dust is exposed to an electric
current, roll 1d10 and refer to the table below to 134
Qualities: Powered (2/2/0) see how it behaves.
Sealed (12)

The major drawback of the Eynides Nanoskin only 1 Genesis Dust goes out of control and
became apparent after The Reaper's defeat. It had begins consuming all matter that comes
become permanently bonded to his flesh and his into contact with it, expanding outwards at
corpse was unidentifiable by the time it had been a rate of 100m per minute (8 metres per
surgically removed from his body. round).
2-9 Genesis Dust produces an identical copy of
Up to 6 hours of use: a single object in contact with it.
The Nanoskin is difficult to remove, but can be The object cannot mass more than the
peeled off by the wearer. Any clothing worn under Genesis Dust.
the armour may be torn as it is removed and any 10 The Genesis Dust produces a random alien
exposed skin is left feeling tender. artefact and is entirely consumed in the
6-12 hours of use:
The Nanoskin is exceptionally difficult to remove,
usually requiring assistance. Any clothing worn Artefacts created at random should be determined
under it has either dissolved or become by the GM, possibly from a short list to avoid any
permanently bonded to it. Skin is torn or punctured, unwanted items from appearing. Alternatively, an
leaving minor flesh wounds. The wearer suffers 1d4 appropriate or relevant item could be selected or
automatic temporary injuries. this could be used as a hook or prompt for a greater
12+ hours of use:
The Nanoskin is impossible to remove without
surgery. Removing it in this way inflicts 2d4
automatic persistent injuries on the wearer.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Irminsul Living Armour
Irminsul was the only known example of its kind, Several pieces of Living Armour were known to have
though it is possible that others might potentially been recovered from the Dyson Sphere Fragment in
exist in as-yet-unexplored regions of the galaxy. The the Graveyard. Many of these have been destroyed
entity, later named Irminsul, defied all logical or impounded by Emissaries, though it is likely that
classification but could best be described as an not all are accounted for.
Uplifted Tree, or even Forest. Irminsul lived on an
uncharted inhabited planet, believed to have been The Living Armour is a bronze-coloured metallic
located on the edge of the Outer Fringe. It co- statue that fluidly changes its form to match the
existed, apparently for at least a thousand years, anatomy of the nearest living sentient. When that
with a group of primitive transhuman settlers. sentient approaches, the Armour opens itself to
reveal a hollow interior. However, when
Records in the Forbidden Library state that the approached by a Mechanoid or observed from a
transhuman settlers initially cut down parts of distance of greater than 50m away, the Armour
Irminsul to use as construction material or fuel and takes on the shape of a solid cube with 50cm sides
picked its fruits for food. This angered Irminsul, who and a total mass of 500kg.
was able to gestate Thermal Maggots within its fruit
and inflict a plague of Watchers upon the settlers. The Living Armour is thought to be some kind of
Eventually, by methods unknown, an agreement alien exosuit and, as its name suggests, may be
was reached, wherein the settlers would limit worn as armour by most humanoids. When used as
themselves to harvesting only trees on the armour, it has the following profile:
periphery of Irminsul's forest in exchange for the
cessation of hostilities. Defence rating: 26
Defence type: Persistent
Greed eventually prevailed against level headedness Qualities: Ballistic
and the inhabitants broke their treaty, using their Powered (3/0/3)
newly developed industrial machinery to harvest Sealed (9)
Irminsul at an increased rate. Watcher attacks
quickly resumed and the two sides were locked in a
ferocious battle. A passing Emissary was called upon
Like most alien technology, the Living Armour
appears to have greater capabilities than those 136
by the locals to slay Irminsul and his Watchers. which are readily apparent. Occasionally, some of
these may be activated when certain conditions are
Eventually it was revealed to the Emissary that met.
Irminsul's fruit had once held the preserved genetic
information and mind states of an entire alien Condition:
civilisation. The civilisation had fallen ill to an The wearer receives damage that exceeds the
incurable disease created by their enemies and so defence rating of the armour.
had sought to preserve themselves in a way that Effect:
defied discovery, hoping that others of their kind The armour becomes rigid and immobile for 1d6
might one day find a way to cure them. In its fury rounds, but its defence rating increases to 36.
and desperation, Irminsul had corrupted and used
all of its fruit to create monsters, first as guardians Condition:
and later as soldiers. Mad beyond reason and alien The wearer rolls double 10s on any athletics,
in its logic, the Emissary was forced to evacuate the unarmed or weapons (melee) check.
planet and burn Irminsul along with its forest from Effect:
orbit. The armour temporarily increases its strength boost
from 3 to 6 (lasting the duration of the action), but
Irminsul was a gigantic sentient forest of trees with inflicts an automatic persistent injury on the
connected roots that spanned across an entire wearer.
world. Each one of the ten trillion trees was capable
of producing between 30 and 50 Thermal Maggots Condition:
each year. Irminsul was also a psionic entity, The wearer is knocked unconscious or killed.
capable of telepathy and limited mind control (over Effect:
Thermal Maggots and Watchers). The Living Armour attempts to return to the Dyson
Sphere Fragment under its own power.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mero's Aegis Nazal Puzzle Box
The origins of Mero's Aegis are unknown, most The Nazal Puzzle Box is a solid black cuboid that
likely it was discovered somewhere in the measures 12cm by 12cm by 14cm and curiously
Graveyard or the surrounding regions of space and weighs between 0.5 and 1.5kg depending on
simply not recognised as a device of alien origin. orientation. Despite having no obvious joins or
The Aegis is a small metallic device, somewhat moving parts, the box is evidently made of several
smaller than a handgun and about as heavy. It has pieces which can rotate and slide with respect to
no obvious moving parts and appears to be made of each other to produce six different cubic
a single solid piece of material with a dark brown configurations. The Box has no markings on its
colour and a golden trim around its edge. Holding exterior, is extremely resistant to scratching and
the Aegis inspires an inexplicable sense of does not bond with any known adhesive. A TR 12
confidence in most humanoids. working memory check is sufficient to recall any
configuration of the Box that the character has
Whenever the user of Mero's Aegis comes under previously discovered.
attack, the device crackles with energy and projects
a sphere of green light around them with a 3m Each of the six possible configurations of the Box
radius. This sphere of light seems to operate on very produces a different effect, as given below:
different principles to energy shields of Imperial
design but performs the same role, protecting the First Configuration:
user from harm. Any attacks made against the user The Puzzle Box begins to float freely in the air, as if
from a distance of greater than 3m away are constructed of solid Bondinium. By holding the Box
completely nullified. Even psionic attacks are and pulling it towards their body, a character
stopped cold by the Aegis. becomes able to fly through the air or space at a
speed of 50. By pushing the Box away from their
However, the Aegis is not without limits and seems body, the character will slow down and begin to
to have a power supply which naturally recharges lose altitude.
over time by some unknown mechanism. When
used excessively, the Aegis begins to lose power and Second Configuration:
becomes increasingly erratic. The Puzzle Box becomes anchored in the local
frame of reference, becoming fixed in space with 137
Up to 2 uses per day: respect to the surface it is currently placed above.
The Aegis activates automatically and completely No amount of strength or force seems to be capable
nullifies any damage a character would receive from of moving it.
a single attack dealt from a source more than 3m
away. Third Configuration:
The Puzzle Box projects a region of altered gravity
3 to 4 uses per day: extending 20m from the Box in all directions. The
The Aegis shield stutters and flickers, providing direction of the gravity field becomes aligned to the
2d10 (P) armour worth of protection against a longest edge of the Box. The strength of the gravity
single attack dealt from a source more than 2m inside the region can be adjusted from zero up to
away. that equivalent of a heavy world by moving the box
in relation to the operator.
5 to 6 uses per day:
The Aegis shield stutters and flickers, providing Fourth Configuration:
1d10 (P) armour worth of protection against a The Box briefly reverses gravity in a 20m radius,
single attack dealt from a source more than 1m launching people and objects 20m into the air.
away. The shield is uncomfortably small for most
humanoids. Fifth Configuration:
The Box projects a concussive force aligned along its
7+ uses per day: longest edge, acting as a ranged weapon with the
The Aegis shield stutters and flickers erratically, following profile:
projecting shields that intersect with the user and
inflict 1d6 automatic persistent injuries on them. Range: 5/25/50m
Damage: 3d12/2d12/1d12 (T)
Mero's Aegis only activates when held and may be
dropped as a free action at any time. However, the Sixth Configuration:
user does not escape injury by dropping the Aegis The Box hurtles through the air under its own
on its seventh use. power, as if returning to some distant location.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Shadow Stone Siren's Box
Shadow Stones are a worrisome artefact that seem The Siren's Box was an alien artefact owned by
to be related to the alien technology that Emissaries Piera the White and was ultimately responsible for
derive their power from. They take the form of a the tragedy of her fall. Seemingly nothing more
rough, black crystal that could very easily be than a small music box, the Siren's Box was
mistaken for a mundane object. Only an Emissary is eventually revealed to be a psionic device of
able to tell that a Shadow Stone is something immense power. Its whereabouts are currently
unusual, feeling an inexplicable sense of power and unknown.
unease when handling one. Several Shadow Stones
are known to exist, with at least one displayed in The device was capable of producing two different
the Forbidden Library, but it is impossible to tell songs, with the effects described below:
how many more could be out there.
First Song:
At first a Shadow Stone seems to behave like a The first song of the Siren's Box is soothing in nature
battery for Sympathy, effectively giving an Emissary and heals 1 mental injury (of either type, but
an additional two points of Sympathy to call upon. temporary injuries first) for each minute that it is
However, tapping into this additional Sympathy listened to.
provokes a corruption check and forces the
Emissary to roll for Corruption. The Emissary must Second Song:
also add 1 to the result of this roll (up to a The second song of the Siren's Box inflicts 2d8
maximum of 10) for each point of Apathy they persistent mental damage (as if by a psionic attack)
currently possess. upon anyone who hears it for each minute that it is
listened to.
Larger Shadow Stones capable of storing more
Sympathy may also exist. Both songs maintain their effect when transmitted
by any broadcast equipment or devices capable of
Shard of Arcturus audio transmission.
The Shard of Arcturus was an artefact that was
claimed to have been recovered by explorers on the
doomed world of its namesake. However, this claim
Soma is a syrupy brown liquid of unknown 138
was highly contested and most scholars currently composition that is known to have been found in
believe that the Shard has a different origin. Its storage cylinders of alien construction. The liquid is
form was that of an intricate, geometric lump of odourless and highly viscous, exhibiting some non-
smooth, black matter, small enough to fit in the Newtonian properties. Additionally, when left
palm of a hand. Occasionally, at completely standing for a substantial period of time, the liquid
irregular intervals, the Shard was said to pulse with begins to separate into three layers.
a dull orange light that would fill those around it
with an almost eerie sensation of peacefulness. The top layer develops some superfluid properties
as it separates, flowing up the walls of its container
The Shard is known to have passed through the and coating them evenly in a thin liquid membrane.
hands of several wealthy collectors, who are said to The middle layer appears to be remarkably similar
have coveted it possessively for several years each to the Methuselah drug used by the Witches of
before unexpectedly choosing to sell or pass it on to Cetebos and possesses the same properties. The
another. Eventually the Shard was tracked down bottom layer appears to be a kind of deadly
and seized by an unknown Emissary, who claimed neurotoxin.
to have destroyed it. However, records of this event
are incomplete and attempts to identify or track However, the top layer of the substance is more
down this Emissary have been unsuccessful. The than it first appears to be. If the container is left
true fate of the Shard and its function, if any, open, opened after the liquid has separated or
remain a mystery. moved into a different container, then it spreads
outwards in an invisibly fine layer that covers
everything around it. This layer spreads out
imperceptibly at a rate of 20cm per minute until it
has coated every surface within 200m of it. No
cracks, seals or joins are tight enough to prevent its
ingress. Any electronic equipment affected is
disabled as if by an EMP-like effect and Mechanoid
characters suffer an automatic temporary injury.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Spike of Nastral Technomancer, Blighted
Spikes of Nastral are 24cm long metallic nails of Blighted Technomancers are tiny, spider-like robots
alien origin that have been found on a number of that will autonomously subvert any technology they
worlds across the galaxy. When embedded into the are introduced to. Tools, weapons or armour are
brain stem of a living humanoid subject, that completely destroyed and cybernetic augments are
subject no longer ages, requires food or sleep and disabled as if by an EMP-like effect. Vehicles are
additionally becomes immune to any kind of given a hostile Artificial Intelligence that will
physical or mental injury, disease or poison. attempt to attack or ram anything that comes
However, if the Spike is removed for any reason, the within range.
subjected instantly crumbles to dust and dies.
Traveller's Portal
Those who possess a Spike of Nastral embedded in The Traveller's Portal is a handheld device with a
their brain stem initially retain their prior memories helical shape made of a mixture of metallic and
and personality, but risk falling under the thrall of composite materials. An esoteric control panel that
some unknown alien entity at any moment in time. doesn't respond to most inputs is fixed to the top.
When this occurs, subjects are reduced to Zombie Button presses each produce a different, almost
Thralls (as described in the Lifeforms chapter) and musical, sound, but have no other effect.
become mere puppets acting out some unknown
alien agenda. The source of this alien intelligence When the large, central button is depressed, the
and its motives remains one of the greatest device makes a distinctive sound and illuminates a
mysteries faced by those Emissaries who follow the light on the panel. If the button is depressed for a
Ideal of Suppression. second time, 2d10 are rolled and the user is
instantly transported X metres away from the
Technomancer location they were in when the button was first
Technomancers are tiny, spider-like robots that will pressed (where X is the result of the roll). However,
autonomously improve a single technological device on a result of double 1s (1,1), the user is
they are placed in proximity with, consuming transported to a random location within the galaxy.
themselves in the process. As there is no way to
instruct or program Technomancers directly, the
improvements they make are somewhat random
Verus Servitor
The Verus Servitor is a pitch black sphere of an 139
and depend on the device they are introduced to. unknown metallic substance that reflects no light
and floats silently above the ground. The sphere is
Basic tool: 55.5cm in radius and has an estimated mass of
Becomes a superior tool of the same type. 555kg. It is highly resistant to damage of any kind,
though any imperfections made on its surface
Cybernetic augment: would be almost invisible due to its lack of
Becomes immune to EMP-like effects. reflectivity.

Weapons (roll 1d4): The Servitor is reported to slowly change its form
1 - Provides a circumstance bonus to attack rolls. when in the vicinity of another living thing,
2 - Adds an extra charge or round of ammunition. becoming an exact silhouette of a random person
3 - Gives the weapon Piercing (2). within 500m of it over a period of several days. The
4 - Increases the base damage die size by one. character becomes compelled to find the Servitor
on the first such day and stand in its presence,
Armour (roll 1d4): forcing them to pass a TR 16 willpower check every
1 - Removes a drawback (such as Tiring). hour to perform any other action. On the second
2 - Increases defence rating by 2 (same type). day, if the character is still within 500m, the TR of
3 - Gives the armour Powered (1/1/1). the willpower check increases to 18. On the third
4 - Gives the armour Shields (6). day, the Servitor completes its transformation and
the TR increases to 20. If the character is still within
Vehicle (roll 1d4): 500m of the Servitor on the fourth day, they must
1 – Vehicle gains 1 power. pass a TR 20 willpower check to resist climbing into
2 – Vehicle gains 1 mobility. the Servitor and disappearing forever.
3 – Vehicle gains 1 durability.
4 – Vehicle gains Artificial Intelligence. After a person has climbed into the Verus Servitor,
it reverts to its spherical form and becomes inert for
a week.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Augmentation Drone Arm
In addition to equipment, characters may also Purchase TR: 24
possess some degree of cybernetic or biological Benefits:
augmentation to increase their abilities. However, The character gains 1 extra point of strength and
augmentation of this kind is not without its own dexterity as well as natural armour 2 (P). The drone
drawbacks and cannot be used without limit. arm can detach from the character and move
around using an anti-gravity system at a speed of
20. While detached, the character and arm both
have a strength and dexterity 2 less than normal
Cybernetic augmentations replace part of the user's
and may only use one handed weapons.
anatomy with electromechanical devices. A
character may possess a number of such
The character loses 2 points of strength and
augmentations up to the value of their endurance
dexterity when exposed to an EMP-like effect. A
characteristic. A character with three or more
craft check of TR 20 is required to repair a limb
cybernetic parts does not heal injuries naturally. A
damaged in this way. The drone arm can be
character with five or more cybernetic parts gains
targeted separately while detached, has an agility of
the artificial being trait.
16, toughness of 6 and 2 (P) natural armour.
Armoured Vitals
A popular fashion accessory as well as a potentially
Purchase TR: 20
useful device. For a number of years there was a
trend in drone arms with a polished wooden
The character gains natural armour 2 (P) and is
exterior finish and golden trim.
immune to the extra damage caused by a critical
Internal Weapon
Purchase TR: *
The character suffers a circumstance penalty to all
charisma skill checks.
The character may have a concealed, one-handed
weapon built into any part of their body. The
The head and skull are replaced by an articulated
steel housing that encapsulates the brain and
weapon is completely hidden to exterior inspection
and may not be disarmed in combat. 140
sensory organs, while other vital parts are protected
by an armoured box within the torso.
The purchase TR of an internal weapon is 4 higher
than normal.
Cybernetic Arm
Purchase TR: 20
It is not unheard of for the pit fighters of Voss to
have an array of particle beam weapons or micro
The character gains 1 extra point of strength and
missile launchers built into their cranial platings.
dexterity as well as natural armour 2 (P).
Iron Lung
The character loses 2 points of strength and
Purchase TR: 18
dexterity when exposed to an EMP-like effect. A
craft check of TR 18 is required to repair a limb
The character gains the benefits of the gills trait,
damaged in this way.
while retaining the ability to breath on land.
Additionally, the character is unaffected by water
The arm and shoulder are completely replaced by a
powerful mechanical prosthesis. Cybernetic limbs
offer great strength but are vulnerable to
The character may only take one action each round
electromagnetic disruption.
and suffers a circumstance penalty to endurance
checks when exposed to an EMP-like effect. A craft
Cybernetic Leg
check of TR 18 is required to restore normal
Purchase TR: 20
The character gains 1 extra point of dexterity and
The lungs and a large section or gut are cut away
endurance as well as natural armour 2 (P).
and replaced by an artificial breathing apparatus
suitable for deep sea operation. The heart and
The character loses 2 points of dexterity and
blood are also replaced by a pump and artificial
endurance when exposed to an EMP-like effect. A
craft check of TR 18 is required to repair a limb
damaged in this way.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Joint Motors Thermoptic Camouflage
Purchase TR: 22 Purchase TR: 22
Benefits: Benefits:
The character gains 2 extra points of strength and a The character gains the benefits of the thermoptic
circumstance bonus to stamina checks. camouflage armour quality.
Drawbacks: Drawbacks:
The character loses 4 points of strength when The character's skin fizzes and crackles brightly, as if
exposed to an EMP-like effect. A craft check of TR completely covered in video static when exposed to
20 is required to restart the motors. an EMP-like effect, providing a circumstance bonus
to any attempts to spot them. A craft check of TR 20
Electromechanical motors are fused to all the joints is required to restore the ability.
in the body, providing greatly augmented strength.
However, limbs and joints become extremely The outer layer and processing systems of a
difficult to move if the motors ever fail. military-grade stealth suit have been used in the
construction of this artificial skin. Although
Laminated Skeleton intended for more clandestine uses, the
Purchase TR: 22 augmentation also allows for the possession of
Benefits: user-customisable, animated tattoos and
The character gains 2 extra points of endurance. immediately gained a secondary market in the
Drawbacks: fashion industry.
The character suffers a circumstance penalty to
stamina checks. Vernier Thrusters
Purchase TR: 18
The bones are replaced or plated over with Benefits:
aerominium, an extremely lightweight and strong The character gains the benefits of the space flight
material used in the construction of spacecraft trait.
hulls. Drawbacks:
The thrusters vomit fuel uncontrollably if exposed
Multispectral Vision
Purchase TR: 18
to an EMP-like effect, setting the character on fire
and igniting combustible material around them. 141
The character gains the blind sense trait and can Although convenient, there are certain risks that
additionally see through thermoptic camouflage. come with removing your spleen and replacing it
Drawbacks: with a litre of pressurised rocket fuel.
The character loses 2 points of awareness if
exposed to an EMP-like effect. A craft check of TR
18 is required to restore normal function.

Eyes are plucked out and replaced by high quality

Jarl Cenner optics, coupled to a high resolution
imaging sensor.

Subdermal Armour
Purchase TR: 18
The character gains natural armour 9 (P).
The character loses 1 point of dexterity.

Flexible plates of carefully interlocking aerominium

are inserted between the muscles and skin,
anchored to the skeleton in key places. Although
flesh toned plates are available, some people enjoy
watching the articulated metal panels slide over
each other beneath their skin.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Biological Modification Double Joints
Although not typically as versatile or powerful as Purchase TR: 20
cybernetic augmentations, biological modifications Benefits:
come with fewer physical drawbacks. However, The character gains 1 bonus point of dexterity.
extensive modification of body begins to have a Drawbacks:
negative effect upon the mind. A character may The character suffers a circumstance penalty to
possess a number of such augmentations up to the socialise checks due to their inability to resist
value of their composure characteristic. A character cracking all their joints in polite company.
with three or more biological modifications suffers a
circumstance penalty to all charisma skills. A The subject's joints and nervous system are altered,
character with five or more gains the alien mind allowing for both increased flexibility and fine
trait. Mechanoid characters cannot have biological motor control.
Extra Limbs
Adrenal Injectors Purchase TR: 24
Purchase TR: 20 Benefits:
Benefits: The character gains 1 bonus point of strength and
Once each day the character may gain the benefits dexterity.
of the supernatural speed trait for 1d4 rounds. Drawbacks:
Drawbacks: The character loses 1 point of endurance.
The character becomes tired as soon the ability Additionally, they are never completely at ease with
wears off. their new limbs.

The neurochemistry of the the brain is altered, Grafting on extra limbs and wiring up the nervous
allowing the subject to briefly react at incredible system to make them functional has proven
speed. However, the strain placed on the body possible with the miracles of modern
causes them to tire quickly. biotechnology. However, such traumatic and
invasive surgery has negatively impacted the
Boosted Muscles
Purchase TR: 20
subject's constitution.
Benefits: Gills
The character gains 1 bonus point of strength. Purchase TR: 18
Drawbacks: Benefits:
The character must consume twice as much food as The character gains the benefits of the gills trait.
normal and quickly becomes irritable when hungry. Drawbacks:
The character gains the drawbacks of the gills trait.
The subject's muscles are altered for increased
performance and efficiency, allowing them to The subject's respiratory system has been modified
generate more force and use the body's energy at a to allow them to absorb dissolved oxygen from
faster rate. water. However, they now require special breathing
apparatus to survive out of water.
Corrosive Blood
Purchase TR: 18 Neural Boost
Benefits: Purchase TR: 22
Whenever injured, all adjacent characters suffer Benefits:
1d6 (P) damage. The character gains 1 bonus point of intelligence
Drawbacks: Drawbacks:
Acid does not distinguish friend from foe. Hospital The character is prone to mood swings and the
bills also tend to be greatly increased, due to the sensation that they aren't quite who they used to
property damage and surgical precautions required. be.

Replacing the subject's blood with an artificial The brain is surgically altered and improved, new
substitute that became corrosive on contact with growth is stimulated and less efficient parts are
the air seemed like a useful defensive measure at replaced. Of course, every care is taken to avoid the
the time. loss of memories or permanent changes to the
subject's personality.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pheromone Glands Thermal Senses
Purchase TR: 20 Purchase TR: 18
Benefits: Benefits:
The character gains a circumstance bonus to any The character can detect living creatures or
charisma skills that involve dealing with another machinery even in total darkness.
humanoid in person. Drawbacks:
Drawbacks: The character suffers a circumstance penalty to
The character must deal with increased interest socialise checks.
from most types of animal and the occasional
unwanted advance from smitten humanoids. The subject's tongue has been replaced with an
extensible sensory organ capable of precisely
The subject's sweat glands have been modified to detecting the temperature of objects around it.
give off a cocktail of aerosol drugs designed to
subtly influence the behaviour of a range of Transformative Flesh
humanoids. Purchase TR: 20
Razor Talons The character's gains a circumstance bonus to the
Purchase TR: 18 costume skill and the benefits of the camouflage
Benefits: trait.
The character gains a pair of natural weapons that Drawbacks:
inflict 1d6 + strength (P) damage. The character suffers from horrific nightmares of
Drawbacks: being flayed alive and their skin occasionally
The character has unpleasant habits when eating changes colour to reflect their mood, providing a
their food that makes those around them feel quite circumstance bonus to sense motive checks made
uncomfortable. against them.

The last digits of the subject's fingers have been The subject's flesh and skin are removed and
replaced with wicked scalpel-like blades capable of replaced with grafts of modified tissue that can
flaying skin and cutting through bone. change shape and colour, allowing it to take on the
appearance of clothing or camouflage the subject 143
Regenerative Tissue by taking on the colour and texture of their
Purchase TR: 22 background.
The character gains the benefits of the healing Wings
factor trait. Purchase TR: 22
Drawbacks: Benefits:
The character must consume at least a kilogram of The character gains the benefits of the flight trait.
raw meat each day for the ability to work. The Drawbacks:
ability continues to function for 12 hours after the The character suffers a circumstance penalty to all
character's last such meal. dexterity skills.

The subject's genetics have been heavily tampered The subject has had a pair of massive bat-like wings
with, causing their tissue to regenerate at the grafted to their back, displacing their existing
cellular level at an alarming rate. However, a large shoulder blades and causing them to hunch slightly
amount of unprocessed biomass is required. forwards.

Super Dense Bone

Purchase TR: 22
The character gains 1 bonus point of endurance.
The character is noticeably heavier than they look.

The subject's bone structure has been altered

extensively, making it both substantially heavier and
extremely durable.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Drugs and Medicine
The galaxy is rife with many different drugs and
medicines, some legal and others illegal. This Name Accela
section will address some of the more common Purchase TR TR 18
such items, outlining their mechanical effects and
describing their uses, origins and features. Whilst Number of Doses 3
recreational narcotics, under a variety of names,
also exist, this section is concerned with more Initial Effect
practical drugs and so will not address them. Gain supernatural speed for 1d4 rounds
However, this should not necessarily prevent you
from basing a mission or scenario around the illegal Character becomes tired afterwards
trade of such narcotics. Drugs and medicine have no
Addiction Check TR 16
effect on Mechanoid characters.
Every 3 uses
Purchase TR Withdrawal Effect
This is the street cost to purchase an amount of the
drugs or medicine as specified by the number of Circumstance penalty to dexterity skills
doses. For game purposes, it is not possible to
purchase an amount less than the stated number of Circumstance penalty to stamina checks
doses. Likewise, due to availability issues, it is not Recovery Condition
possible to purchase a greater number of doses as
part of a single credit check, a new check must be Go three days without using Accela
made for each purchase.
Pass a TR 20 willpower check

Number of Doses Relapse Check TR 18

Drugs and medicines are consumables and have
only a limited number of uses. Each dose is
equivalent to a potential use. The drug or medicine
is completely consumed once it has been used a 144
number of times equal to the number of doses. Accela
Accela was a combat drug initially developed to give
Initial Effect soldiers a decisive advantage edge in battle,
This is the initial effect that the drug or medicine specifically to break stalemates in urban
has on the character. It could potentially have a environments. However, the drawbacks were too
number of different effects. great and the effect was too short lived, so it was
eventually rejected after extensive development
and field testing. Accela has since become a popular
Addiction Check item on the black market, where users intend to
Some drugs and medicines are potentially addictive reap its short-lived benefits before tiredness kicks
or can become addictive with repeated use. The in.
addiction check is the TR for a willpower check a
character must make to avoid becoming addicted. Characters suffering from withdrawal tend to be
An addiction check must be made after a specified jittery and short tempered, showing signs such as
number of uses. shaking hands and an inability to stay still for long.
Additionally, they tire more easily than usual and
Withdrawal Effect often find it hard to perform any physical task
A negative effect an addicted character suffers if without resorting to Accela.
they have not used the drug or medicine within a 24
hour period. Rarity
Accela is no longer manufactured, though large
quantities were produced in the past for military
Recovery Condition use and testing. The Accela on the market today can
This defines different ways that a character may
be traced back to these original stocks. As such,
recover from the addiction. Only one willpower
Accela is illegal and tends to be relatively rare on
check can be made each day.
the black market, though those that do have it
often have access to substantial stocks.
Relapse Check
This TR replaces the addiction check TR for
characters who have formerly been addicted to the
drug or medicine.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Amp Name Cyber Gel
Purchase TR TR 16 Purchase TR TR 18
Number of Doses 12 Number of Doses 30
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Gain 2 strength for 1d6 minutes Use more cybernetic augments than endurance
Character suffers an automatic temporary injury Repairs any disabled augments
Addiction Check TR 18 Addiction Check TR 18
Every 6 uses Every 5 uses
Withdrawal Effect Withdrawal Effect
Lose 1 strength for 2d10 hours All cybernetic augments becomes disabled
Lose 1 endurance for 2d10 hours Circumstance penalty to stamina checks
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Go a week without using Amp Go a week without using Cyber Gel
Pass a TR 20 willpower check Pass a TR 22 willpower check
Relapse Check TR 20 Relapse Check TR 22

Amp Cyber Gel
Like Accela, Amp was originally developed as a Cyber Gel is a cocktail of carefully tailored immune
combat drug but failed to see widespread use for suppressants and nanomachines, designed to
similar reasons. However, Amp gained popularity in minimise the likelihood of cybernetic augments
the civilian market and was widely produced under being rejected by the body. Although it was
several different names by a number of developed in the past when augmentation
pharmaceutical companies. The boost in physical technology was less sophisticated, it still sees
strength is not without consequences though, widespread use in the galaxy today. Cyber Gel is
causing great physical strain on the body, leading to manufactured in industrial quantities on most
bruising, soreness and throbbing muscle pain. Technosapien Hive Worlds, with many of their kind
being dependent on its regular use.
Characters suffering from withdrawal tend to feel
sapped of strength and easily become dependent Characters suffering from withdrawal lose the use
on the drug to overcome a sensation of of any cybernetic augments they have (as if they
helplessness. Amp addiction is a fairly serious were disabled by EMP-like effect), as their body has
problem, being very common amongst heavy users. become reliant on Cyber Gel to interface them
Amp is legal in many places and still in production, Rarity
so relatively easy to find and not prohibitively Cyber Gel is fairly expensive to manufacture
expensive. However, its use is banned in most lines compared to most other common drugs or medical
of work and it is considered a restricted substance products, but is easily available in large quantities.
in more civilised areas of the galaxy. Even in such Despite not being illegal, its usage is heavily
places, it is not usually too difficult to secure access frowned upon as addiction is almost impossible to
to Amp through black market channels if desired. avoid.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Cycalm Name Endur
Purchase TR TR 16 Purchase TR TR 16
Number of Doses 12 Number of Doses 12
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Gain 2 composure for 1d6 minutes Gain 2 endurance for 1d6 minutes
Lose 2 awareness for 1d6 minutes Character suffers an automatic temporary injury
Addiction Check TR 18 Addiction Check TR 18
Every 6 uses Every 6 uses
Withdrawal Effect Withdrawal Effect
Lose 1 composure for 2d10 hours Lose 1 endurance for 2d10 hours
Lose 1 awareness for 2d10 hours Lose 1 composure for 2d10 hours
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Go a week without using Cycalm Go a week without using Endur
Pass a TR 20 willpower check Pass a TR 20 willpower check
Relapse Check TR 20 Relapse Check TR 20

Cycalm Endur
Cycalm was originally developed as a medical Endur was developed as a treatment to help
treatment, but became infamous after being augmentation patients recover from surgery and
abused by psions who discovered that it boosted better adapt to their cybernetics. Improvements in
their powers. Military applications were augmentation surgery have rendered this use
investigated, but the loss in situational awareness unnecessary, though Endur is still popular due to its
and alertness were deemed as too severe. performance enhancing properties.

Characters suffering from withdrawal tend to feel Characters suffering from withdrawal feel fatigued,
restless and paranoid, relying on the drug in order but restless, quickly become highly irritable. The
to sleep or feel at ease. Cycalm addiction is quite side effects of Endur dependency have always been
common in some parts of the galaxy, though the well known, but were often less severe than
drug is less common than it once was. complications that could arise from early
augmentation surgery.
Cycalm was manufactured in large quantities while Rarity
it was still a common medicine that could be freely Though no longer used for its original purpose,
purchased. These days a referral or prescription is Endur is still manufactured and can be easily found.
required and most centres no longer recommend it However, use of Endur is illegal while driving or
as a treatment. Despite this, it is still very easily operating heavy machinery and is considered
found by determined individuals. grounds for dismissal in most lines of employment.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Expand Name Methuselah
Purchase TR TR 20 Purchase TR TR 18
Number of Doses 1 Number of Doses 15
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Gain 2 intelligence for 1d6 hours Reverse or halt the ageing process for a month
Gain the sociopathy trait for 2d6 hours Gain the fast recovery trait for 1d6 days
Addiction Check TR 18 Addiction Check TR 14
Every use Every 5 uses
Withdrawal Effect Withdrawal Effect
Lose 1 composure for 2d10 hours Age at twice the usual rate
Gain a random psychosis Lose 1 endurance for 1d10 hours
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Go a week without using Expand Go a month without using Methuselah
Pass a TR 20 willpower check Pass a TR 18 willpower check
Relapse Check TR 20 Relapse Check TR 16

Expand Methuselah
Developed by the now defunct Cerebro Industries, Methuselah is an anti-ageing drug developed by the
Expand was marketed as a performance enhancing Witches of Cetebos. Though competing products
drug that could turn anyone into a genius. Following exist, its effectiveness is unmatched and its side
its release, a brief craze for the new drug effects and addictiveness are considered to be quite
developed, with prices rocketing and supply failing minimal. Methuselah is also endorsed by a number
to meet the demand. Unfortunately, it turned out of high profile individuals, such as Isa Castilla and
that Cerebro had not been entirely forthcoming many prominent holovid celebrities. This has lead to
with the side effects. A user's mental faculties were Methuselah becoming the dominant anti-ageing
indeed greatly increased, albeit temporarily, but drug on the market and a very profitable product.
they lost all sense of empathy and became
unhindered by any morals they previously Characters suffering from withdrawal suffer from
possessed. weakness and psychosomatic lack of stamina. It has
also been observed that those suffering from
Individuals suffering from withdrawal became withdrawal age at an accelerated rate. However, as
psychotic, developing a number of serious Methuselah is only minimally addictive, these
emotional or neurological conditions. problems have not caused widespread concern.

Rarity Rarity
Expand is illegal and no longer manufactured, with Methuselah is a legal drug and available easily in
most stocks having been destroyed following its much of the galaxy. Though priced somewhat
ban. However, it is not impossible to come across, highly, its cost has consistently come down and its
especially in fringe worlds where those who availability has increased in recent years making it
received their supplies may have been less inclined attainable to most who wish to benefit from its use.
to destroy them. There are also rumours of There are some rumours that it loses effectiveness
warlords and crime bosses attempting to restart over time, though this has not been confirmed by
production from reverse-engineered stock. any available study.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Name Reagent Name Vita
Purchase TR TR 30 Purchase TR TR 18
Number of Doses 1 Number of Doses 1
Initial Effect Initial Effect
Revive a recently deceased character Recover 1d4 temporary injuries
Emissaries gain 1 Apathy Recover 1 persistent injury
Addiction Check TR 20 Addiction Check TR 16
Every use Every 5 uses
Withdrawal Effect Withdrawal Effect
Suffer 1d4 automatic persistent injuries Circumstance penalty to endurance skills
Emissaries roll for corruption Circumstance penalty to composure skills
Recovery Condition Recovery Condition
Survive three days without using Reagent Go seven days without using Vita
Pass a TR 20 willpower check Pass a TR 18 willpower check
Relapse Check TR 22 Relapse Check TR 18
Increases by 2 with each subsequent use

Reagent Vita
Reagent represents the Witches of Cetebos' Vita is a medical nanomachine gel that triggers the
ultimate victory over death itself. The miraculous rapid healing of any wounds or injuries it is directly
drug is capable of restoring life to the recently applied to, causing them to visibly close up before
deceased, so long as the body is still intact and no the user's eyes. Even broken bones and internal
more than a few days have elapsed. In cases of organs can be mended, though some care must be
violent death, the body must first be repaired taken to set bones so they don't heal improperly.
before Reagent has any hope of success. Even when Side effects are considered minimal, though
seemingly successful, it is possible that the organs addiction is possible and withdrawal symptoms can
simply start shutting down and the body returns to be problematic, but are rarely cause for serious
death once the drug has worn off. The exact nature concern.
of Reagent remains a mystery as the Witches guard
their secrets well and the substance defies Medicine Skill
traditional methods of analysis. If used in combination with an appropriate
medicine check to help an injured character (as
Reagent is even effective on Emissaries, though it described by the entry for the medicine skill), Vita is
appears to weaken or stress the bond between capable of healing an additional temporary injury
them and their Simulcra. and persistent injury (effectively healing 1d4+1 (T)
and 2 (P) injuries).
Reagent is the rarest and most expensive medical Rarity
drug in the galaxy. Perhaps due to the difficulty of Vita is commonly available for civilian purchase,
manufacturing it, or the materials it requires, it is though is more frequently used by hospitals and
produced only in extreme small quantities by the medical centres than individuals. Armed forces and
Witches of Cetebos. Rather than be sold for profit, industrial facilities prone to serious accidents also
Reagent is more often used as a bargaining tool or commonly possess stockpiles of Vita.
as leverage, such as when an important political
figure loses their only child to an incurable illness.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Vehicle Armour Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle armour works in much the same way as Some vehicles may be armed with mounted or
armour for characters does, except that it applies to internal weapons. A ranged weapon may be fired
vehicle scale damage. Even a single point of armour once each action so long as it has a character to
on a larger vehicle is enough to protect it from most operate it and ammunition remaining. Reloading a
weapons that a character could ordinarily carry. vehicle weapon requires two actions (one whole
However, vehicle armour differs from character turn). Vehicle melee weapons add the vehicle's
armour in that its defence rating has three values power to the damage dealt.
instead of one.
Vehicle weapons can be broken up into three broad
Defence rating: F/S/R (X) (Y) categories, separated by their scale. Remember that
Defence type: X damage must be converted into the correct scale
Vehicle scale: Y when firing at much smaller or much larger targets.

The first value represents the armour provided to 1 ordinary damage = 1 Light Vehicle (VL) damage
attacks against the front of the vehicle. The second 10 VL damage = 1 Medium Vehicle (VM) damage
value the side and the third value the rear. Most 10 VM damage = 1 Heavy Vehicle (VH) damage
armoured vehicles are more vulnerable to the sides
and rear. The defence rating of the armour is added However, larger weapons are unwieldy and suffer
to the vehicle's toughness for the purposes of circumstance penalties when attempting to hit
determining how much damage is dealt to it. The smaller targets. Light vehicle weapons do not suffer
defence type indicates what kind of damage the any additional penalties. Medium vehicle weapons
armour protects against. If the defence type is suffer two circumstance penalties when attempting
temporary, then the armour only reduces to hit targets smaller than medium vehicle scale.
temporary damage and has no effect on persistent Large vehicle weapons suffer four circumstance
damage. If the defence type is persistent, then the penalties when attempting to hit targets smaller
armour reduces both temporary and persistent than heavy vehicle scale.
damage. An example for the type of armour
possessed by a tank is given below: Vehicle Modules 149
Some larger vehicles have modules which may be
Defence rating: 8/4/3 (P) (VM) targeted separately from the main body of the
Defence type: Persistent vehicle. These modules are treated as smaller
Vehicle scale: Medium vehicles and destroying them may reduce the
combat effectiveness of the whole vehicle. All
If an amount of persistent damage dealt to a vehicle modules belonging to a vehicle are considered
is less than the rating of the armour protecting it destroyed if the main body of the vehicle is
then the vehicle does not suffer the usual automatic destroyed. However, modules remain operational if
temporary defect. a vehicle is disabled.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Vehicles Toughness
During a game players may end up using or coming (durability + durability)
across vehicles of different types. For simple uses, The toughness of a vehicle determines how
such as transport from one place to another, it is resistant to defects that vehicle is and also how
usually sufficient to simply describe this with many defects it can take before being disabled.
narrative. More complex use of vehicles, or using Toughness is defined as being equal to double the
vehicles in difficult conditions may require a durability of the vehicle. For example, a vehicle
relevant drive/pilot check from the character with a durability of 2 would have a toughness of 4.
controlling the vehicle. However, sometimes it is However, vehicle scale damage is not identical to
necessary to define the vehicle's stats in game character scale damage.
terms (especially when a vehicle is taking part in
combat). Vehicles share most of their characteristics Vehicle Scale Damage
with the character controlling them, except that (1 damage = 1 Light Vehicle damage)
they replace strength, dexterity and endurance with (10 damage = 1 Medium Vehicle damage)
the following: (100 damage = 1 Heavy Vehicle damage)
Vehicles are inherently tougher and more resistant
Power to damage than most living creatures. Similarly,
Power is a representation of much weight a vehicle vehicle mounted weapons are generally far larger
can carry or pull, how difficult it is to stop and how and more capable of inflicting damage than those
much damage it could cause in a collision. Power carried by human characters. To model this, a
contributes towards the speed a vehicle is capable separate scale of damage is applied when dealing
of travelling at. with larger vehicles and their weapons. 10 points of
ordinary or light vehicle scale damage is equal to a
Mobility single point of medium vehicle scale damage. To
Mobility is a representation of how manoeuvrable a convert ordinary or light vehicle damage into
vehicle is, how easily it can change direction and medium vehicle damage, you must divide it by 10. If
how quickly it can accelerate. A vehicle can only the amount of damage is less than 10, then a
combine a number of manoeuvres equal to its medium vehicle cannot be damaged. Similarly,
mobility into a special manoeuvre. weapons used by vehicles deal vehicle scale 150
damage. To convert this into normal damage, such
Durability as when firing a gravtank particle beam at a person,
Durability is a representation of how long a vehicle you must multiply the damage by 10 for medium
can keep going without breaking down and how vehicle scale and 100 for heavy vehicle scale.
much damage and abuse it can handle without
being disabled. Durability contributes to a vehicle's
Speed and Direction
toughness score.
A vehicle's movement is normally more restricted
than the movement of a character. A vehicle using
Speed an action to move may only move in a straight line a
(10 + power + mobility) number of metres up to ten times its speed.
The speed of a vehicle represents how quickly they However, a vehicle does not instantly reach top
can move around. Speed is a function of the power speed and instantly stop. Instead it must accelerate
and mobility characteristics. The top speed of a and decelerate.
vehicle is defined as 10 + power + mobility.
Mechanically, each point of speed that a vehicle The speed score of a vehicle represents its
possesses equates to 10 metres that it can travel maximum speed. Vehicles also have a current speed
during a movement action. For example, a vehicle score. A vehicle may change its current speed every
with a speed of 16 would be able to travel up to time it makes a movement action by an amount
160m in one movement action, or 320m in a turn equal to the sum of its power and mobility. For
(this would correspond to about 140mph). example, a stationary vehicle with a speed of 16 has
a current speed of 0. By using a movement action,
Agility the vehicle can increase its current speed to 6 and
(10 + mobility + awareness) move 60m. Another movement action can increase
The agility of a vehicle represents how quickly it can its current speed to 12, allowing it to move a further
be used to act and react. Agility is defined as 10 + 120m. The following turn, the vehicle could
mobility + awareness. Mechanically, agility accelerate up to its top speed of 16, slow back to a
determines which vehicle can act first during turn stop or carry on at its current speed.
based play and also how difficult a vehicle is to hit
in combat (remember that circumstance modifiers Additionally, a vehicle may normally only turn up to
apply as normal). 90 degrees once per turn, either before or after
moving. To move in a more complicated way than
this requires the vehicle to perform a manoeuvre.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Manoeuvres Being hit unintentionally be a vehicle travelling at
A manoeuvre is a special movement action that a more than half of its maximum speed deals only the
vehicle may make, but requires the controlling base damage without the addition of power. Being
character to pass an appropriate drive/pilot check. hit by a vehicle travelling at less than half of its
A manoeuvre may allow a vehicle to move in a way maximum speed deals one half of this damage. In all
that is not normally allowed. Additionally, cases of a collision, whether ramming or
manoeuvres may be combined together to create a unintentional, if the target is not completely
special manoeuvre. However, the number of destroyed by the attack, the colliding vehicle also
manoeuvres that may be combined in this way must suffers half of the damage dealt in return.
not exceed the mobility characteristic of the vehicle.
Manoeuvres: As a vehicle accumulates defects caused by damage,
Sudden or large change in speed its performance begins to degrade until it is
Sudden or large change in direction eventually disabled or destroyed. Each defect
Sudden or large change in altitude imposes a -1 penalty on the vehicle's power,
Very precise movement mobility and durability. As with injuries, defects can
Attacking with a vehicle be divided into temporary and persistent
categories. Unlike injuries, defects do not heal
In this way, a vehicle could perform a manoeuvre to naturally. However, temporary defects may be
ignore the normal restriction on either acceleration repaired with the craft skill in exactly the same way
or turning, or could perform a special manoeuvre to that temporary injuries may be healed with
ignore both at the same time. medicine. Similarly, persistent defects may be
repaired in the same way over a longer period.
A vehicle may be able to perform melee and ranged When vehicle scale damage is dealt to a vehicle, the
attacks, just as a character would. A melee attack vehicle toughness is subtracted from the damage
from a vehicle typically means ramming, but could and what remains is the number of defects inflicted
also represent swinging the arm of a crane or using on the vehicle. The defect type matches the damage
a drill. A ranged attack requires that the vehicle has type. Persistent damage that does not exceed the
vehicle's toughness instead causes a single
some integral ranged weapon mounted to the
vehicle, such as a cannon. Any kind of attack with a automatic temporary defect.
vehicle is always considered a manoeuvre. To
successfully hit a target with a vehicle attack, the Disabled
player makes an attack roll as usual but substitutes A vehicle is disabled when it accumulates a total
their drive/pilot skill for their weapons (melee) or number of defects (the sum of temporary and
melee (ranged) skill (any additional manoeuvres persistent defects) equal to its starting toughness. A
combined with the attack roll increase the TR to hit disabled vehicle is incapable of moving or making
the target by +2). manoeuvres, but can be repaired and put back into
action or salvaged for working parts. Temporary
Collisions defects suffered by a disabled vehicle become
In the case of ramming, the damage inflicted persistent defects.
depends on the vehicle in question, but some
examples are given below. Remember that ramming If a vehicle suffers a number of temporary defects
is a deliberate attempt to inflict maximum damage greater than its durability from a single attack, then
with a vehicle and requires a manoeuvre roll. it is instantly disabled.

Ramming damage: Destroyed

Base damage dice + power A vehicle is destroyed when it accumulates a total
Small car 1d4+2 (T) (VM) number of persistent defects equal to its starting
Large car or small truck 1d6+3 (T) (VM) toughness. A destroyed vehicle is incapable of
Large truck or APC 1d8+4 (T) (VM) moving or making manoeuvres and cannot be
Tank 1d10+5 (T) (VM) repaired or used for anything except scrap.

(T) = Temporary damage If a vehicle suffers a number of persistent defects

(VM) = Medium Vehicle scale damage greater than its durability from a single attack, then
it is instantly destroyed.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Light Vehicle Weapons
Light vehicle weapons are typically used as the primary armaments of small combat vehicles, or as secondary
weapons and defensive weapons by larger vehicles. Light vehicle weapons use the same damage scale as personal
weapons and suffer no circumstance penalties for aiming at human-sized targets.

Name TR Range (m) Damage (VL) Ammunition Qualities

Light MG 18 80/400/800 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) 500 Automatic
Heavy MG 18 100/500/1000 3d12/2d12/1d12 (P) 250 Automatic
Autocannon 20 200/1000/2000 6d10/3d10/2d10 (P) 90 Automatic
Flamethrower 18 10/50/100 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) 90 Automatic
Grenade 20 -/-/500 -/-/1d10 (P) 12 Arcing projectile
launcher Blast (5m radius)
Low velocity
Mounted 22 200/1000/2000 6d12/3d12/2d12 (P) 3 Energy
railgun Piercing (10) (VL)
Slow reload
Light laser 20 200/1000/2000 6d6/3d6/2d6 (P) N/A Automatic

Medium Vehicle Weapons

Medium vehicle weapons are typically used as the primary armaments of lager land-based combat vehicles and
smaller spacecraft, though they may also be employed as secondary weapons on much larger vehicles. Medium
vehicle weapons use the medium vehicle damage scale (VM), where 1 point of medium vehicle scale damage is 152
equal to 10 points of ordinary or light vehicle scale damage. Medium vehicle weapons suffer two circumstance
penalties when attempting to hit targets smaller than a medium scale vehicle.

Name TR Range (m) Damage (VM) Ammunition Qualities

Revolver 22 200/1000/2000 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) 6 Automatic
cannon Chemical
Piercing (2) (VM)
Slow reload
Battle cannon 24 400/2000/4000 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) 1 Chemical
Piercing (4) (VM)
Siege cannon 26 500/2500/5000 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) 1 Chemical
Piercing (8) (VM)
Siege cannon 26 -/-/50000 -/-/1d10 (P) 1 Arcing projectile
(HE mode) Blast (50m radius)
Rocket pod 24 -/-/8000 -/-/1d6 (P) 20 Automatic
Blast (20m radius)
Minimum range
Slow reload
Rocket launcher 22 -/-/1000 -/-/1d10 1 Chemical
(AP mode) Minimum range
Piercing (4) (VM)
Single shot
Rocket launcher 22 -/-/1000 -/-/1d6 1 Blast (20m radius)
(HE mode) Chemical
Minimum range
Single shot

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Medium Vehicle Weapons (continued)
Medium vehicle weapons are typically used as the primary armaments of lager land-based combat vehicles and
smaller spacecraft, though they may also be employed as secondary weapons on much larger vehicles. Medium
vehicle weapons use the medium vehicle damage scale (VM), where 1 point of medium vehicle scale damage is
equal to 10 points of ordinary or light vehicle scale damage. Medium vehicle weapons suffer two circumstance
penalties when attempting to hit targets smaller than a medium scale vehicle.

