puppets. We will explore everything from paper bag
puppets to marionettes. Students will let their
Upcoming Events
more. Includes wallet ID card, handbook
and first aid manual. Bring a doll to class.
Sundays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Members Save
YMCA Bizarre: Sell your stuff here! June 14, 8 am - 2 pm June 22, July 20, August 17 $10
Movie Night: Free Movie Fun! Thurs., July 17, 6:30 pm MEM: $25 PRO: $35
Back to School Cookout: Thurs., August 7, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
shopping, running errands, going to appointments or
Games, Friends Fun!
just some blissful quiet! Bring a lunch! You must
pre-register by the Thursday before (at the registration
desk or online at Held in the
Activites Room. Limited availablity.
Creative Arts
Parent’s Night Out members only ages 2-12: Parents Ages 3-5: **Must be potty trained**
can enjoy an evening out while their children have a Tuesdays, 12:30 - 1:00 pm
fun and exciting time at the Y! Enjoy free play, crafts,
movie and much more. Dinner provided. Please April 1: Water Color Painting
register by the Wednesday before the event. No online April 8: Paper Landscapes
registration. April 15: Silly Masks
Ages 2-5 in Kiddie Cove • Ages 5-12 in The Clubhouse April 22: Lady Bugs & Beetles
Fridays, 6:00 - 10:00 pm: June 13, July 18 & Aug. 8 April 29: Cherry Blossom Trees
MEM: $15 ($10 for each additional child) May 6: Flowers
Coming Soon...
Members Save
May 13: Puppets
May 20: Modeling Clay
Toddler Time members only ages 3-5: A pre-school MEM: $7 PRO: $10
style morning out. Must be potty trained. Are you
looking for a place for your toddler to have fun? This Ages 6-11:
program offers two structured mornings for your child Thursdays, 4:00 - 4:45 pm
to have fun while they socialize and learn. Bring a
lunch. Registration by the month. April 3: Shapes and Shading
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm April 10: Mandalas (Circular patterns)
April 17: Monsters
More details coming this fall.....
April 24: Pastel Landscapes
May 1: Van Gogh Rooms
May 8: Transportation
Nora Busby May 15: Sea Creatures
Members Save
Family Services Director May 22: Perspective City $5
phone: 678-569-9622 Ext. 233
MEM: $10 PRO: $15