General Radio 1973 Catalog, GenRad, GR

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!: 'Table 'of Co:ntents,


,SOllJlrul ,an ell] Vi braliioln , , .

~nduslriL:l~ HeaJing Gon~eNanM _ P:roducl·:N else Flech.!cUon

S:i~ nal Anal'Ys~s. ~nd G rmp hie lRec:oHHfIIg

. . .• 24

.... ~ ..


Oscillators <1Ifid NOIS"~ Gener,81:tQt!;t 74

Gerl! eral~nslmme I"! l:alion and Aocessories 86

IC:om'p'Onlefnt an d Nel~w[Jllr:k:,.,es:t'in!IJ

,AI.Ucrna:lic on d ICQmpl.ltowaCcnlJo11e d SystQms .1 OS

A ~[ClmaUc .Ek i dge:s ,

Man~ a.I I m pedal':! ce E! r~dges .•

Capac fiance 8., idges. and Shlll1dan'lfj .... • • . . . . 155 Ftesisls nee B rJ dges ,and Standards • , , . . . . . . • .. UU)


Hi'Q'h Freq'uell1'c,'

System,s • ._.. + ••••• , _ 201

Smuce.s . , .. .. + , • 21'9 GR6"74® .tInd GR:900~' Go.u::h:d 'Pavices, ..•.•• " •.. 237


81mb ()~alC@J 'Stroboscopes + ... , 'V ati !;tc,' lin!!" V'ollage Ccmt rnl

269 ,2SS

So u r'C:'~8·. ,l\1:I:el1 u ators, a nd Co u nti::! rs ..• •• + .. • • 31"3

Mi.s(;IlIHany " ...• . . .........,. 331




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OR/TODAY. serving its customers t _r: ugh a W'ORLD-WIDE SALES AND SER









The sates! service lacil1Ues Identiffed 01'1 the preced· ing p~es hOive been goographlcally leeated SO as to shorten as much as oossible the communi'cation link, be'tween GR and i~s customers. You, the c:u!itomer, n Fled 01"11)' lo eentae I tM e rae iii t, nea r;~1 yeu, a~ tnd I· ea I ed b;- the c:nloN:cded dais, ref pfom pt sa 1'00 and Ser'1ltDe asslstanee, fe'en Faciri!y. whelher CRowned and operated IIJf thar pf a Cii,elully selected rep,resontati'l,l'e. Is sfaffed by sares and 'service personnel Who have rsceilled Iharough 'factory lraining en thE;! pr£lducts described In tnls !::'dialog.


Each prooUJcl milnufadured by General Radio and its. ~oooc:laled cernpanles, described In this, catillog, Is warranted aptos1 defects in matE!riD~ Olnd Wtifkinanshlp. Th efolil ow~ng e)(eerpl, frofl'l a ty,pica,1 product wafl'iln~. ~s intended to Iilus-lratethe h!!loSic provisions of our product wa rran ty PO,I icy.

,;; ... r1h~ I:lrol::II,u:t]. Iproperly used, wI"" pcfJorm In lull aOCQl'mUlDe wUI"! applicabh'l specifications. If, within a period of ten years after orl gina I 'Snip. mem, It Is found, artie. EOO'lmlnatllJrl by IJS or Qur autt'1OrF2Ed representative. net to meet thIs stand· ard, It wnl be re(laired or, llit 'QUI" optlen, rep'etcedl as f01l0W5,~

I. No cnarge fer parts, labor or tr,an!'ip!)rta,tiOI1 curj MB the Urst 'three months after 0'( 19i1lti! I shl,1J"' menL;

• No thru:ge foOf pi!ilm or li'l'bor during, th~ rtUJ~1:h through ~he twelfth month after cl'dgrnal shiprnent fi;lr ill PT:'oouct returned to !!i Gf.!: serv'lce facility.

• No I.:hilrge ror parts dLJIrim~ the second year after Drleitlal shlpme:nL 'for a ,product retU!m~ to 8 GJi servic:e facility:

.. ,DurIng tll(l lnfrd thfOUg~ the leoti! year after origTrml shipment, and as long thereafter as parts are avaHabla. we wUl mainlaJ'11 our repair CClJMbiUty and H wUI be ilvaHiilblr!il at 01.1'1' then pre,,~iling SChedule or charges for .a product returned to a Gfi.': servlc.e racIIHy,"

The oomplete wilirranly appryiflH l!l:n each product appe.ars ill the Instru!:.ti on rna nual provi deft with the product.

Service poncy

Your local GR affice or repr~l'Itiiltlve wTII assist yOl!

In all matters refaUns to prodUct m<l,inteMnC'il!'. sue1" as callbratT on, rePel i r, .rep!a cern ent parts and service contract'S. fiejd sf'rvlcl ng of GIR: !ijIS~El!l !;lrOOucts can be accomplished bV .any (;If mhe fotlQwlng method$~

riB)!' GR on ~ COn lH! ct specifying iii fi:xed price

par period Or Ilet call,

iii. ~y GR en OJ plior eall basis wI h nO contrac-t, or

.1 By tne eustorner, ~fter senlje(! training by ,GR.

Products 'thifill have been repalntd ril a Gil S!!f'lioe fa·

cllUy" with a charge for both parts .and labQr, ar,e warranted to perr01T11 1n fUll aeeereanee wilh the 5lpecUiaa' nens In c-tfuict at the time of original shipment. If, within a period of sT)( months atterSLlch ~pafT, If Is found and vermed by 1.15 that the produc1falls to meet this standar,(j, it Will tie repaired Of, at our opUon, repiace:d ",~ltt1 no Cll::l'rge for parts or tabor, prolJkfoed Uw rpr,ocILtct Is returned hl ill. GR SofllVlce faclmy,

Any GR I'lfoduC'~ ret umerJ for credit wm bl! SlIb l'lii!ct to a res'~ockq ng cha r ge". I f more lltiln sIx .months h.~\le erapsed s1flc.~ original shipmel'lf, it 'Wit! not be accepted I'nr credlt, Authorizatron must be obtained from yo-ur local GR offiCI! or representatlVI! before a pli'odud IS

returned rot .credil. .




a 0

The' procedures. terms. and COf'IdIUOIl61 outlined em tlhe5'El pages <;Ire lhllSe afthli!: Radio Company. Generally. tile-y ;also apply fO the subsidIary and 1'1&50- , c,ompan iE$] of Gene ral Radio and, whor'\e praetlca I. e!lOe'Pl!OJ1S are noted herein. However I 8 II exceptions ilIre not 'CO\''ered and we advIse that you contilct your nearest 9ales office ~o verify specUic terms and ~l"Idiliens.

Where I:D Order USA ,and 'CE!n!Kfft

p ret!!se address ord!;irs and cth ar 'oomrnu nicaUorls to lhe sales facillity ne<Iirl~5l )tou" as [f1c1iCatted by the color t:.dde on POISes 12 ttn r'lOl.lgh l6.

Other 'COIIJ:ntlfI9

Customers ClIJLsidlii. the United States and Canada are 'seNed by SIi!T1~ral RaiIj[o, Its European subsIdiaries. and b)' various export repreaenta11~lfIsj aU ~ocated on the map (pages 10 and III .a nd listed tin pages, 12 {nr-oush Hi Pteoase tlirect all eoml'rlurqijcat~OI'lS m me appropriate representa i'ie. for countrles nllt ItsEed" InqUiries shcu!d be addressed h) General Radfo Company, Conoordj Mas.s1;lc:11 usetts m 742. USA or. for customers, J n Western and IEaste('O EUrope, the Mldd'e lEast. and Africtl, to. General Radio Com:p;any (Overseas), P.O. Box, CH-8034 ZUrlc!'h Switze:rla:nd.

HIDW 10 Ord,e,r S'~ndam Ca!a.o.g Tewm

A~wa!il'5 order by ta1<llo.g number ([flnel LJlC ed) ,typo I1l.:imber, God e:ompltlie! desr;flptlcm. Some oB:::-operated Instruments are supplied wired ror operation from U!]" vlll~ power, unless otherwise specffied,aHhough roost Instruments coma eqUipped wHh a US W·23fJ~V slide .swi'lr:h that permiLs 5e1~tJbl~ power operaticn. Mast Instruments can also be supplied ['or oper,aUol'l from othllF ccrnmon vCl1'I:ages lind rreQlJef'Jcies as TndiCE!tw in the speci(icetioo5 under Power. Be stlr~ ttl ~peclf)' operatins ,",ollege and fretluency H othe.r than 11om,inal 115 ved l'sj 60 Hlz.

For (lltample:

Catalog No. ~9a,,·gso!, Type 1900-.A 'WaVie Analyzer, 230 V~ 50 I"I.z" Bent" Model.

Specmam Feialu reI,

S:pecla lreetu res iilnd moolricii'ltJcns nDl Us1Ed ln the speclficatioflS. (such ItS eldra caUbratio~s 01'- sof ware) i!re al/alra ble at axtra cost. Please i I'Icl ooe rl"l lorder il"lforrnaUon nagardir"lS MY Il1'ons~al1derdfeatufi~ desired.

NO:m!\!d:ondard S~;8~:GIn1i!

SYS1je,ms IITIa,trequire hardware and} Of soi'lware other lilal1! tl1!alt described in the cata,IQg aN! subject fo qUota~ '[jon, Piease make refer'enoe to the qUOtlitijOll when p!ecing your order for ll'1e: applicable sy!ltem.

Condi'lions of ,Salle

IlatermTrlilitlOfi or prices" terms atld e.@l1l:HtiO'ns 0'1 'iB'e ,and tim!laoceptance of orders era made only at the mal1ufactuN:'ll"s headQuarters: at Genera~ IRadlo canida Limited, lorordQ" cam:n:1a; 01' at 011'1)1' of the. Eurcj'je;:ln subSidiaries of Ehe Geoeral Radio ~mpilny

USA :and CWlllHidal

Terms am net 311 days If credit ~s be"en arl'Bnged~ otnei"IiVise. IJnless ~yment is received i:le-fore Shipment stm:mnan1 w~n be COD.

Ou tsrd'EI USA ill ntil Can!.!lda

Terms of lPfIymellt ~'Or QrGiers plilced en General Rad10 representiltivwo and 0[1 General Radio European stibsltilarres ara ln~@ ~halt are mlll[uall), agl"eMf lIpon. n U,ere ill no repr'e54lntOltjVte in your area, the lel'ms ror orders pl,aced directly an General Radio Company or an Gel'Ieral Ra~UI) Compafl~ (OIJarseasJ are fliU payme.l"lt In advanCE! 01 shipment er an Irll"~vocable letter of CI'".edit, umess other 'klfms have been pre'lliom;l!I" arrarltged.

IQ,III!'JfI'tity DlscoUlilt

The foUOWln8 'Quantqly dis,c:oun'rn apply for ldentfC<'l'1 units arid paok.ages. pUf\Cnased on a singLe aro!!r" nermaHy for Single shlpmenl 'lo 0f1~ destination. All Item5 are sublSCI to th~ d'tcscounts.






Ul% 13%


The mlnlmurn !limn!!! per ordif!1' Is $10,100. This app~Ii3;B. to all .pun:.ha5es ,except rEpai r parts and ea sh-wifh-order transactions. Ucaplioni $25.00 rnlnirnurn billing 1''0; Com PlJt~rWrap Corp.

Source-lnspectiolilJ ,Suir1ch,illE"lg:e

A :swrchar~e of I percent ($2.50 rnlnlmurn] ~ppll~ Or! an orders requiring fnspectio:n before sll'lipmllJ1t. Thill' Inspection s!Jrtl1_21rge applies on eflch i! IrI!l:pe!:llefl and covers only eur costs, Ex.cepttr.ln: Not apr pHca'iJle to Compule.rWrap [orp ..

Sbipping Inslruc'li:ons

Un tess .Spt1!C1'ri'C In.s:tructioM aeecm pa ny ~he:ord~f. w~ sh<lll USE! ollr judgment as to the be-st method of 'Ship· ment. ~hiJJmer1t$ can be made by il:Htihllf arr or surfaea !'ranspcrtation. r,orfast ,deUve ry, at a maS'tl'f1!'Jble pr~r mi urn over 'Other rn eans.i;i!r .sll I pm ent :is seneraUy ree!dWI1ment'l~<I!nd wm be ampto-yoo Of! rl'!qlJ0SL


The prices. ~ n th~ Pf'[c.e tist atf.actJ~ 'tiO ~lfIe dortieSili C copias of t:l'1is catalog apply ant),!' en rransaclian.sorlgTn\3t~ I nc in the USA, ~nd ude the tcost of domestlr;: packil1!g. [j nil. IFOIB fa[ltory I Ceneord, Mass:acihuset'f5,and are: escl usiye' of aU ltal(es, now in elfect o,r ~nat may be im~ po.s~ byli"too'e'ra1, Smile O'f leeal i8;llvemJti M1S. E1a:epIi O'l'IS a'Fe not'E!~ in lhs' price firSt.

P ric'E!!t gll!.l'e:n In the prIce Hst O'I,e subje.a:t 10 Cih a tlS<! withou'f rniilc::e. Formal prlce, quntaUQfIiS rerrtflin tin ,effect lnr :3{1 daySi. GO d:t!ys for Tirnel Data qLl,Otat~om;; ;aM quot01llifons. 'to export customers, Ant e.:>!port-order~handlrng cliBfS61 <l"tnd sp.e~lal pBci<illB. chiug€: are appl'll:ld to expert orders; r AppU r:able FO'S pr[co'i!S, fer t nlJ1I sact [Ol'l!li orf giMatfng oLl;fsil:1e ~e LJ SA, may be obtaitrloo homU1e G'enar a~ Radio .!Iupsjd i~ ry or rew~entati\le nea rest you lsee P'lses, 10 through lG}.

POWI'II"~Suppl" Consid,era:I~DnS

(j,en&ral Rad10 ac-opl1!f8ted Instruments will meet the pu bHshed specifl rati[)ns. Wh9!'l Clpe;ra~rrom pOwer lines wl1osf: !loHage-'S ilIndrrequenl:"l~s <lrt! wlthllll the 11m. ns stated ln Ihe s,:'Dedrirntions under the he1!d1ngPow"Er.

M O$t I nstrum ems h~1V1i! I rlpm volMIIl8 ranges or 100 to ] 25 and 200 to :2 50 volts anlll wHf therefore opera'te on nominal POWtE!r'~rnH voltages of 115, 220. 230, and 2:40 IJO 11:5. Th e \'oHarse range for wh i£]; ilIn lnstrum ~~ is wlrad is ~rk(!diill the pcwer-fnpul plu\e; or cord. Preper ftJ~1'lS for lh is 'II01~age range ;ata ntttKI in thefu Se ho~ders.

Yllhen Hn! pOlN,er~ Hne VQU[l~e Q.f1 which the: "nstn.l m ant 'I~ ~!iI, be operated Is speci11M QI') the order. the neo~ry changes lin conll~tlor;s,. hJ!~iIilS,. ~M rl~FTl~ platlJj ;lWe made at thefactolry. Instruments teQliIi pp€d with Ii ne\I'Orrnge-'SeJ.edOT '!l~ idEl switche.s !;In:! set flOr H.5 'l!Qlrs: when shipped.

Ceria in 'ns:rruments are a~Hable for use orltly on IIlLIWer lines oJ 220. 230. and 240 voilli (nominal).

F"oJ' most irlsh'iLlme!rlts. the flormilll ,pl[leratil'!g freql.l! ency

range Is 50 to 6'0 11 STU:. -

Anae-cperated in~I:r'!J~rU~!"It5 are su(iplied with threewJre pcnw-er ,DOrtlE. d.e,sigl1ed 'for IJSA sttlmj.;l!nj tnree"wlr'El: r~ceptacles.

,Ba Ue,ll' Opl!'r,aUcn

P,ar1;able'iI batte~p!!mted instruments are shl pp ed with dry·cell batteries ~acked sE!pflrateiv to preven1 dfail'l and fe;!Jl<.ag'e du~ifl,m shTpment To rend:el" the in strum!'! .. ! operatiw!", the 1.:I'Se1l' need Q"ly 1!'!~ 1'1 lha ~ath';jjl'il%.


QU,I!l r,all d I'mensloncS are gl ""'~I'l ~O.F i MbriLlmenb; tl'lu;ept 'that tthe depth diml3Jl'Sionfar r.rclwmrun~ InslrlJm.Qn_ts, I~ adu!lUy d~p~h beh Int!! p-anI!J. l.e, ~ c I:ea ra"ce required. H@weve,r, flO aU~nce 15 med'e for .3ddUl,o:flal dearaflee l!'Rat may be fel;JU irw f"Or COllI:! 10.-5 and C;OIl1f1!1lCiOfS at rear paneJ.

General Radio publishes SEve fit I ha ndbooks., primers, 8I1d petioorcafs thai pl'ovlCl'e readEiJs wilh <! we:aiu, of I !K:tmiCllI i "form atl en On a ~ariety cfsubJe.t::ts. H 1.!1I1- dreds tit ttnolJs81nds of copies of this llterature have been distributed j ~nd ~! uen of ~t ~ used threugtro 61 t the wClrkl 111 classrooms .ilnd for In·plillrllt tta~nil1g prOl:l:rams. Copies may he cb~ I ned ih rough any Gif our sa tes offl ces (If by writing to tM H Salles PmmothJI1 Department, Generca I R~dio Company. ConcQrd. MA 01742.

Himd bO!Dk ~f Noil>e M~:i~remeijt' Recently pubUshed In its 5(!fl;lenth etIltJeH"), t~is hard-<WJj'lI!r dl'lssic c:.ol1llaTn~ng 32:8, 19cMUted pages [s sener,alty I'I}~wded as must' ra!ad~ j riS fo r afllyona IIi!r1Baged In aoo ustical m easu r,a m ~l1rn. Sifl!!lIe.cQPY price intlle 'USA ls $7,.50" with QLJtlnlity d iSCQunts sta rtlng at 10 caples.

Hi!tHd ~k I)f StrQbwl~~PJ fie fa'SJ::i l"IaHnR subject or !>iroibmit:op)' i!ithatOugh III coveFioo if! easy·to-und~rstafld terms Jl1lhis I ~5-p@;I!l~,drarm1jcaHy inlJsrrated haMbwk. SingfeK:oPY USA pri~e: $2.0Q.

1i.illlildboDOk of Hw~lI:.'Speed Pl1Iofogr.a:Jli!'hy The nne pomts of how ~o pt1olD~raph hlgh-s,peoo evel'lls il"!exllIe.,5!1vely. wUh a stfobosoe:;ope as th·e I~ght source, are described in bl1i:s 96~page popuJa r hand oook. LJ SA prite: $I ,QO.

Hal'ldlbaok ,01 Coml;ial Mluewa~ill m,ea5ilil~millrUs Thls 16~p2l&e handbr;l;Qk V/,I';['lS written ~or people who ha\i'E! a

need 'to know ttq,e bilf~ics at micfowav~ measurements. LJSA prit:ll: $2.00.

GRtrODAY A. naw period LI!:a II Ul<!l Is malle~ ~o our enti nil! malU rllB I ist to keep OLJr customers i nformoo o·~ the many aCllvnrr~ tak~nc placa wlthln GR .;rnd Its subsldlaf}' companies. No cl1ar~e.

NaJ:5!!! MeS!sLUl'llmelilit A pgPIJ 'ar ilIl'U:l Ifllrorm<!tlve p!!,ri~ od~caj rna UEdl frtil o'f charge to thos.e 01"1 our man! ng !lsi WWlO h~e lndlc.ated iln inten~s1. tnaeoustte meal!ll.lremen IS.

Sil:I\Gihotadics EKciti!"lli! and IJ nus ual applications of

stf@boSCOPlf are reported in ttl!!:! pal!!les of ifhis pub'th:act 1QJ1. No tharp.

Plrime!'l!· Thr~e primers thit are 1!1 greal demif1d an d tna~ nad s~wriJl teprinUfilP eac:l1 ~r~= AP,rim!3ir!Of N(ji~ Meill:5li1r,e:meIll't,. Prim'sr 100f Plallllf·Noi!l4l! Mea~IIiI'!lnlll!nt liII!!'!d Helilringf:estllng,<lnd' A Prime r 'Df Stl:1oblllxa,p,. Each is 5'1l:! nt free of charge upon reg!,:llilSt.

,AJso in'!liHable are a nlli1Tlb.elr 'Qr in.stnnment NQ~~. reprints of rechnT~~ ertic.les, calt2lloe pa.mrpl'llets on seet: i tic pf"CJId I.IIct nileS, product data shee,ts, etc. Product Infor'!l"' ,in S!evt!(iI~ fi'lnglJages Dth~r tnilll'! Engilish ~ ~va nab" e Jrom G~m~'fill ReId 10 COITI,pilIHY (Ov,~ rseg:s). P.O .• Box, CH.-8034 Zilrrch, SWitzerland.

u tic

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11'1 rec,el1l yea1r5, the I'lorm;lll requlrements 1n ac.oustlcs (lind '~jbratlor'l me:asur-ernent hll\!lli! b-Btorne so complex that in many ilpp1 ica tiens an a ssemblagl Of genera I-PlI rpose li)StfUm~ts is no longer adequate. Ta meet the mot'l! dernandins 5HlblaUons, Gellfiral RarHo afters CClmpl'ete systems - ercil,jlps or InslrUli'Illl"ll s fuUl' inlqra'hedl to 101'0- ",[d@ 3 lolal ~luHo" to a speenlc me:asurement. nl!'ed.

S~ndilrd soUware suppl.iad is. Qf ceurse, de'plffiden't LlJXl'l'l1 the sy:ne;iTl and lIs components. This 5llflwiJJrIl ncr-

iIlIlJl8J~U ta,u f ••• fi:lUlil!r Tr .. nliform ,lI!in.'~.r

1'1:Ii, Ji':!>!BH'I ~ ~ prlrmlrUv for ",11li1-S~ lfll'lie-~.rl~ IIl'L1itpl~ .IrId svnt~t:s ImdN tills !;iDnlr~ err m c1)mpcU'ler, Thl~ ]iN:lrm~" tll1l1<lY'b gil iIIllicUal ~1Q,rIo!It~ I,. IVIII 'Lima YlII," ii _pej!1:I 8'00 ilCDnIlm)' nol ~51b19 !'iIilll " qmpl.dlU dlDffll. ~t!i'." &yr.1bm~ nfffl "~jJ 1111 I.tM In DCca~VlllP~~. blOtMdlOl1 .1Id POPIJYIi.I~' t~BId'I. ",d¥ ~ JIl'IflJ r;ItilQIftlna. spUeiIlh • .,i1lyol3, o"yfrGllllmw.otal &ci~I'I~ ,1~I!I"" al'l:llysls (]f IIJ\Ulljg I &I~II, llratl I~ 1i1"1I~~LH .. I-cI}nn.llrnh::'!. In~.IIIoIII·IClJl.! ItI"L mer Irll::;IU"dm Ih~ In~ll)ta..ia (It vJilt.l,gry c~ _~T!I\lts 1111 dli !~~8 ~j IiIrll,",Uel"IL nlll F-aIJrlllf tr~m=· I'Prm 1ii1>d .lIt 41m'll~ 1I1gorlllirmo. pfLl<!: "'r.!!HT' canrrfll oIlllll!l Iljlilr'lIllf.1ns lIE!! per.ormDtl D~ IhI! com~n,tI!f !IIIltll gjlml3lC~ ~llwil~ syinlllt>d wJlh 11-Ic1 $tem..

mi'lily incl,udes programs for sll! s~nd:Elrd analysls operations. ~;ys~em diagnc5tlcs arld ITIalritemmce as well itS mcHlliaJs for cp!!ratlna. programming and rnaintemmce. Custom-lallorei:fSQttwarli! i'5 atwalYS avaiJable at yOW" opHon.

The systems lliustrated are but a small Sll)mp'le or the versatilitv at General Radio's "complete solution" appl'lXIch to t:rll'am systems or modffy s,wndar,d products to rrroo:[ vow, SpeciHI requlrernents.

o\u~_Uc A,a.I,1'I'mtI I!.!llI'i;irllAtt SflIlum

Thla R!t i nme AnlJl)'sfs gy.i, In, desl"n~" te III male; u.s. Ih10bUIIoI1'l5 camrw"~. 1£ 1'1 IZIm"l.Itf'T-t:;I3iM;«I'~i ~r~ Ill!!' It'it' a .. ol~" Dr mill'!!!, 11.1 [len ~ ill,il1II31'!i w'llh r.\J'Ocb:r.'lI-bilnrJ IUfFln i'rQrn iI.HI Hz Lo sa Io;tI.!.. A ~lnglN ITlJ:jlJt ~Iinal CBf:I bIl "i:I' tttm".RIl • hl)n'Hl'llllll DUPEe, ~fII"Ul ee n fix:clltaM ar up I'.) ll!n (1011 1J1In,.la ean ba DPllIlTotJi li1IlDUQ'l l!! ""ullicl1iJ.rm~1 g.lllf!1!T wl'ltl l;~mcc;lIimJL 'LIm ~II'. TtIl1 I:IfI_t!I~lir~ I!; ~n!BI!"Ii."IJ ~I lhi! "L.f~PlJt QI1I BI ;;It mClm,Ir In Oicll~~ •• 1Ih!:' I)rhl!~. II !)u"~111CI ~~~ ItBp~, !lml .B t.olUly~wrT1iOr MI CDlTIrnam;;(l:! 'I'U 1iCl'fi[ to tilt! a)l~birrl W 1hl!l DbI!mtfll' lit diu tel~lv;ie'l'lrllBr iIDliI 'llOil""r¥ll~alll wlill 11'>11 :iir\'lnm j I'It'CtllJ(S!!4l by 'flO !~I"t~p'cv.'nL ,

- - I

- - .

