Sufi Masters Com
Sufi Masters Com
Sufi Masters Com
Enter the living world of the Sufi mystics and experience the extraordinary ...
the teachers and teachings of the ancient and contemporary mystical traditions of
Sufism, the masters of wisdom, esoteric knowledge and self-realization.
SUFI BOOK OF SPIRITUAL ASCENT Haleh Pourafzal & Roger Montgomery $24.00
_______________________ _______________________
REVELATION OF THE SECRETS OF THE of spiritual realization within the Sufi tradition.
BIRDS AND FLOWERS Fakhruddin 'Iraqi $19.95
Dr. Bankey Behari $8.95 Shadhiliyyah movement, Ibn 'Abbad taught a path
to God that blended the esoteric Sufi tradition of
_______________________ the past with the popular lay movements of the
time. He emphasized a vigorous spirituality that
pursued the inner life in the context of ordinary
daily affairs.
A new translation of 39 texts by a spiritual master Ibn 'Abbad of Ronda $9.95
in the direct lineage of Ibn Arabi, chosen because
they represent the major themes from his own
teachings, which were based on his own direct
Michel Chodkiewicz $16.95
An account of the interplay of the ancient beliefs of A brilliant 4 volume series detailing the mystical
Divine illumination, with the world as it is today, life and martyrdom of the most famous spiritual
offering an unusual and unique insight into who sacrifice in Islam. The Passion of al-Hallaj
the Sufis really are, what they say and do, and what encompasses the whole milieu of early Islamic
their effect is on the modern world. civilization, exploring the life and teaching of the
H.B.M. Dervish $12.50 tenth century mystic with great spiritual insight and
cultural sympathy.
Volume 1: The Life of al-Hallaj
THE MYSTICAL AND VISIONARY Volume 2: TheSurvival of al-Hallaj
TREATISES OF SUHRAWARDI Volume 3: The Teaching of al-Hallaj
Volume 4: Bibligraphy and Index
These are nine treatises dealing with the initiation
of the aspirant into the spiritual realm, written in Louis Massignon $350.00
the 12th century by Sheikh Suhrawardi, the great
illuminist philosopher and mystic who was put to _______________________
death by the orthodoxy of his time and became
known thereafter as "The Murdered Sheikh." HALLAJ: MYSTIC & MARTYR
Translated by W. M. Thackson $25.00
A unique and incomparable work, the abridged
_______________________ edition of a four volume work, The Passion of
al-Hallaj. This is a brilliant exploration of the life
THE PRECIOUS PEARL and teachings of the famous 10th century Sufi
mystic and martyr.
Written by the Persian mystical poet al-Jami, this is Louis Massignon $19.00
an examination of much-debated spiritual
questions, presented through the opposing views of _______________________
philosophers and theologicans, then explaining the
Sufi position. AL-HAllAJ
method for transforming the hypocrisy of the ego A collection of 78 discourses from the Futuh
into true sincerity. al-Ghaib, by Shaikh al-Jilani, a Sufi noted for his
Sheikh Badruddin of Simawna $13.00 extraordinary spiritual experiences, memorable
sayings and wise teachings.
_______________________ Trans. by Mukhtar Holland $18.00
A translation of the biographical portion of Ibn
THE BEZELS OF WISDOM Arabi's Ruh al-quds fi munsahat al-nafs (The Spirit
of Holiness in the Counselling of the Soul), which
The Bezels of Wisdom was written during Ibn consists of biographical sketches of the
Arabi's later years, and was intended to be a contemplatives and spiritual masters who taught
synthesis of his spiritual doctrine. Bezel means a Ibn Arabi.
setting in which a gem, engraved with one's name, Trans. by R.W.J. Austin $15.00
is set to make a seal ring. The 'settings' in which
Ibn Arabi has placed his spiritual wisdom are the _______________________
lives of the prophets.
The Fusus al-Hikam is an extremely important A translation of Ibn Arabi's Lubbul Lubb, this is an
book regarded as the nucleus of his teaching and intimate exposition of practical development in the
philosophy: a series of explanations of the mystical Sufi tradition for reaching the state of arif billah
meanings of several biblical prophets written, said (Gnostic in God), and a description of several
Ibn Arabi, through revelation from God. states one will encounter during the progression.
