Prop Shafts

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Propeller Shafts - Introduction

Propeller Shafts
Introduction and Legacy Vehicles

Unlike many others, Land Rover provides grease fittings on both the universal joints and slip
yokes for routine servicing.


Normal service intervals are:

Range Rover Classic, Defender 110, 1994-1995 Defender 90:

Universal Joints: Every 7,500 miles (12,000 km)
Slip Joints: Every 22,500 miles (36,000 km)

1994 - 1995 Discovery:

Universal Joints and Slip Joints: Every 30,000 miles (48,000 km)

1995 - 2002 Range Rover, 1996 Onward Discovery, 1997 Defender 90:
Universal Joints and Slip Joints: Every 15,000 miles (24,000 km)

The correct grease is NLGI-2, multipurpose lithium based grease.

Failure to lubricate the sliding joints will accelerate spline wear and result in driveline “clunk”.


Section 47 in the appropriate Workshop Manual provides step by step procedures for inspecting
and replacing prop shafts and components.
When removing mark flanges so that they can be re-assembled in the original positions. Not
doing so can lead to vibrations which were not present prior to disassembly.

Introduction and Legacy Vehicles 5



The front propeller shaft (driveshaft) consists of a solid shaft with splined slip yoke and two sets
of “Hooks” or Spicer type universal joints coupled to flanges. The driveshaft flanges are then
bolted to the front output flange of the transfer gearbox and the front diff flange, respectively.
Note in the illustration that the “prop” shaft sections are intentionally out of phase. This reduces
the normal vibration tendency of a Spicer type joint operating at an angle.

The rear propeller shaft consists of a two piece tubular shaft with slip joint which is “in-phase”.
Since the rear prop is longer and there is less angle between the transfer gearbox and rear
axle, normal phasing is utilized. See the illustration below. The universal joints/flanges are
bolted to the rear output flange of the transfer gearbox and the rear differential pinion flange,



The Spicer type rear universal joint on the rear prop is replaced with a flexible coupling on
Discovery and 1995 Range Rover Classic. Note that the rear diff flange was changed to
accommodate this type of universal joint. Due to the design, the flexible coupling requires no
maintenance. Should disassembly be required, use new special tool LRT-51-008 to remove the
spigot (hub) from the diff flange. This tool replaces LRT-37-005 which was used with the slide
hammer LRT-99-004 in the past.
As a running change, the original style rear propeller shaft was installed on 1997 Discovery and

Introduction and Legacy Vehicles 7



The Range Rover 4.0/4.6 utilizes two tubular style propeller shafts with Hooks joints at either
Like Classic, Defender and Discovery, the front shaft is out of phase with the yokes out of line.
When disassembling, mark the flanges for re-assembly to preserve shaft balance.


Discovery Series

A redesigned front propeller shaft (driveshaft) has been used on Discovery Series II . The new
driveshaft uses a double hooks type joint at the transfer box drive flange. This is best described
as a double universal joint. The double hooks type joint provides the driveshaft with increased
articulation and reduces noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) levels. The increased degree of
articulation was necessary due to a change to the front axle pinion angle.
Service to the front driveshaft is limited to replacement of the universal joint at the front end
(axle end) only. Should the universal joints fail at the double hooks joint, then the complete
driveshaft will need to be replaced. The rear driveshaft is identical to 99 model year Discovery
vehicles with a rubber damper.

Discovery Series II 9





Propeller Shafts


1. Rear drive shaft

2. Final drive unit
3. Rear propeller shaft
4. Viscous Coupling Unit (VCU)
5. Front propeller shaft
6. Intermediate Reduction Drive (IRD)
7. Front drive shaft
8. Gearbox

Freelander 11


1. Outer joint
2. Clamp
3. Gaiter
4. Clamp
5. Circlip
6. Shaft
7. Gaiter
8. Inner joint
9. Slinger - oil seal (rear driveshafts only)
10. Circlip



1. Universal joint
2. Rear propeller shaft
3. VCU
4. Propeller shaft bearing
5. Coupling
6. Front propeller shaft

Freelander 13


Two drive shafts transmit drive from the intermediate reduction drive (IRD) to the front wheels,
and to two further drive shafts transmit drive from the final drive (differential) unit to the rear
Two propeller shafts and a viscous coupling unit (VCU) transmit drive from the IRD to the final
drive unit.

