The Ultimate Martial Arts Guide For Training

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Speed Training for the Over 40 Martial Artist

“Aren’t you too old for martial arts?”

Have you heard this question lately? Or perhaps even looked in the mirror
and asked yourself the same thing? Well the answer is a resounding “No.”
Martial arts can be practiced as long as, if not longer, than just about any
other physical pursuit.

In fact, martial artists often get better, not worse, with age. Perhaps you are
not as fast or flexible as the younger students in class. Perhaps you don’t
recover as quickly from your workouts or you are bothered by new aches
and pains that you easily shook off when you were younger. These are minor
obstacles when you consider the benefits that come with age. The wisdom to
slow down, to see the lessons in every class, to mentor younger students, to
laugh at the macho posturing and go your own way, to discover yourself
from the inside out. That is what martial arts after 40 is about; a journey of
self, a discovery of the boundlessness of your mind and body, working as
one, expressing your inner joy and wisdom.

Aging is an inevitable process. It proceeds at different rates in different

people. You can’t stop it, but you can delay it. It is your responsibility to live
your life to the fullest--or not. As your life unfolds, you begin to realize that
every choice that you have made so far has brought definite consequences
that are either rewarding or painful. Reaching mid-life means an
accumulation of wisdom. Based upon the lessons of your past choices, you
now have a great opportunity to reconsider and possibly change the course
of your life. In fact, now is the perfect time to begin living your life to the
The very fact that you are a martial artist or are considering taking up the
martial arts means you want to take care of yourself, that you want to
challenge your mind and body. This choice is a tremendous gift to you. It
means that you can reach the point of being where your body and mind
coexist in perfect harmony.

In your martial arts training, you will at some point realize that your body is
unique in itself. Your body has a different set point from others. You have to
learn to adjust your condition to the ideal point for the uniqueness of your
body. You can ignore statistics and standard guidelines, but you cannot take
your natural guidelines for granted.
This book is not intended to mold you to be like someone you see on the
cover of a fitness magazine. Instead, it will help you realistically get into and
stay in the physical condition that will allow you to continue to enjoy your
martial arts practice for many years to come.

Speed Training Tips

There are some rules to keep in mind when developing speed in your skills:

1. The skill must be conducive to speed training. Most martial arts skills can
be done at full speed, either in the air, with a partner or against a target.
Gross motor skills are more easily adapted for speed training than precision

2. The skill must be physically sound. Do not try to build speed until you
have mastered the basic physical model of a skill. If you have to think about
the mechanics of performing a skill or you are performing it without the
correct biomechanical form, your potential for speed development is limited.

3. Relax. Speed training requires relaxation from the point of initiation up to

the point of impact. At the point of impact, the muscles should briefly tense
and then relax again to facilitate quick recovery.

4. Recover. Recovery between executions is essential for improving speed.

If you are training a single skill, like front kick, the recovery between kicks
can be brief, up to fifteen seconds. If you are working on combinations,

spend a bit more time between repetitions so you do not become fatigued too

5. Practice first, practice last. There are two theories on where in your
workout speed training should come. Many experts advise putting speed
training early in the workout so you are not fatigued and your muscles are
fresh. This is good advice if you are relatively flexible, have good muscular
endurance and can relax easily. There are two drawbacks to doing speed
training early in a workout: you can become too fatigued to perform well
later in the workout and you may be too tense to fully achieve your potential.
Practicing speed skills near the end of a workout means your muscles are
looser and therefore you may find it easier to relax although you may
sacrifice some freshness. Arrange your speed training to suit your
performance style.

6. Use low repetitions. Keep the number of repetitions of each skill low (less
than 10) but the quality of each repetition very high. Perform each rep with
complete concentration and fully rest between repetitions.

7. Feel the speed. As you perform each repetition, you may find that a
particularly fast repetition “feels” different from all the others. Try to
capture and recreate this feeling, whether it is a feeling of lightness,
relaxation, energy, intensity or whatever name you assign to it.

8. Take time off. As you practice for speed, you may find that you have hit a
speed bump, a pace that you can consistently imitate, but cannot break
through. When this happens, it’s time to take a few days to a week off from
speed training. Instead of practicing the technique, spend time each day
visualizing breaking through the speed bump.


What is timing? Timing can be defined as simply being in the right place at
the right time. This can be said for all aspects of life and is not limited to the
Taekwondo arena. Timing is the ability to understand when and where to be
so that you may take full advantage of an opportunity that is present at that
moment. In order to understand timing, it is important to first understand
several other concepts.
An opportunity is chance that is present at a particular point in time for
success or the achievement of a goal. In the case of a Taekwondo athlete, the
goal is to score a point. Therefore, all timing leads to the acquisition of
points. This is not as simple as it sounds, for there are several ways in which
such opportunities occur.

Opportunity presents itself at different times and as the result of different

occurrences or circumstances. The one truth is that opportunity is a causal
effect of action or inaction. It is the direct effect of you or your opponent's
action or reaction to the circumstances that are present at a given time during
a match. This is the good news, because it means that it can be created and
taken away. You can create opportunity by your actions or by causing
reactions in your opponent.

Opportunity either exists or does not exist or is in a state for coming into
being or ceasing to be. Competitors are always trying to take advantage of
an opportunity when it exists. If it does not yet exist, they are waiting for it
to come into being so they can access it. Or, finally, they are trying to create
opportunities to take advantage of. I call this the "TAKE, WAIT, or
CREATE" model. As an athlete you can take an existing opportunity, wait
for one to appear, or create one. As much as there is a past, present, and
future, so it is for opportunity.

Since good competitors keep their opponents from creating opportunity, we

must spend most of our time waiting or creating the same. It is in this way
that timing comes into play and is the final essential piece of the point
puzzle. An opportunity that is realized is usually the result of bad timing, or
the inability to meet the opportunity when it presents itself. One is said to
have good timing if they can perform the two basic functions of a
Taekwondo competitor: Remove opportunity that an opponent is trying to
access and take advantage of an opportunity that an opponent has allowed.

So, how does it all work, and more importantly, how do you improve your
timing? I use the same method for my practice and training regardless of the
skill or attribute that I am trying to improve. First, I conceptualize the action
in its' perfect form and try to understand its' uniqueness. What is the primary
function of timing? Second, I break it down into its' component parts. What
is timing about and what attributes are necessary in order to have good
timing? Finally, I develop a series of drills to improve my skills with regard
to the attributes of good timing. This plan of attack will work with any skill
or training. First, study and understand your goal, then break it down into
smaller parts and finally develop drills to improve the smaller part and refine
the larger whole.

Good timing requires several physical and intellectual skills, and these can
be improved through a series of drills. However, keep in mind that we are
dealing with the final phase of point scoring; the existence of an opportunity
or the accessing of one that is about to come into being. This column is not
about creating opportunity, but merely taking advantage of one that does or
will exist. So, back to the fundamental premise. Timing requires adequate or
superior speed. Drills that will increase your speed will ultimately improve
your timing. Next, timing requires a spatial understanding of your body and
attacking implements with regard to your opponent's target areas and
movement. In other words, you must be able to position yourself quickly and
appropriately so that you will be able to launch an effective attack or
counterattack. Finally, you will need to understand your opponent's habits or
predisposition towards certain movements. This will help you to create
opportunities and score points.

A good starting place is match analysis of good players and games. Watch
high-level players or videotapes of international competitions and study the
athletes' attack and counterattack patterns. Take special note of timing
relative to when and how the attack or counterattacks are executed. Do not
focus on the point, but rather use the point as the starting place from which
to build outward. By viewing the tape and moving backward from the
occurrence of the point, you will start to see certain patterns arise. These are
the occurrences or the circumstances, which cause the point into being.
Next, visualize yourself in a similar situation performing a similar attack or
counterattack. Imagine the different scenarios that might occur during the
execution of the same. Now it's time to take this into the gym and develop
drills to refine these motion patterns. Working with a partner, develop drills
that present opportunities for you to access. In the first phase of the drills

your partner will allow you ample time to access the opportunity. The
second phase will have your partner presenting the opportunity and then
removing it. Finally, in the third phase your partner will try to prevent the
occurrence of such opportunities while you are trying to access it. In next
month's column, I will detail and outline a full and complete method to bring
closure to your timing adventure.

