Japan Debt IMF

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The Outlook for Financing Japan’s

Public Debt
Kiichi Tokuoka
© 2010 International Monetary Fund WP/10/19

IMF Working Paper

Asia and Pacific Department

The Outlook for Financing Japan’s Public Debt

Prepared by Kiichi Tokuoka

Authorized for distribution by Kenneth Kang

January 2010


This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent
those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are
published to elicit comments and to further debate.

Despite the rapid rise in public debt and large fiscal deficits, Japanese Government Bond
(JGB) yields have remained fairly stable. Possible factors include: Japan’s sizeable pool of
household savings, presence of large and stable institutional investors, and strong home bias.
These factors are likely to persist for some time, but going forward, the market’s capacity to
absorb debt is likely to diminish, as population aging reduces savings inflows and financial
reforms enhance risk appetite. This could in turn strengthen the link between JGB yields and
the stock of public debt. In light of these structural changes in the market, fiscal
consolidation will be key for maintaining market stability.

JEL Classification Numbers: E43, E62

Keywords: Public debt, fiscal deficits, Japanese government bonds, yields

Author’s E-Mail Address: ktokuoka@imf.org


Contents Page

I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................3 

II. Empirical Evidence ...............................................................................................................4 

A. Background ...............................................................................................................4 
B. Cross-Country Analysis of Factors Driving Yields ..................................................5 
Outline of Regressions .......................................................................................5 
Main Findings ....................................................................................................6 
Alternative High-frequency Analysis ................................................................9 
Interpretation ....................................................................................................10 
C. Explanation of the Low Sensitivity of JGB Yields .................................................11 

III. Outlook for Absorption Capacity of the JGB Market ........................................................15 

Household Sector .............................................................................................15 
Financial Sector ...............................................................................................17 
Other Domestic Sectors ...................................................................................18 
Foreign Sector ..................................................................................................19 

IV. Policy Implications ............................................................................................................19 

V. Conclusions .........................................................................................................................19 

References ................................................................................................................................22 

II.1. Summary of Country by Country Regression Results .......................................................7 
II.2. Country by Country Regression Results ............................................................................8 
II.3. Panel Regression Results ...................................................................................................9 
II.4. Regression Results using High Frequency Data ..............................................................10 
II.5. Share of JGB Holdings.....................................................................................................12 
II.6. Japan—Quarterly Regression Results ..............................................................................14 

I.1. Developments of Sovereign Yields ...................................................................................4 
II.1. 10-year Bond Yield and Primary Balance.......................................................................13 
III.1. Flow of Funds of the Household Sector .........................................................................16 
III.2. Japan’s Household Saving Rate ......................................................................................17 

Appendix ..................................................................................................................................20 


1. Since the early 1990s, JGB yields and fiscal variables, such as public debt and the
deficits do not appear to be linked. During the 1990s the 10-year Japanese Government Bond
(JGB) yields declined steadily from 7 percent to below 2 percent, while net public rose from
20 percent of GDP to 60 percent of GDP. Since 2000, net public debt has further climbed to
90 percent of GDP, while long term yields have remained fairly stable at below 2 percent.

2. More recently, fiscal deficits have again widened sharply, reflecting both
discretionary measures and automatic stabilizers in response to the global slowdown. JGB
yields picked up in early 2009 following announcements of a series of stimulus packages, but
they still remain low by historical standard. With the general government deficit projected to
stay around 10 percent of GDP in 2010, public debt will exceed 110 percent of GDP in net
terms (225 percent of GDP in gross terms)—the highest among advanced economies.

3. Can these benign conditions holding down JGB yields be expected to continue in the
face of continuing increases in public debt? To answer this question, the paper examines
factors behind the low and steady JGB yields, including Japan’s large and growing pool of
household savings, stable institutional investors, and strong home bias, and assesses how
these structural factors may evolve over time to affect Japan’s public debt finances. The main
conclusion is that in the near term, these factors are likely to persist helping to keep down
JGB yields, but that over time, the market’s capacity to absorb public debt will likely
diminish as population aging reduces savings inflows and financial reforms enhance risk
appetite. Sound public debt management can help preserve market stability, but over a
longer-horizon, fiscal consolidation will become critical for ensuring the smooth financing of
government operations.

4. This paper is structured as follows. The next section reports empirical evidence
highlighting the insensitivity of JGB yields, and then considers factors which may explain
this observation. Section III discusses the outlook for the market’s capacity to absorb public
debt. Section IV briefly discusses policy implications, followed by conclusions.

Figure I.1: Developments of Sovereign Yields

10 100 2.0
10-year JGB Yield and Net Public Debt G-7: Changes in Fiscal Deficits vs. Sovereign Yields 1/
9 90
Net Public Debt (in percent of GDP)/RS

Change in 10-year sovereign yields

8 80
10-year JGB Yield/LS

since January 2009

7 70
6 60

5 50 UK
0.5 Germany Japan
4 40

3 30 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
2 20
Italy Canada
1 10
Projected change in General Government Overall Fiscal Deficits
between 2007-2009 (in percent of GDP)
0 0
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Sources: IMF WEO database (October 2009), Bloomberg, and National authorities.
Source: Cabinet Office and IMF WEO database (October 2009). 1/ As of October 2009.