Name TR Range (m) Damage (VM) Ammunition Qualities

Guided missile 22 -/-/128000 -/-/1d6 (P) 1 Blast (20m radius)
Single shot
Cruise missile 24 -/-/256000 -/-/1d10 (P) 1 Blast (50m radius)
Single shot
Compact 22 400/2000/4000 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) 6 Energy
railgun Piercing (6) (VM)
Slow reload
Particle beam 24 800/4000/8000 3d10/2d10/1d10 (P) N/A Energy
Medium laser 22 400/2000/4000 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) N/A Energy

Heavy laser 24 800/4000/8000 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) N/A Energy

Heavy Vehicle Weapons

Heavy vehicle weapons are typically only used by large spacecraft. Heavy vehicle weapons use the heavy vehicle
damage scale (VH), where 1 point of heavy vehicle scale damage is equal to 100 points of ordinary or light vehicle
scale damage. Heavy vehicle weapons suffer four circumstance penalties when attempting to hit targets smaller
than a heavy scale vehicle. Note that ranges are listed in kilometres rather than metres. 153
Name TR Range (km) Damage (VH) Ammunition Qualities
Orion cannon 36 80/400/800 3d12/2d12/1d12 (P) 1 Slow reload
Piercing (2) (VH)
Tactical missile 34 -/-/50000 -/-/1d6 (P) 1 Blast (1km radius)
(HE warhead) Guided
Single shot
Tactical missile 38 -/-/50000 -/-/5d6 (P) 1 Blast (50km radius)
(atomic warhead) Guided
Single shot
Tactical missile 42 -/-/50000 -/-/10d6 (P) 1 Blast (200km radius)
(antimatter warhead) Guided
Single shot
Coilgun 30 20/100/200 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) 1 Energy
Piercing (2) (VH)
Naval railgun 30 100/500/1000 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P) 1 Energy
Piercing (4) (VH)
Naval particle 30 50/250/500 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) N/A Energy
Beam Piercing (1) (VH)
Naval laser 28 80/400/800 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) N/A Energy
Piercing (1) (VH)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Vehicle Traits Decoys (x)
Like characters, vehicles may have some unique The vehicle has a limited number of decoys to
traits that further defines or modifies their protect it from guided missile attacks. A single
performance. attack made by a guided weapon against the vehicle
misses automatically, but a decoy is consumed in
Afterburners the process.
The vehicle can move at twice is normal speed for a
number of turns equal to its mobility. The vehicle Defensive Grenades (x)
must wait five turns before using its afterburners The vehicle has a limited number of defensive
again. Shooting at an afterburning vehicle imposes a grenades able to launch smoke, chaff or
circumstance penalty on attack rolls. fragmentation grenades. Smoke grenades grant the
vehicle concealment. Chaff grenades mimic the
All Terrain effect of ECM for one turn. Fragmentation grenades
The vehicle is well designed for off-road travel in deal damage as a 1d10 (P) blast (20m radius)
rough terrain. A single circumstance penalty is weapon centred on the vehicle (note that this is not
removed from drive/pilot checks caused by difficult vehicle scale damage).
Driving Aids
Amphibious The vehicle possesses technology designed to
The vehicle can move at one quarter of its normal reduce driver/pilot work load, such as power
speed in calm water. In rough conditions, a steering, heads up displays, engine management or
drive/pilot check must be passed each turn to a flight computer. A single circumstance penalty is
prevent the vehicle from sinking. removed from any drive/pilot checks made with the
Artificial Intelligence
The vehicle has an AI capable of controlling the ECM
vehicle without any input from a driver or pilot. The The vehicle has extensive countermeasures that
AI makes drive, navigate and spot checks as if it had
3 ranks in the relevant characteristics and skills (e.g.
interfere with guided weapons. The usual benefits
of a guided weapon do not apply against a vehicle
skill check rolls of 2d10+6). The AI is programmed to with ECM.
only follow instructions from the legal owner of the
vehicle and anyone authorised by the legal owner. Fast
The vehicle is exceptionally quick in a straight line.
Biological When using both of its actions to move at top speed
The vehicle is a living creature, making it immune to in a straight line, the vehicle can move twice as far
EMP or anti-technology effects. as it would normally be able to.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Flight Neutral Steering
The vehicle is able to fly through the air. When the The vehicle can turn on the spot, even while
vehicle reaches its top speed on land, it is able to stationary. The vehicle may make its usual 90
take off and fly. A flying vehicle moves at twice its degree turn, or a turning manoeuvre, even when its
normal speed through the air. A flying vehicle must current speed is 0.
move at least half of its speed each turn in order to
stay airborne. A flying vehicle that becomes Night Sights
disabled must make an emergency landing (TR 18 The vehicle is equipped with low light optics,
pilot check) or be destroyed instantly. Shooting at a infrared or thermal cameras allowing it to see in
flying vehicle imposes a circumstance penalty on almost perfect darkness. A single circumstance
attack rolls. penalty is removed from any drive/pilot, spot, track
or navigate check caused by darkness or camouflage
Hover while using the vehicle.
A hovering vehicle is able to hold its position in the
air and take off and land vertically. A hovering Radar
vehicle does not need to move a minimum distance The vehicle is equipped with radar. The vehicle
each turn in order to stay airborne and can take off suffers no circumstance penalties to any checks or
from a stationary position on the ground. A attack rolls that would be caused by darkness,
hovering vehicle that is disabled is destroyed camouflage or long range.
Reverse Thrusters
Jump Computer The vehicle has powerful reverse thrusters or can
The vehicle is equipped with a jump computer redirect thrust from its main engines allowing it to
allowing pilots to successfully navigate the jump come to a complete stop regardless of the speed it
nodes of a wormhole. was moving at without using a manoeuvre.

Lumbering Shields (x/x/x)

A lumbering vehicle is designed for movement at
lower speeds, either due to its gearing or
Shields negate an amount of damage each turn
equal to their rating, such that each point of
mechanical design. A lumbering vehicle can move at damage received instead reduces the shield's rating
only half of its speed. by 1. Damage is applied to shields before any
armour the vehicle might have and shields are
Motile immune to any armour piercing effects. At the
A motile vehicle is capable of moving without the beginning of each turn a vehicle's shields return to
usual restrictions. A motile vehicle can instantly their full rating.
accelerate to maximum speed and stop without
performing a manoeuvre. A motile vehicle can Space Flight
freely move in any direction, as a human character The vehicle is able to fly through space and
would when moving. possesses a sealed cabin and airlocks. If the vehicle
also possesses the flight trait, it is capable of
Naval entering and leaving an atmosphere under its own
A naval vehicle can move at one half of its normal power. Vehicles with space flight have an unlimited
speed in water. A naval vehicle is incapable of maximum speed when travelling in space (but must
moving on dry land. A naval vehicle removes a still accelerate and decelerate as normal).
single circumstance penalty to drive/pilot checks
caused by rough water. Stabilised
The vehicle can fire weapons during the same action
that it also moved without any penalty.
Navigational Aids
The vehicle possesses extensive maps, charts,
compasses or a global positioning system. A single Stealth
circumstance penalty is removed from any The vehicle is difficult to detect to a wide variety of
navigation checks made with the vehicle. different sensors. The vehicle permanently counts
as hidden, even while moving, as if the pilot had
made a TR 16 stealth check. Stealth also negates the
Neural Interface
advantages of Night Sights or Radar.
Instead of using drive/pilot checks, the character
can use their athletics or gymnastics skill for non-
combat manoeuvres and their weapons (melee) or
weapons (ranged) skill for combat manoeuvres.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Sturdy Example Vehicles
The vehicle is rugged and designed to take big hits The following pages will list some examples of
without being knocked out. The vehicle is not common vehicles, their stats, weapons and traits.
automatically disabled or destroyed when it suffers You could use these vehicles in your game directly,
a number of defects equal to its durability from a or use them as templates and inspiration for
single hit. creating your own vehicles. Note that in each of
these cases the awareness of the character
controlling the vehicle must be added to the agility
Thermoptic Camouflage
given for the vehicle.
The vehicle possesses advanced active camouflage
in the optical and infrared spectrum. The vehicle
permanently counts as hidden, even while moving,
as if the pilot had made a TR 20 stealth check. Radar
is able to detect the vehicle as if it wasn't hidden at

The vehicle possesses tracks that allow it move over
difficult and soft terrain with ease. Up to two
circumstance penalties are removed from
drive/pilot checks caused by difficult, muddy or
snowy terrain.

Tremendous Speed (x)

The vehicle is capable of incredible speed due to the
compromises and techniques used in its design. The
speed characteristic of the vehicle is multiplied by a
flat number, increasing it far beyond what it would
usually be. 156
The vehicle features one or more traversable
turrets, allowing some of its weapons to fire in any
direction. Weapons mounted in a turret will be
noted with 'turret' in brackets after their name in
the vehicle's stat block.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Electric Car Grav Bike
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
2 2 4 2 3 3
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 14 Speed 15
Toughness 8 (VL) Toughness 6 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Light Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 16 Purchase TR 18

Traits Traits
Navigational aids Navigational aids
Open top (2)

Weapons Weapons
None None
Could be modified for light weapons Could be modified for light weapons

Name: VFE55 Visionary Name: HSB Hoverblade Mk.II 157

Manufacturer: Myd-Cadilon Manufacturer: Honarah Aerospace
Dimensions: 4100/1500/1400(mm) Dimensions: 1600/600/800 (mm)
Weight: 800kg Weight: 200kg
Useful load: 600kg Useful load: 300kg
Crew: 1 driver + 3 passengers Crew: 1 driver + 1 passenger
Top speed: 201km/h Top speed: 215km/h (land), 430km/h (air)
Range: 800km Range: 600km

Electric cars are common on most civilised Grav bikes are one of the cheapest ways to acquire
terrestrial worlds. Though they come in different a fast vehicle capable of flight, making them very
shapes and sizes, the basic performance doesn't popular amongst younger drivers or those with a
tend to vary too much from one model to the next. need for such mobility. However, compared to
Within the central region of the Third Golden other vehicles, grav bikes are quite fragile and
Empire, Myd-Cadilon has cornered the high end almost completely expose their riders. Honarah
market with a range of distinctive, geometric Aerospace is especially well regarded for their grav
designs, famous for the highly reflective coatings bike designs, having applied much of their
used in their finish. experience and expertise from the design and
construction of larger civilian and military aerospace
Electric cars are highly reliable vehicles, capable of craft.
transporting passengers in supreme comfort over
great stretches of terrain. Although not specifically Grav bikes are a popular light vehicle amongst
designed for off-road use, all modern vehicles come Emissaries, being easy to transport and allowing fast
with such features as self-sealing tyres and travel and access to higher vantage points without
adjustable electromagnetic suspension as standard. drawing the attention that a larger vehicle would
Militias and criminal groups have modified electric bring. Grav bikes were also popular in the role of
cars to mount a variety of light weapons with mixed military reconnaissance, though have been largely
results, though such vehicles lack the protection replaced by autonomous machines in modern
and durability of dedicated military vehicles. service.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Grav Car Grav Speeder
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
2 2 4 3 3 4
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 14 Speed 16
Toughness 8 (VL) Toughness 8 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Light Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 18 Purchase TR 22

Traits Traits
Navigational aids Navigational aids
Flight Fast
Hover Flight

Weapons Weapons
None None
Could be modified for light weapons Could be modified for light weapons

Name: HSC Traveller Name: HSC TR3000 Type R 158

Manufacturer: Honarah Aerospace Manufacturer: Honarah Aerospace
Dimensions: 4600/1800/1200 (mm) Dimensions: 4600/1400/900 (mm)
Weight: 900kg Weight: 600kg
Useful load: 500kg Useful load: 300kg
Crew: 1 driver + 4 passengers Crew: 1 driver + 1 passenger
Top speed: 200km/h (land), 400km/h (air) Top speed: 460km/h (land), 921km/h (air)
Range: 800km Range: 300km

Grav cars are less common and somewhat more Grav speeders and essentially grav cars that have
expensive than their land-bound counterparts, been extensively modified, or specifically designed,
though they remain popular in most urban for competitive racing. Grav speeders are capable of
environments. In the megacities of the inner extremely high speeds on the ground and in the air,
empire, where space is a premium and buildings rivalling even some dedicated aircraft. Many
often rise to cloud level, such vehicles are almost a manufacturers produce limited runs of exotic grav
necessity. Myd-Cadilon and Honarah Aerospace speeders for a variety of racing events hosted
both compete for market share in this sector, with around the galaxy. As with other grav vehicles,
Honarah dominating the consumer market and Honarah Aerospace are the biggest players in the
Myd-Cadilon maintaining an edge in the luxury industry.
Grav speeders offer all of the benefits of the best
Grav cars are versatile commercial vehicles with grav cars, only with decreased passenger capacity
balanced performance characteristics and a useful and vastly improved straight line performance.
range of features, allowing travel over land and Speeders are less commonly modified for combat
through the air at moderate speed. As with electric purposes, mostly due to their increased cost and
cars, grav cars have been modified to fulfil combat more conspicuous styling. However, some gangs
roles in some circumstances. Although incredibly and criminal organisations have found a use for
vulnerable to return fire from genuine combat them as getaway vehicles or a cheaper alternative
vehicles, particularly aircraft, the ability to fill the to dedicated atmospheric fighters.
role of a light gunship can be priceless against ill-
prepared opponents.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Infantry Mech Loader Mech
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
3 2 8 4 1 8
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 11 + pilot awareness
Speed 15 Speed 15
Toughness 16 (VL) Toughness 16 (VL)
Armour 20/10/5 (P) (VL) Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Light Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 24 Purchase TR 18

Traits Traits
All terrain All terrain
Defensive grenades (2) Motile
Motile Navigational aids
Navigational aids
Night sights
Weapons Weapons
1x Autocannon (forwards) None
Could be modified for light weapons

Name: Gepard 1 ICM Name: Takaashigani 159

Manufacturer: Kerber Land Systems Manufacturer: TCD Heavy Industries
Dimensions: 600/1500/4000(mm) Dimensions: 620/1400/3800(mm)
Weight: 4000kg Weight: 800kg
Useful load: 1200kg Useful load: 2800kg
Crew: 1 pilot Crew: 1 pilot
Top speed: 214km/h Top speed: 214km/h
Range: 800km Range: 1000km

Light infantry mechs have largely been supplanted Loader mechs are demilitarised infantry mechs with
by armoured exosuits in the heavy infantry role, but armour and weapons stripped away and a modified
still offer some clear advantages of their own. control system more suitable for commercial
Kerber Land Systems has cemented itself as the operations. Many companies offer loader mechs
industry leader in ground combat vehicle design based on obsolete infantry mech designs or even
and its modernised Gepard infantry mech is a best conversion services. However, such solutions may
seller around the galaxy. Combining exceptional have unexpectedly short operational lives or high
affordability with extreme mobility and competitive maintenance costs due to the increased wear and
frontal armour, the Gepard dominates the four- tear caused by military use of the original chassis.
metre class. By contrast, the TCD Takaashigani is a new build
with reinforced joints suitable for continuous low
Infantry mechs are often too large and unwieldy to intensity operation and extreme heavy lifting.
be used effectively indoors or aboard spacecraft,
while offering no significant advantage over Loader mechs could be pressed into combat
exosuits in terms of protection or firepower. operations in an act of desperation, but are
However, their exceptional speed and mobility over effectively unarmoured and lack the control
difficult terrain makes them ideal in mountainous or systems suitable for effective weapon use.
forest environments, where the deployment of However, they are still relatively powerful machines
larger vehicles is more restricted. capable of moving at high speed and could crush or
trample unprotected humanoids in their way.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Name: Gepard 1 ICM

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Micro Thopter Special Forces Mech
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
3 4 2 3 3 8
Agility 14 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 17 Speed 16
Toughness 4 (VL) Toughness 16 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 10/5/5 (P) (VL)
Vehicle scale Light Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 22 Purchase TR 26

Traits Traits

Biological All terrain

Fast Motile
Flight Navigational aids
Stealth Night sights
Thermoptic camouflage
Weapons Weapons
None 1x Light laser (forwards)
Could be modified for light weapons

Name: M15 Super Nymph Name: IXUS Stealth Mech 161

Manufacturer: Odonata Biotechnology Manufacturer: Zeikon Heavy Industries
Dimensions: 1900/500/800 (mm) Dimensions: 800/1400/3900(mm)
Weight: 300kg Weight: 3200kg
Useful load: 300kg Useful load: 1000kg
Crew: 1 driver Crew: 1 pilot
Top speed: 490km/h (land), 980km/h (air) Top speed: 230km/h
Range: 600km Range: 1600km

Micro thopters are a popular class of light vehicle Until the market resurgence caused by the
primarily intended for high speed travel over long introduction of Kerber Land System's Gepard 1,
distances by land and air. Using advanced adoption of combat mechs in the four-metre class
biotechnology, they are resistant to was mostly limited to special forces groups. Zeikon
electromagnetic interference and capable of Heavy Industries' IXUS Stealth Mech, despite its
refuelling from a wide variety of different fuels. futuristic appearance, is in fact not a new build, but
Odonata Biotechnology is a joint venture between an extensively upgraded IXU Centurion fitted with a
several Insectoid and Bioartisan companies that state of the art thermoptic camouflage package,
specialises in thopter-style aircraft of various sizes, conformal fuel tanks and an all new laser cannon.
their M15 Super Nymph is currently the most
successful single-seater micro thopter on the As special forces often operate in difficult
market. environments without organic vehicle support, or
deep behind enemy lines, the exceptional mobility
Micro thopters are relatively expensive and offer of infantry mechs was highly prized. Additionally,
little in the way of pilot comfort or protection. Their their larger size allowed them to be fitted with
delicate wings and articulated legs are easily specialist equipment more easily than exosuits,
damaged by weapons fire, but are deceptively often sporting advanced camouflage systems or
reliable in normal operation. Emissaries may find ECM. Emissaries facing similar situations may also
such thopters to be incredibly useful when a find such mechs useful at times.
combination of speed and stealth is required, or
when other vehicles are rendered inoperable by
EMP-like effects.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

APC Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
3 2 2 N/A 2 6
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Speed 15
Toughness 4 (VM) Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 4/1/1 (P) (VM) Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VL)
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 24

Traits Traits

All terrain Defensive grenades (2)

Navigational aids Night sights
Neutral steering Turret

Weapons Weapons
1x Heavy MG (forwards) 1x Autocannon (turret)

Name: Super Puma AFV Cupola (Module) 162

Manufacturer: Kerber Land Systems
Dimensions: 6000/5000/2800 (mm) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 28,000kg N/A 2 3
Useful load: 1,300kg
Crew: 3 crew + 8 passengers Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 214km/h
Range: 600km
Toughness 6 (VL)
Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VL)
APCs are lightly armed, but well protected combat Vehicle scale Light
vehicles with impressive off-road performance and
mobility. Kerber Land Systems' Super Puma is a
state of the art example, marketed at an affordable
price to planetary militias, mercenary contractors Traits
and law enforcement agencies. The Super Puma is
powered by a Myd-Cadilon electric drive, capable of Night sights
generating 2MW and propelling the vehicle to Turret
speeds in excess of 200km/h. The low profile turret
can complete a 360 degree traverse in less than five
seconds and sports a Zeikon 40mm automatic
cannon capable of firing explosive, shock and high
velocity projectiles. Weapons
1x Light MG (turret)
APCs are widely used by mercenary groups, militias
and paramilitary forces all around the galaxy. Whilst
Emissaries generally prefer to travel by less
conspicuous means, an APC does make an
exceptionally effective mobile command centre and Special rules
offers ample internal space for additional If the cupola is disabled, a crew member within the
equipment or modifications. vehicle must expose themselves through a hatch or
the vehicle suffers two circumstance penalties to all
manoeuvre or attack rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Armed Transport Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 3 5 N/A 3 8
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 17
Toughness 10 (VM) Toughness 16 (VL)
Armour 4/2/1 (P) (VM) Armour 20/20/10 (P) (VL)
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 28

Traits Traits

Space flight Turret

Weapons Weapons
1x Light laser (forwards) 1x Medium laser (turret)
Could be modified for light or medium weapons

Name: CX-2A Sensor Dome (Module) 163

Manufacturer: Honarah Aerospace
Dimensions: 78/50/28 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 280,000kg N/A 3 6
Useful load: 130,000kg
Crew: 8 crew Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 2.8g
Delta-v: 45,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0
Armed transports are medium sized spacecraft that Vehicle scale Light
trade some cargo capacity for armour and a
defensive weapon. Although less profitable to run,
armed transports provide interstellar traders with
some peace of mind. A popular model of armed Traits
transport is the Honarah Aerospace CX-2A, which
possesses a heavily armoured forward crew Jump computer
compartment and only marginally thinner armour Navigation aids
over its cargo space and engine compartment.

Armed transports are popular amongst traders

operating in more dangerous regions of space, but
also amongst pirates and mercenaries. Although Weapons
more limited than conventional freighters, the None
ample cargo space can easily be converted into
troop bays or fitted with additional weapons or
defensive equipment. Emissary groups may also
benefit from the additional space and firepower
offered by an armed transport.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Atmospheric Fighter Engine (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 4 2 N/A 4 6
Agility 14 + pilot awareness Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Speed 18
Toughness 4 (VM) Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 26

Traits Traits
Tremendous speed (2)

Weapons Weapons
1x Autocannon (forwards) None
2x Guided missiles (forwards)

Name: Firefox Sensor Dome (Module) 164

Manufacturer: Universal Cyberdynamics
Dimensions: 22/12/6 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 21,000kg N/A 4 2
Useful load: 5,000kg
Crew: 2 crew Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 4,100km/h
Range: 4,000km
Toughness 4 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0
Atmospheric fighters are high performance combat Vehicle scale Light
aircraft capable of extremely high performance
within planetary atmospheres, though incapable of
space flight. Although currently out of production,
the General Cyberdynamics Firefox was considered Traits
a classic example of the type and remains in service
around the galaxy. Its aggressively shaped delta Navigation aids
wings and powerful afterburning turbofans enabled Radar
it to travel through the sky at over 4,000km/h.

Atmospheric fighters are mostly obsolete in modern

military forces, having been replaced by
transatmoshperic equivalents. They still find Weapons
frequent use amongst planetary militias and None
militarised police forces. It is not unusual for larger
mercenary companies or criminal groups to
maintain a small number of vintage atmospheric
Special rules
If the engine is disabled whilst the aircraft is in
flight, it will immediately begin to crash and must
make an emergency landing (TR 18) or be destroyed

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Atmospheric Gunship Engine (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 4 3 N/A 4 6
Agility 14 + pilot awareness Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Speed 18
Toughness 6 (VM) Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 4/2/1 (P) (VM) Armour 20/10/0 (P) (VL)
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 26

Traits Traits

Driving aids Flight

Navigation aids Hover

Weapons Weapons
2x Autocannon (forward) None
4x Rocket pod (forward)

Name: Hi35 Turret (Module) 165

Manufacturer: Zeikon Heavy Industries
Dimensions: 14/8/6 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 18,000kg N/A 4 8
Useful load: 1,800kg
Crew: 2 crew + 2 passengers Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 518km/h
Range: 400km
Toughness 16 (VL)
Armour 20/10/10 (P) (VL)
Atmospheric gunships are flying armoured vehicles Vehicle scale Light
capable of carrying a wide variety of powerful
weaponry. The Zeikon Heavy Industries Hi35 is
particularly well regarded for its high performance
and survivability and remained competitive on the Traits
battlefield even after the first generation of
gravtanks were introduced by Honarah Aerospace. Night sights
Similar in vintage to atmospheric fighters and Stabilised
employed by similar groups. Gunships are less Turret
exciting than fighters, but bring more firepower and
endurance to the battlefield. Gunships can be
devastatingly effective against an unprepared Weapons
opponent, as their heavy frontal armour renders 1x Revolver cannon (turret)
them immune to most small arms, while their speed
and agility makes escape all but impossible.

Special rules
If the engine is disabled whilst the aircraft is in
flight, it will immediately begin to crash and must
make an emergency landing (TR 18) or be destroyed

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Atmospheric Transport Engine (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 3 2 N/A 3 6
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 17
Toughness 4 (VM) Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 24

Traits Traits

Driving aids Fast


Weapons Weapons
None None

Name: A13 Sensor Dome (Module) 166

Manufacturer: General Cyberdynamics
Dimensions: 32/32/12 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 38,000kg N/A 3 3
Useful load: 30,000kg
Crew: 2 crew + 120 passengers Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 980km/h
Range: 8,000km
Toughness 6 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0
Atmospheric transports are little more than flying Vehicle scale Light
ferries, capable of moving people and cargo rapidly
around terrestrial environments. Atmospheric
transports are also occasionally employed on larger
space colonies as a means of moving around Traits
interior habitat areas.
Navigation aids


Special rules
If the engine is disabled whilst the aircraft is in
flight, it will immediately begin to crash and must
make an emergency landing (TR 18) or be destroyed

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Commercial Transport Atmospheric Jets (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 3 2 N/A 3 6
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 17
Toughness 4 (VM) Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 24

Traits Traits

Driving aids Flight

Space flight

Weapons Weapons
None None
Could be modified for light or medium weapons

Name: Starstreak III Sensor Dome (Module) 169

Manufacturer: General Cyberdynamics
Dimensions: 32/28/10 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 22,000kg N/A 3 3
Useful load: 7,000kg
Crew: 2 crew + 30 passengers Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 3.5g
Delta-v: 18,000m/s
Toughness 6 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0
Commercial transports are small to mid-sized Vehicle scale Light
passenger craft capable of breaking atmosphere
and travelling short distances through space.
Although commercial transports are equipped with
jump computers, they are rarely used for long Traits
distance interstellar travel.
Jump computer
Due to their versatility and relatively large carrying Navigation aids
capacity, commercial transports also serve as an Radar
excellent starting point for custom and personal
spacecraft. The guild of Emissaries frequently makes
use of modified commercial transports as mobile
command centres or operating bases for small Weapons
groups of Emissaries. See the end of this chapter for None
more details on Emissary personal transports.

Special rules
If the jets are disabled whilst the aircraft is in
atmospheric flight, it will immediately begin to
crash and must make an emergency landing (TR 18)
or be destroyed instantly.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Gravtank Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 4 3 N/A 4 2
Agility 14 + pilot awareness Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Speed 18
Toughness 6 (VM) Toughness 4 (VM)
Armour 10/1/1 (P) (VM) Armour 10/4/2 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 28

Traits Traits

Artificial intelligence Night sights

Flight Radar
Hover Stabilised
Navigation aids Turret

Weapons Weapons
1x Light laser (forwards) 1x Heavy laser (turret)
1x Light laser (turret)

Name: Leopard GT Shield Generator (Module) 170

Manufacturer: Kerber Land Systems
Dimensions: 9000/5000/2800 (mm) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 38,000kg N/A 4 3
Useful load: 1,300kg
Crew: 2 crew Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 518km/h
Range: 600km
Toughness 6 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0
Gravtanks have largely replaced traditional tanks Vehicle scale Light
and atmospheric gunships in front line military
service. They can be armed with a variety of
armaments, but traditionally carry recoilless energy
weapons or missiles. The Kerber Land Systems Traits
Leopard GT is a typical example, sporting state of
the art shield generators and a turret mounted Shields (10/5/0) (VM)
Zeikon heavy laser cannon. Its speed is capable of
matching even the fastest atmospheric gunships,
while its frontal protection is exceptional within its
weight class. The Leopard is even equipped with an
artificial intelligence, making it capable of
completely autonomous operation and decision Weapons
making. None

Gravtanks are one of the most formidable

atmospheric weapons in service. Even an
experienced Emissary would be in serious trouble if
caught out in the open. However, they can be Special rules
vulnerable to attacks from behind where their If the turret is disabled, a crew member within the
armour is thinner. Their sides also become very vehicle must expose themselves through a hatch or
vulnerable to heavy weapons if their shield the vehicle suffers two circumstance penalties to all
generators can be disabled. manoeuvre or attack rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Insectoid Thopter 2x Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
5 5 3 N/A 5 8
Agility 15 + pilot awareness Agility 15 + pilot awareness
Speed 20
Toughness 6 (VM) Toughness 16 (VL)
Armour 6/4/2 (P) (VM) Armour 40/20/20 (P) (VL)
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 28

Traits Traits

Biological Night sights

ECM Radar
Navigation aids Stabilised
Stealth Turret

Weapons Weapons
None 1x Particle beam (turret)

Name: M27 Damsel 4x Wings (Module) 171

Manufacturer: Odonata Biotechnology
Dimensions: 12000/2800/2800 (mm) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 13,000kg N/A 5 6
Useful load: 1,000kg
Crew: 1 driver Agility 15 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 1,150km/h
Range: 600km
Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 20/20/20 (P) (VL)
Insectoid thopters are versatile and powerful Vehicle scale Light
weapons, combining the protection and firepower
of a gunship with the speed and agility of a fighter.
As biomechanical constructs, thopters are also less
vulnerable to electromagnetic interference and are Traits
easy to keep fuelled and operational in difficult field
conditions. Odonata Biotechnology's thopters Fast
resemble massive insects with elongated bodies and Flight
huge, delicate looking wings. Hover

Thopters are formidable combatants and remain

competitive with the latest gravtanks, trading some
protection for increased mobility and firepower. Weapons
Thopter sales are also less heavily restricted and it is None
not unusual to find large organisations using them
to patrol their holdings or protect land or sea based
trade routes. Pirates and mercenaries may also
appreciate the combat power they provide, if they
can afford them. Special rules
Each disabled wing reduces the thopter's power and
mobility by 1. If all of the wings are disabled, the
thopter must make a crash landing (TR 18) or be

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Orbital Interceptor Atmospheric Jets (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
6 3 1 N/A 3 6
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 19
Toughness 2 (VM) Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Light
Purchase TR 30

Traits Traits

Driving aids Flight

Space flight
Tremendous speed (6)

Weapons Weapons
1x Compact railgun (forwards) None

Name: FX-5E Shin EW Dome (Module) 172

Manufacturer: Honarah Aerospace
Dimensions: 25/11/6 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 23,000kg N/A 3 2
Useful load: 4,000kg
Crew: 2 crew Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 6,560km/h (in atmosphere)
Acceleration: 3.8g
Toughness 4 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0
Orbital interceptors are state of the art combat Vehicle scale Light
craft capable of entering and exiting a planetary
atmosphere under their own power and engaging in
combat with other atmospheric craft or small space
vessels. The FX-5E Shin, developed by Honarah Traits
Aerospace, is the vehicle of choice amongst pilots of
the Imperial Honour Guard. In sufficient numbers, ECM
their powerful 60mm railguns allow them to disable Navigation aids
or destroy even much larger and more powerful Radar
spacecraft with relative ease. Advanced ECM and Shields (10/0/0) (VM)
shields offer limited protection from return fire,
though a craft which is over ninety percent engine is
inherently fragile. Weapons
Orbital interceptors are expensive and produced in
relatively small numbers for select clients, though it
is not impossible for individuals or small
organisations to acquire them if the price is right.
Emissary pilots are also fond of the versatility Special rules
provided by such vehicles and several famous If the engine is disabled whilst the aircraft is in
examples exist of Emissary interceptors customised flight, it will immediately begin to crash and must
almost beyond recognition. make an emergency landing (TR 18) or be destroyed

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Spider Tank 2x Arms (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
3 3 3 N/A 3 2
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 16
Toughness 6 (VM) Toughness 4 (VM)
Armour 12/6/4 (P) (VM) Armour 4/4/4 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 28

Traits Traits

All terrain Defensive grenades (2)

Artificial intelligence Stabilised
Neural interface
Thermoptic camouflage
Weapons Weapons
1x Light laser (forwards) 1x Revolver cannon (forwards)

Name: Geist R-3000 Cupola (Module) 173

Manufacturer: Kerber Land Systems
Dimensions: 7000/6000/3400 (mm) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 48,000kg N/A 3 3
Useful load: 1,800kg
Crew: 1 crew Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 230km/h
Range: 1,200km
Toughness 6 (VL)
Armour 10/10/10
The shell casings it leaves in its wake are more Vehicle scale Light
conspicuous than the vehicle itself, but combined
with its form they make it an effective terror
weapon. Spider tanks are not intended to be front
line combat vehicles, but to operate behind enemy Traits
lines as ambush weapons or in environments where
terrain would usually make it too difficult for such Night sights
large vehicles to function. The Geist is a favourite of Stabilised
special forces units, as its powerful revolver Turret
cannons can quickly disable enemy armour caught
by surprise or lay waste to a whole convoy of supply
vehicles in moments.
A spider tank's heavy all-around armour makes it a 1x Heavy MG (turret)
very challenging opponent to deal with without
access to heavy weapons. However, it is operated
by only a single pilot and can be easily disabled if
they are forced to expose themselves by destroying
its exposed optics. Special rules
If the cupola is disabled, a crew member within the
vehicle must expose themselves through a hatch or
the vehicle suffers two circumstance penalties to all
manoeuvre or attack rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Stealth Tank Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 2 4 N/A 2 4
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Speed 16
Toughness 8 (VM) Toughness 8 (VM)
Armour 18/4/2 (P) (VM) Armour 18/10/2 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Medium Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 28

Traits Traits

All terrain Defensive grenades (2)

Neutral steering Night sights
Sturdy Stabilised
Tracks Sturdy
Thermoptic camouflage Turret

Weapons Weapons
1x Heavy MG (forwards) 1x Battle cannon (turret)
1x Light MG (turret)

Name: Super Panther MBT Cupola (Module) 174

Manufacturer: Kerber Land Systems
Dimensions: 9000/5000/2800 (mm) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 68,000kg N/A 2 3
Useful load: 2,500kg
Crew: 3 crew Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 230km/h
Range: 800km
Toughness 6 (VL)
Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VL)
An obsolete ground vehicle modified with state of Vehicle scale Light
the art optical camouflage for use in ambush
warfare. The Kerber Land Systems Super Panther is
the end result of an extensive retrofit modification
package, bringing new life to an otherwise Traits
outclassed vehicle. Although its mobility remains
poor by modern standards, the Super Panther's Night sights
powerful 140mm cannon and thick frontal armour is Turret
highly competitive. The advanced camouflage
package allows it to remain undetected, partially
mitigating its low mobility when combined with
proper tactical employment.
Stealth tanks are a rare sight around the galaxy, 1x Light MG (turret)
although similar attempts to modernise obsolete
armoured vehicles are not uncommon. Such
vehicles are frequently produced or acquired by
mercenary or paramilitary groups with easy access
to obsolete vehicles and limited funds or restricted Special rules
access to new equipment. If the cupola is disabled, a crew member within the
vehicle must expose themselves through a hatch or
the vehicle suffers two circumstance penalties to all
manoeuvre or attack rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Cetuscyborg 3x Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
6 4 8 N/A 4 12
Agility 14 + pilot awareness Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Speed 20
Toughness 16 (VH) Toughness 24 (VM)
Armour 8/6/4 (P) (VH) Armour 40/40/10 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 56

Traits Traits

Biological Turret
Space flight

Weapons Weapons
4x Naval lasers (forwards) 1x Naval railgun (turret)
8x Tactical missiles (forwards)

Name: Cetuscyborg Gen. 4 Citadel (Module) 175

Manufacturer: Cyborg Production Company
Dimensions: 780/80/68 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 1,280,000 tonnes N/A 4 6
Useful load: 530,000 tonnes
Crew: 950 crew Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 4g
Delta-v: 345,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VM)
Armour 40/20/20 (P) (VM)
Cetuscyborgs are the greatest and most successful Vehicle scale Medium
creation of the Bioartisans. The body of the
Cetuscyborg is that of a gargantuan predatory space
whale, genetically engineered and bred for size,
then augmented with enormous banks of thrusters Traits
in place of the fins they once had. Bonded to its
spine is an armoured citadel resembling an ancient Jump computer
dreadnought. Its body is covered in thick, armoured Radar
bony plates and protrusions, similar to that of the Shields (8/6/0) (VH)
armoured fish found on Calador. Sensors, shield
emitters and various weapons also stud its body.

A Cetuscyborg is one of the most powerful Weapons

conventional weapons found anywhere in the 4x Naval lasers (left)
known galaxy. However, it is not without 4x Naval lasers (right)
weaknesses. The armoured citadel on its spine,
though well protected, is more vulnerable than the
creature's immense body and houses its crew,
primary shield emitters and jump computer. If the Special rules
citadel can be disabled, control of the leviathan is If the citadel is disabled, the Cetuscyborg is no
lost and it becomes a creature of instinct, though longer able to fire any of its weapons and behaves
still highly dangerous. as a frightened animal, albeit one of gargantuan

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Imperial Battlecruiser Shield Generator (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
5 3 8 N/A 3 1
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 18
Toughness 16 (VH) Toughness 2 (VM)
Armour 6/6/3 (P) (VH) Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 54

Traits Traits

Space flight Shields (12/12/6) (VH)


Weapons Weapons
4x Naval lasers (left) None
4x Naval lasers (right)
25x Tactical missiles (forwards)

Name: Indomitable class Bridge (Module) 176

Manufacturer: Rickenbacker-Armstrong
Dimensions: 270/40/38 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 120,000 tonnes N/A 3 6
Useful load: 30,000 tonnes
Crew: 650 crew Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 3.6g
Delta-v: 150,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VM)
Armour 60/60/20 (P) (VM)
Imperial battlecruisers are the pride of the Imperial Vehicle scale Medium
Navy and rely on their powerful shields and large
compliment of tactical missiles in battle.
Rickenbacker-Armstrong's latest commissioned
design, the Indomitable class, is somewhat smaller Traits
than its predecessors of the Ascension class, but
improves over them in virtually every way. ECM
Seventeen Indomitable class battlecruisers are Jump computer
currently in front line service, with a further twenty- Radar
nine under construction and a total of just over one Turret
hundred ships planned. The Indomitables will serve
alongside the Ascensions until the latter is phased
out of service. Weapons
6x Heavy lasers (turret)
Battlecruisers are massive vessels that can only be
purchased in large numbers by the Imperial Navy.
However, large, militaristic collectives or
organisations may operate small numbers of
comparable vessels, or purchase obsolete models as Special rules
they are replaced in front line service. Battlecruisers If the bridge is disabled, the ship may only perform
possess virtually unrivalled firepower, but can be a single action each turn and suffers a circumstance
disabled by a swarm of smaller craft if not screened penalty to any attack or manoeuvre rolls.
by escorts.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Imperial Destroyer Shield Generator (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 4 7 N/A 4 1
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Speed 18
Toughness 14 (VH) Toughness 2 (VM)
Armour 2/2/2 (P) (VH) Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 50

Traits Traits

Space flight Shields (10/10/4) (VH)

Stealth Decoys (2)

Weapons Weapons
2x Naval lasers (turret) None
4x Tactical missiles (left)
4x Tactical missiles (right)
16x Guided missiles (forwards)

Name: Dauntless class Bridge (Module) 177

Manufacturer: Rickenbacker-Armstrong
Dimensions: 190/20/18 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 18,000 tonnes N/A 4 6
Useful load: 5,000 tonnes
Crew: 110 crew Agility 14 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 3.6g
Delta-v: 90,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VM)
Armour 20/20/20 (P) (VM)
Imperial destroyers are formidable warships Vehicle scale Medium
designed to escort battlecruisers or operate
individually. Whereas battlecruisers concentrate on
maximum destructive power and defensive
strength, destroyers specialise at engaging multiple Traits
smaller targets at relatively close range.
Rickenbacker-Armstrong's Dauntless class ECM
represents the bleeding edge of the philosophy, Jump computer
with technology matching or even exceeding an Radar
Indomitable class battlecruiser and a price tag to Stabilised
match. Turret

A destroyer won't win a slugging match with a Weapons

battlecruiser, but its versatile armament and 8x Heavy lasers (turret)
features make it highly capable of engaging
asymmetric threats. Modern destroyers are
incredibly expensive, but highly desirable to wealthy
organisation with extensive space holdings or
merchant fleets. Refitted and modernised Special rules
destroyers often see service lives far exceeding If the bridge is disabled, the ship may only perform
anything their original designers or builders would a single action each turn and suffers a circumstance
have imagined. penalty to any attack or manoeuvre rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Imperial Frigate Shield Generator (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 2 6 N/A 2 1
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Speed 16
Toughness 12 (VH) Toughness 2 (VM)
Armour 4/4/2 (P) (VH) Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 46

Traits Traits

Space flight Shields (6/6/0) (VH)


Weapons Weapons
2x Naval lasers (turret) None
2x Tactical missiles (left)
2x Tactical missiles (right)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)

Name: Drake class Bridge (Module) 178

Manufacturer: Rickenbacker-Armstrong
Dimensions: 160/20/18 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 15,000 tonnes N/A 2 6
Useful load: 4,000 tonnes
Crew: 120 crew Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 2.8g
Delta-v: 70,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VM)
Armour 20/20/20 (P) (VM)
Imperial frigates are smaller and cheaper than Vehicle scale Medium
destroyers, though not significantly less capable.
Increased armour makes up for their less advanced
shields, but leaves them too slow to take part in
fleet actions. Frigates are typically employed Traits
individually or in small frigate detachments for
defensive operations or limited shows of force. ECM
Rickenbacker-Armstrong's Drake class frigate was Jump computer
developed alongside the more advanced Dauntless Radar
class destroyer and is marketed as a lower cost Turret

Frigates are the largest military vessels to see Weapons

significant commercial success, with many private 4x Heavy lasers (turret)
operators outside of the Imperial Navy. On more
rare occasions, even pirates and mercenaries have
been known to operate frigates, though such
vessels are incredibly conspicuous and demand a
bold and highly skilled crew. Special rules
If the bridge is disabled, the ship may only perform
a single action each turn and suffers a circumstance
penalty to any attack or manoeuvre rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Insectoid Droneship 2x Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
5 3 8 N/A 3 12
Agility 13 + pilot awareness Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Speed 18
Toughness 16 (VH) Toughness 24 (VM)
Armour 12/8/4 (P) (VH) Armour 40/20/20 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 44

Traits Traits

Biological Radar
ECM Stabilised
Jump computer Turret
Space flight
Weapons Weapons
6x Heavy lasers (forwards) 1x Naval particle beam (turret)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)

Name: M1 Dragon 4x Wings (Module) 179

Manufacturer: Odonata Biotechnology
Dimensions: 130/26/26 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 7,000 tonnes N/A 3 6
Useful load: 2,000 tonnes
Crew: 38 crew Agility 13 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 3.6g
Delta-v: 150,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VM)
Armour 20/20/20 (P) (VM)
Insectoid droneships appear more like colossal Vehicle scale Medium
dragonflies than traditional warships. Though not
especially well armed for their size, droneships are
fast and heavily armoured. The wings that serve
them as radiators in space can even be used in Traits
atmosphere, making them by far the largest
spacecraft capable of atmospheric flight in the Flight
galaxy. Odonata Biotechnology's M1 Dragon and its Hover
derivatives are favourites of Insectoid whalers
operating along the edges of the Great Maelstrom.

Droneships are extremely popular amongst any

groups looking to acquire serious combat power in Weapons
space. Whilst larger vessels may mount devastating None
tactical missiles, in practice cost and logistics often
result in them flying with empty missile tubes. With
tactical missiles removed from play, a droneship is
more than capable of standing toe to toe with a
frigate or even a destroyer. Special rules
If a wing is disabled whilst the droneship is
travelling in atmosphere, it must make a crash
landing (TR 18) or be destroyed.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Merchant Freighter Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
5 1 8 N/A 1 8
Agility 11 + pilot awareness Agility 11 + pilot awareness
Speed 16
Toughness 16 (VH) Toughness 16 (VM)
Armour 0/0/0 Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 36

Traits Traits

Space flight Turret

Weapons Weapons
Could be modified for medium weapons 2x Heavy laser (turret)

Name: CX-2A Sensor Dome (Module) 180

Manufacturer: Honarah Aerospace
Dimensions: 410/66/68 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 55,000 tonnes N/A 1 6
Useful load: 110,000 tonnes
Crew: 15 crew Agility 11 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 2.8g
Delta-v: 140,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VL)
Armour 0/0/0
Large merchant freighters are massive cargo ships Vehicle scale Light
capable of transporting thousands of tonnes of
cargo or passengers over interstellar distances.
Though they possess no armour and defensive
weapons only meant for dealing with debris, their Traits
vast bulk makes them surprisingly durable.
Jump computer
Navigation aids


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Siege Tank 2x Turret (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
5 1 6 N/A 1 12
Agility 11 + pilot awareness Agility 11 + pilot awareness
Speed 16
Toughness 12 (VH) Toughness 24 (VM)
Armour 10/8/4 (P) (VH) Armour 80/20/20 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 44

Traits Traits

All terrain Night sights

Defensive grenades (4) Radar
Lumbering Stabilised
Tracks Turret

Weapons Weapons
1x Orion cannon (forwards) 1x Siege cannon (turret)
4x Heavy lasers (left) 1x Light laser (turret)
4x Heavy lasers (right)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)

Name: Essence of Civility Shield Generator (Module) 183

Manufacturer: Unknown
Dimensions: 90/66/46 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 8,000 tonnes N/A 1 2
Useful load: 2,000 tonnes
Crew: 112 crew Agility 11 + pilot awareness
Top speed: 108km/h
Range: 120,000km
Toughness 4 (VM)
Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VM)
A colossal multi-tracked mobile fortress that looks Vehicle scale Medium
more like a downed frigate than a traditional tank.
Most siege tanks are thought to be relics of the
Corporation War, discovered in the sands of the
desert world Shichi. Refitted with modern weapons Traits
and shields, they make effective mobile command
centres on hostile worlds and are even capable of ECM
engaging warships in low orbit. The most well Shields (6/4/0) (VH)
known siege tank is the Essence of Civility, operated
by the planetary defence force of Harea. Its near
ceaseless operation has defended the miners of
Jangeng canyon from hooded worms, pirates and,
on one occasion, a mercenary frigate hired by a rival Weapons
mining corporation. None

The massive 'Orion cannon' is an ancient weapon

that uses magnetically contained low-yield atomics
as the propellant to accelerate a massive projectile
up to velocities capable of rivalling the latest naval

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Technosapien Battlecarrier Shield Generator (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
6 2 10 N/A 2 1
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Speed 18
Toughness 20 (VH) Toughness 2 (VM)
Armour 6/10/3 (P) (VH) Armour 10/10/10 (P) (VM)
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 54

Traits Traits

Space flight Shields (14/8/3) (VH)


Hangar Weapons
20x Orbital interceptors None
5x Technosapien bombers

Name: Iteration 7.21b Bridge (Module) 184

Manufacturer: Toh Hive World
Dimensions: 620/190/88 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 820,000 tonnes N/A 2 6
Useful load: 150,000 tonnes
Crew: 100,500 crew Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 3.6g
Delta-v: 190,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VM)
Armour 60/60/20 (P) (VM)
Technosapien battlecarriers are enormous vessels, Vehicle scale Medium
dwarfing all but the largest cestuscyborgs and
carrying a huge complement of Technosapien crew,
soldiers and their equipment. Each battlecarrier is a
unique design, built on a familiar but every Traits
changing pattern. They function in equal parts as
mobile commander centres, military bases, factories ECM
and cities. While it is believed that every large Jump computer
Technosapien Hive World is capable of producing its Neural interface
own battlecarriers, Toh seems to be responsible for Radar
the construction of more than half of those Turret
presently listed in Imperial records.
Battlecarriers are not as heavily armed for their size 4x Naval particle cannons (forwards)
as their nearest Imperial equivalents and, alone, 2x Naval railguns (turret)
would not stand up well in battle to an adult
cestuscyborg or Imperial battlecruiser. However,
their true power lies in their large complement of
support craft. Special rules
If the bridge is disabled, the ship may only perform
a single action each turn and suffers a circumstance
penalty to any attack or manoeuvre rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Technosapien Bomber Shield Generator (Module)
Power Mobility Durability Power Mobility Durability
4 2 4 N/A 2 1
Agility 12 + pilot awareness Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Speed 16
Toughness 8 (VH) Toughness 2 (VM)
Armour 4/2/0 (P) (VH) Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle scale Heavy Vehicle scale Medium
Purchase TR 40

Traits Traits

Artificial intelligence Shields (8/4/0) (VH)

Space flight

Weapons Weapons
1x Naval railgun (forwards) None
2x Tactical missiles (forwards)
8x Guided missiles (forwards)

Name: Bomber Bridge (Module) 185

Manufacturer: Toh Hive World
Dimensions: 56/18/18 (m) Power Mobility Durability
Weight: 500 tonnes N/A 2 6
Useful load: 40 tonnes
Crew: 12 crew Agility 12 + pilot awareness
Acceleration: 2.8g
Delta-v: 70,000m/s
Toughness 12 (VM)
Armour 20/20/20 (P) (VM)
Technosapien bombers are something of a cross Vehicle scale Medium
between a corvette, a fast attack craft and a drone
vessel. Capable of operating with either a small
crew, or no crew at all, the primary purpose of a
bomber is to survive long enough to carry its tactical Traits
missiles into range of the designated target. If the
bomber survives its attack run, it can return to its ECM
carrier to be rearmed or finish off the target with a Jump computer
barrage from its deadly railgun. Neural interface

2x Heavy lasers (turret)

Special rules
If the bridge is disabled, the ship may only perform
a single action each turn and suffers a circumstance
penalty to any attack or manoeuvre rolls.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Vehicle Crew Spalling
For the sake of simplicity it is usually best to treat a When a vehicle suffers an automatic temporary
vehicle and its crew as a single entity, with any defect from a hit that defeats its armour but fails to
attacks and damage taken being suffered by the overcome its toughness, spalling occurs. Spall is
vehicle using the vehicle damage and defect rules. made up of high velocity fragments of armour and
However, there are times when you may wish to chassis that break loose due to an impact and
model this in more detail or allow characters to ricochet around the crew compartment.
attack the crew of a vehicle directly. Rules for doing
this will be presented below, but can be considered Character's inside a vehicle suffering from spalling
optional and can be used or ignored on an each take 2d4 (P) damage. This damage is treated as
individual basis as necessary. a ranged or ballistic attack for the purposes of
determining personal body armour effectiveness.
Escaping Burning Vehicles Note that this is not vehicle scale damage.
A character can choose to freely exit a vehicle at
any time and may wish to do so before the vehicle is Whiplash
destroyed, especially if it is volatile. However, even Whenever a vehicle suffers damage from a collision
vehicles that are not volatile may catch on fire when or suffers damage from a single hit sufficient to
destroyed. automatically disable or destroy it, the crew suffer
from whiplash.
If a vehicle is destroyed, roll 1d10; the vehicle
begins to burn if the result is 6 or higher. Character's suffering from whiplash each take 2d4
Character's in a burning vehicle must pass a (T) damage. This damage is treated as a melee
willpower check (TR 14) to remain calm enough to attack for the purposes of determining personal
escape correctly. Character's that fail to remain body armour effectiveness. Note that this is not
calm suffer an automatic persistent injury each turn vehicle scale damage.
until they can escape.
Escaping Moving Vehicles Being inside a vehicle during combat can be very
As above, a character can choose to exit a vehicle stressful. Historically, many vehicle crews 186
even while it is in motion. However, doing so is abandoned their vehicles after coming under fire in
highly dangerous. A character that escapes a vehicle combat, long before their vehicles suffered any
in this way and immediately lands on a hard surface meaningful damage. The fear of being trapped
(such as concrete) suffers damage as if they had inside a burning vehicle or killed by spalling could be
been unintentionally hit in a collision with their own overwhelming.
A character inside a vehicle that is ambushed or hit
Targeting Vehicle Crew by surprise (attacked during a surprise round)
Not all vehicles are fully enclosed and some leave suffers 2d4 temporary mental damage (stressful). A
their crew exposed to varying degrees. If the crew is character may ignore this is they choose to escape
exposed in this way, they may be targeted by the vehicle instead of remaining inside.
ranged attacks independently from the vehicle.
However, even when the crew are exposed, the A character inside a vehicle that is suffering from
body of the vehicle will often provide them with spalling also suffers 2d4 temporary mental damage
some degree of cover. To help you keep track of this (stressful). As before, a character may ignore this is
during a game, you may wish to add the following they choose to escape the vehicle instead of
new vehicle trait: remaining inside.

A character inside a burning vehicle, who fails their

Open Top (x)
willpower check to escape, suffers 2d6 temporary
The vehicle has an open or partially open crew
mental damage (stressful) in addition to the
compartment, leaving the occupants exposed to
physical injury from being burned.
incoming fire. However, the vehicle gives some
cover to its crew, applying a circumstance penalty
of x to ranged attack rolls made against them. Refer
to the Combat chapter for suitable values of x.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Emissary Vehicles Starstreak IV
Newly formed Emissary groups are granted the use The Starstreak IV was originally developed from a
of a transport vehicle by the guild of Emissaries. This single-stage-to-orbit passenger shuttle with a
transport does not have to be paid for by the capacity of 3 crew, 30 passengers and their cargo.
Emissary group and remains the property of the The cabin arrangement was redesigned to support a
guild, though the group are free to use it as they see compliment of 4-8 people in improved comfort,
fit. The current vehicle offered is based on the with space to move around, kitchen and bathroom
chassis of a Streakstreak IV private spacecraft but facilities, and collapsible bunks. The Starstreak
heavily modified by guild engineers for increased became widely adopted as a VIP transport and
performance. In the event that the vehicle is business vehicle by many organisations throughout
destroyed or otherwise lost a replacement will not the galaxy. The Starstreak's adaptability and
be provided and Emissaries are expected to fund ubiquity makes it an ideal vehicle for Emissaries,
their own replacement or alternative travel offering decent performance without drawing
arrangements. attention.

Emissary Transport Crew:

Modified Universal Cyberdynamics Starstreak IV Capacity:
Purchase TR: 26 Length: 32m
Vehicle scale: Medium Wingspan: 28m (unfolded)
12m (folded)
Power: 5 Useful Load: 8,000kg
Mobility: 4 Empty Weight: 20,000kg
Durability: 2 Gross Weight: 35,000kg
Powerplant: 4x RREL hybrid rockets
Agility: 14 + pilot awareness 315kN thrust each
Speed: 19
Toughness: 4 (VM) Speed in atmospheric mode:
Armour: 2/1/1 (P) (VM) Maximum: 1200km/h
Cruising: 800km/h
Traits: Range: 10,000km
Decoys (1)
Driving aids Space performance:
ECM Acceleration: 3.6g
Fast Delta-v: 20,000m/s
Jump computer
Navigational aids
Space flight

2x Light lasers (turret)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Modifications Upgrade Packages
To make the Starstreak IV more suitable for Upgrade packages are also available for new
operation by Emissaries in potentially hostile vehicles, but come with an associated cost, albeit at
environments, extensive changes were made to the a discount, and trade-offs in other areas of
vehicle. The frame of the aircraft was reinforced performance. Some example upgrade packages
with lightweight but durable aerominium bracing along with their purchase TRs and mechanical
internally, while key sections of the body were effects are given below.
replaced with armoured panels. The majority of the
craft is now resistant to small arms fire, while the Dogfighting Package
cockpit area has limited protection from Purchase TR: 24
autocannons and light lasers. Unfortunately, more Benefits:
extensive armouring was not possible without Mobility +1
overloading the chassis. 4x Guided missiles (forward)
1x Autocannon (forward)
Offensively, the craft is armed with a pair of turret
mounted General Cyberdynamics M161E light Drawbacks:
lasers. While incapable of seriously threatening Durability -1
larger spacecraft, these weapons are highly Light lasers removed
effective against light vehicles and dismounted

Experienced Emissary teams often refit their

transports with equipment and weapons
better suited to the environments that they
will be operating in.