Hydrate for Higher Performance

Our thirst and common sense tells us that keeping hydrated during workouts
is important, but did you know that proper hydration can measurably
improve your performance? Recent studies showed that bicyclists that
pedaled hard for 50 minutes had a 6% increase in performance when they
replaced as much liquids as they sweated out, and their performance
improved 12% when the liquids contained carbohydrates, such as in a sports

How much liquid should you consume? If you lose two pounds of sweat in
an hour workout then you need to drink 32 oz. of liquid or roughly 8 oz.
every 15 minutes. Don't just rely on your thirst to tell you when you've
drunk enough, as studies show that people who relied solely on thirst drank
only half of the liquids they needed.

If carbohydrates boost performance does this mean you should drink a sports
drink? Not necessarily, you can have the same effectiveness by drinking
juice as long as you water it down so that there is no more than 80 calories
per 8 ounces. What about replacing minerals and electrolytes which so many
sports drinks tout? It's not really necessary, as you body is unlikely to
deplete these unless you have an extreme workout of over 6 hours or more.

What's the best regimen for fluid replacement? Start with 8-16 oz. no longer
than a half-hour before your workout, and then take frequent fluid
replacement breaks during the workout. Also, avoid extremely cold drinks as
your body more quickly absorbs cool, but not cold liquids.
So drink up for higher performance.

Improve Your Speed

To develop overall speed, there are several sequential steps in training:

• Basic conditioning

• Explosive power development
• Skill refinement
• Skill loading
• Full speed training

Basic condition, including flexibility, strength and agility training, is a

prerequisite for speed training. The completion of basic conditioning is
signaled by a level of fitness that allows the athlete to begin the more
intensive exercises that develop explosive power. Exercises for developing
explosive power are detailed in "Chapter 2: Power" and the execution speed
section of this chapter. Once the target muscles start to develop, begin
working on skill refinement. Each skill should be examined to eliminate
unnecessary movements and increase biomechanical efficiency.

With highly refined movements and strong muscles, you can begin adding
speed to each movement. Start skill loading gradually and observe your
body's reaction. If you can add speed and still maintain semi-refined
movements, continue to increase your intensity. Eventually you will reach
the final stage of speed training in which you can execute skillful
movements at high speed.

Now let's examine the four types of speed individually.

Perception speed can be increased by repeatedly exposing yourself to

situations that require instant analysis. Law enforcement officers do this by
participating in mock confrontations that require them to quickly analyze
who demands to be responded to and how. The best drill for developing
perception speed in martial artists is sparring.

Sparring teaches you what an attack looks like before it happens. Sparring
also teaches you to be alert at all times by placing you in imminent physical
danger. Alertness is one of the keys to perception speed. You cannot analyze
the situation if you do not realize it exists.

Reaction speed is improved by a two pronged approach. First, you have to

be aware of what types of situations may arise in any given environment. In
sparring, your opponent does one of several things, which are predetermined
by the rules of the sparring match. You know in advance what is allowed
and what is not.

In a self-defense situation, you also have some idea what to expect. You can
reasonably expect your assailant to try to harm you in some way. You do not
expect him to start singing songs or reciting poetry. By estimating what to
expect from the given environment, you narrow down your choice of
possible responses.

Second, you have to have experienced an identical or similar situation

before. If you have been attacked hundreds of times by a front kick in
sparring, your reaction becomes almost reflexive. If you are sparring for the
first time, your reaction time is longer because you must formulate a
response without a basis for comparison. If you have practiced self-defense
techniques in a realistic way hundreds of times, you are much better
prepared than if you spend all of your time beating up a stationary heavy

Execution speed is the type of speed that most martial arts training focuses
on. Executing techniques like kicks and punches with speed takes up a large
part of the intermediate and advanced stages of training. Execution speed
can best be improved through attention to detail. Shifting into a ready
posture at the last minute wastes time. Begin each movement with a ready
and relaxed posture. If you are going to punch, have your hands up and
ready. If you are going to kick, shift your weight to supporting leg and relax
your kicking leg. Shifting your weight and positioning your hands can take
more time than the actual striking or kicking. Anticipate what is necessary
and be prepared.

When you learn a new skill, practice slowly at first to train your muscles in
the correct execution of the movement. When you can execute with little
thought about the segments of the movement, speed up gradually. In
speeding up the movement, take care not to loose the precision you learned
in the beginner stage. Strong basics are essential for speed training.

Observing the laws of motion is also important to execution speed. If you

flail your arms and head wildly about when kicking, your kick will be slow.
If you stabilize your posture, your kicking speed will increase. If you punch
with your arm, your punching will be slow. If you punch from your hips,
your punching speed and power will increase. If you spin with your upper
body tilted to one side, you will lose kick, however, creates a continuous
circle of whirling force, increasing the speed of the second kick.

Finally, relax to create speed. Tense muscles have more difficulty
responding to your intense demands than relaxed muscles. Relax just prior to
the movement and maintain a minimum amount of tension during the
movement. Relaxation conserves energy and lessens the amount of force
necessary to move your body quickly.

Recovery speed is the result of execution speed. The old adage "what goes
up must come down" applies in other directions as well. If your fist shoots
out in a punching motion, it must return along the same path to be efficient
and effective. If you execute a sidekick and drop your leg to the ground
immediately following impact, you will be off balance and in danger. You
must rechamber the leg and then return to a natural stance.

If you do not execute the recovery portion of the technique, the action
becomes "dead." It does not have the dynamic quality associated with
speedy movement. It also increases the risk of joint injury tremendously. A
fast strike or kick that ends in a locked out position is a common case of
knee and elbow injuries.
A complete technique has an initiation, execution, impact and recovery.
Each phase must be executed correctly to create dynamic speed.

• Never use complex skills for speed training.
• Always master the basics before moving to speed training.
• Never tense your muscles before executing a speed skill.
• Muscles must be well trained before engaging in speed training. Weak
muscles that cannot bear the intense requirements of speed training
are easily injured.

The Optimal Method of Breathing for Martial Artists

We have seen that mind and body are intertwined. Just as the mind moves
the body, the body can move the mind. The key aspect of physiologic
control of the mind is breath control. Respiration is truly the mirror of the
psycho-physiologic state. While many people have developed a proverbial
"poker face" with little clues to their emotions portrayed as facial
expressions, their true mental state is always reflected in their breathing
pattern. Anger is characterized by rapid breaths with forced exhalations.

Anxiety is demonstrated by an erratic, fitful breathing pattern with breaths
taken from high in the chest. While respiration reflects your emotional and
physiologic state, it can also be utilized to change the state within seconds.

In the Western world we have been taught to breathe from high in the chest.
These stems from the Western ideal of proper posture characterized by a
puffed out chest with the stomach sucked in. Take a moment and assume
this position. Notice how much energy is expended maintaining this posture.
Hold this position for any length of time and soon you will notice how much
tension is present. Maintain this position for fifteen to twenty minutes and
fatigue will soon follow. While the martial arts teaches us to breathe from
the abdomen, with states of tension, fear and anxiety, most students soon
revert back to the shallow thoracic (chest) breaths which serve only to
perpetuate sub-optimal states. In order to fully comprehend proper
breath control, the mechanics of respiration must be understood.

The diaphragm is the primary muscle of respiration. This is the large, flat
muscle separating the abdominal from the chest cavities. The diaphragm
contracts thus lengthening the chest cavity creating a vacuum, which draws
air into the lungs. The secondary or so called accessory muscles of
respiration include the intercostal muscles (between the ribs), and to a lesser
extent, the neck muscles. The accessory muscles function to increase the
anterior-posterior diameter of the chest cavity as well as to lift and spread
the rib cage.

With good "Western" posture we use our accessory musculature to lift the
chest. Using the accessory muscles without proper use of the diaphragm
serves to keep air high in the chest and does not expand the lungs to their
capacity. A normal thoracic breath draws only 500 to 700 cc of air in the
average adult. This results in less efficient oxygen delivery to your
circulatory system and subsequently less potential for physical action. On
the other hand, a deep, abdominal breath typically draws 2500cc to 3000cc
of air, expanding the entire lungs for optimal oxygen delivery.

Proper Respiration
With this background we can now approach the process of proper
respiration. Normal, quiet respiration uses only the diaphragm. This is what
is termed abdominal breathing. The chest is kept completely still and the
accessory muscles are not utilized. This is the proper way to breathe. It is the
way infants normally breathe before they become conditioned and are taught

"proper posture." It is the way a cat or other predatory animal breathes when
stealthily stalking game.

Breathing should be accomplished by allowing the abdomen to inflate like a

balloon creating the sensation of air being pulled deep into the lower body.
When you have reached a maximum comfortable breath, press the air even
further down towards the pelvis by tensing the abdomen slightly. Expiration
is then accomplished in a gradual, controlled manner. Keeping slight tension
in the abdominal muscles, the air is slowly released. The accessory muscles
should come into play only when winded, contracting only after a full
diaphragmatic breath has been accomplished. The accessory muscles are
then utilized to expand and lift the chest to more fully inflate the very top
portions of the lungs.

