Questionnaire: A Study On Home Loans With Reference To SBH Bank in Coimbatore. Questionnaire To Know
Questionnaire: A Study On Home Loans With Reference To SBH Bank in Coimbatore. Questionnaire To Know
Questionnaire: A Study On Home Loans With Reference To SBH Bank in Coimbatore. Questionnaire To Know
A study on home loans with reference to SBH Bank in Coimbatore. Questionnaire to know
your views and satisfaction level of home loans.
1. Name: ____________________
2. Age:
3. Occupation:
(e) Others
7. Are you Satisfied with the services provided? (on 5 point scale)
1 2 3 4 5
8. While taking loan, which things attract you the most?
9. Even if the Interest rate is high for the personal loans, you will go for it?
11. Even if the Interest rate is high for the Home loans, you will go for it?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
If Yes, then, Proceed………
Yes [ ] No [ ]
If Yes, then, proceed……..
15. From which of the following banks you have got if financed?
16. From where have you got information about home loans scheme?
Newspapers [ ] Magazines [ ]
Hoarding/banners [ ] Word of mouth [ ]
Any other (please specify)...........................................
17. What problems did you face while getting home loans?
a. Lack of knowledge
b. Procedural delays and non cooperation
c. Any other (please specify) ........................................
19. What suggestions do you want to give for improvements in home loans Scheme?