COT-English3-Lesson Exemplar - MY

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School: Tibangao Elementary School Grade Level: THREE

DAILY LESSON Teacher: Dalia Mae M. Yntig Learning Area: ENGLISH

LOG Teaching Quarter: SECOND

Week 5


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates of grammatical structures in English to be

able to communicate effectively in oral and written forms.

B. Performance Standards The learner shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct

sentences in varied theme-based oral and written activities.

C. Learning Competencies Use simple verbs in simple present tense


II. CONTENT “Simple Verbs in Simple Present Tense”


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Using Verbs in Simple Present Tense

2. Learner’s Material

3. Textbook pages Page. 202-203

4. Additional Materials Pictures, flashcards, etc
from LRMDS

B. Other Learning Resources Let’s Get Better in English 3 LM p.202-203

PPT slides, picture cards, whiteboard/blackboard and whiteboard

marker or chalk,

 Greetings (Indicator 5)
 Songs
 Class Rules
 Setting of Standards (Behavioral Chart) Manages learner behavior
constructively by applying
positive and non-violent
discipline to ensure learning-
Integration: Music, Values focused environments.

A. Reviewing past lesson Game: Act and Guess

or presenting the new
(Indicator 4)
Let the pupils act out the action
word/task given to each pupil. They will Manages Classroom structure
act out the action word one by one for to engage learners,
their classmates to guess. individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on
activities within a range of
Example: sing, eat, walk, drink, write, physical learning
dance, etc. environment.

B. Establishing a purpose Spelling Game:

of the new lesson
(Indicator 1)
( Motivation)
1. Flash the words one by one:
Applied Knowledge of
Planted grew ground content within and across the
check still curriculum teaching areas.

2. Let the pupils read the word.

3. Let them identify the number of syllables in
the word. (Indicator 2)

4. Let them spell the word as they look on the

slides. Uses a range of teaching
strategies that enhance
“TASK FORCE PABASA” 5. Remove the words on the slide and let the learner achievement in
pupils spell the word. literacy and numeracy skills.

6. Let them write the word on their paper or

7. Show again the words and let them check
whether they have spelled the word correctly.
(Note: Do the same with the remaining words)

After all the words have been presented show

again the words and let the pupils check
whether they have spelled the words
Individual pupils may be called to spell

Integration: Literacy, Numeracy

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson Show a picture of farm animals.
(Indicator 1)
Applied Knowledge of
content within and across the
curriculum teaching areas.

“TASK FORCE PABASA” (Indicator 2)

Uses a range of teaching

strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
Let the pupils talk about the animals in the picture.
literacy and numeracy skills.
What animals in the picture?
I have a story about the farm animals in the picture.
Let us read together. (Story shown on the PPT slide)


What is the title of the story?

How many animals are mentioned in the story?
How did the rooster wakes everyone?
What animals crows to wake up everyone?
What does mother hen do?
Who goes with mother hen?
Why do the hen and chicks scratch the ground?
Why do animals sleep early?

Integration: Numeracy, Science, Literacy, Aralin

D. Discussing new concepts Let the pupils read some sentences taken from
and practicing new skills no. the paragraph.
(Indicator 1)
1. The rooster crow. Applied Knowledge of
“TASK FORCE PABASA” content within and across the
2. Mother hen starts to look for food.
curriculum teaching areas.
3. The chicks go with the mother hen.
4. They scratch the ground.
5. The animals keep themselves busy.
6. They all sleep early.
(Indicator 2)

Let the pupils identify the action word in each Uses a range of teaching
sentence. Let them also identify the subject in strategies that enhance
each sentence. learner achievement in
Ask: literacy and numeracy skills.

- What is talked about in sentence 1? How

many roosters are mentioned? What
action word is used? With what letter
does the action word end?
- What about in sentence 2? How many hens
are talked about? What do you notice with
the action word? In what letter does it
- Study sentences 3, 4, 5 and 6? What is
talked about in each sentence? What do
you notice with the action words? Do they
end in -s?

Note: Tell the pupils that the verbs in the

sentences are in the simple present tense.

Integration: Literacy, Numeracy

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills no.
2 Think Aloud Chart (Indicator 3)

Let us study the chart. Applies a range of teaching

strategies to develop critical
PROPEL and creative thinking, as well
as other higher -order
“TASK FORCE PABASA” Action thinking skills.
Subject How many

rooster one Crows

Hen one Starts

chicks More than Go


they More than Scratch


animals More than Keep


they More than sleep


Let’s read the sentences:

- Micth sweeps the floor.