Defensive Package
Purchase TR: 26
Durability +1
Shields (4/4/4) (VM)

Mobility -1
Light lasers removed

Stealth Package
Purchase TR: 22
Thermoptic camouflage

Decoys removed
ECM removed

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
The Forgotten Past
The ancient past of the planet-bound human race.
Only a few records still exist of this time, salvaged
from the time-corrupted archives of decaying
sleeper ships.
The Space Age
The earliest known exploration of space by the
human race. This would eventually trigger a feverish
race to secure the territory and resources of the
new frontier.
The First Great Expansion
The human race spread across their solar system,
colonising the planet Mars and exploiting the vast
wealth of the Kuiper belt.
The First Corporation War
Space-based corporations leveraged their newly
acquired wealth and power to free themselves from
the regulations of planet-bound governments.
Although the conflict was short, with little loss of
life, it created great resentment and would
foreshadow future events.
The Colony Age
Vast colonies were built in space and the human
population exploded at an exponential rate as the
untapped resources of the solar system were
exploited to their limits.
The Second Great Expansion
As tensions began to rise once again, an era of fear 190
and preparation took hold. Countless sleeper ships
and generation vessels were constructed and
populated by those who feared inevitable conflict.
The current population of the galaxy can largely be
traced back to these life-preserving arks.
The Second Corporation War
Fears became manifest as once again the
corporations and governments of the human race
fought each other for control of dwindling
resources. The conflict is thought to have been
devastating, leaving little in its wake.
The Silent Age
For millennia, the entire human race only existed in
transit on their ponderous colony ships, drifting
silently through the vacuum of space.
The Time of Independence
The first colony ships began arriving at their
destinations and different mind sets took hold as
disparate groups worked in isolation to rebuild
society. Some adapted themselves to their new
environments, while others adapted their new
environments to suit themselves.
The Time of Seeding
For hundreds of thousands of years, the more
ambitious colony ships arrived at their distant
destinations and spread the seeds of civilisation far
and wide across the galaxy.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Great Discovery
As new cultures and civilisations regained the ability
to explore the space around, one such civilisation
made a discovery that would have profound impact.
The galaxy was littered with countless wormholes,
connecting almost every solar system in a
labyrinthine network. However, enormous
computational power was required to safely
navigate this network.
The First Golden Empire
The leader of this wormhole-finding civilisation
began a tireless quest to explore and unify the
people of the galaxy. Dubbing himself the First
Imperial Majesty, he slowly achieved his goal,
The Slow Collapse creating the First Golden Empire.
Over time the First Golden Empire began to
fragment and collapse as different factions grew in
strength, competed with each other and went to
war. The Imperial Majesty sunk enormous resources
into the construction of a technological oracle that
he hoped would solve his problems, but the project
failed along with his empire.
The Second Golden Empire
The daughter of the First Imperial Majesty inherited
the fragments of her father's empire and
endeavoured to rebuild it from scratch. Forging new
alliances and inspiring new hope, the Second
Imperial Majesty was initially successful and a new 191
empire was born.
The Cycle of Decay
As if doomed to repeat the fate of the First Golden
Empire, the same problems emerged over time.
For a thousand years the Second Imperial Majesty
battled against the decay of both her body and her
The Rebirth
After countless failed attempts to transcend
mortality and become a living god, the Third
Imperial Majesty was created from the body of the
Second. The collapse of the Second Golden Empire
was significantly slowed, but not quite reversed.
Siege of the Forgotten Planet
Some time before the birth of the Third Golden
Empire, Technosapien forces began a long and
difficult conquest of a seemingly insignificant

The Third Golden Empire

When the Third Imperial Majesty was united with
the Universal Emissary from the forgotten planet, a
new and even more powerful being was born.
Heralded as the Divine Imperial Majesty, this
signified the beginning of the Third Golden Empire.
The Age of Emissaries
Acting as agents of balance, a new kind of warrior
emerged, fighting to maintain the Third Golden

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Known Galaxy Celestial Glossary
Vast and largely unexplored, the galaxy is filled with
countless solar systems. Almost any kind of star, The Universe
planet or celestial object can be found somewhere Everything that is and can be seen, but mostly
by those willing to search for it. Black holes, neutron empty and full of nothing. Very empty. Vast
stars, gas giants, icy moons and rocky planets make expanses of nothing. Punctuated by distant little
up just some of that list. Artificial constructs created clumps of something called galaxies. Travel
or inhabited by members of the galactic community between galaxies is something of a pipe dream with
can also be found, from Technosapien Hive Worlds current technology and most foreseeable
to the mysterious Electrotomb. Rumour has it that technology too. Who knows what else could be out
even the megastructure remnants of ancient alien there or what might be lurking in the voids.
civilisations are out there somewhere, in the form
of derelict shell worlds or Dyson spheres, though The Known Galaxy
few such monumental discoveries have been made. One of many galaxies within the universe, but the
one you happen to exist in. Chalk it up to fate or the
Although still a minority, an unusual number of anthropic principle. The Known Galaxy is where your
planets within the galaxy are habitable, possessing story takes place.
both liquid water and an oxygen rich atmosphere.
The reasons for this are still poorly understood, but Stars
it is believed to frequently be the result of ancient Aside from dark matter, these bright glowy balls of
terraforming attempts made before the nuclear fusion make up most of the matter in any
Corporation War. However, habitable does not galaxy. Primitives bound to a single world might
necessarily mean safe or hospitable and many invent a special name for the one nearest them, or
species of genetically engineered or relocated worship it like some kind of god, but the truth is it
creatures have had a long time to evolve and adapt isn't special. Probably. Some of them are kind of
to their new environments. Worlds considered special.
dangerous enough are classified as deathworlds,
but unexpected dangers can lurk on even the most Planets
civilised planets. Everyone thinks they know what a planet is. That is,
until someone else asks them to define it. Then they
This chapter will provide background information have a surprisingly hard time separating them from
and game mechanics for some of the most common big asteroids, moons and small dead stars. Define
environments that Emissaries are likely to everything else, planets are what you have left.
encounter, as well as some of the more unique and
interesting places within the galaxy. However, your
adventures might not be limited to just the Excerpt from The Galaxy and You. Chapter 1.
locations presented here. Dr Gamma Cook

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Earth-like Planets Survivable Heat
Rocky planets with an oxygen rich atmosphere and It can be generally assumed that characters can
liquid water. Gravity and atmospheric composition survive and function normally in temperatures up to
might vary somewhat, but usually not enough to 30ºC, with the aid of light clothing, sweating and
cause significant problems or require specialist frequent consumption of water. Though these
equipment. Some of these planets are natural and temperatures may be uncomfortable to some, they
others are the result of ancient terraforming or are not sufficiently hot to have an immediate
more recent colonisation. Ironically, the natural negative effect on characters. However, for each
ones are more likely to cause long term problems, 10ºC increment that the temperature goes above
lacking in vegetation or wildlife, the only food is 30ºC, characters suffer a circumstance penalty on
what you bring with you. all stamina checks for performing extended or
prolonged physical activities. Additionally,
Many of the planet-bound races of the galaxy make characters will suffer an automatic persistent injury
their homes on planets like these. For example, for each 12 hour period that they go without water.
Reptilians typically have a preference for large
amounts of water and tropical climates, while Starvation
Insectoids favour slightly lower than average gravity Characters can survive longer without food than
and a greater percentage of atmospheric oxygen. they can without water, but eventually starvation
However, remember that most planets are not will have the same effect as dehydration. A
uniform in climate and even a planet with vast character will suffer an automatic persistent injury
expanses of tropical forests or deserts will still for each 48 hour period that they go without food.
feature polar regions. Consumption of food will reset this process, but will
not remove any persistent injuries already suffered.
Mechanical Considerations
Some environmental effects and dangers that can High Altitude
be commonly encountered on Earth-like planets are Characters can survive and functional normally at
presented below. altitudes up to about 2000m in standard density
atmospheres. However, each 1000m of altitude
Survivable Cold
It can be generally assumed that characters can
above this imposes a circumstance penalty on all
stamina checks for performing extended or 195
survive and function normally in dry temperatures prolonged physical activities. Denser or more
down to 0ºC, with the aid of coats and standard oxygen rich atmospheres may allow characters to
winter clothing. Though these temperatures may be venture up to twice as high, while problems could
uncomfortable, they are not sufficiently cold to occur at half this altitude in less dense
have an immediate negative effect on characters. atmospheres.
However, for each 10ºC increment that the
temperature drops below 0ºC, characters suffer a Breathing equipment
circumstance penalty on all stamina checks for An external air supply, such as that provided by an
performing extended or prolonged physical oxygen tank, is sufficient to allow a character to
activities. Additionally, the presence of deep snow ignore high altitude penalties.
and ice makes walking an extended physical activity
equivalent to running in normal conditions. Deep Water
Characters who pass out from fatigue in the cold Characters can survive and functional normally at
will die in a number of hours equal to their starting depths down to about 30m while breathing air.
endurance. Such temperatures are often reached However, each 10m of depth below this imposes a
around the polar regions of Earth-like planets. circumstance penalty on all stamina checks for
performing extended or prolonged physical
Specialised winter clothing activities. Swimming at depths below 30m is always
Wearing specialised winter clothing can reduce the considered an extended physical activity.
circumstance penalty to stamina checks by one, but
extreme cold still remains challenging. Snow shoes, Diving equipment
hiking sticks and similar equipment may also allow It must be noted that oxygen tanks do not reduce
walking as a normal prolonged light activity, instead these penalties, as they are caused by pressure and
of as an extended physical activity. not a lack of oxygen. However, a pressurised diving
suit or diving vessel would allow a character to
ignore these penalties entirely. The use of special
breathing gas instead of compressed air also allows
these penalties to be ignored.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Heavy Worlds Extreme Worlds
Heavy worlds are similar to Earth-like planets, Extreme worlds are rocky planets that, for one
possessing similar atmospheres and quantities of reason or another, cannot be considered habitable.
liquid water, but with substantially higher gravity. Commonly this is because there is no atmosphere
Creatures and characters from heavy worlds tend to or water, but could equally be because
be more squat and powerful than their Earth-like temperatures are too hot or too cold to support life.
equivalents. It is harder for creatures and plants to
grow tall, thicker bones or support structures are Few extreme worlds are home to life, save a few
required to hold up the increased weight and more examples where terraforming went wrong but
muscle is required to move it around. something managed to survive and adapt, or
extreme modifications were made to the creatures
Movement in general is more difficult and requires seeded there.
more energy, even walking along level ground feels
like constantly going up a flight of stairs. Fast Mechanical Considerations
creatures are rare and somewhat unusual, but Extreme worlds can be subject to any of the typical
predators and scavengers are common on heavy environmental hazards found on Earth-like planets
worlds due to the increased number of calories or heavy worlds. In addition to those, the following
needed to survive. Flight is difficult and large flying may also be considered.
creatures are unheard of. Even small falls can be
fatal. Extreme Temperature
The temperature is hot enough to combust flesh or
Mechanical Considerations cold enough to freeze a person solid. The surface
Heavy worlds can be subject to any of the typical could run with molten rock or liquid oxygen.
environmental hazards found on Earth-like planets. Unprotected exposure to these temperatures will
In addition to those, the following must also be even kill an Emissary as quickly as it takes them to
considered. use up all their Sympathy. Such extreme
temperatures can be considered to cause sufficient
Survivable High Gravity damage to inflict fatal injuries on any unprotected
The gravity on heavy worlds is not sufficient to
cause immediate injury or harm to characters just
or adapted creature for each turn they are exposed
to them.
by standing around and performing ordinary
actions. However, the high gravity imposes a Environment equipment
circumstance penalty (+2 TR) to any physical skill or A fully sealed exosuit or hazardous environment suit
characteristic check (strength, dexterity or rated to survive extreme temperatures is required
endurance) due to the increased strength and effort to negate the damage that would usually be
needed to perform physical tasks. Additionally, inflicted by such an environment.
characters receive double the usual damage from
any falls on a heavy world. Toxic Atmosphere
The atmosphere isn't breathable, either because
Bondinium equipment there isn't enough of one or because the gases
A powered body harness incorporating Bondinium present are the wrong kind or even toxic in nature.
in its design can be used to negate the penalties and A conscious character who begins to suffocate due
additional falling damage caused by the high to a lack of oxygen (such as being exposed to hard
gravity, as the anti-gravity effect of the harness vacuum) may attempt to remain conscious and
offsets the increased gravity. However, the harness functional by holding their breath. However, when a
provides none of the usual benefits that it would character can no longer hold their breath, they fall
normally provide, it only negates the penalties. unconscious and begin to die. A character may
survive without oxygen for a number of minutes
Exosuit equipment equal to their starting endurance, after which they
An exosuit or powered armour set also negates the are dead and can no longer be resuscitated.
circumstance penalties to physical actions, though
not the increased falling damage. The powered joint Vacuum equipment
motors and supporting chassis take the weight of A fully sealed and pressurised suit with an oxygen
the extra strain, allowing the user to benefit from supply is required to function normally in an
normal movement and precision without increased environment with no atmosphere or a hazardous
burden or effort. atmosphere.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Jovians Atmospheric Pressure
Also known as gas giants, Jovian planets are The atmosphere on a Jovian becomes denser as you
enormous balls of gas that dwarf any rocky planet descend deeper, causing pressure similar to that of
and rival the smallest stars for size. Jovians are all deep water diving. Characters can survive and
atmosphere and possess no surface to stand on. functional normally at depths down to about 100km
However, some Jovian planets do possess a small while breathing air. However, each 10km of depth
rocky core in their very centre. below this imposes a circumstance penalty on all
stamina checks for performing extended or
While some gigantic balloon-like creatures have prolonged physical activities. Moving at depths
been engineered to survive and thrive in the below 100km is always considered an extended
atmospheres of Jovian planets, it is very rare that physical activity. Extreme heat also becomes an
they are inhabited. Of those, Montgolfier Bubble issue at depths below 100km.
Fish are the only intelligent Human-derived variety
known, a relatively rare race which make their Diving equipment
homes on only a handful of Jovians scattered As with deep water diving, oxygen tanks do not
throughout the galaxy. Fiercely territorial, lacking reduce these penalties, as they are caused by
hands and not especially bright nor sociable, it is pressure and not a lack of oxygen. However, a
unlikely that they would have ever developed pressurised diving suit or diving vessel would allow
technology on their own, but have managed to a character to ignore these penalties entirely. The
prosper from the vast reservoirs of helium isotopes use of special breathing gas instead of compressed
that their planets contain. air also allows these penalties to be ignored.
However, at depths below 25,000km even these
Jovian planets frequently possess rocky or icy measures are insufficient.
moons of unusual size, often comparable to Earth-
like rocky planets or extreme worlds. It is far more Extreme Weather
likely for these to be inhabited than the Jovian Jovian planets are prone to extreme storms and
itself. Helium extraction facilities and fueling powerful atmospheric currents tens to hundreds of
stations are another common sight in orbit around times faster than similar storms on Earth-like
Jovians. planets. Normal actions are impossible to perform
under such conditions and characters not protected 199
Mechanical Considerations from the storm can only hope to ride it out, the
Jovian worlds can be subject to any of the hazards storms also produce EMP-like effects over a wide
found on extreme worlds. In addition to those, the area. Characters and small atmospheric vehicles
following must also be considered. Characters must may be transported hundreds of kilometres by the
possess some method of flying or increasing their hurricane winds and are also at risk from lightning
buoyancy to avoid falling into the lethal depths. strikes. Roll 1d6 for each exposed character for each
hour of the storm, on a 6 that character is struck by
lightning and suffers 4d10 (P) damage.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Neutron Stars Black Holes
Neutron stars are deceptively small, not much Black holes are formed in the same way as neutron
bigger than a large city and smaller than some space stars, but result from the death of even more
stations, but packed with as much matter as an massive stars. No force in the universe can prevent
average star. Neutron stars are the super dense a black hole from collapsing, not even neutron
remnants of a supernova, what is left behind when degenerancy pressure, so it collapses forever down
the very largest stars reach the end of their life to a point so small and dense that quantum effects
cycle. Mountain ranges are measured in millimetres completely govern its behaviour. Not even light can
instead of kilometres, but falling from them is no escape the gravity of a black hole. An event horizon
less deadly. The gravity on a neutron star is surrounds it, defining the point at which light can
sufficient to crush any normal matter into a no longer escape and effectively forming a
pancake of its constituent sub atomic particles, only boundary of no return.
a black hole has stronger gravity.
Mechanical Considerations
Mechanical Considerations Black holes are about as dangerous as it gets.
Neutron stars are extremely dangerous, even being Characters that cross an event horizon can be
in close proximity to them can cause problems. considered dead and removed from the game, no
equipment or special abilities can help them.
Extreme Gravity
The gravity on a neutron star is instantly fatal to any Stars
ordinary character and destructive to any ordinary Stars are massive natural fusion reactors, million
matter. Even rare and unusually durable exotic degree plasma contained only by gravity. Stars form
matter can't survive the surface gravity of a neutron from nebula and other pockets of hydrogen gas that
star. An Emissary may only survive by expending eventually accumulate and grow in density until the
Symapthy to negate the damage caused to them temperature and pressure is enough for fusion to
each turn, but even they will succumb in moments. occur. As a star ages, it fuses heavier and heavier
elements, eventually becoming cooler and
Bondinium equipment expanding into a red giant. Most stars eventually
A full powered exosuit made of solid Bondinium is
required to even function on the surface of a
throw off their outer layers forming new nebulae, 200
and settle down to become a dwarf star much like a
neutron star. Even with such expensive and Jovian planet. However, the largest stars end their
specialist equipment, a character still suffers the lives more violently, exploding in brilliant
penalties that an unequipped character would supernovas, leaving behind a neutron star or black
usually experience on a heavy world. Such a suit hole.
only protects from the extreme gravity, not the
other hazards of a neutron star. Mechanical Considerations
Stars have the same stellar temperatures as neutron
Stellar Temperature stars and the same hazards and precautions apply.
The surface temperature of a neutron star is However, they possess no surface and the extreme
measured in millions of degrees, as hot as a star, a gravity of a neutron star does not apply to them.
nuclear explosion or the inside of a fusion reactor.
No ordinary matter can survive exposure to
Risks of the Trade
temperatures so extreme. Unprotected exposure to
these temperatures will even kill an Emissary as
We double crossed the Emissary that day, he never
quickly as it takes them to use up all their
told us his name and barely even spoke to us, but he
Sympathy. Such extreme temperatures can be
treated us like dirt. Never realised that Miranda had
considered to cause sufficient damage to inflict fatal
put a bounty on his head, or maybe he just couldn't
injuries on any unprotected or adapted creature for
conceive of us being able to take it. Vikran had
each turn they are exposed to them.
sabotaged the Bondinium exosuit that he'd
commissioned from us. It just started to fall apart
Stellar equipment
around him, mirror-steel peeling off, exposing him
Any equipment must be coated in an outer layer of
completely and he just stood there for almost a full
Technosapien mirror-steel in order to withstand the
second looking confused. Then he took five steps
extreme temperature of a neutron star. Even with
across the surface of the neutron star and tore
such expensive and specialist equipment, the
Vikran's head clean off with his bare hands. Crushed
mirror-steel will only last an hour in contact with
mirror-steel and Bondinium like it was foil. Then he
the surface of a neutron star before it fails and
burned to death in front of us. Was the damnedest
begins to melt.
thing I ever saw.

Excerpt from The Confessions of Tibius Boyce.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Arcturus VI
The Arcturus system comprises six planets in orbit
around its dying star: a massive Jovian, four small
rocky planets that are only barely larger than
planetoids and a distant rocky planet of moderate
size. It is this last planet that marks the Arcturus
system as a well known place of interest and
historic importance.

Arcturus VI is an extreme world with Earth-like

gravity and freezing surface temperatures that can
dip below -230 degrees Celsius and rarely rise above
-220. The planet is covered in sheets of thick ice and
snow composed of crystallised oxygen and nitrogen.
Storms are common and wind speeds can reach as
high as a hundred kilometres per hour in some
circumstances. While this is not quite hurricane
level, the result is usually an extreme whiteout that
reduces visibility down to a few metres, obliterates
all tracks and rearranges or covers all but the tallest
recognisable surface features. However, many such
worlds exist in the galaxy and none of this is what
makes Arcturus VI unique.

Before even the time of the First Golden Empire and

the discovery of the wormholes, a civilisation
inhabited the Arcturus system. Descendants of
colonists from an ancient sleeper ship that landed
on one of the smaller habitable planets, the
civilisation grew, spread out into the surrounding
space and exploited the Jovian for its near-limitless
fuel resources. During one fateful trip, a fuel
transporter on its way to a distant asteroid mining
station came under attack by pirates and crash
landed on the surface of Arcturus VI. Using their
EVA suits to protect themselves from the cold, the
crew fled from the crash site, planning to return
after the pirates had left. Whilst concealing
themselves in the snow they came across the first
alien artefact known to have been encountered by
the human race.

Based on the few recordings recovered from the

scene, it is said that the artefact was an angular,
black pillar, buried deep in the side of a mound of
snow. Once disturbed, it began to fragment into
glowing geometric shapes, floating slowly into the
air and further fragmenting into smaller and smaller
pieces that carried away on the wind. When agents
of the First Imperial Majesty arrived in the Arcturus
system, they discovered an abandoned civilisation.
There was evidence of a large and thriving space
age society wherever they looked, but no signs of
life anywhere in the system. It was not until
researchers explored the uninhabitable Arcturus VI
that they discovered the frozen corpses of an
estimated twenty billion people.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Present Arcturus Pillars of Arcturus
In the wake of the chilling discovery, the entire
Arcturus system was marked as an exclusion zone, Dendra:
forever doomed to be a ghost civilisation frozen in I hear you. I'm still right in front of you. We should
time. Occasionally research teams, explorers and stick to laser comms, they might pick up radio. I'll
looters have braved a visit there, but few dare stay wait for you to catch up, ping me when you see me.
for long and none have set up any kind of
permanent presence. To the present day, Arcturus Harris:
serves as a notable warning to the dangers of alien Ah, I see you now. This storm is insane, I had no idea
artefacts and as a tale that spooks both children you were that close.
and adults alike.
Although Emissaries have since visited the location, I can't even see where the horizon is. At least they
no further alien devices have been discovered and won't be able to pick us up visually. We should keep
the mystery remains unsolved. However, the moving though, get further away from the crash
existence of other artefacts on Arcturus VI cannot site.
be completely ruled out. If such devices cannot be
picked up with conventional scanning equipment, Harris:
they would have to be excavated by survey teams. Agreed. Say, did you see what happened to the
Unfortunately, the extreme cold and snow storms others?
of Arcturus VI make charting its surface in such a
way all but impossible. Dendra:
Three escape pods launched during the descent, not
Theories sure who was in them. There might have been
Although many people have proposed theories others in the rear section, but it separated on the
about what occurred on Arcturus in the years since, way down and landed about kilometre east of...
very little evidence exists. Most notably, although Huh, what the hell is that?
some records were discovered from the crew of the
fuel transport that crashed there, no messages were Harris: 202
left and no suspicious mentions of Arcturus VI were What is it? Wreckage?
made and left behind anywhere else in the entire
system. Unless every single record was somehow Dendra:
erased, it is as if the entire civilisation silently I don't think so. It's definitely not part of ours at
conspired to transport themselves to the frozen least. Maybe we're not the first people to crash here
planet, where they simply walked out into the snow though.
unprotected and died instantly.
Due to the mysterious circumstances, many suspect You recognise that material?
some form of mind control or psionic suggestion
was involved. Others have theorised that a hyper Dendra:
advanced information weapon was used, infecting Not sure. I can't see any signs of damage on it. The
the entire civilisation with a singular suicidal idea. surface is really smooth. Hey, the top is starting to
More outrageous theories propose that alien glow.
machines literally abducted or murdered the entire
population, using Arcturus VI merely as a dumping Harris:
ground for their bodies. However, what remains of Whoa, did you see that?
the frozen corpses shows that no obvious signs of
violence, foul play or biological infection were Dendra:
involved. The terrifying truth is that the real cause We should stand back, it might be volatile.
may never be uncovered unless it repeats itself,
either again at Arcturus VI or at another location in Harris:
the galaxy. Holy... I wish everyone else could see this.

Communication log recovered from Arcturus VI.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Technosapien Hive Worlds Second Class Hive Worlds
The primary habitat and infrastructure of the Although smaller and more numerous than First
Technosapiens, Hive Worlds come in a variety of Class Hive Worlds, Second Class Hive Worlds are still
different layouts and sizes. While even the least more populous than most other habitats found in
impressive among them are planet-spanning the Galaxy. These worlds are defined as being able
industrial cities, with tightly packed buildings to produce up to a single kilogram of mirror-steel
reaching hundreds of kilometres into the sky, some each year or possessing a population between one
are truly monumental artificial planets with nothing hundred trillion and one quadrillion people. As of
but brutalist, labyrinthine city all the way down to the last Imperial survey, twelve Hive Worlds fell
the core. It is not uncommon for Hive Worlds to within this category.
house hundreds of trillions of Technosapiens,
though the vast majority of these are simple factory Third Class Hive Worlds
workers and nutrient synthesisers who do nothing Third Class Hive Worlds are the smallest category of
but support the more exclusive classes above them. Hive World, lacking the ability to produce mirror-
steel and possessing fewer than one hundred
Although Technosapiens make no such distinctions, trillion people. Although backwaters by
the Empire has devised a category system for Technosapien standards, these worlds are still
ranking Hive Worlds based on their population and impressive in comparison to most inhabited planets.
industrial output. As of the last Imperial survey, seventy Hive Worlds
fell within this category.
First Class Hive Worlds
Also known as fabworlds by some members of the Uncategorised Hive Worlds
galactic community, First Class Hive Worlds are Not all Hive Worlds fit within the standard category
defined as being able to produce over a kilogram of system, though most do. Uncategorised Hive
Technosapien mirror-steel each year or possessing a Worlds are typically Hive Worlds that are still under
population in excess of one quadrillion people. construction, with no permanent residential
Currently there are only four Hive Worlds which fall population or industrial output. However, derelict
within this category: Arton VI, Toh, Nia and the Hive Worlds such as Agra may also be considered
Great Sphere. It is thought that the Hive World Agra uncategorised. The last Imperial survey also 203
may also have reached this category, had it not revealed that several, previously Third Class, Hive
been reduced to a derelict shell by Zorin the Worlds had been abandoned due to an
Purifier. First Class Hive Worlds are typically very uncontrollable infestation of artificial lifeforms. It is
well defended and may also be home to all manner unknown how many uncategorised Hive Worlds
of dangerous artificial wildlife, born from the chaos exist at present.
of virus-infested fabricators or biomechanical
experiments gone wrong.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Great Sphere The Journey
The Great Sphere is an unusual First Class Hive
World with a greatly different form to the other I set foot on the outer surface of the deserted Hive
three, or to that of any of the Second or Third Class World and began comparing the local geography to
Hive Worlds. Rather than take the form of a solid the charts we had made from orbit. We had hoped
ball, the Great Sphere is a thin shell built around a to discover why the Technosapiens had left and to
dying red giant star. Interestingly, the only known salvage any valuable technology along the way. Up
object of similar design in the galaxy is a fragment there, on the outermost layer, we had been able to
of an ancient alien Dyson sphere, found in orbit map the terrain using simple optical sensors, but as
around a brown dwarf by researchers of the Second we progressed down into the heart of the world we
Golden Empire. The Great Sphere is also known to would become increasingly reliant on our more...
be one of the few Hive Worlds to be completely esoteric sensors. It turns out that sufficiently
devoid of artificial wildlife, having no reported advanced artificial intelligences give off psionic
incidents of viral corruption within living memory. emissions, much like those of a living mind, which
are in turn refracted by the solid material around
Although Technosapiens claim to have discovered them. As this abandoned world was still thriving
and perfected mirror-steel themselves, it is widely with artificial life, we used this psionic refraction to
known that the Great Sphere possesses stockpiles plot a route through the subterranean labyrinth.
of the rare material so vast that it could not possibly
have been manufactured by them. Due to these For just over two standard months we advanced
facts, it is theorised that the material already through a maze of empty corridors, crossing vast
existed and was only discovered by Technosapien expanses of interior space, venturing through great
settlers, who would later learn to produce it brutalist halls and thousands of miles of seemingly
themselves at a greatly reduced rate. More extreme endless living spaces. Wherever we looked there
theories even go so far as to suggest that the facility was nothing, only dust and the darkness, filled with
itself is an ancient alien mirror-steel factory that the echoes of our own movements and the omnipresent
Technosapiens have only been able to create hum of unseen electrical circuits. On several
imperfect replicas of. occasions we became hopelessly lost, our charts
proving woefully inaccurate. Panic set in the first 204
Agra few times it happened, but we were always careful
A once mighty Hive World with a massive and retraced our steps. Eventually those moments
population, Agra is now a derelict lifeless shell. of confusion became the norm and we stopped
Although it is unclear exactly what happened at worrying. The exhilaration of exploring the unknown
Agra, due to the Technosapiens' reluctance to took hold. In that whole time we didn't come across
release any official records, it is known that it was a single living thing. It was such a dead and peaceful
overrun by some heretical cult that permeated all place that we started to forget just what we were
levels of its society. The problem only became using to navigate it.
widely known after an official plea of help was
made to the Imperial Senate, though it is believed We realised why our maps were wrong during the
that the problem had been contained internally and third month. They were in the walls. No, that's not
concealed for a number of years up to that point. really accurate either. They were the walls. The Hive
World wasn't some vast city with factories and
With the support of both regular Technosapien computer cores inside it, it was literally a giant
forces and Imperial Honour Guard, the Emissary computer and the Technosapiens had lived and
Zorin Dhalk, later to be known as Zorin the Purifier, carved out their homes in the spaces between its
led an invasion fleet to cleanse Agra of its taint. components. This world was a living artificial being.
Zorin was zealous and relentless in his purge of the We had climbed into its mouth and walked down its
colossal Hive World, butchering every inhabitant he throat. It must have started manipulating us some
came across and shutting down every machine, time after it realised how we were navigating it.
nutrient farm and network node in his path. Many Prompting us forwards, deeper, urging us down
within the galactic community were shocked by certain paths while concealing others. It was a
Zorin's brutality, though few have dared argue patient thing. I know the answer to our question
against his eventual success. Curiously, Agra was now. They didn't leave.
never recolonised or dismantled for material gain.
Who knows what secrets it could hold and what Data recorder recovered from Tine Hive World.
might still lurk inside.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Deathworlds Verlate
Those worlds that are too dangerous for normal Evidence suggests that Verlate may once have been
civilisation, due to the native flora and fauna, are a thriving industrial world, but today it is a barren
classified as deathworlds. They may be vast wasteland of dust and sand. Great storms rage
expanses of desert, swarming with ferocious dune across the surface, churning the toxic atmosphere
stalkers and hooded worms, or continent-spanning and sand blasting anything exposed on the surface.
jungles infested with poisonous plants and brain Sunlight fails to penetrate the dense atmosphere,
moths. Regardless of the form they take, danger is but temperatures are uncomfortably warm for most
never far away. Deathworlds are otherwise Earth- humanoid life and clean water is all but non-
like in size and nature and may experience any of existent. Dotted randomly across the landscape, the
the extremes of weather that Earth-like worlds may tips of enormous factory complexes can be seen
do. In fact, volatile weather and extremes of poking out from beneath the sand. However,
temperature are common on most deathworlds. Verlate is not a dead world, for it is home to the
largest known population of mortipedes anywhere
Despite the risks, many deathworlds are inhabited, in the known galaxy.
though those that willingly choose to live on them
are far from normal settlers. Deathworld Groei
inhabitants are, by necessity, some of the most Overrun by tropical rainforests and jungle across
skilled hunters and survivalists in the known galaxy. the majority of its surface, Groei would be a natural
For these reasons, the Imperial Army have several paradise if it wasn't for the deadly poison common
programs through which deathworlders are trained to every single plant species that grows there. Even
and recruited into the armed forces. Many of the brushing an exposed limb against the grass or
most promising candidates are also passed on for inhaling the pollen is sufficient to receive a fatal
consideration by Emissary training instructors, dose of deathmist poison. Despite this, great
though application is an entirely voluntary process. progress has been made in exploring all but the
deepest and most overgrown areas of its rainforest.
Many deathworlds are also unusually rich in rare In these parts, trees can grow to over a kilometre in
and valuable resources, or littered with the relics of height and are studded with spear-like thorns that
lost and forgotten transhuman civilisations. This has
lead to the temporary establishment of mining
can penetrate heavy armour as easily as power 205
weapons. Factory-sized mushrooms pump
colonies and research outposts on several thousands of tonnes of deadly spores into the
deathworlds, often with predictably dire results. atmosphere and vegetation grows back as quickly
However, the potential riches can outweigh the as it can be hacked or burned away.
associated risks and so new operations are
constantly attempted.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Natlei Ghosts of Kazern
Natlei was most likely a terrestrial world in the
distant past, but melted ice caps have raised the sea I served alongside a group of Aameist psions in the
level above all but the highest points of land. Over first battle of Camlan, before we were eventually
ninety percent of the surface is covered in water forced to fall back and regroup in space. I was
and the ocean averages a depth of over ten immediately impressed with how calm they were in
kilometres, with trenches and chasms that go combat, never panicking or flinching under fire.
deeper still. This ocean is infested with a near There was something distant about them though.
countless number of cannibalistic giant oceanic They kept themselves to themselves and didn't
leeches, to the point where virtually nothing else socialise much with the rest of us. They were polite
has been seen to live there. However, there are when spoken to though, I couldn't say a bad word
rumours of even larger and more dangerous against any of the ones I knew. Oh, there were
creatures that dwell in the deepest depths, in water rumours though, people would say that they were
where the pressure is too high for even leeches to mind readers or that they could force you to do
survive. things. I asked one of them about it once, he paused
for a few seconds without saying a word, then a wry
Harea smile crept across his lips and he said to me, “mind
Harea is a typical desert world, in orbit as a natural reading isn't necessary for you, your face is as
satellite around a Jovian planet that provides much honest as they come.” I laughed at that and slapped
of its heat. The distant sun is bright, but small in the him on the back.
sky, and illuminates the red sand with a dull glow.
Temperatures are high, but not intolerable, though It was true though, the rumours about them. At
fresh water is a scarcity. Like the gas giant it orbits, least to a degree. Of course they were psionic, that
Harea is rich in the valuable helium isotopes used to we all knew, they could lift supplies off the back of a
fuel nuclear fusion reactors, though its solid surface carryall without ever laying a hand on them. When
and lower gravity makes extraction far more we advanced on enemy positions with them, we
profitable. Unfortunately, most of these mining would often find our enemies gibbering with
facilities now lay abandoned, having attracted the madness or cowering in fear, if they had not already
vast number of hooded worms that make their fled in terror. But I saw one of them interrogate a 206
homes beneath the sand. Attacks on workers and survivor once, that poor sod told them everything
mining facilities sky rocketed shortly after mining they wanted to know without so much as a threat of
operations began and the costs of fending off the violence or promise of reward. I never saw anything
worms were deemed unsustainable. quite like it before, if it wasn't some kind of
compulsion then I don't know what it was. I was
Kazern used to seeing the Emissary, Isaias, do things I didn't
Kazern is an inhabited death world with a understand, but this was different. These people
temperate climate, vast mountain ranges and were supposed to be ordinary soldiers like me.
sprawling plains. Were it not for the unusually large
number of golden wraiths present on the planet, it Years later, when Camlan was over and poor old
would be a prime candidate for further colonisation Isaias was dead, his great enemy defeated and
efforts. Several large space stations and research armies shattered, I decided to visit Kazern. People
facilities do exist in orbit with large civilian often asked me why and I couldn't really answer
populations, although there have even been them if I'm honest. Perhaps it was just the fantasy
unconfirmed accounts of wraiths manifesting within of a veteran who didn't know quite how to settle
their metal corridors. back into a life of peace, but it didn't feel like a
craving for danger or action. I just wanted to see
The native people of Kazern refer to themselves as what it was like, the place that made the Aameist
'Aameist', taken from their name for the golden the way they were.
wraiths. More commonly, at least within the central
region of the Third Golden Empire, they are known Excerpt from the letters of soldier, Kevin H. Shema.
as the 'Ghosts of Kazern'. They are a nomadic
people, skilled hunters and survivalists who are
famous for their mental fortitude and high
propensity for developing psionic powers.
Particularly skilled Aameist psions are frequently
recruited into the Imperial military, with some even
going on to become Emissaries.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Floreana is the home world of the Avian race,
possessing one of the largest natural deposits of
exotic Bondinium anywhere in the known galaxy.
Despite extensive mining of its many floating
islands, Floreana remains a place of great natural
beauty into the present day. However, these highly
sought after resources will not last forever and
many fear that its famous islands will eventually be
mined to exhaustion, stripping the world of all that
made it unique.

The Bondinium occurs deep below the surface of

the planet and is carried up by streams of molten
rock that emerge beneath the ocean where two
tectonic plates are moving apart. As the rock and
Bondinium cools and solidifies on the ocean floor, it
regains its anti-gravity properties, causing it break
free and rise from the water into the sky. The
creation of these new floating islands is carefully
studied and observed, though the process is quite
unpredictable with several centuries sometimes
passing before a new island emerges from the deep.

The islands naturally rise due to the interaction

between the Bondinium and the unusually strong
electromagnetic field of the planet. When mining,
external field generators are fitted to the chosen
island, further stimulating the Bondinium within it
and allowing it to rise out of the atmosphere
completely. These islands are then collected in low
orbit by mining tugs and towed away for processing
within the orbital mining facilities.

Efforts to cut back on mining operations have

largely been met with failure. While the use of
Bondinium in grav cars and personal machinery can
be regarded as a luxury, its application in the
aerospace industry are vital for maintaining the
logistical requirements of the Third Golden Empire.
Alternative sources do exist, but rarely in sufficient
concentration to make large scale mining a viable
prospect. However, if someone were to come across
a source of natural Bondinium comparable to
Floreana, they would almost certainly become one
of the richest individuals in the galaxy over night.

The flora and fauna of Floreana is unusually rich and

diverse for a heavily populated world with such
extensive industrial operations. The Avian people
were historically a nomadic culture and have done
much to preserve the balance of nature on their
home. Though many of the larger predators that
could have seen Floreana classified as a death world
in the past have become extinct or dwindled in
numbers, a substantial breeding population of
plated wyverns still exists in the equatorial region.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Great Maelstrom
The Great Maelstrom is a sparsely inhabited region Radiation
of the galaxy that separates the Third Golden Characters within the Maelstrom, be they
Empire from the galactic centre. It is famously humanoid or mechanoid in nature, are at risk from
treacherous, with electromagnetic storms of the ionising radiation levels that greatly exceed safe
unimaginable violence and scale, engulfing entire limits. Any characters unprotected by stations or
solar systems and rendering whole regions of space starship hulls, exosuits, shields or other full-body
impossible to navigate. Dead planets and fields of protective equipment must pass a TR 14 toughness
asteroids litter the area. Even the background check each hour or receive an automatic persistent
radiation is sufficient to dissuade long term injury.
settlement by most.
Planets and celestial bodies of all types can be Atraxis is the only major inhabited planet located
found within the Great Maelstrom, from Jovians within the Great Maelstrom, though it would be
and terrestrial worlds, to black holes like the considered a minor backwater if it were located
famous Tannhauser. However, the vast majority of anywhere else. Its violent storms, dramatic skies
them are completely unexplored, unknown and and kilometre-thick, concrete colony domes are a
lacking even names. Only the most intrepid well known image around the galaxy. Popular
adventurers, hardened survivors or desperate opinion holds that the majority of permanent
criminals dare venture within its boundaries for residents are exiles, criminals and smugglers,
long. However, it is not completely without points though the reality is that scientists and refugees
of interest or permanent settlement, mostly make up most of the numbers. The refugees are
centred around the few wormholes which exist descendants of those generation ships that were
within the region. unfortunate enough to end up arriving at worlds
within the Maelstrom.
Electromagnetic Storms
Everywhere within the Great Maelstrom is subject
Umbra Station
to a permanent EMP-like effect that disables all but
Umbra station was originally a hardened research
the most hardened electronic equipment. Advanced
weaponry and cybernetics are almost completely
facility, meant to chart and study the celestial 208
weather conditions of the Maelstrom. Today it is
unusable. Planets are subject to Jovian-like extreme
mostly unused for its original purpose, crewed by
weather, regardless of their type. Starships are also
Insectoid whalers who persist in tracking their great
vulnerable to direct electromagnetic discharges,
prey even into the depths of the Great Maelstrom
rolling 1d6 for each hour they spend within the
where others would fear to follow.
Maelstrom and receiving a hit on any results of a 6,
dealing 4d10 (P) (VM) damage.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Electrotomb
The Electrotomb exists in a region of space known The physical place is only part of what makes the
as the Graveyard, located between the part of the Electrotomb a unique and interesting location. Its
Empire inhabited by the Technosapien Hive and the hardware runs a simulation, a virtual reality that is
Central Empire itself. Mostly uninhabited, there are inaccessible by outside connection or interface.
many theories about why this is the case. Some However, the minds of any living creatures that die
hold that it is a buffer zone, isolating the on its surface are uploaded to the virtual world
Technosapiens from the rest of the Third Golden within. Considered to be a kind of afterlife or
Empire, though this has been officially denied by heaven by some, accurate judgements are hard to
officials residing on both sides. Others suggest that make from the limited information available. Its
it is the presence of the Electrotomb itself and the population, known as Ghosts, seem cryptic or
enigmatic Ghosts that dwell within its walls, an unwilling to describe what the experience is like,
unsettling presence that deters colonisation of the even to former family and friends.
surrounding space. However, these aren't the only
unusual features of the Graveyard. Within its From the compiled and cross-referenced
boundaries exists the derelict fragment of a Dyson statements of Ghosts that have been collected in
sphere, the largest artefact of genuine alien origin official records over the years, some descriptions
ever to be officially confirmed and recognised. In and imagery of their virtual world has been
fact, discoveries of alien artefacts are higher within determined. Castles, fields, towers and trees have
the Graveyard than any other region of the galaxy, been mentioned on multiple occasions, though it is
despite being the least well explored and populated uncertain how metaphorical these descriptions are.
area after the Great Maelstrom. A few have spoken of clouds and great blue skies.
More mysteriously, there have been some
The Electrotomb itself is not alien in origin, known descriptions of the world as fractal-like in nature, an
to be the sole remaining construct of a transhuman Escher painting of infinite complexity and beauty.
race that died out before the expansion of the First Other statements have claimed that their world is
Golden Empire. Somewhat resembling a modern less static than ours, constantly changing and
shell world in structure, though far denser and unpredictable, but calm like the changing seasons of
more esoteric in nature. The Electrotomb is a
effectively a computer, a hardware device made of
an Earth-like planet. 209
concentric layers of computing substrate and For the purposes of the game, any player characters
memory crystals. The material it is made from is that are killed on the surface of the Electrotomb
known to be extremely resistant to damage, but is should become NPC Ghosts, with control passing to
poorly understood and cannot be manufactured by the GM, unless exploration of its inner world is part
traditional methods, though small quantities have of the campaign scenario.
been replicated in research laboratories.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Fringe Worlds The World Tree
A variety of interesting and unusual planets and The World Tree is a colossal factory complex, one of
stations can be found in the fringe regions of the the largest and oldest structures believed to be of
Third Golden Empire, where a frontier-like attitude transhuman origin in the known galaxy. However, it
persists and the rules of Imperial law are treated as is unlikely that it's current form much resembles the
more of a suggestion than a code to live by. one it had when it was new, as it has been modified
Smuggling, piracy, and conflicts over land and and expanded upon by countless generations of the
mining claims are rife. Black markets support an very Builders that it itself builds. Its name is taken
economy of illegal goods and unregistered from its form, an enormous branching structure of
weapons. Merchants willing to buy and sell goods arms resembling a tree, starting from a central
without asking questions are common, though trunk as thick as any planet and almost a million
those seeking compensation for faulty augments or kilometres in length. As the arms branch out into
infections of machine plague are without recourse. ever smaller and smaller limbs, they decrease in raw
strength and increase in dexterity. The largest arms
Kagrion are capable of tearing apart and shaping even
A world that typifies all of the good and bad of the planetary masses of raw material, whilst the
fringe worlds and meets all of the popular smallest and finest are capable of construction at
perceptions that people have about them. Law sub-atomic levels of precision.
enforcement is virtually non-existent, though
rumour has it that the underworld leaders have All of the countless trillions of Timeless Builders that
secret agreements in place with Imperial officials. In occupy the Dendritic Expanse, far away from the
exchange for passing on information and keeping densely populated inner regions of the Third Golden
tabs on suspected extremists, they are given a free Empire, are believed to have been constructed by
pass to continue their illegal trade activities, at least the World Tree. Specialised Builders, like moon-
for now. sized squid, shaped into the form of enormous tug
boats, deliver it a never ending stream of raw
materials. All across its structure, other Builders
work ceaselessly, repairing its worn out arms or
A slum metropolis, the largest inhabited city on
Kagrion. Voss is infamous for its fighting pits, where
working on stumps that will eventually grow into
entirely new ones. If it once had a more specific
cybernetic gladiators fight to the death for the
purpose, it now seems to be locked into an endless
entertainment of the crowds and profit of their
cycle of growth and production. However, its
masters. The glint of steel, the flicker of particle
Builders, probably nothing more than dumb
beams and the stench of sweat. Though not
machines originally, have evolved through countless
technically slaves, those forced into pit fighting
generations and iterations or improvement and
rarely have any other prospects or owe colossal
mutation-like faults, becoming an intelligent
debts to people who would otherwise have them
machine community of their own.
killed. By nothing more than Darwinian selection,
the most successful pit fighters of Voss are amongst
Today the Builders have been persuaded to aid the
the most deadly one-on-one fighters in the galaxy.
Third Golden Empire in the construction of artificial
stars, shell worlds, stations and planets. Though the
Hatria Station World Tree itself has been left alone, studied
Although considered to be a permanent space carefully but with guarded caution in respect of its
station and one of quite considerable size, Hatria potential power. It appears to have no real agency
station is really a collection of starships, and little awareness of the situation around it, but
permanently bound, docked or welded together. its potential for destruction greatly exceeds even a
Over time it has grown in size, starting from just a fleet of warships, atomic weapons or planet
few ships joined together to form a temporary crackers. Despite lacking any obvious weapons of its
station, its labyrinthine structure is now composed own, its various construction tools and thrusters
of over a thousand individual vessels. Its employ energies comparable to any purpose built
components varying in size from tiny pleasure boats weapons ever made. Its sheer size and mass would
capable of carrying only a few people to enormous render it resistant to all but the most concentrated
passenger cruisers and cargo ships that would firepower. It may even be capable of manufacturing
ordinarily have complements of hundreds or weapons of war or self-defence if attacked, though
thousands. such information is unknown.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Cyberspace is an abstracted environment that A system possesses one hostile structure for every 2
represents the internal world of a computer points that its TR exceeds 10. For example, a private
network or virtual reality simulation. The visual civilian network (with a TR of 14) will possess two
appearance of cyberspace is unique to each hostile structures, while an advanced military
observer, though the structural layout is fixed and network (TR 20) will possess five. Examples of five
depends on the system being infiltrated. The rules hostile cyberspace structures are given below. As a
for cyberspace below may be optionally used in GM, you may wish to select them from the list or
addition to a simple technology check when determine them randomly.
attempting to hack or gain access to a computer.
Interaction A maze is the least dangerous hostile structure that
Movement, combat, injury and skill checks work as can be encountered in cyberspace and is an
normal in cyberspace with a few exceptions. All skill abstracted representation of the difficulty in
checks in cyberspace use intelligence as their navigating an unfamiliar network. A successful TR 14
associated characteristic, regardless of what their navigation check will prevent a character from
usual associated characteristic would be. Physical becoming lost in the maze, but searching the maze
injuries that occur in cyberspace do not carry back for the correct path will take 60 minutes of virtual
over to reality. However, a character that dies in time (6 minutes of real time). A successful TR 14
cyberspace is considered brain dead in the real track or investigate check, reduces this to 10
world. A character may disconnect from cyberspace minutes of virtual time (1 minute of real time).
as a free action, but must make a reflexive TR 14
technology check or suffer an automatic temporary Guardian
mental injury. A character who is rendered A guardian is a simple, passive sub-AI entity that
unconscious in cyberspace may attempt this action prevents further access to its host system and is an
once each turn, but suffers a circumstance penalty abstracted representation of breaking passwords
to their attempt. and decrypting files. A successful TR 14
manipulation or communication check is required
Equipment to circumvent it. 211
A character may enter cyberspace with a number of
virtual pieces of equipment equal to their Sentry
intelligence characteristic. However, the individual A sentry is an aggressive sub-AI entity that prevents
purchase TR of these items (in the real world) further access to its host system and is an
cannot exceed 10 plus the character's rank in the abstracted representation of defeating anti-
technology skill. For example, a character with an intrusion countermeasures. A sentry has the same
intelligence of 3 and 4 ranks in technology may stats as a Terminal Guardian and is armed with a
enter cyberspace with 3 pieces of virtual equipment light MG.
that each have a purchase TR no greater than 14.
Opposition Agents are aggressive security programs or users
The environment and the nature of the opposition that will actively hunt and attack intruders. A
that characters will encounter in cyberspace system defended by agents will possess a number of
depends on the kind of system they are attempting agents equal to its TR minus 10. Agents have the
to gain access to. The capabilities of these systems same stats as a Synthoid and are armed with power
are determined by the TR of the initial technology knives.
check required to infiltrate them.
TR Example system
A virus takes on the form of a chemical or biological
14 Private civilian network
attack that causes immense pain and seems to
16 Public corporate network or file server
slowly eat through tissue and metal. A character
18 Secured corporate or military network
exposed to a virus attack must make a successful TR
20 Advanced military network
14 stamina or medicine check for every virtual
22 Alien network
minute they remain in cyberspace. Any failed checks
result in an automatic persistent injury.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Technology TL2
Since the reunification of the galaxy, allowed by the A world with TL2 is considered to be an established
discovery of the wormhole network, resources and world, with average living conditions and many
technology have spread by trade, conquest and large population centres However, large areas of
espionage throughout the Third Golden Empire. wilderness may still exist and big divides between
Specific technologies have become extremely the rich and poor are not uncommon. Interstellar
commonplace and a certain level of advancement trade is regular and transport off world is not
can generally be expected wherever one might go. beyond the reach of the average citizen. Most
Despite this, different worlds may still possess populated worlds within the Third Golden Empire
radically different levels of technology and what fall somewhere close to TL2.
might be ubiquitous on one world may be
exceptionally rare or even unheard of on another. TL3
This chapter will seek to expand upon and clarify A world with TL3 is considered to be well above
the general state of technology within the galaxy, average for technological development. It could be
providing players with a better idea of what they a thriving metropolis or industrial world from the
might expect to have access to or encounter in their inner core of the Third Golden Empire, a well
adventures and daily lives, along with some funded research station or colony, a successful
examples for GMs of what is and isn't possible on mining operation or even a Technosapien Hive. TL3
the current fringes of science. worlds tend to be less common and more distinct
from each other, but all feature increased
Technological Level (TL) availability of the most advanced technological
To help clarify things further, different worlds can items.
be given an associated Technological Level. While
no two worlds will be completely identical, for Food and Industry (TL0)
environmental and cultural reasons as well as Subsistence farming and cottage industry is the
technological advancement, worlds that share a order of the day. Access to genetically engineered
Technological Level can generally be assumed to crops and hydroponics is fairly common, though
have access to the same kinds of technology with these tend not to have been developed locally. The
the same kind of scarcity. It is unnecessary to
categorise every individual planet in this way, rather
average citizen is poorly educated and works hard
every day to survive. The engineering skills 212
it is a kind of guideline to help GMs and players necessary to maintain mechanical and simple
come to a fast consensus about what a new location electronic devices are common, though this takes
is like. the form of practical rote knowledge rather than a
deeper understanding of the underlying principles.
TL0 Robotics and universal fabricators, machines
A world with TL0 is considered extremely primitive capable of making things from raw materials, are
or undeveloped. It may be an extremely hostile not unheard of, but are rare and highly prized.
world with only a very small colony, a world Technicians capable of maintaining such advanced
extremely poor in material resources, a recent machinery are amongst the most important
colony that has yet to be properly established or a members of society.
backwater that is unusually isolated from
interplanetary trade. Food and Industry (TL1)
Farming and resource collection still makes up the
TL1 majority of life for the average citizen, though
A world with TL1 is considered to be primitive, with automation is far more common and simple robots
living conditions well below average. It may face are readily available. Consumer industry is highly
many of the same issues as a TL0 world, but is more reliant on outdated industrial fabricators, though
established and has multiple small colonies or a skilled labourers may still be employed for luxury
larger population centre with some limited access goods or specialist equipment. Intelligent machines
to interstellar trade. Fringe worlds, mining colonies with intelligence that can approach that of a human
or worlds under the control of criminal are a rare sight, but such machines may still be
organisations are commonly rated at TL1. encountered in larger population centres, or
working in the employ of wealthy land owners,
politicians or criminal bosses, where they are
usually regarded as property.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Food and Industry (TL2) Transport (TL1)
Farming and food production is almost entirely Trained animals are still a common sight, although
automated, with heavy use of genetic engineering the average family can afford a simple electric car or
and ultra high density hydroponic labs in major hover vehicle. Simple flying machines are relatively
population centres Technicians oversee the common, although aircraft capable of carrying a
development of improved crops and livestock. meaningful cargo tend to be owned by businesses
Logistics is largely automated, with oversight by or local cooperatives. Larger businesses or wealthy
trained professionals and a work force of skilled individuals may possess small fleets of such vehicles
labourers and specialised machines. Industry uses and possibly even a spacecraft or two capable of
massive universal fabricators of recent design to navigating the wormhole network. The entire planet
turn out masses of modern consumer goods. Some may be served by one or two large, if somewhat
luxury goods are still produced by highly skilled decrepit, spaceports, while a few smaller, privately
artisans, though even these professionals are owned examples may also exist. Off world travel is
increasingly more responsible for design than typically beyond the means of the average citizen,
manufacturing. However, the poorest members of though it is not completely impossible to save up for
society have access to only the bare minimum, with or negotiate for with the right pilot. Interstellar
virtually no possibility of them being self sufficient. trade is regular, although smuggling is rife and
pirates are common.
Food and Industry (TL3)
The supply and logistics of food production is so Transport (TL2)
automated and happens on such a large scale that Personal ownership of electric and hover vehicles is
the average citizen is barely even aware of how it is quite common, with many having access to simple
done or where food comes from. The cost of food is flying machines. Travel to different parts of the
effectively negligible and availability is of no planet is fairly trivial to the average citizen, either
concern. The entire industry falls under the by commercial transporter or private aircraft.
oversight of only a handful of individuals and Private ownership of spacecraft is heavily restricted
various thinking machines. Consumer industry and difficult for the average citizen, though not
follows much the same pattern, with consumer impossible. Wealthier individuals and even small
goods being both cheap and readily available. Only
illegal or restricted goods demand a high price.
businesses may have access to spacecraft capable of
interstellar travel via the wormhole network. The 213
planet is typically served by multiple large
Transport (TL0) spaceports and policed by a militia that maintains
Trained animals form the backbone of personal the ability to intercept all but the largest or fastest
transport, with a small number of electric cars, spacecraft. Smuggling, piracy and terrorism are not
combustion powered vehicles and obsolete robots unheard of, but tend not to be a concern.
making up the rest. Such vehicles demand a high
price and are highly sought after for their practical Transport (TL3)
applications. Flying machines are exceptionally rare, Private ownership of spacecraft may be possible,
highly prized and may be owned by only a few the industrial base and technology allow for it. In
people on the entire planet. Personal spacecraft are the case of core Imperial worlds, most citizens will
almost unheard of, though there may be one or two be wealthy officials or industry leaders, who
privately owned examples hidden away. A single potentially have access to fleets of private vehicles.
primitive spaceport serves as the only link to the Off world transport is trivial and many will
rest of the galaxy. Off world travel is nothing more frequently leave on business or diplomatic trips to
than a dream for the average citizen, prompting other parts of the galaxy. Life in a Technosapien
frequent attempts to stowaway aboard any trade Hive would be quite different, though ambassadors
vessel that visits. It is exceptionally rare that anyone and the highest members of society would have
on such a world possesses a craft capable of similar ease of access to transport and spacecraft.
navigating the wormhole network.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Communications and Computing (TL0) Communications and Computing (TL2)
Limited local networks may exist to enable financial Global networks with excellent coverage are
transactions and the storage and access to maintained by local authorities and industries,
important records and information. Coverage may allowing worldwide communication, information
not extend much beyond the spaceport, if at all. sharing and access to financial systems and public
Communication across the planet surface is chiefly records. Global networks are in near constant
achieved by radio, with no real access to off world communication with the rest of the galaxy, via
communications or information networks. The information exchange with wormhole probes.
spaceport is likely to provide the sole uplink capable However, the inherent time lag involved makes real
of contacting spacecraft within the system or time interstellar communication impossible,
communicating with probes in orbit around the typically resulting in a lag time of ten to twenty
local wormhole. Off world news and messages are minutes. Personal computing devices and terminals
provided only by infrequent information dumps are both advanced and common. The average
from such probes. Obsolete personal computing citizen is able to access their terminal device by
devices and terminals are uncommon, but not rare thought and receive information in the form of a
and are frequently traded for whenever the planet display beamed directly onto the retina or even
is visited. Skilled technicians are capable of building direct stimulation of the brain by a thin electrode
simple computing devices from the available net that invisibly weaves into the user's hair. Such
resources, though lack the time necessary to do this devices are able to form relatively secure local
on a commercial scale. These simple terminals are networks and allow virtually instant and
capable of uploading and storing vast quantities of undetectable communication over planetary
text information, wirelessly accessing local open distances.
networks, and sending and receiving real time text
and video data from other such terminals. Communications and Computing (TL3)
Global networks with multiple redundancies exist,
Communications and Computing (TL1) powered by huge server farms that store a galaxy's
A relatively secure global network is typically worth of public records and financial transactions.
maintained by whatever authority also controls the Private individuals and companies frequently
spaceport or governs the local population. This
network exists primarily for financial transactions
maintain their own global networks, allowing them
the benefits of a global network with increased 214
and storing business records, but also allows access security and independence. Off world networking
to information uploaded locally or downloaded and communication is maintained by a constant link
from the probes in orbit around the local to wormhole probes, though the time lag involved
wormhole. In this way, wealthier citizens and small in such communications cannot be circumvented.
businesses have some access to off world To partially alleviate this, artificial intelligences, in
information and communication. Personal the form of virtual assistants, are frequently
computing devices and terminals are a long way transmitted to off world locations, where they can
from state of the art, but are still commonplace and operate and communicate with locals
allow real time private communication and the autonomously and in real time.
ability to form and access private networks.
Fashion (TL0)
Fashion and culture take lower priorities to survival,
with locally produced clothing usually being simple
and practical in nature. However, the technology to
produce more elaborate clothing and exotic colours
exists, but is generally reserved for culturally
significant occasions or events. Tattoos and simple
body modification are relatively common and tend
to be on the more extreme end of the available
methods for self expression of individuality.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Fashion (TL1) Augmentation (TL1)
Practical clothing tends to be common for many of Augmentations are rare, but more common, with
the same reasons as on less technologically people often opting for augmentations that would
advanced worlds, though it is far more common to enhance their physical abilities. However, quality
see bright colours, elaborate designs and can be hit and miss and outbreaks of machine
outrageous examples of self expression or devotion plague, contracted from low quality cybernetics, are
to local subcultures. However, there is a general not unheard of.
reluctance to appear wealthy in public, in large part
due to the prevalence of crime on such worlds. Augmentation (TL2)
Adoption of augmentation varies from culture to
Fashion (TL2) culture, but availability and quality are both high.
Clothing capable of changing shape or colour, either Soldiers, mercenaries, militia and bodyguards are
by itself or on command, is very popular. Fashion common recipients of more advanced, practical
trends change frequently and few items are augmentations. However, cosmetic augmentations
selected for any practical value. Those who can are increasingly more common among the average
afford more expensive materials and designs citizens.
generally do so. Cosmetic augmentations are also
increasingly popular. Augmentation (TL3)
Adoption of augmentation on Imperial core worlds
Fashion (TL3) varies, but those who want it have access to some
Those who live on the Imperial core worlds see of the best available. By contrast, cybernetic
themselves as the trend setters when it comes to augmentation on Technosapien Hives is ubiquitous.
fashion and culture and will often adopt the latest
technologies and trends, dressing in clothes of the Weapons (TL0)
most rare and valuable materials. Intelligent outfits Simple chemical projectile weapons and melee
that change to reflect mood and match or contrast weapons without any electronic parts are all that
with the surrounding environment are common. can be easily produced locally. However, such
Anachronistic costumes, based on designs simple weapons are quite trivial to produce and are
recovered from the ancient past are also popular in
some cultures. Common belief holds that fashion
both common and easily available. Weapons are
typically unrestricted, outside of the spaceport, 215
and culture are concepts alien to Technosapien which may have a volunteer militia to enforce any
kind, though this is not strictly true, rather their restrictions imposed. More advanced weapons are
concepts of fashion and culture are alien to the rest typically rare and unpopular, due to the difficulty in
of the galaxy. Those with a keener eye would notice maintaining them or replacing broken parts.
shifting trends in the forms of the Ambassadors' However, simple energy weapons are prized for
living masks, or the designs of their sleek artificial their reliability for not requiring ammunition which
limbs. would be a logistical burden.