All four drive shafts are of similar construction, the main differences being in their respective
overall lengths and the inclusion of dampers on the front drive shafts.
Each drive shaft is a solid shaft with inner and outer constant velocity joints. The inner joint is of
the tripod type with spherical bushing to reduce sliding resistance; the shaft and inner joint are
one assembly. The outer joint is of the ball and socket type, with a splined connection between
the joint and the shaft. The joints are packed with grease and protected by gaiters.


The front propeller shaft consists of a thin walled tube with a coupling welded to the front end
and a conventional universal joint welded to the rear end. The coupling bolts to the output
flange of the IRD. The universal joint is splined to the input shaft of the VCU and secured by a
bolt and tab washer.
The coupling reduces vibration and accommodates both angular movement (10 degrees
maximum) and axial movement (50 mm maximum) between the propeller shaft and the IRD.
The universal joint incorporates serviceable, sealed needle bearings.

The VCU automatically controls the transfer of drive to the rear wheels by limiting the speed
differential between the front and rear propeller shafts. The unit is supported in two propeller
shaft bearings attached to the floor cross member.
The VCU is a short cylinder which contains an input shaft supported in a roller bearing race at
the front and a ball bearing race at the rear. Within the cylinder, slotted discs are alternately
attached to the outer surface of the input shaft and the inner surface of the cylinder. An output
shaft is welded onto the rear of the cylinder. The input shaft is attached to the front propeller
shaft and the output shaft is attached to the rear propeller shaft.
The cylinder is a sealed unit filled with a silicon jelly. The viscosity of the silicon jelly increases
when subjected to shear. When there is a speed differential between the front and rear
propeller shafts, adjacent slotted discs in the VCU rotate in relation to each other. The shearing
action of the rotating slotted discs increases the viscosity and resistance to rotation of the
silicon jelly.


1. Cylinder 4. Roller bearing

2. Slotted discs 5. Ball bearing
3. Input shaft 6. Output shaft

The rear wheels are 0.8% under driven, so in most conditions the vehicle is effectively front
wheel drive, with the rear wheels turning the rear propeller shaft slightly faster than the IRD
drives the front propeller shaft. Since the speed differential is low, the increase in viscosity of
the silicon jelly is marginal and there is little resistance to relative rotation of the slotted discs.
When there is a significant speed differential between the front and rear propeller shafts, e.g.
when the front wheels lose traction or when traversing rough terrain, the viscosity and
resistance to rotation of the silicon jelly increases to a level that slows or stops relative rotation
of the slotted discs. With the front and rear propeller shafts locked together, drive is thus
transferred from the IRD to the rear wheels.

Propeller Shaft Bearings

The two propeller shaft bearings are identical, and each consist of a roller bearing race
mounted into a centre bearing housing. The bearing is sealed-for-life and is a press fit on the
input/output shaft of the VCU. Bearing covers and slingers prevent the ingress of moisture.


The rear propeller shaft consists of a thin walled tube with a conventional universal joint welded
to each end. The rear universal joint is bolted to the input flange of the final drive unit. The front
universal joint is splined to the output shaft of the viscous coupling unit and secured by a bolt
and tab washer. Both universal joints incorporate serviceable, sealed needle bearings.

Freelander 15




Propeller Shafts
New Range Rover


1. Front RH drive shaft

2. Mounting bracket
3. Engine sump
4. Transfer box
5. Rear propeller shaft assembly
6. Rear RH drive shaft
7. Rear differential
8. Rear LH drive shaft
9. Support bearing
10. Front propeller shaft
11. Front LH drive shaft
12. Front differential

New Range Rover 17



The front drive shafts are handed components with the RH drive shaft being longer than the LH
drive shaft. Both shafts are of similar construction with constant velocity (CV) joints at each end
to allow for steering and suspension movement.
The rear drive shafts are identical with a CV joint at each end to allow for suspension
Propeller shafts are used to transmit drive from the transfer box to the front and rear
The front propeller shaft is a one piece unit, connected to the transfer box by a flexible rubber
coupling and mating with the front differential unit via a splined shaft.
The rear propeller shaft is a two piece unit, supported on a central bearing due to its increased
length. The propeller shaft is connected to the transfer box and the rear differential with CV
joints. A universal joint allows for the angular deviations of the propeller shaft due to
acceleration and braking.