--- ~-


- -. --

~ -

~ ... _,- .

~~~ 1@.II~m'lan, tonmll~ 1l'1iS $rtr1'lQ' I~ iJtlfB UIlf'! 0_111 IW~ ,!Iti~llli~ fa ~h", ell11br~Uon iil1ll t'1!!' DMsl{!n. Ne\l\lar,14 IlIlr F"orm:e SJtilUGr!. r-IQ'IIf,or~. Oh'ioc, for LI'8!I OC'-': III fs~tO~ i~.:In~ltd i'll OCJ:IlJlntrCDI i!t;IIJ[Iif'.!!iUDN Ilff U!~ U.s. , .. rr fQ~ Amllq II'kI measufll" '~i ~~Dil~I"'tC!J Iii mn&Ok' ,11m tile IcrlawllTli,.

M~I1I~Ilnn~ t.lIn~IIOI!'I

fmqLi8 r]Q>' I<nlIlitil.

I'i ~JTIM lllInei ~-OC'JI~'I!! Band OcI.liWI3.;iIilIi

Ci'Ulri!!I:; Illrf!lilil=s CIt Po necnoll:

R«m:m;)iiii;l el1ambDrt Rt!"'~ml1C1J'tMo!Il!-lIlirotm.!f}~ FtQqw"'GyFl~~ MI!iiISYl't!ms," L .r1I!f "!1.'u~r",

ml "FiI~ii~ll:U m~j.

AUfom.l;fc ,RQ'le-l;miIJ A!flI~'ll~ Spt.rnl

T I16B<! ~lilems w.ere dl$l.Md lor a U,S. ~a ... ~ 'jtl:ir!L~ let ~ffll ,I!IUI>lm.'lIiC

nalJl'~l!o 'If ~Ild .lind ",I!:IrnlJon \III' !'I<II!5 1't1cly alnSrlll' DI c;iSC/sta, ICdftl· ll=I frl5tl'1Umcnl.ll trlil1, cllft b., read jJl' '"~I'I~clllll ~ IJrO'lICl 0IW,i0 Inlr.l «1-\ljJ'liMIrnt ~ruJl'l'll, In rO!'I Ir~. srll".i:a-1I'!)'m I)FI Ie l~ 1Jiuill> [jyQ6.ti----ll!illlfi)~I'l8!l, l'rI~rI)llhon" ~r ,~~.q'omal.lfl!l-~J'! bit rn~·~~ IIIfll4 ~ 1]1.1 Q [l.iII)o2il!d IL yl5UIi!l llIl~ p;liliI" lind lIul'~rllli1!ic 1:111:11' ilIIfS I'Irg.. ~'d~l:I. ~ nel !.he ,1}I~:em 1InII~ .tit! ,aa_~ J I~ 4nl~iI1jei:l 10. .~ 1l11l1U!~ ~r.IIIH 0.. g IjI~1iL1 I:Ompl.llfF 1)'1'1 Ic~1 I1I3J)ti· !;IIII.,,,, ItiCI i.ltla th!! 1'I'Hl,1I:>lImln~1'I1 ~r pl!ilrorm nolbU. 3ItU~tUJl!-bI:Iclli' I'ICII~ I'!~ 5(!11i1f "'IIit.flllluL 1b n~(llifl '(lay .I!ig ~ u!ed rIM' sfR nalul\Il .... nillll'=rl:!l silUll .. .lind In P-rf!~1!I1IJ1i"'i!-m.~Tnll!l"'.q"CII Jlrovnm!l. s.e ,rill ~n~ m j~ .t1fJ1I'1l _'ur1nw 11., I ch", 00II1 !:II!llIII''I!l ~nlllntJjnll



e ring Cons -


Hearing-conservation programs in inciu~lry are becom· mg mal"ldatol)', e5j:leciaUy In 'IIlew of recent U.s. fOOeral

Jegis-Ie UCrI. .

Till@! CllIlicerJi, OVEr excesslvs nmsa III indYstnai environrnams has in(:reas!I1!d :iilgnl1iciiHlUy in lIut last few yaars.. Part of this concern SEems lmrn the ~aJl1ef-day I'~snlttcm Ihat polruth:m of arl),r type is dam~:Bing to indivlqLi61 welfare. More lmportaJlt fs lhe rneuntlrtg evldr:moe that exces~iv~ noi~e causes not only hearin.g damage, aeceler<'lted deatness, and dl!C(eClsed worker efffciency bul ether se ... en: physlolos;!cal and psychoto.!lit;.]ll damage as weU.

or particular concern to 1ll1dustrv are tha rise in hear- 1ne·rjamagEl lawsuits raveragin8 SUiOC 1;0 $2000 per setti'ernent ;n some areas) end the recel'lt federal law dlaflnlng permiss-ible nOiSE: revels.

The problem consists CIt threa dist~l"Ie:t. pa rts - first to locate noise ha2a.rds and 'to detsrmil1la 'their magnitude, second to determinE! wheth®" employee' h~,arlng ts atfl;lcted and to what e:.r:l:e(1t, and thfrd ttl In[tiate Meisereduction meaSilUCS

All thl'ii'El rrarCil of Ihe prntilam lTIust be toaken inta account ~bl" tiny s uecesst u I hean 1'I1?;-{:'Ql1se rvatlon progfam, Such ,B pregrarn 1I'l'l,l'!!Irlabl}l' begIns wllh invesh.gation ~o

rje'termine ltlle 'e>:lent of the probl'im1 and ends after In'!Jestlg~rtlol'1 to determine tf'Je eTfectllrlill1es5 Qf the solution, Since ~ach phase Involil'ei lIJall'tltu!ar In&trum,EfJlation and measuremenl tadmiQue:s, I,IVfse ~Jedlon of equipmsnlls p;articLilarly ImporlanL

II 'not prnper' J1 thDulil1'd out, eq I..!ipment seleetlon csn result fn a very l},'IIpensive program. Y,tru may I'lavl! dupll· carlon, !:lefic!endes nfCess1tallng several instrum:ents fer on~ lob, poor U!liabllU~. or Imi'trUmenl:s that are excessi;;,ttly difficult or tlrne C!ons1.Jmina to Qparate. er that require highly-tra1ned eperafors; Apparently "economical" equipment can be completely ineffective 5lmpl~ b~ooe tr wen" do me job

nne s:ah!lUon to the problem ts th'B pac:kage aDProach f;!vol"ed by Genera'i Radio to provide fl1111 mlegrat,ed instrurnentetlon fWill"! Illffectffilre arid eCiJ'n1;lmlcal proS"'lm.

This apflfQaCh combines, rIle expertise of General Rard'io j n nelse l'Tu~a5Uremen Ls. the experience of G'ra~on.stad !er 111'1 audiometric teci'lr1nques, and 'Ina leadarshlpcd th'li) 1111- duslria I Acoustic!! tom pany ill alldlomet'r 1 e ~rn I oat I Of'! rooms. The result hi a CClm~lefe array of Manl1~<on~l1;I'aUCln equ~prnenl - all from Olile SOUHlf al'lfi witna sin gu·Jar syste rn res pOnslbWty.

a t-

The W~IS:h·Healey im_s Tl1e.r!! Is gill nn !!leneral agreement as 'to ElltacU1pI' IiOW much noJoo,. what type of noise. or what durations of eXpa5w'm to noise cons~.iitlJte a heitllith hazard. Bul a le,gad defililit10n I;If e)(cessive noise has been established ,ancj prob.ably will be the accepted guide for some lime t:o Come,

The derlniticn cernes in the form of saM), recBulatlons Issued by the u.s. Department of labor under the Wars;hHealey PubH!; Contracts Acct. Early in 1969. Sf'Ctfon 50- 2D4.l0 was added to ~1,i5 act, With this section, the ilC! prm.rjd~d. fJJr ttJa nrsl. lime, noise I,imlts, beyond whlcl1 manufaclurenl were cornpell'ed to take steps to protect their employees' h~rin!3: Aflhough the Walsh-Healey Act a~pljed canry to m2lnU[actl..rrers sellhig t'o the federal gOlf· Illnnment goods valued in excess G'r $10,,000 cr s'IlIfvices valued In ,~ss of $2500, more recent"l has e:o!tended the coverage to all iflldustrlru; involved in fn1erstate commerce.

This later measure, lhe Ol:cuparlonal'$afety and Health Act (Publk Law 91-596 - OSHA). also ,e;n['ouf.lllges In. duslnal pl.mIs fo pun:11.a_Sl1l equlpmsfllfQJ' nclse measure. menl ,:nd tT1omtorirlH and for workers' ptot,ectlon through OOWJd II: a I"Idlo![r testsC!f t hair h earl nlg. 03 H PI .elso aUlJ1ori!es the 'establishmen~ of elI,rar-ge crgani1atiQIiI 10 adrnmi$"ier and ,slliforc'e the standards.

Nol&& &p1ll5l1llfe Umib

Noile Lel/el, l.lmil'.

dB( AJ I'rOr.!f5



under 90 !.mIII"nlied

90 lo 92 6

92lo 95 11

9'510 97 :3

97 IiCIIOO 2'

!Oa to 102 1.5

102 to lOS 1

lOS to no 0.5

nOlo us 0.25,

above 115 none

The Walsh·hleal,ey ~lJasurEl HmHs. as incorporated ln OSHA. are liven tn the accompanying table. ThE! expO' syres Bj\llel1 are those perrniSfiil:ll1il. ftl'f a normalS-hoLJr work ins day_ When the l"IolS'ei co.nsisifs of differing lellels throl.Jinou; 'h~ dilly. their romblnoo ~ffecl is, mnsldeneiJ


as fellows. The 1'O~al cumulatfiie!: noise a.xPOSUrD. oxpressed as a percentage of the anowable' limit, T:. CT~

... . - [CA CB ecce C( . - I Lt= 100 6+4+3'+7+1.5 +C~+2,~+ 4Crl i

where CA is the total rimlilllie noise 'evel js ln band A. C. is the toral time the neuse Jevel is [n band B. etc.

These limits 1lire: based On tests whk:tl show Lhal, to avoid increasing lhe risk of noiSfj.i"d~ed hearing loss, the duration of QX'poslJre mlJst be reduc:ed 50% for eZich 5 dB, r A) r nersase in level. TM nelse je"eJ s are Sp~c.lfi ed as dEW!\.) beeause A-wei~hl:ed revelS ha,,,,.!'! been found to correlate w,ell with hmlrlns lOS!>,

DoIll: Wiy to ma'ko na1'se rnessurernants to the OSHA criteria is b;, means of.~ 1663 or 1565-8 Sound·l '",el MeW. "[11e 156.3 maets the requirements of ,A~SI SLt- 1911 Type 3 and tile 1565-B me~t'& th~ more stll'lngenl reql.!lmmenls fOT TyW 2 wund·!evel meters. For Ifl~UClI slIIrveys to detecl potel1tially hazardous areas or where noise levels are c:onstmt, the sound-lt;lvel meier worl(s 'IIBlY wall. Bu l whete tha nolse levE!~s \1.;:"111'. t he 'sound -111\1'81 meter may be ul'lsatisfactol)l'. Here the operator n:IIJSL not o~ly measure more than one nclse lavel (with the probabUlty of severa~ mnge seUlng.s~, ne mw.t also lime the dumtion of ,each level SD thal the tatal cernblned noise oltpasura (CJ) can 00 cal'~ulah~d_ This f.IrlXedure could mean cmtli1IJOUS measurements, and recordings over an 8-hcur period ~ '[5 ditficulrt ,ilnd nme-consummg ttlsk, prone t:o datCi-lrensc..r,[pUon ot ealcultlliCin errors.

A. beltllll!' wall' to make sueI'! mea surernen ts fa ~!'ldumaHcalfy - slmpty pOSh a hutton at me end of the day for the results. Tlhllt is ~he philosophv behind General Racliols t934 ,iHltJ 1944 Nolse·ExpOsure Monitors, The 1931l N'ois.e-E1':posure Moniter 15 desisneD fur use in areas wheresoIJ nll:J·lew;~J mea sureiT!~nts are to be made il'l sltu. Wheil'e m~i15LJremeols tor a, worker Who moll,es. aOOut duro Ins the day are to be. madei LIla wearable dm'iimeter. GR's lEl44 Noise-Exposure Monitor. shoul'c;j be sel'ectcd.

Fer impact sG,unds which CClnmrt be measured satIsfudorU!II" wUh a cXH'ul'enttor1fi91 so!Jnd,,~eve' meter, l~e 1556-8 Imp.;III:t.;lI/Ioise AnallVUlr can be eparatedi room Inc ootput of ill GR sound·javal fileter or och~ve-baJlcf analY21llr 'l,a measlJre nclsas produced by punch p'resses, [!;Irg;fII,iI narnrners, plle drillflUS; and sfmilar 'BqlJipf1l'iefilt

'0 nd-L

.4'l-wc -14 III dB Irainge

,. Ine-at AIIIISt ,and ~IEC "ta ndard!i • rugged ceramic micro,pholile5

I. lF1E'ran d iJillegra~ed~crl'lcuU d'~tg1'l i:iQiRlbftne plllrlal1fll'!ance wUh 1I'QIllabllU,

• convenient Ipo(loke~ PfOPOTIrDRiI'-iilQlilll ,and IIghl

Th~ best cd both wj)flds The] '565·B is a tIJU·fleclg~d standard sound.Jleve'l meter - it cnnforms ttl both natillna~ .and Irlt~maUtrnal standards, meets;:an ,criteria necessary tOI' (he rJolse provisions of the Occ:upaHonal Saffely Otfld H'eaUh Act, and jnclud~ most of Ihe te.1lturfS lJ:sual~)! I'mmd In larger, mora cumbersQme, and more expensive instruments. Yel Ibe l565"6 nls in the palm [If your hand and operi:llies In severe environments for up to 50 hours 01'1 seH-contlined batteries. There are no Une tctrds to bother with or frllcfophone cords to trip G'JIIl.r, and an Imas~mr!hl'e l;ombTnatlorl O'r c:ontrot5 permi~5 one-hi'H'Idi operation and rapid inlel'pretafion of Ih.e re'Sult - [ust aim and read.

The 1565-8 is the successor 'Ib the 1565-A. 10l1g pepuler for rapid measurements 'of pla~'I'l" traffic and oernrnanltyno!se.

The -8 .... er'aion isa total rooesiBn to t~ke arlvantage of Ihe e>:pllriem:e S<llil1oo' with Its predecessor and pf tl'le latest ad';l'a.rlt;~S, li'loomponen't afle! techniQlJes, - it is smaller, 40% I1ghter, and easier to use, 1'1 ,offers; 50% Ildngsr IH~ on baUerh.-s; 'Ihillan~ readIly avaUab1e. In C'OfT1~ mall wIth 11113 1565.A,the Hi65-B ~s approved by the Bllf'1eauor Mlr;es for lise in gassy cool mines.

Performance alld versatllit, 'buil*-iiiii The 1565-8 uses i! rugged, vet I ill ooratnry-q uah tv, ceramic mlcmphQntii: lh~1 can I~ c.l1ed<ed ,[iasilji. when nacess8rY, by such standard calibration devic:e'Br1i,s ll'l(!" G'~ 1562 Sound-l.eva~ Calibrator', An olJtp~'l jack IS provided 'or use with headphones or mcor(;lers, and oii lock Is provided 50 Ihe ra'~.8e comrol can be fixed in a single peshlcn, The instrument is housed I., a tou,gh plas!i[. caSa, taper-t;d ar Una microphnne end to reduce fila effects or case diffraction, and meers all ANSI requirements 1m a TYPE! 2 'ilefH'!Fdl-pur. pose sound·leve! m ,ter

The 1563, II> s~milar to thll 1565-8 bul is designed to meel (Ill! less stril1ger1l reQtJlmments for ANSI Type 3 survey meters. Other dlHerl!nce:s HKlude ~ pres,sure-calibration restricuon to ] 000 Hz and tne lni:llbihly to he. :arl<l'pt(\!d for 1J'5.e WMl 'IoIloratiol'1 transducers, an external mlcrcphgne., Of micropn,t'ln~ windscreens.


Sound bllj1t1: 40 to 140 dB ra 20 ~ N r ml

Wi!.leJhUmr. Ii., B. dnrl C. 1565· B 1:01'1 form 5 to AN SI S 1.4- I 971 TVPl" 2an.d I.~C 123,1961. 1563 conrOfms te ANSI Sl.'H91l Type 3.

Mater:; Rrns raspcnse Willi I '1st and slow spel!ds

mllput; MICROPHONE: l.ead-llrl::nn!ltl!·lu·anal c~raml'-- for 15£5~B, il 1560-P96 Adtlplor c~n'l"er1'5i lnpu I 10 3·pin maliJ A3 (::!](Jnm:l'or; fo, correct weightlns. source llTIpedanc: mu:>l be 360 'I'lF ~:i~, INPUT iMPEJDANCE. -13 Mllff15 pr.

OUlpu:I.l ~l_.2V I'l'TiS bE!h,nd 620 n with meter lit hill scalf!: wllr driv'l! 1,556 ~ rr'lp .. (;t-f\lQire AnaIY2er,;. 1559 Octilve-ofJa:ru::l Noise Analyl-ef, Hi2] ar t 523 reenrd ers, oscilloo.ctJp1es, or 1!l!W·lmpt;!dilTlc.e headpilone. HARMONIC DISTORTION' ""-0.5% (0,]'% typical) from 32 Hz l.o a kHz, C-welg,hted 'niH" meter <it full seale,


1 50S-A 5olJM·I,~W.1 Mell!'r T'I'~~ 2

],!16] Scrun" lrlY.B1 'el~ 1l'Jl1! 3:

Cililibratloll' (with 1562 Siil.Jl'ul·LMYel Call1'lrgl.o.r)~ 15Eio!i-8 Ci'lil be "clJustically c.alibrtiLed al 125. 250, !jQ(I. 1000, lind 2000 Hz: <111000 Hz only lOr 1563

El'lym:mmanl: TEMPERAruFl~ -HI 10 ... ~ C I}peralHn!;, -<10 10 +60~C slori3ge. Wlltl JJalle.rfes removeo. For 1565-6, enelflclet1t or 'stJmlTtt'ill}' t'O.02dBI <C at 6 dB tlelol'i' hlll·scale meier reading. HUMIClTV· 9D% RH MAGNE.l1C FIELD: 1· O£{6te4 (80 tl1ml 50- t:lr '60,Hl ricld causes 015 dB C· l'ieiBht.ed indittilion. When meter is od(lnt~ I;Q rnaxnnurn senEiltl\l>lt:y to fi!!Jd.

SUflpUed: Cflrryfng poUCI" mmiature r.itlonl'! plug ttl cmm\1ct 1(1 uutpu r. SCre1o'r'C dvsr IOf t:abbral km ..ld i I.I!.I. lmtt~des

AV~llIa b;1~i Fn, 1 S6 5-8 coil'. whl'r1 used ..... ah 1560 P"9t'i AdIlPID! • 1$60·P52 VIBRATION PICKUP. 1560 P73 or P73B OTEN SUJ'N CABLE tnr remote mlcTlJj;lhcn'o cermecuen,

Power. Twa 9 'Ii batteries (BlJrIESS 2U6 01' eillJ.J!1 supplied., p'n;Jvldl! - 50·h (I~fatiOl1.

M(lc!hil'lIi~l: Shl&lded plaslie ease, DIMENSIONS t"ocnxdi: l'56~H:t> .a.63x6.5x2.0Sl ifl, !92d6l5x53 mml i 1.~. 3 .. u,3J!i 5.3fbr2' 09 In. (92'xI J7;o;'53 mrn]. Vro.~"t 11 Ib (0.5 kg) net. a Ib {1.4 kg) shipping.

1511:5.JB 'SD=i!·~ ...... r

,~'563 SC""i"~IIMlltl\r Wiltlll'_'~j!ns II)[' I·;r~ ll')~roPnonll sm

:1 ~'$.B IJIII'I, rM'u«I wil'lid na1so 11",11 !;,K1le(;l iIJ'll nlll eonlamll"1.ill'1l~. ~~ or 4 u.ItJ!'l', ~~.e: (2 U!'Iij'd lur weh at""'l

1!i65-S(l'02 l!5tiil.o!l'm,J.

J~Ul Il!Ij 1!1).3.~1!IG'




• measures li!!uc1r'icul and ftClfl,1!IIUCaIIIilOi$Q pu-allt!! lilaUloo<s ~lr8~8:1alilil pe-a~!md iQm1'ii~fl£ilf,aga vamUe.5 I. Ell- p.S ris.e-Illme MSpcilll1!S8

Th ls device ellil'liJates the c hi ra~terisll'Cs of f rnpaet -type sounds and electrical nolso ImpuJ~e'i, which cannat b~ satr5tactorjl~ measured with conllllnlionall noise-meters,

Impact noises fndu de I[hose produced by punch presses, forging hammers, W-e alarms, pile drivers, cffice machine!,)!, and simH'Ir equipment _ From tl11! ,;itandpoint or heari'fl8 di;lma'ge, some of thcsE!' sounds c:nnstitutt! it serious problem for Industry. They have hitherto been measurable 0111'1 by complicahxJ methods employlng Qscillos~es.

The two 'chamc:tertstks of Tmpact sounds ItHlt seem most slgnicant are the' ~eak Qrnplitude arid Ine dU,raHon. or decay-tim a This anal),zer measures the:

.' peak v31lue, the ma;;;: I mLi rn revs I reachen by the noise

i. "qlUl.asi~pe<!k", <'l c-cmtifjlJiQJJsiy iru:hcat!i'1g measure ofll1e high revels mal:hed JUS! b~or-e 1he time of mdicaHPI'l

'. timlt·average, a rrreasure of the average revel OVIer a predetermined lperiod af time, which, when subtmded f.rom peak leltlel, Is a rneaSl.u,e oT the duration of the lrneact

for these appl'l~-tions. U1E! Impact-Noise Ana'rzer Cip" era'!,es from rhe output ot a GR 1551 Of ] 565-8 SOllfld· Lewl Meter, a 1993 lFirecisi().f'11 Sound.Level Meler iJnd Analyzer, Dr a tape recorder. It measures SDLmd Qf vibration ifl'1p-aCIS, Clependiflg upon tl1e transd'uf,ar.

E1«:l'fircill nD~se peaQ 111 ill wire communication circuit CiJI1 be meii'SlJred wllh this In51rumetlt as one of the tests to determ 1 M il1e .~deq LJa!;lI of rhe c: [rcuitf'or transrn ittin g data pulses. ln such rneasurernenta, many ,peaks mal{ oe: fn eaSLJ red in 21' 'sncrt tf 1TliE!, and, af;t,ill r each peak, the stored signal must be erased b~fClre the n~1 pLlt~e oeccrs. To fac:ilrtate this a Res:er pUsl':lblJltto[1 1'S provIded. whkl, can alsQ be operated by ~jjcrchna!y earners Cilbll!' retaasa,

'Circltit A bOitlery-opcrated, degenel'illill'e, translster :amplifier simuH:ane-oLi~ly drives tliJr-ee ill: voltmeter elrcults, wlw::h compose: reutltlars, storase eapacilo~. ,mri CiI de elec:[l"CInic lIoltmeter, The ,erec:trical storage system (a c.apac.ilor charged by it roctilierl makes II possible to



The JS55-fl !mp;Rt·f\lCI~ /Ul,1lllU'r !ltlM.~s In Ihll l ~vc ~ nfH!h1I1 Mf-t2r 0111 ilt1o .... n llI' rn

measure ~~1IFeB characrerisHcs IJf an rmpLlj~e - pe.ak, t:ll.I8sl·peak; and lime-.a¥erage ~wm,a siflgre meter, at the. ill in of a S'NUorl.


hiJ1lIt: Any 'oI'pJtaga hom l tn 10 Vror normal range. Inputs i:JQraw 1 II reduce Ihe rang" af rei:lclifi!!,

Illiput Irn,p-.edanl]!ru Bli!'~ween 25,00-0 ami 100,'000 n, depEiilcing 0" tile selling gJ the level tOf'ltrol.

If'requeflcy Rill1ee: 5 14z to zo kH l_

ILelllel hlu:licaUllin: Mfil~~r c<lljlbra led 11'1 dB rrO-in -10 til I 10. IH· lenualar swl tc-l, I l'lc.reaStl:S rdng6; b}ll rJ dB.

1PV,:!ik Ruliling; :Fi!15!! Um~ is lESS than 50 pS firlr OJ "rarue wilnll'll 1 dB of peale v"lvl! Hor teclanRi.llar pulses] S1;Oraie tlm~ 111 Mrrrull room ternpcrature Ii> ISnl.ltef Inill'l Hl s For a I..oB c".aI1W!' In ",,'we,

QiJrtBs;i.,P!e:ak RI1BdlOIr. Risc hme 01 less. than ~~ inS and decay lime o~ GOO ~120 rns for FBclTlTer c1rcull.

Time,A",el'<l-llle R~lIdrJIIg: Chama trirtm af r;ecUfiar cireult seleclEd by 5even·pasi~ji:rn milicH, I,avifl_~ Urnes Dr D,om~, 0.005. 0.01,, lUi anti 0_2 s lor !he reslsl;an~e<apacitmCl! limfl eensiaru. Storage lime at n"rmal rOOm lempel'altJre is gre.aler than 11'1'11n fora l-dB chilngl! In value

Input T&rmil'lars: Cord Wtlh rlhDn~ pl'ugal, Cine end

R.e!;ltl~fed: A sou nd·fe',rtll m!!! Ill. anatFet. or other ~a~lbrl!lted tlmnllfiN to supply ir'lpYr fgr 1555."

B:I",l!rles.~ o.n~ I \fl- V s' i'.e-[) flil~,h IIShf ,;:ell ~nd an ,1 ., 5- V baUer}' (Burgess XX30 Ill' OOiUI...-alenll ,ue supplied. Tvpica~ ball-ery m~ I~ 100 h,

Ml!clilaflleal: I\ll.ImlMum cabmet Wllh leather carryinll: L-JS!! supIJIJ~. Ca-binl3l L:3f1 be tasl.p.neC dlrecU)I 10 ern:l 01 L5S I SoUiiltI Level Meter DIMENSJO~S (wxh,:.:d): 7,5~6.5x4.5 In. r 19{1j( 165xU4 mmL WEIGI--lT~ 4:5 Ib t2.1 kg) net. 12 Ib (~,5 kg) 5biP[1ing.


Hl&j.1! If!i1p;!lIl:I'-H~s,, lifl.""_u ~S,n "t i'i~iIll.Q.'fI1I~r1~ Ihflilflilt~

C;lIarOil __ __,N::_::·t!fT1lXt

1551i-9'7Q:! SOO-9!i'i!O



• - I ~ .:

j "



• adlomBtlcallY and aec-umtel'l' I'illl'aSUl'es

noi'se exposur,e I(~e¥el"ime)

I. oonfoJl!1s tol OSHA. ANSI, and IIE,e lequiJ'lIHl)l,ents ,. c'l e,ar dJ5pilay, Ii!h:nlpMiCOtntro~

'!II compaclJ.lfSllirable. tamper proof

• Q'U~pUI$ 'f,o, 8Ui[omaJU: p.eIi'iTlBIIl,ent roocllrds

Noi~e - ~ maUer o~ hl!o1llh and! Ule 'IDW [.xcessijwl noise has lon!!! aeen a ccmcam of physicians, public· hl!<'lllt"! grganilatrofls, lIld fimpfo~'e~ <lnd l'mployers all~e - VjoW 11'5 aeoneern of U1E! Jaw as well_ The 1970 p .. tional S:alely anti Health Act· sllBcfhe.s 1l1a...:imUri1 &x'neseres tc norso be~'onrj wJlich If is Renera:lly rt!cog,niz.ed that 1:1 person's tJealih and efficleru;:y !iuffe-r Measurem 'nts f s.uc:h exposure lrwolve tha durdtlol1 of exp(l$IJre 11'1 add I tl un to til e so U nd Il+\Iel~ encount 'rad a nd have been dil1ic:ult In tne past - ht:lujilht ..... nh the comple>:Hif:S of rrainen pers(:mneI and hrne-censumlng call"ulation::;,

Simplltlal me"5'111U~ITHln"s - aulnmafil: and un~t~nd~ The 1934 measures nelsa exposure In accordance with appilcable OSHA, ANSI, ond lEe rcql .. llr't;lrnenrn and does so with such s;mpllt;;lt)< fhalan!y [J 1inger and an abUUy 10 read .m:: requIred Ins lead of a sound-level mete; I racorder, and deS"- calculator to make measurements you ",eee! onl'{ nlfi ]93<1. Sirnply Iltu8 it In an£1 p~~Sll d. button

1.0 select the hours or test LIme fa choices are!e, Irom 8 heurs to 17 hours) You can then I!!!l aboiJl yOLlr normal routine, return alter the 1934 hi'l'S ilr.Jfomatlc.lI1l)l c:onlplEted tile measurement and read thecl(1swer dlre<etly in ~x;pos.ure from 0 to 990% whl!re 100% is the rnaxlrnum leBallyallowed.

ne 193tl accepts noise in(ormatll'Jn from a rmcrcpnono or sOUllcHeve! mater samples fhe lntormatiOf1 approX"hn."~le"" h'lice a scrC'tl"ld, ca1!E!gorilf'S and weights II acc:ordlng 10 itsSQunrJ lsval, and dlScpJajll> percenl crF rmlse e<:<;pO:SUI'f" I')r p~fc:eFlt O. test Un1t'l 131> selected by panel pllsl'1bUlloriS. The data are also avanabl~ OlS electrical sign a t5< a t t'he rEtCIf pdl1ci ror use by recorders, ruin I a rs and OIhBt uselul illJxili,w,' II,sll'ulllC:J"Iw iOrl.


No<r!.@'·~el.l'ilIl ['lCP01J,II!-~I!: Mw:ll"1'lum purrni~sil:lI!l m-po!>Llte ~ lOO'q" III accord~nt:'1:.! 'il1I11 OSHA I'; :l <;iJmul.ued tor any or t(1t! follllW I"S nrdSiIJ (!)(pQSure'G ~

Solmj~"',...el r"'f'I(:!oUtit Sbunll ltlve I ~I]'u.r.l!
9010 1J2d'ElA to tlO~11'!i 100 '1'I1ilZ .nl~ l:lllnJ.Iu
~li:I iiJ~ ., 1D2 1fl1lJ:iI I
9lj l.; 91 l HIS lu ]][1 o.~
'17 In lOO z UOi,r.)lH O~ ','men tne dall), nOiS~QlCpo3UFF.l is composed iiJf 'wo or rnare p!l no:J!: al nc~ f'~ pa~,ur - or eli Herem! 1~j[~ls. lll91r cornbltied 1!.t1 ert 10; t't.mslthwx:l rl'te Inciicntcd anSYJC;r on j hel ron l panol of !:he Instrument IS Ule sum 01 Ih~ tollo'.vlnE fractlol1S; (C,ll - C-.! rl' _ _ + c.n.) -" 1'00, whera c.. IndlC-iltsii Ine total time of 1J':(pc!.!; 13 sj)el;Hied nOiS6le~lll and l. IMdici}le~ Ihe tciOlI


lime of e;';jXlSur, lJarmiUed at IMl le"'B] (thfJ! mulUpUer 100 tatl'.'~rt~ I e J"e5UIt!J to OJ percent r:ath f than 1) decimal tractlOfJL Ij Ihi5 [ntlk.uled ""~Wl;!r f;;oo~ed5 100, Ullm the miX'(~ l!1I:pOSIJre "oould 1:1'.= coo5.lde:rnrl 10 exceed ll1!;1 llmil .. aluo Me<l~rinR. cln.ult6I11l't::l ANSI Stilndilld 514-1971 TVf.lB 2 <Inri lEe Public.1Itiom: ]23·1961 an.u 179~19G5 teu A· ... U.!jEhL~d, §Icw- 1 er.pi:\ns,= clrcuJT!> The .. ,., •• 111 "dB A" rehm. to' this vltrighting.

MIl:l.:5t1i1ii!m'll'llIt Times: a fll.lS lcuttOfl-s.elec.liIld hm,*" for GO I=li!: lintl, or Q, 8.25, 8 5. a~75. 9, G. 15,5. and 17 hours. A IPause PtJ5ht)utton interrupt:; rneasu re m~rll wHen ptlshe~ antl ::3llows It I(J resunu: ."tum relEi! ed. M~a5urem~n !itcp5 and ra5l.llts an, !.to)\l!I:I fCi'f cJlspl.a~ ' .... 111:111 % Umil ,eaL:hc.:-. 990% ar when

lap-'Oed rim!) pf messurernent fcaches: Inat set by Pl1S11buUDns.

Dlsp~3!y: OrC1TA.L: 3 hlghmtEnmty noon readout tubes dfsplay "4 Of nci!il\! eJCf;io'.;.Ure arclimuMed I)r 9i. of el.3~~d measure mi!l1t hmE:. as SEllEicted by p!IshbldltGJ"l. LAMPS, ir'ldicat lest c;:on1f'lle1e. US dBi\, ~ded and l'W dB pe,alo; (oper;:ll,es eml,. wlill mjl:(aphona input} 1l'~c.e~dEd,

In,pUJt! MICROPHONE conn~ct"5 till rear S-pin ly~ A::! ml~ 100Cl<! 'Hhlen ftfso suppUe-E power {+16 V 'it 20 mAl ttl 1560 ?40 Or

P·~2 Pr,eamp[~rier. SQUNIJ..LEVEL METER c0r1118cl'S tn fear phone jl)ckJ -9V al 20 mA a .... allable at reFlI 5·plo 'i 'pt! l:i!6 JOlt: k, 1 Cl paw~r SO\.Ind-le~e:1 m!ltlu

Int1!mce! DlSPLJ\Y~ Three S 2·1 BCD dlgl~ provide seme dill<i es ms-pla1 at sl<ll'1diln~ PTL er TTL I ''J~I:i [PDsitl1Je Hue, logl c 0 gr cund, 1 O-roA Slok: logiC 1. ~ -3,5 Vl, D I GlIAL LEVEL. S nne~. one rer c.J.Ch sperifir:-d kv I Loglr 1 means [li',re, m::c~l:.cled. ANALOG ILEVEL 5 1111\ r"'90 d8Alio 0 mA I llO dElll) wllh 7 Intermedlflf@, 10f canes.ponding dlBA Ifj".~I~. 81j',)llable at rear l11iniil1me phtln~lili:k OONNECTlJR Afl 5Jgmds cl("ept .lrialog lEN I iI'tClII.abh:'l al fp',Jf double l5-pin etcl'l.:d-bl>3.rd lermlMals.

E.n'otJfOfI~rumt: TEMPeRATURE: 0 to I 55·C cpllratlni1, -40 to -+75'C sl,omBI3 HUMJDITY, 95% FH·I and -1-40 C "lBAArIOH; 0.03 in from 10 to ,H H.l.O.O] in. lrorn 41 to 55 Hz, BENCH HANDUNG· 4 In. ar4S IMIL STD,SlOA VII. SHOCK: 30 s.. 11 me

S!Jpp'ned: P PI!'I lype 12b plug, phQlle plug ill1d miniaWre phone plug. double 15-pm etched-board connecter, power cord

Ava IIi:! b.l'e: .1562 SOU N D·LEV El CAU SnATOR, data prinLE!r and record r. 193L1 Pl SECURITY CASE. tamPtJr prom ""Ill, loeb. CQll'1pll;lwly ~MtlllSI$ ~Xro5ure rnonll.m lind 15M,Po MicrDphoria, im::ILltJes l~lread8d stud to secure 1i'1onltor,. t934-9601 ACCESSQRV tABLE. ror connccuen to MFE. model M-12 or M 12!:l recorder; reocrder avallabre 11'1lm MFE, KlllflwliI),din Drlve,

rtIG l'!Il4'Pl ~loIr Iy c.~ w II to (XI .'N . <t\IIIi 1\ ck to ~Hc:lw lhe 1~34 rTlfllUll'!Ml in 1=i'1ICC!

Salem. NI-t 030791 6 lrt.h chart speed recommencled. HI3<l~ 9602 ACCE5-S0RV CA.,BU. ter cGi'inl;l~Hrm ttl MFE: mm::te:] DPGI" ~19903721 three-Coelumn data printer.

Powor:: 100 IlJ 125 Dr ZOO lo250 \I, sa III 60 liz. 25 W max. tM{jrQhi!nEeal: Ccmverllble·blmch cabinet, DIMENSIONS (Wt 1»;0)' 1934, 8.!!i;or!.i 25;;:8_2:> In. 121fu:133l12JO mrru, 193<1·Pl, 12_J 3A9 . .2!:id.l In (30&t235.~U9 rnrn] WEIGH1: 19~R 9,5 Ih (,VI kgl net, 13 Ib Hi kg) shlpP[Il~, 1934-Pl, IEi.S Ib (2_5- kgl net, 11 Ie (5 kg) stllPPJOIl,


1'34 Wt~l '!:"E~;AHl~I.II ~ M~.njTM' WJI~~QIII frm;;rotJhcn!!

WitI'! l!iEO-f'6 mll::l"t1 p.i1l:l 1'1"

l'U">P] .s~yt.tyC,ll51t. fill !.m~t·l)rI;ICOl I it5l1illo'lhm

1~~6 iii'.~!;h t'Grd.::' I. ,j., .. tln Jlrnml!' plugll, 10 QDn~1 to "rlll GR muM. ~Oll~! I'!'Iet~

i!lc!c:i!"~[]'lf CIIbl. fJ:jt MrE !>lola 0< M·UEl f~~[Ifdl."l

"~II~~ory C.b!ill [0' MFE l:lJ>6.' " U!I'J&.J12) d.3!t!l1)J: lnUJr

W~I)i1K'r ... n, far 1 .... Imcrgphl)n!!. pm j;lJGkOl 'I

cat!!IDI! NLlmlHl!

:n13.!1-'l700 19'~-1:l701

>11111 l~-nQ 'UI2'I- -100 ~OO" -lD~

91* - 111l:! 95"'- i!J1 92+- 85, W- Ii;!!


"'n ... ~llJ~1 'lrllxh .. rt ~d m.:ld .. "Q'n.~ ItHl .'~l; ac f'~~ .ltt~r~r 1I'Inil I'th< Ngl~~L.~iPf'..sLlI'll Mliflltor il'l .~ ~l.Itte Dt an l'Wlur I rtI;llsy "'1I;,rl; :Iap(I", TliI! ~um1.!I.,ti not!'E ~!)QtuNI .. t Ih[.!i. s1.aIIQrl ·"01. 110 lur t~e 1!-l1oJr d .. y. F"rnm_l"r: j;!IOI II ~..i!".~ .IJ,IIIJII~ .::I!!'tE'.nlln~tj ll'oill I " 4f \"e pe<mllP~d da.l~ !!~I».!.:lJ'" OCC:\ll'r~ bf11 .... tJll.l'I 10.33 ;11...,1

10:35 (~.,,[nul. dl~I.[f<td by 15 r'w.u!~~ !!III!> .... <I, I ,,~~l.!J~~lwl:C'n L I a A rr.:I 1l ~ !lilA) '!u le Ii reU I.lIt;ljllfi e I U1!1 <i~mkllJlu p"",,'n 1>,jg<t'I !!oO dOll. .,..:ml., tl ~ 'lhI· 11l1a1 "'<1\1" .~1.Ir '{ I"",nl'lln Ul~ 1,)~11'y ,:;t.ui.,t!l~ I" 11m Ill·


sure Man rtor

• sma~I, shlrl~pocke'lslm III llight we:igh"l~ 02:

., l.ampB r- IProCi'

III tHjUl~~n ml'kie

III r:onf'oni\lI, t;oappllLcable Jlor~lol1!ii. CIt' A,NSI S1,,4·1911,.

T"pa 2 ,Sallllld.JLslI'B'1 M·p(e·rs

III long batter, 'JiiI'e - aDD 'he urs

Me.a5.lIIring WiI'ue a"Umllll'a~~ noise ,exptlSure Tna HI cufrernents or lhe Clccupatumal ~felY and Health A.;:t for measurfnB employee nob!! e1'i,f,1D5un:~ are no al .... 'ClllS mel by SII1BI~ rneasurernsnts of nolse levels at varIous wilfk areas. MiJJ'IY poop I e t.e n 1:1 to mov·11 ;abo l,I,t during til B II wm kday and noise 1~\'eI5 ""arJ from ateill to area .. Geneldl Radjo offers you an Inatrum~f11 Ihal measures lIw lndlvrcllJlal's noi~e exposure, precisely_ The 1944 Noise-Exposure MOl1.itOf, a small, lightwei,ght 1f1'StrurnEl!nI (71h oUllCe5~; is warn by the WQrker and moves WiTh him durIng the entire- wcr~d~)J.

Pow~red by .a s in gl u ~. V battery. th i S 01011 I tor det ects noise w1th its iJUill in mic.rophone, weighs it anu accumulatss the total IltJl'5.E: e~pOsure' Tor the workday, based on



OSHA crltena, EXPo5Ure 10 levels m excess (l'F 11 5 dBA lsalsc de'lected and rne facl is etarcd by the: 1944. At the end 01 Ihe cay, r;eal:loLif Oil a separnle tnstrumant provides you wan Lhe a c"C1JmU I aled datil,

Th~ monitor po.rlorms its m~5Urem(!nts wllh aosetLitely [10 ,eirort onthe par'! of the 'Elmployee. Of {;'qLJal lrneertance. its light wEigtll and srn .. 11 size permlt II to hE! worn wlth no nii'idiral1:ce to hil'. work. The rnicrcohone is buill in, so thare are ne exP'tl'Sed ~ .. nres Of separdle microphones ro snag, break or p0S511 .. 1y foul 111 moving equipment Tamper-proor rlperatlon is assured, sInce there are no msplilYs or controls on the unIt. A concealed an-off switch Is acuvated bll' a· I=un, normaHy con~TClllec:l by the< supervisor or t~1e; nolse measurcmenl f,lrograrn. The pill ~'50 serves to leek the battery ill j'11aoe. a single 9-V hatter~ [hat I~sts for about 7 weeks or daU,' use.


1944 :Noise-Exposure Indicator

,1111 only one ,required for alii'!! n,lIIli1"1ber or monlt!DrlS

I!!! Ihlllt:-w!'l SQllIn d"\levi!!1 e;g Ilib !'sfor ebeeks cOnl:Plg11B

$ys'.em including mlc-mllholll8

• Mads lD' :!!IS91%

I. r,ea,dDul: n'll!',aHabla ClilidlV 1Q au[hQrjz,ud per50111 .' all ele:cllrol'lic.lncl'llding' brlg!,!,t l'ight-emIUilliilg-

!:I'ia de dl!ipSa~~no, mo'~n9 patr~

• baH81ry ,ope,ta lad

m5p~"ying aCCii!flIliliHed !ll!l,is~explI!su,e' lell,.!Is Rel'rlf':'/' mg the inf ormation (detected and !'l t orcd In the 1944 Nolse-Exposufo Monitor) IS acccrnplis!1<Jd,vHfI p.flse: you use the 1944 N OIS el--U:POSiJi e I ndlt:.!'l tor. A [ [he t3fI d cd th e l,'IlIa-rkday. simply plug the por:ket·Slo:-cd Mondor Into the Indicator, press iii button, arJd look at the Jight-ernitling' diode readout. The number displayRi there represents


1!:!·14 NOISE-EXPOSURE MONnlA' See pnwlcw5i pall!!. NDis'EI,upl:I!lu!'e TIme: Ma inlurn permissible exposure [Ime of 100% In acc:or~9nre wllh OU:Up;ltiIlOOlJ Szlr~I'I and He<llth Act (Flu b II c Law 91 596' is ilC I:U rTlulated tor tile I {] Ilov.'.ng 1- lern1lthi~s, er ,I pra-ori:ila ccmhlrtalfon DT ih~.

SOund LIYV"i,

'" w"rlll'laf!1l. SIc .... Rt!lloorn.e

,fJ !loll! 1<J1I)" .,





!Wund !iwal is Inl!'rpolatl<d belween iha above P'CffU'i., Thn tnK~tillar cur!O off sharPly tJelnw 90 LIM STORAGE.· D.·Ha rj1pl~r;enllnjil: IcH I noi~e-expo~n~ lime Olr.:cumula!ed. lr'l per. of r~gsr llfTIi(, .. tso tlu (act tlr whl!l11C!r HH! 115 deA limn has been excQed~ Accumulatiofl can be slopped by ~wa\:=tlU1E w~lhin Monitor; but dala are held for shel] lir€ of bat!Drl D until memory i~ r~llo zero u~ acuon tit 2 bulloil5 I n IIII'! jnrhC:OIto r

SOIJf1d·Lallel Rang.£!l90 IQ 1_5 dBA [re 20 "toll mil

WeTghl'lng: "A' In .a~COtt.l'IT1~ w~tl1 MJSI Standard $] 4-191l Type Z.mii lEe PLlbircil1J!111 123 1961.

ACCUf,il'C'ItI at 115 dB. I kH~_ At 23 C, ·0.5 dB, ever the 11:;111· pera!ul' r flg~-.lO In 50C 04 10 l,.2 rl -1 dB LINEAR rn. '0_4 dB l1l 1 kH~ Hem 90 III 115 elBA with refuren I! 10 th,l ll5--dB level. STANOflRDS Satisfks all .dppllr;.able SEll hans (d ANSI S I A -197 1 lor Type 2 ~ur-ILJ-II3".e I rrnt~f.!r a, In duding aceustlcal, ampllfh,r wolghUIi!i. "nd d~lwctian s~.cirallons DETECTOR;" True ri115 response with "stow" ~P€fH:1 in ar.cordlll'nCE With A~~SI 51.4-1911 If:C PwlJlrJ:1lHIlI"! l23. 1961 ami tile o.;CUfIllOnal Safel)' OIf1rJ lieilllih Acl. ere;;1 tacter l;.:Ipacity alloU scale {I 15 ileA, I~ gr(l.-ller than 15 d~. MicroJlllOnQ~ Cen1JTlIr l~pe.

IEnvironml!nt: TEMPERATURe -10 Ie + 50 C U4 '10 1:2.2 F) o I'lcra1ing, '10 to 60 C sl[]m~e WItJl bi'lUerlffi rflmoverJ. HUMJDITY Up 10 gO'1l.RH III 4.0 c

the :accumulated percantage of noise eJlp1)IstJre a worker htl'S 'ex:penence;J. . WO% 'beirliJ. lhe maximum pem'lls.sible in accordance with OSHA. A lamp on the Indir::alClr ~ igh ts ln I he e'.l'en~ tha'[ 11 5 dBA t1 as been exceed ed at any tlme duriflg the tl110nlrcred period.

The 1944 incUeatar urut al!ilo provides aco[jstic~libralion venhc;ahofl as 'tIIell as 3 check of bailer)! c:ol"\dlUon. F~lshrl1g !wo tU:I!larls r~et'S the memory 111 the Monitor to zero, rearly lor the ne l. day's use

p,O_1": One 51-V baUmy HI u q;:es..", 2U 6 Of e.quiv1thmt) &u~pffcd, p.ovldes abeut 300 r'operlltlol"l.

tI.ilIIectillrliea,l: Sh!(M~ rnerat case. DIMENSIONS (w,lth~~' 2.b49 09 In {56d24)(23 mml, WEGHT: 1.S cz ~O,21 kg} nat, 21b n kg) shjrpin~


R'eBllllilllu~' of datil ~!ed in 1944 meniten NI:II1-des~lIJcll~~ EXPOSURE Tr~E~! to 999%. [II IClPlljmll, On lighl !!mlU[Hg. Ellcr.l'll di'Spld~ in 1 ~o ::.!~PS; 998~ tor fltW accL.!mulallOfi &.~ ceeding 111tli amount, 115 clBI\ EXCEEurn: A liell! liho,,,!:. iT 115 dB A WlliSh"ed ~und I(!~'lr 'was e.M:oce1ed during ttte r11ollittoreri ,,"orkday,

C .. HbJ'ilt'lmJl'I: A sl;lul"1d·r~el (:i:lliOrtltol (inh~sr.;1 POlrl (II Iha lndlcolOr 1 produces: a I kH;r SoO<lnd fOf .1 Dsrlod of Hi Ii at l Ill' Drnp~( lvv~r ttl prn',ndr. .. ntll!ot!-~~SJDo;.LlHJ ac:tumtJlallon Qf 5c~, BflTTERY CI-IECK; A meter is ~fO\l'id;ed hlf cltecldr1g bat~rles. In tilL' Moni!or alll"J I tujiC'Lltillr umts.

EIlu-Jmnma-nl~ TfMPERI\ lURE.: -10 rc SO"C (14 10 121'f') opertlUor,,; -4Q 11' 160 C sloragc willl batterles rcrr.oWtu. IrIU MmrTV, Up '[0 90"- RI-II ill .10·C.

lPoWflr: Fou,- l.l}-\I' "C" ceus s.upp~ied, I'lrnv1t'1e 20" conunueus duly bl lnru;t 1 bumll1 hCllei dewn}. r~ORMi%l ,SfFWICE UFE: >6 rrlliHths

Ml:ll:hilDlleal: CIMENSIONS ~'Arllh);d), l1x7..3:>l2.1 (27'9xJ 85 501 I'l'1ml WE.IGf-IT- ".3.9 j I 8 kB) 1"1 I, 6 Ib 12,8 kg) ~hipjdlrng,

C .. hllolJ tj UHI t1f.

194' Nuiu !)g~i"".IB. 1)')I:1Ut:tC Mo.n Il~'r ana

1r1llk:;J tJ;lof irl $to;"~~I.I CoIx

1944 NQI'a~bp'il""r. MJ:lIlJ,lbr ~,pHIu" D.I~OrY 1!1'1l:1f1ilar l!!>9 U l'94J1 N~i5.&.p.o!>Ul'. Indlc,ICI:OJ" SPl!fil 11:.« .... )' I u..tICB~!lr U M:lI "I

• P",glllfH "'endi""

l""--'11QU 194'1-810l 8I41~OO' IIJ4A·'.lJi!n 1I,,~o.l!iiOO


Sound- eve I

easu eme t Sets

II mea-S'lue fie is!lt !e-,els

fII callbrSlte' "on .he !pot"

Convu .. hl!!'U ,c.ombin<ltiQll Hie CiA: sound-tevel measurement set is: a oractleal buy lor the person whO needs to mal«Jo 50uf'ld·leval rneesurernents and w"nls -lo malie hls own periodk l"Ouline eaflbrancns Three verslons of tne s,i;ll are ofleroo, e.ilc,1; cOI'ltainifll!: iJ sound-lever meter and is sound·lel,lcl catlbrator Tha rerlormam::e cnaracrerl:;11cs of each version are determined by the lndl h:luot' lnstru ml'!r1Is in Ih~ rollows·

The 1565·8 Sowl(j·Leval Meter meers PINS' TYPB 2 StBnd~rds. The I SG3 Sound Level Mel~r meets tne lessstringent Type:3 standards.

The 1562-A Sound·Level calibrator provides 5 frequ811 des, endbliriB vow to lest lrequcnc:y response as well as 10 calibrate at a standard le!lol The 1567 Sound-Level C<lllbf~lor testsat 11'.100 H~, for calIbration 01 level only

801h In'ilrume.rrls In each ~fl arE! batlery op9(aled 10 prollide tf\Jly portabl!! sQLII1rHevel measurements and calibration 1n a convemeot, easIly ci:lrried package. The (:arrYlnE case has the adrJcq adval1ta~~ of keepin!!! olh lnstrurnunts 1ofleth,'r u~ OJ s!l1sJe package. Tha calibrator Is therttrorc r€Qdlly available for en-the-spot eahbraflon uf the 5llund level mater.


1"3-9900, Sound-Lmrnl MelisurDnutfll'1 s!!~! 1563 Seund Level MO:'ler, 1551 ';ourid·LtlY4,>I Calibrator, c.)rrymg case, baUI'!Fles 5C.rcwdrl';'cr rar calinratlcn 5dj.,.sl, rninlature ~'I'On~ plug tl;~t C'fInn I'rt .. I ~ol-lnd "~!il'!1 m"!tO!r oulou t,

15Gs.,g902 Saund.iLevel !',III ~""lIurernen1'~t! 1565 ,B ~fld I-rtvel Motiter 1 SG2·,A Sound ,l£>vel calIbrator CiJrryll1g !.:a5~, tJall~fil!t.. screwdrl~e' fIX cahbr<lHDrt 8diu~t, nlln!<l!ure DI"Icoo plllg Iitat connects to SlJimd·l{'-vel'mEte!!' ouipul

156'5·9903 S(lUfHI·Le'llllCi" M~aiSLlr(l moot Sel: L 5:65--B Sound· le~el Mel(·r. 1567 S!l111l,-HI'veI t.;.allbrMnr r.arrlJrI~ ease, b<d teril';!~, sere ,'1[Jrl"'E?T ror C<llibratlon Ildju~l.ll1iniallJm ~[lnl; ,plvg 111~1 roonet:ls1o -SQurn:llevt!l-m"lm ou1[)UL

M,E;'t:henlC:I11 tallf se!h DIMENSIONS [WlI'n;,;!,J)' ll.2.5-j;,4.25.dO In. ~2B&IOB:a54 rrmrl WEIGHT .... 5 Ii,) {2J kgl net. 121l:i t6 ke1 ~Ippjrtg

for .all otl1E'r 5peciricalu;ln:O, refer To the Iri:ll"'ldiloll :JJ?sc(ip1ions Ilf 1hc Instrumllots 11'1 tlv~;;oo $~'<:'.

CaIn 1=8 r."m1.l"r

l!U-!!;\)Q] !itl1L_L!;It~1 M<rn .. r .. rl'ii~ L '54'1 1156'H''.lO:lt. 5iJ'If'1:f-L" ... ~! M'iIl.!L"~l!Iml!lIl S..-t • 51i!i-'!l9(ll S~wnJ,'L I!'~I Mo!JI~!-Irl!.ml!lit, 's..'l

15i6::l-Ml03 15M-SlY":? I, E>!i!j'-!l'!lDJ


Hearing Te _ ing

The g~1 of <iilI"lY hearlrr'lB: cOfllservat1on ~m:'lfllm Is, of eeurse, the protec:lion ,Q'f I!mpi~yee hUrlng. Ilf fOIli3WS. then, that the sUCCUS cr the prOl,l'3m am be rrlclnl1lmed dIrectly oj' rllpeated mea,surement err employee Ilt~arll'll,g. Ilr the program Is suc~ful, i.lITiJJloyee heariflg Is not fmpalred. If flOi:se ha-za'rds do axlsl Ihe cn!;.t4t of hearing losses- Qn be detected befofie they bet::ome sarious; arnd the OrfHildlr11l! Il'Ialf'lrds can tm eJlmTI'Ia~ed. DoC1lmell'ltaUon of l1ew.employee hearing rests ean serve to preve"t clr:llms lor l'l1ear'il1S lOSSes actuSln~ 1ntur-red pr'ro~ to empla)lrn~F1L Similarly. prep!acem!!I'111 hearing tests ilJre :a.dMS<:lb!e to eVi[:lluflte an erl"lI11loY'OO's heari,l'il JUiTo, to reloc.a'lIQn ill a potentially l'iIiRtH"Ioisearea.

Thll'toel fm h~aring m~I<!Vemef1l5 Is- the. audi'om~ler. an if'lstrrJmeJIt thaI measures an mdiviQ:tJill's. hllarh'lB threshold as a TOr{ttHlrJ &ffrertuel1cy. Three broad cate- 8~nes of aur:lforneters are awilable: 1. Monitoring ~I.ddr· omet~rs 10 detecr wheth~l pen,;Ofl5 have. a hl!llriflg loss er defec[ 2. CliagnCis~ic Budiame1i!'1'S for prQfess'lQrml audioloelsS Eo d{aBl1ose heating losses and to determlne Ihe type of cOHm;tlvE acUCf1i Mllcessa!'Y. 3. Researoh alJdiQm~lers for iJ!i.~ by medical spec:lalisl's such as aud1· o~ogls1s and at I;I~QQi~ts tu bash;; u!5earch 1 nki til e li:carll1R mechanim'l and to c!·evelo]J new leclmr"ues. for cllrll"lg speech and hearing defects. InquTries ab:eul re· searCh and dia:&nosli(; audiometers s.l1olJld be din~cted to 8 rf)sol'll-Stad ter.

me type ,01 alki[Q,I'1'let~r usually preferred it'1 a tile:afil'lBC()n~rvatiol1 progr<lnTI is Ille monilorlng audiometer. Agaln, as with flbrse..;measuremsnI Instruments, there am twO ba!>ic choices !Elf thle type 01 monitoring auclcrneters a\mllatJle - SutomeitdC and I11iInLiaI. the eccnormes of the choice depend largely en lhe rna:KrtlllJdE' of the tHsk.

l'lHl' G-:S 1703 Recording Aud~g.meter IS a 1"1 iii wtomatlc audiometer that hfIS, won the landorsemen{ of moot au'thQritlas. It p,erfQfrni the Ilflo~ry measurements rap. jdly, produces hi.g;I,ly repeatable results. and does not requlreconstent al1Brrlian by the aperat(lr- 'tile emp11!lY,1l:e tests himself after oniy ii minimum of prellmrnary 'I'lslructions. Becal.i51l: l"he 'jrlsfl'umanl produoes an alJdipGram alJtomaUcany dLJrrng the lest, it'S ;,ralldify is ress likely to be challenged rhan thai ot an audiogRII'l!T p.roUe~ mcallus,Uy after hhe 161 ~s complet~d, <1'$ 15 clol1e wHh ~l'1uall audlomercl'S.

nl!! a",dlametril; ~..i!mfliiiltiun mom Is elMI her Important aspe-c Clif employee-hE!iil:rlnR measurements. QlJlet 15 necessary use backgl'(i-lJ rltl rmtse can serlcUi Ill' i nr~ uence Ihe emproyee's response and, therefoie, the test results. lin vel)' !"Me cases, a suftiC:ft:inliy CjlJlet area of the plant or off[r:e nan be fDund In whfth to perform the tests. In most c-ases, h01.I'IBVef, sucn atr.f<; ilre m'lfil--e)("isLent· ar;i:J j s-piH:lal aCOIJ;,;Ucally treated room must be buill or purchased.

Since the noi:a€! levels inslde tne room must be beloW the 'rhresho1d 0,' hearing, C.are lJi design anI! b()n-strUetian technnque5 are necessary to a eh iellS the nece5Sa ry noiseredUl:tlon efficI ranCI€'s. Walls and roof shourd 00 two to lIour tnehes Inlck, constructed' cf matemd with .a high degree of <1Ic-Ol..Istic absorption and sheathed in sheet '31,eal. SIiMcers must be mflployed 'on v(:!lltiTstQr injels alFld cutrets, and It Is adl;l"iiKIbli!' to have the entir'li! strlJClure mOLlnted on el'a:stnmer 1,tibraUan lsoletnrs, lin Clddi~ rlQ". for acceptable test resutts, such enclosures ~hould meet the IJlIrlol..i.S applicable standards l!1cludlng ASTM ESC-en and A.N 51 Z24 19.1951. 53.1·1960 ii,ndl S1.1960. GR El'ffers 115 1939 Audiome1:rtc Ex~mrnaUQn Room and 1938 SOL.Jnd S'he-Iter, both or which meel ~hese stand~rd:s.


1938 and 1939 Quiet R'ooms

Ncw Since ! Catalog U

GR 1939 II h ~g'h a ttormaUoo. for nONlilf areaS!

• roomy !nEelri"of

• $e~c)or-al OPUQ'liiIB ~ vent fan, shun


I. madoraCril'idw!iiUlllhJIIII

., mil'S I nrrl'L!Igh I!IJ 3iJ-in. doorway

:.1 Qco,nomlea~ly priced. wUh v.e;~1 "an

E5:5enlila'l silelllce For Ylliid aUdiometric tests. it ,& esS'el'1tial 'that biJek,Sf,ound noise be kepi 10 an absolute minimum and the best way to ar..hlellltl' this is by means (If an audiometric booth. Amo'ng the best. ilvallabl'e are [hose manulacturad by the Industrial ACOI.JStics Comparly For General Redic.

The booths d~s:cribed here meet appllcable OSHA requirements. 'You will be pleased win, the Quality ot constru ctlon, The I:i!i rge. SmQOUi>i:ljJeratll1g doors ,are compiat,ely safe, even for chf!dr.m; and lha generous·sh:ed window helps keep the IXlF!.Onlnsfde at ease,

A shalt a~lIable with the 19'39 ,"oorn, Is Ideal for in.stfU~nenlaU[lI"I 'Such as tHe 1703 Recording A.udi,om-eter. wb ich olherwlise renu ires i'! table Of ben ch


GR 19'3i9 ,Audlamet,lc Examlnlltlon RaDom

FI!tque.I1ev' I Al!lin ulilio n1 1.00~l I

1500 Hz lOOQ 2000 400(J 8000

76 dB 83 95

108 J2C

.~6 (113 53




Con'5i1.rueticm: ~11l. Ihlck ncn·rombt,*-11ble 5H~ElI-filU!d p.o;neJ~ rlcc' rests en rubber-ln-sttear l,lfbration iSOltllotf'" doo! opens cut and lesvEls 30xl!i.7,ln, cle:u Ilpel1lng. WINDOW: .24)1;'30 In. (ir 0.25, ·n. salrd!i glels~ ~~i~n ;Jmu~'it So1:'OII

VenUla1 on: Optlonal too..CfM rl'lol-moufll(!fj lert.ed air So)'S· tern Bu",rarlteOO to b-f;I bolow lt1r~sholtl of hearing [ISO 19~n: non-protruding disrnLtTgB 5ilencer

Ml!chanicD,I': MorJul<Jf ccnstrucnon, st'lfppi1d dlsas$Cmbled DIMENSIONS rw~hujl ~ Inside, 40.l!16.:.-3G in, (lOZd9BK9 ~o (;m~; ootsice. 48(51h44in n22:.:Sh:ll2 rom) WEJGHL 1700 lh {nO k!!ll'1el

ll)J9 ~ .. dil(Jm"trl ~ Eam ImI!l:Iort """,,m WL1I11Dre~c:I 'Il!l'Itlta.'ort iIIl'ld ;;he!! Wilt> rDN:~d VI! r LLI.'.'Q N ~1l L l1"it

Wrlr'l ,Ul'old·, ~rllC:" 1)1 ;.ydL 'm~1~r I1t ran Wd hcul I Q'[;J:!d wlmi I~",·tknl'l. rWl ~ ~i311

La~, modals ACIO .\i'~n .. blc l441 )iI 711' X 4D In. In!l.ldc~.

GR 1938 Silundl Shelter

f.~u"n"y' I

~~l'v.ll0i3 l'il.l!'MI1C11 UI39-976:!' un9!.!l1liJi1l

sa dB 111, 88 99


L ""I

5(JO Hz 1000 2Qoo 4ClOO 8000

44 51 52 50

Ol:ll1structJ:lln! 2,5·h,,-l.hir;k I1'IJrI-cumbLJSfllll~ ~leeH CUe! panels, Ilwf [alpel~ Ij'"ilh 3-ply corrtinLlous·l1taml'll1t lI)1tOrt br,nJuJ te 0 19 In. t;jJlmae ~ltJL:J rD fII:)I)I'. d(Hjf oPC[1:; out and leall(lS 2"h:66 In rreilf ope nIriB. W1~jDOW: 2111130 11'1 pi o 25-lrr s;:dely i[a:5.!i wjl j l:I=Cu~Uc seal

Vlim'lillltllln: F'Qn:i[:tJ venll :ll1on 1l~11ml wl!11 Inllw,,: :1nd exIlJ i,jsl eJ le

MlM;tu!In[&Eli: Ship~ as-~1lmbled, fits Ihru 10 In uoorwily DIME.NSIONS ,V',',!!Mltd)- In!ild·:. 24:>:6611:34 in (6h:.1GalfBfi unL t1u't5rtJlI, 29:a5~39 In. (74x191:1:99 ernt, WaGI IT: 550 I~ (lOa kR) n~j

1 lJclJ\we-tFilnd dmiDr jr,_ lt1lJ r>C1I

f .;n"Il1t \linn lliftlQ, r~I!1J.:.!lrml Ik i.~i'''-ti .J~ I~~ tij"~r,,!'U.~ bl!1",~!I fh~ !iLlUf"Hlt~U'C InY'l1 In 11 r~r.I~i:<'fnrUtQ(1m nU.lilrl~ ,,~ 1l-)!l!II ~r,['I Ih'lI i,.,~icl" I~III b:JOlil. = 3 dEl 1M lf1'>tnrltH'nt "'[J~n"~ml:11t~ ~(lnlo'm 10 .~~t'; ~EIQ-fjl T Jf}C ,IINSI ·lZ4 11l Hl!)", Sl 1<11100 ~I)Li !H~k-191iO

1 "'i!JIlmUllI IIl'Poi.cl1l I~~ul" 'L AN~.I s..1 1·l.ijOO;. If'l~llJae .. JLJ.t:IH sa~ •• r ',,~il'>r 'i!t II.;dulilinlO :lonbM!nl II!!'lroI!. 1I~~i!ltJ:l"crl 111 !oll~ <1'01:11:11"1 .111 "L! II ,1·lt.e 1 ,ill. t$parl DI (;,Fl'~ ID"ILI ,!l&.i<. l'Il:"P~Clfl~h.

'Tllrmlilly includ~J III II. 1'1t1".lfi.'111-1Barl~'I-&ofIL2rY:Jlln" P,KOIlE!!.

0.1'I1I;\1f ·'~tJI1HJer


CUmanllona ~~ltu"". of v1mrUlldotl h~r,;l""IIJ~.

G~N.(RII.l j.iJ!,lJIo l!lJl C"-,T ALoe

• ra,pld aU'llIImillUC testrngl .1 fedl,lees. op.r!JtOI' UlitOrs

iii penntlilil&nl dctcumentanllJliIl,DI b:![s,1' dala • ~lI:onomh.aWI)l priced

P~cjsen!!ca.n:tl.i. ,at the PLi51!! ~11 .iiI 1!II.lUol'I Push the Test button and the 1703 does the rest II presents seven standard a!,ldicrnetrTc fre-quencies 5eqlJl,mtially fur 30 seeonas each, varies the interlsllr o,feat:i1 until ltle h~r~ ins Ihreshold is reactled, and rec;'Orrls It he results of lhe enUre on a laf~, JliIgible chad - 0111 [lut'Omalieally a I"ld wi ttl no furthe r centre I ina nl pu laflen, The .automatic approach frees tho op-arator to perterrn I,lther duties and effectrvel,. ,eUmlf1al.eS operator error slnce he is not rn, \lolvea in presentlns test tones OF in rli'C,crd'mg resllits ..

All :5e\!'e-rl ffcqUQl'\de:s are presented first to the I'eft ear and lllen to tl;;a right. After the sequence 1$ complete, a l-kH ztona is re-p r~ented ,to the right es r to assess th I) reliability of the test. At the Inlrodl!ctiol'l of eachtest ireQuenq.o the signal Inl~"sit!ll changes rapidly IJntil tl1e employee's tjrst f~SPtJI1Sil:, !hil'n mc:!!!:! 'S1owly as the U'lr~iht:lld IS approached. 11,i8 techl"llqu~ eevotes less lime to reaching the thresholu and more ttma to dBfu,ung the threshold bueclselv, with a resultant increase in the retest reliabWty and a mere mean.flg,lul iiudlogl'dm. The InclliSion of an 8·kl'"i2 lest frequency graoll~ assists [n Ihe diserlreinallcn b atweel1 hearing I essas dLJS fo presbyc I isrs anal thos-e caused by long-term nOJseeJII~lJrl!.

Fiber·Up pens ~rc: available In three colors ror easy' cornp,\ulson of .111 emplu)'ee's .alJd~ogrnms taken at dHfer~ ent trmes on the same chart. tiny cttanges af.l~· then clearly visible, Use different colors on. for instance, a pre-ernployment al1,lIogr.un end fur ret'ElS1ing aner one and two year5' employment.

-SOQ GJfI &p .. ~im~IlI!l<~lg~()CJOi:loer/[lu~nbl:r, )91D.

ThI1 t;.S 1703 i~ Qn-~ CII 2-J~!1I1 ,luillamutL'l'!i 1'l'Ii'li'lblr~~u~"tI by (;rt,:.o",. lolUcllcr. \ G~ ["0>11iUl'l~ fU{ tither ~U(J.I¥TI!!l~S, $I! p!!t:;all;l2.


'S11I1I11l1: PURE TOr'! IE. "( frequEindEl'S 13ulomaHcaH)' and sequen· MlI,' presented 10 Inll left, an Ii) the right. eatl .50C Hz, 1, 2, 3, .II, D, and 6 kl-j;: rclll:l~~l"d b~ .1 kHz riMs I or li1e: rIght ear. FREQUENCY ACCURACV: -:3~. TIMING A.ND CONTROL:

Af ar Tes1 butlon is pushed, each ~reqlJen!.:.' 1'!1 presented r(}f 30~.

Inte.n51~~ RANGE.: Varies aulomaliCilJIl' and umtlnuclisJ}' from -10 to 190 dB Bearing Tnfi!!;.hold Level (I-ITU ffl ANSI 63.6-

1.969 and [964 ISO S!ant:iards. AC:CURI'ICY· ±:3 dB from 6001-12 ttl o!'l Id-l " , t1 uS i1bo~t' ~ kHz. TIMING AND CON TRQL Signal IS tliJ!omahCGlly pul~c-:d 200 rns on and 200 rns [111 er nan ~ I'lfes.&nl~ cnnllnLJ(}LE,ly RA"TES OF CHANGE: fll.domilllil:;ally pf(ll5ram~d. .10 dBI s. Until firM. employee re1;lXlm;~, then illl!lm.3lo1,!l~ .ilnd - Tor each response, ~6 ro'· rows: 5 dBts li"l"1[11 4th re-srpcrtSe, tben 2.5 dB!!> tool ,I empIO)'&! tijlls 10 resppnd In 5 S,'l' returnli ttl 5 dB,s} INAt:

AI 1i!nd or hal. Intll'n~illf 1::. reset 10 min HTl and ~mployel;l' ct)1'h.ol of Inten~lly I~ rnn'l"Iln<"1t1ad

'CClntl'G~: Test butu:m initiates test Ill' cenllnues leSI aller stoP. 511l1l buttzm Int!:!Hupts slSnals. resets IntllflSity to min HTl. Hold button di:;.abJe~ aUlomatic. ln~qu~ncy advancr:. !eavirtIl Illlensitv and cmploV'Ile contret tlO:rn1il~ (but permitting oterdlor hI rhil"g{· fn .. >qoIl1'lty and pen J105.iI DO milnu:JUy). CI;lWirn,gnf!C'<l!tians: ·Em"lo!r'ecl1;;mr.l switch.

DIsplay! 5118 in. <.Iud,rcgram 01 Hfl, ~o. rreq~nr:y. aulom.a!lcally and contlnuo.usiy prDUeCL

SUtIli',ll'l'ii!'il',: C'.3'ibralet!i c.molQyoo lli"lrp'\CI~, employoo hand· !iwll.-:l1. 1000 audiogram fart'm. 12 hl!.t!e flbeof-Up pen~, ptll.,om.f and patch cords

AlilsUable: flbef-UD pen'S in 3 COIO~> loIudto.i!(ifnl forms. IPower: 117 Dr 234 V, 50 to 60 Hz. 1 £l W mID:.

IM~haniCilI: Table-top urul 01MENSI(JNS twxhxd), 13x:7.d11 In. ~ :.UO~ 178J1:3~6 rnrru WEI GJ-I T ·l2 Il"I l5.5 ~ l net, 20 I b (9 Kg) 6h i pcjng.

U'tIl If e a.-r!dJPJ!' ,..udfgm.tu ICh.rt p.pu - 5OC! ~Iu.ftl "1lJ1~ Flo>tl-P~!;It,j

I'lIn~, Of~" - l>iqI 01 -I Pcm. 811.10 - !'IoB 01 '1

1. "1I;IYiJOO mJ,lJIl-9<102 UIiI3-!J!i.Ii$ n-1I3~&fii U03.g~


Alii fmpol1;arr! ClOi1!iide:ratiQn No matter !hew well

p~anned ,a, l'learrng-Ctln!>e!Mfion ,pr-ogram may be or haw ~refLlU!l' Ith~ equjpmeot has bsen selectea~ the ,e.ntjre eHart can be jeopardized by Insufficient evldence thar the IfI.5trume.nts have been performing prap~rly, Periodic. perl!crmam:e cheeks ,,';m: thercfore adlJlsabl,e and sl10uhf im:::lude all B:]l.Ilpmenl' inllolv~d h'i Ih~ hearlng-oonserva. tJon p1'Ogram.

CaWlr:ilUOI'I ,eqlll ipmelilt Cmn preher;Jslve ca flbra I ions O'r the equlpmrml are ganeralljl' recommendRd e\l'~r!i G to 12 rnonlhs; calibrations earn be done only at lhe manufac~ turer's ser'llit:e facility or 011 indBpern:lent lj!lborat,orl~s spec ia Ib:IntEl in such terMi caflons, A ella i'ly m onitoeing check Of! equipment pertcrrnance, hDl!'lever. can be accomplished on-slte quickly and easily, with a lI'el'atiV'l!ly minor investment.

The book referaru;e is a microphone calibrator that Is

a. SCltJrC{! Orf sound a'i a ,preclsel];, IttUIWI'I s<oUI1d·p:reS'Sura level Such a ealibr;dnr' provides a quick ct1eck 011 the acclJl'<!cy of SQl.u,d·!evel meters clfld t'1oi'se-ceXJXllijtma: meniton; used for nQjSle<-haz:a~d detection and Of! seund analyzers used for deta lied analyses of t hI! ha za i'd. GR oUers both muItHT@t1uel'lC;jI and :slngle---frequE!'l"Icy sound-level C8l1brators In il'!li TYIPes 1562-A and 1567.

Once iii sound·level meter has been calibrated, n 15 reatilll 'to ohec:k Ih'B: sound I ey.els 1 n noisy ar'e.iS, ,and, in cOl1juf')ctiol"l wlth an ,earphone. coupJer, to make ch~c!!s on an <iii i.Jdi orneter.

An eltcellent instromentation pac\ta,ge fol' fteld caHbratlens ls the SR 156t!-Z Ai..K:Homl.lltcr caribraUcn Set whkn IncHnles ill l'nic(Ullhone caUblGtof. a sound·level maler ,also ureful {or noise-hazard detoction}, anti Mil earphone cwple1i", all neatly paella,gee! in ill cernpact case,


The 15'1ii:2:·Z -. - fay Itlj" ~,~ rauUj! alildiomeb:lr7' In 1963 a study revealed [hal ·j)rrI audiometer only had a 50·50 chance 01 t;lI'~lflli! accurate I)elicieru::uils includ~d sCiund pressure atl or iJeyond toJerarrcc limits, lalll~y ear phone performance, frequency I:mlslde limits. ex:ces.si1ie harmonk dislortioft and ~dfi.lneOLJS In:strurrlr:ml noise

With this fact In mind the 15'52&2 Audiometer calibration Sets were conceived I nini systcmfi wHh m<l~i' bene'FlI::. ror fiiGhl budgets Each contains I!l sound-level rneter OInt! earphone coupler C! measure Um culnul 1i.'::\I'e! and freQuenr.y rssncnse III 1he Oludi(imeterl a sound-Jeve: callbra1'nt' 10 ensure accurate reolldings from the soundlEVel rneter, a callbratlen t.h.;lft, r1 hJfi set of fnstruc:tlons, and a r:orll,IJ~"ief1lt carrying CQ'!i{, to KPep evcrythlna togt!ther

[,afplil,o ne CO:Il plef!; 111 F. Fe are two v,erSi ens of the cali· bratien se , One includes i:f 156()"P82 Earphone Coupler ';U'1fJ the other f.I 156Cl·P83 E~ilTllhone COjJpleq--, Bath



~ppUed: 1565-B Sound ~\'L'I M! ter, 15f12 SOUMd-LEVfII Cnll. Ilr:ator, ~ilrJltlOFl!! coupler. span. lHI teries. ~lung~ CIIS'! Mecllaflil;all: DIMENSIONS r\i~'~hJ(cJL ] L25x·I.?!;!( 10 In t2a!J:o. l08~2S4 TIm). WEICH! 5 lb ~?'.3 kg] nnt, 12 rtJ (6 kg] :Jl i o.Oillil_


1560'-P83: GP "lll fmorlfritld version 0'1 PI! BS h'pe g, A·, VOLUME.

5.642 eml in:::J iJdirtFl ~{li U rn« addE'd by micro n h c r e A)(IAL HOU)ING rOFlCE~ -150 warn!: nOfnrnal

• TfI<:, 15!i~H'bJ. -Ptii' mil .f'ijl in1:I~o: ,iI mlcrnpl1QI'W!! 'I)(. 11'''8' sUl~ I,;r Rrl'l,l t~r "JI! 'I ~ LI~Q a!.i'o' '·11 af C.lJrI1'un~ r(lnf fOlir.;;J rnsa litJli'" II' H ls ..... itl1 l:ialh Nas., ;~ r, cDI.IQl!!rtII i11'11'IYIC'Io df'lml rhi~ mfl'T(lr tjINj~H!rit~ C;]jUl:.u~ floilI ~f!lCornll,lJn ... llrinlioo It, r.OLlt!f. r 10 1Hfru.~.

ISIS,I)·IP8l and ·P8.2; ANSI Type 1 ., VCllUMIE'· 6 ern' incfu(lit1R 'qulyalen'l VIl'J· U me of I'f1 lr.r o I'lhol1lfl A X IAL HOLDING FORCE 500



couplers ril l-lnch-dTilrr'fBter mrcrQl'ltaOl1es such as 'Gfi: 156Q.P5 .P6. and -P7 micropliorle's and TyPE' L labard· tory standard mit:ron.l'lores stIch as lhe WE 640AA. TMa crJlii;Ir3tiOfl sst il"lclucHn~ lne 15So..P82 Eilrphon43 Coupler IS used for callbrahng the Telepncntcs TDH-39 ell'ld TDH- 49 E',SupMnes ~Ione (without muffl. The sal including thf! 1560-P83 Earrhon~ CQupfer Is used fDr calltmatir1R thl1! sarne earphof1FJs with the earphone ~ustnlOfiS fMX· 41' AR) tetr III place, A third coupler the 156Q-P81 Earphone CoUpler (aVfJH<lble 5en"f:iHely). is for I l'.fr.,·lrlcli dl6meler rnlerophenes SW:Jl itS the order GR t56f)..PJ and -P<1 mtcropnOrle&. <lOU is slrnllar te the 1560·P82 in illl 'other respects

-~B eR E>lpJlnm.l'Ilff 'or M'I',Jm~· t%! [1~J nnt.1 Ikl l~M a'm Agril Ht68 {l5f,S; ~ ann !!arf)I'IIW1,. C<JUP' r~

I r l Ea~I.iSc _,,' ''''t I~ L 0_ IlO!'I1'f. W fTIt'lm('~ H - ill'lll"" H~i:J' 'Ill:' S'~,.I ,f'YI r~ B'lfl RI"ml'l1' r,:m !()f;J in CI1Jljj'~. II,m,.'n.ty n rill. f ~ tim "I'l ilrll"'U~I(! s~rml af PJJl1fl~ Il<lI.~II' f'ul:;ll~he~ b\' ~'1~:o.!;II,~OJ. ". ~"IJlt r..lir;;s" ... ri l'ffi:l

Frequo~cy: 125 HI tfJ S kHz iludrr:;tmQlrlr. rrequ~{1,,:iEf!; r .. - Sfl[)I1<;O.:! l., '!i:fj 131 to nat "bin ned ','.'ith BS 9-A CDUOr!!f WI.llin 1 dB to iJ "'141 <Ina 1 5 dB to 8 I-.Hl wtllm II Is u,>NJ wlttl TOn ,9 or TDH 49 lUlfDhone in (ror 1560 PB.3 GnIV) MX·.UJAR car. .u~hfm

MMhl!n1r~;~i: 15'!iO·PS] lilld -RI.2:' DIMENSIONS, ("{lulll"'r, '-.25 11'1. dl.'l X. 1.06 rn. l1fqh (57 27 Il',.,.,l, I.lli'~--~jll f ......... !1X'dl ~ 25 :;d In 1~"7(j ... 7f, rnmi W[If':HT ('15 Ib to 3 I<t:) m·l. 2 It. (J kill §hlc"!n~ l5~O·PS3~ DIMENSIONS C:()upl~'r, 2 q..! ~'" d,a 1 .'?5 10 nlRh {7'Jxl? mrm, Q\lN-all ("'~hxdt 2' - ;lx3,5l1! 3.5 In 17!5.i1'9Ox90 mrru, WE1Gt-tT' O.S 'h (0.3 k~l no1 .2 11::\ '1 kg~ shIPIlln,:l,

l5521-1' lIoJd~~ .. r CilihlmllhD" s.~ w,1t] 1!l1j,O-P82 bHtll''lJ'lf' Ctlll;;J4nt

wI! tl UC.IJ-FS3 Eilrpl1ljr\' Cou p.1\lT, ~"" tIIIo <.J',~j ""llr'~lJt '''m( ~In. '·,·,,'I"omw


1.~Pil Ei1lrpftnm. c.,ui'l~r. A!lJ1j1 I~I" 1, H.II'I.

nr.o-Ptll! EIIi tphgn!! CDIIPlllr. ANS. i.Yr)t 1 j in

15fiII..p·a El!JiiPJ~O!l~ CJ"p'.r. Of! type o;!{J. lhltlti.r)'. ~'" io:.f .I.5(I!t-l:I r;' ,"(!uitl:(J1

~!i£go.96H:;: :t ~iiG-'j6r'l.l 84l1i.:J:i!OO


.. e

I C Ii


Ii 123 hi! ,zlIal) Hz

• ± D.S·tlD a,CCiJlraJty at 500 'Hz

• fits Im;EL11r1 mlero,pln,DIiII,Bs

• a;ppFiOlied by BUflea!lll 01 Mlnel

A !101nd'ilJl,ilf Pnl~iStll'.1'!1 Tha 1562·A is a s~~f·conl8~l'1ad IJl"lit for making accurate field calibrations on rnlcrcphones and sound'measurinB Ins~rUmaI1l5. This caJhbra~ 'tor llts in the palm Df yoU! bandj operates on its own battery power, Featul'1e5 iii '5it)gle rumble-free control, snd provid es a preci ~ely It: rLown sOl,md-p ressu re level a l five ANSI-prererre.-d 1raquem:ies.

Ad.aptQr5 supp!led wlln tne 1562-/\ permit calibration crF ililY 'SR l14~. I", 01 ~N mleroptione, Optional adaptors are available to ~ermil calibrahon of most other standard-size rnlcrophones,