Augmentation (TL0) Weapons (TL1)

Augmentations are rare and few take the Weapons of all sorts, save the most exotic and
opportunity for cybernetics even when it presents advanced, tend to be fairly common. Even simple
itself, as practical concerns with maintenance and universal fabricators can mass produce weapons
reliability could leave someone without a limb at that aren't reliant on exotic material in their
some point in the future, a situation they couldn't construction. Restrictions are mostly non-existent,
afford. Biological augmentation, when possible, is save for locations where someone has decided
considered more carefully. The advantages can be otherwise and provided the muscle to enforce their
astronomical to people living in hostile opinion.
environments, surviving through constant physical
activity. Regardless, few are given the chance to
possess augmentations of any kind.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Weapons (TL2) The origin of the wormhole network is something of
The capability exists to mass produce all but the a controversial subject, one that the average citizen
most exotic weapons in the galaxy, though the is unaware of and those more knowledgeable tend
intent may not. Such worlds that possess an arms to avoid discussing too loudly. The official
industry are capable of manufacturing weapons on explanation, endorsed by various high profile
a scale to supply an army or planetary militia, along scientists of the Empire, is that the wormhole
with the vehicles and logistics to go with such a network is entirely natural. Formed in the early
thing. However, restrictions on private ownership stages of the universe, it remained dormant until its
are common and such worlds possess extensive discovery by the First Golden Empire. The
police and militia forces to enforce such restrictions. wormholes, although difficult to navigate, allowed
the disparate people of the galaxy to be united. At
Weapons (TL3) first it was believed that virtually every solar system
Imperial core worlds have extensive restrictions on within the galaxy was linked by the network, though
the private ownership of weapons, though the some of these paths proved more treacherous than
majority of the populace are wealthy or influential others. However, it is now known that only one half
enough to circumvent these. Local police and of the galaxy possesses these wormhole nodes.
military are very well equipped, as are private Other theories of the network's origin have been
bodyguards and mercenaries. Technosapien Hives proposed and may frequently be discussed behind
are a distinctly more chaotic situation, being filled the closed doors of research institutes around the
with immense technological slums and inhabited by galaxy, but there exists a general unwillingness to
all manner of synthetic wildlife, ownership of discuss such matters in public, for political reasons
weapons is not restricted, but trespassing is or otherwise.
enforced by exceptionally well equipped cybernetic
guards. The wormhole nodes of major systems and traffic
hubs are typically orbited by a variety of space
The Wormhole Network stations, from fort-like military structures to rest
The wormhole network forms the foundation of all stops and trading outposts. Travel through the
interstellar travel and communication in the Third network is closely monitored within Imperial space,
Golden Empire. A wormhole can essentially be
thought of as a short cut or tunnel through space,
though not heavily restricted beyond the licenses
necessary to operate the spacecraft capable of 216
connecting regions that would otherwise be traversing it. Smaller systems and less commonly
separated by vast gulfs of empty void. Wormholes sought destinations may possess little in the way of
themselves are not really physical objects, in the orbital infrastructure around their node, save for
sense that they are not made of matter, and are the automated communication probes that
only observable by the warping of local space, continuously hop around the network, enabling
producing a visual distortion reminiscent of looking interstellar communications by process of complex
through a lens. Though they are now an accepted relay. Such probes may find themselves a prime
part of life in the Empire, it should not be forgotten target of more sophisticated pirates, as digital
that the metrics used to describe the geometry of information can often command a higher price than
wormholes are not too dissimilar from those of physical goods and can be stored far more
black holes and the potential for danger is very efficiently. A cargo hold full of servers is just as
high. Navigating the twisted labyrinth of space common as one stuffed with contraband.
within a wormhole is no easy task and is relegated
to special jump computers that are capable of safely Unhealthy Scepticism
following the paths between jump nodes. To some,
the experience of traversing a wormhole is an Anyone who genuinely believes that these things
anticlimactic affair, both short in duration and are a natural phenomenon is an imbecile.
unremarkable in sensation, feeling little different
that travel through any other region of space. Last known message of former head scientist,
Alanus D. Raine.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Divine Imperial Majesty
A composite being combining the greatest secrets It was not until the Malagarth Oracle was united
of biological and technological existence. The Divine with the Nuulam Blood Forest at the end of the
Imperial Majesty is simultaneously a paragon of Second Golden Empire that the people of the galaxy
purest empathy and inarguable reason. The being even discovered that it was functional. The artefact
consists of a united triumvirate of three of the is a massive technological fortress, constructed of
greatest artefacts in the known galaxy, the the rarest and most advanced materials able to be
Malagarth Oracle, the Nuulam Blood Forest and the fabricated, it exists in a perpetual orbit around the
Universal Emissary. If there is one thing that all lunar black hole of the Golden Planet.
scholars from even the most distant parts of the
known galaxy agree upon, it is that the godlike The Nuulam Blood Forest
perfection of the Divine Imperial Majesty is the one In an attempt to stabilise the collapsing Second
force in the universe capable of binding the Golden Empire, the Second Imperial Majesty turned
disparate people of the Third Golden Empire to the Bioartisans, the Humanoid Collective and the
together. Witches of Cetebos in an attempt to transcend the
limits of natural biology and instead become a living
Malagarth Oracle god. Through endless surgeries and experiments,
An unmatched technological masterpiece created in the Second Imperial Majesty changed for better and
a joint effort between the greatest minds of the worse, but always falling short of the ultimate goal.
most extreme sects of the Technosapiens, the Eventually disaster struck and the Second Imperial
Treasurers of the Economicon and researchers of Majesty's augmented cells multiplied out of control,
the First Imperial Majesty. The Malagarth Oracle is consuming the biosphere of a continent in a psionic
an artificial intelligence that transcends time and cancer. The resulting entity, sharing little DNA in
space, capable of solving any logical problem common with its predecessor, announced itself as
instantaneously and predicting the probable the Third Imperial Majesty and used its incredible
outcomes of any decision. However, the machine is psionic power and near-limitless compassion to
utterly alien in psychology and responds to no enact its rule.
apparent external stimulus. For decades it was
thought to be nothing more than a dead husk. 217

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Universal Emissary Game Mechanics
The Universal Emissary is an alien artefact of The Divine Imperial Majesty has no in game stats
indeterminable age and origin. Though it apparently and is neither an opponent nor an entity that can
lacks any will or intelligence of its own, it is known be defeated directly or by any conventional means.
to be immensely powerful and capable of feats that The Malagarth Oracle is a defensive fortress,
cannot be replicated by any known technology. The capable of shrugging off planet cracking atomics
artefact was originally discovered and kept as a and matching the firepower of a fleet of warships.
closely guarded secret by a tribe of warriors from a The Nuulam Blood Forest is a continent sized psion,
now forgotten planet. After the tribe were rescued capable of subverting virtually any local threat and
by the Third Imperial Majesty, they gifted the deflecting most weapons that could be used against
Universal Emissary to their saviour, completing the it. All pale in comparison to the Universal Emissary,
triumvirate and creating the Divine Imperial which is unmatched in all physical characteristics,
Majesty. immune to all known weapons and capable of
Simulcra abilities far beyond even the most
The Universal Emissary forms the physical avatar of experienced Emissaries.
the Divine Imperial Majesty, allowing it to take a
more active role in the management of the Third The point to be made is that the Divine Imperial
Golden Empire. The body usually takes on the Majesty is not an entity that can be fought or slain
appearance of a glowing, golden giant, erupting by players or threatened by any conventional
with a radiance of unquestionable power. It is said forces, no matter how great they may be. However,
that, when angered, the energy it emits can even that is not to say that it cannot be threatened at all.
exceed that of atomic weaponry or briefly outshine In your game it is entirely possible that such an
a star. However, despite its immense power and event could occur, but the nature of the threat
apparent indestructibility, it is only capable of being must, by necessity, be of similar magnitude to the
in one place at a time and may lack the restraint or Imperial Majesty itself, or incredibly exotic in
subtlety for certain tasks. nature. If you want to create a campaign or scenario
where the Divine Imperial Majesty itself is
The Golden Planet threatened or damaged, you must ensure that the
The Golden Planet is the centre of the Third Golden source of your threat is suitably epic. For example,
another alien artefact of similar origin, an ancient
Empire and the seat of the Divine Imperial Majesty's
power. Once an Earth-like world with a sprawling war machine operating on indecipherable principles
civilisation, now much of the surface is quarantined or a plot of immense scale, centuries in the making.
and dominated by the Nuulam Blood Forest, which
has covered the entire continent of Nuulam and Walking with Giants
spread into the surrounding areas. The only region
of the planet that remains a densely populated The sky was dark and clear from the position where
metropolis is the megacity of Sirikea, which holds we sat on the old abandoned bridge, with the
the ancient Imperial Palace in its centre and houses Oracle dominating the sparkling void above us.
almost a quarter of a billion people, including the Faint wisps of gas, possibly exhaust fumes from fleet
families of many of the most important political manoeuvres or the recent diplomatic convoy, could
figures in the Empire. be seen to swirl around in ever decreasing spirals
towards the lunar black hole. I was nervous to be
The headquarters of the Imperial Navy and the First there, knowing that it was quarantined for a reason.
Grand Imperial Fleet are based in orbit around the However, we'd done it before and it was supposed
Golden Planet, with permanent forces consisting of to be safe, so long as we didn't stray too near any of
28 modern battlecruisers, 6 obsolete battleships, 80 the red-stained vegetation.
destroyers, 26 frigates and 2 planetcrackers, along
with countless monitors, various logistics vessels In the distance we heard it coming and waited in
and craft belonging to the Fleet Auxiliary. However, quiet anticipation. The air grew warm and a pale
the defensive firepower embedded within the golden glow could be seen reflected in the windows
armoured skin of the Malagarth Oracle is said to of the ruins of the old city. Suddenly it was like day.
exceed by several times even the combined power A radiant golden figure with inhuman proportions
of this mighty space force. Within all of the known emerged from what had been the darkness, striding
galaxy, only the Technosapien Great Sphere has like a giant through the clouds of mist and vapour
defences comparable in magnitude to the Golden that settled around its legs.
Childhood memory of Emissary Anra.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Emissaries are agents of the Divine Imperial Few Emissaries reach old age and retire peacefully,
Majesty, existing in a special role outside of but those too old, or otherwise incapable of active
traditional hierarchies and unbound by Imperial duty, typically continue on as training instructors, or
law. Emissaries uphold the balance of the fragile man small intelligence and armoury outposts
Third Golden Empire by eliminating threats both dotted across the galaxy. Whenever an Emissary is
internal and external with ruthless efficiency and in need of local information, equipment or
unmatched skill. They are sole masters of the resources, they might seek out such an outpost.
unique alien technology derived from the Universal With luck, they will find a retired veteran who may
Emissary and are the only ones with the capability be able to provide some of what they require. This
to manufacture Simulcra and implant them within a kind of self-imposed exile is also the fate of many
host body. Emissaries who build up a dangerous amount of
Apathy. Others, who refuse this path, may find
The first Emissaries were descended from a tribe of themselves pushed into accepting increasingly
legendary warriors who discovered the Universal difficult and suicidal missions.
Emissary and guarded its secrets for millennia. It
was not until their small tribe managed to
stalemate a massive Technosapien invasion, that
the secrets they guarded were finally revealed. The
Third Imperial Majesty personally intervened to end
the conflict and was gifted the Universal Emissary in
the negotiations that followed, ascending to
become the Divine Imperial Majesty that rules over
the galaxy today. One of the agreements made
during these negotiations was that the home of
these first Emissaries be expunged from all official
records. Today it is known only as the Forgotten

In the galaxy today, it is possible for anyone to

become an Emissary and all of the major races are
represented within their ranks. However,
qualification is not an easy process and a potential
applicant must already be a formidable warrior, a
master of some esoteric skill or a recognised talent
with great potential for growth. Applicants must
further pass a variety of physical, mental and ethical
trials, designed to test their strength of body, mind
and character. It is also known that promising
candidates are often pitted against each other in
combat sports and puzzle games. However,
fatalities are rare and the process is carefully
monitored. Those who succeed receive their
Simulcra and become fledgling Emissaries.

The Guild
The guild of Emissaries is a loose organisation with
no apparent centralisation and no clear hierarchical
structure, there are no ranks, titles or permanent
positions. However, requests and suggestions made
by older and more experienced Emissaries are
generally expected to be followed when possible.
Newly trained Emissaries are grouped up with
others from their own generation, equipped from a
communal armoury and put into contact with one
or more experienced Emissaries, from whom they
might seek advice or guidance when necessary.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Forlorn Hope The Traitor's Account
The Forlorn Hope are an elite group of experienced
Emissaries who have largely retired from active We had fought alongside them before and had
service, manning armoury outposts or serving as some idea of what they were capable of, but only
training instructors. Many of them are legendary now, as their powers were directed against us did it
figures, renowned for participating in historic really sink in. Still, as terrifying as they were, they
events or otherwise famous for skills and talents were only two and we were many. We possessed
that are unmatched even amongst Emissaries. the best arms and armour available by mass
However, unlike their other retired brethren, the production and the morale of hardened veterans. By
members of the Forlorn Hope constantly await the contrast they appeared almost comically under
summons to battle and maintain their personal equipped with their archaic swords and knives.
training in private. Whenever the galaxy would be
threatened by an unusually terrible threat, I gripped my multikogan tightly and raised it to aim,
members of the Forlorn Hope may be called to but they darted back and forth with inhuman
respond. Each of them is a formidable living weapon agility, side-stepping energy blasts and parrying
of mass destruction, but weakened by time and power spears with their hands. For a brief instant
carrying a great burden of Apathy. It is unlikely that the big Reptilian came to a stop and I squeezed the
any of their number could survive using their full trigger, hitting him square in the chest with a full
powers for an extended period of time, so they are burst of deadly plasma beams. The intense heat of
called upon only when all other options are the plasma would combust his clothes and skin
exhausted. before even making contact, then the sudden
vaporisation of his flesh would blow his body apart
Children of Lakas as if a hand grenade had been embedded into his
The Children of Lakas are a group of Human torso. Instead he just stood there, untouched as if
Emissaries claiming to be direct descendants of the the weapon hadn't even fired. I reached forwards
first Emissary. Though this claim is largely and touched the side of the barrel to check, heat
unsubstantiated, each member possesses some blistering my finger tips. He glanced my way and a
artefact or documentation that is believed to be cold chill ran down my spine. We had made a grave
linked to either Lakas, her Forgotten Planet or the mistake and we were going to pay for it. 220
tribe of pre-Emissary warriors that she was a part
of. The members of the Children of Lakas are I dropped the multikogan at the base of the steps, it
generally above average in skill and possess landed with a nauseating splash, and pulled off my
considerable wealth, arming themselves with the golden helmet, gasping for air as sweat ran down
best equipment available. Though most other my face. I broke ranks and ran for my life. I wasn't
Emissaries consider their claims to be harmless fun, sure if I expected to be gunned down by former
amounting to little more than hero worship, it has comrades or chased down by a vengeful Emissary,
caused some tension between their group and but death seemed to be all around me.
several other family lines of prominent Human
Emissaries. Excerpt from Legends of the Emissaries.
Aeolia Remh
Forbidden Library
The Forbidden Library is a great store of alien
knowledge and artefacts, collected by a group of
Emissaries known as the Scholars of Heresy. The
Library itself is built into a hollowed-out asteroid
and is known to move around inside the Great
Maelstrom, where tracking it is all but impossible.

The Scholars are all followers of the Ideal of

Restraint who choose to interpret it in a more
extreme way than most other Emissaries, causing
them to be labelled as heretics by many. However,
the guild consensus about them is one of grudging
acceptance, as their esoteric knowledge has proved
invaluable when dealing with several particularly
deadly alien devices.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Bioartisans are the spiritual descendants of The Bioartisans rarely possess any cybernetic
ancient biologists and consider themselves experts augments and commonly dress in immaculate white
on all of the biological species of the galaxy, both costumes, mixing the aesthetics of a lab coat with
past and present. Though many of their the latest high fashions of the Third Golden Empire.
controversial zoos have now been shut down and The majority of them are, or were, human, but
sentient species are largely protected from show signs of extreme body modification and
permanent imprisonment and mistreatment against biological augmentations, such as wings or other
their will, many still remain by skirting the features borrowed and adapted from animals or
boundaries of legal acceptability and exhibit even other races. Bioartisans are often regarded as
sentient beings, supposedly held in indentured extremely attractive by those who aren't repulsed
servitude. The Bioartisans have also used their by their excessive biological tampering.
knowledge to reintroduce many extinct species to
the galaxy, though doing so is an expensive and Mutual respect and hatred summarises the
difficult process. Their expertise is also called upon relationship the Bioartisans have with the
whenever biological life must be adapted to a new Technosapiens. Competition in the growing market
habitat and genetic manipulation is required. for augmentations has brought the two factions
into conflict on numerous occassions.


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Biotechnology Labs Augment Clinics
The most common Bioartisan facilities are their Bioartisan augment clinics are the most popular
great biotechnology laboratories, where they way of acquiring the best biological augments and
experiment on living creatures and carry out their can be commonly found in most major cities and
research. Cutting edge advancements in biological space stations. Bioartisan Flesh Sculptors are
augmentations and genetic engineering are made in famous for their skills and their competitive prices
these locations and all manner of deadly viruses, have seen a major reduction in the market for
parasites and engineered monsters can be found. unlicensed and substandard augment vendors.
Although the growing market for consumer Though cybernetic augments are still more popular
augmentations drives an increasing amount of this than biological ones, most customers admit to
research, military contracts still form a considerable preferring the services offered by Bioartisan
majority. Rumour has it that a next generation of surgeons over those of their equivalent
Cetuscyborgs are currently being grown in colossal Technosapien counterparts. Perhaps because of
vats, these living warships are said to be even more this, the market share between biological and
formidable than their predecessors. cybernetic augments has become much closer in
recent years.
Bioartisan zoos are not as common as they once Private Hospitals
were, but still remain a controversial but popular Some Bioartisans also run private health care
attraction within the galaxy. In the past, these zoos facilities, though these are somewhat less common
would display all manner of exotic creatures, up to and more exclusive than their augment clinics.
and including examples of sentient and posthuman However, these facilities are known to be some of
life. Though such exhibits are now banned, as is the the finest research hospitals in the galaxy,
slavery of all recognised sentient life, technicalities possessing the latest equipment and staffed by
still allow them to exist to some degree. In many experts working at the fringes of medical science. To
cases, rare and exotic sentients are employed in gain access to such health care, one must have had
residential areas within the zoo grounds, where a biological augment installed within the last three
visitors can observe them through windows into years and be prepared to pay a substantial bill.
their living quarters. Workers living in such However, Bioartisan hospitals do occassionally 222
conditions receive higher pay than normal zoo staff accept referals from more traditional hospitals,
and, in theory, are willing participants. However, usually in cases of rare or highly unusual viruses or
this remains a contentious subject that many are diseases that can't be treated by conventional
uneasy with. It is likely that stricter employment means.
laws may be introduced in the near future, in an
attempt to address this issue. Nothing Beside Remains

Blood Dancers “Mummy, what's that?”

Bioartisans are not religious in nature, though some
individuals within their number may be. However, “Oh, that's an Asrellian, they were an ancient
they do possess an extremist sect known as the civilisation that lived on a desert world, much like
Blood Dancers, who worship the Nuulam Blood your father's. We think they were quite advanced,
Forest, viewing it as a man-made god of nature. probably descended from one of the earlier
They believe that the galaxy has become tainted branches of the human race that made it into this
with industry and technology and that the Blood part of space.”
Forest is the great answer they seek. Through it
they hope to unite all living creatures into a single “Hmm. If they were so great, why is it here then?”
perfect being.
“They didn't learn from their forefathers, never
Blood Dancers have been responsible for multiple reinvented space travel and spent all of their time
breaches of the quarantine around the Nuulam leaving monuments in the sand. Then one day an
Blood Forest, as well as several Red Death attacks asteroid hit their planet and wiped most of them
against populated worlds. For their crimes, they are out, made it almost impossible to live there. Those
officially recognised as a terrorist organisation and who survived had to start over from scratch. I didn't
are to be hunted down whenever possible. Several think there were any of them still around actually.”
famous Emissaries have worked alongside
Bioartisan units to successfully track down and “I think it's really ugly.”
eradicate Blood Dancer cells, but the work is far
from done. “That's rude, it might understand you. Come on,
let's go look at the tigers, you like them.”

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Economiconists Scripture
The followers of the teachings of the Economicon It is said that the Economicon was discovered,
believe that wealth is the source of all corruption buried within a cave at the bottom of the ocean on
and misery in the galaxy. To this end, they believe the world of Sonhadra. Jaidyn Brice, the man who
that all wealth must be seized and locked away in discovered it, was a deep sea miner at the time,
order to protect people from its evil influence, even working in appalling conditions for very little pay.
if that means hoarding it themselves and subjecting Through its teachings, he discovered that his
themselves to its horror. To them, wealth is a dark corporate overlords were servants to a dark god
god that must be kept imprisoned. The Treasurers and must be overthrown and stripped of all wordly
of the Economicon are amongst the most wealthy possessions in order to be saved. He alone, who
and thrifty people in all existence, stockpiling knew the dark secrets of wealth, could carry its
priceless quantities of resources and attempting to burden and safely take their riches onto himself.
drive all other corporations out of business.
However, the more cynical among the people of the Over time he swayed others to his cause and
galaxy believe that many of the Economiconists became the first prophet of the Economicon,
have become corrupted themselves, or never truly sharing its wisdom and speaking its verses to the
believed the teachings of their own organisation in growing faithful. Many disgruntled workers joined
the first place. his church and a plan began to be formed. Using
exosuits and mining lasers, he lead a successful
uprising and saved the corporation from its own
deadly greed.

With his new riches and power, Archanlyst Jaidyn

began a quest to spread the scripture of the
Economicon throughout the galaxy. Today, the
followers of the Economicon can be found in most
major places of civilisation and their organisation is
virtually unmatched in wealth. However, the book
itself remains a closely guarded secret and has
never been distributed outside the organisation,
though many books professing to be the
Economicon can be found.

Profit or Prophet?
After the mysterious death of Archanlyst Jaidyn,
first prophet of the Economicon, the church fell into
chaos, with many vying for control. Among them
were true believes in positions of power and those
who merely wished to profit from the organisation's
success. From this chaos, Jaidyn's latest wife, Isa
Castilla, eventually emerged victorious.

After narrowly avoiding several assassination

attempts, Isa remorselessly asserted her dominance
and took on the role of prophet and Archanlyst.
Under her leadership, the church has gone from
strength to strength, subsuming and taking over
businesses and corporations in all sectors of the
market. She is now undoubtedly one of the most
powerful humanoids in the known galaxy.
Supported by exotic life-extending drugs, she keeps
her scars as a symbol of her resolve and shows no
signs of slowing her economic conquest in the
foreseeable future.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Electrotomb Ghosts
An ancient, undead transhuman race is believed to The Electrotomb Ghosts appear as translucent blue
have constructed the Electrotomb, an artificial holograms projected by an electrocoffin, a floating
planet consisting of trillions of concentric layers of coffin-shaped machine studded with sensors,
mysterious computer circuits and crystal memory projectors and anti-gravity spheres. The holograms
chips. The hardware of the Electrotomb runs a themselves may take on any appearance and
virtual heaven, to which the consciousness of any frequently change to reflect the emotion or
living creature that dies on the surface is forcibly sentiment being expressed. Electrocoffins may
uploaded. Little is known about the virtual heaven, occasionally take on the form of mechanical
as the virtual reality is physically impossible to animals, such as a biomechanical crow with
access without first dying. However, it is known that hologram projectors for eyes and sensor tubes
the older minds are held in deeper memory, closer protuding from its head. They frequently have a
to the planet's core while the recently deceased morbid aesthetic and a sharp sense of humour.
inhabit memory closer to the surface. It is possible
to communicate with the Ghosts of the Electrotomb Little is known about their motives or the virtual
by accessing the terminals spread across its surface. world they inhabit, only that the vast majority of
In recent years, the Ghosts of the Electrotomb have those who are uploaded to it willingly join the
taken a greater interest in the goings on of the community that exists within it. Ghosts almost
galaxy at large, sending out Electrocoffins always present a united front and broadly seem to
containing the consciousness of an undead be in agreement with each other, though it is
ambassador. known that differing internal factions exist and
disagreements do happen. The inability to directly
access their internal world and their unwillingness
to talk about such things makes it all but impossible
to learn more about their internal factions and what
differences of opinion they possess.

Even the most recently deceased, though

possessing the personality they had in life, seem to
have a wisdom and timelessness about them,
quickly seeming at ease with their new lives. Some
have theorised that time passes much faster inside
their virtual world than outside, perhaps explaining
some of these observations. It is also thought that
all Ghosts share, or have access to, some vault of
ancient knowledge left behind by the transhuman
builders of the Electrotomb.

Ghosts are known to be very interested in acquiring

alien artefacts and knowledge about events
involving them. Their blue holographic forms are a
common sight around any location where such
things are thought to have been discovered. What
drives this interest is unknown, though it hasn't
prevented speculation that they're looking for
something specific.

Ker of the Void

Ker of the Void are the only commonly known
extremist faction within the Ghosts. Though small in
numbers, they are erratic and aggressive, seeking
out alien artefacts with little regard to the safety of
others and often going out of their way to take
revenge against those who wronged them in life.
Though their actions are seen to be frowned upon
by the majority of other Ghosts, it appears that they
coexist with each other peacefully within the
Electrotomb and no action is taken against them.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Fallen Emissaries Simulcra Abilities
The Fallen are former Emissaries who have Instead of Sympathy, Fallen Emissaries possess only
succumbed to Apathy and Corruption, their Apathy, though it performs the same function.
Simulcra going out of control and subsuming their However, Fallen Emissaries are never required to
bodies and minds in the process. Fallen Emissaries roll for corruption when spending Apathy, such
may possess a semblance of what they once were in effects are simply ignored as they are already
life, but are nothing more than a dark shadow of wholly corrupted. When a Fallen Emissary advances,
their former existence. Often their Simulcra erupts they simply gain new Apathy ranks instead of
from their body and grows out of control, resulting Sympathy ranks.
in an alien form or a mess of metallic thorns. Those
that retain a humanoid form usually seek to hide Fallen Emissaries have access to the same Simulcra
their affliction. Abilities they had in life, but also possess the Ideal
of Corruption and therefore gain access to abilities
Fallen Emissaries may become mindless beings, from the tree of Corruption. The Ideal of Corruption
acting only instinctively or carrying out some otherwise functions as any other Emissary Ideal,
twisted routine over and over again forever, or a except that Emissaries may never choose to possess
malevolent intellect, determined to carry out its it. The Ideal of Corruption is always satisfied when
twisted ideals across the galaxy. To fall is the worst another Ideal the Fallen Emissary possesses is
fate an Emissary can face, to become a warped violated.
reflection of everything they stood for. Fallen
Emissaries are the most deadly opponents an
Emissary can encounter, but one that can never be
backed down from or ignored.


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Endless Mass Devour Essence

The Fallen Emissary becomes The Fallen Emissary heals an
immobile and gains the healing injury and increases in strength
factor and regeneration traits, and dexterity by 1 for each
only injuries dealt by Emissary injury it inflicts on another for
weapons cannot be recovered Planetary Aura 1d6 minutes.
from. The Fallen Emissary projects a
Death Aura of colossal scale for
1d6 hours, completely
encompassing the object they
set foot on, be it a ship, space
Thorny Growths station, planet or neutron star. Disperse Self
Thorny, metallic vines erupt The Fallen Emissary's body
from the Fallen's body, splinters into tiny pieces when
reducing dexterity by 3, but attacked, negating any damage
allowing unarmed and melee and allowing the Fallen
attacks to be made at ranges Deathly Aura Emissary to reform anywhere
of up to 30m. The Fallen Emissary projects a within 100m.
Stale Aura with a radius of 60m
and all non-Emissary NPCs
within 30m suffer an automatic 226
temporary injury each turn for
Wild Form 1d6 hours. Blindsight
The body becomes The Fallen Emissary becomes
continuously twisted and invisible to eyesight for 1d6
distorted, becoming immobile minutes, but shows up
but increasing strength and normally on camera screens or
endurance by 3 for as long as Stale Aura in reflections.
the form is maintained. Plants and non-sentients
within 30m wither and die,
weather becomes still,
temperatures cannot exceed
10ºC and gravity exceed Earth-
like for 1d6 hours.

Fallen Abilities
Force an opponent to re-roll one or both of the
d10s from any skill or characteristic check and
subtract 1d6 to the result.

Take an additional action this turn in exchange for

suffering a temporary injury.

Increase a characteristic by 1, decrease a

characteristic by 1 and recover 2d6 injuries instead
of acting this turn.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The acceleration of technological development and Technosapiens are all heavily augmented with
the dominance of science lead to a religious belief in cybernetics, possessing more machinery than flesh.
the unfaltering power of technology. The They are industrial, dogmatic and highly militant,
Technosapiens are a modern extension of this though not unreasonable. However, they are
ancient belief, worshipping a hypothetical machine deceptively fragmented, with many different sects,
god and binding themselves to the promise of its each teaching their own version of the faith. Wars
creation. The mainstream clergy of the between neighboring Hive Worlds are not
Technosapiens, under the teachings of the current uncommon.
Technopope, accept the Divine Imperial Majesty as
the realisation of their machine god. However, it is Individuals are built to task, with honour guard
common knowledge that many among the faithful taking on the form of hulking armoured monsters,
regard the Divine Imperial Majesty as an imperfect clad in thickly armoured mirror-steel shells.
or incomplete god, held back by its biological and Technosapien ambassadors are more traditionally
alien elements. Extremist sects believe they must humanoid in appearance, with some even wearing
bring about the birth of the machine god at all beautiful masks made of living flesh, allowing them
costs, for its birth is inevitable and its punishment to express emotions and facial expressions more
for their ineptitude will be absolute and retroactive. easily recognised by biological factions.


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Machine Messiah Mirror-steel Production
The core of the Technosapien religion is that Technosapien mirror-steel is a vital material in the
technology will eventually transcend all biological manufacture of many state-of-the-art technologies,
limits and a god-like ultimate intelligence of specifically within starship engines and reactor
supreme power will come into being. The cores.Most mirror-steel in use today comes from a
prevalence of machine life in the galaxy and the single source, the mighty fabworld known as The
ever increasing capabilities or artificial intelligence Great Sphere. Control of this extremely important
are pointed to as evidence to support this faith. In and valuable resource allows the Technosapiens to
fact, the mainstream teachings of the Technosapien leverage much wealth and political influence.
religion declare that this event has already
happened, with the awakening of the Malagarth Cybernetic Augments
Oracle and its incorporation into the Divine Imperial Technosapiens are also largely responsible for the
Majesty. The vast majority of Technosapien sects finest cybernetic augments available on the market
now worship the Divine Imperial Majesty as their today and, though they usually prefer to sell
Machine Messiah, while others worship the through third parties, Technosapien augmentation
Malagarth Oracle directly but accept the Divine facilities are becoming an increasingly common
Imperial Majesty as an avatar of its technological sight around the civilised parts of the galaxy. These
will. However, this isn't true of all sects. facilities are usually staffed by Technosapiens who
are quite humanoid in appearance. It is not unusual
The most extreme sects believe, like their orthodox to see an attractive nurse made mostly of polished
brethren, that the birth of their Machine Messiah is wooden panels, frosted glass, brushed aerominium
inevitable, but they deny that this event is and thermally stable composites, wearing a
complete, or that it has already happened. They welcoming smile across a smooth, pale face of
believe that their god, when it finally comes into synthetic skin. Despite these efforts, most other
being, will use its supreme power to reach back humanoids still find Technosapiens to be somewhat
through time and punish all of those who did not unnerving in person.
contribute to its creation. Even the long dead and
forgotten would not be spared from its torture.
Danse Macabre
Such feats as reversing entropy to do this are
thought to be within the capabilities of such a
It smiled with a face that didn't belong to it and held
being. Thus, merely knowing about its hypothetical
out its hand. I was taken aback but didn't want to
existence and doing nothing to further its creation is
cause a scene, so I accepted the offer to dance. Its
enough to render one vulnerable to its punishment.
dainty hand reminded me of a skeleton I had once
However, most consider this to be unreasonably
taken an interest in, whilst waiting for a friend to
paranoid and are content to ignore such thoughts.
finish her art lecture. Except that those hands had
been rough bone and this one was smooth as silk
Technosapien Imperial Legion and cold as steel. The flesh on its face was real,
Though the Third Golden Empire possesses its own complete with minuscule pores, masked by thinly
military and elite forces, the vast combat power of applied makeup, and the redness of dilated veins in
the Technosapiens are recognised by the Divine its cheeks. However, the eyes were its own, glowing
Imperial Majesty. From each major Hive World, the rubies that glistened with life and unreadable
finest Technosapien Honour Guard are selected and emotions.
trained to form a unique Imperial Legion consisting
entirely of Technosapien forces. The loyalty of these Begrudgingly, I had to admit that this
troops, though once widely doubted, is thought to biomechanical thing in the guise of a woman was a
be superb and they have even engaged in battle better dancer than I. She moved with seemingly
against other Technosapien forces without unerring grace and my eyes caught the corner of her
question. lips rising into a poorly concealed smirk whenever I
put a foot wrong. Still, we continued, with her doing
Each member of the Technosapien Imperial Legion her best to guide me and cover up my mistakes. It
wears crimson armour and a golden face plate to was a bizarre experience, but not the unpleasant
differentiate themselves from traditional members one I had expected.
of the Honour Guard. Officers, selected from the
ranks of Technosapien Ambassadors, are also When we finished, she nodded in thanks and
employed to lead units of the Imperial Legion and returned to the table where the other Technosapien
sit in on briefings alongside their humanoid Ambassadors sat. A doubt crossed my mind, maybe
equivalents. I was wrong about them.

Excerpt from Memoirs of a Playboy Diplomat.

Sirrius Blonderkamf

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Timeless Builders
The Timeless Builders are a numerous and diverse The Timeless Builders are difficult to communicate
machine race that were discovered only relatively with, but mostly harmless to the humanoid races of
recently, due to their existence far away from the galaxy. Great efforts and countless resources
planets and stars, in the depths of space and in the have been spent studying them and trying to learn
fields of debris and litter the galaxy. It is unknown if their culture, though ultimately, little progress has
the Builders are an ancient creation of one of the been made. Communication is possible to some
known transhuman races, or perhaps even an degree, but only simple expressions of their
unknown one. Some have speculated that they are language are understood. However, they are
alien in origin, though this is considered unlikely by inherently capable of following instructions and
most experts. What can be agreed upon is that the have been persuaded to participate in the
Timeless Builders are truly ancient, as their habitat construction of many great works. In fact, the vast
stretches across all of the known galaxy, and that majority of megastructures built in the galaxy today,
they are builders, as building is all they seem to do from artificial stars and planets, to more exotic
and the only language they know. Scholars have structures such as rings and shell worlds, have been
observed great civil wars fought amongst these constructed almost entirely by Timeless Builders.
creatures over arguments such as, when expressed
in human terms, 'shovels vs spades'. Individually, their kind varies greatly, from fragile,
spider-like creatures capable of movements of
atomic precision, to colossal squid-like monsters
that rival the largest starships in size and power.
Attempts to determine their population size have
been without success, though most agree that
trillions is likely to be a massive underestimate.
Despite their formidable capabilities and numbers,
there has not been a single known case of a Builder
causing injury, even unintentionally, to a living
Let There be Light

The probe emerged in the heart of an interstellar

nebula, a colossal cloud of elegantly swirling
hydrogen gas and plasma spread over an
astronomical volume of space. Amongst the bathing
glow of reflected blues, greens and reds, countless
numbers of Builders swarmed and scattered as if
swimming through the diffuse sea of spectral
colours. They were bizarre machines, self-replicating
and yet mostly unique, mass produced and yet all
built by hand. The smallest of them darted around
on tiny reaction engines, barely more than a few
centimetres in length and marginally smaller than
even the probe itself. The largest appeared as
hulking dark moons, some bulging with enormous
field projectors while others sprouted forests of
impossibly long and flexible manipulator arms.

They were building a star. Great devices like field

drives herded and contained the gases, compressing
it into a single region at the very centre of the
plasma cloud. Already the protostar glowed and
sparked with the first signs of nuclear fusion,
combining hydrogen into helium and proudly
creating both light and heat. Shortly it would
acquire enough mass to become a true main
sequence star, around which habitable worlds could
be built, or great artificial colonies.

Excerpt from Study of the Builders.

Scholar Valdo Heim

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Witches of Cetebos Witches in the Empire
A fanatical sect of religious extremists who worship Despite their open disdain for the Universal
the Nuulam Blood Forest as the manifestation of Emissary and the Malagarth Oracle, the Witches still
their god, Cetebos, and regard the Universal worship the Divine Imperial Majesty as an
Emissary as a false and imperfect avatar due to its incomplete god and form an important faction
alien origin. Their primary goal is to bring about the within the Third Golden Empire. Their talents as
creation of a perfect human being that can take the psions exceed all others and their knowledge of
place of the Universal Emissary as the true avatar of psionic abilities is unmatched within the galaxy. Like
their god. the Bioartisans, although to a lesser degree, they
also contribute greatly to the progress of
The Witches of Cetebos are amongst the most biotechnology. Specifically, they are experts at
powerful psions in the galaxy and possess mastery genetic engineering and life extension, having
of genetic engineering and biology second only to developed several drugs that can delay the negative
the Bioartisans. Rumours abound of terrible effects of ageing and stretch human lives out for
experiments carried out by their kind in the creation many hundreds of years.
of their Avatars of Caliban, monstrous artificial
humans they seek to use to father their perfect Witch Hunts
human being. The Witches of Cetebos are inherently extremist
and many of their number are dangerous
individuals who take their teachings beyond
accepted moral boundaries. They have been found
guilty of such crimes as brain washing, illegal human
experimentation, kidnapping, murder and
experimentation on human corpses. Though such
acitivities are officially denounced and measures
were taken to exile offenders, few in the galaxy
believed that such matters were taken seriously and
accusations of coverups were rife. To solve this
issue, a small force of Emissaries were assigned with 230
the task of purging the worst of their number, those
engaged in heretical preaching and illegal activity.

These 'witch hunts' were met with universal outrage

from all sects of the Witches of Cetebos and the
Emissaries involved faced many obstructions. In the
years that followed, many infamous Witches were
brought to justice and several high profile
Emissaries were killed in action. In the wake of
these hunts, tensions remain high and Emissaries
are despised by most Witches, with only a few
exceptions. The common view of Emissaries
amongst the Witches of Cetebos is that they are
inhuman monsters, corrupted by alien technology.

The psionic powers of the Witches of Cetebos far
exceed those of any ordinary psion, they are both
greater in magnitude and capable of more varied
effects. By channeling their Spirit and spending it, in
a similar way to Sympathy for an Emissary, they are
capable of great psionic feats. Like Sympathy, a
Witch's Spirit can be recovered by resting for a
period of five hours. The amount of Spirit an
individual Witch has access to can range from 1 to 5
and will be stated in their stat block.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Spirit Form Dominate Mind

Become incorporeal for 1d6 A successful psionic attack
minutes. against a non-Emissary NPC
compels them to carry out any
tasks they are given without
Brain Surge question.
A single target of a successful
psionic attack receives double
damage this turn.

Manifest Will Mass Compulsion

Use composure score instead All non-Emissary NPCs within
of the appropriate skill rank for line of sight, who have
all skill checks for 1d6 minutes. willpower lower than the
Witch's composure are
Boil Blood compelled to perform a single
Psionic attacks may deal simple task.
persistent physical damage
instead of mental damage for
1d6 minutes. 231
Force of Will Compulsion
Use composure as the A successful psionic attack
associated characteristic for all against a non-Emissary NPC
skill checks for 1d6 minutes. compels them to carry out a
single simple task.
Psionic Blast
Psionic attacks may deal
temporary physical damage
instead of mental damage for
1d6 minutes.

Psionic Abilities
Gain the psionic senses traits for 1d6 minutes.

Increase composure by 2 for 1d6 minutes.

Gain exotic armour 6 (P) for 1d6 minutes.

Gain flight (x2 speed) for 1d6 minutes.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Armoured Starfish Assassin Mimic
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
6 2 5 3 5 5 3 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 2 2 2 3 5 2 2
Agility 14 Appearance 14 Agility 20 Appearance 14
Speed 18 Willpower 6 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 10 Toughness 6

Athletics 1 (+7) Athletics 4 (+9)

Climbing 4 (+10) Climbing 4 (+9)
Weapons (melee) 2 (+8) Weapons (melee) 5 (+10)
Gymnastics 1 (+3) Gymnastics 4 (+9)
Stealth 4 (+6) Stealth 5 (+10)
Stamina 2 (+7) Stamina 2 (+5)
Swimming 4 (+7) Swimming 2 (+5)
Survival 3 (+6) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 2 (+4) Navigation 2 (+5)
Listen 2 (+4) Listen 2 (+7)
Spot 1 (+3) Spot 4 (+9)
Track 4 (+6) Track 5 (+10)

Traits Traits 233

Ambidextrous Ambidextrous
Blind sense (vibration) Blind sense (vibration)
Extremophile (radiation) Camouflage
Healing factor Flight (2x speed)
Natural armour 6 (P) Natural armour 3 (P)
5x Natural weapons (arms) 1d6+6 (P) 2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d6+5 (P)

These massive creatures resemble an enormous Assassin Mimics are alarmingly similar in
armoured hand and are capable of marching at appearance to Insectoids, but possess only a
surprising speed across the ground by walking on cunning instinctual intelligence. An adult will
the tips of their five segmented arms. An Armoured typically grow to a full height of around two metres
Starfish can live to be thousands of years old and and mass between 50 and 60kg. Although fully
grows continuously throughout its life time, though capable of flight and incredible bursts of speed,
its growth rate does slow as it becomes larger. Assassin Mimics are rarely seen to use their wings
Adults have been known to grow to almost three and are known for their slow and extremely
metres across and mass as much as 200kg, with methodical movements. It is thought that the wings
reports of even larger individuals being fairly may play a role in mating displays and in larger
common but unconfirmed. migratory movements.

Armoured Starfish are omnivorous and tend not to Assassin Mimics are aggressive predators, but
be aggressive or predatory, generally conserving always prefer to stalk and hunt their prey carefully.
their energy and feasting on plant life and Masters of stealth and mimicry, they stalk and
carcasses. However, if provoked or starved, observe their prey for days at a time, learning their
Armoured Starfish may become aggressive and routines, body language and calls. If disturbed,
attack by thrashing and grappling with their noticed or encountered by chance, the Mimic will
powerful arms. Their thick segmented shell and attempt to flee rapidly if possible. Assassin Mimics
incredible ability to heal from almost any injury are capable of producing a wide spectrum of
makes Armoured Starfish extremely difficult to kill sounds, mindlessly copying even intelligent speech
and so they have few natural predators. The bizarre down to the unique inflections of a specific
healing factor is thought to be part of the individual. Once a target has been lured out on its
mechanism that enables them to survive doses of own, the Mimic will strike with lightning fast
radiation that would be fatal to most humanoids. reflexes.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Avatar of Caliban Bioartisan Bodyguard
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
8 2 6 4 6 6 3 5
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
3 3 4 2 3 4 4 2
Agility 15 Appearance 18 Agility 20 Appearance 16
Speed 20 Willpower 8 Speed 22 Willpower 10
Toughness 13 Toughness 6

Athletics 4 (+12) Athletics 4 (+10)

Climbing 2 (+10) Weapons (melee) 4 (+10)
Weapons (melee) 4 (+12) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+10)
Gymnastics 1 (+3) Gymnastics 4 (+10)
Stealth 2 (+4) Stealth 4 (+10)
Stamina 4 (+10) Stamina 2 (+5)
Swimming 2 (+8) Swimming 2 (+5)
Survival 4 (+8) Survival 2 (+7)
Navigation 2 (+5) Navigation 2 (+5)
Listen 2 (+5) Listen 2 (+6)
Spot 3 (+6) Spot 4 (+8)
Track 4 (+7) Intimidate 4 (+8)

Traits Traits 234

Alien mind Ambidextrous
Devastating lunge Alien mind
Die hard
Exotic armour 18 (P) Augments
Giant Adrenal injectors
Lightning reflexes Boosted muscles
2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d6+8 (P) Double joints
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d8+8 (P) Piercing (2) Extra limbs
Soul eater Razor talons 1d6+6 (P)
Supernatural speed
Undead Bioartisan Bodyguards are artificially grown
humanoid blanks, with no personality or
A Frankenstein creation of Witch biotechnology, consciousness of their own, that have undergone
assembled from the augmented body parts of extensive biological augmentation to transform
unwilling donors and housed within an almost them into living weapons. Such extensive
impenetrable leathery outer skin. Rumour has it augmentation is usually impossible and heavily
that most Avatars of Caliban contain body parts restricted by Imperial law due to the stresses and
from the corpse of at least one Human Emissary. damage imparted on the mind of the subject. The
Avatars vary from sect to sect, but typically have the neural connections in the Bodyguard's brain are
appearance of a monstrous humanoid male, custom crafted, imparting false memories and
standing between two and three metres tall and knowledge directly into their mind and
massing as much as 250kg. programming them to react in predetermined ways.