6 3.0 180 180

Sovereign Yields Mar. 18 2.8
5yr Sovereign CDS Spreads
160 (Basis points) 160
(10-year) increased purchase of JGBs
5 2.6 140 140
Apr. 10 2.4
Stimulus package 120 120
4 2.2 U.S.
100 U.K. 100
2.0 Germany
80 80
3 1.8 Japan
60 60
U.S. 40 40
2 1.4
Germany 1.2 20 20
Japan (RHS)
1 1.0 0 0
Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-08 May-08 Sep-08 Jan-09 May-09 Sep-09
Source: Bloomberg. Source: Bloomberg.


A. Background

5. Standard theory suggests that either fiscal deficits or the stock of debt should have a
positive relation with government bond yields. A textbook IS-LM framework predicts that
deficits to finance expansionary fiscal policy would raise interest rates. On the other hand,
standard neoclassical theory often argues that ultimately it is the stock of debt that matters—
in equilibrium, the real interest rate should equal the marginal productivity of capital, and
thus the size of crowding-out of private capital by public debt should matter. Under some
extreme assumptions, neoclassical models predict Ricardian equivalence (neither deficits nor
debt affects yields), but from a theoretical perspective, Ricardian equivalence may be hard to
rationalize (e.g., Bernheim, 1989). Once plausible elements such as a finite horizon
(Blanchard, 1985) are incorporated, the models produce a positive relation between debt and

On the empirical front, whether Ricardian equivalence is a good approximation is still an open question.
While Seater (1993) finds overall support for Ricardian equivalence, Gale and Orszag (2003) argue the

6. The empirical literature has typically examined the impact of deficits or debt on long-
term government bond yields. In studies which test fiscal deficits across countries, the
estimated impact of an increase in the fiscal deficit by 1 percent of GDP on long-term
government bond yields ranges from 10 to 60 basis points.2 The other strand, which examines
the impact of debt on yields using either a general or partial equilibrium model,3 finds that a
1 percent of GDP increase in debt would raise yields by at most 10 basis points.
Interpretations of the smaller coefficients on the debt differ depending on the underlying
theoretical framework. For example, under a neoclassical framework, the interpretation could
be that the high persistence of deficits may provide better information about the future path
of debt which could affect current yields.

7. There are some studies which include both the deficit and debt in the estimated
equation (e.g., Faini, 2006; Caparole and Williams, 2002). A rationale for including the
deficit in addition the stock of debt is that forward looking households care about future debt
dynamics whose information can be found in the deficit. While these studies find a
significant impact of deficits on yields, the inclusion of both deficits and debt makes
interpretation of the estimates harder. For example, Faini (2006), who includes both variables
in the estimated equation, simply concludes that expansionary fiscal policy has a positive
effect on government bond yields.

B. Cross-Country Analysis of Factors Driving Yields

8. This paper starts with country-by-country regressions either with the fiscal deficit or
public debt as the main explanatory variable to see whether JGB yields are historically less
sensitive to fiscal variables than other G7 sovereign bonds. The main purpose of these
regressions is not to pin down the impact of the fiscal deficits or the stock of debt on long-
term government bond yields, but to obtain benchmark results to help interpret key
differences between Japan’s government bond market and those in other advanced
economies. The outline of the regressions and main findings are as follows:

Outline of Regressions

9. The dependent variable is the nominal (or real) 10-year government bond yield. The
main explanatory variable is either the general government primary deficit (in percent of

Recent work which estimates the impact of fiscal deficits includes Baldacci, Gupta and Mati (2008), Hauner
and Kumar (2006), and Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane (2004). While Baldacci, Gupta and Mati (2008) use data on
emerging market economies, the latter two focus on advanced economies (Hauner and Kumar (2006) on G7,
and Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane (2004) on OECD countries). See Brook (2003) for a comprehensive list of
earlier estimates (both the impacts of deficits and public debt).
Recent empirical work includes Kinoshita (2006), Engen and Hubbard (2004), and Laubach (2003). Kinoshita
(2006) relies on data on OECD countries, while the latter two use the U.S. debt forecasted by the government.

GDP) or general government debt (in percent of GDP) at the end of the previous year (the
debt is measured in both net and gross terms). The primary deficit is used instead of the
overall deficit as an explanatory variable, since the overall deficit includes interest payment,
creating an endogeneity problem. Standard controls, such as short-term interest rate (3-month
deposit rate), inflation, and real GDP growth, are included in the regressions.4 The data are
measured annually and cover 1971–2008 for Japan, the U.S., and Canada and a somewhat
shorter time period for other countries due to data availability.5 Stationarity assumptions on
the data are discussed in the Appendix.
Estimated Equations:6
(1) nominal 10-year bond yield = β0 + β1 primary deficit + control variables

(2) real 10-year bond yield = β0 + β1 primary deficit + control variables

(3) nominal 10-year bond yield = β0 + β1 net debt + control variables
(4) nominal 10-year bond yield = β0 + β1 gross debt + control variables

Main Findings

10. The results point to a weaker impact of the primary deficit on JGB yields.

 Japan. When the fiscal variable (main explanatory variable) is the primary deficit, the
coefficient is relatively small (at most 0.1) and statistically insignificant. When net or
gross debt is included as the main explanatory variable, the coefficient turns
negative.7 The results are generally consistent across alternative specifications, and do
not change much, even if the nominal (or real) U.S. 10-year bond yield—as a proxy
for international liquidity conditions—is included as an explanatory variable.8
Similarly, excluding central government debt held by the central bank from net or