Trans. by Burckhardt & Seymour $12.50 Trans. by Ismail Hakki Bursevi $15.00
On Disciplining The Soul
& Breaking The Two Desires A translation of Book III of the Ihya Ulum al-Din,
called the Kitab Asrar al-Taharah, offering great
A new translation from The Revival of Religious insight and detailed descriptions of the historical
Learning, this is a detailed exposition of the necessity and spiritual significance of purity as a
sophisticated spiritual techniques of Islamic preparation for Salat.
worship. The central theme of both texts is the Nabih Amin Faris $4.95
riyadat al-nafs, the inner warfare of the soul against
the baser instincts of the ego. _______________________
T. J. Winter $29.95
SOME MORAL AND RELIGIOUS A translation of the second book, the Kitab
TEACHINGS OF AL-GHAZZALI Qawa'id al-Aqa'id, of the first quarter of Ghazzali's
Ihya Ulum al-Din, dealing with the foundations of
A well-known compendium of al-Ghazzali's faith and an exposition of the creed of the orthodox
teachings offering a variety of insights into many community.
religious questions, as well as esoteric thought in Nabih Amin Faris $6.95
Syed Nawab Ali $4.95 _______________________
"The most severely punished of all men on the Day
THE JUST BALANCE of Resurrection," goes a Tradition of the Prophet of
Islam, "will be a learned man whom God has not
An illuminated discussion of the orthodox (Sunni) blessed with His knowledge." Ghazzali was urged
position and the historical arguments of the to write the Kitab al-'Ilm of the Ihya Ulum al-Din
Isma'ilis, particularly interesting because of seeing the people round him persistently straying
al-Ghazzali's use of the question and answer from the clear truth and their insistence upon
format. fostering ignorance.
D. P. Brewster $5.95 Nabih Amin Faris (Abridged version) $9.95
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
next to prayer, which is the supreme duty in Islam. journey through the stages of the future life,
Nabih Amin Faris $4.95 towards the beatific vision of God's contenance.
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A translation of al-Madnun Bihi 'Ala Ghairi Ahlihi, BEAUTIFUL NAMES OF GOD
widely regarded as a treasure of Arabic literature.
It won immediate popularity throughout the This is the first English translation of al-Maqsad
Muslim world, where it was accepted as one of the al-asna fi sharh asma Allah al-husna, a classic of
finest, most authoritative works on mystical Islamic spirituality. Al-Ghazali explored the
expression. meaning and resonance of each of the divine
Abdul Qayyum 'Shafaq Hazarvi $4.95 names, revealing the functions they perform both
in the cosmos and in the soul of the spiritual adept.
Burrell & Daher $29.50
Music, according to Sufi teaching, is really a small An exploration of the meaning and purpose of
expression of the overwhelming and perfect spirituality in the contemporary world, written with
harmony of the whole universe -- and that is the great clarity and wisdom.
secret of its amazing power to move us. The Indian Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan $12.00
Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927), the
first teacher to bring Islamic mystical tradition to _______________________
the West, was an accomplished musician himself.
His lucid exposition of music's divine nature has THE ART OF BEING AND BECOMING
become a modern classic, beloved not only by
those interested in Sufism but by musicians of all Inayat Khan's teachings on what the Sufis consider
kinds. the fruits of the whole creation: the divine art of
Hazrat Inayat Khan $19.95 creating the human personality, in which
spirituality is described as the tuning of the heart.
_______________________ Hazrat Inayat Khan $16.00
Khan's special ability to convey the essence of the stories as a means of making spiritual and
Sufi path remains unsurpassed. The joy of the psychological truths more accessible; this edition
discovery of God everywhere infuses his writings, contains 170 of these tales drawn from dervish
and can be luminously found in these three essays, sources, parables, legends, stories and fables.
taken from his collected works: "The Inner Life," Hazrat Inayat Khan $13.50
"Sufi Mysticism," and "The Path of Initiation and
Discipleship." It also includes a short, previously _______________________
unpublished essay "The Path of the Mystic."
_______________________ _______________________
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and the inner meaning of the major rite of hajj is message of peace and understanding at the heart of
brought out in living fashion -- as death to the life Islam, filled with rich insight and meaning for the
of this world and the gaining of Life Everlasting present state of the world.
while here on earth. The exposition will appeal to M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $12.00
both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It speaks to
anyone pulled by the pole of inner reality, or the _______________________
Ka'bah of the heart, on the journey which
constitutes the inward compliment of the sacred MAYA VEERAM:
pilgrimage to Mecca. The Forces Of Illusion
M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $17.00
A book of hope and certainty for people who from
_______________________ personal suffering and sorrow have lost faith in
God, in worship, and in prayer, and who wonder
A SONG OF MUHAMMAD whether God would allow the treachery and evil
that exists in the world.