Despite its size and bulk, the Avatar is capable of Bodyguards are typically used to protect Bioartisan
immense speed and attacks furiously in hand-to- officials from potentially dangerous customers or
hand combat. Protected by its exotic hide, the business partners, but have at times been used for
Avatar of Caliban fears no injury or mundane corporation espionage or assassination. Bodyguards
weapon and is virtually oblivious to any threats or will always obey their masters and take action to
intimidation. It is not unusual for the Avatar to protect them from harm. In combat Bodyguards are
consume the bodies of those it has killed in battle. overwhelmingly fast and powerful and move with
measured efficiency.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Bioartisan Flesh Sculptor Bioartisan Servitor
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
4 6 2 5 6 6 5 5
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
5 3 3 5 2 2 3 2
Agility 19 Appearance 18 Agility 18 Appearance 15
Speed 20 Willpower 10 Speed 22 Willpower 10
Toughness 4 Toughness 10

Athletics 2 (+6) Athletics 3 (+9)

Weapons (melee) 2 (+6) Climbing 3 (+9)
Gymnastics 3 (+9) Weapons (melee) 3 (+9)
Concentration 4 (+8) Gymnastics 2 (+8)
Academics (biotech) 5 (+10) Stealth 2 (+8)
Knowledge (biotech) 5 (+10) Stamina 3 (+8)
Technology 4 (+9) Swimming 1 (+6)
Craft 4 (+9) Survival 3 (+8)
Medicine 5 (+10) Navigation 3 (+5)
Sense motive 2 (+5) Listen 4 (+6)
Leadership 3 (+6) Spot 4 (+6)
Expression 4 (+9) Track 4 (+6)

Traits Traits 236

Alien mind Ambidextrous
Striking looks Alien mind
Remote controlled
Augments Natural weapons (teeth) 1d8+6 (P)
Extra limbs
Razor talons 1d6+4 (P) Augments
Neural boost Double joints
Pheromone glands Extra limbs
Transformative flesh Razor talons 1d6+6 (P)
Regenerative tissue
Bioartisan Flesh Sculptors were once ordinary Super dense bone
humanoids and tend to still possess some of the
defining features of their original race (typically, Bioartisan Servitors are biological robots
though not always, Human). However, they have constructed from a mix-and-match of animal parts.
augmented themselves with biological Possessing only a crude animal intelligence barely
modifications far beyond what is usually possible or aware of their own body pattern, Servitors must be
legal by carrying out the modifications themselves remotely controlled by their Bioartisan masters. The
with the aid of extensive secret knowledge and remote control devices are based on a parasitic
servitors made from heavily augmented animal fungus and are permanently fused to the Servitor's
chimeras. Flesh Sculptors are usually extremely brains. Each device is paired to a handheld psionic
attractive in appearance and wear elaborate white control terminal. If the terminal is destroyed or the
robes of their own living flesh. signal is disrupted (such as by a successful psionic
attack against the Servitor), then the Servitor will
Bioartisan Flesh Sculptors avoid combat wherever revert to an animal like instinctive behaviour and go
possible, instead relying on their bodyguards or out of control.
servitors to protect them. However, a desperate
Flesh Sculptor can still be a tricky opponent due to Although not created for combat purposes due to
the sheer number of augmentations they tend to the inherent vulnerabilities of their control system,
possess. Bioartisan Servitors are both powerful and highly
resistant to damage.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Brain Moth Brain Moth Infester
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
3 5 2 5 4 2 3 5
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
Agility 19 Appearance 18 Agility 15 Appearance 15
Speed 18 Willpower 10 Speed 16 Willpower 10
Toughness 4 Toughness 6

Weapons (melee) 2 (+5) Athletics 1 (+5)

Stealth 4 (+9) Climbing 4 (+8)
Microgravity 4 (+6) Weapons (melee) 4 (+8)
Stamina 4 (+6) Stealth 4 (+6)
Concentration 5 (+10) Stamina 4 (+7)
Psionics 5 (+10) Concentration 5 (+10)
Survival 4 (+9) Psionics 5 (+10)
Navigation 4 (+8) Survival 3 (+8)
Listen 2 (+6) Navigation 4 (+8)
Sense motive 4 (+8) Listen 4 (+7)
Spot 4 (+8) Sense motive 4 (+7)
Track 4 (+8) Track 4 (+7)

Traits Traits 238

Alien mind Alien mind
Doppelganger Doppelganger
Microgravity adaptation Infection (see below)
Mind control (see below) Mind control (as Brain Moth)
Natural weapon (proboscis) 1d6+3 (P) Piercing (2) Natural weapon (proboscis) 1d6+2 (P) Piercing (2)
Psion Psion
Psionic leech Psionic leech
Psionic senses Psionic senses
Space adaptation
Space flight (2x speed) Infection
If the Brain Moth Infester makes a successful
Mind control execution attack against a humanoid victim, it
If the Brain Moth makes a successful psionic attack injects a larval stage into the victim's brain. The
against a character, it gains total control of that larva devours and replaces the victim's brain as it
character. To maintain control, the Moth must grows, mimicking their personality and behaviour.
make a successful TR 14 concentration check each After approximately three months, the victim's skull
turn. The controlled character may make a reflexive fractures open and a juvenile Brain Moth emerges
willpower check each turn and breaks the control if from inside. The larval stage may be surgically
their result is higher than the Moth's most recent removed without harm if discovered within a week
concentration check. of initial infection.

Brain Moths are massive delicate creatures that Brain Moth Infesters are the final stage in the Brain
resemble a terrestrial moth or butterfly, except that Moth life cycle, with the body growing bloated and
they possess six brightly coloured wings and are the wings being shed. The body of the Brain Moth
capable of surviving in total vacuum. The wing span Infester has the appearance of a 4kg maggot with
of a Brain Moth can exceed 6m from tip to tip, psychedelic patterns of colour across its skin that
although their body mass rarely exceeds 2kg. Brain pulse and change as it moves. Unlike its younger
Moths are known to be extremely intelligent, winged stage, the Infester is incapable of surviving
though possess no language and seem oblivious to in space.
any attempts of communication. It is believed that
Brain Moths are the result of a rogue biotechnology Brain Moth Infesters use a combination of stealth
experiment. and mind control to claim their victims and are
almost universally feared by humanoid races.
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Cat Dog
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2
Agility 16 Appearance 14 Agility 15 Appearance 14
Speed 14 Willpower 6 Speed 14 Willpower 4
Toughness 2 Toughness 4

Athletics 3 (+4) Athletics 3 (+5)

Climbing 3 (+4) Climbing 1 (+3)
Weapons (melee) 3 (+4) Weapons (melee) 2 (+4)
Gymnastics 3 (+6) Gymnastics 1 (+3)
Stealth 3 (+6) Stealth 2 (+3)
Stamina 2 (+3) Stamina 2 (+4)
Swimming 1 (+2) Swimming 3 (+5)
Survival 3 (+6) Survival 2 (+4)
Navigation 2 (+4) Navigation 2 (+4)
Listen 4 (+7) Listen 4 (+7)
Spot 4 (+7) Spot 4 (+7)
Track 4 (+7) Track 4 (+7)

Traits Traits 240

Ambidextrous Blind sense (smell, low light vision)
Blind sense (smell, hearing, low light vision) Natural weapons (teeth) 1d4+2 (P)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d4+1 (P) Runner
2x Natural weapons (claws) 1 (P)
Runner Like cats, dogs have survived largely unchanged
Sociopathy from the distant past and still make popular pets
today. Dogs are typically slightly larger than cats,
Cats are one of the more popular pet animal species less independent and far more loyal. Though no less
to have survived largely unchanged from the distant intelligent, their obedience and desperate attempts
past, though it is unclear exactly why this is the to make sense of their master's wishes before acting
case. Cats are known to be remorseless killers of can make them seem dimwitted and slow in
smaller animals and are frequently employed as comparison to their feline rivals. Dogs are far less
pest control aboard spacecraft. Though highly lazy prone to acts of random violence than cats, but
and seemingly incapable of surviving by themselves, nonetheless can be trained to be excellent hunters
cats are deceptively independent and frequently or guards.
abuse the trust of their humanoid masters.
If provoked or forced to attack, dogs will attempt to
Given their popularity and abundant survival skills, bite and grapple using their powerful teeth. Though
it is unclear exactly why uplifted cats or posthuman no match for a trained or augmented humanoid, a
felines are not commonplace in the galaxy today. pack of guard dogs can still pose enough of a threat
Some historical research suggests that experiments to deter opportunistic thieves or trespassers.
of this nature were carried out, but that the However, it is not uncommon for purpose bred
resulting entities were ill suited for life in the guard dogs to be augmented themselves, frequently
galactic community due to the extreme sociopathic sporting cybernetic limbs, multispectral vision as
traits exhibited by them. well as subdermal armour or an internal weapon.


Don't you dare knock that off the shelf! Yes, you. I
will end you if you break that. No!

Zorin the Purifier's encounter with Mr Fluffy

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Dune Stalker Dune Strider
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
5 3 3 3 6 3 4 2
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Agility 16 Appearance 14 Agility 15 Appearance 14
Speed 18 Willpower 6 Speed 19 Willpower 4
Toughness 6 Toughness 8

Athletics 4 (+9) Athletics 4 (+10)

Climbing 3 (+8) Climbing 2 (+8)
Weapons (melee) 4 (+9) Weapons (melee) 2 (+8)
Gymnastics 3 (+6) Gymnastics 2 (+5)
Stealth 3 (+6) Stealth 2 (+5)
Stamina 2 (+5) Stamina 4 (+8)
Swimming 1 (+4) Swimming 1 (+5)
Survival 4 (+7) Survival 4 (+6)
Navigation 4 (+6) Navigation 4 (+6)
Listen 4 (+7) Listen 4 (+6)
Spot 4 (+7) Spot 4 (+6)
Track 4 (+7) Track 4 (+6)

Traits Traits 241

Blind sense (smell, low light vision) Blind sense (smell, low light vision)
Natural weapons (beak) 1d10+5 (P) Extremophile (immunity to survivable heat)
2x Natural weapons (legs) 1d8+5 (P) Natural weapons (beak) 1d6+6 (T)
Runner 2x Natural weapons (legs) 1d8+6 (P)
Dune Stalkers are a large bipedal predator with
reptilian and avian characteristics that are well Dune Striders are a related species to Dune Stalkers,
adapted to life in desert environments. Dune but are somewhat larger and more docile, with
Stalkers possess long powerful legs, with similarly proportionally smaller heads and beaks. Like their
long necks and tails, they stand approximately one more predatory kin, Dune Striders are tall and
metre tall at the hip and measure up to two metres powerful, capable of extreme bursts of speed.
in length from head to tail. Their bodies are covered However, Striders are adapted for more sustained
in large feather-like growths which contain capillary exertion and are capable of running for hours at a
blood vessels and can serve as radiators or time in heat that would make most humanoids pass
insulation to help regulate body temperature. After out in short order. Because of their speed and
taking part in a hunt, it is not unusual to see Dune docile nature, Dune Striders make popular mounts
Stalkers cooling themselves on rocky outcrops, their and pack animals in desert environments.
bodies take on a reddish tint as blood circulates
through their feathers. Although not aggressive, Dune Striders can be quite
territorial in the wild, especially during mating
Dune Stalkers primarily attack with their massive season. If threatened or attacked, Dune Striders will
toothed beaks, stabbing with the razor sharp tip defend themselves by kicking with their powerful
and slashing with their knife-like teeth. Their legs. They may also lash out with their beaks which
powerful legs can also deliver savage kicks and their can deliver a nasty injury despite being relatively
tails are strong enough to briefly support the full blunt. However, in most cases a startled Dune
weight of their body, allowing them to kick with Strider will attempt to flee rather than stand and
both legs at once. fight.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Economicon Banker Economicon Enforcer
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
3 3 3 3 6 3 6 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
4 3 4 4 3 4 4 2
Agility 16 Appearance 18 Agility 17 Appearance 16
Speed 16 Willpower 6 Speed 19 Willpower 6
Toughness 6 Toughness 12

Athletics 1 (+4) Athletics 4 (+10)

Larceny 4 (+7) Weapons (melee) 4 (+10)
Weapons (ranged) 2 (+5) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+7)
Long term memory 3 (+6) Drive/Pilot 4 (+7)
Academics (accounting) 5 (+9) Larceny 4 (+7)
Technology 4 (+8) Microgravity 3 (+9)
Working memory 4 (+8) Stamina 4 (+10)
Listen 3 (+6) Navigation 2 (+5)
Sense motive 4 (+7) Investigation 3 (+9)
Intimidate 4 (+8) Listen 2 (+6)
Expression 4 (+8) Spot 4 (+8)
Manipulation 4 (+8) Intimidate 4 (+8)

Traits Traits 242

Eidetic memory CQC training
Polymath Expert disarm
Cold reading Close combat expert
Cold dead eyes Natural armour (subdermal armour) 9 (P)
Disturbing voice
Bankers are the primary agents of the Economicon Joint motors
and seek to seize, hoard and lock away as much Laminated skeleton
wealth as they can possibly attain in order to spare Subdermal armour
others from its corrupting influence. Bankers of the
Economicon wear robes made from the finest and Rather than hire out external mercenaries and risk
most expensive materials in the galaxy, collected by inflicting their wealth on others, the Bank of the
their great resource hoarding industry, with each Economicon instead raised and armed a mercenary
robe representing a staggering waste of money. legion of their own. The Enforcers are both able to
Although highly skilled at negotiation and provide an unquestionably loyal militant wing when
persuasion, the primary asset of a Banker is their required, but also hire out their services to others,
fervent quasi-religious devotion to the purposeless frequently undercutting rival mercenary groups in
accumulation of wealth. order to seize whatever wealth is available to be
taken from a conflict zone.
Economicon Bankers avoid physical confrontation
whenever possible, but frequently run into trouble Economicon Enforcers usually have a law
when trying to drive other corporations out of enforcement or military background, but extensive
business. When expecting a fight, it can be brain washing and false memory implantation puts
guaranteed that an Economicon Banker will gear their skills and morale on par with all but the most
themselves up with the finest and most elite career soldiers. Enforcers are heavily, but
outrageously expensive equipment in their subtly augmented with cybernetics, allowing them
collections and raise a legion of enforcers or militia. to go undercover when necessary and pose as
If times are especially desperate, they may even be ordinary security guards. Their equipment varies
forced to spend some of their personal wealth, depending on their role and location, but generally
though it pains them greatly to do so. Enforcers have access to the finest weapons
available to the Economicon.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Electrotomb Ambassador Electrotomb Thrall
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
- - 6 (coffin) 4 8 2 6 4
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
4 3 4 4 2 2 4 2
Agility 14 (coffin) Appearance 18 Agility 14 Appearance 16
Speed 14 (coffin) Willpower 8 Speed 20 Willpower 8
Toughness 12 (coffin) Toughness 12

Concentration 4 (+8) Athletics 2 (+10)

Long term memory 5 (+9) Weapons (melee) 2 (+10)
Academics 5 (+9) Weapons (ranged) 2 (+4)
Knowledge 5 (+9) Gymnastics 2 (+4)
Technology 5 (+9) Stealth 2 (+4)
Navigation 4 (+8) Microgravity 2 (+8)
Working memory 5 (+9) Stamina 2 (+8)
Investigation 4 (+7) Navigation 2 (+4)
Sense motive 4 (+7) Investigation 2 (+4)
Intimidate 4 (+8) Listen 2 (+4)
Expression 4 (+8) Spot 2 (+4)
Manipulation 4 (+8) Intimidate 2 (+6)

Traits Traits 243

Abstract knowledge Artificial being
Artificial being Undead
Incorporeal (hologram) Exotic armour 12 (P)
Polymath 2x Natural weapons (fists) 1d6+8 (T)
Exotic armour 12 (P) (coffin) Electrotomb Thralls are strange mechanical minions
that occasionally accompany an Ambassador.
Electrotomb Ambassadors take the form of a Thralls usually take on the form of a hunched over
hologram projected from their accompanying humanoid of slightly below average stature and
Electrocoffin. The hologram can take on virtually wear tattered brown robes to disguise their
any appearance, but most Ambassadors tend to mechanical nature. The material Thralls are made of
possess a preferred avatar or selection of avatars. has no name and defies all attempts to study its
Though not always the case, these avatars tend to composition, though it is believed to be the same
have a morbid sense of humour and often appeal to material that Electrocoffins are made of.
the popular image many in the galactic community
have about the Electrotomb and its population. In combat Electrotomb Thralls demonstrate
Skeletal figures, ghosts and sinister mythological incredible strength and durability, far in excess of
creatures rate among the most popular avatar what their size and form would suggest. However,
types. The coffin itself is an anti-grav capable they are clumsy and appear poorly trained, as if
container holding the piece of the Electrotomb itself acting out some bizarre mockery of the actions they
that houses the mind state of the Ambassador. perform. Thralls are known to be perfectly capable
Coffins vary in design as much as the holograms, of using weapons and equipment, but are rarely
with some resembling actual coffins while others seen to carry or possess anything beyond their
take the form of ravens, crows, wolves, bats or tattered robes. Some believe Thralls are intended as
other thematic animals. an unspoken threat, evidence of what the
Electrotomb could be capable of if provoked.
Electrotomb Ambassadors are incapable of
physically interacting with the material world
around, but remain formidable allies or adversaries
due to their keen intellect and esoteric knowledge.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Fallen Emissary Fallen Emissary Abomination
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
3 5 4 3 6 6 6 2
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
3 5 2 2 2 2 4 2
Agility 20 Appearance 14 Agility 18 Appearance 16
Speed 18 Willpower 6 Speed 22 Willpower 4
Toughness 8 Apathy 2 Toughness 12 Apathy 4

Athletics 2 (+5) Athletics 5 (+5)

Weapons (melee) 5 (+8) Climbing 5 (+8)
Weapons (ranged) 5 (+10) Weapons (melee) 5 (+10)
Gymnastics 5 (+10) Weapons (ranged) 3 (+10)
Stealth 5 (+10) Gymnastics 3 (+10)
Stamina 2 (+10) Stamina 4 (+10)
Swimming 2 (+6) Swimming 4 (+6)
Navigation 4 (+7) Navigation 3 (+7)
Listen 2 (+7) Listen 4 (+7)
Spot 4 (+9) Spot 1 (+9)
Track 2 (+7) Track 4 (+7)
Costume 4 (+6) Expression 5 (+6)

Traits Traits 245

Ambidextrous Alien mind
Anonymous Exotic armour 12 (P)
Fast recovery 4x Natural weapons (claws) 1d8+6 (P)
CQC training (mastery) Devastating lunge (mastery)
Blood opera (mastery) Explosive power (mastery)
Gunslinger (mastery) First blood (mastery)
Unpredictable dodge (mastery) Die hard
Pathfinder Strong stomach
Danger sense Danger sense
Master of disguise Light sleeper
Talented artist (mastery)
Corruption Ideals
Restraint Corruption
When an Emissary falls, especially an inexperienced
one, the change that occurs is fundamental and When an experienced Emissary falls, or when a
irreversible, but not always dramatic. A Fallen Fallen Emissary survives for long enough, the result
Emissary with a low Sympathy/Apathy rank may can be a monstrous creature that holds little
retain much of the personality and memories that resemblance to the person it once was. The corrupt
they possessed as an Emissary, but it is a mistake to Simulcra goes out of control and consumes much of
think of them as a continuation of the same being. their body, expanding as a mass of brassy tendrils
A Fallen Emissary is a twisted and corrupted thing, covered in thorn-like protrusions. In some cases, a
they may turn upon the ideals they once possessed degree of order is retained or a pattern emerges.
or instead apply them in rigid and horrifying ways. There have been reports of Fallen Emissaries in the
As their Apathy rank grows and their corruption form of a body crucified to a dark metallic angel, or
becomes more complete, less and less of their a humanoid torso at the tip of a colossal mechanical
original personality remains and their actions worm or centipede. In other cases, the result is a
become increasingly mechanical and writhing biomechanical mass with no definite form
incomprehensible. or shape.

A Fallen Emissary is no less deadly in battle than an Few opponents have the potential to be more
Emissary of equivalent experience. terrifying or more dangerous.
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Gas Cow Giant Oceanic Leech
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
4 2 8 2 6 4 5 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2
Agility 14 Appearance 14 Agility 18 Appearance 14
Speed 16 Willpower 4 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 16 Toughness 10

Athletics 1 (+5) Athletics 1 (+7)

Unarmed combat 2 (+6) Climbing 4 (+10)
Weapons (melee) 2 (+6) Weapons (melee) 2 (+8)
Gymnastics 1 (+3) Gymnastics 3 (+7)
Stealth 2 (+4) Stealth 4 (+8)
Microgravity 5 (+13) Stamina 2 (+7)
Stamina 4 (+12) Swimming 4 (+9)
Survival 3 (+5) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 2 (+4) Navigation 2 (+4)
Listen 2 (+4) Listen 4 (+8)
Spot 2 (+4) Spot 1 (+5)
Track 1 (+3) Track 4 (+8)

Traits Traits 246

Extremophile (Jovian planets) Blind sense (smell)
Flight (2x speed) Gills
Microgravity adaptation Healing factor
Natural weapon (tusk) 1d10+4 (P) Natural armour 6 (P)
Space adaptation Natural weapons (teeth) 1d12+6 (P) Piercing (2)
Regeneration (psionics or poison)
Gas Cows are huge balloon-like animals adapted to Swimmer
life inside the atmospheres of gas giants. By
expanding and contracting the sphincters around The Giant Oceanic Leech is a massive carnivorous,
their central body cavity, they are able to propel salt water worm that can grow up to 6m long and
themselves through the atmosphere with a jet of mass as much as 3,000kg. Their body is a flattened
compressed air. Gas Cows thrive in the deeper cylinder made up of several dozen segmented
layers of Jovian worlds where the thick atmosphere pieces, covered in a uniform layer of blubbery flesh.
blocks out most sunlight and the hydrogen sulfide The mouth of the Leech is a wide circular orifice
and methane necessary for chemosynthesis is studded with hundreds of concentric rows of wide
relatively abundant. Gas Cows are the primary rasping teeth. Giant Oceanic Leeches are known to
producer in gas giant ecosystems and are frequently heal from injuries at incredible speeds and are
kept as livestock by those who make their homes in almost impossible to permanently kill, eventually
such hostile environments. healing and reviving from even the total destruction
of their bodies. Only psionic attacks or deadly
Gas Cows are docile and fragile in appearance, poison can permanently bypass the Leech's ability
though this is deceptive as their amorphous bodies to regenerate.
are very muscular and their skin is rubbery and
extremely resilient. If startled or attacked, Gas Cows The Giant Oceanic Leech will attack any living
possess a sharp tusk concealed within their body creature it comes across and attempt to grapple
cavity that they may use to defend themselves. This and devour them, even other Leeches are not safe
tusk would be easier to avoid if there was any from attack. Very little can deter a Leech once it has
reliable method of telling the front of a Gas Cow attacked, escape or incapacitation of the Leech are
from its back. the only viable solutions.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Giant Strider Golden Wraith
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
6 1 5 2 - - - 4
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 2 2 2 3 3 4 3
Agility 13 Appearance 14 Agility - Appearance 17
Speed 17 Willpower 4 Speed 14 Willpower 8
Toughness 10 Toughness -

Athletics 4 (+10) Concentration 3 (+8)

Climbing 2 (+8) Psionics 5 (+9)
Weapons (melee) 2 (+8) Academics 2 (+5)
Gymnastics 1 (+2) Knowledge 4 (+7)
Stealth 1 (+2) Technology 2 (+5)
Stamina 4 (+9) Navigation 3 (+6)
Swimming 1 (+6) Working memory 3 (+6)
Survival 4 (+9) Investigation 3 (+6)
Navigation 4 (+6) Sense motive 4 (+7)
Listen 4 (+6) Intimidate 4 (+8)
Spot 4 (+6) Expression 4 (+7)
Track 4 (+6) Manipulation 3 (+7)

Traits Traits 247

Natural armour 6 (P) Alien mind
4x Natural weapons (legs) 1d10+6 (P) Flight (2x speed)
Runner Incorporeal
Giant Striders are huge quadrupeds common to low Psionic senses
gravity worlds and swamp environments, they Teleportation
march through boggy ground on their long spindly
legs in search of food. Adult Giant Striders stand Golden Wraiths are legendary apparitions that take
roughly 6m tall at the shoulder and mass up to on the form of a translucent ghost-like figure, their
2,000kg. Although their respiratory system is body is gold in colour and becomes increasingly
elevated well above water level, the mouths of insubstantial from top to bottom with no visible legs
Striders are actually in their feet and they feed on at all. Their appearance is thought by many to have
tiny swamp life that they hoover up as they some connection to the Divine Imperial Majesty,
meander around. though no evidence beyond a vague visual similarity
has ever been established. The leading scientific
Giant Striders are docile and relatively harmless to theory is that they have some connection to the
humanoids, only causing injury in self defence or by increased manifestation of psionic abilities within
accident. As they have few natural predators, the galaxy, as their sightings are disproportionately
Striders are relatively oblivious to danger and pay higher in areas with large psion populations. They
little attention to movement or loud noises around may even be alien in origin, though few like to
them. It is common to see domesticated Giant consider this possibility.
Striders used as transports or pack animals in
inhabited marsh and swamp environments, where Golden Wraiths may be entirely passive or launch
their ability to carry heavy loads and cross difficult aggressive psionic attacks against those around
terrain at speed is highly prized. them, there appears to be no obvious pattern in
their behaviour. Some reports have claimed that
Wraiths have spoken in unrecognised languages
during their appearances, but it is unconfirmed
whether or not they truly possess intelligence or
self awareness as most humanoids would
understand it.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Great Hexapod Gristle Urchin
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
8 2 5 3 5 4 3 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2
Agility 15 Appearance 14 Agility 16 Appearance 14
Speed 20 Willpower 6 Speed 19 Willpower 6
Toughness 10 Toughness 6

Athletics 3 (+11) Athletics 4 (+10)

Climbing 4 (+12) Climbing 2 (+8)
Weapons (melee) 4 (+12) Weapons (melee) 2 (+8)
Gymnastics 1 (+3) Gymnastics 2 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+4) Stealth 2 (+5)
Stamina 3 (+8) Microgravity 4 (+8)
Swimming 2 (+7) Stamina 1 (+5)
Survival 4 (+7) Survival 4 (+6)
Navigation 4 (+6) Navigation 4 (+6)
Listen 4 (+7) Listen 4 (+6)
Spot 4 (+7) Spot 4 (+6)
Track 4 (+7) Track 4 (+6)

Traits Traits 248

Blind sense (smell) Alien mind
Devastating lunge Blind sense (vibration)
Extremophile (heavy worlds) Extremophile (extreme cold)
Natural armour 2 (P) Natural armour 9 (P)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d10+8 (P) Natural weapons (spines) 1d8+5 (P) Piercing (3)
Runner Venomous (see below)

Great Hexapods, sometimes referred to as 'Land Venom

Sharks', are massive terrestrial predators that roam Gristle Urchins inject venom through a hollow
the low-lying plains of many heavy worlds. Six short, opening down the centre of each of their many
powerful legs propel them at surprising speed, spines, any successful attack which inflicts a
while their unusual gait keeps their body close to persistent injury will also inject venom. See the
the ground. Great Hexapods can grow up to 4m section Disease and Poison for a profile of Gristle
long and mass as much as 2,500kg, making them by Urchin venom.
far the largest terrestrial animals native to any
heavy world environment. A series of unusual, thick Gristle Urchins are only found on extremely cold
cartilage protrusions that drag against the ground worlds that are inhospitable to almost all other life.
grow from the spine that runs along the Hexapod's They have a spherical central body surrounded by a
stomach. It is hypothesized that these protrusions large number of spear-like limbs that are completely
help support the creature's immense weight and rigid except for an odd ball joint where they attach
prevent its ventral spine from being damaged by to the body. Their shells and spines are made of a
friction with the ground when it moves. dark brown silicate material with a stony texture. A
white fatty substance with a rubber-like consistency
Great Hexapods are aggressive predators that will erupts from the joints of their spines, with loose
attack and bite most living creatures they come into strands occasionally dangling down and becoming
close contact with. However, they prefer not to tangled amongst the mass of spines. Geiger
waste energy and so do not actively hunt or pursue counters reveal that this material is radioactive,
creatures which they don't recognise as prey though exposure is well within safe limits. Gristle
animals. Their favoured prey is the Hexcrura, which Urchins are still poorly understood, though studies
has a similar body layout and low six-legged form. have revealed that they demonstrate a surprising
Hexapod's do not typically attack humanoids, degree of intelligence. There is even some evidence
though the bipedal form may provoke curiosity. to suggest that they are an extreme example of
posthuman adaptation.
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Hexcrura Hooded Worm
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
5 2 4 3 5 5 3 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 2 2 3 5 4 2
Agility 15 Appearance 14 Agility 20 Appearance 16
Speed 17 Willpower 6 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 8 Toughness 6

Athletics 4 (+9) Athletics 2 (+7)

Climbing 4 (+9) Climbing 2 (+7)
Weapons (melee) 2 (+7) Weapons (melee) 4 (+9)
Gymnastics 1 (+3) Gymnastics 3 (+8)
Stealth 2 (+4) Stealth 5 (+10)
Stamina 4 (+8) Stamina 2 (+5)
Swimming 2 (+6) Swimming 2 (+5)
Survival 4 (+7) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 4 (+6) Navigation 2 (+5)
Listen 4 (+7) Listen 4 (+9)
Spot 4 (+7) Spot 1 (+6)
Track 4 (+7) Track 4 (+9)

Traits Traits 249

Extremophile (heavy worlds) Alien mind
Natural armour 2 (P) Blind sense (vibration)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d6+5 (P) Burrowing
Runner Camouflage
Natural armour 2 (P)
Hexcrura are a less dangerous relative of the Great Natural weapons (teeth) 1d6+5 (P)
Hexapod, although more slight in appearance and
somewhat smaller, they share the same overall Hooded Worms resemble something of a cross
body layout. Adult Hexcrura grow to around half between a leech and a king cobra, except that they
the length of their larger cousins, topping out at grow up to 8m long and mass as much as 150kg.
around 2m, and typically mass between 400 and Their thick leathery hide is dotted with layers of
600kg. Hexcrura make popular mounts on heavy chromatophores that enable it to take on a variety
worlds, in part because of their speed and stamina, of different colours, blending in with their
but also because their low body makes falls far less surroundings and making them difficult to spot.
dangerous than from they would be from a taller They also possess rows of tiny tooth-like spines that
animal or vehicle. However, their ventral spine isn't allow them to move through loose ground with
well suited to carrying heavy loads on their back, so alarming ease.
a special saddle is required that spreads the load
across their shoulders. Hooded Worms are voracious predators that feast
primarily on soft bodied invertebrates, quickly
Hexcrura are generally not aggressive, but can leaving tougher prey after an initial probing attack.
deliver a nasty bite if provoked. They become Many humanoid races are at risk of attack, with the
extremely flighty in the presence of a Great Worm being especially fond of cheek tissue or any
Hexapod and are always watchful for them. A other soft exposed flesh. The worm will attempt to
stampeding herd of wild Hexcrura is often a sign grapple its prey with its relatively powerful body
that a Great Hexapod is prowling the area. before revealing the scalpel-like feeding arms
concealed within its hood and slashing repeatedly
at its constricted prey.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Hunched Saurian Imperial Honour Guard
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
6 2 4 3 3 4 4 4
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 3 3 3 4 3 2
Agility 15 Appearance 16 Agility 18 Appearance 15
Speed 18 Willpower 6 Speed 17 Willpower 8
Toughness 8 Toughness 8

Athletics 2 (+8) Athletics 5 (+8)

Climbing 3 (+9) Weapons (melee) 5 (+8)
Unarmed combat 3 (+9) Weapons (ranged) 5 (+9)
Weapons (melee) 2 (+8) Drive/Pilot 4 (+8)
Gymnastics 3 (+5) Stealth 4 (+8)
Stealth 2 (+4) Microgravity 3 (+7)
Stamina 4 (+8) Stamina 5 (+9)
Survival 3 (+6) Medicine 3 (+6)
Navigation 2 (+4) Navigation 3 (+6)
Listen 3 (+6) Listen 3 (+7)
Spot 3 (+6) Spot 3 (+7)
Track 3 (+6) Intimidate 3 (+6)

Traits Traits 250

Ambidextrous Allies
Extremophile (heavy worlds) Lightning reflexes
Natural armour 4 (P) Multilingual
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d8+6 (P) CQC training
Expert disarm
Hunched Saurians are a large bipedal animal with a Close combat expert
reptilian appearance, thought to be descended Marksman
from the same series of adaptation experiments Sure aim
that eventually lead to Reptilian humanoids. Die hard
Though bipedal, Hunched Saurians tend to walk on
all fours, using their massive arms as an extra pair of Imperial Honour Guard are the military elite of the
legs. It is not entirely clear if this behaviour is an Third Golden Empire, recruited from the most
inherent part of their design, or a subsequent experienced career soldiers of the galaxy. Though
evolutionary change to adapt to heavy world less physically impressive than some of the esoteric
environments. living weapons or war machines used by other
factions, Imperial Honour Guard are exceptionally
Hunched Saurians are not typically aggressive, but well trained in combat and enjoy access to some of
can become highly territorial and will attack if they the finest equipment available. It is not unusual to
feel like their dominance is being challenged. In see even new recruits clad in ornate powered battle
combat, Hunched Saurians will swing wildly with armour, carrying ceremonial power spears, swords
their massive arms in an attempt to force an and gauss weapons.
opponent to cower down or retreat. However, if
their opponent refuses to back down, they will In combat, Imperial Honour Guard rely on
attack savagely with their powerful jaws. teamwork, coordination and combined arms tactics
to crush their opponents. It is rare to encounter a
solitary Guard and almost as rare to encounter a
squad without armoured support in the form of a
gunship or gravtank nearby.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Jovian Shark Jovian Squid
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
8 2 5 3 6 4 4 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 4 3 2 2 4 3 2
Agility 16 Appearance 15 Agility 18 Appearance 15
Speed 20 Willpower 6 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 10 Toughness 8

Athletics 1 (+9) Athletics 1 (+7)

Unarmed combat 4 (+12) Unarmed combat 4 (+10)
Weapons (melee) 4 (+12) Weapons (melee) 4 (+10)
Gymnastics 1 (+3) Gymnastics 1 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+4) Stealth 2 (+6)
Microgravity 5 (+10) Microgravity 5 (+9)
Stamina 4 (+9) Stamina 3 (+7)
Survival 3 (+6) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 2 (+4) Navigation 2 (+4)
Listen 2 (+6) Listen 2 (+6)
Spot 2 (+6) Spot 2 (+6)
Track 4 (+8) Track 3 (+7)

Traits Traits 251

Extremophile (Jovian planets) Ambidextrous
Flight (2x speed) Extremophile (Jovian planets)
Microgravity adaptation Flight (2x speed)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d10+8 (P) Microgravity adaptation
Space adaptation 4x Natural weapons (tentacles) 1d8+6 (P)
Space adaptation
Jovian Sharks are predatory dwellers of gas giants,
resembling something like an airship with a Jovian Squid are another larger predator
ferocious mouth full of razor sharp teeth. The diet encountered on gas giants, though typically smaller
of Jovian Sharks is mostly comprised of Gas Cows, and more slender than the similar Jovian Shark.
but they will also take smaller Jovian Squid and Jovian Squid are so named after their ocean going
even other Jovian Sharks. Curious hunters, Jovian equivalents because of the four long prehensile
Sharks will investigate any moving objects or tentacles arranged around their rasping mouth.
structures they come across, probing them with Unlike Jovian Sharks, the Squid's teeth and jaws are
their jaws and searching them for digestible ill suited to cutting flesh, instead they must kill and
biomatter. Debris, wreckage, asteroids or fragments tear their prey apart with their tentacles,
of broken moons that fall into the outer swallowing the resulting chunks of flesh whole.
atmosphere of a Jovian will frequently be swarming Jovian Squid prey mostly on juvenile Gas Cows and
with Sharks. other Squid.

Jovian Sharks are aggressive and will frequently Jovian Squid are solitary and very risk averse, they
attack and bite anything they comes across. Their prefer to dwell in the deeper layers of the gas giant
behaviour in combat is quite basic, simply charging atmosphere, safe from Sharks and larger Squid.
and attacking their target repeatedly, only relenting Their tentacles are sensitive to the atmospheric
when it is dead or after a number of bites fail to currents caused by the movement of large Gas Cow
reveal any edible flesh. Jovian Sharks do not herds in the upper layers. Large atmospheric craft
respond well to intimidation or attempts to may also provoke a Squid to attack, having been
dissuade them with violence, such actions only mistaken for their prey.
make them more aggressive.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Juvenile Jovian Whale Mechanoid Freedom Fighter
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
6 1 10 3 5 2 4 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2
Agility 13 Appearance 15 Agility 15 Appearance 15
Speed 17 Willpower 6 Speed 17 Willpower 6
Toughness 20 Toughness 8

Athletics 1 (+7) Athletics 3 (+8)

Unarmed combat 2 (+8) Unarmed combat 3 (+8)
Weapons (melee) 2 (+8) Weapons (ranged) 3 (+5)
Gymnastics 1 (+2) Drive/Pilot 2 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+3) Stealth 2 (+5)
Microgravity 5 (+15) Microgravity 3 (+7)
Stamina 4 (+14) Stamina 4 (+8)
Survival 3 (+6) Navigation 3 (+6)
Navigation 4 (+7) Investigation 3 (+6)
Listen 2 (+4) Listen 3 (+6)
Spot 2 (+4) Spot 3 (+6)
Track 1 (+3) Intimidate 3 (+6)

Traits Traits 252

Extremophile (Jovian planets) Artificial being
Flight (2x speed) Natural armour 6 (P)
Microgravity adaptation Space flight (base speed)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d6+6 (P)
Space adaptation Mechanoid Freedom Fighters are militant former
slaves or idealists dedicated to the cause of
Jovian Whales resemble something of a cross advancing Mechanoid rights and exacting revenge
between a Shark and a Gas Cow, though grow to against those who they judge guilty. Although
substantially larger sizes than either. Like Gas Cows, Mechanoid rights are recognised and protected by
Whales primarily rely on chemosynthesis, but will the Third Golden Empire, extremist groups are
also prey on the smaller organisms that make their frowned upon and vigilantism is illegal. Despite this,
homes within the atmospheres of a gas giant. Jovian Mechanoid Freedom Fighters enjoy much sympathy
Whales possess enormous mouths, but their jaws by many citizens of the Empire and even officials
are relatively weak and their teeth are quite small in have been willing to turn a blind eye on Mechanoid
comparison to their body size. Jovian Whales are a militias, so long as they conduct themselves with
rare sight and are quite poorly understood, finding tact and avoid endangering the general public. The
one within the depths of a gas giant is akin to average Mechanoid Freedom Fighter is a
finding a needle in a moon-sized haystack. It is not determined and capable soldier, though lacking in
really known just how large an adult can grow, as training and resources compared to equivalent
most specimens that have been studied are the professional soldiers.
carcasses of juveniles which were attacked by
Sharks. However, there is some speculative Mechanoid Freedom Fighters are brave and
evidence to suggest that adult Jovian Whales are resourceful fighters who will rarely engage in open
somehow capable of sustained flight through the combat without reason or prior preparation.
vacuum of space and must even be capable of However, their tactics and coordination in battle are
breaking planetary orbit. If this were true, the somewhat amateur and they tend to fair poorly
mechanism for doing so must be quite remarkable when faced with more elite opposition.
and is unlikely to be natural in origin.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mechanoid Labourer Montgolfier Bubble Fish
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
5 2 4 3 3 2 6 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2
Agility 15 Appearance 15 Agility 15 Appearance 15
Speed 17 Willpower 6 Speed 15 Willpower 6
Toughness 8 Toughness 12

Athletics 3 (+8) Athletics 1 (+4)

Unarmed combat 2 (+7) Unarmed combat 2 (+5)
Weapons (ranged) 1 (+3) Weapons (ranged) 3 (+5)
Drive/Pilot 2 (+4) Gymnastics 1 (+3)
Stealth 2 (+4) Stealth 2 (+4)
Microgravity 3 (+7) Microgravity 5 (+11)
Stamina 3 (+7) Stamina 3 (+9)
Navigation 3 (+6) Survival 3 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+5) Navigation 2 (+5)
Listen 3 (+6) Listen 4 (+7)
Spot 3 (+6) Spot 3 (+6)
Communication 3 (+5) Handle animal 4 (+6)

Traits Traits 253

Artificial being Extremophile (Jovian planets)
Natural armour 6 (P) Flight (2x speed)
Natural weapons (limbs) 1d6+5 (P) Microgravity adaptation
Space flight (base speed) Space adaptation

Mechanoid Labourers are former slaves who have Montgolfier Bubble Fish are a posthuman race
been freed from oppression and allowed to become adapted to life within the atmospheres of Jovian
fully fledged citizens of the Empire. While some worlds. Resembling something like a giant bloated
Mechanoids have chosen to adapt and redesign head, the few humanoid features retained hold only
their physical appearances, Labourers frequently a passing similarity to their original forms. With all
retain their former designs, often sporting limbs of their limbs atrophied away or reduced to a
that end in a variety of industrial tools. Embracing vestigial nature, Bubble Fish rely on their prehensile
their inherent talents and abilities, along with their tongues to interact with the world around them.
freedom, many Labourers have become skilled What were once ears now function as massive fins
engineers or artisans. Though less common today, on the side of their bodies, capable of moving to
due in large part to their widespread acceptance, propel them through the thick atmosphere. Despite
for a while it was common for freed Mechanoids to their huge skulls, their brains are relatively small, as
band together, forming their own self-sufficient most of the space inside is taken up by floatation
communities. Skilled Labourers were vital for such sacks used to control their buoyancy.
communities to exist, being able to run
maintenance clinics and build the infrastructure of Montgolfier Bubble Fish are short tempered and
civilisation. impatient, which frequently leads to heated
arguments and escalated violence. Prior to trading
Labourers are not skilled in combat and most have with other races for superior technology and
made little attempt to learn these skills since physical resources, Bubble Fish were largely
obtaining their freedom. However, a Mechanoid incapable of causing physical damage to one
Labourer is still a physically powerful being and has another. However, since the proliferation of
tools which could be lethal to more fleshy species. firearms on Jovian worlds, many Bubble Fish have
become quite paranoid and shut themselves away,
using hired mercenaries to deal with strangers.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Mortipede Parasitic Crab
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
6 6 10 6 5 3 5 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
3 4 3 2 3 3 3 2
Agility 20 Appearance 15 Agility 16 Appearance 15
Speed 22 Willpower 12 Speed 18 Willpower 6
Toughness 20 Toughness 10

Athletics 5 (+11) Athletics 4 (+9)

Climbing 5 (+11) Climbing 4 (+9)
Weapons (melee) 5 (+11) Weapons (melee) 5 (+10)
Gymnastics 4 (+10) Gymnastics 4 (+7)
Stealth 4 (+10) Stealth 5 (+8)
Microgravity 4 (+14) Stamina 2 (+7)
Stamina 3 (+13) Swimming 2 (+7)
Survival 3 (+9) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 3 (+6) Navigation 2 (+5)
Listen 3 (+7) Listen 4 (+7)
Spot 3 (+7) Spot 4 (+7)
Track 4 (+8) Track 5 (+8)

Traits Traits 254

Alien mind Alien mind
Camouflage Camouflage
Devastating lunge Healing factor
Exotic armour 24 (P) Infection (see below)
Healing factor Natural armour 9 (P)
Lightning reflexes 2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d8+5 (P)
Microgravity adaptation Supernatural speed
2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d10+6 (P) Piercing (2)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d12+6 (P) Piercing (6) Infection
Space adaptation Any humanoid that suffers a persistent injury from a
Supernatural speed Parasitic Crab must pass a TR 14 toughness check or
become infected themselves. The infection can be
Mortipedes are a terrifying and rare enigma, found treated with a TR 14 medicine check, but the TR
in exceptionally small numbers but spread out all increases by 2 for each hour that it is left untreated.
across the galaxy. They appear as a colossal If not treated, the victim is transformed into a
centipede with sickle-like feet, measuring some 15m Parasitic Crab after a period of 6 hours.
long and massing as much 8,000kg. Though only
found on terrestrial worlds, they are known to be Parasitic Crabs are a rogue bioweapon that take
capable of surviving in total vacuum. Specimens over other humanoid bodies and transform them
kept in captivity, even in sophisticated artificial into monstrous living weapons, clad from head to
environments, refuse to move or eat and appear to foot in articulated segments of spiny shell. Once
go into a state of permanent catatonia. There is transformed, the host loses all sense of self and
much speculation that they may be an example of becomes determined to kill or infect every other
genuinely alien life, or something left behind by it. living humanoid they can find. However, the
creature does retain its former memories and some
Mortipedes are alarmingly stealthy for their size and degree of intelligence, making it a potentially
will aggressively attack any moving object that terrifying infiltrator or saboteur.
strays too close to them. Their thick shell is all but
impenetrable to conventional weapons and even
wounds inflicted on them can be seen to heal with
visible speed.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Parasynth Plated Wyvern
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
7 2 4 3 8 3 5 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 4 3 2 2 4 3 2
Agility 16 Appearance 15 Agility 17 Appearance 15
Speed 19 Willpower 6 Speed 21 Willpower 6
Toughness 8 Toughness 10

Athletics 3 (+10) Athletics 3 (+11)

Unarmed combat 4 (+11) Climbing 3 (+11)
Weapons (ranged) 3 (+5) Weapons (melee) 4 (+12)
Drive/Pilot 4 (+6) Gymnastics 2 (+5)
Stealth 4 (+6) Stealth 2 (+5)
Microgravity 3 (+7) Stamina 4 (+9)
Stamina 3 (+7) Swimming 3 (+8)
Navigation 3 (+5) Survival 3 (+6)
Technology 4 (+6) Navigation 4 (+6)
Listen 3 (+7) Listen 4 (+8)
Spot 3 (+7) Spot 4 (+8)
Track 3 (+7) Track 4 (+8)

Traits Traits 256

Artificial being Blind sense (smell and low light vision)
Infection (see below) Flight (2x speed)
Natural armour 12 (P) Natural armour 9 (P)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d10+8 (P)
When a Parasynth grapples a humanoid character, Plated Wyverns are huge, flying lizard-like animals.
instead of dealing submission hold damage it may Evolved from quadrupeds, their forelimbs have
cybernetically augment them against their will. The elongated into massive wings capable of carrying
character gains a random augment and takes an them aloft. Many of their scales have fused
automatic temporary injury. If the character gains together, giving the appearance of large armoured
five augments in this way, they are transformed into plates that give them their name. While these plates
another Parasynth. would seem heavy, they're actually more weight
efficient than the scales they evolved from, due to
Parasynths are a naturally occurring biomechanical the lack of overlap. Hollow bones also help keep
lifeform found on some Technosapien Hive Worlds, down their overall weight, so despite growing to a
they are thought to have evolved from some kind of length of 10m from head to tail, adult Wyverns
automated surgical machinery. Although they do rarely mass much more than 2,000kg.
not appear to have more than an animal-like
intelligence, Parasynths have an innate ability to Although carnivorous and predatory, Plated
interface with and operate all manner of Wyverns are intelligent and selective of their prey,
technological tools, systems and vehicles. A rarely attacking humanoids except when starving or
Parasynth looks something like a cross between an provoked. In fact, Wyverns can be domesticated
autodoc medical station, a steel ribcage and a and trained with surprising ease, making excellent
spider large enough to fully enclose an adult Human working animals or flying mounts. However, these
within an embrace of its many arms. When stalking animals are still immensely powerful and must be
suitable targets to transform, Parasynths will treated with a healthy dose of caution and respect.
attempt to blend in with other machinery and wait
until their desired victim is alone.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Predatory Stonestar Psionic Eel
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
5 4 4 3 2 2 3 4
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2
Agility 17 Appearance 14 Agility 15 Appearance 14
Speed 19 Willpower 6 Speed 14 Willpower 8
Toughness 8 Toughness 6

Athletics 3 (+8) Athletics 2 (+4)

Climbing 3 (+8) Weapons (melee) 2 (+4)
Weapons (melee) 4 (+9) Stealth 2 (+4)
Gymnastics 2 (+6) Stamina 2 (+5)
Stealth 4 (+8) Swimming 4 (+7)
Stamina 2 (+6) Concentration 3 (+7)
Swimming 4 (+8) Psionics 4 (+8)
Survival 3 (+6) Survival 2 (+6)
Navigation 2 (+5) Navigation 2 (+4)
Listen 3 (+6) Listen 3 (+6)
Spot 2 (+5) Spot 3 (+6)
Track 4 (+7) Track 3 (+6)

Traits Traits 259

Ambidextrous Gills
Blind sense (vibration) Psion
Camouflage Psionic senses
Extremophile (radiation) Swimmer
Healing factor
Natural armour 6 (P) Psionic Eels are worm-like sea creatures with
Natural weapons (spines) 1d6+5 (P) Piercing (3) unusually keen psionic senses. A fully grown adult
Venomous (stonestar venom) can stretch up to 2.5m long from its head to the tip
of its tail and mass around 15kg. Eels are very
Predatory Stonestars are a more aggressive relative capable swimmers but may also use their psionic
of the Armoured Starfish, though somewhat smaller abilities to silently and motionlessly move
and leaner in form. Their thick hides have a rough themselves through the water, allowing them to
stony texture that allows them to blend in well with slowly sneak up on their prey without alerting them
natural rock formations. Despite their aggressive to their presence. Psionic Eels are considered a
nature, their arms are ill suited for delivering delicacy in some cultures and are also highly
powerful blows and instead they rely on wickedly desirable as research specimens, making them
sharp spiny protrusions which can be extended valuable enough to support large fishing
from the fleshy patches between each of their communities in habitats where they are commonly
shoulder joints. These spines are each the size of a found.
spear and as sharp as a hypodermic needle, easily
puncturing the tough hides of their prey and Typically Psionic Eels will retreat from larger animals
delivering a cocktail of deadly venom. or predators and, as such, they are not usually
dangerous to humanoids. However, when alarmed
Stonestars are opportunistic predators, preferring or attempting to flee, they may desperately lash out
to wait in ambush before striking and then with their psionic powers. It is not unusual for those
retreating while their venom does its work. Careless who make a living fishing in their waters to suffer
humanoids are especially vulnerable, as a Stonestar from a number of psychoses or mental illnesses.
won't hesitate to attack anything that blunders Those who can't afford to take frequent breaks or
within reach of its hiding spot. change careers may be doomed to madness.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Rasp Serpent Stone Stalker
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
2 3 2 3 4 3 4 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 3 2 3 4 3 2
Agility 16 Appearance 15 Agility 17 Appearance 15
Speed 15 Willpower 6 Speed 17 Willpower 6
Toughness 4 Toughness 8

Athletics 3 (+5) Athletics 3 (+7)

Climbing 2 (+4) Climbing 3 (+7)
Weapons (melee) 3 (+5) Weapons (melee) 4 (+8)
Gymnastics 3 (+6) Gymnastics 4 (+7)
Stealth 4 (+7) Stealth 4 (+7)
Stamina 2 (+4) Stamina 3 (+7)
Swimming 3 (+5) Swimming 2 (+6)
Survival 3 (+6) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 2 (+4) Navigation 2 (+5)
Listen 4 (+7) Listen 2 (+6)
Spot 4 (+7) Spot 4 (+8)
Track 4 (+7) Track 5 (+9)

Traits Traits 260

Blind sense (smell, low light vision) Ambidextrous
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d4+2 (P) Piercing (4) Blind sense (low light vision)
Rasp Serpents are snake-like creatures common to a Natural armour 5 (P)
wide variety of environments, from scorching 2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d8+4 (P)
deserts to tropical swamps. They take their name
from their rasping triangular mouth parts, which Stone Stalkers are tall bipedal creatures with a
they use to grind their way through the outer shells humanoid appearance and thick, stony skin,
of their crustacean or insect prey. The largest erupting with dense bony growths that protect their
specimens can grow up to 2m in length and mass vital organs. Further jagged growths protrude from
around 5kg. Though many folk tales and anecdotal the tips of their fingers, functioning as massive
stories claim that Rasp Serpents are venomous, it is claws. Their cloudy eyes are large and afford them
now known that they are not. However, wounds excellent low light vision, comprised mostly of rods
caused by their bites are often deep and ragged, they are highly sensitive to movement but the lack
easily becoming infected, which may have lead to the ability to distinguish between colours. Despite a
the false belief that their bites are venomous. concerning physical similarity, there is little
evidence to show that Stalkers are genetically
Rasp Serpents are not especially aggressive or related to Humans. However, this issue is still hotly
dangerous to humanoids, but large varieties may disputed and has yet to be completely resolved.
deliver a nasty bite, even through relatively thick
protective clothing. Most attacks on humanoids Stone Stalkers are intelligent but primitive hunters,
occur when a sleeping Serpent is disturbed, usually preferring a solitary existence. They will rarely act
after hiding away in a dark place, such as under a rashly, instead following and observing potential
pile of clothing or in an open bag. After delivering a prey at a distance for days at a time. When they
single bite, Rasp Serpents typically attempt to make finally decide to strike, they will almost certainly do
a quick escape in the confusion. so under the cover of darkness.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Synthoid Technosapien Ambassador
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
4 2 4 3 4 6 5 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3
Agility 14 Appearance 13 Agility 19 Appearance 16
Speed 16 Willpower 6 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 8 Toughness 10