As an alternative specification, the current account balance (in percent of GDP) is included, but does not
significantly affect the results.
The data is from the IMF WEO database (October 2009).
The real 10-year bond yield is not regressed on debt, since the yield is assumed to be stationary while debt is
unlikely to be so (see the Appendix).
This paper is not the first to report a negative coefficient on public debt. Some earlier articles have also
reported negative coefficients (e.g., Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane, 2004; Caporale and Williams, 2002). One
possible interpretation of the negative sign is that when the level of sovereign debt is low and investors believe
that the debt is of high quality, they may switch from low quality to sovereign debt as more sovereign debt is
issued, reducing the yield (Caporale and Williams, 2002).
When the nominal U.S. 10-year bond yield is an explanatory variable, cointegration with other variables is

gross debt does not affect the results.9 Finally, restricting the sample to the pre-
deflation period (before 1995) gives a relatively large and significant coefficient on
the primary deficit (around 0.2), but generally speaking this is still smaller than other
countries’ coefficients (see below).

 Other countries. For other countries, coefficients on the primary deficit are generally
positive and statistically significant (highly significant for the U.S., U.K., and
Canada). The coefficients lie between 0.15–0.40 (except for Italy), which is in the
range of recent estimates obtained using data on advanced economies (e.g., Hauner
and Kumar, 2006; Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane, 2004; Laubach, 2003). These
estimates can be interpreted as stating that an increase in the primary deficit by
one percent of GDP leads to an increase in the 10-year government bond yield by 15–
40 basis points. On the other hand, most of the coefficients on net or gross debt are
again negative.

Table II.1. Summary of Country by Country Regression Results

Primary Deficit Net/Gross Debt

The coefficients are at most 0.10

Japan The coefficients are negative.
and statistically insignificant.

The coefficients are in the range

The coefficients are negative
U.S., U.K., and Canada of 0.20-0.40 and statistically
or close to zero.
significant at the 1 percent level.

The coefficients are in the range

of 0.15-0.30 and statistically
France and Germany The coefficients are negative.
significant at least at the 10
percent level.
The coefficients are close to
Italy The coefficients are negative.

Engen and Hubbard (2004) argue that the effect of government debt held by the central bank, which does not
crowd out domestic private capital, should be appropriately controlled for.

Table II.2. Country by Country Regression Results

Dependent Variable Method Main Explanatory Variable Instrument R^2 Residual Sample
Unit Root Test Size
Primary Net Gross
(DF t stat)
deficit debt debt

(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.08 - - - 0.93 (-4.03)*** 38
(2) Real 10-year bond yield IV 0.03 - - 1st lag 0.95 (-3.88)*** 38
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - -0.02 - - 0.95 (-3.69)*** 38
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - - -0.02 - 0.96 (-3.70)*** 38

(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.39 - - - 0.93 (-4.17)*** 38
(2) Real 10-year bond yield IV 0.36 - - 1st lag 0.93 (-4.18)*** 38
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - -0.04 - - 0.86 (-3.39)*** 38
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - - -0.04 - 0.86 (-3.42)*** 38

(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.28 - - - 0.90 (-3.43)*** 30
(2) Real 10-year bond yield IV 0.31 - - 1st lag 0.90 (-3.59)*** 29
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - -0.10 - - 0.88 (-2.81)*** 29
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - - -0.09 - 0.87 (-2.87)*** 29

(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.14 - - - 0.98 (-3.50)*** 29
(2) Real 10-year bond yield IV 0.31 - - 1st lag 0.88 (-3.74)*** 28
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - -0.08 - - 0.97 (-3.52)*** 25
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - - -0.08 - 0.99 (-3.59)*** 28
( -5.29)***
(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.29 - - - 0.84 (-2.39)** 33
(2) Real 10-year bond yield IV 0.27 - - 1st lag 0.98 (-2.42)** 32
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - -0.05 - - 0.94 (-4.30)*** 31
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - - -0.06 - 0.92 (-3.45)*** 32
(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.22 - - - 0.91 (-3.19)*** 38
(2) Real 10-year bonds yield IV 0.24 - - 1st lag 0.88 (-3.15)*** 38
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - 0.00 - - 0.87 (-3.33)*** 38
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - - -0.01 - 0.87 (-3.25)*** 38
(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS -0.04 - - - 0.98 (-3.87)*** 29
(2) Real 10-year bonds yield IV -0.09 - - 1st lag 0.91 (-4.49)*** 28
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - 0.03 - - 0.98 (-3.53)*** 27
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS - - 0.02 - 0.98 (-3.91)*** 30

Source: IMF WEO database (October 2009)

1/ Robust t statistics are reported in parentheses.
2/ ***, **, and * indicate the statistical significance at the 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent, respectively.

11. Panel regressions which pool the G7 countries highlight the weaker impact of the
primary deficit on JGB yields.10 In these regressions, the primary deficit multiplied by a
Japan dummy variable is included as an additional explanatory variable (this variable is
instrumented with its first lag). The coefficient measures the difference in the impact of the
primary deficit between Japan and other countries. As shown in Table II.3, this coefficient is
between -0.1 and -0.25 (and statistically significant), implying that an increase in the primary
deficit by 1 percent of GDP has a smaller impact on JGB yields by 10–25 basis points
compared to other countries. This also means that the overall impact of primary deficits on
JGB yields is close to zero, given that the coefficient on the primary balance for all countries
is about 0.15–0.20.

