Siemens IEC Motor Catalog

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Frame sizes 56 to 450
Power range 0.06 to 1250 kW

Catalog D 81.1 • 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Related catalogs
MOTOX Geared motors D 87.1 Industry Automation
and Motion Control
Information and ordering platform on the
Internet at:

FLENDER Standard Couplings MD 10.1

Additional documentation
You will find all information material, such as brochures, catalogs,
manuals and operating instructions for standard drive systems up-to-
date on the Internet at the address
You can order the listed documentation or download it in common
file formats (PDF, ZIP).
SINAMICS G110/SINAMICS G120 D 11.1 Catalog CA 01 – Selection tool SD configurator
Inverter Chassis Units
The selection tool SD configurator is available in combination with
SINAMICS G120D the electronic catalog CA 01 on DVD.
Distributed Frequency Converters


Drive Converter Chassis Units
Drive Converter Cabinet Units


MICROMASTER 420/430/440 Furthermore, the SD configurator can now be used on the Internet
Inverters without installation.
0.12 kW to 250 kW The SD configurator can be found in the Siemens Mall under the
following address:
In the main menu of the CA 01 under the tab “selection tool”, you will
find the SD configurators for low-voltage motors, MICROMASTER 4
MICROMASTER/COMBIMASTER DA 51.3 inverters, SINAMICS G110 and SINAMICS G120 inverter chassis units
MICROMASTER 411 Inverter as well as SINAMICS G120D distributed frequency converters and
COMBIMASTER 411 SIMATIC ET 200S FC and SIMATIC ET 200pro FC frequency converters
Distributed Drive Solutions for distributed I/O, complete with:
• Dimension drawing generator for motors
E86060-K5251-A131-A2-7600 • Data sheet generator for motors and inverters
• Starting calculation
Industrial Communication IK PI • 3D models in .stp format
Part 5: ET 200 Distributed I/O • Extensive documentation
ET 200S FC Frequency converter Hardware and software requirements
• PC with 1.5 GHz CPU or faster
• Operating systems
E86060-K6710-A101-B6-7600 – Windows 98/ME
– Windows 2000
– Windows XP
AC NEMA & IEC Motors D 81.2 – Windows NT (Service Pack 6 or higher)
Further details available on the U.S./ – Windows Vista
Internet at: Canada • 1024 MB work memory (minimum)
• Screen resolution 1024 x 768, graphic with more than 256 colors
Only PDF
• Small fonts
• CD-ROM drive
• Windows-compatible sound card
Industry Automation CA 01
• Windows-compatible mouse
and Motion Control
The Offline-Mall Installation
(DVD) You can install this catalog directly from the DVD as a partial version
or full version on your hard disk or in the network.
© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors
Frame sizes 56 to 450
Power range 0.06 to 1250 kW
Catalog D 81.1 · 2008
New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

Standard motors
up to frame size 315 L
The products and sys-
tems described in this
catalog are manufac-
tured/distributed under
application of a certified
Non-standard motors
frame size 315 and above
quality management
system in accordance
with DIN EN ISO 9001
(Certified Registration
No. DE-000357 QM).
The certificate is
Explosion-proof motors
recognized by all IQNet

Motors operating
with frequency converters
Catalog D 81.1 · 2007
Catalog News D 81.1 N · October 2007

The products contained in this catalog

Pump motors
can also be found in the e-Catalog CA 01.
Order No.:
E86060-D4001-A510-C7-7600 (DVD)

Please contact Fan motors

your local
Siemens branch

© Siemens AG 2008
Compressor motors

Smoke-extraction motors

Marine motors

© Siemens AG 2008

2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Answers for Industry.

Siemens Industry answers the challenges in the

manufacturing and the process industry as well as in

the building automation business. Our drive and automation

solutions based on Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) and

Totally Integrated Power (TIP) are employed in all kinds

of industry. In the manufacturing and the process industry.

In industrial as well as in functional buildings.

Siemens offers automation, drive, and The high quality of our products Check out the opportunities our
low-voltage switching technology as sets industry-wide benchmarks. automation and drive solutions provide.
well as industrial software from stan- High environmental aims are part of And discover how you can sustainably
dard products up to entire industry solu- our eco-management, and we imple- enhance your competitive edge with us.
tions. The industry software enables our ment these aims consistently. Right
industry customers to optimize the en- from product design, possible effects on
tire value chain – from product design the environment are examined. Hence
and development through manufacture many of our products and systems are
and sales up to after-sales service. Our RoHS compliant (Restriction of Hazard-
electrical and mechanical components ous Substances). As a matter of course,
offer integrated technologies for the en- our production sites are certified ac-
tire drive train – from couplings to gear cording to DIN EN ISO 14001, but to us,
units, from motors to control and drive environmental protection also means
solutions for all engineering industries. most efficient utilization of valuable
Our technology platform TIP offers ro- resources. The best example are our
bust solutions for power distribution. energy-efficient drives with energy sav-
ings up to 60 %.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3

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ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning


Management Level MES – Manufacturing Execution Systems


Operations Level SIMATIC PCS 7

Process Control (DCS)

Industrial Ethernet
Industrial Software for
• Design and Engineering • Maintenance
• Installation and Commissioning • Modernization
• Operation and Upgrade
Control Level
Computer Numeric Control Motion Control System

Field Level
Process Instrumentation SIMATIC Sensors

Totally HART
Integrated IO-Link

Setting standards in
productivity and competitiveness.
Totally Integrated Automation.

Thanks to Totally Integrated Automation, Siemens is the only provider

of an integrated basis for implementation of customized automation

solutions – in all industries from inbound to outbound.

4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

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SCADA System

SIMATIC NET SIMATIC Controllers SIMATIC HMI Safety Integrated

Industrial Modular/Embedded/ Human Machine Interface
Communication PC-based
SIRIUS Industrial Controls
SENTRON Switching
Motor Management

Industrial Ethernet
SIMATIC Distributed I/O AS-Interface


KNX/EIB GAMMA instabus

TIA is characterized by its unique The unique continuity is already

continuity. a defined characteristic at the
development stage of our products
It provides maximum transparency at and systems.
all levels with reduced interfacing
requirements – covering the field level, The result: maximum interoperability –
production control level, up to the covering the controller, HMI, drives, up
corporate management level. With TIA to the process control system. This
you also profit throughout the complete reduces the complexity of the
life cycle of your plant – starting with automation solution in your plant. You
the initial planning steps through will experience this, for example, in the
operation up to modernization, where engineering phase of the automation
we offer a high measure of investment solution in the form of reduced time
security resulting from continuity in the requirements and cost, or during
further development of our products operation using the continuous
and from reducing the number of diagnostics facilities of Totally
interfaces to a minimum. Integrated Automation for increasing
the availability of your plant.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5

© Siemens AG 2008

Integrated power distribution

from one source.
Totally Integrated Power.

6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Industrial Ethernet
Processes /
industrial automation

Products and systems

Medium voltage Transformers Low voltage Installation Building
technology automation
≤ 110 kV

Planning and system configuration

Electrical power distribution in Our portfolio comprises everything
buildings requires integrated solutions. from engineering tools to the matching
Our response: Totally Integrated Power. hardware: from switchgear and
This means innovative and integrated, distribution systems for medium volt-
interface-optimized products and age to transformers, from switching
systems which have been optimally and circuit-protection devices to
coordinated and complemented with low-voltage switchgear and busbar
communication and software modules trunking systems, as far as to the small
that link power distribution to building distribution board and the wall outlet.
automation or industrial automation. It goes without saying that both the
Totally Integrated Power accompanies medium-voltage switchgear, which
power distribution projects from one requires no maintenance, and the
end to the other. From A to Z. low-voltage switchgear are type-tested,
From the planning to the building’s use: and their busbar connections, too.
Totally Integrated Power offers signifi- Comprehensive protection systems
cant advantages in every project ensure the safety of man and machine
stage and to everyone involved in the at any time.
project – the investors, electrical plan-
ning engineers, electricians, users
and building facility managers.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7

© Siemens AG 2008

8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008


0/2 Guide to selecting and ordering the motors

0/2 Overview
0/2 • Recommendations for drive selection – step-by-step to the required motor
0/3 • Determining the motor type according to cooling method, degree of protection
and frame design

Introduction motors Introduction motors

1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ 1LE1/1PC1
0/7 Order No. code 0/94 Order No. code
0/7 Overview 0/94 Overview

0/8 Special versions 0/95 Special versions

0/8 Overview 0/95 Overview

0/13 General technical data 0/97 General technical data

0/13 Overview 0/97 Overview
0/13 • Cut-away diagram of a low-voltage 0/97 • Cut-away diagram of a low-voltage
motor motor
0/14 • Designs in accordance with standards 0/98 • Designs in accordance with standards
and specifications and specifications
0/17 • Colors and paint finish 0/100 • Colors and paint finish
0/20 • Packaging, safety notes, 0/102 • Packaging, safety notes,
documentation and test certificates documentation and test certificates
0/22 • Voltages, currents and frequencies 0/103 • Voltages, currents and frequencies
0/28 • Outputs 0/105 • Outputs
0/29 • Efficiency, power factor, 0/105 • Efficiency, power factor,
rated torque, rated speed and rated torque, rated speed and
direction of rotation direction of rotation
0/30 • Rating plate and extra rating plates 0/106 • Rating plate and extra rating plates
0/31 • Coolant temperature and site altitude 0/107 • Coolant temperature and site altitude
0/32 • Windings and insulation 0/108 • Windings and insulation
0/34 • Motor protection 0/110 • Motor protection
0/36 • Heating and ventilation 0/111 • Heating and ventilation
0/38 • Motor connection and connection box 0/113 • Motor connection and connection box
0/52 • Types of construction 0/116 • Types of construction
0/54 • Mechanical design and degrees of 0/118 • Mechanical design and degrees of
protection protection
0/56 • Balance and vibration quantity 0/120 • Balance and vibration quantity
0/56 • Shaft and rotor 0/121 • Shaft and rotor
0/58 • Bearings and lubrication 0/122 • Bearings and lubrication
0/75 • Modular technology 0/127 • Modular technology
0/75 – 1XP8 001 rotary pulse encoder 0/128 – 1XP8 012 rotary pulse encoder
0/76 – Separately driven fan 0/129 – Separately driven fan
0/77 – Brakes 0/130 – Brakes
0/84 – Combinations of basic versions
0/85 • Special technology 0/134 • Special technology

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
0 ■ Overview
These “recommendations for drive selection” guide you step-by-step through this catalog to the required motor.
Step 1 Technical requirements for the motor
Determine the required Rated frequency and 3 AC 50/60 Hz,
product profile, the fol- rated voltage 400, 500 or 690 V
lowing are required: Duty Standard duty (continuous duty S1 according to DIN EN 60034-1)
Degree of protection or type of IP..
explosion protection required
Rated speed (No. of poles) n =................. rpm
Rated output P =................. kW
Rated torque M = P ⋅ 9550/n =................. Nm
Type of construction IM..

Step 2 Environmental requirements for the motor

Determine the Ambient temperature ≤40 °C >40 °C
installation conditions Site altitude ≤1000 m >1000 m
Factors for derating None Determine the factor for derating
(for derating factor, see “Technical
information” – “Coolant temperature
and site altitude”)

For preliminary selection of the motor, ⇒see subsequent pages and the corresponding
Step 3
“Preliminary selection of the motor” tables in the different catalog parts
Determine the range of Select the frame size and therefore the possible motors on the basis of the following parameters:
possible motors cooling method, degree of protection, rated output, rated speed and rated torque range.
Note: The standard temperature range of the motors is from –20 to +40 °C.

Step 4 Detailed selection of the motor

Determine the Determine the motor Order No. according to the following parameters: rated output, rated speed, rated torque
basic Order No. and rated current from the “Selection and ordering data” for the motors that have already been identified as
of the motor possibilities.

Step 5 Selection of the special versions (see under “Special versions”)

Complete the motor Determine special versions and the associated order codes (e. g. special voltages and types of construction,
Order No. motor protection and degrees of protection, windings and insulation, colors and paint finish, mountings and
technology, etc.) .

Step 6
Select the frequency For Order No. of the converter as well as its selection, see Catalogs D 11, D 11.1 , DA 51.2 and DA 51.3.
converter, if required

Note on using this catalog

Due to the wide range of possible versions of low-voltage
motors, the special features of the various motor series are not
explained in detail in each case in this catalog part.
The availability of individual technical designs can be estab-
lished from catalog parts 1 to 10.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Determine the motor type according to cooling method, degree of protection and frame design
(for further selection according to speed or number of poles, rated output, rated torque, rated speed
and rated current, see the relevant “Preselection of the motor” tables in catalog parts 1 to 10)
Applications for Cooling Standard Frame Motor type (Positions 1 to 3 of the Order No.) + type series
surface-cooled motor types method designa- design (Position 4 of the Order No.)
tion for Rated output at 50 Hz
degree of
tion to
60034 Motor frame sizes (shaft heights)
Part 5 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450
New generation motors 1LE1/1PC1 Catalog Part 1
General Line motors with Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LE1
shorter delivery time venti- 1.5 ... 18.5 kW
Energy-saving motors with Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LE1
improved efficiency venti- 0.75 ... 18.5 kW
(Improved Efficiency EFF2) lated
Energy-saving motors with high Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LE1
efficiency (High Efficiency EFF1) venti- 0.75 ... 18.5 kW
Motors with increased output and Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LE1
improved efficiency venti- 2.2 ... 22 kW
Motors with increased output and Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LE1
high efficiency venti- 2.2 ... 22 kW
Motors without external fan and Forced- IP55 Aluminum 1LE1
fan cover with improved efficiency air- 0.75 ... 18.5 kW
Motors without external fan and Forced- IP55 Aluminum 1LE1
fan cover with high efficiency air- 0.75 ... 18.5 kW
Motors without external fan and Self- IP55 Aluminum 1PC1
fan cover with improved efficiency cooled 0.3 ... 7.4 kW
Motors without external fan and Self- IP55 Aluminum 1PC1
fan cover with high efficiency cooled 0.37 ... 9 kW
Standard motors (up to frame size 315 L) Catalog Part 2
Energy-saving motors with Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LE1/1PC1 1LA5
improved efficiency venti- 0.06 … 18.5 kW 11 … 45 kW
(Improved Efficiency EFF 2) lated IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG4
0.75 … 18.5 kW 11 … 200 kW
Pole-changing motors with Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
improved efficiency venti- 0.15 … 17 kW 18 …
lated 31 kW
Energy-saving motors with high Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
efficiency venti- 0.06 … 37 kW
(High Efficiency EFF1) lated IP55 Cast iron 1LG6
11 … 200 kW
Motors with increased output Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
venti- 0.14 … 53 kW
lated IP55 Cast iron 1LG4
15 … 110 kW
Motors without external fans Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LP7 1LE1/1PC1 1LP5
cooled 0.045 … 7 kW 5.5 …
16.5 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LP4
3.7 … 67 kW
Non-standard motors (frame size 315 and above) Catalog Part 3
Motors for mains-fed operation Self- IP55 Cast iron 1LA8
venti- 160 … 1000 kW
Motors for converter-fed operation Self- IP55 Cast iron 1LA8
venti- 145 … 1000 kW
Motors with mounted separately Forced- IP55 Cast iron 1PQ8
driven fan for converter-fed opera- air 145 … 1000 kW
tion cooled
Motors with through-ventilation for Self- IP23 Cast iron 1LL8
mains-fed operation venti- 200 … 1250 kW
Motors with through-ventilation for Self- IP23 Cast iron 1LL8
converter-fed operation venti- 200 … 1250 kW

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
0 Determining the motor type according to cooling method, degree of protection and frame design (continued)
Applications for Cooling Standard Frame Motor type (Positions 1 to 3 of the Order No.) + type series
surface-cooled motor types method designa- design (Position 4 of the Order No.)
tion for Rated output at 50 Hz
degree of
tion to
60034 Motor frame sizes (shaft heights)
Part 5 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450
Explosion-proof motors Catalog Part 4
Motors in Zone 1 Self- IP55 Aluminum 1MA7
with type of protection “e” venti- 0.12 … 16 kW
(Zone 1 Exe II T3) lated IP55 Cast iron 1MA6
1.3 … 165 kW
Motors in Zone 1 Self- IP55 Cast iron 1MJ6 1MJ7
with type of protection “de” venti- 0.25 … 37 kW 18.5 … 132 kW
(Zone 1 Exde IIC T4) lated
Motors in Zone 2 Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7
with type of protection “n” venti- 0.09 … 18.5 kW
lated IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
0.06 … 37 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG4/1LG6
0.75 … 18.5 kW 11 … 200 kW
145 … 1000 kW
Motors in Zone 21 Self- IP65 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
with explosion protection venti- 0.09 … 18.5 kW 11 … 45 kW
lated IP65 Aluminum 1LA9
0.06 … 37 kW
IP65 Cast iron 1LG4/1LG6
11 … 200 kW
Motors in Zone 22 Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
with explosion protection venti- 0.09 … 18.5 kW 11 … 45 kW
lated IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
0.06 … 37 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG4/1LG6
0.75 … 18.5 kW 11 … 200 kW
145 … 1000 kW
Motors operating with frequency converters Catalog Part 5
Surface-cooled motors with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
For standard motors, non-standard motors, explosion-proof motors and fan motors, see catalog part 5.
Motors with special insulation for Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
voltages up to 690 V venti- 1.5 … 18.5 kW 15 … 45 kW
(standard motors) lated IP55 Cast iron 1LG6
11 … 200 kW
Motors with special insulation for Self- IP55 Cast iron 1LA8
voltages up to 690 V venti- 145 … 980 kW
(non-standard motors) lated
Motors with mounted separately Forced- IP55 Cast iron 1PQ8
driven fan with special insulation air 145 … 980 kW
for voltages up to 690 V cooled

0/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
Determining the motor type according to cooling method, degree of protection and frame design (continued) 0
Applications for Cooling Standard Frame Motor type (Positions 1 to 3 of the Order No.) + type series
surface-cooled motor types method designa- design (Position 4 of the Order No.)
tion for Rated output at 50 Hz
degree of
tion to
60034 Motor frame sizes (shaft heights)
Part 5 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450
Pump motors Catalog Part 6
Energy-saving motors with Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LE1/1PC1 1LA5
improved efficiency venti- 0.06 … 18.5 kW 11 … 45 kW
(Improved Efficiency EFF2) lated IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG4
0.75 … 18.5 kW 11 … 200 kW
Motors with increased output Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
venti- 0.14 … 53 kW
lated IP55 Cast iron 1LG4
15 … 110 kW
Fan motors Catalog Part 7
Motors in pole-changing version Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
venti- 0.15 … 17 kW 18 …
lated 31 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LG4
4.5 … 175 kW
Motors without external fan and Forced- IP55 Aluminum 1PP7 1LE1/1PC1 1PP5
without fan cover air 0.09 … 18.5 kW 11 …
cooled 37 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1PP4
11 … 200 kW
Compressor motors Catalog Part 8
Energy-saving motors with high Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
efficiency venti- 0.06 … 37 kW
lated IP55 Cast iron 1LG6
11 … 200 kW
Motors with increased output Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
venti- 0.14 … 53 kW
lated IP55 Cast iron 1LG4
15 … 110 kW
Non-standard motor for mains-fed Self- IP55 Cast iron 1LA8
and converter-fed operation venti- 160 … 1000 kW
Smoke extraction motors Catalog Part 9
Temperature/time class F200, F300 Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
venti- 0.37 … 18.5 kW 15 … 45 kW
lated (0.09 … 3.85 kW (4.05 …
pole-changing) 8.6 kW pole-
IP55 Cast iron 1LG6
37 …
200 kW
Forced- IP55 Aluminum 1PP7 1PP5
air 0.37 … 18.5 kW 15 … 45 kW
cooled (0.09 … 3.85 kW (4.05 …
pole-changing) 8.6 kW pole-
IP55 Cast iron 1PP6
37 …
200 kW
Temperature/time class F400 Self- IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG6
venti- 1.5 … 18.5 kW 15 … 200 kW
lated (0.3 … 3.45 kW
Forced- IP55 Cast iron 1PP6
air 1.5 … 200 kW (0.3 … 3.45 kW
cooled pole-changing)
Marine motors (motors for drives on ships below deck) Catalog Part 10
Type approved standard motors Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
up to frame size 315 L – venti- 0.06 … 18.5 kW 11 … 45 kW
Energy-saving motors with lated IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG4
improved efficiency 0.75 … 18.5 kW 11 … 200 kW
(Improved Efficiency EFF2)
Type approved standard motors Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
up to frame size 315 L – venti- 0.06 … 37 kW
Energy-saving motors with high lated IP55 Cast iron 1LG6
efficiency 11 … 200 kW
(High Efficiency EFF1)
Type approved, explosion-proof Self- IP55 Aluminum 1MA7
motors up to frame size 315 L – venti- 0.12 … 16 kW
Motors in Zone 1 lated IP55 Cast iron 1MA6
with type of protection “e” 1.3 … 165
(Zone 1 Exe II T3)

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Guide to selecting and ordering the motors
0 Determining the motor type according to cooling method, degree of protection and frame design (continued)
Applications for Cooling Standard Frame Motor type (Positions 1 to 3 of the Order No.) + type series
surface-cooled motor types method designa- design (Position 4 of the Order No.)
tion for Rated output at 50 Hz
degree of
tion to
60034 Motor frame sizes (shaft heights)
Part 5 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450
Marine motors (motors for drives on ships below deck) (continue) Catalog Part 10
Type approved, explosion-proof Self- IP55 Cast iron 1MJ6 1MJ7
motors up to frame size 315 L – venti- 0.25 … 37 kW 18.5 … 132 kW
Motors in Zone 1 with type of pro- lated
tection “de” (Zone 1 Exde IIC T4)
Type approved, explosion-proof Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7
motors up to frame size 315 L – venti- 0.09 -18.5 kW
Motors in Zone 2 with type of pro- lated IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
tection “n” 0.06 … 37 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG4/1LG6
0.75 … 18.5 kW 11 … 200 kW
Explosion-proof motors up to frame Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
size 315 L – Motors in Zone 21 with venti- 0.09 … 18.5 kW 11 … 45 kW
protection against dust explosions lated IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
0.06 … 37 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LG4/1LG6
11 … 200 kW
Explosion-proof motors up to frame Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
size 315 L – Motors in Zone 22 with venti- 0.09 … 18.5 kW 11 … 45 kW
protection against dust explosions lated IP55 Aluminum 1LA9
0.06 … 37 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG4/1LG6
0.75 … 18.5 kW 11 … 200 kW
Type approved fan motors – Motors Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
in pole-changing version venti- 0.15 … 17 kW 18 …
lated 31 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LG4
4.5 … 83 kW
Type approved fan motors – Motors Forced- IP55 Aluminum 1PP7 1PP5
without external fan and without fan air 0.09 … 18.5 kW 15 …
cover cooled 37 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1PP4
11 … 200 kW
Standard motors up to frame size Self- IP55 Aluminum 1LP7 1LP5
315 L cooled 0.045 … 7 kW 5.5 …
16.5 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LP4
3.7 … 67 kW
Smoke-extraction motors Self-ven- IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 1LA5
Temperature/time classes F200 tilated 0.09 … 18.5 kW 4.05 …
and F300 45 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1LG6
37 … 200 kW
Forced- IP55 Aluminum 1PP7 1PP5
air 0.09 … 18.5 kW 4.05 …
cooled 45 kW
IP55 Cast iron 1PP6
37 …
200 kW
Smoke-extraction motors Self-ven- IP55 Cast iron 1LA6 1LG6
Temperature/time class F400 tilated 0.3 … 22 kW 15 … 200 kW
Forced- IP55 Cast iron 1PP6
air 0.3…200 kW
Non-standard motor frame size 315 Self- IP55 Cast iron 1LA8
and above – Motors for mains-fed venti- 145 … 1000 kW
and converter-fed operation lated
Non-standard motors frame size Forced- IP55 Cast iron 1PQ8
315 and above – Forced-air cooled air 145 … 1000 kW
motors with mounted separately cooled
driven fan for converter-fed opera-
Non-standard motors frame size 315 Self- IP23 Cast iron 1LL8
and above – Self-ventilated motors venti- 180 … 1250 kW
with through-ventilation for mains- lated
fed and converter-fed operation
Non-standard motors frame size Forced- IP55 Steel 1)
315 and above – Water-cooled air
motors for mains-fed and con- cooled
verter-fed operation
Explosion-proof motors frame size Self- IP55 Cast iron 1LA8
315 and above – Self-ventilated venti- 160 … 1000 kW
motors in Zones 2, 22 with type of lated
protection “n” or protection against
dust explosions
1) 1LH8 motor frame size 450, rated output 485 ... 1150 kW

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
Order No. code

■ Overview 0
The Order No. comprises a combination of letters and numbers For deviations in the second block from the catalog codes, either
and for clarity it is subdivided into two blocks which are con- -Z or 9 should be used as appropriate.
nected by hyphens,
e. g. Ordering data:
1LA5223-4AA19-Z • Complete Order No. and order code(s) or plain text.
M1F + A11 + G17 • If a quotation has been requested, please specify the quota-
The first block (positions 1 to 7) identifies the motor type; further tion number in addition to the Order No.
characteristics of the version are coded in the second block • When ordering a complete motor as a spare part, please
(positions 8 to 12). specify the works serial No. for the previously supplied motor
as well as the Order No.
Structure of the Order No.: Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 11 12
IEC squirrel-cage motors, surface-cooled
Positions 1 to 3: • Self-ventilated by fan mounted on and driven by rotor, aluminum or 1 L A
Digit, letter, letter cast-iron housing
• Self-ventilated by fan mounted on and driven by rotor, cast-iron housing 1 L G
• Self-ventilated by fan mounted on and driven by rotor, increased safety, 1 M A
type of protection Ex e II
• Self-ventilated by fan mounted on and driven by rotor, explosion-proof 1 M J
enclosure, type of protection Ex de IIC
• Self-ventilated with through-ventilation, cast-iron housing 1 L L
• Self-cooled without external fan, aluminum and cast-iron housing 1 L P
• Forced-air cooled by air flow from the fan to be driven, 1 P P
aluminum or cast-iron housing
• Forced-air cooled by separately driven fan, cast-iron housing 1 P Q
Position 4: Type series 4 4
Digit Type series 5 5
Type series 6 6
Type series 7 7
Type series 8 8
Type series 9 9
Positions 5 to 7: Motor frame size (frame size comprising shaft height and construction
3 digits length, codes from 050 to 457)
Position 8: Number of poles
Positions 9 to 10: Version
Position 11: Voltage, circuit and frequency
Position 12: Type of construction
Special order versions: - Z
Coded – Order code also required
Not coded – Plain text also required

Ordering example
Selection criteria Requirement Structure of the Order No.
Motor type Standard motor with improved efficiency, IP55 1LA5 -
degree of protection, aluminum housing
Motor frame size/No. of poles/speed 4-pole/1500 rpm 1LA5223-4AA
Rated output 45 kW
Voltage and frequency 230 VΔ/400 VY, 50 Hz 1LA5223-4AA1
Type of construction IM V5 with protective cover 1LA5223-4AA19
Special versions 3 PTC thermistors 1LA5223-4AA19–Z
M1F A11
Mounted separately driven fan 1LA5223-4AA19–Z
M1F A11 G17

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/7

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
Special versions
0 ■ Overview
The order codes and availability are assigned to the individual For voltages, see “Voltages, currents and frequencies” in the
motor series in the “Selection and ordering data” in the individual “Introduction” as well as in catalog parts 2 to 10.
catalog parts 2 to 10. For types of construction, see “Types of construction” in the
“Introduction” as well as in catalog parts 2 to 10.
All available options are listed according to topics in the following table. An alphanumerical listing according to order codes can be
found in the appendix under “Overview of order codes”.
Order code Special versions For further information,
see Page
Motor protection
A10 With PTC thermistors for alarm for converter-fed operation in Zones 2, 21, 22 0/33, 4/82
A11 Motor protection through PTC thermistor with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping 0/34, 0/38
A12 Motor protection through PTC thermistor with 6 embedded temperature sensors for tripping and alarm 0/35
A15 Motor protection with PTC thermistors for converter-fed operation with 3 or 4 embedded temperature sensors for 0/35, 4/3, 4/82
A16 Motor protection with PTC thermistors for converter-fed operation with 6 or 8 embedded temperature sensors for 0/33, 4/3, 4/82
alarm and tripping
A23 Motor temperature detection with embedded temperature sensor KTY 84-130 0/35
A25 Motor temperature detection with embedded temperature sensors 2 x KTY 84-130 0/35
A31 Temperature detectors for tripping 0/34
A60 Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance thermometers in stator winding 0/36
A61 Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance thermometers in stator winding 0/36
A72 Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resistance thermometers (basic circuit) for rolling-contact bearings 0/36
A78 Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resistance thermometers (3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact bearings 0/36
A80 Installation of 2 PT 100 double screw-in resistance thermometers (3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact bearings 0/36
Motor connection and connection box
G55 ECOFAST motor plug Han-Drive 10e for 230 VΔ/400 VY 0/51
G56 ECOFAST motor plug EMC Han-Drive 10e for 230 VΔ/400 VY 0/51
K06 Two-part plate on connection box 0/39
K09 Connection box on RHS 0/38
K10 Connection box on LHS 0/38
K11 Connection box on top, feet screwed on 0/38
K15 Connection box in cast-iron version 0/38, 0/47 ...
K53 Explosion-proof connection box, Ex d IIC type of protection 0/38, 0/48 ...
K54 One cable gland, metal 0/39
K55 Cable gland, maximum configuration 0/39
K57 Cable gland DIN 89280, maximum configuration 0/39
K83 Rotation of the connection box through 90°, entry from DE 0/39
K84 Rotation of the connection box through 90°, entry from NDE 0/39
K85 Rotation of connection box through 180° 0/39
L00 Next larger connection box 0/38
L01 Undrilled entry plate 0/40
L13 External earthing 0/38
L44 3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 0/40
L45 3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 0/40
L47 6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 0/40
L48 6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 0/40
L49 6 cables protruding, 3 m long 0/40
L51 Protruding cable ends – right side 0/40
L52 Protruding cable ends – left side 0/40
L97 Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 0/50
M46 Stud terminal for cable connection, accessories pack (3 items) 0/49
M47 Saddle terminal for connection without cable lug, accessories pack 0/49
M50 Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 016 0/50
M58 Next larger connection box 1XB1 621 0/38
M64 Connection box on NDE 0/38
M69 Terminal strip for main and auxiliary terminals 0/49
M88 Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 014 (aluminum) 0/50
Windings and insulation
C11 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), with service factor (SF) 0/32
C12 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), with increased power rating 0/32
C13 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), with increased coolant temperature 0/33
C18 Temperature class 180 (H) at rated output and max. CT 60 °C 0/33
C19 Increased air humidity/temperature with 30 to 60 g water per m³ of air 0/33

0/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
Special versions

■ Overview (continued) 0
Order code Special versions For further information,
see Page
Windings and insulation (continued)
C22 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 45 °C, derating approx. 4 % 0/33
C23 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 50 °C, derating approx. 8 % 0/33
C24 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 55 °C, derating approx. 13 % 0/33
C25 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 60 °C, derating approx. 18 % 0/33
C26 Increased air humidity/temperature with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air 0/33
Y50 New! Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), with increased coolant temperature and/or site altitude 0/33
Y52 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), other requirements 0/33
Colors and paint finish
K23 Unpainted (only cast-iron parts primed) 0/17
K24 Unpainted, only primed 0/17
K26 Special finish in RAL 7030 stone gray 0/18
M91 New! Offshore special finish 0/17
M94 New! Sea air resistant special finish 0/17
Y51 Special finish in special RAL colors 0/17, 0/19
Y53 Standard finish in other standard RAL colors 0/17, 0/18
Y54 Special finish in other standard RAL colors 0/17, 0/18
Modular technology – Basic versions
G17 Mounting of separately driven fan 0/76
G26 Mounting of brake 0/77 ...
H57 Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) rotary pulse encoder 0/75
H58 Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) rotary pulse encoder 0/75
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions
H61 Mounting of separately driven fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse encoder 0/84
H62 Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse encoder 0/84
H63 Mounting of brake and separately driven fan 0/84
H64 Mounting of brake, separately driven fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse encoder 0/84
H97 Mounting of separately driven fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse encoder 0/84
H98 Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse encoder 0/84
H99 Mounting of brake, separately driven fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse encoder 0/84
Modular technology – Additional versions
C00 Brake supply voltage 24 V DC 0/83
C01 Brake supply voltage 400 V AC 0/83
C02 Brake supply voltage 180 V DC, for operation on MM411-ECOFAST 0/83
K82 Manual brake release with lever 0/83
Special technology
H15 Prepared for mounting MMI 0/15, 0/85
H47 Mounting of brake NFA (Stomag) 0/85
H70 Mounting of LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder 0/85
H72 Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder 0/86
H73 Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder 0/87
H78 Prepared for mounting LL 861 900 220 0/85
H79 Prepared for mounting HOG 9 D 1024 I 0/86
H80 Prepared for mounting HOG 10 D 1024 I 0/87
H86 New! Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse encoder for use in Zones 2, 21, 22 4/5, 4/6
H87 New! Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse encoder for use on Ex d/de motors in Zone 1 4/5, 4/6
J15 New! Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I, connection box protection against moisture 0/87
J16 New! Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I, connection box protection against dust 0/88
M95 New! Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan Ex nA for use in Zone 2 4/5, 4/8
M96 New! Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 2D for use in Zone 21 4/5, 4/8
M97 New! Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 3D for use in Zone 22 4/5, 4/8
M98 New! Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan Ex de for use in Zone 1 4/5, 4/8
Y70 Mounting a special type of rotary pulse encoder 0/85
Y74 New! Mounting of rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, (speed .... rpm), connection box protection against

Y76 New! Mounting of rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, (speed .... rpm), connection box protection against dust 0/89
Y79 New! Mounting of rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I + E SL 93, (speed .... rpm), connection box protection against

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
Special versions
0 ■ Overview (continued)
Order code Special versions For further information,
see Page
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
K17 Drive-end seal for flange-mounting motors with oil resistance to 0.1 bar 0/54
K32 With two additional eyebolts for IM V1/IM V3 0/54
K37 Low-noise version for 2-pole motors with clockwise direction of rotation 0/55
K38 Low-noise version for 2-pole motors with counter-clockwise direction of rotation 0/55
K50 IP65 degree of protection 0/54
K52 IP56 degree of protection (non-heavy-sea) 0/54
L03 Vibration-proof version 0/55
L12 Condensation drainage holes 0/54
M27 Non-rusting screws (externally) 0/55
M44 Earth brushes for converter-fed operation 0/55
M68 Mechanical protection for encoder 0/55
Coolant temperature and site altitude
D02 Coolant temperature –50 to +40 °C 0/32
D03 Coolant temperature –40 to +40 °C 0/32
D04 Coolant temperature –30 to +40 °C 0/32
D11 Coolant temperature 45 °C, derating 4 % 0/32
D12 Coolant temperature 50 °C, derating 8 % 0/32
D13 Coolant temperature 55 °C, derating 13 % 0/32
D14 Coolant temperature 60 °C, derating 18 % 0/32
D19 New! Coolant temperature –40 ºC to + 40 ºC for EX motor 4/5
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
D01 CCC China Compulsory Certification 0/16
D30 Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 0/15
D31 Design according to UL with “Recognition Mark” 0/15
D32 Ex certification for China 4/83
D33 New! Certified for Korea according to KS C4202 0/16
D40 Canadian regulations (CSA) 0/15, 0/16
D46 New! PSE Mark Japan 0/16
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX
C27 Stamping of Ex nA II on VIK rating plate 4/83
C30 Outputs T1/T2 on rating plate 4/81
K30 VIK design (comprises Zone 2 for mains-fed operation, without Ex nA II marking on rating plate) 4/83
M34 Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65) for mains-fed operation 4/4, 4/81
M35 Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for mains-fed operation 4/4, 4/81
M38 Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65) for converter-fed operation, derating 4/4, 4/83
M39 Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for converter-fed operation, derating 4/4, 4/83
M72 Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed operation Ex nA II T3 to IEC/EN 60079-15 4/4, 4/81 ...
M73 Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed operation, derating Ex nA II T3 to IEC/EN 60079-15 4/4, 4/83
M74 New! Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non-conducting dust (IP55), for mains-fed operation 4/81
M75 New! Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non-conducting dust (IP55), for converter-fed operation, derating 4/83
M76 New! Design for Zones 1 and 21, as well as for Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65), for mains-fed operation 4/81
M77 New! Design for Zones 1 and 21, as well as for Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65), for converter-fed operation, derating 4/82
Y68 Alternative converter (SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS S120 or ET 200 S FC) 4/82
Marine version – Basic marine version
E00 Without type test certificate according to ABS 50 °C/CCS 45 °C/RINA 45 °C, temperature class 155 (F), 10/4 ...
used according to 155 (F)
E11 With/without type test certificate according to GL (Germanischer Lloyd), Germany, CT 45 °C, temperature class 10/4 ...
155 (F), used according to 155 (F)
E21 With/without type test certificate according to LR (Lloyds Register), Great Britain, CT 45 °C, temperature class 155 (F), 10/4 ...
used according to 155 (F)
E31 With/without type test certificate according to BV (Bureau Veritas), France, CT 45 °C, temperature class 155 (F), 10/4 ...
used according to 155 (F)
E51 With/without type test certificate according to DNV (Det Norske Veritas), Norway, CT 45 °C, temperature class 155 (F), 10/4 ...
used according to 155 (F)
E61 With/without type test certificate according to ABS (American Bureau of Shipping), USA, CT 50 °C, 10/4 ...
temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F)
E71 With/without type test certificate according to CCS (Chinese Classification Society), China, CT 45 °C, 10/4 ...
temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F)
E80 Motor for use in shipping, higher ambient temperature and/or used as 155 (F) according to 130 (B) 10/10 ...

0/10 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
Special versions

■ Overview (continued) 0
Order code Special versions For further information,
see Page
Marine version – Acceptance/certification
E09 Individual acceptance by marine classification society with supervision of construction and acceptance 10/4 ...
test certificate 3.2 according to EN 10204
E10 Individual acceptance by marine classification society 10/4 ...
F83 Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, with acceptance 10/6 ...
F93 Type test with heat run for vertical motors, with acceptance 10/23 ...
Standardline (only for motor series 1LA8)
B20 Standardline version 3/13
Bearings and lubrication
G50 Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse measurement for bearing inspection 0/58
K20 Bearing design for increased cantilever forces 0/58, 0/62 ...
K36 Special bearing for DE and NDE, bearing size 63 0/58, 0/63 ...
K40 Regreasing device 0/58
K94 Located bearing DE 0/58
L04 Located bearing NDE 0/58
L27 Insulated bearing cartridge 0/58
Balance and vibration quantity
K02 Vibration quantity level B 0/56
L68 Full key balancing 0/56
M37 New! Balancing without key 0/56
Shaft and rotor
K04 Concentricity of shaft extension, coaxiality and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for 0/57
flange-mounting motors
K16 Second standard shaft extension 0/56
K42 Shaft extension with standard dimensions, without featherkey way 0/57
L39 Concentricity of shaft extension in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R 0/57
M65 Standard shaft made of non-rusting steel 0/57
Y55 Non-standard cylindrical shaft extension 0/57
Heating and ventilation
H17 Fan cover for textile industry 0/37
K34 Cast-iron fan cover 0/37
K35 Metal external fan 0/37
K45 Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V 0/36
K46 Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V 0/36
L36 Sheet metal fan cover 0/37
M14 New! Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 115 V 0/36
M15 New! Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 230 V 0/36
Y81 Separately driven fan with non-standard voltage and/or frequency 0/37
Rating plate and extra rating plates
B06 New! Second lubricating plate, supplied loose 0/30
K31 Second rating plate, loose 0/30
Y80 Extra rating plate or rating plate with deviating rating plate data 0/30
Y82 Extra rating plate with identification code 0/30
Y84 Additional information on rating plate and on package label (maximum of 20 characters) 0/30
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
B00 Without safety and commissioning note. Customer's declaration of renouncement required. 0/21
B01 Complete with one set of safety and commissioning notes per wire-lattice pallet 0/21
B02 Acceptance test certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204 0/21
B23 Operating instructions German/English enclosed in print 0/21
B31 Document – Electrical data sheet 0/21, 3/52 ...
B32 Document – Order dimension drawing 0/21, 3/52 ...
B37 Document – Load characteristics 0/21, 3/52 ...
F01 Standard test (routine test) with acceptance 0/21, 3/52 ...
F03 Visual acceptance and report handover with acceptance 0/21, 3/52 ...
F04 Temperature-rise test, without acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F05 Temperature-rise test, with acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F28 Noise measurement during idling, no noise analysis, no acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F29 Noise measurement during idling, no noise analysis, with acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/11

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
Special versions
0 ■ Overview (continued)
Order code Special versions For further information,
see Page
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates (continued)
F34 Recording of current and torque curves with torque metering shaft during starting, without acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F35 Recording of current and torque curves with torque metering shaft during starting, with acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F52 Measurement of the locked-rotor torque and locked-rotor current, without acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F53 Measurement of the locked-rotor torque and locked-rotor current, with acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F62 Noise analysis, without acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F63 Noise analysis, with acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F82 Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, without acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F83 Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, with acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
10/6, 10/10 ...
F92 Type test with heat run for vertical motors, without acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
F93 Type test with heat run for vertical motors, with acceptance 0/21, 3/53 ...
L99 Wire-lattice pallet 0/20
M32 Connected in star for dispatch 0/20
M33 Connected in delta for dispatch 0/20

0/12 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

■ Overview 0
Cut-away diagram of a low-voltage motor

$ Motor protection Page 0/34 ( Bearings and lubrication Page 0/58

Motor connection and connection box Page 0/38
Voltage, currents and frequencies 0/22 ) Shaft and rotor Page 0/56
Balance and vibration quantity Page 0/56
% Windings and insulation Page 0/32
Coolant temperature and site altitude Page 0/31 * Colors and paint finish Page 0/17

& Heating and ventilation Page 0/36 + Types of construction Page 0/52
Mechanical design and degrees of protection Page 0/54 , Rating plates and extra rating plates Page 0/30
Modular technology Page 0/75
Special technology Page 0/85

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Applicable standards and specifications
The motors comply with the appropriate standards and regula-
tions, especially those listed in the table below.
General specifications for rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-1, DIN EN 60034-1
IEC 60085
Specification of the losses and efficiency of rotating IEC 60034-2 DIN EN 60034-2
electrical machines
Asynchronous AC motors for general use with stan- IEC 60072 DIN EN 50347
dardized dimensions and outputs fixing only
Restart characteristics for rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-12 DIN EN 60034-12
Terminal designations and direction of rotation for IEC 60034-8 DIN EN 60034-8
electrical machines
Designation for type of construction, installation and IEC 60034-7 DIN EN 60034-7
terminal box position
Entry to terminal box – DIN 42925
Built-in thermal protection IEC 60034-11 DIN EN 60034-11
Noise limit values for rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-9 DIN EN 60034-9
IEC standard voltages IEC 60038 DIN IEC 60038
Cooling methods for rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-6 DIN EN 60034-6
Vibration severity of rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-14 DIN EN 60034-14
Vibration limits – DIN ISO 10816
Degrees of protection of rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-5 DIN EN 60034-5
In addition, the following applies to Ex motors:
General regulations IEC/EN 60079-0 DIN EN 60079-0
Explosion-proof enclosure “d” IEC/EN 60079-1 DIN EN 60079-1
Increased safety “e” IEC/EN 60079-7 DIN EN 60079-7
Type of protection “n” (non sparking) IEC/EN 60079-15 DIN EN 60079-15
Areas containing flammable dust IEC/EN 61241 DIN EN 61241

National standards Tolerances for electrical data

The motors comply with the IEC or European standards listed According to DIN EN 60034, the following tolerances are per-
above. The European standards replace the national standards mitted: Motors which comply with DIN EN 60034-1 must have a
in the following European countries: voltage tolerance of ±5 % / frequency tolerance of ±2 %
Germany (VDE), France (NF C), Belgium (NBNC), Great Britain (Design A), if utilized, the permitted limit temperature of the tem-
(BS), Italy (CEI), Netherlands (NEN), Sweden (SS), Switzerland perature class may be exceeded by 10 K.
(SEV) etc.
A tolerance of ±5 % also applies to the rated voltage range in
The motors also comply with various national standards. The fol- accordance with DIN EN 60034-1. Rated voltage and rated
lowing standards (with the exception of non-standard motors) voltage range see Page 0/23.
have been harmonized with IEC publication 60034-1 or replaced
with DIN EN 60034-1 so that the motors can be operated at stan- Efficiency η for
dard rated output. Prated ≤150 kW: –0.15 ⋅ (1 –η)
Prated >150 kW: –0.1 ⋅ (1 –η)
AS 1359 Australia
(higher output assignment than with η being a decimal number.
stated in DIN EN 50347 for frame size
250 M and above) 1 – cos
Power factor –
CSA C22.2, No. 100 Canada 6
IS 325 India • Minimum absolute value: 0.02
IS 4722
NEK – IEC 60034-1 Norway • Maximum absolute value: 0.07
Explosion-proof motors: Slip ±20 % (for motors <1 kW ±30 % is admissible)
Since the requirements of explosion-proof motors comply with Locked-rotor current +20 %
the European standards EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 60079-7 Locked-rotor torque –15 % to +25 %
and Directive 94/9/EG (ATEX 95), certificates issued by autho- Breakdown torque –10 %
rized testing agencies (PTB, DMT, etc.) are accepted by all Moment of inertia ±10 %
member states of the EU. The remaining members of CENELEC,
Switzerland in particular, also accept the certificates. 1MA motors:
The EU is currently changing the standard series from Add 10 % to the certified values for the locked-rotor current.
EN 50014ff to IEC / EN 60079-xx and IEC / EN 61241-xx.
The transition period is approximately 2 years. After changing
the standards, the first E of the marking of the type of protection
will be omitted. For example: Old: EEx de – New: Ex de.
The first E represented Euronorm.

0/14 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Energy-saving motors with European efficiency classification in
accordance with EU/CEMEP (European Commitee of Manufac-
NEMA – Order code D30 0
turers of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics) The motors with increased efficiency according to EPACT are
designed to meet the NEMA MG1-12 electrical standard and are
Low-voltage motors in the output range of 1.1 to 90 kW, 2-pole marked accordingly. The mechanical design of all motors is
and 4-pole are marked in accordance with the EU/CEMEP compliant only to IEC, not to NEMA dimensions.
agreement with the efficiency class (Improved Efficiency) or All motors in the D30 version correspond to NEMA Design A (i. e.
(High Efficiency). standard torque characteristic in accordance with NEMA and no
starting current limitation).
So that the requirements of efficiency classes and are For Design B, C and D, a special version is required (on request).
fulfilled, the active parts of the motor have been optimized. The According to NEC-ANSI-C1, Division 2, Class I, Group A, B, D,
procedure for calculating the efficiency is based on the loss- all 1LA/1LG motors that comply with Zone 2 can be used.
summation method according to IEC 60034-2. All other 1LA/1LG motors must be ordered with order code D30.
Motors for the North American market Data on the rating plate: Rated voltage (voltage tolerance of
±10 %), nominal efficiency, design letter, code letter, CONT and
For motors which comply with North American regulations NEMA MG1-12.
(NEMA, CSA, UL, etc.), it must always be checked whether the
motors will be used in the US or Canada and whether they are UL approval – Order code D31
subject to state laws. The motors based on the 1LA/1LG basic series are listed for up
Minimum efficiencies required by law to 600 V by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (“Recognition Mark”
= R/C).
In 1997, an act was passed in the US to define minimum effi- For Zones 2, 21, 22 and Ex e motors or Ex de motors as well as
ciencies for low-voltage three-phase motors (EPACT = Energy marine motors, there is no listing.
Policy Act). An act is in force in Canada that is largely identical, This is not possible in combination with the option “temperature
although it is based on different verification methods. The effi- class 180 (H) at rated output and maximal coolant temperature
ciency is verified for these motors for the USA using IEEE 112, of 60 °C”, order code C18.
Test Method B and for Canada using CSA-C390. Apart from a The motors must be ordered with order code D31, voltage code
few exceptions, all low-voltage three-phase motors exported to “9” and the order code for voltage and frequency.
the USA or Canada must comply with the legal requirements on According to UL, motor voltages are only certified up to 600 V,
efficiency. i. e. voltage codes 1, 3, 4 or 5. For this reason, voltage code “6”
The law requires minimum efficiencies for 2, 4 and 6-pole motors for example is omitted (400 VΔ/690 VY/ 50 Hz or 460 VΔ/60 Hz).
with a voltage of 230 and 460 V/60 Hz, in the output range of 1 Voltages 400 VΔ and 460 VΔ, for example, should be ordered as
to 200 HP (0.75 to 150 kW). Explosion-proof motors must also be follows:
included. 1LA9 and 1LG6 are also available in the design for
Zones 2, 21 and 22. Voltage Voltage code
According to EPACT, the following are excluded from the effi- 400 VΔ/50 Hz or 9 with L1U 1)
ciency requirements, for example. 460 VΔ/60 Hz (50 Hz output)
460 VΔ/60 Hz (50 Hz output) 9 with L2T
• Motors whose frame size output classification does not corre-
spond with the standard series according to NEMA MG1-12. 460 VΔ/60 Hz (60 Hz output) 9 with L2F

• Flange-mounting motors without feet The “UL Recognition Mark” is included on the rating plate of the
• Brake motors motor.
• Converter-fed motors
• Motors with design letter C and higher
In addition, the motor is designed to meet the NEMA MG1-12
For more information on EPACT: electrical standard (with the exception of non-standard motors) and includes the following data on the rating plate: Rated vol-
Special requirements for the USA: Energy Policy Act tage (voltage tolerance of ±10 %), nominal efficiency, design let-
ter, code letter, CONT and NEMA MG1-12.
The act lays down that the nominal efficiency at full load and a
“CC” number (Compliance Certification) must be included on Externally or internally mounted components such as
the rating plate. The “CC” number is issued by the US Depart- • Motor protection
ment of Energy (DOE). The following information is stamped on • Heating element
the rating plate of EPACT motors which must be marked by law: • Separately driven fan
Nominal efficiency (service factor SF 1.15), design letter, code
• Brake
letter, CONT, CC-Nr. CC 032A (Siemens) and NEMA MG1-12.
• Encoder
Special requirements for Canada: CSA – Energy Efficiency • Power connection
• Plug connector
These motors fulfill the minimum efficiency requirements laid
are UL-R/C, CSA or C-US listed or used by manufacturers in ac-
down by the CSA standard C390. These motors are available as
cordance with regulations. It may have to be decided whether
1LA9 or 1LG6 and can be ordered with order code D40 and are
the motor is suitable for the application.
also marked with the CSA-E verification on the rating plate.
The motors can be operated with a frequency converter – sepa-
rate converter or built-on (1UA7/order code H15) – with
50/60 Hz.
Deviating frequency settings must be tested at final acceptance.
The external fans for 1LA8 and 1LL8 motors must be made of
The following versions are possible:
• 2-pole 2) motors, only in combination with K37 or K38
• 4, 6 and 8-pole motors, only in combination with K35

Only applicable to non-standard motors.
Frame size 450 in 2-pole version, on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 For 1PQ8 motors, UL listed motors with separately driven fan
(400 VΔ 50 Hz/460 VΔ 60 Hz) are used. Other voltages up to
Other versions:

600 V and/or other frequencies must be ordered using the order For versions and certification of explosion-proof motors in com-
code Y81 and plain text. For 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors of frame pliance with directive 94/9/EU (ATEX) as well as VIK versions,
size 315, when option D31 is ordered, connection box gt 640 will see catalog part 4 “Explosion-proof motors”.
be automatically replaced without additional charge with con- For versions for use in shipping, see Section 10 “Marine motors”.
nection box 1XB1 621. The connection boxes are designed with Export of low-voltage motors to China
an undrilled cable entry. UL-R/C cable glands must be used for
cable entry. CCC – China Compulsory Certification – Order code D01

CSA approval – Order code D40 “Small power motors” which are exported to China must be
certified up to a rated output of:
Motors based on the 1LA/1LG basic series are approved for up 2-pole: ≤2.2 kW
to 690 V in accordance with the Canadian regulations of the 4-pole: ≤1.1 kW
“Canadian Standard Association” (CSA). Externally or internally 6-pole: ≤0.75 kW
mounted components which are used are listed by CSA or are 8-pole: ≤0.55 kW
used by manufacturers in accordance with regulations. It may
have to be decided whether the motor is suitable for the applica- The 1LA7, 1LA9, 1MA7 and 1MJ6 motors which must be cer-
tion. For Zones 2, 21, 22 and Ex e motors or Ex de motors as well tified have been certified by the CQC (China Quality Cert. Cen-
as marine motors, there is no approval. ter). When ordered with the D01 order code, the “CCC” logo and
“Factory Code” are included on the rating plate and packaging.
This is not possible in combination with the option “temperature
class 180 (H) at rated output and maximal coolant temperature
of 60 °C”, order code C18, for 1LA5, 1LG4, 1PP4 and 1PP5 mo-
tor series.
Factory Code:
The motors must be ordered with the order code D40, voltage
code “9” and order code for voltage and frequency. The CSA A005216 = Works Bad Neustadt
mark and the rated voltage (voltage tolerance of ±10 %) are in- A010607 = Works Mohelnice
cluded on the rating plate. Note:
Chinese customs checks the need for certification of imported
products by means of commodity code.
The following do not need to be certified:
When energy-saving motors (1LA9, 1LG6) are ordered, they also • Motors imported to China which have already been installed
include the CSA-E mark on the rating plate. in a machine
• Repair parts
Export of low-voltage motors to Japan
PSE Mark Japan – Order Code D46
PSE marking is a mandatory certification in Japan in accordance
with the electrical devices and safety of materials act. “Small
power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are ex-
ported to Japan must bear the PSE marking. Marking is only ap-
plicable to motor series 1LA7, 1LP7, 1PP7 in catalog parts 2
“Standard motors up to frame size 315 L” and 7 “Motors with
The motors concerned are marked on the rating plate with the
following “PSE” logo.

Export of low-voltage motors to Korea

Korea certification – Order Code D33
Certification confirms that the efficiency and power factor are in
compliance with KSC 4202 (KEMCO). The certification is appli-
cable to EFF1 motors of the 1LA9 and 1LG6 series in 2, 4 and 6
pole versions from 0.75 kW to 200 kW 400 V 50 Hz.

0/16 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Colors and paint finish 0
To protect the drives against corrosion and external influences, high-quality coatings based on 2-K epoxy resin are offered in various
different colors.
Version Suitability of paint finish for climate group in accordance with DIN IEC 60721, Part 2-1
Standard finish Moderate (extended) Briefly: up to 120 °C
for indoors and outdoors under a roof not directly subjected to Contin.: up to 100 °C
weather conditions
Special finish Worldwide (global) Briefly: up to 140 °C
for outdoor use in direct sunlight and/or weather conditions. Contin.: up to 120 °C
Suitable for use in the tropics for <60 % relative humidity at 40 °C Also: for aggressive atmospheres up to 1 % acid and alkali concen-
tration or permanent dampness in sheltered rooms
“Sea air resistant” special finish system – Order code M94
Field of application Resistance
• Recommended for indoor installations or outdoor installations exposed to • Chemical exposure to 5 % acid and caustic solution concentration
direct weather conditions • Suitable for use in the tropics up to 75 % relative humidity at 50 °C
• Industrial climate with moderate SO2 exposure, inshore maritime climate, • Thermal stability from –40 to 140 °C
but not offshore maritime climate, e.g. for crane drives and also in the paper
• Complies with the test requirements of DIN EN ISO 12944-2 Corrosion
Category C4
“Offshore” special finish system – Order code M91
Field of application Resistance
• Recommended for outdoor installations exposed to direct weather conditions • Chemical exposure to 5 % acid and caustic solution concentration
• Industrial climate with moderate SO2 exposure and offshore maritime climate, • Suitable for use in the tropics up to 75 % relative humidity at 60 °C
e.g. for crane drives • Thermal stability from –40 to 140 °C
• Complies with the test requirements of DIN EN ISO 12944-2 Corrosion
Category C5
All motors are painted with RAL 7030 (stone gray) if the color is
not specified.
Other colors can be ordered with standard finish using order
code Y53 and the RAL number in plain text for an additional
charge (for an overview of the available RAL No./RAL colors see
the following table for order code Y53).
Other colors in special finish must be ordered with the order
code Y51 or Y54 and the RAL number in plain text (for an over-
view of the available RAL No./RAL colors, see the following
tables for order codes Y51 and Y54).
Direct sunlight can change the color. If color stability is required,
it is recommended to use a polyurethane-based paint (only on
All paint finishes can be painted over with commercially avai-
lable paints. Special paint with increased layer thickness avai-
lable on request.
If required, the motors can be supplied only coated in primer,
order code K24, or unpainted (unworked cast-iron surfaces in
primer) using order code K23.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Standard finish in other standard RAL colors – Order code Y53
(RAL number is required in plain text)
RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name
1002 Sand yellow 6011 Reseda green
1013 Pearl white 6019 Pastel green
1015 Light ivory 6021 Pale green
1019 Gray beige 7000 Squirrel gray
2003 Pastel orange 7001 Silver gray
2004 Pure orange 7004 Signal gray
3000 Flame red 7011 Iron gray
3007 Black red 7016 Anthracite gray
5007 Brilliant blue 7022 Umber gray
5009 Azure blue 7031 Blue gray
5010 Gentian blue 7032 Pebble gray
5012 Light blue 7033 Cement gray
5015 Sky blue 7035 Light gray
5017 Traffic blue 9001 Cream
5018 Teal blue 9002 Gray white
5019 Capri blue 9005 Jet black

Special finish in standard RAL color with defined order codes

(special finish in other standard RAL colors can be ordered
indicating the RAL number in plain text with order code Y54 )
For 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1MA7, 1MA6, 1MJ6, 1PP5, 1LP5,
1PP7 and 1LP7 motors up to frame size 200 L, the special finish
is in RAL 7030 stone gray (order code K26) standard version.
RAL No. Color name Order code
7030 Stone gray K26

Special finish in other standard RAL colors – Order code Y54

(RAL number is required in plain text)
RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name
1002 Sand yellow 6011 Reseda green
1013 Pearl white 6019 Pastel green
1015 Light ivory 6021 Pale green
1019 Gray beige 7000 Squirrel gray
2003 Pastel orange 7001 Silver gray
2004 Pure orange 7004 Signal gray
3000 Flame red 7011 Iron gray
3007 Black red 7016 Anthracite gray
5007 Brilliant blue 7022 Umber gray
5009 Azure blue 7031 Blue gray
5010 Gentian blue 7032 Pebble gray
5012 Light blue 7033 Cement gray
5015 Sky blue 7035 Light gray
5017 Traffic blue 9001 Cream
5018 Teal blue 9002 Gray white
5019 Capri blue 9005 Set black

0/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Special finish in special RAL colors – Order code Y51 (RAL number is required in plain text) 0
RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name
1000 Green beige 3014 Antique pink 6003 Olive green 7036 Platinum gray
1001 Beige 3015 Light pink 6004 Blue green 7037 Dusty gray
1003 Signal yellow 3016 Coral red 6005 Moss green 7038 Agate gray
1004 Golden yellow 3017 Rose 6006 Gray olive 7039 Quartz gray
1005 Honey yellow 3018 Strawberry red 6007 Bottle green 7040 Window gray
1006 Maize yellow 3020 Traffic red 6008 Brown green 7042 Traffic gray A
1007 Daffodil yellow 3022 Salmon pink 6009 Fir green 7043 Traffic gray B
1011 Brown beige 3027 Rasperry red 6010 Grass green 7044 Silk gray
1012 Lemon yellow 3031 Orient red 6012 Black green 7045 Tele gray 1
1014 Dark ivory 3032 Pearl ruby red 6013 Reed green 7046 Tele gray 2
1016 Sulfur yellow 3033 Pearl pink 6014 Yellow olive 7047 Tele gray 4
1017 Saffron yellow 4001 Red lilac 6015 Black olive 7048 Pearl mouse gray
1018 Zinc yellow 4002 Red violet 6016 Turquoise green 8000 Green brown
1020 Olive yellow 4003 Heather violet 6017 May green 8001 Ocher brown
1021 Rape yellow 4004 Claret violet 6018 Yellow green 8002 Signal brown
1023 Traffic yellow 4005 Blue lilac 6020 Chrome green 8003 Clay brown
1024 Ochre yellow 4006 Traffic purple 6022 Olive drab 8004 Copper brown
1027 Curry 4007 Purple violet 6024 Traffic green 8007 Fawn brown
1028 Melon yellow 4008 Signal violet 6025 Fern green 8008 Olive brown
1032 Broom yellow 4009 Pastel violet 6026 Opal green 8011 Nut brown
1033 Dahlia yellow 4010 Tele magenta 6027 Light green 8012 Red brown
1034 Pastel yellow 4011 Pearl violet 6028 Pine green 8014 Sepia brown
1035 Pearl beige 4012 Pearl blackberry 6029 Mint green 8015 Chestnut
1036 Pearl gold 5000 Violet blue 6032 Signal green 8016 Mahogany
1037 Sun yellow 5001 Green blue 6033 Mint turquoise 8017 Chocolate
2000 Yellow orange 5002 Ultramarine 6034 Pastel turquoise 8019 Gray brown
2001 Red orange 5003 Saphire blue 6035 Pearl green 8022 Black brown
2002 Vermilion 5004 Black blue 6036 Pearl opal green 8023 Orange brown
2008 Bright red orange 5005 Signal blue 7002 Olive gray 8024 Beige brown
2009 Traffic orange 5008 Gray blue 7003 Moss gray 8025 Pale brown
2010 Signal orange 5011 Steel blue 7005 Mouse gray 8028 Terra brown
2011 Deep orange 5013 Cobalt blue 7006 Beige gray 8029 Pearl copper
2012 Salmon orange 5014 Pigeon blue 7008 Khaki gray 9003 Signal white
2013 Pearl orange 5020 Ocean blue 7009 Green gray 9004 Signal black
3001 Signal red 5021 Water blue 7010 Tarpaulin gray 9006 White aluminum
3002 Carmine red 5022 Night blue 7012 Basalt gray 9007 Gray aluminum
3003 Ruby red 5023 Distant blue 7013 Brown gray 9010 Pure white
3004 Purple red 5024 Pastel blue 7015 Slate gray 9011 Graphite black
3005 Wine red 5025 Pearl gentian 7021 Black gray 9016 Traffic white
3009 Oxide red 5026 Pearl night blue 7023 Concrete gray 9017 Traffic black
3011 Brown red 6000 Patina green 7024 Graphite gray 9018 Papyrus white
3012 Beige red 6001 Emerald green 7026 Granite gray 9022 Pearl light gray
3013 Tomato red 6002 Leaf green 7034 Yellow gray 9023 Pearl dark gray
Coating structure and colors not specified in the catalog are available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Connected in star for dispatch – Order code M32
The terminal board of the motor is connected in star for dispatch.
Connected in delta for dispatch – Order code M33
The terminal board of the motor is connected in delta for dis-
Packing weights and packing dimensions
Packing weights
For motors For land transport
Frame size Type Type of construction IM B3 Types of construction IM B5, IM V1
1LA5 .../1LA7 ..., In On In In On In
1LA6 ..., 1LA9 ..., box battens crate box battens crate
1LG4 ..., 1LG6 ..., Tare Tare Tare Tare Tare Tare
1LP4 ..., 1LP5 .../1LP7 ...,
1MA6 ..., 1MA7 ...,
1MJ6 ..., 1MJ7 ...
1PP4 ..., 1PP5 .../1PP7 ... kg kg kg kg kg kg
56 M .... 050/053 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
63 M .... 060/063 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
71 M .... 070 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
.... 073 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
80 M .... 080 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
.... 083 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
90 S .... 090 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
90 L .... 096/097 0.65 – – 0.65 – –
100 L .... 106/107 1.3 – – 1.3 – –
112 M .... 113 1.5 – – 1.5 – –
132 S .... 130/131 4.7 – – 5.2 – –
132 M .... 133/134 4.7 – – 5.2 – –
160 M .... 163/164 4.8 – – 5.7 – –
160 L .... 166 4.8 – – 5.7 – –
180 M .... 183 13.0 – – 13.4 – –
180 L .... 186 13.0 – – 13.4 – –
200 L .... 206/207 13.5 – – 13.5 – –
225 S .... 220 13.7 7 20 13.7 10 20
225 M .... 223 13.7 7 20 13.7 10 20
250 M .... 253 – 20 36 – 20 40
280 S .... 280 – 20 36 – 20 40
280 M .... 283 – 20 36 – 20 40
315 S .... 310 – 20 38 – 20 45
315 M .... 313 – 20 38 – 20 45
315 L .... 316/317/318 – 22 40 – 22 45
Values for 1PP6 motors on request.
Data apply for individual packaging. For frame sizes 56 to 180 L,
wire-lattice pallets can be used, order code L99.
Packing weights and packing dimensions for 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motors
For motors Packing weights
Frame size Type Land transport on battens Sea transport in wooden cases
1LA8 ..., Type of Type of Type of Type of
1PQ8 ..., construction IM B3 construction IM V1 construction IM B3 construction IM V1
1LL8 ... Tare Tare Tare Tare
kg kg kg kg
315 .... 315/317 30 55 270 310
355 .... 353/355/357 40 65 320 365
400 .... 403/405/407 45 75 390 445
450 .... 453/455/457 50 85 450 510
Maximum motor dimensions Allowances for maximum motor dimensions
(packing dimensions = motor dimensions + allowance)
Land transport on battens Sea transport in wooden cases
Type of Type of Type of Type of
construction IM B3 construction IM V1 construction IM B3 construction IM V1
approx. approx. approx. approx.
mm mm mm mm
Length +250 +250 +250 +250
Width +200 +300 +200 +200
Height +200 +250 +500 +500

0/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Safety notes Noise measurement during idling, no noise analysis,
no acceptance – Order code F28
The motors are supplied without safety and commissioning
notes for most motor types and frame sizes. A customer's dec- The A-rated sound pressure level LpA is measured during idling
laration of renouncement is required. at rated voltage. The number of measuring points and their loca-
tions are specified in the test certificate.
Without safety and commissioning note – Order code B00
Noise measurement during idling, no noise analysis,
The motors are supplied with only one set of safety and commis- with acceptance – Order code F29
sioning notes per wire-lattice pallet for most motor types and
frame sizes. As for order code F28, but with acceptance by an external
representative (e.g. customer).
Complete with one set of safety and commissioning notes
per wire-lattice pallet – Order code B01 Recording of current and torque curves with torque metering
shaft during starting, without acceptance – Order code F34
The measurement is used to determine the starting response of
The documentation for non-standard motors frame size 315 and a motor. By comparison with the load torque characteristic, the
above (catalog part 3) contains as standard: acceleration torque can be calculated. This can be used to
• Safety and commissioning notes (paper) check that a complete machine set has started correctly.
This measurement is only meaningful for motors that are directly
• Operating instructions (on CD)
mains-fed and is not offered for motors that are designed for
• EU manufacturer's declaration (on CD) converter-fed operation.
• Acceptance test certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204 Recording of current and torque curves with torque meter-
(by e-mail) ing shaft during starting, with acceptance – Order code F35
• Routine test certificate (by e-mail)
As for order code F34, but with acceptance by an external
For non-standard motors from frame size 315 and above representative (e.g. customer).
(catalog part 3) the following documents are optionally available: Measurement of the locked-rotor torque and locked-rotor
• Document – Electrical data sheet – Order code B31 current without acceptance – Order code F52
• Document – Order dimension drawing – Order code B32 The torque and current are determined when the rotor is locked.
• Document – Load characteristics – Order code B37 This measurement is only meaningful for motors that are directly
(on request, only available for motors for mains-fed operation) mains-fed and is not offered for motors that are designed for
converter-fed operation.
Optionally available documents for other motors:
• Operating instructions German/English enclosed in print – Measurement of the locked-rotor torque and locked-rotor
Order code B23 current with acceptance – Order code F53
• “SD Manual Collection”: all manuals for low-voltage motors, As for order code F52, but with acceptance by an external
geared motors and low-voltage converters on DVD in 5 lan- representative (e.g. customer).
guages, see catalog part 11 “Appendix”. Noise measurement during idling, with noise analysis,
Test certificates without acceptance – Order code F62

Acceptance test certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204 – As for F28, but a noise analysis is also performed. The signal is
Order code B02 divided up into frequency bands and the level is determined in
each band.
An acceptance test certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204 can
be supplied for most motors. Noise measurement during idling, with noise analysis,
with acceptance – Order code F63
The tests listed below are mainly intended for non-standard
As for order code F62, but with acceptance by an external
motors (catalog part 3). The assignment of order codes to motor
representative (e.g. customer).
types can be found in the “Special versions” section of the rele-
vant catalog parts. Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, without
acceptance – Order code F82
Standard test (routine test) with acceptance – Order code F01
During the type test, a temperature-rise test is performed; no-
Standard routine testing of the motor, but with acceptance by an load, short-circuit and load characteristics are recorded; the iron
external representative (e.g. customer). The routine test is re- losses and friction losses are determined and the efficiency is
quired to check the correct functioning of a motor where the calculated from the summed losses. This option is only applica-
characteristic data are known and were determined on a ma- ble to motors with a horizontal type of construction.
chine of the same type in a detailed type test. For a routine test,
characteristic variables are determined, which after being con- Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, with accep-
verted to the basic data, are compared with the reference values tance – Order code F83
for this machine type. As for order code F82, but with acceptance by an external
Visual acceptance and report handover with acceptance – representative (e.g. customer, classification society).
Order code F03 Type test with heat run for vertical motors, without
Visual acceptance of the motor by external representative acceptance – Order code F92
(e.g. customer) and handover of the routine test report to As for order code F82, but only for motors with a vertical type of
external representative (e.g. customer). construction.
Temperature-rise test without acceptance – Order code F04 Type test with heat run for vertical motors, with acceptance
For the temperature-rise test, the temperature rise of a motor is – Order code F93
measured in continuous duty. To do this, the motor is connected As for order code F92, but with acceptance by an external
to a load (dynamometer), and operated with the rated power. representative (e.g. customer, classification society).
Temperature-rise test with acceptance – Order code F05
As for order code F04, but with acceptance by an external
representative (e.g. customer).

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Voltages, currents and frequencies Non-standard voltages and/or frequencies
Standard voltages The tolerance laid down by DIN EN 60034-1 applies to all non-
standard voltages.
EN 60034-1 differentiates between Category A (combination of Order codes have been allocated for a number of non-standard
voltage deviation ±5 % and frequency deviation ±2 %) and Cat- voltages at 50 or 60 Hz. They are ordered by specifying the code
egory B (combination of voltage deviation ±10 % and frequency digit 9 for voltage in the 11th position of the Order No. and the
deviation +3/–5 %) for voltage and frequency fluctuations. The appropriate order code.
motors can supply their rated torque in both Category A and
Category B. In Category A, the temperature rise is approx. 10 K L8Y Standard winding
higher than during normal operation. Winding in accordance with voltage codes 0, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8; ra-
Standard Category Category
ting plate is stamped with order details.
The rated voltage is permitted to deviate up to ±5 % from the
EN 60034 – 1 A B
medium voltage of the defined voltage codes (0, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8).
Voltage deviation ±5 % ±10 % The order code L8Y is only possible for non-standard motors of
Frequency deviation ±2 % +3 %/–5 % the motor series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8. Order code L8Y does
Rating plate data stamped with a ±5 % a ±10 % not apply to explosion-proof motors, converter-fed motors and
rated voltage (e.g. 230 V ±5 %) (e.g. 230 ±10 %) motors for the North American market (in connection with order
(e.g. 230 V)
codes D30, D31 or D40).
Rating plate data stamped with b –5 % to c +5 % b –10 % to c +10 %
rated voltage ranges b to c (e.g. 220 –5 % (e.g. 220 –10 % L1Y Non-standard winding for voltages between 200 V (380 V
(e.g. 220 to 240 V) to 240 +5 %) to 240 +10 %) for 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motor series) and 690 V and rated
According to the standard, longer operation is not recom- outputs.
mended for Category B, therefore this is not permitted for explo- For voltages and rated outputs outside these ranges, please in-
sion-proof motors. See Page 0/31 for details of the rating plate quire.
inscriptions and examples. The selection and ordering data Motor series Frame size Rated voltages for L1Y
state the rated current at 400 V and where applicable 690 V. The that can be supplied
DIN IEC 60038 standard specifies a tolerance of ±10 % for Lowest / highest voltage
mains voltages of 230 V, 400 V and 690 V. The rating plates of in V for
motors with voltage code 0, 1 or 6 also include a rated voltage Delta Star
range in addition to the rated voltage (see table). 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP7, 1MA7, 56 ... 90 200/500 2) 250/690 3)
1MJ6, 1PP7
The rated currents at 420 V and for 1LA8 motors 660 V or 725 V 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP7, 100 ... 160 200/690 250/690
are listed in the table on Pages 0/26, 0/27 and on the rating plate. 1MA6, 1MA7, 1MJ6, 1PP6,
The tolerance laid down by DIN EN 60034-1 applies to all con- 1LA5, 1LA9, 1LP5, 1MA6, 180 ... 200 200/690 250/690
verter-fed 1LA8 motors as well as to 1LA5, 1LA7, 1LG6, 1PQ8 1MJ6, 1PP5, 1PP6
and 1LL8 motors with special 690 V insulation, i.e. no rated vol- 1LA5, 1LP5, 1PP5 225 200/690 250/690
tage range is specified on the rating plate.
L3Y Non-standard winding Y/Δ staring at low speed (only possi-
For 1LA and 1LG motors, type of protection “n” (Zone 2), a rated ble for 1LA7 and 1LA5 pole-changing motors).
voltage range is not specified.
When ordering L8Y, L1Y and L3Y, state in plain text:
Mains voltages Rated voltage range Voltage code Voltage, frequency and connection.
1LA, 1LG, 1MJ, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motors
230 VΔ/400 VY, 50 Hz 220 ... 240 VΔ/380 ... 420 VY 1 1)
Order codes for other rated voltages in the relevant catalog
50 Hz parts
400 VΔ/690 VY, 50 Hz 380 ... 420 VΔ/660 ... 725 VY, 6 For converter-fed motors and smoke extraction motors, only or-
50 Hz
der code L1Y is possible. For non-standard motors, order code
500 VY, 50 Hz – 3 L8Y is also possible for converter-fed operation.
500 VΔ, 50 Hz – 5 The order codes listed below are possible for other motors; see
1LA and 1LG motors the relevant catalog parts.
Second rating plate with 50 and 60 Hz data,
frame sizes 56 to 315 M
for 1LA9 and 1LG6
with output at 60 Hz additionally in HP
460 V, 60 Hz 440 ... 480V, 60 Hz 1, 6
1MA motors
230 VΔ/400 VY, 50 Hz 218 ... 242 VΔ/380 ... 420 VY, 1
50 Hz
400 VΔ/690 VY, 50 Hz 380 ... 420 VΔ/655 ... 725 VY, 6
50 Hz

1MA motors:
For non-standard frequencies, the tE times and, where appli-
cable, the rated output, may differ from those specified in the
selection tables; in this case, a new or supplementary certificate
is needed. For Δ connection, overload protection with phase-
failure protection must be provided.

1) 3)
Not applicable to non-standard motors. Highest voltage in star circuit for 1MA7 060-2 and 1MA7 063-4 500 V as
Highest voltage in delta circuit for 1MA7 060-2 and 1MA7 063-4 290 V as well as for 1MA7 060-4 400 V.
well as for 1MA7 060-4 230 V.

0/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Further voltages for standard motors 0
Voltage at 50 Hz Required Order code for Frame sizes for motor
output 50 Hz constant-
at 50 Hz speed motors (not 1LA5, 1LA6 1LA9 1LG4, 1LP5, 1LP4
pole-changing) 1) 1LA7 1LG6 1LP7
220 VΔ/380 VY 50 Hz output L1R 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(210 ... 230 VΔ/
360 ... 400 VY)
230 VΔ 50 Hz output L1E 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
(220 ... 240 VΔ)
380 VΔ/660 VY 3) 50 Hz output L1L 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(360 ... 400 VΔ/
625 ... 695 VY)
415 VY 50 Hz output L1C 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(395 ... 435 VY)
415 VΔ 50 Hz output L1D 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(395 ... 435 VΔ)
400 VY 50 Hz output L1A 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(380 ... 420 VY)
400 VΔ 50 Hz output L1B 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(380 ... 420 VΔ)
400 VΔ 50 Hz output L1U 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(460 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(380 ... 420 VΔ)

Voltage Required Order code for 60 Frame sizes for motors

at 60 Hz output Hz constant-speed
at 60 Hz motors (not pole- 1LA5, 1LA6 1LA9 1LG4, 1LP5, 1LP4
changing) 1LA7 1LG6 1LP7
220 VΔ/380 VY 50 Hz output L2A 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
220 VΔ/380 VY 60 Hz output L2B 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
380 VΔ/660 VY 50 Hz output L2C 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
380 VΔ/660 VY 60 Hz output L2D 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
440 VY 50 Hz output L2Q 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
440 VY 60 Hz output L2W 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
440 VΔ 50 Hz output L2R 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
440 VΔ 60 Hz output L2X 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
460 VY 50 Hz output L2S 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
460 VY 60 Hz output L2E 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
460 VΔ 50 Hz output L2T 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
460 VΔ 60 Hz output L2F 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
575 VY 50 Hz output L2U 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
575 VY 60 Hz output L2L 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
575 VΔ 50 Hz output L2V 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
575 VΔ 60 Hz output L2M 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L

Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors

at 60 Hz output 60 Hz motors 1LA5, 1LA6 1LA9 1LG4, 1LP5, 1LP4
at 60 Hz multi-voltage 1LA7 1LG6 1LP7
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz 50 Hz output L3E 56 ... 200 – 56 ... 200 – 63 ... 200 –
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz 60 Hz output L3F 56 ... 200 – 56 ... 200 – 63 ... 200 –
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz 50 Hz output L3G 100 ... 200 – 100 ... 200 – 100 ... 200 –
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz 60 Hz output L3H 100 ... 200 – 100 ... 200 – 100 ... 200 –

Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors

at 60 Hz output 60 Hz motors 1LA5, 1LA6 1LA9 1LG4, 1LP5, 1LP4
at 60 Hz pole-changing 1LA7 1LG6 1LP7
220 V 50 Hz output L4A 63 ... 200 – – – – –
220 V 60 Hz output L4B 63 ... 200 – – – – –
380 V 50 Hz output L4C 63 ... 200 – – – – –
380 V 60 Hz output L4D 63 ... 200 – – – – –
440 V 50 Hz output L4G 63 ... 200 – – – – –
440 V 60 Hz output L4E 63 ... 200 – – – – –
460 V 50 Hz output L4J 63 ... 200 – – – – –
460 V 60 Hz output L4H 63 ... 200 – – – – –
575 V 50 Hz output L4N 63 ... 200 – – – – –
575 V 60 Hz output L4M 63 ... 200 – – – – –

1) 3)
For order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated For the order code L1L a voltage of 440 VΔ 60 Hz is also possible for
voltage range is also included on the rating plate. 1LA5, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP5 and 1LP7 motor series.
For the order code L1R a voltage of 440 VY 60 Hz is also possible for
1LA5, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP5 and 1LP7 motor series.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Further voltages for non-standard motors
Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors
at 60 Hz output 60 Hz constant-
at 60 Hz speed motors (not 1LA8 1PQ8 1LL8
220 VΔ/380 VY 50 Hz output L2A – – –
220 VΔ/380 VY 60 Hz output L2B – – –
380 VΔ/660 VY 50 Hz output L2C 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
380 VΔ/660 VY 60 Hz output L2D 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
440 VY 50 Hz output L2Q – – –
440 VY 60 Hz output L2W – – –
440 VΔ 50 Hz output L2R 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
440 VΔ 60 Hz output L2X 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
460 VY 50 Hz output L2S – – –
460 VY 60 Hz output L2E – – –
460 VΔ 50 Hz output L2T 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
460 VΔ 60 Hz output L2F 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
575 VY 50 Hz output L2U – – –
575 VY 60 Hz output L2L – – –
575 VΔ 50 Hz output L2V 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
575 VΔ 60 Hz output L2M 315 ... 450 315 ... 450 315 ... 450
Further voltages for explosion-proof motors
Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors
at 50 Hz output 50 Hz constant- 1LA5, 1LA6 1LA9 1LG4, 1MA6, 1MJ6 1MJ7
at 50 Hz speed motors (not 1LA7 1LG6 1MA7 2)
pole-changing) 1)
220 VΔ/380 VY 3) 50 Hz output L1R 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 315 M 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
(210 ... 230 VΔ/
360 ... 400 VY)
230 VΔ 50 Hz output L1E 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 315 M 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
(220 ... 240 VΔ)
380 VΔ/660 VY 4) 50 Hz output L1L 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 71 ... 315 L 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
(360 ... 400 VΔ/
625 ... 695 VY)
415 VY 50 Hz output L1C 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 315 M 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
(395 ... 435 VY)
415 VΔ 50 Hz output L1D 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 71 ... 315 L 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
(395 ... 435 VΔ)
400 VY 50 Hz output L1A 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M – – –
(380 ... 420 VY)
400 VΔ 50 Hz output L1B 5) 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L – – –
(380 ... 420 VΔ)
400 VΔ 50 Hz output L1U 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L – – –
(460 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(380 ... 420 VΔ)
400 VΔ (only 4-8- 87 Hz output L3A 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M – – –

Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors

at 60 Hz output 60 Hz constant- 1LA5, 1LA6 1LA9 1LG4, 1MA6, 1MJ6 1MJ7
at 60 Hz speed motors (not 1LA7 1LG6 1MA7 6)
220 VΔ/380 VY 50 Hz output L2A 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 315 M 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
220 VΔ/380 VY 60 Hz output L2B 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
380 VΔ/660 VY 50 Hz output L2C 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 315 L 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
380 VΔ/660 VY 60 Hz output L2D 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
440 VY 50 Hz output L2Q 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 315 M 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
440 VY 60 Hz output L2W 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
440 VΔ 50 Hz output L2R 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 315 L 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
440 VΔ 60 Hz output L2X 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
460 VY 50 Hz output L2S 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 315 M 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
460 VY 60 Hz output L2E 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
460 VΔ 50 Hz output L2T 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 315 L 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
460 VΔ 60 Hz output L2F 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
575 VY 50 Hz output L2U 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M 63 ... 315 M 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
575 VY 60 Hz output L2L 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 M – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
575 VΔ 50 Hz output L2V 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L 63 ... 315 L 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
575 VΔ 60 Hz output L2M 56 ... 225 100 ... 160 56 ... 200 180 ... 315 L – 71 ... 200 225 ... 315 M
1) For order codes L1A, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated voltage 4) For the order code L1L a voltage of 440 VΔ 60 Hz is also possible for
range is also included on the rating plate, with the exception of versions in 1LA5, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP5 and 1LP7 motor series.
Zone 2 type of protection “n” or Ex n II T3. 5) For converter-fed operation, the converter output for a voltage according
2) For further information on the rated voltage range see Page 4/84. to the table is included on the rating plate.
3) For the order code L1R a voltage of 440 VY 60 Hz is also possible for 6) A special certificate is required.
1LA5, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP5 and 1LP7 motor series.

0/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Further voltages for fan motors 0
Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors
at 50 Hz output 50 Hz constant-
at 50 Hz speed motors (not 1PP5, 1PP4
pole-changing) 1) 1PP7
220 VΔ/380 VY 2) 50 Hz output L1R 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
(210 ... 230 VΔ/
360 ... 400 VY)
230 VΔ 50 Hz output L1E 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
(220 ... 240 VΔ)
380 VΔ/660 VY 3) 50 Hz output L1L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(360 ... 400 VΔ/
625 ... 695 VY)
415 VY 50 Hz output L1C 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
(395 ... 435 VY)
415 VΔ 50 Hz output L1D 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(395 ... 435 VΔ)
400 VY 50 Hz output L1A 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
(380 ... 420 VY)
400 VΔ 50 Hz output L1B 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(380 ... 420 VΔ)
400 VΔ 50 Hz output L1U 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
(460 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(380 ... 420 VΔ)

Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors

at 60 Hz output 60 Hz constant-
at 60 Hz speed motors (not 1PP5, 1PP4
pole-changing) 1PP7
220 VΔ/380 VY 50 Hz output L2A 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
220 VΔ/380 VY 60 Hz output L2B 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
380 VΔ/660 VY 50 Hz output L2C 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
380 VΔ/660 VY 60 Hz output L2D 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
440 VY 50 Hz output L2Q 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
440 VY 60 Hz output L2W 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
440 VΔ 50 Hz output L2R 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
440 VΔ 60 Hz output L2X 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
460 VY 50 Hz output L2S 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
460 VY 60 Hz output L2E 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
460 VΔ 50 Hz output L2T 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
460 VΔ 60 Hz output L2F 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
575 VY 50 Hz output L2U 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
575 VY 60 Hz output L2L 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 M
575 VΔ 50 Hz output L2V 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L
575 VΔ 60 Hz output L2M 63 ... 200 180 ... 315 L

Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors

at 60 Hz output 60 Hz motors, 1PP5, 1PP4
at 60 Hz multi-voltage 1PP7
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz 50 Hz output L3E 63 ... 200 –
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz 60 Hz output L3F 63 ... 200 –
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz 50 Hz output L3G 100 ... 200 –
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz 60 Hz output L3H 100 ... 200 –

Voltage Required Order code for Frame sizes for motors

at 60 Hz output 60 Hz motors, 1LA5, 1LG4
at 60 Hz pole-changing 1LA7
220 V 50 Hz output L4A 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
220 V 60 Hz output L4B 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
380 V 50 Hz output L4C 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
380 V 60 Hz output L4D 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
440 V 50 Hz output L4G 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
440 V 60 Hz output L4E 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
460 V 50 Hz output L4J 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
460 V 60 Hz output L4H 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
575 V 50 Hz output L4N 80 ... 200 180 ... 280
575 V 60 Hz output L4M 80 ... 200 180 ... 280

1) 3)
For order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U a rated For the order code L1L a voltage of 440 VΔ 60 Hz is also possible for 1PP5
voltage range is also included on the rating plate. and 1PP7 motor series.
For the order code L1R a voltage of 440 VY 60 Hz is also possible for
1PP5 and 1PP7 motor series.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Rated currents for rated voltage range 380 V to 420 V at 50 Hz
Currents for voltage and number of poles
380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
1LA7, 1LA5 motors
1LA7 050 0.27 0.26 0.21 0.21 – – – –
1LA7 053 0.33 0.32 0.30 0.31 – – – –
1LA7 060 0.52 0.53 0.42 0.44 – – – –
1LA7 063 0.69 0.71 0.58 0.59 0.48 0.5 – –
1LA7 070 1.05 1.02 0.80 0.77 0.66 0.64 0.36 0.36
1LA7 073 1.38 1.41 1.07 1.06 0.80 0.80 0.51 0.52
1LA7 080 1.75 1.79 1.50 1.50 1.18 1.25 0.73 0.80
1LA7 083 2.45 2.50 2.12 2.17 1.62 1.66 1.01 1.10
1LA7 090 3.40 3.35 2.60 2.60 2.10 2.15 1.15 1.18
1LA7 096 4.70 4.65 3.50 3.50 3.0 2.95 1.63 1.60
1LA7 106 6.25 6.15 4.8 4.8 4.0 4.1 2.25 2.2
1LA7 107 – – 6.5 6.8 – – 3.0 3.0
1LA7 113 8.2 7.7 8.4 8.3 5.4 5.3 4.1 4.2
1LA7 130 10.6 10.4 11.4 11.9 7.3 7.5 5.9 6.0
1LA7 131 14.1 13.8 – – – – – –
1LA7 133 – – 15.4 15.5 9.5 9.7 7.9 7.9
1LA7 134 – – – 13.0 13.1 – –
1LA7 163 21.0 20.5 22.3 21.5 17.5 17.3 9.9 10.6
1LA7 164 28.0 26.0 – – – – 13.1 13.4
1LA7 166 34.0 32.0 29.5 28.5 24.8 24.7 17.6 18.4
1LA5 183 40 38 36 35 – – – –
1LA5 186 – – 42 41 32.7 31 26.5 23.5
1LA5 206 55 52 – – 40 38.5 – –
1LA5 207 67 64 57 54 46.5 45.5 34 31
1LA5 220 – – 69 64 – – 40 37
1LA5 223 81 76 84 78 64 63 47 43
1LA6, 1LG4 motors
1LA6 106 6.25 6.15 4.8 4.8 4.0 4.1 2.25 2.2
1LA6 107 – – 6.5 6.8 – – 3.0 3.0
1LA6 113 8.2 7.7 8.4 8.3 5.4 5.3 4.1 4.2
1LA6 130 10.6 10.4 11.4 11.9 7.3 7.5 5.9 6.0
1LA6 131 14.1 13.8 – – – – – –
1LA6 133 – – 15.4 15.5 9.5 9.7 7.9 7.9
1LA6 134 – – – – 13.0 13.1 – –
1LA6 163 21.0 20.5 22.3 21.5 17.5 17.3 9.9 10.6
1LA6 164 28.0 26.0 – – – – 13.1 13.4
1LA6 166 34.0 32.0 29.5 28.5 24.8 24.7 17.6 18.4
1LG4 183 41.5 40 36 35 – – – –
1LG4 186 – – 42.5 41.5 30.5 28.5 25.5 25
1LG4 188 56 54 59 60 38.5 37 34.5 34.5
1LG4 206 56 52 – – 37 37 – –
1LG4 207 67 63 57 55 45 42.5 33.5 32
1LG4 208 82 77 70 69 61 60 40.5 39
1LG4 220 – – 72 65 – – 40.5 36.5
1LG4 223 83 75 85 77 60 54 46.5 42
1LG4 228 100 90 104 94 73 66 64 58
1LG4 253 100 93 104 98 73 68 60 57
1LG4 258 134 128 138 134 87 81 73 69
1LG4 280 136 126 144 132 87 80 76 70
1LG4 283 162 150 168 156 106 97 92 84
1LG4 288 196 182 204 190 146 134 112 102
1LG4 310 198 188 205 194 142 136 110 104
1LG4 313 230 215 245 230 170 162 146 136
1LG4 316 280 255 295 275 205 190 174 164
1LG4 317 345 315 360 330 245 225 210 198
1LG4 318 – – – – 295 275 250 240

0/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Currents for voltage and number of poles 0
380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
1LG6, 1LA8 motors
1LG6 183 40.5 37.5 36 34.5 – – – –
1LG6 186 – – 42.5 40.5 30.5 29 24.5 23
1LG6 206 54 51 – – 37 35.5 – –
1LG6 207 66 62 56 54 44 40.5 32.5 30.5
1LG6 220 – – 70 64 – – 38 34.5
1LG6 223 81 73 84 76 59 53 45 41
1LG6 253 97 90 99 94 72 67 59 55
1LG6 280 134 124 138 128 85 79 75 69
1LG6 283 158 146 166 154 104 96 91 83
1LG6 310 192 174 200 184 142 134 106 100
1LG6 313 230 210 235 215 166 156 142 136
1LG6 316 275 250 285 265 205 190 170 158
1LG6 317 340 305 355 330 245 225 205 194
1LG6 318 – – – – 290 275 250 230
1LA8 315 435 400 450 425 360 340 310 295
1LA8 317 540 495 560 530 450 420 385 365
1LA8 353 620 570 640 590 – – – –
1LA8 355 690 630 720 680 570 530 480 455
1LA8 357 860 790 880 820 720 670 600 560
1LA8 403 950 880 990 930 810 760 680 640
1LA8 405 1080 990 1100 1040 890 840 760 720
1LA8 407 690 1) 640 2) 710 1) 670 2) 1000 940 850 810
1LA8 453 780 1) 730 2) 810 1) 750 2) 1160 1060 960 910
1LA8 455 880 1) 810 2) 910 1) 860 2) 740 1) 690 2) 1080 1020
1LA8 457 970 1) 890 2) 1000 1) 940 2) 830 1) 770 2) 1200 1140
The rating plates of 1MJ6 motors specify the maximum current
in the voltage range in addition to the rated current.
This maximum is approximately 5 % higher than the rated cur-

Only available for 690 V, see catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame
size 315 and above”; but in 660 V design.
Only available for 690 V, see catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame
size 315 and above”; but in 725 V design.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Outputs
The outputs and the rated outputs are listed in the selection ta- cases also for 60 Hz. For 60 Hz, the rated output values must, in
bles and in the separate catalog parts for 50 Hz and in most some cases, be increased, e.g. for pole-changing motors.
Table of rated output at 60 Hz for single-speed motors
Motor type Admissible output at 60 Hz Motor type Admissible output at 60 Hz
for voltages between 220 V for voltages between 380 V
or 380 V and 725 V and 725 V
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
1LA6, 1LG4, 1LG6, 1LA7, 1MJ6, 1MJ7 motors 1LA8 motors
1LA7 050 – – 0.105 0.07 – – 1LA8 315 – – 280 288 230 184
1LA7 053 – – 0.14 0.105 – – 1LA8 317 – – 353 362 288 230
1LA7 060 – – 0.21 0.14 – – 1LA8 353 – – 398 408 – –
1LA7 063 – – 0.29 0.21 0.1 – 1LA8 355 – – 448 460 362 288
1LA7 070 – 1MJ6 070 0.43 0.29 0.21 0.1 1LA8 357 – – 560 575 460 362
1LA7 073 – 1MJ6 073 0.63 0.43 0.29 0.14 1LA8 403 – – 616 644 518 408
1LA7 080 – 1MJ6 080 0.86 0.63 0.43 0.21 1LA8 405 – – 693 725 575 460
1LA7 083 – 1MJ6 083 1.3 0.86 0.63 0.29 1LA8 407 – – – 817 644 518
1LA7 090 – 1MJ6 096 1.75 1.3 0.86 0.43 1LA8 453 – – – – 725 575
1LA7 096 – 1MJ6 097 2.55 1.75 1.3 0.63 1LA8 455 – – – – – 644
1LA7 106 1LA6 106 1MJ6 106 3.45 2.55 1.75 0.86 1LA8 457 – – – – – 725
1LA7 107 1LA6 107 1MJ6 107 – 3.45 – 1.3 The speed increases to approx. 120 % in relation to 50 Hz
1LA7 113 1LA6 113 1MJ6 113 4.6 4.6 2.55 1.75 motors.
1LA7 130 1LA6 130 1MJ6 130 6.3 6.3 3.45 2.55
1LA7 131 1LA6 131 1MJ6 131 8.6 – – –
Higher outputs/voltages are available on request!
1LA7 133 1LA6 133 1MJ6 133 – 8.6 4.6 3.45
1LA7 134 1LA6 134 1MJ6 134 – – 6.3 –
1LA7 163 1LA6 163 1MJ6 163 12.6 12.6 8.6 4.6
1LA7 164 1LA6 164 1MJ6 164 17.3 – – 6.3
1LA7 166 1LA6 166 1MJ6 166 21.3 17.3 12.6 8.6
1LA5 183 1LG . 183 1MJ6 183 24.5 21.3 – –
1LA5 186 1LG . 186 1MJ6 186 – 25.3 18 3.2
– 1LG . 188 – 33.5 34.5 22 18
1LA5 206 1LG . 206 1MJ6 206 33.5 – 22 –
1LA5 207 1LG . 207 1MJ6 207 41.5 34.5 26.5 18
– 1LG . 208 – 51 42.5 36 22
1LA5 220 1LG . 220 1MJ7 220 – 42.5 – 22
1LA5 223 1LG . 223 1MJ7 223 51 52 36 26.5
– 1LG . 228 – 62 63 44.5 36
– 1LG . 253 1MJ7 253 62 63 44.5 36
– 1LG . 258 – 84 86 54 44.5
– 1LG . 280 1MJ7 280 84 86 54 44.5
– 1LG . 283 1MJ7 283 101 104 66 54
– 1LG . 288 – 123 127 90 66
– 1LG . 310 1MJ7 310 123 127 90 66
– 1LG . 313 1MJ7 313 148 152 108 90
– 1LG . 316 – 180 184 132 108
– 1LG . 317 – 224 230 158 132
– 1LG . 318 – – – 192 158
Table of rated output at 60 Hz for pole-changing motors
At 60 Hz, the output can be increased in accordance with the Frame size Number of Factor for increased output at 60 Hz for
factors listed in the table below. poles voltages between 220 or 380 and 725 V
The output is increased separately for each number of poles, i.e. 56 to 160 2 to 8 1.15
for 6/4-pole motors, frame sizes 180 to 315, 60 Hz, the 6-pole 180 to 315 2 1.12
output can be increased by 20 % and the 4-pole output can be
4 1.15
increased by 15 %.
6 and 8 1.2
Possible versions of 2-pole motors
Horizontal type Vertical type
of construction of construction
Frame size 50 Hz with foot 60 Hz with foot 50 Hz with flange 60 Hz with flange 50 Hz 60 Hz
56 to 315 M • • • • • •
315 L • • – – • •
315 • • • • • •
355 and 400 • • • • • –
450 • – • – • –

0/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Assignment of the standard power kW-HP and vice versa in
accordance with IEC
The part-load values stated in the tables below are averages;
precise values can be provided on request.
kW ⋅ 1,341 = HP Part-load power factor at
HP ⋅ 0,746 = kW 1/4 1/2 3/4 4/4 5/4
Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated of full load
kW HP kW HP kW HP kW HP kW HP kW HP 0.70 0.86 0.90 0.92 0.92
0.06 0.08 0.37 0.5 2.2 3 11 15 37 50 110 150 0.65 0.85 0.89 0.91 0.91
0.09 0.12 0.55 0.75 3 4 15 20 45 60 132 200 0.63 0.83 0.88 0.90 0.90
0.12 0.16 0.75 1 4 5 18.5 25 55 75 160 250 0.61 0.80 0.86 0.89 0.89
0.18 0.25 1.1 1.5 5.5 7.5 22 30 75 100 200 300 0.57 0.78 0.85 0.88 0.88
0.25 0.33 1.5 2 7.5 10 30 40 90 125 0.53 0.76 0.84 0.87 0.87
0.51 0.75 0.83 0.86 0.86
0.49 0.73 0.81 0.85 0.86
Efficiency, power factor, rated torque, 0.47 0.71 0.80 0.84 0.85
rated speed and direction of rotation 0.45 0.69 0.79 0.83 0.84
0.43 0.67 0.77 0.82 0.83
Efficiency and power factor
0.41 0.66 0.76 0.81 0.82
The efficiency η and power factor cos ϕ for each rated output are 0.40 0.65 0.75 0.80 0.81
listed in the selection tables in the individual sections of this 0.38 0.63 0.74 0.79 0.80
catalog. 0.36 0.61 0.72 0.78 0.80
For EFF1 and EFF2 motors, the 3/4 load efficiency is also indi- 0.34 0.59 0.71 0.77 0.79
cated. 0.32 0.58 0.70 0.76 0.78
Part-load efficiency % at 0.30 0.56 0.69 0.75 0.78
1/4 1/2 3/4 4/4 5/4 0.29 0.55 0.68 0.74 0.77
of full load 0.28 0.54 0.67 0.73 0.77
93 96 97 97 96.5 0.27 0.52 0.63 0.72 0.76
92 95 96 96 95.5 0.26 0.50 0.62 0.71 0.76
90 93.5 95 95 94.5
89 92.5 94 94 93.5
Rated torque
88 91.5 93 93 92.5
87 91 92 92 91.5 The rated torque in Nm delivered at the motor shaft is
86 90 91 91 90 9.55 P 1000
85 89 90 90 89
84 88 89 89 88
P Rated output in kW
80 87 88 88 87 n Speed in rpm
79 86 87 87 86
78 85 86 86 85
If the voltage deviates from its rated value within the allowed
76 84 85 85 83.5
limits, the locked-rotor torque, the pull-up torque and the break-
74 83 84 84 82.5 down torque vary with the approximate square of the value, but
72 82 83 83 81.5 the locked-rotor current varies approximately linearly.
70 81 82 82 80.5
68 80 81 81 79.5
In the case of squirrel-cage motors, the locked-rotor torque and
breakdown torque are listed in the selection tables as multiples
66 79 80 80 78.5
of the rated torque.
64 77 79.5 79 77.5
The normal practise is to start squirrel-cage motors directly on
62 75.5 78.5 78 76.5 line. The torque class indicates that with direct-on-line starting,
60 74 77.5 77 75 even if there is – 5 % undervoltage, it is possible to start up the
58 73 76 76 74 motor against a load torque of
56 72 75 75 73 • 160 % for CL 16
55 71 74 74 72
• 130 % for CL 13
54 70 73 73 71
53 68 72 72 70
• 100 % for CL 10
52 67 71 71 69 • 70 % for CL 7
51 66 70 70 68 • 50 % for CL 5
50 65 69 69 67
of the rated torque.
49 64 67.5 68 66
The individual torque characteristics are available in the SD
48 62 66.5 67 65 configurator. In addition, it is possible to perform calculations
47 61 65 66 64 with the supplied start-up program.
46 60 64 65 63
For type 1MA motors in the standard design for T1/T2 and
45 59 63 64 62
T3 and different rated outputs, the torque class specified for the
44 57 62 63 61 higher output applies.
43 56 60.5 62 60.5
42 55 59.5 61 59.5
41 54 58.5 60 58.5

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/29

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Rated speed and direction of rotation An extra rating plate can be supplied loose for all motors,
order code K31.
The rated speeds are applicable for the rated data. The synchro- Supplementary data can be indicated on the rating plate or extra
nous speed changes proportionally with the line frequency. rating plate and on the packaging label (maximum of 20 charac-
The motors are suitable for clockwise and counter-clockwise ters), order code Y84.
An extra rating plate can also be supplied for the identification
This does not apply to the following 2-pole motors: code, order code Y82.
• 1LA8, 1LL8 frame size 355 and above for clockwise rotation An extra rating plate or a rating plate can also be ordered with
only; alternatively order code K38 for counter-clockwise rota- different rating plate data, order code Y80.
tion only
An extra rating plate can be supplied loose for all motors of
• 1LA8, 1MJ6, 1MA6 and 1LG4 in VIK version from frame size frame sizes 100 to 315, order code B06.
315 and above.
In the standard version, the rating plate is available in interna-
If U1, V1, W1 are connected to L1, L2, L3, clockwise rotation tional format or in the English/German language. The language
results as viewed onto the drive-end shaft extension. Counter- for the rating plate can be ordered by specifying in plain text. An
clockwise rotation is achieved by swapping two phases (see overview of the languages that can be ordered, at additional
also “Heating and ventilation”). cost in some cases, is provided by the table below.
In addition, for 1MA motors:
Rating plate and extra rating plates With the exception of 2-pole motors from frame size 225 M or
larger, all motors are suitable for both T1/T2 and T3 (uniform
DIN EN 60034-1 lays down that the approximate total weight for design).
all motors from frame size 90 (from approx. 30 kg) is indicated If the rated output for T1/T2 differs from that of T3, the data for
on the rating plate. both output values is stated separately.

Overview of the languages on the rating plate

Motor Frame size Rating plate Double rating plate
type 50 Hz and 60 Hz data
Inter- German English (en) German (de)/ French (fr)/ Italian (it) Portuguese Russian (ru) 500 VY and 230 VΔ/
national (de) English (en) Spanish (es) (pt) 575 VY 400 VY and
460 VY
500 VΔ and 400 VΔ/
575 VΔ 690 VY and
460 VΔ
1LA5 180 ... 225
1LA6 100 ... 160
1LA7 56 ... 160
1LA8 315 ... 450
1LA9 56 ... 200
1LG4 180 ... 315 ✓
1LG6 180 ... 315 ✓
1LL8 315 ... 450
1LP4 180 ... 315 ✓
1LP5 63 ... 160
1LP7 180 ... 200
1MA6 100 ... 180
1MA6 180 ... 200
1MA6 225 ... 315 ✓
1MA7 63 ... 160
1MJ6 71 ... 200
1MJ7 225 ... 315 ✓
1PP4 180 ... 315 ✓
1PP5 180 ... 200
1PP6 100 ... 315 ✓
1PP7 63 ... 160
1PQ8 315 ... 450
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge

0/30 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Examples of rating plates 0
See the catalog part “Non-standard motors” for rating plates for motor series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8.
Factory number Temperature class
Weight Order No. 3~Mot. 1LG6 186-4AA60-Z

3~Mot. 1LA7166-2AA60 D-91056 Erlangen UC 0202 /012415501

D-91056 Erlangen E0107/471101 01 001 IEC/EN 60034 180 kg IM B3 180L IP55 Th.Cl. 155 (F) AMB 40 °C
93kg IM B3 160L IP55 Th.Cl. 155 (F)
50 Hz 400/690 V / 60 Hz 460 V 50 Hz 400/690 V / 60 HZ 460 V
18.5 kW 32.5/18.8 A 22 kW 40.5/24 A 22 KW 36.5 A

21.3 kW 32.0 A
cos 0.91 2940/min cos 0.92 3540/min cos 0.84 1470/min PF 0.83 1775RPM

380-420/660-725 V / 440-480 V 380-420/660-725 V / NEMA NOM.EFF 92.4% 30.0HP
34.0-32.0/19.6-18.5 A 33.5-31.0 A 42.5-40.5/24.5-23.5 A DESIGN A CODE K CC 032 A
IEC/EN 60034 MG1-12 SF1.15 CONT
50 Hz data Frame size 60 Hz data
Type of Degree of protection
Date of manufacture
3~Mot. 1MJ6166-2CA60-Z H
E0107/471101 13 003 IEC/EN 60034
D-91056 Erlangen
160 kg IM B3 160L IP55 Th.Cl. 155 (F)
50 Hz 400/690 V / 0158

3~Mot. 1LA9166-2KA60 18.5 kW 32.5/18.8 A II 2 G
D-91056 Erlangen E0107/471101 01 002 IEC/EN 60034 cos 0.91 2940/min Ex de II C T4
120 kg IM B3 160L IP55 Th.Cl. 155 (F) AMB 40°C 380-420/660-725 V / 34.0/19.6 A
50 Hz 400/690 V / 60 HZ 460 V

18.5 kW 31.5/18.2 A 18.5 KW 27.7 A PTB 01 ATEX 1093 IA/IN 7.0

cos 0.92 2940/min PF 0.92 3550RPM
380-420/660-725 V / NEMA NOM.EFF 91.0% 25.0HP
34.0-30.5/19.6-17.6 A DESIGN A CODE J CC 032 A
MG1-12 SF1.15 CONT

Coolant temperature and site altitude

The rated output specified in the selection tables is applicable If the admissible motor output is no longer adequate for the
for continuous duty in accordance with DIN EN 60034-1 at a fre- drive, it should be checked whether the motor with the next
quency of 50 Hz, a coolant temperature (CT) or ambient temper- higher rate output fulfills the requirements.
ature (AT) of 40 °C and a site altitude (SA) or up to 1000 m above Abbreviation Description Units
sea level.
Padm. Admissible motor output kW
For higher coolant temperatures and/or site altitudes higher than Prated Rated output kW
1000 m above sea level, the specified motor output must be re- kHT Factor for abnormal coolant temperature
duced using the factor kHT. and/or site altitude

Depending on the frame size of the motor or the number of The motors are designed for temperature class 155 (F) and used
poles, special windings may be added to the motors for the in temperature class 130 (B). Under non-standard operating
different operating conditions. conditions, if they are to be used in class 130 (B), the admissible
output must be determined from the tables below.
This results in an admissible output of the motor of: If explosion-proof motors are to be used (with the exception of
Padm. = Prated ⋅ kHT 1MJ6) at coolant temperatures that exceed 40 °C and site
altitudes higher than 1000 m above sea level, the appropriate
correction factors must be requested.
Reduction factor kHT for different site altitudes and/or coolant temperatures
Site altitude above Site altitude above sea level
sea level Coolant temperature
m <30 °C 30 °C ... 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C 55 °C 60 °C
1000 1.07 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.82
1500 1.04 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.84 0.79
2000 1.00 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.77
2500 0.96 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.78 0.74
3000 0.92 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.70
3500 0.88 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.71 0.67
4000 0.82 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.67 0.63
Coolant temperature and site altitude are rounded-off to 5 °C or
500 m.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/31

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 For the following outputs, rms values are specified for coolant
temperatures (CT) of 45 °C and 50 °C that must be specified
The following applies to all motors:
The motors can withstand 1.5 times the rated current at rated
when ordering. voltage and frequency for two minutes (DIN EN 60034).
Power (kW) Admissible output at 50 Hz Ambient temperature:
For CT 45 °C For CT 50 °C All motors can be used in the standard version at ambient tem-
kW kW kW peratures between –20 and +40 °C.
11 10.5 10 Motors can be used in temperature class 155 (F)
15 14.5 13.8 • at 40 °C with service factor 1.1, i.e. the motor can be continu-
18.5 17.8 17 ously overloaded with 10 % of the rated output (for motors of
22 21 20 1LG6 and 1LA9 series, with the exception of 1LA9 with in-
30 29 27.5 creased output, with service factor 1.15, i.e. 15 % of the rated
37 35.5 34
45 43 41.5 • above 40 °C at rated output.
55 53 51 When motors are used in temperature class 130 (B) for higher
75 72 69 ambient temperatures and site altitudes, derating occurs in ac-
90 86 83 cordance with the table “Reduction factor kHT for different site al-
110 106 101 titudes and/or coolant temperatures”.
132 127 122 For motors ex-stock, the service factor is indicated on the rating
145 139 133 plate.
160 153 147
For other temperatures, special measures are necessary.
When brakes are to be mounted on motors intended for opera-
180 173 166
tion at temperatures below freezing, please contact your local
200 192 184 Siemens office.
250 240 230
280 269 258
315 302 290 Windings and insulation
355 340 325 DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system
400 384 368
The DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system comprises high-grade
450 432 414
enameled wires and insulating sheet materials combined with
500 480 460 solvent-free impregnating resin.
560 538 515 The system ensures a high level of mechanical and electrical
630 605 580 strength as well as good serviceability and a long motor life.
710 682 663 The insulation system protects the winding against aggressive
800 768 736 gases, vapors, dust, oil and increased air humidity. It can with-
900 864 828 stand the usual vibration stressing.
1000 960 920 The insulation is suitable up to an absolute air humidity of 30 g
water per m3 of air. Moisture condensation should be prevented
from forming on the winding. Please contact your local Siemens
For details of derating for use in class 155 (F), see office if higher values are present.
“DURIGNIT IR 2000” insulation system.
Motors for coolant temperatures other than 40 °C or site altitudes Please inquire about extreme applications.
higher than 1000 m above sea level for use in temperature class
130 (B), must always be ordered with the supplementary order Winding and insulation design with regard to temperature class
code “–Z” and plain text. In the case of extreme derating, the and air humidity
operating data for the motors will be less favourable due to All motors are designed for temperature class 155 (F).
partial utilization. At rated output with mains-fed operation, the motors can be
The following special versions are possible for 1LG4, 1LG6, used in temperature class 130 (B).
1LP4, 1PP4 and 1LA8 motors: Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), with
• Motors for coolant temperatures from –50 to +40 °C service factor (SF)
order code D02 (not for 1LA8) For all 1LA motors (with the exception of 1LA9 with increased
• Motors for coolant temperatures from –40 to +40 °C output, as these are already used according to temperature
order code D03 class 155 (F)), 1LG, 1LL8 and 1PP motors for mains-fed opera-
tion in frame sizes 56 to 355 for the rated output given in the se-
• Motors for coolant temperatures from –30 to +40 °C lection table and rated voltage, a service factor of 1.1 can be
order code D04 specified (for 1LA9 and 1LG6 SF = 1.15) and 1.05 for frame
The following special versions are possible for 1LA8, 1PQ8 and sizes 400 and 450.
1LL8 motors: Order code C11.
• Motors for 45 °C coolant temperature, 4 % derating, order Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), for
code D11 increased output
• Motors for 50 °C coolant temperature, 8 % derating, order For motors supplied from stock (with the exception of 1LA9 with
code D12 increased output, as these are already used according to tem-
• Motors for 55 °C coolant temperature, 13 % derating, order perature class 155 (F)) and 1LA8 motors, the service factor is
code D13 indicated on the rating plate as standard. For use according to
• Motors for 60 °C coolant temperature, 18 % derating, order temperature class 155 (F), the rated output according to the
code D14 selection and ordering data can be increased by 10 % (15 % for
1LA9, with the exception of 1LA9 with increased output, and
For details of order codes for use in temperature class 155 (F), 1LG6) and by 1.05 for frame sizes 400 and 450.
see “DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system” under “Windings and Order code C12.

0/32 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), with
increased coolant temperature
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B), cool-
ant temperature 45 °C, approx. 4 % derating
At the output specified in the catalog under mains-fed operation, For motors of series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 (with the exception
the coolant temperature can be increased to 55 °C (50 °C for of 1LA9 with increased output), 1LG4, 1LG6, 1MA6, 1MA7,
frame sizes 400 and 450) with the exception of 1LA9 with in- 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP4, 1PP5, and 1PP7, a version can be ordered
creased output. that is designed to temperature class 155 (F), for use according
Order code C13 to temperature class 130 (B) at a maximum coolant temperature
of 45 °C at 4 % derating.
The service factor (SF) is not indicated on the rating plate for Order code C22
order codes C12 and C13.
For converter-fed operation at the output specified in the ca- Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B), cool-
talog, the motors are used according to temperature class ant temperature 50 °C, approx. 8 % derating
155 (F). Order codes C11, C12 and C13 are not possible. This For motors of series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 (with the exception
applies to motors up to 500 V and to motors up to 690 V. of 1LA9 with increased output), 1LG4, 1LG6, 1MA6, 1MA7,
1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP4, 1PP5, and 1PP7, a version can be ordered
Temperature class 180 (H), used according to 155 (F), with that is designed to temperature class 155 (F), for use according
Service Factor (SF1.1) to temperature class 130 (B) at a maximum coolant temperature
For all 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motors for mains-fed operation in of 50 °C at 8 % derating.
frame sizes 315 to 355 for the rated output given in the selection Order code C23
table and rated voltage, a service factor of 1.1 and 1.05 can be Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B), cool-
specified (for frame sizes 400 and 450. For use according to ant temperature 55 °C, approx. 13 % derating
temperature class 180 (H), as service factor of 1.1 for mains-fed For motors of series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 (with the exception
operation is also permissible. of 1LA9 with increased output), 1LG4, 1LG6, 1MA6, 1MA7,
For all 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motors for converter-fed operation 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP4, 1PP5, and 1PP7, a version can be ordered
in frame sizes 315 to 450 for the rated output given in the selec- that is designed to temperature class 155 (F), for use according
tion table and rated voltage, a service factor of 1.1 can be spec- to temperature class 130 (B) at a maximum coolant temperature
ified. The thermal service life of the motor winding increases by of 55 °C at 13 % derating.
at least 5 times when used in converter-fed operation. Order code C24
Use according to temperature class 180 (H) is not possible for Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B), cool-
all motors. All 400 V versions are available only on request. Due ant temperature 60 °C, approx. 18 % derating
to the rated current, a larger connection box of type 1XB9600 is For motors of series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 (with the exception
generally provided for frame sizes 400 (2 and 4 pole) and 450 of 1LA9 with increased output), 1LG4, 1LG6, 1MA6, 1MA7,
(all pole numbers) – part of order code C14. The temperature 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP4, 1PP5, and 1PP7, a version can be ordered
class 180 (H) does not apply to motors with separately driven fan designed for temperature class 155 (F), for use according to
with 1PQ8. temperature class 130 (B) at a maximum coolant temperature of
Order code C14 60 °C at 18 % derating.
Order code C25
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B), with
increased coolant temperature and/or site altitude Increased air temperature/humidity with 30 to 60 g water
per m3 of air
For standard motors, explosion-proof motors and fan motors For motors of series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LG4, 1LG6,
1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 (with the exception of 1LA9 with in- 1LP4, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1MA6, 1MA7, 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP4, 1PP5 and
creased output since these are already used according to tem- 1PP7, a version can be ordered for increased air humidity of be-
perature class 155 (F)), 1LG4, 1LG6, 1LP4, 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP4, tween 30 and 60 g water per m3 of air depending on the temper-
1PP5, and 1PP7, a version designed for temperature class 155 ature as listed in the table below. This version includes conden-
(F) for use according to temperature class 130 (B) can be or- sation drainage holes (order code L12) – with the exception of
dered with other customized requirements with specification in 1MJ motors. A condensation protection by means of anti-con-
plain text. densation heaters for 230 V (order code K45) is included in
Order code Y50 1MJ6 and 1MJ7 motors.
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), other Order code C19.
requirements Please contact your local Siemens office if order code C19 is to
For 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LG4, 1LG6, 1PP4, 1PP5 and be combined with additional mountings.
1PP7 standard motors and fan motors as well as 1MA6 and Increased air temperature/humidity with more than 60 g up
1MA7 explosion-proof motors, a version can be ordered to 100 g water per m3 of air
designed for temperature class 155 (F), for use according to For motors of series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LG4, 1LG6,
temperature class 155 (F) with different customized require- 1LP4, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1MA6, 1MA7, 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP4, 1PP5 and
ments, by specifying the information in plain text. Certification 1PP7, a version can be ordered for increased air humidity of be-
costs may be charged in the case of 1MA6 and 1MA7 motors. tween more than 60 g and 100 g water per m3 of air depending
Order code Y52 on the temperature as listed in the table below. This version in-
Temperature class 180 (H) at rated output and maximum cludes condensation drainage holes (order code L12) – with the
coolant temperature (CT) 60 °C exception of 1MJ motors. A condensation protection by means
For motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LG4, 1PP4, 1PP5 and of anti-condensation heaters for 230 V (order code K45) is in-
1PP7, use according to temperature class 180 (H) is permitted cluded in 1MJ6 and 1MJ7 motors.
at rated output and at a maximum coolant temperature of 60 °C. Order code C26.
This does not apply to explosion-proof motors of Zones 2, 21 and Please contact your local Siemens office if order code C26 is to
22 and to motors with UL approval (order code D31). Not possi- be combined with additional mountings (e.g. rotary pulse en-
ble for CSA approval (order code D40) for 1LA5, 1LG4, 1PP4 coders, brakes).
and 1PP5 motor series. The specified grease life applies to a
coolant temperature of 40 °C. For a 10 K increase in coolant tem-
perature, the grease life or lubrication interval is halved.
Order code C18

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/33

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Absolute/relative conversion of air humidity
Relative humidity Temperature
20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C 70 °C 80 °C 90 °C
10 % 2 3 5 8 13 20 29 42
15 % 3 5 8 12 19 30 44 63
20 % 3 6 10 17 26 39 58 84
25 % 4 8 13 21 32 49 73 105
30 % 5 9 15 25 39 59 87 126
35 % 6 11 18 29 45 69 102 146
40 % 7 12 20 33 52 79 116 167
45 % 8 14 23 37 58 89 131 188
50 % 9 15 26 41 65 98 145 209
55 % 10 17 28 46 71 108 160 230
60 % 10 19 31 50 78 118 174 251
65 % 11 20 33 54 84 128 189 272
70 % 12 21 36 58 91 138 203 293
75 % 13 23 38 62 97 148 218 314
80 % 14 24 41 66 104 157 233 335
85 % 15 26 43 70 110 167 247 356
90 % 16 27 46 74 117 177 262 377
95 % 16 29 49 79 123 187 276 398
100 % 17 30 51 83 130 197 291 419

The values in the table with a blue background are covered by the standard When a limit temperature is reached, these bimetal switches
version (up to 30 g water per m3 of air). (NC contacts) can deactivate an auxiliary circuit. The circuit can
The values in the table with a light gray background are covered by order only be reclosed following a considerable fall in temperature.
code C19 (30 to 60 g of water per m3 of air). When the motor current rises quickly (e.g. with a locked rotor),
The values in the table with a dark gray background are covered by order
these switches are not suitable due to their large thermal time
code C26 (60 to 100 g of water per m3 of air). constants.
Temperature detectors for tripping
Please contact your local Siemens office regarding requirements Order code A31
exceeding 100 g water per m3 of air The temperature monitors have the following current carrying
capacity and switching capacity:
Restarting against residual field and opposite phase
230 V AC cosϕ: 2.5 A
All motors can be reclosed against 100 % residual field after a 24 V DC: 1.6 A
mains voltage failure.
The most comprehensive protection against thermal overload-
ing of the motor is provided by PTC thermistors (thermistor
motor protection) installed in the motor winding. Due to its low
Motor protection heating capacity and excellent thermal contact with the winding,
A distinction is made between current-dependent and motor- the winding temperature can be closely monitored.
temperature-dependent protection devices. When a limit temperature is reached (nominal tripping tempera-
ture), the PTC thermistor undergoes a step change in resistance.
Current-dependent protection devices This is evaluated by a tripping unit and can be used to open aux-
Fuses are only used to protect mains cables in the event of a iliary circuits. The PTC thermistors themselves cannot be sub-
short-circuit. They are not suitable for overload protection of the jected to high currents and voltages. This would result in de-
motor. struction of the semiconductor. The switching hysteresis of the
PTC thermistor and tripping unit is low, which supports fast re-
The motors are usually protected by delayed overload protection starting of the drive. Motors with this type of protection are re-
devices (circuit-breakers for motor protection or overload re- commended for high duty starting, switching duty, extreme
lays). changes in load, high ambient temperatures or fluctuating sup-
This protection is current-dependent and is particularly effective ply systems.
in the case of a locked rotor.
Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temper-
For standard duty with short start-up times and starting currents ature sensors for tripping.
that are not excessive and for low numbers of switching opera- In the connection box, 2 auxiliary terminals are required. The
tions, motor protection switches provide adequate protection. maximum number of auxiliary terminals in the main connection
Motor protection switches are not suitable for high starting duty box of the motor is specified under “Number of auxiliary termi-
or large numbers of switching operations. Differences in the ther- nals” in the section “Motor connection and connection box”. An
mal time constants for the protection equipment and the motor auxiliary connection box is required when the total number of
results in unnecessary early tripping when the protection switch auxiliary terminals in the connection box of the motor exceeds
is set to rated current. the specified values. For an additional charge, the connections
can be routed through a separate auxiliary connection box
Motor-temperature-dependent protection devices
(order code L97, M50 or M88, see “Auxiliary connection box”
Temperature detectors installed in the motor winding are suit- in the section “Motor connection and connection box”).
able protection devices in the case of slowly rising motor tem- Order code A11

0/34 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
For pole-changing motors with two separate windings, the num-
ber of temperature sensors must be doubled.
Motor temperature detection with embedded temperature sen-
sor KTY 84-130.
In the connection box, 2 auxiliary terminals are required.
Two sets of three temperature sensors are used if a warning is The maximum number of auxiliary terminals in the main connec-
required before the motor is shut down (tripped). The warning is tion box of the motor is specified under “Number of auxiliary ter-
normally set to 10 K below the tripping temperature. minals” in the section “Motor connection and connection box”.
Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 6 embedded temper- An auxiliary connection box is required when the total number of
ature sensors for tripping and alarm. auxiliary terminals in the connection box of the motor exceeds
In the connection box, 4 auxiliary terminals are required. the specified values. For an additional charge, the connections
Order code A12 can be routed through a separate auxiliary connection box
• All 1LA8 motors are equipped in the standard version with (order code L97, M50 or M88, see “Auxiliary connection box” in
6 PTC thermistors for alarm and tripping. the section “Motor connection and connection box”).
Order code A23
• For 1LA, 1MJ and 1LG motors, the tripping temperature For 1LA8 motors, the standard PTC thermistors are omitted when
corresponds to PTC thermistors for temperature class 155 (F). ordering with order code A23. A combination of A12 and A23 is
• For 1LA8, 1LL and 1PQ motors, the tripping temperature cor- possible, price on request.
responds to PTC thermistors for temperature class 155 (F), OR
also for 1LA8 in Zone 22.
• For 1LA and 1LG motors for Zones 2, 21, 22 or VIK thermistors Motortemperature detection with embedded temperature sen-
temperature class 130 (B) (see catalog part “Motors operating sors 2 x KTY 84-130.
with frequency converters”). In the connection box, 4 auxiliary terminals are required.
Order code A25
In order to achieve full thermal protection it is necessary to com-
bine a thermally delayed overcurrent release and a PTC ther- The temperature sensor is embedded in the winding head of the
mistor. For full motor protection implemented only with PTC ther- motor in the same manner as a PTC thermistor. Evaluation is per-
mistors, please inquire. formed, for example, in the converter.
For mains-fed operation, the temperature monitoring device
3RS10 that is part of the protection equipment can be ordered
Motor temperature detection with converter-fed operation separately. For further details, see Catalog LV 1,
KTY 84-130 temperature sensor Order No.: E86060-K1002-A101-A7-7600.

This sensor is a semi-conductor that changes its resistance Motor protection

depending on temperature in accordance with a defined curve. 1LA and 1LG motors for Zones 2, 21 and 22 for converter-fed op-
eration already have a PTC thermistor for tripping as standard.
G_M015_EN_00190 For converter-fed operation, a PTC thermistor for alarm can be
ordered additionally.
R PTC thermistor for alarm for converter-fed operation in Zones 2,
2.5 21 and 22.
In the connection box, 2 auxiliary terminals are required.
k Order code A10
2 1MJ motors:
PTC thermistors must always be used if the duty is not S1
(continuous operation) in accordance with IEC 60034-1/
DIN EN 60034-1.
If 1MJ motors are operated with converters, the PTC thermistor
D = 2 mA in the winding is essential. For 1MJ6/1MJ7 motors, an additional
PTC thermistor is installed in the connection box.
Motor protection with PTC thermistors for converter-fed opera-
tion with 3 or 4 embedded temperature sensors for tripping.
In the connection box, 2 auxiliary terminals are required.
0.5 Order code A15.
0 Motor protection with PTC thermistors for converter-fed opera-
0 50 100 150 200 250 °C 300 tion with 6 or 8 embedded temperature sensors for alarm and
U In the connection box, 4 auxiliary terminals are required.
Order code A16.
KTY 84-130 temperature sensor characteristic
For versions with temperature sensors, in some cases, anti-con-
Some converters from Siemens determine the motor tempera- densation heaters cannot be mounted or can only be mounted
ture using the resistance of the temperature sensor. They can be for certain frame sizes. See “Special versions” in the corres-
set to a required temperature for alarm and tripping. ponding catalog parts.
If thermistor protection is required, 3 PTC thermistors connected
in series are embedded in the stator winding of the motor.
The 3RN1 temperature monitoring device that is part of the pro-
tection equipment must be ordered separately – it is PTB certi-
fied. For further details about mode of operation, circuit and
prices, see Catalog LV 1,
Order No.: E86060-K1002-A101-A7-7600.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/35

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Motor temperature detection with resistance thermometers Heating and ventilation
The resistance thermometers are embedded in the stator wind- Anti-condensation heaters
ing or in the rolling contact bearings or bearing plates of the
motors. The following possibilities can be implemented: Supply voltage 230 V (1~)
Order code K45
Stator winding: or
3 or 6 PT 100 resistance thermometers are embedded in the sta- Order code M15
tor winding in 2-wire connection. The two connections for each
resistance thermometer are routed through the main connection Supply voltage 115 V (1~)
box. In the connection box, 6 or 12 auxiliary terminals are re- Order code K46
quired. The maximum number of auxiliary terminals in the main or
connection box of the motor is specified under “Number of aux- Order code M14
iliary terminals” in the section “Motor connection and connection Motors whose windings are at risk of condensation due to the cli-
box”. An auxiliary connection box is required when the total num- matic conditions, e.g. inactive motors in humid atmospheres or
ber of auxiliary terminals in the connection box of the motor ex- motors that are subjected to widely fluctuating temperatures can
ceeds the specified values. be equipped with anti-condensation heaters.
For an additional charge, the connections can be routed through An additional cable entry M16 x 1.5 or M20 x 1.5 (M20 x 1.5 or
a separate auxiliary connection box (order code L97, M50 or M25 x 1.5 for 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motor series) is provided for
M88, see “Auxiliary connection box” in the section “Motor con- the connecting cable.
nection and connection box”); 3-wire or 4-wire connection (from Anti-condensation heaters must not be switched on during oper-
the terminal strip) is also possible (please inquire). ation.
The resistance thermometer embedded in the winding head is
calbrated to 100 Ω at 0 °C. The base values for the resistances 1MJ6 motors:
(i.e. the relationship between the resistance and temperature) as For 1MJ6 motors up to frame size 160 L, a built-in anti-conden-
well as the admissible deviations are laid down in DIN IEC 751. sation heater is not possible for versions with PTC thermistors.
The changes in temperature are transferred to a display device For 1MA and 1LA motors. In designs for Zone 21:
in the form of changes in resistance. Built-in anti-condensation heaters are not possible up to frame
The display devices are not included in the price and are not size 200L.
included in the delivery package.
For 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motor series in designs for Zone 2, the anti-
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance thermometers in stator wind- condensation heater can only be switched on after the motor has
ing. been switched off for one hour.
In the connection box, 6 auxiliary terminals are required.
Order code A60 Instead of an anti-condensation heater, another possibility (with-
out additional charge) is connection of a voltage that is approxi-
Installation of 6 PT100 resistance thermometers in stator wind- mately 4 to 10 % of the rated motor voltage to stator terminals U1
ing. and V1; 20 to 30 % of rated motor current is sufficient to heat the
In the connection box, 12 auxiliary terminals are required. motor (this does not apply to 1MA6 frame sizes 225 M to 315 L,
Order code A61 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8).
Note regarding non-standard 1LA8 motors: When A61 is or-
dered, the PTC thermistors installed as standard in the motor are Motor series Frame size Heater output of the anti-
condensation heaters in Watt (W)
omitted. A combination of A12 and A61 is possible, price on re-
Supply voltage at
230 V 115 V
Rolling contact bearings or bearing plates: Order code Order code
The bearing thermometers are screwed into the bearing plates K45 K46
of the drive end (DE) and non-drive-end (NDE). The wires are 1LA5, 1LP5, 1PP5, 56 ... 80 25 25
routed through the main connection box. 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LP7, 90 ... 112 50 50
1PP7, 1LA9, 1MJ6
In the connection box, auxiliary terminals are required. The max- 132 ... 200 100 100
imum number of auxiliary terminals in the main connection box 225 100 100
of the motor is specified under “Number of auxiliary terminals” in 1LG4, 1LP4, 1PP4, 180 ... 200 55 55
the section “Motor connection and connection box”. An auxiliary 1LG6, 1MA6, 1MJ7 225 ... 250 92 92
connection box is required when the total number of auxiliary ter-
minals in the connection box of the motor exceeds the specified 1LG4, 1LG6 180 ... 200 48 48
in designs for 225 ... 250 92 92
values. Zone 2
280 ... 315 105 105
For an additional charge, the connections can be routed through 1MA6 280 ... 315 105 105
a separate auxiliary terminal box (order code L97, M50 or M88,
1LG4, 1LP4, 1PP4, 280 ... 315 109 109
see “Auxiliary connection box” in the section “Motor connection 1LG6, 1MJ7
and connection box”). The changes in temperature are trans- 1LA8, 1PQ8, 1LL8 315 ... 450 200 183
ferred to a display device in the form of changes in resistance.
The display device is not included in the price and is not in-
cluded in the delivery package.
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact bearings.
In the connection box, 4 auxiliary terminals are required.
Order code A72
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resistance thermometers (3-wire
circuit) for rolling-contact bearings.
In the connection box, 6 auxiliary terminals are required.
Order code A78
Installation of 2 PT 100 double screw-in resistance thermo-
meters (3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact bearings.
In the connection box, 12 auxiliary terminals are required.
Order code A80

0/36 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Fans/Separately driven fans Metal external fan impeller 0
Motors of frame sizes 63 to 450 have radial-flow fans in the stan- The standard fan impeller made of plastic can be replaced with
dard version that cool regardless of the direction of rotation of a fan impeller made of metal. This version can be supplied for
the motor (cooling method IC 411 acc. to DIN EN 60034-6, IC01 motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA8, 1LA9, 1LG4, 1LG6,
for 1LL8 motor series). The air flow is forced from the non-drive- 1MA6, 1MA7, 1MJ6, 1MJ7 and 1LL8.
end (NDE) to the drive end (DE). For motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LG4 and 1LG6, the
Motors of frame size 56 do not have a fan (IC 410). metal external fan can also be used with converter-fed
For details of separately driven fans for frame sizes 100 to 315, operation.
see also Page 0/76. A metal external fan is already included for the low-noise
1LA8 and 1LL8 (frame size 355 and above) 2-pole motors have Up to frame size 160, the metal external fan impeller is manufac-
an axial-flow fan for clockwise rotation in the standard version. tured from sheet aluminum or steel and for frame size 180 and
The fan can be subsequently reinstalled for counter-clockwise above it is manufactured from cast iron or sheet steel.
rotation. Order codes K35
Motors of the 1LA8 series are also available in a version with a
separately driven fan (cooling method IC 416 – 1PQ8 series) Fan cover for textile industry
and in a version with through-ventilation (cooling method IC 01,
IP23 degree of protection – 1LL8 series). For motors 1LG4 and 1LG6, the fan cover can be used in the
1PQ8 motors have separately driven fans that cool regardless of standard version for the textile industry.
the speed of the main motor (IC416). For motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7 and 1LA9, a version of the
fan cover can be supplied specially for the textile industry. This
Supply voltages for 1PQ8 separately driven fans: has a protective cover and is made of non-corrosive sheet steel.
230 VΔ/400 VY ±10 %, 50 Hz, 460 VΔ ±10 %, 60 Hz. Order code H17
Other voltages/frequencies can be ordered by specifying in
plain text with order code Y81 (additional charge). Cast-iron fan cover

Supply voltage of separately driven fan for 1LG motors: For 1MA6 motor series, frame sizes 225 to 315, the fan cover can
The supply voltage of the separately driven fan conforms to the be supplied in cast-iron instead of plastic.
stated rated voltage ranges of table “Technical data of the sep- Order code K34
arately driven fan”, see Page 0/76. Deviating voltages/frequen- Sheet metal fan cover
cies can be ordered with order code Y81 and plain text (addi-
tional charge). For 1LG4 and 1LG6 motor series, the fan cover can be supplied
in sheet metal instead of plastic.
When the motor is mounted and the air intake is restricted, then Order code L36
it must be ensured that a minimum clearance is maintained be- For 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motor series, the sheet-metal fan
tween the fan cover and the wall. This clearance is calculated cover is supplied as standard.
from the difference between the protective cover and the fan
cover (dimension LM – L) or is specified in the detail dimension Design of fan and fan cover for standard motors, explosion-proof
drawing. motors, motors operating with frequency converters, fan motors
and smoke extraction motors:
For design of the fan/separately driven fan and the fan cover, see
Motor series Frame size Fan material 1) Fan cover material 1)
the tables below.
1LA5, 1LA7 63 ... 225 Plastic Non-corrosive sheet
1LA9 63 ... 200 steel
1LA6 100 ... 160
1MA7 63 ... 160
1MA6 100 ... 315
1MJ6 71 ... 200
1MJ7 255 ... 315
1LG4, 1LG6 180 ... 315 Plastic Glass fiber strength-
ened plastic 2)

Design of the fan/separately driven fan and the fan cover for non-standard motors
Motor series Frame size Fan material 3) Fan cover material
Number of poles Number of poles
2 4 ... 8
1LA8, 1LL8 315 Radial-flow fan, plastic Radial-flow fan, plastic Non-corrosive sheet steel
1PQ8 Radial-flow fan, sheet steel Radial-flow fan, sheet steel
1LA8, 1LL8 355 ... 400 Axial-flow fan, cast aluminum Radial-flow fan, plastic
1PQ8 Radial-flow fan, sheet steel Radial-flow fan, sheet steel
1LA8, 1LL8 450 Axial-flow fan, hub: cast aluminum, Radial-flow fan, plastic
vane: plastic
1PQ8 Radial-flow fan, sheet steel Radial-flow fan, sheet steel

1) 3)
The plastic fan can be used at ambient temperatures of up to 70 °C. The plastic fan can be used at ambient temperatures of up to 70 °C.
For designs for Zones 21 and 22 and VIK, other materials are used in For designs for Zones 21 and 22, VIK and UL, other materials are used in
some cases. some cases.
For designs:
for Zones 2, 21 and 22 VIK (order code K30),
CSA (order code D40)
UL (order code D31)
a fan cover is used that is made of non-corrosive sheet steel.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/37

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Motor connection and connection box For 1MJ motors:
The connection boxes are designed to Ex e type of protection.
Connection, circuit and connection box The ends of the windings for motors up to frame size 160 are
Location of the connection box routed through a shared explosion-proof leadthrough into the
connection box; for frame size 180 and above, they are routed
The connection box of the motor can be mounted in four different through single leadthroughs.
locations or positions. The position of the connection box must
always be viewed from the drive end (DE). The standard position For 1MJ motors, an explosion-proof connection box with
of the connection box is on top, with the exception of non-stan- Ex d II C type of protection is available.
dard motors in which case the standard position of the connec- Order code K53
tion box is on the right-hand side. For motor series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8, the ends of the windings
Connection box on right-hand side – Order code K09 are routed through single leadthroughs into the connection box.
Connection box on left-hand side – Order code K10
The number of terminals and the size of the connection box is
If rotation of the connection box is possible later for motors that designed for standard requirements. For special requirements
are supplied as standard with cast feet, the version “Connection or if the customer requires a larger connection box, the connec-
box on top, feet screwed on” is recommended. tion box for the next larger frame size can be supplied.
Order code K11
For all motors except for non-standard motors and 1MJ motors:
Next larger connection box (only frame size 180 and above)
Order code L00
K111) Detailed assignment of connection boxes, see Page 0/43 and
For non-standard motors (motor series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8)
Next larger 1XB1 621 connection box
Order code M58
K10 K09 Next larger 1XB1 631 connection box
Order code L00
Detailed assignment of connection boxes, see Page 0/43 and
If the necessary installation angle of the motor would cause
machine components to collide with the connection box, the
connection box can be moved from the drive end (DE) to the
non-drive end (NDE).
The number of winding ends depends on the winding design. Order code M64
Three-phase motors are connected to the three phase conduc- Not possible for explosion-proof motors.
tors L1, L2 and L3 of a three-phase system. The rated voltage of
the motor in the running connection must match the phase con- Motor connection
ductor voltages of the network. Line feeder cables
When the three phases are operating in a time sequence and are The line feeder cables must be dimensioned acc. to
connected to the terminals of the motor in alphabetical order U1, DIN VDE 0298. The number of required feeder cables, if neces-
V1 and W1, clockwise rotation is established as viewed from the sary in parallel, is defined by:
motor shaft. The direction of rotation of the motor can be re- • The max. cable cross-section which can be connected
versed if two connecting leads are interchanged. • The cable type
Labeled terminals are provided to connect the protective con- • Routing
• Ambient temperature and the corresponding admissible cur-
A protective earth terminal is provided in the connection box for
rent in accordance with DIN VDE 0298
earthing. An earth terminal is located on the outside of the motor
housing (special version in the case of 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7 and Parallel feeders
1LA9 motors. Order code L13).
Some motors must be fitted with parallel feeders due to the
If a brake control system or thermal protection is installed, the admissible current per terminal. These motors are indicated in
connections will also be in the connection box. the selection and ordering data in the respective catalog parts.
The motors are suitable for direct connection to the line supply. With 1XB7 connection boxes, 2 parallel feeders are possible;
with 1XB1 631 connection boxes, up to 4 parallel feeders are
Design of the connection box
possible; and with GT640 and 1XB1 621 connection boxes,
Connection boxes for motors to Exn (Zone 2) type of protec- 2 parallel feeders are possible.
tion and for protection against dust explosions (Zone 21) dif-
For motors with an upper connection box section and auxiliary
fer from the basic version. For dust explosion protection
terminals (e.g. with order code A11), an M16 x 1.5 or M20 x 1.5
(Zone 22), the connection boxes of the basic version are
cable gland with plug is additionally available.
For further details, see the data sheet function in SD configura-
For 1LG4 and 1LG6 motors, frame sizes 180 to 225 and 1MA6
motors frame sizes 180 to 200, 1MJ6 frame sizes 71 to 160 M
and frame sizes 180 to 200 L, a connection box is available in
cast iron.
Order code K15
For 1LA6 and 1MA6 frame size 100 – 160, 1MJ6 frame size
160 L and 1MJ7, 1MA6 frame size 225 – 315 standard version.
Not possible for 1LA7 and 1MA7.

Possible for frame size IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V6 with/without
protective cover, IM B35.

0/38 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
1LA7 and 1LA9 in frame size 100 L to 160 L With options K83 and K84, 1LA7 motors of frame sizes 100 to
160 require an additional connection box upper section. This
The connection box is integrated into the frame. Two knock-outs measure results in increased height of the connection box. The
are provided at each side for boltings. The nuts for the boltings dimension AD increases by approx. 30 mm, dimension AF
are supplied with the connection box. changes depending on the frame size by between 45 and
Cable entry on connection box 47 mm. For the precise values of AD and AF, see “Dimension
drawings” in the corresponding catalog parts.
Unless stated otherwise, the cable entry is located in the stan-
dard position as shown in the illustration below. If the cable entry is rotated by 180°, special measures are re-
quired for 1LA7 and 1LA5 motors of frame sizes 63 to 90 as well
The connection box can also be rotated such that the cable as 180 to 225 (without a change in dimensions). (Rotation of the
entry is located connection box by 180°)
• Towards the drive end (DE) Order code K85
(rotation of connection box by 90°, entry from DE)
Order code K83 From frame size 100 to 160, the break-outs in the connection box
can be used.
• Towards the non-drive end (NDE) The dimensions of the connection box are listed in the relevant
(rotation of connection box by 90°, entry from NDE) catalog parts in accordance with the frame size and the “Dimen-
Order code K84 sion drawings”.
If the position of the connection box (connection box RHS, LHS
or above) is changed, the position of the cable entry must be
checked and, if necessary, it can be ordered with the corre-
sponding order codes (K83; K84; K85).
Ordering example
Connection box RHS (Order code K09):
If no other order code is specified, cable entry is from below.
With additional order code K83:
Cable entry from drive end (DE)


Drive end Non-drive end

K83 K84

Standard G_D081_EN_00157a

For cable entry to a standard connection box, a cable gland can For non-standard motors (motor series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8),
be ordered for motor connection. the cable entry can be implemented in accordance with DIN
One cable gland, metal 89280 for the maximum possible configuration of cable glands
Order code K54 in the connection box.
Order code K57
For cable entry to a connection box with the options of motor pro-
tection or anti-condensation heating, two cable glands will be A two-part plate on the connection box can be supplied if re-
supplied. quired.
Cable glands are supplied in metal as standard. For tempera- Order code K06
tures below –30 °C and/or higher than +60 °C, the material is se-
lected/used according to the temperature.
Cable gland, maximum configuration
Order code K55

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/39

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 For special requirements for which the standard holes for the
cable entries are inadequate, too large or when the routing must
For 1LG4/1LG6/1LP4/1PP4 motors, it is also possible to order
the length of protruding cable in plian text with order codes L51
be implemented differently, an undrilled entry plate can be sup- and L52.
plied to allow holes to be drilled as required on assembly.
Order code L01 In combination with winding monitoring (order code A11, A12,
A15, A16, A23, A25 or A31) or anti-condensation heating (order
Protruding cable ends code K45 or K46), option L44, L45, L47, L48 or L49 must be
specified twice on ordering.
For confined spaces, protruding cable ends can be ordered,
without a connection box with cover plate. Position of protruding cables
For protruding cable ends for smoke extraction motors, see cat- Motor series 1LA7
alog part 9 “Smoke extraction motors”. Frame sizes 56 to 160:
As standard, above at drive end (DE).
The following lengths of protruding cables can already be or-
dered using order codes on request: Motor series 1LA6
• 3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 1) Frame sizes 100 to 160:
Order code L44 As standard, above at drive end (DE).
• 3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 1) Motor series 1LA5
Order code L45 Frame sizes 180 to 225:
• 6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long As standard, above at drive end (DE).
Order code L47 Motor series 1LA9
• 6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long Frame sizes 56 to 200:
Order code L48 As standard, above at drive end (DE).
• 6 cables protruding, 3.0 m long Motor series 1LG4/1LG6/1LP4/1PP4
Order code L49 Frame sizes 180 to 315:
As standard, above at drive end (DE).
The cross-section of the named cables refers to a coolant tem- Optionally left or right at drive end (DE)
perature up to CT 40 °C
It is also possible to rotate the position of the three protruding
• Cable connection on right side, as viewed from drive end
(DE) 2)
Order code L51
• Cable connection on left side, as viewed from non-drive end
(NDE) 2)
Order code L52

1) With only 3 protruding cables additional plain text specifying star or delta 2) For motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1PP5 and 1PP6 only possible for
connection is required. smoke-extraction motors.

0/40 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Connection, circuit and connection box 0
Type gk 030 Type gk 127 Type gk 130, gk 230, gk 330
(not for 1LA5, 1LG4, 1LG6)

Type gk 330 (for 1LA5, 1LG4, 1LG6) Type gk 135, gk 235, gk 335 Type gk 430, gk 431

Type 1XB7 222 Type gt 520, gt 540, gt 620, gt 640 Type 1XB7 422, 1XB7 522

Type 1XB7 622 Type 1XB1 621 Type 1XB1 631

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/41

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Type gk 465 Type 1XC1 270, 1XC1 380 Type 1XC1 480, 1XC1 580

Type 1XB7 322

Connection boxes for 1LA, 1LG, 1LP and 1PP motors

Motors Frame size Number of cable entries Connection box material Feeder connection
1LA7, 1LA9 56 ... 71 2 cable glands incl. Aluminum alloy Without cable lug or
1LP7, 1PP7 80 ... 90 Plugs with cable lug
100 ... 160 2 holes 180° apart,
4 break-out openings sealed with cast
iron skin
(2 left, 2 right),
connection box is moulded
1LA5, 1LA9 180 ... 225 2 holes with plugs
1LP5, 1PP5
1LA6 100 ... 160 Cast iron
1LG4, 1LG6 180 ... 200 Aluminum alloy 1) Without cable lug
1LP4, 1PP4, 1PP6 225 With cable lug
250 ... 315 Cast iron
1LA8, 1PQ8, 1LL8 315 ... 355 2) 3)
400 ... 450 4 holes with plugs

Possible positions of connection boxes for 1LA, 1LG, 1LP and 1PP motors
Motors Frame size Connection box position Rotation of connection box
top Side, right or left Retrofitting 90° 4) 180° 4) Retrofitting
possible possible
1LA5, 1LA7, 1LA9 56 ... 71 – – Yes
1LP5, 1LP7 80 ... 90 – Yes
1PP5, 1PP7 100 ... 160 – – 5) Yes
180 ... 225 – Yes
1LA6 100 ... 160 – Yes
1LG4, 1LG6 180 ... 315 – 6) Yes
1LP4, 1PP4, 1PP6
1LA8 315 2) – –
355 – –
400, 450 – –
Available version
For further details of 1LA8 motors, see “Dimensions”, “1LA8”.

1) 4)
Connection box in cast-iron version K15. The position of the cable entry must be specified when ordering.
2) 5)
15° to the vertical in each case Design for 1LA7 motors available on request.
3) 6)
Frame sizes 357-2 and 357-4 as for frame sizes 400 and 450 Retrofittable with screwed on feet (order codes K09, K10 and K11).

0/42 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Connection boxes for 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1PP and 1PQ motors in standard version and for Zone 22 0
See the next section of the catalog for connection boxes for 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8.
Frame size Connection box Number of Contact screw Max. conductor Sealing range Cable entry 1) 2) Cable entry for
terminals thread size CSA version order
code D40 3)
Type mm2 mm Size Size
1LA5, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1PP5 and 1PP7
56 gk 030 6 M4 1.5 9 ... 17 M25 x 1.5 NPT 1/2’’
63 (gk 127) 4) (2.5 with cable 4.5 ... 10 M16 x 1.5
100 gk 130 6 M4 4 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5 NPT 3/4’’
132 gk 230 6 M4 6 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5 NPT 3/4’’
160 gk 330 6 M5 16 19 ... 28 2 x M40 x 1.5 NPT 1’’
180 NPT 1 1/2’
200 gk 430 6 M6 25 27 ... 35 2 x M50 x 1.5 NPT 2’’
225 gk 431 6 M8 35 27 ... 35 2 x M50 x 1.5
100 gk 135 6 M4 4 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5 NPT 1/2’’
132 gk 235 6 M4 6 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5 NPT 3/4’’
160 gk 335 6 M5 16 19 ... 28 2 x M40 x 1.5 NPT 1’’
1LG4, 1LG6, 1LP4, 1PP4 and 1PP6
180 gk 330 6 M5 16 19 ... 28 M40 x 1.5 M40 x 1.5 13)
200 gk 430 6 M6 25 27 ... 35 M50 x 1.5 M50 x 1.5 13)
225 gk 431 6 M8 35 27 ... 35 M50 x 1.5 M50 x 1.5 13)
250 gt 520 6 M10 120 34 ... 42 M63 x 1.5 M63 x 1.5 13)
315 gt 620 6 M12 240 5) 38 ... 45 M63 x 1.5 M63 x 1.5 13)
The connection box table does not apply to pole-changing
motors with three speeds.
A two-part plate can be supplied. Order code K06. For frame
size 250 M and above, with strain relief.
Connection boxes for 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors in standard version
Mains-fed operation
Frame size Connection Num- Contact Max. rec. Outer cable Cable Cable Auxiliary lead Two-part plate option K06
box ber of screw conduc- diameter entry 6) gland Outer cable Cable entry Admissi- Cable Auxiliary
termi- thread tor cross- (sealing option diameter ble outer entry lead outer
nals section range) K57 7) cable cable
diameter diameter
Type mm2 mm Size Size mm Size mm Size mm
1LA8 . . .
1PQ8 . . .
. . . . 315 gt 640 6 M12 185 41.0 ... 56.5 2 x M72x2 + 2 x M72x2 7 ... 13 2 x M20x1.5 – – –
. . . . 317 8) 9) 11) 2 x M20x1.5
. . . . 353 1XB1 621 6 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 2 x M80x2 + 2 x M80x2 11.5 ... 15.5 2 x M25x1.5 40 ... 70 2 x D80 + 11.5 ... 15.5
. . . . 355 8) 10) 2 x M25x1.5 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 357-6
. . . . 357-8
. . . . 357-2 1XB1 631 10) 12 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 4 x M80x2 + 4x M80x2 11.5 ... 15.5 2 x M25x1.5 40 ... 75 4 x D80 + 11.5 ... 15.5
. . . . 357-4 1XB1 631 12) 2 x M25x1.5 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 40 .
. . . . 45 .

1) Designed for cable glands with O-ring. 7) With option K57, the cable glands can be supplied.
2) For 1LA7 motors frame sizes 100 to 160, speed nuts are enclosed for the 8) With option L00, the motor can be supplied with the 1XB1 631 connection
cable glands. box (recommended for cable cross-sections ≥240 mm2).
3) Not possible for motors in Zone 22. 9) Cable entry without removable plate, cable entry in connection box cas-
4) (gk 127) For frame sizes 63 to 90, with additional installation of several ing.
temperature sensors, order code A12, terminal strip for main and auxiliary 10) Cable entry with removable plate or supports.
terminals order code M69 or a brake, a larger connection box will be nec- 11)
With option M58, the motor can be supplied with the 1XB1 621 connection
essary. The specified values do not change. The gk 127 is standard for box (recommended for cable cross-sections >185 mm2).
Zone 22. 12)
With option K11 connection box on top the 1XB1 634 connection box will
With cable cross-sections ≥240 mm2, it is recommended that the next be supplied.
larger connection box is used (order code L00). Alternatively, order a two- 13)
part plate (order code K06). NPT-thread can be ordered with order code Y61.
Others available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/43

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Converter-fed operation
Frame size Connection Number of Contact screw Max. rec. Outer cable Cable Cable gland Auxiliary lead
box terminals thread conductor diameter entry 1) option K57 2) Outer cable Cable gland
cross-section (sealing diameter option K57 2)
Type mm2 mm Size Size mm Size
1LA8 . . .
1PQ8 . . .
. . . . 315 gt 640 3) 4) 6) 6 M12 185 41.0 ... 56.5 2 x M72x2 + 2 x M72x2 9 ... 13 2 x M20x1.5
. . . . 317 2 x M20x1.5
. . . . 353 1XB1 621 3) 5) 6 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 2 x M80x2 + 2 x M80x2 11 ... 16 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 355 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 357-6
. . . . 357-8
. . . . 357-2 1XB1 631 5) 7) 12 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 4 x M80x2 + 4 x M80x2 11 ... 16 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 357-4 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 40 .
. . . . 45 .

Connection boxes for 1LL8 motors in standard version

Mains-fed operation
Frame Connection Num- Contact Max. rec. Outer cable Cable Cable Auxiliary lead Two-part plate option K06
size box ber of screw conduc- diameter entry 1) gland Outer cable Cable gland Admissible Cable entry Auxiliary
termi- thread tor cross- (sealing option diameter 8)
option K57 outer cable lead
nals section range) K57 8) diameter outer cable
Type mm2 mm Size Size mm Size mm Size mm
1LL8 . . .
. . . . 31 . 1XB1 621 6 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 2 x M80x2 + 2 x M80x2 11.5 ... 15.5 2 x M25x1.5 40 ... 70 2 x D80 + 11.5 ... 15.5
9) 5) 2 x M25x1.5 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 35 . 1XB1 631 12 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 4 x M80x2 + 4 x M80x2 11.5 ... 15.5 2 x M25x1.5 40 ... 75 4 x D80 + 11.5 ... 15.5
. . . . 40 . 1XB1 631 7) 2 x M25x1.5 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 45 .

Converter-fed operation
Frame size Connection Number Contact Max. rec. Outer cable Cable Cable gland Auxiliary lead
box of terminals screw thread conductor diameter entry 1) option K57 2) Outer cable Cable gland
cross-section (sealing diameter option K57 2)
Type mm2 mm Size Size mm Size
1LL8 . . .
. . . . 31. 1XB1 621 9) 5) 6 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 2 x M80x2 + 2 x M80x2 11 ... 16 2 x M25x1.5
2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 35 . 1XB1 631 5) 12 M16 240 56.0 ... 68.5 4 x M80x2 + 4 x M80x2 11 ... 16 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 40 . 1XB1 631 7) 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 45 .

1) 6)
Others available on request. With option M58, the motor can be supplied with the 1XB1 621 connection
Shielded cable (EMC); with option K57, the cable glands can be supplied. box (recommended for cable cross-sections >185 mm2).
With option L00, the motor can be supplied with the 1XB1 631 connection With option K11 connection box on top the 1XB1 634 connection box will
box (recommended for cable cross-sections ≥240 mm2). be supplied.
Cable entry without removable plate, cable entry in connection box cas- With option K57, the cable glands can be supplied.
ing. With option L00, the motor can be supplied with the 1XB1 631 connection
Cable entry with removable plate or supports. box.

0/44 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Connection boxes for 1MA6 and 1MA7 explosion-proof motors and for 1LA6/7/9 and 1LG4/6 motors in Ex n version or for
Zone 2 and Zone 21
Motors Frame size Number of cable entries Connection box material Feeder connection
1MA7, 1LA7, 1LA9 56 1) ... 90 2 holes incl. 1 certified cable gland Aluminum alloy Without cable lug 2) or
with sealing washer and with cable lug
1 certified plug
100 ... 160 4 holes incl. 1 certified cable gland
with sealing washer and
3 certified plugs
1MA6, 1LA6 100 ... 160 2 holes incl. 1 certified cable gland Cast iron
with sealing washer and
1 certified plug
1MA6, 1LA9 180 ... 200 2 holes incl. 1 certified cable gland Aluminum alloy
with sealing washer and
1 certified plug
225 2 holes with 2 certified cable glands Cast iron
250 ... 315 with sealing washer
1LG4, 1LG6 180 ... 225 2 holes incl. 1 certified cable gland Aluminum alloy
with sealing washer and
1 certified plug
250 ... 315 2 holes with 2 certified cable glands Cast iron
with sealing washer

Connection boxes for 1LA8 and 1PQ8 explosion-proof motors in Ex n version or for Zone 2 and Zone 22
Motors Frame size Number of cable entries Connection box material Feeder connection
1LA8, 1PQ8 315, 355 3) 4) Undrilled cable entry Cast iron With cable lug
400, 450

Connection boxes for 1LA8 and 1PQ8 explosion-proof motors in Ex n version or for Zone 2 and Zone 22
Frame size Connection Number of Contact Recommended Cable entry 5) Two-part plate option K06
box terminals screw thread max. conductor
cross-section Max. outer Cable Auxiliary lead
cable entry outer cable
diameter diameter
Type mm2 Size mm Size mm
1LA8 . . .
1PQ8 . . .
. . . . 315 1XB1 621 6 M16 240 Undrilled cable entry 40 … 70 2 x D80 + 11.5 … 15.5
. . . . 317 6) 7) 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 353 1XB1 621 6 M16 240 Undrilled cable entry 40 … 70 2 x D80 + 11.5 … 15.5
6) 8)
. . . . 355 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 357-6
. . . . 357-8
. . . . 357-2 1XB1 631 12 M16 240 Undrilled cable entry 40 … 75 4 x D80 + 11.5 … 15.5
. . . . 357-4 2 x M25x1.5
. . . . 40 .
. . . . 45 .

Possible positions of connection boxes for 1MA6 and 1MA7 explosion-proof motors and for 1LA6 and 1LA7 motors in Ex n
version or for Zone 2 and Zone 21
Motors Frame size Connection box position Rotation of connection box
Above Side, right or left Retrofitting 90° 9) 180° 9) Retrofitting
possible possible
1MA7 and 1LA7 in 56 10) ... 71 – – Yes
Zones 2, 21 80 ... 90 – Yes
100 ... 160 – Yes
1MA6 and 1LA6 in 100 ... 160 Yes
Zones 2, 21 180 ... 225 – Yes
250 ... 315 – Yes
Available version

1) 7)
1MA7 motor series as well as 1LA7/1LA9 motor series in Zone 2, only Cable entry without removable plate, cable entry in connection box cas-
frame size 63 and above. ing.
2) 8)
The components required for connection without cable lugs are supplied Cable entry with removable plate or supports.
with motors of frame size 225 and above as an accessory pack in the con- 9)
The position of the cable entry must be specified when ordering.
nection box. 10)
3) 1MA7 motor series as well as 1LA7 motor series in Zone 2, only
15° to the vertical in each case. frame size 63 and above.
Frame sizes 357-2 and 357-4 as for frame sizes 400 and 450. 11)
From frame size 100 upwards.
Others available on request.
With option L00, the motor can be supplied with the 1XB1 631 connection
box (recommended for cable cross-sections ≥240 mm2).

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/45

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Standard connection boxes for 1MA6, 1MA7 explosion-proof motors and for 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LG4 and 1LG6 motors in
Ex n, VIK version, Zone 2 and Zone 21
Frame size Connection box Number of Contact screw Max. connectable Sealing range Cable entry 1) Two-part plate
terminals thread cross-section Max. outer cable
Type mm2 mm Size mm
1MA7, LA7, 1LA9
56 2) gk 130 6 M4 4 9 ... 17 M25 x 1.5 –
63 4.5 ... 10 M16 x 1.5
100 14 ... 21 M32 x 1.5 –
132 gk 230 6 M4 6 14 ... 21 M32 x 1.5 –
160 gk 330 6 M5 16 19 ... 28 M40 x 1.5 –
180 1XB7 222 6 M6 10 19 ... 28 M40 x 1.5 –
200 1XB7 322 6 M8 50 26 ... 35 M50 x 1.5 –
1MA6, 1LA6
100 gk 135 6 M4 4 14 ... 21 M32 x 1.5 –
132 gk 235 6 M4 6
160 gk 335 6 M5 16 19 ... 28 M40 x 1.5 –
180 1XB7 222 6 M6 10 19 ... 28 M40 x 1.5 –
200 1XB7 322 6 M8 50 26 ... 35 M50 x 1.5 –
250 1XB7 422 6 M10 120 34 ... 42 M63 x 1.5 –
315 1XB7 522 6 M12 240 38 ... 45 M63 x 1.5 –
1LG4, 1LG6
180 gt 351 6 M6 16 19 ... 27 M40 x 1.5 –
200 gt 451 6 M8 50 24 ... 35 M50 x 1.5 –
250 gt 540 6 M10 120 34 ... 42 M63 x 1.5 –
315 gt 640 6 M12 240 38 ... 45 M63 x 1.5 –
With 1MA motors, unused drilled holes must be sealed in accordance with
EN 50014.

Connection boxes in Ex de IIC type of protection for explosion-proof motors 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
Motors Frame size Number of cable entries Connection box material Feeder connection
1MJ6 71 ... 160 M 2 holes incl. 1 certified cable gland Aluminum alloy Without cable lug 3) or
160 L with sealing washer and Cast iron with cable lug
1 certified plug
180 ... 200 Aluminum alloy
1MJ7 225 2 holes with 2 certified cable glands Cast iron
250 ... 315 with sealing washer

Possible positions of the connection boxes in Ex de type of protection for explosion-proof motors 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
Motors Frame size Connection box position Rotation of connection box
Above Side, right or left Retrofitting 90° 4) 180° 4) Retrofitting
possible possible
1MJ6 71 ... 200 – Yes
1MJ7 225 ... 315 – Yes
Available version

1) Designed for cable glands with O-ring.

2) 1MA7 motor series as well as 1LA7/1LA9 motor series in Zone 2, only
frame size 63 and above.
3) The components required for connection without cable lugs are supplied
with 1MJ7 motors of frame size 225 M and above as an accessory pack in
the connection box.
4) The position of the cable entry must be specified when ordering.

0/46 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Standard connection boxes in Ex de type of protection for explosion-proof motors 1MJ6 and 1MJ7 0
Frame size Connection box Number of terminals Contact screw thread Max. connectable Sealing range Cable entry 1)
Type mm2 mm Size
1MJ6, 1MJ7
71 gk 330 6 M4 4 9 ... 17 2 x M25 x 1.5
80 1 x M16 x 1.5
90 gk 420 6 M4 6 9 ... 17
100 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5
112 gk 420 6 M4 6 11 ... 21 1 x M16 x 1.5
160 M gk 420 6 M4 6 19 ... 28 2 x M40 x 1.5
160 L gk 465 6 M5 16 1 x M16 x 1.5
180 1XC1 270 6 M6 25 19 ... 28 2 x M40 x 1.5
Version with
auxiliary circuit
2 x M40 x 1.5
2 x M16 x 1.5
200 1XC1 380 6 M8 50 26 ... 35 2 x M50 x 1.5
225 Version with
auxiliary circuit
2 x M50 x 1.5
2 x M16 x 1.5
250 1XC1 480 6 M10 120 34 ... 42 2 x M63 x 1.5
315 1XC1 580 6 M12 240 38 ... 45 2 x M63 x 1.5
With 1MJ motors, unused drilled holes must be sealed in accor-
dance with EN 50014.

Connection boxes in cast iron version (order code K15) for motors 1LG4, 1LG6 and 1MA6, 1MJ6, 1MJ7 explosion-proof
Motors Frame size Number of cable entries Connection box material Feeder connection
1MJ6 71 ... 160 M 2 holes incl. 1 certified cable gland Cast iron Without cable lug 3) or with cable
180 ... 200 with sealing washer and lug
1 certified plug
1LG4, 180 ... 225 2 holes incl. 2 certified cable glands Cast iron
1LG6, with sealing washer and
1MA6, 1 certified plug

Possible positions of the connection boxes in cast iron version (order code K15) for 1LG4, 1LG6 motors and
1MA6, 1MJ6, 1MJ7 explosion-proof motors
Motors Frame size Connection box position Rotation of connection box
Above Side, right or left Retrofitting 90° 4) 180° 4) Retrofitting
possible possible
1MJ6 71 ... 80 – – Yes
90 ... 160 M – Yes
180 ... 200 – Yes
1LG4, 180 ... 225 – Yes
Available version

Designed for cable glands with O-ring.
Standard version with cable entry glands split lengthwise for 35 to 75 mm
and strain relief.
The components required for connection without cable lugs are supplied
with 1MJ7 motors of frame size 225 M and above as an accessory pack in
the connection box.
The position of the cable entry must be specified when ordering.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/47

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Connection boxes in cast iron version (order code K15) for motors 1LG4, 1LG6 and 1MA6, 1MJ6, 1MJ7 explosion-proof
Frame size Connection box Number of terminals Contact screw thread Max. connectable Sealing range Cable entry 1)
Type mm2 mm Size
71 gk 065 6 M4 4 9 ... 17 2 x M25 x 1.5
80 1 x M16 x 1.5
90 6
100 gk 065 6 M4 6 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M16 x 1.5
112 gk 265 6 M4 6 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M16 x 1.5
132 gk 465 6 M4 6 11 ... 21 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M16 x 1.5
160 M gk 465 6 M4 6 19 ... 28 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M16 x 1.5
160 L 2) gk 465 6 M5 16 19 ... 28 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M16 x 1.5
180 1XC1 290 6 M6 25 26 ... 35 2 x M50 x 1.5
Version with
auxiliary circuit:
2 x M50 x 1.5
2 x M16 x 1.5
200 1XC1 390 6 M8 50 26 ... 35 2 x M50 x 1.5
Version with
auxiliary circuit:
2 x M50 x 1.5
2 x M16 x 1.5
1LG4, 1LG6
180 gt 320 6 M5 16 19 ... 28 M40 x 1.5
200 gt 420 6 M6 25 24 ... 35 M50 x 1.5
225 gt 421 6 M8 25 24 ... 35 M50 x 1.5
180 1XB7 323 6 M8 50 24 ... 35 M50 x 1.5
200 1XB7 323 6 M8 50 24 ... 35 M50 x 1.5
With 1MJ motors, unused drilled holes must be sealed in accor-
dance with EN 50014.

Explosion-proof connection boxes in Ex d IIC type of protection (order code K53) for explosion-proof motors 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
Motors Frame size Number of cable entries Connection box material Feeder connection 3)
1MJ6 71 ... 200 In standard version: Cast iron Without cable lug 4) or
1 certified plug with cable lug
In versions with PTC thermistors:
2 certified plugs
1MJ7 225 In standard version: Welded steel
1 certified cable gland and 1 certified plug
In versions with auxiliary circuit:
2 certified cable glands
250 ... 315

Possible positions of the explosion-proof connection boxes in Ex d IIC type of protection (order code K53) for explosion-
proof motors 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
Motors Frame size Connection box position Rotation of connection box
Above Side, right or left Retrofitting 90° 5) 180° 5) Retrofitting
possible possible
1MJ6 71 ... 80 – – Yes
90 ... 200 – Yes
1MJ7 225 ... 315 – Yes
Available version

Designed for cable glands with O-ring.
With 1MJ6 frame size 160 L, option K15 is the standard version. The con-
nection box corresponds to the standard connection box.
The number of cables and their outer cable diameter must be specified
when ordering – does not apply to 1MJ7 motors.
4) The components required for connection without cable lugs are supplied
with 1MJ7 motors of frame size 225 M and above as an accessory pack in
the connection box.
5) The position of the cable entry must be specified when ordering.

0/48 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Explosion-proof connection boxes in Ex d IIC type of protection (order code K53) for explosion-proof motors 1MJ6 and 1MJ7 0
Frame size Connection box Number of Contact screw Max. connectable Sealing range Cable entry
terminals thread cross-section
Type mm2 mm Size
1MJ6, 1MJ7
71 gk 065d 6 M4 4 Standard: 1 x M25 x 1.5 1)
80 Version with auxiliary circuit: 1 x M25 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
90 6
100 gk 065d 6 M4 6 Standard: 1 x M32 x 1.5 1)
112 gk 265d 6 M4 6 Version with auxiliary circuit: 1 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
132 gk 465d 6 M4 6
160 M gk 465d 6 M4 6 Standard: 1 x M40 x 1.5 1)
160 L gk 465d 6 M5 16 Version with auxiliary circuit: 1 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
180 1XC3 22. 6 M6 25 Standard: 1 x M40 x 1.5 1)
Version with auxiliary circuit: 1 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
200 1XC3 32. 6 M8 50 Standard: 1 x M50 x 1.5 1)
Version with auxiliary circuit: 1 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
225 1XC3 32. 6 M8 50 M40: 23.5 … 32 Standard: 1 x M40 x 1.5
M20: 6.5 … 12 1 x plug M40 x 1.5
Version with auxiliary circuit: 1 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
250 1XC3 42. 6 M10 120 M50: 31.5 … 44 Standard: 1 x M50 x 1.5
280 M20: 6.5 … 12 1 x plug M50 x 1.5
Version with auxiliary circuit:: 1 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
315 1XC3 52. 6 M12 240 M50: 31.5 … 44 Standard: 1 x M50 x 1.5
M20: 6.5 … 12 1 x plug M50 x 1.5
Version with auxiliary circuit: 1 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M20 x 1.5
With 1MJ motors, unused drilled holes must be sealed in accordance with
EN 50014.

Terminal connection
The terminal board accomodates the terminals that are con- For Exe and Exde motors, connection is generally without cable
nected to the leads to the motor windings. The terminals are de- lugs.
signed so that up to frame size 225, the external (line) connec-
tions can be made without the need for cable lugs. With frame The terminal board is permanently mounted on the housing for
size 250 and above, standard connection is with cable lugs. all motors so that if the connection box is rotated, rotation of the
connections for the motor windings is prevented.
For the 1LG4/1LG6/1LP4/1PP4 motor series, for frame sizes 250 Exception:
to 315, stud terminals are available for connection using cable With connection boxes 1XB1 621 and 1XB1 631, the terminal
lugs (accessory pack, 3 items). support is mounted on the lower section of the connection box.
Order code M46
For motor series 1LA7/1LP7/1PP7 frame sizes 63 to 90, a termi-
With frame size 250 and above, if connection without cable lugs nal strip can be supplied for the main and auxiliary terminals.
is required, the appropriate saddle terminals for connection Order code M69
without cable lugs (accessory pack, 6 items) must be ordered
for motor series 1LG4/1LG6/1LP4/1PP4 frame sizes 250 to 315.
In the connection box of 1MJ7 Ex motors, frame sizes 250 M to
315 L, 6 low saddle terminals are enclosed as standard for con-
nection without cable lugs. When connecting cables with a large
cross-section (not stranded), they can be connected optionally
in two tiers. For this purpose, high saddle terminals can be sup-
plied in the future as an accompanying pack (3 items).
Order code M47

1) Designed for explosion-proof cable glands. The drilled holes for cable
entry are closed with plugs certified for explosion-proof applications.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/49

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Number of auxiliary terminals for 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1PP
and 1PQ motors – Standard version
For motor series
• 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 frame sizes 315 to 450
Motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1PP5, 1PP7 have • 1MA6 frame sizes 225 to 315
no auxiliary terminals in the standard version. • 1MJ7 frame sizes 225 to 315
The maximum number of auxiliary terminals in the main connec- the 1XB3 020 connection box is available.
tion box of the motor is specified. An auxiliary connection box is
required when the total number of auxiliary terminals exceeds Order code L97
the specified values. The connections can be routed through a
separate auxiliary connection box. For non-standard motors (1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motor series),
the following can be supplied:
1XB9 016 auxiliary connection box – Order code M50
1XB9 014 auxiliary connection box (aluminum) – Order code M88
Type series Frame size Main connection box Maximum No. of auxiliary terminals
1LG4, 180 gk 330 4
1LG6, 200 gk 430 10
1PP4, 225 gk 431 10
1PP6 250 gt 520 12
315 gt 620 18
1MA6 225 1XB7 322 8
250 1XB7 422 12
315 1XB7 522 14
1MJ7 225 1XC1 380 4
250 1XC1 480
315 1XC1 580 6
1LA8, 315 gt 640 6
1PQ8, 355 1XB1 621 12
400 1XB1 631 24

0/50 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
ECOFAST system 0

ECOFAST is a system which permits extensive decentralization The mounting dimensions of this casing match those of standard
and a modular structure for installation elements on the compo- industrial connectors, so it is possible to use a complete series
nent level. of different standard inserts (such as Han E, ES, ESS from Hart-
ing). The motor circuit (star or delta connection) is selected in the
The following motor connectors are available for the separate mating connector for motor connection. The relevant jumpers
MICROMASTER 411 frequency converter: are inserted by the customer in the mating connector. As a cas-
• ECOFAST motor connector Han Drive 10e for 230 VΔ/400 VY ing for the mating connector, all standard sleeve casings with
Order code G55 lengthwise locking, frame size 10B (e.g. from Harting) can be
• ECOFAST motor connector EMC Han Drive 10e for used.
230 VΔ/400 VY Note:
Order code G56 Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be
In the basic version, cable entry for the ECOFAST connector connected. The admissible mains voltage at the motor connec-
is towards the non-drive end (NDE). The dimensions of the tor is ≤500 V
ECOFAST motor connector depend on the motor frame size and Availability of the ECOFAST motor connector
can be read from the dimension drawing generator for motors in The ECOFAST motor connector can be supplied for the following
the tool “Selection tool SD configurator” (see Appendix). It is par- motor versions with the exception of the explosion-proof motors:
ticularly important to check the dimensions when a brake with a
manual release lever is used towards the non-drive end (NDE) • Frame sizes 56 M to 132 M
due to possible collision of the motor connector and manual re- • Output range 0.06 to 5.5 kW (7.5 kW on request)
lease lever as well as in the direction of the drive end (DE) due • Direct on-line starting: Voltage code 1 for 230 VΔ/400 VY,
to possible collision with drive units such as coupling or gear 50 Hz
• Star-delta starting: Voltage code 9 with order code L1U
Advantages: 400 VΔ, 50 Hz
The main advantages of the ECOFAST motor connector over a
terminal strip are as follows: Further details:
Further information can be found in Catalog IK PI and in Catalog
• Fast assembly of I/O devices (e.g. motor starters) from the DA 51.3 “Distributed Drive Solutions MICROMASTER 411
ECOFAST system. COMBIMASTER 411” as well as on the Internet at:
• Reduction of assembly and repair times at the end user
• No wiring errors due to connector technology
• Replacement of motor without intervention in the electronics
Main features of the ECOFAST motor connector (with separate
MICROMASTER 411 frequency converter):
The motor connector is mounted at the factory and replaces the
connection box with terminal board. The connector is mounted
towards the non-drive end (NDE). It comprises an angled motor
connection casing that can be rotated by 4 x 90°. A 10-pole
(+ earth) male insert is used in the housing. In the plug-in con-
nector, the winding connections are connected and optionally
the power supply for the brake and the signal leads for the tem-
perature sensors. The ECOFAST motor connector is compatible
with the products of the ECOFAST field device system. Further
information can be found in Catalog IK PI.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Types of construction
Standard types of construction and special types of construction
Type of construction acc. to DIN EN 60034-7 Frame size Code Order code
12th position
Without flange
IM B3 56 M to 450 0 4) –

IM B6/IM 1051, 56 M to 315 L 0 –

IM B7/IM 1061,
IM B8/IM 1071

IM V5/IM1011 56 M to 315 M 0 5) –
without protective cover 315 L 9 1) 5) M1D

IM V6/IM 1031 56 M to 315 M 0 –

315 L 9 1) M1E

IM V5/IM 1011 63 M to 315 L 9 1) 7) M1F

with protective cover

With flange
IM B5/IM 3001 56 M to 315 M 1 2) –

IM V1/IM 3011 56 M to 315 M 1 2) 3) 5) –

without protective cover 315 L to 450 8 1) 4) 5) –

IM V1/IM 3011 63 M to 450 4 1) 2) 3) 7) –

with protective cover

IM V3/IM 3031 56 M to 160 L 1 –

180 M to 315 M 9 2) 3) M1G

IM B35/IM 2001 6) 56 M to 450 6 4) –

In the DIN EN 50347 standard, flange FF with through holes and

flange FT with tapped holes are specified.

1) For 2-pole 1LG4 and 1LG6 motors, of frame size 315 L, a 60 Hz version is 5) For explosion-proof motors:
possible on request. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing downwards, the
2) 1LG4/1LG6, 1MA6 and 1MJ7 motors in frame sizes 225 S to 315 L are version “with protective cover” is mandatory. For types of construction with
supplied with two screw-in eyebolts (four eyebolts for 1LG6 318) in accor- shaft extension pointing upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented
dance with IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 to prevent small parts from falling into the fan cover (see the standard
or IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendic- IEC/EN 60079-0). The cover must not block the cooling air-flow.
ular to the ring plane. 6) In the case of 1LA8, the corresponding flange diameter is greater than
3) For frame sizes 180 M to 225 M, the 1LA5 motors can be supplied with two twice the shaft height.
additional eyebolts; state Order No. suffix “Z” and order code K32. 7) A second K16 shaft extension is not possible.
4) Frame size 450, 2-pole, 60 Hz is not possible.

0/52 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

Type of construction acc. to DIN EN 60034-7 Frame size Code Order code 0
12th position
With standard flange
IM B14/IM 3601, 56 M to 160 L 2 2) 4) –
IM V19/IM 3631,
IM V18/IM 3611
without protective cover

IM V 18/IM 3611 63 M to 160 L 9 1) 2) M2A

with protective cover

IM B34/IM 2101 56 M to 160 L 7 2) 4) –

With special flange

IM B14/IM 3601, 56 M to 160 L 3 3) 4) –
IM V19/IM 3631,
IM V18/IM 3611
without protective cover

IM V18/IM 3611 63 M to 160 L 9 1) 3) M2B

with protective cover

IM B34/IM 2101 56 M to 160 L 9 3) M2C

In DIN EN 50347, standard flanges are assigned to the frame Motor series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 are available in types of con-
sizes as FT with tapped holes. The special flange was assigned struction IM B3, IM V1 with and without cover, as well as IM B35.
as a large flange in the previous DIN 42677.
Frame design
The dimensions of the following types of construction are identi-
cal: Motors in the types of construction with feet have, in some case,
IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 and IM V6 two fixing holes at the non-drive end (NDE), see dimension ta-
IM B5, IM V1 and IM V3 bles. A code is cast into the motor close to the retaining holes to
IM B14, IM V18 and IM V19 identify the frame size.

Motors in the standard output range can be ordered in basic

types of construction IM B3, IM B5 or IM B14 and operated in
mounting positions IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6, IM V1,
IM V3 (up to frame size 160 L) or IM V18 and IM V19. Eyebolts
are available for transport and installation in a horizontal posi-
tion. In conjunction with the eyebolts, for the purpose of stabiliz-
ing the position when the motor is arranged vertically,
additional lifting straps (DIN EN 1492-1) and/or clamping bands
(DIN EN 12195-2) must be used. If mounting position IM V1 is
ordered, eyebolts are supplied for vertical mounting.
• For this reason, they are normally designated only with the
basic type of construction on the rating plate.
• If motors of frame size 180 M in a type of construction with feet
are mounted on the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet
are supported.
With motors that have a vertical shaft extension, the end user
must prevent an ingress of fluid along the shaft.
In the case of all types of construction with shaft extension down,
the version “with protective cover” is urgently recommended,
see the section “Degrees of protection”.