The front drive shafts are similar in their construction. The only difference is the lengths of each
shaft. The LH drive shaft has a total length of 677 mm. The RH drive shaft is a longer shaft
which passes through a housing and the engine sump to the differential and has a total length
of 1024 mm.


LH drive shaft shown, RH drive shaft similar

1. Snap ring (3 off)

2. Drive shaft
3. Outer CV joint
4. Stake nut
5. Inner CV joint

The outer CV joint has a target on the outer diameter. This is used by the ABS wheel speed
sensor for vehicle and wheel speed calculations. Refer to the Braking section for further details.
Each drive shaft consists of two CV joints and gaiters, an outer tube, a solid shaft and a ball
cage assembly.

New Range Rover 19


Front Drive Shaft – Sectional View

1 2 2 3 4 5 2 6 2 7 8

11 9 10 10 9

M47 0439

LH drive shaft shown, RH drive shaft similar

1. Outer CV joint
2. Clamp
3. Outer tube
4. Sealing plug
5. Ball cage
6. Shaft
7. Inner CV joint
8. Snap ring – differential
9. Snap ring
10. Gaiter
11. ABS sensor target ring


The CV joints are of the Birfield design. This design uses longitudinal, elliptical grooves which
retain six steel balls. The balls are further retained by a cage. The constant velocity is achieved
by the position of the steel balls. If a centre line is drawn through the balls and the driven hub or
differential shaft, the two centre lines always bisect each other at the angle of drive. This
condition allows the rotational speed of the driven shaft to be passed to the driven hub or
differential shaft with no loss of rotational speed regardless of the shaft angle. The CV joints are
packed with grease which is retained in the joint by a synthetic rubber gaiter. The gaiter is
retained at each end by a metal clamp which provides a water tight seal to prevent the ingress
of dirt and moisture. The CV joints are retained on their respective shaft or tube by an internal
snap ring. The snap rings are located in a groove on each shaft or tube end and locate in a
mating groove in the CV joint. The CV joints can be removed by a sharp tap with a soft mallet on
the CV joint housing which releases the snap ring from the groove.
The shaft is a sliding fit inside the outer tube which allows for the small length changes which
occur with articulation of the suspension. The shaft is located in a ball cage which is retained
inside the outer tube. The ball cage ensures that the shaft is held rigidly in the outer tube while
allowing it to freely move in and out of the tube as necessary. A sealing plug is pressed into the
outer tube and retains grease around the balls in the cage.
The inner CV joint shaft is splined and mates with splines in the front differential. A snap ring is
located around the inner shaft and, when fitted in the differential, locates in a mating groove in
the differential splined bore. The CV joint shaft is removed from the differential in a similar
manner as removing a CV joint.

New Range Rover 21



1. Drive shaft
2. Outer CV joint
3. Stake nut
4. Snap ring (2 off)
5. Bolt M12 (6 off)
6. Shim (3 off)
7. Inner CV joint

The rear drive shafts are identical in their construction. Each drive shaft has a total length of 687
mm. The inner CV joint has six holes for attachment with bolts to the differential output flange.
Each pair of bolts is fitted with shim which secures the bolts after tightening.
The outer CV joint has a target on the outer diameter. This is used by the ABS wheel speed
sensor for vehicle and wheel speed calculations. Refer to the Braking section for further details.
Each drive shaft consists of two CV joints and gaiters and a tubular shaft.

Rear Drive Shaft – Sectional View

1 2 3 4 5 4 6 7

10 9 9 9 9 8

M47 0441

1. End cap
2. Inner CV joint
3. Circlip
4. Gaiter
5. Tube
6. Outer CV joint
7. ABS Sensor target ring
8. Snap ring
9. Clamp
10. Circlip

The CV joints used on the rear drive shafts are of the Birfield design. Refer to the Front Drive
Shafts for a description of the CV joints.
The outer CV joint is retained on the tube by an internal snap ring. The CV joint can be removed
by a sharp tap with a soft mallet on the CV joint housing which releases the snap ring from the
groove. The inner CV joint is retained on the shaft by two circlips. This CV joint is different in
design to the outer CV joint but the operating principle is the same. An end cap is pressed over
the inner end of the CV joint to prevent the ingress of dirt and moisture. Both CV joints are fitted
with gaiters which are secured with metal clamps.