An ,e:lectrlcal sIgnal o.utput 1& provided 'or tests en instruments withoul rnicr'Op1"lQI'lIffi. and a bullt-ln indica· tel' I<lmp checks for ade'OLlate battery voltage.

Typkal GR lnstrurnents that can Ile c:alibrnted with ttl e: 1562~A. are sound·1 ffilal meters. octa\la-band anal,Ylers. and 50und and 'oIlbratlan 1lImilyzers.


Aco~c OUi1.p~: FRE.OUENC.IES: 125. 2~Or 500, 1000. and :WOO Hz, '=:'3%. SOUNO·PRrn'SUR'E LEVEL U4 dB fa 20 I'N/m~'; O!'C~racy st23·C and]60 mm Jrlg Is, rDr WE 640AA or eq1J1IIIlI!lOI rnicropho:nD. =!::O.3 dB at 500 Hz aM -:(1,5 dB .It

ether rrequBoc:!es. ,snd, far 01110; ml!:rcphcnes. !.O .. S dB al 500 HZiintl·LO.7 dEl al other frequ{!nc.igs.

lE'ied,ria!'I'Outpul;:. 1 V±2Q% behind 6 kG. nDt -2% with <0.5% disl()rtlon i available at p'lone j Sick.

Eo'lll'ltll'lmeont: TEMPERATURE: 0 10 50 C cf,lem1ing. remper<llur'lfl coeltlcrE!nl 01 sound·pressure h~v!ll ia 0 to -0.01.2 6B/·C:

I;tlffocticm char1 suppUed HUMIDITY: 0 to 100"0<1> RH. su,ppUed: Carryinlil case, tJdaptcf5 len ~ and I-In mll:fcphenes (111s. ll.,l,;·!n. mh:rophcm~s vjllilout adaptor), b .. tmr~_ i\vallll:lle: 1500-9501 COUPLER ADAPTOR SET. fur coupling 1.562 ~t::I %. ~~. and V.t·[n. microphones. Set is $l..Ip~lIed DS stam:latd wirn all GR mlcrophClne ssts,

RlWlllr: Battery O'petaler:l ,9 V. Bu_rges.s PM6 Or ,equ3111 120 h use.

Mllcl\al'liejJ~: DIMENS10N.s~ 5 1M, (121 mmJ 'oog >l ,2_2ii 11'1 (51 mm) dis" WEIGH!: I III ('0.5 kg) nat. 4 lb 0.9 kgl shloping.

tlt!-&rIf E1; Ian

15.§2.A '!l~Lmd·L""'ill C.lIlli r.rtOr coiJj:l1m( 1\!!I.p!iO~ ~r, &,rj<l'p1.~ ! !jll2-1<, to

~. ~~_ and '~II.! !l!ibll!'l')!'. BPIIUI U ret:! L1!rPd ~

~tJ;IIOJI, NumW.r

1561).'9581 ~ n C-:lOIlD


lEitOllomical CaliluaUan The i567 Sound-level Cilllbrato r Is.. s pecia Ily deslgfl.oo for J"OIJ who wi!ih to ehec k instrument sensitivity bin~)' (not fTeqi.l~.ncy response), The 1561 Mas ill singrC"le'olel OUlput and is well 5uiEed for calibr,alinglhe 15£3 and 1565-8 Sound·LelJel Meters a't 1 1o(H...;

Sl?iEClfllCA r IOJHS

Acolffi~Uc ClullJ1Iut: fREQ1..JENCY: 1000 Hl, ~3%. SOUND-PRESSURE LEVU: ] 14 dB rf! 20. ,N I ml, aa:.L,rrdl;!I fat 23 c aNd 760 I'11m Hg} Is·::=;0.5 dB fer 1565'13, =1 dB ror 1563

iEouiNUil'l1ept: TfMPERATlfREl Q to 55 C operating Temperature GoeHII::fenl 0.1 sound-pllmiure le'o'tli 1(1. z.ero =0,01 dBI =C,


8 T1 W F



o to 23'C: -o.m] - O,()Q8 dB/·C. 2~ ~o fiO~C. PreoS'iU~iI!c:.ammtion I;harl soppitll'Cl. HUMJOITV: IJ to 95% RH. S'upjJ!lied~CimyinB C<lSEl, ~dapbnr for 1565-B, biJUery_

Power: Banery Ilper.It6d. usJns 9V !Burgess: 2U6 or equlva lent: 100 h of use.

Mechil' Cyllodm;{ll housing. DIMENSIONS fdla x I1h 2-3& 4.44 In. t6U:.1l3 mml. WE~GHT: 1 11:1 (1.1,5 ks11'1~t., 4 Ib (1.9 kll) snipping.


L!i(,7 SOlin,j.j,"III~1 'i:itllmtIOr ilI.UIiJ:t. 'Io1:I"I~ H 'r,qu.I,ij.ll1

lS;~'1.9!{IOJ ~lo...allJO

uc -Nolse

Of th~ t'echnlques a~ilable, oontrnl aiLd reductlon ot noise rit, Its SI'JVr6'e Is I he mast des~ F"able, If someli mas the mos-t baffJlng. Forh.Jllarteiy, sn eller-,growlng arsenal of tnels is ClUered to the pl'OOuct dasisnar wl,o must cepe with tha product~I'IC1i'3e reduction problarn.

Fundam'&1I.aI(y the na~e ~enli!ranerl bytl product (:all be clll.lraCfE!.Fized by Ihree pmpertTes Or ccmbll1<rtlotl!; 'bherroot These are the amplilude. frequel1cy and lime dlstrflmlions. GR lnstruments are available [or the messL.rreme nt of ;Jn~ of tn>€oOO properties.

Am plj~ude By far the most frequent Iv used I nstru-

rnent if. the Silufild-lO'Vel meter whose primaf)' [unction is Ute ma<.lsvrement cif ampni,ude. The A'rrH!!rical1 MatiOfii! I Bta ndards Instittl ~ i'1 as est:abHs.tmd three cla~ of sound-h:lvel rnatets ,ill"1di the rnterna,hOfUiT Electrotcchl'lical Commfss[on two classes. GR~ has Instruments mf!etlJlB Ihe requIrements of each class from either Clrganizatlon.

The 1563 ls 811 im!'Xp-l3l'15Ive i'l'l<slmment whJct:l rneets fuHy ANSI S1.4-1971 Type 3 requlremants, The 1565-8 and 1551-0 meet the provisions of ANSII Type 2 and lEe lc43. The new 'Jl9'33 Predshm SOll.lnd-Le\i'el Meter and 1\ 'lOll ~,;mr i~ a break t:hrauah in saurld·level-lfTietJe r desl l!i.n , It meets ANSI Type 1 aM rEG 179 ,artd Includes many automatic foolures to simplify and speed measurements to r;'Iraeislon stendards, if! the riElJd as well as in the labomtory. A n'i!iVli' com pal'li c nl c:a~11e data recorder adds ,automatic ms,mory to lh~ featUJ'e$ of thfs prndsiM soundj,evel' meter a{1danal~'zer L

iFII'eq,ueillc,' Both human respo-n<se tc f1!Jilie andvibrs·, ficin ,and the abi lI!y m I'oc.ate ~ts sources am tUI'ICUifiiliii of fr,eqllBI1CY dlstribU(Jan. Frequ.l!lncy-ana,I~Ip; inslrUments availabre I'rom GR cover the complete range from those ~hfl't seQlJeflhally' examUle the spectrum In acta'lle bands tG thDse u"a t een dh(Jde tha spedw rn in as rr:rany as 2,000 s;e-gments and mea:sljIrl: them aU cootlnuCI1Js.llI".

The 1933 Precrsion Sound·Level Meter and Analyzei' .m:rutl~~ an ocl:ave-ibarli;1 arlal~r covering. the !lImfidard c<:{a\q!-ooF!d eenter freq!.!&nc-Ies from 31.5 Hz ttl trfi 101Hz. A unique sutomf'llic ranginG system Opli-Aange sImpll· nes the operation of 1J1'1,is analller.

Most p rcdu c t~n 01 se probl affl.S requl re a i'tilIYSlis 1111 1 r~· octave bands. GR offers three sys~em5 for p~rJurm'ng South analysIs. The 1911 flFQllldes continuously limed 113· arJd 11 lO-ocWl,le analvsfcs tc m§t aU ,prQI,Ilg[ons of MIL Std 140.8. TIle- 15.23, with Us ·P3 plug-ln prov.[[jes ~ull.v eutemstic stepped 1I3-octalle aniiti'ysis whire mn,ni~ mizinfl rest time with an opth:m:a'i "oonr;tant confid:8r1ce" mode CI mperlil'tion. The 1921 Real·TIrne' Analyler can provide it comph1te, new 1/3-octa'ole 'spec~rum a-naill'ski as aften as !lV's,!,), 1, e or a second. lise at a r!igl.tal dete-cl'ion schema provides {rUIl; rms measurement of band levels, WIde dynamtc: range, and elimfnaCes the &pectrum smearI ng problem s iissQdat~d with oOrlll€!ntional al1lalog ap· proaches.

Some noise' and vibratio.n pl'cbl'ems require lI'I.arrowel" bandwidth of' spectral ana,l)lsis. For such probtams the ][910 Clnd 1913 5yslems, offer a cholUl o-f filled (3" 1 ().. or SQ·Hz) bandwIdths iliIl'ld ii:j cans:t,imt 1% of 'lhl! center fr,equency, rBspectJvely.

The dc\l't!l~fJme"t of Fast Fourier Transform .. Igolith1"l1s has led tca new ,gran!!'ran~m ,of real-time cH1alY5i!!l eQuiprnent of unpa raJleled speed and fl'exlbi ilty. The specrru rn Can be dIvided into as many as 8192 ~eKment5 and updated a,s, ofl:e.n as every 122 mUUSlec:onds (fQf l02411nesl. The arltholehc operations embodied in! thI'H~19SiBn of such ana~yzers are appHcallle to amplitude and time i1I'nalysis as well as to' frequency analysis_ The TID 19<23 Series has tha capability or iinalyzi.,g aU ~hree fundamenta,l signaJ prcpel'i\:i es:take Y<l ur ch 0[00 .iii mane the severa! v.:Irslens, oflle.rlllg several processing-speed' wst tradeoff'S.


1 S1-CS un -L


• ,geniual purpose tiyp e 2)

11124- ~o '1§CI·dB !TIiUISutemenJ ran,g9 III meets eommo,nstandalra5:

ANSI' SUtndiud S~.4~19:r11 lEe PubUcall'ofll 123. ',tJEI,11

• 2O-Hiz 10 ::ID-kHz ampUfielf fes:ponse I. internal' cailibraUan ~J$~em

The 15S I·e 15 a con\l'enu~rrt, hlgllly ate urate, gensra I· purpose sound·lmpl meter and is also Th key lnslrrument in OJ wide variety Dr 5Ound~nd·II~lJrati()1'1 measuring 5Y£· terns. In use as a 50ul"ld·level meter alone. tile 1551 is compact and e.asy to haUl dIe. ru~ed i'lTIOUSh for !;ili1/lQre et'Ivlmnmenfs. 03tjtl simille to use.

Thls highly' versatile! Type·2. tnstrumenl will. fol' example, serve D!i a calibrated preamplHier in c:.ombinahon wil.h ether. rel~[ed instrumenfS such as spec rum l:lnilly:z,e~ S, spech.i I-pu rpese m i cmphones, ea I i br.a ~ors. and vibration pickup!>.. Many other aCC:~{Jfh!s. 5ur;h as scopes, he.:ldphone.s, grapJlic leve! reeerders and ~ape recorders, can bc operated from the seun d-level-rnete r output.


This; sOUnd·lel1el meter can also be usedas a por!iable illIlpmier. ettenuater, and v[)ltmeter for 'C!bQI\aIQry rneaslJIfeme(]ls HI the au.dio-freqLle:ncy range,

Many of its applit:atTons are described in detail in the HaodbooJ,; 01 Noifir: M"easurement. OJ copy of whictl is ClvaHabl1:! to each customer.

Description The 1551...c consists of an omnidirectional rrncrcphone, a ~llbrated aUenuiiolot, ;:11'1 .amplifiElr, standi:!I'lJ' weigh' ins netwurks. GlI1d an Indica'llng meter, The complete Il1strumeP1l. Int::luding battE!(i'es.. is mounted In an a1t.m'inum ease, The micr'ophone com be used tn SElI.Ieral positions and, '.vhen net In IJS~. folds down info a ~turl;lse po'SWcn. i3u~omalically dlscoonectln~ l"e batterles, I\n ac power-supply unit is avallable.

Sound ~eve1 is lndiceted by tll.a sum of the meter and attenvaror readings. The clearly marke:.d. open-scala moter COlfers a span or 16, dB.

Absolute> acousnc s.e'~$.i~hilty is f'ac1orycalibrated at !l00 I-Iz. MII:rophane r~pcmse and s8nsirlvity are meas.ured ina free ·na ttl from 20 Hz rc 15 kHz by cem Pel rison with a WE &lOAA laboratory-standard m1t:rophone wlth caUbr[Jtio;r1 traceable te the Nalional Bl.lrlllOilu o:r Sf.andards. Complete GlJ~clrice,1 frequency- response meas!.Jrlements: are madill an each instrument.

The S L M Ci!I se is f I Ued with iOn ru bher teet a.nd ampU· fler ,5 resiliently mounted ror vihr.ation isolation.



Soun!l·w.,ovol RllliIgc: Frern 24110 150 dB (re 20 .. N/m~l. FreQlleoq Char.lI:tiE'l'IstlC$~ FIll-u ~pon5e ch.1ir;)l:terl!Otics ns t.ele-cletl by pall,,1 s~Hth The A , S, and c.\,'.'olA,tllit1g ~I· tlOMS are ln 1lJcr;oroi'j(1C02. wllh ANSI Stanoord S 1.4-1 91} 811Q lEe Publn::atllJn· 123, 196 J. R1l~pof'l:.e fo: I I'IE! 20·kH~ posEI ion ts flilT hom 20 I-I~ ro 20 l<.f-Il. to complemeol very ii.,j(ie·biind m [c.rD~hr,me~

MicfG,pl'iCin i!: GlJI 1 56Q-PS.

SOllnd-Le ... ell 'lIIdil:ilrtlrm: METER: CllibmlrOIl lrom -Ii ta I 10 dB_ ATT£NUAmR: callru:ated 111 lQ-.d8 s!eP'S frcm 3-0 rc 140dB900IJe20/.Nrmr

C!il~J b mHo n AI:1:iIHi3CY (iilhSOI U UJ 1 .!Ol dB 01'. SOO H:r:, In ,;,emrd. ,lnr;.e wm, ANSI ~Iandard arl illl frcquenC'JElSI when amnlifiel' sensi Li'ol'll:.' nas been !tlnt,di!lr!:J lzed ! U!;1l f ronL·p.:,fl~lll'd iu'. tmeru). N{m:'; nru IBG2 11 S[)und-L~'Icl Ca1Wwtor tan i!:tI! rJsed 10' milkin8 pe-t"tcvlic: O\Icr If .1I1:(.ilJ.!ilic dlffi:lt:j,

Output:: I 11 'tJ b'lhlm.l 7000 ~I (metecr [II full scale], HARMONIC DISTOImON ~pan~1 metr~r at lull sca!~): <: 3%,

MeteI': Am"!; response, fi1 s I sn tl SIO'l'I me ter :;;pt:;-c'CI'~ 1M accenl .111~e .... 1111 A.Ns-r 51 4·197! ;iMd nc 123. )%1

IEfllI"'lIf1mll'n~ fE.MPERIlTUAE AND IIUMIDI rv- (lj::iOfllilng, 0 to GO·C and Il to 90% RH (SPE'dfiotloJ"l!i Valid when SLM is ::.tanct;anjllt-C Oll1cl mater 1ns1Ic.lhon 0 dB) S1oriliie, 30 to l·BS C iIDCI 0 10 lQO'~ RH, MAGNETIC FIELDS· Ae!>ldnal

IJ1dr~tlQn !SI) dB (C welghllng) 11'I:a 6().Hz, 1 00(5[00 {SO Al rill fi~kl. .ElECTFW:rr.ATIC FIELDS: Nl!llliBlble erh~ct. ~JI~ BRATION: R~idlllli indicaLlo11 or siglldl Ill.vol < 45, 60, or ~O dB (e I'ti'llshtfng) for vibr-<JlioM ~ertICi1', lenst'h ..... ise, Or sloowiS'p., ~re5pecUllely}: 5haker amplhude, C.lO h pk1lk: any Ireqtleocy frOID 10 Hz in 55 H,; Ihe SlM stnnding on Its foot.

'SU1lPUed~ relephonlll plug.

A!oII<IU Il!blu: 1 ~51 P2: L E'" 1 H rn CAS E (permit ... , operw don or In·'ut11~nf In Cil~}. HiG:? SOUNO~LEVEL CAL1BRATOR. 1560, P9S A.DAPTOR CABLE rconnects output tn 1521·13 wJi!'IIel R",· (l)n:Jfll).

Power. Tvro 1 ,.'11 5]Z' D tlashUSl1t cells and one iJr~-V batler". (Bur~S:5 XXA5r or equi ... .ElI~ntl. suppl1ed.

Mechillllical: Alurnhmm c~inel. DIMENSIONS (wl'lhxd) 7.23:.: 92!il!:G.1J In Il85:.::235:d56 mm) WfIGHT: 7.75 Ib (3.6 1t8l net, 16 Ib {8 kSl 5hil,l7prnl!l, battl)rl~ Inr IlJded. I'\dd 2 III l.1 k_g) ! c-r IEall1er esse,

tatal6A Nl.lmt,,'.

l551--& SIHll'lll.Li!i~,;i MdiH"

~t .. , IR~pllil~lmlflli 1l,IUi'filR~ l5!U-P2 ",,0I,11'Im- c.ff)'loa e .....

-WI m!'!JI;'r, .. n, lor 1- n, mltr01lI"lQn~ 1]oiICl-( cl ,1 Paterrt Nu,t'O!1r l.o~:l,l [j7

]'5.5~·9'1W UJM~9!I' 1!i51.!ltiOZ 15El9-~5~1


1553 Vibration


" diFillcl ri!i'adlng ~n acceleration" vetoeily. dj~lIplaeemellil't, and j1urk

I. 21'0 :llltlO Hz (120 to 120,01]0 rpm!) ra, 2.0,OIQ Hz with 5U i~able pickulP

• pOT1abl:e. IbaUor!j' openued, simple 10 Use

Vibralion if. iI machine can cause faully orodiJctiol1. premature wear, strucurral r'atigLIe, Bile! human dlscorn tort ancl iilTlgue

The lIJ53 porlable anti slrnple 101 USe !Ina to re~d, Is well ~1Ulled to making raphl rapelitive maasuremerrts against vlorallon "Flleua. such <15 requlred ill qual~T ... c:onjrol prtlduc:t leslmil .'inrJ pI evenlive malntenance pro~r'-ims, Wllh lh~ I 'j'}.~ periOdic: nlC"a5Urerllt!tlI5 01 over-all vibratronln a ruachlne '.'1111 qUickly §how any deteriorating perl01'I11<1nce trends iilnd lead to ~arl" JJ eventlva mainterrance.

ThllO I nstrurn en I RIVes re.<:tdil1g5 1n ~luanhlies Ihal Flr~ physlc<Jll.,.. ml!iJrtingrul disctacerncnt [for clearance proo· lsrnsl. \I€llocil')' ['or ill critarlon ifl Dre'll~l'ltl'l,i'e mamtananc(' of machines), nc(:'eleralu:m (li measure of the peJiSSlbll1ty of mec.h21n~c:alf;H lure) and jerI<; (ro1illed ~o vehlr.ullJr rjdIIII!! comfort). The 1553-A indfC'.illes direclllI in inches. ln.r s, in./s', or in.(s

Irsl2l<ceJi!}nt 1ow·fr1eQWnicy response permtls !h~ S"UJtJy of Ihe oper.!ltion of belt lrf"'~ and of the dfec'I'oIeness of

mountrngs deSJBrred to reduce vlbratlcns in adJacenl structures

Frequency analysis of '1ib~"lkms aids In Idol1mVl1'!fl. tllair lTIechanrcal sources, dlagr1Qslng causes. ami rneasIJrin~ Ihe effect of remedies T111.1 GR 1564 A Sound and Vibration Aniillylef ", the 1568·A Of 19.Q().A Wavt; Ana· ~J'l:Or IS gf srEMt vall.J1i11n m~king '5 (.lL:l, trequl;!fn:::,.r "11~1)'5_es.

The 1553 Vlbrutlon Meter eonsists nf an inania· operah~d 1~.1!d zirconall'-'tirafrate ceramic ~ric:kup, wtllch delivers a voltage pronortronal to tne iJCCelEliatfon of the Vlhmlory rnctlcn an 3d [Il.!ltal.lle dl1Enuator: , n amnlitier' and an Indlr:al,"~ meIer. NehNotk$ can be swrlch~d to coml ~rl tne Dulput of the \.fbr.;"J1 iDn plck.up to it voltago: j"lrOPDr'l()ndl to c1isplac;.emGl1t 'oI'E-fOClly. or jerk (rime rate of change ol i:JCCelefilohon)

Fm"'r lacks en Ihe (:Iilnel <lllow fne US€! of t!d.emal nighpass I !fie rs Wl1B re I r ls dE'Sired to ell rm r'fid re I he ~ rell U1:!m;y compom'!J'r s below 30 or 70 H2:.

Tnc vibranon rf1eh~r ls p() ",nd 1'5 rnOllnll'd In ,it Fllr Tilt I;rlblnel, WI'Iwl, w:rvJ"S as pro!e:dl'l"!.! cover and .c<r:>e I., transit. and as .., bit'>'!! on whicl, ttl~ lnstrumsn carr be operated In almest arw 1:;msl'lorP from vert rca I '!a hon It}flf~1

Ac:r.~<;;orr~ lru:luc:h" various tips .j:lml EI metal probe Jor lhe IJIt:kup ICI racilltate measurements in nOm'lally In accessitile plCl(;1;$.. Available at add,tlonf.l~ cost 15 Um 1560-P.35 Pcrrniiln~nt·Magnel Clamj'l. whTc11 lreplac"~ U,e probE! or II" when measurements are made under condj ti On 5 Wt'Hl rc ~and,;rUlrd OI:l'flr<rtJllh wGlu!d net be sansr:aclO1)'.


SPE,C I FUiATION'S RfiI'J~es 0' Me<!:!>lJLremelll'l~

p~~ L1l fOp-ali rt"tlqIll8flC;Y
Qu. !'lIIly IIII't!l'I!iN Un!ls Rul'tl!lJ 'I-l!~~
Ioceo'''"mlofl 0.3 10 3.Q(),000 1;1,1;13 !Q1D.UOO "'LIS' 2>21')00
VElot~r~ O.Wto .30,000 CiJ](iB u .. l,IXIO in,' ~ 2·2~
1J,:.,nl~mltllt 3 11:1 lOO,OtfO ()...:l 1,t>3,O.OOO mill. 2400D
Din !;!I:'IlQe..,fl nt C 03tG 3.O.lXIil D.JJOl !(I :HlOO mit!;; CG-2QiXI
JDf~ 3(1 III .300.1JIOa J to ."30.000 hI s' 2.2i;1 \Ilnt~nQI'i rPm.' r
.... ~~11 lXI""""r ",I.!"~ p I~ ACClIr,ill:Y: ~10% DI full scala Inpl:ll Irn,H1I nC:D: 25 M .,.

''IIII"ta_ge at gu~ut .ilu.l<l: 5 V rms. behiod 75ku. lull·s~~e_ Aile nu~t'O,I'5: Al O-step aUeonua1or chan.ges ! '1e meier "-SC..";! ~ fange by a or 1 00,(100 to 1, W[n:dOYi readO:UI lrtd ic~le!> lull-sf:iJre viih.les end unitt; II C lime~ 'tull·sc..alc for A.verage re.adln~,~

C"'li.llil': Intl;!m~l.

AUowahle P1tkilip Se"~itlviry. Dirli:d Rel!l.D IllS: 30 t~ ] 50 rn V Tarminals:: INPUT 3,y,'iro audio ccnm;:cinr, IOf pickup cabtE!; OUTPUT~ Tl:!:reprmne i<!(;k for j1133dphcnas, one 01 Ihe many ,m~!~'lll1g ,n>,UI..it11li'il\S, or a 51robct<lCIS- t-l.dt:tronl[ "Siroboscnpe. S!!II'Pllef.l: 1560·PS2 Vlbra;[ol'l Plckup

AVilll~.bII!': 15GO-P3'5 ~,E.RMANEN1·MAGNiEl C::LAMP' t55i'·A VIBRllTiON CIILlBRf\TOR, highfr'llquef1C pickup I 5 GO'-P53. and hlgl1 ~';mslll ... ny p[t;kU~ l.5£(}P54.

P.owef Sup-p'ly; PORTABLE MODEL 3 !O.ze-Il .:e115 ,me om:

G7¥2·'II ballery IBUfgesS Type XX4S Or u>:IuivalenU !.LJpplil.:d. TYPICilI battery llte, 7 days at B 11 per !OJ,.,, Fer ac cjJt!ruhcn, lise Type 1262·C Power SUllpl~ WilEd belOw'. RACK MODEL; Type 1262·(; Power 5uppr~ Is inClUded, no l:iDIl.t!ry.

\llbral,,:m D,d "II> ... 0111

P'" mo, n~n E mall~L 1!>IIII'I'Ir.I

MIl~hi!nical: Fllp Tin CJ,~~ or tat:I<.·mountlng ~abln.el. bIM.EN StON:) ~w)(htdl' Portable model. Eh.9.25x7.Sln (203lC235l1l90 mm" ra-ck model, 19;«10.56 In ~483.x.267).J 27 m m) WEIGHT. Plm:Elb'El, 10.5 fb l4.BKEU net, 14 Ib !7 leg} snipping; r;ll:k, 1 .. Ib (] kg) nel. 31 ~b t15 kg} shipping..


15~o3<A '1,7..=-bn;-,:-:u-"H-'" ,..:,:. !:'""C.f=- • .r-· ----------p~ri~'lll' Mot:M, wtth ba.t!1!11!<1.

f'Wlllbl~ Modlfl, with llS·V!!Ie 5I1P~I)'

panablo Modlll willi ~o-v se MiPllI)'

R;(I~!O; MMI!!I with 11 $..\' ~.: ~UIlIl'I'f

Flatll MOdI!! 111'1111230·\1 IIJJ;; supply

S,at ,of JlI~bil:<lm~1'i1 S;iI,ltJiinn,

1!51i1).P57 n",plm~lIDal'it "ib:~~~igfq ~dIAIP' l!liiO=li'3~ i'cr_nllfnl-M .. CftI!l Cllmp

PJllml Nu~r 3,Ol:l!'.I!lil'.

C.aMICI-II NI.!I'li~

155U!1,Dl JI:5U-9UO ~55J.g'~1 m!53-9~~ J5S3:.95'51 &I J'!).I9J~i!I J 56C1J9;'; 5 2- lliw,.91j3f.


Po er


TI1113 1252-C Power Supp~y attaches to the \l'll:lrati~TI Meter for ac power·llne operatum. This power suppl~ is 111 cl udool wit 11 raek models or opliona Ily wi th PoTIilI ble, POiWer. 106 ID l25 v, 50 la 400 H1;, .3 W. or 195 to '-50 V, 50H:Z,6W.

MeehsnriC!lf: Snap&! For atti"lchl'l'lilnl til rlip- TJIl r.::~e. DIMEN· SIONS (with>!d)' 1..25x9.25x3.2'l in. (184:.;235ld33 mm). W,E]GHT!.:2.2'5 Ib f 1.1 I~) I'wl. 8 Ii:! ~3.1 ~gl si11p-pltlE


1.2~62-C' !"owo;,. S'Yl1pb'






lhe19'JS, lI'efle,cts 50 years of G,R expertise and lea,dership in ,ilIC'O'UISUC measuI,ements ••• • • .. i'l he's nD equal.

• I h ree I ~1I1H1men ts illll IJ 88

III re(.i~ion sO'lInd·~evel m'Ellell' Fi'r11lcrs1ion ~~ptlJ~e liioLlllld~le'ollal me-Ier ,octave-band aMI~Zler

.. 'Gompa~t, I'ightweight, and IfuUy pOl'ta'b~e • vifiually Il11!i!i.ake~proor opera~lQ'n with:


Ii' eM, read meter dljs:phl~

ill extendible mas.

I. can be 11Jl51iid with Jow..cQsl de r1300,delli'Sl

\II lcompaUblo wnh comp,uilion 'cassette dB. a ,ecomer

ApreCI5'lllI'nS'IIUnd ~aMri!'tor)! The 1933 ls iii preclslo-n meiHiunng tnstrurnen] contorms to LIT 5 arid international ~tand~lfds for a pn!bls'iClfl suund-llllvel mater. octave-band analyzer. tlnd Impulse souruHeveJ meter, An Impact (true pEi!ak) mEa!;urFt1g C'a'piilIlJl~~y Is ai'so provided. The 1933 rnsssures true rrns values (thers an~ nc appro~lmahons) am:! ilutomatically warns 01 invalid readings due IQ overloadS. The comorete Instrument is in a packag~ one-half l,he sr?:e and weighl of cenventional ;lnalyzers.

An Il!atS'lI'·'hN.lSe i 1ili5h'ume nit Se't th>e upper knob 001 Weighting ;md the 1933 becomes <.i sound-level meter wJ111 a pushbutton choice Qr A, B. or C ,,"'i?18hrmg or f1at response from 5 Hz to 100 kHz. Fa!:.l and slow meter sp~ds <J<re also DLJShbLJUon $ele~tecl, AnDther button allows Imputse testing, according 10 l.tIe proposed amenr.ltnFrd to jEC ]79. or lmpact (peell( sound-pressure h~;IJell resting ouen used ror 111e measurement of lndustrl,)1 Impacl noIse.

COMt!rsian to an octave"o<mo' analyzer ls equallv slmpie; lun I [he knob to the desired ocrave baric! - ther'E! .ne 10 10 cheese from, wllh cenler freaueneies from 31.5 H:e: !o 16 kHz

Virlua,l~y mis',akll.p.rnof measuremefl'l A singre oontrol IS suthcient to sel U,e meter mnge, even when the h, ... srrrJmenr IS used as ail OCla'lo·bamJ anaiyz,er. In other a nill\'Zers. two are required: An Input nm~e c.orurol to sot Ihe "ali-pass' le'Jel and an anai' ~mg range control 0 orellJide an on-seale meter indlcaHon after the dll:Sired octOlve filter has been selected. (BOlh are h~05Sarlt' LQ WlfiliUl fhe maxrmurn iJlI~IYllr;8 range and maximum dynamic. uln~~) aut In U1e 1933 uruque a.l11am.Jltc

<lU~nlJillvr system i$c us'Jd (OPTHU.NGE'. With rhl'" feature, you f"{l only set ,i3 singh. range control lor dfI on-scale indlcatlon. A second to trill 10; pro~'lded tor $i! 1,1- allol1::. when! the automatic systern may 1101 be suitable. ilS Wlfh Slime measurements Qf transient "lIgnal(>,

Thf' unusual meter ~cale also enhances the ease of operation, the met~r spano;, a full 20·d8 rilnge If> gradtJated fioeiJrly over the entire ranl!:E, ;)nd dlsjJreys the atl19nlJ(;Jtor S~!ling On lilt< mE'h~f fac~, Thes:e Ieatures redur:e the number ot range chanaes i"letessarV tind ard in rapid, e, for free Itlt~rrnela!um of U'!e rt:'"dlrll!s.

AFlH:pa.n s.oullld la ~'rn· tor, otten 1'1 Is de.sirablE! 10 record Held me~surements ror lurther .~nBjy:$1.s tate F' In lhe laboratory With the 1933 Clnd us comp.:mlon recorder. the 1935, II 1::; eii"lsy to make ilC:CUrate J'19.{;41rnings of such rrressurernents, [n addition to an aesignal O\JtJ.l1J~ to dr~\I'e one channel Df the recorder. the I. 933 alse provides a levelrange-cede slgnilll that is sto'Fed Qf1 a second channel of the recorder On plijyback, the revel" range seWng used for the sC:'lUnd·lellel meter isindicat~d by ~ digital d[splay an the panel of the tape recorder. Thus, the tape stores b-oth dare and ebsclu e level information

A de: aul pul, proaorticn a I tu lhe' meter defleclion (linear in dB). l50 provided to dri\lp .a low· t;Q5~ de: recorder lor nard-capl' records of the level vs tlme, This. OUlput hil~ EI dynamic r.lnrs,e of 40 dB nlus an ddell· tional 20-(lB creslfil1: I Or .[J 1101,01-


Oth!!r f1!atures Irha mrcroph;:me5 fit alop ,3 lalesc:op rng I 2·lfIch ~):"ten51011 to reduce IJiIl eI1t:..cLs of Ihe IrtSlru" Ii1fJfII and oj::erii~Qr on The sound rreld. There Is rarely a need lor !;lxhmstof1 cables and lripod, Ir These are necessary I1n\WifIJ8t. 'I. 6Ofoot cahle and l'ripO,J ~fe av.'1iabre It 10·1oo( cablE?' [S 51,Jpplied as stanrlard pQLl1nme'1r .. rr~rnEM5 i1rl2 unaffected by thl;! cables ueQus.a the rm:mmpllflE'r In II,!:: 1933 I~ defachabfe rmd connects to the caete al lhe microptlOl1l?' end, 10 pr~~'enT signal loss,

A OOitlplctc line or ele!:lre\·condanser 8Jl0 ceramic micrcphones can bE! u!ied with rhe 1933. Mo~t userswill wanl <11 least IWO; Ttm ohe-.half mch rsnccrn-mcic:ihllt;C microphone, 'SuppliEd 10r smoorh 11lgMrequl'lncy resaonsa and nearly idei'll tllrecliorl<ll cbsraetertsucs, aru:i Ine one-mch fi:tfldom"lrtCidel1ce mkmphone lor measurement:; af vert low sound levels. To slmpl[fy chafl~mli frurn one m[crophOlw to the omer, MQ sensl-


N vit}' presetsare pmlllded hi the 1 ~B3. Vou ca n I.ffie two microphones a lternatery , it'! 8 series of measurernents, wHhout recaUbrallon; mereljll turn the: ~$;ar'l5jUvtty switch to thE! posltlcn corresponding 00 the mlc::rophcne bell"1B USed.

For field lor lab llI.5'e The 1933 c!'erates for up to 2'0 hours 01'1 seJf-contalned balteries, Po cOITl,panion!rn Sri t, the 19110 Pnwer SU p~l Y and Charger, al1 ows ttl e ana,'Y2'er to be operate(j from Um ac line and provid,e.s rechargeable batteries arld a chal1!llng Cif~lJlt.

Severaf \I1er5iQ1iI~ to dl'l!I-ose ",om Four 'lip.i'siol'ls of Lhe basic lnstrurnent ara oH'f'lred, 1.1'9 r1Tffere-nce among them bel ng the. number and types of' m lcrophenes supplied. VersIons with Hal perpendicular-incidence response rnlcrcnhones are offered for [he convanlence O'f &ustcmElrs in ihose countries (partltulBrlv in Europe) where It 1'£15 become rustcrnarv t"D rnaasure with thrs type of microphone. II should be. noted Ihat all ver.5ions offered como~y with I EC 179.


Ststu:lufiids: Spacific:alions m~t ANSl S1.4-1911 for Tvpe 1 rprel;i9.~ol'11 Sound Level Met~r~; lEe 179-1965 fflr Precislol"l S[Jund-L(l~~1 Met1l1s; lEe U!3196] [Or Sound·Leve'l Meror::;; ANSI S1. 11 1965 (or Oct31oi'e Half.()c11}1JIl! ilnd Third-Or.lave B~nd T!I'if;l1il 0 Cla~s II Fllt:f!rSiE.'ISi lEe 225-1966 lor QcI,'1ve, HallOctall'e, and Tt1[rll·Qclave Bane! Filter:.;. lar~he An~IY'Js of SOum:l and Vdlral[ons; and Proposed ~EC 179 amendmerU 1iJr 1m pulse meaSUfl<!rtlO'l"ll

SIlLilli:l leii,!!!I~ 10 to 130 dB n! 20 pN' mt ..... un 1 ln, microphone. 30 to 140 dB WIth lhlfl micrcprtan~, dir~t reaclinp:. F,reqllllli1'~Y: !; H;r to 100 kHz essenll!lU,. 11i3t response.. IINAl YSIS~ 10 t'ct'il'!l!!. wl'th cenler rra:q!.!encj~s rrom .'31.5 I'll to Hi licl-lz WEW H 11 NG A, B. and C. .

OI5:pllll)': METfR~ 20o.tlB Sc.'!le linearty marked ill dB and lower, canler, aIld u~per "I,CiluE'S .dutomlltir:.:ill!( IndIcated on scale. RES,?QNSE. Fast, strNI' , aboolute pailK, and Impulse (fX:r lEe 179 [lm~ndmenU, pushbutton selected. P(ecisi3 rrns delJoetir:m for slBr'I <I~S Wi 111 so: .201::1 Bl Cf'l!SI feclor at. full scate, c:r~·factQr cilpaclly B:relller belo-w full scale, OVERLOA.D; pea1r,;s monitored at ,2 l:1"itleal 'pooil'llts to provlde pnsitliJe pane'I-lamp warning. RANGJNG~ fltulnrnatic. sys~em (OPTI· RA.NGE) maximizes anal:rlif'lg rilf1lgfl and sigoal·lo-nalse rdtio ~or eacll le-val r.anga-CMlUcl setting: man usl co-ntml I1rmride£ oye,rrTd. lnc,ermml between ranges, 1 (J dB.

F1frt.e:I'5~ IiVEIGI-ITING; A, B. C, and flatl pushbunon selected. ,OCTAVE BANDS; 10; manually $JJI.Il:'Cted wllh 3.5 ~l-de .,t~enLi<lHDn .ill nominal cu loft , .> lS-dB allenl.!<ltion at ~ and 2X cenler fi·uque.nClI, "> 70-dB ultimal!.'! aU(i!ouatfon, EXT:m· NAI. fiLTERS, tan be slIbsmuleiJ fur lntllrml~ '>IIcightil1g net ~orka and octave-:bJll'ld filters; connect tn 2. miniature phon!} ~ilcks,

Input: ~-IrI, Or I In. electra!·'C:Dl"ldl! rnlcrophcioe ".,,1111 flal rand",,"-I nc tde nee re!OPQfis'B: rn ounted with clilt.acl1<'1blll pre" am p1 ifjer on 12· i 1"1, aXtecndibla m ;IS!, 'Dr on HHt, e:..1 erLslol1 cab It.' ~UpjJIIEd, cr on 5O·tL "a.ble ",,,,all.3bre. 'npul can also be hom tape: rllcorcler. rNPIJT IMPmANCE. 1 Gn <: 3 p'F,

Oliltptlt~' S1I3NAL OUTPUT: IlS V' rIDS behindl 600 U ~L1m;:· ~pondlng 'to rull-s.c.Ilc: meter tMlecHcn, Ill'll' load ~rmrG~ibIEr_ RANGE CODE: CorLtect tlo1ilUr(!5;· provide souruj·lo'lllel rneter range mrormanon te 1935 Casseue Oill"a Recorder DE~ Tt:CTED eur=ur. 4.5 II de beHind 4.5 k.n I;ortespood'inj;l to i u ll-scele mil tel deflt:!C"t ion, Il"Utpu I IS II near In aB al 0 1 V I dB Over' GQ-d8 rmigB C4D.dB normal range P.!IJ!i 2'Q..d8 crestfactor a Ii ow~ncEll. any I eao pe:rmlssltlle,

Calibr,ation: fACTORY: Fully 1't$led and cahhral!ttlto all speeIfirll'lIOfl~; ilIcous.tIGlI f!llSpcln!;.e <lntJ 5e1'!s!livlly ;;trl;;l measured In a free tleld by compartsan with il W~rl1 EIil'Clrle 640AA Ia.tmratory SliJndmd m1crnprmrll.! Whose call1:,,;lnoo Is tra'C(:· able 10 Ihe U;S Ni'ltlonilI i3urlilflu or St..;!ndElrd~_ ON,'Sm:~ Buill-In CilluOrllIOr IJrovides quic~ t.est Qr oleclTiI:al clfC\ljls;

GR 1562 SOl.lnu,L,eVi;!! CalIbrator iil available. lor Simpl!! IF!!it 01 trlOr,all calii:lraHpn, includfrlfl mit:ropflonos_

Envifon.mOfu: TEMPERATURE: -]0 to +SO'C oper.>ling, -.40 to ~60·C slcraee wilt, b~tt-trjes n:tmovE'd. HUMIDlri: [) lo 9(]% RH. \lJBRATUJN AND MICFlOF'HONtCS; Conf"'rrr1 to appliC<ilhle ANSI and lEe standards.

Supplied; MlcrophQTIa alhmuatm, 1001 kll, lO-h n1lc!o~ne E:C tEnsJi:ln cilfl!a ,. batteries

A,lo'i·aUil~illl 1940' Power Suppl),allld Ch3r~r, e'etarc~-conden~r microphlllles. ceramic mic:ropllone carTridge and adaplllf, Ear phol'l£!, tripOd. cabJ .. s, and wln~5Cr~.f [1$,

'Power:. 4 all<~l!n~ ent'rs~z'er C ~JI~ supplied pr'Ol~lde ., 20 11 operation; 1940 Power Supply and Cl'1~i'EflT allr;lWs liM apernlion Qf 1933 ~d Int.h.rde:s F<lch,nme:ablc baU~rres ilnd l;har,g. Ing source.. B .. ttery check provided I)(l 1933_

Ml!'cI:l'llOiea'l: SO'lolll, Iru.e~h hF,lnlil-held case With sfundard 0.25·20·in Ihrejlded hole for trlp!J!j mlJu"Hng- DIMENSiONS rw,;hlldl: 6.2"5:t9x3 in U59x2:2.9,;;(:i rnm), WEJGHT! 5.5 !b ~2_E kg) net, 10 III (ttG kg} shlPlJi"g.


C~illltn~ Numbar


:HIll f!'r~hm Soulfl"~·L.nQI M!tI~r llin"d ""II,'~e.r (C(R1f'()r m, to I ee nil ~i'\d A MSI SlA-lg71, Trplll l.~ Nllh 'holM Ilmll-ifl.' -l rB.f1com,l'n:ldvtl'm .,,"nptlr!Se i:tel::lf 1)1 Q>rid!ll'l~~r MiC:1 ~~ne!.

Wlttr; \Ttn II!!I rnnool'n-i~la~l'Icl! r'i:l5JKil11:;l1l EJ~ctrat.cIlI"Kli!~r MitJ"ODl'Icne I,IM 1:.-

l~ll PRQI.'gn S.ound-'Levll Mo:i.r ili'U:! "rul~H tl::on.1 DrmB to Itt llll: ~c'rnnwtll::lelll lor ,eur"~, 1 W_I~ i !,I.-in B'Il\l 1·1 n. !lilt ~flJ<i1KlleL)L~r·

i{1c:,ds neil rm.gorl 'eclrW!I-COndcol'lt'-Cf


Wll"Ii v..-in. Hili petpmldlC:1Jlat Incl.di!!.F'C8 re&.POIt~ Ei~1 F .. I-O:In'dltrn.'" MJ"""M!rti!I e n Iy

"cu'll!l;u:ri'll~ ;11'" .. [""1:1'.

gectr~a..co1Himl~f M lero~hDml1l

t1!11 r iloolVI')..jjjCflr'''1'I1:1> , e:!51l'O" ". i-tn.

n~1 p~p~n"j~ljl,,, 'i'lCJaenCQ rg1i;1go; ,1-ln n~! .1In.d'.Jl'tJ'-lm:idj)M~E1 r<e&ponw, ~:. j"

n." pl!rpl!.'[ld -cu 1III.f"'.,"c~tl~nO! fI! ~·I n, 1'14t pcr,,!:."d.r;ulil1-l'1~ldi:!rl::': r~n!Z! ..... 1".

Cie('OlJ1"1;J;; M icr(j~,"",1'lI! "srI! Idlltl l~r1 ,ldil ptar, ~·II'I, ~ilfP.OOf1,L'



Mll:fj}(;fl1ong "J 11I,.,~i0I1 G:I(}j!t. GO If,

M''1Ii1luf" IJI'iO"a I IUJ! 1;;1 lU.lJ m~Il"~i!' ma~1 M~"I..Ilil!tr J]11Q"" I'llult io doobJu IJ,IIIttIln'l piLlI! M'''liIlu II· p1~~I'i~ 1'14 w!: ta ~t.ll m:ltl-I '" ",11t3.1]11 pl,",~ MjIlIaUJ.fl! ¢lQ.1u pi Ujj to ENe! .. ~, recu£EI Wind I1cl!le. IJrolElcl Ftw 1.1 n, ffilcro"P"lon •• , ~~. 01 ~

FO< , ... ,1'1 ITIknlc~rw, ~l 01 ~ lQ6~"1\ Sound-LD..u1 CjI,Qra.llf

'[]J L!" 'I\' ~llaf1l rll!: 193J ... ~ 'l

C<l ~~.~tI D;:( ~l l'!!!!:;QrtI~r 1"'Ow~~ ~ ... ppl ~ .:In<'l CttJfll

l!Jl3>97UZ 1'.133-9103

1!1618601 E9filA:ilW .L!.I5Z-960J 1,9~50~ ,1'G3r9W~ 15~951iD ~'l1!l-96i1)~ JI!i6f)-9S90

tU~.'~6t:n l'iBJ-~ifi02 l!i'IiiIH!S71 1S&!i).!I'5't! L5w-91U~

UW-'!I5:21 ~~6Oo'!is..z:! 1562-'11111 84Ul·lSOO ~9l.5-!J1OO ~g4.1MrtOl

MASUR ME r r 501:1 '0 AND VJ8 r,T10r~

lOne ollhe slm:alles't and masl capab:le data reoords'JS; av,aUabl'e, todar'.,

Ii QiClc>eUenl ,clll11panil:ull,lootf1llment 'for the t9a3 Predsionl S:OUllldi-Level Meter and Ana'IYZQ,f

iiil Caf>~aUB ,convenleli!CB and D,p-erllliing 9ilmpHcUy II vflr1uaUy ,mls'ake-proof ,ops,ra,llol'1l with peak mOM ilar h:lf eli! etl eh!Ulmel

• UfCiDird D~ s'Dund-r'i!ivem-met,e'f aUenuatar ~E!tI:lngl

Cas$eUe '!limp~icir,' The 1935 Is oil two<1i~flnel, two· Iracl< magnetic J:Qpe recorder with a Phillps Cassette forrnil!t. I n USe wah the .l9J3 PreC:isi'i:lil Sound-lel.l'l?l Meter and Analyl!er. the 1935 normally records the sIgnal on Om: channel white en the OIther it records the set- 1111,S ot the soYnd·revel-ma!er range control. Thus tt1e signal and nilngell'lformatJol"I Biven (11'1 I=II,aY9bacik: are IdentrcllIl to those available ftorn the aeund-level meter al Ihe lime of the Qrlsinal rer:ording. Vo.iee notes r;;an "lIIsO be recorded by InferrlJprins the mnge code.

AUnough intended ~l"ilmarilyror use wrtl1 the 1933" the recorder can alsO be used with any instrumentthat pro'l.l'id,es iH'I output of 0.5 to 2 V rms, In Lhls case. the rang!! informatlcn IS ef1lE!red manually. If daslred, ttle sel:ond ehermal can record ,an ,enlirely sep.arn~e sigflal. such as 'the outpul from a second so,und·level mater Un lieu of the range data). Each channel Includes. a panel monitJJf tM~f displays UlilJ absolute peak leliel. regardless of polarl'lY. So that recordings are vlrtually fool-procl.

Im:::luded wfth lt1e 1935 are all ne-cessaty eccesserles -tape, microphone for voic€! notes, lape-h~d melnte~noe set, .and IntercOl'II1t-ctJng cables to the 1933.


RecDnlling Formilt~ ~. 150 111 "wid~ tape casse tlti rC!ip,llmOli" Type CP111. lWCl<hanne1. 1:I.'1o-tr.lI;k.

NOl'ima:1 Rle-l1:ardJ'l1Ig DidfaticlI1I: 30 minute'S u51ng '(::GO "tlpe TAPE SPE"EiJS: 1% In,1 So :::2"",. electronfcally o;{)JI'Ilrollad; Olnd i~ il1./~

I np ul$: I n PUt im p;!dan ce ;J l siRJiiiI InpuT, each channel, 100 kn, Signal Icv{ll cQrl'e!>pol'ldinH to normal mjJ;o.lmum record le~'ElI 15 aclJWimbri;l trorn 0.5102 V rrns, RAN~E CODE AND VOICE NOTES~ Sl2conci channel nlltmlllly receort:ls range code cr \i'OI(:_(! noles, Ojlmw I ~a with d,di!! .rrnm a sou nd·le"'~1 metef RangE: t:od[: is provk:led iiUlOfT'liltl~lI)' by 1933 pre·

i':i!iiTiln Soum;l·!Leycl Meter and Analyler C' manually by switet! (.1(1 re.torder. Vol('e~nole Input has H.KHtH Input Impodance and a utomatic: 11~"'e I cl].Mtml

Fre:iI,IJelllCY '~",~: -2 dEl lrom 50 H~: to 1.2 kHz u'Sing GR·s;Upt:llJed ~tlf!S. PlAYBACK IEOUAlIZArrrJN, NAB r U; in j s). RUITER AN D WOw I 0_3% rms as ~e5led In oC,ccrd<i.l1te ~'~ittl NAIIj Standard {April 19651. MAXIMUM 81 GNAl TO NOISE RATJO; 50 d EJ' lIS 1TIE!l:l5U red 10 ilcwrdanoe \11111'1 NA.B slam;larcl !fa-ngc from 2% distortion to A-weighted nel!!!! leI/eli

O.U'plIl' (each dnnmel): D,5 V behind 600 n 'corresponds To normal maximum .nsCOrd i~\lel (w~r~h alt! 10..:18 I!:reatfactQr capacity). Al'l:llload can be connected,

~:lJk Mcmitars: f30ttl ~haJ'lnels IOCIlU1EI peak detector.!! !~'r mtln I tor peaks 01 both p.o.! iilri lias and display et'! I'1olnt!.! me tarll Ta,1l£! Posirllon Coll!:nrer: Built-in meci1anlca,1 COUlltElf prO\lld~5

rnoel( number for relocalifl,gtfJpe posltion, .

supp'nled: Head dlal'l1a&fle!l~ef, he<i'd ctl".iililing 1-11\, inrercon· necUng cableti La 1933 Pre!:lliillfl Sound-LEvel MeIer and AnaIY~'er. eflf,phane. microphone fo.r lIoice· nctas, cassaues, arid baU>rl~s

p'C;W!!1': 5 ~iLe-C ~nl!t8:i~l1!r~, SUpplied, prmride aboul Hl hours' OP-:lfiJtion, 1940 Powe.r Supply lind Charger <illo'Nl'i Un!:! eeeratien 01 1935 and rediargJes sufl.obJe baUorreE. (Included! ' . .I.'lth poW!!!f supplV) rh~ regular cell'S <If" [v."!.rll't'l!ly £9:3 Of [1<11..11 ~a [e nt; .!ttl rec.hllrl\e.lole celts, GoUld f'l!a ~11lfIE! I N I{.ad Ty~ 2..0 see. wilh Inw1"Hng )ar-ket

Met'!UiI n [cab DI M ENSIGN 5 twxh I«J}; 6.5d O. 67;i;J, 56 In. [155:; 276:>:90 111m}. WriGHT. 7 Ib (3.2 k1l' net,

t;ntalt·jI t~lJmPef

'C'aUllrt!l!! D.~ ReWEd!!1 C~.neUa, JO [I'll n IHI!

,i'gWilf ~pPI,. lIoil Cil.r~r R' B.lnm""~

RoioilJlllf [~ I"ell-,H !'iol'~mllle. ~t ~I .!i ,'!II.!!

i9l~"QO 193~603 ~'MD-;nlll

MI.Il·1!;'OO l!J4D-!!SOC

1940 POyer Sup pi and Charger

Yaluable «lmpllinion The 1940 allows 'Edlher the 1933 Precision SOLUld·Levei Meter ~nd Analyzl;!r or tha 1935 COl~tte Oata Recordcr II) be Qpenll~ frcrn an ac line, iridependerrl of their Informal batterles. II is supplied wllh five recMrg~able ceus (to rapt.]c!;! Ihe ordlna,y C c.ells $uppllad • ., 'the analyzer or recorder) and a batterV cnar!,;er There are no ccrmeetlons to make; !he jn~ttumlTnrs s[mp~v plug Into the 1940 and are si,lp~rted at a cenvenient anil.le for b.en.:;h-hlp 011- eii'i non ,


"fl.W!!r 'Sou ~ee: 5 '11 hu line IflperElllon Dr 1933. 6.5 V rQr lill~ operatioll of 1935, 250 rnA max,

Chai'Eln.1I 'huw,ll'eI: 200 mil. il1~it fQr ch.El'rging 1:J';l'tteries in 191]3 or 1935, <lutomallc:ally rr.duce.s ID ~ 3o.mA tricklo cl-Iarge ..... hen batteries ;JI'~ chafgetf. GharBrn,g t1mE! ~ 16 h.


SIJ.ppIIMiI 5. ret:hareii!.lbre mt'kel..cadm1ufll c: C!;lHS to reolace .nnn-rocI1iUIC.allJe b3Uilr[~ in L 9 33 Qr 1 g35.

fiQ·wer. 100 to t 25 or 2OOlJ:I 250 II. so to 400 Hz I 1 W. Mochanfalh DIMENSIONS (w){hxd): 4.38Ji4.25ld_44 in. (11 llit l09:t24D mml W,EIGHT~ 3.'5 Ib ~ 1;5 j(gJ nel. 5. lb (2.3 It.g) shipping.

Ciftallll! Numllt!!r



Tile SOlJnr.l analyst:; Slystems shown here conta;i'l th,e 1933 Predsi011 Soundl£lllel Meter and AnalYler i!lnd its most common Iy used aceesscnes. The t:::aTfJ' I fig ce s;e s and aecessones are also a\l'lilflahl~ separately for Ihose who 1.".116" tLl taller tI set Stief::. flcaUy ~ultE-d to [herr needs.

1933·9712 ScnnuMliliJly,si:o S,)I'st,em This system contains the fclloWii11i I nslrUm'1'nts, and accessories:

• 1933·9700 Precision SOlmd·Ls\I€1 Meter OInd AnaiYl.l!r wi~h Yl!-Inch and t-lncn Uat rand[J'rn·ioclfj~nt:i~He· spouse ~1ec:treH:Dndl.lnser rnlcrophcnes. It contorms to ANSI Sl.4-197 t Typ~ 1 and lEe 17'9

., 1935-9700 cassette ~fiI Recorder with inlen::anneciIns: CilIb,I~5 lO IMe1933. mlcreohone for voice notes, cassette rnpes. earpttene. head rnalntenance Clnd toot kits.

'ii' 1560-9.609 Dummy microphone, ¥~·fi'1~h

• 1560·9522 h,irH:h windscreen (1 '.'ilndscreen only) II 1 !>50-952l I-tnch windscreen ~ 1 wlnci&creef'l erll)1'l

iii 1562-9701 SOl,Jnd·Lellel CaHbra'rar with adapfors and

CiJrrytng case

~ 19.33·950.1 C.;Jrrylng Cast! (Large,

• l'B3.9601 Microphone e.:dt:nslon cable, '60 ft.

• 1560·9590 T iiP1JtI

Order by Catalog Number 193"3·9712.

19'33·9713 Stlulld.AI'1i!liI,.;s;s S),st,em This system contains Ihs lnstrurnents .and accessones lioted in tl1B 1933~9712 except For the lollowinlS substitution of microphones; ~Itlt.t; and 1·lnch fllll perJJ{!l'1dicular-il1cidllnc.e respon'll£l elecITe-t·c.ontJens~r rnicroptuJne5. It conforms to lEe 179 .md ~5 recommended for EUTIJpe.a1l countries, Cillalo!!! Number 1933·9713.

1933,·971D $1l,U nlll An iI~" sis Sy:stfa,m Th I s S;'StEfl1 i::onta rrUi lhe same instruments tlmJ acceseertes as the 1933- g712 J ass I h~ r 93:'i·9700 CasseUe Data Recorder A 1935·%01 EarptlOf'le has been added. Storage space is provided to add U\fI 1935- at a later data. Catalog Num~ ber 193,3..9'7,10.

,ij'9a3·91u SOlilnd.Anal.~Ii!'15 System This sys.temDt:H1'liliins the I nstrurnents 13M m::cessaries "mled i h I he 1933-971. 0 ~!(ce~)rror tME! (allowlnl!l sub~itullon of mit::r"pl"lQne5~ ~-inch and l·rnch Hat p~fpendlc:.ular.ltlcidel'1ce response eJlI3ctret..condel"!ser rnicrophonea, It conforms to lEe 179 2Ind Is recommended for ~TOpwn COLJntrles. Catalog N umber 1933·97 11.

Cal'ilying C.ase (La,rge), The systPrrt C'arryln~ case 'Jor the 19~3.9113 •. 9712, -9711 and -9710 systems rssupplled with each system but can be ordered separately. Catalog, Number 1933·9604.

1933.9714 Soul1l.~·AnliJ~'ysls Sys':em This system contams the foll()wing instrUrr!Mls and accessories:

., 1.933·9100 Pre,.c;lsion Sound·Level Meter iilnd AnaJyl~r with \~·inr::h ar'\d l·inch flat random-Incidence res.pcnse elec [rel -c:.ol1deoser microphCJf1Jas. ll conforms to ANSI Sl.4-1971 Type 1 and lEe 179.

• I '5GtHl609 Dummy microphone

!Ii 1560·9522 ¥.l·ln. winru::croon (1 windscreen onl'l"~ • 15~Q..'9521 l-in. wlndSi;reen (] winds.r;:~een only)

!Ii 1935-9601 Earphone

• l!i62·A SOund·Lavel C.alibralor ..... Ilh adaptors (no carry-

ins c;;;sej

'!Ii 1933·9603 Carrying ~se tSO"lal1) Order by Catalo~ Number 1933·9714.

1'933·9115 SOlJlnd.AnalyS'is Syslent ThiS system contains the: instruments and accessories noted 111 the 1933-9714 eitcept '!or the h:illowing subsliIution Of rnicrophones,: ~·rnch and 1·lnch nat perpendih:::tiliu-:im::i-



cence response elec:net-condan; microphones, n COIll'orrns to lEe 11'9 and i!> rec:.Clmmended for European COI,mtrles, L:aWIClg Number 1933·9115,

Cill'II!y,ing ICase (Small) The cm'ryirtg case for Lh~ 1933- '971 il· olrldi 9115 !lyst~li"Is is. sttJpplled with each .5ystlml but carr be ordered oopaFCI,tely Catalog N limber 19:33· 9503.


152 -8 Graphic Level

• 1 Hz b) 2130 kHz

• ~ -mY :s,c!lensill'oln~ - O.8,.mA !llh;,

• IJnear dB pl.lot ,of rms ac-vonage 1811fd

• 2a-. '4D-. Qf SCI-dB ~1iI",g8

• CiO!n:VQ~lle:i'lI~ d IIiI;pa5<able ,ens

ec rder

Sta 11115 1I110ne Til r s r ecor de r produces a permal1en I, reproducible strip-chad reC<lrd 01 ac- on~~ leWI as a fUh~tion or lime or of SOme ol'her !:1UOll"ltJtV Record, fOf 11:');a rnp Ie, 'he frer.nJtlllcy response 0 f a device or Ine frequel1c.y~pectrLlm of noise or of i3 complex electrical signal,

The wid~ ,range of pot(ller speed facliitates h:mg-perTcd slwdie'1O (suct'! <IS traffic· OilS we'~ <1£ shcrt-euratton Lr.H1sieI1t measurements (s.Llch as auditorh1i11·rl!verlJc,a· tion) Writlflg speeds dnd raw Irequilflq cutoff are sele.:rF.ld by a single swilch The frF."QuenC}' response can ~ ,Il ro:.rend erJ dow n ... mrd '1.0 4 5 Hz wi tI, ! he .slaWl.'lf '/Iritin B. speeas, wl'1ich rmE'!r cut abrupl ravel varlattens. You gl'l a smoothed pral wilhoulloss or aCCUriJt:1I

The'! 1521 IS a s.oUdLslate sl'n~Je-c;l1annel. !lento-type recorder wllh tn{e:rchan:;eablc: logtlri!hmic: poter1!~om eters, (If 2.0'0 40 . and SO-dS ra rlSI:S. an t:I Q Ii near polen-


lie IR'ec.Qrdil18:i RANGE~ 40 dB full·~ ",II" tne aotentiomcter &ul'pll~cl, 20- and aO-dB p.;1tenllnmr.oll"·s il'll, rlabl~ l'Or a'!:' le'o'l~1 r'ECordiJ1lil; I.INEAFUTYI::;t 1% 01 lull ~£arl'! dB iJi1rlJt~ phrs a I requilrH:;y err Dr 010 :I rHJ at lOO kJ-l z and I.!) dB at 200 Id-I..:, frequency Re5~IiIQIirMl IInlll Writing Speed, far Ae lel;fel R~l:om· Illig: HI.f~h-fre~Ut;iley response ~ 2 ~IB, UIJ to 200 kH? Lowf(eql.Jllrl~Y sine wave rcspon~ dl#lcndson'Nritill& spead, as sh rmn hl lollowl ng l..:ltH~' fW11 h the ,BO-dB pol, lAlrtUng Spi:il:d < 300 dBI s, l.e .• ! Sln_ f£.J

JOQHt 2Cl ,~~ 7 (3 dB dowl'l aL -t-!; H~' 1 g e!liIllown uL4_5 H2~

20In,l. ]0



s.!la mml~ ",~4



De RieeD rdirl\e; RANG E;; 0,8 IQ I 'V (O_B In ]_0 mAl rull-scale. with zaeo po'!.ltj~n ad) lJS~abre O~IU fuJ I !.Cil II; , Fi ES PONSE. 11 dB dawn 1;118 Hz (pk·pk amplitudll -c 25% of 11.111 sCI'lI~), LINEARITY. 1% of full &ca!!!

Rl!soll!lLilln: 1'(125.% Df fuji ~t!.

~!iI'pIIi': AC LEVH RECORDING SeoslHloIHy is. l m\l tal 0 fjE!) Into 10 ku. aUE:I1I.1i1lor hlls60 .. d9 mngE! In 10<:19 steps. max IimJt is 100 \I ~m:s. nE:lECTOR RESPONSE TFJ~ rms, withfn 0,25 dB for multiple sine WuYCS;, squmll- waves or n.oisa_ DI!I~~~or tip.Br.l!1f'1g ic",~J is l 'V. IJC RECORDING; Seils,H!vlly is 0,8 or :1 V lull seals, into 1 ku

Edema I Dc Ri1fen~ilCe: An external 01: re'ferenc::e ~oJtae!:! 0' 0.5 10 1.5 V can be ill=lplfl'!d Inleffi<illy fa ccrrect tor "'llf,aliofls of- tI~ to 3 to 1 In Ih~sii('jal sou rcu or lhe s)'Slem under test. IPll~er Speeds

HIGH SPEED MOTORT Pa,psr speeds of 2.5, 1.5:, :25, 75 in.t min Used for hlg.l,-spaE'IiI-!.I'ansi(!'nt meao>urcmenl~.

hometar for de recording. ThE! 1521 can !:le call1ltaled and refied UpOll rOI recordlllg ;absolute Ii!l,'el!r. as well ~ chlll1ges,

DIr' in c(J:mbirnallofll This gfilPhh:: lsval recorder cat! be m[!cl1amcarly or etec ricall coupled to Y.3rious GR ana IV1:e~ ,:Jnd oscrllators to sVnCiIU}fliIi!e ItJ~ rrl:QLlenr;:y scale of ltH! c.hart paper with lhe lnstrurncnt's calibrated hmlnRconl'roJ <1lal Wit'h a !ioul"Id-level m ler 'I ht' recorder QUI Illol sound klml!; ovsr a 1,Ilide dynamic range as il fUI"ICliQIl (I time: the wrl1ins speed l~ $uffi<::ierJtly hT~h f()r the measurement or reverberstlon lime and other "I<iIf'lSICllt phen n rnena.

Combinations ate avarl.tbl already assembled seme examples <lippear in nils c:alaloS'\: inqUirIes are Inlflted Of particular lmportence are reOJrdlng Instrument combina, U0t15 Ih;;l'f meet [he requirements Clf MIL Stand4il1'd 11108

MEDIUM spun MOTOR~ Paper =';P!!c.ods tlf 't15, 1.5. 5. is In I min U~-fj N.1h .,n~IYlerS and In IF.oel vs time plols..

LOW SPEED MOTOR. Papa.r Speed5 or 2.5, 7_5, 25, 15 IFl, f h. U~d for measu rernenrs from 1 hour ttJ > :2 weE!k,~

Chart Pap!!.r. ., L~' rflaJrdlng wIdth I'm i-In PtlP'Sr 100 hlllt '''flg. Ser1 sepiHoll1' UsHng nt cCl'..s~,l'lri!ls

SUJ!lplled: 40-tlB POhlfltlomet~f 12 tltsp!'l~bll~ ~n1> ~/jth asSaf1:e:d' Ink colofs, ] rolf or 152] -942:S chart paper, flOWP.r cord, 1500· PSIS I\du:plor Cab 1(> f llI,one '0 double pi ug).

A'loI~lla hIe; Pnlen t lomaters, en ar t p<1fP.! r, pens. j)igh·, rned I u m • and low-spe.eO. motors, drivill IHld link unas

Power: 105 tt:J 125 or' 210 to 250 V. 50 or 60 H1., ."35 W. M'm:!\afii(':IJI; R<l-CJ.:-beoch eablnel. DIMENSrONS ~w!'!hxdl, Bench. ]9:<91(13.5 in. (483x229x14] mrnl rack, 19xs..75x 11.25 ln. (.il83lt222~86 mml, WEJGHT· 50 Ib 12.3 k~' net, 621b '29 j(Jd!ihl~pin~.

'CrJipldc LJ;'It~n l'locQfdn,I,Q-q.8 CtO!Sn~llI>~ll)T.

hlil't-5Pord fi,Q1or

.IS2.MJ: I!iCHfl' iilc·ru:Oh M~~ I 1521.0 FilJ. f1J: RAek M t)t!~1 1'!i2l-ilc:i'1 !OD·I-Il P.:IJ1iC"h r.'ijdl!.I 11i1U.IBQ'J sc Hl: R'II;:1< I,' oocl

G"1Iphr~ L.~~r FtKI>~clj!lr. 404B 1;IQI"rilklmnlmr ml!d.Llm-~ mMQt

152l-iEI e.Il-H~ Rene i'l ~ Ot~1I1

~I-a 6Q··Hz Rack Meae4

f;i'lIiiJlhlt !!. .... ~III'_gnln, 4Il-t::tEll)o1elll'IlII1,,1 .', tcw-~p!!~d in(!101'~

U2l,-ili 'IJ.Il-Hz a8(1~h MQ(Jtj l'ttI·B 50-HZ. R.sci1. Mtl'IJ~l

lSU-'lMIl l~l-9In2 1521.951)6 l!i21.g,SOl

n?l-91113 1!ii21og,1!;;!4

;5?1JA~"aLl t :i2:l-'IlSUI

• QII'II!It' !tOIBn !l"ttI Ilrr"5 1i111,;! ~mtlirmtl(!ns .~ WIn IJ!l-Hz Il 00 5Q·l'4z lT1"!:1til. ,;lVal1i1llle-. (I' iI'Vlllld


raphfc L

el ecord

CC Sri

I;iItaloll Numbc'-

1521·Pl0:a, Drive Uflil

Prc,u I de's mechal1ira'-drlVf! rfilutpul Trom 1521-810 operate any II'nk unlt.

1521·P!5 Un" Unit

For m~l1anital couJ:lllng to 1564 or 1568 analyzers Fitted with 24"tooth sprocket. tntludes chatn,

1521~P16 Sprocket 1m. canlains 5 slzes of iMlerch< sprockels for lS21·Pl.5. 40, 36. 3.2. 20. ami ] 6 teeth. Pro'll'ides Choroe or scale factor in proportion to that with normal 2"Hooth sprocket. Irli;;'luda-s chain.

Illldll51ry Scale facmrs

1 SClIJ.;· r~tlOo' IttUld&il:lel



D!!!'C;;!l:ll' ~!:'rrl'J.h ~ll1t:IH~.:.·1 fM 13tM, G~M'r.!l'N

&WOG~~l f"Dt
i!!l!!ll'1l 1!J1l1
1115 ..m
:I'1l <It!
~ ~o
:l2 20
ilfi< ~O
~O ~[1
l~ .1·0 Innll1!J~ 01 Hilln rID~!II'" MlfrlU! Irlyrr PfQIl~ I nl~fflatliJJ1 .. f :9.!a n1lian:l EI.n:lmtllc Induwlet JI'~~111~l[l,l1 'nlcllt.u1Ji QI' I-fist! Rdalll!!, 10':,.11 IJ IIiIc1ur n; Hea,ln!' .... r:l I t'll:ILI&trf,l

P'to'pa~d I n!~r tfalloo.ll S! .. mt~rrl ~fI I rll!:!r hili kmA' SUJn[iu II

~.c ~.s 3.0' .HI ';!:I ~-!} 5_0· •

• eM,r PlJr'~r nlr.!llatl~ klr 131M-B SIl'i!I!·Ft=<llJt.n.eY II.lJalt> Cemll"ilfot

•• O~--oIiI:I!! fE!nll1l1 J3lJpli~5It1l1564"'" SCtww:l LInd ~Ur~"lln lI=hr~r; ch=m-t jlIiIpcr iI¥I,r~ht,..

1900·PllLin'k UnU

"or caUpli~la: te 190o.A Walle A.natyzer,. Use with chart paper 1521-9464 for scale !liT ] 13 I~Hz per 20 in. and with 1521..g465 for scale 0150 kH4 per 10 In Chilin Included.

1!.'SlOO·P3 Llink Ul'Iiit

for coupjllflg to 1 9 00.. A Wave A.,a~!fZ,er. Use with chart paper 1521.-9464 klr scale faelars of 10 kf1l per 20 in. or eJ(:panded 1 101Hz ~t!r 20 in.




rl'lm~na.I!l'fI!i:l !iin,wlda,~ HIIDill rOf!;Bi ~rMi""l!:Irt'I,"IIII. ~]~ mJl' l1I:30.11 mllOaml'l'll.

~Hbrl!ljOl'l "'Dr~LliI


L. •• n~ih "I'I.~ CIll.uil;ljl
~~ IiIlfll'llil Nllmb'·
BJI" i'\~ 1521o{l4j!U'"
8~il ,.~ ~1§2'.l-9<!10~
m (l 152M .. .&!!
I!i (I ~2]"!l"65
~¥.o m ~5n·"'''J
Ii 1i5~1·!M""
UJ 0 l521Ig.U;Q
JID 2 J.52-PI~"
ClfnhnllllUI ll:Q.!lJa& 19C1O-A M41YAI' wlllt

l!JOO.PI or ~ LIn" UI)1I5

J~ ~n"l;pILor wlli'1 t5:ilW-iPJ,5 Llnlt Unl~ oI!!nd 24-1.aclh 5~rnekel

15~ "nl'IJ\Z~' WUfI ni!Zl,p'~15 !iJn'~ Unit and 16·fClO~h 1I1!rQt;;1tI!1 (or wllh l,!iti!f.Pl DldlDtl ... COf11int.lOU!l~IIJ

1,!)M·J!Io 1m.1~lr Vi lin

15.&U'l,l:Ij.1 g~m.rll' (Eleweu mOO!)l

Thlrd'-ach1\t4 tloilJ1d~ liL!i H%~5 kt-u:

U':U'I"I 2l:klEi Pl:ItllnljalMW IIUlcPZ jU~.dlD ~~.nlhllJiW1li!'r~· lIi21.pj' 'oo.dBi ~nUQ'mlfl.r

I~I·N Unur Poklll11amllki 1'a!'daJ •• tit:lrmil~'" :Sllf;lpi IIId wl1l1 ltie treeQfCl~'

l'!ilJ.!!CIOJ UiI!'J.!l602 U'2'1l<%ll3 J Irl-!l&Q.C

Hj,gj'l·5p,e_~ IMat~1"!il U ~CI Iw IiJa.t1·SltClfd\ll'a.lII~rll IDIIiInlTe< m~P'ltl ,i1rKI wlit! no.'I, IBRl-F.rU(ll."Q!' Allfd'lo O.n ..... iLor. riol ro' u~ 'if 111 l!lOO fl., 15611 .... jJll~ Hiliol! llnal~

U,-1'51", mrn lU~119 2.,5.151., jm!1"I .W'~Zl

~ftl·P19 (fll' 'fi'e-Hz !Wp~l:() rlt!ltmall", Klllp.1I d In rueernerr lM!I·!;J-21,B UIII' !Kl·Hz. ~Il;Oll!I!;)

MMlj~-m.SJ!l""I!iI ~olta~ liim:! W~lh Iql~~ om:! In ~e'I<i!l.

~-lh'l plllltro; mtlJ:t be l1w:d !i'I'I' h u..!i4-f'1 OJn I !J'ri"'e<.

~,.,. Hi in I mlt~ :L!i'al,.l;ili2.l

0.5-1-5; n I ml<l 1~.g1i24

15'UPQ (fw ~l WP1l'I~~ 152.114'24 nor WoH.I &LUiDI1I1

~w·Speed Momm u~ a. '~lII'J-'i5-IJJlti! n'IIIl.!lwl'1!lNnl~ ]..;?ll,ttmlr:l,

nl2l.H~ ,wI53M1'!i1"

'itlSu-a~-,"Qn Silt~!i and 1~'TftlJ&lun KU

II pen ur.ed il1 • he Un -81 n:C(lrl1£r I':'Orntlf!\4!S Inl;: rmwN6ft' I!!!I)CI wrltrf'l.i porfilln ii slnij~ d~DklIJIM. ~Ilml"~lt'" _'llnUillJl!!. lEnd .. ~'VldM 1'm!!I ~bf:ljJ1 l ..... tc. '1111 1~11i t CIII'I~ alCl·~lvl!.l ~n 1.!tIlJ .!1m:! C3r1l1ulli151 ltif~ mi'. of 1C.I'\;>~t IJ<1par Tho pe-n Ilol'lM' ~. or II lilod plas!le; Dor:t"'~~ w,II11 " fltJe... p 1H.iI,k:: pallli I hlit reIlulre!l Ctl11l1.11DlUr l! gf.JIm:.oIIOtctlla Qoomllj ,proCter'!!'.

Tfilt! ~Ufl!ll:iJ'1! 1I:'io!1,I;lbJ .. ",111'1 ri!.Id, ~-I"iI. II"" bllll 11lI!! ~"d ,m uip;pllL'!IJ 11'1 ~I ,nf 1Wti~ ~nS/ A. sel ~ 8~1~1I GDlcDflll Is lnIl:l~oo wifh mE! MCO!'i18f M 11"11" II'II! Wl'IWf'iIolOi'l lef

fgr J;WlWlln" OjaJl' 1 !S2l.j\ >1M J !.U.9 r«q'd"l~' 110 1Ji" U1le.

Im"rQ\l'ti:li:I POfl, ~J.t ( •. a~~ll~~JII IPi;U GIlJlllIllII!l1l 1lI~11 i'It:Ikf~r. lEI

fll i l ,,~I'tlkQ!Q( ~rl" 111 rrd wliMu:slb'n lm;trLM:U~f\!'

?.5-75lo ttl 2'.~7!1il1 JI'I

rIP"'!!1< M.. I'f Se.1" FlM '.~!f® "',*111111 SiLt. ar~l'I i'p.11I:1"~ ioIlllrktl'Sd, I!l'Iouo

b'l~ IhrIWrS.t, A$!;OrtWl c.Dr!)rll [JljSkI! ' flHm1Ier M'II,~r ~n .. tUil~ Kit

JI>?I,~'Uj; :I~aM!4f; liI21,~.8. Jm . .g""g ,152].0;109


L ve


~ - .

. "

Al:lbJmatlc ml!ii,SlJre'me-llits~ simpl)' all1d &r.apliJical~)' Th~ i523 Is nor just ~nolher r~crden II [s a me;asuremenl center. II Im:orporntes the latest I'efin.emlil'nts of the reI;;()rd'e, fleld wlththese oflhe sweep-osdUa-lor and soul1d- 1malyzflI" fields and does !i.IJ in ene instrument ,,~t ,e.lim[nates the usual bother Dr Lrylng '10 keep eVerything S'Inehn:mizoo. Simply connect YOl,lr siSnal or device. set l,Jp the desired I1'Il!aSlJrement conditions, anti push a bUHQn - the l523 does the rest, automatically and without cons Illi nt atmnlion Or c.cmtrol ."anipula~ion.




P.l"ec~se' 1/3·oclave· ballllli ,3 iii a1lysis for .' produtt-noiGe reduction

,. plant- and field..f1oise studies 'I materials '!estinr!:;

lnsert the 152.3-P3 Step~d 1I3-0ctave.Band Analyzer plug-I n o1iI m:::l your recc rde r beec mt$ a 1/3-oct."lve·band analyzer ..... Jlt1 a frequency ranee of 1 Hz to 80 kHiz rAN 51 stamlard bands C thrDush 4-9'.) You can perform ilnGllysis an seIE~ct"'d f)ortions within Ihe rull ~i"Ice, and VOll can SMlJlL':h III an all-pass channel to dlsplii1J1 the over·;)1I level

at the start of It record You C":aI'l also select anyone of 11 il utemat Ie Ilrogra rns [0 p rovlde rocord in ~ with (;0 nstant averagrng 'times ow, as a unique feature. to proi;llde ana! y~e!5 with slati:,<;tiCilI confidences of IJp la 9Q"{, ~o within TO 5dB. You can record measurements slngl" n 01 ne',"1 eha rl, successivl:3I:1" on '" 51 nBle cha rl for com parison, or successively On ne\'i' charts, simply by Ihe turn Llf Ii! Single knob.

'Sim:ple reS,J!I~115e me.3!ip~llr,em&11itsror Ii f i ltor ami network. response lesti ns

.. IIJLl1speal.;~rr amplifier. and taoe-reccrder evaluation

• performanc~ tests hn micropliOI1I".S. hydrophones, and hearil'1g aids

.. sener<ll medlc!;1 ,md eel ucat i ona r app1it:.Ollions

With LIi~ 1523-P2 Sweep OSCHl,Hor plug-tn, wl,lch irl· COrpOI ares a sweep OSCillator, recorder producas frequency-response recordings Ell the p1J',Sh ot fJ button. You can set tilE: csclUatOl' lo sweep the fuU l-Hz 10 500- !d'1l range, or various pOr!ions or it, at output leveJs continuously adju:btable from 500 ,..V to 5 II behind 600 H. A unique and versalile constant-a !"node of operation can be serl'!Cled to speedthe r€:cotdlng il1 rnany aDplica~lons by tncreeslng tne swepp rate automatically lI'S the freqUfN'1cy increases, Under mal'll;' ccndi1ior1s. recordings can be made in thc cons:tdnt·Q mode ~n 1/2 to 11, the LIme normally required

The <It:CUl'<lc!t' and stobHily of the Senel'illor pillS the resolution of the recorder and the variel)' cf chart speeds And ~i'lJeraglng·llrne programs, permH ~r~(;jse response measurements ot almost <ll'ly d!wice -pBrformed with the eass and economy 0" iI singl,t: Imiitrumel1t rather than WiTh ttle crutler and rnnluston 01 two.

V,IlBaU!e level recording fer

_ reiorcrbcr<.rIJon-timl'l measurements

• generallevr-l·recQrding <:!pptil:1.lth.'ll1s

Se.lP,ct the J 523-Pl Preamplifier plug-In for Ihe besT in ,general recorder performance. The 15:23-Pl Rives you a broad f r'lRluency coverage f rom 1 Hz to 500 ~Jh:. O'l sensitl ... >!'jty 01 100 IN, and 18 chart speeds from as slaw as 20 hours per inch rc as fast as half iii sacnnd per lnch, CcntlnuausJy adjustable atl'er'lunt~o:n from 0 to 70 dB provides the utmost in rc~orcHng resolliLiofi, and a choice ot nine a\l'eragjn~ limes from 10 ms to 5 saHows supreme nexifl[lily.

l[)g,liIi!'el'liencesstandard tH~ plug-Ins realure remote r:uogramFr'lilbility. a varle-Iy of Inputs ill1d outp1.J!s losynchronlze recorder operation wlth that of other irtstrurnents, i'lm.l .;l elloree of several potientioiT]eters with dy. narnic ranges from 1.0 dB ra 100 dB to tailor the lnstrurnanl to vour .speetflr; rEl.q ul remer:! L

For convenience. s chart 'take.up reel ls jllclUded bul th1'! paper also can be fed oul I:hrectly for Immediate in-

specUo-n and usa, F(Jf interpretation, an e .... ent marker can be reeerc eV by the slru pJe p us" of a bu r Lon a l I he desirad time. For reliability. a s~epper mo~or dr~ves the chart (there a e '10 sears or clutches to WBa,r out. slip. or J~rn' ,nri c:log·rl'tle disposable pens ellrnlneta messy reWHflS .mr.l provide clear, rei:ldj and 5klp.fre~ traces evsn at the fast~t writing speeds. YoU hFllye iI cholce of colors and a r::1,oic~ of marker lypes~ tne fastrakjli) Marker tor ganer 31 PUI P(JSe:s i'lnd the Slow-Speed Marker for par lirulrlrly !llow-rntwlng records Dr Ihose wifh much rs lradng f'I1Jer a pari otlhf' r:h,~rL GO/NO-GO limit adJlIstments are irlduded to provide la, GO and Hl'rical outputs for extemal aiarm ur enntrolapptleatlens,


-. •

• -.

• • •


wHh 1523-fU P unrllJ. pry III rOf le;,re~ \"!I Lltlle I~rdlngs

.. frcqu~F'1C ies to 500 j..l-h: !II 100 .. 11 MlITsiUvit'll ,_ up to lOO-d8 dVF1an1!c ran;.!;!!

I. l·M II i n py~ ImP'fl'd.::lMc!l • 18 rh L'irt ~e(!ds