Table II.3. Panel Regression Results

Dependent Variable Method Main Explanatory Variables Instruments R^2 Sample


Primary Primary deficit

deficit *Japan dummy

(1) Real 10-year bond yield 1/ OLS 0.15 -0.20 - 0.91 235
(3.95)*** (-3.68)***
(2) Real 10-year bond yield 1/ Instrumental 0.16 -0.23 1st Lag of Main 0.90 231
Variable (4.29)*** (-3.83)*** Explanatory Variables
(3) Real 10-year bond yield Fixed Effects 0.18 -0.12 - 0.91 235
Estimator (5.71)*** (-1.76)*

Source: IMF WEO database (October 2009)

1/ Robust t statistics are reported in parentheses.
2/ *** and * indicate the statistical significance at the 1 percent and the 10 percent, respectively.

Alternative High-frequency Analysis

12. The lower sensitivity of JGB yields to fiscal deficits can also be confirmed with high
frequency data for Japan and the U.S. Every month, Consensus Economics Inc. releases the
means of various macro and fiscal forecasts by private institutions, which can be used to
estimate the impact of changes in the forecasted fiscal deficit on yields. Specifically, the 12-
month-ahead forecast for the nominal 10-year government bond yield (in percent) is the
dependent variable, and the forecast for the overall fiscal deficit (in percent of GDP) in next

Regressions which involve only stationary variables are conducted (nominal 10-year bond yield, which is
assumed to be nonstationary, is not used as a dependent variable). The set of control variables is the same as
that in earlier country-by-country regressions: real short-term interest rate (3-month deposit rate), inflation, and
real GDP growth. Including the current account balance does not change the results.

U.S. fiscal year is the main explanatory variable.11 12 Control variables are the 12-month-
ahead forecast for the short-term interest rate (3-month deposit rate) and forecasts for
inflation and real GDP growth in the next calendar year. Table II.4 reports that the coefficient
on the overall fiscal deficit is about zero for Japan—well below the U.S. coefficient (0.09).13

Estimated Equation:
nominal 10-year bond yield (12-month-ahead) = β0 + β1 forecasted overall fiscal deficit + controls

Table II.4. Regression Results using High Frequency Data

Main Explanatory Residual Sample

Dependent Variable Method Variable: R^2 Unit Root Test Size
Forecasted Overall
(DF t stat)
Fiscal Deficit

Nominal 10-year bond yield (12-month-ahead forecast) OLS -0.01 0.85 (-3.41)*** 38

Nominal 10-year bond yield (12-month-ahead forecast) OLS 0.09 0.92 (-3.33)*** 38

Sources: Consensus Economics and IMF WEO database (October 2009)

1/ The sample period is August 2006 - September 2009. Observations in July 2006 and before are not used, since for Japan the forecast for the fiscal
deficit was occasionally reported by only one institution.
2/ Robust t statistics are reported in parentheses.
3/ ***, **, and * indicate the statistical significance at the 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent, respectively.


13. All these results suggest that Japanese government bond yields are less sensitive to
fiscal deficits than in other countries, but they should be interpreted with caution. In
particular, the results may be subject to the omitted variable bias even after using the
instrumental variable method. For example, today’s yield may be affected by various current
business cycle variables, which are not fully accounted for by growth or short-term monetary

Ideally, the forecast for the nominal 10-year government bond yield in next U.S. fiscal year should be used as
the main dependent variable in line with the main explanatory variable, but Consensus Economics Inc. does not
provide that.
“Next U.S. fiscal year” is defined as a fiscal year ending in September next calendar year. For example, in
October 2009, “next U.S. fiscal year” corresponds to October 2009-September 2010. To allow a comparison of
estimation results between Japan and the U.S., Japan’s fiscal deficits are converted into the U.S. fiscal year
basis, by taking averages of fiscal deficits reported on Japan’s fiscal year basis.
Cointegration among the variables (except for the real GDP growth forecast) is assumed. P-values of the
Dickey-Fuller t-statistics are high across the dependent and explanatory variables (typically over 0.7) except for
the real GDP growth forecast.

conditions (which are included in the regressions as controls) but may be correlated with
deficits. In principle, it is possible to avoid this problem, for example, by regressing future
(expected) yields on official forecasts for deficits far enough in the future (e.g., 5–10 years).14
However, such an analysis is currently not feasible for Japan, as the Japanese Cabinet Office
started to publish its 5-year forecasts for the deficit and the stock of debt only a few years ago.
The effect of the immediate business cycle might have been mitigated somewhat by using the
data from Consensus Economics, but given its short forecast horizon (one year), the results in
Table II.4 are still likely to be significantly affected by the current business cycle.

C. Explanation of the Low Sensitivity of JGB Yields

14. Empirical results in the previous subsection suggest that Japan-specific factors, which
are not included in the regression analysis, may be contributing to the observed lower
sensitivity of JGB yields compared to other sovereign bonds (IMF, 2009). These include:

 Large pool of household assets. Japan had enjoyed relatively high household saving
rates (over 10 percent) until around 1999 when they began to decline sharply. High
savings were typically attributed to various factors,15 such as the seniority wage
system, the existence of sizeable bonuses, rapid growth, and sluggishness of
consumption (habits).16 Although a firm consensus is lacking on this issue, the ample
saving flows have contributed to large accumulation of household financial assets,
helping finance the build-up of public debt.