There is an imperishable place in the human heart M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $20.00
where three worlds meet, the world of souls, this
world and the hereafter. To understand this book, _______________________
to know who the Prophet Muhammad truly is,
Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen invites ASMA'UL HUSNA:
us directly into that place, showing us how on our The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah
passage to lose the individuated self and rid
ourselves of those attributes which separate us The meanings of these names are endless, and
from the absolute, the One. This work is an ecstatic indescribable; we could not finish the explanations
song of mysteries to contemplate and a song of of these beautiful attributes of God; every one of
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M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $15.00 M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $8.95
_______________________ _______________________
Bawa's explanations of The Four Religions, True A brief exposition of the search for a true teacher,
Prayer, and The Mystical Mirror, and his the qualities the seeker must develop, the
discussion of his insistence that within the heart of relationship between the student and teacher, and
each creation, there is a point which is the value of the spiritual guide.
automatically aware of God. M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $12.00
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $8.00
An immense volume of Sufi tales of wisdom,
A brief compilation of the teachings of M. R. written in the style of grand-father to child, filled
Bawa, focusing here on the merging of the with images and motifs from the world of nature
individual soul within the Divine radiance, and the that seeks to find parallels with the world of
union of the lover with the Divine Beloved. consciousness within.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $11.00 M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen $17.00
_______________________ _______________________
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known in Sufism as the "Tavern of Ruin." In this Encyclopedia of Sufi Symbolism, compiled by Dr.
true center for higher education there are no Javad Nurbakhsh, former head of the Department
professors, one's only guide being Absolute Love. of Psychiatry of the University of Tehran, and
Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh $9.95 current Master of the Nimatullahi Order of Sufis.
An inspired collection of spiritual wisdom by a
_______________________ well-known author and teacher, filled with
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A series of essays that define the specific
terminology of Sufi teachings by the current Parts of the Beloved's Body
Master of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order, as well as an Music
enquiry into the meaning of mystical states,
spiritual stations, time, and breath. Volume 1 $24.95
_______________________ _______________________
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by Idries Shah. In Sufi terms, the Commanding and piquancy with the finest stories in any culture,
Self is that mixture of primitive and conditioned yet their true function is as Sufi teaching stories, by
responses, common to everyone, which inhibits which Sufi Masters have instructed dervishes in
and distorts human progress and understanding. self-realization.
Idries Shah $17.00 Idries Shah $12.95
_______________________ _______________________
A vivid collection of world tales taken from both Previously published only as seperate monographs,
written and oral sources in an attempt to illustrate this collection of papers covers the extraordinary
the living truths within them, the timeless elements diversity of Sufi ideas and activities in many
which have inspired great writers and beings from countries and cultures.
all cultures. Idries Shah $17.00
Idries Shah $20.00
A collection of studies including classical
An extremely influential work which introduced traditions of the Sufis, humor and the Sufi, Sufism
many Westerners to the richness and variety of in Eastern religion, Therapy and the Sufi, the
Sufi thought and experience, and the Sufi practices of the Sufi and current Sufi study
contribution to human culture. materials.
Idries Shah $14.00 Idries Shah $23.00
_______________________ _______________________
A cross-section of material from Sufi schools, A handbook of Sufi wisdom involving tales of the
teachings, and classical writings as a basic course classical Masters, questions and answers, Sufi
of Sufi study, illuminating various aspects of Sufi stories, Masters and disciples, anecdotes and
activity and practice relevant to the world today. narratives, remarks at the Dinner-meetings and
Idries Shah $13.95 current stories in western garb.
Idries Shah $15.00
Distilled from the teachings of more than a
hundred sages, the parables contained here offer a A condensation of thousands of questions Idries
wide-ranging and illuminating introduction to Sufi Shah has answered over the years on current social
A selection of stories, reports and anecdotes that A tale of four Dervishes searching for their heart's
report on the Middle Eastern world, revealing desire; a medieval allegory whose dimensions are
themes ranging from middle eastern customs and part of a teaching-system which prepares the mind
traveler's tales, to Muhammad, psychology, of the spiritual seeker for spiritual enlightenment.
teachers, rituals, wisdom and honour. Retold by Amina Shah $12.95
Edited by Tahir Shah $15.00
A collection of talks given by the elder brother of
Thirty-three tales gathered from the living oral Idries Shah to various study groups, describing
traditions of Arabic-speaking peoples, reflecting Sufi traditions and functions, the requirements of
tales of adventure, enchantment, and the strange the teacher and student, and the development of the
patterns of fate that remind us that the world is not traits and characteristics which are necessary
only as it seems to our senses. during the process of personal transformation.
Amina Shah $16.00 Omar Ali Shah $14.00
_______________________ _______________________
A collection of traditional stories from the wisdom 'Illness is a distortion, not an inevitable state; every
traditions of Afghanistan, often filled with person secretes some form of self-improvement
underlying Sufi lore and traditional wisdom, and a and the job of the therapist is to connect the
welcome addition to a general treasury of folk patient's own energy to his science. The enemy can
tales. be overcome.'
Amina Shah $21.00 Omar Ali Shah $20.00
_______________________ _______________________
A vivid, compelling and diversely welcomed A discussion of the Sufism in light of what it
miscellany of history, story-telling, spiritual means to the individual, based on objective and
teachings, political anecdotes, social traditions, eternal values, discussing in this light both
offering an enormous variety of ideas, themes and ideological and religious manipulation which has
experiences all placed within the specific context it's basis in that which is incompatible with true
of Afganistan. spiritual growth.
Edited by Safia Shah $30.00 Omar Ali Shah $17.00