All breathing should be done through the nose with the exception of when
vocalizing as when a martial artist performs a kiai. Nose breathing is most
efficient for oxygen delivery and preserves the moisture of the airways. This
becomes extremely important when involved in lengthy, dehydrating

Benefits of Proper Respiration.

Proper respiration has four major benefits for the martial artist. First, through
a neuro-physiologic feedback loop, it keeps the mind calm and "grounded."
Just try to become extremely angry or hysterical while taking slow, deep,
abdominal breaths. It simply cannot be done. In competitive or
confrontational situations, some athletes become so anxious and hyperactive
that they are bouncing off the walls. This is the sympathetic nervous system
in action. An activated sympathetic nervous system releases a flood of
adrenaline resulting in the "fight or flight" response. The adrenaline surge is
taxing on both the body and the mind wasting enormous energy reserves.

Deep, abdominal breathing with slight tension in the abdomen dampens the
sympathetic response in favor of the parasympathetic nervous system. The
parasympathetic nervous system fosters relaxation, lowering of the pulse,
slowing of respiration and conservation of energy. You are then able to
respond to a threat appropriately rather than reacting anxiously. The
preservation of energy reserves with parasympathetic system dominance
becomes very important in endurance activities.

Secondly, proper breathing allows superior oxygen exchange in the lungs
resulting in improved muscle performance during activity requiring maximal
effort. Third, keeping the breath low in the abdomen automatically keeps
your center of gravity low for improved balance. The fourth and probably
the most important quality of proper respiration is its ability to assist in
keeping the mind focused on the present moment. This will be discussed in
detail in Chapter Three.

Developing the habit of diaphragmatic breathing takes considerable practice.

It has taken years to condition your breathing to your current pattern so don't
expect miraculous change overnight. It will take time to condition your body
back to the normal respiration that it knew as an infant, but it will be well
worth the effort.

Summary of the Benefits of Proper Respiration

1. Calms the mind by calming the body
2. Allows superior oxygen exchange
3. Lowers the center of gravity for better balance
4. Enhances focus

Stretching--When Is It Too Much Of A Good Thing?

We have been taught since our earliest days in Taekwondo that stretching is
the key to increased range of motion, easier movement, and injury
prevention. In recent years, many of the traditional stretches that were
ballistic in nature (meaning you bounced when you did them) have been
shown to be dangerous and have now been discarded. In addition, other
potentially injurious stretches such as the Hurdler’s Stretch (which places
undo pressure on the knees) have been modified to bring the desired results
of stretching without the potential of causing the body harm. But, can
something as beneficial to Taekwondo training as proper stretching
technique still be harmful in certain situations?

Dr. Stephen M. Pribut, a Washington, DC Podiatrist, who practices podiatric

medicine and surgery with special interests in Sports Medicine and
Biomechanics, points out that even something as beneficial to an athlete as
stretching can be overdone.

“Surveys of runners have shown that there seem to be two types of runners
who have reported more injuries than others. Those who do not stretch very

much and those who spend an inordinate amount of time stretching both
seem to have significantly more injuries. This is not necessarily a causal
relationship. The fact that a survey has shown that an individual who spends
much longer than his peers stretching responds to a survey question
reporting many injuries might also imply that he is stretching in response to
his injuries. But then again, too much of a good thing might not be good.

Because your flexibility and muscle elasticity can diminish from time off
due to injury, martial artists are often eager to return to their stretching
routine. However, Dr. Pribut warns not to begin stretching while injured as
this can turn a minor injury into a chronic injury.

“The reason you should not start stretching with an acutely sore body part is
that your stretching will probably contribute to continuing to tear the muscle
or tendon fibers during your stretching of it,” notes Dr. Pribut.

As martial artists, we often feel that we can never train too hard, and like all
athletes we want to come back from our injuries as quickly as possible. Dr.
Pribut offers a great reminder that even something as beneficial as stretching
can be harmful if overdone, or if done before our body has recovered from

Fueling for Competition; Beyond the Fads

Are you confused about what to eat? It's no wonder with so much conflicting
advice circulating among athletes looking for a competitive edge. Some
nutrition expert’s say you should eat pasta for endurance, others say pasta
makes you fat. Should you eat the "gold-standard" high-carbohydrate, low-
fat diet, or will you perform better in the "Zone?" Just in case you are one of
the three people who haven't yet heard of the "Zone," the term comes from
the best-selling, but controversial book, "Enter the Zone," by Barry Sears.
Sears recommends a performance diet that balances protein, carbohydrate
and fat in a strict 30:40:30 ratio. The "Zone" diet is higher in protein and fat
and lower in carbohydrate than the conventional training diet, which
balances the percentage of protein, carbohydrate and fat in a 15:65:20 ratio.

While Sears' theory has become the latest fad among athletes, it has been
criticized by the experts. Sears believes that Americans are fatter because
we're eating less fat! He has no data to support this conclusion, but cites as
"evidence" the fact that obesity in the U.S., has risen over the past 15 years

despite a decrease in fat consumption. He implies a cause and effect
relationship without producing any evidence that one exists. Seras also
believes that carbohydrates cause obesity by activating insulin production.
However, this is a simplistic view of how insulin works. Carbohydrates are
only converted to fat only if a person chronically consumes excess calories.
Sears claims that his diet enhances performance, improves mood and makes
it easier to maintain a healthy weight. Again, there is no evidence for these
claims, but the diet may aid weight loss simply because it is low in calories.

The conventional high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet has a large body of

evidence supporting it, has withstood the test of time, and is the diet
recommended by the vast majority of fitness and nutrition experts for fueling
athletic performance. This diet helps prevent and reverse high cholesterol,
and helps many people lose body fat. However, athletes consuming more
than 5,000 calories per day often have trouble eating the sheer volume of
food that this diet recommends, while women eating fewer than 1,500
calories per day may not get adequate protein. And many athletes make the
mistake of consuming too many of their carbohydrates from refined foods
like sugar and white flour, and not enough from fruits, vegetables and whole
The high-protein diet recommended by Sears contains too much protein and
fat, and too little carbohydrate for most athletes. Athletes eating 2,000
calories per day (most women) would get only 200 grams of carbohydrate--
100 grams fewer than the minimum recommended for athletes--while
consuming double their protein needs. Carbohydrate isn't a problem for
athletes consuming more than 4,000 calories, because 40% of 4,000 calories
provides 400 grams of carbohydrate--comfortably above the minimum
requirement. But, the 300 grams of protein a person would consume on this
diet provides three times more protein than needed. Excess protein is
expensive, promotes dehydration and causes the loss of calcium from bones,
contributing to the development of osteoporosis.

However, the answer to "What's the best diet for me?" may turn out to be an
unequivocal "it depends." People are biochemically different, with variations
in biological ancestry, metabolism and lifestyles. For example, some people
who live healthy lifestyles and eat low fat diets battle high cholesterol, while
others who up on junk food and never develop a cholesterol problem. Most
of us can indulge in desserts when the whim strikes, but people with diabetes
have to carefully monitor their sugar consumption. Some people need to
limit salt to keep their blood pressure down, while others find their blood

pressure unaffected by salt intake. The point is, we are all different, so the
idea that there is one best diet for everyone is probably too narrow. The truth
is, some people may perform better on a higher protein diet, and others may
perform better on a higher carbohydrate diet. The majority of us are
probably somewhere in between.


The best way to find your own best diet for peak performance is to
experiment. Start keeping a food diary, and after each meal or snack, ask
yourself these two questions:
Do I become hungry again within an hour or two? And,
Do I become groggy or "fuzzy-brained?"
If the answer to both questions is yes, look to see if you're eating too much
sugar or refined carbohydrate like cookies, candy, bagels and muffins. If so,
you might try cutting down on your sugar intake and replacing refined
carbohydrate with unrefined whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You can
also try adding a little more low-fat protein to your diet and monitoring how
you feel. Good low-fat protein choices include: skinless chicken, turkey,
water-packed tuna, egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, dried
beans, lentils and tofu.