Input: Char1 0·18'11l1 can be 0 dB (100 11'1,1) tD 70 dB, ssl io 10 dB steps plus II cofJlfnu01Js Vl'mler Set! M!3xim~Im Input Sensilh,dly unde~ 1523 M2Iinfrarn(!! SlJel;;mt.alton~ MAXIMUM INPl,JT· - 10 V p'k at;: 10250 kH~ •. ~ 5 "l pk ac to 500 Io:. ... z. FB de camponenl ol.:!: 350 V mill: fMPEDANCE.. 1 Ma '30 pf tit m:llu!Hn: 3.35 }tp ;!... ] % dlract III \.1111 Internal ~wjtch. CONNECTORS; FrQMI and rear BNC .and mar 3-pin A3 m Ike connector l/lLlt a~SG pU]",i des pm'ltElr'Of l560·P40 Or ·P42 Pre;)mpl llier

I".,ut ,Freqm}l!lc,: 1 Hz Lo 500 ~. flal within .!ru dB to 100 kHz wllhln.-:2 [JB 10 50a kH<: e:«:-epl O-clB mng~ dDwn c 3- t:IB at loa kHl. LQw4~u~ncl ;:md t:fest-Tactcr cutofls dt;· pend on a\il~raging rimes (~beIO'.,,).

Re()ordl ng: CHA FIT SPEIED O.!.h I in to 20 h; in" in 18 ranges lif 0.5, 1, 2. 5, 10, and .20 h. rnln, cr S,In, plus. trost· scan 01 ~ I F1, I s, and ~10".y StOlfi Qf 2. I n.l min, all ;;,~'!"lChfOn 10!:E'd Ii) liM frequency A.I,IERA.GII1IIG T1MES: 10 rns to :; & in 9 rfll1.Bes, atl remote IV programrmilil~. Sinusoidal 1!Wo' fre~lem:1 cutoff (..:" 1 d Il down) and run.d.l1l"1on[fll cu toff ret! 2O-dB I: res I la:tL:lf dep~Md on .. ""erasIng times, 015 fol:10\!i5;

16mII' 2'01mi 50 m~ 100mD

:ow mll

I 0';; ,fh.1(1uu m::v Cul;:Iff II· I L.o.w-fruquBflt= ~ e"ln'"

FIlii en;.sl A... Fuiu::!"~1

SlI'1i.i6::lill~1 FA<;clo. fj~ ';;';PllI!i~ILL11 Fm:.l.cIr

..:100 H~ I "HI I ~ '1Tl! :2 Hl: Il Hz

tOO H~ .:mD HI 1 ~ I ib J .s Hz

~1dI ~Il' 1211 H.~ 2. Ii < 1 H7 l & H~

Hl Hz ls_"I~ !.. -< J Hii" l Hz.

!i I-I.l: 16-1., I


.' 1 reou e.nci es to 5:00 kHil 'I' LOO· J,! \I senslllvity

'. up 10 tOO·dB dynClmie rElnil!)' 'I' I·MJ~ inpU! impet1ii1rtl:&

IlI1lput~ Chari O·It<'ro1 can be 0 dB 1100 ~\I~ to 70 dB, ~I In J 0- dB steps Se.e also MaJ(lmum lnpul SeJiSIUVll'l under 1523 Malnfrarml Sflet::ificet~ons. MAXIMUM INPUT: -'- 1Q V pk ac tn SOO kHz. fe de c.omponenl Df ..!:. 40 II rna" IMPEDANCE.: 1 Mu 30 pf al plug--[I'1; 3.35 kn ::... 1% dlrecllo polentiorneler viOl in(rarn~1 sWltJ;;h CONNECTORS: FronT 8NC and f"C!lf l-pln 113 mi~e et! Ihal alw wovldes po'I'mr fur l56Q·P40 Or .P42 Prp_a mol,tmr,

Iflplllt Frel!lu,( 1 Hz t!) 500 kHz: fmt within --+-0. J dB 10 100 kHz., w3'thio ..... 2 dS 10 SOD kHz. Iill!:Cflpt an O-tiB rang.!;!. dDWfl

3 lI8 at lOO kl-ltt. /IIIt-lffigjng times programmea B:ut(ltnatlcall~ to avoid 1O'W·frequency cutoff; pl'r;lgram can be InhibltEld by '8xlerl"lOil Input

Ret.ordll'lg: CHART S'PEED: Aulamatrr:lllly $'Ell ~' S ..... e~p lime (see beh~·wl and dacada I tmgth_ D.c.cade length can be set for 2.2.5,3,4, 5. or 10 m.! del;ade..

Swee'j;i Frequency: ] Hz. w !:loa I<Fi;;:; I'lLitQmali~lllI "rom lower to u1Jper frequ!!JlC.Y lowe' lrequency can be set in 1. 2,5, 10, 2lJ. 50, 100, Of 200 HI, 1, W. or lOCI kHzl upper kequl:lnq' can he< set to lIJ or 100 Hz, 1, 2. 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, or SOO kHz. ACCURACY_ ~1 % of I ntfICBtl!d, frequ~ncjl. STAan_ITY~ :;'-0.01:1% aver 10 rmn, =0 2.5'!? Q'IIer 24 t1;aHElf 3O-mm ...... urf'lup SVrElEP nME 5 !Ii LI;1 200 ks,cleeada In 5, 10. :20 sequence; Of mamm' sweep. AveraglnB time d!!cre.ases with fr-equency 11!> follow;- 2 0; from 1 la lO Hz, 2:00 rns from J IJ to 100 I~z. 60 ms (,om 100 lH2 10 100 kHz., arlQ 20 rns Irorn 100 tr;l 500 !o:.H~. S'I'If(EP RESOLUTION- 3000 d4screle 108- 3rllhmlcally scalmj St\.'ps per (!ec-,lda to_OO%5tep). SWEEP VOL TAGE~ De aUlp{n Dl'Qporuonal ill log 01 "l'I@pt fmquem::l <I'i",lt,.b!t:- al rear cormeclttr

SWi!l!fI llimplitud.e: 500 "V 10 5 V rm:'i Inll) opan circuli ~hlncl 6{1() ~! _ _.. 10 mW Into 600 u. a"ulllable.>lL [(['In'. BNC CQ"rw.£ttlf~ ~lln tour deJ;m:lC!, ranges or !i rn'lllo "5 V hJU.scal", ~p!!n·drdJil plus CM!.nuClU.!i 'o''I]rofer; nat 'Ilthlrl =0.] dB te 100 kHz, will rln ~ 1 08 to 500 krll DISTORTION: -c O.2~ from 1 HI 10 LOO kH;;: ..... lIh any IIn~r '000. HU VI. ~ 0.03%. SPURIOUS Idls-. crete non harmDnic}. -55 dB. NOISE.."> 60 dB OOIr.w.' earner in lOO-kl-lz b lnd\l'm~itl.

- . . - . - .

Ill'? r :

<II 1 Hr to 80 kHz • Finv 11 a·octa~·g bends

<II 100-,,\1 sensilivity 'l·Mll input lmpcriaru:.e

• il1le, OIE1qng tjme~ varied .:JtJtQmj;l~lcaljy ror-Iasl constml tOOfjd"p.l'1l:~ R'SU tts

InplIt: Chart O-le'V91 can be 0 dB (lOD "VI '0 70 dB, sel in lO-JB l!.h~p~ plus II continm.lu5 \ll!!rl"Jl~r. MPI'X..IMUM INPUT: - 10 V pk iJC 10 ] DO kH.l, ra de eerneonent 01 == 90 V rnex, IMPEDANCE- 1 M.n,f30 Fl'F al plug·ln, 3.35 kn == 1 % drrwt to pelenlicmeter via internal tWHcl,. CaNN~TQRS~ Front and rear BNC and rear 3-pln 1\3 mike ccrmecter that also ptClvides prJll'i'er ror l5"60-P4Q Of -P42 f'r·Eampnrrt:ir

Inlulit FreqUency: 1 Hz 10 00 kH:r. C'IlrJler rmQuem:les, fiU:i 1/3- ocm'/e- noi'se-b9rnlwldlh (bands 0 49) ~1JQ'e Buttc.l'Wc;I(th filt·ars wiUl Class jl (rnoderals at~ntllltlr;ln) npa a C'hara~leri5' Ur.:s Ihat amfCfm to ANSI ~a.1J-19fi6 tor 'icmn.d·l-evel rO!l!:ord· lngs, swllt.n-Si:l'Ie.cled fI:al·re!ipo.lise ~iJ'l oas.s) cht:lnrlE!I al starl of chert displays owr-all I~ v e~. Alsallval!ab~e. with nrlm c:rni.iirat;letis,llC'!l COl"! tormin,& 10 I EC 225,as. Type .:I. 523·P;'3·I. Cf.:N TEfHR EQUENCV ACCURACY: ~3%.. LEVEl IJ NlfCRM ITYz ] dB at ~ntl!lif rrequLl'nl:l~. PASSBAND RIP~LE~ 1 ElEi pk-pk rna>'., NOISE.: IEqul"alerH Input !!Wi~ below 0 dB tre 100 ",II) IDr <:I~I pass. and bands D--39, inl:Jl~r:;&lnl1l l. dB/bilnd 10 IleID'N 10 a8 In band 49. HARMONIC DISmRTloN~ <" ell% lor !lig· nats of I 'if rms at Iland centers, STOP-BAND' ATTENUA1IONt ...._ 60 dB rer lrequenc!e:s or ". 8· ilod < 118 tlrrl'B cel1ter heqlliilnc'i. OUTPUT: Filtered Input sl~nal available ill rear connector. pEAK MONITOR indud'~d with pan~1 'L1mplll indicate D-\'erlwd

Input.,Freqlileliityi S!:~I:I:: A.djlJl51.ab[e, aulorn.allt:a1ly steps trorn IOW'ilf rrequeoc)' te tbut not Uwu] upper lrequenc:y. LO:WflI center ft"CqULlIlC)" can be set ID I, 2, 10,20. 100". Or 1000 1-1'11 up,per canle-~ rrf!qLl~.ney can be set 10 ·0 l, 1. 2, 10. :20; ar 100 kH>r

Ano:dYBf5 ~o.gJlnl1·5~ NO_ OJ: PROGRAMS~ 11, deSll:!nalct1 A. B, e 1- VARIETV flf'IJl!ram A lifP"\ltr;l'El$ r:~nsttllf'lf ,j\l'ilragiog timo par band; other,; ornblnattens 01 the same wllh iJ series or 'lltep'i 01 constant cDnfidence (avc.rai!l'ng time propor· tltlntll to OfU'~ OVUlr ",nalr.ois bamJ.wldth). CQNFmE.NC~ Fal' random noj~e;. Of 90% I...cnfb:ienre. a"'l!'rllglng Ilme Is ade.qUEI!D for .'!.O_5 dB 8CCtJrOl{:.Y ::lIang ttl!:! "S1airc",~" labeled ::::05 dB, :iea charl Slmll.Jrly. ~1.5i dB, lor 'ffli. ~'.iIin:iJ"5e .. 0 labeled, Any part 01 ,. prng{ilm above 3 staircaSft has greahlf cOflri dence, No prCl!lr"m idperali8S b~jl}W the •• ... ine .. $l.1lrl:."3 .. e 011 th~ 1l;!'11 Ih1J~ l~!lrngl08 ilmt is iihNiJ);'s svffic:l(]nt 1.0 keep II'le eetee to~ Qp.awtilig ahwo ll!i 1()'N'tr~qlJenqi cutoti', AIJE'RAGING TIME 5 ~ fer 1-, I 15 ,,'nd l.6-Hl1 !JaMS; 5, 2, l ... 0.05 ~ lOT hlehar fre:q band!>, d~pendi(lg on S8Je!:leU prOl:lram E{Bm· p,'es; (SCi3 chart}, Pros,rtlm B Us.E.S 5-:. d'i,fg 11rT1C bel 1)1',' 2 Hz, 2-s 101' 2. Hi ilm..l abel/i). PfD~~ilJTJ H uses 5-s ll\f~'g I.ime up to


8 Hl., C:Oi'is-t.mll!lJnridfi('i~ .. 1.5 dBI hom a Ihrollstl 100 Hz, lind 0.5-'5 auS'S time hOITl 100 Hz thtouSll 100 kl-ll. LO!:;;iltton of pfOSr.lm I~Urn an chart im;Jic::;iI2S shortest a'ol'J!l'!llima for the pr08ram. Uma~il'n' th,:,l of!<:lrh arTtlw, U,ks K. exLBndi to rl!!ht.~ SEUUENCE.t A.f1Ial~J.!lr stops. 10 a I:l.)tld, dwaUs lor stoJblilz.1ttQI"I" 11'lM records the levalt at 2 in., so chart Spt.lai. DWEll- PE· RIOD. 6 )( "ilvfln;gIl1!il: lime," ()~' '(Our ~~Ii<Clfd Start f'r8qUl:'m:;y bilnd of each anDt)fSis (and "ail-pass") 18);. aVi&'g lTrne:.

o;'$TJIt " a".-' "'i,I!Q~1I
I I I I .... 'of'(IIt~L/oI~-TlioI.E
l 1 II 1 I -, ~QoII~,Ltoll
11 I n I , I
• I I I
I I-- I---- ,.
I I I -0 ~J I-'t-~I-
• , ., ~ !.D i)g;!oo! ~ f~ r~ ='111 I §- Mi!!l~. 1 MAINFRAME SPECfFICATIClNs

Dyllal1l1h: R:ang~: Up l aoo dB, depeorllnf! on pctentlernater. POTENTIOMI:lE.RSI 5 1J'o!llllable. aU ea~jly inrercbar1gGd ant:! an with &-10. scat85" excep1 rOf 00 dB which has 12<m scale, io dB !wflh ~;[l.l1:le Ilmmrilyl; 2.5 tHJ p·:O_15 dB), 50 dB ~ =0_25 dBJ, recommended for Heneml 056; 00 d E3 (~O 3 dB). 'Of usc wilh 1523-P~ (lnly: and 100 dB f+{l.5 dB, MAl<IMUM INPUT SENSITIVITV, 100 jJV rms for LVErngll"1R I~rn~s 0.1 5 cr graatnr, 1 In'll rrns 'ur avar<lgfng lime'S < 0.( s~ cW:f!p1. fer lQ...d8 pUt 1MII ~ensl!lvl~ 1 rnV; minimum a~"r.:tglng Ijme 50 rns, DEAD BAND: ::!;-Q.15% of fLil11 scillt!: eX(;epl ===0.25% with 0,0] I C.Ol and 0,05 s avernging tlm('~ DETECTION: True rrns, er'J;Of (; 0_1 dB ~Clf IS·dB erest 'llc[or -c D.S dB lef rull 20-(113 crest f<]clor lor rrequBJlCje~ at>ov~ crest tac:tar ctrtoff frequenty. NOISE; Equl"'IlIi:!f1r ItlDul noiS>;l < 40 fJV rrns, REmAN6MITIING POTENT!OMHE.R_ Prl:Jviae-$ de GUlp.ul mil· .<iWl. proporl f(,Jl1al to O'lC lOpiJl, 01 a tD 10.4 V de l2 V I in. of pen di!flectio,l1) •

Pe·n COJII,b'oh Pu:;;hbutton swifch~5 or Eildern.ll pn or m $il=:nars r:ontrol Pffl'l position ~ul'1, do""ll. or iwlomaticnl!y posl. tmfle<J) Pen !ltatlJ~ is alS{] fndlc:<!t~ UlI' OJ L {lulpt lis.

Chl1 Co n lrol~ PUEihbu Hon swjld1e~ or ~"I L;'r n -J I Dn Of TIL gI1l~lma ctesures stoHl or stop recording, f' 911 ptlper 10 stall of &<1m" chilrl (IT atlll,Un'll H 10 ~Iart of nl;'J:I Ct1<lTl, H'Ir1 r.-ffijlde rd9t IorWiJrd or re.v'-'(5e. S<!Uing~ are nESo Il't'JlultecJ bV DTL Clul~ut1i tHART SPEE.D (!OC!! Chrlfl Sneqd under irrd] vldu(!1 plug in h~in.b':;h Can be e lem<'llill pu:!grolmmed ,~:.: cept Wlltl 1523 PJ. MOTClFt~ St!;;Pll'1'r motor moves f"Jptl 10 O.OO57-ln. lncrerncnts roo i 1 mm) I.d r'lle~ llf1 to 300 lncre m!3nt~ pet second (2 In, I s). Pul~t:! sur pU",. ll' In1 r"kll CiCir.K !:If by exlem.ii~ D1L 01 m HlfRJI {It rntp.s oj c 300 Prr9. p~tS-i!:S 1I.s.a ill" iji]bj,_ as illl (LU!PUI !o ~~'nr.hrool]'" ether te· (;!lrdl.'p-' T"h r is exactlj Oil(! In rernent lor each f.l!JI~, PHOTOC.EU .s DTL gnlund-r.!O'SlJre outPLl1 corro!!IX'Jj(js t'l b~ilCk frJilrU prll'ltcd WI f'l~mer.

I.lmlts Dn(l E\j~lIt Marlliof!lo: L1MJ 1'S :3 bTL rJutput" pro11d l-il. CO, .5r1tJ LO "'r)[lUnBOLi~ IflOrCJt~0l15 «;l1 t~H! r<!'C1Jrdil'1g 11l.1re1 VI. 2 acJJlJlitublD I'mib. EVEN 1 f.~ARKDHj: 2 rl51 1)U~"l.Jurl\ n 'li'.'.Iltch rnntrols ope pen IQ milrk sei&lfHl l'IVtmr5 on o.3pBf,

flldomal on Of TIL 51gn;ll <tctIVflte.S. tn th~r or both p(!ns_ (These markers ad mar·1! like ;'f1Ibbef !ltampS" than "pens '"

I n'~erlile,l!; All plug-i n plui.Mbutton r.Clfltrolr unctions tan l'l€ remotely Indical!,Hj or rOhlrotl~d· oth:er ~tlnlrol$ cannell be Q:r. I::llp1' tor Chart S0ea3 ami AverclllfM!i! TIme controls on Pl and ·P2 anr-l51'/eep Time Per Dec.uhl on P2. Levels are stend- 1iI1d DTL or m. l.a •• "jow" h cl{lSUfU to ground er a I~ .0..0,5 V. "rugh" ,s 13.5 10 +S.O V. logie,elrr;uit rnpul ;'lI1d Gwlput l(lnn~HDI'l'O ~r· available at 2 doullla 19·pln eICI"I~d,board' terminals, at rear 01 rnaln frilfTlE, when j:llul:l-lr Is Tn.staJled.

Supplied: 3-fI BNC-Ic-rmjmuilld pat.;l, cord, :;I (011:; ot chatl paper, ftlstra:1<® MI.l(k[!f Set (0'1 red, <I ij1een, ., blue pens). ~V!H'l Marker Set or 4 red ,;joe] .., black pens. 3 po!enllomf}[cr eOl'llOlc.I1i. 2 flap",! <C<lp .35S(1mbliE!s. 50 cllarl'mlllJnrlllg sheil1s. po ..... sr core': double 19·pln etcl1ed-boa,d ConlU!'ttor!; tJ or 2' ror e~ternal prosramming rjnplJt~ aM o[JI [1uts) ~~Itl, ~:C:h prug-fr1

PowJ:1': tOO 10 125 or 'lOCI to 2.50 V, 50 10 60 H lj 90 W typl !;<iI, 160Wma:.:..

Mtdlilldeal: Bunr.h Dr rack rn!.odel~. DIMENSIONS (WiI"hxdll Bench J9.56x8.4·4).19.63 In. (496x21 .. 1)(498 mm), rac~ .• 19)1; n 19.6'S1 In. (.4ro~178:.:500 mnl~ WEIGH r Br'nch, [ncludlng plu'1-in. 63 tb t~ kg) flat. 98 I[) (·1~ kgl :shipplnE1:; r<l"~ Indudlng r.}lug-in, 57 Ib {26 kg} not, 92 III t42 knJ !IIhipplng. pllJg-ln !!than sl,rpp.ed ~fl'1t1leoly, B Ib (3.7 kB) net, 16 rb rs Io:g) sl':!llJpfnll,

C3j~ln~ ~~Llmt.Er

ms2.l ~phlc LO!'i!I!~ r.t~(ar.Ei"., mllfr; traIT''' "'111,~ul IlIUIf·lrl t'~.,eh Mnr1D1

RD~~ Mood.!!1

i5I!'j.,;t 11' !n1l'1 • Iii!' 'rnllili .. ms P:1I;Is·j n'

~ .... hrc" IlN ~nJ I~ I nl"reh'!t1 ~,IIl:;U I;' ~l1rIlClU. lIo;j:lllcnllPIl'llI

Pl'l:!2lmpllJ,~' JT!u<!-lfi. l~FlJ

~'O'iI!'ep [)<j~"II'l~r F'IUH ·il', r 19J.p;o

$U:"~~<1 J ,'l-0c!Ja1l'!-BatvJ AtI-~I!!Tn, P1lJa:-jn, C:::on!grl1LG 10 "totSI SJ-.l !·l!llil(l. J~,3.-P3 Sli'f.I~W 1 ']..{,k:11!",,",~,'",1 ~IiM,.a:~ PlUto-on, w"jQOIre 10 Irr- <'2!i lli23-P3_

!i"lact at 10,,1 ] cf fl!lI;gwlnH: '~Ie:lI1.amltlti]"'& ~ ..... Jlleh ~re ~'it~ In'~rchanj!~. to

~Llll ~·.~,ICiLlb 'eQul"~meN~}l

It) d fI Pol. nllomel" r

s= Ill. Ptlli:,,'i~I1'T' I

;itI~1l f'':;;[~4'l111),1'TIt;l~r L I'oCt rnnll~ sWW 1'~r1 H rIO olhur l!Oo~de'('!d'

lJi)d~ I ~1ft.tHIQml'~ r. I.l~'.! 110'11'1 l~.3-PJ 11)().Ot\ P~!fII'll !]ma!II'

klO.~s~fln .~~.II ... bl~

E',,·rIH."~r. t ' <;1 ~ 01· iJ,11I~'" aM" ~ m-rl ~n~ ldm'i'l1111 ""h.·· b. 13~"II' 11 jn, J.ilo(;UI ml1r a(jI\oe!:I~ mount l;l1<1rl5 lor Hllm: In 1.;-111 f'ill"book!.,. SO t.JIEoilI~ tMlf 11~~h

11,1.h.i~ . M~r,..,f :;":I~ ~ -"110' rnl ~LI(IXIOfIt ~tflj"1 Arn [l<ln

'!;<'t (Ii.., GFl'Uf txm Sel!)' >lDLUE ~I'~

l';JIWI'. ~~rI r.ko.r]o'nr ~"'I~ ~~I f ~ flill ~n~ Stl ur "C,fH::r.N pell! ~I~I .. flLUE 1l_:1'!i

t:Alart;:j~r t!3rd II I use~ 'Ilr ffI:l'n:olrlnn::~

CIl;.-;rl ~", ]~o.ll ',gl (If!1 !>.:I'n. ""1r.1~ ;:lSnl1t will"! !H" ¥l"llcal ~i1ar I 1I'~.1 (II f;J(J c"~ I.~I

l~'"'3"'3 .t4- 111111 g.~Il' ~,jtI~., I ,~.."

\1'ft,ul ~";\f j llh''I n.I bO d ,v~; MeUM" ! IITII nl' fn.:LrKI j:lO ~(I~ ~ yI1ltr,f'(ll"IID1I1~'1

f"OFl I5;'J-f>1 f'Rt-"'MPUnrn

llr>; lit, ~nhnurllfil JCDi(, ~f ~ 'n. Jl'!'r d I~. H'.IH !!t2J·PO; SWEH' O~rLLo'<'~R.

~ tn-In .~,~!<:10. ~'H ill 1 IIII'1,bl n' lOG

:;I ~ In, 11~~(J"lI, tllllrtll ill 1. IInrJ" III 1 10: 3~:.'.!ii In i;kre dH. r.1IJrls;;.I 1. tu1 11:2 ill

~ Vt 3.Jn d, eo '''~C. ~larL.s <It 10, eI\LI ~ ~ I 2'11 k ~, ::!. S-I", 11::::t.;lo..l'- '11" rU.l1 J. ~ t1I.b .. m ~ ~.

FOR J523-1>3"rI:O l/J OCT/,VE BANO A~'JlLv:rrR, :;Y.J 2.!i .• ,. dl'CllLll~. 51i1Iltl I. \ 1, 111 I.:I~ 011. l!: ...

~3~~ 5--e1U tlM'ild~ '., ~1Ir" ~I I. , :Jfrj Qf 2 ~ ~ 2~"'111 Ih~D5,. rum, 11 1, <lH~ti ~ lOU [10. ·s S"::111 Il~.:lt:-:i. siBili. aL 1. IlI'1t1 III 100 k

13i'iU""1700' JM:MQ'il1

~~21·!lUW ~!o:n-!JW2

L5ll-9i'iG:i, 1'521.100S

1!i23-95:2i1 15Zl-'16zl

iSll-g6l!:l U21-~ "I5l:M6.u

~52~·!Hil" l!i22·9t115 l~i2-!l6Ir;

1512.!ifi].;J J~:!:2'."'1i3!o 11i2'il-QIl1t. ,s1!3-~m(l

U;lJ.g~li J&;o.'549 1li:1.l-".l'648 1.5:r3,9!j.~ u.2J,.o:lEi4Z

i!i;>V:;IJ.;lO 1;u3-':l~G 1s.23-9Wl l!!>;!J-"lr.u


1564-A Sound an ibration Analyzer

• :2..5 IH~ '10 25 kHz:

• 2 bandwi'dlhs~ tf!- .ami 1/UI·OC:l3Ii1'O

• tlSG ciilI'GC:W hiClm mncli'c',pholil,e Of ",fll,raUon plckulP III ~c or portable, wmery OperanD"'

II aU'l,omaUc spe I:trum plols with ~521 !'Ceo Rier

, (

if'la 15ti4·A Souncl and Vdbrallo.n Analyzer lS designed pnmanl}' for rneasunng ille iJmpliilJde and Irequency of Ihe c.omf"\'Onento;. of r.ornpfex sound and vHuatlon spectra Hs 1 J 3, DClrJ\'i! 123~) and 1/10-octJIlE! (7%)1 norse band, ~'I'idtt;!; provide the lIexilJil it)' f1ct!ded for analysis of both I he IlOlsa and Its causes.

InplJlt saurees Tile higJl IflPut Imp~tlnce CIT Ihe an ~IYle{ !'Jermfts dlrerl CGnn etien of l;liezllEla.cfTit trans" ducers for I rtea5il}ring sound I"ressUt5 From 44 [IJ 150 dB fie< 2D/LN/1117 and atterer~tforl lrnrn 0.0007 E [0100 &

The 156Q..P42 and 1560"P40 Preamplifiers are avail .. bra- to extend rhe full seale s:~:ulsit'\iHy 01 ttJe analy~erby :tQ dB (1 D:l) and 10 "llow use of UH! transducer a I th B ~l'1d of a IOFlg extenslen cabre. AI1~rt'laj Iyel)l', for higher sensitivity, !he (in(;!lyzer can be drlven from a sound-level meter or vibration meter.

A'ldomi'lt!c ilni!'lys.~ Auto] natic r~llg~ 5witcJ,ing IS pro" vjaed so Ihal the 152]-8 Grnphic L vel Rtlt;QrClflf can record au!omi1licall'l.l rh~ spectrum IJf <l !iiB"a~ under analysis. 1 he combination of .:malyzer and recorder is ilValJable as the 19] I-A R{'lcordJtlS Sound and Vibration An.ah,r.i!er for contlruJDl!s specrrutl1 plots. This combination is particularly well suited to measurements in accnrdancc wIth MIL Stilt'lda:rd 1403,

NlisE! 'rmer The analvzer c;lIn U~ Used ln conjunction wi!'" the 139C-B. 1331. er 1382 random- noise Renel'ators ror Ir,ansfer df1d reverberanen measurernenta uslnq l/3- Or I 11O-oclave lJands af randcrrt noise,

Description Tne 1 !l6t1"A ccmsi!;l5 of a hlElh ;rpped.mee ampliher. a ,-omhh,tOusly tun~blEl filler havIng a notse banawidlh ''If nltl1er 1/3 or J, 10 octave, an output' amplifier. and a meter. The centor rrequency of lJi1e rlttcr Is cOl1tIl1UOUir~' adju5li1b!fL An all-pass, or flat. charac li"!rfsffi;; permits rneasurernent at the over-all signal arnplilUdl:'.


freqlJency: RAr~GE. 2,.5 H;z 10 25 kHz In fO[Jl" d~a ranges, DrAL CALIBRATION: Logarithml!;:. ACCURACY OF C,,,-lIBRII TlON; -2'0 Qf r'rcquellc)'-4lIia~ !>etllng.

f11~er Cl1anu:te.rd:sti'~: NOI se oondlwldth is enther 1'3 OC!:al;l1} 0, 1110 oc;l.iJlle" One-ltlird~c;Iii\le chawL:lerisTi hils ill leas.t


, _:_ '-~-...-...

3Ci dB i.llt~nufllfon ill olle·half and tl'lh:~ Il1e se'~~tr-d lreqJ.Jem::y. OmHE.nlh oc;tqJve characteristlc. has at 1C!<I!O.t .:lO"tiB i1U~nLJalr(l" ill lrteJii}lf and '~~Ir'~ 111e 's.elp.~h:d heqUf'ncy UUI" mate .Jltllnuallon is 70 dB or ~rearer for both char3c:lll:!rlsilcs" Fnr bo~h biJntJW1dI i15, peak fIESPQn'.ii(l is uoitorrrt -1 dB hom 5 H2 to 10 I~f: and ~ 1.S dB lrom 25 Hl 10 25 kH~ r~rl ~II, pass, Of tloi, characteristic ir i11s.t1 inclUded.

Detector Char:act!!,fjsiics.: Rms. wHh three <"We'raglng 1Imr.:s. fil .. ter two 'ipe~ds canrorm wIth ANSI slaMdani for soundle~'i:l1 meters,

Input: IMf'E:OII.NCE. 25 "'11.1 Iii parallel wilf'l SO pf Undllpend. enl or attenIJ.'ltOI ~nlf1gJ VOLTAGE RANGE 0,3 mil til 30 V rurl ~Ctlre in lO"dB step.~. MICROPHONE I ~60·P6 MIt;:r(I phcme Assembly Of ,tu:r 1500 P42 or 15~PJlO P(Gll1fIpJilie~ ,'Ire recommended,

ou.tput: VOLTAGE:: I'll !emilI.O \I open eirnul], wherl meter reads lull scale" IMPEDANCE: 6000 (," A.I'" l!lllt! can b IConOL!clal. MmRr Thre£ SC<I res , 0 to .3 \I: 0 10 10 V; -6 1:fl • lOriS.

Recording IIna IJI~.e'Jl'; Au1 am <lihr' r :mge ~wHc h I ng 01 I he ilnd Qr each IreouOJlcy decade allOW!! t;onvcl'lrenl conttnueus 'I!CQn~l I'lt-: ot spertra '.'V1111 lhe 1521 a Granhl'" level R«ord~

C;lUl1li ratlllil1: Bull1·ln, Il?etIback.type l:a11rnilfion ~ys1em DOrmtts arnpillud~ Ci:Jllbmtlon <II anv !requ'em:y

iI ... iI illa'bIJi!!: 1 56,{H6 M lCROPHONE ASStM Ell Y, 1 SG(l P52', ·P53, P54 \lIBRAT10N PICKUPS. ]560 P40 and "1"42 PRE~~MPllfIERS ,pow~r leT fI,~'ilmp a'.'.:1ilable :ll ~npUI CQllnector, POW!!!'! Operal~ hom 105 1(1 l25 Of 2LO 102.30 v 5060 Hl. or horn nli;kcl ci!dn,jum battery !;upplir~d Battery provide~ ~5! h Dr Cper.II!ti1rl Wotiefl r,",IIIf ~h;'lf~d ana roquii ~s 1.1 h for ch~~lnll:.

Ml!!chiJniCllI: fllp'Till t;a5e and rat.Io. rnourrt, DIMENSIONS 'w~h~d)' Portable, HJ..25~ 13:0:8 In, t2'60x206);203 mrn); F cit, 19xHUi.x6 In t4B2x267!tl52 mm], WElGliT Porliljjh:, 15 Ib f' J.:g) net, L 7 ro (8 kg) sh ipf.l!l'lg, rack, Hi rb ! 8 kill net. lS Ib Il3 kgl wippln~

151,\J1,-A SlIund • n iii Vlbrallulll An.J,rc:or Pcw1.11DIIl Motrml, U~ V

Fl .. (~ Moo!!!.l, US V

Pi;)rtable Moo!!!, ;Z3D V

Rile!! Moo!!I, 2:30 V

Iii~,p'i~ ~."1~11 Ih~.,jrt'

P.JtFjI'l! Nurlltll''- 3,0 tz, 191 ,

l~~"gr;lOl 15!MJjoIlZO l!i~g,7,il2 !!ilW.,)82:11

'8!! UlI.(!I41'tI





alyz r

11120 HzU;! 21111i1'Hz

I. 1 % t,Q!1s,lan'l-percenfagu bandwiidilh ., po rtatl'le. bon:ery.,operatle.d

,. as-dB Irftjec"LDn

The l56B-A 15 an impertan] lnslrumant for hlgh-resclulion freqUJmc:y <lfl<tIY!>5 wJ1elher for rneasunng vibration and nor:'!? components or the spectrum of i'l compl,e. electnCBI 5igtlaL Good d~if!:n c.oml:iines the e)!c.flilent

fll~r shape of a Wave aMlyzer .'iUtI HH~ cot'wenlsnl, srmpie operatlen or constsnt-pereentsge-bandwldlh analy~ zars in il portable. low-cost Instrument

The vo I teEle' serrs If 1"""lt,. and I:n p.I.JI' impedance. adell uat~" far mos.t U!i13 [an hI' It l~r()\led 10 to rrucrcvctts full-scale i'Jl'ld 1500 m~go"tnS,, liy the U5e 01 a 1560- P42 Or 1560-P'10 Preampliher. power for the prearnpllfH'lf IS 5ujJr1iElcl ai' Iho. inpul COI1F1ec.lor

High r1!:S'OTgUt1l1 I"jj:HfOW t:landwldlh permits Se"pi:lrnbon nf t.IO~E'ly'lpacecJ frcquerl(;,~, wide dynamic range, h1gl1 stnp band altenu,illkIl1. J.mJ fow distortlan 1l'llow measure-

Fn !l"''''.t~ ~~!l ... m ar1l1lyll~¢ I Ul·rn~ ~lJ"W! Ill.! 7"'J.I_·J'BPBlltl~n nita, 11'11.!11ri. {loOll'l:f!, ..... kHh ),~111!o !'Ii!!" rl.1:;oCul'~' II r~1'. If' f.l1.I~nt~, "'''0\1>5 11'le aJ1YI!lODI Iii hijal'llrOOUl!ocl .I.

rnent '0' srnall COtf1POF1(:!l"Itslfi the pres6!nt:1l or COrrlrlGTU''!nts up to 60 d8 largsr. These capabllllj,~'5 are viral 10 'I he idenHfTtalinl1 of l.,Iflwi,lnted vlbraliol"1 and noise com penenrs Clnd to tn~ measllrlfl~ of dia.crclefrequ!::rlties in C1Jml1!cx elactncel ",,'i!'\leIClm1S, At low lrequencres, b;;md,'/idlh ls narrower, stl}bl111y better, and calibration more accurate lhan those 01 rr)loo·bandwrdtn heterCidyt'l2 wa1Je analyzars,

The 156H excels In such ~'Pphc:atlOIlS as

'.' harrnomc (hsforllOJl me:asIJrem,e:nls at fow freqLl:Mcies II harmonic allalYSIS - 1 % bw ylefds 50 cQmpprumts


Frequc'R(Y. RANGE. 20 Hi to 20 kl rz ftl sil( half-decadc r,mj:lf.!S. ,DIAL CALIBRATION; Lcgarithmlf ACCURACY OF fREQUENCY CALI 13 RA nON. i %.

IFIIMi' CiI!!LrlictlU'ls'tICS,i BANDWIDTH bclween 3~dB palnl';; en ~Ier;;t~vlty tuN!!' 1% of 8(l1ec.ted Ircquel'1q. ATIENUATION, <l ~ 20% 1!Oo ... e ,lU1d ill 20'"" uell)\l'. S(ll,;c~ijd I re!1UElm:;y' :- SO dB referlred to Ihe level <ill the selected 'raqli[)rll;.:t. AUen!.Jaitcn rd flNIr:e ami at one hal~ 1M !i.elected ffequ~nc.y I:; ~ 75 dB reIl'lfred W the te .. ~1 <11 thp. serecled h'EqUIl1'1t:)'. Ulliml!te allen uetlen [5 ~ B5 dB. UN1FOAMIIY of FfltCf paOli<. response l,\ll~h IIJl"Ilng, -I dB from 20 Hz 'w 6.3 kHz ilnd ~'2 dB from 20 Hz: 1020 kH:l

rnpl:l'!: JMFlEDANCE 100 kt1. VOLTJ'J,G( RANGE, lOO I'V 10300 1/ lull scale, In 3 LO !>El' r~'i steps, DiSTORTION: lopuH::lrcuil ~hSll'rljon 110 Jpwer than SCI dB u:JilUve III lewl. PI'lEAMPLiFtE.R. Power iG ~upPlled at inr'lUl snckat !or !hl;) ocL '<:&O'Y fJ{-=amplirter wtltCh ~):It'nd5 the 5.{!I1.!liilvily Ie lO pV, lUll SC,]l!!, and 111LI1:i<I~ tn~ Input Irn[Jedanr.9 10 morf: Ihan 500Mn.

Otltput: IMPr.UI<NCE: OOOU n, An}, laiK. can be connected. VOL Tt .. GE. At leasl un~ ... ult open cucun whtoi1 m[~tcr read!:. lull !iC<I!e. CREST rACTOR CAl"flCITV~ Gi"E'dler thi3f1 13 dB.

CU~j:lut Metl!r~ CAUBRAnON: \tOltagE (!Oct! above) ernl dam, 1.'J1th relerent:e ifl I mW into bOO \1 (1/5 mVI CAMPING: 2 medes, F.:r,:,L end Slow. for rllWi!.J I rnsas ... w~rrlt!rrl .. QI nclse, An[lilj'Zillg R~Jl,!:e: 80 dB. Gt.,nj'ltll1erll:S ut an IfllJlLl ~IWlill ~h_'lt ;JiflN It! amfJlHud bl( II~ much as, 80 dB I.':illl l!~ measured,

Autcmll'iic Rt.·~Qr~Ul1g! Itlllcm3tlr F>oItJ,Se sW~Ir.hmg r!; pruyi\Jl;;d I" alto ..... umvenienl, i..rIl",inuLI!J!l spectrum fJl(lL!ln8. ..... I-lim nil: 1521 GmphH: u.\'er IilXoraer IS used. Mmiluf1"1-5jWIOd motor I~ racerrun nLJlo'd. CHal t papcl 11> c.a!,,10~ ~Il 1521·91l?~. FF13 qH~nc)' 51;.(3le Is IO~ilr1lbmic, 10 inc:hi:.s jj£!'r d~w~; 'irlfhc;iI U-illo IS" IrH:h~~ ror 20, 40 fir &i dB, d"panll11 on tne paten IIOI1lE~er uged 111 the recurder

CCljj b:rstor. A bu I ~l'l n. '!;ro;cI[mC:IH~p~ ca I i i:JratiM ~""steni peT m lls IImplllul:b c..dlbrdHun <II iili:.' fr';o:}1..Iency

Supplied: ?U"'~f cord: ,"i6B-209(J Ile'.enlf:d I'mob anC Dlnl !\s. sa rubly. used ttl Iat:illl:£i te InQil5Ur I M& the comr.'Qn~rl!5 0 I all lnpul ~j!'l.,al ]$ .. percentage Of In rJ~Clblll'j with an artJhraf)l vt.llWlle ft!lereflOO.

IIJ detllllE!!d anal}o$iS of machinsrv norse and v.bration .. separatron ot close, discrete, low l'l'::quel'1t:ies

A~tllm@Uc anllJl)i'sus In ccmbutatlon, th\!- 1568·A and 1521·B GraphIC: L~),Iel Recorder produce spectrum plots Will, ij<; much as ,3 70·[1.8 r~(lrdlnB range, Aulorni:dl<: riJ'nge swnchiflH Is: included ror ease and speed in making spectrum annrYSe5. The analyzer and recorder are avail able mcontad in a cal;'IIrle1 mtercoonectec, and mecnaru ~t~r I:oupled itS il CQtTlpjet~sysn!m, the 1913 Rflcordlng Wave AniJlyzer.


10 Q .10 10

, I IF'EFI ct'-IT; I


-0,15 10 20 3.0 10,0


Available; PREAMPLIFIER 1560 P42 Qf L5GO P40~ llnl<; Unll 1521 Pl5r. I'.',\h Silt~hei Kit 1521-P16 (-or rnel:h.1nlcill ccuphr1!1 to 15.21 B Graphl~ U!VTII Rr.t,;Ofll!:fF eaulpped whtl brjy~ Ul1ir l521·PIOB; Chari P:3rmr 151).13475

POWIlr: 1IJO ttl 125 Or 200 to 2SC V, 50 10 50 Hz, 2 W In nQfm,li Opi!riltl1'Jn, 3.5 W for b, Uffr ~ ch,lrgjO!1 A r~ll.:Irg{·ilbll!' mck{J1 ('-'ldOllUfll b<lL'terv 'S suppli~d Baller prCJVli:l~& alJ.tHJ1 20 hours. of (If,l~rallClll wHen fUllY ·h.ilr:Il~d m(j requires 16 hour~ lOr J'II1f~lnj.' I rlt'E'='J"Ia I t':;r'll"rl~r npemte!. from Ill" ~"""f'I' line Mecl'Jllm'CIl'I: FliP-Till esse 30el fllCK tl10unt DIMENSIONS rwxh'<'-'l Pr'l table ~3.25.;lJ~a25 Ir1 13J]lr331l;<2]f1 mm): rI) ck, 19d2 ,25115 In. t 4B3.xJ L'bd n mJTI'~ W EIG H J: 22 I b ( 10 kS) net, 27 Ib (IJloig' shipping.

c.,, IIog NU11,llN

I ,,68-.1\ W"~I!lIl".,ry,·ar P-·<IJJUl~ ;10~!!1, 11 ~." .c P'I)F I ~ blQ ~j! :) o:Ci! I. ;;j3::l \11K Ril~1, M,)(l~1 JJ5 V !!Ie 'l~ , \tCKIu I. ~;iO V ...:::

J.521·PUi, lJ!I;l; IMIL 15Z ~·!PU' SJ;fTlu::b, !III'

l !i!i3-!1i101 J~Ei!B-'!J102 1~~620 1.'b8-gIj2J

l!lI:u·~w!i W5Z1.~iliUi 1!l21-'j"'~ NUHl"l!D

,src; NAt ANALVS'S 59



• 2010 54,,'IlDO Hz:, nne:]r frequenc, scale II 3·.11-. an d S'D-Hz ba m:lwildtlhli

I. SOllY te :UII!I V, lull !lea]e ~ 3 p.V wUh prea,mlP I. SO-dB Ireoo~dllilcg iilRal,r.z_er wnh 1521 filWor"(lel'

., Dulp'lIItl:J; filife,re:d or SPO'I 100 kHoz and de ~e(;ord'i'!r • l~meg,ohm inlPiJ'L ilmpedancE!llun I1Inraf!ge'~

The Wa.1I1!' anoal;oler is used for measurinB the rompo-· nsnts cr. or .m1:l11l111B the spec-Ira cf, complex el~drlcal signal~, ecoustrc nOise, or mec:han~c:al vibrations.

Il"IdividLJar cornpcnenrs of periodic c:ornple'l: wa'll~form:5 such as harmonic or Interll'lcdulatfon distortion <Ire rei;ldlly S 8 ra ratoo a nd m eas LI red. owlll fj to the exce1[e:nt se'ec· lyj1y

AUlomalic fre:q,uc('Icy control enable.. s ~he t90~A to remarn furled to il slowly \'arylng compOnefJl lha'i mlgflt o[her,'oIjs~ tlrlft oul 01 th~ 50·Hz banr.lwidth.

Thls analyzer is part[t;;lJ!ilrly suited for <3rntilyzing noise. because ns oondwkHh if! hertz 15 Ind,~pel1dent af the cen or irequeriJ::~'. The required avefdglng time Is, therehml, cansl:al'1t, and lne t;:;:Ilcula'tlon at spectrum Je.vel I~ sirnpl • Fur(hermore, Whllfl the 50·1-11 banclw!dU, is used. the reqlJir!"!d averagrng time is rea.snna'bly !ihfJrt.

for autcrnanc analysts. curpuls are provided ler drl'.'I"g the: 152] Grapl1fc: Level Recorder OlS well as de recorders.



TUllIlabte filter !/Ii$ii' The aJrI,lIy~er Ciln arsc be used as a tunable Wier, se ttli'll U1e Individual components of a complex inplJl sl.Wlal r:;an be usoo Lo drlyc oth£!r lnslruments, suet'! as rrequG-ncy counters, when a tl1~hly accurate ITlcaSUI"E! 01 the component trecuencles is desired. or 10 drive earphones, When a wide-band nois!": i,E!1'If,ll'ator dr'",es the analyze., the eutput Iii a tUnable narrow band of noise. Such a si,Ell"lal is useful in a number of psycho· logical and a:n::I'lUcclufal-aclJuslks. test'S.

As ,a ~Ir~ckllng gene,ralof ln tne "traCl!ill&la;eneratQr" mode. a1 Qpenuion, a measurement sign;)1 ls marJ~ .. vail· able thai Is a sine wave tunable over the 54-kHl ral'lge a nd alWays in tune with the anarVZer. When this Signal is used to drlve a bridRe or other network, "n output from thai nei wDrk ca n be measured lJy 'Ine ana I yzer. WhDse selectivity reduces the interh~re'l'1c:e from extraneous noise, hum. and dlstoruon.

Descii,lll,tion Ttl e 1900~A ~i 8 he-tenxlyne ype of '11011· meter. The II1[ermed;ale-frequt!('Icy ampUfier al ] ao "'Hz Incl.Lld1,;5 i;:I I1lgl1ly ~Iec:llve quartz-crystal ritter whOse bandwidth can be .swllched to 3, 10, and 50 Hz, The use or a hs~erodYlie $ystem makes JI possd;tle to Vilry thf response fre:qLUlflcy although rhe riiler frequency ts fix'EJd. file J OO-kHz !!lUI ]lUI (If Ihe filter i'S indlcated Oil jl meter and is also avaHabJe at lhe D~ncL In one mode of operation lhe output is ~Iso heterodynsd bQc:~ 1;0 the original JrI2'Quenc:y. In another mode, th.e local eselltator beals ...;lUi! i!!I 100-kHz qua rtz-crssta I csdllatoro runc::tioll 3S 21 be<!l-Ireqoonr;y cscillator. These lwo outputs are also ,]I,t<lliabfe at rani'll terminals .. 5 mterflJ input component and mdtc:atC'd frequellcy, resptacUveJy.



Frequent,)!: RANGE.:. 20 to 54,000 H~. ThErrequenG), r~ lndl ""nNil On 11 COWl I [e-r 1nd II dla I wHh a lineat graduation, 10 Hi!! per dlvl~!011 ACCUfiACY OF CALI BRAnON. ~r~lI~Q j .5 Hd up to 50 kHl; =1% bQ,'Cnti 50 kHi: INCR:tM ErHtil-Ffi: EQUEN CY DI AL ~ .IF) - - ] 00 H l. Acc.u racy I Ii --::z HI be lcl'w 2 k:H l, =5 Hz LIP 10 511 kH7. AUTOMAT] C FRE'aU EN CV CONTROl! At frcqucnt:ies ~Io',v 10 kHz, IOtal roln~ of Jre:quency lock t,slIOO H1 ler ~hO' OO-Hl! 'bMd lmf.l l50 ~IO! for the lOHl WimJ <If. d~ I.lIi!Jd bV :3 d8 dmp in 1I!l'.5j:li:lI'lSC Jromroll-5COlr£! deflp.ctiorl At 50 kHil:. rhe IOC'~ nm~ ueeraase to one-hall or the~e valuss. SlllilCU,.,11y: Three bandwidths (3 lO, and 50 Hn.

EJi'et IjvE l:lilml~~Jd1.h lor nQise I~ ei1U]lJ lQ r.ElmlLla~ i:l.'lHdwu1lh w~lh If I ~ 10% tOr 10- and 5Q· Hz bznda end ~·.20'\', 1m ;:! Hz band, J·HERTZ BAND. AI, leilst .30 d8 down et • 6 Ht trem eM la r fr~t:lll en rj', al least M dB down ilr -15 Hz, .at 1l!;lSt 80 dB dO'l'm <I i -:2 5 H l .and bayO(ld 1 O·H ERTl MN D: M least 30 (II) dawn ·rj I ~ 20 H", Oil IC'<!:> l 60 dB dOo.'i'n.ill . -45 Hz' al least 80 ea down at ""-80 Hz and beyond. 50 HEfUl BAND: A1 I~m.r 30 d8' dDwn"r ~1 00 Hr, ;'II least ~CI dB dC'Nfl <11 ~25a HOt, ;;it '~ilSI BO uS down • .It + 50(l H l '!rId biB~oorl

hi ~1Jt: I MPEDANCEo 1 MU snl)n leoti b~ 30 pF on J IJ r,'rn~5. Val. TAG E 1M NGE:! 30 /' V I c 300 V, I u" scate. to 3 ~ V wlth pre3m P. In J. 10 sarl es A d I;l:.ibel S~ II! ~ ~ .,,1;0 pr"",jd~ VOL U\GE ACCURACY: Arter 1;:.3illori3tl(]1"1 bl' Inltlr 1'101 I so~!rce. the ilc:t.blr~qr up too 50 kHz ~§ .!. ~ 3% 01 1f'll:hCOl [00 valu Et :2 % or lull ~0I1~) ~t;l3pl lor the etlecls rrr Inlier(J!l1 noise when Ih-i:! illfelWFIIJlr knob l~ In l~l-e: rn.aximum'sensitl~ity posilion_ rrom 5-0 to 5-4 ~H7 I'~ atxl~~ 3% error becnrrres G%. RESIDUAL. MODULATION PRQ\DUCTSAtJD HUM: AUe-dSt 73 d8 dO'.\irJ,

O.tnl]lY~s.= HJO·I\H~' OUTPUT~ Ampil!1Jde. is j:uoporHMFlI to <ImpIltud'i? oj seh:clQ£J ,omP&1~nt in <If'lB1Yler Inllut 'SIgnal With Ih~ l5.2J Graphl~ l...t!:~el Fle~ord~r conrw!;.IL'i:I. ILlU·5Cillc ,mlpul I.~ al I<las! :1 II, DYll1lmk: rOlng€ hem owrlreD poi n t to i nternal "lI:;U~ 1"5 '4!l~ d'~ ",ttelll)ilfOf knob full~ dO(!om;se. RE CORDING ANALYZER~ ,S~ lin: 19H1A Rl!o(;tJrnllnp; ArJ.<1Iy:z!'!f i.1nd 15~1 B Graphic~~1 R,@"Cordl;;r_DC OUTPUT: 1 mA in IcOO U. full scale, erre ~idf!: groondf!d f~L TrnrD INPUT COMPO 1'Il~"n _ (Julpu [ a t t~a5t 1 V ila o:;s.600-~~ I ead lor full seale rna ter df!'flec{~o:n wi I h cutpu r tun I ro1 n I 'm,,!)1 TRAC 101.1 N'G ,ANl\lYl.E.R j~N01CATE[l FROOUENCl'l 20 Hz 1054 kH7; outpUt H; ill I uast ;2 V <lI:r01'>..<; 600 n lllold "",1111 OLJtp1.1'1 cor,hol ,~1 rn.L~

Tell'mTn.a,ls: I n pul til nd [nil! po.5{t:.; ootou I. I E lo~tU)l1a [aeks, Sllj:lpUl;)d~ 1560 P95Maplor Cable, pnone piUK. ool'tiO'r om.!. Availa IHit: 19(J0 P T .JD.d 1900- P3 LIN t{ UN I TS ror COLI P 111'!l to I ':J2 .. -Gril];lhlC'" Lc~'~j R ... corde-r 15DO-Pl10 and 1500·P4:2 PRE tlMPLIn ERS t u ~e l5&0- PG.2 ro ..... ~~ r 51..1 ppl,]

PQwe~ J05 to 125 or 210 lo 250 V, 50 lO400 111', ,,10 W.

Mi!llharllc"r,:.!l .. _h C"~lbiIIEL. DIMENSIONS [mi1::.J:H

8~llr III I !h ... U:', 25;.;1 5,2 S m, HB3~41.'h:3S7 r11m); rm:I!;, 19x l5< 75 s: 13,~;, al, (4.f!JxilOO.33" rnrm W8GHT· 56 Ib ((.0 "'g. III.H, J 40 11'1601 101ft] ~tlrppir'&-

I~ w~~!!! A!Q!.L},.,'II.' f.I"il~t.l'o"txlI,jl_ us V ll..Kk M !lIJ~I. It ~ " ~.~n~ h t.~oou.1 2"'3 D II R.,d M-:.r.:I.iI!~. 23Q OJ

l!MJO.'J~L l!IOO-9S1a J'JGO.980.2' ~!lQO,G~lz

Automa to



'fh I\nal~r·Reco"dle!r Unk fhB 19QO·A W~'!IO Analy.

Z'E!r ean be usBd in OClnlum:;tfLlFl with !he GR ] 521 Gfi1phJC Le\l'~1 R~oorder to pfoduc:e, al..rlomalk".ally lOerll1~nent gr.i!phlC records ~1" 11jgh-,i'tlsoI1liIiQrII spectrum ~nalyses The necessarv ~mJpll ng m~ch~/1 Hir1r1S OInd oh a rt pa pe rs a re avaHab I e for I requenc)' Sical ~3 '01 50, 500. or 5000 Hz per l.,eh PI enoree or :.3 recardar polentilJmeters perrnlts sel~clion of 20. 10. or 5 dB per inch. so lh;;i! 'IlrhJally ilny corntnnation [)fhOfLzontal aod vertic<ll seats rnsallJlion J:; pOSSible.

The 190Q.-Pl en 1900~P3·link Unitrf1IJUIlIS On the 1NjJV~ analyzer ln place 01 tilE manual rrequeru;~.:wnln(l knob Gnd provides mechan.icBI CQUplllli1!l tome recorder. The 1900-P J permits seler:llon QI 50(l· 0 ,5tH'1 01; I in. ~L:d I ~ factad'S wilh a !f:1ve:r· the 1900-P] prQl<'ides &000 or 500 Hl( m. by lhe i1'llerch:anglngor sp(o~kct whElels.

An assembly or tha 1900·1\ Wave Analyzer, 1 90Q..P 1 til nd 'l521-8 Graphic Lffilel ReEord~r 15 a!l~lIl.fi1 hie as the

191 O-A ~ e,t:c rd ing 'Wave An.:ilY2;E'r .

t:.a I ul!;o,l! f~Ll'r.t. F


he ~tlllri pilj)[·r U>.il! LG21-<;!..:JJ~ (~ .1~'~ft I Ii1I" 11l21~6D n. 1(I-t~lln l

i!lIlCM"]. Uh'~ '1!!I',flt

r~r ch~ri f,NJ1).~,; i.I:":- L:i2..l-9~




Several GR msrnnnents C8f1 be IJsed with rtm 1521-B Graphic Le\'eJ Re£:or~er fo, au10matlc pkrtting of 'the. treQuem:) response of a device or thr.: freqW'ncy spedrul11 oJ (for e~mplel iI~aiJ5!1c. nclsc or of a l:or1'1pJex elee:rriccd w.allefurm Automatic plcttlna wllh Ihese in; replates tedious polflt-by·p·::linl manual method'S and prnvides much more Information In tha form of finer-rcsollltlon curves, Llst,ed below are s:E!veral such l1IS'SEmbJles

1·910-A Recording Wave nalyzer

Til" 1910-A I:> par lI::ulo1r", useful In oll1ilIVt]r;g and recordlng ths rr8C1uenry (;OmpClnetl1S present in mechsnicel vjbra1ioI15. acousnc signals, and in corrplrex e!ll'clrjr:a1 signals Im;;fud1ng random nclse Its lin~ar freqmmr:1 scal~. 2.(}'Hz UJ 54·kl··n, ran~e, thre~ bandwldths ~ 3, Ie, ami 50 Hl1 and AO-d.B dymHnlc ran~ permll tllgher.order" closel,! spaced and weak cemponents to he found wlrh ease,


il'1h~ m910-A 1l5'5e'mbly ,'ndllod13'5 the 'rolh:rwli'lC:

1901).1\ Wal.le Aoai12!cr. Iric.ltJdlnkl l!ifiO·P95 IU:l.aptolr L..dble and orner aecssscete ..

1!ii21·B 'or Beu ror50-HT sUDpl,,~ 'Grapl1'rlll uB.!?1 Reeorde1l' with -iI'[t.dB PotentJomllter U 52.1-S602l anD mediumspeed mol.or

15.2-1·P~ BO·dlB ':o-tllntiOm ~ter (1521-9603l 1521.JI'lOB DFill~ UnIt 11521 !H671 !imltBlI~) 1'!HlO·Pl L1l'1k UjiI]rt Cl900·9601l (Installed) 190'{J'·P3IJ'fik Uili~ (1900,9603.)

C:h!!rt IP.ilp!!r. 10 to'l!> OS21 1.J.'l6J" I1cal~ Q..JO "Hz.

Chart Paper, ICl rolls {I 521·9!lf)5}, scale 0-50 kH;r. lUJIarJtnr Cable. dll-Ubtf:! b/.lMan a it r I,!{h ~ <lfIgle phun r= pi u,g

AVilllable: l5GOP.4Q and tS&O·P42. Preamp';fiw!;j chclr.~ oi ~ Ibnl on plCki,Jps or microphDllIlS.

thaL can be ordered under slngle catalog "umbers and include i.lU accessories normally ne-edetJ. Or tl,a ccmponent items c:an be ordered Il1divldufllly 10 convert e1'ligj!,-,g equipment lntc Mly auiornallc recording assemblies.

Custom assernbtles of GR analysis eql,lIprrrE!Ill and sound <lfldvibratlClll mstnmrants """11 be bulll 10 order to rnaet a variety af specl",1 re:qulremenfS.

Me(ht!l"fnl~ M£;embled In cabirmL DiMENSIUNS lwxmr:oJ = 19)(25.25x15.25 In (4BJxM:2x3sa mm) W80HT I Hi 1'1:1 (53 ~I 1'1C! 22111" nO·1 kg) shipping.


1.91'0>11, I'h.cllrdfllJI w,a'jtll "".IYRT GO ""'II~'r.I' Moede I

c.o li~ ~JO·I,I M.od~~

bO Ii .. lI6-V Moool

:'1) H~ ;rJIH MO<flll

e..,; tj~m~r

~ ~:III:I-!t1,r::1l I ~'lo.g'l1l Jg~tMI·,g;> l!llO-9'4S101!

1911-A Recording Sound and Vibration Analyzer

nl'S asso:fT1iJly will g{mer ale ccntlnueus Irerwem:;;y pint;. 01 thl:'.: 1 j 3. or ] J 10 octavo St.'CClr1..i111 01 sound anc vibration signats OVlH I rle r::rnge at iI.11 fit to 25 kHl Tl11J-S j : 3-C~tilV' rne:-t!;uI er enl!. can tJe rna J!! in aCtOn J':lilr~ ~\illt. ,;;~~'~ra~ common tnHllary iUHJ Indws1riill noise-conn ul ~ P(i(:;1 rl Oll ions, \!'I1l'118 lilt: 1 hi rtl-oc t ... ve ll2r ndwl d III is CoIl v!Jili(1tlt for r ;Sllni! CQIIlI)liiJIlCE! tQ it !ipeclhcdholl for rna r-

mum alfol'.'atJr~ noise or vlbri!rlon kl'I/el.lhe 1/lO-Qctave h .... m:l ..... I(1ttr permits precise Id~ntttkalion ot lndl.".kJual frelIU;IlCI" ncmpenents, le~dll1g W Iheir r oout:tlon or dhlilmt· mo. Th dPdl)l~er '/1iI il[:ci!vi 5l~n!3is from a sound 1f;lIel meter. '.'ltlMUOr1 rneter, or IlI.hur stable aropturer, or dl-

re r- tly rrom a rnicronhune t)T vibration PIr.~~lJP ttmcludes it sf rClgs drawer and 5 stern rt'l"~er con rill.



The ,1 !nl·A COI"II&lsi:s Df th,[l tDllliJwill,e:

1564-A Soullldi 3n:d VJbll<lUc," Anill,~er. rack moo.:!1

152.1·E1 " ' -!3ll1 II'l ,f, H i' ru I'll'll ,GT'ilf,lhle Le'Wel R'i'I:iIU,d er w Iltl 40<d B P~bfl'l tic mlltlli' 1I £i? Hl602) ltI'Id rnetllur (1. spee-d mote r

1521·Pl'ClB Drive IUl1ill 521 9.;1571

1521-P15 Urik Unit OS21.J)t!HI. WIll] l&fOQlh srror;lo;et 111~l.dl~ 1~I.ttHjl.lnJ 2.1·looPl 5f1r~lCkI!l .il1~O Im:ludcd} ChllJ't P'ilp!!:r, J 0 roJis n 5:ilVJ46S1), calibrated 2.!; 25 normal izfXI. IOg;Jrllh m.c.

AdiljJbJr Cilbfe, tloubte b.:ln:=n'110 nnl1I·;}r1f~le 1JhDt'I~ plug.

Alia ilu bTIl!: I Sba'P40k. Prctlmpl,Jlur tl.nd MicfQplume Set a(1 dB p'ltefllltltr1~ler: .;holcn at vlbt.Jllon pickup:..

Mru:i1l!ldr;ll: II,s~tmlblil;cl In cilbini!l. [lIMENSIONS (r.;:II.'ul): 19 7&:«3J ,25xl,5_75 ln, [50:2)('94x~OO n'Im}, WEICHT! 101 I h I ,Hi k~' 158 I'b (72 kg) Soh I p[l'If1g!,

CalulCf, Mumlm·'

l!lU-lj iFleCOnllnojl: SnwJUI and lfohl;li!i,,1'1 ",,";Rhtnr .(JO-IH z 11 !;t-v "'~oQq~1

I)G+I~ 1311,V MO!1lt<l

~{H~~ 11 G,'11 i'Jo&:l

:;0.'"1 Ul~v i<I..odJ,lJ

19JU.l1iU 1111 1'91'U. '~J lL·949~· ,19Jm·~N

. .

. ...


Tills cens li1r1l·oerc~ntalile.J}(mdwiJjt h rec:ordin g a na '".~e r will make n~gh·resoIIJtion spectrum plocs rrnrn 20 Hz to 20 kH7.. It is ~-S'i [ij usc, having autcrnauc range S'I"ltch 111[5 and few COr1Uols Wide dynamic. fiJnse and the !lO~B POWr'1!'f.)lfIlJt"'r rodur:£! tne Ilee::j to r hantj.c s~nsiti\lily rranu,Hlv to .::lcr.orrlnll~j<Jlt: widely "'lIf~'lng atl1l.JIHud~_ NaHr.l'o'.' oa[lI:iwldth nermtts senaratren of Closely soaced row lreqUenCl€:s W,lllollt for.eitlnH 11Ig1i·tr~quel1l::y re50Iutl~n~ YI'IGally. the Jif:lalh h.;tfmonir; can bEl ldentiued. Sep.

lMicr pilon 0' 15GB·A Way' An<ll~'ze! for rnore dE:!t"iJ.s..

The 19 r 3 Is. 5urmrietl ilssemI:Jlm:l anti ~"c:ILJdL!g a Sl.Orage r Jr 1.3 ','if;'! rano system pm. e r cent ro I. W111 (;11 sWllC!1 'iJS 'tl1e anslvzur l'a[lt!t~{ 5lJppiV :j..S vl"en as rne ac IlnC'.


The 1913 indl.u:i1l5 the fOUOWHlg:

1668"1'1 Willile An;)ly.ul'r" f~l-II\ rni)(l!ll, anrJ Ut:CE:ssOl I!O:'

1521-B Or Sr.l1 '.lr "iQH: SL1[lplyl 'Grllllhl~ LMel RecGl'del" ,1,,1[, 40..dB p(l~IIUOml!ter t l521-9S02) '1n j '-11 II Jrn· "SPtlC"-! motor

1521·P3 Bfl.dEl Pot'<!r t 1 ~?l·9GOl) 15.21-PIOB Dm'lI !JOll 1 '1'11 "gr1!.ill

1S.21·PUi Unk UlIllt ' 521 ~ot'5). W.tfl 16-TO()~i1 5pr;;x:;k.~" In~'.:;UGd ~!'>I rIel t 1 ?4 loeB I IiprQ.:.~e\ ~Isn Jnr.llJd~Jl

Chart Pilpl!:r, 10 r(}~J~ (1521·9~75), ~IE! 2-20 loll., nnr TI:1llLd

Ad.ilpltif Cilble. rlplJ[lie b.imana 10 flgnr>I!flBt(! 1-I1,()lJP.: plug, Allililabjlt~ IS60-NO anti l560,N? Preutnp1111er5.

Mt!'el1anLt1liI~ A'5SilI nb cd ill l:Duin t, OIMtNSIONS (w~tml) 1 q 7?;(3I 25Y1 5 75 I. 1502x/9.,!JO;40Q rnrn), 'NElGHi 1i 0 JI" :JO k':l net, ~ 551l> i1~ kR~ S~IPPllll:l.

Ctlt!l1~,.: ~; .1,,1)0

l~ll fi..,c;otil'ng Wlh'. -,,"01,., .. , OO-t-t~ !1~,\· ',.oo:al

Q-H:: 230-',' I\1Qe1~1

;.c-HL a!l'~' ModJ!1

~1"l.t 23{),.,. MGQ~'

J!liI.J.!,Il'Ofi .l9ll·WI!;! 13]1-'))'0'1 Iii U-ll'7~1I




,An I


• 3.15 Hz, hit 80 kHz

" 30 [0 45 ,OlliE .... 113-, Dr 11'111111-0 cta-'iBJ baJlllIi!I

• TO-dB dynamic range. 150 dB diflplayed

• '1]II)I!J!.:mV se.nsIUyU,

ill clI'l Dlra'liB'd UUlilI'lUUt('U;E!

• dlglla' d'EHedion -. 'truo rmS flnsw,ef5

• 9 ~niJWd In'l,agraUon Iperlod.

• eClP'iJ~el'01d Spfic:t.-um dl!lp'layed diITuc1ly

RealizathJrl of Oil I~nc·sti'lnd unlll nl~ed Since the inc:epn011 of the flr5J scund Jnd ",Jhri51 ion ,'nstruments. tnt! t'lr.~d for ratHe! on-Imp. measurements was apparent. BUI It rook Some thlrtv years til h.llfill the IlEeCII, adr2"qUalery and

economically r eJ nd 1 h~ f ul llll men t ca me with the ~ I1!JOdI.JC· lion of real-Ilrne an<ilIVSiis embodied In th~ 1921.

Ihe 1921 IS at I&'lSI .:I011mes t<15lef Than contemporary serial analyzers. which me~lIns I( 'tan analyze marie data rastEr Ill'1d can measure non-srntialUlr}1 signals wilhout lape toops, Its 70 dB dynamic range r~dil)' accents the ra'l"ldom OJ' totaHy IJnspecif~ed signals rOl.lliflc~y enOOun· tered m acoustrc work. The answers come fast; lhey are rt!peatabla and sralisUcally reliOlble because Clf the 1lI1'1f.'1- 1J''Zw's .:!..O.5~dH .. Hxm-acy and km,iwn integr'.atlon ttirri~_

OotiomH attenuatcrs provide ±U.25·dB at:curacy lor' dynElmlc-r8nge extensron, transducer "aHtonlng, sub,ec· live correlatjen, etc., and ~hE! mller.> A&, 8-, or C-weishting n~!WDrks. The entire capability has been soecllicaHy de51gned to permit simple. rapid, and precise comrct and interprelalloIJ IJf the rneasurernents wi1h a


m ~rll rn urn of op~rat~f a t[eI1IIOfl. [vtln I E;&S work and taste r resultsare pO!isib,le when atl")CtJIElr)' iJ1~trurnentahorl lS w~jdcl] to the 192J tnstrumentatlon such as computer control, sc:arll1er IIlput d~ rer;:Otders, cr cata erlrters - all of Wtlil:h lntcrtace wHl1 ease

A IIIl'1itllJli!! solilliion The lF1pul !iignal is apptied lo .a set of ilnalog flltets rrronl J(l to 45 depending on your reQlm elnent:oJ thilt cover a frequency ronge from 3.15 Hz 1090 I.4H;l:. These ljlicrs lrlch.Jtl'e, as an option I fndlvidual aUenUn!lJ.r~ to parrnil pre-wh 1~e--i1ing or ether signal comHlj(lI1Inl?,_ T11~y are houser..! in a unit that can be purct1t1s~ separately if deslred,

Tile (JI.ITputs of the Hllers are processed ill another unit, thl7' rms cJete-t:!ar. II lei unique rl'1 tbat It proeesses the siS"ali Irorn Ihe Wiers Jigitallv Each channel IS sampled. the sampl{~d data am coMerled to lJlglMI llll"lary form. QnQ the bln.1iry numbers are fa-dl to a dlB;lb.Jl processor 1haL computes rcct mean-square levels,

The ayera8in~ nc:thOd is true Wr;e.a ) Integration -.vItI"! iI cnelee of nino act::umte integration tlrnes JrOFTl I,i ... !!"Cond HI 32 seconds. This scheme no! only produces artfiWElI i> laster than the runrung -av eralje= circuits iot.lnd in analog de"'ICE~ I whlr.h j·was.l:e" lime and aren't very usatul lor Ir.3flsir:n !>ignills) but also mahe If possible 10 determint:: e~r:;U;, whal evelits iJ1 tlrne j;al,'B effechld the <ll'ISWilr Tmt comeuted bflild lelJels are stored in digital memory ltl be remeved al a raI!O Illlllted oilly by tlll2 output recording or ~torage device. The analyzer 5! prOVides bO'I h dlgll a j .:j rid analog eutpurs,

VersaUl'ily Thr J 921 is available In bench or rack models, iii four standard ! requerlcy ranges. and with ow withoui aitenuatcrs. Custom varstcns with up lQ 45 ha!fld~ eltl1e r I f 10, 1 (3, 1 octave w~de. or a m l:(fU re of the three, are dvailable 0'['1 spacial order. as fire models witt1 special wm:1wldllls,

Camp'ele Systeffl~, teucred 10 ytlUf needs trorn transducer to linn I d"ta sto:rage. Can also ba suppfled, Suel, a Sltstern could IIlciude a computer, displilY scope, de fa corder, and magnetic tape rct:order to provide cn-hne catculatlons and ccmpariscrts such as:

'. Specttl.Jtn compartscna rrern :31.15 Hi!: tc eo kHz

'i!' Stevens loudness catcu 1£1 lions p81' ANSI 53.4·1968 iii ARf loudnESS calculallot'lE.

• Pen::€I'I,I'ed·110Iu·levellPNU computations recom-

mended by the FAA

'I!' S pet:lcl1-1 ntenc renc~'ev~1 I S III c.ompl.1mf I ens

• Noi~e crttericn Ievels par L l. Beri3nek

• ARI, AMeA. AsH RAE and STC ratmgs

.."", GJi lE;gp!O'~llft"n". r.,1 M.l} .Jurll:. l!)tl'!l a,ld tt;.p,rlllt n22~


F"uIIUf}Jley: 3 l:. Ho: toau kH..:.

D:.:rIlJwidth:. 1'30 t .l·1,n,lallUard. 1/10 .:t.rfl~ I oc-Id'it: avallsl;ila Ampli~liide~ 70 -d a I,j ~jI;1I1 Ie: nmg!!. 60 d a Jh;pla~w; U',{J.rn\l I m~ norlllll<llll.lli ";qI[c !:;Q11srl '11~y

Une<lTIt,~ ..!.O.!j·dB d~vlawm t~~ str.:ugl1l,ltrI II' Orer tap 50 LIB QI dls:pla), ral1g". -1 18 Q','Cf (!f11IH 6O-dB r"ng'C

DJg~ta' Pf'eseniblltiOfi: Eland (nlormali011 Iii. diSDI!1yet:i DO tllgll jnten~llY l'l~o~re.1ldr ul lube-s BAND t~UMBE.R Il~r :.I'o,ISI 51 6 amJ 51. U Is d'~plil~&I an 2 lubl?S Elnd .av8il~ble as 2 BCD digitS on rear ptlnOr Br~ND LEVEl.. trern 0 10 159 r.lB In 0_25 dB ~l!lps 1~ dk;playrd on 5 luh!!; <lOU a~alltlblil "S" 5 BCD digits DlI rear JlIaMI \Nlth overlcad imHl:ated as B Or g. ln ren digit REAR·pjl\NEl. dalilllH~ 1-2-4 -8 \"l~IH.l1redat standard s·v m '_v.f;!ls (...;: ! 0.5 and ~, .Ll.S V)aFid a'.'Hirllbte trom ail hands S@Quc.rilially ~t (J 50·p,n 'IiDe 57 COnnector"

An,dog PresC'ntation: llANO NUMBER is DYOIlllltile. as 0 I" -1 I 'if nn aar ralTlp .a I f!:'.a r B NC l:~nn~r,tC1', 8 AND LEVEL f rem 0 10 50 dE! Is av~lIable ij<§ 0 10 • ! V =. 10~ signal ~t re,,, BNC con· nectar wHli gver1o...~ Indicme'd by sueerlntpcsed jlti:er PEAK MONITOR; 1\ peilll. d{'tctlor sellS~$ Itt'(tlls. at two clrcul] PQint~ and ud'ol\ltS a pan1J:1 m!lt[lr Ulilbraied 1('1 wB roferroJ le l:JvcrlOtid Ilfvel tC. slgnal prQpn'lonal to meter mdicatlon is llVJIJobt!! .n a reel connector I nrlv .. a dt rif't I rit'r, 1 rnA lor 'uIH~C<Jle readlf1g

lr1pu1:; ConnElt ts tn rea r BNC or mike connecter. !i t: N SI TIV lTV· H'(l mV rm~ nemlrral IQr ruU cntn, Can b mcreased 10 5 rnV 1.'JII.h 15GQ P40 or "p~12 P're.ampIWer_ DVNAMIC RANGE· &0 dE di!:p1a}'erJ plus 1Q,dB rrffiil-'c;lr.tor margin a. fu!J scala M A.XIM U MIN PUT 15 Vdc, l7 II poe.,).: dl J M p[pAr~CE; 100 k'L CAUBRATIONl .rull 5c.<1le oJ.nd ~ero le'iEiI 3ell c.allbntlton rnnvkJittl In Iw,o alJ.1l11ary 'h!!IIIIels; panel (Control allows il carr bf;!tI0111<l\..lar 10 be ilIIdQO re JiS1tdi l)Ulput, lulls.l;.'1!1! indltra--~iQIl Is Jdiusiabrt from 60 Ie 159 dB In J -dB steps, 18-d6 COi1linUOUS gain BCljU!>Ifnen11 cosnrnen I'D <III [ha"nel~ nlIJS. opl1Jnally, 50 dB "ltt!!rll.lllHan In I dB $..i'eps wiln -0.25 d8 iI!C(.urncy !r~ +25-dB ~scttlng) by It eans !:Ii' i3 ~njjl lr,umbwhet'!1 !>','I'ltch lOr eacn bllm::l At(cnu~tlml 01 e1tc:h b;)nd ;,. .. jntl Il::ate[J by .£I do l crr !;Jill1t:' I di5~1.1y ;'!Inri re pre~tm1 s Hw transmfssicn bB.twcet1 Inpul dnd 5lJmmE::I eulpul 01 mullllllter Disr>lay tlas '5ci4lfld.3rd 50dS-per cecadeSClh! Jar..tor. 10 dB Pl1r in. vlJftfcal. 5 1('1. per deCl1'd~ norizootal 1925·9-570 Trlll15mi"5" 'i'JOO Reoo~d S~IEi'e!S avtlilahl9: thin Mylar" sneets, of same stze and g;c:.:Ile iac.lo· .2~ Jth:nUi.lIQr dlspla-~·. ;;!ti;'4~i 10 WIndow wah wlH:onlalrted ildhesiv(! OInd can be used to r'lcorLl po.sltlo:rl uI aols. 10 wlndcw With ,tuna- Or slas5-marlt;ng penCIl Or crayon, Re!I·p~n~81 30 tl pole Buttllf'o'I'o.rth rilrer.s with 1 r9- QG[,WI:! ef'lecc tlve tnlli$e~ bilnd~fjdl"s tt1iJl c<'lnrorm IQ I~NSI Sl J l-19&& Cla~ Iii (high allenUiltiQnl antJ lEG 225·l966 sL..'"Indards or NUtl l-()cti;Jvi;! bandwidths lhar conform to ANSI Sl.ll-1966 Cla~ II (moder<lllfii t<Jt1J' but hfghe!lt tor DCt::I ... ~-bllrn:j filteor!t) and tEe 225 1966 stamlard!;. ACCURACV of center rrcQurmcy, -=20/~. LEVEL UNIFORMITY· Wllnln =0.50 dB ill 25'0, -0.75 dB Irom 0 to SC'C:, ar ce.nL~t treq,uencll wfln alteuuatnr Cit +25 dB PASSBMID RIPPlE, 0.5 dB tn,ilf pk-rJk. NOISE: r:: 1.5 p.'V ~qurl{ah::lrJl"'pL.Jt l1ol:s.e. HM~MaNI~ D1STORnON: -e Q25Q.(, at 1 V outpul tCf bands canlered below 25 Hi!", ..;: 0.1 % lilt 1 V outpullor 25> Hz and DllolI(;l WEJGHnNG~ A. El, C, cClnFoTmlng tc AIIISI SIll, uc IU21. ::m~ IEC IU79.

Diit'fr£:trcm RMS w~1h true 1111lear) ultegr<:l~ioF1, INTEGRATION TJME5: ~, ~. !t~. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, Df 32 s~ PU!;h.b.uUI'lO rontrclled. SAMPLING. S<lmphnE rale j!; I:llango-tl rJuting 1('1lcgrnlion Hmo: 10 ~JIrt11nQt .... cohlo:rem:e effects; ] 024 ~lllploS 1000en during Inte-greUon tjrrr(!:S lrom 1 to 32 ~; bJ;!lo'" 1 s FilJmb~r oj s~mph:=s rcol.II::ed in prol=f'l'lfticn la intE!gr<lnOIl time to a Inirlfmum of 12.9 REPEJl.T~8ILITY, BI;ILtllr ihal1 1 dB ~ 1 a, Imli ~cr ton!:! burS:1 wflh clUI!!, ia..t:tc'r Dt 1/100 (liqulv3lent to resl Ia.o;;\ar qf 23 t..lEh «hen rms 1l!\!t!ls are <: 13 dB 0010 ..... lull ~j)[1? Pro(l"n'I'Im mOl IJi I IIt.y:: Alt flan!!1 c:~n1rol~1 e.v-t:iilfl1 QUtpLJI dltplil}' riltc, mllclfllJatcrr.., and &tllfl cun~rol, at~ rmlj1Fdlllm.abJe bl' t.lo- 5UI"e:lIIn ground qppriod ta a r~l£Ir ~(lp n tyP:!' 57 COllnectO'l',

• "'~III~tA reu 1'~IlClm£lfk III £. I. fin f!'utlt d~ N~~lIlltJ', .nlrl (t;l IrIf'_

SJGNt L ANAl.. VSfS r,

Supplied: POW!;!r cord, 24.pln 36 pin, and 50-jJln type fi7 1J1uJ~!l ro mate- \'11th rear connectors, 5 Tr~nsml':OSl;l]n Record Shetlts. A",,~ illl !lIe:: 1560·P40.and P-il ~ PR EA.M PUFI EN S, L 566 M urrtCHANNEl AMPLIFIER IfrifJ'J'1 sCanner), lS22 DC RECORDER, 1921-P2 STOAAGE DISPLAY UNIT, HOl.J!lton InstrumontG G-100·0'-4 oori{'~ rlDller:s, Mtlhi)~'Jk Oat;:; S~ler1,as m~tJl BOO I--Ifgh...specd Prjnler. NOTE. Tn.;! 15.22 DC RtJCord~r Is Ideally ~ult.ed ror USE Wit], tile ]92L A fa,k model 1522 wllh (:I L522· 1'1 Pfto'olmfll/ner and 1522·9U70 Set IS ,waIlOlb'(!_

PoWI:r, 1 Xl tl) 125 and 200 Hl 250 V. 50·50 "IT, 152 \iii Ml!ch.u1Icl1l! 8t:'nc:l; or r,lek mooel~, D~MEf~S'ONS (wi!hxd):

Benrh. 19,5:1..1 9J1!20 n, {,z~l5l(4!llx508 nl!'l1J: rack, 19~]7.SY 16 In t4B31(4~5x"06 rnrn], WEIGHT Serlel1, 95 111 (-14 kB) nlO't, ! 90 In (81 kg~ :shiPP! n&. r.a.o;;k, SO lb !J 7 ioIlLl nfll 120 It! (55 Ksl s11IIJP[n

191.~ ~" .. lbT'm. "n.ty~'IIJ

.:nil ,!;I.!~ 01 lq:a; t,~!JI~lf;ft"nn~1 Fl'o'S taf!!'"Jor ~ncd 19~~ Ml..Ilt"iIL~' .... Ull O!lfHr Ilfl-ocUYI;I bJm~·

;O:~ I-!~ to"20 'If,! r 12.!I Hllo 10 kli? 3.15 !-lor. CQ ~,S ~rt;o:

100 1'111:) GO ~i-!l

lru·!l7!JO &921·9'1,02 19U091~ 1~:UA~1~

19c:!1-97IU l~'21·Wq~ Lm--910$ 19l1!MI11J1

ll'!il!l.Ua,a 19aJ-If7U1 I!Jzl-971l1' '.!l~W!1Jl114

.9n~ s921ml1 192.1·~1I.3 l'll~M'IiIHI

15 Mr t.n 20 H:: 1:2.~ H~ ill 0 H!t 1 Hi 14;1" 1£1 2.S "Hl.

100 j-{~ til so 1I11~

Yl1IOorto.rnll.ltllin I'h:;c;l:Iul 81'i",,\ .. , ~,,, gf hm

• ~1Kr b3ml"ljrJlh.!l B'IInll~bla: m'~1I1rrp,~ ~re !ny1ll;H;1.


25 ora


• especially use"'ill wllh rul-lime allilliil~ers .. orear, brlghit spEic',r,~m di~pl8Y

., 1arge 4-bv·5·ln.v,lewiing ilrea

II bench or lI'D~k models



Spe-ctrum al oIll glance fls an accessory rcr the 1921 R~aHlmt I\r J'y2er, 111~ E~:N·P2 d~spla~'s the results of ttlE! 'ifmctrum al1aJy~is ~ am IUud~ 10.1$ IreqLl!!!r;c~' - ln a singrt!, :L;!!;o!h' illh:rp(i~led The thpli"lY function!;> IJ inC: unit iiFtl programmi1bfiJ, and necessary control and til?llcction o,ri)rl/}g~s an:! IlfOIl"Ot='J b~' the

I he 1921·P2 ts a sllghlh mocJif[rnj 1f'IlI('O(11)(' -ryO~ 603 St()r7I~ Olsr11a.,. Un'l. H hns dl-~Cllld~late circuus, _'t 6~~-lnch blsltllJje &!oragc CRT bullHn vertk:al and ltcri- 70tllal nellectlon amulitier s • .:lr1 l'lI~!s IIlQdulatrQf1 caDiJbUi1~r. It IS suppllt-d ,..ifh If I r., i i'Hh:clrn:i CIlbl for II,!;! J 92! drt.;JI;-~r an j~rahclJl~~ marlu::d with 1/3·oct",ve SWntWtd Uuru.l I'U.JlTilie.r!'., cel,taf Irequencies, and a declo I}I:!I S-Cf) I e-.


Fr"ll.ueru:y. Dc 10 2 MHz tor w'j~elorm dio:;pl~~:J, ill wn~ch 11l5! X <DIis l:prl!S<!nlf tlrne P"HflSE SHIfT: <1.. dlffeTEl~ be-tV,I::-I=n X ond Y CMnll!!I~, up to SOO hl-'ll.

O.spltl)':.<\ 10. vnrucat (Y., 5 In. 11f.lri:woi.a1 (Xl tll~iJlil:r rappro;< 10.2:5 em} 01'1 Glk-lll, flIlL-rl3c~d hlstable S'OtaE!G tube. Phos-pi Of ~mil3r to P1. lINEARITV; <5'!- dltfl3rence In voltagB

belwetil'l Im~ 2 tlf:P~lie.o li1crEtrn 01 L·ln. leJl-fIHI ~!!fHt:'iilly.

.. I /w;....m In disoloy rtrs2I ~ ~rly. ~5%,

SfrED. ~10 Ifl./ms ~25 crnrrn tm.ed lIf1e-wr:UnF_l l:opeed

Sn:tFtI\GE '1. ad.s en-tlrne stmurd bot. ;;,., ,,!; to tHI!;l.Ir~ good stcr<ll-l'. Vi"' .... ing I irn(,! Ill} to J h r~C:(llw"l.lnd~~.ero!iW·1l Ilt.:Ct:lfTJ,,1 mort: tli'l ul! I' fmarmOI 0 I i!lLOr~j laniler. E.RASURE I unl~.,1 1.!'r.1;e lime; 250 In'S:.

SLllJp,jed: nvo gr;J1JC1Jls ends Rraauated '.9Ii..:::,)111 eValY 5, US 1 T(Jl11 ( til bJ &1 ~f11J hor iznn i 1111 ~ 'n 30 ~)..'IFI.d~ l e.1jo:h "Jf banns 5 10 3..;. 11 to J(l, III 10 ":'3. anti 20 10 ~9. ,UK! on Wlltl b.Jnd~ UOI1l1r'r:OO

Power: '0132. illld lBOla 20.4 V, 4B iO .0140 H.~. 57 W

Me~hBnICilI~ B.cncn Clf T.:.t:k moJJ~:; DIM.ENSION;); r\,l:~rudJ BEm.Il, 8 5.(5.5x19.5 In (2Hi1Hi5>:4':J5 tllm}; rack, 19..:5.25)1 1 '1,5 in l·1.fl..3~.I33)(49S rnrnt, WElGfiT 18 Ib (~ r.EI! l'lN. 2& II ~ 12 ~;al shlrnlol

Ciltmlltl! PHm·.~'C.,

l!l21·P2 S'!~I. ,DJ":I'1I.~ Unit EI~1'I1J1 ~'.OO~ I

f(acr.. ModJij

l!l2Pl:U6, 19 .. H-!ll11'




lIi 3.15 Hz: '1IDRD "Hi!:

Iii '11/3-Gc~a:ve or Qicmave Ibal~d~

!!1 Qa'llb~a'tedclil'aJn~er a:Ueil1,l;Ia1~rs,

III d il'P~lar w~~h5t1!1nda~d :5~liefa,cto.l' '.SC~~n Ild, pa ra I~e~ I i'lnd summed QI,I'I:pull

Spl!lCtru m iSlrua~ef or .1Ir:la'i)l',2II!r bllUl!li Ilg IbIDl:k The 1925 M uHif Ilte,r conta 1 n!l up I Q 30 IUlnli I~' octavl!" bafld Qr Cinethird-oruve-b<ll'lrt Ii!Mn'S rrom 3.15 Hz ~o BO kHz and ean be sup pU B-d wrLh (J, wi thau t attanuators that per-mit i FIde. oand,1!'! n t C::OnfrCl' of the ga to in each t)illr Itt Wd.tJ tl1 e attenlJaIOf'S. you CClI"I use ril(! multrflltef as In equaltZl:lr Of 'S,peclrum sha pet to sl rnu I a {e or to COm pen!>ate rOF I r ff;ll'!.Ulartties in the rreqt.lency rOSpo.I1Se. of eJl!'!ctrLrnl or acoustlca I ! ra ns:mln'on s),stem 5 or t ransd ucers. With Df wrtlh 01.11 attanuatnrs, you can use il i3S the basls 'or d sertal or paralll3[ frequency artilirYIDS .. ~tem.