1) A second K16 shaft extension is not possible. 4) For explosion-proof motors:

2) For 1MJ6 motors, only possible up to frame size 90. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing downwards, the
version “with protective cover” is mandatory. For types of construction with
For 1MJ6 motors, only possible up to frame size 80. shaft extension pointing upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented
to prevent small parts from falling into the fan cover (see the standard
IEC/EN 60079-0). The cover must not block the cooling air-flow.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Mechanical design and degrees of protection Degrees of protection
Preparation for gear mounting All motors are designed to IP55 degree of protection. They can be
installed in dusty or humid environments. The motors are suitable
The flange-mounting motors can be equipped with a radial seal for operation in tropical climates. Guide value <60 % relative air
in order to mount gearing. humidity at CT 40 °C. Other requirements are available on request.
Order code K17.
1LL8 motors are available to IP23 degree of protection and are
It must be ensured that the sealing ring is lubricated using of a similar construction to 1LA8 motors. IP23 degree of protec-
grease, oil mist or oil spray (it is not permissible to use pressur- tion is achieved by opening the internal cooling circuit and sup-
ized oil > 0.1 bar). plying it with external cooling air. Motors of the 1LL8 type series
We recommend that the admissible bearing loads are carefully are only intended for installation indoors. They must not be sub-
checked. jected to humid, salty or corrosive atmospheres.
Please inquire about gear mounting for 1LA8 non-standard mo-
tors. Most motors can be supplied in IP56 and IP65 degrees of pro-
tection on request.
Eyebolts and transport
Brief explanation of the degrees of protection
1LA7, 1MA7 and 1LA5 motors of frame size 100 L and above
have two horizontal eyebolts in the horizontal type of construc- IP55: Protection against harmful dust deposits, protection
tion. For motors in vertical type of construction, two rotatable against water jets from any direction.
eyebolts are also supplied.
IP56 (non-heavy-sea):
1LA6 and 1MA6 motors are supplied in a horizontal type of Protection against harmful dust deposits, protection against
construction with feet complete with one eyebolt. water jets from any direction.
Order code K52
Horizontal types of construction for flange-mounting in frame DIN EN 60034-5 defines protection level 6 for water protection as:
sizes 100 to 160 are supplied with one eyebolt. With vertical “Protection against water due to heavy seas or water in a powerful
types of construction, a rotatable eyebolt is also supplied. All jet”. IP56 non-heavy-sea degree of protection can only be used
flange-mounting types of construction in frame sizes 180 M to with the requirement “Protection against a powerful jet” and not
315 L are supplied with two diagonal eyebolts. They can be for the requirement “Protection against heavy sea”.
relocated for vertical types of construction. This is not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for
1LG4 and 1LG6 motors are supplied in a horizontal type of con- motors up to and including frame size 225, order code G26)
struction with two diagonal eyebolts. For vertical types of con- and/or in combination with order code (K23) without paint finish,
struction, the eyebolts can be rotated. cast iron primed.
All the available eyebolts specifically provided for the type of IP65: Complete protection against dust deposits, protection
construction must be used during transport. against water jets from any direction.
1MA6, 1MJ6 and 1MJ7 motors of frame size 180 M and above Order code K50
have one eyebolt in type of construction IM B3 in the standard In DIN EN 60034-5, the code 6 for protection against the ingress
version and two eyebolts in type of construction IM B5. If type of of foreign bodies and touch hazard protection for electrical ma-
construction IM V1 is used, one of the eyebolts must be rotated chines is not listed – Data for code 6 (protection against the in-
whereby it is important to note that forces perpendicular to the gress of dust) is given in EN 60529.
ring plane are not permitted. Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder
HOG 9 D 1024l (order code H72, H79) and / or brake 2LM8
1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motors have two diagonally fixed eye- (used for motors up to and including frame size 225, order code
bolts. The IM V1 types of construction have hinged eyebolts. G26) and/or in combination with order code (K23) without paint
1MJ6 motors, frame sizes 90 L to 132 M have two eyebolts, finish, cast iron primed.
frame sizes 160 M and 160 L have one eyebolt. DIN EN 60529 contains a comprehensive description of this
For frame sizes 180 M to 225 M, 1LA5 motors can be supplied degree of protection as well as test conditions.
with two additional eyebolts for types of construction With motors that have a vertical shaft extension, the end user
IM V1/IM V3. must prevent an ingress of fluid along the shaft.
Order code K32
For motors with shaft extension pointing downwards, the version
Frame material “with protective cover” is urgently recommended, see “Types of
Type series Frame size Frame material Frame feet construction”.
1LA5, 1LA7, 56 to 100 1) Aluminum alloy Cast With flange-mounting motors, for IM V3 type of construction, col-
1LA9 112 to 225 Aluminum alloy Screwed on
lection of fluid in the flange basin can be prevented by drainage
1MA7 63 to 100 1) Aluminum alloy Cast
112 to 160 Aluminum alloy Screwed on holes (on request).
1LG4, 1LG6 180 M to 315 L Cast iron Cast 2)
Drainage holes are usually available in 1MA6 and 1MA7 motors
of frame size 225 and above and in all 1LG4 and 1LG6 motors.
1LA6, 1MA6 100 to 200 Cast iron Screwed on
225 to 315 M Cast iron Cast 1LG4, 1LG6, 1LA8, 1LL8, 1PQ8 motors and 1MA6 motors of
315 L Cast iron Screwed on frame size 225 and above have condensation drainage holes
1MJ6 71 and 80 Cast iron Cast that are sealed with plugs.
90 to 200 Cast iron Screwed on
Motors for Zones 2 and 21 (1MA6 of frame size 225 and above
1MJ7 225 to 315 Cast iron Screwed on and 1LG4 and 1LG6) have condensation drainage holes that are
1LA8, 1PQ8, 315 to 450 Cast iron Cast sealed with screws.
Condensation drainage holes can also be implemented in mo-
tors designed for Zones 2, 21 and 22.
The condensation drainage holes at the drive end (DE) and non-
drive end (NDE) are sealed (IP55) on delivery. If condensation
drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or
IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is nec-
Frame sizes 80, 90 and 100 in the version “Connection box on LHS/RHS” essary to relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and
order code K09/K10 have feet that are screwed on. non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation drainage holes
Basic version, cast feet: Special version “screwed on feet” for order codes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath.
K09, K10 and K11. Order code L12

0/54 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
When the motors are used or are stored outdoors (not 1LL8) we
recommend that they are kept under some sort of cover so that
Earth brushes are available for converter-fed operation for 1LG4
and 1LG6 motors.
they are not subject to direct intensive solar radiation, rain, snow, Order code M44
ice or dust over a long period of time. In such cases, technical Only available on request.
consultation may be appropriate.
The rotary pulse encoders of “modular technology” and “special
When the motors are used outdoors or in a corrosive environ- technology” are fitted as standard with a protective cover made
ment, it is recommended that non-rusting screws are used exter- of plastic, with the exception of 1LG motors. A protective cover
nally. made of non-corrosive sheet steel is available for 1LA5, 1LA6
Order code M27 and 1LA7 motors, see “Mechanical protection for encoders”.
Order code M68
Vibration-proof version
A load of 1.5g in all 3 planes for up to 1 % of the service life of
the motor is possible.
Order code L03
For availability of individual options for the relevant motor series,
see Section “Special versions” in the individual catalog parts.
Noise levels for mains-fed operation
The noise levels are measured in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 1680 in a dead room. It is specified as the A-
weighted measuring-surface sound pressure level LpfA in
dB (A).
This is the spatial mean value of the sound pressure levels mea-
sured on the measuring surface. The measuring surface is a
cube 1 m away from the surface of the motor. The sound power
level is also specified as LWA in dB (A).
The specified values are valid at 50 Hz at rated output (see the
selection and ordering data in the appropriate catalog parts).
The tolerance is +3 dB. At 60 Hz, the values are approximately
4 dB (A) higher. Please inquire about the noise levels for pole-
changing motors, motors with increased output or converter-fed
To reduce noise levels, 2-pole motors with frame size 132 S and
above and 1LA8 and 1LL8 2-pole motors of frame size 315 can
be fitted with an axial-flow fan that is only suitable for one direc-
tion of rotation. The values can be taken from the table “Low-
noise version” below and for 1LA8 or 1LL8 2-pole motors from
the selection and ordering data in catalog part 3 “Non-standard
motors of frame size 315 and above”.
Clockwise rotation
Order code K37
Counter-clockwise rotation
Order code K38
The motors up to frame size 315 L are up to 80 mm longer than
A second shaft extension and/or mounting of an encoder are not
possible (see “Special versions” in the relevant catalog parts).
Low-noise version
Type series Frame size 2-pole motors
dB (A) dB (A)
1LA5, 1LA6, 132 64 76
1LA7, 1MA7, 160 64 76
1MA6, 1MJ6, 180 63 76
1MJ7 200 63 76
225 68 80
250 70 82
280 72 84
315 74 86
1LG4, 1LG6 1) 180 65 78
200 70 83
225 68 81
250 70 83
280 72 85
315 74 87

1) Not necessary for 1LG6 motors because these motors are already noise

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Balance and vibration quantity Balancing without key (N) is possible with order code M37 on re-
quest (additional charge).
All of the rotors are dynamically balanced with half key. This cor-
responds to vibration quantity level A (normal). The vibrational The vibration quantity level A is the standard version and is valid
characteristics and behaviour of electrical machinery is speci- for a rated frequency up to 60 Hz.
fied in DIN EN 60034-14. Feather key agreement for balancing
“half-key” (H) is specified here based on DIN ISO 8821. For special requirements concerning smooth running,
a low-vibration version B can be supplied (additional charge).
The feather key agreement type for balancing is stamped on the
face of the customer-specific drive-end (DE) / non-drive end Vibration quantity level B.
(NDE) shaft extension. Not possible with parallel roller bearings.
Order code K02
F = Balancing with full key
(Agreement full-key) The limits stated in the table below are applicable to freely sus-
H = Balancing with half key pended motors running uncoupled and at no load as well as to
(Agreement half-key) rigidly installed 1LA8 motors, frame size 450.
N = Balancing without key – Plain text required For converter-fed operation with frequencies greater than 60 Hz,
(without feather key agreement) special balancing is required for compliance with the specified
Motors up to frame size 112 have the type of balancing marked limit values (plain text: Max. supply frequency speed).
exclusively on the rating plate. For further details, see the online help in SD configurator.
Full key balancing or balancing with full key can be supplied if
order code L68 is specified (additional charge).
Limits (rms values) for max. vibration quantity of vibration distance (s), vibration speed (v) and acceleration (a) for the shaft height H
Vibration Machine Shaft height H in mm
quantity installation 56 ≤ H ≤ 132 132 < H ≤ 280 H > 280
srms vrms arms srms vrms arms srms vrms arms
μm mm/s mm/s2 μm mm/s mm/s2 μm mm/s mm/s2
A Free 25 1.6 2.5 35 2.2 3.5 45 2.8 4.4
Rigid 21 1.3 2.0 29 1.8 2.8 37 2.3 3.6
B Free 11 0.7 1.1 18 1.1 1.7 29 1.8 2.8
Rigid – – – 14 0.9 1.4 24 1.5 2.4
For details, see standard DIN EN 60034-14 Sept. 2004.

Shaft and rotor

Shaft extension The non-drive end (NDE) of frame sizes 100 L to 225 M has an
M8 center hole, DR form, for mounting the 1XP8 001 rotary pulse
60° center hole to DIN 332, Part 2 with M3 to M24 tapped hole encoder or for fitting and extraction tools.
depending on the shaft diameter (see dimension tables in the
corresponding catalog parts) The non-drive end (NDE) of the 1LG4 and 1LG6 motors of frame
sizes 180 M to 315 L, has an M16 center hole, DS form.
Second standard shaft extension.
Order code K16. Shaft extension (DE)
Not possible for the motor version with protective cover. Diameter Thread
mm mm
The second shaft extension can transmit the full rated output via
a coupling output up to frame size 315 M (please inquire about 7 ... 10 DR M3
reduced transmitted power for frame sizes of 315 L and above). >10 ... 13 DR M4
For motor series 1LA8 and 1LL8, the second shaft extension can >13 ... 16 DR M5
transmit 50 % of the rated output with a coupling output. (Please >16 ... 21 DR M6
contact your local Siemens office if higher values are required.) >21 ... 24 DR M8
The full rated output is not applicable for 1LA motors, frame >24 ... 30 DR M10
sizes 90 S to 112 M. These motors can only transmit the rated >30 ... 38 DR M12
output of the next smaller size. >38 ... 50 DS M16
Please also inquire about the transmitted power and admissible >50 ... 85 DS M20
cantilever force if belt pulleys, chains or gear pinions are used >85 ... 130 DS M24
on the second shaft extension.
Dimensions and tolerances for keyways and keys are designed
A second shaft extension is not available if a rotary pulse en- to DIN EN 50347. The motors are always supplied with a key in-
coder and/or separately driven fan is mounted (also applicable serted in the shaft.
to motor series 1PQ8). Please inquire if a brake is mounted.
For motor series 1LA8 and 1LL8, the second standard shaft
extension is only available on request for 2-pole motors – please
specify the weight of the coupling and type of lever arm.

0/56 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Shaft extension with standard dimensions, without featherkey way center of the shaft extension and, in the case of non-standard
motors, 5 mm from the shaft extension. The length is defined by
For motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA8, 1LA9, 1LG4, 1LG6, the manufacturer normatively.
1LL8, 1LP4, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1MA6, 1MA7, 1PP4, 1PP5, 1PP7 and
1PQ8, the standard shaft extension can be ordered with standard Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard threaded journals,
dimensions without a featherkey way. non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals, ex-
Order code K42 tremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square
journals, etc.), hollow shafts.
Standard shaft made of non-rusting steel
For 1MJ motors with longer shaft extensions than standard, the
For motor series 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1PP5 and 1PP7, admissible cantilever force must be reduced accordingly. This
a standard shaft made of non-rusting steel (material X20Cr13V) will ensure that the shaft does not sag more than with the stan-
can be ordered. This is only possible for shaft extensions of stan- dard shaft extension (please inquire).
dard dimensions. For non-standard shaft dimensions, there will For order code Y55 and second standard shaft extension K16
be an additional charge! (see previous page):
Order code M65
Please inquire about other rust-resistant materials. • Dimensions D and DA must be less than or equal to the inner
Please inquire regarding motor series 1LG4 and 1LG6. diameter of the roller bearing (see dimension tables under
“Dimensions” in the relevant catalog parts)
Non-standard cylindrical shaft extension
• Dimensions E and EA must be smaller than or equal to 2 x
The non-standard cylindrical shaft extension can be used on the length E (standard) of the shaft extension
drive end (DE) or non-drive end (NDE). The featherkey is always
supplied with it. A non-standard cylindrical shaft extension can be supplied for
Order code Y55 the motor series listed in the table “Admissible changes to shaft
extension” below up to the specified maximum lengths and
When motors are ordered which have a longer or shorter shaft ex- diameters as compared to the standard shaft.
tension as standard, the required position and length of the
featherkey way must be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the
that only featherkeys in accordance with DIN 6885, Form A are admissible cantilever forces are reduced in accordance with the
permitted to be used. The location of the featherkey way is in the non-standard shaft extension.

Admissible changes to the shaft extension:

Motor series Frame size Number of poles Shaft extension length Shaft extension diameter
E in mm D in mm
Standard Up to max. Standard Up to max. 1)
1LA6, 56 2 ... 8 20 40 9 12
1LA7, 63 23 46 11
1MA6, 71 30 60 14 15
1LP7, 80 40 80 19 20
1PP7 90 50 100 24 25
100 60 120 28 30
132 80 160 38 40
160 110 220 42 45
1LA5, 180 2 ... 8 48 48
1LA9, 200 55 55
1LG6, 225 2 60
1MA6, 4 ... 8 140 280 60
1LP4, 250 2 70
1LP5, 4 ... 8 65
1PP5 280 2 75
4 ... 8 75 80
315 2 65
4 ... 8 170 340 80 90
1LA8, 315 2) 2 140 280 65 70
1PQ8 4 ... 8 170 340 85 85
355 2) 2 140 280 75 80
4 ... 8 170 340 95 95
400 2 80 80
4 ... 8 210 420 110 115
450 2 170 340 90 90
4 ... 8 210 420 120 125
Concentricity of shaft extension, coaxiality and linear movement The concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality and linear move-
in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for flange-mounting ment according to DIN 42955 Tolerance R for flange-mounting mo-
motors tors can be ordered using order code K04.
This order code can be combined for motors with deep-groove
The following are specified in DIN 42955 with Tolerance N bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63… This cannot be supplied in
(normal) and Tolerance R (reduced): combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased
1. Concentricity tolerances for the shaft extension cantilever forces, order code K20), brake or encoder mounting.
2. Coaxiality tolerances for the shaft extension and flange
centering Concentricity of the shaft extension can be ordered according to
3. Linear movement tolerances for the shaft extension and DIN 42955 Tolerance R for types of construction without a flange
flange surface with order code L39.
1) 2)
At admissible diameter, a step increase in shaft diameter is not possible. For bearing design for increased cantilever forces order code K20 a
shaft diameter of 95 mm for frame size 315 and a shaft diameter of 100
mm for frame size 355 is possible for 4, 6 and 8-pole motors. See
dimension drawings Page 3/65 and 3/67.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/57

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Bearings and lubrication A measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse measurement is
mounted to check bearing vibration. The motors have 1 or 2
Bearing lifetime (nominal lifetime) tapped holes per bearing plate and a measuring nipple with a
The nominal bearing lifetime is defined acc. to standardized cal- protective cap. If a second tapped holes is provided, it is fitted
culation procedures (DIN ISO 281) and is reached or even ex- with a sealing cap.
ceeded for 90 % of the bearings when the motors are operated Order code G50
in the compliance with the data provided in the catalog. Bearing arrangement for increased cantilever forces on Pages
Under average operating conditions, a lifetime (Lh10) of 100,000 0/62 and 0/63 – admissible loading on Pages 0/67 and 0/68.
hours can be achieved. Insulated bearings
Generally, the bearing lifetime is defined by the bearing size, the To prevent damage as a result of bearing currents, insulated
bearing load, the operating conditions, the speed and the bearings can be supplied at the non-drive end NDE from frame
grease lifetime. size 225 to 315 and are recommended for frame size 225 and
Bearing system above. This bearing design is also possible for 1MJ7 motors
from frame size 250 to 315. In a version in combination with
The bearing lifetime of motors with horizontal type of construc- mounting of brake (order code G26), the insulated motor bear-
tion is at least 40,000 hours if there is no additional axial loading ings are mounted on the drive end (DE).
at the coupling output and at least 20,000 hours with the admis- Order code L27
sible permitted loads.
The insulated bearing is standard for all 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8
This assumes that the motor is operated at 50 Hz. The nominal motors which are identified for converter-fed operation.
bearing lifetime is reduced for converter-fed operation at higher
frequencies. Permanent lubrication
For the admissible vibration values measured at the bearing For permanent lubrication, the bearing grease lifetime is
plate, evaluation zones A and B specified in ISO 10816 are ap- matched to the bearing lifetime. This can, however, only be
plicable in order to achieve the calculated lifetime under contin- achieved if the motor is operated in accordance with the catalog
uous duty. If higher vibration speeds will occur under the oper- specifications.
ating conditions, special arrangements will be necessary In the basic version, the motors up to and including shaft height
(please inquire). 250 have permanent lubrication.
For standard motors applies the following: Regreasing
In the basic bearing system, the floating bearing is situated at
the drive end (DE) and the located bearing (axially located from For motors which can be re-greased at defined re-greasing in-
frame size 160 and above) is situated at the non-drive end tervals, the bearing lifetime can be extended and/or unfavour-
(NDE). On request, the located bearing can also be supplied at able factors such as temperature, mounting conditions, speed,
the drive end (DE) (Fig. 3, Page 0/64). bearing size and mechanical load can be compensated.
For ordering standard motors quote
order code K94. From a shaft height of 280 upwards, regreasing with an M10 x 1
flat greasing nipple to DIN 3404 is provided.
For 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 non-standard motors applies the
following: It is possible to regrease motors, shaft heights 100 to 250.
In the basic bearing system, the floating bearing is situated at A lubricating nipple is optionally provided.
the non-drive end (NDE) and the located bearing is situated at Order code K40
the drive end (DE). In the case of motors equipped with regreasing devices, infor-
On request, the located bearing can also be supplied at the non- mation regarding greasing intervals, quantity and type of grease
drive end (NDE). and any additional data is provided on the lubrication or rating
Price on request. plate. (Re-greasing intervals for basic version on Page 0/59).
The bearing system is axially preloaded with a spring element to The regreasing device cannot be mounted in combination with
ensure smooth running of the motor without play. mounting of the brake, order Code G26.

This is not the case in versions with parallel roller bearings. The Mechanical stress and grease lifetime
bearings of these motors must always run under adequate radial High speeds that exceed the rated speed with converter-fed op-
force (motors must not be operated on a testbed without addi- eration and the resulting increased vibrations alter the mechan-
tional radial loads). ical running smoothness and the bearings are subjected to in-
Motors of series 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 and 1MA7 up to and includ- creased mechanical stress. This reduces the grease lifetime and
ing frame size 132 have a “floating” bearing arrangement (see the bearing lifetime (please inquire where applicable).
Fig. 1, Page 0/64). For converter-fed operation in particular, compliance with the
Up to frame size 132, an additional axially-secured located bear- mechanical limit speeds nadm at admissible supply frequency
ing can be supplied on the non-drive end (NDE) complete with fmax. is essential, see catalog part 5 “Motors operating with fre-
a retaining ring (see Figure 2, Page 0/64). quency converters”.
Order code L04
For frame size 160 and above, bearings are usually axially
located (see Figures 2, 4 and 5, Page 0/64).
For increased cantilever forces (e.g. belt drives), reinforced
bearings can be used at the drive end (DE).
Order code K20
Motors 1LG4/6 in frame sizes 180 to 315, 2-pole, can be sup-
plied with reinforced deep-groove bearings at both ends (size
range 03).
Special bearings for DE and NDE, bearing size 63
Order code K36

0/58 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Grease lifetime and regreasing intervals for horizontal installation 0
Permanent lubrication 1)
Type series Frame size Type Number of Grease lifetime up to CT 40 °C 2)
All 56 to 250 2 to 8 20000 h or 40000 h 3)
Regreasing (basic version) 1)
Type series Frame size Type Number of Regreasing interval up to CT 40 °C 2)
1LA6, 1PP6 100 to 160 . . . . 10 . to . . . . 16 . 2 to 8 8000 h
1LA5, 1LP5, 1PP5 100 to 225 . . . . 10 . to . . . . 22 . 2 to 8 8000 h
1LA7, 1LP7, 1PP7
1LA8.. 315 to 400 . . . . 31. to . . . . 40 . 2 4000 h
1PQ8.. . . . . 31. to . . . . 40 . 4 to 8 6000 h
450 . . . . 45 . 2 3000 h
. . . . 45 . 4 to 8 6000 h
1LL8.. 315 . . . . 31 . 2 4000 h
. . . . 31 . 4 to 8 8000 h / 4000 h 4)
355 to 450 . . . . 35 . to . . . . 45 . 2 4000 h
. . . . 35 . to . . . . 45 . 4 to 8 6000 h / 3000 h 4)
1LG4, 1LP4, 1PP4 180 to 280 . . . . 18 . to . . . . 28 . 2 4000 h
1LG6, 1PP6 4 to 8 8000 h
315 . . . . 31 2 3000 h
4 to 8 6000 h
1MA6 100 to 200 . . . . 10 . to . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 8000 h
225 to 280 . . . . 22 . to . . . . 28 . 2 4000 h
4 to 8 8000 h
315 . . . . 315 2 3000 h
4 to 8 6000 h
1MA7 100 to 160 . . . . 10 . to . . . . 16 . 2 to 8 8000 h
1MJ6, 180 to 200 . . . . 18 . to . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 8000 h
1MJ7 225 to 280 . . . . 22 . to . . . . 28 . 2 4000 h
4 to 8 8000 h
315 . . . . 315 2 4000 h
4 to 8 8000 h

For special uses and special greases, please inquire about grease lifetime
and regreasing intervals.
If the coolant temperature is increased by 10 K, the grease lifetime and
regreasing interval are halved.
40 000 h applies for horizontally installed motors with coupling output with-
out additional axial loads.
Regreasing interval for IM V1 type of construction.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/59

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Bearing selection table for 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LG, 1LP, 1MA and 1PP motors – basic version
The bearing selection tables are only intended for planning pur- When deep-groove ball bearings with sideplates are used, the
poses. Authoritative information on the actual type of bearings side plate is on the inside. For located bearings on drive end DE
fitted in motors already supplied can be obtained by the factory for 1LA5, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1MA6 and 1MA7 motors, see special ver-
by quoting the serial number or can be read from the lubricating sion in Figure 3 (Page 0/64).
plate on 1LA8 motors.
For motors Type Number of poles Drive end Non-drive end Figures
frame size (DE) bearing NDE bearing on Pages
Horizontal type Vertical type of Horizontal type Vertical type of 0/64 and 0/65
of construction construction of construction construction
1LA5 . . ., 1LA6 . . ., 1LA7 . . ., 1LA9 . . ., 1LP5 . . ., 1LP7 . . .,
1MA6 . . ., 1MA7 . . ., 1PP5 . . ., 1PP7 . . .
56 M . . . . 05 . 2 to 8 6201 2ZC3 6201 2ZC3 6201 2ZC3 6201 2ZC3 Fig. 1
63 M . . . . 06 . 2 to 8 6201 2ZC3 6201 2ZC3 6201 2ZC3 6201 2ZC3
71 M . . . . 07 . 2 to 8 6202 2ZC3 6202 2ZC3 6202 2ZC3 6202 2ZC3
80 M . . . . 08 . 2 to 8 6004 2ZC3 6004 2ZC3 6004 2ZC3 6004 2ZC3
90 S/L . . . . 09 . 2 to 8 6205 2ZC3 6205 2ZC3 6004 2ZC3 6004 2ZC3
100 L . . . . 10 . 2 to 8 6206 2ZC3 1) 6206 2ZC3 1) 6205 2ZC3 1) 6205 2ZC3 1)
112 M . . . . 11 . 2 to 8 6206 2ZC3 1) 6206 2ZC3 1) 6205 2ZC3 1) 6205 2ZC3 1)
132 S/M . . . . 13 . 2 to 8 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1)
160 M/L . . . . 16 . 2 to 8 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) Fig. 2
180 M/L . . . . 18 . 2 to 8 6210 ZC3 2) 6210 ZC3 2) 6210 ZC3 2) 6210 ZC3 2) Fig. 4
200 L . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 6212 ZC3 2) 6212 ZC3 2) 6212 ZC3 2) 6212 ZC3 2)
225 S/M . . . . 22 . 2 to 8 6213 ZC3 2) 6213 ZC3 2) 6212 ZC3 2) 5) 6212 ZC3 2) 5)
250 M . . . . 25 . 2 to 8 6215 ZC3 2) 6215 ZC3 2) 6215 ZC3 2) 6215 ZC3 2)
280 S/M . . . . 28 . 2 6216 C3 6216 C3 6216 C3 6216 C3 Fig. 5
4 to 8 6317 C3 6317 C3 6317 C3 6317 C3
315 S/M . . . . 310 2 6217 C3 6217 C3 6217 C3 6217 C3
. . . . 313 4 to 8 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3
315 L . . . . 316 2 6217 C3 6217 C3 6217 C3 7217 BEP
. . . . 317 4 to 8 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3
. . . . 318
1LG4 . . ., 1LG6 . . ., 1LP4 . . .,
1PP4 . . ., 1PP6 . . .
180 M/L . . . . 18 . 2 to 8 6210 ZC3 4) 6210 ZC3 4) 6210 ZC3 4) 6210 ZC3 4) Fig. 4
200 L . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 6212 ZC3 4) 6212 ZC3 4) 6212 ZC3 4) 6212 ZC3 4)
225 S/M . . . . 22 . 2 to 8 6213 ZC3 4) 6213 ZC3 4) 6213 ZC3 4) 6213 ZC3 4)
250 M . . . . 25 . 2 to 8 6215 ZC3 4) 6215 ZC3 4) 6215 ZC3 4) 6215 ZC3 4)
280 S/M . . . . 28 . 2 6217 C3 6217 C3 6217 C3 6217 C3 Fig. 5
4 to 8 6317 C3 6317 C3 6317 C3 6317 C3
315 S/M . . . . 310 2 6219 C3 6219 C3 6219 C3 6219 C3
. . . . 313 4 to 8 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3
315 L . . . . 316 2 6219 C3 6219 C3 3) 6219 C3 7219 BEP 3)
. . . . 317 4 to 8 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3 6319 C3
. . . . 318

1) Deep-groove bearings are used for regreasable versions (order code

2) Deep-groove bearings are not used for regreasable versions (order code
K40) of 1MA6 motors of frame sizes 180 M to 250 M.
3) Only at 50 Hz.
4) Deep-groove bearings are not used for regreasable versions (order code
5) For 1MA6 motors frame size 225 S/M bearing 6213 ZC3 at the non-drive
end NDE (BS).

0/60 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Bearing selection table for 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motors – basic version 0
For motors Type Number of poles Drive end Non-drive end Figures
frame size (DE) bearing NDE bearing on Pages
Horizontal type of Vertical type of Horizontal type Vertical type of 0/64 and
construction construction of construction construction 0/65
1LA8 . . ., 1PQ8 . . .
315 . . . . 31 . 2 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 Fig. 6 and
4 to 8 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 Fig. 7
355 . . . . 35 . 2 6218 C3 7218 B + 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3
4 to 8 6220 C3 7220 B + 6220 C3 6220 C3 6220 C3
400 . . . . 40 . 2 6218 C3 7218 B + 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3
4 to 8 6224 C3 7224 B + 6224 C3 6224 C3 6224 C3
450 . . . . 45 . 2 6220 C3 7220 B + 6220 C3 6220 C3 6220 C3
4 to 8 6226 C3 7226 B + 6226 C3 6226 C3 6226 C3
1LL8 . . .
315 . . . . 31 . 2 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 No figure
4 to 8 6220 C3 7220 B + 6220 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3
355 . . . . 35 . 2 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3
4 to 8 6224 C3 7224 B + 6224 C3 6220 C3 6220 C3
400 . . . . 40 . 2 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3 6218 C3
4 to 8 6226 C3 7226 B + 6226 C3 6224 C3 6224 C3
450 . . . . 45 . 2 6220 C3 6220 C3 6220 C3 6220 C3
4 to 8 6228 C3 7228 B + 6226 C3 6228 C3 6226 C3
1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 non-standard motors are transported
horizontally. They can be transported vertically at an additional
charge on request.

Bearing selection table for 1MJ motors – basic version

For motors Type Number of poles Drive end Non-drive end Figure
frame size (DE) bearing NDE bearing on Page
Horizontal type of Vertical type of Horizontal type Vertical type of 0/65
construction construction of construction construction
71 M 1MJ6 07 . 2 to 8 6202 ZC3 6202 ZC3 6202 ZC3 6202 ZC3 Fig. 8
80 M 1MJ6 08 . 2 to 8 6004 ZC3 6004 ZC3 6004 ZC3 6004 ZC3
90 S/L 1MJ6 09 . 2 to 8 6205 C3 6205 C3 6205 C3 6205 C3 Fig. 9
100 L 1MJ6 10 . 2 to 8 6206 C3 6206 C3 6206 C3 6206 C3
112 M 1MJ6 11 . 2 to 8 6306 C3 6306 C3 6306 C3 6306 C3
132 S/M 1MJ6 13 . 2 to 8 6308 C3 6308 C3 6308 C3 6308 C3 Fig. 10
160 M/L 1MJ6 16 . 2 to 8 6309 C3 6309 C3 6309 C3 6309 C3
180 M/L 1MJ6 18 . 2 to 8 6210 C3 6210 C3 6210 C3 6210 C3 Fig. 11
200 L 1MJ6 20 . 2 to 8 6212 C3 6212 C3 6212 C3 6212 C3
225 S/M 1MJ7 22 . 2 to 8 6213 C3 6213 C3 6213 C3 6213 C3
250 M 1MJ7 25 . 2 to 8 6215 C3 6215 C3 6215 C3 6215 C3
280 S/M 1MJ7 28 . 2 to 8 NU 216 NU 216 6216 C3 6216 C3 Fig. 12
315 S/M 1MJ7 31 . 2 NU 217 1) NU 217 1) 6217 C3 6217 C3
4 to 8 NU 218 2) NU 218 2) 6218 C3 6218 C3

1) Special version with deep groove bearing 6216 C3 on request.

Recommended for coupling output or low cantilever forces.
2) Special version with deep groove bearing 6217 C3 on request.
Recommended for coupling output or low cantilever forces.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/61

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Bearing selection table for 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LG, 1LP, 1MA and 1PP motors – Bearings for increased cantilever forces –
Order code K20
Please inquire about noise and vibration data. by quoting the serial number or can be read from the lubricating
plate on 1LA8 motors.
For NU bearings (parallel roller bearings), in contrast to standard
bearings, a minimum cantilever force is required. Parallel roller When deep-groove ball bearings with sideplates are used, the
bearings are not suitable for coupling output. side plate is on the inside.
1MJ8 motors at 60 Hz on request.
The bearing selection tables are only intended for planning pur-
poses. Authoritative information on the actual type of bearings
fitted in motors already supplied can be obtained by the factory
For motors Type Number of poles Drive end Non-drive end Figure
frame size (DE) bearing NDE bearing on Page
Horizontal type of Vertical type of Horizontal type Vertical type of 0/64
construction construction of construction construction
1LA5 . . ., 1LA6 . . ., 1LA7 . . ., 1LA9 . . ., 1LP5 . . ., 1LP7 . . .,
1MA6 . . ., 1MA7 . . ., 1PP5 . . ., 1PP7 . . .
100 L . . . . 10 . 2 to 8 6306 ZC3 6306 ZC3 6205 2ZC3 1) 6205 2ZC3 1) No figure
112 M . . . . 11 . 2 to 8 6306 ZC3 6306 ZC3 6205 2ZC3 1) 6205 2ZC3 1)
132 S/M . . . . 13 . 2 to 8 6308 ZC3 6308 ZC3 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1)
160 M/L . . . . 16 . 2 to 8 6309 ZC3 6309 ZC3 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1)
180 M/L . . . . 18 . 2 to 8 6310 ZC3 6310 ZC3 6210 ZC3 6210 ZC3
200 L . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 6312 ZC3 6312 ZC3 6212 ZC3 6212 ZC3
225 S/M . . . . 22 . 2 to 8 NU 213 E 2) 3) NU 213 E 2) 3) 6212 ZC3 4) 6212 ZC3 4)
250 M . . . . 25 . 2 to 8 NU 215 E 2) NU 215 E 2) 6215 ZC3 6215 ZC3
280 S/M . . . . 28 . 2 NU 216 E NU 216 E 6216 C3 6216 C3
4 to 8 NU 317 E NU 317 E 6317 C3 6317 C3
315 S/M . . . . 310 2 NU 217 E NU 217 E 6217 C3 6217 C3
. . . . 313 4 to 8 NU 319 E NU 319 E 6319 C3 6319 C3
315 L . . . . 316 2 NU 217 E – 6217 C3 –
. . . . 317 4 to 8 NU 319 E NU 319 E 6319 C3 6319 C3
. . . . 318
1LG4 . . ., 1LG6 . . .,
1LP4 . . ., 1PP4 . . .
180 M/L . . . . 18 . 2 to 8 NU 210 NU 210 6210 C3 6210 C3 Fig. 4
200 L . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 NU 212 NU 212 6212 C3 6212 C3
225 S/M . . . . 22 . 2 to 8 NU 213 NU 213 6213 C3 6213 C3
250 M . . . . 25 . 2 to 8 NU 215 NU 215 6215 C3 6215 C3
280 S/M . . . . 28 . 2 NU 217 NU 217 6217 C3 6217 C3 Fig. 5
4 to 8 NU 317 NU 317 6317 C3 6317 C3
315 S/M . . . . 310 2 NU 219 5) NU 219 5) 6219 C3 6219 C3
. . . . 313 4 to 8 NU 319 NU 319 6319 C3 6319 C3
315 L . . . . 316 2 NU 219 5) NU 219 5) 6219 C3 6219 C3
. . . . 317 4 to 8 NU 319 NU 319 6319 C3 6319 C3
. . . . 318

Bearings wth a side plate are used for regreasable versions (order code
Deep-groove bearings of size range 03 are also possible (order code
For 1LA5 motors frame size 225 S/M bearing 6313 ZC3 at the drive end.
For 1MA6 motors frame size 225 S/M bearing 6213 ZC3 at the non-drive
Only at 50 Hz.

0/62 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Bearing selection table for 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 motors – bearings for increased cantilever forces – Order code K20 0
For motors Type Number of poles Drive end Non-drive end
frame size (DE) bearing NDE bearing
Horizontal type of Vertical type of Horizontal type Vertical type of
construction construction of construction construction
1LA8 . . .,
1PQ8 . . .
315 . . . . 31 . 4 to 8 NU 320 E On request 6218 C3 On request No figure
355 . . . . 35 . 4 to 8 NU 322 E On request 6220 C3 On request
Please inquire about noise and vibration data. For NU bearings, The motors are transported horizontally; they can be transported
in contrast to standard bearings, a minimum cantilever force is vertically at additional cost on request.
required. The bearing selection tables are only intended for Reinforced bearings are available for frame sizes 400 and 450
planning purposes. Binding statements about the bearings for as well as IM V1 types of construction as well as for 1LL8 motors
motors which have already been shipped can be requested. on request. Please specify cantilever force and dimension x.
Please specify the serial number. Reinforced bearings cannot be supplied for 2-pole motors.

Bearing selection table for 1MJ6 and 1MJ7 motors – Bearings for increased cantilever forces – Order code K20
For motors Type Number of poles Drive end Non-drive end
frame size (DE) bearing NDE bearing
Horizontal type of Vertical type of Horizontal type Vertical type of
construction construction of construction construction
1MJ6 . . .
180 M/L . . . . 18 . 2 to 8 NU 210 NU 210 6210 ZC3 6210 ZC3 No figure
200 L . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 NU 212 NU 212 6212 ZC3 6212 ZC3
1MJ7 . . .
225 M/L . . . . 22 . 2 to 8 NU 213 NU 213 6213 C3 6213 C3 No figure
250 M . . . . 25 . 2 to 8 NU 215 NU 215 6215 C3 6215 C3

Bearing selection table for 1LG4, 1LG6, 1LP4 and 1PP4 motors – Deep-groove bearings reinforced at both ends – Order code K36
For motors Type Number of poles Drive end Non-drive end Figure
frame size (DE) bearing NDE bearing on Page
Horizontal type of Vertical type of Horizontal type Vertical type of 0/64
construction construction of construction construction
1LG4 . . ., 1LG6 . . .,
1LP4 . . ., 1PP4 . . .
180 M/L . . . . 18 . 2 to 8 6310 ZC3 1) 6310 ZC3 1) 6310 ZC3 1) 6310 ZC3 1) Fig. 4
200 L . . . . 20 . 2 to 8 6312 ZC3 1) 6312 ZC3 1) 6312 ZC3 1) 6312 ZC3 1)
225 S/M . . . . 22 . 2 to 8 6313 ZC3 1) 6313 ZC3 1) 6313 ZC3 1) 6313 ZC3 1)
250 M . . . . 25 . 2 to 8 6315 ZC3 1) 6315 ZC3 1) 6315 ZC3 1) 6315 ZC3 1)
280 S/M . . . . 28 . 2 6317 C3 6317 C3 6317 C3 6317 C3 Fig. 5
4 to 8 6317 C3 2) 6317 C3 2) 6317 C3 2) 6317 C3 2)
315 S/M/L . . . . 31 . 2 6316 C3 6316 C3 6316 C3 6316 C3
4 to 8 6319 C3 2) 6319 C3 2) 6319 C3 2) 6319 C3 2)

Deep-groove bearings are not used for regreasable versions (order code
As for basic version.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/63

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Diagrams of bearings
Fig. 1 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing Fig. 2 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing



Fig. 3 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing Fig. 4 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing
Located bearing for 1LA7, 1LA9, 1MA7, frame sizes 56 to 160



Located bearings for 1LA5, frame sizes 180 to 225;

1LA9, 1MA6, frame sizes 180 to 200

Fig. 5 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing Fig. 6 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing



Frame sizes Frame sizes

280 S to 315 L, 2-pole to 8-pole 315 to 450, 2-pole to 8-pole, IM B3

Fig. 7 Drive-end bearing Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing



Frame size Frame sizes Frame sizes

315, 2-pole to 8-pole, IM V1 355 and 450, 2-pole to 8-pole, IM V1 315 to 450, 2-pole to 8-pole, IM V1

0/64 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

Fig. 8 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing Fig. 9 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing 0



Fig. 10 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing Fig. 11 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing



Fig. 12 Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing


Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/65

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Admissible cantilever forces Admissible cantilever forces for the basic 50 Hz version
Admissible cantilever forces, basic version Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values for x = l (l = shaft extension)
For Admissible cantilever force Admissible cantilever force
motors for x0 for xmax.
Frame Number Type Type

size of poles
1LA5 1LG4 1MJ6 1LA5 1LG4 1MJ6
1LA7 1LG6 1MJ7 1LA7 1LG6 1MJ7
1LA9 1LP4 1LA9 1LP4
x 1MA6 1PP4 1MA6 1PP4
xmax. x0 1MA7 1PP6 1MA7 1PP6
1LA6 1LA6
In order to calculate the admissible cantilever forces for a radial 1LP5 1LP5
load, the line of force (i.e. the centerline of the pulley) of the 1LP7 1LP7
cantilever force FQ (N) must lie within the free shaft extension 1PP5 1PP5
(dimension x). 1PP7 1PP7
56 M 2 270 – – 240 – –
Dimension x [mm] is the distance between the point of applica- 4 350 – – 305 – –
tion of force FQ and the shaft shoulder. Dimension xmax. corre- 6 415 – – 360 – –
sponds to the length of the shaft extension.
63 M 2 270 – – 240 – –
Total cantilever force FQ = c ⋅ Fu 4 350 – – 305 – –
The pre-tension factor c is a value gained from experience from 6 415 – – 360 – –
the belt manufacturer. The following approximate value can be 71 M 2 415 – 260 355 – 260
assumed: 4 530 – 260 450 – 260
6 630 – 260 535 – 260
For normal flat leather belts with an idler pulley c = 2;
8 690 – – 585 – –
for V-belts c = 2 to 2.5;
80 M 2 485 – 485 400 – 400
for special synthetic belts (depending on the type and load)
c = 2 to 2.5. 4 625 – 560 515 – 515
6 735 – 560 605 – 560
The circumferential force Fu (N) is calculated using the following 8 815 – – 675 – –
90 S 2 725 – 725 605 – 605
90 L 4 920 – 920 775 – 775
Fu = 2 10 7 6 1090 – 1090 910 – 910
n D 8 1230 – 1230 1030 – 1030
100 L 2 1030 – 1030 840 – 840
Fu circumferential force in N 4 1310 – 1310 1060 – 1060
P rated motor power (transmitted power) in kW
6 1550 – 1550 1250 – 1250
n rated motor speed
8 1720 – 1720 1400 – 1400
D pulley diameter in mm
112 M 2 1010 – 1680 830 – 1490
The pulleys are standardized acc. to DIN 2211, Sheet 3. 4 1270 – 1960 1040 – 1580
The admissible cantilever forces at 60 Hz are approx. 80 % of 6 1520 – 2140 1240 – 1720
the 50 Hz values (please inquire). 8 1690 – 2450 1380 – 1950
Admissible cantilever forces for the basic 50 Hz version 132 S 2 1490 – 2250 1180 – 1820
132 M 4 1940 – 2720 1530 – 2170
Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values for x = l (l = shaft extension)
6 2260 – 3100 1780 – 2420
For Admissible cantilever force Admissible cantilever force
motors for x0 for xmax. 8 2500 – 3400 1980 – 2700
Frame Number Type Type 160 M 2 1540 – 2800 1210 – 2250
size of poles 160 L 4 2040 – 3330 1590 – 2600
N N N N N N 6 2330 – 3750 1820 – 2900
1LG4 1MA6 1MJ6 1LG4 1MA6 1MJ6 8 2660 – 3750 2080 – 2900
1LG6 1MJ7 1LG6 1MJ7
180 M 2 2000 1780 2000 1550 1410 1550
250 M 2 3190 3650 3650 2530 2950 2950 180 L 4 2350 2240 2350 1950 1820 1950
4 4000 4400 4400 3350 3600 3600
6 2800 2550 2800 2250 2120 2250
6 4700 5350 5350 3900 4350 4350
8 3050 2860 3050 2500 2330 2500
8 5200 5700 5700 4400 4700 4700
200 L 2 2550 2380 2550 2100 1930 2100
280 S 2 4000 3350 8100 3250 2800 6700
280 M 4 3350 3050 3350 2750 2530 2750
4 8400 8400 9700 7000 7200 8050
6 3900 3500 3900 3200 2930 3200
6 9700 10000 11700 8100 8900 9700
8 4150 3800 4150 3450 3210 3450
8 10750 11000 12800 9000 9850 10600
225 S 2 3050 2820 3050 2550 2290 2550
315 S 2 4750 3950 9000 3890 3350 7600 225 M
315 M 4 3750 3500 3750 2950 2760 2950
4 9100 9900 13100 7300 8100 10800
6 4550 4050 4550 3600 3240 3600
6 10700 12100 15600 8700 9900 12800
8 4850 4500 4850 3900 3500 3900
8 11600 13300 16900 9600 10900 13900
315 L 2 4000 3100 8800 3280 2700 7600 Table continues overleaf
4 8400 8800 24000 7500 7450 12000
6 9700 11400 25000 9100 9600 12000
8 11100 12500 26000 10200 10500 12000

0/66 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

Admissible cantilever forces for the basic 50 Hz version Bearing design for increased cantilever forces 0
Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values for x = l (l = shaft extension)
For Admissible cantilever force Admissible cantilever force
motors for x0 for xmax.

Frame Number Type Type FQ
size of poles
1LA8, 1PQ8 1) 1LA8, 1PQ8 1)
315 2 ... 8 See diagrams See diagrams x
... Page 0/69 Page 0/69
xmax. x0
For 1LA8 motors in horizontal type of construction, the admissi- Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1LA, 1MA, 1MJ, 1LP and
ble cantilever forces are specified with regard to the axial forces. 1PP motors
Deep-groove ball bearings at the drive end (DE) – Order code K20
It should be observed that for types of construction IM B6,
For motors Admissible cantilever force FQ
IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 and IM V6 the belt tension is only permitted
to act parallel to the mounting plane or towards the mounting Frame size Type Number of at x0 at xmax.
plane and the feet must be supported. Both feet must be se-
cured for foot-mounting types of construction.
1LA5 . . ., 1LA6 . . ., 1LA7 . . ., 1LA9 . . .,
Refer to Pages 0/67 to 0/68 if the cantilever forces are higher 1MA6 . . ., 1MA7 . . ., 1MJ6 . . ., 1MJ7 . . .,
than those listed above. 1LP5 . . ., 1LP7 . . ., 1PP5 . . ., 1PP7 . . .,
100 . . . . 10 . 2 1680 1490
4 1960 1580
6 2140 1720
8 2450 1950
112 . . . . 113 2 1680 1490
4 1960 1580
6 2140 1720
8 2450 1950
132 . . . . 13 . 2 2250 1820
4 2720 2170
6 3100 2420
8 3400 2700
160 . . . . 16 . 2 2800 2250
4 3330 2600
6 3750 2900
8 3750 2900
180 . . . . 18 . 2 3700 3000
4 4450 3600
6 5100 4150
8 5550 4500
200 . . . . 20 . 2 5200 4300
4 6450 5350
6 7300 6100
8 7900 6550
225 1LA522 . 2 5200 4300
1LP5 . . . 4 6450 5350
1PP5 . . . 6 7300 6100
8 7900 6550

Data for 1LL8 is available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/67

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1LG motors Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1LG motors
Parallel roller bearings at the drive end (DE) – Order code K20 Deep-groove bearings reinforced at both ends DE/NDE – Order code K36
Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values for x = l (l = shaft extension) Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values for x = l (l = shaft extension)
For motors Admissible cantilever force FQ For motors Admissible cantilever force FQ
Frame size Type Number of at x0 at xmax. Frame size Type Number of at x0 at xmax.
poles poles
1LG4 . . ., 1LG6 . . ., 1LG4 . . .
1LP4 . . ., 1PP4 . . . 1LG6 . . .
180 M, . . . . 18 . 2 4550 3600 180 M, . . . . 18 . 2 3280 2600
180 L 4 5650 4050 180 L 4 4150 3430
6 6350 4050 6 4750 3950
8 6950 4050 8 5250 4050
200 L . . . . 20 . 2 6600 5350 200 L . . . . 20 . 2 4350 3500
4 8200 6850 4 5550 4550
6 9300 6300 6 6350 5350
8 10100 7400 8 7000 5900
225 S, . . . . 22 . 2 7500 6250 225 S, . . . . 22 . 2 4850 3950
225 M 4 9150 7200 225 M 4 6100 4850
6 10400 7400 6 7050 5650
8 11300 7350 8 7750 6150
250 M . . . . 25 . 2 9100 7300 250 M . . . . 25 . 2 5800 4600
4 11300 9300 4 7400 6050
6 12800 10500 6 8500 7050
8 14100 10500 8 9350 7850
280 S 1), . . . . 28 . 2 11400 9350 280 S, . . . . 28 . 2 – –
280 M 1) 280 M
315 S 1), . . . . 310 2 14700 12300 315 S, . . . . 310 2 5650 4650
315 M 1) . . . . 313 315 M . . . . 313
315 L 1) . . . . 316 2 14600 12700 315 L . . . . 316 2 5450 4650
. . . . 317 . . . . 317

Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1MA and 1MJ motors

Parallel roller bearings at the drive end (DE) – Order code K20
For motors Admissible cantilever force FQ
Frame size Type Number of at x0 at xmax.
1MA6 . . .
1MJ7 . . .
225 . . . . 22 . 2 8100 6800
4 9800 7800
6 11200 8800
8 12200 9700
250 . . . . 25 . 2 9600 7900
4 11600 9600
6 13200 10800
8 14400 11800
280 1) 2) . . . . 28 . 2 10000 8400
315 S 1) 2) . . . . 310 2 12000 10200
315 M 1) 2) . . . . 313
315 L 1) 2) . . . . 316 2 11800 10200
. . . . 317 (horizontal type of
315 to 355 2 to 8 See diagrams Page 0/70
It should be observed that for types of construction IM B6,
IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 and IM V6 the belt tension is only permitted
to act parallel to the mounting plane or towards the mounting
plane and the feet must be supported.

Admissible cantilever forces for 1LG4, 1LG6, 1LP4, 1PP4 and 1MA6 frame
sizes 280 to 315 L in 4-pole to 8-pole version, see Page 0/70.
Not applicable to 1MJ motors with frame sizes 280 to 315, because this is
the standard version.

0/68 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors – basic version 0
Frame size 315, 1LA8 and 1PQ8 – Type of construction IM B3 Frame size 355, 1LA8 and 1PQ8 – Type of construction IM B3

8 G_D081_EN_00129
8 G_D081_EN_00130
kN kN
7 7 750 rpm
Q Q 6 1500 rpm
6 750 rpm
1500 rpm 1000 rpm
5 5
1000 rpm
4 4
3000 rpm
3 3 3000 rpm

2 2

1 1

0 0
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 kN 6 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 kN 6
Tension A Pressure A Tension A Pressure A
Cantilever force Q at x = l (shaft extension) via axial force A at nominal Cantilever force Q at x = l (shaft extension) via axial force A at nominal
bearing service life h10 = 20000 h bearing service life h10 = 20000 h

Frame size 400, 1LA8 and 1PQ8 – Type of construction IM B3 Frame size 450, 1LA8 and 1PQ8 – Type of construction IM B3

8 G_D081_EN_00131
8 G_D081_EN_00132
kN 750 rpm kN 750 rpm
7 7 1500 rpm
1500 rpm
Q 6 Q 6 1000 rpm
1000 rpm
5 5

4 4 3000 rpm

3 3000 rpm 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 kN 6 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 kN 6
Tension A Pressure A Tension A Pressure A
Cantilever force Q at x = l (shaft extension) via axial force A at nominal Cantilever force Q at x = l (shaft extension) via axial force A at nominal
bearing service life h10 = 20000 h bearing service life h10 = 20000 h

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/69

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors – Bearings for increased cantilever forces – Order code K20
Frame size 315, 1LA8 and 1PQ8 – Type of construction IM B3 Frame size 355, 1LA8 and 1PQ8 – Type of construction IM B3

50 G_D081_EN_00134 50
750 rpm G_D081_EN_00135
kN kN
46 46
Q 1000 rpm
42 42
750 rpm 1500 rpm
38 38
1000 rpm
34 34

30 30
1500 rpm
26 26

22 22

18 18
0 40 80 120 160 mm 240 0 40 80 120 160 mm 240
x x

At 60 Hz, the admissible cantilever force must be reduced to For all motors of frame sizes 400 and 450, IM V1 and 1LL8
80 %. motors with reinforced bearings available on request.
Please specify cantilever force and lever arm.

Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1LG motors – Bearings for increased cantilever forces – Order code K20
Frame size 280, 4-pole to 8-pole, 1LG4/1LG6, Frame size 315, 4-pole to 8-pole, 1LG4/1LG6, Frame size 315 S/M, 4-pole to 8-pole, 1LG4/1LG6,
1LP4/1PP4 1LP4/1PP4 1LP4/1PP4

44 G_D081_EN_00136
40 G_D081_EN_00137
40 G_D081_EN_00138
kN kN kN
750 rpm
40 35 35
1000 rpm
FQ FQ FQ 1000 rpm
36 30 30
n =1500 rpm n =1500 rpm
750 rpm
32 25 25
1000 rpm
28 20 20

n =1500 rpm
24 15 15
750 rpm
20 10 10

16 5 5

12 0 0
40 80 120 160 mm 240 40 80 120 160 mm 240 40 80 120 160 mm 240
x x x

Admissible cantilever forces at 50 Hz for 1MA motors – Bearings for increased cantilever forces – Order code K20
Frame size 280, 4-pole to 8-pole, 1MA6 Frame size 315 S/M, 4-pole to 8-pole, 1MA6 Frame size 315 L, 4-pole to 8-pole, 1MA6

36 G_D081_EN_00139
40 G_D081_EN_00140
38 750 G_D081_EN_00141
kN kN kN rpm
750 750 100
32 rpm 36 rpm 34 0 rp
100 100 m
FQ 0 rp FQ 0 rp FQ
m m n =1
28 n 32 n 30 500
=15 = rpm
00 r 150
pm 0 rp
24 28 26

20 24 22

16 20 18

12 16 14
40 80 120 160 mm 240 40 80 120 160 mm 240 40 80 120 160 mm 240
x x x

0/70 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Admissible axial load 0
1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1MA6, 1MA7, 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP5, 1PP6, 1PP7 motors in vertical type of construction –
basic version
Frame Shaft extension pointing
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
downwards upwards downwards upwards downwards upwards downwards upwards
Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load
down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up
56 80 245 230 95 80 330 310 95 80 410 390 95 – – – –
63 80 245 230 95 80 330 310 95 80 410 390 95 – – – –
71 105 365 335 130 90 380 440 130 90 590 550 130 90 700 660 130
80 110 425 360 160 100 540 480 165 100 650 590 165 100 760 700 165
90 110 440 360 180 100 680 580 190 100 920 820 190 100 1150 1050 190
100 140 700 550 280 130 990 820 285 130 1280 1110 285 130 1560 1390 285
112 140 710 550 300 130 1000 820 310 130 1290 1110 310 130 1570 1390 310
(140)* (1050)* (800)* (300)* (130)* (1350)* (1100)* (300)* (130)* (1720)* (1500)* (310)* (130)* (2000)* (1850)* (310)*
132 200 1200 950 470 180 1680 1200 470 180 1900 1600 470 190 2200 1900 440
(1500)* (1550)* (1300)* (470)* (1500)* (2100)* (1600)* (470)* (280)* (2400)* (2100)* (470)* (290)* (2800)* (2400)* (440)*
160 1500 1400 950 1900 1900 1800 1300 2200 2200 2200 1600 2700 2700 2700 1950 2900
(2000)* (1720)* (1300)* (2500)* (2500)* (2400)* (1720)* (2800)* (2800)* (2800)* (2130)* (3600)* (3600)* (3600)* (2600)* (3700)*

For motors Shaft extension downwards

Frame 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
Load down Load up Load down Load up Load down Load up Load down Load up
Type 1LA5... 1MJ6.. 1LA5... 1MJ6... 1LA5... 1MJ6... 1LA5... 1MJ6... 1LA5... 1MJ6... 1LA5... 1MJ6... 1LA5... 1MJ6... 1LA5... 1MJ6...
1LA5 . . . 1MA6 1MJ7 1MA6 1MJ7 1MA6 1MJ7 1MA6 1MJ7 1MA6 1MJ7 1MA6 1MJ7 1MA6 1MJ7 1MA6 1MJ7
1MA6 . . . 1LP5 1LP5 1LP5 1LP5 1LP5 1LP5 1LP5 1LP5
1MJ6 . . . 1PP5 1PP5 1PP5 1PP5 1PP5 1PP5 1PP5 1PP5
1MJ7 . . .
1LP5 . . .
1PP5 . . .
180 M . . . . 183 1150 1150 1900 1900 1400 1400 2350 2350 – – – – – – – –
180 L . . . . 186 – – – – 1400 1400 2400 2400 1700 1700 2850 2850 2000 2000 3150 3150
200 L . . . . 206 1650 1650 2750 2750 – – – – 2550 2550 3950 3950 – – – –
. . . . 207 1550 1550 2800 2800 2000 2000 3350 3350 2400 2400 3950 3950 2800 2800 4500 4500
225 S . . . . 220 – – – – 2300 2300 3020 3020 – – – – 3200 3200 4080 4080
225 M . . . . 223 1890 1890 2190 2190 2180 2180 3060 3060 2700 2700 3500 3500 3040 3040 4120 4120
250 M . . . . 253 1750 1750 2790 2790 2160 2160 3760 3760 2740 2740 4340 4340 2990 2990 4890 4890
280 S . . . . 280 380 1150 4480 3850 3830 1350 8790 4950 5340 2350 10000 5650 6280 2850 11000 6250
280 M . . . . 283 180 900 4580 3900 3550 1000 8910 5000 5000 2000 10100 5700 5930 2450 11100 6300
315 S . . . . 310 210 900 5270 4500 3700 1700 10200 6400 5150 2300 11700 7050 6520 3400 13000 7950
315 M . . . . 313 100 650 5350 4550 3330 1600 10400 6900 4740 2050 11700 7500 5800 2800 13000 8400
315 L . . . . 316 9270 – 770 – 2330 – 10400 – 3650 – 11700 – 4630 – 13000 –
. . . . 317 9270 – 840 – 1370 – 10800 – 2990 – 11600 – 3760 – 13000 –
. . . . 318 9270 – 840 – 1370 – 10800 – 2990 – 11600 – 3760 – 13000 –
The values shown do not assume a cantilever force on the shaft
The admissible loads are valid for operation at 50 Hz; for 60 Hz,
please inquire.
The calculation of the admissible axial load was based on the
drive with generally available coupling. For suppliers, see the
relevant catalog part, section “Accessories”.
Please inquire if the load direction alternates.

* The values in brackets for frame sizes 112 to 160 apply to 1MJ6 motors.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/71

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LP7, 1MA6, 1MA7, 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1PP6, 1PP7 motors in horizontal type of construction – Basic version
Frame 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
Tensile Thrust load (N) Tensile Thrust load (N) Tensile Thrust load (N) Tensile Thrust load (N)
load with radial load without load with radial load without load with radial load without load with radial load without
at radial at radial at radial at radial
load load load load
x0 xmax. x0 xmax. x0 xmax. x0 xmax.
56 90 120 90 240 90 140 110 320 90 170 120 400 – – – –
63 90 120 90 240 90 140 110 320 90 170 120 400 – – – –
71 120 150 120 350 120 210 150 460 120 260 180 570 120 300 210 680
80 140 190 150 400 140 300 260 510 140 330 280 620 140 340 290 730
90 150 300 280 400 150 400 360 630 150 480 430 870 150 550 500 1100
100 220 450 350 630 220 600 500 910 220 650 550 1200 220 750 650 1480
112 220 450 350 630 220 600 500 910 220 650 550 1200 220 750 650 1480
(220)* (850)* (700)* (1050)* (220)* (1150)* (1000)* (1350)* (220)* (1300)* (1150)* (1720)* (220)* (1450)* (1300)* (2000)*
132 350 650 520 1200 350 850 700 1600 350 1020 890 1900 350 1150 1020 2200
(350)* (1000)* (900)* (1550)* (350)* (1250)* (1150)* (2100)* (350)* (1500)* (1400)* (2400)* (350)* (1750)* (1650)* (2800)*
160 1500 850 720 1500 1500 1050 920 1800 1500 1250 1120 2200 1500 1350 1220 2600
(2100)* (1280)* (1100)* (2100)* (2100)* (1680)* (1700)* (2350)* (2100)* (2050)* (1920)* (2900)* (2100)* (2400)* (2200)* (3300)*

For motors 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
Loading direction Loading direction Loading direction Loading direction
Frame size Type Tension Thrust Tension Thrust Tension Thrust Tension Thrust
1LA5 . . .
1MA6 . . .
1MJ6 . . .
1MJ7 . . .
1LP5 . . .
1PP5 . . . N N N N N N N N
180 M . . . . 183 1400 1400 1700 1700 – – – –
180 L . . . . 186 – – 1700 1700 2050 2050 2400 2400
200 L . . . . 206 2000 2000 – – 3000 3000 – –
. . . . 207 1950 1950 2450 2450 2900 2900 3400 3400
225 S . . . . 220 – – 2980 1960 – – 3880 2860
225 M . . . . 223 2390 1370 2900 1880 3380 2360 3810 2790
250 M . . . . 253 2450 1655 3070 2270 3620 2820 4000 3200
280 S . . . . 280 1330 (3700)* 2900 (2100)* 5080 (4200)* 6740 (2600)* 6410 (5000)* 8070 (3400)* 7390 (5550)* 9050 (3950)*
280 M . . . . 283 1200 (3600)* 2800 (2000)* 4990 (4000)* 6650 (2400)* 6260 (4800)* 7920 (3200)* 7220 (5350)* 8880 (3750)*
315 S . . . . 310 1500 (3800)* 3160 (2200)* 5350 (4900)* 7450 (3300)* 6740 (5500)* 8810 (3900)* 8010 (6500)* 10110 (4900)*
315 M . . . . 313 1400 (3650)* 3180 (2050)* 5260 (4900)* 7360 (3300)* 6560 (5450)* 8660 (3850)* 7690 (6250)* 9790 (4650)*
315 L . . . . 316 1080 2740 4580 6680 5770 7870 6820 8920
. . . . 317 940 2600 4170 6270 5410 7510 6410 8510
. . . . 318 940 2600 4170 6270 5410 7510 6410 8510
The values shown do not assume a cantilever force on the shaft
The admissible loads are valid for operation at 50 Hz; for 60 Hz,
please inquire.
The calculation of the admissible axial load was based on the
drive with generally available coupling. For suppliers, see the
relevant catalog part, section “Accessories”.
Please inquire if the load direction alternates.

* The values in brackets for frame sizes 112 to 160 apply to 1MJ6 motors and
frame sizes 280 S to 315 M apply to 1MJ7 motors.

0/72 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
1LG4, 1LG6, 1LP4, 1PP4 and 1PP6 motors in vertical type of construction – Basic version 0
For motors
Frame size Type 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
1LG4 . . . Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load
1LG6 . . . down up down up down up down up
1LP4 . . .
1PP4 . . .
1PP6 . . . N N N N N N N N
Shaft extension downwards
180 M . . . . 183 1140 1150 1500 1600 – – – –
180 L . . . . 186 – – 1380 1630 1650 2000 2020 2250
. . . . 188 1140 1190 1390 1650 1640 2030 1880 2280
200 L . . . . 206 1610 1480 – – 2420 2550 – –
. . . . 207 1510 1530 2030 2100 2220 2610 2610 2970
. . . . 208 1510 1590 1990 2120 2210 2680 2600 3060
225 S . . . . 220 – – 2110 2690 – – 2830 3710
225 M . . . . 223 1540 1990 1920 2770 2260 3300 2620 3770
. . . . 228 1540 2070 1950 2840 2240 3430 2610 3880
250 M . . . . 253 1680 2760 2110 3740 2740 4350 3070 4920
. . . . 258 1660 2870 2110 3960 2740 4520 3070 5160
280 S . . . . 280 390 4670 3190 8200 4510 9290 5510 10300
280 M . . . . 283 100 4780 2790 8340 4210 9450 5200 10400
. . . . 288 100 4950 2700 8570 4170 9600 5160 10600
315 S . . . . 310 840 6330 3380 10200 4760 11500 5860 12600
315 M . . . . 313 530 6490 2870 10500 4200 11800 5420 12900
315 L . . . . 316 8830 590 2450 11000 3680 12300 4800 13400
. . . . 317 8410 690 1800 11400 3100 12800 4410 13900
. . . . 318 8170 800 1620 12000 2690 13400 3820 14300
Shaft extension pointing upwards
180 M . . . . 183 1900 390 2260 840 – – – –
180 L . . . . 186 – – 2140 870 2410 1240 2780 1490
. . . . 188 1900 430 2150 890 2400 1270 2640 1520
200 L . . . . 206 2760 330 – – 3570 1400 – –
. . . . 207 2660 380 3180 950 3370 1460 3760 1820
. . . . 208 2660 440 3140 970 3360 1530 3750 1910
225 S . . . . 220 – – 3130 1670 – – 3850 2690
225 M . . . . 223 2560 970 2940 1750 3280 2280 3640 2750
. . . . 228 2560 1050 2970 1820 3260 2410 3630 2860
250 M . . . . 253 2480 1960 2910 2940 3540 3550 3870 4120
. . . . 258 2460 2070 2910 3160 3540 3720 3870 4360
280 S . . . . 280 1960 3100 4760 6630 6080 7720 7080 8730
280 M . . . . 283 1670 3210 4360 6770 5780 7880 6770 8830
. . . . 288 1670 3380 4270 7000 5740 8030 6730 9030
315 S . . . . 310 2410 4760 5380 8200 6760 9500 7860 10600
315 M . . . . 313 2100 4920 4870 8500 6200 9800 7420 10900
315 L . . . . 316 10400 – 4450 9000 5680 10300 6800 11400
. . . . 317 9980 – 3800 9400 5100 10800 6410 11900
. . . . 318 9740 – 3620 10000 4690 11400 5820 12300
Values shown without assuming a cantilever force on the shaft
The admissible loads apply to operation at 50 Hz; please inquire
about 60 Hz.
The figures for the admissible axial loads have been calculated
assuming that standard coupling types are used for the drive.
For suppliers, see the relevant catalog part, section
Please inquire if the loading direction alternates.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/73

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 1LG4, 1LG6, 1LP4, 1PP4 and 1PP6 motors in horizontal type of construction – Basic version
For motors 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
Frame size Type Loading direction Loading direction Loading direction Loading direction
1LG4 . . . Tension Thrust Tension Thrust Tension Thrust Tension Thrust
1LG6 . . .
1LP4 . . .
1PP4 . . .
1PP6 . . . N N N N N N N N
180 M . . . . 183 1550 790 1950 1190 – – – –
180 L . . . . 186 – – 1890 1130 2220 1460 2470 1710
. . . . 188 1550 790 1900 1140 2220 1460 2460 1700
200 L . . . . 206 2150 990 – – 3090 1940 – –
. . . . 207 2130 970 2670 1520 3030 1880 3410 2260
. . . . 208 2130 970 2630 1480 3020 1870 3410 2250
225 S . . . . 220 – – 2950 1920 – – 3820 2790
225 M . . . . 223 2320 1290 2910 1880 3360 2330 3760 2740
. . . . 228 2320 1290 2910 1880 3350 2320 3760 2730
250 M . . . . 253 2510 1710 3150 2350 3750 2950 4180 3380
. . . . 258 2510 1710 3140 2340 3750 2950 4170 3370
280 S . . . . 280 1790 3360 4970 6540 6180 7750 7170 8740
280 M . . . . 283 1720 3290 4860 6430 6110 7680 7090 8660
. . . . 288 1720 3290 4850 6420 6100 7670 7080 8650
315 S . . . . 310 2610 4180 5520 7520 6830 8830 7940 9940
315 M . . . . 313 2500 4070 5320 7320 6520 8520 7850 9850
315 L . . . . 316 2450 4020 5230 7230 6370 8370 7520 9520
. . . . 317 2320 3890 5050 7050 6110 8110 7350 9350
. . . . 318 2300 3870 4950 6950 5950 7950 7080 9080

1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors in vertical type of construction – Basic version

For motors Shaft extension facing downwards
Frame size 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
Type Load down Load up Load down Load up Load down Load up Load down Load up
1LA8 . . .
1PQ8 . . .
1LL8 . . . N N N N N N N N
315 . . . . 315 1900 5240 2790 6930 3060 8600 3850 9390
. . . . 317 1440 5680 2280 7420 2390 9230 3190 10030
355 . . . . 353 8480 5570 14550 7900 – – – –
. . . . 355 8180 5860 14200 8240 15690 10650 17840 11650
. . . . 357 7530 6500 13400 9030 14540 11780 16690 12780
400 . . . . 403 6780 7260 17640 11160 19500 14160 22260 15330
. . . . 405 6330 7700 17040 11750 18750 14910 21510 16070
. . . . 407 5930 8100 16340 12440 17900 15750 20660 16910
450 . . . . 453 5330 9650 17720 13020 19950 16250 23040 17550
. . . . 455 4730 10250 17020 13720 19050 17140 22140 18440
. . . . 457 4130 10840 16270 14460 18000 18180 21090 19480
For 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors in a horizontal type of construction,
the admissible cantilever forces are specified with regard to the
axial forces, see Page 0/69.
Data is available for 1LL8 motors on request.
Values shown without assuming a cantilever force on the shaft
The admissible loads apply to operation at 50 Hz; please inquire
about 60 Hz.
The figures for the admissible axial loads have been calculated
assuming that standard coupling types are used for the drive.
For suppliers, see the relevant catalog part, section
Please inquire if the loading direction alternates.

0/74 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Modular technology It can also be ordered separately and retrofitted (please inquire
beforehand), Order No. 1XP8 001-1 or 1XP8 001-2 (see catalog
Basic versions part 2 “Standard motors”, “Accessories”).
The range of potential applications for the 1LA and 1LG motors The 1XP8 001 rotary pulse encoder is suitable for standard ap-
can be broadened considerably by mounting the following mod- plications. The encoder does not have insulated bearings; there-
ules (e.g. the motors can be used as brake motors). fore, it cannot be recommended at the risk of bearing currents in
• 1XP8 001 rotary pulse encoder, frame sizes 71 M to 315 L combination with insulated bearing cartridge NDE, order code
• Separately driven fan, frame sizes 100 L to 315 L L27, or with insulated bearing cartridge DE. For further encod-
ers, see “Special technology” from Page 0/85.
• Brake, frame sizes 63 to 315 L
All 1LG4 and 1LG6 motors that are listed in the catalog have an
The brake must always be mounted in the factory for safety rea- M16 center hole, form DS on the non-drive end (NDE). When a
sons. The rotary pulse encoder and/or the separately driven fan rotary pulse encoder is mounted, the length of the motor in-
can also be retrofitted. creases by Δ I. For an explanation of the additional dimensions
The degree of protection of the motors with modular technology and weights, see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights”.
is IP55. Higher degrees of protection on request. The rotary pulse encoders of “Modular technology” and “Special
When a rotary pulse encoder, brake or separately driven fan is technology” are fitted as standard with a protective cover made
mounted, the length of the motor increases by Δ I. For an expla- of plastic. A protective cover made of non-corrosive sheet steel
nation of the additional dimensions and weights, see “Technol- is available for 1LA5, 1LA6 and 1LA7 motors, see “Mechanical
ogy”, “Dimensions and weights”. protection for encoders”, order code M68, under “Mechanical
design and degrees of protection”.
1XP8 001 rotary pulse encoder


10 -0.02


5.5 4,3
36.5 0.5 46.1 12

Mounting dimensions of 1XP8 001 rotary pulse encoder

1XP8 001 rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 °C and higher
The rotary pulse encoder can be supplied already mounted in than +40 °C on request.
an HTL version as 1XP8 001-1 with order code H57 or in a TTL
version as 1XP8 001-2 with order code H58. The rotary pulse
encoder can only be mounted on a standard non-drive end
(NDE), i.e. a second shaft extension or protective cover cannot
be supplied.
Technical data of rotary pulse encoders
Supply voltage UB 1XP8 001-1 (HTL version) 1XP8 001-2 (TTL version)
+10 V to +30 V 5 V ±10 %
Current input without load 200 mA 150 mA
Admissible load current per output max. 100 mA max. 20 mA
Pulses per revolution 1024 1024
Outputs 2 square-wave pulses A, B – 2 inverted square-wave pulses A, B
Zero pulse and inverted zero pulse
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 % 90° ±20 %
Output amplitude UHigh >UB –3.5 V UHigh >2.5 V
ULow <3 V ULow <0.5 V
Minimum edge interval 0.8 μs at 160 kHz 0.45 μs at 300 kHz
Edge steepness t+, t– ≤200 ns t+, t– ≤100 ns
(without load or cable)
Maximum frequency 160 kHz 300 kHz
Maximum speed 9000 rpm 12000 rpm
Temperature range –20 to +80 °C –20 to +100 °C
Degree of protection IP66 IP66
Admissible radial cantilever force 60 N 60 N
Admissible axial force 40 N 40 N
Termination system 12-pin connector (mating connector is supplied)
Certification CSA, UL CSA, UL
Weight 0.3 kg 0.3 kg

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/75

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Separately driven fan plain text are required for supply voltages outside the rated volt-
age ranges for 1LG motors. Please note the direction of rotation
The use of a separately driven fan is recommended to increase of the separately driven fan (axial-flow fan) when connecting it.
motor utilization at low speeds and to limit noise generation at The admissible coolant temperatures for frame sizes 100 to
speeds significantly higher than the synchronous speed. Both of 225 1) are CTmin. –25 °C and CTmax. +65 °C 2), lower/higher cool-
these results can only be achieved with converter-fed operation. ant temperatures on request. The admissible coolant tempera-
Please inquire about traction and vibratory operation. tures for frame sizes 250 to 315 are CTmin. –20 °C and CTmax.
The separately driven fan can be supplied already fitted, order +50 °C, lower/higher coolant temperatures on request.
code G17. When a separately driven fan is mounted, the length of the motor
It can also be ordered separately and retrofitted. For selection increases by Δ I. For an explanation of the additional dimensions
information and order numbers, see catalog part 2 “Standard and weights, see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights”.
motors”, “Accessories”. A rating plate listing all the important
data is fitted to the separately driven fan. Order code Y81 and
Technical data of the separately driven fan (in accordance with tolerance DIN EN 60034-1)
Frame size Rated voltage range Frequency Rated speed Power consumption Rated current
V Hz rpm kW A
100 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2790 0.075 0.29
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2830 0.086 0.27
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2830 0.086 0.16
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3280 0.094 0.28
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3490 0.093 0.27
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3490 0.093 0.16
112 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2720 0.073 0.26
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2770 0.085 0.27
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2770 0.085 0.15
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3000 0.107 0.31
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3280 0.094 0.28
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3280 0.094 0.16
132 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2860 0.115 0.40
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2880 0.138 0.45
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2880 0.138 0.24
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3380 0.185 0.59
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3470 0.148 0.41
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3470 0.148 0.24
160 to 225 3) 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2780 0.236 0.96
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2840 0.220 0.76
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2830 0.220 0.43
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3400 0.284 0.94
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3400 0.284 0.56
250 M to 280 M 3 AC 200 to 240 Δ 50 2720 0.450 2.00
3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2720 0.450 1.15
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3320 0.520 1.05
315 3 AC 200 to 240 Δ 50 2750 0.650 2.85
2-pole 3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2750 0.650 1.64
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3365 0.750 1.60
315 3 AC 200 to 240 Δ 50 2720 0.450 2.00
4, 6, 8-pole 3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2720 0.450 1.15
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3320 0.520 1.05

1) Separately driven fans with order numbers 1PP. ... are used for 1LG
motors of frame size 225 and above. The admissible coolant temperatures
are CTmin. –20 °C and CTmax. +50 °C
2) The admissible coolant temperature for single phase versions (1AC) for
frame size 160 and above is CTmax. +50 °C.
3) Separately driven fans with order numbers 1PP. ... are used for 1LG
motors of frame size 225 and above. The values for frame sizes 250 M to
280 M are then applicable.

0/76 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

Mounting of separately driven fan and rotary pulse encoder with separately driven fan for 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7 and 1LG motors 0
Version Frame size Number of poles Order No.
Separately driven fan 100 all 2CW2 180-8RF54-1AB0
incl. mounting parts 112 all 2CW2 210-8RF54-1AB1
132 all 2CW2 250-8RF54-1AB2
160 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB3
180 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB4
200 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB5
225 2) all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB6
250 all 1PP9 063-2LA12-Z A11+K50 3)
280 all 1PP9 063-2LA12-Z A11+K50 3)
315 2 1PP9 070-2LA12-Z A11+K50 3)
315 4 to 8 1PP9 063-2LA12-Z A11+K50 3)
Separately driven fan and rotary 100 all 2CW2 180-8RF54-2AB0
pulse encoder 112 all 2CW2 210-8RF54-2AB1
1XP8 001-1 (HTL) 4)
incl. mounting parts 1) 132 all 2CW2 250-8RF54-2AB2
160 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB3
180 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB4
200 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB5
225 2) all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB6

Spring-operated disk brakes are used for the brakes with order
code G26. Depending on the selected motor, brake types S Gap
2LM8 or KFB are used. In the standard version, the brakes are
supplied for connection to 230 V with rectifier. The supply vol-
tage for brakes is explained under “Modular technology – Addi-
tional versions”. Friction surface Solenoid
For the design of each brake type, the braking time, run-on assembly
revolutions, braking energy per braking procedure as well as the Armature disk Pressure
service life of the brake linings, see “Configuration of motors with springs
When a brake is mounted, the length of the motor increases
by Δ I. For an explanation of the additional dimensions and
weights, see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights”. When a
brake is mounted on a 1LA7 motor, a larger connection box
(GK 127) is used for frame sizes 63 to 90.
Hub Shaft
2LM8 spring-operated disk brake
This brake is mounted on 1LA5 and 1LA7 motors in the frame Axially shiftable
sizes 63 to 225 and on 1LG motors in the frame sizes 180 to 225 rotor
as standard.
The 2LM8 brake has IP55 degree of protection.
Please inquire if motors with brakes are to be operated below the G_D081_EN_00076 springs
freezing point or in very humid environments (e.g. close to the
sea) with long standstill times.
Design and mode of operation Design of the 2LM8 spring-operated disk brake
The brake takes the form of a single-disk brake with two friction Rating plate
surfaces. The motors have a second rating plate on the opposite side
The braking torque is generated by friction when pressure is ap- to the motor rating plate. The brake data is indicated on this
plied by one or more pressure springs in the de-energized state. second rating plate.
The brake is released electromagnetically.
When the motor brakes, the rotor which can be axially shifted on
the hub or the shaft is pressed via the armature disk against the
friction surface by means of the springs. In the braked state,
there is a gap SGap between the armature disk and the solenoid
component. To release the brake, the solenoid is energized with
DC voltage. The resulting magnetic force pulls the armature disk
against the spring force on to the solenoid component. The
spring force is then no longer applied to the rotor which can
rotate freely.

1) 3)
The separately driven fan 2CW2 ... comprises a complete fan unit with For replacement purposes only.
impeller, the separately driven fan 1PP9 ... only comprises the fan motor 4)
Rotary pulse encoder 1XP8001-2 (TTL) on request.
without mounting components and impeller.
For 1LG motors with separately driven fan with Order No.. 1PP9 063-
2LA12-Z A11+K50 (weight 4.37 kg).

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Operating values for spring-operated brakes with standard excitation Service capability
of the brake
For motor Brake type Rated Rated braking torque in Supply Current/power Brake Brake Brake Noise Lifetime Air gap
frame braking relation to rated brak- voltage input 1) applica- release moment level Lp of brake adjust-
size torque at ing torque at 100 rpm tion time time of inertia with rated lining L ment
100 rpm in % for the following t2 2) air gap required
speeds after
1500 3000 Max. braking
rpm rpm speed energy
Nm % % % V A W ms ms kg m2 dB (A) Nm ⋅ 106 Nm ⋅ 106
63 2LM8 005-1NA10 5 87 80 65 AC 230 0.1 20 25 56 0.000013 77 105 16
2LM8 005-1NA60 AC 400 0.11
2LM8 005-1NA80 DC 24 0.83
71 2LM8 005-2NA10 5 87 80 65 AC 230 0.1 20 25 56 0.000013 77 105 16
2LM8 005-2NA60 AC 400 0.11
2LM8 005-2NA80 DC 24 0.83
80 2LM8 010-3NA10 10 85 78 65 AC 230 0.12 25 26 70 0.000045 75 270 29
2LM8 010-3NA60 AC 400 0.14
2LM8 010-3NA80 DC 24 1.04
90 2LM8 020-4NA10 20 83 76 66 AC 230 0.15 32 37 90 0.00016 75 740 79
2LM8 020-4NA60 AC 400 0.17
2LM8 020-4NA80 DC 24 1.25
100 2LM8 040-5NA10 40 81 74 66 AC 230 0.2 40 43 140 0.00036 80 1350 115
2LM8 040-5NA60 AC 400 0.22
2LM8 040-5NA80 DC 24 1.67
112 2LM8 060-6NA10 60 80 73 65 AC 230 0.25 53 60 210 0.00063 77 1600 215
2LM8 060-6NA60 AC 400 0.28
2LM8 060-6NA80 DC 24 2.1
132 2LM8 100-7NA10 100 79 72 65 AC 230 0.27 55 50 270 0.0015 77 2450 325
2LM8 100-7NA60 AC 400 0.31
2LM8 100-7NA80 DC 24 2.3
160 2LM8 260-8NA10 260 75 68 65 AC 230 0.5 100 165 340 0.0073 79 7300 935
2LM8 260-8NA60 AC 400 0.47
2LM8 260-8NA80 DC 24 4.2
180 2LM8 315-0NA10 315 75 68 65 AC 230 0.5 100 152 410 0.0073 79 5500 470
2LM8 315-0NA60 AC 400 0.56
2LM8 315-0NA80 DC 24 4.2
200, 225 2LM8 400-0NA10 400 73 68 65 AC 230 0.55 110 230 390 0.0200 93 9450 1260
2LM8 400-0NA60 AC 400 0.61
2LM8 400-0NA80 DC 24 4.6

1) For 400 V AC and for 24 V DC, the power can deviate by up to +10 % as a
function of the selected supply voltage.
2) The specified switching times are valid for switching on the DC side with a
rated release travel and with the coil already warm. They are average
values which may vary depending on factors such as the rectifier type and
the release travel. The brake application time for switching on the AC side,
for example, is approximately 6 times longer than for switching on the DC

0/78 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Lifetime of the brake lining Admissible speeds 0
The braking energy LN up to when the brake should be adjusted, The maximum admissible speeds from which emergency stops
depends on various factors. The main influencing factors in- can be made, are listed in the table. These speeds should be
clude the masses to be braked, the operating speed, the switch- considered as recommended values and must be checked un-
ing frequency and therefore the temperature at the frictional sur- der actual operating conditions.
faces. It is therefore not possible to specify a value for the friction
energy until readjustment that is valid for all operating condi- The maximum admissible friction energy depends on the switch-
tions. ing frequency and is shown for the various brakes in the figure
“Admissible switching energy as a function of the switching fre-
The specific wear on the friction surfaces (volume of wear per quency”. Increased wear can be expected when the brakes are
unit of friction energy) is approximately 0.05 to 2 cm3/kWh when used for emergency stops.
the brake is used as a service brake.

10 6
Admissible switching energy Q adm

2LM8 400
10 5
2LM8 315
2LM8 260

2LM8 100
2LM8 060
2LM8 040
2LM8 020
2LM8 010

2LM8 005

10 3

10 2

1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4
Switching frequency S n

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/79

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Admissible speeds Changing the braking torque Readjusting the air gap
For motor Brake type Max. operat- Max. no-load rpm with Reduction Dim. “O1” Min. braking Rated air gap Max. air gap Min. rotor
frame size ing rpm if emergency stop function per notch torque SGap Rated SGap max. thickness
max. operat- hmin.
ing energy Horizontal Vertical
utlised mounting mounting
rpm rpm rpm Nm mm Nm mm mm mm
63 2LM8 005-1NA . . 3000 6000 6000 0.17 7.0 3.7 0.2 0.4 4.5
71 2LM8 005-2NA . . 3000 6000 6000 0.17 7.0 3.7 0.2 0.4 4.5
80 2LM8 010-3NA . . 3000 6000 6000 0.35 8.0 7.0 0.2 0.45 5.5
90 2LM8 020-4NA . . 3000 6000 6000 0.76 7.5 18.2 0.2 0.55 7.5
100 2LM8 040-5NA . . 3000 6000 6000 1.29 12.5 21.3 0.3 0.65 8.0
112 2LM8 060-6NA . . 3000 6000 6000 1.66 11.0 32.8 0.3 0.75 7.5
132 2LM8 100-7NA . . 3000 5300 5000 1.55 13.0 61.1 0.3 0.75 8.0
160 2LM8 260-8NA . . 1500 4400 3200 5.6 17.0 157.5 0.4 1.2 12.0
180 2LM8 315-0NA . . 1500 4400 3200 5.6 17.0 178.4 0.4 1.0 12.0
200, 225 2LM8 400-0NA . . 1500 3000 3000 6.15 21.0 248.7 0.5 1.5 15.5

Changing the braking torque KFB spring-operated brake

The brake is supplied with the braking torque already set. For This brake is the standard brake for 1LG motors in frame sizes
2LM8 brakes, the torque can be reduced to the dimension O1 by 250 to 315. For frame sizes 180 to 225, apart from the standard
unscrewing the adjusting ring with a hook spanner. The braking brake 2LM8, KFB brakes can also be supplied. Special brake
torque changes by the values shown in the above table for each selections are available on request.
notch of the adjusting ring.
Readjusting the air gap
Under normal operating conditions, the brake is practically
maintenance-free. The air gap SGap must only be checked
at regular intervals if the application requires an extremely
large amount of frictional energy and readjusted to the rated
gap SGap Rated at the latest when the maximum air gap SGap max.
is reached.


KFB spring-operated brake

The KFB solenoid double-disk spring-operated brake is a safety
brake which brakes the motor if the supply is disconnected
(power failure, emergency stop). The KFB brake, IP65 degree of
protection, is mainly used for electric motors for traversing,
cross-traversing and lifting gear in cranes as well as
for special industrial applications.
Design and mode of operation
When the brake current is switched on, an electromagnetic field
S Gap O develops which overcomes the spring force of the brake. The
h min. (S Gap rated ) O1 corresponding modules, including the motor shaft, can rotate
(S Gap max. ) freely. The brake is released. If the brake current is switched off
or if there is a power failure, the electromagnetic field of the
brake disappears. The mechanical braking energy is transferred
to the motor shaft. The motor is braked.

0/80 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

Axially shiftable
Rating plate 0
Hub friction plate The motors have a rating plate that indicates the brake data on
Solenoid Shaft the opposite side to the motor rating plate.
Other characteristics of the KFB brake
• High IP65 degree of protection
• Corrosion-resistant in seawater and in the tropics.
• The brake is a dynamic brake, not simply a holding brake. For
this reason there is less wear, especially in the case of emer-
gency stops (commissioning).
• High wear reserves – repeated stepless air gap readjustment
is possible. This results in extremely long operating times and
low service and operating costs.
• The function and wear can be monitored with microswitches

and proximity switches. Microswitch On/Off is standard for LG
motors. Anti-condensation heating is possible as an option.
• Fully functional brake for enclosure acceptance test. Visual
inspection of brake is possible during operation.
• The brake (air gap) can be adjusted in the factory, for exam-
ple, and mounted on the motor without further adjustments.
The wear parts can be replaced without great outlay. After the
Pressure springs housing has been opened (three screws), it is easy to replace
Armature disk Friction surface the friction plate. It is not necessary to disassemble the entire

Overview of brake selection for 1LG motors

For motor
Frame size
180 1) 200 1) 225 1) 250 2) 280 2) 315 2)
Number of poles 2 to 8 2 to 8 2 to 8 2 to 8 4 to 8 4 to 8
NDE bearing 6310C3 6312C3 6313C3 6215C3 6317C3 6319C3
Flange bearing plate for NDE brake A300 A350 A350 A400 A450 A550
Max. diameter for 2nd. shaft extension 48k6 55m6 55m6 48m6 65m6 70m6
Brake type KFB 25 KFB 40 KFB 40 KFB 63 KFB 100 KFB 160
Braking torque Nm 250 400 400 630 1000 1600
nmax. – IM B3 rpm 6000 5500 5500 4700 4000 3600
nmax. – IM V1 rpm 6000 5500 5500 4700 4000 3600
Output at 110 V DC W 158 196 196 220 307 344
Current at 230 V AC A 0.77 0.91 0.91 1 1.53 1.64
(207 V DC coil voltage)
Current at 400 V AC A 0.8 1.18 1.18 1.25 1.8 2.1
(180 V DC coil voltage)
Current at 110 V DC A 1.44 1.78 1.78 2 2.79 3.13
Current at 24 V DC A 5.21 6.92 9.62 8.17 12.2 12.8
Application time t2 ms 70 80 80 110 125 180
Release time ms 240 250 250 340 370 500
Brake moment of inertia Kg m2 0.0048 0.0068 0.0068 0.0175 0.036 0.050
Lifetime of brake lining L Nm ⋅ 106 3600 3110 3110 4615 7375 10945
Air gap adjustment required Nm ⋅ 106 810 935 935 1185 2330 3485
after braking energy LN

The standard brake for frame sizes 180 to 225 is the 2LM8 brake.
KFB brake on request.
The standard brake for frame sizes 250 to 315 is the KFB brake.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/81

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Configuration of motors with brakes In order to calculate the lifetime of the brake lining in terms of
operations Smax., then the lifetime of the brake lining L in Nm
Braking time must be divided by the braking energy Qadm:
The time it takes the motor to come to a standstill comprises two
components: L
S max =
a.) The application time of the brake t2 Q adm
b.) The braking time tBr
The interval between adjustments N in can be calculated in
J n rated terms of operations by dividing the braking energy LN which the
t Br = brake can output until it is necessary to readjust the working air
9.55 (T B TL )
gap by Qadm:

tBr Braking time in s LN

J Total moment of inertia in kgm Q adm
nRated Rated speed of the motor with brake in rpm
TB Rated braking torque in Nm
TL Average load torque in Nm
(if TL supports braking, TL is positive)

Braking energy per braking operation Qadm

The braking energy per braking operation in Nm comprises the
energy of the moments of inertia to be braked QKin and the en-
ergy QL, which must be applied in order to brake against a load
Qadm = QKin + QL
a.) The energy of the moments of inertia in Nm
J n rated
Q Kin =

nRated Rated speed before braking in rpm

J Total moment of inertia in kgm2
b.) The braking energy in Nm against a load torque:

T L n rated t Br
QL =

TL average load torque in Nm

TL is positive if it acts against the brake
TL is negative if it supports the brake

Run-on revolutions U
The number of run-on revolutions U of the motor with brake can
be calculated as follows:

n rated t Br
U= t2 +
60 2

t2 Brake application time in ms

Lifetime of the brake lining L and readjustment of the air gap

The brake lining wears due to friction which increases the air gap
and the release time for the brake at standard excitation.
When the brake lining is worn out, it can be replaced easily.

0/82 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Additional versions 0
Depending on the selected motor, brake types 2LM8 or KFB are
2LM8 spring-operated disk brake KFB spring-operated brake
Motor series
This brake is mounted on 1LA5 and 1LA7 motors in the frame sizes 63 to 225 This brake is the standard brake for 1LG motors in frame sizes 250 to 315.
and on 1LG motors in the frame sizes 180 to 225 as standard.
Voltage and frequency
The solenoids and the rectifiers of the brakes are designed for connection to The solenoids and the rectifiers of the brakes are designed for connection to
the following voltages: the following voltages:
1 AC 50 Hz 230 V ±10 % or 1 AC 50 Hz 230 V ±10 %
1 AC 60 Hz 230 V ±10 %
When 60 Hz is used, the voltage for the brake must not be increased! When 60 Hz is used, the voltage for the brake must not be increased!
The brake can also be supplied for other voltages: The brake can also be supplied for other voltages:
• Brake supply voltage: 24 V DC • Brake supply voltage: 24 V DC
Order code C00 Order code C00
• Brake supply voltage: 400 V AC • Brake supply voltage: 400 V AC
(directly at the terminal strip) (directly at the terminal strip)
Order code C01 Order code C01
• Brake supply voltage: 180 V DC, for operation on MM411 ECOFAST
(directly at the terminal strip)
Order code C02
Order codes C00, C01 and C02 may only be used in conjunction with order The codes C00 and C01 may only be used in conjunction with Code G26.
code G26.
Labeled terminals are provided in the main connection box of the motor to The motors are equipped with an additional connection box on the side of
connect the brake. the main connection box that is used specifically for connection of the brake.
The AC voltage for the brake excitation winding is connected to the two free KFB brakes are connected through a standard bridge or half-wave rectifier.
terminals of the rectifier block (~). See the circuit diagrams below.
The brake can be released when the motor is at a standstill by separately A special circuit is not required. Optimal switching times are achieved with-
exciting the solenoid. In this case, an AC voltage must be connected at the out the need to use special circuits.
rectifier block terminals. The brake remains released as long as this voltage is
The rectifier is protected against overvoltages by varistors in the input and
output circuits.
For 24 V DC brakes, the brake terminals are directly connected to the DC
voltage source.
See the circuit diagrams below.
Fast brake application
If the brake is disconnected from the line supply, the brake is applied. The Not available for the KFB brake.
application time for the brake disk is delayed as a result of the inductance of
the solenoid (shutdown on the AC side). This results in a considerable delay
before the brake is mechanically applied. In order to achieve short brake
application times, the circuit must be interrupted on the DC side. To realize
this, the wire jumpers, located between contacts 1+ and 2+ at the rectifier are
removed and replaced by the contact of an external switch (see circuit dia-
grams below).
For 1LG motors with a 2LM8 brake, “Fast application of the brake” is not pos-
sible in the standard version. Please contact your local Siemens office for
Manual brake release with lever
The brakes can be supplied with a mechanical manual release with lever. The brake can be released manually with screws as standard. Mechanical
Order code K82. manual release with a lever can be ordered with
The dimensions of the brake lever depend on the motor frame size and can Order code K82.
be read from the dimension drawing generator for motors in the The dimensions of the brake lever depend on the motor frame size and can
SD configurator tool for low-voltage motors. be read from the dimension drawing generator for motors in the
SD configurator tool for low-voltage motors.

Bridge rectifier / half-wave rectifier

Brakes are connected through a standard bridge or half-wave
rectifier or directly to the 2LM8 or KFB brake. See the circuit
diagrams below.

D1 1+ 2+
1+ 2+ 2+
2+ D1 D2

V1 D2 V2

D4 D3 _


Half-wave rectifier 400 V AC Bridge rectifier, 230 V AC

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/83

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

L+ L-

Brake connection for 24 V DC

Combinations of basic versions

The following combinations of modular technology can be sup-
plied by the factory when ordered using the predefined order
Mounting of brake 1) and 1XP8 001 rotary pulse encoder
The brake (order code G26) and the rotary pulse encoder
1XP8 001-1 HTL (order code H57) can be supplied already
mounted in combination.
Order code H62.
The brake (order code G26) and the rotary pulse encoder
1XP8 001-2 TTL (order code H58) can be supplied already
mounted in combination.
Order code H98.

Mounting of separately driven fan and 1XP8 001 rotary pulse

The separately driven fan (order code G17) and the rotary pulse
encoder 1XP8 001-1 HTL (order code H57) can be supplied
already mounted in combination.
Order code H61.
The separately driven fan (order code G17) and the rotary pulse
encoder 1XP8 001-2 TTL (order code H58) can be supplied
already mounted in combination.
Order code H97.

Mounting of brake 1) and separately driven fan

The brake (order code G26) and separately driven fan (order
code G17) can be supplied already mounted in combination.
Order code H63.

Mounting of brake,1) separately driven fan and 1XP8 001 rotary

pulse encoder
The brake (order code G26), the separately driven fan (order
code G17) and the rotary pulse encoder 1XP8 001-1 HTL (order
code H57) can be supplied already mounted in combination.
Order code H64.
The brake (order code G26), the separately driven fan (order
code G17) and the rotary pulse encoder 1XP8 001-2 TTL (order
code H58) can be supplied already mounted in combination.
Order code H99.

When a rotary pulse encoder, brake or separately driven fan is

mounted, the length of the motor increases by Δ I. For an expla-
nation of the additional dimensions and weights, see “Technol-
ogy”, “Dimensions and weights”.

The spring-operated brake 2LM8 (see from Page 0/77) is mounted as
standard on 1LA5 and 1LA7 motors in the frame sizes 63 to 225 and on
1LG motors in frame sizes 180 to 225.
For 1LG motors in the frame sizes 250 to 315 the spring-operated brake
KFB is the standard brake (see from Page 0/80).

0/84 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Special technology The LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder can be retrofitted. The
motor must be prepared for this. When the motor is ordered, or-
Prepared for mounting MICROMASTER Integrated (MMI) der code H78 must be specified. The rotary pulse encoder is not
Converter mounting is possible for motor series 1LA7 frame part of the scope of supply in this case. The mounting compo-
sizes 56 to 132 for 230 VΔ/400 VY if the MICROMASTER DA 51.3 nents required will be supplied. For motors in Zone 2 (Ex n), a
type is specified. Not possible for motors with special insulation special rotary pulse encoder can be supplied (please inquire).
for 690 V. The version of the rotary pulse encoder with a diagnostics sys-
Order code H15 tem (ADS) can be supplied by Leine and Linde.
Brake (specially for 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motor series) Manufacturer:
For motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8, a solenoid double-disk spring- Leine and Linde (Germany) GmbH
operated brake of type NFA (from Stromag) can be supplied at Bahnhofstraße 36
the drive end (DE). The brake can only be used as a holding 73430 Aalen
brake. See the table below for values for the holding brake Tel. +49 (0)73 61-78093-0
torque. Fax +49 (0)73 61-78093-11
Order code H47, price on request
For motors Brake size Holding brake torque e-mail:
1LA8, 1PQ8 NFA Nm 24.5
31 . 160/250 2500

35 . 160/250 2500
250/400 4000

40 . 250/400 4000

400/630 6300

45 . 400/630 6300
630/1000 10000
When a brake is mounted, the length of the motor increases by
Δ I. For an explanation of the additional dimensions and weights, 67
see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights”.
The brake is generally procured and mounted by the factory. Mounting dimensions of LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder
Further information is available on request. Technical data for LL 861 900 220 (HTL version)
The “Special technology” comprises rotary pulse encoders for Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 °C and higher
frame sizes 100 L to 450 of 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA8 and 1LG4/6 than +40 °C on request.
motors. Please inquire about the specified rotary pulse encoders
for 1LA9 motors. Supply voltage UB 9 V to +30 V
The order codes listed under “Special technology” cannot be Current input without load max. 80 mA
combined in the case of 1LA motors with order codes from the Admissible load current per output 40 mA
modular technology range. Pulses per revolution 1024
For 1LG motors, order codes G17 (mounting of separately Outputs 6 short-circuit proof square-wave
driven fan), G26 (mounting of brake) and H63 (mounting of pulses A, A', B, B', 0, 0',
brake and separately driven fan) from the modular technology High Current HTL
range can be combined with the “Special technology” rotary Pulse offset between the two 90° ±25° el.
pulse encoders. outputs
When a rotary pulse encoder is mounted, the length of the motor Output amplitude UHigh > UB – 4 V
ULow <2.5 V
increases by Δ I. For an explanation of the additional dimensions
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±10 %
and weights, see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights”.
Edge steepness 50 V/μs (without load)
LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder Maximum frequency 100 kHz for 350 m cable
Admissible speed 4000 rpm
Temperature range –20 to +80 °C
Degree of protection IP65
Admissible radial cantilever force 300 N
Admissible axial force 100 N
Termination system Terminal strips in encoder, cable
connection M20 x 1.5 radial
Weight Approx. 1.3 kg

Mounting a special type of rotary pulse encoder

For motor series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8, if the encoder designa-
tion is specified in the order, a special type of rotary pulse en-
coder can be supplied already mounted, provided the technical
executability is given. In this case, the encoder is procured by
the factory. When ordering, specify the rotary pulse encoder in
With its rugged construction, this rotary pulse encoder is also plain text.
suitable for difficult operating environments. It is resistant to Order code Y70. Price and availability on request.
shock and vibration and has insulated bearings.
The LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder can be supplied
already mounted.
Order code H70.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/85

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 HOG9 D 1024 l rotary pulse encoder Technical data for HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder
(HTL version)
Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 °C and higher
than +40 °C on request.
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
Current input without load 50 to 100 mA
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA (peak)
Pulses per revolution 1024
Outputs 4 short-circuit proof square-wave
pulses A, B and A', B'
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
Output amplitude UHigh ≥UB– 3.5 V
ULow ≤1.5 V
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
Edge steepness 10 V/μs
Maximum frequency 120 kHz
Maximum speed 7000 rpm
Temperature range –30 to +100 °C
Degree of protection IP56
The encoder is fitted with insulated bearings. Admissible radial cantilever force 300 N
The HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder can be supplied Admissible axial force 200 N
already mounted. Termination system Radial plug (mating connector is part
Order code H72. of the scope of supply)
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 73 522 E
The HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder can be retrofitted. Ident. No.
The motor must be prepared for this. When the motor is ordered, Weight Approx. 0.7 kg
order code H79 must be specified. The rotary pulse encoder
is not part of the scope of supply in this case. The mounting
components required will be supplied.
Baumer Hübner GmbH
Planufer 92b
10967 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30-6 90 03-0
Fax +49 (0)30-6 90 03-1 04

16 H7



HOG 9 D 1024 l rotary pulse encoder

0/86 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
HOG 10 D rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder 0
The rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 D 1024 I can be supplied
already mounted.
Order code H73
The rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 D 1024 I can also be retrofit-
ted to a motor prepared for this. When the motor is ordered, or-
der code H80 must be specified. The rotary pulse encoder is not
part of the scope of supply in this case. The mounting compo-
nents required will be supplied.
Technical data for HOG 10 D 1024 I (HTL version)
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
Current input without load Approx. 100 mA
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA (peak)
Pulses per revolution 1024
Outputs 4 short-circuit proof square-wave
pulses A, B and A', B'
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
Output amplitude UHigh ≥UB – 3.5 V
This encoder is extremely rugged and is therefore suitable for ULow ≤1.5 V
difficult operating conditions. It is fitted with insulated bearings. Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
Edge steepness 10 V/μs
The HOG 10 D rotary pulse encoder can be supplied already Maximum frequency 120 kHz
mounted in different versions. The manufacturer is the same;
Maximum speed 7000 rpm
only the technical data and the respective dimensions and
weights change. Temperature range –40 to +100 °C
Degree of protection IP66
Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 °C and higher Admissible radial cantilever force 400 N
than +40 °C on request. Admissible axial force 250 N
Manufacturer: Termination system Terminals, cable connection
Baumer Hübner GmbH M20 x 1.5
Planufer 92b Mech. design acc. to Hübner Ident. 74 055 E
10967 Berlin No.
Tel. +49 (0)30-6 90 03-0 Weight Approx. 1.6 kg
Fax +49 (0)30-6 90 03-1 04 Rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I,
e-mail: connection box protection against moisture
The rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I can be supplied
with the already mounted connection box in version with protec-
G_D081_EN_00211 tion against moisture (IP56).
Order code J15
Technical data HOG 10 DN 1024 l (HTL version),
16 H7

connection box protection against moisture


Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V

Current input without load Approx. 100 mA
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak
94 (2) Pulses per revolution 1024
112 (1) Outputs 6 short-circuit proof square-wave
148.5 (3) pulses A, B and A', B', N, N'
151.5 (4) Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
(1) Standard – Order code H73 Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V
(2) With connection boxes – Order codes J15, J16 ULow ≤ 1.5 V
(3) With mechanical centrifugal switch (FSL) – Order codes Y74, Y76 Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
(4) With electronical speed switch (ESL) – Order code Y79 Edge steepness 10 V/μs
Maximum frequency 120 kHz
HOG 10 D 1024 rotary pulse encoder Maximum speed 7000 rpm
Temperature range –40 to +100 °C
Degree of protection IP66
Max. admissible radial cantilever 400 N
Max. admissible axial force 250 N
Termination system Terminals, cable connection
M20 x 1.5
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 74 007E-HOG10
Ident. No.
Weight Approx. 1.6 kg

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/87

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I,
connection box protection against dust
Rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL,
(speed … rpm), connection box protection against moisture
The rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I can be supplied The rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I can be supplied
with the already mounted connection box in version with protec- with the already mounted connection box in version with protec-
tion against dust (IP65). tion against moisture (IP56) and mechanical centrifugal switch
Order code J16 (FSL).
An operating speed of the centrifugal switch within the admissi-
Technical data HOG 10 DN 1024 I (HTL version), ble range must be specified in plain text, see technical data of
connection box protection against dust the rotary pulse encoder.
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V Order code Y74
Current input without load Approx. 100 mA
Technical data HOG 10 DN 1024 I (HTL version) + FSL,
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak (speed .... rpm), connection box protection against moisture
Pulses per revolution 1024
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
Outputs 6 short-circuit proof square-wave
pulses A, B and A', B', N, N' Current input without load Approx. 100 mA
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 % Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak
Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V Pulses per revolution 1024
ULow ≤ 1.5 V Outputs 6 short-circuit proof square-wave
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 % pulses A, B and A', B', N, N'
Edge steepness 10 V/μs Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
Maximum frequency 120 kHz Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V
ULow ≤ 1.5 V
Maximum speed 7000 rpm
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
Temperature range –40 to +100 °C
Edge steepness 10 V/μs
Degree of protection IP66
Maximum frequency 120 kHz
Max. admissible radial cantilever 400 N
force Maximum speed 7000 rpm
Max. admissible axial force 250 N Temperature range –40 to +100 °C
Termination system Terminals, cable connection Degree of protection IP66
M20 x 1.5 Max. admissible radial cantilever 400 N
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 74 006E-HOG10 force
Ident. No. Max. admissible axial force 250 N
Weight Approx. 1.6 kg Centrifugal switch
Operating speed 850 ... 4900 rpm
Maximum speed 1.25 x n
Differential gap, clockwise/counter- ≈ 3%
Speed hysteresis ≈ 40 %
Switching capacity 6 A/230 V AC; 1 A 125 V DC
Termination system Terminals, cable connection
M20 x 1.5 + M20 x 1.5
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 74 035F-HOG10
Ident. No.
Weight Approx. 2.1 kg

0/88 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
Rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I +FSL,
connection box protection against dust
Rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I + ESL 93,
(speed … rpm), connection box protection against dust
The rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I can be supplied The rotary pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I can be supplied
with the already mounted connection box in version with protec- with the already mounted connection box in version with protec-
tion against dust (IP65) and mechanical centrifugal switch (FSL). tion against dust (IP65) and electronical speed switch (ESL).
An operating speed of the centrifugal switch within the admissi- One up to three operating speeds of the electronical switch
ble range must be specified in plain text, see technical data of within the admissible range must be specified in plain text, see
the rotary pulse encoder. technical data of the rotary pulse encoder.
Order code Y76 Order code Y79
Technical data HOG 10 DN 1024 I (HTL version +) + FSL, Technical data HOG 10 DN 1024 I (HTL version) + ESL 93,
(speed …. rpm), connection box protection against dust (speed …. rpm), connection box protection against dust
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
Current input without load Approx. 100 mA Current input without load Approx. 100 mA
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak
Pulses per revolution 1024 Pulses per revolution 1024
Outputs 6 short-circuit proof square-wave Outputs 6 short-circuit proof square-wave
pulses A, B and A', B', N, N' pulses A, B and A', B', N, N'
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 % Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V
ULow ≤ 1.5 V ULow ≤ 1.5 V
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 % Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
Edge steepness 10 V/μs Edge steepness 10 V/μs
Maximum frequency 120 kHz Maximum frequency 120 kHz
Maximum speed 7000 rpm Maximum speed 7000 rpm
Temperature range –40 to +100 °C Temperature range –40 to +100 °C
Degree of protection IP66 Degree of protection IP66
Max. admissible radial cantilever 400 N Max. admissible radial cantilever 400 N
force force
Max. admissible axial force 250 N Max. admissible axial force 250 N
Centrifugal switch Electronical switch
Operating speed 850 ... 4900 rpm Operating speed 3 x 200 ... 5000 rpm
Maximum speed 1.25 x n Maximum speed 6000 rpm
Differential gap, clockwise/counter- ≈ 3% Switching accuracy ± (2-4) %
clockwise Switching capacity 3 x 49 mADC
Speed hysteresis ≈ 40 % With relay module 3 x 6 A/230 V AC; 1 A 125 V DC
Switching capacity 6 A/230 V AC; 1 A 125 V DC (external relay module required!)
Termination system Terminals, cable connection Differential gap, clockwise/ ≈3%
M20 x 1.5 + M20 x 1.5 counter-clockwise
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 74 022F-HOG10 Speed hysteresis max. 30 %
Ident. No. Principle Electronics
Weight Approx. 2.1 kg Auxiliary power 12 V/5 mA
Termination system Terminals, cable connection
M20 x 1.5 + M20 x 1.5
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 74 031E-HOG10
Ident. No.
Weight Approx. 2.9 kg

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/89

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Dimensions and weight
Fig. 1 Brake Fig. 2 Brake for 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motor series at drive end (DE)
Order code G26 Order code H47
[optionally with manual release, order code K82]


Fig. 3 Rotary pulse encoders (on cover) Fig. 4 Brake and rotary pulse encoder (on cover) 1XP8 001
Order codes H57, H58, H70, H72, H73, Order codes H62, H98
(H78), (H79), (H80), J15, J16, Y74, Y76, Y79 [optionally with manual release, order code K82]

Ø 311

For motor series 1LA5 frame sizes 180 to 225 with separately driven fan,
the fan attachment becomes narrower on the non-drive end (NDE) of the motor housing.

0/90 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

1LA frame sizes 100 to 225, 1LG frame size 225 and above 0
1LG frame sizes 180 and 200
Fig. 5 Separately driven fan
Order code G17



Fig. 6 Brake and separately driven fan

Order code H63
[optionally with manual release K82]


l l

Fig. 7 Rotary pulse encoder (under cover) 1XP8 001 and separately driven fan
Order codes H61, H97



Fig. 8 Brake, rotary pulse encoder (under cover) 1XP8 001 and separately driven fan
Order codes H64, H99
[optionally with manual release (K82)]

l l

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/91

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data
0 Assignment
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Frame size Brake Brake Pulse encoder
1XP8 001 LL 861 HOG9 D HOG10 D
900220 1024 I 1024 I
Order code Order code Order code Order codes Order codes Order codes
G26 H47 H57, H58 H70 H72 H73 J15, J16 Y74, Y76 Y79
Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg
1LA7, 1LA5
63 51 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
71 51 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
80 54 2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
90 75 4 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
100 78 6 – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 – – – – – –
112 87 8 – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 – – – – – –
132 106 12 – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 – – – – – –
160 129 26 – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 – – – – – –
180 137 27 – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 – – – – – –
200 142 41 – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 – – – – – –
225 142 41 – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 – – – – – –
100 – – – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 116 1.6 – – – –
112 – – – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 116 1.6 – – – –
132 – – – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 116 1.6 – – – –
160 – – – – 78 0.3 91 1.3 89 0.9 134 1.6 116 1.6 – – – –
1LG4, 1LG6
180 125 22 – – 63 0.3 86 1.3 72 0.9 116 1.6 98 1.6 153 2.1 156 2.9
200 137 32 – – 63 0.3 86 1.3 72 0.9 116 1.6 98 1.6 153 2.1 156 2.9
225 239 63 – – 63 0.3 86 1.3 72 0.9 116 1.6 98 1.6 153 2.1 156 2.9
250 225 83 – – 63 0.3 86 1.3 72 0.9 116 1.6 98 1.6 153 2.1 156 2.9
280 227 118 – – 63 0.3 86 1.3 72 0.9 116 1.6 98 1.6 153 2.1 156 2.9
315 265 255 – – 63 0.3 86 1.3 72 0.9 116 1.6 98 1.6 153 2.1 156 2.9
1LA8, 1PQ8
315 – – 205 120 – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –
355 – – 225 165 – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –
400 – – 251 220 – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –
450 – – 270 325 – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –
315 – – – – – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –
355 – – – – – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –
400 – – – – – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –
450 – – – – – – 125 1.3 – – 125 1.6 – – – – – –

0/92 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LA, 1LG, 1LL, 1LP, 1MA, 1MJ, 1PP, 1PQ
General technical data

Assignment 0
Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8
Frame size Brake and Separately driven fan 1) Brake and Rotary pulse encoder Brake, rotary pulse Diameter
rotary pulse encoder separately driven fan (under the cowl) encoder (under the of the fan
(on cowl) 1XP8 001 and cowl) 1XP8 001 and cowl
1XP8 001 separately driven fan 1) separately driven fan 1)
Order codes Order code Order code Order codes Order codes
H62, H98 G17 H63 H61, H97 H64, H99
Δl Weight, Δl M Weight, Δl Weight, Δl Weight, Δl Weight,
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
mm kg mm mm kg mm kg kg kg mm mm
1LA7, 1LA5
63 – – – – – – – – – – – –
71 – – – – – – – – – – – –
80 – – – – – – – – – – – –
90 – – – – – – – – – – – –
100 156 6.3 141 30 4.0 141 10.0 226 4.3 226 10.3 202
112 165 8.3 158 30 4.5 158 12.5 226 4.8 226 12.8 227
132 184 12.3 177 40 5.5 177 17.5 247 5.8 247 17.8 226
160 207 26.3 227 40 7.0 227 33.0 289 7.3 289 33.3 320
180 215 27.3 269 40 10.0 269 37.0 269 10.3 269 37.3 311 (358)
200 220 41.3 272 40 11.0 272 52.0 272 11.3 272 52.3 311 (398)
225 220 41.3 272 40 11.0 272 52.0 272 11.3 272 52.3 311 (398)
100 – – 141 30 4.0 – – 226 4.3 – – 202
112 – – 158 30 4.5 – – 226 4.8 – – 227
132 – – 177 40 5.5 – – 247 5.8 – – 226
160 – – 227 40 7.0 – – 289 7.3 – – 320
1LG4, 1LG6
180 203 22.3 269 40 10.0 269 32 269 10.3 269 32.3 356
200 215 32.3 272 40 11.0 272 43 272 11.3 272 43.3 396
225 317 63.3 235 0 22.0 576 85 425 22.3 576 85.3 439
250 303 83.3 235 0 25.0 578 108 425 25.3 578 108.3 489
280 305 118.3 235 0 28.0 550 146 425 28.3 550 146.3 539
315 343 255.3 247 0 36.0 577 291 437 36.3 577 291.3 604
The values in brackets ( ) refer to the diameter of the motor
flange because this is larger than the diameter of the fan cowl
(see figure on Page 0/90).

For frame sizes 100 to 200 and for 1LA5 up to frame size 225, the dimen-
sions of the connection box for the separately driven fan, length x width x
height, are 95 mm x 105 mm x 54 mm. For motor series 1LG4/1LG6 (frame
sizes 225 to 315), the dimensions of the connection box for the separately
driven fan, length x width x height, are 75 mm x 75 mm x 38 mm.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1, 1PC1
Order No. code
0 ■ Overview
The order number consists of a combination of figures and let- For deviations in the second and third block from the catalog
ters and is divided into three blocks linked with hyphens for a codes, either -Z or 9 should be used as appropriate.
better overview, e.g.
1LE1001-1DB20-1AA5-Z Ordering data:
H00 • Complete Order No. and order code(s) or plain text.
The first block (Positions 1 to 7) identifies the motor type; the • If a quotation has been requested, please specify the quota-
second block (Positions 8 to 12) defines the motor frame size tion number in addition to the Order No.
and length, the number of poles and in some cases the • When ordering a complete motor as a spare part, please
frequency/output; and in the third block (Positions 13 to 16), the specify the works serial No. for the previously supplied motor
frequency/output, type of construction and other design features as well as the Order No.
are encoded.

Structure of the Order No.: Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 11 12 - 13 14 15 16

IEC squirrel-cage motors, surface-cooled
Positions 1 to 4: New generation 1 L E 1
Digit, letter, letter, digit Design or version (motor type)
• Standard:
Self-ventilated by fan mounted on and driven
by rotor
• Expansion option (F90):
Forced-air cooled by air flow from the fan to be
• Special: Self-cooled without external fan and 1 P C 1
fan cover
Positions 5 to 7: • Motors with high efficiency 0 0 1
3 digits (High Efficiency, EFF1), aluminum housing
• Motors with improved efficiency 0 0 2
(Improved Efficiency, EFF2), aluminum housing
Positions 8, 9 and 11: Motor frame size 1 A 0
Digit, letter, digit (frame size as a combination of shaft height and overall length, encoded) ... ...
D 6
Position 10: Number of poles A
Letter A ... D = 2-, 4-, 6-, 8-pole ...
Positions 12 and 13: Voltage, circuit and frequency 0 0
2 digits ... ...
9 8
Position 14: Type of construction A
Letter (A – V) ...
Position 15: Motor protection A
Letter (A – Z; special versions encoded) ...
Position 16: Mechanical design (motor version and connection box position)
Digit • General Line motors with shorter delivery times, limited options 0
(connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive-end (NDE) cannot be modified)
• All options are possible or can be modified
- Connection box on top 4
- Connection box on RHS (viewed from DE) 5
- Connection box on LHS (viewed from DE) 6
- Connection box below 7
Special order versions: - Z
encoded – additional order code required
not encoded – additional plain text required
Ordering example
Selection criteria Requirement Structure of the Order No.
Motor type New generation 1LE1001- -
Standard motor with high efficiency EFF1,
IP55 degree of protection, aluminum version
Motor frame size/No. of poles/speed 160/4-pole/1500 rpm 1LE1001-1DB2 -
Rated output 11 kW
Voltage and frequency 230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz 1LE1001-1DB22-2
Type of construction IM V5 with protective cover 1) 1LE1001-1DB22-2C -Z
(Special versions) 3 PTC thermistors 1LE1001-1DB22-2CB -Z
(motor protection with 3 embedded temperature H00
sensors for tripping 2)
Mechanical design Connection box on RHS 1LE1001-1DB22-2CB5-Z
(motor version) (viewed from DE) H00
Mounted separately driven fan 1LE1001-1DB22-2CB5-Z
H00 F70

1) 2)
Standard without protective cover – the protective cover is defined with No additional option must be specified in the order.
option H00 and this option must be ordered in addition.

0/94 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1, 1PC1
Special versions

■ Overview 0
The order codes and availability are assigned to the individual Attention:
motor series in the “Selection and ordering data” in catalog part 1. For 1LE1 and 1PC1 motors apply only the “Special versions” of
the following table and of catalog part 1. Motor protection and
For motor connection or connection box can be defined as Order
• Voltages No. supplement with the positions 15 or 16 of the Order No.
• Types of constructions
• Motor protection
• Motor connection and connection box
see the relevant heading in section “General technical data” in
this catalog part.
All available options are listed according to topics in the following table. An alphanumerical listing according to order codes can be
found in the appendix under “Overview of order codes”.
Order code Special versions For further information,
see Page
Motor connection and connection box
R15 One cable gland, metal 0/114
R10 Rotation of the connection box through 90°, entry from DE 0/114
R11 Rotation of the connection box through 90°, entry from NDE 0/114
R12 Rotation of the connection box through 180° 0/114
R50 New! Larger connection box 0/113
R30 New! Reduction piece for M cable gland in accordance with British standard, both cable entries mounted 0/114
H04 External earthing 0/113
R20 New! 3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 0/114
R21 New! 3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 0/114
R22 New! 6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 0/114
R23 New! 6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 0/114
R24 New! 6 cables protruding, 3 m long 0/114
H08 New! Connection box on NDE 0/113
Windings and insulation
N01 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), with service factor (SF) 0/108
N02 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), with increased output 0/108
N03 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), with increased coolant temperature 0/108
N11 New! Temperature class 180 (H) at rated power and max. CT 60 ºC 0/108
N20 New! Increased air humidity/temperature with 30 to 60 g water per m3 of air 0/108
N05 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 45 °C, derating approx. 4 % 0/108
N06 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 50 °C, derating approx. 8 % 0/108
N07 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 55 °C, derating approx. 13 % 0/108
N08 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature 60 °C, derating approx. 18 % 0/108
N21 New! Increased air humidity/temperature with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air 0/108
Y52 Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), other requirements 0/108
Colors and paint finish
Y54 Special finish in other standard RAL colors 0/101
Y51 Special finish in special RAL colors 0/101
S03 New! Special finish sea air resistant 0/100
S00 Unpainted (only cast iron parts primed) 0/100
S01 Unpainted, only primed 0/100
Modular technology – Basic versions
F70 Mounting of separately driven fan 0/129
F01 Mounting of brake 0/130 ...
G01 Mounting of 1XP8012-10 (HTL) rotary pulse encoder 0/128
G02 Mounting of 1XP8012-20 (TTL) rotary pulse encoder 0/128
Modular technology – Additional versions
F10 Brake supply voltage 24 V DC 0/133
F11 Brake supply voltage 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 0/133
F12 Brake supply voltage 400 V AC, 50/60 Hz 0/133
F50 Mechanical manual brake release with lever (no locking) 0/133
Special technology
G04 Mounting of LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder 0/134
G05 Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder 0/135
G06 Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder 0/136

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1, 1PC1
Special versions
0 Overview “Special versions” (Fortsetzung)
Order code Special versions For further information,
see Page
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
H00 Protective cover for types of construction 0/119
H01 Screwed-on feet (instead of cast) 0/113
H23 New! Radial seal on DE for flange-mounting motors with oil resistance to 0.1 bar 0/118
F77 New! Low-noise version for 2-pole motors with clockwise direction of rotation 0/119
F78 New! Low-noise version for 2-pole motors with counter-clockwise direction of rotation 0/119
H20 New! IP65 degree of protection 0/119
H22 New! IP56 degree of protection (non-heavy-sea) 0/119
H02 New! Vibration-proof version 0/119
H03 Condensation drainage holes 0/119
H07 New! Non-rusting screws (externally) 0/119
G40 Prepared for mountings, only center hole 0/118
G41 Prepared for mountings with D12 shaft 0/118
G42 Prepared for mountings with D16 shaft 0/118
G43 New! Protective cover for encoder (loosely enclosed – only for mountings acc. to order codes G40, G41 and G42) 0/118
Coolant temperature and site altitude
D03 New! Coolant temperature –40 ºC to +40 ºC 0/107
D04 New! Coolant temperature –30 ºC to +40 ºC 0/107
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
D30 New! Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 0/99
D31 New! Design according to UL with “Recognition Mark” 0/99
D40 New! Canadian regulations (CSA) 0/98, 0/99
D46 New! PSE Mark Japan 0/99
Bearings and lubrication
Q01 Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse measurement for bearing inspection 0/122
L22 Bearing design for increased cantilever forces 0/122, 0/124 ...
L25 Special bearing for DE and NDE, bearing size 63 0/122, 0/124 ...
L23 Regreasing device 0/122
L20 Located bearing at DE 0/122
L21 Located bearing at NDE 0/122
Balance and vibration quantity
L00 Vibration quantity level B 0/120
L02 Full-key balancing 0/120
L01 Balancing without fitted key 0/120
Shaft and rotor
L08 Concentricity of shaft extension, coaxiality and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 0/121
Tolerance R for flange-mounting motors
L05 Second standard shaft extension 0/121
L04 New! Shaft extension with standard dimensions, without featherkey way 0/121
L07 Concentricity of shaft extension in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R 0/121
L06 Standard shaft made of non-rusting steel 0/121
Y55 New! Non-standard cylindrical shaft extension 0/121
Heating and ventilation
F75 New! Fan cover for textile industry 0/111
F76 New! Metal external fan 0/111
Q02 Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V 0/111
Q03 Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V 0/111
F74 Sheet metal fan cover 0/111
Rating plate and extra rating plates
M10 Second rating plate, loose 0/106
M11 Nirosta rating plate 0/106
Y80 Extra rating plate or rating plate with deviating rating plate data 0/106
Y82 Extra rating plate with identification codes 0/106
Y84 Additional information on rating plate and on package label (max. of 20 characters) 0/106
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
B00 Without safety and commissioning note. Customer's declaration of renouncement required. 0/102
B01 With one safety and start-up guide per box pallet 0/102
B02 Acceptance test certificate 3.1 in accordance with EN 10204 0/102
B04 Printed operating instructions English/German enclosed 0/102
B83 New! Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, with acceptance 0/102
B99 Wire-lattice pallet 0/102
M01 Connected in star for dispatch 0/102
M02 Connected in delta for dispatch 0/102

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data

■ Overview 0
Cut-away diagram of a low-voltage motor

$ Motor protection Page 0/110 ( Bearings and lubrication Page 0/122

Motor connection and connection box Page 0/113
Voltages, currents and frequencies Page 0/103 ) Shaft and rotor Page 0/121
Balance and vibration quantity Page 0/120
% Windings and insulation Page 0/108
Coolant temperature and site altitude Page 0/107 * Colors and paint finish Page 0/100
& Heating and ventilation Page 0/111 + Types of construction Page 0/116
Mechanical design and degrees of protection Page 0/118
Modular technology Page 0/127 , Rating plates and extra rating plates Page 0/106
Special technology Page 0/134

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Designs in accordance with standards and specifications Locked-rotor torque –15 % to +25 %
Breakdown torque –10 %
Applicable standards and specifications Moment of inertia ±10 %
The motors comply with the appropriate standards and regula- Energy-saving motors with European efficiency classification in
tions, especially those listed in the table below. accordance with EU/CEMEP (European Commitee of Manufac-
Title IEC/EN DIN EN turers of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics)
General specifications for rotating IEC 60034-1, DIN EN 60034-1
electrical machines IEC 60085 Low-voltage motors in the output range of 1.1 to 90 kW, 2-pole
Specification of the losses and effi- IEC 60034-2 DIN EN 60034-2
and 4-pole are marked in accordance with the EU/CEMEP
ciency of rotating electrical machines agreement with the efficiency class (Improved Efficiency) or
Asynchronous AC motors for general IEC 60072 DIN EN 50347 (High Efficiency).
use with standardized dimensions mounting
and outputs dimensions only So that the requirements of efficiency classes and are
Restart characteristics for rotating IEC 60034-12 DIN EN 60034-12
fulfilled, the active parts of the motor have been optimized. The
electrical machines procedure for calculating the efficiency is based on the losssum-
Terminal designations and direction IEC 60034-8 DIN EN 60034-8 mation method according to IEC 60034-2.
of rotation for electrical machines
Motors for the North American market
Designation for type of construction, IEC 60034-7 DIN EN 60034-7
installation and connection box For motors which comply with North American regulations
position (NEMA, CSA, UL, etc.), it must always be checked whether the
Entry to connection box – DIN 42925 motors will be used in the US or Canada and whether they are
Built-in thermal protection IEC 60034-11 DIN EN 60034-11 subject to state laws.
Noise limit values for rotating electri- IEC 60034-9 DIN EN 60034-9
cal machines Minimum efficiencies required by law
IEC standard voltages IEC 60038 DIN IEC 60038 In 1997, an act was passed in the US to define minimum efficien-
Cooling methods for rotating electri- IEC 60034-6 DIN EN 60034-6 cies for low-voltage three-phase motors (EPACT = Energy Policy
cal machines Act). An act is in force in Canada that is largely identical, al-
Vibration severity of rotating electrical IEC 60034-14 DIN EN 60034-14 though it is based on different verification methods. The effi-
ciency is verified for these motors for the USA using IEEE 112,
Vibration limits – DIN ISO 10816 Test Method B and for Canada using CSA-C390. Apart from a
Degrees of protection of rotating IEC 60034-5 DIN EN 60034-5 few exceptions, all low-voltage three-phase motors exported to
electrical machines
the USA or Canada must comply with the legal requirements on
National standards efficiency.
The law requires minimum efficiencies for 2, 4 and 6-pole motors
The motors comply with the IEC or European standards listed with a voltage of 230 and 460 V/60 Hz, in the output range of 1
above. The European standards replace the national standards to 200 HP (0.75 to 150 kW).
in the following EU member states: Germany (VDE), France According to EPACT, the following are excluded from the effi-
(NF C), Belgium (NBNC), Great Britain (BS), Italy (CEI), ciency requirements, for example.
Netherlands (NEN), Sweden (SS), Switzerland (SEV) etc.
• Motors whose frame size output classification does not
The motors also comply with various national standards. The fol- correspond with the standard series according to
lowing standards have been harmonized with IEC publication NEMA MG1-12.
60034-1 or replaced with DIN EN 60034-1 so that the motors can
be operated at standard rated output. • Flange-mounting motors without feet
• Brake motors
Title Country
CSAC22.2, No. 100 Canada • Converter-fed motors
IS 325 India • Motors with design letter C and higher
IS 4722
For more information on EPACT:
NEK – IEC 60034-1 Norway
Special requirements for the USA: Energy Policy Act
Tolerances for electrical data
The act lays down that the nominal efficiency at full load and a
According to DIN EN 60034, the following tolerances are permit- “CC” number (Compliance Certification) must be included on
ted: the rating plate. The “CC” number is issued by the US Depart-
Motors which comply with DIN EN 60034-1 must have a voltage ment of Energy (DOE). The following information is stamped on
tolerance of ±5 % / frequency tolerance of ±2 % (Design A). If uti- the rating plate of EPACT motors which must be marked by law:
lized, the admissible limit temperature of the temperature class Nominal efficiency (service factor SF 1.15), design letter, code
may be exceeded by 10 K. letter, CONT, CC-Nr. CC 032A (Siemens) and NEMA MG1-12.
A tolerance of ±5 % also applies to the rated voltage range in Special requirements for Canada: CSA – Energy Efficiency
accordance with DIN EN 60034-1. For rated voltage and rated Verification
voltage range, see Page 0/103.
These motors fulfill the minimum efficiency requirements laid
Efficiency η at down by the CSA standard C390. These motors are available as
Prated ≤ 150 kW: –0.15 ⋅ (1 –η) 1LE1 and can be ordered with order code D40 and are also
Prated > 150 kW: –0.1 ⋅ (1 –η) marked with the CSA-E verification on the rating plate.
With η being a decimal number.
1 – cos
Power factor –
• Minimum absolute value: 0.02
• Maximum absolute value: 0.07
Slip ±20 % (for motors <1 kW ±30 % is admissible)
Locked-rotor current +20 %

0/98 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
NEMA – Order code D30 The motors must be ordered with the order code D40, voltage
code “90” and order code for voltage and frequency. The CSA
The motors with increased efficiency according to EPACT are mark and the rated voltage (voltage tolerance of 10 %) are in-
designed to meet the NEMA MG1-12 electrical standard and are cluded on the rating plate.
marked accordingly. The mechanical design of all motors is
compliant only to IEC, not to NEMA dimensions.
All motors in the EPACT and D30 version correspond to NEMA
Design A (i. e. standard torque characteristic in accordance with
NEMA and no starting current limitation).
When energy-saving motors (1LE1 in design EFF1) are ordered,
For Design B, C and D, a special version is required (on re-
they also include the CSA-E mark on the rating plate.
All other 1LE1/1PC1 motors must be ordered with order code
Data on the rating plate: Rated voltage (voltage tolerance of
10 %), nominal efficiency, design letter, code letter, CONT and Export of low-voltage motors to China
NEMA MG1-12. CCC – China Compulsory Certification – Order code D01
UL approval – Order code D31 “Small power motors” which are exported to China must be
The motors based on the 1LE1/1PC1 basic series are listed for certified up to a rated output of:
up to 600 V by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (“Recognition 2-pole: ≤ 2.2 kW
Mark” = R/C). 4-pole: ≤ 1.1 kW
This is not possible in combination with the option “temperature 6-pole: ≤ 0.75 kW
class 180 (H) at rated output and maximal coolant temperature 8-pole: ≤ 0.55 kW
of 60 °C”, order code N11. The 1LE1 motors which must be certified have been certified
According to UL, motor voltages are only certified up to 600 V, by the CQC (China Quality Cert. Center). When ordered with the
i.e. voltage codes 22, 27 or 40. For this reason, the indication D01 order code, the “CCC” logo and “Factory Code” are in-
690 VY for voltage code “34” (400 VΔ/690 VY/ 50 Hz or cluded on the rating plate and packaging.
460 VΔ/60 Hz), for example, is omitted on the rating plate.
The “UL Recognition Mark” is included on the rating plate of the
Factory Code:
A005216 = Works Bad Neustadt
In addition, the motor is designed to meet the NEMA MG1-12 A010607 = Works Mohelnice
electrical standard and includes the following data on the rating
plate: Rated voltage (voltage tolerance of 10 %), nominal effi- Note:
ciency, design letter, code letter, CONT and NEMA MG1-12. The Chinese customs checks the need for certification of imported
motors must only be ordered with order code D31. products by means of commodity code.
Externally or internally mounted components such as The following do not need to be certified:
• Motor protection • Motors imported to China which have already been installed
in a machine
• Heating element
• Repair parts
• Separately driven fan
• Brake Export of low-voltage motors to Japan
• Encoder PSE Mark Japan – Order Code D46
• Power connection PSE marking is a mandatory certification in Japan in accordance
• Plug connector with the electrical devices and safety of materials act. “Small
power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are
are UL-R/C, CSA or C-US listed or used by manufacturers in ac- exported to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
cordance with regulations. It may have to be decided whether
the motor is suitable for the application. The motors concerned are marked on the rating plate with the
The motors can be operated with a frequency converter with following “PSE” logo.
50/60 Hz.
Deviating frequency settings must be tested at final acceptance.
The following versions are possible:
• 2-pole motors, only in combination with F77 or F78 low-noise
• 4, 6 and 8-pole motors, only in combination with F76 metal ex-
ternal fan
CSA approval – Order code D40
Motors based on the 1LE1/1PC1 basic series are approved for
up to 690 V in accordance with the Canadian regulations of the
“Canadian Standard Association” (CSA). Externally or internally
mounted components which are used are listed by CSA or are
used by manufacturers in accordance with regulations. It may
have to be decided whether the motor is suitable for the applica-
This is not possible in combination with the option “temperature
class 180 (H) at rated output and maximal coolant temperature
of 60 °C”, order code N11, for 1LE1 and 1PC1 motor series.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Colors and paint finish
To protect the drives against corrosion and external influences, high-quality coatings based on 2-K epoxy resin are offered in various
different colors.
Type Suitability of paint finish for climate group in accordance with DIN IEC 60721, Part 2-1
Special finish Worldwide (global) Briefly: Up to 140 °C
for outdoor use in direct sunlight and/or weather condi- Contin.: Up to 120 °C
tions. Suitable for use in the tropics for <60 % relative Also: for aggressive atmospheres up to 1 % acid and alkali
humidity at 40 °C concentrations or permanent dampness in sheltered
Special finish system “sea air resistant” – Order code S03
Field of application Resistance
• Recommended for indoor installations or outdoor installations exposed • Chemical exposure to 5 % acid and caustic solution concentration
to direct weather conditions • Suitable for use in the tropics up to 75 % relative humidity at 50 °C
• Industrial climate with moderate SO2 exposure, inshore maritime climate, • Thermal stability from –40 to 140 °C
but not offshore maritime climate, e.g. for crane drives and also in the paper
• Complies with the test requirements of DIN EN ISO 12944-2 Corrosion
Category C4
All motors are painted with RAL 7030 (stone gray) if the color is
not specified.
Other colors in special finish must be ordered with order codes
Y51 or Y54 and the required RAL number in plain text (for a
selection of the available RAL numbers/colors, see the following
page for tables for order codes Y51 and Y54).
Direct sunlight may change the color. If consistent colors are
required, we recommend paint based on polyurethane. Please
All paint finishes can be painted over with commercially avail-
able paints. Special paints and increased layer thickness avail-
able on request.
If required, the motors can be supplied coated only in primer,
order code S01, or unpainted (unmachined cast-iron surfaces,
but primed) using order code S00.

0/100 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Special finish in standard RAL colors – Order code Y54 (RAL number is required in plain text) 0
RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name
1002 Sand yellow 6011 Reseda green
1013 Pearl white 6019 Pastel green
1015 Light ivory 6021 Pale green
1019 Gray beige 7000 Squirrel gray
2003 Pastel orange 7001 Silver gray
2004 Pure orange 7004 Signal gray
3000 Flame red 7011 Iron gray
3007 Black red 7016 Anthracite gray
5007 Brilliant blue 7022 Umber gray
5009 Azure blue 7031 Blue gray
5010 Gentian blue 7032 Pebble gray
5012 Light blue 7033 Cement gray
5015 Sky blue 7035 Light gray
5017 Traffic blue 9001 Cream
5018 Teal blue 9002 Gray white
5019 Capri blue 9005 Jet black
Special finish in special RAL colors – Order code Y51 (RAL number is required in plain text)
RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name RAL No. Color name
1000 Green beige 3014 Antique pink 6003 Olive green 7036 Platinum gray
1001 Beige 3015 Light pink 6004 Blue green 7037 Dusty gray
1003 Signal yellow 3016 Coral red 6005 Moss green 7038 Agate gray
1004 Golden yellow 3017 Rose 6006 Gray olive 7039 Quartz gray
1005 Honey yellow 3018 Strawberry red 6007 Bottle green 7040 Window gray
1006 Maize yellow 3020 Traffic red 6008 Brown green 7042 Traffic gray A
1007 Daffodil yellow 3022 Salmon pink 6009 Fir green 7043 Traffic gray B
1011 Brown beige 3027 Raspberry red 6010 Grass green 7044 Silk gray
1012 Lemon yellow 3031 Orient red 6012 Black green 7045 Tele gray 1
1014 Dark ivory 3032 Pearl ruby red 6013 Reed green 7046 Tele gray 2
1016 Sulfur yellow 3033 Pearl pink 6014 Yellow olive 7047 Tele gray 4
1017 Saffron yellow 4001 Red lilac 6015 Black olive 7048 Pearl mouse gray
1018 Zinc yellow 4002 Red violet 6016 Turquoise green 8000 Green brown
1020 Olive yellow 4003 Heather violet 6017 May green 8001 Ocher brown
1021 Rape yellow 4004 Claret violet 6018 Yellow green 8002 Signal brown
1023 Traffic yellow 4005 Blue lilac 6020 Chrome green 8003 Clay brown
1024 Ochre yellow 4006 Traffic purple 6022 Olive drab 8004 Copper brown
1027 Curry 4007 Purple violet 6024 Traffic green 8007 Fawn brown
1028 Melon yellow 4008 Signal violet 6025 Fern green 8008 Olive brown
1032 Broom yellow 4009 Pastel violet 6026 Opal green 8011 Nut brown
1033 Dahlia yellow 4010 Tele magenta 6027 Light green 8012 Red brown
1034 Pastel yellow 4011 Pearl violet 6028 Pine green 8014 Sepia brown
1035 Pearl beige 4012 Pearl blackberry 6029 Mint green 8015 Chestnut
1036 Pearl gold 5000 Violet blue 6032 Signal green 8016 Mahogany
1037 Sun yellow 5001 Green blue 6033 Mint turquoise 8017 Chocolate
2000 Yellow orange 5002 Ultramarine 6034 Pastel turquoise 8019 Gray brown
2001 Red orange 5003 Saphire blue 6035 Pearl green 8022 Black brown
2002 Vermilion 5004 Black blue 6036 Pearl opal green 8023 Orange brown
2008 Bright red orange 5005 Signal blue 7002 Olive gray 8024 Beige brown
2009 Traffic orange 5008 Gray blue 7003 Moss gray 8025 Pale brown
2010 Signal orange 5011 Steel blue 7005 Mouse gray 8028 Terra brown
2011 Deep orange 5013 Cobalt blue 7006 Beige gray 8029 Pearl copper
2012 Salmon orange 5014 Pigeon blue 7008 Khaki gray 9003 Signal white
2013 Pearl orange 5020 Ocean blue 7009 Green gray 9004 Signal black
3001 Signal red 5021 Water blue 7010 Tarpaulin gray 9006 White aluminum
3002 Carmine red 5022 Night blue 7012 Basalt gray 9007 Gray aluminum
3003 Ruby red 5023 Distant blue 7013 Brown gray 9010 Pure white
3004 Purple red 5024 Pastel blue 7015 Slate gray 9011 Graphite black
3005 Wine red 5025 Pearl gentian 7021 Black gray 9016 Traffic white
3009 Oxide red 5026 Pearl night blue 7023 Concrete gray 9017 Traffic black
3011 Brown red 6000 Patina green 7024 Graphite gray 9018 Papyrus white
3012 Beige red 6001 Emerald green 7026 Granite gray 9022 Pearl light gray
3013 Tomato red 6002 Leaf green 7034 Yellow gray 9023 Pearl dark gray
Coating structure and colors not specified in the catalog are available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/101

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Connected in star for dispatch – Order code M01
The terminal board of the motor is connected in star for dispatch.
Connected in delta for dispatch – Order code M02
The terminal board of the motor is connected in delta for dis-
Packing weights
Packing weights
For motors For land transport
Frame size Type Type of construction IM B3 Type of construction IM B5, IM V1
1LE1 ... - In box On wooden On battens In crate In box On wooden On battens In crate
1PC1 ... - Tare board ISPM Tare Tare Tare board ISPM Tare Tare
covered by covered by
cardboard on cardboard on
top and sides top and sides
Tare Tare
kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg
100 L 1A.4 – 5.0 – – – 5.0 – –
1A.5 – 5.0 – – – 5.0 – –
1A.6 – 5.0 – – – 5.0 – –
112 M 1B.2 – 5.0 – – – 5.0 – –
1B.6 – 5.0 – – – 5.0 – –
132 S 1C.0 4.7 – – – 5.2 – – –
1C.1 4.7 – – – 5.2 – – –
132 M 1C.2 4.7 – – – 5.2 – – –
1C.3 4.7 – – – 5.2 – – –
1C.6 8.7 – – – 9.2 – – –
160 M 1D.2 4.8 – – – 5.7 – – –
1D.3 4.8 – – – 5.7 – – –
160 L 1D.4 4.8 – – – 5.7 – – –
1D.6 8.8 – – – 9.7 – – –
Data apply for individual packaging. Packing in wire-lattice pal- Test certificates
lets can be used, order code B99.
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204 –
Order code B02
Safety notes
An acceptance test certificate 3.1 according to EN 10204 can
If the motors are to be delivered without safety and commission- be supplied for most motors.
ing notes, a customer’s declaration of renouncement is required.
Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, with accep-
Without safety and commissioning note – Order code B00 tance – Order code B83
The motors are supplied with only one set of safety and commis- During the type test, a temperature-rise test is performed; no-
sioning notes per wire-lattice pallet for most motor types and load, short-circuit and load characteristics are recorded; the iron
frame sizes. losses and friction losses are determined and the efficiency is
calculated from the summed losses. This option is only applica-
Complete with one set of safety and commissioning notes ble to motors with a horizontal type of construction. The accep-
per wire-lattice pallet – Order code B01 tance is carried out by an external representative (e.g. customer,
Documentation classification society).
The following documents are optionally available:
• Printed operating instructions English/German enclosed –
Order code B04
• All manuals for low-voltage motors, geared motors and low-
voltage converters are now available on DVD in 5 languages,
see “SD Manual Collection for CA 01” in catalog part 11

0/102 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Voltages, currents and frequencies Non-standard voltages and/or frequencies 0
Standard voltages The tolerance laid down by DIN EN 60034-1 applies to all non-
standard voltages.
EN 60034-1 differentiates between Category A (combination of Order codes have been allocated for a number of non-standard
voltage deviation ±5 % and frequency deviation ±2 %) and Cat- voltages at 50 or 60 Hz. They are ordered by specifying the code
egory B (combination of voltage deviation ±10 % and frequency digit 9 for voltage in the 12th position of the Order No. as well as
deviation +3/–5 %) for voltage and frequency fluctuations. The the code digit 0 in the 13th position of the Order No. and the ap-
motors can supply their rated torque in both Category A and propriate order code.
Category B. In Category A, the temperature rise is approx. 10 K
higher than during rated duty. M1Y Non-standard winding for voltages between 200 V and
Standard Category Category
690 V and rated outputs.
For voltages and rated outputs outside the range, please in-
60034 – 1 A B
Voltage deviation ±5 % ±10 %
Frequency deviation ±2 % +3 %/–5 % Motor Frame Rated voltages that are available for M1Y
Rating plate data stamped with a ±5 % a ±10 % series size Lowest/highest voltage in V for
rated voltage a (e.g. 230 V) (e.g. 230 V ±5 %) (e.g. 230 ±10 %) Delta connection Star connection
Rating plate data stamped with b –5 % to c +5 % b –10 % to c 1LE1 100 … 160 200/690 250/690
rated voltage ranges b to c (e.g. 220 –5 % +10 % (e.g. 220 –
(e.g. 220 to 240V) to 240 +5 %) 10 % Order codes for other rated voltages are listed under “Order No.
to 240 +10 %) supplements” in the “Selection and ordering data” as well as
According to the standard, longer duty is not recommended for “Special versions” under “Voltages”.
Category B. See “Rating plates and extra rating plates” for de-
tails of the rating plate inscriptions and corresponding exam-
ples. The selection and ordering data state the rated current at
400 V. The DIN IEC 60038 standard specifies a tolerance of
±10 % for mains voltages of 230 V, 400 V and 690 V. The rating
plates of motors with voltage code 22 or 34 specify a rated volt-
age range in addition to the rated voltage (see table below).
The rated currents at 380/420 V are specified in the table “Rated
currents for rated voltage range 380 V to 420 V at 50 Hz” and on
the rating plate.
Mains voltages Rated voltage range Voltage code
1LE1 motors
230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz 220 ... 240 V∆/380 ... 420 VY, 50 Hz 22
400 V∆/690 VY, 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V∆/660 ... 725 VY, 50 Hz 34
500 VY, 50 Hz – 27
500 V∆, 50 Hz – 40

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Rated currents for rated voltage range 380 V to 420 V at 50 Hz
Motor type Frame size Currents for voltage and number of poles
380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V 380 V 420 V
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
General Line motors with shorter delivery time
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LE1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LE1
1LE1002-1A.4 100 L 6.3 5.7 5.0 4.9 3.75 4.15 2.8 3.3
1LE1002-1A.5 100 L – – 6.4 6.1 – – 3.65 4.1
1LE1002-1B.2 112 M 8.3 7.5 8.4 8.1 5.4 5.5 4.0 4.4
1LE1002-1C.0 132 S 10.9 10.3 11.5 11.4 7.3 7.7 5.9 6.0
1LE1002-1C.1 132 S 14.5 13.9 – – – – – –
1LE1002-1C.2 132 M – – 15.2 15.2 9.3 9.4 7.9 8.1
1LE1002-1C.3 132 M – – – – 13.7 12.9 – –
1LE1002-1D.2 160 M 21.7 20.7 22.4 22.8 17.0 17.7 10.5 11.6
1LE1002-1D.3 160 M 29.6 28.9 – – – – 13.8 14.6
1LE1002-1D.4 160 L 35.0 33.5 30.0 30.2 22.3 24.7 18.9 19.4
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LE1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LE1
1LE1001-1A.4 100 L 6.1 6.1 4.65 4.65 3.55 3.55 2.65 2.95
1LE1001-1A.5 100 L – – 6.2 6.1 – – 3.85 4.35
1LE1001-1B.2 112 M 7.8 7.6 8.3 8.2 5.1 5.0 4.3 4.3
1LE1001-1C.0 132 S 10.1 10.5 11.4 11.4 7.0 7.1 6.6 6.6
1LE1001-1C.1 132 S 14.2 13.7 – – – – – –
1LE1001-1C.2 132 M – – 14.8 14.4 8.6 8.9 7.9 8.2
1LE1001-1C.3 132 M – – – – 12 11.9 – –
1LE1001-1D.2 160 M 20.0 21.0 21.5 20.5 16.1 15.8 9.8 9.6
1LE1001-1D.3 160 M 28.0 27.0 – – – – 13.4 13.3
1LE1001-1D.4 160 L 34.0 33.0 28.5 27.5 22.5 21.5 17.5 16.8
Self-ventilated motors with increased output with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LE1
1LE1002-1A.6 100 L 8.1 7.9 8.5 8.5 5.4 5 – –
1LE1002-1B.6 112 M 11.2 10.2 12 10.8 7.5 8.0 – –
1LE1002-1C.6 132 M 20.3 18.9 21.8 21.3 17.0 17.6 – –
1LE1002-1D.6 160 L 40.2 37.9 36.1 35.5 33.5 34.0 – –
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LE1
1LE1001-1A.6 100 L 7.8 7.6 8.3 8.4 5.0 4.95 – –
1LE1001-1B.6 112 M 10.4 9.8 11.2 11.1 6.6 6.5 – –
1LE1001-1C.6 132 M 20 19.1 21.5 21 16.5 16.5 – –
1LE1001-1D.6 160 L 40.0 37.5 35.5 34.5 30.5 29.0 – –

0/104 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Outputs Part-load power factor at 0
The outputs or rated outputs are listed in the selection tables for 1/4 1/2 3/4 4/4 5/4
both 50 Hz and 60 Hz. of full load
Assignment of the standard power kW-HP and vice versa in 0.70 0.86 0.90 0.92 0.92
accordance with IEC 0.65 0.85 0.89 0.91 0.91
0.63 0.83 0.88 0.90 0.90
kW ⋅ 1.341 = HP 0.61 0.80 0.86 0.89 0.89
HP ⋅ 0.746 = kW
0.57 0.78 0.85 0.88 0.88
Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated Prated 0.53 0.76 0.84 0.87 0.87
kW HP kW HP kW HP kW HP kW HP kW HP 0.51 0.75 0.83 0.86 0.86
0.06 0.08 0.37 0.5 2.2 3 11 15 37 50 110 150 0.49 0.73 0.81 0.85 0.86
0.09 0.12 0.55 0.75 3 4 15 20 45 60 132 200 0.47 0.71 0.80 0.84 0.85
0.12 0.16 0.75 1 4 5 18.5 25 55 75 160 250 0.45 0.69 0.79 0.83 0.84
0.18 0.25 1.1 1.5 5.5 7.5 22 30 75 100 200 300 0.43 0.67 0.77 0.82 0.83
0.25 0.33 1.5 2 7.5 10 30 40 90 125 0.41 0.66 0.76 0.81 0.82
Efficiency, power factor, rated torque, rated speed and 0.40 0.65 0.75 0.80 0.81
direction of rotation 0.38 0.63 0.74 0.79 0.80
0.36 0.61 0.72 0.78 0.80
Efficiency and power factor
0.34 0.59 0.71 0.77 0.79
The efficiency η and power factor cos ϕ for each rated output are 0.32 0.58 0.70 0.76 0.78
listed in the selection tables in the individual sections of this cat- 0.30 0.56 0.69 0.75 0.78
alog. 0.29 0.55 0.68 0.74 0.77
For EFF1 and EFF2 motors, the 3/4-load-efficiency is also indi- 0.28 0.54 0.67 0.73 0.77
cated in the selection tables. 0.27 0.52 0.63 0.72 0.76
0.26 0.50 0.62 0.71 0.76
The part-load values stated in the two tables below are aver-
ages; precise values can be provided on request.
Rated speed and direction of rotation
Part-load efficiency in % at
1/4 1/2 3/4 4/4 5/4
The rated speeds are applicable for the rated data. The synchro-
nous speed changes proportionally with the line frequency. The
of full load
motors are suitable for clockwise and counter-clockwise rota-
93 96 97 97 96.5 tion.
92 95 96 96 95.5
90 93.5 95 95 94.5 If U1, V1, W1 are connected to L1, L2, L3, clockwise rotation
89 92.5 94 94 93.5
results as viewed onto the drive-end shaft extension. Counter-
clockwise rotation is achieved by swapping two phases (see
88 91.5 93 93 92.5
also “Heating and ventilation”, Page 0/111).
87 91 92 92 91.5
86 90 91 91 90 Rated torque
85 89 90 90 89 The rated torque in Nm delivered at the motor shaft is
84 88 89 89 88
80 87 88 88 87 9.55 P 1000
79 86 87 87 86 n
78 85 86 86 85
P Rated output in kW
76 84 85 85 83.5 n Speed in rpm
74 83 84 84 82.5
72 82 83 83 81.5 Note:
70 81 82 82 80.5
If the voltage deviates from its rated value within the admissible
limits, the locked-rotor torque, the pull-up torque and the break-
68 80 81 81 79.5
down torque vary with the approximate square of the value, but
66 79 80 80 78.5 the locked-rotor current varies approximately linearly.
64 77 79.5 79 77.5
62 75.5 78.5 78 76.5 In the case of squirrel-cage motors, the locked-rotor torque and
60 74 77.5 77 75
breakdown torque are listed in the selection tables as multiples
of the rated torque.
58 73 76 76 74
The normal practice is to start squirrel-cage motors directly on
56 72 75 75 73 line. The torque class indicates that with direct-on-line starting,
55 71 74 74 72 even if there is an undervoltage of –5 %, it is possible to start up
54 70 73 73 71 the motor against a load torque of
53 68 72 72 70 • 160 % for CL 16
52 67 71 71 69
• 130 % for CL 13
51 66 70 70 68
50 65 69 69 67 • 100 % for CL 10
49 64 67.5 68 66 • 70 % for CL 7
48 62 66.5 67 65 • 50 % for CL 5
47 61 65 66 64
of the rated torque.
46 60 64 65 63
45 59 63 64 62
44 57 62 63 61
43 56 60.5 62 60.5
42 55 59.5 61 59.5
41 54 58.5 60 58.5

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Rating plate and extra rating plates An extra rating plate for identification codes is also possible,
order code Y82.
DIN EN 60034-1 lays down that the approximate total weight for An extra rating plate or a rating plate with different rating plate
all motors is indicated on the rating plate. data can also be ordered, order code Y80.
An extra rating plate can be supplied loose for all motors, order In the standard version, the rating plate is available in interna-
code M10. tional format or in the German/English language. The language
Non-rusting steel rating plate, for scratch, heat, cold and acid re- for the rating plate can be ordered by specifying it in plain text.
sistance can be obtained, order code M11. An overview of the languages that can be ordered, at additional
cost in some cases, is provided in the table below.
Supplementary data (max. of 20 characters) can be indicated on
the rating plate or extra rating plate and on the packaging label,
order code Y84.
Overview of the languages on the rating plate
Motor type Frame size Rating plate Double rating plate
50/60 Hz data for
Interna- German English German French Italian Portu- Russian 500 VY 230 VΔ/
tional (de) (en) (de)/ (fr)/ (it) guese (pt) (ru) and 400 VY and
English Spanish 575 VY 460 V
(en) (es) 500 V∆ 400 VΔ/
and 690 VY and
575 V∆ 460 VΔ
1LE1/1PC1 100 … 160
Standard version
Without additional charge
Example of a rating plate

2 4 18 16 23 3

D-91056 Erlangen
1 3~Mot. 1LE1 002-1DB43-4AA0 E0605/0496382 02 001
16 IEC/EN 60034 160L IMB3 IP55 5
15 73 kg Th.Cl. 155(F)
17 Bearing 21
DE 6209-2ZC3 20
NE 6209-2ZC3
V Hz A kW cos φ eta 1/min V A

400 50 29,5 15 0,82 89,4% 1460 380-420 30,0-30,2

690 Y 50 17,1 15 0,82 89,4% 1460 660-725 17,4-17,5
460 60 29,5 17,3 0,82 89,4% 1760 440-480 30,2-29,8

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 22

1 Machine type: Three-phase 13 Voltage range [V]

Low-voltage motor 14 Current range [A]
2 Order No. 15 Machine weight [kg]
3 Factory number (Ident No., 16 Standards and regulations
serial number) 17 Temperature class
4 Type of construction 18 Frame size
5 Degree of protection 19 Additional details (optional)
6 Rated voltage [V] and 20 Operating temberature range
winding connections (only if it deviates from
7 Frequency [Hz] normal)
8 Rated current [A] 21 Site altitude (only when
9 Rated output [kW] higher than 1000 m)
10 Power factor [cos ] 22 Customer data (optional)
11 Efficiency 23 Date of manufacture YYMM
12 Rated speed [rpm]

0/106 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Coolant temperature and site altitude If the admissible motor output is no longer adequate for the
drive, it should be checked whether the motor with the next
The rated output specified in the selection tables is applicable higher rated output fulfills the requirements.
for continuous duty in accordance with DIN EN 60034-1 at the
frequency of 50 Hz, a coolant temperature (CT) or ambient tem- Abbrevia- Description Unit
perature of 40 °C and a site altitude (SA) up to 1000 m above tion
sea level. Padm. Admissible motor output kW
Prated Rated output kW
For higher coolant temperatures and/or site altitudes greater
than 1000 m above sea level, the specified motor output must be kHT Factor for abnormal coolant temperature and/or
site altitude
reduced using the factor kHT.
Depending on the frame size of the motor or the number of The motors are designed for temperature class 155 (F) and used
poles, special windings may be added to the motors for different in temperature class 130 (B). Under non-standard operating
operating conditions. conditions, if they are to be used in class 130 (B), the admissible
output must be determined from the tables below.
This results in an admissible output of the motor of:
Padm. = Prated ⋅ kHT
Reduction factor kHT for different site altitudes and/or coolant temperatures
Site altitude Site altitude above sea level
above sea level Coolant temperature
m <30 °C 30 °C ... 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C 55 °C 60 °C
1000 1.07 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.82
1500 1.04 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.84 0.79
2000 1.00 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.77
2500 0.96 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.78 0.74
3000 0.92 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.70
3500 0.88 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.71 0.67
4000 0.82 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.67 0.63
Coolant temperature and site altitude are rounded-off to 5 °C or 500 m.
For the following outputs, rms values are specified for coolant Ambient temperature:
temperatures (CT) of 45 °C and 50 °C that must be specified All motors can be used in the standard version at ambient tem-
when ordering. peratures between –20 to +40 °C.
Power Admissible output at 50 Hz
Motors can be used in temperature class 155 (F)
for CT 45 °C for CT 50 °C • at 40 °C with service factor 1.1, i.e. the motor can be continu-
kW kW kW ously overloaded with 10 % of the rated output in the case of
11 10.5 10
EFF2 motors
15 14.5 13.8 • at 40 °C with service factor 1.15, i.e. the motor can be contin-
18.5 17.8 17 uously overloaded with 15 % of the rated output in the case of
22 21 20
EFF1 motors
30 29 27.5 • above 40 °C at rated output.
When motors are used in temperature class 130 (B) for higher
For details of derating for use in class 155 (F), see “DURIGNIT ambient temperatures and/or site altitudes, derating occurs in
IR 2000 insulation system”. accordance with the table “Reduction factor kHT for different site
Motors for coolant temperatures other than 40 °C or site altitudes altitudes and/or coolant temperatures”.
higher than 1000 m above sea level for use in temperature class For motors ex stock, the service factor is indicated on the rating
130 (B) must always be ordered with the supplementary order plate.
code “-Z” and plain text. In the case of extreme derating, the op- For other temperatures, special measures are necessary.
erating data for the motors will also be less favorable due to par- When brakes are to be mounted on at temperatures below
tial utilization. freezing, please inquire.

The following special versions are possible for 1LE1 and 1PC1
• Motors for coolant temperatures from –40 to +40 °C
order code D03
• Motors for coolant temperatures from –30 to +40 °C
order code D04
When ordering with order codes D03 and D04 in combination
with mountings, the respective technical data have to be ob-
served; request required.
For details of order codes for use in temperature class 155 (F),
see “DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system” under “Windings and
insulation”, Page 0/108.
The following applies to all motors:
The motors can withstand 1.5 times the rated current at rated
voltage and frequency for two minutes (DIN EN 60034).

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/107

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Windings and insulation Temperature class 180 (H) at rated output and maximum
coolant temperature CT 60 °C
DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system
For motor series 1LE1 and 1PC1, use according to temperature
The DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system comprises high-grade class 180 (H) is permitted at rated output and at a maximum
enameled wires and insulating sheet materials combined with coolant temperature of 60 °C. This does not apply to motor se-
solvent-free impregnating resin. ries 1LE1 and 1PC1 with UL approval (order code D31) and CSA
The system ensures a high level of mechanical and electrical approval (order code D40). The specified grease life applies to
strength as well as good serviceability and a long motor life. a coolant temperature of 40 °C. For a 10 K increase in coolant
The insulation system protects the winding against aggressive temperature, the grease life or lubrication interval is halved.
gases, vapors, dust, oil and increased air humidity. It can with- Order code N11
stand the usual vibration stressing.
The insulation is suitable up to an absolute air humidity of 30 g Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B),
water per m3 of air. Moisture condensation should be prevented coolant temperature 45 °C, approx. 4 % derating
from forming on the winding. Please inquire if higher values are For the 1LE1 motor series, a version for temperature class 155
required. (F) can be used according to temperature class 130 (B) at a
maximum coolant temperature of 45 °C with a 4 % reduction in
Please inquire about extreme applications. rated output.
Restarting against residual field and opposite phase Order code N05
All motors can be reclosed against 100 % residual field after a Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B),
mains voltage failure. coolant temperature 50 °C, approx. 8 % derating
For the 1LE1 motor series, a version for temperature class 155
Winding and insulation design with regard to temperature class (F) can be used according to temperature class 130 (B) at a
and air humidity maximum coolant temperature of 50 °C with a 8 % reduction in
All motors are designed for temperature class 155 (F). rated output.
At rated output with mains-fed operation, the motors can be Order code N06
used in temperature class 130 (B). Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B),
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), with coolant temperature 55 °C, approx. 13 % derating
service factor (SF) For the 1LE1 motor series, a version for temperature class 155
For all 1LE1/1PC1 motors for mains-fed operation for the rated (F) can be used according to temperature class 130 (B) at a
output given in the selection table and rated voltage, a service maximum coolant temperature of 55 °C with a 13 % reduction in
factor of 1.1 can be specified for EFF2 motors (SF = 1.15 for rated output.
EFF1 motors) also for motors with increased output. Order code N07
Order code N01 Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 130 (B),
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), for coolant temperature 60 °C, approx. 18 % derating
increased output For the 1LE1 motor series, a version for temperature class 155
When used according to temperature class 155 (F), the rated (F) can be used according to temperature class 130 (B) at a
output as specified in the selection and ordering data can be in- maximum coolant temperature of 60 °C with a 18 % reduction in
creased by 10 % for EFF2 motors (15 % for EFF1 motors) also for rated output.
motors with increased output. Order code N08
Order code N02 Increased air temperature/humidity with 30 to 60 g water
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), with per m3 of air
increased coolant temperature For motors of series 1LE1 and 1PC1, a version can be ordered
For mains-fed motors at outputs in accordance with the catalog, for increased air humidity of between 30 and 60 g water per m3
the coolant temperature can be raised to 55 °C. of air depending on the temperature as listed in the table below.
Order code N03 This option includes condensation drainage holes (order code
The service factor (SF) is not indicated on the rating plate for or- H03).
der codes N02 and N03. Order code N20
For converter-fed operation at the output specified in the cata- Please contact your local Siemens office if order code N20 is to
log, the motors are used in accordance with temperature class be combined with additional mountings (eg. rotary pulse encod-
155 (F). Order codes N01, N02 and N03 are not possible. This ers, brakes).
applies to motors up to 460 V. Increased air temperature/humidity with 60 to 100 g water
Temperature class 155 (F), used according to 155 (F), other per m3 of air
requirements For motors of series 1LE1 and 1PC1, a version can be ordered
The motors can be ordered according to temperature class 155 for increased air humidity of between 60 and 100 g water per m3
(F) for use according to temperature class 155 (F) with other cus- of air depending on the temperature as listed in the table below.
tomized requirements if they are specified in plain text in the or- This option includes condensation drainage holes (order code
der. H03).
Order code Y52 Order code N21
Please contact your local Siemens office if order code N21 is to
be combined with additional mountings (eg. rotary pulse encod-
ers, brakes).

0/108 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Absolute/relative conversion of air humidity 0
Relative humidity Temperature
20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C 70 °C 80 °C 90 °C
10 % 2 3 5 8 13 20 29 42
15 % 3 5 8 12 19 30 44 63
20 % 3 6 10 17 26 39 58 84
25 % 4 8 13 21 32 49 73 105
30 % 5 9 15 25 39 59 87 126
35 % 6 11 18 29 45 69 102 146
40 % 7 12 20 33 52 79 116 167
45 % 8 14 23 37 58 89 131 188
50 % 9 15 26 41 65 98 145 209
55 % 10 17 28 46 71 108 160 230
60 % 10 19 31 50 78 118 174 251
65 % 11 20 33 54 84 128 189 272
70 % 12 21 36 58 91 138 203 293
75 % 13 23 38 62 97 148 218 314
80 % 14 24 41 66 104 157 233 335
85 % 15 26 43 70 110 167 247 356
90 % 16 27 46 74 117 177 262 377
95 % 16 29 49 79 123 187 276 398
100 % 17 30 51 83 130 197 291 419

The values in the table with a blue background are covered by the standard
version (up to 30 g water per m3 of air).
The values in the table with a light gray background are covered by order
code N20 (30 to 60 g of water per m3 of air).
The values in the table with a dark gray background are covered by order
code N21 (60 to 100 g of water per m3 of air).

Please contact your local Siemens office regarding requirements

exceeding 100 g water per m3 of air
Restarting against residual field and opposite phase
All motors can be reclosed against 100 % residual field after a
mains voltage failure.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/109

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Motor protection Two sets of three temperature sensors are used if a warning is
required before the motor is shut down (tripped). The warning is
The order variants for motor protection are coded with letters in normally set to 10 K below the tripping temperature.
the 15th position of the Order No. and, if necessary, using order
codes. Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 6 embedded temper-
ature sensors for alarm and tripping. In the connection box,
In the standard version, the motor is designed without motor pro- 4 auxiliary terminals are required.
tection. 15th position of Order No. letter C
15th position of Order No. letter A
In order to achieve full thermal protection, it is necessary to
A distinction is made between current-dependent and motor- combine a thermally delayed overcurrent release and a PTC
temperature-dependent protection devices. thermistor. For full motor protection implemented only with PTC
Current-dependent protection devices thermistors, please inquire.
Fuses are only used to protect mains cables in the event of a Motor temperature detection with converter-fed operation
short-circuit. They are not suitable for overload protection of the KTY 84-130 temperature sensor
This sensor is a semiconductor that changes its resistance de-
The motors are usually protected by delayed overload protection pending on temperature in accordance with a defined curve.
devices (circuit breakers for motor protection or overload re-
lays). 3
This protection is current-dependent and is particularly effective
in the case of a locked rotor.
For standard duty with short start-up times and starting currents 2.5
that are not excessive and for low numbers of switching opera-
tions, motor protection switches provide adequate protection. k
Motor protection switches are not suitable for heavy starting duty 2
or large numbers of switching operations. Differences in the ther-
mal time constants for the protection equipment and the motor
results in unnecessary early tripping when the protection switch
is set to rated current. 1.5

Motor-temperature-dependent protection devices D = 2 mA

Temperature detectors installed in the motor winding are suit- 1

able protection devices in the case of slowly rising motor tem-
When a limit temperature is reached, these bimetal switches 0.5
(NC contacts) can deactivate an auxiliary circuit. The circuit can
only be reclosed following a considerable fall in temperature.
When the motor current rises quickly (e.g. with a locked rotor),
these switches are not suitable due to their large thermal time 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 °C 300
Temperature detectors for tripping U
15th position of Order No. letter Z and order code Q3A
KTY 84-130 temperature sensor characteristic
The most comprehensive protection against thermal overload-
ing of the motor is provided by PTC thermistors (thermistor Some converters from Siemens determine the motor tempera-
motor protection) installed in the motor winding. The tempera- ture using the resistance of the temperature sensor. They can be
ture of the winding can be accurately monitored thanks to its low set to a required temperature for alarm and tripping.
heating capacity and the excellent heat contact with the wind-
Motor temperature detection with embedded temperature sen-
ing. When a limit temperature is reached (rated tripping temper-
sor KTY 84-130. Two auxiliary terminals are required in the con-
ature), the PTC thermistors undergo a step change in resistance.
nection box.
This is evaluated by a tripping unit and can be used to open
15th position of Order No. letter F
auxiliary circuits. The PTC thermistors themselves cannot be
subjected to high currents and voltages. This would result in The temperature sensor is embedded in the winding head of the
destruction of the semiconductor. The switching hysteresis of the motor in the same manner as a PTC thermistor. Evaluation is per-
PTC thermistor and tripping unit is low, which supports fast re- formed, for example, in the converter.
starting of the drive. Motors with this type of protection are rec- For mains-fed operation, the temperature monitoring device
ommended for heavy duty starting, switching duty, extreme 3RS10 that is part of the protection equipment can be ordered
changes in load, high ambient temperatures or fluctuating sup- separately. For further details, see Catalog LV 1,
ply systems. Order No.: E86060-K1002-A101-A7-7600.
Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temper- With NTC thermistors (mainly in the case of special machines),
ature sensors for tripping. In the connection box, 2 auxiliary ter- the tripping temperature can also be adjusted later on the trip-
minals are required. ping unit. NTC thermistors for tripping
15th position of Order No. letter B 15th position of Order No. letter Z and order code Q2A
The temperature detectors have the following current carrying
capacity and switching capacity:
230 V AC cosϕ: 2.5 A
24 V DC: 1.6 A

0/110 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Heating and ventilation Metal external fan impeller 0
Anti-condensation heaters The standard fan impeller made of plastic can be replaced with
a fan impeller made of metal. This version can be supplied 1LE1
Supply voltage 230 V (1~) (with the exception of 1LE1 with option F90 – version “Forced-air
Order code Q02 cooled motors without external fan and fan cover”). With the
Supply voltage 115 V (1~) 1LE1 mortor series, the metal fan can also be used for converter-
Order code Q03 fed operation.
A metal external fan is already included for the low-noise ver-
Motors whose windings are at risk of condensation due to the sion.
climatic conditions, e.g. inactive motors in humid atmospheres Up to frame size 160, the metal external fan impeller is manufac-
or motors that are subjected to widely fluctuating temperatures, tured from sheet aluminum or steel.
can be equipped with anti-condensation heaters. Order codes F76
An additional M16 x 1.5 cable entry is provided for the connect-
ing cable in the connection box. Fan cover for textile industry
Anti-condensation heaters must not be switched on during oper- For motors 1LE1 (with the exception of 1LE1 with option F90 –
ation. version “Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan
Motor series Frame size Heater output of anti-condensation cover”), the fan cover can be used in the standard version for the
heaters in Watt (W) textile industry.
Supply voltage at For motor series 1LE1 (with the exception of 1LE1 with option
230 V 115 V F90 – version “Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
Order code Order code fan cover”), a version of the fan cover can be supplied specially
Q02 Q03 for the textile industry. This has a protective cover and is made
1LE1/1PC1 100 ... 112 50 50 of non-corrosive sheet steel.
1LE1/1PC1 132 … 160 100 100 When a fan cover is mounted for the textile industry, the length
Instead of an anti-condensation heater, another possibility (at no of the motor increases by 64 mm for frame sizes 100/112 and by
extra cost) is connection of a voltage that is approximately 4 to 71 mm for frame sizes 132/160.
10 % of the rated motor voltage to stator terminals U1 and V1; Order code F75
20 to 30 % of the rated motor current are sufficient to heat the Sheet metal fan cover
For 1LE1 motor series (with the exception of 1LE1 with option
Fans/Separately driven fans F90 – version “Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
1LE1 motors of frame sizes 100 ... 160 have radial-flow fans in fan cover”), the fan cover can be supplied in sheet metal instead
the standard version (with the exception of 1LE1 with option F90 of plastic.
– version “Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan Order code F74
cover”) that cool regardless of the direction of rotation of the mo-
tor (cooling method IC 411 acc. to DIN EN 60034-6). The air flow
is forced from the non-drive-end (NDE) to the drive end (DE).
For details of separately driven fans for frame sizes 100 ... 160,
see Page 0/129.
Supply voltage of separately driven fan for 1LE1 motors:
The supply voltage tolerance of the separately driven fan is
±5 %; for voltage ranges, Page 0/129.
When the motor is mounted and the air intake is restricted, it
must be ensured that a minimum clearance is maintained be-
tween the fan cover and the wall. This clearance is calculated
from the difference between the protective cover and the fan
cover (differential dimension LM – L) or is specified in the de-
tailed dimension drawing (see also Dimensional drawings from
Page 1/68).
For design of the fan/separately driven fan and the fan cover, see
the table below.
Motor series Frame size Fan material Fan cover
1LE1 100 … 160 plastic plastic 1)

The sheet metal fan cover is used for type of constuction codes A, D, F, H,
J, K, L, N, T, U, V in combination with option H03 (condensation drainage
holes). Mounted separately driven fans and brakes are only available for
versions with sheet metal fan covers.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/111

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Necessary minimum cooling air flow for forced-air-cooled motors in standard duty
The required cooling air flow indicated in the selection table ap- driven which must drive the minimum cooling air flow over the
plies to continuous duty according to DIN EN 60034-1 at a cool- motor housing. The minimum air flow must pass closely over the
ant temperature (CT) and ambient temperature, respectively, of housing (comparable to self-ventilation of the motor). Otherwise,
40 °C and a site altitude (SA) of up to 1000 m above sea level. higher air flows are required to comply with admissible motor
heating levels. For a higher cooling air flow, the operating tem-
In the motor version without external fan and fan cover, order perature of the motor can be reduced.
code F90, the motor is located in the air flow of the fan to be
Frame size Required cooling air flow for number of poles
2 4 6 8
50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz
m3/min. m3/min. m3/min. m3/min. m3/min. m3/min. m3/min. m3/min. m3/min. m3/min.
100 3.8 4.4 2.1 2.6 2.3 2.8 1.5 1.8 1.2 1.3
112 5.0/5.4 1) 5.7/6.1 1) 2.9 3.5 2.9 3.5 1.9 2.3 1.4 1.6
132 6.3 7.3 4.6 5.7 4.6 5.7 3.1 3.8 2.4 2.9
160 10.9 13.3 6.7 8.1 7.6 9.1 5 6.1 3.8 4.5

1) Value: EFF1/EFF2

0/112 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Motor connection and connection box Design of the connection box 0
Connection, circuit and connection box The number of terminals and the size of the connection box are
designed for standard requirements.
Location of the connection box
For special requirements or upon the customer´s request, a
The order variants for motor connection are coded with digits in larger connection box, can be delivered.
the 16th position of the Order No. Order code R50
The connection box of the motor can be mounted in four different If the necessary installation angle of the motor would cause
locations or positions. The position of the connection box must machine components to collide with the connection box, the
always be viewed from the drive end (DE). connection box can be moved from the drive end (DE) to the
The standard position of the connection box for General Line non-drive end (NDE). Only use according to temperature class
motors is on top 155 (F) possible.
16th position of Order No. digit 0. Order code H08
Not possible for explosion-proof motors.
The standard position of the connection box for all other motors
is on top Motor connection
16th position of Order No. digit 4. Line feeder cables
For all motors with feet (apart from motors with increased out- The line feeder cables must be dimensioned acc. to
put), cast feet are standard. If rotation of the connection box in DIN VDE 0298. The number of required feeder cables, if neces-
the future has to be provided for, it is recommended that the sary in parallel, is defined by:
option “Screwed-on feet” (instead of cast feet), order code H01, • The max. cable cross-section which can be connected
is ordered.
For motors with feet and increased output, screwed-on feet are • The cable type
standard. The connection box can be rotated later. • Routing
Connection box on RHS • Ambient temperature and the corresponding admissible cur-
16th position of Order No. digit 5. rent in accordance with DIN VDE 0298

Connection box on LHS For motors with auxilliary terminals (e.g. 15th position of Order
16th position of Order No. digit 6. No. is letter B) an M16 x 1.5 cable gland with plug is additonally
Connection box bottom For further details, see the data sheet function in the SD gener-
16th position of Order No. digit 7. ator.
The connection box is located on the housing and bolted in
place. The connection box can be turned 4 x 90° on the terminal
base of the machine’s housing in the case of a terminal board
0/4 with 6 terminal studs (standard design).
There are 2 entry holes at the standard position complete with
sealing plugs and locknuts (see figure).

6 5


Location of the connection box with the corresponding digits in the 16th
position of the order number
The number of winding ends depends on the winding design.
Three-phase motors are connected to the three phase conduc-
tors L1, L2 and L3 of a three-phase system. The rated voltage of
the motor in the running connection must match the phase con-
ductor voltages of the network.
When the three phases are operating in a time sequence and are
connected to the terminals of the motor in alphabetical order U1,
V1 and W1, clockwise rotation is established as viewed from the
motor shaft. The direction of rotation of the motor can be re- Connection box in standard position
versed if two connecting leads are interchanged.
Labeled terminals are provided to connect the protective con-
A PE terminal is provided in the connection box for grounding. A
grounding terminal is provided on the outside of the motor frame
– special version for 1LE1/1PC1 motors.
Order code H04.
If a brake control system or thermal protection is installed, the
connections will also be in the connection box. The motors are
suitable for direct connection to the line supply.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/113

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Cable entry on connection box Ordering example:
Unless stated otherwise, the cable entry is located in the stan- Connection box on RHS (16th position of Order No. digit 5):
dard position as shown in the illustration. Without additional order code, cable entry from below.
The connection box can also be rotated such that the cable en- With additional order code R10:
try is located Cable entry from drive end (DE)
• Towards the drive end (DE)
(rotation of connection box by 90°, entry from DE)
Order code R10
• Towards the non-drive end (NDE)
(rotation of connection box by 90°, entry from NDE)
Order code R11
• Opposite
(rotation of connection box by 180°, entry from opposite end)
Order code R12
The dimensions of the connection box are listed in part “Dimen-
sions”, see Pages 1/65 to 1/75 in accordance with the frame size
and the “Dimension drawings”.
If the position of the connection box (connection box RHS, LHS
or above) is changed, the position of the cable entry must be
checked and, if necessary, it can be ordered with the corre-
sponding order codes (R10, R11 and R12).

Connection box in standard position, detailed view

For cable entry to a standard connection box, a metal cable
entry can be ordered for motor connection.
One cable gland, metal
Order code R15


Drive end Non-drive end

R10 R11

Standard G_D081_EN_00177a

Locations of the cable entries with corresponding order codes

For special requirements for which standard holes for the cable Protruding cable ends
entries are inadequate for the British market in UK, reduction
pieces for M cable glands in accordance with British Standard For confined spaces, protruding cable ends can be ordered,
that are mounted on both cable entries can be supplied. without a connection box with cover plate.
Order code R30 The following lengths of protruding cables can already be
Frame size Cable entry acc. to ordered using order codes on request:
IEC British Standard • 3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 1)
100 2 x M32 2 x M20 Order code R20
112/132 2 x M32 2 x M25 • 3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 1)
160 2 x M40 2 x M32 Order code R21
• 6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long
Order code R22
• 6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long
Order code R23
• 6 cables protruding, 3.0 m long
Order code R24
The cross-section of the named cables refers to a coolant
temperature up to CT 40 ºC.

1) With only 3 protruding cables additional plain text specifying star or delta
connection is required.

0/114 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Connection, circuit and connection box 0
Standard connection box TB1 F00, TB1 H00, TB1 J00 Larger connection box type TB1F10, TB1H10, TB1J10

Standard connection boxes/larger connection box for 1LE1/1PC1 motors – basic data
Motors Frame size Number of cable entries Connection box material Feeder connection
1LE1 100 … 160 2 entries complete with sealing Aluminum alloy Without cable lug
plugs and locknuts
Connection box is mounted and bolted in place.

Possible positions of the standard connection boxes/Larger connection box for 1LE1/1PC1 motors
Motors Frame size Connection box position Rotation of connection box
Above Side, right Retrofitting 90° 180° Retrofitting
or left possible possible
1LE1 100 … 160 – 1) Yes
Available version

Standard connection boxes/larger connection box for 1LE1/1PC1 motors in standard version
Frame size Connection box Number of Contact screw Max. connectable Outer cable Cable entry 2) Two-part plate
terminals thread cross-section diameter Adm. outer cable
(sealing range) diameter
standard / mm2 mm mm
100 TB1 F00/TB1F10 6 M4 4 11 … 21 2 x M32 x 1.5 –
132 TB1 H00/TB1H10 6 M4 6 11 … 21 2 x M32 x 1.5 –
160 TB1 J00/TB1J10 6 M5 16 19 … 28 2 x M40 x 1.5 –
– Not available

Terminal connection
The terminal board accommodates the terminals that are con-
nected to the leads to the motor windings. The terminals are
designed so that for frame sizes 100 ... 160 the external (line)
connections can be made without the need for cable lugs.

Retrofittable screwed-on feet (16th position of Order No. digit 5, 6, 7 and 4
with order code H01).
Designed for cable glands with O-ring.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/115

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Types of construction
Standard types of construction and special types of construction
Type of construction Frame size Letter Order No.
acc. to DIN EN 60034-7 14th position of supplement -Z
the Order No. with order code
Without flange
IM B3 100 L to 160 L A –

IM B6/IM 1051 100 L to 160 L T –

IM B7/IM 1061 100 L to 160 L U –

IM B8/IM 1071 100 L to 160 L V –

IM V5/IM 1011 100 L to 160 L C –

without protective cover

IM V6/IM 1031 100 L to 160 L D –

IM V5/IM 1011 100 L to 160 L C + H00 1)

with protective cover

With flange
IM B5/IM 3001 100 L to 160 L F –

IM V1/IM 3011 100 L to 160 L G –

without protective cover

IM V1/IM 3011 100 L to 160 L G + H00 1)

with protective cover

IM V3/IM 3031 100 L to 160 L H –

IM B35/IM 2001 100 L to 160 L J –

In the DIN EN 50347 standard, flanges FF with through holes

and flanges FT with tapped holes are specified.

1) A second shaft extension L05 is not possible.

0/116 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data

Type of construction Frame size Letter Order No. 0

acc. to DIN EN 60034-7 14th position of supplement -Z
the Order No. with order code
With standard flange
IM B14/IM 3601 100 L to 160 L K –

IM V19/IM 3631 100 L to 160 L L –

IM V18/IM 3611 100 L to 160 L M –

without protective cover

IM V 18/IM 3611 100 L to 160 L M + H00 1)

with protective cover

IM B34/IM 2101 100 L to 160 L N –

With special flange (next larger standard flange)

IM B14/IM 3601 100 L to 160 L K + P01

IM V19/IM 3631 100 L to 160 L L + P01

IM V18/IM 3611 100 L to 160 L M + P01

without protective cover

IM V 18/IM 3611 100 L to 160 L M + P01

with protective cover + H00 1)

IM B34/IM 2101 100 L to 160 L N + P01

In DIN EN 50347, standard flanges are assigned to the frame If mounting position IM V1 is ordered, eyebolts are supplied for
sizes as FT with tapped holes. The special flange was assigned vertical mounting.
as a large flange in the previous DIN 42677. The motors are designated in accordance with the types of con-
struction on the rating plate.
The dimensions of the following types of construction are identi-
cal: With motors that have a vertical shaft extension, the end user
IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 and IM V6 must prevent an ingress of fluid along the shaft.
IM B5, IM V1 and IM V3 In the case of all types of construction with shaft extension down,
IM B14, IM V18 and IM V19 the version “with protective cover” is urgently recommended,
see the section “Degrees of protection”, Page 0/119.
Motors in the standard output range can be ordered in basic
types of construction IM B3, IM B5 and IM B14 and can be op- Frame design
erated in the following mounting positions – IM B6, IM B7, IM B8,
IM V5, IM V6, IM V1, IM V3 (up to frame size 160 L) or IM V18 Motors in the types of construction with feet have, in some
and IM V19. Eyebolts are available for transport and installation cases, two fixing holes at the feet at the non-drive end (NDE),
in a horizontal position. In conjunction with the eyebolts, for the see dimension tables, Pages 1/68 to 1/75. A code is cast into the
purpose of stabilizing the position when the motor is arranged motor close to the fixing retaining holes to identify the frame size.
vertically, additional lifting straps (DIN EN 1492-1) and/or clamp- A metal fan cover is used as standard for horizontal types of con-
ing bands (DIN EN 12195-2) must be used. struction and types of constructions with shaft extension facing
upwards (14th position of Order No. letter A, T, U, V, D, F, H, J,
K, L or N) in combination with condensation drainage holes,
order code H03.
1) A second shaft extension L05 is not possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/117

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Mechanical design and degrees of protection For the encoders
Preparation for gear mounting • 1XP8 012-10 order code G01
The flange-mounting motors can be equipped with a radial seal • 1XP8 012-20 order code G02
in order to mount gearing. from the “modular technology”, this preparation of the shaft
Order code H23 extension on NDE can be ordered with the option “Prepared for
It must be ensured that the sealing ring is lubricated using mounting with shaft D12”.
grease, oil mist or oil spray (it is not ermissible to use pressurized Order code G41
oil > 0.1 bar). By using option G41, the motor length increases by dimension
We recommend that the admissible bearing loads are carefully ∆I. For explanations of additional dimensions and weights, see
checked. “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights” from Page 0/137.