 Strong home bias. JGBs have been financed largely by domestic investors (94 percent
of holdings as of end-2008), who may exhibit more stable behavior than foreign
investors. The strong home bias is driven by the household sector whose appetite for
risky assets has remained weak.17 The share of currency and deposits in households’
financial assets is as high as 55 percent (at end FY2008)—well above 16 percent in
the U.S.—and a large part of these funds is invested in JGBs mainly through the
banking sector.

Eugen and Hubbard (2004) and Laubach (2003) find empirical evidence that in the U.S. future (expected)
yields are responsive to 5 or 10 year government forecasts for fiscal variables (deficits and/or debt).
See Horioka (1990) and Ishikawa (1988) for a comprehensive list of possible factors.
Habits, if exists, can raise savings rates following a period of high economic growth (as experienced by Japan
during the 1960-1970s), since they delay consumption adjustments (Carroll, Overland, and Weil, 2000).
Nakagawa and Shimizu (2000) report that Japanese households typically place more emphasis on the safety
of their financial investments. However, others argue that historically high real estate prices in Japan may have
encouraged households to accumulate safe financial assets to achieve a right balance between risky assets
including housing and safe assets (e.g., Iwaisako, 2003; Iwaisako, Mitchell, and Piggott, 2004).

 Existence of large and stable institutional holders. The Japan Post Bank (previously
the postal savings) and the Government Pension Investment Fund have invested about
¥250 trillion in JGBs (around 35 percent of the total JGBs).18 The government has
relied on these institutions to help finance their lending operations. On top of these
institutions, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) also held nearly ¥60 trillion of JGBs as of end-

Table II.5. Share of JGB Holdings (in percent) 1/

Dec-00 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08

Government 2/ 23.1 15.9 14.3 13.8 13.2

Of which:
Public Pension 2.8 9.2 9.8 11.1 11.8
Bank of Japan (BoJ) 11.9 14.0 11.2 9.5 8.3
Financial institutions 55.1 59.9 62.2 62.0 64.2
Of which:
Postal Savings 7.0 18.5 20.3 … …
Banks 3/ 22.3 17.0 16.3 35.0 36.2
Overseas 5.9 4.7 5.5 7.0 6.4
Households 2.2 4.0 4.8 5.3 5.3
Others 4/ 1.8 1.6 2.0 2.3 2.5
Total (in trillions of yen) 391.2 672.1 674.6 682.4 697.3

Total excluding FILP bonds

391.2 535.8 534.8 538.2 558.0
(in trillions of yen)

Source: BoJ's Flow of Funds statistics.

1/ JGBs are the general account bonds and the Fiscal Investment Loan Program (FILP) bonds, and do not include financing bills.
2/ Includes the FILP.
3/ Includes Japan Post Bank for Dec-07 and Dec-08.
4/ Nonfinancial corporations and private nonprofit institutions serving households.

 Recent large saving flows from the corporate sector. Over the past ten years, the
corporate sector has been playing a
supporting role in channeling funds Financial Surpluses
14.0 (In percent of GDP)
to the JGB market. Following its
12.0 Corporate Sector
recovery from the crisis in the 1990s, Household Sector
the corporate sector has been
recording financial surpluses along
with the household sector.19 During
the early and mid-2000s, the large 2.0
financial surpluses in the corporate 0.0
sector were a common phenomenon 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

across advanced economies. IMF Source: BoJ's flow of funds statistics.

Japan Post Bank has invested ¥156 trillion in JGBs as of September 2008, while the Government Pension
Investment Fund held ¥82 trillion of JGBs as of end-2008.
Financial surpluses are defined as a change in financial assets minus a change in financial debt.

(2006) finds that this was driven by both higher profits and declining prices of capital
goods. In Japan, the surpluses were accompanied by restructuring in the corporate
sector (repayment of debt) throughout the early 2000s.

15. In addition, despite the large fiscal

2500 2500
deficits (Figure II.1), public gross debt has Gross Public Debt
(In trillions of yen; eop)
not increased over the past 10 years, if 2000 A. Financing bills 2000
B. JGBs issued by the general account
government liabilities under the Fiscal C. FILP liabilities
1500 D. Others 1/ 1500
Investment and Loan Program (FILP A+B+C+D

liabilities) are included.20 As a result of the 1000 1000

FILP reform, which aimed to rationalize

FILP lending to public agencies, FILP 500 500

lending has shrunk, forcing these agencies to 0 0

curtail their projects and rely more on 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Source: BoJ's flow of funds statistics.

private financing. This has reduced FILP 1/ Others are borrowing and local governments securities.

liabilities substantially by around half to about ¥200 trillion (40 percent of GDP) since 2000,
and has effectively created space for financing other government debt.21

Figure II.1. 10-year Bond Yield and Primary Balance

15 15
Japan U.S.
10-year sovereign yield 1/ 10-year sovereign yield 1/
10 Primary balance (in percent of GDP) 10 Primary balance (in percent of GDP)

5 5

0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10
Source: IMF WEO database (October 2009).
Source: IMF WEO database (October 2009).
1/ Period average. For 2009, period average until June.
1/ Period average. For 2009, period average until June.