You may find that small changes in your diet provide the gains in energy
and performance you're looking for. You probably don't need to makes
dramatic dietary changes. Moderation is a far too underrated concept. Many
female athletes consume too little protein in their attempt to avoid fat and
might benefit from eating a little more protein without compromising the
carbohydrate they need. Athletes consuming more than 4000 calories per
day might do better with a slightly higher percentage of calories from fat to
help decrease the sheer volume of food they must consume. (Remember, the
more fit you are, the more fat you burn, so athletes in the higher calorie
ranges can get away with more fat than the rest of us.)
To boost your energy and well being, make sure to include more vitamin and
mineral-rich foods. Eat at least 3 to 4 pieces of fresh fruit and 3 to 4 cups of
vegetables every day. Choose only 100% whole-grain breads and cereals.
Minimize your intake of refined and processed foods. If you need help
figuring out the best diet for your body and your sport, consult a registered
dietitian trained in sports nutrition.

Medal Winning Forms

Forms, patterns, tul, by whatever name you call them they offer an exciting
element to Taekwondo tournament competition. As a judge at AAU
Taekwondo tournaments, I know what a great pleasure it is to see a crisp,
powerful medal winning form. If you are nervously awaiting your first
tournament competition, or are a seasoned medal winner, here are some tips
to help you enjoy the experience and hopefully bring home the gold.

First, lets look at what the judges are looking for. In AAU Taekwondo
tournaments we welcome a wide variety of traditional Taekwondo forms
including ITF, ATA, WTF, and TSD/MDK forms. This variety means that
the judges may not themselves practice the form that is being performed
before them. So, how do they judge it? By using criteria that the AAU
considers common to all these forms. These criteria are beauty, grace,
rhythm, focus, power and technique. Now that you know what the judges are
looking for lets take a closer look at how the scoring system works.

Here's a hypothetical situation. A competitor has performed their form and

the five judges have presented their scores. First, the high and low scores are
dropped, and then the three remaining scores are totaled. If those scores
were 8.7, 8.9 and 8.8. They would add up to a total 26.4. After dropping the
high and low scores from the next competitor their three remaining scores
are 8.4, 8.5 and 8.5 and add up to a total of 25.4. If there were only two
competitors we now know who would win the gold medal and who would
win the silver medal. When do they use the high and low scores? In the case
of a tie, first the low score is added back in and if the score is still tied then
the high score is added back in.

Here are some tips for how you, the motivated and enthusiastic competitor,
can maximize your score.

Enthusiasm - This definitely get you off on the right foot. When your name
is called out and you smartly acknowledge, respectfully bow and present
yourself to the judges, this sets a tone that alerts the judges that there is a
motivated competitor coming.

Power - Unlike in class where you might be expected to punch and kick for
an hour or two, the chances are that you will only have to do one pattern that
lasts a couple of minutes. There is no reason to save yourself for later. Let it

all out, while remaining in control, and really show you have the power to
make each punch and kick count.

Don't race Through the Form - Really showcase that you know each
move. Don't race through the form just to get it over with. If there are parts
of the form where you feel you are weak, focus your training on improving
them rather than just trying to get past the weak spots quickly.

Learn The Meaning of The Moves - The more you understand the purpose
behind the moves the easier it is to perform them correctly. Learning the
intended target and the purpose of each move helps you bring "realism" to
your form.

Enjoy Yourself - Remember why your there; to enjoy a fun day of

competition, to challenge yourself, and win or lose, to have a good time
meeting and competing with other martial artists. It's not life or death. So,
enjoy the experience and use those stomach butterflies productively; to raise
your intensity level.

Don't be Afraid of the Judges - Who are the judges? They're people like
you who enjoy Taekwondo. They love to watch a crisp powerful form and
are rooting for each competitor to their best. Don't be intimidated if they sit
their stone-faced, they are doing it out of respect for you. You wouldn't want
them laughing and joking up there now would you?

Don't Lose Your Energy if you make a Mistake - Nobody's perfect. Some
days are good days and some we try to forget. If you make a mistake keep
going. Remember, 7.0 is the lowest score for a completed form. If you throw
in the towel after a mistake your score drops to 0.0. Everyone makes
mistakes even your competitor. So, just because you kicked at the wrong
time don't let it phase you. Show the judges all the rest of the things you can
do well.

Don't be discouraged if you have to Start Over - O.K., so you had a

mental block and momentarily lost your place and you just cannot continue.
It's all right. If you are a colored belt at an AAU tournament you can start
again. Just bow to the judges and ask if you can start over. Your second
chance will now be scored fresh without consideration of the first attempt.
After the judges have totaled your score they deduct two-tenths (.2) of a
point from the total score (not from each judges score!). Thus, a 27.5 only

drops to a 27.3. Give your second try all the enthusiasm and effort of your
first try and you may still win the gold!

Your Competitors Are Your Peers - Feel intimidated by the black belt
with 6 gold stripes standing in the lobby? Don't worry, because you’re
competing against your same age and belt level. Your competitors are
people just like you with a similar experience level. They're nervous too!

Make Sure you are doing the Correct Form for Your Rank - AAU
tournaments are quite specific which patterns go with each belt color. Make
sure you check this year's handbook. Don't get disqualified because the
pattern you did doesn't conform to the AAU rulebook. "My instructor
always teaches Choong- Moo or Pal Gwe 8 to yellow belts," doesn't matter.
The rules specify which patterns go with each belt color and "No Variation
will be accepted." This is your assurance that you are competing on a level
playing field and that someone doesn't get up and do a black belt form as a
yellow belt.

Practice! Practice! - Think how confident you'll be when that form you
practiced all winter really shines at the spring tournament.

Don't be Disheartened if You Don't Win a Medal - Many people don't

realize that the scores are usually very close. If 27.9, 27.6, and 27.5 win
gold, silver and bronze, there are probably plenty of scores that just finished
out of the money. Your 26.9 means you are probably average for your level.
The people that won were above average that day. So, don't feel
discouraged, just work hard to be above average next time!
Lastly, here is a little secret from one competitor to another. Everything you
did to improve your forms for the tournament doesn't go away. Win or lose
you've made yourself better and that sticks with you long after the
tournament is over. That's the ultimate gold medal

What is plyometrics?

Speed and strength are integral components of fitness found in varying

degrees in virtually all-athletic movements. Simply put the combination of
speed and strength is power. For many years coaches and athletes have
sought to improve power in order to enhance performance. Throughout this
century and no doubt long before, jumping, bounding and hopping exercises

have been used in various ways to enhance athletic performance. In recent
years this distinct method of training for power or explosiveness has been
termed plyometrics. Whatever the origins of the word the term is used to
describe the method of training which seeks to enhance the explosive
reaction of the individual through powerful muscular contractions as a result
of rapid eccentric contractions.

Muscle Mechanism
The maximum force that a muscle can develop is attained during a rapid
eccentric contraction. However, it should be realized that muscles seldom
perform one type of contraction in isolation during athletic movements.
When a concentric contraction occurs (muscle shortens) immediately
following an eccentric contraction (muscle lengthens) then the force
generated can be dramatically increased. If a muscle is stretched, much of
the energy required to stretch it is lost as heat, but some of this energy can be
stored by the elastic components of the muscle. This stored energy is
available to the muscle only during a subsequent contraction. It is important
to realize that this energy boost is lost if the eccentric contraction is not
followed immediately by a concentric effort. To express this greater force
the muscle must contract within the shortest time possible. This whole
process is frequently called the stretch shortening cycle and is the underlying
mechanism of plyometric training.

Choose the method to fit the sport

The golden rule of any conditioning program is specificity. This means that
the movement you perform in training should match, as closely as possible,
the movements encountered during competition. If you are rugby player
practicing for the line-out or a volleyball player interested in increasing
vertical jump height, then drop jumping or box jumping may be the right
exercise. However if you are a javelin thrower aiming for a more explosive
launch, then upper body plyometrics is far more appropriate.

Plyometric Exercises
The following are examples of lower body and upper body plyometric

Lower Body
Drop Jumping: This exercise involves the athlete dropping (not jumping) to
the ground from a raised platform or box, and then immediately jumping up.
The drop down gives the pre-stretch to the leg muscles and the vigorous

drive upwards the secondary concentric contraction The exercise will be
more effective the shorter the time the feet are in contact with the ground.
The loading in this exercise is governed by the height of the drop which
should be in the region of 30-80 cm. Drop jumping is a relatively high
impact form of plyometric training and would normally be introduced after
the athlete had become accustomed to lower impact alternatives, such as
two-footed jumping on the spot.

Bounding and hurdling: If forward motion is more the name of your game,
try some bounding. This is a form of plyometric training, where over sized
strides are used in the running action and extra time spent in the air. Two-
legged bounds reduces the impact to be endured, but to increase the intensity
one legged bounding, or hopping, can be used. Bounding upstairs is a useful
way to work on both the vertical and horizontal aspects of the running
action. Multiple jumps over a series of obstacles like hurdles is a valuable
drill for athletes training for sprinting or jumping events.
These exercises are all aimed at the lower body, but a variety of drills can be
used to make the upper body more explosive.