Eyebolts and transport For the encoders

• LL 861 900 220 order code G04
1LE1/1PC1 motors without feet have four cast eyebolts as stan-
dard, each offset by 90°; in the case of screwed-on feet, two eye- • HOG 9 D 1024 l order code G05
bolts are covered by the feet, so in this case only two eyebolts • HOG 10 D 1024 l order code G06
are available for use.
from the “special technology”, this preparation of the shaft
Frame material extension on NDE can be ordered with the option “Prepared for
Type series Frame size Frame material Frame feet mounting with shaft D16”.
1LE1/1PC1 100 … 160 Aluminum alloy Cast 1) Order code G42
By using option G42, the motor length increases by dimension
Preparation for mountings ∆I. For explanations of additional dimensions and weights, see
“Technology”, “Dimensions and weights” from Page 0/137.
The encoders of the “modular and special technology” can be
fitted at a later time. The motor must be prepared for this. Possi- Motors that are prepared for additional mountings (order codes
ble for all 1LE1 motors (with the exception of 1LE1 with option G40, G41, G42) are supplied without protective cover as stan-
F90 – version “Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and dard.
fan cover”). If a protective cover is requested as cover or as mechanical pro-
tection for mounting provided by the customer, it can be ordered
For the brake with order code F01 and for all encoders from the with order code G43. It must be mounted according to the sup-
“modular and special technology”, this preparation of the shaft plied installation instructions. The protective cover has supports
extension on NDE can be ordered with the option “Prepared for of different lengths that, depending on the height of the mount-
mounting, only center hole”. ing, can be used during the installation.
Order code G40
The length of the motor does not change because the shaft ex- The standard protective cover (order code H00) is not suitable
tension is still under the fan cover. for protecting additional mountings such as the rotary pulse
The order codes G40, G41 and G42 are not possible in combi-
nation with order code L00, vibration quantity level B.

Basic version, cast feet: Special version “Screwed-on feet (instead of
cast)” with digit 5, 6 and 7 in the 16th position of the Order No. or digit 4
with order code H01. Screwed-on feet are standard for motors with
increased output.

0/118 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Degrees of protection When the motors are used or stored outdoors we reccommend
that they are kept under some sort of cover so that they are not
All motors are designed to IP55 degree of protection. They can subjected to direct intensive solar radiation, rain, snow, ice or
be installed in dusty or humid environments. The motors are suit- dust over a long period of time. In such cases, technical consul-
able for operation in tropical climates. Guide value <60 % rela- tation may be appropriate.
tive air humidity at CT 40 °C. Other requirements are available on
request. When the motors are used outdoors or in a corrosive environ-
ment, it is recommended that non-rusting screws are used exter-
Brief explanation of the degree of protection nally.
IP55: Protection against harmful dust deposits, protection Order code H07
against water jets from any direction. Vibration-proof version
IP56 (non-heavy-sea): A load of 1.5 g in all 3 planes for up to 1 % of the service life of
Protection against harmful dust deposits, protection against the motor is possible.
water jets from any direction. Order code H02
Order code H22 For availability of individual options for the relevant motor series,
DIN EN 60034-5 defines protection level 6 for water protection see section “Special versions” in catalog part 1.
as: “Protection against water due to heavy seas or water in a
powerful jet”. IP56 non-heavy-sea degree of protection can only Noise levels for mains-fed operation
be used with the requirement “Protection against a powerful jet”
and not for the requirement “Protection against heavy sea”. The noise levels are measured in accordance with
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (order code F01). DIN EN ISO 1680 in a dead room. It is specified as the A-valued
measuring-surface sound pressure level LpfA in dB (A).
IP65: Complete protection against dust deposits, protection This is the spatial mean value of the sound pressure levels mea-
against water jets from any direction. sured on the measuring surface. The measuring surface is a
Order code H20 cube 1 m away from the surface of the motor. The sound power
In DIN EN 60034-5, the code 6 for protection against the ingress level is also specified as LWA in dB (A).
of foreign bodies and touch hazard protection for electrical ma- The specified values are valid at 50 Hz at rated output (see the
chines is not listed – data for code 6 (protection against the in- Selection and ordering data). The tolerance is +3 dB. At 60 Hz,
gress of dust) is given in EN 60529. the values are approximately 4 dB (A) higher. Please inquire
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D about the noise levels for motors with converter-fed operation.
1024l (order code G05) and/or brake 2LM8 (order code F01)
and/or in combination with option “unpainted, only cast iron To reduce noise levels, 2-pole motors with frame size 132 S can
parts primed” (S00). be fitted with an axial-flow fan that is only suitable for one direc-
tion of rotation. The values can be taken from the table “Low-
DIN EN 60529 contains a comprehensive description of this de- noise version” below.
gree of protection as well as test conditions.
Clockwise rotation
With motors that have a vertical shaft extension, the end user Order code F77
must prevent an ingress of fluid along the shaft.
Counter-clockwise rotation
For motors with shaft extension pointing downwards, the version Order code F78
“protective cover for types of construction”, order code H00, is
urgently recommended, see also “Types of construction”, Page A second shaft extension and/or mountings (mounting of brake,
0/116. external fan, or encoder) are not possible.
Low-noise version
With flange-mounting motors, for IM V3 type of construction, col-
Type series Frame size 2-pole motors
lection of fluid in the flange basin can be prevented by drainage
holes (on request). LpfA LWA
dB (A) dB (A)
The condensation drainage holes at the drive end (DE) and non- 1LE1 1) 132 60 72
drive end (NDE) are sealed (IP55) on delivery. If the condensa- 160 60 72
tion drainage holes are ordered for motors fo the IM B6, IM B7 or
IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), the po-
sition of the drainage holes will be in the correct position for the
type of construction.
Order code H03
A metal fan cover is used as standard for horizontal types of con-
struction and types of constructions with shaft extension facing
upwards (14th position of Order No. letter A, T, U, V, D, F, H, J,
K, L or N) in combination with condensation drainage holes, or-
der code H03, to facilitate mounting/demounting.

With the exception of 1LE1 with option F90 – version “Forced-air cooled
motors without external fan and fan cover”.

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IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Balance and vibration quantity Vibration quantity level A is the standard version and is valid for
a rated frequency of 60 Hz.
All of the rotors are dynamically balanced with an inserted half
key. This corresponds to vibration quantity level A (normal/stan- Low-vibration version B can be supplied to fulfill stricter require-
dard). The vibrational characteristics and behavior of electrical ments on smooth running (additional charge).
machinery is specified in DIN EN 60034-14 Sept. 2004. Based
on DIN ISO 8821, the key convention “half key” (H) must be used Vibration quantity level B
for balancing. Not possible with parallel roller bearings.
Order code L00
The type of key convention used for balancing is stamped on the
face of the DE/NDE. The order code L00 vibration quantity level B is not possible in
combination with order codes G40, G41 and G42.
F = Balancing with full key
(Full-key convention) The limits stated in the table are applicable for uncoupled, idling
H = Balancing with half key motors in free suspension.
(Half-key convention) – standard For converter-fed operation with frequencies greater than 60 Hz,
N = Balancing without key – special balancing is required for compliance with the specified
Plain text required (Convention without key) limit values (plain text: max. supply frequency/speed).
This is indicated on the rating plate of motors up to frame size 112. For further details, see the online help in the SD configurator
Full-key balancing or balancing with full-key (F) is possible on re- (available soon).
quest with order code L02 (additional charge).
Balancing without featherkey (N) is possible on request by
specifying code L01 (additional charge).
Limits (rms values) for max. vibration quantity of vibration distance (s), vibration speed (v) and acceleration (a) for the shaft height H
Vibration quantity Machine installation Shaft height H in mm
56 ≤ H ≤ 132 132 < H ≤ 280 H > 280
srms vrms arms srms vrms arms srms vrms arms
μm mm/s mm/s2 μm mm/s mm/s2 μm mm/s mm/s2
A Free suspension 25 1.6 2.5 35 2.2 3.5 45 2.8 4.4
Rigid clamping 21 1.3 2.0 29 1.8 2.8 37 2.3 3.6
B Free suspension 11 0.7 1.1 18 1.1 1.7 29 1.8 2.8
Rigid clamping – – – 14 0.9 1.4 24 1.5 2.4
For details, see standard DIN EN 60034-14, Sept. 2004.

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IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Shaft and rotor Standard shaft made of non-rusting steel 0
Shaft extension For motor series 1LE1, a standard shaft made of non-rusting
steel can be ordered. This is only possible for shaft extensions
60° center hole to DIN 332, Part 2 with M3 to M24 tapped hole of standard dimensions. For non-standard shaft dimensions,
depending on the shaft diameter (see dimension tables, Pages there will be an additional charge!
1/68 to 1/75.) Order code L06
Second standard shaft extension. Please inquire about other non-rusting materials.
Order code L05
Non-standard cylindrical shaft extension
Possible for all 1LE1 motors (with the exception of 1LE1 with op-
tion F90 – version “Forced-air cooled motors without external fan The non-standard cylindrical shaft extension can be used on the
and fan cover”). drive end (DE) or non-drive end (NDE). The featherkey is always
supplied with it.
The second shaft extension can transmitt the full rated output via Order code Y55
coupling output.
When motors are ordered which have a longer or shorter shaft
Please also inquire about the transmitted power and admissible extension as standard, the required position and length of the
cantilever force if belt pulleys, chains or gear pinions are used featherkey way must be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured
on the second shaft extension. that only featherkeys in accordance with DIN 6885, Form A are
A second shaft extension is not available if a rotary pulse en- permitted to be used. The location of the featherkey way is in the
coder and/or separately driven fan is mounted. Please inquire if center of the shaft extension. The length is defined by the man-
a brake is mounted. ufacturer normatively.
DE (shaft extension) Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard threaded journals,
Diameter Thread non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals, ex-
mm mm tremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square
7 ... 10 DR M3 journals, etc.), hollow shafts.
>10 ... 13 DR M4 For order code Y55 and second standard shaft extension L05
>13 ... 16 DR M5 (see previous page):
>16 ... 21 DR M6 • Dimensions D and DA must be less than or equal to the inner
>21 ... 24 DR M8 diameter of the roller bearing (see dimension tables under
>24 ... 30 DR M10 “Dimensions” in catalog part 1)
>30 ... 38 DR M12 • Dimensions E and EA must be smaller than or equal to
>38 ... 50 DS M16 2 x length E (standard) of the shaft extension
>50 ... 85 DS M20
A non-standard cylindrical shaft extension can be supplied for
>85 ... 130 DS M24
the motor series listed in the table “Admissible changes to shaft
Dimensions and tolerances for keyways and keys are designed extension” below up to the specified maximum lengths and
to DIN EN 50347. The motors are always supplied with a key in- diameters as compared to the standard shaft.
serted in the shaft.
It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the admissi-
Admissible changes to the shaft extension: ble cantilever forces are reduced in accordance with the non-
Motor Frame size Shaft extension Shaft extension
standard shaft extension.
series length E diameter D Concentricity of shaft extension, coaxiality and linear movement
in mm in mm
in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for flange-mounting
Standard Up to Standard Up to
max. max. 1) motors
1LE1, 100 60 120 28 30 The following are specified in DIN 42955 with Tolerance N
1PC1 112 (normal) and Tolerance R (reduced):
132 80 160 38 40
1. Concentricity tolerances for the shaft extension
160 110 220 42 45
2. Coaxiality tolerances for the shaft extension and flange
Shaft extension with standard dimensions, without featherkey centering
3. Linear movement tolerances for the shaft extension and
For motor series 1LE1 and 1PC1, the standard shaft extension flange surface
can be ordered with standard dimensions without featherkey
way. The concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality and linear
Order code L04 movement according to DIN 42955 Tolerance R for flange-
mounting motors can be ordered using order code L08.
This order code can be combined for motors with deep-groove
bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63… This cannot be supplied in
combination with brake or encoder mounting.
Concentricity of the shaft extension can be ordered according to
DIN 42955 Tolerance R for types of construction without flange
with order code L07.

1) At maximum admissible diameter, a step increase in shaft diameter is not


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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Bearings and lubrication Motors 1LE1/1PC1 can be supplied with reinforced deep-groove
bearings at both ends (size range 03).
Bearing lifetime (nominal lifetime) Special bearings for DE and NDE, bearing size 63, the bearing
The nominal bearing lifetime is defined acc. to standardized cal- plates are manufactured from cast-iron for this purpose.
culation procedures (DIN ISO 281) and is reached or even ex- Order code L25
ceeded for 90 % of the bearings when the motors are operated A measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse measurement is
in compliance with the data provided in the catalog. mounted to check bearing vibration. The motors have a tapped
Under average operating conditions, a lifetime (Lh10) of 100 000 hole for each bearing plate and a measuring nipple with a pro-
hours can be achieved. tective plug. If a second tapped hole is provided, it is fitted with
a sealing plug.
Generally, the bearing lifetime is defined by the bearing size, the Order code Q01
bearing load, the operating conditions, the speed and the
grease lifetime. Bearing selection for increased cantilever forces (see the table
“Bearing selection for 1LE1/1PC1 motors – Bearing for in-
Bearing system creased cantilever forces”, Page 0/124) – “Admissible axial
The bearing lifetime of motors with horizontal type of construc- load” from Page 0/126.
tion is at least 40 000 hours if there is no additional axial loading Permanent lubrication
at the coupling output and at least 20 000 hours with the maxi-
mum admissible loads. For permanent lubrication, the bearing grease lifetime is
matched to the bearing lifetime. This can, however, only be
This assumes that the motor is operated at 50 Hz. The nominal achieved if the motor is operated in accordance with the catalog
bearing lifetime is reduced for converter-fed operation at higher specifications.
frequencies. In the basic version, the motors have permanent lubrication.
For the admissible vibration values measured at the bearing plate, Regreasing
evaluation zones A and B specified in ISO 10816 are applicable
in order to achieve the calculated lifetime under continuous duty. For motors which can be regreased at defined regreasing inter-
If higher vibration speeds will occur under the operating condi- vals, the bearing lifetime can be extended and/or unfavorable
tions, special arrangements will be necessary (please inquire). factors such as temperature, mounting conditions, speed, bear-
ing size and mechanical load can be compensated.
In the basic bearing system, the floating bearing is situated at
the drive end (DE) and the located bearing is situated at the non- It is possible to regrease motors, shaft heights 100 to 160. A lu-
drive end (NDE). bricating nipple is optionally provided.
Order code L23
The bearing system is axially preloaded with a spring element at
the drive end (DE) to ensure smooth running of the motor without For motors with regreasing device, data concerning regreasing
play. (see Figure 1 of the Diagrams of bearings, Page 0/124). intervals, grease quantity, type of grease and, where applicable,
additional data are stated on the rating plate or lubricating plate.
For frame size 160 and above, the located bearing is axially For regreasing intervals for basic versions see table “Grease life-
secured at the non-drive end (NDE). Up to frame size 132, an time and regreasing intervals for horizontal installation”.
additional axially-secured located bearing can be supplied on The regreasing device cannot be mounted in combination with
the non-drive end (NDE) complete with a retaining ring (see Fig- mounting of the brake, order code F01.
ure 2 of the Diagrams of bearings, Page 0/124).
Order code L21 Mechanical stress and grease lifetime
On request, the located bearing can also be supplied at the drive High speeds that exceed the rated speed with converter-fed
end (DE) (see Figure 3 of the Diagrams of bearings, Page 0/124). operation and the resulting increased vibrations alter the me-
Order code L20 chanical running smoothness and the bearings are subjected to
increased mechanical stress. This reduces the grease lifetime
For increased cantilever forces (e.g. belt drives), reinforced and the bearing lifetime (please inquire where applicable).
bearings can be used at the drive end (DE).
Order code L22 For converter-fed operation in particular, compliance with the
mechanical limit speeds nmax. at maximum supply frequency
fmax. is essential, see the following table “Mechanical limit
speeds nmax. at maximum supply frequency fmax.”.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Mechanical limit speeds nmax. at maximum supply frequency fmax. (standard values) 0
Motor 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
frame size nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax.
rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz
100 L 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
112 M 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
132 S/M 5600 90 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
160 M/L 4800 80 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
Grease lifetime and regreasing intervals for horizontal installation
Permanent lubrication 1)
Type series Frame size Number of poles Grease lifetime up to CT 40 °C 2)
1LE1/1PC1 100 … 160 2 to 8 20000 h or 40000 h 3)
Regreasing (basic version) 1)
Type series Frame size Number of poles Regreasing interval up to CT 40 °C 2)
1LE1/1PC1 100 … 160 2 to 8 8000 h

1) 3)
For special uses and special greases, please inquire about grease lifetime 40000 h apply to horizontally installed motors with coupling output without
and regreasing intervals. additional axial loads.
If the coolant temperature is increased by 10 K, the grease lifetime and
regreasing interval are halved.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Bearing selection table for 1LE1/1PC1 motors – basic version
The bearing selection tables are only intended for planning pur- When deep-groove ball bearings with side plates are used, the
poses. Authoritative information on the actual type of bearings fit- side plate is on the inside. Located bearing at drive end (DE) for
ted in motors already supplied can be obtained by the factory by 1LE1/1PC1 motors, see special version Figure 2 in the “Diagrams
quoting the serial number or can be read from the rating plate. of bearings”, below on this page.
For motors Number of Drive end (DE) bearing Non-drive end (NDE) bearing Figure,
frame size poles Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical below on this page
type of construction type of construction type of construction type of construction
100 L 2 to 8 6206 2ZC3 6206 2ZC3 6206 2ZC3 6206 2ZC3 Fig. 1
112 M 2 to 8 6206 2ZC3 6206 2ZC3 6206 2ZC3 6206 2ZC3 Fig. 1
132 S/M 2 to 8 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1) Fig. 1
160 M/L 2 to 8 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) Fig. 2
Bearing selection table for 1LE1/1PC1 motors – Bearings for increased cantilever forces – Order code L22
Please inquire about noise and vibration data. The bearing se- serial number or can be read from the rating plate.
lection tables are only intended for planning purposes. Authori- When deep-groove ball bearings with side plates are used, the
tative information on the actual type of bearings fitted in motors side plate is on the inside.
already supplied can be obtained by the factory by quoting the
For motors Number of Drive end (DE) bearing Non-drive end (NDE) bearing Figure,
frame size poles Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical below on this page
type of construction type of construction type of construction type of construction
100 L 2 to 8 6306 2ZC3 1) 6306 2ZC3 1) 6206 2ZC3 1) 6206 2ZC3 1) Fig. 1
112 M 2 to 8 6306 2ZC3 1) 6306 2ZC3 1) 6206 2ZC3 1) 6206 2ZC3 1) Fig. 1
132 S/M 2 to 8 6308 2ZC3 1) 6308 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1) 6208 2ZC3 1) Fig. 1
160 M/L 2 to 8 6309 2ZC3 1) 6309 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) 6209 2ZC3 1) Fig. 2
Bearing selection table for 1LE1/1PC1 motors – Deep-groove bearings reinforced at both ends – Order code L25
Please inquire about noise and vibration data. The bearing se- serial number or can be read from the rating plate.
lection tables are only intended for planning purposes. Authori- When deep-groove ball bearings with side plates are used, the
tative information on the actual type of bearings fitted in motors side plate is on the inside.
already supplied can be obtained by the factory by quoting the
For motors Number of Drive end (DE) bearing Non-drive end (NDE) bearing Figure,
frame size poles Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical below on this page
type of construction type of construction type of construction type of construction
100 L 2 to 8 6306 2ZC3 1) 6306 2ZC3 1) 6306 2ZC3 1) 6306 2ZC3 1) Fig. 1
1) 1) 1)
112 M 2 to 8 6306 2ZC3 6306 2ZC3 6306 2ZC3 6306 2ZC3 1) Fig. 1
132 S/M 2 to 8 6308 2ZC3 1) 6308 2ZC3 1) 6308 2ZC3 1) 6308 2ZC3 1) Fig. 1
160 M/L 2 to 8 6309 2ZC3 1) 6309 2ZC3 1) 6309 2ZC3 1) 6309 2ZC3 1) Fig. 2

Diagrams of bearings
Fig. 1: Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing Fig. 2: Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing
Located bearings for 1LE1 frame size 160



Fig. 3: Drive-end bearing Non-drive end bearing


1) Bearings with a side plate are used for regreasable versions

(order code L23).

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Admissible cantilever forces Admissible cantilever forces for the basic 50 Hz version 0
Admissible cantilever forces, basic version Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values für x = l
(l = shaft extension)
For motors Admissible cantilever force
at x0 at xmax.

FQ Frame size Order No. Number of Type Type
1LE1 motor values for EFF1 motors with increased output 1)
(Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high
xmax. x0
100 1LE1001-1AA 2 1010 825
In order to calculate the admissible cantilever forces for a radial 1LE1001-1AB 4 1230 1010
load, the line of force (i.e. the centerline of the pulley) of the 1LE1001-1AC 6 1440 1180
cantilever force FQ (N) must lie within the free shaft extension 112 1LE1001-1BA 2 970 785
(dimension X). 1LE1001-1BB 4 1235 1000
1LE1001-1BC 6 1440 1165
Dimension x [mm] is the distance between the point of applica-
tion of force FQ and the shaft shoulder. Dimension xmax. corre- 132 1LE1001-1CA 2 1470 1180
sponds to the length of the shaft extension. 1LE1001-1CB 4 1830 1470
1LE1001-1CC 6 2150 1730
Total cantilever force FQ = c ⋅ Fu
160 1LE1001-1DA 2 1550 1270
The pre-tension factor c is a value gained from experience from 1LE1001-1DB 4 1910 1550
the belt manufacturer. The following approximate value can be 1LE1001-1DC 6 2230 1810
Admissible cantilever forces for the basic 50 Hz version
For normal flat leather belts with an idler pulley c = 2;
Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values für x = l
for V-belts c = 2 to 2.5; (l = shaft extension)
for special synthetic belts (depending on the type of load and
For motors Admissible cantilever force
type of belt) c = 2 to 2.5.
at x0 at xmax.
The circumferential force Fu (N) is calculated using the following Frame size Order No. Number of Type Type
equation poles
P 1LE1 motors, standard values for EFF1 motors 1)
Fu = 2 10 7
n D (Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency/
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
Fu circumferential force in N with high efficiency)
P rated motor output (transmitted power) in kW 1PC1 motors, standard values for EFF1 motors 1)
n fan speed in rpm (Self-cooled motors with high efficiency):
D belt pulley diameter in mm 100 1LE1001-1AA 2 1020 815
The pulleys are standardized acc. to DIN 2211, Sheet 3. 1PC1001-1AA
1LE1001-1AB 4 1250 1000
The admissible cantilever forces at 60 Hz are approx. 80 % of 1PC1001-1AB
the 50 Hz values (please inquire). 1LE1001-1AC 6 1450 1155
It should be observed that for types of construction IM B6, 1LE1001-1AD 8 1615 1290
IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 and IM V6 the belt tension is only permitted 1PC1001-1AD
to act parallel to the mounting plane or towards the mounting 112 1LE1001-1BA 2 1000 790
plane and the feet must be supported. Both feet must be se- 1PC1001-1BA
cured for foot-mounting types of construction. 1LE1001-1BB 4 1250 990
Refer to “Bearing design for increased cantilever forces”, Page
1LE1001-1BC 6 1450 1150
0/126. 1PC1001-1BC
1LE1001-1BD 8 1610 1275
132 1LE1001-1CA 2 1505 1170
1LE1001-1CB 4 1880 1460
1LE1001-1CC 6 2170 1680
1LE1001-1CD 8 2420 1880
160 1LE1001-1DA 2 1560 1240
1LE1001-1DB 4 2040 1590
1LE1001-1DC 6 2350 1820
1LE1001-1DD 8 2610 2030

The admissible cantilever force load of EFF2 motors can be increased by
up to 5 %.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Bearing design for increased cantilever forces Admissible cantilever forces for the basic 50 Hz version
Deep-groove ball bearings at the drive end (DE) – Order code L22
Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values für x = l (l = shaft extension)

For motors Admissible cantilever force
at x0 at xmax.
Frame size Order No. Number of Type Type
1LE1 motors standard values for EFF1 motors 1)
xmax. x0
(Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency/
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
It should be observed that for types of construction IM B6, IM B7, with high efficiency)
IM B8, IM V5 and IM V6 the belt tension is only permitted to act 1PC1 motors, standard values for EFF1 motors 1)
parallel to the mounting plane or towards the mounting plane (Self-cooled motors with high efficiency):
and the feet must be supported. Both feet must be secured for 100 1LE1001-1AA 2 1590 1270
foot-mounted types of construction. 1PC1001-1AA
Admissible cantilever forces for the basic 50 Hz version 1LE1001-1AB 4 1970 1575
Deep-groove ball bearings at the drive end (DE) – Order code L22
1LE1001-1AC 6 2270 1815
Valid are: x0 values for x = 0 and xmax. values für x = l 1PC1001-1AC
(l = shaft extension)
1LE1001-1AD 8 2520 2015
For motors Admissible cantilever force 1PC1001-1AD
at x0 at xmax. 112 1LE1001-1BA 2 1565 1240
Frame size Order No. Number of Type Type 1PC1001-1BA
poles 1LE1001-1BB 4 1965 1555
N N 1PC1001-1BB
1LE1 motor values for EEF 1 motors with increased output 1) 1LE1001-1BC 6 2270 1800
(Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high 1PC1001-1BC
efficiency): 1LE1001-1BD 8 2510 1990
100 1LE1001-1AA 2 1585 1300
132 1LE1001-1CA 2 2310 1795
1LE1001-1AB 4 1960 1610 1PC1001-1CA
1LE1001-1AC 6 2270 1865 1LE1001-1CB 4 2900 2250
112 1LE1001-1BA 2 1545 1250 1PC1001-1CB
1LE1001-1BB 4 1960 1585 1LE1001-1CC 6 3330 2580
1LE1001-1BC 6 2270 1835
1LE1001-1CD 8 3700 2870
132 1LE1001-1CA 2 2285 1840 1PC1001-1CD
1LE1001-1CB 4 2860 2300 160 1LE1001-1DA 2 2810 2170
1LE1001-1CC 6 3320 2670 1PC1001-1DA
160 1LE1001-1DA 2 2800 2240 1LE1001-1DB 4 3540 2750
1LE1001-1DB 4 3450 2270 1PC1001-1DB
1LE1001-1DC 6 4000 3200 1LE1001-1DC 6 4070 3160
1LE1001-1DD 8 4510 3500

Admissible axial load

1LE1 motors in vertical type of construction – basic version (exept motors with increased output)
Frame Shaft extension pointing
size 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
downwards upwards downwards upwards downwards upwards downwards upwards
Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load
down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up
100 140 700 550 280 130 990 820 285 130 1280 1110 285 130 1560 1390 285
112 140 710 550 300 130 1000 820 310 130 1290 1110 310 130 1570 1390 310
132 200 1200 950 470 180 1680 1200 470 180 1900 1600 470 190 2200 1900 440
160 1500 1400 950 1900 1900 1800 1300 2200 2200 2200 1600 2700 2700 2700 1950 2900
The values shown do not assume a cantilever force on the shaft The calculation of the admissible axial load was based on the drive
extension. with generally available coupling. For suppliers, see the relevant
The admissible loads are valid for operation at 50 Hz; for 60 Hz, section of the catalog, section “Accessories”, Page 1/64.
please inquire. Please inquire if the load direction alternates.

The admissible cantilever force load of EFF2 motors can be increased by
up to 5 %.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
1LE1/1PC1 motors in horizontal type of construction – basic version (exept motors with increased output) 0
Frame 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm
size Ten- Thrust load (N) Ten- Thrust load (N) Ten- Thrust load (N) Ten- Thrust load (N)
sile with radial load without sile with radial load without sile with radial load without sile with radial load without
load at radial load at radial load at radial load at radial
x0 xmax. load x0 xmax. load x0 xmax. load x0 xmax. load
100 220 450 350 630 220 600 500 910 220 650 550 1200 220 750 650 1480
112 220 450 350 630 220 600 500 910 220 650 550 1200 220 750 650 1480
132 350 650 520 1200 350 850 700 1600 350 1020 890 1900 350 1150 1020 2200
160 1500 850 720 1500 1500 1050 920 1800 1500 1250 1120 2200 1500 1350 1220 2600
The values shown do not assume a cantilever force on the shaft The calculation of the admissible axial load was based on the
extension. drive with generally available coupling. For suppliers, see the
The admissible loads are valid for operation at 50 Hz; for 60 Hz, relevant section of the catalog “Accessories”, Page 1/64.
please inquire. Please inquire if the load direction alternates.

Modular technology
Basic versions
The range of potential applications for the 1LE1 motors (with the
exception of 1LE1 with option F90 – version “Forced-air cooled
motors without external fan and fan cover” and 1PC1) can be
broadened considerably by mounting the following modules
(e.g. as brake motors).
• 1XP8 012 rotary pulse encoder
• Separately driven fan
• Brake
The brake must always be mounted in the factory for safety rea-
sons. The rotary pulse encoder and/or the separately driven fan
can also be retrofitted.
The degree of protection of the motors with modular technology
is IP55. Higher degrees of protection on request.
When a rotary pulse encoder, brake or separately driven fan is
mounted, the length of the motor increases by ∆ I. For an expla-
nation of the additional dimensions and weights, see “Technol-
ogy”, “Dimensions and weights” from Page 0/137.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 1XP8 012 rotary pulse encoder The 1XP8 012 rotary pulse encoder is suitable for standard ap-
plications. For further encoders, see “Special technology”, Page
The rotary pulse encoder can be supplied already mounted in 0/134.
an HTL version as 1XP8 012-10 with order code G01 or in a TTL
version as 1XP8 012-20 with order code G02. The rotary pulse When the rotary pulse encoder is mounted, the length of the mo-
encoder can only be mounted on a standard non-drive end tor increases by ∆ I. For an explanation of the additional dimen-
(NDE), i.e. a second shaft extension cannot be supplied. sions and weights, see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights”
from Page 0/137.
The encoder can be retrofitted. The motor must be prepared for
this. When the motor is ordered, the option “Prepared for mount- The rotary pulse encoders of “Modular technology” and “Special
ings, center hole only”, order code G40, or the option “Prepared technology” are fitted as standard with a protective cover made
for mountings with shaft D12”, order code G41, must be speci- of non-corrosive sheet steel.
fied (see “Mechanical design and degrees of protection”, Page
0/118). Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 °C and higher
than +40 °C on request.
Technical data of rotary pulse encoders
Supply voltage UB 1XP8 012-10 (HTL version) 1XP8 012-20 (TTL version)
+10 V to +30 V 5V ±10 %
Current input without load 150 mA 120 mA
Admissible load current per output max. 100 mA max. 20 mA
Pulses per revolution 1024 1024
Outputs 2 square-wave pulses A, B – 2 inverted square-wave pulses A, B
Zero pulse and inverted zero pulse
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° 90°
Output amplitude UHigh = UB – 2.5 V UHigh > 2.5 V
ULow = 1.6 V ULow < 0.5 V
Edge interval ≥ 0.43 µs ≥ 0.43 µs
Sampling rate ≤ 300 kHz ≤ 300 kHz
Maximum speed 6000 rpm 6000 rpm
Transportation/storage temperature range –30 to +80 °C –30 to +80 °C
Operating temperature range flange socket or –40 to +100 °C –40 to +100 °C
fixed cable
Operating temperature range flexible cable –10 to +100 °C –10 to +100 °C
Degree of protection IP66 IP66
Maximum admissible radial cantilever force 60 N 60 N
Maximum admissible axial force 40 N 40 N
Connection system 12-pin connector (mating connector is supplied)
Certification CSA, UL CSA, UL
Weight 0.3 kg 0.3 kg

0/128 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Separately driven fan It can also be ordered separately and retrofitted. For selection
information and order numbers, see the section “Accessories”
The use of a separately driven fan is recommended to increase (available soon). A rating plate listing all the important data is
motor utilization at low speeds and to limit noise generation at fitted to the separately driven fan. Please note the direction of
speeds significantly higher than the synchronous speed. Both of rotation of the separately driven fan (axial-flow fan) when con-
these results can only be achieved with converter-fed operation. necting it. Admissible coolant temperatures CTmin. –25 °C,
Please inquire about traction and vibratory operation. CTmax. +65 °C 1), lower/higher coolant temperatures on request.
The separately driven fan can be supplied already fitted, When the separately driven fan is mounted, the length of the mo-
order code F70. tor increases by ∆ I. For an explanation of the additional dimen-
sions and weights, see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights”
from Page 0/137.
Technical data of the separately driven fan (acc. to DIN EN 60034-1 Tolerance)
Frame size Rated voltage range Frequency Rated speed Power consumption Rated current
V Hz rpm kW A
100 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2790 0.075 0.29
3 AC 220 to 290 ∆ 50 2830 0.086 0.27
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2830 0.086 0.16
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3280 0.094 0.28
3 AC 220 to 332 ∆ 60 3490 0.093 0.27
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3490 0.093 0.16
112 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2720 0.073 0.26
3 AC 220 to 290 ∆ 50 2770 0.085 0.27
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2770 0.085 0.15
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3000 0.107 0.31
3 AC 220 to 332 ∆ 60 3280 0.094 0.28
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3280 0.094 0.16
132 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2860 0.115 0.40
3 AC 220 to 290 ∆ 50 2880 0.138 0.45
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2880 0.138 0.24
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3380 0.185 0.59
3 AC 220 to 332 ∆ 60 3470 0.148 0.41
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3470 0.148 0.24
160 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2780 0.236 0.96
3 AC 220 to 290 ∆ 50 2840 0.220 0.76
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2830 0.220 0.43
3 AC 220 to 332 ∆ 60 3400 0.284 0.94
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3400 0.284 0.56

The admissible coolant temperature for single phase versions (1 AC) for
frame size 160 is CTmax. +50 °C.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Brakes
S Gap
Spring-operated disk brakes are used for the brakes with order
code F01. When the brake is ordered, the supply voltage must
be specified. The supply voltage for brakes is explained under
“Modular technology – Additional versions”, Page 0/133.
Friction surface Solenoid
For the design of each brake type, the braking time, run-on assembly
revolutions, braking enery per braking procedure as well as the Armature disk Pressure
service life of the brake linings, see “Configuration of motors with
brakes”, Page 0/132.
When a brake is mounted, the length of the motor increases by ∆ I.
For an explanation of the additional dimensions and weights, see
“Technology”, “Dimensions and weights” from Page 0/137.
The brake can be retrofitted by authorized partners. The motor
must be prepared for this. When the motor is ordered, the option
Hub Shaft
“Prepared for mountings, center hole only”, order code G40,
must be specified (see “Mechanical design and degrees of pro-
tection”, Page 0/118). Axially shiftable
2LM8 spring-operated disk brake
The 2LM8 brake has IP55 degree of protection.
Please inquire if motors with brakes are to be operated below the Pressure
freezing point or in very humid environments (e.g. close to the G_D081_EN_00076 springs
sea) with long standstill times. Please inquire if the brake motors
are used for converter-fed operation with low speeds.
Design and mode of operation Design of the 2LM8 spring-operated disk brake

The brake takes the form of a single-disk brake with two friction
surfaces. Rating plate
The braking torque is generated by friction when pressure is ap- The following brake data are specified on the motor rating plate.
plied by one or more pressure springs in the de-energized state. Brake type, supply voltage, frequency, current, temperature
The brake is released electromagnetically. class, braking torque
When the motor brakes, the rotor which can be axially shifted on
the hub or the shaft is pressed via the armature disk against the
friction surface by means of the springs. In the braked state, there
is a gap SGap between the armature disk and the solenoid com-
ponent. To release the brake, the solenoid is energized with DC
voltage. The resulting magnetic force pulls the armature disk
against the spring force on to the solenoid component. The spring
force is then no longer applied to the rotor which can rotate freely.
Operating values for spring-operated brakes with standard excitation Service capabil-
ity of the brake
For motor Brake type Rated Rated braking torque Supply Current/power Brake Brake Brake Noise Lifetime Air gap
Frame braking at 100 rpm in % at the voltage input applica- release moment level Lp of brake adjust-
size torque following speeds tion time time of inertia with lining L ment
at 1500 3000 Max. t2 2) rated air required
100 rpm rpm rpm speed gap after
Nm % % % V A W ms ms kgm2 dB (A) Nm ⋅ 10 Nm ⋅ 10
6 6

100 2LM8 040-5NA10 40 81 74 66 AC 230 0.2 40 43 140 0.00036 80 1350 115

2LM8 040-5NA60 AC 400 0.22
2LM8 040-5NA80 DC 24 1.67
112 2LM8 060-6NA10 60 80 73 65 AC 230 0.25 53 60 210 0.00063 77 1600 215
2LM8 060-6NA60 AC 400 0.28
2LM8 060-6NA80 DC 24 2.1
132 2LM8 100-7NA10 100 79 72 65 AC 230 0.27 55 50 270 0.0015 77 2450 325
2LM8 100-7NA60 AC 400 0.31
2LM8 100-7NA80 DC 24 2.3
160 2LM8 260-8NA10 260 75 68 65 AC 230 0.5 100 165 340 0.0073 79 7300 935
2LM8 260-8NA60 AC 400 0.47
2LM8 260-8NA80 DC 24 4.2

1) For 400 V AC and for 24 V DC, the power can deviate by up to +10 % as a 2) The specified switching times are valid for switching on the DC side with a
result of the selected supply voltage. rated release travel and with the coil already warm. They are average val-
ues which may vary depending on factors such as the rectifier type and
the release travel. The brake application time for switching on the AC side,
for example, is approximately 6 times longer than for switching on the DC

0/130 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Lifetime of the brake lining Maximum admissible speeds 0
The braking energy LN up to when the brake should be adjusted, The maximum admissible speeds from which emergency stops
depends on various factors. The main influencing factors in- can be made, are listed in the next table. These speeds should
clude the masses to be braked, the operating speed, the switch- be considered as recommended values and must be checked
ing frequency and therefore the temperature at the frictional sur- under actual operating conditions.
faces. It is therefore not possible to specify a value for the friction
energy until readjustment that is valid for all operating condi- The maximum admissible friction energy depends on the switch-
tions. ing frequency and is shown for the individual brakes in the fol-
lowing diagram. Increased wear can be expected when the
When used as operating brake, the specific frictional surface brakes are used for emergency stops.
wear (wear volume for the frictional work) is approximately 0.05
up to 2 cm3/kWh.

10 6
Admissible switching energy Q adm

2LM8 400
10 5
2LM8 315
2LM8 260

2LM8 100
2LM8 060
2LM8 040
2LM8 020
2LM8 010

2LM8 005

10 3

10 2

1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4
Switching frequency S n

Maximum admissible speeds Changing the braking torque Readjusting the air gap
For motor Brake type Max. adm. Max. adm. no-load Reduction Dimension Min. brak- Rated air Maximum Min. rotor
Frame operating speed with emergency per notch “O1” ing torque gap air gap thickness
size speed if stop function SGap Rated SGap max. hmin.
max. adm. Horizontal Vertical
operating mounting mounting
rpm rpm rpm Nm mm Nm mm mm mm
100 2LM8 040-5NA . . 3000 6000 6000 1.29 12.5 21.3 0.3 0.65 8.0
112 2LM8 060-6NA . . 3000 6000 6000 1.66 11.0 32.8 0.3 0.75 7.5
132 2LM8 100-7NA . . 3000 5300 5000 1.55 13.0 61.1 0.3 0.75 8.0
160 2LM8 260-8NA . . 1500 4400 3200 5.6 17.0 157.5 0.4 1.2 12.0

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Changing the braking torque Braking energy per braking operation Qadm
The brake is supplied with the braking torque already set. For The braking energy per braking operation in Nm comprises the
2LM8 brakes, the torque can be reduced to the dimension O1 by energy of the moments of inertia to be braked QKin and the en-
unscrewing the adjusting ring with a hook spanner. The braking ergy QL, which must be applied in order to brake against a load
torque changes by the values shown in the above table for each torque:
notch of the adjusting ring.
Qadm = QKin+QL
Readjusting the air gap
a.) The energy of the moments of inertia in Nm
Under normal operating conditions, the brake is practically
maintenance-free. The air gap SGap must only be checked at 2
J n rated
regular intervals if the application requires an extremely large Q Kin =
amount of frictional energy and readjusted to the rated gap 182.4
SGap rated at the latest when the maximum air gap SGap max. is
reached. nrated Rated speed before braking in rpm
J Total moment of inertia in kg m2
b.) The braking energy in Nm against a load torque

T L n rated t Br
QL =

TL average load torque in Nm

TL is positive if it acts against the brake
TL is negative if it supports the brake

Run-on revolutions U
The number of run-on revolutions U of the motor with brake can
be calculated as follows:

n rated t Br
U= t2 +
60 2

t2 Brake application time in ms

S Gap O
h min. (S Gap rated ) O1
(S Gap max. )
Lifetime of the brake lining L and readjustment of the air gap
The brake lining wears due to friction which increases the air gap
and the release time for the brake at standard excitation.
Configuration of motors with brakes
When the brake lining is worn out, it can be replaced easily.
Braking time
In order to calculate the lifetime of the brake lining in terms of op-
The time it takes the motor to come to a standstill comprises two erations Smax., the lifetime of the brake lining L in Nm must be di-
components: vided by the braking energy Qadm:
a.) The application time of the brake t2
b.) The braking time tBr S max =
Q adm
J n rated
t Br =
9.55 (T B TL ) The interval between adjustments N in switching frequencies
can be calculated in terms of operations by dividing the braking
tBr Braking time in s energy LN which the brake can output until it is necessary to re-
J Total moment of inertia in kgm2 adjust the working air gap by Qadm:
nrated Rated speed of the motor with brake in rpm
TB Rated braking torque in Nm LN
TL Average load torque in Nm N=
Q adm
(if TL supports braking, TL is positive)

0/132 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Additional versions Bridge rectifier / half-wave rectifier 0
2LM8 spring-operated disk brake Brakes are connected through a standard bridge or half-wave
rectifier or directly to the 2LM8 brake. See the circuit diagrams
Motor series below.
This brake is mounted on 1LE1 motors as standard (with the
exception of 1LE1 with order code F90 – version “Forced-air
cooled motors without external fan and fan cover”, and 1PC1). D1
1+ 2+
Voltage and frequency
The solenoid coil and the brake rectifier can be connected to the V1 D2 V2
following voltages or can be supplied for the following voltages:
• Brake supply voltage: 24 V DC
Order code F10 _
• Brake supply voltage: 230 V AC
Order code F11
• Brake supply voltage: 400 V AC
(directly at the terminal strip)
Half-wave rectifier, 400 V AC
Order code F12
When 60 Hz is used, the voltage for the brake must not be
1+ 2+
Order codes F10 , F11 and F12 may only be used in conjunction 2+
with order code F01. D1 D2

Connections V2

Labeled terminals are provided in the main connection box of D3

D4 _
the motor to connect the brake. G_D081_XX_00086

The AC voltage for the brake excitation winding is connected to

the two free terminals of the rectifier block (~). V1
The brake can be released when the motor is at a standstill by
separately exciting the solenoid. In this case, an AC voltage
must be connected at the rectifier block terminals. The brake Bridge rectifier, 230 V AC
remains released as long as this voltage is present.
The rectifier is protected against overvoltages by varistors in the
input and output circuits.
For 24 V DC brakes, the brake terminals are directly connected
to the DC voltage source.

See the circuit diagrams below.

Fast brake application
If the brake is disconnected from the line supply, the brake is ap-
plied. The application time for the brake disk is delayed as a re- L+ L-
sult of the inductance of the solenoid (shutdown on the AC side).
This results in a considerable delay before the brake is mechan-
ically applied. In order to achieve short brake application times,
the circuit must be interrupted on the DC side. To realize this, the
wire jumpers, located between contacts 1+ and 2+ at the recti- Brake connection for 24 V DC
fier are removed and replaced by the contacts of an external
switch (see circuit diagrams below).
Manual brake release with lever
The brakes can be supplied with a mechanical manual release
with lever.
Order code F50.
The dimensions of the brake lever depend on the motor frame
size and can be read from the dimension drawing generator for
motors in the SD configurator tool for low-voltage motors.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Special technology
The range of “Special technology” comprises rotary pulse en-
coders for the 1LE1 motors (with the exception of 1LE1 with
order code F90 – version “Forced-air cooled motors without
external fan and fan cover”, and 1PC1).
The 1LE1 motors with the order codes F70 (mounted separately
driven fan), F01 (mounted brake) and F01 + F70 (mounted brake
and separately driven fan) from the “Modular technology” range
can be combined with the LL 861 900 200, HOG 9 D 1024 l and
HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoders from the “Special tech-
nology” range.
When a rotary pulse encoder is mounted, the length of the motor
increases by ∆ I. For an explanation of the additional dimensions
and weights, see “Technology”, “Dimensions and weights” from
Page 0/137.
The rotary pulse encoders of “Modular technology” and “Special
technology” are fitted as standard with a protective cover made
of non-corrosive sheet steel.
Rotary pulse encoder LL 861 900 220



16 67

With its rugged construction, this rotary pulse encoder is also Mounting dimensions of rotary pulse encoder LL 861 900 220
suitable for difficult operating environments. It is resistant to Technical data for LL 861 900 220 (HTL version)
shock and vibration and has insulated bearings.
Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 ºC and higher
The LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder can be supplied than +40 ºC on request.
already mounted.
Order code G04. Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
Current input without load max. 80 mA
The LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse encoder can be retrofitted. The
Admissible load current per output 40 mA
motor must be prepared for this. When the motor is ordered, the
option “Prepared for mountings, center hole only”, order code Pulses per revolution 1024
G40, or the option “Prepared for mountings with shaft D16”, or- Outputs 6 short-circuit proof square-wave
pulses A, A’, B, B’, 0, 0’
der code G42, must be specified (see “Mechanical design and
degrees of protection”, Page 0/118). The rotary pulse encoder is Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±25° el.
not part of the scope of supply in this case. Output amplitude UHigh >20 V
ULow <2.5 V
The version of the rotary pulse encoder with a diagnostics sys- Mark space ratio 1:1 ±10 %
tem (ADS) can be supplied by Leine and Linde. Edge steepness 50 V/μs (without load)
Manufacturer: Maximum frequency 100 kHz for 350 m cable
Leine and Linde (Deutschland) GmbH Maximum speed 4000 rpm
Bahnhofstraße 36 Temperature range –20 to +80 °C
73430 Aalen Degree of protection IP65
Tel. +49 (0) 73 61-78093-0 Maximum adm. radial cantilever force 300 N
Fax +49 (0) 73 61-78093-11 Maximum adm. axial force 100 N Connection system Terminal strips in encoder
e-mail: Cable connection M20 x 1.5 radial
Weight Approx. 1.3 kg

0/134 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
HOG 9 D 1024 rotary pulse encoder 0


16 H7


The encoder is fitted with insulated bearings. Mounting dimensions for HOG 9 D 1024 l rotary pulse encoder
The HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder can be supplied al- Technical data for HOG 9 D 1024 (TTL version)
ready mounted. Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 ºC and higher
Order code G05. than +40 ºC on request.
The HOG 9 D 1024 l rotary pulse encoder can be retrofitted. The Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
motor must be prepared for this. When the motor is ordered, the Current input without load 50 mA to 100 mA
option “Prepared for mountings, center hole only”, order code
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak
G40, or the option “Prepared for mountings with shaft D16”, or-
der code G42, must be specified (see “Mechanical design and Pulses per revolution 1024
degrees of protection”, Page 0/118). The rotary pulse encoder is Outputs 4 short-circuit proof square-wave
pulses A, B and A’, B’
not part of the scope of supply in this case.
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
Manufacturer: Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V
Baumer Hübner GmbH ULow ≤ 1.5 V
Planufer 92b Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
10967 Berlin Edge steepness 10 V/µs
Tel. +49 (0) 30-6 90 03-0 Maximum frequency 120 kHz
Fax +49 (0) 30-6 90 03-1 04 Maximum speed 7000 rpm Temperature range –20 to +100 °C
e-mail: Degree of protection IP56
Maximum adm. radial cantilever force 150 N
Maximum adm. axial force 100 N
Connection system Radial right-angle plug (mating con-
nector is part of the scope of supply)
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 73 522 B
Ident. No.
Weight Approx. 0.9 kg

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 0/135

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder


16 H7


This encoder is extremely rugged and is therefore suitable for Mounting dimensions for HOG 10 D 1024 l rotary pulse encoder
difficult operating conditions. It is fitted with insulated bearings. Technical data for HOG 10 D 1024 (HTL version)
The HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary pulse encoder can be supplied al- Mounting of encoder at temperatures below –20 ºC and higher
ready mounted. than +40 ºC on request.
Order code G06.
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
The HOG 10 D 1024 l rotary pulse encoder can be retrofitted. Current input without load Approx. 100 mA
The motor must be prepared for this. When the motor is ordered,
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak
the option “Prepared for mountings, center hole only”, order
code G40, or the option “Prepared for mountings with shaft Pulses per revolution 1024
D16”, order code G42, must be specified (see “Mechanical de- Outputs 4 short-circuit proof square-wave
pulses A, B and A’, B’
sign and degrees of protection”, Page 0/118). The rotary pulse
encoder is not part of the scope of supply in this case. Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V
Manufacturer: ULow ≤ 1.5 V
Baumer Hübner GmbH Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
Planufer 92b Edge steepness 10 V/µs
10967 Berlin Maximum frequency 120 kHz
Tel. +49 (0) 30-6 90 03-0 Maximum speed 7000 rpm
Fax +49 (0) 30-6 90 03-1 04
Temperature range –20 to +100 °C Degree of protection IP66
e-mail: Maximum adm. radial cantilever force 150 N
Maximum adm. axial force 80 N
Connection system Terminals, cable connection
M20 x 1.5
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 74 055 B
Ident. No.
Weight Approx. 1.6 kg

0/136 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
Dimensions and weight 0
Fig. 1 Brake Fig. 2 Standard protective cover for types of construction
Order code F01 Order code H00
[optionally with manual release, order code F50]


Fig. 3 Rotary pulse encoder (on cover) Fig. 4 Brake and rotary pulse encoder (on cover)
Order code G01/G02/G04/G05/G06 Order code F01
[protective cover as standard] + G01/G02/G04/G05/G06
[optionally with manual release, order code F50;
protective cover as standard]


Fig. 5 Separately driven fan Fig. 6 Brake and separately driven fan
Order code F70 Order code F01 + F70
[optionally with manual release, order code F50]


Dimensions ∆l and weights, see from Page 0/139.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Fig. 7 Rotary pulse encoder (under the cover) and separately
driven fan
Fig. 8 Brake, rotary pulse encoder (under the cover) and separately
driven fan
Order code F70 Order code F01 + F70
+ G01/G02/G04/G05/G06 + G01/G02/G04/G05/G06
[optionally with manual release, order code F50]


Fig. 9 Protective cover for separately driven fan
Order code H00

Fig. 10 Prepared for mountings – only center hole Fig. 11 Prepared for mountings with shaft D12/D16
(for brake order code F01 and/or rotary pulse encoder Order codes G41/G42
order codes G01/G02/G04/G05/G06)
Order code G40

G_D081_XX_00199 l

Dimensions ∆l and weights, see from Page 0/139.

0/138 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data

Assignment 0
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Frame size Brake Protective cover Rotary pulse encoder including protective cover
1XP8 012 LL 861 900 220 HOG9 D 1024 I HOG10 D 1024 I
Order code Order code Order codes Order code Order code Order code
F01 H00 G01, G02 G04 G05 G06
∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg
100 81 5.9 33 0.4 49 0.9 76 1.9 76 1.5 119 2.2
112 88 7.8 33 0.4 49 0.8 76 1.9 76 1.5 119 2.2
132 114 11.9 51.5 0.7 51.5 1.3 78.5 2.4 78.5 2 121.5 2.7
160 130 30.7 50 0.7 50 1.5 77 2.7 77 2.3 120 3

Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Frame size Brake and rotary pulse encoder (on cover) Separately driven fan
1XP8 012 LL 861 900 220 HOG9 D 1024 I HOG10 D 1024 I
Order codes Order codes Order codes Order codes Order code
F01 F01 F01 F01 F70
+ G01/G02 + G04 + G05 + G06
∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l M Weight
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm mm kg
100 130 6.8 157 7.8 157 7.4 200 8.1 86.5 30 2.4
112 137 8.6 164 9.7 164 9.3 207 10 81.5 30 2.6
132 165.5 13.2 192.5 14.3 192.5 13.9 235.5 14.6 116 40 3.8
160 180 32.2 207 33.4 207 33 250 33.7 135.5 40 6.5

Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Frame size Brake and separately driven fan Separately driven fan and rotary pulse encoder (under cover)
Order codes Order codes Order codes Order codes Order codes
F01 + F70 F70 F70 F70 F70
+ G01/G02 + G04 + G05 + G06
∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg
100 161.5 8.3 161.5 3.3 161.5 4.3 161.5 3.9 196.5 4.6
112 156.5 10.4 156.5 3.4 156.5 4.5 156.5 4.1 191.5 4.8
132 186 15.7 186 5.1 186 6.2 186 5.8 241 6.5
160 205.5 37.2 205.5 8 205.5 9.2 205.5 8.8 270.5 9.5

Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Frame size Brake, separately driven fan and rotary pulse encoder (under cover) Protective cover for separately driven fan
Order codes Order codes Order codes Order codes Order code
F01 + F70 F01 + F70 F01 + F70 F01 + F70 H00
+ G01/G02 + G04 + G05 + G06
∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight Diameter
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. of the fan cover
mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg mm
100 196.5 9.2 196.5 10.2 196.5 9.8 246.5 10.5 30 1.4 210
112 191.5 11.2 191.5 12.3 191.5 11.9 241.5 12.6 33 1.8 249
132 241 17 241 18.1 241 17.7 291 18.4 24 2.4 300
160 270.5 38.7 270.5 39.9 270.5 39.5 320.5 40.2 31 3 338

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Introduction motors 1LE1/1PC1
General technical data
0 Assignment
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Frame size Prepared for mountings – only center hole Prepared for mountings with shaft D12/D16
(for Brake order code F01 and/or rotary pulse Order codes G41/G42
encoder order codes G01/G02/G04/G05/G06)
Order code G40
Order code Order code Order code
G40 G41 G42
∆l Weight ∆l Weight ∆l Weight
approx. approx. approx.
mm kg mm kg mm kg
100 0 0 11.3 0.15 47.3 0.2
112 0 0 7.5 0.15 47.3 0.2
132 0 0.1 10.3 0.3 50.3 0.4
160 0 0.2 5.6 0.4 45.6 0.7

0/140 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

1/2 Orientation
1/2 Overview
1/3 Benefits
1/4 Application
1/4 Technical specifications
1/5 Selection and ordering data
1/7 More information

1/8 General Line motors

with shorter delivery time
1/8 Selection and ordering data

1/18 Self-ventilated energy-saving

motors with improved efficiency
1/18 Selection and ordering data

1/22 Self-ventilated energy-saving

motors with high efficiency
1/22 Selection and ordering data

1/30 Self-ventilated motors

with increased output and
improved efficiency
1/30 Selection and ordering data

1/34 Self-ventilated motors

with increased output and
high efficiency
1/34 Selection and ordering data

1/38 Forced-air cooled motors

without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency
1/38 Selection and ordering data

1/42 Forced-air cooled motors

without external fan and fan cover
with high efficiency
1/42 Selection and ordering data

1/46 Self-cooled motors

without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency
1/46 Selection and ordering data

1/50 Self-cooled motors

without external fan and fan cover
with high efficiency
1/50 Selection and ordering data

1/54 Special versions

1/54 Selection and ordering data
1/54 • Voltages
1/55 • Options

1/64 Accessories
1/64 Overview
1/64 More information

1/65 Dimensions
1/65 Overview
1/67 More information
1/68 Dimensional drawings

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Overview


1 %




Increasing energy costs have resulted in greater emphasis on
the power consumption of drive systems. It is extremely impor-
tant to utilize the full potential for minimization here to secure
competitiveness today and in the future. The environment will
also profit from reduced energy consumption. 70
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 kW 100
With this in mind, we have already developed a new generation
of low-voltage motors that you can use in drives to move even
more than before. Innovative copper rotors that we develop and
manufacture entirely in-house create the perfect conditions for
motors with a high degree of efficiency (EFF2 and EFF1 motors At a glance: EU/CEMEP for Europe
are located in the same housing). The new motors for EFF1 (High
• Status
Efficiency) offer considerable energy savings and protect our
Voluntary compliance with efficiency classification
• Covers
The modular mounting concept also provides total flexibility: 2-pole, 4-pole 50 Hz squirrel-cage motors from 1.1 to 90 kW
Each motor is based on a uniform concept for all markets world- (at 400 V and 50 Hz)
wide. Our motors are manufactured in accordance with modern
ecological principles and give machines and plants more drive. • Required marking
Worldwide and for every application. Efficiency over the com- Efficiency class on the motor rating plate
plete life cycle is a clear benefit of our motors especially for the ηrated, η3/4 load and efficiency class in the documentation
use of 1LE1/1PC1 designed to EFF1. All machine manufacturers Efficiency requirements according to EPACT
and plant operators can profit from this – not to mention the en-
vironment. We will be launching our new 1LE1/1PC1 motors onto In 1997, an act was passed in the US to define minimum efficien-
the market step by step. cies for low-voltage three-phase motors (EPACT).

Classified energy-saving motors for an efficient energy An act is in force in Canada that is largely identical, although it
balance is based on different verification methods. The efficiency is veri-
fied for these motors for the USA using IEEE 112, Test Method B
Depending on requirements, energy-saving motors are avail- and for Canada using CSA-C390. Apart from a few exceptions,
able for an efficient energy balance for the EU in accordance all three-phase low-voltage motors imported into the USA or
with CEMEP (European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Canada must comply with the legal efficiency requirements. The
Machines and Power Electronics) as well as for the North Amer- law demands minimum efficiency levels for motors with a voltage
ican market in accordance with EPACT (US Energy Policy Act). of 230 and 460 V at 60 Hz, in the output range of 1 to 200 HP
(0.75 to 150 kW) with 2, 4 and 6 poles. Explosion-proof motors
Efficiency requirements according to CEMEP
must also be included.
CEMEP classifies efficiency levels for 2-pole and 4-pole motors
The EPACT efficiency requirements exclude, for example:
with outputs of 1.1 to 90 kW. Three efficiency classes are de-
fined: • Motors whose frame size-output classification does not corre-
spond with the standard series according to NEMA MG1-12.
• EFF1 (High Efficiency motors – referred to below as “Motors
with high efficiency”) • Flange-mounting motors
• EFF2 (Improved Efficiency motors – referred to below as • Brake motors
“Motors with improved efficiency”) • Converter-fed motors
• EFF3 (Conventional Efficiency motors) • Motors with design letter C and higher

1/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Overview (continued)
EPACT lays down that the nominal efficiency at full load and a Motors without fan cover and external fan
“CC” number (Compliance Certification) must be included on (1LE1 with order code F90)
the rating plate. The “CC” number is issued by the US Depart-
Forced-air cooled motors with surface cooling without fan cover
ment of Energy (DOE). The following information is stamped on
the rating plate of EPACT motors which must be marked by law: and external fan are mainly used for driving fans.
• Nominal efficiency Standard motors with reduced output without fan cover
• Design letter and external fan (1PC1)
• Code letter Self-cooled motors with surface cooling without fan cover and
external fan are suitable for the following operating conditions:
• Types of duty with adequate cooling times (e.g. temporary
• CC No. CC 032A (Siemens) and NEMA MG1-12. duty for positioning drives)
At a glance: EPACT/CSA for North America • Environmental conditions that demand compact installation
• Status space (e.g. in motors with a stopping function)
Minimum efficiencies required by law Conditions under which an external fan has an adverse effect
• Covers (e.g. simple cleaning in the food industry, textile industry)
2-, 4- and 6-pole 60 Hz squirrel-cage motors from 1 to 200 HP
(0.75 to 150 kW) for 230 V and/or 460 V 60 Hz Motors delivered ex-stock with shorter delivery time –
General Line 1LE1
• Required marking
Efficiency ηrated on the motor rating plate The most popular basic versions of the 1LE1 motor series can be
supplied ex-stock and are termed the “General Line”.
Motors with increased output and compact construction
(1LE1) A so-called “Sector version” will be available soon for some of
the motors available from stock. These include a located bearing
Motors with increased output and compact construction can be at the drive end (DE), PTC thermistor and screwed-on feet for the
used to advantage in confined spaces. For a slightly longer IM B35 type of construction.
overall length, the output is at least as high as that of the next
larger shaft height. These compact motors are also optimized for The normal delivery time for General Line motors is 1 to 2 days
efficiency. They are available in EFF1 and EFF2 and therefore re- from the time of clarification of the order at the factory until deliv-
duce the operating costs. ery from the factory. To determine the time of arrival at the cus-
tomer site, the appropriate shipping time must be added.

■ Benefits
There is considerable potential in our new 1LE1/1PC1 series of More application
low-voltage motors. As a consistent further development of our
existing motors, the 1LE1/1PC1 motors offer numerous advan- The motors are approved and certified for worldwide use and
tages: meet high quality standards (confirmed, for example, by CSA 1),
UL 2), and CQC 3)).
Greater efficiency
Improved design
Instead of cast-aluminum rotors, the new copper technology is
used in the EFF1 motors. The motors are therefore considerably The new, optimized housing in modern EMC design has an at-
more compact. EFF2 and EFF1 motors are based on the same tractive appearance and enhances functionality. The rotatable,
housing. For changeover to the higher efficiency class – from accessible connection boxes, integral eyebolts, screwed-on
EFF2 to EFF1 – reconstruction of the machine is no longer nec- feet and reinforced bearing plates ensure this.
essary. Savings are achieved in time and costs. And what is Greater output
more: You can save a considerable amount of energy with EFF1
motors because they have power losses of up to 40 % less than For the same shaft height, our high-performance motors offer an
EFF2 motors. The energy saving potential and life cycle costs of additional complete rated output level. The best is: We are also
the new motors can be calculated with our SinaSave™ software. consistently implementing energy efficiency improvements here,
You can download the SinaSave program in the Internet using too. The motors are offered – based on the categories of
the following link: For CEMEP – in high efficiency and improved efficiency versions.
more information, see catalog part 11 “Appendix”, “Energy-sav- More flexibility
ing program SinaSave”. Our 1LE1 motors also impress custom-
ers with their extremely long life and their weight-optimized de- The optimized architecture of the motors makes installation eas-
sign has a positive effect on the stability of the equipment unit. ier in general. Encoders, brakes and separately driven fans can
be retrofitted easily. Connection boxes and feet for flexible
mounting can be selected. Smaller inventories make stockkeep-
ing easier and motor suppliers can respond to customer require-
ments more quickly. Optimized manufacturing processes sup-
port fast availability. All motors up to 460 V can be operated
either directly on line or converter-fed – without the need for any
additional measures.

Canadian Standard Association
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
China Quality Certification

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Application
As soon as the range of motors and options is complete, it will The wide field of implementation includes the following applica-
be possible to use the 1LE1/1PC1 motors from Siemens in all ar- tions:
eas and sectors of industry due to their numerous options. They • Pumps

are suitable both for special environmental conditions such as
those that predominate in the chemical or petrochemical indus- • Fans
tries as well as for most climatic requirements such as those of • Compressors
offshore applications. Their large range of mains voltages en- • Conveyor systems such as cranes, belts and lifting gear
ables them to be used all over the world.
• High-bay warehouses
• Packaging machines
• Automation and Drives

■ Technical specifications
Technical data at a glance
This table lists the most important technical data. For more information and details, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Type of motor IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors 1LE1/1PC1
Connection types Star connection/delta connection
You can establish the connection type used from the Order No. supplements in the selection and ordering data
for the required motor.
Number of poles 2, 4, 6, 8
Frame sizes 100 L to 160 L
Rated output 0.75 ... 22 kW (motor series 1LE1)/0.3 … 9 kW (motor series 1PC1)
Frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Versions Self-ventilated 1LE1 energy-saving motors with:
• Improved efficiency (EFF2)
• High efficiency (EFF1)
Self-ventilated 1LE1 motors with increased output and:
• Improved efficiency (EFF2)
• High efficiency (EFF1)
Forced-air-cooled 1LE1 motors without external fan and fan cover with:
• Improved efficiency (EFF2)
• High efficiency (EFF1)
Self-cooled 1PC1 motors without external fan and fan cover with:
• Improved efficiency
• High efficiency
Marking EU/CEMEP efficiency classification, EFF1: 2-, 4-pole, EFF2: 2-, 4-pole
US Energy Policy Act EPACT: 2-, 4-, 6-pole
Rated speed (synchronous speed) 750 ... 3000 rpm
Rated torque 9.9 ... 150 Nm (motor series 1LE1)/4.05 … 60 Nm (motor series 1PC1)
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B) (also for motors with increased output)
according to EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system
Degree of protection IP55 as standard
according to EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
Cooling according to Self-ventilated (motor series 1LE1)
EN 60034-6 (IEC 60034-6) frame sizes 100 L to 160 L (IC 411),
Forced-air-cooled (motor series 1LE1 with order code F90)
frame sizes 100 L to 160 L (IC 416)
Self-cooled (motor series 1PC1)
frame sizes 100 L to 160 L (IC 410)
Admissible coolant temperature and –20 °C ... +40 °C as standard, site altitude up to 1000 m above sea level.
site altitude See “Coolant temperature and site altitude” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Standard voltages according to 50 Hz: 230 V, 400 V, 500 V, 690 V
EN 60038 (IEC 60038) The voltage to be used can be found in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
Type of construction according to Without flange:
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7) IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V6, IM V5 with protective cover
With flange:
IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V1 with protective cover, IM V3, IM B35
With standard flange and special flange (next larger flange):
IM B14, IM V19, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V18 with protective cover, IM B34
Paint finish Standard: Color RAL 7030 stone gray
Suitability of paint finish for climate group See “Paint finish” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
according to IEC 60721, Part 2-1
Vibration quantity level according to Level A (normal – without special vibration requirements)
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) Optionally: Level B (with special vibration requirements)
See “Balance and vibration quantity” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Shaft extension according to Balance type: Half-key balancing as standard
DIN 748 (IEC 60072) See “Balance and vibration quantity” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Sound pressure level according to The sound pressure level is listed in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
DIN EN ISO 1680 (tolerance +3 dB)
Weights The weight is listed in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
Modular mounting concept Rotary pulse encoder, brake, separately driven fan or prepared for mountings
Consistent series concept • Cast housing feet, screw-mounted feet available as an option and retrofittable
• Connection box obliquely partitioned and rotatable through 4 x 90°
• Bearings at DE and NDE are of identical design, reinforced bearings available as an option
Options See the selection and ordering data for “Special versions”

1/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Selection and ordering data

Preliminary selection of the motor according to motor type/series, speed or number of poles, frame size, rated output,
rated torque, rated speed and rated current
General Line motors with shorter delivery time
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current
at 400 V
selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 18.5 2835 ... 2935 10 ... 60 6 ... 34 1/8 ... 1/11
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 1425 ... 1460 14.8 ... 98 4.85 ... 29.5 1/12 ... 1/15
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.5 ... 11 930 ... 970 15.3 ... 110 3.95 ... 23.5 1/16 ... 1/17

Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency (Improved Efficiency EFF2)

Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current Detailed
at 400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 18.5 2835 ... 2935 10 ... 60 6 ... 34 1/18 ... 1/19
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 1425 ... 1460 14.8 ... 98 4.85 ... 29.5 1/18 ... 1/19
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.5 ... 11 930 ... 970 15.3 ... 110 3.95 ... 23.5 1/18 ... 1/19
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 7.5 700 ... 720 10.4 ... 100 2.65 ... 18.6 1/18 ... 1/19

Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency (High Efficiency EFF1)

Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current Detailed
at 400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW/HP rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (motors with external fan)
For use according to CEMEP
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 18.5 2905 ... 2955 9.9 ... 60 5.9 ... 33 1/22 ... 1/23
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 1455 ... 1475 14 ... 97 4.55 ... 27.5 1/22 ... 1/23
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.5 ... 11 965 ... 975 15 ... 108 3.5 ... 22 1/22 ... 1/23
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 7.5 720 ... 735 9.9 ... 98 2.75 ... 17.4 1/22 ... 1/23
For use in the North American market according to EPACT
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 4 ... 25 3520 ... 3565 8.1 ... 50 5.2 ... 29 1/26 ... 1/27
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 20 1760 ... 1780 12 ... 80 4.05 ... 24.5 1/26 ... 1/27
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2 ... 15 1170 ... 1180 12 ... 89 3.15 ... 19.6 1/26 ... 1/27

Self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved efficiency (Improved Efficiency EFF2)
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 4 ... 22 2850 ... 2930 13.3 ... 72 7.9 ... 39.5 1/30 ... 1/31
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 4 ... 18.5 1430 ... 1460 26.8 ... 121 8.5 ... 35 1/30 ... 1/31
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 930 ... 965 22.5 ... 148 5.3 ... 33 1/30 ... 1/31

Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency (High Efficiency EFF1)
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 4 ... 22 2905 ... 2955 13 ... 71 7.6 ... 38.5 1/34 ... 1/35
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 4 ... 18.5 1460 ... 1475 26 ... 120 8.2 ... 34 1/34 ... 1/35
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 960 ... 975 22 ... 147 4.95 ... 29.5 1/34 ... 1/35

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/5

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency (Improved Efficiency EFF2)
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering

rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (motors without external fan and fan cover)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 18.5 2835 ... 2935 10 ... 60 6 ... 34 1/38 ... 1/39
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 1425 ... 1460 14.8 ... 98 4.85 ... 29.5 1/38 ... 1/39
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.5 ... 11 930 ... 970 15.3 ... 110 3.95 ... 23.5 1/38 ... 1/39
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 7.5 700 ... 720 10.4 ... 100 2.65 ... 18.6 1/38 ... 1/39

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency (High Efficiency EFF1)
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (motors without external fan and fan cover)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 18.5 2905 ... 2955 9.9 ... 60 5.9 ... 33 1/42 ... 1/43
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 1455 ... 1475 14 ... 97 4.55 ... 27.5 1/42 ... 1/43
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.5 ... 11 965 ... 975 15 ... 108 3.5 ... 22 1/42 ... 1/43
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 7.5 720 ... 735 9.9 ... 98 2.75 ... 17.4 1/42 ... 1/43

Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1PC1 (motors without external fan and fan cover)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.2 ... 7.4 2830 ... 2935 4.05 ... 24 2.3 ... 12.9 1/46 ... 1/47
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.88 ... 6 1420 ... 1460 5.92 ... 39 1.8... 10.9 1/46 ... 1/47
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.6 .. 4.4 930 ... 970 6.12 ... 43 1.4 ... 8.9 1/46 ... 1/47
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.3 ... 3 695 ... 730 4.05 ... 24 0.97 ... 6.8 1/46 ... 1/47

Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1PC1 (motors without external fan and fan cover)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.4 ... 9 2920 ... 2960 4.6 ... 29 2.6 ... 15.2 1/50 ... 1/51
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.1 ... 6.2 1460 ... 1480 7.2 ... 40 2.2 ... 11.4 1/50 ... 1/51
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.85 ... 6.5 960 ... 975 8.5 ... 64 1.92 ... 13.2 1/50 ... 1/51
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.37 ... 4.6 720 ... 730 4.8 ... 60 1.28 ... 10.8 1/50 ... 1/51

1/6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ More information
For further information, please get in touch with your local The selection procedure starts with:
Siemens contact. • a country
At • a product or
you can find details of Siemens contact partners worldwide
• a sector. 1
responsible for particular technologies. By further specifying the remaining criteria you will find exactly
the right contact partner with his/her respective expertise.
You can obtain in most cases a contact partner for
• technical support
• spare parts/repairs
• service
• training
• sales or
• technical support/engineering

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/7

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at

1 Prated Prated FS
50 Hz

50 Hz

50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V,
50 Hz
Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz; 460 VY, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V6 1)
- Without motor protection
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA42-2AA0 20
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA22-2AA0 25
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA02-2AA0 35
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA12-2AA0 40
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA42-2FA0 21
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA22-2FA0 26
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA02-2FA0 40
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA12-2FA0 45
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA42-2FB0 21
• With standard flange: IM B14, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V193)
- Without motor protection
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.3 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA42-2KA0 22
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA22-2KA0 27
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B14 will be stamped on the rating plate.

1/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor torque Locked-rotor current Breakdown torque Torque Moment Noise at rated output Flange size
class of inertia according
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound to
surface sound pressure DIN EN

torque current torque 50347
pressure level level at
at 50 Hz 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz; 460 VY, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AA42-2AA0 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79
1LE1002-1BA22-2AA0 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81
1LE1002-1CA02-2AA0 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80
1LE1002-1CA12-2AA0 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AA42-2FA0 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79 FF 215
1LE1002-1BA22-2FA0 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81 FF 215
1LE1002-1CA02-2FA0 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80 FF 265
1LE1002-1CA12-2FA0 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80 FF 265
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1AA42-2FB0 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79 FF 215
• With standard flange: IM B14, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V193)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AA42-2KA0 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79 FT 130
1LE1002-1BA22-2KA0 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81 FT 130
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B14 will be stamped on the rating plate.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at

1 Prated Prated FS
50 Hz

50 Hz

50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
400 V∆/690 VY, 50 Hz; 460 V∆, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA43-4AA0 20
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA23-4AA0 25
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA03-4AA0 35
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA13-4AA0 40
11 12.6 160 M 2920 36 EFF2 88.4 88.5 0.85 21 1LE1002-1DA23-4AA0 60
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 EFF2 89.5 89.7 0.84 29 1LE1002-1DA33-4AA0 68
18.5 21.3 160 L 2935 60 EFF2 90.9 91 0.86 34 1LE1002-1DA43-4AA0 78
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA43-4AB0 20
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA23-4AB0 25
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA03-4AB0 35
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA13-4AB0 40
11 12.6 160 M 2920 36 EFF2 88.4 88.5 0.85 21 1LE1002-1DA23-4AB0 60
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 EFF2 89.5 89.7 0.84 29 1LE1002-1DA33-4AB0 68
18.5 21.3 160 L 2935 60 EFF2 90.9 91 0.86 34 1LE1002-1DA43-4AB0 78
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA43-4FA0 21
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA23-4FA0 26
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA03-4FA0 40
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA13-4FA0 45
11 12.6 160 M 2920 36 EFF2 88.4 88.5 0.85 21 1LE1002-1DA23-4FA0 69
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 EFF2 89.5 89.7 0.84 29 1LE1002-1DA33-4FA0 77
18.5 21.3 160 L 2935 60 EFF2 90.9 91 0.86 34 1LE1002-1DA43-4FA0 87
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA23-4FB0 26
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA03-4FB0 40
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA13-4FB0 45
11 12.6 160 M 2920 36 EFF2 88.4 88.5 0.85 21 1LE1002-1DA23-4FB0 69
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 EFF2 89.5 89.7 0.84 29 1LE1002-1DA33-4FB0 77
18.5 21.3 160 L 2935 60 EFF2 90.9 91 0.86 34 1LE1002-1DA43-4FB0 87
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.

1/10 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor torque Locked-rotor current Breakdown torque Torque Moment Noise at rated output Flange size
class of inertia according
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound to
surface sound pressure DIN EN

torque current torque 50347
pressure level level at
at 50 Hz 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
400 V∆/690 VY, 50 Hz; 460 V∆, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AA43-4AA0 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79
1LE1002-1BA23-4AA0 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81
1LE1002-1CA03-4AA0 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80
1LE1002-1CA13-4AA0 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80
1LE1002-1DA23-4AA0 2.1 6.1 2.7 16 0.02971 70 82
1LE1002-1DA33-4AA0 2.5 6.1 3.2 16 0.03619 70 82
1LE1002-1DA43-4AA0 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.04395 70 82
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1AA43-4AB0 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79
1LE1002-1BA23-4AB0 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81
1LE1002-1CA03-4AB0 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80
1LE1002-1CA13-4AB0 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80
1LE1002-1DA23-4AB0 2.1 6.1 2.7 16 0.02971 70 82
1LE1002-1DA33-4AB0 2.5 6.1 3.2 16 0.03619 70 82
1LE1002-1DA43-4AB0 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.04395 70 82
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AA43-4FA0 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79 FF 215
1LE1002-1BA23-4FA0 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81 FF 215
1LE1002-1CA03-4FA0 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80 FF 265
1LE1002-1CA13-4FA0 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80 FF 265
1LE1002-1DA23-4FA0 2.1 6.1 2.7 16 0.02971 70 82 FF 300
1LE1002-1DA33-4FA0 2.5 6.1 3.2 16 0.03619 70 82 FF 300
1LE1002-1DA43-4FA0 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.04395 70 82 FF 300
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1BA23-4FB0 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81 FF 215
1LE1002-1CA03-4FB0 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80 FF 265
1LE1002-1CA13-4FB0 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80 FF 265
1LE1002-1DA23-4FB0 2.1 6.1 2.7 16 0.02971 70 82 FF 300
1LE1002-1DA33-4FB0 2.5 6.1 3.2 16 0.03619 70 82 FF 300
1LE1002-1DA43-4FB0 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.04395 70 82 FF 300
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/11

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at

1 Prated Prated FS
50 Hz

50 Hz

50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz; 460 VY, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB42-2AA0 18
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB52-2AA0 22
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB22-2AA0 27
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB02-2AA0 38
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB22-2AA0 44
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB22-2AA0 62
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB42-2AA0 73
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB42-2AB0 18
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB42-2FA0 19
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB52-2FA0 23
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB22-2FA0 28
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB02-2FA0 43
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB22-2FA0 49
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB22-2FA0 71
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB42-2FA0 82
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB42-2FB0 19
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB52-2FB0 23
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB22-2FB0 28
• With standard flange: IM B14, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V193)
- Without motor protection
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB42-2KA0 20
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB52-2KA0 24
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB22-2KA0 29
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B14 will be stamped on the rating plate.

1/12 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor torque Locked-rotor current Breakdown torque Torque Moment Noise at rated output Flange size
class of inertia according
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound to
surface sound pressure DIN EN

torque current torque 50347
pressure level level at
at 50 Hz 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz; 460 VY, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AB42-2AA0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72
1LE1002-1AB52-2AA0 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72
1LE1002-1BB22-2AA0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70
1LE1002-1CB02-2AA0 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76
1LE1002-1CB22-2AA0 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76
1LE1002-1DB22-2AA0 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77
1LE1002-1DB42-2AA0 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1AB42-2AB0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 63 75
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AB42-2FA0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72 FF 215
1LE1002-1AB52-2FA0 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72 FF 215
1LE1002-1BB22-2FA0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70 FF 215
1LE1002-1CB02-2FA0 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1CB22-2FA0 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1DB22-2FA0 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77 FF 300
1LE1002-1DB42-2FA0 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77 FF 300
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1AB42-2FB0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72 FF 215
1LE1002-1AB52-2FB0 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72 FF 215
1LE1002-1BB22-2FB0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70 FF 215
• With standard flange: IM B14, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V193)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AB42-2KA0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72 FT 130
1LE1002-1AB52-2KA0 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 63 75 FT 130
1LE1002-1BB22-2KA0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70 FT 130
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B14 will be stamped on the rating plate.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at

1 Prated Prated FS
50 Hz

50 Hz

50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
400 V∆/690 VY, 50 Hz; 460 V∆, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB43-4AA0 18
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB53-4AA0 22
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB23-4AA0 27
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB03-4AA0 38
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB23-4AA0 44
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB23-4AA0 62
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB43-4AA0 73
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB43-4AB0 18
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB53-4AB0 22
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB23-4AB0 27
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB03-4AB0 38
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB23-4AB0 44
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB23-4AB0 62
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB43-4AB0 73
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB43-4FA0 19
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB53-4FA0 23
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB23-4FA0 28
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB03-4FA0 43
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB23-4FA0 49
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB23-4FA0 71
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB43-4FA0 82
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB23-4FB0 28
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB03-4FB0 43
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB23-4FB0 49
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB23-4FB0 71
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB43-4FB0 82
• With flange: IM B35
- Without motor protection
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB03-4JA0 43
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB23-4JA0 49
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB23-4JA0 71
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB43-4JA0 82
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.

1/14 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor torque Locked-rotor current Breakdown torque Torque Moment Noise at rated output Flange size
class of inertia according
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound to
surface sound pressure DIN EN

torque current torque 50347
pressure level level at
at 50 Hz 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
400 V∆/690 VY, 50 Hz; 460 V∆, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AB43-4AA0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72
1LE1002-1AB53-4AA0 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72
1LE1002-1BB23-4AA0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70
1LE1002-1CB03-4AA0 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76
1LE1002-1CB23-4AA0 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76
1LE1002-1DB23-4AA0 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77
1LE1002-1DB43-4AA0 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1AB43-4AB0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72
1LE1002-1AB53-4AB0 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72
1LE1002-1BB23-4AB0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70
1LE1002-1CB03-4AB0 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76
1LE1002-1CB23-4AB0 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76
1LE1002-1DB23-4AB0 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77
1LE1002-1DB43-4AB0 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AB43-4FA0 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72 FF 215
1LE1002-1AB53-4FA0 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72 FF 215
1LE1002-1BB23-4FA0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70 FF 215
1LE1002-1CB03-4FA0 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1CB23-4FA0 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1DB23-4FA0 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77 FF 300
1LE1002-1DB43-4FA0 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77 FF 300
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1BB23-4FB0 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70 FF 215
1LE1002-1CB03-4FB0 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1CB23-4FB0 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1DB23-4FB0 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77 FF 300
1LE1002-1DB43-4FB0 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77 FF 300
• With flange: IM B35
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1CB03-4JA0 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1CB23-4JA0 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76 FF 265
1LE1002-1DB23-4JA0 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77 FF 300
1LE1002-1DB43-4JA0 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77 FF 300
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at

1 Prated Prated FS
50 Hz

50 Hz

50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz; 460 VY, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
1.5 1.75 100 L 940 15.3 74 72.6 0.74 3.95 1LE1002-1AC42-2AA0 19
2.2 2.55 112 M 930 23 78 78.1 0.77 5.3 1LE1002-1BC22-2AA0 25
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC02-2AA0 34
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC22-2AA0 39
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 85 85.3 0.75 12.4 1LE1002-1CC32-2AA0 48
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
1.5 1.75 100 L 940 15.3 74 72.6 0.74 3.95 1LE1002-1AC42-2FA0 20
2.2 2.55 112 M 930 23 78 78.1 0.77 5.3 1LE1002-1BC22-2FA0 26
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC02-2FA0 39
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC22-2FA0 44
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1.5 1.75 100 L 940 15.3 74 72.6 0.74 3.95 1LE1002-1AC42-2FB0 20
2.2 2.55 112 M 930 23 78 78.1 0.77 5.3 1LE1002-1BC22-2FB0 26
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC02-2FB0 39
• With standard flange: IM B14, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V193)
- Without motor protection
1.5 1.75 100 L 940 15.3 74 72.6 0.74 3.95 1LE1002-1AC42-2KA0 21
2.2 2.55 112 M 930 23 78 78.1 0.77 5.3 1LE1002-1BC22-2KA0 27
400 V∆/690 VY, 50 Hz; 460 V∆, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC03-4AA0 34
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC23-4AA0 39
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 85 85.3 0.75 12.4 1LE1002-1CC33-4AA0 48
7.5 8.6 160 M 970 75 86 85.4 0.73 17.2 1LE1002-1DC23-4AA0 72
11 12.6 160 L 965 110 87.6 87.9 0.77 23.5 1LE1002-1DC43-4AA0 92
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC03-4AB0 34
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC23-4AB0 39
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 85 85.3 0.75 12.4 1LE1002-1CC33-4AB0 48
7.5 8.6 160 M 970 75 86 86.5 0.73 17.2 1LE1002-1DC23-4AB0 72
11 12.6 160 L 965 110 87.6 87.9 0.77 23.5 1LE1002-1DC43-4AB0 92
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC03-4FA0 39
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC23-4FA0 44
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 85 85.3 0.75 12.4 1LE1002-1CC33-4FA0 53
7.5 8.6 160 M 970 75 86 85.4 0.73 17.2 1LE1002-1DC23-4FA0 81
11 12.6 160 L 965 110 87.6 87.9 0.77 23.5 1LE1002-1DC43-4FA0 101
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC23-4FB0 44
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 85 85.3 0.75 12.4 1LE1002-1CC33-4FB0 53
7.5 8.6 160 M 970 75 86 85.4 0.73 17.2 1LE1002-1DC23-4FB0 81
11 12.6 160 L 965 110 87.6 87.9 0.77 23.5 1LE1002-1DC43-4FB0 101
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B14 will be stamped on the rating plate.

1/16 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
General Line motors with shorter delivery time

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor torque Locked-rotor current Breakdown torque Torque Moment Noise at rated output Flange size
class of inertia according
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound to
surface sound pressure DIN EN

torque current torque 50347
pressure level level at
at 50 Hz 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY, 50 Hz; 460 VY, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AC42-2AA0 2 4 2.2 16 0.0065 59 71
1LE1002-1BC22-2AA0 2.1 4.1 2.4 16 0.0065 57 69
1LE1002-1CC02-2AA0 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.0167 63 75
1LE1002-1CC22-2AA0 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75
1LE1002-1CC32-2AA0 2.5 5.2 2.8 16 0.02734 63 75
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AC42-2FA0 2 4 2.2 16 0.0065 59 71 FF 215
1LE1002-1BC22-2FA0 2.3 4.1 2.5 16 0.0092 57 69 FF 215
1LE1002-1CC02-2FA0 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.0167 63 75 FF 265
1LE1002-1CC22-2FA0 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75 FF 265
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1AC42-2FB0 2 4 2.2 16 0.0065 59 71 FF 215
1LE1002-1BC22-2FB0 2.3 4.1 2.5 16 0.0092 68 80 FF 215
1LE1002-1CC02-2FB0 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.0167 63 75 FF 265
• With standard flange: IM B14, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V193)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1AC42-2KA0 2 4 2.2 16 0.0065 59 71 FT 130
1LE1002-1BC22-2KA0 2.3 4.1 2.5 16 0.0092 68 80 FT 130
400 V∆/690 VY, 50 Hz; 460 V∆, 60 Hz
• Without flange: IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V61)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1CC03-4AA0 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.017 63 75
1LE1002-1CC23-4AA0 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75
1LE1002-1CC33-4AA0 2.5 5.2 2.8 16 0.02734 63 75
1LE1002-1DC23-4AA0 2.1 5.5 2.9 16 0.04993 68 80
1LE1002-1DC43-4AA0 1.9 5.9 2.7 16 0.0678 68 80
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1CC03-4AB0 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.0167 63 75
1LE1002-1CC23-4AB0 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75
1LE1002-1CC33-4AB0 2.5 5.2 2.8 16 0.02734 63 75
1LE1002-1DC23-4AB0 2.1 5.5 2.9 16 0.04993 68 80
1LE1002-1DC43-4AB0 1.9 5.9 2.7 16 0.0678 68 80
• With flange: IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V32)
- Without motor protection
1LE1002-1CC03-4FA0 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.0167 63 75 FF 265
1LE1002-1CC23-4FA0 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75 FF 265
1LE1002-1CC33-4FA0 2.5 5.2 2.8 16 0.02734 63 75 FF 265
1LE1002-1DC23-4FA0 2.1 5.5 2.9 16 0.04993 68 80 FF 300
1LE1002-1DC43-4FA0 1.9 5.9 2.7 16 0.0678 68 80 FF 300
- With motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded temperature sensors for tripping
1LE1002-1CC23-4FB0 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75 FF 265
1LE1002-1CC33-4FB0 2.5 5.2 2.8 16 0.02734 63 75 FF 265
1LE1002-1DC23-4FB0 2.1 5.5 2.9 16 0.04993 68 80 FF 300
1LE1002-1DC43-4FB0 1.9 5.9 2.7 16 0.0678 68 80 FF 300
These motors are standard painted with special finish color RAL 7030 (stone gray).
Additional options like protective cover and condensation drainage holes are not possible.
(Connection box on top, cast feet, only basic versions possible,
non-drive end (NDE) cannot be modified)

Only the type of construction IM B3 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B5 will be stamped on the rating plate.
Only the type of construction IM B14 will be stamped on the rating plate.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at for voltage, type of con- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord-
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
struction, motor protection
and connection box, see
table from Page 1/20.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA4 - 20
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA2 - 25
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA0 - 35
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA1 - 40
11 12.6 160 M 2920 36 EFF2 88.4 88.5 0.85 21 1LE1002-1DA2 - 60
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 EFF2 89.5 89.7 0.84 29 1LE1002-1DA3 - 68
18.5 21.3 160 L 2935 60 EFF2 90.9 91 0.86 34 1LE1002-1DA4 - 78
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB4 - 18
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB5 - 22
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB2 - 27
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB0 - 38
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB2 - 44
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB2 - 62
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB4 - 73
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1.5 1.75 100 L 940 15.3 74 72.6 0.74 3.95 1LE1002-1AC4 - 19
2.2 2.55 112 M 930 23 78 78.1 0.77 5.3 1LE1002-1BC2 - 25
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC0 - 34
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC2 - 39
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 85 85.3 0.75 12.4 1LE1002-1CC3 - 48
7.5 8.6 160 M 970 75 86 85.4 0.73 17.2 1LE1002-1DC2 - 72
11 12.6 160 L 965 110 87.6 87.9 0.77 23.5 1LE1002-1DC4 - 92
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
0.75 0.86 100 L 705 10.4 65.4 60.2 0.62 2.65 1LE1002-1AD4 - 17
1.1 1.3 100 L 705 15.1 68.3 67.6 0.63 3.7 1LE1002-1AD5 - 22
1.5 1.75 112 M 700 20 75.9 72.8 0.68 4.2 1LE1002-1BD2 - 25
2.2 2.55 132 S 715 29 81 80.4 0.66 5.9 1LE1002-1CD0 - 37
3 3.45 132 M 710 40 81.6 81.4 0.68 7.8 1LE1002-1CD2 - 44
4 4.6 160 M 720 53 80 78.7 0.69 10.4 1LE1002-1DD2 - 60
5.5 6.3 160 M 720 73 83.5 83.9 0.70 13.6 1LE1002-1DD3 - 72
7.5 8.6 160 L 715 100 83.5 84.7 0.70 18.6 1LE1002-1DD4 - 91
The 2-, 4-, and 6-pole motors listed above can be delivered
ex stock with shorter delivery time.
These motors can be selected from defined versions (voltages,
types of construction, motor protection and position of the
connection box) in section “General Line motors with shorter
delivery time” on Pages 1/8 to 1/17.

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/20.

1/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment Noise at rated output
torque current torque of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AA4 - 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79
1LE1002-1BA2 - 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81
1LE1002-1CA0 - 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80
1LE1002-1CA1 - 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80
1LE1002-1DA2 - 2.1 6.1 2.7 16 0.02971 70 82
1LE1002-1DA3 - 2.5 6.1 3.2 16 0.03619 70 82
1LE1002-1DA4 - 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.04395 70 82
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AB4 - 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72
1LE1002-1AB5 - 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72
1LE1002-1BB2 - 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70
1LE1002-1CB0 - 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76
1LE1002-1CB2 - 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76
1LE1002-1DB2 - 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77
1LE1002-1DB4 - 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AC4 - 2 4 2.2 16 0.0065 61 73
1LE1002-1BC2 - 2.3 4.1 2.5 16 0.0092 68 80
1LE1002-1CC0 - 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.0167 63 75
1LE1002-1CC2 - 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75
1LE1002-1CC3 - 2.5 5.2 2.8 16 0.02734 63 75
1LE1002-1DC2 - 2.1 5.5 2.9 16 0.04993 68 80
1LE1002-1DC4 - 1.9 5.9 2.7 16 0.0678 68 80
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AD4 - 1.9 3 2.2 16 0.0056 60 72
1LE1002-1AD5 - 2 3.2 2.3 16 0.0078 60 72
1LE1002-1BD2 - 1.9 3.4 2.1 16 0.0094 63 75
1LE1002-1CD0 - 1.7 3.9 2.4 13 0.0186 63 75
1LE1002-1CD2 - 1.8 3.9 2.2 13 0.02372 63 75
1LE1002-1DD2 - 1.7 3.8 2.3 13 0.0439 63 75
1LE1002-1DD3 - 1.6 4 2.2 13 0.0562 63 75
1LE1002-1DD4 - 1.7 3.8 2.2 13 0.0772 63 75

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)
size Standard voltages Further voltages

1 50 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY 400 V∆/690 VY 500 VY 500 V∆
50 Hz
220 V∆/380 VY 380 V∆/660 VY 415 VY 415 V∆
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 V∆ (210 … 230 V∆/ (360 … 400 V∆/ (395 … 435 VY) 1) (395 … 435 V∆) 1)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1)
see “Selection and ordering data” for
outputs at 60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1LE1002-1A.. - … 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B.. - … 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C.. - … 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D.. - … 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).
Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)
size Without flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 6) 3)
without with size without with
protec- protec- protec- protec-
tive tive tive tive
cover cover cover cover
3) 3) 4) 5) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No. sup- – – – – – – -Z – – -Z – –
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code
1LE1002-1A...-. .. 100 L ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-. .. 112 M ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-. .. 132 S/M ✓ FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-. .. 160 M/L ✓ FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) (next larger standerd flange acc. to DIN
EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34
3) 7) 3) 3) 7) 3)
size without with pro- size without with
protec- tective protec- protec-
tive cover tive tive
3) 4) 5)
cover cover cover
3) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No.sup- – – – -Z – -Z -Z -Z -Z -Z
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code P01 P01 P01 P01 P01
1LE1002-1A...-. .. 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-. .. 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
1) 5)
A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. In combination with an encoder, it is not necessary to order the protective
The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover (order code H00), as this is delivered as a protection for the encoder
cover/with protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation as standard. In this case, the protective cover is standard design (without
drainage holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of con- additional charge).
struction on the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of con- The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover/with
struction IM B3 is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
construction IM V5 with protective cover, the protective cover has to be holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
additionally ordered with order code H00. The protective cover is not the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is
stamped on the rating plate. then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V1 with pro-
The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering tective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover/with
densation drainage holes during manufacture. protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
Option second shaft extension (order code L05) not possible. holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14
is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V18 with
protective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.

1/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
Without Motor protection Motor protection Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
motor with PTC ther- with PTC ther- ture detection for tripping detectors for
protection mistors with
3 embedded
mistors with
6 embedded
temperature sen-
with embedded
tripping 1)
sensors for sors for alarm KTY 84-130 1)
tripping 1) and tripping 1)
Order code Q2A Q3A
1LE1002-1A...-.. . 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-.. . 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-.. . 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-.. . 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motortyp Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)

Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 3) on LHS 3) bottom 3)
4 5 6 7
1LE1002-1A...-... 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-... 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-... 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-... 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

1) Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-

2) With type of construction, cast feet as standard. Screwed-on feet are
available with order code H01, see “Special versions”.
3) With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at for voltage, type of con- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord-
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
struction, motor protection
and connection box, see
table from Page 1/24.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
For use according to CEMEP
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
3 3.45 100 L 2905 9.9 EFF1 86.7 87.5 0.84 5.9 1LE1001-1AA4 - 21
4 4.6 112 M 2950 13 EFF1 88 88.5 0.86 7.4 1LE1001-1BA2 - 27
5.5 6.3 132 S 2950 18 EFF1 89.5 90.6 0.87 10.2 1LE1001-1CA0 - 39
7.5 8.6 132 S 2950 24 EFF1 90 91 0.87 13.8 1LE1001-1CA1 - 43
11 12.6 160 M 2955 36 EFF1 90.8 91 0.87 20 1LE1001-1DA2 - 67
15 17.3 160 M 2955 48 EFF1 91.4 91.5 0.88 27 1LE1001-1DA3 - 75
18.5 21.3 160 L 2955 60 EFF1 92 92.5 0.88 33 1LE1001-1DA4 - 84
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
2.2 2.55 100 L 1455 14 EFF1 86.4 87 0.81 4.55 1LE1001-1AB4 - 21
3 3.45 100 L 1455 20 EFF1 87.4 88 0.82 6 1LE1001-1AB5 - 25
4 4.6 112 M 1460 26 EFF1 88.3 88.5 0.81 8.1 1LE1001-1BB2 - 29
5.5 6.3 132 S 1465 36 EFF1 89.2 89.5 0.80 11.2 1LE1001-1CB0 - 42
7.5 8.6 132 M 1465 49 EFF1 90.1 91 0.83 14.4 1LE1001-1CB2 - 49
11 12.6 160 M 1470 71 EFF1 91.2 91.8 0.85 20.5 1LE1001-1DB2 - 71
15 17.3 160 L 1475 97 EFF1 92 92.4 0.85 27.5 1LE1001-1DB4 - 83
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1.5 1.75 100 L 970 15 84.5 84.5 0.73 3.5 1LE1001-1AC4 - 25
2.2 2.55 112 M 965 22 85 85 0.75 5 1LE1001-1BC2 - 29
3 3.45 132 S 970 30 85 85 0.74 6.9 1LE1001-1CC0 - 38
4 4.6 132 M 970 39 86 86 0.78 8.6 1LE1001-1CC2 - 43
5.5 6.3 132 M 970 54 88 88 0.77 11.8 1LE1001-1CC3 - 52
7.5 8.6 160 M 975 73 89 89 0.77 15.8 1LE1001-1DC2 - 77
11 12.6 160 L 975 108 89.5 89 0.80 22 1LE1001-1DC4 - 93
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
0.75 0.86 100 L 725 9.9 68 65 0.58 2.75 1LE1001-1AD4 - 21
1.1 1.3 100 L 725 14 68 64.5 0.58 4.05 1LE1001-1AD5 - 25
1.5 1.75 112 M 720 20 77 75.5 0.67 4.2 1LE1001-1BD2 - 29
2.2 2.55 132 S 725 29 77.5 76.7 0.63 6.5 1LE1001-1CD0 - 41
3 3.45 132 M 730 40 84 82 0.65 7.9 1LE1001-1CD2 - 49
4 4.6 160 M 730 52 87 88 0.69 9.6 1LE1001-1DD2 - 69
5.5 6.3 160 M 735 72 87.5 89 0.69 13.2 1LE1001-1DD3 - 82
7.5 8.6 160 L 730 98 88 89 0.72 17 1LE1001-1DD4 - 94

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/24.

1/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment Noise at rated output
torque current torque of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
For use according to CEMEP
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AA4 - 2.3 7 3.3 16 0.0044 67 79
1LE1001-1BA2 - 2.4 7.4 3.3 16 0.0092 69 81
1LE1001-1CA0 - 1.8 6.7 2.9 16 0.02012 68 80
1LE1001-1CA1 - 2.2 7.5 3.1 16 0.02353 68 80
1LE1001-1DA2 - 2.1 7.4 3.2 16 0.04471 70 82
1LE1001-1DA3 - 2.4 7.6 3.4 16 0.05277 70 82
1LE1001-1DA4 - 2.9 7.9 3.6 16 0.06085 70 82
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AB4 - 2.1 6.9 3.3 16 0.0086 60 72
1LE1001-1AB5 - 2 6.9 3.1 16 0.0109 60 72
1LE1001-1BB2 - 2.5 7.1 3.2 16 0.014 58 70
1LE1001-1CB0 - 2.3 6.9 2.9 16 0.02698 64 76
1LE1001-1CB2 - 2.3 6.9 2.9 16 0.03353 64 76
1LE1001-1DB2 - 2.2 6.7 2.8 16 0.06495 65 77
1LE1001-1DB4 - 2.5 7.3 3 16 0.08281 65 77
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AC4 - 2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0113 59 71
1LE1001-1BC2 - 2.1 6 3.1 16 0.0139 57 69
1LE1001-1CC0 - 1.6 5.6 2.6 13 0.02371 63 75
1LE1001-1CC2 - 1.6 5.6 2.5 13 0.02918 63 75
1LE1001-1CC3 - 1.9 6.1 2.8 16 0.03673 63 75
1LE1001-1DC2 - 1.8 6.3 2.8 16 0.0754 67 79
1LE1001-1DC4 - 1.7 6.2 2.7 16 0.0975 67 79
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AD4 - 1.6 4 2.8 13 0.0086 60 72
1LE1001-1AD5 - 1.8 4 2.8 13 0.0109 60 72
1LE1001-1BD2 - 1.4 4.2 2.4 13 0.014 63 75
1LE1001-1CD0 - 1.4 3.6 1.8 10 0.02698 63 75
1LE1001-1CD2 - 1.4 5 2.4 10 0.03463 63 75
1LE1001-1DD2 - 1.8 4.3 2 13 0.0649 63 75
1LE1001-1DD3 - 2.1 4.4 2.1 13 0.0828 63 75
1LE1001-1DD4 - 1.9 4.5 2.1 13 0.0982 63 75

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)
size Standard voltages Further voltages

1 50 Hz
230 V∆/400 VY 400 V∆/690 VY 500 VY 500 V∆
50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 380 VΔ/660 VY 415 VY 415 VΔ
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 VΔ (210 … 230 VΔ/ (360 … 400 VΔ/ (395 … 435 VY) 1) (395 … 435 VΔ) 1)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1)
see “Selection and ordering data” for
outputs at 60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1LE1001-1A.. - … 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B.. - … 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C.. - … 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D.. - … 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).
Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)
size Without flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 6) 3)
without with size without with
protec- protec- protec- protec-
tive tive tive tive
cover cover cover cover
3) 3) 4) 5) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No. sup- – – – – – – -Z – – -Z – –
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code
1LE1001-1A...-. .. 100 L ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. .. 112 M ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. .. 132 S/M ✓ FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. .. 160 M/L ✓ FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange (next larger standerd
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) flange acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34
size 3) 7) 3) without with pro- size 3) 7) 3) without with
protec- tective protec- protec-
tive cover tive tive
cover 3) 4) 5) cover cover
3) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No. sup- – – – -Z – -Z -Z -Z -Z -Z
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code P01 P01 P01 P01 P01
1LE1001-1A...-. .. 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. .. 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
1) A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. 5) In combination with an encoder, it is not necessary to order the protective
2) The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover (order code H00), as this is delivered as a protection for the encoder
cover/with protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation as standard. In this case, the protective cover is standard design (without
drainage holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of con- additional charge).
struction on the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of con- 6) The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover/with
struction IM B3 is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
construction IM V5 with protective cover, the protective cover has to be holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
additionally ordered with order code H00. The protective cover is not the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is
stamped on the rating plate. then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V1 with pro-
3) The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering tective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- 7) The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover/with
densation drainage holes during manufacture. protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
4) Option second shaft extension (order code L05) not possible. holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14
is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V18 with
protective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.

1/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
size Without Motor protection Motor protection Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
motor protection with PTC ther- with PTC ther- ture detection for tripping detectors for
mistors with mistors with with embedded tripping 1)
3 embedded
6 embedded
KTY 84-130 1)
for tripping 1) for alarm and
Order code Q2A Q3A
1LE1001-1A...-.. . 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-.. . 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-.. . 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-.. . 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
size Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 3) on LHS 3) bottom 3)
4 5 6 7
1LE1001-1A...-... 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-... 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-... 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-... 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

1) Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-

2) With type of construction, cast feet as standard. Screwed-on feet are
available with order code H01, see “Special versions”.
3) With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated EPACT Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at with effi- factor at current at for voltage, type of con- type of type of

1 60 Hz 60 Hz CC-No.
ciency at
60 Hz
60 Hz
460 V,
60 Hz
struction, motor protection
and connection box, see
from Page 1/28
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW HP rpm Nm % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
For use in the North American market according to EPACT
2-pole – 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
3 4 100 L 3520 8.1 A. S. 86.5 0.83 5.2 1LE1001-1AA4 - 21
4 5 112 M 3565 9.9 A. S. 87.5 0.84 6.3 1LE1001-1BA2 - 27
5.5 7.5 132 S 3560 15 A. S. 89.5 0.86 9 1LE1001-1CA0 - 39
7.5 10 132 S 3560 20 A. S. 90.2 0.87 12 1LE1001-1CA1 - 43
11 15 160 M 3560 30 A. S. 90.2 0.86 17.8 1LE1001-1DA2 - 67
15 20 160 M 3565 40 A. S. 91 0.87 24 1LE1001-1DA3 - 75
18.5 25 160 L 3565 50 A. S. 91.7 0.87 29 1LE1001-1DA4 - 84
4-pole – 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
2.2 3 100 L 1760 12 A. S. 87.5 0.78 4.05 1LE1001-1AB4 - 21
3 4 100 L 1765 16 A. S. 87.5 0.79 5.4 1LE1001-1AB5 - 25
4 5 112 M 1770 20 A. S. 88.5 0.77 6.8 1LE1001-1BB2 - 29
5.5 7.5 132 S 1770 30 A. S. 89.5 0.78 9.9 1LE1001-1CB0 - 42
7.5 10 132 M 1770 40 A. S. 89.5 0.82 12.8 1LE1001-1CB2 - 49
11 15 160 M 1775 59 A. S. 91 0.84 18.1 1LE1001-1DB2 - 71
15 20 160 L 1780 80 A. S. 91.7 0.84 24.5 1LE1001-1DB4 - 83
6-pole – 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1.5 2 100 L 1175 12 A. S. 86.5 0.69 3.15 1LE1001-1AC4 - 25
2.2 3 112 M 1170 18 A. S. 87.5 0.73 4.3 1LE1001-1BC2 - 29
3 4 132 S 1175 24 A. S. 87.5 0.7 6.1 1LE1001-1CC0 - 38
4 5 132 M 1180 30 A. S. 87.5 0.73 7.3 1LE1001-1CC2 - 43
5.5 7.5 132 M 1175 45 A. S. 89.5 0.74 10.4 1LE1001-1CC3 - 52
7.5 10 160 M 1180 61 A. S. 89.5 0.74 14.2 1LE1001-1DC2 - 77
11 15 160 L 1180 89 A. S. 90.2 0.78 19.6 1LE1001-1DC4 - 93
A. S. Available soon

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/28.

1/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breaddown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 60 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level at
60 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
For use in the North American market according to EPACT
2-pole – 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AA4 - 2.56 7.3 3.83 16 0.0044 71 83
1LE1001-1BA2 - 2.9 7.8 4 16 0.0092 73 85
1LE1001-1CA0 - 2.04 6.9 3.3 16 0.02012 72 84
1LE1001-1CA1 - 2.3 7.4 3.56 16 0.02353 72 84
1LE1001-1DA2 - 2.38 7.4 3.63 16 0.04471 77 89
1LE1001-1DA3 - 2.76 7.6 3.91 16 0.05277 77 89
1LE1001-1DA4 - 3.31 7.9 4.1 16 0.06085 77 89
4-pole – 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AB4 - 2.45 7.3 3.85 16 0.0086 62 74
1LE1001-1AB5 - 2.38 7.5 3.68 16 0.0109 62 74
1LE1001-1BB2 - 3 7.5 4 16 0.014 62 74
1LE1001-1CB0 - 2.61 7.3 3.29 16 0.02698 68 80
1LE1001-1CB2 - 2.7 7.1 3.407 16 0.03353 68 80
1LE1001-1DB2 - 2.65 7 3.22 16 0.06495 69 81
1LE1001-1DB4 - 2.79 7.7 3.37 16 0.08281 69 81
6-pole – 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AC4 - 2.33 6.4 3.38 16 0.0113 62 74
1LE1001-1BC2 - 2.3 6.5 3.4 16 0.0139 60 72
1LE1001-1CC0 - 1.75 5.8 3.03 13 0.02371 67 79
1LE1001-1CC2 - 2.08 5.8 3.166 13 0.02918 67 79
1LE1001-1CC3 - 2.04 6.3 3.17 16 0.03673 67 79
1LE1001-1DC2 - 1.95 6.3 3.213 16 0.0754 70 82
1LE1001-1DC4 - 1.834 6.2 2.98 16 0.0975 70 82

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)

1 Standard voltages
60 Hz
460 VY 460 VΔ
see “Selection and ordering data” for outputs at
60 Hz
22 34
1LE1001-1A.. - … 100 L
1LE1001-1B.. - … 112 M
1LE1001-1C.. - … 132 S/M
1LE1001-1D.. - … 160 M/L
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).

Motor type Frame Position 14: Type of construction (type letter)

With flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
1) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) without with size 2) 5) without with 2)
protec- protec- protec- protec-
tion tion tion tion
cover cover cover cover
2) 2) 3) 4) 2) 2) 3) 4)

Order No. – – – – – – -Z – – -Z – –
supplement H00 H00
-Z with order
1LE1001-1A...-. .. 100 L ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. .. 112 M ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. .. 132 S/M ✓ FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. .. 160 M/L ✓ FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Type of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) (next larger standerd flange acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34
2) 6) 2) 2) 6) 2)
size without with pro- size without with
protec- tective protec- protec-
tive cover tive tive
2) 3) 4)
cover cover 2) 3) 4)
2) 2)

Order No. – – – -Z – -Z -Z -Z -Z -Z
supplement H00 H00
-Z with order P01 P01 P01 P01 P01
1LE1001-1A...-. .. 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. .. 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
1) The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective 5) The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover/with
cover/with protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
drainage holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of con- holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
struction on the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of con- the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is
struction IM B3 is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V1 with pro-
construction IM V5 with protective cover, the protective cover has to be tective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
additionally ordered with order code H00. The protective cover is not order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.
stamped on the rating plate. 6) The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover/with
2) The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14
densation drainage holes during manufacture. is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V18 with
3) Option second shaft extension (order code L05) not possible protective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.
In combination with an encoder, it is not necessary to order the protective
cover (order code H00), as this is delivered as a protection for the encoder
as standard. In this case, the protective cover is standard design (without
additional charge).

1/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
Without motor Motor protection Motor protection Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
protection with PTC ther- with PTC ther- ture detection for tripping detectors for
mistors with 3
embedded tem-
perature sensors
mistors with 6
embedded tem-
perature sensors
with embedded
temperature sen-
sor KTY 84-130 1)
tripping 1)
for tripping 1) for alarm and
tripping 1)
Order code Q2A Q3A
1LE1001-1A...-.. . 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-.. . 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-.. . 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-.. . 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 3) on LHS 3) bottom 3)
4 5 6 7
1LE1001-1A...-... 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-... 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-... 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-... 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
With type of construction, cast feet as standard. Screwed-on feet are
available with order code H01, see “Special versions”.
With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/29

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at for voltage, type of con- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord-
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
struction, motor protection
and connection box, see
table from Page 1/32.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B) 1)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
4 4.6 100 L 2850 13.3 EFF2 85.6 86.2 0.85 7.9 1LE1002-1AA6 - 25
5.5 6.3 112 M 2935 18 EFF2 87 85.5 0.86 10.6 1LE1002-1BA6 - 31
11 12.6 132 M 2920 36 EFF2 90 90.7 0.90 19.6 1LE1002-1CA6 - 53
22 24.5 160 L 2930 72 EFF2 91.6 91.4 0.88 39.5 1LE1002-1DA6 - 85
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
4 4.6 100 L 1430 26.8 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.81 8.5 1LE1002-1AB6 - 27
5.5 6.3 112 M 1420 37 EFF2 85.7 86.5 0.81 11 1LE1002-1BB6 - 33
11 12.6 132 M 1450 72 EFF2 88.8 89.3 0.84 21.5 1LE1002-1CB6 - 58
18.5 21.3 160 L 1460 121 EFF2 90 90.2 0.85 35 1LE1002-1DB6 - 85
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
2.2 2.55 100 L 930 22.5 76 77.3 0.78 5.3 1LE1002-1AC6 - 24
3 3.45 112 M 945 30 79 78.2 0.72 7.6 1LE1002-1BC6 - 32
7.5 8.6 132 M 950 75 85.5 85.7 0.74 17.2 1LE1002-1CC6 - 54
15 17.3 160 L 965 148 88 88 0.75 33 1LE1002-1DC6 - 109

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/32.

For Order No. 1LE1002-1CC6 - use acc. to temperature
class 155 (F).

1/30 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment Noise at rated output
torque current torque of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AA6 - 4.5 7 4.1 16 0.0044 67 79
1LE1002-1BA6 - 2.9 7.5 3.8 16 0.0085 69 81
1LE1002-1CA6 - 2.8 7.5 3.7 16 0.02233 68 80
1LE1002-1DA6 - 2.6 7.5 3.4 16 0.04913 70 82
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AB6 - 2.9 5.8 3.1 16 0.01 60 72
1LE1002-1BB6 - 3 5.8 3.1 16 0.0124 58 70
1LE1002-1CB6 - 2.5 7.2 3 16 0.03259 64 76
1LE1002-1DB6 - 2.7 7.2 3.2 16 0.06843 65 77
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AC6 - 2 4 2.2 16 0.0084 59 71
1LE1002-1BC6 - 2.9 4.6 3 16 0.0128 57 69
1LE1002-1CC6 - 2.4 5.3 3 16 0.032 63 75
1LE1002-1DC6 - 2.9 6 3.4 16 0.0936 67 79

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/31

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)
size Standard voltages Further voltages

1 50 Hz
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ
50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 380 VΔ/660 VY 415 VY 415 VΔ
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 VΔ (210 … 230 VΔ/ (360 … 400 VΔ/ (395 … 435 VY) 1) (395 … 435 VΔ) 1)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1)
see “Selection and ordering data” for
outputs at 60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1LE1002-1A.. - … 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B.. - … 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C.. - … 132 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D.. - … 160 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).
Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)
size Without flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 6) 3)
without with size without with
protec- protec- protec- protec-
tive tive tive tive
cover cover cover cover
3) 3) 4) 5) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No. sup- – – – – – – -Z – – -Z – –
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code
1LE1002-1A...-. .. 100 L ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-. .. 112 M ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-. .. 132 M ✓ FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-. .. 160 L ✓ FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange (next larger standerd flange
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34
size 3) 7) 3) without with pro- size 3) 7) 3) without with
protec- tective protec- protec-
tive cover tive tive
cover 3) 4) 5) cover cover
3) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No. sup- – – – -Z – -Z -Z -Z -Z -Z
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code P01 P01 P01 P01 P01
1LE1002-1A...-. .. 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-. .. 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
1) A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. 5) In combination with an encoder, it is not necessary to order the protective
2) The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover (order code H00), as this is delivered as a protection for the encoder
cover/with protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation as standard. In this case, the protective cover is standard design (without
drainage holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of con- additional charge).
struction on the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of con- 6) The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover/with
struction IM B3 is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
construction IM V5 with protective cover, the protective cover has to be holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
additionally ordered with order code H00. The protective cover is not the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is
stamped on the rating plate. then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V1 with pro-
3) The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering tective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- 7) The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover/with
densation drainage holes during manufacture. protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
4) Option second shaft extension (order code L05) not possible. holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14
is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V18 with
protective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.

1/32 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
size Without Motor protection Motor protection Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
motor with PTC ther- with PTC ther- ture detection for tripping detectors for
protection mistors with mistors with with embedded tripping 1)
3 embedded
6 embedded
KTY 84-130 1)
for tripping 1) for alarm and
Order code Q2A Q3A
1LE1002-1A...-.. . 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-.. . 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-.. . 132 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-.. . 160 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
size Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 2) on LHS 2) bottom 2)
4 5 6 7
1LE1002-1A...-... 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-... 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-... 132 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-... 160 L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/33

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at for voltage, type of con- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord-
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V.
50 Hz
struction, motor protection
and connection box, see
table from Page 1/36.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
4 4.6 100 L 2905 13 EFF1 88 89 0.86 7.6 1LE1001-1AA6 - 26
5.5 6.3 112 M 2950 18 EFF1 89 88.5 0.89 10 1LE1001-1BA6 - 34
11 12.6 132 M 2955 36 EFF1 91.5 92.5 0.89 19.4 1LE1001-1CA6 - 57
22 25.3 160 L 2955 71 EFF1 92.8 93.5 0.89 38.5 1LE1001-1DA6 - 94
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
4 4.6 100 L 1460 26 EFF1 88.3 88.3 0.8 8.2 1LE1001-1AB6 - 30
5.5 6.3 112 M 1460 36 EFF1 89.2 89.2 0.81 11 1LE1001-1BB6 - 34
11 12.6 132 M 1465 72 EFF1 91 91.0 0.84 21 1LE1001-1CB6 - 64
18.5 21.3 160 L 1475 120 EFF1 92.4 92.4 0.85 34 1LE1001-1DB6 - 100
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
2.2 2.55 100 L 965 22 84.5 85.6 0.76 4.95 1LE1001-1AC6 - 30
3 3.45 112 M 960 30 84.5 84.7 0.79 6.5 1LE1001-1BC6 - 34
7.5 8.6 132 M 970 74 88.5 88.5 0.77 15.4 1LE1001-1CC6 - 64
15 17.3 160 L 975 147 90.6 91 0.81 29.5 1LE1001-1DC6 - 115

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/36.

1/34 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment Noise at rated output
torque current torque of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AA6 - 2.5 7.6 3.5 16 0.0054 67 79
1LE1001-1BA6 - 2.2 7.7 3.3 16 0.0119 73 85
1LE1001-1CA6 - 2.5 7.9 3.2 16 0.03143 68 80
1LE1001-1DA6 - 3.1 8.4 3.7 16 0.06764 70 82
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AB6 - 2.2 7.5 3.5 16 0.0137 60 72
1LE1001-1BB6 - 2.5 7.1 3.1 16 0.0166 58 70
1LE1001-1CB6 - 2.9 7.7 3.1 16 0.04571 64 76
1LE1001-1DB6 - 2.8 7.7 3.3 16 0.09854 65 77
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AC6 - 1.9 5.7 2.9 16 0.0137 59 71
1LE1001-1BC6 - 2.1 6 3.1 16 0.0166 57 69
1LE1001-1CC6 - 2.1 6.5 3 16 0.04572 63 75
1LE1001-1DC6 - 1.9 6.5 2.9 16 0.1208 67 79

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/35

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)
size Standard voltages Further voltages

1 50 Hz
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ
50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 380 VΔ/660 VY 415 VY 415 VΔ
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 VΔ (210 … 230 VΔ/ (360 … 400 VΔ/ (395 … 435 VY) 1) (395 … 435 VΔ) 1)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1)
see “Selection and ordering data” for
outputs at 60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1LE1001-1A.. - … 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B.. - … 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C.. - … 132 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D.. - … 160 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).
Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)
size Without flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 6) 3)
without with size without with
protec- protec- protec- protec-
tive tive tive tive
cover cover cover cover
3) 3) 4) 5) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No. sup- – – – – – – -Z – – -Z – –
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code
1LE1001-1A...-. .. 100 L ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. .. 112 M ✓ FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. .. 132 M ✓ FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. .. 160 L ✓ FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) (next larger standerd flange acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM V18 IM B34
3) 7) 3) 3) 7) 3)
size without with pro- size without with
protec- tective protec- protec-
tive cover tive tive
3) 4) 5)
cover cover cover
3) 3) 3) 4) 5)

Order No. sup- – – – -Z – -Z -Z -Z -Z -Z
plement -Z with H00 H00
order code P01 P01 P01 P01 P01
1LE1001-1A...-. .. 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. .. 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
1) 5)
A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. In combination with an encoder, it is not necessary to order the protective
The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover (order code H00), as this is delivered as a protection for the encoder
cover/with protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation as standard. In this case, the protective cover is standard design (without
drainage holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of con- additional charge).
struction on the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of con- The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover/with
struction IM B3 is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
construction IM V5 with protective cover, the protective cover has to be holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
additionally ordered with order code H00. The protective cover is not the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is
stamped on the rating plate. then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V1 with pro-
The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering tective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover/with
densation drainage holes during manufacture. protective cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage
Option second shaft extension (order code L05) not possible. holes (order code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on
the rating plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14
is then stamped on the rating plate. With type of construction IM V18 with
protective cover, the protective cover has to be additionally ordered with
order code H00. The protective cover is not stamped on the rating plate.

1/36 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-ventilated motors with increased output
and high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
size Without Motor protection Motor protection Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
motor with PTC ther- with PTC ther- ture detection for tripping detectors for
protection mistors with mistors with with embedded tripping 1)
3 embedded
6 embedded
KTY 84-130 1)
for tripping 1) for alarm and
Order code Q2A Q3A
1LE1001-1A...-.. . 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-.. . 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-.. . 132 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-.. . 160 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
size Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 2) on LHS 2) bottom 2)
4 5 6 7
1LE1001-1A...-... 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-... 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-... 132 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-... 160 L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/37

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. with -Z Price Weight
size and order code
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at for voltage, type of construc- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord- 50 Hz
50 Hz 50 Hz
4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load 50 Hz
400 V. tion, motor protection and
connection box, see table
from Page 1/40.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
3 3.45 100 L 2835 10 EFF2 82.6 83.2 0.87 6 1LE1002-1AA4 - -Z 20
4 4.6 112 M 2930 13 EFF2 84.8 84.4 0.86 7.9 1LE1002-1BA2 - -Z 25
5.5 6.3 132 S 2905 18 EFF2 86 86.6 0.89 10.4 1LE1002-1CA0 - -Z 35
7.5 8.6 132 S 2925 24 EFF2 87.6 88.7 0.88 14 1LE1002-1CA1 - -Z 40
11 12.6 160 M 2920 36 EFF2 88.4 88.5 0.85 21 1LE1002-1DA2 - -Z 60
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 EFF2 89.5 89.7 0.84 29 1LE1002-1DA3 - -Z 68
18.5 21.3 160 L 2935 60 EFF2 90.9 91 0.86 34 1LE1002-1DA4 - -Z 78
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
2.2 2.55 100 L 1425 14.8 EFF2 81 84 0.81 4.85 1LE1002-1AB4 - -Z 18
3 3.45 100 L 1425 20.2 EFF2 82.8 83.6 0.85 6.2 1LE1002-1AB5 - -Z 22
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 EFF2 84.2 85.1 0.84 8.2 1LE1002-1BB2 - -Z 27
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 EFF2 86 86.5 0.83 11.2 1LE1002-1CB0 - -Z 38
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 EFF2 87 87.4 0.83 15 1LE1002-1CB2 - -Z 44
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.4 88.1 0.82 22 1LE1002-1DB2 - -Z 62
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 89.4 89.7 0.82 29.5 1LE1002-1DB4 - -Z 73
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1.5 1.75 100 L 940 15.3 74 72.6 0.74 3.95 1LE1002-1AC4 - -Z 19
2.2 2.55 112 M 930 23 78 78.1 0.77 5.3 1LE1002-1BC2 - -Z 25
3 3.45 132 S 955 30 80 79.4 0.74 7.3 1LE1002-1CC0 - -Z 34
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 83 83.4 0.76 9.2 1LE1002-1CC2 - -Z 39
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 85 85.3 0.75 12.4 1LE1002-1CC3 - -Z 48
7.5 8.6 160 M 970 75 86 85.4 0.73 17.2 1LE1002-1DC2 - -Z 72
11 12.6 160 L 965 110 87.6 87.9 0.77 23.5 1LE1002-1DC4 - -Z 92
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
0.75 0.86 100 L 705 10.4 65.4 60.2 0.62 2.65 1LE1002-1AD4 - -Z 17
1.1 1.3 100 L 705 15.1 68.3 67.6 0.63 3.71 1LE1002-1AD5 - -Z 22
1.5 1.75 112 M 700 20 75.9 72.8 0.68 4.2 1LE1002-1BD2 - -Z 25
2.2 2.55 132 S 715 29 81 80 0.66 5.9 1LE1002-1CD0 - -Z 37
3 3.45 132 M 710 40 81.6 81 0.68 7.8 1LE1002-1CD2 - -Z 44
4 4.6 160 M 720 53 80 78.7 0.69 10.4 1LE1002-1DD2 - -Z 60
5.5 6.3 160 M 720 73 83.5 83.9 0.70 13.6 1LE1002-1DD3 - -Z 72
7.5 8.6 160 L 715 100 83.5 84.7 0.70 18.6 1LE1002-1DD4 - -Z 91

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/40.

1/38 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. with -Z Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment Noise at rated output
and order code torque current torque of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AA4 - -Z 3.2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0034 67 79
1LE1002-1BA2 - -Z 2.7 7.3 3.7 16 0.0067 69 81
1LE1002-1CA0 - -Z 2 5.6 2.6 16 0.01267 68 80
1LE1002-1CA1 - -Z 2.2 6.4 3 16 0.01601 68 80
1LE1002-1DA2 - -Z 2.1 6.1 2.7 16 0.02971 70 82
1LE1002-1DA3 - -Z 2.5 6.1 3.2 16 0.03619 70 82
1LE1002-1DA4 - -Z 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.04395 70 82
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AB4 - -Z 2.3 5.1 2.7 16 0.0059 60 72
1LE1002-1AB5 - -Z 2.4 5.4 2.6 16 0.0078 60 72
1LE1002-1BB2 - -Z 2.2 5.3 2.6 16 0.0102 58 70
1LE1002-1CB0 - -Z 2.3 6.2 2.7 16 0.0186 64 76
1LE1002-1CB2 - -Z 2.5 6.6 2.9 16 0.02371 64 76
1LE1002-1DB2 - -Z 2.3 6.4 3.1 16 0.04395 65 77
1LE1002-1DB4 - -Z 2.5 7 3.4 16 0.05616 65 77
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AC4 - -Z 2 4 2.2 16 0.0065 59 71
1LE1002-1BC2 - -Z 2.3 4.1 2.5 16 0.0092 57 69
1LE1002-1CC0 - -Z 2 4.6 2.6 16 0.0167 63 75
1LE1002-1CC2 - -Z 2.1 4.7 2.5 16 0.02116 63 75
1LE1002-1CC3 - -Z 2.5 5.2 2.8 16 0.02734 63 75
1LE1002-1DC2 - -Z 2.1 5.5 2.9 16 0.04993 68 80
1LE1002-1DC4 - -Z 1.9 5.9 2.7 16 0.0678 68 80
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1002-1AD4 - -Z 1.9 3 2.2 16 0.0056 60 72
1LE1002-1AD5 - -Z 2 3.2 2.3 16 0.0078 60 72
1LE1002-1BD2 - -Z 1.9 3.4 2.1 16 0.0094 63 75
1LE1002-1CD0 - -Z 1.7 3.9 2.4 13 0.0186 63 75
1LE1002-1CD2 - -Z 1.8 3.9 2.2 13 0.02372 63 75
1LE1002-1DD2 - -Z 1.7 3.8 2.3 13 0.0439 63 75
1LE1002-1DD3 - -Z 1.6 4 2.2 13 0.0562 63 75
1LE1002-1DD4 - -Z 1.7 3.8 2.2 13 0.0772 63 75

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/39

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)
size Standard voltages Further voltages

1 50 Hz
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ
50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 380 VΔ/660 VY 415 VY 415 VΔ
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 VΔ (210 … 230 VΔ/ (360 … 400 VΔ/ (395 … 435 VY) 1) (395 … 435 VΔ) 1)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1)
see “Selection and ordering data” for
outputs at 60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1LE1002-1A.. - …-Z 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B.. - …-Z 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C.. - …-Z 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D.. - …-Z 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).
Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)
size Without flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) without size 3) 4) without 3)
protec- protec-
tive tive
cover 3) cover 3)
Order No. sup- – – – – – – – – – –
plement -Z with
order code
1LE1002-1A...-. ..-Z 100 L FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-. ..-Z 112 M FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-. ..-Z 132 S/M FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-. ..-Z 160 M/L FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange (next larger standerd
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) flange acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34
3) 5) 3) 3) 5) 3)
size without size without
protective protec-
cover tive
3) cover

Order No. sup- – – – – -Z -Z -Z -Z
plement -Z with
order code P01 P01 P01 P01
1LE1002-1A...-. ..-Z 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-. ..-Z 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-. ..-Z 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-. ..-Z 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
1) A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. 4) The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover are
2) The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is then stamped
plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B3 is then on the rating plate.
stamped on the rating plate. 5) The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover are
The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14 is then stamped
densation drainage holes during manufacture. on the rating plate.

1/40 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
size Without Motor protec- Motor protec- Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
motor tion with PTC tion with PTC ture detection for tripping detectors for
protection thermistors with thermistors with with embedded tripping 1)
3 embedded
6 embedded
KTY 84-130 1)
for tripping 1) for alarm and
Order code Q2A Q3A
1LE1002-1A...-.. .-Z 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-.. .-Z 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-.. .-Z 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-.. .-Z 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
size Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 3) on LHS 3) bottom 3)
4 5 6 7
1LE1002-1A...-... -Z 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1B...-... -Z 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1C...-... -Z 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1002-1D...-... -Z 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
With type of construction, cast feet as standard. Screwed-on feet are
available with order code H01, see “Special versions”.
With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/41

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. with -Z Price Weight
size and order code
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class at at factor at current at for voltage, type of construc- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord- 50 Hz
50 Hz 50 Hz
4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load 50 Hz
400 V. tion, motor protection and
connection box, see table
from Page 1/44.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
3 3.45 100 L 2905 9.9 EFF1 86.7 87.5 0.84 5.9 1LE1001-1AA4 - -Z 21
4 4.6 112 M 2950 13 EFF1 88 88.5 0.86 7.4 1LE1001-1BA2 - -Z 27
5.5 6.3 132 S 2950 18 EFF1 89.5 90.6 0.87 10.2 1LE1001-1CA0 - -Z 39
7.5 8.6 132 S 2950 24 EFF1 90 91 0.87 13.8 1LE1001-1CA1 - -Z 43
11 12.6 160 M 2955 36 EFF1 90.8 91 0.87 20 1LE1001-1DA2 - -Z 67
15 17.3 160 M 2955 48 EFF1 91.4 91.5 0.88 27 1LE1001-1DA3 - -Z 75
18.5 21.3 160 L 2955 60 EFF1 92 92.5 0.88 33 1LE1001-1DA4 - -Z 84
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
2.2 2.55 100 L 1455 14 EFF1 86.4 87 0.81 4.55 1LE1001-1AB4 - -Z 21
3 3.45 100 L 1455 20 EFF1 87.4 88 0.82 6 1LE1001-1AB5 - -Z 25
4 4.6 112 M 1460 26 EFF1 88.3 88.5 0.81 8.1 1LE1001-1BB2 - -Z 29
5.5 6.3 132 S 1465 36 EFF1 89.2 89.5 0.80 11.2 1LE1001-1CB0 - -Z 42
7.5 8.6 132 M 1465 49 EFF1 90.1 91 0.83 14.4 1LE1001-1CB2 - -Z 49
11 12.6 160 M 1470 71 EFF1 91.2 91.8 0.85 20.5 1LE1001-1DB2 - -Z 71
15 17.3 160 L 1475 97 EFF1 92 92.4 0.85 27.5 1LE1001-1DB4 - -Z 83
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1.5 1.75 100 L 970 15 84.5 84.5 0.73 3.5 1LE1001-1AC4 - -Z 25
2.2 2.55 112 M 965 22 85 85 0.75 5 1LE1001-1BC2 - -Z 29
3 3.45 132 S 970 30 85 85 0.74 6.9 1LE1001-1CC0 - -Z 38
4 4.6 132 M 970 39 86 86 0.78 8.6 1LE1001-1CC2 - -Z 43
5.5 6.3 132 M 970 54 88 88 0.77 11.8 1LE1001-1CC3 - -Z 52
7.5 8.6 160 M 975 73 89 89 0.77 15.8 1LE1001-1DC2 - -Z 77
11 12.6 160 L 975 108 89.5 89 0.80 22 1LE1001-1DC4 - -Z 93
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
0.75 0.86 100 L 725 9.9 68 65 0.58 2.75 1LE1001-1AD4 - -Z 21
1.1 1.3 110 L 725 14 68 64.5 0.58 4.05 1LE1001-1AD5 - -Z 25
1.5 1.75 112 M 720 20 77 75.5 0.67 4.2 1LE1001-1BD2 - -Z 29
2.2 2.55 132 S 725 29 77.5 76.7 0.63 6.5 1LE1001-1CD0 - -Z 41
3 3.45 132 M 730 40 84 82 0.65 7.9 1LE1001-1CD2 - -Z 49
4 4.6 160 M 730 52 87 88 0.69 9.6 1LE1001-1DD2 - -Z 69
5.5 6.3 160 M 735 72 87.5 89 0.69 13.2 1LE1001-1DD3 - -Z 82
7.5 8.6 160 L 730 98 88 89 0.72 17 1LE1001-1DD4 - -Z 94

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/44.

1/42 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. with -Z Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment Noise at rated output
and order code torque current torque of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AA4 - -Z 2.3 7 3.3 16 0.0044 67 79
1LE1001-1BA2 - -Z 2.4 7.4 3.3 16 0.0092 69 81
1LE1001-1CA0 - -Z 1.8 6.7 2.9 16 0.02012 68 80
1LE1001-1CA1 - -Z 2.2 7.5 3.1 16 0.02353 68 80
1LE1001-1DA2 - -Z 2.1 7.4 3.2 16 0.04471 70 82
1LE1001-1DA3 - -Z 2.4 7.6 3.4 16 0.05277 70 82
1LE1001-1DA4 - -Z 2.9 7.9 3.6 16 0.06085 70 82
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AB4 - -Z 2.1 6.9 3.3 16 0.0086 60 72
1LE1001-1AB5 - -Z 2 6.9 3.1 16 0.0109 60 72
1LE1001-1BB2 - -Z 2.5 7.1 3.2 16 0.014 58 70
1LE1001-1CB0 - -Z 2.3 6.9 2.9 16 0.02698 64 76
1LE1001-1CB2 - -Z 2.3 6.9 2.9 16 0.03353 64 76
1LE1001-1DB2 - -Z 2.2 6.7 2.8 16 0.06495 65 77
1LE1001-1DB4 - -Z 2.5 7.3 3 16 0.08281 65 77
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AC4 - -Z 2 6.2 2.9 16 0.0113 59 71
1LE1001-1BC2 - -Z 2.1 6 3.1 16 0.0139 57 69
1LE1001-1CC0 - -Z 1.6 5.6 2.6 13 0.02371 63 75
1LE1001-1CC2 - -Z 1.6 5.6 2.5 13 0.02918 63 75
1LE1001-1CC3 - -Z 1.9 6.1 2.8 16 0.03673 63 75
1LE1001-1DC2 - -Z 1.8 6.3 2.8 16 0.0754 67 79
1LE1001-1DC4 - -Z 1.7 6.2 2.7 16 0.0975 67 79
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
1LE1001-1AD4 - -Z 1.6 4 2.8 13 0.0086 60 72
1LE1001-1AD5 - -Z 1.8 4 2.8 13 0.0109 60 72
1LE1001-1BD2 - -Z 1.4 4.2 2.4 13 0.014 63 75
1LE1001-1CD0 - -Z 1.4 3.6 1.8 10 0.02698 63 75
1LE1001-1CD2 - -Z 1.4 5 2.4 10 0.03463 63 75
1LE1001-1DD2 - -Z 1.8 4.3 2 13 0.0649 63 75
1LE1001-1DD3 - -Z 2.1 4.4 2.1 13 0.0828 63 75
1LE1001-1DD4 - -Z 1.9 4.5 2.1 13 0.0982 63 75

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/43

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)
size Standard voltages Further voltages

1 50 Hz
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ
50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 380 VΔ/660 VY 415 VY 415 VΔ
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 VΔ (210 … 230 VΔ/ (360 … 400 VΔ/ (395 … 435 VY) 1) (395 … 435 VΔ) 1)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1)
see “Selection and ordering data” for
outputs at 60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1LE1001-1A.. - …-Z 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B.. - …-Z 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C.. - …-Z 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D.. - …-Z 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).
Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)
size Without flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 4)
without size without 3)
protec- protec-
tive tive
cover 3) cover 3)
Order No. sup- – – – – – – – – – –
plement -Z with
order code
1LE1001-1A...-. ..-Z 100 L FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. ..-Z 112 M FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. ..-Z 132 S/M FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. ..-Z 160 M/L FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Types of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange (next larger standerd
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) flange acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34
3) 5) 3) 3) 5) 3)
size without size without
protective protec-
cover tive

Order No. sup- – – – – -Z -Z -Z -Z
plement -Z with
order code P01 P01 P01 P01
1LE1001-1A...-. ..-Z 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-. ..-Z 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-. ..-Z 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-. ..-Z 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With extra price
1) 4)
A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover are
The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is then stamped
plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B3 is then on the rating plate.
stamped on the rating plate. The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover are
The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14 is then stamped
densation drainage holes during manufacture. on the rating plate.

1/44 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
size Without Motor protec- Motor protec- Motor tempera- NTC ther- Temperature
motor tion with PTC tion with PTC ture detection mistors for trip- detectors for
protection thermistors with thermistors with with embedded ping tripping 1)
3 embedded
6 embedded
KTY 84-130 1)
for tripping 1) for alarm and
Order code Q2A Q3A
1LE1001-1A...-.. .-Z 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B...-.. .-Z 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C...-.. .-Z 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D...-.. .-Z 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
size Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 3) on LHS 3) bottom 3)
4 5 6 7
1LE1001-1A ...-... -Z 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1B ...-... -Z 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1C ...-... -Z 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓
1LE1001-1D ...-... -Z 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
With type of construction, cast feet as standard. Screwed-on feet are
available with order code H01, see “Special versions”.
With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/45

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Effi- Effi- Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class ciency at ciency at factor at current at for voltage, type of construc- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord-
ing to
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V,
50 Hz
tion, motor protection and
connection box, see from
Page 1/48

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1.2 100 L 2830 4.05 81.4 0.92 2.3 1PC1002-1AA4 - 20
1.6 112 M 2925 5.2 83.6 0.93 2.95 1PC1002-1BA2 - 25
2.2 132 S 2910 7.24 84 0.94 4 1PC1002-1CA0 - 35
3 132 S 2920 9.8 87 0.93 5.35 1PC1002-1CA1 - 40
4.4 160 M 2830 15 89.6 0.9 7.9 1PC1002-1DA2 - 60
6 160 M 2935 20 90 0.91 10.6 1PC1002-1DA3 - 68
7.4 160 L 2930 24 90.6 0.92 12.9 1PC1002-1DA4 - 78
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
0.88 100 L 1420 5.92 80.7 0.88 1.8 1PC1002-1AB4 - 18
1.2 100 L 1420 8.06 83 0.89 2.35 1PC1002-1AB5 - 22
1.6 112 M 1430 11 83.7 0.89 3.1 1PC1002-1BB2 - 27
2.2 132 S 1450 14.53 85.8 0.89 4.15 1PC1002-1CB0 - 38
3 132 M 1450 19.8 87.2 0.89 5.58 1PC1002-1CB2 - 44
4.4 160 M 1460 29 88 0.88 8.2 1PC1002-1DB2 - 62
6 160 L 1460 39 89.5 0.89 10.9 1PC1002-1DB4 - 73
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
0.6 100 L 935 6.12 76.1 0.81 1.4 1PC1002-1AC4 - 19
0.88 112 M 930 9 79 0.82 1.96 1PC1002-1BC2 - 25
1.2 132 S 950 12 80.7 0.83 2.58 1PC1002-1CC0 - 34
1.6 132 M 950 16 83.2 0.83 3.35 1PC1002-1CC2 - 39
2.2 132 M 950 22.13 85.1 0.83 4.5 1PC1002-1CC3 - 48
3 160 M 970 30 86.5 0.81 6.2 1PC1002-1DC2 - 72
4.4 160 L 970 43 88 0.81 8.9 1PC1002-1DC4 - 92
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
0.3 100 L 710 4.05 66.3 0.67 0.97 1PC1002-1AD4 - 17
0.44 100 L 705 6 71 0.69 1.3 1PC1002-1AD5 - 22
0.6 112 M 695 8.2 75.2 0.72 1.6 1PC1002-1BD2 - 25
0.88 132 S 720 11.66 80.6 0.71 2.2 1PC1002-1CD0 - 37
1.2 132 M 720 16 81.5 0.72 2.95 1PC1002-1CD2 - 44
1.6 160 M 730 21 82 0.74 3.8 1PC1002-1DD2 - 60
2.2 160 M 730 29 85 0.74 5.1 1PC1002-1DD3 - 72
3 160 L 730 39 86 0.74 6.8 1PC1002-1DD4 - 91

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/48.

1/46 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breaddown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level at
50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1002-1AA4 - 3 6 3 16 0.0034 67 79
1PC1002-1BA2 - 2.3 7.2 3 13 0.0067 69 81
1PC1002-1CA0 - 1.7 5.3 2.3 10 0.0127 62 74
1PC1002-1CA1 - 2 6.3 2.8 13 0.0160 62 74
1PC1002-1DA2 - 2.1 6.3 2.9 13 0.0297 60 72
1PC1002-1DA3 - 2.5 7 3.1 16 0.0362 60 72
1PC1002-1DA4 - 2.5 7 3.1 16 0.0439 60 72
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1002-1AB4 - 2 5.1 2.2 13 0.0059 60 72
1PC1002-1AB5 - 2.2 5.4 2.4 13 0.0078 60 72
1PC1002-1BB2 - 1.9 5.4 2.2 13 0.0102 58 70
1PC1002-1CB0 - 2.2 5.7 2.6 13 0.0186 64 76
1PC1002-1CB2 - 2.4 6.4 2.7 16 0.0237 64 76
1PC1002-1DB2 - 2.1 7 2.8 13 0.0439 64 76
1PC1002-1DB4 - 2.4 7.5 3 16 0.0562 64 76
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1002-1AC4 - 1.8 4.1 2 10 0.0065 59 71
1PC1002-1BC2 - 2.1 4.2 2.2 13 0.0092 55 67
1PC1002-1CC0 - 1.7 4.5 2.2 10 0.0167 63 75
1PC1002-1CC2 - 1.9 4.6 2.2 13 0.0212 63 75
1PC1002-1CC3 - 2.2 5 2.5 13 0.0274 63 75
1PC1002-1DC2 - 2.1 6 2.7 13 0.0563 67 79
1PC1002-1DC4 - 2.1 6.4 2.8 13 0.0780 67 79
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1002-1AD4 - 1.8 3.3 2.2 10 0.0056 60 72
1PC1002-1AD5 - 1.8 3.4 2.2 10 0.0078 60 72
1PC1002-1BD2 - 1.7 3.3 1.9 10 0.0094 63 75
1PC1002-1CD0 - 1.6 4.2 2.3 10 0.0186 63 75
1PC1002-1CD2 - 1.7 4.2 2.3 10 0.0237 63 75
1PC1002-1DD2 - 1.7 4.9 2.3 10 0.0439 63 75
1PC1002-1DD3 - 1.5 5 2.3 10 0.0562 63 75
1PC1002-1DD4 - 1.8 5.4 2.5 10 0.0772 63 75

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/47

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)

1 Standard voltages
50 Hz
Further voltages
50 Hz
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 220 VΔ/380 VY 380 VΔ/660 VY 415 VY 415 VΔ
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 VΔ (210 … 230 VΔ/ (360 … 400 VΔ/ (395 … 435 VY) (395 … 435 VΔ)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1) 1) 1)

see “Selection and ordering data” for outputs at

60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1PC1002-1A.. - … 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1B.. - … 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1C.. - … 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1D.. - … 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).

Motor type Frame Position 14: Type of construction (type letter)

With flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 4) 3)
without size without
protec- protec-
tive tive cover
cover 3) 3)

Order No. – – – – – – – – – –
-Z with order
1PC1002-1A...-. .. 100 L FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1B...-. .. 112 M FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Type of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) (next larger standerd flange acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34
3) 5) 3) 3) 5) 3)
size without size without
protec- protec-
tive cover tive cover
3) 3)

Order No. – – – – -Z -Z -Z -Z
-Z with order P01 P01 P01 P01
1PC1002-1A...-. .. 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1B...-. .. 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

1) 4)
A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover are
2) The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is then stamped
plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B3 is then on the rating plate.
stamped on the rating plate. 5) The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover are
3) The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14 is then stamped
densation drainage holes during manufacture. on the rating plate.

1/48 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with improved efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
Without motor Motor protection Motor protection Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
protection with PTC ther- with PTC ther- ture detection for tripping detectors for
mistors with 3
embedded tem-
perature sen-
mistors with 6
embedded tem-
perature sen-
with embedded
tripping 1)
sors for sors for alarm KTY 84-130 1)
tripping 1) and tripping 1)
Order code Q2A Q3A
1PC1002-1A...-.. . 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1B...-.. . 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1C...-.. . 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1D...-.. . 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 3) on LHS 3) bottom 3)
4 5 6 7
1PC1002-1A...-... 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1B...-... 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1C...-... 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1002-1D...-... 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
With type of construction, cast feet as standard. Screwed-on feet are
available with order code H01, see “Special versions”.
With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/49

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering datal

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Effi- Effi- Power Rated For Order No. supplements IM B3 IM B3
speed at torque at Class ciency at ciency at factor at current at for voltage, type of construc- type of type of

1 50 Hz 50 Hz accord-
ing to
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
400 V,
50 Hz
tion, motor protection and
connection box, see from
Page 1/52

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1.4 100 L 2920 4.6 87.5 0.88 2.6 1PC1001-1AA4 - 21
1.6 112 M 2955 5.2 82 0.9 3.15 1PC1001-1BA2 - 27
3.1 132 S 2955 10 91 0.89 5.5 1PC1001-1CA0 - 39
4.3 132 S 2955 14 91.5 0.9 7.5 1PC1001-1CA1 - 43
6.3 160 M 2955 20 94.5 0.89 10.8 1PC1001-1DA2 - 67
6.5 160 M 2960 21 91.5 0.9 11.4 1PC1001-1DA3 - 75
9 160 L 2960 29 93.5 0.91 15.2 1PC1001-1DA4 - 84
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1.1 100 L 1460 7.2 86 0.83 2.2 1PC1001-1AB4 - 21
1.5 100 L 1460 9.8 86 0.84 3 1PC1001-1AB5 - 25
2 112 M 1460 13 88.5 0.83 3.95 1PC1001-1BB2 - 29
2.6 132 S 1465 17 89.5 0.83 5.1 1PC1001-1CB0 - 42
4 132 M 1465 26 89.5 0.84 7.7 1PC1001-1CB2 - 49
6 160 M 1470 39 91 0.87 11 1PC1001-1DB2 - 71
6.2 160 L 1480 40 91.5 0.86 11.4 1PC1001-1DB4 - 83
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
0.85 100 L 960 8.5 85 0.75 1.92 1PC1001-1AC4 - 25
1.2 112 M 960 12 83.5 0.75 2.75 1PC1001-1BC2 - 29
1.5 132 S 970 15 86.5 0.77 3.25 1PC1001-1CC0 - 38
2.5 132 M 970 25 87 0.79 5.3 1PC1001-1CC2 - 43
2.7 132 M 975 26 88 0.77 5.8 1PC1001-1CC3 - 52
5 160 M 975 49 89 0.77 10.6 1PC1001-1DC2 - 77
6.5 160 L 975 64 89.5 0.8 13.2 1PC1001-1DC4 - 93
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
0.37 100 L 730 4.8 72.5 0.58 1.28 1PC1001-1AD4 - 21
0.55 100 L 720 7.3 73 0.62 1.76 1PC1001-1AD5 - 25
0.75 112 M 720 9.9 77.5 0.66 2.1 1PC1001-1BD2 - 29
1.1 132 S 730 14 82.5 0.65 2.95 1PC1001-1CD0 - 41
1.5 132 M 730 20 84 0.68 3.8 1PC1001-1CD2 - 49
2.4 160 M 730 31 88.5 0.7 5.6 1PC1001-1DD2 - 69
3.3 160 M 730 43 88 0.7 7.7 1PC1001-1DD3 - 82
4.6 160 L 730 60 88 0.7 10.8 1PC1001-1DD4 - 94

Order No. supplements, see from Page 1/52.

1/50 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breaddown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring- Sound pressure
surface sound level at 50 Hz

torque current torque
pressure level at
50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm2 dB(A) dB(A)
Motor version: temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
2-pole – 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1001-1AA4 - 2.1 8.3 3.6 13 0.0044 67 79
1PC1001-1BA2 - 2.5 9.5 3.5 16 0.0092 69 81
1PC1001-1CA0 - 1.9 7.1 2.9 13 0.0201 62 74
1PC1001-1CA1 - 1.9 7.6 2.9 13 0.0235 62 74
1PC1001-1DA2 - 1.8 7.1 3 10 0.0447 60 72
1PC1001-1DA3 - 2.3 8.7 3.3 13 0.0528 60 72
1PC1001-1DA4 - 2.4 8.7 3.2 16 0.0608 60 72
4-pole – 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1001-1AB4 - 2.1 7.6 3.3 13 0.0086 60 72
1PC1001-1AB5 - 2.2 7.8 3.5 13 0.0109 60 72
1PC1001-1BB2 - 2.3 7.4 3.1 13 0.0140 58 70
1PC1001-1CB0 - 2.2 7.5 2.8 13 0.0270 64 76
1PC1001-1CB2 - 2.1 7.3 2.9 13 0.0335 64 76
1PC1001-1DB2 - 1.8 6 2.5 10 0.0649 64 76
1PC1001-1DB4 - 2.6 8.6 3.5 16 0.0828 64 76
6-pole – 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1001-1AC4 - 1.7 5.5 2.6 10 0.0113 59 71
1PC1001-1BC2 - 1.7 5.7 2.7 10 0.0139 55 67
1PC1001-1CC0 - 1.4 5.5 2.4 7 0.0237 63 75
1PC1001-1CC2 - 1.4 5.4 2.3 7 0.0292 63 75
1PC1001-1CC3 - 1.9 6.8 3 13 0.0367 63 75
1PC1001-1DC2 - 1.6 6 2.6 10 0.0754 67 79
1PC1001-1DC4 - 1.6 6 2.6 10 0.0975 67 79
8-pole – 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz
1PC1001-1AD4 - 1.5 4.5 2.7 10 0.0086 60 72
1PC1001-1AD5 - 1.6 4.4 2.5 10 0.0109 60 72
1PC1001-1BD2 - 1.3 4.4 2.4 7 0.0140 63 75
1PC1001-1CD0 - 1.2 4.5 2.1 7 0.0270 63 75
1PC1001-1CD2 - 1.2 4.7 2.3 7 0.0346 63 75
1PC1001-1DD2 - 1.6 4.4 1.8 10 0.0649 63 75
1PC1001-1DD3 - 1.6 4.6 1.8 10 0.0828 63 75
1PC1001-1DD4 - 1.5 4.5 1.8 10 0.0982 63 75

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/51

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Frame Positions 12 and 13: Voltages (voltage codes)

1 Standard voltages
50 Hz
Further voltages
50 Hz
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 220 VΔ/380 VY 380 VΔ/660 VY 415 VY 415 VΔ
60 Hz Rated voltage range
460 VY 460 VΔ (210 … 230 VΔ/ (360 … 400 VΔ/ (395 … 435 VY) (395 … 435 VΔ)
360 … 400 VY) 1) 625 … 695 VY) 1) 1) 1)

see “Selection and ordering data” for outputs at

60 Hz
22 34 27 40 21 33 23 35
1PC1001-1A.. - … 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1B.. - … 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1C.. - … 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1D.. - … 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Without additional charge Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in position 12, code 0
✓ With additional charge in position 13 and the corresponding order code (see “Special
versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”,
Page 1/54).

Motor type Frame Position 14: Type of construction (type letter)

With flange With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM B3 IM B6 IM B7 IM B8 IM V6 IM V5 Flange IM B5 IM V1 IM V3 IM B35
2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 4) 3)
without size without
protec- protec-
tive tive cover
cover 3) 3)

Order No. – – – – – – – – – –
-Z with order
1PC1001-1A...-. .. 100 L FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1B...-. .. 112 M FF 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FF 265 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FF 300 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Motor type Frame Position 14: Type of construction (type letter)

With standard flange With standard flange
(acc. to DIN EN 50347) (next larger standerd flange acc. to DIN EN 50347)
Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34 Flange IM B14 IM V19 IM V18 IM B34
3) 5) 3) 3) 5) 3)
size without size without
protec- protec-
tive cover tive cover
3) 3)

Order No. – – – – -Z -Z -Z -Z
-Z with order P01 P01 P01 P01
1PC1001-1A...-. .. 100 L FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1B...-. .. 112 M FT 130 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1C...-. .. 132 S/M FT 165 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1D...-. .. 160 M/L FT 215 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – –
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

1) 4)
A rated voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. The types of construction IM V3 and IM V1 without protective cover are
2) The types of construction IM B6/7/8, IM V6 and IM V5 without protective also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
cover are also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
code H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B5 is then stamped
plate are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B3 is then on the rating plate.
stamped on the rating plate. 5) The types of construction IM V19 and IM V18 without protective cover are
3) The type of construction is stamped on the rating plate. When ordering also possible as long as no condensation drainage holes (order code
with condensation drainage holes (order code H03), it is absolutely neces- H03) and no stamping of these types of construction on the rating plate
sary to specify the type of construction for the exact position of the con- are required. As standard, the type of construction IM B14 is then stamped
densation drainage holes during manufacture. on the rating plate.

1/52 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Self-cooled motors without external fan and
fan cover with high efficiency

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Motor type Frame Position 15: Motor protection (motor protection letter)
Without motor Motor protection Motor protection Motor tempera- NTC thermistors Temperature
protection with PTC ther- with PTC ther- ture detection for tripping detectors for
mistors with 3
embedded tem-
perature sen-
mistors with 6
embedded tem-
perature sen-
with embedded
tripping 1)
sors for sors for alarm KTY 84-130 1)
tripping 1) and tripping 1)
Order code Q2A Q3A
1PC1001-1A...-.. . 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1B...-.. . 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1C...-.. . 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1D...-.. . 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Motor type Frame Position 16: Connection box (connection box code)
Connection box Connection box Connection box Connection box
top 2) on RHS 3) on LHS 3) bottom 3)
4 5 6 7
1PC1001-1A...-... 100 L ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1B...-... 112 M ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1C...-... 132 S/M ✓ ✓ ✓
1PC1001-1D...-... 160 M/L ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
With type of construction, cast feet as standard. Screwed-on feet are
available with order code H01, see “Special versions”.
With type of construction, screwed-on feet as standard.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/53

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions

■ Selection and ordering data

Additional order codes for other voltages or voltage codes For some non-standard voltages at 50 or 60 Hz, order codes are
(without -Z supplement) specified. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for
1 Not possible for General Line motors with shorter delivery time.
voltage in the 12th position and 0 in the 13th position of the Order
No. and the appropriate order code.
Special versions Voltage code Additional identi- Motor type frame size
12th / 13th position of the fication code
Order No. with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
1LE1/1PC1 (Aluminum)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 0 M2H ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 0 M1H ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltages and / or frequencies
Non-standard winding for volt- 9 0 M1Y ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ages between 200 V and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 1)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge

1) Plain text must be specified in the order: voltage, frequency, circuit,

required rated output in kW.

1/54 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Not possible for General Line motors with shorter delivery time.
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size

fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency
1LE1 (Aluminum)
Motor connection and connection box
One cable gland, metal R15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box R10
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box R11
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of the connection box R12
through 180°
Larger connection box R50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Reduction piece for M cable R30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
gland in accordance with
British standard, both cable
entries mounted 1)
External earthing H04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, R20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0.5 m long 2)3)

3 cables protruding, R21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

1.5 m long 2)3)
6 cables protruding, R22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0.5 m long 2)
6 cables protruding, R23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1.5 m long 2)
6 cables protruding, R24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 m long 2)
Connection box on NDE 4) H08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), N01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with service factor (SF)
Temperature class 155 (F), N02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with increased output
Temperature class 155 (F), N03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), with
increased coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) N11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
at rated power and max.
CT 60 ºC 5)
Increased air humidity/ N20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 30 to 60 g
water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), N05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 45 °C,
derating approx. 4 %

For legend and footnotes, see Page 1/59.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/55

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160

Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency
1LE1 (Aluminum)
Windings and insulation (continued)
Temperature class 155 (F), N06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 50 °C,
derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), N07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 55 °C,
derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), N08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 60 °C,
derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/ N21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 60 to 100 g
water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), other identification
requirements code
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors : RAL 1002, 1013, special finish
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, RAL….
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012,
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005,
Page 0/101
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: for RAL colors, see special finish
“Special finish in special RAL RAL….
colors“, Page 0/101
Special finish sea air resistant S03 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted S00
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed S01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Modular technology – Basic versions 6)
Mounting of separately driven F70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of brake 7) F01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8012-10 (HTL) G01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8012-20 (TTL) G02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 8)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC F10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 230 V AC, F11
50/60 Hz
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC, F12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50/60 Hz
Mechanical manual brake F50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
release with lever (no locking)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 1/59.

1/56 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160

Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency
1LE1 (Aluminum)
Special technology 6)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 G04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 8)
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I G05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 8)
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I G06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 8)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Protective cover for types of H00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
construction 8)
Screwed-on feet H01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(instead of cast)
Radial seal on DE for flange- H23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with oil resis-
tance to 0.1 bar
Low-noise version for 2-pole F77 – – ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole F78 – – ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise
direction of rotation
IP65 degree of protection 10) H20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection H22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 11)
Vibration-proof version H02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage H03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
holes 12)
Non-rusting screws (externally) H07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Prepared for mountings, only G40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
center hole 13)
Prepared for mountings with G41 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
D12 shaft 13)
Prepared for mountings with G42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
D16 shaft 13)
Protective cover for encoder G43 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(loosely enclosed – only for
mountings acc. to order codes
G40, G41 and G42)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 °C to +40 °C 14)
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 °C to +40 °C 14)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
NEMA MG1-12 15)
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 16)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 17) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 18) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ –

For legend and footnotes, see Page 1/59.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160

Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency
1LE1 (Aluminum)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM Q01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shock pulse measurement for
bearing inspection 19)
Bearing design for increased L22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Special bearing for DE and L25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
NDE, bearing size 63
Regreasing device 19) L23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing at DE L20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing at NDE L21 ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Half-key balancing (standard)
Full-key balancing L02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key L01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft exten- L08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sion, coaxiality and linear
movement in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
flange-mounting motors
Second standard shaft exten- L05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions, without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft exten- L07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sion in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of non- L06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 20) fication code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry F75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Metal external fan 21) F76 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for Q02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
230 V
Anti-condensation heaters for Q03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
115 V
Sheet metal fan cover F74 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second rating plate, loose M10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Nirosta rating plate M11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data fication code
Extra rating plate with identifi- Y82 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cation codes fication code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label fication code
(max. of 20 characters)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 1/59.

1/58 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160

Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved efficiency
Self-ventilated motors with increased output and high efficiency
1LE1 (Aluminum)
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and commission- B00
ing note.
Customer's declaration of
renouncement required.
With one safety and start-up B01
guide per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with EN 10204
Printed operating instructions B04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English/German enclosed
Type test with heat run for hori- B83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
zontal motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet B99
Connected in star for dispatch M01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Available on request
✓ With additional charge

1) 13)
Not possible in combination with order code R15 “One cable gland, Motors that are prepared for additional mountings (order codes G40, G41,
metal”. G42) are supplied without protective cover as standard. If a protective
In combination with motor protection (position 15 of the Order No.) or with cover is requested as cover or as mechanical protection for mounting
option anti-condensation heater request required. provided by the customer, it can be ordered with order code G43.
Not possible in combination with order code L00, vibration quantity
Not possible in combination with voltage code 22 or 34. level B.
4) 14)
Not possible in combination with the following order codes: N01, N02, In connection with mountings, the respective technical data must be
N03, N05, N06, N07, N08, N11. observed; request required.
Use according to temperature class 155 (F) possible only. 15)
1LE1 motors in EFF1 version without additional charge (standard version).
Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31). The grease 16)
lifetime specified in catalog part 0 “Introduction” refers to CT 40 °C. When Possible up to 600 V max. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating
the coolant temperature rises by 10 K, the grease lifetime or relubrication plate without voltage range.
interval is halved. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate without voltage range.
6) 18)
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted “Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
brakes. to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
7) 19)
When quoting or ordering, it is necessary to provide the brake supply Not possible when brake is mounted.
voltage for order codes F10, F11 and F12. 20)
When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
All encoders are supplied with a protective cover as standard. The protec- than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
tive cover is not supplied with the combination rotary pulse encoder with be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
separately driven fan, as, in this case, the roatry pulse encoder is installed dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
under the fan cover. way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
Not possible for type of construction IM V3. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
(order code G05) and/or brake 2LM8 (order code F01). nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
11) The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and L05:
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 – order code F01.
12) - Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
(DE) and non-drive end (NDE) (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drain- - Dimensions E and EA ≤ 2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
age holes are required for motors with IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of con- For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
struction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to order the motors in 21)
their respective type of construction and order code H03, so that the con- For 1LE1 motors with metal external fan, converter-fed operation is permit-
densation drainage holes can be mounted in the correct positional ted. The metal external fan is not possible in combination with the low-
arrangement. noise version – order code F77 or F78.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/59

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Not possible for General Line motors with shorter delivery time.
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code

and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
1LE1/1PC1 (Aluminum)
Motor connection and connection box
One cable gland, metal R15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box R10
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box R11
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of the connection box R12
through 180°
Larger connection box R50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Reduction piece for M cable R30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
gland in accordance with
British standard, both cable
entries mounted 1)
External earthing H04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, R20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0.5 m long 2)3)
3 cables protruding, R21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1.5 m long 2)3)
6 cables protruding, R22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
0.5 m long 2)
6 cables protruding, R23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1.5 m long 2)
6 cables protruding, R24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 m long 2)
Connection box on NDE H08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), N01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with service factor (SF)
Temperature class 155 (F), N02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with increased output
Temperature class 155 (F), N03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), with
increased coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) N11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
at rated power and max.
CT 60 ºC
Increased air humidity/ N20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 30 to 60 g
water per m of air
Temperature class 155 (F), N05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 45 °C,
derating approx. 4 %

For legend and footnotes, see Page 1/63.

1/60 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
1LE1/1PC1 (Aluminum)
Windings and insulation (continued)
Temperature class 155 (F), N06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 50 °C,
derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), N07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 55 °C,
derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), N08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 60 °C,
derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/ N21 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 60 to 100 g
water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), Y52 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), fication code
other requirements
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors : RAL 1002, 1013, special finish
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, RAL….
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012,
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005,
Page 0/101
Special finish in special-RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: for RAL colors, see special finish
“Special finish in special RAL RAL….
colors“, Page 0/101
Special finish sea air resistant S03 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted S00
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed S01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical design and degree of protection
Screwed-on feet H01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(instead of cast)
Radial seal on DE for flange- H23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with oil resis-
tance to 0.1 bar
IP65 degree of protection H20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection H22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version H02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 7) H03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) H07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 °C to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 °C to +40 °C

For legend and footnotes, see Page 1/63.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
1LE1/1PC1 (Aluminum)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MG1-12 8)
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 9)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 10) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 11) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM Q01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shock pulse measurement for
bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased L22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
canteliver forces
Special bearing for DE and L25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
NDE, bearing size 63
Regreasing device L23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing at DE L20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing at NDE L21 ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Half-key balancing (standard)
Full-key balancing L02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key L01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft exten- L08 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sion, coaxiality and linear
movement in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
flange-mounting motors
Shaft extension with standard L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions, without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft exten- L07 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sion in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of non- L06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 12) fication code
Heating and ventillation
Anti-condensation heaters for Q02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
230 V
Anti-condensation heaters for Q03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
115 V

For legend and footnotes, see Page 1/63.

1/62 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1
Special versions
Special versions Additional identi- Motor type frame size
fication code -Z
with order code
and plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Self-cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency
1LE1/1PC1 (Aluminum)
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second rating plate, loose M10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Nirosta rating plate M11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data fication code
Extra rating plate with identifi- Y82 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cation codes fication code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and identi- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label fication code
(max. of 20 characters)
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and commission- B00
ing note.
Customer's declaration of
renouncement required.
With one safety and start-up B01
guide per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with EN 10204
Printed operating instructions B04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English/German enclosed
Type test with heat run for hori- B83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
zontal motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet B99
Connected in star for dispatch M01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Available on request
✓ With additional charge

1) 8)
Not possible in combination with order code R15 “One cable gland, 1LE1 motors in EFF1 version without additional charge (standard version).
metal”. 9)
Possible up to 600 V max. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating
In combination with motor protection (position 15 of the Order No.) or with plate without voltage range.
option anti-condensation heater request required. 10)
The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate without voltage range.
Not possible in combination with voltage code 22 or 34. 11)
“Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
Not possible in combination with the following order codes: N01, N02, to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
N03, N05, N06, N07, N08, N11. 12)
When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
Use according to temperature class 155 (F) possible only. than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31). The grease be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
lifetime specified in catalog part 0 “Introduction” refers to CT 40 °C. When dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
the coolant temperature rises by 10 K, the grease lifetime or relubrication way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
interval is halved. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
Not possible for type of construction IM V3. threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
(DE) and non-drive end (NDE) (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drain- The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order code Y55:
age holes are required for motors with IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of con- - Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
struction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to order the motors in (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
their respective type of construction and order code H03, so that the con- - Dimensions E and EA ≤ 2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
densation drainage holes can be mounted in the correct positional For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/63

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Overview
Couplings Mounting of encoder
The motor from Siemens is connected to the machine or gear In the case of mounting by the customer.
unit through a coupling. Flender is an important coupling manu-
1 facturer with a wide range of products. For standard applica- Baumer Hübner GmbH
tions, Siemens recommends that elastic couplings of Flender Planufer 92b
types N-Eupex and Rupex or torsionally rigid couplings of types 10967 Berlin, Germany
Arpex and Zapex are used. For special applications, Fludex and Tel. +49 (0) 30-690 03-0
Elpex couplings are recommended. Fax +49 (0) 30-690 03-104

Source of supply:

Siemens contact partner – ordering from Catalog Siemens e-mail:
MD 10.1 “FLENDER Standard Couplings”
or Leine & Linde (Deutschland) GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 36
A. Friedr. Flender AG 73430 Aalen, Germany
Kupplungswerk Mussum Tel. +49 (0) 7361-78 093-0
Industriepark Bocholt Fax +49 (0) 7361-78 093-11
Schlavenhorst 100
46395 Bocholt, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 2871-92 2185 e-mail:
Fax +49 (0) 2871-92 2579

■ More information
Spare motors and repair parts You will find telephone numbers for other countries on our
• Supply commitment for spare motors and repair parts follow- Internet site:
ing delivery of the motor
- For up to 5 years, in the event of total motor failure, Siemens
will supply a comparable motor with regard to the mounting
dimensions and functions (the type series may vary).
- Repair parts will be supplied for up to 5 years.
- For up to 10 years, Siemens will provide information and will,
if necessary, supply documentation for repair parts.
• When repair parts are ordered, the following details must be
- Designation and part number
- Order No. and factory number of the motor
• For bearing types, see the „Orientation”, “Technical data”,
Page 0/124.
• For standard components, a supply commitment does not ap-
• Support – Hotline
In Germany
Tel.: 01 80 – 5 05 04 48

1/64 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Overview
Overall dimensions



Frame Type Num- Dimensions Frame Type Num- Dimensions

size ber of size ber of
poles L AD H AB O poles L AD H AB O
100 L General Line motors 395.5 1) 166 100 196 2 x M32 x1.5 132 S/ General Line motors 465 1) 202 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
with shorter delivery 132 M with shorter delivery
time time
Self-ventilated energy- 395.5 1) 166 100 196 2 x M32 x1.5 Self-ventilated energy- 465 1) 202 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
saving motors with saving motors with
improved/high effi- improved/high effi-
ciency ciency
Self-ventilated motors 430.5 1) 166 100 196 2 x M32 x1.5 Self-ventilated motors 515 1) 202 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
with increased output with increased output
and improved/high effi- and improved/high effi-
ciency ciency
Forced-air-cooled 321.5 166 100 196 2 x M32 x1.5 Forced-air-cooled 380.5 202 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
motors without external motors without external
fan and fan cover with fan and fan cover with
improved/high effi- improved/high effi-
ciency ciency
Self-cooled motors 321.5 166 100 196 2 x M32 x1.5 Self-cooled motors 380.5 202 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
without external fan without external fan
and fan cover with and fan cover with
improved/high effi- improved/high effi-
ciency ciency
112 M General Line motors 389 1) 177 112 226 2 x M32 x1.5 160 M/ General Line motors 604 1) 236.5 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
with shorter delivery 160 L with shorter delivery
time time
Self-ventilated energy- 389 1) 177 112 226 2 x M32 x1.5 Self-ventilated energy- 604 1) 236.5 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
saving motors with saving motors with
improved/high effi- improved/high effi-
ciency ciency
Self-ventilated motors 414 1) 177 112 226 2 x M32 x1.5 Self-ventilated motors 664 1) 236.5 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
with increased output with increased output
and improved/high effi- and improved/high effi-
ciency ciency
Forced-air-cooled 311 177 112 226 2 x M32 x1.5 Forced-air-cooled 510 236.5 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
motors without external motors without external
fan and fan cover with fan and fan cover with
improved/high effi- improved/high effi-
ciency ciency
Self-cooled motors 311 177 112 226 2 x M32 x1.5 Self-cooled motors 510 236.5 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
without external fan without external fan
and fan cover with and fan cover with
improved/high effi- improved/high effi-
ciency ciency

1) The length is specified as far as the tip of the fan cover.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/65

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Overview (continued)
Notes on the dimensions
7 Dimension drawings according to DIN EN 50347 and 7 Dimension tolerances
IEC 60072. For the following dimensions, the admissible deviations are
1 7 Fits
The shaft extensions specified in the dimension tables (DIN 748)
given below:
Dimension Dimensions Admissible
and centering spigot diameters (DIN EN 50347) are machined designation deviation
with the following fits:
H up to 250 –0.5
Dimension ISO fit DIN ISO 286-2 over 250 –1.0
E, EA –0.5
D, DA up to 30 j6
over 30 to 50 k6 Keyways and feather keyways (dimensions GA, GC, F and FA)
over 50 m6 are made in compliance with DIN 6885 Part 1.
7 All dimensions are specified in mm.
N up to 250 j6
over 250 h6
F, FA h9
K H17
S Flange (FF) H17
The drilled holes of couplings and belt pulleys should have an
ISO fit of at least H7.

1/66 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ More information
SD configurator It is also easy to assign a suitable converter to the selected
SD configurator (on DVD of the interactive catalog CA01
“Products for Automation and Drives”) The extensive help function not only explains the program func-
tions, it also contains extensive technical background material.
SD configurator product range:
Low-voltage motors (energy-saving motors) with corresponding
documentation and dimension drawings, low-voltage converters
of the MICROMASTER 4 product series, SINAMICS G110 and
SINAMICS G120 inverter chassis units as well as
SINAMICS G120D distributed frequency inverters, and
SIMATIC ET 200S FC and SIMATIC ET 200pro FC frequency
converters for distributed I/O.
The interactive CA 01 catalog can be ordered from your local
Siemens sales representative or on the Internet at
The interactive Catalog CA 01 contains over 100 000 products Links to tips, tricks and downloads for functional or content
with approximately 5 million potential drive system product updates can be found at this address.
variants. Order No. for CA 01, English International:
The SD configurator has been developed to facilitate selection DVD: E86060-D4001-A510-C7-7600
of the correct motor and/or converter from the wide spectrum of Note: The SD configurator offline tool within CA 01 can be up-
A&D SD products. It is integrated as a “selection aid” in this cat- dated for the new 1LE1 motor series online over the Internet.
The SD configurator makes it easier to find the right drive solu-
tion. It supplies the correct order number as well as the corre-
sponding documentation.
It can display operating instructions, factory test certificate,
terminal box documentation, etc. and generates data sheets,
dimension drawings and a start-up calculation for the relevant

Dimension sheet generator When a complete Order No. is entered with or without order
codes, a dimension drawing can be called up under the “Docu-
(part of the SD configurator) mentation” tab.
A dimension drawing can be created in the SD configurator for These dimension drawings can be presented in different views
every configurable motor. A dimension drawing can be re- and sections and printed.
quested for every other motor.
The corresponding dimension sheets can be exported, saved
and processed further in DXF format (interchange/import format
for CAD systems) or as bitmap graphics.
The SD configurator has been integrated into the CA 01 elec-
tronic catalog as a selection aid (for further information, see
The interactive CA 01 catalog can be ordered from your local
Siemens sales representative or on the Internet at
At this address, you will also find links to Tips & Tricks and to
downloads for function or content updates.
Order No. for CA 01, English International
DVD: E86060-D4001-A510-C7-7600
The SD configurator offline tool within CA01 can be updated for
the new 1LE1 motor series online over the Internet.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/67

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – General Line motors with shorter delivery time
Type of construction IM B3


LL Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L

ED Integral feet

only for

frame sizes 132 S/M

BE’ and 160 L/M have

2 holes



Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 198 166 125.5 135 63.5 140 37.5 – 176 33.5 50 25 63 100 12 45
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 222 177 136.5 135 63.5 140 35.4 – 176 26 50 25 70 112 12 52
132 S 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 262 202 159.5 155 70.5 140 38 76 218 26.5 48 24 89 132 15 69
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 262 202 159.5 155 70.5 178 38 76 218 26.5 48 24 89 132 15 69
160 M 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 314 236.5 190 175 77.5 210 44 89 300 47 57 28.5 108 160 18 85
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 314 236.5 190 175 77.5 254 44 89 300 47 57 28.5 108 160 18 85

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

Additional information: not a standard dimension acc. to DIN 50347.

1/68 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – General Line motors with shorter delivery time
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

LL AS Eyebolts from
L1 frame size 100 L

Integral feet

only for

BE’ frame sizes 132 S/M

and 160 L/M have

E C BC 2 holes


Type of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts from
LL AS frame size 100 L




For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension

Frame Number HH K K' L 1) L1 D1 LL D DB E EB ED F GA
size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 96.5 12 16 395.5 7 32 112 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 96 12 16 389 7 32 112 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31
132 S 2, 4, 6, 8 115.5 12 16 465 8.5 39 130 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 115.5 12 16 465 8.5 39 130 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
160 M 2, 4, 6, 8 155 15 19 604 10 45 145 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 155 15 19 604 10 45 145 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45

The length is specified as far as the tip of the fan cover.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/69

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – self-ventilated motors with improved/high efficiency
Type of construction IM B3

LL Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L
ED Integral feet

only for




frame sizes 132 S/M

BE’ and 160 L/M have

2 holes




Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L









For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 198 166 166 125.5 125.5 135 195 63.5 140 37.5 – 176 33.5 50 25 63 141 100 12 45
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 222 177 177 136.5 136.5 135 195 63.5 140 35.4 – 176 26 50 25 70 129.7 112 12 52
132 S 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 262 202 202 159.5 159.5 155 260 70.5 140 38 76 2) 218 3) 26.5 48 24 89 128.5 4) 132 15 69
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 262 202 202 159.5 159.5 155 260 70.5 178 38 76 218 26.5 48 24 89 128.5 4) 132 15 69
160 M 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 314 236.5 236.5 190 190 175 260 77.5 210 44 89 5) 300 6) 47 57 28.5 108 148 7) 160 18 85
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 314 236.5 236.5 190 190 175 260 77.5 254 44 89 300 47 57 28.5 108 148 7) 160 18 85

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. 4) With screwed-on feet, dimension CA is 166.5 mm.
1) Additional information: not a standard dimension acc. to DIN 50347. 5) With screwed-on feet, dimension BA' is 44 mm.
2) With screwed-on feet, dimension BA' is 38 mm. 6) With screwed-on feet, dimension BB is 256 mm.
3) With screwed-on feet, dimension BB is 180 mm. 7) With screwed-on feet, dimension CA is 192 mm.

1/70 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – self-ventilated motors with improved/high efficiency
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
L1 frame size 100 L

Integral feet


only for


BE’ frame sizes 132 S/M

and 160 L/M have

E C BC 2 holes



Type of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts from
LL AS frame size 100 L







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 96.5 12 16 395.5 7 32 454 112 428.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 96 12 16 389 7 32 450 112 422 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 2, 4, 6, 8 115.5 12 16 465 8.5 39 535.5 130 500.5 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 115.5 12 16 465 8.5 39 535.5 130 500.5 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31
160 M 2, 4, 6, 8 155 15 19 604 10 45 730 145 638 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 155 15 19 604 10 45 730 145 638 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45

The length is specified as far as the tip of the fan cover.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/71

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved/high efficiency
Type of construction IM B3

1 LC

LL Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L










Type of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L









For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 198 166 166 125.5 125.5 135 195 63.5 140 37.5 – 176 33.5 50 25 63 176 100 12 45
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 222 177 177 136.5 136.5 135 195 63.5 140 35.4 – 176 26 50 25 70 155 112 12 52
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 262 202 202 159.5 159.5 155 260 70.5 178 38 – 218 26.5 48 24 89 178.5 132 15 69
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 314 236.5 236.5 190 190 175 260 77.5 254 44 – 300 47 57 28.5 108 208 160 18 85

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

Additional information: not a standard dimension acc. to DIN 50347.

1/72 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – self-ventilated motors with increased output and improved/high efficiency
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
LC 1

LL AS Eyebolts from
L1 frame size 100 L









Type of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts from
LL AS frame size 100 L







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 96.5 12 16 430.5 7 32 489 112 463.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 96 12 16 414 7 32 475 112 447 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 115.5 12 16 515 8.5 39 585.5 130 550.5 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 155 15 19 664 10 45 790 145 698 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45

The length is specified as far as the tip of the fan cover.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/73

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – forced-air cooled motors with improved/high efficiency
Aluminum series 1PC1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – self-cooled motors with improved/high efficiency
Type of construction IM B3

LL Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L

ED Integral feet

only for



frame sizes 132 S/M

BE’ and 160 L/M have

2 holes




Type of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts from
LL AS frame size 100 L








For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Number A AA AB AC AD AD’ AF AF’ AG AS B* BA BA’ BB BC BE BE’ C CA* H HA Y 1)
size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 197 166 166 125.5 125.5 135 63.5 140 37.5 – 176 33.5 50 25 63 – 100 12 45
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 221 177 177 136.5 136.5 135 63.5 140 35.4 – 176 26 50 25 70 – 112 12 52
132 S 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 261 202 202 159.5 159.5 155 70.5 140 38 76 2) 218 3) 26.5 48 24 89 – 132 15 69
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 261 202 202 159.5 159.5 155 70.5 178 38 76 218 26.5 48 24 89 – 132 15 69
160 M 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 314 236.5 236.5 190 190 175 77.5 210 44 89 4) 300 5) 47 57 28.5 108 – 160 18 85
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 314 236.5 236.5 190 190 175 77.5 254 44 89 300 47 57 28.5 108 – 160 18 85

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. With screwed-on feet, dimension BB is 180 mm.
1) 4)
Additional information: not a standard dimension acc. to DIN 50347. With screwed-on feet, dimension BA' is 44 mm.
2) 5)
With screwed-on feet, dimension BA' is 38 mm. With screwed-on feet, dimension BB is 256 mm.

