CAL Library Leaders 8-23-10 - PR
CAL Library Leaders 8-23-10 - PR
CAL Library Leaders 8-23-10 - PR
academic and special libraries who represent libraries from across Colorado.
The participants in the 2010/2011 Colorado Association of Libraries Leadership Institute include:
Andrew Bregar, Colorado State University, Pueblo
Tessa Michaelson, Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library, Upper San Juan Library District
Joanna Nelson, Mamie Doud Eisenhower Public Library
Crystal Schimpf, High Plains Library District, Carbon Valley Regional Library
library community. Participants will engage in a year long-process of leadership development activities
· Develop key relationship among participants, presenters, and the larger library community
through inquiry (listening and understanding others), advocacy (learning about issues and taking
a stand), and networking (building collaborative networks and creating coalitions for change).
For more information, please contact Elizabeth Kelsen Huber, CAL Leadership Development Chair at
720.348.9504 or