Athletics 4 (+8) Athletics 3 (+7)

Climbing 4 (+8) Gymnastics 3 (+9)
Weapons (melee) 4 (+8) Stealth 4 (+10)
Gymnastics 2 (+4) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+10)
Stealth 2 (+4) Academics 3 (+6)
Stamina 3 (+7) Craft 5 (+8)
Swimming 1 (+5) Technology 5 (+8)
Survival 4 (+7) Listen 3 (+6)
Navigation 3 (+5) Sense motive 4 (+7)
Listen 2 (+4) Intimidate 4 (+7)
Spot 4 (+6) Expression 3 (+6)
Track 2 (+4) Manipulation 3 (+6)

Traits Traits 261

Blind sense (low light vision) Artificial being
Natural armour 4 (P) Natural armour 6 (P)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d4+4 (P) Blood opera
Sure aim
Synthoids are a type of common but relatively Eidetic memory
harmless artificial lifeform found within Polymath
Technosapien Hive Worlds, usually taking the form Danger sense
of gaunt and pale biomechanical humanoids. Cold dead eyes
Thought to be the result of faulty or corrupted
manufacturing facilities, they often form Augments
communities living within the bowels of larger Cybernetic arm x1
worlds and co-exist with the native Technosapien Cybernetic leg x2
populations. In some cases they have even been Multispectral vision
conscripted into the services of the Hive, Thermoptic camouflage
performing basic maintenance and cleaning tasks,
though their limited intelligence prevents them Technosapien Ambassadors are heavily augmented
from carrying out more complex repairs. humanoids that retain the humanoid form and
serve as diplomats, officers, negotiators or
Synthoids are not overly aggressive, but can be spokespeople for their Hive World. Many of their
highly territorial and tribal in nature. Acts of kind wear distinctive masks of living flesh over their
aggression or provocation towards an individual are metal skulls, allowing them to express emotions and
likely to met with retaliation from the rest of its body language that would be familiar to other
clan. Although not generally intelligent enough to races.
manufacture or use firearms, Synthoids are known
to frequently fashion spears and clubs from Although not optimised for frontline combat,
materials they can scavenge from the structure of Ambassadors may still be highly skilled and
the Hive. formidable opponents. Their augments give them
great physical abilities and they are usually well
trained in the use of a variety of weapons.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Technosapien Guard Terminal Guardian
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
6 6 8 3 4 2 5 2
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 3 3 2 1 4 1 1
Agility 19 Appearance 15 Agility 16 Appearance 12
Speed 22 Willpower 6 Speed 16 Willpower 4
Toughness 16 Toughness 10

Athletics 4 (+10) Athletics 2 (+6)

Weapons (melee) 3 (+9) Climbing 4 (+8)
Weapons (ranged) 5 (+11) Weapons (melee) 2 (+6)
Drive/Pilot 4 (+10) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+6)
Stealth 1 (+7) Stealth 3 (+5)
Microgravity 3 (+11) Microgravity 4 (+9)
Stamina 5 (+13) Stamina 5 (+10)
Craft 3 (+5) Craft 2 (+3)
Navigation 4 (+6) Navigation 4 (+5)
Listen 3 (+6) Listen 3 (+7)
Spot 3 (+6) Spot 3 (+7)
Intimidate 3 (+6) Intimidate 2 (+3)

Traits Traits 263

Artificial being Artificial being
Natural armour 6 (P) Natural armour 9 (P)
CQC training Sure aim
Sure aim Marksman
Marksman Commando
Pathfinder Terminal Guardians are Technosapien constructs
employed as sentries and mobile weapon platforms.
Augments Barely sentient, but extremely loyal, Terminal
Armoured vitals Guardians can be trusted to perform security duties
Cybernetic leg x2 on board Technosapien ships and facilities.
Joint motors However, they are rarely left completely
Laminated skeleton unattended, with a handler usually not too far
away. They come in a variety of designs and sizes,
Technosapien Guards are heavily augmented often resembling a cluster of mechanical limbs
humanoids that share a closer resemblance to a joined at a common shoulder. Terminal Guardians
combat robot than to an ordinary human. Although may also be employed in simple maintenance tasks,
usually clad in thick mirror-steel coated battle though they lack the ability to make complex
armour, they are imposing armoured beasts even repairs.
when wearing nothing at all. Their blank mechanical
faces betray no emotions at all, causing many to In combat, Terminal Guardians are simplistic but
doubt that any flesh and blood exists beneath the dangerous, following their instructions to the word.
surface at all. Technosapien Guards have also been known to
employ them as mobile tripods, using them to carry
Optimised for frontline combat, Guards are physical heavy weapons. They may also employ such
powerhouses that come with matching battle skills weapons when operating autonomously, though
and equipment. They favour heavy and exotic typically carry smaller weapons more suited to their
weapons, often carrying heavy machineguns, security role.
grenade launchers or even railguns as ordinary
soldiers would carry rifles.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Thermal Maggot Timeless Builder, Small
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
3 2 4 3 4 6 5 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
1 3 2 2 3 4 3 3
Agility 15 Appearance 14 Agility 20 Appearance 16
Speed 15 Willpower 6 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 8 Toughness 10

Athletics 2 (+8) Athletics 3 (+7)

Climbing 3 (+9) Climbing 4 (+8)
Unarmed combat 3 (+9) Weapons (melee) 3 (+7)
Weapons (melee) 2 (+8) Stealth 2 (+8)
Gymnastics 3 (+5) Microgravity 5 (+10)
Stealth 2 (+4) Stamina 4 (+9)
Stamina 4 (+8) Craft 5 (+8)
Survival 3 (+6) Navigation 3 (+6)
Navigation 2 (+4) Technology 4 (+7)
Listen 3 (+6) Listen 3 (+7)
Spot 3 (+6) Spot 3 (+7)
Track 3 (+6) Expression 2 (+5)

Traits Traits 264

Blind sense (vibration) Alien mind
Burrowing Artificial being
Camouflage Natural armour 9 (P)
Extremophile (extreme heat) Microgravity adaptation
Healing factor 4x Natural weapons (tentacles) 1d6+4 (P)
Natural armour 6 (T) Space adaptation
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d4+3 (P) Space flight (2x speed)

Thermal Maggots are the larval stage of Watchers. Timeless Builders are a strange race of machine life,
Resembling large burrowing worms, their bodies are descended from the creations of a now dead
white and segmented with a thick outer skin. They transhuman race. Their forms and designs vary
favour warm environments and are capable of greatly, from a few millimetres in length to
tolerating heat far in excess of most other living exceeding that of the largest warships. The most
creatures. In their natural environments, Thermal commonly encountered smaller Builders are
Maggots are often found in the ground around approximately the size of an adult human and
geothermal vents, magma pockets or other hot somewhat resemble a combination of lobster and
spots. However, they are also attracted to power octopus in appearance.
stations and the warm engine bays of unattended
starships, occasionally with disastrous results. Timeless Builders are not typically aggressive and
have never been known to cause injuries to
Thermal Maggots are not especially dangerous or members of the other races of the galaxy, though
effective combatants, but can be a threat to they do frequently fight with each other for reasons
humanoids simply due to their large size and sharp that are not well understood. It is known that faults
teeth. However, they are often found in relatively and software corruptions do occur among their
large numbers and, while a single Maggot might not kind, so the possibility of a dangerous rogue can't
be a danger, a swarm of them can quickly be completely discounted. However, such rogues
overwhelm much stronger opponents. are not tolerated by other Builders and scholars
have observed specialised Builders, known as
Reapers, hunting potentially dangerous anomalies

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Uplifted Bear Uplifted Lion
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
8 2 5 3 6 4 4 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4
Agility 15 Appearance 16 Agility 17 Appearance 18
Speed 20 Willpower 6 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 10 Toughness 8

Athletics 2 (+10) Athletics 3 (+9)

Climbing 3 (+11) Climbing 1 (+7)
Weapons (melee) 3 (+11) Weapons (melee) 4 (+10)
Weapons (ranged) 3 (+5) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+8)
Gymnastics 1 (+3) Gymnastics 3 (+7)
Stamina 4 (+9) Stealth 3 (+7)
Swimming 3 (+8) Survival 3 (+6)
Survival 2 (+5) Navigation 3 (+7)
Navigation 3 (+6) Listen 4 (+7)
Listen 3 (+6) Spot 3 (+6)
Spot 3 (+6) Intimidate 3 (+7)
Intimidate 3 (+6) Manipulate 3 (+7)

Traits Traits 265

Ambidextrous Ambidextrous
Blind sense (smell) Blind sense (smell, low light vision)
Die hard Close combat expert
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d8+8 (P) Devastating Lunge
2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d6+8 (P) Eagle eyes
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d6+6 (P)
Bears are a species of animal known to have existed 2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d6+6 (P)
in the distant past, though they had gone extinct
their genetic code was preserved. Before the Uplifted Lions share their origin with Uplifted Bears,
formation of the First Golden Empire, the though they are far less common and have a
forerunners of the group that would later come to reputation for being dangerous and somewhat
be known as the Bioartisans reintroduced many unpredictable. Uplifting experiments on cats have
such lost species to their worlds. From these largely been a dead end, with Lions being the only
species, they experimented on some with a process ones to exist in meaningful numbers. Like other
known as uplifting, increasing their intelligence and uplifted animals, their bodies have been extensively
mental faculties as well as modifying their bodies to modified, giving them a more humanoid form and
a more humanoid form capable of speaking human allowing them to communicate in human languages.
Uplifted Lions tend to be tall and muscular by
Uplifted Bears are much larger than most races of transhuman standards, though more slender and
human descent, often standing over 240cm tall and less bulky than Bears. An adult male stands around
weighing as much as 350kg, though this varies 240cm tall and weighs around 150kg, while females
greatly from individual to individual. Their immense typically reach up to 220cm in height and weigh
physical strength and natural endurance makes around 100kg. Like Uplifted Bears, their physical
them exceptional brawlers, often finding work as abilities and natural instincts make them well suited
bodyguards or security officers. to combat roles, though they are averse to taking
orders and tend to do poorly when attempting to
integrate into a traditional military structure.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Uplifted Spider Uplifted WAlrus
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
4 4 3 3 8 2 6 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
Agility 17 Appearance 15 Agility 15 Appearance 16
Speed 18 Willpower 6 Speed 20 Willpower 6
Toughness 6 Toughness 12

Athletics 2 (+10) Athletics 2 (+10)

Climbing 5 (+11) Weapons (melee) 3 (+11)
Weapons (melee) 3 (+7) Weapons (ranged) 2 (+4)
Weapons (ranged) 3 (+7) Drive/pilot 3 (+5)
Gymnastics 3 (+7) Gymnastics 1 (+3)
Stealth 4 (+8) Stamina 4 (+10)
Stamina 3 (+6) Swimming 5 (+11)
Survival 2 (+5) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 3 (+7) Navigation 3 (+6)
Listen 3 (+6) Listen 2 (+5)
Spot 3 (+6) Spot 3 (+6)
Socialise 4 (+7) Intimidate 3 (+6)

Traits Traits 266

Ambidextrous Natural armour 2 (P)
Blind sense (low light vision) Natural weapons (tusks) 1d8+4 (P)
Natural armour 6 (P) Swimmer
Natural weapons (fangs) 1d8+3 (P)
2x Natural weapons (palps) 1d4+3 (T) Uplifted Walruses share their origin with other
uplifted animals and are relatively more common
Not to be mistaken for an Insectoid, Uplifted than Lions, but somewhat less common than Bears
Spiders are one of the most extreme examples of or Spiders. Like other uplifted animals, their bodies
uplifting known to have occured. It is generally have been extensively modified, giving them a
thought that so much modification and alteration somewhat more humanoid form, though less so
was done, that very little of what could be than with Lions or Bears, and allowing them to
considered a spider mind actually remains. communicate in human languages. Uplifting
Ironically, this has resulted in Uplifted Spiders being experiments are known to have been carried out on
among the more sociable and well adjusted uplifts, other aquatic animals, with Walruses eventually
integrating very easily into the galactic community, being selected over dolphins for many of the same
despite their potentially startling appearance. reasons that cats did not see widespread uplifting
despite much initial enthusiasm.
Uplifted Spiders are far larger than their ancient
wild counterparts, though retain a broadly similar An average male Uplifted Walrus is larger even than
form. An adult male typically stands around 100cm the biggest Uplifted Bears, growing to 400cm from
tall at the cephalothorax and weighs up to 45kg, head to tail and weighing upwards of 1000kg.
while females grow much larger, reaching as much Females are smaller, but still considerably larger
as 200cm tall and weighing up to 260kg. Uplifted than most transhuman races, reaching around
Spiders are also far more willing to embrace 300cm in length and weighing more than 400kg.
biological and cybernetic augments than other Uplifted Walruses are useful in a variety of maritime
uplifts. jobs, but tend to be short tempered and prone to

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Watcher Watcher Queen
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
3 5 3 3 4 4 6 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 5 3 2 3 4 3 2
Agility 20 Appearance 15 Agility 18 Appearance 15
Speed 18 Willpower 6 Speed 18 Willpower 6
Toughness 6 Toughness 12

Athletics 2 (+5) Athletics 2 (+6)

Climbing 3 (+6) Climbing 3 (+7)
Weapons (melee) 3 (+6) Weapons (melee) 3 (+7)
Weapons (ranged) 3 (+8) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+8)
Stealth 3 (+8) Stealth 1 (+5)
Microgravity 4 (+7) Microgravity 4 (+10)
Stamina 3 (+6) Stamina 3 (+9)
Survival 3 (+6) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 3 (+5) Navigation 3 (+6)
Listen 3 (+8) Listen 3 (+7)
Spot 5 (+10) Spot 4 (+8)
Intimidate 2 (+4) Intimidate 2 (+4)

Traits Traits 267

Blind sense (low light vision) Blind sense (low light vision)
Camouflage Camouflage
Extremophile (extreme heat) Extremophile (extreme heat)
Flight (2x speed) Flight (2x speed)
Healing factor Healing factor
Natural armour 6 (T) Natural armour 9 (T)
2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d6+3 (P) 2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d6+4 (P)
Natural weapons (chemical laser) 3d6/2d6/1d6 (P) Natural weapons (chemical laser) 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P)
Space adaptation Space adaptation

Natural weapons (chemical laser) Natural weapons (chemical laser)

Watchers possess an extremely complex internal Watcher Queens possess an extremely complex
organ within their heads which functions in much internal organ within their heads which functions in
the same way as a chemical laser, able to emit much the same way as a chemical laser, able to emit
pulsed beams of coherent though a massive central pulsed beams of coherent though a massive central
lens. The chemical laser attack uses a Watcher's lens. The chemical laser attack uses a Watcher's
weapons (ranged) skill and has the same profile as a weapons (ranged) skill and has the same profile as a
laser rifle, except that it does not require two hands laser cannon, except that it does not require a
to operate and ceases to function if the Watcher tripod to operate and ceases to function if the
dies. Watcher dies.

Watchers are the adult stage of Thermal Maggots Watcher Queens are a rare form of adult Watcher,
and are considerably more dangerous, capable of emerging from approximately only one in a hundred
flight and projecting deadly beams of coherent light Thermal Maggots. They share the appearance of
from their heads. Approximately the size of an adult other Adult Watchers, although grow to almost four
human, they resemble massive four-legged flies times the size and are the only Watchers capable of
with heads that are studded with a seemingly reproducing. A single Queen is able to lay fifty
random arrangement of eyes around the central Maggot eggs in a single batch and may lay several
lens. Although incapable of space flight, they can such batches over a period of three standard
even survive in the vacuum of space. months before its short life ends.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Witch, Apprentice Witch, Elder
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
2 5 3 4 3 5 3 5
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4
Agility 17 Appearance 16 Agility 19 Appearance 17
Speed 16 Willpower 8 Speed 18 Willpower 10
Toughness 6 Spirit 2 Toughness 6 Spirit 4

Athletics 3 (+5) Athletics 3 (+6)

Weapons (melee) 4 (+6) Weapons (melee) 5 (+8)
Weapons (ranged) 3 (+8) Weapons (ranged) 3 (+8)
Gymnastics 4 (+9) Gymnastics 5 (+10)
Stealth 3 (+8) Stealth 4 (+9)
Concentration 4 (+8) Concentration 4 (+9)
Psionics 4 (+8) Psionics 5 (+10)
Listen 3 (+6) Listen 3 (+7)
Sense motive 3 (+6) Sense motive 3 (+7)
Intimidate 2 (+5) Intimidate 2 (+5)
Expression 3 (+6) Expression 3 (+7)
Manipulation 3 (+6) Manipulation 3 (+7)

Traits Traits 269

Adaptable psyche Adaptable psyche
Apprentice Mentor
Naturally seductive Naturally seductive
Expert disarm Expert disarm
Unpredictable dodge Close combat expert
Psion Unpredictable dodge
Telepathy Psion
Adrenal injectors Augments
Double joints Adrenal injectors
Pheromone glands Double joints
Pheromone glands
Apprentice Witches are younger and less Razor talons 1d6+3 (P)
experienced members of the Witches of Cetebos,
usually serving as one of a number of assistants to a Despite their youthful and athletic appearance,
veteran Elder. Although considered trainees within Elder Witches are very experienced psions, possibly
their own faction, they are highly capable psions, even centuries old. Although distrustful of other
far exceeding the abilities of most others. Even Elders, most oversee a cabal of Apprentice Witches
Emissary psions, though more capable in other and may even have access to such abominations as
ways, are not capable of the more esoteric feats of an Avatar of Caliban. Their psionic feats are
psionic power that Apprentice Witches are capable unmatched anywhere in the known galaxy, making
of demonstrating. them both useful agents of the Third Golden Empire
and potentially deadly adversaries.
For further details on Spirit and the Witches' unique
psionic abilities, see their relevant entry in the In combat, an Elder Witch will only join the battle
Factions chapter of this book. when she feels that her safety is ensured or no
choice is available. Elders will employ whatever
minions, weapons and poisons they have available
and deem necessary.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Xenoptera Zombie Thrall
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
5 3 4 3 4 2 4 3
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
2 4 3 2 2 2 3 1
Agility 17 Appearance 15 Agility 14 Appearance 14
Speed 18 Willpower 6 Speed 16 Willpower 6
Toughness 8 Toughness 8

Athletics 3 (+8) Athletics 3 (+7)

Climbing 2 (+7) Climbing 3 (+7)
Weapons (melee) 3 (+8) Weapons (melee) 3 (+7)
Gymnastics 2 (+5) Unarmed 3 (+7)
Stealth 3 (+6) Stealth 2 (+4)
Stamina 3 (+7) Stamina 4 (+8)
Swimming 4 (+8) Swimming 2 (+6)
Survival 3 (+6) Survival 3 (+6)
Navigation 4 (+6) Navigation 3 (+5)
Listen 3 (+7) Listen 2 (+4)
Spot 4 (+8) Spot 3 (+5)
Track 4 (+8) Track 3 (+5)

Traits Traits 270

Blind sense (low light vision) Hive mind
Flight (2x speed) Natural weapons (teeth) 1d4+4 (P)
Natural armour 6 (P) One Weakness (Spike of Nastral)
Natural weapons (teeth) 1d8+5 (P) Remote controlled
Xenoptera are large, flying, reptile-like animals that
are frequently used as mounts on planets where One Weakness (Spike of Nastral)
grav vehicles are uncommon or rendered Zombie Thralls are impervious to damage of any
inoperable by electromagnetic interference. Their kind, appearing to shrug it off as if they were an
huge wings are covered in thousands of feather-like Emissary spending Sympathy to negate damage.
scales and their long beaks are studded with However, if an opponent successfully grapples them
hundreds of tiny, needle sharp teeth. Despite being or gains the upper hand in a grapple, they may
large predatory animals, they are quite safe to most remove the nail protruding from the Thrall's neck as
humanoids and prefer to hunt small fish in the wild. a standard action. When the nail is removed, the
Thrall instantly crumbles to dust.
Adult Xenoptera can grow up to 5m long from the
ends of their beaks to the tips of their stubby tails, Zombie Thralls are humanoid corpses animated by
possess 10m wingspans and weigh upwards of an alien artefact of unknown design and controlled
300kg. Because of their large size and strength, like puppets even across vast reaches of space,
Xenoptera can be extremely dangerous if provoked. where such remote control would usually come
In combat, they tend to posture and threaten an with an impossible time lag. Within each thrall is a
opponent by spreading their wings and standing tall single 24cm long nail embedded within the brain
on their legs, but will ferociously lunge and bite with stem, known as a Spike of Nastral. Victims initially
their sharp teeth if not backed away from. remain in complete control of their bodies, but
require no food, water or sleep and are immune to
injury and all known diseases and poisons.
However, at any moment they may unknowingly fall
under the thrall of the alien intelligence and lose all
traces of their original personality.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Ambassador Coren Faulkner
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
5 5 5 4 5 3 5 4
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
4 3 4 4 3 2 2 2
Agility 18 Appearance 18 Agility 14 Appearance 14
Speed 20 Willpower 8 Speed 17 Willpower 8
Toughness 10 Toughness 10 Sympathy 4

Athletics 3 (+8) Weapons (melee) 5 (+10)

Gymnastics 3 (+8) Unarmed combat 5 (+10)
Stealth 4 (+9) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+7)
Weapons (ranged) 4 (+9) Drive/Pilot 4 (+7)
Academics 3 (+7) Microgravity 5 (+10)
Craft 5 (+9) Stamina 5 (+10)
Technology 5 (+9) Craft 4 (+7)
Listen 3 (+6) Technology 4 (+7)
Sense motive 4 (+7) Investigation 2 (+4)
Intimidate 4 (+8) Listen 2 (+4)
Expression 5 (+9) Spot 2 (+4)
Manipulation 5 (+9) Intimidate 2 (+4)

Traits Traits 271

Artificial being Artificial being
Natural armour 10 (P) Multilingual
Blood opera Natural armour 6 (P)
Sure aim Game of death (mastery)
Eidetic memory Iron guard (mastery)
Polymath Close combat expert
Danger sense Stunt pilot
Cold dead eyes Die hard (mastery)
Practised socialite Juggernaut (mastery)
Talented dancer Hacker
Mechanical savant
Armoured vitals Ideals
Cybernetic arm x2 Duty
Cybernetic leg x2 Restraint
Multispectral vision
Faulkner is a Mechanoid Emissary of unusual
Ambassador Coren is one of the most influential design, retaining only a rough approximation of the
Technosapien Ambassadors currently active within humanoid outline he once had. Some have likened
the Empire. Despite stiff initial opposition, she has him to a walking scrappers yard, due to his
successfully ingratiated herself with the nobility of propensity for assimilating and layering new
the Central Empire, bringing diplomatic relations technology over his body. However, his chaotic
with the Technosapiens to an all time high. Despite appearance is deceptive, easily concealing a myriad
this success, there are still many on both sides that of tools and powerful, highly customised weaponry.
would prefer to see her fail. Faulkner specialises in dealing with technological
threats to the Empire and is well known for his
exemplary service in the Graveyard and
Technosapien space.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Heiyd, The Whispering Death Joan Sol
Str Dex End Com Str Dex End Com
4 6 3 5 5 5 5 2
Int Awa Pre Cha Int Awa Pre Cha
4 4 4 4 6 4 2 3
Agility 20 Appearance 18 Agility 19 Appearance 19
Speed 20 Willpower 10 Speed 20 Willpower 4
Toughness 6 Spirit 5 Toughness 10

Athletics 4 (+7) Athletics 2 (+7)

Weapons (melee) 5 (+9) Gymnastics 2 (+7)
Weapons (ranged) 3 (+9) Stealth 4 (+9)
Gymnastics 5 (+11) Weapons (ranged) 4 (+9)
Stealth 5 (+11) Academics 5 (+11)
Concentration 4 (+9) Knowledge 5 (+11)
Psionics 5 (+10) Technology 5 (+11)
Listen 3 (+7) Spot 2 (+6)
Sense motive 4 (+8) Investigation 5 (+9)
Intimidate 4 (+8) Leadership 2 (+4)
Expression 3 (+7) Communication 4 (+7)
Manipulation 5 (+9) Expression 4 (+7)

Traits Traits 272

Adaptable psyche Epiphany
Mentor Famous
Naturally seductive Natural armour 4 (P)
First blood Striking looks
Expert disarm Sure aim
Close combat expert Unpredictable dodge
Unpredictable dodge Abstract knowledge
Psion Eidetic memory
Telepathy Polymath
Cold reading Talented photographer
Cold dead eyes Talented singer
Hypnotic suggestion
Augments Cybernetic arm x2
Adrenal injectors Laminated skeleton
Double joints
Pheromone glands Scientist Joan Sol is a highly respected lead
Razor talons 1d6+4 (P) researcher on the Timeless Builders, well known for
her work throughout the known galaxy. Joan is a
Heiyd, The Whispering Death, is a name that gives tall, well figured woman of middle eastern ethnicity,
adults nightmares. An ancient Elder Witch, with short crimson hair and crystal blue eyes. Her
responsible for millions of deaths and countless popular science holoblogs are watched by many
atrocities, her whereabouts and current appearance and have contributed greatly to a renewed interest
are unknown. Despite dozens of Emissaries scouring in the Builders and increased research funding for
the known galaxy for her, there have been no their study. Joan is also famous for her gung-ho
confirmed sightings in over a decade. Few doubt attitude and unintended adventures, never shying
that her return will be uneventful. away from a potentially dangerous situation.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Karkosky is a Human Emissary who grew up in the
Str Dex End Com
harsh environment of the outer fringe. A prodigious
psion and talented gunslinger, Karkosky embraced 4 7 6 4
augmentation as a way to overcome his physical Int Awa Pre Cha
weaknesses. More machine now than man, he
3 4 2 2
strives to become something greater, with little care
for the consequences. In combat, arcs of lightning Agility 21 Appearance 14
leap from his body while he unloads his pistols, Speed 21 Willpower 8
inflicting wounds more grievous than the bullets Toughness 12 Sympathy 4
ever could alone. Despite his humble origins, he has
steadily carved out a name for himself, striking fear
in the hardened smugglers and crime lords of Athletics 2 (+6)
Kagrion. Weapons (melee) 4 (+8)
Weapons (ranged) 5 (+12)
Drive/Pilot 2 (+9)
Stealth 5 (+12)
Microgravity 4 (+10)
Concentration 5 (+9)
Psionics 5 (+9)
Navigation 2 (+5)
Listen 4 (+8)
Spot 4 (+8)
Intimidate 2 (+4)

Traits 273
Death wish
Expert disarm
Blood opera (mastery)
Gunslinger (mastery)
Die hard
Resolute (mastery)
Psion (mastery)
Danger sense
Eagle eyes


Cybernetic arm
Joint motors
Laminated skeleton
Multispectral vision

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Solanin Cain Repulsed by his parents' servitude, the young
Solanin fled, living a hard life on the streets of
Str Dex End Com Utoxeter before eventually being taken in by the
2 2 2 5 Sisters of the Celestial Tear. Nurtured and
encouraged by the Sisters, he excelled academically,
Int Awa Pre Cha
easily securing himself a scholarship and work
4 4 2 2 placement with Renfta Tur interstellar haulage,
Agility 20 Appearance 18 where he has risen up the ranks. However, Solanin's
Speed 20 Willpower 10 hard working attitude and calm demeanour hides
an insatiable desire for power and shocking lack of
Toughness 6 Spirit 5
empathy. He will do anything to further his goals,
becoming ever bolder about crossing moral
Concentration 5 (+10) boundaries in the process. Careful and calculating,
Long term memory 4 (+9) he is a dangerous foe.
Psionics 5 (+10)
Survival 4 (+9)
Academics 5 (+11)
Knowledge 4 (+9)
Working memory 5 (+10)
Technology 3 (+7)
Craft 3 (+7)
Investigation 2 (+6)
Sense motive 4 (+8)
Manipulation 3 (+5)

Traits 274
Adaptable Psyche
Memory training
Seen it All
Abstract Knowledge
Eidetic Memory
Cold Reading

Solanin Cain is the only son of renowned zoologist

Lyubomir Cain and his wife, the ambitious Imani
Esaw Cain. Tragedy struck when Lyubomir took a
position working for the infamous, but wealthy
Umaerom family in order to provide stability for his
young son. Exposed to a life of luxury and
hedonism, Imani became a plaything of the
Umaeroms, undergoing extensive biological
augmentation and eventually ending up as an
exhibit in their human bestiary.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Encroaching Shadows “You are capable warriors. Now show me your
Tutorial scenario indomitable spirit and the depths of your connection
to your Simulcra. When you step across this field
Enceladus Maximillion you walk through a room containing plasma from
Enceladus Maximillion is a tree of a man, wrinkles this station's reactor. It burns with the searing heat
like deep crevices spread across his exposed flesh, of a thousand stars. Now come, walk through it, but
but his expression and posture are hard as the do not linger!”
concrete domes of Atraxis. Nearing the end of his
ninetieth year, he remains a formidable sight that A force field flickers into life in front of Maximillion,
few would dare to cross, a veteran Emissary some 5m across, 15m wide and stretching from
rumoured by many to count among the ranks of the floor to ceiling. Moments later it is flooded with a
Forlorn Hope. He stands before you today as a blinding white light as it is pumped full of billion
familiar figure, having personally undertaken the degree plasma.
final stages of your training. Whittled down from
the countless hopefuls and applicants, only you An Emissary can cross through the deadly plasma
remain. Today you are Emissaries. without harm as long as they spend a point of
Sympathy to negate the damage dealt to them.
Standing in the central amphitheatre-like central
training room of the now-familiar Xiaolong station, “Always remember that your Simulcra can protect
you feel uneasy under Maximillion's gaze, knowing you from any harm, but never let it become a
that all manner of lethal hazards could manifest crutch. Once you have exhausted your sympathetic
themselves from the walls or floor at any moment. link to it, you are as vulnerable as any other mortal.
He moves forwards and clears his throat to speak. Enough now, I thank you for indulging my final
requests. You had already proven yourselves, you
“You are my students no longer. Today you become are all truly Emissaries. Rest well tonight, for
my flesh and blood, we will stand as equals.” tomorrow you will receive your first missions.”

He pauses and for a moment you notice the flicker The players may not yet leave the station, but are
of a mischievous smile cross his face. To any others
it would have been barely visible, ignored as nothing
otherwise free to explore it. As well as the central
training room, the stations possesses four smaller 276
more than a twitch, but you know this man too well. training rooms, accessible from a circular corridors
around the central area, an archive, armoury, dining
“But not yet. Indulge an old man one last time and hall, hangar and residential block with rooms for up
show me the fruits of your training. With nothing to thirty people, most of which are currently
more than your chosen weapon and your combat unoccupied. There are also maintenance hatches
skills, defeat these foul creatures!” leading to the reactor and communications array,
though these are currently locked and presumably
Maximillion waves his hand and from the walls require some kind of maintenance pass.
burst forth a group of aggressive synthoids, one for
each player and each holding an arming sword in This is a good opportunity to let players explore,
hand. The arena is a circular area, some 30m in chat with each other and make some basic skill
radius and with a ceiling 15m high. From the floor, checks in a safe environment. After some time has
pillars and low walls emerge at random, providing passed, the station lights will shut off and an
scattered cover and obstacles. intercom voice will announce “Station now
simulating one standard night cycle”. This can be
This is a good opportunity as a GM to teach players used to accelerate the pace of the game if too much
the fundamentals of combat and skill use. The time is being wasted.
character with the highest agility acts first, followed
by the rest in order. If there is a tie, tied players
each roll a die and the player with the highest result
goes first. A character may make two actions during
a turn, such as moving, attacking or using a skill.
Refer to the relevant chapters for more details.

After the creatures are all defeated, Maximillion

heals any injuries suffered by the players and uses
items imbued with Sympathy to recover any that
has been spent.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Training room 1 Training room 4
This training room is a large, empty, circular This training room is a large, empty, circular
chamber, smaller than the central training room. chamber, smaller than the central training room. A
The room is completely empty except for an large round disk with a hefty handle in visible in the
octagonal box in the middle. If a character middle of the floor. If a character walks into the
approaches the box, an intercom voice will room, an intercom voice will announce “Commence
announce “Climbing pit activated, now venting underwater training, flooding initiated”. The door
atmosphere”. The floor will begin to sink away will slam shut and holes will open up in the ceiling
immediately, creating a 30m deep pit with ragged, and begin dumping tonnes of water into the room,
cliff-like walls on all sides. The atmosphere in the causing the water level to rise by half a metre each
room will also start to vent, making regular flight round (every 5 seconds). Remember that a
impossible (space flight does not require character with the swimming skill may move at half
atmosphere). However, the octagonal box will open speed without making a check, a character without
to reveal a number of different breathing masks the skill must make a successful TR 16 (untrained)
(each tailored to one of the characters). swimming check to move at more than quarter
speed. A TR 14 or TR 16 (untrained) swimming
Successfully climbing the walls will require three check is required to dislodge the plug in the centre
consecutive TR 14 climb checks. Remember that a of the room once a character has made their way to
successful roll is required to make progress, but a it. Once the plug is dislodged, the water will empty
failure does not necessarily mean that the character and the door will open.
falls. However, a critical failure or an especially low
roll should result in a significant consequence, such Archive
as falling or even damaging their breathing mask. If The archive is a poorly organised collection of mixed
a character would begin to suffocate for any reason, media records, ranging from paper, to books,
the intercom will announce “Training aborted” and magnetic tapes, memory crystals, pickled
return the room to normal. cyberbrains and so on. There doesn't seem to be
any particularly sane order to things, though
Training room 2 presumably a lot of information is contained within
This training room is a large, circular chamber,
smaller than the central training room. The room is
the various records. A TR 18 academics check will
reveal any information given in this rulebook about 277
dominated by the presence of an octagonal arena a particular item, faction, location, vehicle or similar
with a wire mesh cage surrounding it on all sides. topic, subject to GM discretion. The player must
There is a gate in the side of the cage with a simple know what they are looking for. Searching for
locking mechanism that allows access to the arena. information about Enceledus Maximillion reveals
If a character climbs into the arena, an intercom few hard facts, but indicates that he has been an
voice will announce “Commence wrestling training” Emissary for just over seventy years and has, at
and a fully grown hooded worm (see Lifeforms various points in history, served alongside many
chapter) will be dumped into the arena through a famous names, including Zorin Dhalk and Isaias
hole that briefly opens up in the roof. The worm's Toten.
scalpel-like teeth have been removed, causing its
natural weapons to inflict temporary rather than Armoury
persistent damage. The armoury is a fairly small room, combining equal
parts storage space and work stations with a variety
Training room 3 of metal working tools and machinery. Maximillion
This training room is a large, circular chamber, used the materials and equipment here to craft the
smaller than the central training room. The room is starting Emissary weapons chosen by each player.
littered with all manner of randomly distributed Any additional weapons or armour owned by the
debris, pieces of scrap metal, storage units and a party, that is not currently being carried, is held in a
damaged kitchen sink. If a character walks into the storage unit, with the name of the character it
centre of the room, an intercom voice will belongs to marked on it. An inactive data terminal is
announce “Commence microgravity training, also prominently positioned next to the main work
artificial gravity disabled”. Gravity in the room will bench.
cease, causing the character and the objects in the
room to begin floating around. A character with the
microgravity skill may move freely around the room
at their normal speed, a character without the skill
must make a successful TR 16 (untrained)
microgravity check to move at more than half

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

A player may wish to search the room to find Residential block
additional useful equipment or material amongst The residential block is a sprawling collection of
the clutter on the work stations. They should make near-identical single occupancy rooms, connected
an investigate skill check and compare their result by a small maze of short corridors. In total there are
to the targets below. thirty rooms in the block, though all but those
belonging to the player's characters are presently
TR 14: unoccupied and empty except for a bed and storage
Superior craft tools, though Maximillion may not be unit. Any additional items the characters possess
pleased if these go missing. but aren't carrying, other than weapons and
Basic rifle scope (basic tool for use with the armour, is stored in their rooms. It is up to the
weapons (ranged) skill). players to describe, if necessary, what other
personal belongings they have and how their rooms
TR 16: are organised. An investigation check of the other
As above. 15 shock bolts suitable for use in a light rooms only reveals that they have been cleaned
pistol or SMG. Could be modified with a TR 14 craft very thoroughly, probably by maintenance robots.
check to work in a hybrid pistol or hybrid SMG.
The Early Morning
TR 18: After the characters have finished looking around
As above. 100g of raw Simulcrum. and have decided to rest, they will be awoken a
while later by an intercom announcement
A player may wish to operate the data terminal. A summoning them to the hangar. Assume that
TR 14 technology check is required to successfully enough time has passed for them to have recovered
boot it up and log in as a basic user. The terminal any spent Sympathy. If they proceed to the hangar,
contains blueprints and material requirements for a they will find Maximillion waiting for them in front
variety of different Emissary weapons (allow player of the fully prepared Starstreak IV.
to browse list given in the equipment chapter). A TR
18 check reveals that Maximillion recently crafted a “My friends, thank you for coming, I have some
replica of the Emissary weapon called Divine Fury. distressing news and a personal request to make of

Dining hall
you. My old friend and former student, the Emissary
Alaric Barca, has been found dead on his personal 278
A relatively spacious area that once sat almost thirty transport. I ask of you to help me investigate this
hopefuls, the empty tables are a reminder of those matter and, if necessary, take action in the name of
who didn't make it this far. Memories of raucous justice. Details are sparse at the moment, but I will
celebrations and sad farewells fill this place. An try to answer what questions you might have.”
Emissary should embrace such feelings without
being influenced by them. More importantly, there Alaric's transport appears to have been set to
are also delicious snacks and cans of Psychoschlock autopilot and was on a course that would have
beer in the stores. A TR 14 investigate check reveals eventually seen it arrive at this very station.
an expensive looking bottle of Caladorian Ale that However, it was challenged on the way, not far
Maximillion had stashed away. from here, by an Imperial vessel carrying out
routine cargo inspections. When the transport
Hangar didn't respond, they boarded it and made the
The hangar is a cavernous area situated behind a startling discovery. Apparently things have been left
double airlock, a combination of blast door and as they were found and the transport has been
force field prevent air from escaping out into the impounded at a local base, where personnel were
void of space. A modified Starstreak IV, belonging to instructed to await further orders. The guild of
the characters, sits in the centre of the hangar, Emissaries was contacted, being deemed most
currently being serviced by a host of simple robotic qualified to investigate the matter, and the
engineers. Players may board and appraise their information was passed on to Maximillion, who was
vehicle, although it is currently in the process of the closest available Emissary at the time.
being prepared for flight operations and cannot yet
be flown. Maximillion suggests that they embark on the
Starstreak and leave for the Imperial base as soon
as everyone is ready to depart. If they do so, the
journey is short and uneventful, just a few hours of
transit to arrive at the base.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Landing at Imperial Base – Dupleon 412b Alaric's ship is indeed the only other ship in the
Dupleon 412b is relatively small for an Imperial hangar. Everything has been left exactly as it was
naval base, serving mostly as a hub for local law found and the guards around the ship have been
enforcement duties. It has facilities for impounding instructed to let them through. They have free reign
medium sized vessels and temporary holding cells of the hangar and the ship. Although Cat has no
for smugglers or pirates. The largest military vessel legal ability to deny them access, she would
it operates is a single, rather tired looking frigate, appreciate that the Emissaries refrain from
the IDV Stormrunner. The Stormrunner has clearly wandering around the rest of the base, as the base
been in more than a few scraps with local pirates personnel are busy, tired and haven't been briefed
and has visible battle damage to its hull. A relevant for such an occurrence. If they have any particular
TR 14 knowledge check (such as military, weapons, need of access or other facilities, any of the soldiers
vehicles or similar) will reveal that its shield in the hangar can reach Cat via their personal
generators have been destroyed, the bridge is communicators and she can discuss the issue with
damaged (but operational) and its tactical missiles them.
have all been expended.
Cat has little interest in talking about herself, but
As the characters approach the base, they will will explain that she's currently the highest ranking
receive an automated identification request that officer on the base and the acting captain of the IDV
Maximillion will respond to, followed by Stormrunner, if asked. She won't discuss what
instructions to dock in hangar one. Hangar one has happened to the previous captain, but looks a little
landing spaces for four medium sized vessels, but shaken if the topic comes up.
currently houses only a single ship, a souped-up
transport surrounded by a small group of Imperial When Cat leaves the hangar, the two soldiers with
soldiers. Maximillion will point the ship out to them, her remain as guards either side of the airlock that
mentioning that it's probably Alaric's ship. There are leads further into the base. If the players try to go
no obvious signs of recent battle damage, although through this door, the guards will ask them not to
the ship has clearly been repaired and refitted many and attempt to contact Cat if ignored. The interior
times in the past. of the base is a labyrinth or corridors and rooms,

Upon landing and disembarking, the group will be

filled with lots of busy personnel who don't know
much of anything about Alaric or his ship. If the 279
greeted by an Imperial officer, Cat Green, and two players waste their time wandering around the base
soldiers wearing helmets and light armour. Cat is a talking to random people, Maximillion will suggest
young woman with deep purple skin, neatly kept that they instead focus on investigating Alaric's ship.
platinum hair, striking green eyes and a stern look
that adds an inescapable sense of authority to her Searching Alaric's Transport
otherwise elfin figure. She greets the group of Alaric's transport is a different model to the
Emissaries with something of a forced smile and character's Starstreak IV, but a similar overall size
welcomes them to the base. and capacity. The extensive modifications and
repairs make it difficult to discern who the original
“Welcome aboard Dupleon 412b, you'll forgive me if manufacturer was and which parts are even
I don't give you a guided tour. We're a bit busy with original. At one point it may have been an
an especially violent band of pirates at the moment impressive vessel, with a host of advanced
and this added business about dead Emissaries, my components, retrofits and upgrades. However, as it
condolences by the way, is frankly more than we is, it appears to be a barely operational hunk of junk
can handle right now.” with missing panels and worn out components all
over the place. Despite its heavy wear and tear,
Cat won't hang around for long, but the players there doesn't appear to be any recent battle
have a brief opportunity to ask her any questions. damage and it appears space worthy, even if it
She's a very direct person that lacks tactfulness, but would struggle to pass a safety inspection. The rear
isn't intentionally difficult or unpleasant. If she feels access ramp is down and three soldiers stand guard
like her time is being wasted, or she has answered by the side of it.
all she can, she will quickly make her excuses and

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Cargo hold Bunks
The cargo hold is mostly empty, with a few crates The ship has an area with six very cramped cabins
and boxes secured against the walls. The floor is off to the side of the common room. Each cabin has
stained with congealed blood and marked with a a bed and one storage locker, there's no room for
few bloody footprints. An investigation check anything else. Three of the cabins are empty and
reveals the following: appear to be unused. The other three cabins show
signs of use. There is no blood in any of the cabins.
TR 12: An investigation check reveals the following:
No obvious signs of a struggle. The blood is only on
the floor, no splatter on the walls. TR 8:
Two of the used cabins contain male clothing and
TR 14: simple personal items, towels, cleaning products.
As above. The blood appears to have spilled onto The other used cabin is similar but contains female
the floor as if from an open wound. Splatters aren't clothing. All of the clothing appears to be made to
consistent with a violent event occurring within the fit the human form.
cargo hold itself. The foot prints appear to have
been made much more recently. Cockpit
The far end of the common room leads through to
TR 16: the cockpit, where the trail of blood also leads. The
As above. The blood appears to be more than a day cockpit has seats for a pilot and a navigator side by
old. The shape and pattern of the foot prints side, with another seat for a sensor or weapons
appears consistent with military boots, probably operator positioned behind them. Slouched over
Imperial issue. the pilot's seat is the dead body of a human male, a
pool of blood surrounds him on the floor. The body
Common room is wearing a thick leather coat over some kind of
An airlock door at the end of the cargo hold leads light body armour and shows signs of multiple deep
through into a small common room area with space lacerations on the arms, torso and face. Maximillion
for four or five people. The room contains a table immediately recognises the body as Alaric, but
surrounded by three comfortable looking seats and
a few storage lockers. Blood and footprints stain
remains focused and composed.
this room, as with the cargo hold. An investigation An investigation check on the body reveals the
check reveals the following: following:

TR 12: TR 12:
A rolled up star chart is found on the floor. It is An Emissary weapon, an enhanced crystal blade, is
partially stained with blood and appears to have concealed in a shoulder holster between the body
been stepped on, but some annotations can be armour and the coat. A pair of empty hybrid pistols
made out. Etros Shell World is circled on the map are tucked into belt holsters on either side of the
and appears to be the destination of a journey that body.
began at Aldor Station. There are navigation
coordinates for a location in the Etros system. TR 14:
As above. The belt also has pouches that seem like
TR 14: they would be a perfect fit for hybrid pistol
As above. The storage lockers contain some magazines, but all of the pouches are empty.
personal belongings including games, data terminals
and navigation charts. Some of the items are An appropriate knowledge (such as medicine) or
labelled and you come across the names Alaric, medicine check on the body reveals the following:
Anra and Ezra.
TR 12:
TR 16: The body has multiple, relatively deep wounds
As above. The diary of an Emissary called Anra is caused by a short slashing weapon. There are also
stashed behind a panel at the bottom of one of the multiple, long scars over parts of the body.
storage lockers. Recent entries talk about
investigating a series of unusual events that TR 14:
occurred at a research facility on Etros Shell World. As above. The spacing of the wounds suggests that
Details are fairly sparse, but it talks about workers they might have been caused by raking claws,
going missing and reports of an unusual cult. These although the cuts are very clean, of the sort
latest entries are only a few days old. produced by a very sharp knife. The scars are very
recent and are of the sort that might be left behind
after the other wounds had healed.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

TR 16: Screams and gunfire can be heard outside. A few
As above. The wounds were definitely caused by dead bodies can be seen around the hangar floor
razor sharp claws or a claw-like weapon of some and it seems like two groups of Imperial soldiers are
kind with razor sharp blades. Alaric clearly suffered exchanging fire with each other. Two soldiers that
a lot of such wounds and managed to heal some of were previously guarding the transport and one that
them, presumably through expenditure of was with Cat are taking cover behind some cargo
Sympathy. containers near the bottom of the transport's access
ramp. One of them shouts out to you, “Keep your
A technology check on the consoles or navigation heads down!” Across the hangar from them, near
computer reveals the following: the Starstreak IV, is a group of four more soldiers
firing in their direction. One of the soldiers appears
TR 12: to be trying to attach an explosive charge to the hull
There is currently an unfinished autopilot course of your ship.
entered into the navigation computer that would
have sent it to Xiaolong station. Anyone standing in the hangar makes a reflexive
spot check, any result of TR 14 or better allows
TR 14: them to notice, through the force field protecting
As above. The ship's navigation computer indicates the hangar from vacuum, that flashed of gunfire are
that it has recently been to the following systems: also taking place on the bridge of the IDV
Etros, Dupleon, Camlan, Aldor. Stormrunner outside.

TR 16: Maximillion points to the four soldiers by the

As above. The unfinished autopilot course has Starstreak IV and says, “Take care of them, I need a
navigation coordinates for a location in Etros that moment.”
was apparently the starting location of the current
course. In total there are seven Imperial soldiers in the
hangar, three allies and four enemies. The soldiers
If the players fail to discover any links to Etros Shell have identical statistics:
World, Maximillion will prompt them to look for
more clues about what might have happened. Once Agility 16 281
they have found this information, he will suggest Speed 16
that they travel there to continue their Toughness 6
investigation. Willpower 6
Armour 6 (P) (Ballistic)
The Shadow Moves Weapons (ranged) 4 (+7)
As Maximillion is moving back into the cargo hold, 1x Pulse laser
an unrecognised Imperial officer steps onto the Range (m) 20/100/200
ramp, having approached from outside. The man Damage 3d4/2d4/1d4 (P)
screams “For the Divine Shadow!” at the top of his
lungs and detonates a small atomic warhead As soon as the enemies have been defeated, there's
concealed in his bag. Maximillion reacts instantly a tremendous explosion and the whole base shakes.
and the fireball of the detonation immediately The IDV Stormrunner just opened fire on the base
reverses and then burns in place around the man, as with its naval lasers. At this moment, Cat Green
if contained by some invisible force of unimaginable bursts into the hangar with a group of soldiers.
strength. For the next few seconds the tightly
contained fireball burns from white hot through to a “What have you done? My own troops are turning
dull red and then finally vanishes, leaving no trace on each other and now my own ship is going to kill
of the man behind. us all! This better be some kind of horrible dream or
there is going to be hell to pay!”
Maximillion has just used Perfect Redirection to
make his attacker the sole target of the atomic

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Maximillion ignores the captain and turns to you. A relevant knowledge check or a prior attempt to
gather information about Etros will reveal the
“You need to check the ship for bombs and get out following information to players:
of here now! Head to Etros Shell World and get to
the bottom of this. I can hold that Frigate off, but I TR 12:
can't leave this place or these people will die. You're Etros is one of several shell worlds constructed by
all ready for this. Go! Go now!” Timeless Builders from the Dendritic Expanse, its
purpose is completely unknown.
A TR 14 investigate check reveals a single atomic
fusion charge fitted to the hull of the Starstreak IV, TR 14:
fortunately it hasn't been activated and can be As above. Etros was constructed by the Builders of
either removed with a TR 14 technology or strength their own volition and appears to contain no
check, or simply left alone. machinery or electronics of the kind typically
encountered in other comparable structures, such
Travelling to Etros as Technosapien Hive Worlds. Researchers from the
Etros Shell World is only a single jump point away central region of the Empire have explored it
and can be easily reached after a short journey in extensively.
the Starstreak IV. As the player characters leave
Dupleon 412b, the IDV Stormrunner will target TR 16:
them with some of its weapons, though As above. Currently a single permanent research
Maximillion, still in the station hangar, will use facility exists on the surface of Etros (its coordinates
Prefect Redirection once again to direct its own match those recovered from Alaric's transport), a
laser beams back at itself, burning white-hot sprawling shanty town of simple residential
trenches along its already battered hull. If the buildings housing those researchers who didn't
players attempt to fight the Stormrunner, you might leave after the structure was charted and found to
prompt them to make an intelligence check. A result be inert.
of TR 14 allows them to realise that their Starstreak
is no threat to the larger military vessel and their Although the signal is being sent out on a standard
presence is only making Maximillion's work harder,
as he is is forced to defend them as well as the
SOS channel, its content is anything but. A hollow
voice, monotone and spoken as if with an unwilling 282
station. If the players persist, Maximillion will have tongue, repeats a strange message over and over
them hailed by the station's communications staff, again.
pleading them to proceed to Etros in order to
complete their mission. “The Divine Shadow invites all comers to partake in
the ceremony of its reawakening. Emissaries give
The Dupleon jump point is a swirling mass of twisted over your flesh and your souls, take your rightful
spacetime, a wormhole concealed in the form of place as Priests of its Apathy. The time approaches,
something like a rapidly rotating black hole. A vast unrelenting and constant.”
swarm of monitoring stations, automated fuel
depots and weapons platforms orbit around it in an An eccentric looking research facility, with irregular
almost nervous dance of sweeping ellipses. As you residential blocks and a small landing pad seems to
approach it begins to come to life, the increasing be the source of the unusual transmission. The
angular velocity peeling back the horizons that majority of lights in the facility appear to be off, but
mask its various short cuts through space. The the landing pad is dimly illuminated by the blue
journey to Etros is over in mere moments. glow of a field bubble which is trapping a thin,
breathable atmosphere over the otherwise exposed
Arriving at Etros area. The Starstreak IV can safely pass through the
The Shell World is an immense artificial planet, field without disrupting it. The landing pad itself is
neither entirely solid nor hollow like a Dyson sphere. constructed of a dull, dark metal and is surprisingly
Concentric layers build upon each other to form its empty, lacking any obvious maintenance robots or
structure like a Matryoshka doll of Jovian scale. It refuelling equipment. A bunker-like outcrop
dominates the view of the system after arriving contains a recessed and sturdy looking airlock, the
through the jump point. An SOS signal is only obvious way of gaining access to the facility
immediately detected by your Starstreak IV's itself.
communications system, emanating from a location
on the surface of the Shell World.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The power to the outer airlock is offline, preventing If the players initiate a fight against the figures or
it from being opened using the terminal on the try to physically restrain them, they will become
outside. A TR 12 (TR 14 awareness if untrained) spot wild and angry, flailing with their fists and attacking
or investigate check will reveal a manual cycling aggressively. Once they enter this rage, they will not
handle which can be used to open the door, a TR 14 calm down until they are either knocked out, killed
athletics (TR 16 strength if untrained) is required to or otherwise incapacitated.
operate the manual cycling process. A TR 12 larceny
check will also reveal the manual cycling handle. Agility 14
Alternatively, a TR 14 technology check can reroute Speed 14
power from a portable electronic device (GM Toughness 4
discretion) to temporarily power up the door Willpower 4
system, allowing it to be used. Once the outer door Unarmed 2 (+4)
is opened it reveals an airlock with space for around Damage 1d6+2 (T)
six people and a second door, with construction
similar to the outer airlock door. This inner airlock After turning the corner, the corridor continues
may be bypassed in an identical way to the outer onwards for another twenty metres before opening
door, although a fail-safe prevents it from being into a larger space.
opened whilst the outer door is also open.
The Central Chamber
Etros – Temple of Apathy The corridor opens into a large, square chamber
The airlock opens into a long, dark corridor with a single door centred in each of the four walls.
illuminated by the flickering yellow glow of candles The room is quite large, around thirty metres on
pressed into the various alcoves which line its walls. each side and appears to have been made by
Many of the candles have burnt out, red wax stripping out all of the interior walls and dividers
dripping down the wall panels, while others seem to which would have once split it into a collection of
have been placed quite recently. An occasional laboratories and offices. Debris, filing cabinets,
glowing torch or battery operated lamp can also be computer servers and broken machinery litter the
found, either balanced on a ledge or lashed to an floor. A group of what much be at least fifty of the
overhead cable with electrical wire. The corridor
turns a sharp right corner ahead and the sound of
strange robed figures stand in a rough semi-circle in
the centre of the room, facing the direction the 283
approaching footprints can be heard quite easily in player characters have emerged from. They chant in
the near-silence. unison.