1/74 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Aluminum series 1LE1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – forced-air cooled motors with improved/high efficiency
Aluminum series 1PC1, frame sizes 100 to 160 – self-cooled motors with improved/high efficiency
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

LL AS Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L

Integral feet

only for


BE’ frame sizes 132 S/M

and 160 L/M have

E C BC 2 holes



Type of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 1/76 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
frame size 100 L







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
100 L 2, 4, 6, 8 96.5 12 16 321.5 – 112 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 – – – – – – –
112 M 2, 4, 6, 8 96 12 16 311 – 112 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 – – – – – – –
132 S 2, 4, 6, 8 115.5 12 16 380.5 – 130 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 – – – – – – –
132 M 2, 4, 6, 8 115.5 12 16 380.5 – 130 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 – – – – – – –
160 M 2, 4, 6, 8 155 15 19 510 – 145 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 – – – – – – –
160 L 2, 4, 6, 8 155 15 19 510 – 145 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 – – – – – – –

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 1/75

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

New Generation 1LE1/1PC1

■ Dimensional drawings (continued)

Flange dimensions
In DIN EN 50347, flanges FF
with through holes and flang-

1 es FT with tapped holes are

assigned to frame sizes. The
designation of flange A and C
according to DIN 42948 (in-

valid since 09/2003) are also
listed for information purpos-
es. See the table below.
(Z = the number of retaining

Frame size Type of construction Flange type Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Through holes (FF/A)
Tapped holes (FT/C)
According to Acc. to LA LE M N P S T Z
DIN EN 50347 DIN 42948
100 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
(next larger standard
112 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
(next larger standard
132 S, 132 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 265 A 300 12 80 265 230 300 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 165 C 200 – 80 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 215 C 250 – 80 215 180 250 M12 4 4
(next larger standard
160 M, 160 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flansch FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Normflansch FT 215 C 250 – 110 215 180 250 M12 4 4

1/76 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Standard motors
up to frame size 315 L

2/2 Orientation 2/48 Self-ventilated energy-saving motors

2/2 Overview with high efficiency,
2/4 Benefits Cast-iron series 1LG6
2/4 Application 2/48 Selection and ordering data
2/5 Integration
2/58 Self-cooled motors
2/7 Technical specifications
without external fan,
2/8 Selection and ordering data
Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5
2/9 More information
2/58 Selection and ordering data
2/10 Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
2/62 Self-cooled motors
with improved efficiency,
without external fan,
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
Cast-iron series 1LP4
2/10 Selection and ordering data
2/62 Selection and ordering data
2/22 Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
2/66 Special versions
with high efficiency,
2/66 Overview
Aluminum series 1LA9
2/67 Selection and ordering data
2/22 Selection and ordering data
2/67 • Voltages
2/34 Self-ventilated motors 2/76 • Types of construction
with increased output, 2/78 • Options
Aluminum series 1LA9
2/120 Accessories
2/34 Selection and ordering data
2/120 Overview
2/38 Self-ventilated energy-saving motors 2/121 More information
with improved efficiency,
2/122 Dimensions
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
2/122 Overview
2/38 Selection and ordering data
2/123 More information
2/46 Self-ventilated motors 2/124 Dimensional drawings
with increased output,
Cast-iron series 1LG4
2/46 Selection and ordering data

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Overview
Classified energy-saving motors for an efficient
energy balance
Depending on requirements, energy-saving motors are avail-
able for an efficient energy balance – for EU requirements in ac-
cordance with CEMEP (European Committee of Manufacturers
of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics) and for the North
American market in accordance with EPACT (US Energy Policy
Efficiency requirements according to CEMEP
2 CEMEP classifies efficiency levels for 2-pole and 4-pole motors
with outputs of 1.1 to 90 kW. Three efficiency classes are de-
• EFF1 (High Efficiency motors – referred to below as “Motors
with high efficiency”)
• EFF2 (Improved Efficiency motors – referred to below as
“Motors with improved efficiency”)
• EFF3 (Conventional Efficiency motors)
Standard motors from Siemens are characterised by their flexi-
bility, ruggedness and energy efficiency. In general, all motors

are suitable for converter-fed operation with mains voltages of 95
up to 460 V +10 %. The motors are designed to fulfill the require-
ments of the European and International markets with an output %
range from 0.06 to 200 kW. rated

Standard motors for use worldwide 90

IEC motors for the European and International market

The standard motors comply both electrically and mechanically
with the applicable IEC/EN standards. For exporting to China, 85
CCC certified motors (China Compulsory Certification) can be
IEC motors for the North American market
Motors are also available to the NEMA specification (National
Electrical Manufacturers Association), with UL approval (Under-
writers Laboratories Inc.) and CSA certification (Canadian Stan-
dard Association) for exporting to NAFTA states (USA, Canada
and Mexico). The mechanical design of all motors is compliant 75
only to IEC/EN, not to NEMA dimensions.
NEMA motors for the North American market
Low-voltage motors are manufactured to the NEMA standard for 70
compliance with the local specifications of the NAFTA markets 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 kW 100
(USA, Canada and Mexico). This includes motors designed in Prated
accordance with the US act, EPACT (specified minimum effi-
ciency levels), as well as motors with NEMA premium efficiency
levels. The NEMA motor series provide the highest operating
reliability for maximum service life. At a glance: EU/CEMEP for Europe
Further information regarding NEMA motors is available on the • Status
Internet: Voluntary compliance with efficiency classification • Covers
2-pole, 4-pole squirrel-cage motors from 1.1 to 90 kW
(at 400 V and 50 Hz)
• Required marking
Efficiency class on the motor rating plate
ηN, η3/4 load and efficiency class in the documentation

2/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Overview (continued)
Efficiency requirements according to EPACT Energy-saving motors from Siemens according to CEMEP
In 1997, an act was passed in the US to define minimum efficien-
cies for low-voltage three-phase motors (EPACT). The product range of standard motors exclusively comprises
motors in the EU efficiency classes EFF1 “High Efficiency” or
An act is in force in Canada that is largely identical, although it EFF2 “Improved Efficiency”. The active parts of the motor have
is based on different verification methods. The efficiency is veri- been optimized so that the requirements of the CEMEP effi-
fied for these motors for the USA using IEEE 112, Test Method B ciency classes EFF1 and EFF2 are fulfilled. The procedure for
and for Canada using CSA-C390. Apart from a few exceptions, determining the efficiency is based on the summation of losses
all three-phase low-voltage motors imported into the USA or in accordance with IEC 60034-2. With these energy-saving mo-
Canada must comply with the legal efficiency requirements. The
tors a significant reduction in energy costs can be achieved as
law demands minimum efficiency levels for motors with a voltage compared to conventional motors according to EFF3.
of 230 and 460 V at 60 Hz, in the output range of 1 to 200 HP
(0.75 to 150 kW) with 2, 4 and 6 poles. Explosion-proof motors EPACT motors from Siemens are available CC certified, marked
must also be included. with the number CC032A on the rating plate and optionally also
according to UL with the recognition mark. Siemens offers mo-
The EPACT efficiency requirements exclude, for example: tors with the CSA Energy Efficiency Verification Mark specially
• Motors whose frame size output classification does not corres- for the Canadian market.
pond with the standard series according to NEMA MG1-12.
At a glance: Energy-saving motors from Siemens according
• Flange-mounting motors to CEMEP EFF1/EFF2, EPACT and CSA
• Brake motors
• Converter-fed motors
3~Mot. 1LA9166-2KA60-Z H
• Motors with design letter C and higher E0107/471101 01 002 IEC/EN 60034
D-91056 Erlangen
120 kg IM B3 160L IP55 Th.Cl.155(F) AMB 40°C
EPACT lays down that the nominal efficiency at full load and a 50 Hz 400/690 V / 60 HZ 460 V
“CC” number (Compliance Certification) must be included on 18.5 kW 31.5/18.2 A 18.5 KW 28 A

the rating plate. The “CC” number is issued by the US Depart- cos 0.92 2940/min PF 0.92 3550RPM
ment of Energy (DOE). The following information is stamped on 380-420/660-725 V / NEMA NOM.EFF 91.0% 25.0HP
the rating plate of EPACT motors which must be marked by law: 34.0-30.5/19.6-17.6 A DESIGN A CODE J CC 032 A
MG1-12 SF1.15 CONT
• Nominal efficiency
• Design letter
• Code letter
3~Mot. 1LG6 186-4AA60-Z
• CC No. CC 032A (Siemens) and NEMA MG1-12. D-91056 Erlangen UC 0202 /012415501
180 kg IM B3 180L IP55 Th.Cl.155(F) AMB 40 °C
At a glance: EPACT/CSA for North America
• Status 50 Hz 400/690 V / 60 HZ 460 V
Minimum efficiencies required by law 22 kW 40.5/24 A 22 KW 36.5 A
cos 0.84 1470/min PF 0.83 1775RPM

• Covers
2-, 4- and 6-pole 60 Hz squirrel-cage motors from 1 to 200 HP 380-420/660-725 V / NEMA NOM.EFF 92.4% 30.0HP
(0.75 to 150 kW) for 230 V and/or 460 V 60 Hz 42.5-40.5/24.5-23.5 A DESIGN A CODE K CC 032 A

• Required marking IEC/EN 60034 MG1-12 SF1.15 CONT

Efficiency ηN on the motor rating plate

Improved efficiency High efficiency

200 kW
Siemens Siemens EFF1/
EFF2 motors EPACT motors
200 HP
1LA6, 1LG4 1LG6 law

90 kW
standard standard

1.1 kW
1 HP

0.06 kW

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Overview (continued)
Standard motors with increased output and compact Standard motors that can be supplied from stock with an
construction extremely short delivery time
Standard motors with increased output and compact construc- The most commonly used basic versions of standard motor se-
tion can be used to advantage in confined spaces. For a slightly ries 1LA7, 1LA5 and 1LG4 can be supplied from stock – some
longer overall length, the output is at least as high as that of the of these are already marked with “CCC” (China Compulsory Cer-
next largest shaft height. These compact motors are also opti- tification) for export to China. Apart from these, a so-called “Sec-
mised for efficiency and therefore reduce the operating costs. tor version” is available for some of the motors available from
stock. These include a located bearing at the drive end (DE),
Standard motors with reduced output without external fan PTC thermistor and screwed on feet for the IM B35 type of con-

2 Self-cooled motors with surface cooling without external fan are struction.
suitable for the following operating conditions: The normal delivery time for motors from stock is 1 to 2 days from
• Types of duty with adequate cooling times (e.g. temporary the time of clarification of the order at the factory until delivery
duty for positioning drives) from the factory. To determine the time of arrival at the customer
• Environmental conditions that demand compact installation site, the appropriate shipping time must be added.
space (e.g. in motors with a stopping function)
• Conditions under which an external fan has an adverse effect
(e.g. simple cleaning in the food industry, textile industry)

■ Benefits
Standard motors from Siemens offer the user numerous • Higher motor service life thanks to lower winding temperature
advantages: in EFF1 and EPACT motors with rated load and supply
• The motors are approved and certified for worldwide use and • Reduced environmental impact due to CO2 reduction
meet high quality standards (confirmed, for example, by • High overload reserves under continuous duty (SF 1.15 for
CSA 1), UL 2), EXAM 3), PTB 4), CQC 5)) motor series 1LA9/1LG6)
• The ruggedness and lack of complexity of the components • Suitable for universal applications worldwide
guarantee an extremely long service life
• Standard motors with increased output and extremely com-
• Complete product spectrum for energy-saving motors ac- pact construction
cording to EU/CEMEP and EPACT
• Short delivery times for motors from stock
• Extremely easy selection of energy-saving motors due to the
efficiency classification (EFF1/EFF2) • The module mounting concept supports rapid modification by
the customer
• Energy-saving motors in motor series 1LA9 and 1LG6 meet
both the EFF1 and EPACT efficiency levels. • A fast and comprehensive service is provided by factories and
modification partners distributed throughout the world
• Reduction in operating costs thanks to a high degree of effi-
ciency with EFF1

■ Application
The numerous available options enable standard motors from The wide field of implementation includes the following
Siemens to be used in every area of industry and every sector. applications:
They are suitable both for special environmental conditions such • Pumps
as those that predominate in the chemical or petrochemical in-
dustry as well as for most climatic requirements such as those of • Fans
offshore applications. Their large range of mains voltages en- • Compressors
ables them to be used all over the world. • Conveyor systems such as cranes, belts and lifting gear
• High-bay warehouses
• Packaging machines
• Automation and Drives

1) Canadian Standard Association

2) Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
3) EXAM BBG Prüf und Zertifier GmbH
(previously BVS = Bergbau Versuchsstrecke)
4) Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
5) China Quality Certification

2/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Integration
MICROMASTER 411/ Main features:
COMBIMASTER 411 distributed drive solutions • Output range: 0.37 to 3.0 kW, 400 V, 3AC
The MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 series is included • IP66 degree of protection (MICROMASTER 411), self-cooling
in Catalog DA 51.3 which contains the complete product spec- • Electrical isolation between the electronics and the connec-
trum with ordering data, technical details and explanations. tion terminals
Application • Parameter sets for fast startup and cost savings
MICROMASTER 411 and COMBIMASTER 411 are the ideal so- • Modular structure with numerous accessories
lution for distributed drive applications that require a high de- • Operation without operator panel possible (using jumpers
gree of protection. The devices are designed for a wide drive
range – for simple individual applications for pumps and fans
and/or control potentiometer)
• Integrated control potentiometer accessible from outside.
through to multiple drives for conveyor systems in networked
control systems. The ECOFAST versions of the MICROMASTER Accessories (overview):
411/COMBIMASTER 411 frequency converter series contain
plug-in cables for the power supply, communications interface • Basic Operator Panel (BOP) for parameterising the converter
and motor connections. They support fast and problem-free re- • Plain text Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) for
placement in time-critical applications and are completely com- MICROMASTER 411 and COMBIMASTER 411 with multiple-
patible with the ECOFAST technology systems. They are based language display
on the universal MICROMASTER 420 converter series and are • PROFIBUS module
characterised by customer-oriented performance and ease of
use. • AS-Interface module
• DeviceNet module
• REM module (dynamic brake and control module for electro-
The modular structure allows MICROMASTER 411/ mechanical brake)
COMBIMASTER 411 products and their accessories to be indi- • EM module (electromechanical brake control module)
vidually selected, e.g. electromechanical brake control module
or PROFIBUS module. • PC connection kit
• Mounting kits for installing the operator panels
• PC startup programs
ECOFAST system

ECOFAST is a system which permits extensive decentralisation

and a modular structure for installation elements on the compo-
nent level.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/5

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Integration (continued)
Advantages The mounting dimensions of this casing match those of standard
industrial connectors, so it is possible to use a complete series
The main advantages of the ECOFAST motor connector over a of different standard inserts (such as Han E, ES, ESS from Hart-
terminal strip are as follows: ing). The motor circuit (star or delta connection) is selected in the
• Fast assembly of I/O devices (e.g. motor starters) from the mating connector for motor connection. The relevant jumpers
ECOFAST system are inserted by the customer in the mating connector. As a cas-
• Reduction of assembly and repair times at the end user ing for the mating connector, all standard sleeve casings with
lengthwise locking, frame size 10B (e.g. from Harting) can be
• No wiring errors due to connector technology used.
• Replacement of motor without intervention in the electronics
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be
Main features of the ECOFAST motor connector connected.
(with separate MICROMASTER 411 frequency converter)
Maximum admissible mains voltage on motor connector: ≤500 V
The motor connector is mounted in the factory and replaces the
connection box with terminal board. The connector is mounted Availability of the ECOFAST motor connector
towards the non-drive end (NDE). It comprises an angled motor The ECOFAST motor connector can be supplied for the following
connection casing that can be rotated by 4 x 90°. A 10-pole motor versions with the exception of the explosion-proof motors:
(+ earth) male insert is used in the housing. In the plug-in con-
nector, the winding connections are connected and optionally • Frame sizes 56 M to 132 M
the power supply for the brake and the signal leads for the tem- • Output range 0.06 to 5.5 kW (7.5 kW on request)
perature sensors. • Direct on-line starting: Voltage code 1 for 230 VΔ/400 VY,
The ECOFAST motor connector is compatible with the products 50 Hz
of the ECOFAST field device system. Further information can be • Star-delta starting: Voltage code 9 with order code L1U
found in Catalog IK PI. 400 VΔ, 50 Hz
More information
Further information is available in the Catalogs IK PI and
DA 51.3 “MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 distributed
drive solutions” as well as on the Internet at:

2/6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Technical specifications
The following table lists the most important technical specifica-
tions. For further information and details, see catalog part 0
Technical specifications at a glance
Type of motor IEC squirrel-cage motor
Connection types Star connection/delta connection
You can establish the connection type used from the Order No. supplements in the selection and ordering data
for the required motor.
Number of poles 2, 4, 6, 8, pole-changing for constant load torque (pole-changing for fans, see catalog part 7 “Fan motors”)
Rated speed (synchronous speed)
Rated output
750 ... 3000 rpm
0.06 ... 200 kW 2
Rated torque 0.25 ... 1700 Nm
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
to EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system
Degree of protection IP55 as standard
according to EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
Cooling Self-ventilated (motor series 1LA, 1LG)
according to EN 60034-6 (IEC 60034-6) Frame sizes 63 to 315 (IC 411),
Frame size 56 (IC 410)
Self-cooled (motor series 1LP)
Frame sizes 63 to 315 (IC 410)
Admissible coolant temperature and site –20 °C ... +40 °C as standard, site altitude 1000 mm above sea level.
altitude See “Coolant temperature and site altitude” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Standard voltages 50 Hz: 230 V, 400 V, 500 V, 690 V
according to EN 60038 (IEC 60038) The voltage used can be found in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
Type of construction Without flange:
according to EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7): IM B3, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 without protective cover, IM V6, IM V5 with protective cover
With flange:
IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover, IM V1 with protective cover, IM V3, IM B35
With standard flange:
IM B14, IM V19, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V18 with protective cover, IM B34
With special flange:
IM B14, IM V19, IM V18 without protective cover, IM V18 with protective cover, IM B34
Paint finish Standard: Color RAL 7030 stone gray
Suitability of paint finish for climate group Climate group “worldwide” with special finish
according to IEC 60721, Part 2-1 Climate group “moderate” with standard finish
See “Paint finish” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Vibration quantity level Level A (standard – without special vibration requirements)
according to EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) Level B (with special vibration requirements)
See “Balance and vibration quantity” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Shaft extension Balance type: Half-key balancing
according to DIN 748 (IEC 60072) See “Balance and vibration quantity” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Sound pressure level The sound pressure level is listed in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
to DIN EN ISO 1680
(tolerance +3dB)
Weights The weight is listed in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
Mechanical limit speeds The limit speed for the required motor can be found on Page 5/6.
Packaging weights and dimensions See “Packing weights and packing dimensions” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Rating plates Fixed to the motor
See “Rating plate” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Connection and connection boxes See “Connection, circuit and connection box” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Bearing design See “Bearings” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Cantilever forces See “Admissible cantilever forces” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Options See the selection and ordering data for “Special versions”

General note Ventilation/noise generation (converter-fed operation)

All the data listed in the catalog is applicable for a 50 Hz line The fan noise can increase at speeds that are higher than the
supply. With converter-fed operation, the reduction factors for rated speed of self-ventilated motors. To increase motor utiliza-
constant torque and drives for fans, pumps and compressors tion at low speeds it is recommended that forced-ventilated
must be observed. Noise values for motors operating with a con- motors are used.
verter at frequencies other than 50 Hz are available on request.
Mechanical stress and grease lifetime (converter-fed operation)
Mechanical limit speeds
High speeds that exceed the rated speed and the resulting in-
When the motor is operated at its rated frequency, it is important creased vibrations alter the mechanical running smoothness
to note that the maximum speeds are limited by the limits for the and the bearings are subjected to increased mechanical stress.
roller bearings, critical rotor speed and rigidity of the rotating This reduces the grease lifetime and the bearing lifetime. More
parts. detailed information on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/7

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Selection and ordering data

Preliminary selection of the motor according to motor type/series, speed or number of poles, frame size, rated output,
rated torque, rated speed and rated current
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5 (motors with external fan)

2 3000, 2-pole
1500, 4-pole
56 M ... 225 M
56 M ... 225 M
0.09 ... 45
0.06 ... 45
2830 ... 2960
1350 ... 1470
0.30 ... 145
0.42 ... 292
0.26 ... 78
0.2 ... 80
2/10 ... 2/11
2/12 ... 2/13
1000, 6-pole 63 M ... 225 M 0.09 ... 30 850 ... 978 1 ... 293 0.44 ... 61 2/14 ... 2/15
750, 8-pole 71 M ... 225 M 0.09 ... 22 630 ... 724 1.4 ... 290 0.36 ... 44.5 2/16 ... 2/17
1500/3000, 4/2-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.1 ... 26 1330 ... 1465 0.72 ... 169 0.41 ... 48.5 2/18 ... 2/19
750/1500, 8/4-pole 90 S ... 200 L 0.35 ... 17 675 ... 730 5.1 ... 223 1.19 ... 40.5 2/20 ... 2/21
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 315 L 3 ... 200 2890 ... 2982 9.9 ... 641 6.1 ... 325 2/38 ... 2/39
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 315 L 2.2 ... 200 1420 ... 1496 15 ... 1285 4.7 ... 340 2/40 ... 2/41
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 315 L 1.5 ... 160 925 ... 988 15 ... 1547 3.9 ... 285 2/42 ... 2/43
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 315 L 0.75 ... 132 679 ... 738 11 ... 1708 2.15 ... 245 2/44 ... 2/45

Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency

Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW/HP rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LA9 (motors with external fan)
For use according to CEMEP
3000, 2-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.09 ... 37 2830 ... 2950 0.3 ... 120 0.24 ... 64 2/22 ... 2/23
1500, 4-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.06 ... 30 1380 ... 1465 0.42 ... 196 0.22 ... 53 2/24 ... 2/25
1000, 6-pole 90 S ... 200 L 0.75 ... 22 925 ... 975 7.7 ... 215 2 ... 45 2/26 ... 2/27
For use in the North American market according to EPACT
3600, 2-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.12 ... 50 3440 ... 3555 0.25 ... 100 0.23 ... 57 2/28 ... 2/29
1800, 4-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.08 ... 40 1715 ... 1770 0.33 ... 161 0.18 ... 47 2/30 ... 2/31
1200, 6-pole 90 S ... 200 L 1 ... 30 1140 ... 1175 6.2 ... 182 1.78 ... 40 2/32 ... 2/33
Cast-iron series 1LG6 (motors with external fan)
For use according to CEMEP
3000, 2-pole 180 M ... 315 L 22 ... 200 2955 ... 2982 71 ... 641 38.5 ... 320 2/48 ... 2/49
1500, 4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 18.5 ... 200 1470 ... 1490 120 ... 1282 34.5 ... 340 2/48 ... 2/49
1000, 6-pole 180 M ... 315 L 15 ... 160 975 ... 990 147 ... 1543 29.5 ... 280 2/50 ... 2/51
750, 8-pole 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 132 725 ... 740 145 ... 1704 23.5 ... 240 2/50 ... 2/51
For use in the North American market according to EPACT
3600, 2-pole 180 M ... 315 L 30 ... 300 3560 ... 3591 60 ... 595 34 ... 320 2/52 ... 2/53
1800, 4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 25 ... 300 1775 ... 1792 100 ... 1193 31 ... 335 2/54 ... 2/55
1200, 6-pole 180 M ... 315 L 20 ... 200 1178 ... 1192 121 ... 1195 25.5 ... 235 2/56 ... 2/57

Self-ventilated motors with increased output

Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LA9 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.2 ... 53 2830 ... 2944 0.67 ... 172 0.51 ... 95 2/34 ... 2/35
1500, 4-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.14 ... 43 1384 ... 1465 0.97 ... 280 0.44 ... 80 2/36 ... 2/37
Cast-iron series 1LG4 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 180 M ... 280 M 30 ... 110 2950 ... 2975 97 ... 353 54 ... 184 2/46 ... 2/47
1500, 4-pole 180 L ... 280 M 30 ... 110 1465 ... 1488 196 ... 706 59 ... 198 2/46 ... 2/47
1000, 6-pole 180 L ... 280 M 18.5 ... 75 970 ... 985 182 ... 727 37.5 ... 136 2/46 ... 2/47
750, 8-pole 180 L ... 280 M 15 ... 55 720 ... 735 199 ... 715 34 ... 106 2/46 ... 2/47

2/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Self-cooled motors without external fan
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated current at Detailed
400 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5 (motors without external fan)
3000, 2-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.12 ... 16.5 The electrical data can be calculated and supplied 2/58
1500, 4-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.07 ... 12 on receipt of order. 2/59

1000, 6-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.045 ... 8.5 2/60
750, 8-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.045 ... 7.5 2/61
Cast-iron series 1LP4 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 180 M ... 315 L 7.3 ... 67 2945 ... 2984 24 ... 214 0.068 ... 2.09 2/62
1500, 4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 6.2 ... 67 1465 ... 1488 40 ... 430 0.099 ... 3.46 2/63
1000, 6-pole 180 L ... 315 L 5 ... 44 970 ... 990 49 ... 424 0.175 ... 4.02 2/64
750, 8-pole 180 L ... 315 L 3.7 ... 37 725 ... 740 49 ... 477 0.169 ... 3.95 2/65

■ More information
For more information, please contact your local Siemens contact
– see “Siemens Contacts Worldwide” in the Appendix.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A } Phase-out model kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
2 0.09
56 M
56 M
1LA7 050-2AA
1LA7 053-2AA
0.18 0.21 63 M 2820 0.61 64 63 0.79 0.51 1LA7 060-2AA 3.5
0.25 0.29 63 M 2830 0.84 65 65 0.80 0.69 1LA7 063-2AA 4.1
0.37 0.43 71 M 2740 1.3 66 65 0.82 1 1LA7 070-2AA 5
0.55 0.63 71 M 2800 1.9 71 70 0.82 1.36 1LA7 073-2AA 6
0.75 0.86 80 M 2855 2.5 73 72 0.86 1.73 1LA7 080-2AA 9
1.1 1.3 80 M 2845 3.7 EFF2 77 77 0.87 2.4 1LA7 083-2AA 11
1.5 1.75 90 S 2860 5 EFF2 79 80 0.85 3.25 1LA7 090-2AA 12.9
2.2 2.55 90 L 2880 7.3 EFF2 82 82 0.85 4.55 1LA7 096-2AA 15.7
3 3.45 100 L 2890 9.9 EFF2 84 84 0.85 6.1 } 1LA7 106-2AA 22
4 4.6 112 M 2905 13 EFF2 86 86 0.86 7.8 } 1LA7 113-2AA 29
5.5 6.3 132 S 2925 18 EFF2 86.5 86.5 0.89 10.4 } 1LA7 130-2AA 39
7.5 8.6 132 S 2930 24 EFF2 88 88 0.89 13.8 } 1LA7 131-2AA 48
11 12.6 160 M 2930 36 EFF2 89.5 89.5 0.88 20 } 1LA7 163-2AA 68
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 EFF2 90 90.2 0.9 26.5 } 1LA7 164-2AA 77
18.5 21.3 160 L 2940 60 EFF2 91 91.2 0.91 32 } 1LA7 166-2AA 86
22 24.5 180 M 2940 71 EFF2 91.7 91.7 0.88 39.5 1) 1LA5 183-2AA 113
30 33.5 200 L 2945 97 EFF2 92.3 92.3 0.89 53 1LA5 206-2AA 159
37 41.5 200 L 2945 120 EFF2 92.8 92.8 0.89 65 1) 1LA5 207-2AA 179
45 51 225 M 2960 145 EFF2 93.6 93.6 0.89 78 1) 1LA5 223-2AA 209

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduc- IM V6, IM V1 with IM V19, IM V19,
tion” for outputs IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
at 60 Hz) without protec- tive without without
protective tive cover protec- protective
cover cover 2) 2) 3) tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 05 . - . . . – ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M code 9 and order code M1G.
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment -Z and order code K32.

2/10 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

} Phase-out model kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 050-2AA
1LA7 053-2AA
1LA7 060-2AA 2 3.7 2.2 16 0.00018 49 60
1LA7 063-2AA 2 4 2.2 16 0.00022 49 60
1LA7 070-2AA 2.3 3.5 2.3 16 0.00029 52 63
1LA7 073-2AA 2.5 4.3 2.6 16 0.00041 52 63
1LA7 080-2AA 2.3 5.6 2.4 16 0.00079 56 67
1LA7 083-2AA 2.6 6.1 2.7 16 0.001 56 67
1LA7 090-2AA 2.4 5.5 2.7 16 0.0014 62 74
1LA7 096-2AA 2.8 6.3 3.1 16 0.0018 62 74
} 1LA7 106-2AA 2.8 6.8 3 16 0.0035 62 74
} 1LA7 113-2AA 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0059 63 75
} 1LA7 130-2AA 2 5.9 2.8 16 0.015 68 80
} 1LA7 131-2AA 2.3 6.9 3 16 0.019 68 80
} 1LA7 163-2AA 2.1 6.5 2.9 16 0.034 70 82
} 1LA7 164-2AA 2.2 6.6 3 16 0.043 70 82
} 1LA7 166-2AA 2.4 7 3.1 16 0.051 70 82
1LA5 183-2AA 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.077 70 83
1LA5 206-2AA 2.4 7.2 2.8 16 0.14 71 84
1LA5 207-2AA 2.4 7.7 2.8 16 0.16 71 84
1LA5 223-2AA 2.8 7.7 3.4 16 0.2 71 84
} The Order No. for 1LA7 motors marked with this symbol are
phase-out models.
1LE1 motors are the successors.
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency” Pages 1/18 to 1/21 or under
“General Line motors with shorter delivery time” (defined
versions - voltages, types of construction, motor protection
and location of the connection boxes) Pages 1/8 to 1/17.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/11

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A } Phase-out model kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.06 0.07 56 M 1350 0.42 56 55 0.77 0.2 1LA7 050-4AB 3

0.09 0.11 56 M 1350 0.64 58 57 0.77 0.29 1LA7 053-4AB 3
0.12 0.14 63 M 1350 0.85 55 54 0.75 0.42 1LA7 060-4AB 3.5
0.18 0.21 63 M 1350 1.3 59 60 0.76 0.58 1LA7 063-4AB 4.1
0.25 0.29 71 M 1350 1.8 60 60 0.78 0.77 1LA7 070-4AB 4.8
0.37 0.43 71 M 1370 2.6 65 65 0.78 1.06 1LA7 073-4AB 6
0.55 0.63 80 M 1395 3.8 67 67 0.81 1.46 1LA7 080-4AA 9
0.75 0.86 80 M 1395 5.1 72 72 0.8 1.91 1LA7 083-4AA 10
1.1 1.3 90 S 1415 7.4 77 77 0.81 2.55 1LA7 090-4AA 13
1.5 1.75 90 L 1420 10 EFF2 79 79 0.81 3.4 1LA7 096-4AA 15.6
2.2 2.55 100 L 1420 15 EFF2 82 82.5 0.82 4.7 } 1LA7 106-4AA 21
3 3.45 100 L 1420 20 EFF2 83 83.5 0.82 6.4 } 1LA7 107-4AA 24
4 4.6 112 M 1440 27 EFF2 85 85.5 0.83 8.2 } 1LA7 113-4AA 31
5.5 6.3 132 S 1455 36 EFF2 86 86 0.81 11.4 } 1LA7 130-4AA 41
7.5 8.6 132 M 1455 49 EFF2 87 87.5 0.82 15.2 } 1LA7 133-4AA 49
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.5 89 0.84 21.5 } 1LA7 163-4AA 73
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 90 90.2 0.84 28.5 } 1LA7 166-4AA 85
18.5 21.3 180 M 1460 121 EFF2 90.5 90.5 0.83 35.5 1) 1LA5 183-4AA 113
22 25.3 180 L 1460 144 EFF2 91.2 91.2 0.84 41.5 1) 1LA5 186-4AA 123
30 34.5 200 L 1465 196 EFF2 91.8 91.8 0.86 55 1LA5 207-4AA 157
37 42.5 225 NO 1470 240 EFF2 92.9 92.9 0.87 66 1) 1LA5 220-4AA 206
45 52 225 M 1470 292 EFF2 93.4 93.4 0.87 80 1) 1LA5 223-4AA 232

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduc- IM V6, IM V1 with IM V19, IM V19,
tion” for outputs IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
at 60 Hz) without protec- tive without without
protective tive cover protec- protective
cover cover 2) 2) 3) tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 05 . - . . . – ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M 9 and order code M1G.
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment -Z and order code K32.

2/12 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
} Phase-out model kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 050-4AB 1.9 2.6 1.9 13 0.00027 42 53

1LA7 053-4AB 1.9 2.6 1.9 13 0.00027 42 53
1LA7 060-4AB 1.9 2.8 2 13 0.00029 42 53
1LA7 063-4AB 1.9 3 1.9 13 0.00037 42 53
1LA7 070-4AB 1.9 3 1.9 13 0.00052 44 55
1LA7 073-4AB 1.9 3.3 2.1 13 0.00077 44 55
1LA7 080-4AA 2.2 3.9 2.2 16 0.0014 47 58
1LA7 083-4AA 2.3 4.2 2.3 16 0.0017 47 58
1LA7 090-4AA 2.3 4.6 2.4 16 0.0024 50 62
1LA7 096-4AA 2.4 5.3 2.6 16 0.0033 50 62
} 1LA7 106-4AA 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0047 56 68
} 1LA7 107-4AA 2.7 5.6 3 16 0.0055 56 68
} 1LA7 113-4AA 2.7 6 3 16 0.012 53 65
} 1LA7 130-4AA 2.5 6.3 3.1 16 0.018 62 74
} 1LA7 133-4AA 2.7 6.7 3.2 16 0.023 62 74
} 1LA7 163-4AA 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.043 66 78
} 1LA7 166-4AA 2.6 6.5 3 16 0.055 66 78
1LA5 183-4AA 2.3 7.5 3 16 0.13 63 76
1LA5 186-4AA 2.3 7.5 3 16 0.15 63 76
1LA5 207-4AA 2.6 7 3.2 16 0.24 65 78
1LA5 220-4AA 2.8 7 3.2 16 0.32 65 78
1LA5 223-4AA 2.8 7.7 3.3 16 0.36 65 78
} The Order No. for 1LA7 motors marked with this symbol are
phase-out models.
1LE1 motors are the successors.
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency” Pages 1/18 to 1/21 or under
“General Line motors with shorter delivery time” (defined
versions - voltages, types of construction, motor protection
and location of the connection boxes) Pages 1/8 to 1/17.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A } Phase-out model kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.09 0.1 63 M 850 1 45 41.5 0.66 0.44 1LA7 063-6AB 4.1

0.18 0.21 71 M 850 2 53 54.5 0.68 0.72 1LA7 070-6AA 5
0.25 0.29 71 M 830 2.8 60 58.5 0.76 0.79 1LA7 073-6AA 6.3
0.37 0.43 80 M 920 3.8 62 60.5 0.72 1.2 1LA7 080-6AA 9
0.55 0.63 80 M 910 5.8 67 66.5 0.74 1.6 1LA7 083-6AA 10
0.75 0.86 90 S 915 7.8 69 69 0.76 2.05 1LA7 090-6AA 12.5
1.1 1.3 90 L 915 11 72 72 0.77 2.85 1LA7 096-6AA 15.7
1.5 1.75 100 L 925 15 74 74 0.75 3.9 } 1LA7 106-6AA 21
2.2 2.55 112 M 940 22 78 78.5 0.78 5.2 } 1LA7 113-6AA 26
3 3.45 132 S 950 30 79 79.5 0.76 7.2 } 1LA7 130-6AA 38
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 80.5 80.5 0.76 9.4 } 1LA7 133-6AA 44
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 83 83 0.76 12.6 } 1LA7 134-6AA 52
7.5 8.6 160 M 960 75 86 86 0.74 17 } 1LA7 163-6AA 74
11 12.6 160 L 960 109 87.5 87.5 0.74 24.5 } 1LA7 166-6AA 95
15 18 180 L 970 148 89.5 89.5 0.77 31.5 1LA5 186-6AA 126
18.5 22 200 L 975 181 90.2 90.2 0.77 38.5 1LA5 206-6AA 161
22 26.5 200 L 975 215 90.8 90.8 0.77 45.5 1LA5 207-6AA 183
30 36 225 M 978 293 91.8 91.8 0.77 61 1) 1LA5 223-6AA 214

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduc- IM V6, IM V1 with IM V19, IM V19,
tion” for outputs IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
at 60 Hz) without protec- tive without without
protective tive cover protec- protective
cover cover 2) 2) 3) tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 05 . - . . . – ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M 9 and order code M1G.
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment -Z and order code K32.

2/14 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
} Phase-out model kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 063-6AB 1.8 2 1.9 13 0.00037 39 50

1LA7 070-6AA 2.1 2.3 1.9 16 0.00055 39 50
1LA7 073-6AA 2.2 2.7 2 16 0.0008 39 50
1LA7 080-6AA 1.9 3.1 2.1 16 0.0014 40 51
1LA7 083-6AA 2.1 3.4 2.2 16 0.0017 40 51
1LA7 090-6AA 2.2 3.7 2.2 16 0.0024 43 55
1LA7 096-6AA 2.3 3.8 2.3 16 0.0033 43 55
} 1LA7 106-6AA 2.3 4 2.3 16 0.0047 47 59
} 1LA7 113-6AA 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.0091 52 64
} 1LA7 130-6AA 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 63 75
} 1LA7 133-6AA 2.1 4.5 2.4 16 0.019 63 75
} 1LA7 134-6AA 2.3 5 2.6 16 0.025 63 75
} 1LA7 163-6AA 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.044 66 78
} 1LA7 166-6AA 2.3 4.8 2.6 16 0.063 66 78
1LA5 186-6AA 2 5.2 2.4 16 0.15 66 78
1LA5 206-6AA 2.7 5.5 2.8 16 0.24 66 78
1LA5 207-6AA 2.8 5.5 2.9 16 0.28 66 78
1LA5 223-6AA 2.8 5.7 2.9 16 0.36 66 78
} The Order No. for 1LA7 motors marked with this symbol are
phase-out models.
1LE1 motors are the successors.
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency” Pages 1/18 to 1/21 or under
“General Line motors with shorter delivery time” (defined
versions - voltages, types of construction, motor protection
and location of the connection boxes) Pages 1/8 to 1/17.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A } Phase-out model kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.09 0.1 71 M 630 1.4 53 54.5 0.68 0.36 1LA7 070-8AB 6.3

0.12 0.14 71 M 645 1.8 53 49.5 0.64 0.51 1LA7 073-8AB 6.3
0.18 0.21 80 M 675 2.5 51 49.5 0.68 0.75 1LA7 080-8AB 9
0.25 0.29 80 M 685 3.5 55 50.5 0.64 1.02 1LA7 083-8AB 10
0.37 0.43 90 S 675 5.2 63 62 0.75 1.14 1LA7 090-8AB 10.5
0.55 0.63 90 L 675 7.8 66 65 0.76 1.58 1LA7 096-8AB 13.2
0.75 0.86 100 L 680 11 66 65 0.76 2.15 } 1LA7 106-8AB 19
1.1 1.3 100 L 680 15 72 72 0.76 2.9 } 1LA7 107-8AB 22
1.5 1.75 112 M 705 20 74 74 0.76 3.85 } 1LA7 113-8AB 24
2.2 2.55 132 S 700 30 75 75 0.74 5.7 } 1LA7 130-8AB 38
3 3.45 132 M 700 41 77 77.5 0.74 7.6 } 1LA7 133-8AB 44
4 4.6 160 M 715 53 80 80 0.72 10 } 1LA7 163-8AB 64
5.5 6.3 160 M 710 74 83.5 83.5 0.73 13 } 1LA7 164-8AB 74
7.5 8.6 160 L 715 100 85.5 85.5 0.72 17.6 } 1LA7 166-8AB 94
11 13.2 180 L 725 145 87 87 0.75 24.5 1LA5 186-8AB 128
15 18 200 L 725 198 87.5 87.5 0.78 31.5 1LA5 207-8AB 176
18.5 22 225 NO 725 244 89.2 89.2 0.79 38 1LA5 220-8AB 184
22 26.5 225 M 725 290 90.6 90.6 0.79 44.5 1LA5 223-8AB 214

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduc- IM V6, IM V1 with IM V19, IM V19,
tion” for outputs IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
at 60 Hz) without protec- tive without without
protective tive cover protec- protective
cover cover 1) 1) 2) tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 05 . - . . . – ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 2)
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple- 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
ment -Z and order code K32. 9 and order code M1G.

2/16 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
} Phase-out model kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 070-8AB 1.9 2.2 1.7 13 0.0008 36 47

1LA7 073-8AB 2.2 2.2 2 13 0.0008 36 47
1LA7 080-8AB 1.7 2.3 1.9 13 0.0014 41 52
1LA7 083-8AB 2 2.6 2.2 13 0.0017 41 52
1LA7 090-8AB 1.6 2.9 1.8 13 0.0023 41 53
1LA7 096-8AB 1.7 3 1.9 13 0.0031 41 53
} 1LA7 106-8AB 1.6 3 1.9 13 0.0051 45 57
} 1LA7 107-8AB 1.8 3.3 2.1 13 0.0063 45 57
} 1LA7 113-8AB 1.8 3.7 2.1 13 0.013 49 61
} 1LA7 130-8AB 1.9 3.9 2.3 13 0.014 53 65
} 1LA7 133-8AB 2.1 4.1 2.4 13 0.019 53 65
} 1LA7 163-8AB 2.2 4.5 2.6 13 0.036 63 75
} 1LA7 164-8AB 2.3 4.7 2.7 13 0.046 63 75
} 1LA7 166-8AB 2.7 5.3 3 13 0.064 63 75
1LA5 186-8AB 2 5 2.2 13 0.21 60 73
1LA5 207-8AB 2.1 5 2.2 13 0.37 58 71
1LA5 220-8AB 2.1 4.5 2.2 13 0.37 58 71
1LA5 223-8AB 2.2 4.8 2.3 13 0.45 58 71
} The Order No. for 1LA7 motors marked with this symbol are
phase-out models.
1LE1 motors are the successors.
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-ventilated energy-saving motors
with improved efficiency” Pages 1/18 to 1/21.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency at Power factor at Rated current at Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz, size at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, 50 Hz 4/4-load 50 Hz 4/4-load 400 V, 50 Hz motor
1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm

Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for constant load torque with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit
0.1 0.15 63 M 1330 2650 0.72 0.54 45 52 0.79 0.82 0.41 0.51 1LA7 060-0AA 3.5

0.15 0.2 63 M 1330 2750 1.1 0.7 45 57 0.71 0.73 0.68 0.7 1LA7 063-0AA 4.1
0.21 0.28 71 M 1375 2770 1.5 0.97 59 48 0.73 0.76 0.7 1.1 1LA7 070-0AA 4.8
0.3 0.43 71 M 1390 2780 2.1 1.5 64 58 0.76 0.82 0.89 1.3 1LA7 073-0AA 7
0.48 0.6 80 M 1390 2810 3.3 2 66 64 0.82 0.84 1.25 1.6 1LA7 080-0AA 9
0.7 0.85 80 M 1390 2810 4.8 2.9 69 70 0.84 0.83 1.75 2.1 1LA7 083-0AA 10
1.1 1.4 90 S 1390 2810 7.6 4.8 69 66 0.85 0.85 2.7 3.6 1LA7 090-0AA 13
1.5 1.9 90 L 1410 2860 10 6.4 74 72 0.86 0.85 3.4 4.5 1LA7 096-0AA 15.6
2 2.4 100 L 1410 2870 14 8 81 75 0.84 0.84 4.25 5.5 1LA7 106-0AA 21
2.6 3.1 100 L 1400 2850 18 10 79 74 0.86 0.8 5.5 7.6 1LA7 107-0AA 24
3.7 4.4 112 M 1420 2885 25 15 79 76 0.85 0.8 8 10.5 1LA7 113-0AA 31
4.7 5.9 132 S 1450 2920 31 19 83 80 0.84 0.85 9.7 12.5 1LA7 130-0AA 41
6.5 8 132 M 1450 2930 43 26 82 82.5 0.84 0.84 13.6 16.7 1LA7 133-0AA 50
9.3 11.5 160 M 1455 2930 61 37 86.5 80 0.85 0.89 18.3 23.4 1LA7 163-0AA 74
13 17 160 L 1455 2930 85 55 87.5 87 0.84 0.88 25.6 32 1LA7 166-0AA 92
15 18 180 M 1470 2950 97 58 90 86.5 0.83 0.8 29 37.5 1LA5 183-0AA 113
18 21.5 180 L 1465 2950 117 70 90 87 0.84 0.85 34.5 42 1LA5 186-0AA 123
26 31 200 L 1465 2940 169 101 90.9 86.5 0.86 0.85 48.5 61 1LA5 207-0AA 157

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 protective IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without cover 1) 2) IM V18 IM V18
without protective without without
protective cover 1) protective protective
cover IM V3 cover cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 06 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 2)
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 207-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
to 200 L) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple- 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
ment -Z and order code K32. code 9 and order code M1G.

2/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Breakdown Torque class Moment of
torque torque current current torque torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated
torque torque current current torque torque
1500 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for constant load torque with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit
1LA7 060-0AA 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.9 1.8 1.8 10 0.00029

1LA7 063-0AA 2 2 3 3.3 2 2 10 0.0004
1LA7 070-0AA 1.6 1.6 3 3.1 1.8 1.8 10 0.00052
1LA7 073-0AA 1.8 1.8 3.7 3.8 2 2 10 0.00076
1LA7 080-0AA 1.7 1.7 3.9 4 2 2 10 0.0014
1LA7 083-0AA 1.8 1.8 4.3 4.3 2.1 2.1 10 0.0017
1LA7 090-0AA 1.6 1.8 4.2 4.3 1.9 2 13 0.0024
1LA7 096-0AA 1.9 1.9 4.9 5.3 2 2.1 13 0.0033
1LA7 106-0AA 1.8 1.8 5 5.5 2 2.1 13 0.0048
1LA7 107-0AA 2.3 2.4 5.6 5.6 2.4 2.4 13 0.0055
1LA7 113-0AA 2 2.2 5.6 5.8 2.2 2.3 13 0.011
1LA7 130-0AA 1.7 1.6 6.3 6.5 2.2 2.2 10 0.018
1LA7 133-0AA 2 2.1 6.9 7.5 2.5 2.6 10 0.023
1LA7 163-0AA 2 1.8 6.7 7.4 2.6 2.4 10 0.043
1LA7 166-0AA 2.5 2.8 7.6 8.5 3 3 10 0.06
1LA5 183-0AA 2.1 2.2 6.7 7.5 2.7 3.2 13 0.13
1LA5 186-0AA 2 2.2 6.4 7.3 2.6 3.1 13 0.15
1LA5 207-0AA 2.6 2.6 6.7 7.5 2.8 3.3 13 0.24

See catalog part “Fan motors” for pole-changing motors for

quadratic load torque for driving fans.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Rated speed at Rated torque at Efficiency at Power factor at Rated current at Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz, size 50 Hz, 50 Hz, 50 Hz 4/4-load 50 Hz 4/4-load 400 V, 50 Hz motor
750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm

Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for constant load torque with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit
0.35 0.5 90 S 675 1365 5.1 3.6 60 65 0.71 0.79 1.19 1.41 1LA7 090-0AB 11

0.5 0.7 90 L 675 1380 7.1 4.9 63 62 0.72 0.78 1.6 2.1 1LA7 096-0AB 13.2
0.7 1.1 100 L 690 1380 9.8 7.7 65 61 0.74 0.8 2.1 3.25 1LA7 106-0AB 20
0.9 1.5 100 L 690 1380 13 10 69 67 0.70 0.8 2.7 4.0 1LA7 107-0AB 22
1.4 1.9 112 M 690 1410 19 13 69 70 0.73 0.75 4 5.2 1LA7 113-0AB 25
1.8 3.6 132 S 720 1430 24 24 72 80 0.57 0.9 6.3 7.2 1LA7 130-0AB 41
2.5 5 132 M 720 1430 33 33 73 80 0.6 0.9 8.2 10 1LA7 133-0AB 49
3.5 7 160 M 725 1450 46 46 77 81.5 0.56 0.89 11.7 13.9 1LA7 163-0AB 73
5.6 11 160 L 725 1450 74 72 78 83 0.56 0.89 18.5 21.5 1LA7 166-0AB 91
11 18 180 L 725 1455 144 118 83.5 83.5 0.69 0.87 27.5 35 1LA5 186-0AB 123
17 27 200 L 730 1465 223 177 89 89.5 0.68 0.86 40.5 50.5 1LA5 207-0AB 157

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 protective IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without cover 1) 2) IM V18 IM V18
without protective without without
protective cover protective protective
cover IM V3 cover cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 06 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 2)
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 207-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
to 200 L) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple- 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
ment -Z and order code K32. code 9 and order code M1G.

2/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Breakdown Torque class Moment of
torque torque current current torque torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated
torque current torque torque current torque
750 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1500 rpm
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for constant load torque with one winding connected in Dahlander circuit
1LA7 090-0AB 1.3 1.3 2.5 3.2 1.6 1.6 10 0.0023

1LA7 096-0AB 1.4 1.5 3 3.5 1.7 1.8 10 0.0031
1LA7 106-0AB 1.7 1.6 3.3 3.5 2 1.9 10 0.0051
1LA7 107-0AB 1.8 1.6 3.5 3.6 2 1.9 10 0.0063
1LA7 113-0AB 1.4 1.5 3.6 4.4 1.7 1.8 10 0.013
1LA7 130-0AB 2 1.3 4.3 5.4 2.3 1.8 10 0.018
1LA7 133-0AB 2 1.3 4.3 5.4 2.3 1.8 10 0.023
1LA7 163-0AB 2 1.4 4 5.4 2.3 1.8 10 0.043
1LA7 166-0AB 2.2 1.7 4.2 5.9 2.4 2 10 0.06
1LA5 186-0AB 1.9 2 5.2 6.2 2.2 2.2 13 0.21
1LA5 207-0AB 2.4 2.3 5.4 6.6 2.5 2.5 13 0.37

See catalog part “Fan motors” for pole-changing motors for

quadratic load torque for driving fans.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 50 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

0.09 56 M 2830 0.3 70 70 0.76 0.24 1LA9 050-2KA 3
0.12 56 M 2830 0.4 70 70 0.81 0.31 1LA9 053-2KA 3.8
0.18 63 M 2840 0.61 70 70 0.78 0.48 1LA9 060-2KA 4.1
0.25 63 M 2840 0.84 72 72 0.8 0.63 1LA9 063-2KA 5.1
0.37 71 M 2840 1.2 74 74 0.77 0.94 1LA9 070-2KA 6
0.55 71 M 2835 1.9 75 75 0.75 1.42 1LA9 073-2KA 7.2
0.75 80 M 2870 2.5 80 80 0.82 1.66 1LA9 080-2KA 9.8
1.1 80 M 2860 3.7 EFF1 84 84 0.89 2.1 1LA9 083-2KA 12.3
1.5 90 S 2890 5 EFF1 85 85 0.87 2.95 1LA9 090-2KA 15
2.2 90 L 2890 7.3 EFF1 86.5 86.5 0.87 4.2 1LA9 096-2KA 18.6
3 100 L 2890 9.9 EFF1 87 87 0.88 5.7 1LA9 106-2KA 24
4 112 M 2905 13 EFF1 88.5 88.5 0.89 7.3 1LA9 113-2KA 35
5.5 132 S 2930 18 EFF1 89.5 89.5 0.9 9.9 1LA9 130-2KA 43
7.5 132 S 2930 24 EFF1 90.5 90.5 0.92 13 1LA9 131-2KA 56
11 160 M 2945 36 EFF1 91 91 0.9 19.4 1LA9 163-2KA 73
15 160 M 2945 49 EFF1 91.5 91.5 0.9 26.5 1LA9 164-2KA 82
18.5 160 L 2940 60 EFF1 92.3 92.5 0.92 31.5 1LA9 166-2KA 102
22 180 M 2945 71 EFF1 93 93.2 0.89 38.5 1) 1LA9 183-2WA 131
30 200 L 2950 97 EFF1 93.5 93.5 0.89 52 1LA9 206-2WA 185
37 200 L 2950 120 EFF1 94 94.1 0.89 64 1) 1LA9 207-2WA 214

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With special
flange flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V1 with pro- IM V19, IM V19,
IM V5 with- without tective IM V18 IM V18
out protec- protec- cover 2) without without
tive cover tive cover protec- protective
IM V3 tive cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 2)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
(see catalog part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
box”). code 9 and order code M1G.

2/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

1LA9 050-2KA 3.6 4.5 3 16 0.00015 41 52
1LA9 053-2KA 3.2 4.3 2.8 16 0.0002 41 52
1LA9 060-2KA 2.8 4.8 3.1 16 0.00022 49 60
1LA9 063-2KA 2.5 4.9 2.5 16 0.00026 49 60
1LA9 070-2KA 3.3 6.5 3.1 16 0.00041 52 63
1LA9 073-2KA 3.6 6.3 2.9 16 0.0005 52 63
1LA9 080-2KA 4.4 8.3 3.2 16 0.001 56 67
1LA9 083-2KA 3.8 7 3.2 16 0.0013 56 67
1LA9 090-2KA 4.1 7 3.5 16 0.0018 60 72
1LA9 096-2KA 4.1 7 3.5 16 0.0022 60 72
1LA9 106-2KA 3.4 7 3.2 16 0.0044 62 74
1LA9 113-2KA 2.8 7 3.2 16 0.0077 63 75
1LA9 130-2KA 2.7 7 3.2 16 0.019 68 80
1LA9 131-2KA 2.8 7 3.1 16 0.024 68 80
1LA9 163-2KA 2.5 7 3.1 16 0.044 70 82
1LA9 164-2KA 2.5 7 3.1 16 0.051 70 82
1LA9 166-2KA 2.4 7 3.1 16 0.065 70 82
1LA9 183-2WA 2.6 7.2 3.3 16 0.09 70 83
1LA9 206-2WA 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.16 71 84
1LA9 207-2WA 2.7 7 3.3 16 0.2 71 84

The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,

see Pages 2/28 to 2/33.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 50 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

0.06 56 M 1380 0.42 61 61 0.66 0.22 1LA9 050-4KA 3
0.09 56 M 1390 0.62 62 62 0.68 0.31 1LA9 053-4KA 3.8
0.12 63 M 1395 0.82 66 66 0.65 0.41 1LA9 060-4KA 4.1
0.18 63 M 1395 1.3 65 65 0.68 0.59 1LA9 063-4KA 5.1
0.25 71 M 1410 1.7 70 70 0.64 0.81 1LA9 070-4KA 6
0.37 71 M 1385 2.6 71 71 0.73 1.04 1LA9 073-4KA 7.2
0.55 80 M 1410 3.7 77 77 0.78 1.32 1LA9 080-4KA 9.8
0.75 80 M 1400 5.1 81 81 0.75 1.78 1LA9 083-4KA 12.3
1.1 90 S 1440 7.3 EFF1 84 84 0.77 2.45 1LA9 090-4KA 15
1.5 90 L 1440 9.9 EFF1 85 85 0.77 3.3 1LA9 096-4KA 18
2.2 100 L 1435 15 EFF1 86.5 86.5 0.82 4.5 1LA9 106-4KA 25
3 100 L 1435 20 EFF1 87.5 87.7 0.81 6.1 1LA9 107-4KA 30
4 112 M 1440 27 EFF1 88.5 89 0.81 8.1 1LA9 113-4KA 37
5.5 132 S 1455 36 EFF1 89.5 89.5 0.84 10.6 1LA9 130-4KA 45
7.5 132 M 1455 49 EFF1 90.3 90.5 0.84 14.2 1LA9 133-4KA 60
11 160 M 1460 72 EFF1 91.5 92 0.85 20.5 1LA9 163-4KA 81
15 160 L 1460 98 EFF1 92 92.3 0.86 27.5 1LA9 166-4KA 107
18.5 180 M 1465 121 EFF1 92.5 93 0.84 34.5 1) 1LA9 183-4WA 126
22 180 L 1465 143 EFF1 93 93.4 0.84 40.5 1) 1LA9 186-4WA 146
30 200 L 1465 196 EFF1 93.5 94 0.87 53 1LA9 207-4WA 199

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With special
flange flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V1 with pro- IM V19, IM V19,
IM V5 with- without tective IM V18 IM V18
out protec- protec- cover 2) without without
tive cover tive cover protec- protective
IM V3 tive cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 2)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
(see catalog part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
box”). code 9 and order code M1G.

2/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

1LA9 050-4KA 2.7 3.1 2.8 16 0.00027 42 53
1LA9 053-4KA 2.8 3.2 2.8 16 0.00035 42 53
1LA9 060-4KA 2.7 3.5 2.6 16 0.00037 42 53
1LA9 063-4KA 3 3.6 2.5 16 0.00045 42 53
1LA9 070-4KA 3.6 4.3 3.1 16 0.00076 44 55
1LA9 073-4KA 3.3 4.2 3 16 0.00095 44 55
1LA9 080-4KA 3.4 5.6 2.9 16 0.0017 47 58
1LA9 083-4KA 4 5.8 3.5 16 0.0024 47 58
1LA9 090-4KA 3.1 6.4 3.2 16 0.0033 48 60
1LA9 096-4KA 3.6 6.7 3.4 16 0.004 48 60
1LA9 106-4KA 3.4 7 3.6 16 0.0062 53 65
1LA9 107-4KA 3.8 7 3.9 16 0.0077 53 65
1LA9 113-4KA 3.2 6.9 3.2 16 0.014 53 65
1LA9 130-4KA 3.2 7 3.6 16 0.023 62 74
1LA9 133-4KA 3.4 7 3.6 16 0.029 62 74
1LA9 163-4KA 2.6 6.9 3.2 16 0.055 66 78
1LA9 166-4KA 2.8 7 3.3 16 0.072 66 78
1LA9 183-4WA 2.8 7 3.2 16 0.15 63 76
1LA9 186-4WA 3.1 7.3 3.4 16 0.19 63 76
1LA9 207-4WA 3 7 3.2 16 0.32 65 78

The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,

see Pages 2/28 to 2/33.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 50 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

0.75 90 S 925 7.7 75.5 75.5 0.72 2 1LA9 090-6KA 15.7
1.1 90 L 940 11 82 82 0.7 2.75 1LA9 096-6KA 19
1.5 100 L 935 15 85 85 0.73 3.6 1LA9 106-6KA 25
2.2 112 M 955 22 84 84 0.7 5.4 1LA9 113-6KA 37
4 132 M 950 40 84 84 0.81 8.5 1LA9 133-6KA 49
5.5 132 M 960 55 86 86 0.77 12 1LA9 134-6KA 64
7.5 160 M 965 74 88 88 0.72 17 1LA9 163-6KA 98
11 160 L 960 109 88.5 88.5 0.78 23 1LA9 166-6KA 105
15 180 L 970 148 91 91 0.75 31.5 1LA9 186-6WA 144
18.5 200 L 975 181 91 91 0.77 38 1LA9 206-6WA 186
22 200 L 975 215 91.5 91.5 0.77 45 1LA9 207-6WA 217

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V1 with pro- IM V19, IM V19,
IM V5 with- without tective IM V18 IM V18
out protec- protec- cover 1) without without
tive cover tive cover protec- protective
IM V3 tive cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

1LA9 090-6KA 3 4.4 2.5 16 0.0033 43 55
1LA9 096-6KA 3.7 5.7 3.2 16 0.005 43 55
1LA9 106-6KA 3.5 6.2 3.4 16 0.0065 47 59
1LA9 113-6KA 2.9 6.2 3 16 0.014 52 64
1LA9 133-6KA 3 6.3 2.7 16 0.025 63 75
1LA9 134-6KA 3.7 7.3 3.6 16 0.03 63 75
1LA9 163-6KA 2.4 5.5 2.5 16 0.063 66 78
1LA9 166-6KA 3.1 6.9 3.2 16 0.072 66 78
1LA9 186-6WA 2.2 6.5 2.5 16 0.19 66 78
1LA9 206-6WA 2.8 6.2 2.5 16 0.28 66 78
1LA9 207-6WA 2.8 6.2 2.5 16 0.36 66 78

The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,

see Pages 2/28 to 2/33.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage and type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 60 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

0.12 56 M 3440 0.25 No 70 0.74 0.23 1LA9 050-2KA 3
0.16 56 M 3440 0.33 No 71 0.76 0.28 1LA9 053-2KA 3.8
0.25 63 M 3440 0.53 No 71 0.79 0.4 1LA9 060-2KA 4.1
0.33 63 M 3460 0.69 No 72 0.76 0.56 1LA9 063-2KA 5.1
0.5 71 M 3445 1 No 72 0.75 0.86 1LA9 070-2KA 6
0.75 71 M 3445 1.6 No 73 0.73 1.3 1LA9 073-2KA 7.2
1 80 M 3485 2 Yes 75.5 0.82 1.52 1LA9 080-2KA 9.8
1.5 80 M 3480 3.1 Yes 82.5 0.88 1.9 1LA9 083-2KA 12.3
2 90 S 3510 4.1 Yes 84 0.86 2.6 1LA9 090-2KA 15
3 90 L 3510 6.1 Yes 85.5 0.85 3.8 1LA9 096-2KA 18.6
4 100 L 3510 8.1 No 86.5 0.87 5 1LA9 106-2KA 24
5 112 M 3540 10 Yes 87.5 0.88 6 1LA9 113-2KA 35
7.5 132 S 3540 15 Yes 88.5 0.9 8.7 1LA9 130-2KA 43
10 132 S 3540 20 Yes 89.5 0.92 11.4 1LA9 131-2KA 56
15 160 M 3555 30 Yes 90.2 0.9 17 1LA9 163-2KA 73
20 160 M 3555 40 Yes 90.2 0.9 23.2 1LA9 164-2KA 82
25 160 L 3550 50 Yes 91 0.92 27.7 1LA9 166-2KA 102
30 180 M 3545 60 Yes 91 0.86 36 1LA9 183-2WA 131
40 200 L 3555 80 Yes 91.7 0.88 46.5 1LA9 206-2WA 185
50 200 L 3555 100 Yes 92.4 0.88 57 1LA9 207-2WA 214

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19,
(see “Introduction” for IM V6, without pro- protective IM V19, IM V18 without
outputs at 60 Hz) IM V5 without tective cover cover 1) IM V18 with- protective cover
protective IM V3 out protec-
cover tive cover
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

1LA9 050-2KA 3.6 5.5 3.8 16 0.00015 45 56
1LA9 053-2KA 3.2 5.4 3.4 16 0.0002 45 56
1LA9 060-2KA 2.8 4.9 3.3 16 0.00022 53 64
1LA9 063-2KA 2.5 5 2.7 16 0.00026 53 64
1LA9 070-2KA 3.3 7.5 3.4 16 0.00041 56 67
1LA9 073-2KA 3.4 7.2 3.7 16 0.0005 56 67
1LA9 080-2KA 4.4 9.6 4.4 16 0.001 60 71
1LA9 083-2KA 3.8 8.6 3.2 16 0.0013 60 71
1LA9 090-2KA 4.1 8.6 4.1 16 0.0018 64 76
1LA9 096-2KA 4.1 8.5 5.1 16 0.0022 64 76
1LA9 106-2KA 3.4 8.6 3.7 16 0.0044 66 78
1LA9 113-2KA 2.8 9.2 4 16 0.0077 67 79
1LA9 130-2KA 2.7 8.5 3.8 16 0.019 72 84
1LA9 131-2KA 2.8 8.3 3.7 16 0.024 72 84
1LA9 163-2KA 2.5 8.5 3.7 16 0.044 74 86
1LA9 164-2KA 2.5 8.5 3.7 16 0.051 74 86
1LA9 166-2KA 2.4 8.5 3.5 16 0.065 74 86
1LA9 183-2WA 2.6 8.6 3.5 16 0.09 74 87
1LA9 206-2WA 2.5 8.4 3.6 16 0.16 75 88
1LA9 207-2WA 2.7 8.4 3.7 16 0.2 75 88

The motors can also be used for 50 Hz according to CEMEP,

see Pages 2/22 to 2/27.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/29

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage and type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 60 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

0.08 56 M 1715 0.33 No 63 0.65 0.18 1LA9 050-4KA 3
0.12 56 M 1725 0.5 No 64 0.6 0.29 1LA9 053-4KA 3.8
0.16 63 M 1710 0.66 No 68 0.6 0.37 1LA9 060-4KA 4.1
0.25 63 M 1705 1.1 No 66 0.63 0.54 1LA9 063-4KA 5.1
0.33 71 M 1730 1.4 No 69 0.6 0.76 1LA9 070-4KA 6
0.5 71 M 1725 2.1 No 70 0.68 0.98 1LA9 073-4KA 7.2
0.75 80 M 1725 3.1 No 75.5 0.74 1.24 1LA9 080-4KA 9.8
1 80 M 1720 4.1 Yes 82.5 0.75 1.59 1LA9 083-4KA 12.3
1.5 90 S 1755 6.1 Yes 84 0.76 2.15 1LA9 090-4KA 15
2 90 L 1755 8.1 Yes 84 0.76 2.95 1LA9 096-4KA 18
3 100 L 1750 12 No 87.5 0.79 4 1LA9 106-4KA 25
4 100 L 1750 16 No 87.5 0.79 5.5 1LA9 107-4KA 30
5 112 M 1755 20 Yes 87.5 0.79 6.7 1LA9 113-4KA 37
7.5 132 S 1760 30 Yes 89.5 0.81 9.5 1LA9 130-4KA 45
10 132 M 1760 40 Yes 89.5 0.82 12.8 1LA9 133-4KA 60
15 160 M 1765 61 Yes 91 0.85 17.9 1LA9 163-4KA 81
20 160 L 1765 81 Yes 91 0.85 24.5 1LA9 166-4KA 107
25 180 M 1770 101 Yes 92.4 0.83 30.5 1LA9 183-4WA 126
30 180 L 1770 121 Yes 92.4 0.83 36 1LA9 186-4WA 146
40 200 L 1770 161 Yes 93 0.86 47 1LA9 207-4WA 199

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19,
(see “Introduction” for IM V6, without protective IM V19, IM V18 without
outputs at 60 Hz) IM V5 without protective cover 1) IM V18 protective cover
protective cover without
cover IM V3 protective
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

2/30 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

1LA9 050-4KA 2.7 3.4 3 16 0.00027 46 57
1LA9 053-4KA 2.8 3.5 3 16 0.00035 46 57
1LA9 060-4KA 2.7 3.9 2.8 16 0.00037 46 57
1LA9 063-4KA 3 3.6 3.1 16 0.00045 46 57
1LA9 070-4KA 3.6 4.9 3.4 16 0.00076 48 59
1LA9 073-4KA 3.3 4.9 3.4 16 0.00095 48 59
1LA9 080-4KA 3.4 6.8 3.6 16 0.0017 51 62
1LA9 083-4KA 4 7.3 3.9 16 0.0024 51 62
1LA9 090-4KA 3.1 7.7 3.9 16 0.0033 52 64
1LA9 096-4KA 3.6 8.1 4.2 16 0.004 52 64
1LA9 106-4KA 3.4 8.4 4.3 16 0.0062 57 69
1LA9 107-4KA 3.8 8.7 4.6 16 0.0077 57 69
1LA9 113-4KA 3.2 8.6 3.9 16 0.014 57 69
1LA9 130-4KA 3.2 8.7 4.1 16 0.023 66 78
1LA9 133-4KA 3.4 8.7 4.1 16 0.029 66 78
1LA9 163-4KA 2.6 8.1 3.2 16 0.055 70 82
1LA9 166-4KA 2.8 8.5 3.5 16 0.072 70 82
1LA9 183-4WA 2.8 8.4 3.6 16 0.15 67 80
1LA9 186-4WA 3.1 8.8 3.9 16 0.19 67 80
1LA9 207-4WA 3 8.3 3.6 16 0.32 69 82

The motors can also be used for 50 Hz according to CEMEP,

see Pages 2/22 to 2/27.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/31

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage and type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 60 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

1 90 S 1140 6.2 Yes 80 0.66 1.78 1LA9 090-6KA 15.7
1.5 90 L 1150 9.3 Yes 85.5 0.64 2.55 1LA9 096-6KA 19
2 100 L 1150 12 No 86.5 0.70 3.1 1LA9 106-6KA 25
3 112 M 1160 18 Yes 87.5 0.66 4.8 1LA9 113-6KA 37
5 132 M 1160 31 Yes 87.5 0.77 6.9 1LA9 133-6KA 49
7.5 132 M 1160 46 Yes 89.5 0.73 10.6 1LA9 134-6KA 64
10 160 M 1165 61 Yes 89.5 0.7 15 1LA9 163-6KA 98
15 160 L 1165 92 Yes 90.2 0.77 19 1LA9 166-6KA 105
20 180 L 1175 121 Yes 90.2 0.75 28 1LA9 186-6WA 144
25 200 L 1175 152 Yes 91.7 0.75 34 1LA9 206-6WA 186
30 200 L 1175 182 Yes 91.7 0.75 40 1LA9 207-6WA 217

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19,
(see “Introduction” for IM V6, without protective IM V19, IM V18 without
outputs at 60 Hz) IM V5 without protective cover 1) IM V18 protective cover
protective cover without
cover IM V3 protective
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/32 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

1LA9 090-6KA 3 5.6 3 16 0.0033 47 59
1LA9 096-6KA 3.7 6.4 3.7 16 0.005 47 59
1LA9 106-6KA 3.5 7.2 3.8 16 0.0065 51 63
1LA9 113-6KA 2.9 7.5 3.7 16 0.014 56 68
1LA9 133-6KA 3 7.9 3.6 16 0.025 67 79
1LA9 134-6KA 3.7 8.4 4.3 16 0.03 67 79
1LA9 163-6KA 2.4 6.4 2.8 16 0.063 70 82
1LA9 166-6KA 3.1 8.3 3.8 16 0.072 70 82
1LA9 186-6WA 2.8 7.1 2.8 16 0.19 70 82
1LA9 206-6WA 2.8 7.1 2.8 16 0.28 70 82
1LA9 207-6WA 2.8 7.2 2.8 16 0.36 70 82

The motors can also be used for 50 Hz according to CEMEP,

see Pages 2/22 to 2/27.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/33

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated motors with increased output –
Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used as temperature class 155 (F)

0.2 0.23 56 M 2830 0.67 69 69 0.82 0.51 1LA9 053-2LA 3.8
0.33 0.38 63 M 2775 1.1 68 67.5 0.8 0.88 1LA9 060-2LA 4.1
0.45 0.52 63 M 2720 1.6 68 67.5 0.84 1.14 1LA9 063-2LA 5.1
0.65 0.75 71 M 2720 2.3 72 72 0.83 1.56 1LA9 070-2LA 6
0.94 1.08 71 M 2735 3.3 73 73 0.82 2.25 1LA9 073-2LA 7.2
1.45 1.67 80 M 2820 4.9 76 76 0.83 3.3 1LA9 080-2LA 9.8
1.75 2.01 80 M 2840 5.9 77 77.5 0.82 4 1LA9 083-2LA 12.3
2.9 3.34 90 S 2825 9.8 81 81 0.82 6.3 1LA9 090-2LA 15
3.8 4.37 90 L 2810 13 81 81 0.85 8 1LA9 096-2LA 18.6
4.4 5.06 100 L 2880 15 82 82 0.83 9.3 1LA9 106-2LA 24
6.5 7.48 112 M 2900 21 85 85 0.83 13.2 1LA9 113-2LA 35
9 10.35 132 S 2895 29 87 87 0.9 16.6 1LA9 130-2LA 43
12 13.8 132 S 2905 39 87 87 0.89 22.5 1LA9 131-2LA 56
18 20.7 160 M 2910 59 89 89 0.87 33.5 1LA9 163-2LA 73
21 24.15 160 M 2910 68 90 90 0.91 37 1LA9 164-2LA 82
26 29.9 160 L 2920 85 91 91 0.91 45.5 1LA9 166-2LA 102
33 37.95 180 M 2940 107 92 92 0.86 60 1LA9 183-2AA 131
44 50.6 200 L 2945 143 92 92 0.86 80 1LA9 206-2AA 182
53 60.95 200 L 2945 172 92.5 92.5 0.87 95 1LA9 207-2AA 211

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz
Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 with IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs without protec- tive without without
at 60 Hz) protective tive cover protec- protective
cover cover tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/34 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated motors with increased output –
Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used as temperature class 155 (F)

1LA9 053-2LA 2.1 4.5 2.3 16 0.0002 41 52
1LA9 060-2LA 2.3 4.4 2.2 16 0.00022 49 60
1LA9 063-2LA 2.2 4.2 2.3 16 0.00026 49 60
1LA9 070-2LA 2.4 4.5 2.5 16 0.00041 52 63
1LA9 073-2LA 2.5 4.8 2.4 16 0.0005 52 63
1LA9 080-2LA 3.1 6.7 3.1 16 0.001 56 67
1LA9 083-2LA 3.7 7.4 3.5 16 0.0013 56 67
1LA9 090-2LA 3.2 6.5 3 16 0.0018 60 72
1LA9 096-2LA 3.1 6.5 2.7 16 0.0022 60 72
1LA9 106-2LA 3 7.8 3.2 16 0.0044 62 74
1LA9 113-2LA 3 8.6 3.8 16 0.0077 63 75
1LA9 130-2LA 2 6.4 2.6 16 0.019 68 80
1LA9 131-2LA 3 7.4 3.2 16 0.024 68 80
1LA9 163-2LA 2.2 7 3.1 16 0.044 70 82
1LA9 164-2LA 2 6.9 2.7 16 0.051 70 82
1LA9 166-2LA 2.2 7.7 3.2 16 0.065 70 82
1LA9 183-2AA 2.5 7.4 3.3 16 0.09 70 83
1LA9 206-2AA 2.4 7.8 3.2 16 0.16 71 84
1LA9 207-2AA 2.6 8.2 3.3 16 0.2 71 84

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/35

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated motors with increased output –
Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used as temperature class 155 (F)

0.14 0.16 56 M 1385 0.97 62 60.5 0.74 0.44 1LA9 053-4LA 3.8
0.21 0.24 63 M 1335 1.5 60 58.5 0.77 0.66 1LA9 060-4LA 4.1
0.29 0.33 63 M 1330 2.1 60 58.5 0.71 0.98 1LA9 063-4LA 5.1
0.45 0.52 71 M 1340 3.2 64 63 0.71 1.42 1LA9 070-4LA 6
0.6 0.69 71 M 1340 4.3 70 70 0.75 1.64 1LA9 073-4LA 7.2
0.9 1.04 80 M 1340 6.4 70 70 0.81 2.3 1LA9 080-4LA 9.8
1.25 1.44 80 M 1340 8.9 70 70 0.83 3.1 1LA9 083-4LA 12.3
1.8 2.07 90 S 1380 12 77 77.5 0.83 4.05 1LA9 090-4LA 15
2.5 2.88 90 L 1390 17 76 76 0.81 5.9 1LA9 096-4LA 18
4 4.6 100 L 1410 27 77 77.5 0.81 9.3 1LA9 107-4LA 25
5.5 6.33 112 M 1440 36 82 82 0.8 12.2 1LA9 113-4LA 37
8.6 9.89 132 S 1440 57 84 84 0.83 17.8 1LA9 130-4LA 45
11 12.65 132 M 1450 72 86 86 0.82 22.5 1LA9 133-4LA 60
17 19.55 160 M 1455 112 88 88 0.84 33 1LA9 163-4LA 81
22 25.3 160 L 1455 144 88 88 0.82 44 1LA9 166-4LA 107
26 30 180 M 1460 170 90.5 90.5 0.83 50 1LA9 183-4AA 126
32 38 180 L 1465 209 91.3 91.3 0.84 60 1LA9 186-4AA 146
43 49.6 200 L 1465 280 91.7 91.7 0.85 80 1LA9 207-4AA 196

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz
Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 with IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs without protec- tive without without
at 60 Hz) protective tive cover protec- protective
cover cover tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/36 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated motors with increased output –
Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used as temperature class 155 (F)

1LA9 053-4LA 2.3 3.5 2.2 16 0.00035 42 53
1LA9 060-4LA 2.1 2.9 2.1 16 0.00037 42 53
1LA9 063-4LA 2.3 2.9 2.3 16 0.00045 42 53
1LA9 070-4LA 2.3 3.4 2.3 16 0.00076 44 55
1LA9 073-4LA 2.3 3.6 2.3 16 0.00095 44 55
1LA9 080-4LA 2.3 4.1 2.4 16 0.0017 47 58
1LA9 083-4LA 2.7 4.5 2.4 16 0.0024 47 58
1LA9 090-4LA 2.4 5.1 2.4 16 0.0033 48 60
1LA9 096-4LA 2.5 5.1 2.3 16 0.004 48 60
1LA9 107-4LA 2.7 6 3 16 0.0062 53 65
1LA9 113-4LA 3 6.8 3 16 0.014 53 65
1LA9 130-4LA 2.3 6.8 2.7 16 0.023 62 74
1LA9 133-4LA 2.8 7.4 3.1 16 0.029 62 74
1LA9 163-4LA 2.9 7.5 2.8 16 0.055 66 78
1LA9 166-4LA 3.1 8.3 3.4 16 0.072 66 78
1LA9 183-4AA 2.4 7.5 3.2 16 0.15 63 76
1LA9 186-4AA 2.5 7.9 3.4 16 0.19 63 76
1LA9 207-4AA 2.7 7.8 3.5 16 0.32 65 78

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/37

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
3 3.45 100 L 2890 9.9 EFF2 84 84 0.85 6.1 1LA6 106-2AA 34

4 4.6 112 M 2905 13 EFF2 86 86 0.86 7.8 1LA6 113-2AA 43
5.5 6.3 132 S 2925 18 EFF2 86.5 86.5 0.89 10.4 1LA6 130-2AA 53
7.5 8.6 132 S 2930 24 EFF2 88 88 0.89 13.8 1LA6 131-2AA 58
11 12.6 160 M 2940 36 EFF2 89.5 89.5 0.88 20 1LA6 163-2AA 96
15 17.3 160 M 2940 49 EFF2 90 90.2 0.9 26.5 1LA6 164-2AA 105
18.5 21.3 160 L 2940 60 EFF2 91 91.2 0.91 32 1LA6 166-2AA 115
22 24.5 180 M 2945 71 EFF 2 91.6 91.6 0.86 40.5 1) 1LG4 183-2AA 145
30 33.5 200 L 2950 97 EFF 2 91.8 91.9 0.88 54 1) 1LG4 206-2AA 205
37 41.5 200 L 2955 120 EFF 2 92.9 93.2 0.89 65 1) 1LG4 207-2AA 225
45 51 225 M 2960 145 EFF 2 93.6 93.9 0.88 79 1) 1LG4 223-2AA 285
55 62 250 M 2970 177 EFF 2 93.6 93.8 0.88 96 1LG4 253-2AB 375
75 84 280 S 2975 241 EFF 2 94.5 94.3 0.88 130 1) 1LG4 280-2AB 500
90 101 280 M 2975 289 EFF 2 95.1 95.2 0.89 154 1) 1LG4 283-2AB 540
110 123 315 S 2982 352 94.6 93.8 0.88 190 1) 1LG4 310-2AB 720
132 148 315 M 2982 423 95.1 94.8 0.9 225 1) 1LG4 313-2AB 775
160 180 315 L 2982 512 95.5 95.3 0.91 265 2) 1LG4 316-2AB 900
200 224 315 L 2982 641 95.9 95.8 0.92 325 2) 1LG4 317-2AB 1015

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With
flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/ IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see 7/8, IM V1 without with IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V6, without protec- protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs IM V5 protec- tive tive without without
at 60 Hz) without tive cover cover protec- protec-
4) 4) 5)
protec- cover tive tive
tive IM V3 cover cover
cover 3) 4)

1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – 7) – ✓ 8) ✓ 8) ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 2/39 bottom.

2/38 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-2AA 2.8 6.8 3 16 0.0035 62 74

1LA6 113-2AA 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0059 63 75
1LA6 130-2AA 2 5.9 2.8 16 0.015 68 80
1LA6 131-2AA 2.3 6.9 3 16 0.019 68 80
1LA6 163-2AA 2.1 6.5 2.9 16 0.034 70 82
1LA6 164-2AA 2.2 6.6 3 16 0.043 70 82
1LA6 166-2AA 2.4 7 3.1 16 0.051 70 82
1LG4 183-2AA 2.5 6.4 3.4 16 0.068 67 80
1LG4 206-2AA 2.3 6.5 3 16 0.13 73 86
1LG4 207-2AA 2.5 7.2 3.3 16 0.15 73 86
1LG4 223-2AA 2.4 6.7 3.1 16 0.22 73 86
1LG4 253-2AB 2.1 6.7 3.1 13 0.4 75 88
1LG4 280-2AB 2.5 7.5 3.1 13 0.72 74 87
1LG4 283-2AB 2.6 7.2 3.1 13 0.83 74 87
1LG4 310-2AB 2.4 7.2 3.1 13 1.2 80 94
1LG4 313-2AB 2.4 6.9 3 13 1.4 80 94
1LG4 316-2AB 2.4 7 3 13 1.6 80 94
1LG4 317-2AB 2.3 6.7 2.9 13 2.1 80 94

1) 5)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 6)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
For connection to 400 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog code 9 and order code M1G.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 7)
Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 8)
2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that
the motor feet are supported.
1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes
225 S to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance
with IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or
IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular
to the ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/39

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
2.2 2.55 100 L 1420 15 EFF2 82 82.5 0.82 4.7 1LA6 106-4AA 33

3 3.45 100 L 1420 20 EFF2 83 83.5 0.82 6.4 1LA6 107-4AA 36
4 4.6 112 M 1440 27 EFF2 85 85.5 0.83 8.2 1LA6 113-4AA 45
5.5 6.3 132 S 1455 36 EFF2 86 86 0.81 11.4 1LA6 130-4AA 55
7.5 8.6 132 M 1455 49 EFF2 87 87.5 0.82 15.2 1LA6 133-4AA 62
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 EFF2 88.5 89 0.84 21.5 1LA6 163-4AA 100
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 EFF2 90 90.2 0.84 28.5 1LA6 166-4AA 114
18.5 21.3 180 M 1465 121 EFF 2 90.4 90.8 0.84 35 1) 1LG4 183-4AA 140
22 25.3 180 L 1465 143 EFF 2 91 91.5 0.84 41.5 1) 1LG4 186-4AA 155
30 34.5 200 L 1465 196 EFF 2 91.6 92 0.85 56 1) 1LG4 207-4AA 205
37 42.5 225 S 1475 240 EFF 2 92.2 92.6 0.85 68 1) 1LG4 220-4AA 265
45 52 225 M 1475 291 EFF 2 93.1 93.6 0.86 81 1) 1LG4 223-4AA 300
55 63 250 M 1480 355 EFF 2 93.5 93.8 0.85 100 1LG4 253-4AA 390
75 86 280 S 1485 482 EFF 2 94.2 94.1 0.85 136 1) 1LG4 280-4AA 535
90 104 280 M 1485 579 EFF 2 94.6 94.6 0.86 160 1) 1LG4 283-4AA 580
110 127 315 S 1488 706 94.6 94.6 0.85 198 1) 1LG4 310-4AA 730
132 152 315 M 1488 847 95.2 95.2 0.85 235 1) 1LG4 313-4AA 810
160 184 315 L 1486 1028 95.7 95.8 0.86 280 2) 1LG4 316-4AA 955
200 230 315 L 1486 1285 95.9 96.2 0.88 340 2) 1LG4 317-4AA 1060

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With With standard With
flange flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/ IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see 7/8, IM V1 without with IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V6, without protec- protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs IM V5 protec- tive tive without without
at 60 Hz) without tive cover cover protec- protec-
protec- cover 4) 4) 5) tive tive
tive IM V3 cover cover
cover 3) 4)

1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 2/41 bottom.

2/40 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-4AA 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0047 53 65

1LA6 107-4AA 2.7 5.6 3 16 0.0055 53 65
1LA6 113-4AA 2.7 6 3 16 0.012 53 65
1LA6 130-4AA 2.5 6.3 3.1 16 0.018 62 74
1LA6 133-4AA 2.7 6.7 3.2 16 0.023 62 74
1LA6 163-4AA 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.043 66 78
1LA6 166-4AA 2.6 6.5 3 16 0.055 66 78
1LG4 183-4AA 2.4 6.7 3.1 16 0.099 65 78
1LG4 186-4AA 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.12 65 78
1LG4 207-4AA 2.5 6.7 3.4 16 0.19 66 79
1LG4 220-4AA 2.3 6.7 3.1 16 0.37 66 79
1LG4 223-4AA 2.6 7.2 3.2 16 0.45 66 79
1LG4 253-4AA 2.4 6.1 2.8 16 0.69 65 78
1LG4 280-4AA 2.5 7.1 3 16 1.2 70 84
1LG4 283-4AA 2.5 7.4 3 16 1.4 70 84
1LG4 310-4AA 2.5 6.4 2.8 16 1.9 70 84
1LG4 313-4AA 2.7 6.8 2.9 16 2.3 71 85
1LG4 316-4AA 2.7 6.8 2.8 16 2.9 71 85
1LG4 317-4AA 2.6 6.5 2.8 16 3.5 71 85

1) 5)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 6)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
For connection to 400 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog code 9 and order code M1G.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 7)
Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that
the motor feet are supported.
1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/41

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1.5 1.75 100 L 925 15 74 74 0.75 3.9 1LA6 106-6AA 33

2.2 2.55 112 M 940 22 78 78.5 0.78 5.2 1LA6 113-6AA 40
3 3.45 132 S 950 30 79 79.5 0.76 7.2 1LA6 130-6AA 50
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 80.5 80.5 0.76 9.4 1LA6 133-6AA 57
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 83 83 0.76 12.6 1LA6 134-6AA 66
7.5 8.6 160 M 960 75 86 86 0.74 17 1LA6 163-6AA 103
11 12.6 160 L 960 109 87.5 87.5 0.74 24.5 1LA6 166-6AA 122
15 18 180 L 965 148 88.9 90.3 0.83 29.5 1LG4 186-6AA 150
18.5 22 200 L 975 181 89.8 90.2 0.81 36.5 1LG4 206-6AA 195
22 26.5 200 L 975 215 90.3 91 0.81 43.5 1LG4 207-6AA 205
30 36 225 M 978 293 91.8 92.8 0.83 57 1) 1LG4 223-6AA 280
37 44.5 250 M 980 361 92.3 93 0.83 70 1LG4 253-6AA 370
45 54 280 S 985 436 92.4 93.1 0.85 83 1LG4 280-6AA 475
55 66 280 M 985 533 92.7 93.3 0.86 100 1LG4 283-6AA 510
75 90 315 S 988 725 93.5 93.7 0.84 138 1LG4 310-6AA 685
90 108 315 M 988 870 93.9 94.2 0.84 164 1) 1LG4 313-6AA 750
110 132 315 L 988 1063 94.3 94.6 0.86 196 1LG4 316-6AA 890
132 158 315 L 988 1276 94.8 95 0.86 235 1LG4 317-6AA 980
160 192 315 L 988 1547 95 95.1 0.86 285 2) 1LG4 318-6AA 1180

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With
flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/ IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see 7/8, IM V1 without with IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V6, without protec- protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs IM V5 protec- tive tive without without
at 60 Hz) without tive cover cover protec- protec-
protec- cover 4) 4) 5) tive tive
tive IM V3 cover cover
cover 3) 4)

1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
1LG4 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 2/43 bottom.

2/42 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-6AA 2.3 4 2.3 16 0.0047 47 59

1LA6 113-6AA 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.0091 52 64
1LA6 130-6AA 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 63 75
1LA6 133-6AA 2.1 4.5 2.4 16 0.019 63 75
1LA6 134-6AA 2.3 5 2.6 16 0.025 63 75
1LA6 163-6AA 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.044 66 78
1LA6 166-6AA 2.3 4.8 2.6 16 0.063 66 78
1LG4 186-6AA 2.3 5.3 2.5 16 0.18 57 73
1LG4 206-6AA 2.5 5.6 2.5 16 0.24 58 73
1LG4 207-6AA 2.6 5.7 2.5 16 0.29 58 73
1LG4 223-6AA 2.7 5.6 2.5 16 0.49 59 73
1LG4 253-6AA 2.7 6 2.3 16 0.76 60 75
1LG4 280-6AA 2.4 6.1 2.4 16 1.1 61 75
1LG4 283-6AA 2.5 6.3 2.5 16 1.4 61 75
1LG4 310-6AA 2.5 6.5 2.8 16 2.1 63 77
1LG4 313-6AA 2.6 6.8 2.9 16 2.5 63 77
1LG4 316-6AA 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 3.2 64 78
1LG4 317-6AA 3.1 7.3 3 16 4 64 78
1LG4 318-6AA 3 7.5 3 16 4.7 65 79

1) For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog 5) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 6) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
2) For connection to 400 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog code 9 and order code M1G.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 7) Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
3) If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that
the motor feet are supported.
4) 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/43

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed at torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.75 0.86 100 L 680 11 66 65 0.76 2.15 1LA6 106-8AB 29

1.1 1.3 100 L 680 15 72 72 0.76 2.9 1LA6 107-8AB 32
1.5 1.75 112 M 705 20 74 74 0.76 3.85 1LA6 113-8AB 39
2.2 2.55 132 S 700 30 75 75 0.74 5.7 1LA6 130-8AB 50
3 3.45 132 M 700 41 77 77.5 0.74 7.6 1LA6 133-8AB 57
4 4.6 160 M 715 53 80 80 0.72 10 1LA6 163-8AB 91
5.5 6.3 160 M 710 74 83.5 83.5 0.73 13 1LA6 164-8AB 102
7.5 8.6 160 L 715 100 85.5 85.5 0.72 17.6 1LA6 166-8AB 122
11 13.2 180 L 725 145 87.5 88.3 0.73 25 1LG4 186-8AB 150
15 18 200 L 725 198 87.7 88.4 0.76 32.5 1LG4 207-8AB 205
18.5 22 225 S 730 242 89.4 90.4 0.78 38.5 1LG4 220-8AB 270
22 26.5 225 M 730 288 89.7 90.7 0.79 45 1LG4 223-8AB 290
30 36 250 M 730 392 91.4 92.2 0.81 58 1LG4 253-8AB 385
37 44.5 280 S 735 481 92 92.8 0.81 72 1LG4 280-8AB 475
45 54 280 M 735 585 92.4 93.3 0.81 87 1LG4 283-8AB 515
55 66 315 S 740 710 93 93.4 0.81 106 1LG4 310-8AB 680
75 90 315 M 738 971 93.3 94 0.83 140 1LG4 313-8AB 745
90 108 315 L 738 1165 93.4 94 0.83 168 1LG4 316-8AB 865
110 132 315 L 738 1423 94 94.4 0.83 205 1LG4 317-8AB 1020
132 158 315 L 738 1708 94.2 94.6 0.83 245 1LG4 318-8AB 1100

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With
flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/ IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see 7/8, IM V1 without with IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V6, without protec- protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs IM V5 protec- tive tive without without
at 60 Hz) without tive cover cover protec- protec-
2) 2) 3)
protec- cover tive tive
tive IM V3 cover cover
cover 1) 2)

1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
1LG4 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 2/45 bottom.

2/44 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-8AB 1.6 3 1.9 13 0.0051 45 57

1LA6 107-8AB 1.8 3.3 2.1 13 0.0063 45 57
1LA6 113-8AB 1.8 3.7 2.1 13 0.013 49 61
1LA6 130-8AB 1.9 3.9 2.3 13 0.014 53 65
1LA6 133-8AB 2.1 4.1 2.4 13 0.019 53 65
1LA6 163-8AB 2.2 4.5 2.6 13 0.036 63 75
1LA6 164-8AB 2.3 4.7 2.7 13 0.046 63 75
1LA6 166-8AB 2.7 5.3 3 13 0.064 63 75
1LG4 186-8AB 1.7 4.2 2.1 13 0.17 66 79
1LG4 207-8AB 2.2 4.9 2.6 13 0.29 67 70
1LG4 220-8AB 2.3 5.5 2.7 13 0.48 57 70
1LG4 223-8AB 2.3 5.6 2.8 13 0.55 54 73
1LG4 253-8AB 2.3 5.5 2.6 13 0.84 55 73
1LG4 280-8AB 2.2 5 2.1 13 1.1 56 74
1LG4 283-8AB 2.2 5.1 2.1 13 1.4 58 74
1LG4 310-8AB 2.2 5.8 2.6 13 2.1 64 78
1LG4 313-8AB 2.2 5.7 2.6 13 2.5 64 78
1LG4 316-8AB 2.2 5.8 2.7 13 3.1 64 78
1LG4 317-8AB 2.4 6.1 2.8 13 3.9 64 78
1LG4 318-8AB 2.5 6.5 2.9 13 4.5 64 78

1) 3)
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that code 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported. 5)
2) Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 225 S possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/45

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated motors with increased output –
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
54 1)
30 33.5 180 L 2950 97 92.8 92.9 0.86 1LG4 188-2AA 175
45 51 200 L 2955 145 93.6 93.7 0.89 78 1) 1LG4 208-2AA 255
55 62 225 M 2960 177 94.8 95 0.89 94 1) 1LG4 228-2AA 335
75 84 250 M 2970 241 94.5 94.5 0.88 130 1) 1LG4 258-2AA 420
110 123 280 M 2975 353 95.5 95.6 0.9 184 1) 1LG4 288-2AB 630
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
30 34.5 180 L 1465 196 91.7 91.9 0.8 59 1) 1LG4 188-4AA 180
37 42.5 200 L 1465 241 92.5 92.8 0.83 70 1) 1LG4 208-4AA 230
55 63 225 M 1475 356 93.4 93.9 0.86 99 1) 1LG4 228-4AA 330
75 86 250 M 1482 483 94.3 94.4 0.85 136 1) 1LG4 258-4AA 460
110 127 280 M 1488 706 95.2 94.9 0.84 198 1) 1LG4 288-4AA 680
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
18.5 22 180 L 970 182 89.6 90.3 0.8 37.5 1) 1LG4 188-6AA 175
30 36 200 L 975 294 90.9 91.3 0.8 60 1) 1LG4 208-6AA 245
37 44.5 225 M 978 361 92.2 93 0.83 70 1) 1LG4 228-6AA 325
45 54 250 M 982 438 93.3 93.8 0.83 84 1LG4 258-6AA 405
75 90 280 M 985 727 93.8 94.3 0.85 136 1) 1LG4 288-6AA 570
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
15 18 180 L 720 199 87.8 88.5 0.73 34 1) 1LG4 188-8AB 165
18.5 22 200 L 725 244 88.3 89.2 0.78 39 1LG4 208-8AB 230
30 36 225 M 730 392 90.4 91.2 0.79 61 1) 1LG4 228-8AB 340
37 44.5 250 M 730 484 91.9 92.8 0.82 71 1LG4 258-8AB 430
55 66 280 M 735 715 92.9 93.7 0.81 106 1LG4 288-8AB 565

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 with IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs without protec- tive without without
at 60 Hz) protective tive cover protec- protective
cover 2) cover 3) 4)
tive cover
IM V3 3) cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
1) For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog 3) 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 288-... motors (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 225 M
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). to 280 M) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B
2) If motors 1LG4 188-... to 1LG4 288-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
180 L to 280 M) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the ring plane.
the motor feet are supported. 4) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
5) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/46 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated motors with increased output –
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)

1LG4 188-2AA 2.4 7.1 3.4 16 0.09 71 84
1LG4 208-2AA 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.18 73 86
1LG4 228-2AA 2.6 7.3 3.2 16 0.27 73 86
1LG4 258-2AA 2.4 7.1 3.1 16 0.48 74 87
1LG4 288-2AB 2.5 7 3 13 1 74 87
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
1LG4 188-4AA 2.6 6.3 2.9 16 0.14 65 78
1LG4 208-4AA 2.6 6.5 3 16 0.23 66 79
1LG4 228-4AA 2.5 6.5 2.7 16 0.49 66 79
1LG4 258-4AA 2.5 7 3 16 0.86 68 81
1LG4 288-4AA 2.8 7.9 3.3 16 1.71 70 84
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
1LG4 188-6AA 2.3 4.9 2.4 16 0.2 60 73
1LG4 208-6AA 2.6 5.8 2.6 16 0.36 61 74
1LG4 228-6AA 2.5 5.9 2.8 16 0.62 61 74
1LG4 258-6AA 2.7 6.3 2.3 16 0.93 61 74
1LG4 288-6AA 3 6.8 2.8 16 1.65 61 74
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
with increased output, used acc. to temperature class 130 (B)
1LG4 188-8AB 2 4.5 2.4 13 0.21 69 82
1LG4 208-8AB 2.4 5.2 2.6 13 0.37 58 71
1LG4 228-8AB 2.6 5.6 2.8 13 0.66 61 74
1LG4 258-8AB 2.4 5.6 2.6 13 1.06 55 68
1LG4 288-8AB 2.4 5.6 2.3 13 1.63 58 71

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/47

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 50 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP
38.5 1)
22 180 M 2955 71 EFF 1 94.1 94.5 0.88 1LG6 183-2AA 180
30 200 L 2960 97 EFF 1 93.5 93.4 0.88 53 1) 1LG6 206-2AA 225
37 200 L 2960 119 EFF 1 94.1 94 0.89 64 1) 1LG6 207-2AA 255
45 225 M 2965 145 EFF 1 94.9 95.1 0.89 77 1) 1LG6 223-2AA 330
55 250 M 2975 177 EFF 1 95.3 95.3 0.9 93 1LG6 253-2AA 420
75 280 S 2975 241 EFF 1 95.2 95.2 0.89 128 1) 1LG6 280-2AB 530
90 280 M 2978 289 EFF 1 95.6 95.7 0.9 150 1) 1LG6 283-2AB 615
110 315 S 2982 352 95.8 95.7 0.91 182 1) 1LG6 310-2AB 790
132 315 M 2982 423 96 95.9 0.91 220 1) 1LG6 313-2AB 915
160 315 L 2982 512 96.4 96.4 0.92 260 1LG6 316-2AB 1055
200 315 L 2982 641 96.5 96.5 0.93 320 1LG6 317-2AB 1245
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP
18.5 180 M 1470 120 EFF 1 92.6 93.2 0.83 34.5 1) 1LG6 183-4AA 155
22 180 L 1470 143 EFF 1 93.2 93.5 0.84 40.5 1) 1LG6 186-4AA 180
30 200 L 1470 195 EFF 1 93.3 93.4 0.85 55 1) 1LG6 207-4AA 225
37 225 S 1480 239 EFF 1 94 94.4 0.85 67 1) 1LG6 220-4AA 290
45 225 M 1480 290 EFF 1 94.5 94.7 0.85 81 1) 1LG6 223-4AA 330
55 250 M 1485 354 EFF 1 95.1 95.3 0.87 96 1LG6 253-4AA 460
75 280 S 1485 482 EFF 1 95.1 95.2 0.87 130 1) 1LG6 280-4AA 575
90 280 M 1486 578 EFF 1 95.4 95.5 0.86 158 1) 1LG6 283-4AA 675
110 315 S 1488 706 95.9 96 0.87 190 1) 1LG6 310-4AA 810
132 315 M 1488 847 96.1 96.2 0.88 225 1) 1LG6 313-4AA 965
160 315 L 1490 1026 96.3 96.4 0.88 275 2) 1LG6 316-4AA 1105
200 315 L 1490 1282 96.4 96.5 0.88 340 2) 1LG6 317-4AA 1305

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With special
flange flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V1 without with IM V19, IM V19,
IM V5 without protec- protec- IM V18 IM V18 with-
without protec- tive tive without out protective
protective tive cover cover 4) cover protec- cover
cover 3) IM V3 4) 6) tive
4) 5)
1 6 3 5 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – – ✓ 8) ✓ 8) ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 2/49 bottom.

2/48 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

1LG6 183-2AA 2.5 7.2 3.4 16 0.086 67 80
1LG6 206-2AA 2.4 7 3.3 16 0.15 71 84
1LG6 207-2AA 2.5 7.2 3.3 16 0.18 71 84
1LG6 223-2AA 2.5 7.3 3.2 16 0.27 71 84
1LG6 253-2AA 2.4 6.8 3 16 0.47 71 84
1LG6 280-2AB 2.5 7 3 13 0.83 73 86
1LG6 283-2AB 2.6 7.6 3.1 13 1 73 86
1LG6 310-2AB 2.4 6.9 2.8 13 1.4 76 89
1LG6 313-2AB 2.6 7.1 2.9 13 1.6 76 89
1LG6 316-2AB 2.5 7.1 2.9 13 2.1 76 89
1LG6 317-2AB 2.5 6.9 2.8 13 2.5 76 89
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP
1LG6 183-4AA 2.5 6.4 3 16 0.12 60 73
1LG6 186-4AA 2.5 6.7 3.1 16 0.14 60 73
1LG6 207-4AA 2.6 6.7 3.3 16 0.23 62 75
1LG6 220-4AA 2.7 6.8 3 16 0.4 60 73
1LG6 223-4AA 2.8 6.9 3 16 0.49 60 73
1LG6 253-4AA 2.6 7.5 3 16 0.86 65 78
1LG6 280-4AA 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 1.4 67 80
1LG6 283-4AA 2.7 7.5 3.1 16 1.7 68 82
1LG6 310-4AA 2.7 7.1 2.9 16 2.3 68 82
1LG6 313-4AA 2.7 7.3 2.9 16 2.9 69 83
1LG6 316-4AA 3 7.4 3 16 3.5 69 83
1LG6 317-4AA 3.2 7.6 3 16 4.2 69 83

The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,

see Pages 2/52 to 2/57.

1) For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog 4) 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 317-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
2) For connection to 400 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 317-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 5)
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that code 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported. 6) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
7) Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
8) 2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/49

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 50 Hz speed torque Class at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz according 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, type of construction, con-
to CEMEP 4/4-load 50 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

15 180 L 975 147 90.9 91.7 0.81 29.5 1LG6 186-6AA 175
18.5 200 L 978 181 91.2 91.8 0.81 36 1LG6 206-6AA 210
22 200 L 978 215 91.9 92.5 0.82 42 1LG6 207-6AA 240
30 225 M 980 292 93.2 93.7 0.83 56 1) 1LG6 223-6AA 325
37 250 M 985 359 93.7 94.1 0.83 69 1LG6 253-6AA 405
45 280 S 988 435 94.4 94.6 0.85 81 1LG6 280-6AA 520
55 280 M 988 532 94.6 94.8 0.85 99 1LG6 283-6AA 570
75 315 S 990 723 95 95 0.83 138 1LG6 310-6AA 760
90 315 M 990 868 95.3 95.4 0.85 160 1) 1LG6 313-6AA 935
110 315 L 990 1061 95.6 95.7 0.85 196 1LG6 316-6AA 1010
132 315 L 990 1273 95.8 95.8 0.85 235 1LG6 317-6AA 1180
160 315 L 990 1543 95.8 95.9 0.86 280 2) 1LG6 318-6AA 1245
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP
11 180 L 725 145 88.7 89.6 0.76 23.5 1LG6 186-8AB 165
15 200 L 725 198 89.3 89.8 0.8 30.5 1LG6 207-8AB 235
18.5 225 S 730 242 91.1 91.8 0.81 36 1LG6 220-8AB 295
22 225 M 730 288 91.6 92.1 0.81 43 1LG6 223-8AB 335
30 250 M 735 390 92.8 93.3 0.82 57 1LG6 253-8AB 435
37 280 S 738 479 93.1 93.3 0.81 71 1LG6 280-8AB 510
45 280 M 738 582 93.7 94 0.81 86 1LG6 283-8AB 560
55 315 S 740 710 94.3 94.4 0.82 102 1LG6 310-8AB 750
75 315 M 740 968 94.5 94.7 0.83 138 1LG6 313-8AB 840
90 315 L 740 1161 94.7 95.1 0.84 164 1LG6 316-8AB 1005
110 315 L 740 1420 94.8 95.1 0.84 200 1LG6 317-8AB 1100
132 315 L 740 1704 94.9 95.2 0.84 240 1LG6 318-8AB 1270

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With special
flange flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V1 without with IM V19, IM V19,
IM V5 without protec- protec- IM V18 IM V18 with-
without protec- tive tive without out protective
protective tive cover cover 4) cover protec- cover
cover 3) IM V3 4) 6)
4) 5)
1 6 3 5 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – 7) – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 2/51 bottom.

2/50 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP

1LG6 186-6AA 2.4 5.5 2.5 16 0.2 56 69
1LG6 206-6AA 2.4 5.6 2.4 16 0.29 59 72
1LG6 207-6AA 2.4 5.6 2.4 16 0.36 59 72
1LG6 223-6AA 2.8 6.5 2.9 16 0.63 59 72
1LG6 253-6AA 2.9 6.8 2.5 16 0.93 59 72
1LG6 280-6AA 3 6.8 2.7 16 1.4 58 71
1LG6 283-6AA 3.3 7.3 2.9 16 1.6 58 71
1LG6 310-6AA 2.8 7.3 3 16 2.5 61 74
1LG6 313-6AA 2.7 7.3 2.9 16 3.2 61 74
1LG6 316-6AA 2.9 7.4 2.9 16 4 61 74
1LG6 317-6AA 3.1 7.8 3.1 16 4.7 61 74
1LG6 318-6AA 3.2 7.8 3.1 16 5.4 64 77
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use according to CEMEP
1LG6 186-8AB 1.7 4.6 2.2 13 0.21 62 75
1LG6 207-8AB 2.3 5.3 2.6 13 0.37 62 75
1LG6 220-8AB 2.3 5.6 2.6 13 0.55 54 67
1LG6 223-8AB 2.4 5.8 2.8 13 0.66 58 71
1LG6 253-8AB 2.5 6 2.8 13 1.1 57 70
1LG6 280-8AB 2.3 5.7 2.3 13 1.4 58 71
1LG6 283-8AB 2.6 6.1 2.5 13 1.6 58 71
1LG6 310-8AB 2.5 6.3 2.9 13 2.5 61 75
1LG6 313-8AB 2.5 6.7 2.9 13 3.1 60 74
1LG6 316-8AB 2.4 6.3 2.8 13 3.9 64 77
1LG6 317-8AB 2.4 6.4 2.6 13 4.5 64 77
1LG6 318-8AB 2.5 6.7 2.9 13 5.3 64 77

The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,

see Pages 2/52 to 2/57.

1) 4)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
For connection to 400 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see catalog IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
part 0 “Introduction”, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 5)
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that code 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported. The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/51

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated Rated EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz speed torque CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage and type of
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz 032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 60 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

30 180 M 3560 60 Yes 93 0.88 34 1LG6 183-2AA 180
40 200 L 3565 80 Yes 91.7 0.88 46 1LG6 206-2AA 225
50 200 L 3565 100 Yes 92.4 0.89 57 1LG6 207-2AA 255
60 225 M 3570 120 Yes 93.6 0.89 67 1LG6 223-2AA 330
75 225 M 3570 150 Yes 94.5 0.9 83 1LG6 228-2AA 390
75 250 M 3578 149 No 93.6 0.89 84 1LG6 253-2AA 420
100 250 M 3580 199 Yes 94.1 0.89 112 1LG6 258-2AA 470
100 280 S 3580 199 No 95 0.89 110 1LG6 280-2AB 530
125 280 M 3580 249 Yes 95 0.9 136 1LG6 283-2AB 615
150 280 M 3580 299 Yes 95 0.9 164 1LG6 288-2AA 660
150 315 S 3585 298 Yes 94.5 0.91 164 1LG6 310-2AB 790
175 315 M 3586 348 Yes 95 0.91 190 1LG6 313-2AB 915
200 315 L 3588 397 Yes 95.4 0.91 215 1LG6 316-2AB 1055
250 315 L 3588 496 No 95.4 0.93 265 1LG6 317-2AB 1245
300 315 L 3591 595 No 95.4 0.92 320 1LG6 318-2AA 1) 1330

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with- IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduction” for IM V6, IM V1 with- out protec- protective IM V19, IM V19,
outputs at 60 Hz) IM V5 out protec- tive cover cover IM V18 with- IM V18 with-
3) 3) 5)
without tive cover out protec- out protec-
protective IM V3 3) 4) tive cover tive cover

1 6 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – 6) – ✓ 7) ✓ 7) ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) Only 60 Hz data according to EPACT on the rating plate. 4) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
2) If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes code 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 5) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 6) Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
the motor feet are supported. possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
3) 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S 7) 2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

2/52 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

1LG6 183-2AA 2.7 7.9 3.7 16 0.086 72 85
1LG6 206-2AA 2.7 7.8 3.7 16 0.15 75 88
1LG6 207-2AA 2.8 7.8 3.7 16 0.18 75 88
1LG6 223-2AA 2.8 8.3 3.6 16 0.27 74 87
1LG6 228-2AA 3.3 8.7 3.7 16 0.32 74 87
1LG6 253-2AA 2.7 7.5 3.2 16 0.47 75 88
1LG6 258-2AA 2.8 8.4 3.5 16 0.57 79 92
1LG6 280-2AB 2.8 7.9 3.4 13 0.83 77 90
1LG6 283-2AB 2.9 8.3 3.4 13 1 77 90
1LG6 288-2AA 3.1 8.5 3.6 16 1.16 77 90
1LG6 310-2AB 2.6 7.5 3.1 13 1.4 81 94
1LG6 313-2AB 3 8.3 3.3 13 1.6 81 94
1LG6 316-2AB 3 8.4 3.5 13 2.1 81 94
1LG6 317-2AB 3.2 8.6 3.4 13 2.5 81 94
1LG6 318-2AA 4.1 10 3.9 16 2.74 83 96

The motors can also be used for 50 Hz according to CEMEP,

see Pages 2/48 to 2/51.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/53

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage and type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 60 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

25 180 M 1775 100 Yes 92.4 0.82 31 1LG6 183-4AA 155
30 180 L 1775 120 Yes 92.4 0.83 36.5 1LG6 186-4AA 180
40 200 L 1775 160 Yes 93 0.84 48 1LG6 207-4AA 225
50 225 S 1785 199 No 93.6 0.84 60 1LG6 220-4AA 290
60 225 M 1785 239 Yes 94.1 0.85 70 1LG6 223-4AA 330
75 225 M 1785 299 Yes 94.1 0.85 88 1LG6 228-4AA 1) 355
75 250 M 1790 298 No 94.5 0.86 86 1LG6 253-4AA 460
100 250 M 1788 398 Yes 94.5 0.86 116 1LG6 258-4AA 495
100 280 S 1788 398 No 94.5 0.86 114 1LG6 280-4AA 575
125 280 M 1790 497 Yes 95 0.86 144 1LG6 283-4AA 675
150 280 M 1788 598 Yes 95 0.86 172 1LG6 288-4AA 710
150 315 S 1791 596 Yes 95 0.87 170 1LG6 310-4AA 810
175 315 M 1791 696 Yes 95.4 0.87 198 1LG6 313-4AA 965
200 315 L 1792 795 Yes 95.4 0.87 225 1LG6 316-4AA 1105
250 315 L 1792 994 No 95.8 0.87 280 1LG6 317-4AA 1305
300 315 L 1792 1193 No 95.8 0.87 335 1LG6 318-4AA 1345

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with- IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduction” for IM V6, IM V1 with- out protec- protective IM V19, IM V19,
outputs at 60 Hz) IM V5 out protec- tive cover cover IM V18 with- IM V18 with-
3) 3) 5)
without tive cover out protec- out protec-
protective IM V3 3) 4) tive cover tive cover

1 6 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) Only 60 Hz data according to EPACT on the rating plate. 4) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
2) If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes code 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 5) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 6) Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
the motor feet are supported. possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
3) 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

2/54 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

1LG6 183-4AA 2.9 7.1 3.3 16 0.12 65 78
1LG6 186-4AA 2.8 7.4 3.4 16 0.14 65 78
1LG6 207-4AA 3 7.7 3.7 16 0.23 66 79
1LG6 220-4AA 3.1 7.5 3.4 16 0.4 65 78
1LG6 223-4AA 3.3 7.9 3.5 16 0.49 65 78
1LG6 228-4AA 3 7.8 3.3 16 0.66 64 78
1LG6 253-4AA 2.9 8.2 3.4 16 0.86 68 81
1LG6 258-4AA 3 8.1 3.3 16 0.99 72 86
1LG6 280-4AA 2.9 7.6 3.2 16 1.4 71 84
1LG6 283-4AA 3 8.2 3.4 16 1.7 71 84
1LG6 288-4AA 3.1 8.4 3.5 16 1.88 71 85
1LG6 310-4AA 3.1 7.8 3.2 16 2.3 75 88
1LG6 313-4AA 3.2 8.4 3.3 16 2.9 75 88
1LG6 316-4AA 3.7 9 3.6 16 3.5 75 88
1LG6 317-4AA 4 9.1 3.7 16 4.2 75 88
1LG6 318-4AA 4 9.3 3.7 16 4.5 81 94

The motors can also be used for 50 Hz according to CEMEP,

see Pages 2/48 to 2/51.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/55

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage and type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, type of construction, con-
4/4-load 60 Hz see table below struction
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

20 180 L 1178 121 Yes 91 0.8 25.5 1LG6 186-6AA 175
25 200 L 1180 151 Yes 91.7 0.79 32.5 1LG6 206-6AA 210
30 200 L 1180 181 Yes 91.7 0.8 38.5 1LG6 207-6AA 240
40 225 M 1184 241 Yes 93 0.82 49 1LG6 223-6AA 325
50 225 M 1184 301 Yes 93 0.83 61 1LG6 228-6AA 355
50 250 M 1186 300 No 93 0.82 61 1LG6 253-6AA 405
60 250 M 1186 361 Yes 93.6 0.82 73 1LG6 258-6AA 435
60 280 S 1190 359 No 94.1 0.83 72 1LG6 280-6AA 520
75 280 M 1190 449 No 94.5 0.83 89 1LG6 283-6AA 570
100 280 M 1190 599 Yes 94.5 0.84 118 1LG6 288-6AA 615
100 315 S 1191 598 Yes 94.5 0.82 120 1LG6 310-6AA 760
125 315 M 1191 747 Yes 94.5 0.84 148 1LG6 313-6AA 935
150 315 L 1192 896 Yes 95 0.84 176 1LG6 316-6AA 1010
175 315 L 1192 1046 Yes 95 0.84 205 1LG6 317-6AA 1180
200 315 L 1192 1195 Yes 95.4 0.84 235 1LG6 318-6AA 1245

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with- IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduction” for IM V6, IM V1 with- out protec- protective IM V19, IM V19,
outputs at 60 Hz) IM V5 out protec- tive cover cover IM V18 with- IM V18 with-
3) 3) 5)
without tive cover out protec- out protec-
protective IM V3 3) 4) tive cover tive cover

1 6 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – 6) – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) Only 60 Hz data according to EPACT on the rating plate. 4) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
2) If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes code 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 5) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 6) Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
the motor feet are supported. possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
3) 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

2/56 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high
efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of Noise at rated output
torque current torque inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT

1LG6 186-6AA 2.9 6.5 3 16 0.2 57 70
1LG6 206-6AA 2.9 6.5 2.7 16 0.29 65 78
1LG6 207-6AA 2.9 6.4 2.7 16 0.36 65 78
1LG6 223-6AA 3.4 7.2 3.4 16 0.63 62 75
1LG6 228-6AA 3.2 7.6 3.4 16 0.76 61 74
1LG6 253-6AA 3.4 7.4 2.9 16 0.93 63 76
1LG6 258-6AA 3.4 7.4 2.9 16 1.07 65 79
1LG6 280-6AA 3.6 7.7 3.1 16 1.4 62 75
1LG6 283-6AA 3.9 8.3 3.3 16 1.6 62 75
1LG6 288-6AA 4 8.4 3.3 16 1.94 64 78
1LG6 310-6AA 3.3 8.4 3.4 16 2.5 66 79
1LG6 313-6AA 3 7.9 3.1 16 3.2 66 79
1LG6 316-6AA 3.3 8.5 3.3 16 4 66 79
1LG6 317-6AA 3.6 8.9 3.6 16 4.7 66 79
1LG6 318-6AA 4 9.4 4 16 5.4 69 82

The motors can also be used for 50 Hz according to CEMEP,

see Pages 2/48 to 2/51.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/57

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Aluminum series 1LP7/1LP5

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame size Order No. Price Weight
with For Order No. supple- For
ments for voltage and IM B3
type of construction, type of
see table below con-
50 Hz 60 Hz
Prated Prated FS m
kW kW } Phase-out model kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of
2 protection, with reduced output
0.12 0.14 63 M 1LP7 060-2AA 3.4
0.16 0.18 63 M 1LP7 063-2AA 3.9
0.19 0.22 71 M 1LP7 070-2AA 4.9
0.27 0.3 71 M 1LP7 073-2AA 6.4
0.35 0.40 80 M 1LP7 080-2AA 8.0
0.55 0.6 80 M 1LP7 083-2AA 9.6
0.82 0.95 90 S 1LP7 090-2AA 12.5
1.1 1.25 90 L 1LP7 096-2AA 15.2
1.3 1.5 100 L } 1LP7 106-2AA 22.3
1.8 2.1 112 M } 1LP7 113-2AA 29.0
2.5 2.9 132 S } 1LP7 130-2AA 42.0
3.4 3.9 132 S } 1LP7 131-2AA 51.0
5 5.7 160 M } 1LP7 163-2AA 70.0
6 6.9 160 M } 1LP7 164-2AA 82.0
7 8 160 L } 1LP7 166-2AA 99.0
10 11.5 180 M 1LP5 183-2AA 112.0
13.5 15.5 200 L 1LP5 206-2AA 160.0
16.5 19 200 L 1LP5 207-2AA 182.0
The rated outputs and weights may change slightly after they
have been checked.
Further electrical data can be calculated and supplied on
receipt of order.
Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With special
flange flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without IM V18 IM V18 with-
for outputs at without protec- without out protective
60 Hz) protective tive protec- cover
cover cover 1) tive
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 6 2 7 3
1LP7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
1LP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
Standard version Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
Without additional charge sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
✓ With additional charge in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
– Not possible
Order other types of construction with type of construction
} The Order No. for 1LP7 motors marked with this symbol are code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
phase-out models. (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
1PC1 motors are the successors. under “Types of construction”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-cooled motors without external 1)
1LP5 183-... to 1LP5 207-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame sizes 180 M
fan and fan cover with improved efficiency” Pages 1/46 to to 200 L) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
1/49. ment -Z and order code K32.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/58 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Aluminum series 1LP7/1LP5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame size Order No. Price Weight
with For Order No. supple- For
ments for voltage and IM B3
type of construction, type of
see table below con-
50 Hz 60 Hz
Prated Prated FS m
kW kW } Phase-out model kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F),
IP55 degree of protection, with reduced output
0.07 0.08 63 M 1LP7 060-4AB 3.4
0.12 0.14 63 M 1LP7 063-4AB 3.9
0.13 0.15 71 M 1LP7 070-4AB 4.7
0.19 0.22 71 M 1LP7 073-4AB 5.8
0.22 0.25 80 M 1LP7 080-4AA 7.8
0.38 0.45 80 M 1LP7 083-4AA 9.1
0.55 0.63 90 S 1LP7 090-4AA 11.9
0.65 0.75 90 L 1LP7 096-4AA 15.1
0.88 1.00 100 L } 1LP7 106-4AA 23.0
1.2 1.4 100 L } 1LP7 107-4AA 25.0
1.6 1.85 112 M } 1LP7 113-4AA 30.0
2.5 2.9 132 S } 1LP7 130-4AA 44.0
3.1 3.6 132 M } 1LP7 133-4AA 54.0
4.8 5.5 160 M } 1LP7 163-4AA 74.0
5.4 6.2 160 L } 1LP7 166-4AA 90.0
7.5 8.5 180 M 1LP5 183-4AA 109.0
9 10.5 180 L 1LP5 186-4AA 122.0
12 14 200 L 1LP5 207-4AA 165.0
The rated outputs and weights may change slightly after they
have been checked.
Further electrical data can be calculated and supplied on
receipt of order.
Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With With With special
flange flange standard flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without IM V18 IM V18 with-
for outputs at without protec- without out protective
60 Hz) protective tive protec- cover
cover cover 1) tive
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 6 2 7 3
1LP7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
1LP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
Standard version Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
Without additional charge sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
✓ With additional charge in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
– Not possible
Order other types of construction with type of construction
} The Order No. for 1LP7 motors marked with this symbol are code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
phase-out models. (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
1PC1 motors are the successors. under “Types of construction”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-cooled motors without external 1) 1LP5 183-... to 1LP5 207-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame sizes 180 M
fan and fan cover with improved efficiency” Pages 1/46 to to 200 L) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
1/49. ment -Z and order code K32.
2) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/59

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Aluminum series 1LP7/1LP5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame size Order No. Price Weight
with For Order No. supple- For
ments for voltage and IM B3
type of construction, type of
see table below con-
50 Hz 60 Hz
Prated Prated FS m
kW kW } Phase-out model kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F),
2 IP55 degree of protection, with reduced output
0.045 0.05 63 M 1LP7 063-6AA 4.0
0.09 0.105 71 M 1LP7 070-6AA 6.1
0.13 0.15 71 M 1LP7 073-6AA 6.1
0.18 0.2 80 M 1LP7 080-6AA 7.3
0.27 0.3 80 M 1LP7 083-6AA 9.1
0.37 0.4 90 S 1LP7 090-6AA 12.1
0.5 0.57 90 L 1LP7 096-6AA 15.2
0.7 0.8 100 L } 1LP7 106-6AA 23.3
1.0 1.15 112 M } 1LP7 113-6AA 26.0
1.7 1.9 132 S } 1LP7 130-6AA 40.0
2 2.3 132 M } 1LP7 133-6AA 45.0
2.3 2.65 132 M } 1LP7 134-6AA 52.0
3.3 3.8 160 M } 1LP7 163-6AA 74.0
4 4.6 160 L } 1LP7 166-6AA 99.0
6.5 7.5 180 L 1LP5 186-6AA 122.0
8.5 10 200 L 1LP5 207-6AA 165.0
The rated outputs and weights may change slightly after they
have been checked.
Further electrical data can be calculated and supplied on
receipt of order.
Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With special
flange flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without IM V18 IM V18 with-
for outputs without protec- without out protective
at 60 Hz) protective tive protec- cover
cover cover 1) tive
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 6 2 7 3
1LP7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
1LP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
Standard version Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
Without additional charge sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
✓ With additional charge in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
– Not possible
Order other types of construction with type of construction
} The Order No. for 1LP7 motors marked with this symbol are code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
phase-out models. (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
1PC1 motors are the successors. under “Types of construction”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-cooled motors without external
fan and fan cover with improved efficiency” Pages 1/46 to
1/49. 1)
1LP5 183-... to 1LP5 207-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame sizes 180 M
to 200 L) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment -Z and order code K32.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

2/60 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Aluminum series 1LP7/1LP5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame size Order No. Price Weight
with For Order No. supple- For
ments for voltage and IM B3
type of construction, type of
see table below con-
50 Hz 60 Hz
Prated Prated FS m
kW kW } Phase-out model kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F),
IP55 degree of protection, with reduced output
0.045 0.05 71 M 1LP7 070-8AB 6.1
0.06 0.07 71 M 1LP7 073-8AB 6.1
0.09 0.105 80 M 1LP7 080-8AB 7.3
0.13 0.15 80 M 1LP7 083-8AB 9.1
0.25 0.29 90 S 1LP7 090-8AB 10.2
0.35 0.4 90 L 1LP7 096-8AB 12.8
0.45 0.5 100 L } 1LP7 106-8AB 19.4
0.65 0.75 100 L } 1LP7 107-8AB 21.3
0.8 0.9 112 M } 1LP7 113-8AB 23.3
1.2 1.4 132 S } 1LP7 130-8AB 40.0
1.45 1.7 132 M } 1LP7 133-8AB 48.0
1.8 2.1 160 M } 1LP7 163-8AB 59.0
2.4 2.8 160 L } 1LP7 164-8AB 68.0
3 3.45 160 L } 1LP7 166-8AB 88.0
5.5 6.5 180 L 1LP5 186-8AB 122.0
7.5 9 200 L 1LP5 207-8AB 180.0
The rated outputs and weights may change slightly after they
have been checked.
Further electrical data can be calculated and supplied on
receipt of order.
Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With special
flange flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without IM V18 IM V18 with-
for outputs without protec- without out protective
at 60 Hz) protective tive protec- cover
cover cover 1) tive
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 6 2 7 3
1LP7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
1LP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – – –
Standard version Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
Without additional charge sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
✓ With additional charge in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
– Not possible
Order other types of construction with type of construction
} The Order No. for 1LP7 motors marked with this symbol are code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
phase-out models. (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
1PC1 motors are the successors. under “Types of construction”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Self-cooled motors without external
fan and fan cover with improved efficiency” Pages 1/46 to
1/49. 1)
1LP5 183-... to 1LP5 207-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame sizes 180 M
to 200 L) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment -Z and order code K32.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/61

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Cast-iron series 1LP4

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of
at torque current torque inertia
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as multiple For Order No. supple- IM B3
speed torque ciency factor current of rated ments for voltage and type of
at at at at at torque current torque type of construction, con-
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz see table below struction
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B),
2 IP55 degree of protection, with reduced output
7.3 180 M 2945 24 91.0 0.89 13 2.4 6.5 3.4 16 0.068 1LP4 183-2FA 140
10 200 L 2950 32 90.9 0.89 17.8 2.3 6.4 2.9 16 0.129 1LP4 206-2FA 195
12.5 200 L 2955 40 91.9 0.90 22 2.5 7.1 3.2 16 0.153 1LP4 207-2FA 215
15 225 M 2960 48 93.2 0.90 26 2.3 6.7 3.0 16 0.217 1LP4 223-2FA 275
18.5 250 M 2970 59 92.6 0.89 32.5 2.0 6.6 3.0 13 0.403 1LP4 253-2FB 360
25 280 S 2975 80 93.8 0.90 42.5 2.5 7.6 3.0 13 0.715 1LP4 280-2FB 480
30 280 M 2975 96 94.4 0.90 51 2.6 7.2 2.9 13 0.832 1LP4 283-2FB 520
37 315 S 2984 118 94.5 0.90 63 2.3 7.3 3.0 13 1.19 1LP4 310-2FB 700
44 315 M 2982 141 94.0 0.91 74 2.3 6.8 2.8 13 1.39 1LP4 313-2FB 755
53 315 L 2982 170 94.6 0.91 89 2.3 6.9 2.9 13 1.62 1LP4 316-2FB 880
67 315 L 2984 214 95.1 0.92 110 2.1 6.5 2.8 13 2.09 1LP4 317-2FB 995

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With
flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 without IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs without protec- tive without without
at 60 Hz) protective tive cover 2) protec- protec-
cover 1) cover 2) tive tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1LP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 313 - . . .
1LP4 316 - . . . – – – 3) – ✓ 4) ✓ – – –
1LP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LP4 183-... to 1LP4 317-... (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 4)
2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.
the motor feet are supported.
1LP4 220-... to 1LP4 317-... motors (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

2/62 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Cast-iron series 1LP4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of
at torque current torque inertia
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as multiple For Order No. supple- IM B3
speed torque ciency factor current of rated ments for voltage and type of
at at at at at torque current torque type of construction, con-
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz see table below struction
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B),
IP55 degree of protection, with reduced output
6.2 180 M 1465 40 90.6 0.87 11.4 2.1 6.6 3.0 16 0.099 1LP4 183-4FA 135 2
7.3 180 L 1470 47 91.2 0.87 13.2 2.1 6.9 3.1 16 0.117 1LP4 186-4FA 150
10 200 L 1465 65 90.5 0.88 18.2 2.3 6.6 3.2 16 0.191 1LP4 207-4FA 195
12.5 225 S 1475 81 92.2 0.86 23 2.3 6.6 3.0 16 0.374 1LP4 220-4FA 255
15 225 M 1475 97 93.1 0.87 26.5 2.4 7.1 3.1 16 0.447 1LP4 223-4FA 290
18.5 250 M 1480 119 93.5 0.87 33 2.2 6.0 2.6 16 0.688 1LP4 253-4FA 375
25 280 S 1485 161 93.9 0.87 44 2.4 7.0 2.9 16 1.19 1LP4 280-4FA 515
30 280 M 1485 193 94.4 0.88 52 2.4 7.2 2.9 16 1.39 1LP4 283-4FA 560
37 315 S 1488 237 94.4 0.87 65 2.2 6.2 2.6 16 1.94 1LP4 310-4FA 710
44 315 M 1488 282 95.2 0.87 77 2.4 6.7 2.7 16 2.31 1LP4 313-4FA 790
53 315 L 1488 340 95.5 0.87 92 2.5 6.7 2.7 16 2.88 1LP4 316-4FA 935
67 315 L 1488 430 95.7 0.88 114 2.3 6.2 2.6 16 3.46 1LP4 317-4FA 1040

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With
flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 without IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs without protec- tive without without
at 60 Hz) protective tive cover 2) protec- protec-
cover 1) cover 2) tive tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1LP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 313 - . . .
1LP4 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LP4 183-... to 1LP4 317-... (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that
the motor feet are supported.
1LP4 220-... to 1LP4 317-... motors (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/63

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Cast-iron series 1LP4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of
at torque current torque inertia
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as multiple For Order No. supple- IM B3
speed torque ciency factor current of rated ments for voltage and type of
at at at at at torque current torque type of construction, con-
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz see table below struction
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B),
2 IP55 degree of protection, with reduced output
5 180 L 970 49 89.4 0.83 10 2.1 5.3 2.4 16 0.175 1LP4 186-6FA 145
6.2 200 L 975 61 90.4 0.83 12 2.2 5.7 2.4 16 0.238 1LP4 206-6FA 185
7.3 200 L 975 71 90.8 0.82 14.2 2.3 5.8 2.4 16 0.287 1LP4 207-6FA 195
10 225 M 980 97 92.1 0.84 18.6 2.3 5.5 2.4 16 0.492 1LP4 223-6FA 270
12.5 250 M 982 122 92.5 0.84 23 2.3 5.8 2.2 16 0.762 1LP4 253-6FA 355
15 280 S 986 145 92.5 0.86 27 2.1 6.0 2.3 16 1.12 1LP4 280-6FA 455
18.5 280 M 986 179 92.9 0.86 33.5 2.1 6.0 2.4 16 1.37 1LP4 283-6FA 490
25 315 S 990 241 93.9 0.87 44 2.2 6.6 2.7 16 2.10 1LP4 310-6FA 665
30 315 M 988 290 94.2 0.86 53 2.3 6.8 2.8 16 2.50 1LP4 313-6FA 730
37 315 L 988 358 94.5 0.87 65 2.2 6.6 2.7 16 3.20 1LP4 316-6FA 870
44 315 L 990 424 94.9 0.87 77 2.7 7.2 2.9 16 4.02 1LP4 317-6FA 960

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With
flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 without IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs without protec- tive without without
at 60 Hz) protective tive cover 2) protec- protec-
cover 1) cover 2) tive tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1LP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 313 - . . .
1LP4 316 - . . . – – – 3) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LP4 183-... to 1LP4 317-... (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that
the motor feet are supported.
1LP4 220-... to 1LP4 317-... motors (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

2/64 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Self-cooled motors without external fan
Cast-iron series 1LP4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of
at torque current torque inertia
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as multiple For Order No. supple- IM B3
speed torque ciency factor current of rated ments for voltage and type of
at at at at at torque current torque type of construction, con-
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz see table below struction
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B),
IP55 degree of protection, with reduced output
3.7 180 L 725 49 88.4 0.76 10 1.5 4.4 2.0 13 0.169 1LP4 186-8FB 145 2
5 200 L 730 65 88.3 0.78 10.4 2.0 5.1 2.5 13 0.290 1LP4 207-8FB 195
6.2 225 S 735 81 89.8 0.80 12.4 2.1 5.6 2.6 13 0.482 1LP4 220-8FB 260
7.3 225 M 735 95 90.2 0.81 14.4 2.1 5.7 2.7 13 0.551 1LP4 223-8FB 280
10 250 M 735 130 91.6 0.82 19.2 2.0 5.4 2.5 13 0.837 1LP4 253-8FB 370
12.5 280 S 735 162 92.3 0.82 24 1.9 4.9 2.1 13 1.11 1LP4 280-8FB 455
15 280 M 735 195 92.6 0.81 29 1.9 5.0 2.0 13 1.35 1LP4 283-8FB 495
18.5 315 S 740 239 93.2 0.83 34.5 2.0 5.8 2.5 13 2.08 1LP4 310-8FB 660
25 315 M 738 323 93.5 0.84 46 2.0 5.7 2.5 13 2.48 1LP4 313-8FB 725
30 315 L 740 387 93.6 0.84 55 2.0 5.8 2.6 13 3.14 1LP4 316-8FB 845
37 315 L 740 477 94.1 0.84 68 2.2 6.0 2.7 13 3.95 1LP4 317-8FB 1000

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With
flange flange special
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see IM V6, IM V1 without IM V19, IM V19,
“Introduction” IM V5 without protec- IM V18 IM V18
for outputs without protec- tive without without
at 60 Hz) protective tive cover 2) protec- protec-
cover 1) cover 2) tive tive cover
IM V3 cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1LP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1LP4 313 - . . .
1LP4 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” code 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). (see “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LP4 183-... to 1LP4 317-... (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or possible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that
the motor feet are supported.
1LP4 220-... to 1LP4 317-... motors (motor series 1LP4 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/65

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

■ Overview
Category Explanation
Voltages For standard voltages, see the corresponding Order No. supplements in the selection and ordering
For other voltages with voltage code 9 and the required order code, see “Special versions”, “Selection
and ordering data”.
For further information and details, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Types of construction For standard construction types, see the corresponding Order No. supplements in the selection and
ordering data.
For other types of construction using type of construction code 9 and the required order code, see
“Special versions”, “Selection and ordering data”.
For further information and details, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
2 Motor protection
Motor connection and connection box
For an overview of the relevant order codes, see “Special versions”, “Selection and ordering data”.
For further information and details, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Windings and insulation
Colors and paint finish
Modular technology – Basic versions
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions
Modular technology – Additional versions
Special technology
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Designs in accordance with standards and
Bearings and lubrication
Balance and vibration quantity
Shaft and rotor
Heating and ventilation
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and
test certificates
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX See catalog part 4 “Explosion-proof motors”
Ship version See catalog part 10 “Marine motors”

2/66 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

■ Selection and ordering data

Voltages For some non-standard voltages at 50 or 60 Hz, order codes are
specified. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for
Additional order codes for other voltages or voltage codes voltage in the 11th position of the Order No. and the appropriate
(without -Z supplement) order code.
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 1LA5
(aluminum) (aluminum)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Voltage changeover at 60 Hz
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 9 L3E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output, 9 main terminals
and electrical design to
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 9 L3F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
60 Hz output, 9 main terminals
and electrical design to
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 9 L3G – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output, 12 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ60 Hz; 9 L3H – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
60 Hz output, 12 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
Non-standard voltages and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/68.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/67

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency in pole-changing version –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Voltage 60 Hz
220 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

2 220 V; 60 Hz output
380 V; 50 Hz output

380 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4J ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4H ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4N ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)
Non-standard winding for Y/Δ 9 L3Y • – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
starting at low speed 2)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

1) 2)
With order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
voltage range is also specified on the rating plate. required rated output in kW.
When ordered with option brake (order code G26) only 6 motor connection
terminals are possible for frame size 56 to 90.

2/68 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E 2
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)

Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Voltage changeover at 60 Hz
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 50 Hz 9 L3E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 9 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 60 Hz 9 L3F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 9 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 50 Hz 9 L3G – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 12 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 60 Hz 9 L3H – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 12 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/70.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/69

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);

2 50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
9 L1E

380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Voltage changeover at 60 Hz
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 50 Hz 9 L3E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 9 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 60 Hz 9 L3F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 9 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 50 Hz 9 L3G – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 12 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 60 Hz 9 L3H – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output, 12 main terminals and
electrical design to NEMA
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

1) With order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated
voltage range is also specified on the rating plate.
2) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

2/70 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E – 2
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A –
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)

Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E –
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)

Without additional charge

✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

With order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated
voltage range is also specified on the rating plate.
Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/71

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LG4
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);

2 50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
9 L1E

380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(other voltages are available
on request) 2)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

With order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated
voltage range is also specified on the rating plate.
Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

2/72 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E – 2
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A –
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)

Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E –
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

With order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated
voltage range is also specified on the rating plate.
Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/73

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5
1LP7 (aluminum) 1LP5 (alu-
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
2 (210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Voltage changeover at 60 Hz
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 9 L3E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output, 9 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
230 VYY/460 VY 60 Hz; 9 L3F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 Hz output, 9 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 9 L3G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output, 12 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 9 L3H ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 Hz output, 12 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/75.

2/74 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of the code and
Order No. plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Cast-iron series 1LP4
1LP4 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
9 L1E – 2
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E ✓
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 2)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

With order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated
voltage range is also specified on the rating plate.
Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/75

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Types of construction Order codes have been defined for some special types of con-
struction. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for the
Additional order codes for other types of construction or type of type of construction in the 12th position of the Order No. and the
construction codes (without -Z supplement) appropriate order code.
Special versions Type of Additional Motor type frame size
construc- identifica-
tion code tion code
12th with order
position code and
of the plain text if
Order No. required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5

1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 9 M1F – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With flange
IM V3 2) 9 M1G – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 9 M2A – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 9 M2B – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 9 M1F – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With flange
IM V3 9 M1G – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 9 M2A – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 9 M2B – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
2) For frame sizes 180 M to 225 M, the 1LA5 motors can be supplied with two
additional eyebolts; state identification code -Z and order code K32.

2/76 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

Type of Additional Motor type frame size

construc- identifica-
tion code tion code
12th with order
position code and
of the plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315 L
Order No. required S/M 2- 4-, 6-,
pole 8-pole
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 without protective cover 1) 9 M1D – – – – – – – – – – ✓ 2) {
IM V6 1)
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 3)

✓ 2)
✓ 2)
✓ 2
With flange
IM V3 4) 9 M1G – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 3) 9 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 3) 9 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LG4
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 3) 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With flange
IM V3 4) 9 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 without protective cover 1) 9 M1D – – – – – – ✓ 2) {
IM V6 1) 9 M1E – – – – – – ✓ 2) {
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 3) 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2) ✓
With flange
IM V3 4) 9 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5
1LP7 (aluminum) 1LP5
With flange
IM V3 5) 9 M1G – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
Special flange
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Cast-iron series 1LP4
1LP4 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 without protective cover 1) 9 M1D – – – – – – ✓ 2) {
IM V6 1) 9 M1E – – – – – – ✓ 2) {
With flange
IM V3 4) 9 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –

{ Without additional charge

✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) If motors of frame sizes 180 M to 315 L are mounted on the wall, it is 5) For frame sizes 180 M to 200 L, the 1LA5 motors can be supplied with two
recommended that the motor feet are supported. additional eyebolts; state identification code -Z and order code K32.
2) 60 Hz version is possible on request.
3) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
4) 1LG4/1LG6/1LP4 motors of frame sizes 225 S to 315 L are supplied with
two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one can be
rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that
stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/77

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)

2 Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping 1)
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping
and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensor KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensors 2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 A60 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers 1)
Motor connection and connection box
ECOFAST motor plug Han- G55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Drive 10e for 230 VΔ/400 VY 2)
ECOFAST motor plug EMC G56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Han-Drive 10e for
230 VΔ/400 VY
Connection box on RHS K09 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, L44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
0.5 m long 4)5)
3 cables protruding, L45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
1.5 m long 4)5)
6 cables protruding, L47 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
0.5 m long 4)
6 cables protruding, L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1.5 m long 4)
6 cables protruding, L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 m long 4)
Connection box on NDE M64 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Terminal strip for main and M69 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – –
auxiliary terminals

For legend, see Page 2/82, for footnotes, see Page 2/83.

2/78 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with service factor (SF)
Temperature class 155 (F),
used acc. to 155 (F),
C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2
with increased output
Temperature class 155 (F), C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), with
increased coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) at C18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rated output and max. CT 60 °C

Increased air humidity/tempe- C19 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

rature with 30 to 60 g water
per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 45 °C,
derating approx. 4 % 7)
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 50 °C,
derating approx. 8 % 7)
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 55 °C,
derating approx. 13 % 7)
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 60 °C,
derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/tempe- C26 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rature with 60 to 100 g water
per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), with specified
increased coolant temperature output,
and/or site altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), specified
other requirements output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special
“Special finish in special RAL finish
colors” on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.

For legend, see Page 2/82, for footnotes, see Page 2/83.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/79

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Colors and paint finish (continued)
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)

2 Unpainted, only primed K24

Modular technology – Basic versions 8)
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Mounting of separately driven G17 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Mounting of brake 9) G26 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 8)
Mounting of separately driven H61 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary
pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and H62 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
encoder 9)
Mounting of brake and H63 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan 9)
Mounting of brake, separately H64 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-1
rotary pulse encoder 9)
Mounting of separately driven H97 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary
pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and H98 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
encoder 9)
Mounting of brake, separately H99 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-2
rotary pulse encoder 9)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC C00 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC C01 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage C02 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
180 V DC, for operation on
Mechanical manual brake K82 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
release with lever
(no locking)
Special technology 8)
Prepared for mounting MMI 11) H15 O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 H70 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I H72 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I

For legend, see Page 2/82, for footnotes, see Page 2/83.

2/80 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
flange-mounting motors,
oil resistant to 0.1 bar 12)
With two additional eyebolts for K32
– – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ 2
Low-noise version K37 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 2-pole motors with clock-
wise direction of rotation
Low-noise version K38 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 2-pole motors with counter-
clockwise direction of rotation

IP65 degree of protection 13) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
holes 15)
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical protection for M68 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder 16)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – –
Certification 17)
Electrical according to D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 18)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 19) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 20) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
VIK version K30 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
(includes Zone 2 for mains-fed
operation, without Ex nA II on
rating plate) 21)

Bearings and lubrication

Measuring nipple for SPM G50 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shock pulse measurement for
bearing inspection 22)
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device 22) K40 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 2/82, for footnotes, see Page 2/83.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/81

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft exten- K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sion, coaxiality and linear

2 movement in accordance with

DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
flange-mounting motors 23)
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft exten- L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sion in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of non- M65 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 24) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Metal external fan 25) K35 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identifi- Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cation codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes and test certificates
Without safety and commissio- B00
ning note. Customer's declara-
tion of renouncement required.
With one safety and startup B01 – –
guide per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
German/English in print
Type test with heat run for verti- F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cal motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 – –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. On request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 2/83.

2/82 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

1) 14)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and
mended. including frame size 225, order code G26).
2) 15)
Not possible for pole-changing motors. Only one sensor (temperature sen- Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE
sor or PTC thermistor) can be connected. Only possibilities are voltage and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes
code 1 with voltage of 230 VΔ/400 VY and special voltage with voltage are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction
code 9 and order code L1U (400 VΔ). The following order codes cannot (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates
be used in combination with the ECOFAST plugs, order code G55: A12, at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation
C02, C18, D31, D40, G50, H15, H17, H62, H63, H64, H98, H99, K04, K15, drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath.
K16, K34, K35, K40, K45, K46, K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, L45, L47, L48, 16)
Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
L49, L51, L52. driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
Not possible for pole-changing motors. Only one sensor (temperature sen- the fan cowl.
sor or PTC thermistor) can be connected. Only possibilities are voltage 17)
CCC certification is required for
code 1 with voltage of 230 VΔ/400 VY and special voltage with voltage – 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW
code 9 and order code L1U (400 VΔ). The following order codes cannot – 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW
be used in combination with the ECOFAST plugs, order code G56: A12, – 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
A23, A31, C00, C18, D31, D40, G50, H15, H17, K04, K15, K16, K34, K35, – 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW
K40, K45, K46, K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, L45, L47, L48, L49, L51, L52. The order code D01 for frame sizes 100 and 112 is only valid for pole-
The following order codes can only be used in combination with the changing motors 1LA7.
ECOFAST plugs, order code G56 only with order code C01 (AC 400 V) 18)
or C02 (DC 180 V): G26, H62, H63, H64, H98, H99. Possible up to 600 V max. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating
4) plate without voltage range.
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation 19)
heating option, please inquire before ordering. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate without voltage range.
5) 20)
Not possible for pole-changing motors and/or for voltage codes 1 or 6. “Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
6) to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31). Cannot be 21)
used for motors according to CSA approval (order code D40) for motor Not possible for pole-changing motors.
series 1LA5 frame size 180 to 225. The grease lifetime specified in catalog 22)
Not possible when brake is mounted.
part 0 “Introduction” refers to CT 40 °C. When the coolant temperature 23)
rises by 10 K, the grease lifetime or relubrication interval is halved. Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
No derating in combination with the following order codes: L2A, L2C, increased cantilever forces, order code K20), brake mounting or encoder
L2Q, L2R, L2S, L2T, L2U, L2V, L3E and L3G.) mounting.
8) 24)
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
This applies for: dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
– Modular technology way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
– Basic versions of “Modular technology” the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
– Combination of special versions “Special technology” threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
9) extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00, C01 and C02. nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
10) The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
Not possible in motors in a pole-changing version. – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
Converter mounting is possible, if the (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
MICROMASTER DA 51.3 type is specified for 230 VΔ/400 VY. – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
Not possible for type of construction IM V3. For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
(order code H72, H79) and/or brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and operation is permitted. The metal external fan is not possible in combina-
including frame size 225, order code G26). tion with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/83

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Motor protection
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11
mistors with 3 embedded tempe-
rature sensors for tripping
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tempe-
rature sensors for tripping and
alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 1)
Motor connection and connection box
ECOFAST motor plug Han-Drive G55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
10e for 230 VΔ/400 VY 2)
ECOFAST motor plug EMC Han- G56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Drive 10e for 230 VΔ/400VY 3)
Connection box on RHS K09 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 4)5) L44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 4)5) L45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 4) L47 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 4) L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 4) L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on NDE M64 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), used C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
Temperature class 155 (F), used C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased out-
Temperature class 155 (F), used C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
coolant temperature
Increased air humidity/tempe- C19 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rature with 30 to 60 g water per m3
of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempe-
rature 45 °C, derating approx. 4 %

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/87.

2/84 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Windings and insulation (continued)
Temperature class 155 (F), used C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempe-
rature 50 °C, derating approx. 8 %

Temperature class 155 (F), used C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature
55 °C, derating approx. 13 % 6)
Temperature class 155 (F), used C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempe-
rature 60 °C, derating approx.
18 %
Increased air humidity/tempe- C26 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rature with 60 to 100 g water per
m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), with increased specified
coolant temperature and/or site output,
altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), other requirements specified
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
standard RAL colors: RAL 1002, special
1013, 1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, finish
3000, 3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, RAL ….
5012, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019,
6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001,
7004, 7011, 7016, 7022, 7031,
7032, 7033, 7035, 9001, 9002,
9005 Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL col- Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ors: For RAL colors, see “Special special
finish in special RAL colors” on finish
Page 0/19 RAL ….
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for flange-mounting motors,
oil-resistant to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise
direction of rotation
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 7) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/87.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/85

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature –40 to +40 °C D03 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Coolant temperature –30 to +40 °C D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2 Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Certification 8)
Electrical according to D30
NEMA MG1-12 9)
Design according to UL D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with “Recognition Mark” 10)
Certified for Korea according to D33 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
KS C4202 11)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 12) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 13) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
VIK version (includes Zone 2 for K30 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
mains-fed operation, without
Ex nA II on rating plate)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement in
accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 15)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with normal K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 16) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
Metal external fan 17) K35 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identifica- Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tion codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/87.

2/86 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and commissio- B00
ning note. Customer's declaration
of renouncement required.
With one safety and
startup guide per box pallet
B01 – 2
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
German/English in print
Type test with heat run for vertical F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 9)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Possible up to 600 V max. For EPACT version or UL standard version
mended. (no order code necessary). The rated voltage is indicated on the rating
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be plate without voltage range.
connected. Only possibilities are voltage code 1 with voltage of Possible up to 600 V max. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating
230 VΔ/400 VY and special voltage with voltage code 9 and order code plate without voltage range.
L1U (400 VΔ). The following order codes cannot be used in combination 11)
For Korea are certified:
with the ECOFAST plugs, order code G55: A12, C02, C18, D31, D40, G26, – 2-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
G50, H15, H17, H62, H63, H64, H98, H99, K04, K15, K16, K34, K35, K40, – 4-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
K45, K46, K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, L45, L47, L48, L49, L51, L52. – 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be connected. 12)
The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate without voltage range.
Only possibilities are voltage code 1 with voltage of 230 VΔ/400 VY and 13)
special voltage with voltage code 9 and order code L1U (400 VΔ). The fol- “Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
lowing order codes cannot be used in combination with the ECOFAST to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
plugs, order codes G56: A12, A23, A31, D31, D40, G50, H17, K04, K15, 14)
Not possible for 1LA9 134-6.. .
K16, K34, K35, K40, K45, K46, K52, K54, L03, L44, L45, L47, L48, L49, 15)
L51, L52. Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation increased cantilever forces, order code K20), brake mounting or encoder
heating option, please inquire before ordering. mounting.
5) 16)
Not possible for voltage code 1 or 6. When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
6) than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
No derating in combination with the following order codes: L2A, L2C,
L2Q, L2R, L2S, L2T, L2U, L2V, L3E and L3G. be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
7) dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protection. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
If condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
or IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
to relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
(NDE) so that the condensation drainage holes situated between the feet The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
on delivery are underneath. – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
8) CCC certification is required for (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
– 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
– 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
– 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW 17) For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
– 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW operation is permitted. The metal external fan is already included (stan-
dard version) in combination with the low-noise version.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/87

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Motor protection
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A11
with 3 embedded temperature sensors
for tripping 1)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 6 embedded temperature sensors
for tripping and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130
Temperature detectors for tripping 1) A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Motor connection and connection box
ECOFAST motor plug Han-Drive 10e G55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
for 230 VΔ/400 VY 2)
Connection box on RHS K09 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Cable gland, maximum configuration K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box through K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box through K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 3)4) L44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 3)4) L45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 3) L47 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 3) L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 3) L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on NDE M64 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m3 of air
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air

For legend, see Page 2/90, for footnotes, see Page 2/91.

2/88 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard RAL
colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019,
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, 5009,
Y54 • and
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
5010, 5012, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, RAL ….
6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005 Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL colors: Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
For RAL colors, see “Special finish special
in special RAL colors” on Page 0/19 finish
RAL ….
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with an oil-tightness of up to
0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction of
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise direc-
tion of rotation
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature –40 to +40 °C D03 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Coolant temperature –30 to +40 °C D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory Certification 5) D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 6) D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with “Recognition Mark” 7)

Canadian regulations (CSA) 8) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

PSE Mark Japan 9) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse G50 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
measurement for bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 2/90, for footnotes, see Page 2/91.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/89

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement in

2 accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance

R for flange-mounting motors 10)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with normal dimen- K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 11) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
Metal external fan 12) K35 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate withY80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating plate Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and on package label (maximum of identifica-
20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and commissioning B00
note. Customer's declaration of
renouncement required.
With one safety and startup guide per B01 –
box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/English B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in print
Type test with heat run for vertical F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 2/91.

2/90 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

1) 9)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- “Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
mended. to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
2) 10)
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
connected. Only possibilities are voltage code 1 with voltage of Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
230 VΔ/400 VY and special voltage with voltage code and order code L1U increased cantilever forces, order code K20), brake mounting or encoder
(400 VΔ). The following order codes cannot be used in combination with mounting.
the ECOFAST plugs, order code G55: A12, C02, C18, D31, D40, G26, 11)
When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
G50, H15, H17, H62, H63, H64, H98, H99, K04, K15, K16, K34, K35, K40, than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
K45, K46, K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, L45, L47, L48, L49, L51, L52. be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
heating option, please inquire before ordering. way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
Not possible for voltage codes 1 or 6. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
CCC certification is required for extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
– 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
– 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
– 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
– 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
Possible up to 600 V max. For EPACT version or UL standard version – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
(no order code necessary). For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
7) 12)
Possible up to 600 V max. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
plate without voltage range. operation is permitted. The metal external fan is not possible in combina-
8) tion with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.
The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate without voltage range.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/91

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Motor protection
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Motor protection with PTC A11
thermistors with 3 embedded
temperature sensors for tripping
Motor protection with PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping and
alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 1)

Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130
Temperature detectors for tripping 1) A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 1)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT100 screw-in A78 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers (3-wire cir-
cuit) for rolling-contact bearings
Installation of 2 PT 100 double A80 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screw-in resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, K11 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
feet screwed on
Connection box in cast-iron version K15 ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box through K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 2/97, for footnotes, see Page 2/98.

2/92 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Motor connection and connection box (continued)
Undrilled entry plate L01 – – – –
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 2) L48 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 2) L49
Protruding cable ends – right side 3) L51

O. R.

O. R.

O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
Protruding cable ends – left side 3) L52 – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 L97 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Stud terminal for cable connection, M46 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
accessories pack (3 items)
Saddle terminal for connection M47 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
without cable lug, accessories pack
(6 items)
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), used C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
Temperature class 155 (F), used C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4)
acc. to 155 (F), with increased out-
Temperature class 155 (F), used C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) at rated C18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output and max. CT 60 °C 5)
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m3 of air
4) 4) 4) 4) 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), used C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4)
acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature
45 °C, derating approx. 4 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4)
acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature
50 °C, derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4)
acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature
55 °C, derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4) ✓ 4)
acc. to 130 (B), coolant temperature
60 °C, derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), with increased specified
coolant temperature and/or site output,
altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), other requirements specified
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea

For legend, see Page 2/97, for footnotes, see Page 2/98.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/93

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030 – – – –
stone gray

2 Standard finish in other

standard RAL colors:
Y53 • and
RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, 2003, finish
– – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, RAL ….

5012, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033, 7035,
9001, 9002, 9005 Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray 6)
Special finish in other standard RAL Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, special
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, 5009, finish
5010, 5012, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, RAL ….
6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9002, 9005 Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL colors: Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
For RAL colors, see “Special special
finish in special RAL colors” on finish
Page 0/19 RAL ….
Offshore special finish M91 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Modular technology – Basic versions 7)
Mounting of separately driven fan 8) G17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of brake 8) 9) G26 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 7)
Mounting of separately driven fan H61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-1 H62 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 9)
Mounting of brake and separately H63 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan 8) 9)
Mounting of brake, separately driven H64 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
encoder 9)
Mounting of separately driven fan H97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-2 H98 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 9)
Mounting of brake, separately driven H99 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
encoder 9)

For legend, see Page 2/97, for footnotes, see Page 2/98.

2/94 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC C00 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC C01 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical manual brake release
with lever (no locking)
K82 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2
Special technology
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 rotary H70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary H72 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary H73 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary J15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I,
connection box protection against
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary J16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I,
connection box protection against
Mounting of rotary pulse encoder Y74 • and – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, specified
(speed .... rpm), connection box speed
protection against moisture .... rpm
Mounting of rotary pulse encoder Y76 • and – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, specified
(speed .... rpm), connection box speed
protection against dust .... rpm
Mounting of rotary pulse encoder Y79 • and – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + ESL 93, specified
(speed …. rpm), connection box speed
protection against dust (max. 3)
.... rpm
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with an oil-tightness of up to
0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
construction 10)
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K37 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with clockwise direction of rotation

Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K38 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

with counter-clockwise direction of
rotation 11)
IP65 degree of protection 12) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 13)
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Condensation drainage holes 14) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Earth brushes for converter-fed M44 – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R.
Mechanical protection for M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder 15)

For legend, see Page 2/97, for footnotes, see Page 2/98.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/95

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D02 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–50 to +40 °C

2 Coolant temperature
–40 to +40 °C
D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 16)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 17) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 18) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – –
VIK version K30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(includes Zone 2 for mains-fed
operation, without Ex nA II on rating
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 19)
Special bearing for DE and NDE, K36 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 20)
bearing size
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 21)
Second standard shaft extension 22) K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with normal dimen- K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of M65 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
non-rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shaft extension 23) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Metal external fan 24) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Sheet metal fan cover L36 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Separately driven fan with Y81 • and – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
non-standard voltage and/or identifica-
frequency tion code

For legend, see Page 2/97, for footnotes, see Page 2/98.

2/96 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose
Extra rating plate or rating plate
Y80 • and

with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and B00 – – – – – –
commissioning note.
Customer's declaration of
renouncement required.
With one safety and startup guide B01 – – – – – –
per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
German/English in print
Type test with heat run for vertical F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 – – – – – –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 2/98.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/97

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

1) 15)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
mended. driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation the fan cowl.
heating option, please inquire before ordering. Possible up to 600 V max. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for
Possible in combination with order code L44 to L49 or length specification voltage and frequency. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
in plain text. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for voltage and frequency.
Only the 50 Hz data are indicated on the rating plate. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31). Cannot be “Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
used for motors according to CSA approval (order code D40) for motor to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
serie 1LG4. The grease lifetime specified in catalog part 0 “Introduction” Not possible for 2-pole 1LG4 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of
refers to CT 40 °C. When the coolant temperature rises by 10 K, the construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity
grease lifetime or relubrication interval is halved. level A available on request for 1LG4 motors. Not possible for 1LG4
For frame sizes 100 to 160, do not specify an order code. Order code is motors in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality
only necessary for frame sizes 180 to 315. and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
flange-mounting motors” – order code K04.
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted 20)
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various Additional charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors,
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. standard version.
This applies for: 21) Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
– Modular technology Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
– Basic versions of “Modular technology” increased cantilever forces, order code K20), brake mounting or encoder
– Combination of special versions “Special technology” mounting.
8) For 1LG4/1LG6 motors, order codes G17, G26 and H63 frame size 225 22) Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of con-
and above can also be combined with all rotary pulse encoders in the struction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request.
“Special technology” range. Version with protective cover not possible.
9) The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake 23) When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00 and C01. than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
10) Not possible for motor series 1LG4 for 2-pole motors. be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
For 1LG4 motors in low-noise version a second shaft extension and/or way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
mounting of an encoder are not possible.) the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
12) Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
(order code H72, H79) and/or brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
including frame size 225, order code G26). nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
13) The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
including frame size 225, order code G26). (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
14) Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction 24) For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
(feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates operation is permitted. The metal external fan is not possible in combina-
at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation tion with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.
drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath.

2/98 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LG4
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Motor protection
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A11
with 3 embedded temperature
sensors for tripping 1)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 6 embedded temperature
sensors for tripping and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130
Temperature detectors for tripping 1) A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 1)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers (basic
circuit) for rolling-contact bearings 1)

Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

resistance thermometers (3-wire cir-
cuit) for rolling-contact bearings 1)

Installation of 2 PT 100 double screw- A80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

in resistance thermometers (3-wire
circuit) for rolling-contact bearings 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, feet K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screwed on
Connection box in cast-iron version K15 ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum configuration K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Undrilled entry plate L01
External earthing L13
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 2) L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 2) L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
Protruding cable ends – right side 3) L51 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Protruding cable ends – left side 3) L52 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 2/103, for footnotes, see Page 2/104.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/99

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LG4
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Motor connection and connection box (continued)
Stud terminal for cable connection, M46 – – – ✓ ✓
accessories pack (3 items)

2 Saddle terminal for connection

without cable lug, accessories pack
(6 items)
M47 – – – ✓ ✓

Windings and insulation

Temperature class 155 (F), used C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
Temperature class 155 (F), used C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
Temperature class 155 (F), used C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased coolant
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
to 130 (B), coolant temperature 45 °C,
derating approx. 4 % 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
to 130 (B), coolant temperature 50 °C,
derating approx. 8 % 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
to 130 (B), coolant temperature 55 °C,
derating approx. 13 % 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
to 130 (B), coolant temperature 60 °C,
derating approx. 18 % 4)
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
to 130 (B), with increased coolant specified
temperature and/or site altitude output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard finish in other Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
standard RAL colors: RAL 1002, standard
1013, 1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, RAL ….
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021,
7000, 7001, 7004, 7011, 7016, 7022,
7031, 7032, 7033, 7035, 9001, 9002,
9005 Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 stone gray K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special finish in other Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
standard RAL colors: RAL 1002, special
1013, 1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, RAL ….
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021,
7000, 7001, 7004, 7011, 7016, 7022,
7031, 7032, 7033, 7035, 9001, 9002,
9005 Page 0/18

For legend, see Page 2/103, for footnotes, see Page 2/104.

2/100 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LG4
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Colors and paint finish (continued)
Special finish in special RAL colors: Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
For RAL colors, see “Special finish special
in special RAL colors” on Page 0/19

Offshore special finish

RAL ….
M91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Modular technology – Basic versions 5)
Mounting of separately driven fan 6) G17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of brake 6) 7) G26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 6)
Mounting of separately driven fan and H61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-1 H62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 7)
Mounting of brake and separately H63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan 6) 7)
Mounting of brake, separately driven H64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
encoder 7)
Mounting of separately driven fan and H97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-2 H98 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 7)
Mounting of brake, separately driven H99 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
encoder 7)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC C00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC C01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical manual brake release K82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with lever (no locking)
Special technology 5)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 H70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I H72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary J15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I,
connection box protection against
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary J16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder HOG 10 DN 1024 I,
connection box protection against

For legend, see Page 2/103, for footnotes, see Page 2/104.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/101

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LG4
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Special technology 5) (continued)
Mounting of rotary pulse encoder Y74 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, specified

2 (speed .... rpm), connection box

protection against moisture
Mounting of rotary pulse encoder
.... rpm
Y76 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, specified
(speed .... rpm), connection box speed
protection against dust .... rpm
Mounting of rotary pulse encoder Y79 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + ESL 93, specified
(speed .... rpm), connection box speed
protection against dust (max. 3)
.... rpm
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with an oil-tightness of up to
0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
construction 8)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation 9)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise direc-
tion of rotation 9)
IP65 degree of protection 10) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 11)

Condensation drainage holes 12) L12

Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Earth brushes for converter-fed M44 – – – – O. R.
Mechanical protection for encoder 13) M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–50 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with “Recognition Mark” 14)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 15) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 16)
Special bearing for DE and K36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 17)
NDE, bearing size
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 2/103, for footnotes, see Page 2/104.

2/102 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LG4
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 18)
Second standard shaft extension 19) K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with normal dimen- K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 20) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan 21) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sheet metal fan cover L36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Separately driven fan with Y81 • and – – ✓ ✓ ✓
non-standard voltage and/or identifica-
frequency tion code
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate withY80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating plate Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and on package label (maximum of identifica-
20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for horizontal F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 2/104.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/103

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

1) 14)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Possible up to 600 V max. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for
mended. voltage and frequency. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
2) In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation 15)
Order with voltage code 9 and order code for voltage and frequency.
heating option, please inquire before ordering. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
3) 16)
Possible in combination with order code L44 to L49 or length specification Not possible for 2-pole 1LG4 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of
in plain text. construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity
Only the 50 Hz data are indicated on the rating plate. level A available on request for 1LG4 motors. Not possible for 1LG4
5) motors in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various flange-mounting motors” – order code K04.
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. 17)
This applies for: Extra charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors, standard
– Modular technology version.
– Basic versions of “Modular technology” 18)
Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
– Combination of special versions “Special technology” Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
For 1LG4/1LG6 motors, order codes G17, G26 and H63 frame size 225 increased cantilever forces, order code K20), brake mounting or encoder
and above can also be combined with all rotary pulse encoders in the mounting.
“Special technology” range. 19) Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of con-
The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake struction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request.
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00 and C01. Version with protective cover not possible.
8) Not possible for motor series 1LG4 for 2-pole motors. When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
9) than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
For 1LG4 motors in low-noise version a second shaft extension and/or be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
mounting of an encoder are not possible.) dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
(order code H72, H79) and/or brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
including frame size 225, order code G26). threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
including frame size 225, order code G26). nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
12) Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
– Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
(feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation 21)
drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath. For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
13) operation is permitted. The metal external fan is not possible in combina-
Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately tion with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.
driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
the fan cowl.

2/104 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Motor protection
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Motor protection with PTC A11
thermistors with 3 embedded
temperature sensors for
tripping 1)
Motor protection with PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 6 embedded
temperature sensors for
tripping and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensor KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensors 2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers 1)
Installation of 6 PT 100 A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers in
stator winding 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT100 screw-in A78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-con-
tact bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 double A80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screw-in resistance thermome-
ters (3-wire circuit) for rolling-
contact bearings 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection K06 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, feet K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screwed on
Connection box in cast-iron K15 ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Undrilled entry plate L01
External earthing L13

For legend, see Page 2/110, for footnotes, see Page 2/111.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/105

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Motor connection and connection box (continued)
6 cables protruding, L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
1.5 m long 2)

2 6 cables protruding,
3 m long 2)
L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.

Protruding cable ends – L51 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.

right side 3)
Protruding cable ends – L52 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
left side 3)
Auxiliary connection box L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XB3 020
Stud terminal for cable M46 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
connection, accessories pack
(3 items)
Saddle terminal for connection M47 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
without cable lug, accessories
pack (6 items)
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with service factor (SF)
Temperature class 155 (F), C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with increased output 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), with
increased coolant temperature
Increased air humidity/ C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 30 to 60 g
water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 45 °C,
derating approx. 4 % 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 50 °C,
derating approx. 8 % 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 55 °C,
derating approx. 13 % 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 60 °C,
derating approx. 18 % 4)
Increased air humidity/ C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 60 to 100 g
water per m of air
Temperature class 155 (F), Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), with specified
increased coolant temperature output,
and/or site altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), specified
other requirements output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea

For legend, see Page 2/110, for footnotes, see Page 2/111.

2/106 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard finish in other
standard RAL colors:
RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019,
Y53 • and
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, RAL ….
5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, 5017,
5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021,
7000, 7001, 7004, 7011, 7016,
7022, 7031, 7032, 7033, 7035,
9001, 9002, 9005 Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special
“Special finish in special RAL finish
colors” on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Offshore special finish M91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Modular technology – Basic versions 5)
Mounting of separately G17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan 6)
Mounting of brake 6) 7) G26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 5)
Mounting of separately driven H61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary
pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and H62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
encoder 7)
Mounting of brake and H63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan 6) 7)
Mounting of brake, separately H64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-1
rotary pulse encoder 7)
Mounting of separately driven H97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary
pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and H98 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake, separately H99 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-2
rotary pulse encoder 7)

For legend, see Page 2/110, for footnotes, see Page 2/111.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/107

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage C00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
24 V DC

2 Brake supply voltage

400 V AC
C01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Mechanical manual brake K82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

release with lever
(no locking)
Special technology 5)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 H70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I H72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mounting of explosion-proof J15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
HOG 10 DN 1024 I, connection
box protection against moisture
Mounting of explosion-proof J16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
HOG 10 DN 1024 I, connection
box protection against dust
Mounting of rotary pulse Y74 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder specified
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, speed
(speed .... rpm), connection .... rpm
box protection against moisture
Mounting of rotary pulse Y76 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder specified
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + FSL, speed
(speed .... rpm), connection .... rpm
box protection against dust
Mounting of rotary pulse Y79 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder specified
HOG 10 DN 1024 I + ESL 93, speed
(speed .... rpm), connection (max. 3)
box protection against dust .... rpm
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with an oil-
tightness of up to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type
of construction and 2-pole
motors 8)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – – – – –
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation 9)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – – – – –
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation 9)
IP65 degree of protection 10) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 11)
Condensation drainage L12
holes 12)
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Earth brushes for converter-fed M44 – – – – O. R. O. R.
Mechanical protection for M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder 13)

For legend, see Page 2/110, for footnotes, see Page 2/111.

2/108 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–50 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature
–40 to +40 °C
D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to D30
NEMA MG1-12 14)
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 15)
Certified for Korea according to D33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
KS C4202 16)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 17) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
VIK version K30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(includes Zone 2 for mains-fed
operation, without Ex nA II on
rating plate)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shock pulse measurement for
bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 18)
Special bearing for DE and K36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 19) ✓ 19)
NDE, bearing size 63
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension, coaxiality and linear
movement in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
flange-mounting motors 20)
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 21)
Shaft extension with normal K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 22) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan 23) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Sheet metal fan cover L36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Separately driven fan with non- Y81 • and – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
standard voltage and/or fre- identifica-
quency tion code

For legend, see Page 2/110, for footnotes, see Page 2/111.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/109

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated energy-saving motors with high efficiency – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose

2 Second rating plate, loose K31

Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and

with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion codes
Extra rating plate with Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
identification codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rating plate and on package identifica-
label (maximum of 20 charac- tion code
Packaging, safety notes and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for verti- F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cal motors, with acceptance
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 2/111.

2/110 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

1) 14)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- For the EPACT standard version (no order code required).
mended. 15)
Possible up to 600 V max. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation voltage and frequency. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
heating option, please inquire before ordering. 16)
For Korea are certified:
Possible in combination with order code L44 to L49 or length specification – 2-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
in plain text. – 4-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
Only the 50 Hz data are indicated on the rating plate. – 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted Order with voltage code 9 and order code for voltage and frequency.
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. Not possible for 2-pole 1LG6 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of
This applies for: construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity
– Modular technology level B available on request for 1LG6 motors. Not possible for 1LG6
– Basic versions of “Modular technology” motors in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality
– Combination of special versions and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
Exception: For frame size 225 and above, the options for mounting a flange-mounting motors” – order code K04.
brake (order code G26), separately driven fan (order code G17) or brake 19)
Extra charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors, standard
and separately driven fan (order code H63) can be combined with the version.
options or rotary pulse encoders of the “Special technology” range. 20)
6) Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
For 1LG4/1LG6 motors, order codes G17, G26 and H63 frame size 225 Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
and above can also be combined with all rotary pulse encoders in the increased cantilever forces, order code K20), brake mounting or encoder
“Special technology” range. mounting.
The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake 21)
Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00 and C01. construction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request.
Not possible for motor series 1LG6 for 2-pole motors. Version with protective cover not possible.
9) 22)
Not necessary for 1LG6 motors because these motors are already noise When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
optimized. than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
(order code H72, H79) and/or brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
including frame size 225, order code G26). way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
including frame size 225, order code G26). extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
12) nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE
and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
(feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath. For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
13) 23)
Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under operation is permitted. The metal external fan is not possible in combina-
the fan cowl. tion with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/111

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5
1LP7 1LP5
(aluminum) (aluminum)
Motor protection

2 Motor protection with PTC

thermistors with 3 embedded
A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

temperature sensors for

tripping 1)
Motor protection with PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 6 embedded
temperature sensors for
tripping and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensor KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensors 2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 A60 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers 1)
Motor connection and connection box
ECOFAST motor plug G55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Han-Drive 10e for
230 VΔ/400 VY 2)
ECOFAST motor plug EMC G56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Han-Drive 10e for
230 VΔ/400 VY 3)
Connection box on RHS K09 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, L44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
0.5 m long 4)

3 cables protruding, L45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.

1.5 m long 4)
6 cables protruding, L47 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
0.5 m long 4)
6 cables protruding, L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1.5 m long 4)
6 cables protruding, L49 – – – – – – – – – –
3 m long 4)
Connection box on NDE M64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Terminal strip for main and M69 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
auxiliary terminals
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/tempe- C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rature with 30 to 60 g water
per m3 of air
Increased air humidity/tempe- C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rature with 60 to 100 g water
per m3 of air

For legend, see Page 2/114, for footnotes, see Page 2/115.

2/112 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5
1LP7 1LP5
(aluminum) (aluminum)
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special
“Special finish in special RAL finish
colors” on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Standard finish in other Y53 • and – – – – – – – – – –
standard RAL colors: standard
RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, finish
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, RAL ….
5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, 5017,
5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021,
7000, 7001, 7004, 7011, 7016,
7022, 7031, 7032, 7033, 7035,
9001, 9002, 9005 Page 0/18
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with an oil-
tightness of up to 0.1 bar
With two additional eyebolts K32 – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
for IM V1/IM V3
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 6) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 7)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 8) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 9) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM G50 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shock pulse measurement for
bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 2/114, for footnotes, see Page 2/115.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/113

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5
1LP7 1LP5
(aluminum) (aluminum)
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A

2 Vibration quantity B
Full key balancing

Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension, coaxiality and linear
movement in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
flange-mounting motors 10)
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with normal K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of non- M65 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 11) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identifi- Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cation codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes and test certificates
Without safety and B00 – – –
commissioning note.
Customer's declaration of
renouncement required.
With one safety and startup B01 – – –
guide per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
German/English in print
Type test with heat run for verti- F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cal motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 2/115.

2/114 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions

1) 7)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Possible up to 600 V max. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating
mended. plate without voltage range.
2) 8)
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate without voltage range.
connected. Only possibilities are voltage code 1 with voltage of 9)
“Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
230 VΔ/400 VY and special voltage with voltage code 9 and order code to Japan must bear the PSE marking.
L1U (400 VΔ). The following order codes cannot be used in combination 10)
with the ECOFAST plugs, order code G55: A12, C18, D31, D40, G50, H15, Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
H17, H62, H63, H64, H98, H99, K04, K15, K16, K34, K35, K40, K45, K46, Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, L45, L47, L48, L49, L51, L52. increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
3) 11)
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be connected. When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
Only possibilities are voltage code 1 with voltage of 230 VΔ/400 VY and than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
special voltage with voltage code 9 and order code L1U (400 VΔ). The fol- be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
lowing order codes cannot be used in combination with the ECOFAST dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
plugs, order code G56: A12, A23, A31, C00, C18, D31, D40, G50, H15, way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
H17, H90, H91, H92, H93, H94, H95, K04, K15, K16, K34, K35, K40, K45, the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
K46, K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, L45, L47, L48, L49, L51, L52. threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
4) extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
heating option, please inquire before ordering. The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
5) Not possible for type of construction IM V3. – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
6) Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
(feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates
at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation
drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/115

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Cast-iron series 1LP4
1LP4 (cast-iron)
Motor protection
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Motor protection with PTC A11
thermistors with 3 embedded
temperature sensors for
tripping 1)
Motor protection with PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 6 embedded
temperature sensors for
tripping and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensor KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensors 2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers 1)
Installation of 6 PT 100 A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers in
stator winding 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT100 screw-in A78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-con-
tact bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 double A80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screw-in resistance thermome-
ters (3-wire circuit) for rolling-
contact bearings 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection K06 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, feet K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screwed on
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
External earthing L13
6 cables protruding, L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
1.5 m long 2)

6 cables protruding, L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.

3 m long 2)
Protruding cable ends – L51 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
right side 3)
Protruding cable ends – L52 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
left side 3)
Auxiliary connection box L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XB3 020

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/119.

2/116 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Cast-iron series 1LP4
1LP4 (cast-iron)
Motor connection and connection box (continued)
Stud terminal for cable M46 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
connection, accessories pack
(3 items)
Saddle terminal for connection M47
without cable lug, accessories
– – – ✓ ✓ ✓ 2
pack (6 items)
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with service factor (SF)
Temperature class 155 (F), C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with increased output 4)

Temperature class 155 (F), C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

used acc. to 155 (F), with
increased coolant temperature
Increased air humidity/ C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 30 to 60 g
water per m of air
Increased air humidity/ C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature with 60 to 100 g
water per m of air
Temperature class 155 (F), Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), with specified
increased coolant temperature output,
and/or site altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), specified
other requirements output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard finish in other Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
standard RAL colors: standard
RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, finish
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, RAL ….
5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, 5017,
5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021,
7000, 7001, 7004, 7011, 7016,
7022, 7031, 7032, 7033, 7035,
9001, 9002, 9005 Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special
“Special finish in special RAL finish
colors” on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Offshore special finish M91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/119.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Cast-iron series 1LP4
1LP4 (cast-iron)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with an oil-

2 tightness of up to 0.1 bar

Not possible for IM V3 type of
construction 5)
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage L12
holes 6)
Non-rusting screws M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–50 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 7)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 8) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shock pulse measurement for
bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 9)
Special bearing for DE and K36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 10) ✓ 10)
NDE, bearing size
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension, coaxiality and linear
movement in accordance with
DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
flange-mounting motors 11)
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 12)
Shaft extension with normal K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 13) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V

For legend and footnotes, see Page 2/119.

2/118 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-cooled motors without external fan – Cast-iron series 1LP4
1LP4 (cast-iron)
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and

with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
identification codes identifica-
tion code
Additional information on Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rating plate and on package identifica-
label (maximum of 20 charac- tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Type test with heat run for verti- F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cal motors, with acceptance
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 10)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Extra charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors, standard
mended. version.
2) 11)
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
heating option, please inquire before ordering. Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
Possible in combination with order code L44 to L49 or length specification increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
in plain text. Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of con-
Only the 50 Hz data are indicated on the rating plate. struction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request.
Version with protective cover not possible.
Not possible for motor series 1LP4 for 2-pole motors. 13)
When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
(feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath. threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
7) extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
Possible up to 600 V max. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for
voltage and frequency. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate. nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
8) The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
Order with voltage code 9 and order code for voltage and frequency. – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate. (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
Not possible for 2-pole 1LP4 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
level B available on request for 1LP4 motors. Not possible for 1LP4 motors
in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality and
linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for flange-
mounting motors” – order code K04.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/119

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Overview
Modular technology
The components of modular technology can be ordered as Cables for rotary pulse encoders can be ordered from Catalog
accessories. The brake, as a safety-related module, must not be DA 65.10.

Mounting of rotary pulse encoder and separately driven fan for 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7 and 1LG motors
Version Frame size Number of poles Order No.
Rotary pulse HTL version 71 ... 225 all 1XP8 001-1

2 Separately driven fan

incl. mounting parts 2)
TTL version 71 ... 225
1XP8 001-2
2CW2 180-8RF54-1AB0
112 all 2CW2 210-8RF54-1AB1
132 all 2CW2 250-8RF54-1AB2
160 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB3
180 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB4
200 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB5
225 3) all 2CW2 300-8RF54-1AB6
250 all 1PP9 063-2LA12-Z A11+K50 4)
280 all 1PP9 063-2LA12-Z A11+K50 4)
315 2 1PP9 070-2LA12-Z A11+K50 4)
315 4 to 8 1PP9 063-2LA12-Z A11+K50 4)
Separately driven fan and rotary pulse 100 all 2CW2 180-8RF54-2AB0
encoder 1XP8 001-1 112 all 2CW2 210-8RF54-2AB1
incl. mounting parts
132 all 2CW2 250-8RF54-2AB2
160 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB3
180 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB4
200 all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB5
225 3) all 2CW2 300-8RF54-2AB6

Slide rails with fixing bolts and tensioning screws Foundation block acc. to DIN 799
acc. to DIN 42923
The foundation blocks are inserted into the stone foundation and
Slide rails are used to tension the belt of a machine easily and embedded in concrete. They are used for fixing machines of me-
conveniently when a belt tightener is not available. They are dium size, slide rails, pedestal bearings, baseframes, etc. After
fixed to the base using stone bolts or foundation blocks. the fixing bolts have been unscrewed, the machine can be
dragged without it having to be lifted.
The assignment of slide rails to motor size can be found in
DIN 42923. For motors of frame sizes 335 to 450, there are no When the machine is initially installed, the foundation block that
standardised slide rails (please inquire). is bolted to the machine (without washers) and fitted with ta-
pered pins is not embedded with concrete until the machine has
Available from: been fully aligned. In this case, the machine is positioned 2 to
Lütgert & Co. GmbH 3 mm lower. The difference in shaft height is compensated by in-
Postfach 42 51 serting shims on final installation. The tapered pins safeguard
33276 Gütersloh, Germany the exact position of the machine when it is repeatedly removed
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0 and replaced without the need for realignment.
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90
Available from: Lütgert & Co. GmbH
e-mail: Postfach 42 51
33276 Gütersloh, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90

1) 3)
For motor series 1LG, the rotary pulse encoders are available on request. For 1LG motors with separately driven fan with
They are only available for motor series 1LA7 as accessories for spare Order No.1PP9 063-2LA12-Z A11+K50 (weight 4.37 kg).
parts. 4)
Only for replacement purposes.
The separately driven fan 2CW2 ... comprises a complete fan unit with
impeller, the separately driven fan 1PP9 ... only comprises the fan motor
without mounting components and impeller.

2/120 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Overview (continued)
Taper pins acc. to DIN 258 with threaded ends and Mounting of encoder
constant taper lengths
In the case of mounting by the customer.
Taper pins are used for components that are repeatedly re-
moved. The drilled hole is ground conical using a conical reamer Options H79, H80
until the pin can be pushed in by hand until the cone shoulder Baumer Hübner GmbH
lies 3 to 4 mm above the rim of the hole. Planufer 92b
It can then be driven in using a hammer until it is correctly 10967 Berlin, Germany
seated. The pin is removed from the drilled hole by screwing Tel. +49 (0)30-690 03-0
on the nut and tightening it. Fax +49 (0)30-690 03-104

Standardised taper pins are available from general engineering

Available from: Options H78
Otto Roth GmbH & Co. KG Leine & Linde (Deutschland) GmbH
Rutesheimer Straße 22 Bahnhofstraße 36
70499 Stuttgart, Germany 73430 Aalen, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)711-13 88-0 Tel. +49 (0)7361-78 093-0
Fax +49 (0)711-13 88-233 Fax +49 (0)7361-78 093-11
e-mail: e-mail:

The motor from Siemens is connected to the machine or gear
unit through a coupling. Flender is an important coupling manu-
facturer with a wide range of products. For standard applica-
tions, Siemens recommends that elastic couplings of Flender
types N-Eupex and Rupex or torsionally rigid couplings of types
Arpex and Zapex are used. For special applications, Fludex and
Elpex couplings are recommended.
Source of supply:
Siemens contact partner – ordering from Catalog
Siemens MD 10.1 “FLENDER Standard Couplings”
A. Friedr. Flender AG
Kupplungswerk Mussum
Industriepark Bocholt
Schlavenhorst 100
46395 Bocholt, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)2871-92 2185
Fax +49 (0)2871-92 2579

■ More information
Spare motors and repair parts • For bearing types, see the “Introduction”.
• Supply commitment for spare motors and repair parts follow- • Repair parts for 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1MJ8, 1MJ1, 1ME8, 1ML8, 1LG8
ing delivery of the motor motors and smoke-extraction motors are available on request.
- For up to 5 years, in the event of total motor failure, Siemens • For standard components, a supply commitment does not
will supply a comparable motor with regard to the mounting apply.
dimensions and functions (the type series may vary).
- Repair parts will be supplied for up to 5 years. • Support – Hotline
- For up to 10 years, Siemens will provide information and will, In Germany
if necessary, supply documentation for repair parts. Tel.: 01 80/5 05 04 48
• When repair parts are ordered, the following details must be
provided: National telephone numbers can be found on the Internet page:
- Designation and part number
- Order No. and factory number of the motor
Example for ordering a fan cowl 1LA7,
frame size 160 M, 4-pole:

Fan cowl No. 7.40,

1LA7 163–4AA60, factory number J783298901018

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/121

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors frame size 315L and above

■ Overview
Overall dimensions




Frame Type Number Dimensions Frame Type Number Dimensions

size of poles L AD H AB O size of poles L AD H AB O
56 M 1LA7 169 101 56 110 1 x M16 x 1.5 160 M/ 1LA6 588 226 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 160 L 1LA7 588 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 050 169 101 56 110 1 x M16 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LA9 588 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 053 195 101 56 110 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LA9 166 628 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LP7 529 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
63 M 1LA7 202.5 101 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5 180 M/ 1LA5 712 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 180 L 1LA9 712 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 063 202.5 101 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG4 669 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 061 228.5 101 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG4 188 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 183 2 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
71 M 1LA7 240 111 71 132 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG6 183 4 669 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 240 111 71 132 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LP4 183 2, 4 562 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LP4 186 4, 6, 8 562 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LP7 207 111 71 132 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LP5 611 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 200 L 1LA5 769.5 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5
80 M 1LA7 273.5 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LA9 768.5 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG4 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 080 273.5 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG4 208 2, 6 777 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 206 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 083 308.5 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG6 207 2, 6 777 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 207 4, 8 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LP7 237 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LP4 206 2, 6 617 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LP4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 617 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
90 S/ 1LA7 331 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LP5 675 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5
90 L 1 x M25 x 1.5
225 S/ 1LA5 806 305 225 426 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 331 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 225 M 1LA5 2 776 305 225 426 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5
1LG4 789 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 096-6K. 376 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5
1LG4 223 2 759 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5
1LG4 228 2 819 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 096-2.. 358 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5
1LG4 228 4, 6, 8 849 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5
1LA9 096-4.. 358 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG6 220 4, 8 789 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 223 2 819 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LP7 286 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG6 223 4, 6, 8 849 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 228 2 869 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG6 228 4, 6 899 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
100 L 1LA6 372 164 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LP4 220 4, 8 670 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA7 372 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5 1LP4 223 2 640 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 407 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5 1LP4 223 4, 6, 8 670 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 107-4KA. 442 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5 250 M 1LG4 887 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LP7 331 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5 1LG4 258 4 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
112 M 1LA6 393 178 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5 1LG6 253 2, 6, 8 887 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LA7 393 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5 1LG6 253 4 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 258 2, 4, 6 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LA9 431 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LP4 253 2 764 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LP7 349 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5 1LP4 253 4, 6, 8 764 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
132 S/ 1LA6 453 194 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
132 M 1LA7 452.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 452.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 131 490.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 133 4 490.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 134 490.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LP7 397 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5

2/122 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors frame size 315L and above

■ Overview (continued)
Frame Type Number Dimensions Frame Type Number Dimensions
size of poles L AD H AB O size of poles L AD H AB O
280 S/ 1LG4 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 315 S/ 1LG6 310 2 1072 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
280 M 1LG4 288 2, 4 1070 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 315 M/ 1LG6 310 4, 6, 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 280 2, 4, 6, 8 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 315 L 1LG6 313 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 283 2, 4 1070 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LG6 313 4, 6 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 283 6, 8 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LG6 313 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 288 2, 4, 6 1070 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LG6 316 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 316 4, 6, 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LP4 280 2, 4, 6, 8 830 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LG6 317 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LP4 283 2, 4, 6, 8 830 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LG6 317 2 1372 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
315 S/ 1LG4 1072 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LG6 317 4, 6 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
315 M/ 1LG4 310
315 L 1LG4 313
4, 6, 8
4, 6, 8
1102 500
1102 500
2 x M63 x 1.5
2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 318
1LG6 318
1372 651
1402 651
2 x M63 x 1.5
2 x M63 x 1.5 2
1LG4 316 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LG6 318 6, 8 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 316 4, 6, 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LP4 310 2 925 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 317 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LP4 310 4, 6, 8 955 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 317 4, 6, 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LP4 313 2 925 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 318 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LP4 313 4, 6, 8 955 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 318 6 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5 1LP4 316 2 1085 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LP4 316 4, 6, 8 1115 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LP4 317 2 1085 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LP4 317 4, 6, 8 1115 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
Notes on the dimensions 7 Dimension tolerances
7 Dimension drawings according to DIN EN 50347 and For the following dimensions, the admissible deviations are
IEC 60072. given below:
7 Fits Dimension designation Dimension Permitted
The shaft extensions specified in the dimension tables (DIN 748) deviation
and centering spigot diameters (DIN EN 50347) are machined H to 250 – 0.5
with the following fits: over 250 – 1.0
Dimension designation ISO fit DIN ISO 286-2 E, EA – 0.5
D, DA to 30 j6 Keyways and feather keyways (dimensions GA, GC, F and FA)
over 31 to 50 k6 are made in compliance with DIN 6885 Part 1.
over 50 m6 7 All dimensions are specified in mm.
N to 250 j6
over 250 h6
F, FA h9
K H17
S flange (FF) H17
The drilled holes of couplings and belt pulleys should have an
ISO fit of at least H7.