Upper Body
Press ups & hand clap: Press-ups with a hand clap in between is a
particularly vigorous way to condition the arms and chest. The pre-stretch
takes place as the hands arrive back on the ground and the chest sinks, and
this is followed quickly by the explosive upward action. Once again, to get
the best training effect keep the time in contact with the ground to a

Medicine Ball: Another means of increasing upper body strength popular

with throwers is to lie on the ground face up. A partner then drops a
medicine ball down towards the chest of the athlete, who catches the ball
(pre-stretch) and immediately throws it back. This is another high-intensity
exercise and should only be used after some basic conditioning.

Planning a Plyometric Session

The choice of exercises within a session and their order should be planned.
A session could:
• begin with exercises that are fast, explosive and designed for
developing elastic strength (low hurdle jumps; low drop jumps)
• work through exercises that develop concentric strength (standing
long jump; high hurdle jumps)

• finish with training for eccentric strength (higher drop jumps).
An alternative session could:
• begin with low hurdle jumps
• progress to bounding and hopping
• continue with steps or box work
• finish with medicine ball work out for abdominal and upper body.

Warm up
A thorough warm-up is essential prior to plyometric training. Attention
should be given to jogging, stretching (static and ballistic), striding and
general mobility especially about the joints involved in the planned
plyometric session. A warm-down should follow each session.

How many ?
It is wise not to perform too many repetitions in any one session and since it
is a quality session, with the emphasis on speed and power rather than
endurance, split the work into sets with ample recovery in between.

Where to do it and what to wear

For bounding exercises use surfaces such as grass or resilient surfaces.
Avoid cement floors because there is no cushioning. Choose well-cushioned
shoes that are stable and can absorb some of the inevitable impact. All
athletes should undergo general orthopedic screening before engaging in
plyometric training. Particular attention should be given to structural or
postural problems that are likely to predispose the athlete to injury.

Conditioning for plyometrics

Higher than normal forces are put on the musclosketal system during
plyometric exercises so it is important for the athlete to have a good sound
base of general strength and endurance. Most experts state that a thorough
grounding in weight training is essential before you start plyometrics. It has
been suggested that an athlete be able to squat twice his body weight before
attempting depth jumps. However, less intensive plyometric exercises can be
incorporated into general circuit and weight training during the early stages
of training so as to progressively condition the athlete. Simple plyometric
drills such as skipping hopping and bounding should be introduced first.
More demanding exercises such as flying start single-leg hops and depth
jumps should be limited to thoroughly conditioned athletes.

Young athletes
Some authors suggest that moderate jumps can be included in the athletic
training of very young children (Lohman, 1989). However, great care needs
to be exerted when prescribing any training procedures for preadolescent
children. Because of the relatively immature bone structure in preadolescent
and adolescent children the very great forces exerted during intensive depth
jumps should be avoided (Smith, 1975).

Plyometric type exercises have been used successfully by many athletes as a
method of training to enhance power. In order to realize the potential
benefits of plyometric training the stretch-shortening cycle must be invoked.
This requires careful attention to the technique used during the drill or
exercise. The rate of stretch rather than the magnitude of stretch is of
primary importance in plyometric training. In addition, the coupling time or
ground contact time must be as short as possible. The Challenge to you as
coach or athlete is to select or create an exercise that is specific to the event
and involves the correct muscular action. As long as you remember
specificity and to ensure there is a pre stretch first then the only limit is your

Improving Your Lactic Acid Threshold

The expression lactic acid, or lactate, is used most commonly to describe the
intense pain felt during exhaustive exercise, especially short events like the
400 meters and 800 meters. To explain what it is we first have to look
briefly into how the working muscles use energy (ATP). Actively
contracting muscles obtain Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) from glucose
stored in the blood stream and the breakdown of glycogen stored in the
muscles. Initially pyruvic acid and small amounts of ATP are generated
from the breakdown of glucose. The pyruvic acid mixed with oxygen is
converted to carbon dioxide, water and ATP. When muscles contract
vigorously for long periods the circulatory system begins to lose ground in
delivery of oxygen. In these conditions most of the pyruvic acid produced in
the breakdown of glucose is converted to lactic acid (LA). As the lactate is
produced in the muscles it leaks out into the blood and is carried around the
body. If this condition continues the functioning of the body will become
impaired and the muscles will fatigue very quickly. When oxygen becomes

available the lactic acid is converted to pyruvic acid and then into carbon
dioxide, water and ATP.

Given that high levels of lactate will be detrimental to performance, one of

the key reasons for endurance training is to enable the body to perform at a
greater pace with a minimal amount of lactate. This can be done by long
steady runs, which will develop the aerobic capacity by means of
capillarisation (formation of more small blood vessels, thus enhancing
oxygen transport to the muscles) and by creating greater efficiency in the
heart and lungs. If the aerobic capacity is greater, it means there will be
more oxygen available to the working muscles and this should delay the
onset of lactic acid at a given work intensity.

Anaerobic Threshold
Lactic acid starts to accumulate in the muscles once you start operating
above your anaerobic threshold. This is normally somewhere between 85%
and 90% of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

What a low Lactate Threshold means

If your lactate threshold (LT) is reached at low exercise intensity, it often
means that the "oxidative energy systems" in your muscles are not working
very well. If they were performing at a high level they would use oxygen to
break lactate down to carbon dioxide and water, preventing lactate from
pouring into the blood.

If your LT is low it may mean that:

• you are not getting enough oxygen inside your muscle cells
• you do not have adequate concentrations of the enzymes necessary to
oxidize pyruvate at high rates
• you do not have enough mitochondria in your muscle cells
• your muscles, heart, and other tissues are not very good at extracting
lactate from the blood

Improving your Lactic Threshold

The aim is to saturate the muscles in lactic acid, which will educate the
body's buffering mechanism (alkaline) to deal with it more effectively. The
following are example sessions (running) to help improve your LT.
• 8 * 200 meters at 100% effort - recovery 4 minutes
• 4 * 75 seconds at 100% effort - recovery 5 minutes

• 5 * 60 seconds at 100% effort - recovery 2½ minutes
• 3 * 90 seconds at 800 meter pace - recovery 4 minutes
• 3 * 120 seconds at faster than 1500 meter pace - recovery 5 minutes

A session should be conducted once a week and commence eight weeks

before a major competition. This will help the muscle cells retain their
alkaline buffering ability.

The Psychology of Training: Using Mental Imagery

Why do we need Psychology in sports?

The increased stress of competitions can cause athletes to react both
physically and mentally in a manner that can negatively affect their
performance abilities. They may become tense, their heart rates race, they
break into a cold sweat, they worry about the outcome of the competition,
they find it hard to concentrate on the task in hand. This has led coaches to
take an increasing interest in the field of sport psychology and in particular
in the area of stress control. That interest has focused on techniques which
athletes can use in the competitive situation to maintain control and optimize
their performance. Once learned, these techniques allow the athlete to relax
and to focus his/her attention in a positive manner on the task of preparing
for and participating in competition.

Relaxation Training
There are a number of relaxation techniques, which have the following
• procedures for first recognizing and then releasing tension in muscles
• concentration on breathing control and regulation
• concentration on sensations such as heaviness, warmth
• mental imagery

Regardless of which technique is used, the following two conditions need to

exist if the technique is to be learned:
• the athlete must believe that relaxation will help
• A quiet, dimly lit and warm room which is free from interruption

Meditation for Relaxation

A number of people involved in sports psychology believe that meditation
can be useful in getting maximum performance from an athlete (Syer &

Connolly, 1984). Engaging in meditation helps reduce stress before an event
and with experience the athlete can learn to relax different muscle groups
and appreciate subtle differences in muscle tension. The technique includes
the following steps:

• Lie down quietly on your back in a comfortable position and close

your eyes.
• Deeply relax all your muscles, beginning at your feet and progressing
to your face.
• Breathe through your nose and become aware of your breathing. As
you breathe out, say the word "one" silently to yourself. For example,
breathe in . . . out, "one"; in . . . out, "one"; and so on. Continue for 20
minutes. You may open your eyes to check the time, but do not use an
alarm. When you finish, lie quietly for several minutes at first with
closed eyes and later with opened eyes.

Maintain a passive attitude, permit relaxation to occur at its own pace and
expect other thoughts. When distracting thoughts occur return your
concentration to your breathing. Try to practice a relaxation technique once
a day.