New Range Rover 23



1. Front propeller shaft

2. Nut M12 (6 off)
3. Coupling adaptor
4. Coupling
5. Bolt M12 (6 off)
6. Seal

The front propeller shaft is constructed from 2.1 mm wall tubular steel. A three arm coupling is
welded at one end. The opposite end has a splined shaft welded to the tube. The shaft has an
overall length of 752 mm.
The three arm coupling has three holes which allow for attachment to the coupling and the
coupling adaptor. The coupling adaptor and the coupling are secured to the shaft with three
bolts and nuts. The flexible coupling attaches to the front output shaft of the transfer box and is
secured with bolts in the three remaining holes in the coupling.


The coupling is a rubber moulding. The coupling is designed to transfer rotational drive from the
transfer box to the front propeller shaft without wind-up, but simultaneously compensating for
small amounts of misalignment and absorbing torque and vibrational loading. Each of the six
attachment holes is lined with a metal bush. The bush is required to prevent compression of the
coupling by the attachment bolts and nuts.
The splined shaft has 42 splines which mate with corresponding splines in the input shaft of the
front differential. A shroud is pressed over the splined shaft. The shroud seals against an O-ring
seal on the front differential input shaft, preventing the ingress of dirt and moisture. The splines
allow for movement of the propeller shaft caused by small movements in the transmission and
transfer box mountings.

New Range Rover 25



1. Washer 9. Propeller shaft - Rear

2. Bolt M12 10. Bolt M12 (6 off)
3. Propeller shaft - Front 11. Shim (3 off)
4. Stud (6 off)
5. Shim (3 off)
6. Nut (6 off)
7. Nut (2 off)
8. Shaft bearing assembly


The rear propeller shaft assembly consists of front and rear shaft assemblies and a centrally
mounted shaft bearing. The rear propeller shaft assembly has an overall length of 1280 mm.

Front Shaft Assembly

The front shaft assembly consists of a CV joint at the front and a splined shaft at the rear. The
front shaft consists of a tube with welded, splined shafts at each end.
The forward splined shaft accepts the CV joint which is secured with a circlip. The CV joint is
packed with grease and sealed on both sides with metal shrouds to prevent the ingress of dirt
and moisture. The CV joint has six radial holes which provide for the attachment to the transfer
box rear output flange. The joint is secured to the output flange with six bolts, which screw into
threaded holes in the flange. Three shims are fitted under each pair of bolts. The shims have
tabs which are bent to secure the bolts. The CV joint is not a serviceable item and failure will
require replacement of the rear propshaft assembly. The rear splined shaft mates with splines in
the rear shaft universal joint. A threaded hole is provided in the splined shaft to secure the front
and rear propeller shaft sections together. A machined surface on the shaft accepts the shaft
bearing, which is a press fit.

Shaft Bearing Assembly

The shaft bearing assembly consists of a pressed steel housing, a rubber bush and a ball
bearing. The rubber bush is bonded into the housing. An internal metal ring, bonded to the
bush, allows for the bearing to be press fitted into it. The rubber bush allows for small deviations
in alignment and also absorbs vibrational forces. The shaft bearing assembly is located on
studs, which are integral with the body, and secured with flanged nuts.

Rear Shaft Assembly

The rear shaft assembly consists of a universal joint at the front and a CV joint at the rear. The
rear shaft consists of a tube with the welded universal joint at one end and a welded splined
shaft at the opposite end.
The universal joint is welded to the rear shaft tube. The opposite end of the universal joint has a
splined bore which mates with the splined shaft on the rear of the front shaft assembly. A bolt
and washer is fitted through the splined bore and screws into the splined shaft on the front shaft
assembly, securing the front and rear shaft assemblies together.
The splined shaft accepts the CV joint which is secured with a circlip. The CV joint is packed
with grease and sealed on both sides with metal shrouds to prevent the ingress of dirt and
moisture. The CV joint has six radial holes into which, six knurled bolts are pressed. The
knurled shanks of the bolts provide a secure mounting for each bolt, preventing them from
rotating. Three shims are fitted under each pair of bolts. The shims have tabs which are bent to
further secure the bolts. The CV joint is secured to the input shaft of the rear differential with six
flanged nuts. The CV joint is not a serviceable item and failure will require replacement of the
rear propshaft assembly.

New Range Rover 27




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