■ More information
Dimension sheet generator When a complete Order No. is entered with or without order
(part of the SD configurator) codes, a dimension drawing can be called up under the
A dimension drawing can be created in the SD configurator “Documentation” tab.
for every configurable motor. A dimension drawing can be These dimension drawings can be presented in different views
requested for every other motor. and sections and printed.
The corresponding dimension sheets can be exported, saved
and processed further in DXF format (interchange/import format
for CAD systems) or as bitmap graphics.
The SD configurator has been integrated into the electronic
Catalog CA 01 as a selection aid (for further information,
catalog part 11 “Appendix”, “SD configurator selection tool”.
The interactive Catalog CA 01 can be ordered from your local
Siemens sales representative or on the Internet at
At this address, you will also find links to Tips & Tricks and to
downloads for function or content updates.
Order number for CA 01 10/2008, English international:
DVD: E86060-D4001-A510-C7-7600

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/123

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 56 M to 225 M
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above


Frame sizes 90 S/L



BE' and 225 S/M have

frame feet with



BC 2 drilled holes at NDE.





Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts frame size
LL AS 100 L and above






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD2) AD' AF2) AF' AG2) AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE2) BE'2) C CA* H HA
size of poles
56 M3) 1LA7 050 2, 4 90 25 110 116 101 101 78 78 75 – 37.5 71 28 – 87 34 32 18 36 53 56 6
1LA7 053
63 M 1LA7 060 2, 4, 6 100 27 120 124 101 101 78 78 75 124 37.5 80 28 – 96 30 32 18 40 66 63 7
1LA7 063
71 M 1LA7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 112 27 132 145 111 111 88 88 75 124 37.5 90 27 – 106 18 32 18 45 83 71 7
1LA7 073
80 M 1LA7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 125 30.5 150 163 120 120 97 97 75 124 37.5 100 32 – 118 14 32 18 50 94 80 8
1LA7 083
90 S 1LA7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 140 30.5 165 180 128 128 105 105 75
170 37.5 100 33 54 143 23 32 18 56 143 90 10
90 L 1LA7 096 125 118
100 L 1LA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 125 100 12
1LA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 141 112 12
132 S 1LA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 162.5 132 15
1LA7 131 2
132 M 1LA7 133 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 124.5 132 15
1LA7 134 6
160 M 1LA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 139 160 18
180 M 1LA5 183 2, 4 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 259 180 18
180 L 1LA5 186 4, 6, 8 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 279 50 – 325 38 54 27 121 221 180 18
200 L 1LA5 206 2, 6 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 239 200 24
1LA5 207 2, 4, 6, 8
225 S 1LA5 220 4, 8 356 103 426 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 286 58 83 361 36 85 42.5 149 248.5 225 24
225 M 1LA5 223 2 356 103 426 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 311 58 83 361 36 85 42.5 149 223.5 225 24
4, 6, 8
■ For 1LA7 and 1LA5 standard motors in pole-changing version Measured across the bolt heads.
(6 or 9 terminals), the dimensions of the basic version apply. 2) The values increase if the connection box is rotated or if a brake is
* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. mounted. Further information is provided by the dimension sheet genera-
tor in SD configurator.
3) The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated.

2/124 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 56 M to 225 M
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above


Frame sizes 90 S/L


EB EA and 225 S/M have

frame feet with



2 drilled holes at NDE.




Type of construction IM B14

Type of construction IM B14 not possible for 1LA5 motors, frame sizes 180 M to 225 M
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


LM Eyebolts frame size

100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
56 M1) 1LA7 050 2, 4 69.5 5.8 9 169 200 75 – 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2
1LA7 053
63 M 1LA7 060 2, 4, 6 69.5 7 10 202.5 3) 232 3) 75 231.5 3) 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5
1LA7 063
71 M 1LA7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 7 10 240 278 75 268 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1LA7 073
80 M 1LA7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 9.5 13.5 273.5 324 75 299.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1LA7 083 364
90 S 1LA7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 79 10 14 331 389 75 382.5 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1LA7 096
100 L 1LA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 372 438 120 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 393 461 120 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.52) 551.5 140 5052) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 131 2
132 M 1LA7 133 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.52) 551.5 140 5052) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 134 6
160 M 1LA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1LA5 183 2, 4 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LA5 186 4, 6, 8 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LA5 206 2, 6 178 19 25 769.5 897 192 850 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LA5 207 2, 4, 6, 8
225 S 1LA5 220 4, 8 184.5 19 25 806 933.5 192 887.5 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LA5 223 2 184.5 19 25 776 903.5 192 857.5 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 806 933.5 887.5 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64
The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated.
In a low-noise version, the dimension L is 8 mm greater and the
dimension LM is 11.5 mm greater.
For 1LA7 063 with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 without pro-
tective cover, IM V3) the dimensions L, LC and LM are 26 mm longer.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/125

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA9, frame sizes 56 M to 200 L
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above


Frame size 90 S/L has



BE' frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.







Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts frame size
LL EE AS 100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE BE' C CA* H HA
size of poles
56 M2) 1LA9 050 2, 4 90 25 110 116 101 101 78 78 75 – 37.5 71 28 – 87 34 32 18 36 53 56 6
1LA9 053
63 M 1LA9 060 2, 4 100 27 120 124 101 101 78 78 75 124 37.5 80 28 – 96 30 32 18 40 66 63 7
1LA9 063 92
71 M 1LA9 070 2, 4 112 30.5 132 145 111 111 88 88 75 124 37.5 90 27 – 106 18 32 18 45 83 71 7
1LA9 073
80 M 1LA9 080 2, 4 125 30.5 150 163 120 120 97 97 75 124 37.5 100 32 – 118 14 32 18 50 94 80 8
1LA9 083 134
90 S 1LA9 090 2, 4, 6 140 30.5 165 180 128 128 105 105 75 170 37.5 100 33 54 143 23 32 18 56 143 90 10
90 L 1LA9 096 125 118

100 L 1LA9 106 2, 4, 6 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 160 100 12
1LA9 107 1953)
112 M 1LA9 113 2, 4, 6 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 179 112 12
132 S 1LA9 130 2, 4 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 162.5 132 15
1LA9 131 2 200.5
132 M 1LA9 133 6 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 124.5 132 15
1LA9 133 4 162.5
1LA9 134 6
160 M 1LA9 163 2, 4, 6 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA9 164 2
160 L 1LA9 166 2, 4, 6 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 179 160 18
180 M 1LA9 183 2, 4 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 259 180 18
180 L 1LA9 186 4, 6 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 279 50 – 325 38 54 27 121 221 180 18
200 L 1LA9 206 2, 6 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 239 200 24
1LA9 207 2, 4, 6

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. 1) Measured across the bolt heads.
2) The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated. Frame size 56 M is not
available in IM B35.
3) For 1LA9 107-4KA.

2/126 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA9, frame sizes 56 M to 200 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts frame size
LM 100 L and above


Frame size 90 S/L



BE' has frame feet

BE each with 2 drilled holes


at NDE.



Type of construction IM B14

Type of construction IM B14 not possible for 1LA9 motors, frame sizes 180 M to 200 L
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


LM Eyebolts frame size

100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
56 M1) 1LA9 050 2, 4 69.5 5.8 9 169 2) 200 2) 75 – 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2
1LA9 053 195 226
63 M 1LA9 060 2, 4 69.5 7 10 202.5 3) 232 3) 75 231.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5
1LA9 063 228.5 258 257.5
71 M 1LA9 070 2, 4 63.5 7 10 240 278 75 268 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1LA9 073
80 M 1LA9 080 2, 4 63.5 9.5 13.5 273.5 324 75 299.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1LA9 083 308.5 364 334.5
90 S 1LA9 090 2, 4, 6 79 10 14 331 389 75 382.5 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1LA9 096 3764) 4344) 427.54)
3585) 4145) 409.55)
100 L 1LA9 106 2, 4, 6 102 12 16 407 473 120 458.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA9 107 4426) 5086) 4936)
112 M 1LA9 113 2, 4, 6 102 12 16 431 499 120 482.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA9 130 2, 4 128 12 16 452.5 551.5 140 505 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA9 131 2 490.5 589.5 543
132 M 1LA9 133 6 128 12 16 452.5 551.5 140 505 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA9 133 4 490.5 589.5 543
1LA9 134 6
160 M 1LA9 163 2, 4, 6 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA9 164 2
160 L 1LA9 166 2, 4, 6 160.5 15 19 628 761 165 680.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1LA9 183 2, 4 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LA9 186 4, 6 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LA9 206 2, 6 178 19 25 768.5 897 192 850 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LA9 207 2, 4, 6
1) The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated. Frame size 56 M is not 3) For 1LA9 060 with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 without pro-
available in IM B35. tective cover, IM V3) the dimensions L, LC and LM are 26 mm longer.
2) For 1LA9 frame size 56 M with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 4) For 1LA9 096-6KA.
without protective cover, IM V3) the dimensions L and LC are 26 mm 5) For 1LA9 096-2 and 1LA9 096-4.
longer. 6) For 1LA9 107-4KA.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/127

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LA6, frame sizes 100 L to 160 L
Type of construction IM B3










K K' AF'


Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)









For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number of A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AQ AS B BA BB BC BE BE' C CA H HA
size poles
100 L 1LA6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 40 196 201 164 164 124 124 121 170 60.5 140 46 180 42 44 22 63 125 100 12
1LA6 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 42.5 226 225.5 178 178 138 138 121 170 60.5 140 46 180 34 44 22 70 141 112 15
132 S 1LA6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 50 256 265 194 194 154 154 141 250 70.5 140 47 180 42 44 22 89 162.5 132 17
1LA6 131 2
132 M 1LA6 133 4, 6, 8 216 50 256 265 194 194 154 154 141 250 70.5 178 49 218 42 44 22 89 124.5 132 17
1LA6 134 6
160 M 1LA6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 226 226 183 183 166 250 83 210 63 256 52 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA6 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 226 226 183 183 166 250 83 254 63 300 52 54 27 108 139 160 18

1) Measured across the bolt heads.

2/128 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LA6, frame sizes 100 L to 160 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)












Types of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)








For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
100 L 1LA6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 104.5 12 16 372 438 121 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA6 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 104.5 12 16 393 461 121 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 130.5 12 16 453.5 551.5 141 506 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA6 131 2
132 M 1LA6 133 4, 6, 8 130.5 12 16 453.5 551.5 141 506 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA6 134 6
160 M 1LA6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160 14.5 18 588 721 166 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA6 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160 14.5 18 588 721 166 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/129

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B3

G _ D 0 8 1 _ X X _ 0 0 0 1 4
L , L ' A G
E D E E L M ,
L M '








D B K D C Frame sizes 180 M/L, 225 S/M, K ' A F '
E C B C A E A 280 S/M and 315 S/M/L have A
B A B A ' frame feet each with 2 drilled A A
B B holes at NDE. A D '
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
180 M 1LG4 183 2, 4 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 241 70 111 328 36 54 121 202 180 20
180 L 1LG4 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 164 180 20
1LG4 188 2, 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 215 180 20
200 L 1LG4 206 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
1LG4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
1LG4 208 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 234 200 25
4, 8 177
225 S 1LG4 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 218 225 34
225 M 1LG4 223 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 193 225 34
4, 6, 8
1LG4 228 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 253 225 34
4, 6, 8
250 M 1LG4 253 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
4, 6, 8
1LG4 258 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
4 305
6, 8 235
280 S 1LG4 280 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 267 280 40
4, 6, 8
280 M 1LG4 283 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 216 280 40
4, 6, 8
1LG4 288 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
6, 8 216
315 S 1LG4 310 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 315 315 50
1LG4 310 4, 6, 8
315 M 1LG4 313 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 264 315 50
1LG4 313 4, 6, 8
315 L 2) 1LG4 316/317 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 373 315 50
1LG4 316/317 4, 6, 8
1LG4 318 8
1LG4 318 6 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 155 206 648 69 110 216 513 315 50
* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
Measured across the bolt heads. feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

2/130 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG











For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
Frame Type Number HH K K' L L'1) LC2) LL LM LM'1) D DB E EB ED F GA DA DC EA EC EE FA GC
size of poles
180 M 1LG4 183 2, 4 157 15 19 669 669 784 132 759 759 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LG4 186 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 669 – 784 132 759 – 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
1LG4 188 2, 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 720 720 835 132 810 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LG4 206 2, 6 196 19 25 720 754 835 192 810 844 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 196 19 25 720 754 835 192 810 844 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG4 208 2, 6 196 19 25 777 811 892 192 867 901 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 8 720 – 835 810 –
225 S 1LG4 220 4, 8 196 19 25 789 – 903 192 889 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LG4 223 2 196 19 25 759 793 873 192 859 893 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 789 – 903 889 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG4 228 2 196 19 25 819 853 933 192 919 953 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 849 – 963 949 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1LG4 253 2 237 24 30 887 924 1002 236 987 1024 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 – 1032 – 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 258 2 237 24 30 887 924 1002 236 987 1024 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4 957 – 1102 1057 – 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
6, 8 887 – 1032 987 – 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
280 S 1LG4 280 2 252 24 30 960 998 1105 236 1070 1108 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1LG4 283 2 252 24 30 960 998 1105 236 1070 1108 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
1LG4 288 2 252 24 30 1070 1108 1215 236 1180 1218 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4 – – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
6, 8 960 – 1105 1070 – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1LG4 310 2 285 28 35 1072 1142 1217 307 1182 1252 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 310 4, 6, 8 1102 – 1247 1212 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 1LG4 313 2 285 28 35 1072 1142 1217 307 1182 1252 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 313 4, 6, 8 1102 – 1247 1212 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L 1LG4 316/317 2 285 28 35 1232 1302 1377 307 1342 1412 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 316/317 4, 6, 8 1262 – 1407 1372 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG4 318 8 – – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG4 318 6 285 28 35 1402 – 1547 307 1512 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1) 3)
For version with low-noise fan for 2-pole motors. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only
In the low-noise version, a second shaft extension and/or mounted fitted feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and
encoder is not possible. 508 mm). BB will then be 666 mm.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/131

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 180 M to 250 M
Type of construction IM B3


G _ D 0 8 1 _ X X _ 0 0 0 1 4
L , L ' A G
E D E E L M ,
L M '








D B K D C Frame sizes 180 M/L and K ' A F '
E C B C A E A 225 S/M have frame feet with A
B A B A ' 2 drilled holes at NDE. A A
A D '

Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
180 M 1LG6 183 2 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 241 70 111 328 36 54 121 253 180 20
4 202
180 L 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 215 180 20
200 L 1LG6 206 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
1LG6 207 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 234 200 25
4, 8 177
225 S 1LG6 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 218 225 34
225 M 1LG6 223 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 253 225 34
4, 6, 8
1LG6 228 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 303 225 34
4, 6
250 M 1LG6 253 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
4 305
6, 8 235
1LG6 258 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 305 250 40
4, 6

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

Measured across the bolt heads.

2/132 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 180 M to 250 M
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG











For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
180 M 1LG6 183 2 157 15 19 720 835 132 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4 669 784 759
180 L 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 720 835 132 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LG6 206 2, 6 196 19 25 720 835 192 810 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG6 207 2, 6 196 19 25 777 892 192 867 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 8 720 835 810
225 S 1LG6 220 4, 8 196 19 25 789 903 192 889 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LG6 223 2 196 19 25 819 933 192 919 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 849 963 949 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG6 228 2 196 19 25 869 983 192 969 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6 899 1013 999 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1LG6 253 2 237 24 30 887 1002 236 987 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4 957 1102 1057 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
6, 8 887 1032 987 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 258 2 237 24 30 957 1102 236 1057 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/133

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 280 S to 315 L
Type of construction IM B3


G _ D 0 8 1 _ X X _ 0 0 0 1 4
L , L ' A G
E D E E L M ,
L M '








D B K D C K ' A F '
E C B C A E A Frame sizes 280 S/M and 315 S/M/L A
B A B A '
have frame feet with A A A A
2 drilled holes at NDE. A D '

Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
280 S 1LG6 280 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 267 280 40
4, 6, 8
280 M 1LG6 283 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
6, 8 216
1LG6 288 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
4, 6
315 S 1LG6 310 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 315 315 50
1LG6 310 4, 6, 8
315 M2) 1LG6 313 8 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 264 315 50
1LG6 313 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 578 69 110 216 424 315 50
1LG6 313 4, 6
315 L2) 1LG6 316 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 373 315 50
1LG6 316 4, 6
1LG6 316 8
1LG6 317 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 155 206 648 69 110 216 513 315 50
1LG6 317 4, 6
1LG6 317 8 578
1LG6 318 2 508 120 610 610 651 651 524 524 470 780 590 165 508 155 206 648 69 135 216 513 315 50
1LG6 318 4
1LG6 318 6, 8 500 500 400 400 380 110

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
Measured across the bolt heads. feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

2/134 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 280 S to 315 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG











For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
280 S 1LG6 280 2 252 24 30 960 1105 236 1070 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1LG6 283 2 252 24 30 1070 1215 236 1180 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
6, 8 960 1105 1070 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
1LG6 288 2 252 24 30 1070 1215 236 1180 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1LG6 310 2 285 28 35 1072 1217 307 1182 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 310 4, 6, 8 1102 1247 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 1LG6 313 8 285 28 35 1102 1247 307 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 313 2 285 28 35 1232 1377 307 1342 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 313 4, 6 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L 1LG6 316 2 285 28 35 1232 1377 307 1342 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 316 4, 6 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 316 8 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 317 2 285 28 35 1372 1517 307 1482 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 317 4, 6 1402 1547 1512 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 317 8 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 318 2 285 28 35 1372 1517 330 1482 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 318 4 1402 1547 1512 801) M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 318 6, 8 307 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5

Diameters up to 90 mm are possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/135

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5, frame sizes 63 M to 200 L
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts from
size 100 L


Frame size 90 S/L has


frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.






Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
size 100 L






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC AD AD' AF AF' AG AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE BE' C CA* H HA
size of poles
63 M 1LP7 060 2, 4, 6 100 27 120 124 101 101 78 78 75 37.5 80 28 – 96 30 32 18 40 40 63 7
1LP7 063
71 M 1LP7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 112 27 132 145 111 111 88 88 75 37.5 90 27 – 106 18 32 18 45 42 71 7
1LP7 073
80 M 1LP7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 125 30.5 150 163 120 120 97 97 75 37.5 100 32 – 118 14 32 18 50 47 80 8
1LP7 083
90 S 1LP7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 140 30.5 165 180 128 128 105 105 75
37.5 100 33 54 143 23 32 18 56 80 90 10
90 L 1LP7 096 125 55
100 L 1LP7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 68 100 12
1LP7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LP7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 79 112 12
132 S 1LP7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 96 132 15
1LP7 131 2
132 M 1LP7 133 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 58 132 15
1LP7 134 6
160 M 1LP7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 107 160 18
1LP7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LP7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 63 160 18
180 M 1LP5 183 2, 4 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 145 180 18
180 L 1LP5 186 4, 6, 8 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 71 279 50 – 325 38 54 27 121 107 180 18
200 L 1LP5 206 2, 6 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 133 200 24
1LP5 207 2, 4, 6, 8

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

2/136 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LP7 and 1LP5, frame sizes 63 M to 200 L
Types of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
size 100 L

Frame size 90 S/L has

frame feet each with


EB BE' 2 drilled holes at NDE.







Type of construction IM B14

Type of construction IM B14 not possible for 1LP5 motors, frame sizes 180 M to 200 L
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


Eyebolts from
size 100 L






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
1) 1)
63 M 1LP7 060 2, 4, 6 69.5 7 10 172 206 75 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5
1LP7 063
71 M 1LP7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 7 10 207 240 75 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1LP7 073
80 M 1LP7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 9.5 13.5 237 280 75 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1LP7 083
90 S 1LP7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 79 10 14 286 333 75 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1LP7 096 286 333
100 L 1LP7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 331 3852) 120 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LP7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LP7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 3493) 4034) 120 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LP7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 397 485 140 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LP7 131 2
132 M 1LP7 133 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 397 485 140 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LP7 134 6
160 M 1LP7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 529 645 165 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LP7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LP7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 529 645 165 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1LP5 183 2, 4 159 15 19 611 727 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LP5 186 4, 6, 8 159 15 19 611 727 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LP5 206 2, 6 178 19 25 675 791 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LP5 207 2, 4, 6, 8

1) 3)
For 1LP7 063 with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 without protec- For IM B5, 345 mm.
tive cover, IM V3) the dimensions L and LC are 26 mm longer. 4)
For IM B5, 399 mm.
For IM B14, 381 mm.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/137

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LP4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B3







Frame sizes 180 M/L,

225 S/M, 280 S/M


and 315 S/M/L have

frame feet each with


EE DC 2 drilled holes at NDE.
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1 (IM B5 only up to
frame size 315 M)
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


The motors are supplied

with two fitted eyebolts


conforming to IM B5,


whereby one can be


EB repositioned to conform

to IM V1 or IM V3. It is

important to note that

E GC stress must not be applied
perpendicular to the ring



For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
180 M 1LP4 183 2, 4 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 71 241 70 111 328 36 54 121 94 180 20
180 L 1LP4 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 56 180 20
200 L 1LP4 206 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 76 200 25
1LP4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 76 200 25
225 S 1LP4 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 99 225 34
225 M 1LP4 223 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 74 225 34
4, 6, 8
250 M 1LP4 253 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 111 250 40
4, 6, 8
280 S 1LP4 280 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 137 280 40
4, 6, 8
280 M 1LP4 283 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 118 414 100 151 479 62 110 190 86 280 40
4, 6, 8
315 S 1LP4 310 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 168 315 50
1LP4 310 4, 6, 8
315 M 1LP4 313 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 117 315 50
1LP4 313 4, 6, 8
315 L 1LP4 316/317 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 226 315 50
1LP4 316/317 4, 6, 8

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. 1) With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

2/138 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LP4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 2/140 (Z = the number of retaining holes)











For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
180 M 1LP4 183 2, 4 157 15 19 562 676 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LP4 186 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 562 676 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LP4 206 2, 6 196 19 25 617 734 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LP4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 196 19 25 617 734 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 S 1LP4 220 4, 8 196 19 25 670 784 192 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LP4 223 2 196 19 25 640 754 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 670 784 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1LP4 253 2 237 24 30 764 878 236 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 908 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
280 S 1LP4 280 2 252 24 30 830 975 236 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1LP4 283 2 252 24 30 830 975 236 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1LP4 310 2 285 28 35 925 1070 307 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LP4 310 4, 6, 8 955 1100 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 1LP4 313 2 285 28 35 925 1070 307 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LP4 313 4, 6, 8 955 1100 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L 1LP4 316/317 2 285 28 35 1085 1230 307 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LP4 316/317 4, 6, 8 1115 1260 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5

1) With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only
fitted feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and
508 mm). BB will then be 666 mm.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 2/139

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Standard motors up to frame size 315 L

■ Dimensional drawings
Flange dimensions
In DIN EN 50347, the frame
sizes are allocated flange FF
with through holes and flange
FT with tapped holes.
The designation of flange A
and C according to
DIN 42948 (invalid since

09/2003) are also listed for
information purposes.
2 See the table below.
(Z = the number of retaining

Frame size Type of construction Flange type Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through holes (FF/A)
Tapped holes (FT/C)
Acc. to Acc. to LA LE M N P S T Z
DIN EN 50347 DIN 42948
56 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 100 A 120 8 20 100 80 120 7 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 65 C 80 – 20 65 50 80 M5 2.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 85 C 105 – 20 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4
63 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 115 A 140 8 23 115 95 140 10 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 75 C 90 – 23 75 60 90 M5 2.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 100 C 120 – 23 100 80 120 M6 3 4
71 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 130 A 160 9 30 130 110 160 10 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 85 C 105 – 30 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 115 C 140 – 30 115 95 140 M8 3 4
80 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 165 A 200 10 40 165 130 200 12 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 100 C 120 – 40 100 80 120 M6 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 130 C 160 – 40 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
90 S, 90 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 165 A 200 10 50 165 130 200 12 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 115 C 140 – 50 115 95 140 M8 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 130 C 160 – 50 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
100 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
112 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
132 S, 132 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 265 A 300 12 80 265 230 300 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 165 C 200 – 80 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 215 C 250 – 80 215 180 250 M12 4 4
160 M, 160 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 215 C 250 – 110 215 180 250 M12 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 265 C 300 – 110 265 230 300 M12 4 4
180 M, 180 L IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
200 L IM B5 Flange FF 350 A 400 15 110 350 300 400 18.5 5 4
225 S, 225 M
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 400 A 450 16 110 400 350 450 18.5 5 8
4-pole to 8-pole 140
250 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
280 S, 280 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 S, 315 M,
315 L
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 600 A 660 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 170

2/140 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Non-standard motors
frame size 315 and above

3/2 Orientation 3/34 Self-ventilated motors

3/2 Overview with through ventilation
3/2 Benefits for mains-fed operation
3/3 Application Cast-iron series 1LL8
3/3 Design 3/34 Selection and ordering data
3/4 Technical specifications
3/38 Self-ventilated motors
3/11 Selection and ordering data
with through ventilation
3/13 More information
for converter-fed operation
3/14 Self-ventilated motors Cast-iron series 1LL8
for mains-fed operation 3/38 Selection and ordering data
Cast-iron series 1LA8
3/46 Special versions
3/14 Selection and ordering data
3/46 Overview
3/18 Self-ventilated motors 3/47 Selection and ordering data
for converter-fed operation 3/47 • Voltages
Cast-iron series 1LA8 3/50 • Options
3/18 Selection and ordering data
3/62 Accessories
3/26 Forced-air cooled motors 3/62 Overview
with separately driven fan 3/62 More information
for converter-fed operation
3/63 Dimensions
Cast-iron series 1PQ8
3/63 Overview
3/26 Selection and ordering data
3/64 Dimensional drawings

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Overview
• 1LA8 for converter-fed operation
- Converter-fed operation, optimised for the SINAMICS and
- Degree of protection: IP55
- Cooling method: IC411, self-ventilated
- Housing: Cast iron
- With standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V or with special
insulation for 690 V
Series 1PQ8
The motors are asynchronous squirrel-cage motors with com-
pact dimensions in fin-cooled design with forced ventilation. As
these motors are forced-ventilated, no derating or only relatively
minor derating (depending on their speed range) is required for
operation at constant load torque and with wide speed ranges.
The motors are designed for converter-fed operation with the

- Converter-fed operation
- Degree of protection: IP55
- Cooling method: IC416, forced-ventilated
N compact three-phase asynchronous motors: Series 1LA8,
- Housing: Cast iron
1PQ8, 1LL8
- With standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V or with special
The three-phase motor series N compact covers outputs up to insulation for 690 V
1250 kW (at 50 Hz) in the non-standard range. A number of
Series 1LL8
technical features provide this motor series with its ruggedness
and long service life and ensure the highest level of availability. The motors of series 1LL8 are asynchronous squirrel-cage mo-
tors with compact dimensions in an open fin-cooled design with
N compact motors are also characterised by their high output for
self-cooling. They are similar in construction to 1LA8 motors.
small frame size. The consequence of this is an extremely com-
IP23 degree of protection is achieved by opening the internal
pact design that can be used to save space in a number of in-
cooling circuit and supplying it with external cooling air. This can
dustrial applications.
increase the performance by up to 25 % as compared to the
N compact motors are not only optimised in terms of their cons- 1LA8. They are designed for direct connection to the three-
truction, but also in terms of their efficiency, so they also con- phase supply and for converter-fed operation.
tribute towards lower energy consumption.
Motors of the 1LL8 type series are intended for installation in-
Apart from mains-fed operation, the motors of the series N com- doors. They must not be subjected to humid, salty or corrosive
pact are also specially designed for converter-fed operation. In atmospheres.
combination with frequency converters from the SINAMICS and • 1LL8 for mains-fed operation
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES product series, they build up per- - Mains-fed operation
fectly interacting drive systems for variable-speed drive applica- - Degree of protection: IP23
tions. - Cooling method: IC01, self-ventilated
Versions in the N compact series - Housing: Cast iron
• 1LL8 for converter-fed operation
Series 1LA8
- Converter-fed operation
The motors are asynchronous squirrel-cage motors with com- - Degree of protection: IP23
pact dimensions in fin-cooled design. They are designed for - Cooling method: IC01, self-ventilated
direct connection to the three-phase supply and for converter- - Housing: Cast iron
fed operation.
Versions with special insulation for >500V and operation without
• 1LA8 for mains-fed operation an output filter on the frequency converter are only possible on
- Designed for operation on the three-phase supply request.
- Degree of protection: IP55
- Cooling method: IC411, self-ventilated
- Housing: Cast iron

■ Benefits
Non-standard motors from Siemens offer the user numerous • The bearings are designed for maximum reliability, which
advantages: results in good vibration characteristics, a long service life
• The optimised efficiency results in lower operating costs. and low maintenance costs.
• The high output/size ratio ensures low space requirements • The DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system with VPI or current-
combined with low weight. UV impregnation results in high reliability, a long service life
and high resistance to stress, for example, during starting or
• The cast-iron housing and bearing plates are extremely rigid under overload conditions.
and rugged and can therefore be subjected to considerable
stress and have excellent vibration damping properties and • Due to the low noise emission level, the stringent requirements
are resistant to corrosion. of worker protection are fulfilled without the need for additional

3/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Application
Thanks to the many options, the three-phase motor series N The low-voltage motor series N compact is also available in a
compact covers applications in a wide range of different sec- through-ventilated version to IP23 degree of protection. This
tors: Chemicals, paper, water/waste water, steel and shipbuild- 1LL8 motor series boasts an output 25 % higher than that of the
ing are just a few examples. The available types of construction closed 1LA8 motor series for the same frame size.
are IM B3, IM B35 and IM V1 according to DIN EN 60034-7. The The 1LL8 motor is therefore useful for applications in which a
degree of protection is IP55 as standard, but IP23 for motor closed 1LA8 motor is not essential and when the ambient condi-
series 1LL8. tions permit the use of a through-ventilated machine (IC 01 cool-
ing method, IP23 degree of protection). Motors of the 1LL8 type
The 1PQ8 motors are specially designed for variable-speed ap- series are only intended for installation indoors. They must not
plications with constant torque. The mounted separately driven be subjected to humid, salty or corrosive atmospheres.
fan provides a constantly high cooling air flow at any speed.
These motors can therefore be continuously operated at low
speed and high torque simultaneously.

■ Design
The basic structure of the non-standard motors is shown in the
following sectional diagram.
In conventional fin-cooled motors, the one-sided external venti-
lation naturally results in an uneven temperature distribution – 3
this is however not the case with N compact motors with their
additional internal air-flow channels. This cools, in particular,
the stator winding heads, the rotor winding and the drive-end
bearings. The resulting reduction in thermal loading increases
the operating reliability and lengthens the service life.
The internal air-flow channels increase the efficiency of the ven-
tilation which means that the external air-flow can be reduced.
The lower volumetric flow and air-flow optimisation of all guide
channels results in a low level of fan noise.


Sectional diagram of 1LA8


Sectional diagram of 1PQ8


Sectional diagram of 1LL8

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Technical specifications
The following table lists the most important technical specifica-
tions. For further information and details, see catalog part 0 “In-
Technical specifications at a glance
Type of motor Squirrel-cage induction motor
Connection types Star/delta connection
You can establish the connection type used from the Order No. supplements in the selection and ordering data
for the required motor.
Number of poles 2, 4, 6, 8
Rated output 160 ... 1250 kW (at 50 Hz)
Rated speed (synchronous speed) 750 ... 3600 rpm
Rated torques 800 ... 10,300 Nm
Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class 155 (F)
according to EN 60034-1 (IEC 60034-1) Used in mains-fed operation (at rated output) as: temperature class 130 (B)
Used in converter-fed operation (at rated output): temperature class 155 (F)
For coolant temperatures of

3 up to 40 °C as standard
DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulation system with impregnation by VPI or current-UV technique
Degree of protection Motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8: IP55
according to EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5) Motor series 1LL8: IP23
Cooling Self-ventilated (motor series 1LA8)
according to EN 60034-6 (IEC 60034-6) Motor frame sizes 315 to 450 (IC 411)
Forced-air cooled (motor series 1PQ8)
Motor frame sizes 315 to 450 (IC 416)
Self-ventilated (motor series 1LL8)
Motor frame sizes 315 to 450 (IC 01)
Admissible coolant temperature See “Coolant temperature and site altitude” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”
Standard voltages 50 Hz: 400 V, 500 V, 690 V
according to EN 60038 (IEC 60038) The voltage used can be found in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
Type of construction Without flange:
according to EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7) IM B3
With flange:
IM V1 without protective cover, IM V1 with protective cover, IM B35
Frame design Cast-iron with cast frame feet for IM B3 and IM B35 types of construction
Paint finish Standard:
Suitability of paint finish for climate group Standard paint finish (moderate = expanded)
in accordance with IEC 60721, Part 2-1 RAL 7030 stone gray
Vibration quantity level Level A (standard- without special vibration requirements)
according to EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) optional: Level B (with special vibration requirements)
Shaft extension With featherkey, half-key balancing
according to DIN 748 (IEC 60072)
Shaft and flange accuracy according Tolerance N (normal)
to DIN 42955 (IEC 60072-1) Optional:
Tolerance R (reduced)
Sound pressure level The sound pressure level is listed in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
to DIN EN ISO 1680
(tolerance +3 dB)
Weights The weight is listed in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
Mechanical limit speeds The limit speed is listed in the selection and ordering data for the required motor.
Packing weights and dimensions See “Packing weights and packing dimensions” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Rating plates Fixed to the motor (optionally: 1 additional set of rating plates, loose), labeled as standard
in English/German, can be supplied in French/Spanish, Italian or Portuguese without additional charge
See “Rating plate” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Connection and connection boxes See “Connection, circuit and connection box” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Bearing design See “Bearings” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Cantilever forces See “Admissible cantilever forces” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”
Pulse encoder See “Special technology” in catalog part 0 “Introduction”
Options See the selection and ordering data for “Special versions”

3/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Rating plate Insulation
According to DIN EN 60034-1, the approximate overall weight is The standard insulation of the motors is designed such that con-
specified on the rating plate for all motors of frame size 90 and verter-fed operation is possible without limitation at voltages
above (from approx. 30 kg). ≤500 V. This also applies for operation with a pulse-controlled
For all motors, an additional rating plate can be supplied loose, AC converter with voltage rise times ts >0.1 μs at the motor ter-
order code K31. An extra rating plate for identification codes is minals.
also possible, order code Y82. In the standard version, the rating All motors with voltage codes 4, 5 and 8 must be operated under
plate is available in English and German. these preconditions on a converter.
This does not apply to motors with voltages >500 up to 690 V,
which must have special insulation for operation on a pulse-con-
15 2 without a converter circuit (du/dt filter or sinusoidal filter), i.e.
when 10th position of the Order No. = “M” .
1 3~MOT. 1LA8 317-4AB60-Z NoN- R41124661010001/2003 IMB3 Th.Cl.155(F) 10
V Hz A kW cos 1/min IA / I N TE s Certif.No IP For converter-fed operation with the outputs specified in the
4 400 50 540 315 0.87 1488 55 catalog, the motors are used according to temperature class

690 315 3 155 (F), i.e. in this case neither a service factor >1 nor an in-
12 11
creased coolant temperature is possible (order codes C11,
5 6 C12 and C13 cannot be ordered).
16 Rotor SQU.CAGE KL 13 EN/IEC 60034-1 Gew/Wt 1.5 t 9
Motor connection
17 380..420V , 560..530A 660..725V , 325..305A 50Hz
14 N MAX =3000 1/MIN When connecting the motors, it is important to consider the

18 S.F . 1.10
restrictions for mains-fed machines as well as the maximum
conductor cross-sections permitted for the converter.
Ventilation/noise generation
The fan noise can increase at speeds that are higher than the
rated speed of self-ventilated motors (this is not the case for
forced ventilated motors 1PQ8). To increase motor utilization at
1 Motor type: 3-phase LV motor 9 Motor weight [kg] low speeds it is recommended that forced ventilated motors are
2 Type of construction 10 Temperature class used, e.g. those of series 1PQ8.
3 Degree of protection 11 Rated speed [rpm]
4 Rated voltage [V] and circuit 12 Rated frequency [Hz] In general, for converter-fed operation, the noise level is higher
5 Rated current [A] 13 Power factor [cos φ] than that specified in the catalog (exception: 1PQ8). The
6 Rated output [kW] 14 Maximum speed [rpm] increase depends on the converter type and can lie between
7 Standards and regulations 15 Motor type 5 and 10 dB(A) depending on the frame size and number of
e.g. explosion-proof motors 16 Rotor class poles for the motor.
8 Serial number 17 Additional details (optional)
18 Service factor Mechanical stress and grease lifetime
When motors are operated at speeds above the rated speed,
the running smoothness and the bearings are subjected to
Example of rating plate for 1LA8 greater mechanical stress. This reduces the grease lifetime and
the bearing lifetime. More detailed information on request.

Converter-fed operation Bearings

The motors are equipped with standard rotors and are suitable To prevent damage being caused as a result of bearing currents,
for mains-fed or converter-fed operation. insulated bearings are used at the non-drive-end of 1LA8, 1LL8
All motors can therefore be operated with a converter, in princi- and 1PQ8 motors for converter-fed operation in the standard
ple. Special measures are necessary in the case of some version (this can be recognized when 9th position of Order No.
motors, especially when separately driven fans are used. = “P”).
All data are applicable for a 50 Hz sinusoidal supply. When operating multiphase induction machines on a converter,
Rated voltage an electrical bearing stress results from a capacitive induced
voltage via the bearing lubricating film, depending on the princi-
The tolerance for the rated voltage is in accordance with DIN ple being used. The physical cause of this is the common-mode
EN 60034-1 in all cases, a rated voltage range is not specified. voltage at the converter output that is inherent in the control
method for a converter: the sum of the three-phase voltages is
Motor protection – in contrast to straightforward mains-fed operation – not equal
A motor protection function can be implemented using the I2t to zero at every point in time. The high-frequency, pulse-shaped
detection present in the converter software. common-mode voltage brings about a residual current, which
closes back to the converter's DC link via the machine's internal
If required, more precise motor protection can be afforded by capacitances, the machine housing and the earthing circuit. The
direct temperature measurement using KTY84 sensors, PT 100 machine's internal capacitances include the main insulation
resistance thermometers or PTC thermistors in the motor wind- winding capacitance, the geometric capacitance between the
ing. Some converters from Siemens determine the motor tem- rotor and stator, the lubricating film capacitance and the capac-
perature using the resistance of the temperature sensor. They itance of any bearing insulation that may be present. The level
can be set to a required temperature for alarm and tripping. of the currents due to the internal capacitances is proportional
If PT 100 resistance thermometers are ordered for cooling tem- to the gradients, i.e. the voltage variation of the DC voltage
perature monitoring (order code A61) or KTY84 temperature (i(t) = C ⋅ du/dt).
sensors (order code A23), the standard thermistors are omitted.
A combination of A12 and A61 or A12 and A23 is possible; ad-
ditional charge on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/5

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Technical specifications (continued)

In order to apply currents to the motor which are sinusoidal as far Thermal torque limits
as possible (smooth running, oscillation torques, stray losses), a
high clock frequency is required for the converter's output vol- Guide values for the maximum load torques at various speeds
tage. The related (very steep) switching edges of the converter can be obtained from the diagrams below.
output voltage (and also, therefore, of the common-mode vol- In the case of self-ventilated motors, such as series 1LA8 and
tage) cause correspondingly high capacitive currents and vol- 1LL8, the thermally permissible load torques are reduced for
tages on the machine's internal capacitances. continuous operation for speeds below the rated speed. This
The voltage that is injected capacitively across the bearing can must be taken into account in those applications in particular
result, in the worst case, in stochastic arcing through the lubrica- that are not subjected to a load torque that is dependent on the
tion film of the bearing and prematurely age or damage the bear- square of the speed. Also in the case of forced-air cooled motors
ing. (The current pulses caused by arcing in the lubrication film of series 1PQ8, the maximum load torques are reduced slightly
are known as EDM currents (Electrostatic Discharge Machining) for high speed ranges.
in the technical literature.) When motors are operated at speeds above their rated speed
This physical effect, which occurs in isolated cases, has mostly (operation in the field-weakening range), the maximum load
been observed in connection with larger motors. torque is also reduced.

3 EMC-compliant installation of the drive system is a basic pre-

requisite for preventing premature bearing damage as a result 1.1

of bearing currents. 1.0

The most important measures for reducing bearing currents:

• Insulated motor bearings at the non-drive-end NDE (BS) 0.7
Field weakening
(standard for 1LA8, 1LL8 and 1PQ8 for converter-fed opera- 0.6
tion) 0.5
• Use of cables with a symmetrical cable cross-section: 0.4
L1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 f/frated 1.4
L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2

PE PE Thermal torque limit characteristic 1LA8

Concentric Steel reinforcement G_D081_EN_00067

Cu or Al screen 1.1

• Preference given to a supply with insulated neutral point 0.8

(IT system) 0.7
Field weakening
• Use of earthing cables with low impedance in a large fre-
quency range (DC up to approximately 70 MHz):
for example, plaited copper ribbon cables, HF litz wires
• Separate HF equipotential-bonding cable between motor 0.2
frame and driven machine 0.1
• Separate HF equipotential-bonding cable between motor 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 f/frated 1.4
housing and converter PE busbar
• 360° HF contacting of the cable shield on the motor frame and
the converter PE busbar. This can be achieved using EMC Thermal torque limit characteristic 1PQ8
screwed glands on the motor end and EMC shield clips on the
converter end, for example.
• Using motor reactors at the converter
• Common-mode filters at the converter output

Field weakening
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 f/frated 1.4

Thermal torque limit characteristic 1LL8

3/6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Technical explanations regarding torque and determination
of the start-up time for mains-fed operation 600 Torque

Torque characteristics – Torque characteristics for special drives % curves for
500 direct
Torque characteristics

Torque and current

I starting
The torque generated on the shaft of a three-phase motor in the
torque range of n = 0 to n = ns has a very varying magnintude. 300
The characteristic curve of the torque as a function of the speed
of a three-phase motor with torque class (CL) of a squirrel-cage 200
rotor shows the following diagram.

T 0 20 40 60 80 %100
TLR Speed

Motors with CL 10 torque class

Trated maximum load torque during the starting



0 nrated ns %
500 I
Torque and current

Trated Rated torque TLR Locked-rotor torque 400

Tm Motor torque TB Breakdown torque
TL Load torque Tp Pull-up torque 300
Ta Acceleration torque nrated Rated speed T
ns Synchronous speed 200

The values for locked-rotor torque and breakdown torque as well 100 T
as for locked-rotor current of a specific motor can be taken from
the selection and ordering data. 0
0 20 40 60 80 %100
The limit for the mechanical overload capability is the break- Speed
down torque. According to IEC/EN 60034-1, asynchronous Motors with CL 13 torque class
motors at rated voltage and rated frequency must withstand up
to 1.6 times the rated torque for 15 s. The pull-up torque of asyn- maximum load torque during starting
chronous motors at rated voltage must - if not specified other-
wise - have at least the values stated in the following rated
The rated torque can be calculated as follows:
For three-phase motors without pole-change with a rated output 1000
Trated= 9.55 Prated
equal to or greater than 100 kW: nrated
0.3 times rated torque and at least 0.5 times locked-rotor torque
Trated Rated torque in Nm
According to IEC/EN 60034-1, the following tolerances are per- nrated Rated speed in rpm
mitted: Prated Rated output in kW
• for the locked-rotor torque of –15 to 25 % of the total locked-
rotor torque The rated speed of the motor differentiates itself from the
• for the locked-rotor current up to 20 % of the stated locked- synchronous speed by the slip srated.
rotor current without lower limit It is:
• for the breakdown torque up to –10 % of the stated breakdown
torque ns nrated
srated = 100
• for the pull-up torque –15 % of the guaranteed value. ns
Under observance of these tolerances, the locked-rotor torque srated Slip in %
must be sufficiently higher than the the break loose torque of the ns Synchronous speed in rpm
driven machine and the motor torque during start-up up to rea- nrated Rated speed in rpm
ching the operating speed must always be higher than the load
In the case of squirrel-cage motors, the locked-rotor torque and Determination of the start-up time
breakdown torque are listed in the selection and ordering data Calculation of the start-up time for direct online starting
as multiples of the rated torque. The normal practice is to start
squirrel-cage motors directly online. The torque class indicates The start-up time from n = 0 to n = nop can be approximately de-
that with direct online starting, even if there is a 5 % undervol- termined using the average acceleration torque.
tage, it is possible to start up the motor against a load torque of:
∑J nop
• 130 % (for CL 13), tst =
• 100 % (for CL 10), 9.55 Taav
• 70 % (for CL 7), tst Start-up time in s
• 50 % (for CL 5) J Total moment of inertia in kgm2
of the rated torque. nop Operating speed in rpm
Taav Average acceleration torque in Nm

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/7

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Technical specifications (continued)

The total moment of inertia is made up of the motor moment of
inertia plus the moment of inertia of the driven machine and the

coupling or pulleys and is converted to the speed of the motor
shaft. T
Limit values for the start-up curve of three-phase motors with
squirrel-cage rotor for voltages up to and including 690 V are de-

fined in EC/EN 60034.
If no sound start-up is possible due to a high moment of inertia
and/or a high load torque, a larger motor or a three-phase motor
with SINAMICS frequency converter can be selected for TL
N-compact motors.
A mechanical solution for coping with the heavy starting is the
employment of a starting coupling, whose application is limited
by its capability to absorb heat. Tm Motor torque

TL Load torque
Taav average acceleration torque
nop Operating speed

Determination of the average acceleration torque

Start-up for three-phase motors with squirrel-cage rotor

The normal practice is to start squirrel-cage motors directly on- 250

line. %

• It must be observed that the torque and speed characteristics

for a specific motor are predetermined - independently of the 150
heaviness of the start-up.
Star delta start-up must be realized for motors with squirrel- 100
cage rotor if small locked-rotor currents (e.g. in the supply
conditions of the electric power company) or a particularly low 50
start-up torque (soft starting) are required. Locked-rotor TL
torque, breakdown torque and all other torque values as well 0
20 40 60 % 80
as the locked-rotor current are 25 to 30 % of the values at
direct online starting. 100

• The motor torque must be sufficiently higher than the load 200
torque during the start-up in the Y-stage. The change from star

to delta must not occur before approximating the operating 300

The adjoining diagram shows a case in which the star delta start- %
up is not appropriate because the too elevated load torque cau- 500
ses the early change which in turn causes a high torque and cur- n/n S
rent surge that renders the star-delta starting ineffective. Unfavorable
The torque characteristics can be approximately reduced by the star-delta starting
square of the voltage and the current characteristics linearly with
the voltage by reducing the voltage at the motor terminals with
the help of a starting transformer or starting resistors. 250

A starting with rated current is possible on the converter. 200

Soft starting for motors with squirrel-cage rotor can also be rea-
lized using the stator-resistance starting circuit (a resistor is en- 150
gaged in one phase during the start-up). The locked-rotor torque
can be arbitrarily reduced with the help of this circuit. The
locked-rotor current without a resistor or reactor is a bit higher in
both phases than for direct online starting.
The starting can be facilitated using the electronical motor star- 0
20 40 60 % 80
ter "SIKOSTART", that limits the torque and the current during
starting. 100



n/n S
star-delta starting

3/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Technical specifications (continued)

The following has to be provided in case of requests regarding
1st Required output and rated speed of the driven machine
2nd Planned motor speed
3rd Load torque of the driven machine, depending on the speed
of the driven machine or the motor speed
4th Total external moments of inertia and rated speed of the dri-
ven machine or with regard to the motor speed
5th Number of starts within a particular time frame and duty cyle
6th Characteristics and number of operating cycles within a
particular time frame (method of braking)
Start-up times and moments of inertia for 1LA8 motors for
mains-fed operation
Default values 3
The values in the following table are only valid for 1LA8 motors
for mains-fed operation (Pages 3/14 to 3/17) and apply for a con-
tinuous heating of 90 % of the rated output at 50 Hz
(0.9 x Prated). The admissible moments of inertia must be redu-
ced again by 20 % at 60 Hz. The moment of inertia Jadm in the
tables is the moment of inertia which the driven machine is allo-
wed to have as a maximum in order to start the motor. For this
purpose has the moment of inertia already been considered in
the selection and ordering data, Pages 3/15 to 3/17.
Frame size Order No. Locking of brake Admissible moment of inertia and start-up times
when starting the motor
cold warm 1x cold 1x warm
Braking time Braking time Moment of Start-up time Moment of Start-up time
inertia inertia
tBr tBr Jadm tst Jadm tst
FS s s kgm2 s kgm2 s
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation cast-iron series 1LA8 – 2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz
315 1LA8 315-2AC 18 10 125 33.9 48 13.0
315 1LA8 317-2AC 17.5 10 140 33.2 58 13.4
355 1LA8 353-2AC 18 9 175 41.4 33 7.8
355 1LA8 355-2AC 20 10 190 45.8 40 9.7
355 1LA8 357-2AC 15 7.5 180 30.0 40 6.7
400 1LA8 403-2AC 22 13 245 40.2 95 15.7
400 1LA8 405-2AC 19 11 255 37.2 90 13.1
400 1LA8 407-2AC 17 9.5 300 34.9 85 9.9
450 1LA8 453-2AE 21.5 15 178 31.3 83 14.6
450 1LA8 455-2AE 20.5 14 190 30.2 90 14.3
450 1LA8 457-2AE 19 13 200 28.2 95 13.4
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation cast-iron series 1LA8 – 4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz
315 1LA8 315-4AB 22 13 590 36.9 350 21.9
315 1LA8 317-4AB 19 11 730 32.3 425 18.8
355 1LA8 353-4AB 20 11 1000 45.7 270 12.4
355 1LA8 355-4AB 18 10 1020 39.6 280 10.9
355 1LA8 357-4AB 19 10.5 1370 41.9 370 11.3
400 1LA8 403-4AB 20.5 11.5 1420 46.2 430 14.0
400 1LA8 405-4AB 20 11 1600 44.5 480 13.3
400 1LA8 407-4AB 19 10.5 1750 43.6 525 13.1
450 1LA8 453-4CE 17.5 10 950 23.7 300 7.5
450 1LA8 455-4AC 18.5 10.5 1200 26.8 370 8.3
450 1LA8 457-4AC 17 9 1160 22.3 380 7.3

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Frame size Order No. Locking of brake Admissible moment of inertia and start-up times
when starting the motor
cold warm 1x cold 1x warm
Braking time Braking time Moment of Start-up time Moment of Start-up time
inertia inertia
tBr tBr Jadm tst Jadm tst
FS s s kgm2 s kgm2 s
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation cast-iron series 1LA8 – 6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz
315 1LA8 315-6AB 33 18 1900 57.4 830 25.1
315 1LA8 317-6AB 31 15.5 2300 55.6 1000 24.2
355 1LA8 355-6AB 40 22 2950 62.2 1350 28.5
355 1LA8 357-6AB 40 22 3950 62.5 1800 28.5
400 1LA8 403-6AB 34 18.4 3450 51.1 850 12.6
400 1LA8 405-6AB 32 17.5 3500 43.3 900 11.1
400 1LA8 407-6AB 24 12 2200 25.6 740 8.6

450 1LA8 453-6AB 16 7 1400 15.5 560 6.2
450 1LA8 455-6AB 19 8.5 1700 18.1 670 7.1
450 1LA8 457-6AB 16 7 1800 15.9 720 6.4
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation cast-iron series 1LA8 – 8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz
315 1LA8 315-8AB 40 22 4800 109.5 1950 44.5
315 1LA8 317-8AB 42 23 6800 125.9 2500 46.3
355 1LA8 355-8AB 41 22.5 6200 89.6 3100 44.8
355 1LA8 357-8AB 40 22 7600 88.7 3800 44.3
400 1LA8 403-8AB 55 30 9700 107.5 4400 48.8
400 1LA8 405-8AB 54 29.5 11000 102.9 5400 50.5
400 1LA8 407-8AB 52 28.5 11200 95.4 5400 46.0
450 1LA8 453-8AB 44 25 9800 78.8 2900 23.3
450 1LA8 455-8AB 42 23 10500 71.4 3000 20.4
450 1LA8 457-8AB 44 25 12400 78.1 3700 23.3

3/10 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Selection and ordering data

Preliminary selection of the motor according to motor type/series, speed or number of poles, frame size,
rated output, rated torque, rated speed and rated current
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation (IP55 degree of protection)
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current at 400 V selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1LA8
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 2979 ... 2986 801 ... 3200 415 ... 1020 3/14 ... 3/15
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 1488 ... 1492 1600 ... 6400 430 ... 1060 3/14 ... 3/15
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 200 ... 800 988 ... 993 1930 ... 7690 345 ... 1100 3/16 ... 3/17
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 160 ... 630 739 ... 744 2070 ... 8090 295 ... 1160 3/16 ... 3/17

Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation (IP55 degree of protection)

Speed Frame size Rated
current at 400 V
selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1LA8 with standard insulation ≤500 V
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 2979 ... 2986 801 ... 3200 415 ... 1020 3/18 ... 3/19
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 1488 ... 1492 1600 ... 6400 430 ... 1060 3/18 ... 3/19
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 200 ... 800 988 ... 993 1930 ... 7690 345 ... 1100 3/20 ... 3/21
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 160 ... 630 739 ... 744 2070 ... 8090 295 ... 1160 3/20 ... 3/21

Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed

output speed torque current at 690 V selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1LA8 with special insulation >500 to 690 V
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 240 ... 970 2978 ... 2987 770 ... 3101 730 ... 900 3/22 ... 3/23
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 235 ... 980 1485 ... 1492 1511 ... 6273 235 ... 950 3/22 ... 3/23
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 190 ... 780 990 ... 993 1833 ... 7502 196 ... 790 3/24 ... 3/25
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 145 ... 600 740 ... 745 1871 ... 7691 162 ... 660 3/24 ... 3/25

Forced-air cooled motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter-fed operation (IP55 degree of protection)
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current at 400 V selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1PQ8 with standard insulation ≤500 V
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 2979 ... 2986 801 ... 3200 415 ... 1020 3/26 ... 3/27
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 1488 ... 1492 1600 ... 6400 430 ... 1060 3/26 ... 3/27
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 200 ... 800 988 ... 993 1930 ... 7690 345 ... 1100 3/28 ... 3/29
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 160 ... 630 739 ... 744 2070 ... 8090 295 ... 1160 3/28 ... 3/29

Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed

output speed torque current at 690 V selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1PQ8 with special insulation >500 to 690 V
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 240 ... 970 2978 ... 2987 770 ... 3101 730 ... 900 3/30 ... 3/31
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 235 ... 980 1485 ... 1492 1511 ... 6273 235 ... 950 3/30 ... 3/31
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 190 ... 780 990 ... 993 1833 ... 7502 196 ... 790 3/32 ... 3/33
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 145 ... 600 740 ... 745 1871 ... 7691 162 ... 660 3/32 ... 3/33

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/11

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation for mains-fed operation (IP23 degree of protection)
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current at 400 V selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1LL8
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 315 ... 1250 2974 ... 2986 1010 ... 4000 510 ... 1300 3/34 ... 3/35
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 315 ... 1250 1483 ... 1490 2030 ... 8010 540 ... 1360 3/34 ... 3/35
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 988 ... 993 2420 ... 9620 430 ... 1380 3/36 ... 3/37
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 200 ... 800 738 ... 743 2590 ... 10300 370 ... 1440 3/36 ... 3/37

Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation for converter-fed operation (IP23 degree of protection)
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current at 400 V selection and ordering data

3 rpm kW rpm Nm A

Cast-iron series 1LL8 with standard insulation ≤500 V

3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 315 ... 1250 2974 ... 2986 1010 ... 4000 510 ... 1300 3/38 ... 3/39
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 315 ... 1250 1483 ... 1490 2030 ... 8010 540 ... 1360 3/38 ... 3/39
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 988 ... 993 2420 ... 9620 430 ... 1380 3/40 ... 3/41
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 200 ... 800 738 ... 743 2590 ... 10300 370 ... 1440 3/40 ... 3/41

Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed

output speed torque current at 690 V selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1LL8 with special insulation >500 to 690 V
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 300 ... 1210 2977 ... 2988 962 ... 3871 290 ... 800 3/42 ... 3/43
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 295 ... 1225 1485 ... 1493 1897 ... 7846 300 ... 880 3/42 ... 3/43
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 235 ... 975 990 ... 994 2267 ... 9377 240 ... 850 3/44 ... 3/45
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 180 ... 760 738 ... 742 2329 ... 9782 198 ... 800 3/44 ... 3/45

3/12 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ More information
4-pole 1LA8 motors are available with a reduced range of
options up to an output of 500 kW in the Standardline.
The benefit to the customer:
• Much shorter delivery time
• Products in the Standardline can be configured with a variety
of options so as to ensure a high degree of flexibility.
Standardline low-voltage motors are optimised for applications
in pump, fan and compressor drives.
For the low-voltage motors, this is particularly true for complete,
coordinated drive systems comprising the motor and a
SINAMICS G150 frequency converter.
Standardline motors can be ordered with the order code B20.
Scope of the Standardline:
• 4-pole version
• Power range 250 to 500 kW
• Types 1LA8 315, 1LA8 317, 1LA8 353, 1LA8 355 and
1LA8 357
• Type of construction code 0 (IM B3)
• For mains-fed operation: Voltage code 6 (400 VΔ/690 VY)
or 5 (500 VΔ)
• For converter-fed operation: Voltage code 4 (400 VΔ),
8 (400 VΔ/690 VY) or 5 (500 VΔ)
• Can be ordered for converter-fed operation, but not in the
690 V version
• Possible order codes: A23, A61, A72, G50, H70, H73, K09,
K10, K45, K46, K57, K83, K84, K85, L00, L97, M58 (only
frame size 315), M88 and Y53
For more information, see Catalog D 86.1 Standardline.
For more information, please contact your local Siemens contact
– see “Siemens contacts worldwide” in the Appendix.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struc-
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
250 280 315 2979 801 96.2 96.2 0.90 415 240 1LA8 315-2AC 1300
315 353 315 2979 1010 96.5 96.5 0.91 520 300 1LA8 317-2AC 1500
355 398 355 2980 1140 96.5 96.5 0.90 590 340 1LA8 353-2AC 1900
400 448 355 2980 1280 96.7 96.7 0.91 660 380 1LA8 355-2AC 2000
500 560 355 2982 1600 97.1 97.1 0.91 820 475 1LA8 357-2AC 2200
560 616 400 2985 1790 97.1 97.1 0.91 910 530 1LA8 403-2AC 2800

630 693 400 2985 2020 97.1 97.1 0.91 1020 600 1LA8 405-2AC 3000
710 781 400 2985 2270 97.3 97.3 0.91 – 670 1) 1LA8 407-2AC 3200
800 – 450 2986 2560 97.2 97.2 0.91 – 760 1LA8 453-2AE 4000
900 – 450 2986 2880 97.3 97.3 0.92 – 840 1LA8 455-2AE 4200
1000 – 450 2986 3200 97.4 97.4 0.93 – 920 1LA8 457-2AE 4400
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
250 288 315 1488 1600 96.0 96.0 0.87 430 250 2) 1LA8 315-4AB 1300
315 362 315 1488 2020 96.2 96.2 0.87 540 315 2) 1LA8 317-4AB 1500
355 408 355 1488 2280 96.3 96.3 0.87 610 355 2) 1LA8 353-4AB 1900
400 460 355 1488 2570 96.4 96.4 0.87 690 400 2) 1LA8 355-4AB 2000
500 575 355 1488 3210 96.7 96.7 0.88 850 490 2) 1LA8 357-4AB 2200
560 644 400 1492 3580 96.7 96.7 0.88 950 550 1LA8 403-4AB 2800
630 725 400 1492 4030 96.9 96.9 0.88 1060 620 1LA8 405-4AB 3000
710 817 400 1492 4540 97.0 97.0 0.89 – 690 1) 1LA8 407-4AB 3200
800 920 450 1492 5120 97.0 97.0 0.88 – 780 1) 1LA8 453-4AC 4000
900 1040 450 1492 5760 97.1 97.1 0.88 – 880 1LA8 455-4AC 4200
1000 1150 450 1492 6400 97.1 97.1 0.89 – 970 1LA8 457-4AC 4400
Up to frame size 355, a service factor of 1.1 is stamped, above
this 1.05.

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
60 Hz Without flange With flange
400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 460 VΔ IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
(for rated output protective protective
at 60 Hz, see above) cover 3) cover 4)
6 5 0 9 L2F 0 8 4 6
1LA8 315- . . . – 5) ✓ 6) ✓ 6) ✓
1LA8 405- . . .
1LA8 407- . . . – O. R. ✓ 6) ✓ 6) ✓ 7)
1LA8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) Can also be supplied for 400 VΔ 50 Hz with voltage code “9” and order 3) For explosion-proof motors, the type of construction IM V1 without protec-
code L1Y (specify output, voltage and frequency). tive cover is not possible.
2) 4)
Standardline for 1LA8 motors is a standardized range in specific versions The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
which can be ordered with the order code B20. The delivery time is 4 5)
As special version with voltage code “9” and order code L1Y (specify out-
weeks. Scope of the Standardline: 4-pole, types 1LA8 315, 1LA8 317, put, voltage and frequency).
1LA8 353, 1LA8 355, type of construction code 0 (IM B3), voltage code 6 6)
(400 VΔ/690 VY) or 5 (500 VΔ); can be ordered for converter-fed opera- For 2-pole motors 60 Hz version, not possible for 1LA8 353 to 1LA8 457.
tion, but not in 690 V version; possible order codes: A23, A61, A72, G50, 7)
For 2-pole motors 60 Hz version, not possible for 1LA8 453 to 1LA8 457.
H70, H73, K09, K10, K45, K46, K57, K83, K84, K85, L00, L97, M58 (for
frame size 315 only), M88, Y53.

3/14 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked- Locked- Breakdown Torque Moment Noise at rated output Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
rotor torque rotor current torque class of inertia required
At 50 Hz and for direct online starting Measuring Sound
as multiple of rated surface power level
torque current torque sound pres- at 50 Hz
sure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J LpfA LWA nmax. 400 V 500 V 690 V
CL kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
1LA8 315-2AC 1.8 7.0 2.8 10 2.7 82 (75) 2) 97 (90) 2) 3600 Yes
1LA8 317-2AC 1.8 7.0 2.8 10 3.3 82 (75) 2) 97 (90) 2) 3600 Yes
1LA8 353-2AC 1.7 6.5 2.5 10 4.8 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 355-2AC 1.7 6.5 2.5 10 5.3 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 357-2AC 1.8 6.5 2.6 10 6.4 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) Yes
1LA8 403-2AC 1.6 7.0 2.8 10 8.6 79 3) 94 3) 3600/3100 4) Yes

1LA8 405-2AC 1.6 7.0 2.8 10 9.6 79 3) 94 3) 3600/3100 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 407-2AC 1.7 7.0 2.8 10 11 79 3) 94 3) 3600/3100 4) Yes
1LA8 453-2AE 0.9 7.0 3.0 5 19 81 3) 96 3) 3000 Yes
1LA8 455-2AE 0.9 7.0 2.8 5 21 81 3) 96 3) 3000 Yes Yes
1LA8 457-2AE 0.9 7.0 2.7 5 23 81 3) 96 3) 3000 Yes Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
1LA8 315-4AB 1.9 6.5 2.8 13 3.6 73 87 3000 (2650) Yes
1LA8 317-4AB 2.0 6.8 2.8 13 4.4 73 87 3000 (2650) Yes
1LA8 353-4AB 2.1 6.5 2.6 13 6.1 75 90 2500 (2350) Yes Yes
1LA8 355-4AB 2.1 6.5 2.6 13 6.8 75 90 2500 (2350) Yes Yes
1LA8 357-4AB 2.1 6.5 2.4 13 8.5 75 90 2500 (2350) Yes
1LA8 403-4AB 1.9 6.5 2.7 13 13 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) Yes
1LA8 405-4AB 1.9 6.8 2.7 13 14 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 407-4AB 1.9 6.8 2.7 13 16 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) Yes
1LA8 453-4AC 1.6 7.0 2.6 10 23 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) Yes
1LA8 455-4AC 1.6 7.0 2.6 10 26 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 457-4AC 1.7 7.0 2.6 10 28 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

1) 3)
Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20) for 4-pole motors In the standard version, the motors already have an axial fan for clockwise
on request. rotation. Order code K37 is not necessary. For counter-clockwise rotation,
Low-noise version, 2-pole, in brackets. To reduce noise, 2-pole motors can order code K38 is necessary.
be equipped with an axial fan that is only suitable for one direction of rota- For vertical type of construction IM V1.
tion. Clockwise rotation order code K37, counter-clockwise rotation K38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struc-
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
200 230 315 988 1930 95.7 95.8 0.86 345 200 1LA8 315-6AB 1300
250 288 315 988 2410 95.9 96.0 0.86 430 250 1LA8 317-6AB 1500
315 362 355 993 3040 96.2 96.2 0.86 540 315 1LA8 355-6AB 2000
400 460 355 993 3850 96.5 96.5 0.86 690 400 1LA8 357-6AB 2200
450 518 400 991 4330 96.5 96.5 0.86 780 455 1LA8 403-6AB 2800
500 575 400 991 4810 96.5 96.5 0.86 860 500 1LA8 405-6AB 3000

560 644 400 991 5390 96.7 96.7 0.86 960 560 1LA8 407-6AB 3200
630 725 450 993 6060 96.8 96.8 0.86 1100 630 1LA8 453-6AB 4000
710 817 450 993 6830 96.8 96.8 0.86 – 710 1) 1LA8 455-6AB 4200
800 920 450 993 7690 97.0 97.1 0.86 – 790 1LA8 457-6AB 4500
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
160 184 315 739 2070 94.9 94.9 0.82 295 172 1LA8 315-8AB 1300
200 230 315 739 2580 95.2 95.2 0.82 370 215 1LA8 317-8AB 1500
250 288 355 741 3220 95.7 95.7 0.82 460 265 1LA8 355-8AB 2000
315 362 355 741 4060 96.0 96.0 0.82 580 335 1LA8 357-8AB 2200
355 408 400 742 4570 96.1 96.1 0.82 650 375 1LA8 403-8AB 2800
400 460 400 742 5150 96.2 96.2 0.82 730 425 1LA8 405-8AB 3000
450 518 400 742 5790 96.3 96.3 0.82 820 475 1LA8 407-8AB 3200
500 575 450 744 6420 96.4 96.4 0.81 920 540 1LA8 453-8AB 4000
560 644 450 744 7190 96.5 96.5 0.81 1040 600 1LA8 455-8AB 4200
630 725 450 744 8090 96.6 96.6 0.81 1160 670 1LA8 457-8AB 4500
Up to frame size 355, a service factor of 1.1 is stamped, above
this 1.05.

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
60 Hz Without flange With flange
400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 460 VΔ IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
(for rated output protective protective
at 60 Hz, see above) cover 2) cover 3)
6 5 0 9 L2F 0 8 4 6
1LA8 315- . . . – 4) ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 453- . . .
1LA8 455- . . . – O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 457- . . .
1LA8 315- . . . – 4) ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) 3)
Can also be supplied for 400 VΔ 50 Hz with voltage code “9” and order The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
code L1Y (specify output, voltage and frequency). 4)
As special version with voltage code “9” and order code L1Y (specify out-
For explosion-proof motors, the type of construction IM V1 without protec- put, voltage and frequency).
tive cover is not possible.

3/16 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked- Locked- Breakdown Torque Moment Noise at rated output Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
rotor torque rotor current torque class of inertia required
At 50 Hz and for direct online starting Measuring Sound
as multiple of rated surface power level
torque current torque sound pres- at 50 Hz
sure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J LpfA LWA nmax. 400 V 500 V 690 V
CL kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
1LA8 315-6AB 2.0 6.3 2.5 13 6.0 68 82 2950 (2350)
1LA8 317-6AB 2.0 6.3 2.5 13 7.3 68 82 2950 (2350) Yes
1LA8 355-6AB 2.2 6.5 2.8 13 13 71 86 2500 (2100) Yes
1LA8 357-6AB 2.2 6.5 2.8 13 16 71 86 2500 (2100) Yes Yes Yes
1LA8 403-6AB 2.2 6.5 2.8 13 21 73 88 2200 (1900)/2100 2)
1LA8 405-6AB 2.3 6.5 2.8 13 24 73 88 2200 (1900)/2100 2) Yes

1LA8 407-6AB 2.3 6.5 2.8 13 27 73 88 2200 (1900)/2100 2) Yes
1LA8 453-6AB 2.0 6.5 2.6 13 35 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) Yes Yes
1LA8 455-6AB 2.0 6.5 2.5 13 39 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) Yes Yes
1LA8 457-6AB 2.0 6.5 2.5 13 44 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) Yes Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP55 degree of protection
1LA8 315-8AB 2.1 6.0 2.3 13 6.0 65 79 2950 (2350)
1LA8 317-8AB 2.1 6.0 2.3 13 7.3 65 79 2950 (2350)
1LA8 355-8AB 2.1 6.1 2.4 13 13 67 82 2500 (2100)
1LA8 357-8AB 2.1 6.1 2.4 13 16 67 82 2500 (2100) Yes
1LA8 403-8AB 2.0 6.5 2.6 13 21 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2)
1LA8 405-8AB 2.1 6.5 2.6 13 24 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2)
1LA8 407-8AB 2.1 6.5 2.6 13 27 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2) Yes
1LA8 453-8AB 2.0 6.6 2.4 13 35 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) Yes
1LA8 455-8AB 2.0 6.6 2.4 13 39 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) Yes Yes
1LA8 457-8AB 2.0 6.6 2.4 13 44 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20)
for 6- and 8-pole motors on request.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
250 280 315 2979 801 96.2 96.2 0.90 415 240 1LA8 315-2PC 1300
315 353 315 2979 1010 96.5 96.5 0.91 520 300 1LA8 317-2PC 1500
355 398 355 2980 1140 96.5 96.5 0.90 590 340 1LA8 353-2PC 1900
400 448 355 2980 1280 96.7 96.7 0.91 660 380 1LA8 355-2PC 2000
500 560 355 2982 1600 97.1 97.1 0.91 820 475 1LA8 357-2PC 2200

3 560
1LA8 403-2PC
1LA8 405-2PC
710 781 400 2985 2270 97.3 97.3 0.91 – 670 1) 1LA8 407-2PC 3200
800 – 450 2986 2560 97.2 97.2 0.91 – 760 1LA8 453-2PE 4000
900 – 450 2986 2880 97.3 97.3 0.92 – 840 1LA8 455-2PE 4200
1000 – 450 2986 3200 97.4 97.4 0.93 – 920 1LA8 457-2PE 4400
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
250 288 315 1488 1600 96.0 96.0 0.87 430 250 2) 1LA8 315-4PB 1300
315 362 315 1488 2020 96.2 96.2 0.87 540 315 2) 1LA8 317-4PB 1500
355 408 355 1488 2280 96.3 96.3 0.87 610 355 2) 1LA8 353-4PB 1900
400 460 355 1488 2570 96.4 96.4 0.87 690 400 2) 1LA8 355-4PB 2000
500 575 355 1488 3210 96.7 96.7 0.88 850 490 2) 1LA8 357-4PB 2200
560 644 400 1492 3580 96.7 96.7 0.88 950 550 1LA8 403-4PB 2800
630 725 400 1492 4030 96.9 96.9 0.88 1060 620 1LA8 405-4PB 3000
710 817 400 1492 4540 97.0 97.0 0.89 – 690 1) 1LA8 407-4PB 3200
800 920 450 1492 5120 97.0 97.0 0.88 – 780 1) 1LA8 453-4PC 4000
900 1040 450 1492 5760 97.1 97.1 0.88 – 880 1LA8 455-4PC 4200
1000 1150 450 1492 6400 97.1 97.1 0.89 – 970 1LA8 457-4PC 4400

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
400 VΔ 400 VΔ/690 VY 3) 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 3) IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
protective cover 4) protective cover 5)
4 8 5 7 0 8 4 6
1LA8 315- . . . – ✓ 6) ✓ 6) ✓
1LA8 405- . . .
1LA8 407- . . . – – ✓ 6) ✓ 6) ✓ 7)
1LA8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) Can also be supplied for 400 VΔ 50 Hz with voltage code “9” and order 3) Motors with standard insulation can only be operated with converter circuit
code L1Y (specify output, voltage and frequency). (du/dt or sinusoidal filter).
2) Standardline for 1LA8 motors is a standardized range in specific versions 4) For explosion-proof motors, the type of construction IM V1 without protec-
which can be ordered with the order code B20. The delivery time is 4 tive cover is not possible.
weeks. Scope of the Standardline: 4-pole, types 1LA8 315, 1LA8 317, 5) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
1LA8 353, 1LA8 355, type of construction code 0 (IM B3), voltage code 4 6)
(400 VΔ), 8 (400 VΔ/690 VY) or 5 (500 VΔ); can be ordered for converter- In 2-pole motors 60 Hz version, not possible for 1LA8 353 to 1LA8 457.
fed operation, but not in 690 V version. Possible order codes: A23, A61, 7) In 2-pole motors 60 Hz version, not possible for 1LA8 453 to 1LA8 457.
A72, G50, H70, H73, K09, K10, K45, K46, K57, K83, K84, K85, L00, L97,
M58 (for frame size 315 only), M88, Y53.

3/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. At 50 Hz as Torque Moment Noise Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
multiple of class of inertia Measuring Sound required
rated torque surface sound power level
pressure level at 50 Hz
at 50 Hz
For rated output and
sinusoidal supply, 50 Hz,
tolerance +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated J LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
CL kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LA8 315-2PC 2.8 10 2.7 82 (75) 2) 97 (90) 2) 3600 60 Yes
1LA8 317-2PC 2.8 10 3.3 82 (75) 2) 97 (90) 2) 3600 60 Yes
1LA8 353-2PC 2.5 10 4.8 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 355-2PC 2.5 10 5.3 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 357-2PC 2.6 10 6.4 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes
1LA8 403-2PC
1LA8 405-2PC
79 3)
79 3)
94 3)
94 3)
3600/3100 4)
3600/3100 4)
60/52 4)
60/52 4)
Yes Yes
1LA8 407-2PC 2.8 10 11 79 3) 94 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes
1LA8 453-2PE 3.0 5 19 81 3) 96 3) 3000 50 Yes
1LA8 455-2PE 2.8 5 21 81 3) 96 3) 3000 50 Yes Yes
1LA8 457-2PE 2.7 5 23 81 3) 96 3) 3000 50 Yes Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LA8 315-4PB 2.8 13 3.6 73 87 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1LA8 317-4PB 2.8 13 4.4 73 87 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1LA8 353-4PB 2.6 13 6.1 75 90 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1LA8 355-4PB 2.6 13 6.8 75 90 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1LA8 357-4PB 2.4 13 8.5 75 90 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes
1LA8 403-4PB 2.7 13 13 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) 73 (70)/70 4) Yes
1LA8 405-4PB 2.7 13 14 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) 73 (70)/70 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 407-4PB 2.7 13 16 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) 73 (70)/70 4) Yes
1LA8 453-4PC 2.6 10 23 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) 70 (63)/60 4) Yes
1LA8 455-4PC 2.6 10 26 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) 70 (63)/60 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 457-4PC 2.6 10 28 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) 70 (63)/60 4) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

1) Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20) 3) In the standard version, the motors already have an axial fan for clockwise
for 4-pole motors on request. rotation. Order code K37 is not necessary. For counter-clockwise rotation,
2) Low-noise version, 2-pole, in brackets. To reduce noise, 2-pole motors can order code K38 is necessary.
be equipped with an axial fan that is only suitable for one direction of rota- 4) For vertical type of construction IM V1.
tion. Clockwise rotation order code K37, counter-clockwise rotation K38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
200 230 315 988 1930 95.7 95.8 0.86 345 200 1LA8 315-6PB 1300
250 288 315 988 2410 95.9 96.0 0.86 430 250 1LA8 317-6PB 1500
315 362 355 993 3040 96.2 96.2 0.86 540 315 1LA8 355-6PB 2000
400 460 355 993 3850 96.5 96.5 0.86 690 400 1LA8 357-6PB 2200
450 518 400 991 4330 96.5 96.5 0.86 780 455 1LA8 403-6PB 2800

3 500
1LA8 405-6PB
1LA8 407-6PB
630 725 450 993 6060 96.8 96.8 0.86 1100 630 1LA8 453-6PB 4000
710 817 450 993 6830 96.8 96.8 0.86 – 710 1) 1LA8 455-6PB 4200
800 920 450 993 7690 97.0 97.1 0.86 – 790 1) 1LA8 457-6PB 4500
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
160 184 315 739 2070 94.9 94.9 0.82 295 172 1LA8 315-8PB 1300
200 230 315 739 2580 95.2 95.2 0.82 370 215 1LA8 317-8PB 1500
250 288 355 741 3220 95.7 95.7 0.82 460 265 1LA8 355-8PB 2000
315 362 355 741 4060 96.0 96.0 0.82 580 335 1LA8 357-8PB 2200
355 408 400 742 4570 96.1 96.1 0.82 650 375 1LA8 403-8PB 2800
400 460 400 742 5150 96.2 96.2 0.82 730 425 1LA8 405-8PB 3000
450 518 400 742 5790 96.3 96.3 0.82 820 475 1LA8 407-8PB 3200
500 575 450 744 6420 96.4 96.4 0.81 920 540 1LA8 453-8PB 4000
560 644 450 744 7190 96.5 96.5 0.81 1040 600 1LA8 455-8PB 4200
630 725 450 744 8090 96.6 96.6 0.81 1160 670 1LA8 457-8PB 4500

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
400 VΔ 400 VΔ/690 VY 2) 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 2) IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
protective cover 3) protective cover 4)
4 8 5 7 0 8 4 6
1LA8 315- . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 453- . . .
1LA8 455- . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 457- . . .
1LA8 315- . . . – 5) ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) 3)
Can also be supplied for 400 VΔ 50 Hz with voltage code “9” and order For explosion-proof motors, the type of construction IM V1 without protec-
code L1Y (specify output, voltage and frequency). tive cover is not possible.
2) 4)
Motors with standard insulation can only be operated with converter circuit The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
(du/dt or sinusoidal filter). 5)
As special version with voltage code “9” and order code 1LY (specify out-
put, voltage and frequency).

3/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. At 50 Hz as Torque Moment Noise Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
multiple of class of inertia Measuring Sound required
rated torque surface sound power level
pressure level at 50 Hz
at 50 Hz
For rated output and
sinusoidal supply, 50 Hz,
tolerance +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated J LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
CL kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LA8 315-6PB 2.5 13 6.0 68 82 2950 (2350) 147 (117)
1LA8 317-6PB 2.5 13 7.3 68 82 2950 (2350) 147 (117) Yes
1LA8 355-6PB 2.8 13 13 71 86 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes
1LA8 357-6PB 2.8 13 16 71 86 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes Yes
1LA8 403-6PB 2.8 13 21 73 88 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 110 (95)/105 2)
1LA8 405-6PB
1LA8 407-6PB
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
110 (95)/105 2)
110 (95)/105 2)
1LA8 453-6PB 2.6 13 35 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes Yes
1LA8 455-6PB 2.5 13 39 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
1LA8 457-6PB 2.5 13 44 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LA8 315-8PB 2.3 13 6.0 65 79 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1LA8 317-8PB 2.3 13 7.3 65 79 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1LA8 355-8PB 2.4 13 13 67 82 2500 (2100) 166 (140)
1LA8 357-8PB 2.4 13 16 67 82 2500 (2100) 166 (140) Yes
1LA8 403-8PB 2.6 13 21 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1LA8 405-8PB 2.6 13 24 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1LA8 407-8PB 2.6 13 27 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2) Yes
1LA8 453-8PB 2.4 13 35 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes
1LA8 455-8PB 2.4 13 39 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
1LA8 457-8PB 2.4 13 44 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

1) Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20)

for 6- and 8-pole motors on request.
2) For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
240 270 315 2978 770 96.0 96.0 0.90 230 1LA8 315-2PM8 1300
300 335 315 2978 962 96.4 96.4 0.91 285 1LA8 317-2PM8 1500
345 385 355 2981 1105 96.4 96.4 0.90 335 1LA8 353-2PM8 1900
390 435 355 2981 1249 96.6 96.6 0.91 370 1LA8 355-2PM8 2000
485 545 355 2982 1553 97.0 97.0 0.91 460 1LA8 357-2PM8 2200

3 545
1LA8 403-2PM7
1LA8 405-2PM7
680 750 400 2986 2175 97.2 97.2 0.92 640 1LA8 407-2PM7 3200
775 - 450 2987 2478 97.2 97.2 0.92 730 1LA8 453-2PM7 4000
875 - 450 2987 2798 97.3 97.3 0.92 820 1LA8 455-2PM7 4200
970 - 450 2987 3101 97.4 97.4 0.93 900 1LA8 457-2PM7 4400
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
235 270 315 1485 1511 95.8 95.8 0.87 235 1LA8 315-4PM8 1300
290 335 315 1485 1865 95.9 95.9 0.87 285 1LA8 317-4PM8 1500
340 390 355 1488 2182 96.0 96.0 0.87 340 1LA8 353-4PM8 1900
385 445 355 1488 2471 96.2 96.2 0.87 385 1LA8 355-4PM8 2000
480 550 355 1488 3081 96.4 96.4 0.87 480 1LA8 357-4PM8 2200
545 625 400 1491 3491 96.5 96.5 0.88 540 1LA8 403-4PM8 2800
615 710 400 1491 3939 96.7 96.7 0.88 600 1LA8 405-4PM8 3000
690 795 400 1491 4420 96.9 96.9 0.89 670 1LA8 407-4PM7 3200
785 905 450 1492 5025 96.8 96.8 0.88 770 1LA8 453-4PM7 4000
880 1010 450 1492 5633 97.0 97.0 0.87 870 1LA8 455-4PM7 4200
980 1125 450 1492 6273 97.1 97.1 0.89 950 1LA8 457-4PM7 4400

Order No. supplements

Motor type Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
IM B3 IM V1 without protective cover IM V1 with protective cover IM B35
0 8 4 6
1LA8 315- . . . ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 457- . . .
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
The voltage code is already in the Order No. as the
penultimate position.
7 = 690 VΔ
8 = 400 VΔ/690 VY
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

3/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment Noise Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
torque at class of inertia Measuring Sound required
50 Hz as surface sound power level
multiple of pressure level at 50 Hz
rated torque at 50 Hz
For rated output and
sinusoidal supply, 50 Hz,
tolerance +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1LA8 315-2PM8 3.0 10 2.7 82 (75) 2) 97 (90) 2) 3600 60 Yes
1LA8 317-2PM8 3.0 10 3.3 82 (75) 2) 97 (90) 2) 3600 60 Yes
1LA8 353-2PM8 2.6 10 4.8 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 355-2PM8 2.6 10 5.3 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 357-2PM8 2.6 10 6.4 77 3) 92 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes
1LA8 403-2PM7
1LA8 405-2PM7
79 3)
79 3)
94 3)
94 3)
3600/3100 4)
3600/3100 4)
60/52 4)
60/52 4)
Yes Yes
1LA8 407-2PM7 3.0 10 11 79 3) 94 3) 3600/3100 4) 60/52 4) Yes
1LA8 453-2PM7 2.8 5 19 81 3) 96 3) 3000 50 Yes
1LA8 455-2PM7 2.8 5 21 81 3) 96 3) 3000 50 Yes Yes
1LA8 457-2PM7 2.8 5 23 81 3) 96 3) 3000 50 Yes Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1LA8 315-4PM8 2.8 13 3.6 73 87 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1LA8 317-4PM8 2.8 13 4.4 73 87 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1LA8 353-4PM8 2.6 13 6.1 75 90 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1LA8 355-4PM8 2.6 13 6.8 75 90 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1LA8 357-4PM8 2.5 13 8.5 75 90 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes
1LA8 403-4PM8 2.6 13 13 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) 73 (70)/70 4) Yes
1LA8 405-4PM8 2.7 13 14 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) 73 (70)/70 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 407-4PM7 2.6 13 16 78 93 2200 (2100)/2100 4) 73 (70)/70 4) Yes
1LA8 453-4PM7 2.5 10 23 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) 70 (63)/60 4) Yes
1LA8 455-4PM7 2.6 10 26 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) 70 (63)/60 4) Yes Yes
1LA8 457-4PM7 2.6 10 28 81 96 2100 (1900)/1800 4) 70 (63)/60 4) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

1) 3)
Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20) In the standard version, the motors already have an axial fan for clockwise
for 4-pole motors on request. rotation. Order code K37 is not necessary. For counter-clockwise rotation,
Low-noise version, 2-pole, in brackets. To reduce noise, 2-pole motors can order code K38 is necessary.
be equipped with an axial fan that is only suitable for one direction of rota- For vertical type of construction IM V1.
tion. Clockwise rotation order code K37, counter-clockwise rotation K38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
190 220 315 990 1833 95.5 95.6 0.85 196 1LA8 315-6PM8 1300
235 270 315 990 2267 95.7 95.8 0.86 240 1LA8 317-6PM8 1500
300 345 355 992 2888 96.2 96.2 0.86 305 1LA8 355-6PM8 2000
380 435 355 992 3658 96.4 96.4 0.86 385 1LA8 357-6PM8 2200
435 500 400 993 4184 96.4 96.4 0.85 445 1LA8 403-6PM8 2800

3 485
1LA8 405-6PM8
1LA8 407-6PM8
615 705 450 993 5915 96.8 96.8 0.84 630 1LA8 453-6PM8 4000
690 795 450 993 6636 96.8 96.8 0.85 700 1LA8 455-6PM7 4200
780 895 450 993 7502 96.9 97.0 0.85 790 1LA8 457-6PM7 4500
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
145 165 315 740 1871 94.6 94.6 0.79 162 1LA8 315-8PM8 1300
180 205 315 740 2323 94.9 94.9 0.80 198 1LA8 317-8PM8 1500
230 265 355 743 2956 95.5 95.5 0.80 250 1LA8 355-8PM8 2000
290 335 355 743 3727 95.7 95.7 0.81 315 1LA8 357-8PM8 2200
335 385 400 743 4306 96.0 96.0 0.80 365 1LA8 403-8PM8 2800
375 430 400 743 4820 96.1 96.1 0.80 410 1LA8 405-8PM8 3000
425 490 400 743 5463 96.2 96.2 0.79 470 1LA8 407-8PM8 3200
485 560 450 745 6217 96.5 96.5 0.78 540 1LA8 453-8PM8 4000
545 625 450 745 6986 96.6 96.6 0.78 610 1LA8 455-8PM8 4200
600 690 450 745 7691 96.7 96.7 0.79 660 1LA8 457-8PM8 4500

Order No. supplements

Motor type Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
IM B3 IM V1 without protective cover IM V1 with protective cover IM B35
0 8 4 6
1LA8 315- . . . ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA8 457- . . .
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
The voltage code is already in the Order No. as the
penultimate position.
7 = 690 VΔ
8 = 400 VΔ/690 VY
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

3/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation
Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment Noise Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
torque class of inertia Measuring Sound required
at surface sound power level
50 Hz pressure level at 50 Hz
as at 50 Hz
multiple of For rated output and
rated torque sinusoidal supply, 50 Hz,
tolerance +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1LA8 315-6PM8 2.7 13 6.0 68 82 2950 (2350) 147 (117)
1LA8 317-6PM8 2.7 13 7.3 68 82 2950 (2350) 147 (117) Yes
1LA8 355-6PM8 2.8 13 13 71 86 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes
1LA8 357-6PM8 2.9 13 16 71 86 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes Yes
1LA8 403-6PM8 2.8 13 21 73 88 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 110 (95)/105 2)
1LA8 405-6PM8
1LA8 407-6PM8
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
110 (95)/105 2)
110 (95)/105 2)
1LA8 453-6PM8 2.7 13 35 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes Yes
1LA8 455-6PM7 2.5 13 39 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
1LA8 457-6PM7 2.6 13 44 75 90 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1LA8 315-8PM8 2.5 13 6.0 65 79 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1LA8 317-8PM8 2.5 13 7.3 65 79 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1LA8 355-8PM8 2.4 13 13 67 82 2500 (2100) 166 (140)
1LA8 357-8PM8 2.4 13 16 67 82 2500 (2100) 166 (140) Yes
1LA8 403-8PM8 2.6 13 21 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1LA8 405-8PM8 2.7 13 24 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1LA8 407-8PM8 2.7 13 27 69 84 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2) Yes
1LA8 453-8PM8 2.5 13 35 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes
1LA8 455-8PM8 2.5 13 39 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
1LA8 457-8PM8 2.5 13 44 71 86 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20)
for 6- and 8-pole motors on request.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
250 280 315 2979 801 96.2 96.2 0.90 415 240 1PQ8 315-2PC 1400
315 353 315 2979 1010 96.5 96.5 0.91 520 300 1PQ8 317-2PC 1600
355 398 355 2980 1140 96.5 96.5 0.90 590 340 1PQ8 353-2PC 2000
400 448 355 2980 1280 96.7 96.7 0.91 660 380 1PQ8 355-2PC 2100

3 500
1PQ8 357-2PC
1PQ8 403-2PC
630 693 400 2985 2020 97.1 97.1 0.91 1020 600 1PQ8 405-2PC 3100
710 781 400 2985 2270 97.3 97.3 0.91 – 670 1) 1PQ8 407-2PC 3300
800 – 450 2986 2560 97.2 97.2 0.91 – 760 1PQ8 453-2PE 4100
900 – 450 2986 2880 97.3 97.3 0.92 – 840 1PQ8 455-2PE 4300
1000 – 450 2986 3200 97.4 97.4 0.93 – 920 1PQ8 457-2PE 4500
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
250 288 315 1488 1600 96.0 96.0 0.87 430 250 1PQ8 315-4PB 1400
315 362 315 1488 2020 96.2 96.2 0.87 540 315 1PQ8 317-4PB 1600
355 408 355 1488 2280 96.3 96.3 0.87 610 355 1PQ8 353-4PB 2000
400 460 355 1488 2570 96.4 96.4 0.87 690 400 1PQ8 355-4PB 2100
500 575 355 1488 3210 96.7 96.7 0.88 850 490 1PQ8 357-4PB 2300
560 644 400 1492 3580 96.7 96.7 0.88 950 550 1PQ8 403-4PB 2900
630 725 400 1492 4030 96.9 96.9 0.88 1060 620 1PQ8 405-4PB 3100
710 817 400 1492 4540 97.0 97.0 0.89 – 690 1) 1PQ8 407-4PB 3300
800 920 450 1492 5120 97.0 97.0 0.88 – 780 1) 1PQ8 453-4PC 4100
900 1040 450 1492 5760 97.1 97.1 0.88 – 880 1PQ8 455-4PC 4300
1000 1150 450 1492 6400 97.1 97.1 0.89 – 970 1PQ8 457-4PC 4500

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
400 VΔ 400 VΔ/690 VY 2) 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 2) IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
protective cover 3) protective cover 4)
4 8 5 7 0 8 4 6
1PQ8 315- . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓
1PQ8 405- . . .
1PQ8 407- . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1PQ8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) 3)
Can also be supplied for 400 VΔ 50 Hz with voltage code “9” and order For explosion-proof motors, the type of construction IM V1 without protec-
code L1Y (specify output, voltage and frequency). tive cover is not possible.
2) 4)
Motors with standard insulation can only be operated with converter circuit The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
(du/dt or sinusoidal filter).

3/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment Technical data of the Measuring Sound Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
torque at class of iner- seperately driven fan surface power required
50 Hz as tia Power con- Rated sound pres- level at
multiple of sumption current at sure level at 50 Hz
rated torque with 50 Hz

50 Hz 60 Hz 400 V 460 V For rated output,

50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz, tolerance
+3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J P P I I LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 kW kW A A dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1PQ8 315-2PC 2.8 10 2.7 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 94 3600 60 Yes
1PQ8 317-2PC 2.8 10 3.3 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 94 3600 60 Yes
1PQ8 353-2PC 2.5 10 4.8 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 355-2PC 2.5 10 5.3 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 357-2PC
1PQ8 403-2PC
3600/3100 2)
3600/3100 2)
60/52 2)
60/52 2)
Yes 3
1PQ8 405-2PC 2.8 10 9.6 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 407-2PC 2.8 10 11 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-2PE 3.0 5 19 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 3000 50 Yes
1PQ8 455-2PE 2.8 5 21 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 3000 50 Yes Yes
1PQ8 457-2PE 2.7 5 23 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 3000 50 Yes Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1PQ8 315-4PB 2.8 13 3.6 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 93 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1PQ8 317-4PB 2.8 13 4.4 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 93 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1PQ8 353-4PB 2.6 13 6.1 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1PQ8 355-4PB 2.6 13 6.8 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1PQ8 357-4PB 2.4 13 8.5 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes
1PQ8 403-4PB 2.7 13 13 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (2100)/2100 2) 73 (70)/70 2) Yes
1PQ8 405-4PB 2.7 13 14 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (2100)/2100 2) 73 (70)/70 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 407-4PB 2.7 13 16 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (2100)/2100 2) 73 (70)/70 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-4PC 2.6 10 23 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1900)/1800 2) 70 (63)/60 2) Yes
1PQ8 455-4PC 2.6 10 26 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1900)/1800 2) 70 (63)/60 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 457-4PC 2.6 10 28 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1900)/1800 2) 70 (63)/60 2) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20)
for 4-pole motors on request.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
200 230 315 988 1930 95.7 95.8 0.86 345 200 1PQ8 315-6PB 1400
250 288 315 988 2410 95.9 96.0 0.86 430 250 1PQ8 317-6PB 1600
315 362 355 993 3040 96.2 96.2 0.86 540 315 1PQ8 355-6PB 2100
400 460 355 993 3850 96.5 96.5 0.86 690 400 1PQ8 357-6PB 2300

3 450
1PQ8 403-6PB
1PQ8 405-6PB
560 644 400 991 5390 96.7 96.7 0.86 960 460 1PQ8 407-6PB 3300
630 725 450 993 6060 96.8 96.8 0.86 1100 630 1PQ8 453-6PB 4100
710 817 450 993 6830 96.8 96.8 0.86 – 710 1) 1PQ8 455-6PB 4300
800 920 450 993 7690 97.0 97.1 0.86 – 790 1) 1PQ8 457-6PB 4600
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
160 184 315 739 2070 94.9 94.9 0.82 295 172 1PQ8 315-8PB 1400
200 230 315 739 2580 95.2 95.2 0.82 370 215 1PQ8 317-8PB 1600
250 288 355 741 3220 95.7 95.7 0.82 460 265 1PQ8 355-8PB 2100
315 362 355 741 4060 96.0 96.0 0.82 580 335 1PQ8 357-8PB 2300
355 408 400 742 4570 96.1 96.1 0.82 650 375 1PQ8 403-8PB 2900
400 460 400 742 5150 96.2 96.2 0.82 730 425 1PQ8 405-8PB 3100
450 518 400 742 5790 96.3 96.3 0.82 820 475 1PQ8 407-8PB 3300
500 575 450 744 6420 96.4 96.4 0.81 920 540 1PQ8 453-8PB 4100
560 644 450 744 7190 96.5 96.5 0.81 1040 600 1PQ8 455-8PB 4300
630 725 450 744 8090 96.6 96.6 0.81 1160 670 1PQ8 457-8PB 4600

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
400 VΔ 400 VΔ/690 VY 2) 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 2) IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
protective cover 3) protective cover 4)
4 8 5 7 0 8 4 6
1PQ8 315- . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓
1PQ8 453- . . .
1PQ8 455- . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1PQ8 457- . . .
1PQ8 315- . . . – 5) ✓ ✓ ✓
1PQ8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) Can also be supplied for 400 VΔ 50 Hz with voltage code “9” and order 4) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
code L1Y (specify output, voltage and frequency). 5) As special version with voltage code “9” and order code 1LY (specify out-
2) Motors with standard insulation can only be operated with converter circuit put, voltage and frequency).
(du/dt or sinusoidal filter).
3) For explosion-proof motors, the type of construction IM V1 without protec-
tive cover is not possible.

3/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment Technical data of the Measuring Sound Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
torque at class of iner- seperately driven fan surface power required
50 Hz as tia Power con- Rated sound pres- level at
multiple of sumption current at sure level at 50 Hz
rated torque with 50 Hz

50 Hz 60 Hz 400 V 460 V For rated output,

50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz, tolerance
+3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J P P I I LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 kW kW A A dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1PQ8 315-6PB 2.5 13 6.0 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 80 94 2950 (2350) 147 (117)
1PQ8 317-6PB 2.5 13 7.3 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 80 94 2950 (2350) 147 (117) Yes
1PQ8 355-6PB 2.8 13 13 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 82 97 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes
1PQ8 357-6PB 2.8 13 16 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 82 97 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes Yes
1PQ8 403-6PB
1PQ8 405-6PB
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
110 (95)/105 2)
110 (95)/105 2) Yes 3
1PQ8 407-6PB 2.8 13 27 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 84 99 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 110 (95)/105 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-6PB 2.6 13 35 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 87 102 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 455-6PB 2.5 13 39 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 87 102 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
1PQ8 457-6PB 2.5 13 44 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 87 102 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1PQ8 315-8PB 2.3 13 6.0 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 93 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1PQ8 317-8PB 2.3 13 7.3 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 93 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1PQ8 355-8PB 2.4 13 13 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2100) 166 (140)
1PQ8 357-8PB 2.4 13 16 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2100) 166 (140) Yes
1PQ8 403-8PB 2.6 13 21 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1PQ8 405-8PB 2.6 13 24 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1PQ8 407-8PB 2.6 13 27 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-8PB 2.4 13 35 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes
1PQ8 455-8PB 2.4 13 39 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 141 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 457-8PB 2.4 13 44 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 142 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20)
for 6- and 8-pole motors on request.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/29

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
240 270 315 2978 770 96.0 96.0 0.90 230 1PQ8 315-2PM8 1400
300 335 315 2978 962 96.4 96.4 0.91 285 1PQ8 317-2PM8 1600
345 385 355 2981 1105 96.4 96.4 0.90 335 1PQ8 353-2PM8 2000
390 435 355 2981 1249 96.6 96.6 0.91 370 1PQ8 355-2PM8 2100

3 485
1PQ8 357-2PM8
1PQ8 403-2PM7
610 670 400 2986 1951 97.1 97.1 0.91 580 1PQ8 405-2PM7 3100
680 750 400 2986 2175 97.2 97.2 0.92 640 1PQ8 407-2PM7 3300
775 - 450 2987 2478 97.2 97.2 0.92 730 1PQ8 453-2PM7 4100
875 - 450 2987 2798 97.3 97.3 0.92 820 1PQ8 455-2PM7 4300
970 - 450 2987 3101 97.4 97.4 0.93 900 1PQ8 457-2PM7 4500
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
235 270 315 1485 1511 95.8 95.8 0.87 235 1PQ8 315-4PM8 1400
290 335 315 1485 1865 95.9 95.9 0.87 285 1PQ8 317-4PM8 1600
340 390 355 1488 2182 96.0 96.0 0.87 340 1PQ8 353-4PM8 2000
385 445 355 1488 2471 96.2 96.2 0.87 385 1PQ8 355-4PM8 2100
480 550 355 1488 3081 96.4 96.4 0.87 480 1PQ8 357-4PM8 2300
545 625 400 1491 3491 96.5 96.5 0.88 540 1PQ8 403-4PM8 2900
615 710 400 1491 3939 96.7 96.7 0.88 600 1PQ8 405-4PM8 3100
690 795 400 1491 4420 96.9 96.9 0.89 670 1PQ8 407-4PM7 3300
785 905 450 1492 5025 96.8 96.8 0.88 770 1PQ8 453-4PM7 4100
880 1010 450 1492 5633 97.0 97.0 0.87 870 1PQ8 455-4PM7 4300
980 1125 450 1492 6273 97.1 97.1 0.89 950 1PQ8 457-4PM7 4500

Order No. supplements

Motor type Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
IM B3 IM V1 without protective cover IM V1 with protective cover IM B35
0 8 4 6
1PQ8 315- . . . ✓ ✓ ✓
1PQ8 457- . . .
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
The voltage code is already in the Order No. as the
penultimate position.
7 = 690 VΔ
8 = 400 VΔ/690 VY
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

3/30 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment Technical data of the Measuring Sound Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
torque at class of iner- seperately driven fan surface power required
50 Hz as tia Power con- Rated sound pres- level at
multiple of sumption current at sure level at 50 Hz
rated torque with 50 Hz

50 Hz 60 Hz 400 V 460 V For rated output,

50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz, tolerance
+3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J P P I I LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 kW kW A A dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1PQ8 315-2PM8 3.0 10 2.7 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 94 3600 60 Yes Yes
1PQ8 317-2PM8 3.0 10 3.3 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 3600 60 Yes Yes
1PQ8 353-2PM8 2.6 10 4.8 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 355-2PM8 2.6 10 5.3 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 357-2PM8
1PQ8 403-2PM7
83 98
3600/3100 2)
3600/3100 2)
60/52 2)
60/52 2)
Yes 3
1PQ8 405-2PM7 3.1 10 9.6 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 407-2PM7 3.0 10 11 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-2PM7 2.8 5 19 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 3000 50 Yes
1PQ8 455-2PM7 2.8 5 21 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 3000 50 Yes Yes
1PQ8 457-2PM7 2.8 5 23 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 3000 50 Yes Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1PQ8 315-4PM8 2.8 13 3.6 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 93 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1PQ8 317-4PM8 2.8 13 4.4 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 3000 (2650) 100 (88) Yes
1PQ8 353-4PM8 2.6 13 6.1 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1PQ8 355-4PM8 2.6 13 6.8 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes Yes
1PQ8 357-4PM8 2.5 13 8.5 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 2500 (2350) 83 (78) Yes
1PQ8 403-4PM8 2.6 13 13 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (2100)/2100 2) 73 (70)/70 2) Yes
1PQ8 405-4PM8 2.7 13 14 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 2200 (2100)/2100 2) 73 (70)/70 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 407-4PM7 2.6 13 16 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 2200 (2100)/2100 2) 73 (70)/70 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-4PM7 2.5 10 23 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1900)/1800 2) 70 (61)/60 2) Yes
1PQ8 455-4PM7 2.6 10 26 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 2100 (1900)/1800 2) 70 (61)/60 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 457-4PM7 2.6 10 28 3.0 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 2100 (1900)/1800 2) 70 (61)/60 2) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20)
for 4-pole motors on request.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/31

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame size Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
190 220 315 990 1833 95.5 95.6 0.85 196 1PQ8 315-6PM8 1400
235 270 315 990 2267 95.7 95.8 0.86 240 1PQ8 317-6PM8 1600
300 345 355 992 2888 96.2 96.2 0.86 305 1PQ8 355-6PM8 2100
380 435 355 992 3658 96.4 96.4 0.86 385 1PQ8 357-6PM8 2300

3 435
1PQ8 403-6PM8
1PQ8 405-6PM8
545 625 400 993 5241 96.6 96.6 0.86 550 1PQ8 407-6PM8 3300
615 705 450 993 5915 96.8 96.8 0.84 630 1PQ8 453-6PM8 4100
690 795 450 993 6636 96.8 96.8 0.85 700 1PQ8 455-6PM7 4300
780 895 450 993 7502 96.9 97.0 0.85 790 1PQ8 457-6PM7 4600
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
145 165 315 740 1871 94.6 94.6 0.79 162 1PQ8 315-8PM8 1400
180 205 315 740 2323 94.9 94.9 0.80 198 1PQ8 317-8PM8 1600
230 265 355 743 2956 95.5 95.5 0.80 250 1PQ8 355-8PM8 2100
290 335 355 743 3727 95.7 95.7 0.81 315 1PQ8 357-8PM8 2300
335 385 400 743 4306 96.0 96.0 0.80 365 1PQ8 403-8PM8 2900
375 430 400 743 4820 96.1 96.1 0.80 410 1PQ8 405-8PM8 3100
425 490 400 743 5463 96.2 96.2 0.79 470 1PQ8 407-8PM8 3300
485 560 450 745 6217 96.5 96.5 0.78 540 1PQ8 453-8PM8 4100
545 625 450 745 6986 96.6 96.6 0.78 610 1PQ8 455-8PM8 4300
600 690 450 745 7691 96.7 96.7 0.79 660 1PQ8 457-8PM8 4600

Order No. supplements

Motor type Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
IM B3 IM V1 without protective cover IM V1 with protective cover IM B35
0 8 4 6
1PQ8 315- . . . ✓ ✓ ✓
1PQ8 457- . . .
Standard version
✓ With additional charge

The voltage code is already in the Order No. as the

penultimate position.
7 = 690 VΔ
8 = 400 VΔ/690 VY
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

3/32 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Forced-air cooled motors with separately driven fan
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment Technical data of the Measuring Sound Mech. limit speed 1) Parallel feeders
torque at class of iner- seperately driven fan surface power required
50 Hz as tia Power con- Rated sound pres- level at
multiple of sumption current at sure level at 50 Hz
rated torque with 50 Hz

50 Hz 60 Hz 400 V 460 V For rated output,

50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz, tolerance
+3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J P P I I LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 kW kW A A dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1PQ8 315-6PM8 2.7 13 6 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 80 94 2950 (2350) 147 (117)
1PQ8 317-6PM8 2.7 13 7.3 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 80 94 2950 (2350) 147 (117) Yes
1PQ8 355-6PM8 2.8 13 13 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 82 97 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes
1PQ8 357-6PM8 2.9 13 16 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 82 97 2500 (2100) 125 (105) Yes Yes
1PQ8 403-6PM8
1PQ8 405-6PM8
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
2200 (1900)/2100 2)
110 (95)/105 2)
110 (95)/105 2) Yes 3
1PQ8 407-6PM8 2.7 13 27 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 84 99 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 110 (95)/105 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-6PM8 2.7 13 35 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 87 102 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 455-6PM7 2.5 13 39 3 4.2 8.2 7.7 87 102 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
1PQ8 457-6PM7 2.6 13 44 3 4.2 8.2 7.7 87 102 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 105 (85)/90 2) Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 to 690 V
1PQ8 315-8PM8 2.5 13 6 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 93 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1PQ8 317-8PM8 2.5 13 7.3 0.75 1.23 3.4 3.3 79 93 2950 (2350) 196 (156)
1PQ8 355-8PM8 2.4 13 13 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2100) 166 (140)
1PQ8 357-8PM8 2.4 13 16 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 81 96 2500 (2100) 166 (140) Yes
1PQ8 403-8PM8 2.6 13 21 1.3 2.2 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1PQ8 405-8PM8 2.7 13 24 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2)
1PQ8 407-8PM8 2.7 13 27 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 83 98 2200 (1900)/2100 2) 146 (126)/140 2) Yes
1PQ8 453-8PM8 2.5 13 35 1.6 2.8 6.4 6.2 86 101 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes
1PQ8 455-8PM8 2.5 13 39 3 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
1PQ8 457-8PM8 2.5 13 44 3 4.2 8.2 7.7 86 101 2100 (1700)/1800 2) 140 (113)/120 2) Yes Yes
Values in brackets apply to the use of motors in hazardous areas.

Limit speeds for reinforced bearings (order code K20)
for 6- and 8-pole motors on request.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/33

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation
for mains-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM
speed torque at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and B3 type
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, of con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % A A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
315 345 315 2974 1010 96.1 0.92 510 300 1LL8 315-2AC 1300
400 440 315 2974 1280 96.4 0.92 650 375 1LL8 317-2AC 1500
450 – 355 2978 1440 96.4 0.91 740 430 1LL8 353-2AD 1900
500 – 355 2979 1600 96.6 0.92 810 470 1LL8 355-2AD 2000
630 – 355 2980 2020 96.9 0.93 1000 580 1LL8 357-2AD 2200
710 – 400 2984 2270 97.0 0.91 1160 670 1LL8 403-2AD 2800

800 – 400 2984 2560 97.1 0.92 1300 750 1LL8 405-2AD 3000
900 – 400 2985 2880 97.3 0.92 – 840 1LL8 407-2AD 3200
1000 – 450 2987 3200 97.3 0.93 – 920 1LL8 453-2AE 4000
1120 – 450 2986 3580 97.3 0.94 – 1020 1LL8 455-2AE 4200
1250 – 450 2986 4000 97.4 0.94 – 1140 1LL8 457-2AE 4400
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
315 360 315 1483 2030 96.0 0.87 540 315 1LL8 315-4AC 1300
400 460 315 1484 2570 96.2 0.88 680 395 1LL8 317-4AC 1500
450 515 355 1487 2890 96.5 0.87 770 450 1LL8 353-4AC 1900
500 575 355 1487 3210 96.6 0.88 850 490 1LL8 355-4AC 2000
630 725 355 1488 4040 96.9 0.88 1060 620 1LL8 357-4AC 2200
710 815 400 1489 4550 96.9 0.88 1200 700 1LL8 403-4AC 2800
800 920 400 1490 5130 97.0 0.88 – 780 1LL8 405-4AC 3000
900 1035 400 1491 5760 97.2 0.87 – 890 1LL8 407-4AC 3200
1000 1150 450 1492 6400 97.2 0.86 – 1000 1LL8 453-4AD 4000
1120 1280 450 1491 7170 97.2 0.89 – 1080 1LL8 455-4AD 4200
1250 1430 450 1490 8010 97.2 0.89 – 1200 1LL8 457-4AD 4400
A service factor (SF) of 1.05 is stamped onto all 1LL8 motors for
mains-fed operation.

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
60 Hz Without flange With flange
400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 460 VΔ IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
(see “Introduction” for protective protective
outputs at 60 Hz) cover cover 1)
6 5 0 9 L2F 0 8 4 6
1LL8 315- . . . – 2) ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 317- . . .
1LL8 353- . . . – 2) 3)
✓ 3) ✓ 3) ✓ 3)
1LL8 405- . . .
1LL8 407- . . . – O. R. ✓ 3) ✓ 3) ✓ 3)
1LL8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
2) As special version with voltage code “9” and order code L1Y (specify out-
put, voltage and frequency).
3) Not possible for 2-pole motors in 60 Hz version.

3/34 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation
for mains-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Noise at rated output Mech. limit Parallel feeders
rotor rotor down class of inertia speed required
torque current torque
At 50 Hz and for direct online starting Measuring Sound power
as multiple of rated surface sound level at 50 Hz
torque current torque pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA nmax.
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm 400 V 500 V 690 V
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
1LL8 315-2AC 1.6 7.0 2.8 10 2.7 84 1) 99 3600 Yes
1LL8 317-2AC 1.7 7.0 2.8 10 3.3 84 1) 99 3600 Yes
1LL8 353-2AD 1.4 7.0 2.6 7 4.8 86 1) 101 3600/3100 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 355-2AD 1.4 7.0 2.6 7 5.3 86 1) 101 3600/3100 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 357-2AD 1.6 7.0 2.6 7 6.4 86 1) 101 3600/3100 2) Yes
1LL8 403-2AD 1.4 6.8 2.6 7 8.6 88 1) 103 3600/3100 2) Yes

1LL8 405-2AD 1.5 7.0 2.6 7 9.6 88 1) 103 3600/3100 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 407-2AD 1.5 7.0 2.7 7 11 88 1) 103 3600/3100 2) Yes
1LL8 453-2AE 0.9 7.0 2.9 5 19 90 1) 105 3000 Yes
1LL8 455-2AE 0.9 7.0 2.7 5 21 90 1) 105 3000 Yes Yes
1LL8 457-2AE 0.9 7.0 2.6 5 23 90 1) 105 3000 Yes Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
1LL8 315-4AC 1.6 7.0 2.7 10 3.6 75 90 3000/2600 2) Yes
1LL8 317-4AC 1.7 7.0 2.7 10 4.4 75 90 3000/2600 2) Yes
1LL8 353-4AC 1.5 7.0 2.6 10 6.1 77 92 2500/2200 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 355-4AC 1.6 7.0 2.6 10 6.8 77 92 2500/2200 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 357-4AC 1.6 7.0 2.7 10 8.5 77 92 2500/2200 2) Yes
1LL8 403-4AC 1.6 7.0 2.4 10 13 81 96 2200/1900 2) Yes
1LL8 405-4AC 1.7 7.0 2.5 10 14 81 96 2200/1900 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 407-4AC 1.7 7.0 2.6 10 16 81 96 2200/1900 2) Yes
1LL8 453-4AD 1.5 7.0 2.8 7 23 84 99 2100/1800 2) Yes
1LL8 455-4AD 1.5 7.0 2.6 7 26 84 99 2100/1800 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 457-4AD 1.5 7.0 2.5 7 28 84 99 2100/1800 2) Yes Yes

The noise values for 1LL8, 2-pole are for guidance only.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/35

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation
for mains-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % A A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
250 285 315 988 2420 95.4 0.88 430 250 1LL8 315-6AC 1300
315 360 315 988 3040 95.7 0.89 530 310 1LL8 317-6AC 1500
400 460 355 991 3850 96.1 0.88 680 395 1LL8 355-6AC 2000
500 575 355 991 4820 96.4 0.88 850 495 1LL8 357-6AC 2200
560 645 400 993 5390 96.6 0.87 960 560 1LL8 403-6AC 2800
630 725 400 993 6060 96.7 0.88 1060 620 1LL8 405-6AC 3000

710 815 400 993 6830 96.7 0.88 1200 700 1LL8 407-6AC 3200
800 920 450 993 7700 96.8 0.87 – 790 1LL8 453-6AD 4000
900 1035 450 992 8660 96.8 0.88 – 880 1LL8 455-6AD 4200
1000 1150 450 993 9620 96.9 0.88 – 980 1LL8 457-6AD 4500
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
200 230 315 738 2590 94.7 0.82 370 215 1LL8 315-8AC 1300
250 285 315 738 3240 95.0 0.82 465 270 1LL8 317-8AC 1500
315 360 355 740 4070 95.5 0.83 570 335 1LL8 355-8AC 2000
400 460 355 740 5160 95.6 0.84 720 415 1LL8 357-8AC 2200
450 515 400 741 5800 95.9 0.84 810 465 1LL8 403-8AD 2800
500 575 400 741 6440 96.1 0.84 890 520 1LL8 405-8AD 3000
560 645 400 742 7210 96.2 0.83 1020 590 1LL8 407-8AD 3200
630 745 450 743 8100 96.3 0.82 1160 670 1LL8 453-8AD 4000
710 815 450 743 9130 96.4 0.83 1280 740 1LL8 455-8AD 4200
800 920 450 743 10300 96.5 0.83 – 840 1LL8 457-8AD 4500
A service factor (SF) of 1.05 is stamped onto all 1LL8 motors for
mains-fed operation.

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
60 Hz Without flange With flange
400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 460 VΔ IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
(see “Introduction” for protective protective
outputs at 60 Hz) cover cover 1)
6 5 0 9 L2F 0 8 4 6
1LL8 315- . . . – 2) ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 407- . . .
1LL8 453- . . . – O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 457- . . .
1LL8 315- . . . – 2) ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 455- . . .
1LL8 457- . . . – O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
As special version with voltage code “9” and order code L1Y (specify out-
put, voltage and frequency).

3/36 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation
for mains-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Noise at rated output Mech. limit Parallel feeders
rotor rotor down class of inertia speed required
torque current torque
At 50 Hz and for direct online starting Measuring Sound power
as multiple of rated surface sound level at 50 Hz
torque current torque pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA nmax.
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm 400 V 500 V 690 V
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
1LL8 315-6AC 1.6 7 2.6 10 6 70 84 2950/2600 1)
1LL8 317-6AC 1.7 7 2.6 10 7.3 70 84 2950/2600 1) Yes
1LL8 355-6AC 1.7 7 2.5 10 13 73 88 2500/2200 1) Yes
1LL8 357-6AC 1.8 7 2.6 10 16 73 88 2500/2200 1) Yes Yes
1LL8 403-6AC 1.8 7 2.6 10 21 76 91 2200/1900 1)
1LL8 405-6AC 1.8 7 2.6 10 24 76 91 2200/1900 1) Yes

1LL8 407-6AC 1.8 7 2.5 10 27 76 91 2200/1900 1) Yes
1LL8 453-6AD 1.5 7 2.5 7 35 78 93 2100/1800 1) Yes Yes
1LL8 455-6AD 1.5 7 2.4 7 39 78 93 2100/1800 1) Yes
1LL8 457-6AD 1.5 7 2.5 7 44 78 93 2100/1800 1) Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 130 (B), IP23 degree of protection
1LL8 315-8AC 1.6 5.8 2.4 10 6 67 81 2950/2600 1)
1LL8 317-8AC 1.6 5.8 2.4 10 7.3 67 81 2950/2600 1)
1LL8 355-8AC 1.6 6 2.4 10 13 69 84 2500/2200 1)
1LL8 357-8AC 1.6 6 2.3 10 16 69 84 2500/2200 1) Yes
1LL8 403-8AD 1.3 5.8 2.3 7 21 72 87 2200/1900 1)
1LL8 405-8AD 1.4 5.8 2.4 7 24 72 87 2200/1900 1)
1LL8 407-8AD 1.4 6 2.4 7 27 72 87 2200/1900 1) Yes
1LL8 453-8AD 1.3 5.8 2.3 7 35 74 89 2100/1800 1) Yes
1LL8 455-8AD 1.3 5.8 2.3 7 39 74 89 2100/1800 1) Yes Yes
1LL8 457-8AD 1.3 5.8 2.3 7 44 74 89 2100/1800 1) Yes Yes

For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/37

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated

kW kW rpm Nm % A A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
315 345 315 2974 1010 96.1 0.92 510 300 1LL8 315-2PC 1300
400 440 315 2974 1280 96.4 0.92 650 375 1LL8 317-2PC 1500
450 – 355 2978 1440 96.4 0.91 740 430 1LL8 353-2PD 1900
500 – 355 2979 1600 96.6 0.92 810 470 1LL8 355-2PD 2000
630 – 355 2980 2020 96.9 0.93 1000 580 1LL8 357-2PD 2200

710 – 400 2984 2270 97.0 0.91 1160 670 1LL8 403-2PD 2800
800 – 400 2984 2560 97.1 0.92 1300 750 1LL8 405-2PD 3000
900 – 400 2985 2880 97.3 0.92 – 840 1LL8 407-2PD 3200
1000 – 450 2987 3200 97.3 0.93 – 920 1LL8 453-2PE 4000
1120 – 450 2986 3580 97.3 0.94 – 1020 1LL8 455-2PE 4200
1250 – 450 2986 4000 97.4 0.94 – 1140 1LL8 457-2PE 4400
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
315 360 315 1483 2030 96.0 0.87 540 315 1LL8 315-4PC 1300
400 460 315 1484 2570 96.2 0.88 680 395 1LL8 317-4PC 1500
450 515 355 1487 2890 96.5 0.87 770 450 1LL8 353-4PC 1900
500 575 355 1487 3210 96.6 0.88 850 490 1LL8 355-4PC 2000
630 725 355 1488 4040 96.9 0.88 1060 620 1LL8 357-4PC 2200
710 815 400 1489 4550 96.9 0.88 1200 700 1LL8 403-4PC 2800
800 920 400 1490 5130 97.0 0.88 1360 780 1LL8 405-4PC 3000
900 1035 400 1491 5760 97.2 0.87 – 890 1LL8 407-4PC 3200
1000 1150 450 1492 6400 97.2 0.86 – 1000 1LL8 453-4PD 4000
1120 1280 450 1491 7170 97.2 0.89 – 1080 1LL8 455-4PD 4200
1250 1430 450 1490 8010 97.2 0.89 – 1200 1LL8 457-4PD 4400

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
400 VΔ 400 VΔ/690 VY 1) 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 1) IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
protective cover protective cover
4 8 5 7 0 8 4 6
1LL8 315- . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 405- . . .
1LL8 407- . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 457- . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) Motors with standard insulation can only be operated with converter circuit
(du/dt or sinusoidal filter).

3/38 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment Measuring Sound Mech. limit speed Parallel feeders
torque at 50 Hz class of inertia surface sound power level required
as multiple of pressure level at 50 Hz
rated torque at 50 Hz
For rated output and
sinusoidal supply, 50 Hz,
tolerance +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LL8 315-2PC 2.8 10 2.7 84 1) 99 3600 60 Yes
1LL8 317-2PC 2.8 10 3.3 84 1) 99 3600 60 Yes
1LL8 353-2PD 2.6 7 4.8 86 1) 101 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 355-2PD 2.6 7 5.3 86 1) 101 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 357-2PD 2.6 7 6.4 86 1) 101 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes
88 1) 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2)
1LL8 403-2PD 2.6 7 8.6 103 Yes
1LL8 405-2PD 2.6 7 9.6 88 1) 103 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 407-2PD 2.7 7 11 88 1) 103 3600/3100 2) 60/52 2) Yes
1LL8 453-2PE 2.9 5 19 90 1) 105 3000 50 Yes
1LL8 455-2PE 2.7 5 21 90 1) 105 3000 50 Yes Yes
1LL8 457-2PE 2.6 5 23 90 1) 105 3000 50 Yes Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LL8 315-4PC 2.7 10 3.6 75 90 3000/2600 2) 100/87 2) Yes
1LL8 317-4PC 2.7 10 4.4 75 90 3000/2600 2) 100/87 2) Yes
1LL8 353-4PC 2.6 10 6.1 77 92 2500/2200 2) 83/73 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 355-4PC 2.6 10 6.8 77 92 2500/2200 2) 83/73 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 357-4PC 2.7 10 8.5 77 92 2500/2200 2) 83/73 2) Yes
1LL8 403-4PC 2.4 10 13 81 96 2200/1900 2) 73/63 2) Yes
1LL8 405-4PC 2.5 10 14 81 96 2200/1900 2) 73/63 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 407-4PC 2.6 10 16 81 96 2200/1900 2) 73/63 2) Yes
1LL8 453-4PD 2.8 7 23 84 99 2100/1800 2) 70/60 2) Yes
1LL8 455-4PD 2.6 7 26 84 99 2100/1800 2) 70/60 2) Yes Yes
1LL8 457-4PD 2.5 7 28 84 99 2100/1800 2) 70/60 2) Yes Yes

The noise values for 1LL8, 2-pole are for guidance only.
For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/39

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
50 Hz 60 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated Rated For Order No. supple- of IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz factor current current ments for voltage and type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction, con-
4/4-load 400 V 690 V see table below struction

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated Irated

kW kW rpm Nm % A A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
250 285 315 988 2420 95.4 0.88 430 250 1LL8 315-6PC 1300
315 360 315 988 3040 95.7 0.89 530 310 1LL8 317-6PC 1500
400 460 355 991 3850 96.1 0.88 680 395 1LL8 355-6PC 2000
500 575 355 991 4820 96.4 0.88 850 495 1LL8 357-6PC 2200
560 645 400 993 5390 96.6 0.87 960 560 1LL8 403-6PC 2800

630 725 400 993 6060 96.7 0.88 1060 620 1LL8 405-6PC 3000
710 815 400 993 6830 96.7 0.88 1200 700 1LL8 407-6PC 3200
800 920 450 993 7700 96.8 0.87 1380 790 1LL8 453-6PD 4000
900 1035 450 992 8660 96.8 0.88 – 880 1LL8 455-6PD 4200
1000 1150 450 993 9620 96.9 0.88 – 980 1LL8 457-6PD 4500
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
200 230 315 738 2590 94.7 0.82 370 215 1LL8 315-8PC 1300
250 285 315 738 3240 95.0 0.82 465 270 1LL8 317-8PC 1500
315 360 355 740 4070 95.5 0.83 570 335 1LL8 355-8PC 2000
400 460 355 740 5160 95.6 0.84 720 415 1LL8 357-8PC 2200
450 515 400 741 5800 95.9 0.84 810 465 1LL8 403-8PD 2800
500 575 400 741 6440 96.1 0.84 890 520 1LL8 405-8PD 3000
560 645 400 742 7210 96.2 0.83 1020 590 1LL8 407-8PD 3200
630 745 450 743 8100 96.3 0.82 1160 670 1LL8 453-8PD 4000
710 815 450 743 9130 96.4 0.83 1280 740 1LL8 455-8PD 4200
800 920 450 743 10300 96.5 0.83 – 840 1LL8 457-8PD 4500

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
400 VΔ 400 VΔ/690 VY 1) 500 VΔ 690 VΔ 1) IM B3 IM V1 without IM V1 with IM B35
protective cover protective cover 2)
4 8 5 7 0 8 4 6
1LL8 315- . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 453- . . .
1LL8 455- . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 457- . . .
1LL8 315- . . . – 3) ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 455- . . .
1LL8 457- . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

1) Motors with standard insulation can only be operated with converter circuit
(du/dt or sinusoidal filter).
2) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
3) As special version with voltage code “9” and order code L1Y
(specify output, voltage and frequency).

3/40 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown Torque Moment of Measuring Sound Mech. limit speed Parallel feeders
torque at 50 Hz class inertia surface sound power level required
as multiple pressure level at 50 Hz
of rated torque at 50 Hz
For rated output and
sinusoidal supply, 50 Hz,
tolerance +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA nmax. fmax.
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) rpm Hz 400 V 500 V 690 V
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LL8 315-6PC 2.6 10 6.0 70 84 2950/2600 1) 147/130 1)
1LL8 317-6PC 2.6 10 7.3 70 84 2950/2600 1) 147/130 1) Yes
1LL8 355-6PC 2.5 10 13 73 88 2500/2200 1) 125/110 1) Yes
1LL8 357-6PC 2.6 10 16 73 88 2500/2200 1) 125/110 1) Yes Yes
1LL8 403-6PC 2.6 10 21 76 91 2200/1900 1) 110/95 1)
2200/1900 1) 110/95 1)
1LL8 405-6PC 2.6 10 24 76 91 Yes
1LL8 407-6PC 2.5 10 27 76 91 2200/1900 1) 110/95 1) Yes
1LL8 453-6PD 2.5 7 35 78 93 2100/1800 1) 105/90 1) Yes Yes
1LL8 455-6PD 2.4 7 39 78 93 2100/1800 1) 105/90 1) Yes
1LL8 457-6PD 2.5 7 44 78 93 2100/1800 1) 105/90 1) Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of
protection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V
1LL8 315-8PC 2.4 10 6.0 67 81 2950/2600 1) 196/173 1)
1LL8 317-8PC 2.4 10 7.3 67 81 2950/2600 1) 196/173 1)
1LL8 355-8PC 2.4 10 13 69 84 2500/2200 1) 166/146 1)
1LL8 357-8PC 2.3 10 16 69 84 2500/2200 1) 166/146 1) Yes
1LL8 403-8PD 2.3 7 21 72 87 2200/1900 1) 146/126 1)
1LL8 405-8PD 2.4 7 24 72 87 2200/1900 1) 146/126 1)
1LL8 407-8PD 2.4 7 27 72 87 2200/1900 1) 146/126 1) Yes
1LL8 453-8PD 2.3 7 35 74 89 2100/1800 1) 140/120 1) Yes
1LL8 455-8PD 2.3 7 39 74 89 2100/1800 1) 140/120 1) Yes Yes
1LL8 457-8PD 2.3 7 44 74 89 2100/1800 1) 140/120 1) Yes Yes

For vertical type of construction IM V1.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/41

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame size Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated cur- For Order No. supple- of IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor rent ments for voltage and type of
50 Hz 60 Hz construc
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction,
4/4-load 690 V see table below tion

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of pro-
tection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
300 330 315 2977 962 95.9 0.91 290 1LL8315-2PM8 1300
380 415 315 2977 1219 96.3 0.91 365 1LL8317-2PM8 1500
435 475 355 2982 1393 96.2 0.90 420 1LL8353-2PM8 1900
485 530 355 2982 1553 96.5 0.90 465 1LL8355-2PM8 2000

610 670 355 2983 1953 96.8 0.91 580 1LL8357-2PM8 2200
690 755 400 2986 2207 96.9 0.91 650 1LL8403-2PM8 2800
770 845 400 2986 2463 96.9 0.91 730 1LL8405-2PM8 3000
860 945 400 2988 2749 97.2 0.92 800 1LL8407-2PM7 3200
965 1060 450 2988 3084 97.2 0.92 2x450 1LL8453-2PM7 4000
1085 1190 450 2987 3469 97.2 0.93 2x500 1LL8455-2PM7 4200
1210 1330 450 2985 3871 97.3 0.93 2x560 1LL8457-2PM7 4400
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of pro-
tection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
295 340 315 1485 1897 95.7 0.86 300 1LL8315-4PM8 1300
365 420 315 1487 2344 96.1 0.87 365 1LL8317-4PM8 1500
430 495 355 1489 2758 96.3 0.86 435 1LL8353-4PM8 1900
480 550 355 1489 3079 96.5 0.87 480 1LL8355-4PM8 2000
600 690 355 1490 3846 96.8 0.86 600 1LL8357-4PM8 2200
690 790 400 1491 4420 96.7 0.87 690 1LL8403-4PM8 2800
780 895 400 1491 4996 96.9 0.88 770 1LL8405-4PM8 3000
870 1000 400 1493 5565 97.1 0.85 880 1LL8407-4PM7 3200
980 1125 450 1493 6269 97.1 0.85 2x495 1LL8453-4PM7 4000
1095 1255 450 1492 7009 97.1 0.88 2x530 1LL8455-4PM7 4200
1225 1405 450 1491 7846 97.1 0.88 2x600 1LL8457-4PM7 4400

Order No. supplements

Motor type Final position: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
IM B3 IM V1 without protective cover IM V1 with protective cover IM B35
0 8 4 6
1LL8 315- . . . ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 457- . . .
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
The voltage code is already in the Order No. as the
penultimate position.
7 = 690 VΔ
8 = 400 VΔ/690 VY
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see "Special versions" options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the "Selection and ordering data" unter "Voltages"). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

3/42 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown torque Momenten- Trägheits- Geräusch mech. Grenzdrehzahl 1) Parallel feeders
at 50 Hz as klasse moment Messflä- Schallleis- required
multiple of rated chenschall- tungspegel
torque druckpegel bei 50 Hz
bei 50 Hz
bei Bemessungsleistung
und Sinuseinspeisung
50 Hz, Toleranz +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated KL J LpfA LWA nmax fmax
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) min-1 Hz 690 V
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of pro-
tection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
1LL8315-2PM8 2.9
1LL8317-2PM8 2.9
1LL8353-2PM8 2.7
1LL8355-2PM8 2.7

1LL8357-2PM8 2.7
1LL8403-2PM8 2.7
1LL8405-2PM8 2.7
1LL8407-2PM7 2.8
1LL8453-2PM7 3.0 Yes
1LL8455-2PM7 2.8 Yes
1LL8457-2PM7 2.7 Yes
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of pro-
tection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
1LL8315-4PM8 2.9
1LL8317-4PM8 3.0
1LL8353-4PM8 2.7
1LL8355-4PM8 2.7
1LL8357-4PM8 2.8
1LL8403-4PM8 2.5
1LL8405-4PM8 2.6
1LL8407-4PM7 2.7
1LL8453-4PM7 2.9 Yes
1LL8455-4PM7 2.7 Yes
1LL8457-4PM7 2.6 Yes

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/43

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at Frame size Operating values at rated output and sinusoidal supply Order No. Price Weight
Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated cur- For Order No. supple- of IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor rent ments for voltage and type of
50 Hz 60 Hz construc
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz type of construction,
4/4-load 690 V see table below tion

Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m

kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of pro-
tection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
235 270 315 990 2267 95.0 0.87 240 1LL8315-6PM8 1300
295 335 315 990 2846 95.3 0.87 295 1LL8317-6PM8 1500
380 435 355 992 3658 95.6 0.87 380 1LL8355-6PM8 2000
475 545 355 993 4568 96.3 0.87 475 1LL8357-6PM8 2200

540 620 400 993 5193 96.4 0.86 550 1LL8403-6PM8 2800
610 700 400 994 5861 96.5 0.87 610 1LL8405-6PM8 3000
690 790 400 993 6636 96.6 0.87 690 1LL8407-6PM8 3200
780 895 450 993 7502 96.7 0.87 780 1LL8453-6PM8 4000
870 1000 450 993 8367 96.8 0.88 850 1LL8455-6PM7 4200
975 1120 450 993 9377 96.8 0.88 2x480 1LL8457-6PM7 4500
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of protec-
tion, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
180 205 315 738 2329 94.1 0.81 198 1LL8315-8PM8 1300
225 255 315 740 2904 94.8 0.80 250 1LL8317-8PM8 1500
285 325 355 741 3673 95.1 0.81 310 1LL8355-8PM8 2000
365 415 355 741 4704 95.4 0.83 385 1LL8357-8PM8 2200
420 480 400 741 5413 95.5 0.83 445 1LL8403-8PM8 2800
465 530 400 742 5985 96.0 0.83 490 1LL8405-8PM8 3000
525 600 400 742 6757 96.0 0.82 560 1LL8407-8PM8 3200
610 700 450 742 7851 95.9 0.82 650 1LL8453-8PM8 4000
690 790 450 742 8881 96.0 0.82 730 1LL8455-8PM8 4200
760 870 450 742 9782 96.0 0.83 800 1LL8457-8PM8 4500

Order No. supplements

Motor type Finalposition: Type of construction code
Without flange With flange
IM B3 IM V1 without protective cover IM V1 with protective cover IM B35
0 8 4 6
1LL8 315- . . . ✓ ✓ ✓
1LL8 457- . . .
Standard version
✓ With additional charge
The voltage code is already in the Order No. as the
penultimate position.
7 = 690 VΔ
8 = 400 VΔ/690 VY
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Voltages or frequencies that are not covered by the predefined
sition and the corresponding order code (see "Special versions" options can be ordered with order code L1Y. In this case, the
in the "Selection and ordering data" unter "Voltages"). output, voltage and frequency must be specified.

3/44 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Self-ventilated motors with through-ventilation
for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Breakdown torque Momenten- Trägheits- Geräusch mech. Grenzdrehzahl 1) Parallel feeders
at 50 Hz as klasse moment Messflä- Schallleis- required
multiple of rated chenschall- tungspegel
torque druckpegel bei 50 Hz
bei 50 Hz
bei Bemessungsleistung
und Sinuseinspeisung
50 Hz, Toleranz +3 dB(A)
TB/Trated KL J LpfA LWA nmax fmax
kgm2 dB(A) dB(A) min-1 Hz 690 V
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of pro-
tection, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
1LL8315-6PM8 2.8
1LL8317-6PM8 2.8
1LL8355-6PM8 2.6
1LL8357-6PM8 2.7

1LL8403-6PM8 2.7
1LL8405-6PM8 2.7
1LL8407-6PM8 2.6
1LL8453-6PM8 2.6
1LL8455-6PM7 2.5
1LL8457-6PM7 2.6 Yes
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to temperature class 155 (F), IP23 degree of protec-
tion, specially for operation on SINAMICS or SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with special insulation for voltages >500 V to 690 V
1LL8315-8PM8 2.7
1LL8317-8PM8 2.7
1LL8355-8PM8 2.7
1LL8357-8PM8 2.5
1LL8403-8PM8 2.5
1LL8405-8PM8 2.6
1LL8407-8PM8 2.6
1LL8453-8PM8 2.4
1LL8455-8PM8 2.4
1LL8457-8PM8 2.4

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/45

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions

■ Overview
Motor protection PT100 resistance thermometers
KTY 84 temperature sensor: Order code A61: 6 PT100 resistance thermometers
Order code A23: The thermometer changes its resistance depending on the tem-
1 x KTY 84-130 (+ 1 x KTY 84-130 as spare) perature in accordance with a defined, almost linear character-
istic. The temperature sensor is embedded in the winding head
The sensor is a semi-conductor sensor that changes its resis- of the motor in the same manner as a PTC thermistor.
tance depending on temperature in accordance with a defined,
approximately linear characteristic. The temperature sensor is Evaluation of the KTY or PT100 sensor is performed, for exam-
embedded in the winding head of the motor in the same manner ple, in the converter.
as a PTC thermistor.
For motors for mains-fed operation, the 3RS10 temperature
monitoring device that forms part of the protective equipment
G_M015_EN_00190 must be ordered separately, for further details, see Catalog LV 1.
For all non-standard motors of series 1LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8, if
R order code A23 or A61 is used, the standard PTC thermistors will
be omitted. A combination of A12 and A61 or A12 and A23 is
3 k
possible on request for an additional charge.

D = 2 mA


0 50 100 150 200 250 °C 300

3/46 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions

■ Selection and ordering data

Voltages For some non-standard voltages at 50 or 60 Hz, order codes are
specified. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for
Additional order codes for other voltages or voltage codes voltage in the 11th position of the Order No. and the appropriate
(without -Z supplement) order code.
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code 11th identifica-
position of tion code
Order No. with order
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LA8
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LA8
Voltage at 60 Hz
380 VΔ/660 VY; 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY; 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 Hz output 1)
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 1) 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 1) 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 1) 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 1) 9 L2F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Standard winding 9 L8Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(winding according to voltage
code 0, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8; rating
plate will be stamped in accor-
dance with order) 2)
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 380 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 2)
✓ With additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

1) Only possible with rated outputs of up to 630 kW.

2) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/47

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code 11th identifica-
position of tion code
Order No. with order
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450
Forced-air cooled motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8
Voltage at 60 Hz
380 VΔ/660 VY; 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY; 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 Hz output 1)
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 1) 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 1) 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 1) 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 1) 9 L2F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

3 575 VΔ; 50 Hz output

575 VΔ; 60 Hz output

Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Standard winding 9 L8Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(winding according to voltage
code 4, 5, 7 or 8; rating plate
will be stamped in accordance
with order) 2)
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 380 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 2)
✓ With additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
The order codes listed above are only valid for motor series
1PQ8 with forced-air cooled motor.
The required voltage/frequency according to order code Y81
„Separately driven fan with non-standard voltage/frequency“
must be ordered in plain text with indication of the voltage, fre-
quency and circuit.

1) Only possible with rated outputs of up to 630 kW.

2) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

3/48 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code 11th identifica-
position of tion code
Order No. with order
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation for mains-fed and converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LL8
Voltage at 60 Hz
380 VΔ/660 VY; 9 L2C ✓ ✓ 3) ✓ 3) ✓ 3)
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY; 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 Hz output 1)
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 1) 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 1) 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 1) 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 1) 9 L2F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output

Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Standard winding 9 L8Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(winding according to voltage
code 0, 5 or 6; rating plate will
be stamped in accordance
with order) 2)
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 380 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 2)
✓ With additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

1) Only possible with rated outputs of up to 630 kW.

2) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.
3) Not possible for 2-pole motors in 60 Hz version of frame size 355 and

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/49

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed and converter-fed operation 1LA8
1LA8 1LA8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Standardline version 1) B20 – – – –
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A12
with 6 embedded temperature sensors

3 for alarm and tripping2)

Motor temperature detection with A23
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 3)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers (basic circuit)
for rolling-contact bearings
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Undrilled entry plate L01 4) 4)

Connection box on RHS K09

Connection box on LHS K10
Connection box above K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(1XB1 634 connection box)
Cable gland DIN 89280, K57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
maximum configuration
Rotation of the connection box through K83
90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box through K84
90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85
through 180°
6) 6)
Larger connection box M58 ✓ – – ✓ – –
(1XB1 621 connection box)
Larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ 6)
(1XB1 631 connection box)
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long L48 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long L49 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 016 M50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary connection box L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XB3 020 7)
Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 014 M88 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on NDE M64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), used C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
(SF 1.1, SF 1.05 from frame size 400) 8)
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
to 155 (F), with increased output
(10 %, 5 % from frame size 400) 8)
Temperature class 155 (F), used C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
acc. to 155 (F), with increased coolant
temperature (55 °C, 50 °C from frame
size 400) 8)
Temperature class 180 (H), used C14 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
(SF 1.1) 8)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/53.

3/50 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed and converter-fed operation 1LA8
1LA8 1LA8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard paint finish Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in other colors standard
RAL ….
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

stone gray
Special finish in other colors Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL ….
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Special technology
Mounting of brake H47 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
(incl. brake of Stromag)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 H70 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H80 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mounting a special type Y70 • and – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
of rotary pulse encoder encoder
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K37 ✓ ✓
with clockwise direction of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K38 ✓ ✓
with counter-clockwise direction of
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature 45 °C, D11
derating 4 % 9)
Coolant temperature 50 °C, D12
derating 8 % 9)
Coolant temperature 55 °C, D13
derating 13 % 9)
Coolant temperature 60 °C, D14
derating 18 % 9)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark”
Canadian regulations (CSA) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/53.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/51

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed and converter-fed operation 1LA8
1LA8 1LA8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Design for Zones 1, 2 and 22 according to ATEX 10)
Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed M72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
operation Ex nA II T3
11) 12) 13)
to IEC/EN 60079-15
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed M73 – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
operation, reduced output
11) 12)
Ex nA II T3 to IEC/EN 60079-15
13) 14)

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting M35 – – – –
dust (IP55) for mains-fed operation 13)
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting M39 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dust (IP55) for converter-fed
operation 12) 13)
VIK version 13) 15) K30 ✓ ✓ – – O. R. O. R. – –
Stamping of Ex nA II on VIK rating C27 ✓ ✓ – – O. R. O. R. – –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
measurement for bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓ – –
cantilever forces 16)
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity level B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Second standard shaft extension 17) K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions, without featherkey way
Non-standard cylindrical Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shaft extension identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates 18)
Document – Electrical data sheet B31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Document – Order dimension drawing B32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Document – Load characteristics B37 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Standard test (routine test) F01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with acceptance
Visual acceptance and report F03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
handover with acceptance

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/53.

3/52 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors for mains-fed and converter-fed operation 1LA8
1LA8 1LA8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates 18) (continued)
Temperature-rise test, without F04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Temperature-rise test, with acceptance F05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Noise measurement in no-load F28 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, no noise analysis,
no acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load F29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, no noise analysis,
with acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load F62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, with noise analysis,
without acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load F63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, with noise analysis,
with acceptance
Recording of current and torque F34 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
curves with torque metering shaft
during starting, without acceptance
Recording of current and torque F35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
curves with torque metering shaft
during starting, with acceptance
Measurement of locked-rotor torque F52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
and current, without acceptance
Measurement of locked-rotor torque F53 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
and current, with acceptance
Type test with heat run for horizontal F82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, without acceptance
Type test with heat run for horizontal F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Type test with heat run for vertical F92 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, without acceptance
Type test with heat run for vertical F93 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 9)
For 4-pole version only, type of construction IM B3, 400 VΔ/690 VY or Site altitude up to 1000 m above sea level.
500 VΔ voltage (no special insulation). Only the following short codes can 10)
Explosion-protected encoders are available on request.
be ordered in combination with the Standardline: A23, A61, A72, G50, 11)
H70, H73, K09, K10, K45, K46, K83, K84, K85, L00, L97, M58 (only frame Only admissible for use in accordance with temperature class 130 (B).
size 315), M88, Y53. PTC thermistors for temperature class 130 (B) are included. For compli-
2) ance with temperature class 130 (B), derating is necessary in the case of
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- converter-fed operation in Zones 2 and 22. Derating data are available on
mended. request.
The standard thermistors are omitted. If PTC thermistors are required as 12)
These motors do not have a rated voltage range stamped on the rating
well as KTYs or PT100s, this must be specified in the order in plain text. plate.
A combination of A12 and A61 or A12 and A23 is possible on request for 13)
an additional charge. For options K30, M35, M39, M72, M73 an additional metal external fan
4) order code K35 must be ordered.
Only possible in combination with the larger connection boxes 1XB1 621 14)
or 1XB1 631 (order codes M58 or L00). In the order, the “Speed range and torque characteristic” must be speci-
5) fied in plain text. A system test is necessary for M = constant.
A combination with the order codes M88 and M50 is not possible. 15)
Connection box 1XP1 634 can be rotated through 4 x 90°. Cable entry is The VIK version comprises Zone 2 for mains-fed operation – without
from NDE or the delivery position. Dimension drawings available on Ex nA II marking on rating plate. For 2-pole motors of frame size 315, the
request. low-noise version is also required. Order code K37 or K38 and additionally
6) the metal external fan order code K35. Note the specified output and
With 1LA8 357-2 and 1LA8 357-4, connection box 1XB1 631 is supplied in dimensions. For 1LA8 353 to 1LA8 357 motors, the connection box cannot
the standard version. be rotated by 4 x 90°.
VIK version is not possible. 16)
Not possible for 2-pole motors and motors of vertical type of construction.
Use according to temperature class 180 (H) is not possible. All 400 V ver- 17)
Please inquire in the case of 2-pole motors and motors in vertical type of
sion are available on request. Due to the rated current, a larger connection construction.
box of type 1XB9 600, which is part of order code C14, is generally pro- 18)
vided for frame sizes 400 (2- and 4-pole) and 450 (all no. of poles). Type testing is also performed for converter-fed operation.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/53

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
315 355 400 450
Forced-air cooled motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter-fed operation 1PQ8
Converter-fed operation
Standardline version B20 – – – –
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A12
with 6 embedded temperature sensors
for alarm and tripping 1)

Motor temperature detection A23
with embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 2)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 2)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers (basic circuit)
for rolling-contact bearings
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Undrilled entry plate L01
Connection box on RHS K09
Connection box on LHS K10
Connection box above K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(1XB1 634 connection box) 4)
Cable gland, maximum configuration K57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85
through 180°
Larger connection box M58 ✓ – –
(1XB1 621 connection box)
Larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ 5)
(1XB1 631 connection box)
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long L48 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long L49 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 016 M50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 014 M88 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on NDE M64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/57.

3/54 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
315 355 400 450
Forced-air cooled motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter-fed operation 1PQ8
Converter-fed operation
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 180 (H), C14 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F),
with service factor (SF 1.1) 6)
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard paint finish in other colors Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL ….
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray
Special finish in other colors Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
special fin-
ish RAL ….
Unpainted (only cast-iron parts primed) K23
Special technology
Mounting of brake H47 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
(incl. brake of Stromag)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 rotary pulse H70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary H73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting LL 861 900 220 H78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Prepared for mounting HOG 10 D 1024 I H80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting a special type of rotary pulse Y70 • and O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
encoder encoder
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – – –
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – – –
motors with counter-clockwise direction
of rotation
IP56 degree of protection K52 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Non-rusting screws (externally) 7) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature –40 to +40 °C D03 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Coolant temperature –30 to +40 °C D04 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Coolant temperature 45 °C, D11
derating 4 % 8)

Coolant temperature 50 °C, D12

derating 8 % 8)
Coolant temperature 55 °C, D13
derating 13 % 8)
Coolant temperature 60 °C, D14
derating 18 % 8)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/57.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/55

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
315 355 400 450
Forced-air cooled motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter-fed operation 1PQ8
Converter-fed operation
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 9) D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark”
Canadian regulations (CSA) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design for Zones 2 and 22 according to ATEX 10)
Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed M72 – – – –
operation Ex nA II T3
3 to IEC/EN 60079-15
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed M73 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
operation, reduced output Ex nA II T3
to IEC/EN 60079-15 11) 12) 13)
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting M35 – – – –
dust (IP55) for mains-fed operation
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting M39 – – – –
dust (IP55) for converter-fed operation
VIK version K30 – – – –
Stamping of Ex nA II on VIK rating plate C27 – – – –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
measurement for bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased cantilever K20 ✓ ✓ – –
forces 14)
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity level B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Second standard shaft extension K16 – – – –
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions, without featherkey way
Non-standard cylindrical shaft extension Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Separately driven fan with non-standard Y81 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
voltage and/or frequency 15) identifica-
tion code
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with identification code identifica-
tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates 16)
Document – Electrical data sheet B31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Document – Order dimension drawing B32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/57.

3/56 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
order code
and plain
text if
315 355 400 450
Forced-air cooled motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter-fed operation 1PQ8
Converter-fed operation
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates 16) (continued)
Document – Load characteristics B37 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Normal inspection (routine inspection) F01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with acceptance
Visual acceptance and report handover F03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with acceptance
Temperature-rise test, without F04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Temperature-rise test, with acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load operation, F28
F05 ✓

no noise analysis, no acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load operation, F29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
no noise analysis, with acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load F62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, with noise analysis,
without acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load operation, F63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with noise analysis, with acceptance
Recording of current and torque curves F34 – – – –
with torque metering shaft during starting,
without acceptance
Recording of current and torque curves F35 – – – –
with torque metering shaft during starting,
with acceptance
Measurement of locked-rotor torque F52 – – – –
and current, without acceptance
Measurement of locked-rotor torque F53 – – – –
and current, with acceptance
Type test with heat run for F82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
horizontal motors, without acceptance
Type test with heat run for F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
horizontal motors, with acceptance
Type test with heat run for F92 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
vertical motors, without acceptance
Type test with heat run for F93 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
vertical motors, with acceptance
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 9)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Only possible for main motor – Not possible for separately driven fan
mended. motor.
2) 10)
The standard thermistors are omitted. If PTC thermistors are required as Explosion-protected encoders are available on request.
well as KTYs or PT100s, this must be specified in the order in plain text. A 11)
Only admissible for use in accordance with temperature class 130 (B).
combination of A12 and A61 or A12 and A23 is possible on request for an PTC thermistors for temperature class 130 (B) are included. For compli-
additional charge. ance with temperature class 130 (B), derating is necessary in the case of
Only possible in combination with the larger connection boxes 1XB1 621 converter-fed operation in Zones 2 and 22. Derating data are available on
or 1XB1 631 (order codes M58 or L00). request.
4) 12)
A combination with the order codes M88 and M50 is not possible. Con- These motors do not have a rated voltage range stamped on the rating
nection box 1XP1 634 can be rotated through 4 x 90°. Cable entry is from plate.
NDE or the delivery position. Dimension drawings available on request. 13)
In the order, the “Speed range and torque characteristic” must be speci-
With 1PQ8 357-2 and 1PQ8 357-4, connection box 1XB1 631 is supplied fied in plain text. A system test is necessary for M = constant.
in the standard version. 14)
Not possible for 2-pole motors and motors of vertical type of construction.
Use according to temperature class 180 (H) is not possible. All 400 V ver- 15)
When ordering, specifiy in plain text: Voltage, frequency and circuit.
sion are available on request. Due to the rated current, a larger connection 16)
box of type 1XB9 600, which is part of order code C14, is generally pro- Type testing is also performed for converter-fed operation.
vided for frame sizes 400 (2- and 4-pole) and 450 (all no. of poles).
Only possible for main motor – Not possible for separately driven fan.
Site altitude up to 1000 m above sea level.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/57

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation for mains-fed and converter-fed operation
1LL8 1LL8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Standardline version B20 – – – – – – – –
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A12
with 6 embedded temperature
sensors for alarm and tripping 1)

Motor temperature detection with A23
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 2)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 2)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers (basic
circuit) for rolling-contact bearings
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Undrilled entry plate L01
Connection box on RHS K09
Connection box on LHS K10
Connection box above (1XB1 634 K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
connection box) 3)
Cable gland, maximum configuration K57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box through K85
Larger connection box M58 ✓ – – – – – –
(1XB1 621 connection box)
Larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓
(1XB1 631 connection box)
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long L48 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long L49 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 016 M50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary connection box 1XB9 014 M88 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on NDE M64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/61.

3/58 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation for mains-fed and converter-fed operation
1LL8 1LL8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
to 155 (F), with service factor (SF 1.1,
SF 1.05 from frame size 400) 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
to 155 (F), with increased output
(10 %, 5 % from frame size 400) 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –

to 155 (F), with increased coolant
temperature (55 °C, 50°C from frame
size 400) 4)
Temperature class 180 (H), used acc. C14 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
to 155 (F), with service factor (SF 1.1)

Colors and paint finish

Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard paint finish in other colors Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL ….
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray
Special finish in other colors Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL ….
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Special technology
Mounting of brake H47 – – – – – – – –
(incl. brake of Stromag)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 rotary H70 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I rotary H73 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H80 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mounting a special type of rotary Y70 • and – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
pulse encoder encoder
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K37 ✓ ✓
with clockwise direction of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K38 ✓ ✓
with counter-clockwise direction of
IP56 degree of protection K52 – – – – – – – –
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 – – – – – – – –
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 – – – – – – – –
–30 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature 45 °C, D11
derating 4 % 5)
Coolant temperature 50 °C, D12
derating 8 % 5)
Coolant temperature 55 °C, D13
derating 13 % 5)
Coolant temperature 60 °C, D14
derating 18 % 5)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/61.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation for mains-fed and converter-fed operation
1LL8 1LL8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Design in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark”
VIK version K30 – – – – – – – –
Canadian regulations (CSA) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Designs for Zones 2 and 22 according to ATEX

Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed M72 – – – – – – – –
operation Ex nA II T3
to IEC/EN 60079-15
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed M73 – – – – – – – –
operation, derating Ex nA II T3
to IEC/EN 60079-15
Design for Zone 22 for non-conduct- M35 – – – – – – – –
ing dust (IP55) for mains-fed
Design for Zone 22 for non-conduct- M39 – – – – – – – –
ing dust (IP55) for converter-fed
Stamping of Ex nA II on VIK rating C27 – – – – – – – –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – – – – –
cantilever forces
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity level B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 6)
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions, without featherkey way
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sheet metal fan cover L36
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates 7)
Document – Electrical data sheet B31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Document – Order dimension drawing B32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Document – Load characteristics B37 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.

For legend and footnotes, see Page 3/61.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code
-Z with
code and
plain text if
315 355 400 450 315 355 400 450
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation for mains-fed and converter-fed operation
1LL8 1LL8
Mains-fed operation Converter-fed operation
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates 7) (continued)
Standard test (routine test) F01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with acceptance
Visual acceptance and report F03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
handover with acceptance
Temperature-rise test, without F04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Temperature-rise test, with F05 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Noise measurement in no-load
operation, no noise analysis,
F28 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3
no acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load F29 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, no noise analysis,
with acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load F62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, with noise analysis,
without acceptance
Noise measurement in no-load F63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, with noise analysis,
with acceptance
Recording of current and torque F34 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
curves with torque metering shaft
during starting, without acceptance
Recording of current and torque F35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
curves with torque metering shaft
during starting, with acceptance
Measurement of locked-rotor torque F52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
and current, without acceptance
Measurement of locked-rotor torque F53 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
and current, with acceptance
Type test with heat run for horizontal F82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, without acceptance
Type test with heat run for horizontal F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Type test with heat run for vertical F92 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, without acceptance
Type test with heat run for vertical F93 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 4)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Use according to temperature class 180 (H) is not possible. All 400 V ver-
mended. sion are available on request. Due to the rated current, a larger connection
The standard thermistors are omitted. If PTC thermistors are required as box of type 1XB9 600, which is part of order code C14, is generally pro-
well as KTYs or PT100s, this must be specified in the order in plain text. A vided for frame sizes 400 (2- and 4-pole) and 450 (all no. of poles).
combination of A12 and A61 or A12 and A23 is possible on request for an Site altitude 1000 m above sea level
additional charge. 6)
Please inquire in the case of 2-pole motors and motors in vertical type of
A combination with the order codes M88 and M50 is not possible. Con- construction.
nection box 1XP1 634 can be rotated through 4 x 90°. Cable entry is from 7)
Type testing is also performed for converter-fed operation.
NDE or the delivery position. Dimension drawings available on request.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Overview
Slide rails with fixing bolts and tensioning screws to Taper pins to DIN 258 with threaded ends and constant taper
DIN 42923 lengths
Slide rails are used to tension the belt of a machine easily and Taper pins are used for components that are repeatedly re-
conveniently when a belt tightener is not available. They are moved. The drilled hole is ground conical using a conical reamer
fixed to the base using stone bolts or foundation blocks. until the pin can be pushed in by hand until the cone shoulder
lies 3 to 4 mm above the rim of the hole.
The assignment of slide rails to motor size can be found in
DIN 42923. For motors of frame sizes 335 to 450, there are no It can then be driven in using a hammer until it is correctly
standardized slide rails (please inquire). seated. The pin is removed from the drilled hole by screwing on
the nut and tightening it.
Available from:
Standardized taper pins are available from general engineering
Lütgert & Co. GmbH suppliers.
Postfach 42 51
33276 Gütersloh, Germany Available from:
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 Otto Roth GmbH & Co. KG
Rutesheimer Straße 22
70499 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)711-13 88-0
Fax +49 (0)711-13 88-233
Foundation block acc. to DIN 799 e-mail:
The foundation blocks are inserted into the stone foundation and
embedded in concrete. They are used for fixing machines of
medium size, slide rails, pedestal bearings, baseframes, etc. Couplings
After the fixing bolts have been unscrewed, the machine can be
dragged without it having to be lifted. The motor from Siemens is connected to the machine or gear unit
through a coupling. Flender is an important coupling manufacturer
When the machine is initially installed, the foundation block that with a wide range of products. For standard applications, Siemens
is bolted to the machine (without washers) and fitted with ta- recommends that elastic couplings of Flender types N-Eupex and
pered pins is not embedded with concrete until the machine has Rupex or torsionally rigid couplings of types Arpex and Zapex are
been fully aligned. In this case, the machine is positioned 2 to used. For special applications, Fludex and Elpex-S couplings are
3 mm lower. The difference in shaft height is compensated by recommended. These coupling types are suitable for use in areas
inserting shims on final installation. The tapered pins safeguard subject to explosion hazards and are offered with declaration of
the exact position of the machine when it is repeatedly removed conformity and type test certificate according to directive 94/9/EU.
and replaced without the need for realignment.
Source of supply:
Available from: Siemens contact partner – ordering from Catalog
Siemens MD 10.1 „FLENDER Standard Couplings“
Lütgert & Co. GmbH
Postfach 42 51 or
33276 Gütersloh, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0 A. Friedr. Flender AG
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 Kupplungswerk Mussum
Industriepark Bocholt Schlavenhorst 100
e-mail: 46395 Bocholt, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)2871-92 2185
Fax +49 (0)2871-92 2579

■ More information
Spare motors and repair parts • For bearing types, see the “Introduction”.
• Supply commitment for spare motors and repair parts follow- • For standard components, a supply commitment does not
ing delivery of the motor apply.
- For up to 5 years, in the event of total motor failure, Siemens • Support – Hotline
will supply a comparable motor with regard to the mounting In Germany
dimensions and functions (the type series may vary). Tel.: 01 80/5 05 04 48
- Repair parts will be supplied for up to 5 years.
- For up to 10 years, Siemens will provide information and will,
if necessary, supply documentation for repair parts. You will find telephone numbers for other countries on our
• When repair parts are ordered, the following details must be Internet site:
- Designation and part number
- Order No. and factory number of the motor

Example for an order for a fan cowl 1LA8,

frame size 315, 4-pole:
Fan cowl No. 12.01,
1LA8 315–4AB60, factory No. J1172515010001

3/62 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Overview
Overall dimensions



Frame Type Number Dimensions Frame Type Number Dimensions
size of poles L AD H AB size of poles L AD H AB
315 1LA8 2 1380 570 315 680 400 1LA8 2 1793 865 400 860
1LA8 4, 6, 8 1410 570 315 680 1LA8 4, 6, 8 1833 865 400 860
1LA8 4, 6, 8 1) 1430 570 315 680 1PQ8 2 2148 865 400 860
1PQ8 2 1742 570 315 680 1PQ8 4, 6, 8 2188 865 400 860
1PQ8 4, 6, 8 1772 570 315 680 1LL8 2 1793 865 400 860
1PQ8 4 1) 1792 570 315 680 1LL8 4, 6, 8 1833 865 400 860
1LL8 2 1380 662 315 680 450 1LA8 2 1953 900 450 980
1LL8 4, 6, 8 1410 662 315 680 1LA8 4, 6, 8 1993 900 450 980
355 1LA8 2 1605 710 355 780 1PQ8 2 2308 900 450 980
1LA8 4, 6, 8 1635 710 355 780 1PQ8 4, 6, 8 2348 900 450 980
1LA8 4, 6, 8 1) 1699 710 355 780
1LL8 2 1953 900 450 980
1PQ8 2 1971 690 355 780 1LL8 4, 6, 8 2033 900 450 980
1PQ8 4, 6, 8 2001 690 355 780
1PQ8 4, 6, 8 1) 2065 690 355 780 For dimension “O”, see “Introduction” under “Connection
1LL8 2 1635 840 355 780 boxes”.
1LL8 4, 6, 8 1675 840 355 780

Notes on the dimensions

7 Dimension drawings according to DIN EN 50347 and 7 Dimension tolerances
IEC 60072. For the following dimensions, the permissible deviations are
7 Fits given below:
The shaft extensions specified in the dimension tables (DIN 748) Dimension designation Dimension Permitted
and centering spigot diameters (DIN EN 50347) are machined deviation
with the following fits: H over 250 – 1.0
Dimension designation ISO fit DIN ISO 286-2 E, EA – 0.5
D, DA over 50 m6 Keyways and feather keyways (dimensions GA, GC, F and FA)
N over 250 h6 are made in compliance with DIN 6885 Part 1.
F, FA h9 7 All dimensions are specified in mm.
K H17
S Flange (FF) H17
The drilled holes of couplings and belt pulleys should have an
ISO fit of at least H7.

With bearings for increased cantilever forces: Dimensions available on

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LA8, frame sizes 315 to 450
Type of construction IM B3











Type of construction IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 3/70 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
L Eyebolts frame size
HH 100 L and above







Connection box position

Basic version Special versions


With cable entry from

above, protection
against rain and other
Cable entry: bottom Cable entry: top Cable entry: top adverse weather
Console: 0 degrees Console: 180 degrees Console: 0 degrees conditions must be
Order code: – Order code: K85 Order code: plain text provided.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC 1) AD AD' AG AG' AQ B BA BB BC BE C CA H HA HB HB' HC
size of poles
315 1LA8 31 . 2 560 120 680 710 570 582 474 481 670 630 180 780 195 140 180 435 315 28 404 217 162
4, 6, 8 180
4, 6, 8 2) 200
355 1LA8 35 . 2 630 150 780 790 690 697 597 593 750 800 220 980 185 135 200 470 355 35 431 290 165
4, 6, 8 200
1LA8 357 2, 4 829 875 739 745 100 200 359 395 175
1LA8 35 . 4, 6, 8 2) 690 697 597 593 135 224 431 290 165
400 1LA8 40 . 2 710 150 860 880 865 925 775 795 850 900 220 1080 186 100 224 506 400 35 439 395 175
4, 6, 8
450 1LA8 45 . 2 3) 800 180 980 970 900 975 810 845 950 1000 260 1220 170 100 250 540 450 42 525 395 175
4, 6, 8
1) Measured across the bolt heads (not in the flattened area of the fan 2) With bearings for increased cantilever forces. – No second shaft exten-
cowl). sion possible.
3) Only at 50 Hz.

3/64 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LA8, frame sizes 315 to 450
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 3/70 (Z = the number of retaining holes)








G _ D 0 8 1 _ X X _ 0 0 0 1 8
C B C A E A K ' A A

Connection box position

Special versions


Cable entry: DE / NDE Cable entry: DE / NDE

Console: 0 degrees Console: 180 degrees
Order code: K83/K84 Order code: plain text

For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
315 1LA8 31 . 2 783 170 26 33 1380 1495 308 1510 65 M20 140 125 18 69 50 M16 110 100 14 53.5
4, 6, 8 1410 1555 1540 85 M20 170 140 22 90 70 M20 140 125 20 74.5
4, 6, 81) 1430 1575 95 M24 170 140 25 100 – – – – – –
355 1LA8 35 . 2 896 229 33 40 1605 1750 330 1745 75 M20 140 125 20 79.5 60 M20 140 125 18 64
4, 6, 8 1635 1810 1775 95 M24 170 140 25 100 80 170 140 22 85
1LA8 357 2, 4 945 320 554
1LA8 35 . 4, 6, 81) 1699 – 100 M24 210 180 28 106 – – – – – –
400 1LA8 40 . 2 1025 320 33 40 1793 1940 554 1943 80 M20 170 140 22 85 70 M20 140 125 20 74.5
4, 6, 8 1833 2010 1983 110 M24 210 180 28 116 90 M24 170 140 25 95
450 1LA8 45 . 22) 1111 320 39 47 1953 2100 554 2103 90 M24 170 140 25 95 75 M20 140 125 20 79.5
4, 6, 8 1993 2210 2143 120 210 180 32 127 100 M24 210 180 28 106

1) 2)
With bearings for increased cantilever forces. – No second shaft exten- Only at 50 Hz.
sion possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/65

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1PQ8, frame sizes 315 to 450
Type of construction IM B3

L HKI: connection box optional for

LL HKI pulse encoder AD
HKF: connection box for separately
driven fan









Type of construction IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 3/70 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
L HKI: connection box optional for pulse encoder
HH HKF: connection box for separately driven fan










Connection box position

Basic version Special versions


With cable entry from

above, protection
against rain and other
Cable entry: bottom Cable entry: top Cable entry: top adverse weather
Console: 0 degrees Console: 180 degrees Console: 0 degrees conditions must be
Order code: – Order code: K85 Order code: plain text provided.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number of A AA AB AC 1) AD AD' AG AG' AQ B BA BB BC BE C
size poles
315 1PQ8 31 . 2 560 120 680 710 570 582 474 481 750 630 180 780 195 140 180
4, 6, 8 180
4, 6, 8 2) 200
355 1PQ835 . 2 630 150 780 790 690 697 597 593 850 800 220 980 185 135 200
35 . 4, 6, 8 200
1PQ8357 2, 4 829 875 739 745 100 200
1PQ835 . 4, 6, 8 2) 670 697 597 593 135 224
400 1PQ8 40 . 2 710 150 860 880 865 925 775 795 950 900 220 1080 186 100 224
4, 6, 8
450 1PQ8 45 . 2 3) 800 180 980 970 900 980 810 845 950 1000 260 1220 170 100 250
4, 6, 8
1) 2)
Measured across the bolt heads (not in the flattened area of the fan With bearings for increased cantilever forces.
cowl). 3)
Only at 50 Hz.

3/66 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1PQ8, frame sizes 315 to 450
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 3/70 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
HKI: connection box optional for
pulse encoder
LL HKI HKF: connection box for separately
driven fan HK








Connection box position

Special versions


Cable entry: DE / NDE Cable entry: DE / NDE

Console: 0 degrees Console: 180 degrees
Order code: K83/K84 Order code: plain text
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension
Frame Type Number of H HA HB HB' HC HD HK K K' L LL LM D DB E EB F GA
size poles
315 1PQ8 31 . 2 315 28 404 217 162 783 170 26 33 1742 308 1765 65 M20 140 125 18 69
4, 6, 8 1772 1795 85 M20 170 140 22 90
4, 6, 81) 1792 95 M24 170 140 25 100
355 1PQ8 35 . 2 355 35 431 290 165 896 229 33 40 1971 330 2005 75 M20 140 125 20 79.5
4, 6, 8 2001 2035 95 M24 170 140 25 100
1PQ8 357 2, 4 359 395 175 945 320 554
1PQ8 35 . 4, 6, 81) 2065 2099 100 M24 210 180 28 106
400 1PQ8 40 . 2 400 35 440 400 175 1025 320 33 40 2148 554 2182 80 M20 170 140 22 85
4, 6, 8 2188 2222 110 M24 210 180 28 116
450 1PQ8 45 . 22) 450 42 525 400 175 1111 320 39 47 2308 554 2340 90 M24 170 140 25 95
4, 6, 8 2348 2380 120 210 180 32 127
With bearings for increased cantilever forces.
Only at 50 Hz.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/67

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LL8, frame sizes 315 to 450
Type of construction IM B3











Connection box position

Basic version Special versions


Cable entry: bottom Cable entry: top Cable entry: top

Console: 0 degrees Console: 180 degrees Console: 0 degrees
Order code: – Order code: K85 Order code: plain text

For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number of A AA AB AC 1) AD AD' AG AG' AQ B BA BB BC BE C CA
size poles
315 1LL8 31 . 2 560 120 680 710 662 – 569 – 670 630 180 780 195 110 180 435
4, 6, 8 660 560
355 1LL8 35 . 2 630 150 780 790 829 – 739 – 750 800 220 980 185 135 200 470
4, 6, 8 880 745
400 1LL8 40 . 2 710 150 860 880 865 – 775 – 850 900 220 1080 186 100 224 506
4, 6, 8 930 795
450 1LL8 45 . 2 2) 800 180 980 970 900 – 810 – 950 1000 260 1220 170 100 250 540
4, 6, 8 980 845

1) Measured across the bolt heads.

2) Only at 50 Hz.

3/68 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LL8, frame sizes 315 to 450
Type of construction IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 3/70 (Z = the number of retaining holes)










Connection box position

Special versions


Cable entry: DE / NDE Cable entry: DE / NDE

Console: 0 degrees Console: 180 degrees
Order code: K83/K84 Order code: plain text
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension
Frame Type Number H HA HB HB' HD HK K K' L LC LL LM D DB E EB F GA
size of poles
315 1LL8 31 . 2 315 28 363 – 828 229 26 33 1380 1495 330 1510 70 M20 140 125 20 74.5
4, 6, 8 290 1410 1555 1540 90 M24 170 140 25 95
355 1LL8 35 . 2 355 35 359 – 945 320 33 40 1605 1750 554 1775 80 M20 170 140 22 85
4, 6, 8 400 1635 1820 1815 110 M24 210 180 28 116
400 1LL8 40 . 2 400 35 439 – 1025 320 33 40 1793 1940 554 1943 85 M20 170 140 22 90
4, 6, 8 400 1833 2010 1983 120 M24 210 180 32 127
450 1LL8 45 . 21) 450 42 525 – 1111 320 39 47 1953 2100 554 2143 90 M24 170 140 25 95
4, 6, 8 400 1993 2250 2193 130 M24 250 220 32 137

1) Only at 50 Hz.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 3/69

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

■ Dimensional drawings
Flange dimensions G_D081_XX_00026

Frame size Type of construction Flange type Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC

3 through holes (FF/A)

According to Acc. to
DIN EN 50347 DIN 42948 LA LE M N P S T Z
315 – –
2-pole IM B35, IM V1 Flange 25 140 740 680 800 22 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 170
2-pole IM B35, IM V1 Flange – – 25 140 840 780 900 22 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 170
2-pole IM B35, IM V1 Flange – – 28 170 940 880 1000 22 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 210
2-pole IM B35, IM V1 Flange – – 30 170 1080 1000 1150 26 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 210

3/70 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Explosion-proof motors

4/2 Orientation 4/70 Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2,

4/2 Overview 21, 22 with type of protection “n”
4/3 Benefits or protection against dust
4/3 Application explosions
4/3 Technical specifications Cast-iron series 1LG6
4/11 Selection and ordering data 4/70 Selection and ordering data
4/13 More information
4/80 Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2,
4/18 Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 22 with type of protection “n”
with type of protection “e” or protection against dust
Aluminum series 1MA7 explosions
4/18 Selection and ordering data Cast-iron series 1LA8
4/80 Selection and ordering data
4/22 Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1
with type of protection “e” 4/80 Forced-air cooled motors in Zones 2,
Cast-iron series 1MA6 22 with type of protection “n”
4/22 Selection and ordering data or protection against dust
4/34 Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1
Cast-iron series 1PQ8
with type of protection “de”
4/80 Selection and ordering data
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
4/34 Selection and ordering data 4/81 Special versions
4/81 Overview
4/42 Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2,
4/84 Selection and ordering data
21, 22 with type of protection “n”
4/84 • Voltages
or protection against dust
4/90 • Types of construction
4/93 • Options
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
4/42 Selection and ordering data 4/125 Accessories
4/125 Overview
4/50 Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2,
4/126 More information
21, 22 with type of protection “n”
or protection against dust 4/127 Dimensions
explosions 4/127 Overview
Aluminum series 1LA9 4/129 More information
4/50 Selection and ordering data 4/130 Dimensional drawings

4/62 Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2,

21, 22 with type of protection “n”
or protection against dust
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
4/62 Selection and ordering data

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Overview
Explosion-protected equipment are designed such that an
explosion can be prevented when they are used properly.
The explosion-protected equipment can be designed in accor-
dance with various types of protection.
The local conditions must be subdivided into specified zones by
the user with the assistance of the responsible authorities in
accordance with the frequency of occurrence of an explosion
hazard. Device (equipment) categories are assigned to these
zones. The zones are then subdivided into possible types of pro-
tection and therefore into possible equipment (product) types.
Our product range contains motors in the following types of
• “Increased safety” Ex e II
• “Explosion-proof enclosure” Ex de IIC/Ex d IIC
• “Non-sparking” Ex nA II
• “Areas protected against dust explosions in Zones 21 and 22”
The table below “Overview of explosion-proof motors” contains
a complete overview of our products, their types of protection
In many industrial sectors as well as in domestic life, explosion
and the assignment of motor types to categories. It is important
protection or explosion hazards are ever-present, e.g. in the
to note that depending on whether the motor is used for con-
chemicals industry, in refineries, on drilling platforms, at petrol
verter-fed operation or mains-fed operation, different order
stations, in feed manufacturing and in sewage treatment plants.
codes are required for unique selection of the required product.
The risk of explosion is always present when gases, fumes, mist
or dust are mixed with oxygen in the air in an explosive ratio
close to sources of ignition that are able to release the so-called
minimum ignition energy.
Overview of explosion-proof motors
Section Cate- Zone Frequency Degree of Tempera- Degree of Standard Motor type Operation Order Utilization
gory of occurrence protection ture class protec- (Pos. 1-4 of code according to
of the Ex tion Order No.) temperature
atmosphere class
Gas and 1G 0 Continuously or Not common practice with low-voltage motors
Fumes (G) long-term
2G 1 Infrequently Ex de IIC 1) T1 – T4 IP55 IEC/EN 60 079-0 1MJ6/7 Mains – 130 (B)
(explosion-proof IEC/EN 60 079-1 Converter A15 155 (F)
Ex e II T1 – T3 IP55 IEC/EN 60 079-0 1MA6 Mains – 130 (B)/
(increased IEC/EN 60 079-7 1MA7 155 (F)
3G 2 Rarely or Ex nA II T1 – T3 IP55 IEC/EN 60079-15 1LA6 Mains M72 130 (B)
briefly (non sparking) 1LA7 Converter M73
1LA8, 1PQ8 2)
Dust (D) 1D 20 Continuously or Not common practice with low-voltage motors
2D 21 Infrequently Conductive and Max. hous- IP65 IEC/EN 61241 1LA5 Mains M34 130 (B)
non-conductive ing temper- 1LA6 Converter M38
dust ature T
3D 22 Rarely or Non-conductive 125 °C IP55 1LA8 3), 1PQ8 2) Mains M35
briefly dust Converter M39

1) 3)
Highest explosion group IIC includes IIB and IIA. 1LA8 only available for Zone 22 (order codes M35, M39). Utilization
1PQ8 is not possible for Zones 21 and 22; Zone 2 for 1PQ8 available on according to temperature class 155 (F).
request. Utilization according to temperature class 155 (F).

4/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Benefits
The explosion-proof motors from Siemens offer the user nume- • Comprehensive series of explosion-proof motors for protec-
rous advantages: tion against gas and dust.
• The motors are designed in accordance with Directive • Individual versions of motors are possible thanks to the
94/9/EU (ATEX 95 previously ATEX 100a). As product supplier, numerous catalog options.
Siemens accepts responsibility for compliance with the appli- • Further special versions are possible on request.
cable product standards for the selected equipment.
• Certificates are available for a defined spectrum of Siemens
• By using this product, the plant operating company satisfies motors/converters.
Directive 1999/92/EU in accordance with Appendix II B
(ATEX 137 previously ATEX 118a). The plant manufacturer or
plant operating company is responsible for correct selection
and proper usage of the equipment.

