Publication 1
Publication 1
Publication 1
Ho lly St ehu ra
Math & Science
h s te hu ra@ol g s cot t .n e t
About Me!
Philosophy of Education
It is my belief that through education a student will
gain the skills necessary to be a happy and success-
ful citizen. I feel that education should teach not Technology Experience
only the mind, but the body and the spirit of the
student as well. The role of the teacher is to help
to prepare these students for the future. I am currently in the process
My decision to become a teacher stems from my
belief that individuals can make a difference. It is my
of obtaining a Masters in
hope that through teaching I will be able to help my
students to achieve their goals and dreams. It is my Technology Education Degree
B.S. Degree in Elementary Education belief that I can make a positive impact on a stu-
dent’s life, one that can help them to go on and from Waynesburg University.
from Lock Haven University
succeed in the future.
Experience: My teaching style is based on diversity and enthusi- Through my courses I have
asm. I work to utilize a variety of teaching methods
4th year teaching at O.L.G. in my lessons, and to get my students excited about become familiar with applica-
learning. I believe that all students have unique
3rd year teaching Science & Math learning styles, and that each one can be successful. tions such as Glogster, Photo
I work to ensure that each of my student’s learning
needs are met. I believe that by creating a happy
Committee Sponsor for: and energetic classroom environment my students
Story, Power Point, Prezi, and
will be motivated to learn.
Yearbook , Lent Bible Study Program many others that I hope in in-
My goal as a teacher is to help my students to be-
come passionate about learning, and strive to
Living Station Production, Book Club achieve goals. I hope to provide my students with
the skills necessary to become a well-rounded,
Member of: prosperous, and confident adult. It is my hope that
my students will remember me as a teacher who
was always caring and encouraging of their dreams,
Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity
as someone who believed that one day they would
make a difference in our world.
Pi Lambda Theta Fraternity