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YMCA Kids & Family

Children’s Summer Camps

Call Nora Busby at 678-507-9632 or

Make-Believe Ballet Camp ages 3-5: Invitations to the

royal ball, crowns, arts and crafts, music, literature and
costumes will engage your child’s senses and develop
imagination. There will be a performance at the end of
the week. Bring a snack and have a fantastic week of fun!
June 16-20, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Members Save
MEM: $100 PRO: $150

Puppet Mania Art Camp coed ages 7-10:

Each day we will discover and create new types of

puppets. We will explore everything from paper bag
puppets to marionettes. Students will let their

Creative Celebrations ages 4-12: Invite

imaginations run wild with each new character.
A 3-day camp!
Members Save
June 24-26, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (T/W/TH) your friends to come and create!
Activities include drawing, painting,
MEM: $60 PRO: $90 crafts or puppet making! After 45 to 60

Hip Hop Dance Camp ages 6-10: Come dance to the

minute activity, you may stay in the
Community Room to enjoy your cake and
latest hip hop music! Learn energetic freestyle moves socialize. Materials included. “Creations”
while doing choreography as seen in music videos. can be taken home as party favors!
Design your own shirt and hat for the Call Kim, 404-245-6424 or
performance on the last day of camp.
Members Save Up to 10 Children Members Save
July 7-11, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $50 $30
MEM: $120 PRO: $150
MEM: $100 PRO: $150
11 to 15 Children
Gymnastics Camp ages 3-6: This coed camp offers MEM: $170 PRO: $200
balance beam, springboard, bars, arts and crafts and
more! This camp will help develop your child’s athletic 16 to 20 Children
abilities, self-esteem and promote good exercise habits MEM: $220 PRO: $250
for the future. Experience fitness fun this summer! Bring a
lunch. Instructed by Julie Plants, Owner/Operator of
Babysitting Class ages 10+: Learn basic
July 28-August 1, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Members Save child care, accident prevention, how to
MEM: $150 PRO: $195 $45 handle emergencies, entertainment
ideas, home and fire safety and much

Upcoming Events
more. Includes wallet ID card, handbook
and first aid manual. Bring a doll to class.
Sundays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Members Save
YMCA Bizarre: Sell your stuff here! June 14, 8 am - 2 pm June 22, July 20, August 17 $10
Movie Night: Free Movie Fun! Thurs., July 17, 6:30 pm MEM: $25 PRO: $35
Back to School Cookout: Thurs., August 7, 4:30 - 6:00 pm

Northeast Cobb YMCA • Summer 2008 • 678-569-9622 •

YMCA Kids & Family
Fun in the
New Ypod
Ypod Games, Friends & Fun!

Parent’s Morning Out members only ages 2-5: We

will babysit your children while you enjoy a morning of

shopping, running errands, going to appointments or
Games, Friends Fun!
just some blissful quiet! Bring a lunch! You must
pre-register by the Thursday before (at the registration
desk or online at Held in the
Activites Room. Limited availablity.
Creative Arts

*New* Select-A-Class ages 3–11 yrs:

Fridays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
May 30 • June 6 • June 13 • June 27 • July 18
Enroll just for the classes you want!
July 25 • August 8 Supplies are included! Prices are per
MEM: $15 child/day class/per date!

Parent’s Night Out members only ages 2-12: Parents Ages 3-5: **Must be potty trained**
can enjoy an evening out while their children have a Tuesdays, 12:30 - 1:00 pm
fun and exciting time at the Y! Enjoy free play, crafts,
movie and much more. Dinner provided. Please April 1: Water Color Painting
register by the Wednesday before the event. No online April 8: Paper Landscapes
registration. April 15: Silly Masks
Ages 2-5 in Kiddie Cove • Ages 5-12 in The Clubhouse April 22: Lady Bugs & Beetles
Fridays, 6:00 - 10:00 pm: June 13, July 18 & Aug. 8 April 29: Cherry Blossom Trees
MEM: $15 ($10 for each additional child) May 6: Flowers

Coming Soon...
Members Save
May 13: Puppets
May 20: Modeling Clay

Toddler Time members only ages 3-5: A pre-school MEM: $7 PRO: $10
style morning out. Must be potty trained. Are you
looking for a place for your toddler to have fun? This Ages 6-11:
program offers two structured mornings for your child Thursdays, 4:00 - 4:45 pm
to have fun while they socialize and learn. Bring a
lunch. Registration by the month. April 3: Shapes and Shading
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm April 10: Mandalas (Circular patterns)
April 17: Monsters
More details coming this fall.....
April 24: Pastel Landscapes
May 1: Van Gogh Rooms
May 8: Transportation
Nora Busby May 15: Sea Creatures
Members Save
Family Services Director May 22: Perspective City $5
phone: 678-569-9622 Ext. 233
MEM: $10 PRO: $15

Northeast Cobb YMCA • Summer 2008 • 678-569-9622 •


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