■ Application
The explosion-proof motors are used in the following sectors to • Petrol stations
prevent explosion hazards that result in serious injury to persons • Coking plants
and severe damage to property.
• Mills (e.g. corn, solids)
• Chemical and petrochemical industry
• Sewage treatment plants
• Production of mineral oil and gas
• Wood processing (e.g. sawdust, tree resin)
• Gas works
• Other industries subject to explosion hazards
• Gas supply companies
■ Technical specifications
Zone 1 with type of protection Ex e II Increased Safety “e” Zone 1 with type of protection Ex de IIC explosion-proof
enclosure “d”
All 1MA motors are certified in type of protection Ex e II for
temperature classes T1 to T3 at an ambient temperature from All 1MJ motors are certified for the highest explosion group IIC,
–20 to +40 °C and have an EU type test certificate according to temperature classes T1 to T4 at ambient temperatures from
Directive 94/9/EG (ATEX 95). Higher temperature classes are –20 to +60 °C and have an EC type test certificate according to
available on request. Directive 94/9/EG (ATEX 95).
Explosion protection is achieved when the certified motor ver- These motors are designed such that an explosion within the
sions interact with a similarly certified motor protection switch. housing cannot result in an explosion in the environment. The
The motor protection switch is selected in accordance with the energy that is generated internally by an explosion is dissipated
values certified for the motor for the starting current ratio in the so-called “flameproof chamber” so far that the energy is
ILR/Irated and the tE times, so that in the case of a locked rotor no longer sufficient for ignition outside the casing. The housing
fault, the motor is isolated from the supply within the tE time. The temperature is below the ignition temperature of the gases to
tE times assigned to the separate temperature classes and the which temperature class T4 applies.
starting current ratio are marked on the rating plate.
The 1MJ6 motors (frame sizes 71 to 200) generally have a
Explosion protection can be achieved exclusively by the PTC located bearing on the non-drive-end (NDE) of the motor.
thermistors embedded in the winding provided that the motor
has been specially approved and certified for this. This type of The following variations are possible on request:
protection is not technically possible for every motor, so it is • Coolant temperature >40 °C or site altitude >1000 m (for
essential to inquire before ordering. 1MJ6, the reduction factors listed in catalog part 0 “Introduc-
tion” under “General technical data”, “Coolant temperature
With the exception of 2-pole motors of frame size 225 M and and site altitude” are applicable).
above, all motors are of an identical version, i.e. the motors can
be operated at T1/T2 or T3 at the appropriate rated output. For • Frequency and rated duty
special versions (different frequency, output, coolant tempera- • Pole-changing motors
ture, site altitude, etc.) a new certificate is necessary (please • Insulated bearing at the non-drive-end (NDE)
inquire). The temperature class must be specified in the order,
otherwise the universal version T1/T2 and T3 will be certified • Use according to temperature class 155 (F) in mains-fed
(doubling the certification costs). operation

Identification on the rating plate: On the frequency converter, motors in type of protection “explo-
sion-proof enclosure” can be used thermally acc. to temperature
class 155 (F). Converter-fed operation can be ordered with order
II 2G Ex e II T1 – T3 code A15 (PTC thermistors for tripping) or A16 (PTC thermistors
for alarm and tripping), whereby an additional PTC thermistor is
fitted to 1MJ6/1MJ7 motors in the connection box.
Identification on the rating plate:

II 2G Ex de IIC T1 – T4
II 2G Ex d IIC T1 – T4

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Zone 2 with type of protection Ex nA (non-sparking) • Zone 22 according to IEC 61241, EN 50281
• Zone 2 acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15 - Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for mains-
The duty types are: fed operation (order code M35)
- Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed operation (order code M72) - Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for
- Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed operation, with derating converter-fed operation, derating (order code M39)
(order code M73) The 1LA/1LG motors are modified for this purpose for use in
zones subject to dust explosion hazards. The surface tempera-
1LA/1LG motors are modified for this purpose in the ture is ≤125 °C at rated duty.
“Non-sparking” design and are suitable for use in hazardous
areas of Zone 2 for temperature classes T1 to T3. The maximum An external earthing terminal and a metal external fan are fitted
surface temperature that can occur during operation must lie to the motors. In the design for Zone 21, the connection box is
below the limit temperature of the respective temperature class. similar to the Exe design.
The ventilation system must be in accordance with Pole-changing versions are not possible for Zone 21 – they are
IEC/EN 60079-0. An external earthing terminal is fitted to the possible for Zone 22 on request.
motors. The connection box is similar to the EExe design. Certification:
Please inquire in the case of • Zone 21: EC type-test certificate (ATEX), issued by the DMT
• Use in accordance with temperature class 155 (F) testing authority (Deutsche Montan-Technologie) and EC
• For pole-changing versions declaration of conformity.
• Zone 22: EC declaration of conformity
For motors in the “Non-sparking” version, a conformity declara-
tion is available from a recognized testing authority. Identification on the rating plate:

Ambient temperature –20 to +60 °C, whereby derating applies Zone 21: II 2D Ex tD A21 IP65 T125 °C
4 from 40 °C upwards. Other temperatures are available on request. Zone 22: II 3D Ex tD A22 IP55 T125 °C
The rating plate or the extra rating plate contains the text: Ambient temperature –20 °C to +60 °C, whereby derating applies
from 40 °C upwards. Other temperatures are available on request.
II 3G Ex nA II T3
Generally, the following is valid:
IEC/EN 60079-15 and number of the “Conformity declaration” All Ex motors in vertical type of construction with shaft extension
The motors do not have a rated voltage range stamped on the pointing down must have a protective cover.
rating plate. Ex motors cannot be designed in accordance with UL and CSA.
Protection against dust explosions in Zones 21 and 22 The certificates for the motors for hazardous areas are stored
with the documentation in the SD configurator tool for low-vol-
The distinction between Zones 21 and 22 is as follows: tage motors.
• Zone 21 according to IEC 61241, EN 50281 1) For converter-fed operation, Ex motors must always be moni-
- Design for Zone 21 2), as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust tored using PTC thermistors. Certified tripping units are required
(IP65) for mains-fed operation (order code M34) for this purpose, see Catalog LV1.
- Design for Zone 21 2), as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust
(IP65) for converter-fed operation, derating (order code Comprehensive operating instructions and the declaration of
M38) conformity are supplied with Ex motors.
In the case of non-standard 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors, the bearing
temperature must be monitored (order code A72).
Overview of the technical specifications
Explosion-proof motors - The technology at a glance
Motors Type of protection “e” Type of protection “d” Type of protection “n” Dust explosion protection
Frame size 63 M ... 315 L 71 M ... 315 M 63 M ... 450 56 M ... 450 L
Output range 0.12 to 160 kW 0.25 ... 132 kW 0.09 to 1000 kW 0.06 to 1000 kW
Number of poles 2/4/6 2/4/6/8 2/4/6/8 2/4/6/8
Temperature class T1 - T3 T1 - T4 T3 –
Degree of protection II 2 G Ex e II acc. to II 2 G Ex de II acc. to II 3 G Ex nA acc. to Zone 21: II 2D Ex td A21
IEC/EN 60079-0 IEC/EN 60079-0 IEC/EN 60079-15 IP65 T125 °C 3)
IEC/EN 60079-7 IEC/EN 60079-1 Zone 22: II 3D Ex td A22
IP55 T125 °C
acc. to EN 50281/IEC 61241
Directive 94/9/EG, ATEX 95 94/9/EG, ATEX 95 94/9/EG, ATEX 95 94/9/EG, ATEX 95
Protection class IP55 IP55 IP55 Zone 21: IP65
Zone 22: IP55
Voltages All commonly used voltages All commonly used voltages All commonly used voltages All commonly used voltages
Frequency 50 and 60 Hz 50 and 60 Hz 50 and 60 Hz 50 and 60 Hz
Type of construction All common types of All common types of All common types of All common types of
construction construction construction construction
Housing FS 63 M ... 160 L aluminum FS 71 M ... 315 M cast-iron FS 63 M ... 160 L aluminum FS 56 M ... 225 M aluminum
FS 100 L ... 315 L cast-iron FS 100 L ... 450 cast-iron FS 100 L ... 450 1) cast-iron
Cooling method Surface-cooled Surface-cooled Surface-cooled Surface-cooled
Temperature class 155 (F) used acc. to 130 (B) 155 (F) used acc. to 130 (B) 4) 155 (F) used acc. to 130 (B) 155 (F) used acc. to 130 (B) 5)
Insulation system DURIGNIT IR 2000 DURIGNIT IR 2000, DURIGNIT IR 2000, DURIGNIT IR 2000,
converter-compatible up to 500 V, converter-compatible up to 500 V, converter-compatible up to 500 V,
690 V on request 690 V on request 690 V on request
1) 4)
Zone 21 only up to frame size 315 L For converter-fed operation used 155 (F)
2) 5)
Zone 21 takes into account conducting and non-conducting dust For “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above” temperature class
Zone 21 for “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above” only up to 155 (F) used according to 155 (F).
frame size 315 possible.

4/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Coolant temperature and site altitude Special technology
Coolant temperature –40 °C to +40 °C for Ex motor The “Special technology” comprises Ex-mountings on explo-
sion-proof motors.
For all 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 motors (with the exception of
1LA9 with increased output), 1LG4, 1LG6, 1MA6, 1MA7 frame The field of application of explosion-proof motors is considerably
sizes 56 to 315 with the respective types of protection Ex e, expanded by mounting Ex rotary pulse encoders or Ex seper-
Ex nA or dust-Ex (Zone 21/22), the operating ambient tempera- ately driven fans.
ture can optionally be expanded up to –40 °C. Technical mea-
sures are required for this purpose (e.g. metal external fan). The use of a separately driven fan is recommended to increase
Order D19 motor utilization at low speeds and to limit noise generation at
speeds significantly higher than the synchronous speed.
The order code D19 is not possible in combination with order
code L03 “Vibration-proof version”. Both of these results can only be achieved with converter-fed
The mechanical limit speed of the 2-pole motors 1LA5/1LA9 in
design for Zone 21/22 is reduced from frame size 180 as com- For explosion-proof motor versions with Ex rotary pulse encoder
pared to the values in catalog part 5 “Motors operating with fre- or Ex separately driven fan, see tables below.
quency converters”:
Frame size Motor type 2-pole
nmax fmax
rpm Hz
180 1LA5/1LA9 3300 55
200 3100 51
225 3000 50 4
With converter-fed operation and operation on 60 Hz supplies,
particular attention has to be paid to the mechanical limit
speeds – 60 Hz data are not stamped on the rating plate.
Alternative: 1LG4/1LG6 motors in design for Zone 21/22.

The following explosion-proof motor versions are available with an Ex rotary pulse encoder:
Type of protection Order No. + order code Frame size Order code of the Ex rotary pulse encoder
Ex nA 1LA6/7/9… + M73 100 L ... 160 L H86:
1LG4/6… + M73 180 M ... 315 L Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse encoder –
Dust-Ex (Zone 21) 1LA6/7…+ M38 100 L ... 160 L LL841 900 006 – for use in Zones 2, 21, 22.
1LA5… + M38 180 M ... 225 M
1LA9… + M38 100 L ... 200 L
1LG4/6… + M38 180 M ... 315 L
Dust-Ex (Zone 22) 1LA6/7… + M39 100 L ... 160 L
1LA5… + M39 180 M ... 225 M
1LA9… + M39 100 L ... 200 L
1LG4/6… + M39 180 M ... 315 L
Ex nA or dust-Ex (Zone 22) 1LA6/7/9… + M75 100 L ... 160 L
1LG4/6… + M75 180 M ... 315 L
Ex de 1MJ6… + A15/A16 90 L ... 200 L H87:
1MJ7… + A15/A16 225 M ... 315 M Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse encoder on motors
Ex d/de in Zone 1.
• Ex OG 9 DN 1024 l (BG 90L – 160L)
• Ex HOG 161 DN 1024I (BG 180M – 315L)

The following explosion-proof motor versions are available with an Ex separately driven fan:
Type of protection Order No. + order code Frame size Order code of the Ex separately driven fan
Ex nA 1LG4/6 + M73 225 M ... 315 L M95: “Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan Ex nA for
use in Zone 2”.
Dust-Ex (Zone 21) 1LG4/6 + M38 225 M ... 315 L M96: “Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 2D for
use in Zone 21”.
Dust-Ex (Zone 22) 1LG4/6 + M39 180 M ... 315 L M97: “Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 3D for
1LA6/7 + M39 100 L ... 160 L use in Zone 22”.
1LA5 + M39 180 M ... 225 M
1LA9 + M39 100 L ... 200 L
Ex de 1MJ7 + A15/A16 225 M ... 315 M M98: “Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan Ex de for
use in Zone 1”.
Note: Notwithstanding, Ex separately driven fans can also be used for mains-fed operation in special applications.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/5

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Ex rotary pulse encoder Ex OG9 DN 1024 l rotary pulse encoder
The rotary pulse encoder can only be mounted on a standard The Ex OG9 DN 1024 l rotary pulse encoder for use on Ex d/de
non-drive end (NDE), i.e. a second shaft extension or protective motors in Zone 1 (frame sizes 90 to 160) can be supplied already
cover cannot be supplied. Therefore, the user must implement a mounted.
suitable cover for vertical mounting positions to prevent small Order code H87
parts from falling into the fan cover (see also standard IEC//EN
60079-0). Manufacturer:
Baumer Hübner GmbH
Ex rotary pulse encoders do not have insulated bearings due to Planufer 92b
their construction (request required!). 10967 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30-6 90 03-0
The degree of protection of the rotary pulse encoder must be ob- Fax +49 (0)30-6 90 03-1 04
served. The relevant data are stamped on the rating plate of the
rotary pulse encoder.
When an Ex rotary pulse encoder is mounted, the length of the
motor increases by Δl. For an explanationfo the additional di- Technical data for Ex OG9 DN 1024 l rotary pulse encoder
mensions and weights, see “Dimensions and weights”. (HTL version)
Mounting of encoder for use below –20 °C and higher than
+40 °C on request.
LL 841 900 006 rotary pulse encoder
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V
With its rugged construction, this rotary pulse encoder is also Current input without load Approx. 90 mA
suitable for difficult operating environments. It is resistant to
Admissible load current per output 60 mA, 300 mA peak
shock and virbration.
Pulses per revolution 1024
The LL 841 900 006 rotary pulse encoder for use in Zones 2, 21, Outputs 6 short-cirucit proof square-wave
22 can be supplied with the already mounted ADS diagnostic pulses A, B and A’, B’ and R, R’
system for an early error detection in the encoder. Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 %
Order code H86 Output amplitude UHigh ≥ UB – 3.5 V
ULow ≤ 1.5 V
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 %
Leine und Linde (Germany) GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 36 Edge steepness 10 V/μs
73430 Aalen Maximum frequency 120 kHz
Tel. +49 (0)73 61-78093-0 Maximum speed 7000 rpm
Fax +49 (0)73 61-78093-11 Temperature range –20 to +55 °C
Degree of protection IP56
e-Mail: Max. adm. radial cantilever force 350 N
Max. adm. axial force 200 N
Technical data for LL 841 900 006 (HTL version) Termination system Terminals with increased safety e,
Cable connection M20 x 1.5
Mounting of encoder for use below -20 °C and higher than
+40 °C on request. Mech. design acc. to Hübner 73 775 B
Ident. No.
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V Weight Approx. 3.5 kg
Current input without load max. 80 mA
Admissible load current per output 40 mA
Pulses per revolution 1024
Outputs 6 short-cirucit proof square-wave
pulses A, A’, B, B’, 0, 0’ High Current
Isolated switching output for ADS
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±25° el.
Output amplitude UHigh > UB – 4 V
ULow < 2.5 V
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±10 %
Edge steepness 50 V/μs (without load)
Maximum frequency 100 kHz for 350 m cable
Maximum speed 4200 rpm
Temperature range –40 to +70 °C
Degree of protection IP65
Max. adm. radial cantilever force 150 N
Max. adm. axial force 100 N
Termination system Terminal strips in encoder,
Cable connection M20 x 1.5 radial

4/6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Ex HOG 161 DN 1024 l rotary pulse encoder Dimensions and weights of the rotary pulse encoders
With its rugged construction, this rotary pulse encoder is also
suitable for difficult operating environments.
The HOG10 DN 1024 I rotary pulse encoder for use on Ex d/de
motors in Zone 1 (frame sizes 180 to 315) can be supplied al-
ready mounted.
Order code H87
Baumer Hübner GmbH

Planufer 92b
10967 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30-6 90 03-0
Fax +49 (0)30-6 90 03-1 04
Technical data for HOG10 DN 1024 I (HTL version) Ex rotary pulse encoder (on cover), order codes H86, H87
Mounting of encoder for use below -20 °C and higher than
+40 °C on request.
Ex d/de Ex nA (Zone 2) and dust-Ex (Zone 21/22)
Supply voltage UB +9 V to +30 V (Zone 1)
Current input without load
Admissible load current per output
Approx. 100 mA
60 mA, 300 mA peak Frame
Weight Δl
Weight Δl Weight 4
size approx. approx. approx.
Pulses per revolution 1024
Outputs 64 short-cirucit proof square-wave mm kg mm kg mm kg
pulses A, B and A’, B’ and R, R’ 90 184 14.0 – –
Pulse offset between the two outputs 90° ±20 % 100 188 14.5 110 2.0 –
Output amplitude UHigh = UB – 3.5 V 112 190 14.5 110 2.0 –
ULow = 1.5 V 132 186 16.5 110 2.0 –
Mark space ratio 1:1 ±20 % 160 183 17.5 110 2.0 –
Edge steepness 10 V/μs 180 164 9.0 110 2.0 100 3
Maximum frequency 120 kHz 200 164 9.0 110 2.0 100 3
Maximum speed 5600 rpm 225 160 12 110 2.0 100 3
Temperature range –20 to +65 °C 250 160 12 – 100 3
Degree of protection IP56 280 160 12 – 100 3
Max. adm. radial cantilever force 650 N 315 160 12 – 100 3
Max. admissible axial force 450 N
Termination system Terminals with increased safety e,
The 1MJ6 motors of frame sizes 90 to 160 feature the rugged,
Cable connection M20 x 1.5 flanged Ex OG9 rotary pulse encoder, which provides a high me-
Mech. design acc. to Hübner 74 140 A chanical protection itself.
Ident. No.
A protective cover of non-corrosive sheet steel is available for Ex
Weight Approx. 8.8 kg rotary pulse encoders from the “Special technology” section,
see “Mechanical protection for encoder” under “Mechanical de-
sign and degrees of protection”.
Order code M68
Consequently, the motor length also increases:
• 1LA up to 146 mm
• 1MJ6 up to 175 mm
• 1LG/1MJ7 up to 25 mm

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/7

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Ex separately driven fan A rating plate with the operating data is applied to the Ex sepa-
rately driven fan motors.
The use of a separately driven fan is recommended to increase The type of protection of the Ex separately driven fan motor cor-
motor utilization at low speeds and to limit noise generation at responds with the type of protection of the assigned Ex basic
speeds significantly higher than the synchronous speed. Both of motor (note order codes for the appropriate zone).
these results can only be achieved with converter-fed operation. Please note the direction of rotation of the separately driven fan
Please inquire about traction and vibratory operation. (axial-flow fan) when connecting it.
The separately driven fan can be supplied already mounted for Coolant temperatures deviating from –20 to +40 °C on request.
the following zones: The Ex separately driven fan has degree of protection IP55 as
• Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan Ex de standard (higher degrees of protection on request).
for use in Zone 1 Motors with separately driven fans must use a PTC thermistor as
Order code M98 motor protection. The Ex motor versions for converter-fed oper-
ation (order codes: M73, M38, M39, M75, M77, A15, A16) al-
• Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan Ex nA ready have PTC thermistors for tripping. The PTC thermistor
for use in Zone 2 must safely shut down the motor if the separately driven fan is
Order code M95 defective.
• Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 2D
for use in Zone 21 For selection information and order numbers, see the tables
Order code M96 “Technical data of separately driven fan for Ex motors ...” on the
following pages. A rating plate listing all the important data is fit-
• Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 3D ted to the separately driven fan. For supply voltages outside the
for use in Zone 22 rated voltage range for 1LA motors, order code Y81 and plain
Order code M97 text required. Please note the direction of rotation of the sepa-
4 The supply voltage of the Ex separately driven fan motors is de-
fined as follows:
rately driven fan (axial-flow fan) when connecting it. Admissible
coolant temperatures are CTmin –20 °C or CTmax +40 °C. Lower
Type 2CW2 has voltage windings for wide range voltages (see coolant temperatures on request.
subsequently “Technical data of separately driven fan for Ex mo- When the separately driven fan is mounted, the length of the mo-
tors 1LA5/6/7/9, 1LG4/6 (frame sizes 180 and 200) in design for tor increases by Δl. For an explanation of the additional dimen-
Zone 22”). sions and weights, see “Technology”, “Dimemsions and
The separately driven fan motors 1LA/1MJ have a rated voltage weights”.
(rated voltage range) with tolerances in accordance with EC/EN
60034-1, Categories A and B.

Technical data of separately driven fan for Ex motors 1LA5/6/7/9, 1LG4/6 (frame sizes 180 and 200) in design for Zone 22
Frame size Designation on rating plate Rated voltage range Frequency Rated speed Power con- Rated current
of separately driven fan sumption
V Hz rpm kW A
100 2CW2 180-8RF54-1AC0 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2790 0.075 0.29
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2830 0.086 0.27
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2830 0.086 0.16
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3280 0.094 0.28
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3490 0.093 0.27
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3490 0.093 0.16
112 2CW2 180-8RF54-1AC1 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2720 0.073 0.26
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2770 0.085 0.27
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2770 0.085 0.15
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3000 0.107 0.31
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3280 0.094 0.28
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3280 0.094 0.16
132 2CW2 180-8RF54-1AC2 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2860 0.115 0.40
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2880 0.138 0.45
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2880 0.138 0.24
1 AC 230 to 277 60 3380 0.185 0.59
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3470 0.148 0.41
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3470 0.148 0.24
160 to 225 1) 2CW2 180-8RF54-1AC3 1 AC 230 to 277 50 2780 0.236 0.96
3 AC 220 to 290 Δ 50 2840 0.220 0.76
3 AC 380 to 500 Y 50 2830 0.220 0.43
3 AC 220 to 332 Δ 60 3400 0.284 0.94
3 AC 380 to 575 Y 60 3400 0.284 0.56

Separately driven fans with Order No. 1LA. ... are used for 1LG motors of
frame size 225 and above.

4/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Technical data of separately driven fan for Ex motors 1LG4/6 (frame sizes 225 to 315) n design for Zones 2 1), 21, 22
Frame size Designation on rating plate Rated voltage range Frequency Rated speed Power con- Rated current at
of separately driven fan sumption rated voltage 2)
V Hz rpm kW A
225 M to 280 M 1LA7 073-2AA62-Z 3 AC 220 to 240 Δ 50 2800 0.550 1.36
3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2800 0.550 0.79
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3400 0.630 1.32
315 – 2-pole 1LA9 073-2LA92-Z 3 AC 220 to 240 Δ 50 2780 0.700 1.73
3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2780 0.700 1.00
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3385 0.700 1.64
315 – 4, 6, 8 -pole 1LA7 073-2AA62-Z 3 AC 220 to 240 Δ 50 2800 0.550 1.36
3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2800 0.550 0.79
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3400 0.630 1.32

Technical data of separately driven fan for Ex motors 1MJ7 (frame sizes 225 bis 315) in design for Zone 1
Frame size Designation on rating plate Rated voltage range Frequency Rated speed Power con- Rated current at
of separately driven fan sumption rated voltage
V Hz rpm kW A
225 M to 280 M 1MJ6 073-2CA92-Z: 3 AC 220 to 240 Δ 50 2790 0.550 1.38
Data for 50/60 Hz 3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2790 0.550 0.8

315 – 2-pole 1MJ6 073-2CA92-Z:

3 AC
3 AC
440 to 480 Y
220 to 240 Δ
Data for 50/60 Hz 3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2790 0.550 0.8
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3390 0.630 1.38
315 – 4-, 6-, 8-pole 1MJ6 073-2CA92-Z: 3 AC 220 to 240 Δ 50 2790 0.550 1.38
Data for 50/60 Hz 3 AC 380 to 420 Y 50 2790 0.550 0.8
3 AC 440 to 480 Y 60 3390 0.630 1.38

1) 2)
There is no rated voltage range for motors for Zone 2. The values are only valid for the medium voltage of the rated voltage;
therefore, there is no valid rated voltage range.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Dimensions and weights of the Ex separeately driven fans
Ex rotary pulse encoder (on cover) order codes H86, H87
1LA frame sizes 100 ... 225, 1LG from frame size 225
1LG frame sizes 180 and 200 1MJ7 from frame size 225
Ex separately driven fan Separately driven fan
Order code M97 Order codes M95, M96, M98



4 Zone 22
1LA5/6/7/9 1LG4/6
Zones 2, 21
Zone 1 (Ex d/de)
Frame size Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight Δl Weight
approx. approx. approx. approx.
mm kg mm kg mm kg mm kg
100 141 4 – – – – – –
112 158 4.5 – – – – – –
132 177 5.5 – – – – – –
160 227 7 – – – – – –
180 269 10 269 10 – – – –
200 272 11 272 11 – – – –
225 272 11 235 22 235 22 372 27
250 – – 235 25 235 25 370 32
280 – – 235 28 235 28 370 34
315 – – 247 36 247 36 385 40

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IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Preliminary selection of the motor according to motor type/series, speed or number of poles, frame size, rated output, rated
torque, rated speed and rated current
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” (Ex e II Increased safety)
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated Rated current Detailed
torque at 400 V selection and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1MA7 50 Hz
3000, 2-pole 63 M ... 160 L 0.18 ... 16 2810 ... 2910 0.61 ... 53 0.55 ... 30.0 4/18 ... 4/19
1500, 4-pole 63 M ... 160 L 0.12 ... 13.5 1375 ... 1465 0.83 ... 88 0.52 ... 27 4/20 ... 4/21
1000, 6-pole 71 M ... 160 L 0.25 ... 9.7 850 ... 965 2.8 ... 96 0.81 ... 21 4/20 ... 4/21
Cast-iron series 1MA6 50 Hz
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 315 L 2.5 ... 165 2865 ... 2986 8.3 ... 528 5.3 ... 280 4/22 ... 4/25
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 315 L 2 ... 165 1420 ... 1492 14 ... 1061 4.5 ... 305 4/26 ... 4/29
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 315 L 1.3 ... 135 935 ... 991 13 ... 1300 3.35 ... 240 4/30 ... 4/33

Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” (Ex de IIC explosion-proof enclosure)
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated Rated current Detailed
torque at 400 V selection and ordering data
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 50 Hz
kW rpm Nm A 4
3000, 2-pole 71 M ... 200 L 0.37 ... 37 2750 ... 2945 1 ... 120 0.98 ... 64 4/34 ... 4/35
1500, 4-pole 71 M ... 200 L 0.25 ... 30 1325 ... 1465 1 ... 196 0.78 ... 55 4/36 ... 4/37
1000, 6-pole 71 M ... 200 L 0.25 ... 22 870 ... 975 2 ... 215 0.82 ... 42.5 4/38 ... 4/39
750, 8-pole 90 L ... 200 L 0.37 ... 15 655 ... 725 5 ... 198 1.16 ... 32 4/40 ... 4/41
Cast-iron series 1MJ7 50 Hz
3000, 2-pole 225 M ... 315 M 45 ... 132 2955 ... 2980 145 ... 423 77 ... 225 4/34 ... 4/35
1500, 4-pole 225 S ... 315 M 37 ... 132 1475 ... 1486 240 ... 848 67 ... 232 4/36 ... 4/37
1000, 6-pole 225 M ... 315 M 30 ... 90 978 ... 988 293 ... 870 56 ... 162 4/38 ... 4/39
750, 8-pole 225 S ... 315 M 18.5 ... 75 725 ... 738 244 ... 970 37.5 ... 140 4/40 ... 4/41

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated Rated current Detailed
torque at 400 V, 50 Hz selection and ordering data
at 460 V, 60 Hz Page
kW at 50 Hz
rpm HP at 60 Hz rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5 1) 50 Hz
3000, 2-pole 56 M 2) ... 225 M 0.09 ... 45 2830 ... 2959 0.3 ... 145 0.26 ... 78 4/42 ... 4/43
1500, 4-pole 56 M 2) ... 225 M 0.06 ... 45 1350 ... 1470 0.42 ... 292 0.2 ... 80 4/44 ... 4/45
1000, 6-pole 63 M ... 225 M 0.09 ... 30 850 ... 978 1 ... 293 0.44 ... 61 4/46 ... 4/47
750, 8-pole 71 M ... 225 M 0.09 ... 22 630 ... 724 1.4 ... 290 0.36 ... 44.5 4/48 ... 4/49
Aluminum series 1LA9
“High Efficiency” 50 Hz
3000, 2-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.09 ... 37 2830 ... 2950 0.3 ... 120 0.24 ... 64 4/50 ... 4/51
1500, 4-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.06 ... 30 1380 ... 1465 0.42 ... 196 0.22 ... 53 4/52 ... 4/53
1000, 6-pole 90 S ... 200 L 0.75 ... 22 925 ... 975 7.7 ... 215 2 ... 45 4/54 ... 4/55
For use in the North American market according to EPACT 60 Hz
3600, 2-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.12 ... 50 3440 ... 3555 0.25 ... 100 0.23 ... 57 4/56 ... 4/57
1800, 4-pole 56 M ... 200 L 0.08 ... 40 1715 ... 1770 0.33 ... 161 0.18 ... 47 4/58 ... 4/59
1200, 6-pole 90 S ... 200 L 1 ... 30 1140 ... 1175 6.2 ... 182 1.78 ... 40 4/60 ... 4/61
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4 50 Hz

4 3000, 2-pole
1500, 4-pole
100 L ... 315 L
100 L ... 315 L
3 ... 200
2.2 ... 200
2890 ... 2982
1420 ... 1486
9.9 ... 641
15 ... 1285
6.1 ... 325
4.7 ... 340
4/62 ... 4/63
4/64 ... 4/65
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 315 L 1.5 ... 160 925 ... 988 15 ... 1547 3.9 ... 285 4/66 ... 4/67
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 315 L 0.75 ... 132 679 ... 738 11 ... 1708 2.15 ... 245 4/68 ... 4/69
Cast-iron series 1LG6
“High Efficiency” 50 Hz
3000, 2-pole 180 M ... 315 L 22 ... 200 2955 ... 2982 71 ... 641 38.5 ... 320 4/70 ... 4/71
1500, 4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 18.5 ... 200 1470 ... 1490 120 ... 1282 34.5 ... 340 4/70 ... 4/71
1000, 6-pole 180 M ... 315 L 15 ... 160 975 ... 990 147 ... 1543 29.5 ... 280 4/72 ... 4/73
750, 8-pole 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 132 725 ... 740 145 ... 1704 23.5 ... 240 4/72 ... 4/73
For use in the North American market according to EPACT 60 Hz
3600, 2-pole 180 M ... 315 L 30 ... 300 3560 ... 3591 60 ... 595 34 ... 320 4/74 ... 4/75
1800, 4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 25 ... 300 1775 ... 1792 100 ... 1193 31 ... 335 4/76 ... 4/77
1200, 6-pole 180 M ... 315 L 20 ... 200 1178 ... 1192 121 ... 1195 25.5 ... 235 4/78 ... 4/79
Cast-iron series 1LA8 50 Hz for mains-fed operation 3)
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 2979 ... 2986 801 ... 3200 415 ... 1020 3/14 ... 3/15
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 1488 ... 1492 1600 ... 6400 430 ... 1060 3/14 ... 3/15
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 200 ... 800 988 ... 993 1930 ... 7690 345 ... 1100 3/16 ... 3/17
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 160 ... 630 739 ... 744 2070 ... 8090 295 ... 1160 3/16 ... 3/17
Cast-iron series 1PQ8 50 Hz with standard insulation ≤500 V 3)
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 2979 ... 2986 801 ... 3200 415 ... 1020 3/26 ... 3/27
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 250 ... 1000 1488 ... 1492 1600 ... 6400 430 ... 1060 3/26 ... 3/27
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 200 ... 800 988 ... 993 1930 ... 7690 345 ... 1100 3/28 ... 3/29
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 160 ... 630 739 ... 744 2070 ... 8090 295 ... 1160 3/28 ... 3/29

Motors for converter-fed operation 1LA8 3) with normal and

special insulation or 1PQ8 3) with special insulation, see
overview on Page 3/11.

1) 3)
Motor series 1LA5 is not possible for Zone 2. Motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8 are not possible for Zone 21, 1PQ8 for
Motor series 1LA7 is only possible for Zone 2 in frame size 63 M and Zones 2 and 22 on request.

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IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ More information
Fundamental physical principles and definitions Explosion limits
Explosion Combustible substances form a potentially explosive atmo-
sphere when they are present within a certain range of concen-
An explosion is the sudden chemical reaction of a combustible tration (see “Area subject to explosion hazard”).
substance with oxygen, involving the release of high energy.
Combustible substances can be gases, vapors, fumes or dust. If the concentration is too low (lean mixture) and if the
An explosion can only take place if the following three factors concentration is too high (rich mixture) an explosion does not
coincide: take place. Instead slow burning takes place, or no burning at
all. Only in the area between the upper and the lower explosion
1. Combustible substance (in the relevant distribution and con- limits does the mixture react explosively if ignited. The explosion
centration) limits depend on the surrounding pressure and the proportion of
2. Oxygen (in the air) oxygen in the air (see the table below).
3. Source of ignition (e.g. electrical spark) We refer to a deflagration, explosion, or detonation, depending
on the speed of combustion. A potentially explosive atmosphere
Primary and secondary explosion protection is present if ignition represents a hazard for personnel or materi-
Integrated explosion protection als. A potentially explosive atmosphere, even one of low volume,
can result in hazardous explosions in an enclosed space.
1. Prevention of dangerous potentially explosive atmospheres
Area subject to explosion hazard
2. Prevention of the ignition of dangerous potentially explosive
atmospheres 100 % vol Air concentration 0 % vol
Mixture too weak Area subject to Mixture too rich
3. Limiting the explosion to a negligible degree explosion hazard

The principle of integrated explosion protection requires all ex-

plosion protection measures to be carried out in a defined order.
No combustion Partial combustion,
no explosion 4
← Lower explosion limit upper →
A distinction is made here between primary and secondary pro-
0 % vol 100 % vol
tective measures.
Concentration of combustible substance
Primary explosion protection covers all measures that prevent
the formation of a potentially explosive atmosphere. Dusts

What are the protective measures that can be taken to minimize In industrial environments, e.g. in chemical plants or in flour
the risk of an explosion? mills, solid matter is often present in small particles and also in
the form of dust.
• Avoidance of combustible substances
The term “dust” is defined in DIN EN 50281-1-2 as small solid
• Inerting (addition of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc.) particles in the atmosphere that are deposited due to their own
• Limiting of the concentration weight but which remain in the atmosphere for some time in the
• Improved ventilation form of a dust/air mixture”. Dust deposits are comparable to a
porous body and have an air component of up to 90 %. If the
Secondary explosion protection is required if the explosion temperature of dust deposits is increased, this can result in self-
hazard cannot be removed or can only be partially removed ignition of the combustible substance in the form of dust.
using primary explosion protection measures.
When deposits of dust with a small particle size are disturbed,
When considering safety-related factors, it is necessary to know there is a risk of explosion. This risk increases as the particle size
certain characteristic quantities of combustible materials. decreases, because the surface area of the hollow space in-
Flash point creases. Dust explosions are often the result of disturbed glow-
ing dust deposits that carry the initial spark within them.
The flash point for flammable liquids specifies the lowest tem-
perature at which a vapor-air mixture forms over the surface of Explosions of gas/air or vapor/air mixtures can also disturb dust,
the liquid that can be ignited by a separate source. in which case the gas explosion can become a dust explosion.

If the flash point of such a flammable liquid is significantly above

the maximum occurring temperatures, a potentially explosive
atmosphere cannot form there. However, the flash point of a
mixture of different liquids can also be lower than the flash point
of the individual components.
In technical regulations, flammable liquids are divided into four
hazard classes:
Hazard class Flash point
AI <21 °C
AII 21 ... 55 °C
AIII >55 ... 100 °C
B <21 °C, at 15 °C soluble in water

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ More information (continued)

In coal mines, methane gas explosions often caused coal dust What can cause ignition?
explosions which surpassed the gas explosions in their effects. • Hot surfaces
The risk of an explosion is prevented by using explosion-proof • Adiabatic compression
equipment in accordance with its protection capability. The iden- • Ultrasound
tification of the equipment categories mirrors the effectiveness of
the explosion protection and therefore its use in the correspond- • Ionized radiation
ing areas subject to explosion hazard. • Open flames
The potential risk of explosive dust atmospheres and the selec- • Chemical reaction
tion of appropriate protective measures are assessed on the ba- • Optical radiation
sis of safety characteristics for the materials involved. Dusts are
subdivided here in accordance with two of their material-specific • Electromagnetic radiation
characteristics: • Electrostatic discharge
• Conductivity • Sparks caused mechanically by friction or impact
Dusts that have a specific electrical resistance of up to • Electrical sparks and arcing
103 Ωm are classed as conductive.
• Ionized radiation
• Combustibility
Combustible dusts, however, are characterized by the fact Legislative basis and standards
that they can burn or glow in air and that they can form explo- Legislative basis of explosion protection
sive mixtures at atmospheric pressure and at temperature
from –20 to +60 °C in combination with air. Globally, explosion protection is regulated by the legislatures of
the individual countries. At the international level, the IEC is at-
Examples of safety characteristics in the case of disturbed dust
4 include the minimum ignition energy and the ignition tempera-
ture, whereas in the case of dust deposits, the glowing temper-
tempting to get closer to the aim of “a single global test and cer-
tificate” by introducing the IECEx Scheme.
ature is a characteristic feature. EU directives
Minimum ignition energy In the European Union, explosion protection is regulated by
directives and laws.
The application of a certain amount of energy is required to
ignite a potentially explosive atmosphere. Electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmo-
spheres must therefore possess test certification or approval.
The minimum energy is taken to be the lowest possible con- The relevant systems and equipment are graded as systems
verted energy, for example, the discharge of a capacitor, that will requiring monitoring and must only use devices approved for
ignite the relevant flammable mixture. this purpose. In addition, commissioning, modification, and
The minimum energy lies between approximately 10-5 J for regular safety inspections must only be accepted or carried
hydrogen, and several Joules for certain dusts. out by approved institutions or societies. The EU directives are
binding for all member states and form the legal framework.

Selection of important EU directives

Short designation Full text Directive no. Valid as of: End of
transition period
EX Directive (ATEX 95) Directive of the European Parliament and Council of March 23, 94/9/EG 03/01/96 06/30/03
1994 on the harmonization of laws of the Member States concern-
ing equipment and protective systems intended for use in poten-
tially explosive atmospheres
ATEX 137 Minimum regulations for improving the health protection and safety 1999/92/EG 12/16/99 06/30/03
of employees that could be endangered by potentially explosive

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IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ More information (continued)

National laws and regulations IEC/EN 60079-0 : 1997 Meaning
In general, the EU directives are European laws that must be Year of issue
incorporated by the individual member states unmodified by Number of standard
ratification. Directive 94/9/EU was adopted completely into the Harmonized European Standard
German explosion protection regulation ExVO. The underlying
legislation for technical equipment is the Equipment Safety Law IEC
(GSG) to which ExVO is appended as a separate regulation At the international level, the IEC (International Electrotechnical
(11th GSGV). Commission) issues standards for explosion protection. The
In contrast, ATEX 137 (Directive - 1999/92/EC) contains only Technical Committee TC31 is responsible. Standards for explo-
“Minimum regulations for improving the health protection and sion protection are found in the IEC 60079-x series (previously
safety of employees that could be endangered by potentially ex- IEC 79-x). The x represents the numbers of the individual tech-
plosive atmospheres”, so that each EU member state can pass nical standards, e.g. IEC 60079-7 for intrinsic safety.
its own regulations beyond the minimum requirements. In the Classification of explosion-protected equipment
German Federal Republic, the contents of the directive have
been implemented in factory safety legislation. In order to sim- Identification
plify the legislation, the contents of several earlier regulations The identification of electrical equipment for areas protected
have been simultaneously integrated into the factory safety against explosion hazards should include:
legislation ('BetrSichVO'). From the area of explosion protection,
these are: • The manufacturer who supplied the equipment
• The regulation concerning electrical installations in potentially • A designation that identifies it
explosive atmospheres (ElexV) • The implementation range

• The acetylene regulation - In underground mines I
- Other areas II
• The regulation concerning flammable liquids - Gases and vapors – G -, dusts – D – or mines – M -,
These regulations became defunct when the factory • The categories that specify whether the device can be used
safety legislation came into force on 01/01/2003. for specific zones
Explosion protection guidelines (EX-RL) of the professional • The type(s) of protection to which the equipment complies
associations • The testing authority that issued the test certificate, the stan-
In the “Guidelines for the prevention of hazards from potentially dard or version of the standard to which the equipment com-
explosive atmospheres with listed examples” of the German plies – including the registration number of the certificate from
Chemicals Professional Association, specific information is the testing authority, and if necessary, the special conditions
given on the hazards of potentially explosive atmospheres and to be observed.
measures for their prevention or limitation are listed. Of special • The data that is normally required for an identical item of
use are the examples of individual potentially explosive process equipment in industrial design should also be provided.
plants in the most diverse industrial sectors in which these mea-
sures are listed in detail. Valuable suggestions and risk evalua- Example for identification according to 94/9/EU
tions are available for planners and operators of such plants or CE 0158 II 2D IP65 T125 °C Meaning
similar process plants. While the EX Directives have no legal sta- Temperature range
tus, they are nevertheless to be regarded as important recom- Enclosure protection class
mendations that can also be called upon for support in deciding Ex protection zone
legal questions in the event of damage.
Nominated authority for certifica-
Standards tion of the QA system in accor-
dance with 94/9/EU
There are a host of technical standards worldwide for the area of Conformity mark
explosion protection. The standards environment is subject to
constant modification. This is the result of both adaptation to
technical progress and increased safety demands in society. Equipment identification code Meaning
International efforts towards harmonization also contribute to the SAMPLE_COMPANY Manufacturer and type designation
aim of achieving the most uniform global standards possible and Type 07-5103-.../...
the resulting removal of barriers to trade. Ex II 2D IP65 T 125 °C Acc. to EN 50281-.-. Protection
afforded by housing,
EU standards IP65 protection class
Max. surface temperature +125 °C
The standards for explosion protection valid in the European PTB 00 ATEX 1081 Serial No. of test authority
Union are created on the basis of the EU Directives under the ATEX generation
leadership of CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechni-
Certified 2000
cal Standardization). CENELEC comprises the national commit-
tees of the member states. Since, in the meantime, standardiza- Symbol of test authority
tion at international level gained greatly in importance through
the dynamism of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commis-
sion), CENELEC has decided only to pass standards in parallel
with the IEC. In practice, this means European standards in the
area of electrical/electronic systems will now be created or rede-
fined almost exclusively on the basis of IEC standards as harmo-
nized EN standards. For the area of explosion protection, these
are mainly the standards of the EN 60079 series. The numbers
of harmonized European standards are built up according to the
following system:

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ More information (continued)

Device groups/categories Subdivision of combustible dusts into different zones
Devices are classified into device groups: Flammable gases, vapors, and mist
• Device group I Zone Equipment Description
- in underground operations
0 1G Hazardous, potentially explosive atmosphere
- in mines present continuously and over extended periods.
- as well as open-cast operations 1 2G It is to be expected that a hazardous, potentially
• Device group II 1G explosive atmosphere will only occur occasionally.
- Devices for use in the other areas 2 3G It is to be expected that a hazardous, potentially
2G explosive atmosphere will occur only rarely and
Each device group contains equipment that is in turn assigned 1G then only for a short period.
to different categories (Directive 94/9/EC).
Flammable dusts
The category specifies the zone in which the equipment may be Zone Equipment Description
used. category
Comparison of device groups and categories 20 1D Areas where a potentially explosive atmosphere
comprising dust-air mixtures is present continu-
Device group I (mining) ously, over extended periods or frequently.
Category M1: M2: 21 2D Areas where it is expected that a hazardous, poten-
Extremely high level of High level of safety 1D tially explosive atmosphere comprising dust-air mix-
safety tures will occur occasionally and for short
Sufficient safety Through 2 protective Must be switched off in
measures/in the event of the presence of an Ex 22 3D Areas in which it is not to be expected that a poten-
2 faults atmosphere. 2D tially explosive atmosphere will be caused by

1D stirred-up dust. If this does occur, then in all proba-
bility only rarely and for a short period.
Device group II
(other areas subject to explosion hazard) Types of protection
Category 1: 2: 3:
Extremely high High level of Normal level of The protection types are design measures and electrical mea-
level of safety safety safety sures carried out on the equipment to achieve explosion protec-
Sufficient safety Through 2 protec- In the event of In the case of tion in the areas subject to explosion hazard.
tive measures/in frequent device fault-free opera-
the event of 2 faults/in the event tion Protection types are secondary explosion protection measures.
faults of one fault The scope of the secondary explosion protection measures
Use Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone depends on the probability of the occurrence of a hazardous,
0 20 1 21 2 22 potentially explosive atmosphere.
Atmosphere G D G D G D
(gas) (dust) Electrical equipment for areas subject to explosion hazard must
Zones comply with the general requirements of IEC/EN 60079-0 and
the specific requirements for the relevant type of protection in
Potentially explosive atmospheres are divided into zones. Divi- which the equipment is listed.
sion into zones depends on the chronological and geographical
probability of the presence of a hazardous, potentially explosive The types of protection listed on the pages below are significant
atmosphere. in accordance with IEC/EN 60079-0. All types of protection are
based on different principles.
Information and specifications for zone subdivision can be
found in EN/IEC 60079-10.
Equipment in areas where a constant explosion hazard exists
(Zone 0/20) are subject to stricter requirements, and by contrast,
equipment in less hazardous areas (Zone 1/21, Zone 2/22) is
subject to less stringent requirements. In general, 95 % of sys-
tems are installed in Zone 1 and only 5 % of equipment is in
Zone 0.
Types of protection for gases Use in Zone
Degree of protection Coding Schematic Basic principle Standard Examples 0 1 2
General General requirements for the type IEC/EN 60079-0
requirements and testing of electrical equipment
intended for the Ex area

Increased safety e Applies only to equipment, or its IEC/EN 60079-7 Squirrel-cage • •

component parts, that normally motors,
does not create sparks or arcs, terminals,
does not attain hazardous tempe- connection
ratures, and whose mains voltage boxes
does not exceed 1 kV
Flameproof enclosure d If an explosion occurs inside the IEC/EN 60079-1 Squirrel-cage • •
enclosure, the housing will with- motors,
stand the pressure and the explo- switchgear,
sion will not be propagated outside transformers
the enclosure
Types of protection n Zone 2 Slightly simplified application of the EN 50021 1) Squirrel-cage •
Several protection types other Zone 2 protection types – “n” IEC/EN 60079-15 motors,
are included under this stands for “non-igniting” programmable
type controllers

From 2007 IEC/EN 60079-15

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IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ More information (continued)

Types of protection for dusts Use in Zone
Type of protection Coding Basic principle Standard Examples 20 21 22
Pressurized enclosure pD Penetration of a surrounding atmosphere into the EN 50281 Equipment in which • • •
housing of electrical equipment is prevented by IEC 61241 sparks, arcs or hot com-
retaining an ignition protection gas (air, inert gas ponents occur during
or other suitable gas) internally at a higher pres- operation
sure than the surrounding atmosphere.
Encapsulation mD Components that can ignite a potentially explo- EN 50281 Switchgear and control • • •
sive atmosphere through sparks or heating are IEC 61241 cabinets
embedded in a potting compound such that the
explosive atmosphere cannot ignite. This is
achieved by completely covering the compo-
nents with a potting compound that is resistant to
physical (particularly electrical, thermal and
mechanical) as well as chemical influences.
Protection by housing tD The housing is so thick that ingress of combusti- EN 50281 Measuring and monitoring • • •
ble dust is not possible. The external surface IEC 61241 equipment
temperature of the housing is limited.
Intrinsic safety iaD, ibD Current and voltage are limited so that intrinsic EN 50281 Sensors and actuators • • •
safety is guaranteed. Sparks or thermal effects IEC 61241
cannot ignite a dust/air mixture.

Temperature classes
The ignition temperature of flammable gases or a flammable Equipment that corresponds to a higher temperature class can
liquid is the lowest temperature of a heated surface at which the
gas/air or vapor/air mixture just ignites.
also be used for applications with a lower temperature class.
Flammable gases and vapors are assigned to the relevant
Thus the highest surface temperature of any equipment must temperature class according to ignition temperature.
always be less than the ignition temperature of the surrounding
atmosphere. Definition of the temperature classes

Temperature classes T1 to T6 have been introduced for electri- Temperature class Maximum Ignition temperatures of
surface temperature of combustible substances
cal equipment of Explosion group II. Equipment is assigned to the equipment
each temperature class according to its maximum surface T1 450 °C >450 °C
temperature. T2 300 °C >300 °C
T3 200 °C >200 °C
T4 135 °C >135 °C
T5 100 °C >100 °C
T6 85 °C >85 °C

Classification of gases and vapors into explosion groups and temperature classes
Explosion group Temperature classes
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
I Methane
II A Acetone Ethyl alcohol Petrol Acetyl aldehyde
Ethane i-amyl acetate Diesel fuel Ethyl ether
Ethyl acetate n-butane Aviation gasoline
Ammonia n-butyl alcohol Fuel oil
Benzene (pure) n-hexane
Acetic acid
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
II B Town gas Ethylene
(Illuminating gas)
II C Hydrogen Acetylene Carbon disulfide

For further information, please contact your local Siemens

contact – see “Siemens Contacts Worldwide” in the Appendix.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Aluminum series 1MA7

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
0.18 0.18 T1,T2,T3 63 M 2810 0.61 66 0.74 0.55 1MA7 060-2BA 3.9
0.25 0.25 T1,T2,T3 63 M 2800 0.85 68 0.81 0.7 1MA7 063-2BA 4.5
0.37 0.37 T1,T2,T3 71 M 2825 1.3 73 0.8 0.93 1MA7 070-2BA 5.4
0.55 0.55 T1,T2,T3 71 M 2785 1.9 72 0.80 1.4 1MA7 073-2BA 7
0.75 0.75 T1,T2,T3 80 M 2845 2.5 73 0.85 1.81 1MA7 080-2BA 8.6
1.1 1.1 T1,T2,T3 80 M 2855 3.7 79 0.85 2.5 1MA7 083-2BA 10.3
1.3 1.3 T1,T2,T3 90 S 2850 4.4 78 0.88 2.9 1MA7 090-2BA 13.3
1.85 1.85 T1,T2,T3 90 L 2860 6.2 81 0.88 3.95 1MA7 096-2BA 16.1
2.5 2.5 T1,T2,T3 100 L 2865 8.3 82 0.87 5.3 1MA7 106-2BA 21
3.3 3.3 T1,T2,T3 112 M 2875 11 84 0.89 6.7 1MA7 113-2BB 27
4.6 4.6 T1,T2,T3 132 S 2920 15 83 0.9 9.2 1MA7 130-2BB 38
5.5 5.5 T3 132 S 2925 18 86 0.92 10.6 1MA7 131-2BB 1) 44

7.5 7.5 T3 160 M 2945 24 87.5 0.9 14.3 1MA7 163-2BB 67
10 10 T3 160 M 2940 33 88.5 0.92 18.6 1MA7 164-2BB 72
12.5 12.5 T3 160 L 2940 41 89 0.93 23 1MA7 166-2BB 1) 82

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
6.5 6.5 T1,T2 132 S 2900 21 85 0.93 12.5 1MA7 131-2BB 1) 44
9.5 9.5 T1,T2 160 M 2920 31 87 0.91 18.1 1MA7 163-2BB 67
1) 2)
13 13 T1,T2 160 M 2910 43 87.5 0.92 24.5 1MA7 164-2BB 72
16 16 T1,T2 160 L 2910 53 87 0.93 30 1MA7 166-2BB 1) 2) 82

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position:
Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
For delta connection, overload protection with IM V6 3) IM V3 3) with pro- IM V19 3) IM V19 3)
phase-failure protection must be provided. tective
cover 3) 4)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MA7 06 . - . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/19.

4/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Aluminum series 1MA7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown torque Torque Moment Noise at rated output tE time
torque current class of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound for for
torque current torque surface sound pressure tempera- tempera-
pressure level level ture class ture class
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA tE tE
kgm² dB(A) dB(A) s s
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
1MA7 060-2BA 2.3 4.4 2.3 16 0.00018 49 60 30 27
1MA7 063-2BA 2.2 4.4 2.3 16 0.00023 49 60 19 16
1MA7 070-2BA 2.3 5.6 2.1 16 0.00035 52 63 28 25
1MA7 073-2BA 3 5.2 2.6 16 0.00045 52 63 18 13
1MA7 080-2BA 2.5 6.2 2.7 16 0.00085 56 67 13 11
1MA7 083-2BA 2.8 6.4 3 16 0.0011 56 67 12 10
1MA7 090-2BA 2.6 6.2 2.8 16 0.0015 60 72 12 11
1MA7 096-2BA 2.8 7.2 2.8 16 0.002 60 72 9 8
1MA7 106-2BA 2.6 7.4 2.8 16 0.0038 62 74 9 8
1MA7 113-2BB 2.1 6.6 2.3 13 0.0055 63 75 10 9
1MA7 130-2BB 1.9 6.8 2.5 13 0.016 68 80 15 13
1MA7 131-2BB 2.2 7.7 2.7 13 0.021 68 80 15 13
1MA7 163-2BB
1MA7 164-2BB
12 4
1MA7 166-2BB 2.3 7.6 3 13 0.052 70 82 21 9

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque Moment Noise at rated output tE time tE time
torque current torque class of inertia for for
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound tempera- tempera-
surface sound pressure ture class ture class
torque current torque T1/T2 T3
pressure level level
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA tE tE
kgm² dB(A) dB(A) s s
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
1MA7 131-2BB 1.9 6.5 2.3 13 0.021 68 80 12 7
1MA7 163-2BB 1.7 6 2.4 13 0.034 70 82 24 –
1MA7 164-2BB 1.6 5.8 2.2 13 0.04 70 82 16 –
1MA7 166-2BB 1.8 5.8 2.3 13 0.052 70 82 15 –

1) For the following versions T3-output is stamped as standard: 3) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types
– order code A11/A12 of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective
– voltage code “9” cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing
Alternative: order code C30 “T1/T2-output on the rating plate” upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
2) Utilization according to temperature class 155 (F). from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Aluminum series 1MA7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ...420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
0.12 0.12 T1,T2,T3 63 M 1375 0.83 55 0.66 0.52 1MA7 060-4BB 3.9
0.18 0.18 T1,T2,T3 63 M 1330 1.3 57 0.75 0.62 1MA7 063-4BB 4.5
0.25 0.25 T1,T2,T3 71 M 1310 1.8 60 0.77 0.8 1MA7 070-4BB 6
0.37 0.37 T3 71 M 1355 2.6 67 0.74 1.1 1MA7 073-4BB 6.4
0.55 0.55 T1,T2,T3 80 M 1390 3.8 73 0.73 1.59 1MA7 080-4BA 8.4
0.75 0.75 T1,T2,T3 80 M 1395 5.1 73 0.75 2.05 1MA7 083-4BA 11
1 1 T1,T2,T3 90 S 1420 6.7 77 0.78 2.5 1MA7 090-4BA 12.7
1.35 1.35 T1,T2,T3 90 L 1415 9.1 78 0.82 3.1 1MA7 096-4BA 16
2 2 T1,T2,T3 100 L 1420 14 80 0.82 4.5 1MA7 106-4BA 20
2.5 2.5 T1,T2,T3 100 L 1415 17 81 0.83 5.5 1MA7 107-4BA 23
3.6 3.6 T1,T2,T3 112 M 1435 24 85 0.83 7.5 1MA7 113-4BA 29
5 5 T1,T2,T3 132 S 1445 33 86 0.82 10.4 1MA7 130-4BA 42

4 6.8
132 M
160 M
1MA7 133-4BA
1MA7 163-4BB
13.5 13.5 T1,T2,T3 160 L 1465 88 89 0.84 27 1MA7 166-4BB 107
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
0.25 0.25 T1,T2,T3 71 M 850 2.8 63 0.72 0.81 1MA7 073-6BA 6.7
0.37 0.37 T1,T2,T3 80 M 920 3.6 68 0.7 1.14 1MA7 080-6BA 8.3
0.55 0.55 T1,T2,T3 80 M 930 5.6 69 0.67 1.75 1MA7 083-6BA 12.5
0.65 0.65 T1,T2,T3 90 S 915 6.8 70 0.75 1.8 1MA7 090-6BA 14
0.95 0.95 T1,T2,T3 90 L 915 9.9 72 0.75 2.6 1MA7 096-6BA 15.7
1.3 1.3 T1,T2,T3 100 L 935 13 77 0.73 3.35 1MA7 106-6BA 20
1.9 1.9 T1,T2,T3 112 M 940 19 79 0.76 4.7 1MA7 113-6BB 24
2.6 2.6 T1,T2,T3 132 S 945 26 79 0.75 6.5 1MA7 130-6BB 36
3.5 3.5 T1,T2,T3 132 M 955 35 81 0.72 9 1MA7 133-6BB 41
4.8 4.8 T1,T2,T3 132 M 950 48 83 0.76 11.4 1MA7 134-6BB 50
6.6 6.6 T1,T2,T3 160 M 960 65 85 0.75 14.9 1MA7 163-6BB 70
9.7 9.7 T1,T2,T3 160 L 965 96 88 0.76 21 1MA7 166-6BB 105

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
For delta connection, overload protection with IM V6 1) IM V3 1) with pro- IM V19 1) IM V19 1)
phase-failure protection must be provided. tective
cover 1) 2)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MA7 06 . - . . . – 3) – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/21.

4/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Aluminum series 1MA7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque Moment Noise at rated output tE time
torque current torque class of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound for for
torque current torque surface sound pressure tempera- tempera-
pressure level level ture class ture class
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA tE tE
kgm² dB(A) dB(A) s s
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
1MA7 060-4BB 1.9 2.6 1.9 13 0.0003 42 53 35 30
1MA7 063-4BB 1.9 2.7 1.9 13 0.0004 42 53 30 25
1MA7 070-4BB 1.9 3.1 1.9 13 0.0006 44 55 50 40
1MA7 073-4BB 1.9 3.7 2.1 13 0.00083 44 55 35 29
1MA7 080-4BA 2.4 4.6 2.5 16 0.0015 47 58 24 21
1MA7 083-4BA 2.6 4.8 2.6 16 0.0018 47 58 19 16
1MA7 090-4BA 2.2 5.4 2.5 16 0.0028 48 60 16 14
1MA7 096-4BA 2.3 5.9 2.5 16 0.0035 48 60 15 13
1MA7 106-4BA 2.5 6.4 2.7 16 0.0048 53 65 13 11
1MA7 107-4BA 2.6 6.4 2.7 16 0.0058 53 65 12 10
1MA7 113-4BA 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.011 53 65 10 9
1MA7 130-4BA 2.7 6.6 3.2 16 0.021 62 74 10 9
1MA7 133-4BA
1MA7 163-4BB
10 4
1MA7 166-4BB 2.4 6.9 3 13 0.057 66 78 18 9
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
1MA7 073-6BA 2.2 3 2.1 16 0.0009 39 50 130 70
1MA7 080-6BA 2.3 3.6 2.4 16 0.0015 40 51 60 55
1MA7 083-6BA 2.4 4 2.4 16 0.0025 40 51 30 27
1MA7 090-6BA 2.3 3.9 2.4 16 0.0028 43 55 35 30
1MA7 096-6BA 2.3 4.1 2.4 16 0.0038 43 55 22 19
1MA7 106-6BA 2.4 4.8 2.5 16 0.0063 47 59 26 26
1MA7 113-6BB 2.3 5 2.5 13 0.011 52 64 19 16
1MA7 130-6BB 1.8 4.4 2.4 13 0.015 63 75 21 18
1MA7 133-6BB 2.3 5.1 2.8 13 0.019 63 75 16 13
1MA7 134-6BB 2.4 5.6 2.8 13 0.025 63 75 13 11
1MA7 163-6BB 2.7 6.4 3.1 13 0.041 66 78 18 9
1MA7 166-6BB 2.8 7.7 2.2 13 0.055 66 78 15 8

The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
For motors 1MA7 06.-4. (motor series 1MA7 frame size 63, 4-pole) not

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
2.5 2.5 T1,T2,T3 100 L 2865 8.3 82 0.87 5.3 1MA6 106-2BA 34
3.3 3.3 T1,T2,T3 112 M 2875 11 84 0.89 6.7 1MA6 113-2BB 43
4.6 4.6 T1,T2,T3 132 S 2920 15 83 0.9 9.3 1MA6 130-2BB 53
5.5 5.5 T3 132 S 2925 18 86 0.92 10.7 1MA6 131-2BB 58
7.5 7.5 T3 160 M 2945 24 87.5 0.9 15.3 1MA6 163-2BB 96
10 10 T3 160 M 2940 33 88.5 0.92 19.1 1MA6 164-2BB 1) 105
12.5 12.5 T3 160 L 2940 41 89 0.93 23 1MA6 166-2BB 115
15 15 T3 180 M 2955 49 92 0.87 29 1MA6 183-2BC 170
20 20 T3 200 L 2950 64 91.2 0.87 49 1MA6 206-2BC 245
24 24 T3 200 L 2965 77 92 0.87 46 1MA6 207-2BC 246
28 28 T3 225 M 2970 90 93.6 0.9 51 1MA6 223-2BC 310
38 38 T1,T2 225 M 2970 122 93.9 0.89 69 2) 1MA6 223-2AC 310

4 36
250 M
250 M
1MA6 253-2BC
1MA6 253-2AC
47 47 T3 280 S 2983 150 94.5 0.9 84 1MA6 280-2BD 570
64 64 T1,T2 280 S 2980 205 94.3 0.89 115 1MA6 280-2AD 570
58 58 T3 280 M 2982 186 94.7 0.91 104 1MA6 283-2BD 610
76 76 T1,T2 280 M 2978 244 94.8 0.9 134 1MA6 283-2AD 610
68 68 T3 315 S 2985 218 94 0.91 120 1MA6 310-2BD 790
95 95 T1,T2 315 S 2985 304 94.6 0.9 169 1MA6 310-2AD 790
80 80 T3 315 M 2985 256 94.8 0.91 142 1MA6 313-2BD 850
112 112 T1,T2 315 M 2985 358 94.8 0.91 198 2) 1MA6 313-2AD 850
100 100 T3 315 L 2984 320 94.9 0.92 174 1MA6 316-2BD 990
135 135 T1,T2 315 L 2984 432 95.2 0.91 234 1MA6 316-2AD 990
125 125 T3 315 L 2985 400 95.5 0.91 214 1MA6 317-2BD 1100
165 165 T1,T2 315 L 2986 528 95.7 0.91 280 1MA6 317-2AD 1100

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
For delta connection, overload protection with IM V6 4) 5) IM V3 4) 6) protective IM V19 4) IM V19 4)
phase-failure protection must be provided. cover 4) 6) 7)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 18 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 20 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 22 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 25 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 28 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 310 - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 313 - . . .
1MA6 316 - . . . – – ✓ 10) ✓ – – –
1MA6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/23.

4/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque Moment Noise at rated output tE time
torque current torque class of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound for for
torque current torque surface sound pressure tempera- tempera-
pressure level level ture class ture class
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA tE tE
kgm² dB(A) dB(A) s s
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
1MA6 106-2BA 2.6 7.4 2.8 16 0.0038 62 74 9 8
1MA6 113-2BB 2.1 6.6 2.3 13 0.0055 63 75 10 9
1MA6 130-2BB 1.9 6.8 2.5 13 0.016 68 80 15 13
1MA6 131-2BB 2.2 7.7 2.7 13 0.021 68 80 15 13
1MA6 163-2BB 2.2 7.6 3.1 13 0.034 70 82 29 18
1MA6 164-2BB 2.1 7.6 2.9 13 0.04 70 82 23 12
1MA6 166-2BB 2.3 7.6 3 13 0.052 70 82 23 9
1MA6 183-2BC 2 6.9 3.3 10 0.077 70 83 30 14
1MA6 206-2BC 1.9 6 2.9 10 0.14 71 84 35 14
1MA6 207-2BC 2 6.4 3 10 0.16 71 84 35 10
1MA6 223-2BC 1.8 6.4 2.7 10 0.24 71 84 30 13
1MA6 223-2AC 1.8 7 2.7 10 0.24 71 84 16 –
1MA6 253-2BC
1MA6 253-2AC
– 4
1MA6 280-2BD 1.5 7.1 2.9 7 0.79 77 91 30 23
1MA6 280-2AD 1.5 7.8 2.9 7 0.79 77 91 19 –
1MA6 283-2BD 1.5 7.2 2.8 7 0.92 77 91 27 11
1MA6 283-2AD 1.5 7.5 2.8 7 0.92 77 91 15 –
1MA6 310-2BD 1.4 7.1 2.8 7 1.3 79 93 50 21
1MA6 310-2AD 1.5 7.3 2.9 7 1.3 79 93 30 –
1MA6 313-2BD 1.6 7 2.8 7 1.5 79 93 40 19
1MA6 313-2AD 1.4 7.5 2.7 7 1.5 79 93 21 –
1MA6 316-2BD 1.4 6.8 2.7 7 1.8 79 93 40 11
1MA6 316-2AD 1.6 7.4 2.9 7 1.8 79 93 17 –
1MA6 317-2BD 1.5 7.3 2.5 7 2.3 79 93 30 7
1MA6 317-2AD 1.8 9.3 2.9 7 2.3 79 93 7 –

1) 5)
For the following versions T3-output is stamped as standard: If motors 1MA6 183-... to 1MA6 318-... (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
– order code A11/A12 180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6
– voltage code “9” are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported.
Alternative: order code C30 “T1/T2-output on the rating plate” 6)
1MA6 220-... to 1MA6 318-... motors (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see the 225 S to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance
“Introduction” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or
Technical data and dimensions are available for VIK version (order code IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular
K30) on request (additional charge). to the ring plane.
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 9 and order code M1G.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts 9)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 9 and order code M1E.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 10)
2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
6.5 6.5 T1,T2 132 S 2900 21 85 0.91 12.6 1MA6 131-2BB 58
9.5 9.5 T1,T2 160 M 2920 31 87 0.88 18.6 1MA6 163-2BB 96
13 13 T1,T2 160 M 2910 43 87.5 0.92 24.5 1MA6 164-2BB 1) 2) 105
1) 2)
16 16 T1,T2 160 L 2910 53 87 0.93 30 1MA6 166-2BB 115
19 19 T1,T2 180 M 2935 62 91.1 0.88 36.5 1MA6 183-2BC 170
25 25 T1,T2 200 L 2960 81 90.6 0.86 39 1MA6 206-2BC 1) 245
31 31 T1,T2 200 L 2950 100 91.4 0.88 60 1MA6 207-2BC 246

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
4 For delta connection, overload protection with
phase-failure protection must be provided.
IM V6 3) 4) IM V3 3) 5) protective
cover 3) 5) 6)
IM V19 3)
IM V19 3)

1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 18 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 20 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 4)
Utilization according to temperature class 155 (F). If motors 1MA6 183-... to 1MA6 318-... (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
For the following versions T3-output is stamped as standard: 180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6
– order code A11/A12 are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported.
– voltage code “9” 1MA6 220-... to 1MA6 318-... motors (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
Alternative: order code C30 “T1/T2-output on the rating plate” 225 S to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing to the ring plane.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 7)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 9 and order code M1G.

4/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia tE time
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated for for
torque current torque temperature temperature
class class
T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J tE tE
kgm² s s
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
1MA6 131-2BB 1.9 6.5 2.3 13 0.021 12 7
1MA6 163-2BB 1.7 6 2.4 13 0.034 24 –
1MA6 164-2BB 1.6 5.8 2.2 13 0.04 16 –
1MA6 166-2BB 1.8 5.8 2.3 13 0.052 5 –
1MA6 183-2BC 1.6 5.5 2.6 10 0.077 24 –
1MA6 206-2BC 1.5 4.8 2.3 10 0.14 28 –
1MA6 207-2BC 1.5 4.9 2.3 10 0.16 26 –

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
2 2 T1,T2,T3 100 L 1420 14 80 0.82 4.5 1MA6 106-4BA 33
2.5 2.5 T1,T2,T3 100 L 1415 17 81 0.83 5.5 1MA6 107-4BA 36
3.6 3.6 T1,T2,T3 112 M 1435 24 85 0.83 7.5 1MA6 113-4BA 45
5 5 T1,T2,T3 132 S 1445 33 86 0.82 10.4 1MA6 130-4BA 55
6.8 6.8 T1,T2,T3 132 M 1460 44 87 0.82 14 1MA6 133-4BA 62
10 10 T1,T2,T3 160 M 1455 66 88 0.87 19.7 1MA6 163-4BB 100
13.5 13.5 T1,T2,T3 160 L 1465 88 89 0.84 27 1MA6 166-4BB 114
15 15 T3 180 M 1470 97 90.7 0.8 31 1MA6 183-4BC 165
17.5 17.5 T3 180 L 1470 114 91.6 0.8 36 1MA6 186-4BC 177
24 24 T3 200 L 1475 155 92.5 0.82 47.5 1MA6 207-4BC 280
30 30 T3 225 S 1481 193 93.3 0.83 59 1MA6 220-4BC 300
36 36 T3 225 M 1484 232 93.8 0.84 70 1) 1MA6 223-4BC 330

4 44
250 M
280 S
1MA6 253-4BC
1MA6 280-4BC 2)
70 70 T3 280 M 1488 449 94.8 0.85 130 1MA6 283-4BC 2) 660
84 84 T3 315 S 1492 538 95.4 0.84 158 1MA6 310-4BD 830
100 100 T3 315 M 1492 640 95.8 0.85 185 1MA6 313-4BD 910
115 115 T3 315 L 1490 740 95.6 0.86 214 1MA6 316-4BD 2) 1060
135 135 T3 315 L 1492 868 95.8 0.86 245 1MA6 317-4BD 1200

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
For delta connection, overload protection with IM V6 3) 4) IM V3 3) 5) with protec- IM V19 3)
IM V19 3)
phase-failure protection must be provided. tive cover
3) 5) 6)

1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 18 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 20 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 22 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 25 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 28 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 310 - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 313 - . . .
1MA6 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/27.

4/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque Moment Noise at rated output tE time
torque current torque class of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound for for
torque current torque surface sound pressure tempera- tempera-
pressure level level ture class ture class
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA tE tE
kgm² dB(A) dB(A) s s
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
1MA6 106-4BA 2.5 6.4 2.7 16 0.0048 53 65 13 11
1MA6 107-4BA 2.6 6.4 2.7 16 0.0058 53 65 12 10
1MA6 113-4BA 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.011 53 65 10 9
1MA6 130-4BA 2.7 6.6 3.2 16 0.021 62 74 10 9
1MA6 133-4BA 3 7.7 3.6 16 0.027 62 74 10 9
1MA6 163-4BB 2.3 6.5 2.7 13 0.052 66 78 17 10
1MA6 166-4BB 2.4 6.9 3 13 0.057 66 78 18 9
1MA6 183-4BC 1.8 6.1 2.9 10 0.13 63 76 18 11
1MA6 186-4BC 1.8 6.4 3 10 0.15 63 76 16 11
1MA6 207-4BC 2.1 7.9 3 10 0.24 65 78 20 11
1MA6 220-4BC 1.6 6.7 2.7 10 0.44 65 78 13 13
1MA6 223-4BC 1.7 6.9 2.8 10 0.52 65 78 12 12
1MA6 253-4BC
1MA6 280-4BC
7 4
1MA6 283-4BC 1.7 7 2.5 10 1.6 67 81 26 6
1MA6 310-4BD 1.7 7.7 2.8 7 2.2 69 83 28 8
1MA6 313-4BD 1.6 7.2 2.5 7 2.7 69 83 29 7
1MA6 316-4BD 1.7 7.5 2.5 7 3.2 69 83 28 5
1MA6 317-4BD 1.7 7.8 2.8 7 4.2 69 83 26 7

1) 5)
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see the 1MA6 220-... to 1MA6 318-... motors (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
“Introduction” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). 225 S to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance
Technical data and dimensions are available for VIK version (order code with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or
K30) on request (additional charge). IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular
to the ring plane.
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 6)
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts 9 and order code M1G.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 8)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 9 and order code M1E.
If motors 1MA6 183-... to 1MA6 318-... (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6
are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
17 17 T1,T2 180 M 1460 111 90 0.82 35.5 1MA6 183-4BC 165
20 20 T1,T2 180 L 1465 130 90.6 0.82 41 2) 1MA6 186-4BC 1)
27 27 T1,T2 200 L 1475 175 92.4 0.84 53 1MA6 207-4BC 280
33 33 T1,T2 225 S 1480 213 93.1 0.84 64 2) 1MA6 220-4BC 300
40 40 T1,T2 225 M 1480 258 93.6 0.85 77 2) 1MA6 223-4BC 330
50 50 T1,T2 250 M 1485 322 93.8 0.86 94 1MA6 253-4BC 435
68 68 T1,T2 280 S 1485 437 94.5 0.85 131 1MA6 280-4BC 610
80 80 T1,T2 280 M 1485 514 94.8 0.87 150 2) 1MA6 283-4BC 3)
100 100 T1,T2 315 S 1490 641 95.3 0.85 188 1MA6 310-4BD 830
120 120 T1,T2 315 M 1488 770 95.7 0.86 222 2) 1MA6 313-4BD 3)
135 135 T1,T2 315 L 1488 868 95.5 0.86 248 1MA6 316-4BD 1060
165 165 T1,T2 315 L 1485 1061 95.8 0.87 305 1MA6 317-4BD 1200

4 Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
For delta connection, overload protection with IM V6 4) 5) IM V3 4) 6) with protec- IM V19 4) IM V19 4)
phase-failure protection must be provided. tive cover
4) 6) 7)

1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MA6 18 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 20 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 22 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 25 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 28 . - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 310 - . . . ✓ 8) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 313 - . . .
1MA6 316 - . . . – 9) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 5)
Utilization according to temperature class 155 (F). If motors 1MA6 183-... to 1MA6 318-... (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
For connection to 230 V, parallel supply cables are necessary (see the 180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6
“Introduction” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported.
Technical data and dimensions are available for VIK version (order code 1MA6 220-... to 1MA6 318-... motors (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
K30) on request (additional charge). 225 S to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance
with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to the ring plane.
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 7)
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 9 and order code M1G.
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.

4/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia tE time
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated for for
torque current torque temperature temperature
class class
T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J tE tE
kgm² s s
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
1MA6 183-4BC 1.6 5.3 2.4 10 0.13 13 –
1MA6 186-4BC 1.6 5.6 2.6 10 0.15 13 –
1MA6 207-4BC 1.9 7.1 2.7 10 0.24 19 –
1MA6 220-4BC 1.4 6.2 2.5 10 0.44 11 –
1MA6 223-4BC 1.5 6.2 2.5 10 0.52 10 –
1MA6 253-4BC 1.5 6.4 2.1 10 0.79 15 –
1MA6 280-4BC 1.5 5.3 2.1 10 1.4 23 –
1MA6 283-4BC 1.5 6 2.2 10 1.6 20 –
1MA6 310-4BD 1.4 6.5 2.4 7 2.2 24 –
1MA6 313-4BD 1.3 6 2.1 7 2.7 24 –
1MA6 316-4BD 1.4 6.4 2.1 7 3.2 21 –
1MA6 317-4BD 1.5 6.3 2.3 7 4.2 17 –

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/29

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
1.3 1.3 T1,T2,T3 100 L 935 13 77 0.73 3.35 1MA6 106-6BA 33
1.9 1.9 T1,T2,T3 112 M 940 19 79 0.76 4.7 1MA6 113-6BB 40
2.6 2.6 T1,T2,T3 132 S 945 26 79 0.75 6.5 1MA6 130-6BB 50
3.5 3.5 T1,T2,T3 132 M 955 35 81 0.72 9 1MA6 133-6BB 57
4.8 4.8 T1,T2,T3 132 M 950 48 83 0.76 11.4 1MA6 134-6BB 66
6.6 6.6 T1,T2,T3 160 M 960 65 85 0.75 14.9 1MA6 163-6BB 103
9.7 9.7 T1,T2,T3 160 L 965 96 88 0.76 21 1MA6 166-6BB 122
13.2 13.2 T1,T2,T3 180 L 975 129 89.6 0.78 28.5 1MA6 186-6BC 177
16.5 16.5 T1,T2,T3 200 L 980 161 90.5 0.81 34.5 1MA6 206-6BC 220
20 20 T1,T2,T3 200 L 980 195 90.8 0.82 41 1MA6 207-6BC 235
27 27 T1,T2,T3 225 M 980 263 92.5 0.82 54 1MA6 223-6BC 305
33 33 T1,T2,T3 250 M 985 320 93 0.83 66 1MA6 253-6BC 410

4 40
280 S
280 M
1MA6 280-6BC
1MA6 283-6BC
64 64 T3 315 S 991 617 94.3 0.84 124 1MA6 310-6BC 770
76 76 T3 315 M 991 732 94.6 0.84 146 1MA6 313-6BC 830
92 92 T3 315 L 991 887 95 0.85 172 1MA6 316-6BC 970
110 110 T3 315 L 991 1060 95.2 0.84 210 1MA6 317-6BC 1) 1060
1) 2)
125 125 T3 315 L 991 1210 95.2 0.86 220 1MA6 318-6BC 1100

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position:
Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
For delta connection, overload protection with IM V6 3) 4) IM V3 3) 5) with protec- IM V19 3) IM V19 3)
phase-failure protection must be provided. tive cover
3) 5) 6)

1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MA6 18 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 20 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 22 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 25 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 28 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 310 - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 313 - . . .
1MA6 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 317 - . . .
1MA6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/31.

4/30 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque Moment Noise at rated output tE time
torque current torque class of inertia
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound for for
torque current torque surface sound pressure tempera- tempera-
pressure level level ture class ture class
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA tE tE
kgm² dB(A) dB(A) s s
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T3
1MA6 106-6BA 2.4 4.8 2.5 16 0.0063 47 59 26 26
1MA6 113-6BB 2.3 5 2.5 13 0.011 52 64 19 16
1MA6 130-6BB 1.8 4.4 2.4 13 0.015 63 75 21 18
1MA6 133-6BB 2.3 5.1 2.8 13 0.019 63 75 16 13
1MA6 134-6BB 2.4 5.6 2.8 13 0.025 63 75 13 11
1MA6 163-6BB 2.7 6.4 3.1 13 0.041 66 78 18 9
1MA6 166-6BB 2.8 7.7 2.2 13 0.055 66 78 15 8
1MA6 186-6BC 1.6 5.4 2.5 10 0.2 66 78 22 18
1MA6 206-6BC 1.7 5.4 2.6 10 0.29 66 78 23 19
1MA6 207-6BC 1.7 5.6 2.6 10 0.33 66 78 22 17
1MA6 223-6BC 1.6 5.6 2.5 10 0.57 66 78 15 15
1MA6 253-6BC 1.6 5.3 2.4 10 0.89 60 74 16 16
1MA6 280-6BC
1MA6 283-6BC
12 4
1MA6 310-6BC 1.7 6.2 2.5 10 2.4 63 77 0 14
1MA6 313-6BC 1.7 6.4 2.5 10 2.9 63 77 0 8
1MA6 316-6BC 1.7 6.5 2.5 10 3.5 63 77 0 9
1MA6 317-6BC 1.7 6.8 2.5 10 4.3 63 77 0 6
1MA6 318-6BC 1.6 7 2.5 10 4.9 63 77 0 6

1) 5)
Technical data and dimensions are available for VIK version (order code 1MA6 220-... to 1MA6 318-... motors (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
K30) on request (additional charge). 225 S to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance
Only certified for rated voltage of 400 V. with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or
IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types to the ring plane.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 6)
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 9 and order code M1G.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 8)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1MA6 183-... to 1MA6 318-... (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes 9 and order code M1E.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6
are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/31

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Tempera- Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at ture class size Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz factor current at supplements for type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 380 ... 420 V, voltage and construc-
50 Hz type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
50 50 T1,T2 280 M 987 484 93.3 0.86 96 1MA6 283-6BC 580
68 68 T1,T2 315 S 990 656 94.2 0.85 131 1MA6 310-6BC 770
82 82 T1,T2 315 M 990 791 94.5 0.84 158 1MA6 313-6BC 830
98 98 T1,T2 315 L 990 945 94.8 0.85 185 1MA6 316-6BC 970
120 120 T1,T2 315 L 990 1160 95 0.85 230 1MA6 317-6BC 1060
135 135 T1,T2 315 L 990 1300 95 0.86 240 2) 1MA6 318-6BC 1) 1100

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
For delta connection, overload protection with IM V6 3) 4) IM V3 3) 5) with protec- IM V19 3) IM V19 3)

4 phase-failure protection must be provided.

1 6 3 5 0 1
tive cover
3) 5) 6)

4 6 2 7 3
1MA6 28 . - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 310 - . . . ✓ 7) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 313 - . . .
1MA6 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1MA6 317 - . . .
1MA6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 5)
Technical data and dimensions are available for VIK version (order code 1MA6 220-... to 1MA6 318-... motors (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes
K30) on request (additional charge). 225 S to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance
Only certified for rated voltage of 400 V. with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or
IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types to the ring plane.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 6)
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 9 and order code M1G.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 8)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1MA6 183-... to 1MA6 318-... (motor series 1MA6 frame sizes 9 and order code M1E.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6
are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported.

4/32 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zone 1 with type of protection “e”
Cast-iron series 1MA6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia tE time
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated for for
torque current torque temperature temperature
class class
T1/T2 T3
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J tE tE
kgm² s s
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 and T2, with double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3)
1MA6 283-6BC 1.5 5.8 2.3 10 1.5 14 –
1MA6 310-6BC 1.6 5.9 2.3 10 2.4 22 –
1MA6 313-6BC 1.6 5.9 2.3 10 2.9 18 –
1MA6 316-6BC 1.6 6.1 2.3 10 3.5 20 –
1MA6 317-6BC 1.6 6.2 2.3 10 4.3 16 –
1MA6 318-6BC 1.5 6.5 2.3 10 4.9 17 –

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/33

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 1) at 50 Hz current at supplements for type of
400 V, 50 Hz voltage and con-
type of construction, struction
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T4
0.37 0.43 71 M 2750 1.3 67 0.81 0.98 1MJ6 070-2CA 19
0.55 0.63 71 M 2790 1.9 71 0.81 1.38 1MJ6 073-2CA 20
0.75 0.86 80 M 2840 2.5 72 0.86 1.75 1MJ6 080-2CA 24
1.1 1.3 80 M 2835 3.7 74 0.87 2.45 1MJ6 083-2CA 26
1.5 1.75 90 L 2850 5 78 0.84 3.3 1MJ6 096-2CA 32
2.2 2.55 90 L 2860 7.4 80 0.86 4.6 1MJ6 097-2CA 35
3 3.45 100 L 2885 9.9 82 0.85 6.2 1MJ6 106-2CA 44
4 4.6 112 M 2895 13 84 0.88 7.8 1MJ6 113-2CA 57
5.5 6.3 132 S 2925 18 85 0.89 10.5 1MJ6 130-2CA 75
7.5 8.6 132 S 2930 24 87 0.89 14.5 1MJ6 131-2CA 82
11 12.6 160 M 2940 36 88 0.88 20.5 1MJ6 163-2CA 123
15 17.3 160 M 2940 49 89 0.91 26.5 1MJ6 164-2CA 134

4 18.5
160 L
180 M
1MJ6 166-2CA
1MJ6 183-2CA
30 33.5 200 L 2940 97 92.3 0.89 53 1MJ6 206-2CA 250
37 41.5 200 L 2945 120 92.8 0.9 64 1MJ6 207-2CA 266
45 51 225 M 2955 145 93.9 0.9 77 1) 1MJ7 223-2CB 335
55 62 250 M 2965 177 94 0.9 93 1MJ7 253-2CB 445
75 84 280 S 2975 241 94.7 0.9 128 1) 1MJ7 280-2CC 600
90 101 280 M 2975 289 95.1 0.91 150 1) 1MJ7 283-2CC 640
110 123 315 S 2980 353 94.8 0.9 186 1) 1MJ7 310-2CC 840
132 148 315 M 2980 423 95.1 0.9 225 1) 1MJ7 313-2CC 900

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6 2) 3) IM V3 2) 4) protective IM V19 2) IM V19 2)
cover 2) 4) 5)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MJ6 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
1MJ6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 18 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 20 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 22 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 25 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 28 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 31 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/35.

4/34 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T4
1MJ6 070-2CA 2.3 4.3 2.3 16 0.00035 52 63
1MJ6 073-2CA 2.3 5.3 2.3 16 0.00045 52 63
1MJ6 080-2CA 2.4 6.3 2.3 16 0.00085 56 67
1MJ6 083-2CA 2.6 6.3 2.3 16 0.0011 56 67
1MJ6 096-2CA 2.5 6.7 2.5 16 0.0015 60 72
1MJ6 097-2CA 2.8 7.1 2.8 16 0.002 60 72
1MJ6 106-2CA 2.8 7.7 3 16 0.0038 62 74
1MJ6 113-2CA 2.4 7.6 2.8 16 0.0055 63 75
1MJ6 130-2CA 2 5.9 2.6 16 0.01 68 80
1MJ6 131-2CA 2.3 6.9 2.6 16 0.01 68 80
1MJ6 163-2CA 2.1 6.5 2.6 16 0.03 70 82
1MJ6 164-2CA 2.2 6.6 3.1 16 0.04 70 82
1MJ6 166-2CA
1MJ6 183-2CA
83 4
1MJ6 206-2CA 2.4 6.5 2.8 16 0.14 71 84
1MJ6 207-2CA 2.4 7.7 2.8 16 0.16 71 84
1MJ7 223-2CB 2.3 6.9 2.7 13 0.24 71 84
1MJ7 253-2CB 2.1 6.9 2.8 13 0.45 75 89
1MJ7 280-2CC 1.9 7 2.7 10 0.79 77 91
1MJ7 283-2CC 2 7 2.7 10 0.92 77 91
1MJ7 310-2CC 1.8 7 2.8 10 1.3 79 93
1MJ7 313-2CC 1.9 7 2.8 10 1.5 79 93

The 1MJ6/1MJ7 motors can also be ordered for use with type of
protection Ex d/de (Zone 1)/dust-Ex Zone 21, as well as for Zone
22 for conducting dust:
Mains-fed operation – order code M76
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M77
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” un-
der “Options”.
Other versions up to 900 kW as 2-pole motors as DN series with
Order No. 1PS4 (Ex de IIB), 1PS5 (Ex de IIC) available; also
higher outputs and other numbers of poles possible.
Place request with:
Loher GmbH (a Siemens company)
Hans-Loher-Str. 32
94099 Ruhstorf/Rott

1) 4)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the 1MJ7 220-... to 1MJ7 313-... motors (motor series 1MJ7 frame sizes 225 S
“Introduction” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). to 315 M) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing ring plane.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 6)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 9 and order code M1G.
If motors 1MJ6 183-... to 1MJ7 313-... (motor series 1MJ6 frame size
180 M and above to 1MJ7 frame size 315 M) in types of construction with
feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the
motor feet are supported.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/35

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 1) at 50 Hz current at supplements for type of
400 V, 50 Hz voltage and construc-
type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T4
0.25 0.29 71 M 1325 1.8 60 0.77 0.78 1MJ6 070-4CB 20
0.37 0.43 71 M 1375 2.5 64 0.74 1.13 1MJ6 073-4CB 21
0.55 0.63 80 M 1395 3.7 71 0.79 1.42 1MJ6 080-4CA 24
0.75 0.86 80 M 1395 5.1 73 0.79 1.88 1MJ6 083-4CA 26
1.1 1.3 90 L 1410 7.5 73 0.80 2.7 1MJ6 096-4CA 32
1.5 1.75 90 L 1420 10 77 0.8 3.5 1MJ6 097-4CA 35
2.2 2.55 100 L 1420 15 78 0.8 5.1 1MJ6 106-4CA 44
3 3.45 100 L 1415 20 80 0.82 6.6 1MJ6 107-4CA 47
4 4.6 112 M 1435 27 83 0.82 8 1MJ6 113-4CA 58
5.5 6.3 132 S 1450 36 86 0.83 11.1 1MJ6 130-4CA 76
7.5 8.6 132 M 1450 49 86 0.84 15 1MJ6 133-4CA 85
11 12.6 160 M 1455 72 87 0.85 21.5 1MJ6 163-4CA 128

4 15
160 L
180 M
1MJ6 166-4CA
1MJ6 183-4CA
22 25.3 180 L 1460 144 91.2 0.85 41 1MJ6 186-4CA 189
30 34.5 200 L 1465 196 91.8 0.86 55 1MJ6 207-4CA 247
37 42.5 225 S 1475 240 93 0.86 67 1) 1MJ7 220-4CA 325
45 52 225 M 1475 292 93.4 0.87 80 1) 1MJ7 223-4CA 355
55 63 250 M 1480 355 94 0.87 97 1) 1MJ7 253-4CA 465
75 86 280 S 1485 482 94.7 0.86 132 1) 1MJ7 280-4CA 630
90 104 280 M 1485 579 95 0.86 160 1) 1MJ7 283-4CA 680
110 127 315 S 1486 707 94.8 0.86 194 1) 1MJ7 310-4CA 870
132 152 315 M 1486 848 95.5 0.86 232 1) 1MJ7 313-4CA 950

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6 2) 3) IM V3 2) 4) protective IM V19 2) IM V19 2)
cover 2) 4) 5)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MJ6 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
1MJ6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 18 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 20 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 22 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 25 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 28 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 31 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/37.

4/36 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T4
1MJ6 070-4CB 1.8 3.2 1.8 13 0.0006 44 55
1MJ6 073-4CB 2 3.6 2 13 0.0008 44 55
1MJ6 080-4CA 2.3 4.7 2.4 16 0.0015 47 58
1MJ6 083-4CA 2.5 5 2.6 16 0.0018 47 58
1MJ6 096-4CA 2.1 4.9 2.5 16 0.0028 48 60
1MJ6 097-4CA 2.2 5.8 2.6 16 0.0035 48 60
1MJ6 106-4CA 2.2 6 2.6 16 0.0048 53 65
1MJ6 107-4CA 2.7 6.4 3 16 0.0058 53 65
1MJ6 113-4CA 2.8 7.2 3 16 0.01 53 65
1MJ6 130-4CA 2.4 6.9 3.3 16 0.01 62 74
1MJ6 133-4CA 2.7 7.7 3.3 16 0.02 62 74
1MJ6 163-4CA 2.4 6.6 2.9 16 0.04 66 78
1MJ6 166-4CA
1MJ6 183-4CA
76 4
1MJ6 186-4CA 2.3 7.1 3 16 0.15 63 76
1MJ6 207-4CA 2.6 7.4 3.2 16 0.24 65 78
1MJ7 220-4CA 2.5 7 3.1 16 0.44 65 78
1MJ7 223-4CA 2.6 7 3.2 16 0.52 65 78
1MJ7 253-4CA 2.6 6.7 2.5 16 0.79 65 79
1MJ7 280-4CA 2.5 6.7 2.7 16 1.4 67 81
1MJ7 283-4CA 2.5 6.8 2.8 16 1.6 67 81
1MJ7 310-4CA 2.5 6.7 2.7 16 2.2 69 83
1MJ7 313-4CA 2.7 7.2 3 16 2.7 69 83

The 1MJ6/1MJ7 motors can also be ordered for use with type of
protection Ex d/de (Zone 1)/dust-Ex Zone 21, as well as for Zone
22 for conducting dust:
Mains-fed operation – order code M76
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M77
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” un-
der “Options”.
Other versions up to 1400 kW as 4-pole motors as DN series with
Order No. 1PS4 (Ex de IIB), 1PS5 (Ex de IIC) available; also
higher outputs and other numbers of poles possible.
Place request with:
Loher GmbH (a Siemens company)
Hans-Loher-Str. 32
94099 Ruhstorf/Rott

1) 4)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- 1MJ7 220-... to 1MJ7 313-... motors (motor series 1MJ7 frame sizes 225 S
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). to 315 M) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing ring plane.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 6)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 9 and order code M1G.
If motors 1MJ6 183-... to 1MJ7 313-... (motor series 1MJ6 frame size
180 M and above to 1MJ7 frame size 315 M) in types of construction with
feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the
motor feet are supported.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/37

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 1) at 50 Hz current at supplements for type of
400 V, 50 Hz voltage and construc-
type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
temperature classes T1 to T4
0.25 0.29 71 M 870 2.7 63 0.7 0.82 1MJ6 073-6CA 16
0.37 0.43 80 M 910 3.9 64 0.71 1.18 1MJ6 080-6CA 35
0.55 0.63 80 M 900 5.8 64 0.74 1.67 1MJ6 083-6CA 22.5
0.75 0.86 90 L 910 8 68 0.74 2.15 1MJ6 096-6CA 32
1.1 1.3 90 L 905 12 72 0.75 2.95 1MJ6 097-6CA 32
1.5 1.75 100 L 930 15 75 0.73 4 1MJ6 106-6CA 39
2.2 2.55 112 M 945 22 76 0.76 5.5 1MJ6 113-6CA 52
3 3.45 132 S 945 30 78 0.75 7.4 1MJ6 130-6CA 78
4 4.6 132 M 945 40 79 0.76 9.6 1MJ6 133-6CA 85
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 83 0.76 12.6 1MJ6 134-6CA 92
7.5 8.6 160 M 960 75 86 0.72 17.5 1MJ6 163-6CA 134
11 12.6 160 L 960 109 87 0.74 24.5 1MJ6 166-6CA 167

4 15
180 L
200 L
1MJ6 186-6CA
1MJ6 206-6CA
22 26.5 200 L 975 215 90.8 0.83 42.5 1MJ6 207-6CA 255
30 36 225 M 978 293 92 0.84 56 1MJ7 223-6CA 330
37 44.5 250 M 980 361 92.4 0.84 69 1MJ7 253-6CA 440
45 54 280 S 982 438 93 0.86 81 1MJ7 280-6CA 560
55 66 280 M 984 534 93.6 0.86 99 1) 1MJ7 283-6CA 600
75 90 315 S 988 725 93.8 0.85 136 1MJ7 310-6CA 810
90 108 315 M 988 870 94.2 0.85 162 1) 1MJ7 313-6CA 870

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6 2) 3) IM V3 2) 4) protective IM V19 2)
IM V19 2)
cover 2) 4) 5)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MJ6 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
1MJ6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 18 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 20 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 22 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 25 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 28 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 31 . - . . . ✓ 6) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/39.

4/38 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
temperature classes T1 to T4
1MJ6 073-6CA 2.2 3.1 2.2 16 0.0009 39 50
1MJ6 080-6CA 1.9 3.3 2 16 0.0015 40 51
1MJ6 083-6CA 2 3.5 2.1 16 0.0018 40 51
1MJ6 096-6CA 2.2 3.9 2.3 16 0.0028 43 55
1MJ6 097-6CA 2.4 4.3 2.4 16 0.0035 43 55
1MJ6 106-6CA 2.3 4.5 2.5 16 0.0063 47 59
1MJ6 113-6CA 2.2 4.8 2.5 16 0.01 52 64
1MJ6 130-6CA 2 4.8 2.2 16 0.01 63 75
1MJ6 133-6CA 2 5 2.4 16 0.01 63 75
1MJ6 134-6CA 2.2 5.4 2.5 16 0.02 63 75
1MJ6 163-6CA 2.1 5.1 2.5 16 0.04 66 78
1MJ6 166-6CA 2.3 5.5 2.5 16 0.04 66 78
1MJ6 186-6CA
1MJ6 206-6CA
78 4
1MJ6 207-6CA 2.5 5.7 2.3 16 0.33 66 78
1MJ7 223-6CA 2.6 5.7 2.2 16 0.57 66 78
1MJ7 253-6CA 2.6 6 2.1 16 0.89 60 74
1MJ7 280-6CA 2.4 6 2.3 16 1.3 60 74
1MJ7 283-6CA 2.5 6.2 2.4 16 1.5 60 74
1MJ7 310-6CA 2.4 6.2 2.5 16 2.4 63 77
1MJ7 313-6CA 2.4 6.2 2.5 16 2.9 63 77

The 1MJ6/1MJ7 motors can also be ordered for use with type of
protection Ex d/de (Zone 1)/dust-Ex Zone 21, as well as for Zone
22 for conducting dust:
Mains-fed operation – order code M76
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M77
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” un-
der “Options”.
Other versions up to 1600 kW as 6-pole motors as DN series with
Order No. 1PS4 (Ex de IIB), 1PS5 (Ex de IIC) available; also
higher outputs and other numbers of poles possible.
Place request with:
Loher GmbH (a Siemens company)
Hans-Loher-Str. 32
94099 Ruhstorf/Rott

1) For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- 4) 1MJ7 220-... to 1MJ7 313-... motors (motor series 1MJ7 frame sizes 225 S
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). to 315 M) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
2) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing ring plane.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts 5) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 6) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 9 and order code M1G.
3) If motors 1MJ6 183-... to 1MJ7 313-... (motor series 1MJ6 frame size
180 M and above to 1MJ7 frame size 315 M) in types of construction with
feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the
motor feet are supported.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/39

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame size Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated For Order No. IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz current at supplements for type of
400 V, 50 Hz voltage and construc-
type of construction, tion
see table below approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated m
kW kW rpm Nm % A kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T4
0.37 0.43 90 L 655 5.3 61 0.76 1.16 1MJ6 096-8CB 27.5
0.55 0.63 90 L 655 7.9 65 0.76 1.62 1MJ6 097-8CB 29.5
0.75 0.86 100 L 685 10 65 0.72 2.3 1MJ6 106-8CB 40
1.1 1.3 100 L 685 16 74 0.74 2.9 1MJ6 107-8CB 48
1.5 1.75 112 M 700 21 74 0.73 4 1MJ6 113-8CB 52
2.2 2.55 132 S 695 30 74 0.72 6 1MJ6 130-8CB 78
3 3.45 132 M 700 40 76 0.72 7.9 1MJ6 133-8CB 85
4 4.6 160 M 715 54 81 0.72 9.9 1MJ6 163-8CB 119
5.5 6.3 160 M 710 74 83 0.72 13.3 1MJ6 164-8CB 134
7.5 8.6 160 L 715 100 84 0.72 17.9 1MJ6 166-8CB 159
11 13.2 180 L 725 145 87 0.7 26 1MJ6 186-8CB 191
15 18 200 L 725 198 87.5 0.78 32 1MJ6 207-8CB 263

4 18.5
225 S
225 M
1MJ7 220-8CB
1MJ7 223-8CB
30 36 250 M 730 392 91.6 0.81 58 1MJ7 253-8CB 465
37 44.5 280 S 732 483 92.7 0.82 70 1MJ7 280-8CB 570
45 54 280 M 734 585 92.8 0.83 84 1MJ7 283-8CB 620
55 66 315 S 738 712 93.1 0.82 104 1MJ7 310-8CB 780
75 90 315 M 738 970 93.6 0.82 140 1MJ7 313-8CB 890

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6 1) 2) IM V3 ) 3) protective IM V19 1)
IM V19 1)
cover 1) 3) 4)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1MJ6 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1MJ6 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
1MJ6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ6 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1MJ7 31 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
For footnotes, see Page 4/41.

4/40 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated in Zone 1 with type of protection “de”
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
temperature classes T1 to T4
1MJ6 096-8CB 1.4 2.8 1.7 13 0.0025 41 53
1MJ6 097-8CB 1.5 2.9 1.7 13 0.0035 41 53
1MJ6 106-8CB 1.6 3.5 1.8 13 0.0053 45 57
1MJ6 107-8CB 1.8 3.9 2 13 0.007 45 57
1MJ6 113-8CB 1.8 4.4 2 13 0.01 49 61
1MJ6 130-8CB 1.7 4.2 2.1 13 0.01 53 65
1MJ6 133-8CB 1.9 4.4 2.2 13 0.01 53 65
1MJ6 163-8CB 2.1 4.8 2.3 13 0.03 63 75
1MJ6 164-8CB 2.3 5.1 2.5 13 0.04 63 75
1MJ6 166-8CB 2.6 5.8 2.8 13 0.06 63 75
1MJ6 186-8CB 2 5 2.2 13 0.21 60 73
1MJ6 207-8CB 2.1 5 2.2 13 0.37 58 71
1MJ7 220-8CB
1MJ7 223-8CB
71 4
1MJ7 253-8CB 2.1 5 2.1 13 1.1 57 71
1MJ7 280-8CB 2.2 5.5 2.2 13 1.4 58 72
1MJ7 283-8CB 2.2 5.5 2.2 13 1.6 58 72
1MJ7 310-8CB 2.2 6 2.4 13 2.3 62 76
1MJ7 313-8CB 2.3 6.2 2.5 13 3 62 76

The 1MJ6/1MJ7 motors can also be ordered for use with type of
protection Ex d/de (Zone 1)/dust-Ex Zone 21, as well as for Zone
22 for conducting dust:
Mains-fed operation – order code M76
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M77
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” un-
der “Options”.
Other versions up to 1350 kW as 8-pole motors as DN series with
Order No. 1PS4 (Ex de IIB), 1PS5 (Ex de IIC) available; also
higher outputs and other numbers of poles possible.
Place request with:
Loher GmbH (a Siemens company)
Hans-Loher-Str. 32
94099 Ruhstorf/Rott

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1MJ7 220-... to 1MJ7 313-... motors (motor series 1MJ7 frame sizes 225 S
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 315 M) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The ring plane.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 4)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
If motors 1MJ6 183-... to 1MJ7 313-... (motor series 1MJ6 frame size 5)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
180 M and above to 1MJ7 frame size 315 M) in types of construction with 9 and order code M1G.
feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the
motor feet are supported.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/41

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and con-
50 Hz explosion protection struction
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.09 0.11 56 M 2830 0.3 63 62 0.81 0.26 1LA7 050-2AA 3
0.12 0.14 56 M 2800 0.41 65 64 0.83 0.32 1LA7 053-2AA 3
0.18 0.21 63 M 2820 0.61 64 63 0.79 0.51 1LA7 060-2AA 3.5
0.25 0.29 63 M 2830 0.84 65 65 0.80 0.69 1LA7 063-2AA 4.1
0.37 0.43 71 M 2740 1.3 66 65 0.82 1 1LA7 070-2AA 5
0.55 0.63 71 M 2800 1.9 71 70 0.82 1.36 1LA7 073-2AA 6
0.75 0.86 80 M 2855 2.5 73 72 0.86 1.73 1LA7 080-2AA 9
1.1 1.3 80 M 2845 3.7 77 77 0.87 2.4 1LA7 083-2AA 11
1.5 1.75 90 S 2860 5 79 80 0.85 3.25 1LA7 090-2AA 12.9
2.2 2.55 90 L 2880 7.3 82 82 0.85 4.55 1LA7 096-2AA 15.7
3 3.45 100 L 2890 9.9 84 84 0.85 6.1 1LA7 106-2AA 22
4 4.6 112 M 2905 13 86 86 0.86 7.8 1LA7 113-2AA 29
5.5 6.3 132 S 2925 18 86.5 86.5 0.89 10.4 1LA7 130-2AA 39

4 7.5
132 S
160 M
1LA7 131-2AA
1LA7 163-2AA
15 17.3 160 M 2930 49 90 90.2 0.9 26.5 1LA7 164-2AA 77
18.5 21.3 160 L 2940 60 91 91.2 0.91 32 1LA7 166-2AA 86
22 24.5 180 M 2940 71 91.7 91.7 0.88 39.5 1) 1LA5 183-2AA 113
30 33.5 200 L 2945 97 92.3 92.3 0.89 53 1LA5 206-2AA 159
37 41.5 200 L 2945 120 92.8 92.8 0.89 65 1) 1LA5 207-2AA 179
45 51 225 M 2960 145 93.6 93.6 0.89 78 1) 1LA5 223-2AA 209

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA7 56 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc-
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/42 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 050-2AA 2 3.7 2.3 16 0.00015 41 52
1LA7 053-2AA 2.1 3.7 2.4 16 0.00015 41 52
1LA7 060-2AA 2 3.7 2.2 16 0.00018 49 60
1LA7 063-2AA 2 4 2.2 16 0.00022 49 60
1LA7 070-2AA 2.3 3.5 2.3 16 0.00029 52 63
1LA7 073-2AA 2.5 4.3 2.6 16 0.00041 52 63
1LA7 080-2AA 2.3 5.6 2.4 16 0.00079 56 67
1LA7 083-2AA 2.6 6.1 2.7 16 0.001 56 67
1LA7 090-2AA 2.4 5.5 2.7 16 0.0014 62 74
1LA7 096-2AA 2.8 6.3 3.1 16 0.0018 62 74
1LA7 106-2AA 2.8 6.8 3 16 0.0035 62 74
1LA7 113-2AA 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0059 63 75
1LA7 130-2AA 2 5.9 2.8 16 0.015 68 80
1LA7 131-2AA
1LA7 163-2AA
1LA7 164-2AA 2.2 6.6 3 16 0.043 70 82
1LA7 166-2AA 2.4 7 3.1 16 0.051 70 82
1LA5 183-2AA 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.077 70 83
1LA5 206-2AA 2.4 7.2 2.8 16 0.14 71 84
1LA5 207-2AA 2.4 7.7 2.8 16 0.16 71 84
1LA5 223-2AA 2.8 7.7 3.4 16 0.2 71 84

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
1) IM V19 1)
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 with protec-
IM V19
tion” for outputs tive cover
1) 2) 3)
at 60 Hz)
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 05 . - . . . – ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 2) 1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing ment “Z” and order code K32 .
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts 3) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/43

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and construc-
50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.06 0.07 56 M 1350 0.42 56 55 0.77 0.2 1LA7 050-4AB 3
0.09 0.11 56 M 1350 0.64 58 57 0.77 0.29 1LA7 053-4AB 3
0.12 0.14 63 M 1350 0.85 55 54 0.75 0.42 1LA7 060-4AB 3.5
0.18 0.21 63 M 1350 1.3 59 60 0.76 0.58 1LA7 063-4AB 4.1
0.25 0.29 71 M 1350 1.8 60 60 0.78 0.77 1LA7 070-4AB 4.8
0.37 0.43 71 M 1370 2.6 65 65 0.78 1.06 1LA7 073-4AB 6
0.55 0.63 80 M 1395 3.8 67 67 0.81 1.46 1LA7 080-4AA 9
0.75 0.86 80 M 1395 5.1 72 72 0.8 1.91 1LA7 083-4AA 10
1.1 1.3 90 S 1415 7.4 77 77 0.81 2.55 1LA7 090-4AA 13
1.5 1.75 90 L 1420 10 79 79 0.81 3.4 1LA7 096-4AA 15.6
2.2 2.55 100 L 1420 15 82 82.5 0.82 4.7 1LA7 106-4AA 21
3 3.45 100 L 1420 20 83 83.5 0.82 6.4 1LA7 107-4AA 24
4 4.6 112 M 1440 27 85 85.5 0.83 8.2 1LA7 113-4AA 31

4 5.5
132 S
132 M
1LA7 130-4AA
1LA7 133-4AA
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 88.5 89 0.84 21.5 1LA7 163-4AA 73
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 90 90.2 0.84 28.5 1LA7 166-4AA 85
18.5 21.3 180 M 1460 121 90.5 90.5 0.83 35.5 1) 1LA5 183-4AA 113
22 25.3 180 L 1460 144 91.2 91.2 0.84 41.5 1) 1LA5 186-4AA 123
30 34.5 200 L 1465 196 91.8 91.8 0.86 55 1LA5 207-4AA 157
37 42.5 225 S 1470 240 92.9 92.9 0.87 66 1) 1LA5 220-4AA 206
45 52 225 M 1470 292 93.4 93.4 0.87 80 1) 1LA5 223-4AA 232

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA7 56 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc-
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/44 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 050-4AB 1.9 2.6 1.9 13 0.00027 42 53
1LA7 053-4AB 1.9 2.6 1.9 13 0.00027 42 53
1LA7 060-4AB 1.9 2.8 2 13 0.00029 42 53
1LA7 063-4AB 1.9 3 1.9 13 0.00037 42 53
1LA7 070-4AB 1.9 3 1.9 13 0.00052 44 55
1LA7 073-4AB 1.9 3.3 2.1 13 0.00077 44 55
1LA7 080-4AA 2.2 3.9 2.2 16 0.0014 47 58
1LA7 083-4AA 2.3 4.2 2.3 16 0.0017 47 58
1LA7 090-4AA 2.3 4.6 2.4 16 0.0024 50 62
1LA7 096-4AA 2.4 5.3 2.6 16 0.0033 50 62
1LA7 106-4AA 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0047 56 68
1LA7 107-4AA 2.7 5.6 3 16 0.0055 56 68
1LA7 113-4AA 2.7 6 3 16 0.012 53 65
1LA7 130-4AA
1LA7 133-4AA
1LA7 163-4AA 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.043 66 78
1LA7 166-4AA 2.6 6.5 3 16 0.055 66 78
1LA5 183-4AA 2.3 7.5 3 16 0.13 63 76
1LA5 186-4AA 2.3 7.5 3 16 0.15 63 76
1LA5 207-4AA 2.6 7 3.2 16 0.24 65 78
1LA5 220-4AA 2.8 7 3.2 16 0.32 65 78
1LA5 223-4AA 2.8 7.7 3.3 16 0.36 65 78

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 with protec- IM V19 IM V19 1)
1) 1)
tion” for outputs tive cover
1) 2) 3)
at 60 Hz)
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 05 . - . . . – ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 2) 1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing ment “Z” and order code K32.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts 3) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/45

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, of construction and construc-
4/4-load 50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.09 0.1 63 M 850 1 45 41.5 0.66 0.44 1LA7 063-6AB 4.1
0.18 0.21 71 M 850 2 53 54.5 0.68 0.72 1LA7 070-6AA 5
0.25 0.29 71 M 830 2.8 60 58.5 0.76 0.79 1LA7 073-6AA 6.3
0.37 0.43 80 M 920 3.8 62 60.5 0.72 1.2 1LA7 080-6AA 9
0.55 0.63 80 M 910 5.8 67 66.5 0.74 1.6 1LA7 083-6AA 10
0.75 0.86 90 S 915 7.8 69 69 0.76 2.05 1LA7 090-6AA 12.5
1.1 1.3 90 L 915 11 72 72 0.77 2.85 1LA7 096-6AA 15.7
1.5 1.75 100 L 925 15 74 74 0.75 3.9 1LA7 106-6AA 21
2.2 2.55 112 M 940 22 78 78.5 0.78 5.2 1LA7 113-6AA 26
3 3.45 132 S 950 30 79 79.5 0.76 7.2 1LA7 130-6AA 38
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 80.5 80.5 0.76 9.4 1LA7 133-6AA 44
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 83 83 0.76 12.6 1LA7 134-6AA 52
7.5 8.6 160 M 960 75 86 86 0.74 17 1LA7 163-6AA 74

4 11
160 L
180 L
1LA7 166-6AA
1LA5 186-6AA
18.5 22 200 L 975 181 90.2 90.2 0.77 38.5 1LA5 206-6AA 161
22 26.5 200 L 975 215 90.8 90.8 0.77 45.5 1LA5 207-6AA 183
30 36 225 M 978 293 91.8 91.8 0.77 61 1) 1LA5 223-6AA 214

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA7 63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc-
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/46 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 063-6AB 1.8 2 1.9 13 0.00037 39 50
1LA7 070-6AA 2.1 2.3 1.9 16 0.00055 39 50
1LA7 073-6AA 2.2 2.7 2 16 0.0008 39 50
1LA7 080-6AA 1.9 3.1 2.1 16 0.0014 40 51
1LA7 083-6AA 2.1 3.4 2.2 16 0.0017 40 51
1LA7 090-6AA 2.2 3.7 2.2 16 0.0024 43 55
1LA7 096-6AA 2.3 3.8 2.3 16 0.0033 43 55
1LA7 106-6AA 2.3 4 2.3 16 0.0047 47 59
1LA7 113-6AA 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.0091 52 64
1LA7 130-6AA 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 63 75
1LA7 133-6AA 2.1 4.5 2.4 16 0.019 63 75
1LA7 134-6AA 2.3 5 2.6 16 0.025 63 75
1LA7 163-6AA 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.044 66 78
1LA7 166-6AA
1LA5 186-6AA
1LA5 206-6AA 2.7 5.5 2.8 16 0.24 66 78
1LA5 207-6AA 2.8 5.5 2.9 16 0.28 66 78
1LA5 223-6AA 2.8 5.7 2.9 16 0.36 66 78

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 HzWithout With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
1) IM V19 1)
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 with protec-
IM V19
tion” for out- tive cover
1) 2) 3)
puts at 60 Hz)
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 2) 1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing ment “Z” and order code K32.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts 3) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/47

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, of construction and construc-
4/4-load 50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.09 0.1 71 M 630 1.4 53 54.5 0.68 0.36 1LA7 070-8AB 6.3
0.12 0.14 71 M 645 1.8 53 49.5 0.64 0.51 1LA7 073-8AB 6.3
0.18 0.21 80 M 675 2.5 51 49.5 0.68 0.75 1LA7 080-8AB 9
0.25 0.29 80 M 685 3.5 55 50.5 0.64 1.02 1LA7 083-8AB 10
0.37 0.43 90 S 675 5.2 63 62 0.75 1.14 1LA7 090-8AB 10.5
0.55 0.63 90 L 675 7.8 66 65 0.76 1.58 1LA7 096-8AB 13.2
0.75 0.86 100 L 680 11 66 65 0.76 2.15 1LA7 106-8AB 19
1.1 1.3 100 L 680 15 72 72 0.76 2.9 1LA7 107-8AB 22
1.5 1.75 112 M 705 20 74 74 0.76 3.85 1LA7 113-8AB 24
2.2 2.55 132 S 700 30 75 75 0.74 5.7 1LA7 130-8AB 38
3 3.45 132 M 700 41 77 77.5 0.74 7.6 1LA7 133-8AB 44
4 4.6 160 M 715 53 80 80 0.72 10 1LA7 163-8AB 64
5.5 6.3 160 M 710 74 83.5 83.5 0.73 13 1LA7 164-8AB 74

4 7.5
160 L
180 L
1LA7 166-8AB
1LA5 186-8AB
15 18 200 L 725 198 87.5 87.5 0.78 31.5 1LA5 207-8AB 176
18.5 22 225 S 725 244 89.2 89.2 0.79 38 1LA5 220-8AB 184
22 26.5 225 M 725 290 90.6 90.6 0.79 44.5 1LA5 223-8AB 214

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 1) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA7 71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/48 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA7/1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA7 070-8AB 1.9 2.2 1.7 13 0.0008 36 47
1LA7 073-8AB 2.2 2.2 2 13 0.0008 36 47
1LA7 080-8AB 1.7 2.3 1.9 13 0.0014 41 52
1LA7 083-8AB 2 2.6 2.2 13 0.0017 41 52
1LA7 090-8AB 1.6 2.9 1.8 13 0.0023 41 53
1LA7 096-8AB 1.7 3 1.9 13 0.0031 41 53
1LA7 106-8AB 1.6 3 1.9 13 0.0051 45 57
1LA7 107-8AB 1.8 3.3 2.1 13 0.0063 45 57
1LA7 113-8AB 1.8 3.7 2.1 13 0.013 49 61
1LA7 130-8AB 1.9 3.9 2.3 13 0.014 53 65
1LA7 133-8AB 2.1 4.1 2.4 13 0.019 53 65
1LA7 163-8AB 2.2 4.5 2.6 13 0.036 63 75
1LA7 164-8AB 2.3 4.7 2.7 13 0.046 63 75
1LA7 166-8AB
1LA5 186-8AB
1LA5 207-8AB 2.1 5 2.2 13 0.37 58 71
1LA5 220-8AB 2.1 4.5 2.2 13 0.37 58 71
1LA5 223-8AB 2.2 4.8 2.3 13 0.45 58 71

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
1) IM V19 1)
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 with
IM V19
tion” for outputs protective
1) 2) 3)
at 60 Hz) cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 2) 1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing ment “Z” and order code K32.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts 3) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/49

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and construc-
50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
0.09 56 M 2830 0.3 70 68 0.76 0.24 1LA9 050-2KA 3
0.12 56 M 2830 0.4 70 70 0.81 0.31 1LA9 053-2KA 3.8
0.18 63 M 2840 0.61 70 70 0.78 0.48 1LA9 060-2KA 4.1
0.25 63 M 2840 0.84 72 70 0.8 0.63 1LA9 063-2KA 5.1
0.37 71 M 2840 1.2 74 74 0.77 0.94 1LA9 070-2KA 6
0.55 71 M 2835 1.9 75 75 0.75 1.42 1LA9 073-2KA 7.2
0.75 80 M 2870 2.5 80 80 0.82 1.66 1LA9 080-2KA 9.8
1.1 80 M 2860 3.7 84 84 0.89 2.1 1LA9 083-2KA 12.3
1.5 90 S 2890 5 85 85 0.87 2.95 1LA9 090-2KA 15
2.2 90 L 2890 7.3 86.5 86.5 0.87 4.2 1LA9 096-2KA 18.6
3 100 L 2890 9.9 87 87 0.88 5.7 1LA9 106-2KA 24
4 112 M 2905 13 88.5 88.5 0.89 7.3 1LA9 113-2KA 35

4 5.5
132 S
132 S
1LA9 130-2KA
1LA9 131-2KA
11 160 M 2945 36 91 91 0.9 19.4 1LA9 163-2KA 73
15 160 M 2945 49 91.5 91.5 0.9 26.5 1LA9 164-2KA 82
18.5 160 L 2940 60 92.3 92.5 0.92 31.5 1LA9 166-2KA 102
22 180 M 2945 71 93 93.2 0.89 38.5 1) 1LA9 183-2WA 131
30 200 L 2950 97 93.5 93.5 0.89 52 1LA9 206-2WA 185
37 200 L 2950 120 94 94.1 0.89 64 1) 1LA9 207-2WA 214

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA9 56 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/56 to 4/61.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc-
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/50 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
1LA9 050-2KA 3.6 4.5 3 16 0.00015 41 52
1LA9 053-2KA 3.2 4.3 2.8 16 0.0002 41 52
1LA9 060-2KA 2.8 4.8 3.1 16 0.00022 49 60
1LA9 063-2KA 2.5 4.9 2.5 16 0.00026 49 60
1LA9 070-2KA 3.3 6.5 3.1 16 0.00041 52 63
1LA9 073-2KA 3.6 6.3 2.9 16 0.0005 52 63
1LA9 080-2KA 4.4 8.3 3.2 16 0.001 56 67
1LA9 083-2KA 3.8 7 3.2 16 0.0013 56 67
1LA9 090-2KA 4.1 7 3.5 16 0.0018 60 72
1LA9 096-2KA 4.1 7 3.5 16 0.0022 60 72
1LA9 106-2KA 3.4 7 3.2 16 0.0044 62 74
1LA9 113-2KA 2.8 7 3.2 16 0.0077 63 75
1LA9 130-2KA
1LA9 131-2KA
80 4
1LA9 163-2KA 2.5 7 3.1 16 0.044 70 82
1LA9 164-2KA 2.5 7 3.1 16 0.051 70 82
1LA9 166-2KA 2.4 7 3.1 16 0.065 70 82
1LA9 183-2WA 2.6 7.2 3.3 16 0.09 70 83
1LA9 206-2WA 2.5 7 3.2 16 0.16 71 84
1LA9 207-2WA 2.7 7 3.3 16 0.2 71 84

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6 1) IM V3 1) with pro- IM V19 1) IM V19 1)
cover 1) 2)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 9 and order code M1G.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/51

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and construc-
50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
0.06 56 M 1380 0.42 61 61 0.66 0.22 1LA9 050-4KA 3
0.09 56 M 1390 0.62 62 62 0.68 0.31 1LA9 053-4KA 3.8
0.12 63 M 1395 0.82 66 66 0.65 0.41 1LA9 060-4KA 4.1
0.18 63 M 1395 1.3 65 65 0.68 0.59 1LA9 063-4KA 5.1
0.25 71 M 1410 1.7 70 70 0.64 0.81 1LA9 070-4KA 6
0.37 71 M 1385 2.6 71 71 0.73 1.04 1LA9 073-4KA 7.2
0.55 80 M 1410 3.7 77 77 0.78 1.32 1LA9 080-4KA 9.8
0.75 80 M 1400 5.1 81 81 0.75 1.78 1LA9 083-4KA 12.3
1.1 90 S 1440 7.3 84 84 0.77 2.45 1LA9 090-4KA 15
1.5 90 L 1440 9.9 85 85 0.77 3.3 1LA9 096-4KA 18
2.2 100 L 1435 15 86.5 86.5 0.82 4.5 1LA9 106-4KA 25
3 100 L 1435 20 87.5 87.7 0.81 6.1 1LA9 107-4KA 30

4 4
112 M
132 S
1LA9 113-4KA
1LA9 130-4KA
7.5 132 M 1455 49 90.3 90.5 0.84 14.2 1LA9 133-4KA 60
11 160 M 1460 72 91.5 92 0.85 20.5 1LA9 163-4KA 81
15 160 L 1460 98 92 92.3 0.86 27.5 1LA9 166-4KA 107
18.5 180 M 1465 121 92.5 93 0.84 34.5 1) 1LA9 183-4WA 126
22 180 L 1465 143 93 93.4 0.84 40.5 1) 1LA9 186-4WA 146
30 200 L 1465 196 93.5 94 0.87 53 1LA9 207-4WA 199

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA9 56 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/56 to 4/61.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc-
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/52 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
1LA9 050-4KA 2.7 3.1 2.8 16 0.00027 42 53
1LA9 053-4KA 2.8 3.2 2.8 16 0.00035 42 53
1LA9 060-4KA 2.7 3.5 2.6 16 0.00037 42 53
1LA9 063-4KA 3 3.6 2.5 16 0.00045 42 53
1LA9 070-4KA 3.6 4.3 3.1 16 0.00076 44 55
1LA9 073-4KA 3.3 4.2 3 16 0.00095 44 55
1LA9 080-4KA 3.4 5.6 2.9 16 0.0017 47 58
1LA9 083-4KA 4 5.8 3.5 16 0.0024 47 58
1LA9 090-4KA 3.1 6.4 3.2 16 0.0033 48 60
1LA9 096-4KA 3.6 6.7 3.4 16 0.004 48 60
1LA9 106-4KA 3.4 7 3.6 16 0.0062 53 65
1LA9 107-4KA 3.8 7 3.9 16 0.0077 53 65
1LA9 113-4KA
1LA9 130-4KA
74 4
1LA9 133-4KA 3.4 7 3.6 16 0.029 62 74
1LA9 163-4KA 2.6 6.9 3.2 16 0.055 66 78
1LA9 166-4KA 2.8 7 3.3 16 0.072 66 78
1LA9 183-4WA 2.8 7 3.2 16 0.15 63 76
1LA9 186-4WA 3.1 7.3 3.4 16 0.19 63 76
1LA9 207-4WA 3 7 3.2 16 0.32 65 78

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6 1) IM V3 1) with pro- IM V19 1) IM V19 1)
cover 1) 2)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . – ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 9 and order code M1G.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/53

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and construc-
50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
0.75 90 S 925 7.7 75.5 75.5 0.72 2 1LA9 090-6KA 15.7
1.1 90 L 940 11 82 82 0.7 2.75 1LA9 096-6KA 19
1.5 100 L 935 15 85 85 0.73 3.6 1LA9 106-6KA 25
2.2 112 M 955 22 84 84 0.7 5.4 1LA9 113-6KA 37
4 132 M 950 40 84 84 0.81 8.5 1LA9 133-6KA 49
5.5 132 M 960 55 86 86 0.77 12 1LA9 134-6KA 64
7.5 160 M 965 74 88 88 0.72 17 1LA9 163-6KA 98
11 160 L 960 109 88.5 88.5 0.78 23 1LA9 166-6KA 105
15 180 L 970 148 91 91 0.75 31.5 1LA9 186-6WA 144
18.5 200 L 975 181 91 91 0.77 38 1LA9 206-6WA 186
22 200 L 975 215 91.5 91.5 0.77 45 1LA9 207-6WA 217

Special versions according to ATEX

4 Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 1) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA9 90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/56 to 4/61.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/54 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
1LA9 090-6KA 3. 4.4 2.5 16 0.0033 43 55
1LA9 096-6KA 3.7 5.7 3.2 16 0.005 43 55
1LA9 106-6KA 3.5 6.2 3.4 16 0.0065 47 59
1LA9 113-6KA 2.9 6.2 3 16 0.014 52 64
1LA9 133-6KA 3 6.3 2.7 16 0.025 63 75
1LA9 134-6KA 3.7 7.3 3.6 16 0.03 63 75
1LA9 163-6KA 2.4 5.5 2.5 16 0.063 66 78
1LA9 166-6KA 3.1 6.9 3.2 16 0.072 66 78
1LA9 186-6WA 2.2 6.5 2.5 16 0.19 66 78
1LA9 206-6WA 2.8 6.2 2.5 16 0.28 66 78
1LA9 207-6WA 2.8 6.2 2.5 16 0.36 66 78

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6 1) IM V3 1) with pro- IM V19 1)
IM V19 1)
cover 1) 2)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 9 and order code M1G.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/55

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at 60 Hz size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power factor Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency at 60 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
032A at 60 Hz 4/4-load at 460 V, of construction and construc-
60 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
0.12 56 M 3440 0.25 No 70 0.74 0.23 1LA9 050-2KA 3
0.16 56 M 3440 0.33 No 71 0.76 0.28 1LA9 053-2KA 3.8
0.25 63 M 3440 0.53 No 71 0.79 0.4 1LA9 060-2KA 4.1
0.33 63 M 3460 0.69 No 72 0.76 0.56 1LA9 063-2KA 5.1
0.5 71 M 3445 1 No 72 0.75 0.86 1LA9 070-2KA 6
0.75 71 M 3445 1.6 No 73 0.73 1.3 1LA9 073-2KA 7.2
1 80 M 3485 2 Yes 75.5 0.82 1.52 1LA9 080-2KA 9.8
1.5 80 M 3480 3.1 Yes 82.5 0.88 1.9 1LA9 083-2KA 12.3
2 90 S 3510 4.1 Yes 84 0.86 2.6 1LA9 090-2KA 15
3 90 L 3510 6.1 Yes 85.5 0.85 3.8 1LA9 096-2KA 18.6
4 100 L 3510 8.1 No 86.5 0.87 5 1LA9 106-2KA 24
5 112 M 3540 10 Yes 87.5 0.88 6 1LA9 113-2KA 35

4 7.5
132 S
132 S
1LA9 130-2KA
1LA9 131-2KA
15 160 M 3555 30 Yes 90.2 0.9 17 1LA9 163-2KA 73
20 160 M 3555 40 Yes 90.2 0.9 23.2 1LA9 164-2KA 82
25 160 L 3550 50 Yes 91 0.92 27.7 1LA9 166-2KA 102
30 180 M 3545 60 Yes 91 0.86 36 1LA9 183-2WA 131
40 200 L 3555 80 Yes 91.7 0.88 46.5 1LA9 206-2WA 185
50 200 L 3555 100 Yes 92.4 0.88 57 1LA9 207-2WA 214

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 1) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA9 56 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 50 Hz “High Efficiency”,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/50 to 4/55.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/56 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
1LA9 050-2KA 3.6 5.5 3.8 16 0.00015 45 56
1LA9 053-2KA 3.2 5.4 3.4 16 0.0002 45 56
1LA9 060-2KA 2.8 4.9 3.3 16 0.00022 53 64
1LA9 063-2KA 2.5 5 2.7 16 0.00026 53 64
1LA9 070-2KA 3.3 7.5 3.4 16 0.00041 56 67
1LA9 073-2KA 3.6 7.2 3.7 16 0.0005 56 67
1LA9 080-2KA 4.4 9.6 4.4 16 0.001 60 71
1LA9 083-2KA 3.8 8.6 3.2 16 0.0013 60 71
1LA9 090-2KA 4.1 8.6 4.1 16 0.0018 64 76
1LA9 096-2KA 4.1 8.5 5.1 16 0.0022 64 76
1LA9 106-2KA 3.4 8.6 3.7 16 0.0044 66 78
1LA9 113-2KA 2.8 9.2 4 16 0.0077 67 79
1LA9 130-2KA
1LA9 131-2KA
84 4
1LA9 163-2KA 2.5 8.5 3.7 16 0.044 74 86
1LA9 164-2KA 2.5 8.5 3.7 16 0.051 74 86
1LA9 166-2KA 2.4 8.5 3.5 16 0.065 74 86
1LA9 183-2WA 2.6 8.6 3.5 16 0.09 74 87
1LA9 206-2WA 2.5 8.4 3.6 16 0.16 75 88
1LA9 207-2WA 2.7 8.4 3.7 16 0.2 75 88

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V3 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19 1)
(see “Introduction” IM V6 1) 1) protective IM V19 1)
for outputs at 60 Hz) cover 1) 2)
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing code 9 and order code M1G.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/57

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at 60 Hz size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power factor Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency at 60 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
032A at 60 Hz 4/4-load at 460 V, of construction and construc-
60 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
0.08 56 M 1715 0.33 No 63 0.65 0.18 1LA9 050-4KA 3
0.12 56 M 1725 0.5 No 64 0.6 0.29 1LA9 053-4KA 3.8
0.16 63 M 1710 0.66 No 68 0.6 0.37 1LA9 060-4KA 4.1
0.25 63 M 1705 1.1 No 66 0.63 0.54 1LA9 063-4KA 5.1
0.33 71 M 1730 1.4 No 69 0.6 0.76 1LA9 070-4KA 6
0.5 71 M 1725 2.1 No 70 0.68 0.98 1LA9 073-4KA 7.2
0.75 80 M 1725 3.1 No 75.5 0.74 1.24 1LA9 080-4KA 9.8
1 80 M 1720 4.1 Yes 82.5 0.75 1.59 1LA9 083-4KA 12.3
1.5 90 S 1755 6.1 Yes 84 0.76 2.15 1LA9 090-4KA 15
2 90 L 1775 14 Yes 84 0.76 2.95 1LA9 096-4KA 18
3 100 L 1750 12 No 87.5 0.79 4 1LA9 106-4KA 25
4 100 L 1750 16 No 87.5 0.79 5.5 1LA9 107-4KA 30

4 5
112 M
132 S
1LA9 113-4KA
1LA9 130-4KA
10 132 M 1760 40 Yes 89.5 0.82 12.8 1LA9 133-4KA 60
15 160 M 1765 61 Yes 91 0.85 17.9 1LA9 163-4KA 81
20 160 L 1765 81 Yes 91 0.85 24.5 1LA9 166-4KA 107
25 180 M 1770 101 Yes 92.4 0.83 30.5 1LA9 183-4WA 126
30 180 L 1770 121 Yes 92.4 0.83 36 1LA9 186-4WA 146
40 200 L 1770 161 Yes 93 0.86 47 1LA9 207-4WA 199

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 1) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA9 56 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
71 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 50 Hz “High Efficiency”,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/50 to 4/55.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/58 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
1LA9 050-4KA 2.7 3.4 3 16 0.00027 46 57
1LA9 053-4KA 2.8 3.5 3 16 0.00035 46 57
1LA9 060-4KA 2.7 3.9 2.8 16 0.00037 46 57
1LA9 063-4KA 3 3.6 3.1 16 0.00045 46 57
1LA9 070-4KA 3.6 4.9 3.4 16 0.00076 48 59
1LA9 073-4KA 3.3 4.9 3.4 16 0.00095 48 59
1LA9 080-4KA 3.4 6.8 3.6 16 0.0017 51 62
1LA9 083-4KA 4 7.3 3.9 16 0.0024 51 62
1LA9 090-4KA 3.1 7.7 3.9 16 0.0033 52 64
1LA9 096-4KA 3.6 8.1 4.2 16 0.004 52 64
1LA9 106-4KA 3.4 8.4 4.3 16 0.0062 57 69
1LA9 107-4KA 3.8 8.7 4.6 16 0.0077 57 69
1LA9 113-4KA
1LA9 130-4KA
78 4
1LA9 133-4KA 3.4 8.7 4.1 16 0.029 66 78
1LA9 163-4KA 2.6 8.1 3.2 16 0.055 70 82
1LA9 166-4KA 2.8 8.5 3.5 16 0.072 70 82
1LA9 183-4WA 2.8 8.4 3.6 16 0.15 67 80
1LA9 186-4WA 3.1 8.8 3.9 16 0.19 67 80
1LA9 207-4WA 3 8.3 3.6 16 0.32 69 82

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V3 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19 1)
(see “Introduction” IM V6 1) 1) protective IM V19 1)
for outputs at 60 Hz) cover 1) 2)
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 05 . - . . . ✓ – – ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 06 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 07 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 9 and order code M1G.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/59

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at 60 Hz size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power factor Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency at 60 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
032A at 60 Hz 4/4-load at 460 V, of construction and construc-
60 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
1 90 S 1140 6.2 Yes 80 0.66 1.78 1LA9 090-6KA 15.7
1.5 90 L 1150 9.3 Yes 85.5 0.64 2.55 1LA9 096-6KA 19
2 100 L 1150 12 No 86.5 0.7 3.1 1LA9 106-6KA 25
3 112 M 1160 18 Yes 87.5 0.66 4.8 1LA9 113-6KA 37
5 132 M 1160 31 Yes 87.5 0.77 6.9 1LA9 133-6KA 49
7.5 132 M 1160 46 Yes 89.5 0.73 10.6 1LA9 134-6KA 64
10 160 M 1165 61 Yes 89.5 0.7 15 1LA9 163-6KA 98
15 160 L 1165 92 Yes 90.2 0.77 19 1LA9 166-6KA 105
20 180 L 1175 121 Yes 90.2 0.75 28 1LA9 186-6WA 144
25 200 L 1175 152 Yes 91.7 0.75 34 1LA9 206-6WA 186
30 200 L 1175 182 Yes 91.7 0.75 40 1LA9 207-6WA 217

Special versions according to ATEX

4 Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 1) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA9 90 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
180 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 50 Hz “High Efficiency”,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/50 to 4/55.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/60 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Aluminum series 1LA9

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz

TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA

kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
1LA9 090-6KA 3 5.6 3 16 0.0033 47 59
1LA9 096-6KA 3.7 6.4 3.7 16 0.005 47 59
1LA9 106-6KA 3.5 7.2 3.8 16 0.0065 51 63
1LA9 113-6KA 2.9 7.5 3.7 16 0.014 56 68
1LA9 133-6KA 3 7.9 3.6 16 0.025 67 79
1LA9 134-6KA 3.7 8.4 4.3 16 0.03 67 79
1LA9 163-6KA 2.4 6.4 2.8 16 0.063 70 82
1LA9 166-6KA 3.1 8.3 3.8 16 0.072 70 82
1LA9 186-6WA 2.8 7.1 2.8 16 0.19 70 82
1LA9 206-6WA 2.8 7.1 2.8 16 0.28 70 82
1LA9 207-6WA 2.8 7.2 2.8 16 0.36 70 82

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V3 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19 1)
(see “Introduction” IM V6 1) 1)
protective IM V19 1)
for outputs at 60 Hz) cover 1) 2)
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA9 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA9 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA9 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 3)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 9 and order code M1G.
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/61

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and construc-
50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
3 3.45 100 L 2890 9.9 84 84 0.85 6.1 1LA6 106-2AA 34
4 4.6 112 M 2905 13 86 86 0.86 7.8 1LA6 113-2AA 43
5.5 6.3 132 S 2925 18 86.5 86.5 0.89 10.4 1LA6 130-2AA 53
7.5 8.6 132 S 2930 24 88 88 0.89 13.8 1LA6 131-2AA 58
11 12.6 160 M 2940 36 89.5 89.5 0.88 20 1LA6 163-2AA 96
15 17.3 160 M 2940 49 90 90.2 0.9 26.5 1LA6 164-2AA 105
18.5 21.3 160 L 2940 60 91 91.2 0.91 32 1LA6 166-2AA 115
22 24.5 180 M 2945 71 91.6 91.6 0.86 40.5 1) 1LG4 183-2AA 145
30 33.5 200 L 2950 97 91.8 91.9 0.88 54 1) 1LG4 206-2AA 205
37 41.5 200 L 2955 120 92.9 93.2 0.89 65 1) 1LG4 207-2AA 225
45 51 225 M 2960 145 93.6 93.9 0.88 79 1) 1LG4 223-2AA 285
55 62 250 M 2970 177 93.6 93.8 0.88 96 1LG4 253-2AB 375
75 84 280 S 2975 241 94.5 94.3 0.88 130 1) 1LG4 280-2AB 500

4 90
280 M
315 S
154 1)
190 1)
1LG4 283-2AB
1LG4 310-2AB
132 148 315 M 2982 423 95.1 94.8 0.9 225 1) 1LG4 313-2AB 775
160 180 315 L 2982 512 95.5 95.3 0.91 265 2) 1LG4 316-2AB 900
200 224 315 L 2982 641 95.9 95.8 0.92 325 2) 1LG4 317-2AB 1015

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 3) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA6 100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
1LG4 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
For connection to 400 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- combination with Zone 21 and 22.
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).

4/62 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-2AA 2.8 6.8 3 16 0.0035 62 74
1LA6 113-2AA 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0059 63 75
1LA6 130-2AA 2 5.9 2.8 16 0.015 68 80
1LA6 131-2AA 2.3 6.9 3 16 0.019 68 80
1LA6 163-2AA 2.1 6.5 2.9 16 0.034 70 82
1LA6 164-2AA 2.2 6.6 3 16 0.043 70 82
1LA6 166-2AA 2.4 7 3.1 16 0.051 70 82
1LG4 183-2AA 2.5 6.4 3.4 16 0.068 67 80
1LG4 206-2AA 2.3 6.5 3 16 0.13 74 87
1LG4 207-2AA 2.5 7.2 3.3 16 0.15 73 86
1LG4 223-2AA 2.4 6.7 3.1 16 0.22 73 86
1LG4 253-2AB 2.1 6.7 3.1 13 0.4 75 88
1LG4 280-2AB 2.5 7.5 3.1 13 0.72 74 87
1LG4 283-2AB
1LG4 310-2AB
1LG4 313-2AB 2.4 6.9 3 13 1.4 80 94
1LG4 316-2AB 2.4 7 3 13 1.6 79 92
1LG4 317-2AB 2.3 6.7 2.9 13 2.1 79 92

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B 35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
1) 2) IM V19 1)
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 With
1) 3)
IM V19
tion” for outputs protective
1) 3) 4)
at 60 Hz) cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ 7) ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 225 S to 315 L) are sup-
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective plied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 5)
2) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 6)
are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.
2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/63

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, of construction and construc-
4/4-load 50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
2.2 2.55 100 L 1420 15 82 82.5 0.82 4.7 1LA6 106-4AA 33
3 3.45 100 L 1420 20 83 83.5 0.82 6.4 1LA6 107-4AA 36
4 4.6 112 M 1440 27 85 85.5 0.83 8.2 1LA6 113-4AA 45
5.5 6.3 132 S 1455 36 86 86 0.81 11.4 1LA6 130-4AA 55
7.5 8.6 132 M 1455 49 87 87.5 0.82 15.2 1LA6 133-4AA 62
11 12.6 160 M 1460 72 88.5 89 0.84 21.5 1LA6 163-4AA 100
15 17.3 160 L 1460 98 90 90.2 0.84 28.5 1LA6 166-4AA 114
18.5 21.3 180 M 1465 121 90.4 90.8 0.84 35 1) 1LG4 183-4AA 140
22 25.3 180 L 1465 143 91 91.5 0.84 41.5 1) 1LG4 186-4AA 155
30 34.5 200 L 1465 196 91.6 92 0.85 56 1) 1LG4 207-4AA 205
37 42.5 225 S 1475 240 92.2 92.6 0.85 68 1) 1LG4 220-4AA 265
45 52 225 M 1475 291 93.1 93.6 0.86 81 1) 1LG4 223-4AA 300
55 63 250 M 1480 355 93.5 93.8 0.85 100 1LG4 253-4AA 390

4 75
280 S
280 M
136 1)
160 1)
1LG4 280-4AA
1LG4 283-4AA
110 127 315 S 1488 706 94.6 94.6 0.85 198 1) 1LG4 310-4AA 730
132 152 315 M 1488 847 95.2 95.2 0.85 235 1) 1LG4 313-4AA 810
160 184 315 L 1486 1028 95.7 95.8 0.86 280 2) 1LG4 316-4AA 955
200 230 315 L 1486 1285 95.9 96.2 0.88 340 2) 1LG4 317-4AA 1060

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 3) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA6 100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
1LG4 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
For connection to 400 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- combination with Zone 21 and 22.
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).

4/64 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-4AA 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0047 53 65
1LA6 107-4AA 2.7 5.6 3 16 0.0055 53 65
1LA6 113-4AA 2.7 6 3 16 0.012 53 65
1LA6 130-4AA 2.5 6.3 3.1 16 0.018 62 74
1LA6 133-4AA 2.7 6.7 3.2 16 0.023 62 74
1LA6 163-4AA 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.043 66 78
1LA6 166-4AA 2.6 6.5 3 16 0.055 66 78
1LG4 183-4AA 2.4 6.7 3.1 16 0.099 65 78
1LG4 186-4AA 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.12 65 78
1LG4 207-4AA 2.5 6.7 3.4 16 0.19 66 79
1LG4 220-4AA 2.3 6.7 3.1 16 0.37 66 79
1LG4 223-4AA 2.6 7.2 3.2 16 0.45 66 79
1LG4 253-4AA 2.4 6.1 2.8 16 0.69 65 78
1LG4 280-4AA
1LG4 283-4AA
1LG4 310-4AA 2.5 6.4 2.8 16 1.9 70 83
1LG4 313-4AA 2.7 6.8 2.9 16 2.3 70 83
1LG4 316-4AA 2.7 6.8 2.8 16 2.9 70 83
1LG4 317-4AA 2.6 6.5 2.8 16 3.5 71 86

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B 35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
1) 2)
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 With IM V19 IM V19 1)
1) 3) 1)
tion” for outputs protective
1) 3) 4)
at 60 Hz) cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 225 S to 315 L) are sup-
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective plied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 5)
2) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are 6)
fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/65

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and construc-
50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1.5 1.75 100 L 925 15 74 74 0.75 3.9 1LA6 106-6AA 33
2.2 2.55 112 M 940 22 78 78.5 0.78 5.2 1LA6 113-6AA 40
3 3.45 132 S 950 30 79 79.5 0.76 7.2 1LA6 130-6AA 50
4 4.6 132 M 950 40 80.5 80.5 0.76 9.4 1LA6 133-6AA 57
5.5 6.3 132 M 950 55 83 83 0.76 12.6 1LA6 134-6AA 66
7.5 8.6 160 M 960 75 86 86 0.74 17 1LA6 163-6AA 103
11 12.6 160 L 960 109 87.5 87.5 0.74 24.5 1LA6 166-6AA 122
15 18 180 L 965 148 88.9 90.3 0.83 29.5 1LG4 186-6AA 150
18.5 22 200 L 975 181 89.8 90.2 0.81 36.5 1LG4 206-6AA 195
22 26.5 200 L 975 215 90.3 91 0.81 43.5 1LG4 207-6AA 205
30 36 225 M 978 293 91.8 92.8 0.83 57 1) 1LG4 223-6AA 280
37 44.5 250 M 980 361 92.3 93 0.83 70 1LG4 253-6AA 370
45 54 280 S 985 436 92.4 93.1 0.85 83 1LG4 280-6AA 475

4 55
280 M
315 S
1LG4 283-6AA
1LG4 310-6AA
90 108 315 M 988 870 93.9 94.2 0.84 164 1) 1LG4 313-6AA 750
110 132 315 L 988 1063 94.3 94.6 0.86 196 1LG4 316-6AA 890
132 158 315 L 988 1276 94.8 95 0.86 235 1LG4 317-6AA 980
160 192 315 L 988 1547 95 95.1 0.86 285 2) 1LG4 318-6AA 1180

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 3) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA6 100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
1LG4 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
For connection to 400 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- combination with Zone 21 and 22.
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).

4/66 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-6AA 2.3 4 2.3 16 0.0047 47 59
1LA6 113-6AA 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.0091 52 64
1LA6 130-6AA 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 63 75
1LA6 133-6AA 2.1 4.5 2.4 16 0.019 63 75
1LA6 134-6AA 2.3 5 2.6 16 0.025 63 75
1LA6 163-6AA 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.044 66 78
1LA6 166-6AA 2.3 4.8 2.6 16 0.063 66 78
1LG4 186-6AA 2.3 5.3 2.5 16 0.18 57 73
1LG4 206-6AA 2.5 5.6 2.5 16 0.24 58 73
1LG4 207-6AA 2.6 5.7 2.5 16 0.29 58 73
1LG4 223-6AA 2.7 5.6 2.5 16 0.49 59 73
1LG4 253-6AA 2.7 6 2.3 16 0.76 60 75
1LG4 280-6AA 2.4 6.1 2.4 16 1.1 61 75
1LG4 283-6AA
1LG4 310-6AA
1LG4 313-6AA 2.6 6.8 2.9 16 2.5 63 77
1LG4 316-6AA 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 3.2 64 78
1LG4 317-6AA 3.1 7.3 3 16 4 64 78
1LG4 318-6AA 3 7.5 3 16 4.7 65 79

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B 35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
1) 2)
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 With IM V19 IM V19 1)
1) 3) 1)
tion” for out- protective
1) 3) 4)
puts at 60 Hz) cover
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
1LG4 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 225 S to 315 L) are sup-
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective plied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 5)
2) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are 6)
fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/67

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
50 Hz 60 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage, type type of
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, of construction and construc-
4/4-load 50 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
kW kW rpm Nm % % A kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.75 0.86 100 L 680 11 66 65 0.76 2.15 1LA6 106-8AB 29
1.1 1.3 100 L 680 15 72 72 0.76 2.9 1LA6 107-8AB 32
1.5 1.75 112 M 705 20 74 74 0.76 3.85 1LA6 113-8AB 39
2.2 2.55 132 S 700 30 75 75 0.74 5.7 1LA6 130-8AB 50
3 3.45 132 M 700 41 77 77.5 0.74 7.6 1LA6 133-8AB 57
4 4.6 160 M 715 53 80 80 0.72 10 1LA6 163-8AB 91
5.5 6.3 160 M 710 74 83.5 83.5 0.73 13 1LA6 164-8AB 102
7.5 8.6 160 L 715 100 85.5 85.5 0.72 17.6 1LA6 166-8AB 122
11 13.2 180 L 725 145 87.5 88.3 0.73 25 1LG4 186-8AB 150
15 18 200 L 725 198 87.7 88.4 0.76 32.5 1LG4 207-8AB 205
18.5 22 225 S 730 242 89.4 90.4 0.78 38.5 1LG4 220-8AB 270
22 26.5 225 M 730 288 89.7 90.7 0.79 45 1LG4 223-8AB 290
30 36 250 M 730 392 91.4 92.2 0.81 58 1LG4 253-8AB 385

4 37
280 S
280 M
1LG4 280-8AB
1LG4 283-8AB
55 66 315 S 740 710 93 93.4 0.81 106 1LG4 310-8AB 680
75 90 315 M 738 971 93.3 94 0.83 140 1LG4 313-8AB 745
90 108 315 L 738 1165 93.4 94 0.83 168 1LG4 316-8AB 865
110 132 315 L 738 1423 94 94.4 0.83 205 1LG4 317-8AB 1020
132 158 315 L 738 1708 94.2 94.6 0.83 245 1LG4 318-8AB 1100

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 1) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA6 100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
112 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
132 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
160 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – ✓ ✓
1LG4 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for
non-conducting dust (IP55):
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/68 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA6/1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, 900 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
1LA6 106-8AB 1.6 3 1.9 13 0.0051 45 57
1LA6 107-8AB 1.8 3.3 2.1 13 0.0063 45 57
1LA6 113-8AB 1.8 3.7 2.1 13 0.013 49 61
1LA6 130-8AB 1.9 3.9 2.3 13 0.014 53 65
1LA6 133-8AB 2.1 4.1 2.4 13 0.019 53 65
1LA6 163-8AB 2.2 4.5 2.6 13 0.036 63 75
1LA6 164-8AB 2.3 4.7 2.7 13 0.046 63 75
1LA6 166-8AB 2.7 5.3 3 13 0.064 63 75
1LG4 186-8AB 1.7 4.2 2.1 13 0.17 65 78
1LG4 207-8AB 2.2 4.9 2.6 13 0.29 67 70
1LG4 220-8AB 2.3 5.5 2.7 13 0.48 57 70
1LG4 223-8AB 2.3 5.6 2.8 13 0.55 54 73
1LG4 253-8AB 2.3 5.5 2.6 13 0.84 55 73
1LG4 280-8AB
1LG4 283-8AB
1LG4 310-8AB 2.2 5.8 2.6 13 2.1 64 78
1LG4 313-8AB 2.2 5.7 2.6 13 2.5 64 78
1LG4 316-8AB 2.2 5.8 2.7 13 3.1 64 78
1LG4 317-8AB 2.4 6.1 2.8 13 3.9 64 78
1LG4 318-8AB 2.5 6.5 2.9 13 4.5 64 78

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz 60 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ 460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B 35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
1) 2)
(see “Introduc- IM V6 IM V3 With IM V19 IM V19 1)
1) 3) 1)
tion” for out- protective
cover 1) 3) 4)
puts at 60 Hz)
1 6 3 5 1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .
1LG4 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
1LG4 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... motors (motor series 225 S to 315 L) are sup-
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective plied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 5)
2) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are 6)
fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/69

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3 type
50 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor current ments for voltage, type of con-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 400 V, of construction and struction
4/4-load 50 Hz explosion protection approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated zones according to m
ATEX, see tables below
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
22 180 M 2955 71 94.1 94.5 0.88 38.5 1) 1LG6 183-2AA 180
30 200 L 2960 97 93.5 93.4 0.88 53 1) 1LG6 206-2AA 225
37 200 L 2960 119 94.1 94 0.89 64 1) 1LG6 207-2AA 255
45 225 M 2965 145 94.9 95.1 0.89 77 1) 1LG6 223-2AA 330
55 250 M 2975 177 95.3 95.3 0.9 93 1LG6 253-2AA 420
75 280 S 2975 241 95.2 95.2 0.89 128 1) 1LG6 280-2AB 530
90 280 M 2978 289 95.6 95.7 0.9 150 1) 1LG6 283-2AB 615
110 315 S 2982 352 95.8 95.7 0.91 182 1) 1LG6 310-2AB 790
132 315 M 2982 423 96 95.9 0.91 220 1) 1LG6 313-2AB 915
160 315 L 2982 512 96.4 96.4 0.92 260 2) 1LG6 316-2AB 1055
200 315 L 2982 641 96.5 96.5 0.93 320 2) 1LG6 317-2AB 1245
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
4 18.5
180 M
180 L
34.5 1)
40.5 1)
1LG6 183-4AA
1LG6 186-4AA
30 200 L 1470 195 93.3 93.4 0.85 55 1) 1LG6 207-4AA 225
37 225 S 1480 239 94 94.4 0.85 67 1) 1LG6 220-4AA 290
45 225 M 1480 290 94.5 94.7 0.85 81 1) 1LG6 223-4AA 330
55 250 M 1485 354 95.1 95.3 0.87 96 1LG6 253-4AA 460
75 280 S 1485 482 95.1 95.2 0.87 130 1) 1LG6 280-4AA 575
90 280 M 1486 578 95.4 95.5 0.86 158 1) 1LG6 283-4AA 675
110 315 S 1488 706 95.9 96 0.87 190 1) 1LG6 310-4AA 810
132 315 M 1488 847 96.1 96.2 0.88 225 1) 1LG6 313-4AA 965
160 315 L 1490 1026 96.3 96.4 0.88 275 2) 1LG6 316-4AA 1105
200 315 L 1490 1282 96.4 96.5 0.88 340 2) 1LG6 317-4AA 1305

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 3) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LG6 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/74 to 4/79.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
For connection to 400 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- combination with Zone 21 and 22.
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).

4/70 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring surface Sound pressure
torque current torque sound pressure level at 50 Hz
level at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
1LG6 183-2AA 2.5 7.2 3.4 16 0.086 67 80
1LG6 206-2AA 2.4 7 3.3 16 0.15 71 84
1LG6 207-2AA 2.5 7.2 3.3 16 0.18 71 84
1LG6 223-2AA 2.5 7.3 3.2 16 0.27 71 84
1LG6 253-2AA 2.4 6.8 3 16 0.47 71 84
1LG6 280-2AB 2.5 7 3 13 0.83 73 86
1LG6 283-2AB 2.6 7.6 3.1 13 1 73 86
1LG6 310-2AB 2.4 6.9 2.8 13 1.4 76 89
1LG6 313-2AB 2.6 7.1 2.9 13 1.6 76 89
1LG6 316-2AB 2.5 7.1 2.9 13 2.1 76 89
1LG6 317-2AB 2.5 6.9 2.8 13 2.5 76 89
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
1LG6 183-4AA
1LG6 186-4AA
1LG6 207-4AA 2.6 6.7 3.3 16 0.23 62 75
1LG6 220-4AA 2.7 6.8 3 16 0.4 60 73
1LG6 223-4AA 2.8 6.9 3 16 0.49 60 73
1LG6 253-4AA 2.6 7.5 3 16 0.86 65 78
1LG6 280-4AA 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 1.4 67 80
1LG6 283-4AA 2.7 7.5 3.1 16 1.7 67 80
1LG6 310-4AA 2.7 7.1 2.9 16 2.3 68 82
1LG6 313-4AA 2.7 7.3 2.9 16 2.9 68 82
1LG6 316-4AA 3 7.4 3 16 3.5 68 82
1LG6 317-4AA 3.2 7.6 3 16 4.2 68 82

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5 1) 3) IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6 1) 2) IM V3 4) protective IM V19 1)
IM V19 1)
cover 1) 3) 5)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – – ✓ 7) ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
Standard version ✓ With additional charge
Without additional charge – Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 3) 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5,
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The plane.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 4) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
2) If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are 5) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. 6)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.
2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/71

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power fac- Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3 type
50 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz tor at 50 Hz current ments for voltage, type of con-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 4/4-load at 400 V, of construction and struction
50 Hz explosion protection approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated zones according to m
ATEX, see tables below
kW rpm Nm % % A kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
15 180 L 975 147 90.9 91.7 0.81 29.5 1LG6 186-6AA 175
18.5 200 L 978 181 91.2 91.8 0.81 36 1LG6 206-6AA 210
22 200 L 978 215 91.9 92.5 0.82 42 1LG6 207-6AA 240
30 225 M 980 292 93.2 93.7 0.83 56 1) 1LG6 223-6AA 325
37 250 M 985 359 93.7 94.1 0.83 69 1LG6 253-6AA 405
45 280 S 988 435 94.4 94.6 0.85 81 1LG6 280-6AA 520
55 280 M 988 532 94.6 94.8 0.85 99 1LG6 283-6AA 570
75 315 S 990 723 95 95 0.83 138 1LG6 310-6AA 760
90 315 M 990 868 95.3 95.4 0.85 160 1) 1LG6 313-6AA 935
110 315 L 990 1061 95.6 95.7 0.85 196 1LG6 316-6AA 1010
132 315 L 990 1273 95.8 95.8 0.85 235 1LG6 317-6AA 1180
160 315 L 990 1543 95.8 95.9 0.86 280 2) 1LG6 318-6AA 1245
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
4 “High Efficiency”
11 180 L 725 145 88.7 89.6 0.76 23.5 1LG6 186-8AB 165
15 200 L 725 198 89.3 89.8 0.8 30.5 1LG6 207-8AB 235
18.5 225 S 730 242 91.1 91.8 0.81 36 1LG6 220-8AB 295
22 225 M 730 288 91.6 92.1 0.81 43 1LG6 223-8AB 335
30 250 M 735 390 92.8 93.3 0.82 57 1LG6 253-8AB 435
37 280 S 738 479 93.1 93.3 0.81 71 1LG6 280-8AB 510
45 280 M 738 582 93.7 94 0.81 86 1LG6 283-8AB 560
55 315 S 740 710 94.3 94.4 0.82 102 1LG6 310-8AB 750
75 315 M 740 968 94.5 94.7 0.83 138 1LG6 313-8AB 840
90 315 L 740 1161 94.7 95.1 0.84 164 1LG6 316-8AB 1005
110 315 L 740 1420 94.8 95.1 0.84 200 1LG6 317-8AB 1100
132 315 L 740 1704 94.9 95.2 0.84 240 1LG6 318-8AB 1270

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 3) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LG6 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 60 Hz according to EPACT,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/74 to 4/79.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”). must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
For connection to 400 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Introduc- combination with Zone 21 and 22.
tion” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box”).

4/72 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 50 Hz
pressure level
at 50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency”
1LG6 186-6AA 2.4 5.5 2.5 16 0.2 56 69
1LG6 206-6AA 2.4 5.6 2.4 16 0.29 59 72
1LG6 207-6AA 2.4 5.6 2.4 16 0.36 59 72
1LG6 223-6AA 2.8 6.5 2.9 16 0.63 59 72
1LG6 253-6AA 2.9 6.8 2.5 16 0.93 59 72
1LG6 280-6AA 3 6.8 2.7 16 1.4 58 71
1LG6 283-6AA 3.3 7.3 2.9 16 1.6 58 71
1LG6 310-6AA 2.8 7.3 3 16 2.5 61 74
1LG6 313-6AA 2.7 7.3 2.9 16 3.2 61 74
1LG6 316-6AA 2.9 7.4 2.9 16 4 61 74
1LG6 317-6AA 3.1 7.8 3.1 16 4.7 61 74
1LG6 318-6AA 3.2 7.8 3.1 16 5.4 64 77
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
“High Efficiency” 4
1LG6 186-8AB 1.7 4.6 2.2 13 0.21 62 75
1LG6 207-8AB 2.3 5.3 2.6 13 0.37 62 75
1LG6 220-8AB 2.3 5.6 2.6 13 0.55 54 67
1LG6 223-8AB 2.4 5.8 2.8 13 0.66 58 71
1LG6 253-8AB 2.5 6 2.8 13 1.1 57 70
1LG6 280-8AB 2.3 5.7 2.3 13 1.4 58 71
1LG6 283-8AB 2.6 6.1 2.5 13 1.6 58 71
1LG6 310-8AB 2.5 6.3 2.9 13 2.5 64 77
1LG6 313-8AB 2.5 6.7 2.9 13 3.1 58 72
1LG6 316-8AB 2.4 6.3 2.8 13 3.9 64 77
1LG6 317-8AB 2.4 6.4 2.6 13 4.5 64 77
1LG6 318-8AB 2.5 6.7 2.9 13 5.3 64 77

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5 1) 3) IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6 1) 2) IM V3 4) protective IM V19 1) IM V19 1)
cover 1) 3) 5)
1 6 3 5 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version ✓ With additional charge
Without additional charge – Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).
1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S to
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5,
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is impor-
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts tant to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 9 and order code M1G.
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 5)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 are 6)
fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/73

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at 60 Hz size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage, type type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, of construction and construc-
4/4-load 60 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
30 180 M 3560 60 Yes 93 0.88 34 1LG6 183-2AA 180
40 200 L 3565 80 Yes 91.7 0.88 46 1LG6 206-2AA 225
50 200 L 3565 100 Yes 92.4 0.89 57 1LG6 207-2AA 255
60 225 M 3570 120 Yes 93.6 0.89 67 1LG6 223-2AA 330
75 225 M 3570 150 Yes 94.5 0.9 83 1LG6 228-2AA 390
75 250 M 3578 149 No 93.6 0.89 84 1LG6 253-2AA 420
100 250 M 3580 199 Yes 94.1 0.89 112 1LG6 258-2AA 470
100 280 S 3580 199 No 95 0.89 110 1LG6 280-2AB 530
125 280 M 3580 249 Yes 95 0.9 136 1LG6 283-2AB 615
150 280 M 3580 299 Yes 95 0.9 164 1LG6 288-2AA 660
150 315 S 3585 298 Yes 94.5 0.91 164 1LG6 310-2AB 790
175 315 M 3586 348 Yes 95 0.91 190 1LG6 313-2AB 915

4 200
315 L
315 L
1LG6 316-2AB
1LG6 317-2AB
300 315 L 3591 595 No 95.4 0.92 320 1LG6 318-2AA 1) 1330

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame size Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LG6 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 50 Hz “High Efficiency”,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/70 to 4/73.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

Only 60 Hz data according to EPACT on the rating plate.
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/74 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3600 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
1LG6 183-2AA 2.7 7.9 3.7 16 0.086 72 85
1LG6 206-2AA 2.7 7.8 3.7 16 0.15 75 88
1LG6 207-2AA 2.8 7.8 3.7 16 0.18 75 88
1LG6 223-2AA 2.8 8.3 3.6 16 0.27 74 87
1LG6 228-2AA 3.3 8.7 3.7 16 0.32 74 87
1LG6 253-2AA 2.7 7.5 3.2 16 0.47 75 88
1LG6 258-2AA 2.8 8.4 3.5 16 0.57 79 92
1LG6 280-2AB 2.8 7.9 3.4 13 0.83 77 90
1LG6 283-2AB 2.9 8.3 3.4 13 1 77 90
1LG6 288-2AA 3.1 8.5 3.6 16 1.16 77 90
1LG6 310-2AB 2.6 7.5 3.1 13 1.4 81 94
1LG6 313-2AB 3 8.3 3.3 13 1.6 81 94
1LG6 316-2AB
1LG6 317-2AB
94 4
1LG6 318-2AA 4.1 10 3.9 16 2.74 83 96

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V3 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19 1)
(see “Introduction” IM V6 1) 2) 1) 3) 4)
protective IM V19 1)
for outputs at 60 Hz) cover 1) 3) 5)
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – ✓ 7) ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5,
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The plane.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 5)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. 6)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.
2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/75

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at 60 Hz size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage, type type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, of construction and construc-
4/4-load 60 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
25 180 M 1775 100 Yes 92.4 0.82 31 1LG6 183-4AA 155
30 180 L 1775 120 Yes 92.4 0.83 36.5 1LG6 186-4AA 180
40 200 L 1775 160 Yes 93 0.84 48 1LG6 207-4AA 225
50 225 S 1785 199 No 93.6 0.84 60 1LG6 220-4AA 290
60 225 M 1785 239 Yes 94.1 0.85 70 1LG6 223-4AA 330
75 225 M 1785 299 Yes 94.1 0.85 88 1LG6 228-4AA 1) 355
75 250 M 1790 298 No 94.5 0.86 86 1LG6 253-4AA 460
100 250 M 1788 398 Yes 94.5 0.86 116 1LG6 258-4AA 495
100 280 S 1788 398 No 94.5 0.86 114 1LG6 280-4AA 575
125 280 M 1790 497 Yes 95 0.86 144 1LG6 283-4AA 675
150 280 M 1788 598 Yes 95 0.86 172 1LG6 288-4AA 710
150 315 S 1791 596 Yes 95 0.87 170 1LG6 310-4AA 810

4 175
315 M
315 L
1LG6 313-4AA
1LG6 316-4AA
250 315 L 1792 994 No 95.8 0.87 280 1LG6 317-4AA 1305
300 315 L 1792 1193 No 95.8 0.87 335 1LG6 318-4AA 1345

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame size Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LG6 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 50 Hz “High Efficiency”,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/70 to 4/73.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

Only 60 Hz data according to EPACT on the rating plate.
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/76 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
4-pole, 1800 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
1LG6 183-4AA 2.9 7.1 3.3 16 0.12 65 78
1LG6 186-4AA 2.8 7.4 3.4 16 0.14 65 78
1LG6 207-4AA 3 7.7 3.7 16 0.23 66 79
1LG6 220-4AA 3.1 7.5 3.4 16 0.4 65 78
1LG6 223-4AA 3.3 7.9 3.5 16 0.49 65 78
1LG6 228-4AA 3 7.8 3.3 16 0.66 64 78
1LG6 253-4AA 2.9 8.2 3.4 16 0.86 68 81
1LG6 258-4AA 3 8.1 3.3 16 0.99 72 86
1LG6 280-4AA 2.9 7.6 3.2 16 1.4 71 84
1LG6 283-4AA 3 8.2 3.4 16 1.7 71 84
1LG6 288-4AA 3.1 8.4 3.5 16 1.88 71 85
1LG6 310-4AA 3.1 7.8 3.2 16 2.3 75 88
1LG6 313-4AA
1LG6 316-4AA
88 4
1LG6 317-4AA 4 9.1 3.7 16 4.2 75 88
1LG6 318-4AA 4 9.3 3.7 16 4.5 81 94

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V3 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19 1)
(see “Introduction” IM V6 1) 2) 1) 3) 4)
protective IM V19 1)
for outputs at 60 Hz) cover 1) 3) 5)
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – 6) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5,
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The plane.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 5)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. 6)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/77

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
at 60 Hz size Rated speed Rated torque EPACT with Nominal Power Rated For Order No. supple- IM B3
at 60 Hz at 60 Hz CC No. CC efficiency factor current ments for voltage, type type of
032A at 60 Hz at 60 Hz at 460 V, of construction and construc-
4/4-load 60 Hz explosion protection tion
zones according to approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated ATEX, see tables below m
HP rpm Nm % A kg
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
20 180 L 1178 121 Yes 91 0.8 25.5 1LG6 186-6AA 175
25 200 L 1180 151 Yes 91.7 0.79 32.5 1LG6 206-6AA 210
30 200 L 1180 181 Yes 91.7 0.8 38.5 1LG6 207-6AA 240
40 225 M 1184 241 Yes 93 0.82 49 1LG6 223-6AA 325
50 225 M 1184 301 Yes 93 0.83 61 1LG6 228-6AA 355
50 250 M 1186 300 No 93 0.82 61 1LG6 253-6AA 405
60 250 M 1186 361 Yes 93.6 0.82 73 1LG6 258-6AA 435
60 280 S 1190 359 No 94.1 0.83 72 1LG6 280-6AA 520
75 280 M 1190 449 No 94.5 0.83 89 1LG6 283-6AA 570
100 280 M 1190 599 Yes 94.5 0.84 118 1LG6 288-6AA 615
100 315 S 1191 598 Yes 94.5 0.82 120 1LG6 310-6AA 760
125 315 M 1191 747 Yes 94.5 0.84 148 1LG6 313-6AA 935

4 150
315 L
315 L
1LG6 316-6AA
1LG6 317-6AA
200 315 L 1192 1195 Yes 95.4 0.84 235 1LG6 318-6AA 1245

Special versions according to ATEX

Motor type Zone 2 VIK (includes Zone 2) 2) Zone 21 Zone 22
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame size Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LG6 180 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
200 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
225 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
250 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
280 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
315 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ With additional charge

The motors can also be orderd in design for Zones 2 and 22 for The motors can also be used for 50 Hz “High Efficiency”,
non-conducting dust (IP55): see Pages 4/70 to 4/73.
Mains-fed operation – order code M74
Converter-fed operation with derating – order code M75
See “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data”
under “Options”.

Only 60 Hz data according to EPACT on the rating plate.
If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this
must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/78 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current torque
with direct starting as multiple of rated Measuring Sound pressure
torque current torque surface sound level at 60 Hz
pressure level
at 60 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
6-pole, 1200 rpm at 60 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
for use in the North American market according to EPACT
1LG6 186-6AA 2.9 6.5 3 16 0.2 57 70
1LG6 206-6AA 2.9 6.5 2.7 16 0.29 65 78
1LG6 207-6AA 2.9 6.4 2.7 16 0.36 65 78
1LG6 223-6AA 3.4 7.2 3.4 16 0.63 62 75
1LG6 228-6AA 3.2 7.6 3.4 16 0.76 61 74
1LG6 253-6AA 3.4 7.4 2.9 16 0.93 63 76
1LG6 258-6AA 3.4 7.4 2.9 16 1.07 65 79
1LG6 280-6AA 3.6 7.7 3.1 16 1.4 62 75
1LG6 283-6AA 3.9 8.3 3.3 16 1.6 62 75
1LG6 288-6AA 4 8.4 3.3 16 1.94 64 78
1LG6 310-6AA 3.3 8.4 3.4 16 2.5 66 79
1LG6 313-6AA 3 7.9 3.1 16 3.2 66 79
1LG6 316-6AA
1LG6 317-6AA
79 4
1LG6 318-6AA 4 9.4 4 16 5.4 69 82

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
60 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
460 VY 460 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V3 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V19 1)
(see “Introduction” IM V6 1) 2) 1) 3) 4)
protective IM V19 1)
for outputs at 60 Hz) cover 1) 3) 5)
1 6 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5,
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The plane.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 9 and order code M1G.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7 or IM V6 5)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. 6)
Type of construction IM V6 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1E.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/79

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Self-ventilated, in Zones 2 and 22 with type of prot. “n” or
prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Selection and ordering data

The data for series 1LA8 with type of protection “n” or protection dered using additional order options (special versions). These
against dust explosions can be found in the selection and order- special versions for voltages, construction types or options are
ing data in catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors of frame size listed in catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and
315 and above”. The technical specifications are identical to the above”.
specifications of the non-explosion-proof versions. They are or-
Special versions according to ATEX
Motor type Zone 2 VIK 1) Zone 21 Zone 22
(includes Zone 2, utilization
155 (F) according to 130 (B))
Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed Mains-fed Converter-fed
operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC) operation operation (FC)
Frame Order code Order code Order code On request Order code Order code Order code Order code
size M72 M73 K30 M34 M38 M35 M39
1LA8 315 ✓ O. R. ✓ O. R. – – ✓ ✓
355 ✓ O. R. ✓ O. R. – – ✓ ✓
400 ✓ O. R. – – – – ✓ ✓
450 ✓ O. R. – – – – ✓ ✓
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

4 Forced-air cooled, in Zones 2 and 22 with type of prot. “n” or

prot. against dust explosions – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Selection and ordering data

The data for series 1PQ8 with type of protection “n” or protection dered using additional order options (special versions). These
against dust explosions can be found in the selection and order- special versions for voltages, construction types or options are
ing data in catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors of frame size listed in catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and
315 and above”. The technical specifications are identical to the above”. Motor series 1PQ8 for converter-fed operation in Zone 2
specifications of the non-explosion-proof versions. They are or- available on request.

1) If the marking Ex nA II is required in addition to VIK on the rating plate, this

must be ordered using order code C27. The VIK version is not possible in
combination with Zone 21 and 22.

4/80 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

■ Overview
General information Mains-fed operation
Ex motors in vertical type of construction with shaft extension Motors to type of protection
pointing down must have a protective cover. • Ex e are only certified for mains-fed operation.
Extensive operating instructions are supplied as standard with 2-pole motors 1MA frame sizes 132 to 160 are designed with
explosion-proof motors. double rating plate (T1/T2 and T3) as standard. For motor ver-
For all explosion-proof motors, designs according to UL (order sions with order codes A11/A12 or with voltage code “9”
code D31) and CSA (order code D40) are not possible. T3-output is then stamped on the rating plate as standard. Al-
ternatively, “T1/T2-output on the rating plate” can be stamped
Motor connection – order code C30
For motors in Ex version (except for Zone 22, VIK, certified • Ex de/Ex d are designed in the basic version for mains-fed
metric cable glands/sealing plugs are included in the scope of operation
supply. • Motors 1MJ6/1MJ7 for use in type of protection Ex d/de
(Zone 1)/dust-Ex Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting
dust – order code M76
• Motors 1LA/1LG can be modified for use in Zones 2, 21 or 22
if they are ordered using order codes:
- Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed operation – (order code
- Design for Zones 2 and 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for
mains-fed operation – (order code M74)
- Design for Zone 21 1), as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust
(IP65) for mains-fed operation – (order code M34)
- Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for mains- 4
fed operation – (order code M35)
Certified motor protection switches/tripping units must be used
for motor protection, see Catalog LV 1.

1) Zone 21 takes into account conducting and non-conducting dust.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/81

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Converter-fed operation Possible variants: Rated operating points in Hz Additional order
The motors are suitable for use with converters for voltage rise information
times ts >0.1 μs for U ≤460 V (for motor series 1LA8 up to 500 V). 50 Hz field 5 25 50 fmax. 50 Hz voltage: e.g.
weakening range “9” and L1A
For converter-fed operation, Ex motors must always be moni- 60 Hz field 6 30 60 fmax. 60 Hz voltage: e.g.
tored using PTC thermistors. Certified tripping units are required weakening range “9” and L2E
for this purpose, see Catalog LV 1. 87 Hz characteristic 5 25 87 fmax. 87 Hz at 400 VΔ:
“9” and L3A
For converter-fed operation with frame size 225 and above, it is
recommended that an “Insulated bearing cartridge” – order Alternatively, rated operating points for SIMOVERT
code L27 is used. MASTERDRIVES, SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS S120 or ET 200S
FC on the rating plate can be ordered as follows:
Type of protection “Explosion-proof enclosure” Ex de IIC T4/
Ex d II C T4 Y68 with plain text (C text): Y68:SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
The motors must be ordered with: Y68 with plain text (C text): Y68:SINAMICS G110
• Motor protection with PTC thermistors for converter-fed ope- Y68 with plain text (C text): Y68:ET 200S FC
ration with 4 embedded temperature sensors for tripping –
Order code A15 Y68 with plain text (C text): Y68:SINAMICS S120
or • The converter type and the associated rating data are on the
rating plate
• Motor protection with PTC thermistors for converter-fed ope-
ration with 8 embedded temperature sensors for alarm and The reasons for this are the different control levels for the con-
tripping – Order code A16 verter with a converter output frequency of 45 Hz and above and
or the associated derating of the motor.
• Design for Zones 1 and 21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting For compliance with temperature class 130 (B), derating is

4 dust (IP65) for converter-fed operation, derating –

order code M77 (incl.order code A15)
necessary in the case of converter-fed operation in Zones 2, 21
and 22. Derating information is available in the configuration tool
SIZER (see Appendix).
The certificates for the motors and converters for hazardous
For motor series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7, a fourth PTC thermistor is areas are stored under “Documentation” in the SD configurator
installed in the connection box. tool for low-voltage motors.
Thermal utilization is according to temperature class 155 (F).
Only “one” voltage must be assigned to voltage codes/
The EU type test certificate and factory certificate 2.1 also cover order codes:
converter-fed operation. Voltage code Order code Mains voltage
General converters for Zone 2/21/22 3 - 500 VY 50 Hz
5 - 500 VΔ 50 Hz
1LA and 1LG motors for Zones 2, 21 and 22 for converter-fed
operation have 3 PTC thermistors for tripping as standard. 9 L1A 400 VY 50 Hz
1LG4/1LG6 motors also have an additional PTC thermistor in the 9 L1B 400 VΔ 50 Hz
connection box. 9 L1C 415 VY 50 Hz
9 L1D 415 VΔ 50 Hz
Optionally available: PTC thermistors for alarm for converter-fed
9 L2E 460 VY 60 Hz
operation in Zones 2, 21, 22 – Order code A10
9 L2F 460 VΔ 60 Hz
For all motors, “MICROMASTER DUTY S9” is stamped on the 9 L2W 440 VY 60 Hz
rating plate complete with the relevant rating data. (Exception: 9 L2X 440 VΔ 60 Hz
Motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8). 9 L1Y (non-standard Plain text
These rated operating points apply for both constant torque winding) (max. 460 VY 50 or 60 Hz)
drives and pump/fan/compressor drives. For a constant torque 9 L3A 1) For 87 Hz 400 VΔ
(4 to 8-pole)
drive, the resulting thermal motor torques in the positioning
range must be taken into account.
On the rating plate, four rated operating points are possible in
the following variants:

1) Not technically possible for 1LG, FS 315 L.

4/82 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

■ Overview (continued)
1LA8, 1PQ8 motors for converter-fed operation VIK version
When 1LA8 and 1PQ8 motors are ordered, the speed setting VIK standard version:
range and the load torque must be specified as well as whether • VIK version – Order code K30
the application is for a “Constant torque drive” or a “Fan/pump/
compressor drive”. VIK version “Non-sparking”:
In some cases, a system test must be performed to ensure that • “Ex nA II T3” marking on VIK rating plate according to Direc-
the admissible limit temperature is not exceeded. tive 94/9/EU (ATEX) – Order code C27
• A system test is not generally required for motors for applica- The motors in VIK design (K30) contain technology for Zone 2 in
tions with quadratic load torque (M~n2). Ex nA II T3 type of protection. In accordance with VIK recom-
• A system test is usually required for motors for applications mendations, “Ex nA II T3” will only be stamped on the rating
with constant load torque. In individual cases in which the plate on the express wish of the customer when ordering with
motor type has already been measured once using the same order code C27.
speed setting range, a new system test is not necessary. Note: When ordering, C27 must be specified in addition to K30.
Please inquire in such cases. Motors up to frame size 355 can be supplied in accordance with
For all motors, an additional rating plate complete with the rating the technical requirements of the VIK (Verband der Industriellen
data for the converter is fitted. Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft e.V.). Not possible for 1LA5 motors,
1LG4 motors will be supplied.
Converters specially for Zone 2, type of protection “n” or 1LG4, 1LG6, 1MJ6 and 1MJ7 motors in frame size 315 are
Ex nA II T3 supplied with special connection boxes with a removable cable
The motors must be ordered with entry plate.
• Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed operation, derating
Ex nA II T3 acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15 – Order code M73.
Note the output and dimensions in the case of 1LA8 motors. With 4
1LA8 motors the connection boxes cannot be rotated by 4 x 90°.
In the version for order code M73, PTC thermistors are included Motors in a vertical type of construction with the shaft extension
in accordance with temperature class 130 (B). pointing down must have a protective cover (e.g. type of con-
struction code 4). Use according to temperature class 130 (B) is
The IEC/EN 60079-15 standard requires that the converter drive mandatory. Frame sizes 400 and 450 are not included in VIK.
for motors is subjected to the “non-sparking” test. The test is
available for Siemens motors Ex nA II on Siemens converters in Please inquire about converter-fed operation in all cases.
accordance with Factory Certificate 2.1. Motors in VIK design with mounted technology (brake, rotary
Please inquire in the case of a non-Siemens converter pulse encoder, separately driven fan and anti-condensation
(additional charge). heater) are not compatible with Zone 2. Designs for Zone 21/22
The test will cost more in the case of non-Siemens converters are not possible.
(especially on commissioning). Chinese explosion-proof certification
Commissioning personnel must be provided by the customer for
setting up and operating the non-Siemens converter during the For projects in China in particular, explosion-proof motors are
test, if required. required that have been approved by a named Chinese testing
Converters specially for Zone 21/22
Ex certification for China – Order code D32
The motors must be ordered with:
The following motor series have Chinese Ex certification:
• Design for Zone 21 1), as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust
(IP65) for converter-fed operation, derating – Order code M38 • Zone 1 type of protection “d” or Ex de IIC T4/Ex d IIC T4:
1MJ6, 1MJ7
• Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for con-
verter-fed operation, derating – Order code M39 • Zone 2 type of protection “n” or Ex nA II T3: 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9,
1LG when ordered in:
In order codes M38/M39, PTC thermistors are included in accor- - Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed operation
dance with temperature class 130 (B). Ex nA II T3 acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15 – Order code M72.
- Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed operation,
Please inquire in the case of a non-Siemens converter derating
(additional charge). Ex nA II T3 acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15 – Order code M73.
Converters for Zone 2/22 In addition, the VIK design for motor series 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1LA,
The motors must be ordered with: 1LG can also be ordered with Ex certification for China.
• Design for Zones 2 and 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for When these motors are ordered in the version
converter-fed operation, derating – Order code M75 • “Ex certification for China” – Order code D32
In order code M75, PTC thermistors are included in accordance the “NEPSI 2) certificate number” and the “NEPSI” logo are
with temperature class 130 (B). stamped on the rating plate.
Please inquire in the case of a non-Siemens converter For motor series 1LA8, the “CQST 3) certificate number” and the
(additional charge). logo: “CQST” are then stamped on the rating plate.

1) 3)
Zone 21 takes into account conducting and non-conducting dust. CQST = China National Quality Supervision and Test Centre for Explosion
NEPSI = National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protec- Protected Electrical Products.
tion and Safety of Instrumentation.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/83

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

■ Selection and ordering data

Voltages For some non-standard voltages at 50 or 60 Hz, order codes are
specified. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for
Additional order codes for other voltages or voltage codes voltage in the 11th position of the Order No. and the appropriate
(without -Z supplement) order code.
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code identifica-
11th posi- tion code
tion of the with order
Order No. code and
plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Aluminum series 1MA7
1MA7 (aluminum)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(209 ... 231 VΔ/361 ... 399 VY);
50 Hz output 1)

230 VΔ (218 ... 242 VΔ); 9 L1E

50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(361 ... 399 VΔ/627 ... 693 VY);
50 Hz output
415 VY (394 ... 436 VY); 9 L1C ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)

4 415 VΔ (394 ... 436 VΔ);

50 Hz output 1)
9 L1D – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ 4) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 5)
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Cast-iron series 1MA6
1MA6 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(209 ... 231 VΔ/361 ... 399 VY);
50 Hz output
230 VΔ (218 ... 242 VΔ); 9 L1E –
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(361 ... 399 VΔ/627 ... 693 VY);
50 Hz output 1)

415 VY (394 ... 436 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –

50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (394 ... 436 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 5)
Without additional charge • This order code only determines the price of the version –
✓ With additional charge Additional plain text is required.
– Not possible Footnotes, see Page 4/85.

4/84 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th posi- tion code
tion of the with order
Order No. code and
plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” – Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
1MJ6 (cast-iron) 1MJ7 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E –
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output 1)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output
440 VY; 50 Hz output

– 4
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 5)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

1) 4)
For order codes L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R, L1U and L1A a rated voltage For motors 1MA7 060-2, 1MA7 060-4 and 1MA7 063-4 (motor series 1MA7
range is also marked on the rating plate. frame size 63, 2- and 4-pole) not possible.
2) For motors 1MA7 060-4 (motor series 1MA7 frame size 63, 4-pole) not 5) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
possible. required rated output in kW.
3) Special certification is required for 60 Hz.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/85

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th posi- tion code
tion of the with order
Order No. code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1) 1LA5
(aluminum) 1)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 2)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E
50 Hz output 2)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 2)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 2)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 2)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 2)
4 400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 2)
9 L1B

400 VΔ (460 VΔ bei 60 Hz) 9 L1U

(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output
400 VΔ 9 L3A
87 Hz output
(4-pole to 8-pole only)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 V and
690 V (voltages outside this
range are available on
request) 4)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

Zone 2 is not possible for motor series 1LA5 and motor series 1LA7 for
frame size 56.
For Zones 21 and 22, for order codes L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R, L1U, L1B
and L1A a rated voltage range is also marked on the rating plate.
The rating data for converter-fed operation is also provided in a table on
the rating plate.
Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

4/86 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th posi- tion code
tion of the with order
Order No. code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ bei 60 Hz)


(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ 9 L3A
87 Hz output
(4-pole to 8-pole only) 2)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 3)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

1) For Zones 21 and 22, for order codes L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R, L1U, L1B
and L1A a rated voltage range is also marked on the rating plate.
2) The rating data for converter-fed operation is also provided in a table on
the rating plate.
3) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/87

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th posi- tion code
tion of the with order
Order No. code and
plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E –
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A –
50 Hz output 1)

4 400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ);

50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ bei 60 Hz)


(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ 9 L3A O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. –
87 Hz output
(2-pole to 4-pole only) 2)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E –
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 3)

Without additional charge

✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

For Zones 21 and 22, for order codes L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R, L1U, L1B
and L1A a rated voltage range is also marked on the rating plate.
The rating data for converter-fed operation is also provided in a table on
the rating plate.
3) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

4/88 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size

code identifica-
11th posi- tion code
tion of the with order
Order No. code and
plain text if 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
required S/M L
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ... 400 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E –
50 Hz output 1)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ... 695 VY);
50 Hz output 1)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output 1)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 1)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A –
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ bei 60 Hz)


(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 1)
400 VΔ 9 L3A O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. –
87 Hz output
(4-pole to 8-pole only) 2)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E –
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range
are available on request) 3)

Without additional charge

✓ With additional charge
O. R. Possible on request
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

For Zones 21 and 22, for order codes L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R, L1U, L1B
and L1A a rated voltage range is also marked on the rating plate.
The rating data for converter-fed operation is also provided in a table on
the rating plate.
Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/89

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Types of construction Order codes have been defined for some special types of con-
struction. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for the
Additional order codes for other types of construction or type of type of construction in the 12th position of the Order No. and the
construction codes (without -Z supplement) appropriate order code.
Special versions Type of Additional Motor type frame size
construc- identifica-
tion code tion code 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315 L
12th posi- with order S/M
tion of the code and
Order No. plain text if 2- 4-,
required pole 6-,
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Aluminum series 1MA7
1MA7 (aluminum)
Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 2) 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 2) 9 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 2) 9 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Cast-iron series 1MA6
1MA6 (cast-iron)
Without flange

4 IM V6 1) 3)
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 2) 3)

✓ 4)
✓ 4) ✓
With flange
IM V3 1) 5) 9 M1G – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 2) 9 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 4)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types 60 Hz version is possible on request.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 5)
1MA6 motors of frame sizes 225 S to 315 M are supplied with two screw-in
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
If motors of frame sizes 180 M to 315 L are mounted on the wall, it is
recommended that the motor feet are supported.