16. With BoJ’s flow of funds statistics, we can empirically test for many of these Japan-
specific factors. The advantage with the flow of funds statistics is that they report (quarterly)
FILP liabilities and each sector’s financial assets including the foreign sector. Using the data
between 1998 and 2009, we re-estimates the impact of debt on JGB yields with gross debt

Under the FILP, the government provides funds to various government affiliated corporations for
implementing public projects, such as for infrastructure. The general government debt on the SNA basis
excludes FILP liabilities because FILP operations are not financed by taxes and the FILP is regarded as a public
In the market, FILP bonds (which the FILP issues to finance its lending) are identical to JGBs.

including FILP liabilities (in percent of GDP) as the main explanatory variable.22 The
estimated equation includes additional control variables: central government debt held by the
BoJ (in percent of GDP); the sum of net financial wealth held by the household and corporate
sectors (in percent of GDP); and the share of foreign holdings of JGBs.23 The dependent
variable is the nominal 10-year government bond yield.

Estimated Equation:
nominal 10-year bond yield = β0 + β1 gross debt including FILP liabilities + controls

17. The estimation results are very different from those reported earlier without the
Japan-specific factors. The coefficient on gross debt, which was negative in Table II.2, turns
to the expected positive, and it is highly significant (third row in Table II.6). The size of the
coefficients is around 0.02, implying that an increase in public debt by 1 percent of GDP
would result in a rise in JGB yields by 2 basis points. While the coefficient on the central
government debt held by the BoJ is positive and insignificant, the coefficients on the net
household and corporate financial wealth and the share of foreign JGB holdings have
expected signs and are significant. These results suggest that Japan specific factors have
helped keep yields low despite the increase in JGBs and that omitting them would lead to
biased results.

Table II.6. Japan—Quarterly Regression Results

Dependent Variable Method Main Explanatory Variable R^2 Residual Sample
Unit Root Test Size

Net financial
Gross debt Central
wealth held by Share of
Gross debt Gross debt including FILP government
household and foreign holdings (DF t stat)
excluding FILP including FILP minus debt held by
corporate of JGBs
debt held by BoJ BoJ

(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.00 0.16 (-3.28)*** 45


(2) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.00 0.16 (-3.28)*** 45


(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.02 0.01 -0.02 0.11 0.38 (-3.93)*** 45
(3.52)*** (0.36) (-3.37)*** (2.06)**

(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield OLS 0.02 -0.01 0.08 0.33 (-3.76)*** 45
(2.77)*** (-3.34)*** (1.84)*

Source: BoJ's flow of funds statistics.

1/ The sample period is between Q1 1998 and Q1 2009.
2/ Robust t statistics are reported in parentheses.
3/ ***, **, and * indicate the statistical significance at the 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent, respectively.

Even though the statistics under the new standard start only in late 1997, their quarterly frequency offers as
many as 45 observations.
To capture the effect of financial surpluses in the corporate sector (discussed earlier), net financial wealth
rather than gross financial wealth is used. Despite the large financial surpluses in the corporate sector in the
early 2000s, its gross financial wealth declined during this period. As before, short-term interest rate, inflation
rate, and real GDP growth are included as control variables. All the dependent and explanatory variables are
assumed to be stationary (p-values of the Dickey-Fuller t-statistics are below 0.2 except for the share of foreign
JGB holdings (the p-statistic is about 0.6)).


18. Looking ahead, structural shifts in household balance sheets and key market players
could weaken the absorptive capacity of the JGB market, making yields more sensitive to the
debt level as standard theory predicts.24 These include:

Household Sector

 A large portion of JGBs is essentially financed by the household sector. While direct
holdings of JGBs are only 5 percent of the total outstanding amount, if indirect
channels are taken into account, households finance at least 50 percent of the total
JGBs through banks (including Japan Post Bank) and pension funds (Figure III.1).
This does not include JGBs financed by the basic public pension (about 10 percent of
the total JGBs), which will be paid out to households in the future but is categorized
as general government’s assets in the flow of funds statistics.25

 However, going forward, the role of household sector in providing funds to the JGB
market is likely to decline. Micro evidence indicates that as predicted by a standard
life-cycle model, the aged in Japan are dissaving once retired (Horioka, 2006),26
implying that as population aging progresses the household saving rate will continue
to decline. Similarly, using macro data, Edison (2005) finds a significant negative
effect of the old-age dependency rate on the household saving rate. Consistent with
these findings, the household saving rate has been on a trend decline (Figure III.2).
Moreover, recent data (Cabinet Office) have shown that contributions to the decline
in the household saving rate from rising consumption (possibly owing to population
aging) have been growing since FY2003 (Figure III.2). With population aging, the
saving rate is expected to decline further from the current level (2.2 percent as of
FY2007) and could reduce inflows into the market.

There is some empirical evidence consistent with the view that the yields’ response to the debt level is
nonlinear and becomes significant once the debt exceeds a certain threshold (e.g., Faini, 2006; Ardagna, Caselli,
and Lane, 2004), although determining such a threshold in the case of Japan is difficult. In this regard, the
pickup in JGB yields (although relatively limited) in early 2009 following announcements of fiscal stimulus
measures might suggest an increased risk premium perceived by market participants.
Other indirect holdings of JGBs by the household sector which are not included in the figure are possible. For
example, a part of the JGBs holdings by the nonfinancial sector, whose equities the household sector owns,
could be included in them.
Horioka, Kasuga, Yamazaki, and Watanabe (1996) found similar results. On the other hand, earlier studies
(e.g., Hayashi, 1989; Hayashi, Ando, and Ferris, 1988) found that the aged were saving, but they failed to
control for employment status.