.Ill ...... riel1\' ,of 'oHtpuls The outputs from the incJwldu.,1I rillers"rO' presented slmlJlt:;ll1(!o!Jsry in ~mll(!t summed Ifi <3 slngle output, and selected 1!1dIVJdually by manual 5witlt h in g. by !l'l!.temOJ I $wl teh c I IJ:SUJ e, or by a remote scan i'mr eent rel unit, A.drh11I)n'11 O!.lt pu ts tlr Q'.!F.JC Ei, I: un. I it terad H1Put sj &rl~ I .ilI rl d ~ h E s.i gnOlI "'JIm A. B, or C weIghtIng.lmf)osf'd. PMJ.i; Clel~tur:'ii located batore .. no! artcr the r i U"r", d ri \II;! .oli mel erl ng ci rcu i~ I hat selec tS rhe 111 gtJ<as t peak .mu· {liV!;!5 VClU en Jndil:iltiQn In dec'lb~ls fcferred 10- l he O'orerloOlrJ 1 ~'1fll

Atb::'Il'Lmiorfor '~:.J;ch bll,1iI d' OP~l 0 n 1.11 artanuators, 011 e for ear; h flU~n h ro~ den the usefL.llnBs5 gf I he multi lll ter fin: h allen uatof Ilrovide-s 5D dB r.rF ga 111 (:(mtr 01 ~ n 1 d A !l!E!PS,Llc~ur.a!H to 0-2.5 d6 Thl,lInbwl'E'el switt:i'lIJ"S ~rt_ trol the attenuation and il panel disp'ilV hlwic.1ttl:S. lhe "trarrsrrussien' of the mstrurnen] This dt!}~la~' lias 111i:l. sarne ~~Je 11$ rin 1 ~21"9463 chart paper u!Oeo ~'1lfh It,e I 564.p" So~md ifnd Vibration Anall{ler (5 In t d~~a(h~ henzonra], 10 dBl iFl. Ifflflfcal) , PI k~y·oDerated 'ock !;!wm::is OiIgaln!;!f unrnt<61ndad cnapgas ill tha aHenuator contrtd ~ettin!!l:~

IFiner:; millet Ame!'1fr;an and inl~:rnaUI)"'a] s'andanls Thn I iUers, b l1i1r on p'u~. i I'l. eh:helJ b 0.11' os [thre ~ Il&r bO<1 rd) for e<l5y I nterrma ng{': , .:ue avaHabte with ellh~; CCt.a\l13 or nnefhlrd-cct:a\'~ bandwiutl15 'I hOll contorm tv tloHIl Amerll;hli1 ~"{I IntJ3rf1.aLion'lJ .sIlJl1darc5. The A·, S-, itJ-nI:J C- o\'I;!'itl;lhlir g characrerrstlcs also CC1I'Iforrn to thn rcquifflF1'lenlll tI' the vsnou I; li r (In ria rds t or 50Ln id . t~'oI'~~t meters



IF"n:qu!l'nc-y: 3 l5 Hl t~ 80 kHZ.

IIiI'HldwJdth: J 13 Or 1 eetave standard 1110 octave a'l~il::!ble. liPelOlk Monlih:m A I'leilk detector ~n~!!s; IE\fel~ ,:It two drcu1t pelnts aml drives 11 pnnel meter I[.alibmt(?d In dB I'l;)flmELI to Ql.'et,ood Ir ... " I f< .. 1 Ellul rlrl:i1)urtloulJ 1 to rnl'!11':"- ind icatiun h;, iI~ II.-sblL iii 11 reer conner:lor 10 drive a de recorder; 1 rnA tar hm-scaJe rEilQI r-.i!:

Iflr:uJlt: Connecls 10 raar ONC or mlrrOrnlJne'cQnn~IDt, GAIN [J dB nnmlnal MAXIMUM Ir~PUT: 35 V nc, ]1 V peal< ilL IMPEDANCE_ 100 kn

,Attllfllll'3tlon: . Ii to -12 dEl connnueus g<:!lrl :;,dlu5lm~n' common To ilil "llannds nlus, aptltlnaUv -25 10 25-rJB illl!mU, • ITon m 1 dB :flu,f)s WIU, ~2S d8 aCl:-uriu::,y [r~ +l5--dB sotUng) by l"nC<lns 01 iJ Pflnol tnumbwh~~l S'o\lLICh fur eat:'11 band AI· IcnlJation cl Ih1dl l.:lar1i::l rs Indic;:W'!d b!!' iI eM on panel dj5plJl~ ~nd represerns I~ transmlsslen berween Input and 5UrTlUla{j tl'Utl'1ut Olspla~' hfl:; standard 50 dB par dr:cildl! r;Cilfe faclCf. lO-dB (Rr In, verH~j. 5 In. per cm:adi:l nmllont<lL LOLk on panel pm~enl5 accidruitai changes.. In aUenuatol wthnw;, ResptJl1se: .30 G-poloBuhetwor1h filter!; wlti1 I J 3-ac1ilVa: el1acnve tnl;Wi8' bamfwidlhs lhat ctlnfOfm te ANSI 5t 11·1966 Cl'<i~ IJI I hi8h ;m~",u.dtltlf1} i:!rrd lEe 2251966 sr. ... m:lilf,c!s or with 1 octave bandwidths that corrtorm III ANSI SLll·]9i66 CI')s$ II (mOOll!FOlt!' rate bul I'1IShBSt Ior OClME!·b;;Md rllt.ers~ and lEe 225-1966 stlndarcls.. ACCURACY of center Irequlll1C)I'l ...:._2% LEVEL UNIFCJl:MITY- Witilln Q,!$O dB 111 25 C; "'0,15 dB from 0 to SO"C. ,\II oen~. IreqIJElrICY ' .... 1111 lIltenu<ltor B1 125 de., PASSBAND RIPPLE.; 0,5 ea max p'k-pk NOISE ..... l~ ~V eqUlllalelll il'lpUI noise. HARMONIC DISTORTION «)'.2S·" .:it j~V eutput I'm bands t!lntm'oo belCIW 25 H1;, <0.1"" at .1-11 Clutpulflll 2::' Hz and Jbovo WEtGH T'I N G, A. a, C, (;onrormjn~ 10 ilINSI 5141 lEt:: R123. and IIEe R179.

OutP,IiIt&:: PAR ALlEL BA NO OUTF LJlS: :=:4.2 V mrnl: t 3 V rrns I iJehind 20 " nornrnah 3 ku min 'OQd ror mali. OOlpul Vl)n;Jge. SCANNE:D SAND OUTPUT ~4.2 IJ i'nilX l.3 V rmsl behind 20 n; 31o.'tl mlr'l loitd (O;r max (lutpul yg!tagc__ Two rh55515 ean be WiT,eeI In par illlJ;!1 f nr liP to W !iC;;lnMeo eutpu rs SUI',II_ M ED OUTPUT (1m i!qu!lln~ing .:Jnd shllptnll appllcahon:iJ' -4.2 V m"'.x open elrcult tIDhind 600 L1, imper.hmCfl Ci' lo~ does Mt .. fleet o,dput linmlrl1y WE.!GHTED AND U~FILTE~m OUT· 'F'lJTS O-dB nominal gain ill 1 kHZ. 'b~hlnd 20 0 nomU'\.aI; 30 M! min 10d0 (or rnax oulpl,d vel I <,g-u,

Su.Pl!lloL~; Po~,'er coru two 35-"pill tllpe fJ7 "IUMS to m.;l!e wHII lear &;Ot1tlflCtwS.

1925.967C11ram;mfi$.~mft Rf:(';ord Sh-eel" ;tVBilllblr.~ thin Mylar" r.h~lS, of sam!! &lze3nd $(:dIe latlOr it .. aUfll1U"Jttrr !jis~jlll" Jtt:ach 10 I'llUdow Yjlth ~" n,mtillnl':!1 dtJlll1~.\'I! und can be used lar erorr..1 PO~llIof1 rn dots i f1 wind tlV. ~'itl· r.hina· or I'ltr.tss,fI1Ilrk '"Po nem:ll or craven,

A\,IilIJlllIbl'~ 1~60.p40 and ~P42 PREAMPLIrlfRS, 15G6 MULTICHANNEl AMPLrnER (Input $C,lonC!l,

"ower: 100 to 125 and 2QO 1G 250 V, 50·60 Hz., 17 W MethaniC-II,I: Bllntli o.r 1'll4k modo Is, DIMENSIONS l'''''.x.h~d):

Ben.,;;"', ] 9. 75x.9 .l3d2, 2'5 In (502x..23?'.d 11 mm t; rack, 19;: 8,,75:<12_25 in, (4B.3.x222x3H mrnl. WEIGHT. Bench, 49 Ib r2J kBJ mot sa U.;I (27 kSl sl1ippin~; rack, :19 ~b [181<g) net, 47 llJ (22 kg) shfpping.

J'9t.2& MuIU.lILIIF· •

One. T"Clitd-O'I:t."'.,_ IIlfII n.lIs .. S 1"i1!'-1~ 2CI Id-U 12.5 11~ 1:0 10 ~Ii.f 3_l~ m tD Z.!i ~~"U

.J..OO j.I:lI 10 SO kH f

Oatav 1I!11,.ifI~

ai.s Fil'Ie.16 kHz' ;I H;tiO 2 NHl

.t!i2S.UOO ml!~'J:l'Ci2 19i.5J5!~o.t 111lli.'3:JO'l

1'!iU,'9101 1~2!-'SIrr~ 192;!lo'!iIl'O$ 1:!l1!~!nO-l

WS,9l00 H2!i'!ilnll'

19;2!j.!llO'J' 1925-"n'U

OI'1<~·Th~nt.oC:bI~~ IElAIi~~ 2'5 H.Uo '<:0 ~J-i z u,a i-U l~ IQ 101Hz a.: s Hz ~B 2;f; kH~

'00 I-l it 'I'll 80 Ii;f.I'i! 0!;1;!!'~1i B.and'l

;31.5 the Il1 l' kfU

4 J-llz!o 2 ~ii~

l!J2!>-!)l'U 192§.97U I!kZ>§.9U6 l~5-9nB

Ui~!i,'7U 19~,9nS 'm9~.g1t7 1~1l5-9119

19:t5.g12O l,g~1i-911!2

1!iI25-51"121 ~~2S.9i72~

•• 4!j.b,.!'llJ rnod~1 lIll)..Mta~ Ii~mtl fflOItt!Ira, llI1lxed j I H). Ill. mrKI l-OC~'HI·b~MI mocIlIl~, "r ~'D<!!t!lru I.IDl'HJ .... kI~h5 JI~~lbb!B till ~J)(Ieril! orce,r.



II 11 Hz 'ta,~ DD kH;E

III 11\..dEJ, dl~namic r:alll,ge, 1Ii'II1 dB di:spilayed • di:g itsJ de~ectron - h'Ye II1!'IiIS snswa,r.";i

.. f'lIIl1~ ptTagli'i'lmrnalJle

Ibigititll detettio!l The 1926 15. the digital datector secllell af I he 1921 Real- TI mE!: ali d ls avallab I III separately lor use with the' 1925 MLillifiller or other rnuulchannel liltars where reat-tlrne aJ'1aJyslg, is reuuired. H is a~sQ useful ~IS a rnulhehannel true-rrns cetec:ror In other app ileal] errs such ~s rnonltorl n~ I h'B !lUll nd pressure at a nom blIr Cif jJQTnts Or me,a!iU r'ina t h~ (lj oct rl ca f lloiSiIil of murl[.channll!l s)!'5h:~ms

-~ IGR 1EA:Pl1rim~nr.~r iOO' r.II.I'l'·JlJfll! HID"i d'1'fl '''~lJflt E.l_22._


IFn!!~eI'lCY: 1 Hz to J 00 kHz (3 db oa.vr'l OIl ~':-J Hi [Dr !:JanEls 1 to .!O, at <6 Hz fgr iilll Dtilaf blinds; '-l-rJlB rreql.lfltll:Y.respofl'iOl! eHor at HlO ~H.lL

Amplit'tidle: 70·d13 dyn.amle raflge, GO tlB displayed, 1 V rrns -lO~ 1bln~,~ sensitivity.

Unell,rity: -O.~ aB dt!vllltlan 'Irom 'be51 straighT llne 111 tlver'l0l;) 50 dB of disoray ranKe • ..t] dB ('Jwr entire 60-dB range,

Djf:lta~ Pi'1~s''Iilll'rli!trllln: B <1m:! i rHtttm B li on is di5pl.a},ed ~n h lghfnte:nsl'Y 11@11 r~dtlUI I.ul:ies.. BAND NtJMBE~ pflr ANSI $1.6 anti Sl II Is dl~pl~Y>El.d (111 2 tubas and avail;]bl~ <15 2 BCD djQitson rear Ip<!TlflL BAND lEVU. from 0 to J 59 tfS in 0_25- dB steps ls displayed Ilrl 5 lutles ilUld ~yaU<l.tJle <15 5 SCD d!glts. on rear panel wIth ove-rlood~l1dicatEd<ls 8 or 9 In !t.:U tllHJt. REAR-PANEL CATA are .1-2-8 weIghted at sl.4ilnd'.ard 5 V TTL II).'Jels (~ 10.5 <1M ;;. 3.5 V~ l!)·V ,oTl a'o'j;jir.flbr,~ lln special reques land ONlIiilable from 0111 bands seQuentiallY ant:! <lute. maticHU". Tn 720..s to '15 .. 10f 45 band'l gt m;'lI1U",Ur by push. bUll on Qf extern 1:11 t:QJl1TT1Olf1d. al ii roar 50 pin type 57 con!'Hletol.

Anilll'oe: IPl'ns:i!Ot'll1:loill~ BA NO N UM B E FI b <Ivai lab le d'i 0 10 -,-f. 'II

lmaa r rump lilt rear 1:1 NC conn oeler ElAN D LEVEl rrorll (I to 60 del is il\I'rill~ble ~ 0 I'e -1 V..::. lrn...signal at rear BNI: cenl1f:ctor ~~Hh ove,load IndlL2l~ b<; Ei\Jp!!timpo~oo llUN

~l1IplIt: 30 cr ·$5 channets s8'IIsmvrw· 1 V rn15 - lQ~';" full· scale D¥NAMIC r:tANGE. 1:10 dB displu~ec:I prus 10 ea CMst· rSG"tCt m;3rgi!'1 , •• lull s .. ale. MAX~MUM INPUT- 100 mVdc, 3 V peak ~ fl'H linear opllrlll.on IW PECIANCE.: 5 kn 0 10 30 U allcrwoiIble souree irnpedanl;e, C.ALI]3RATION: Full·SCille atld .mrM. v 1 ~Ir-i;dllbr.!l'lrll) pro't'lrlec:l In i'.Wl eu mary rhaonels; p;;!flllJ conLrol "UoW!; a calibration rdctru [0 be oadrJJil(J IQ diiJl!:a1 Clulput; tull-scate indlcation IS!able 'rem 60 to 159 dO 11'1 l-dB st~P5.

Det-adilllll'l; RMS wilh Irue llinearj ln tegra Hon. INTESRATION TIMES: ~. ~. ~, 1, 2,4, 8, 1 s. or 32 s: pushbuu,nri rnn1mlled SAMPUNGl SalTlPlln8 fahl 5 rhElng~d during IrUegriftlon lime [0 minimlm ctlhcreFice !Jffec.1'&: H121; sampr~~ ti!lrnn rJurlflfJ, Integralrcn tlm~~rrom 1 to 32 '5; befDW 1 s number of so1mples retJLJt:~ in PI'OPQfUOO 10 inleun11lY1 [[me te a rnlnlrnurn of l28. REPEATABILlfY.: HettBr In,:ll"! 1 dB f 1 3i I.lmlU fOf lone hUrst wltn duty factor Qr l/100 !Ilqurlial-e.nllo I;re_,t 11lctOf 01 23 dB) whelf1 rms '1!IH!ls are <13 dB bt!lc','.I '(LJII ;_cale..

Prngram-mahllity: ~II pal"1~1 tofltrol rUl"1cHons, !;!l\Ctlpl ulpul rirs.pJay rlltc, are Pfllgrammable by cloaurss to I!foond appl1r.d 'Ie a re:af !iO"j:dn tyP'C fi7 canneclor,

Sl.Ipp!]!!!d; Pow!!!r cord, 2'1, 36, itr1IJ 5O·pln I/,'~ ":Jl fll1Jg~ LeI milt!! with real' cQnna£to.r S.

A'OI'il,U!!b't~: 11522 DC RECORDER. 192]-pr STORAGE DISPLAY UN rr. 1<10000!iolt'ln 1115tr U I rLllfll s 64·00-024 ~(l!le~ plrlt1lilr"$, Mi;lI,nwk Da~il Scie-nces moder 800 Higl1-Spee:d Pnllfcr_

IPower: tOO to 125 and 2DO 10 250 '1/, 50 EiO H2, J35 W_ M'IiII:Jailnic;'if: Rat:k model only. PIM~NsraNS_ tW;l>\h~d) 19:.: 8.75;':11 ·I~· In. (-1·B3A222x443 mm~ WrIGHT 41 lb (22 kgl rl~ti 551b [25 kg, Shlpplllll:_

Eli!t;I;f '~'lolm

1921i Mult,eJi;jI"n~lIUi!S Dl!t~I.QT FIJI>: r\"',oO~ I • 3Q (;'h~11fl~ I~.

INtt;!o;. u. Ddsl • ~~ (;PIi!J'illli!1

1192!s.n'{u l-!lUi--UC'J



.' IHo-50' kHz Imquencyrange .. dJfliiillmic !l'SiI'Ilgt'l > 70 dlB

.. 'feqU'BnC~ fesol!!lllion 'to CI'J02S% .. automa11e a:l'!all}l5Js

• tuu, caWibUlle d disp'ayt

III 'can,tinIJQus, on·rine real~nlme acqulsUi!o.lll lI'fc1ode .. llillile~-con'II"ItHled or k,eyiboard p.m,gramhH!.d

. 1ialhned anal)'5rS The Tlmel Oiit-a 1923 BfI"lalyzers pro\llde a broad r.JngE of lime series ~naly:$lS' techniques. Push DuHan S'I! lecti on ot sm:h opera tiQrrs as direct or Inverse FIT, correlaficll'l, Auto Spectrum (PSDJ, transfer tuncnen, etc aile ..... f~sl I"rraf trea and oordinuous rneasurernei ts or your InplIl S"lgn21I~. The <.l11alYlets are onered in tour basic models to sult wldely dl!o'QrEenf f1~eds. E.lf"h mode! can I:H! lnjl{lfed to V(lUr specifk :tip. plicalHIn by fllU,er a varlet, Of oJl·the-s!1eU options. or spedal hsrdwBlf·e Or software unique to your bn!ltallaticm - all fully IntegratfJd Into a unified system.

TVlQ models r.:omblne Ihe spi:!ed of OJ rnlc(oprcgrarnmod FO'l9.l Fourier-Transform procesaor with the flMlbilit~ or a djglb11 contretrer: AnQttler o .... 'es Us. lnereased speed to the new FTE-IO fQ~lrier Transterrn E:-rtended Perlorm· ance EJement de'>l'elope!J by Tlmel DaIB. Wllh this "'Ide L'hotce 'You need of'll'i pL.m::hbi~Et the perJOnT1Olnt::e: anti speeu veu reallv require. It In the "Ilure your needs chenge you can, by C(lddlng the FTE~lO Of the 90 C or gCl Ii processor. increase ~he perfllrmance 10 mf::'el Ihe needs, All medels include s full software package and, In addition. custom programming Is a~llIable for specialized needs,

~N- wSinc

e alog


High·speed ana!1s,js these analyzers permit real-Irme cCll1JtirH.Klus processlf1g withot.Jt any loss Qf your data, Processing ba'ndwit:ll,hs are available up ID 38 kHz (auto spectrum) directly from the pansl. In ae.rdltloi1, ~he full scal.e rreqlJem;;y r.mgle!! selection is In seouance s~ep5 Ilil 1, 2, 2,514, and 5 from OJ Hz [050 kH1. to auow maxi· mum uttllzetron of lhe bandwidth'. Widest UsehJI dynamic rango IS presel'ViE!d by means oj I6·bit words. double-pre(; [sian c-aJ[:u latl OM, aT'll::! OIJ~r"tor 'Selected dy· namicscal1l'1E!.

Ens)! analysis A lask.-oriented control console, meanm&h.J I dJspi ElJ'S, arid a com pleh;! sr;rUwafEl pa r::k.e goP p rovide true done- UttOfl" operatlDn - thal'e Is no need to kn.( 4 Gf tc learn c-omputer Dro8riilmmifl~ and 'r"!O need f(lor (;Q!'istOlllt c:~lJle natcnlng or control manipulation,

'C4ImpTe{e 13nllIY5IPS Tha system deslgn alroVi.''S you [0 cunstruc] any d~~red comp.ounc.i processing anti Inputl oul !,ut operations for iJutofTli3fic, or r~peli!i\,le daia-reduc litln ro~dl nes. Pa r a Ile I p rocessmg III bot h the processo r and controlle perttuts ..... lde·OOnt1 performallce Comr1e.<, r epB'h! l'ill:! sequences can iJP. I i'11l1alea 1l1ltoml'lirt:aHv or al ItlF nush 01 01 burton. obviirting the need for i'l (rained operaror to soot lip and supervlse each measur erneut,

Pr e·prD,g,r<lm nl ~d P us ~buftliilfll fUmlctions.:


.. AU TO J eROS S.SPE emu M




Pre&e,lede.c:i t I me--dlJIl1<11 [I HA N N I NO avail able fClr 81'1)1' fum:Uon,




" .. J.:nm. fr.:m.'!1~
P£,I1C'l't-llnll nm~ ....... rt*1daio twvrajl
/ \ ~,,\ ,\~ ~~~
I,w_1!D ' , 4..\.
Inl!ui Fgm* j.~ SpK-lrum ~r-q ~.;~
··'t>rcl~ gr 1:1'11 nl"~ Qj' IIl..-cr.&e [ilSil)) Sp~um ~ '0" IS
~\. ~
I I , ~ ,.,
]) •• 1 ~ iaa Ul2., \:Ia H1~ J..:l1I lQ;?oI, lOf-" ~~ ..
1.923130 8~m ~~mll S!l'ml 9:iDm HKlm!j 180D~ o.a kIll! iii.:! kHz ~ 1024
UIt3{50 lJ J~(i 1'1 .<!~~ 32 360 U 1 .... ~ ~D'4
1!l23n~ 1.7 11 2.1 U 0411 .M,I ..0 IQ .w.;Ei ~D~e
l!l~/9f) l~ 122 L2 17..f.r 2-? '21 38 ill .4QD{i 204a 0yoillmit: Rs~l :>70 riB. "'0 H:ageOf pO'm3:r. Frequency ReS-IJI'lJItrlJlII::

I An! ~:I!!l:jIJ~l'1cy It~u~ In Fr!"
Sfn! In ~~11~~~~~ I H:1,rm I 20.000 I ~s,ooo::nC.QO!l I SI).O!lCl
\'~~d3_ L Il!!" _I "~JuIIQfT~' LJnn In H t
811)2' ~®u.' I 2.5" ~. 6.25'1 H)' 1.:!_~~
<lU!hj· ::?c4!l' e- 10' l-'! 5~ 2D' :25,"
;to.!!a ION LIJ 2Q ~ 110 ~IJ
Ul24 :l12 W .;0 I 1: SO 100
~l~ 256 .,0 SO 160 200
'56 129 8ll ]1>0 1= I -l-21') ~OO
l28 6.:1, 11;0 ,3R'Q ~iJ aoo
I'M ~~ l~C1 G,IO l2!1D 1"00 • tlilf 00 QPliol1111 •• For il)\fo/sr 11931)111 hTh:jl;illrc:ic:I, (I[vrdo It~...olu,

b.n pt'r ~ir">!! ,,~ 801" OP' 11"11 I»WI:II cl 1.(1,

'OI1.Un~ I"put~ A!.ItomfiHt:aIl~' !iat Up and CCtltrclle:d blloelectecJ uper;;lIions.. Bufferedi mode for Ulntfnuaus al'(julsilh:m as~l..ImEd l.mll$.!l inl,lbIIOO. CONVE.rnERS, ParOiliel. l1ioil<nilnnl;ll U}bl'l A-I) oonIJnrt!!f:; will, input imped;mclJ of 1 Mn. shunted by ",-45 pF, SAMPUNG: SimultllflElI;l1JS Iwo"ChiJ1"1f1e1 sampling up to 102,01 kH! [50 kHz bantl'",lrHh ~r ChaM!IJ Anrn· UATORS: callbra[cd in 1. 2. -, steps For ranges from =0.1 V 1.0 ~2 V. fEATURES: I c d~ eo-upllng. OVar·rangf! rndll;.mOl1. Proliramffloole AntiAIit15 Filters; topifarttd) .auLom.5ltlcaUy set by s~leC'ted bilmlwldlh

Cc:n1rol M,lIKIes: [lANEL: A sfmpla operatlon with pushbuttcll'! pfescl~t.llon or prOU's~ ~rilm ten. t.if1~ wmplEll:i I:IJleratlon from il1jjU L start to fB:5U II d i eplt'ly Of! aI 5ingJe mo:"cu lion cernm<Lr;~ KEYBOARD tophomdl: Operil~l(}t1 lor individual prec €Ss steps anti dnllt manlpul~tlQns. LEARNED PROGRAM; For ~il'~I~-comrn[lnd 'El);o'(:ujiorl o~ COUlplw: llIpe-rOltjonai SetiLJi~I1I:1lS Rllf~red '!rom Iha keybot1rd Adgllil;lnal KeCl'lboortJ Functlons. BLOCK (AIU!A-Y) AR1TI-lMETrC. Add, SUDlr:lcl. M u I U ply, j]jvidL!. air\iJpy Soc .. ll ng, E:lrponei1't1<J I A"'~ra.!ling ;)11 in RI!~I !,)F Cj)mp~ej( mode. sin81~ or!! prelO:i!l[on. INffGRATEI DifFERENTIA TE..[]ECIMATEI EXPAND CONVER SICNS' limlilU Log, Pol r,l Rec.iUjn~ilr miG SinelcOiS.Il'lle tablE.-S Ilvallable fer tnantpl,llillioJ"l5. DIRECT CONVOL.UTION. S,*clrt11 Smoml,lng Qr IIrl'l'8 dom .. ln fill'flnnj1l with r::omplEl~ ar rBtlI modes

System ICOI11 trolle r: DEC PEl p·ll, 16· bll g~~ra l-PLH pose cernpU!l'{ wiill h'artJwill • mulUj'Jly,dr ... lde,

COFr!troller Mllflllory. lG-bll: ), Bk·'o'I'ord. !itfli"ldard Idala erea= :2k, Up ttl 2Sk· ..... ord, oplionlli.

H.aJrthv,~l'e Pl'llcessors;

1923/30 1923{SO





T 10 soc

Fff PmClElSSDI' MC:ITIIlry. r-jgne rnl'cdud in lhe 19.23/30 ot 1923 I SO systems. >1 k stand ard wllh up to I iik (ip:~iol1 ill 'I'i the. 192:~1170 or J923/91').

Al'1rthm6:'lic:: 160t-liL frxeJj'p<lirrl tor Fourrer Translorrn 32-bit ror Auto \ pcI\'Nf I Spu"lrllHli dOU!J.j!"!Hll 151011 selpliibl,' for many operatians,

Dis,I;a)l'~ CRT, 8 >; ]0 ern, ..... 11"11 opljonal !iIOril~i!: CilpJbillty.

tllnfllel~ly ilnd;;lcly c.11Ibr.l!eil by diglt1l1 prl'lte'>s with Piilrtm IndlcaL:on {]j S-C,jlm; .and units. ANALOG MODE_; Fur monitoring Il1putf. anrj tnsr,ur conditil;)n~ SAMPLED INPUT QR A.E.SUl TdfSplil],~ LINEAR At LOG ~cal~~, t!Hil~f;:r,!lI~7 ~~rIIC'a~ presents full 9ft·dB romputHiortar r'.H1gEl or I:holte or two ~xp~nd-·d mng!!s COMPLEX DATA Irl chOice of· Caft~tan R~ar and Imilginilty, ~riJr MagnltudE:!.:lnd Pru~ Fitraw PJarw (real ...-Ii Imag'I'lOr;·. V[fU~CAl EXPANSION. Linear sr;illll1i~ Of IOE! rangn snilt in &.UE! stl!:P5 o~Ct fu'l double pIilt;15icn ntng.e HORI,ZONTAL UPANSIOK Any porNon O'r rull[o r nge

Multiple fr.Oime A1IIii!,rllglng, '1 1:0 16k trarnes or CorrhFlUU1J5, wllh pushbutton selocLion uL Unlfo.rrn Welgill I\_CC_Ulnl.llahcn. hf"lClflenll.'li ~y 01 Cllder re5Ults Iwlth adjustable diSQlUnt 1,1ctorl, No rr no If lin!1 II du.slred. Ov.a-r·ttuill' Pre tecHtln and Warning.

OptlDnSil nl~r~ are m'tl[ 60 smm:tard ootio:ns Jnc::luefins; talE' lype rack cablnt;:l, keyoD<lrd •• intl-aHiit ruler, high sp'-jIld paper lape reader L1!Idl1i0f1,11 memory wgmcnts (For procll'50wr nr cMlrolr(),]. spl:~!ll ~pjlwaffJ, au cJ~~ 1(; es, (~uch as )t- '( pfnaE;:5, recorders, sioraga scopei, mOisnel,e:: tapo OJ dir.K unit!;. tc

PIo_~ J 10 H) 1.25 Of 220 10 2!>O V. 50 or '60 H:-_

Mcch8111Cl1b WEIGHT. 192.3170/90. J 200 Ib (5<1-4 kgl nel: 1923'.:30150, b7~ III 130{iIoil'll nsr,

WilFi':i!rrn'l)l~ ilmef Data produel1i are w<lHIll'\ted ror narts, labor ilrrd tr;]nspor!<llion durlflg till! nr~ !hrtw monlhti afulr l:US-IClme:r ,:u::Cl!-p ldOce.

'1'in1~·!i~lj",~ j\fI_a.;t~ TlltJ 19t1/30 TJIiiII90n:fl'le T/DJ'1n!1C1

TID 192"Wlfl

~n.,.;t. folllQ.-...ln,!! !lJjl!lIi1nli, Ir t!1l.Jir" .. o:f:

DP7 "ai~ IYj]~. I!.-~R-n 'D~ Ill!~" Cabin .... lO In

OPSO 1C9I)'b!i!Md 301:1 ~a1')~n;l1 lI!l'h,"~ r(f'

'£INto I"!'g~m-eDnlfQl!ii~ ""Il! ,.:ArJllt '11~r 11)1"511' HIIf"'~"'.i:lIi',lIp.:r~lape !iin_ildlll1 tlOO ~Q!ij

JrnEJ.l- 50;;!!! '·Ollh<;l'.1 ." .n 5pelll!lt:.111I,(lri

\lJdc>lb. "",,",(11:"6 li-it~_ .t In.l.n.1


NewS.nee Catalog U

T/ Vi

1923 igital

n C tral

• Inmdom; sine. and t;t'ao!l:ienl eOflll1Q~

• cromp1l1e,r-ccnuolled "esU

II i! IdQl1iI ilJUC talil~r.I) pnii~ectiolill

II selectable 'r.eqLlencr Irl9'SOllliltlian and I:i llIndwldmh

II contra. dyna,mic rsnge :>6'IJ' dB

• a y1om:atl'c 1II:lIJl'd ~ copy docum an1'D1Uo:n

fast. a~(liIrate. ver.!i.ilhle This system. by TIme/Oata. represerns the first nmjer Innovation in "'Ibraficn b!!sting in ever a dec<lde. Unrlilis inlroductlon, a !i.lrnililr tunctioF1 was perful1TIed tl~ anfllQg equipment consisting (if a noise generB tor _ 80 oar allel V8 ria,b lega in band pass fIIt~fS for shaplll'ig of the spedrum, and ao j-d'l;mUc::al filters ,for obttl inl ng iil n ep [lr (»i! matron to lhe spect rum en F ~he obsenterl vibrations

,1\ new ~neranD'1Ii The TID 1923V ~$ a digital vibration oonTrcJl s'jSlem capable of I endcrn, slne, snd t ranslent control. Us new d[gital control philosophy, combined with ill FilSI Fcunsr P;roc<lss(lr anc selecteble control stnl't, egies, assure no-compromiS!;l performance and utiliry.

Inher,eru in digital le(;;hf'ltques is precUetable, dr]ft,free per FormCin ce, The compute! contrels the test automatia c.any. Eliminatfng human error. It monitors test results, compares thsse tc preset alarm anti abort lirnl~$. and executes a prc!!lIllnlm!!d test shutdown when nocessal'lI Immediately foJIcw.ring I"'e test, harrf.clJpy dOCJ_jrFl~l"1tatJQn is d'iai!abls .lUtomatlc<!lIy.

A 1III,I'!1fII'standill'ilI 'D,f perform,;ljllllClll FealuresstJcl"l as,

• 1I 9s"dB computational dYl1amlC range

• fine resoh.Jllon spectrum

• high-spe.ed signal proces'!ill"1C

• unleue signal generatin~ and control algorittJlll$

Control accuracy or ±o/ ... dB OVef gr'eate.r-tJ1ar1-60·dEl

control dyrremic range is now possible, wIth control loop fil'1spo:n se li me less ttl an 1 secon d. This '5 made D05.sible by the ilD seA Fasl Pourier Processor. It calculates a S12·l[ne spec! rum from iI 1 c:l24-sample !jij!:a [rarne in anly 12 millisec:(\r'los., yh;:ldlng a real-time bandwidth qf !'IO KHz. This assures the maximum Sfi'!ti-slical accuracy In th~' analJ'5.i>5 a'F1d senorat!cn of ttllfo! hrghest Q rescnanees that ilIwnormally encountered In rnacharrlcal systel'l"lS.

IJfllIke olher eernpromise sys.tems. the high speed 01 (ne; H D 9011. allcwsthe generation and <;tlf1trol of Fl<liu.ilral random noIse, wllh oontin!.!oucS spectrums. wHnQul the unces;rab'e p-erilXlicHies that result la discf~te spectral lines.

VSfi!iiltility With the- T/,I) 1.923V·

• FreqLJenc~' resolution and spactrum sll,;lre can be spec1ficd Dver II wide range.

III COnffCll strategy may ~ easily chaF1Red to sult changme tsst requl re rnents.

• Carwel'fTbl~ \",10,11"1 minutes to a TI 0 1923 nme-SerIes Arlal1l2eT which accommodates all lypes of siBf1al i1ni3"I'(!;is_

.Th~ TID 90A can be Interfaced til your cemral cornputer, to act 115, iii peripheral processer whan not in use 1'0 r VI brahcl'I con lm! or an ElI.~:s' s,

• Thtl DEC POP·l1 can be used as iln ,"dependent general-purpoliie COTnJ1l.1ler" wh~r'I nOI in use 'or '1ubratron eentr 01 or ana lysis.

Eas)' operallull1l COIllrOI of the !l¥stem isrhrllugh a ussrorfented can.ral panel. A T~le ype and conversalional lanaUGlga a ill used ror lB!it sarup, All necessar ~ softwtl re Is provided, end no cl'lmplUter 01" programming kn()wl'edge IS I'l'Iacessar'll'W tlPIilrate the system, Manual ovenrde t)f compUlet confrol is provlded,

The 1'923V Digital VibratIon COrTtTol S15tem synt"c~ ~r!!:esamJcnr'ltrols the ,excitation lorvjtlration teshns. The all <l'Rital system gel1ernes ~ random (GaussIan) seqUf;!nce Df numbers that .areto!werterl to an anOlrOEJ, signal, The ana10s 51Blnal provides the excitaUon ttl a power amplifier lh.,t In turn drives Bither an slectrcrnagnetic Of elecfrohydr.aulk: $hak~r5V5[em. A1;Jdi1kmally, th~ 19231,1 connors me vlbraffons experienl::ecI by tile ,lest specimen by eernpari 1l~1 he sp.ect r um of lh e obs!'l.r\'.ad 'II bratl (;IrIS wilh if stereo reference. The C-;aussiall s~sna! Is controlled andsyntheslzed In lhe fre:ql.lem:y domain. rhe drlvTng signa I IS obta r r'led throUlBh a d f:>g;mie Fo1.J ri er transform performed by iI hi,!1.IH,peoo sp:eeial purpose. Fast Fourier Transtcrm Proce.ssm. Thjs atso performs 'the sP«.lrat analysis of cbserved VI hraticns,

De5lcri,pticll'! The s't;e ndarcl TID 1923 Ti rne.Serl es Allalyzer comprIses better than 95% of me hardwarE! ,of the


1923V" ~~'&lem, pi(Clli.lcH"~ the shaker A plug-ln c:olltrolpanul O\'9rILl)l f'i lailoret.i 10 (tact! verslon Of ~hEl 1923, Software represents U'<!gre.atf'!51 dm(lrcnce between lhl:! rwo syst .. ~ms. The RC-i softw¥e packag(; IS designecd ror r'if1rJmTl controlr SC J and TC·1 for sme .i1nd transien control. rar'Hr \'~'Iy, The TSA-J al1<lly!Oi~soH v ,'are n;~ckase I~ !lllailablf.: 35. an option, Wll~lln mlnutes, the S}'1l"tern can M converted tram a Vibral ion Control Svstern ln a tom plete Time-Series Analy;l:tlr.

,.._. .. _ .....

The TIme lJata 1.923V 15 a C'f.1mple-tl: r::I18itai vibration e ontro I ,.~' s [em tor s.jn f! t ra Flsient, <Ind ra nd om I~I s, Vibratlon transducers mounted on the !il5l specimen provide mpu] signills throuGh si~f1a1 conditioning arnplltiers, ccmpu'ler,pfogrammed attenuators, and a mUlliplexer .r qetessarJ, Tlw .tlierae level or the nls;hesr le-w'l from each C!1af1Pl081 may he selected for ecntrol. P(ior 10 analogto-dil!li!:E1 convarsron, the signals are p2l'5.S~ lllrolJf!l11 lowpass antl'i'liiasing fllters, also computer ~Qnlrolled.

The Power Spectral Delisll)' ls calculated if1 the Fourier Transterrn Processor wrth a choke 0164 to 512 filters


Anl!.log Da\ll VOLTAGE LEVU; S'Jledable for full-scale fiUlijP- o! =0-1 0.2,0.4, L (IF 2 V, R~(jE. Re.mc1eJy pregrarnmac I e a nen uj:f tor ~oV'l:n 1'8 SO·d El ran I!lEl n 000: 11 wflh 0 1% {10 biU ~clullOfl RESOLU nON (FillEt Band','iidll, In Hl)~

[k re 50D HI II .. ~ I

Dc II) lCl~ H.' I 16 I 8 ~

ec to 0'000 1-1.: ~;? 1& B I

Ix- IQ ~ HI 80 .HI 20

'" I D CON\iERTIEFI~ tr;Hw acclJrOlc.), 100,000 5alT1p1t! Is. rate,

Dlglhll Pf~~~SQn Digital Equlpmcml Corporation p;Q',P·l]. PROCESSING WORD SIZE 16 blts, FiEA.OrWRliE MEMORY' S,191! word:'! standOlfn, xp<ltuJabte to 22,572 wmds, or OF>" t Ifln.aUy to 124 k ~;{;rd~. MEM OR 'I' SPEE D F Llil C~IF 1 n U! Il~. AdvanCed i1L:HdWIII't! 1'(.l1rLecture.

fOUIlI8r Pl'~SOI: TirnetOtlta 90A, PROCESSING WORD Sll~ 15 hi!!. DATA ME.MORY S~ZE; iI,09~ words, 13Jqlollnd(lolE! 108.192 w(Hd":l; 900"5 t;yt;lt time. 8JNc.J COStNE MEMoRY !>illf ["Qntu.oed .n rc",d·Qnl)' mf1mory with 50 ns ;]C!:f!S9 lime PROC~SSING TIM€. 12 mt lor a lO2-l-r~l-woftJ FaiJrif'r Tr.lJ'l$cform Or 1\1.110 Sl1e~1rurnCAlCUI.ATIQN DYNAMIC RANGE:

For FQurinr Tt<lr,~rorm. ] b blls nr 96 IJR. For AIJto Spectrum, 32 him or 96 d8

R.1ndom IColiltl'Qi Pteriorm:lI'u:l!: CON rROL IICCURAC'I' and CORREC nON SFlEEn' =-0.!l1:lH n rr:ss th:on I I;) s ov{!r a 6O-dB dyll<llTliC f<lng~. OPl rONS_ UJ C.onwth.n! s€l,;a[1d·t:;.hennel

(opllO Mi!l I 10 :~04a} based on rhe requlf&l control resoluicn. svsren eonrrol bGJI1dwidth is ~18ctab'f= 1m to a 5 I~II~ rtl~lUQncy range, The f urinr spectra prOOf.Jcerl .liC slnlllar to the output Or OJ convenncnal pariJIIE!f nlrer set If1 en .maloG control svs.lem. exccpl thal lllJ;l cJlgil~1 system yl!!!ll.1s a(;C1J[1lcy ~nd stability Mmfofore unebtsinilbl~ ror e>((lmprc;:, d ripple factor of ;::;0.0] dfll

Conrinuous PSD caJcu'a:HIJ!is are mad!!:! The reference PSD Is compared tel the actual PSD In [he computer, and a correcuon is made of n,e spectra' content of the new Input sxcnatron. The statlstlcal eharacteristics of U,e r.:md om les1 &i (1,,<11 a re 5t!lecll'9 ble - either to d upHc-ate I he naluraj GaLJo.s.lan di~lribul~d noise DI can\'enhontll nnalos control syslQms or te produce a zerc-vatiance random test allowing a much faster ~()(lp response lime. The lest ~ngme~r f,l15-Q has. ttm choice 0'1 comhlnlng both types of nors~ during a test to Slve oil "coarse' and "fine" control rang~. The use or zeflll-variance norse permi~s. [nr Ihr:l fr(st tilr"~;

• Vahd shert-tnrm Teming, enabred by rapid !M;abWzatiofl of test cOl'1dr'uo!iS...

• Simulation 01 rapldlv ch.aJ18mg envtronrnents such as migh! bE:' ~jillerumccd ill a miss,u,e beln,s launched.

Tho Shaker dnve slgoal from lhB shaoeo-spectnsn noise generator ls iJrovided tothe Dower ampl!her Unough a disilal to-..lf1alog corwi:!r!er al1ci proHramm~ble altenU' ators. rCf all !e515, a grcah:r-ihan-6()..aJj (:ontrolriynamlc: range IS avallatne. Concurrent wiLh lhe genl'!mtion of (be shaker In[lut sIgnal, the systKl:m calculat~s the' PSD or Iht! control signal and ~ores Illn the c;ofnpull:lf - botl1 as a tme-vlf~IRhled .:l.vEtr.:l8U PSD fer control purposes and liS. ,i!llotBl accumujated PSD for the final te!11 record DurIng Ihe test, a teal tlrne CRT dlsplay a!lolm; monitoring tile degree of cQ;ll!lpl'iJm:e ot tlle control PSD to tha ruler·erlC:~ P$D

iluto Spectrum An.:llysl1>. (2) Concurrem sec:ond-cr'lilrmal Cro~ Spt"·tllJm :Jnd Tr.lnslN Func:tli:lfl Analr-;a.

Sine CJofltJl',!II11 Perfllil'm~IJl~! FFI EQU ~CY. R a ng~.. G,5 H ~ 10 5 111''1.1, ac:clJf.:lCY wililril 0_2",,; r"s.alulion, 0, I % aver llin fre quel1cy r(lnp;tf HARMONIC DISTORTION: less than ] % 5WEeP O_ogarHi'1mr~l, R<ll~, 0.Q1 LL 10.0 ocl;l~esl rtI1nule~ reseluuon, 0.1'1\. CONTROl.: Dynamit: Rallge. GO dEl. MOIies 1\(:(,,,,1 ratlort, VI'lm;H , Q~ Di5placemenr, ClPTIO~ sRe~oll~nl Dwell. COfl1.:.llrre:nt Co-Qu;Mi AFlilrV6h.

TmnlSi:llnt Control f'cl"tormarnile<: The maasured tfan!ifaf fune- 11011 of .hE arstiJft1 uf1di::lr lest Is LIsed to synthes~Le II sn!3ker E'ldlatkm pttl~~ that will pr(Jdw::e In!! dcsir~ ~hCIt:'" wavefllfl11 ~l We les r spec unen,

Cml'lml; Pro~'lcled by user'lJnonled control panfil. F"Llnclions iT1l"lude fullllrfiill/' ~, !t=s.1 eentrels, dlSlr:llay t:cnrror~, bIIc:lt·frglfu.d wsre.m Sf;:!tUS mesSii:lgl3s. manual fll.lT!ttil'je, and ~I:'tjlln or Input .m[j !l'JfI1LH '...nIl'ilBI:: 1~~15

S}'!dem Sl!ltllP~ Throust, relcty!JC. WIth CMlv~r1ii3TjOf1111 klnFluaGfot f Of an tes\ lliH illnctr.m, ~I!ilr m Urni'l s. and abml limits T,ml p,namr::tcrs r~' diiiplayed aM Tcltlt\l'f"e or on efn In .1IpOOtilJlfU:! fi{:~_

Data, CIli!~JHj1: Tho ~~llJm itlt:!UQ5 CRr dlsploly and X Y'nlc1lm aurpLl!~

OJiltiliIlilII AI:!i1lys.i5- Mod~ The syslem can proV1Ul! )'UU .vilh the .::omrlln!1-! TID 192·3 JniJly,is t:aP<ll~II~~y I!tilr O! r.h.'mg.:-o or the conlrul wnsolrJ Qverlay p3(1E-1 ami h'lrldjog ;] !iLHI.!blt! prO&l'afll trem ;]pptCl&lr~rJt· !.-:lnwa~ lSec I 0 ffi23 tor pcrlormarwe. r~pab Ii Iltt±'i and SP(;c if4callons.l

W!I!Fr.;:mty: nnll!/ p~[_,;I procuets arn w~rr,!rl!e.::;I tOt p,lr!.§. IJbor und tra-rlSp.;lrl.lllco du.rn.g !hI' IJt!. I ;':::' (l:'lH''j, lI .. r cosrum~-t aC'"eprcnc(!


Test-System Building Blocks

Low-Frequency Oscillators

Genelal Radio's IQw·freqllJe'l"lC}' osclllatc:i'rsi'llrE! of ttll" RI:!

Wren-bricge type, which, wh~n desl8ned USing modern ~()ljd.5rnT.le deviae'S. can r;lrovide a !:Dmbination of wid'll ffeQuefll:iY range. lo ..... nOise disttlrtiol1. iU1d !:i.table c~ID{d ill a fe:llable and lnexpensil,le 'l1sl1ument.

In the Wien·hr;dge oscilliilltor the frequency is determ I ned by passr1,l(l resastors a nd capacitors. both c:~u, be mad~ vary' stabrS' wlth lime ai'td temfYlralUre. Tuning is accomplished with a variable -a'r capacitor, Whlctl pte}. vldes COI1lli'lUG!Js 3djustm!!nl without. jumpS. or with switd1ad resisJtaf1l:e5 that VilUY 'r~l..I~eI'lC~ In discrete steps, Holh offer <idvanlages" depending rJpon lh~ a~pliColit)on' ~nfji'lUt" "e-solutlon er f"sl, repeatable froqUti:r1cy select1Dn.

for gfooler fl'equem::.)! 5:!i1IbHit:y. the osclHalor ean have its Frequency locked to a", c!tt~rl'l'al I!i~gnal by means of ill synchroni1Qtlon 1l1pwr. All the oscH1attlr's. output cl1i1r~cferisffo.o am maimained and tht! InnK-rerm rfeqLH!ney :itabUlly fs the same as the ex:h:mal ~iGf'l81.' By thi'i means, atllo, the osclllator carl titter oul noise OIfld dj!)O~"Ortion in an .applted slgna], whHt'! providing the oUJtput fjmpl1tud~ ilnd ShOf!abUlty of the florrl"l.<iill QScl"artor. ShprHerm frequency Ins~.ability or jitler cCiin be: rec:h.lDedl also,

I. 2.!HIz to 2 MHz

• 20 V III 0,25% distortion



WiLh a untque type of am pHtu.dl3 relY 1'81or eir-.:;ul t,t th~ output of an Fie osciHator is hald very constant, re8ardl'm;s 01 changes in The output frequency. This regulatClt clrcuit OPEH1'1'~es wltho~t ~ncre.a5Jng d'istCIrtran, and rhe aut-put Is so cCIll~tanllhaum aniilog lIoUmeh>li' will l'Iot movea:s th-a IrHQuency is changed providing Ihat the osclllator is properly terminated so readiv-e. loadlnR ettact'S are: Inslg;nlfi cant.

I seC! Gfl Irrmum1!l1i r al.iIlt'l·lCJ9, "Pfjn!:lJlIs-s al1d AD~'1t: tkm·. GI I1C c~mJllaJ SYI1C"''lHi.!!JliaQ.'' rsss,

l!t. e.. ~J:I "SOI~ 5t ... 14 FIe o~I1',,'or Dl!! IiIQ Ill' ,l!,UIlIQ lj.~,H Jour, fI,:Il o{ thtI /looloii &1;sfrre-trlnll sa:lel),. JilnlLMJi ~6. oIIv~II.!ll[' 'Mrn GH ;]5 ~IlfITII1. h·l2:lii

Ii 200 VA • 400 V Dr 5. A

• 2DHz to 20 kH1l • tra nsrurrner OIJtpUf



• 0.05% msmrtlon • s.inE! and SQlJiUe waves

• ] () Hz 10 100 I<ir'lz .!l V

• 6Q..dB step atlenuator

- ---J<

GR 1309-111

• 1 watt • lODVor4A

• t.ran.sklrrner ou~ pl.iIl

.: 50 Hz ~Q 10 kHz • dl!r;c:ret;e ffeQl.leru:.ies

GR 13111-.1



:~ ~U~tR~
I _ .. '
- L- ,
- . . . "-
I ...
, J
j ull ... w
1 , 1 I
10 •• Ilili

The osclllalor oiltp~11 may be made aV1iHable through a oon${af1t·implfoanee dtenualor, a lapped rran'>1ormer, Or a !:omi;)lrt.rdioJ1i. lhe constant·lmpedanc9 attanuatcr Is most cmnrnon'y u~d because of its conveoience In ~he CQ'nlrol of loadfng e{ff,e~ts - cable-capacitance shullting Or low-,mpedaMt:e loads. fQr e:tample

Also convenient is an atbmuatcr po5ilion lh1l! removes Ihe Oli~illator voltage yet maintains the ourpullmpetjal'1C8 Thus yow can set the QU~t,pul l,o zere without ch~ngjng rte variable [onrrol er sJMorlil1g sl1jeldw cenneettens. Sijrn::e Ihe' Impedances ali remafn the same, eoffied!l Clf' W'!Jund loops arid other t1otS9 seueces are unchanged, INn fie you \l'enfy that they .iii'A: neslisfble (a,r analyze Uiern (Dr eerreclI'lre actron) with rile os.ciHator llIuriput temDved.

Transformer-output cirClll~'l otters a selaction of Ollt~wl Impli!danf:Css for fflillumtzrng ~r inro a toad Or 'mr mainiainfng iii SIF1'UsoIdal current or IJcltage with nonlinear loads_ Further, baiflsfDrmers pfio'lide isolation of the output for liIl'1wmmded Of b;alanc:ed operartio-n and a lew-1mperJ,:;llrn::e dc IJilth throush ~he source,

1he synchronlzaUon !ad<. (Wflli.lII not used as om TnpLit) also provldlils an outrjU't or the crrlE!r of one volt. a con\lenience lor trl1l8erlnia cmm[e( or an !lSt:IH~ Tl1i!i CI~il!afY ,ourput is Ifld(!pend~nl of ttle maln-{)l.Ilput lellel setting.





The distortIOn If'I tlie Q.utpJJL of a '§ond-'stale RC 05:rIUi;llor car! be Quite low with a prolJlElrly designed ampHh.Jt:le regulslor. II wUl be rowast III the middle .of ~t-5 frequency rans~ al'1d Irn:tease at the ~!reme", 11'1 a manner similar to many delJrcf!'S apt to be lested.

Mal,rrtatil"1ing low dilitorUon under all load condHions Is desirable and Is made practical Wan snrld'5wle dl:.s:tgn. OUlput walletcrnlWil1 not be clipped even when shart· circuited ar rna rmllm OUlput.

Th,os.e many f8aILlr~ nc!IJ.fl been combined m thecscrllaters deSICribed In the following pagll!5, The cambln;arion 111 each case attempts to ~aUlilfy the reqYlr~ment'S of Ilroad BppllCdtiOfl areas. As tne chart below II'~Veals, frequency f03!nge arQ"~ Is nQ! Ihe srBllte.!it disfinctlon between them.



08-A Aud·o Oscillat r

• 2,IlIIi1'-VA output, up t.o 400 VOir 5: A

• 20 Hz to 20 kHz

lII. au~pyt lr,ansfcrmer

1 I, I! 1308,)\ Audio OsciHalor iJTu:l Powet Aml'll.tler 15 an ac power so u n:e coverln g th e a udio rs nge, H is an e:r::r;;·ellent power 501Jf[;.e lor the tE33-A Im:remE!1tal-lnrluc!£Ince Bridge Its low dynami( CH.llrl1llmpeOO-nce enhances Us. u:5efull1e~ ,'is a pewersou-cc FQr gsnertll testing Over a Wide range of :supply frequencies. This mstrurneru will provlde a low·dls(orlion slgllal for nonlinear loads, 5U"ll


frequen.c)' Ra;"ge·~ 20 'I-Il 1.0 20 kHz in 3 ran,gi!s. CO NifROlS, Con,lrllJClusly iic:l]LJSI,able main d~1 CT.l\l'~rs c:l«:otdl:' r<lnRi! in ! 57 5 vfirni~' in 2 turnbo.

AI:iI:Ufillcy: ;!OJ'll:! (11 ~1:Hlln~or ~1 H1, wl'1kh~'oI'er is gr·E!<lter. Freq.lli!lnq Stllbmty nyplcal al 1 kHzl: Warmup drift ~t 'uJ! load. 0.3%. Afte;r WilrrnU£l~ 0.003% !;hllrl tl!i'1T1 110m I n j, (l_OJ'Ho ItlN' t!lr-m [12 tH. O .. O"l% flOm Ill!') laad to full IMd.

Olil't.pi:lt VQitagl! R.l'I!ges: MiD( of 4, 12.5i 40. 125, O!nd401J V open cin:::uil. oonlinlJousty adJuS'fab1e ~rtliTI 0 tQ ma~

Q lII~pUt Pow,er~ '2.00 VA max, 50 H~ to 1 ki'-i,. CURRENT RANG.ES· MJII of O.OHi. 0 OS. 0,16, 0..5, 1 6, and 5.0 A. Regu!;wUon: <20%. flo lo 'ull !oild. 20 Hz to 1 kHz. Out· !lui ImpOOilnr:e is typically 0.3, O.B. 1,0, 19 BOti 220 u, deJlendm~ on ~oliaF raogj!, 20 I~ .. 10 I kHz OUlpui trallsformer ean pass d.:: current e.q~Jal 10 malo: aif sc current range. Output rsolated frQlTI Hrtlund-

!Load Impedflf1te!~ ~hgrt I;m~ull er non-llnear load!; can be drl Vl!liI Leed fnl ~ilMes. or 0.8, 2.5, B. &I, or BOO n, de pendiog 1).11 lfQUa~e range, ar optimum ttlr mitlC a'olall~ble' power LOAD POWER FflCTOH: ContinUtlU1ii operatlnn at max'VA. ro'!" olny po~·,erf<ll::tor 0 to 1 wlttl (lmbienll1p to 25 C. Power lil1;ll:1f 01 eL7 fa 1 0 fDr 1"onhnUous r.'1pur,;IDc'In 10 IlO C j3mbi~1'l1. h,tetnuttent Clp~ratlon to 50 C.

IIlJsbnti,m!:n fllnear lcatl): <1,%, 100 Hz to 10 kHz: <'2%. 50 Hl to 100 HI at m~~ prJWilr Md 11 S.V sUp'p'~.



mplifi r

1]5 ci;lpacitor-1npLlI rectifIer systems, without clipping II can .3.150 he used to drive srnalt shake tahles and (0 isolate sensitive equ1r.'1mf:!nt rrorn pOWl'lr, I im~ trarJsl!:!nts.

The 1308 .31~g finds mallY uses as an mldlo·lrequcncy paWei arnpliller. Whan!l 15 llsed wlll1the 1396 rQne+ Burst Generator, hfRh'DQWer tone bursts Q,re provTdcd for U!Sling sonar projectPl'5, O:lmpllfiei"S. etc.

Tills j(13lrumenl combi'nes a capacltor.tuned Wienbridge oscltlater, OJ 1000000istorholl power arnpllfiar. anda tapped l;}ulj;Iul transtcrmer. The cutput i'!O monitored by an overload circuit, which lurns off the oulpul when ~f starts l~ elCceed sare llrntts,

HLtn1" ~(1,J% or m.i3Jo: ootpU,I.

M@ters: 'ndit<lta output te.rrrlintJllIOllagc and current Voltrnfltaf·5. 15,50. 150, arid SOO V -=-3% Full sulll_ IIrnml:fter 0.016, OJJ5, 0 1-6. (10.5. 1.6 •. i1M 5 A ~~ Is

O ... erl'oad PnlteCUQn: ElerlJrol'lic overload trip:; at illJprOX 15 " t'ni:lil or current ran,gc {rr1imtm1 resell 'Inermal tu'-w~ on t(all· s.1~tor h[![ll91nl<; (o1ull'1matu:;. reset)

Am plijl'illr Sens.lthdt)l: .2. 0 V ror ILHI oLilpul. Inpullmpgt!lIl1ce: 10 k!t.

Ta:rmTn"l~l C'iutPlIt, Ol't 93B BinCilnA; Posts <md lour·.errllioal socket On fear panni; Inpul, Gli 9'3.S Blndlnjg Pos:ls on rear pai1~1

SilllllPlied1 Four·tt:rmln~t t'lug, pQwe~ eo.r!:l.

Power; lOS 10 125 or 210 La 2!iO v, 50 to 60 I-Iz, 70 TO 500 W, derJeflding an letad

Med1O!n~CllII: R<ld .. -beneh I;Cibihli!:t DIMENSIONS Iw IlxdJ; BtJnrh 19.1(71Cl6.25 111, 14B3xJ18x.4l3 mm); rack, 19)17x15 in, (.:t83l(U'tb:3S] mm) WEIGH r: 91 Ib f4'2 kfll nfll. 145 III (65 kg) shlppnlg,

OI.~IClI'! fJumOOr

UQa-.'" AudiO '1Ij!u;11t.lar ~!1d .. _" ilhTlPUfl!T' 11 5--iJ' fI~ ru:t Modi, I

n c.-v I=!iu;;k M ['IQ'I!I

.::'JO..'1 Sorell M~l:1

2aO v Rn~,k Moa~ I

lJIIIB.'8WiU t311~IUl l:'!lI'lO~ l308-'1!1~



il a


• '110 1Hz ~o 1101]1 k:"'_z II 0.05% dis tOIrUan

• .s..v !i'inc>- Or :square~'Walle (J1lI.FlU1

• (lO-tlB !l1ep' aUenU1UQf

The 1309·1\. ls particlJlarl,., well suited tOr dismr110tl measurements, in addition to It'S obvlo!.Js value CiS <;I ilen eral.pufpDSe Illuorcllory oscHiaTor Distortion, noise, and hum are ell:tepiiol1aUy low, iJnd nutpul Is fiaT C\'l!i Ine enUre fl'eq!J,r~I1Cy t'ilnge.

The outpul attenlJafOF c.;,an b{t set fOf zero volt':s behfnd 600 ahms, a useful condltten for rneasuring low·level noise i'I nd extra necu 5 sll!:nals.

A square wave Wllh 4()...ns rise time is als.r;; available ror transient-response Iests, The waveform has good 5)'nl merryiIt Gill frequenc.~ .mOl I'm rOw·fre.cIIJency tllt.


FrequfJlI'u::yRi3I1lgl!:' Hl' Hz 101.00 kHlln " doca..-'le mnges, Overlap ~lw~pl1 rangB.:5. 5'1:;,_

AC(:i.u.n:'y: • 2% of salli~"

St!ilbili~' 'WPi C<ll {II I Idil}! Wilr'mU P drifl. 0.3%. 1\ !fer W:ilr m· up~ O.OCIJ~';' ~J'IOr! t~wn (10 rrun] D.OJ ~ IllflB t!:l:rm f 12 h) Cantfilll~~ Contlr1YClUsl.V adJus!.abl rnatn dial CQVB(S dm-:adfol range in 305 !t'~rnlpr In Jllornli,

:S']jIrrchin::ll'liz'IlIUmll: rrlHluenc~ can tie leekcd 10 €'Alernal sign.:!1. I eek raf'lg~ 3"" per \iOn rrns Inpul up ta l(l V fr!!qu.encl dial 1 om. lions as.>! phase adluslmunt.

Slno~Wa ... e Output Voltage: 5.0 V =5% ope n ehcu It ?OW ER: '10 rnW Into 600 lr IMPEIJAi'oICE.: 600 u. Om~ terminal !lrolll1cf~d _

AHeIilUDIllon;Conhowus!;o adIustabh! ~t1['nu.llor wtth -20 dB range. and 6O-,dS step aHenuaelif with 20 :!.O.? tJ8 per J;tldP and iii If'I'1I'-VOl1' pO~lh,m''NJrh tiCD u nurnut I[nl)~daflr:e marntairmd D15toriI!:Il1: .. 0,05%. 200 Hz To to kH~ moeasfng to <0 '250,;, ill 10 Hz (lnll 100 Io;Hz. lnlr tlCiln r:lrc:UI! ef GOO-1J 10rl1.i (~~ curvc,.)

,Iium; <50 IN indepl9mfl1nlol ilttenumar setting t<O.OOl or lull culpUI)

Sln~ Amplltiul~e W5 FUquancy: =2'%. fer ICi'l~r5 fl' )-6O{l U, SYl1cchronlz:ation; Oon5wn .amplitude 11.5-\1), hlgh.itnpeiJam:, (12·kHl aulPUL to drive COUi1~r or ase:illost:Opo

SQjUBre-:WOIIi6 OLl~p1Jl': VOLTAGE.. -::-5.0 V pk<flk open Lircull. Dt.:-c:t1up'ed cufplJL IMPEDANCE: GOO!: Oni: lElrminal !_tround!!d_ RISE nME. 10011.: Into SO-II lo.;Jl(J, 1"'P"l~<I!li-'10 II~ at full IJ1.dtlDul SYMMETRY: "';.2% HS to 52% dUlY ratio). A. T1lENWITJON, CallhOUOU51y a;Jjustabh· ,;;;tt( nuator wilh >20 dB rangE_

r:erli1'linll,IS~ Q utpu I. G R 938 e ~ndJng PI) sts r syn~. 'Sid.. p;;i ne I te le pticne [ack,

.1\1I:ri11ll1:1I1!: ADAPTOR CABLE lS60-f'95 'telephone plug to double IJtu~, OI18D·g:Q3t! SEl to rOlcl\mu!Jrrl 130g OIlnl"l~ 0480- 9B8C1 SET '0 racl!mOUI1! 13Q9 f,Td&-Ily-'S~d!l II,IJ1J1 ''i<lm~iH Imilrumenl such as tn;'! ] 310 051:111aoor. 1359 Tone·Bunj,l Gen Rralor, iJ( 123-2 A.mplllfilr·Cli!lec~or.

Power. 100 to 125 pr 200 to 2.50 V. 50 ID 400 HI., fj W. Mt! CCnvEfiib!!!benth cabinet DIMENSIONS (M, ludL Sx6«8..13 In. (~;d.53x201 rnrnl, WEIGHT '7 Ib (3.1 hi'll nat, ·9 tb '4.1 ~[l) .:;hlpplng.

- - - - -


I -


- - - t



tUeli) II) 10"'. ~lP"l"""lI~!II 1n1(J ~ QI1I11'. 'lil fl$1 rJ1~, nor,..!: l"R'l!l\'!llJjr-P.i:l· coup!1!;f] lO"H~ toq· .. "t w<i'. rwl' ria! ~op 1011111.(<11\1', hQ.tiz.

Uf>1 rlg,I,F."

tim" ,Ou:Plliiigf •

1 '56!!I-I''!l!i ~"'i'!t~,"

~ 8O--1'.lU!I FI\lir-~d\".j')t~r S~t ,no R!!!ltll'A~lI!p!~r Siil

C41I..llcol: r~"'ml.k:r


l1M-9J(!1 ~5GO~iG'Sr!i ilI49MIIUB t1~1ID-9880


1 0- I Osculator

• 2H:l b) 21MHz

• 2J:1~V i ICQfJiihllH Gull put. :=2%

• 10.25% dis~c rlh:m

Ine superior charac:;u~risti~ of this osclHallJr malote It an e~ceptiol1all.,. useful laborntorj' .signal source.

Con5t.:mI outpu~ over EI very wiQ a lrequ lim IWY FtlfLREI I acllI tates f req wen c.y. resocnsa mea surernents, liigll·resohJtion dii3~ and e>:c~ptiDrlill ampjlltJde ~nd h~ quencJI slabllily are 1 mJ,:.1ori-aI1 I (or measurements or Illtars arlcJ narr(l',', -ba nd de\' i e as,

Equally LJ!ieful fn fiOO·ohm and 50-ohm circuits. sinea tJ ist.ortl on IS Illdepei'idern of I oad, avon a 5 horr Cj r c:u it When phase-rol:ked to a frequency standard, the 'lScillator can deln.ler a hl~h·lel/'li!l standarc-Irequaney CJtltpul wilh adjustablLl arnplilude and low distortion.

Descriptiolil A c:ajlacilance·lunC!i. RC W]e-n-bl"idge 05- cl IJ atn r d r i ves a low-d i slortlcn eu tp III <:1m pm ler ..... 11 it:h iso'att::S ttl (;l else III~ [or from the load a..,d dell'll'ef!!io a censta f1! ~QllaEe behind 600 ohms All sohd-stata circuits ansure long, trcuble-t rei! li1e,

A Iacl~ is crllvjded for introduc:tion of a s~'ncl1ronilJnR sign;:! I ror phase lod.lng or to furnish a slgnal.· L'!nt .)f the output attenuster 5~ttlng, to operate a cm.lf1ter, or to 5".ncht~i/f· .n osdllo:;;cope: (,Ir arwtt1~( 05clll.]tor.

tio·· Tlil • .,rOrtutl rnunU1EIl.lltli:! illr;o m rnPJPll


Fr.eqll,:m:jl RllliIse~ 2 H! lo 2 M Hz in Ii decade ran ~J;l!>. Overlap ue tl'< een ranB~. 5%,

A(;Curscy: "'-3% Qtset\'lflj!!

S,tabUf\y (l¥oi::.:al at 1 kHz)l W'1Irmup rlrrn. 0 1 %. AIlJ,!f warm· ufl: O,003~ !ihor1 term no mlnl, 0.03% teng lierm (1211). IC(lnEra~ .. : C:onllnuously adjustabli' milln tHai CO'.'Il!S delCEde rangl:! in 305 . IJernrer In 4 turn'S.

S~n&hJroil.~tlolll'~ Fr"p.ClIJP-ncy carl tw IOGI<.8!tl to roIwn';:j1 srgnar. Lo<;'k range ==3% per volt rrns Input up to JO II Fr~qu:anc:y (Hal ruoctitm5 liS, ptlase adjustment

OIl~JjLJt Voltage::.20 V open drcuTl. Domin"l. Powe" ~ 160 mW mlO 1300 !:I.

DLlitplll.lllm~-cthuu:e; 600 n. One 1mmmal WDund!:ld. Attonl,13fl,l]lI: Conlinuou"ly <ldjU!:lt'abJe attenuator w~~h :>46-.!:1B range.

I)istl}rt~on: "'0.2.5i%. 50 Hz to 50 kH<': ~itJl iilny linear load, Os,{;llll3tof will driye a sherI :In:uil wiln~ul dipping.

Hum: ~ OJ:l2~, 'ndtlpund~nl' Or ~U!l:mJElIOf s,;iUlng.

AmplUlldEl .... ~ FreqLilmcy. ~%. 20 H"l !c 200 kHl, inlt.l open ctreutt or60D,f} load.

S~r:h roni!l:a1Ion: Con BtllnHI mplHuCle (0 $. \I J, hiB,1i-1 mptl'danca en knl outpul to drive cr cw.:lJlll~pe.

Term~I111ls: OtJtpul. OR 938 Bi",dTng f'-'.cSl!., 5'111 • 5ltle-pancl telephone

_i\·ljmU.ablo; tl.DAPTOR CABLE 1 f.jI:lO·P'85 (tclepnono r:rlug to doubl£l plug) 04S{I,gB3B SET tIC rat:ktl1oonl 131 (] ullmer 0400- 9880 SET 10 rackmcunt 13.10 sid~! ... b)l-sld(] with same-slze instrument sucn as jhc 1309 Oscillator. 1369 Tune-Bursl Guo I'lf .. ln • £If 1232 Ampllllf'r~Oelpdl)f,

PDwer: lOS to 125 195 to 215. or 2.10 to 250 V, 50 re .100 Hz, 12W.

Mocb·Elinh::al: Conve rl'b!e-. he n ch ~bIJ'l[;!I. DtM ENSIQ N S (INK

h'[ij 8:w~ 13 ~n ("Oi~;.153!1:201 rnm) WEIGHT 7.15 Ib

13.6 kHl nel. 10 II:J (4 .. 6.kgl Bhlppmi.

l!2!ti!I~1l f\ljlmb~r

1::1 IQ.B D!I.Il.,r.litD~ lUi-"" Marl" I 2ZUN 'IIl'ool!!l 230-'" M(>!'!<II

1.!S6IH"'lIS .I<cfaplor ,e-llil. -4]80.f'3;oa 1laJ:..~.ji'lDr SII d'eo R,nlt.-Adcapl!Or Sd

lJ·]o.91lli!: ~:U&-9JQil WJID.!l'1Q1i 1'!iGO-9G!l5 11M80-9818 04SI)·U&!J


GE.NUU,1. RADIO 1911 CAlA"","

sci la


• 5'1l Hz ~o UI kH~. disc rete rrequenchls

• 1 W. 1100-V or 4~A output

• I r,anS'hnme r oU~Jni~

The 131 r cselustor QUers h Ish -power owr D ut and I aad· matdimH I'tlrt')ugh a mulhtap Dulpul translo mer ina en auras .. d IQOlSl V;,: "'JaU I/1IIl <PW lrud lrom 0.08 Ie BOOO ohms, Thus il 1& ideal tor drivfng lrnpedance brklges where ~N!tJ (;e:nsitlvll)1 is required .n extreme measurem ent II rru ts and for dm 1 ns d tree U ~ such row-I m pad;!! n c.tI devices a5 accustle I rdJtBducers. Fer bridge measurernents, !he shielded ClulpLJHransfgrmer secandtlry mlnl. rnues cirCulating ,Elround currents The 1311 Is supplied in an assembly with thE! 1232 tuned Amplifier and Null Dstector as Ihe 1240 Bridge OscUiator -Detector, The l311 tsalsn included 11 s!!lJeral GA m;pedilnce-nlea~urlnl! svsmrns.

I I I J I_~b. -

11 +---+--I. In'~:


Fr&l1i11!El'I11q" Rlllng,e: 50 Hl to 10 kHl Eleven rix~~ f~,tKlU'encic:!.. 50 50,100. 120, 200, '100 •. 1m:l 500 "h. 1. 2, 6, ;:md 10 kHz One olhr-r froqLll;m~y can bo 1i':Iti~ a 1 an unu~ :il'l[1ch POg]· llOIl, A _llcot'l! ftll PfO"'ldl'J~ - 2 ~ con I i nuou.:. ad JU,!.,tm'Jnl AeC_l.i_flley. '!:11';. qt ~ctting wllh .11 centro' ill 11:10.

StII!IIIUy [r~piCJ:i1 <II 1 kl {J): Wil~mup drrtt, n,3<;", Aller ..... arm ~IP, llJ)oS% !lhm1 term (10 min), Q,02'~ IQn~ tllfrTl ,]2 t 1

SYl'lcllmniZ"lltion: INPUT: r,eQul'm.l.)' G:Jl b lockoo 10 ., t!!rrlJI ~'~cl t.ock r,1nge, -3<;{' .pe~ 'loa rrm up 1:0 10 V. The.l~ f;on!rol 11m ,lien .. ;'IS, a pllo11 .QJju,.lm'If11 OUTPUT· Con!;\i1f11 i1J'ripIIlLJdll (1 V) to Url ... e ceunter or os,=.lla!=OJ(l'."!.SolUO!' m]1f<oance 171m.

OutplJ't lrrlj'lll; VOLTAGE: CoollnUI'lll1l11l' adJII!.I.ilbrt= rrom 0 10 L 3, 10 30. N 100 II Q~ll elrcu i I (E 1, dt!p;:!rvj~n t 00 ~tHJ'& 01 5 p!;tSHltll1 outpul $witth_ CURRE!'lfr CO£iitlnuousJ ad us l bl~ rmm 0 10 .lQ, 130. 400 1300, (n ~ 000 rnA, -n lo .:J ['lprox short ClrcUltl"'l. POWER: >1 () V,' inlQ malL. I'd IGld, >0,5 'W lOiO "ny resistive load be-l\'IwFI 80 r Itt,mn:! B k.u,

,DulPullmpedance: Oni'" rc 1t1f~t: IImas ~~, rJ(!pcntilng en oul· PUt amplitude. Outpul un,qroul1ded

Distofil:ion: .eo 5% will'l 3r1~ 1If1iJ,,]r lo;}lj Oscllf,llor ..... W dll"i'¥'t:! Il ,hor-I c ittt,JII Wlthoul cUpping

Hum: . 0 Olh, induppndeol 01 output ~..uHIn8,

Tt"rm'I1I,lIi'!l: 0u11)~1. GR 938 81t'1chn!! PO!:'t"oi 3nd Ilwwnri terrnl r lill 't.1 tll shor II n Il 11111(: '~yt1!:.. t~J('~onl;! I [ICII. an s.ide pane I.

Availilbl~: AD!~F'TOFI C~BLE 1560~P95 (l{~lephoM pillS tn JOIJhle plul[) 01180·9838 S£i to f,lckmoun! 13] H", alol"l~ 0"80,9800 SET Ie ril~~,fMLlnt 1 a ll·ilj, sltl-e:-bY·3.kl'" witt. ssmeSIZIl: in$trum~1 sucb M 1310 Qs.cUistor, Ul&.:l Tone-Burst C3-el"ler.!ltnf. ('If U32 Amfllif1r.:r-OewJ,;lor

f'oWI!r- 105 to 125 or 210 10250 V. 50 10 ~OO 1-1 .. 22 W .Me(!iI'IaIJTII:~I: Cnn'Jtlrtlbl~-bencl; cabln~1 OIMENSIONS Iw~ hxd) 8);1):a,75 In. (204...;153>:.197 rnrn). WE1Gt-lT: G III r2_B ki) nl1t. q Ib ~·U kgl shlpl'jn~.

C'_"I"I CIl. r;~n'l'tl(!r

~;n .I.,II-"'l!~'~ Ow:1I"'!~f , .... 11 1<'Kft'1-

2.J~).\1 Mod!!!'1

• !!i&l).p<j;5 ,Adlll p'IO'r c..b11!

~ IlO·PJoe, Rlid.J\!I .. pl ... !lll!~ O~ 'RIJ!i:Io:""d.pmr SlOt

U.U·970. I]ll-"I"I!I~ 1'!ifiO.9M5 Q'4:~B.liJ O,f8l).g88B



oi eGe, e

Electrk:al noi~e Is, by definition, ;!'loy lJnwanleddi.slutlo· am:::e and us rlOOw:;Lioi'l in comfl1unicattons, elreulta is a cOr1stant i3lm of th~ i~.')j,gil1eilr. NgiseJrom tl ccntrelled source, hGWtfifer. is useful mstudyfrlg the effectiveness of systems for d~lecHnB 'lr'llli rec~E!.I"f ng signa Is ~f'I noise. Well defin~ random oolGlf! ~s. mo:reover, a remalfkab~:iI' useful test signa! tha[ has, for m~ flY meas.uiemen't5, prop'i!!rti~$ lharare more use-rur than Hlooo af a!ilrr;lg~e-ff~ qu~;ncf srgr'laL Its wide spectrum 's:ome1ith!:~ permits one tl:St wit'h random no[se ttl, rep I a ce a series or sln.RIe.f'ffiquerlt':.V tests, Nt'll!')!:! is a I 5.0 USl!fu I insimu music, or cotnmutnications cJr:CL1~t ~rnffi~.

No[sQ is ca fled random if its inslalFlfanm:U.i5 amplitude ~,t i;my future irlst~l1t f5 IUl,pr!l'dir;t~ble,Rai1!dom noh'e! Is specified b)l Us arr'1I;1~llude di~!rib~Hon and by its s:tlE~.c: .. truro, M~l1li tYJ;lCS (!If na:lurallll' oocurriflg '~leclficil'l !'IoiSe havelhei same distribution.of ampHtudes as do errors that


laSO·1 P~o .. 1'1 [jj.~ 'i\ill~h~ t:!ir pl nk n~is.e spectrum frllfll :5 Hl W 2'0 kH~ 500 k~, or 5" MI'k wlU, "'~ri· OIbJe cutpu l up ltO 3 V ImS opm;.-cfreuit

13B1 p.fO!"nde:5.wtllUI1

5 Hlz noise spechum hom 2 H~ to 2 k~r!. 5

20H:I! .Io:Hz, or 50 kHz with \I'.ilfhl ~te {llitplIJ'l up till :9 V r Il"~ cPU"' circuit

50 kHz

20 'MH.z

1381 an


6ft 13811

• 2 H'l; ~D21 ,5, 0 r 150 'kHz;, G aUS_S'i'U!11 fj,is1ribu1,io n lII;)d~ustabrecl'ippllilgt

,. ·s;..v fma O'U'lrnd

Gh 13,Q,2

• .20 H~ se 5't1lkHz, GDus:s<ian di:sltribuUon

• whi'~'. prn~, 01' ANi~U i5:pectra

.. 3·,'\1' rms (i!ut,pu t I ba~a!n-OQdI. un'bn1anllltced, aT lroa'lJng

Pr'lldh;f,ab~)! ~i;!IJI!!Iom The UBl OJr:ld 1382 ar~ c.ompan Ion inslrumenls lh~t generate rru1y randern neise from dI semiconductor source. Spec.ial prl;!lCiluUon~ are !:akon tcansure .ill symmetrical, GauSiSjan am pm ude di str1 tl1.!lion. Output liQ!oi'e'l is adjustable from bE!rc'N 3 millivolts to 3 VQIl-s. rrns behind a 600-ohm soume: jmpedal'1ce, Ei;ll::n mod@1 is c.'lnslrLJ~lM ln ;;:I J'h-fm::h-tliGh. han.rae,",.

normaHv octuril"l experumenr.a.11 measurements -Mle nor· mal or GauiSrOlifl distribution. 1111 gef1e.ral.p1.Jrp~e Mise generat:crs 'the design objective is random noTse that is GauSiSi a n ~H .. d hil1i's ill un iform, spectrum lrevel' the !l~ cHi ed '~req l,Iency ral1:g~.

The Ganem,l Rad!ro randQm.l1!or,se ljiel1erators. produce eJectri;c.a I !loiS/a: at high QlJitPIJ~ Iwds, e.a eli mf){lel havi rTI!! boon desfWledror 'ipe~j~lc uses, The 1381 ~s usefu~ fm many iil.ldbfrequarrcy apIJHcal'ions, ,and al:SQ tn vibra'!iQn 1e:sting as its ~peehum exh:md~ well ~n'!D the suba!;!!:lio, ~ng,e_ The 1382 is intefld'!l'd f~r audh>-freq UIi!I'IC), etootr,"" cal. ,,,OOi:.lSilft:al, ,an~ psy,t:ho:ac:( applieatlons. The 1390-8 ts uf;efLiIIil~ hl8hif:!f' freqUtH'Ic'ies because Us :3pechum elolt.eJ1;ds lo § M H2. The 1383 generates Wlde-baII"H:I noise of unTform S,~ctnl.lm I:eve~ and rIO pan:kutlady useful ror tests iF! vld~o- ilnd rad'io-'rreqoof]cy systems.

'313 Pil'ovldeswhHe I er lfIIini" noise specttfl:lm from 20 Hz, to ~D MHZ' wit,,, cali-

II b.ra~ Illutputs 10:111'1 so ",V til, 1 V rras cpen-drc.1o.I h,

1382 P,o,.. I des w1'lUe" tlliTnk.'~ MSI rr[]i~@ :;~tfI~l" w~th 'll'ariil!:doe outpufl: up 'Il :3 V I'm:;,



enera iors

wfd~h c;ablnel, IcorrvE-n;ent tor bent:h LJS!': and two can be mo s lCie- OJ' -si de .w, ~ II) I~y raek,

Fifh~r or These. noise generators CiJn be used for simula~~OI1 ,or noise in 5icnaJ paU~s. ar. !esl.sigl'!.al sources, Or lor demoflsJ:rBtion"5 Orrit;:distk ... 1 and eorrelatien pril'1ci~It£!s. The dlU~renl feal UfE5. of thL: Iwa otter a cl'1r:i,bf! 10 mfJlch your r'mi3"d!; ..

Lnwe,s, fl'eq~am:;y The 13S1 geilt:ll<i~ noise thiiil 1"5 rial down lo2 Hz and is 1 nl~nded let nllfl~om-\1~ brat I nfI tests o1Indfor g-enB raj -Pll7POSIE wiSe in th ~ audio ~ 11~ subaudio range, The uppel'-frequeru~y IPmit {at ,3 tJ8~ can bl:! $.wilr;;11 ed to 2, 5,' br 50 !-1Hz. The out put signa r can be !:lipped symmetr lea I'ly aI 2., J. 4. OT 5 ti mes t'h e rms ~mplHude_

P,il!l!'k QJ white The 1382 Qerll3raNilS nOISE in the 20·Hz to !iO·klr-h!: band and ls fn'!>IlrJ.rJed for elet:!rk:al, aceusttcal, and tpsychn-.1l cO:J..IsJiWi l tests, it oife:rs ttl ree spectra, wfli!e (nalt pink (~3 dB pffr 'm:J;(JJ\I~), and ANSI ~!!ie~ !!ipElcHi~. tT ens], The output can he ta:ken hl:i1i'Jrn::ed er unea !.meoo, noatin.H er ero

- Si!II 'GJI '~,p""nI~"l~r 1iJ.l J~I ["[~~'Y 19€i9 " .. rj ""~F~-Ali'rir ~\J.


GFI 13<!1

1391 and 1382 Rondo m-Noi se Generatolrs (Cont..,


Sgl!'Cl{'rum of lBl~ 51 APES: flDt (ctDns{Dnt energy p~t oorlz 01 b,Hith'lldth .:=: 1 de trorn 2 H~ lu hill! oJ t.utliH CUTOF'F fREQUENCY (dO';o,TI 3 dB); 2.5, Of 50 ktil. .. sell:cled b.,. $I','Hch SPEC nUlL DENSIT'(. al 3 V cutpUl level and fc; 1 liz band ,yltj th ~ 6!l 4~. end 13 rnV. ilDprpx refli!cti~'el ~ For Ur'1l1: CUltnt trequl1llues. of 2, 5. anu 5t1 IHtz. SLOPE oi am nlit uda vs tre LleJ1t.,. ai:l N~ Uti r Clilett· 12 ·18 ' ec la'll SO!' R,r3fl Sp..!dmm Il'f 1382~ Ctlo;c~ or 3 shapes WHITE N01SE rllat spectrum, constant em!1IID' per herj: btlnrht~knn~: .] dB, 20 Hi. to 2-5 kHz. will"! 3·dB oelnts at llpp.tUX 10 I'tl. ilmj 50 kHz; PI~ K NOISE \('ort5li;nl a1art0 j;\e~ IX!;''';.! bal\dl'JirJlhl ...... 1 dB, ),0 Hl .\0 :20 kHl, Or f~NSI NOISE. ;!S W~cjfl8(i In ANSI SwndJrd 51 4·19&1 Si:!!! !lJ.!lpll

G4~~larl f'r,1ba b II ,l) CliII\Ill1y t"UI1~H_

:.....,UI u!lE-tiol'..,\,t·~ iJl~lril)ut~n 01 11SH l~~

1 ~ i1"11 mllo8~l.m~a n '-w,nodDI'I'" 0'1 0.2., o:£'n~retl nn tim .h~ 1e.l1'!XI "111"11~ or ~oll.o .. ~. n I~ !I'll'! 'l.illnwm:l .:I1IV1.lIlIlfl Of m)!! ~ilkLt'" Of ·Ihc I'I.:.J ~e "1JI~ill!··


I ~ NIh I
I ~~"j \\
OIIf'I'IIf ,~N~~IClnl
~~~. \\ I
- \ '\
- ~.
\\ "
I \\
I \~