4/90 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Type of Additional Motor type frame size

construc- identifica-
tion code tion code
12th posi- with order
tion of the code and
Order No. plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” – Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
1MJ6 (cast-iron) 1MJ7 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 2) 3) 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With flange
IM V3 1) 4) 9 M1G – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 2) 9 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – – – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 2) 9 M2B ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – – – – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – – – – –
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 3)
The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types If motors of frame sizes 180 M to 315 M are mounted on the wall, it is
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective recommended that the motor feet are supported.
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing 4)
1MJ7 motors of frame sizes 225 S to 315 M are supplied with two screw-in
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not
cover must not block the cooling air-flow. be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/91

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Type of Additional Motor type frame size

construc- identifica-
tion code tion code 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315 L
12th posi- with order S/M
tion of the code and
Order No. plain text if 2- 4-,
required pole 6-,
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1) 1LA5
(aluminum) 1)
Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M1F – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With flange
IM V3 2) 4) 9 M1G – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M2A – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M2B – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)

Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M1F – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With flange
IM V3 9 M1G – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M2A – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M2B – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V6 2) 6) 9 M1E – – – – – – – – – – ✓ 5)
IM V5 with protective cover 2) 3) 6) 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5) ✓
With flange
IM V3 2) 7) 9 M1G – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 2) 3) 9 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – –
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions – Cast-iron series
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V6 6) 9 M1E – – – – – – ✓ 5)
IM V5 with protective cover 2) 3) 6) 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5) ✓
With flange
IM V3 2) 7) 9 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) Zone 2 is not possible for motor series 1LA5 and motor series 1LA7 for 5) 60 Hz version is possible on request.
frame size 56. 6) If motors of frame sizes 180 M to 315 L are mounted on the wall, it is
2) The following applies for explosion-proof motors: In the case of the types recommended that the motor feet are supported.
of construction with shaft extension down, the version “with protective 7) 1LG4/1LG6 motors of frame sizes 225 S to 315 M are supplied with two
cover” is required. For types of construction with shaft extension pointing screw-in eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one can be relo-
upwards, a suitable cover must be implemented to prevent small parts cated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that stress
from falling into the fan cover (see the standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
cover must not block the cooling air-flow.
3) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
4) For frame sizes 180 M to 225 M, the 1LA5 motors can be supplied with two
additional eyebolts; state identification code “-Z” and order code K32.

4/92 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Aluminum series 1MA7
1MA7 (aluminum)
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX
T1/T2 on rating plate 1) C30 – – – – – –
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 3 embedded
temperature sensors for tripping
Motor protection with PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 6 embedded
temperature sensors for alarm and
tripping 2)
Motor connection and connection box
Connection box on RHS K09 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/tempera- C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ture with 30 to 60 g water per m3
of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tem-
perature 45 °C, derating approx.
4 % 3)
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tem-
perature 50 °C, derating approx.
8 % 3)
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tem-
perature 55 °C, derating approx.
13 % 3)
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tem-
perature 60 °C, derating approx.
18 % 3)
Increased air humidity/tempera- C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ture with 60 to 100 g water
per m of air
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, special fin-
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, ish RAL ….
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015,
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, special fin-
see “Special finish in special RAL ish RAL ….
Page 0/19
Offshore special finish M91 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/95.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/93

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Aluminum series 1MA7
1MA7 (aluminum)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with an oil-tightness of up to
0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction of
rotation 4)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise
direction of rotation 4)
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 5) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rust-resistant screws (externally) M27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

4 Coolant temperature and site altitude

Coolant temperature –40 °C to D19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
+40 °C for EX motors 6)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Certification 7)
VIK version K30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 8)
Second standard shaft extension 9) K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 10) identifica-
tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/95.

4/94 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Aluminum series 1MA7
1MA7 (aluminum)
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan K35 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/
English enclosed in print
B23 4
Wire-lattice pallet L99
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 7)
2-pole motors 1 MA frame sizes 132 to 160 are designed with double rat- CCC certification is required for
ing plate (T1/T2 and T3) as standard. For motor versions with order codes – 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW
A11/A12 or with voltage code “9” T3-output is then stamped on the rating – 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW
plate as standard. Alternatively, “T1/T2-output on the rating plate” can be – 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
stamped – order code C30 – 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW
2) 8)
Evaluation with associated 3RN1 tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
mended. When used in hazardous areas, a certified tripping unit is Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
required. Motor protection by means of PTC thermistor as sole protection increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
available on request. 9)
Not possible for low-noise version (2-pole) for frame sizes 132 S to 160 L.
The maximum certified output will be supplied. Version with protective cover not possible.
4) 10)
1MA7 motors are up to 80 mm longer than normal. A second shaft exten- When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
sion is not possible. than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protection. If dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
so that the condensation drainage holes situated between the feet on extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
delivery are underneath. nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
The featherkeys are supplied in every case.
Not possible in combination with vibration-proof version, order code L03. For order codes Y55 and K16:
– Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
(see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
– Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/95

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Additional Motor type frame size

tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Cast-iron series 1MA6
1MA6 (cast-iron)
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX
T1/T2 on rating plate 1) C30 – – – – – – – –
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 3 embedded
temperature sensors for tripping 2)
Motor protection with PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 6 embedded
temperature sensors for alarm
and tripping 2)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 2)
Installation of 2 PT100 screw-in A78 – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
resistance thermometers (3-wire
circuit) for rolling-contact bearings

Motor connection and connection box
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box in cast-iron K15 ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 L97 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m3
of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 45 °C, derating
approx. 4 % 3)
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 50 °C, derating
approx. 8 % 3)
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 55 °C, derating
approx. 13 % 3)
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 60 °C, derating
approx. 18 % 3)
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water
per m3 of air

For legend, see Page 4/98, for footnotes, see Page 4/99.

4/96 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Cast-iron series 1MA6
1MA6 (cast-iron)
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030 – – – – – –
stone gray
Standard finish in other standard Y53 • and – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, standard
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, finish RAL
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, ….
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray 4)
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, special fin-
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, ish RAL ….
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015,
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special fin-
“Special finish in special RAL ish RAL ….
Page 0/19
Offshore special finish M91 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mount- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ing motors with an oil-tightness of
up to 0.1 bar
Not possible for type of construc-
tion IM V3; with frame size 180 M
and above, only possible for
4-pole to 6-pole motors
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise
direction of rotation
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Condensation drainage holes 6) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Rust-resistant screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature –40 °C to D19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
+40 °C for EX motor 7)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
VIK version K30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 8)
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –

For legend, see Page 4/98, for footnotes, see Page 4/99.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/97

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” – Cast-iron series 1MA6
1MA6 (cast-iron)
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9) ✓ 9) ✓ 9) ✓ 9)
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement in
accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 9)
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 10)
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension in L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
4 Non-standard cylindrical shaft
extension 11)
Y55 • and
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

tion code
Heating and ventilation
Cast-iron fan cover K34 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Metal external fan K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters K45 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23
English enclosed in print
Wire-lattice pallet L99 – – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 4/99.

4/98 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

1) 2-pole motors 1MA frame sizes 132 to 160 are designed with double rating 8) Not possible for 2-pole 1MA6 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical type of
plate (T1/T2 and T3) as standard. For motor versions with order codes construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces for vibration quantity
A11/A12 or with voltage code “9” T3-output is then stamped on the rating level B are available on request for 1MA6 motors of frame size 225 M and
plate as standard. Alternatively, “T1/T2-output on the rating plate” can be above. Not possible for 1MA6 motors of frame size 225 M and above in
stamped – order code C30 combination with concentricity of shaft extension, coaxiality and linear
2) Evaluation with associated 3RN1 tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- movement according to DIN 42955 tolerance R for flange-mounting types.
mended. When used in hazardous areas, a certified tripping unit is 9) Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
required. Motor protection with PTC thermistors is available as sole protec- Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
tion up to frame size 160 L on request. With frame size 180 M and above, it increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
is not permitted as sole protection; motor protection switch is required. 10) For motors of frame size 180 M and above in vertical type of construction
3) The maximum certified output will be supplied. in version with second shaft extension on request. Not possible for low-
4) For frame sizes 100 to 200, do not specify an order code. Order code is noise version (2-pole) for frame sizes 132 S to 160 L. Version with protec-
only necessary for frame sizes 225 to 315. tive cover not possible.
11) When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
5) 1MA6 motors are up to 80 mm longer than normal. A second shaft exten-
sion is not possible. than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protection. If way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or the manufacturer normatively. Not applicable for: Conical shafts, non-stan-
IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to dard threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded
relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) journals, extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g.
so that the condensation drainage holes situated between the feet on square journals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE
delivery are underneath. or NDE. The featherkeys are supplied in every case.
7) Not possible in combination with vibration-proof version, order code L03. For order codes Y55 and K16:
– Dimensions D and DA ≤ Inner diameter of roller bearing
(see tables under “Dimensions”)
– Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x Length E (normal) of the shaft extension
For explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/99

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Additional Motor type frame size

tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” – Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
1MJ6 (cast-iron) 1MJ7 (cast-iron)
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX
Design for Zones 1 and 21, as well as M76 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for Zone 22 for conducting dust
(IP65), for mains-fed operation 1)
Design for Zones 1 and 21, as well as M77 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for Zone 22 for conducting dust
(IP65), for converter-fed operation,
derating 1)
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 3 embedded temperature sen-
sors for tripping 2) 3)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 6 embedded temperature sen-
sors for alarm and tripping 2) 3) 4)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for converter-fed operation with
4 embedded temperature sensors
for tripping 2) 3)
4 Motor protection with PTC thermistors A16
for converter-fed operation with
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

8 embedded temperature sensors

for alarm and tripping 2) 3) 4)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resis- A72 – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
tance thermometers (basic circuit) for
rolling-contact bearings 2)
Installation of 2 PT100 screw-in resis- A78 – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
tance thermometers (3-wire circuit)
for rolling-contact bearings 2)
Motor connection and connection box
Connection box on RHS K09 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box in cast-iron version K15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5) ✓ ✓ ✓
Explosion-proof connection box, K53 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ex d IIC type of protection 6)
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85
through 180°
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3020 7) L97 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Saddle terminal for connection M47 – – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
without cable lug, accessories pack
(3 items of high saddle terminals)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/103.

4/100 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” – Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
1MJ6 (cast-iron) 1MJ7 (cast-iron)
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m³ of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempe-
rature 45 °C, derating approx. 4 % 8)
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempe-
rature 50 °C, derating approx. 8 % 8)
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempe-
rature 55 °C, derating approx. 13 % 8)
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempe-
rature 60 °C, derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water per m³ of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

to 130 (B), with a higher coolant specified
temperature and/or site altitude output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030 – – – – – – – – –
stone gray
Standard finish in other standard RAL Y53 • and – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, standard
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, 5009, finish RAL
5010, 5012, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, ….
6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray 9)
Special finish in other standard RAL Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, special fin-
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, 5009, ish RAL ….
5010, 5012, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019,
6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL colors: Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
For RAL colors, see “Special finish in special fin-
special RAL colors” ish RAL ….
Page 0/19
Offshore special finish M91 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special technology
Mounting of the explosion-proof H87 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder for use on Ex
d/de motors in Zone 1 10)
Mounting of the explosion-proof Ex M98 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
de separately driven fan for use in
Zone 1 11)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/103.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/101

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” – Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
1MJ6 (cast-iron) 1MJ7 (cast-iron)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with an oil-tightness
of up to 0.1 bar
Not possible for type of construction
IM V3; with frame size 180 M and
above, only possible for 4-pole to
8-pole motors
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K37 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with clockwise direction of rotation 12)
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K38 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with counter-clockwise direction of
rotation 12)
IP65 degree of protection 13) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Mechanical protection for encoder 15) M68 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – – – – – –
Certification 16)
VIK version K30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ex certification for China D32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
cantilever forces 17)
Regreasing device K40 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 18)
Second standard shaft extension 19) K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and – – – – – – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
extension 20) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan K35 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for 230 V K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Anti-condensation heaters for 115 V K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


Separately driven fan with non-stan- Y81 • and – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

dard voltage and/or frequency identifica-
tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/103.

4/102 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” – Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7
1MJ6 (cast-iron) 1MJ7 (cast-iron)
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate withY80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating plate Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and on package label (maximum of identifica-
20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23
English enclosed in print
Wire-lattice pallet
Standard version
L99 – – – –
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 14)
In combination with order codes K30 and M98 please inquire. A combination of order code K52 degree of protection IP56 (non-heavy-
Not possible in combination with order codes D32, K50 and K52. sea) with M76 or M77 is not permissible.
2) 15)
Evaluation with appropriate 3RN1 tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is rec- 1MJ6 motors of frame size 90 to 160 have a rugged flanged. Ex OG9
ommended. When used in hazardous areas, a certified tripping unit is rotary pulse encoder, which offers alone a high mechanical protection.
required. The mechanical protection for the encoder is not necessary when a rotary
For 1MJ6 motors, for a version with PTC thermistors, an anti-condensation pulse encoder is combined with a separately driven fan because in this
heater (order code K45, K46) up to frame size 160 L is not possible. case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under the fan cowl.
For 1MJ6 motors frame sizes 180 to 200 and 1MJ7 motors, for a version CCC certification is required for
with PTC thermistors, an anti-condensation heater (order code K45, K46) – 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW
is not possible. Exception: 1MJ7 frame size 315. – 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW
– 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
For 1MJ6 motors frame size 160 L standard version. – 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW
6) 17)
Drilled holes for the cable glands are sealed with Exd plugs for 1MJ Bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity level B on
motors as standard. request.
On request, the Exd cable entries can be supplied for 1MJ7 motors. When 18)
ordering, the number of cables and outer diameters must be specified so Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
that the appropriate cable glands can be supplied. Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
Not possible in combination with order code K53, since the auxiliary con- 19)
nection box has been approved only for Ex de. For 1MJ6/1MJ7 motors of frame size 180 M and above in vertical type of
construction in version with second shaft extension on request. Not possible
Derating does not apply in combination with order codes L2A, L2C, L2Q, for low-noise version (2-pole). Version with protective cover not possible.
L2R, L2S, L2T, L2U and L2V. 20)
When motors which have a longer or shorter shaft extension than normal
For frame sizes 71 to 200, do not specify an order code. are ordered, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
Order code is only necessary for frame sizes 225 to 315. be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
10) dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
In combination with order codes C19, C26, L27 and M98 please inquire.
Not possible in combination with order codes C22 to C25 (frame sizes 90 way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
to 160), D19, K16, K50, M77. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
Furthermore a combination with protective cover is not possible. Therefore threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
a suitable cover must be implemented by the end user in vertical mount- extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
ing position to prevent small parts from falling into the fan cover (see the nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
standard IEC/EN 60079-0). The featherkeys are supplied in every case.
11) For order codes Y55 and K16:
In combination with order codes C19, C22 to C26, D19, H87, K50, K52, – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
M76 and M77 please inquire. (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
Not possible in combination with order code K16. – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
The motors are up to 80 mm longer than normal. A second shaft extension For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
is not possible. 21)
For 1MJ6 motors, version with 3, 4 PTC thermistors (order codes A11,
Order code K50 (protective cover IP65) can be ordered only for Zone 1. A15) is not possible up to frame size 160 L.
For Zone 21, IP65 degree of protection is standard. 22)
Not possible for version with 6, 8 PTC thermistors (order codes A12, A16).
Not possible for Zone 22, because only IP55 degree of protection is Exception: 1MJ7 frame size 315.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/103

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Additional Motor type frame size

tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1) 1LA5
(aluminum) 2)
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX 3)

Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed M72 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –

operation Ex nA II T3
to IEC/EN 60079-15 4)
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed M73 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
operation, reduced output Ex nA II T3
to IEC/EN 60079-15 4) 5) 6)
Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non- M74 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
conducting dust (IP55), for mains-fed
operation 7)
Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non- M75 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
conducting dust (IP55), for converter-
fed operation, derating 5)6)7)
Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 M34 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for conducting dust (IP65) for mains-
fed operation 8)
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 M38
for conducting dust (IP65) for con-
verter-fed operation, derating 4) 6) 8)
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting M35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dust (IP55) for mains-fed operation
Design for Zone 22 for conducting dust M39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(IP55) for converter-fed operation,
derating 4) 6)
VIK design (comprises Zone 2 for K30 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
mains-fed operation, without Ex nA II
marking on rating plate)
Ex nA II on VIK rating plate C27 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Alternative converter Y68 • and
SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS S120 type ….
or ET 200S FC)
Motor protection
With PTC thermistors for alarm for A10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
converter-fed operation
in Zones 2, 21, 22 9)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 3 embedded temperature sensors
for tripping 9)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 6 embedded temperature sensors
for alarm and tripping 9)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 9)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 9)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 9)

For legend, see Page 4/108, for footnotes, see Page 4/109.

4/104 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1) 1LA5
(aluminum) 2)
Motor connection and connection box
Connection box on RHS K09 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal 10) K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum configuration K55 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
External earthing L13
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m³ of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 45 °C, derating approx. 4 % 11)
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 50 °C, derating approx. 8 % 11)
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 55 °C, derating approx. 13 % 11)
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 60 °C, derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), with increased coolant specified
temperature and/or site altitude output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea

For legend, see Page 4/108, for footnotes, see Page 4/109.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/105

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1) 1LA5
(aluminum) 2)
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard RAL Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, special fin-
2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, 5007, 5009, ish RAL ….
5010, 5012, 5015, 5017, 5018, 5019,
6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL colors: For Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors, see “Special finish in spe- special fin-
cial RAL colors” ish RAL ….
Page 0/19
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23

(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special technology
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary H86 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder for use in Zones
2, 21, 22 12)
Mounting of explosion-proof separately M97 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan II 3D for use in Zone 22 13)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with an oil-tightness of
up to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type
of construction
With two additional eyebolts for K32 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K37 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with clockwise direction of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors K38 – – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with counter-clockwise direction of
IP65 degree of protection 14) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 15)
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 16) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rust-resistant screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical protection for encoder 17) M68 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 4/108, for footnotes, see Page 4/109.

4/106 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1) 1LA5
(aluminum) 2)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature –40 °C to +40 °C D19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for EX motor 18)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – –
Certification 19)
Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ex-certification for China D32 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
(only valid for Zone 2)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse G50 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
measurement for bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE
Located bearing NDE

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 20)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard dimen- K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
sions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of rust-resistant M65 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 21) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Metal external fan 22) K35 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 230 V M15 – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 115 V M14 – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.

For legend, see Page 4/108, for footnotes, see Page 4/109.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/107

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1) 1LA5
(aluminum) 2)
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204

4 Operating instructions German/English B23

enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for vertical F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 – –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 4/109.

4/108 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

1) Zone 2 for motor series 1LA7 only frame size 63 and above. 16) When supplied the condensation drainage holes are sealed at the drive
2) Zone 2 is not possible for motor series 1LA5. For Zone 2, instead of 1LA5 end DE and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protec-
motors, 1LG4 motors are used. tion. If condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6,
IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is
Anti-condensation heater up to frame size 71 M not possible. necessary to relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-
4) These motors do not have a rated voltage range stamped on the rating drive end (NDE) so that the condensation drainage holes situated
plate. between the feet on delivery are underneath.
5) 17) Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
According to the standard, the motor and converter must be tested as a
unit. A “Manufacturer test certificate” is available for a defined spectrum of driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
Siemens motors (frame sizes 63 M to 315 L)/converter. Please inquire in the fan cover.
the case of a non-Siemens converter (additional charge). 18) Not possible in combination with order code L03.
6) With this option, PTC thermistors for temperature class 130 (B) are The mechanical limit speed of 1LA5 2-pole motors in the design for Zones
included. For compliance with temperature class 130 (B), derating is 21/22 from frame size 180 has been reduced compared to the values in
necessary in the case of converter-fed operation in Zones 2, 21 and 22. catalog part 5 “Motors operating with frequency converters” of the cata-
The operating data for the MICROMASTER converter series from Siemens log:
are specified on the rating plate as standard. Derating information is avail-
Frame size 2 pole nmax in rpm fmax in Hz
able on request. For converter-fed operation only voltage codes/order
codes with only one voltage are permitted, see also Page 4/82. 180 3300 55
7) In combination with order codes D19, K30 and M97 please inquire. 200 3100 51
Not possible in combination with order codes D32, K50 and K52. 225 3000 50
8) Zone 21 takes into account conducting and non-conducting dust. This is particularly important to be observed for converter-fed operation
9) and operation on 60 Hz line supplies. Option: 1LG4 motors in the design
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
mended. When used in hazardous areas, a certified tripping unit is for Zones 21/22.
required. KTY 84-130 and PT 100 are not permitted as sole protection. 19)
CCC certification is required for
Full motor protection for mains-fed operation implemented only with PTC – 2-pole motors: ≤2.2 kW
thermistors, please inquire. – 4-pole motors: ≤1.1 kW
For 1LA7 and 1LA5 motors additional charge only applies to Zone 22. – 6-pole motors: ≤0.75 kW
Designs for Zones 2 and 21 already have a certified metal cable gland in – 8-pole motors: ≤0.55 kW
the standard version. 20)
Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
11) Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
Derating does not apply in combination with order codes L2A, L2C, L2Q,
L2R, L2S, L2T, L2U and L2V. tilever forces, order code K20).
12) 21)
In combination with order codes C19, C26, L27 and M97 please inquire. When motors which have a longer or shorter shaft extension than normal
Not possible in combination with order code K16. Furthermore a combina- are ordered, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
tion with protective cover is not possible. Therefore a suitable cover must be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
be implemented by the end user in vertical mounting position to prevent dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
small parts from falling into the fan cover (see the standard way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
IEC/EN 60079-0). the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
13) threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
In combination with order codes C19, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, D19,
extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
H86, K50 and K52 please inquire.
nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
Not possible in combination with order codes C27, K16, K30, M72, M73,
The featherkeys are supplied in every case.
M34, M38, M74 and M75.
For order codes Y55 and K16:
Order code K50 (IP65 degree of protection) can only be ordered for – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
Zone 2. For Zone 21, IP65 degree of protection is standard. Not possible (see dimension tables under “Dimensions”)
for Zone 22, because only IP55 degree of protection is required. – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
Order code K52 IP56 degree of protection (non-heavy-sea) is only possi- For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
ble for Zone 2. Not admissible for Zone 21 (IP65 degree of protection) and 22)
For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
Zone 22 (IP55 degree of protection). operation is permitted. The metal external fan is standard for these motors
in the version for Zone 21/22. The metal external fan is not possible in
combination with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/109

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Additional Motor type frame size

tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX 1)
Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed M72 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
operation Ex nA II T3 to
IEC/EN 60079-15 2)
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed M73 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
operation, reduced output
Ex nA II T3 to IEC/EN 60079-15
2) 3) 4)

Design for Zones 2 and 22, for M74 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –

non-conducting dust (IP55), for
mains-fed operation 5)
Design for Zones 2 and 22, for M75 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
non-conducting dust (IP55), for
converter-fed operation, derating

Design for Zone 21, as well as M34 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65)
for mains-fed operation 6)

4 Design for Zone 21, as well as

Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65)
M38 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

for converter-fed operation,

derating 2) 4) 6)
Design for Zone 22 for non-con- M35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ducting dust (IP55) for mains-fed
Design for Zone 22 for non-con- M39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ducting dust (IP55) for converter-
fed operation, derating 2) 4)
VIK design (comprises Zone 2 K30 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
for mains-fed operation, without
Ex nA II marking on rating plate)
Ex nA II on VIK rating plate C27 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Alternative converter Y68 • and
SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS S120 type ….
or ET 200S FC)
Motor protection
With PTC thermistors for alarm A10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for converter-fed operation
in Zones 2, 21, 22 7)
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping 7)
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for alarm and
tripping 7)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 7)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 7)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 7)

For legend, see Page 4/113, for footnotes, see Page 4/114.

4/110 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Motor connection and connection box
Connection box on RHS K09 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal 8) K54 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Cable gland, maximum K55 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
External earthing L13
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 45 °C, derating
approx. 4 % 9)
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 50 °C, derating
approx. 8 % 9)
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 55 °C, derating
approx. 13 % 9)
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 60 °C, derating
approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), with a higher specified
coolant temperature and/or site output,
altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, special fin-
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, ish RAL ….
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015,
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7033, 7035,
9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see “Spe- special fin-
cial finish in special RAL colors” ish RAL ….
Page 0/19
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 4/113, for footnotes, see Page 4/114.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/111

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Special technology
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary H86 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder for use in Zones
2, 21, 22 10)
Mounting of explosion-proof M97 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan II 3D for use
in Zone 22 11)

Mechanical design and degrees of protection

Drive-end seal K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for flange-mounting motors with
an oil-tightness of up to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise
4 direction of rotation
IP65 degree of protection 12) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 13)
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 14) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rust-resistant screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical protection for encoder M68 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Coolant temperature and site altitude

Coolant temperature –40 °C to D19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
+40 °C for EX motor 16)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Certification 17)
Electrical according to NEMA D30 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ex-certification for China D32 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
(only valid for Zone 2)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 4/113, for footnotes, see Page 4/114.

4/112 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Aluminum series 1LA9
1LA9 (aluminum)
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 18)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 19) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
Metal external fan 20)
Anti-condensation heater,

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. 4
Ex. 230 V
Anti-condensation heater, M14 – – – O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Ex. 115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
identification code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23
English enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for vertical F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 4/114.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/113

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

1) Anti-condensation heater up to frame size 71 M not possible. 14) When supplied the condensation drainage holes are sealed at the drive
2) These motors do not have a rated voltage range stamped on the rating end DE and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protec-
plate. tion. If condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6,
IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is
According to the standard, the motor and converter must be tested as a necessary to relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-
unit. A “Manufacturer test certificate” is available for a defined spectrum of drive end (NDE) so that the condensation drainage holes situated
Siemens motors (frame sizes 63 M to 315 L)/converter. Please inquire in between the feet on delivery are underneath.
the case of a non-Siemens converter (additional charge). 15)
Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
With this option, PTC thermistors for temperature class 130 (B) are driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
included. For compliance with temperature class 130 (B), derating is the fan cover.
necessary in the case of converter-fed operation in Zones 2, 21 and 22. 16)
The operating data for the MICROMASTER converter series from Siemens Not possible in combination with order code L03.
are specified on the rating plate as standard. Derating information is avail- The mechanical limit speed of 1LA9 2-pole motors in the design for Zones
able on request. For converter-fed operation only voltage codes/order 21/22 from frame size 180 has been reduced compared to the values in
codes with only one voltage are permitted, see also Page 4/82. catalog part 5 “Motors operating with frequency converters” of the cata-
In combination with order codes D19, K30 and M97 please inquire.
Not possible in combination with order codes D32, K50 and K52. Frame size 2 pole nmax in rpm fmax in Hz
6) Zone 21 takes into account conducting and non-conducting dust. 180 3300 55
7) Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- 200 3100 51
mended. When used in hazardous areas, a certified tripping unit is This is particularly important to be observed for converter-fed operation
required. KTY 84-130 and PT 100 are not permitted as sole protection. and operation on 60 Hz line supplies. Option: 1LG6 motors in the design
Full motor protection for mains-fed operation implemented only with PTC for Zones 21/22.
thermistors, please inquire. 17)
8) CCC certification is required for
For 1LA9 motors additional charge only applies to Zone 22. Designs for – 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW
Zones 2 and 21 already have a certified metal cable gland in the standard – 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW
version. – 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
9) Derating does not apply in combination with order codes L2A, L2C, L2Q, – 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW
L2R, L2S, L2T, L2U and L2V. 18) Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
10) Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
In combination with order codes C19, C26, L27 and M97 please inquire.
Not possible in combination with order code K16. Furthermore a combina- tilever forces, order code K20).
tion with protective cover is not possible. Therefore a suitable cover must 19) When motors which have a longer or shorter shaft extension are ordered,
be implemented by the end user in vertical mounting position to prevent the required position and length of the featherkey way must be specified in
small parts from falling into the fan cover (see the standard a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accordance with
IEC/EN 60079-0). DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey way is posi-
11) tioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by the manu-
In combination with order codes C19, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27,
D19, H86, K30, K50 and K52 please inquire. facturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard threaded
Not possible in combination with order codes C27, K16, K30, M72, M73, journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals, extremely
M34, M38, M74 and M75. “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square journals), hollow
12) shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE. The feather-
Order code K50 (IP65 degree of protection) can only be ordered for
keys are supplied in every case.
Zone 2. For Zone 21, IP65 degree of protection is standard. Not possible
For order codes Y55 and K16:
for Zone 22, because only IP55 degree of protection is required.
– Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
Order code K52 IP56 degree of protection (non-heavy-sea) is only possi- (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
ble for Zone 2. Not admissible for Zone 21 (IP65 degree of protection) and – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
Zone 22 (IP55 degree of protection). For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
20) For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
operation is permitted. The metal external fan is standard for these motors
in the version for Zone 21/22. The metal external fan is not possible in
combination with a low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.

4/114 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Additional Motor type frame size

tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX 1)
Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed M72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation Ex nA II T3 to
IEC/EN 60079-15 2)
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed M73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation, reduced output
Ex nA II T3 to IEC/EN 60079-15
2) 3) 4)

Design for Zones 2 and 22, for M74 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

non-conducting dust (IP55), for
mains-fed operation 5)
Design for Zones 2 and 22, for M75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
non-conducting dust (IP55), for
converter-fed operation, derating

Design for Zone 21, as well as M34 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65)
for mains-fed operation 6)
Design for Zone 21, as well as
Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65)
M38 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for converter-fed operation,
derating 2) 4) 6)
Design for Zone 22 for non-con- M35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ducting dust (IP55) for mains-fed
Design for Zone 22 for non-con- M39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ducting dust (IP55) for converter-
fed operation, derating 2) 4)
VIK design (comprises Zone 2 K30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for mains-fed operation, without
Ex nA II marking on rating plate)
Ex nA II on VIK rating plate C27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Alternative converter Y68 • and
SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS S120 type ….
or ET 200S FC)
Motor protection
With PTC thermistors for alarm A10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for converter-fed operation
in Zones 2, 21, 22 7)
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping 7)
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for alarm and
tripping 7)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 7)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 7)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 7)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 7)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/119.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/115

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Motor protection (continued)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers (basic
circuit) for rolling-contact bearings

Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A78 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

resistance thermometers (3-wire
circuit) for rolling-contact bearings

Installation of 2 PT 100 double A80 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

screw-in resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 7)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

4 Connection box on top, feet

screwed on
K11 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Connection box in cast-iron K15 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓

One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
configuration 8)
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
External earthing L13
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 L97 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Saddle terminal for connection M47 – – – – – – – ✓ 9) ✓ 9) ✓ 9)
without cable lug, accessories
pack (6 items)
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/temperature C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 30 to 60 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 45 °C, derating
approx. 4 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 50 °C, derating
approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 55 °C, derating
approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B), coolant
temperature 60 °C, derating
approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/temperature C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with 60 to 100 g water per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), with increased specified
coolant temperature and/or site output,
altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/119.

4/116 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030 – – – –
stone gray
Standard finish in other standard Y53 • and – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, standard
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, finish RAL
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, ….
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray 10)
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, special fin-
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, ish RAL ….
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015,
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL col- Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ors: For RAL colors, see “Special special fin-
finish in special RAL colors” on ish RAL ….
Page 0/19
Offshore special finish M91 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special technology
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary H86 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder for use in Zones
2, 21, 22 11)
Mounting of explosion-proof M95 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan Ex nA for use
in Zone 2 12)
Mounting of explosion-proof M96 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan II 2D for use
in Zone 21 12)
Mounting of explosion-proof M97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan II 3D for use
in Zone 22 12)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with an
oil-tightness of up to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type
of construction 13)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation 14)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise
direction of rotation 14)
IP65 degree of protection 15) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Condensation drainage holes 17) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rust-resistant screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical protection for encoder M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/119.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/117

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature –40 °C to D19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
+40 °C for EX motor 19)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ex certification for China D32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(only valid for Zone 2)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 20)
Special bearing for DE and NDE, K36 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 21) ✓ 21)
bearing size
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Regreasing device K40
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B 22) K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 23)
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 24)
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of rust-resis- M65 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
tant steel
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 25) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
Metal external fan 26) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heater, M15 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Ex. 230 V
Anti-condensation heater, M14 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Ex. 115 V
Separately driven fan with non- Y81 • and – – – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
standard voltage and/or frequency identifica-
tion code
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 4/119.

4/118 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21, 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4
1LA6 (cast-iron) 1LG4 (cast-iron)
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23
English enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for horizon- F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tal motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 – – – – – –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible 4

1) 16)
Only permitted for use in accordance with temperature class 130 (B). Order code K52 IP56 degree of protection (non-heavy-sea) is only possi-
These motors do not have a rated voltage range stamped on the rating ble for Zone 2. Not admissible for Zone 21 (IP65 degree of protection) and
plate. Zone 22 (IP55 degree of protection).
According to the standard, the motor and converter must be tested as a For 1LA6 motors: When supplied the condensation drainage holes are
unit. A “Manufacturer test certificate” is available for a defined spectrum of sealed at the drive end DE and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65
Siemens motors (frame sizes 63 M to 315 L)/converter. Please inquire in degrees of protection. If condensation drainage holes are required in
the case of a non-Siemens converter (additional charge). motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction (feet located on
side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates at the drive end
With this option, PTC thermistors for temperature class 130 (B) are (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation drainage holes
included. For compliance with temperature class 130 (B), derating is situated between the feet on delivery are underneath.
necessary in the case of converter-fed operation in Zones 2, 21 and 22. 18)
The operating data for the MICROMASTER converter series from Siemens Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
are specified on the rating plate as standard. Derating information is avail- driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
able on request. For converter-fed operation only voltage codes/order the fan cover.
codes with only one voltage are permitted, see also Page 4/82. Not possible in combination with order code L03.
5) 20)
In combination with order codes D19, K30, M95, M96 and M97 please Not possible for 2-pole 1LG4 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of
inquire. Not possible in combination with order codes D32, K50 and K52. construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity
Zone 21 takes into account conducting and non-conducting dust. level B available on request for 1LG4 motors. Not possible for 1LG4
motors in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
mended. When used in hazardous areas, a certified tripping unit is flange-mounting motors” – order code K04.
required. KTY 84-130 and PT 100 are not permitted as sole protection. 21)
Full motor protection for mains-fed operation implemented only with PTC Additional charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors, stan-
thermistors, please inquire. dard version.
For 1LA6 and 1LG6 motors additional charge only applies to Zone 22. Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
Designs for Zones 2 and 21 already have a certified metal cable gland in increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
the standard version. Standard with designs for Zone 2, Zone 21 and VIK. Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
Standard with designs for Zone 2, Zone 21 and VIK. Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
For frame sizes 100 to 160, do not specify an order code. Order code is 24)
only necessary for frame sizes 180 to 315. Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of con-
struction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request. Ver-
In combination with order codes C19, C26, L27, M95, M96 and M97 sion with protective cover not possible.
please inquire. 25)
Not possible in combination with order code K16. When motors which have a longer or shorter shaft extension than normal
Furthermore a combination with protective cover is not possible. Therefore are ordered, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
a suitable cover must be implemented by the end user in vertical mount- be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
ing position to prevent small parts from falling into the fan cover (see the dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
standard IEC/EN 60079-0). way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
In combination with order codes C19, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
D19, H86, K30, K50 and K52 please inquire. extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
Not possible in combination with order code K16. nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
The type of protection of the separately driven fan must correspond to the The featherkeys are supplied in every case.
type of protection of the motor. For order codes Y55 and K16:
Not possible for motor series 1LG4 for 2-pole motors. – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
14) (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
For 1LG4 motors a second shaft extension is not possible in the low-noise – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
version. For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Order code K50 (IP65 degree of protection) can only be ordered for 26)
For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
Zone 2. For Zone 21, IP65 degree of protection is standard. Not possible operation is permitted. The metal external fan is standard for these motors
for Zone 22, because only IP55 degree of protection is required. in the version for Zone 21/22. The metal external fan is not possible in
combination with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/119

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

Special versions Additional Motor type frame size

code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Design for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX 1)
Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed operation M72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ex nA II T3 to IEC/EN 60079-15 2)
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed operation, M73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
reduced output Ex nA II T3 to
IEC/EN 60079-15 2) 3) 4)

Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non-conducting M74 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

dust (IP55), for mains-fed operation 5)
Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non-conducting M75 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dust (IP55), for converter-fed operation, derating

Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for con- M34 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ducting dust (IP65) for mains-fed operation 6)
Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for con- M38 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ducting dust (IP65) for converter-fed operation,
derating 2) 4) 6)
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust M35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

4 (IP55) for mains-fed operation

Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust
(IP55) for converter-fed operation, derating 2) 4)
M39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

VIK design (comprises Zone 2 for mains-fed K30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

operation, without Ex nA II marking on rating
Ex nA II on VIK rating plate C27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Alternative converter Y68 • and
SIMOVERT S120) type ….
Motor protection
With PTC thermistors for alarm for converter-fed A10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
operation in Zones 2, 21, 22 7)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors for tripping 7)
Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 6 A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors for alarm and
tripping 7)
Motor temperature detection with embedded A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature sensor KTY 84-130 7)
Motor temperature detection with embedded A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
temperature sensors 2 x KTY 84-130 7)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 7)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 7)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resistance A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers (basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 7)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resistance A78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers (3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 7)
Installation of 2 PT 100 double screw-in A80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers (three-wire circuit)
for rolling-contact bearings 7)

For legend, see Page 4/123, for footnotes, see Page 4/124.

4/120 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, feet screwed on K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box in cast-iron version K15 ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal 8) K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum configuration 8) K55 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Rotation of the connection box through 90°, K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box through 90°, K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box through 180° K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Next larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Auxiliary connection box L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Saddle terminal for connection without cable
lug, accessories pack (6 items)
M47 – – – ✓ 9) ✓ 9) ✓ 9)
Windings and insulation
Increased air humidity/temperature with 30 to C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 g water per m³ of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coolant temperature 45 °C, derating approx.
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coolant temperature 50 °C, derating approx.
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coolant temperature 55 °C, derating approx.
13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coolant temperature 60 °C, derating approx.
18 %
Increased air humidity/temperature with 60 to C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
100 g water per per m³ of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 130 (B), Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with a higher coolant temperature and/or site specified
altitude output,
CT ... °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030 stone gray
Standard finish in other standard RAL colors: Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, standard fin-
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, 5017, ish RAL ….
5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001,
7004, 7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 stone gray K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special finish in other standard RAL colors: Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, special finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, 5017, RAL ….
5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021, 7000, 7001,
7004, 7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL colors: For RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors, see “Special finish in special RAL colors” special finish
on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Offshore special finish M91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted (only cast-iron parts primed) K23
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 4/123, for footnotes, see Page 4/124.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/121

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Special technology
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse H86 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder for use in Zones 2, 21, 22 10)
Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven M95 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan Ex nA for use in Zone 2 11)
Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven M96 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan II 2D for use in Zone 21 11)
Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven M97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan II 3D for use in Zone 22 11)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting motors K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with an oil-tightness of up to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of construction
and 2-pole motors
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors with K37 – – – – – –
clockwise direction of rotation 12)
Low-noise version for 2-pole motors with K38 – – – – – –

4 counter-clockwise direction of rotation 12)

IP65 degree of protection 13)
K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection (non-heavy-sea) 14) K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation water holes 15) L12
Rust-resistant screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical protection for encoder 16) M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature –40 °C to +40 °C for D19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
EX motor 17)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA MG1-12 D30
(standard version with EPACT)
Ex certification for China D32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(only valid for Zone 2)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock pulse G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
measurement for bearing inspection
Bearing design for increased cantilever K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
forces 18)
Special bearing for DE and NDE, bearing size K36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 19) ✓ 19)
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B 20) K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, coaxiality and K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting motors 21)
Second standard shaft extension 22) K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard dimensions K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension in accordance L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with DIN 42955 Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft extension 23) Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 4/123, for footnotes, see Page 4/124.

4/122 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
code -Z
with order
code and
plain text if
required 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions –
Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan 24) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 230 V M15 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 115 V M14 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Separately driven fan with non-standard voltage Y81 • and – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
and/or frequency identification
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, supplied loose B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identification
Extra rating plate with identification code Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Additional information on rating plate
and on package label
(maximum of 20 characters)
Y84 • and
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 according to B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
EN 10204
Operating instructions German/English B23
enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for horizontal motors, F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with acceptance
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 4/124.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/123

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors
Special versions

1) 15)
Only permitted for use in accordance with temperature class 130 (B). When supplied the condensation drainage holes are sealed at the drive
These motors do not have a rated voltage range stamped on the rating end DE and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation
plate. drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of
construction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the
According to the standard, the motor and converter must be tested as a bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the
unit. A “Manufacturer test certificate” is available for a defined spectrum of condensation drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are
Siemens motors (frame sizes 63 M to 315 L)/converter. Please inquire in underneath.
the case of a non-Siemens converter (additional charge). 16)
Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
With this option, PTC thermistors for temperature class 130 (B) are driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
included. For compliance with temperature class 130 (B), derating is the fan cover.
necessary in the case of converter-fed operation in Zones 2, 21 and 22. 17)
Derating information is available on request. Not possible in combination with order code L03.
In combination with order codes D19, K30, M95, M96 and M97 please Not possible for 2-pole 1LG6 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of
inquire. Not possible in combination with order codes D32, K50 and K52. construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity
level B available on request for 1LG6 motors. Not possible for 1LG6
Zone 21 takes into account conducting and non-conducting dust. motors in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality
7) and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom-
mended. When used in hazardous areas, a certified tripping unit is flange-mounting motors” – order code K04.
required. KTY 84-130 and PT 100 are not permitted as sole protection. 19)
Additional charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors, stan-
Full motor protection for mains-fed operation implemented only with PTC dard version.
thermistors, please inquire. 20)
Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63…
For 1LG6 motors, additional charge only applies to Zone 22. Designs for Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
Zones 2 and 21 already have a cable entry in the standard version. tilever forces, order code K20).
9) 21)
Standard with designs for Zone 2, Zone 21 and VIK. Not possible in combination with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
10) increased cantilever forces, order code K20).
In combination with order codes C19, C26, L27, M95, M96 and M97
please inquire. 22)
Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of con-
Not possible in combination with order code K16. struction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request. Ver-
Furthermore a combination with protective cover is not possible. Therefore sion with protective cover not possible.
a suitable cover must be implemented by the end user in vertical mount- 23)
ing position to prevent small parts from falling into the fan cover (see the When motors which have a longer or shorter shaft extension than normal
standard IEC/EN 60079-0). are ordered, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
In combination with order codes C19, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, D19, dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
H86, K50 and K52 please inquire. way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
Not possible in combination with order code K16. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
The type of protection of the separately driven fan must correspond to the threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
type of protection of the motor. extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
12) nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
Not necessary for 1LG6 motors because these motors are already noise
optimized. The featherkeys are supplied in every case.
13) For order codes Y55 and K16:
Order code K50 (IP65 degree of protection) can only be ordered for – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
Zone 2. For Zone 21, IP65 degree of protection is standard. Not possible (see dimension tables under “Dimensions”)
for Zone 22, because only IP55 degree of protection is required. – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
Order code K52 IP56 degree of protection (non-heavy-sea) is only possi- For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
ble for Zone 2. Not admissible for Zone 21 (IP65 degree of protection) and 24)
For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
Zone 22 (IP55 degree of protection). operation is permitted. The metal external fan is standard for these motors
in the version for Zone 21/22. The metal external fan is not possible in
combination with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.

4/124 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Overview
Slide rails with fixing bolts and tensioning screws to Taper pins to DIN 258 with threaded ends and constant taper
DIN 42923 lengths
Slide rails are used to tension the belt of a machine easily and Taper pins are used for components that are repeatedly re-
conveniently when a belt tightener is not available. They are moved. The drilled hole is ground conical using a conical reamer
fixed to the base using stone bolts or foundation blocks. until the pin can be pushed in by hand until the cone shoulder
lies 3 to 4 mm above the rim of the hole.
The assignment of slide rails to motor size can be found in
DIN 42923. For motors of frame sizes 355 to 450, there are no It can then be driven in using a hammer until it is correctly
standardized slide rails (please inquire). seated. The pin is removed from the drilled hole by screwing on
the nut and tightening it.
Available from:
Standardized taper pins are available from general engineering
Lütgert & Co. GmbH suppliers.
Postfach 42 51
33276 Gütersloh, Germany Source, for example:
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 Otto Roth GmbH & Co. KG
Rutesheimer Straße 22 70499 Stuttgart, Germany
e-mail: Tel. +49 (0)711-1388-0
Fax +49 (0)711-1388-233
Foundation block acc. to DIN 799
The foundation blocks are inserted into the stone foundation and
embedded in concrete. They are used for fixing machines of
medium size, slide rails, pedestal bearings, baseframes, etc. Couplings for use in hazardous areas
After the fixing bolts have been unscrewed, the machine can be
dragged without it having to be lifted. The motor from Siemens is connected to the machine or gear
unit through a coupling. Flender is an important coupling manu-
When the machine is initially installed, the foundation block that facturer with a wide range of products. For standard applica-
is bolted to the machine (without washers) and fitted with taper tions, Siemens recommends that elastic couplings of Flender
pins is not embedded with concrete until the machine has been types N-Eupex and Rupex or torsionally rigid couplings of types
fully aligned. In this case, the machine is positioned 2 to 3 mm Arpex and Zapex are used. For special applications, Fludex and
lower. The difference in shaft height is compensated by inserting Elpex-S couplings are recommended. These coupling types are
shims on final installation. The taper pins safeguard the exact suitable for use in areas subject to explosion hazards and are
position of the machine when it is repeatedly removed and re- offered with declaration of conformity and type test certificate
placed without the need for realignment. according to directive 94/9/EU.
Available from: Source of supply:
Siemens contact partner – ordering from Catalog
Lütgert & Co. GmbH Siemens MD 10.1 “FLENDER Standard Couplings”
Postfach 42 51
33276 Gütersloh, Germany or
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 A. Friedr. Flender AG
Kupplungswerk Mussum Industriepark Bocholt
e-mail: Schlavenhorst 100
46395 Bocholt, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)2871-92 2185
Fax +49 (0)2871-92 2579

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/125

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ More information
Spare motors and repair parts • For bearing types, see the “Introduction”.
• Supply commitment for spare motors and repair parts • Repair parts for 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1MJ8, 1MJ1, 1ME8, 1ML8, 1LG8
following delivery of the motor motors and smoke-extraction motors are available on request.
- For up to 5 years, in the event of total motor failure, Siemens • For standard components, a supply commitment does not
will supply a comparable motor with regard to the mounting apply.
dimensions and functions (the type series may vary).
- Repair parts will be supplied for up to 5 years. • Support – Hotline
- For up to 10 years, Siemens will provide information and will, In Germany
if necessary, supply documentation for repair parts. Tel.: 01 80/5 05 04 48
• When repair parts are ordered, the following details must be
provided: You will find telephone numbers for other countries on our
- Designation and part number Internet site
- Order No. and factory number of the motor
Example for ordering a fan cover 1LA7,
frame size 160 M, 4-pole:
Fan cover No. 7.40,
1LA7 163–4AA60, factory number J783298901018

4/126 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Overview
Overall dimensions



Frame Type Number Dimensions Frame Type Number Dimensions

size of poles L AD H AB O size of poles L AD H AB O
56 M 1LA7 169 101 56 110 1 x M16 x 1.5 112 M 1LA6 393 178 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LA7 393 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 050 169 101 56 110 1 x M16 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LA9 431 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 053 195 101 56 110 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MA6 393 178 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5
1MA7 393 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5
63 M 1LA7 202.5 101 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MJ6 428 238 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1 x M16 x 1.5
1LA9 063 202.5 101 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5 132 S/ 1LA6 453 194 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 132 M
1LA9 061 228.5 101 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LA7 452.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LA9 452.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1MA7 202.5 135 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LA9 131 490.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LA9 133 4 490.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 134 490.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
71 M 1LA7 240 111 71 132 1 x M16 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1MA6 453 194 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 240 111 71 132 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MA7 452.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1MA7 133-4 490 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1MA7 240 145 71 132 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MJ6 515 258 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1 x M16 x 1.5
1MJ6 299 201 71 140 1 x M25 x 1.5 160 M/ 1LA6 588 226 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 160 L 1LA7 588 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
80 M 1LA7 273.5 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LA9 588 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LA9 166 628 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 080 273.5 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MA6 588 226 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1MA7 588 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 083 308.5 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MA7 166-4 628 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1MA7 166-6 628 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1MA7 273.5 154 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MJ6 641 280 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1 x M16 x 1.5
1MA7 083-6. 308.5 154 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 180 M/ 1LA5 712 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
180 L 1LA9 712 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1MJ6 336 209 80 160 1 x M25 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG4 669 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
90 S/ 1LA7 331 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG4 188 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
90 L 1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 183 2 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 331 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG6 183 4 669 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1LA9 096-6K. 376 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1MJ6 715 306 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 200 L 1LA5 769.5 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LA9 096-2.. 358 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LA9 768.5 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5
1LA9 096-4.. 358 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG4 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG4 208 2, 6 777 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1MA7 331 162 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG6 206 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1LG6 207 2, 6 777 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG6 207 4, 8 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1MJ6 383 218 90 168 1 x M25 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1MJ6 771.5 349 200 398 2 x M50 x 1.5
100 L 1LA6 372 164 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA7 372 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 407 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1LA9 107-4KA. 442 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1MA6 372 164 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1MA7 372 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1MJ6 426 223 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5
1 x M16 x 1.5

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Overview (continued)
Overall dimensions



Frame Type Number Dimensions

size of poles L AD H AB O
225 S/ 1LA5 806 305 225 426 2 x M50 x 1.5
225 M 1LA5 2 776 305 225 426 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG4 789 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG4 223 2 759 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG4 228 2 819 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG4 228 4, 6, 8 849 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5

4 1LG6 220
1LG6 223
1LG6 223
4, 8
4, 6, 8
2 x M50 x 1.5
2 x M50 x 1.5
2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG6 228 2 869 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG6 228 4, 6 899 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1MJ7 839 377 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1MJ7 223 2 809 377 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
250 M 1LG4 887 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 258 4 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 253 2, 6, 8 887 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 253 4 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 258 2, 4, 6 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1MJ7 930 466 250 506 2 x M63 x 1.5
280 S/ 1LG4 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
280 M 1LG4 288 2, 4 1070 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 280 2, 4, 6, 8 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 283 2, 4 1070 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 283 6, 8 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 288 2, 4, 6 1070 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
1MJ7 1010 491 280 557 2 x M63 x 1.5
315 S/ 1LG4 1072 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
315 M/ 1LG4 310 4, 6, 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
315 L 1LG4 313 4, 6, 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 316 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 316 4, 6, 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 317 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 317 4, 6, 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 318 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG4 318 6 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 310 2 1072 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 310 4, 6, 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 313 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 313 4, 6 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 313 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 316 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 316 4, 6, 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 317 2 1372 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 317 4, 6 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 317 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 318 2 1372 651 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 318 4 1402 651 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 318 6, 8 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1MJ7 2 1114 558 315 628 2 x M63 x 1.5
1MJ7 4, 6, 8 1140 558 315 628 2 x M63 x 1.5

4/128 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Overview (continued)
Notes on the dimensions 7 Dimension tolerances
7 Dimension designations according to DIN EN 50347 and For the following dimensions, the admissible deviations are
IEC 60072. given below:
7 Fits Dimension designation Dimension Admissible
The shaft extensions specified in the dimension tables (DIN 748) deviation
and centering spigot diameters (DIN EN 50347) are machined H up to 250 – 0.5
with the following fits: over 250 – 1.0
Dimension designation ISO fit DIN ISO 286-2 E, EA – 0.5
D, DA up to 30 j6 Keyways and feather keyways (dimensions GA, GC, F and FA)
over 30 to 50 k6 are made in compliance with DIN 6885 Part 1.
over 50 m6 7 All dimensions are specified in mm.
N up to 250 j6
over 250 h6
F, FA h9
K H17
S flange (FF) H17
The drilled holes of couplings and belt pulleys should have an
ISO fit of at least H7.

■ More information 4
Dimension sheet generator When a complete Order No. is entered with or without order
(part of the SD configurator) codes, a dimension drawing can be called up under the “Docu-
mentation” tab.
A dimension drawing can be created in the SD configurator
for every configurable motor. A dimension drawing can be These dimension drawings can be presented in different views
requested for every other motor. and sections and printed.
The corresponding dimension sheets can be exported, saved
and processed further in DXF format (interchange/import format
for CAD systems) or as bitmap graphics.
The SD configurator has been integrated into the electronic
Catalog CA 01 as a selection aid (for more information, see
catalog part 11 “Appendix”, “Selection tool SD-configurator”).
The interactive Catalog CA 01 can be ordered from your local Si-
emens sales representative or on the Internet at

At this address, you will also find links to Tips & Tricks and to
downloads for function or content updates.
Order number for CA 01 10/2008, English International:
DVD: E86060-D4001-A510-C7-7600

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/129

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1MA7, frame sizes 63 M to 160 L
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame size 90 S/L has


frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.







Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
4 LC

HH AG Eyebolts frame size
LL AS 100 L and above






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE BE' C CA* H HA
size of poles
63 M 1MA7 060 2, 4, 6 100 27 120 124 135 101 95 78 120 124 60 80 28 – 96 52.5 32 16 40 66 63 7
1MA7 063
71 M 1MA7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 112 27 132 145 145 111 105 88 120 124 60 90 27 – 106 41.5 32 16 45 83 71 7
1MA7 073
80 M 1MA7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 125 30.5 150 163 154 154 114 114 120 124 60 100 32 – 118 36 32 16 50 94 80 8
1MA7 083 1342)
90 S 1MA7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 140 30.5 165 180 162 162 122 122 120 170 60 100 33 54 143 46 32 16 56 143 90 10
90 L 1MA7 096 125 118
100 L 1MA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 125 100 12
1MA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1MA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 141 112 12
132 S 1MA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 162.5 132 15
1MA7 131 2
132 M 1MA7 133 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 124.5 132 15
1MA7 134 6 162.53)
160 M 1MA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 183 160 18
1MA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1MA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 139 160 18

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. For 1MA7 133-4.
1) 4)
Measured across the bolt heads. For 1MA7 166-4 and 1MA7 166-6.
For 1MA7 083-6.

4/130 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1MA7, frame sizes 63 M to 160 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame size 90 S/L has

frame feet each with



BE' 2 drilled holes at NDE.






Type of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
LC 4


LM Eyebolts frame size

100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
63 M 1MA7 060 2, 4, 6 92.5 7 10 202.5 1) 232 1) 120 231.5 1) 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5
1MA7 063
71 M 1MA7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 86.5 7 10 240 278 120 268 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1MA7 073
80 M 1MA7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 86 9.5 13.5 273.5 324 120 299.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1MA7 083 308.52) 364 334.52)
90 S 1MA7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 101.5 10 14 331 389 120 382.5 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1MA7 096
100 L 1MA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 372 438 120 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1MA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1MA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 393 461 120 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1MA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.53) 551.5 140 5053) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1MA7 131 2
132 M 1MA7 133 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.53) 551.5 140 5053) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1MA7 134 6 490.54) 589.54) 5434)
160 M 1MA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1MA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1MA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
6285) 7615) 680.55)

1) 4)
For 1MA7 063 with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 without pro- For 1MA7 133-4.
tective cover, IM V3) the dimensions L, LC and LM are 26 mm longer. 5)
For 1MA7 166-4 and 1MA7 166-6.
For 1MA7 083-6.
In a low-noise version, the dimension L is 8 mm greater and the dimen-
sion LM is 11.5 mm greater.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/131

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MA6, frame sizes 100 L to 160 L
Type of construction IM B3









K K' AF'


Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
4 LC









For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
100 L 1MA6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 40 196 201 164 164 124 124 121 170 60.5 140 46 180 42 44 22 63 125 100 12
1MA6 107 4, 8
112 M 1MA6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 42.5 226 225.5 178 178 138 138 121 170 60.5 140 46 180 34 44 22 70 141 112 15
132 S 1MA6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 50 256 265 194 194 154 154 141 250 70.5 140 47 180 42 44 22 89 162.5 132 17
1MA6 131 2
132 M 1MA6 133 4, 6, 8 216 50 256 265 194 194 154 154 141 250 70.5 178 49 218 42 44 22 89 124.5 132 17
1MA6 134 6
160 M 1MA6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 226 226 183 183 166 250 83 210 63 256 52 54 27 108 183 160 18
1MA6 164 2, 8
160 L 1MA6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 226 226 183 183 166 250 83 254 63 300 52 54 27 108 139 160 18

Measured across the bolt heads.

4/132 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MA6, frame sizes 100 L to 160 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)











Type of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)








For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
100 L 1MA6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 104.5 12 16 372 438 121 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1MA6 107 4, 8
112 M 1MA6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 104.5 12 16 393 461 121 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1MA6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 130.5 12 16 453.5 551.5 141 506 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1MA6 131 2
132 M 1MA6 133 4, 6, 8 130.5 12 16 453.5 551.5 141 506 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1MA6 134 6
160 M 1MA6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160 14.5 18 588 721 166 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1MA6 164 2, 8
160 L 1MA6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160 14.5 18 588 721 166 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/133

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MA6, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B3

L, L' AG








DB K DC Frame sizes 180 M/L, 225 S/M, K' AF'
E C B CA EA 280 S/M and 315 S/M have A
BA BA' frame feet each with 2 drilled AA AA
BB holes at NDE. AD'

Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
180 M 1MA6 183 2 279 65 344 375 274 274 227 227 220 470 340 82 241 70 108 319 35 75 121 259 180 26
180 L 1MA6 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 344 375 274 274 227 227 220 470 340 82 279 70 108 319 35 75 121 221 180 26
200 L 1MA6 206 2 318 80 398 402 308 308 248 248 262 530 340 99 305 85 85 355 42 85 133 239 200 34
1MA6 207 2 318 80 398 402 308 308 248 248 262 530 340 99 305 85 85 355 42 85 133 239 200 34
4, 6, 8
225 S 1MA6 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 339 339 269 269 264 580 425 100 286 85 110 361 25 85 149 269 225 34
225 M 1MA6 223 2 356 80 436 442 339 339 269 269 264 580 425 100 311 85 110 361 25 85 149 244 225 34
4, 6, 8
250 M 1MA6 253 2 406 100 506 505 427 427 333 333 338 645 470 120 349 100 100 409 39 95 168 283 250 42
4, 6, 8
280 S 1MA6 280 2 457 100 557 555 452 452 358 358 338 700 525 120 368 100 151 471 30 95 190 317 280 42
4, 6, 8
280 M 1MA6 283 2 457 100 557 555 452 452 358 358 338 700 525 120 419 100 151 471 30 95 190 366 280 42
4, 6, 8
315 S 1MA6 310 2 508 120 628 620 515 515 395 395 405 805 590 134 406 125 171 527 32 90 216 358 315 52
4, 6, 8
315 M 1MA6 313 2 508 120 628 620 515 515 395 395 405 805 590 134 457 125 171 527 32 90 216 307 315 52
4, 6, 8
315 L 1MA6 316 2 508 120 628 620 515 515 395 395 405 805 590 134 508 120 120 578 32 90 216 396 315 52
1MA6 317 4, 6, 8
1MA6 318 6, 8

■ Dimensions for 9-terminal connection box can be supplied on Measured across the bolt heads.
* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

4/134 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MA6, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

LC Eyebolts from

L, L' size 100 L AG








For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
Frame Type Number HH K K' L L'1) LC2) LL LM LM'1) D DB E EB ED F GA DA DC EA EC EE FA GC
size of poles
180 M 1MA6 183 2 156 15 20 715 770 841 164 796.5 855 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4 – –
180 L 1MA6 186 4, 6, 8 156 15 20 715 – 841 164 796.5 – 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1MA6 206 2 175 19 25 819.5 897 197 853 901 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
6 771.5 – – 55 M20 16 59
1MA6 207 2 175 19 25 771.5 819.5 897 197 853 901 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 – – 55 M20 16 59
225 S 1MA6 220 4, 8 174 19 25 839 – 954 200 935 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 10 16 59
225 M 1MA6 223 2 174 19 25 809 855 924 200 909 955 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 839 – 954 935 – 60 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 100 10 16 59
250 M 1MA6 253 2 207 24 30 935 1010 1050 234 1035 1110 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 – 1080 – 65 69 60 140 125 18 64
280 S 1MA6 280 2 220 24 30 1010 1080 1155 234 1120 1230 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 20 79.5 65 69
280 M 1MA6 283 2 220 24 30 1010 1080 1155 234 1120 1230 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 20 79.5 65 69
315 S 1MA6 310 2 248 28 35 1114 1185 1260 266 1224 1295 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 1144 – 1290 1254 – 80 170 140 22 85 70 20 74.5
315 M 1MA6 313 2 248 28 35 1114 1185 1260 266 1224 1295 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 1144 – 1290 1254 – 80 170 140 22 85 70 20 74.5
315 L 1MA6 316 2 248 28 35 1254 1325 1400 266 1364 1435 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1MA6 317 4, 6, 8 1284 – 1430 1394 – 80 170 140 22 85 70 20 74.5
1MA6 318 6, 8 1284 – 1430 1394 – 80 170 140 22 85 70 20 74.5

1) For version with low-noise fan.

2) In the low-noise version, a second shaft extension is not possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/135

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MJ6, frame sizes 71 M to 160 L
Type of construction IM B3

LC Eyebolts from

L size 100 L









4 Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

LC Eyebolts from

L size 100 L








For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
71 M 1MJ6 070 2, 4 112 34 140 148.5 2012) 162 152 124 71 90 30 110 58 54 45 144 71 8 103 7 10 299
1MJ6 073 2, 4, 6
80 M 1MJ6 080 2, 4, 6 125 36 160 165.5 2092) 170 152 125 71 100 35 125 44 54 50 156 80 10 93.5 9.5 13.5 336
1MJ6 083 2, 4, 6
90 L 1MJ6 096 2, 4, 6, 8 140 37 168 183 218 177 162 170 81 125 35 156 54 54 56 177 90 13 109.5 10 14 383
1MJ6 097 2, 4, 6, 8
100 L 1MJ6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 45 196 202.5 223 182 162 170 81 140 45 176 50 54 63 185 100 14 112.5 12 16 426
1MJ6 107 4, 8
112 M 1MJ6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 50 226 228.5 238 197 162 170 81 140 45 176 52 54 70 180 112 15 121.5 12 16 428
132 S 1MJ6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267.5 258 217 162 250 81 140 49 180 55 54 89 228 132 17 144 12 16 515
1MJ6 131 2
132 M 1MJ6 133 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267.5 258 217 162 250 81 178 49 218 55 54 89 190 132 17 144 12 16 515
1MJ6 134 6
160 M 1MJ6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 323 280 239 162 250 81 210 57 256 40 54 108 238 160 20 148 15 19 641
1MJ6 164 2, 8
160 L 1MJ6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 323 314 246 216 250 95 254 57 300 40 96 108 194 160 20 148 15 19 641

Measured across the bolt heads.
K09 and K10 frame size 90 and above.

4/136 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MJ6, frame sizes 71 M to 160 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
LC Eyebolts from

L size 100 L











Type of construction IM B14 – only for frame sizes 71 M to 90 L

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
LC Eyebolts frame size

L 100 L and above










For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
71 M 1MJ6 070 2, 4 339 – 132 327 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1MJ6 073 2, 4, 6
80 M 1MJ6 080 2, 4, 6 386 – 132 362 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1MJ6 083 2, 4, 6
90 L 1MJ6 096 2, 4, 6, 8 458 – 162 434.5 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1MJ6 097 2, 4, 6, 8
100 L 1MJ6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 508 – 162 477.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31
1MJ6 107 4, 8
112 M 1MJ6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 510 – 162 479.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31
132 S 1MJ6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 617 – 162 567.5 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1MJ6 131 2
132 M 1MJ6 133 4, 6, 8 617 – 162 567.5 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1MJ6 134 6
160 M 1MJ6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 776 383 162 693.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1MJ6 164 2, 8
160 L 1MJ6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 776 383 190 693.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/137

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7, frame sizes 180 M to 315 M
Type of construction IM B3


L, L' AG








Frame sizes 180 M/L, 225 S/M, AA AA
280 S/M and 315 S/M have frame
feet each with 2 drilled holes at NDE. AB

Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
LC Type of construction IM B5 / IM V1

L, L' (only up to frame size 315 M) AG








The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.

For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
180 M 1MJ6 183 2, 4 279 65 344 375 306 306 259 259 220 470 340 82 241 70 108 319 35 75 121 259 180 156 26
180 L 1MJ6 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 344 375 306 306 259 259 220 470 340 82 279 70 108 319 35 75 121 221 180 156 26
200 L 1MJ6 206 2 318 80 398 415 349 349 289 289 262 530 340 98.5 305 85 85 355 42 85 133 239 200 175 34
1MJ6 207 2 318 80 398 415 349 349 289 289 262 530 340 98.5 305 85 85 355 42 85 133 239 200 175 34
4, 6, 8
225 S 1MJ7 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 377 377 315 315 262 580 425 100 286 85 110 361 25 90 149 269 225 174 34
225 M 1MJ7 223 2 356 80 436 442 377 377 315 315 262 580 425 100 311 85 110 361 25 90 149 244 225 174 34
4, 6, 8
250 M 1MJ7 253 2 406 100 506 505 466 466 353 353 336 645 470 120 349 100 100 409 39 95 168 283 250 207 42
4, 6, 8
280 S 1MJ7 280 2 457 100 557 555 491 491 395 395 336 700 525 120 368 100 151 479 30 95 190 317 280 220 42
4, 6, 8
280 M 1MJ7 283 2 457 100 557 555 491 491 395 395 336 700 525 120 419 100 151 479 30 95 190 266 280 220 42
4, 6, 8
315 S 1MJ7 310 2 508 120 628 620 558 558 448 448 410 805 590 135 406 125 171 527 32 90 216 358 315 248 56
4, 6, 8
315 M 1MJ7 313 2 508 120 628 620 558 558 448 448 410 805 590 135 457 125 171 527 32 90 216 307 315 248 56
4, 6, 8

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

1) Measured across the bolt heads.

4/138 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1MJ6 and 1MJ7, frame sizes 180 M to 315 M
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

LC Eyebolts from

L, L' size 100 L AG








For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
Frame Type Number K K' L L'1) LC2) LL LM LM'1) D DB E EB ED F GA DA DC EA EC EE FA GC
size of poles
180 M 1MJ6 183 2, 4 15 20 715 770 841 164 796.5 885 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1MJ6 186 4, 6, 8 15 20 715 – 841 164 796.5 – 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1MJ6 206 2 19 25 771.5 825 897 197 853 910 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
6 – – 55 M20 16 59
1MJ6 207 2 19 25 771.5 825 897 197 853 910 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 – – 55 M20 16 59
225 S 1MJ7 220 4, 8 19 25 839 – 954 197 939 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1MJ7 223 2 19 25 809 855 924 197 909 955 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 839 – 954 939 – 60 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 16 59
250 M 1MJ7 253 2 24 30 930 1010 1050 234 1035 1110 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 – 1080 – 65 69 60 140 125 10 18 64
280 S 1MJ7 280 2 24 30 1010 1080 1155 234 1120 1230 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 20 79.5 65 69
280 M 1MJ7 283 2 24 30 1010 1080 1155 234 1120 1230 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 20 79.5 65 69
315 S 1MJ7 310 2 28 35 1114 1185 1260 266 1224 1295 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 1140 – 1290 1250 – 80 170 140 22 85 70 20 74.5
315 M 1MJ7 313 2 28 35 1114 1185 1260 266 1224 1295 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 1140 – 1290 1250 – 80 170 140 22 85 70 20 74.5

1) For version with low-noise fan.

2) In the low-noise version, a second shaft extension is not possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/139

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 56 M to 225 M
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame sizes 90 S/L



BE' and 225 S/M have

frame feet with



BC 2 drilled holes at NDE.





Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

4 LC

HH AG Eyebolts frame size
LL AS 100 L and above






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE BE' C CA* H HA
size of poles
56 M2) 1LA7 050 2, 4 90 25 110 116 135 135 95 95 120 – 37 71 28 – 87 56 32 18 36 53 56 6
1LA7 053
63 M 1LA7 060 2, 4, 6 100 27 120 124 135 135 95 95 120 124 37 80 28 – 96 52 32 18 40 66 63 7
1LA7 063
71 M 1LA7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 112 27 132 145 145 145 105 105 120 124 37 90 27 – 106 41 32 18 45 83 71 7
1LA7 073
80 M 1LA7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 125 30.5 150 163 154 154 114 114 120 124 37.5 100 32 – 118 36 32 18 50 94 80 8
1LA7 083
90 S 1LA7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 140 30.5 165 180 162 162 122 122 120 170 37.5 100 33 54 143 45.5 32 18 56 143 90 10
90 L 1LA7 096 125 118
100 L 1LA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 125 100 12
1LA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 141 112 12
132 S 1LA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 162.5 132 15
1LA7 131 2
132 M 1LA7 133 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 124.5 132 15
1LA7 134 6
160 M 1LA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 139 160 18
180 M 1LA5 183 2, 4 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 259 180 18
180 L 1LA5 186 4, 6, 8 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 279 50 – 325 38 54 27 121 221 180 18
200 L 1LA5 206 2, 6 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 239 200 24
1LA5 207 2, 4, 6, 8
225 S 1LA5 220 4, 8 356 103 426 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 286 58 83 361 36 85 42.5 149 248.5 225 24
225 M 1LA5 223 2 356 103 426 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 311 58 83 361 36 85 42.5 149 223.5 225 24
4, 6, 8

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. 2) The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated.
1) Measured across the bolt heads.

4/140 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 56 M to 225 M
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame sizes 90 S/L


EB EA and 225 S/M have

frame feet with



2 drilled holes at NDE.




Type of construction IM B14

Type of construction IM B14 not possible for 1LA5 motors, frame sizes 180 M to 225 M

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


LM Eyebolts frame size

100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
56 M1) 1LA7 050 2, 4 69.5 5.8 9 169 200 120 – 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2
1LA7 053
63 M 1LA7 060 2, 4, 6 69.5 7 10 202.52) 2322) 120 231.52) 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5
1LA7 063
71 M 1LA7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 7 10 240 278 120 268 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1LA7 073
80 M 1LA7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 9.5 13.5 273.5 324 120 299.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1LA7 083 364
90 S 1LA7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 79 10 14 331 389 120 382.5 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1LA7 096
100 L 1LA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 372 438 120 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 393 461 120 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.53) 551.5 140 5053) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 131 2
132 M 1LA7 133 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.53) 551.5 140 5053) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 134 6
160 M 1LA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1LA5 183 2, 4 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LA5 186 4, 6, 8 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LA5 206 2, 6 178 19 25 769.5 897 192 850 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LA5 207 2, 4, 6, 8
225 S 1LA5 220 4, 8 184.5 19 25 806 933.5 192 887.5 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LA5 223 2 184.5 19 25 776 903.5 192 857.5 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 806 933.5 887.5 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64

1) 3)
The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated. In a low-noise version, the dimension L is 8 mm greater and the
For 1LA7 063 with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 without pro- dimension LM is 11.5 mm greater.
tective cover, IM V3) the dimensions L, LC and LM are 26 mm longer.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/141

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA9, frame sizes 56 M to 200 L
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame size 90 S/L has



BE' frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.







Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

HH AG Eyebolts frame size
LL EE AS 100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE BE' C CA* H HA
size of poles
56 M2) 1LA9 050 2, 4 90 25 110 116 135 135 95 95 120 – 37 71 28 – 87 56 32 18 36 53 56 6
1LA9 053
63 M 1LA9 060 2, 4 100 27 120 124 135 135 95 95 120 124 37 80 28 – 96 52 32 18 40 66 63 7
1LA9 063 92
71 M 1LA9 070 2, 4 112 30.5 132 145 145 145 105 105 120 124 37 90 27 – 106 41 32 18 45 83 71 7
1LA9 073
80 M 1LA9 080 2, 4 125 30.5 150 163 154 154 114 114 120 124 37.5 100 32 – 118 36 32 18 50 94 80 8
1LA9 083 134
90 S 1LA9 090 2, 4, 6 140 30.5 165 180 162 162 122 122 120 170 37.5 100 33 54 143 45.5 32 18 56 143 90 10
90 L 1LA9 096 125 118

100 L 1LA9 106 2, 4, 6 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 160 100 12
1LA9 107 1953)
112 M 1LA9 113 2, 4, 6 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 179 112 12
132 S 1LA9 130 2, 4 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 162.5 132 15
1LA9 131 2 200.5
132 M 1LA9 133 6 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 124.5 132 15
1LA9 133 4 162.5
1LA9 134 6
160 M 1LA9 163 2, 4, 6 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA9 164 2
160 L 1LA9 166 2, 4, 6 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 179 160 18
180 M 1LA9 183 2, 4 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 259 180 18
180 L 1LA9 186 4, 6 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 279 50 – 325 38 54 27 121 221 180 18
200 L 1LA9 206 2, 6 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 239 200 24
1LA9 207 2, 4, 6

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. Measured across the bolt heads.
The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated. Frame size 56 M is not
available in IM B35.
For 1LA9 107-4KA.

4/142 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA9, frame sizes 56 M to 200 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts frame size
LM 100 L and above

Frame size 90 S/L has



BE' frame feet each with

BE 2 drilled holes at NDE.





Type of construction IM B14

Type of construction IM B14 not possible for 1LA9 motors, frame sizes 180 M to 200 L
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


LM Eyebolts frame size

100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
56 M1) 1LA9 050 2, 4 69.5 5.8 9 169 2)
200 2)
120 – 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2 9 M3 20 14 3 3 10.2
1LA9 053
63 M 1LA9 060 2, 4 69.5 7 10 202.53) 2323) 120 231.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5
1LA9 063 228.5 258 257.5
71 M 1LA9 070 2, 4 63.5 7 10 240 278 120 268 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1LA9 073
80 M 1LA9 080 2, 4 63.5 9.5 13.5 273.5 324 120 299.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1LA9 083 308.5 364 334.5
90 S 1LA9 090 2, 4, 6 79 10 14 331 389 120 382.5 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1LA9 096 3764) 4344) 427.54)
3585) 4145) 409.55)
100 L 1LA9 106 2, 4, 6 102 12 16 407 473 120 458.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA9 107 4426) 5086) 4936)
112 M 1LA9 113 2, 4, 6 102 12 16 431 499 120 482.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA9 130 2, 4 128 12 16 452.5 551.5 140 505 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA9 131 2 490.5 589.5 543
132 M 1LA9 133 6 128 12 16 452.5 551.5 140 505 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA9 133 4 490.5 589.5 543
1LA9 134 6
160 M 1LA9 163 2, 4, 6 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA9 164 2
160 L 1LA9 166 2, 4, 6 160.5 15 19 628 761 165 680.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1LA9 183 2, 4 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LA9 186 4, 6 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LA9 206 2, 6 178 19 25 768.5 897 192 850 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LA9 207 2, 4, 6
1) 3)
The motors of frame size 56 M are not ventilated. Frame size 56 M is not For 1LA9 060 with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 without pro-
available in IM B35. tective cover, IM V3) the dimensions L, LC and LM are 26 mm longer.
2) 4)
For 1LA9 frame size 56 M with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 For 1LA9 096-6KA.
without protective cover, IM V3) the dimensions L, LC and LM are 5)
For 1LA9 096-2 and 1LA9 096-4.
26 mm longer. 6)
For 1LA9 107-4KA.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/143

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LA6, frame sizes 100 L to 160 L
Type of construction IM B3









K K' AF'


Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
4 LC









For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles
100 L 1LA6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 40 196 201 164 164 124 124 121 170 60.5 140 46 180 42 44 22 63 125 100 12
1LA6 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 42.5 226 225.5 178 178 138 138 121 170 60.5 140 46 180 34 44 22 70 141 112 15
132 S 1LA6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 50 256 265 194 194 154 154 141 250 70.5 140 47 180 42 44 22 89 162.5 132 17
1LA6 131 2
132 M 1LA6 133 4, 6, 8 216 50 256 265 194 194 154 154 141 250 70.5 178 49 218 42 44 22 89 124.5 132 17
1LA6 134 6
160 M 1LA6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 226 226 183 183 166 250 83 210 63 256 52 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA6 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 226 226 183 183 166 250 83 254 63 300 52 54 27 108 139 160 18

1) Measured across the bolt heads.

4/144 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LA6, frame sizes 100 L to 160 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)











Types of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)








For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
100 L 1LA6 106 2, 4, 6, 8 104.5 12 16 372 438 121 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA6 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA6 113 2, 4, 6, 8 104.5 12 16 393 461 121 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA6 130 2, 4, 6, 8 130.5 12 16 453.5 551.5 141 506 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA6 131 2
132 M 1LA6 133 4, 6, 8 130.5 12 16 453.5 551.5 141 506 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA6 134 6
160 M 1LA6 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160 14.5 18 588 721 166 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA6 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA6 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160 14.5 18 588 721 166 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/145

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B3

L, L' AG









DB K DC Frame sizes 180 M/L, 225 S/M, K' AF'
E C B CA EA 280 S/M and 315 S/M/L have A
BA BA' frame feet each with 2 drilled AA
BB holes at NDE. AD'
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
180 M 1LG4 183 2, 4 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 241 70 111 328 36 54 121 202 180 20
180 L 1LG4 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 164 180 20
1LG4 188 2, 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 215 180 20
200 L 1LG4 206 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
1LG4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
1LG4 208 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 234 200 25
4, 8 177
225 S 1LG4 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 218 225 34
225 M 1LG4 223 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 193 225 34
4, 6, 8
1LG4 228 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 253 225 34
4, 6, 8
250 M 1LG4 253 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
4, 6, 8
1LG4 258 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
4 305
6, 8 235
280 S 1LG4 280 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 267 280 40
4, 6, 8
280 M 1LG4 283 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 216 280 40
4, 6, 8
1LG4 288 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
6, 8 216
315 S 1LG4 310 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 315 315 50
1LG4 310 4, 6, 8
315 M 2) 1LG4 313 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 264 315 50
1LG4 313 4, 6, 8
315 L 1LG4 316/317 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 373 315 50
1LG4 316/317 4, 6, 8
1LG4 318 8
1LG4 318 6 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 155 206 648 69 110 216 513 315 50
* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
Measured across the bolt heads. feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

4/146 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG










For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
Frame Type Number HH K K' L L'1) LC2) LL LM LM'1) D DB E EB ED F GA DA DC EA EC EE FA GC
size of poles
180 M 1LG4 183 2, 4 157 15 19 669 669 784 132 759 759 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LG4 186 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 669 – 784 132 759 – 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
1LG4 188 2, 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 720 720 835 132 810 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LG4 206 2, 6 196 19 25 720 754 835 192 810 844 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 196 19 25 720 754 835 192 810 844 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG4 208 2, 6 196 19 25 777 811 892 192 867 901 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 8 720 – 835 810 –
225 S 1LG4 220 4, 8 196 19 25 789 – 903 192 889 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LG4 223 2 196 19 25 759 793 873 192 859 893 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 789 – 903 889 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG4 228 2 196 19 25 819 853 933 192 919 953 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 849 – 963 949 – 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1LG4 253 2 237 24 30 887 924 1002 236 987 1024 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 – 1032 – 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 258 2 237 24 30 887 924 1002 236 987 1024 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4 957 – 1102 1057 – 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
6, 8 887 – 1032 987 – 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
280 S 1LG4 280 2 252 24 30 960 998 1105 236 1070 1108 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1LG4 283 2 252 24 30 960 998 1105 236 1070 1108 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 – – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
1LG4 288 2 252 24 30 1070 1108 1215 236 1180 1218 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4 – – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
6, 8 960 – 1105 1070 – 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1LG4 310 2 285 28 35 1072 1142 1217 307 1182 1252 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 310 4, 6, 8 1102 – 1247 1212 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 3) 1LG4 313 2 285 28 35 1072 1142 1217 307 1182 1252 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 313 4, 6, 8 1102 – 1247 1212 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L 1LG4 316/317 2 285 28 35 1232 1302 1377 307 1342 1412 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG4 316/317 4, 6, 8 1262 – 1407 1372 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG4 318 8 – – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG4 318 6 285 28 35 1402 – 1547 307 1512 – 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1) 3)
For version with low-noise fan for 2-pole motors. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fit-
In the low-noise version, a second shaft extension is not possible. ted feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/147

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 180 M to 250 M
Type of construction IM B3


L, L' AG









BA BA' Frame sizes 180 M/L and 225 S/M
have frame feet with 2 drilled AA AA
holes at NDE. AD'
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
4 LC

L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
180 M 1LG6 183 2 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 241 70 111 328 36 54 121 253 180 20
4 202
180 L 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 215 180 20
200 L 1LG6 206 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
1LG6 207 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 234 200 25
4, 8 177
225 S 1LG6 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 218 225 34
225 M 1LG6 223 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 253 225 34
4, 6, 8
1LG6 228 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 303 225 34
4, 6
250 M 1LG6 253 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
4 305
6, 8 235
1LG6 258 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 305 250 40
4, 6

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

1) Measured across the bolt heads.

4/148 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 180 M to 250 M
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG










For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
180 M 1LG6 183 2 157 15 19 720 835 132 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4 669 784 759
180 L 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 720 835 132 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LG6 206 2, 6 196 19 25 720 835 192 810 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG6 207 2, 6 196 19 25 777 892 192 867 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 8 720 835 810
225 S 1LG6 220 4, 8 196 19 25 789 903 192 889 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LG6 223 2 196 19 25 819 933 192 919 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 849 963 949 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG6 228 2 196 19 25 869 983 192 969 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6 899 1013 999 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1LG6 253 2 237 24 30 887 1002 236 987 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4 957 1102 1057 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
6, 8 887 1032 987 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 258 2 237 24 30 957 1102 236 1057 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/149

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 280 S to 315 L
Type of construction IM B3


L, L' AG









E C B CA EA Frame sizes 280 S/M and 315 S/M/L A
BA BA' have frame feet with AA
BB 2 drilled holes at NDE. AD'
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)
4 LC

L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC
Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
280 S 1LG6 280 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 267 280 40
4, 6, 8
280 M 1LG6 283 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
6, 8 216
1LG6 288 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
4, 6
315 S 1LG6 310 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 315 315 50
1LG6 310 4, 6, 8
315 M 2) 1LG6 313 8 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 264 315 50
1LG6 313 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 578 69 110 216 424 315 50
1LG6 313 4, 6
315 L2) 1LG6 316 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 373 315 50
1LG6 316 4, 6
1LG6 316 8
1LG6 317 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 155 206 648 69 110 216 513 315 50
1LG6 317 4, 6
1LG6 317 8 578
1LG6 318 2 508 120 610 610 651 651 524 524 470 780 590 165 508 155 206 648 69 135 216 513 315 50
1LG6 318 4
1LG6 318 6, 8 500 500 400 400 380 110

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
Measured across the bolt heads. feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

4/150 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 280 S to 315 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 4/152 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG










For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
280 S 1LG6 280 2 252 24 30 960 1105 236 1070 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1LG6 283 2 252 24 30 1070 1215 236 1180 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
6, 8 960 1105 1070 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
1LG6 288 2 252 24 30 1070 1215 236 1180 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1LG6 310 2 285 28 35 1072 1217 307 1182 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 310 4, 6, 8 1102 1247 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 1LG6 313 8 285 28 35 1102 1247 307 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 313 2 285 28 35 1232 1377 307 1342 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 313 4, 6 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L 1LG6 316 2 285 28 35 1232 1377 307 1342 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 316 4, 6 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 316 8 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 317 2 285 28 35 1372 1517 307 1482 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 317 4, 6 1402 1547 1512 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 317 8 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 318 2 285 28 35 1372 1517 330 1482 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 318 4 1402 1547 1512 801) M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 318 6, 8 307 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5

Diameters up to 90 mm are possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 4/151

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Explosion-proof motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Flange dimensions
In DIN EN 50347, the frame
sizes are allocated flange FF
with through holes and flange
FT with tapped holes.
The designation of flange A
and C according to
DIN 42948 (invalid since

09/2003) are also listed for
information purposes. See the
table below.
(Z = the number of retaining

Frame size Type of construction Flange type Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through holes (FF/A)
Tapped holes (FT/C)
According to Acc. to LA LE M N P S T Z
DIN EN 50347 DIN 42948
56 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 100 A 120 8 20 100 80 120 7 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 65 C 80 – 20 65 50 80 M5 2.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 85 C 105 – 20 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4

4 63 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3

IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19
Standard flange
FF 115
FT 75
A 140
C 90

IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 100 C 120 – 23 100 80 120 M6 3 4
71 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 130 A 160 9 30 130 110 160 10 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 85 C 105 – 30 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 115 C 140 – 30 115 95 140 M8 3 4
80 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 165 A 200 10 40 165 130 200 12 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 100 C 120 – 40 100 80 120 M6 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 130 C 160 – 40 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
90 S, 90 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 165 A 200 10 50 165 130 200 12 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 115 C 140 – 50 115 95 140 M8 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 130 C 160 – 50 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
100 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
112 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
132 S, 132 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 265 A 300 12 80 265 230 300 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 165 C 200 – 80 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 215 C 250 – 80 215 180 250 M12 4 4
160 M, 160 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 215 C 250 – 110 215 180 250 M12 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 265 C 300 – 110 265 230 300 M12 4 4
180 M, 180 L IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
200 L IM B5 Flange FF 350 A 400 15 110 350 300 400 18.5 5 4
225 S, 225 M
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 400 A 450 16 110 400 350 450 18.5 5 8
4-pole to 8-pole 140
250 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
280 S, 280 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 S, 315 M,
315 L
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 600 A 660 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 170

4/152 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Motors operating
with frequency converters

5/2 Orientation 5/18 Special versions

5/2 Overview 5/18 Overview
5/2 Benefits 5/20 Selection and ordering data
5/2 Application 5/20 • Voltages
5/3 Integration 5/21 • Types of construction
5/5 Technical specifications 5/22 • Options
5/9 Selection and ordering data
5/32 Accessories
5/9 More information
5/32 Overview
5/10 Surface-cooled motors 5/32 More information
with standard insulation
5/33 Dimensions
for voltages ≤500 V,
5/33 Overview
Aluminum or cast-iron housing
5/34 Dimensional drawings
5/10 Overview
5/40 More information
5/12 Self-ventilated motors
with special insulation
for voltages up to 690 V,
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
5/12 Selection and ordering data

5/14 Self-ventilated motors

with special insulation
for voltages up to 690 V,
Cast-iron series 1LG6
5/14 Selection and ordering data

5/17 Self-ventilated motors up to FS 315

with special insulation
for voltages up to 690 V,
Cast-iron series 1LA8
5/17 Overview
5/17 Selection and ordering data

5/17 Forced ventilated motors

from frame size 315 with
mounted separately driven
fan with special insulation
for voltages up to 690 V,
Cast-iron series 1PQ8
5/17 Overview
5/17 Selection and ordering data

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Overview
Converter-fed operation up to 690 V +10 % mains voltage
1LA5, 1LA7 and 1LG6 standard motors as well as 1LA8 and
1PQ8 non-standard motors are also available with a higher insu-
lation resistance for operation on the converter with supply volt-
ages from 500 V ... 690 V (+10 %), and do not usually require a
filter. These motors are identified by an “M” in the 10th digit of
the Order No. (e.g. 1LA8315-2PM). With the reinforced insulat-
ing system, there is less space in the grooves in motor series
1LA8 and 1PQ8 for the same number of windings compared to
the normal version, which slightly reduces the rated output of
these motors.
Converter-fed operation for motors in type of protection “d”
up to 460 V + 10 % mains voltage
Siemens 1MJ asynchronous motors can be operated on the
mains as well as on a converter as explosion-proof motors in
type of protection Ex de IIC “Explosion-proof enclosure”.
In accordance with the test specifications, 1MJ motors must be
equipped with PTC thermistors.
Converter-fed operation up to 500 V +10 % mains voltage When 1MJ motors are connected to converters, like the 1LA mo-
The standard insulation of the 1LA and 1LG motors is designed tors of the same output, depending on their load characteristics
such that operation is possible on the converter at mains vol- their maximum admissible torque must be reduced.
tages up to 460 V +10 % (for motor series 1LA8 to 500 V +10 %). 1MJ motors have a connection box in type of protection Ex e II
This also applies for operation with a pulse-controlled AC con- “Increased safety” as standard.
verter with voltage rise times of ts >0.1 µs at the motor terminals Note:
(IGBT transistors). At higher voltages, the motors require greater
insulation resistance. Please inquire in the case of converter-fed Special measures are necessary in the case of high-speed
operation with motors with protruding connection cables (order motors, especially when separately driven fans are used.

5 codes L44, L45, L47, L48, L49, L51 and L52). Please contact your local Siemens office for advice.
The 1LA8 non-standard motors of the types specially identified
for converter-fed operation (the 9th and 10th position of the
Order No. is filled with “PB”, “PC” or “PE”) have an insulated
motor bearing as standard at the non-drive end NDE (BS). The
motors are equipped with standard insulation and standard ro-
tors and are suitable for mains-fed and converter-fed operation.

■ Benefits
Motors operating with frequency converters from Siemens offer The specially developed motors on the frequency converter with
the user numerous advantages: special insulation are converter-compatible from 500 V to 690 V
• The motors feature the future-oriented insulation system (+10 %).
DURIGNIT IR 2000 (IR = Inverter Resistant). The
DURIGNIT IR 2000 insulating system is made up of high-qua-
lity enamel wires and insulating materials in conjunction with a
resin impregnation which does not contain any solvents.

■ Application
The motors can be used in numerous drive applications with
variable-speed drives when they are combined with converters
from the MICROMASTER and SINAMICS spectrum.
The wide field of implementation includes the following applica-
• Conveyor systems such as cranes, belts and lifting gear
• High-bay warehouses
• Packaging machines
• Automation and Drives
Their large range of mains voltages enables them to be used all
over the world.

5/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Integration
MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 distributed drive Main features:
solutions • Output range: 0.37 to 3.0 kW, 400 V, 3AC
MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 is included in the • IP66 degree of protection (MICROMASTER 411), self-cooling
DA 51.3 Catalog that includes the entire product range with • Electrical isolation between the electronics and the connec-
ordering data, technical specifications and explanations. tion terminals
Application • Parameter sets for fast startup and cost savings
MICROMASTER 411 and COMBIMASTER 411 are the ideal • Modular structure with numerous accessories
solution for distributed drive applications that require a high de- • Operation without operator panel possible (using jumpers
gree of protection for the converter. The devices are designed and/or control potentiometer)
for a wide drive range – for simple individual applications for
pumps and fans through to multiple drives for conveyor systems • Integrated control potentiometer accessible from outside.
in networked control systems. The ECOFAST versions of the Accessories (overview):
MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 frequency converter
series contain plug-in cables for the power supply, communica- • Basic Operator Panel (BOP) for parameterizing the converter
tions interface and motor connections. They support fast and • Plain text Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) for
problem-free replacement in time-critical applications and are MICROMASTER 411 and COMBIMASTER 411 with multiple-
completely compatible with the ECOFAST technology systems. language display
They are based on the universal MICROMASTER 420 converter • PROFIBUS module
series and are characterized by customer-oriented performance
and ease of use. • AS-Interface module
• DeviceNet module
• REM module (dynamic brake and control module for electro-
The modular structure allows MICROMASTER 411/ mechanical brake)
COMBIMASTER 411 products and their accessories to be indi- • EM module (electromechanical brake control module)
vidually selected, e.g. electromechanical brake control module
or PROFIBUS module. • PC connection kit
• Mounting kits for installing the operator panels
• PC startup programs.
The application guidelines or guidelines for the design and
operating performance of induction motors with squirrel-cage
rotor defined in standards DIN IEC 60034-17 and
DIN IEC 60034-25 must be observed for converter-fed induction
motors with squirrel-cage rotor.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Integration (continued)
ECOFAST system

ECOFAST is a system which permits extensive decentralization Availability of the ECOFAST motor connector
and a modular structure for installation elements on the compo-
5 nent level. The ECOFAST motor connector can be supplied for the following
motor versions with the exception of the explosion-proof motors:
Benefits • Frame sizes 56 M to 132 M
The main advantages of the ECOFAST motor connector over a • Output range 0.06 to 5.5 kW (7.5 kW on request)
terminal strip are as follows: • The rated current of the ECOFAST motor connector is limited
• Fast assembly of I/O devices (e.g. motor starters) from the to ≤16 A.
ECOFAST system. • Direct on-line starting: Voltage code 1
• Reduction of assembly and repair times at the end user for 230 VΔ/400 VY, 50 Hz
• No wiring errors due to connector technology • Star-delta starting: Voltage code 9
• Replacement of motor without intervention in the electronics. with order code L1U for 400 VΔ, 50 Hz
Main features of the ECOFAST motor connector More information
The motor connector is mounted in the factory and replaces the Further information is available in Catalog IK PI and in
connection box with terminal board. The connector is mounted Catalog DA 51.3 “MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411
towards the non-drive end (NDE). It comprises an angled motor distributed drive solutions” as well as on the Internet at:
connection casing that can be rotated by 4 x 90°. A 10-pole
(+ earth) male insert is used in the housing. In the plug-in con-
nector, the winding connections are connected and optionally
the power supply for the brake and the signal leads for the tem-
perature sensors.
The ECOFAST motor connector is compatible with the products
of the ECOFAST field device system. Further information can be
found in Catalog IK PI.
The mounting dimensions of this housing match those of
standard industrial connectors, so it is possible to use a com-
plete series of different standard inserts (such as Han E, ES,
ESS from Harting). The motor circuit (star or delta connection) is
selected in the mating connector for motor connection. The
relevant jumpers are inserted by the customer in the mating
connector. As a housing for the mating connector, all standard
sleeve housing with lengthwise locking, frame size 10B (e.g.
from Harting) can be used.
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be
Maximum admissible mains voltage on motor connector: ≤500 V

5/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Technical specifications
General note: Rated voltage
All the data listed in the catalog is applicable for a 50 Hz The tolerance of the motors specially developed for converter-
line supply. With converter-fed operation, the torque reduction fed operation with special insulation up to 690 V (the 9th and
factors for constant torque and drives for fans, pumps and 10th position of the Order No. is marked with “PM”) is generally
compressors must be observed. Higher noise levels must be in accordance with DIN EN 60034-1 – A rated voltage range is
expected at frequencies other than 50 Hz for motors operating not specified on the rating plate.
with converters due to the harmonic content of the supply.
Mechanical limit speeds
Implementation of 1LA/1LG motors in areas subject to
explosion hazards When the motor is operated at its rated frequency, it is important
to note that the maximum speeds are limited by the limits for the
Type of protection “n” (Zone 2) roller bearings, critical rotor speed and rigidity of the rotating
II 3G Ex nA II T3
acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15 Motor protection
IEC/EN 60079-15 specifies that the motor and converter must be A motor protection function can be implemented using the I2t
tested as a unit (individual test). Individual testing has been per- detection present in the converter software.
formed for motors of type of protection “n” operating with the
MICROMASTER, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, SINAMICS G110, If required, more precise motor protection can be afforded by
SINAMICS S120 and SIMATIC ET 200S FC converters (partially direct temperature measurement using KTY84 sensors or PTC
for “Non-standard motors frame size 315” and above). For de- thermistors in the motor winding. Some converters from Siemens
tails, see factory certificate 2.1. Individual testing can be per- determine the motor temperature using the resistance of the
formed for non-Siemens converters on request; the customer temperature sensor. They can be set to a required temperature
may be required to supply the non-Siemens converter. for alarm and tripping.

Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed operation, derating Insulation

Ex nA II T3 acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15 The standard insulation of 1LA and 1LG motors is designed
⇒ Order with order code M73 such that converter-fed operation is possible up to 460 V +10 %
Motors protected against dust explosions (Zone 21/22) (for motor serie 1LA8 up to 500 V +10 %). This also applies for
operation with a pulse-controlled AC converter with voltage rise
Zone 21: Il 2D Ex tD A21 IP65 T 125 °C
Zone 22: Il 3D Ex tD A22 IP55 T 125 °C
times ts >0.1 μs at the motor terminals. 5
acc. to EN 50281/IEC 61241 All motors with voltage codes 1, 3, 5, and 6 (400 V motors Δ
connection) operating with a converter must be operated under
The drive system comprising motors protected against dust these conditions. This does not apply to motors with voltages
explosions operating on MICROMASTER, SIMOVERT from 500 V to 690 V (+10 %), that must have special insulation
MASTERDRIVE, SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS S120 and for operation on a pulse-controlled AC converter (SIMOVERT
SIMATIC ET 200S FC converters has been tested. For details, MASTERDRIVES and MICROMASTER 440 for voltages between
see factory certificate 2.1. Please inquire about operation with 500 and 600 V), (10th position of the Order No. = “M”). For con-
non-Siemens converters. verter-fed operation with the outputs specified in the catalog, the
Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust motors are used according to temperature class 155 (F), i.e. in
(IP65) for converter-fed operation, derating this case neither a service factor >1 nor an increased coolant
⇒ Order with order code M38 temperature is possible (order codes C11, C12 and C13 cannot
be ordered).
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) for
converter-fed operation, derating Motor connection
⇒ Order with order code M39 When connecting the motors, it is important to consider the
Order codes M73, M38 and M39: restrictions for mains-fed machines as well as the maximum ad-
missible conductor cross-sections for the converter.
The rated operating points at 5, 25, 50 Hz and fmax. are stamped
on the rating plate; (alternative rated operating points at 6, 30, Ventilation and noise generation
60 Hz and fmax. when ordered with 60 Hz voltage) for operation The fan noise can increase at speeds that are higher than the
on MICROMASTER. rated speed of self-ventilated motors. To increase motor utiliza-
Alternatively, these rated operating points can be ordered for tion at low speeds it is recommended that forced ventilated
or SIMATIC ET 200S FC with order code Y68 and “Plain text”.
The type of converter is specified on the rating plate. Mechanical stress and grease lifetime
The motors already have PTC thermistors for tripping in accor- Due to the increased speeds above the rated speed and the
dance with temperature class 130 (B). The thermistors must be thereby increased vibrations, the mechanical smooth running is
operated by a tripping unit certified by the relevant testing au- changed and the bearings are used stronger mechanically.
thority. Hereby, the grease lifetime and the bearing lifetime are reduced.
With some motors it is necessary to reduce the limit speed or to Further information on request.
use metal fans. Utilization (non-standard motors)
When 1LA8 motors are ordered, it must be specified in plain text When temperature class 155 (F) is used according to 130 (B),
whether “constant torque drive” or “fan/pump/compressor drive” derating of 15 % is necessary.
is required.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Mechanical limit speeds nmax. at maximum supply The values for motor series 1 LA8, 1PQ8 and 1LL8 are listed in
frequency fmax. the selection and ordering data in catalog part “Non-standard
motors frame size 315 and above”.
Default values
The values in the following table are valid for all areas of
application with the exception of explosion-proof motors
(see overleaf).

Motor Motor type 2-pole 1) 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole

frame size nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax.
rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz
1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9, 1LP5, 1LP7, 1PP5, 1PP7
56 M 1LA7/1LA9 05. 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
63 M 1LA7/1LA9 06. 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
71 M 1LA7/1LA9 07. 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
80 M 1LA7/1LA9 08. 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
90 L 1LA7/1LA9 09. 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
100 L 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 10. 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
112 M 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 11. 6000 100 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
132 S/M 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 13. 5600 90 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
160 M/L 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 16. 4800 80 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
180 M/L 1LA5/1LA9 18. 5100 85 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200

5 200 L
1LA5/1LA9 20. 5100 85 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
225 S/M 1LA5 22. 4500 75 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
1LG4, 1LG6, 1LP4, 1PP4, 1PP6
180 M/L 1LG4/1LG6 18. 4600 76 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
200 L 1LG4/1LG6 20. 4500 75 4200 140 3600 180 3000 200
225 S/M 1LG4/1LG6 22. 4500 75 4500 150 4400 220 4400 293
250 M 1LG4/1LG6 25. 3900 65 3700 123 3700 185 3700 247
280 S/M 1LG4/1LG6 28. 3600 60 3000 100 3000 150 3000 200
315 S 1LG4/1LG6 310 3600 60 2600 87 2600 130 2600 176
315 M 1LG4/1LG6 313 3600 60 2600 87 2600 130 2600 173
315 L 1LG4/1LG6 316 3600 2) 60 2) 2600 87 2600 130 2600 173
1LP4/1PP4/1PP6 317

Request required for continuous duty in the fmax. (nmax.) range.
For vertical mounting nmax. = 3000 rpm, fmax. = 50 Hz.

5/6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Explosion-proof motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “de” (motor series 1MJ)
Motor Motor type 2-pole 1) 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
frame size nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax.
rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz
71 M 1MJ6 07 . 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
80 M 1MJ6 08 . 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
90 L 1MJ6 09 . 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
100 L 1MJ6 10 . 5400 90 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
112 M 1MJ6 11 . 5400 90 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
132 S/M 1MJ6 13 . 4800 80 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
160 M/L 1MJ6 16 . 4500 75 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
180 M/L 1MJ6 18 . 5100 85 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
200 L 1MJ6 20 . 5100 85 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
225 S/M 1MJ7 22 . 4500 75 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
250 M 1MJ7 25 . 3900 65 3700 100 2000 100 1500 100
280 S 1MJ7 28 . 3600 60 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
315 S/M 1MJ7 31 . 3600 2) 60 2) 2600 87 2000 100 1500 100

Explosion-proof motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “e” (motor series 1MA)
1MA motors cannot be operated with a converter.

Explosion-proof motors in Zones 2, 21 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust explosions (motor series 1LA,
1LG and 1PQ8)
The values for motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8 in Zones 2 and 22
are listed in the selection and ordering data in catalog part
“Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above”.
Motor Motor type 2-pole 1) 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
frame size nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax. nmax. fmax.
rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz rpm Hz
1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9
56 M 1LA7/1LA9 05. 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
63 M 1LA7/1LA9 06. 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
71 M 1LA7/1LA9 07. 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
80 M 1LA7/1LA9 08. 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
90 L 1LA7/1LA9 09. 6000 100 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
100 L 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 10. 5400 90 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
112 M 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 11. 5400 90 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
132 S/M 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 13. 4800 80 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
160 M/L 1LA6/1LA7/1LA9 16. 4500 75 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
180 M/L 1LA5/1LA9 18. 5100 3) 85 3) 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
200 L 1LA5/1LA9 20. 5100 3) 85 3) 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
225 S/M 1LA5 22. 5100 85 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
1LG4, 1LG6
180 M/L 1LG4/1LG6 18. 4500 75 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
200 L 1LG4/1LG6 20. 4500 75 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
225 S/M 1LG4/1LG6 22. 4500 75 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
250 M 1LG4/1LG6 25. 3900 65 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
280 S/M 1LG4/1LG6 28. 3600 60 3000 100 2000 100 1500 100
315 S/M/L 1LG4/1LG6 31. 3600 1) 60 1) 2600 87 2000 100 1500 100

1) Request required for continuous duty in the fmax. (nmax.) range.

2) For vertical mounting nmax. = 3000 rpm, fmax. = 50 Hz.
3) For 1LA9 motors frame sizes 180 M/L and 200 L, nmax. = 4500 rpm and
fmax. = 75 Hz.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Bearings and bearing currents The most important measures for reducing bearing currents:
When operating multiphase induction machines on a converter, • Insulated motor bearings at the non-drive end NDE
an electrical bearing stress results from a capacitive induced The insulated bearing is standard for all non-standard 1LA8
voltage via the bearing lubricating film, depending on the princi- motors designated for converter operation. Furthermore it is
ple being used. The physical cause of this is the common-mode recommended that an insulated bearing is ordered for NDE for
voltage at the converter output. The sum of the three phase-to- motor series 1LG, 1PP4, 1LP4 and 1MJ7 frame size 225 and
neutral voltages is not zero at all times, unlike with direct on-line above (order code L27).
operation. The high-frequency, pulse-shaped common-mode • Hybrid bearings with ceramic bearing elements on drive end
voltage brings about a residual current, which closes back to the (DE) and non-drive end (NDE)
converter's DC link via the machine's internal capacitances, the • Earthing brush for converter-fed operation for 1LG motors
machine housing and the earthing circuit. The machine's inter- (order code M44)
nal capacitances include the main insulation winding capaci-
tance, the geometric capacitance between the rotor and stator, • Use of cables with a symmetrical cable cross-section:
the lubricating film capacitance and the capacitance of any
bearing insulation that may be present. The current level via
the internal capacitances is proportional to the common-mode
voltage regulation (i(t) = C⋅du/dt). L1 L1 L1
In order to apply currents to the motor which are sinusoidal as far
as possible (smooth running, oscillation torques, stray losses), a L3 L2 L3 L2 L3 L2

high clock frequency is required for the converter's output vol- PE PE

tage. The related (very steep) switching edges of the converter

output voltage (and also, therefore, of the common-mode vol-
tage) cause correspondingly high capacitive currents and vol- Concentric Steel reinforcement
tages on the machine's internal capacitances. Cu or Al screen
In the worst-case scenario, the capacitive voltage induced via
the bearing can lead to random punctures of the bearing lubri- • Use of motor reactors
cating film, thus damaging the bearing/causing premature wear.
The current pulses caused by the puncture in the lubricating film • Use of earthing cables with low impedance in a large fre-
5 are referred to as EDM (Electrostatic Discharge Machining) cur-
rents, although this is not primarily a question of an electrostatic
quency range (0 Hz up to approximately 70 MHz): for
example, plaited copper ribbon cables, HF litz wires
effect, but more of (partial) punctures of insulating material, i.e., • Separate HF equipotential-bonding cable between motor
of partial discharges. housing and driven machine
This physical effect, which occurs in isolated cases, has mostly • Separate HF equipotential-bonding cable between motor
been observed in connection with larger motors. housing and converter PE busbar
EMC-compliant installation of the drive system is a basic pre- • 360° HF contacting of the cable shield on the motor housing
requisite for preventing premature bearing damage via bearing and the converter PE busbar. This can be achieved using
currents. EMC screwed glands on the motor end and EMC shield clips
on the converter end, for example.
• Common-mode filters at the converter output (e.g. nanoperm
The given measures can be required for motor series 1LA5
frame size 225 and 1LG frame size 225 and above depending
on the application with converter-fed operation and are therefore

5/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Selection and ordering data

Preliminary selection of the motor according to motor type/series, speed or number of poles, frame size,
rated output, rated torque, rated speed and rated current
Surface-cooled motors with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V – Aluminum or cast-iron housing
See section “Surface-cooled motors with standard insulation for voltages ≤500 V – Aluminum or cast-iron housing” Pages 5/10
and 5/11.
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current at 690 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 225 M 3 ... 45 2890 ... 2960 9.9 ...145 3.5 ... 45.0 5/12 ... 5/13
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 225 S 2.2 ... 37 1420 ... 1470 15 ... 240 2.75 ... 38.5 5/12 ... 5/13
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 225 M 1.5 ... 30 925 ... 978 15 ... 293 2.25 ... 35.5 5/12 ... 5/13
Cast-iron series 1LG6
3000, 2-pole 180 M ...315 L 22 ... 200 2955 ... 2982 71 ... 641 22.5 ... 188 5/14 ... 5/16
1500, 4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 18.5 ... 200 1470 ... 1490 120 ... 1282 20 ... 198 5/14 ... 5/16
1000, 6-pole 180 L ... 315 L 15 ... 160 975 ... 990 147 ... 1543 17.2 ... 164 5/14 ... 5/16
750, 8-pole 180 L ... 315 L 11 ... 132 725 ... 740 145 ... 1704 13.8 ... 140 5/14 ... 5/16
Cast-iron series 1LA8
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 240 ... 970 2978 ... 2987 770 ... 3101 730 ... 900 3/18 ... 3/19
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 235 ... 980 1485 ... 1492 1511 ... 6273 235 ... 950 3/18 ... 3/19
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 190 ... 780 990 ... 993 1833 ... 7502 196 ... 790 3/20 ... 3/21
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 145 ... 600 740 ... 745 1871 ... 7691 162 ... 660 3/20 ... 3/21

Forced ventilated motors with mounted separately driven fan with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V 5
Speed Frame size Rated output Rated speed Rated torque Rated Detailed
current at 690 V selection and ordering
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1PQ8
3000, 2-pole 315 ... 450 240 ... 970 2978 ... 2987 770 ... 3101 730 ... 900 3/26 ... 3/27
1500, 4-pole 315 ... 450 235 ... 980 1485 ... 1492 1511 ... 6273 235 ... 950 3/26 ... 3/27
1000, 6-pole 315 ... 450 190 ... 780 990 ... 993 1833 ... 7502 196 ... 790 3/28 ... 3/29
750, 8-pole 315 ... 450 145 ... 600 740 ... 745 1871 ... 7691 162 ... 660 3/28 ... 3/29

■ More information
Planning notes for drives with constant and square-law torque
can be found in the following catalogs:
• Frequency converters – MICROMASTER 420/430/440:
Catalog DA 51.2
• Frequency converters for distributed drive solutions –
Catalog DA 51.3
• SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control/Vector Control:
Catalog series DA 65
• SINAMICS G130 and G150 frequency converters:
Catalog series D 11
• Frequency converters SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS G120 and
Catalog D11.1
• SINAMICS S120 and S150 drive systems:
Catalog series D 21
These catalogs contain tables that specify the assignment of
squirrel-cage motors to converters from Siemens in accordance
with the load characteristic of the driven machine.
For further information, please contact your local Siemens con-
tact – see “Siemens Contacts Worldwide” in the Appendix.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Surface-cooled motors with standard insulation
up to 500 V – Aluminum or cast-iron housing

■ Overview
Standard motors up to frame size 315 L
The standard motors from Siemens are suitable for converter-fed
operation at rated voltages up to 460 V. The following table
shows the available motor series:
Standard motors up to frame size 315 L for converter-fed operation up to 460 V rated voltage
Motor type Standard type Frame design Motor Motor frame sizes Output range
of protection series
Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency (energy-saving motors IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 56 M ... 160 L 0.06 ... 18. 5
according to efficiency class EFF2 Improved Efficiency for 2-pole and 4-pole 1LA5 180 M ... 225 M 11 ... 45
motors with outputs from 1.1 to 90 kW)
Cast-iron 1LA6 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 18.5
1LG4 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 200
Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency (energy-saving motors IP55 Aluminum 1LA9 56 M ... 200 L 0.06 ... 37
according to efficiency class EFF1 High Efficiency for 2-pole and 4-pole
motors with outputs from 1.1 to 90 kW) Cast-iron 1LG6 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 200
Self-ventilated motors with increased output IP55 Aluminum 1LA9 56 M ... 200 L 0.14 ... 53
Cast-iron 1LG4 180 M ... 280 M 15 ... 110
Self-cooled motors without external fan IP55 Aluminum 1LP7 63 M ... 160 L 0.045 ... 7
1LP5 180 M ... 200 L 5.5 ... 16.5
Cast-iron 1LP4 180 L ... 315 L 3.7 ... 67
Pole-changing motors IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 63 M ... 160 L 0.1 ... 17
1LA5 180 M ... 200 L 11 ... 31
For technical data, selection and ordering data and special
versions, see the relevant sections of “Standard motors up to
frame size 315 L”.

5 Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above

The non-standard motors from Siemens are suitable for con-
verter-fed operation at rated voltages up to 500 V. The following
table shows the available motor series:
Non-standard motors up to frame size 315 for converter-fed operation up to 500 V rated voltage
Motor type Standard type Frame design Motor Motor frame sizes Output range
of protection series
Self-ventilated motors for converter-fed operation – Cast-iron series 1LA8 IP55 Cast-iron 1LA8 315 ... 450 145 ... 1000
Forced ventilated motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter- IP55 Cast-iron 1PQ8 315 ... 450 145 ... 1000
fed operation – Cast-iron series 1PQ8
Self-ventilated motors with through ventilation for converter-fed operation – IP23 Cast-iron 1LL8 315 ... 450 200 ... 1250
Cast-iron series 1LL8
For technical data, selection and ordering data and special
versions, see the relevant sections of “Non-standard motors up
to frame size 315”.

5/10 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Surface-cooled motors with standard insulation
up to 500 V – Aluminum or cast-iron housing

■ Overview (continued)
Explosion-proof motors
The explosion-proof motors from Siemens listed below up to
frame size 315 L can be operated with a converter at rated vol-
tages up to 460 V (for motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8 up to 500 V):
Explosion-proof motors up to frame size 315 L for converter-fed operation up to 460 V (for motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8 up to 500 V)
rated voltage
Motor type Standard Frame Motor Motor frame sizes Output range
type of design series 1)
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 1 with type of protection “d” IP55 Cast-iron 1MJ6 71 M ... 200 L 0.25 ... 37
(Zone 1 Exde IIC T4) 1MJ7 225 M ... 315 L 30 ... 132
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 2 with type of protection “n” IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 63 M ... 160 L 0.09 ... 18.5
or protection against dust explosions 1LA9 56 M ... 200 L 0.06 ... 37
Cast-iron 1LA6 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 18.5
1LG4/1LG6 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 200
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 21 with type of protection “n” IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 56 M ... 160 L 0.09 ... 18.5
or protection against dust explosions 1LA5 180 M ... 225 M 11 ... 45
1LA9 56 M ... 200 L 0.06 ... 37
Cast-iron 1LG4/1LG6 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 200
Self-ventilated motors in Zone 22 with type of protection “n” IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 56 M ... 160 L 0.09 ... 18.5
or protection against dust explosions 1LA5 180 M ... 225 M 11 ... 45
1LA9 56 M ... 200 L 0.06 ... 37
Cast-iron 1LA6 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 18.5
1LG4/1LG6 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 200
Self-ventilated motors in Zones 2 and 22 with type of protection “n” IP55 Cast-iron 1LA8 315 ... 450 145 ... 1000

or protection against dust explosions
Forced-air cooled motors with mounted separately driven fan for converter- IP55 Cast-iron 1PQ8 315 ... 450 145 ... 1000
fed operation
in Zones 2 and 22 with type of protection “n” or protection against dust
For technical data, selection and ordering data and special
versions, see the relevant sections of “Explosion-proof motors”.

Fan motors
The fan motors from Siemens listed below are suitable for
converter-fed operation at rated voltages up to 460 V :

Fan motors for converter-fed operation at 460 V rated voltage

Motor type Standard Frame Motor series Motor frame sizes Output range
degree of design
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version IP55 Aluminum 1LA7 80 M ... 160 L 0.15 ... 17
1LA5 180 M ... 200 L 18 ... 31
Cast-iron 1LG4 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 200
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover IP55 Aluminum 1PP7 63 M ... 160 L 0.09 ... 18.5
1PP5 180 M ... 200 L 15 ... 37
Cast-iron 1PP4 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 200
For technical data, selection and ordering data and special
versions, see the relevant sections of “Fan motors”.

For converter-fed operation with frame size 225 and above, it is recom-
mended that an “Insulated bearing cartridge” – order code L27 – is used.
For motor series 1LA8 and 1PQ8, the insulated bearing cartridge is stan-

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/11

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation
up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Power Rated current For Order No. Type of
50 Hz speed torque at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor factor supplements for construc-
at 400 V, at 690 V,
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load at 50 Hz at 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz voltage and tion IM B3
4/4-load 3/4-load type of construction, approx.
see table below
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated cosϕ rated Irated Irated m
kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
3 100 L 2890 9.9 84 84 0.85 0.81 6.1 3.5 1LA7 106-2PM 21
4 112 M 2905 13 86 86 0.86 0.83 7.8 4.55 1LA7 113-2PM 27
5.5 132 S 2925 18 86.5 86.5 0.89 0.86 10.4 6 1LA7 130-2PM 37
7.5 132 S 2930 24 88 88 0.89 0.86 13.8 8 1LA7 131-2PM 42
11 160 M 2930 36 89.5 89.5 0.88 0.85 20 11.6 1LA7 163-2PM 63
15 160 M 2940 49 90 90.2 0.9 0.88 26.5 15.4 1LA7 164-2PM 72
18.5 160 L 2940 60 91 91.2 0.91 0.89 32 18.6 1LA7 166-2PM 82
22 180 M 2940 71 91.7 91.7 0.88 0.85 31.5 23 1LA5 183-2PM 113
30 200 L 2945 97 92.3 92.3 0.89 0.86 53 30.5 1LA5 206-2PM 159
37 200 L 2945 120 92.8 92.8 0.89 0.86 65 37.5 1LA5 207-2PM 179
45 225 M 2960 145 93.6 93.6 0.89 0.86 78 45 1LA5 223-2PM 209
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
2.2 100 L 1420 15 82 82.5 0.82 0.77 4.7 2.75 1LA7 106-4PM 20
3 100 L 1420 20 82.6 0 0.82 0.77 6.4 3.7 1LA7 107-4PM 23
4 112 M 1440 27 85 85.5 0.83 0.79 8.2 4.75 1LA7 113-4PM 29
5.5 132 S 1455 36 86 86 0.81 0.76 11.4 6.6 1LA7 130-4PM 39
7.5 132 M 1455 49 87 87.5 0.82 0.77 15.2 8.8 1LA7 133-4PM 46

11 160 M 1460 72 88.5 89 0.84 0.8 21.5 12.4 1LA7 163-4PM 67
15 160 L 1460 98 90 90.2 0.84 0.8 28.5 16.6 1LA7 166-4PM 81
18.5 180 M 1460 121 90.5 90.5 0.83 0.79 35.5 20.5 1LA5 183-4PM 113
22 180 L 1460 144 91.2 91.2 0.84 0.8 41.5 24 1LA5 186-4PM 123
30 200 L 1465 196 91.8 91.8 0.86 0.83 55 32 1LA5 207-4PM 157
37 225 S 1470 240 92.9 92.9 0.87 0.84 66 38.5 1LA5 220-4PM 206
45 225 M 1470 292 93.4 93.4 0.87 0.84 80 46.5 1LA5 223-4PM 232
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1.5 100 L 925 15 74 74 0.75 0.69 3.9 2.25 1LA7 106-6PM 20
2.2 112 M 940 22 78 78.5 0.78 0.72 5.2 3.05 1LA7 113-6PM 24
3 132 S 950 30 79 79.5 0.76 0.7 7.2 4.2 1LA7 130-6PM 34
4 132 M 950 40 80.5 80.5 0.76 0.7 9.4 5.5 1LA7 133-6PM 41
5.5 132 M 950 55 83 83 0.76 0.7 12.6 7.3 1LA7 134-6PM 50
7.5 160 M 960 75 86 86 0.74 0.68 17 9.9 1LA7 163-6PM 70
11 160 L 960 109 87.5 87.5 0.74 0.68 24.5 14.2 1LA7 166-6PM 89
15 180 L 970 148 89.5 89.5 0.77 0.71 31.5 18.2 1LA5 186-6PM 126
18.5 200 L 975 181 90.2 90.2 0.77 0.71 38.5 22.5 1LA5 206-6PM 161
22 200 L 975 215 90.8 90.8 0.77 0.71 45.5 26.5 1LA5 207-6PM 183
30 225 M 978 293 91.8 91.8 0.77 0.71 61 35.5 1LA5 223-6PM 214

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Final position:
Voltage code Type of construction code
50 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
500 VY 500 VΔ 690 VY IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V18
No rated voltage range IM V6, IM V5 without protective IM V18 with- without protective
without protective cover 1) 2) out protective cover, IM V19
protective cover 1), cover, IM V19
cover IM V3
3 5 8 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version ✓ With additional charge
Without additional charge – Not possible
For additional text and footnotes, see Page 5/13.

5/12 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation
up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown torque Torque class Moment of inertia Noise rated output
torque current Measuring Sound pressure
with direct starting as multiple of rated surface sound level at 50 Hz
torque current torque pressure level at
50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) dB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1LA7 106-2PM 2.8 6.8 3 16 0.0035 62 74
1LA7 113-2PM 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0059 63 75
1LA7 130-2PM 2 5.9 2.8 16 0.015 68 80
1LA7 131-2PM 2.3 6.9 3 16 0.019 68 80
1LA7 163-2PM 2.1 6.5 2.9 16 0.034 70 82
1LA7 164-2PM 2.2 6.6 3 16 0.043 70 82
1LA7 166-2PM 2.4 7 3.1 16 0.051 70 82
1LA5 183-2PM 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.077 70 83
1LA5 206-2PM 2.4 7.2 2.8 16 0.14 71 84
1LA5 207-2PM 2.4 7.7 2.8 16 0.16 71 84
1LA5 223-2PM 2.8 7.7 3.4 16 0.2 71 84
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1LA7 106-4PM 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0047 53 65
1LA7 107-4PM 2.7 5.6 3 16 0.0055 53 65
1LA7 113-4PM 2.7 6 3 16 0.012 53 65
1LA7 130-4PM 2.5 6.3 3.1 16 0.018 62 74
1LA7 133-4PM 2.7 6.7 3.2 16 0.023 62 74

1LA7 163-4PM 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.043 66 78
1LA7 166-4PM 2.6 6.5 3 16 0.055 66 78
1LA5 183-4PM 2.3 7.5 3 16 0.13 63 76
1LA5 186-4PM 2.3 7.5 3 16 0.15 63 76
1LA5 207-4PM 2.6 7 3.2 16 0.24 65 78
1LA5 220-4PM 2.8 7 3.2 16 0.32 65 78
1LA5 223-4PM 2.8 7.7 3.3 16 0.36 65 78
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1LA7 106-6PM 2.3 4 2.3 16 0.0047 47 59
1LA7 113-6PM 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.0091 52 64
1LA7 130-6PM 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 63 75
1LA7 133-6PM 2.1 4.5 2.4 16 0.019 63 75
1LA7 134-6PM 2.3 5 2.6 16 0.025 63 75
1LA7 163-6PM 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.044 66 78
1LA7 166-6PM 2.3 4.8 2.6 16 0.063 66 78
1LA5 186-6PM 2 5.2 2.4 16 0.15 66 78
1LA5 206-6PM 2.7 5.5 2.8 16 0.24 66 78
1LA5 207-6PM 2.8 5.5 2.9 16 0.28 66 78
1LA5 223-6PM 2.8 5.7 2.9 16 0.36 66 78
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) For type of construction IM V1 with/without protective cover, motors

1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... (motor series 1LA5 frame sizes 180 M to
225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts. Specify order sup-
plement “Z” and order code K32.
2) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
3) Type of construction IM V3 can only be ordered using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation
up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Order No. Price Weight
output at size Rated Rated Efficiency Efficiency Power Power Rated current For Order No. Type of
50 Hz speed at torque at at 50 Hz at 50 Hz factor at factor at supplements for construc-
at 400 V, at 690 V,
50 Hz 50 Hz 4/4-load 3/4-load 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz voltage and tion IM B3
4/4-load 3/4-load type of construction, approx.
see table below
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cosϕ rated cosϕ rated Irated Irated m
kW rpm Nm % % A A kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
22 180 M 2955 71 93.7 94.1 0.88 0.85 38.5 22.5 1LG6 183-2PM 180
30 200 L 2960 97 93.1 93 0.89 0.85 53 30.5 1LG6 206-2PM 225
37 200 L 2960 119 93.6 93.5 0.89 0.86 64 37 1LG6 207-2PM 255
45 225 M 2965 145 94.4 94.6 0.89 0.87 77 45 1LG6 223-2PM 330
55 250 M 2975 177 95 95 0.9 0.88 93 54 1LG6 253-2PM 1) 420
75 280 S 2975 241 95 95 0.89 0.87 128 74 1LG6 280-2PM 530
90 280 M 2978 289 95.3 95.4 0.9 0.88 150 88 1LG6 283-2PM 615
110 315 S 2982 352 95.5 95.4 0.91 0.89 182 106 1LG6 310-2PM 1) 790
132 315 M 2982 423 95.8 95.7 0.91 0.91 220 126 1LG6 313-2PM 915
160 315 L 2982 512 96.2 96.2 0.92 0.91 260 152 1LG6 316-2PM 1055
200 315 L 2982 641 96.2 96.2 0.93 0.92 320 188 1LG6 317-2PM 1) 1245
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
18.5 180 M 1470 120 92.1 92.7 0.83 0.78 34.5 20 1LG6 183-4PM 155
22 180 L 1470 143 92.7 93 0.84 0.79 40.5 23.5 1LG6 186-4PM 180
30 200 L 1470 195 92.7 92.8 0.85 0.8 55 32 1LG6 207-4PM 225
37 225 S 1480 239 93.6 94 0.85 0.81 67 39 1LG6 220-4PM 1) 290
45 225 M 1480 290 94.1 94.3 0.85 0.82 81 47 1LG6 223-4PM 330

55 250 M 1485 354 94.8 95 0.87 0.83 96 56 1LG6 253-4PM ) 460
75 280 S 1485 482 94.7 94.8 0.87 0.84 130 76 1LG6 280-4PM 1) 575
90 280 M 1486 578 95.1 95.2 0.86 0.83 158 92 1LG6 283-4PM 675
110 315 S 1488 706 95.6 95.7 0.87 0.84 190 110 1LG6 310-4PM 810
132 315 M 1488 847 95.9 96 0.88 0.85 225 130 1LG6 313-4PM 1) 965
160 315 L 1490 1026 96.1 96.2 0.88 0.85 275 158 1LG6 316-4PM 1105
200 315 L 1490 1282 96.1 96.2 0.88 0.86 340 198 1LG6 317-4PM 1305
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
15 180 L 975 147 90 90.8 0.81 0.77 29.5 17.2 1LG6 186-6PM 175
18.5 200 L 978 181 90.5 91.1 0.81 0.76 36 21 1LG6 206-6PM 210
22 200 L 978 215 91.4 92 0.82 0.78 42 24.5 1LG6 207-6PM 240
30 225 M 980 292 92.6 93.1 0.83 0.8 56 32.5 1LG6 223-6PM 325
37 250 M 985 359 93.1 93.5 0.83 0.79 69 40 1LG6 253-6PM 1) 405
45 280 S 988 435 93.9 94.1 0.85 0.81 81 47 1LG6 280-6PM 520
55 280 M 988 532 93.9 94.1 0.85 0.81 99 58 1LG6 283-6PM 570
75 315 S 990 723 94.6 94.6 0.83 0.79 138 80 1LG6 310-6PM 1) 760
90 315 M 990 868 94.9 95 0.85 0.81 160 93 1LG6 313-6PM 935
110 315 L 990 1061 95.2 95.3 0.85 0.82 196 114 1LG6 316-6PM 1010
132 315 L 990 1273 95.4 95.4 0.85 0.82 235 136 1LG6 317-6PM 1180
160 315 L 990 1543 95.3 95.4 0.86 0.82 280 164 1LG6 318-6PM 1) 1245
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
11 180 L 725 145 88.1 89 0.76 0.69 23.5 13.8 1LG6 186-8PM 165
15 200 L 725 198 88.2 88.7 0.8 0.73 30.5 17.8 1LG6 207-8PM 235
18.5 225 S 730 242 89.9 90.6 0.81 0.75 36 21.5 1LG6 220-8PM 295
22 225 M 730 288 90.6 91.1 0.81 0.75 43 25 1LG6 223-8PM 1) 335
30 250 M 735 390 91.9 92.4 0.82 0.77 57 33.5 1LG6 253-8PM 435
37 280 S 738 479 92.6 92.8 0.81 0.76 71 41.5 1LG6 280-8PM 510
45 280 M 738 582 93.3 93.6 0.81 0.77 86 50 1LG6 283-8PM 1) 560
55 315 S 740 710 93.8 93.9 0.82 0.77 102 60 1LG6 310-8PM 750
75 315 M 740 968 93.9 94.1 0.83 0.78 138 81 1LG6 313-8PM 840
90 315 L 740 1161 94.2 94.6 0.84 0.8 164 95 1LG6 316-8PM 1) 1005
110 315 L 740 1420 94.3 94.6 0.84 0.79 200 116 1LG6 317-8PM 1100
132 315 L 740 1704 94.4 94.7 0.84 0.8 240 140 1LG6 318-8PM 1270
For Order No. supplement, see Page 5/16.

1) Insulated bearing cartridge at non-drive-end NDE is recommended

(order code L27).

5/14 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation
up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown torque Torque class Moment of inertia Noise at rated output
torque current Measuring Sound pressure
with direct starting as multiple of rated surface sound level at 50 Hz
torque current torque pressure level at
50 Hz
TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated CL J LpfA LWA
kgm² dB(A) DB(A)
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1LG6 183-2PM 2.5 7.2 3.4 16 0.086 67 80
1LG6 206-2PM 2.4 7 3.3 16 0.15 71 84
1LG6 207-2PM 2.5 7.2 3.3 16 0.18 71 84
1LG6 223-2PM 2.5 7.3 3.2 16 0.27 71 84
1LG6 253-2PM 2.4 6.8 3 16 0.47 71 84
1LG6 280-2PM 2.5 7 3 13 0.83 73 86
1LG6 283-2PM 2.6 7.6 3.1 13 1 73 86
1LG6 310-2PM 2.4 6.9 2.8 13 1.4 76 89
1LG6 313-2PM 2.6 7.1 2.9 13 1.6 76 89
1LG6 316-2PM 2.5 7.1 2.9 13 2.1 76 89
1LG6 317-2PM 2.5 6.9 2.8 13 2.5 76 89
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1LG6 183-4PM 2.5 6.4 3 16 0.12 60 73
1LG6 186-4PM 2.5 6.7 3.1 16 0.14 60 73
1LG6 207-4PM 2.6 6.7 3.3 16 0.23 62 75
1LG6 220-4PM 2.7 6.8 3 16 0.4 60 73
1LG6 223-4PM 2.8 6.9 3 16 0.49 60 73

1LG6 253-4PM 2.6 7.5 3 16 0.86 65 78
1LG6 280-4PM 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 1.4 67 80
1LG6 283-4PM 2.7 7.5 3.1 16 1.7 68 82
1LG6 310-4PM 2.7 7.1 2.9 16 2.3 68 82
1LG6 313-4PM 2.7 7.3 2.9 16 2.9 69 83
1LG6 316-4PM 3 7.4 3 16 3.5 69 83
1LG6 317-4PM 3.2 7.6 3 16 4.2 69 83
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1LG6 186-6PM 2.4 5.5 2.5 16 0.2 56 69
1LG6 206-6PM 2.4 5.6 2.4 16 0.29 59 72
1LG6 207-6PM 2.4 5.6 2.4 16 0.36 59 72
1LG6 223-6PM 2.8 6.5 2.9 16 0.63 59 72
1LG6 253-6PM 2.9 6.8 2.5 16 0.93 59 72
1LG6 280-6PM 3 6.8 2.7 16 1.4 58 71
1LG6 283-6PM 3.3 7.3 2.9 16 1.6 58 71
1LG6 310-6PM 2.8 7.3 3 16 2.5 61 74
1LG6 313-6PM 2.7 7.3 2.9 16 3.2 61 74
1LG6 316-6PM 2.9 7.4 2.9 16 4 61 74
1LG6 317-6PM 3.1 7.8 3.1 16 4.7 61 74
1LG6 318-6PM 3.2 7.8 3.1 16 5.4 64 77
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection,
specially for operation on SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
1LG6 186-8PM 1.7 4.6 2.2 13 0.21 62 75
1LG6 207-8PM 2.3 5.3 2.6 13 0.37 62 75
1LG6 220-8PM 2.3 5.6 2.6 13 0.55 54 67
1LG6 223-8PM 2.4 5.8 2.8 13 0.66 58 71
1LG6 253-8PM 2.5 6 2.8 13 1.1 57 70
1LG6 280-8PM 2.3 5.7 2.3 13 1.4 58 71
1LG6 283-8PM 2.6 6.1 2.4 13 1.6 58 71
1LG6 310-8PM 2.5 6.3 2.9 13 2.5 61 75
1LG6 313-8PM 2.5 6.7 2.9 13 3.1 60 74
1LG6 316-8PM 2.4 6.3 2.8 13 3.9 64 77
1LG6 317-8PM 2.4 6.4 2.6 13 4.5 64 77
1LG6 318-8PM 2.5 6.7 2.9 13 5.3 64 77
For Order No. supplement, see Page 5/16.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation
up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Final position:
Voltage code Type of construction code
50 Hz Without flange With flange With standard flange With special flange
500 VY 500 VΔ 690 VY IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14, IM V18
No rated voltage range IM V6, without without protective IM V18 with- without protective
IM V5 without protective protective cover 2) 3) out protec- cover, IM V19
protective cover cover 2) tive cover,
cover 1) 2)
IM V19
3 5 8 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG6 18 . - . PM ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . PM ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . PM ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . PM ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . PM ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . PM ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . PM
1LG6 316 - . PM – ✓ 5) ✓ 5) ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . PM
1LG6 318 - . PM
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
Order other types of construction with type of construction code
5 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 4)
Type of construction IM V6/IM V5 without protective cover is only possible
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E and M1D.
the motor feet are supported. 5)
2) 2-pole motors in 60 Hz version available on request.
1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

5/16 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Self-ventilated motors FS 315 a. above, w. special
insulation up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LA8

■ Overview
Recommended types:
• 1LA8 in output range from 145 to 980 kW (at 50 Hz).

■ Selection and ordering data

The data for motor series 1LA8 with special insulation for vol-
tages up to 690 V for converter-fed operation can be found in the
“Technical specifications” and “Selection and ordering data” in
catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above”.
They are ordered using additional order options (special ver-
sions). These special versions for voltages, construction types or
options are listed in catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame
size 315 and above”.

Forced-air cooled motors FS 315 a. above, w. fan, with

special insulation up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1PQ8

■ Overview
Recommended types:
• 1PQ8 in output range from 145 to 980 kW (at 50 Hz)

■ Selection and ordering data

The data for motor series 1PQ8 with special insulation for vol-
tages up to 690 V for converter-fed operation can be found in the
“Technical specifications” and “Selection and ordering data” in
catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above”. 5
They are ordered using additional order options (special ver-
sions). These special versions for voltages, construction types or
options are listed in catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame
size 315 and above”. Please inquire about 1PQ8 motors.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions

■ Overview
Motor protection Rating plate data for motors operating with frequency
converters for Zones 2, 21 and 22
KTY 84 temperature sensor
Order code “MICROMASTER DUTY S9” is stamped on the rating plate as
A23: 1 x KTY 84-130 standard, i.e. the rating data for the MICROMASTER converter
A25: 2 x KTY 84-130 series from Siemens are indicated. For other converter types
This sensor is a semi-conductor that changes its resistance de- (SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, SINAMICS G110, SINAMICS S120
pending on temperature in accordance with a defined curve. or SIMATIC ET 200S FC), the converter type required must be
specified in the order in plain text following the order code Y68.
This is due to the different degree of utilization of the converter
and the resulting derating of the motor.
R Bearing
For converter-fed operation with frame size 225 and above, it is
k recommended that an “Insulated bearing cartridge” – Order
code L27 is used.
Ventilation/noise generation
The fan noise can increase at speeds that are higher than the
1.5 rated speed of self-ventilated motors.
D = 2 mA To increase motor utilization at low speeds, it is recommended
that forced ventilated motors are used, in particular motor series
1 1LA5, 1LA7, 1LG4 and 1LG6 with order code G17 or motor
series 1PQ8.
For converter-fed operation with the outputs specified in the ca-
talog, the motors are used according to temperature class 155

(F), i.e. in this case neither a service factor >1 nor an increased
0 coolant temperature is possible, that is order codes C11, C12
0 50 100 150 200 250 °C 300
and C13 cannot be ordered. Explosion-proof motors for Zones 2,
21 and 22 are utilised in accordance with temperature class
130 (B).
KTY 84 temperature sensor Supply frequencies larger than 60 Hz
For 1LA8 motors, the PTC thermistors supplied as standard are For converter-fed operation with frequencies greater than 60 Hz,
omitted when ordering with order code A23. special balancing is required for compliance with the specified
For mains-fed operation, the temperature monitoring device limit values (plain text: Max. speed).
3RS10 that is part of the protection equipment can be ordered
separately. For further details, see Catalog LV1.
Motor protection for explosion-proof motors
The explosion-proof motors for Zones 2, 21 and 22 for converter-
fed operation (ordered with order codes M73, M38, M39, M75 or
M77) already have PTC thermistors for tripping as standard. For
converter-fed operation, thermistors can be additionally ordered
for alarm (order code A10).
For the explosion-proof motor series of Zone 1 with type of pro-
tection “d”, order codes A15 and A16 are available specially for
converter-fed operation:
Order code A15: Motor protection with PTC thermistors for con-
verter-fed operation with 3 or 4 embedded temperature sensors
for tripping.
Order code A16: Motor protection with PTC thermistors for con-
verter-fed operation with 6 or 8 embedded temperature sensors
for alarm and tripping.
Order code M77 (incl. order code A15): Design for Zones 1 and
21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust (IP65) for converter-
fed operation, derating.

5/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions

■ Overview (continued)
ECOFAST motor connectors Motor series with special insulation up to 690 V
In combination with the ECOFAST versions of the For motor series 1LA7/5 and 1LG6 with special insulation up
MICROMASTER 411 distributed drive solutions, the following to 690 V, the following special versions are generally not
motor connectors can be ordered separately: possible:
• ECOFAST motor connector, standard (unshielded connec- Description Order code
tion): Order code G55. With PTC thermistors for alarm for converter-fed operation in A10
• ECOFAST motor connector, EMC (shielded connection): Zones 2, 21 and 22
Order code G56. Temperature detectors for tripping A31
Shielded motor connection cables must be used for frequency Installation of 3PT100 resistance thermometers A60
converters and soft starters. Installation of 6PT100 resistance thermometers A61
in stator winding
Maximum admissible mains voltage on motor connector: ≤500 V Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), C11
with service factor (SF)
Ordering example:
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), C12
Selection criteria Requirement Structure of the with increased output
Order No. Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), C13
Motor type Standard motor with high effi- 1LA9 - with increased coolant temperature
ciency (EFF1), IP55 degree of Temperature class 180 (H) at rated output and max. CT 60 °C C18
protection, aluminum housing
Increased air humidity/temperature with 30 to 60 g water C19
No. of poles/speed 4-pole/1500 rpm 1LA9 090-4KA90 per m3 of air
Rated output 1.1 kW L1U
Increased air humidity/temperature with 60 to 100 g water C26
Special voltage Star/delta starting for a mains per m3 of air
and frequency voltage Stamping of Ex nA II on VIK rating plate C27
400 VΔ, 50 Hz 1)
Coolant temperature –40 ºC to +40 ºC for EX motor D19
Type of IM B3
construction Design according to UL with “Recognition Mark” D31
ECOFAST Shielded connection 1LA9 090-4KA90 – Z Canadian regulations (CSA) D40
connector L1U + G56 ECOFAST motor connector Han-Drive 10e G55
for 230 VΔ/400 VY
Converter mounting
Motor series 1LA7 with standard insulation up to 500 V in catalog
ECOFAST motor connector EMC Han-Drive 10e
for 230 VΔ/400 VY
Prepared for mounting the MICROMASTER Integrated

parts 2 “Standard motors up to frame size 315 L” and 7 “Fan frequency converter
motors” can be prepared for mounting an MMI (MICROMASTER
Mounting of explosion-proof rotary pulse encoder for use in H86
Integrated). Order code H15 is required for this purpose. Zones 2, 21, 22
Earth brushes for converter-fed operation VIK design (comprises Zone 2 for mains-fed operation, K30
without Ex nA II marking on rating plate)
Earth brushes are available for converter-fed operation for 1LG4 Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 115 V M14
and 1LG6 motors with order code M44. Please contact your Anti-condensation heater, Ex. 230 V M15
local Siemens office for advice. Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust M34
(IP65) for mains-fed operation
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) M35
for mains-fed operation
Design for Zone 21, as well as Zone 22 for conducting dust M38
(IP65) for converter-fed operation, derating
Design for Zone 22 for non-conducting dust (IP55) M39
for converter-fed operation, derating
Design for Zone 2 for mains-fed operation Ex nA II T3 M72
acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15
Design for Zone 2 for converter-fed operation, derating M73
acc. to IEC/EN 60079-15
Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non-conducting dust (IP55), M74
for mains-fed operation
Design for Zones 2 and 22, for non-conducting dust (IP55), M75
for converter-fed operation, derating
Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan Ex nA M95
for use in Zone 2
Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 2D M96
for use in Zone 21
Mounting of explosion-proof separately driven fan II 3D M97
for use in Zone 22
Temperature class 155 (F), used acc. to 155 (F), Y52
other requirements
Alternative converter (SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, Y68

1) Note: Voltage code 9 with order code L1U must be selected due to the
400 V voltage. With voltage code 6 (= 400 VΔ/690 VY, 50 Hz), temporary
voltage peaks of 690 V can arise which can cause faults on the ECOFAST

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions

■ Selection and ordering data

Additional order codes for other voltages or voltage codes For some non-standard voltages at 50 or 60 Hz, order codes are
(without -Z supplement) specified. They are ordered by specifying the code 9 for voltage
in the 11th position of the Order No. and the appropriate order
Special versions Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
code 11th identifica-
position of tion code
the Order with order
No. code and,
if required,
with plain

56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 1LA5
(aluminum) (aluminum)
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 1)
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for vol- 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2)
tages between 200 and 690 V
(voltages outside this range are
available on request) 1)

5 ✓

With additional charge
This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

1) Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,

required rated output in kW.
2) For voltages in the 200 V range, please contact your local Siemens repre-

5/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Types of construction
Additional order codes for other types of construction or type of Order codes have been defined for some special types of con-
construction codes (without -Z supplement) struction. They are ordered by specifying the code 9 for the type
of construction in the 12th position of the Order No. and the
appropriate order code.
Special versions Type of Additional Motor type frame size
construc- identifica- 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315 L
tion code tion code S/M
12th posi- with order
tion of code and, 2- 4-,
the Order if required, pole 6,
No. with plain 8-
text pole
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 1LA5
(aluminum) (aluminum)
Without flange
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With flange
IM V3 2) 9 M1G – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 9 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
With special flange
IM V18 with protective cover 1) 9 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 without protective cover 9 M1D – – – – – – ✓ 3)

IM V6 4) 9 M1E – – – – – – ✓ 3)
IM V5 with protective cover 1) 4) 9
With flange
M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3) ✓
IM V3 5) 9 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 4)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible. If motors of frame sizes 180 M to 315 L are mounted on the wall, it is
For frame sizes 180 M to 225 M, the 1LA5 motors can be supplied with two recommended that the motor feet are supported.
additional eyebolts; state Order No. suffix “Z” and order code K32. 1LG6 motors of frame sizes 225 S to 315 M are supplied with two screw-in
3) 60 Hz version is possible on request eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in
accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not
be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 3 embedded
temperature sensors for trip-
ping 1)
Motor protection with PTC A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermistors with 6 embedded
temperature sensors for trip-
ping and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensor KTY 84-130
Motor temperature detection A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensors 2 x KTY 84-130
Motor connection and connection box
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

5 Rotation of the connection box K83

through 90°, entry from
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

through 90°, entry from
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, L44 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
0.5 m long 2)
3 cables protruding, L45 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
1.5 m long 2)
6 cables protruding, L47 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
0.5 m long 2)
6 cables protruding, L48 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
1.5 m long 2)
6 cables protruding, L49 – – – – O. R. O. R. O. R.
3 m long 2)
Connection box on NDE (BS) M64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 45 °C,
derating approx. 4 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 50 °C,
derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 55 °C,
derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 60 °C,
derating approx. 18 %

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/26.

5/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54• and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special fin-
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, ish RAL ….
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012,
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51• and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special fin-
“Special finish in special RAL ish RAL ….
colors” on Page 0/19
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Modular technology – Basic versions 3)
Mounting of separately driven G17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of brake 4) G26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 3)
Mounting of separately driven H61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary
pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and H62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
encoder 4)
Mounting of brake and H63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan 4)
Mounting of brake, H64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan and
1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
encoder 4)
Mounting of separately driven H97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary
pulse encoder
Mounting of brake and H98 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
encoder 4)
Mounting of brake, H99 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan and
1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
encoder 4)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/26.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC C00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC C01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage C02 ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
180 V DC, for operation on
Mechanical manual brake K82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
release with lever
(no locking)
Special technology 3)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 H70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I H72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mechanical design and degrees of protection

5 Drive-end seal
for flange-mounting motors with
oil resistance up to 0.1 bar
K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Not possible for IM V3 type of

With two additional eyebolts K32 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
for IM V1/IM V3
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with clockwise direction
of rotation
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with counter-clockwise
direction of rotation
IP65 degree of protection 5) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 6)
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 7) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical protection for M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder 8)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C 9)
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C 9)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/26.

5/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ – – – – –
Certification 10)
Electrical according to D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shock pulse measurement for
bearing inspection 11)
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE (AS) K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE (BS) L04 ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity level A
Vibration quantity level B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-moun-
ting motors 12)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with normal K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without feather key
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of non- M65 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
shaft extension 13) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Metal external fan 14) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for K45 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
230 V
Anti-condensation heaters for K46 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identifi- Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cation code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/26.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (aluminum)
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and commissio- B00
ning note. Customer's declara-
tion of renouncement required.
With one safety and startup B01 – –
guide per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English enclosed in print
Wire-lattice pallet L99 – –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O.R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 10)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- CCC certification is required for
mended. – 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation – 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW
heating option, please inquire before ordering. – 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
– 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted 11)
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various Not possible when brake is mounted.
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63.. .
This applies for: Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
– Modular technology – Basic versions tilever forces, order code K20) brake or encoder fitting.
– Modular technology – Combination of basic versions 13)
When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
– Special technology than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00, C01 and C02. dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
(order code H72, H79) and/or brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and the manufacturer normatively.
including frame size 225, order code G26). Not applicable for: Conical shafts, non-standard threaded journals, non-
standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals, extremely “thin” shafts,
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and special geometry dimensions (e.g. square journals), hollow shafts.
including frame size 225, order code G26). Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE. The featherkeys are
7) supplied in every case.
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE
and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protection. If The add-on prices also apply for “Shaft extension DE without featherkey
condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or way”.
IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to For order codes Y55 and K16:
relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) – Dimensions D and DA ≤ Inner diameter of roller bearing
so that the condensation drainage holes situated between the feet on (see tables under “Dimensions”)
delivery are underneath. – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x Length E (normal) of the shaft extension
8) For explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately 14)
driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under For 1LA5, 1LA6, 1LA7, 1LA9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan,
the fan cover. converter-fed operation is permitted. The metal external fan is not possible
9) in combination with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.
In connection with mountings, the respective technical data must be
observed; request required.

5/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions

Special versions Additional Motor type frame size

tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping
and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensor KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with embedded temperature
sensors 2 x KTY 84-130
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1) 2)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 double A80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screw-in resistance thermome-
ters (3-wire circuit) for rolling-
contact bearings 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, feet K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screwed on
Connection box in cast-iron K15 ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 3) L48 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 3) L49 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Protruding cable ends – L51 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
right side 3) 4)
Protruding cable ends – L52 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
left side 3) 4)
Auxiliary connection box L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XB3 020
Stud terminal for cable connec- M46 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
tion, accessories pack (3 items)
Saddle terminal for connection M47 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
without cable lug, accessories
pack (6 items)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/31.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 45 °C,
derating approx. 4 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 50 °C,
derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 55 °C,
derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 130 (B),
coolant temperature 60 °C,
derating approx. 18 %
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard finish in other standard Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, standard
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish RAL
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,

6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special fin-
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, ish RAL ….
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012,
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special fin-
“Special finish in special RAL ish RAL ….
colors” Page 0/19
Offshore special finish M91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Modular technology – Basic versions 5)
Mounting of separately driven G17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan 6)
Mounting of brake 6) 7) G26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/31.

5/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 5)
Mounting of separately driven H61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and H62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
encoder 7)
Mounting of brake and H63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
separately driven fan 7)
Mounting of brake, separately H64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary
pulse encoder 7)

Mounting of separately driven H97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and H98 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
encoder 7)
Mounting of brake, separately H99 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-2
rotary pulse encoder 7)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC C00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC C01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical manual brake
release with lever
(no locking)
K82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Special technology 5)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 H70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I H72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange-mounting K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors with oil resistance to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
construction and 2-pole motors.
Low-noise version for 2-pole K37 – – – – – –
motors with clockwise direction of
rotation 8)
Low-noise version for 2-pole K38 – – – – – –
motors with counter-clockwise
direction of rotation 8)
IP65 degree of protection 9) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation water holes 11) L12
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Earth brushes for converter-fed M44 – – – – O. R. O. R.
Mechanical protection for M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder 12)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/31.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–50 to +40 °C 13)
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C 13)
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C 13)
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 14)
Special bearing for DE and NDE, K36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 15) ✓ 15)
bearing size 63
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04
Insulated bearing cartridge 16) L27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity level A
Vibration quantity level B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

5 Full key balancing

Balancing without key

Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement in
accordance with DIN 42955 Tol-
erance R for flange-mounting
motors 17)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Shaft extension with normal K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

dimensions without feather key
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 19) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan 20) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters for K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
230 V
Anti-condensation heaters for K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
115 V
Sheet metal fan cover L36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Separately driven fan with Y81 • and – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
non-standard voltage and/or identifica-
frequency tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 5/31.

5/30 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V – Cast-iron series 1LG6
1LG6 (cast-iron)
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identifica- Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tion code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(max. of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes; documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English enclosed in print
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O.R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 14)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Not possible for 2-pole 1LG6 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of
mended. construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity
This option is not possible for frame sizes 225 to 315 in combination with level B available on request for 1LG6 motors. Not possible for 1LG6
the option “Insulated bearing cartridge “ – order code L27. motors in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality
and linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation flange-mounting motors” – order code K04.
heating option, please inquire before ordering. 15)
Additional charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors, stan-
Possible in combination with order code L44 to L49 or length specification dard version.
in plain text. 16)
This option is not possible for frame sizes 225 to 315 in combination with
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted the option “Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in resistance thermometers
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various (basic circuit) for rolling-contact bearings” – order code A72.
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. 17)
This applies for: Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and
– Modular technology – Basic versions 63... . Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for
– Modular technology – Combination of basic versions increased cantilever forces, order code K20) brake or encoder fitting.
For 1LG6 motors, order codes G17, G26 and H63 frame size 225 and Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of con-
above can also be combined with rotary pulse encoders, see the “Special struction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request.
technology” range. Version with protective cover not possible.
The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00 and C01. than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
Not necessary for 1LG6 motors because these motors are already noise dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
optimized. way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
9) the manufacturer normatively.
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l
(order code H72, H79) and/or brake 2LM8 Not applicable for: Conical shafts, non-standard threaded journals, non-
(used for motors up to and including frame size 225, order code G26). standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals, extremely “thin” shafts,
10) special geometry dimensions (e.g. square journals), hollow shafts.
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE. The featherkeys are
(used for motors up to and including frame size 225, order code G26). supplied in every case.
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE For order codes Y55 and K16:
and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction (see dimension tables under “Dimensions”)
(feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath. 20)
For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately operation is permitted. The metal external fan is not possible in combina-
driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under tion with the low-noise version – order code K37 or K38.
the fan cover.
In connection with mountings, the respective technical data must be
observed; request required.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/31

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Overview
Slide rails with fixing bolts and tensioning screws to Standardized taper pins are available from general engineering
DIN 42923 suppliers.
Slide rails are used to tension the belt of a machine easily and Available from:
conveniently when a belt tightener is not available. They are Otto Roth GmbH & Co. KG
fixed to the base using stone bolts or foundation blocks. Rutesheimer Straße 22
70499 Stuttgart, Germany
The assignment of slide rails to motor size can be found in Tel. +49 (0)711-13880
DIN 42923. For motors of frame sizes 355 to 450, there are no Fax +49 (0)711-1388233
standardized slide rails (please inquire).
Available from: e-mail:
Lütgert & Co. GmbH
Postfach 42 51 Couplings
33276 Gütersloh, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0 In most cases, the motor is connected to the driving machine
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 through coupling. Source of supply:

e-mail: Siemens contact partner – ordering from Catalog
Siemens MD 10.1 “FLENDER Standard Couplings“
Foundation block acc. to DIN 799
The foundation blocks are inserted into the stone foundation and
embedded in concrete. They are used for fixing machines of me- A. Friedr. Flender AG
dium size, slide rails, pedestal bearings, baseframes, etc. After Kupplungswerk Mussum
the fixing bolts have been unscrewed, the machine can be Industriepark Bocholt
dragged without it having to be lifted. Schlavenhorst 100
46395 Bocholt, Germany
When the machine is initially installed, the foundation block that Tel. +49 (0)2871-922185
is bolted to the machine (without washers) and fitted with taper Fax +49 (0)2871-922579
pins is not embedded with concrete until the machine has been
5 fully aligned. In this case, the machine is positioned 2 to 3 mm
lower. The difference in shaft height is compensated by inserting e-mail:
shims on final installation. The taper pins safeguard the exact Mounting of encoder
position of the machine when it is repeatedly removed and re-
placed without the need for realignment. In the case of mounting by the customer.
Available from: Options H79, H80
Lütgert & Co. GmbH Baumer Hübner GmbH
Postfach 42 51 Planufer 92b
33276 Gütersloh, Germany 10967 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0 Tel. +49 (0)30-69003-0
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 Fax +49 (0)30-69003-104
e-mail: e-mail:
Taper pins to DIN 258 with threaded ends and constant Option H78
taper lengths
Leine & Linde (Deutschland) GmbH
Taper pins are used for components that are repeatedly Bahnhofstraße 36
removed. The drilled hole is ground conical using a conical 73430 Aalen, Germany
reamer until the pin can be pushed in by hand until the cone Tel. +49 (0)7361-78093-0
shoulder lies 3 to 4 mm above the rim of the hole. Fax +49 (0)7361-78093-11
It can then be driven in using a hammer until it is correctly
seated. The pin is removed from the drilled hole by screwing on e-mail:
the nut and tightening it.

■ More information
Spare motors and repair parts Example for ordering a fan cover 1LA7, frame size 160 M, 4-pole:
• Supply commitment for spare motors and repair parts follow- Fan cover No. 7.40, 1LA7 163–4AA60,
ing delivery of the motor factory number J783298901018
- For up to 5 years, in the event of total motor failure, Siemens
will supply a comparable motor with regard to the mounting • For bearing types, see the “Introduction”.
dimensions and functions (the type series may vary). • Repair parts for 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1MJ8, 1MJ1, 1ME8, 1ML8, 1LG8
- Repair parts will be supplied for up to 5 years. motors and smoke-extraction motors are available on request.
- For up to 10 years, Siemens will provide information and will, • For standard components, a supply commitment does not apply.
if necessary, supply documentation for repair parts.
• Support – Hotline
• When repair parts are ordered, the following details must be In Germany
provided: Tel.: 0180/5050448
- Designation and part number
- Order No. and factory number of the motor National telephone numbers can be found on the Internet page:

5/32 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Overview
The following overall dimensions and dimension drawings are For overall dimensions and dimension drawings for surface-
only applicable for self-ventilated 1LA7/1LA5 and 1LG6 motors cooled motors with standard insulation for voltages up to 500 V,
with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V. For overall di- see the relevant catalog part.
mensions of 1LA8/1PQ8 motors with special insulation for vol-
tages up to 690 V, see catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors”.

Overall dimensions


Frame Type Number Dimensions Frame Type Number Dimensions

size of poles L AD H AB O size of poles L AD H AB O
100 L 1LA7 372 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5 250 M 1LG6 253 2, 6, 8 887 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
112 M 1LA7 393 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5 1LG6 253 4 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 258 2, 4, 6 957 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
132 S/ 1LA7 452.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
132 M 280 S/ 1LG6 280 2, 4, 6, 8 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
280 M 1LG6 283 2, 4 1070 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
160 M/
160 L
1LA7 588 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5 1LG6 283
1LG6 288
6, 8
2, 4, 6
960 432
1070 432
2 x M63 x 1.5
2 x M63 x 1.5 5
180 M/ 1LA5 712 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
315 S/ 1LG6 310 2 1072 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
180 L 1LG6 183 2 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5 315 M/ 1LG6 310 4, 6, 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 183 4 669 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5 315 L 1LG6 313 8 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 720 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5 1LG6 313 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
200 L 1LA5 769.5 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 313 4, 6 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 206 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 316 2 1232 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 207 777 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 316 4, 6, 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 207 4, 8 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 317 8 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 317 2 1372 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
225 S/ 1LA5 806 305 225 426 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 317 4, 6 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
225 M 1LA5 2 776 305 225 426 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 318 2 1372 651 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 220 4, 8 789 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 318 4 1402 651 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 223 2 819 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5 1LG6 318 6, 8 1402 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1LG6 223 4, 6, 8 849 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG6 228 2 869 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1LG6 228 4, 6 899 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5

Notes on the dimensions 7 Dimension tolerances

7 Dimension designations according to DIN EN 50347 and For the following dimensions, the admissible deviations are
IEC 60072. given below:
7 Fits Dimension designation Dimension Admissible
The shaft extensions specified in the dimension tables (DIN 748) deviation
and centering spigot diameters (DIN EN 50347) are machined H to 250 – 0.5
with the following fits: over 250 – 1.0
Dimension designation ISO fit DIN ISO 286-2 E, EA – 0.5
D, DA to 30 j6 Keyways and feather keyways (dimensions GA, GC, F and FA)
over 30 to 50 k6 are made in compliance with DIN 6885 Part 1.
over 50 m6 7 All dimensions are specified in mm.
N to 250 j6
over 250 h6
F, FA h9
K H17
S Flange (FF) H17
The drilled holes of couplings and belt pulleys should have an
ISO fit of at least H7.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/33

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 100 L to 225 M · with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame size 225 S/M has



BE' frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.







Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 5/40 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts frame size
LL AS 100 L and above






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD2) AD' AF2) AF' AG2) AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE2) BE'2) C CA* H HA
size of poles
100 L 1LA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 125 100 12
1LA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 141 112 12
132 S 1LA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 162.5 132 15
1LA7 131 2
132 M 1LA7 133 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 124.5 132 15
1LA7 134 6
160 M 1LA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 139 160 18
180 M 1LA5 183 2, 4 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 259 180 18
180 L 1LA5 186 4, 6, 8 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 279 50 – 325 38 54 27 121 221 180 18
200 L 1LA5 206 2, 6 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 239 200 24
1LA5 207 2, 4, 6, 8
225 S 1LA5 220 4, 8 356 103 426 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 286 58 83 361 36 85 42.5 149 248.5 225 24
225 M 1LA5 223 2 356 103 426 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 311 58 83 361 36 85 42.5 149 223.5 225 24
4, 6, 8

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. The values increase if the connection box is rotated or if a brake is
Measured across the bolt heads. mounted. Further information is provided by the dimension sheet
generator in SD configurator.

5/34 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 100 L to 225 M · with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 5/40 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame size 225 S/M has


EB EA frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.






Type of construction IM B14

For flange dimensions, see Page 5/40 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


LM Eyebolts frame size

100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
Frame Type Number of HH K K' L LC LL LM D DB E EB ED F GA DA DC EA EC EE FA GC
size poles
100 L 1LA7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 372 438 120 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA7 107 4, 8
112 M 1LA7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 393 461 120 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.51) 551.5 140 5051) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 131 2
132 M 1LA7 133 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 452.51) 551.5 140 5051) 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 134 6
160 M 1LA7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA7 164 2, 8
160 L 1LA7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1LA5 183 2, 4 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LA5 186 4, 6, 8 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LA5 206 2, 6 178 19 25 769.5 897 192 850 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LA5 207 2, 4, 6, 8
225 S 1LA5 220 4, 8 184.5 19 25 806 933.5 192 887.5 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LA5 223 2 184.5 19 25 776 903.5 192 857.5 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 806 933.5 887.5 60 M20 140 125 7.5 18 64

In a low-noise version, the dimension L is 8 mm greater and the
dimension LM is 11.5 mm greater.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/35

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 180 M to 250 M · with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V
Type of construction IM B3

L, L' AG









DB K DC Frame sizes 180 M/L and 225 S/M K' AF'
E C B CA EA have frame feet with 2 drilled A
BA BA' holes at NDE. AA
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 5/40 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG







The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5, whereby one
can be relocated to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that stress must
not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.

For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
180 M 1LG6 183 2 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 241 70 111 328 36 54 121 253 180 20
4 202
180 L 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 340 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 215 180 20
200 L 1LG6 206 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
1LG6 207 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 234 200 25
4, 8 177
225 S 1LG6 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 218 225 34
225 M 1LG6 223 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 253 225 34
4, 6, 8
1LG6 228 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 303 225 34
4, 6
250 M 1LG6 253 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
4 305
6, 8 235
1LG6 258 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 305 250 40
4, 6

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

Measured across the bolt heads.

5/36 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 180 M to 250 M · with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 5/40 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG










For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
180 M 1LG6 183 2 157 15 19 720 835 132 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4 669 784 759
180 L 1LG6 186 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 720 835 132 810 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LG6 206 2, 6 196 19 25 720 835 192 810 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG6 207 2, 6 196 19 25 777 892 192 867 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 8 720 835 810
225 S 1LG6 220 4, 8 196 19 25 789 903 192 889 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LG6 223 2 196 19 25 819 933 192 919 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 849 963 949 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LG6 228 2 196 19 25 869 983 192 969 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6 899 1013 999 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1LG6 253 2 237 24 30 887 1002 236 987 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4 957 1102 1057 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
6, 8 887 1032 987 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 258 2 237 24 30 957 1102 236 1057 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/37

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 280 S to 315 L · with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V
Type of construction IM B3

L, L' AG









DB K DC Frame sizes 280 S/M and 315 S/M/L K' AF'
E C B CA EA have frame feet with 2 drilled A
BA BA' holes at NDE. AA
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 5/40 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5, whereby one
can be relocated to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that stress must
not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.

For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

Frame Type Number A AA AB AC1) AD AD' AF AF' AG AH AQ AS B* BA BA' BB BC BE C CA* H HA
size of poles
280 S 1LG6 280 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 267 280 40
4, 6, 8
280 M 1LG6 283 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
6, 8 216
1LG6 288 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 326 280 40
4, 6
315 S 1LG6 310 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 315 315 50
1LG6 310 4, 6, 8
315 M 1LG6 313 8 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 264 315 50
1LG6 313 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 578 69 110 216 424 315 50
1LG6 313 4, 6
315 L2) 1LG6 316 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 373 315 50
1LG6 316 4, 6
1LG6 316 8
1LG6 317 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 155 206 648 69 110 216 513 315 50
1LG6 317 4, 6
1LG6 317 8 578
1LG6 318 2 508 120 610 610 651 651 524 524 470 780 590 165 508 155 206 648 69 135 216 513 315 50
1LG6 318 4
1LG6 318 6, 8 500 500 400 400 380 110

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
Measured across the bolt heads. feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

5/38 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG6, frame sizes 280 S to 315 L · with special insulation for voltages up to 690 V
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 5/40 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

L, L' AG










For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles
280 S 1LG6 280 2 252 24 30 960 1105 236 1070 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1LG6 283 2 252 24 30 1070 1215 236 1180 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
6, 8 960 1105 1070 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
1LG6 288 2 252 24 30 1070 1215 236 1180 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1LG6 310 2 285 28 35 1072 1217 307 1182 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 310 4, 6, 8 1102 1247 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 1LG6 313 8 285 28 35 1102 1247 307 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 313 2 285 28 35 1232 1377 307 1342 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 313 4, 6 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L 1LG6 316 2 285 28 35 1232 1377 307 1342 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 316 4, 6 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 316 8 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 317 2 285 28 35 1372 1517 307 1482 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 317 4, 6 1402 1547 1512 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 317 8 1262 1407 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 318 2 285 28 35 1372 1517 330 1482 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1LG6 318 4 1402 1547 1512 80 1) M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG6 318 6, 8 307 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5

Diameters up to 90 mm are possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 5/39

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Motors operating with frequency converters

■ Dimensional drawings
Flange dimensions
In DIN EN 50347, the frame
sizes are allocated flange FF
with through holes and flange
FT with tapped holes.
The designation of flange A
and C according to

DIN 42948 (invalid since
09/2003) are also listed for
information purposes.
See the table below.
(Z = the number of retaining

Frame size Type of construction Flange type Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through holes (FF/A)
tapped holes (FT/C)
According to Acc. to LA LE M N P S T Z
DIN EN 50347 DIN 42948
100 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
112 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
132 S, 132 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 265 A 300 12 80 265 230 300 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 165 C 200 – 80 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 215 C 250 – 80 215 180 250 M12 4 4

160 M, 160 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 215 C 250 – 110 215 180 250 M12 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 265 C 300 – 110 265 230 300 M12 4 4
180 M, 180 L IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
200 L IM B5 Flange FF 350 A 400 15 110 350 300 400 18.5 5 4
225 S, 225 M
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 400 A 450 16 110 400 350 450 18.5 5 8
4-pole to 8-pole 140
250 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
280 S, 280 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 S, 315 M,
315 L
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 600 A 660 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 170

■ More information
Dimension sheet generator When a complete Order No. is entered with or without order
(part of the SD configurator) codes, a dimension drawing can be called up under the “Docu-
mentation” tab.
A dimensional drawing can be created in the SD configurator
for every configurable motor. A dimension drawing can be These dimensional drawings can be presented in different views
requested for every other motor. and sections and printed.
The corresponding dimension sheets can be exported, saved
and processed further in DXF format (interchange/import format
for CAD systems) or as bitmap graphics.
The SD configurator has been integrated into the electronic
Catalog CA 01 as a selection aid (for more information, see
catalog part 11 “Appendix”, “Selection tool SD configurator”).
The interactive Catalog CA 01 can be ordered from your local
Siemens sales representative or on the Internet at
At this address, you will also find links to Tips & Tricks and to
downloads for function or content updates.
Order number for CA 01 10/2008, english international:
DVD: E86060-D4001-A510-C7-7600

5/40 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Pump motors

6/2 Orientation
6/2 Overview
6/2 Benefits
6/2 Application
6/2 More information

6/3 Surface-cooled motors up to frame

size 315 L
Aluminum and cast-iron housing
6/3 Overview

6/3 Surface-cooled motors

frame size 315 and above
Cast-iron housing
6/3 Overview

6/3 Special versions

6/3 Overview

6/4 Accessories
6/4 Overview

6/4 Dimensions
6/4 Overview

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Pump motors

■ Overview
Pump motors are motors specially designed for use in various
pump applications that can either be driven directly or through a
belt drive.
The different application areas and types of construction of the
pumps demand special technical characteristics of the motors
and compactness through
• Using motors with increased output
• Reinforced bearings and use of a located bearing at the drive
end (DE) of the motor
• Special materials for shafts, lubricants and seals as well as
special flanges and special housings; these are possible on
For converter-fed operation, winding monitoring through embed-
ded KTY 84-130 temperature sensors is recommended as well
as insulated bearings in the case of large output ranges.

■ Benefits
The pump motors offer the user a number of advantages and • Under converter-fed operation, by setting the precise speed
benefits: and therefore the operating point, a considerable energy
• Pump motors with located bearings at the drive end of the saving can be achieved combined with reduced stress on the
motor and with embedded thermistors can, in most cases, be plant
supplied from stock • The motors are suitable, in general, for mains-fed operation up
• Motors with increased efficiency to CEMEP EFF 1 or EPACT to 690 V and converter-fed operation up to 460 V (with motor
lead to significant energy savings under typical continuous series 1LA8 to 500 V) (voltage rise times ts >0.1 ms)
duty • Extensive experience is available in customized applications
especially with regard to special flanges and special bearings

■ Application
6 Pump motors are particularly suitable for the following pump
With regard to the ambient conditions of the pump motors, it is
important to ensure that the motor is located outside the pumped
• Close-coupled pumps medium, i.e. the motor must be selected in accordance with the
degree of protection. Further requirements are available on
• Industrial pumps request.
• Submersible pumps

■ More information
For more information, please contact your local Siemens contact
– see “Siemens contacts worldwide” in the Appendix.

6/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Pump motors
Surface-cooled motors up to frame size 315 L
Aluminum and cast-iron housing

■ Overview
Recommended motor types: Recommended specifications:
• Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency according to Most applications require a non-variable speed, i.e. it is suf-
CEMEP EFF 2 – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5 in the output fucient to feed the drive motors with a fixed, unchanging rated
range from 0.06 to 45 kW frequency. In an ever-increasing number of applications, it is
• Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency according to necessary to match the pump to the overall plant accurately
CEMEP EFF2 – Aluminum series 1LE1 in the output range from (based on the pump characteristic). The pumps must respond
0.3 to 22 kW quickly to changing conditions in the plant, supplying the drive
• Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency according to motors with a variable rated frequency (converter-fed operation)
CEMEP EFF 2 – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG4 in the output is desirable.
range from 0.75 to 200 kW Pole-changing motors can also be used. In this way, coarse ad-
aptation of the pump characteristic can be achieved (in accor-
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency according to dance with the possible motor speeds). For information about
CEMEP EFF1 – Aluminum series 1LA9 in the output range from adapting the drive motors to the requirements of the pump with
0.06 to 37 kW reference to the type of construction (e.g. flange, feet or special)
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency according to as well as for a number of other options, see “Special versions”.
CEMEP EFF1 – Aluminum series 1LE1 in the output range from For technical specifications, selection and ordering data and
0.75 to 18.5 kW “Special versions”, see catalog parts 1 “New Generation
• Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Cast-iron series 1LE1/1PC1” and 2 “Standard motors up to frame size 315 L”.
1LG4 in the output range from 15 to 100 kW
• Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency according to
CEMEP EFF2 with increased output – Aluminum series 1LE1
in the output range from 2.2 to 22 kW
• Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Aluminum
series 1LA9 with outputs from 0.14 to 53 kW
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency according to
CEMEP EFF1 with increased output – Aluminum series 1LE1
in the output range from 2.2 to 22 kW

Surface-cooled motors frame size 315 and above

Cast-iron housing

■ Overview
Recommended motor types: 6
• Non-standard motors for mains-fed and converter-fed opera-
tion, cast-iron series 1LA8, with outputs from 160 to 1000 kW
For technical specifications and selection and ordering data,
see catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and

Special versions

■ Overview
Recommended special versions for mains-fed and Pump version from stock – Order code X66
converter-fed operation
The pump version from stock comprises 3 embedded tempera-
• Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded ture sensors for tripping (order code A11), located bearing at
temperature sensors for tripping – drive-end (DE) of the motor (order code K94) as well as
Order code A11 screwed-on feet (for type of construction IM B35 frame size 112
for 1LE1 – 15th position of the Order No. letter B and above in standard version or order code K11) and is defined
• Located bearing at drive-end (DE) of motor – for the following motors:
Order code K94 • Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency –
for 1LE1 – order code L20 Aluminum series 1LA7, 2-pole and 4-pole – Output range
• Insulated bearing cartridge at non-drive-end (NDE) – 0.25 to 18.5 kW
Order code L27 • Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency – Cast-iron
• Bearings for increased cantilever forces – series 1LG4, 2-pole and 4-pole – Output range
Order code K20 18.5 to 37 kW
for 1LE1 – order code L22 If other special versions are required, order codes
• Screwed-on feet for type of construction IM B35 frame size A11+K94+K11, that are included in X66, must be specified
112 and above in standard version or order code K11 individually in the order.
for 1LE1 – 16th position of the Order No. digit 4

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 6/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Pump motors
Special versions

■ Overview (continued)
Pump motors that can be supplied from stock according to CEMEP “Improved Efficiency” EFF 2, IP55 degree of protection,
50/60 Hz and temperature class F for a service factor of 1.1 with order codeX66.
Certified in Rated Frame Effi- Pump version for
accor- output size ciency Voltage: Voltage: Voltage:
dance at 50 Hz Class
with 230 VΔ / 400 VY, 50 Hz, 460 VY, 60 Hz 400 VΔ / 690 VY, 50 Hz, 460 VY, 60 Hz 400 VΔ / 690 VY, 50 Hz, 460 VY, 60 Hz
acc. to
Type: Type: Type:
IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover IM B5, IM V1 without protective cover IM B35
Order No. Order code Order No. Order code Order No. Order code
(additional charge) (additional charge) (additional charge)
3000 rpm, 2-pole
CCC 0.75 80 M 1LA7 080-2AA11-Z X66 – –
CCC 1.1 EFF 2 1LA7 083-2AA11-Z X66 – –
CCC 1.5 90 S EFF 2 1LA7 090-2AA11-Z X66 – –
CCC 2.2 90 L EFF 2 1LA7 096-2AA11-Z X66 – –
3 100 L EFF 2 – 1LA7 106-2AA61-Z X66 –
4 112 M EFF 2 – 1LA7 113-2AA61-Z X66 –
5.5 132 S EFF 2 – – 1LA7 130-2AA66-Z X66
7.5 EFF 2 – – 1LA7 131-2AA66-Z X66
11 160 M EFF 2 – – 1LA7 163-2AA66-Z X66
15 EFF 2 – – 1LA7 164-2AA66-Z X66
18.5 160 L EFF 2 – – 1LA7 166-2AA66-Z X66
22 180 M EFF 2 – – 1LG4 183-2AA66-Z X66
30 200 L EFF 2 – – 1LG4 206-2AA66-Z X66
37 EFF 2 – – 1LG4 207-2AA66-Z X66
1500 rpm, 4-pole
CCC 0.25 71 M 1LA7 070-4AB11-Z X66 – –
CCC 0.37 1LA7 073-4AB11-Z X66 – –
CCC 0.55 80 M 1LA7 080-4AA11-Z X66 – –
CCC 0.75 1LA7 083-4AA11-Z X66 – –
CCC 1.1 90 S EFF 2 1LA7 090-4AA11-Z X66 – –
1.5 90 L EFF 2 1LA7 096-4AA11-Z X66 – –
2.2 100 L EFF 2 1LA7 106-4AA11-Z X66 – –

6 3
4 112 M

1LA7 107-4AA61-Z
1LA7 113-4AA61-Z

5.5 132 S EFF 2 – – 1LA7 130-4AA66-Z X66
7.5 132 M EFF 2 – – 1LA7 133-4AA66-Z X66
11 160 M EFF 2 – – 1LA7 163-4AA66-Z X66
15 EFF 2 – – 1LA7 166-4AA66-Z X66
18.5 180 M EFF 2 – – 1LG4 183-4AA66-Z X66
22 180 L EFF 2 – – 1LG4 186-4AA66-Z X66
30 200 L EFF 2 – – 1LG4 207-4AA66-Z X66
– Pump version (order code X66) not supplied from stock.
CCC (China Compulsory Certification) for export to China: Other special versions
The motors supplied from stock marked with “CCC” include the For other special versions, see catalog parts 2 “Standard motors
order code D01; i.e. the “CCC” logo complete with “Factory up to frame size 315 L” and 3 “Non-standard motors farme
code” is indicated on the rating plate and on the packaging. size 315 and above”.


■ Overview
See catalog parts 1 “New Generation 1LE1/1PC1”, 2 “Standard
motors frame size 315 L and above” and 3 “Non-standard mo-
tors farme size 315 and above”.


■ Overview
See dimensions catalog parts 2 “Standard motors frame size
315 L and above” and 3 “Non-standard motors farme size 315
and above”.

6/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Fan motors

7/2 Orientation
7/2 Overview
7/2 Benefits
7/2 Application
7/3 Technical specifications
7/4 Selection and ordering data
7/5 More information

7/6 Self-ventilated motors

in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
7/6 Selection and ordering data

7/14 Self-ventilated motors in

pole-changing version
Cast-iron series 1LG4
7/14 Selection and ordering data

7/20 Forced-air cooled motors without

external fan and fan cover
with improved degree of efficiency
Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5
7/20 Selection and ordering data

7/24 Forced-air cooled motors without

external fan and fan cover
with improved degree of efficiency
Cast-iron series 1PP4
7/24 Selection and ordering data

7/28 Forced-air cooled motors without

external fan and fan cover
with increased output
Cast-iron series 1PP4
7/28 Selection and ordering data

7/30 Special versions

7/30 Overview
7/30 Selection and ordering data
7/30 • Voltages
7/33 • Types of construction
7/34 • Options

7/53 Accessories
7/53 Overview
7/54 More information

7/55 Dimensions
7/55 Overview
7/56 Dimensional drawings
7/65 More information

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Overview
The different application areas for the fans demand special tech-
nical characteristics of the motors, such as:
• The use of reinforced bearings and a located bearing at the
drive-end (DE) of the motor, especially with belt drive
• In confined spaces, it is recommended that the motor is or-
dered with the connection box located at the non-drive end
(NDE) or with protruding cable ends instead of a connection
• For flange types of construction with the shaft extension point-
ing upwards (e.g. IM V6) and when condensation is a possi-
bility, a flange drainage hole is recommended
• For converter-fed operation, winding monitoring through em-
bedded KTY 84-130 temperature sensors is recommended as
well as insulated bearings in the case of large output ranges.
The resonance of mountings and reactions from driven ma-
chines can cause high levels of vibration in the overall equip-
ment unit. This has a significant effect on the expected service
life of the bearing.
The fan motors are suitable for driving fans. The fan wheel can
be located directly on the motor shaft or the fan shaft can be For evaluation of these vibrations, vibration levels N, R and S are
coupled with the motor shaft over a coupling or over a belt drive. used in accordance with DIN EN 60034-14 (corresponding to
evaluation zones A and B according to ISO 10816).
For fans with a belt drive, it is important to note the cantilever
forces that are applied to the motor. Note:
For information about motors according to EN 12101-3 for
driving smoke extraction fans, see “Smoke extraction motors”.

■ Benefits
The fan motors offer the user numerous advantages:
• Reduced construction volume and therefore lower weight
thanks to motors with increased output
• Uniform forced-air cooled motor series 1PP from 0.09 to
200 kW as well as forced-air cooled motor series 1LE1 with
order code F90
• Motors with increased efficiency to CEMEP EFF 1 or EPACT
lead to significant energy savings under typical continuous
duty; efficiency requirements that exceed this are possible on

• Under converter-fed operation, by setting the precise speed
and therefore the operating point, a considerable energy
saving can be achieved combined with reduced stress on the
• The motors are suitable, in general, for mains-fed operation up
to 690 V and converter-fed operation up to 460 V (voltage rise
times ts >0.1 ms)
• Extensive experience is available in customized applications
especially with regard to special bearing design.