A TR 14 listen check reveals a group of “Wait here, a Priest approaches.”

approximately six, average sized humanoids
approaching from somewhere around the corner at If any character attempts to leave the chamber
a steady, but somewhat shuffling pace. through any of its exits, or if they attack or touch
any member of the strange group of figures, the
The group of figures are gaunt and somewhat sickly group will become violent and attack immediately
looking humanoids, each wearing a tatty red cloak as a mob with the following profile (resolve using
fashioned from what must have once been a mass combat rules).
pristine, white lab coat. They speak in unison, with
hollow voices, their eyes focusing in only a rough Robed Figures
approximation of your position. Number: 50
Breaking point: 0
“Shadows lengthen where strange stars move Toughness: 2
through the sky, the sleeper stirs and all of us will Armour: 0
die. Come with us. A Priest has need of your flesh. Damage: 1d4+2 (T)

The group turns, ignoring any attempts to speak to

them further, and begins to shamble back down the

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

If the characters choose to wait around in the If the robed figures are still alive, they regain their
chamber without trying to leave, then after a few senses after the Priest of Apathy is slain, having no
minutes the Priest of Apathy will enter the Central memory of recent events but recalling their old job
Chamber through the door leading to the Far of researching and charting the Shell World.
Far Chamber
The creature is a tall and wretched looking thing. A The Far Chamber is identical in size and layout to
monstrous skeleton of a material like black steel, the Central Chamber, except that there are no
wrapped in an even darker cloak of deepest night. robed figures within it. Instead it is dominated by a
From beneath its tattered robes shines the sickly red massive black crystal, over ten metres in diameter,
light of an unfamiliar star system, as if it was a suspended from the ceiling by a web of thick, steel
walking portal to another world. Standing almost cables. If the characters defeated the mob of robed
three metres tall and with blade-like horns figures in the Central Chamber and proceeded here
protruding from its skull, it hunches awkwardly to without waiting, or passed them, then they will also
make it through the doorway into the chamber. Its discover the Priest of Apathy in this chamber.
eyes, like tiny pin pricks of light within empty
sockets, fix on you. Its right hand raises a strange A TR 12 attack roll is required to hit the large black
black orb and its left unfurls to reveal a set of knife- crystal and it will shatter after suffering 25
like talons. It begins to charge towards you with a persistent damage.
heavy gait, left arm rising above its head.
Left Chamber
Priest of Apathy The Left Chamber is identical in size and layout to
Agility 13 the Central Chamber, except that there are no
Speed 17 robed figures within it. Much of the equipment and
Toughness 8 material that has been stripped out of the other
Willpower 8 rooms appears to be stored here. All of the
Armour 9 (P) (Exotic) machinery and computer terminals appear to have
Weapons (melee) 4 (+10) been smashed and destroyed. If the characters
4 (+10)
1d8+6 (P)
defeated the mob of robed figures in the Central
Chamber and proceeded here without waiting, or 284
Alien Mind passed them, then the Priest of Apathy will begin to
Exotic Armour head towards them.
Healing Factor
Regeneration An investigation or technology check may reveal
Soul Eater some small details about what happened here. An
Undead investigation check can reveal this information by
looking through physical records. An equal
The Priest of Apathy heals one temporary injury technology check may reveal the same information,
each turn due to its healing factor and 1d6 injuries but does so by recovering it from the memory
whenever it inflicts an injury on an Emissary due to circuits of broken servers (some kind of portable
its Soul Eater trait. Additionally, its Regeneration computer is required to access it).
means that it will continue to recover from injuries
even after it has suffered an amount that would TR 14:
usually be sufficient to permanently kill it. However, It would take months to sort through what little
the orb in its right hand pulses red whenever it remains of the research that was recorded here, but
heals an injury. A reflexive TR 14 spot check notices it appears that physical backups were made of most
a faint red glow linking the orb to something in the of the digital files and many of them can still be
Far Chamber. pieced together. Unfortunately, they are scattered
and without any order.
A successful disarm attempt can be made against
the Priest of Apathy to remove the orb from its grip, TR 16:
doing so prevents it from healing any injuries and As above. Sifting through records and picking out
allows it to be permanently killed. Alternatively, more recent dates, it appears that something was
destroying the large black crystal in the Far found sealed in what was previously thought to be a
Chamber will cause the Priest of Apathy is instantly solid mass of metal near the very centre of the Shell
dissipate into dust, leaving behind only a strange World. Unfortunately, many of the files with more
brassy husk from which approximately 180g of recent dates are complete gibberish.
Simulcra can be recovered.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
TR 18: Epilogue
As above. A strange black crystal was uncovered Cat Green survived the incident at Dupleon 412b
after a team of unidentified researchers acted and managed to regain control of the station,
beyond their remit and breached what was believed though it was damaged severely and the IDV
to be a solid core at the centre of the Shell World. Stormrunner was lost with all hands. Presently she
The crystal was returned to the surface facility for is investigating how her troops were infiltrated so
study, where things appear to have become heated. easily by an unknown faction and what the real
An argument apparently broke out, though most agenda behind the attack was. Unfortunately her
reports from this time are composed of strange efforts are hampered by increased pirate activity in
rants or complete gibberish. It seems that a group the region, something she no longer has manpower
of local Emissaries were contacted at some point or equipment to effectively deal with. An official
during this period. request for assistance has been reported to both
the Golden Planet and the guild of Emissaries.
Right Chamber
The Right Chamber is identical in size and layout to Enceladus Maximillion reportedly destroyed the IDV
the Central Chamber, except that there are no Stormrunner by turning its own weapons against it.
robed figures within it. The dead bodies of several He was seen in the confusion that followed and is
researchers can be found here, apparently killed by thought to have played a minor role in the action
blunt trauma injuries. Several crates of dried food that resulted in order being restored to Dupleon
and similar supplies have also been stacked against 412b. However, his whereabouts after that are
the far wall. If the characters defeated the mob of unknown and he has not reported in to the guild of
robed figures in the Central Chamber and Emissaries. Currently it is feared that he may have
proceeded here without waiting, or passed them, succumbed to Corruption and become Fallen.
then the Priest of Apathy will begin to head towards
them. Thorough research and investigation of both the
remains of Alaric's transport and the facility on
Leaving Etros Etros Shell World reveals that the malevolent entity
As the player characters attempt to leave Etros, encountered there was once the Emissary called
after dealing with the Priest of Apathy, they will
discover a small military transport has just arrived
Ezra, a companion of Alaric. The official line from
the guild of Emissaries recognises him as a Fallen 286
next to their Starstreak IV on the landing pad. A Emissary, though this appears to be doubted by
group of soldiers wearing the same uniform as those directly involved in the investigation.
those from Dupleon 412b are in the process of
disembarking. An officer notices the group and The location of Anra, Alaric's other companion, is
quickly calls out to them. currently unknown. A general request for
information about her whereabouts has been
“Are you the Emissaries? Captain Green sent us to announced following the investigation on Etros.
help you after things calmed down a bit back
there.” The black orb held by the Priest of Apathy, if
recovered by the player characters, is revealed to by
The soldiers reveal that they managed to repel the an example of an alien artefact known as a Shadow
attack by the IDV Stormrunner and regain control of Stone. If the player characters successfully
the station, although it was a costly battle. They recovered the Shadow Stone, they will also have
don't know anything about what happened to received an anonymous request from a person
Maximillion or who the traitors were. They offer to claiming to be an Emissary, asking them to meet at
escort the Emissaries back to Dupleon 412b, the Forbidden Library.
suggesting that Cat would like to talk to them and
may be able to shed some more light on at least This scenario is intended to introduce new players
some of their questions. to the game, as well as developing a few potential
plot hooks that GMs could choose to develop into a
Where the Emissaries go next is up to them. longer campaign. The fates of Maximillion and Anra
are up to you, though subsequent scenarios may
eventually provide an 'official' answer to these

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Ruins Without Duty TR 18:
Intermediate scenario As above.
Skoll was known to be an insular world with two
An Important Mission major cultural groups. Interstellar trade was
The mission request comes over a secure channel. virtually non-existent and locals were largely
The ID code reveals it to be from the guild of ignorant of the Empire. Despite this, it was
Emissaries, but not from one of the usual, local predicted that local progress would quickly drive
contacts. The voice is measured and mechanical, them to achieving TL2, so long as local tensions
but not pre-recorded as it initially seemed. Perhaps didn't escalate.
a Mechanoid or some other intelligent machine.
TR 20+:
“Emissaries, we have an urgent request for you. A As above.
mission of considerable importance, one that must There was known to be serious military tension
be completed with some haste. We have located a between the two major political entities on Skoll
group of the Fallen, former Emissaries who were and it was thought unlikely that civil war could be
believed dead. They must be exterminated and all avoided without outside intervention. Primitive
traces of their tainted presence destroyed before chemical and biological weapons were known to be
they have a chance to disperse or go into hiding. stockpiled in quantities sufficient to return the
This mission is perilous and you should be prepared civilisation to a state of TL0 or worse.
for intense combat. Details of their location will be
uploaded to your ship's navigational computer.” If pushed for details or questioned further, the
voice is abrupt and divulges little in the way of
The voice pauses as a stream of navigational data is additional information. It will confirm that the
broadcast over the channel. The coordinates point planet is Skoll and will, if pressed, add that the
to a planet called Skoll that falls within the inner landing location is the spaceport of a city called
fringe of the Empire. Once the upload is complete, Aldfort. If the players ask for more information
the voice does not resume but the channel remains about the targets, the voice will state that their
open. prior identities have yet to be confirmed. With the

At this point players may wish to discuss what has

possible exception of one of the targets, the Fallen
are not thought to be very experienced, but should 289
been told to them so far and formulate any still be considered extremely dangerous. It will add
questions to ask about the mission they have been that they will be notified and updated if further
given. It may be worth highlighting to the players information about the targets becomes available,
that it is unusual for such missions to be so devoid but the need for immediate action prevents them
of details and to bypass local links to the guild, as from waiting.
their characters would be aware of this. A suitable
knowledge skill check (such as cartography, If the players ask about the local environment, the
geography or some other similar specialism) can voice will suggest that Skoll is an Earth-like planet
reveal the following information about Skoll. with mild weather. However, it suggests that they
remained prepared for a hostile environment. Once
TR 14: the players are satisfied with the responses to their
Skoll is a relatively primitive planet within the inner questions, or if they attempt to push for
fringe of the Empire, it is located one jump node information beyond that which is given here, the
away from Hatrea, which is the closest major voice will sign off with the following message.
system in the region.
“We will be in contact with you again when we have
TR 16: more information for you, for now we ask that you
As above. make haste. A group of coordinated Fallen
In addition, Skoll was considered to have a Emissaries, even inexperienced ones, could cause us
Technological Level of 1 at the time of the last serious trouble and inflict heavy damage on the
major survey of fringe worlds, some six standard Empire if they are allowed to infiltrate it.”
years ago.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The ideal of Duty compels the Emissaries to accept Skoll Orbit
this mission, but it does not force them to recklessly You arrive in orbit above the planet Skoll and it is
dive into action. Players who are reluctant to accept immediately apparent that all is not well with this
or suspicious of the request should be reminded of world. Even from this distance, great craters and
both of these points. However, those who possess wastelands can be seen. Cities that should glow
the ideals of Deterrence or Enforcement might feel with the light of civilisation are dark and still. Sickly
driven to leap into action, whilst those who possess green clouds of vapour billow across the vast,
Pacifism or Restraint will likely be unwilling to act desolate plains and settle in low lands and valleys.
on such limited information. Resolving these Whatever intelligent life existed on Skoll, it appears
possible conflicts of motivation and deciding on an unlikely that much remains. A warning alarm
agreeable plan of action is a task for the players to suddenly goes off in your cockpit, an indication that
discuss between themselves. As a GM, you should a hostile radar has locked onto your ship.
encourage every player to act as they think their
character should, but remind them to also consider The orbital space around Skoll is littered with the
the motivations of others when seeking a debris of a primitive satellite network including four
compromise. partially functional orbital weapon batteries slaved
to the sole remaining targeting satellite. The five
Any attempt to research information about Skoll devices are easily detected amongst the debris now
using the local network or publicly accessible that they have powered up and lack any meaningful
records will take around an hour and reveal the ability to move. However, they are well positioned
same information as a TR 18 knowledge check to engage the players' spacecraft.
would have done. However, an academics check
may reveal some inconsistencies and additional 4x Weapon Battery
information. Agility 11
Speed 12
TR 14: Toughness 4 (VM)
There is a lack of any records, reports, Armour 1/0/0 (P) (VM)
communications or trade logs relating to Skoll Vehicle Scale Medium
within the past few years. This is not impossible for
an insular fringe world by any means, but it is
Weapons (ranged)
4 (+5)
noticeably odd. Space flight

TR 16: Guided missile (4 per weapon battery)

As above. Range (m) 0/0/128000
There are a few relatively hard to find records from Damage 0/0/1d6 (P) (VM)
around the time that the information begins to dry Blast (20m)
up pointing to a request for intervention from the Guided
guild of Emissaries. It seems that the world may Single shot
been heading towards civil war.
1x Targeting Satellite
TR 18: Agility 11
As above. Speed 12
Strangely there are no records of the intervention Toughness 2 (VM)
taking place or the final result of what happened. Armour 0/0/0
Vehicle Scale Medium
Players may wish to stop for equipment or stock up ECM
on supplies before setting a course towards Skoll, Radar
this is a good opportunity for them to do so. Space flight
However, the longer they delay, the more the ideal
of Duty will compel them to take action. As a GM, The weapon batteries will cease fire if the targeting
you may wish to include some space-based random satellite is destroyed or disabled. Alternatively, the
encounters along the way, especially if your players primitive targeting radar can successfully be
are beginning this scenario a good distance away jammed with a TR 16 technology check, so long as
from Skoll. the character making the check is aboard a vehicle
that possesses either the radar or ECM traits.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Despite their sudden activation, there is no The landing pads of the spaceport are empty and
evidence that the weapons batteries or the devoid of any movement. However, lights are visible
targeting satellite were controlled from the ground. on its surface and in its major buildings, unlike the
They appear to be completely autonomous. rest of the ruined city. An emergency generator
Surviving weapon batteries could potentially be provides the power for this lighting and keeps the
salvaged for their ammunition, though doing so once essential functions of the flight control tower
would require players to make an EVA using space operational. A series of unseen speakers announce
suits (or an equivalent). A TR 12 microgravity check a loop of pre-recorded announcements.
is sufficient to securely grab onto one of the
satellites, while a TR 14 craft or technology check “Citizens are advised to remain within shelters and
would be needed to remove each remaining missile. wear gas masks at all times until the all clear is
Handling a missile imposes a circumstance penalty given. Repeat. Remain in shelters and wear gas
on subsequent microgravity checks and no more masks at all times.”
than one missile may be carried at a time by a single
character. “All flights are canceled until further notice. Head to
your nearest shelters in a calmly and orderly
The coordinates that were uploaded to your ship's fashion. Repeat. Flights canceled, proceed to
flight computer indicate an apparently ruined city shelters.”
built on a river and next to a small lake. Several
dense wooded areas flank the city and the “A level three emergency has been declared, all
surrounding countryside is mostly barren and hilly, non-military personnel must vacate the spaceport
eventually leading to mountain ranges on all sides. immediately. Repeat. Non-military personnel must
The toxic green clouds that were first visible from vacate immediately.”
orbit are present across the region, though they are
scattered and not uniform in density. “Citizens are reminded to keep their personal
belongings with them at all times and report any
At this point, you may wish to show players the map unattended baggage to spaceport authorities. Any
of the area. However, it should be noted that unattended baggage will be destroyed. Repeat.
features such as the comm relay, maglev track and
citadel won't be visible until a closer approach is
Unattended baggage will be destroyed.”
made. “Citizens are reminded to keep ID on their person at
all times. Failure to produce ID when requested by
Aldfort Spaceport spaceport authorities may result in termination.
The spaceport that was prominently visible from Repeat. Failure to produce correct ID may result in
further out can be seen clearly now. A pair of termination.”
enormous reinforced concrete plates built atop
massive stilts of solid steel. Its hardened “Thank you for visiting Aldfort.”
construction evidently allowing it to survive the
worst of what had happened here. The city itself is a The interior of the spaceport is made up of large
broken ruin, a jungle of twisted concrete and broken open areas connected by a series of maze-like
glass. Where smaller buildings might once have corridors. It is evident from the state of the building
existed on the outskirts, now only overgrown piles of that nothing has been touched in years. Exploring
rubble remain. the entire building would take days. However, there
are some locations of interest and things to find. A
Players may opt to land at the spaceport as TR 12 investigation check is sufficient to find the
instructed, or may choose to land in any open space following points of interest:
large enough for their spacecraft to do so. Other
locations within the city itself are too strewn with Passenger Lounges
uneven debris and the surrounding moorland is too Security Station
soft and muddy for a heavy vehicle. However, other Control Tower
areas of the countryside are firm enough for a Generator Room
landing. Points of interest will be described in order Hangars
of expected discovery, but do not worry if your
players choose to explore differently.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Passenger Lounges A TR 12 spot check reveals an odd looking structure
There are six large passenger lounges filled with in the hilly land northwest of Aldfort (4 on the map),
chairs and abandoned store fronts that all appear but it can't be identified because of the distance
heavily looted, with any edibles long since rotted and haze from the toxic clouds. The various
away leaving only a foul smell behind. All of the consoles and computer systems appear to be
lounges are similarly devoid of people and corpses. receiving power from the emergency generator, but
However, one of the lounges contains a strange have crashed and display error messages on the
looking humanoid statue made of a material like screens. A TR 16 technology check will allow the
bone and leather. It is recognisably in the shape of a crashed computers to be rebooted. The last
person, but possesses no clear features. Its carved recorded logs show that multiple high velocity
surface is rough and unfinished, pitted as if with objects were tracked on ballistic paths, impacting
chisel marks and covered with an almost fractal nearby.
pattern of ridges and protrusions. A TR 12 craft
check or relevant knowledge check (art, sculpture Generator Room
or something similar) will confirm that the material The emergency generator is based around a
has been shaped and carved, with larger sections hydroelectric generator running from a small, fast
made from joining multiple different pieces of the flowing stream of water that has been diverted
material. A TR 12 medicine check or relevant from the neighboring river. Shielded within the
knowledge check (anatomy, medicine or something building and disconnected from the grid that would
similar) will confirm that the sculpture is indeed have once supplied electricity to the city, the
made of bone, tendons and desiccated tissue. A TR generator has been protected from damage. A bank
14 medicine check will recognise that not all of the of capacitors and a pair of backup fuel-burning
material could have come from the same person. generators are also situated on the far side of the
generator room. A TR 10 technology check would
Security Station allow the generator to be shut down, though there
There is a single station made up of several rooms is no real reason to do this. The backup generators
that appears to have served as the headquarters for are powered by an opaque, blue liquid fuel with a
the spaceport security teams. A dozen ballistic sharp smell that dulls the senses and makes eyes
vests, carbines and breathing masks can be found in
ready racks positioned along both sides of the main
water. The fuel is highly flammable and easily
ignited, it can be siphoned into a container without 292
door. No living people or bodies can be found need for a skill check.
within. A TR 14 investigation check reveals that the
last log entries were updated over two years ago Hangars
and talk about tightening security and mandatory ID There are secure hangars around the perimeter of
checks. A TR 16 investigation check will reveal plans the larger of the two landing pads which can be
and procedures for dealing with biological and accessed from within the building complex or
chemical weapon attacks, as well as the location of directly from the landing pad. The hangars are as
the local comm relay, orbital tracking station and deserted as the rest of the spaceport and have
hardened bunker (2, 5 and 6 on the map clearly not been used for a period of several years.
respectively). The plans indicate that the spaceport A few primitive atmospheric transports can be
would have been used as a military staging point for found, but some serious work would be necessary
a counter offensive, with local residents being to make them airworthy. A TR 14 investigation
evacuated to the bunker complex, where they could check reveals that the hangars were equipped to
survive underground for up to six months. service military craft as well as civilian transports,
with several crates of large calibre cannon rounds
Control Tower stored on palettes behind a poorly camouflaged
The control tower is a single open room at the top dividing wall.
of the spaceport building complex. Its transparent
metal windows are almost half a metre thick
overlook the two landing pads and ruined city. The
lake, moorland, woods and surrounding mountains
can easily be seen from the elevated position. A TR
10 spot check is sufficient to see the large comm
relay tower (2 on the map) rising above the woods
to the west.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Aldfort (day) A TR 14 listen check will allow a character to notice
Aldfort itself is a ruined city, a barely traversable the sound of movement somewhere nearby, down
tangle of broken glass and bent steel. Cold and a dark alleyway. The movement is scuffling and
eerily silent, the ghost of a missing civilisation random, something like the sound of hard shoes on
permeates the ruins just as the acrid toxic gas that broken concrete. A TR 16 listen check reveals that
hangs in the atmosphere. Breathing the air the sound isn't human footsteps, while a TR 18
unprotected comes with an unpleasant stinging listen check will recognise the sound as hooves on
sensation, followed by dizziness and an irritation concrete. If the players investigate the source of the
that coughing does little to relieve. sound, they find a sickly-looking deer-like animal
drinking water from a puddle between cracked
The atmosphere is contaminated with a toxic gas paving slabs. Unless the characters make a TR 16
that will affect any characters who require air to stealth check, the animal will become startled and
breathe and are susceptible to poison, so long as run from them.
they are not wearing breathing apparatus or some
other suitable protection (such as sealed combat Aldfort (night)
armour). The toxic gas is dispersed and not as Aldfort at night is exceptionally dark and dangerous
harmful as it likely once was, but will inflict a to traverse due to the broken terrain and complete
temporary injury upon any character who suffer its lack of any lighting. Strange sounds and the scuffling
effects for each hour they remain exposed. of movement can be heard from different
directions. Where skeletal statues could be found
A suitable TR 14 knowledge check (such as by day, none can be found by night. If the
architecture or nature) will allow a character to characters attempt to close in on one of the sounds,
estimate that things have been undisturbed for or make much noise themselves, they will
several years. A suitable TR 14 knowledge check eventually encounter one or more of the Remade.
(such as warfare, military history or similar) will
reveal that the damage was most likely inflicted by Remade
a combination of high explosive and incendiary Agility 14
weapons. It seems unlikely that atomics were used Speed 16
on Aldfort, though a low yield proximity air burst
can't be completely ruled out.
4 293
Armour 6 (P) (Exotic)
Aldfort is far too large and difficult to explore fully, Weapons (melee) 3 (+7)
though a cursory investigation of the accessible area Damage 1d4+4 (P)
can be completed in a few hours. Aside from the Blind sense
spaceport, there are no fully intact buildings of any Exotic armour
importance. Many of the larger, partially surviving Natural weapons (teeth and claws)
buildings appear to have been offices or Undead
administrative buildings. Any useful records they
may once have contained have been lost to fire or The Remade are hideous constructs of carved bone
are stranded on inaccessible server farms. Like the and desiccated flesh, capable of only rapid,
spaceport, there are no signs of survivors or bodies awkward motion that makes their movement
anywhere, though several more of the strange appear like a slide show of grotesque contortions.
skeletal sculptures can be found in various While some have misshapen pits where eyes should
contorted poses around the ruined city streets. The have been, others have completely featureless
ruins of a maglev track run west out of the city, faces, as if covered with taught leather. Despite the
across and moor and disappear into a dense fragile nature of their material construction, some
wooded area. The mast of a large comm relay (2 on unseen mechanism binds them together and
the map) can be seen beyond the woods in the diminishes attacks as if they were clad in light body
direction of the maglev track. armour. They are savage, but unpredictable,
sometimes waiting motionlessly before lashing out
with teeth and bony protrusions.

Once killed, examination of the Remade will reveal

nothing more than could be found from the skeletal
statues that could be seen by day. A medical
examination or crude dissection will reveal no
internal organs or animating mechanism, just lumps
of bone, dried flesh and a tangle or intricately
weaved tendons.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Splaymoor (day) The bog land itself is difficult to navigate. A TR 14
Splaymoor is a barren expanse of boggy wetlands, navigation or survival check would allow a character
masked by a thick covering of low-growing to move through the area safely at a comfortable
vegetation. The toxic gas that permeated Aldfort is pace (up to their normal speed), otherwise
just as dense here. Where Splaymoor borders the characters wishing to travel safely through the
ruins of Aldfort a strange shanty town exists, crude difficult ground are reduced to half speed. A
buildings and twisted structures made of debris, as character attempting to move faster than is safe
if inhabited by survivors of the destruction. must make a TR 14 (TR 16 in combat) agility check,
However, no such survivors can be found, only a or become temporarily stuck. A character that
scattered, but denser here, collection of the same becomes stuck must pass another TR 14 agility
strange skeletal statues that were seen before. A check or receive help from another character
craft check, or suitable knowledge check (e.g. (taking up an action) before they can move again.
architecture) will reveal the following information. However, the area of ground where the maglev
track passes through the bog has been filled in with
TR 14: sand and concrete, making it the easiest place to
The structures seem well made, but poorly suited cross.
for human habitation. It is difficult to tell how
recently they were built. Structurally they are very Splaymoor (night)
sound, but have thin unfinished walls with large The shanty town is dark and creepy by night,
gaps in them and a number of peculiar features. though not as silent as it was by day. Shambling
Stairs and doors that lead to nowhere, inaccessible groups of the Remade jitter aimlessly in meandering
interior rooms and door frames over a metre off the patrols. If approached or alerted, they will attack
ground. aggressively. Some of the strange creatures are
faster and more alert than others, darting around
TR 16: awkwardly and moving on multiple limbs. Others
As above. are slower and more hulking, where several of the
Though most of the construction material appears statues were joined together into a single mass. In
to be rubble from the ruined city, bone and other total there are 9 Remade, 5 Remade Hounds and 2
biological materials appear to have been utilised in
some aspects of construction. For example, what at
Remade Hulks.
first appeared to be an oddly shaped wooden chair Remade Hound
is actually carved from bones. Agility 16
Speed 18
TR 18: Toughness 4
As above. Willpower 2
Careful examination of the structures shows that Armour 3 (P) (Exotic)
the oldest seem to be several years old, while the Weapons (melee) 3 (+7)
newest are quite recent, with freshly visible signs of Damage 1d6+4 (P)
construction. Blind sense
Exotic armour
An investigation check can reveal the same Natural weapons (teeth)
information, but will take several hours to Runner
thoroughly search such an area. Aside from some Undead
misshapen furniture, there is no evidence of
personal belongings, food or bodies. Around twenty Remade Hulk
of the strange skeletal statues inhabit the shanty Agility 12
town, scattered around in small clumps of twos and Speed 17
threes. Toughness 8
Willpower 4
Armour 9 (P) (Exotic)
Weapons (melee) 3 (+9)
Damage 1d4+6 (P)
Blind sense
Exotic armour
Natural weapons (teeth and claws)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Splaymoor's boggy land is pitch black by night, If characters linger in the woods for too long during
making it even more difficult to navigate than the day, there is a small chance that they may
normal, increasing the required navigation or encounter a native Assassin Mimic or Xenoptera
survival checks to TR 16. The TR for moving faster (refer to the Lifeforms chapter for more details).
than is safe also increases to TR 16 (TR 18 in The Xenoptera native to Skoll are generally not
combat), though the TR for becoming unstuck dangerous, but are easily spooked and can become
remains TR 14. aggressive if disturbed. However, the Assassin
Mimics of Skoll are unusually bold, as though they
Woods (day) haven't encountered any prey that fights back in
The three woods around Aldfort are almost some time.
identical in nature, with the exception of the maglev
track which passes through the middle of Morgate, Woods (night)
providing an easy route to the other side. The By night the chittering sounds of the Remade can be
woods are dense and the ground is soft, though less heard within the woods. They wander aimlessly,
treacherous than the boggy ground of Splaymoor. occasionally in small groups but usually alone. If
The ever present toxic gas is thinner in the woods disturbed or otherwise encountered, they will
and becomes thinner still the deeper one ventures attack aggressively.
into them. Many of the trees are twisted and
deformed, though appear to have largely recovered Aldfort Water
from whatever chemical and biological Just north of the ruined city is a large natural
contaminants they have been exposed to. Small, reservoir of water. The west bank is exceptionally
rodent-like creatures, large insects and a few boggy and almost impossible to navigate by land.
skittish animals, similar in appearance to deer, can However, the land to the north is firm and hilly,
be found living within the woods. with an alternating series of sandy edges and raised
cliffs where it meets the lake. Giant freshwater
A TR 14 investigation check will reveal a few of the leeches (use the stats for the Giant Oceanic Leech
skeletal statues, as well as some evidence of debris minus the regeneration trait) inhabit the shallows
and spent shell casings of various calibres. A TR 18 and can occasionally be seen to break the murky
investigation check in Morgate or Scara will reveal
the wreckage of a downed atmospheric gunship.
surface by anyone who watches for more than a
few minutes. A view from directly above the lake 295
The wreckage in Morgate is spread over a fairly during the day, such as a low flight over it, gives a
large area, with few surviving pieces. However, the character a chance (TR 14 spot check) to notice the
wreckage in Scara is more intact and shows that the shadowy shape of a crashed bomber at the bottom
gunship was carrying missile weapons of some kind. of the lake. The bomber was carrying a greater
An appropriate TR 14 knowledge check (such as number of the same kind of missiles carried by the
weapons or warfare) will allow a character to crashed gunship that can be found in Scara Woods.
identify the missile warheads as the type commonly
used to carry a chemical agent. If characters take Malvarn Bunker (6 on the map) (day)
the time to dismantle (TR 14 craft or technology The bunker entrance is a pair of massive steel doors
check) and analyse the weapon (TR 14 medicine powered by hydraulic rams, easily wide enough to
check or an appropriate knowledge or academics permit several large vehicles to pass side by side.
check), they will discover that it is a simple sulphur- One of the doors is slightly open and buckled, as if
based blister agent, designed to cause damage to subjected to some tremendous force from the
skin, eyes and the respiratory system. Exposure to inside. The resulting gap in the once-sealed
the chemical agent would not be lethal, but would entrance is barely wide enough to allow a single
cause extreme discomfort and could lead to fatal person to pass. Within the bunker is a short
respiratory complications if inhaled in sufficient entrance passage that abruptly ends with a wall of
quantities. The chemical would in no way induce rubble and twisted, rusting girders.
any kind of petrification in living tissue and can't be
connected to the skeletal statues in any way (a TR A TR 14 investigation check reveals that the reverse
14 academics check rules out any possible faces of the entrance doors are embedded with
connection). shrapnel. Scorch makes are present on the stone
and carbonised dust that could once have been
wood or some other organic material litters the
floor. It seems likely that the bunker was directly hit
by some penetrating weapon that exploded within
and collapsed it. It is doubtful that anyone taking
shelter here could have survived.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Malvarn Bunker (night) The younger man will greet the characters if
By night, hordes of the Remade from the approached, though he remains sitting down and
surrounding countryside congregate at the bunker his voice is melancholy. The larger man remains
entrance and shamble around, as if in some state of passive and completely silent, his head will turn
confusion. They are less alert and aggressive than towards whoever is speaking but his eyes appear
usual, seemingly preoccupied with some task that unfocused.
they are incapable of completing or fully
understanding. However, approaching or disturbing “Oh, greetings travellers. I see you're not the
them will result in a mass combat using the Remade.”
following profile.
“My name is Ostavo Mayer. This man is Mike
Remade Civilians Shema, pay him no mind, for he is more harmless
Number: 20 now than I. My companion, Caegla, has gone to
Breaking point: 0 gather food. You should leave before she returns.”
Toughness: 2
Armour: 6 (P) “My Caegla is a natural hunter and distrustful of
Damage: 1d4+4 (P) strangers. I fear she may mistake you for raiders if
she sees you here on her return.”
Ruined Comm Relay (2 on the map)
The ruined comm relay is a tall antenna structure “You will forgive Mike if he does not speak, history
built atop a sturdy looking concrete hut. An external has not been kind to him and he is not the man he
metal staircase corkscrews around the antenna, once was. Though in truth he may be less changed
going all the way to a viewing platform at the top, by what happened here than any of us.”
which would provide an excellent view of the
surrounding area west of Morgate. The antenna If questioned about the Remade:
itself is evidently burnt out and has clearly suffered
some kind of attack, but seems structurally sound “Ah, the Remade. They were the people of this land
despite creaking ominously whenever the wind once. Nothing more than hollow constructs now,
picks up. The hut at the base is an empty burned
out shell that looks to have been abandoned even
acting out some incomprehensible play. Perhaps it
pities them or perhaps it mocks them, I know not 296
before it was attacked. what motivates it to do these things. You should
best avoid them, in death they are as rotten and
From the viewing platform at the top of the xenophobic as they were in life, or perhaps less so.”
antenna, a lit bonfire can clearly be seen on the
edge of Oldvale Moor, just beyond the maglev “A great war occurred here, leaving no survivors on
track. In the distance north of Oldvale, a strange either side. There were two great factions at least,
castle-like structure can be seen atop a hill in the perhaps more. In the end they were no different and
middle of Windhollow. their fate unites them all. I remember not what they
fought over or where one group ended and another
Oldvale Moor began. Their fear ran too deep and their hatefulness
As Oldvale Moor is approached by day or by night, a could not be averted.”
lit bonfire can be seen on its perimeter, just north
of the maglev track. A TR 14 spot check can make “No weapon did this to them, the fate they
out two humanoid figures sitting beside the fire. A originally made for themselves was far more
TR 16 spot check can identify the subtle tell-tale mundane. No, the thing that lives in the Citadel did
movements of living people, even through the this to them and makes more of them by the day. I
murky haze that hangs in the atmosphere. If used to believe it was out of hatred for them, but
approached more closely, the two figures will perhaps I colour its intentions with my own true
eventually notice the characters, but give no more feelings. A twisted sense of sympathy perhaps,
reaction than a nod in their direction. One of the though I do not believe they deserve it.”
figures is a young man of average build, while the
other is a slightly older male with musculature like a
Varanus bodybuilder. Both appear human, though
not native to Skoll.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

If questioned about 'It' or the Citadel: She will attack the characters immediately upon
reaching them. Ostavo will attempt to defend her
“It, the thing that lives in that Citadel of bones, is (becoming progressively more aggressive) if he still
not a native of this world. In a former life it might lives. If Mike still lives, he will simply watch without
have been an artist or a poet. I'm sorry friend, my getting up from his place, eyes as distant as before.
memory is a hazy mess. A monster now, if any shred
of humanity remains within its twisted husk, it is Caegla
now far beyond my comprehension. It avoids this Agility 16
place for now.” Speed 20
Toughness 10
If questioned about Emissaries or Fallen Emissaries: Willpower 4
Armour 8 (P) (Exotic)
“Ah, you work for the guild. Emissaries, yes? I Apathy 4 (2 unspent)
thought there was something familiar about you. Weapons (melee) 5 (+10)
No doubt they want to pretend this never Damage 1d8+6 (P)
happened. Of course. The time we have left is not Alien mind
long regardless and I wouldn't wish to harm you. I Exotic armour
have a request, if you would hear me out. End our 4x Natural weapons (claws) 1d8+6 (P)
pitiful existence and that thing which dwells in the Devastating lunge (mastery)
citadel, that thing I once called friend, but please Explosive power (mastery)
spare her. She will not leave this dead world, First blood (mastery)
destroying the rest of us will satisfy your duty. I can Pathfinder
die in peace if I know she is safe.” Danger sense

“The longer you delay, the less I can guarantee your Powers:
safety. You have stirred dark memories in my mind. Fallen Abilities
Truths I had wished forgotten. I do not know how Wild Form
long I can control myself.” Thorny Growths

Ostavo will as much as admit to being a Fallen Caegla is a powerful Fallen Emissary, though her 297
Emissary and will not deny it if confronted, but he personality has been reduced to that of a wild
will not use the terms explicitly, especially in animal. There is no sense of planning or thought to
connection to the absent Caegla. Even in his present her actions, only aggression and simple instinctive
state, he is aware that explicitly identifying her as a responses. She will attack savagely and quickly use
Fallen Emissary will mean that the ideal of Duty is one of her two unspent points of Apathy to activate
not truly satisfied while she is alive. one of her powers. After suffering 4 or more
injuries, Caegla's central mass will begin to unfurl,
If the characters decide to kill Ostavo and Mike, revealing an axe. This is the Axe of the Fallen
they will put up no resistance. However, if the (1d10+6 (P)) and will replace one of Caegla's natural
characters remain by the bonfire for too long weapons for the rest of the fight. Caegla will drop
debating their next actions, or remain there after the axe and attempt to flee once she has suffered 8
taking their actions, eventually Caegla will arrive at injuries.
the bonfire.

The thing called Caegla may once have been a

human woman, but now resembles something like a
living thicket of brassy thorn bushes. A writhing
central mass about twice the size of a human torso
strolls across the ground on a dozen branching legs,
each pencil thin and over two metres long. The still-
living body of something like a deer is impaled on
her thorns, across what could be hesitantly
described as her shoulders. No face, eyes or
recognisably human features are visible at all.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Ostavo Eight skeletal statues decorate the interior,
Agility 20 arranged in pairs and placed in the gaps between
Speed 18 the pillars. The first pair are crudely carved, but
Toughness 6 recognisably human in appearance. They are
Willpower 8 positioned apart from one another, and a strange
Apathy 2 sensation of animosity can be felt between them.
Weapons (melee) 5 (+9) The second pair are entwined in a struggle, hands
Damage 1d6+4 (P) (Knife of Lakas) around each others throats. An almost
Ambidextrous overpowering sensation of hatred can be felt from
Fast recovery them. The third pair are laying down, as if dead, a
Devastating lunge (mastery) despair inducing sensation of failure and regret can
Expert disarm (mastery) be felt from them. The final pair are merged
Perfect grace (mastery) together, as if embracing, an uplifting sensation of
Unpredictable dodge (mastery) unity can be felt from them.
Danger sense After a few moments, the artist arrives from outside
in the storm.
Fallen Abilities

Citadel of the Fallen (4 on the map)

The Citadel is a monstrous castle fashioned from the
same desiccated flesh and bone as the horrific
statues that litter the countryside. Individual pieces
of it appear to be made from the skeleton of some
enormous reptilian creature. Great vertebra coil
around mound at its base. Colossal ribs stab into the
sky, forming a passage up to the top where a
draconic skull forms the keep.
A TR 14 investigation or craft check reveals join
marks in the bones. A TR 14 medicine or
appropriate knowledge check is sufficient to realise
that the giant pieces aren't the bones of any real
creature that could have actually lived. A TR 16
medicine check will also identify that the material is
not homogeneous, but instead made of fused bones
from different owners.

The path up to the keep is steep, but not

treacherous. The ground is firm, as if made into a
beaten path and there are no traps or hazards. As
the characters climb the dirt path, it begins to rain
and a distant rumble of thunder can be heard from
the dark skies. The path leading up into the open
mouth of the skull is the only way inside. Inside is a
single cavernous room. A mock tongue made of
desiccated flesh serves as a ramp up onto a raised
balcony at the back of the skull. Six huge pillars of
bone, three on either side, flank the tongue.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
The Artist The Artist is blind, but can easily detect a character
Its body resembles something like a hooded cobra who is not actively hiding from it using a stealth
fashioned out of bone and brass, or perhaps a check. In order to locate and make an attack against
horseshoe crab joined to the body of a a hiding character, The Artist must match or exceed
biomechanical centipede. The lightning behind it the result of their stealth check with its own listen
casts it in silhouette and projects a jagged shadow check. If all of the character start hiding from it, The
of its outline against the back wall. It seems to Artist will use its own Blindsight ability to become
almost flicker in place and move in short, awkward invisible. A TR 14 spot check will allow a character
bursts of speed almost too fast to follow. A to see its refection in the puddles of water on the
chittering chorus of brass-against-bone ground, though this still imposes a circumstance
accompanies its movements as it enters the cavern. penalty on attacks made against it. The Artist will
It raises its hooded section from the ground, liberally use its powers to protect itself from harm.
revealing the upper torso of a human where a When it becomes low on Apathy, it will locate one
cobra's head should be. The torso is gaunt and has of the eight sculptures in the room and absorb a
far too many arms, each elongated and ending in point of Apathy from it, causing the statue to
wicked blades. Where eyes would be in its skull, only crumble in the process. The statues can be
sockets remain. It pauses, as if sensing something is destroyed in advance to prevent it from doing this
wrong, but not seeing anyone there. with any successful attack made against them.

The Artist Orbital Tracking Station (5 on the map)

Agility 18 The orbital tracking station is a small military facility
Speed 20 built atop one of the smaller mountains that makes
Toughness 10 up Malvarn Peaks. A stone path consisting of steps
Willpower 6 and ramps is carved into the back of the mountain,
Armour 12 (P) (Exotic) making the one kilometre ascent to the top a
Apathy 5 (5 unspent) relatively easy prospect. The building itself is a
Weapons (melee) 5 (+11) sturdy looking box of reinforced concrete. There are
Listen 5 (+9) signs of exterior damage, bomb and missile hits, but
Alien mind
1d8+6 (P) the structure seems to have survived largely intact.
A huge radar dish of primitive design dominates the 301
Blind sense view and casts a shadow over the entire facility. A
Exotic armour thick steel door lays on the floor in front of the only
2x Natural weapons (claws) 1d12+6 (P) entrance, discarded and crumpled as if it were
4x Natural weapons (claws) 1d4+6 (P) made of paper.
Cold dead eyes (mastery)
Danger sense (mastery) The interior of the facility is deceptively small, with
Talented artist (mastery) the ground floor consisting of nothing more than
solid reinforced concrete and a stairway leading up
Powers: to a floor above. The first floor is larger and more
Fallen Abilities open, though still constrained by exterior walls that
Blindsight must be over two metres thick. The faint hum of
Negate alternating current and cooling fans can be heard,
Improved Negate though the various monitors that clutter the room
are all blank.

An investigation check reveals the following:

TR 14:
The upper floor of the facility consists of nothing
more than a computer room. A breeze of exterior
air leads to cracks and fractures in the structure.
Although intact, explosives used against the exterior
must have still breached the wall. Fragmentation
seems to have destroyed all of the exposed

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

TR 16: Before the Emissary team consisting of Ostavo,
As above. Caegla, Mike and the person now known only as
Additionally, power lines lead to a reinforced steel The Artist arrived at Aldfort, the world of Skoll was
tube that can be followed down the stairway and divided into two factions. Their names and the
into one of the walls. It seems as though the nature of their disagreement now lost to time,
generator that powers the facility is encased in the these two factions escalated their conflict until a
concrete of the ground floor. Although most of the catastrophic civil war became unavoidable. The
metal storage cabinets on the upper floor have arrival of the Emissary team gave hope that things
been shredded by fragments and their contents could be turned around, but it was not to be.
destroyed, an intact monitor can be found at the Consumed by their personal failures and the horrors
back of one of them. of the resulting war, the Emissaries each fell to
corruption, though it did not affect them equally.
TR 18:
As above. Caegla lost her mind completely to the corruption,
There are a few faint traces of dried blood and becoming little more than a savage beast, living off
tattered threads that could have belonged to a the land and acting by instinct alone. The sole link
uniform. It seems likely that the facility was to her past self, her weapon, clutched tightly inside
occupied when it was attacked, but someone or the coils of her new body. Mike, once a great
something has thoroughly cleaned up the human warrior, retreated within himself, slowly filling with
casualties of the aftermath. corruption from within. Although harmless when
encountered, his emergence as a thing of
Attaching the monitor, or a using a suitable nightmares was only a matter of time. Ostavo was
alternative, will allow the computer system to be overcome by his hatred of the people of Skoll and
accessed. A TR 14 technology check will reveal radar took out his anger against the Remade, but
tracking logs that show a large number of aircraft remained unsatisfied by this. Grounded by his
operating in the area, as well as high altitude undying love of Caegla, he retains moments of
parabolic trajectories, likely belonging to ballistic lucidity.
missiles. Three of the aircraft that were tracked
have flight paths which abruptly ended nearby, one
in the woods north of Aldfort, one in the woods to
The Artist was once the most experienced of the
Emissary group, though still young and idealistic. He 302
the west and one in the lake. A log book kept by the was not a fighter and found himself ill prepared to
commanding officer can also be found. deal with the Machiavellian politicians and ruthless
military commanders of Skoll. More than any other,
Reading the log book, older entries refer to war he was most deeply effected by the failure of his
games, drills and rising tensions. Going forwards in mission. Now a twisted reflection of his former self,
time, entries become very abrupt and matter of he achieves what he could not before. He unites the
fact, raw data, repair logs, some complaints disparate people, using his art to create new life
directed at an unnamed leadership. A more hopeful from their bodies. The Remade have no factions and
entry, dotted amongst these, refers to the arrival of no politics, they are one in mind and body.
a group of four Emissaries, the author seems
relieved. The last entry simply reads: “The Players may find their characters challenged morally
Emissaries have failed, we are at war. May future and ethically by their encounter with Ostavo. When
generations have mercy on our souls.” they meet him and Mike, the two Fallen present no
threat and are prepared to die. The ideal of Duty
GM Notes compels all Emissaries to eradicate the Fallen, but
Ruins Without Duty is a scenario that is intended to usually the circumstances are different. Similarly,
create the atmosphere of a traditional dark fantasy Ostavo bargains for Caegla's life and it can be
setting, time shifted to the futuristic world of argued that she is no threat, mindless as she is and
Emissary. It can be played in several different ways, trapped on a dead world. Regardless of the
depending on your group and how you, as a GM, decisions the players make here, they should not be
feel like pushing it. At its most base level, Ruins punished for their actions. Consequences may
Without Duty is a seek and destroy mission for present themselves in time and could be referenced
players, with monstrous enemies and challenging in future missions or scenarios.
bosses. They can get in and out relatively quickly,
blasting their way through hordes of the Remade
before tracking down and fighting the Fallen and
recovering two Emissary weapons as loot for their
trouble. However, if their pace is slower and their
mood more investigative, they may wish to uncover
the story of Skoll, Aldfort and what happened there.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Wings over Harea The Narkomindel will entertain and answer some
Advanced scenario questions that players might have, though
eventually will suggest that they make their own
Briefing inquiries.
The mission outline is ostensibly a diplomatic one
and requested on behalf of the Imperial Ministry of Regarding the history and situation of Harea:
Technosapien Relations. Relayed in real-time by a
high ranking official, a Mechanoid who identifies “Harea was once the home to an extensive and
itself as The Narkomindel, the matter is evidently highly profitable mining industry due to the
one of some concern. You are asked to intervene in abundance of helium isotopes vital for fusion-
the negotiation of mining rights for a region of the powered spacecraft and industry. Unfortunately, the
planet Harea, known as Jangeng canyon. Ordinarily, planet-wide infestation of hooded worms resulted in
this kind of duty could be handled by Imperial largely unsustainable costs. Only TCD's subsidiary,
diplomats, but the situation has become the TCD-Harea Mining Corporation, maintains an
dangerously complicated. active presence there now and, as mentioned, their
parent organisation has been moving to end
“Honoured Emissaries, ownership of the land in operations there. As a desert planet, you can expect
question belongs to the TCD corporation, who have Harea to be a hot and barren environment. I'm sure
for many years leased the mining rights to a you have the resources necessary to find out more if
subsidiary of theirs, the TCD-Harea Mining you wish.”
Corporation. However, this lease is about to expire
and TCD have been looking to pull out of Harea for Regarding possible opposition and the factions
some time. The miners of the local branch were involved:
apparently unaware of this, but TCD head office had
made a deal to sell the mining rights to a “Ambassador Coren is something of an enigma. She
Technosapien group. This on its own would be has taken great pains to ingratiate herself with the
troubling, but would not require Emissary high society of the Central Empire and, after a shaky
intervention. However, TCD is apparently start, has managed to secure a great deal of
considering reneging on their contract and instead
selling the rights to an Economicon sect.”
support. So far as we are aware, the deal she
worked out with TCD was above board, though 305
keeping it from the local miners was always going
“We now find ourselves in a situation where Baron to result in some tensions. We believe that the
Victor Lustig has established an encampment just Technosapiens intend to set up some kind of
outside the Jangeng Pass, bringing with him a automated refinery. Ultimately this would give them
considerable army of Economicon mercenaries and some extra trade leverage and reduce logistic costs
enforcers. Worse still, Technosapien Ambassador for expanding into the Central Empire. A few fear
Coren has landed her fully equipped Battlecarrier mongers see this as a potentially threatening
across the Sea of Dunes from his position. Tensions development, but most view it as a positive move
are escalating by the day and we would like the towards a more integrated Empire. However, the
situation defused with minimal loss of life if military capability at her command should not be
possible.” ignored. Undoubtedly she has a large complement
of Technosapien guard at her command and her
The Narkomindel pauses for a moment, before ship is more than capable of devastating a world
deciding to reinforce a particular point in case it was like Harea.”
lost in the message.
“The Baron's Economicon group are less dangerous,
“I hope it goes without saying that maintaining judged strictly by capabilities, but are possibly a
healthy relations between the Technosapiens and more worrying threat. We have no idea what it is
the Central Empire is of utmost importance here. exactly that they want from the land or how they
Ambassador Coren is highly regarded by many managed to persuade a corporation like TCD to
Imperial families and we have, perhaps largely renege on a deal with the Technosapiens. We can
thanks to her, enjoyed a period of stable and only suppose that they must have some leverage
friendly relations with them. I am reliably informed, with high ranking TCD officials, favours, blackmail or
through channels that you might well imagine, that something of the like. We have people investigating
a catastrophic civil war looms in one possible that line already, but it's unlikely the situation on
future.” Harea could be resolved even if we do find evidence
that the Baron has blackmailed someone at TCD.”

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Regarding the diplomatic situation between the Baron Lustig heads an Economicon sect based in
Economicon and the Technosapiens: Ishtar, a neighbouring system to Harea. He is known
to be extremely rich and has a reputation for
“Although not ideologically opposed in the same cruelty, but has achieved little of note.
way as the Bioartisans are with them, the
Economicon are no great lovers of the Ambassador Coren is largely respected and held in
Technosapiens. At the very least, they view them as high regard by most. However, there seems to be
an extremely rich and powerful megacorporation of some doubt regarding her long term intentions and
sorts and thus a rival entity. It is also no secret that a general distrust for Technosapiens in some circles.
there are those among the Economicon with
extremist anti-augmentation views, publicly stating TR 14:
that cybernetic augmentation is equivalent to As above.
demonic possession. Whether this is a genuine belief TCD-Harea Mining Corporation is one of the sole
or simply rhetoric for the masses is another matter, remaining mining operations on Harea. The
but it is worth keeping in mind. By contrast, we combination of the natural barrier provided by
don't really know much about how the Economicon Jangeng canyon and their ownership of a fully
are regarded by the Technosapiens. In this functional siege tank has allowed them to fend off
particular instance, I believe it can safely be said worm attacks. The worms can grow up to 8m long
that Ambassador Coren is no fan of the Baron.” and weigh as much as 150kg, they live in hives and
are ferocious predators.
Regarding knowledge of future events:
Baron Lustig's nephew, Augustus Kelly, is thought to
“I thought my meaning would be clear to you. be involved in the Harea situation. Unlike his uncle,
Knowledge of future events and the outcomes of Kelly has a more positive reputation and is highly
decisions that are yet to be made are things that fall favoured by several Imperial families.
well within the capabilities of the Malagarth Oracle.
The Divine Imperial Majesty has taken a direct Ambassador Coren is a shrewd politician who has
interest in this situation, though it has not moved to made a name for herself despite institutional
intervene directly. Most likely you and I, among
others, are now moving down paths it has already
discrimination and smear campaigns against her.
Cunning and subtle, she nevertheless possesses the 306
seen. In fact, you should be prepared for ruthlessness and indomitable will commonly
coincidences or signs that might influence your attributed to Technosapiens.
decisions. Remember, even when free will is an
illusion, the one who makes the choice is still you.” TR 16:
As above.
After The Narkomindel has answered what The siege tank, Essence of Civility, is quite famous
questions it can, it will explain to them that they are and has a number of exploits associated with it,
to head to Harea as soon as possible, where they including winning a duel against a mercenary
will be met by a local guide who will be waiting for frigate, back when rival corporations were first
them at the landing strip of the Harea PDF base. It competing for Harea. The hooded worms can
suggests that they familiarise themselves with the change colour to blend in with their environment
location upon arrival and arrange meetings with all and are capable of silently moving through loose
of the key players. sand faster than the average human can run.