How do I achieve relaxed muscles?

Progressive muscular relaxation involves the active contracting and relaxing
of muscles. When a muscle is tightened for 4-6 seconds and then relaxed, the
muscle returns to a more relaxed state. This process should be performed for
the following parts of the body in turn -- feet, legs, thighs, buttocks,
stomach, back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, jaw, face and eyes.

How will relaxed muscles feel?

J.H. Schultz in the 1930s noticed that patients in a relaxed state experienced
one of two sensations: the feeling of warmth or the feeling of heaviness in
completely relaxed limbs. During the relaxation process concentration
should be focused on one of these sensations. For the first few sessions the
athlete should alternate the focus between sessions to determine which one
they prefer.

Can Relaxation have a Negative Effect?

In a competition situation an athlete will either be:

• under-excited; low in arousal; find it hard to "get up" for the
competition; disinterested; etc.,
• over-excited; high in arousal; over the top; nervous- anxious; scared
of the competition; sick with worry; etc.
• optimally-excited; nervous but in control; looking forward to the
competition but apprehensive; thinking positively; feeling good; etc.

If we were to use relaxation procedures with an over excited athlete, we

might be able to reduce his/her arousal level to that of the optimally excited
athlete. This would have a positive effect on his/her performance. However
if we asked an under-excited athlete to use relaxation procedures it would
only make it harder for him/her to "get-up" for the competition. The coach
therefore has to know his/her athletes and how they react in competitive

What is Mental Imagery?

Mental imagery involves the athlete imagining themselves in a specific
environment or performing a specific activity. The images should have the
athlete performing these items very well and successfully. They should see
themselves enjoying the activity and feeling satisfied with their
performance. They should attempt to enter fully into the image with all their
senses. See, hear, feel, touch, smell and perform, as they would like to
perform in real life. When an athlete is in a fully relaxed state, he/she is
particularly receptive to mental imagery.

What can Mental Imagery be used for?

Mental Imagery can be used:
• To see success. Many athletes "see" themselves achieving their goals
on a regular basis, both performing skills at a high level and seeing the
desired performance outcomes
• To motivate. Before or during training sessions, calling up images of
your goals for that session, or of a past or future competition or
competitor can serve a motivational purpose. It can vividly remind
you of your objective, which can result in increased intensity in
• To perfect skills. Mental imagery is often used to facilitate the
learning and refinement of skills or skill sequences. The best athletes
"see" and "feel" themselves performing perfect skills, programs,
routines, or plays on a very regular basis.

• To familiarize. Mental imagery can be effectively used to familiarize
yourself with all kinds of things, such as a competition site, a race
course, a complex play pattern or routine, a pre-competition plan, an
event focus plan, a media interview plan, a refocusing plan, or the
strategy you plan to follow
• To set the stage for performance. Mental imagery is often an integral
part of the pre-competition plan, which helps set the mental stage for a
good performance. Athletes do a complete mental run through of the
key elements of their performance. This helps draw out their desired
pre- competition feelings and focus. It also helps keep negative
thoughts from interfering with a positive pre-game focus.
• To refocus. Mental imagery can be useful in helping you to re focus
when the need arises. For example, if a warm-up is feeling sluggish,
imagery of a previous best performance or previous best event focus
can help get things back on track. You can also use imagery as a
means of refocusing within the event, by imagining what you should
focus on and feeling that focus.

How do I Apply Mental Imagery?

Golfing great Jack Nicklaus used mental imagery. In describing how he
images his performance, he wrote:
"I never hit a shot even in practice without having a sharp in-focus picture of
it in my head. It's like a color movie. First, l "see" the ball where l want it to
finish, nice and white and sitting up high on the bright green grass. Then the
scene quickly changes, and I "see" the ball going there: its path, trajectory,
and shape even its behavior on landing. Then there's a sort of fade-out, and
the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the
previous images into reality only at the end of this short private Hollywood
spectacular do l select a club and step up to the ball."

When should mental imagery be used?

To become highly proficient at the constructive use of imagery, you have to
use it ever day, on your way to training, during training, after training, and in
the evenings before sleeping. If you want to perfect and use mental imagery
to your fullest advantage you can start by doing two things. In every training
session, before you execute any skill or combination of skills, first do it in
imagery as perfectly and precisely as possible. See, feel, and experience
yourself moving through the actions in your mind as you would like them
actually to unfold. In competitions, before the event starts, mentally recall

the event focus plan, significant plays, skills, movements, reactions, or
feelings that you want to carry into the event.

What are the Benefits?

Relaxation itself can be useful in a number of circumstances including:
• the promotion of rest, recovery and recuperation
• the removal of stress related reactions, e.g., increased muscular
tension, etc.,
• the establishing of a physical and mental state which has an increased
receptivity to positive mental imagery
• the establishing of a set level of physical and mental arousal prior to
warming up for competition.
When combined with positive mental imagery it is useful in:
• developing self confidence
• developing pre-competition and competition strategies which teach
athletes to cope with new situations before they actually encounter
• helping the athlete to focus his/her attention or concentrate on a
particular skill he/she is trying to learn or develop. This can take place
both in or away from the training session
• the competition situation.

"You only achieve what you believe"

This is a quotation of mine that I quote to an athlete when I hear them make
a negative statement about their ability. I also use it to focus the athlete's
attention when assisting them to develop mental imagery skills.

Upper Body Conditioning

One of the most common sites of injury is the lower back. Injury in this
region can be as a result of muscular imbalance, weak or inflexible muscles
or poor posture. It makes sense, therefore, to develop a session that will
work all these areas and give the right level of conditioning for injury

The exercises
Detailed below is a session of six exercises. The exercises are to be
performed slowly and smoothly and at no time should you be out of breath.
Sit Ups (Lower Abdominal)

• Lie on your back with your legs bent, knees together and feet flat on
the floor.
• Rest your hands on your thighs
• Sit up until the palms of your hands touch your knees
• Return to the starting position
• Perform the movements in a slow controlled fashion
Back Arches (Back)
• Lie on you front with your legs crossed at the ankles, keep your feet
firmly anchored to the floor
• Hands and arms straight out in front of you
• Raise your upper body off the floor, keep your neck in line with your
• Hold for one second and then slowly lower to the floor
Speed Cramps (Upper Abdominal)
• Lying on your back, keep your legs together in the air, bent at the
• Rest your hands lightly on the side of you head (not the back of your
• Raise your upper body to bring your elbows to your knees and go
straight back down
Hip and Leg raise (Gluteals and hamstrings)
• Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor
• Place your hands by your side
• Raise hips and straighten one leg and hold for a second before
• Repeat with the other leg
Short sit ups (Hip flexors and Abdominal)
• Lie on you back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor
• Rest your hands lightly on the side of you head (not the back of your
• Raise your body so that your upper body is at 30-40 degree angle with
the floor
• Hold for one second before coming down slowly
Back Extensions (Back)
• Sit on the floor with legs bent, feet flat on the floor
• Position your hands on the floor behind you to take some of the

• Raise your body off the floor so that your body is parallel with the
• Hold for one second and slowly lower

How Many and How Often?

Start at one set of 10 repetitions. Each week increase the number of
repetitions by 2. When you reach 20 repetitions increase the number of sets
by one and start again at 10 repetitions.
The exercises should be performed two or three times a week and be
incorporated into your training schedule.

Before You Start

Prior to starting any training program it is recommend that you have a
medical examination to ensure it is safe for you to do so.

Motivate for Peak Performance

Whether you are heading to this year's Nationals, or just need a pick-me-up
to keep your training on track, sometimes having a motivational saying gives
that extra little mental boost. Here's a selection of sayings. Maybe one will
inspire you to a gold medal.

Trust your hopes, not your fears.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond into the
The road to success is always under construction.

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

There is a big difference between wanting to and willing to.

Winning is seeing improvement in yourself.

You can always better your best.

Your toughest opponent is in the mirror.

The harder your work, the luckier you get.

Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

Only those risking to go far will ever know how far they can go.

There is always room at the top.

Workout Components for Greater Athletic Performance

Building a workout routine, whether in class or on your own always brings

up questions about what type of work an athlete should do to improve their
performance. Let's look first at the physical workout.
There are three components to strength and speed training that work hand in
hand. Weight training, Light resistance training, including Plyometric
training, and Flexibility training. All three of these types of training help the
body build the explosive quickness that we use in Taekwondo sparring.

For weight training, it not necessary to pursue maximum bulk, but rather to
build the muscles for the purpose of explosive kicking and punching. The
advantage to using weights is that they allow you to target and work specific
muscles both in-groups and individually.