■ Application
The fan motors are mainly used to drive fans:
• Axial-flow fans
• Radial-flow fans
• Side channel compressor

7/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Technical specifications
Necessary minimum cooling air flow in standard duty Frame 1PP4 Required cooling air flow for number of poles
Frame 1LA7/ 1LA5/ Required cooling air flow for number of poles size
size 1PP7 1PP5 2 4 6 8
2, 4, 6 8
4/2 6/4, 8/4,
8/6/4 m3/min m3/min m3/min m3/min
m3/min m3/min m3/min m3/min 180 X 12.0 13.0 8.5 6.5
63 X 0.83 0.41 0.28 – 200 X 20.5 17.0 11.0 8.0
71 X 1.40 0.70 0.47 0.35 225 X 20.5 18.5 12.5 9.5
80 X 1.74 0.90 0.60 0.44 250 X 25.5 22.5 17.0 12.5
90 X 3.12 1.56 1.08 0.78 280 X 24.5 28.0 21.5 16.0
100 X 3.96 1.86 1.26 0.93 315 X 47.0 36.0 26.5 19.0
112 X 4.98 3.00 1.98 1.50
In the motor version without an integrated fan (1PP5, 1PP7 and
132 X 8.04 5.04 3.36 2.52 1PP4), the motor is located in the air flow of the ventilator to be
160 X 12.90 9.54 6.36 4.80 driven which must drive the minimum cooling air flow over the
180 X 10.98 10.98 7.27 5.44 motor housing. For a faster air flow, the operating temperature of
200 X 15.12 13.02 8.58 6.36 the motor can be reduced.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Preliminary selection of the motor according to motor type/series, speed or number of poles, frame size,
rated output, rated torque, rated speed and rated current
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed selection
output speed torque current at 400 V and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
1500/3000, 4/2-pole 80 M ... 200 L 0.15 ... 17 1385 ... 2930 1 ... 55 0.39 ... 31 7/6 ... 7/7
1000/1500, 6/4-pole 80 M ... 200 L 0.1 ... 26 680 ... 1470 1.4 ... 182 0.57 ... 52 7/8 ... 7/9
750/1500, 8/4-pole 80 M ... 200 L 0.12 ... 28 930 ... 1470 1.2 ... 170 0.51 ... 49 7/10 ... 7/11
750/1000/1500, 8/6/4-pole 90 S ... 200 L 0.15 ... 22 700 ... 980 2 ... 143 0.72 ... 42 7/12 ... 7/13
Cast-iron series 1LG4
1500/3000, 4-/2-pole 180 M ... 315 L 4.8 ... 170 1465 ... 2976 31 ... 546 9.1 ... 280 7/14 ... 7/15
1000/1500, 6-/4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 5.5 ... 170 960 ... 1490 55 ... 1092 12 ... 310 7/16 ... 7/17
750/1500, 8-/4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 4.5 ... 175 725 ... 1490 59 ... 1125 12.6 ... 315 7/18 ... 7/19

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed selection
output speed torque current at 400 V and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5
3000, 2-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.18 ... 37 2820 ... 2945 0.61 ... 120 0.5 ... 65 7/20
1500, 4-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.12 ... 30 1350 ... 1465 0.85 ... 196 0.42 ... 55 7/21
1000, 6-pole 63 M ... 200 L 0.09 ... 22 850 ... 975 1.0 ... 215 0.44 ... 5 7/22
750, 8-pole 71 M ... 200 L 0.09 ... 15 630 ... 725 1.4 ... 198 0.36 ... 31.5 7/23
Cast-iron series 1PP4
3000, 2-pole 180 M ... 315 L 22 ... 200 2945 ... 2982 71 ... 641 40.5 ... 325 7/24
1500, 4-pole 180 M ... 315 L 18.5 ... 200 1465 ... 1486 121 ... 1285 35 ... 340 7/25
1000, 6-pole 180 M ... 315 L 15 ... 160 965 ... 988 148 ... 1276 29.5 ... 235 7/26
750, 8-pole 180 M ... 315 L 11 ... 132 725 ... 738 145 ... 1423 25 ... 205 7/27

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with increased output
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed selection
output speed torque current at 400 V and ordering data
7 rpm kW rpm Nm A

Cast-iron series 1PP4

3000, 2-pole 180 M ... 280 M 30 ... 110 2950 ... 2975 97 ... 353 54 ... 184 7/28
1500, 4-pole 180 M ... 280 M 30 ... 110 1465 ... 1488 196 ... 706 59 ... 198 7/28
1000, 6-pole 180 M ... 315 L 18.5 ... 160 970 ... 988 182 ... 1547 37.5 ... 285 7/29
750, 8-pole 180 M ... 315 L 15 ... 132 720 ... 738 199 ... 1708 34 ... 245 7/29

7/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with improved efficiency (Improved Efficiency EFF2)
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed selection
output speed torque current at 400 V and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (Motors without external fan and fan cover)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 18.5 2835 ... 2935 10 ... 60 6 ... 34 1/38 ... 1/39
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 1425 ... 1460 14.8 ... 98 4.85 ... 29.5 1/38 ... 1/39
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.5 ... 11 930 ... 970 15.3 ... 110 3.95 ... 23.5 1/38 ... 1/39
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 7.5 700 ... 720 10.4 ... 100 2.65 ... 18.6 1/38 ... 1/39

Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover with high efficiency (High Efficiency EFF1)
Speed Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed selection
output speed torque current at 400 V and ordering data
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LE1 (Motors without external fan and fan cover)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 160 L 3 ... 18.5 2905 ... 2955 9.9 ... 60 5.9 ... 33 1/42 ... 1/43
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 2.2 ... 15 1455 ... 1475 14 ... 97 4.55 ... 27.5 1/42 ... 1/43
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 160 L 1.5 ... 11 965 ... 975 15 ... 108 3.5 ... 22 1/42 ... 1/43
750, 8-pole 100 L ... 160 L 0.75 ... 7.5 720 ... 735 9.9 ... 98 2.75 ... 17.4 1/42 ... 1/43

■ More information
For more information, please contact your local Siemens contact
– see “Siemens Contacts Worldwide” in the Appendix.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/5

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated current Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz, size at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 400 V, 50 Hz motor

1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
0.15 0.7 80 M 1400 2745 1 2.4 67 63 0.83 0.91 0.39 1.76 1LA7 080-0BA 10
0.25 0.95 80 M 1385 2780 1.7 3.3 67 64 0.88 0.89 0.61 2.4 1LA7 083-0BA 11
0.33 1.4 90 S 1420 2835 2.2 4.8 75 70 0.84 0.83 0.76 3.5 1LA7 090-0BA 13
0.5 2 90 L 1420 2835 3.4 6.8 77 70 0.87 0.86 1.08 4.8 1LA7 096-0BA 16
0.65 2.5 100 L 1430 2865 4.4 8.4 73 75 0.89 0.89 1.44 5.4 1LA7 106-0BA 21
0.8 3.1 100 L 1425 2860 5.4 10 79 77 0.86 0.83 1.7 7 1LA7 107-0BA 24
1.1 4.4 112 M 1445 2885 7.3 15 77 74 0.83 0.8 2.5 10.7 1LA7 113-0BA 31
1.45 5.9 132 S 1455 2920 9.5 19 83 80 0.84 0.83 3 12.8 1LA7 130-0BA 41
2 8 132 M 1455 2930 13 26 85 86 0.85 0.84 4 16 1LA7 133-0BA 50
2.9 11.5 160 M 1455 2930 19 37 85.5 85 0.86 0.89 5.7 22 1LA7 163-0BA 74
4.3 17 160 L 1455 2930 28 55 86 86 0.86 0.92 8.4 31 1LA7 166-0BA 92

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 protective IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without cover 1) 2) IM V18 IM V18
without protective without without
protective cover, protective protective
cover IM V3 1) cover cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
7 Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

For type of construction IM V1 with/without protective cover, motors
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... (motor series 1LA5 frame sizes 180 M to
225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify order sup-
plement “Z” and order code K32.
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.

7/6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Breakdown Torque class Moment Mechanical
torque torque current current torque torque of inertia limit speed
with direct starting as multiple of rated at maximum
torque torque current current torque torque supply fre-
1500 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm quency
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J nmax.
kgm² rpm
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
1LA7 080-0BA 1.8 1.6 3.8 4 2 2 10 0.0014 4200
1LA7 083-0BA 1.8 1.9 3.8 4.2 2 2 10 0.0017 4200
1LA7 090-0BA 1.9 1.8 4.5 4.3 2.1 2 10 0.0024 4200
1LA7 096-0BA 2.2 2.2 5.1 5 2.5 2.5 10 0.0033 4200
1LA7 106-0BA 1.7 2.2 5 5.5 2.3 2.3 10 0.0048 4200
1LA7 107-0BA 1.8 2.3 5.7 6.1 2.6 2.6 10 0.0055 4200
1LA7 113-0BA 2.1 2.2 6.2 6.2 2.4 2.4 10 0.011 4200
1LA7 130-0BA 2 2.1 6.8 6.5 2.8 2.8 10 0.018 4200
1LA7 133-0BA 1.9 2.1 7.6 7.5 2.6 2.6 10 0.023 4200
1LA7 163-0BA 1.8 1.8 6.9 7.4 2.5 2.4 10 0.043 4200
1LA7 166-0BA 1.9 2.2 7.1 8.5 2.5 2.6 10 0.06 4200

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/7

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated current Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz, size at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 400 V, 50 Hz motor

1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
6/4-pole, 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with two windings
0.12 0.4 80 M 940 1430 1.2 2.7 45 55 0.75 0.76 0.51 1.38 1LA7 080-1BD 9
0.18 0.55 80 M 930 1420 1.9 3.7 49 66 0.72 0.74 0.73 1.62 1LA7 083-1BD 10
0.29 0.8 90 S 950 1430 2.9 5.3 55 68 0.71 0.81 1.07 2.1 1LA7 090-1BD 13
0.38 1.1 90 L 950 1430 3.8 7.3 58 74 0.71 0.81 1.33 2.65 1LA7 096-1BD 16
0.6 1.7 100 L 950 1410 6 11 67 75 0.74 0.86 1.75 3.8 1LA7 106-1BD 21
0.75 2.1 100 L 950 1420 7.5 14 63 78 0.75 0.86 2.3 4.55 1LA7 107-1BD 24
0.9 3 112 M 980 1450 8.8 20 71 81 0.61 0.8 3 6.7 1LA7 113-1BD 31
1.2 3.9 132 S 975 1460 12 26 72 81 0.69 0.83 3.5 8.4 1LA7 130-1BD 41
1.7 5.4 132 M 975 1460 17 35 75 82.5 0.72 0.83 4.55 11.4 1LA7 133-1BD 49
2.5 7.2 160 M 980 1470 24 47 78 86 0.72 0.84 6.4 14.4 1LA7 163-1BD 74
3.7 12 160 L 980 1470 36 78 77 89.5 0.75 0.83 9.3 23.3 1LA7 166-1BD 92
5.5 16 180 M 965 1470 54 104 84 90.5 0.8 0.81 11.8 31.5 1LA5 183-1BD 114
6.5 19 180 L 965 1460 64 124 84 88.5 0.81 0.85 13.8 36.5 1LA5 186-1BD 128
9.5 26 200 L 980 1470 93 170 87 92.3 0.79 0.83 20 49 1LA5 207-1BD 157

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 protective IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without cover 1) 2) IM V18 IM V18
without protective without without
protective cover, protective protective
cover IM V3 1) cover cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ 3) ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) For type of construction IM V1 with/without protective cover, motors 2) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... (motor series 1LA5 frame sizes 180 M to 3) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify order sup- 9 and order code M1G.
plement “Z” and order code K32.

7/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Breakdown Torque class Moment Mechanical
torque torque current current torque torque of inertia limit speed
with direct starting as multiple of rated at maximum
torque torque current current torque torque supply fre-
1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm quency
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J nmax.
kgm² rpm
6/4-pole, 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with two windings
1LA7 080-1BD 1.7 1.7 2.8 4 1.8 2 10 0.0014 4200
1LA7 083-1BD 1.5 1.7 2.5 4 1.8 2 10 0.0017 4200
1LA7 090-1BD 1.5 1.5 3.4 4.3 2 2 10 0.0027 4200
1LA7 096-1BD 1.8 1.8 3.8 4.9 2.3 2.3 10 0.0033 4200
1LA7 106-1BD 1.8 1.8 4.2 5.2 2.2 2.2 10 0.0049 4200
1LA7 107-1BD 1.6 1.9 3.9 5.2 2 2.2 10 0.0057 4200
1LA7 113-1BD 2 2.1 4.5 6.1 2.5 2.5 10 0.012 4200
1LA7 130-1BD 1.9 1.7 5.1 6.1 2.5 2.2 10 0.018 4200
1LA7 133-1BD 2.1 1.9 5.1 6.6 2.6 2.5 10 0.023 4200
1LA7 163-1BD 1.9 2 5.6 7.3 1.9 2 10 0.043 4200
1LA7 166-1BD 1.9 2.4 5.7 8.1 2.3 3 10 0.06 4200
1LA5 183-1BD 1.8 1.9 4.3 5.9 1.9 2.6 10 0.081 4200
1LA5 186-1BD 1.8 1.9 4.3 5.6 2.1 2.6 10 0.094 4200
1LA5 207-1BD 1.9 1.5 5.3 5.5 2.1 2.1 10 0.16 4200

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated current Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz, size at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 400 V, 50 Hz motor

750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
0.1 0.5 80 M 680 1375 1.4 3.5 42 69 0.61 0.82 0.57 1.28 1LA7 080-0BB 9
0.15 0.7 80 M 685 1380 2.1 4.8 46 70 0.61 0.82 0.77 1.76 1LA7 083-0BB 10
0.22 1 90 S 695 1370 3 7 41 70 0.62 0.86 1.25 2.4 1LA7 090-0BB 13
0.33 1.5 90 L 700 1375 4.5 10 43 75 0.61 0.88 1.8 3.3 1LA7 096-0BB 16
0.5 2 100 L 710 1415 6.7 13 51 79 0.57 0.85 2.5 4.3 1LA7 106-0BB 21
0.65 2.5 100 L 700 1400 8.9 17 55 77 0.61 0.88 2.8 5.3 1LA7 107-0BB 24
0.9 3.6 112 M 720 1440 12 24 55 78 0.5 0.83 4.7 11 1LA7 113-0BB 31
1.1 4.7 132 S 720 1455 15 31 76 79 0.6 0.78 3.5 10.3 1LA7 130-0BB 41
1.4 6.4 132 M 720 1455 19 42 77 83.5 0.6 0.83 4.4 13.3 1LA7 133-0BB 49
2.2 9.5 160 M 725 1465 29 62 79 84 0.62 0.83 6.5 19.7 1LA7 163-0BB 73
3.3 14 160 L 730 1470 43 91 85.5 88.5 0.6 0.8 9.3 28.6 1LA7 166-0BB 91
4.5 16 180 M 730 1470 59 104 81 86 0.59 0.83 13.1 32.3 1LA5 183-0BB 111
5 18.5 180 L 730 1470 65 120 80 88 0.6 0.83 15 36.5 1LA5 186-0BB 118
7.5 28 200 L 732 1470 98 182 85 90.4 0.62 0.86 20.5 52 1LA5 207-0BB 157

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 protective IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without cover 1) 2) IM V18 IM V18
without protective without without
protective cover, protective protective
cover IM V3 1) cover cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ 3) ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) For type of construction IM V1 with/without protective cover, motors 2) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... (motor series 1LA5 frame sizes 180 M to 3) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify order sup- 9 and order code M1G.
plement “Z” and order code K32.

7/10 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Breakdown Torque class Moment Mechanical
torque torque current current torque torque of inertia limit speed
with direct starting as multiple of rated at maximum
torque torque current current torque torque supply fre-
750 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1500 rpm quency
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J nmax.
kgm² rpm
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
1LA7 080-0BB 1.4 1.7 2.3 4.1 1.7 1.8 10 0.0014 4200
1LA7 083-0BB 1.4 1.8 2.4 4.2 1.7 1.8 10 0.0017 4200
1LA7 090-0BB 1.3 1.5 2.4 3.7 1.8 2 10 0.0024 4200
1LA7 096-0BB 1.5 1.8 2.6 4.2 1.8 2 10 0.0033 4200
1LA7 106-0BB 1.1 1.9 3.1 5.2 1.8 2.1 10 0.0047 4200
1LA7 107-0BB 1.1 1.9 3.1 5.4 1.8 2.1 10 0.0054 4200
1LA7 113-0BB 1.6 2.6 3.2 6.5 2.4 2.6 10 0.012 4200
1LA7 130-0BB 2 2.3 4.3 6.4 2.5 2.9 10 0.018 4200
1LA7 133-0BB 2.2 1.9 4.6 6.8 2.7 2.5 10 0.023 4200
1LA7 163-0BB 1.7 2 4.1 7 2 2.6 10 0.043 4200
1LA7 166-0BB 2 2.6 4.7 8.1 2.2 3.1 10 0.06 4200
1LA5 183-0BB 1.4 2.3 3.8 7 2.1 2.9 10 0.13 4200
1LA5 186-0BB 1.5 2.3 3.8 7 2.1 2.7 10 0.15 4200
1LA5 207-0BB 1.9 2.5 4.3 7.1 2.2 2.5 10 0.24 4200

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/11

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated current Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz size n rated at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz I rated motor
at 50 Hz 4/4-load 4/4-load at 50 Hz

750 1000 1500 750 1000 1500 750 1000 1500 750 1000 1500 750 1000 1500 750 1000 1500
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrated Irated m
kW kW kW rpm rpm rpm Nm Nm Nm % % % A A A kg
8/6/4-pole, 750/1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Triple pole-changing for driving fans with two windings, of which 750/1500 rpm in a Dahlander circuit
0.15 0.22 0.7 90 S 705 960 1430 2 2.3 4.7 48 56 70 0.63 0.69 0.83 0.72 0.82 1.74 1LA7 090-1BJ 12
0.22 0.3 0.95 90 L 705 955 1435 3 3 6.4 50 51 74 0.6 0.75 0.81 1.06 1.13 2.3 1LA7 096-1BJ 15
0.37 0.55 1.5 100 L 700 955 1400 5 5.5 10 51 63 76 0.63 0.74 0.88 1.66 1.71 3.25 1LA7 106-1BJ 20
0.45 0.7 1.8 100 L 700 970 1400 6.1 7 12 54 63 75 0.65 0.75 0.89 1.85 2.15 3.9 1LA7 107-1BJ 22
0.6 0.85 2.4 112 M 715 970 1445 8 8.4 16 53 66 79 0.59 0.66 0.86 2.75 2.8 5.1 1LA7 113-1BJ 29
0.75 1.1 3.1 132 S 730 980 1460 9.8 11 20 65 69 77 0.62 0.68 0.81 2.7 3.4 7.2 1LA7 130-1BJ 39
1 1.5 4.4 132 M 730 980 1460 13 15 29 68 71 79 0.6 0.68 0.83 3.55 4.5 9.7 1LA7 133-1BJ 46
1.6 2.2 6.6 160 M 730 980 1470 21 21 43 78 74 83 0.58 0.66 0.81 5.1 6.5 14.2 1LA7 163-1BJ 67
2.4 3.5 10 160 L 730 980 1470 31 34 65 79 78 85 0.58 0.69 0.82 7.6 9.4 20.7 1LA7 166-1BJ 85
3 4.5 13 180 M 730 980 1470 40 44 85 84.5 84 87.5 0.61 0.76 0.84 8.4 10.2 25.5 1LA5 183-1BJ 114
3.7 5.5 16 180 L 725 975 1465 49 54 104 83.5 86.5 87.5 0.62 0.76 0.85 10.3 12.1 31 1LA5 186-1BJ 128
5 8 22 200 L 730 975 1465 65 78 143 84 86 89 0.64 0.81 0.85 13.4 16.6 42 1LA5 207-1BJ 157

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 with IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 protective IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without cover 1) 2) IM V18 IM V18
without protective without without
protective cover, protective protective
cover IM V3 1) cover cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ ✓ – – –

7 Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) For type of construction IM V1 with/without protective cover, motors 2) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... (motor series 1LA5 frame sizes 180 M to 3) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify order sup- 9 and order code M1G.
plement “Z” and order code K32.

7/12 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, in pole-changing version
Aluminum series 1LA7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked- Locked- Locked- Locked- Locked- Locked- Break- Break- Break- Torque Moment Mechani-
rotor rotor rotor rotor rotor rotor down down down class of inertia cal limit
torque torque torque current current current torque torque torque speed at
with direct starting as multiple of rated maximum
supply fre-
torque torque torque current current current torque torque torque quency
750 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J nmax.
kgm² rpm
8/6/4-pole, 750/1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Triple pole-changing for driving fans with two windings, of which 750/1500 rpm in a Dahlander circuit
1LA7 090-1BJ 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.5 2.9 4.3 1.9 1.9 1.9 10 0.0028 4200
1LA7 096-1BJ 1.4 1.2 1.4 2.5 3.1 4.6 2.1 1.9 2.2 10 0.0035 4200
1LA7 106-1BJ 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.8 3.8 4.7 1.9 1.9 2.1 7 0.0048 4200
1LA7 107-1BJ 0.9 1.2 1.7 2.8 3.8 4.7 1.9 2 2.1 7 0.0058 4200
1LA7 113-1BJ 1.1 1.3 1.9 3.1 4.4 6 2.1 2.3 2.5 7 0.011 4200
1LA7 130-1BJ 1.7 1.7 1.5 3.7 4.5 5.5 2.3 2.3 2.5 10 0.018 4200
1LA7 133-1BJ 1.8 1.9 1.6 3.9 4.9 5.8 2.4 2.4 2.5 10 0.024 4200
1LA7 163-1BJ 1.4 1.7 1.7 3.9 5.1 7 2.1 2.4 2.7 7 0.04 4200
1LA7 166-1BJ 1.6 1.8 2 4.1 5.3 7.7 2.2 2.3 3 7 0.054 4200
1LA5 183-1BJ 1.2 1.8 1.3 3.9 5 5.4 1.6 2.2 2.3 7 0.081 4200
1LA5 186-1BJ 1.1 1.9 1.3 3.9 5 5.4 1.6 2.2 2.3 7 0.094 4200
1LA5 207-1BJ 1.2 1.9 1.3 3.6 5 5.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 7 0.16 4200

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, pole-changing version
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated current Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz, size at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, 4/4- at 50 Hz, 4/4- at 400 V, 50 Hz motor
load, load,
1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000 1500 3000
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrate Irated m
kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
4.8 18 180 M 1465 2935 31 59 89.0 84.8 0.86 0.92 9.1 33.5 1LG4 183-0BA 155
5.8 21.5 180 L 1470 2950 38 70 88.1 87.5 0.85 0.93 11.2 38.5 1LG4 186-0BA 180
8.4 31 200 L 1475 2950 55 101 90.9 88.5 0.87 0.92 15.5 55 1LG4 207-0BA 225
10.5 38 225 S 1475 2955 68 123 90.8 87.9 0.85 0.92 20 68 1LG4 220-0BA 290
13 45 225 M 1475 2960 84 145 91.4 90.0 0.89 0.93 23 78 1LG4 223-0BA 330
15 55 250 M 1480 2960 97 177 91.9 88.0 0.86 0.89 27 102 1LG4 253-0BA 390
18 67 280 S 1490 2970 115 215 92.0 89.2 0.87 0.90 32.5 120 1LG4 280-0BA 520
22 80 280 M 1490 2975 141 257 92.9 91.2 0.86 0.91 39.5 140 1LG4 283-0BA 560
26 90 315 S 1492 2978 166 289 93.7 90.7 0.84 0.88 47 162 1LG4 310-0BA 730
32 110 315 M 1492 2976 205 353 93.6 90.5 0.87 0.93 57 190 1LG4 313-0BA 810
35 140 315 L 1492 2974 224 450 94.5 93.2 0.87 0.93 62 230 1LG4 316-0BA 960
45 170 315 L 1492 2976 288 546 94.9 93.8 0.88 0.94 78 280 1LG4 317-0BA 1060

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3/6/ IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
7/8, IM V1 without with pro- IM V19 IM V19
IM V6, without protec- tective IM V18 IM V18
IM V5 protective tive cover without without
without cover, cover 2) 2) 3) protec- protective
protective IM V3 tive cover
cover 1) cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .

1LG4 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and the corresponding order code (see “Special ver- 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
sions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported.
2) 5) Type of construction IM V6/IM V5 without protective cover is only possible
Motors 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E and M1D.
IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
IIt is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

7/14 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, pole-changing version
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked- Break-down Break-down Torque Moment of Mechanical
torque torque current rotor torque torque class inertia limit speed at
current maximum
with direct starting as multiple of rated supply fre-
torque torque current current torque torque quency
1500 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm
TLR/Trated TLR//Trated Irated/Irated Irated/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J nmax.
kgm² rpm
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
1LG4 183-0BA 2.3 2.5 7.5 8.1 2.8 3.0 10 0.12 4600
1LG4 186-0BA 2.0 2.3 6.8 7.7 2.8 3.3 10 0.14 4600
1LG4 207-0BA 2.5 2.8 7.6 8.7 3.1 3.5 10 0.23 4500
1LG4 220-0BA 2.3 2.4 6.7 7.5 2.8 3.1 10 0.40 4500
1LG4 223-0BA 2.2 2.5 6.2 8.1 2.6 3.5 10 0.49 4500
1LG4 253-0BA 2.2 2.3 6.2 6.6 2.0 3.0 10 0.69 3900
1LG4 280-0BA 2.5 2.3 7.0 7.6 2.8 3.3 10 1.20 3600
1LG4 283-0BA 2.2 2.1 6.1 7.5 2.4 2.9 10 1.40 3600
1LG4 310-0BA 2.4 1.9 8.4 8.1 2.9 3.3 10 1.90 3600
1LG4 313-0BA 2.3 1.7 7.6 6.7 2.9 2.9 10 2.30 3600
1LG4 316-0BA 2.2 1.8 7.6 7.1 2.6 2.6 10 2.90 3600 1)
1LG4 317-0BA 2.2 1.9 7.5 7.4 2.7 2.8 10 3.50 3600 1)

This is only valid for horizontal installation – reduction to 3000 rpm with
vertical installation

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, pole-changing version
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated current Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz, size at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 400 V, 50 Hz motor

1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500 1000 1500
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrate Irated m
kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
6/4-pole, 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with two windings
5.5 16 180 M 960 1460 55 105 81.3 88.8 0.82 0.83 12 31.5 1LG4 183-1BD 155
6.5 19 180 L 960 1460 65 124 81.4 89.3 0.82 0.84 14 36.5 1LG4 186-1BD 175
9.5 26 200 L 975 1460 93 170 84 90.3 0.82 0.85 20 49 1LG4 207-1BD 235
12 34 225 S 980 1465 117 222 86.2 90.8 0.82 0.86 24.5 63 1LG4 220-1BD 285
14.5 40 225 M 980 1470 141 260 88 92.2 0.83 0.87 28.5 72 1LG4 223-1BD 340
18 52 250 M 980 1475 175 337 88.7 93.3 0.86 0.88 34 91 1LG4 253-1BD 380
25 70 280 S 980 1480 243 452 89.3 92.4 0.86 0.88 47 124 1LG4 280-1BD 540
30 82 280 M 985 1480 291 529 90.3 93 0.86 0.86 56 148 1LG4 283-1BD 580
33 92 315 S 990 1490 319 591 90.5 92.6 0.84 0.82 63 176 1LG4 310-1BD 730
45 120 315 M 990 1485 435 771 91.0 94.3 0.84 0.86 85 215 1LG4 313-1BD 810
50 150 315 L 990 1485 483 966 91.0 94.5 0.85 0.87 93 260 1LG4 316-1BD 990
55 170 315 L 990 1490 532 1092 90.8 94.6 0.86 0.84 102 310 1LG4 317-1BD 1060

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 without with pro- IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without protec- tective IM V18 IM V18
without protective tive cover without without
protective cover 2) cover 2) 2) 3) protec- protective
cover tive cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .

1LG4 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported. 5)
2) Type of construction IM V6/IM V5 without protective cover is only possible
Motors 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 225 S using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E and M1D.
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

7/16 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, pole-changing version
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Breakdown Torque class Moment of Mechanical
torque torque current current torque torque inertia limit speed
with direct starting as multiple of rated at maximum
torque torque current current torque torque supply fre-
1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm quency
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J nmax
kgm² rpm
6/4-pole, 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with two windings
1LG4 183-1BD 1.6 1.7 4 5.3 1.8 2.5 10 0.08 4200
1LG4 186-1BD 1.6 1.7 4 5.2 1.8 2.4 10 0.08 4200
1LG4 207-1BD 1.9 1.7 5 5.1 2.2 2.4 10 0.15 4200
1LG4 220-1BD 2.3 1.7 5.7 5.6 2.1 2.3 10 0.29 4500
1LG4 223-1BD 2.2 1.9 5.6 5.8 2.1 2.3 10 0.37 4500
1LG4 253-1BD 2 2 4.9 5.9 2 2.7 10 0.44 3700
1LG4 280-1BD 2.1 2.2 5 6.2 1.9 2.6 10 1.19 3000
1LG4 283-1BD 2.5 2.4 5.5 6.6 2.2 2.8 10 1.39 3000
1LG4 310-1BD 2.5 2.4 5.9 6.7 2.5 2.9 10 1.90 2600
1LG4 313-1BD 2.4 2.3 5.4 6.4 2.3 2.8 10 2.30 2600
1LG4 316-1BD 2.4 2.0 5.2 5.9 2.1 2.3 10 2.50 2600
1LG4 317-1BD 2.3 2.7 5.6 7.9 2.1 3.1 10 3.50 2600

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, pole-changing version
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output Frame Rated speed Rated torque Efficiency Power factor Rated current Order No. Price Weight
at 50 Hz, size at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz, at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 50 Hz 4/4-load at 400 V, 50 Hz motor

750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500 750 1500
rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕrate Irated m
kW kW rpm rpm Nm Nm % % A A kg
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
4.5 16 180 M 725 1465 59 104 81.6 88.6 0.63 0.84 12.6 31 1LG4 183-0BB 155
5 18.5 180 L 725 1470 66 120 82.5 91 0.62 0.85 14.2 35 1LG4 186-0BB 180
7.5 28 200 L 730 1465 98 183 84.7 91 0.6 0.86 21.5 52 1LG4 207-0BB 220
9.5 35 225 S 738 1478 123 226 86 92 0.61 0.86 26 64 1LG4 220-0BB 295
11.5 42 225 M 738 1475 149 272 87.8 92.7 0.62 0.87 30.5 75 1LG4 223-0BB 330
14.5 52 250 M 740 1480 187 335 88.3 93.2 0.62 0.86 38 94 1LG4 253-0BB 430
19 70 280 S 740 1480 245 451 90.7 94 0.62 0.86 49 124 1LG4 280-0BB 530
23 83 280 M 740 1485 296 534 91 94.2 0.63 0.87 58 146 1LG4 283-0BB 665
26 95 315 S 742 1484 334 610 91.5 94.2 0.62 0.85 66 172 1LG4 310-0BB 730
30 115 315 M 744 1488 385 738 91.5 94.0 0.58 0.83 82 215 1LG4 313-0BB 810
35 140 315 L 744 1486 449 899 92.5 95.0 0.62 0.86 88 245 1LG4 316-0BB 960
45 175 315 L 744 1490 577 1125 92.5 95.0 0.57 0.84 124 315 1LG4 317-0BB 1090

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V 690 V IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM B6/7/8, IM V1 without with pro- IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 without protec- tective IM V18 IM V18
without protective tive cover without without
protective cover 2) cover 2) 2) 3) protec- protective
cover tive cover
1 6 5 0 0 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LG4 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 310 - . . . ✓ 4) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 313 - . . .

1LG4 316 - . . . – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LG4 183-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported. 5)
2) Type of construction IM V6/IM V5 without protective cover is only possible
Motors 1LG4 220-... to 1LG4 318-... (motor series 1LG4 frame sizes 225 S using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E and M1D.
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

7/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Self-ventilated, pole-changing version
Cast-iron series 1LG4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Locked-rotor Breakdown Breakdown Torque class Moment Mechanical
torque torque current current torque torque of inertia limit speed
with direct starting as multiple of rated at maximum
torque torque current current torque torque supply fre-
750 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm 1500 rpm quency
TLR/Trated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated ILR/Irated TB/Trated TB/Trated CL J nmax
kgm² rpm
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
Double pole-changing for driving fans with a winding in a Dahlander circuit
1LG4 183-0BB 1.4 2.2 3.6 6.8 2 3.1 10 0.11 4200
1LG4 186-0BB 1.6 2.4 3.7 7.2 2.1 3.3 10 0.14 4200
1LG4 207-0BB 2.1 2.7 4.3 7.3 2.5 2.9 10 0.19 4200
1LG4 220-0BB 2 1.7 4.4 6.9 2.3 2.9 10 0.44 4500
1LG4 223-0BB 1.9 2.4 4.5 6.9 2.2 3 10 0.48 4500
1LG4 253-0BB 2 2.5 4 6.8 1.8 2.6 10 0.85 3700
1LG4 280-0BB 1.8 2 4 6.3 1.8 2.5 10 1.19 3000
1LG4 283-0BB 1.9 2.2 4.2 7.2 1.8 2.7 10 1.71 3000
1LG4 310-0BB 1.9 2.3 4.6 6.5 1.9 2.6 10 1.90 2600
1LG4 313-0BB 2.1 2.5 5.0 7.4 2.1 2.7 10 2.30 2600
1LG4 316-0BB 2.0 2.4 4.7 7.0 2.1 2.6 10 2.90 2600
1LG4 317-0BB 2.1 3.1 4.7 7.5 2.2 3.0 10 4.20 2600

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1PP7/5

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at torque current torque supplements for
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type of Type of
speed torque ciency ciency factor at current multiple of rated construction, see con-
at at Class at 50 Hz 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque table below struc-
current torque
50 Hz 50 Hz “Im- 4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V tion
proved IM B3
Effi- approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated accord- ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
ing to

kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 } Phase-out model kg

2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.18 63 M 2820 0.61 63.0 0.82 0.50 2.0 3.7 2.2 16 0.00018 1PP7 060-2AA 4
0.25 63 M 2830 0.84 65.0 0.82 0.68 2.0 4.0 2.2 16 0.00022 1PP7 063-2AA 4
0.37 71 M 2740 1.3 66.0 0.82 1.00 2.3 3.5 2.3 16 0.00029 1PP7 070-2AA 5
0.55 71 M 2800 1.9 71.0 0.82 1.36 2.5 4.3 2.6 16 0.00041 1PP7 073-2AA 6
0.75 80 M 2855 2.5 73.0 0.86 1.73 2.3 5.6 2.4 16 0.00079 1PP7 080-2AA 9
1.1 80 M 2845 3.7 EFF 2 77.0 0.87 2.40 2.6 6.1 2.7 16 0.0010 1PP7 083-2AA 11
1.5 90 S 2860 5.0 EFF 2 79.0 0.85 3.25 2.4 5.5 2.7 16 0.0014 1PP7 090-2AA 13
2.2 90 L 2880 7.3 EFF 2 82.0 0.85 4.55 2.8 6.3 3.1 16 0.0018 1PP7 096-2AA 16
3 100 L 2890 9.9 EFF 2 84.0 0.85 6.10 2.8 6.8 3.0 16 0.0035 } 1PP7 106-2AA 22
4 111 M 2905 13 EFF 2 86.0 0.86 7.80 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0059 } 1PP7 113-2AA 29
5.5 132 S 2925 18 EFF 2 86.5 0.89 10.4 2.0 5.9 2.8 16 0.015 } 1PP7 130-2AA 39
7.5 132 S 2930 24 EFF 2 88.0 0.89 13.8 2.3 6.9 3.0 16 0.019 } 1PP7 131-2AA 48
11 160 M 2940 36 EFF 2 89.5 0.88 20.0 2.1 6.5 2.9 16 0.034 } 1PP7 163-2AA 68
15 160 M 2940 49 EFF 2 90.0 0.90 26.5 2.2 6.6 3.0 16 0.043 } 1PP7 164-2AA 77
18.5 160 L 2940 60 EFF 2 91.0 0.91 32.0 2.4 7.0 3.1 16 0.051 } 1PP7 166-2AA 86
22 180 M 2940 71 EFF 2 91.7 0.88 39.5 1) 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.077 1PP5 183-2AA 111
30 200 L 2945 97 EFF 2 92.3 0.89 53 2.4 7.2 2.8 16 0.14 1PP5 206-2AA 159
37 200 L 2945 120 EFF 2 92.8 0.89 65.0 1) 2.4 7.7 2.8 16 0.16 1PP5 207-2AA 179

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V3 without IM V19 IM V19
without protec- IM V18 IM V18
protective tive cover without without

7 cover 2) 3) protec- protective

tive cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 6 2 7 3
1PP7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – – – –
1PP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – – – –
Standard version Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
Without additional charge sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
✓ With additional charge in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
– Not possible
Order other types of construction with type of construction code
} The Order No. for 1PP7 motors marked with this symbol are 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
phase-out models. “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
1LE1 motors are the successors. “Types of construction”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Forced-air cooled motors without ex-
ternal fan and fan cover” Pages 1/38 to 1/45.

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Technical The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
information” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box” Page 0/38). 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
Motors 1PP5 183-... to 1PP5 223-... (motor series 1PP5, frame size 180 M 9 and order code M1G.
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment “Z” and order code K32.

7/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1PP7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of iner- For Order No.
at torque current torque tia supplements for
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type of Type of
speed torque ciency ciency factor at current multiple of rated construction, see con-
at at Class at 50 Hz 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque table below struc-
current torque
50 Hz 50 Hz “Im- 4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V tion
proved IM B3
Effi- approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated accord- ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
ing to

kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 } Phase-out model kg

4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.12 63 M 1350 0.85 55.0 75 0.42 1.9 2.8 2.0 13 0.00029 1PP7 060-4AB 4
0.18 63 M 1350 1.3 60.0 77 0.56 1.9 3.0 1.9 13 0.00037 1PP7 063-4AB 4
0.25 71 M 1350 1.8 60.0 78 0.77 1.9 3.0 1.9 13 0.00052 1PP7 070-4AB 5
0.37 71 M 1370 2.6 65.0 78 1.06 1.9 3.3 2.1 13 0.00077 1PP7 073-4AB 6
0.55 80 M 1395 3.8 67.0 82 1.44 2.2 3.9 2.2 16 0.0014 1PP7 080-4AA 9
0.75 80 M 1395 5.1 EFF 2 72.0 81 1.91 2.3 4.2 2.3 16 0.0017 1PP7 083-4AA 10
1.1 90 S 1415 7.4 EFF 2 77.0 81 2.55 2.3 4.6 2.4 16 0.0024 1PP7 090-4AA 13
1.5 90 L 1420 10 EFF 2 79.0 81 3.40 2.4 5.3 2.6 16 0.0033 1PP7 096-4AA 16
2.2 100 L 1420 15 EFF 2 82.0 82 4.70 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0047 } 1PP7 106-4AA 21
3 100 L 1420 20 EFF 2 83.0 82 6.40 2.7 5.6 3.0 16 0.0055 } 1PP7 107-4AA 24
4 112 M 1440 27 EFF 2 85.0 83 8.20 2.7 6.0 3.0 16 0.012 } 1PP7 113-4AA 31
5.5 132 S 1455 36 EFF 2 86.0 81 11.4 2.5 6.3 3.1 16 0.018 } 1PP7 130-4AA 41
7.5 132 M 1455 49 EFF 2 87.0 82 15.2 2.7 6.7 3.2 16 0.023 } 1PP7 133-4AA 49
11 160 M 1460 72 EFF 2 88.5 84 21.5 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.043 } 1PP7 163-4AA 73
15 160 L 1460 98 EFF 2 90.0 84 28.5 2.6 6.5 3.0 16 0.055 } 1PP7 166-4AA 85
18.5 180 M 1460 121 EFF 2 90.5 83 35.5 1) 2.3 7.5 3.0 16 0.13 1PP5 183-4AA 108
22 180 L 1460 144 EFF 2 91.2 84 41.5 1) 2.3 7.5 3.0 16 0.15 1PP5 186-4AA 118
30 200 L 1465 196 EFF 2 91.8 86 55 2.6 7.0 3.2 16 0.24 1PP5 207-4AA 157

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V3 without IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 protec- IM V18 IM V18
without tive cover without without

protective 2) 3) protec- protective
cover tive cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 6 2 7 3
1PP7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – – – –
1PP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – – – –
Standard version Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
Without additional charge sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
✓ With additional charge in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
– Not possible
Order other types of construction with type of construction code
} The Order No. for 1PP7 motors marked with this symbol are 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
phase-out models. “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
1LE1 motors are the successors. “Types of construction”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Forced-air cooled motors without ex-
ternal fan and fan cover” Pages 1/38 to 1/45.

1) 3)
For connection to 230 V, parallel feeders are necessary (see the “Technical The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
information” section, “Connection, circuit and connection box” Page 0/38). 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
Motors 1PP5 183-... to 1PP5 223-... (motor series 1PP5, frame size 180 M 9 and order code M1G.
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment “Z” and order code K32.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1PP7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type of Type of
speed torque ciency factor current multiple of rated construction, see con-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque table below struc-
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V tion
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 } Phase-out model kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.09 63 M 850 1.0 45.0 0.66 0.44 1.8 2.0 1.9 13 0.00037 1PP7 063-6AA 4
0.18 71 M 850 2.0 53.0 0.73 0.67 2.1 2.3 1.9 16 0.00055 1PP7 070-6AA 5
0.25 71 M 860 2.8 60.0 0.76 0.79 2.2 2.7 2.0 16 0.00080 1PP7 073-6AA 6
0.37 80 M 920 3.8 62.0 0.72 1.20 1.9 3.1 2.1 16 0.0014 1PP7 080-6AA 9
0.55 80 M 910 5.8 67.0 0.74 1.60 2.1 3.4 2.2 16 0.0017 1PP7 083-6AA 10
0.75 90 S 915 7.8 69.0 0.76 2.05 2.2 3.7 2.2 16 0.0024 1PP7 090-6AA 13
1.1 90 L 915 11 72.0 0.77 2.85 2.3 3.8 2.3 16 0.0033 1PP7 096-6AA 16
1.5 100 L 925 15 74.0 0.75 3.90 2.3 4.0 2.3 16 0.0047 } 1PP7 106-6AA 21
2.2 112 M 940 22 78.0 0.78 5.20 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.0091 } 1PP7 113-6AA 26
3 132 S 950 30 79.0 0.76 7.20 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 } 1PP7 130-6AA 38
4 132 M 950 40 80.5 0.76 9.40 2.1 4.5 2.4 15 0.019 } 1PP7 133-6AA 44
5.5 132 M 950 55 83.0 0.76 12.6 2.3 5.0 2.6 16 0.025 } 1PP7 134-6AA 52
7.5 160 M 960 75 86.0 0.74 17.0 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.044 } 1PP7 163-6AA 74
11 160 L 960 109 87.5 0.74 24.5 2.3 4.8 2.6 16 0.063 } 1PP7 166-6AA 95
15 180 M 970 148 89.5 0.77 31.5 2.0 5.2 2.4 16 0.15 1PP5 186-6AA 124
18.5 200 L 975 181 90.2 0.77 38.5 2.7 5.5 2.8 16 0.24 1PP5 206-6AA 161
22 200 L 975 215 90.8 0.77 45.5 2.8 5.5 2.9 16 0.28 1PP5 207-6AA 183

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM B6/7/8, IM V3 without IM V19 IM V19
IM V6/5 protec- IM V18 IM V18
without tive cover without without
1) 2)
protective protec- protective
cover tive cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 6 2 7 3
1PP7 06 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓

7 1PP7 07 . - . . .
1PP7 08 . - . . .

1PP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – – – –
1PP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
} The Order No. for 1PP7 motors marked with this symbol are Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
phase-out models. sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
1LE1 motors are the successors. in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Forced-air cooled motors without ex- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
ternal fan and fan cover” Pages 1/38 to 1/45. 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

Motors 1PP5 183-... to 1PP5 223-... (motor series 1PP5, frame size 180 M
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment “Z” and order code K32.
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

7/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Aluminum series 1PP7/5

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type of Type of
speed torque ciency factor current multiple of rated construction, see con-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque table below struc-
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V tion
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 } Phase-out model kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
0.09 71 M 630 1.4 53.0 0.68 0.36 1.9 2.2 1.7 13 0.0008 1PP7 070-8AB 6
0.12 71 M 645 1.8 53.0 0.64 0.51 2.2 2.2 2.0 13 0.0008 1PP7 073-8AB 6
0.18 80 M 675 2.5 51.0 0.68 0.75 1.7 2.3 1.9 13 0.0014 1PP7 080-8AB 9
0.25 80 M 685 3.5 55.0 0.64 1.02 2.0 2.6 2.2 13 0.0017 1PP7 083-8AB 10
0.37 90 S 675 5.2 63.0 0.75 1.14 1.6 2.9 1.8 13 0.0023 1PP7 090-8AB 11
0.55 90 L 675 7.8 66.0 0.76 1.58 1.7 3.0 1.9 13 0.0031 1PP7 096-8AB 13
0.75 100 L 680 11 66.0 0.76 2.15 1.6 3.0 1.9 13 0.0051 } 1PP7 106-8AB 19
1.1 100 L 680 15 72.0 0.76 2.90 1.8 3.3 2.1 13 0.0063 } 1PP7 107-8AB 22
1.5 112 M 705 20 74.0 0.76 3.85 1.8 3.7 2.1 13 0.013 } 1PP7 113-8AB 24
2.2 132 S 700 30 75.0 0.74 5.70 1.9 3.9 2.3 13 0.014 } 1PP7 130-8AB 38
3 132 M 700 41 77.0 0.74 7.60 2.1 4.1 2.4 13 0.019 } 1PP7 133-8AB 44
4 160 M 715 53 80.0 0.72 10.0 2.2 4.5 2.6 13 0.036 } 1PP7 163-8AB 64
5.5 160 L 710 74 83.5 0.73 13.0 2.3 4.7 2.7 13 0.046 } 1PP7 164-8AB 74
7.5 160 L 715 100 85.5 0.72 17.6 2.7 5.3 3.0 13 0.064 } 1PP7 166-8AB 94
11 180 M 725 145 87.0 0.75 24.5 2.0 5.0 2.2 13 0.21 1PP5 186-8AB 126
15 200 L 725 198 87.5 0.78 31.5 2.1 5.0 2.2 13 0.37 1PP5 207-8AB 176

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V3 without IM V19 IM V19
without protec- IM V18 IM V18
protective tive cover without without
cover 1) 2) protec- protective
tive cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 6 2 7 3
1PP7 07 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 09 . - . . .
1PP7 10 . - . . .
– ✓

✓ 7
1PP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ – ✓
1PP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – – – –
1PP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
} The Order No. for 1PP7 motors marked with this symbol are Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po-
phase-out models. sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions”
1LE1 motors are the successors. in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”).
For additional information see catalog part 1 “New Genera-
tion 1LE1/1PC1” under “Forced-air cooled motors without ex- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
ternal fan and fan cover” Pages 1/38 to 1/45. 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

Motors 1PP5 183-... to 1PP5 223-... (motor series 1PP5, frame size 180 M
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment “Z” and order code K32 .
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1PP4

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of iner- For Order No.
at torque current torque tia supplements for
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency ciency factor current multiple of rated of construction, con-
at at Class at at 50 Hz at see table below struc-
torque current torque
50 Hz 50 Hz “Im- 50 Hz 4/4-load 50 Hz tion
proved 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Effi- approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated accord- ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
ing to

kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
22 180 M 2945 71 EFF 2 92.1 0.86 40 2.5 6.4 3.4 16 0.068 1PP4 183-2FA 140
30 200 L 2950 97 EFF 2 92.4 0.88 53 2.3 6.5 3.0 16 0.129 1PP4 206-2FA 195
37 200 L 2955 120 EFF 2 93.4 0.89 64 2.5 7.2 3.3 16 0.153 1PP4 207-2FA 215
45 225 M 2960 145 EFF 2 93.9 0.88 79 2.4 6.7 3.1 16 0.217 1PP4 223-2FA 275
55 250 M 2970 177 EFF 2 94.1 0.88 96 2.1 6.7 3.1 13 0.403 1PP4 253-2FB 360
75 280 S 2975 241 EFF 2 94.9 0.88 130 2.5 7.5 3.1 13 0.715 1PP4 280-2FB 480
90 280 M 2975 289 EFF 2 95.4 0.89 152 2.6 7.2 3.1 13 0.832 1PP4 283-2FB 520
110 315 S 2982 352 95.2 0.88 190 2.4 7.2 3.1 13 1.19 1PP4 310-2FB 700
132 315 M 2982 423 95.6 0.90 220 2.4 6.9 3.0 13 1.39 1PP4 313-2FB 755
160 315 L 2982 512 96.0 0.91 265 2.4 7.0 3.0 13 1.62 1PP4 316-2FB 880
200 315 L 2982 641 96.3 0.92 325 2.3 6.7 2.9 13 2.09 1PP4 317-2FB 995

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V1 without IM V19 IM V19
without without protec- IM V18 IM V18
protective protec- tive without without
cover tive cover 2) protective protective
cover 2) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –

1PP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 313 - . . .
1PP4 316 - . . . – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
If motors 1PP4 183-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes Motors 1PP4 220-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes 225 S
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
the motor feet are supported. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.
Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only pos-
sible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.

7/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1PP4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of iner- For Order No.
at torque current torque tia supplements for
50 Hz Rated Rated Effi- Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency ciency factor current multiple of rated of construction, con-
at at Class at at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below struc-
current torque
50 Hz 50 Hz “Im- 50 Hz 4/4-load 400 V tion
proved 4/4-load IM B3
Effi- approx.
Prated FS nrated Trated accord- ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
ing to

kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
18.5 180 M 1465 121 EFF 2 90.8 0.84 35 2.4 6.7 3.1 16 0.099 1PP4 183-4FA 135
22 180 L 1465 143 EFF 2 91.4 0.84 41.5 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.117 1PP4 186-4FA 150
30 200 L 1465 196 EFF 2 92.0 0.85 55 2.5 6.7 3.4 16 0.191 1PP4 207-4FA 195
37 225 S 1475 240 EFF 2 92.5 0.85 68 2.5 6.7 3.1 16 0.374 1PP4 220-4FA 255
45 225 M 1475 291 EFF 2 93.4 0.86 81 2.7 7.2 3.2 16 0.447 1PP4 223-4FA 290
55 250 M 1480 355 EFF 2 93.8 0.85 100 2.4 6.1 2.8 16 0.688 1PP4 253-4FA 375
75 280 S 1485 482 EFF 2 94.6 0.85 134 2.5 7.1 3.0 16 1.19 1PP4 280-4FA 515
90 280 M 1485 579 EFF 2 95.0 0.86 160 2.5 7.4 3.0 16 1.39 1PP4 283-4FA 560
110 315 S 1488 706 95.0 0.85 196 2.5 6.4 2.8 16 1.94 1PP4 310-4FA 710
132 315 M 1488 847 95.5 0.85 235 2.7 6.8 2.9 16 2.31 1PP4 313-4FA 790
160 315 L 1486 1028 95.9 0.86 280 2.7 6.8 2.8 16 2.88 1PP4 316-4FA 935
200 315 L 1486 1285 96.1 0.88 340 2.6 6.5 2.8 16 3.46 1PP4 317-4FA 1040

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V1 without IM V19 IM V19
without without protec- IM V18 IM V18
protective protec- tive without without
cover tive cover 2) protective protective
1) cover 2) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –

1PP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 313 - . . .
1PP4 316 - . . . – – 3) – ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
If motors 1PP4 183-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes Motors 1PP4 220-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes 225 S
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
the motor feet are supported. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.
Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only pos-
sible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1PP4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current multiple of rated of construction, con-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below struc-
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V tion
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
15 180 L 965 148 89.1 0.83 29.5 2.3 5.3 2.5 16 0.175 1PP4 186-6FA 145
18.5 200 L 975 181 90.2 0.81 36.5 2.5 5.6 2.5 16 0.238 1PP4 206-6FA 185
22 200 L 975 215 90.6 0.81 43.5 2.6 5.7 2.5 16 0.287 1PP4 207-6FA 195
30 225 M 978 293 92.0 0.83 57 2.7 5.6 2.5 16 0.492 1PP4 223-6FA 270
37 250 M 980 361 92.7 0.83 69 2.7 6.0 2.3 16 0.762 1PP4 253-6FA 355
45 280 S 985 436 92.7 0.85 82 2.4 6.1 2.4 16 1.12 1PP4 280-6FA 455
55 280 M 985 533 93.0 0.86 99 2.5 6.3 2.5 16 1.37 1PP4 283-6FA 490
75 315 S 988 725 93.8 0.84 138 2.5 6.5 2.8 16 2.10 1PP4 310-6FA 665
90 315 M 988 870 94.2 0.84 164 2.6 6.8 2.9 16 2.50 1PP4 313-6FA 730
110 315 L 988 1063 94.5 0.86 196 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 3.20 1PP4 316-6FA 870
132 315 L 988 1276 95.0 0.86 235 3.1 7.3 3.0 16 4.02 1PP4 317-6FA 960

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V1 without IM V19 IM V19
without without protec- IM V18 IM V18
protective protec- tive without without
cover tive cover 2) protective protective
cover 2) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 313 - . . .

1PP4 316 - . . . – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
If motors 1PP4 183-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes Motors 1PP4 220-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes 225 S
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
the motor feet are supported. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.
Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only pos-
sible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.

7/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with improved efficiency – Cast-iron series 1PP4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting as voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current multiple of rated of construction, con-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below struc-
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V tion
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
11 180 L 725 145 87.7 0.73 25 1.7 4.2 2.1 13 0.169 1PP4 186-8FB 145
15 200 L 725 198 87.9 0.76 32.5 2.2 4.9 2.6 13 0.290 1PP4 207-8FB 195
18.5 225 S 730 242 89.5 0.78 38.5 2.3 5.5 2.7 13 0.482 1PP4 220-8FB 260
22 225 M 730 288 89.8 0.79 45 2.3 5.6 2.8 13 0.551 1PP4 223-8FB 280
30 250 M 730 392 91.6 0.81 58 2.3 5.5 2.6 13 0.837 1PP4 253-8FB 370
37 280 S 735 481 92.2 0.81 72 2.2 5.0 2.1 13 1.11 1PP4 280-8FB 455
45 280 M 735 585 92.6 0.81 87 2.2 5.1 2.1 13 1.35 1PP4 283-8FB 495
55 315 S 740 710 93.2 0.81 106 2.2 5.8 2.6 13 2.08 1PP4 310-8FB 660
75 315 M 738 971 93.4 0.83 140 2.2 5.7 2.6 13 2.48 1PP4 313-8FB 725
90 315 L 738 1165 93.5 0.83 168 2.2 5.8 2.7 13 3.14 1PP4 316-8FB 845
110 315 L 738 1423 94.1 0.83 205 2.4 6.1 2.8 13 3.95 1PP4 317-8FB 1000

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V1 without IM V19 IM V19
without without protec- IM V18 IM V18
protective protec- tive without without
cover tive cover 2) protective protective
cover 2) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP4 18 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 20 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 22 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 25 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 28 . - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 310 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 313 - . . .

1PP4 316 - . . . – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) If motors 1PP4 183-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes 2) Motors 1PP4 220-... to 1PP4 317-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes 225 S
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
the motor feet are supported. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.
3) Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only pos-
sible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with increased output – Cast-iron series 1PP4

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of iner- For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque tia supplements for
Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque at 50 Hz factor at current as multiple of rated of construction, con-
at at 50 Hz 4/4- at see table below struc-
3/4- 50 Hz 50 Hz torque current torque
50 Hz load load 4/4- 3/4- 50 Hz tion
load load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cos cos Irated TLR/ ILR/ TB/ J m
ϕ rated ϕ rated Trated Irated Trated
kW rpm Nm % % A CL kg m2 kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
30 180 L 2950 97 93.2 93.3 0.86 0.82 54 2.4 7.1 3.4 16 0.086 1PP4 188-2FA 170
45 200 L 2955 145 94.0 94.1 0.89 0.87 78 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.182 1PP4 208-2FA 245
55 225 M 2960 177 95.1 95.3 0.89 0.86 94 2.6 7.3 3.2 16 0.266 1PP4 228-2FA 325
75 250 M 2970 241 94.9 94.9 0.88 0.85 130 2.4 7.1 3.1 16 0.483 1PP4 258-2FA 405
110 280 M 2975 353 95.8 95.9 0.90 0.88 184 2.5 7.0 3.0 13 1.00 1PP4 288-2FB 610
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
30 180 L 1465 196 92.0 92.2 0.80 0.76 59 2.6 6.3 2.9 16 0.144 1PP4 188-4FA 175
37 200 L 1465 241 92.8 93.1 0.83 0.78 70 2.6 6.5 3.0 16 0.234 1PP4 208-4FA 220
55 225 M 1475 356 93.6 94.1 0.86 0.83 99 2.5 6.5 2.7 16 0.486 1PP4 228-4FA 320
75 250 M 1482 483 94.5 94.6 0.85 0.81 136 2.5 7.0 3.0 16 0.856 1PP4 258-4FA 445
110 280 M 1488 706 95.5 95.2 0.84 0.78 198 2.8 7.9 3.3 16 1.71 1PP4 288-4FA 660

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V1 IM V19 IM V19
without without IM V18 IM V18
protective protective without without
cover cover protective protective
1) 2)
cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 6 2 7 3
1PP4 188 - . . . ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 208 - . . . ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 228 - . . . ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 258 - . . . ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP4 288 - . . . ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version

7 ✓
Without additional charge
With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
If motors 1PP4 188-... to 1PP4 318-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes Motors 1PP4 220-... to 1PP4 318-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes 225 S
180 L to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
the motor feet are supported. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

7/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Forced-air cooled, without external fan and fan cover
with increased output – Cast-iron series 1PP4

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of iner- For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque tia supplements for
Rated Rated Efficiency Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque at 50 Hz factor at current as multiple of rated of construction, con-
at at 50 Hz 4/4- at see table below struc-
3/4- 50 Hz 50 Hz torque current torque
50 Hz load load 4/4- 3/4- 50 Hz tion
load load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated ηrated cos cos Irated TLR/ ILR/ TB/ J m
ϕ rated ϕ rated Trated Irated Trated
kW rpm Nm % % A CL kg m2 kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
18.5 180 L 970 182 89.8 90.5 0.80 0.75 37.5 2.3 4.9 2.4 16 0.203 1PP4 188-6FA 170
30 200 L 975 294 91.1 91.5 0.80 0.75 60 2.6 5.8 2.6 16 0.362 1PP4 208-6FA 235
37 225 M 978 361 92.3 93.1 0.83 0.80 70 2.5 5.9 2.8 16 0.624 1PP4 228-6FA 315
45 250 M 982 438 93.6 94.1 0.83 0.80 84 2.7 6.3 2.3 16 0.934 1PP4 258-6FA 390
75 280 M 985 727 94.0 94.5 0.85 0.80 136 3.0 6.8 2.8 16 1.65 1PP4 288-6FA 550
160 315 L 988 1547 95.2 95.3 0.86 0.82 285 3.0 7.5 3.0 16 4.71 1PP4 318-6FA 1160
8-pole, 750 rpm at 50 Hz, temperature class 155 (F), IP55 degree of protection
15 180 L 720 199 88.0 88.7 0.73 0.63 34 2.0 4.5 2.4 13 0.206 1PP4 188-8FB 160
18.5 200 L 725 244 88.4 89.3 0.78 0.72 39 2.4 5.2 2.6 13 0.367 1PP4 208-8FB 220
30 225 M 730 392 90.5 91.3 0.79 0.74 61 2.6 5.6 2.8 13 0.658 1PP4 228-8FB 330
37 25 M 730 484 92.1 93.0 0.82 0.77 71 2.4 5.6 2.6 13 1.06 1PP4 258-8FB 415
55 280 M 735 715 93.1 93.9 0.81 0.77 106 2.4 5.6 2.3 13 1.63 1PP4 288-8FB 545
132 315 L 738 1708 94.3 94.7 0.83 0.79 245 2.5 6.5 2.9 13 4.52 1PP4 318-8FB 1080

Order No. supplements

Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6/5 IM V1 without IM V19 IM V19
without without protec- IM V18 IM V18
protective protec- tive without without
cover tive cover 2) protective protective
cover 2) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP4 188 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 208 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 228 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 258 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –

1PP4 288 - . . . ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP4 318 - . . . – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate po- Order other types of construction with type of construction code
sition and the corresponding order code (see “Special versions” 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
in the “Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 2)
If motors 1PP4 188-... to 1PP4 318-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes Motors 1PP4 220-... to 1PP4 318-... (motor series 1PP4 frame sizes 225 S
180 L to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3.
the motor feet are supported. It is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.
Type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective cover is only pos-
sible using type of construction code 9 and order code M1E or M1D.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/29

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions

■ Overview
Recommended special versions: • Special bearing for drive-end (DE) of the motor, reinforced
• The connection box is at the non-drive-end (NDE) – deep-groove bearing (bearing size 63) – Order code K36
Order code M64 • Located bearing at drive-end (DE) of motor – Order code K94
• 6 protruding cable ends • Motor protection with PTC thermistors with 3 embedded
- 0.5 m long – Order code L47 temperature sensors for tripping – Order code A11
- 1.5 m long – Order code L48 • Temperature detectors (bi-metal strip) in motor winding for
- 3.0 m long – Order code L49 tripping – Order code A31
• Bearings for increased cantilever forces – Order code K20

■ Selection and ordering data

Voltages For some non-standard voltages at 50 or 60 Hz, order codes are
specified. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for
Additional order codes for other voltages or voltage codes voltage in the 11th position of the Order No. and the appropriate
(without “-Z” supplement) order code.
Special Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
versions code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of Order code and,
No. if required,
with plain 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
text data S/M L
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4J ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4H ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4N ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
voltages between 200 and

690 V (voltages outside this
range are available on
request) 1)
Non-standard winding for Y/Δ L3Y • – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
starting at low speed
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 V; 50 Hz output at 60 Hz 9 L4A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 V; 60 Hz output at 60 Hz 9 L4B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4J ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4H ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 V; 50 Hz output 9 L4N ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 V; 60 Hz output 9 L4M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
voltages between 200 and
690 V (voltages outside this
range are available on
request) 1)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/32.

7/30 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
versions code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of Order code and,
No. if required,
with plain 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
text data S/M L
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP7 (aluminum) 1PP5 (alu-
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VΔ at 60Hz)
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ...
400 VY); 50 Hz output 2)
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E
50 Hz output 2)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(440 VY at 60 Hz)
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ...
695 VY); 50 Hz output 2)
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 2)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 2)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A
50 Hz output 2)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 2)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60 Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output 2)

Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output
575 VY; 60 Hz output

575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Voltage changeover at 60 Hz
230 VY/460 VY 60 Hz; 9 L3E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output, 9 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
230 VY/460 VY 60 Hz; 9 L3F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 Hz output, 9 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 9 L3G – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output, 12 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
230 VΔ/460 VΔ 60 Hz; 9 L3H – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
60 Hz output, 12 main terminals
and electrical design to NEMA
Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
voltages between 200 and
690 V (voltages outside this
range are available on
request) 1)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/32.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/31

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
versions code identifica-
11th tion code
position with order
of Order code and,
No. if required,
with plain 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315
text data S/M L
1PP4 (cast-iron)
Voltage at 50 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY 9 L1R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
(210 ... 230 VΔ/360 ...
400 VY); 50 Hz output
230 VΔ (220 ... 240 VΔ); 9 L1E –
50 Hz output 2)
380 VΔ/660 VY 9 L1L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(360 ... 400 VΔ/625 ...
695 VY); 50 Hz output
415 VY (395 ... 435 VY); 9 L1C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
50 Hz output 2)
415 VΔ (395 ... 435 VΔ); 9 L1D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
50 Hz output 2)
400 VY (380 ... 420 VY); 9 L1A –
50 Hz output 2)
400 VΔ (380 ... 420 VΔ); 9 L1B
50 Hz output 2)
400 VΔ (460 VΔ at 60Hz) 9 L1U
(380 ... 420 VΔ);
50 Hz output
Voltage at 60 Hz
220 VΔ/380 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
220 VΔ/380 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
380 VΔ/660 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
380 VΔ/660 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2D ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2Q ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2W ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
440 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
440 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
460 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2E –
460 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
460 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2F
575 VY; 50 Hz output 9 L2U ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VY; 60 Hz output 9 L2L ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
575 VΔ; 50 Hz output 9 L2V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

7 575 VΔ; 60 Hz output 9 L2M

Non-standard voltage and/or frequencies
Non-standard winding for 9 L1Y • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
voltages between 200 and
690 V (voltages outside this
range are available on
request) 1)
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.

Plain text must be specified in the order: Voltage, frequency, circuit,
required rated output in kW.
With order codes L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1E, L1L, L1R and L1U, a rated
voltage range is also specified on the rating plate.

7/32 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Types of construction Order codes have been defined for some special types of con-
struction. They are ordered by specifying the code digit 9 for the
Additional order codes for other types of construction or type of type of construction in the 12th position of the Order No. and the
construction codes (without “-Z” supplement) appropriate order code.
Special Voltage Additional Motor type frame size
versions code identifica- 56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315 L
12th tion code S/M
position with order
of Order code and,
No. if required,
with plain
text data
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Without flange
IM V5 with protective 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cover 1)
With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM V3 2) 9 M1G – – – – – – ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective 9 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
cover 1)
With special flange
IM V18 with protective 9 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
cover 1)
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 without protective 9 M1D – – – – – –
cover 3)
IMV6 3) 9 M1E – – – – – –
IM V5 with protective 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1) 3)
With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347):
IM V3 4) 9 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ –
Motor type frame size
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 315 L
2- 4-/
pole 6/
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP7 (aluminum) 1PP5 (alu-

Without flange
IM V5 with protective 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cover 1)
With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)
IM V3 2) 9 M1G – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
With standard flange
IM V18 with protective 9 M2A ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
cover 1)
With special flange
IM V18 with protective 9 M2B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
cover 1)
IM B34 9 M2C ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
1PP4 (cast-iron)
Without flange
IM V5 without protective 9 M1D – – – – – – ✓ 5)
cover 3)
IM V6 9 M1E – – – – – – ✓ 5)
IM V5 with protective 9 M1F ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5) ✓
cover 1) 3)

With flange (acc. to DIN EN 50347)

IM V3 4) 9 M1G ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
1) 4)
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible. Motors 1LG4 of frame sizes 225 S to 315 L are supplied with two screw-in
For frame sizes 180 M to 225 M, motors 1LA5/1PP5 can be supplied with eyebolts in accordance with IM B5, whereby one can be relocated in
two additional eyebolts; state Order No. suffix “Z” and order code K32. accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It is important to note that stress must not
be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.
If motors of frame sizes 180 M to 315 L are mounted on the wall, it is 5)
recommended that the motor feet are supported. 60 Hz version is possible on request.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/33

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping 1)
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping and
alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, maximum K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 2) L44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.

7 3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 2) L45

6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 2) L47

O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 2) L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 2) L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on NDE M64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Terminal strip for main and M69 ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
auxiliary terminals
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), with service
factor (SF)
Temperature class 155 (F), C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), with
increased output
Temperature class 155 (F), C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), with
increased coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) at C18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rated output and max. CT 60 °C 3)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/38.

7/34 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Windings and insulation (continued)
Increased air humidity/tempera- C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ture with 30 to 60 g water
per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 45 °C, derating approx. 4 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 50 °C, derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 55 °C, derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 60 °C, derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/tempera- C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ture with 60 to 100 g water
per m3 of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), with increased specified
coolant temperature and/or site output,
altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), other specify
requirements output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish

3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see special
“Special finish in special RAL finish
colors” on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/35

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Modular technology – Basic versions
Mounting of separately driven G17 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of brake 5) G26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 4)
Mounting of separately driven H61 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and H62 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and sepa- H63 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rately driven fan
Mounting of brake, separately H64 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-1
rotary pulse encoder 5)
Mounting of separately driven H97 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and H98 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
encoder 5)
Mounting of brake, separately H99 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-2
rotary pulse encoder 5)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC C00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC C01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical manual release of the K82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
brake with operating lever
Special technology 4)
Prepared for mounting MMI 6) H15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –

7 Mounting of LL 861 900 220

rotary pulse encoder
H70 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I H72 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end (DE) seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with oil
resistance to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type
of construction
With two additional eyebolts K32 – – – – – – ✓ ✓
for IM V1/IM V3
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 8)
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 9) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical protection for M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder 10)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/38.

7/36 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
CCC China Compulsory D01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – –
Certification 11)
Electrical according to D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 12)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 13) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 14) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
inspection 15)
Bearing design for increased K20 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 16)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with normal
dimensions without featherkey
K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 7
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Standard shaft made of M65 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
non-rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 17) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Fan cover for textile industry H17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Metal external fan 18) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
identification code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/38.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/37

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LA7 (aluminum) 1LA5 (alu-
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and commissio- B00
ning note. Customer's declara-
tion of renouncement required.
With one safety and startup guide B01 –
per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for hori- F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
zontal motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 10)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
mended. For pole-changing motors with separate windings, the number of driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
temperature sensors must be doubled (order code A11, price of A12 or the fan cover.
order code A12, price available on request). 11)
CCC certification is required for
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation – 2-pole motors ≤2.2 kW
heating option, please inquire before ordering. – 4-pole motors ≤1.1 kW
Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31). Cannot be – 6-pole motors ≤0.75 kW
used for motors according to CSA approval (order code D40) for motor – 8-pole motors ≤0.55 kW
series 1LA5 frame size 180 to 200. The grease lifetime specified in catalog Possible up to 600 V max. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for
part 0 “Introduction” refers to CT 40 °C. When the coolant temperature voltage and frequency. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
rises by 10 K, the grease lifetime or relubrication interval is halved. 13)
Order with voltage code 9 and order code for voltage and frequency. The
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various 14)
“Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. to Japan must bear the marking.
This applies for: 15)
– Modular technology Not possible when brake is mounted.
– Basic versions of “Modular technology” 16)
Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63.. .
– Combination of special versions “Special technology” Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
5) tilever forces, order code K20), brake or encoder mounting.
The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00 and C01. 17)
When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
6) than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
Converter mounting is possible for 230 VΔ/400 VY, please also specify
Order No. of the MICROMASTER 411 according to Catalog DA 51.3. be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
7) dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
(order code H72, H79) and / or brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
including frame size 225, order code G26). threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
including frame size 225, order code G26). nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protection. If – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or (see dimension tables under “Dimensions”)
IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
so that the condensation drainage holes situated between the feet on For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
delivery are underneath. operation is permitted.

7/38 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping and
alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 1)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A78 ✓ ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 double A80 ✓ ✓ 2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screw-in resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
feet screwed on
Connection box in cast-iron version K15 ✓ ✓ ✓ 7
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cable gland, K55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
maximum configuration
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Undrilled entry plate L01
External earthing L13
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 3) L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 3) L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
Protruding cable ends – L51 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
3) 4)
right side
Protruding cable ends – L52 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
left side 3) 4)
Auxiliary connection box 1XB3 020 L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend, see Page 7/43, for footnotes, see Page 7/44.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/39

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Motor connection and connection box (continued)
Stud terminal for cable connection, M46 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
accessories pack (3 items)
Saddle terminal for connection M47 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
without cable lug, accessories
pack (6 items)
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), used C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
Temperature class 155 (F), used C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
Temperature class 155 (F), used C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) at rated C18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
output and max. CT 60 °C 6)
Increased air humidity/tempera- C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ture with 30 to 60 g water per m3
of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 45 °C, derating approx. 4 % 5)
Temperature class 155 (F), used C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 50 °C, derating approx. 8 % 5)
Temperature class 155 (F), used C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 55 °C, derating approx. 13 %

Temperature class 155 (F), used C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 60 °C, derating approx. 18 %

Increased air humidity/tempera- C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

ture with 60 to 100 g water per m3
of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

7 acc. to 130 (B), with a higher cool-

ant temperature and/or site altitude
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), other requirements specify
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard finish in other standard Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, standard
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, finish
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5015, RAL ….
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray

For legend, see Page 7/43, for footnotes, see Page 7/44.

7/40 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Colors and paint finish (continued)
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, 1015, special
1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, 3007, finish
5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, 5017, RAL ….
5018, 5019, 6011, 6019, 6021,
7000, 7001, 7004, 7011, 7016,
7022, 7031, 7032, 7033, 7035,
9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see “Spe- special
cial finish in special RAL colors” on finish
Page 0/19 RAL ….
Offshore special finish M91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Modular technology – Basic versions 7)
Mounting of separately G17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan 8)
Mounting of brake 8) 9) G26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of 1XP8 001-1 (HTL) H57 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of 1XP8 001-2 (TTL) H58 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Modular technology – Combinations of basic versions 7)
Mounting of separately driven H61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
fan and 1XP8 001-1 rotary pulse
Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-1 H62 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder 9)
Mounting of brake and separately H63 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan 8) 9)
Mounting of brake, separately H64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-1
rotary pulse encoder 9)

Mounting of separately driven

fan and 1XP8 001-2 rotary pulse
H97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mounting of brake and 1XP8 001-2 H98 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Mounting of brake, separately H99 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
driven fan and 1XP8 001-2
rotary pulse encoder 9)
Modular technology – Additional versions
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC C00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brake supply voltage 400 V AC C01 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical manual relase of the K82 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
brake with operating lever
Special technology 7)
Mounting of LL 861 900 220 rotary H70 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 9 D 1024 I rotary H72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse encoder
Mounting of HOG 10 D 1024 I H73 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rotary pulse encoder
Prepared for mounting H78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LL 861 900 220
Prepared for mounting H79 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 9 D 1024 I
Prepared for mounting H80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HOG 10 D 1024 I

For legend, see Page 7/43, for footnotes, see Page 7/44.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/41

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with oil resistance
to 0.1 bar (not possible
for IM V3 type of construction)
IP65 degree of protection 10) K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(non-heavy-sea) 11)
Condensation water holes 12) L12
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Earth brushes for converter-fed M44 – – – – O. R. O. R.
Mechanical protection for M68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
encoder 13)
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–50 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Electrical according to NEMA D30 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Design according to UL D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with “Recognition Mark” 14)
Canadian regulations (CSA) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 16)
Special bearing for DE and NDE, K36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
bearing size 63
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

7 Located bearing DE
Located bearing NDE
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 17)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey way
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 18) identifica-
tion code

For legend, see Page 7/43, for footnotes, see Page 7/44.

7/42 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Self-ventilated motors in pole-changing version
1LG4 (cast-iron)
Heating and ventilation
Metal external fan 19) K35 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Sheet metal fan cover L36 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Separately driven fan with Y81 • and – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
non-standard voltage and/or identifica-
frequency tion code
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identification Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for horizon- F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tal motors, with acceptance
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge 7
– Not possible

For footnotes, see Page 7/44.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/43

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions

1) Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- 12) Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE
mended. For pole-changing motors with separate windings, the number of and non-drive end NDE (IP55, IP56, IP65). If condensation drainage holes

temperature sensors must be doubled (order code A11, price of A12 or are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or IM B8 type of construction
order code A12, price available on request). (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to relocate the bearing plates
2) PT 100 bearing monitoring only possible at drive end (DE). at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE) so that the condensation
drainage holes situated between the feet on delivery are underneath.
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation 13)
heating option, please inquire before ordering. Not necessary when a rotary pulse encoder is combined with a separately
driven fan, because in this case the rotary pulse encoder is installed under
Only possible in combination with order code L44 to L49 or length specifi- the fan cover.
cation in plain text. 14)
Possible up to 600 V max. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for
Only the 50 Hz data are specified on the rating plate. voltage and frequency. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
6) Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31) or CSA 15) Order with voltage code 9 and order code for voltage and frequency. The
approval (order code D40). The grease lifetime specified in catalog part 0 rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate.
“Introduction” refers to CT 40 °C. When the coolant temperature rises by 16)
10 K, the grease lifetime or relubrication interval is halved. Bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity level B on
request for 1LG4 motors. Not possible for 1LG4 motors in the combination
A second shaft extension is not possible. Please inquire for mounted “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality and linear movement in
brakes. The order codes listed cannot be combined within the various accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for flange-mounting motors” –
technologies nor with each other within the same technology system. order code K04.
This applies for: 17)
– Modular technology Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63.. .
– Basic versions of “Modular technology” Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
– Combination of special versions “Special technology” tilever forces, order code K20).
18) When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
8) For 1LG4/1LG6 motors, order codes G17, G26 and H63 frame size 225
and above can also be combined with all rotary pulse encoders in the than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
“Special technology” range. be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
The standard brake supply voltage is 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Other brake way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
supply voltages are possible with order codes C00 and C01. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
10) Not possible in combination with rotary pulse encoder HOG 9 D 1024l threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
(order code H72, H79) and / or brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
including frame size 225, order code G26). nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
11) The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
Not possible in combination with brake 2LM8 (used for motors up to and – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
including frame size 225, order code G26). (see dimension tables under “Dimensions”)
– Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
19) For 1LA5/6/7/9 motors and 1LG with metal external fan, converter-fed
operation is permitted.

7/44 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP7 (aluminum) 1PP5 (alu-
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping 1)

Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping and
alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tripping 1)
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 1)
Motor connection and connection box
ECOFAST motor plug Han-Drive G55 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
10e for 230 VΔ/400 VY 2)
ECOFAST motor plug EMC Han- G56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Drive 10e for 230 VΔ/400 VY 3)
Connection box on RHS K09 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One cable gland, metal K54 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
External earthing L13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
3 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 4) L44 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R.
3 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 4) L45
6 cables protruding, 0.5 m long 4) L47

O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
O. R.
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 4) L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on NDE M64 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Terminal strip for main and M69 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – – – – –
auxiliary terminals
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), used C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
Temperature class 155 (F), used C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
Temperature class 155 (F), used C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) at C18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rated output and max. CT 60 °C 5)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/48.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/45

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP7 (aluminum) 1PP5 (alu-
Windings and insulation (continued)
Increased air humidity/tem- C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
perature with 30 to 60 g water
per m of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 45 °C, derating approx. 4 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 50 °C, derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 55 °C, derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 60 °C, derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/tem- C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
perature with 60 to 100 g water
per m of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), with a higher specified
coolant temperature and/or site output,
altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
used acc. to 155 (F), other specified
requirements output,
CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Special finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish

3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5017, 5018, 5019, 6011, 6019,
6021, 7000, 7001, 7004, 7011,
7016, 7022, 7031, 7032, 7033,
7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see “Spe- special
cial finish in special RAL colors” finish
on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with oil
resistance to 0.1 bar
Not possible for IM V3 type of
With two additional eyebolts K32 – – – – – – – – ✓ ✓
for IM V1/IM V3
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vibration-proof version L03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensation drainage holes 6) L12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/48.

7/46 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP7 (aluminum) 1PP5 (alu-
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 7)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 8) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSE Mark Japan 9) D46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces
Regreasing device K40 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 10)
Second standard shaft extension K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R 7
Standard shaft made of M65 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
non-rusting steel
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 11) identifica-
tion code
Heating and ventilation
Anti-condensation heaters for K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
230 V
Anti-condensation heaters for K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identifi- Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cation code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/48.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/47

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP7 (aluminum) 1PP5 (alu-
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Without safety and commissio- B00 – – –
ning note. Customer's declara-
tion of renouncement required.
With one safety and startup guide B01 – – –
per box pallet
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Operating instructions German/ B23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
English enclosed in print
Type test with heat run for vertical F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Wire-lattice pallet L99 –
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 6)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) is recom- Supplied with the condensation drainage holes sealed at the drive end DE
mended. and non-drive end NDE for IP55, IP56 and IP65 degrees of protection. If
Only one sensor (temperature sensor or PTC thermistor) can be con- condensation drainage holes are required in motors of the IM B6, IM B7 or
nected. Only possibilities are voltage code 1 with voltage of IM B8 type of construction (feet located on side or top), it is necessary to
230 VΔ/400 VY and special voltage with voltage code 9 and order code relocate the bearing plates at the drive end (DE) and non-drive end (NDE)
L1U (400 VΔ). The following order codes cannot be used in combination so that the condensation drainage holes situated between the feet on
with the ECOFAST plugs, order code G55: A12, C02, C18, D31, D40, G50, delivery are underneath.
H15, H17, H62, H63, H64, H90, H91, H92, H93, H94, H95, H98, H99, K04, Possible up to 600 V max. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating
K15, K16, K34, K35, K40, K45, K46, K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, L45, L47, plate without voltage range.
L48, L49, L51, L52. 8)
The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate without voltage range.
Not possible for pole-changing motors. Only one sensor (temperature sen- 9)
“Small power motors” with a rated output of up to 3 kW which are exported
sor or PTC thermistor) can be connected. Only possibilities are voltage to Japan must bear the marking.
code 1 with voltage of 230 VΔ/400 VY and special voltage with voltage 10)
code 9 and order code L1U (400 VΔ). The following order codes cannot Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63.. .
be used in combination with the ECOFAST plugs, order code G56: A12, Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
A23, A31, C00, C18, D31, D40, G50, H15, H17, H90, H91, H92, H93, H94, tilever forces, order code K20) brake or encoder mounting.
H95, K04, K15, K16, K34, K35, K40, K45, K46, K52, K54, K82, L03, L44, 11)
When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
L45, L47, L48, L49, L51, L52. than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
4) be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation
heating option, please inquire before ordering. dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
5) way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31). Cannot be the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
used for motors according to CSA approval (order code D40) for motor threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
series 1PP7 frame size 180 to 200. The grease lifetime specified in catalog extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
part 0 “Introduction” refers to CT 40 °C. When the coolant temperature nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
rises by 10 K, the grease lifetime or relubrication interval is halved. The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
– Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
(see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
– Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.

7/48 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Options or order codes (supplement -Z is required)
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP4 (cast-iron)
Motor protection
Motor protection with PTC ther- A11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 3 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping
Motor protection with PTC ther- A12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mistors with 6 embedded tem-
perature sensors for tripping
and alarm 1)
Motor temperature detection with A23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensor
KTY 84-130 1)
Motor temperature detection with A25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
embedded temperature sensors
2 x KTY 84-130 1)
Temperature detectors for tripping A31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Installation of 3 PT 100 resistance A60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers 1)
Installation of 6 PT 100 resistance A61 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
thermometers in stator winding 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A72 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(basic circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 screw-in A78 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
resistance thermometers
(3-wire circuit) for rolling-contact
bearings 1)
Installation of 2 PT 100 double A80 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
screw-in resistance thermo-
meters (3-wire circuit) for rolling-
contact bearings 1)
Motor connection and connection box
Two-part plate on connection box K06 – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on RHS K09 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on LHS K10 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connection box on top, K11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
feet screwed on
One cable gland, metal
Cable gland,

maximum configuration
Rotation of the connection box K83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from DE
Rotation of the connection box K84 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 90°, entry from NDE
Rotation of connection box K85 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through 180°
Next larger connection box L00 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
External earthing L13
6 cables protruding, 1.5 m long 2) L48 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
6 cables protruding, 3 m long 2) L49 ✓ ✓ ✓ O. R. O. R. O. R.
Protruding cable ends – L51 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
right side 2) 3)
Protruding cable ends – L52 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
left side 2) 3)
Auxiliary connection box L97 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1XB3 020
Stud terminal for cable connec- M46 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
tion, accessories pack (3 items)
Saddle terminal for connection M47 – – – ✓ ✓ ✓
without cable lug, accessories
pack (6 items)

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/52.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/49

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP4 (cast-iron)
Windings and insulation
Temperature class 155 (F), used C11 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with service factor
Temperature class 155 (F), used C12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
output 4)
Temperature class 155 (F), used C13 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), with increased
coolant temperature
Temperature class 180 (H) at C18 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
rated output and max. CT 60 °C 5)
Increased air humidity/tempera- C19 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ture with 30 to 60 g water per m3
of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used C22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 45 °C, derating approx. 4 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 50 °C, derating approx. 8 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 55 °C, derating approx. 13 %
Temperature class 155 (F), used C25 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), coolant tempera-
ture 60 °C, derating approx. 18 %
Increased air humidity/tempera- C26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ture with 60 to 100 g water per m3
of air
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y50 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 130 (B), with a higher specified
coolant temperature and/or site output,
altitude CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Temperature class 155 (F), used Y52 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
acc. to 155 (F), other require- specified
ments output,

7 CT .. °C or
SA .... m
above sea
Colors and paint finish
Standard finish in RAL 7030
stone gray
Standard finish in other standard Y53 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, standard
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18
Special finish in RAL 7030 K26 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
stone gray
Special finish in other standard Y54 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RAL colors: RAL 1002, 1013, special
1015, 1019, 2003, 2004, 3000, finish
3007, 5007, 5009, 5010, 5012, RAL ….
5015, 5017, 5018, 5019, 6011,
6019, 6021, 7000, 7001, 7004,
7011, 7016, 7022, 7031, 7032,
7033, 7035, 9001, 9002, 9005
Page 0/18

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/52.

7/50 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP4 (cast-iron)
Colors and paint finish (continued)
Special finish in special RAL Y51 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
colors: For RAL colors, see “Spe- special
cial finish in special RAL colors” finish
on Page 0/19 RAL ….
Offshore special finish M91 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sea air resistant special finish M94 O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R. O. R.
Unpainted K23
(only cast iron parts primed)
Unpainted, only primed K24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mechanical design and degrees of protection
Drive-end seal for flange- K17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
mounting motors with oil
resistance to 0.1 bar
(Not possible for type of
construction IM V3) 6)
IP65 degree of protection K50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
IP56 degree of protection K52 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Non-rusting screws (externally) M27 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Coolant temperature and site altitude
Coolant temperature D02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–50 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D03 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–40 to +40 °C
Coolant temperature D04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
–30 to +40 °C
Designs in accordance with standards and specifications
Design according to UL with D31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“Recognition Mark” 7)
Canadian regulations (CSA) 8) D40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bearings and lubrication
Measuring nipple for SPM shock G50 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
pulse measurement for bearing
Bearing design for increased K20 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cantilever forces 9)
Special bearing for DE and NDE, K36
bearing size 63
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 10) ✓ 10) 7
Regreasing device K40 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ – –
Located bearing DE K94 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Located bearing NDE L04
Insulated bearing cartridge L27 – – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balance and vibration quantity
Vibration quantity A
Vibration quantity B K02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Full key balancing L68 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Balancing without key M37 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shaft and rotor
Concentricity of shaft extension, K04 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
coaxiality and linear movement
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R for flange-mounting
motors 11)
Second standard shaft K16 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 12)
Shaft extension with standard K42 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dimensions without featherkey
Concentricity of shaft extension L39 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
in accordance with DIN 42955
Tolerance R
Non-standard cylindrical shaft Y55 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
extension 13) identifica-
tion code

For legend and footnotes, see Page 7/52.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/51

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors
Special versions
Special versions Additional Motor type frame size
tion code -Z
with order
code and
plain text
if required
56 63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Forced-air cooled motors without external fan and fan cover
1PP4 (cast-iron)
Heating and ventilation
Anti-condensation heaters K45 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 230 V
Anti-condensation heaters K46 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
for 115 V
Rating plate and extra rating plates
Second lubricating plate, B06 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
supplied loose
Second rating plate, loose K31 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Extra rating plate or rating plate Y80 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
with deviating rating plate data identifica-
tion code
Extra rating plate with identifi- Y82 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
cation code identifica-
tion code
Additional information on rating Y84 • and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
plate and on package label identifica-
(maximum of 20 characters) tion code
Packaging, safety notes, documentation and test certificates
Acceptance test certificate 3.1 B02 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
according to EN 10204
Type test with heat run for vertical F83 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
motors, with acceptance
Connected in star for dispatch M32 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Connected in delta for dispatch M33 ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
• This order code only determines the price of the version –
Additional plain text is required.
O. R. Possible on request
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible

1) 10)
Evaluation with appropriate tripping unit (see Catalog LV 1) recom- Additional charge for 2-pole motors. With 4-pole to 8-pole motors, stan-
mended. dard version.
2) 11)
In combination with the PTC thermistor option or anti-condensation Can be combined with deep-groove bearings of series 60.., 62.. and 63.. .
heating option, please inquire before ordering. Not possible with parallel roller bearings (e.g. bearings for increased can-
Possible in combination with order code L44 to L49 or length specification tilever forces, order code K20).
in plain text. Possible for motors of frame size 315 and above in vertical types of con-
Only the 50 Hz data are indicated on the rating plate. struction or 2-pole for version with second shaft extension on request.
Version with protective cover not possible.
Cannot be used for motors in UL version (order code D31). Cannot be 13)
used for motors according to CSA approval (order code D40) for motor When motors are ordered that have a longer or shorter shaft extension
series 1PP7 frame size 180 to 200. The grease lifetime specified in catalog than normal, the required position and length of the featherkey way must
part 0 “Introduction” refers to CT 40 °C. When the coolant temperature be specified in a sketch. It must be ensured that only featherkeys in accor-
rises by 10 K, the grease lifetime or relubrication interval is halved. dance with DIN 6885, Form A are permitted to be used. The featherkey
way is positioned centrally on the shaft extension. The length is defined by
Not available for 2-pole motors. the manufacturer normatively. Not valid for: Conical shafts, non-standard
7) Possible up to 600 V max. Order with voltage code 9 and order code for threaded journals, non-standard shaft tolerances, friction welded journals,
voltage and frequency. The rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate. extremely “thin” shafts, special geometry dimensions (e.g. square jour-
8) nals), hollow shafts. Valid for non-standard shaft extensions DE or NDE.
Order with voltage code 9 and order code for voltage and frequency. The The featherkeys are supplied in every case. For order codes Y55 and K16:
rated voltage is indicated on the rating plate. – Dimensions D and DA ≤ internal diameter of roller bearing
9) Not possible for 2-pole 1PP4 motors, frame size 315 L in vertical types of (see dimesnion tables under “Dimensions”)
construction; bearings for increased cantilever forces at vibration quantity – Dimensions E and EA ≤2 x length E (normal) of the shaft extension
level B available on request for 1PP4 motors. Not possible for 1PP4 motors For an explanation of the order codes, see catalog part 0 “Introduction”.
in the combination “Concentricity of the shaft extension, coaxiality and
linear movement in accordance with DIN 42955 Tolerance R for flange-
mounting motors” – order code K04.

7/52 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Overview
Slide rails with fixing bolts and tensioning screws to Taper pins to DIN 258 with threaded ends and constant taper
DIN 42923 lengths
Slide rails are used to tension the belt of a machine easily and Taper pins are used for components that are repeatedly re-
conveniently when a belt tightener is not available. They are moved. The drilled hole is ground conical using a conical reamer
fixed to the base using stone bolts or foundation blocks. until the pin can be pushed in by hand until the cone shoulder
lies 3 to 4 mm above the rim of the hole.
The assignment of slide rails to motor size can be found in
DIN 42923. For motors of frame sizes 355 to 450, there are no It can then be driven in using a hammer until it is correctly
standardized slide rails (please inquire). seated. The pin is removed from the drilled hole by screwing on
the nut and tightening it.
Available from:
Lütgert & Co. GmbH Standardized taper pins are available from general engineering
Postfach 42 51 suppliers.
33276 Gütersloh, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0 Available from:
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 Otto Roth GmbH & Co. KG
Rutesheimer Straße 22 70499 Stuttgart, Germany
e-mail: Tel. +49 (0)711-1388-0
Fax +49 (0)711-1388-233
Foundation block acc. to DIN 799 e-mail:
The foundation blocks are inserted into the stone foundation and
embedded in concrete. They are used for fixing machines of
medium size, slide rails, pedestal bearings, baseframes, etc. Couplings
After the fixing bolts have been unscrewed, the machine can be
dragged without it having to be lifted. The motor from Siemens is connected to the machine or gear
unit through a coupling. Flender is an important coupling manu-
When the machine is initially installed, the foundation block that facturer with a wide range of products. For standard applica-
is bolted to the machine (without washers) and fitted with taper tions, Siemens recommends that elastic couplings of Flender
pins is not embedded with concrete until the machine has been types N-Eupex and Rupex or torsionally rigid couplings of types
fully aligned. In this case, the machine is positioned 2 to 3 mm Arpex and Zapex are used. For special applications, Fludex and
lower. The difference in shaft height is compensated by inserting Elpex couplings are recommended.
shims on final installation. The taper pins safeguard the exact
position of the machine when it is repeatedly removed and re- Source of supply:
placed without the need for realignment. Siemens contact partner – ordering from Catalog
Siemens MD 10.1 “FLENDER Standard Couplings”
Available from:
Lütgert & Co. GmbH or
Postfach 42 51 A. Friedr. Flender AG
33276 Gütersloh, Germany Kupplungswerk Mussum
Tel. +49 (0)5241-7407-0 Industriepark Bocholt
Fax +49 (0)5241-7407-90 Schlavenhorst 100
46395 Bocholt, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)2871-922185 7
Fax +49 (0)2871-922579

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/53

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ More information
Spare motors and repair parts Example for ordering a fan cover 1LA7,
• Supply commitment for spare motors and repair parts frame size 160 M, 4-pole:
following delivery of the motor Fan cover No. 7.40,
- For up to 5 years, in the event of total motor failure, Siemens 1LA7 163–4AA60, factory number J783298901018
will supply a comparable motor with regard to the mounting
dimensions and functions (the type series may vary). • For bearing types, see the “Introduction”.
- Repair parts will be supplied for up to 5 years. • Repair parts for 1MJ6, 1MJ7, 1MJ8, 1MJ1, 1ME8, 1ML8, 1LG8
- For up to 10 years, Siemens will provide information and will, motors and smoke-extraction motors are available on request.
if necessary, supply documentation for repair parts. • For standard components, a supply commitment does not
• When repair parts are ordered, the following details must be apply.
provided: • Support – Hotline
- Designation and part number In Germany
- Order No. and factory number of the motor Tel.: 0180/5050448
National telephone numbers can be found on the Internet page:

7/54 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Overview
Overall dimensions



Frame Type Number Dimensions Frame Type Number Dimensions

size of poles L AD H AB O size of poles L AD H AB O
200 L 1LA5 769.5 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5
63 M 1PP7 172 101 63 120 1 x M16 x 1.5 1LG4 720 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1PP4 617 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
71 M 1PP7 207 111 71 132 1 x M16 x 1.5 1PP4 208 2, 6 674 300 200 378 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1PP5 675 305 200 388 2 x M50 x 1.5
80 M 1LA7 273.5 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 225 S/ 1LG4 789 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 225 M 1PP4 670 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1PP7 237 120 80 150 1 x M16 x 1.5 1PP4 223 2 640 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5 1PP4 228 2 700 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
90 S/ 1LA7 331 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1PP4 228 4, 6, 8 730 325 225 436 2 x M50 x 1.5
90 L 1 x M25 x 1.5 250 M 1LG4 887 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP7 286 128 90 165 1 x M16 x 1.5 1PP4 764 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
1 x M25 x 1.5
1PP4 258 4 834 392 250 490 2 x M63 x 1.5
100 L 1LA7 372 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5 280 S/ 1LG4 960 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP7 331 135 100 196 2 x M32 x 1.5 280 M 1PP4 830 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
112 M 1LA7 393 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5 1PP4 288 2, 4 940 432 280 540 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP7 349 148 112 226 2 x M32 x 1.5 315 S/ 1LG4 310 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
132 S/ 1LA7 452.5 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5 315 M/ 1PP4 310 2 925 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
132 M 315 L 1PP4 310 4, 6, 8 955 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP7 397 167 132 256 2 x M32 x 1.5
160 M/ 1LA7 588 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5 1LG4 313 1102 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
160 L 1PP7 529 197 160 300 2 x M40 x 1.5 1PP4 313 2 925 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
180 M/ 1LA5 712 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5 1PP4 313 4, 6, 8 955 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
180 L 1LG4 669 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5 1LG4 316 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP4 316 2 1085 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5

1PP4 562 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5
1PP4 188 613 262 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5 1PP4 316 4, 6, 8 1115 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP5 611 258 180 339 2 x M40 x 1.5 1LG4 317 1262 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP4 317 2 1085 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP4 317 4, 6, 8 1115 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP4 318 6 1255 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5
1PP4 318 8 1115 500 315 610 2 x M63 x 1.5

Notes on the dimensions

7 Dimension designations according to DIN EN 50347 and 7 Dimension tolerances
IEC 60072. For the following dimension designations, the permissible
7 Fits deviations are given below:
The shaft extensions specified in the dimension tables (DIN 748) Dimension designation Dimension Permitted
and centering spigot diameters (DIN EN 50347) are machined deviation
with the following fits: H to 250 – 0.5
Dimension designation ISO fit DIN ISO 286-2 over 250 – 1.0
D, DA to 30 j6 E, EA – 0.5
over 30 to 50 k6 Keyways and feather keyways (dimensions GA, GC, F and FA)
over 50 m6 are made in compliance with DIN 6885 Part 1.
N to 250 j6 7 All dimensions are specified in mm.
over 250 h6
F, FA h9
K H17
S Flange (FF) H17
The drilled holes of couplings and belt pulleys should have an
ISO fit of at least H7.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/55

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 80 M to 200 L · pole-changing version
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame size 90 S/L has



BE' frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.







Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


HH AG Eyebolts frame size
LL AS 100 L and above






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

7 Frame Type

80 M 1LA7 080 125 30.5 150 163 120 120 97 97 75 124 37.5 100 32 – 118 14 32 18 50 94 80 8
1LA7 083
90 S 1LA7 090 140 30.5 165 180 128 128 105 105 75 170 37.5 100 33 54 143 23 32 18 56 143 90 10
90 L 1LA7 096 125 118
100 L 1LA7 106 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 125 100 12
1LA7 107
112 M 1LA7 113 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 170 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 141 112 12
132 S 1LA7 130 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 162.5 132 15
1LA7 131
132 M 1LA7 133 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 250 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 124.5 132 15
1LA7 134
160 M 1LA7 163 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 183 160 18
1LA7 164
160 L 1LA7 166 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 250 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 139 160 18
180 M 1LA5 183 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 259 180 18
180 L 1LA5 186 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 340 71 279 50 – 325 38 54 27 121 221 180 18
200 L 1LA5 206 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 340 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 239 200 24
1LA5 207

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. 2) The values increase if the connection box is rotated or if a brake is
1) Measured across the bolt heads. mounted. Further information is provided by the dimension sheet genera-
tor in SD configurator.

7/56 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, frame sizes 80 M to 200 L · pole-changing version
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts frame size
100 L and above

Frame size 90 S/L has


EB EA frame feet each with

2 drilled holes at NDE.






Type of construction IM B14

Type of construction IM B14 not possible for 1LA5 motors, frame sizes 180 M to 200 L
For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


LM Eyebolts frame size

100 L and above







For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
Frame Type
80 M 1LA7 080 63.5 9.5 13.5 273.5 324 75 299.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1LA7 083 364
90 S 1LA7 090 79 10 14 331 389 75 382.5 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1LA7 096
100 L 1LA7 106 102 12 16 372 438 120 423.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1LA7 107
112 M 1LA7 113 102 12 16 393 461 120 444.5 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1LA7 130 128 12 16 452.5 551.5 140 505 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 131
132 M 1LA7 133 128 12 16 452.5 551.5 140 505 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1LA7 134
160 M 1LA7 163 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1LA7 164
160 L 1LA7 166 160.5 15 19 588 721 165 640.5 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1LA5 183 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1LA5 186 159 15 19 712 841 132 793.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1LA5 206 178 19 25 769.5 897 192 850 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1LA5 207

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/57

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L · pole-changing version
Type of construction IM B3









DB K DC Frame sizes 180 M/L, 225 S/M K' AF'
E C B CA EA and 315 S/M/L have frame feet with A
BA BA' 2 drilled holes at NDE. AA
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1
For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)







HH The motors are supplied with two fitted eyebolts conforming to IM B5,
whereby one can be repositioned to conform to IM V1 or IM V3. It is important
to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the ring plane.

For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC


7 180 M 1LG4 183

180 L 1LG4 186
200 L 1LG4 207 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 340 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 177 200 25
225 S 1LG4 220 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 218 225 34
225 M 1LG4 223 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 425 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 193 225 34
250 M 1LG4 253 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 470 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 235 250 40
280 S 1LG4 280 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 267 280 40
280 M 1LG4 283 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 525 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 216 280 40
315 S 1LG4310 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 315 315 50
315 M 2) 1LG4313 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 264 315 50
315 L 2) 1LG4316 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 373 315 50
1LG4317 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 590 154 508 155 206 648 69 110 216 513 315 50

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

1) Measured across the bolt heads.
2) With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

7/58 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1LG4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L · pole-changing version
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)











For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
180 M 1LG4 183
180 L 1LG4 186
51.5 7
200 L 1LG4 207 196 19 25 720 835 192 810 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 S 1LG4 220 196 19 25 789 903 192 889 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1LG4 223 196 19 25 789 903 192 889 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1LG4 253 237 24 30 887 1032 236 987 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
280 S 1LG4 280 252 24 30 960 1105 236 1070 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1LG4 283 252 24 30 960 1105 236 1070 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1LG4310 285 28 35 1102 1247 307 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 1) 1LG4313 285 28 35 1102 1247 307 1212 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L 1) 1LG4316 285 28 35 1262 1407 307 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1LG4317 285 28 35 1262 1407 307 1372 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5

With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 508 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/59

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5, frame sizes 63 M to 200 L
Type of construction IM B3


Eyebolts from
size 100 L

Frame size 90 S/L has


frame feet each with

BE' 2 drilled holes at NDE.






Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1

For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)

Eyebolts from
size 100 L






For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

7 Frame Type
of poles

63 M 1PP7 060 2, 4, 6 100 27 120 124 101 101 78 78 75 37.5 80 28 – 96 30 32 18 40 40 63 7

1PP7 063
71 M 1PP7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 112 27 132 145 111 111 88 88 75 37.5 90 27 – 106 18 32 18 45 42 71 7
1PP7 073
80 M 1PP7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 125 30.5 150 163 120 120 97 97 75 37.5 100 32 – 118 14 32 18 50 47 80 8
1PP7 083
90 S 1PP7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 140 30.5 165 180 128 128 105 105 75
37.5 100 33 54 143 23 32 18 56 80 90 10
90 L 1PP7 096 125 55
100 L 1PP7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 160 42 196 203 135 163 78 123 120 60 140 47 – 176 39 42 21 63 68 100 12
1PP7 107 4, 8
112 M 1PP7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 190 46 226 227 148 176 91 136 120 60 140 47 – 176 32 42 21 70 79 112 12
132 S 1PP7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 70 140 49 – 180 39 42 21 89 96 132 15
1PP7 131 2
132 M 1PP7 133 4, 6, 8 216 53 256 267 167 194 107 154 140 70 178 49 – 218 39 42 21 89 58 132 15
1PP7 134 6
160 M 1PP7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 82.5 210 57 – 256 52.5 54 27 108 107 160 18
1PP7 164 2, 8
160 L 1PP7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 254 60 300 320 197 226 127 183 165 82.5 254 57 – 300 52.5 54 27 108 63 160 18
180 M 1PP5 183 2, 4 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 71 241 50 – 287 38 54 27 121 145 180 18
180 L 1PP5 186 4, 6, 8 279 69.5 339 363 258 258 216 216 152 71 279 50 325 38 54 27 121 107 180 18
200 L 1PP5 206 2, 6 318 83 388 402 305 305 252 252 260 96 305 58.5 – 355 45 85 42.5 133 133 200 24
1PP5 207 2, 4, 6, 8

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed.

7/60 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5, frame sizes 63 M to 200 L
Type of construction IM B14
Type of construction IM B14 not possible for 1PP5 motors, frame sizes 180 M to 200 L
For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)



Eyebolts from
size 100 L





For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
Frame Type
of poles


63 M 1PP7 060 2, 4, 6 69.5 7 10 172 206 75 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5 11 M4 23 16 3.5 4 12.5
1PP7 063
71 M 1PP7 070 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 7 10 207 240 75 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16 14 M5 30 22 4 5 16
1PP7 073
80 M 1PP7 080 2, 4, 6, 8 63.5 9.5 13.5 237 280 75 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
1PP7 083
90 S 1PP7 090 2, 4, 6, 8 79 10 14 286 333 75 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27 19 M6 40 32 4 6 21.5
90 L 1PP7 096
100 L 1PP7 106 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 331 3852) 120 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
1PP7 107 4, 8
3) 4)
112 M 1PP7 113 2, 4, 6, 8 102 12 16 349 403 120 28 M10 60 50 5 8 31 24 M8 50 40 5 8 27
132 S 1PP7 130 2, 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 397 485 140 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1PP7 131 2
132 M 1PP7 133 4, 6, 8 128 12 16 397 485 140 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41 38 M12 80 70 5 10 41
1PP7 134 6
160 M 1PP7 163 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 529 645 165 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
1PP7 164 2, 8
160 L 1PP7 166 2, 4, 6, 8 160.5 15 19 529 645 165 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45 42 M16 110 90 10 12 45
180 M 1PP5 183 2, 4 159 15 19 611 727 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1PP5 186 4, 6, 8 159 15 19 611 727 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1PP5 206 2, 6 178 19 25 675 791 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1PP5 207 2, 4, 6, 8

1) 3)
For 1PP7 063 with type of construction code 1 (B5, IM V1 without protec- 345 mm for IM B5 type of construction.
tive cover, IM V3) the dimensions L and LC are 26 mm longer. 4)
399 mm for IM B5 type of construction.
381 mm for IM B14 type of construction.

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© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1PP4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B3







Frame sizes 180 M/L,

225 S/M, 280 S/M/L

GA BC GC and 315 S/M/L have

EE DC frame feet each with
DB ED 2 drilled holes at NDE.
Types of construction IM B5 and IM V1 (IM B5 only up to
frame size 315 M)
For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)


The motors are supplied

EC with two fitted eyebolts


BE conforming to IM B5,

EB whereby one can be reposi-


tioned to conform to IM V1

or IM V3. It is important to
E GC note that stress must not
be applied perpendicular

to the ring plane.


For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC

size of poles

180 M 1PP4 183 2, 4 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 71 241 70 111 328 36 54 121 94 180 20
180 L 1PP4 186 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 56 180 20
1PP4 188 2, 4, 6, 8 279 65 339 363 262 262 220 220 152 452 71 279 70 111 328 36 54 121 107 180 20
200 L 1PP4 206 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 76 200 25
1PP4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 76 200 25
1PP4 208 2, 6 318 70 378 402 300 300 247 247 260 512 96 305 80 80 355 63 85 133 133 200 25
4, 8 76
225 S 1PP4 220 4, 8 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 96 286 85 110 361 47 85 149 99 225 34
225 M 1PP4 223 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 74 225 34
4, 6, 8
1PP4 228 2 356 80 436 442 325 325 272 272 260 556 96 311 85 110 361 47 85 149 134 225 34
4, 6, 8
250 M 1PP4 253 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 111 250 40
4, 6, 8
1PP4 258 2 406 100 490 495 392 392 308 308 300 620 118 349 100 100 409 69 110 168 111 250 40
4 181
6, 8 111
280 S 1PP4 280 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 118 368 100 151 479 62 110 190 137 280 40
4, 6, 8
280 M 1PP4 283 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 118 414 100 151 479 62 110 190 86 280 40
4, 6, 8
1PP4 288 2 457 100 540 555 432 432 348 348 300 672 118 419 100 151 479 62 110 190 196 280 40
6, 8 86
315 S 1PP4 310 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 154 406 125 176 527 69 110 216 168 315 50
1PP4 310 4, 6, 8
315 M 1) 1PP4 313 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 154 457 125 176 527 69 110 216 117 315 50
1PP4 313 4, 6, 8
315 L1) 1PP4 316/317 2 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 154 508 125 176 578 69 110 216 226 315 50
1PP4 316/317 4, 6, 8
1PP4 318 8
1PP4 318 6 508 120 610 610 500 500 400 400 380 780 154 508 155 206 648 69 110 216 366 315 50

* This dimension is assigned in DIN EN 50347 to the frame size listed. With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fitted
feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 506 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

7/62 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Cast-iron series 1PP4, frame sizes 180 M to 315 L
Type of construction IM B35
For flange dimensions, see Page 7/64 (Z = the number of retaining holes)











For motor Dimension designation acc. to IEC DE shaft extension NDE shaft extension
size of poles

180 M 1PP4 183 2, 4 157 15 19 562 676 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
180 L 1PP4 186 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 562 676 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
1PP4 188 2, 4, 6, 8 157 15 19 613 727 132 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
200 L 1PP4 206 2, 6 196 19 25 617 734 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1PP4 207 2, 4, 6, 8 196 19 25 617 734 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1PP4 208 2, 6 196 19 25 674 791 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 8 617 734
225 S 1PP4 220 4, 8 196 19 25 670 784 192 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
225 M 1PP4 223 2 196 19 25 640 754 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 670 784 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
1PP4 228 2 196 19 25 700 814 192 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59 48 M16 110 100 5 14 51.5
4, 6, 8 730 844 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
250 M 1PP4 253 2 237 24 30 764 878 236 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4, 6, 8 908 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1PP4 258 2 237 24 30 764 878 236 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64 55 M20 110 100 5 16 59
4 834 978 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
6, 8 764 908 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
280 S 1PP4 280 2 252 24 30 830 975 236 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
280 M 1PP4 283 2 252 24 30 830 975 236 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4, 6, 8 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
1PP4 288 2 252 24 30 940 1085 236 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
4 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
6, 8 830 975 75 M20 140 125 10 20 79.5 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69
315 S 1PP4 310 2 285 28 35 925 1070 307 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1PP4 310 4, 6, 8 955 1100 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 M 1)
1PP4 313 2 285 28 35 925 1070 307 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1PP4 313 4, 6, 8 955 1100 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
315 L1) 1PP4 316/317 2 285 28 35 1085 1230 307 65 M20 140 125 10 18 69 60 M20 140 125 10 18 64
1PP4 316/317 4, 6, 8 1115 1260 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1PP4 318 8 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5
1PP4 318 6 285 28 35 1255 1400 307 80 M20 170 140 25 22 85 70 M20 140 125 10 20 74.5

With order codes for connection box positions (K09, K10, K11) only fit-
ted feet with 3 drilled holes with dimension “B” (406, 457 and 506 mm).
BB will then be 666 mm.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/63

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ Dimensional drawings
Flange dimensions
In DIN EN 50347, the frame
sizes are allocated flange FF
with through holes and flange
FT with tapped holes.
The designation of flange A
and C according to DIN 42948
G _ D 0 8 1 _ X X _ 0 0 0 2 6

G _ D 0 8 1 _ X X _ 0 0 0 2 7
(invalid since 09/2003) are also
listed for information purposes.
See the table below.
(Z = the number of retaining

Frame size Type of construction Flange type Flange with Dimension designation acc. to IEC
through holes (FF/A)
Tapped holes (FT/C)
According to Acc. to LA LE M N P S T Z
DIN EN 50347 DIN 42948
63 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 115 A 140 8 23 115 95 140 10 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 75 C 90 – 23 75 60 90 M5 2.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 100 C 120 – 23 100 80 120 M6 3 4
71 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 130 A 160 9 30 130 110 160 10 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 85 C 105 – 30 85 70 105 M6 2.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 115 C 140 – 30 115 95 140 M8 3 4
80 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 165 A 200 10 40 165 130 200 12 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 100 C 120 – 40 100 80 120 M6 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 130 C 160 – 40 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
90 S, 90 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 165 A 200 10 50 165 130 200 12 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 115 C 140 – 50 115 95 140 M8 3 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 130 C 160 – 50 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
100 L IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
112 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 215 A 250 11 60 215 180 250 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 130 C 160 – 60 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 165 C 200 – 60 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4
132 S, 132 M IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 265 A 300 12 80 265 230 300 14.5 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 165 C 200 – 80 165 130 200 M10 3.5 4

7 160 M, 160 L
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19
IM B5, IM B35, IM V1, IM V3
Special flange
FT 215
FF 300
C 250
A 350

IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Standard flange FT 215 C 250 – 110 215 180 250 M12 4 4
IM B14, IM B34, IM V18, IM V19 Special flange FT 265 C 300 – 110 265 230 300 M12 4 4
180 M, 180 L IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 300 A 350 13 110 300 250 350 18.5 5 4
200 L IM B5 Flange FF 350 A 400 15 110 350 300 400 18.5 5 4
225 S, 225 M
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 400 A 450 16 110 400 350 450 18.5 5 8
4-pole to 8-pole 140
250 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
280 S, 280 M IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 500 A 550 18 140 500 450 550 18.5 5 8
315 S, 315 M,
315 L
2-pole IM B5, IM V1, IM V3 Flange FF 600 A 660 22 140 600 550 660 24 6 8
4-pole to 8-pole 170

7/64 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

■ More information
Dimension sheet generator When a complete Order No. is entered with or without order
(part of the SD configurator) codes, a dimension drawing can be called up under the “Docu-
A dimension drawing can be created in the SD configurator mentation” tab.
for every configurable motor. A dimension drawing can be These dimension drawings can be presented in different views
requested for every other motor. and sections and printed.
The corresponding dimension sheets can be exported, saved
and processed further in DXF format (interchange/import format
for CAD systems) or as bitmap graphics.
The SD configurator has been integrated into the electronic
Catalog CA 01 as a selection aid (for further information, see
catalog part 11 “Appendix”, “Selection tool SD configurator”).
The interactive Catalog CA 01 can be ordered from your local
Siemens sales representative or on the Internet at
At this address, you will also find links to Tips & Tricks and to
downloads for function or content updates.
Order number for CA 01 10/2008, English International:
DVD: E86060-D4001-A510-C7-7600

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 7/65

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Fan motors

7/66 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Compressor motors

8/2 Orientation
8/2 Overview
8/2 Benefits
8/2 Application
8/2 More information

8/3 Surface-cooled motors

up to frame size 315 L
Aluminum and cast-iron housing
8/3 Overview

8/3 Surface-cooled motors

frame size 315 and above
Cast-iron housing
8/3 Overview

8/4 Special versions

8/4 Overview

8/4 Accessories
8/4 Overview

8/4 Dimensions
8/4 Overview

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Compressor motors

■ Overview
The compressor motors are used preferentially in compressors
for direct drive. In compressors with belt drive, the cantilever
forces must be taken into account.
Due to the necessary compactness and confined space within
the compressor, it is recommended that the following are used:
• Motors with increased output
• If required, versions with protruding cables instead of a
connection box
• Special versions for high-speed applications – possible on
• With converter-fed operation, winding monitoring with embed-
ded KTY 84-130 temperature sensors or bimetal temperature
sensors and additional insulated bearings for wide output

■ Benefits
The implemented motors offer the user the following advan-
• Depending on the motor type used, service factors of up to
1.25 are possible, i.e. the motor can be continuously over-
loaded with 25 % of the rated output.
• Motors with increased efficiency to CEMEP EFF 1 or EPACT
lead to significant energy savings under typical continuous
duty. Please inquire regarding any efficiency requirements
that exceed this.
• Noise-optimized versions.
• Under converter-fed operation, by setting the precise speed
and therefore the operating point, a considerable energy
saving can be achieved combined with reduced stress on the
• The motors are suitable, in general, for mains-fed operation up
to 690 V and converter-fed operation up to 460 V (with motor
series 1LA8 to 500 V) (voltage rise times ts >0.1 ms).
• Extensive experience is available in customized applications
especially with regard to special flanges and special bearings.

■ Application
The motors can be used for the following compressor types:

• Screw compressors
• Reciprocating compressors
• Rotary blowers

■ More information
For more information, please contact your local Siemens AG
contact – see “Siemens contacts worldwide” in the Appendix.

8/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Compressor motors
Surface-cooled motors up to frame size 315 L
Aluminum and cast-iron housing

■ Overview
Recommended motor types:
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency according to
CEMEP EFF1 – Aluminum series 1LA9 in the output range from
0.06 to 37 kW, 50 and 60 Hz
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency according to
CEMEP EFF1 – Cast-iron series 1LG6 in the output range from
11 to 200 kW, 50 and 60 Hz
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency according to
CEMEP EFF1 – Aluminum series 1LE1 in the output range from
0.75 to 18.5 kW, 50 and 60 Hz
• Self-ventilated motors with increased output – Aluminum
series 1LA9 and cast-iron series 1LG4 in output range from
3 to 110 kW, 50 and 60 Hz
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency and increased
output are available on request
• Self-ventilated motors with improved efficiency according to
CEMEP EFF2 with increased output – Aluminum series 1LE1
in the output range from 2.2 to 22 kW, 50 and 60 Hz
• Self-ventilated motors with high efficiency according to
CEMEP EFF1 with increased output – Aluminum series 1LE1
in the output range from 2.2 to 22 kW, 50 and 60 Hz
For technical specifications and selection and ordering data,
see catalog parts 1 “New Generation 1LE1/1PC1” and 2 “Stan-
dard motors up to frame size 315 L”.

Surface-cooled motors frame size 315 and above

Cast-iron housing

■ Overview
Recommended motor types:
• Non-standard motor for mains-fed and converter-fed
operation – cast-iron housing 1LA8
For technical specifications and selection and ordering data,
see catalog part 3 “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 8/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Compressor motors
Special versions

■ Overview
Recommended special versions for mains-fed and Other special versions
converter-fed operation
For other special versions, see catalog parts 2 “Standard motors
• Motor temperature sensing using built-in temperature sensor up to frame size 315 L” and 3 “Non-standard motors frame size
KTY 84-130 – order code A23 315 and above”.
for 1LE1 – 15th position of the Order No. letter F
• Insulated bearing cartridge at non-drive-end (NDE) –
order code L27
• External earthing – order code L13
for 1LE1 – order code H04
• 6 protruding cable ends
- 0.5 m long – order code L47
for 1LE1 – order code R22
- 1.5 m long – order code L48
for 1LE1 – order code R23
- 3.0 m long – order code L49
for 1LE1 – order code R24


■ Overview
See catalog parts 1 “New Generation 1LE1/1PC1”, 2 “Standard
motors up to frame size 315 L” and 3 “Non-standard motors
frame size 315 and above”.


■ Overview
See dimensions under catalog parts 1 “New Generation
1LE1/1PC1”, 2 “Standard motors up to frame size 315 L” and
3 “Non-standard motors frame size 315 and above”.

8/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

Smoke-extraction motors

9/2 Orientation
9/2 Overview
9/3 Benefits
9/3 Application
9/4 Technical specifications
9/7 Selection and ordering data
9/7 More information

9/8 Self-ventilated motors for

temperature/time classes
F200 and F300
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5,
cast-iron series 1LG6
9/8 Selection and ordering data

9/14 Forced-air cooled motors for

temperature/time classes
F200 and F300
Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5,
cast-iron series 1PP6
9/14 Selection and ordering data

9/20 Self-ventilated motors for

temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG6
9/20 Selection and ordering data

9/26 Forced-air cooled motors for

temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1PP6
9/26 Selection and ordering data

9/32 Special versions

9/32 Selection and ordering data
9/32 • Voltages
9/33 • Types of construction
9/34 • Options

9/42 Accessories
9/42 Overview
9/42 More information

9/43 Dimensions
9/43 Overview

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors

■ Overview

The low-voltage motors with squirrel-cage rotors for implementa-

tion in automatic smoke and heat extraction units to EN 12101-3
are mainly designed for driving smoke extraction fans. For this
reason, they are known as smoke-extraction motors. They are
mainly used in buildings or structures in which smoke control is
necessary due to their shape and arrangement.
Temperature/time classification according to EN 12101-3
• F200 corresponds to 200 °C for 120 min.
• F300 corresponds to 300 °C for 60 min.
• F400 corresponds to 400 °C for 120 min.
Testing and test certificates
The smoke-extraction motors are tested by the Research and
Testing Laboratory of the Department of Air-Conditioning Sys-
tems and Building Services Installations of the Technical Univer- The motors are manufactured with aluminum or cast-iron hous-
sity of Munich in accordance with EN 12101-3. ings in accordance with the smoke classes. The smoke-extrac-
tion motors are based on the standard motors and comprise the
Test conditions for F200/F300: following motor types:
• Temperature 300 °C • Temperature/time classes F200 and F300
• Time 120 min. - Self-ventilated motors – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5,
The test certificates are available. cast-iron series 1LG6 – Version with integrated fan (metal)
- Self-ventilated motors – Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5
double pole-changing with square-law load torque – Ver-
sion with integrated fan (metal)
- Forced-air cooled motors – Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5,
cast-iron series 1PP6 – Version without integrated fan, lo-
cated in air flow of fan to be driven
- Forced-air cooled motors – Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5
double pole-changing with square-law load torque –
Version without integrated fan, located in air flow of fan to be
• Temperature/time classes F400
- Self-ventilated motors – Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG6 –
9 Version with integrated fan (metal)
- Self-ventilated motors – Cast-iron series 1LA6
double pole-changing with square-law load torque –
Version with integrated fan (metal)
- Forced-air cooled motors – Cast-iron series 1PP6 – Version
without integrated fan, located in air flow of fan to be driven
- Forced-air cooled motors – Cast-iron series 1PP6
double pole-changing with square-law load torque –
Version without integrated fan, located in air flow of fan to be
The resonance of mountings and reactions from driven ma-
chines can cause high levels of vibration in the overall equip-
ment unit. This has a significant effect on the expected service
life of the bearing.
These vibrations are evaluated in accordance with Zones A and
B according to ISO 10816.

9/2 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors

■ Benefits
The smoke-extraction motors operate as so-called The smoke-extraction motors offer the user a number of
“Dual-function motors”: advantages:
• Normal operation (no instance of fire): • The assignment of standard outputs is unchanged. This
Incoming/outgoing air flow means that a larger construction size is not required for
• Fault operation (in case of fire): smoke-extraction motors.
- Removal of smoke from escape and access routes • Smoke-extraction motors are generally equipped with located
- Supporting fire fighting by creating a smoke-free zone bearings at the drive-end (DE) of the motor.
- Protecting devices and equipment • A rating plate for conditions of fire is screwed onto the motor.
- Reducing the heat stress of components during a fire
- Reducing secondary damage due to thermal bi-products • Cables protruding from the non-drive-end (NDE) are included
and hot gases in the scope of supply.
• Radial-flow and axial-flow fan drive are possible.
- Self-ventilated motors of series 1LA/1LG with a metal fan
impeller can be used as radial-flow fan drives.
- Forced-air cooled motors of series 1PP can be used as axial-
flow fan drives taking into account the required volumetric
flow for motor cooling. In this case the driven fan performs
the ventilation.

■ Application
The smoke-extraction motors are designed for use in automatic
smoke and heat extraction units to EN 12101-3.
Typical application examples include:
• Tunnels
• Single and multi-storey shopping centers
• Industrial buildings and warehouses
• Building complexes and atriums
• Theatres
• Indoor car parks
• Staircases

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/3

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors

■ Technical specifications
Standards and specifications Operation in the event of fire
In addition to the relevant standards and regulations, In addition to normal duty, operation in the event of a fire as
EN 12101-3 applies for non-portable fire-fighting systems: specified in EN 12101-3 is available.
Systems for controlling smoke and heat flows, part 3, specifica- At the end of the fire incident, the motor may be unfit for normal
tions for smoke and heat extraction units. duty. It is therefore specified that the motor is removed and
overhauled or replaced with a new motor.
Voltage and frequency
In the event of a fire, any “thermal motor protection” must be
Rated voltages according to IEC 60034-1 deactivated.
• 230 VΔ 50 Hz
Standard number of poles
• 400 VΔ 50 Hz and 400 VY 50 Hz
• 2, 4 and 6
• 500 VΔ 50 Hz and 500 VY 50 Hz
• For more poles and pole-changing motors, please inquire.
• 690 VY 50 Hz
Insulation system
Non-standard voltages (voltage code 9 and order code L1Y) as
well as 60 Hz are available on request, only for 4, 6, 8-pole mo- The special insulation systems are adapted to the respective
tors as well as 6/4 and 8/4-pole motors with nmax. = 3000 rpm) temperature/time classes.
The following rating plates are available for the smoke-extraction The insulation of the smoke extraction motors is designed such
motors: that converter-fed operation is possible without limitation at vol-
• Rating plate tages ≤460 V. This also applies for operation with a pulse-con-
For the listed rated voltages with 50 Hz output data. trolled AC converter with voltage rise times ts >0.1 μs at the
motor terminals.
• Fire event plate
Complete with number and year of issue of the European stan- In the event of fire, the motors must be switched over from
dard, temperature/time class and minimum duration of func- converter-fed operation to mains-fed operation. If converter-
tion. fed operation is also required in the event of fire, system
testing and acceptance testing must be performed in accor-
All plates are resistant to corrosion. A second set of plates is dance with this (please inquire).
included with the motor, loose.
Drainage holes
Rated output, duty type, number of poles
Generally available, but closed if ordered according to IP55
The rated output applied for continuous duty (normal duty) ac- degree of protection.
cording to IEC 60034-1, for a frequency of 50 Hz, coolant tem-
peratures of up to 40 °C, site altitude of up to 1000 m above sea Bearing plates
level. All bearing plates are in cast-iron.
Derating is necessary at higher coolant temperatures and site al-
titudes (reduction factor kHT), see table below. Termination system

Reduction factor kHT for different site altitudes and/or coolant Protruding cable with casing, without connection box with cover
temperatures plate or “Nozzle cap”. Cable length depends on the shaft height.
• Frame sizes 80 to 112: 1.0 m
Site altitude Coolant temperature in °C
above sea • Frame sizes 132 to 200: 1.5 m
• Frame sizes 225 to 315: 2.5 m
in m <30 30-40 45 50 55 60
1000 1.07 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.82 Special versions of connecting cables are available on request.
1500 1.04 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.84 0.79 Position of the connecting cable
2000 1.00 0.94 0.9 0.86 0.82 0.77
• Frame sizes 80 to 160:
2500 0.96 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.78 0.74
- On the top at non-drive-end (NDE) as standard.
3000 0.92 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.70 Optionally left or right at non-drive-end (NDE)
3500 0.88 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.71 0.67 (for type of construction with screwed-on feet ).
4000 0.82 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.67 0.63
• Frame sizes 180 to 315:
Coolant temperature and site altitude are rounded up to 5 °C or - Flange types of construction without feet:

500 m. On the top at non-drive-end (NDE) as standard.
Optionally on left or right at non-drive-end (NDE).
- All types of construction with feet:
On the top at drive-end (DE) as standard with connection
cable routed towards the non-drive end (NDE).
Optionally on left or right at drive-end (DE) with connection
cable routed towards the non-drive-end (NDE)
(for types of construction with screwed-on feet).
The equipment is earthed with a protruding cable.

9/4 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Bearings, grease Admissible loading on the shaft extension
Special bearing systems are used that are matched to the The values specified in the table “Admissible loading on shaft
respective temperature classes. extension” are the tested and approved maximum values (test
duration two hours, temperature in case of fire 300 or 400 °C).
Deep-groove bearings of series 60, 62 or 63 without play are
used depending on the fire classes F200/F300, F400 and the In standard duty at coolant temperatures of up to 40 °C,
frame sizes. a bearing lifetime L10h >20000 hours was achieved.
The located bearing is generally at the drive-end (DE). The values apply to all horizontal mounting positions and to all
vertical mounting positions with shaft pointing downwards.
The nominal bearing lifetime L10 h (fan drive) is at least 20,000
hours at full rated load. Please inquire in the case of :
The motors of frame sizes 80 to 250 generally have bearings that • Higher force pairings
are greased for life. • Motors with more poles or pole-changing motors
Paint finish • Vertical arrangement, depending on the rotor mass and
mounting location (shaft pointing downwards or shaft pointing
The motors have a two-component finish (worldwide) as stan- upwards) of the smoke-extraction motor. If necessary, higher
dard in the color RAL 7030. forces can be approved.
Required minimum cooling air flow in standard duty
Frame 1LA7/1PP7 1LA5/1PP5 1LA6/1PP6 Required cooling air flow
size for number of poles
2 4 6
m3/min. m3/min. m3/min.
80 X 1.74 0.90 0.60
90 X 3.12 1.56 1.08
100 X X 3.96 1.86 1.26
112 X X 4.98 3.00 1.98
132 X X 8.04 5.04 3.36
160 X X 12.90 9.54 6.36
180 X 10.98 10.98 7.27
200 X 15.12 13.02 8.58
225 X 12.12 13.02 8.58

Frame 1LG6/1PP6 Required cooling air flow for number of poles

size 2 4 6
m3/min. m3/min. m3/min.
180 X 12.0 13.0 8.5
200 X 20.5 17.0 11.0
225 X 20.5 18.5 12.5
250 X 25.5 22.5 17.0
280 X 24.5 28.0 21.5
315 X 47 36.0 26.5
In the motor version without an integrated fan (1PP5, 1PP6 and
1PP7), the motor is located in the air flow of the ventilator to be
driven which must drive the minimum cooling air flow over the
motor housing. For a faster air flow, the operating temperature of
the motor can be reduced.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/5

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors

■ Technical specifications (continued)

Admissible loading in the event of a fault (fire) on the shaft extension (continued)
Frame Bearings Type of loading on shaft Horizontal shaft Shaft pointing vertically downwards
DE 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole
FR FA tens FR FA tens FR FA tens FR FA tens FR FA tens FR FA tens
No. N N N N N N N N N N N N
80 6004 1 Radial force 400 0 490 0 540 0 360 0 450 0 540 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 150 130 170 170 190 200 40 172 40 225 40 275
3 Axial tensile force 0 215 0 265 0 320 0 197 0 250 0 300
90 6205 1 Radial force 650 0 730 0 795 0 590 0 730 0 795 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 250 205 280 260 310 305 100 259 100 330 100 390
3 Axial tensile force 0 343 0 415 0 480 0 310 0 384 0 450
100 6206 1 Radial force 890 0 1000 0 1080 0 820 0 1000 0 1080 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 400 265 500 325 600 345 300 265 300 385 300 455
3 Axial tensile force 0 490 0 600 0 675 0 432 0 540 0 625
112 6206 1 Radial force 870 0 980 0 1055 0 760 0 970 0 1055 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 400 252 500 310 600 330 250 260 250 380 250 450
3 Axial tensile force 0 478 0 595 0 675 0 403 0 510 0 590
132 6208 1 Radial force 1070 0 1415 0 1530 0 810 0 1060 0 1220 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 450 315 550 450 650 480 250 300 250 520 250 585
3 Axial tensile force 0 580 0 775 0 850 0 450 0 640 0 820
160 6209 1 Radial force 1440 0 1630 0 1760 0 1210 0 1580 0 1780 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 700 450 800 570 900 650 500 335 500 525 500 665
3 Axial tensile force 0 824 0 1015 0 1140 0 620 0 790 0 920
180 6210 1 Radial force 1540 0 1750 0 1900 0 1020 0 1400 0 1670 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 770 430 900 545 1000 630 550 218 550 420 550 575
3 Axial tensile force 0 815 0 1040 0 1183 0 453 0 733 0 875
200 6212 1 Radial force 2050 0 2380 0 2620 0 1450 0 1700 0 2090 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 1200 770 1350 970 1500 1075 500 460 500 750 500 1600
3 Axial tensile force 0 1350 0 1650 0 1875 0 720 0 1040 0 1905
225 6213 1 Radial force 2460 0 2720 0 2970 0 1910 0 2450 0 2900 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 1370 900 1500 1095 1700 1200 500 660 500 1000 500 1250
3 Axial tensile force 0 1560 0 1910 0 2170 0 920 0 1290 0 1520
250 6215 1 Radial force 2770 0 3230 0 3500 0 1490 0 2230 0 2700 0
2 Radial force + axial tensile force 1400 840 1600 1095 1800 1340 500 460 500 815 500 1080
3 Axial tensile force 0 1500 0 1865 0 2130 0 710 0 1090 0 1375
280 6217 1 Radial force 3180 0 5000 0 5500 0 3000 0 5600 0 6100 0
(2-pole), 2 Radial force + axial tensile force 1700 1820 2000 2000 2300 2200 600 1085 600 2300 600 2750
(4-, 6-pole) 3 Axial tensile force 0 2630 0 3050 0 3500 0 1380 0 2600 0 3100
315 6219 1 Radial force 3470 0 5300 0 5900 0 1000 0 3600 0 3850 0
(2-pole), 2 Radial force + axial tensile force 1750 2200 2000 2170 2300 2530 200 363 1000 1150 1000 1610
(4-, 6-pole) 3 Axial tensile force 0 3000 0 3080 0 3560 0 463 0 1690 0 2100

Note: In the event of a fault (fire), the reduced loads provided

above must be observed and ensured by appropriate mea-
sures in the ventilation system. The permitted loads in cata-
log part 0 from Page 0/66 must be observed for operation under
standard condition (CT 40 °C).

Radial force (shaft extension centre)

Shaft load type

No. 1 FR

No. 2 FA ten


No. 3

FA ten
Axial pull on the shaft extension FR Radial forces referred to shaft mid-point
FA ten Tensile forces acting axially on the shaft

Load types Forces on shaft extension

9/6 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Preliminary selection of the motor according to motor type/series, speed or number of poles, frame size, rated output, rated
torque, rated speed and rated current
Self-ventilated motors for temperature/time classes F200 and F300
Speed (No. of poles) Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current selection and ordering data
at 400 V Page
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1LA7 and 1LA5, cast-iron series 1LG6 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 80 M ... 315 L 0.75 ... 200 2830 ... 2985 2.5 ... 640 2.1 ... 325 9/8
1500, 4-pole 80 M ... 315 L 0.55 ... 200 1395 ... 1488 3.7 ... 1284 1.86 ... 345 9/8
1000, 6-pole 80 M ... 315 L 0.37 ... 160 910 ... 990 3.9 ... 1543 1.2 ... 285 9/10
1500/3000, 4/2-pole 80 M ... 160 L The electrical data can be calculated and supplied on receipt of order. 9/12
1000/1500, 6/4-pole 80 M ... 200 L 9/12
750/1500, 8/4-pole 80 M ... 200 L 9/12

Forced-air cooled motors for temperature/time classes F200 and F300

Speed (No. of poles) Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current selection and ordering data
at 400 V Page
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Aluminum series 1PP7 and 1PP5, cast-iron series 1PP6 (motors without an external fan)
3000, 2-pole 80 M ... 315 L 0.75 ... 200 2830 ... 2985 2.5 ... 640 2.1 ... 325 9/14
1500, 4-pole 80 M ... 315 L 0.55 ... 200 1395 ... 1488 3.7 ... 1284 1.86 ... 345 9/14
1000, 6-pole 80 M ... 315 L 0.37 ... 160 910 ... 990 3.9 ... 1543 1.2 ... 285 9/16
1500/3000, 4/2-pole 80 M ... 160 L The electrical data can be calculated and supplied on receipt of order. 9/18
1000/1500, 6/4-pole 80 M ... 200 L 9/18
750/1500, 8/4-pole 80 M ... 200 L 9/18

Self-ventilated motors for temperature/time class F400

Speed (No. of poles) Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current selection and ordering data
at 400 V Page
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1LA6 and 1LG6 (motors with external fan)
3000, 2-pole 100 L ... 315 L 3 ... 190 2875 ... 2982 10 ... 608 6.5 ... 325 9/20
1500, 4-pole 100 L ... 315 L 2.2 ... 200 1410 ... 1490 15 ... 1284 5.5 ... 345 9/20
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 315 L 1.5 ... 160 925 ... 990 15 ... 1546 4.5 ... 285 9/22
1500/3000, 4/2-pole 100 L ... 160 L The electrical data can be calculated and supplied on receipt of order. 9/24
1000/1500, 6/4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 9/24
750/1500, 8/4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 9/24

Forced-air cooled motors for temperature/time class F400

Speed (No. of poles) Frame size Rated Rated Rated Rated Detailed
output speed torque current selection and ordering data
at 400 V Page
rpm kW rpm Nm A
Cast-iron series 1PP6 (motors without external fan)
3000, 2-pole
1500, 4-pole
100 L ... 315 L
100 L ... 315 L
3 ... 190
2.2 ... 200
2875 ... 2982
1410 ... 1490
10 ... 608
15 ... 1284
6.5 ... 325
5.5 ... 345
1000, 6-pole 100 L ... 315 L 1.5 ... 160 925 ... 990 15 ... 1546 4.5 ... 285 9/28
1500/3000, 4/2-pole 100 L ... 160 M The electrical data can be calculated and supplied on receipt of order. 9/30
1000/1500, 6/4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 9/30
750/1500, 8/4-pole 100 L ... 160 L 9/30

■ More information
For more information, please contact your local Siemens contact
– see “Siemens Contacts Worldwide” in the Appendix.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/7

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1LA7/5, cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
0.75 80 M 2830 2.5 63.0 0.83 2.1 2.3 5.6 2.4 16 0.00085 1LA7 080-2TA 10.2
1.1 80 M 2845 3.7 74.0 0.80 2.7 2.6 6.1 2.7 16 0.0011 1LA7 083-2TA 11.9
1.5 90 S 2860 5.0 73.0 0.80 3.7 2.4 5.5 2.7 16 0.0015 1LA7 090-2TA 15.2
2.2 90 L 2880 7.3 78.0 0.80 5.1 2.8 6.3 3.1 16 0.002 1LA7 096-2TA 18
3 100 L 2890 9.9 77.0 0.83 6.8 2.8 6.8 3.0 16 0.0038 1LA7 106-2TA 24
4 112 M 2905 13 82.0 0.83 8.5 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0055 1LA7 113-2TA 32
5.5 132 S 2925 18 85.5 0.87 10.7 2.0 5.9 2.8 16 0.016 1LA7 130-2TA 45
7.5 132 S 2930 24 88.0 0.89 13.8 2.3 6.9 3.0 16 0.021 1LA7 131-2TA 53
11 160 M 2940 36 88.0 0.86 21 2.1 6.5 2.9 16 0.034 1LA7 163-2TA 74
15 160 M 2940 49 90.8 0.90 26.5 2.2 6.6 3.0 16 0.04 1LA7 164-2TA 85
18.5 160 L 2940 60 90.3 0.91 32.5 2.4 7.0 3.1 16 0.052 1LA7 166-2TA 98
22 180 M 2940 71 91.1 0.85 41 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.077 1LA5 183-2TA 125
30 200 L 2945 97 91.8 0.89 53 2.4 7.2 2.8 16 0.14 1LA5 206-2TA 176
37 200 L 2945 120 92.3 0.89 65 2.4 7.7 2.8 16 0.16 1LA5 207-2TA 199
45 225 M 2960 145 93.6 0.89 78 2.8 7.7 3.4 16 0.2 1LA5 223-2TA 235
55 250 M 2975 177 94.2 0.90 94 2.5 7.4 3.3 13 0.466 1LG6 253-2TB 420
75 280 S 2975 241 94.8 0.91 126 2.6 7.5 2.9 13 0.832 1LG6 280-2TB 530
90 280 M 2975 289 95.2 0.90 152 3.0 7.5 3.0 13 1.00 1LG6 283-2TB 615
110 315 S 2985 352 95.0 0.90 186 2.6 7.5 3.2 13 1.39 1LG6 310-2TB 790
132 315 M 2984 422 95.3 0.91 220 2.7 7.4 3.0 13 1.62 1LG6 313-2TB 915
160 315 L 2984 512 95.7 0.93 260 2.8 7.5 3.1 13 2.09 1LG6 316-2TB 1055
200 315 L 2984 640 95.9 0.93 325 2.5 7.0 2.8 13 2.46 1LG6 317-2TB 1245
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
0.55 80 M 1395 3.7 57.0 0.75 1.85 2.2 3.9 2.2 16 0.0015 1LA7 080-4TA 10
0.75 80 M 1405 5.1 63.0 0.73 2.35 2.3 4.2 2.3 16 0.0018 1LA7 083-4TA 11.4
1.1 90 S 1415 7.4 68.0 0.74 3.15 2.3 4.6 2.4 16 0.0028 1LA7 090-4TA 14.6
1.5 90 L 1420 10 73.0 0.74 4.0 2.4 5.3 2.6 16 0.0035 1LA7 096-4TA 17.9
2.2 100 L 1420 15 75.0 0.78 5.4 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0048 1LA7 106-4TA 24
3 100 L 1415 20 77.0 0.78 7.2 2.7 5.6 3.0 16 0.0058 1LA7 107-4TA 27
4 112 M 1440 27 78.0 0.78 9.2 2.7 6.5 3.0 16 0.011 1LA7 113-4TA 34
5.5 132 S 1450 36 88.5 0.78 12 2.5 6.3 3.1 16 0.018 1LA7 130-4TA 47
7.5 132 M 1455 49 84.0 0.78 16.5 2.7 6.7 3.2 16 0.024 1LA7 133-4TA 53
11 160 M 1455 72 89.0 0.81 23 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.04 1LA7 163-4TA 73
15 160 L 1460 98 84.5 0.80 32 2.6 6.5 3.0 16 0.052 1LA7 166-4TA 98
18.5 180 M 1460 121 86.5 0.79 39 2.3 7.5 3.0 16 0.13 1LA5 183-4TA 125
22 180 L 1475 144 88.0 0.78 46.5 2.3 7.5 3.0 16 0.15 1LA5 186-4TA 139
30 200 L 1465 196 89.0 0.81 60 2.6 7.0 3.2 16 0.24 1LA5 207-4TA 184
37 225 S 1470 241 92.1 0.84 69 2.8 7.0 3.2 16 0.32 1LA5 220-4TA 230
45 225 M 1470 293 92.2 0.87 80 2.8 7.7 3.3 16 0.36 1LA5 223-4TA 256
55 250 M 1485 354 94.7 0.86 97 2.9 7.5 3.3 16 0.856 1LG6 253-4TA 460

75 280 S 1486 482 94.6 0.87 132 2.6 7.3 2.8 16 1.40 1LG6 280-4TA 575
90 280 M 1485 579 94.6 0.88 156 2.5 7.3 2.8 16 1.70 1LG6 283-4TA 675
110 315 S 1488 706 95.0 0.87 192 2.6 6.9 2.8 16 2.31 1LG6 310-4TA 810
132 315 M 1488 847 95.3 0.87 230 2.7 7.0 2.7 16 2.88 1LG6 313-4TA 965
160 315 L 1488 1027 95.7 0.87 275 2.9 7.4 2.9 16 3.46 1LG6 316-4TA 1105
200 315 L 1488 1284 95.5 0.88 345 3.2 7.3 3.1 16 4.22 1LG6 317-4TA 1305

9/8 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1LA7/5, cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V3 protective with pro- IM V19, IM V19,
2) 3)
IM V5 cover tective IM V18 IM V18
without 2) 3) cover 3) 4) without without
protective protec- protective
cover 1) tive cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – 6) – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 4)
If motors frame sizes 180 M to 315 L in types of construction with feet The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, 5)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. 9 and order code M1G.
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M 6)
Not possible for type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple- cover.
ment “Z” and order code K32.
1LG6 253-... to 1LG6 317-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 250 M
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/9

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1LA7/5, cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
0.37 80 M 920 3.9 62.0 0.72 1.2 1.9 3.1 2.1 16 0.0015 1LA7 080-6TA 9.5
0.55 80 M 910 5.8 67.0 0.74 1.9 2.1 3.4 2.2 16 0.0018 1LA7 083-6TA 11.4
0.75 90 S 920 7.8 68.0 0.76 2.1 2.2 3.7 2.2 16 0.0028 1LA7 090-6TA 14.8
1.1 90 L 915 11.5 71.0 0.77 2.9 2.3 3.8 2.3 16 0.0035 1LA7 096-6TA 18
1.5 100 L 925 15 74.0 0.70 4.25 2.3 4 2.3 16 0.0063 1LA7 106-6TA 26
2.2 112 M 940 22 76.0 0.70 6.0 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.011 1LA7 113-6TA 30
3 132 S 950 30 72.0 0.76 7.2 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 1LA7 130-6TA 45
4 132 M 950 40 81.0 0.76 9.4 2.1 4.5 2.4 16 0.019 1LA7 133-6TA 50
5.5 132 M 950 55 70.0 0.74 15.4 2.3 5 2.6 16 0.025 1LA7 134-6TA 58
7.5 160 M 960 75 83.5 0.72 18 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.041 1LA7 163-6TA 81
11 160 L 960 109 87.5 0.71 25.5 2.3 4.8 2.6 16 0.049 1LA7 166-6TA 107
15 180 L 970 148 89.5 0.70 34.5 2.0 5.2 2.4 16 0.15 1LA5 186-6TA 139
18.5 200 L 975 181 90.1 0.71 42.5 2.7 5.5 2.8 16 0.24 1LA5 206-6TA 184
22 200 L 975 215 93.5 0.77 45.5 2.8 5.5 2.9 16 0.28 1LA5 207-6TA 204
30 225 M 978 294 92.2 0.68 71 2.8 5.7 2.9 16 0.36 1LA5 223-6TA 246
37 250 M 984 359 92.4 0.84 69 2.7 6.4 2.4 16 0.934 1LG6 253-6TA 405
45 280 S 986 436 92.7 0.86 81 2.5 6.6 2.5 16 1.40 1LG6 280-6TA 520
55 280 M 986 533 92.6 0.87 99 2.5 6.5 2.5 16 1.60 1LG6 283-6TA 570
75 315 S 990 723 93.8 0.85 136 2.7 7.0 2.9 16 2.50 1LG6 310-6TA 760
90 315 M 990 868 94.2 0.86 160 2.7 7.3 3.0 16 3.20 1LG6 313-6TA 935
110 315 L 990 1061 94.6 0.87 192 2.6 7.4 3.0 16 4.02 1LG6 316-6TA 1010
132 315 L 988 1276 94.7 0.87 230 3.0 7.2 2.8 16 4.71 1LG6 317-6TA 1180
160 315 L 990 1543 94.9 0.86 285 3.1 7.5 3.0 16 5.39 1LG6 318-6TA 1245

9/10 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1LA7/5, cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V3 protective with pro- IM V19, IM V19,
2) 3)
IM V5 cover tective IM V18 IM V18
without 2) 3) cover 3) 4) without without
protective protec- protective
cover 1) tive cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 22 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ 5) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – 6) – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 4)
If motors frame sizes 180 M to 315 L in types of construction with feet The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, 5)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. 9 and order code M1G.
1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M 6)
Not possible for type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple- cover.
ment “Z” and order code K32.
1LG6 253-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 250 M
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/11

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1LA7/5, cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at 50 Hz Frame size Order No. Price Weight
1500 rpm 3000 rpm For Order No. supple- for type of construction
ments for voltage and IM B3
type of construction, approx.
see table below
Prated Prated FS m
kW kW kg
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with one winding in Dahlander circuit,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.14 0.63 80 M 1LA7 080-0TA 11.0
0.23 0.86 80 M 1LA7 083-0TA 12.4
0.3 1.26 90 S 1LA7 090-0TA 14.6
0.45 1.8 90 L 1LA7 096-0TA 17.9
0.59 2.25 100 L 1LA7 106-0TA 24.0
0.72 2.8 100 L 1LA7 107-0TA 27.0
0.99 3.95 112 M 1LA7 113-0TA 34.0
1.3 5.3 132 S 1LA7 130-0TA 47.0
1.8 7.2 132 M 1LA7 133-0TA 53.0
2.6 10.4 160 M 1LA7 163-0TA 74.0
3.85 15.3 160 L 1LA7 166-0TA 105.0
Rated output at 50 Hz
1000 rpm 1500 rpm
Prated Prated
kW kW
6/4-pole, 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with two windings,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.11 0.36 80 M 1LA7 080-1TD 10.0
0.16 0.5 80 M 1LA7 083-1TD 11.4
0.26 0.72 90 S 1LA7 090-1TD 14.6
0.34 0.99 90 L 1LA7 096-1TD 17.9
0.54 1.53 100 L 1LA7 106-1TD 24.0
0.68 1.89 100 L 1LA7 107-1TD 27.0
0.81 2.7 112 M 1LA7 113-1TD 34.0
1.08 3.5 132 S 1LA7 130-1TD 47.0
1.53 4.85 132 M 1LA7 133-1TD 53.0
2.25 6.5 160 M 1LA7 163-1TD 73.0
3.35 10.8 160 L 1LA7 166-1TD 98.0
4.95 14.4 180 M 1LA5 183-1TD 125.0
5.9 17.1 180 L 1LA5 186-1TD 139.0
8.6 23.5 200 L 1LA5 207-1TD 184.0
Rated output at 50 Hz
750 rpm 1500 rpm
Prated Prated
kW kW
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with one winding in Dahlander circuit,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.09 0.45 80 M 1LA7 080-0TB 10.0
0.14 0.63 80 M 1LA7 083-0TB 11.4

0.2 0.9 90 S 1LA7 090-0TB 14.6
0.3 1.35 90 L 1LA7 096-0TB 17.9
0.45 1.8 100 L 1LA7 106-0TB 24.0
0.59 2.25 100 L 1LA7 107-0TB 27.0
0.81 3.25 112 M 1LA7 113-0TB 34.0
0.99 4.25 132 S 1LA7 130-0TB 47.0
1.26 5.8 132 M 1LA7 133-0TB 53.0
1.98 8.6 160 M 1LA7 163-0TB 73.0
3 12.6 160 L 1LA7 166-0TB 98.0
4.05 14.4 180 M 1LA5 183-0TB 125.0
4.5 16.7 180 L 1LA5 186-0TB 139.0
6.8 25 200 L 1LA5 207-0TB 184.0
The rated outputs and weights may change slightly after they
have been checked.
Further electrical data can be calculated and supplied on
receipt of order.

9/12 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1LA7/5, cast-iron series 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6, IM V5 IM V3 without with IM V19/18 IM V19/18
without 1) protective protective without without
protective cover 1) cover 1) 2) protective protective
cover cover cover
1 6 5 0 1 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA7 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA5 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LA5 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1LA5 183-... to 1LA5 223-... motors (motor series 1LA5, frame size 180 M
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment “Z” and order code K32.
The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/13

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1PP7/5, cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
0.75 80 M 2830 2.5 63.0 0.83 2.1 2.3 5.6 2.4 16 0.00085 1PP7 080-2TA 9.8
1.1 80 M 2845 3.7 74.0 0.80 2.7 2.6 6.1 2.7 16 0.0011 1PP7 083-2TA 11.5
1.5 90 S 2860 5.0 73.0 0.80 3.7 2.4 5.5 2.7 16 0.0015 1PP7 090-2TA 14.6
2.2 90 L 2880 7.3 78.0 0.80 5.1 2.8 6.3 3.1 16 0.002 1PP7 096-2TA 17.4
3 100 L 2890 9.9 77.0 0.83 6.8 2.8 6.8 3.0 16 0.0038 1PP7 106-2TA 23
4 112 M 2905 13 82.0 0.83 8.5 2.6 7.2 2.9 16 0.0055 1PP7 113-2TA 31
5.5 132 S 2925 18 85.5 0.87 10.7 2.0 5.9 2.8 16 0.016 1PP7 130-2TA 44
7.5 132 S 2930 24 88.0 0.89 13.8 2.3 6.9 3.0 16 0.021 1PP7 131-2TA 52
11 160 M 2940 36 88.0 0.86 21 2.1 6.5 2.9 16 0.034 1PP7 163-2TA 71
15 160 M 2940 49 90.8 0.90 26.5 2.2 6.6 3.0 16 0.04 1PP7 164-2TA 82
18.5 160 L 2940 60 90.3 0.91 32.5 2.4 7.0 3.1 16 0.052 1PP7 166-2TA 95
22 180 M 2940 71 91.1 0.85 41 2.5 6.9 3.2 16 0.077 1PP5 183-2TA 119
30 200 L 2945 97 91.8 0.89 53 2.4 7.2 2.8 16 0.14 1PP5 206-2TA 168
37 200 L 2945 120 92.3 0.89 65 2.4 7.7 2.8 16 0.16 1PP5 207-2TA 191
45 225 M 2960 145 93.6 0.89 78 2.8 7.7 3.4 16 0.2 1PP5 223-2TA 226
55 250 M 2975 177 95.1 0.90 94 2.5 7.4 3.3 13 0.466 1PP6 253-2TB 405
75 280 S 2975 241 95.3 0.91 126 2.6 7.5 2.9 13 0.832 1PP6 280-2TB 510
90 280 M 2975 289 95.6 0.90 152 3.0 7.5 3.0 13 1.00 1PP6 283-2TB 595
110 315 S 2985 352 95.9 0.90 186 2.6 7.5 3.2 13 1.39 1PP6 310-2TB 770
132 315 M 2984 422 96.1 0.91 220 2.7 7.4 3.0 13 1.62 1PP6 313-2TB 895
160 315 L 2984 512 96.3 0.93 260 2.8 7.5 3.1 13 2.09 1PP6 316-2TB 1035
200 315 L 2984 640 96.4 0.93 325 2.5 7.0 2.8 13 2.46 1PP6 317-2TB 1225
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
0.55 80 M 1395 3.7 57.0 0.75 1.85 2.2 3.9 2.2 16 0.0015 1PP7 080-4TA 9.6
0.75 80 M 1405 5.1 63.0 0.73 2.35 2.3 4.2 2.3 16 0.0018 1PP7 083-4TA 11
1.1 90 S 1415 7.4 68.0 0.74 3.15 2.3 4.6 2.4 16 0.0028 1PP7 090-4TA 14
1.5 90 L 1420 10 73.0 0.74 4.0 2.4 5.3 2.6 16 0.0035 1PP7 096-4TA 17.3
2.2 100 L 1420 15 75.0 0.78 5.4 2.5 5.6 2.8 16 0.0048 1PP7 106-4TA 23
3 100 L 1415 20 77.0 0.78 7.2 2.7 5.6 3.0 16 0.0058 1PP7 107-4TA 26
4 112 M 1440 27 78.0 0.78 9.2 2.7 6.5 3.0 16 0.011 1PP7 113-4TA 33
5.5 132 S 1450 36 88.5 0.78 12 2.5 6.3 3.1 16 0.018 1PP7 130-4TA 46
7.5 132 M 1455 49 84.0 0.78 16.5 2.7 6.7 3.2 16 0.024 1PP7 133-4TA 52
11 160 M 1455 72 89.0 0.81 23 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.04 1PP7 163-4TA 70
15 160 L 1460 98 84.5 0.80 32 2.6 6.5 3.0 16 0.052 1PP7 166-4TA 95
18.5 180 M 1460 121 86.5 0.79 39 2.3 7.5 3.0 16 0.13 1PP5 183-4TA 116
22 180 L 1475 144 88.0 0.78 46.5 2.3 7.5 3.0 16 0.15 1PP5 186-4TA 130
30 200 L 1465 196 89.0 0.81 60 2.6 7.0 3.2 16 0.24 1PP5 207-4TA 173
37 225 S 1470 241 92.1 0.84 69 2.8 7.0 3.2 16 0.32 1PP5 220-4TA 218
45 225 M 1470 293 92.2 0.87 80 2.8 7.7 3.3 16 0.36 1PP5 223-4TA 244
55 250 M 1485 354 94.9 0.86 97 2.9 7.5 3.3 16 0.856 1PP6 253-4TA 445

75 280 S 1486 482 95.0 0.87 132 2.6 7.3 2.8 16 1.39 1PP6 280-4TA 555
90 280 M 1485 579 94.9 0.88 156 2.5 7.3 2.8 16 1.71 1PP6 283-4TA 655
110 315 S 1488 706 95.3 0.87 192 2.6 6.9 2.8 16 2.31 1PP6 310-4TA 790
132 315 M 1488 847 95.5 0.87 230 2.7 7.0 2.7 16 2.88 1PP6 313-4TA 945
160 315 L 1488 1027 95.9 0.87 275 2.9 7.4 2.9 16 3.46 1PP6 316-4TA 1085
200 315 L 1488 1284 95.7 0.88 345 3.2 7.3 3.1 16 4.22 1PP6 317-4TA 1285

9/14 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1PP7/5, cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/ 400 VY 400 VΔ/ 690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6/5 IM V3 protective IM V19/18 IM V19/18
2) 3)
without cover 2) without without
protective protective protective
cover 1) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 310 - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 313 - . . .
1PP6 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) If motors frame sizes 180 M to 315 L in types of construction with feet 3) 1PP6 253-... to 1PP6 318-... motors (motor series 1PP6 frame sizes 250 M
IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
2) 1PP5 183-... to 1PP5 223-... motors (motor series 1PP5, frame size 180 M is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple- ring plane.
ment “Z” and order code K32. 4) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.
5) Not possible for type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/15

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1PP7/5, cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
0.37 80 M 920 3.9 62.0 0.72 1.2 1.9 3.1 2.1 16 0.0015 1PP7 080-6TA 9.6
0.55 80 M 910 5.8 67.0 0.74 1.9 2.1 3.4 2.2 16 0.0018 1PP7 083-6TA 11
0.75 90 S 920 7.8 68.0 0.76 2.1 2.2 3.7 2.2 16 0.0028 1PP7 090-6TA 14.2
1.1 90 L 915 11.5 71.0 0.77 2.9 2.3 3.8 2.3 16 0.0035 1PP7 096-6TA 17.4
1.5 100 L 925 15 74.0 0.70 4.25 2.3 4 2.3 16 0.0063 1PP7 106-6TA 25
2.2 112 M 940 22 76.0 0.70 6.0 2.2 4.6 2.5 16 0.011 1PP7 113-6TA 29
3 132 S 950 30 72.0 0.76 7.2 1.9 4.2 2.2 16 0.015 1PP7 130-6TA 44
4 132 M 950 40 81.0 0.76 9.4 2.1 4.5 2.4 16 0.019 1PP7 133-6TA 49
5.5 132 M 950 55 70.0 0.74 15.4 2.3 5 2.6 16 0.025 1PP7 134-6TA 57
7.5 160 M 960 75 83.5 0.72 18 2.1 4.6 2.5 16 0.041 1PP7 163-6TA 78
11 160 L 960 109 87.5 0.71 25.5 2.3 4.8 2.6 16 0.049 1PP7 166-6TA 104
15 180 L 970 148 89.5 0.70 34.5 2.0 5.2 2.4 16 0.15 1PP5 186-6TA 130
18.5 200 L 975 181 90.1 0.71 42.5 2.7 5.5 2.8 16 0.24 1PP5 206-6TA 173
22 200 L 975 215 93.5 0.77 45.5 2.8 5.5 2.9 16 0.28 1PP5 207-6TA 193
30 225 M 978 294 92.2 0.68 71 2.8 5.7 2.9 16 0.36 1PP5 223-6TA 234
37 250 M 984 359 92.6 0.84 69 2.7 6.4 2.4 16 0.934 1PP6 253-6TA 390
45 280 S 986 436 92.8 0.86 81 2.5 6.6 2.5 16 1.37 1PP6 280-6TA 500
55 280 M 986 533 92.7 0.87 99 2.5 6.5 2.5 16 1.65 1PP6 283-6TA 550
75 315 S 990 723 93.9 0.85 136 2.7 7.0 2.9 16 2.50 1PP6 310-6TA 740
90 315 M 990 868 94.3 0.86 160 2.7 7.3 3.0 16 3.20 1PP6 313-6TA 915
110 315 L 990 1061 94.7 0.87 192 2.6 7.4 3.0 16 4.02 1PP6 316-6TA 990
132 315 L 988 1276 94.8 0.87 230 3.0 7.2 2.8 16 4.71 1PP6 317-6TA 1160
160 315 L 990 1543 95.0 0.86 285 3.1 7.5 3.0 16 5.39 1PP6 318-6TA 1225

9/16 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1PP7/5, cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/ 400 VY 400 VΔ/ 690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6/5 IM V3 protective IM V19/18 IM V19/18
2) 3)
without cover 2) without without
protective protective protective
cover 1) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP7 08 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 09 . - . . . – ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP5 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 310 - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 313 - . . .
1PP6 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP6 317 - . . .
1PP6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) If motors frame sizes 180 M to 315 L in types of construction with feet 3) 1PP6 253-... to 1PP6 318-... motors (motor series 1PP6 frame sizes 250 M
IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
it is recommended that the motor feet are supported. IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
2) 1PP5 183-... to 1PP5 223-... motors (motor series 1PP5, frame size 180 M is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple- ring plane.
ment “Z” and order code K32. 4) Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.
5) Not possible for type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/17

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1PP7/5, cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at 50 Hz Frame size Order No. Price Weight
1500 rpm 3000 rpm For Order No. supple- for type of construction
ments for voltage and IM B3
type of construction, approx.
see table below
Prated Prated FS
kW kW
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with one winding in Dahlander circuit,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.14 0.63 80 M 1PP7 080-0TA 10.6
0.23 0.86 80 M 1PP7 083-0TA 12.0
0.3 1.26 90 S 1PP7 090-0TA 14.0
0.45 1.8 90 L 1PP7 096-0TA 17.3
0.59 2.25 100 L 1PP7 106-0TA 23.0
0.72 2.8 100 L 1PP7 107-0TA 26.0
0.99 3.95 112 M 1PP7 113-0TA 33.0
1.3 5.3 132 S 1PP7 130-0TA 46.0
1.8 7.2 132 M 1PP7 133-0TA 52.0
2.6 10.4 160 M 1PP7 163-0TA 70.0
3.85 15.3 160 L 1PP7 166-0TA 101.0
Rated output at 50 Hz
1000 rpm 1500 rpm
Prated Prated
kW kW
6/4-pole, 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with two windings,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.11 0.36 80 M 1PP7 080-1TD 9.6
0.16 0.5 80 M 1PP7 083-1TD 11.0
0.26 0.72 90 S 1PP7 090-1TD 14.0
0.34 0.99 90 L 1PP7 096-1TD 17.3
0.54 1.53 100 L 1PP7 106-1TD 23.0
0.68 1.89 100 L 1PP7 107-1TD 26.0
0.81 2.7 112 M 1PP7 113-1TD 33.0
1.08 3.5 132 S 1PP7 130-1TD 46.0
1.53 4.85 132 M 1PP7 133-1TD 52.0
2.25 6.5 160 M 1PP7 163-1TD 70.0
3.35 10.8 160 L 1PP7 166-1TD 95.0
4.95 14.4 180 M 1PP5 183-1TD 116.0
5.9 17.1 180 L 1PP5 186-1TD 130.0
8.6 23.5 200 L 1PP5 207-1TD 173.0
Rated output at 50 Hz
750 rpm 1500 rpm
Prated Prated
kW kW
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with one winding in Dahlander circuit,
with test certificate in accordance with EN12101-3
0.09 0.45 80 M 1PP7 080-0TB 9.6
0.14 0.63 80 M 1PP7 083-0TB 11.0

0.2 0.9 90 S 1PP7 090-0TB 14.0
0.3 1.35 90 L 1PP7 096-0TB 17.3
0.45 1.8 100 L 1PP7 106-0TB 23.0
0.59 2.25 100 L 1PP7 107-0TB 26.0
0.81 3.25 112 M 1PP7 113-0TB 33.0
0.99 4.25 132 S 1PP7 130-0TB 46.0
1.26 5.8 132 M 1PP7 133-0TB 52.0
1.98 8.6 160 M 1PP7 163-0TB 70.0
3 12.6 160 L 1PP7 166-0TB 95.0
4.05 14.4 180 M 1PP5 183-0TB 116.0
4.5 16.7 180 L 1PP5 186-0TB 130.0
6.8 25 200 L 1PP5 207-0TB 173.0
The rated outputs and weights may change slightly after they
have been checked.
Further electrical data can be calculated and supplied on
receipt of order.

9/18 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time classes F200,
F300 – Aluminum series 1PP7/5, cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With special
flange flange
230 V 400 V 500 V IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V 1 without IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V5 IM V3 protective cover IM V19/18 IM V19/18
without 1) 1) without without
protective protective protective
cover cover cover
1 6 5 0 1 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP7 08 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 09 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP7 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP5 18 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – ✓ – – -
1PP5 20 . - . . . ✓ 2) ✓ – ✓ – – -
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1PP5 183-... to 1PP5 223-... motors (motor series 1PP5, frame size 180 M
to 225 M) can be supplied with two additional eyebolts; specify supple-
ment “Z” and order code K32.
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction
code 9 and order code M1G.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/19

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1LA6, 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
3 100 L 2875 10 78.0 0.85 6.5 2.5 6.2 2.8 16 0.0038 1LA6 106-2UA 32
4 112 M 2900 13 78.0 0.85 8.7 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 0.0055 1LA6 113-2UA 41
5.5 132 S 2920 18 82.5 0.89 10.8 1.9 5.7 2.7 16 0.016 1LA6 130-2UA 51
7.5 132 S 2930 24 84.0 0.89 14.5 2.0 6.5 2.8 16 0.021 1LA6 131-2UA 56
11 160 M 2930 36 88.0 0.85 21 1.8 6.4 2.7 16 0.034 1LA6 163-2UA 93
15 160 M 2930 49 88.5 0.89 27.5 2.0 6.5 2.80 16 0.04 1LA6 164-2UA 102
18.5 160 L 2930 60 87.5 0.90 34 2.0 7.0 2.70 16 0.05 1LA6 166-2UA 112
22 180 M 2955 71 92.6 0.88 39 2.4 7.0 3.2 16 0.086 1LG6 183-2UA 180
30 200 L 2955 97 92.2 0.88 53 2.3 6.7 3.1 16 0.151 1LG6 206-2UA 225
37 200 L 2958 119 92.5 0.89 65 2.4 7.1 3.2 16 0.182 1LG6 207-2UA 255
45 225 M 2962 145 94.6 0.89 77 2.4 7.1 3.1 16 0.266 1LG6 223-2UA 330
55 250 M 2972 177 94.3 0.90 94 2.3 6.7 2.9 16 0.466 1LG6 253-2UA 420
75 280 S 2975 241 94.5 0.89 128 2.4 6.8 2.9 13 0.832 1LG6 280-2UB 530
90 280 M 2976 289 94.9 0.90 152 2.5 7.4 3.0 13 1.00 1LG6 283-2UB 615
110 315 S 2982 352 94.7 0.91 184 2.4 6.8 2.7 13 1.39 1LG6 310-2UB 790
132 315 M 2980 423 95.2 0.91 220 2.5 6.9 2.8 13 1.62 1LG6 313-2UB 915
160 315 L 2982 512 95.6 0.92 265 2.4 7.1 2.8 13 2.09 1LG6 316-2UB 1055
190 315 L 2982 608 95.9 0.93 325 2.6 7.2 2.9 13 2.46 1LG6 317-2UB 1245
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
2.2 100 L 1410 15 74.0 0.75 5.6 2.2 5.2 2.7 16 0.0048 1LA6 106-4UA 32
3 100 L 1410 20 76.0 0.80 7.1 2.5 5.0 2.6 16 0.0058 1LA6 107-4UA 34
4 112 M 1440 27 79.0 0.76 9.8 2.7 5.7 3.0 16 0.011 1LA6 113-4UA 43
5.5 132 S 1455 36 78.0 0.75 13.5 2.5 6.3 3.0 16 0.018 1LA6 130-4UA 53
7.5 132 M 1455 49 84.0 0.75 17.2 2.7 6.7 3.1 16 0.024 1LA6 133-4UA 60
11 160 M 1460 72 82.5 0.80 24 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.04 1LA6 163-4UA 97
15 160 L 1460 98 81.5 0.80 33.5 2.4 6.4 2.8 16 0.052 1LA6 166-4UA 110
18.5 180 M 1470 120 90.7 0.84 35 2.4 6.1 2.8 16 0.122 1LG6 183-4UA 155
22 180 L 1472 143 91.7 0.85 40.5 2.4 6.4 2.9 16 0.144 1LG6 186-4UA 180
30 200 L 1470 195 92.2 0.86 55 2.4 6.4 3.1 16 0.234 1LG6 207-4UA 225
37 225 S 1480 239 92.6 0.86 67 2.6 6.5 2.8 16 0.398 1LG6 220-4UA 290
45 225 M 1480 290 93.3 0.86 81 2.7 6.6 2.9 16 0.486 1LG6 223-4UA 330
55 250 M 1485 354 94.2 0.87 97 2.5 7.4 2.9 16 0.856 1LG6 253-4UA 460
75 280 S 1484 483 94.2 0.87 132 2.4 6.7 2.8 16 1.39 1LG6 280-4UA 574
90 280 M 1486 578 94.7 0.86 160 2.6 7.3 3.0 16 1.71 1LG6 283-4UA 675
110 315 S 1488 706 95.0 0.87 192 2.7 7.0 2.8 16 2.31 1LG6 310-4UA 810
132 315 M 1488 847 95.3 0.88 225 2.6 7.1 2.8 16 2.88 1LG6 313-4UA 965
160 315 L 1490 1025 95.6 0.88 275 2.9 7.2 2.9 16 3.46 1LG6 316-4UA 1105
200 315 L 1488 1284 95.7 0.88 345 3.1 7.5 2.9 16 4.22 1LG6 317-4UA 1305

9/20 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1LA6, 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V3 protective with pro- IM V19, IM V19,
IM V5 cover tective IM V18 IM V18
without 2) cover 2) 3) without without
protective protec- protective
cover 1) tive cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 317-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported. 5)
2) Not possible for type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective
1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 317-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S cover.
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/21

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1LA6, 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
1.5 100 L 925 15 69.0 0.70 4.5 2.3 4.0 2.3 16 0.0063 1LA6 106-6UA 32
2.2 112 M 940 22 72.0 0.74 6.1 2.1 4.4 2.3 16 0.011 1LA6 113-6UA 43
3 132 S 950 30 74.0 0.75 7.8 1.6 4.1 1.7 16 0.015 1LA6 130-6UA 54
4 132 M 950 40 76.0 0.76 10 1.7 4.6 2.1 16 0.019 1LA6 133-6UA 63
5.5 132 M 950 55 75.0 0.76 14 2.0 5.0 2.3 16 0.025 1LA6 134-6UA 74
7.5 160 M 970 75 75.0 0.72 20 2.0 5.0 2.4 16 0.041 1LA6 163-6UA 110
11 160 L 970 109 80.0 0.72 27.5 2.0 5.0 2.5 16 0.049 1LA6 166-6UA 132
15 180 L 974 147 88.7 0.82 30 2.2 5.2 2.3 16 0.203 1LG6 186-6UA 175
18.5 200 L 975 181 89.4 0.82 36.5 2.2 5.3 2.3 16 0.285 1LG6 206-6UA 210
22 200 L 975 215 90.5 0.83 42.5 2.2 5.4 2.3 16 0.362 1LG6 207-6UA 240
30 225 M 980 292 92.2 0.84 56 2.7 6.3 2.8 16 0.629 1LG6 223-6UA 325
37 250 M 984 359 92.6 0.84 69 2.8 6.5 2.4 16 0.934 1LG6 253-6UA 405
45 280 S 986 436 92.3 0.86 82 2.8 6.3 2.5 16 1.37 1LG6 280-6UA 520
55 280 M 986 533 92.8 0.86 99 3.1 6.8 2.7 16 1.65 1LG6 283-6UA 570
75 315 S 990 723 93.7 0.84 138 2.7 7.0 2.9 16 2.50 1LG6 310-6UA 760
90 315 M 988 870 94.2 0.85 162 2.6 7.1 2.8 16 3.20 1LG6 313-6UA 935
110 315 L 988 1063 94.5 0.85 198 2.8 7.2 2.8 16 4.02 1LG6 316-6UA 1010
132 315 L 990 1273 94.9 0.85 235 3.0 7.5 3.0 16 4.71 1LG6 317-6UA 1180
160 315 L 988 1546 94.9 0.86 285 3.1 7.5 3.0 16 5.39 1LG6 318-6UA 1245

9/22 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1LA6, 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard With spe-
flange flange cial flange
230 VΔ/400 VY 400 VΔ/690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V3 protective with IM V19, IM V19,
IM V5 cover 2) protec- IM V18 IM V18
without tive without without
protective cover protec- protective
cover 1) 2) 3)
tive cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LG6 18 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 20 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 22 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 25 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 28 . - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 310 - . . . ✓ 4) ✓ – ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 313 - . . .
1LG6 316 - . . . – – – – ✓ ✓ ✓ – – –
1LG6 317 - . . .
1LG6 318 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1LG6 183-... to 1LG6 318-... (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 4)
Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 9 and order code M1G.
the motor feet are supported. 5)
2) Not possible for type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective
1LG6 220-... to 1LG6 318-... motors (motor series 1LG6 frame sizes 225 S cover.
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/23

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1LA6, 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated output at 50 Hz Frame size Order No. Price Weight
1500 rpm 3000 rpm For Order No. supple- for type of construction
ments for voltage and IM B3
type of construction, approx.
see table below
Prated Prated FS m
kW kW kg
4/2-pole, 1500/3000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with one winding in Dahlander circuit,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.52 2 100 L 1LA6 106-0UA 32
0.64 2.5 100 L 1LA6 107-0UA 35
0.88 3.5 112 M 1LA6 113-0UA 43
1.16 4.7 132 S 1LA6 130-0UA 53
1.6 6.4 132 M 1LA6 133-0UA 60
2.3 9.2 160 M 1LA6 163-0UA 97
3.45 13.6 160 L 1LA6 166-0UA 110
Rated output at 50 Hz
1000 rpm 1500 rpm
Prated Prated
kW kW
6/4-pole, 1000/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with two windings,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.48 1.36 100 L 1LA6 106–1UD 32
0.6 1.68 100 L 1LA6 107–1UD 35
0.72 2.4 112 M 1LA6 113–1UD 43
0.96 3.1 132 S 1LA6 130–1UD 53
1.36 4.3 132 M 1LA6 133–1UD 60
2 5.75 160 M 1LA6 163–1UD 97
2.95 9.6 160 L 1LA6 166–1UD 110
Rated output at 50 Hz
750 rpm 1500 rpm
Prated Prated
kW kW
8/4-pole, 750/1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection,
double pole-changing for driving smoke-extraction fans with one winding in Dahlander circuit,
with test certificate in accordance with EN 12101-3
0.3 1.6 100 L 1LA6 106–0UB 32
0.52 2 100 L 1LA6 107–0UB 35
0.72 2.85 112 M 1LA6 113–0UB 43
0.88 3.75 132 S 1LA6 130–0UB 53
1.12 5.1 132 M 1LA6 133–0UB 60
1.76 7.6 160 M 1LA6 163–0UB 97
2.6 11.2 160 L 1LA6 166–0UB 110
The rated outputs and weights may change slightly after they
have been checked.
Further electrical data can be calculated and supplied on
receipt of order.

9/24 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Self-ventilated, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1LA6, 1LG6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Final position: Type of construction code
Voltage code
50 Hz, direct online starting Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 V 400 V 500 V IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM V1 IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14
IM V6, IM V3 protective cover with pro- IM V19 IM V19
IM V5 tective IM V18 IM V18
without cover 1) without without
protective protective protective
cover cover cover
1 6 5 0 1 1 8 4 6 2 7 3
1LA6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1LA6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) The “Second shaft extension” option, order code K16 is not possible.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/25

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
2-pole, 3000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
3 100 L 2875 10 78.0 0.85 6.5 2.5 6.2 2.8 16 0.0038 1PP6 106-2UA 31
4 112 M 2900 13 78.0 0.85 8.7 2.5 6.8 2.9 16 0.0055 1PP6 113-2UA 40
5.5 132 S 2920 18 82.5 0.89 10.8 1.9 5.7 2.7 16 0.016 1PP6 130-2UA 49
7.5 132 S 2930 24 84.0 0.89 14.5 2.0 6.5 2.8 16 0.021 1PP6 131-2UA 54
11 160 M 2930 36 88.0 0.85 21 1.8 6.4 2.7 16 0.034 1PP6 163-2UA 91
15 160 M 2930 49 88.5 0.89 27.5 2.0 6.5 2.80 16 0.04 1PP6 164-2UA 99
18.5 160 L 2930 60 87.5 0.90 34 2.0 7.0 2.70 16 0.052 1PP6 166-2UA 109
22 180 M 2955 71 93.1 0.88 39 2.4 7.0 3.2 16 0.086 1PP6 183-2UA 175
30 200 L 2955 97 92.8 0.88 53 2.3 6.7 3.1 16 0.151 1PP6 206-2UA 215
37 200 L 2958 119 93.0 0.89 65 2.4 7.1 3.2 16 0.182 1PP6 207-2UA 245
45 225 M 2962 145 95.0 0.89 77 2.4 7.1 3.1 16 0.266 1PP6 223-2UA 320
55 250 M 2972 177 94.9 0.90 94 2.3 6.7 2.9 16 0.466 1PP6 253-2UA 405
75 280 S 2975 241 94.9 0.89 128 2.4 6.8 2.9 13 0.832 1PP6 280-2UB 510
90 280 M 2976 289 95.2 0.90 152 2.5 7.4 3.0 13 1.00 1PP6 283-2UB 595
110 315 S 2982 352 95.3 0.91 184 2.4 6.8 2.7 13 1.39 1PP6 310-2UB 770
132 315 M 2980 423 95.7 0.91 220 2.5 6.9 2.8 13 1.62 1PP6 313-2UB 895
160 315 L 2982 512 96.0 0.92 265 2.4 7.1 2.8 13 2.09 1PP6 316-2UB 1035
190 315 L 2982 608 96.3 0.93 325 2.6 7.2 2.9 13 2.46 1PP6 317-2UB 1225
4-pole, 1500 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
2.2 100 L 1410 15 74.0 0.75 5.6 2.2 5.2 2.7 16 0.0048 1PP6 106-4UA 31
3 100 L 1410 20 76.0 0.80 7.1 2.5 5.0 2.6 16 0.0058 1PP6 107-4UA 34
4 112 M 1440 27 79.0 0.76 9.8 2.7 5.7 3.0 16 0.011 1PP6 113-4UA 42
5.5 132 S 1455 36 78.0 0.75 13.5 2.5 6.3 3.0 16 0.018 1PP6 130-4UA 51
7.5 132 M 1455 49 84.0 0.75 17.2 2.7 6.7 3.1 16 0.024 1PP6 133-4UA 58
11 160 M 1460 72 82.5 0.80 24 2.2 6.2 2.7 16 0.04 1PP6 163-4UA 95
15 160 L 1460 98 81.5 0.80 33.5 2.4 6.4 2.8 16 0.052 1PP6 166-4UA 108
18.5 180 M 1470 120 91.2 0.84 35 2.4 6.1 2.8 16 0.122 1PP6 183-4UA 150
22 180 L 1472 143 92.1 0.85 40.5 2.4 6.4 2.9 16 0.144 1PP6 186-4UA 175
30 200 L 1470 195 92.6 0.86 55 2.4 6.4 3.1 16 0.234 1PP6 207-4UA 215
37 225 S 1480 239 92.9 0.86 67 2.6 6.5 2.8 16 0.398 1PP6 220-4UA 280
45 225 M 1480 290 93.6 0.86 81 2.7 6.6 2.9 16 0.486 1PP6 223-4UA 320
55 250 M 1485 354 94.5 0.87 97 2.5 7.4 2.9 16 0.856 1PP6 253-4UA 445
75 280 S 1484 483 94.6 0.87 132 2.4 6.7 2.8 16 1.39 1PP6 280-4UA 554
90 280 M 1486 578 95.1 0.86 160 2.6 7.3 3.0 16 1.71 1PP6 283-4UA 655
110 315 S 1488 706 95.3 0.87 192 2.7 7.0 2.8 16 2.31 1PP6 310-4UA 790
132 315 M 1488 847 95.6 0.88 225 2.6 7.1 2.8 16 2.88 1PP6 313-4UA 945
160 315 L 1490 1025 95.8 0.88 275 2.9 7.2 2.9 16 3.46 1PP6 316-4UA 1085
200 315 L 1488 1284 95.9 0.88 345 3.1 7.5 2.9 16 4.22 1PP6 317-4UA 1285

9/26 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Order No. supplements
Motor type Penultimate position: Voltage code Final position: Type of construction code
50 Hz Without With flange With standard flange With spe-
flange cial flange
230 VΔ/ 400 VY 400 VΔ/ 690 VY 500 VY 500 VΔ IM B3/6/7/8, IM B5, IM V1 without IM B35 IM B14, IM B34 IM B14,
IM V6, IM V3 protective cover IM V19 IM V19
IM V5 IM V18 IM V18
without without without
protective protective protective
cover 1) cover cover
1 6 3 5 0 1 1 8 6 2 7 3
1PP6 10 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP6 11 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP6 13 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP6 16 . - . . . ✓ ✓ – ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1PP6 18 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 20 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 22 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 25 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 28 . - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 310 - . . . ✓ 3) ✓ – ✓ – – –
1PP6 313 - . . .
1PP6 316 - . . . – – 4) – – ✓ ✓ – – –
1PP6 317 - . . .
Standard version
Without additional charge
✓ With additional charge
– Not possible
Order other voltages with voltage code 9 in the penultimate Order other types of construction with type of construction code
position and with order code L1Y (see “Special versions” in the 9 in the final position and the corresponding order code (see
“Selection and ordering data” under “Voltages”). “Special versions” in the “Selection and ordering data” under
“Types of construction”).

1) 3)
If motors 1PP6 183-... to 1PP6 318-... (motor series 1PP6 frame sizes Type of construction IM V3 is only possible using type of construction code
180 M to 315 L) in types of construction with feet IM B6, IM B7, IM V6 or 9 and order code M1G.
IM V5 without protective cover are fixed to the wall, it is recommended that 4)
Not possible for type of construction IM V6 and IM V5 without protective
the motor feet are supported. cover.
1PP6 220-... to 1PP6 318-... motors (motor series 1PP6 frame sizes 225 S
to 315 L) are supplied with two screw-in eyebolts in accordance with
IM B5, whereby one can be rotated in accordance with IM V1 or IM V3. It
is important to note that stress must not be applied perpendicular to the
ring plane.

Siemens D 81.1 · 2008 9/27

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time class F400
Cast-iron series 1PP6

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Rated Frame Operating values at rated output Locked- Locked- Break- Torque Moment Order No. Price Weight
output size rotor rotor down class of inertia For Order No.
at 50 Hz torque current torque supplements for
Rated Rated Effi- Power Rated with direct starting voltage and type Type of
speed torque ciency factor current as multiple of rated of construction, construc-
at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz at 50 Hz torque see table below tion
current torque
4/4-load 4/4-load 400 V IM B3
Prated FS nrated Trated ηrated cosϕ rated Irated TLR/Trated ILR/Irated TB/Trated J m
kW rpm Nm % A CL kg m2 kg
6-pole, 1000 rpm at 50 Hz, cooling method IC 411, IP55 degree of protection, with test certificate according to EN 12101-3
1.5 100 L 925 15 69.0 0.70 4.5 2.3 4.0 2.3 16 0.0063 1PP6 106-6UA 31
2.2 112 M 940 22 72.0 0.74 6.0 2.1 4.4 2.3 16 0.011 1PP6 113-6UA 42
3 132 S 950 30 74.0 0.75 7.8 1.6 4.1 1.7 16 0.015 1PP6 130-6UA 52
4 132 M 950 40 76.0 0.76 10 1.7 4.6 2.1 16 0.019 1PP6 133-6UA 62
5.5 132 M 950 55 75.0 0.76 14 2.0 5.0 2.3 16 0.025 1PP6 134-6UA 72
7.5 160 M 970 75 75.0 0.72 20 2.0 5.0 2.4 16 0.041 1PP6 163-6UA 107
11 160 L 970 109 80.0 0.72 27.5 2.0 5.0 2.5 16 0.049 1PP6 166-6UA 129
15 180 L 975 147 88.9 0.82 30 2.2 5.2 2.3 16 0.203 1PP6 186-6UA 170
18.5 200 L 975 181 89.8 0.82 36.5 2.2 5.3 2.3 16 0.285 1PP6 206-6UA 200
22 200 L 975 215 90.8 0.83 42.5 2.2 5.4 2.3 16 0.362 1PP6 207-6UA 230
30 225 M 980 292 92.3 0.84 56 2.7 6.3 2.8 16 0.629 1PP6 223-6UA 315
37 250 M 984 359 93.0 0.84 69 2.8 6.5 2.4 16 0.934 1PP6 253-6UA 390
45 280 S 986 436 92.6 0.86 82 2.8 6.3 2.5 16 1.37 1PP6 280-6UA 500
55 280 M 986 533 93.1 0.86 99 3.1 6.8 2.7 16 1.65 1PP6 283-6UA 550
75 315 S 990 723 94.0 0.84 138 2.7 7.0 2.9 16 2.50 1PP6 310-6UA 740
90 315 M 988 870 94.5 0.85 162 2.6 7.1 2.8 16 2.50 1PP6 313-6UA 915
110 315 L 988 1063 94.7 0.85 198 2.8 7.2 2.8 16 2.50 1PP6 316-6UA 990
132 315 L 990 1273 95.1 0.85 235 3.0 7.5 3.0 16 2.50 1PP6 317-6UA 1160
160 315 L 988 1546 95.1 0.86 285 3.1 7.5 3.0 16 2.50 1PP6 318-6UA 1225

9/28 Siemens D 81.1 · 2008

© Siemens AG 2008

IEC Squirrel-Cage Motors

Smoke-extraction motors
Forced-air cooled, for temperature/time class F400

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