.. c.

CUpping: The oulpu, 01 the nat car) 00 I:llpped Internally 10 rern~ 1M ocrasianal Wide cxtram[!;,o of ernplltude, Clippmg. [I d~lretl, it adlul';l"l:)hl 10 appfQX 2. a. 11, or 5,,- Sut:h cltppina tl.i:lS rlJ:!gllniblo offect on tha spectrum Of the rms .1m~lI. tudC!.

Output: VOLTAG'E >3 V rrns f'IJ<lX. ooen-Clr;:;ult. for <lilY hand~'Mlcl', r:ONTROL CUntrnuoU5 ()dluslm!:cf11frl:lm lhnl levol cc .... n 30PfO){ 60 dl1 IMPEDANCE; !;jOO I. Can be shar1.'tI wlll,tlil C<l\J!tlng dtf,torlflJn. 13Sl output is l1l'Itmlenccd: 1382 oulnul i~ f'~3lin8; con t;ie connected halaMl:(!"j Or urlb~l~nr~d TE.RMI NAlS: 13al output ill fronj panel b'mllng ~$ls and I ear-panel BNC t:omllj'~1Or1 1382 u1pUI ill Ironl par1~1 bindlnc pests and rp..ilr·~n!ll jack~ [or doub'(! ll~u.Ba.

Swpplioo: Po." .. er cord. (ac) ... -rnounung nardware ',lJlth rut:k rm:rJ~b

POWer: 100 to 125 or 200 til .:!SO V, 50 10 400 Hz, 5 W. Ml2ch:JIl'licllf; Conwrhblo benrh catnnct, DIMENSIONS (W~ h~d)- Sen,n. 9.5x3.B.7;:9.f!7 in. (215x9!i.QSO mm~; rack- 19){3.)x9 In. C4B3:dIDd29 mrn] WElGH1· 11b 3.2 kg) ~l; 10 Ib r4 G kg) shippl"[f.

UII.9n10 ~1'8J.g~IH He~.g;rOO UlIll·91[)l


'" ..


i !

3. -'

i: ~:B--------I

~~m~'~I.----~mo~-----~II~m----~~----~ JIrmuc:JI!tl'


a do

!II 20 Hz 10 20 MHz, ::.!::;Ui dB

• a·Q .. pv 10 1-'V outPIiICj ,opeo·c:lr,eull I. fiO-ohm DIiI.put' ~mpird\iince

• meter ,QindUI'·;hllp .a11Ienl!l'Dllor

This instrument· g.eIUH'3[es wrde,band r1pise of uniform S1}!!ttflJrtI level, PQrllcularly useful for rests In \lldeo- and ro dlo-freq ue-rlc)I' svsterns.

The maximum OlUtput Is. one volt ope., cjrcblil from f.l.

PJO-ohm source Afl 8-step aUetW1;ltor of JO dB per step pe rm H:2 reduc lion cf I h eo ol..lljj ut 'eve! to :30 !I V.

U:s·e ttle 138], g~ iJ broad·band flolse sllI!!,Jlce for

• Ifll!l:rmoci1.Jlartlon ar'\d cress-talktests

simulation af noise 11"1 carrier syslE:m!l.

• l1olse-inlerfero[lce tes s in radar and telemetry

• dete.min1ng noise bandwldU;

• rne<'lsufing l10ise flElme

• s.etting transrmsslon levels 111 cornmurncstton d'fcuils

:s1:atISIll:1i1 dernonstratlens 111 clessrocm and lab

• delermin1f1g meter response el1arac.teristics

• measuring noise fernpefallJre

-ss .. [lR E..llarIITHf~laJ' L,r 4'I.IIIp\:I1.J\mill!!!i'9


S·pe~rn.1l'I: FI~I I~Dr1! energy f~r hE:'rrz at barrcto\qmn) = 1 dB trom 20 Hz to 10 MKz, =1.5 dB hom ]0 MHz to 20 MHz..

Wall\~hmn: T:lol~ ~flOW.E ,gmplflude d~.n511)1' Uislrll"lulh:Jn '5pec:lfi:~Uor.'j ul Rcn~r<ll(lr comfl,'Jmd wah UH~ GilliEsTari pIObilb I iii y.

uensi1y fUFl~lfoll. <lS Ill~.a:;!,Jl'1!d ill "w[nd(WI~H Ilf 0200, centered CaM I he IO(:hcl'.l t.E j villues. of voltage:

;"mpU"._',I·(Xlmi,r ... DI',t ul 1::.a:3 I'l.aJJd~ll-N~lse G~f"

(I Olii!> - 0.005 Q .INa4 ~ o.C«i IUHo!:! :>::: C.ooa O.oooa'l8~ ~..t1QOO

I" l. U ~1:Dllclald fh,~hILlOtl OF fTl'l!i. Jalu~ eolli ~ rml~ WlJI .. (,lu I

Ou,tp 1lI1: VOLT AGE ] 11 f1Tl5 Dptd1 C I rt;;UJt. al' f LJII ClI,,iI [Jut CON TROL COriLimmlJ1> control ilnl:l s.sttlp 21l!ffiuntm or 10 dBI

Ge .. era·

_. hlllleoLl ",,,,c;lmr,,,,1 13.Bl RiinGOrn·!olfli , GllrInl!tor ')tHrAll. I11'rN,gy • .",,· H L .ti.'ulll""kHt1 'OS II'BQU.!:'I'IC!f.

!UJ o, M t:: I f:.R! Indi~,)hl s IJPElO.c I reuli ou tpU! vo11.~W! ilhe'ild (If 50 II IMPEDANCE- 50 U, CllJl he .. ItItfCfl 'l'liltiOUt cau .. mg dJstCiftiOlf'1, TERMINA.LS. GR8711 nJaxlftl L:nlmr.< l(l~ Ihilt can he mOLffir~d un aitherfroot Of IeI1r p;lt1cl.

Power. liJt1 [Q 125 or 200 [0.250 V, sa to ~O(J II..:, 40 W. MocllanrOlI: CcnYlHlIble t~nl:h ceblnul. DIMENSIONS (w;.: hi'ldJ Ht!nLil. 1];,;3.87:0;12..75 In. ('132lt9!U324 n'1i'lI]c r.3cil. 19;-: :;t5~Hl.7.S in. (4.Sa;.;90~2'3 rnrn], WEICHl'~ P Ib (1;0.5 k.81 net, 21 fb 110 kE!1 shippinPl.


Ulil. Ifj,1JfOd:iJm-NDI i·m C~~ ..... b.t 8il!"l1ch Mddt,1

Rm:1I Model

C:I,III rc ~ f\lltl1'l\. f


1 9 -



III 5 Hz r,o 5 MHiz

• 3,01 ,,.,.'IUo 3 V

• >+-1· dBa Lld'I01p~drum· hillVe~ Uni'raMi/I,

This 1f1s1rurnenl gem::r;lte'O wide-bancll101SB oj unIform s~er..1.rum 1~lel. Pdrlicu~ady useful fo'r notso and vibration teslmE\ in electdt:ar and mr=ctJCinrcal 5:'{$tems. rI]l9 ncl~r.: outplil eta gas-dl!;cMarga !ub-e is amplified "/1I1J st101l:)r:d wllh low·pass, TIIter'i 10 f1rovlrJ wlrje spectral rang€'s with UP!'!!' cutoff lraouencles 01 20 kHz. 500 kH~. <;inc Ii, MHz

The olllf)LII level hi controlled by if cormnuous ettenuatuf followed b¥ d 4-S1e'f1 artenuatcr of 20 de PE'r step Rnd 15 meJerr_!j from ever '3 \I~lts 10 below 30 mlruovolt$_ Whor"n I he altenualor Is 1..1500. lJlil output tmpedance rsrnalns essentl~lIy constant as you r.:hallge the output level.

rr~IiILlentY tespo1il'S'! Drlve your de\lio~ U!"ld~r le;t wlth (Iii! 1:3,90-B and ar al'l',ze lJul(.lLJt .!.11th .. ny of several GR anal!rozlJFS. rual1Ltall~' Or with ill Rraphic level recorder. In contrast with I"~ LJ~u~1 sWBpl·smgle.Ire:q1Jf'T1CV rnatheds

his one rn.:I~es your OUT handl,.. a Ild:e spectrurn slmul 1'~F'leo(uly' The distinction may be sign I (jr...a nl H the OUT IS 110nline,n.

Use ~he 13911)·8 3S :a bro~d·bal'ld s-l;glllill SlItiTOe lor: ~ rrequol1Cj' response

" Interrncdutatten and CfoS5--lalk tests • 'SlmulatiQn of h'~lepMcne·linF! noise

" measurements on serve arnpllfiers

nOise in!~rf8rellce tests on radar

• d'e~errnining meter rl!sponSE! charactenstics

• 5etH~ Lral'1!irnission levels In cornrnurncatlon crrcults

• statl£tlcal deJ'l1ontilra-tmn.s ln classroom iind lab

Ma;keaC'UiUfii,tic m ei3i!,lIreme.rn,ts:

• froqusllcy response

• re'lEC'mElr.dion usc 1 Ji]iJ-8 with a GR analYl(lf 1'IS

source of narrow-band noise

• sound artenuaficn oj ducts, 1i'I~Us. panels, or llocrs

• aCQU5Ucal praplulla:s of materlal5

• room acousucs

Use it. wiUII all amplifier 1iti'i dri...-e:

• a Joudspe<lkor fnr strucrural lati~ue tests III hlgtl·leo/iJl

acousuc lield$. -

• i'l vib r'"atlon shaki:Ha ble

-I"er rn tllln.iQlrmahgn , ''Iull ... l Gil i'J<;prl", £-110.



F,r,equeril:Y R,(}l'!l!lW. 5 H;!: to 5 MH:l

'Output: VOL TMiE Max op •. l1-'CtrC.ull OIJlpul ls at IBaSI ::I 'IJ fDr 20·kHz rl3nBl~, 2 V Tm 5tl()~kHl range anrl J V Ill"f 5-MHl. nm~ 1M fiEOA N CE, Sow toe it!l pWam:;1! IQr m.a); au ~1lU I is .alJpro:t 900 n IS taken {tam ii 2500 n potentlometer. Source lrnpedsnce for .1HenlJilted OUlJRIl ls 200 U. One oulpUI lermlrral is gnJUndoo.

SpeClfl.lm~ Se;eo :spectrum"lelJ(!'1 curves <ll'1d folillwing tab It!. Ngte· Spedrum level is she ..... n \Vi111 constant-Hz b()lrn:lwldlh nn.llysis, "".'.hue" rliClis.c: b!!Jng IdE1a'ly filli. j Ptnk ooi~ wcu,d slcj.}t. dcwn at 1{1 dB per decade, l

tI.I ~tl1 500 "Ii:bMJ.iJ!

;i rnV lur lo.H .. tJmml 12 In\' for 1.f1i. bOl\d fl., on'" 1M I tiL ooncl

l'JIpr~~l Gr~llIlI" l","'1 1v.',U'i l·V ~rr>li <;J~ltlluti

wlltIll'I~ r.r;a-,2'!HIHO ZQ fi;H~ wlU In =3 t;l1l.?O il! to!ilQO IoHL wl!I'In.:!.J aD, W II~ t~:>co kH,. lI'Iin III r; ~ ~tJ, ~ ~.i r tl) [i 'MH~

• Nlnoo Illlr!fln' P!!'Y\lI1i;1 , tllfSlil lim'", L ... Ill ill (l1:l«n 3 em Tf 511z.

"l 0 ..



W.:Ii'o!dorm: NOIse seurce 1'015 i!llOd normal, Of (iBI.:tsshm, dfs'IrihLllfnl"l 01 i'lmplllur1es for rr:lng~5 of lhe freqLJel1c~ spectrum haf fire nan QW compared wllh I te. band saler.tE'Q', Ovr-r Wide range!. Iht= tHsltibullcn 15 less symmetrical tU!C<1!J5e DI dis· symmet ry In lroouced by the gas I une, Seme ell pping occurs 00 the Soo.kHl and 5·MHl ranges,

IJc,ltmifiter:: R el;;tjfler type i:llllcr..,gi ng meter rneasuree ou ~ puL It ts eahbralt-'"CI ICI re.&ld rms. V;:a!UIl 01 noise.

