Temp Note
Temp Note
Temp Note
1. Essential Qualification:
On the basis of details given in the application, all eligible candidates will be
called for a written test of three hours duration to be held at New Delhi,
Hyderabad, Chennai and Kochi on date that will be notified in our website.
Management reserves the right to cancel any of the centres if sufficient number
of candidates are not available in that centre and in that event candidates will be
directed to take the examination at any of the other centres.
At the time of Group Discussion and Interview candidates will have to produce
original certificates to prove qualification, Age, Caste etc. Candidates found to be
not meeting the eligibility criteria on verification of the original certificate will not
be allowed to attend the Group Discussion/Interview.
Candidates called for group discussion and interview will be paid 2nd class to and
fro railway fare in the shortest route as per rules, on production of documentary
proof of expense.
4 Application fee: Rs.500/- . SC/ST and PWD candidates are exempted from
paying application fee. Internal candidates (permanent employees of FACT)
are also exempted from payment of application fee.
11 Eligibility for calling for written test will be based on the details furnished
in the on-line application and declaration made by the applicant. The
certificates submitted by the candidates who qualify in the written test will
be verified against original certificates produced at the time of the group
discussion and interview. Those who do not meet the requirements as to
age, qualification ,eligibility etc. on verification of the original certificates,
will not be considered for selection and no TA will be paid to them even
though they qualify in the written test.
12 Appearing for written test will not confer any right on the applicant for
selection. FACT reserves the right to debar/disqualify any candidate at any
stage of selection proceedings for any reason whatsoever.
(b) Copy of caste certificate issued by competent authority not below the rank
of Tahsildar in the case of SC/ST/OBC candidates and disability
certificate issued by a Government Medical Board in the case of
PWD candidates
13.2 Candidates are requested to write their name, Register No. and discipline
on the reverse side of the D.D.
13.5 The envelope containing the application form shall be superscribed with
the following- “Application for MT2010” and the discipline
(Chemical/Mechanical/Electrical/Marketing) for which application is being
17.1 Hall Tickets will be generated online and eligible candidates shall
download their Hall Tickets from our website between dates that will be
notified in our website.
17.2 Candidates reporting without the downloaded hall ticket shall not be
allowed to write the test.