A Study On Farmer Opinion On Crop Loan in Jangoan District

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Gender: A. Male B. Female


A. Below 25 years B. 25 to 35 years C. 35 to 50 years D. 50 above years


A. Illiterates B. Up to 10th Class C. Intermediate D. Graduation

Income per Month:

A. Less than Rs.20,000/- B. Rs. 20,000/- to 30,000/- C. Rs.30,000/- to 40,000/- D. Above



A. Business B. Employee C. Farmer D. Other Category (Specify)

Marital Status:

A. Married B. Unmarried C. Widow/Divorce

1. From which Bank did you take Crop Loan ( )
a. Telangana Grameena Bank b. Central Bank of India
c. State Bank of India d. Other Specify
2. What product do you Cultivate ( )
a. Rice A) Yes B) No
b. Sugarcane A) Yes B) No
c. Sweet corn A) Yes B) No
d. Cotton A) Yes B) No
3. What is the amount taken as Crop Loan ( )
a. Less than Rs. 50000/-
b. Rs.50,000 to 1,00,000/-
c. Rs. 1,00,000/- to 3,00,000/-
d. More than Rs. 3,00,000/-
4. Which type of Crop Loan did you taken ( )
a. Short term loan
b. Medium term loan
c. Long term loan
5. What are the Reasons for taking Crop Loan ( )
a. Lack of Money
b. To avail the Scheme
c. As an additional Money
6. Do you always take Loan from the same Bank ( )
a. Yes
b. No
7. How do you repay the Loan Amount ( )
a. Monthly
b. Yearly
c. At time after the crop
8. Is the interest amount paid ( )
a. Yes
b. No
9. What is the Interest Rate charged on Crop Loan ( )
a. 14.50%
b. 13.50%
c. 12.90%
d. 12.50%
10. When compare to other Banks the Interests charged on Crop Loans is ( )
a. More
b. Same
c. Less
11. How did you come to know about scheme of Crop Loan ( )
a. Farmer
b. Banks
c. Media
d. Other Specify
12. Does processing of Loan require submission of documents ( )
a. Yes
b. No
13. If yes what type of documents did you submit ( )
a. Aadhar card
b. Bank Pass Book
c. Other specify
14. Is any security taken before giving Loan ( )
a. Yes
b. No
15. If yes what type of security is accepted ( )
a. IT Papers
b. Property Papers
c. Jewelry
d. Other Specify
16. What is the processing time taken for loan ( )
a. Less than 10days
b. 10 days to 1 month
c. 1 month to 2 months
d. More than 2 months
17. Are you satisfied with the processing time for Crop Loan ( )
a. Satisfied
b. Neither Satisfied or Dis-Satisfied
c. Di-Satisfied
18. Are you satisfied with the Loan Amount ( )
a. Satisfied
b. Neither Satisfied or Dis-Satisfied
c. Di-Satisfied
19. Do you recommended increase in the Loan Amount ( )
a. Yes
b. No
20. Will you recommended Crop Loan Scheme to others ( )
a. Yes
b. No
21. Any Suggestions __________________

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