Attei1'luatQr. MUIliplYU1S lru::tOfS of 1.0, 0.1; 0.01. 0.001" ilnd, A!:r.urnlj;! 10 =3% lei 100 1\,1-1.l., WllhTIl .!..10% to 5 MH,

A\i~na,br,e: Rack·adaptDr 5aT (IDl(l ~n.ll 1390·P2 PINK NOISE FIl.TER,

Pa_r. 105 ie 125 Of 21 0 to 2.!50 'oJ. 50 101m Hi 50 VII. M,ethllnJeal: COrl\l'ilrtibl b~rldl cabinet OIMnlSIONS (WI! hx.dl. Bench, 12.15);7.~9.15 Ill, !3N~l91 :?4B mml. WEIGHt 12 ,b (5.5 kg) net, 16 Ib 0.5 kg} :!iJl~oping.

.lJ.];90.8 IRlIl1'g~ii1' r4ol.,~ G,1f.ll UlitfLl' 115-·"" h'ooe 1 ,.

23b V Modsl

Rmclk .dl,~lljJjW Sef IT In.)


U90-!l)C13 GUi'11I:.~1W2


.~I IAJ 01Jtl)l.If r'N'klim 1'II:l1~1 of Ihr;1 l~Q-EI ~a"r.!Q",,!IIcT$cI Gltooro1n~ ami

rill Qulpul (Dink rlQhii~j ,11(# rillllrfnl( b)' Ull! I3gQ·P2' Pm!o:,Ncis;a FlIle.r, lI~ rmta~lJl~cll)!o' D Dne·ihiI'1H)(:!ltll(J h.:Ind Imalpli".

9 -P2

When whi'tenolsflls used for frequem;y-resptil'1!j,E! measurements in conjunction with il COflSl'Bnt percen'l:age be m.:h/f.ticHI1 ana I ~zer (such ~ s lMc GR 1564·A Sound and Vibraticm Aflaryzer or 1568"#1 Wavl!!. Analyzer), I~i'te ampl~ tude-fre(J,uerJq characteristic of a fjiJt syStem appears 1,0 srope upward ~lIh InC{e.aSHI&j frequoncy at a rate of 3 dB


Ifreqlre'FJC)' R~]ilQns'~: SltljJlrlg -3 dB per octave trom .20 k? 10 :2.0 kH~, -6 dS per DCmve above 20 !db. (]uT!:'1I1.11 valll:lge Is apIJrO;li: -5 d 13, \'ff~ h respect tol he inpl.Il voltEjge al 2(] Hz "1"n1

35 dB at 20 If Hz, t~ lles wllhlr1 I dEl!)'! U"IC ~tra'8h! line con IllBctinglhe:;:e t ..... o polnll> on II graph Of outpul tn dl'l::lbl!ll;: vs lOll: f f'2QLl&lc.y.

OIllDf·a!r OlilitpiOlle1Ull: When Ih~ fiHe.r Is, used ""illl lIll.! random, nelse IF-nr!ra!or Stll rOf the 20 kH' ral18a, Ihe Ilulput \l(}Ut'lc,e CIt lhe Jfller i!iil.~prnx .30 dB hab,w il& jnpl.Il, ",nd Ult! \I().II:aEl~ 1l:l\IClI ill 1il:!t:11 oT1e-lhm:lac.ta\!f;: b-and L5 a~j:lrOx 17' dB billow !.hal. Thus, wl'mn ~"'!.- OU!l1ut meter iJr tnt: Gt:!ne!1'lilDr Jndlcal'i!!> 3 V. Ihe output ot the tiltE!~ ts apprnx 0.1 V. and U1E~ ill'llfrl in c .. ch onlol'tJ11 rd-oc LavE; b.1I'cl Is <I pproo: 15 mV

Inpl1t Inilj1edllll1ce: The finer shoold be dr1yP-1'I horn ill source WllOSll! ImPll'u,'ln{;fl Is l ku fir less Input ImpCfl~nl:/;! ilO 'iariable

per OoetsVI!'! OWHlR to the constanlly increasing bandwidth (in hert!) or lhe analyzer. lhe 139Q-P2 ooMerts l:he alJcJl.~frr'e.quency ,output ot the 1390-6 trcm wJ;i~e noise to pink noise, which has constanl en~I'ElY per octave Thus it flaltens the respcnse curveS milde wHl1 iJ constant-percefLtilge·bar;dwldf h sn .. l~2'~r.

rrom 6,5; kQ f 10."1(1 ri3'sisl:3H 00 011 llef,O r requem::~ ttl Ii, '7 kO at hlJ'i,l1 rmqullf1tr,es..

'OiU~put Imp.@d';jln~ The I'll!!:r s.hould nOI bE operalcd ~fl'O -il ICOld or less than ~o ~m,lnlern.'l1 output Im,r'oP.fJance 11i lrariable trem 6.!) kll + source hlslSl",I1CC ift low frequl!!1oies I.e CJpprmo; 2QO U ill high Fr eqllBrmles.

MiillX rn1lpl!I~ Yolbgw: 15 V rm'l.

Termjl'lal&: I,nput te-rmlnnl!:i ,:1m ,fc'!ce~ banana plfl~ em ii-111. 5padliB a I rear or I.jJ'I1i1 Outpul' lermiollls .ue jell;k lop bJnding pOS~51 "'" fI t1 1.'0 In, SPacIIl,B,

M~ch!!,l1li!i:olllJl: Plug·1,n unit h('l'iJ5[n~ DIMENSiONS !wj(tlxd)~ l3Sl'l '5 2.81 rn (35):.12.7')(73 mml WEIGHT: 6 IlZ (0,2 kg) net ~ Ib ,! UI kgl !ihlpphl EI.




• _2-mVliineh amU)I,2-,u-Allnch sensi1lvity

• 50-JfliCh/5e-COl'lld Wltlmin,g apee:di II 1l.2J5 %, Ufii;ilil.r:UV, 0.5% ace urBcy • prtlgl'3mmable wdUliIg IllIIIm::tiom;

III p'luIS-il~ 'oI,ersaum'~~ 'grollDl'ldedi e,1" difllel"Qliiiti31 i'nJ;lut

'I" the direc;IQ:r'sseaC ImaginE! all automa'lic tesLlns syslern that is p'rogrammed by its oWn lOl,nalogrecorder. As the output data are plotted, the recorder programs "test ccnditlons arid measul'cmef11 ranges, acthlates al1d sync:hmnizes ather recordinG devices, and controls its own wdtlf18 fuoctlons. Triggered by tlmlne, marks printed on the cMart papl3r. Ihe GR 1522 DC RecQrder wtll con'~rol c'Ompanion inslrum~nls and itself, r:::hang!lng chan speed, rewi~dlillg the chart for QiIeJlplOttin8. q]jic~ly advancing 'to a fresh grnph. all the while remembering to nrt the pen wMen MOt plottlrlg, W1th optiol"lal ilml'f switches, the 152.2 Ci;I" operate sort I selecl mechanisms. activate addlUoi1fil recorders,ilr OJ led an o-pij'r';;lt'Or if th(il ploUed data exce<£ld ereset hiSh or low limits.

As an accessory to ~he GIR 1921 Real·TIme .Anal'I(ler, rot II'!x<lmple. the 1522 RCCQrder wIll plat tile band levels i'lilaTnsl Irequcnc),' rnUch f1Js~af tlnan c::onllel1tronal X.V ploners Opera ling synchronously wit'" the 192'1, th~ recorner pauses onen\' as each band le~e! is 's{ttec!:ecl re ililow the pen to s,etLle, producing a: neat bar graph witI'! il slili1dar<;J scats f·l1ctor

The 1522 is a fine program direclor; II 15 First iii superb de recorder, combining a,ccurar:y. tJiSh sf.ln!iitivity. and fast wrrllnc speed. H wlU pTol a futl-scale t5-inch) transienl In <. lDO rns, respond to a 200'rN or 20-f'lA.c:nanElE! w~thi a l·dfvisil)n tJefler;flol1; <aMI rnaintaln linearity 'to within ltd 01 ~ division (0.25%).

The' recorder accepts one Clf two plug-If'! preampliliers, Til? 1522-Pl Preampllrier pfcllides a wide range or voltage anrl eurren! measurerrrents at <If] economical price. The: 1522-P2 DlfferO!ntl.a1 Preamplifier pm'olides. Ihe same \ler:o~t,l[ly with the ~r;jd6tl feature G{ a differenti1:l1 inpul so that measurements from ungrounded sources can be made. T"i~ plug'ln offers up to leo-dB of common-mode relecti!}" at lnput leve's up to =500 volts.

hI' YOlllr cOf1lv!:m~e,"iCle A chart take-up fool is in.oludeQ, but thl'! chart paper can feed d~rectJy OUI fer' immedjatE! Iflsper:liolll i;Hld use. Controls are few ,md crb",j'ous: the pen. for tnstance. ls liFted 'efeclrically by a manual swllch al'ld automatically wfum the chart IS being positioned In euher H5 f'aSl·'$c:L1'II or sk,w-5i:.a1"l mode, For- relrability, there are 110 ge~J's or clutches; speed change5 and con-


J~-Pl J""ef ®

trol Df the stepping dri\IH rr1otor are all dona with lnOO, grated e i rc ~Iils.

The pen in rile 15.22 is ~ fibre-plas le lipped, clogrree, disposable marker. It never n&'lm relining and provides neal, hiB;hly rwdab:e. 'skiP-free tmces even at the fastest wnbn&; speeds. Vou Ilava a choice or colOrE and oJ cholte of MI<lcrj{er rypcs~ ~hE:! ra.slrak'~ ror s~n~ral purnoses and the Stow·Speed Marko;r for particularly slow. moving records Or rhose wIth much retracing Cl'ver il part or the chart,

-$eO! Gil E>;I'!fIrll1'I~l1itil!rtDr M~iNLI~ J\lb\! anlJ Jim;.M''o'-rl!l. .. rtjB.1~ l~llO,


Ci't:N~AL fIAL)IO 1'J7J CIITr!iU)Cl


fN'PUT WIT ... l!i22'Pl I',REAM PLlfl Eft

IR:!l,nlles: Con!rQIII~ bit ri.l"~',wlfr:.hes~ pal.lrity(;:wllCh, il(ld t.onHnUQLl!i contrel wIth '-airhf;]tEd position lhat opcr.sle5 on all ranges, DC VOLTAGE :2 mV~ in',ID 10!l VI In ; 15r<Hlge:~, J -2·5 sequence DC CURRENT 0.,2 IJ1\/II'1. to 100 mAlin .• ] 8 r<lnRe~,J 2-55eQuljnce.

Accu.rlll;:Y: -0.5% of fullsc.aln

Unc'llrily:" 0.25% gf hdl scsts, mC:lu~ing r~OfCrer' 111le.arHy. Sblbillity: <O,Ol%tdu.}, .:inn typicfli In 0.2 VJln r.rngt:! <I!ler warm u r,1.

hlPlit ISQ~'tiDn: 10Q() M!I de from LOW 1,0 GROUND trrmlnal 011 200 '1/ ma'o' del 0,22 "F ac VOLTACE: 200 V mall de Of pe.alil ac,

Comm!O!n·Moo,e IRelection: 70 tiEl de IoIJllh l-k\'! roun:fI tmpeddnce; 40 dB fi[ al60 HL

Input Re5ism,nl:l!~: VOLTAGE~ 1 Mu CURRENT I U to LO kIJ tlhpo~rllji"'R Em 'lOC'-1I~ 015 Iglln'Ws: (02 10 2 ~.M 111 1 1Q M!, ,,5 }IMln.l4 kU. (10 I'Mln.J 2 ku. (20 /lAtin.! 1 j.,l'. (50 .rAnn\ 400 H, (lOO 1"1\.' in,;.2oo Ct, (0.2 mAlfn j 100 0, ro.s mA/1n.) 40 n i1 InAfil'l.1 20 u. t2 mAnn" 10 !.I, [5 mAlfn,J 4 :11, 00 m!ll 111,1 2 u 12011) IOOrnMIM) Iu

,Qh'5!I'!L alld DrHt: 'IOLT,o,OE:: t,djusl bte 10 :tlfa. DRIFT;-±'25 ~1J1 C lrnm 01050 C ,Jftar ~ ... afmup; wf,Jrmup driU ~O.5 mV. CURRENT ibiasL 0_1 nA. al 25 C. t10l.JuJes each 6sc of 11' C.

~NPUT WIITH 1522·1'12 D~FrERENTIAL PREAMIP;!..IFIIER Fr,l!quem::y: :;) dB 115011:2: f3rt.! ordlJr Butit=rwr:;rH respanr&), Rilnge'5~ Cr.mtmllcod b)' rangt: swrlr.h&s, polCinty switCh, .ml'l contlnuo •• " ttlnlwl ""HI. "illl~ii'~(j reslucn 11l,lf operstesen illl rc'l.nges VOL TA.Gf: 2 mV t in. to 100 vn« .. is ranges, 1 2·5 $BqUenctt, CURRENT s 02 "I'll 1n 10 100 mfl 1t1,. 18 fi1n!il~, L 2-5 sequence.

ArclIrnc:y:-(l 5')i. of lull scale Vl'h~n 10 calibrated pnsihon lIneari':y • .!-O 25 01 rull .::.t:<llt! in ludlng recorder II ne<JrIly, Input ls:oJ u Han: 10" u fmm GUARD ~rmln"l tl.l groLlfld, In pdrilllEI with' '500 pF VOLTAGE J;iOO V rle or p~j]k ac,

Cammon· Mode RefEll:IIi:IIII: 160 tlB de. 80 dB !iill'H1U"drlv5f1 guard, 11'PIC.i:lf, laO dB 21C up 1020 kHl. dr[l,Ien Huard, lypJt4lL

Dff5iet :nOli! Drift: VOLTi'lGl Adjustable 10 zero, DRIFT. -(25 IN: C 0_005% of full :!>La!€!'J C~ trom 0 10 55 C. CURRENT fI]Ia.~I· 0.1 nA. 3125 C; doubles each rise Gi ll"C

IlIIput, R'e'51~'III'\CI! boell,',eetl HIGH and ,LO\\' "~~H11ll1iJl~: \JOLT AGE, 1 Md CURRENT 0 11 m 50 n dllpencJing orl 'Sr.:nle 00 1l:Illows: [0.2 "AI in.) 50 u, (0,5 j,jA/J n, ) 20 U. 11 rAi j",J 10, I 1.1. ~2 "A I 1f1, I 5 06 u, [5 "AI in ~ 2_06 a, (tQ ~ LrI.) 1.06 u, {201'Af ln.] 0,56. u, (50 ~I In.l .0.25 11, [100 f.,A. rn.) 0,15 U, (200 .. A{Jn,j 0.11 u, (0.5 mAlIn,) 1100, [! mMln.J 20 11, (2 mAiln,) 10!1 t 5 mA{ in,) .'l 11. ! 10 mA !in.l 2. u, (20 10 100 InAnn.! 1 I~

RECDRD:EB RJESPOnSE rwllh, t!'l(~LJrslon) FIlBiI Wri1i1 nil 5rmrui! 50 In ''i ',;,.ith <3 % d)ltafihoQI Slow Writing S,pDII.i'dS! (See tabl I

SI!.r'IIIII Bal'ldw~d'tl'l (,3 tiB, lor ~-in, e:t(U!SIW1~I: (SE!'e (<!brEi)

\!ill1JnH !i~" 50' lO I ~ I 10 l!r~· 1 1~_5 in a

I!J'".m Ilmn",ldth- :iei:!tl 1,. 11.5 ~. 1.~ I 0 J~ I I'M Ii~

UnearH)I: ~ 0,25% Qr lulL SCal'lL

Ile.adbaod! '0 15~ or tun 5Ca1e,

Uro AIIIU&Ul)'ll'nt: lU turr, potl can be S<!-l fl\l(lr lull rangQ_

'Chari!. S,pooos: 0.5. 1. 2, 5, 10, 20 &lcon!1s, mlnult.:'5i. Houts fle!' n~hi 18 speecL.. Chart moves ill 0.0067·io" increment5c 10.;26 mml and ~an be! st,1fti!d or l>iopPQd In on~ ~1.ep_ Sfnchr'lIl1iz.dllll1~ Sync: au[pulS permit olOer 1522 recorders ID FI.m at idontic.1i 'liJ)ee'd En .11 t oillfll' s1 aml,LIm ~ peW& in '5i)'fld1f\Qni£illion ~'Ilth m,;;l51e.r recorcier.

PlfD,grll1l1i1mabHltll: All r.hilr. ccrll'rIll fl.ll'1ctlonsll.Jll~. program mi!b!~ dnd outpu!S provided for fUll system il'llc.SfaHoo. RIE:~ MOTE-CONmOL FUNClIONS; R~ql.llm o;;wllch Or 5cUd-st.1te t:IOsufl' to 8fcIJnd ConlfOr5~ pen lin ana pen down; two 'BIIBnl rna rkl=rs, ~II r-har t sPfl'Eds, cta",~, 5i!ilri., stop, lorwa rd. u:werse i fast !lean (2 I" I SI lit' I ttl pe n lift; slow .scan [2: ](1 I m in' with iJ€n riUl rf;"CQrd command Cd ro-p'!'. pc."t'!, st!lrUi i:"hilrl >It s:elec;1:e:d

!Cpof£'<II: sflfVl'lbllJnklnf( l.P~JI'I mo,t.!on 51OJi>p!OId rn ant< posi'llOIlJ. REM(lTf.:'CONTFlOL OUTPUTS: Start. so!o"', forward. reverse., wrvl.l-[1O:iillof1 errer (O~tatc far Pl:lsitlOf1 error of <O.5%}" fie. IrilnsmlWng p::H,enlinmeter. lhroe iMewmhml 'Wlid-lililti'! I.;tlJo. slJres corn:spondJIIE 10 lInes ptitlled CHI paper, ~n down; 300 pp5 srnc and rnotor-sneed ~yl'lt sale~k,-d by ~harl-!ipI'"NJ coo· Irols

Other Ch1"11Pilt!i: P\lw-er fDr IWQ <ldd'iIIcnal ,I{! rnotot"s. power lor 6lCf!:!Jnally contrelted cc referBJlcc ';I'()llag~

SIJIlJlUed: t!74-r'IQ 3-ft rlowbla [)lua 'Patch cord. 'f';Jslr"J.. Marker Set of , 2 assorted-coler pens, Evrml Mariff;!r Sel 01 4! recl and II black pens, 2 'LJ'I"I[·paper rolls trfW 1.522 96<10,2 pOIr'.n1i QnID~er contacts. 2 lJacer cap IIssemb11(!.5, pIl-wer cord, :lei CMr1 mJ:lun!lng shl!(;:!!i_

Available: ] 522·Pll limit·Swilch S I f1rovlde-:. IMl • .,i11u5.tabI1l IImil ~Itllfl~ pen <If Umit dOS<e5 rltC'd-rel1!Y contacts wrlh 50 V. 5(]O.rnA de mUng, 150N bruaMo ... ,," rntlng.

PQwer; 1 OClI'o 125 Of 200 10 250 II, 50-60 Hz, '90 W, Ml!tltian[g:'ft1r Bench or rack nmd\:!~ p,MENSmNS [w~JU'dl. Beerterl, 19.5x7xl1 ln. {496:d 1~~32 rnml; r..ek. Eb'5.25~ 15.25 111 r .. 1BJd33x387 mm) WEJGHT: Benco, 43 Ib ~:?a koc: net 58 fl:> (27 k!:!1 ~nlppln~: rack,39 lb (l8 kij} nar, 54 In (25 k¥) <;Ilippfng: !522-Pl, 1 5 If'> rCl.7 kgl nat, '3 III '3.7 I!s:l ''.JhlppuoS: 1522,"2, 3_25 Ib n.s f.!p;J net, 10 111 (..1fj:' ~Etl <;1~lpphl~.

CIIlale' r~jj;;;",,,

1'5~2_'J'foo 15n.o;lGl

J§22 Ill: RI:IIT.du '!! • .s prl'..I!mnlJIII r at'''~1'> Mn~1

il.wio 1.'00<11

5~1.!;t Gin .. '01 1I~lh ~ I r~IIQwjma: ;t!;lI ~nlj~,r .. 1 ~"::o-Pl p('Hm~lil"<

1 ;n-t< n, r nlLOlI Pr< 'JI"J1III'PT

1Ia;,HHlf .... mvall.lJle

I ~;:'-PII t mlj-':;;wl".," S 'l '11 __ ~ iirJj" nrbte

tlrrul I~p<l:

fdrrK!t' El"..r. II\II,I(J; "'iI'lel"R:' ,.Q

Cdt'lle ~r. 1m cannI!'CII(IoIl ~o 191'l

l:.',If;nl M r r Stll. " t11 .. 'L"d oon9

I.' ~JUI1I ,nrc ~!: !I~ •• ill ro Ulo:,[lCII ""MI

i1'1lh~:~ --II ill!! llll110Lmi eM a'~ ilIrro Ir. 3.ron. ro~8~k~1 M ePt)rU p.i!lr ~l:":

ras:h,,1< ~"a~' r S<!~$ IE' morlal PblrLW~l

Socl or 4 REP D!lnll Sc~ ul·l G!tF[N p,'i1~ So I, I) DllJEpiJm.

.. ltJI'i-~oo!l1:l M nr~",r c9~ t~ ~I ,.1 ~,nI;'O.rNIj;

~ 01 ~ t.hiITN pefl~ s",1 Dl';' RLUE OO;!fI!

CPt~lt Pilf,I"1'r, '~o.ll f,nll. [~;J n;J)

rOR GEN ER"IL au IlPQ-S£S .. rtt1 I 'i'~ I

~ClI!;~1 lOt' UEI= 'I;[JrI t921 1l~1 limn iI'Hi'lINUf. 2!k11!l'''~:o;:IIO' !ilC1I1~ tll~ ['.In, 11'11:1'1 '1l1or,J eIl.lrU t .... ' ;:0. ~-I"{~tI, bliC,&'< .• as, cenlll:'l ·tor, rul &rl;",~ r-m'~~ !>-r.'mj ~j)l:iII:Ic ilt.$oCi~ EldOOS. lUI! ~III&I pr"rDU~ ~'. "'1:111'«1

kit" aj 11~~:r', \I flkrlln

'1.1 near llll1~EI r. .; P I ~""~ h!lht cnntral I1llltk~ ~ [Il Pp.o1r1, ~IL rn~J!u. 1(l In, lI~rl.

'Iltmar llflL ", :1 lI!vlln~ trllh1 :ttnlfOl milI'''t.. V; In djar I. I"'I m:-.' kJ; 10 ~n ~ ~oart

• I~ ~ , I~', JQ [, .. 'ulli - no I rtlfI'~ l2d.BJ 11'\ lill ",dE - noll,..a,k. .. ll

l~tW} 1I'l, \l-a.; I ;J I~ Hl'l"'.~ kHz

l2()U: til 5 oi'il ;) I.:i li~-a() (0li-l.:-

t:OdB/"l ll-'lO 12.~ "'L-lll "Ii~

IZeta'.n 1"·.:1.:) ~5 1i.z.o!O kHl:

5unltTT1 ::r.g 1J.:mtlr.; - r'la1 marKe1J

5'1[11 Tn ~~ [.3 IS 1-b·2.~ k.tcI~

5U1l1 .. m 5.-ll!l ! !.!IHl.,el;lI;H~

~IlICm U-'lO I:> 5,)H~.Hlld~i!

cStll!,1Cm 11'1-.'13 ~ )tz·2Q J..~1!

nl~ 110 .,),,3 ~ 1'jlwr lER ~'rf5T[MS

!-I.:IS [j ,q1);3 ,0"1 fl. IIf'C1il! IInE'MII .1 ... lduti, rllilu.l!i!O ~·~elY!i I~, Orlllna.!1t jHllIiIlI~I!!&.II ~.'''tl.LJ .. !in'l

. YEt)' n.l?!O In, i3.ta m!TI~, ~1I1 IlIllli1 oC!:tml~

I~~r;ol 15<22-!UiD2

J 52.2'~Ei11 15U,!lI6U l~;!-!J(jro JfQ2.9r>l:2

l'!i22,gGl~ HIIlz"iilfiJS :I.!l~2,!iI.6Ie.

• filZ·rl &34 l~z.eCW~ UI'lZ-963fi

C.11~11J,I; r~ljln r

"'522-9~~ Ui2:2.!lMl' 152:2-96t6 1~Z:!o!Ui5;l! 1!.U.!J6OIB :U'l2,!iB4'5 i5~-9tiJ1 ... ~ 5:l!'2'o!l~$lI. • 52!l!·'I6Sr:. L52:l-!l6:i<i1 1522~9651 15~.9!i'SS

'101111 br!:ll~i]t!l f3111iJt1 ,. (<0) 1;18, !!:&.c:"p.t 1J,l( J.Io6.H wl,jcl1 hI ~l) dll ilrnl I~ Ion",11 <:h.llt!: Wh1()'i 11[[1 !iO di .... Ch.'rL~ wUh r.~r;I"H nKl,k:!!; IJIK~ Jt! .>11.,I4~'r ~I 1I1~ <W I H'~'" rlt: (lrOfjJa mmiO\€l h~hm' 01 U!~ 15O!2.



Mull·channel Amplifier

Iii 18 chan ~el!l

liII manual (lJ rem ole' chilnnel seJecUan 111 2-HI I,D 10l-kHz respDnse

!!II S5-dB galQ!lI. rnnuiual!~ 0 r ul'mOfeW!f 8d~u:sled !!II t;rdlib~ilIlIQ:n RD~58 $O'IiIICce b ullt tn

M,any im'puls ~ ,one OLd~ut Many SOund <loa ~'ltJratlorl measurf!ments can l>e slrr pHfletJ by u"e of a scanner ! ctlnnects, if'l sequence or in any ~rbl1rarjl order the outnuts hOm a number 01 transducers to a !;Ingle antilylN A scanner system can be set UP ~o ml;asure slgnal!> i.,d '. illdually or 10 average all sIgnal!;

The. 156Eiscans up to 16 cnanoels [up to 99 '.vir h <J !lpecial addiUonal unlO, ampmles each by UJl to 55 dB, and provides iil bUlll·in pinK-noIse c:alibratu:1O source ma1 soeeds not only the check ou~ of the scanner bul aj~{) thaT gf imy ani.llyzer connec.l~d to ,I The 1566 i$ plILr{lcu larly usetullo'jlrh Ihe 1921 Rea!-Tlme Anaryzer. This com biJ"liltlon can automatically .malyze tha apeetrurn fmm each transducer scanned Cr 11 can meas.ure 'Hl(, spaceEliveraged spectrum uslng 2. 4, B. 10, 12:, Clr 16 mterephonas, Thls leillure makes p~ss[ble autom{Iilc real-time S(J u nd.polN(l r msasu remor. ts.


oC'lulfnnel~~ 16 pluS L rnr calibr.EilloF'l. IlxpE9Mahlc to 99 (<lddl tional Chill'H1!i!ls hClu!led In a spw:ial wnlL) CONTROL AC:live cMr.ilnnei is s.elJ!C.lw manuoJl~ or b~ o;.:mn:lii11 1-2·>1'8 BCD sig, r1.11 or alJll)miltlc]lI~ SCClnn{.'d In sequence itilh ,,3fI~ al channels la be SCimned selC!'Jed by 111um'bwhf:o!?l s'o4lilches Jw!!11 lIllie lIdilEt3.b~e: (ram 100 ms loW 5 or infinity (channel In,Uawd bye;.;lern '!ii\jI1.:1IS)' 5CJ'lfl set 10 occur Qm .. ~ or repal iUVt!I~ and lj[.1J IIJ3rJ, sloppQd on 3cH",e chlll'!n~l. 1)[ ~<e'$C t to iowest channel by p!JshbullOn!il or e-.o:ternal c-Iosures La Rro\Ind

D1SPLII',,+ TI"'G tll,R1'I IntW15ly nnon re.,~cli:llJt lubes dIEplil\' JeliVO chanMIIlUITlOOr.

Fr'Q;l'lueru;:.y: 7. H;: 10 100 I<Hz. 11;31 wllhlr1-0,S dll.

Sonsitivlty: 1.8 mv to 1.6 V lor 1 V O1Jtp~ll; guTn set in J dB increments by paMI ..:o ... 1r(l~ Cf 1·2-4 e BeC Si!:Oill !:I1 ~Jlndilrd brl1t!~'~I'5 (I~~r. 0 ground, IOflic I ;" ~ 3.5 VJ Rear·P<lm~J .JdJlfSlm!3l'l1 prov.aes 10 dB tt;mlmuo!Js ,"1"<111101 tl1 ~'n Jell" .lit ch2lnm~lsrttr !:<iIII,rall1Jll Eirth channel 111~.I11dr±5 cl 6-d13 galn ilrlJwstmenrfor bansdlltm sensilivily eQl.lilltrabon,

.Mulmurn [npiil.l~ 5 V I ms 1 V pk.

hTlp{!:d'lUu:e: INPUT 100 i<n. OUTPUT. 600 U

Nol.sll: <10 1''1 equiv.::llent lF1[Jll~ no.~ Ie WE'lsNru:!I In 1"':lC1'1 channel when gain Is rna!(jmum and !t[)urr: impooanw ~ ·100 u

CiroS'S- Tal~ lnhlfchannel jo;of'Ili:dla'!1 >90 dB.

C~lib'ra~lon; Bunl-In plnkl'lolsp' (=-1 dB) seurce 'NilhsYmm~lrl cal Gilussian dlstr~bution hom .2 H~ to 100 kH~. Spr!f:trum· 1~\Itl1 slope Is "3 dB per oct!ll/!!', N~lse s~gmJ appll~ 10 Itllerrral 1!:<l11br.rt!on cM.'!!r1f1i!J is oojUSIable trom 30 10 100 mV rTTI'i., Rear-panel nn[oo 1& fixt:d 31 100 mil rms lIml l:ill'1 b~ loaded by O.05·J' without .afitocUI1B spectrum up to 100 kHo::.

Supplied: PO'i.'i,lr cord. lwe 2·~-plJ'l rota tJlull;s..

Ailtallab.te.: 1 56Q·Pll 0 .tInd ·P42 P R EAMFILIfl ER5 (Hi61i f'tro. ">'Ides powoar tor up to 99 IJf ellherl, 1566·1]500 CABLE. SH tor CQnn~UGn to 1921 firm:! Mi:ll~21t:lr. miCfOphtlnes, "'i1:lra tion Dlckufl'G.,

Power: 10010 725 or ZOO 10 250 V, 50 160Hz, JOIN Mellhanieal: Benrh or rack models. DIMENSIONS hv:du:t:I):

Bel1L:h, HI.5;.!5x20 h r495!1!l27x50a rnrn]. rm::k. 19x3 ~ l.B.5 In (483xS9x410 rmll) W,EJGHT Bencl1, 32 Jb «IS. ~I. .'i,' ItJ f21 kg1 ~lpplnID rak, 26 ~!b (ll k,i.!l m:~ ,n Ib f 19 kg) shlpl=llns·

1]166 M'y:lU~m.afllH!l1 Ampl'll.f Ben!;I1"'<)fil!l

nAe~ MO'ilel


~!l1OO ,].!i6s.!f1lU



1569 Aut m tic

• 2 Hi! .0 100 klHz

!II !iU~dB iCOI'! tral ran ge

II) 8cousl~:c-sy$'e:m co.mpOllent

Cclnstalnt II!~el Use lhls regulator 10 hold a monUoroo slgn,d ampiliude S,lcady (such CIS the sound level in i3' test C:hamlH'!r) wl'li'e you sw~cp the freql,J~m;y or some other pi.lramf:le:. The primary use Is 10 control the ~citatlon !evel In 5wept·rreqk.U!f1cy sound <lml vlbratlun I est In II The 1569 lunetiens 35 an automatically Con, rrolled ampllfierlanEJlUalar t:mtween the oscillator arid t h.~ DQWC r -amplU ier-I ri;! nsd LIce r c hai n

The re.gulaiuf senses a control voltagE! from .~ mlcrophone, accolerometer, OF Cltl1er pickUr;I monitorlng 111!'quanWy to be COl1lroried ami adjusf", its o' .... n alLHI'1ui.lUOri 10 rnalnteln Ihat ccrrtrcl VQ'ta~a at constant level OULpul r rom I h(' Hi69 I~ il'1 dlc.a[ed on a panel meter WI th a 5(:31 E! lh~1 Is linear In dB. showing you !,\there In!! regu'at()r is eperattng ill 1~ 50·dB centrnl '(eu C2lM uaslly adJusl the control rate to suit opemting frOOIJCflcy and mag' rntude-nhase relationshlps in yQlir oontrQI loop.

In an p.-nlircly different made of operahon, the 1569 W') n lm used lO provide a h:ve'~c :.rUl I'll I , wJ1 NI driven hy a poorJ'I J8vel~ sign .. 1 source. In Ihl'S mode, the C:OI1~rol range IS limited ttl fhe acceptable range For signl)[&input le"el!;; m the rtlflwliih1T.flboUf 15 dB, whereas the range oJ out ruts t5 nilJr..lllarger.

-Mt GiFl'[_~~ .. rl!ft!'-llI"'1 'IJ A[jrl.,l~,

"L1It.; ... n

.. l"'I!4II'~I!I! ~ .. rl"



o ~I""L.. _r



Opcl'iiUng Ra.rig~! FREQUENCY· 2 Hz to loa hHz.. CONTROL RANGE: 50 dB COMPRE.SS10N RATIO] 25. L(!., O.[)1l ea Of!f d8.

Milln 1'!I1IHill Cf?IVE VOl TI\GE REOUIRED-: For norma' eceratkm, 1 v. in vollUge 11l\f~l]r motI~. 02 to L 'II. rMPEOANCE: 100 ku.

Qu~~,n: I.,IO~ TAGE.: 10 mY h) 3 V. ~MpmI\NCt::60Q u. LOAD (my hl1pe-dilnl:c can ]:l.e ,anncclerJ wlthoul ilHe.clrnt: hnE'.ar C!p er lion ot Qul eu I drcwl

QUIlIil:J; NOISE LEVEL: lYPIf:iilly o!:'h1!r tJ'lalI G5 aa bCrOl'" 3 V

utpul In lOI)-hHz Ilanrlwitlill HARMONIC OISTORTION:

<1"'" U)1al for Qutpulltl'llr;!ls <1 V

AUlGlJlIstlc·Down FiI.nCUon: II drive l[loul leyel drops be· lo,,'J a ':fil'lc~1 v[Jltage. ~UrpL)r duiOHlil"liralb' drr.JJJ::' to zero, lo pIDltd eqwprrllHll cor: nc[;tcd lfl II.

Co ntml·,sf,Rna II l11p1Jf~ \lCLrAGE; 5 mV 1.0 ~ V, ro.lulretJ. 1M· PEDAMCE 25 Mn.

Cantro! Ratf:5 ami Correspondirrg M,nl Dper .. ting frcqlllll'lde5=

lCIDCI JBh ~ riEl' 100 on)- 3D dEl ~ HlIH] 3 [!I:lf~

OOD liof ~O(J H~ so Hz lO HI I to '"'~ .. Hz

PaWm1 100 ID 125 Cf 200 to 250 V (swHcH ~Ir:cl!ldl. 50 t:o 60 Hz, 1 'W

.sul1p1te~: Powe I:QrtI, mt)unllnr, hardware wl1h IUCl-:. or bene 1 models.

AVilllillIl'I'EI: 1560·P42 PREAMPLIFIER. NGIE: Po'.',<t~r lor pr~3mjJ II> .Wllil,111!1;: 01 n:.~r-p':Jnel lrtpu connecter. 1~23 GtiAPHIC LEVEL R EOOR DER wIth 1523· P2. Sw~n OS(; IIIrnrJ I Plug- In. Mrcropholl'e5 and 'flbri:llltm pil:kllps

MiechllnlciII,l: R~,k·bflm;:h cablnilt ClMEft,lSIONS tw)!h):o:fI~

Bench, 1911:5x.l2.87 in.':.:321· mrn); l'2t.k, 1~.5 12.75 iil, 14B.3xB9~324 mml WEIGHT~ 13 Ib rEi I~I net. 30 Ib U·ll:Is,l shipping


niIP) ~tO!'fl!iU~ I.nilll R.B:nialillr Bl!fU=1I Mad"l

R ... r:k Mo.J.sI

C.ll,,",I~1i NumtKlr





• 20Hz 10 201kHz II! 0.1 mW 1020 'W

iii D.6-d 10 32·IIll input impedance' • true 1I'JTI!i 'readin.s

The 1840·1\ measures ii1t.Jdio-h'cQuenc.\, power into .1nll' de5ir~d maBnltude of load lmpedance, Its ImporUlrll jJ;;es rncllJde ,lila measurement of.

'. Power ou!oul of (l!;cjllators, ampilliers. prtli1mplirfer·5. transformers. transduce; s. and low-freqlumcv lines.

• Outpul Impedance. bv adjustment of tl'IS load 0 yteld maxi mumj30we r fnd 1C:.a ti en

l!i Freoue"cy·n:'-S!ionse cnaractarlstrcs 01 arnplllisrs, translcrmers. and other audrCi Ire:qldlenc;~' d~V'ices.

Po ' r tl!!,,,,il'lol1 n 111"11'" r<l;ll '~'lHTIl and trt-qi",,,r.)l, ~II 4B mil' j.HiII:~

54:t1If1tr.i mil tr nt' 111aQ,.II1I n -0 I - , 1


TNs lnstrurnern rs basleally a rnuul-tapped C!uQlo-fre· ouem:)' transformer wHh a hxed secQndary load. lis two I ron ~. p13n.:!1 'liWit'i:" h ee con n act ~ Igh~ u::irel'1l ical rnim3r~ wIndings and si", secondary taps In \I'<lriCU5 cpmbinallQl1s to provide Cl Illtiill 01 AS dlliei!mt primary impcd'lnce:s.

The max] mum pOWe r ral in B can be extended 'rQ r amy Biven Tmpsdance with tile LJiSe 01 a simple r netwarl< at lenuator 1 design dahil for ..... hlch are supplied with Ihl" insl r u rnent ,


PaweP. O,! mW 'to 20 W, t'lCl Hl: ttl 20 kHl Balow ~O HZ. m;jl~ ratll1S IS reducOJj b} up 10 50% (at 25 Hz). depending on ron pedsnce eSLi,'Mi;<!. See t.ur'l\: j'\ulI;illflry dB ~("~lIE re.acl lrern

15 to ~3dEl re I mW,

lmpedan.ce: 0.61,1 to 32 ktl In 1\110 rangilS: :''1eJding ·18 In,divJ.j ual ImneciEm[es sp.Jced lPpn;ll<irmll~ly \"'1 d~rl

P_er AccYl~q~

AI 1 kHz, ~L13 dB;

50 Hz fo 6Ioi.H~. "'O.:;i dB.

30 Hz to. 10 kHl., _,_, dB; <l120Hz,.-LSClB max. -ldB!:!lo'gr ar 20I<H.:. 5 dB mal, -1 !idS a'lllt-

Imp",~1'1 eel Accura cy [a,t tuU '51:1!!11l! ~;g~te,ge):

AL 1 kl tz, ===6% max, O.5~\' ':lV'S. 70 Hz to 25 kl-l:- ~7, ;

75kHz!0 S kHi.! (or 2" 1 o kll, ~7'%: <1120 Hz, -lEi%rnil~, -e"cIWB:

11 ~O kl-il:, .!::50'lI. male, • J 2''''" iHI:

Willltfr,rnm &run M!!t!lr wjll indit; W true rms wll11 as much as; 20'% sacond and Ihl~GI nllrmonics pr~!ienl 1['1 the- IrTPUI Sl~n,d. 'Mactlilnll::!!,I: ConvertIble bench ci!bln~t DIMENSIONS IW" h~j 12x·~~a In rJOS:rlO?:c20lmrn). WeiGHT. l1lb (5 I.}:) net. 17 Ib rs Iotg) ~ ppTng. R~K· adiJptqr p.iln~ hE!l[}ht, J 5 in (89 rnrnj,

C"I"I<JI' rblut), r

IP(!..A i:llIIlPul p~_; I,!!III.I., 4BD-.l"2 ~ 2. R,d'.v,R.ell Ad.lJfQl' i5mi

lUJI).!l'tOIl. G.t81)'!l!ljll


!Ii 4-H:z:~c'ISD-Pc,"~ luning • mtlW-p.ass or high-pass.

bandi-poss- or band- re,lecl, gan glil d hu as 5~ UUilllng

• high a"enU'ilI~iiOn rillu)-3U diSI'oc-lave

• line Of baUIiQj' opernlion

TnE! 195:2 universal Vilter ""III perrorm as a lew-pass, high-pasS, l.)illnd·PLlIss; or band-reject ltlter at the turn or a pam'l S Iltch II ccnsists of IIJ1h'-[lilSS and high pass fijh:rs filii I cafl be employlld !Olng!y, In cascade, Of in par alief. to the assortment 01 over-all f..twactl!dslic:s The cut-off 'requenr:ies or the two fflh'!fS can be conlmHed inde~:II:~rld e n II r Or ganged together to prov Ide constent-eercentage bandwldU, [or balld-pass Of band·reJect wninlo1.-

This rlitP.f Iii of value If'! many 51~na'-condilionlflg appllcf.lUf.lns For example, I~ can be used 10 cQntrr.l1 system bandwidth fOf I'.zduc;tron of extraneous sTgnals Of to evaluate the effect 1lf Imolted bandWidth upon signal intelligibiliTy and data·transmissioll acc.ura~Jr, As, a hlgh-pass fi1ter it can re.dut"E' ncwcr-tlne-related componenl.:s. as a lOw-pass filh!( control highfrequencv neuse Or as iii notch 1!ltsr eriminate 5inijle-frequeFlcyoornponenfs. l he 1952 ca., :also act as part ol a s-pectrlJl'llani!!y2(;!r Or distortion maier and, WiEIl a random-noise generato-rI produce conTrolled bands of nclsaas lest signals.

- &!i" GR .1:~p .• riJl1I!"/'lt.r I~r AlJrlJ I~pt.


freQuoncy Re~le: CUT Off FR~aUENCIES; AdjI.lS,t31)1e- ~ Hz 10 GO kKz In rour ranaes. PASS Bjo'lND UM1TS; LQ'o'Ii frequency re!lj:lan~{!' 10 de (iJPpro~ OJ' 1:11 wltl1 at: 'npol oi.JpJln~) In lnw Pass and EI.:Ind Reject modes High frequ~nC)' response unl form -'-0,2 dEl [0 300 kHz In High F'a7i im:1 Ba.,r;I Rejecl modes CONTROL.S: Lm1. 'fl't3qsru::Y-clf:a1 cs Ii tJ.fatll}M , accuracy ~~ or CLJil.'Ulr frequency {aI3-dB polflr~)

Filters: fiLTER CHARACTERISTICS, FlflDi5 ere hMih order (lour JiOI~~ ChDI:iJl'51'~~ ap'prID:.iml2lt1ora~ loa Id(.!~.1 mil,flnihn::lc re~pon.s.E1: TlI~ flumtrul n<ls.s·band rlppl() ls -0, I uS t 0.2 dEl max) nomInal attenuanen III the c.J'libraled cul-otf frequenq

• s :3 d~ lrullal [llI("!rI~Jalioll rale is 30 dB pcr cctcil:Ve. I\U£lnua Hen at twrc~ IJI al one-hlllf Ibe sel~l!i:'d IreDlucney, ilS ilfJpllca. bte, is at '''",!II 30 dB. TUNING MODES. Switch s.~I!-lct.ed, Low POlSa-, HIEhPilSS, Band Pass. and l3ilnd Reject, GANGED TUNING: n,e two 'rrequer"IC~ CMtf1!lJ~ can ba KUnged in Blind p-.!;:; ond BClOd RSjec.! modes so Ihe rano ai' upp!!r re lower cut,~tf IroquC"~j~ te-m4iln1 ~Mslilnl as Ctllllruis are ildJur.ted. Ra0f:\e eve r III pi:;' ~ul1l r. rC!nl to pe rmlt ~unlng th rougJ. SUCCtlS~i~IB mrrlll;!:> \'i1H1uUI lhe n~d Ie re_~i frequam:lI ('"0l1l1Ol5 ~i rDrTo 01 U oper to IIJI'IIll cut 'Orr t reqlJeru:lf!s is L 5 or le~s._ M 11\4 IMUM Bt\NDWIDTH 26"1;. r ilprfll:l: % octavel In Band Pa5~ mocIofr NULL TUNING: In Bal"ld Reject mod~. 5etilng ihr. rre.:Juency CO!1lrol& Inr a critiCt11 ratio Df UIlp£f In IOl,','p-r ClJt-oft Imquen-c;,' (indicolte\J en dials) slYe,;; .il null ~hartlC1E'rl!itjc

[pfllnt of Inlrnile alle.I1Ui)Llenl li-J<ll COIf'! 0(', tuned rrom 5 H1 10 SOkH~

hl,PLIl'r GAIN, 0 Of -20 da, SowHch telll;;::lecl IMPEDANCE: 100 ku COUPLING: AI: ~ de, 'jwl\l::h !Ill~cled. Lr:lwet t.ut-aU [rBqU[lf}C:Y [3 dB oowm for ill:. coupling js i1b!ltJl 0_7 1-1z. An LC rlli"r <11 InpUI Ilmlts, b ndwldln to soo 1kHz, IhU!l rllducin~ daO~!)( ~1 o\tJ;<rlolldfng iI,:;tIW! r:ircuU!i. 31 Ir-equl!'nl::le.s a~1l nerrnal operating rrlnge,

Mu Input Vo1ta'll)~ SINE WAW:_· 3 V mHi 18.5 V pk·pkl; Illlc@pt '.Y"lth Inpul attcfll.lOl1rlf at 2C1 t:lEJ. 30 '\I rIDS DC COUfiLEO; ~11.2 V pk. M: COUPLED· Mat PEak li!v~1 01 to component n1u!Ot nnt exceed -=-4 :? V for s!)et:lfied performance: de [evel. -too II Peall~ IJ P to .!oJ 00 II are tole,rtl tfij Withoul damage.


I. _

OtJ~p.lJt: 1M pmANCE. '600 1.1. LD4D! Any road can be oon· nocted 10\I1Itrou1 artc:ctlf1g llnear operaticm of O1Jtpui clrcuit, TEMPERATURE COEFFI~jE~IT or DiJ1[JUl orf~er ~Ql.liIgec Between o and -t-4 mV!' C

Noisl!~ ~ J IJO ji,1/ in an ctlin:llve bandwidth [if 5.0 kHi

D~sllll;rtlol'l': MOIx harmonic: dIsto.rUon I with all eom ponents I fl thE ["m!>S band, for a linear ICracl. IS: less than 0,25% fur cpen circuli voltages up lo 3 V anti fraqu~ncies up to 50 k.Hl

Allan;t'le:Rechilrg~;;Ibllil bstlerles ftwo rE!QlJirElcn and HmO- 1'60 !3i:j tie ry Charger Raplacen18n t battery: GQU rt!l 9. 6V I 2258 wiltlSnllpS. 1)[ eq.ufvalifnt

P'o;wer~ lOCI to 125 or 200 to 250 V ~swllt;h sel!!ic:t~', 50 10 60 H>T, 2.5 W ,Or 19_2 V. "p~rID( 2C1 mil. horn re(;I1.:1l'g~hJi!' nll;..kel-c.admlum baUt:rik!S lnot supplied), ,atx!u1 11l·" Operetron, ConnectlcnSfClt f!xoom.d battery .

Ml!dllll!1Ucsl: S,eflcl"1 11lf rolCk madSl~. D1MENSIONS (wxh~d) 8em:.h iSl 3.8i'lC14_S Ir (48llC9S":o;376 rnm)r rack, J9x3,5;( 13,63 III (483:(89:(:346 mm): r.:hatget • .!l_25x:3._7Sx8 In. (10& 95 ... 203 m rm, WEl c'11 t- 21 I b i l 0 k8~ !let. 25 11l ll2 ~) EIlI('lfli rl g.

1:'II"'-...:till . .:.:".:_lIl1 __ L!:HizUnlv,"' .... i Flll.r EI!!l'IC 11 rllOdlll

R.i1ck MMi11

Irl&e~~~fllaollbr. Ih~~ f:'" ~f:'U'Oj lS00--PiWUaltp, Chupf'

Il5 .QrI!l

Z3(l ~(lIf~

C.'JlI~ flil.lrnbi!.r




151iO-9ti6D' I~~'.I



-F e

e c

!II self-contained ,de '(IOdIce 1 1-''' ~CI l' 'V

I. calibralelil .IU: aUe:l1li1jatolr k>1CUllrHz n:1 ~V ~O 11~rV

• USiD wi'lh alii,}," wiW,eTVnr!

The GR 1346 Audio·FreqtJ!lflt:~ Mi~rollClt~r i's ill metefl~d, calibrated an~.nuator thill can be: used asa selfconlal"ed low·IEl'Val de seurce and. in C:OI'lJlJr"lc.liofl with <11'11 appropriate o$e~IIi!lI:or, as a source or from 0 1 1'''1 to 10 V of any ac wawf'orm wllh a spectrum lip to 100 kl1l.,

The lnpbll to the l345 com be a de w;J1tage from the Instrument's Internal battery or rrorn all external de or ac SQU rce, An r rqpU'l aUel'llJlatol'. ca II sd the leve I ecntret, prQvides continuous control of the voltage, whh::.h I's applii!'d tg ~ 20-dBiP~r·.~tep- output attenua,IOf. A !JJtal of 14il-dB ol!IUel1u.atrcl"'l ls pr'L'lvfded by !he two cont!''O's. The meter. ill ac operalion. is averago responding. caHbrated ~n rrns volts and In dBf'["I.

An on"off!>witch reduces the 01.J;tputto l~to withoul disturblnB other controls or sharting the output: the source Impedance remains 600 n. This]£1 convenll:!nt,



ii1I~l!<JIIt.crlfiCu]1 'Du'll'Iut ¥mllltP I R!!nge

iloUurll~'I' al 2'~ . C l .. btN~ [I} OIt:ilc:1UtII~lIIl

EkLlY'nnl ac. 'rqLl~rea

LD.O V in!Q ~t;!5 1I l.D ". lilig sse U

especiall ~l very law lellels., wl'lere shielding must bc' rna,i.,~rl1led. The zero,von condrtlon IS useful in meremental de-gain measurements and in 1000ling noise sources and ground loops In ICnllcal ID~".-II'·\tel measurements.

The 1346 is entirely free from the power line and nEtfW not be grOl.mded. The MicFlJvoHer~ is 'therefore parmltted to "float" in a te$1 serup, 50 you !;ill) add lhe c:allbr.rloo 10 Lllp LJI to anolh~r 51gni'll. Front·".null lerrni· liars are ,&old-plaleicl-:ccpper blndlFlI!!: pests for low thermal emf.

- B.clJ Gfl up!!tlJ1l\1!1l1~ili' .'Or ~.lIlWlltc5t3P~"'ttlter 196&.

MicrgvOllof!r (;0"11(11" permll;l,mllll,j 5 a!ld m'p (lui!) ... I:Dnll'lJl, ... -re>'flil I\OIJIon out;pYI, a 1'1([ bynl'l!li$l"g (11' mehrr lIrr1l:l CClflll n UlI<U05 "i~'l' control 'o~ OD~'.eot~on as s!:ec .. Uili'lUm!lD/ 1:1111,.

cl:: 1tI.1l04 uS h~"'~ 1 ~., <1'1:1 b'II~W In!l'Ll' rQV~rJ ~~ nn ] W litH I

Intern III boll:tulY .at QA1 de ~I'O'!' 10 I,i' trm!ll

Ex~ DC or ell: 8!)IIICCIf tD !oJ rn~)lI"IlLll

Ifllme IPlP.<JIafilEl> { rmrmo:j 595 (I IQ 2~ 11ft S50 n 1,,"5 Ita srn d Lo 25 idI. In! b;tll1ll1f)' ~c:rn~ I sse n to:; i«I

'1 l,I~'·iol .. 1'0'111'1 .5II3n'nQ: Q! Inpul I~~ltl OIIOlml. G!e~ <3!lle:rm, .. er, 1M! '''''EI Can tNl ~iu!lf'eCl toa rg-m:II~n "~llJ!llIrll wllh~i:'~lllJ!lrI'.ll!lW· LC.fI~n~'-'$ 10. lorud

j en" .r:l.!~C~ all 'J5il ahtrD!i. .

lili:BtQr'Illin fat! kHll: <;(],Ol'?, in l V-at: rrliJdl.l, .... 005% In 10- \I·al: rnode, witt, lellel crmtrol iU mall ~ttlng

Output ImpediiIJn~: 600 11 ~.5"~.

Supplied: Battary, lTIotHltiMg Millfl:llvara Wttn ~clo! modal. A'oI'lIilabfl!: GR 1300 end 1310 OSCIII:ltcf'S, ] 396 Tone-Burst Gttl'l.era lor. 138 I, 1382. and 1 J83 Random N~liW Genai'1itors

flower: ~one required tor 10 V oX range. If I alhrt, modes. 12· ..... drl baU~ry· E~rc<ldr .228, RCA VSJl9. or BL.l.raess PMB. Applo)! llfu, 33 I'ILlUrS .Jt 2hJda~ tn e[.tlef de mO'd.e. 316 hours at 2hidi3Y In I V'ile mQd~.

MllchalllJea I: Coo'!l'crtib Ie-bench Ubll'lI:!t. :0 I MEN SlON S lwxhll d): Bench, a.5~5,IHl'l7.44 In. t2J 6.'1:137;11189 mm):;:k, 19.ot 5.22;(756 in. (483:d33u92 mm). WEJGHT: f!enth. 5 Ib [2.3 kg} I'Il!r. ') lb (3.2 Ikg) sl1l p oing; r a<t:Ioi" a Ib (::3 7 kgl I1Elt. 1010 (11.6 kgj shipP!I1E.

t:at"'11R N~rnbcJr,(i AtLdlll-Ff,~q"'llrn:.:r !!Ii!iOC"' .. "'DlIer" flOno"tl Mode.

R~c~ Ml)l1ej

fi'ep1 ~ceing'"1 hUe!),

]'3.~(i..9l'!IiD' l:J4G.'!!lI'OI &ill D-UIII,

• Ttl:ldMn"rl.. rBill1it!l'rod In U~I\.






Micropho es

The microphones and microphol1e :oe.ts described on these pages wm fulfilll virluiirJ!I any m!ous!Tc llppli<:.:lllon. niB merepnorres, wilen I;omoined w~fn tile ~PJlro~ri"'te preampi ifI!f!.rs, adBplors, tabh..!s an.d olher a!:~ssories, makE complele rplcmphone sys.!ems ~h:l! mOlY be usee! direclly with GR QJl!.!lPmen10r with 1l'1sLrum~nffiltDn hom Qlh~F rn;;ifluf-adurcf9 ThrEe tla.:i;r typgs of m r r:r ophor'le$ are offerfld.

EJllctll"etoCon,d'IIf1S1lf T"'e<;e mlt:rtlphofiUS re-pm5ffnt the v,C!''1 latest in mfr:roPhM.'.1f lechflcloID'. Tile. Y featuw verv uniform hIGh-,rrcqu~n~y poQr1ormanre in I:kJth fli'lt random- and fla~ perpEindit:;ulllf -I ncr de I'IJ:H ve.rsioos, are av-a i lablo in a varr ely af ~il'es. and am ocont!1f1tc.a1i1l' prrLed. Since PQlamaHon '1illlage ta nat required, fhey can 00 used with ine:trpenSIW preamprc.


riE[!".:!l!ur:h as the \9'72-9500 d~ .. .;crlbed In the Pn:ampliflOf part

of Ihi!i section. .

C~rllmlc C!'lrtlm[r. md~rODl1on~s are rmt&l for IhEM I'1Jgge:d. "t:~!O. 5tijbilH~ and reliability. ThEIr 1r.1'~ Impedance and stable output c:ontrU:lUte to thslf GOo~ perJQrmanr:e under adlJer'if1 f'n ~jfOfl1f1!'! n t-a I C'i)ndHi on s

Clmdens:el Air-c[fOOf!n5tH mlcrnphooE!$. fe.a1ure unUnrm I; 1 Bh-treql.!fl.l1c)' r~!if.lQ1i9~ an Iil llrf! suHal:i largr QpuraH on i3 t tempe:r,:I'!1Jre ex(rem~ They EUl! a.vall~ble In vmi(lu~ Slz.l1;S. Bec.<HJ~ it polilrh'atlon "'QII~ is T'!I!'qulrecl lor these. ml'-raphones. ~hQ}' ilrewfd onl:l' in microphonel i;lrcramplmer eels.

For Ir1formtiHon on now ta selecl II rntcrephene sy:;wm 1.0 met::i 'lour sp~c:iflc needs" refer to IGuid'il 'tD IMI,ero]!lhOIHli Sys. tem Seledfont ill tnn efld of'lhi~ sectlnn.

rop ones

1'961 1 .. inch E'ieclret-C'onden&err Micfiopho.nes

ew"'I"I:" eilLt!fUil u I

FJ\!ll!lJlil'l!ncy~. show t)lpfoal respoosa and gUaranteed limits; lndividl,ml r~soonse clJr\lle suppli&tl wlUI ~a"n microphonE. Be I r.w. 20 Hz. the mlr-rophont! Is lyplC-'lIl:r Ila! -1 dB do.wn 10 S Hz MH::mphona is es'& omnidiroetionlll 5e1ll'l!iUIl1il), ILIlIt(!~: NOMINAl.: -lG dB re 1 VrN'ml ( 56 dB re 1 "'~.J r) TEM PERATU R E CQEfflC lENT. .. 1 0.03 de f 'C rrom 0 te 55'C, MA>:IMUM SOUND·P,RfSSlJR-E, lE\I't:L. l60 dB abSOIl.UB rna);.,

Imp.e!Jilllu:e:. 100 -10 pF at 2S"C arid 1 kHl, temperoWfc ceo r:~:rr.d~ r,t..::: 'rQ, 1 pF ( 'C at ] kl12.

Ewtlholilfineot: -.2[1 tn !i5"C and 90~" RI1 operil'ting. l,year exposure In .an envfronmlmt of +5S'C flnd 90% RH causes rlegHglbl1! sl:n~III"'II~ cMangf!

Vi.brallon S-e!llsHlIllIIy. lD dB equlliar 111 SPL ham l 8 I per nendicutar hJ d1iJPtuagm at 20 nnd 100 Hi.

MI!l:.IuiOlcaI: n . .RM1NALS. Co.1'flill. with o.5f07·GO Tnrl4io, .ldaplea tQ 046060 !Ihreolds par in )" QlMENSJONS 0.936 '0.001 In. du)[ 1.045 -'0.001 In. long t l 1J:3~ :::-0,007 11'1. lonB ~.itll ~dbrtOrJ (23 n -0.025 26.55 ~O O~5 rnrm. WE~GHTI 1 ez (28 81 r.r:t I Ib (0.5 kg) ~hipprnn

, ,

1 •

TtPlwl PIrilIHmAnC;.

""Uri ~!i&O-p.;.2' l"I1I-d ~91z..'JDOO P<"4:lIimJJlJlii:1:!5 (Unity G!l,~~

·'S~.f[m" (!J,~nmmlc

Hl'QUIlfi.(;jI ~!'t!il!hlily R~nl!jj'

MlCrnll'lY;)n~ RanK!! rtl lOJINim> n!! 2il I&WmiI

1 ~ji[·~l 9, Fl'z to i i! ~Hr. ]!l<le til tillllllDdEi

1!lQl-!!&i.2 5 H.I ~'" n ~l1l -;!!j 1'101 119 to 14C"~iI

• Ai-"""'lft:;I'I!EKJ 1IIl1!.4!! IS'o'I!l 10 'flUilIihn,"n rms ,JnCJ"NII~'e 1il~~1 wfllltIlu! cIIJl"C,r'lY,

c.'rnl~ r-tUfl.t'L'


19~ ~ D ~"'"'I.c.,gi1d@n~~r MrcmpllOfhah

11.1 f4noi'11i111lch:lunc. r£l pooniS>l!. 1·11"o~11

Ftl\ p<!1~~I"1IJIj,;I.II"'·~"!.. [j1J lc.e ['!, ·,n&e. l·lncl'1

.'61J!16Dl i'J61-960iil:


196,2 'IJI2 Eleclre'I·Condenser' Micro,phones

Nt~ S.n~~ ClI. 1(1 U

[Fl"cqueot): Curves shalt I~ph::al rCJ3:ponse ~d llua.rSl'Ileg{j limits. lru:flvlch)ill response CUry~ 5Upp[ffld WilM ;;ad; mlerophon!" UalO';',o 20 H 1. I hi' rnll: re pr"one Js typically 'flat ~1 dB I:1I:1""n to 5 Hz, Microphone. is essen~llllir omnldire lienal SeFJ.SiU"n.y U!.\lel:: NDMINALr ~2 dB re I V ml m" (-62 dB rc 1 V.' tlDar). TEMPERATURE COEfFICIENT: -0.03 dB/'C hom n to ·55 C M 4XIMUM SOUND-PRESSURE LEVEL~ 1-10 d8 WscIUlfllt1.'1lt.

Imlletlal1cl!'; 35 -5 pr, ill 25 C anfJ 1 kH:i!; ·1sn-1?er.-~tL.lre CO(:fii

1~r1' ~,C~ ~F I C ... t i HiL

EnvironlnHlII'l: 20 10 +55'C :J.nd 90% RH 0f1ilf31Ini!:; l.yeilf aXp:::t.Sure in an en'Jlronmf1rll of ....-sS·C and 90°', rnl CdI.l5eS n~I111~'blt. &En~ihv'fy change.

Vibration Sen-sililllt)o; 63 dB equt1Jifler1t SPl rnml I ~ (piHP!!n. llf 'JJSlf ~o !Lmhra~r[11 <It 20 "nrJ 100 Hz

M e'dii.BI'I~I:III~ TERM I N Al S; r: Ilo<iX ICI~ with 0.460 -60 I h r·~llrJ. nlMENSIOMS 0 SOO :!.O.Q005 11'1, r:jla ;., 0.815 ;! in. lona H 2.70 .:..Q.o] 21"' 2a.70 -'0.0:25 rnrn] 'NE1GHT.O.5 []X (H Bl net, 1 ~b (0.5 kgl :;f1IPPlng..

FrliquElIl~: Cl.lf!Je si1!l"~!; t)l'pkaJ respons.-e iilnd gUf.lrM'COO llrnits; I ndi\'t'CfU<II response CUr .... e supplied wilh earn mir:rophanl! B~JO\!, 20 H~, the rtI[c'oplmne 15 l¥plc.111,,1 Hal ~ 1 dB dawn til 5 Hz Reapcfl5e is ~-fintlall!f omrlldlrec.Htln.ll.