Light resistance training, such as plyometrics, uses the body's own weight--
amplified by the act of jumping, leaping, bounding and hopping--to add not
only build muscle strength, but to combine it with coordinated motion, thus
building better balance and coordination along with power. Flexibility
training uses stretching and kicking routines to build range of motion and
accurate placement of techniques.
Combined, these three types of training give you a balanced physical
training foundation.
What's missing? The mental workout.

Add in positive visualization training and motivational training, and you

have the tools you need to compete at your top level.

So, the next time you're reviewing your workout routine, make sure all these
types of training are included and you'll reach your maximum potential.

The Boxer's Secret

Boxers and Taekwondo athletes have a lot in common. Both types of

fighting competitions are based on rounds with a short rest break in between.

They both call for developing not just quickness, timing and muscular
strength, but also stamina and coordination. However, one of the boxer’s
most basic training tools is too often neglected by martial artists-the jump

Think of every boxing movie that you've ever seen and you'll remember
someone skipping rope?

Because it's one of the cheapest, easiest, and most readily available tools to
improve your stamina, coordination, strength, balance, and all-around
conditioning. It burns more calories than jogging and is great for aiding
weight loss and full-body toning.
To get started skipping rope you've first got to get a high quality jump rope,
which you can find at a sporting goods store. Look for a "speed rope" made
of plastic vinyl. Unlike leather ropes, these have ideal weighting.

Now you need shoes. Never skip rope barefoot! Quality footwear is essential
and should consist of cross-training shoes. Running shoes are not
recommended, as they do not sufficiently cushion the impact.
Lastly, you need the proper jumping surface. Don't jump on concrete,
asphalt or tile. Use a more forgiving surface, such as a wood floor, dance
floor, carpet or high-density mat.
Now its time to jump!

Break your routine into rounds, just like your sparring and give yourself a
30-second rest break between each round.

Keep your feet low to the ground. They should only rise 1" to 2" off the
ground. This will help keep your jumping from being a "high impact"
Keep the jump rope swinging 8"-12" over your head and try to maintain a
pace of 125-175 evolutions per minute.

Slowly build up the total number of rounds you can jump. When you can do
a thirty-minute workout, you'll be ready for anything.
It's that simple.

Now you know the boxer's secret!

Strategic Tips for Winning Olympic Style Sparring

Strategic Tips for Winning

Counterattacking has a better chance of scoring than attacking for advanced
Beginning and intermediate competitors are most likely to score with single
direct attacks.
In a close match, an attacking fighter is more likely to win than a
counterattacking fighter is unless the counterattacker can score a knockout.

The most frequently used attacks are roundhouse kick, back kick and axe
kick. Successful competitors can effectively counter these kicks.
The sidekick and front kick are rarely used in competition any more and are
highly unlikely to score points.

The roundhouse kick is the preferred kick for scoring, followed by the back
kick and axe kick.
Kicks to the trunk score points more frequently than kicks to the head.
Spin whip kick is the least likely kick (out of the frequently used kicks) to
Feinting should be used sparsely and only when there is an intention to

Counterattacking fighters should capitalize on the use of their front leg to

increase chances of scoring.
Occupying the center of the ring is most advantageous.

When the opponent positions himself in the corner, prepare to counter an

aggressive attack.
When the referee says "Kaesok" attack immediately

Stretching by the Clock

Martial Artists know that stretching is key to improving flexibility and

reducing injury. But for how long should you stretch a muscle for maximum
results? Ten seconds? Thirty seconds? A minute?

Now a study authored by Brent Feland, Ph.D. that was presented at the
American College of Sports Medicine's annual meeting gives a scientific
basis for an activity that most people do strictly by feel.

Dr. Feland's study looked at hamstring stretches and broke the study
participants into groups that ranged from no stretching to 15, 30, and 60
seconds stretches.

The results clearly showed that the participants who stretched for 60 seconds
had by far the greatest benefit. Dr. Feland found that the participants that
stretched for 60 seconds had nearly double the increase in flexibility and
range of motion of all the other groups.

So, the next time you're taking a moment to stretch, make that moment last
60 seconds. It will be time well spent.

Increase your Flexibility

Stretch every time you exercise. The only way to improve your flexibility is
through consistent stretching exercises. Every muscle is subject to the
myotatic reflex (stretch reflex) which opposes changes in muscle length,
especially sudden or extreme changes. When a muscle lengthens beyond a
certain point, the myotatic reflex causes it to tighten and attempt to shorten.
This is the tension you feel during stretching exercises.

The myotatic reflex is desirable because it prevents, in many cases, muscle

strains and tears. Without it your muscles would be allowed to overextend
and tear easily. But it is also undesirable in cases where it prevents you from
fully using your body.

Through stretching, deconditioning of the myotatic reflex takes place. Little

by little, you teach your muscles a new limit of safe extension. This is why
stretching must be slow and consistent. If you overstretch and injure the
muscle, you have to go back to a lower level of flexibility and start over. Set
your stretching goals over a period of weeks or months, not days, for best

There are three types of stretching: static, dynamic and ballistic. Ballistic
stretching means bobbing, bouncing or using some type of moving pressure
to stretch the target muscles. Ballistic stretching is not recommended
because it activates the myotatic reflex and causes the muscles to tense,
rather than relax. Ballistic stretching has a high risk of injury.

Dynamic stretching means moving the muscle through its full range of
movement. Dynamic stretching leads to greater flexibility in movement but
should be done with caution so it does not become ballistic stretching. To
maintain a correct dynamic stretch, focus on smooth, even movements that
do not shock the muscle. Examples of dynamic stretches are knee raises, leg
raises, arm circles, and trunk circles. Static stretching is a controlled stretch.
A specific muscle or muscle group is extended to the point of feeling slight
pain and held in t hat position for ten to sixty seconds. During static
stretching, concentrate on relaxing the target muscles and breathing deeply.
Begin your flexibility workout with several minutes of gross motor activity
to increase your blood flow. Increased blood flow improves the suppleness
of the muscles. Then move to joint loosening exercises followed by dynamic
stretches to the get the muscles moving freely. If you are working only on
flexibility, do static stretches next. If you are training, interspersing periods
of static stretching throughout the workout works best because the range of
motion increases as the body warms up. Do some light static stretches at the
end of every workout to relax and refresh your muscles.

• Do not overstretch. A mild sensation of burning or pulling should be
felt in the target muscles. It should be uncomfortable but not
unbearable. Avoid bouncing during a stretch. Bouncing causes the
muscles to tighten and heightens the risk of injury.
• Follow instructions for exercises carefully. There is right and wrong
way to stretch every muscle. Good flexibility exercises are designed
to provide a maximum stretch with a minimum risk of injury.
• Do gravity assisted stretches with caution and only after fully
warming up. Gravity assisted stretches are exercises like splits that
use the force of gravity to increase the pressure on the stretch.
• You should never feel pain in your joints during stretching exercises.
If you do, stop immediately and discontinue that exercise.
• When doing flexibility exercises that require bending at the waist,
always bend from the hip, not the lower back.
• The lower back is extremely vulnerable to injuries.
• Always increase strength and flexibility together.

Eating Your Way to Muscle Recovery

Exercise is a form of trauma. As the muscle cell works during exercise it

undergoes considerable trauma and it is this trauma that brings on the
soreness so familiar to anyone who has pushed himself or herself hard
during a workout.

Now studies have identified a buildup of free radicals during exercise as one
of the causes of muscle soreness. The buildup, called oxidative stress, is
caused by free radical damage to the muscle cell membrane. What can you
do to reduce free radical damage? Antioxidants including Vitamin C and E
have been shown to reduce free radical buildup during exercise and protect
against muscle damage.

In addition, a new study by Dr. Donald Layman of the University of Illinois

in Urbana has shown that the amino acid Leucine, an amino acid found in
protein-rich foods, can speed muscle recovery after exercise. Dr. Donald
Layman recommends the consumption of protein-rich foods "as soon as
possible after exercise." Layman explains that Leucine appears to have a
specific, and apparently unique, impact on skeletal muscle. According to
Layman, Leucine, similar to the hormone insulin, stimulates a cascade of
chemical signals that "jump-start" the post-exercise protein metabolism

So after your workout, drink antioxidant rich juices such as orange juice, and
eat protein rich foods.
Your muscles will thank you.

Shoto Dojo Kun

Hitotsu. Jinkaku Kansei ni Tsutomuro Koto.