Figure III.1: Flow of Funds of the Household Sector

(In trillions of yen)

Financial Institutions
Japan Post Bank
JGBs (Outstanding) 697 JGBs 76%

Other Assets 24% Household

Currency and Deposits 792
Direct and Indirect Other Deposit-taking Institutions
Holdings by Household JGBs 7%
Other Assets 93%


Pension and 399

Insurance Reserves

Pension and Insurance Funds

(excluding the basic public pension)
JGBs 35%

JGBs 37
Other Assets 65% Other Assets 200

Direct and indirect holdings of JGBs by the household sector

= 179*76% + 613*7% + 399*35% + 37 = 359

Source: BoJ's flow of funds statistics (as of Dec 2008), Japan Post Bank (as of Sep 2008), and author's calculations.

Figure III.2. Japan’s Household Saving Rate

20 20 2.0 2.0
Household Saving Rate Change in Household Saving Rate
18 18 (In percentage point)
(In percent)
16 16 1.0 1.0

14 14

12 12 0.0 0.0

10 10

8 8 -1.0 -1.0

6 6

4 4 -2.0 -2.0
Contribution from consumption
2 2
0 0 -3.0 -3.0
FY1985 FY1990 FY1995 FY2000 FY2005 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
Source: Cabinet Office. Source: Cabinet Office.

 Without policy adjustment, the space for household assets to absorb public debt will
continue to shrink over the medium-term. The author’s simulation indicates that
based on current trends, gross public debt (including FILP liabilities) in 2015 could
exceed gross households’ financial assets, assuming the household saving rate
remains at 2.2 percent.27 Excluding 2,100
Household Financial Assets and Gross Public Debt 1/

FILP liabilities, the cross-over could 1,900 (In trillions of yen) 1,900

1,700 1,700
emerge around 2020.28 Although 1,500 1,500

these results do not imply any 1,300 1,300

specific turning point for public debt 1,100 1,100

900 900
financing, they suggest that if current 700 HH fin assets, assuming 2.2% of HH saving rate
Gross Public Debt including FILP Liabilities 2/ 700
trends continue, domestic financing 500
Gross Public Debt excluding FILP Liabilities

could become more difficult toward 300

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

the mid-2010s, placing a premium on Sources: IMF WEO database (Oct 2009), BoJ flow of funds statistics, and author's calculations.
1/ Gross debt of the general government including and excluding liabilities owed by the Fiscal
Investment and Loan Program (FILP).
other sources of funding, including 2/ For 2009 and afterwards, FILP liabilities are assumed to stay at the same level as in 2008.

from overseas.

Financial Sector

 At the same time, financial reforms that have given institutional investors more
flexibility could also affect the market capacity to absorb public debt. For example,

2.2 percent is the household saving rate in FY2007. Macro and fiscal forecasts through 2014 are from the
IMF WEO database (October 2009). After 2014, the author assumes that real GDP growth and the inflation rate
will converge to 1.2 and 1.0 percent, respectively. No consumption tax increase is assumed.
Under the same assumptions, net general government debt (excluding FILP) could exceed net households
financial assets about 5 years later.

changes in the investment behavior by the Government Pension Investment Fund may
affect the JGB market beyond a decline in contributions arising naturally from aging;
the Government Pension Investment Fund no longer has an obligation to purchase
JGBs, which the FILP issues (FILP bonds), and is now looking to expand its
investment in risky assets.29 Similarly, the Japan Post Bank is now allowed to expand
its non-JGB investment. Given the huge size of assets held by these institutions, even
a moderate shift from JGBs to other assets could have a significant impact on the
market (e.g., 10 percent shift would amount to ¥20–30 trillion (4–6 percent of GDP)).

 A decline in home bias among private financial institutions (Walker, 2005) could also
affect the market’s absorptive capacity in the medium-term. 30 In the current global
financial turmoil, domestic (institutional) investors may have temporarily sought
safety in domestic assets including JGBs. However, appetite for risky foreign assets
could return once financial market conditions recover.

 The BoJ, which currently holds about 8 percent of BoJ's Monthly Outright Purchase of
Long-term JGBs
total JGBs, is likely to continue playing an important (In trillions of yen)

role in market stability. Its decision in early 2009 to Before Aug. 2001- 0.4
Aug. 2001- 0.6
increase its monthly purchase of JGBs has helped to Dec. 2001- 0.8
stabilize market conditions, but over the medium- Feb. 2002- 1.0
Oct. 2002- 1.2
term unwinding of monetary easing may require the
Dec. 2008- 1.4
BoJ to scale back the size of its JGB holdings. Mar. 2009- 1.8
Source: BoJ.
Other Domestic Sectors

 The role of the corporate sector and the FILP to facilitate financing of public debt
may also become more limited going forward. The financial surpluses in the
corporate sector have declined in recent years (around 1 percent of GDP in both 2007
and 2008). In the near-term, they could even turn negative with the sharp decline in
profits during the global slowdown. It may also become more difficult to constrain
FILP bond issuances (FILP lending has already been cut substantially), suggesting
that going forward, the supply of government bonds including FILP bonds could be
more directly tied to the overall deficit.

As a result of the FILP reform in 2001, the public pension fund and the postal savings stopped lending for
public projects through the FILP. During the transitional period after the reform (2001-2007), the public
pension fund and the postal savings were required to accept government bonds which the FILP issued.

