Wira Electronic FFM

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WIRA Electronic Fibre

Order Code FFM:ELE

Fineness Meter

The WIRA Fibre Fineness Meter

utilises the well proven air flow
principle with which the average
diameter of wool fibres can be
obtained quickly. An on-board
microprocessor automatically con-
trols the operation of the instru-
ment and calculates test results for
direct reading on a liquid crystal
display, and if required, relayed to
a printer or PC, using optional
Windows software. drawn through the sample by a
Results can be automatically vacuum pump supplied with the
stored on the instrument and instrument. Electronic sensors
downloaded at the end of a testing measure both the airflow and the
session. air pressure, from which the fibre
diameter is automatically calculated.
Fibres & Yarns

Each meter is calibrated using

standard dry-combed tops avail- Features
able from Interwoollabs. G Automatic calculation of
Calibration for dry combed tops is values
carried out in accordance with G Direct reading of results
method 2 in test method IWTO-6-
G Complies with latest
98. For the testing of loose wool
core samples, the meter is cali- IWTO recommendations
brated using short randomised G On-board Microprocessor
open fibre, prepared from standard G Ergonomically designed
tops following the procedure laid G Electronic flow and
down in test method to IWTO-28- pressure sensors
G 80-character liquid
Special calibration is available for
crystal display
the testing of fibres other than
wool e.g. cashmere, mohair etc. G Soft touch keypad
Optional temperature and humidi- G RS232 output to
ty probe allows automatic record- printer or PC
ing of lab conditions. G Re-calibration facility
included with software
Test Method G Full calibrated service
A 2.5g sample of fibres is placed available for existing
in the sample chamber. Air is instruments
10 www.wira.com

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