- Rondy starts stitching the torn t-
shirt,socks and pants.
(Indicator 7)
- The Grade three pupils keep their room
clean and tidy.
- Jayson buys pink shoes. Plans, manages and
implements developmentally
appropriate learning
What form of the verb is used when talking about experiences to address
only one person? (-s form) learner’s gender, needs,
strengths, interest and
What form of verb is used when talking about two experiences.
or more persons? (simple form)

The verbs sweeps, starts, keep, and buys are all
in simple present tense.

Lead the pupils to understand that the –s form of
the verb is used when talking about one person or
thing in the present tense.

The simple form of verb is used when talking

about two or more persons or things in the present


Who is talked about in each sentence?

(Mitch ,Rondy, Grade 3 pupils, Jayson)

Can boys sweeps the floor?(Yes)

Can boys sewed the torn t-shirt? (Yes)
Why do people call boys as gays when doing work
commonly for girls?


Bullying is to make someone hurt, harm, or


So, bullying is not good.

Integration: Literacy, Numeracy, Science,

Health, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao,Values
F. Developing Mastery (Leads Group Work:
to Formative Assessment)
Group 1 (Slow Learners)

Look at the picture. Choose and Encircle one sentence that (Indicator 4)
tells about the picture given.

Manages Classroom structure

to engage learners,
1.)The little girl waters the flower garden. individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration,
2.)The boy dances gracefully. discovery and hands-on
3.)They sing merrily. activities within a range of
physical learning

(Indicator 6)

Uses differentiated,
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to
address learners’ gender,
needs, strengths, interest and
Group 2 (Average Learners)

Act out according to the picture. How are you going to

dispose trash properly?

Group 3 (Fast Learners)

Look at the picture and make at least 1 sentence that using

simple present form.

(She wears face mask to be safe.)

(They help each other as a sign of unity.)

Integration: Eduaksyon sa Pagpapakatao, Writing,

Science, Health

G. Finding Practical Read the poem. Complete the poem with the simple Applied Knowledge of
Application of concepts and present tense form of the verb in the parenthesis. Write content within and across the
skills in daily living. your answer on a paper. curriculum teaching areas.
(PPST Indicator 1)

Myra R. Labay

A cock (crow) ___________ Select, develop, organize and

use appropriate teaching and
A cat (meow) ____________ learning resources, including
The snake (hiss) __________ ICT to address learning goals.

The bees (buzz) __________ (PPST Indicator 8)

A bird (chirp) _________

The ducks (quack) _______

The dog (bark) ________

The cows (moo) _________

The rats (squeak) _______

The people (speak) ________

Modelling: The teacher will explain the activity. The

teacher will ask how the animals produce their sounds.
Remind the pupils about the rules in adding the –s form of

Integration: Science, Literacy, Writing, Music

H. Making Generalization and How do we form the –s form of a verb?

abstraction about the lesson
How do we use the simple form of verb?
The –s form of the verb is used when talking about
one person or thing in the present tense.
The simple form of verb is used when talking
about two or more persons or things in the present
I. Evaluating learning Supply the appropriate action in the simple present tense
to complete the sentence.
(Indicator 1)

Applied Knowledge of
1. I always ______ my content within and across the
friends. (help) curriculum teaching areas.

(Indicator 8)

2. Luisa ______ her pet cat

Select, develop, organize and
use appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including
ICT to address learning goals.

3. He _____ very hard for

his examination. (study)
(Indicator 9)

Designs, selects, organizes,

and uses diagnostic test,
formative and summative
assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum
4. They _____ the requirements
teacher’s help. (need)

5. She _____ office at 5

o’clock. (leave)

J. Additional activities for Independent Practice: Using Verbs in Sentences Applied Knowledge of
application and remediation. content within and across the
curriculum teaching areas.
Directions: (PPST Indicator 1)

Write five (5) sentences about what you do everyday at

home since you can’t go to school because of the
pandemic. Write the sentences on a clean sheet of
paper. Remember to use the simple present form of

Integration: Literacy, Writing


Dalia Mae M. Yntig Edgar Y. Battad Emelita R. Coronel

Teacher-I/Demonstrator Principal-I/Observer Master Teacher-I/Observer

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