Stll'lslUilfly Le\leJi: NOMINAl: -56 dB ro 1 'IJ j N!"rl1u (-76 clB re 1 V,"b'lFl. TEMPERATURE COEfFICIENT: -o.os dB 'C from (J 1-0 -'-55 C. MAXIMUM SOUND-PRESSURE l[;:Vl!:l: 170 a8 absohn6 m"lI;

Impecla!llced2 ~ 1 pF. 25 C dnrJ 1 kHz; l:em~r .. ture CDC'f{j... cier,l e;:: 0.02 pFI C at I kHz

Enllimnmellt: 20 to ~5S'C arld 90% RH operating: j J2ar t ~pi:lSlJre tn an Ufl\liml"l~r1t 01 ·55 C .lnt;! 90% RH cause" neg] FE:l1~ltI S'll"Isltivlty (:I';a nge.


1~inch 'Ceramic NUcropbon,es,

Tnree VI!rsJon:o Qt the l lnch (:erdrnfc mic~ep~onf' olIfel otr(!IT:d. t.Ii~ .:IirfflrllncfrS are c1e&;rilJiliI below 1111 versrons use Ihe ~mc 1.<Iflrklgt:.




~ r .~~'~- .... -~-wt r:

- - ~ ....

MlfiTQl!h~r.~ l!lf12.!lOOt

iIII. '/j lal1ll!11 flOI_ I wi ~ 'fI~:"lm .... m 'on'- ~jnll<'olW shtn .. ~ I'I'lth' mcllDD,ng


I:' !>CJ IQlion N.,~ntDl!r

19S2 E.~ch.l: C.Q .. i!I~h!>li!r "'l~.c~~ni!"!

rl~L t tt,tiDI 'n(;,';r:f'~'~ '" ...:II'· .,lnct1 1'.1iil'·9Iiiil

rl~1 D\·ff.Wwl'f..ljl~t.lnCltl~I'c...: ,_-" to' .... ",r.I, l!l.&2-.!liiIO?

Vil.Ha~IIl:1I1 Sensl'liIotily: !;l3 dB i!qllll1i11~nt SPl fmm l H perpl31'l t.lkUlolr to dl.3pn <lgml at 20 and 100 1"'17.

Wll\echanltll~: TERMINALS: CoaXlfil wilh 0.22':;"'60 thread, 1LIdpleot1 0 CIAGO·GO • thr~d!; .per in.l. OIMnrS1mIS: 0250 -:0.0005 if" i..H.J (035 ..... 0.0!27 rnrnl, WEmHT 0.2.'1 Of ['I J:!) 11liil ! lb 10.5 k&) slllPPlOg

idn;rngllQot'!e 19li3-9SQ?

, A 'M:'1.:r,. ~ I'llll~ ICI~al ID rnuimum rrq IIn,ennw Jllilal "'Ith· 1JU1l;lliJlllnll_

LUW O,":! "~I·C""dl!p'''1f Mii:.o~hoOn!J

, lut t fl I1idkjJljlr·IH.::!a~no~ ''lE(P!) I~, ~.·orllt."

Tne l5GO-P5 mlr~op'hcne rnrnus with,;n :Ill;rplQr base tnal pil~s Ime OJ I'ilrn .. ,ta three terrnlnnl mlcrcpl']ol!1: ...,:mnC-::~(lr II maTI3~ dlro .11)' mr I l560P73 rlnrJ t560·P73B LalJl~ 8mJ (dT. b~ mounted 011 -j tripod In 1l~1111r-atr~m~ wllcrr. the mtcropMoJ1i!! ~~ I" bf rernete Ira III I hi:: insl rUll'1C! nt and no flreamolll itlr is used

Tho:: 1560.9570 cornes with an a(l-ap!ar trm1 ptl.rITlitS It to 00 mwn1~ direr II y on I hj~ I 10; 'j(I. F'<l:? (lr l5!72 9500 pn::: (I fflPl irieffic,

The 1550 P6 rn lrrcml1ont' mcu nted on <1 rrexibl~ candUlllhlll t!!rmirtalll::!; in i! lluee lermmal mlr.f()Dlm~," • !lnn.eClnr, It I; nWffiifJlr. lJs,e.O witl1 urnsnts GuL!rt CIS tI'l '5fi.l iiilQ 1931 to [1051ticil lila mkrQphom, 1-.'l,J~ hom Ilw ,"9.trurl'~nl caw


F~QUIH1C~: t,:un'B ·Sl1t'll'ls tr'Plcal resPQO'SO rtnd gl,lammeEd IlmHo:;; intll'liduu] re-spon!i%! ,-,UIIo'''' supplied \'IiHl eaell rnierept"mne. Bel~ 20 H~. !hi! l'I'JicrophOii!J is IY[JIG:lllv rral "". dB down 105Hz Timu COr15.t .. n't of pU,5SUre-enU"Ulln-g lilak is t'i~)lcall}! 008 '>

~1I5In~Uy Ui"IU~"': NOMINAL -40 liB re 1 V/Nlmj r-so ea re I. Vill'harl; MINIMUM: 42 dE ftl 1 \'INim" ( 62 dB Ie 1 "l1~b<!tl. Tf PERATURE COEFFfCIEm: .... 0.01 dB/"C KEY SOU ND PRESS Ufi E LEVHS. <1 % d i sto r lion at 1500 tI B al 184 and 174 LIB p!''1Io.., mlcrlphcna rna:. Irdl

Impl!'d[;i~ce: For 1560-9505 ··nd -9570, 385 pr -15% ;)1 23~C; tOI 1S60,9'606 uos pF =J 5% <It 23'C. J tMPE1V~ i1jRE COEfFICI£ ~T IJf Z Ot bolh: 2.2 'PF/'e fr0:10 c III 50"C.

ElrtvlHllmnent. TCMPfRATURE: 40 (0 'r60·C opa.r.atrng. HU· MIDITY, 0 to 100% RK OflEmhn!;.

Me;cI'lImic.a!~ TERMINALS, ~PIr1 mlk~ rnnn[JCifor. rrucrnpnona C<lrtr1dge has Il',C te(mina.r!l pills ilh"e !:..f'tell, both lerminah Ciln b" !lo.ned .wfjh rospect 10 ground DIMENSIONS. c'lWldge onl~. 1 13 ul j,2!;1 rnrn) 101'111:.0.9.36 - .002 In (23.7 mm":' '50 ~, dta, 1560·fl5 assembly, 23] It. (59 rnrn) IcnR. 0.94 In [24 mrnl dfa: 156CJ P6 ossembly. lL7S in. 12:98 mrnj ItJns:, D.9~ In. (211 rnrrr) i.Jia WIEIGHT: 1 560·P!;, 0,2 Ib (0 J hgl

1972 1h ~;In:c 111 ee Fa mi c M i Cr10 phone

F!'\!l!!l]llem~)': CUF"'e shew,s ~ypll:<ll response <lnd guarilnleecl Ilm[tE.j imltvrdlJal rlSponst.'! curve sulJpllcd wi1h each mrc;rnklhQn~ BE!lbW 20 Hz, tile mlr.rop.hone ts typically list =-1 dEl down te !i HI. Time cl:lns~ant 01 I're5sure"equaJiziJlSl IL!PIr, IS 0.08 5 Typlr;l!

Sell!siHl"I'lty Le'ileh NOM'NAl.: -GO dB fa 1 \If N{m" '.'8(l dB re 1 'IJ' llbar): MINfMUM· ~5 dS re 1 'II/ NI m' (~.f15 dB re 1 vt .. bar). TEMP£RATURE ICOEFFICIENT· .... -0.01 dS/e MY SOUND-PRESSURE. LEVElS; 155 dB I;'t'I[H <t % d~5'tortiM; at ~ 184 OInd 190 dB pcilk. mief{]phon~ mOl, r .. ll. Imil!letlan'i:~: 395 pf -15% <It 23 C, TEMPERATURE: COEFFI (I[NT 22 pFf C hom 0 III SO·t::

En,lllmnmli!n'l:: TEMPERATURE" -40 to ~60 C operoll fl." I-IUM IOJT Y· 0 te J 000... R H clJeraifn g,

Mle-chanieal~ TERMINALS Coa~I:a1 wlll'1 0 1160·&0 tnrend rOf pr~mphfle. mountlnz DlMEN510NK 05 In dill x 0]8 In.


Ii For 'ehJC:lrBI~colilden~er., alr-cande.nSitll", and ClB,amlic mie>rophonet and ~Ibr:atiafl pickups

THI' 15-60.P4? PJt';trripllf1er I~" hlF!H.inpwt rmpedanru, I em' nu ~I:r p~eamplllTcr rl is llit,tir:urlilrly .vel! suited tur <ImJ3l1tj~a Hon of lile output DI C41pi;lcltlllfl seurees, u.11 a5 ~1r.-drl3t (CUUbn6!J/, dr'C:Ofld~fl5er. antd cerarmr rnierepnenes ami P4IUO electric .,.il)ftJticn pld"uJ)5 II ra .,In cxr,;elfenl C olre lor U~ 1.lth GR wLlnd·J~",el m 'lcr'5" <lntl ansi!oliilJ:. whEn, on!! l:able mU8t 00 used l;;rJL'l,'(.t]e n lh"H rnicronhone <lrld tile Instrumenl. H [5 al~O " u~ul probo arnpliHer fQr 'kI~hl'r elet Irirtll $'iiitill!O .'t/ut tl hIgh Inpul 'Tl[:le<iill'C'" alld low nolse are 0 r.e!i5ary For ~amllIEi. 1 can Increase the 5erlsill' .. i~y an j lnpl,.Jl impc-d<ll1c~ tI~ mitl~leI'.>, re~rmJer&. oln'lpIH11'f5. null detecltlf'"5 counters, rreQU nc.y meters, lIoltmati!fS, snd oscl IIElsc.o pc ... Output hom thl! ~ft"iliTlpli1ltlr is nlr(lLJ~h .. n altd h~.1 5" ..... lra shltllded catllf1 ~ nd lhe requlTer1 de \";uppl), vult,'lSii' is 3J~p I i cd f H,lI n one of I he ,vjte.~ 10 gmu"d.

GaTn~ I_I or 10 ] (20 dB, ·0.3 ·~1B ~! 25~C. 511t:Jc-swltch eenlrorr::d ..... ·O~,dB gaT" ctmngfl, trorn Thilt .11 25 C, hom -30 w-fi5'c..


., ..

_ .. i. ,~Jt.i~il

", .,

S H~ re l:?.!i UU -iO dB 22 1:1;) 1. '5 1m

• ~-.".e.~ h\e.:l ~ir..a I~ \1!1 I~ m~l!lmw rJ'l .rm.a -alniilWIi~Q ~ll!iM1 ..... LIl. ~ut cliopiTIJ!.

CulllCQ r.J1.!1"~r


Ce=rm>I:J'1 l·inl;lI IC .... tn" M Il:.orofllt~fil!' ]~.fII).,P5 ...... 11h :aL!lIp!:>r W ml <! .:onnt!e.t ...... r) li.Cl~nLD~ rl. I\t"oImrIIITl~ i~!jij!.,,"ii. l;I!.4illrnbl~n INllh IluJUolp ca.,cnm

I ;;,1iO-9r;oS J~MlO 1~W.9!i06

Ions j 13~20 mml. WE.lGHT· 0.5.).1: Wl td net, OS Ib (C.! kg) sl~ipf.ling

~ 1-i0! to 20 11Hz -~ dB 4.j!IO lIii!i dB

• I'\''I'IYI I'!IQd nGll5l!! ,~I U1 mnilmllln· rms .lnlt"n.1'o'l! ~iwlal· ... ll'" Il\.!j ell~f)jl1iJ

IJi.v ~) .... • ]J, r ... fll'id!!!.rtb'H rnl~I>f1flt.'~ IT'd", hilt r , IDBC! .. ,!I'I f"e 19)'~"5:flQ() Pj't",nllllll~l". I:t<!>".....iloUH 1rM!~ ....... "Irll JmIJJJ·i~II~11 wlllljtO, US2' II'IIl! 15tjC t'.Il;!"


Froquen9. RllllfUHiSIl (M p,r rrns lJpe:n-c:lf~~1 lIutpul behlnd 600 n Ju ttl 55 C)_

s 1-1 ~ Iii w~ <10 i~~ UK! H~ Joo ~ ii~' !lOCI, ~Hz.

id flilur_] =)IlB -l d.D ~025 dfi _.I:lEl

II) I "'~~ _3 ilL) ~ L.& tiS =-0.3 dB =-~ oS

rmpetl .. nee: INPU f· Ii I'lF: 500 Nluallo.', audio I reQUl!r.Jctes; (hLvan shlb'ld reduces Inpuf capi!1;lt:'lnc~ Ir,lddinl!!,lOf Wf1de:oS!:!r mlcrlJphonEs.. OUTPUT: ·15 n fn s.arie~witI'l3.3 l<If.

outJ~ut: SIG~ lll.! Up 10 II II pk-Pk to to ,HI! Inltl Dr!"n c,u:ull WIU'I rs V supply, drrc:re.asrng to.2 'II Ok-PK lor 1:1 1l.'lIn rind 1 V pk·1lk lOr W 1 g.a I n a! 100 kHL Up h1 J Q,rnA rm S aulpu l with ls60 ~2 PoWilr SlJIt:lpl:.-. POLARIZING VOL T/lGE.: -.200 V +5% b(!hlnd 300-Mu de source resistance: on olf sllde-~witch conlroJl£>d; ICnlP'=fl:ltLJre cee I"f 11:: le-n r 0.1%1 C, fr 'quellcv ...--50 kH~_

NDI5~ ~3,o,.I'V el1uil;alenl inpul ',',till, 390 pF SDUrCE' capaeltanr.e, C-wcil!!l\l~1(j_ 10-kH! "Ife-cII 'o'e b.nnd'.\idttl

Disto-riJQn: <O.25~ h~(mClnlt di1,forl_on al ] kllz 'o'/llh I·V rrns (JPdl c irc;tJil output, < I % at Ul kHz wltt1 t V rrns {lLJtpU! IntQ C 1 I'f {e:quhI'arEln l to 2000 H 01 ca b I'I;!~

Term1illsls: INPUT: OAW 60 thread for I1l1cct conne(hon te 'I .. -In mlcrcphOM:!i Im~ .adap.(t.Jr'-:, ACCEPTS Ir~SERT CALlI3,RA liON SIGNAL: 10 U ~ 20'}~ inser] resistence, ·.a,5-dB nom

'972 .. 9,600 P liaamplifie r I Adapt,or

ThE: Preamplifier! ~,daplor Pftl~Ides tile b1Sl, inPLll impe. dance requfted by ale~lrBt-condEnJiElf and nerarruc mlnllpl\LJnl:!~. ~Hli1:i "'Olf~I!'" waIn, lind the capabllltJ to dtlve C<lhlll'5 up [0 100 leet in length, "The 41ml)llrll'r requlrss a 9 fo 2S·volt d1: POM~ ~uppl gf notlTial ccnnectlcn to tI e 1560 PG2 Pow'er Supply C)f most arl)" GR accl.l50tlc msnurnom,

t he 1972-9600 ha;;. th sa me In~u t (Olin e:cl or 31; lhe 1560 p.-;" Pn;:amrilfler, unUllu lM::'! Is [le r, 11 dl'l!!S nol PfO'.' I dl: po til rl· &ltlol1 vol lase For alr~{]MEnMf mir::rophOl'1es. It !1lilY ne driven 'rom IMa$t'lIrn! ~.Ind 01 lraw •• ducer <1$ the 1560 P42 wIth thJ;) exceptIM tJf .:lny V-oat retlulre i'1"l11inzEl~IQr1 voltag£!'. 1'S~e blc~1<: dfdgram f

Gal n: 0 dEl. +0 -rJ . .2 5 d 8 at 1 ItI-1z.

F'requllDCY Re!iopCl~1I!1!: -i uS, 5 rtl to 100 kH2, '" 3 dB, 3. HI lo!iOa kHz fal 0_1 V fms out!'lut lnto an opan Circuit, tlr"ivill1 from 6(lO-n scufI:eJ.

n1'e 15,50 PliO Pre mpllfl.:r I a hlgh lilplil-impcdunce, 1()W noise prWlmrrliFier ~lmll;;rf to Inl' 15i5[) PA2 f'reamtl11fier .roo;,>!'; cx('~pt It ~roduu~~ UCl pol~rL!jl1B ",all<J_!Ii! OI'K! liif!refore ,annQI h u~ ' ... "Ih (,0 ld::H'1r,er mlr.:o[:1~lt:n~$.

/\ l·indi ceramic rni(;rtlot')oI"lC [1 S61J-9!)7(l ctLrhlflge, arlQptor r,-;nIIJ;rc:Q) plugs ulll h~ Input ~nd 0 tl1L' pfe:rrnpliliH case. The Qlltf,lut trorn the pre;~mnllfiIlJ goes Ih~oUEih 1 a·term n.OlI $hlel(j~ ol"lnpcwt I 1 le~mirti'll or ..... 1111:1"1 l'Nlth uoundl brings. III the fequlred de P(;h"~T

t )Ja:iII ...... leMP. :i Ff ~ Ea:inM.!III

.... .n;ft(~Q;J'ir.dL:.Lrlo! ."u,..". ).,

Inal Ins .. belW(!an connecter and mlcmphonii rermlnuls, l·V rrns rn iI ~ ins 'rt volWga. OUTPU T: 10·1 t I:able wi Lh .3 .pin. A 3 mike connBctnr, separate grcumt andshleld reduce sensltrJHy 10 Inl[;!r1 E'1eI1ce.

Available: Condef15e~ l1licrophoni.! s~15 1 h;)' Inc lucie t 560-P~ 2, ... Ibr<ltlon pf~l(ups, trtpod, cables and adopters (See black diagram.]

P,g·wer: I 15 [0 +25 Vdc, I to 2 rnA idling 12ClO II off) or 3 tD 5 rnA. Idlln!i (200 V onl. A'~al~ab~a diredl:.r from 1523. 1558, 156.8, 1561. 1909. 1911, 1913. 1921, or 1~25 iifl;)~~l~fS, 1525 Rli!cou.le-r 1S51 So~Jnd'.Le.'~el M~ter, 193 .... Noise-Expo surn Mt':itet. 1556 Mullic;h,1nn~1 Am\lllfier. or from J 5W-P6.2 r:rrr,'o:jlr ~upply wtHm pre.."rrnphfl8r Is lu be LJ!led Wllfl ] 555 or ISfH SOlind-lJ;Iv~1 Meter, 155] Vlbr.,Hru-. M~tllr. and J900 Or 191U AnalyzEf

MOlC"jJllt~h D1ME.NSIClNS ~'e:~ cab~!!'; 6511'1. 065 rnml lang O.S Ill. (13 !lIJlll Uria. WElGHT Iwith cdble): 1 lb (0.5 kg} nl!t, :3 Ib [1.4 kg) Shippltll!'..

CiJr"·~R rlumber

I mi).j"'4"i! I'Wl' nn~J'11 fi..r

Ad'Jr~lC' (l <It(lY l-in CI:lndlllln~' mlI:10r;ll1Cr~ Atllll!il'llf ~!" ~,lJt"il~'. ~:(:kIJlD~ ,'Md j In, C>!!TJlmID

mil;Jl: p II ,,11"~)

l!i~9!i.i1! tsl1O..95.c li!


Input' Ilmped ... nrC_(l(: ~l pF in parallel wltl1 1 Gn al 10'" autlle I requem:Jes,

OWIl'ut ImpedO!lIc6': Less ~him 20 n In ~fles with 6.8 p.F. Output: MAXIMUM VOLTAGE AVAILABLE· ~10 V pt-.-pl\, 6p;e11 clreult, Oil r,.:qu~I1l::I€:S <-100 kH!, wlU1 ll5--V 5Upoly CURRENT [iilllaiJilbieh '>1 mA, ~. wJth -Hi-V !Uppl:;,

Nlll:se: ..... 2.5 1'''1 Ittl;UliJaier-rt Input nelse lIQHase, witt, 3BlJ., of source callJtat<lnr;:e, C ..... ef.l1hted

'DI!t!ortiol'!l: 0 1 ~ lOttli harmonic (listot'Ur:m ler rreqU[fm:I~S

~OO II:H..-, at 1 V rfT150Ulpul level, open -tlrcuil. r) 5 V supol)". 'ilrermin,[Ils: INPUT· Coa)liai, wjtl, 0.460 ;0; 50 thr~d for direct l'oonla'Ch n tc most mlr:ropilQl'les (see block dJagrLIm)_ OUT· FUr S·".l1lcllcra1t type A)M rlm::ro~~l)n~ connecier, metes .... Jln J-\Iire exflJmlirm cables 1560-%65. 9666, '3!ifi1

PnWllf: 9 to 25 V (J rnri at g \I L AVflil;jbr~ trorn most elR <I no: I'(l~r .. Dr I 560· 1"6:2 jX.iW~1 supl'll;- SE-t' II ~t '/m'1- 155-0 P42, I 'Me.l:'hallrlclIl: DIMENSIONS! 0.75 in. dll'! )I; 3.44 ill lone {l9x 87 mmJ WEIGt1T· 3 Ol (85 i!.U nat

zo H s ?51J A)le: !PI)Q ~j;J z

1 liB J "'0.250ElI

r.s aa I -0.:.>5 'IEl i ~Ul da

Gain; t:l or 10 1 t20 dB} ~O.J dB ;at 25·C. ..... Itch con' trolled,. <-=-0,3 dE gain c:l'lan~ tr-cm tn'll ilt 25 C] frem 30· II') -'jlj C

Imp~iI'~no.e: lNPUT: ij pro >500 Mn at 10\', ~udia 11"etlU~':1{lS. aur~UT ., 20 U ~r') sarles \~III, J.3 .. r OIL 1'1 Rain, 100 u in sortes WlUl 3..3 .... F at 10.! Bi in.

NOI!ie: "1.Ei-.N .eqUlvalenT Inpul \'iii .. '~OO-I'IF S01.In;.c t;.ilJpadlilMt,;, r. Wl;lj~lltetl. 10 kHL cirec:1 iv!;! DaIH;iJlidlh

ClJ!ilnrlil!U1: -·O.25'l\. narmQl1lC' dl~tOlhon ;'IT audiO lrequencle. .,.,Ith 1 V PI<. pk apen-c:lr ull, output, 1 % at ] ... I·t: with 5 V ~-pl-: into 0.1 ,lit" ~eqlJi"lllen.t to 200 n 1'1' r::ablell l~ 011 1 kHz with 2 'Ii pk·pk rnltJ Q,en uFo

A\lOJllabf.e: Caramlc mlqophonEIS. Ylbr~"Qn p't;lWps, Irlpoff. ro.abllB, "3nrJ OOilpltl-F5.. lS60·.P96, 9~liJ ... tor ",on'Jells. ir1pU! II) accept;3 pin ml]t;,~ t:o-nnC!~ll;1u.

PoWIlr. -+15 to r25 V dc, J lo 2 rnA. AVill1abl6 rrom !K)fl'H!I !iOLJr~ .. ~ as 1560-P42.

M'e-c:.tu;III'tcill~ CIMENSIONS. 6.88 In. tJ 75 rnml ,long 1.56 in_ [30 mrnl -clf-a. WEIGHT 0.6 Ib (0.3 kg] net, 3 Il~ 0.4 kg} shl,lJplng..

] 5-ti!J.P«) Pr~.o,ntpll'l\!:!r

]&6Q.P!Ifi iIId. r;!~c>r. to mK:fGlIl'Ion' ~nrlll<::to r

J!iW!'~iCi4r:1 t5fn.~mlii


Power :Suppl'y

Hi60-P62 POWER 'SUFPL Y Reql.lFr ~ with ] 560 NO 1'1>12, or 1972-9600 Prellmpllrhers WI1t!n thS)l' ar", U$Pj \'11111 \n~trumsnts .h,,1 do nol Indudf! •• source of POW':1f S1.J~_h as Ih~ 15J5] and l565 SOimo·Lelltl[ Mewr$ or 1900 and 19H] Amd~'zots. 'Ilso uscful when lon~ CllllltlS ~re til h'" d "en at high '~'II'eb. ,;'lnd 1\6 a eha r IFr lor rtM:;h lIrg~b Ie: tt.e riM I n I hn 1561 Sou 11 dLf!Val MNcr or 1952. Unhillfsal FIII~r

A slf1l;l.te tront r-rnol Ulfl~ral $Oif!tl'i operilhng rnooe: Ofr, C HMO E. ON L Y, CH ARGE ~lN 0 Oi'E.RATE, o PUA IE ON L t RE J'lOTr (fltl Uf OPL!t.lle-cnly rrio::l!J selected mrnct~l)' bj inStil.!-nltfl'll SI,J[h ;]5 15&] or 156--' arulyLerJ. ~nd Bin 'ERr C 1-1 EO'; , The bl'lttl;mes <Ire ~<ISil.,. remw~ by a ... llde-cut clip and fj[ mte lile SGm~IVIXl of holder used ;n Ihl:t ] 9S? Unlllars.a1 1'"lller,

IlnI~erfaCll: INPUT (from preamp): POWlll \t), <lOll !i11'lrr.1lrfum, ('lrPtlmnllfiar Use Swirdu:mll type A3M mic:rophone. cormeeI!;!r OUTPUl [10 ~naIYlerl: SiW1~1 [,am preil_mpli'Fh~' and umruli! rO'.~llr conlrol. U'I{! Swilr.:hcr.aU I)'pe i\3F microphone I:onoactor. AD01TION,I1Il OUTPUT, Mlnlaluro pl-iCll'u! jacl< 101 l:~llntl~llGJ1 10 1933 5(lLJntl-lc~al tnEiNlm1i::tlv~ef and PBI'Ch r5hle "nedlf>lIth minwlure phone plugs (lislfng follow:).! SU~!JI1~!il: 1560-9665 4 u t:iJble to !;ann~' I 11:1 15051, 1561. 150.-1, elciHi6(}.96b8 ., 11 adap"t~.r cOible In conm::d to UDO, 19JO; etc, and C<JOld !.O c.of1I'1l!CL L(.I 15-51 r hl Sing lennifr.}!a. Ra,m ct\l! QperMiol1: VI,hth 1111 e VDrlage not .;;or met ~w, premrllllruer can be !im to Operate,Onlli mod by signal or ll5-lo 25 V 1ft 300 "A

IEIl¥il'l:lInmIlJJtIlJ; TEMPERATURE. -15 to +-EiO"C or,;:rating_ fI\'JecllllnlcIiI: Cc,on\!fltlibla Bench r;;:!bhiul. DlME,~SII)NS r~ h .. (,'U- BE:lnch B 5x3.84;o,5.5 in (216):;~:tl"O mrn), rar:k, 19.1! 3,B·1d;,02 'r._ {lj83_.(98:d.!i1111tul. WEIGf-!T B~nctl,.3. II) 0,<'1 lI!'!l n(!I. 5 II) (2.3 kg) sJ'11PFllnil: mek. 50,S Ib 12.5 1(I!lJ net, a It:> (3,] kgt ~hipplng _

Inpu\: 100 10 125 or 200 to 250 ", 50 10 60 Hi

QII~!put: 1S 10 21 V J~, 15 mi'h lrulll, ,lulOlrluLIL: Ilmlt1n~ prat~!s "'Jrrl) <lilt! pte"'erlf5dt;f;!_pb':Jlt'lt)'ol~,;d1<lfRe eAmRIES: Two rC1.,;hur@Nbla Ni Cd batteries'l.l'fdg up to 2~5 111A. hours opc_ r Ttinn at fWlTf !tlmpcri1ture ~l'hl;!en c.hargt.tS, RlPPLE- -5 mil rrns frj CHARGE QPEHflTE mode, CHARGE TtME: I-I to 15 h IQr l:Ompliltet}' d.s[~hargr..d balter)", t:tln~t"rU 22-mA b .. t~r:.· charging runeuT Ro.:;ar panEl 5hde s .... ltdl ~al(]cls Internal 0: external batt~r~,

lSfiCH'~~ ~"r Supply. Ll·'rn;." f"t';)!:ml 1~lIIJ4··~ IPQ_r Supp,l). t1~GI! .toiJrd tilO ~~Ald-lipt~r S~t

-=,,~'- '1a .~II ~. I Wi. t.1J1 ...... ~._t '..~ t. n ~ 11~I1.[ClJl .. u:; ~ ...

PIA .a.tiknDtt:1

rllliiif1'l!I.iPit-l'l ]

tI~. I"-!- I I 1"7'1' "kal D

!'--~ I,I:L-...- IWo' \ljIA:'lr ." '" "

H-iI"'!II~f~. UFt-. ¥~u~

Accesso'ries or Acoustic Instruments M'iclI'opho,ne 'Windscreens

TItl25e mlc.rClphC1n~ wIndsr re<!n<; r!':dure ~11t.' I:'HI;' .~ Clf mtll(ml wln(j nOI~~ ilnd protIJcl Hl~ rnlrrupnane d.,llihra~m in [lily, mj~ly or dU!Jly .,H'Ivironmunts_ TI11lY.llt ch tlilsil.,.!Q;Jn' l-j~1 mlt,;raphcfle and do 'lot ilppredably i31~er thf' 5~n~lti ... Hy er Irequsnc:v response or Ihe mlcmphf;ln~. TMt! ~"'lildscrE!cn:; are mmde or-n;\ pol~uttlthane loam and r: 11'1 b:e: clltwcn, iLnllli wilshed jf they become r,oijlC":l.

WJnd·N'c{",e Rl!ducth:m: 20 dB In winrls ~JO mph.

M[cropllillne' se-i1SmlOl'ltll Ll!I'!is: r) tIB to 3 IMl, 0_5 tie 10 5 kl-ll 2 dB \0 12 kHll se~ curve

It/i ndscresn e al e alsfJ a V.;J 11 a bl e for V;r!n en m I e:rophOJ"!e:5. TI,el r ~pet:ih[,atlons i;ll"r<: simi'lar to those for l·inch microphones

INlj~, .. ,pj;ut'i~ 'WI nd"Ul!:~n", ,1 U<I~11 PEl' W!;~ re~ 1-'111 InlerOpl'r:lh~

Tar )'Hn mlC1'OI:l"Oiie~

~5W-9!i21 jJ!i6D-~ZZ


Ui60·'959-G TRIPOD 1/!!r5atile - i'H':C:BptS >I VJtlety 0'[ equip, rnen~ A. ~-20 lhrO!arJoo stud f'HS<lU GR .,;ouru:d-h;,wl met.xsaod e'''cilonr!: SlfoObO!H:ope!" .1 I In sl~ve ac:rep[3 the LESO P.IO ::Jnd 19]2·9600 Pfeilmplifierll. and a ¥"·[n •. SIOOVf! ilcCl?plli Ihe l5£.O-P,l.E Preamph1iar.

Cl!illl~ foiumtie.



Pre1lmpli'lio,r Cable SbJt:lded 3-wfr,,'prlJS--gJrOund eabla ter~ minale-d In SwitchcroU Tvpe A3 :Herminal mh;rcpl'1cne r.oo nacters (1l'1I11> and lemalel. For use ol!:tween prearnplillar outpul and analyzer. Ma.t8 directly wIll, Input and cutpu], !:.r)nnl;tl;lors or 1560-P62 F'oINar SUfiP(V and mas I GR scoustlc mS"lrumenl'EL Provides ii wm~ to Garry power (rom ana~'fler {Iar exarnpl~l 10 preampHfi-er,

Net Weight: ·P72n. -4 5 Q~ I L27' gJ. -E, 13 III (.'359 g); ·F, 2.3 lb!U k!l~


Dc!;;t;.ll)lWJn N II ml "f

~~m:pUIlI!l C .. bla

1>:itiCJ,!P120 En.!l .. r~ .. c.1!!","I. It l!il~P7'2E E!!~iG:n, Clrbll, 2:i Il 1~·EoJII,f"l.:!:F E ..... ~I'I~i~'n C.liIe. 100 It

1~!'JO.'!l!i1i:5 151:iC1-9'!i6 Ii i~!iQ.fI;IiEiJ

Mlcroph,ane 'Cabl.:: Lcnv-noiSE' !hleldez:l a:<tEmic!l1t cabllls

witH Switcllcrafl Type /13 ccrmeeters Irnale and ffYTIfile Plri 2: ullu!>ed). J.sC'iJ lor C',onnecllrlp. (fm e:<ampll!H the 15&f}.P5

Sl;ie'd~d Pdtch corns ~mi cl)p[lnr; cables. ro~ gen~ml use, Net Welehr: Fm 3 ft lenEltns, .. 2 DZ (57 HI; For ~·u 'enlllhs, -I -11J1 toto gl

MlnhduJC'-PIIIIIU·U~·PI!JiI ,Adllpllnll: Cables WJ[n mtn.iilture

pl''Wnl one ~nrl Vi1rious verSIMS hC\I[) .H the other enf.l d .:lj;:uLJ~ (In-~H1r"ll hanaern pluti, ojf aLnC!1 r(·aular~l1i!.rl 1:001l8L: ters, as ",>Ied

l.!Ii .. !~t .... Jli'I"mJUl·Phl& ?ilt~ I:nrll.

lS00,P1', ", •• rn O~lmlr 13.i1mm" I'IUH, 3 H i 'jfi,D.'Pl'1l, ,,,In ~.In Phlmu PI Iii, ) tl ~S6IJ.""9 ...... "It ane flu!:. a It

1~r,l).1"8D, ,., .jtl \1, n ~rwma " ~.:J PI

UGD"'l!311 n~Y6'1!1'I 155CJ.~liIj1a 1561J.96.1>O

1'5'i1l.g,5-69 AdBph.}r Adapt'S 151:iO-P42 Prci'mplwhlIr Input La S~.'I~Chc.rlltt t~pr: A3 3-plrrnit:.«lIphofll:l connector Femi!IRJ, See no ta bEl Low

156D-P96 Adaptor Corrlo't:rt'T lnr.lYls 01 1560-P40 Proampll. nllr and 15GS Sound level Meter to AJ 3-pin rnlcrephone cannBr.Jor ('P.;J11i11el No!., TM1~ adap:or can be rnm:Ie ea:sHy by removing j] Pilrt Irom the 1560-9669 tdb(wel,

IPrealmplifier AeC;BSSories,

~9fi2·:U:OO Mil;rophgne' A.bI'llW'l~' AUenuiltfls oWlpul Dt 19-62 hir'l_, Eic·urol Comj'~n5e. Mluopnooos. bV 10 ea tn orllow c~r;)IIOn of inlC'fophClI'lt=S. at 111IJ:h li.lli'l:lls_

lSIii'i!I"P9 Dummy MlcrophDne' Shield d 35 pf capaenor, Um tli simutat~ D 19~2 .• -tn Ell!Cl'[el Condenser Mlc.rophon.e llJ t1~l~nT1rne jnsl~umenl rmise floor. 8NC IrlJJut cennectcr also provided .t! cormecl a siB~l source .5lmulaltr1g ;;r sound sign,,!. B N C s.Ho.rting plug supp IT~,

cetarnlc miCf'Ol'lhone 10 lh~tnpul 01 an ilc;~us.I.ic I nslrlJll'1ent havtn,Fl Ihg matins lnput connector: NOlE:.: wm not cenduct rower iO remmf' preamplfli13J' see C&ltJlcs li5t~tJ ~OO"'lJ.

Net Weigb't: -P73, UILI (0,5 klJ;); P73B. 3.11b (1.7 kg).

r,!~~ph~)lUt C~'bi~'7ii E.l~nlij~1l Cllblit, ;!:S j~ l~1lD E~"'lJsltl" CaM •• 100 II

15~57"l 1~6CMlI982

1'933 6'~telLs:r'on ,coble. 4--wlu'!. [or eittcndlnE ~111i! 19.33 Pre,ullpIW~r hom the, InstiumElnl c.1se fnot tor general use),

N.m W9iCM~ 1_5 Ib (0,] kg}.

Eolnn .. lon Cllbll! ICIT W33, 6Q It

'ho[u:--P~ug C;a,b:!es Wllh \ phone plug ~I one end. Olher tllJ 1;l1111t!r !iimllar c o'I'nh hammrnl'etld cltJulJ.le-bannna plLJ!.':

I!>m- ?'16 PaIJc'h II:D~ ;I', I·'hann 1"1 u l i I

I !>fiIl.i"!I5 Ad.ilt~' !liIb'a. I""'~~ r jl..Ollll! r I u!:. J 1'1

1'i50-!I6.,6 J 560·'16')5

BNC'- and B~uuma-P,lljg Cahlml'; Wllh !JoIn Utu:lr, Idnnfcal One VCf!tion mtJla BNe TIll; r;jrl.e:r version has -n llne dOlllJIefl3"n'lllil rlll!::s.

TU, C. PJl~~h I:GI~, \"iodh ftNC 1,lull'" 3 .~

2.1~'''Q Pillm 'Cord ..... HI' 111}u~l~ 821narill FlhJ.; •. :3 II

'0176-11101 D~14-9~

l. !~H'i,2·951)iJl ~ -ln, MlcNl;phOlili:!Ach'l "tar A.i1l'!p ts. U,c 1562 Sound-La'oIel Ca!lbrj3tOr ttl Ij'l GR ~~In >Ifflrm-coilthmser .m~ ceramic: mlcrophDnfl5.,

15&2-9603 1""I'n. Mh:rI;lp1:ione AdHptor Adapts the 156::! &:rund-L 'vel Calibra(c' 10 fJ:l !SR ll~ ln. eIEFc.lrel...::oonl!MY!r ml crcphonas

1.560·9561 Coupf!!r/Adl!lil'~[lr Set Ad<!p15 ¥.I, r/.1• o1nd ~~ In.

BTU~I .md K j;;lf' r "".r--t:~nd li!n~ m lcrc P!lQfiE5. In 156.2 Soundl..ev!!1 CIlI i tJ reter,


MirropI"IIl"., COn" 0::1"" ''1 .... e.amjll r.dtrIO nbO-l'9~ Mfo;;mpltUl' Ctlrln!,Y;;ltlf ltI F'reamr:a I ~i1 MI,_t"~h~n!! M:t ['raamp

·.·m Mlc,>I! !{I t:~llfilLll~r

Lt..-in MICmr:li-f'ln tl2 c.;r,.!lm1l~,r,

~upc~r'''''~ .. phU :S-et. 'Illl:.rll~hg~ "~ Couhtn,'lfJ,

.15fiO,9~ ]5~5 la&l).9'~2 lSSM50I 1562-9603 .L.!jjQJ,!l5M

1'5GQ~PJi5 lr"ermlUlfiirn'l-Mi!cni':t Cl1llm.p for Jlrm hoWlt"1g of a IJlbml·JOn plckup 10 a fElrrow!;. meted surface,

l"tenmpflliBT Alrlm!>'Wrl n

IM'~' O!,b .. tl.1I' ,,"U$nlll.ltor t5&101P!1 I:I-Q.m nv Mfr:r'lIPlnm'll

~ 500-"'3'5 .P.'·in.,~~i1'I·~.11'I ml,

HtS:z.3.'200 UL0-96Oll ~!il>lJ.9~l!


Conde n se r Microphone Systems

The olllmjoE rn rophone sets mcluri£! a micropi1one car. tfjdg~t, .Cl ]~Ptl2 Pr~pllfjel, all rKI~plnr:!; "~'.t~~U\l to mate I"'~ CiHirid.gB 10 Hl\: pr~,anirllfier find to OJ lSG2 Sound, Level Calibr:l:tlr, ami a carryln!! cass [or all eor11po eats IncliJdln~ th ~rt'.aml'llili r.

Moc:i'lanful: DIMENSIONS ('M<hxdJ· 10;(217.25 111., :25.1;(511( 184 mrnl. \lVEIGHT: 2.5 Ib n.i kg) n(I!. 6 Jb t2.7 k!Jl.

No"'ln.'1 Fft(lIlIJilCil' ,R_p.

15~9532 J/ r: INCH COHDEN~IEIR MICROPH'ON:E &ET. perpenJi<;ulBr Fl:lsptlnse.

)l til J41HIB

.1S6[11.9533 Jh·INCH' CD-NDE'N'SER MICRO'P'HfI'NE SET, ltal fa !"Idem-inc idenee reseonse,

20 f'l1: to 20 kHz'

15S0-9534 IA·INCH CONDENSER MICAiIJPH'ONE SET. fJat perpendk u 1M respOli se,

1560·9535 I""'N'CIIHI ICONDENSER MICRIl?HONIE SU •. flat rd:m:laffi·'ncidr. nc~ r~5;pon~ll.

50 Hz: ID 7() kHz

1!l60;9S36 ~.rNCH CONDENSER Mlr.C'ROPHDNE SET, flat ramlmn 1m:; Id.Q:l'1te resj:Cn se

70 I-Iz tc Ull kHz



Guide to Microp one S stem Seiectio

The mIcrophones, pre.arnpllfi!)rs. and pO-lNBr supplies lis.ted on the prl!CedlflC pases may be put to.l!!e'thil'1" to mai<c€! complete mil:fOpl'H'J111;l' s1'5tems, or one of ~he flir" condenser m ~crophQn~ 5yStB rns (or sels) may he sal ec ted.

Mierlilplllollo SereCi'ion FI~t dr:-tcrmm' the frequency ral1g,e and lCiwest sound levC:f to b-e measured. Then. seIf,l~ a rnlcrushone that will rulflll these r~umen1er'lt5, Nota that U, e noise Floor f Of eaeh rnie ro phnna will be It<wer Ir tl1i! measured signal IS amllyzed with full ecteve ur narrOWer bafJdw{t.lth flIters.

PrCaiJ'lllplifieJr Selection Ttl ree preamptlners are off-erect The 15Uo.P,12 is. tne most IoIDrsaUle, as It un be us~ wlth ail GR rrucrnphcnes and condense. micl'OphorJ:13 from otllftr manLllat.. urers, It call drive .... ery lonB cables and provIdes iI 'IOllage·!ili.l~n thole! of 1 or 10 to or 20 dB).

The 1 9729500 Pr~mphf~cr i l\..t;Iapto; has the fi<UIIE! InplJl rftlltl' as Ihi" 1 C,6U-P42: hrJWJ;1fcr. (he rormer does not have tho polarIzation voltage c:apfihllltv and. therefore. cannot he used wHh an ~onrJf:l11~tir rnirrnahones This.

unlly·\loltag€:-gain preampl[her Is r&:ammendeci' (OF driving cables up 10100 feel (30 m) Ions.

The 1550·P40 P(eOiimplitfer was designed for use wllh the 1560.9570 MicrophonE> (with adaptor l1as.e removed}. It will work well With ac:celergmaters arrd othe.r IlI~ctrjc[l'1 [nputs wIlen used with 11m l 560-P96A.daptor. Thls preilmpllher provtdes .g \lolti1ilge-sain chOlca ot 1 Or 10 (0 or :20 dB) al1~ may be .used with tQbhes o:f modelcile lenglh,

Power SllpplT:e-S. AU the preamplThers I'if'll:!l'Iti,oned above require power 10 operate them, many GR 'Sound rneasuring il'1strumef1LS supply It d~rBCtllr'. [Consult the p'.lWl'l'r ~pE:Cilit:aliQn5 of the 1560·P42 Dr the :specHicetions tor the specilk irts1rumenl of Inti7re5t to see wt1l~llu~r this JXlwer IS s.uppHcdJ. II a 5epar[l!~ pOiNar supply is requkW, use Ihe: 1560-P62. This shol.lld always he used (CV(;!II witl''I 1 nstru ments 'II,.U 5W [lpJy prna rnp I if 1IE':r PPwe r) it very rons:

Ci5lblcs (over a relll hundred fe-ef) are to tit! drlven. as the prr:al'T'lPli'[ler power supplies bum Into mos instt! ImCl'lt'S have 11n'ilted currant capabJllty.


Vibration Pickups and Systems

III aCeI!'ssories; 'fOl so"'nd~levBt meters .~1ec' lor:

high.:t"IIUI,IJi;:nO¥ 'pedorman.ce high sens:iU",lIty

'gjliJlI'!,urpl' applicaUo,n. ecene lin,

For the measurement of :!'iiJlid·bome vlbmtlans !,'Jitn tl1~ sound-leeel malar ill vibration plclwp Is used in place o'r the mlcrnphone,

Each of tliese. IIlbraUcm pir:kup systems ctlnsi!its 01 a 'IIibra~lon pickup, a control box, and a connection cable. The \I~brBUon pLckup IS an Inert1a-opll:rated, cer.lmlc deI;'ice, which gel1~rate~ OJ voltage proporUol'1al to Ihs acceleration of the 'IoIitnat,ll1g body 8~ means 01 integl".:Iting ilBlworks 1n !~e COl1lrol b!»:, vo~lage5. propOrll OVlla I , lo vti!loclb' and dlsplat;ement can also ba de.lirltlred to the sound leve! meter, Tha daslred respcnse is selected by means Df OJ thre '·position SW.tcll !Cf11 the control box, COil""Bf51on dat .. are supplied for transla~ Ing the decIbel Indlcatlil'IlS of the :ioIJfld·eval meter Into Ihe lIibratiol1 earamor rs of dispfacemcHll, velodty. amI ;ac:celerawm.

Type 1'560-P1111

Thrs systerq I,.Ise:s iI l~ad .. zircenete-Htanata pi.:;kup. id1;;i1IiLi11 with lhat used on Ihe 1553-A Vibratkm Meter. Probe and probe tips are prQviderl A permanent-magnet moun! ISiilrsoa~BI'ab~e

GI"~'1111 Plllrpon, U6D-PU!B VJl;;nlUOri "'~kup 'S)'~I .. m

'T',pe 156D~P13

for measurernents .1':1 hlghllf frequencies than Ihe -P1 I B osysterr- affcrcs, th' -PH cornetnation i!i recernmended, ctJf1ststing of 1]1e J 560 P53 Vibro\HiOl1 PIckup flJU:J the 156o.P23 Conlrol Bo); A small holding m!3gmH is InclLtded.

This system with the Type lS51·C orB Sf.lUnd-U~\lel Meter provides ~Ile flal Fn~qUt'l;ncy response and IO'N-flois.t! operatIOn required by Mll·STD·7.W (SHIPS] for vibration measurement nhe l'lOldlng TTIilQnel is no!' used ftlr rneasurernants accord1nc to tffill Slandard.)

T,'pe 1S160-1P14

ttla \llbrntion plc.kul U5E:'{j In Ulls; sJist~m has a~pro.:o;j.. l1lat<±ly 10 limes the 5.e(1sltlvit, nd 1 Q Urnes Ihe imesdance or the I 560-P52

ff~'_l!iu ~ II!h!II"Iif!!m~1ii'I: 81111_ .«II .. ~II!II1I (,In./&<I

1l1lO,l lei 300 ~l 20 H.-;' 100 alloll I'll' U!a16DO fil"

RI~'lu.n,,~ :!I.~CI RliJSI)QI'l&e c.lWDl:ll!1'II!t1~ ·1Dr COI'I~l:lI"1 BPPUl:!d (1) ~CQI'l3'ijrnUoo._ {2) 'II'IIGCHy. ~ r.:I (3) d~~pll'! r;lBm~:nt.

o.eem I() 311 et :!'II H,· Ulll.'t;.CHl'; 1 lew Hz


'18 'tt:lled

5 n..5~ml


a 10 lila


Ca~I!I~:r;; dum:b!'T Ji511!l1-9~ • l5GC)i!ilr;:;3 1lSfii).9(;5.l

• = II"{Q!'~OU lton o! j!j' '" Ill'

, tJpp'-f Umi! (lj ~'5,I:ILJQ!III'C",t lJnd v81ocH~ rnLl~JllI'''J1'~rll~ I:I.l!IiUlII(U YI'Cf1 rreqlil~f1~lf wnu ,~ fillllt!!rmiootl by h,.. ,",,~~"'"J111'1 ;:1I::c~I('"mt"'fj f.i~IEI • h J"re ncmlll1!!arllll Q«UI!' UOO ,It !cr. 1560-P,t I tI. 1000 :0: I~f l!i6!).fU • .Imel ]0 S lor 1!:JOO-f'l41 •

•• M~~h"um ut.IIJm!: rll! In-l'!r.l.lm~nt


1557 ..


• eIIlllbra1,es ~1brana n plcikups. met.ers

• gelRilIl'ates 1 gat 100 HZ'

• PGr.,Bble, b,;iUerv·opers'led

Thls c.alibr.i!Qr erovldes iii :s~ngle.lrequency noo Hz! slngle-level (1 gJ check on the GR Vibration Pickup::>, the 1 !J53 Vibration Meter, or an\! pickup I,'/h05l;' total mas::; is 300 grams or tess. It can provIde on the-spot calibration 01 I,I'JbraUoli·measuring svslerns rrnrnedlately befare lIml altar imj:loriant milas~Ir-.::mEll'lls and ~(I also b[) used tg compare transducers Qf to ~r.brale working transducers against a standard transducer.

OperatlO,l"I ur ~he ci1Hbl'ator is simple. A plc"<up of known mass IS a11ar.11ed to the snaker, ellhe:r in place of IJm~ I:If the JEf110Yi3ble 50-~ram disks Or to one of tne disks lJy double-facoo, pr:essure-sensftive tape, The user adjusts ~h!5! Lellel cOhlral unlil the panel meter, c~llbfated Irl B !"a]T13. indic.ltes th e rna ss of the n I c flu pi. The p1cJtup '111111 ti1ell be automat ically subjm:::ted to a" acc,e-Iemt!or'l of I gal lOa Ht.

The 1557,A is a small, ~ner!l·opefated unit COrlsl;l.illg of a rransrstonzed e.lcC:lfomechanical oscutator and i] ty· hndriCi:f1 sh~ker. The acceleration output O'f Ihe calibrtltor appEars at two pIJlbolC-shi1ped, 50-gram d15~s fT1oL,lI1ted 011 i:'ln lnternat qhnder I'rtljE!tts Ihrougll the sides elf the lnstrument,


,ActeJeratrl!l'H 1 C rrm; ..t.lO%_ 1 = 33G in I!!," ( mfs'). Ve1C!1cl~,.~ 0-6H In.l::; 0.5.0 mlTlrs) rrna

DIslllaumnnl! 0,000978 In. (0,02·18 mmJ rrns, 0.00217 In (0.0704 rnrn) pk-pj(

Fn:!que.n!;,)': 100 HI -1'~ lor sa-gram ICoa: 100 HI; +D. -2~ far 3(10 j:!ram IO;Jd


8iJ!;t:e.r1Il!jj: Four RM 4R tor ~qUIVJJIe:ril~ mercury eolls. BLlll<lf'll' hie: 110 100 11OUi50 tlr L.rJfllli'1 IDLIS ilperalion, tDry b.,tfcry op tlennl, ple.'35e "S,Pl!c:II,;. Rt'p!.iJt:cm~11 is (VtJfl;i.!l.J1I 724 or ~ulvalef'IT I

S\'PIl,liad: Lootl'l.>r I:ii!n Ylng Ci:lse.

Me'(;fiatl'licaI: Aluminum case DIMENSrONS tw~I'!l:d) 0.1>:8(4 n (lQ!)A205;( 105 rnrn), WE.I(.;Hf: .:3,25-11) (1.5 l<gj, n",t, 525 ItJ 12.,.: Ii. 'I :l.b1p.pln&,






VI!j~ Dl HlC! .;all nC'lJ '.1111 tI I~"" .. I!H:.C,f"!l2 V.):mIllnt f'ir;~I-In"H. ~

l."'+J, .. lag

_____________ ___;I~ulT'tr 'i'

asjl'·" Vlhrii·lJon>, .,

lS51.J1o Yltol'iillctl Ct"lbnlil~' Iil/JUI "r'J bi!llii'''I1 R"jl'I,,~mm~ fri· Mllr~!Ir:l' C!I'tr. 'I ~'c1

R~p iAl!'iI!muffl Dr, !!!lI!I, 1 :il'1J

lS'~7·!J101 Ili!!i7.~Di!" H4JIJII.IJ12 &!,JD-U),!iD





One ot the fOrces UlEll drsw General Radio amd Grason S'I;acHer 'toge:ihar was lhelr common in'llol~erT1enl in ClCauslic researrh and Ihe rneasu rem en I!'; thai rel a te to II Desr Ib~d 011 these pages aro Sflveral of Gras(m" Stadler's malor products, prndm:ts that are used exhm$11If!ly by heanl1~ ~llnicia'lls [lnr:l by researchers in hear!no'! ann the beha.v~oral 'sdFH'1Cp.s, Comj:lrelc Inf(l(nlat[on on lhe!;c G·S prooU!;.ls up~eilrs til Grasof'l·S1ndlef's. Clllidlllg!.IOO.

Instruments for Hearing Research

Alldiome~rl' tlndar hcense fram Georg 'Ion Bekesy.

Gras-on-Stadler pttll:h.Jceci rile firsT commen:::iaI 'E!l:kl=s}' [I ui:licmll!fN tVflJ tie-cad es agO' .a nd ill! ~ s I nee I nsta lied these units in cli(lic5 and 110splLais 1311 over Lhe world. (l·S·s present line of auclorneters consists of Eli g-rOWHlg family of mj;lnual and eutcmauc alJdu:)mete~ rangins In PlJrp~e from rnon.tnrlng ID diagnosls and research, The 170'3 RecordinG Audioml.'ref (see page 35) is desrSfIIBd to b.el It'S.Gd II ndar c:ondiUot'ls in ..... 1'1 eh large rn J mbers 01 subJocts rnusl b(l t~s;!ed In minimum time - Q"'5 In inrJuslrial-l1earlng-clll1servatiQf) programs.

The 1704 Audilomefer 1& ., two-channel, Dl.lfe-lonefspeec::h manual audlQmeter with range, .a t:cu racy, and tle)!iblli'ly ~Ul table for dia.sfllQstl~


a pp! 1!":tI1ions.. ThE' 1702 provld es lden licB I reatun::s bJJ I lOIdds the t::a~bil~ty oj automatic 8~~E'isy.I'!I'fle hl-ied· , r eeuencv nresenta Hon and record i ne; to th e rnanua I capabilities 01 the 1704. The l70.!, the rnest sophisticated unll of Ihr.: G-S audiometer line, IS a fuU-fledBed sw!,!cp- freo~uem,;YI speet:tI audiometer available In both m~nu"'l and automatic ve~iofls, and suitable r.ljr the mosl e)(acllng cllrtlcal <lHlY r'1GI!;lrch arpllcutlotls.

or Interest to both clir]iclan!5 and researchers IS the G-S 1120 Otoa'dmiiU:allce Meter, a precise and convl!!nlf3nl 1001 lor dl;!rllIlng llilWc:hl.'p. Il'lforma'llorl about the middle ear. The 1720 measures aCl:IllsNc ~dh1lltanc;e as. .J runeuen either 01 vanable arr pressure in the ear can a ] Or 01 acoustic mile):;.

Also (If Interest 10 clinit':lan~ and researchers k:i. lhF.' G-S 3allSl f!iloted Re:spolII!!e System. The 3951 is o1l ven;.,& We package c::om;istin~ or a siJ;!nal averager, recorder, neurolOgical ampm~er. and ~UffICla[lt digital control flql.l'lpment to Implement a \l'anety of procedures in\lolv· ing ,orllc,:,l flolenH1i~s.

PSJ'c'luJ~cousUC$ DeslgninFi: and mal'lutm;:liJring spe- 1:1<lI·purpose instrument!'> [or hearing researeh have been specsaftles ot G-S since Its rOlJl1oing. Whal began as ill ~'21ried line or singlc-pllrpo5-E del.'dCe'5 has be-en CO[l'llerled



Into modular rt:mn snd loorIe c:~rnpal"lbJIl' with G-5's. modular S~rles 1200 digital prugl7lmmlng system. Us-e(Scan nOl'~ qwckly and eelslry assembte nearly <lny specisl purpose lnstrumentatton lor signal g-enernhol"l, oontrel, a n d I or -n eru t.Of i ng I hey I"Pq ui re oUen wi; h ra r grea,ler caoiJbiHt, lhElf'l any available unit Moreover wnsn c;urrent requlrernents are satksffed. users can rocannet their modules to depl wrth new and Quite dir~ IfH2i11 requlrernents.

Ac.ceS'5ori!'!S Grason-Stadler pro'o' an extensive

serectlon of aecessenes rOi' Its audjt'lrne~rll: and psyrl"loacoustic In&trlJmants - b~ostar amplifiers, calibrated earphones, loudspeakers. tape recorders, phonographs, X-y plolters, etc In Olddiho(l. through Ib; i.'Iftllialion with GrTleri\l1 Radio, it can prov,de acoustic strrnulus ganiMalors, SouFl(]·Je'IJel meters, d~storllof'l analyzers - virtually: aM lnsl roment necessary to the ,generation. measufeJlQellt. or mcnlwrlni!! 01 scaustlc waveforms.

Research Automation

In Ihe mld·1950's, Gra",on St4loler became om~ of the fir st CUfnpanr&S in lhe United Sr.atlBs to prmlde econcm lcat, modular, reidy-bawd Ir<renm~nt cfJl1tml etjl,Jllpment for lhe grClwing ner:ad 'If L:li.~h,ij'I,d<"",j rese.:lrrhers 10 automate afld replicate In(;reasinlilly cornptex axp!7r1ITl-f!f1I.s:. Althout:J1 litIS relay 5Y'5tem continued to fin many re!iei.lrr:n .,~erh de\,r~ronm~tll.5 In be.he1~r["Jral research and irl 'lhe life sc.ences in I'.ell~rdl h.Wi; rcquire,1 control and mot1iloring devLces wIth mo({! speed <Jl1cl rle;lbilily than relays proYlda. Gr.aMn-Stadll"!f'S response to thsse requlremf!nt; has hean to UtVEI'Jp three separate 'pro Ktilntmli I :;y:items; the Irsl 15 a~d on The sectint] on solld-stata logic:. i";Ind th~ third 01"1 c:omru.te. ccntrol.

The liDO Re'laJ System n,ls updated version of the ori~inar relay $)'Stem provides row-cost autornatrc control 0' .,md Wid i!oll£'l:liof1 from moderately complex tl)(Iperiments whose ta\lentsoccur at rates up to IS pel' second. The system nerrnlls gGl1~riJUnB a wld.e range of relat: orlsh i PS betwee 11 stirn ul us ,m d response iI:lvents - rixed anti \I'(lriabl ralio5, nxed ~J1d varjqble I nte rva Is, deteclion or c(J,fnch::ience. etc, Inputs frern eentaet clooures cen b-o pro~rammed to control cev[oos sucll as foad dispensers, slid!! projectors, 5hoc1< generalornvfrttJally any!hlnc whose eperanons can bl.! govsrned by cantsd closures ModlJles p(cwtde baslc proSfarnmh1S functions ~lich as counting, timing. and stepping,. E)t~ perlrnent parameters are Established 'by mMflS Qf connecflcns between rron[-pflnel snap studs. Programs can be ctl<lnged qui[kl)l ~nd ea511~' b~ mocllrica-Uon of these ecnnectlons.

The SG,lid·S~ale 1200 !1irostem Thls system Is smaller, quieta, and ml.lch IMter Ihan the 1100 !lolay S)o'stam, and It Pi!rmil"siillJIDmallr: c-ontrol of and data cQU~ticm trorn comp!f!1I E!)!per~e.l1ls wllh event rates up 'to 10.000 per second SecaU!ie tJle 1200 System is faster, It can make more '.:lophislicilted d'et:lsionls, - fram detection ol eolncidenccs lasting only .i"Ih:w mh::rnsecond.s to nesr- 111-sl:ilJntnneaus rn.ndofn-nutnhef gClleraUOfl and related nrcgrarn mocliflcations.


Applf callon 50 0 r I he- 1200 SV5ten 1 r a nbe from stanLiard £chaJul~ of reinforcemel"Jl In 1M behi:IVioral science s , lhrougl, eomelcx mulll·alterr)ative torced-chcice pr ccedures in p~ychoacau:5tlcs, to EP .. oked-pelentlel Ihroshold tests in neUfoptW5iclogy. Lit if' lhp- BOO System, the 1200 System is modular bolh in pack"s,ng and In lunclicn. Conlroi parameters can ba establ ishetl <eIther by 'ront-panel jacks or through it quickly Inter c"a.,g;~bJe central programmll1li bo.ard.

The SCAT- SysteM The SCAT syli'l'em i51 designed to permit onlinE! raal-tirna alJtomatiof1 (If multiple lndeDendf!n! or highl¥ complex slngll:! p.Jtlp.erimal'ns. It is an Integ rated 11tm:iwil rei soffwa re con trol i:l rid daia-colleerten system that utilizes a DrC PDP-B series mint-cernpU!ur as it:!. t;Cl'llral proce:5!1ol'. The SCI'I.T hardwolre &1;. ll;!n(is. the basic c~<lbrJlljlZ:S or the cornputer Dli performrns <l \'llrleL), or t1mc--conSurOln!i. couvar inl5. storing and fiming operatIons Th~ SCA.T 500ftware !=Iormll'S til~ I~ plemen'tatIDn. tllrough easily-remembered commands, of cornpleY fLll"lrlimlS such as 'ime.measul'ement counting, ranoom·humber generation. n'1lIl',lmtude eornpanson, and data collecuon and oUil~lJning Th~ soUwart! also suppile's a query mode rhal rf!rmils huth Inlerrogatlon and rnooifkatlon of on·gl:llrlg BXperlment o.rarlables.

Orh&r 'G-5 P"H'ucb Grason·S1i'ldler atso offers animal chambers tNt house srnatl animet subjects, SLlch as rars, 'iim<lll monkeys, and plgeof1s. This equipmeont mates easily with the lIOO, 1200 <ln~ SCAT Systems. Eacl, chamb0r call be used independently Or can be enclosed In a separate c.n~l far iSoLation from e:tlranet:1JS


erwj ron men' a I sri mlill r. Cli ambers in I: I udl;! as stsnca rd teatures (flanlpulanda appropriate III the 5tJb]ecr bed'!! used, stlrnulus HE1,hT5, a JOUds:pe~kE!r ,mrt G gnd lloar. A v~ri8ty of interchangeable sllmuH arid re!nlurccment nptlons Is available.

18 parameters. ~ncluding ~"'~n


DHset ""GI,hage and current slew rate


relectiof'! ratios

111 ~- _lid TIIIlI-fUm R,tR~lors

Measure and Trlim

a nOGU ze ayst8 ms

for tantalum -hIFlr-flIm resistors I as e rsyslems

for thi'ck-fHm resl.stors


tnductarrca, mduetance unbalance de res is'Hl I!Jce

transfc:mosUon ratlo

CC! pa€i·lJ;l nee

C,d·Pllcr!orlt rRe!ii5rOi~, jn(!rRJl:or~. mid PiiiS:l! IIF •• NaI!,Yl:lt"~ J

M,eastrlre: and Sort


equivalent series re:mitance dls:EllpaUon factor

leakage current

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