One. Seek Perfection of Character
Hitotsu. Makoto no Michi wo Mamoru Koto.
One. Defend the Path of Truth
Hitotsu. Doryoku no Seishin o Yashinau Koto.
One. Strive to Excel
Hitotsu. Reigi o Omonzuru Koto.
One. Be Courteous

Hitotsu. Kekki no Yu o Imashimuru Koto.
One. Refrain from Violence

As you read the Kun you should notice something. Each line begins with the
number 1. Why? Why not 1, 2, 3, etc.? Well, Funakoshi sensei felt that no
item of the Kun was any more important than another. Therefore, each item
was number 1. Get it?
You should read and study the Kun. As you do, you will come to understand
it better each and every time you read it.

Shoto Niju Kun

Karate-do wa rei ni hajimari, rei ni owaru koto wo wasuruna.

Karate begins and ends with courtesy
Karate ni sente nashi.
There is no first attack in karate.
Karate wa gi no tasuke.
Karate is an assistance to justice.
Mazu jiko wo shire, shikoshite tao wo shire.
Know yourself before you know others.
Gijutsu yori shinjutsu.
Spirit before technique.
Kokoro wa hanatan koto wo yosu.
Be ready to free your mind.
Wazawai wa getai ni shozu.
Accidents come from inattention.
Dojo nomino karate to omou na.
Karate training is not only in the Dojo.
Karate no shugyo wa issho de aru.
You will never stop learning karate.
Arai-yuru mono wo karate-ka seyo, soko ni myo-mi ari.
Make karate part of your life and you will find myo.
Karate wa yu no goto shi taezu natsudo wo ataezareba moto no mizu ni
Karate is like hot water. If not given continual heat, it will go cold.
Katsu kangae wa motsu na makenu kangae wa hitsuyo
Do not think you must win. Instead, think that you do not have to lose.
Tekki ni yotte tenka seyo.

Tattakai wa kyo-jitsu no soju ikan ni ari.

Hito no te ashi wo ken to omoe.

Think that your hands and feet are swords.
Danshi mon wo izureba hyakuman no tekki ari.
Be aware of your actions so as not to invite trouble.
Kamae wa shoshinsha ni ato wa shizentai.
First master low stances, then natural posture.
Kata wa tadashiku jissen wa betsu mono.
Practicing kata is no substitue for the real thing.
Chikara no kyojaku, karada no shinshuku, waza no kankyu wo wasaruna.

Tsune ni shinen kufu seyo.

Think of ways to apply these precepts every day.

Mind Like Water

Mizo No Kokuro

When performing, practicing or using karate, one must maintain a "mind

like water". Yeah, right. What are you TALKING about?!?

This refers to the mental attitude while facing an actual opponent. It refers to
the need of making the mind calm, like that of an undisturbed body of water.

Smooth water reflects accurately the image of all objects within its range,
and if the mind is kept calm, comprehension of the opponent’s movements,
both psychological and physical, will be both immediate and accurate, and
one's responses, both defensive and offensive, will be appropriate and

On the other hand, if the surface of the water is disturbed, the images it
reflects will be distorted. In other words, if the mind is preoccupied with
thoughts of attack and defense it will not properly comprehend the
opponent's intentions creating an opportunity for the opponent to attack.

Water also other properties. Water can be quite destructive. In fact, over
time, water is one of the most destructive forces on earth. Your mind must
be like water. When necessary, be as destructive as you must.

Mind Like The Moon
Tsuki No Kokuro

This refers to the need to be constantly aware of the totality of the opponent
and his/her movements, just as moonlight shines equally upon everything
within its range. This means that one should watch just part of the
opponent’s body such as the hands or feet, rather watch the entire body.
With the thorough development of this attitude, the consciousness will be
immediately aware of any openings in the opponent's defenses.
Clouds blocking the light of the moon are likened to nervousness or
distractions. These distractions stop the light from shining on everything.
Likewise, they make comprehension of and reaction to the opponent's moves
more difficult than they need to be.
Unity Of Will And Mind

If the mind is compared to the speaker of a telephone, then the will is like
the electric current. No matter how sensitive the speaker, if there is no
electric current, no communication takes place. Likewise, even if you
correctly comprehend your opponent's movements and are aware of an
opening, if the will to act on this knowledge is lacking, no effective
technique will be forthcoming. The mind may find an opening, but the will
must be activated in order to execute the appropriate technique.

The Best Defense

"The best defense is a good offense!" We've all heard that before. And, yes,
it is true, in most cases. So, does that mean we should be beating up
everyone before they beat us? No, not at all.
Shotokan is a martial art. It is a fighting system. With it, we can cause
serious damage to others (and ourselves if we are not careful).

1. Avoid the situation altogether (i.e. going to a bar where you know
there will be trouble if you go)
2. Walk or run away from the situation if it presents itself
3. Talk your way out of it (God and evolution gave you a brain so use it)
4. Control techniques (for friends or ones who are annoying but not
threatening) and finally
5. Use force for force.

The Gi (Uniform)

The uniform of Shotokan karate (and most martial arts, for that matter) is the
gi. The gi is composed of a jacket, pants and a belt (obi).

Very traditional karate students keep their uniforms free from patches,
buttons and writing. Their gis are also usually white, only. This is not to say
it is wrong if you happen to be someone with patches on your gi or have a
different color(s) than white. To each his own!!

The gi should be treated with the same amount of respect as the Dojo, as
your teacher, as yourself. Your gi is your outward appearance for your art.
The gi should not have holes or be dirty. The holes can be repaired and dirt
should be washed out. The gi should NEVER be left in a pile. When not
being worn or washed, it should be hung up, folded or rolled up and tied
with the belt.

Now, a word about belt color. There is a somewhat "standard" progression

in belt colors, but many schools add their own colors into the mix. This
usual progression appears to be White, Yellow, Purple, Green, and Red,
Brown and then Black. There are then up to 10 levels of black belt. When
you compare belt color with other martial art practitioners be aware that
your school may or may not use the same color progression as another
school. The belt colors (other than white and black) are really only valid
within the walls of your own dojo.

Speaking of white and black, these are the only colors of the belt that are
"original". The entire concept of adding various colors to designate rank was
added when karate began being taught to US servicemen in Japan. The
original idea of a "black" belt was due to the use the belt got and its age. A
student would start his training with a white belt. Over the years, as the
student trained and practiced, sweated and bled the belt would get dirtier and
dirtier. Eventually, the belt would be "black". If the student trained long
enough for the belt to get this color, they probably knew what they were
doing (or they trained in a REALLY dirty dojo).

The Three K’s

We've all heard of the three R's, right? Well, karate has something similar.
The Three K's. What are they? Simple:

Kihon (Basics) Kata (Forms) Kumite (Sparring)

When practiced together, the above will help to create a more rounded
martial artist. They will teach how to do the basic movements (kihon), how
to put movements together (kata) and how to use the techniques in "real life"
situations (kumite).

Kihon (Basics)
Kihon are the basics of karate. The individual techniques themselves.
Stances, blocks, strikes, kicks, etc. These movements are usually practiced
one at a time in the beginning, moving up to multiple moves. They are also
practiced in a static stance first and then while moving.

Kata (Forms)
Kata are the forms that a Shotokan practitioner will perform. They are pre-
arranged sequences of attacks and defenses. Their purpose is to teach the
martial artist the proper way to move while performing the techniques and
how to put multiple techniques together. When Gichin Funakoshi first
formulated Shotokan, all he taught were kata. There was no separate
instruction in how to perform an individual technique. The students learned
the techniques through the kata. There also was no kumite, as Funakoshi
thought it was too violent.

Kumite (Sparring)
Kumite is the one-on-one and one-on-many fighting that is practiced. The
purpose of kumite is to teach the student how to perform his/her techniques
with a live opponent, were as kata uses imaginary opponents. There are
several types of kumite:
1. Kihon Kumite, or basic sparring is done with each opponent taking a
step. Both attacker and defender take up fighting stances. The attacker
will announce the technique they will throw (or it will be decided before
hand by the instructor) and then step in towards the defender throwing
that technique. The defender will step back and block and counter the
technique. More advanced defenders may step in towards the attacker.
2. Jyu-ippon Kumite, or semi-free sparring is usually done with the
participants taking multiple steps before the attack. There may three of
five steps taken. The attacker will then announce his/her technique and
execute it. The defender will block and counter. More advanced students
may practice this sparring without announcing the attack.

3. Jyu Kumite, or free sparring is the most advanced type of sparring
practice. Both practitioners assume fighting stances and have at it. There
is no calling of techniques and no designated attacker/defender. Each
student must attack and defend as and when they see fit.

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