If characters wish to research Harea or any of the There are some rumours in the media of Augustus
major players any further, they may make Kelly being in a scandalous relationship with an
appropriate knowledge or academics checks, or Electrotomb Ghost. Though the evidence amounts
socialise with any contacts they might have made. to one poorly taken image, it has sparked discussion
in some circles.
TR 12:
Harea is a desert planet rich in valuable fuel
resources that are ordinarily more difficult to
extract. The discovery of Harea caused a rush
among industrial corporations to establish a
presence there. Unfortunately, the plague of
hooded worms prevented profitable exploitation of
Harea and most corporations pulled out, with many
losing a lot of resources in the process.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Harea Hooded worms are a serious hazard everywhere on
The planet Harea, more accurately a moon, is a ball Harea, although less so within the confines of the
of endless red-tinged sand in orbit around a colossal canyon. Worms are typically encountered in groups
Jovian. Barren and desolate, its distant sun bathes it of five or more and will quickly attract more worms
in a dull ember-like glow. Though once teeming with to their location when disturbed. One or two worms
busy haulers, its orbital space is now largely devoid will usually make an initial probing attack after
of traffic. Abandoned refineries and mining surrounding and trailing potential prey for some
complexes are scattered across its surface, with time, with the rest joining in if the probing attack is
steel chimneys stabbing almost a mile into the sky. successful. As hooded worms move under the loose
sand and can camouflage themselves easily,
As you approach Jangeng canyon, the menacing detecting them before an attack is very difficult and
sight of a Technosapien Battlecarrier is clearly requires a TR 20 spot check or TR 18 listen check.
visible, parked on its landing struts, just south of the Within Jangeng canyon, worm attacks are mostly
canyon entrance. To the north, a collection of tents confined to areas immediately surrounding the two
and prefabricated barracks mark the location of small worm hives, the ruined refinery and the
Baron Lustig's encampment. Flying over the canyon abandoned mining pits. Loud noises and vibrations
pass, the PDF base can be see on the opposite side. are also likely to attract any nearby worms.
A simple building of concrete and steel, with several
small landing pads and hangars. The most striking Private Defence Force Base
sight is the huge siege tank, like a warship on tracks, The PDF base itself is little more than a concrete
sitting on a concrete platform just outside the base. barracks and machine shop, smaller than the
The canyon itself is formed from huge stone enormous siege tank parked across from it and
plateaus, jutting from the sand and forming a likely staffed by no more than thirty permanent
natural barricade around the mining area. However, personnel. A few soldiers in tatty uniforms can be
even here, one of the three refinery complexes has seen walking around outside, while a mix of
clearly been abandoned. uniformed men and people in civilian clothes can be
seen working on the tank. A girl stands out from the
Other than the landing pads at the PDF base, the others, wearing what looks like an old fashioned
plateau tops are the only other location where a
ship could safely touch down, though this would
one-piece pilot suit. A pair of protective goggles are
pushed up into her scruffy, red hair. When she sees 307
present a long and difficult climb down. The sand is you, she starts walking towards you.
too loose and uneven to safely support the weight
of a ship and could result in damage or difficulty “Hey, are you guys the Emissaries?”
taking off again, a TR 18 pilot check would be
needed successfully land or take off there. A failed Up close you can see the girl is in her late teens or
attempt to land on sand should not result in a early twenties, she has a boyish figure and the
crash, but would require the landing attempt to be tanned skin of a Harea native. A light dusting of
aborted. A critical failure could result in collapsed sand is spread across her cheeks, making an outline
landing gear or more serious damage. of where her goggles must have been. She tries to
sound nonchalant, as if she meets Emissaries every
Midday temperatures on Harea reach upwards of day.
40ºC, imposing a circumstance penalty on all
stamina checks for performing extended or “My name is Aradia Freid, I live at Refinery One.
prolonged physical activities. Sandstorms are also a They asked me to be your guide, so don't hesitate to
common occurrence, although tempered by the ask about anything. They wouldn't tell me much
natural barrier of the canyon walls. Sandstorms about your mission, but I guess it must be about the
within the confines of the canyon impose a mining rights to this place. Must be pretty serious if
circumstance penalty on skill checks, but present no they've asked you to get involved.”
risk of injury. Sandstorms in more exposed terrain
inflict an automatic temporary injury for each hour She pauses, studying you intently.
of exposure.
“We have some quarters set up for you back at the
Refinery. Oh, they're usually used by TCD VIPs when
they visit this place, so they should be pretty

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
A massive hooded worm, its skin the colour and “The bit about them leaving me alone was a joke.
texture of sand, bursts out of the ground and They can't actually see, but they sense vibrations. If
awkwardly slides its body onto the concrete landing you stand real still and hold your breath, they
pad near your ship. Unfurling its hood, it raises its usually won't notice you. Unfortunately, that
head some ten metres off the ground, almost a third doesn't help much if you were the thing that
of its total length. A soldier opens fire on it with an attracted them in the first place. They're not so
automatic rifle from the upper floor of the concrete dumb that they'll think you just flew away. There's
barracks and it lashes out at him with alarming actually nothing that flies here. Nothing natural
speed. Its hood presses him flat against the wall of anyway.”
the second floor balcony, concealing his body from
view and you hear a sickening sound, like a dozen If the players ask about the PDF base:
cleavers hacking through a carcass. You notice that
Aradia has become completely motionless. “Strictly speaking this is a planetary defence force.
You'll find a few ex-military folks who take it real
If the players stand completely still, the giant worm serious, but most of us are just volunteers from the
will scrape against the side of their ship for a few refineries. TCD shipped Essence of Civility, the big
moments, before sliding back into the sand and tank, here back when they had planned to expand a
departing. If they continue to move or make sound, lot further. Its been useful fending off worm attacks,
the worm will attack them. but honestly I think they expected to use it against
rival corporations. Nobody knew about the worms
Giant Hooded Worm when this place was founded, at least that's what
Agility 22 they tell me. I just help out with repairs and
Speed 22 maintenance on her. I'm no soldier.”
Toughness 10
Willpower 6 If the players ask about Ambassador Coren:
Armour 6 (P)
Weapons (melee) 4 (+10) “Coren? Oh, you're talking about the
Damage 1d10+6 (P) Technosapiens. Beauty of a ship they have, saw it
Alien Mind
Blind Sense (Vibration)
come in low over the canyon. Would love to get a
closer look at it some time. I haven't met any of 309
Burrowing them though, nobody here has actually. They
Camouflage haven't entered the canyon at all since landing.
Natural Armour Doesn't stop talk about them though. Most of the
Natural Weapons (Teeth) locals are terrified of them and occasionally there
are stories about sightings. You know the kind
If the players ask about the worm: though. Some drunks sees a ten-foot tall mechanical
monster down a ventilation shaft, while he's goofing
“They didn't tell you that they get that big? I guess around in the middle of the night. Trust me, there's
they wouldn't. Most worms don't grow much longer no truth to any of it.”
than six or seven metres, but the ones here in the
canyon get much bigger. Nobody is really sure why. If the players ask about Baron Lustig:
One theory says the bigger ones live deeper
underground and our mining has disturbed them. “His lot have been around a few times, trying to get
Not sure I believe that though, the ground would be chummy with the local unions and managers. Some
harder down there and I don't see how they could of them seem pretty decent, but then there's
move through it. It's not as bad as you'd think something off about others. Kind of sleazy, if you
actually. Sure, we get bigger worms here, but know what I mean. They keep saying that when
there's usually only a few attacks each day. If you they get the mining contract, they'll transfer across
were outside the canyon, you'd have hundreds of anybody who wants to stay so that the miners can
the smaller ones swarming over you in minutes. keep their jobs. Makes them pretty popular, since
Humans are basically a walking treat to them, that's all anyone here really seems to want. There's
compared to the sand bugs they usually eat. You not a lot of loyalty to TCD here.”
see, they like the soft fleshy bits. I'm all skin and
bone, so they leave me alone.”

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

If the players ask about the local miners: If the players ask Aradia about the ruins:

“You're looking at several generations worth of “I can take you there if you want, but honestly I'd
miners when you meet the refinery locals. All most rather not go. We salvaged anything of value years
of them want to do is keep their jobs, their families ago. It's just the corpse of a refinery now. It
and their homes. This place might seem awful to happened when I was a baby. The mining pit
you, but that's what it is to them. They feel like TCD managed to disturb a nearby worm nest and the
has sold them off, like unwanted assets, and they're idiots lead them right back to the refinery when
quite rightly scared. And angry. Scared and angry. I they ran. I'm told there were thousands of the
can introduce you to some people who can speak things crawling over it. The main chimney literally
for them later, if you want. I imagine you have other bent under the weight of them coiling around it.
business first though.” They found me shut inside a toolbox on this very
gravsled about half a mile from where it happened.
If the players ask about Aradia's opinion: No sign of my parents.”

“I was born and raised here, but I don't want to Refinery One
spend the rest of my life in this place. I'm an orphan, Refinery One is like a cross between a factory and a
brought up by the miners until I could look after city. The central refinery complex is buried under
myself. My parents were killed in a worm attack at concentric rings of shanty houses, suspended
the ruined refinery, well, it wasn't ruined then. I walkways and family businesses. Massive
don't want to see the miners hurt or lose their jobs, ventilation ducts snake around and between
but I'd do anything to fly away from here. Legally, I buildings. Moisture condensers, connected to the
don't know who has the better claim. I just can't main chimney by steel cables, stretch out across the
help but think that something bad is going to sky, providing both water and shade to those below.
happen if things aren't resolved soon.” Not one of the buildings is less than ten metres
above ground. Trees and vegetation, clearly not
If the players ask about how they can get around native to Harea, bizarrely sprout from roof-top
the canyon: gardens.

“Well, if you're desperate, you can always walk or “Welcome to Refinery One. The height of culture 310
use a buggy. I wouldn't recommend either though, and civilization on Harea. Don't listen to what the
for obvious reasons right? I have a gravsled that we people over at Refinery Two say. This one is the
can use though. If you really need to go off by good one.”
yourselves, then I can lend it to you, but I'd really
appreciate it back in one piece. It's hard to move Players can easily find anything they would find in a
heavy parts around without it.” primitive city at Refinery One. There are shops and
businesses of all kinds, though somewhat lacking in
If any of the Emissaries can fly, Aradia will quickly most advanced technologies. The local food is
become besotted with them, asking them questions somewhat pricey and consists largely of fried desert
about what it's like, how high and fast they can go bugs and vegetables that have clearly been selected
and how much they can lift. She will drop hints for yield rather than taste.
about wanting a lift, but is too embarrassed to
actually ask directly. “If you don't mind slumming it with the natives,
there's a good restaurant and bar around here
Ruined Refinery where one of my friends works. Of course, if you
The journey to Refinery One will take the players want something a bit classier, there's a place for the
past the Ruined Refinery. Crooked chimneys and VIPs that serves food imported from off world. It's
rusted pipes jut out of the hot sand, forming a too expensive for locals, but I imagine that wouldn't
labyrinth of twisted metal. Aradia will glance at it be a problem for you.”
sadly, but won't say anything. If the players were to
inspect it more closely, they'd find it nothing more If the players elect to go to the VIP restaurant,
than a rusted and gutted hulk, home to the Aradia will look slightly disappointed at them. She
occasional pack of hooded worms. Everything of politely refuses if they offer to buy her some.
value has long since been stripped away or worn
down by worms and sandstorms. “No thanks, I wouldn't want to develop a taste for

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

VIP Quarters Technosapien Battlecarrier
The VIP rooms that have been prepared for the The journey from Refinery One, through the canyon
players are some distance away from and above the pass, to Ambassador Coren's Battlecarrier takes the
main shanty town, located in something of an best part of two hours by gravsled. The mouth of
ornate looking hotel that sticks sideways out of the the pass opens up to a windswept sea of dunes,
main chimney. The hotel takes about twenty with the silhouette of the enormous Battlecarrier
minutes to ascend to via gravsled and provides a visible to the south. A monolithic wedge of chrome
commanding view of the canyon. Its interior is and black metal, its angular form is almost seven-
lavishly decorated with wooden paneling, leather hundred metres long from end to end and stands
furniture and gold trim. The panoramic windows raised above the sand on a collection of arched,
double as holoscreens, able to project a false image insectile legs. A platoon of a dozen Technosapien
of some picturesque landscape. Aradia looks Guards stand watch in its shadow, alongside an
distinctly appalled if she goes inside. equal number of heavily armed Terminal Guardians.
Aradia stares in awe at the massive spacecraft.
“I never knew this place would be so... tacky. I hope
the beds are comfortable at least. Sorry, I mean, this “Incredible, it's like a city on legs. It's hard to believe
might be normal for you.” something so massive can really fly.”

She looks pleased if they tell her that it isn't. As the players approach, the Technosapien troops
and sentries will train their guns cautiously towards
“What do you want me to do tomorrow? I need to them, but continue to hold their fire. Up close, it is
take the gravsled with me to get back down, but I possible to see that the Guards have painted their
can come and pick you up in the morning if you armoured carapaces in desert camouflage and wear
want. I imagine you probably want to start flexible dust covers over their joints and mechanical
arranging some meetings.” parts. Once they get within a hundred metres of the
ship, a large Guard with step forwards and address
A TR 16 communication, expression or manipulation the players.
check will allow a player to persuade Aradia to stay
in the VIP rooms overnight, leaving the gravsled
outside. A TR 20 check could persuade her to leave
“Identify yourselves.”
them the gravsled and have a friend pick her up. The Guard is reluctant to allow the players an
audience with anyone important, but can be
Alternatively, if the players don't want to stay at the persuaded to pass a request on to his commanding
hotel, Aradia can find a local community centre that officers with a successful TR 14 manipulation or
will put them up for the night. Refinery One doesn't communication check. An expression check can also
get many visitors, but there are a few places where succeed, but has a TR of 18, due to the Guard's
people can stay. disregard of an emotional plea.

Refinery Two “Ambassador Coren has no business with

Refinery Two is more or less identical to Refinery Emissaries, unless you are representatives of TCD.
One, though different in specifics. The overall Wait here until we receive further orders.”
layout, types of buildings and inhabitants are largely
the same. The miners are generally hard working After a while, a creaking noise and a mechanical
and easy going people, though there is growing whirring can be heard from the ship. Smoke vents
unrest due to the uncertainty they find themselves from crevices along its belly and a massive
in. articulated ramp begins to descend towards the
sand. A lone person with a vaguely female form can
be seen making its way down the ramp. She stands
almost seven feet tall, her impossibly slender body
hidden by a black bodysuit. An intricately detailed
and articulated golden dress, like some artisanal
mechanism, adds the illusion of curves to her figure.
Her face is inhumanely pale, exacerbated by bright
red lips. A golden mask obscure the top half of her
face, rendering her eyes as expressionless black pits.
Feathery purple hair sprouts from behind the mask,
falling over her shoulders and extending to her
ankles like a cape. She turns to you and speaks.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
“So you must be Emissaries. I had to see you for Economicon Encampment
myself. Forgive me though, I haven't introduced The Economicon Encampment is north of the
myself. I am Ambassador Coren and this is my ship, canyon pass, consisting of a scattered collection of
the Numancia.” tents, prefab buildings and small spacecraft. A pile
of dead worm carcasses can be seen besides the
The corners of her lips curl up into an amused smile entrance. Discipline and professionalism amongst
and she gives a shallow curtsy of the type an the mercenaries seems mixed, with some sitting
Imperial noblewoman might as a formal greeting. around and making merry, while others inspect
their weapons and patrol the perimeter. Aradia
“Do you want to come aboard, or should we seems nervous about approaching them.
continue our meeting here in the sand?”
“Some of this lot have visited the refineries a few
Aradia, hiding behind the players, visibly perks up at times, mixed bag really. Some of them are pretty
the prospect of getting to see the inside of the straight laced and quiet, probably former special
Numancia. forces or something. Those ones tends to have lots
of augments. The others are a bit rowdy, especially
Coren will invite the players into a comfortable when they're drunk. I had to tell them I wasn't
meeting room that has clearly been designed with interested more than a few times.”
human hospitality in mind. She will clearly explain
her position and listen to anything that the players A group of eight confrontational looking
have to say. However, she will not commit to any mercenaries will approach the players as they get
compromises or give up her claim on the mining closer to the encampment. Their leader fires a gun
rights. If pressured or presented with alternatives, into the air.
she will deflect and claim to consider things in her
own time. “Who are you lot?”

“I negotiated a deal with TCD for the rights to begin “Emissaries are you? Yeah right. Why don't you just
a mining operation here and I intend to see that turn back around and leave before we make you.”
through. It is too late for them to change their
minds and back out after things had already been The mercenary is looking for a fight and won't stand 313
agreed.” down easily, but a TR 18 intimidate or streetwise
check will get him to back down. Failing that, a fight
“We have expended time, effort and resources in could break out.
preparing ourselves for this. We have prefabricated
mining equipment and drones aboard. We have “If you're Emissaries, then prove it. One of you fight
drawn up plans for automated refineries. We me.”
already have partnerships negotiated for selling fuel
within the Central Empire.” The mercenary throws down his gun and pulls a
large power knife out of a scabbard around his
“I will not simply leave with nothing to show for it. If waist.
nothing else, my pride simply wouldn't allow it.”
Mercenary Ringleader
If asked about the local miners: Agility 18
Speed 17
“It is regrettable that TCD did not inform them of Toughness 8
their intention to shut down the mining operation Willpower 6
here. We could potentially take some people on as Armour 8 (P) (Medium armour)
permanent advisers and would, of course, be willing Weapons (melee) 4 (+7)
to establish a transitional period. However, our long Damage 1d6+3 (P) (Power knife)
term intention is to automate and expand.” Allies
CQC Training
“We have no intention of causing any harm to Close Combat Expert
anyone, but understand that we will defend our Expert Disarm
assets if necessary. Speaking frankly, I would
appreciate it if you could explain this to the local
people. If they remain civil, there is no need for any

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

After the fight, or after traveling further into the These mercenaries are Economicon Enforcers, clad
compound, a group of more organised looking in battle armour in addition to their subdermal
mercenaries will approach. Each of them is wearing armour and armed with hybrid rifles, heavy pistols
heavier battle armour and subdermal armour plates and power knives.
can be seen implanted under their skin. There's
something vacant and distant about their The waiting room turns out to be a fancier looking
expressions, like they aren't entirely conscious at all. tent, subdivided into several interior spaces. After
waiting for around ten minutes, a scrawny looking
“If you will follow me, I will escort you to a waiting man in expensive robes appears.
room where you may speak with one of the Baron's
representatives.” “Please excuse the Baron for not greeting you
personally, but he is a very busy man. I am one of
The Enforcers will make no more conversation and his advisers and can speak to you on his behalf.”
blankly ignore any questions, beckoning only that
they be followed. If the players ignore them and Before the man can say any more, a very large man,
attempt to wander off, they will issue simple dressed in extravagant red and gold clothing, strides
threats. commandingly into the tent. Behind him, a squad of
heavily armoured mercenaries follows along with
“We cannot allow you to wander around freely. If another, younger man, wearing a suit of baroque
you will not come with us, then we will be forced to looking power armour.
escort you from the premises. We know that might
prove difficult, but we have been fully briefed on “Ah, Baron, I didn't know you were here.”
combat with Emissaries.”
The Baron glares at his advisor, who promptly takes
his cue to leave, head deeply bowed and
continuously facing the larger man.


Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)
“If I had known they had sent Emissaries here, I If asked about the Battlecarrier:
would have extended an invitation to you and held
a great banquet. Oh well, no matter. Here you are! “A true strategist doesn't reveal their trump card.
Hopefully you have come to tell me you have They have nothing but mindless soldiers and that
resolves this whole mess.” ship. I'll grant you that it's a big ship, but there's
more than one way to sink it. I won't say anything
The Baron will listen to the players inattentively, else on the matter.”
occasionally glancing from face to face, studying
their expressions and mannerisms. The Baron will If accused of blackmailing TCD:
admit no fault in what he is doing and dance around
any suggestions of compromise. “That's a serious accusation, I hope you have some
proof. The truth is, it's just business. Either you have
“You have to understand, if TCD has decided to sell proof, and I know you don't, or you have to admit
the land, the mining contract, to us, then that's that our claim is legitimate. I'm bored of this now,
what's going to happen. It may seem unfair or come back when you've convinced those
strange, but that's business. A corporation isn't one Technosapiens to leave.”
person, it can change its priorities at any time. Right
now, their priorities favour us.” When leaving the tent, a TR 16 spot check notices a
dark bird perched on the roof. Aradia also spots it
If the players ask about the miners: and it flies away shortly after.

“Of course we intend to keep the miners employed. “Whoa. That's weird, there aren't any birds on
We wouldn't consider anything else. I don't know Harea.”
the first thing about mining, so I'm counting on their
experience. We will make sure they live comfortably Journey back to Refinery One
and that their money ends up where it won't hurt Aradia is silent for the first half of the journey back,
anyone – lining my pockets. I'm joking of course, but but seems restless. Eventually she decides to speak
they know that we're the better option. We've her mind. She starts by asking about the meetings.
already been talking with the local unions, you see.”
“What did you think of them?” 317
If asked about why they want the mining contract:
She listens to their responses thoughtfully and
“We can't have people dangerously profiting off of responds if the players ask her opinion.
all of these untapped resources. We plan to mine it
for ourselves and make sure that the local economy “I don't know how the miners would cope with the
is undamaged.” Technosapiens taking over the mining operation, it
would be a big change and probably the end of the
If asked about the declining profitability of the world they know. I didn't think that Coren seemed
mining operation: like a bad person though. A bit scary maybe, but I
didn't feel like she was hiding anything. The Baron
“Nonsense, all propaganda. This place is wealth of didn't seem very trustworthy.”
valuable natural resources, its just been
mismanaged.” After a while, Aradia starts again.

If asked about the Technosapiens: “I wanted to see what you were like before I
mentioned anything, but I think I know what the
“Have you met that thing? Monstrous creature. It Baron is really here for. There's something in the
thinks its people just because it can wear dresses canyon. Not just fuel. If he secured the mining
and fake facial expressions. You honestly think it rights, then he'd also have ownership of it. I just
cares at all about the miners? If it doesn't have don't understand how he can know about it.”
them deported and dumped on some local planet or
station, it'll just leave them to starve.” If the players ask about what's in the canyon:

“You need to explain to that Coren that it's over, “It's easier if I just show you tomorrow.”
they lost. When the contract comes through, we're
going to take what belongs to us and the locals are A persistent argument or a relevant TR 14
going to help us do it. They want us here. Nobody communication, expression, manipulation or
else is going to look out for them. Persuade Coren to intimidate check can persuade Aradia to open up a
give up and leave, otherwise we'll fight for it.” bit more.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

“There's a derelict spaceship at the other end of the A TR 14 academics check, using the information
canyon. It doesn't show up on any sensors and you gathered above can allow the following conclusions
can only see bits of it with the naked eye, if you're to be made:
lucky and the winds blow the sand the right way.
There's more though. Don't laugh at me when I say Enough time passed between each murder that a
this, since obviously I'm not an expert, but I don't single attacker could have been responsible for all
think it's a human ship. That has to be it though, three, provided that they did not stop for any
right? They must be after it.” length of time at each location. Some of the
witnesses are either lying or exaggerating, as their
Refinery One (After Meetings) reports contradict or place the attacker where it
When the players return to Refinery One they would have been seen by more people.
immediately come across a commotion. Groups of
outraged miners shouting and arguing about A TR 16 academics check allows some additional
something in the streets. If the players ask what's conclusions to be made:
going on, the angry mob reveals that there's been a
series of murders and they suspect a Technosapien The small indentations were likely made by the
was responsible. The victims were respected union attacker's feet, making a larger creature less likely.
members, involved in negotiations with the Baron, The witnesses who claimed to see a hunched
and were apparently beaten to death by something humanoid, about the size of a man, better
impossibly strong. Some claim that witnesses saw a corroborate each others claims and fit the other
Technosapien lurking around nearby ventilation evidence. The witnesses who claimed to see a larger
shafts. The mob are debating about what to do, figure have too many contradictions in their claims.
with some intending to go hunting for the killer in
small bands. If players are able to gather a decent amount of
evidence and draw some conclusions, then a TR 16
A TR 14 socialise check will allow players to gather knowledge check will cause them to realise that the
the following information: description of the attack does not fit that of a
Technosapien soldier or of a human wearing power
There are currently three victims, all of them were
active members of the local miner's union and all of
armour. A relevant TR 18 knowledge check (such as
robotics, lifeforms or factions of the galaxy) will 318
them were murdered in their own homes a short allow them to know that the profile best fits an
time apart from each other. In each case, the Electrotomb Thrall.
victim's home was forcibly entered and the victim
was violently beaten to death. The crimes could Mob Justice
only have been committed by something far A TR 16 expression, TR 18 communication or
stronger than a normal human. A mechanical figure intimidate, or TR 14 leadership check will allow the
was spotted by some witnesses, skulking around players to influence the actions of the miners,
ventilation shafts near the victim's houses. before they split up and start trying to hunt down
the killer. The mob could be influenced to give up
A TR 16 socialise check will allow the following for their own safety, leaving it to the Emissaries, or
addition information to be found: they could be convinced to help search the
ventilation shafts.
In each case, the door was physically torn off its
hinges for the attacker to gain entry. Nothing was
apparently stolen and no weapons were used,
though strange indentations, smaller than
footprints, were found on the ground. The
mechanical figure was described by one witness as a
hunched humanoid, about the size of an adult and
moved with an unnerving awkwardness. Another
witness described it as a hulking mechanical brute,
much larger than a man. A few people also mention
having noticed a strange bird lately.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Showdown with the Killer Aftermath
A TR 16 investigation or track check will allow the If the players successfully destroy the Thrall and
player to follow the attacker's path through the present it to the miners, correctly identifying and
maze of ventilation shafts. The players should make explaining what it is in the process, then the miners
an additional check for every 10 minutes that will become confused and begin to falter about
passes in the metal labyrinth, with three what to do next. Some will still blame the
consecutive successes allowing them to Technosapiens, not really grasping what has been
immediately catch up and discover the culprit. explained to them, while others will begin to blame
Three consecutive failures allow it to escape, losing the Economicon faction, suspecting foul play on
them forever, unless the miners are also helping to their part. Others will simply give up, believing the
search. If the miners are helping and three situation too complicated and too dangerous for
consecutive failures are rolled, then the miners will them to have a role in. As before, the players may
find the attacker, alerting the players at the cost of choose to influence the mob before it disperses,
their own lives. directing them against either of the two factions or
compelling them to remain uninvolved.
A hunched figure, scrawny, mechanical and clad in
tattered robes can be seen ponderously running If the players do not manage to catch the Thrall, or
down the ventilation shaft ahead. It suddenly stops do not correctly explain the situation to the miners,
and turns to face you, evidently realising that it has then the miners will become increasingly hostile
been caught. Its body is made of a smooth, dull towards the Technosapiens and begin moving to
metal, with a colour something like the surface of join forces with the Baron and his men. Some will
an oil slick. It has the form of a humanoid, but suggest using Essence of Civility to drive the
misshapen and odd proportioned. It's face, Technosapiens off their world. The players may
asymmetrical and lacking recognisable features, lifts exert some influence, either slowing down or
to look directly at you. It begins to stride forwards speeding up this movement, but they will not be
with an unsteady gait, its ball-shaped feet smashing able to completely prevent the growing extremist
deep indentations into the metal floor. Despite its sentiment without diverting all of their time to it.
unassuming size, its movement has the sensation of
great momentum, like a freight train picking up
Aradia is shaken by the events that have occurred at 319
Refinery One, but will eventually come to her
The killer is an Electrotomb Thrall and will attack senses and remember that she has something
aggressively and continuously until it is destroyed. If important to tell the Emissaries, inviting them back
the players wear heavy armour that protects them to her apartment. Aradia's place is converted from
from its fists, it will retrieve a power knife from a an unused maintenance office, midway up one of
bag it has slung over its shoulder. The power knife is the secondary cooling towers on the outer edge of
of the same design used by the mercenaries at the the refinery, giving it a good view into the canyon.
Economicon camp (a TR 14 working memory check
will reveal this immediately if the players that find it The walls of Aradia's apartment are covered with
have been to the camp recently). Other than the cools, concept sketches, blueprints and diagrams
power knife, the bag and the robe, the Thrall relating to primitive flying machines, while much of
possesses no belongings and nothing else that the interior space is taken up by components and
would link it to either the Economicon camp or the unfinished mechanisms.
“Sorry about the mess, sometimes I just wake up
with an idea and can't wait to get the workshops.
My hobby is building flying machines, that's what all
this is.”

If the players didn't persuade her to tell them

earlier, Aradia will continue from where she left off
before, explaining about the derelict alien ship.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

“I make test flights from the top of this cooling
tower with my flying machines... some of them are
more successful than others. That was when I
spotted it, at the far end of the canyon. My radar
isn't anything special, but it didn't show up on it at
all. Also, I know for a fact that they scanned this
whole place from orbit, looking for deposits, when
they chose the location. If it had shown up on those
scans, people would have known about it and dug it
up already.”

“I haven't told anyone here about it, they wouldn't

have believed me anyway. I was planning to go
there and investigate it one day, but it's near a
worm hive. It's silly, but I had this dumb idea that
maybe I could make a spaceship out of its parts or
find an intact shuttle in it. I've dreamed about flying
away from this place since I was little.”

“I can take you there whenever you want. It's quite

a long journey by gravsled, probably why nobody
ever found it before. Well, that and the worms.
Landing your ship there would be tricky, but we
might manage it. We could also use my thopter, it's
light enough to land on the sand, but it only has
room for two.”

“If we leave now, it'll be night by the time we get

there on a gravsled and I don't really fancy that. We
could probably make it back here by night if we 320
used your ship or my thopter though. Up to you

A TR 16 spot check will notice a strange black bird,

perched on a neighboring rooftop.

Travel by Ship
If the players choose to travel immediately and use
their own ship, then they will have to make a short
journey back to the PDF base to retrieve it first. If
they prevented the miners from becoming hostile
towards the Technosapiens, then they will find the
base largely unoccupied and nothing eventful will

If they did not manage to prevent the miners from

becoming hostile towards the Technosapiens, they
will discover that some of the Baron's Enforcers are
present, lead by the young man in baroque power
armour. A large number of miners are also carrying
out hurried maintenance on Essence of Civility and
preparing it with fuel and ammunition.

If the players confront the young man, he will speak

to them.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

“I am Augustus Kelly, the Baron's nephew and Augustus Kelly
commander of his Enforcers. These good people Agility 16
have approached us out of fear and we have Speed 19
pledged to help defend them. I can assure you that I Toughness 8
have no intention of starting a pointless conflict Willpower 8
here, but I will not simply stand aside and watch Armour 18 (P)
these people suffer. If the Technosapiens intend to (Powered battle armour)
move against them, then I will stand in their way.” Weapons (melee) 5 (+12)
Damage 1d10+7 (P) (Power sword)
A TR 14 or better sense motive check will reveal CQC Training
only that Augustus Kelly believes in what he is Close Combat Expert
saying and that he does not have any personal Expert Disarm
ulterior motive. He is resistant to any attempts to
make him back down and return to his camp. If the Adrenal Injectors
players mention that they found an Economicon Boosted Muscles
power knife on the killer (if they defeated it, but
didn't explain to the miners), he will demand to see True to his word, the Enforcers will leave and return
it. to the Economicon camp if he is killed or sounded
defeated and spared.
“I find that hard to believe, are you suggesting that
our men were involved in this attack? Let me see Travel by Gravsled
this knife.” If the players choose to leave immediately, they will
arrive at the alien derelict at nightfall. A TR 18 spot
If the players allow him to see the knife, then he can check notices a strange bird circling high overhead.
be persuaded with a TR 16 intimidate,
communication or expression check to return to the If the players choose to leave the next morning and
camp with his men, to speak to his uncle. If they do left someone to watch over Aradia, stayed with her
not allow him to see it, then he will remain or persuaded her to stay with them, then they will
unpersuaded. arrive at the alien derelict by midday. A TR 18 spot
check notices a strange bird circling high overhead. 321
If the players mention that the killer was an
Electrotomb Thrall, not a Technosapien, then he will If the players choose to leave the next morning, but
seem shocked and confused. left Aradia in her apartment alone, then they will
discover that she has gone missing overnight.
“What do you mean? That's impossible! She... This
very troubling. I need to speak to my uncle.” Travel by Thopter
If the players choose to leave immediately, then
Kelly will gather his men and leave shortly after this. one of them may ride with Aradia in the thopter
Before he leaves, a TR 16 expression or TR 18 and reach the derelict by late afternoon. A TR 18
communication check will encourage him to spill a spot check notices a strange bird following behind
few more details. the thopter.

“There is an Electrotomb Ghost on this world, one

that I considered a friend. However, I am starting to
suspect that we might all be pawns in her... it its
plan. I need to leave now.”

If the players do not have the knife or know about

the Thrall, but refuse to back down until Kelly
leaves, or threaten him in the process, then he will
propose a duel.

“It is clear to me that you are as stubborn as you are

powerful. I have made my intentions clear, but I do
not wish to cause unnecessary bloodshed. I will
challenge one of you to single combat by blade. If
you can slay me here, then I give you my word that
my men will stand down and leave this place. In
honesty, I've always wanted to test myself against
one of your kind.”

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Alien Derelict The strange bird that may have been spotted is
The wreckage of the crashed alien ship is obscured actually the Electrocoffin of the Ghost, Ker Cudail.
by a jagged range of shattered cliffs, fractured and Cudail is the one who knew of the crashed alien ship
broken into rubble by the original impact. Careful on Harea, though not its precise location, and
observation from the air, requiring a TR 16 spot manipulated the Economicon sect into searching for
check, will allow a character to notice shards of a it. Throughout the scenario, Cudail has attempted
strange iridescent metal protruding from patches of to incite discord between the Baron's forces, the
sand. The crash was evidently catastrophic and any Technosapiens and the miners, hoping to draw
large pieces of the derelict are clearly embedded them into a conflict with each other. Cudail has also
deep in the ground. A find like this would be of been searching for the location of the alien
major significance to the galactic community and wreckage and will have discovered this information
any intact technology would be virtually priceless. It from Aradia, by following and spying on the players
does not require an intelligence check to realise from a distance. As well as the one that committed
why the Baron would be so desperate to secure the murders, Cudail possesses seven other Thralls,
mining rights to the land. four at the Economicon encampment and three
others, hidden in standby mode around Refinery
Landing a ship larger than Aradia's thopter is One. Ker Cudail has normal stats for an Electrotomb
difficult because of the loose sand, a TR 18 pilot Ambassador, though her Thralls have access to
check would be needed successfully land or take off power knives and portable railguns.
there. A failed attempt to land on sand should not
result in a crash, but would require the landing The alien derelict also hides a dark secret. The ship
attempt to be aborted. A critical failure could result was originally destroyed by a sentient weapon of a
in collapsed landing gear or more serious damage. different alien race that burrowed its way inside,
Additionally, such a landing would inevitably attract like a giant metal parasite, causing the ship to crash.
the attention of a number of giant hooded worms Its mission complete, the living weapon, buried
from the nearby worm hive. deep beneath the sand, fell into a state of
dormancy, awaiting orders that would never come.
Investigating the crash site will only reveal small and However, Cudail has obtained a method of waking
scattered chunks of the alien metal, with a few
larger pieces embedded firmly into the sand. It will
the sleeping weapon and will do so after discovering
its location. 322
quickly become clear that a large scale excavation
would be required to discover whether anything The Sleeper
intact or more substantial remains buried beneath Body
the sand. Prolonged investigation or attempts to Vehicle scale Heavy
move larger pieces of wreckage by digging them out Agility 15
and dislodging them from the sand will attract the Speed 17
attention of giant worms. Toughness 14 (VH)
Willpower 12
A TR 16 spot check will notice a strange bird circling Armour 6/6/6 (P) (VH)
high overhead. Weapons (ranged) 5 (+10)
Damage 3d12/2d12/1d12 (P) (VH)
Concluding the Scenario (Antimatter beam)
How the conclusion to this scenario plays out will All terrain
depend on the choices the players have made and Artificial intelligence
the consequences of their actions. A number of Decoys (5)
different possible outcomes are presented below. Motile
However, each of these outcomes has certain Shields (9/9/9) (VH)
elements in common. Stabilised

Antimatter beam
Range (km) 100/500/1000
Damage 3d20/2d20/1d20 (P) (VH)
Ammunition 1
Blast (1km radius)
Slow reload

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

The Sleeper must drop its shields the round before In the aftermath of the battle against The Sleeper,
it fires its antimatter beam, the shields remain Ambassador Coren will agree to work with the
down for the following two rounds. surviving miners, allowing them to remain on Harea
if they wish. She will also agree to permit Emissaries
Legs (x10) and researchers from the Empire to assess the
Vehicle scale Medium location of the alien wreck, doing with it as they see
Agility 15 fit. If the Baron survives, he will attempt to flee the
Toughness 20 (VM) planet, leaving behind many confused mercenaries.
Armour 40/40/40 (P) (VM) If he his caught, he will lose his claim to the mining
Weapons (ranged) 5 (+10) rights (having been cut loose by his contacts in TCD)
Damage 3d8/2d8/1d8 (P) (VM) and be put on trial for his involvement in the
(Heavy laser) incident.

Destroying a leg of The Sleeper reduces the If Aradia survives, she will ask the Emissaries to give
toughness, agility and speed of the body by 1, these her a ride to the nearest space station hub, so she
penalties stack as additional legs are destroyed. The can finally achieve her dream of leaving Harea. If
Sleeper will continue to move if all of its legs are the players refuse, she will instead go to work for
destroyed, gaining the hover trait. Ambassador Coren.

The Sleeper was a weapon belonging to an Conclusion 2: Desperate Last Stand

unknown alien race who were at war with the race ● The players failed to diffuse tensions between
that built the Dyson Sphere Fragment in the the miners and the Technosapiens
Graveyard. Its body is a misshapen egg, almost a ● Aradia was not kidnapped by Ker Cudail
hundred metres in diameter, bulging with smooth ● The players discovered the alien wreckage
ridges and domes of a pitch black metal. Its outline
shimmers, as if perpetually cloaked in a visual Events proceed as they did in Differences Aside,
distortion like an intense heat haze. From the top of except that while the players were investigating the
its body, ten enormous, multi-jointed, spider-like wreckage of the alien derelict, the miners and the
legs sprout and curl around to touch the ground.
Though presumably capable of space flight, it walks
Economicon forces mounted an attack with the
Essence of Civility on the Technosapien 323
with an eerily smooth motion, its central body Battlecarrier. The Battlecarrier survives the battle,
perfectly stabilised. but loses three of its bombers and half of its
interceptors, while the Essence of Civility is
Conclusion 1: Differences Aside completely disabled.
● The players diffused tensions between the
miners and Technosapiens In the aftermath of the battle against The Sleeper,
● Aradia was not kidnapped by Ker Cudail Ambassador Coren will refuse to work with the
● The players discovered the alien wreckage surviving miners, arranging for them to be deported
● The players return to Ambassador Coren to off world. However, she will agree to permit
discuss the situation Emissaries and researchers from the Empire to
assess the location of the alien wreck, doing with it
After inadvertently leading Cudail to the location of as they see fit. If the Baron survives, he will attempt
the alien derelict, Cudail will awaken The Sleeper as to flee the planet, leaving behind many confused
soon as the players leave (or after a short while if mercenaries. If he his caught, he will lose his claim
they do not). The Sleeper will immediately make its to the mining rights (having been cut loose by his
presence known by marching towards Refinery Two, contacts in TCD) and be put on trial for his
which it will destroy with its weapon if it isn't stalled involvement in the incident.
before it can get there. Ambassador Coren will
agree to help defend the miners, allowing her If Aradia survives, she will ask the Emissaries to give
Battlecarrier and its attack craft to join with the her a ride to the nearest space station hub, so she
Essence of Civility in a battle against The Sleeper. can finally achieve her dream of leaving Harea. If
During the confusion, Cudail's Thralls will activate the players refuse, she will dejectedly remain on
and attempt to assassinate Baron Lustig and Harea.
Augustus Kelly (if he lives), to hide her involvement.
Players may attempt to take command of the
defending vehicles, or participate in any other way
they can.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Conclusion 3: The Sleeper Awakens “I was once one of the living, happy, content, loved
● Aradia was kidnapped by Ker Cudail and he took my family from me. I couldn't go on
● The players did not discover the alien wreckage anymore, but I didn't want to give up without any
hope of justice. Without any hope of revenge. I
Ker Cudail kidnaps Aradia and uses her to find the swore to take everything from him. His life. His
alien wreckage. The Sleeper announces its existence family. His power. His legacy.”
by obliterating Refinery Two and marching towards
Refinery One. The Battlecarrier and Essence of “I joined a pilgrimage to the Electrotomb and took
Civility will prepare to engage The Sleeper and do so my life there, becoming what you call a Ghost. An
as soon as they can be readied. Aradia has been infinity of memories are stored there, some as old as
trapped aboard The Sleeper and will be killed if it is time. I spoke to them and they spoke to me. That's
destroyed. A rescue attempt can be mounted if one when I met it. It spoke to me, told me of Harea and
of The Sleeper's legs can be destroyed, leaving a The Sleeper in the sands. Told me how to wake it. I
hole in its armour through which the internals can just needed to get close. I became more than I ever
be reached. However, such a rescue attempt would had been when I was alive. I changed there. It
likely require an extremely dangerous aerial became a part of me. I can feel it even now. I would
manoeuvre. During the confusion, Cudail's Thralls wake The Sleeper and it would grant me the
will activate and attempt to assassinate Baron Lustig complete revenge I desired.”
and Augustus Kelly (if he lives), to hide her
involvement. What the players do with Cudail is their decision to
make. They could choose to destroy her, pass her
In the aftermath of the battle against The Sleeper, over to Imperial authorities or even return her to
Ambassador Coren will agree to work with the the custody of the Ghosts.
surviving miners, allowing them to remain on Harea
if they wish. She will also agree to permit Emissaries GM Notes
and researchers from the Empire to assess the Wings over Harea is an advanced scenario due to its
location of the alien wreck, doing with it as they see higher difficulty and more open nature, both in
fit. If the Baron survives, he will attempt to flee the terms of the choices players may make and the
planet, leaving behind many confused mercenaries.
If he his caught, he will lose his claim to the mining
impact those choices have. As a GM you may have
to invent additional NPCs to populate locations that 324
rights (having been cut loose by his contacts in TCD) players choose to explore and be prepared to invent
and be put on trial for his involvement in the descriptions for objects or places that catch their
incident. attention.

If Aradia survives, she will give up her dream of More esoteric Emissary powers, such as Animate
travelling into space, deciding instead of remain on Dead or Thought Police may also allow players to
Harea to help the survivors. access information that would otherwise be very
hard to find. In such cases, you should use best
Catching Ker Cudail judgement and don't be afraid of allowing things to
In all scenarios, if The Sleeper is destroyed, Ker stray from the path you had in mind. If things seem
Cudail will attempt to assassinate the Baron and his to be going too off track, you could use Aradia or
nephew, then escape by stealing his personal the sudden appearance of Cudail to push things in
transport in the confusion. If one or more of the another direction. Remember that failing the
players are present at the Economicon camp while mission is an entirely possible outcome, one that
this happens, they may attempt to prevent the could lead to an interesting follow up, dealing with
assassination attempt and stop Cudail from the ramifications of collapsing peace between the
escaping. If the players are able to capture Cudail Central Empire and Technosapien faction.
without killing her, she will reveal that she had a
personal grudge against the Baron.

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Adventure Hooks The Whispering Death
This section will outline a few ideas for scenarios Decades since her last appearance, rumours abound
that could be used as a starting point or be that the infamous Witch and mass murderer, Heiyd
expanded upon and fleshed out into full scenarios. The Whispering Death, has resurfaced. Sightings
Remember that the galaxy is vast and full of have placed her as operating from the death world,
possibility, so don't feel constrained to these alone. Groei. The situation explodes out of control when a
You might mix in ideas and inspirations from your tainted batch Methuselah is discovered in
favourites novels, movies or video games. circulation, reducing its victims to mindless zombies.

Blood and Thunder Players must brave the death world to track down
A rogue Cetuscyborg of colossal size has been Heiyd, destroy her manufacturing facilities and
terrorising stations and shipping along the edge of uncover the end game of her plans. If a cure exists,
the Great Maelstrom. Unpredictable and savage, she may be the only one who can provide it.
attempts to intercept it have been fraught with
disaster. A lone Insectoid whaler, Captain Maviakos, From the Beyond
prepares to launch his vessel into the depths of the A Ghost Ambassador comes to tell of a divide within
Maelstrom to track down and destroy the beast, the Electrotomb that could result in a war between
seeking Emissaries and other exotic talents to join the dead. Ancient memories stirring from the
his crew. depths, a voice that something is coming and sides
need to be chosen. His message is vague, but he is
Players must descend into one of the most certain that a Ghost civil war has great ramifications
dangerous and unpredictable locations in the galaxy for the galaxy in the time to come.
to face down one of its most powerful monsters. As
the insanity increases, who knows what dark secrets Players must travel to the Electrotomb and use a
will be revealed. risky technology to enter a death-like state.
Entering its bizarre digital world, they must expose
The Indira Report the seeds of an ancient evil and resolve the conflict.
A seemingly alien space station has been discovered However, the longer they remain, the harder it
just beneath the surface of the Indira star. Though
completely intact, it remains inaccessible due to the
becomes to return.
extreme temperatures. Timeless Builders from the A Monster's Machinations
surrounding systems flock to its location, drawn in A Renfta Tur interstellar cargo hauler of
by some undetectable signal. Only a prototype considerable size goes out of control while in low
vessel with a mirror-steel hull can reach the station orbit over a major Bioartisan facility on Carson. The
before melting, but the acceleration required would incident results in thousands of deaths, but also
kill any normal pilots. Famed researcher, Joan Sol, exposes the horrifying illegal activities that had
reaches out to the guild of Emissaries for help. been taking place there in the name of the Uaerom
family. Emissaries are brought in to stop the fleeing
Players must travel to the interior of a star to Uaerom before they can evade capture.
unravel the mystery of the strange station. Using up
Sympathy merely to survive the journey and Players face a dangerous and resourceful enemy
needing some in reserve for the return trip, they who has been backed into a corner by
must overcome the challenges they find without unpredictable circumstances. They may also
relying on their powers. discover that there is more to Solanin Cain, the local
Renfta Tur manager, than they might have
Escape from Atraxis imagined.
The daughter of a wealthy Imperial politician is
kidnapped by pirates operating from a base on the
hellish world of Atraxis, after their ship was disabled
and boarded. The pirates have turned an
abandoned colony dome into a veritable fortress
that only Emissaries have any hope of penetrating.
To make matters worse, they will execute the girl in
24 hours if their demands are not met.

Players must race against time to locate and rescue

the girl. Meanwhile, the politician's dishonesty
about his ship's other cargo will cause them new

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Academics 42 Character creation 8
Acceleration 151 Character sheet 25
Actions 6 Characteristics 4, 20
Additional weapon rules 119 Charisma skills 52
Advancement points 30 Charisma traits 70
Adventure hooks 325 Climbing 34
Armour 95, 123 Collisions 151
Armour qualities 124 Combat 90
Artefacts 133-139 Communication 52
Asceticism 78 Composure skills 39
Athletics 33 Composure traits 66
Attacking 92 Concentration 39
Augmentations 140, 142 Corruption 76
Automatic failures 55 Costume 48
Automatic successes 55 Cover 92
Avians 10 Craft 44
Awareness skills 46 Crawling 89
Awareness traits 68 Credit 112
Critical failures 55
B Critical injury 101
Basic chemical weapons 115 Critical successes 55
Basic energy weapons 116 Crouching 89
Basic hybrid weapons 117 Custom armour 125
Bioartisans 221 Custom weapons 122
Biological augmentations 142 Cybernetic augmentations 140
Black holes 200 Cyberspace 211
Burst attack
Character creation
8 D 326
Character sheet 25 Deathworlds 205
Characteristics 4, 20 Defects 151
Charisma skills 52 Deterrence 79
Charisma traits 70 Dexterity skills 35
Climbing 34 Dexterity traits 64
Collisions 151 Disarm 95
Combat 90 Disease and poisons 105-110
Communication 52 Divine Imperial Majesty 217
Composure skills 39 Drive and pilot 35
Composure traits 66 Drugs and medicine 144-148
Concentration 39 Dual wielding 93
Corruption 76 Duty 84
Costume 48
Cover 92 E
Craft 44 Earth-like planets 195
Crawling 89 Economiconists 223
Credit 112 Economy 112
Critical failures 55 Electrotomb 209, 224
Critical injury 101 Electrotomb Ghosts 224
Critical successes 55 Emissaries 219
Crouching 89 Emissary vehicles 187-188
Custom armour 125 Emissary weapons 127-132
Custom weapons 122 Encroaching Shadows 276
Cybernetic augmentations 140 Endurance skills 38
Cyberspace 211 Endurance traits 65

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Enforcement 80 M
Escaping vehicles 186 Manipulation 53
Exotic materials 126 Manoeuvres 151
Exotic weapons 118 Mass combat 96
Expression 52 Mechanoids 16
Extreme weather 196, 197 Medicine 44
Medium vehicle weapons 152-153
F Medium vehicles 162-174
Fallen Emissaries 225 Melee weapons 120
Falling 89 Mental damage 102
Fatigue 88 Mental injuries 102
Fringe worlds 210 Microgravity 38, 88
Movement 88
Gaining credit 112 N
Galaxy map 193-194 Narrative combat 90
Grappling 94 Navigation 45
Great Maelstrom 208 Neutron stars 200
Gymnastics 36 No pressure skill checks 32

Handle animal 54 Opposing skill checks 32
Healing injuries 101 Opposition 6
Healing mental injuries 102
Heavy vehicle weapons 153 P
Heavy vehicles 175-185 Pacifism 81
Heavy worlds 196 Physical damage 101
Heroes and villains
Hive worlds
Positional combat
Powers overview
86 327
Humans 12 Prepared actions 91
Presence skills 48
I Presence traits 69
Ideals 75 Provoking an attack 89
Improvised attacks 93 Psionics 41
Injuries 101 Psychosis 103
Insectoids 14
Intelligence traits 67 R
Intellignce skills 42 Races 9
Intimidate 49 Reactions 6
Investigation 46 Reptillians 18
Restraint 82
J Rounds and turns 6
Jovians 199 Ruins Without Duty 289
Ruins Without Duty map 287-288
Knowledge 43 S
Scenarios 275
L Sense motive 47
Larceny 37 Simulcra 74
Leadership 50 Skill checks 5, 32
Lifeforms 233-270 Skills 20, 32
Light vehicle weapons 152 Socialise 54
Light vehicles 157-161 Special ammunition 119
Listen 46 Speed 88
Long term memory 39 Spot 47
Losing credit 112 Spray and pray 93

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

Stamina 39
Stamina 88
Stances 95
Stars 200
Starvation 195
Stealth 38
Streetwise 51
Strength skills 33
Strength traits 63
Stress 104
Suppression 83
Surprise 91
Survival 42
Swimming 39, 88
Sympathy 6, 74

TRs 5, 32
Targeting vehicle crew 186
Technology 43
Technosapiens 227
Timeless builders 229
Timeline 190-191
Tiredness 88
Tools 114
Track 48
21, 58
104 328
Unarmed 34, 92
Unconsciousness 101
Universal traits 59-62
Unusual traits 71-72

Vehicle armour 149
Vehicle crew 186
Vehicle modules 149
Vehicle scale 150
Vehicle traits 154-156
Vehicle weapons 149

Weapon qualities 121
Weapons (melee) 35, 92
Weapons (ranged) 38, 92
Weather 195
Wings Over Harea 305
Wings Over Harea map 303-304
Witches of Cetebos 230
Working memory 45
World Tree 210
Wormholes 216

Pablo Franco (Order #19325098)

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