30 As a result of the “financial big bang” in the late 1990s, households’ access to foreign risky assets was
improved. For example, investment trusts (including those concentrating on foreign assets) were allowed to be
sold through bank windows.

Foreign Sector

 Given the small foreign holdings of

sovereign yields and short-term int rates

Std. dev. of the spreads between 10-year
Correlation between Share of Foreign Holdings and
JGBs, shifts in foreign investor 1.6
Volatility of Sovereign Yields:
After Lehman Shock 1/ UK

behavior are unlikely to have a 1.4


1.2 US
significant impact for the time being. 1.0

That said, in the near-term, the 0.8

possibility of a negative impact on the 0.4

JGB market of sharp increases in 0.2

sovereign bond issuances across the 10 20 30 0 40 50 60
Share of foreign holdings of sovereign bonds
world (e.g., through crowding-out of (In percent)
Source: Bloomberg, Japanese Ministry of Finance, ECB and Daiwa Research.
JGBs by other sovereign debt) cannot 1/ As of November 2009.

be ruled out.


19. As discussed in the previous section, JGB yields could be more strongly tied to
changes in the deficit and debt looking forward due to the ongoing structural shifts in the
JGB market. At the same time, the gross public financing requirement is likely to remain
substantial—reaching 50 percent of GDP in 2009 (including rollover of financing bills) and
will increase further in line with rising public debt. To ensure the smooth refinancing of the
debt, both short-term and medium-term and measures are needed. To ensure stable
absorption of debt by the market, the timing of debt issuance and maturity structure should
continue to be carefully matched to market conditions. In this respect, the government is
making regular contacts with market participants to identify their demand for maturities.
Such efforts to communicate with market participants will remain critical. Over the medium-
term, it is critical to establish a credible framework for ensuring fiscal sustainability. The
framework will need to feature a clear timetable for comprehensive tax and expenditure
reforms to be implemented once the economy recovers.


20. Historically, Japan’s public debt has been financed in a fairly smooth manner. The
large pool of household savings and the stable domestic institutional investor base have
contributed to keeping yields steady despite the rapid rise in public debt. However, Japan is
undergoing rapid population aging, which will likely limit the market’s absorptive capacity
of public debt. In addition, shifts in institutional investors’ behavior could serve to reduce
inflows to the market. To maintain market stability, sound public debt management and fiscal
consolidation will be critical.


This appendix details stationarity assumptions on time series data used for the benchmark
regressions in the main text.

The results of Dickey-Fuller tests are reported in the table. A unit root test is clearly not
rejected across countries for the nominal 10-year government bond yield and the general
government net/gross debt (high p-values). The test results for the nominal short-term
interest rate are more ambiguous, but all of these four variables are assumed to be

Dickey-Fuller t Statistics

Japan U.S. U.K. France Germany Canada Italy

Nominal 10-year bond yield -0.60 -0.86 -0.68 -0.83 -1.21 -0.64 -0.84
p-value 0.87 0.80 0.85 0.81 0.67 0.86 0.81

Real 10-year bond yield -2.80 -1.91 -2.78 -1.29 -4.28 -1.79 -1.65
p-value 0.06 0.33 0.06 0.63 0.00 0.38 0.46

Nominal short-term interest rate -1.55 -1.49 -0.94 -1.39 -2.58 -1.51 -1.32
p-value 0.51 0.54 0.78 0.59 0.10 0.53 0.62

Real short-term interest rate -2.14 -2.01 -2.28 -1.52 -4.60 -2.11 -2.07
p-value 0.23 0.28 0.18 0.52 0.00 0.24 0.26

Inflation -2.18 -1.92 -1.82 -1.12 -4.86 -1.48 -1.27

p-value 0.21 0.32 0.37 0.71 0.00 0.54 0.64

Real GDP growth -3.28 -4.67 -4.17 -4.01 -4.25 -4.07 -5.46
p-value 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

General government primary deficit -1.47 -2.24 -1.50 -2.52 -2.82 -1.71 -1.20
p-value 0.55 0.19 0.53 0.11 0.06 0.43 0.67

General government net debt 1.32 -1.02 -1.21 -1.64 -0.89 -0.92 -3.30
p-value 1.00 0.75 0.67 0.46 0.79 0.78 0.01

General government gross debt 2.01 -0.73 -1.23 -1.08 -0.77 -0.84 -1.07
p-value 1.00 0.84 0.66 0.72 0.83 0.81 0.73

Other variables (real 10-year bond yield, general government primary deficit, real short-term
interest rate, inflation, and real GDP growth) are assumed to be stationary,31 and assumptions
by regression are as follows:

This assumption is rather strong, but estimation results of equation (2) using these variables do not give
evidence against this assumption. Indeed, for all countries the residual unit root DF tests are rejected at the 5
percent level (Table II.2).

Dependent variable Main Explanatory Variable Assumption

The 10-year bond yield and the
General government
(1) Nominal 10-year bond yield nominal short-term interest rate are
primary deficit
All the variables (real 10-year bond
yield, general government primary
General government
(2) Real 10-year bond yield deficit, real short-term interest rate,
primary deficit
inflation, and real GDP growth) are
The nominal 10-year bond yield,
General government net
(3) Nominal 10-year bond yield the net debt, and the short-term
interest rate are cointegrated.
The nominal 10-year bond yield,
General government the gross debt, and the short-term
(4) Nominal 10-year bond yield
gross debt interest rate are cointegrated.


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